#i'll be working on sending ( & replying to ) plotting messages in a few hours !!
metanoiamorii · 10 months
Looking for Roleplay Partners
I'm Morri, or Mario. I'm twenty-three [23] and I've been roleplaying on and off for as long as I can remember. It's gone hand-in-hand with writing. It's around time I try to start to meet new roleplay partners and expand my network again. I was previously on Wattpad before it met its timely end for most of us. I moved to discord but it went quiet and I have only been in a small circle since. What to expect and know from me? I am honestly bad at replying steadily, but I am ALWAYS talking about the roleplays and making ideas and headcanons with my partner(s). I will reply with lengthy messages for a week, then struggle to form a basic response for a few weeks, then the cycle continues. But I am always dedicated to the roleplay(s) I am in, even if I struggle to show it. I'm also extremely literate. I will give you novella-length responses. I can't do small responses even if I tried, to ask any of my roleplay partners. But I don't expect anyone to match my length! I just ask to not be given one or two sentences to work off of. I LOVE knowing what is going on inside a character's head, or how they're feeling. It really helps to build everything up. I also do third-person only.
And I also ask for 18+ only, please. I feel awkward talking to minors unless it's to basically mentor them.
I also love tropes. Tropes are great. Especially if you break away and add twists to them, and get creative!
I play a vast array of characters. Almost all ocs. The only ones that aren't ocs are based on gods or divine beings. Either way, all my characters are queer, that explore different mental illnesses and backgrounds. I could not play a character that's cishet to save my life(no hate for anyone, it's just something I have struggled with). That's not to say I don't do m/w relationships, because I do. My characters are just not cishet (they're either bi/ace/pan/demi/enby/etc).
I also enjoy mature themes. But I ALWAYS discuss boundaries with my roleplay partners. The dos, the don'ts, the boundaries, the triggers, the likes. A lot of my focus is on fantasy, for the most part. Dark, romantic, historical, epic, horror, you name it. I overall enjoy just about anything? EXCEPT, I stay in my comfort zone. Which is one of the two universes I've world built into existence.
The first is entirely fantasy, with different realms/worlds to explore. A vast array of plotlines to explore. Crime/mafia, piracy, eldritch horrors, kingdom diplomacy, witches. You name it, I have it. Probably too much. I've been told it's overwhelming when I gain a new roleplaying partner.
The other is one I've just recently started to build. It's a bit like POJ and Everafter High met. A bit of fantasy, a bit of history, a bit of religion. Every character is either a demigod, a god, a divine being, a fae, a human, or another being...
It's going on late for me after being awake for seventeen hours, so I'm not doing a lot of justice for my stuff. But I really want more roleplaying partners and friends! I have cute little servers for both universes, building into small communities. And I also have adjacent servers for the novels I'm writing that deal with the plotlines and whatnot.
I don't know what else to say at the moment except please, please, please I am begging you to message me. We can talk here in dms and I'll send you, or you can send me your discord tag so we can move over there and start to plot! I should probably get to bed now. Thank you for reading this far.
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kisses-galore · 9 months
Emily I'm Sorry - Laura Lee (pt1?)
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( not proofread )
( no crash ) ( r and laura lee are 21 ) ( inspired by "Emily Im Sorry" By Boygenius but like it doesn't really follow it )
warning(s): mentions of drinking, cussing, arguing, and more i think tell me if i forgot something
Laura Lee x fem!reader
tags: @g1rlsriot
plot: r and laura lee are what you would call high school sweethearts. they've been together for six years. throughout those years they have started to argue more. the arguments being about the littlest things. even the stupidest things. at one-point laura lee has had enough of it and decides to break up with r. r then drunkenly calls laura lee and asks her to come pick her up from the local bar. laura lee of course says she'll do it. what happens when r wants to get back together with laura lee?
(btw this is pretty short so there may be a part two)
Omniscient p.o.v It's about four in the morning and laura lee was awoken by y/n getting ready for work.
"Can you just please be a little quieter? I have work at six." Laura Lee said. "My fucking bad I was just trying to get ready." Y/N responded. "Okay well you didn't have to respond like that." Laura lee scoffed sitting up. "I'm not the one complaining." Y/N said. "I'm just asking you to be quieter. I have to work a 12-hour shift." Laura Lee said. "Well go back to sleep then. Fuck." Y/N replied. Laura Lee rolled her eyes and laid back down. Y/N then continued getting ready walking out of their shared bedroom.
"I was just out with some friends!" Y/N yelled. "You could've at least told me you were going to the bar! You had me worried." Laura Lee said. "I don't have to tell you my every fucking move!" Y/N said. "Well, I'm fucking sorry for caring for your wellbeing." Laura Lee then said sitting on the couch. "You can care for my wellbeing but fucking bombarding me when I walk through the god damn door is just fucking dumb." Y/N talked. "You know what no I'm done arguing with you. It's always my fault every time. I'm done. I'm done with your bullshit and acting like you can't take care of yourself. Because guess what sometimes you can't." Laura Lee told Y/N. Tears forming in her eyes.
"Wow so now you're crying. Plus, I can take care of myself alright? It's not my fault you think I can't. I'm not a fucking child." Y/N said angrily. "Sometimes you fucking act like one! Every single fucking time. And I'm the one that has to take care of you!" Laura Lee said sounding more angry then sad now. "Get out." She added. "What?" Y/N asked confused. "I said get out. Leave I'll get you an uber and a hotel but get the fuck out." Laura Lee said answering Y.N.
Y/N just stayed silent nodding. "Fine..." She said getting a bag and putting some clothes in it.
'Was this it? Did I fuck up this bad?' Y/N Thought. "I'll give you the rest of your clothes tomorrow." Laura Lee said.
Laura Lee's p.o.v
I was sleeping but was waken up when I heard my phone ringing. I picked it up seeing Y/N's contact. I answered it. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey uhm by any chance could you possibly pick me up? Uh I know it's late, so you don't have too if you don't-" She said but I cut her off. "Yeah, I'll pick you up. Just send me your location." I spoke.
Then a few seconds later I got a message. It was Y/N's location. "I'll be there in a couple of minutes." I spoke. "Alright." I heard y/n say.
I got up put my shoes on, got my keys and went to my car.
I got to the bar y/n was at about ten minutes after she called me. I looked around for her and saw her. Parking my car, I unbuckled and got out. Walking over to her I said nothing. I walked her to the car and told her to get in the back. She got into the back laying down. I started to drive back home and looked in the rearview mirror. I noticed she was sleeping. She was peaceful. I missed this. I missed her.
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Hey Friends
I'll be working on replies and answering messages in the next few hours. Feel free to chat me up if you'd like to plot and get anything going.
Also, if you'd like me to dig through your memes tag and send you some stuff I'll happily oblige. Just message me below.
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thebeautifulfantastic · 7 months
girl who is this "My Guy" you speak of in your tags 👀👀👀👀👀
ohoho do i have a story to tell you, my friend :D
basically, i'm experiencing the "slow burn friends to lovers" trope, and it is both amazing and infuriatingly agonizing. fair warning, this is going to a looooong post, so jump to the end if you want the short version.
it all started back in the spring, after i got accepted to a performing arts college, and specifically to their first-year study abroad program in Spain. i was so pumped, and determined to make friends before college started, so i found one of those [college name] class of 27 instagram accounts and as people's intros were posted, made it a point to follow and dm anyone else who said they would also be doing their first year abroad. *sigh* yes, i was shamelessly sliding into people's dms. but strictly with the purpose of friendship! anyways, this Boy's picture and little intro paragraph gets posted to the account, and he says he's in the study abroad program, so i dm him, as had become my custom -- it's a very simple "hi nice to meet you" exchange -- and he follows me back.
a few weeks later, my photo and little intro paragraph get posted to the account, and he sends me a dm. he's like "IT'S YOU" and i'm like "IT IS!" and he's like "you have such a good voice!" (because there was a video of me singing in my post) and i'm like "thank you!" and he's like "you are MOST welcome." and then, because in my intro i had mentioned that i'm a total nerd, he also says "and don't worry, i'm a nerd too." this is word-for-word accurate, by the way -- i just checked. so we messaged for a good while, bonding over nerdy topics.
a couple days later he replied to my instagram story and we had another mini nerd-out moment, and then a couple days after that i mustered up the courage to message him and ask if he might be interested in working on some creative projects together once the school year started. that was the conversation that really broke the ice, because after that, we were messaging back and forth every single day, talking about anything and everything, getting to know each other and quickly realizing that we had a lot in common. actually, the second thing we bonded over after our shared nerdiness was that we were both liberal/progressive Christians who didn't love Christian media. and we fell in love right then and there... just kidding, there's much more to the story ;)
anyways! we became really close over the summer because we talked to each other so much. now so far i only saw him as a very good friend, because i had a massive crush on a girl (who i never confessed my feelings to, but i'm pretty sure she's straight anyway. canon bisexual experience, i guess) that he was very aware of because i told him about her. i wasn't really looking at any boy as someone i'd potentially be interested in, and i was just so thrilled to have found a new best friend that i connected with and who i'd get to see every day at college. i actually said, in conversation with a different friend of mine that "i've seen who i'll be going to college with, and i can assure you, i'm not going to have a crush on any of these people." yeah, right. famous last words.
but the plot thickens. as the summer drew to a close, it started looking like i wouldn't be able to study abroad or attend this college at all because of tuition costs, and i was really, really sad. but honestly, what i was most sad about was that i wouldn't get to meet him in person just yet and would have to wait a whole year until he was at this college's US campus, which happens to be about an hour from where i live (his home state is quite far away from mine, so our friendship had developed entirely through the internet). i told him the news, that i wouldn't be joining him at college, and he was also sad because he was also super excited to meet me, but we agreed that we'd stay in touch and meet up in person someday, somehow.
summer ended, we kept talking, he left for Spain, and we still kept talking. however, there was a subtle shift in the tone of our conversations sometime after he arrived there, which is to say we started flirting. not intentionally, mind you. it just happened, in between the "i miss you" and the "i wish you were here, we would've raised so much hell" the both of us started playfully flirting, and it was so natural i didn't even realize it was flirting until several weeks had passed (that may also be because i am an oblivious fool). just subtle little things, like i would say "hey :) i miss you" and he would say "you're making me blush," and then we would playfully tease each other and laugh about it. there was one occasion where i was having a really rough day and later on he sent me the sweetest text i have ever received in my life and told me i was one of his favorite people in the world :'))
around this time he also started screenshotting my selfies that i sent him over instagram chat, and i noticed. i started suspecting that maybe he was into me as more then a friend at that point (because when a guy screenshots your face, that means something, right?) but at this point i was still in the Denial Stage of my feelings so i decided to not read into it too much. i also hadn't been physically attracted to him at first sight, so i was like "he's Just A Guy!! there's no way i can have feelings for him, because i'm not into guys right now. i just love his personality and our dynamic. that's all." yeah, RIGHT. just keep telling yourself that, Belle.
we were in mid-september by this point, and we had called a few times since he's been in Spain, and during one jet-lagged conversation while mutually lamenting that we couldn't hang out in-person, he happened to mention that even if he wouldn't be in my area for another year, there was nothing stopping me from visiting him when he goes home to the states for Christmas and winter break. internally, i thought "HECK YEAH" but what i actually said was something like, "you know what, that's a good point," and after that the daydreams began in earnest, but because i'm an idiot i told myself these were still strictly platonic feelings. we treated the idea of me visiting him as a rather unserious thing at first ("oh i just said that because i was jet-lagged and delirious, don't worry about it haha" -- yeah right, buddy, you literally just told me you miss me), but i couldn't get the idea out of my head.
and then of course, as is the way of things, i'm lying awake at night, thinking about him, and all of a sudden it hits me and i realize the worst has happened: i had developed feelings. romantic ones. my first reaction was literally "well shit this is embarrassing. i am so screwed." it was a very strange realization too, because none of it was based on his looks. i had never looked at him and thought "damn he's hot," i simply... loved him. the whole person.
(i should probably clarify that this isn't me calling him ugly or anything. he is a very good-looking person, and i knew that, subconsciously, but it wasn't a thought that really took up space in my brain because i just hadn't been looking at him that way. and now i do think he's cute! but i had to come to terms with my crush first.)
after realizing this, my first thought was that i didn't want to say anything about my feelings to him and accidentally look like an idiot ("because what if there's a chance he doesn't like me?" girl be so fr) so we just kept talking and the flirting got more and more obvious. i also started screenshotting his photos to see what would happen. what happened was more playful teasing. we called again and got all flustered with each other because it was so hard not to spill the tea. the idea of me visiting him was brought up again, with a more... uh... suggestive undertone? it was amazing. it was also unbearable.
it all came to a light one day in late september. i had told myself i wouldn't say anything about my feelings until we met in-person, but by the way we were flirting, i should have known we wouldn't be able to wait that long.
in perhaps the most random fashion, it started because his BeReal caption was "i cried to this song last night. someday i'll reveal the story" and i got a little worried upon reading that. so i texted him "are you okay? i saw your BeReal and i thought i would check in." his reply was something like "OH MY GOSH i'm fine i cried because i was super high last night," which, like, a little mortifying that i momentarily forgot weed existed, but i'm glad you're okay.
but then a few minutes later, he says "why did you screenshot my BeReal?" and my brain froze. i couldn't think of a single way to deflect or change the subject this time, so i thought fuck it and told him exactly why: "because you looked cute."
he goes "aha! there it is" and i said, "for how long have you been trying to get me to say that?" and he said "a while. i've liked you for a while."
i won't relay the whole conversation that followed because it was very long and also quite personal, but after we'd calmed down a bit from the love confession, we talked seriously about whether it would be a good idea to be in a relationship, and what things were worrying us, pros and cons, etc etc, and what we came to was that he personally needed some time to think about it all, but we would still plan on me visiting him.
and here we are! we still haven't met in person, but we will eventually, and it's nothing official yet (it's honestly kind of a situationship except we actually do talk about our feelings) but there's a lot of love on both ends. and i'm just so happy to know him at all, because if i hadn't randomly decided to slide into his dms none of this would have happened, and that would be a shame. we may be overdue for another serious conversation about relationship stuff (the flirting and teasing has continued, in addition to our more normal conversations) but that's the story so far. now you know, if i mention "the boy" or my "kinda bf" or "my guy" who i'm referring to. i can't reveal his real name here because that feels like an invasion of privacy, but it starts with an A, and sometimes i refer to him that way too :)
tl;dr -- he is a guy that i met online through the college i had planned on attending but actually didn't, we became close friends and stayed in touch and eventually developed feelings, and admitted those feelings for each other, and now we are More Than Friends But Not Officially Together because we haven't met in-person yet, but hopefully soon.
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ask-lute · 14 days
Brittle Shells
Part 2: Twilight Wings
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It's been a week since Vienna delivered Lute the dossier, complete with access to Pentious's phone number. She's confused as to why he gave it up so quickly but nonetheless it is access to him. A few days ago she had received her upgraded sword and a brand new one. Her original sword, Abaddon, looks spotless. The new sword, she christened “Apollyon” feels slightly different, especially in her new prosthetic hand but it's nothing she can't get used to. She stares at her phone, she knows once she brings him out, she'll have to end him quick and make it look like an accident... It's a lot to plan, especially considering the near immortality of human souls. It won't be easy, but at least Pentious is an insecure bumbling fool. Yeah, they'll believe he was clumsy enough to get himself killed. She finally sends a message:
“Pentious, hey, it's V. I was wondering if you could meet me near Samson's Glade. I have a new experiment, I'd like your help with! Can you meet me there in about 2 hours?” She sends the message, then waits for a reply.
Twenty minutes pass without a response, her mind is racing. He's not taking the bait, this is going to fail. It can't fail, I have to get rid of him. 45 minutes now. This is the only chance I have, if he catches onto the plan then I'll never get the element of surprise again! Why is this taking so lo-
A ringtone cuts off her thoughts. It's him, he replied. She exhales, her heart rate dropping back to base levels. She wipes her forehead with the back of her hand. She hadn't realized the anticipation made her start to sweat until now. Since when do I get this worked up before anything like this? She finally opens the message:
“Why yes, dear, I'd love to help! You said 2 hours? Sorry it took so long to reply, but I'll try to be there in a couple of hours then!” Pentious's message makes her heart rate jump again. Yes! He took the bait, this is it!
With one swift movement, she takes to the air, her wings push the ground away from her faster than ever and she takes aim for Samson's Glade. As she approaches, she finds the tallest tree to keep a lookout. She lands softly on a thick branch and begins to scan the area. Everything looks undisturbed, she sees a few rocks here and there, mostly grays and browns, a couple of them very brightly white, the stream that runs near would sound relaxing at any other time, but now it reminds her of all the sinner's blood she's spilled only for a sinner to get into Heaven anyway.
“Here you go Shelley, just sssit right there and we'll be ready to get this project ssstarted...” Her expression becomes one of predatory malice until she hears his next words, then her face drops.
“Eh, Lute?” His voice becomes a shout and Lute's mind is spinning with thoughts. How the fuck did he know it was me? Did he bring the Seraphim? What now?
She descends like a hawk diving for it's prey and lands just a couple of yards from the snake.
“Pentious. You know what this is.” She says feigning the same confidence she had when she thought the element of surprise was hers.
“Yesss, I had caught wind of your little revenge plot, my dear. Miss Vienna was a good ssspy, I admit it took me a moment to catch on, but ssshe knew a little too much about me, from sssources that would never reveal it.” Pentious says with some smarm.
Lute grits her teeth and grabs Abaddon. Her eyes meet Pentious's and they both know only one will be walking out of this unscathed.
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ask-pentious · 14 days
Brittle Shells
Part 2: Twilight Wings
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It's been a week since Vienna delivered Lute the dossier, complete with access to Pentious's phone number. She's confused as to why he gave it up so quickly but nonetheless it is access to him. A few days ago she had received her upgraded sword and a brand new one. Her original sword, Abaddon, looks spotless. The new sword, she christened “Apollyon” feels slightly different, especially in her new prosthetic hand but it's nothing she can't get used to. She stares at her phone, she knows once she brings him out, she'll have to end him quick and make it look like an accident... It's a lot to plan, especially considering the near immortality of human souls. It won't be easy, but at least Pentious is an insecure bumbling fool. Yeah, they'll believe he was clumsy enough to get himself killed. She finally sends a message:
“Pentious, hey, it's V. I was wondering if you could meet me near Samson's Glade. I have a new experiment, I'd like your help with! Can you meet me there in about 2 hours?” She sends the message, then waits for a reply.
Twenty minutes pass without a response, her mind is racing. He's not taking the bait, this is going to fail. It can't fail, I have to get rid of him. 45 minutes now. This is the only chance I have, if he catches onto the plan then I'll never get the element of surprise again! Why is this taking so lo-
A ringtone cuts off her thoughts. It's him, he replied. She exhales, her heart rate dropping back to base levels. She wipes her forehead with the back of her hand. She hadn't realized the anticipation made her start to sweat until now. Since when do I get this worked up before anything like this? She finally opens the message:
“Why yes, dear, I'd love to help! You said 2 hours? Sorry it took so long to reply, but I'll try to be there in a couple of hours then!” Pentious's message makes her heart rate jump again. Yes! He took the bait, this is it!
With one swift movement, she takes to the air, her wings push the ground away from her faster than ever and she takes aim for Samson's Glade. As she approaches, she finds the tallest tree to keep a lookout. She lands softly on a thick branch and begins to scan the area. Everything looks undisturbed, she sees a few rocks here and there, mostly grays and browns, a couple of them very brightly white, the stream that runs near would sound relaxing at any other time, but now it reminds her of all the sinner's blood she's spilled only for a sinner to get into Heaven anyway.
“Here you go Shelley, just sssit right there and we'll be ready to get this project ssstarted...” Her expression becomes one of predatory malice until she hears his next words, then her face drops.
“Eh, Lute?” His voice becomes a shout and Lute's mind is spinning with thoughts. How the fuck did he know it was me? Did he bring the Seraphim? What now?
She descends like a hawk diving for it's prey and lands just a couple of yards from the snake.
“Pentious. You know what this is.” She says feigning the same confidence she had when she thought the element of surprise was hers.
“Yesss, I had caught wind of your little revenge plot, my dear. Miss Vienna was a good ssspy, I admit it took me a moment to catch on, but ssshe knew a little too much about me, from sssources that would never reveal it.” Pentious says with some smarm.
Lute grits her teeth and grabs Abaddon. Her eyes meet Pentious's and they both know only one will be walking out of this unscathed.
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ficsforeren · 1 year
Hey Kana! I've been a fan of your writings since the past year and I just wanted to say I love them and the way you reply to your asks ❤️ I just wanted to ask a question. How do you deal with the hate comments? Like doesn't it hurt when someone questions your writings? I'm kinda a baby when it comes to tumblr and I just received my first hate comment and it felt really bad. I'm really sorry if I'm bothering you. I just felt like you're someone I should consult about this.
Hello, darling! Thank you so much for sending me a message and you're not bothering me at all! I'm happy that you reached out to me! I don't think I'm the best person to seek advice from but I'll try my best to help! It gets a bit long under the cut, I'm sorry 😭
I have received a few hate comments in the past when I just started writing. Some of them were pretty traumatizing ngl and I had to take like a year break because of it 🥲 so I know how you feel and how upsetting it is. I'm so sorry that this happened to you, sweetheart 😭I'm sending you the biggest hug right now. Nobody in the world deserves a hate comment, especially when you're a writer/artist who creates stuff for free.
I just checked your blog to see the hate comment you were referring to (I hope you don't mind 😭) and I saw that some anon was mad because you wrote a smutty fic involving a character that's still a minor in canonverse.
Now, honey, I'm 10000000% on your side because a) it's your fic, your work, your blog, as long as you've put up some warnings, you can write whatever the hell you want. b) you've aged them up in your fics but even if you didn't age them up in your fics, that still doesn't make it okay for these people to be rude and attack you for it cause they're FICTIONAL. These characters are not real people with real life problems, they're literally just a bunch of drawings. That anon is spending their energy defending lines on paper and hurting a real person in the process.
Tbh I feel like this happens pretty often no matter what fandom you're in and I find it super weird that some people are actually upset about this. It's fiction! It's not real! And it's not like you support the stuff that's happening in the story! Like if you write about character A killing someone, it doesn't make you a murderer. It doesn't mean you support the act. If you write about incest, it doesn't mean you want to sleep with your dad or your brother. It's simply just for the plot, to make the story interesting. To share your ideas and be creative about it. And, the most important thing is, you're not forcing these people to read your fics, are you? They decided to read them on their own. And if you already wrote the warnings and they CHOSE to ignore them, that's their fault. It's like you see a bowl of hot peppers and you know they're spicy as hell but you choose to eat them anyway and when your tongue is on fire, you get angry "WHY IS THIS THING SO SPICY" like what????
A message for that anon: When you read stuff you don't like (stuff that someone wrote for FREE, stuff that someone spent hours or days creating it), the easiest thing you can do is just close the tab. Literally it takes zero energy to do it. Don't attack these writers with hate comments. Don't hurt their feelings. You don't know how hard they've worked on the story, their struggles in real life, or how insecure they are about their writing. One bad comment and they might stop writing forever, even when it's something that brought them comfort before. There are millions of other fics out there that you can read. Just scroll away and move on.
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queenharumiura · 6 months
name — Neo and on some other blogs An-chan
pronouns— She/her
preferred comms — I get webhooks alerts to replies and asks, and tumblr very rarely alerts me to ims, but it is available to those who prefer communications via tumblr. Discord is the most reliable.
name of muse — Haru Miura on this blog and many more that i'm too lazy to list out on other blogs.
experience in RP — Around 16 years I think. Crazy as it is, I started out on Quizilla when you used to be able to message people. Then I moved to a proboards site when a friend invited me to join one she created. Was there for a long time. Dabbled a bit in RP'ing with a group on DeviantArt. Did a bit of skype rp from there. Then I moved to tumblr rp. I may have attempted to dabble in discord RP and ye- it's not exactly for me, but I can do it. I hate feeling limited though.
best experiences— Any iteration of: "You know, you made me change my mind on how I see Haru." Truly, the biggest serotonin boost I'd ever need in life. This is my goal in life. What I aspire to do with my writing. Not RP, but I got a Haru hater to like Haru after reading a few of my fics years back. You thought you were going to hate read and give hate? Jokes on you, I OPENED YOUR EYES.
pet peeves/dealbreakers — If you've reposted fanart without credit nor permission and i've talked to you about it and you dismissed my concerns about reposting fanart, i'll instantly block you. It's in my rules for a reason. Tho- I suppose that's just breaking my rules so maybe it doesn't count as a dealbreaker?
Not necessarily a peeve but more of a turn off, but I really don't like it when someone has the repeat energy of 'No one would want to rp with me, I don't see why I bother,' 'Did anyone miss me? No? Okay' etc. It probably sounds petty of me, but I don't like it. It dismisses the efforts of those who have been trying to connect to you, and I come onto tumblr to have fun, so I don't want to come here and feel bogged down. The energy actually disheartens me and brings my own mood down because I end up sympathizing with them too much. For the sake of my own mentality, I end up distancing myself.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — I enjoy fluff and angst a lot. Smut... depends... on the muse... and relationships... and how comfortable I am with the mun. I'm big shy in general so it can take time to warm me up to talking about smut in regards to muses. Once I'm used to talking to you about it and i'm comfortable with you, i'm pretty open about it. Truly, I'm big on troll humor though, so crack humor kinda threads really have my heart. If you wanna talk smut with me, you gotta be the one to bring it up because 99.5% of the time, it won't be me bringing it up first.
IF we aren't shipping, then you better hope one day I even reblog a risque meme for you to inquire about it. I'm a lil wary about talking about it to begin with.
plot or memes — Plots, as some of us know that i'm not very keen on memes as my relationship with the inbox is not positive. Still working on it though, one blog at a time. Memes are fun when i'm in the mood for them. This goes for reblogging them or sending in to people.
long or short replies — Both are fine with me, and both are great in their own right. Long ones are nice as they give you a lot to explore but it also takes a while to reply to and it can tire me out. Short threads are short and simple. They're nice, and then you get me being suddenly inspired and whoops- suddenly it's a long thread. (short replies = 3 paragraphs in my mind).
best time to write — I'm finding myself to be more active in the night hours, so the PMs. I do tend to be high inspiration in the AMs, but i'm usually at work or low energy. So that's when I spend the time thinking of what i'll write and then stow those ideas for when I do have the energy.
are you like your muse?: I've been told that I'm very much like Haru, and it's mostly in some habits, i'd say. Haru is a way better human than I am. Fit for life. I, a dehydrated prune is not fit for life. We both share our troll heart, our tendency for conspiracy thoughts, dramatics, speaking in third person and such. Basically, consider me the unhealthy introvert AU for Haru.
Tagged by: @ryuusake
Tagging: I don't tag
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Happy Munday! I've added quite a few new mutuals over the past 1-2 months and I wanted to take the time to say hello to everyone and share a few guidelines/updates about my blog. If you've been here for awhile, this is probably nothing new for you, but I just wanted to reiterate a few things:
Your mun is old and works in a demanding 9 to 5 job that is anything but 9 to 5. I also just got a raise this past month (a very substantial one! yay!) with a title promotion on the way which will leave me in a more senior role at work with direct reports. In short: During 9 AM - 5 PM EST hours, I usually can't reply to direct messages quickly or participate on the dash.
I write. A lot. Long multi-paragraphs are the norm with the occasional novella and fanfiction-esque drabbles as needed to move the plot along. I never ask writing partners to match my length exactly but I usually can't write with one-liners or single-paragraph posts (unless it's silly dashcomm crack that exists outside of our ongoing threads!).
I tend to use a queue and post once a day for thread replies, more when I have enough replies or starters to queue. I try to space these out between muns who reply within 24-48 hours and muns that take a bit more time to keep me from feeling overwhelmed.
I use small text to conserve space, but multiple spaces between words, underlined text, and colored text are hard for me to read and will delay my replies to you.
If I'm writing with you, I dig your portrayal.
Despair!verse threads are few and far between, and right now, on hold. I reference a lot of what happened during The Tragedy in my post-Despair verse, but Despair!verse content is my least favorite to write.
And a few more notes about interactions/plotting/shipping:
I love memes (sending and receiving them), plotting for long-term storylines, and plotting to write a starter! I do not love being tagged in random starters.
Sonia is a slow-burn muse. Even if she does feel attraction at first sight (aka. Gundham Tanaka), she is not quick to enter a relationship (emotional or physical) or admit feelings. Every romantic ship with her will take time to develop (just ask my mutuals whom I do have existing or plotted ships with!).
Ships are all based on chemistry. And alongside my love with writing with OC and crossover muses, I love writing ships with OC and crossover muses.
If you want to write a ship with Sonia, please send me a message and ask! This is what I do when I feel like there's chemistry between muses and a romantic ship could be interesting to write.
As far as Danganronpa muses go, I do have tiers and preferences for ships with Sonia (I made a list, I'm organized! If there's interest I'll share it), but they all must be based, ultimately, on chemistry with my writing partner's take on their muse.
Smut is not a priority on this blog. If I'm writing smut, it's part of another thread and a larger storyline. I'm not a fan of sharing or sending smut starter memes as they just don't interest me: if I'm writing a sex scene, it's because it's part of larger, often plotted interaction.
If you read to the end, thank you! I appreciate it. I'm slowly getting to my replies as I work on preparing costumes for a convention at the end of the month. Besides writing, cosplay is my other big hobby: I'm planning on bringing 8 outfits and it's a lot of planning, some crafting, mostly panicking (as one does before a con).
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vulp1nate · 2 years
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luciel (loo-see-elle), 25+, bun/bunself (they/them or he/him are okay only if you're trans or we are close). i'm queer, afrolatine, autistic and have adhd. i've been roleplaying for about 13-ish years? i'm going to attempt to cover as many bases as possible here, but if something is unclear, you're more than welcome to shoot me a message and i'll do my best to clear it up.
i would like to be upfront as soon as possible with the fact that i am proship/profiction (in that i do not believe people are morally reprehensible or should be harassed for wanting to explore certain subjects in fiction. i agree and acknowledge that fiction can affect reality. that doesn't mean i'm going to limit myself and parent people who don't know how to separate the two on the internet, i'm not sorry). some of my muses include taboo subjects. if that makes you uncomfortable in any way, you are not obligated to follow or interact with me or my muses. in fact, you are encouraged to hardblock me. if i follow you and you don't intend to follow back, please hardblock me. if you don't intend to actually interact with my muses, don't follow me back, please. this isn't something i want to argue about, as i'm here to have fun. any messages i receive regarding this will be published without response.
i currently only have fandomless original characters, carried over from krp. i am no longer part of the krp community, but i like my muses as they are and i don't want to change their identities on account of people making assumptions. please don't direct your ill feelings about krp toward me, i genuinely cannot be bothered. this is a safe space for krp (whether you're currently in the community or are a refugee from the desolation). i will be adding on ocs and/or canon characters from media i'm into in the future. the muses currently featured are not all of the muses i currently have, either. i'm starting off with a few and i'll be adding the rest of them in the coming future. at the moment, they're all east asian (on a count of previously being part of krp), but there will be more variety in the future as well.
my motivation comes and goes, depending on what other interests i want to engage in. that means i probably won't be able to be here every day! i ask for at least a week before sending inquiries about replies, and i'll do the same for you. if i'm going to be away for longer than a week, i'll make an announcement about that. if i have more than 3 replies to get to, they'll likely be queued once i finish. currently, my queue is set to 1 post per day, but it is usually set to 2 posts per hour and will be going back to that once this queue finishes posting
i am currently going iconless (simply because my adhd won't allow me to actually work on icons, i get distracted very quickly), and using small text, colored bold and italics, and lapslock (absence of proper capitalization, and capitalization used sparingly for emphasis) for formatting. that does not mean whatsoever that you have to! formatting and the use of icons, or lack thereof, doesn't affect my opinion of your writing or character whatsoever. the story we're telling is what's important here. however, if you heavily format your replies and it's difficult for me to follow what is being said, i probably will not follow you. you're not obligated to ever use any type of formatting or icons. if my formatting is difficult for you to read, just let me know and i'll make an exception for any threads/replies i have with you.
semi-private and selective. 21+.
i don't post opens and i don't reply to them. nothing personal, i just don't like having multiple people in the notes of the same in character post. it gets way too messy and confusing for me, and i don't trust the activity page to show me all of my notifications.
please make sure we're mutuals before you like a starter call or send an ask meme. memes are always accepted regardless of when i reblogged it! you're always welcome to go through my memes tag and just send something.
i probably won't follow you if you don't have at least stats for your muses or a rules/ooc page, or your age is not listed in some way. i will not be interacting with muns under the age of 21, please don't lie about your age.
i am open to writing on discord if that format is easier for you! just hmu (through instant message or unanon ask) and i'll gladly give you my discord tag. this is usually the best way to go if you would like faster replies from me, or if you'd like to do some writing in a more casual way (such as sms threads). this can also be utilized for plotting, if you wish.
smut will be sparse on this blog, and if a thread is heading in that direction, i will most likely ask to fade to black. if i do write smut, it will be under a read more and tagged as usfw, and i expect my partner to do the same, or the thread will be dropped. this is just a personal preference, i don't want smut out in the open on my blog.
i love shipping and i am absolutely open to it. whether it is pre-plotted or chemistry based, i'm always down, if said muse is available for shipping. i have both multiship and polyamorous muses, please feel free to approach me about any of them if you'd like to plot something or if you sense romantic chemistry between them and one of your own muses. i am also open to purely sexual, non-romantic ships as well. muses stated as singleship already have an established ship and they are not open for shipping, please don't approach me about shipping with them. the answer will be a hard no.
these are faceclaims and fandoms that i will not interact with under any circumstances. i may follow a multimuse blog that features these faceclaims/fandoms, but i will not be interacting with those particular muses. some of these are because of problematic behavior and some of these are simply because of personal comfort.
the jonas brothers
taylor swift
ariana grande
timothee chalamet
miley cyrus
billie eilish
olivia rodrigo
ezra miller
chris pratt
scarlet johansson
ian somerhalder
taylor lautner
emma roberts
youtubers (esp members of the dsmp)
giselle of aespa
any member of ateez
any member of nct (including all of the subgroups and wayv)
any member of exo
any member of blackpink
any member of enhypen
any member of one direction (current and former)
any member of the harry potter cast with the exception of daniel radcliffe, emma watson, and robert pattinson
any cast member of the big bang theory
game of thrones fandom/canon muses
stranger things fandom/canon muses
marvel cinematic universe fandom/canon muses
people who have asked not to be used for roleplay (such as zendaya)
publicly known abusers
the deceased
triggers present on this blog include violence, incest, grooming/csa, large age gaps, alcoholism, substance abuse, self harm, cannibalism and murder. all triggers will be tagged as trigger /. writing something does not mean condoning or glorifying it. none of these subjects are kinks, fetishes, or paraphilias for me. i'm telling a story, and these subjects part of it. please remember that this is all fictional. you are never obligated to write these topics with me if they make you uncomfortable, however, i refuse to shy away from writing things included in the backstories and current lives of my muses.
i don't write anything without research ahead of time, but i'm not an expert in the least, so please let me know if i mess something up. i don't tag triggers related to a muse if it's not IN the thread i'm writing. therefore, if a muse with a taboo subject makes you uncomfortable, i recommend filtering their tags entirely. all tags are available on my carrd.
icons border credit (for the icons used on my blog initially)
rp promo template credit
post banner template credit
psd credit goes to @cmbers
unless otherwise stated, all of my graphics and icons are made by @cmbers or myself. please don’t steal them.
updated 2022.10.19
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sweettodo · 3 years
best friends dad.
levi ackerman x freader.
includes : dub con - [ age gap ] , smut, swearing, daddy kink, squirting. pretty much porn with no plot.
wc : 2,7k
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a/n, thank you for 600 followers !!! <33 i love every single one of you.
She's your best friend, your closest ally, your soul sister.
She has been there with you through thick and thin, since youth, you two took showers together as children, ate off the same plate, went on countless vacations, share the same clothes. What would your life be without her?
Your behavior prevails to be horrendous.
It catches you when you're alone, or when there's nothing to distract you. Creeping up, lingering around your soul- guilt- quite the foe.
You lay on your bed, shame depleting you the more you remained in silence, left alone with your thoughts. Staring at the soft white ceiling, the sun scarcely pouring through the cracks of the shades, rendering it impossible to fall back asleep.
It was eating you alive, it was driving you nuts, you were so selfish. It was too late to go back on this.
And this isn't even the worst part of it all...
Your fathers are best friends, also close since childhood. Being neighbors, your mothers were close too, you all were practically family.
Hence, it boils down to one thing- one simple, and easy question.
That being, why was your 'second father' mere inches away from you, naked, barely covered by a sheet, and sleeping in your bed?
Yet, as disgusted as you are with yourself, you're turning to face the sleeping man, placing a small kiss below his ear, his arms instantaneously fastening around your frame, pulling you closer to his body, he loves when you wake him up like this, you're both accustomed to this routine.
After all, you did sleep in the same bed more often than you'd like the admit.
Living alone in your apartment made it easier for the both of you to be with each other, though your best friend resided here, she was at college, living in a dorm out of state for extended periods.
He told his wife and other children the ridiculous excuse, 'I'll be back in a week or so, on business' and he'd come straight to you. Always. With take-out dinner, a duffle over his shoulder, and a plethora of condoms in his pocket.
Call it disturbing, but it's almost perverse to give his wife kudos, 'no wonder you tied the knot.' because shit, you wish you could.
No one knows about the infidelity, so it was fun to sneak around; since becoming an adult, that's when family dinners with the neighbors took a turn, your body filled with a mix of excitement and angst almost every Friday.
He always sits next to you, to your right, hand secretly placed on your thigh under the tablecloth. He finds himself unable to resist your body.
The second you turned eighteen he was ready to pounce, he couldn't take his eyes off you.
He's so good at what he does, he knows how to sneak around, he always plays his cards right, he knew you couldn't resist the temptation; the temptation of your best friend's father.
How it started was almost too cliché.
"Hey, is y/f/n home? We're supposed to be getting ready to go out, she's not answering my texts."
"She's not home, likely caught up at work."
You nod, "how about you come in and wait?" he allows you in, "what's the occasion?" he laughs, plopping down on the couch, you sit on the other side, placing your dress, makeup bag, and shoes on the floor beside your feet.
"A friend's birthday dinner, she just turned eighteen." He smiles, looking back at the television, "she's always making us late." You chuckle, your phone going off at the same time, Levi watching your thumbs frantically respond to the disappointing message.
"She won't be off for another few hours." Levi sighs, "I'll just hang out in her room until then."
"You can stay down here, you're not in my way." He quickly replies, you accept his offer and slip off your shoes.
"How's your mom?" he changes the topic, standing and walking out of the room towards the direction of the kitchen, "and your dad."
"Both good, how about you and-"
"Good." he interrupts, returning with a glass in his hands, likely a glass of whiskey, that was his go-to.
Oddly enough, you felt unsettled being alone with him, something inside of you remained nervous, but not necessarily a bad sentiment.
You didn't spend much time with Levi alone, most of the time it was with your father and y/f/n, so you sat quietly, both watching the screen mounted on the wall in front of you.
Little did you know, he was feeling the same way, awkward and nervy.
"Do you need to get ready at any particular time?" he cuts the silence.
"Uhm, I didn't expect to wait, because I have to shower."
He hums in agreement, "you can shower here if you want." You didn't even bat an eye, standing and saying 'okay', trotting upstairs towards your best friend's room, dropping all your belongings on the floor.
Leaving the room, you're opening the linen closet to retrieve a towel and head straight for the bathroom.
This was your second home, why leave the bathroom door locked while you showered?
His leg tapped in anticipation, he knew now was such a perfect time, he had to do something about how he was feeling.
Levi told himself that this feeling would pass, he was disgusted in himself.
The first time he found himself with his hand wrapped around his cock, making himself cum to the thought of his daughter's best friend.
He had never thought about you sexually, it was almost like a switch was flipped when you came home, stumbling drunk with his daughter the night of your birthday to avoid your own parents, you were now an adult, and that's when things changed.
He thought about you in so many twisted ways, and the fetish only grew- it grew day by day, month by month.
Now, you were only a few months shy of nineteen, in college, in your own living space, independent, he loved it; and every day, he prayed to God he'd stop feeling so guilty about his vices.
But he was trapped, stewing on his thoughts before he went to bed at night, on the way to work, waking up in the morning- he only thought about you. He needed to do something.
He found his feet quickly moving up the stairs, entering his bedroom, and pacing, this was sure as hell a tough dilemma, but he knew he could get you to see it too.
"Levi, I- uh, need some help."
Like it was a blessing, a foot in the door, he's now knocking before you allow him in, you stand there only in a towel, hair wet and your body dripping with water, "the thing won't turn off, I'm sorry."
He could barely swallow, "I'll fix it."
The hot steam made him overwhelmed, the fresh smell of the strawberry-scented body wash that you had after your shower was sending him into a frenzy.
You stood there, watching him turn the hot water off, you acknowledged how close you were to him, naked except for the towel, he was so close to your legs, your wet body.
He stood straight after fixing the faucet, wiping his hands on his shirt, "thanks."
You step around him, down the hall, and towards your friend's room, "y/n," turning, Levi's there, in the hallway, a few feet behind you, "I need to talk to you."
He knew now was the only time he could fix this disgusting fixation he has on you.
You pursued him, you followed him straight to his bedroom, you allowed him to close the door behind you; you felt his hands grab your own, pinning them above your head against the wall.
You allowed him to kiss you, you kissed him back, and you savored the taste of him. It was almost like you didn't allow your mind to register what you were doing.
"I've been meaning to do this." He breathes, catching up on his lack of oxygen.
You didn't say anything, your towel was coming loose, his free hand encircling around the small of your back, pulling you against him, "Levi." You uttered, his head dips down, kissing your lips as he's whisking you off your feet and onto his shared bed with his wife.
Your legs wrap around his waist, his elbows propped up beside your head, his tongue swiping across your lip, you do the same, what the fuck were you doing?
You pull away from him, "Levi- this is bad." Hand pressing against his shoulder, pushing him off of you gently, "this is so bad."
He moves his hand through his hair, "no one has to know."
"I gotta' go get dressed," yet your legs don't move, "fuck- fuck this is bad, she's gonna hate me."
"No, no she won't," he objects, pushing you onto your back, "you want it, don't you?"
Your stomach was doing backflips, nauseated almost. You saw his tight body, you've always loved it- like a father.
You felt his cock between your legs instants earlier, you didn't comprehend just how willing you were; how wet you were between your legs.
"Let me show you," throwing off his shirt, "don't worry, no ones gonna know,"
He sees the look on your face, stunned.
"Don't you trust me?" your head was spinning.
"I do."
Your head is pushed onto his pillow, making sure he doesn't strip you of your towel just yet.
The feeling of performing something so bad, so disturbing, so sinful, it was driving you nuts, your stomach twisted, filled with butterflies as you saw the man strip in front of you. This was really happening.
Your legs open, but you hold your towel down, feeling his eyes bore into you, "you can show me."
His hands open your legs, gasping, he's kissing you again, laying between your legs with just his boxers severing the direct touch.
"God, this fucking body."
The towel slipping down your chest, his hands instantly cupping your tits, the now, cold droplets of water from your shower making your nipples twice as hard, he smiles, "you've always been so beautiful- so innocent too, you know that?" his hands trail down your sides, feeling your flesh in his palms, up to your thighs.
You felt so dirty, you wanted more, you wanted him to touch every inch of your body, you wanted to feel secure and full, "you want me to touch you don't you. You want it?" he sees your pleading eyes, he sees how hungry you looked, he brings his hand to your beck, squeezing your jugular, "say it, use your words.”
“I do, but y/f/n, Levi.” Your words meant one thing, but your actions were proving another. You didn't know how much you needed this- how much you longed to be touched by a man who helped raise you.
It made you sick, but fuck, it felt so good, “you want it, just as I do,” he pulls back, taking his hand and forcing open your mouth, “here.”
He wet his fingers with your saliva, ripping the towel that barely covered your lower half. “Look at how pretty, so wet too.”
You hiss, his finger pressing down against your clit, your thigh spasming from the harsh pressure against your nerves, “I’m gonna make you cum, you want that, right?”
“Yes, please make me cum.” You plead, his thumb still pressing hard against your bud, “f-fuck!” your legs slamming around his arm.
“Open those legs, I didn't say you could close them.” He commands, getting a better look at your pussy, his hand moving down the threads of his boxers with his free hand, cock springing from his constraints.
“Spit.” He steals more alive from your tongue, using it to lubricate his cock; he was thick, girthy with few veins decorating up the bottom to right below the tip. His chest heaving, hands pinning up your thighs, your legs wide open for him to see.
You whined, his throbbing tip teasing you by soaking up your slick, he was so painfully hard- the way he knocked against the tight hole in front of him.
“You want my cock? You want your other daddy to fuck you, huh?” You nod, eyes begging with every ounce of your entity.
You nod desperately, “please- fuck me.”
He obeys, gripping your thighs, pressing them upwards as he’s leaning down towards you, slowly sliding past your entrance.
Splitting you open, immense pressure brings you to screams, your eyes screwed shut as you spit out the man's name.
“Can barely fit- fuck.” His shoulders lax, cock seeping deeper into your pussy.
He pushes back and forth into you, the sound of your pussy juicing around his cock filled the room as you two take in the feeling of each other's touch.
“S’big- so big, Levi.” Your tongue lols out, he takes it as a welcome to capture your lips, sucking on your tongue as you mewl against his mouth.
He pulls away from you, “say my name,” he groans, “say it, what's my name?” his cock filling you so well, you could say many things; tears brimming your eyes as he's stabbing your cervix with his tip.
You wail, gasping for air, “daddy- please harder!”
His hips piston into you, slamming against yours as he's speeding up, cock ramming into you senselessly, harder thrusts when he hears you call him by his name, fucking you stupid.
“Go on and cum all over my cock, you're so close- fuck- you keep squeezing me-” he can barely contain himself.
But he keeps pace, the sweet spot in the depths of your pussy being abused, pussy squelching with every rut of his wide hips.
You're so close, inching closer towards release, a mantra of his name rolling out of your mouth, you feel so full, packed to the fucking brim.
The weight of his body on top of yours, cock reaching impossible lengths inside of you, sweat dripping down his forehead, chest glistening with sweat, “so good, creaming all over my dick, yeah? You love it.” He boasts, you whined, mouth agape.
“So close- daddy- so close.”
“Do it, you're so tight- fuck, can't get over it.”
The coil in your stomach tightening, your body going numb as he rips an incredible orgasm out of your weak body, “that's right, squirt all over my cock, God this pussy s’ fuckin’ amazing.”
He slowed down, bearing his high, watching as your cum drips down your pussy, his thighs and stomach soaked with your essence as it drips down his thighs. Amazed at the sight, he continues to steadily fuck into your convulsing walls, you're body shaking from the debilitating orgasm.
You squeeze your eyes shut, your eyes surrounded by a starry white, wet noises driving Levi closer to climax, the sheets below the both of you soaked, “open those eyes.” He commands.
You open your eyes, legs squeezing tighter around his sides, “you’re gonna swallow my cum, right baby?” he sees you nod your head, needy to taste him down your throat.
He provides you with a few strong thrusts, before slowly pulling out of you, your hand quickly wrapping around the base of his cock, rolling out your tongue like a whore.
You take his tip on the pad of your tongue, swirling around, his eyebrows scrunching from the sensitive touch, “fuck, so fuckin’ perfect,” hand coming down to caress your head before dipping his fingers between the- still wet hair from your shower.
He twitches, releasing his load in your mouth, the salty taste tainting your tastebuds, he watches it coat your tongue, catching his breath as he's seeing you swallow every drop of cum, his thumb strokes across your bottom lip, smirking.
“Look at the mess you made, now I have to clean these sheets.” Gripping your hair between his digits, he's pushing your head down to look at the damp sheets, you gnaw on your bottom lip.
He pushes you back down on the bed, sloppily kissing your red and swollen lips once more.
“That cunt is just as good as I thought it was.”
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b612sunsets · 3 years
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Hiii! I'm looking for 1x1 vmin long-term rp partners on Discord (or maybe here or kkt). You have to be 18+ bc I'm 24 and write explicit/mature scenes. I can be bottom Jimin or tops Taehyung, I usually write in third person and past tense.
I would like someone that can be more committed and send constant replies for at least a few hours every day but I'd understand if sometimes we can't make that happen. I'm not a native English speaker and I can make mistakes but I'm literate enough and try my best so I'd expect the same from you :)
We can discuss plot ideas (if you have any in mind feel free to say so) and other details in private. I have a list of tropes/prompts that I like to write and of the things I like and dislike in smuts that I can show you. I'll always want to please both of us. I won't judge if you don't judge and I'm open-minded to a lot of things when it comes to rp. We can be honest to each other and even talk ooc during it if you want to. If we start roleplaying but for some reason get stuck in the middle of it or it doesn't work, I'd be willing to try again and again with other plot ideas, as long as you want to try it too.
My only observations: I don't like one line replies, but the rest is ok and after assigning who's going to be who, don't control my character actions in any way or form, please. I'd appreciate it if you could tell me when you're done for the day before going to sleep or do something else bc I give priority to our rp and after that I want to do other things and I get distracted. My time zone is UTC−03:00, but depending on yours, it won't affect much bc I stay awake from 4-5 pm until 6-8 am in here.
If you identified with this ad, send me a message! And thank you. 💜
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lunaofthevalley · 6 years
The Little Mermaid of Manhattan |||
Peter Parker x Reader
Plot: Peter is saved by a Myster girl one day at the park, and he will stop at nothing to find her.
Note: If you'd like to be tagged comment down below or send me an ask. Also I'm opening up requests for imagines and Ships, if anyone is interested in that💜
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For the past week, Life decided it would deal Y/N a good hand. She and Peter had managed to work out some of the details of their Drama Project, they've been doing great actually.
Much like Betty had suggested they chose a scene from The Little Mermaid, but that was more due to the fact they didn't actually find any other decent scene with a mute character. At least it worked.
And that's what they were doing right now, practicing. They were sitting in Y/N's living room floor, the TV playing the scene they had chosen to do from the film, their notebooks, in which they had written out the scene, sat on the small coffee table, where snacks and drinks were also present.
Both had agreed that the best scene to do was when Ariel and Eric met again at the beach, after Ariel's transformation. They didn't realize it at the time, or well maybe Y/N did a bit, but the scene had many parallels with real life, how Eric (Peter) is looking for the girl who saved him, with out realizing that she's right in front of him.
"So... I guess we could use a...desk for the rock," Peter suggested.
Y/N thought about if for a second before writing it down on her board, 'Yea I guess that works,' she quickly erased the message after Peter saw it and wrote something else down, 'We could also use a beanbag, there's lots of those in the classroom, more comfortable.'
"That would work great actually, there's even a gray one, so it will resemble a rock with out us even trying to make it look like a rock."
Y/N nodded eagerly in agreement after remembering said bean bag. She had become mor comfortable around him the past week. She was weary at first, afraid that he would realize it was her that day at the park, but Peter was as clueless as Eric, maybe even more so. She had actually enjoyed the week, getting to know him more and finding out he was a pretty cool guy, quite dorky, but still cool.
"Hey Y/N/N, what about wardrobe, how should we dress?" He asked.
'I'm not wrapping a piece of fabric around myself,' she wrote in reply.
Peter let out what you could call a giggle, it was quite adorable. "I wasn't suggesting that. Maybe you could wear a beige dress, that is if you own one and we could tie some rope around it."
'Yea that works. You just need a white button up, some jeans and a red cloth.' She showed him the board and he nodded in agreement. She then turned the board around and wrote something else before showing it to him.
"Ahh yes, can't forget the black boots. Most important part of the outfit," He said sarcastically.
Y/N made a face at him and he just grinned in return.
"Well, if I have to use the black boots, then you have to wear a wig."
Y/N pretended to be insulted, 'what's wrong with my beautiful hair?'
Peter rolled his eyes, "There is nothing wrong with your hair, I just think that if we really want to sell the scene we both need to be in full costume, and for you that includes a bright red wig." He explained, "Plus I really want to know what you would look like as a red head."
'I would look terrible as a red head.'
Peter thought about it for a second, "Yea maybe you might. All I'm imagining right now is you looking like some off-brand Weasley sibling."
Y/N leant back in shock and then proceeded to throw handfuls of popcorn at Peter.
"Hey...no...stop it...it was a joke" he said in between laughs, "I'm sorry."
Both of them were now doubled over in laughter, a mess of popcorn lying around them, the faint sound of kiss the girl played in the background.
After calming down Y/N looked at her phone to see the time as Peter began picking up popcorn.
'Hey, wanna have a quick lunch break, I can heat up the frozen pizza.' She wrote and showed it to Peter.
"Sounds good, I'm actually super hungry. While you do that I'll clean up this mess." He gestured to the popcorn.
He stood up and held out his hand which Y/N gladly took and he helped her to stand up. Y/N made her way to the kitchen to start preparing the pizza while Peter went to get the broom from the supply closet. Y/N decided to listen to some music while she waited for the pizza to be ready, she set it down on the counter, putting her music on shuffle.
Peter was just finishing up cleaning the popcorn when he heard it. The song he's been endlessly thinking about since that day in the park. After listening to it for a few seconds longer he determined it was indeed the same song.
He slowly made his way to the kitchen where he found Y/N putting the pizza in the stove. Y/N turned to him and noticed he had a faraway look on his face as he stared at something. Y/N followed his line of sight and she saw he was staring at her phone, and that's when it clicked.
The song.
It was the same song she sang that day at the park, and Peter was realizing it.
"Y/N." he suddenly spoke. She turned to look back at him, his gaze was till on the phone, which was a good thing, he wouldn't realize she looked like a deer caught in headlights. "What's the name of that song?"
Y/N grabbed her board and slowly wrote down the title before handing the board to him. He gently took it and his eyes scanned over the title.
"Songbird." He said tentatively, as if testing out the name, "It's called Songbird. By Fleetwood Mac."
Y/N stood there like a scolded child, looking down at the floor as she bounced on her heels. Had he found out it was her? He hasn't said anything about the fact just yet so that made her hopeful.
She tried to think of why it would be such a horrible thing if Peter found out the truth, but she truly couldn't come up with an explanation.
Oh how she would love to have a Jamaican sounding Crab advisor right now.
After Peter had made peace with the name of the song he handed the board back to Y/N. "Sorry if that was strange. It's just I had heard that song before but I didn't know what it was called."
Y/N only nodded and wrote back 'it's okay.'
Thing had become slightly tense, so much that you could cut it with a knife. The only sound in the room came from Y/N's phone. They both just stood there awkwardly, neither knowing what to say. Their hunger and project far forgotten.
Peter was the first to speak up, "Hey um I think I'll go now. I think we made good progress."
Y/N only nodded and followed him to collect his stuff and then to walk him to the door. As Peter slung his back pack over his shoulder and grabbed his coat he turned back to Y/N.
"Hey um, I almost forgot to tell you but we can't meet up at my house tomorrow. I have to go do some spid- internship......yeah I mean internship stuff at the tower...so I asked Mr.Stark if you could go there to work and he said yes," he explained, "I'll...uh, text you the details later." And with that he was out the door, leaving Y/N to ponder over that information by herself.
She would be going to Stark tower tomorrow. That was.....great.
So much had happened in the last few minutes that her brain hadn't properly processed everything. Right now all she needed a warm slice of pizza and a sprite, she found these were the remedies to her existential life problems.
She was having another existential life problem as she stared up at the huge tower before her.
She was currently standing outside the towers entrance, too afraid to go in, but it the end David needed to confront Goliath, so she walked through the doors.
She quickly sent a text to Peter to inform him that she had arrived. He replied a couple of minutes later telling her someone would be down shortly to get her.
After waiting a few more minutes a nice looking man in a suit appeared. He looked around the room before spotting her sitting down at one of the couches the lobby offered.
"Are you Y/N Y/L/N?" He asked.
Y/N nodded as she gathered her stuff and stood up.
"I'm Happy, the kid... I mean Peter sent me down to get you." He explained as he started walking back towards the elevator. Y/N quickly began to walk behind him, following him into the elevator. When the doors closed he turned to her and gave her a once over. "I'm taking you to a private floor, so no misbehaving, no touching stuff, no shouting, no screaming, no wandering, you stay where I leave you, capiche?"
Y/N nodded.
"Good, we got that clear." As he said that the doors of the elevator opened and Happy led Y/N out and towards a briefing room.
He opened the door and gestured for her to go in. "Alright so you'll be staying here Miss Y/L/N, and for your sake and mine please follow the previously stated rules. Peter is doing some....internship stuff, but he'll shortly be with you."
Y/N nodded again.
"Well that's all, goodbye." With that happy left and Y/N was left to her own devices, so she decided to do some of her other homework while she waited for Peter.
After 30 minutes had gone by with still no sign of Peter she decided to send him t to see where he was. She received a reply after a few minutes.
'Sorry for the delay, doing some last minute internship stuff, won't me much longer.'
She let out a big sigh. Maybe she shouldn't have come to the tower today, she could've been happily spending her Saturday at home watching Netflix, but instead she was holed up in a meeting room in stark tower waiting for Peter who was very late. She decided she would just keep working on her homework while she waited.
Even after finishing up all her other work, there was still no sign of Peter. It had been more than an hour already and Y/N was becoming really bored.
Seeing she was in a safe space she subconsciously began singing, starting with Part of your World which had been stuck in her head for the past week and then went on to sing Songbird.
She began quietly, barely audible, whispering it to herself, but after the first chorus she started singing a little louder, but not enough it would catch someone's attention. And then, just as she had finished the song she heard clapping. She quickly sat up straight and looked to the door, where Tony Stark was now standing.
"Has anyone ever told you, you have a very nice voice? Very nice, like honey for the ears."
Y/N could only stare at him with wide eyes. He had just heard her sing. But he couldn't know it was her right? He had arrived after she made her escape.
"Well I doubt it since apparently you're supposed to be mute. Peter told me when he asked if you could come over, and then Happy just told me a while ago about Peter's weird but very well educated mute friend." He walked over and sat in a chair in front of hers.
"You wanna know what else is weird? Peter was just telling me yesterday about that song. Songbird by Fleetwood Mac right? It's quite strange a 16 year old listens to Fleetwood Mac, I thought you kids were only into Justin Beaver and One Discretion."
She stared at him as he went on. What was he getting at? And did he say those names wrong on purpose or was that what he actually thought they were called?
"Anyway, its nice to know there's kids out there with good music taste." He said as he stared her down. "But you wanna know what has me flabbergasted? I feel like I've heard your voice before, which seems unlikely seeing as I've never met you before."
Y/N fidgeted in her seat, she could no longer look Tony in the eye.
"Hey I think I remember now where I've heard it before. Friday, play back Peter's suit recording from last weekend, the one taken after the spider slam dunk in the lake."
After a few seconds the room was filled with the sound of Y/N's voice again, only this time it wasn't her singing, but a muffled recording of her voice that was being played in the rooms speakers.
After the recording stopped playing Y/N slowly turned to look at Tony who had been gazing at her, studying her every move since the recording begun.
"Guessing by your reaction, which quite frankly makes it look like you want to vomit, I'll say I was right, and that in fact is you in the recording. But I think that was already obvious, not many kids now a days listen to good ol' Fleetwood Mac."
Tony then stood up and straightened out his suit and walked towards the door, but before he left he turned back to look at Y/N.
"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me....Little Mermaid."
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LMOM TAGS: @lunataehyung // @embrace-themagic // @theinsomniacsblog // @supernatural-kinda-girl // @my-name-chris // @cynicallystiles // @portgasddead // @wwenaie // @anotherasianfailure // @built4broadway // @pvnk-bivch // @lubrielx // @pukiebear-blog // @mooonymoo // @tonystolemyman // @metermarker // @tomsstarlight
PERM TAGS: @sighspidey
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