#i'll defend my boy to death
rottentiger-art · 1 month
Peeta antis (yea, they exist) love to call him a stalker and stuff, but they forget they were BOTH looking at each other from afar and keeping track.
Let's not pretend they're not both co dependant and weird about the other thru the series, Peeta just fell first
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mrrwdock · 3 months
all of you who are badmouthing rodry as usual fuck off when he saves us like he has done a million times before you'll see
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maitanii · 1 year
found this on Twitter and I don't know who the author is, but God, this is so me
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gxbbyhoneybadger · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could write a Predator x reader?
Leads to smut (0u0")
Where he breaks into he readers house/apartment for safety, he looks around and his heat sensors pick up the readers body heat.. He notices she's mostly defenseless but searchers her for weapons.. in the process he's touching her everywhere then leaves. he comes back a few nights later to see her and then BOOM SMUTTY SMUT!
This. . . This is just amazing! Ofc, and enjoy the treat. I'm gonna use Scar boy from AvP, he's my favorite Yautja out of them all heheheh. This is also my first monster/predator smut so. . . Please do be gentle with the comments if u don't approve 🥹
A/n: the Yautjas can roughly speak human languages, I'm using this from the end scene of Predator (1987) movie. I'll give them a reason to speak as well, don't worry. There's a plot for that lol.
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Pairing: !Yautja!Scar x !F!Shy!Reader
Summary: After making an escape from the Alien Queen, Scar manages to hide away within an empty home—not knowing who was still there and wide awake. After finding and searching the shy human to make sure that she was no threat, she was rather aroused by the strange creature's lingering touches. When he leaves, he can't get the woman out of his mind, causing the Yautja to run back to where she was just a few nights later to finish what he had unintentionally started.
Warnings: Blood and gore, death, adult language, eventual smut, gentle sex (Scar a horny mf but he's a gentle giant imo), size kink, oral (F receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it before ya tap it folks), fluff, anonymous ending.
Part 2
Minors DNI 🔞 18 below the cut
Many things happen for a reason, times of events line up for destruction or something wonderful. Not right now apparently, not for Scar. This was destruction, he wiped out the rampant Xenomorph younglings, now the Queen was left. She was raging with fury as she searched for the few Yautjas who were hiding and planning their ways to kill the unforgiving creature.
Scar was wounded—bleeding out the neon green substance from his left shoulder. He shouldn't have let his guard down, he could've spotted that one Xenomorph that leapt at him. At least he made it out alive, he'll make it back to his planet soon. He entered a home, it was dark but he used his mask to read the room. Everything was clear, before he saw the acidic burn on a book that fell onto the floor from the fallen bookshelf.
His guard was already on high alert, his weapon at hand as he slowly approached a broken door where he saw a tail of a Xenomorph lying lifeless. It was already dead, he scanned the room once more, this time using the heat sensor built within his mask. He caught the glowing body within the dark kitchen, the lights flickered on by her trembling hand. She seemed to stunned to even react by the giant watching her, her clothes were disheveled, a few cuts on her arms but not too much damage.
She didn't move from her place, still taking in who this was. "You're one of them. . ." She muttered before her eyes moved to the side. Scar followed her gaze and saw one of his fallen brothers dead in the corner, impaled through the chest most likely from the Xenomorph itself. His neon green blood coated his stilled chest and the ground beneath him.
". . . I didn't know. . . what to do. . . he tried to. . ." She whispered. Scar looked at the dead alien next, seeing that it's head and neck was severely wounded by one of the Yautjas weapons: A Wrist Scythe.
He looked to her and saw the weapon around her arm that she must've taken from the corpse to defend herself from the Xenomorph. "I-I'm s-so sorry. . ." She mumbled. His mandibles clicked as he lifted his hand and held out his index fingers, slowly circling his wrist—telling her to turn around. She read his silent command and turned around, dropping the Wrist Scythe she held behind her back as she rested her hands against the wall.
Scar scanned her body, reading the wounds she sustained as his large claws grazed over her smaller arms. His entire hand could wrap around her neck if he dare harmed her, but he was simply checking for any hidden weapons she may have carried. Gently letting his hands lower down from the sides of her breasts to her waist and hips, his large hands then clasped over her left thigh. The bridge between his thumb and index finger softly brushed against her sensitive nether regions.
She silently scolded herself to stop thinking about such disgusting thoughts, she didn't even know what this thing was or what was happening. Y/n was a shy person, not really out there in the dating or hookup life. But her thoughts were rather intrusive about this strange being that was touching her.
She felt her face heat up from the unintentional touch, he moved on and checked her other thigh—again, touching her nether regions. Palming around her calf before he stood back up and towered over her frame, his shadow completely swallowed her own. His large mitt held her left shoulder and turned her to face him. She followed his movement and let him scan her body.
He read her vitals and smelled something. . . Something rare for any Yautja to smell from a human, her very own arousal, her vitals showed that her heart was beating erratically, a sign of nervousness while her body heat rose significantly, her pupils widened as she looked away from him. She was healthy and stable, but aroused and nervous around him. Scar stepped back and looked at the fallen Yautja, Y/n slowly slid down the wall and sighed.
". . . Um. . . I. . . I'm Y/n. . . Not that, you'd need to know. . . or anything. . ." She said, Scar looked down at her, his dreadlocks hanging over his shoulders as he tilted his head. His mask translating her words into his own language, his understanding of the human languages and different types were vaguely known to his species. Only a rare few of Yautja elders knew the humans entire lot of languages by memory, no mask needed for translation.
Scar was learning bit by bit each day he spends on earth hunting down worthy opponents, and Bad Bloods. "You're hurt. . ." Her shying voice said, bringing Scar's attention back to her, "Your shoulder is bleeding. . . are. . . are you okay?"
Clicking his mandibles again, he grabbed the items he needed and started to clean his wound and patch it up. Y/n grunted as she stood up and wandered towards the dead Xenomorph, she watched it, lightly kicking it's leg to see if it really was dead. . . which it was.
After he finished patching his injury when he saw Y/n standing by the body. It twitched just a little bit caused her to jump back and squeak with fear, making Scar's mandibles click in a chuckling way at her reaction. She growled and kicked the body before looking at Scar who was checking outside for any sign of the Queen nearby. The coast was clear and he turned to pick up his fallen brother's body.
"W-Wait!" She gasped when he walked out of the door, he paused in his step and glanced at her as she stumbled out of her house while watching him with a tiny glimmer of appreciation. ". . . D-Do you have a name?" She asked him.
Scar didn't say or do anything as a response, he looked away and continued to walk away, leaving the girl alone.
~Three Days Later~
He couldn't stop thinking about her voice, her eyes, the shy voice and her smell. He refused to go back to her for three days, for those three days he still couldn't stop thinking about her. Her bravery to take on a Xenomorph, one that even a Yautja couldn't defeat.
His species never mated for life, they simply procreated to reproduce for their species. To grow more warriors for more hunts, their mating wasn't loving either. The females were known to be rough and quite deadly with the males, just making it out alive and injured was considered lucky after their mating.
But after that, they'd go their separate ways. Mating with others and every four hundred days, they'd all mate again for reproduction. But here was a Yautja, searching for the same female he had ran into by accident, a female who wasn't even a part of his species, no, of course, she was human. A species that was noteworthy of being their opponents to hunt and kill, perhaps even ally with.
But something. . . Something shined from this human, and it wasn't because of the thermal scan. This human, this female human of the human race killed a Xenomorph when one of his kind failed to do so. She wasn't a regular human, she was a warrior.
Scar quietly remained perched up in a tree as his scanners searched her house. The damaged parts of the house were cleaned up and repaired over the days, the light in her bedroom was the only thing on. There he saw her exit the restroom, wearing nothing but a towel around her body as she brushed through her semi-dried hair. She seemed low and lonely as she sat on her bed, not even hearing the camouflaged Predator entering her home.
~Y/n pov~
I turned and looked at my folded clothes to wear; it's been three days, whoever that creature was isn't coming back. I already know that's the truth, but it's so hard to accept. For those three days, I couldn't stop thinking about him. Those large hands, the claws, those dreadlocks and his large abs lining his abdomen. Fishnets on his legs, his large build, his tall height.
He couldn't be just six feet, he had to be close to seven at least. I felt stupid when I remembered how I touched myself last night, thinking about him in such erotic ways. I don't even know what he was or who he was, and yet there I was—finger fucking myself over him.
He didn't even answer me or anything, I don't even know if he had a name. I was more pissed off at myself as I stood to grab my clothes, I opened my shirt and sighed as I turned around. Gasping as I dropped the piece of clothing when my eyes landed on the behemoth in front of me. Him. . . It was him! He was here. . .
He was back. . . But. . . why? Shit, what is he going to do? Kill me? Finish whatever job he had to be here? He stepped forward and I couldn't move, I was either scared or really brave to face this giant. . . I highly doubt that I was brave, I was just petrified. I saw him raise his hand at me, was he going to strangle me? Break my neck? I closed my eyes and accepted my fate, maybe he'll make it quick.
But that anticipation was for nothing, I slightly gasped when his claw dragged against my cheekbone. I opened my eyes to see his fingers gentle caressing my skin with care, it really showed me how truly big he was. His hand could cover my entire face, I looked up at his metal covered mask, those dreadlocks were out of this world. Hesitance drowned my confidence as I lifted my hand towards him, slowly and steadily.
He didn't move or growl, that was a good sign. . . right?
I let the tip of my index finger brush one of his dreadlocks, he seemed to have shuddered from the contact. I moved my hand—thinking I did something to cause him discomfort, but that was debunked when his hand held my much smaller wrist. He brought it up to encircle one of his dreadlocks, it felt smooth, rubbery almost, fake to the touch. But it was real nonetheless.
"Y-You're back. . . Why did you come back?" I asked him with a stutter lining my words. I heard the familiar clicking come from behind his mask, I didn't understand what he was saying but I saw his hand lift towards the tubes connected to the side of his mask before pulling them out. A hiss of air was heard when his hand lifted the disguise.
I didn't know what to think when I saw his face, those large mandibles, sharp pointed teeth, sharp and deadly eyes. Never in my life have I seen a creature like him, this was an extraterrestrial level. Forget E.T, this guy definitely takes the cake. I lifted my hand and grazed my finger over his lower jaw mandibles, they clicked and spread open to reveal his teeth within.
I couldn't stop looking at him, but when I did I glanced at the towel I was wearing. My heart rate picked up as I argued back in forth in my head. What if this is truly the last time I ever see him? He'll be gone, what if he forgets about me? This is my only chance, I've never done this before, but this'll be one hell of a first time story for anyone to hear.
I closed my eyes and gulped before bringing my hand towards my towel, I looked back at the creature before pulling the cloth loose—feeling it fall down to my ankles and the cool air breeze across my bare breasts. I shuddered as the coolness, but kept my eyes on his. His clicking grew to a low growl, almost like a warning sign.
Did I read the signs wrong-? oh fuck! I can't even get a regular guy and here I am, not even getting a damn alien or whatever he was to—"Bee-U-Tiff-all. . ." His semi-audible voice growled out. I gasped at the wonder of his voice, it sounded like he tried to put the words together correctly, but with struggle of course. I grew a light smile as I placed my hand on his chest.
"I don't know. . . if you can understand what I'm saying but: you. . . are the most amazing thing I've ever seen walk the earth. . ." I said to him. His large calloused hand slithered up my arm and towards my neck, his thumb gently pushed my chin to look up at him. His large head tilted to the side as he used his unintelligible clicking to communicate to me.
"I don't understand what you're saying. . . But if you mean. . ." I glanced at my bed then back at him, I took his hand and led him near it before I let him go, crawling backwards on the bed and watched him, "If I'm misinterpreting whatever you're trying to say. . . Then I'm sorry. . . But if I'm right. . . Then can you. . . be gentle? I-I've never. . . did this." I mumbled awkwardly.
He seemed to have understood that rather quickly when he held my ankle and lifted it, like he was examining my skin before he rested his knee on the bed. Pulling me closer and spreading my legs, I whimpered at my exposed place. He's ten times my size, yet he's being gentle as he could be. Maybe this will feel good like my friends say.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Not good! Oh fuck! I was laying on my stomach, my ass was perched up and this thing was hovering over my back while his unnatural massive cock was prodding at my unexplored entrance. His hands were locked on my waist as he rubbed himself against me, I mewled from the sensation, it was some sort of friction for me.
He was so big, I was terrified on how he'll even make it fit inside of me. I'll barely get the tip in alone! Without warning me, he turned me over on my back again and knelt on the ground. He held my thighs open before letting his forked tongue run over my clit—there I gasped as I clenched the bedsheets.
"Ah!" I moaned, it was a strange feeling, but it felt good. I heard his growling rumbling within his chest as his hands squeezed my thighs. I wanted to touch him, but I wasn't sure of what he was comfortable with so I kept my hands to myself. I felt his mandibles slightly dif into my pelvic area as his lower ones cupped the backs of my rear, his tongue then slithered inside of my glistening petals and through my cunt.
My legs started to shake when his tongue flickered over my clit as he started to tease my labia. I felt my sweat beginning to form over my chest and forehead, I started to feel the tightening string building inside of me. He fully plunged his tongue deeper inside of me and struck the cord—my back lifting off the bed as I bit my hand to not moan out loud. With trembling legs and the flash of white blurring my vision, I didn't even see or feel him turn me back over on my stomach.
But I did feel that initial sting when his cock pushed into me, I used my pillow to squeal into as he added more pressure. Slowly but surely breaking through my hymen, my tears started to sting my eyes as his hands pushed down my shoulder—making my chest lay flat on the bed as I endured it.
His cock was large, too large, it filled me up as he started to slowly thrust, each thrust made his length dig deeper inside of me. I choked on my whimper as he slammed against my cervix, "FUCK!" I screamed out. He remained still and lowly purred beside my head, not moving and letting me adjust to the sheer size of him. My knuckles turned white as I clenched the sheets, I whined when he slightly moved. He was growling while letting his hands touch my body, I felt his dreadlocks drag across my skin.
After a minute or so, he slowly pulled back and pushed forward. Filling me again, he surely reached the deepest parts of me. Mewls and gasps came from me as he continued with his slow motions, rolling his hips into me and growling, letting out snarls and purrs as he clenched my hips—his claws digging into my skin to resist the urge to go faster. I appreciated the thought, but was terrified if he did let loose on me.
"Ah, Ngh! K-keep goi-NG!" I moaned while hugging my pillow with tears. I felt my sweat beginning to coat my forehead and my back, I felt him lower down and lick the shell of my ear with his forked tongue. A whimper flowed from my lips when he picked up the pace just a bit, I could feel his balls hitting my clit just right. They were so big slapping against me; I choked on my air when he pulled me up on his chest.
He hugged my waist and started to thrust into me again, I reached towards one of his locks and brought it to my lips to kiss. He roared and started to grope my breasts while thrusting quicker, each thrust was heavy and deep. His scale like arms held me tight, his claws tracing over my nipples as his mandibles clicked right next to my ear.
My body felt like it was going to split in half from his cock, I was shocked by my moaning and my begging for more of him. I held his arm while I shut my eyes to enjoy this overriding pleasure, my orgasm was approaching as he continued to grind against me. He laid me down again and snarled—digging his nails into my flesh as he restrained himself, I bit the pillow and squealed when the ball tightening within me snapped.
My back arched as I pushed against him, moaning as I felt my desire squirt out of me. That white bliss glossed over my vision, leaving small black dots to see as he continued to grind against me. He didn't stop, his thrusting grew more intense as he clawed at the sheets to avoid harming me—I covered my ears when he roared out. Then gasping when he finished inside of me.
It felt warm, and thick—I could feel his thick desire coating the walls of my uterus and filling my cunt to the brim. His dreadlocks were dragging over my shoulders as he slowly got up from me, I winced feeling him pull out from me. I felt his cum leaking out of me. I felt so tired, drained of all my energy.
His arms gently turned me over, my eyes felt droopy, they started to close when I felt him cover me with a blanket and pick me up before his deep voice growled out, "Sc—aar."
Unaware of where he was taking me. I don't know how long I was out but I was still sleeping. Until I heard more clicking and snarls from other creatures near me.
I hope you enjoyed the smut! Feel free to follow and request for ur own!
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meangirls-imagines · 3 months
Hi. Can I request a Regina imagine? High femme lesbian reader. She/her. Looks are exactly my profile picture.
Reader overhears people spreading terrible rumours about Regina. Reader defends her and Regina eventually finds out. Just pure fluff.
Thank you!
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Description: Reader is usually the level headed one of her relationship. However, she is hanging on by a thread. The thread snaps when she hears a football player talking shit about her girl.
WARNINGS: none really. pure fluff. regina being all heart eyes for reader. reader yelling at men
Y/N was on her last straw.
All week for some reason, people wouldn't stop talking shit about her girlfriend.
Regina George.
It was no secret that people disliked her girlfriend. She knew that. She knew when her and Regina first got together. People would tell her all the time, it's not like she could forget.
But this was different.
It was more constant than usual.
It was like every day there was a new rumor about her girlfriend.
"Regina is cheating on Y/N with Aaron Samuels."
"I heard Regina is pregnant with Jake's baby."
Y/N was tired of the shit talking. She was one little inconvenience from exploding. Luckily for her, it would happen soon.
Unluckily for Shane Oman, he was about to endure Hurricane Y/N.
Regina knew all the rumors about her weren't true, but it still hurt to hear them. Gretchen and Karen were working to kill all the rumors as they started but it was hard when they kept coming.
Regina had no idea how Y/N was reacting to the rumors. She hadn't seen the girl all day due to them not sharing any classes together. So she had no idea what to expect.
She was waiting for the girl in the cafeteria, foot tapping impatiently. Gretchen and Karen were with her, glaring at anyone who looked at Regina badly as they walked past. The blonde felt vulnerable. She just wanted her girlfriend here with her.
Her day just got incredibly worse when Shane Oman came up to their table.
"Hey babe, you wanna hang out later?" Regina cringed. "Shane, you know I'm gay and have a girlfriend. Leave me alone." The boy smirked and leaned closer to Regina. "Oh come on, Regina. Remember how much fun we used to have? All you need is the right guy to straighten you out."
Regina went to reply but was interrupted by someone pouring a smoothie on the boy's head. He whipped around to see a smirking Y/N standing there with an empty cup.
"Hi there, Shane. Let me go ahead and explain something to you. You're going to back away from my girlfriend, and I won't tell the entire school that you have herpes. Got me?" The boy stared at the girl with rage in his eyes.
"Try it. No one would believe you." Y/N smiled at the boy. "Sure, they won't. But, I can very easily get medical documents that say that you not only have herpes but maybe I'll throw erectile dysfunction in there. Imagine how much action you'll get after that."
Shane blushed in embarrassment and stormed off, leaving a trail of smoothie behind him.
The cafeteria was silent, all staring at Y/N in disbelief. The girl stood on the table and addressed everyone.
"Okay. Since we seem to have a gossip problem at this school, allow me to tell everyone now. If I hear a fucking peep about my girlfriend, you can go ahead and sign your fucking death wish. Everyone got it?" The cafeteria seemed to all agree and go back to their business.
Y/N smiled in satisfaction and stepped down, instantly being pulled into Regina's lap. The blonde pulled her into a kiss, causing Gretchen and Karen to squeal.
They pulled away after a minute and Regina brushed her thumb on Y/N's cheek. "Thank you baby. I really appreciate it." Y/N smiled and kissed Regina's forehead. "Anything for you baby."
Needless to say, the rumors stopped and no one messed with Regina again.
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hollisxwrites · 4 months
Hi, can I please make a request? Reader (you can choose the godly parent) gets super protective of Percy after he gets in a physical fight with Clarisse.
fight for you
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percy jackson x fem! child of apollo reader
word count: 1.3k
warnings: cannon typical violence, mention of a concussion, clarisse is kind of a bitch in this one! sorry, i love her, but it had to be done. overall, super fluffy though.
summary: percy gets in a fight with clarisse because he was insulting him, and worst of all, his girlfriend. when the fight gets harsh, his girlfriend steps in, and then takes care of him after the fight.
authors note: y'all, thank you so much for all the love on my most recent posts! i have reached over 1.5k likes and 55 followers! i only started this blog two weeks ago, so thank you! i have been blown away by all the kindness. i am also working through all of my request, so don't worry, i'll get to all of them very soon! xoxo - hollis.
A horrific smack was heard all around the Camp when suddenly, my boyfriend, the brave (and idiotic) Percy Jackson, sent his practice javelin hurling at one of the camp's best fighters, Clarisse La Rue. Percy was already agitated, I could tell. Clarisse had been taunting him all day long, telling him that he would never be as good of a fighter as her, and telling her that his dad would never support him the way Ares supported her. I kept telling Percy to stand down, to not let her words affect him, but they did. Every word was like a knife to his side, making his insecurities run rampage on his mind. So, when the javelin left his hand, I hate to say it, but I wasn’t surprised in the slightest. Clarisse got what was coming for her, honestly.  
Clarisse had started to insult me, and that’s when I knew it was over for her. Percy’s demeanor shifted from almost joking to serious in an instant. He always said that it was okay to insult him, but the second it came to me, he wouldn’t go down without a fight, which I guess was sweet, but it also put him at risk almost all the time. 
“Percy! Stand down, please!” I yelled at him from across the training field. “If you get hurt, I’m going to kill you.” 
Percy’s eyes burned with a fiery passion as he turned around to look at me. “I’m defending you, sunshine. I can handle myself.” 
I sighed and rubbed my hands on my temples. This boy would be the death of me. “Please be careful.” I whispered, more to myself than to him. 
I told myself I wouldn’t get involved, I told myself that I wouldn’t let myself fight his battles, but when Clarisse dropped her weapon and started to fight with her fist, I couldn’t let it slide anymore. I ran up and pushed Percy behind me, and right hooked Clarisse right in the jaw.  She stumbled back, gripping her jaw and scoffed. “Percy is so weak that you must fight his battles? That’s hilarious.” 
Percy moved to my side, his nose already bleeding and his left eye going to be black in the morning, but he was not going to let me get myself hurt for him. “No, he’s not, but I can’t let you insult him like that. Percy is brave, strong, and a better person than you but tenfold. He is everything you are not.” 
Her eyes twitched and she threw another punch not at me, but at Percy. I pushed her off him, and using my hand-to-hand combat skills, threw her to the ground. I laid one more good punch on her before Chiron and a couple of my siblings from Apollo came running at us.  
“Stop fighting!” Chiron yelled. “You all have dishes duties for a month! Miss.{reader}, please take Percy to the medics, and Clarisse, come to my office, immediately.”  
I nodded at Chiron, upset about the dishes duty, but happy I got to be the one to take care of Percy. I helped him up from his place on the ground. When Clarisse had hit him the last time, he had fallen to the floor hard on his back, possibly hitting his head. Usually, I did not get this involved in his fights, but I couldn’t stand to see him hurting for my sake. I let him drape his arms around my shoulder, as the last punch sent him on his back, and we slowly made our way to my cabin. There was no way that I was going to let some of my siblings take care of my boy, that was my job. Anger still coursed through my veins as I watched Percy’s eyebrows pinch in pain with each step. His head was probably pounding, and he defiantly had a couple of bruised ribs from the fall he took.  
When we reached my cabin, I helped him lay down on my bed that was oh-so familiar with. “Stay right here, I’m going to grab you some pain killers and an ice pack. Do not move.”  
“Yes ma’am.” He said, his sassiness still peeking through his voice despite him being injured.  
I ran as quickly as I could to the medical building and grabbed what I needed to heal my boy, and then ran back. I was gone for less than five minutes, but when I returned, Percy was already half asleep, head nestled into my pillows. “Hey, Perc, can you sit up a little for me?” I asked him, voice as soft as I could make it.  
He shuffled to sit up and smiled a sideways, semi-loopy smile at me. “What do you think is wrong, doc?” He said, voice a little horse. I was scared he might have had a concussion because of the way he was acting. 
“Let me ask you a couple of questions, then I’ll know. Is your mind foggy? Are you dizzy or nauseous?” I asked him. 
“Dizzy? Yes. Foggy mind? No. Nauseous...” He paused. “I don’t want to think about it.”  
I took that as yes for nauseous, thus confirming my thought that he had a concussion. “Okay, so I think you had a mild concussion, because you never blacked out, but you were awfully close. So, I’ll put an ice pack on your head, give you some pain killers, and you and I can just rest for the rest of the day, okay?” 
He tried his best to nod. “Okay, as long as you stay with me?”  
“Of course I’ll stay. There is no way I would leave you like this, especially because it was my fault that you are in this state.” I sighed and looked into his beautiful eyes. One of them was bruised a little bit, and so I placed a kiss to it, which is one of my healing gifts my father gave me. I can quite literally kiss it better. My lips lingered on his eye, and then I went to the other one, this his forehead, then his neck, his jaw, and finally, his ribs through his battered orange Camp shirt. His eyes closed and he hummed in appreciation.  
“I love you; you know that right? That’s why I fought for you.” He said, tone muddled with exhaustion.    
“I love you too, that’s why I fought for you.” I paused and my hands, finding his hair. “I didn’t do it because I thought you were weak or not good enough, I did it because I love you, and I don’t want anyone to hurt you, ever.”    
His eyes met mine, and they were filled with genuine love and adoration. “You’re perfect. I’m telling you. How did I deserve you?” 
I continued to clean him off, pulling his dirty shirt off him and wiping down any cuts or bruises with something my siblings and I developed. “How did I deserve you, the perfect, most handsome boy in the entire world?”  
He laughed and shook his head. “I love you.” 
“I love you, more than you’ll ever know.” I said, leaning down to press a quick kiss to his lips. 
He beckoned me to lay in bed with him after I finished cleaning him up. He pulled me with his dwindling strength, and then shifted so he was laying on my lap. I continued to play with his hair, and he soon drifted off to sleep. My boy may be one of the bravest campers, but he will always be nothing but sweet to me.        
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c-nstantine · 6 months
sense of normalcy
description: Jason & Black!Batmom in four stages of his life
word count: 1.2k
warnings: angst, death, mommy issues, grieving, talks about Jason's death a lot
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Jason: Age 12
Bruce had warned Alfred that there would be a guest joining him and of course, Alfred told Y/N. She was more than excited to have someone visiting the manor. It had been lonely since Dick struck out on his own. He visited but it wasn't the same as having a kid running around the manor. 
"Who might you be?" Y/N said approaching the boy who Bruce helped out of the Batmobile. He was rather lean for his height but his eyes looked like they sparkled as if the world never did him wrong. Y/N felt a pang in her heart and she looked towards Bruce who avoided her gaze.
"Jason Todd. You're on TV." He recognized the woman from the TVs that were on display in the stores that he passed as he walked down the street. Alfred had rushed back upstairs to fix the young boy something to eat.
"Sometimes, how would you like to stay with Bruce and me?" She had already decided that he would stay. She couldn't let the boy go back to whatever back alley Bruce found him on. 
"I'd love to," The boy's eyes twinkled once more as he smiled at Y/N.
Jason: Age 16
Jason was a good kid. He promised Y/N that he would be a good kid. He got good grades, and he excelled at English. Entering his teenage years, he only grew closer and more protective of Y/N but Y/N still saw him as the lean little boy who tried to steal the hubcaps off of the Batmobile. 
"Why is my son here?" Y/N asked, not even bothering to sit in the principal's chair. Her son had not a scratch on his face but he did have a bruised knuckle that definitely wasn't from patrol.
"He got into a fight, Mrs. Wayne," The principal of Gotham Academy said a bit smugly. Jason hated it here. He loved the teachers and learning but the kids were assholes. Not all of them, but the ones who thought he didn't belong because he wasn't born to the money. Kids could be cruel.
"Jason?" Y/N tilted her head towards her son, softening her gaze.
"He was making fun of me for being adopted and my accent," Jason spoke differently than the preppy kids of Gotham Academy but Y/N always encouraged him to speak how he wanted. His words were a part of him and he shouldn't have to change it for anyone.
"So my son was being bullied and he defended himself. Does that sound good to you, Principal Paulette?" Y/N gave the fakest smile known to the man while brushing faux loc behind her ear. 
"It sounds perfect, Mrs. Wayne," Principal Paulette simply groaned. 
"C'mon, Jason. We're getting ice cream." She smiled and waved for her son to follow her out of the office.
"Bruce is gonna be upset you're rewarding me," Jason said mixing his bowl of scooped chocolate chip ice cream together until it became the consistency of soft serve. He couldn't meet her eye yet. He felt like he had disappointed her and that maybe she regretted keeping him. What he didn't know is that he could never do anything that would make her not love him.
"You know I'll always love you, right? No matter what those kids say," Y/N said reaching over the table to ruffle his hair. He styled every morning with an absurd amount of gel but it didn't look like him.
"I know, ma, I know," He heard the words and wanted to believe them but he already decided that he'd leave and find his real mother. In his mind, she wouldn't miss him anyway, right?
"Good 'cause you my baby boy," She said with a bright smile.
He was in pain and cold. His mind was drifting in and out of consciousness. The faint beeping of the bombs was heard in the background and tears fell from his eyes as he realized this was his end. This was it. He was gonna meet the great big man in the sky and he didn't get to say goodbye to Y/N. He could die with disappointing Bruce but Y/N. Y/N had never seen him as more than a boy because that's what he was. He was just a child who didn't get to say goodbye to his mom. 
Jason: Deceased
Y/N was pacing a hole in the carpet. She stood in the study of Wayne Manor waiting here something, anything, back from Bruce. He hadn't contacted her since he left to find Jason and that was days ago.
"You said he'd come back," She said as Bruce walked through the grandfather clock entrance of the study. She noticed there was no Jason, she could hear his laughter like he normally did when he returned from a night out.
"Y/N," Bruce could see his wife about cry right in front of them. She tried to blink away tears so that they wouldn't fall down her brown cheeks. He could tell she hadn't been sleeping with Jason missing.
"You went to go get him. Where is he?" Y/N asked again with a bit more authority. 
"Honey, sit down. Alfred, bring her some tea," Bruce was trying to put the words together but Y/N simply fell apart on the couch. 
"No, don't tell me that, "She knew exactly what that meant, "He was just a baby," She whispered as Bruce held her in his arms. 
Jason: Age 22
"Ma?" Jason called for her as she was putting Martha and Alfred down for a nap. Y/N walked out of the nursery and closed the door behind her. His mom had aged a little since she took him home but not too much. Sure she had grey hairs mixed into her silk press but she was still the exact same woman who loved him at first sight.
"Yeah, Jason," She looked up at her son with a bright smile. Jason now towered her but he'd always be her baby boy. 
"I'm sorry," Jason said quickly. He had been holding it in since he died. He never told anyone but in the last moments before his death, he regretted not telling Y/N he loved her more and how much he'd miss her.
"What are you sorry for?" Y/N asked tilting her head slightly. 
"I'm sorry for leaving that night. I'm sorry for hurting you. I never wanted to hurt you," Jason's voice cracked as he moved to hug his mom. He didn't know how much pain one decision could cause.
"Oh, baby," She said rubbing his back. She felt tears coming to her eyes as she felt his on her cheek. 
"I'm sorry, ma, I'm so sorry," He muttered over and over again. His face had flushed red against her brown skin. Bruce had seen the moment but decided it was best for him not to interfere but he was happy to see Jason working through his emotions.
"You're here now and that's all I've ever wanted, okay? How about some ice cream?" Y/N said pulling away gently. Ice cream was one of her biggest pregnancy cravings so now they have a lifetime of Bluebell in their deep freezer.
"Yeah, ma," Jason spoke with a small smile. He was finally back to a sense of normalcy. 
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flametrashiraarchive · 11 months
Hey👋🏾 ! Can I request Shinjuro x Widowed Reader who lost her husband and child to a demon attack years ago and is now remarried to Shinjuro after after Ruka passed. And how Shinjuro deals with being in love with another partner while also being in love with his late wife still grieving her after all these years. Also I’d wonder how Kyojuro and Senjuro would take to having a new mom🤔.
Hey! Thank you so much for the prompt!
So, this story ran away with itself, but I think this had to be a longer piece because there are so many emotions at play here. I wrote this as if the events of Mugen Train never happened and Shinjuro never had that moment of clarity after Kyojuro's death. (Kyojuro will never die on my watch)
If you prefer, it's on AO3 here
Content warnings for: alcoholism, recovering from alcoholism, death of a spouse, death of a child, and Shinjuro just being awful at the beginning of the story. It is kind of a slow-burn but there is an explicit sex scene so minors DNI. 
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A Rekindled Flame
Shinjuro Rengoku x F!Reader
Shinjuro curls his lip as you approach. "What do you want now?"
Your husband reeks of sake and stale sweat, his yukata falling open, exposing his broad chest and thick thighs to the neighbors as he sits on the porch. 
Enough is enough.
You hold your breath, "You know what I want. I've asked you every day since the day we got married; I want you to give up the drink and be a father to your sons. Kyojuro left for his mission brokenhearted."
"So… what if he doesn't come back?"
"Why should I care? He's a grown man. He can make his own damn mistakes."
"You're vile. You're shameful!" You were raising your voice to him now, which you never did. You would take shit from Shinjuro all day long, but when it came to the boys, you would defend them tooth and claw. Your fists coiled at your sides. "How dare you!"
Shinjuro's shock at hearing your raised voice buys you a second to snatch the sake bottle from the former flame hashira.
"Give that back!" He growls, trying to stand. He sways and stumbles back down. "I'm not finished."
You defiantly pour the alcohol onto the earth and hand him the empty bottle. "There. You're done."
He simply stares at you, too drunk to form a reaction. "You… my…"
You turn on your heel and walk back into the house, heading to your room. Throughout the year you've been married, you and Shinjuro have never once shared a bed. Not even on your wedding night. He'd barely even made it through the ceremony before he was passed out in a drunken stupor. If not for Kyojuro and Senjuro, you might have run away there and then. Your marriage is loveless by every definition.
"SENJURO!!" Your husband bellows through the house, looking for his youngest. You know exactly what for. He's too drunk to go and buy sake himself, so he'll send the lad to do it. You step out of your room and find Shinjuro staggering through the kitchen. "Where's the boy?"
"Not here." You weren't about to tell Shinjuro, but his youngest son was at the butterfly mansion, where he would stay until he was ready to come home. You've had enough. You have all had enough.
Shinjuro closes his eyes and his throat flexes. He's either holding back from yelling or vomiting or both. "When you see him, tell him I need more sake. Some hell bitch threw mine away." And then he stumbles off to his bedroom and slides the door shut. A few moments later you hear a thud, and then snoring. 
All things considered, it didn't go too badly. 
Before you finish your chores you head over to Ruka's shrine. It has been a decade since Shinjuro's first wife passed, and you know how much he's hurting. You've lived through it yourself. 
You had thought that having both lost your spouses, you would have been a compatible match and bonded over your shared loss, but Shinjuro had only ever reluctantly accepted you as his wife. You were more of a nanny and maid. 
"Ruka… I'm trying," you whisper as you kneel and light the incense. "I'll keep trying, for the boys and for him."
The next day, Shinjuro is in a foul mood as anticipated. He trudges from his room and instinctively heads to the porch before remembering the events of the previous day. 
"You owe me a bottle of sake," he grumbles, his voice deep and rough. 
"You owe me a year of my life. Let's just call it even." 
His thick black eyebrows furrow. "Where's Senjuro?"
"Gone where? There are chores to be done…"
You take a breath. "Senjuro left here yesterday morning. He's gone to stay with friends. Kyojuro and I thought it would be best." 
"What the hell is this? My whole good for nothing family turning against me?" He shakes his head, furious tears forming in his eyes. "Why did you take my son away?"
"I didn't send him, he wanted to go," you try to keep your voice firm but calm. Your heart is racing, and as much as you want to get the hell out too, you need to do this for Kyojuro and Senjuro. "Don't you see what you're doing to this family?"
Shinjuro scoffs. "You're the one breaking us apart. The boys are all I have!"
"Senjuro flinches when you walk into the room. Kyojuro works so hard every damn day to make you proud and all you ever do is drink and tell him he's worthless. I don't want to drive your family apart. I want to fix it. I need to fix it, because you have two wonderful sons who deserve the world. And all you're giving them is hell."
He stares at you. A tear runs down your cheek and you quickly wipe it away. He knows you lost your own son, that you blame yourself for failing to protect him from the demon who killed both him and your husband. If Kyojuro had gotten there just a second later, you would have died too. 
He steps toward you, muttering the first syllable of your name before he shakes his head. For a moment you could swear he almost showed you empathy. "So… what you're telling me is that I need to quit drinking, and then I'll get my boys back."
You nod. "I know how much you're hurting Shinjuro. I know Ruka was your world and you love her so much the pain is unbearable. But the drink isn't numbing it, is it? You're still hurting, and all the drink does is spread that pain to others." You take a step toward him and lay your hand on his forearm, gazing up at him with desperation in your eyes. "Let me help you, because you truly have such wonderful, kind sons, and they deserve a father. And you don't deserve to drink yourself to an early grave."
His jaw tightens and he looks away. "There's nothing left of me for you to save."
"That's not true." Your racing heart is breaking as you look into your husband's eyes and see there's no light in them at all. "Shinjuro, we'll get you back."
"It's impossible–"
"We're Rengokus. We do not give up. Please Shinjuro… let me help you and then… then I'll leave. You'll never have to see me again. But do this for your sons."
His eyes snap toward you. "Why would you leave?" 
"Because I know you don't love me. You never have, and that's fine." A bitter chuckle leaves your lips. "I don't love you either. Let's just do this one thing. If all we ever do is get you through this, I'll consider our marriage a success."
He stares at you for a moment before his gaze drops to the floor. "Alright. I'll do it. For the boys."
The first weeks are hell. 
The withdrawal keeps Shinjuro up at night. He shakes and sweats, throwing his guts up and snapping at you constantly. His irritability is worse than ever and you start to doubt either of you has the strength to keep doing this. 
Every night you pray at Ruka's shrine. It's a comfort to feel like you're both trying to help. The photograph of her gazes back at you with endless patience and grace, and you try your best to draw strength from the hope that she's watching your efforts.
You wash the sweat and vomit from his clothes, you brew tea to help his nausea and let him swear and grumble at you all he wants. But he doesn't touch a drop of sake. 
One morning, three weeks after his last drink, Shinjuro emerges from his bedroom and walks to the table where you're eating breakfast alone.
"Good morning," he says, his voice as deep and growly as ever but lately it's a little gentler. 
"How was last night?"
"Better…" he pulls in a breath and walks to the pot of rice gruel on the table, ladling out a bowl for himself.
"You're eating breakfast?" You've never seen him eat breakfast in the whole year you've been married. 
He nods. "Yeah… I'm hungry."
For the first time, your husband sits beside you and eats. He doesn't smell of sweat and sake anymore, he just smells like… Shinjuro. 
"I'm going to cut firewood today," he tells you as he eats. "I noticed we're getting low, with the boys being gone."
Your eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Shinjuro has never done chores. "Oh, thank you."
"Don't thank me. I live here too. It's only fair I do my share." He finishes his breakfast and sets his bowl down. His eyes are downcast. "I'm sorry." 
Silence hangs between the two of you. 
You aren't sure how to respond. There are no words to describe the tangled web of feelings you have for the man. There's so much resentment and anger. But you're proud of him too, so very very proud. And truth be told, though your marriage exists in name only, you're attached to him. 
His hand rests on your shoulder, so big and heavy and oh-so warm. "I've been a terrible husband and an even worse father."
He bows his head. "I know words mean less than actions, but I will atone for what I've done and become worthy of the name Rengoku once more." He pulls in a long breath and turns to face you. "My wife… will–" He shakes his head, composes himself, and says firmly, "Can I hold you?"
His request takes you by surprise. "But you hate me."
"No," he shakes his head. "No, I've never hated you. How could I? I've watched you keep this home running while I've sat idle and useless. I've watched you be a mother to the boys and put up with the hell I dragged you through with grace and strength." His gold and crimson eyes are fixed on you. "You are a remarkable woman, the strongest I have ever known. And I know I'm unworthy of claiming the title of your husband, I'm beyond honored to call you my wife."
You can only stare. This man is so different from the one you've been married to this past year. "Shinjuro…" his name emerges as a whisper before your lips curve and you smile at him for perhaps the first time ever. 
Words are unnecessary as you lean into your husband's embrace and his strong arms wrap around you as he buries his face against your shoulder. 
And God, it shouldn't feel this good to finally feel appreciated and loved by him, but it does. You hold each other as if your embrace could heal the deepest wounds, bringing your hand up to softly stroke the back of his head and his wild fiery hair.
"I'm so proud of you," you say at last. "I know nothing has been easy these past ten years."
"It hasn't been for you either, and I've made it so much worse." He pulls back from the embrace and looks into your eyes. "I'm going to be the husband you deserve, if you'll have me. But don't answer yet. Let me earn it." 
He stands and takes your bowls to wash them. When he's done he silently heads outside and it isn't long before you hear the rhythmic thump of an ax hitting wood. 
You go about your daily routine, keeping the Rengoku homestead together as best as you can. You clean, maintain, fix, and finally cook.
When dinner is ready you head outside to tell Shinjuro, but the sight which greets you knocks the air from your lungs. 
He's still hard at work, his torso completely bare and his yukata gathered about his hips. His body is so big and burly, softened by age yet still so strong even though years have passed since he quit his hashira training. He's sweating and his cheeks and chest are flushed a warm shade of pink. He's slightly breathless. The golden sunset highlights every curve and muscle of his body. 
You just… stand… transfixed. 
Your body knows what it wants immediately.
He finally notices you standing on the porch and wipes his brow on his forearm. "Everything okay?"
"Mhm… yeah…" you nod as heat creeps across your cheeks and pools in the pit of your belly. "Dinner's ready."
He nods. "Almost done." 
The heat in your belly seeps lower as you watch him swing the ax again. 
You have to turn away. It has been years since you felt anything close to desire, and the sudden onslaught to your senses is more than you can handle. Heading inside, you splash cold water on your cheeks and add the noodles to the pot, ready to serve.
Your heart flutters as you hear Shinjuro's low hum of approval as he steps into the house a few minutes later. "Smells like miso."
"Miso ramen."
"My favorite!"
"I know." You chance looking around and instantly regret it. 
His yukata is back in place but he must have quickly washed up outside as his hair is wet and scraped up into a ponytail. And though he's clearly made an effort to be presentable, the fact remains that his yukata is hardly big enough to fully cover his chest. You can't tear your eyes from the hypnotic sight of water droplets sliding down over his skin.
"Oh~" you clear your throat and turn back to the pot, fixing two bowls of ramen. "It's a shame Kyojuro isn't back yet. He loves this dish."
"Kyojuro loves every dish," Shinjuro chuckles as he sits at the table. "Feeding him costs a fortune. But your ramen is very good." A pained sigh escapes him. "I do miss the boy. I expect he and I will have a difficult conversation upon his return. Difficult but necessary. And as for Senjuro, I can only hope he wishes to come back home."
You set the bowls on the table and sit beside him. "He will. He wants his father. And I've written to him telling him how well you're doing, though it may take a while for the letter to reach him, since Kyojuro has the kasugai crow on his mission." 
Shinjuro pauses with his spoon mid air. "You did that for us?"
You nod.
He reaches out and puts his hand on yours. "I would marry you again, you know. I know you probably can't say the same and I don't blame you for that one bit. But I would marry you without hesitation." 
His hand completely covers yours; large, firm, and warm. You rotate your wrist and turn your palm upward to interlock your fingers with his. 
"It hasn't been easy, Shinjuro, but I would do this a thousand times over to meet the version of you I see today." His stubble rasps against your palm as you reach out and affectionately cup his chin with your other hand, lifting it ever so slightly so he sits a little prouder. "I knew there was a good man beneath all those snarls." 
He chuckles and smiles at you fondly. "Thank you. Ah, I should probably shave, shouldn't I?"
"It's up to you, I quite like the stubble."
"Oh you do?" He raises a thick, dark eyebrow. "Then I'll keep it."
Your cheeks heat. You're flirting with your husband! He laughs softly and continues eating his ramen. 
"It's good. Thank you. You're an excellent cook and an even better wife."
When evening comes and it's time for you to go to bed, you stand together in the center of your house between the two doors.
"Goodnight, sweet wife," he says, squeezing your hand affectionately.
"Goodnight, husband who is trying very hard."
He laughs before he turns and heads to his room. 
From that point on, each day gets a little easier. You sit and eat meals with your husband and both spend the day working around your home. You become a team, a family. And every day he recovers more of himself. Every day he becomes the man his family deserves. 
When he's a month sober, you prepare a special dinner; a little banquet just for the two of you.
"Oh my!" His smile beams as he sees all your hard work. "My darling wife, you really are wonderful."
"Thank you." Your heart leaps as he leans in and gently kisses your cheek. 
"No, no, thank you." He chuckles and sits down to eat. He'll never admit it, but since he sobered up it's very apparent that Shinjuro absolutely shares the same voracious appetite as Kyojuro. "Mm… tasty."
You sit together, shoulder to shoulder as you eat, discussing the day and what still needs to be done around the house tomorrow. When he's finished eating you hand him a letter. "It's from Senjuro." 
His smile falters and he suddenly looks timid. His fingers are shaking as he opens the letter. You already know the contents, you know it's nothing but sweetness– of course it is, it's Senjuro– but you know how terrifying this must be for Shinjuro. 
You put your arm around his back as he reads and a few moments later you feel him start to shake as he grits his teeth and a sob bursts out of him.
"Senju–" he cries, bringing the letter to his lips and closing his eyes. "Oh my sweet boys. I miss them."
You pull him into an embrace,  wrapping your arms around him; one around his back, the other cradling his head to your chest as you press your lips to his hair. "It's okay. You're doing so well, Shinjuro. They'll be back soon and they'll be proud to call you their father."
He nods and wraps his arms around your waist, holding you as his tears subside and he composes himself. "You're right. They'll be back and they'll have a father they can be proud of." He keeps holding you, keeps resting his head against you. "Thank you. I can never thank you enough for what you've done for our family." 
"I would do it every day, a hundred times over." You kiss the top of his head, letting your lips linger in his hair. The scent of him is so comforting now, so you draw a deep breath.
He raises his head to look at you, smiling softly, and leaning in to  place a gentle, loving kiss on your cheek. 
His lips are soft in contrast to his stubble which rasps over your skin and stirs a cloud of butterflies in your belly. 
Your heart races as you close the space between you once more and kiss his cheek in return. Your kiss lands a little lower, a little closer to his lips.
He mirrors your gesture, exchanging another chaste kiss at the corner of your mouth. And another. And another.
The air between you grows thick and hot as those chaste kisses become loaded with a deeper need. And with every kiss your heart beats a little faster.
Your faces are just inches apart, his shallow breaths fluttering against your lips as the lids grow heavy over golden hued eyes. His gaze drifts to your lips. "Is it…okay if–?"
He chuckles, brushing his fingertips against your jaw and gently clasping your chin to bring your lips to his. His kiss is soft and tender, his lips slowly and tentatively caressing yours, as if he's rediscovering a path he once knew so well. 
But once he finds the rhythm his kiss grows more intense, and a deep, desperate moan rolls through his chest and echoes in you. The moment his tongue slips against yours you're both gone; lost to the heat and the pleasant tingles shooting through your bodies.
He pulls back for a moment, checking in on you, but you quickly close the gap once more, kissing him with all the passion and adoration you've craved for so long.
Your fingers graze over his stubble as you cup his face between your hands.
"Oh, my wife," he whispers against your lips as he switches from deep, hungry kisses to feathery, gentle ones. "My sweet wife."
He presses his forehead to yours as he traces your lips with his fingertip, making you shiver. 
"I should have told you every day; you're so beautiful," his voice is low and quiet and just for you. "I want to spend the rest of my life cherishing you as you deserve." He places a soft kiss at the corner of your lips. "I never thought I'd feel this way again."
You can hardly breathe; his tenderness is lovely and overwhelming. "I know I'll never replace Ruka. I don't intend to, and I would never expect you to stop loving her."
"You're right, I'll always love her, but I love you too, and there's room for both of you in my heart." He tucks your hair back behind your ear and kisses your temple. "I would never expect you to stop loving your late first husband either. The ones we lose, they're a part of us, and they would want us to be happy." He caresses your cheek and it isn't until he wipes away your tears that you realize you've begun to cry. "Before she died, Ruka begged two things of me: to take care of our boys and to find love again. And you've made both her final wishes possible. Ruka was my first love, but you are my last."
Your heart squeezes at his words. You caress his stubbled cheek before leaning in and letting your kiss tell him everything you can't find the words to express. His lips are addictive, and every kiss fans heat through your body. When you pull away you gently suck his lower lip, pulling a deep, needy groan from him.
"Oh~" his eyes flutter closed. One of his hands is at the back of your neck, the other drifts down to your waist. "You're making me weak, wife."
You can't help but smile as you lean in again and kiss him even deeper. That you can reduce this big, strong former hashira to whimpers with just a kiss is more thrilling than you ever imagined.
His cheeks are a deep shade of pink as he gazes down at you. "We have a lot of time to make up. I want to take care of you. Tell me how to do that."
"Well, we never got a wedding night," you say as your heart pounds.
"You're right." He kisses you again, runs his fingers through your hair. It seems he can't get enough of the sensation of you. "Would you like me to make up for that tonight?"
Your throat is dry, your breath stilted as you nod. "Yes. Shinjuro, right now I want nothing more."
You can see in his eyes how much this means to him. And you feel it too. It's not just the physical pleasure, but the intimacy, the outlet, the emotional release. He carries you to his bedroom and sets you down on the bed, his lips curving into a genuine and grateful smile as he kneels between your knees and leans forward, pressing his body against yours and kissing you. 
It's been so long since you felt anything like this, and your body drinks it in. Before long you're kissing like teenagers, both flushed, your bodies heating. You wrap your legs around him, grinding your hips against his, seeking friction as his tongue strokes yours. 
He chuckles softly. "Easy, little spitfire. I said I'd take care of you and I want to do it thoroughly." His fingers make short work of your clothing, laying you bare as his breath catches in his throat. "Beautiful," he whispers, his voice thick with reverence as he gazes down at you.
He kisses your neck, your collarbone, your breasts, latching onto your nipples with a wanton moan. 
There's so much time to make up for, and he loves you. He desperately does. Never once during that year of lonely hell did you ever suspect that Shinjuro was a man who loves to fuck, but as he kisses his way down your belly and over your hips, he can't hide the curve of his lips or the gleam in his eyes. 
His stubble rasps against your inner thighs as he teases you with hot, hungry kisses, inching closer and closer to where you so desperately need him.
"Just relax," he tells you in that soft, growly voice as he lies between your legs, his lips just inches from your pussy. "Let your husband take care of you."
And God, he does just that. Shinjuro eats your pussy like it's his first meal in forever, licking, sucking, groaning as he devours you. He's experienced; he knows exactly what he's doing, and he's enthusiastic about it, wanting nothing more than your pleasure and your fingers tangled in his fiery hair.
He listens to your moans, he pays attention, figuring out what works for you. Hooking a large, warm hand behind your knee, he lifts your leg and puts it over his broad shoulder and seals his lips around your clit, softly sucking as his tongue flutters. He's spurred on by your cries, your gasps, the way your legs tremble.
"Shinjuro…I'm close." 
It's music to his ears. He doesn't stop, he keeps the same pressure, the same pace, letting your pleasure build and build until you fall apart, bucking against his skillful mouth as he laps up every drop of your essence. When your trembling subsides he gently and affectionately nuzzles your clit with the tip of his nose. 
"God." You lie there panting as he kisses your inner thighs once more. 
"Do you want more?" He asks, lifting your leg and trailing kisses down your calf.
"I never want it to end."
He laughs quietly, shifting his body so he can lie on top of you. You kiss him deeply, tasting yourself on his lips as you run your fingers over his back. His muscles flex and relax beneath your touch.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" He whispers in your ear. 
"Yes." There's so much desperation in your voice. 
A low, approving moan emerges from him before he rocks up onto his knees and stands to undress. His body is just as strong and burly as you remember and just the sight of him makes your breath catch. His cock is hard and standing straight out, curved slightly upward toward the tip, and thickly veined.
His eyes are soft as he looks down at you, but the shallow rise and fall of his chest tells you he's anything but calm.
Raising up, you sit on the bed and put your hands on his hips, pulling him toward you. He smiles and obeys your silent command, stepping closer to you to lay back down on top of you.
"I can't tell you how good it feels to know you want me," he whispers close to your ear. "My God, I have such a beautiful wife."
He trails kisses down your neck, pressing his lips to your throat as you run your fingers through his hair.
"You feel so good, Shinjuro."
"I want to make sure you're good and ready for me first." He reaches down between your legs, his fingers gliding over your overstimulated clit and down to your entrance. He gently pushes his finger inside, gasping at the wet warmth of your pussy squeezing him. "Ohh~ my girl, you're so wet already."
You're out of your mind with desire and pleasure as he finds the exact spot to curl his fingers against. "Shin… oh…"
"Hm? Is that good?" He adds another finger, circling your clit with his thumb and watching your every reaction. 
He fucks you with his fingers deep and slow, stretching you out in preparation, enamored with your whimpers and the way you moan his name.
Lowering his head, he takes your nipple into his mouth and laps at it with his tongue. "Are you going to cum for me again, my love?"
"Good girl, I know you've got at least one more for me." 
You're damn near feral as he keeps coaxing out your pleasure, that big, warm body of his pressing you down against the mattress. Your inner muscles flutter and clench around his fingers. 
"That's it, my love. There it is. Let's get this pretty pussy all wet and ready for me." 
Your orgasm tears through you and you cry out in pure bliss as he keeps on praising you in his deep, rough voice. 
"That's my girl. Oh you look so beautiful; so ready for me. You want it now, huh?" 
All you can do is nod. He chuckles and pulls out his fingers, bringing them to his mouth before he sucks them clean. "Mm~ I'm never going to get enough of your taste."
"Shinjuro," you moan as your hips involuntarily buck toward him. Your need surpasses all other sensation. You need to be fucked and you need it now. 
Shinjuro's lips curve into a grin. He strokes his cock between your folds, coating himself in your slick essence before he presses his tip to your entrance. 
"God, you're so big," you gasp as he pushes into you. Even with all his preparation there's still a little resistance. 
"Nice and easy, little spitfire," he grunts, his brow knitting together as he slides slowly deeper. "Ohh, you feel so damn good."
He buries his cock to the hilt inside you,  leaning forward so his chest is pressed to yours and he can rest his weight on his forearms as he caresses your face and strokes your hair sweetly while grinding his hips against yours.
"Look at you, my pretty wife, taking my cock so well."
As your passion grows, his vocabulary dwindles to nothing more than grunts and gasps. He rolls his hips, aiming to hit every pleasurable spot with each slow thrust. He's patient, savoring the sensation of you as he kisses every inch of your face.
His restraint starts to fray as you rock your hips beneath him, hinting that you want more. 
Those golden eyes of his flutter shut, and his lips part around a silent gasp. "If you keep that up I'm not going to last, my love."
You kiss him, deeply, your tongue dancing slowly with his as you keep on rocking your hips. As much as you want this to last forever, you want him to feel good too. Watching him start to lose his composure is a beautiful feeling.
He groans against your mouth. "Do you want to get on top?"
He rolls you over and lies back, letting you align yourself properly to ride him. Putting one arm behind his head, he reaches out with the other and touches the base of his cock, sliding up until he touches your pussy, tracing the seam where your bodies meet, with a deep, approving moan. "So perfect." 
You place your hands on his belly for balance and start to roll your hips, taking him slow and steady, rocking forward so your breasts are just a few inches from his face. 
"Ohh~" He's in bits as you ride him, his cheeks flushed, his eyes heavy-lidded.
Ever-desperate to please you, he strokes your clit with the pad of his thumb, watching the way you move like he's bound by your spell.
As your pleasure grows you start to move faster, taking him harder and deeper until you're riding him with desperate abandon. 
Your backs arch in sync as the pleasure becomes too much to bear, as waves of pleasure wash over you and you fall apart, he cries out, gasping, thrusting his hips up into you as he finishes. 
And then you collapse, fucked-out and blissful in the arms of your husband. Finally, finally after all this time.
You both lie there gasping for air, exchanging soft laughter and gentle kisses.
"I love you, wife." He pulls you to him, wrapping his strong arms around you as if he intends to protect you from the world. 
And finally you speak the words you've longed to feel since the day you married him. "I love you too."
You mean it. You truly do.
For the first time in your marriage you and Shinjuro fall asleep holding each other. And that's how you sleep every night thereafter. 
~A year later~
"YOU'RE HOME!" Senjuro is only fifteen and probably only half Kyojuro's weight, but he barrels into his older brother with enough force to knock the man flying onto his ass. The boys' loud, contagious laughter rings through the house. 
"Careful! Careful!" Shinjuro chuckles, ruffling his youngest son's hair before helping the eldest up from the ground.
"Thank you father," Kyojuro beams as he dusts off his hashira uniform and places his hand flat on Senjuro's head, measuring his height against himself and widening his eyes when he finds Senjuro is at nose-height. "Goodness! When did you get so tall?! You must stop growing. I'll be the shortest in no time."
"Then I'll call you 'little brother' instead." Senjuro grins.
A laugh shakes Shinjuro's chest as he places his hand on his eldest son's shoulder. "You may be the shortest soon but I'm still proud of you. I'm proud of you both. I have fine boys." He smiles affectionately. "How was the mission?" 
"Successful." Kyojuro lifts his chin proudly. "We prevailed, and the demon's would-be victims are safe. He won't hurt anyone again."
A moment later, Kyojuro is damn near swept off his feet a second time as his father pulls him into a tight embrace.
You can't help but smile from the doorway before heading into the kitchen. It's late spring, the air is fresh and pleasant, and everybody's home. It's as good an excuse to prepare a feast as any. 
Getting to this point took some work. There were many tears and long conversations. But in the end the family has come together and emerged from the darkness stronger. The Rengoku house is once again filled with love and laughter.
Kyojuro walks into the kitchen and wraps his arms around you. He knows what you endured throughout his father's recovery, and he'll never stop showing you how grateful he is. 
"I'm so glad you're home," you say softly as you hug your stepson back. 
He pulls back and his smile is beaming. Both Kyo and Senju have their father's hair and eyes, but Kyojuro is the spitting image of Ruka; his presence just as calming and comforting as the picture on her shrine. 
"How is he?" he asks. 
"Your father?"
"No, no I can see he's well. I mean…" his eyes dart downward to your stomach. 
You laugh, "Oh, you're so certain you have a new little brother?" 
"I'm positive, there hasn't been a girl in our family as far back as records go. Could you imagine a little girl with these eyebrows??" He laughs loudly. 
There's nothing wrong with our eyebrows," Shinjuro interjects as he enters the kitchen too. "Now, if you don't mind, your stepmother and I have a feast to prepare. You and Senjuro have a lot of catching up to do, I'm sure."
Your husband rolls his sleeves over his muscular forearms and gives you a wry smile as the boys head off, chattering between themselves. 
"We all love you, you know?" he says quietly as he begins chopping vegetables. "You brought this family back from the brink, and I can never thank you enough." 
"You thank me plenty."
"It's still not enough." 
He sets down the knife and stands behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning around to place a dozen little kisses on your cheek. 
You laugh– as you do so often these days– and kiss your husband, proud to be his and proud to love him so openly. Because Shinjuro Rengoku is a man to be proud of. 
The end
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ponderingmoonlight · 3 days
Heya, could you write one for Tanjirou where the reader gets hurt on a mission and he feels bad about letting it happen as they were protecting Nezuko and he has feelings for her?
Thanks. I love your writing and take your time x
Tanjiro realizing his feelings for reader after she risks her life to protect Nezuko
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Pairing: Tanjiro x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,8k
Synopsis: Despite being well-composed and never deciding without thinking twice, you find yourself recklessly risking your life in order to protect Nezuko from getting hurt by Daki. Little do you know what an impact your second impulsive choice will have...
Warnings: severe injury, near death experience, fluff over fluff with Tanjiro with probably the cutest ending I've ever written, not proofread, I'll use one collage and one stand-alone AI pic so if this triggers you, I suggest not to read or look at them 🤍
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You never considered yourself impulsive. No, you never acted out of a feeling, never operated without thinking twice. Always kept your composure, a cool head. Maybe this is the reason for you still being alive, the reason why you are able to call yourself a quite skilled demon slayer on the side of your friends.
“You’ll come with me. I need you to look out for my wives.”
It was clear right from the start that this wouldn’t be an easy mission. All of Tengen’s wives enjoyed education when it comes to fighting skills. As a former shinobi, he made sure they were able to defend themselves. If he lost contact to them, it was clear something bigger is behind it. Something way bigger than anything you witnessed until that day.
“I can’t allow you to take (y/n) with you like that. I will join!”, Tanjiro suddenly shouted from behind with his oh so confident voice.
You will never forget the way he smiled at you back then, how much he cared for your well-being each and everyday since you arrived in the red-light district.
“I would never allow a demon to hurt one of my friends!”
Friends. Not quite the word you’d like to use for him. Since you first met each other when he saved you during the final selection, you always kept an eye open for the boy with the special kimono.
And his sister.
Apart from many people who dislike her, you loved Nezuko since the first day you laid eyes on her. Slowly but surely, it became your mission as well to save her, to free her from the curse of being a demon.
“I guess I’ll never be able to thank you enough for your support.”
You didn’t allow yourself to look at him, fully aware of that you’d get lost in his tender orbs again if you do. No, instead your eyes roamed about the glittering city to your feet, drifting over the facial expressions of the people underneath you.
“We’re friends, right? This is what friends do”, you murmured into the night.
Oh, you didn’t believe yourself a single word. What a filthy little lie to call Tanjiro a friend when all you are able to think about is his smell, when his voice is everything that lingers through your mind. Are friends supposed to think about one another constantly, to ponder about how their lips might feel pressed against each other? You promised yourself to never find out. After all, revealing your true feelings might scare him away forever. And losing Tanjiro all at once is definitely far worse than calling yourself his friend. After all, this would be impulsive with a not foreseeable outcome.
But even after you swore you’d never act out of a feeling, you find yourself sprinting into certain death.
It all happened faster than you expected. Inosuke managed to find Tengen’s wives and therefore the demon.
The upper moon six, to be exact.
The devilish who injured not only your friends, but Tanjiro as well. And now, she’s about to injure Nezuko as well.
Apart from your usual composed self, you find yourself dashing forward while grabbing the handle of your katana tightly. This is ridiculous, you don’t stand a chance against a demon like hair. Nezuko is a demon herself, she’d probably recover from her injuries.
You furrow your eyebrows, eyes fixated on both of them. It doesn’t matter right now. All you are able to think about is helping your friend.
“Get your filthy hands away from her”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
A well-placed hit. Your knee hits the ground roughly. Then everything around you is discoloured red.
Like in slow motion, you watch your own body sink onto the ground lifelessly. Your lungs feel like collapsing any given minute while you gasp for air like a fish on land. Blood takes your sight, drips down onto the already soaked floor while all you can do is watch in sheer horror as that hell of a demon grins at you.
“You did well until now. Dumb girl, why would you even think about defending a demon? Look how weak you are.”
The urge to cough becomes unbearable. Over and over, you spit out your own blood until your ribs feel like breaking. Did she hit you? Are you severely injured? Apart from your aching lungs, your body feels completely numb, almost lifeless. Like in slow motion, you watch as she walks towards you, the upper moon six emblem sparkling dreadfully in her eyes.
Is this your end?
What a senseless way to die when Nezuko is a demon. After all, even an upper moon wouldn’t be able to kill another demon without the right blade to do so. You never considered yourself so impulsive, so reckless.
Your eyes dart towards Tanjiro’s beloved sister who puts up a desperate fight against all the debris that buried her. Not everything needs to make sense.
It doesn’t make sense you decided to spare her life in the first place. It doesn’t make sense that you fell for her brother, that you allowed yourself feelings deeper than sympathy in a world full of cruelness and death. It doesn’t make sense that you decided to follow the sound hashira only to rescue his wives, that you actually considered going with him on your own.
All of that because you are so madly in love with Tanjiro. All of that because you view Nezuko as your own sister and could never allow another person to hurt her.
“What an ugly girl you are with your face twisted like that. What’s wrong? Are you in pain?”
You can hear your flesh bursting underneath another merciless hit of her belt, feel the throbbing pain that starts radiating through your bones. You will die right here and now, without any doubt. And you will die without seeing his face again, without telling him a single word about your true feelings.
“Don’t worry (y/n), I’m sure we’ll be fine! And as soon as we’re back, I’ll invite you to a bowl of ramen!”
A bowl of ramen?
Like in trance, you press your hand onto your leg, feel your busted flesh all too clearly, your very own blood slipping through your fingers.
Just like the love of your life.
“You need to get up.”
A distant voice in the back of your brain, muted by the constant ringing that takes over your ears.
“(y/n), can you hear me? You need to get up.”
Is Tanjiro still with Tengen-sama? They will manage to defeat those demons, you just know it. With the help of Inosuke, Zenitsu and Tengen-sama, Tanjiro will be alright. Who knows, maybe he’ll be a hashira in a week from now, maybe he’ll defeat Muzan Kibutsuji. Oh, what you’d give to hear that boy’s voice one last time, to witness his beaming smile again.
“She’s basically dead, idiot. Get lost so I can finish her.”
Are those hands lifting you off the ground or is your soul evaporating from your body?
“Please stay with me, (y/n). You need to keep on fighting.”
You allow your eyes for the briefest second. When you open them again, you barely miss how Nezuko catapults the upper moon six into a nearby building with full force. No, why would she risk to get hurt, what if that woman hurts her? It seems like you’re moving away from the scene and you’re unable to do anything apart from stretching out your shaky hand.
“No…I can’t…leave….”, you breathe out.
“Why did you risk your life like that? (y/n) you…you could be dead right now.”
That voice, it isn’t inside your head. No, someone is talking to you with an oh too familiar voice in a tone you know so well.
“I’m here, (y/n). And I promise everything will be alright? I just...don’t do something like that ever again, not even for Nezuko.”
Even though the sheer movement feels like breaking your own neck, you lift up your head enough to make sure this isn’t just a dream.
But his eyes are already set on you, filled with nothing but worry and threat while he carries you over the battlefield.
For a moment, time stands still. Just you and Tanjiro. No battlefield, no injuries, no demons. Just peace, love and Tanjiro.
“I love you”, you mutter so muted that he almost fails to understand.
You can feel his heartbeat picking up next to your throbbing head, watch how his eyes widen. Oh, how lovely they look in that red light, how easy it is to get lost in their gleam. What a waste of time it was to keep your feelings to yourself when all you were able to do was thinking about him. How lucky you are to feel your body pressed against his one last time.
One last time…
Desperately, you fight against the urge to close your eyes. You need to take this sight in for a little longer, need to stay awake at least for another minute. But your vision slowly but surely starts to get darker and darker until you can’t see him anymore.
“(y/n), don’t give up on me, not when I didn’t told you that-“
-a week later-
“You should really start focus on getting back on your feet yourself, you know? It won’t help her if you don’t get better too”, the Kakushi next to him speaks out.
Since the moment he opened his eyes and realized that you aren’t awake, Tanjiro didn’t allow himself to leave your side. The last time he did that was at the entertainment district. The last time he did that you almost lost your precious life over defending his sister.
“I will stay just a little longer”, he mumbles lost in thoughts.
You always loved Nezuko dearly despite being a demon. Even though your logical thinking and composed acting, you accepted her as the human she was before and supported him in finding a cure for his sister. Still…
He runs his fingers through his hair roughly, frustration almost taking over him. Tanjiro never expected you to almost sacrifice your precious life for his sister. Not when she’s fighting against a demon, not when two upper moons are your opponents. No one would have doubted you, would have judged you for staying in safety. Nezuko would have never allowed you to interfere if she could, just like him.
“I should have arrived sooner. I should have been right by her side all the time. Maybe none of this would have happened if I kept an eye on her like I promised…”
“Don’t be a fool, she would have never allowed you to stay by her side knowing that it might cost the success of the mission. Still, I didn’t expect someone like her to act so reckless. Who’s your sister doing?”, the man opposite of Tanjiro replies.
“She’s been crying the whole time.”
“Did she finally wake up?”, Inosuke suddenly blurts out while entering the room on his own.
“She’s still unconscious”, Tanjiro explains briefly.
“Did you put that horrible bandage around her head? Before you came here, it looked alright”, the Kakushi interferes dryly.
“With the power of master Inosuke, (y/n) will be back on her feet in no time!”
When your eyes flutter open, you get greeted by 3 pairs of excited eyes in an instant, your clouded mind still unable to process that you’re awake.
“Where am I?”, you croak with your throat feeling like sandpaper.
“I will call Shinobu-sama right away”, the Kakushi announces and gets up with a swift motion.
“You’re at the butterfly estate, dumbass”, Inosuke barks at you.
“(y/n)….I was so worried about you!”
Before you’re able to react any further, you find yourself emerged by green and black fabric, surrounded by a scent you know so well by now.
“Tanjiro”, you breathe out.
Over and over, you whimper his name like a prayer in order to convince yourself that this is real. You didn’t die. You are still alive. And right now, none other than Tanjiro Kamado holds you in his arms as tenderly as you always imagined. Is it a dream, maybe? A sweet hallucination to get you through the immense pain?
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there. All of this, only to stand up for my sister. Words can’t express how worried I was. How is it possible that this made me realize how much I-“
“You’re finally awake, how relieving. Would you mind moving to the side so that I’m able to examine (y/n), Tanjiro-san?”
That voice as sweet as honey belongs to Shinobu Kocho, without any doubt.
“You really fought well, (y/n). Surviving that long with such severe injuries took its toll on your body, though. All of this because you wanted to protect Tanjiro’s sister?”
Her skilled hands begin roaming around your skin while you feel her gaze fixated on you. But you cannot look at Shinobu-san right now. No, your eyes are locked with those of Tanjiro next to you.
“They both mean the world to me”, you murmur.
He lets out his breath visibly while taking a step towards you. What is that glimmer in his eyes? Sorrow, dread?
Or maybe affection?
“How unusual for you to act this reckless. But maybe this is what love makes us do, right? I will leave you two alone for now. How about you’re taking a look outside? The sunset looks lovely today. But please use a wheelchair since your leg is still shattered.”
With a last bright smile, the insect pillar is gone in the wind again, leaving you alone with Tanjiro in a suddenly so tensed room.
“What do you think?  Do you want to watch the sunset with me?”, Tanjiro questions with low voice.
“I would love to.”
As careful as ever, he lifts you off the bed and places you into the wheelchair before gently guiding you outside.
Your eyes get greeted by the prettiest red you’ve ever seen covering the whole sky. Like a painting, the beautiful scenery lays itself in front of your eyes. Shinobu-san’s flowers painted in the colors of the sky, the fluffy clouds that look so comfortable from afar.
But what mesmerizes you way more than that is the striking sight next to you, the boy you loved in silence since you first saw him. With his face lit by the downgoing sun and the ever so slight blush that creeps up his face while looking at you, you can’t help but get lost.
“Maybe I needed this”, he speaks out.
You blink a few times, still tired mind trying to process the meaning of his words.
There is it. His usual beaming smile, the optimistic glimmer inside his gorgeous orbs. Careful not to hurt you he grabs your hand and gently strokes it while kneeling down next to you. Is this really happening? Your heart threatens to beat out of your chest, reminds you urgently that you are definitely still alive. Why would Tanjiro Kamado get onto his knees for you?
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An answer so simple and yet so intimate that you can’t help but blush as well. Like in slow motion, you watch as he draws closer and closer until his face is only inches away from yours.
“I love you, (y/n). I guess I was too dumb to realize it until I saw you injured like that because you protected my sister. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The words leave your mouth just in time before he places his soft lips onto yours, making all your dreams come true with one innocent kiss.
You always acted well-thought and composed. But oh, what a plot twist it was to follow your heart twice in a row.
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“Did…Shinobu-san put this around my head?”, you question while staring blankly at your messy hair and the wild bandadge around your head.
“The insect girl? Of course it was me! You wouldn’t even be awake if it wasn’t for me! But don’t worry, you can worship me later”, Inosuke replies while stretching out his chest in full proud.
“You look…”
“I mean…”
None of the three girls dare to raise their voices at him whereas you stare yourself up and down. Of course, it was Inosuke. Shinobu-san would never stitch you up like that.
“Do you want…Kanao to fix this?”, one of them finally suggests quietly.
“Yeah….I guess that would be pretty nice.”
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Tags: @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix  @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @beatrexworld
@froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @poketrainer2270 @chaoticwinnercupcake
@lees-chaotic-brain @wordskeeper @polarbvnny @sugu-love @ryva @baku2345
@komelrebi-san @kentocalls (your fic will be next) @barbuse @sunshine7queen @lavenderdrxp
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reignof-fyre · 3 months
I'm gonna say it: it's aemond's own fault he lost his eye in both the show and the book. Both times, he snuck out to claim vhagar. In the show, he wasn't stopped. In the book, three year old Joffrey Velaryon was with his dragon because he was an early riser and told Aemond to stay away from Vhagar, so Aemond - who was much older - pushed little three year old Joffrey over and, in his fear of being caught because he knew he was doing something his parents would like, claimed Vhagar and flew her for the first time.
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Baby Joffrey, all of three years old, then of course runs to get his big brothers, likely crying and terrified. Because he's, y'know, A BABY.
In the show, Aemond claims Vhagar and with arrogance and smugness returns to the castle, high on the fact that he'd just claimed Vhagar, uncaring of how rude/insulting it may have been to claim Vhagar on the night of her previous riders funeral, like A NORMAL PERSON.
When, in the show, Rhaena and Baela confront Aemond with Luke and Jace, they're clearly upset. Their mother has just died, its her funeral, and their last tether to her - Vhagar - has been claimed by Aemond. They say he stole her, and while dragons can't be stolen, he did use underhanded tactics to obtain her and bond with her. And his haughtiness afterwards, towards the daughters of the woman whose dragon he just claimed, is what makes the altercation his fault.
Baela, upset: Vhagar is my mother's dragon!
Aemond, uncaring: Your mother is dead, and Vhagar has a new rider now.
Rhaena: she was mine to claim!
Aemond: then you should have claimed her. Maybe your cousins can find you a pig to ride. It would suit you.
Rhaena then hits Aemond, provoked into this by his cruel words and actions. Was it right? No. But it's literally the night of her mums funeral, Vhagar has been claimed by someone who clearly doesn't care about her mother, and he just insulted her. Aemond pushes Rhaena to the ground, so Baela slaps him in defense of her sister, and he punches her in the face.
Aemond: come at me again and I'll feed you to my dragon!
Now aemond is threatening to murder his cousins, which is par for the course for hid character. He always had kinslaying in him.
The fight devolves even more, and Jace and Luke get involved, defending their cousins. Luke, a little kid, is whacked and shoved to the ground, so Jace jumps in. Then Baela decides to help, and she and Luke - both of them younger and smaller - start wailing on Aemond (u go kids).
Aemond kicks Luke off of him, throws Baela off, and stands only to grab Luke - only five - by the throat and hold a rock over his head and threaten him.
Aemond: you will die screaming in flames just as your father did, bastard.
Luke, terrified and upset: my father is still alive!
Aemond, amused: he doesn't know, does he? Lord Strong.
This is when Jace pulls his knife, literally the size of my thumb, and attacks. Jace us quickly unarmed by Aemond, who is still holding the rock, and Luke sees the blade. Aemond holds the rock over them, smirks at Rhaena and Baela, then gets sand thrown in his face and Luke slashes at him wildly, not even aiming for his eye, just aiming to stop Aemond from hurting Jace and himself and his cousins, because at this point Luke has heard death threats, and seen Aemond take on him and the other three easily and win, so of bloody course this terrified little boy used a weapon to defend himself when it became necessary.
After, Alicent makes the situation about her because she's a poor uwu baby (gag me with a chainsaw, I loathe her) and attacks Rhaenyra as though Rhaenyra and her kids were in the wrong? Gurl.
Aemond will then go on to use him losing his eye as an excuse to use his war dragon to chase fourteen year old Luke on tiny baby Arrax and have the FUCKING AUDACITY to look shocked when it went wrong? Aemond is still at fault for Luke's death even if "he didn't mean it" or "he lost control" (he's not a true dragon lmfao)
In the book, Joffrey - who is three - returns with Jace and Luke, who grabbed wooden swords - they won't help against Vhagar bbys - in defense of their brother.
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Despite it being three on one, Aemond was winning the fight until Luke slashed him, and good thing he did otherwise Aemond wouldn't have stopped in my opinion. He'd have kept going, beating the boys to bloody pulps. It was stable-boys who had to end the fight, where were the guards? Cole was probably simping over alicunt tbh.
Also, Alicent was the first to demand Luke's eye in recompense for Aemond losing his soz not soz ya uwu Queen is a cunt heh
Aemond will then, years later, attack Luke because of this and kill him and start the Dance of Dragons in full because not only did he cause the events that took his eye, but also the worst war in history, all because he's a little bitch baby sociopath with genocidal tendencies lmfao
Also, Aemond got off lightly, merely losing his eye - do u know what the punishment is for people who attack a princes' daughters and the heir to the throne sons? Calling them bastards, which is treason!!!! Death. Bitch shit should be exuberant that he merely lost an eye. Unfortunately viserys is a bitch and didn't send Aemond to the Wall like Jaehaerys would have for fucking real lol
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gauloiseblue · 1 month
Medic!Reader × Poly!141
Part I | Part II | Part III
[Tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, a love confession if you squint]
Taglist: @rainlovesyou12 @nijiru
When you're back at the base, the first thing that you get from your team is collective stares
"What happened to your cheek?" Price asked, visibly concerned
"Got punched by an asshole." You replied, still holding the ice pack against your face
"How did it happen?" He then glares at Graves, "You let this happen on your watch?"
He throws both of his hands in the air, while maintaining his smug face, "Easy there, soldiers." He said, "Sorry that I got your princess harmed, but it's necessary for the mission."
"Necessary?" Price growls, "Watch your mouth when you speak, Graves."
"Alright, alright. I'll leave." He then pats on Gaz's shoulder before turning around
The group immediately approaches you after he leaves, trying to look at your wound
"Whoa, he really gave you a nasty punch." Soap commented, "He wore rings?"
"All over his fingers."
"It'll take long before the bruise heals." Ghost interjected, "Since you're the medic here, I'm sure you know what's best for you."
Price nods before he looks at you, "You don't have to work today, you can rest after a mission."
"No, I'll come to work." You said, "Don't worry about me, captain."
He seems reluctant, but lets you do it anyway
Thankfully, your job requires you to use a mask, so most of your bruises are concealed.
At dinner, Graves brings quite a lot of alcohol to celebrate their mission. (The team had retrieved the important documents, as well as eliminating the target, so It's pretty much a success)
You usually skipped alcohol, but tonight you feel like you need it, so you join in
The table that you're in is pretty big, so three other soldiers are sitting with you and you team
Surprisingly, your team can handle their alcohol very well, but Soap is a lively drunkard, he talks a lot, and keeps the alcohol flows
Meanwhile, you're a chatty drunk. You can't keep a secret when you're drunk
"He touched me with his filthy hand, so of course I'd slap him." You confessed, "But then he dared to punch me in the face. The audacity."
"That's rough." Gaz winced
"But y'know, sometimes our job comes with those kinds of things." One of the men shrugged, "I didn't ask for it when I got shot or tortured, but then again, that's the consequences of my job."
"I didn't ask to be a surveillance." You hissed, "I'm just a medic, for God's sake."
"You could've ask him—"
"I did! I even tried to reason with him but nooo, he did care." You grit your teeth, "Even after roping me into this, he never once gave me any info for the mission and told me to be pretty and meek. At least I could've prepared if he told me things I could be dealing with during the mission."
"Cut it out, boy." Price stopped him before he could reply, "Y'know Graves was in the wrong here. We always brief our soldiers before missions."
"I'm not defending him."
The other man, who's silent for the whole interaction, finally speaks, "Maybe he did it because you've been using his name for unnecessary things."
You snort, "Somehow borrowing his name equals me almost getting raped?"
He shrugs, "Sometimes mentioning a certain name equals death."
"Yeah, okay, I get it." You immediately got up from your seat, "I'm just a spoiled bastard who can't handle the slightest discomfort aren't I?"
"Where are ye goin'?" Soap called when you're walking away
"My room. I'm tired of this shit."
Once you get into your room, you don’t bother to change your clothes as you go straight to bed
Of course, after getting angry and all, you can't immediately fall asleep. It takes about 15 minutes, before you're free from your anger
Then, you hear a knock on the door, before you hear a voice calls your name softly from outside
"Are you still awake?" You heard Price spoke
You contemplate whether you should answer or not, and decide to pick the first one
"Can I come in?" He asked, and you said yes
He steps inside, and pulls a chair by your bed. You turn around to see him, not hiding the tears streak on your face
"I'm sorry for what happened earlier, I hope you know he didn't mean that."
"I know." You frown while looking away, "I know all of those soldiers didn't mean to yell, or use hurtful words, I understand that, but I always try to comfort them, not telling them to grin and bear it."
He nods understandingly, "The constant threat in the field does make people numb to other's needs."
"Why are you here? Are you apologizing on their behalf?"
"No, I just got a feeling that you'd change division if I didn't clear it up."
You let out an amused snort, "I was just thinking about leaving. I hate Graves anyway."
"I won't force you to stay but I'll be very sad if you don't, you know how much I love your food." You roll your eyes at him, he chuckles, "Please hold on for one more month, then we'll go back home, to our base."
"Well, I can't disobey you if you say that, Captain."
"You better be."
You chuckle at him, and he gives you his usual (and sweet) smile. "Thank you, Price. I really do."
"No prob." He pats your arm, "You can talk to me whenever you want."
"I'll keep it in mind."
The next morning, when you're preparing your medical equipments, a patient comes into the room, and catches you by surprise as you recognize his face
"Johnny? Oh—" You hurriedly come to his side, "What happened to your face?"
"Got into a fight last nite." He grins, "Y'should've seen the other guy tho."
"My God, why did you do that? Who was it?" He looked away when you asked him, "... Don't tell me,"
"Ye don't 've ta worry 'bout it, bonnie."
"You can't make me not worry about you." You retorted, "They could've given a penalty!"
"Nah, they won't. 'M too valuable for that."
"Still," You let out a sigh, "You didn't have to do that."
"Yer angry at 'em."
"But it's only for a moment. I'm… used to that."
He looks at you for a moment, before pulling your hand into his. "Bonnie, ye kno' when you asked me to be a fake boyfie, ye told me that no one in the group'd be willin' ta help ya?" You furrow your brows at him as he continues, "Well, t'was a lie. They won't hesitate ta help ya, bonnie. But I didn't tell ya because I don't want 'em to."
You open your mouth to speak, but no word comes out of your mouth.
He chuckles at your silence, before giving your shoulder a pat." Make of that wha' yer will."
With that, he left the room. Leaving you there, dumbfounded, before you realize you haven't even treated him yet
You thought about him for half of a day, until lunch came and you sat down on the table without looking around. You didn't hear when the chair beside you was pulled, before someone took a seat
"Man, I miss your cooking." You snapped out of your thoughts, as you turned to see Gaz. "Everything tastes bland here, I can't even tell the difference between one dish and the other."
You chuckle when he pokes out his tongue in dismay, "I miss cooking too," You stare down at your plate, "... Helped me clear my mind."
"What's on your mind?" He asked, "Care to share?"
"Not sure if you'd wanna hear it though."
"What are you saying?" He retorted softly as he gave your shoulder a squeeze, "You know I'd listen to you."
"You're sweet, Gaz." You chuckled, "But really, I just wanna go back to our base. But at the same time, I feel like I'm just retreating back to my shell. I know that I can't be choosy for this job, but I wish I could be with you guys for a long time."
His gaze stays on you for a while, before he speaks in a hushed tone, "Don't tell anyone that I say this to you, but last night, me and Price were discussing about your contract, and," He leans closer, "It's possible to do a rescission for the contract. Since you've been put in harm's way."
He nods, "He might pull some strings to get you back, but the higher ups would dismiss it since you're not an operator. We're confident that this'll work, since Laswell herself has approved it."
You look at him for a moment, before pulling him into your arms. "Thank you." You said to him, "I don't know what I'd do without you guys."
You feel him smile before he pats your back, "People said that you're a spoiled princess," He grinned, "But we certainly don't mind spoiling you."
"You'll regret it someday."
"You're worth the regret."
His words stuck with you for the rest of the day, and somehow it lifted up your spirit as you took care of the wounded with ease. At night, when you're walking back to your room, you spot the masked man in the hallway. His head turns when you call his name, and you wave at him.
"Are you done for the day?"
"Mostly." He replied, "Just need to fill some paperwork."
"Alright then."
The two of you would bid goodbye, if you both didn't hear the angry stomp echoing in the corridor. You turn your head towards the sound, and your blood runs cold as you recognize the face
"I need to talk to you." Graves said with an unmistakable rage in his voice, "My office. Now."
You're about to open your mouth before you feel yourself pulled, until your body bumps against a hard muscle. It takes a second before you realize that Simon has his arm wrapped around you.
"Get outta the way, boy." He warned with a glare, "It's none of your business."
"No." He stated, as he kept you by his side
He snorts when he hears it. "No?" He sneered
"If it's about the revocation of the contract, she's not the one who filed it." He glared, "I did."
"Oh." He raised his brow in a mocking manner, "So you're the one who wrote those things?"
"Affirmative." He responded, "I was the one who saw her during the assault, so I'm eligible to give the account as a witness."
You see his muscles harden under his neck, as he hisses to the masked man, "I hope you're ready for Russia because that's where I'm sending you."
"Go ahead and try."
Just like that, the storm has passed by.
You don't know how long you stand there, before he reluctantly lets you go from his arm. You clear your throat as you step aside to face him.
"Um… Thank you." You told him while looking down
You feel his eyes on you, before his hand reaches up to pat your head. "It's nothing."
He bids you goodnight as he tells you to return to your room. You obey as you walk to your door, but when you look back to see him, you still find him standing on the same spot
The next morning, when you deliver your report to the Captain's office, you notice a familiar figure by his desk
The two men were talking, before they lifted their head when you walked in
"Hi." You greeted them, "Hope I'm not interrupting?"
"Not at all." Price reassured, "We were just discussing over something."
"Somethin' ta help fo' yer case, bonnie." His captain nudged him when he said it, "Wot? 'M sho she a'ready knew."
"Is it about Graves?"
"Well," He sighs, "It is. We were just talking about the things that he submitted as evidence."
You shot him a puzzled look, before you turn to Soap.
"The letters, bonnie." He grinned, "I gave him the letters tha' bastard wrote."
"You still had those with you?"
"'Course!" He chuckled, "Ah wanted to use it to rile him up, turns out they're useful for yer case."
"While they won't be included as real evidence, they're enough to convince Laswell to give her approval."
You look at him, while hugging the file close to your chest. "Price, I don't know if I could even repay you back—"
"Don't worry about it, (Name)." He dismissed it by a flick of his hand, "It's my job to ensure your safety."
"And out job ta keep the valuable member o' the team by our side." Soap added with a pat on your back, "Graves can bugger off with his shite."
"Oh…" You cover your mouth, trying to contain your emotions. "Thank you, I—"
"Stop it, bonnie." He said as he pulled you against his chest, "You owe us nothin'."
You didn't cry joyless tears, but they didn't know since you couldn't speak through your sob. You feel bad for causing them to panic, since you cry not out of distress, rather, you're touched by their kindness. When you feel Soap's embrace tightens, and your Captain's hand on your back, you can't help but indulge for a little while
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heartsoji · 1 year
truth or dare?
summary: kuroo has a very special dare for you...
kenma x reader
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"y/n! truth or dare?" kuroo yelled, pointing his finger at you.
you didn't hesitate for a moment. "dare."
the circled ooooo-ed as kuroo thought really hard about what he wanted your dare to be.
after around a minute had passed, he looked up at you with a devious smirk that sent shivers down your spine.
"i dare you..." he started, "to kiss your crush on the cheek."
the nekoma volleyball team gasped and began to murmur among themselves.
"y/n's crush?"
"lucky bastard!"
"i bet it's me."
"no, it's not."
whilst the team was trying to figure out who the mystery guy could possibly be, you were just sitting there, sending a nasty death glare to kuroo while he just grinned at you like a cheshire cat.
"what if my crush isn't here?" you challenged.
"he is."
louder oooo's filled the room as they tried to guess who it could be, not bothering trying to be quiet about it now.
"it's probably kai, the lucky bastard!"
"no, no, it's definitely me!"
"lev, shut up."
"who the hell is it?! i'll fight him!"
"yep, yaku-san."
"hey kenma," yamamoto called out to the fake blonde sitting outside the circle on his game boy, "who do you think it is?"
he blinked. "think what is?"
"you little- haven't you been listening? y/n's crush. he's in the room." he tsked, putting extra enunciation on the words "y/n's crush."
your cheeks turned mad red and you instantly tried to defend yourself. "he might not be!"
"he is."
"kuroo, you little-!" *SMACK*
"ow! that huuuurt y/n-chan!"
kenma turned his attention back to his game as you held your breath. "dunno. it doesn't really affect me."
your heart sank.
yamamoto sighed. "how kenma of you. this is a big deal!"
but it would affect him. because if you went on with the dare, his cheek would be the one meeting your lips. but if he didn't care, that definitely meant that he didn't reciprocate. then again, kenma remained indifferent about a majority of topics, even ones he was interested in, so just maybe? but it was unlikely, and you really didn't want to ruin your friendship with him when it only started a year ago.
"moving on," kuroo interrupted, wanting to get on with it, "our precious manager-chan here has to complete the dare."
"i'd kick you in the balls if i wasn't so nice." you snarled.
he just grinned in response.
you sighed, knowing that there really wasn't away out of this.
"ok, everyone has to close their eyes."
"everyone has to close their eyes for my pride and privacy. close your eyes, guys. if you open them, you'll be betraying my trust and i would hate you."
everyone gasped. no one wanted that. so, they all complied with your wishes, including kenma, even though he wasn't really playing.
when all the eyes were closed, you tiptoed over to kuroo to whisper a "i really hate you for this. i trusted you with that info, man. now, thanks to you, my friendship with him might be ruined forever. i'm seriously mad at you, kuroo."
you meant it. you were actually really scared for what might happen with kenma. you confided in kuroo so that he could find out what kenma thought of you for you with the condition that he not tell a soul, but he refused to tell you anything when you asked about what kenma said about you, so it ended up being a worthless exchange.
you then tiptoed around the circle, stomping your feet, stopping, and making kissy noises occasionally to try to ensure that they didn't know who it was.
finally, you made a loud smooch in the air right above kenma, and then, heart pounding out of your chest, you leaned down and gave him a gentle peck to the cheek.
you took a second to analyze his reaction, and you noticed an immediate change in the color of his ears. he quickly pulled his hood over them to cover it up, and slowly, his pretty eyes fluttered open. he gave you a small, shy smile before averting his gaze, a flustered look on his face.
that reaction was...good, right?
you walked around the circle once more for good measure, standing extra long in certain spots to ensure that the team wouldn't know.
finally, you returned to your spot in the circle.
"open your eyes."
the team's eyes shot open and they quickly started trying to figure out who the lucky boy was.
"kai, be honest. was it you?"
"no, it wasn't."
"don't lie!"
"i can't believe it wasn't me..."
"lev, the only certainty we had about who it was was that it wasn't you."
while everyone was trying to figure it out, you looked up at kenma, who was already staring at you. you quickly averted your gaze before returning back to him.
he gave you a smile that released a whole butterfly farm in your stomach and gently formed a phone signal with his hand before mouthing, "call me."
i guess you wouldn't be too mad at kuroo.
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rlqfpdl · 3 months
All I want is you
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Apollo!Fem!reader x Jason Grace
Summary: You can’t help but admire Jason. Not knowing he’s doing the same.
Contains: fluff. Characters might seem a bit ooc.
A/N: I noticed the lack of Jason fics so hope you all enjoy this one. I had such fun writing it. Feedback is always welcomed and reqs are open <3
Word count: 1.1k
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His skin seemed to glow perfectly, his eyes sparkled with the sun. His perfect silky blonde hair was a bit messy, like he had just woken up. Gods, it was flawless, like gold. His slightly tilted glasses made him look cuter than when he didn't have them on. If you didn't know any better, you would say you're enamored, captivated, charmed, enchan…
“Stop staring, you're drooling,” Will said, pointing towards the corner of his lip and casually continuing to eat his breakfast. You brought your finger towards your lip to confirm. How embarrassing, you thought. “I wasn't staring. I don't know what I could ever be staring at,'' you defended, avoiding Will's gaze. Suddenly, your plate was really interesting as you fiddled around with some pancakes. Smooth, gaslight your brother into thinking he's the crazy one. 
“Sure lover girl, let's pretend you weren't ogling at Mr. Sparky over there,” Will just knew how to push your buttons. Both of you being top healers meant you knew each other better than the rest of your siblings. Sadly, that also meant he knew your weaknesses all too well like a certain blonde he kept talking about.
 “He's way out of my league” you rebutted. You didn't give yourself enough credit. Most would assume you were a daughter of Aphrodite if it weren't for the distinct freckles and soft glow that every Apollo kid seems to have. 
“Yeah well, he likes you back. you guys just need to be a little less shy” he stated as if it were a fact. But it wasn't, well, at least not for you. Jason was just too handsome. Sure, the Aphrodite boys were too, and so were some of the Hermes boys, but Jason was just different in your eyes. It wasn't only about looks; it was his caring personality and how nice he could be. Not that it was a surprise, but considering he is the son of Jupiter you would have thought he would be a little more conceited. 
”You know, you keep saying that, but I don't see it. Plus I can't think of crushes right now; we have to prepare the infirmary.” both you and Will know that deep down, you wanted to believe that Jason liked you back but were always ‘too busy’ to talk about your feelings. 
Especially on capture the flag days, You weren't one to participate; fighting isn't your thing. You were half decent with a bow but just awful at playing, landing you with the amazing job of nursing everyone back to health. You would think people knew better than to slash each other to almost death, knowing that their desert privilege was on the line. But that never seemed to stop anyone from creating more work for the Apollo cabin. 
You sighed as you prepared some of the beds in the infirmary, having gauzes and ambrosia ready at your disposal. Singing softly as you worked, maybe you weren't blessed with amazing archery skills or astonishing arts abilities, but you had other skills in your favor. Like your voice and talent with the lyre. Most of the camp would agree that you were the best singer from the Apollo cabin, often leading the sing-alongs at the campfires or just singing sweet children's songs to the little ones at camp. 
Caught up in your singing and folding of sheets, you didn't hear the conch being blown or the screaming campers celebrating their victory or announcing their complaints over losing. So, to say you almost had a heart attack when you heard a soft voice call your name was truly an understatement. 
“Gods Austin you scared me,” you said, looking at your brother as he smiled softly, “Sorry you just have a patient ready for you, doc,” he said, smirking slightly as he was up to something. “I'll attend some; tell Will to take care of the rest” You turned around, not looking at your now creepily smiling brother. You started putting a little tray on one of the beds . Austin continued talking, “Oh but there is this camper who has specially requested for you,” he said as he dragged said camper towards you. “Okay well bring them up; i don't have time to attend everybody,” your voice started to faint as you looked up towards this oh so special camper that requested you. 
“I can come back at another time if you're too busy,” he said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head with rosy cheeks, he was embarrassed. But now you sported matching red cheeks as you looked at him intensely in awe of his presence. “No, you fine Jason please sit” you gestured towards the bed. “I got nicked with a sword; it's not that bad” he explained, tilting his head, his voice was ringing in your ears like a charm.
“Can i touch your face” you mumbled as you began to study the small gash he had from afar. “Sure,” Jason stuttered a bit, his face getting a little bit redder. You softly touched his jaw, further inspecting his injury. “Well, it's not deep enough for ambrosia or nectar, but it's still kind of deep,” you stated grabbing a cotton ball with a pair of tweezers “I’m just going to clean it up and heal it ,” you said, your voice shaking a bit. Jason could only muster a hum as you placed a tiny amount of alcohol into his wound. He winced at the sting, but it didn't seem to bother him that much, especially with how gently you touched his face. 
Both of you fell into an uncomfortable silence, not knowing what to say, faces a bit too close to each other, entering in panic mode. Yet Jason built up enough courage as he whispered a faint “Your voice is so beautiful.” You couldn't help but look into his blue eyes, eternally getting lost in those precious sky-blue irises. Your faces got closer slowly, instinctively, as if it was the only way to respond. Trying to wrap your head around the boy's words truly left you speechless. But life decided to ruin this perfect moment as you heard someone speak. 
“I need some help with some Ares kids,” Will said standing there, clearly seeing he had interrupted something. “Right,” you responded brushing off nonexistent dust from your camp shirt and looking back at Jason. “Your wound should feel better now, let me know if it doesn't,” you said, all giddy at the thought of him coming back. He just nodded shyly, trying to say anything as you walked closer to Will but ultimately stayed silent. 
“Your voice is so beautiful, marry me Y/N” mocked Will as both of you walked towards the other side of the infirmary, punching his stomach, “Shut up” you whispered. Gods, Jason Grace might just be the death of you. 
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sweeneydino · 2 months
6. No idea if you like the ghosts-haunting-the-wrong-turtle enough to keep running with it, but I think it’s a really funny.
First of all, the ghosts waiting for the nth time— which is n times too many!— to see if Ronin will live (I don’t think he’s making it out of this one, guys…) and reviewing what the welcome wagon will say (We missed you, we’re proud of you, living the longest doesn’t make you the oldest—) when his spirit just goes *pop*. Dead silence, if you will.
And thus begins a mutiversal ghost hunt. (“Hello other dead us-es, have you seen an extra Mikey ghost around?” “No, but have you seen a lost Donny?”) They bop around a few universes until— yep, Mike’s soul is definitely SOMEWHERE in this universe. Wow! Things are weird and dense here.
Mikey: Hello, ghostly apparitions that look worryingly like my brothers! How are we today?
Ghosts: *water bubbling, fire crackling, wind howling*
Mikey: …I see!
(I can’t imagine the ghosts could like… communicate verbally to the living, or it would blow the whole identity issue wide open. They open their mouths and it’s just… ambient sounds related to their death.)
If there were ghosts, I think Splinter would 100% sense them, but initially be unable to tell who/what they are. Are some sewer maintenance workers haunting his house???? (No Michelangelo, he says, while doing the spiritual equivalent of shooing the ghosts away with a broom, I don’t think these things you are seeing are cause for concern, but let me know if it continues.)
The ghosts meanwhile, are in for a bit of a ride.
(‘Daw, it’s good to see Mikey smiling again.
…hey guys, don’t you think Spike’s acting weird for a turtle?
Stop reading into things too much.
Shit, Spike’s in the mutagen.
Oh, that’s absolutely Slash, we need to warn Mikey!
Well, there he goes…
Did Slash, or Titan, whatever, seem familiar to you?
Well sure, that was Slash, we know him, but he’s disappeared now, so I don’t think—
No… I mean, are we sure Mike got reincarnated into a *mutant* turtle body?
…oh shit)
…Do you think that the Ronin brothers meet Tang Shen?
Titan starts seeing his brothers while he’s defending NYC during the Kraang invasion, and just mentally shrugs, because, yeah, figures that he’d start imagining things around now.
And lastly:
Splinter, after everything’s settled and he’s figured out who the ghosts are: So, what can you tell me about the spirits following you?
Titan, who thought he was hallucinating again: the w  h  a  t?
Pictured: Ghost gossip Mikey is not privy to.
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Idk how but you managed to get it spot on- lol I'm not sure if I can answer all this without spoiling much .... oh well! I'll give short answers :))
They do go on a little ghostly adventure for their missing brother, mostly when they feel something pull on them when someone we know experiences a rather shattering revelation before being pushed off a building.
The ghosts do actually speak like that :O With how the 2012 universe goes, I thought it'd be nice to have the Ronin boys look/sound a little creepier. Since 2012 is so messed up lmao.
Splinter does, in fact, sense them and can't seem to put a finger on their identity, especially a certain one he feels only when he's meditating.
Truly, I haven't thought much if they could see Tang Shen, but i believe they'd only be able to sense her, really.
And lastly:
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Also, love the ghost gossip 💕 I honestly think the little ghost side plot is kind of bittersweet? But I like it :))
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wearepurplejackets · 3 months
Little recap of episode 4 of season 4 of Wakfu
Look at this!!
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You saw this beautiful smile???? This smile can stop babies from crying (and Nora). This smile can revive a puppy.
You saw it???
Well, I hope you did because I think we'll not see it in a really loooooooong time~ (maybe 9... Or 10 episodes.) The storm is coming... violently with a bat.
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I remember Tot said season 4 was gonna be sad a f*ck and that Yugo will have to pass some kind of "hard trial" (AGAIN) in this season because this kid will never have a good rest. Not even a breath. Stop. Give this little boy some holidays c'mon, the lord is always testing our little angel to the limit. (And by lord I mean Ankama I'm looking at you...)
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So it's very likely that Yugo will start to suffer even more in the next episode. And of course, in the entire season :))))))) Let this boy have something, someone precious by his side more than an instant and stop take it from him in the next second, I beg you. (He just found his family... And... Qilby I guess. And Adamai just abandoned him already to investigate by his own way...)
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Just seeing how the kings and queens of every nation were so disrespectful in front of him and just called his mother a monster and made her cry, well. (I want to riot! When Joris said they were "quite tense" he fell short.)
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Okay, yes, I understand the eyes in the sky~ are pretty creepy and of course I don't trust her either, at least, like this is so suspicious for sure, no one was born yesterday even when she is trying to be so kind and helpful monitoring the entire planet (yeessss mom, way too much).
But, c'mon, this is a goddess as tall as... I don't know, as much as she wants, girl she is made of f*cking magic. If she wanted she could erase you from existence. She didn't have to give a f*ck about anyone and HERE WE ARE~
The best thing you can do is looking for a fight with her in the moment you meet her with no hesitasion? Do you want to die that much? Do you know about survival? Did you skip that class maybe? (I'm going for a tea BECAUSE-)
It was so necessary to (be a little racist dear rich people and) insult the giant blue mother of your hero in his f*cking face and the people who are at least trying to do your job (which any of you losers did well, like ever, btw. When Sadida kingdom was about to be destroyed by the chaos of Ogrest what did you do?? Eh, where were you???)
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Jobs like protecting and saving your citizens from, nothing, being robbed and I don't know: imminent death??? I mean, really? Was that all you thought about in this situation? Being a d*ck was your best choice.
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These same guys here were talking about stolen freedom?? What freedom? The brotherhood of Tofu had to save your asses for like 3 season. 3 ovas and dozens of comics. The same people who criticize others actions but never assist and reunite when they are needed, Cause I don't know Rick, it seems a little fake....
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Yugo just met his mom and his sis and he already has the world of 12 hating them... Like wow, the rulers are all going to die in the hands of that kind of white demon/zombies of TLOU/soul suckers or whatever they are. And I really don't give a f*ck for any of them, ladies and gentlemen. Only the crowns are going to remain. (Down with the monarchy.)
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You know what? I don't care what Yugo will do from this point. Nop, not a bit. But I'm with him to the end of everything. I will support you honey, I will defend you no matter what. I mean, I'll be totally okay if he decides to save the world for the third f*cking time and I also will be okay if in the end he prefers to let all these motherf*ckers die in an instant with no mercy and no regre-
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And it could even happen that Yugo loses someone important in season 4... (The same way I will lose my mind.) Hope that never happens, I just swear to god-
Anyway, Yugo fans, unite and brace yourselves.
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
Domestic!Sevika having possessive and very horny sex with Reader because she’s the mother of her children and she just loves her to death and is so happy they have a family together?🫶🏽
as much as i don't want kids i'm such a sucker for sweet domestic girldad sevika requests <3
men and minors dni
it's jinx's birthday. born smack dab in the middle of summer, it's been tradition for her birthday to be celebrated with a huge barbecue party in silco's backyard-- slip n slides and inflatable pools out for the kids, and cold drinks out for the adults. it's always a great time.
little fucker, only four years old, is jinx's favorite thing in the world. the feeling is mutual-- your daughter adores jinx, always asking when she can see the pre-teen next.
right now jinx is running around the back yard, your daughter hanging on her back, both of them armed with water guns as they scream and laugh and dodge water balloons the boys are lobbing at them.
jinx is pretty slowed down with little fucker clinging to her, but violet's taken it upon herself to defend her sister and her god-sister, escorting them behind the pool before throwing a bucket of water on claggor, mylo and ekko. they all squeal.
all the kids are laughing, but you can hear your daughter's loudest of all, and your heart swells.
beside you, sevika nudges you. you look over at her, sprawled out in the lawn chair beside yours, and she grins.
"what're you smiling about?" she asks, handing you another drink.
"our kid." you say, gesturing to your daughter where she's trying to throw a waterballoon at violet.
she's still too small to put much force behind her throw, and it bounces off of violet's stomach and onto the concrete where it pops. violet laughs, and your daughter pouts, then turns to look at you and sevika, tears in her eyes. you both coo.
she comes running over, a worried violet following after her, and she launches herself into your arms, muffling her cries into your shoulder. you start stroking her back.
"i'm sorry!" violet says, cringing. you laugh and wave at her.
"not your fault, right baby?" you ask your daughter. she cries but nods into your shoulder. "she's not upset at you. she just gets frustrated."
"wanna be strong!" she cries. "'s no fair!"
beside you, sevika snorts a laugh, reaching over to ruffle her hair.
"you will be!" violet promises your kid. "you're only four!"
"i wanna be twelve!" she whines.
"w-why twelve?"
"it's when sevika promised she'll start training her."
"in boxing? but aunt sev-- you started training me when i was--" you both glare at violet and she trails off, blinking. "uh. i mean. they didn't let me start until i was twelve, too." she says. you nod and mouth a 'thank you' to violet.
sevika had violet in the ring by the time she was ten. but now that it's her own kid-- sevika gets nauseous at the thought of her baby maybe, someday, potentially getting hit.
"see kid? rules are rules." sevika says. your daughter huffs.
"c'mon, i'll teach you some moves right now, kid." she promises, holding her hand out for your daughter. she gasps.
"really?!" she asks. violet laughs and sevika groans.
"yeah, hurry up though, or your mom's gonna try 'n tackle me." she says, giggling at sevika's angry expression. your daughter squeals, her tears forgotten as she launches herself out of your lap and takes violet's hand, before the two of them take off across the yard.
"if you hurt my fucking kid vi--"
"i got it aunt sev, relax!" she laughs.
sevika huffs and you reach out to hold her hand. she looks over at you, her worry melting as she clinks her glass against yours. you both take a sip, sighing as you relax in your chairs.
"do you know how fucking hot you are?" she asks.
"you've been a lightweight since we had a kid." you say, chuckling.
"fuck off, i'm serious." sevika says. you giggle.
"i didn't say you weren't!" you say. "i'm just saying you usually don't tell me those kinds of things in public unless you're drunk."
sevika pouts. "i guess i need to change that, huh?" you giggle.
"no, please don't, we'll never be able to get anything done if you're constantly letting your mouth run."
"oh, so this is doing something for you?" she teases, squeezing your hand. you shrug, biting back your smile.
"what if it was?"
"if it was, then i'd tell you that i felt my dick twitch a bit when you came out of the bedroom wearing this today." she murmurs her fingers playing with the flouncy hem of your sundress. you bite your lip even harder-- you wore it for her.
"i'd tell you that i've had a half chub since we got here, and that watching you bein' such a good mom just makes me wanna give you more kids." she whispers, her breath tickling your ear.
you shiver in your seat, clenching your thighs together. sevika smirks at the obvious sign of your arousal, and you take a big sip of your drink, licking your lips and trying to collect yourself as she eyes you.
for a moment, you just look at one another, locked in a lust-fueled staring competition.
the kids are laughing and splashing in the pool, benzo and vander are arguing over the grill, silco's talking to some of his neighbors across the fence, dogs are barking down the street and crickets are chirping-- but you can barely hear them over the sound of your heart pounding in your chest.
sevika's hand is slowly creeping up your thigh, the hem of your skirt rising higher and higher. you bite your lip and spread your thighs just an inch, and sevika grins.
a scream brings you both back to reality. you pull away from each other, looking over at the kids where jinx is being thrown into the pool. you sigh, and sevika huffs, and before you know what's happening she's tugging you out of your chair by the wrist and dragging you inside the house.
you're giggling and squealing as sevika runs in front of you, pulling you through the kitchen, down the hall, and into the spare bedroom where she slams the door shut behind her.
"s-sevika!" you screech as she slams your body onto the bed. she grins as she crawls on top of you.
"god i love you." she says. "can't believe you're mine. fuck i'm so lucky."
you're tearing at her clothes, tugging on her khaki shorts and shoving her muscle tee up her abdomen. she laughs as she helps you strip her, throwing her clothes behind her shoulder until she's naked on top of you.
well, naked except her tented boxers, already stained with a wet spot. you lick your lips.
"your turn." she says. you smirk and shake your head no, grabbing her hands. "no?" she asks.
"flip over." you demand. sevika grins.
you nod. sevika tumbles off of you, laying flat on the bed beside you, tugging at your hips as you straddle her waist. you grin. "keep your hands here." you say, squeezing her hands with yours. she nods.
first, you slide the straps of your dress off, pulling it down over your tits, and sevika groans as they're revealed to her.
then, you reach under your skirt, pulling sevika's dick out of her boxers, and sinking down until you're grinding against it.
sevika's eyes bug out her head and she groans.
"f-fuck!" she cries. "you're not--"
"i'm not what?" you tease her, continuing to grind against her. your cunt is hot and wet, your lips parted on either side of her cock, your clit nudging her head with each of your thrusts.
"where're your panties?" she whines. you smile.
"didn't wanna wear any today." you say, shrugging. sevika gulps.
"oh my god-- this was a set up! y-you've been trying to get me fuck you all day!" sevika accuses. you laugh.
"are you mad?"
"i'm honored." she sighs. you giggle.
"remember when jinx turned five? before we had the rugrat?" you ask. sevika nods.
"wonder if this is the same bedspread." sevika giggles, one of her hands coming down to claw at the blanket beneath her. you grin.
"it's not, that one was green. you had my face pressed to that thing for forty minutes-- i remember it very well." you say. sevika laughs.
sevika's head catches on your hole, and you both whine. she tries to buck up into you and you reach down between your legs to help guide her inside of you.
"oh fuck, baby!" she whines. you giggle.
"feels good?" you ask, planting your hands on her tits as you start to slowly rock back and forth on top of her. she shudders.
"oh my god i'm gonna give you twins." sevika mumbles, staring at the ceiling in awe. you giggle, then lean forward to plant your lips on hers. she hums against you. with each rock of your hips, she lets out a sweet 'mm, mm, mm' sound in her throat.
you pull away from her mouth, gasping for air, and she stares up at you with stars in her eyes.
"i love you so fucking much." you say, stroking her cheek. sevika's hands claw at your hips as she tries to thrust up into you, your pace quickening.
"i love you too." she whines as she leans up, sucking your swaying tits into her mouth. you shudder.
the sound of slapping with each of your thrusts start to echo in the room. sevika's sucking on your tits while she bounces you on her cock, and you whimper.
"w-wore this just for you." you admit. sevika groans. "glad you like it."
"love it. love anything you wear. fuck-- but your tits sit so pretty in this one."
"'s your favorite color." sevika whines.
"fuck, fuck, yeah it is."
"you know why?" you ask. sevika's close, you can tell. her abs are twitching, her thighs are shaking, and her feet keep slipping out beneath her where she tries to get some traction on the sheets to thrust up into you.
"'cause i'm yours baby. i'm all yours."
"fuck-- mine." she grunts. you nod down at her, your noses bumping. you reach back, tapping her hands still clutching at your hips.
"touch me. however you want-- whatever you need-- just cum deep inside this pussy 'n claim it, honey."
sevika growls, and with your permission, she shoves your shoulders, pins you to the bed beneath her, and spreads your legs out wide. your dress is bunched around your waist now, tits and cunt both on full display, and sevika smirks, spits on your clit, then starts hammering you.
each thrust is accompanied with a 'mine' from between her lips. sometimes, it's a 'my love', sometimes it's a 'my wife,' and when you tug her hair it's a howl and a 'the mother of my fucking children.'
when she bites your shoulder, you squeal, shakily trying to cover your mouth with your hands. sevika beats you to the punch, leaning down and shoving her tongue down your throat to muffle your cries.
you claw at her ass, and sevika pulls away from your mouth with a low, husky moan as her hips still, pressed right against you.
you never get tired of the way it feels for sevika to cum inside of you. the way she fills you so with warmth-- the way her dick twitches and jumps, the way she tries to grind closer and closer against you, until she collapses on top of you and her cum slowly trickles out of you.
oh fuck. you think as sevika grunts and slumps on top of you. you shove her shoulder. "shit-- sev." you say. she hums against you. "sev, you can't-- i don't wanna stain this dress but i don't have any panties, you gotta get up so i can--" sevika cuts you off with a kiss.
"lemme clean you up." she says. you whine.
"f-fuck, yes please."
sevika grins, her hand coming up to gently toy with your clit as she looks between your bodies. you groan.
"quit it! the second you pull out it's gonna be a mess and--"
you gasp as all at once sevika pulls out and ducks down between your legs, shoving her tongue back inside of your clenching hole. you groan.
"oh fuck!" you laugh. sevika grins at you, her eyes sparkling as she looks up at you.
she eagerly eats her cum out of you, moaning at the taste of her and the taste of you combined. she's not being effective in cleaning her mess-- if anything she's making it worse-- but with the way her tongue is pushing against your g-spot, you can't find it in you to care.
"fuck, i love you." you sigh. sevika whimpers. "i love you so much baby. you take such good fucking care of me-- you're so good with our girl-- you're perfect, honey." you say.
sevika's eyes are closed shut, a furrow between her brows. if her mouth wasn't busy, she'd be scoffing at your praises. but you've found that she's better at taking compliments when she's got her mouth full.
you reach down to trace the little wrinkle and she relaxes, blinking her eyes back open to look up at you. you smile at her.
"you're perfect." you repeat. sevika nods, her nose grinding against your clit. you shudder. "so perfect baby. gonna make me cum-- fuck, keep going." you cry. sevika reaches up to grope your tits, sinking her fingernails in the tender flesh. you groan. "my perfect wife." you sigh. sevika shivers beneath you, and you smirk, tugging on her hair.
"mine, huh?" you ask. sevika nods against you.
"mmhm." she moans.
"my wife. my baby. my lover." you whine. your thighs start to tremble and sevika's eyes are hopeful sparkling as she blinks up at you. "all mine-- a-all mine."
sevika moans again, and the vibration of her voice against your clit is what ends up tipping you over the edge.
you gasp, and before you can scream in pleasure, sevika's smacking her hand over your mouth, muffling your cries.
she doesn't let up on your cunt until you're shivering and pushing her away from you, and when she finially rises to hover above you, she's grinning.
her face is covered in a mixture of yours and her cum and her spit. her hair is a mess. you're no better-- you've got claw marks on the tops of your tits and a bite mark in your shoulder. sevika laughs down at you as you smile up at her.
"i love you." she sighs. you smile.
"i love you too." you say. she presses her lips to yours and then rises, pulling a wad of tissues out of a box on the bedside table before she gently cleans your thighs and cunt for you.
you help her redress and she helps you-- tucking your tits back into your dress and straightening your straps for you.
as you straighten out the bed spread, sevika smacks your ass.
as she leaves the bedroom, you smack hers in revenge.
you're both giggling, hand in hand as you leave the house and enter the heat of the summer again.
nobody seems to have noticed you were missing. the kids are having blast-- splashing in the pool. little fucker's sitting on claggor's shoulders, controlling him with her hands gripped in his hair.
you settle back into your lawn chairs, your abandoned drinks are warm now but still refreshing after the little work out you've just had.
sevika wraps her arm around your shoulder, and you sink into her side. the smell of cooking meat is floating across the yard, laughter and music and chatter surrounding you. you sigh in satisfaction against your wife, and she presses a kiss to your head.
(later in the night, when the kids have all slumped to sleep in the living room and the adults are gathered around table reminiscing and smoking and drinking, silco calls you out about the new bite mark you've acquired since the party started. you just shrug, smiling as sevika tries to hide her embarrassed face against your shoulder.)
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby
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