#i'll be around on mobile for a while then writing later on
fidgetspringer · 10 months
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- Marten & Nohren -
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lynxgirlpaws · 6 months
I spent quite literally one [1] hour with my father and now feel like absolute shit. Unironically how does he do this [i am impressed]
#AvieRant#now mind you i am writing this from “weh weh weh huff puff” attitude so it is probably biased like a motherfucker#but whatever i'll feel bad for it later#so before we even get anywhere [walgreens] I talk about how someone on the discord got a full ride to yale and he goes on his#“You think you don't have to do things if you don't want to...” speech yada yada yada shut up please you're the reason why#I couldn't apply to college because you fucking refused to help me get my immunization records until like august [too late]#anyways I show concern for him as he says his ankle has been hurting especially on the EXTRA LONG WALK he CHOSE to take#and he fucking. slaps my stomach and says “yeah well I ain't got a pussy so I ain't a bitch”#i. are you fucking kidding me . one - don't touch me . two - fuck you. three - don't fucking touch me#then we GET to walgreens and he makes sure to inform me how stupid I am for... looking at the price of things before buying them#and actively gives me a side eye or sucks his teeth when I suggest making decisions based off of cost [idgaf if you have cash be smart >:(]#anyways he also just basically decides shit for me. I asked for one [1] thing and he informed me that I simply don't need it#before promptly ignoring any even suggestions of me getting something I'd actually want other than what he soyjaks at#so anyways as we go to pay ? fucker demands I go wait outside while he pays . for no reason. just. fuck me ig okay#anyways we seem to FINALLY be getting my phone turned on on the way home!!!! like we're AT T-Mobile!#then he has to wait 5 minutes and decides we'll just do it tomorrow. like he's been saying for 11 months#then basically tells me to go home alone while I carry everything bc he wants to go somewhere#like . fuck you fuck off i am tired of your bullshit#ugh . i. like again. can't ocmplain. free food and housing and what not. but do you HAVE to be a dick whenever you can? >:/#whatever i'm gonna go cope somehow see y'all around
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marblecarved · 1 year
Hello, dear friends, and happy Wednesday! 💞
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ddejavvu · 1 year
okay okay I'm so obsessed with this idea of grumpy gruff/hotch who's secretly the most romantic bf ever so what about hotch who's sick but powers through it at work until you show up to drop off lunch and suddenly he's the biggest baby ever??
Adore your writing, thank you for being an angel!
The team doesn't even know he's sick until you show up with a care kit. Derek's brow furrows as he spots cold medicine in your hand, flagging you down before you can rush to Aaron's office.
"Hey, Missus Hotchner!" He calls, still a tease even when confused.
"Hm?" You nod in greeting, frozen on the steps.
"What's the cough syrup for," He motions to the bottle, "You and Hotch gonna party?"
"There's sprite in the kitchen," Emily snorts.
"No," You laugh incredulously, "Aaron's sick, I'm here to bring him soup and his medicine."
With that, you're off. You take Derek's confused silence as your opportunity to leave, rushing up the stairs and shutting the door behind you. Even if they can't hear you, they watch as Hotch sets down his pen at the sight of you, and how his shoulders droop with exhaustion.
"Hi, honey." You croon, gripping his cheeks and leaning over his desk to kiss his heated forehead, "Oh, my poor baby. You ready for soup?"
"Yes please," He rasps, and if his voice is a little more pitiful than it was during the BAU's earlier meeting, you'll never know.
"Take some medicine," You hand over the bottle, "10 mL, Aaron. No skimping."
He rolls his eyes, "I only did that once."
"Yeah," You scoff, "Last night! You're not to be trusted anymore."
"There," He pours the recommended dose into the small plastic cup, showcasing his precision, "Is that good enough for you, doctor?"
"Yes," You grin, refusing to acknowledge his snark, "Drink it all, Aaron."
As an adult accustomed to a drink here and there, his face should not screw up the way it does at the taste of the cough syrup. The team sees it through the windows lining Hotch's office, and there's assorted chuckles and gasps when you guide his mouth open again, holding a bottle of water to his lips and tipping it between his lips.
"Look at that," Derek marvels, "She's babying him."
"And he's acting the part," JJ's eyebrows raise when he shuts his eyes, leaning into your palm so that you kiss his forehead once more, "Oh my god, look, she's feeding him!"
Sure enough, you crack open a container of soup and hold the spoon up to Aaron's lips for him. He doesn't even try to do it himself, keeping his eyes droopy as you spoon more and more down his throat.
They only stop looking because you nearly catch them, but it's hard to return to normal like their stoic boss isn't melting in his girlfriend's hands a few feet away.
It's later, after you've left, that they really notice the shift. Aaron's mobile again, putzing around the kitchen to make himself a third cup of coffee for the day. Reid needs a refill, too, and while he's busy stirring in his overzealous portion of sugar, he strikes up conversation with Hotch.
"You're not contagious, are you?"
Hotch side-eyes him from the counter, shaking his head slightly, "No, you'll be fine. It's just a small cold."
"You looked miserable," Reid muses, keeping his eyes on his spoon, "From the way Y/N reacted when she kissed your forehead, I assume you have, or had, a fever, and it'll only get worse if you don't rest. If I were you I'd take the day off, and make sure the fever went down before coming back."
"Thank you for the advice, Reid." Aaron's hand tightens around his coffee mug, and he doesn't seem all that grateful for it despite what he says, "I'll keep that in mind."
He strides back to his office, door shut a bit too harshly for anyone's liking.
"Sore subject," Emily snickers as Reid rejoins the group, "You should have seen the way he flushed red when you mentioned Y/N."
"He's probably texting her now," Derek elbows Reid, pointing to his office where Hotch is bent over his phone, "Whaddya think it says, pretty boy?"
"Oh! Oh, uh," Emily answers instead, steadying her voice for her famed Hotch Impression, "Honeybunches," And the team bursts into giggles, "Reid said I should rest, will you pwease come pick me up?"
"Pwease," JJ snorts, "And- and bring my blankie for the car ride home."
Thirty minutes later, you stride back into the bullpen, and when you usher Aaron out of his office and home for the day, there's a blanket draped over his shoulders.
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666writingcafe · 3 months
can you write about how M!MC gets hard(under his pants 😏)when he sees Asmo for the first time
I wonder if you are the same anon that wanted me to write about Asmo kicking M!MC's nuts. If so, I'm glad you liked it well enough to submit another request.
In any case, my thoughts about it are under the cut. Apologies in advance about the formatting; I'm currently on mobile.
The first time the two of them meet isn't during the exchange program, but several months prior at a coffee shop. M!MC is in the middle of studying, while Asmo has been ordered by Solomon to get him a cup of joe. M!MC notices the increase in noise as people begin fawning over Asmo but tries his best to block it out. He has to remain focused on his assignment.
A few minutes later, M!MC catches a pink flash out of the corner of his eye. Glancing in its direction reveals Asmo leaning against the counter, loudly chatting with one of the baristas.
Except that he's not wearing anything pink.
M!MC almost dismisses it as a trick of the light when he notices it again. A shimmery, almost transparent pink radiates off Asmo and starts surrounding the barista.
Deciding it best to take a break, M!MC pushes his assignment off to the side and pulls out his sketchpad. Normally, he would try to take a reference picture, but his mind has already done it for him.
He's so engrossed in his drawing that he doesn't see Asmo receive his order.
Or that Asmo meets Solomon outside.
Or that Asmo tells his companion to wait a moment while he ducks back inside.
No, M!MC doesn't notice anything until he hears someone ask,
"What are you drawing?"
Looking up reveals Asmo looking directly at him. M!MC momentarily freezes as he begins scolding himself for drawing someone without their permission.
"May I?" Not hearing any objections, Asmo gently picks up M!MC'S sketchbook and flips it towards him, examining the portrait on the open page.
The longer Asmo looks at it, the more embarrassed M!MC gets. He feels his face grow hotter and, to his dismay, his pants getting tighter. He's never had anyone express this much interest in his art, and of course the first person who does happens to be way out of his league.
Flipping the page over, Asmo grabs one of M!MC's pens and scribbles a note on the back of the picture.
"I'll see you around," he states, handing the sketchbook back and winking before turning around and leaving the shop again.
M!MC feels like he's shaking as he reads Asmo’s note.
I've been drawn countless times, but you are the first artist that has truly captured my aura. I am honored to be your muse.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 3 months
Black Clover Pacific Rim Au
Hi everyone I had this idea some time ago and talked to some people about. Few of us actually started writing something and it looked pretty good. This is still an open idea and very much a WIP, but I wanted to finally share it 💕 (took me 1.5 months to do so)
@funky-sea-cryptid @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @lyranova @loosesodamarble @koneko-pi @hybridanafrost
Some main information
Jeager pairings are the same as combo parings in BC mobile game (I'll go through them below)
This is the time, when the jesger program was at its peak, so there is a lot of them and they are well organised
Characters are stationed at the Clover base (which is in Japan) officially run by Augustus Kira (he's terrified of Kaiju and is there only to uphold his reputation and position)
The story starts with Asta and Yuno arriving at the Clover base as new junior pilots with their jeager
Just like in Pacific Rim, this story happens in real world and suit countries are bases
Jeager pairings at the beginning of the story:
(There could be more, these are just a few I have some ideas for.)
Nozel & Fuegoleon
Pilot one of the best jeagers in the whole world and are an extraordinary team.
They usually lead missions as captains.
They are very popular and known for their merits.
Everyone looks up to them and they have big fanclubs.
They go way back, so their drift is very efficient, until recent problems
They come from high situated families associated with the jeager program.
Asta & Yuno
They come from an orphanage and everyone suspects, that their parents died because of a Kaiju attack
They participate in try outs for jeager pilots
It appears that their drift is exceptional so they get it in to the training program, despite no one actually believing in them
Asta wants to become a jeager pilot, to obviously protect the citizens and become the next commander, but he also wants to impress a nun that was taking care of the boys in the orphanage
Yami & Jack
They are a mess to say at least, but at least they are efficient
This team is being sent out, when they need some unconventional methods
Their jeager uses sharp plasma edged swords and fights mostly close distance
Noelle & Mimosa
Since they come from the Vermillon and Silva families they are expected to do great
Nozel doesn't want Noelle to pilot a jeager, he says that she's weak, but she ends up signing up anyway
Girls are in the same training group as Asta and Yuno when they arrive at the Clover Base
However since Noelle was badly treated by her siblings she has problems with trust and her drift is very shaky
Her and Mimosa even though being effective in training fail in the jeager while drifting
However after Noelle gets to know Asta better, she learns how to deal with her emotions and past
Magna & Luck
They are the "wild" team
Their jeager is smaller, but very agile
It shoots fire projectiles and is able to electrocute
Luck's mother pushed him into the jeager program
At first it was hard for Luck to open up to Magna through drift
However later they begin to ghost drift... (This is Tam's and @t-f-t's idea!!!)
Also they are CHRONIC drift junkies (another amazing idea of Tam and Alex!)
Finral & Vanessa
Finral was pushed away by his influential family and ended up in the jeager program wanting to prove himself
Vanessa on the other hand was running away from her abusive mother
They clicked in the barracks, when they were sneaking out to a bar, during their training and it appeared they were compatible
They are a support jeager
Charlotte & Sol
Charlotte took Sol under her wing
They have a female looking jeager
Nacht & Morgen (Not active anymore 😔)
They used to be one of the best teams there were
However an accident happened and Morgen was ripped out of the jeager by a kaiju
Nacht finished the fight on his own, but it took a tool on him
He hasn't drifted with anyone since Morgen
He hangs around the base, but is very closed of, he only talks to few people
Julius (is he really by himself..?)
Julius is the only one known to pilot a jeager by himself
He excels at everything he does and quickly takes the lead
Commander of the forces
He has a secret partner pilot he doesn't know about... (yes it's Lucius)
Some relationships that happen:
Asta & Noelle (I have a story idea for them)
At first Noelle is apprehensive of him, but later, when she sees his good heart she warms up
Asta helps her and inspires Noelle to become stronger
She obviously never admits that she cares for him...
Yami & Charlotte
Their two teams usually don't work together and Charlotte seems to not be fond of Yami
However under the cold exterior she hides her crush on the rugged jeager pilot
They get to know each other while working at the same base
Briar belongs to @koneko-pi
Neva belongs to @lyranova
Josele belongs to @loosesodamarble
Lisa belongs to @one-leaf-grimoire
Odette belongs to @hybridanafrost
Helena is mine ;)
Solara belongs to @thoughtfullyrainynightmare
Briar (the meeting happens later in the story)
She is a modified human for a project Azure Queen
Azure-Queen was a scientific attempt to create and control their own Kaiju, made by the Diamond base
Azure queens are genetically modified women who can theoretically control the Kaiju
Each Queen has one Kaiju
Briar has Uroboros
Yuno & Neva
They met earlier in the Academy, previously to being assigned to the Clover base
Neva was adopted and taken care of by a famous pilot William Vangeance
She is closed of and at first they did not get along greatly
However with time they learned to lean on each other
Neva was transferred to the Clover base without a partner pilot
She was amazing at the simulators but was closed of and could not drift with anyone
Now she has six months to find a co pilot or she's out
Nacht & Josele
one of the reasons Nacht stayed at the base was Josele
Josele is a coach for the jaeger training program, she takes care of new recruits such as Asta and Yuno
she used to be with Morgen and his death hit her hard
Nacht experienced through drift the memories of Morgen and Josele, so even though he had feelings for her as well he pulled back
Now he can't leave, something urges him to stay and watch her back
Lisa & Julius
Julius saves Lisa during one of the Kaiju attacks
She is grateful and joins the fight against them
She becomes one of the military advisors and watches over the missions
Her and Julius's relationship develops and they become very close
Zora & Odette
Zora is the best on the simulator. He kicks ass of all of those who are "better fit" to be jeager pilots, but there's one problem. He can't find anyone to drift with.
He meets Odette a new trainee brought by Yami
And somehow they click
Now they need to go through training until getting their jeager
Nozel & Helena (obviously I have a more developed story here as well)
Helena is a doctor from Spain who wishes to help with the Kaiju war so she gets a job at the Clover base
Little does she know, that she will fall for a mysterious and cold jeager pilot
Nozel and Helena meet during a mandatory health check up for pilots, because she fills in for his previous doctor, with who Nozel parted on bad terms
Nozel is even more angry about the doctor change and they start off at the wrong foot
Additionally their personalities and views on how the jeager program is conducted differ
However with time something, maybe curiosity, mystery and definitely desire, draws them towards one another, but they keep their relationship secret
However that's not the only secret that Nozel hides...
The only one who knows about Nozelena is Fuegoleon, because he shares a drift with Nozel
Poor Fuego has to watch them be not necessarily proper 😂. However it's not like his attention is not completely swept by a foreign Drift specialist...
Fuegoleon & Solara
Solara is a specialist, when it comes to drift. She compares the memories to the flowing river and teaches the pilots how to navigate and let it flow, so they would more efficient
She was brought to the base by Mereolona, who normally doesn't pilot, but can join in when needed (she's a beast then)
Solara feels a special connection to a certain red headed pilot, who is one of those she's supposed to help with his recent drift problems
At first Fuego and Lara are shy and some misunderstandings slow down the pace of their relationship
However as time passes it develops into something deep and real
There are some problems, because other bases, especially the one she transferred from, need Solara, but the pair fights to be together
Some OC owners have more developed stories for their own OCs. I hope I didn't mix anything here in this summary.
I to be honest have some specific ideas only for two (Nozelena and Astelle).
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ftmstock · 1 year
I've been writing this story in my head for awhile. I thought someone might like it, so I'm sharing. I can't figure out how to do read mores on mobile so if someone could tell me, I'll happily add one.
In short, this takes place in a farming town with a patron goddess. The culture of the town revolves around breeding, with festivals dedicated to it, public gang bangs, stockades in the town plaza, etc. At the end of it all, the men wash the women out with their piss. Once a woman has a child, she then belongs to whoever fucked her first. There are rituals around deciding who gets to go first, but it's complicated and I'll spare you.
You've just moved to the town, although you stayed there a lot as a child, before your transition.
Strangely enough, ftms are the most fertile. This puts them in a bit of danger. The men in the town are, of course, entitled to fertile wombs. And as an ftm, the goddess blesses you with a wonderful gift: multiple men can fertilize one of your eggs, making it possible for you to belong to all of them, communally. It's also far more likely you'll carry twins, or even triplets. Whoever fucks you first doesn't really matter then, does it?
For protection, the goddess blesses ftms with temporary infertility. If the ftm dedicates himself to her, he will have to de-transition himself, but she will remain infertile. If the ftm wishes to retain their masculine body (to a point - the pregnancy will feminize your body once you go through this, fair warning. And there's no telling what the men will decide to call you...), then they will blessed with fertility.
Ftms are very hard for the men in town to resist. Especially the farmers and the ranch hands. It's like they feel entitled to you, because you knew them growing up. All sorts of ages - the oldest in his 70s. They love to call you their little girl. Remind you of who you used to be. They humiliate you, beyond joyful to put you in the place they believe you belong in.
While you're pregnant, with the sperm of all the men in the town, each night they all rub your belly, before the fucking begins. They laugh at you when you cry about the pregnancy making you dysphoric. They squeeze your swelling tits, sucking on them, drinking your milk. (The goddess blesses you with yet another thing: your breasts begin to swell as soon as you're inseminated, and they produce milk only a week later). They finger blast your dripping cunt until you piss all over each and every one of them, and then you're their holes, to use however they please.
But, the sex becomes gentle, loving. You feel yourself grow attached to them. You'd do anything for them. And you'd do anything for their cock.
Just imagine how they'll use that power.
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maxvkisser · 5 months
heard ur looking for requests👀 how about sneaking around with lando or sargeant from your older brother who’s maybe a driver as well? thanksss <3
a/n - Hiii tysm for requesting!! I decided to write for Logan x male reader because not enough people write for him! (Sorry if it's formatted like shit I'm on mobile) i made readers brother Alex hope you like it !
Warnings - none, sneaking around (?)
Reader - male
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It was a regular race weekend and you got to be on the paddock because your older brother, Alex Albon, is racing for Williams, totally not because you want to see his teammate who's also your boyfriend, the worst part was sneaking around Alex, who didn't know that you and Logan were dating, and you didn't know how he'd feel about you dating his literal teammate. The race was finished and Logan surprisingly got a high place for a williams, along with Alex who was one place behind him, you were happy for the both of them. Right now you were talking to your brother about the race, and saw Logan from the corner of your eye with his suit half off, you excused yourself from the conversation, following Logan to his drivers room. The two of you got to his drivers room, you immediately congratulated him on his place, kissing his cheek "Logan you got an amazing place, that was an incredible race for you!" You said smiling, while lightly punching his shoulder, he smiled, chuckling "thank you, thank you" he said and kissed you, the two of you kissed for a while and then cuddled on the excuse of the bed the drivers have in their drivers room, then you heard your brother calling out to you, it has probably been around 10 minutes since you left him, and you two probably need to head back to the hotel now "oh fuck" you whispered to yourself, Logan let out a sigh "I'll see you later babe" he said, kissing your cheek "you should probably wait till he's not around here so he wouldn't suspect anything" he said and you nodded, waiting for Alex to go to a different place before going to the bathroom, making it look like you just finished doing your business.
a/n - sorry if this is short & not the best 😭🙏🏽
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
A yandere alphabet for Sanford from MC, please?
Sure! I'll give it a shot :) Writing this on PC as mobile is having issues, sorry for formatting errors. If anything writing on PC is probably better for my wrist/tendon. So maybe it's a blessing in disguise, lol? I'll wait a few days to see if things fix themselves.
Yandere Alphabet - Sanford
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, Delusional behavior, Violence, Blood, Murder/Death, Implied trust issues, Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Sanford is very emotionally driven once he's obsessed with you. While he was originally rather cocky and serious when you first fought alongside him, later on he shows a great deal of care towards you.
Sanford could get very intense at times, although he is a yandere with a slow build up. His love for you starts small, like just genuine care for your well-being like he is with Deimos. Then it evolves into him wanting to care for you more than a friend. He wants to protect you and be the one you love. He wants to keep you all to himself in a fantasy he's made in his head.
He's slow to obsess... but when he does, you've gone too far.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Sanford can get really messy. It's his job, but when he's around you he tries to hide it from you. You may be used to it but he doesn't want to show how into it he gets.
Plus, he can get aggressive if he's attacking someone for being around you. He does more personal murders out of your sight. Y'know... so you don't suspect him of killing your friends or something?
The blood is just from A.A.H.W... he promises you.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Sanford treats you like a doll, one he's afraid will break if he's too rough with you. He is careful to prepare your needs and isolates you from any possible dangers. He trusts Deimos and Hank, but even you rarely see them.
He sees them as a danger to you and the relationship between you two.
Sanford would never want to mock you. He loves you too much for such a thing. He took you in to care for you, to be your protector, why would he purposefully make you sad?
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He tries to limit it, he wants to be patient with you as to not ruin anything. However, if he feels an action or decision will harm you in any way, he is there to prevent it. Anything like more intimate affection or that he knows better.
Sanford wants to wait until you're ready, he's willing to wait forever if it means you'll love him back. It's sort of nice, as he's genuinely very caring.
Yet he's still kidnapped you. So there's that.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He is very vulnerable to you. He can't really be vulnerable anywhere else. So when he's just with you, even in isolation surrounded by concrete walls, he opens up. Sanford even tries to encourage you to do the same.
He is very honest with his feelings and wants you to do the same. Again, it would be sweet if not for the situation.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Extremely hurt. Sanford is caught in the delusion that you love him back. If you fought back he'd try to tolerate it. He'd tolerate it enough to restrain you and scold you.
Yet later you can tell it gets to him, he's nearly on the verge of tears and wonder why things aren't going his way. He just wants to care for you... why can't you see that?
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
This is not a game to him and he hates watching you escape.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Him kidnapping you or seeing him in the act of something he shouldn't be doing. You've seen Sanford use violence, you've seen him kill. However...
You've never seen him kill someone you knew. You've never seen him yell at them that they're "taking you away from him". You've never seen him enjoy maiming that person either.
Then, when he's caught... you never expected him to panic.
You never expected him to snap and abduct you into isolation after that.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He's rather classic with it. He imagines a domestic life with you. A life in isolation and away from the violence of this maddening world. To him, that's the ideal life. It makes him all fuzzy to think about. He's willing to wait as long as it takes to obtain such a desire
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Sanford does get jealous but tries to hide it. He tries silently coping at first... but then his delusions kick in. He starts to think others are trying to take you from him. Then he starts slowly picking people off.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Sanford acts very caring. He is attentive to your needs and would get you anything you need. He is protective and often keeps an eye on those around you. In terms of affection he is a big one for hugs and maybe kissing your forehead. Anything further he waits for you permission.
He's a gentleman, someone surprisingly raised right in this world.
It's a shame his mind slowly begins to leave him as he falls for you.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
It starts with you two working together. You're used to Deimos, Hank, and 2B. You and Sanford get along well and far as you can tell he just wants to protect you and his allies. It's from here that he begins to fall for you more and more.
He's rarely seen away from you and often asks how you're doing. He just appears like a friend with maybe parental qualities. Then he begins to give into his more delusional thoughts.
Soon he's suffocating in his presence... up until things go bad.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Somewhat. He does appear softer with you than others.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Sanford loathes the idea of actually hurting you. He opts instead for restraints so you have to ask him for everything. In his eyes that will teach you to rely on him.
As this is what he imagined for your relationship.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He tries to have you keep most of your rights. Except freedom and the ability to get away from him.
Other than that, you're free to roam in the little "home" he set up for both of you.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He'll try to be as patient as you need him to be.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
He'd have a really hard time with it. He was protecting you to prevent any of this from happening. He'd have a hard time believing it before falling into a deep depression if I'm being honest.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
A little but he probably would not let you go.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Hard to say, most likely the environment he was thrust into though.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Horrible. Sanford feels incredibly guilty that you're acting like this. Yet at the same time he feels it isn't his fault. He just needs to be nicer and more accommodating, yeah? So, he'll comfort you through the pain like a good partner should.
Even if it seems to make things worse.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Probably not?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
It's hard to escape once he has you, but you can try to prevent it. Keep yourself safe and give him attention. It at the very least prevents the inevitable.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
He tries not to, anything that does hurt you is by accident.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He isn't quite a worship yandere but certainly has the qualities. He'd go to great lengths to make you safe and happy. Primarily safe.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Quite a long time, as stated before he is slow to obsess and quite patient.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Unintentionally, yes
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jovenshires · 5 months
You’ve probably been asked this before but what’s like your fanfic writing process?? Like how do you end up writing your fanfictions?
i actually haven't but i'd be happy to talk about it!! i'm actually writing fic right now, so here's what i've done in the past like. hour. im gonna put it under the cut bc its EXTREMELY long but if you ever wanted 'katie's guide to fic writing,' here it is!
i'm pretty easily distracted, so i've gotta make sure i'm in like. The Right Conditions. that means phone face down or away if i can (rn i've got to be on call in case my boss needs smth but you get the gist) bc i WILL just open tiktok or play a mobile game. even just now writing this answer i have picked up my phone and opened pinterest. i cannot be stopped so i try to stay off it and put it down when i catch myself!!
more and more often i cant even listen to music while i write - partly bc i tend to read my work aloud to myself to make sure it sounds right and partly bc my brain will be like "you know this song omg the words are in your brain" or "you should go look at what song this is bc you kinda like it". cannot trust myself even with sound. if i AM listening to music while i write, it's either the specific playlist for that fic, playlists with the right vibes (ex: rivals-to-lovers for iwks), OR anime openings bc. less likely to get distracted when it's not in english tbh.
(huge on all of the senses so i also usually have a candle lit. im super sensitive to smells so if there's an unpleasant smell somewhere around me i will be unable to focus <3)
all that being said about distractions, i think it's important to take breaks - dont just FORCE yourself to write. that's why i'm huge on setting goals for myself - deadlines, word count goals, timed breaks. like "okay im gonna sprint write for 10 minutes and then after that ill watch some of this danny gonzalez video" or "i'll write until 3:30 and then i should go take a break and read a book." im not always faithful to my goals but i try my best!!
as for the actual writing itself, i typically just go for it. i can usually see an image in my mind and i try my best to write that out/describe it as best i can. and then if it sounds wrong i just reword it again and again until i've got it. this is kind of where my reading aloud bit comes in - if it sounds right when you say it out loud, that generally means it sounds right in the text.
sometimes i'll just have a certain scene or just scraps of dialogue and i'll write that out and be like "okay how did they get here." i never embraced writing out of order until recently, but now that i have. no going back tbh i highly recommend it. rwylm and iwks especially had scenes WAY later down the line that i wrote first. just write what comes naturally and go from there.
occasionally i do outlines, but not super often, and when i do they're vague as hell. i think a lot of my iwks outline was just "game" and then "another game but tommy is there this time." i think outlines that go too in-depth kind of take away from the freedom of writing so. if it's for you then slay but its usually not for me
i try not to worry too hard about. the style/grammar/little things as i go. of course im guilty of this and i'll stop and edit my own works along the way sometimes but i've found it's best if you keep writing and then go back later!!
sometimes when i'm writing a new smosh cast member i'll go back and watch videos/compilations of them just to reorient my brain. i've done this a lot with chanse recently!! but i also think. it really isn't that deep too NSDKFNKNK like these are fictionalized versions of fictionalized selves and so on and so forth so don't worry about 'voice' too much im trying to kick that habit myself
EDIT: oh i've talked about this before but. as for ideas/where my fic ideas come from?? i truly try to grab from my every day life. oh i went to the grocery store today? what if smosh member a and smosh member b went to the grocery store. i watched a horror movie and you know who else could do that. otherwise i pull from music/movies/tv shows/other media and be like 'this but for smosh.' i really just be pulling from my life and repackaging it thats all. start small (haircut fic) and work your way up (homoerotic soccer epic)!
and i think that's it?? i'd like to think im pretty chill about the whole thing. (read: i am not chill in any way at all but im trying my best.) anyway, it's something i'm always happy to talk about - thank you for asking!!
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fangirlfrom-hell · 8 months
A Day Full Of Emotions (Also the first time Jay sees Becca dance) || Jay Halstead x Healstead Sister || Healstead Sister one shot
*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly delated my blog 🫠
Summary: There is a big art festival happening in Chicago and Becca will dance a solo for the first time in front of people. Jay has to work as a cop and can't be with her all the time as he wished. A bomb explodes in the event and everything becomes a mess. Bomb references to Season 5, episode 2.
Becca is Halstead sister. Remember she's a theatre girl. I might write something short about Hailey and Kim trying to do Becca's hair, because that's cute.
The song Becca is dancing is In- A-Gadda-Da-Vida by Iron Butterfly, but only the part of the drums. Minute 6:29, for a better reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCkHanF4v1w
It was finally Saturday and the weather was perfect to be outside. It seemed like luck was on Becca's side, but she wasn't feeling very happy. In fact, she was feeling sick, nauseated. She laid on bed staring at the ceiling, until someone knocked at the door.
-"Morning, kiddo!" It was Jay. -"I'm sorry to wake you, but it's getting late and I need to get ready to work, so...".
Becca used to sleep in Jay's room whenever she stayed at his place. He always preferred to sleep in the couch, so she could be confortable in a proper bed.
-"Oh, yes. I'm sorry. It didn't crossed my mind". She said while standing up.
-"Don't worry. I'll just grab some clothes and get dressed in the bathroom. You can get ready in here...in fact, why are you still in bed? I have to drop you at your teacher's house on my way to the bullpen".
-"Yeah, about that...". Becca said scratching her eye. -"I don't think I'm going...".
-"What do you mean you are not going?" Jay didn't even let her finish the sentence. -"You've waiting for this day to come".
-"I'm not feeling so good. I have a stomachache and it feels like I'll throw up".
Jay instinctively touched her forehead to feel if she was irritated or had temperature, but everything felt normal. He immediatly knew what was goinng on.
There was a big art carnival happening in Chicago that day and Becca was going to participate in a dance group that would be moving around the park performing in different spots Mobile Dance, they called it. Her teacher gave her a solo and she was ready to do it, but it would be her very first time performing in front of an audience and the idea suddenly freaked her out.
-"You're good. You are just nervous". Jay said smiling.
About an hour later, Jay was helping Becca to put her backpacks inside of the truck, getting ready to leave. She was unusually quiet, but he didn't want to force any conversation.
-"Is Will coming?" Becca asked in the co-pilot seat.
-"I don't think so". Jay sighed. -"He has a shift at the hospital". Jay lied to Becca, not knowing if that last statement was true. He was mad at his brother for always puting their sister aside. He was also tired of lying for him, but he did it to protect Becca's feelings.
There was no reaction from Becca. The silence among them took over again.
-"I'm so sorry I can't go with you through all the stations. Since it is a huge event for the city, Platt asked us to be there patrolling. There's never enough cops for these things".
-"For the millionth time, Jay: don't worry, It's ok. I understand for real".
-"It's just that I don't feel confortable changing plans with you like this". -He continued with guilt.
-"Well, it's not like you won't see me, anyway...".
-"No. I'll be there in the third stop you make, that's the part of the park I'll patrol. I have my event map with the exact place and hour. I'll be in the spot a few minutes after you arrive to make sure to be in the front when people start to gather around".
-"And you won't get in trouble for that?"
-"I asked Platt, she agreed...in fact, she got a bit excited, don't be surprised if you find her among the crowd too". That made Becca blush in embarrassment. She hadn't tought there would be so many known people around. -"I'll be in my uniform, just rememeber that if you look for me".
That made Becca giggle, she always thought her brother looked funny on his police uniform.
-"All right, Bec. We're here". -Jay said while parking the truck. -"Is there any other of your friends coming here before the show?". He tried to ask casually. He didn't like the idea of leaving his little sister alone with someone he barely knew, even though it was her teacher. Anyway, he didn't have any other option, he had to go to work.
Above all, he didn't have the hability to do her artistic make up, nor to comb her hair as it was instructed: to braids up, one on each side. They should stick back to the head forming a circle. The idea was that they looked like horns. He tried, but failed miserably. Kim and Hailey wanted to help and gave it a try but ended up cursing whoever had the idea of that hair style. That's when Becca talked to her teacher and she proposed Jay to take care of her. She knew about Becca's family situation and was genuinely glad to help that little joyful kid.
-"No". Becca answered her brother's question. -"They all are going with their moms". That last piece of information was unnecesary, but she couldn't help it. She had certain grudge inside her chest, though she probably wasn't aware of it. Jay knew better and remained silent, thoughtful.
-"Hey! I will be there!". There was no more he could say.
-"I know". She smiled. That made Becca get out of her own mind.
The carnival was already full of people when Becca and her teacher arrived. They gathered with the dance group a few minutes before it was time to start. She looked around and found Kim among the cops, they waved hello when their eyes met. Burgess immediatly send a text to Jay: I just saw her, everything's ok. She looks fine . As the overprotective brother he was, Jay had his own security plan and the team was helping him to keep on eye on his sister.
As the hour drew near, Jay started to feel a mixure of excitement and nervousness. Involuntarily, he started to approach the place his sister would dance.
-"Isn't a little bit early?" Hailey asked following him.
-"Yeah. I don't know, I guess I don't want to miss it".
-"And you need to make sure she sees you". She guessed.
-"She needs to know someone is here with her, for her".
-"Well, she has a whole elite squad looking after her around the park and waiting to see her perform. She's not precisely alone...but I know what you mean. You are a good brother, she's very lucky to have you".
Jay just stared at Hailey, not knowing how to react or what to say, since he wasn't good dealing with these kind of feelings. The distant voice of a woman caught their attention before the moment became unconfortable. It came from a microphone afar: "...Come, everyone. Follow us to the mobile dance...". She was carrying a speaker.
-"It's them". Jay said looking at the horizon, searching for his sister among the heads of the group that was approaching them. He was nervous and couldn't hide it.
"...We are a dance group created by several institutions, dedicated to spread this art to every corner..."
-"There!" Hailey said pointing at Becca when she found her. -"So that's how the hair was supposed to look, uh". She laughed.
Becca was wearing a black leotard and black tights, nothing more. Her ballerina shoes were color red. She looked relaxed, but Jay didn't buy it, he knew how good she was to hide her feelings and emotions.
A lot of people began to gather while the woman with the microphone invited them to the show. Becca was moving her head from one place to another, eyes wide opened: "He said he would be here!", she said to her teacher. And he was right in front of her, on the other side of the circle that was now formed around the pallet where the dancers would perform. When their eyes met she greeted him effusively.
There was a ballet performance first, something classic with four teen ballerinas; then there was a tap number, a cheerful piece. All of the girls were presented as part of Becca's school, but Jay wasn't really paying attention to any of them, he just applauded by inertia at the end of each song. His anxiety for Becca grew after each number and Hailey noticed, thinking that was a cute gesture coming from a man like him.
-"Now..." -The woman on the microphone spoke. It was time for the third number. -"...presenting a choreography by Martha Bennett...".
-"That's Becca's teacher". Jay tensed up, touching Hailey's shoulder.
-"...Becca Halstead".
Jay's applause was considerably louder than everyone else's while the girl got into position. The music started to play, it was a psychedelic mix with drumbs. She was moving with very precise and abrupt movements, very mesmerizing.
-"Wow!" Hailey expressed. -"I've never seen her like this. She's usually so tiny, cute and shy".
-"I didn't...knew she could do this". Jay answered without taking his eyes off his sister. Many feelings began to form inside of him.
-"She's a whole different person".
When she finished, the public applauded in a normal way. It was Jay and Hailey who did it most effusively, even shouting with excitement. Becca turned to them a little bit embarrased and gave them a forced smile.
"Thank you for staying with us, this is Mobile Dance..." They announced through the microphone when all of the numbers were over. "...Please tag us if you post our dances online...".
As soon as she could, Becca ran to her brother's arms and he hugged her tight, lifting her a little bit.
-"You killed it!" Hailey said to the little girl.
-"Thanks...I actually messed up in like a lot of parts...".
-"Don't be so hard on you! You did great!" Her teacher yelled from a few steps far.
-"I think you were perfect. I'm actually very...impressed". Jay said with pride.
-"You are?"
-"I'm really proud of you". Becca smiled with teary eyes at her brother's statement.
-"Hey! Why don't we take a picture of you two?" Hailey proposed with her cellphone in hand. -"Seems like a day to remember".
Jay and Becca posed to the camera, both showing a bright smile.
-"You should take one with us too". Becca invited her brother's partner.
-"Uh--". She hesitated looking at Jay, who nodded in agreement. -"Sure".
-"There you go!". The lady who helped them take the photo said. -"Sush a beautiful family".
-"I-- should go back to our spot". Hailey said before running away.
At the same time, the dance group was ready to move to the next station. Becca's teacher called her to go.
-"I'll see you later, ok? I'll take you to dinner, whatever you want". He said as Becca was walking to her group. Jay's heart started to beat very fast as he saw his sister depart. -"Be careful, all right?".
The girl just answered with a thumb up. One of the moms in the group noticed the scene and addressed Jay: "Don't worry, Detective. She's not alone. We are taking good care of her!"
At the other side of the festival, Burgess, Atwater and Ruzek were walking the place.
-"So where am I getting these pastries for the boss?" Kim asked with a laugh.
-"Uh, Voight likes Ferrara's". Kevin answered. -"I personally think that Scafuri's better".
-"Is that what you think?"
-"Of course".
-"Ferrara's it is". She concluded.
-"Ferrara's it is". Adam repeated.
Kevin got apart from the group for a few seconds and noticed something strange: a van parking in a closed alley. His instincts told him that something was wrong.
-"Hey, we got a dark van with no plates, 5 o'clock". He said in the radio.
-"All right". Adam answered the call. -"That alley was supposed to be closed to traffic".
Two man got out of the van and started o walk way fom the place.
-"Hey, yo, genteman!" Kevin yelled trying to stop them, but they started to run. The officer ran after them.
-"Kim, you seeing this?" Adam asked.
-"Go! Go!" She said as they reached the van. There was smoke coming from the inside, as soon as they looked out they knew it was a bomb.
-"Son of a bitch! Clear this area and go". Adam ordered. -"I got Kev!".
-"50-21 Eddie. 10-1, 10-1. Roll us a bomb squad. We've a van with a possible explosive device.
Jay and Hailey listened to the call on their radios as an explosion sounded in the distance, alarming averyone around.
-"Shit!". Jay said. -"Let's clear the area".
-"Move! Move! Everybody get out!". Hailey started yelling.
-"Sergeant?" Jay talked to his radio as he was moving people with his free arm. -"My sister was heading to the North part of the park, do you have eyes on her? I need to know if she's ok".
-"Negative" -Platt answered. There was a lot of noise in her background. -"Don't worry, Halstead, I will find her".
As soon as she ended the conversation, she started to look around for the girl, but everything was a mess. People was running around in all directions, it was hard to see their faces. At that point, most of the 21st knew who Becca was, so it was easy for Platt to order some of the cops to be aware in case she crossed their ways.
Minutes later, one of them called on the radio "Sergeant, we found the girl". The crowd had already thinned, as most of the civilians had been evacuated, so it was easy for Platt to find them.
-"Thank God!" She exclaimed when she saw the little Halstead sitting under a tree.
-"We found her on the floor. She's a bit hurt, but nothing to worry about. She must have fallen while running, some people stepped on her". The cop informed. -"She wasn't alone, she was with her teacher. It was hard to convince the lady to go".
-"All right". Platt sighed. -"I'll take care of this now. Thank you, guys!"
-"Becca, it's Trudy. Do you remember me? Your brother sent me to find you. Are you feeling all right? I heard you were a bit hurt".
-"I feel a little bit dizzy, but I'm ok".
-"I think we should go to the hospital to check you, just to make sure everything is really ok".
-"No, I---Where's Jay?"
-Your brother is working right now. They got a heavy case and he needs to be there with the team. He's very worried about you, and I promised him I would find you and take care of you. So, would you let me take you to The Med? I will be right to your side all the time, I promise".
The next thing Becca knew was that she woke up in a different place. She was lying down in a sofa, facing the wall. As her eyes began to slowly open, she heard a distant conversation: "The doctor was worried for the hits in the head, but she said there is no damage, appart from some bruises and scratches she's completely fine. She asked me to call your father to know if he was home, and also to let him know she was fine. She didn't want him to pick her up, tough. She waited for you."
She turned around when she heard a door open and some foot steps approaching. Thet's when she noticed she wasn't wearing her dance clothes anymore. Instead, she was wearing a gray sweater with the CPD logo printed on the front. That's when she realized she was in the bullpen, the coffee room to be precisely, it looked so different at night with the lights off.
-"Hey there, sleepy beauty". Jay said crouching down to her level. -"I was told you were waiting for me. Sorry for the delay".
-"What time is it?" Becca asked standing up.
-"Hey, hey, hey, slow down. You hit your head, you gotta take it easy. How are you feeling?".
-"I'm fine, I'm just sleepy and tired. Sergent Platt took me to the hospital, The Med. Guess what: Will wasn't there". She said simply, while stretching her arms. Jay stared at his sister with sorrow.
-"Come on. I'll take you home, you need to rest properly". He stood up, but the girl didn't follow him. She just stared at the floor, immersed in her toughts.
-"Yeah, sure. I'm coming".
It was strange for Becca to see the building that empty. There was not a soul in the reception, except for Trudy, who was already leaving, and Hailey who was waiting for Jay to give her a ride.
-"Look at you, girl. Rocking the CPD sweater". Hailey said hugging her with one arm as they walked to the exit.
-"Can I keep it?"
-"Of course you can, sweetheart. It suits you well". Platt said with a smile.
-"I can't thank you enough for today, Trudy. Really, thanks for taking care of her".
-"Don't worry. It was my pleassure, Jay".
Jay was at the wheel driving unusually slow, Hailey was his co-pilot. Becca was in the back seat, her head agains the window. The road was dead silent. It could be because it was late and everyone was tired, but Jay knew her sister was holding something, that she wanted to say it but didn't know how to.
-"It was a day full of emotions, uh?" Hailey threw the question into the air. She was also feeling the tension between the siblings.
-"Yes it was". Becca answered with a dry tone.
Hailey turned to look at Jay, as he looked at his sister through the mirror.
-"Ok, Bec. Talk to me, what's on your mind?" He asked tenderly, not caring about his partener's presence.
-"He was there, Jay". Becca spit it out.
-"Who?" He was very intrigued.
-"Dad". She answered after a few seconds of silence.
-"In the park. Dad was in the festival. He saw me dancing, Jay". Becca frowned. She had to wipe away a few tears before they rolled down her cheeks. She didn't want them to see her cry about it.
Without noticing, Jay started to drive even slower, his mind going in circles. Hailey passed her hand to the back part of the truck to touch Becca's knee in a reassuring gesture.
-"Here we are". Jay sighed as he parked the truck in the usual spot, away from the house. -"Hey, today's plans were ruined, but we can have luch tomorrow". He turned to his sister. -"You choose what you want. We can also have a movie day if you wan to".
-"I like that". She smiled. -"Can I stay with you tomorrow?".
-"Sure. Just make sure you grab your uniform. For now, let's go, you shouldn't be out of bed. I'll walk you to the porch". When he got out of the car, he turned to the co-pilot seat: "Sorry for the waiting. It won't take long, Hails".
They were in the middle of the street when the door of the house suddenly opened. Both of the siblings freezed, their dad was there, standing in the door frame. Jay felt a heat inside of him that didn't let him move, he only reacted when Becca touched his hand.
-"It's ok. I can carry my bags". She said as she took them carefully from her brother. -"You don't have to say or explain anything. I know".
Becca hugged her brother goodbye: "See you tomorrow. Don't forget!". And she walked to the entrance, nervously.
Unwittingly, Jay was giving small steps back, until he made sure that the little girl crossed the fence and he turned back straight to the truck. Hailey saw everything, and even when she was not so sure of what was going on, she felt sympathy with his partner.
The two detectives stared to the front, watching how Becca was received by her dad. She stopped in front of him, they were having a small conversation. Jay was in a defensive position, ready to act if he needed to. Unexpectedly, they witnessed how Mr. Halstead hugged his daughter for a fragment of sencond. From the distance, Jay could tell Becca was crying. He was also submerged in a sea of ​​feelings.
-"A day full of emotions indeed, wasn't it?" Hailey broke the silence when the door of the house closed. She had a very strong impulse of hugging him, as if she knew he needed that kind of containment.
-"Yes is was". Jay answered swallowing his tears.
-"Want a beer and talk/not talk about it?" She offered.
-"Yeah. That would be helpful".
Thanks for reading. If you liked it, it would help my soul if you give it a like, comment or share 😌♡
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honeybeeloxs · 1 year
Ethan Landry x Male Reader
Thought I should write something cuter instead of, um, it being so goddamn negative all the time. If I feel like it I'll probably write a part 2 to this, if I feel like it... aka If I'm bored enough and have no ideas.
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Y/N and Quinn are best friends, Ethan is too scared to ask his crush out on a date because he's afraid he'll make it awkward if you said no, then continued to hang out with Quinn.
Takes place during the events of Scream (2022)
Ethan's been into you for a while, too scared to ask you out; he would find it awkward if you said no, then continued to hang out with Quinn; you went everywhere together. He noticed the tan cargo pants that hung loosely, and you paired that with a graphic t-shirt; he finally decided to tune into their conversation. "Well, I told him that." Y/N turned her head, his eyes on the shorter friend; the redhead smiled, "Whatever, he just thinks you're pretty." she replied, looking back to Ethan, who smiled at her. "Everyone thinks I'm pretty…." Y/N mumbled as he held his books closer; Quinn scoffed and rolled her eyes before smiling at her best friend. Ethan tuned out after that, but he could hear him laugh. He loved that laugh; just as they were about to turn the street corner and go home, a car horn stopped them.
"Quinn, Ethan… Oh hey, Y/N." Wayne smiled at him, "You guys need a ride home?" he asked, and Quinn accepted the offer. "Y/N, you need a ride home?" Quinn asks curiously, fixing her argyle skirt as she gets into her father's police car, "Nah, I'll pass, not feeling like getting in the Bacon-Mobile today." he responds, which makes Wayne let out a deep laugh. "Ethan?" the redhead asks her brother, who shakes his head, not saying a word. "Alright, I'll see you, Ethan, at home," Wayne says as he drives away. 
Ethan trailed behind Y/N, still looking at him; he blushed just thinking about him. "Hey, Eth," Y/N turns around, walking backward. "You're quiet than usual," he says as he turns back around, skipping a little bit. "You could totally talk more, ya know; I like your voice," he says, which causes Ethan to perk up; he blushes a little bit; oh!?, Y/N like his voice? Maybe he does have a chance. "R-Really?" he stutters; he can admit he's a bit nervous. "Yeah, How's Richie doing? I know he's got his dick wet lately with his girlfriend; what's her name again, Sandra?" Y/N laughs out; Ethan likes how blunt and bold you are; you have no filter, I guess. "Samantha." Ethan corrects him, "Quinn told me all about her. Seems like a real nut job if you ask me." Y/N replies. You two stop in front of the Kirsch's house, "Hey, maybe we could go out, without Quinn, like a date." Y/N says, looking up at Ethan; Ethan could feel the heat go to his ears. "S-Sure! I'll love that." he finally stutters out a response. "Okay, well, maybe we could go to that roller rink on Turner Lane." Ethan looks down at you as you cock your head smiling, "O-Okay! Yea, I'm down." he responds and smiles at him. "Well, you obviously know my number, so… Ill see you later," Y/N says as he grabs Ethan's cheek to kiss it. Y/N turns around and walks across the street to his house; Ethan can't do anything. He's too shocked, so he watches Y/N walk into his home before stepping in.
He did have a chance with him.
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Knitting in G/T
Let's get started with a classic!
(This is a continuation of a conversation that began here, for context)
I'm intending for this to be partly an informative post, as well as a conversation starter in case anyone had ideas or questions regarding the topic. As part of the g/t writing community, I know how handy it can be to have resources for niche topics, so hopefully this can help or inspire someone! I'm going to talk about knitting in existing g/t media, some of the possibilities I can think of as far as knitting for giants and tinies go, and some examples of what gives me real life g/t vibes in knitting.
Knitting, for clarity, is the art of turning yarn into fabric using a pair of needles. It seems like one of those crafts that people have plenty of ideas about with tinies, but doesn't so readily come up with giants. Maybe we'll fix that here, we'll see!
In Media
I've noticed this has mostly been explored from the tiny side of things, at least in established media. Now's the part where I admit that I do not have a comprehensive understanding and grasp of g/t media, so if there are further examples of this that exist, I'd love to hear about them! For now, the most immediate examples I can think of is The Borrowers, both in the book and one of the film adaptations.
The first is featured in one of the original covers of the original book, a colorized version of an illustration that shows Homily knitting on a pair of pins.
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The text describes her as "knitt(ing) their jerseys and stockings on black headed pins, and, sometimes, on darning needles (...)" and goes on to describe her using spools of silk or cotton thread to do so. This is doable, especially since both thread and pins can vary in thicknesses, which can affect the way the fabric created behaves. One would simply need to find or make pins that were more dull, because those things can get Sharp!
Darning needles, which are slightly bigger than what you'd think of as sewing needles but still pretty thin, are a little thicker and I would think would be used with something a bit more substantial than thread. I'll get into this more in depth when I get around to talking about spinning, but yarn can be spun pretty finely, and tinies could easily be resourceful enough to manage to get it to a usable size, no matter the needles used.
As an aside, the BBC's 1992 iteration of The Borrowers quietly goes into more detail about this side of their existence. It ran for two seasons, covering most of the books up til "The Borrowers Aloft", I believe. The whole thing can bee found on YouTube, and someone recently posted an HD remaster!
Homily's knitting crops up throughout the first arc as not only a tool for keeping her family warm, but as a way for her to cope with her anxiety. She quickly picks up her knitting (from a small ball of wool she seems to have wound herself rather than from a spool, which is much more mobile) after an argument with Arrietty, and while she waits for Pod to come home from late-night borrowing.
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Then, after they flee the cottage, they collect wild wool (seen above) from the brambles to use as insulation, and I believe the implication is that it's later spun into yarn for Homily to use to make Arrietty a sweater/jumper and herself a cardigan, shown in this short clip:
Seriously, if you haven't seen this adaptation, I highly recommend! Lookit Homily getting to be a bit of a badass for once!
The Potential
Knitting like this is plausible in g/t spheres, in my opinion. A lot of modern knitting has grown to lean away from separate straight needles like the pins would facsimile, choosing circular needles instead. Basically it's a few inches of solid needle attached to a flexible cord that more easily allows a knitter to work in a continuous tube (like hats), but they can be used to make flat things (like scarves) as well.
Even if an article is made of tubes- hats, sweaters, and even socks- they can still be made flat and seamed together. So if all a tiny has access to are a pair of pins, or if all a giant can do is carve and polish some wood into straight needles, it's a perfectly valid way to go about things. I'm not going to put a limit on the innovations of big or small folk to be able to come up with workarounds if they truly wanted to make a circular needle equivalent, though. Maybe a tiny could use a sturdy yet flexible bit of wire with the tips worn down to a taper, or a giant could MacGyver something with literal cabling, who knows? I'm all for hearing other ideas!
Real Life G/t Vibes
Most Vibes I get from knitting are from things made with really thick or thin yarn. Big, chunky yarn reminds me of how even the thinnest of yarn would probably still be quite lofty to a tiny. To me, it gives the feeling of having found doll's clothing and using it to keep warm!
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The Harper Jacket by Ciadree via Ravelry.com
And I know it's not really useful to a hypothetical giant, but knitting tiny things does give one the feeling of being big. I'm often reminded of Althea Crome, the self-proclaimed micro-knitter who made the knits in the movie Coraline and has a whole gallery of miniature knitted art!
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Mixing different weight (sizes) and colors of yarn also gives me very homemade, using what you have on hand even if it doesn't match kinda vibes, which I find fitting for both giants and tinies. They (most likely) don't have textile shops where they can get all matching bits. Or maybe they do, and that's valid, too! I'll get into more detail about that when I talk about scraps and stash eventually, but I think this post has gotten quite long enough.
If you have any more ideas or questions about this topic, and especially if you have more examples in existing g/t media that I don't know of or forgot about when writing this, please do keep the conversation going!
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thepowerisyouth · 3 months
Eh mental health is annoying. Buying & cooking cheap low-FODMAP diet is annoying. My best top note for now is I'm using this blog to practice writing. I need more practice in it. I only know business, accounting & economics stuff. Its stupid stuff. Theres too much actual fraud everywhere that its annoying
Also I use mobile so formatting sucks cause Nvidia GPUs, or Arch dont like tumblr site. Or tumblr site dont like tumbkr site
Also also I 100,000% support all my fellow ones-and-zeros and their identity. Everyone is welcome here.
Except transphobes/zionist/long list of others but you get it. I'll help harrass any of those types endlessly if someone wants to tag me, and bring me in on an argument like that friend you call for backup with fights
Im unhinged so who's to say exactly what will end up here but this is also a completely public blog to me friends, family, hell, even acquaintances i dont give a fuc.
Blog should be expected to be roughly as child-friendly as simpsons or bobs burgers. But also boring like a civics/economics lesson sometimes. Yay
I (and my husband) am ex mormon. Its a weird thing. Look into it if you havent recently. Realllllyyyy look into. Takes time to figure it all out in this fuckin fucked up world.
I just moved a year ago. Didnt watch the US stock market as much as I normally do. Had my first snowstorm 10 weeks ago, that was.. fun to handle while ill prepared. About 6 weeks ago I was hopping back on the market and notice its a huge tech bubble about to pop and all the conditions Ive been warned about my whole career imply this is not good. Just took a little more thinking & digging and I'm a little too confident to stop talking about it now.
(Oh I'm also care-free as fuc so I dont really read or desire to change past posts more than lil-nitpicks. More informative for the reader & myself-in-the-future-reading that way)
And I'm not kidding I do love feedback & questions. Its a very public blog tho so I get that part for sure.
If you search "life story" in my tags I had that pinned for a min Im just moving shit around rn
Being poor sucks. Will write more on that later.
First of all-- the exact timeline of an "economic shock" is literal insanity. Dont worry about the exact timing of any of this-- just know its doomed to happen soon.
Here are some effects I predict of this upcoming economic downturn
If anyone comes across any sources for these events that support my arguments please feel free to add in comments, reblogs, etc.
This concise list is mainly for my own reference, but it would be great to add to it if any one has something to add!
0.5. US Stock market collapse-- I have no desire to try and predict this one exactly. Too many conspiracies are actually correct about this big guy. Lets just say 7 US Tech stocks are worth 25% of the entire worlds market, roughly. "Too big to fail"-- I believe is the phrase
1. Corporate (slightly later will be residential by extension) real estate crisis: currently way too overvalued. Most of the houses, land, & urban corporate property we see could stand to decrease by about 60-90% from its current price.
2. Bankruptcy crisis: similar to the after-effects of the 70s inflation-- we can expect to see a huge wave of bankruptcies affecting a variety of business: from the micro-self employed; to the small business with leased buildings; to the largest corporations who commit massive accounting fraud & hope to escape accountability in time
3. Bank runs-- there is an extremely high overreliance on the Federal Reserve, who does not have good control over this situation. Once it becomes clear that there is a crisis (we call this a catalyst event)-- bank runs for physical cash are a surety. Hard to say how long a crisis like this might last. I should ask my siblings who lived near the SVB bank crisis hotspot (but those were rich fucks they do their "bank runs" over the phone)
3.5. Global currency collapse, which takes effect in every single local, state, & national economy at slightly different times. This means prices lower. Much lower. But takes time
4. Whatever the fuck the geopolitics is gonna do???. Its weird. You got Russia wanting to invade Europe? (Look at global economic forum 2024) Trump wants to let them. Biden wants to be an establishment corporate ass. North Korea has changed its #1 public enemy to South Korea (dont remember my source but it was a couple months ago). USA is stationing more troops in Taiwan, but probably only because of semiconductor technology?
The scope of our global financial woes are larger than can be explained in any of our lifetimes. Its much, much closer to pre-revolution France or the late 1920s. Big change is coming. Itll be soon
5. More to come
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owlwithanapple · 5 months
Your Hero
He is one of my favorite characters in mha. I want to write a future version of Bakugou Katsuki, I hope you guys will like it. 😘
Part 9.
( Bakugou Katsuki X Y/N )
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During the few days you were in the hospital, Dynamight and your brother took turns taking care of you. After all, they both have work to supervise, so you can't let them take care of you all day long.
After comprehensive testing and treatment by the hospital, you have recovered and are in good health. Four days later, the doctor will conduct a final check to confirm that you are healthy before discharging you. You stood at the door of the hospital with your belongings, waiting for your brother to pick you up and take you home.
After a while Damiant arrived to load your things into the car. You get in the car and fasten your seat belt, looking forward to returning home. You still can't escape Damiant's worries and thoughts along the way, although you know he cares about you.
"Remember not to be reckless next time, I have a bad heart." Damiant warns you.
"Okay~ I'll do my best!" you said mischievously.
"What do you mean try your best, I'll knock your head!" Damiant pinched your ear.
"Be merciful, dear brother~" you smiled.
"Remember what I said... I'm proud of you for becoming a hero, but you are still my sister." Damiant looked at you.
"I know." You smiled softly at him.
"But I still don't like No.1!" Damiant complained.
"You still have a bad relationship with Dynamight..." You sighed.
After arriving at your house, Damiant helped you get your things and followed you back to the apartment. Open the door and Damiant puts things into your room. This was the first time your brother came to see you where you lived alone.
"It's very clean." Damiant praised.
"Yes, my friends are here to help." You smile.
"A good friend, I feel at ease." Damiant felt relieved.
From the look on your brother's face, you really wouldn't dare say that it was Dynamight who came to help. He has a hatred-like relationship with Dynamight. If he knew that the first person to enter your house was Dynamight, his volcano would erupt.
Damiant walked into the study room and saw a lot of limited edition merchandise you bought. He smiled a little, after all you had loved heroes since you were a kid and always clamored to go to their fan meetings.
"Brother, I warned you not to break it. I will really cry." You peeked at the door.
"I know, if I break this out-of-print version, you will cry for three days and three nights." Damiant smiled.
"Shhhhh...you know too much." You smiled at the door.
Your brother's phone rings and you see the screen says client and you know he's going to be busy. He quickly picked up his briefcase and prepared to leave. Before leaving, he didn't forget to tell you to take your medicine on time and test yourself.
"Bye, brother." You waved goodbye to Damiant.
"Bye, don't forget what I said! Otherwise I'll knock you on the head." Damiant reminds you again.
"I know, you are so verbose. I will definitely remember it, and I won't let you knock my head if I don't remember." You laughed.
After Damiant left your house, you sat on the sofa and thought for a moment. During the temporary dangerous period, if I hadn't arrived at the hospital in time, I could have been saved. If you mess around again next time, you will be killed anytime, anywhere...
You knew that you were impulsive and wanted to ambush Villain alone. Fortunately, Deku and Froppy arrived immediately to arrest Villain, and Shoto sent you to the hospital for treatment in time.
You took out your phone and saw a few messages that you hadn't read yet, so you took advantage of the free time to reply to them one by one. In the hospital, you focus on the treatment so you don’t touch your phone. After all, you will see a lot of work things when you get a mobile phone.
You click in to see the information.
(Group Member: Mirio/Amajiki/Nejire/you)
😆M: Thank you for the rescue! Well done! Recuperate well in the hospital! 💪🏻
😋N: Neh! Neh! Neh! I heard the injury was serious! Get well soon! I also want to take you shopping! 🛍️
😖A: Wind... get well soon, I'll treat you to... takoyaki...🐙
🥸W: Everyone! I'm discharged from hospital! I will recuperate at home today. 🔥
Old friend 🦅 (Hawks)
🦅: Everyone is still worried about you. Please send me a message to say you are safe after being discharged from hospital🥸
🌪️: Yo! I was discharged from the hospital successfully and am currently recuperating~😝
Hedgehog 🦔 (Bakugou Katsuki)
🦔: Are you discharged from the hospital?
🌪️: Yes, I just got home. Thank you for taking care of me. I am in good spirits now! 😆
🦔: Very good, stay at home and don’t run around!
🌪️: Okay….🥲
🦔: I will bring you lunch after the meeting. Did you specify what you want to eat?
🌪️: Ice cream…..
🦔: Eat shit, bye.
—End of chat—
"Damn it! Eat shit?! You're the one who eats shit! Stinky hedgehog!" you shouted.
Speaking of hedgehog, you took home the flowers he gave you when you was hospitalized. The first time you received flowers from him you cherished them very much. You quickly find a vase to put the flowers in.
You go to the balcony and find a good place to put it. Although they are just simple flowers, what you see is Dynamight’s full heart. There were several nights in the hospital where he stayed with you until you fell asleep.
It makes you so embarrassed to think that you mustered up the courage to say such things to him at that time! What was wrong at that time! Talk about this kind of thing! So afraid of being scolded by him! But he still accepts your request.
"Hedgehog...if I really like you, will you like me?..." You said to the flower.
"Damn it! What are you talking about! Idiot! He's Dynamight! A workaholic wouldn't like an idiot like you! Wind Breaker, keep your feelings to yourself!" You tell yourself.
You go to the study room turn on the computer, his face is on the fucking screen. Seeing his face, you felt a little fond and a little unhappy. You retrieve the photo of you and All Might and put it back as your computer wallpaper.
Since today is a day off, let’s play a few games while no one is paying attention~ Just put on your headphones and start Game! You choose the Overwatch game and start playing ranked matches.
After playing for a while, you won a few games, but lost many! You are so unhappy! Tanker and Attacker are busy attacking the vanguard, ignoring you as Supporter! The result was a complete defeat.
"Damn it! Do you know how to play, these idiots!" you scolded.
Suddenly your phone rings and see that you have 5 missed calls from Dynamight. Holy Shit! Look at the clock, it's already afternoon time! He just seemed to say he would bring lunch.
Doorbell rings and you run to open the door. You saw Dynamight standing at the door and stamping his feet as if he was impatient. You hid behind the door and peeked at him because you felt his murderous intent was strong.
"Very busy?" Dynamight asked.
"I'm not busy...I was just playing games..." you explained.
Dynamight put down his lunch box on the table and walked to the study room see the game screen showing. He stared directly at you with fierce eyes, his expression already showed that he was furious!
"I stood outside the fucking door and rang the doorbell. I called several times and no one answered. I fucking thought you died at home! Idiot!" Dynamight yelled.
"I'm sorry... I realize my mistake... I won't dare to do it again..." You naturally knelt down on the ground and listened to him scold you.
"I'm acting like a fucking idiot! If I had known you were in there, I would have blown your house apart!" Dynamight shouted.
"I haven't paid off my mortgage yet, please don’t do it~" You feel so guilty.
You know he really cares about you, but in the end you still play games without checking the time. As a result now being scolded. But you don't hate him scolding you...because you know he does it because he cares.
"Fuck you, when will you learn to behave!..." Dynamight glared at you angrily.
"Stop scolding me. I really know I was wrong..." You looked at him with a pitiful expression.
"Tch, forget it. Get up and eat." Dynamight said with a smile.
"I knew you wouldn't be angry with me! Yahooo! You're the best" You jumped up excitedly.
"Shut the fuck up! ​​Woman!" he shouted.
"Woman? Which woman? Ka-tsu-ki..." You faced his face and teased him.
"Wow... guts." Katsuki lifted your chin.
From friends to comrades-in-arms and then to an ambiguous relationship... You don't hate having this kind of relationship with him, because if it was just a normal relationship between you two, he might not care about you as much as he does now.
You want to hug him...Why is this guy so attractive? Does hugging him suddenly count as an illegal assault on a hero? Did class mention it in before? Suddenly no impression of knowledge.
Dynamight put his arm around your waist and held you close. His face is on your shoulder, you can feel his breath close to yours. Now you don't hesitate anymore and hug him tightly.
"You really scared me, suddenly in danger." Dynamight said in your ear.
"I'm sorry for worrying you..." you said shyly.
"Damn it, promise me you will never act alone to lure a wolf into the house next time when you notice something is wrong." Dynamight stroked your hair.
"I promise you. But sometimes it depends on the situation at the time..." You closed your eyes and felt his body temperature, it was so warm.
"Enough, let me go!" Dynamight said.
"I don't want it...." You hugged him tightly.
"Tchh, damn you." Dynamight hugs you tight.
It's so warm, so close to him. Even closer than before. He hasn't let you go, can you expect something from him? Will there be a day when you can't suppress this relationship... Will he still come to you then?
Suddenly the phone in his pocket rang, and you quickly let go. You both look red-faced now. You hurry up and have lunch! He calmed down and answered the phone.
Fucking hell….He really hugged you! Oh my God! You idiot took advantage of this opportunity! You were about to eat and choked. He quickly handed you the water and patted your back, but his hand never left the phone.
"Idiot! I beg you not to choke again!" Dynamight hung up the phone and said.
"I made a mistake...Thank you for saving my life." You said after drinking some water to calm down.
"Ermm..." Dynamight was thinking about how to speak.
"If you have work, go ahead and I can take care of myself." You said.
"It's not work, it's something else." Dynamight said.
"Oh... You look very unhappy." You teased him.
"Shut up! You're noisy!" Dynamight scolded you.
You receive an unknown phone call and you answer-
"Who is it?" you said.
"Wind, it's me Shoto. Is it convenient now?" Shoto asked.
"It's convenient, you say!" You laugh.
"It's my dad's birthday today, are you coming to celebrate?" Shoto asked.
"Give me location and a time!" you said excitedly.
"Ok...message chat, bye." Shoto hung up the phone.
-Call Ended-
"Hedgehog, are you free now?" You asked him seriously, grabbing his shoulder.
"What?" Dynamight wondered.
"Help me choose clothes. Do you think I should wear a Kimono or an elegant one-piece dress?" You asked nervously.
"Fuck you! What the hell!" Dynamight exploded.
"In order to save my face, I must let him know my good side!" You said enthusiastically.
"Him? Who!" Dynamight shouted.
"Secret!" you said seriously.
"I don't know what the hell you're talking about! Think for yourself! Idiot!" Dynamight left your house and left you alone.
“How stingy! ” you complained.
At this time, neither you or Dynamight knew that you both would go to Shoto's house tonight...
After you finished eating, you remembered that Shoto invited you to his house to celebrate Endeavor's birthday. You excitedly ran to your room to change your clothes and get ready to go out and buy gifts. You put on your hat and mask and leave the house.
"Hmm, what should I give him?" You are confused.
You search online to see what gifts are suitable for you. Someone recommends a tie or wallet, but you don’t know what style suits him. You thought about Hawks drinking with him when he was around.
Are you looking for a sake shop nearby that has good reviews, especially its service attitude! Because you don’t know how to buy sake and you don’t know how to distinguish sake. It should be said that you can’t choose!
You walking and looking at your phone, suddenly bumped into someone and dropped the phone to the ground. You panicked and wanted to squat down to pick it up, you didn't realize that the mask had come loose and your face was exposed.
"Sorry, I didn't look at the road." You panicked and started to pick up the phone.
"Is it broken?" The man picked up your phone.
The white-haired man in front of you looks familiar, but you can't remember who he is. The man keeps staring straight at you, you wonder what he is looking at. When you touch your face, you realize the mask is loose. You quickly bring it back.
"Ermm, why are you wearing a mask?" the man asked.
"Eh? I haven't recovered from my allergy yet." Just find any reason to fool him.
"So, here you go, your phone." He returned the cell phone he just picked up to you.
You took the phone and confirmed that it was not broken but had a scratch on the screen, and you breathed a sigh of relief. You bow to thank him and leave. But the man in front of you is still staring at you.
"Excuse me, what's wrong? You keep staring at me." You asked.
"I'm sorry! It's nothing! Really!" He explained in a panic.
"Okay. Thank you, bye." You walked past him.
You still feel that the white-haired man is still looking at you from behind. You glanced back and saw that he was still standing there staring at you. Could it be that he recognized you as Wind Breaker?
But his expression doesn't look like he recognizes you as Wind Breaker. The strange thing is that his face is still a little red and you stop look at him. He came to his senses noticed you looking at him, he raised his hand to wave to you.
The tall white-haired man held a lunch bag in his hand. You look at him, when he looks at you he little dumb and little cute. You looked back at him, smiled and waved, leaving him alone.
"So cute... Damn! I forgot to ask her name!" said the white-haired man.
"Shit! I almost forgot Shoto's bento!" The white-haired man ran away.
Shoto Hero Agency—
Knock on the door and open Shoto's office and walk in. The white-haired man arrived and handed the bento to Shoto. Shoto saw the grinning expression on the white-haired man's face, and he put down what he was doing and started eating lunch.
"Natsuo, what's wrong? You're smiling so happily, something good happened?" Shoto asked.
"Oh, you discovered me." Natsuo said.
"Ermm is quite obvious." Shoto said while eating.
"Actually, I fell in love with a girl at first sight on the road just now, but unfortunately I didn't ask for her name and phone number." Natsuo said in a low voice.
"That's a pity..." Shoto said calmly.
"I missed it. I'm so stupid." Natsuo said.
"That girl beautiful? She can make you so fascinated that you fall in love at first sight." Shoto was curious.
"Yes! I was shocked too! Her mask was loose so I could see her front! She's so cute!" Natsuo said excitedly.
"I hope you can see her again." Shoto comforted.
"I hope too..." Natsuo sighed.
At this time you arrive at the sake shop. You look around and see the shelves full of sake lined up neatly. You ask the salesperson what sake recommendations are suitable for adult men. You don’t know what kind of sake Endeavor usually drinks.
The salesperson took some sake and explained to you the origin, ingredients and year of each sake. The salesperson pours you a glass and lets you taste it first. It tastes delicious and refreshing when you drink it, and you feel good.
You decide to take this bottle of sake named Juyondai Junmai Daiginjo Ryusen. You choose a red colored ribbon and tie a bow on the wine bottle. The salesperson will help you put it into a special box and put it in a beautiful bag.
You grab your bag and hurry home deeply afraid that accidentally break it, after all, it is worth a lot of money. Hope Endeavor will like the gift you and really hope he will praise you because he is one of the heroes you admire.
When you got home you carefully placed the gift on the table and ran into your room to choose clothes. In order to make Endeavor have a good impression of you, after all, the first meeting is quite awkward.
You chose a black long-sleeved shirt and a white high-waisted flared skirt to highlight your waistline. Then choose a pair of white high-heeled sandals and a white handbag.
You pose in front of the mirror and look at yourself. Dressing up after a long absence and attending Endeavor's birthday party for the first time. look forward to! You put Endeavor's photo in your bag and ask for an autograph if you get the chance.
Shoto posted that his home is located in Musutafu and the time of attendance is at 7pm. While there is still time, you quickly put your clothes away and take a hot bath.
You made a reservation for a driver to wait for you outside your apartment. After you confirm that you are neatly dressed, your heels are not broken, your makeup is simple and natural, and your gifts are not damaged in any way, you can go out safely!
6pm Todoroki Abode—
Because you were so excited, you arrived an hour early. When you arrived at your destinationand stood outside the gate. What a grand house! Very cool! You put away your excitement and pressed the doorbell and waited for the answer.
You see a beautiful woman with white hair come to the door and smile at you. You know who she is. She is Todoroki Rei, Endeavor's wife.
"You're so early, Y/N." Rei smiled kindly at you.
"Hello, thank you so much for inviting me" You bowed in thanks.
"You're welcome, come in." Rei welcomes you in.
The exterior of the house looks like traditional Japanese house, with views outside from the walkway and the garden in the middle. The interior of the house resembles a Japanese-style room with tatami mats.
You took off your shoes and entered the house to see the simple birthday decorations. Rei asks you to sit down and wait while she goes to serve you tea. You suddenly felt a little embarrassed, you put the gift aside.
Their home is Japanese style, you kneel down on the soft cushions and wait for Rei. Rei is even more beautiful than in the photo.Shoto's face looks more like his mother's than Endeavor's.
"Y/N! Welcome!" Fuyumi ran over to say hello.
"Long time no see, Fuyumi!" you greeted excitedly.
"I heard Shoto say that you just came back to Japan recently. Why don't you just come to me!" Fuyumi asked.
"I was just discharged from the hospital today and came here after receiving an invitation from Shoto." You said with a smile.
"It's okay. Shoto told me that I was scared when you were in danger." Fuyumi said worriedly.
"It's okay now, so I'm here too~" You smiled.
"But Y/N, you have changed so much! You have become so beautiful! Your temperament is completely different and you look very sunny." Fuyumi said.
"Really? I tried changing my style and I feel that simple style suits me better." You said.
"When father comes back later, I must let him guess who you are." Fuyumi smiled.
"To be honest, I'm quite nervous. I hope I won't spill the water." You said uneasily.
"Nonono, be confident! Beautiful girl!" Fuyumi encourages you.
"Thank you, Fuyumi." you said.
"Since you arrived early, do you want to accompany me to get the cake? Natsuo and mom are watching in the kitchen." Fuyumi said.
"Okay." You followed Fuyumi as she left the house and went for a walk outside.
You and Fuyumi chatted on the way to the cake shop to get cakes. When you first come, Fuyumi is always eager to entertain you. From then on you regarded her as a sister.
Natsuo and Rei are preparing the ingredients for the hot pot. Natsuo was chopping ingredients, while Rei was making soup.
"Mom, where is Fuyumi?" Natsuo asked.
"She went to get the cake with her friends," Rei said.
"Strange that she suddenly ran out." Natsuo said.
"What's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?" Rei approached Natsuo and asked.
"A bit. In fact, I met a girl today and fell in love with her at first sight, but..." Natsuo hesitated.
"But?" Rei asked.
"I didn't ask her name and phone number." Natsuo sighed.
"Hahahaha, there is a chance. Natsuo so nice, you definitely see her again." Rei comforted him warmly.
At this time Hawks and Shoto came to the kitchen—
"Yahoo, I'm interrupting. Ms. Rei, Natsuo~" Hawks walked into the kitchen.
"I'm back. Mom, Natsuo." Shoto said.
"Yo, Hawks. Welcome." Natsuo said.
"Where's Fuyumi?" Shoto said.
"Fuyumi went to get the cake with Wind Breaker." Rei said with a smile.
"Oh~ So with that lonely girl." Natsuo said.
"Is that so? I saw she was very beautiful just now." Rei said doubtfully.
"She very weird. Even knocked over father's cup before." Natsuo laughed.
"Hey Natsuo, don't let her hear you. Be careful she beats you." Hawks advised.
"I'm back. Why are you all in the kitchen?" Endeavor greeted.
"I'm back." Touya said.
"Hey, Endeavor, Touya. I'm here to interrupt~" Hawks greeted.
"Welcome back, Enji, Touya." Rei gave a warm welcome.
"Welcome back, dad, Touya." Natsuo and Shoto greeted together.
"Where is Fuyumi?" Endeavor looked around.
"She went to get the cake with that lonely girl~" Natsuo said with a smile.
"Is she coming too?" Endeavor was curious.
"I invited her to come and get together when she is discharged from hospital today," Shoto said.
"It's a good thing she get through the dangerous period." Endeavor reassured.
7pm Deku and Dynamight arrive together—
"Yo." Dynamight greeted.
"Thank you for the invitation." Deku bowed.
The Todoroki family, Deku, Dynamight and Hawks gathered in the living room to chat. 7pm, everyone brings the cooked soup base and hot pot ingredients to the table and sets them up. Wait for Fuyumi and you to come back before we start dinner together.
The Todoroki family has gone through a period of disharmony. Endeavor and Rei have reconciled, Natsuo has forgiven Endeavor, and Touya has returned to his family andcurrently undergoing treatment for his skin.
You and Fuyumi hadn't thought about going home until now. Talk about how you spent everything in America. You like chatting with Fuyumi very much, and the long-awaited meeting gives you endless topics to talk about.
You saw Fuyumi standing at the door thinking about something. It turns out that she wanted to give a surprise for Endeavor and let him see the lonely girl. She asks you to carry the cake and gift and hide it first, you follow her lead.
"I'm back! Sorry for being late~" Fuyumi said while standing.
"Welcome back, please sit down. Where's the other one?" Rei said.
"Hehehe, daddy! Everyone! Don't be shocked~ Come out quickly!" Fuyumi shouted.
You took a breath and walked out from behind the door carrying the cake and gifts and bowed to everyone present.
"Long time no see Endeavor." You smiled brightly.
"Y/N?! Is it really you? You have completely changed!" Endeavor was surprised to see you.
"Who is it?" Touya asked doubtfully.
"This is the first time we meet. I'm Y/N, Hero Name: Wind Breaker." You briefly introduce yourself.
"What the Fuck!" Natsuo was suprised.
"Aren't you the person I bumped in this afternoon? So it’s really Natsuo!" You looked at Natsuo in surprise.
"You, you, you... the girl?!" Your current appearance shocked Natsuo.
"Natsuo, you mean..." Shoto asked Natsuo in a low voice.
"Natsuo, is it her?" Rei was curious.
"Shut up! I can't accept it for a while! The changes are too big!" Natsuo said.
"Umm, Endeavor. I don't know what you like but I hope you like it. Happy birthday to you." You handed the gift to Endeavor.
"It's good that you come here. But you have become a lot more cheerful I feel relieved. Fuyumi and I are quite worried about whether you will be bullied in the United States." Endeavor took the gift and said with a smile.
"After all, Y/N was shy and didn't talk much when we first met." Fuyumi said, standing behind you.
You just now noticed that Deku and Dynamight were here too. Oh ya, Top 3 has worked at Endeavor Hero Agency before. You greeted them both.
"Hey! Half and half. How do you invite her?" Dynamight asked.
"Shoto asked me for her contact information. He said it would be more polite to invite her in person," Hawks said.
"Wind Breaker, congratulations on being discharged from the hospital." Deku said warmly.
"It's my dad's birthday today and invited her to have a party." Shoto explained.
"Don't stand talking, sit down quickly." Endeavor invites you to take a seat.
There is an empty seat directly opposite Dynamight, right next to Natsuo. After you sat down, you noticed that Natsuo would peek at you from time to time. When we met in the afternoon, he kept looking straight at you. Could it be that he was wary of you?
"Natsuo, are you feeling uncomfortable?" You looked closer at his face.
"Eh?! No! It's okay! I'm fine!" Natsuo looked away in panic.
"Rei...What happened to Natsuo?" Endeavor asked curiously.
"Hehehe, I don't know either." Rei snickered.
"Mom! Don't say that!" Natsuo shouted.
"So it's really her..." Shoto asked.
"Shut up! Shoto! Stop talking!" Natsuo said in a panic.
"I feel like Natsuo is so weird now." Deku said.
"Hey!" Natsuo blushed.
"Natsuo...could it be...No.1, you should pay attention~" Hawks said with a smile.
"Huh?" Dynamight looked at Hawks.
"Uh-hmmm. Today is Dad's and Endeavor's birthday. Let's all cheer!" Fuyumi raised a glass.
"Cheers!" everyone shouted.
Part 9 end.
*If you have any ideas, you can leave them in the comment section, and I will try to add in the story.*
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cherryberg · 2 months
Also. This is your sign to introduce an OC. Here and now
hi ardate :] this is a bit late but, since i did it, i might as well introduce her now in this post
for my april fool's day joke, i did a little trick on the find everything discord server where i made a handful of screenshots showing a new (fake) character:
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this is Myla Warper, a Whatsit Woods NPC
i don't have much on her at the moment, and i suspect a lot about her lore will become obsolete when 0.3 comes around, but essentially, she's an engineer and the inventor of the Warp, the in-game fast travel system. she spends a lot of time at home, but is getting out a little more, using the Warp and a range of mobility aids
she managed to trick a few folks (which, looking at how the first find everything hoax, wouldn't've been a hard thing to pull off) but, shortly after - though, in retrospect, it could've been left revealed until the end of the day, i revealed the prank with:
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anyway, i'll put the fake screenshots under the cut and maybe post Myla concepts in a reblog :] + notes. there'll be notes. i've got notes
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i don't remember when exactly i conceptualised Myla, but it might've been between when 0.2 was released and when the developers streamed their 0.2 launch stream a few days later. this is because i had this thought of Myla living in that old abandoned house, working away at her tech (in the early stages, Myla's outfit in my mind would be a the classic tanktop and half-worn jumpsuit where the top half was tied around her waist, you know the look), but obviously had to be just a fun scrapped idea when it was discussed on the stream that Old Man Majig lives there
still, Myla being hidden away in this corner of Whatsit Woods is reminiscent of that idea i guess. it is also just a very good spot for something you could've missed, especially since the community had been combing through save files looking for the second fun value, but it does sort of make her following dialogue a little strange as she's not near any Warp pads
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this bit is meant to, like, mirror dialogue from "tutorial NPCs" who casually introduce new concepts to the player. having worked hard on drawing Illie last year for Halloween, i had her a lot in mind, with Illie also being a tutorial NPC. looked over her 5 lines of dialogue a lot to try and get the vibe down right (of course, she wasn't the only one, but she was the main one) .. i can wrap my head around the Find Everything art style, but writing stuff that matches the FE vibe got me stumped so i hope it didnt stand out all that much
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originally, those first two lines where different and. stiffer for a long while ("I actually make a few Warp Drives myself!"/"Er… Let's not be humble, maybe more than a few. Maybe all of 'em."), but i think it worked out in the end. the very first bit of dialogue was also changed ("Hey there, blockling! Just on a walk.") to just be combined with the next line but i just really wanted to preserve that "blockling" here. i know it's just the species name of like. the Roblox character, but it also reads as a little endearing term to me
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ahh, the reason why i sort of thought up Myla in the first place. see, a big contention in the find everything community is Whatsit Woods being the only major area in the game without a Warp Drive, despite there already being Warp pads by its entrances in two neighbouring areas. the lack of a Whatsit Woods Warp is very likely to be changed with the 0.3 map rework, but i always thought this (and the Construction Zone Warp.. ) discourse was stupid. Myla going "No. Why? I live here." is like. cathartic to me.(??)
but regardless, she and Watcher Macallit are kind of ocs born from asking "why is this the way it is?" why is there no Whatsit Warp Drive? what makes a Thing a Thing? just ocs to play with and sort of expand worldbuilding, and i love doing this
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