#a storm of a hunt
illustratus · 2 months
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Storm by Zdzisław Jasiński
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stormgardenscurse · 9 months
Local sleep deprived mess here, i was wondering if your amazing writer self would grace us with what vil,rook,leona,jamil and floyd would do if they woke up late one night and there s/o is just gone, so when they look for them they find them in the dorm kitchen baking because they had a bad dream? I adore your writing author-chan, keep up the great work! ♡♡♡
Summary: Baking late at night, after a bad dream...
Characters: Vil, Rook, Leona, Jamil, Floyd
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At first, Vil wonders if he should start placing a curse on your slippers, so that if you tried to get out of bed at night, you'd only be dragged back to his side and let him know if something's wrong. But considering how you're always conscious about how busy he is and as such, try to keep your worries to yourself, Vil can't help feeling his resolve soften at the sight of you humming quietly, pouring ingredients into a bowl with practiced ease.
Baking was like chemistry or potion making, you'd once told him. It's honestly a horrible hour to have something sweet, but what kind of person would he be to leave you alone?
"I didn't think you'd find the energy to make something in the dead of the night." Vil says as a way of greeting. As he approaches you, it's easy to spot the flaws in your actions - shakier than usual, absentminded. It's easy to accidentally topple or drop items when you're like this. That's what Vil tells himself, anyways, as he takes the mixing bowl from you.
Rather than 'wasting' a few minutes of his time, it's worse if Vil ends up worrying about you the entire day if you don't speak up, you know? 
He tells you as much; "You could have just called for me. Now be a dear and tell me what to do - I'd like to get back to bed before dawn."
Despite how he tries not to prod too much about what had shaken you, Vil finds himself glancing over at your expression to make sure you're okay. 
The smile playing on your lips is a good sign, at least - he's glad you found some humor in how you managed to have the Vil Schoenheit baking for you. (For the record, he'd like to think he's quite good at it too compared to the average beginner.)
Suffice to say, you'd almost jumped out of your skin when Rook finally made his presence known at the entrance of the kitchen, eyes glimmering like a cat's. 
While you tried to put on your usual smile and pretend everything was fine, it's hard to get your expression from earlier out of the hunter's mind. Beautiful as you are no matter what state you're in, he'd like to chase away any monsters that may be haunting you. And what was Rook Hunt if not tenacious in what he set his mind to?
Rook plays along at first by monologing about how he'd awoken to the loss of starlight in the sky… a hearth that held his heart… and when he'd followed the traces of where it had gone, he'd been led to you!
At his last words, Rook places his hands gently over yours, pausing your movements. Despite yourself, you can't tear your gaze away from him when he asks you what's wrong, almost folding on the spot.
Belatedly, you realize that allowing Rook to help also meant that he was starting to add unusual ingredients into the batter. You were surprised that the cookie dough actually tastes pretty good, despite its color from the many toppings he's put in.
God, does he love the sound of your laugh. When you pause and ask Rook what's wrong (he's staring), he simply gives you a radiant smile.
"It seems like my heart had just been returned to me." With the sly hunter resting his chin on his palm, elbow propped against the counter, you start to realize how disarming he looks with dishevelled hair.
Leona's normally grumpy when awoken from his sleep, but the feeling of an empty space next to him where you were just moments before was unsettling, to say the least. You were always a presence that barged in on his life even when he'd rather curl under the covers and sleep the day away, so to have you sneak out during the night was an odd feeling indeed.
Nevermind the fact he'd been sleeping so well that he didn't notice your absence until a while later (more delayed than he'd like to admit, ever since he got used to napping with you) - Leona was less than amused when he realized you got up to do work out of all things.
But of course, the first thing he does is say he'll steal your food once it's done baking. Rests his chin on your shoulder while he watches you mix and pour ingredients, lazily draping himself over you like a weighted blanket.
While these sweets won't really get rid of your nightmares, Leona decides that he can do that much himself. (With his presence or a a simple spell? Who knows.) When he tells you the food is an advance payment for his labour, you'd played into the topic by questioning what said labour was. 
"To make sure you're well rested, of course." A lilt of confidence in his voice, Leona muses about his kindness for gracing you with his services. (In reality, he's just getting his partner back in his arms so that he can get back to sleep, but he won't linger on the specifics.)
Perhaps it was just out of habitual behavior, but in the first seconds of processing you were gone, Jamil’s brain went from ‘they probably went to get water’ to ‘what if something happened to them’ (worst case scenario)
It’s a good thing you thought to leave a note for him though (it’s not often Jamil seems to sleep so peacefully, so you didn’t want to interrupt his much-needed rest), saying you went to the kitchen. After mulling it over Jamil finds himself unable to fall back asleep, and ventures to find you out of curiosity of what you’re doing.
He’d guessed you were making a late night snack or something along those lines - so color Jamil surprised when he sees you frosting the cakes you’d baked together earlier in the afternoon (someone’s birthday was tomorrow). You said something along the lines of saving him some work, since you were now awake anyways.
Rather than chiding you, Jamil instead takes out the box of extra vanilla sponge that was leftover after trimming the cake. Perhaps it was because he knew how doing something while plagued with unwanted thoughts had a calming effect, but he didn’t stop you, instead asking you what drink you wanted.
With two mugs on the table and Jamil scrolling through his phone as you work, you’re surprised when he uses a spoon to take some frosting out of your mixing bowl to dollop on the cake, haphazardly pairing them together.
At your questioning look, Jamil only shrugs with the hint of a smile. “Not everything has to be done to perfection, right?” 
A comfort hidden beneath a subtle jab from your past words. You let Jamil feed you a bite, hands still occupied by the piping bag and frosting on your fingers.
Doesn’t really ask what you’re doing in the kitchen, but offers to help you bake! Floyd turns your otherwise solitary session into a fun conversation. It’s a type of comfort that lets you know you don’t have to divulge what’s bothering you, but his presence will be there anyways by your side.
You’re not sure if Floyd is doing this consciously, but you do know that he’s quite in tune with your emotions, even if he might not magically know the reason behind your mood.
Floyd mentions you sound happier now. The topic ranges from random things that distract you to mundane questions classes. While you’re waiting for the pastries to bake in the oven, Floyd walks you around the dorm to stretch your legs.
…The underwater view from Octavinelle’s dorm really is something. How can your surroundings feel so vast when it’s technically just a part of the college? One day you might be curious enough to figure out how far the water goes, but for now you have to reject Floyd’s suggestion of going for a swim. The last thing either of you needed is for Azul to track you down for flooding the hallways with water, even if it sounded like a funny way to start the morning.
Thankfully, you remembered to set a timer on the oven so that it’d stop baking after twenty minutes! Some things taste best when they’re freshly made, and this was no exception; before you realized, between snacking on the pastries while talking to Floyd and waiting for them to cool down enough to put in the fridge… half of it was gone.
You just hope that you’re not too sleep deprived the next day, to the point where you can’t get up in the morning because Floyd is hugging you to himself like a human plush.
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royal-they · 2 years
I noticed this tiny detail that made me feel kind of sick about Hunter. (It’s about his scars and abuse so if that stuff is triggering don’t read this)
In Labyrinth Runners we see a bunch of students with injuries that could left scars,
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But thanks to healing magic these students fine,
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Before Thanks to Them we knew he had at the very least a scar on his face and his ear was nicked. In Thanks to Them there were a lot of other scars revealed. 
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We also know that Hunter was most likely abused physically by Belos based on how he flinches a lot when he moves around him, 
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this is also more obvious in Any Sport in a Storm
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So it’s clear that he’s probably been hurt by Belos physically at least once. Probably more based on the number of scars. But he shouldn’t even have so many scars if healing magic can make injuries like these simply disappear. Even if Belos didn’t necessarily cause these scars to exist, he denied Hunter medical help. Which means Belos probably didn’t allow Hunter’s injuries to be treated properly, despite there being literally no reason not to. He has the whole Healers Coven to help him if he wants as well as the Emperors Coven, which practices all sorts of magic. The Emperors Coven I’m sure is full of healers who are prodigies let into it because of their ability. 
It’s a small detail, but it is really telling of how abusive Belos was to Hunter. 
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roodles03 · 2 years
Something always struck me about Hunter's eyes, and it wasn't his eye color, but I could never put my finger on what is was. Now I've finally realized it was the look of constant sadness in his eyes.
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ranticore · 3 months
your harpies give me SUCH unexplainable gender envy
I love their designs! :)
yay thanks, that's fun because king harpies are, kinda by definition, the result of an individual spontaneously changing sex & gender (often by choice!)
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(simplified) cuinn/ice storm over kosa before (he was an unwillingly-taken tiercel) and after. 9 months endogenous bird hrt
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casswithmywholeheart · 8 months
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Old drawing I didn't post
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Prompt 255
You know what? Three-way crossover. Danny Phantom, DC, and Monster Hunter. 
Specifically something akin to Monster Hunter Wilds (Which isn’t out at this time) where there’s not much or any sort of settlements (from what we’ve seen) though there’s some signs of ancient ones. But several heroes might have erm, fallen through a portal or two and now they’re in some sort of… place full of unknown creatures and monsters. 
Dragons, for one, but that’s just the beginning of the proverbial iceberg. And they might be a bit… stuck. Just a little bit. 
On the other hand, the Eternal Quartet- that is Tucker, Danny, Sam & Valerie- have decided to go on a bit of vacation before college. You know, get some last bit of feral-ness out and alright maybe they just wanted to not have to deal with other people. 
And there’s a bunch of creatures here, and plenty of plants for Sam to get excited about too. And look, Valerie isn’t going to say no to a giant velociraptor sort of creature that she can ride. And- holy fuck Tucker do not harness the power of a storm to power your PDA- Actually stop summoning storms please- 
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shewhowillrise · 2 months
What if Zuko’s entire ship was composed of treasonous soldiers that were told that helping the prince capture the Avatar, they would be spared execution.
What if through them, Zuko learned the truth of the Fire Nation. The war isn’t to bring glory, but to establish control.
What if the mission of the ship changed a year after sailing.
What if Zuko was in the South Pole to find to Avatar to protect him. To help him against his father?
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I love these guys.
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Aww, they know their friends so well—mood swings and eccentricities and all.
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FRIENDSHIP!! (Have I mentioned I love these guys?)
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Chapter 11: The Episode Of Glowing Eyes Part 2
FNAF Cryptid!Sun/Moon x Cryptid Hunter!Y/N (SFW)
It’s a long walk back to the truck through the downpour of sleet gray showers and the distant, sharp flaps of the occasional crane taking flight in the distance. You almost step into a muddy puddle in your mindless, numb distress but Sun is here. He’s still with you. He gently touches your shoulder and advises you to go around instead of through the mud. Murmuring thanks, you meet his gaze. The one sun ray crowning his head is jagged and broken.
He’s okay. You force yourself to repeat the mantra until you can breathe.
Word Count: 10,000
Warnings: Blood, violence, death, and heart-eating.
A/N: I've had a whirlwind of a time between the last chapter and this which resulted in editing going terribly slow. I've stared at this chapter for too long and need to post it before I go nuts. I hope you enjoy it!
You and Sun take care of each other, Moon puts his nightcap on you as you two go for a drive, it storms during an encounter with a cryptid, a photo is sent late at night, and you ask for a vow.
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stormgardenscurse · 2 months
at your service—!
Summary: Maid headcanons for May! When you’re invited into a rich family’s mansion to solve a murder mystery, who will you trust?
Warnings: mentions of death, assassins, poison and murder due to the theme.
Characters: Riddle, Deuce, Jade, Jamil, Rook, Epel, Lilia
If you liked this, consider checking out my TWST Isekai Fanbook, now digitally available on my kofi!
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The maid who you thought hated your guts at first, but it’s only because of how strict he is with both you and everyone else! You’re in the manor of the Queen of Hearts’ descendants after all, so Riddle will not allow you to fumble!
Honestly speaking, you felt like you could be scolded at any moment around Riddle. He teaches you dining etiquette, how to address certain people, how to dance…
...And saves your life, after your investigation ends up with you being chased by a masked assassin. Riddle surprises you with his abilities in horse riding and after a dramatic escape (stealing a horse from a previously wrecked carriage) addresses you informally for the first time (without realising it himself.)
After that, you start to take walks with Riddle in the rose gardens and listen to his explanations of the manor's history. It helps a lot in understanding background politics, and the sound of his voice is actually really soothing.
Could you say that you’re friends? You certainly trust him now, but can you be sure his would loyalties will lie with you and not his superior, if your investigation starts to point fingers in an unexpected direction?
Deuce is well-meaning, but you’re warned by the other maids that he has a track record with delinquency. Cleaned up by the head butler when he entered the Rose Manor to work, but rumors are hard bugs to squash. 
And when you spot him speaking to some well-known thugs in town, well… You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Deuce has only been welcoming and earnest with you, and now you’re wondering if he might have some ties to murderer.
Some kind of friend you are, huh? But at the end of the day, you’re an outsider who’s been hired precisely because your employer doesn’t know who they could trust. 
Your apprehensions have no time to take shape however, because one morning you notice that Deuce is wearing makeup to hide bruises on his knuckles and arms, and you’re overcome by the instinct to help him treat his injuries before suspecting him of anything else.
There’s no way he would hurt someone on purpose, right?
Prim and proper, Jade is someone who’s often by your side when you’re in need of assistance (as instructed by your employer), yet remains as one of the only people you cannot get a read on.
Just what is he thinking whenever he watches you scribble in your notebook, crossing out theories and names? Does he have something to add? Or might he actually be in cahoots with the murderer, keeping you away from the truth with his convenient position by your side?
As it seems with most things, it takes a serious incident to make the both of you open up. Jade rescues you from a poisoning attempt, but you don’t wake up in your usual room. Instead you’re in one of the empty studies, so that nosy witnesses during the dinner party can’t disturb your rest.
You don’t make sense, Jade tells you. But based on the way he’s calmly giving you another dose of medicine, he finds it fun rather than stressful. You’re glad. And now you know a tiny bit more about him.
He starts off the conversation by telling you he has a twin that works in a neighboring manor. But despite all the trouble Floyd gets into, Jade hasn’t felt as hopeless about a person than when you fainted last night.
Even with how weak you are in comparison to knights or trained assassins, you still fling yourself into mystery with a headstrong manner that makes his mouth quirk up in a smile.
Shortly after that, you allow yourself to rely on Jamil for the investigation. He’s quite willing to help, and you can tell Jamil enjoys having something to puzzle out, demonstrating his own strengths and resourcefulness.
Early on, you realize Jamil is one of the only normal people here. In this noble household with its foreign etiquette and social expectations, you’re relieved that Jamil doesn’t expect such things from you, and even offers a space for something familiar to exist.
He brings you lunch once during your investigation of the gardens. And instead of sitting somewhere too exposed, Jamil leads you to a hidden corner with pleasant shading and a safe enclosure of hedges. It’s nice, and you speak casually to one-another. You discuss the town and best shops for food. You feel human again, rather than just ‘the detective’.
…But the more you notice these traits, the more aware you become that Jamil could easily be related to the murderer. The spark of someone forced to lie low in the shadows despite their brilliance can lead to drastic incidents.
But still, you want to believe in the Jamil who brought you out for a picnic because he noticed you’ve been feeling suffocated. You want to believe this friendship isn't a hoax.
Despite how you were intimidated by his extrovertedness at first, Rook has proven to be a genuinely friendly person and willing to help during your stay here. Which is more than you can say for the rest of the manor—which was nice and respectful, but see your job as a taboo. A ‘what if we get involved and become the next targets,’ type of thing.
You can’t blame them, but it makes you naturally get closer to Rook over the course of your job. You realize one day that despite how much you’ve told him, you barely know anything about Rook.
He’s quite mysterious, as one who sweeps the floors while whistling a tune, always with a smile on his lips as he tells you about how beautiful the building and gardens are. His physique is a bit too toned for someone who only does housework. You suspect he has some other role in the manor too, and wonder if it might be related to the mystery's culprit.
It doesn’t help that Rook seems very knowledgeable about hunting. He helps you figure out where the victim must’ve run and how long it took for the murderer to catch up with them. And sometimes, when you’re caught up in your thoughts and theorizing, Rook surprises you with his soundless steps.
Epel has always done his best to assist you, despite how he’s only worked here for a year compared to the other maids. He seems to be trustworthy and willing to help, on top of proving he’s reliable.
You find out that before you came along, there were already groups of maids and other staff who tried to piece together the mystery themselves. But in doing so, created distrust between them and rivalries of suspicion. He thinks that the culprit is definitely a staff member, but can’t be sure of who.
You don’t think he’s directly related to the murderer, but there are times when Epel’s mouth purses during a conversation you’re having with another noble, and you feel like he isn’t telling you everything he knows. Maybe out of privacy or because it’s personal—but when both of you seem to be the targets of an attack, you can’t ignore it any longer and are forced to interrogate Epel.
Now that he’s been helping you with investigations however, there’s definitely a target of sorts on Epel’s back. A few of the maids are unhappy that he might be spreading false ideas to you in favor of one theory or another. And he’s too prideful to shrink under their demands, so they haven’t been on talking terms for a while.
You can only hope that he isn’t indeed a poisoned apple placed before you, unknowingly used by the murderer themself.
Very knowledgeable about the hidden rooms around the manor, you can’t help but be a little wary about the clever glint in Lilia’s eyes. He’s explicitly been assigned to keep an eye on you for the sake of the manor’s secrets, and you can tell he isn’t trained to be a maid, despite how it's the pretense he’s using to stick to your side 24/7. 
You sometimes get distracted by the mystery of who Lilia himself might be. He speaks about knights familiarly, yet none of the ones at the manor seem to recognise him when you both pass by. He’s not very good at chores or cooking (to the point where you took over at some points out of concern for the upholstery and kitchen), so how is he still blending in with the other maids?!
Lilia’s saved your life twice now, and you slowly learn that he has weapons hidden beneath his maid dress. Also that he can scale rooftops and the town in less than a minute, but you don’t want to ponder on his scary amount of agility just yet.
Thankfully however, it seems that Lilia is only hired here on a contractual basis. His true, deep rooted loyalties aren’t close to this manor. Which means when the both of you find some very incriminating evidence, Lilia helps keep it a secret from your employer. The both of you are shouldering the weight of the mystery now, but Lilia promises he’ll keep you safe.
You hope there never comes a time where you have to worry about his safety, or that he’d stick his neck out for you more than he needs to.
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lethalcontracts · 4 months
Clay holding a classic lantern to guide your way through the snow..... Or is he.
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wwprice1 · 4 months
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A quartet of beautiful covers for May!
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pickleforstony · 8 months
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Your scent, berries tart, lilac sweet
Of violet eyes, glistening as you weep
The wolf I will follow into the storm
To find your heart, its passion displaced
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cthaehart · 2 years
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I’m so ready for another road trip
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ranticore · 5 days
so are sphinxes obliged to riddle people every time they meet someone? can they intentionally make it so their name could not be guessed?
nope only the people they want to kill and eat. it's not a magic thing, they're just like that. it means that having a technically impossible riddle is seen as very bad form and cheating, and a sphinx like that might face some strong pushback from their peers
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