#i'd usually just sort of be like yeah i'll press this button if i did smtn
tea-and-finalfantasy · 9 months
what do u mean the tasks i didn't write down and that i did more than once don't count to be checked off bc i didn't write them down
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colossal-fallout · 3 years
First kiss 💋
With Reiner Braun
Notes: SFW. Smut of the smuttiest. More fluff than a prancing kitten. It switches between she/you/yn a lot I just edited it from a previous piece I'd made a little while ago and mobile Tumblr isn't the best for my fat thumbs.
As soon as my computer is fixed I'll tidy it up ✌️
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It's year three of the cadets. Reiner finally has you all to himself as you browse the market stalls in the quaint town of the Trost District.
But a summer shower quickly dampens his already low spirits, knowing these feelings for you are strictly forbidden...
As the sky began to darken over Trost, Reiner glanced up at the gathering clouds and wondered if he should call it a day. He was reluctant to; it wasn’t very often he got to have you all to himself.
His golden eyes glanced at y/n as she pondered over the stall she was standing at – the vendor excited to show the wares. His eyes then fell to the pavement under his feet. She looked gorgeous as usual. Her white dress hugged her curves and it flowed right down to just above her ankles. He’d noticed the glances she gotten from men, of course he did. He also noticed the second looks he had gotten.
Eyes filled with envy.
Those men thought you were a couple and Reiner secretly loved it. What he wouldn’t give for that to be true.
“Reiner?” Your soft voice called out, snapping his attention.
“What do you think of these gloves for Mikasa? They’d definitely help with her training.”
Sweet y/n.
Whenever she had spare money, she would spend it on her friends. Mikasa had been getting blisters from her pairing blade hilts. They’d joked she takes out her frustration towards Eren’s behaviour out on her grip; pretending they were his neck.
“Uh, yeah. I think they’ll come in handy, sure.” He replied half dazed.
“Everything okay?” she asked as she handed the salesperson the cash. “You seem a bit out of it.”
He instantly pulled up his usual facade. “Me? I’m fine. Looks like it’s going to rain though. We should head back.”
“Okay.” She smiled slightly, taking the paper bag with the leather gloves inside. They began to walk down the street back towards the barracks.
He silently kicked himself.
He wanted to take each step as slowly as possible, trying to wring out as much alone time as he could.
When did it get so bad?
If she didn’t have her swarm of friends around her constantly, and Bertolt didn’t act as his shadow maybe he wouldn’t be so desperate to be alone with her in the first place.
Why did he even want that though?
He wasn’t dense. He knew he had a soft spot for her and despite his best friend’s warnings, he ignored his advice to stay away. It got worse and worse like an neglected cavity in a tooth. The longer he left it, the deeper she bore into him. He wondered if the pain of a toothache would be better than this constant yearning to be near her.
When did he become so pathetic? When did he become so... weak?
Reiner Braun was the strongest male in the 104th with the highest grades. Dedicated. Focused. Yet this H/C'd girl walking beside him with her sparkling e/c eyes could easily bring him to his knees.
He’d gone through the implications in his head over and over. His friends from back home wouldn’t approve. It’s not like they didn’t like y/n... In fact he was surprised how well she got along with them.
It was because they didn’t join cadets to fool around with beautiful women.
They were there to return home. Home... He wondered what his family would think of her. That was when he shook his head.
There wasn’t any use in going down that trail.
“Oh no...” y/n winced as fat rain drops began to fall from the swollen clouds.
It was a summer day so they didn’t think to bring a jacket. In fact, none of their friends earlier had been wearing one.
Within seconds the heavy drops were crashing down all around them, people ran for cover and merchants began to hurriedly set up a canopy over their goods.
Reiner grabbed her wrist and began to run.
“Summer shower.” He explained. “It won’t last long, but it’ll be a soaker.” . Women around them let out a squeal as a loud rumble of thunder echoed out over the town. Puddles were already forming as Reiner hurriedly led her down the clearing street. As they ran, water splashed around their ankles from collecting on the road.
With his free hand, he began undoing the buttons on his shirt.
“What are you doing?!” you called out over the loud crashing of water. “You’ll catch your death!” By the time she uttered the last word of her sentence he whipped around and lay his large shirt over her head before returning to pull her along.
“Dont want that pretty dress to be ruined, do we?” he joked, yet his face stayed serious. “Reiner...” you whispered in awe, inaudible due to the rain.
Not long after, you'd reached the stables where the transport horses were kept. It was deserted, being the cadets weekend off and were carting the soldiers to their home towns for the next couple of days.
Reiner pushed open the large wooden door of the hay storage barn, before ushering you inside.
“Are you crazy?” you laughed once they were tucked in away from the downpour.
Beads of rain rolled down his bare flesh, trailing down his pronounced pectorals and solid abs.
Reiner shrugged. “Didn’t want you getting cold and wet.”
Your eyes softened gorgeously as he turned to rub his hand over his hair, getting excess droplets off him.
His back muscles flexed with every small movement before he turned back around, Goosebumps raising on his skin and his nipples hardening from the chill.
The barn was filled with the relaxing sounds of the heavy pattering of rain on the wooden roof above their heads. This was the side of Reiner you'd been waiting to see.
You knew he had it in him, underneath the crude jokes and the flirting attempts. He was a gentleman through and through. He just liked to hide it for whatever reasons she didn’t know.
His shirt was warm and his scent rolled off it into her nose.
You hadn’t realised how much you actually enjoyed his smell until now. It sent waves of comfort over you, like the smell alone was his big strong arms wrapping around your body, ensuring your safety and comfort.
You'd decided.
You had been pondering on your feelings towards your classmate for a little while now and wanted to be sure. The torment of professionalism as well as distractions from training had been hanging over your head.
But there was just something about him that you was pulled to.
He jumped a little when you placed your soft hand gently on his forearm. The skin across the bridge of his nose and under his eyes instantly heated up, turning a hue of pink.
You were so close to him and he got what he always yearns for – for your skin to be touching his.
The next thing he knew you were reaching up and planting a tender kiss on his cheek.
The breath caught in his throat and that pinkness burned more brightly. Every muscle in his body tensed and his eyes enlarged slightly. But what really sent his chest thudding was when you pulled the kiss away.
You kept your face close to his, now bearing the same pink hue. Your gorgeous eyes glistened, long lashes framing them beautifully. You smiled adorably, pulling at his shirt that was now draped across your shoulders.
“Thank you...”
Y/N spoke softly, her hair a little messed up from the shirt but it just made her look even more beautiful.
“For what...?” he replied in a haze.
“Being you...”
Those last words penetrated straight through his macho exterior and felt like they pierced into his heart, injecting some sort of warm fluid that quickly spread across his entire chest.
He didn’t even think.
It was like he went on auto pilot and his instincts just took over.
Placing the side of his index finger under her chin, he tilted her head up slightly and closed the gap between them, gently pressing his lips against hers.
His heart smashed against his solid barrel chest as she kissed him back, her lips softer than he had ever imagined them to be.
She ran her hands up his shoulders and hung them, opening her mouth a little wider as they kissed, giving him full permission to explore her mouth.
He did so without hesitation.
Sliding his tongue passed her sweet lips, he entwined it with hers.
It felt like fireworks and explosion were going off around him and he thought he could see stars behind his closed eyelids.
Having her kissing him and getting to be this close and intimate with her was the best feeling he’d ever had.
The adrenaline was richer and sweeter than any fight he’d been in or any training exercise.
It just felt perfect.
It began to get heated pretty quickly as their pace quickened slightly, deep exhales leaving his nose and his brow became furrowed and desperate.
She truly did make him feel weak.
He handled her gently. Although he knew she was strong, it she also felt delicate, like his big lumbering body could break her at any moment.
Her fingers ran through his hair and she pressed up against him, his arms wrapping around her in a sweet embrace.
Although he thought he was the luckiest man alive to be able to kiss her, his body quickly began needing more of her.
He battled with it, keeping it under control and letting her now take the lead of the kiss.
She gently pulled his pouty bottom lip with her teeth, making it that much harder for him to not throw her down and lift up her dress.
Instead, he settled for a please grunt, his brows creasing deeper as he became hungrier.
She slowly pulled away.
He pressed his forehead against hers, unable to hide the dumb grin that spread across his face as he caressed her hair with his right hand.
“What’s with that goofy grin?” she joked quietly; her sweet breath warm on his face.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” He replied, his grin stretching further.
Smiling, she lowered her head almost shyly at that titbit of information.
She then fixed her eyes on his. “Really?”
“Of course...” he looked genuinely surprised. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
“Oh stop.” She laughed.
He took her hand and placed it on his bare chest over his rapid heartbeat. His honey eyes not removing their gaze from hers. “I swear.”
She didn’t know what to say.
“Well, you have awful taste.” Was what she settled for.
But having Reiner Braun, of whom didn’t really catch her eye at first, now she’d gotten to know him was extremely attractive; his chest bare and holding her close like this set a burning desire deep within her.
One that she would have to keep under control.
...For now.
She gently placed her hand on his jawline before replacing her mouth onto his.
He let out a small unintentional exhale from his nose, more than happy to slide his warm tongue back inside of her.
Her hands gently caressed his broad shoulders, her pace quickening and her teeth grazing his lip.
She didn’t want to let things get too heated too quickly, but battling her urges seemed like an uphill battle. He’d grown on her a hell of a lot over the last three years and having him hold her like this felt amazing.
As Reiner kissed her, he pushed away the little voice inside of his head that was telling him this was all a big mistake and he had just complicated things massively.
He didn’t care.
His feelings for her had always surpassed the doubts that swirled around in his mind. And now, knowing she had some reciprocating feelings it was incomprehensible that he would now turn his back on her.
He grazed his hand lightly up her arm as he slowly and almost gracefully devoured the inside of her mouth. Her skin was the softest thing he’d ever touched like some fine silk from a faraway land. He almost felt like he was ruining her just by having his unworthy hands upon her flesh.
She pulled away once again and he sealed their kiss with another gently peck.
“This is crazy...” she sighed taking a step back. “We’re training to be soldiers.”
“I know how you feel, believe me.” He muttered, a frown tugging at his mouth. “But I think life’s a little too short to be putting good things on the back burner.”
She pondered on that for a moment.
He began to feel desperate. Now that he had her affections within his grasp, he wasn’t about to let them slip through his fingers.
“I mean...” he took a step forward and held her hand into his large pair. “I know I joke around a lot but you...”
He paused for a moment, choosing his words.
“I didn’t kiss you with the intention of just having you then leaving. ...I want us to be together. Properly. Hell, if we weren’t in Cadets, I would be asking you to marry me right now.”
That blushing hue returned to his face as he shyly looked away, not used to spilling out his feelings like this.
But the humiliation and discomfort would be worth it if he managed to gain her as his own.
Again... When did I get so weak?
She did a better job than he at hiding the grin that was threatening to spread across her face.
Instead, her face matched his reddening tone.
“Are you saying... You love me, Reiner Braun?” she spoke softly.
He pushed away every instinct that told him to run and hide.
“Yeah. As a matter of fact, I am.” He replied steadily.
Now it was her turn to ignore her instincts to run.
“R-Reiner. It’s not that I don’t care for you too, I do. But... Ah, it’s complicated.” She grimaced. “I don’t know when.. uh... I’ll be ready to...” her face was almost glowing at this point.
“Hey hey...” he soothed. “Its okay. I love you. I don’t care about waiting.” His face returned to the familiar serious soldier expression she was so used to seeing during training. “Even if you’d wanna wait until after marriage. I don’t mind.”
She squirmed uncomfortably. “Its not that. Maybe we can talk about it... Another time?”
It perplexed him but he didn’t mind. “Of course.”
She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
“So...?” He melted back into that cheeky smirk.
The classic Reiner grin. Mischievous and cunning.
“You wanna give this a shot?”
Y/N noticed the rain had slowed to a stop, the clouds had moved on and the sun was shining once again.
She’d known Reiner now for almost two years. Spent every single day pretty much in his presence. They’d worked together, laughed together and well... Now this.
She reminded herself how strong that urge was to kiss him only minutes ago. Why she initiated closeness in the first place. Her mind fluttered through the pages of her recent memories and how he had been making her feel these days and how her eyes have been lingering upon him a little longer than she’d like.
She let out a sigh before smirking back at him. “Sure. But don’t get comfortable now. Just because you have me doesn’t mean you can start slacking your charm.”
She playfully pushed his cheeks together with her index and thumb, resulting in a chuckle rumble from his broad chest.
“I swear it.” He grinned, kissing her.
“Come on. We’d better head back.” She smiled, handing him back his shirt.
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bootyyy-shaker9000 · 4 years
Give Me A Chance
D.Danny x G-N! Reader [Oneshot]
Relationship: Pining - Romantic
Warnings: Slight Cursing, A Suggestive Joke, Fluff.
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"Here ya' go, Big Mama!" Heaving five large worn-sacks of what you expected to contain Yokai goods, the three partners-in-crime grinned triumphantly. "Managed to loot them flashy broads from a few blocks down, slipped in and out no problem."
Big Mama's features gleamed in awe as she watched the rugged men stroll through her lobby, nearing towards her with her prize. "Oh, splendid! Well, I'm sure you are well aware of sorting your share."
From your positioning nearby Big Mama's grand table, you inspected them as they lugged three of the five bags of plunder onto a convenient marble surface.
Mickey bobbed his head in affirmation. "Sixty per cent on your end, Boss. Just like we promised ya'!"
"Formidable work, boys. I once again thank you for your service." The woman's gaze wandered, examining the stash as she wavered her hand over it all. "Now, I'll just have my assistant here take care of this while you fellas make yourself acquainted."
The mention of your given role had peaked your attention, giving the Mud Dogs a once over before making your way to the table. Big Mama placed a delicate hand on your shoulder, her mouth nearing towards your ear whispering: "Keep a close eye on them for me. Don't want their grubby fingers finding themselves somewhere they shouldn't."
Your eyes trailed up to Loathsome stretching out on a nearby settee with Malicious gawking at the fine art that scattered across the lobby's walls. While Dastardly - the only Mud Dog that had "conversed" with you on multiple occasions - perched his elbows on the tabletop's edge with body facing towards you, awaiting your arrival.
Your over-watch would basically be unnecessary when you already have the rat's eyes watching your every move. Not that you minded his attention (to an extent), you just had no idea what enjoyment he was getting out of it.
"Will do, Chief."
With that, Big Mama made her way out of the area with a rhythmic sway of her hips. While in turn, you stalked over to the pile of moolah you were set to examine, having to position yourself beside the dapper rat; who seemed all too eager to stay close.
"So uh," Dastardly adjusted his footing, tilting his head to get a better look at you. "How's work been holding up for ya' recently?"
You halted your inspection to take a subtle glance around, Danny taking note of it on the spot. "The coast is clear, doll, don't worry 'bout it."
He nodded reassuringly with his brow quirked before you dragged out a long inflated sigh. You flipped your back to the table, the small of your back resting on the table's edge as you mirrored the rat's laid-back stance.
"It freaking blows. Literally the most boring job known to pretty much anyone." You combed your fingers through the roots of your hair, giving your scalp a small rub in the process. "It's shocking how exhausting it is to do absolutely nothing, seriously. I'd rather be on my feet actually doing something, you know, like you guys. Being an errand boy or whatever."
"Errand boys?" An offended scoff was sent to you in return, the sound already making the corners of your lips turn up. "I'll have you know it takes a lotta skill and precision ta' do what we do half the time."
"Yeah and the other half you just spend it aimlessly goofing around."
"Meh, whatcha gonna do?"
You chuckled before lazily hoisting yourself up onto the counter, careful not to get an ass full of coins by avoiding the bags of loot. "Hey, I wasn't exactly saying it was a bad thing. It's gotta be fun at least."
With your body slumped, you held your position with your palms pressed to the marble surface. Peeking out from your downcast gaze, you caught a glimpse of Dastardly inching himself closer to your side. The left side of his hip rested on the slab as he dug his hands deep into his pockets, eyeing your form intently.
"Y'know... We could have some fun, just you and me."
Your head struck up in an instant. "Woah there, Casanova. Try to keep it in your pants, you're supposed to be a professional."
"Whaddya m-" His brows drew together in confusing before his cheeks tinted as the realisation dawned on him. "Oh! Oh, shi- no! Jeez, toots, I just meant 'fun' as in taking you outta' dinner or catch a show or somethin'."
A brazen grin made its way to his lips, his nostrils slightly flaring. "Unless that other offer is on the table then-"
"-It isn't."
"Well," Faltering only for a moment, his thin lips stretched back into a small smile but it didn't quite reach his dark eyes, "how about that date then?"
You just... Didn't understand.
"What makes you so interested in going out with me?" Your brow raised in question, tapping your index finger anxiously on the cold marble. "We've barely even talked."
Bashful, Dastardly brought a clammy hand up to rub the back of his neck, giving his tendons a slight message. "Heh, that’s kinda the reason why, toots. I can't figure you out."
The man let out a sigh before slumping back onto the edge of the table, crossing one ankle over the other as he shifted his weight.
"Usually, I can look at someone and read em on the spot, but you don't put too much of yourself out there. Every time I'm here you give me feelings I ain't totally sure on how to handle, but I sorta like it. I always wanna hang out with you and do stupid shit without the boys taggin' along, it doesn't even matter what we do!"
You winced as he got excitable the more he went on. "Danny..."
"Just hear me out, please." He set his hands out in front of him to figuratively set you on pause. "I wanna get to know ya, and a part of me thinks you wanna get to know me too. So, if you're willin', lemme take you out so we can get to know each other. Outside of all this."
Of course you wanted to get to know him. He was this mysterious guy in a striped suit that would waltz in and out of your workplace every week and actually take the time to notice you around. You couldn't help the curiosity that welled deep in your belly every time you caught him eyeing you from across the room.
You just couldn't wrap your head around the fact that he actually wanted to know who you were. Not just one of Big Mama's collaborators. Not just the associate that idled around wherever your boss lurked. Just you. You couldn't help but be fond of the man for wanting to do so.
Though you were still cautious of his intentions...
Huffing lightly, you replied. "So there are these guys that have been pestering Big Mama, right? They've been digging at her to pay up whatever expenditure she owed them, and obviously, she did. Holding up her end of the bargain as always."
"And this has somethin' to do with the date thing because...?"
"Lemme finish. But as you also know, that woman isn't one for letting someone give her such a hard time without 'semi-retaliating'..."
"I'm reckoning that's where the boys and I come in." The rat roughly adjusted the collar of his shirt, loosening the top button. "So doing this job is the only way I'm going to have a chance with you, huh?"
You couldn't help the nip of guilt that caught you. "See it as more of a test, Romeo."
Hopping off of the counter with ease, you manoeuvred yourself in front of the man, setting your hands on his lapels. You fixed his blazer with a slight pull while straightening it out in the process.
"Do this particularly important job, then I'll consider..." Your eyes reached up to meet Danny's, observing his pink-tinted features for a brief moment. "The date thing. Deal?"
Despite feeling grateful for the offer, he sounded slightly defeated. "Consider?"
Tugging gently on his lapels, you brought your mouth up to his ear, keeping your voice hushed. "It's a definite yes if you get your ass back here quick enough."
His ear flicked back as his dumbstruck eyes stared at you in what seemed to be a mixture of disbelief and excitement. Coughing out to compose himself, he turned away from your form to face the two Yokai that loitered across the room.
"Aye, boys! D'ya hear that? We got a job to do, move yer hides!" Danny ushered them to the exit with a vigorous waft of his arms, ignoring any annoyed protests.
Before leaving the building himself, the suited man pivoted on one heel to bid you a due, with a smug tip of his hat. "See you soon, sunshine."
In return, you gave a simple short wave of your hand goodbye. Though you couldn't help but reflect the flashy grin that he held onto your own features.
The realisation only just settling in, you sprung up to halt him from leaving the lobby. "Wait, Danny! I haven't even told you the job yet!"
Almost cartoonish, the Yokai poked his head back through the door way. "But I just- i just made a big deal with the leaving thing! And no- oh y'know what, I'll be back tomorrow!"
"Okay!" A hearty laugh escaped your lips as you watched him leave for the second time, leaving you desolate.
Maybe he's worth that chance.
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kezibun · 4 years
A storm of a hunt part 3
Part 1
You hesitantly tell him your name, maybe he was actually just being nice?
"Huh… cool name..." He mumbles.
A waft of coldness crawls over your skin, making goose bumps rise. You can't stop the shiver that follows it.
 "Oh shoot." Papyrus sighs. "That damn heater." 
He stands up, then kicks the little heater a few times and presses the button, but nothing happens. He seems to give up on the heater and you watch him as he walks over to the box labelled torture. Your whole body is tense but you keep you're eye on him as he rummages through the box. He's looking for something that you can be sure of.
 After all this was he really going to hurt you? After what's been said? What will he find in there? What does he want? Maybe he's looking for something to tie you up with. 
 He's just playing some kind of sick game again, like everyone else in this hell hole. You shouldn't trust anyone, not even down here. You just can't especially since all you've been met with is manipulation, lies and treachery. 
Maybe now you could try to escape, slip away while his back is turned. But as you try and sit up, a sharp pain burns in your side, there is no way you're going anywhere while you're in this agony. You sit back down and instinctively hold your injuries, not that it helps. Why does everything hurt worse once you've had a minute to rest?
 Papyrus comes over with something. It looks like a big metal tin. How Is he going to hurt you with this?
He kneels on the floor, setting the tin down, he's filled it with wood and sticks. Then he snaps his fingers over it, an orange spark floats down settling on a twig, it fizzles briefly as it sets alight. The fire is slow to grow but it already feels warmer than the small space heater. The flames grow and dance as they cast an amber glow. You're mesmerised for a moment.
"Do your injuries still hurt?" His question snaps you out of it.
"Yeah, those traps did quite the number on me." You say with a nervous laugh. 
"Let me check your HP."
In that second the world around goes dark, an encounter? You feel fear creep over you, this wasn't good. 
Damn is he going to fight you? Or just check you like he said? If this was going to be like any of the other monsters you'd encountered before? you're sure it won't be fun.
You look over to your HP. There's something weird about it, it doesn't seem right, and that makes your stomach churn with even more nerves. You don't know what's wrong but It can't be good.
 He stares at you intently for a second.
'Papyrus cheeked your stats he doesn't seem happy with what he sees.' 
It's your turn now. His name is yellow, you know what that means. You're tempted to take a peek at his stats but you really don't have the energy right now and you're pretty sure he won't appreciate it. You are definitely not up for a fight, so you choose mercy. Everything fades back to normal. That wasn't so bad.
He then just walks out, leaving you behind and alone. The only sounds that keep you company are the crackling fire in front of you and the howling wind outside. 
You sigh and huddle up by said fire, pulling the jacket around you again as you wonder what on earth he saw that he didn't like. You hope whatever it was won't get you hurt. How did you ever end up in this situation? If only you could remember.
 You feel the warmth of the fire almost wrap around you as it seeps in and you finally start to thaw. Your toes almost sting like pins and needles as the feeling starts coming back to them. 
It wasn't long though until Papyrus was back, he entered silently like he'd just appeared in the room.
He holds a brown paper bag out to you, "Eat this." 
You take the bag, inside is a donut with black icing and a purple cobweb design on top. You usually would have been suspicious of such a gift, just in case it was poisoned. But at this point you don't really care, you're just happy to get some food. All you can do now is sort of trust him right? as much as you might dislike it. What other choice do you have?
You take a bite of the donut, the first flavour you get is sugar, it's very sweet, there also seems to be a bit of a spiced flavour then you taste the weirdest thing, you're hit with a faintly meaty flavour like chicken, mixed with a slightly fishy taste? and there's a dubious crunch to it. Then following it is a sandy texture that tastes smokey, but it's all then taken over by the alcoholic aftertaste that hits next. Despite the weirdness it's actually pretty good, better than snail pie to say the least, possibly the second best thing you've eaten since falling down here, the first being that candy that kept you alive through the ruins. You finish off the whole donut.
Wait. A sudden strange feeling washes over you, you feel the urge to check your stats. Did you just level up? That's kinda mysterious but cool, why would that have happened?
He then sits in front of you.
"What are you doing?" You ask.
"Your wound…How's it?"
"It um... feels a little better."
"Let me check it?" He asks.
You pause and take a moment to think. "I… don't know…" Is the only reply you could conjure up.
"It's ok."
He pulls the jacket off your shoulder.
"Hey don't." You grab his wrist.
He takes your hand and moves it off his wrist with a scowl. Then he pushes your ripped top up enough to see your wound. 
You flinch as his cold phalanges brush against your skin. 
"Sorry." He mutters, but he doesn't stop what he's doing, he looks over your badly wrapped wounds.
Now that he's so close you notice how his cheekbones seem to have a faint rusty glow to them, and he's actually pretty cute. No you can't be thinking like that. He's a skeleton monster that just hunted you down in a snowstorm, and scared you half to death. Not to mention you're now in his torture shed.
"The trap had some magic that stops it healing. I'm gonna to treat it. Can I… um...?" He gestures to your injuries and you fill in the gap.
You think for a minute… Is it smart to let him treat you? Probably not. But it might be your only chance, if anything he's saying is true.
"I did a pretty shoddy job with wrapping it up didn't I? Just be careful... I'd rather not die today you know…" You mumbled. Maybe that hint was a little too obvious, you feel like you basically just yelled please don't kill me. Would it be better to just beg for your life? Would that get you anywhere? Could you let go of what little pride you have left?
"You're lucky. I... can't have you dying yet." He takes his phone out and gets a first aid kit from his inventory. "Could ya hold your shirt up?" 
You do as he asks and hold up your top, the cool air is sharp to your newly exposed skin, you can't help but shiver some more.
"You humans sure feel the cold don't ya?"
Is he trying to strike up a conversation? Or just making an oddball comment?
Either way you don't really answer him… 
And with that he quickly warms his hands over the fire before he ever so carefully unwraps your bloody makeshift bandage. You watch his every move carefully, making sure there's no foul play. He then gets out a small round pot from the first aid kit, it's white with a green symbol on the lid.
"This'll sting but it'll help."
He applies the light green cream, it has a peculiar scent that can only be described as warm and kind, but it feels like he's just rubbed nettles over your flesh, that means it's working right? For you're benefit you hope. He then wraps your wound up, it's not too tight but definitely tighter then whatever you'd managed before. He pulls his jacket back around you. 
"You should try and get some sleep." He pats your head before he sits down next to you. 
"Are you staying?" 
"Yeah. Rest. I'll stay guard."
"Why are you helping me?" You query.
"It's complicated." He huffs. "No more chit chat. Just sleep already." He pulls the hood over your face roughly.
"Ok." You yawn as you lean into the corner of the shed, the wooden wall is cold and hardly an ideal pillow but you are so tired it barely bothers you, you close your eyes and soon enough you're asleep. 
. . .
"MUTT! have you lost your mind?" 
"Hush M'lord, They're sleepin'."
"I can't kill em." 
You open your eyes slightly, stirring awake from the commotion and loud voices. 
You see Papyrus and the other skeleton, his brother?
"Then let me at the darn human." He snaps.
"M'lord you can't." Papyrus stops his brother from getting closer.
"I told you. I need to figure it out. Trust me."
"You're going soft, don't forget your duty Papyrus! You have a week! NO THREE DAYS! Figure out whatever the heck you need to then get rid of that pest, that rodent." He starts walking off. "If Alphys finds out, I'm dead, this will be the end of my malevolent career. The Queen will have our heads for this! YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT?" He huffs as he storms out. 
You're still so tired… your eyelids are too heavy to keep open… With this new silence you can't stay awake for even a second more.
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Jim’s Best Friend
Part Ten - Gambling More Than Money
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Word Count: 3640
Author’s Note: EEk! Casino Night time! So excited!
WARNING: Cheating.
For previous chapters, click here.
April, 2006.
You sat in the office, sorting through the files you had to look at that day, the rest of your colleagues settling down as well, when Mr Schrute decided to walk in looking like a penguin: full tuxedo, bow tie, too long trousers.
He hung his coat up by Pam's desk, and Jim sauntered over, hands in pockets.
"Excuse me. How long is the wait for a table for three?" Jim asked with all seriousness, gesturing to you and Pam as he spoke. Dwight straightened up, far too unhappy for so early in the morning.
"I would never, ever serve you. Not in a million, billion years." Dwight stared Jim down, and then glanced at Pam.
"It's a nice tux." She offered the compliment.
"I know, it belonged to my grandfather. He was buried in it so... Family heirloom." Dwight fixed his bowtie, and the three of you just took a moment of silence to process that information.
"So... Did... Did Dwight dig up-" You started, and Jim looked back, shaking his head. Not because you were wrong in your line of thinking, but rather he just didn't want to think about it anymore.
In the next five minutes, as you all settled in to your desks, Roy turned up, giving Pam a quick kiss and beginning so chatter about the night ahead: Casino Night in the Scranton Business Park, a fundraiser for some unknown charity, but the entire warehouse staff were spending the day setting it up.
"So, what's the deal? We've gotta pay for our own drinks? That's lame!" Roy exclaimed, and Pam quickly defended.
"Come on, it'll be fun! And besides, I'm a roulette expert." She wiggled her shoulders, getting a smile out of you and Roy.
"Impossible!" Dwight called from his desk, which he stood by as he sorted through files. "Roulette is not a game of skill. It is a game of chance."
"I can always kind of win at roulette." Jim said casually, not looking away from his screen.
"Oh really? Mm-hmm?" Dwight said, sitting down. He was clearly not amused. "How would you do that?" He asked, and you glanced up.
"Mind control." You answered for Jim, on the same wavelength. Dwight chuckled, looking between the pair of you.
"You can't be serious." He said, but when Jim returned it with a blank stare, Dwight's smile dropped. "Are you serious?"
"Ever since I was a little kid, like eight or nine, I could sort of control things with my mind." Jim shrugged, and you did your best not to smile.
"I don't believe you. Continue." Dwight was staring directly at him, intrigued in that half-creepy way only Dwight could be. Jim sighed.
"It was just little things, you know? Like I could make something shake. Or make a marble fall of the counter, you know. Just, little things." Jim said, and you nodded along. Dwight scoffed.
"Hah! That's ridiculous. You know what? Why don't you move that coat rack? Or..." Dwight looked around, seeing you replace your pencil holder near the edge of your desk. "Or knock Y/N's pencil holder to the ground." Dwight demanded. "Excuse me, everyone! Attention in the office, please! Jim is about to prove his telekinetic powers, and he needs absolute silence." Dwight announced, looking over at Jim. "Go ahead."
"Okay... I'll try." Jim said with a nod, his mood sombre. He twisted his chair to face you and Pam, holding one handing up and directing it towards the coat rack. With an exhale, he pointed his finger, and you all waited in silence, watching the coat rack.
Suddenly, it began to move, and Pam's eyes darted from Jim to the coat rack in surprise. Jim's attention then switched to your pencil holder, and as the coat rack stopped moving, your pencil holder begun inching closer and closer to the edge of the desk.
"Jim, can you-" You started, the cup tipping over and onto the floor. Dwight just watched in silent amazement.
"My God..." Dwight brathed out.
You and Pam sat together in the conference room, facing the cameras, and without a word you both lifted items: an umbrella and a strand of thread attached to your cup holder, both trying to hold back the laughter that threatened to erupt.
"What are you doing?" You asked Pam, heading up to her desk with a fresh cup of coffee.
"Oh, nothing." Pam said softly, and you leaned over the desk, reading a label on one of the video tapes.
"Till Death Do Us Rock..." You said aloud, and within a second Jim was by your side, inspecting the scene.
"They're wedding bands." Pam explained, the two of you letting out a joint 'ah'. "Roy was supposed to pick the band but he's concentrating more on the bachelor party now." She added, picking up the box of video tapes and going to stand, put them away. Jim held a hand out to stop her.
"Wait, wait, where you going?" Jim asked. "I mean, even if you don't hire a band, you still have to watch the bands." Jim lifted a tape out, and held it in Pam's face. "Pam, these are people who have never given up on their dreams. I have great respect for that." Jim nodded, and Pam started to giggle.
"And yes, they're all probably very bad." You added, a smirk across your lips. "And that'll make Halpert feel better about not having dreams." You nudged him and he laughed, and Pam gave in.
"There's a KISS cover band in here."
"Let's do it." Jim decided, beckoning to pair of you to follow him into the conference room. And while Dwight sat outside, trying to make his bobblehead move with his mind, you were lounging in one of the conference room chairs, Jim changing the video tapes.
"Wow, I don't know how you're going to decide." You remarked, and Pam looked back at you with her endearing smile, enjoying the fun that came with planning a wedding instead of the stress.
"They are all extremely good." Jim commented too as the fourth tape was inserted and read.
"I think I should hire them all." Pam nodded, fake serious in tone. "Do like Lalapalooza. Three stages."
"Your mom would love that." Jim said, making Pam laugh. His face lit up when she did, and you got up, heading towards the door as the next band started to play. The others didn't notice, Jim providing head Judge Pam with information on the next band, named 'Scrantonicity'.
"Oh, shit, wait. Y/N, wait!" Pam spoke up, pointing at the screen, and you turned to look. "That's Kevin."
"On the drums, on the drums!" Pam squeaked, and Jim's jaw dropped.
"Oh my God! That's Kevin." Jim confirmed it, and you couldn't help but laugh, walking out of the room to your desk with a smile on your face. You sat down, dialling Patrick's work number, hoping to get him during his lunch break.
"No personal calls, Y/N." Dwight scolded, and you glanced over.
"Jim may be able to move things with his mind, but you haven't even seen what I'm capable of." You warned, sighing as the phone went straight to voicemail. It had been doing it a lot lately, but Patrick was a busy guy.
"Do I look alright?" You asked Patrick as he parked the car, and you ran a hand through your curled hair once more. Patrick smiled at you, pressing a kiss to your cheek. Pam had made you promise to dress up a little with her, so you swapped the work attire for a black dress that hugged your figure and heels just a touch taller than usual. You felt good, and the kiss of approval from your boyfriend, who had dressed nicely in a button down shirt and fitted trousers, was all you needed.
The pair of you got out of the car, Patrick quickly typing away on his phone before offering you his arm, and you took it, letting him lead you inside. The warehouse was full of people from across the business park, and you took Rick's hand and led him towards a large gathering of your colleagues, though Michael and Dwight were nowhere in sight.
"Evening everyone! Thought I'd introduce you guys to Patrick. Patrick, this is the office!" Everyone said hello, Jim coming over and handing his friend a beer. "So, you know Jim. This is Stanley, and Kev, Ryan and Kelly back there, Meredith, Phyllis and her partner Bob, Oscar and Angela, and this is Pam." You went round, giving Pam a hug yourself as you reached her.
"It's so nice to meet you Patrick, you seem to make Y/N very happy." She complimented, and Rick went to respond when his phone buzzed. He looked and muttered a soft 'shit'.
"I'm so sorry Y/N, it's work." He apologised, but you gestured for him to take it, and smiled at Pam once he had headed out.
"He's so cute! Did Jim really make it happen?" She teased you, and you couldn't stop the blush rising to your cheeks as you nodded. Pam smiled in response and led you over to Roy and Darryl so you could say a quick hello.
A half hour later, Jim sat across the poker table with Pam, a ten of spades being placed down as the river card in Poker. Pam couldn't stop the smile that crossed her face, shaking her head a little in excitement.
"Yeah, right." Jim spoke up, looking at her with disbelief.
"Yeah, right what?" Pam feigned innocence.
"What was this?" Jim asked, copying her previous action and causing her to laugh.
"I have good cards." She smirked.
"Mm-hmm. And I'm going to take you all in." Pam announced to the table, matching Jim's total chip count.
"Wow..." Jim said as Pam placed her chips in, and looked her in the eye. "I think you're bluffing." he decided, and the pair continued a few more seconds of smiles and funny looks until Jim just couldn't take it any longer, tossing the last of his chip in to match her bet and breaking eye cotanct in the process.
"Yeah, I think she's full of it." Kev said with suspicion, and she mouthed a 'sorry' to Jim as she turned her cards.
"Three nines."
"Congratulations Pam!" The table clapped, Pam collecting up her chips and Y/N wandered past, stopping by Jim.
"You haven't seen Rick around, have you? He's just sort of disappeared on me..." You asked, trying to hide the worry in your voice. Jim shook his head, glancing back at Pam and leading you away from the table.
"No stress, we'll find him, maybe he just needed some fresh air?" Jim suggested, and you nodded, heading towards the back exit. Before you could leave, Jim caught your arm.
"Y/N, you look really nice tonight." He complimented you, and you smiled, squeezing his hand before heading out the door and coming face to face with Jan Levinson.
"You're... Y/L/N, right?" Jan asked, and you nodded, glancing around but seeing no sign of Patrick.
"Yes. Y/N Y/L/N.. Thank you for coming all the way down from New York." You said, and Jan beckoned you closer.
"You smoke?" She asked, and you thought on it for a moment before accepting the cigarette and taking a long drag, handing it back.
"Could I talk to you about something, Miss Levinson?" You asked, and Jan smiled softly.
"Call me Jan, please. And of course."
"Well, at the Women in the Workplace meeting we had, I overheard you on the phone talking about a project. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but if Dunder Mifflin International is still a project corporate is investing in, I'd like to put my name forward." You weren't quite sure how you had mustered up so much courage, but it seemed to impress Jan.
"That's... Great initiative, Y/N. It's a scouting mission mostly, though. Not so much as a foreign branch as foreign clients." Jan corrected, and you quickly replied.
"I speak Spanish, and coversational French. If you need someone."
"What sparked the interest? Aren't you Michael's little prodigy?" Jan quizzed, and you sighed.
"I've been in Scranton for six years now, and when Jim told me he was accepting the transfer to Stamford, I was motivated to get off my backside." You said honestly, Jan handing you the cigarette again. "I don't think I'll work with any other company, so I might as well try for better pay here, right?"
"Indeed... Good to hear that Jim is accepting the position too..." Jan blew out the smoke, and sighed. "Why did I sleep with Mi-"
"Hey, Y/N, can we talk?" Patrick appeared out of nowhere, interrupting Jan's thought.
"Rick, not right now? Jan was talking?" You tried to hint, but Jan shook her head.
"I'll put your name in with New York, Y/N. I should be heading anyway. Nice to meet you, Patrick." She said with a nod, stubbing out the cigarette and walking over to her car. Patrick pulled you inside and upstairs.
Jan's car drove past a pickup truck, seated inside was Roy, with his fiancée Pam stood at the window.
"Sorry babe, I'm just beat." Roy emphasised the last word, and Pam nodded.
"It's okay. I'll see you at home." Pam assured him.
"Okay. Don't try to lose too much money, alright? Cause we still want a honeymoon?" Roy joked and the two shared a laugh as Jim walked round the corner, looking for Y/N. "Hey Halpert! Keep an eye on her, all right?" Roy called to him, and Jim nodded.
"Okay. Will do." Jim promised, and Roy drove off into the night. Pam walked over to Jim, arms swinging. "Hey, how's it going?" He asked.
"Good. Especially after I took all your money in poker." Pam teased, and Jim let out a low-effort laugh.
"Yeah... Uh." Jim thought for a moment, and realised he still hadn't told anyone by Y/N about Stamford. It would only be fair if Pam heard it from him first. "Hey, can I talk to you about something?" Jim asked.
"About when you want to give me more of your money? Did you wanna do that now? We can go inside, I'm feeling kind of good tonight." Pam joked with him, biting her lip as she smiled.
"I was just um..." Jim started, but seeing that smile, and that girl in that dress, telling her about his transfer was the last thing he wanted to do.
"I'm in love with you."
"... What?"
"I'm really sorry if that's weird for you to hear, but I need you to... Hear it." Jim breathed out slowly as he spoke, looking down at his shoes. "Probably not good timing, I know that. I just-"
"What are you doing?" Pam asked, a look of fear and confusion across her face. "What do you expect me to say to that?"
"I just needed you to know. Once." Jim stuffed his hands deeper into his pockets. Pam couldn't meet his gaze.
"Well, I, um... I... I can't." Pam said, fidgeting, and Jim nodded. "I don't... And Roy, and Y/N." she started.
"I know..." Jim kept his gaze down.
"You have no idea..." Pam began, but Jim cut her off.
"Don't do that."
"... what your friendship means to me. And honestly, Jim, I think you're wrong." The words came out suddenly, stopping both of them.
"What do you mean, I'm wrong? I've been in love with you for almost four years." Jim said it softly, doing his best not to get frustrated, and Pam looked him in the eyes.
"Do you seriously not see how she looks at you?" Pam spoke quietly, and Jim met her gaze. Pam took a step back, "You don't... You really don't."
"What are you talking about Pam?" Jim gave up trying to decipher phrases, and Pam just shook her head, starting her walk down to the road, hailing a taxi. "Pam! Don't do that... You know I want to be more than this." Jim followed her.
"I'm really sorry, Jim... If you misinterpreted things between us, but you need to figure this out on your own-" Pam started once more.
"Just don't..." Jim sighed, getting the message, or at least part of it, loud and clear, before walking back towards the building. He needed to be alone, and repelled by the noise and laughter that came from the warehouse, Jim made a quick turn and headed into the front door, taking the stairs up to the office.
A place to think, to process, to hide. Pick up the pieces of a broken heart without judgement. But as he got through the door, he heard loud voices, muffled by the walls and doors in the way. And he would never admit that he wanted to see how someone was suffering just as much as he was, but his curiosity took over, and he walked further into the office, spotting Patrick pacing around the kitchen, Y/N stood by the door. He moved closer to hear it all better.
"And you just had to wait until now to tell me? After I had just introduced you to the entire office as my boyfriend?" You asked, raising your voice a little. It's not like anyone would hear.
"What was I supposed to do? Tell you in the car?"
"Yes Patrick!" You exclaimed, and he sighed.
"Listen, we don't have to end this badly, Y/N." Patrick tried to rationalise with you, and you let out a laugh. "It's not like we were planning more than a week ahead."
"Right... Really glad I didn't think about a future with you." You snapped, taking a seat. "But I did, and I..." you felt your eyes watering, and you took a deep breath. "But you know what? Fuck you, fuck Jennifer, I hope you're happy together. No more need to lie for my sake." You announced, and Patrick looked away.
"We were barely anything, Y/N."
"Still sucks to be cheated on, Patrick."
"Like you haven't cheated on me!" He yelled suddenly, and you stood up to defend yourself.
"No! I haven't! What would give you such an idea?"
"Don't lie, I saw the way you were looking at Jim all night." He spat out, and you stepped back. Jim?
"Jim... Jim Halpert? My best friend? My co worker, who is in love with someone else?!" You rolled your eyes. "God Rick, don't shift blame onto me with that bullshit. You've spent this entire night ignoring me and texting your ex, planning a booty call the second you dropped me off home."
"She's not my ex... You are." Rick silenced you, and you bit your lip to counteract the stinging in your eyes. "Do you really not realise how you look at him? Even when I'm around. All the touches and the winking and the hugs. No wonder half your colleagues were surprised I existed."
"You cheated on me! My friendship with Jim was never a threat to us, but you HAVING SEX WITH JENNIFER IS!" You reiterated it, plain and simple, shaking your head in disbelief. He had been seeing her all this time, and only today, when Jennifer got impatient on waiting for you and Patrick to break up amicably did the ass finally have the balls to do it. "Just... Delete my number, Rick. I hope you and Jennifer have a great life, fuck you both."
Patrick stormed out past her then, Jim moving back to not be noticed as Patrick marched out the office, slamming the front door in the process. Jim took a second, and hearing quiet sobs from the kitchen, he decided to head in. You could be heartbroken together.
You looked up as he entered, wiping the tears from your face and smiling as wide as you could.
"Hey, Halpert. What are you doing up here?" You asked, but Jim gave you a look, and you knew he had heard everything. You smile disappeared, sighing and looking down as Jim sat down beside you. "Heard all of it?"
"Enough..." Jim said, taking your hand in his. "But if it helps, Pam rejected me, so two broken hearts..." He whispered, and you looked up, reaching over to hug him tightly.
"I'm so sorry Jim..." you sighed, and he broke the hug with a nod.
"You know, she said she couldn't because of Roy... And because of you." Jim scoffed, wiping away a tear. "I honestly think she's convinced you like me."
"Patrick said the exact same thing..." You commented, and the pair of you laughed. "People have been losing their minds tonight, it seems."
"Yeah... I'm going to Stamford now. No point staying here really..." Jim sighed, and you nodded.
"Jan is putting my name in with New York for the Europe scouting mission..." You told him, and the pair of you sat in the silence for a little longer.
"Things will get back to normal, right?" Jim asked, and you looked up at him. "I don't want any of this to have ruined... What if I've lost Pam to this, for good?" His voice wavered, and you shook your head quickly.
"Like Pam would want to lose you... It'll be okay Jim... It has to be." You assured him, and he smiled a little.
"Want to head home? Ice cream fest and movies until we crash?" He suggested, and you nodded. He helped you up, holding you for a moment more to hug you. It felt nice, warm, safe... His threw his arm over your shoulders, and the pair of you walked out the office, turning off the lights as you went, and getting into Jim's car.
You may have been heartbroken, but there was nothing in the world Jim couldn't make better.
Tags: @imsuperawkward​
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Days at the Hunter Base, CHAPTER 6: Cooking with the Navigators: Cookies (Originally from my Quotev account)
Pallette walked sluggishly towards Maverick Hunter HQ's kitchen, a place usually reserved for making and storing food for lunch breaks, not that Reploids needed food anyway, but if they were built with the ability to eat, then why not?
Palette, it's 5 in the morning, what are you even doing here? She thought to herself.
Shut up, I'm hungry, there must be something in here...
Great, a back-and-forth conversation with herself, an arguement, even better, what a great way to start the day.
She opened up the fridge and found nothing but raw meat and vegetables inside, needless to say, she was very disappointed.
See? You should've just grabbed a Pocky from your snack stash. The voice inside of her head grumbled.
Nnnggghh.... But I'm getting tired of Pocky sticks, and Axl keeps stealing from the stash anyway, She whined.
Suddenly, she heard the door open.
Alia and Layer walked into the room, shocked to find Palette.
"Pallette? What are you doing in here?" Alia asked.
"I-IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Palette shrieked,  Great, I'm in trouble now, she thought.
"Relax, I'm not angry at you, are you hungry?" She smiled.
"Y-yeah... That's pretty much it..." She stuttered, relieved that they weren't going to scold her.
"Layer and I were going to make cookies for breakfast, since you're here, do you want to watch us bake a batch?"
"Uh, sureeee...?" Making breakfast at 5? What oddballs. She thought.
While Alia got the ingredients out of a nearby cupboard, Layer proceeded to take out all of the other necessities, bowls, spoons, the rolling pin...
"Ever since when did you two learn how to bake?" Palette asked.
"It, um, started out as a small hobby," Layer explained, "Plus it's kind of fun, that and it's better than store-bought snacks, a-and it's healthier, of course."
Palette nodded her head, "Yeah, I guess you're right." Even if supermarket snacks/foods were easy to prepare, foods made from scratch were usually better.
"Do you know how to bake, Palette?" Layer asked.
Palette shook her head, "Unfortunately, no."
Suddenly, an idea popped up in Alia's head, "I know!" She exclaimed, "Why don't you help out? We can teach you!"
"Uh, sure!" Palette had never seen Alia this enthusiastic before, was baking that fun?
Eventually, they set everything on the table, Flour, sugar,  brown sugar, butter, vanilla extract and the necessary equipment, Palette was already getting hungry just looking at the ingredients.
"Okay, so first off, you're supposed to preheat the oven to 375°F." Alia instructed, reading from a new recipe she had found online.
"Uh, okay!" Palette turned around saw the baking oven in front of her, was it weird to admit that she was intimidated by it? After all, there were so many things she was unfamilliar with, all the buttons and dials... She didn't know what to press or turn.
"Here, let me help." Layer came over to show her the ropes, she placed her fingers on the top dial on the side of the oven, labelled "Temperature", upon closer inspection, Palette noticed that the dial had numbers marked around it, "You just turn the dial to the number you want to set the temperature to, like this." Layer then proceeded to turn the dial to 375°F, "See? It's simple."
"Hmmm, yeah, you're right!" Palette grinned.
Shortly afterwards, it was time to move onto the main event, making the batter!
"Sooooo, what do we do first?" Palette was eager to get started, making the batter seemed like such a fun but simple task.
"Well, look at who's excited!" Alia smiled, "Anyways, what we need to do first is pour two and a quarter cups of all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon of baking soda..."
"Mmm hmm." Palette nodded, carefully putting in the already-measured ingredients in the bowl, while Layer was watching her quietly to make sure that she wasn't doing anything wrong.
"1 teaspoon of salt-"
"Salt?! What do you need SALT for?" Palette cut her off, "Why would you need salt in cookies?"
"Well, it's not like a little bit of salt ruins an entire cookie, Palette, it won't turn salty so easily." Layer assured her, "Besides, you like salted caramel, right? So I don't really see any problem," She paused for a while, standing in the awkward silence, i-it's not like I'm saying that what you're saying is wrong, I understand where you're getting at, I-i'm just saying that salt helps, t-that's all."
"Hmmm, well, that IS a good point..." Palette said, "Alrighty, then, salt it is!" She carefully put in a teaspoon of salt in the bowl.
Shortly afterwards, Palette had put in almost every ingredient in the bowl, "Ummm, so, what do we do with the rest of the ingredients?" She asked, "Well, we're not quite done yet, Palette, Do you see thiis here?" She then pointed at another bowl, this time accompanied with a mixer, "Well, just put in the rest of the ingredients and press this button on the mixer."
"Hmm, got it!" Palette said, Alia had to make sure she didn't just dump everything in.
"Annnnd now I just need to push this button!" Palette then moved her fingers closer to the side of the mixer.
Nothing happened.
"Huh? Why isn't anything happening?" Palette was puzzled, repeatedly clicking the button.
"Layer, are you sure the mixer was properly plugged in?" Alia asked, concerned.
"I-I'll see." She then checked the socket the mixer cable was connected to, surprisingly, there didn't seem to be anything wrong.
"No, sorry...There doesn't seem to be any visible problems..." Layer looked embarrassed, her face covered in a bright red.
"Don't worry, Layer, it's not your fault," Alia comforted her, "besides, that mixer is a little old, HQ never really bothered replacing it,"
"Technical difficulties aside, what are we gonna do now?" Palette asked, it was difficult to mask her disappointment.
Alia had a smile spread across her face, she didn't seem to be very bothered, "Don't worry, I've got a Plan B!"
She lifted up her right arm, a few moments later, her right hand turned into a whisk.
Palette looked amazed, "Whoah, I never knew you could do that, Alia! I mean, I knew that you could turn your hand into a Buster like X can, but this..."
"I may not be a new-generation Reploid, but according to Dr. Cain, later models of the old generation were built with several wares installed in their arms, in his words, it "was so that Reploids could better experience human culture", I'm pretty sure that both of you are also able to do the same if you wanted to."
Sure enough, new-generation Reploids were also built with this ability, Layer had managed to turn her hand into a drill, but quickly put it down, "It's a...pretty interesting feature, to say the least." She said, "By the way," Palette added, "Can't we just use a whisk from the cupboards or something?"
"We could, but an arm-whisk is much quicker to take out!' Alia smiled.
Using her arm-whisk, she managed to finish mixing the batter in no time, after that, they poured the flour mixture into the bowl, adding in two cups of chocolate chips.
"Do you want to add in nuts, Palette?" Layer asked, "Meh, no thanks, I'd rather not." Palette said.
They mixed it all together (using a spoon this time), and it was actually looking quite good,
"Hey, d'you think I could try a bit of cookie dough?" Palette asked.
"I wouldn't recommend it, but I guess it's fine..." Alia mumbled, she quickly realized, however, that Palette had already started licking cookie dough off of her fingers, Alia let out a small sigh.
They used a mini ice cream scoop to lay out the cookie dough onto the baking sheets, making sure that each induvidual scoop was spaced far enough from each other so that they could bake into their proper size and avoid them into merging together.
After that, they plopped it into the oven, now all they had to do was wait.
"How long will we have to wait for, again?" Palette asked.
"10 minutes, I think..." Alia took a look at the recipe again, "It shouldn't take too long-" Suddenly, a young, rookie Hunter came into the room, "E-excuse me, are Alia and Layer here?"
"Yes, what is it?" Layer asked, hoping that nothing urgent was happening.
"I-it's nothing much, but there's a small problem regarding the 13th Unit's expedition, and the Commander needs a couple of Navigators to sort things out, I know it's early in the morning, but-"
"We'll be right there." Alia told him, she turned to look at Palette, "You can look out for the cookies while we're gone, right?"
"Yeah, don't worry, Just leave it to me!' She grinned and waved them off as the door shut.
Palette looked at the time, eight minutes left, eh, I'll probably have enough time to try and beat that level...She thought to herself as she pulled out a portable console.
"STAGE CLEAR!" Yelled the announcer.
"YES!" Palette cheered as she looked at the badly-beaten-up dragon lying down on the ground defeated as her avatar did a victory pose on the screen of her little portable.
"Wow, that took a while...I've probably levelled up enough to go to the next stage, let's see...Smoky Skies?" just then, something hit her head like a metal pipe, "Wait...smoke?"
She looked up from the screen, she must've been too absorbed into beating the boss, because she then realized that the smell of smoke was coming from the oven, "Oh, no..."
Just then, the door opened, Alia and Layer walked in, "Hey, Palette, sorry for being late, there was a small complicat-" Alia paused as she saw what was going on, they both rushed to the oven and immediately took the cookies out, what should've been cookies with a nice, golden brown color were now a very, very dark brown.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't pay enough attention, it's my fault, and-"
"It's alright, Palette, we can always try again next time." Layer told her, "There's always a first time for everything, after all."
"Thanks, Layer." Palette smiled, she looked at the cookies, "They may be burnt, but they could still taste good, have hope." Alia told her.
Just as Palette was about to grab a cookie, Alia grabbed her hand, "We'll still have to wait for them to cool, be patient."
"Alright, fine..." Palette mumbled, despite the fact that she was starving, well, not really, Reploids couldn't really get hungry the same way humans do, but she just needed to fuel herself up with some food, nevertheless, she waited.
A while later, they sat down at a table in the HQ's cafeteria, eating the burnt cookies (which were still pretty good, surprisingly) and sharing small stories and laughing together, Palette had noticed a slight personality change in them recently, they had become more relaxed and cheery with the lack of any threats, which was a good thing, they all needed a nice break every now and then.
"So, what did you think of your first baking session, Palette?" Layer asked, "I hope that, um, incident didn't ruin it all."
"Oh, not at all!" Palette told them, "it was actually...kinda nice, we should try this again sometime!" She grinned.
"Glad that you enjoyed it!" Alia said, "Speaking of trying it again, there's going to be a new Navigator working with us in a few weeks, why don't we try and bake these again as a welcome gift?" She suggested.
"That sounds like a good idea," Layer nodded her head, "Her name was...RiCO, wasn't it?"
"Yeah, RiCO, she seems to be very enthusiastic about working with us, seems like a nice person, what do you say?"
"I'm in!" Palette cheered, "...As long as I don't mess up again, heheh!"
(Author's Notes): Whew! Finally finished this after ages and ages of procrastination-I mean, schoolwork! I'll admit, part of me didn't want to write this chapter after a while, I wanted to write a baking fic, but it turns out that I was incapable of writing out baking stories, I also feel a bit skeptical about my characterization of the Navigators, Alia in particular, I prefer her more serious and hardworking personality in X5-X7, but I guess her softer X8 personality was better for a fic like this.
Anyways, I'll still be working on this, don't worry, next up is an Axl chapter!
Ack, almost forgot! Here's the recipe I used (and butchered) for this chapter!
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candicereeves · 5 years
(( To many to tag so just gonna tag Main: @centralcitysfinest-rp ))
Standing in the Science Lab of the Waverider, Candice debated on what music to put on while she worked. Just as she was about to ask Gideon for some music, a screen near by flicked to life. Looking over at the screen she immediately recognized the man looking at her.
"Gary, to what do I owe the pleasure? I thought our usual D&D game was postponed for this week, or did I miss it? Time gets confusing." Candice said.
"No this isn't about that Candice. At least not this time around. Besides you threw off the whole campaign last session." Gary commented.
"Huh.. almost like when you sent the Legends off in 1980 London." Candice quipped back. Gary adjusted how glasses and gave an awkward chough.
"Right, well anyway I actually called for a reason. Some coincidence that I happen to call you alone in the science lab right?" He said.
"Little creepy when you put it that way." She said watching him. "You do know that if you're creeping up behind me I have no problem torching your ass right?" Candice said.
"I'm not on the Waverider, at least not yet. See the thing is, we actually need you here at the Time Bureau. See we've noticed the Legends have become rather... Well crowded..." Gary said.
"Still not liking where this is going Gary." Candice said as she watched him. Though she did have to admit, he was a bit right, the Legends were crowded on the Waverider.
"Well the thing is in order to help build bridges between the Legends and the Time Bureau, some of you will be working here, present day Central City. You'll be paid, and of course given normal hours. Sort of a nine to five kind of job." He said with a smile as he explained.
"That sounds so corporate. You do know that I like the Waverider for a lot of reasons." She retorted as she grabbed a nearby piece of tech to work on.
"Candice, we're inviting you to help the Time Bureau with tech." Gary said. Looking over she gave a small curious glance.
"Go on." She commented as she watched him.
"We've noticed the stuff you've made. That pistol alone is closer to Rip's pistol than anything our techs could come up with. Plus our time couriers could use some upgrades. You'll get to take them apart." Gary said.
"Fisrt off the Tesla Pistol is a divergent of Rip's pistol, second you're going to allow me to take apart a time courier so I can upgrade them?" She asked.
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"Among building weapons and tech. You'll also be responsible for keeping track of the time map. Might of been thanks to a certain dm explaining how well you kept track of events in our D&D game." Gary boasted.
"Really Gary? You used our D&D game to help convince Ava into giving me access to all of that?" Candice asked.
"Possibly." He replied. Letting out a sigh she looked around the lab. "You still want to stay I know. Candice we need you here. Please help the Time Bureau, your our only hope." Gary said.
"You're not gonna Princesses Leia me. I'm not your Obi-Wan." She said with a sigh. "Look if I'm going to join the Time Bureau, there are a lot of things I need." Candice said.
"A list of demands? Candice I can't promise you will get what you want." Gary said. "I mean if it were up to me I would probably say yes." He added.
"That's cause you're a push over Gary. They aren't demands, you already won me over with the time courier. This is a list of things I need in order to work, and possibly to help whoever else is on my team. Wait who is on the team besides me?" Candice asked as she got sidetracked from her own train of thought.
"Well... Let's see, Rip Hunter will be the leader naturally, You as the team technician, Leo Rivera and Leo Snart as the Field Agents, and someone named Terry McGinnis as a Field Agent and History Consultant." Gary explained.
Candice let out a soft giggle at the fact that the team had two Leos. "Ah yes Team Leo, where you don't know who is who." She joked.
"Candice this is a serious list." Gary said as Candice laughed a bit. "Fia! Focus please!" He said trying to get her to focus.
"I'm sorry Gary, but you have to admit Leo and Leo on the same team is so stupid and funny." She said. Gary let out a sigh as Candice calmed down a bit.
"You had a list of demands you were going to make." Gary said. Candice rolled her eyes as she looked back at the screen.
"Not demands, requests. I need my own lab to work in. Not a small crammed room, I need space to work on multiple projects at once." She explained.
"I think that will get approved, I mean that just seems like a no brainier, but you do know that we won't be able to give you anything to big." Gary said.
"Yeah I know, still nice to have room to spread out. Also this is more for the team than just me, we need a meeting room, something kind of like the study on the Waverider, actually it might be better if I just worked up a floor plan." Candice said.
"This is starting to sound like its own building Candice. Pretty sure we can't get that approved." Gary said.
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"Trust me it won't be as bad as you're thinking. Just wait til you see the floor plan. In any case, I am going to need to be allowed to play music while I work. Nothing worse than being bored while working on a project." She said with a groan.
"I'll run it by Director Sharp." Gary said. "Is that all?" He asked.
"Let's see, meeting room, personal science lab, kitchen, library, relaxation room, bathrooms, ability to play music, I think that about covers it." Candice said. "I will miss Gideon though, and the others...." She added with a sigh.
"We can see if there is a way for you to keep in contact with Gideon and the others Candice. If you draft up a floor plan I will see what I can do about making it a reality." Gary said.
"I guess I should pack up my room. Well what little stuff I have here on the Waverider." She commented. Letting out a sigh she looked back at the screen. Candice could feel her heart sink a bit, she loved the Waverider and the adventure that came with it.
"I uh... I guess we'll contact you... At the very least I have your number from when we started playing D&D together." Gary said. Candice gave him a nod before the screen turned off.
Looking around, Candice grabbed a few of her items before heading off to her shared room with Zari. Peeking her head in, she didn't see the other woman. "Guess that makes this easier." She said to herself.
Walking away Candice got Gideon to make her a box to store her stuff in. Packing up what little she had, few extra clothes, couple of books, as well as some tech she had built in the science lab, she set off to leave the Waverider.
"Guess this is bye for now Gideon." Candice said as she stood at the cargo door.
"For now Ms. Reeves, but I am sure we will talk again soon." Gideon replied.
"I know, but some dumb science lab at the Time Bureau is nothing like the Waverider. I just... I don't know felt more at home here." Candice said.
"I know Ms. Reeves." Gideon said. Giving the frame of the doorway a light punch tap, she looked up at the com.
"Guess I will see you around Gideon." Candice said as the Cargo door open. Turning away, Candice left the Waverider. As she walked away, she gave one last glance before watching the ship vanish into thin air as the stealth plates hid the ship from sight.
Giving it a moment of thought, Candice didn't want to head home cause she didn't want to potentially wake Charlie, and heading to S.T.A.R. Labs would be kind of creepy without Cisco being around.
Digging into her pocket she pulled out her breeching device. Pressing the button a portal opened and she jumped through. There was no harm in heading home for a small bit, besides at this moment, Candice kind of wanted to be around her parents.
Jumping through the portal she landed in the near identical spot on her Earth. Taking a deep breath, she looked around to make sure no one had seen her. "Now to head home." She said as she pocketed the breeching device.
Walking into her parents house, she closed the door quietly. Setting the box of stuff down as she walked in, she noticed some lights on. "Hello?" She called out.
"Candice? What are you doing home?" A female voice called from the kitchen. Candice walked in and gave her mom a small smile. "Sweetie, you were just here not to long ago, aren't the Legends going to be upset with you for taking so many vacations?" Her mother asked.
"Yeah this is just for a little while, not a full vacation like last time. Where's dad?" Candice asked as she took a seat at the kitchen table.
"He's working late, but he should be home soon. So. What is wrong dear? The girl you like reject you?" Candice's mom asked.
"Mom!" Candice said like a teenager that was embarrassed. "I just.. I'd rather not talk about that right this moment." Candice said.
"Oh sweetie, come here let me give you a hug." Her mom said as she walked around to hug Candice.
"Ah gross! Mom hugs!" Candice joked as she hugged her mom.
"So what is wrong. Something is up I know it. If it isn't the girl, then it's your new team." Her mom said as she walked over to the fridge.
"Yeah. I'm going to be on a new new team. Still the Legends, but working for this group called The Time Bureau." Candice explained.
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"Yet you're not happy with the job are you?" Her mom asked. "Aren't they the ones that trapped you in London?" Her mom asked. Candice gave a nod of confirmation. "So why are you working for them instead of being on the ship?" Her mom asked.
"It's a new way to alleviate the crowdedness of the Waverider as well as build bridges with the Time Bureau. I get to be head tech girl for the team, and helping outfit the Bureau with new stuff." Candice explained.
"I get to do a lot of cool stuff for the bureau. I get to take apart some of their closely guarded tech to help improve it and I get my own lab which is nice since I've always been sharing it with someone. However the Waverider afforded me visits to the unknown and being stuck in the present is going to be boring." Candice said.
"It sounds like a more stable job though. One that would afford you more time with that woman you were telling me about last time." Her mom said with a small smile.
"I know and I can go back to volunteering at the hospital for the kids, I missed that while zooming around on the Waverider." Candice said.
The front door opened and a small sound of someone almost tripping came from the main hall. "Lonnie! Why is there a box of crap in the hallway?" A man's voice called out.
"Ted! That isn't a box of crap, that is Candice's stuff." Her mom called back. Though she did give Candice a parental glare at leaving stuff in the hallway.
"Sorry Dad! I thought you were home when I set that stuff down." Candice called out.
"What are you doing home?" He called out as he closed the door.
"Just needed a place for the night. I'll be back on Earth-1 in the morning." Candice called out. "Here let me come move my stuff before you trip again." Candice said as she got up from the table.
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Heading into the hallway, she smiled as she saw her dad. Wrapping her arms around him, it was clear that she caught him off guard. The man gave a soft chuckle before hugging her back.
"Everything okay Candice? This is twice in what? A few weeks?" He asked as Candice pulled away from the hug.
"Yeah, but like I said I'm heading back in the morning, just needed a place to stay for the night, and all my Earth-1 places were just not where I needed to be for tonight." She explained as she grabbed her box of stuff.
"Alright pumpkin, what happened?" He asked her.
"Just got transferred from adventure to a lab. That's all. Mom knows more gonna go put this in my room." Candice said as she headed upstairs.
"Wash up while you're up there! Dinner will be ready in a bit." Her mom called out as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
"Ugh! The worst!" Candice jokingly called back. Reaching her room, she placed the box on her bed before heading to clean up. She didn't really need to eat, but Candice wasn't going to pass up her mom's cooking.
Heading back downstairs she smiled at her parents. "I'd say I'm starving, but I don't lie." Candice joked. Her mom rolled her eyes a bit.
"Doesn't stop you from eating." Her dad joked.
"Look even a nuclear reactor needs fuel and mom does cook some really good food." Candice said.
Her mom slid a plate in front of Candice with a smile. "I caught your dad up on everything." Her mom said.
"So... I have to ask, what is so bad about the Time Bureau?" Her dad asked.
"Well one they have hated the Legends for a while, even getting us stuck in 1980 London for a short time. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm going to go join the Time Bureau branch, but I'm going to miss being able to zip around time." Candice explained.
"You know you didn't used to need time travel to have adventures Candice." Her mom said.
"Yeah well that is cause I worked with the Flash, got kicked off the team, help stop Reverse Flash, sealed up the world ending breech, came back and helped stop Godspeed." Candice explained. "Even then between vanishing and showing back up I was in a new Earth and learning new things." She added.
"Sweetie, you can always learn new things from a stable job like the one at the Time Bureau." Her mom said.
"I know Mom, it's just... I don't know saving time was fun and different. It was learning more about Earth-1 from actual history instead of reading about it in books." Candice said.
"What's wrong with book?" Her dad interjected.
"Nothing dad. It's just what is better, reading history written by the winner of an event, or living through that event in real time?" She asked.
"Fair point, but still I'm sure there is plenty for you to learn from in books." Her dad said.
"I know dad, just I'm going to miss it is all." Candice said.
"There feels like more you're not telling us." Her mom said.
"The Waverider, and the Legends felt like home away from home. We we're all a bunch of people who didn't fit anywhere and oddly enough fit together like a big weird family." Candice explained.
"And you feel like you're loosing that family by being at the Bureau." Her mom commented.
"Yeah.. a bit.. plus the ship has an A.I. named Gideon and I'm going to miss having her around. I asked the Time Bureau if there would be a way for me to keep in contact with Gideon, but stuff has to be approved and what not so I gave them a list of requests." Candice said.
"Please don't tell me you demanded stuff just cause you hate the group." Her mom said with a sigh.
"Mom! I said requests not demands. I plan on working there I just need some things in order to be efficient, my own space to work of stuff hence my own lab to build and tinker with and the ability to play music while I work." Candice said.
"Music can distract you Candice." Her mom said with a sigh. "Don't expect them to hand over that kind of stuff, they are going to have to justify allowing you that kind of freedom. If it comes down to it they might find someone else." Her mom explained.
"Mom, they need me the Legends can make due, Zari is really good at tech for the Waverider, but I built the Tesla gun after getting a glance of Rip's pistol and my speed force knowledge of how to throw lightning. That kind of engineering skills is not something they are just going to avoid just because I asked for some music and my own space to work." Candice said.
"I hope you're right sweetie, I'd hate for you to not get that job." Her mom said. The rest of the meal, they talked about mindless stuff, how things were since she was last there a week ago.
Once they were finished eating, her dad headed off to bed while Candice stayed and helped her mom clean the dishes. "Candice, are you sure you're alright with the job change?" Her mom asked.
"I mean we've already talked about this, I'm having to leave my family for some corporate job." Candice said. Her mom gave a small chuckle at her.
"It's not going to be a corporate job like you say it is dear. If they truly want you to be the head technician of this new team, it sounds like they hold you in high regards. I know another man that wanted to hire you for a corporate job as well." Her mom commented.
"Yeah, but Wells was impressed by my frozen spiders." Candice said with a smile.
"Please don't remind me of those. Do you know how many times I nearly put them in one of my drinks." Her mom said. "And do not get me started on that pet scorpion you had." She added.
"Look you guys bought me the scorpion, not my fault dad got spooked as smashed him with a hammer." Candice said.
"You left him out of his cage. Of course your father freaked out." Her mom said.
"I know, I just left him for a few seconds so I could go to the bathroom. I didn't really he would of traveled so far." She said. "Though I do have to say I was rather impressed by the scream dad let out." Candice said with an amused smile.
"You're dad couldn't speak for a week cause he damaged his vocal cords." Her mom pointed out.
"I know, and I helped be his voice at work that week remember, you guys pulled me out of school so I could help him." Candice said.
"You know, your dad and I worry about you." Her mom said as she dried off her hands.
"I know Mom, I'm okay I promise. I'm still working on the Multiverse phone thing, that way we can stay in contact more often, but it's been challenging getting it to work. Needs more tests and stuff." Candice explained.
Her mom smiled at her and handed over the hand towel. Candice took them and dried off her hands. "Go get some sleep, you have somewhere to be in the morning." Her mom said.
"Mom..." Candice said with a pouting lip. Her mom stared her down and Candice smiled at her. Wrapping her arms around her mom she let out a content sigh. "I love you." She said before heading up to bed.
Her mom smiled at her and returned the words before heading to bed herself. In the morning, Candice grabbed her box of stuff and headed downstairs. She said her goodbyes to her parents before heading out to find a hidden place to breech.
Jumping through the portal, Candice was once more met with the sounds of Earth-1. Letting out a sigh, she headed home to her place, at least long enough to set down the box of stuff. She couldn't lug that around all day.
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