#i'll hopefully be able to get some of them out today. after school of course lol.
what-stasis · 2 years
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If you're wondering why 2 prompts have not been done from me, uh....
School cuts my hours in half
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houseoflibra-if · 7 months
Hiiii Duven. I hope you are well and school isn't kicking your butt too much.
Since valentine's day passed and I missed my opportunity to ask this. How would the ROs feel about someone getting the jump on them and asking MC to be their valentine before they could? 👀
Yes I like making people sad
Hello! Sorry for the late reply!!
I'll be writing this in the sense that the ROs have acknowledged the fact that they are in love with you, so more angst hooray!
To add insult to injury, let's say you accept the other person's offer.
A clutches a bouquet of roses close to their chest, heartbeat like thunder against the confines of their body. Their eyes shine with a glimmer of hope when they heard you were at the vicinity of House of Leo.
Perhaps today they will confess to you- the way you make them feel free, the way you steal their breath away and turn them into a stuttering mess. To make the Golden Lion of House Leo fall to your feet with love in their heart, its quite fascinating.
They hum softly, almost turning a corner when they heard your voice. They stop and hide, catching their breath as they heard another voice in your conversation. As it goes on, the light in A's eyes began to dim when they hear your laughter joined with another.
Oh, they think.
A petal falls from a rose in the bouquet.
And a lion's heart was shattered in an instant.
Today was a quiet day for C- which is surprising considering how many people flock them at a time. They sigh happily, glad to be free from their social life once in a while. C decided to head out into the market square today as a means to relax.
Although, they seem to have forgotten that today was the day of love. C grumbles quietly as couples left and right smother the atmosphere with love. C stops for a rest in a quaint section of the market when someone taps their shoulder. A flower- a single rose was offered. C wanted to decline the flower when they spot someone from the corner of their eye.
There you were, a bright light amongst the sea of Valentine chaos. C felt their heart thud loudly, making them curse silently as they took the offered rose and head in your direction. But of course, fate was ever the cruel mistress to desperate souls like C.
They stopped a few feet away from you, hidden amongst the crowd as they saw you with another. A single gasp escaped their mouth. You looked happy, even more than when you were with C.
C turned around after a moment, dropping the rose to the ground.
I wish you all the best, my light.
In your love with someone whose heart is not as broken as mine.
The cold one of House Aquarius felt... happy today. For the first time on Valentines day, E had secured a meeting with you. Some might call it a date, but they haven't professed their love just yet. Perhaps they'd like to tell you over tea today, and hopefully you'd be theirs.
E met with you at a quaint cafe that was unusually packed with couples today. They sigh softly, sitting down with you at a secluded spot in the cafe. Despite all the hassle, E was able to converse with you for quite some time. The smile on your face calmed their heart, thawing what was once frozen.
After some time, E had decided to tell you what they feel. They did so with upmost sincerity, a rare showcase of their raw emotions. For once, E had gained a sliver of the person they used to be, their heart on their sleave waiting earnestly for your reply.
They came in with a hopeful heart, and left without one at all.
N was pearched atop a tree, glancing around at the bustling square down below. Their tail swishes languidly as they watch the people of the kingdom celebrate Valentines day. N doesn't completely understand what these customs mean, being raised in the deep forest.
Amongst the crowd, N spots you conversing with another- someone they don't recognise. A slight hiss escapes their lips, eyes narrowed at the scene below. A muddle of thoughts cloud their mind as they try to figure out what this person wants from you. After a moment, N grumbles and slips down the tree, heading towards the city square.
Despite their big frame, N easily maneuvers around the sea of people. They tail you as you walk with the unknown person, ears catching the words exchanged. The more they hear, the more they frown. They do not trust this unknown, who are they to stake claim on your heart?
N's eyes flit around, spotting a few flowers on the ground. They pick them up, brushing the petals clear of dirt. Despite being unknowledgable with the customs of Valentines day, they have observed enough to know that giving the person you like flowers will help with confessing your feelings.
Although, perhaps they were a moment too late- for the words shared between you and the unknown were far more precious than any flower in the world.
A very late valentines day gift, but I have finally delivered it!
Hope this is alright! 🤭
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scarletqueenx · 2 months
chapter two - i miss you, i’m sorry
Dean Winchester x female oc
Summary: After experiencing an alternative life through the spell of a Djinn, Dean realizes that he is missing something in his life. He and Freya Holloway had been dating for a few months before his father disappeared and his journey with Sam began. Now, having made a deal to save his brother's life and with only a year to live, Dean considers reconnecting with the only girl he's ever had feelings for.
Author’s Note: English is not my first lenguage.
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Dean knew, from the state they had found her, that Freya was in serious condition. So waiting for the doctors to update them on her state was getting frustrating.
He couldn't ask about her either, as he wasn't her family. And if he showed his real concern, Henry and Peter would start to ask questions. Sam was trying to distract him, telling him about possible cases, but Dean was barely listening. He hadn't even been able to kill whoever or whatever had done this to his ex-girlfriend.
"Holloway?" The doctor's voice pronouncing her last name brought him out of his thoughts.
Henry quickly stood up, while Peter closed the comic book in his hands to pay attention to the doctor's explanation. Sam and Dean remained seated, listening closely.
"Yeah. Hi. It's me, I'm her father." Henry answered, approaching the doctor. "Is she okay?"
"Mr. Holloway. I'm doctor Ross." The man introduced himself, shaking his hand. "I am the one who took care of her." He explained. Henry nodded in silence. "She had a head concussion. But the CT came back negative. There is no sign of brain damage. She also has a couple of broken ribs and lost a lot of blood, so we've had to give her some transfusions. All of that said, we think she is going to be fine." Henry sighed with relief, while Dean felt how his breathing became normal again. Beside him, Peter could sense his relief, squinting his eyes at him in confusion. "She is still asleep. We're waiting for her to wake up, hopefully it won't be long. Everything seems normal. She's been lucky."
"Thank you, Doctor. Thank you so much." Henry said. "When will we be able to see her?"
"I will have a nurse take you. Although only family is allowed at the moment."
Dean was afraid he would say that, but a part of him already knew. He wanted to see her, but he also knew he had no right to.
"Guys, I haven't had a chance to thank you yet." Dean and Sam stood as Henry approached them. "I am very grateful that you found her. We both are, aren't we, Peter?"
"Yeah, of course." He nodded. Sam gave him a little smile. "Although I'm actually the one who found her."
"What? It's true."
"We're just happy she's okay." Sam interrupted their little discussion. Feeling secretly jealous of the father-son relationship the two seemed to have.
Henry smiled at him in appreciation.
"Do you think maybe we could see her?" Dean asked, drawing the man's attention. "To know what she can tell us about the thing that attacked her?" He quickly clarified.
"I'm sure she'll want to hunt it down herself." Henry answered.
"No. Yeah. Of course. But she's hurt, and that thing can still hurt people."
"Yeah, you're right." He admitted, thoughtfully. "When she wakes up I'll ask her. I'm sure she would like to thank you too."
"In the meantime, you can go back to our house." Henry declared, pulling the keys out of his jacket and holding them out to Dean, who looked at them in confusion. "If she tells me anything I will let you know. It's late, you should rest."
His concern for them was rare for the Winchester brothers. Although deep down they appreciated it.
"You should take Peter with you. If it's no problem."
"No. It's okay." Dean answered.
"Wait, wait, wait." The boy exclaimed, looking up at his father. "No. I want to see Freya."
"Peter, it's late." He answered. "And you have school tomorrow."
"Do you seriously think I'm going to class after today?" He asked in disbelief. "Freya needs me by her side."
"Freya is in good hands." His father assured him, crouching down to be at his level. "The doctors will take care of her. I will take care of her."
"What if that thing comes after me?" He then asked.
"I doubt it. But if that's the case, that's what they're here for, isn't it? To hunt it down." He said, pointing to the Winchester brothers.
"Because they've been doing so well so far." He scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"Hey, cut the attitude." His father requested, frustrated. "They've come here to help without expecting anything in return. Be a little nice to them, okay? "
Henry rose back up, giving Dean and Sam an apologetic look.
"Hey, kid." Dean called him. "How about a pizza? We can stop and get some on the way back to your house."
Peter narrowed his eyes at him.
"You're not buying me off with food. I'm not that easy." He assured him.
"Unlike you, Dean." Sam muttered with amusement.
"Shut up." He answered, but Sam keeps an amused smile on his lips.
"All right. I'll go with you." Peter finally accepted with a sigh. "But I won't go to class tomorrow. I want to be with Freya." He looked back up to his father.
"We'll talk about it later." He answered him. "Thanks guys."
"Yeah, no problem."
Peter didn't went to school the next day. When he woke up, his father still hadn't come home. Henry had spent the night in the hospital, in an uncomfortable chair next to his daughter's bed, waiting for her to wake up.
That morning Dean had been the first to get up after sleeping only a few hours. As the younger Holloway went into their home kitchen, Sam was reading on his computer looking for possible cases for him and his brother. Meanwhile, Dean was reading Freya's hunting journal looking for any clues about the man who had kidnapped her and Kaila.
"If it was a demon it will be gone by now." Sam said, looking up at his brother.
"Unless he's still hell-bent on following Freya." Dean answered. "If we find him, we could finish him off."
"You can't kill a demon." Peter's voice drew the attention of both brothers as their gazes traveled to the kitchen doorway.
Looking at him, Dean took a sip of his coffee cup before answering his statement. "Yes, you can. If you have the right weapon."
"Like what? The Colt?" Peter asked, frowning.
"You know about the Colt?"
"My dad wrote about it in one of his books." He shrugged his shoulders as he walked toward the fridge to pull out a carton of milk. "He thinks I don't pay attention, but I do."
Sam and Dean shared a look.
Walking past Dean, Peter grabbed his sister's diary from the counter and a box of cereal from the nearest cupboard before sitting down next to Sam.
"I was reading that, you know?" Dean looked at him in disbelief.
"It's private." Peter said, fixing a bowl of cereal. "Read a newspaper. Or a book. There's plenty of them on every shelf in this house."
"It's a hunting journal. There's nothing private about it."
Peter squinted silently, watching him closely for a few seconds. Dean turned to his brother, confused.
"You know, my sister knew a Dean once." Peter then said, gaining back the attention of both brothers.
"She did?" Dean asked.
"Yeah." He answered with a nod, looking down at his bowl of cereal. "He was a jerk. Well, I never met him, but he dumped her in a motel near Chicago. He never called or gave any explanation. "
"Yeah, that sounds like a jerk." Sam whispered, turning his attention back to the computer in front of him as he earned an annoyed look from his brother.
"Sharing a name with him doesn't help me like you." Peter admitted, pretending not to notice that little interaction between the two of them.
"Maybe he had a reason for leaving." Dean said, looking back at him.
"Maybe." Peter repeated, staring straight into his eyes.
Dean gulped harshly at his watchful gaze, feeling as if the boy could see right through him.
"You know." He noted after a few seconds, not taking his eyes off him. "You've known since we got here, haven't you?"
Sam turned his head to look at the boy.
"I know my sister like the back of my hand. I know where she keeps everything. Of course I knew." Peter answered, placing on the counter one of the photos Freya had saved from her time with Dean. "So, what exactly are you doing here? Trying to make up for what an idiot you were?"
Dean sighed, taking the photo in his fingers to look at it carefully.
"Bobby sent us here. I didn't know she was the one we had to look for until we got here." He explained. "I was trying to protect her, you know? When I left."
"You don't have to give me any explanations. Although leaving in the middle of the night seems like something an asshole would do."
Dean didn't know how to answer that, and he was thankful he didn't have to when the phone started ringing. Sam was the one who answered the call, getting up and approaching the phone placed on one of the kitchen walls. Peter looked at him with interest, hoping it was news from his sister.
"It was Henry." He announced, as he hung up the phone. "Freya woke up."
"Great. I'll wait for you in the car. Be quick or I'll go alone." Peter exclaimed, rising to his feet and leaving the kitchen in a matter of seconds.
"Don't... touch my car." Dean warned him, leaving the coffee mug on the counter as he followed him.
Sam smiled in amusement, grabbing his jacket from the back of the chair.
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
Dean could feel Freya's eyes on him as he enter the hospital room after his brother. She didn't seem surprise or confuse to see him there, which funny enough made him more surprise and confuse.
"My father said you saved me." She smiled politely, shifting her gaze to Sam.
"I wouldn't say that much." He answered. "We couldn't finish the guy off, he left pretty quickly. We didn't even saw him."
"It's okay. I think I scared him."
Her response brought a smile to Sam's face. While Dean didn't know how to act now that he stood in front of her.
"I'm glad you're better." Sam said. "I'm...
"Sammy." She completed, looking at him fondly. "I've heard a lot about you."
"Right." He nodded. "So have I, about you."
Freya's gaze then turned back to Dean, whose eyes had been locked on her. A sense of familiarity as their green eyes finally met. Part of Freya was still angry at him for leaving without explanation, another wanted to hug him and tell him how much she had missed him. Dean felt an ache in his chest, as if that meeting was just the beginning of another goodbye.
"I should... leave you two alone." Sam's voice brought them back to reality, reminding them that he was still in the room. "It's good to meet you, Freya."
"Likewise." She responded with a kind smile on her lips.
As Sam left the room a heavy silence settled between the former couple. Dean's eyes had drifted away from her, looking everywhere and nowhere in particular. But now it was Freya who couldn't stop staring at him, trying to read his body language.
"I should have known." She was the one to break the silence. Dean's eyes fell on her with a sense of confusion.
"That you were a hunter." She clarified with a nervous smile peeking through her lips. "It was pretty obvious now that I think about it."
"That you were wasn't." He admitted, feeling slightly less nervous in her presence. "I really believed the whole 'art student traveling the country' thing."
"That wasn't entirely a lie." She assured. "I was an art student, but that's not why I was there."
Dean nodded slightly, his eyes dropping to the floor before he spoke again. "Listen, Freya, I'm sorry... I left the way I did. I really thought it was for the best."
"For me or for you?"
"You know how this job works. If anything had happened to you... it would have been because of me. I couldn't have that."
"Yes, I understand." She nodded with a slight tone of bitterness in her voice. "But you could have said goodbye, don't you think?" Dean opened his mouth to answer, but Freya was quick to cut him off. "It doesn't matter now, Dean. I'm over it."
"Right." His voice came out as a whisper. "I'm glad you're okay." Freya looked away from him, feeling that same pain she had felt when she woke up that morning years ago without him by her side and no explanation. "I'm... I'm sorry."
As quickly as Dean left the hospital room Sam approached him, following him down the hallway.
"Did you tell her?" He asked him.
"Tell her what, Sammy?"
"Are you kidding? You know what."
"Why would I do that?" He asked, not bothering to look at him.
"Oh, I don't know. Because you've been wanting to call her for months." Sam shrugged. Dean stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at him. "Yeah, I pay attention too. You think I haven't seen you looking at her number in your phone? Well, I have. You want to tell her."
"No, I don't." He assured. "Why would I what to? Tell her I was an idiot back then, that I don't want to leave her again, but then do that exactly in a few months? No, thank you. She doesn't deserve that."
"She deserves the truth."
"Well, I was never good at giving her what she deserves. I'm back to being the jerk who leaves without explanation. I can live with that." He declared, turning away from his brother.
"Dean, you're dying. It's not the same..." Sam insisted, but Dean had already walked away far enough not to hear him.
"He is dying?" Peter's voice caused Sam to turn around quickly.
"What?" He frowned. "It's complicated."
"Listen, I don't even like him." He admitted. "But I know my sister and she loves him, I think. At least she deserves an explanation."
"I know she does. But I'm not the one who should give it to her."
"She's always wanted to get away from here, you know? To travel. She did a job once near Chicago. The only one she's ever done outside of San Francisco. That's where she met Dean." He explained as Sam listened carefully. "You guys do that, you travel around hunting monsters. I think she'd like something like that."
It wasn't hard for Sam to understand what Peter was asking. And the idea of Freya traveling with them didn't bother him at all. Part of him hoped that she wanted to help Dean as much as he.
"You know that would mean you may not see her for a long time."
"I don't care. I want her to be happy."
One thing that neither Peter nor Dean nor Sam knew was that Freya already knew about the deal Dean had made to save his brothers life. She knew Dean had little time left before he would be sent to hell. That demon had told her everything, with the sole purpose of hurting her. Because that's what that demon had been doing since she turned 10.
Her battle with that demon was hers alone. That was why she had lied to the Winchester brothers when they had asked her about her attacker. And it was also one of the reasons why going with them and leaving San Francisco seemed like the best idea. So she could hunt him down.
Except for the fact that it would mean spending a significant amount of time with Dean.
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
Freya left the hospital the following day. She had to rest and take some medicine, but the injuries weren't too serious and her ribs would heal on their own. Besides, she was already used to the bruises.
When she and her father arrived at the house, the Winchester brothers were still there. Dean wanted to leave as soon as possible, but Sam had insisted on waiting for Freya to return. So while Dean was gathering his things, Sam was with Peter. At the younger Winchester's request, the boy was showing him some of the books on supernatural history that his father stored.
Their conversation got interrupted when the curly-haired blond rushed into his sister's arms, happy to have her back home. A groan of pain left the girl's lips at the jolt, but that didn't stop a loving smile from appearing on her lips.
Dean heard them from upstairs, but he made no effort to join them. Minutes later, he was too focused on his own thoughts to notice Freya's presence in the doorway of the room where he and his brother had stayed over those last couple of nights.
"A deal with a demon, Dean, really?" He turned around at the sound of her voice, meeting her gaze.
"How did you...? Did Sammy tell you?"
"No. He didn't tell me anything." She quickly assured, which only made him more confused. "I lied before. When he asked me about the man who'd attacked me and kidnapped Kaila." She admitted, sitting down on the edge of one of the beds. Dean watched her closely, listening to her words. "I lied. I did know him. Not with that face, though. He's a demon I tried to hunt down a few months ago. I didn't succeed and since then he's been after me. He told me about it. Somehow he knew about... us. And he wanted to hurt me."
"So you already knew I was a hunter."
"Well, he wasn't the one I wanted to hear it from. But yeah, he told me." She nodded, looking up at him. "Why'd you do it, Dean?"
"Sammy was dead. I didn't have a choice." His response surprised her. Although it was the only logical reason why anyone would make such a deal. "You would have done the same thing for Peter."
He was right and she knew it. But that didn't stop her heart from shuddering at the mere thought of losing Dean again. After just a few exchanges of words and glances, Freya felt once again so connected to him that the thought of losing him hurt just as much as the first time.
"They really only gave you a year?" She turned to look at him once again as he sat down next to her on the edge of the bed. Dean sighed and nodded. "How long do you have left?"
"A few months." He answered. "And if I try to find a way around it, they'll kill Sam."
"Is that why you came here?" She asked with a frown. "You wanted to apologize before it was to late?"
A sigh left Dean's lips as he turned to look back at her. "I've wanted to apologize from the moment I stepped foot out of that motel room, Freya. I cared about you too much. I didn't want you to get hurt."
Freya didn't know whether to believe him. The last time Dean had said something like that to her it had ended with her waking up in an empty room. But at that very moment, looking into his eyes, she knew he was being completely honest with her.
"I forgive you, Dean."
"You're just saying that out of pity." He said, turning his gaze away.
"No, I'm not." She assured him, gaining enough courage to take his hand in hers. That gesture made Dean flinch, but the familiarity of her touch quickly put him at ease. "That's not the reason. I cared about you too. I still do."
"I don't want to drag you into this, Freya."
"You're not. I want to help." She said. "I may not be able to break the deal, but you guys can help me kill this demon that's after me. Peter told me about the Colt. And if you're gonna die, I want to spend whatever time you have left with you. That's of course if you wan-"
"I don't know..." He cut her off, rising to his feet.
"Come on, Dean." She insisted. "We can help each other. Or are you gonna leave Sam just like that?" Dean remained silent, pacing up and down the room. "You were right when you said I'd like him. And if he were Peter... I wouldn't want him to be alone. Plus, I might be able to find a way..."
"You're not going to look for anything." He interrupted her. "I told you, if I try to find a way around it, Sam dies."
"All right." She sighed. "I won't do anything. But..."
"You're won't take 'no' for an answer, are you?" Freya shook her head. "We leave in 20 minutes." He then said, making her smile.
But, before Freya could go anywhere with the Winchester brothers, she had to convince her father. Despite being a grown woman of twenty-four, Freya didn't want to leave without talking to her father. She would rather leave things on good terms and discuss the situation.
She knew her father wouldn't be thrilled with the idea, but she had always been good at getting what she wanted from him. Henry also knew she could take care of herself.
What really worried Freya was leaving her father and brother alone. Henry was no hunter, he could barely shoot a gun. And even though she herself had trained Peter to defend himself and they both knew enough about supernatural creatures, she was still worried about leaving them.
"You're not going with them." He answered as he closes his office door.
"Why not? I'll find-"
"It's dangerous." He said, cutting her off.
"I wouldn't hunt alone anymore. And I'd help more people than here." She answered, watching as he walked around the desk to stand in front of her.
"You're hurt." He noted.
"I'll stay out of the fight for a while. I can do research."
"I don't know..."
"I'm going to find that demon, dad." She stated. "They have the Colt, I'll be able to kill him."
"If there's any bullets left. They could have used them all."
"They haven't."
"I hope you're right." He sighed, sitting down. "But, Freya, I don't want you to put yourself in danger again for this revenge."
"It's more than that and you know it." She answered, sitting in front of him. "I'm doing this to protect us. All of us."
"I know." He whispered, watching her closely. "You won't listen to me, would you?"
"I've never been good at it." She shrugged with an amused smile on her lips.
"No. Neither you or your brother." He sighed. "You two are just like your mother."
"I'll call every day." She promised him.
"You better." He said. "I love you."
"I love you too." She smiled, standing up. "I'll go get my stuff."
─── ❖ ── ✦ ── ❖ ───
Sam was glad to hear that Freya would be joining them from now on. Part of him hoped she could help him save his brother. Another part of him was just relieved that if Dean finally ended up in hell, he would no longer be completely alone.
He liked her. Without hardly knowing her, he could already see what had made his brother fall in love with her. Aside from being beautiful, Freya seemed to be a sweet, caring, strong and intelligent person. He honestly couldn't wait to get to know her more.
"Call me anytime, for anything. Seriously, Peter, anytime." Freya said to her brother as she crouched down in front of him.
"I will. Don't worry about it." He answered, his eyes traveling behind her, where he could see the Winchester brothers leaning against the car, waiting for her. "I've packed a couple of comics in there, in case you get bored and so you don't forget me." He said, handing her a backpack.
"As if I could." She smiled.
"Dad has also put a gift in there. I think it was something from Mom." Freya looked down at the backpack.
"Would you thank him for me?" She asked, trying not to show the sadness in her voice. Peter nodded.
Freya nodded slightly, looking back at Sam and Dean.
"Remember, salt, holy water and silver knife under the bed." She said, looking up again at her little brother. "You have the key to my guns and you know where to hide."
"Relax. I've got it." He assured her, as he had already heard her say that just a few minutes before.
"Okay." She whispered.
"We'll be all right."
"Yeah, yeah, I know." She nodded. "I know."
"I'll miss you." He said, wrapping his arms around her.
"I'll miss you too, buddy." Freya smiled, hugging him back. "I love you."
"Love you too."
Freya had never spent that much time apart from her brother. Peter was like a son to her. Sure, Henry was a loving and caring father, but he was also a very busy one. She had always felt like a mother to him. Every time he had a nightmare, Peter would appear in her bed. Every time something exciting happened to him at school, she was the one he told. She just hoped that the distance wouldn't break the bond between them.
Pressing a kiss to his cheek, Freya broke away from the hug, getting to her feet to join Dean and Sam in the car.
"Ready?" Dean asked as he saw her approaching him.
"Yup." She nodded.
"All right. The back seats are all yours. You won't be driving anytime soon, so make yourself comfortable." He said, opening the driver's door.
Freya frowned, her hand gripping the door handle. "Why not?"
Dean looked back at her. "Remember the last time I gave you Baby's keys? I won't make the same mistake."
"I've learned since then, you know." She answered. Dean raised his eyebrows at her, giving her a serious look. "Fine." She sighed, getting inside the car.
Imitating her action, Dean got behind the wheel. His eyes taking one last glance at Peter, who was waving goodbye to Freya.
"Come on, Dean, stop frowning." Freya leaned over the back of the front seats, resting her arms on it and placing her head between both brothers. "We might make a good team." She smiled, before slightly nudging the youngest's shoulder. "Right, Sammy?"
Normally Sam wouldn't let anyone besides his brother use that nickname, but he liked the way it sounded when she said it. So with an amused smile he turned to Dean.
"Yeah." He replied, receiving a not-so-amused look from him.
"Is the rule still the same?" Freya asked, gaining his attention back as he started the car.
"What rule?"
"You know 'driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole'"
"Right." He nodded.
"Well I'm not riding shotgun and I've got some pretty good cassette tapes here." She informed, looking inside the backpack her brother had given her.
"You're not the driver either." He pointed out.
"Come on, Dean." She insisted. Sam smiled in amusement, looking over at his brother. "I've got good taste in music. You said it yourself."
"I must have been drunk."
"Very funny." She said, rolling her eyes. "But, seriously, we can't listen to the same four albums all the time."
"I've been telling him that for years." Sam commented.
"Maybe on the next stop."
"Really?" They both looked at him with surprise. Freya with a gleam of hope in her eyes while Sam did with disbelief.
"I said maybe."
"I take that as a yes." Freya smiled, leaning against the back of her seat.
Keep Reading: Chapter 3
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Tag List: @deans-spinster-witch @lmhf1
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waratah-moon · 2 years
Happy birthday week!! I couldn’t decide between Eddie and cheerleader!reader or Eddie and innocent!reader so could I request something with one of them for 5. "Stay the night?" with it being the first time Eddie sneaks into their room?
5. "Stay the night?" Hopefully sweetiepie cheerleader!reader will fill your needs! 🎂 join my birthday week celebration! 🎂 masterlist / send me a message Warnings: shitty parents, trauma dump from reader, brief allusion to past bad sexual experiences, extra supportive boyfriend Eddie
"Psst." A hushed voice came from outside your window accompanied by tapping on the glass, startling your nose out of the book you were reading.
"Eddie?" Your eyes widened when you saw your boyfriend standing outside your window.
"Let me in, I'm freezing my balls off out here."
You sighed, getting off your bed to open the window. He climbed through and collapsed on your bed with a groan.
"What are you doing here?"
"You seemed off today and when I tried to catch you at the end of school you'd already left. I called but your mom basically told me to piss off."
"Yeah, she doesn't like when boys call me."
"You have lots of boys calling, do ya?" He smirked when you rolled your eyes, but your heart wasn't fully in it, something he instantly picked up on. "Are you alright?"
It was sweet how much he cared. And he was right, you were feeling a little off. It was time to send in college applications for early decisions and your parents were on your case. They had already made up their minds that you were going to Notre Dame, but you wanted to get out of Indiana.
"Just a little stressed," you down on your bed next to Eddie, and he opened his arms, beckoning you to him. You took up his offer, burying your face against his chest and breathing in the warm scent of tobacco that hung to him.
"What can I do?"
There wasn't anything he could do. Eddie couldn't fight your battles for you. But having him hold you; stroke your hair and pepper little kisses around your face comforting. You wished that you forget about college applications and stay in his arms forever. "Can you just hold me awhile?"
"'course, baby girl." The pet name made you fuzzy. It'd slipped out the first time about a week after you'd started dating. Your relationship was still fairly new, and the butterflies you got from him had yet to stop fluttering in your stomach every time he looked at you. You weren't sure if they ever would. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
As soon as you started talking, you couldn't stop. Years of pent up frustrations and worries spilled from your mouth. All your parents expectations, concerns about never being good enough for them, the constant comparisons to your siblings; you told Eddie everything. And he listened, quietly. Humming acknowledgements at the right moments so you knew he was listening, stroking your arm in comfort when your voice cracked, and kissing your forehead when the tears finally came. You'd never admitted these things before, and to Eddie's credit, he was handling your trauma dump well.
"Baby," he finally said once you went silent. "Have you ever thought about speaking with the guidance counselor? You can talk to me, always, but maybe Ms. Kelly would be able to give you some advice."
He was right. You knew he was right. All that talk about hiding your emotions and working through your issues on your own was rubbish your parents told you to keep you under their control. "I'll see if I can talk to her tomorrow."
"That's a great idea, sweetheart," he pressed a kiss to your cheek, his thumb brushing back your hair.
"Can you stay the night?"
Eddie stilled. Your body was still tucked against him, and you could hear his heart beat quicken. "You want me to stay? Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I mean, I just want to cuddle," you hadn't gone past first base with Eddie. Well, second base if you considered his hand brushing over your clothed breast while you were heavily making out in the back of his van. You wanted to do more, craved it, but you just weren't ready.
"I'll stay," he whispered, his mouth pressed against your hairline. After a moment he added, "you know I'll never pressure you in to anything, right? If all you ever want to do is cuddle I'd be happy." You had told him you'd had a few bad experiences with exes in the past, the same night you had kinda gotten to second base. He'd been more than understanding then, just like he was being now.
You took his hand, twisting the rings on his fingers. "I want to do other stuff with you... I'm just not quite there yet."
"Whenever you're ready baby girl, I'll be here. If it's a year or five, doesn't matter. I'm not going anywhere."
read more cheerleader!reader here
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amalgamgooze · 6 months
seven years of waiting come to an end
Hey everybody. So today is the day of the eclipse...
or it would be, if I were writing this post today.
I'm instead writing this post yesterday because I don't know if I'll get home in time to write about actually watching the eclipse, so...
I'll probably write a super cool poem for my next post.
But today's post is better spent talking about how today's eclipse is personally significant.
In a more innocent time,
back in the distant year of 2017,
My mother took my brother and me to watch the August 21 eclipse at an outlet mall. With our eclipse glasses and fact sheets in tow, we sat at a bench just outside the bustling plaza to gaze up at the sky.
Of course, I wasn't fortunate enough to live anywhere near the path of totality, so we only witnessed a partial eclipse. The world grew a little darker, and a bite was missing from the once-circular sun we saw through the filtered cardboard glasses.
I still thought it was pretty cool.
Of course, in the aftermath of the eclipse, we discussed the next one we might want to go watch. This eclipse's path of totality was much closer to where we lived, so we'd be able to go watch this one in person. The only problem, however, was that it was so far off in the future.
April 8, 2024. We'd set our sights.
At the time, I was only just entering sixth grade. Though the upcoming eclipse was exciting, it was also so distant, and there were a bazillion more pressing events at the time. The eclipse would only be happening in my last year of high school, and I wasn't even a lowly sixth grader yet! Regardless, the 2024 eclipse was still something that'd stayed in the back of my mind at all times.
almost seven years later,
with a bazillion events behind me
and a million more unexpected ones
the eclipse is finally here.
It goes without saying that I'm a different person than I was seven years ago.
It would be insane to stay the same through all of it.
Middle school and high school,
a struggle to find friends and companionship,
the deaths of close family members,
years of just being generally nervous,
and of course, a global pandemic!
and a trillion nights spent staring up at the stars
and a few lunar eclipses too.
(lunar eclipses are pretty cool too! you might know them as "blood moons"!)
Today, I've found friends I'm happy with, as well as just feeling better about life in general, even if I still have my low moments.
That's just a few things that have changed.
But one thing that's held constant through it all was the anticipation for the April 2024 eclipse.
And now, instead of almost seven years between now and the eclipse, it's not even 24 hours anymore.
It's weird and exhilarating.
Sitting here right now, the past seven years feel like a blur.
That's not how they were, but there's an immense amount of solace in knowing there's no more difficult times or hard days left in the seven-year wait.
At times, I didn't even know if I'd live to see this eclipse.
Other times, the hopes of seeing this eclipse were evidence in a personally-bound argument as to why I should keep pushing on through the tough times.
But now is a more hopeful era.
I don't feel as if I need the promise of some astronomical event to help me see it through one more day/week anymore. I've found my own personal source of motivation now.
But even then, the eclipse has to have been the longest wait I've endured, and will likely ever endure too. (Sure, there's me getting out of grade school, but that's different.)
After the eclipse, I'll only have a few more clearly marked dates-I've-been-waiting-forever-for. These include my graduation from high school and the day I leave for college.
Beyond that, I have no more dates to look forward to.
It will just be me for the rest of eternity,
hopefully hacking away at personal projects
with a new type of anticipation,
not the type for some well-defined calendar date,
but instead, the anticipation for the day when I finally share my projects with the world.
But that's so far off into the future.
Who knows if I'll even feel like making the projects I want to make anymore once I'm that old?
For now, however,
I think I'm just going to relax,
and watch the eclipse I've waited so long for.
And I might not even get to see it,
because it might be cloudy.
Here's hoping it won't be.
Here's hoping the past seven years of waiting
haven't been in vain.
though I probably won't be devastated if it is.
regardless, the world will still fall under darkness,
albeit even if just for a few minutes.
It's all Waiting for Godot anymore, isn't it?
I still can't believe the wait is finally over.
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modestcatholiclife · 7 months
Mid-Lent Reflections
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So I'm hoping that today's post will be a little bit different. I've been thinking a lot about this blog and I realised that I've been treating it like an obligation rather than a voluntary personal project.
Since I began converting to Catholicism, things have become rather complication for me. I'm changing as a person and feel very disconnected from my friends, who are all secular, as a result. Additionally, I haven't had a great deal of success in making Catholic friends just yet so I honestly feel quite lonely. During these times, I'm so grateful to God for my lovely fiance who has been the pinnacle of support during this struggle. So this blog gives me an opportunity to talk about those things that I'd like to talk about with friends and potentially connect with people online.
I'd like to try and be a bit more personal and engaging with these posts but I believe that is something I'll find with time. For now, I'll share what I can with you.
Well, right now I'm sick. Nothing serious, I just have a stuffy nose and am very fatigued. I've had to cancel some appointments and interviews and haven't been very productive these past couple of days as a result, which is completely understandable. What's less understandable, though, is that I've honestly been really letting myself down with my Lenten fasts. I haven't been consistent with them at all and the only one I can say that I haven't broken is my fast from meat. I've been on social media almost non-stop and it's been awful. I usually have a block on my phone that keeps me out of most apps from 8pm-9am but I haven't been using it lately. I've been so unproductive for weeks now and have done little to no cleaning around the apartment. It's getting pretty bad here and I'm disappointed in myself. I was hoping to get back onto things this week but of course, now I'm sick. My prayer life has been almost nonexistent. I'm not going to continue, it's not helpful for me to engage in excessive negative self-talk and I should be directing my focus towards improvement, not despondency.
On a more positive note, my early childcare traineeship interviews went incredibly well! So well, in fact, that I was offered the traineeship on the spot during my first interview! I have the contract with me, that I will be signing and returning tomorrow (assuming I'm not still sick) and I'll be starting the job two weeks from today! I've already handed in my letter of resignation to my current job and am looking forward to this new chapter of my life.
I also went to Great Vespers on Saturday night with my lovely fiance. We've just passed the Veneration of the Holy Cross so I have included photos of the Cross from St. Andrew's after Great Vespers on Saturday and St. Volodymyr's after Divine Liturgy on Sunday. This was only my second time attending Great Vespers. I sat near the choir and did my best to participate. Hopefully if I work hard enough, I might be able to join the choir one day.
Lastly, yesterday I spent the day resting and watching movies and anime with my fiance. We watched the first episode of part six of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. So far, I'm not loving it. This is the first part with a female main character and it shows. I don't appreciate how overly sexualised Jolyne is immediately. I'll keep watching it at some point but right now, I'm not super interested. I just watched Chicago for the first time and watching another piece of media about women in prison (even if they aren't there for long) is not capturing my interest. My fiance showed me an episode of an old anime he used to like so I showed him an episode of Ouran High School Host Club, which I watched back in year 7, and he liked it so much we watched a second episode! We also watched Mad Max: Fury Road together. Later on, we watched Josie and the Pussycats, which he highly enjoyed and I would highly recommend.
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mrthoughtbubbles · 22 days
Today is an okay day for me, so far. Although my sister and mother had to talk me out of my paranoid thoughts twice today, I still feel happy that I got the chance to be with them. We talked about what we want to do in the future: sing karaoke, try bowling, hope to watch a circus or a play, or visit places we would like to visit.
Listening to the sound of rainfall for a couple of minutes helped me be calm, for a moment, and my sister told me that that should be my normal/default mode, since my normal mode for a very long time would be to be anxious and to try and cut the worst-case scenario/Deja vu dreams of mine from happening. We also talked about heartbreaks, parasocial relationships, and focus more on myself for now. We talked about what triggers my anxiety and paranoia, debunked them, and finally, we talked about Telegram, debunked why seeing about it a lot is triggering my paranoia. I don't know if I recovered my account, but I still have the same number and I used my usual e-mail. At first, I don't know why it wasn't listed in my accounts file, but I think it's probably because I created one before I created the file and used it a handful of times. I tried using either on 2022 or last year to listen to news from Uk*aine but I wasn't able to because my phone couldn't update anymore, and I couldn't use the app. I saw some of the news, but I couldn't open the videos of the fight nor could I scroll on the updates from previous days. That's what I can recall about it.
On another note, I tried studying the accounting book again and I finished the current chapter I'm in, and I just took a rest before continuing with my notes for the said chapter. There are times wherein I worry if I'm absorbing the process/steps taken by the writer of the book, but I'm hoping that I do... I'm okay with memorizing stuff, but when it comes to computing, that's where I really get anxious because I dread that I won't get the right answer, just like when I took my engineering degree and I felt that I couldn't get any right answers on any subject that has to compute for something, especially the calculus subjects or the electric current one... I remember that whenever I took the electric current tests, the professor would give you 5 pts if you wrote something in the said qustion and he'd give out 3 questions all the time. One time I only got 10 because I was spacing out with the load I took on that last term...
Reflecting on the reasons why I took engineering, I wanted to follow in my sister's footsteps. I look up to her on that regard, but I guess I should've chose a business-related course instead, if I had the chance of doing so. I'm not as detail-oriented like my sister and she has the patience to read stuff 3-5 times... However, that's life and I just have to live with my decision. I'm still grateful that I got to study the subjects I took, and hopefully, I'll still be able to use them in the future.
Reflecting more on who I was before and who I am now, I was someone who was angry and harboring a lot of hate whilst I was still really young, but when I was straightened out by a parent of a busmate of mine, I changed and instead of harboring hate, I tried to be friendly with everyone. High school was the happiest time in my life, so far, because I was friends with almost everyone and I was always laughing, nobody's shouting at me at home, and life's good. When college came, I became more cautious with befriending people because once they knew where I came from, they'd berate me and be passive-aggressive towards me, and up to this day, I still haven't gotten over that... After having my paranoid bout a couple of years ago, I'm trying not to get angry or to harbor hate because I'm already paranoid, nervous, and anxious and adding anger and hate to the mix isn't good for me... Looking back, although I don't like my current situation wherein I'm normally nervous, anxious, stressed and paranoid, trying to see it on a positive light, I'm not angry nor harboring hate as I used to before. I have a long way to go, but I hope that I'll be better.
With the things I'm grateful for today, I am grateful that my family is always there when I'm having a bout. I am grateful for the rain, even though I understand that a lot of my fellow countrymen/women are having a hard time right now... I am grateful for the knowledge I'm absorbing. I am grateful for the food, the utilities, and the roof on top of our head. I am grateful that even though there are trials and tribulations in life, I still pray to God to take care of everyone and to thank Him for everything around us. Although I don't go to mass, I pray every night to Him and talking to Him like I'm talking to a friend. Somehow, after praying, I feel lighter and I feel happy.
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bananabraces · 1 month
first date ever tomorrow!!
hii guys so alot happened today. like alot of big changes that seem calm now but will completely change the course of my life for years to come. soo one i finally align w my username, i got braces!!! they're actually really cute i got bubblegum pink and they didn't hurt much they only put wires on my bottom row of teeth bc they're gonna be doing extraction on the top teeth so they can't string them together yet yk but it was actually pretty painless. the feeling of the metal is really uncomfortable in my mouth though like the bite blocks they had to put i can VERY MUCH feel it's not like an actual inserted thing they just put some kind of solution or like glue where my back teeth touch so that they wouldn't grind against the brackets on my teeth and break them. so overall the braces experience thus far has been an 8/10 -2 points bc of the discomfort. i'm really excited for my teeth to start shifting though bc i've always had really crappy teeth ever since my permanent ones started coming in my overbite is 10mm long and just alot else is wrong w my teeth like in 5th grade i got called toothless by the whole grade almost bc it was so bad and it was like a known joke in my class that i had no teeth. and i have never been able to smile properly bc of like my jaw and it also looks recessed and sunken in cuz my bite and ive always put my hand over my mouth when i smile or laugh bc of this, so basically what i'm saying is it's always been a struggle with me as well as my family. i'm really really excited to have straight teeth. in a way it kind of makes me feel more connected to my dad and sam bc they got braces too. idk how to explain it.
but ANYWAYS that was like an entire entry on its own but that's not all the news (please ignore how my keyboard puts apostrophes on some words and not others it's bugging me too but i can't fix it rn so whatever). i am FINALLYYYY going on a date w and getting asked out by gp tomorrow after 11 months of waiting. it's so hard to summarize all our lore and just how badly i've wanted and wished for this but just know like i've had to sit through months of him dating someone else knowing i missed my chance and had to confess knowing we'd most likely just stay as friends no matter what i said and had to accept that unsent love letters countless diary entries a spotify playlist late night calls and conversations and endless yapping to my bsf is all it would ever be. but now it's not like that. and that's not why i'm nervous btw if i haven't said i'm nervous i am but not bc of that i'm really excited to date gp and get to know him as a bf i'm just a little scared for the actual date bc we haven't talked alot recently. it's been better these last 2 days and i've sent him stuff occasionally and we have a streak buttttt that's kinda all it's been this summer. but yk we saw eachother everyday for 1 year and were hecka close so i'm also looking forward to it and i doubt it'll be THAT bad. plus we're seeing my fav movie (eva it's all yours dw i just like it alot)!!! i was coraline for halloween 2022 and went to the museum and i've watched it countless times so. i think that'll make me more comfy in a way plus then i'll have alot more to discuss w him afterwards. he said he'd pay but i'm bringing a wallet full of money anyways bc i'm atleast offering to even if he says no and even then i'll probably ask to split it or pay for the food afterwards. anyways he's really so sweet and amazing and smart and handsome and funny and i'm reallyyyy excited to see him 🤗🤗 so hopefully it'll go good i think it will. and i'm gonna ask my dad and mom and bsf for some advice bc they have an honest view and my parents have experience w dating and eva w the actual guy having been 10 yr childhood bsfs. so yeah. i'm feeling alot better but goshhh BOYFRIEND. HES GONNA BE MY BKYFRIEND!!!! im gonna walk into school and be liek i have a real life living human br with human skin and lungs and life who breaths air and is also real and here and a bf my bf. like whay.
on the same noeeeeteeee im dividing ts so it's easier to read i'm SO excited for 8th grade. my clothes and stuff going in r sooo cute and ill have a bf and im joining sports and possibly riding the bus (some dyas) so itll be really sigma. also there's alot.of.stuff only 8th graders could do at my scuool so ill be like an ALPBQHA GRRR u know. sorry that was bad but like im not even j trying to be funny out school is the timberwilves. the halls in our school are marked by saying like "___ grade pack!" like 😅😅😅😆😆😆 no!!! actualy!!!! no!!!!!
anyways that's ittt just had to drop a lil update hopefully it ACTUALLY UOLOADS THIS TIME AND JF IT DOESNT IT ATLEAST SAVES TO MY DRAFTS. tmblr fix ur site. okayy bye chat thanks formlistening 💫
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fenimores-book-nook · 10 months
>> Self care writing ~ Day 6 <<
November 21st, 2023, Tuesday
My Day so far: 6:30 am ~ Wake up, do some yoga, read the latest Heartstopper episode on Webtoon, get dressed for the day. 7:00 am ~ Leave for work, open the shop at 8, make some coffee for myself, shelf books, eat breakfast, do work around the store. 1:00 pm ~ Get off work, head to the library to do some writing. 1:57 pm, Now ~ Do some notebook-journaling and work on day 6 of self care writing. ;)
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I haven't done much today other than work, unreasonably freak out over a Walmart order*, read, and write. :)
*I was trying to order The Hunger Games movies and I accidentally put curbside pickup which I did not want to do. So I was going to pass time at the library but when I arrived here, I got a notification saying that it's available for free shipping, so we're doing that instead. :,) It's kind of funny how antisocial and introverted I can be when I literally work in customer service. But it's fine. I still love my job.
What I have planned for the rest of my day: 2:15ish pm ~ Leave the library, grab some lunch, and head home to relax. At home ~ I want to do some more reading, hopefully get through *at least* two chapters of Iron Flame. I also need to keep reading my book club book since I'm only like one-hundred pages in (or less) and it's next week. But who are we kidding? I will probably end up reading The Baby-Sitters Club. I also would LOVE to finally decorate my room for Christmas but I've been lacking the motivation to do so. But who knows? Maybe I'll have a burst of energy to start it today. 6:00 pm ~ Leave again and head to my friend's house so we can carpool to a play that our high school is putting on. We graduated this year, but we always love showing our support for our friends and I also just love going to productions*. 7:00 pm ~ Watch the play. :)
*I've really realized how much I love going to different kinds of productions after graduating from high school. I've been to a couple of my brother's college concerts and a musical his college put on; and I loved all of them very much. :) Honestly, I think the realization really bloomed after I saw Hamilton in person. Which was AMAZING. I was so happy that I started crying when they started singing the opening song. :,)
So for now, I think I'll do some morning journaling prompts and call a break. :) (technically afternoon prompts but it's fine)
(pinterest, of course)
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I'm grateful for my love for my hometown, it definitely wasn't always this strong, but it got there. For my two-day break from work this week. :) That I really enjoy doing my self care writings. The Hunger Games series, heehee. And for the magic of books that I'm in love with.
I have the intention for today to be a relaxing, yet productive day. I wanna get some things done (like I am right now!) but also be able to just relax too.
I want to be good to myself. Not make myself feel guilty for taking the time to rest, even if it means I don't get something done that I've been meaning to (I have time). For others, I want to be able to be a caring person that they might need. Even if it's in small ways.
I'm doing great right now! There is no need to compare different versions of myself, but what is important is to really see how far I've come and be proud of that. <3
Flash forward quite a bit! 11:48 pm, yep, it's a late night tonight. I came home from the play I mentioned earlier around 11. No, the play didn't go until then, I went with a friend and we ended up meeting another friend and just having our normal shenanigans. :) Which was quite a lot of fun. And the play. THE PLAY. It was just so incredible, I loved it so, so much. It was a reality show but with Greek gods. Pretty fantastic, I know.
Since it is almost tomorrow, I'm gonna jump to some night self care things, from the same one as before. ;)
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I started decorating my room for Christmas!! And I got writing done at the library like I intended on doing.
How much I love the library and how I can spend hours there. <3
A bit about Greek gods. Like how Zeus and Hera were siblings but they were together. Eeshk.
I felt happy and sentimental.
Some lack of motivation and my I-want-to-live-in-a-cottage-in-the-woods-alone-part of me at some moments.
Putting too much trust into things at a certain time. It's okay. It doesn't mean I'm stupid or naive. I just care a lot and that's okay.
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And of course fanart from pinterest of The Owl House, to say goodnight. (cuz they are the cutest & I love them)
Until next time,
Thalia <3
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noodlesandpanic · 2 years
♡ Friday (so far) ♡
Good Afternoon, I made progress already towards getting into Cosmetology school! I got in contact with admissions today and they gave me info for the next start dates, and I submitted my Fafsa! So once it processes in the next few days, I'll be able to go in person and talk to them about the cost after financial aid is applied, and hopefully get registered for the next part time cosmo course which starts on March 14th. I have a feeling it may be full already or heavily waitlisted since it's only a little less than a month away, but I have my fingers crossed that it will find a way to happen for me. Otherwise, the next start date is May 16th, but of course I want to get a move on it now.
I definitely already notice a difference since starting the Latuda. I'm doing just 20mg for the first week to start, then I'll increase to dosage to 40mg. Today will be my 4th day of taking it, and I've quickly released that I need to take it in the evening. It initially makes me tired, and then it reaches it's full effect in the evening (since I've been taking it with breakfast) when I'm trying to prepare to sleep. So while it's nice to actually feel like a human being with a little piece of hope once again, it's also important that I sleep because the last 2 nights, I can't shut my brain off. Other than that though, no negative side effects I'm noticing! It's already helped boost the serotonin in my brain because it was at a definite zero. I'm very very grateful for that, and hope I don't develop any bad side effects as I increase the dosage.
I've also done a lot of cleaning and almost completely finished re-reading "You are a Badass" since starting last night between the physical copy, and listening to the audio book version while cleaning for hours today. Though the title and a lot of the comments she makes are pretty cheesy/somewhat cringe at times, the book overall is wonderful and definitely makes me feel motivated to make big changes in my life. I need a lot of that right now, and lucky for me I have many self help books I've been neglecting both in physical form/on Audible. I'll definitely be diving back into them along with journaling (in my journal at home some, but also on this little blog I've made for myself. I like typing. It feels nice, and I like my cute lil bubblegum pink background with purple text on here.) so that I can't get my mind out of this dark, dark well that I've been trapped in for a long time.
I also plan on going to the gym after a long break to at least do some cardio today. It'll be good for my body and brain chemicals, and sleep tonight I'm sure. Maybe I'll go stay at my boyfriend's house tonight if he's available? Then tomorrow I have a pop up market I'm doing with my sister for her crochet items. I'll also bring my art stickers, in case I can sell a few this time.
♡ I hope you have a good Friday, if you're seeing this ♡
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choibinn3 · 3 years
[ nine. hehe ]
series masterlist
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⋆·˚ ༘ * in which jungwon had meant for that love letter to go to yeri, and not you—her bff. for some reason though, he finds that with each moment he spends together with you he's closer and closer to forgetting all about that damn letter.
no song for this chapter!
also partially unedited, sorry if some things don't make sense or are confusing T_T
The bell rang.
You made eye contact with Jungwon across the room, and yet his brown pools nervously flitted towards Yeri's direction instead. They were President and Vice President though, so you didn't question much. She was packing up her bag, and had sent you a small smile.
"I'll see you next class, ok?" she said, "Make sure you eat a full meal before work."
You grinned at her. "Got it! I hope you have a good time with whatever you said you were doing, sorry I couldn't eat with you today."
Being the only two people in your friend group with the same lunch period, you usually sat with her for it. Talking about classes, chatting mindlessly, idly looking around the cafeteria for people you knew was fun only when it was with her.
"It's fine," she replied, waving off your apology and placing her notebooks away. "It's your first day with a boyfriend, I want you to be happy."
You appreciated her genuine gladness for your own happiness so much, you could barely hold it in. You wrapped your arms around her, sending her stumbling a bit with your weight. "Woah, YN!"
Having someone so positive, so supportive, and so authentic as Yeri around you for so long had definitely brightened your outlook on life. Such a friend was a one in a lifetime chance, and yet you lucked out. You just hoped she thought the same of you too.
"Thank you! I love you so much!" you exclaimed into her shoulder.
She released a giggle, patting your back with one hand as if to ease you down. "It's the bare minimum of friendship, YN. I just hope that Jungwon doesn't hurt you."
The tone in which she said it felt more serious than it usually was, which was a bit odd. You understood her concern though, of course your friend wouldn't want you to be hurt! And yet, everyone and their mother knew that flower boy Yang Jungwon would be the least likely person to do such a thing.
You loosened your arms a bit, tilting your head at her confusedly. "Why would Jungwon hurt me..? You know he's too nice for that!"
You knew that Jungwon and Yeri had definitely gotten closer to each other since the Student Council elections, but your faith in Yeri had outshined any insecurities or suspicions that could've ever formed. She had definitely talked frequently to him, especially with all those times they've had to stay after school for paperwork, so you would've thought that she'd know Jungwon's personality by now.
She took ahold of your arms, smiling at you before wrapping her own limbs around your form. Gahh, hugs from Yeri! You giggled into her shoulder again, from where your face had buried itself into. "I know, I know. I'm just being worried, I think."
You nodded. "I get it, thank you."
Yeri and the rest had always been like this. Even though Niki would act disgusted towards your displays of affection, he loved it when you made time for him. Heeseung too, actually. Yeri and Heeseung were both equally protective of Niki and you, even though Yeri was your age.
Since the day you had became friends she was the one looking out for you. Not to say you were irresponsible, but because she was just naturally a protective person. It was a quality you and many others admired about her—her loyalty to her friends.
"Remember that guy that was obsessed with you? Back in middle school?" she muttered.
You hit her arm playfully, and she let you go. "He wasn't obssessed!" you insisted, "I thought the snacks were cute!"
Yeri laughed. "Ok, whatever you say, but he was always buying you stuff. Can't believe you turned him down, though."
Your eyes glanced towards Jungwon, who was waiting by the door with his hands in his pant pockets. The large mass of students filtering out of the opening had covered his figure at times, blocking your view when they did, and yet you knew you could point him out in any large crowd. He stood out in a way that had you nervous all over again.
"Yeah well," you started, looking away and instead down towards your shoes bashfully, "I told him I liked someone else, and now we're just buddies."
You slung your bag over your shoulder as Yeri decided to nudge it. "Wonder who that could've been," she teased, and you let out a indignant whine.
"You don't have to wonder!"
She pinched your cheek, and you pretended to attempt to bite at her finger playfully. As the both of you exited the doorway, you sent a smile towards Jungwon.
The brief eye contact made him look away again, for whatever reason, you didn't know. "I'll see you in the cafeteria, right?" you asked, a bit hopefully. Yeri stopped beside you.
He fidgeted a bit, nodding his head. "Yeah, I'll find you there."
You grinned at him, and went onto your tippy toes. Jungwon's large brown eyes widened, and he almost leaned back when you planted another chaste (burning) kiss onto his cheek. Again?! You're kidding!
Neither of you knew how relationships worked, but were you sure a kiss on the cheek could be considered the first step? He had to hold his breath, otherwise he would've made a noise.
"Ah—" Like the previous time, you moved away too quickly for him to have comprehended the situation fully—or to say anything.
Your bag slightly jostled as you promptly walked down the hallway. The figure of your back going further and further down, becoming smaller and smaller as he stood there once again. He held onto his cheek. The ghost of your lips were still there, faintly, but the touch was evidently still imprinted into his mind. He wasn't sure he'd ever be able to get used to that.
As you left, Yeri looked over towards him. Her smile was devoid, which was the first odd thing, and suddenly she grabbed his wrist—the one still tracing your kiss.
Jungwon looked after at her shocked, but she provided no explanation as she dragged him along with long, big strides. "What are you doing?"
"I said it'd be quick, you have to get to YN, right? Lunch with them?" She turned her head to the side, awaiting an answer.
"They told you?" he asked, but of course they told her. You were best friends. "I mean yeah, nevermind. I do."
He was going to tell you about the misplacement of the letter, too.
With how fast Yeri was rushing them both, they made it to the Student Council room much quicker than they would've if they had walked casually as they had done before. The windows of the Council room were open, the long curtains blowing with the passing wind.
The room was fairly old, not yet upgraded as the other classroom in the Hybe building were. They still had gray, cloth curtains connected to their windows, and Jungwon had found the curtains annoying when they decided to brush against his face while he was working.
Still, he found the sun and its brightness too pretty to try and close the windows. As he looked at them, Yeri had made a point to shut the door.
Jungwon glanced over in time to see her lock it, too. If he wasn't anxious before, he was now. "What did you want to talk about?" he inquired, placing his bag down.
No answer. He looked up, and blinked at her as she said nothing, just staring at him with her head tilted.
She took a step forward (he took one back, he had to), and another (his sneakers squeaked against the polished floor), and another, and another (Jungwon stumbled a bit, feet confused with his backwards direction), and more until—
Jungwon's back collided roughly with the wooden surface behind him, making an aching pain build upon the lower part of his body. Before he could even think about the spreading heat, Yeri had already slammed her hands on either side of the desk, shocking him into straightening back up.
She was close.
Not closer than you were, but close enough to where he was panicked on where to look. They had shared such a proximity before. Only once, but it was still near. He had leaned over to take a look at some paperwork on her desk, and her face was inches away.
He didn't notice her lashes though, nor her bright eyes like he did with you.
"I called you here today to speak to you," she began. Her voice was steady, calm, confident. Whatever she was planning to say, she had either rehearsed it or was steeled in her resolve.
"A-About what?" A stutter. Not good. He hadn't meant to stutter, so he just gulped down his next nervous words.
"About YN."
All of a sudden, Yeri had surged forward. Her stands of hair had flown with her, falling off her shoulders and hanging over Jungwon. Even though he was taller than her, he had to lean back to not come in contact with any part of her skin.
He held his breath again, like he did with you, but because he was terrified he'd accidentally breathe on her face.
Her eyes had narrowed. Yeri's eyes never narrowed. They had always been slightly curved from a smile, or fondly closed in thought, but never once had they even become close to those dangerous slits on her face.
Was this the same person he knew? What had initially drawn him to her was her sweetness, so how could she look so stone cold (read: terrifying) in this moment?
"Look, I know we're kind of close and all, but YN was my first friend and one of my only long-standing friendships since I was 9 years-old." Jungwon couldn't take her gaze, so he turned to look out the window as she spoke.
"They've been my rock ever since I started having trouble with my parents, and was always supportive of everything I did. YN is self-sacrificial and diligent in a way you'd only notice if you were friends with them, and observant to the small details, playful when you need them to be, and highly emotionally empathetic—"
She paused, as if finally noticing Jungwon's attempts to distract himself.
"—I'm talking to you here." His eyes snapped back towards her face at the harshness of the tone she used, and a bead of sweat formed at the back of his neck. Ok, never trying that again. "You're not a bad person, Jungwon. I know you're not the type to hurt someone like that, but I'm not taking that chance. YN is a very sensitive individual, ok?"
Yeri waited, long enough for the frightened boy in front of her to get the memo. Eventually, he nodded.
"Good. So don't you ever attempt to hurt them—actually, even if it was a mistake, I couldn't care less. I will make sure you won't live past the age of 30. You won't even be alive to see your grandchildren, Yang Jungwon."
To make her point clear, she turned her glare burning. He could feel it through his soul. Such a stare would generally leave his heart palpitating, and it was surely, but he'd be an idiot if he didn't know the difference between it beating in fear and from affection. Right then, it was fear.
As if she was finally satisfied, Yeri leaned back from the cornered Student Council President in front of her, and took several steps backwards.
"Take this as my blessing for your relationship," she offered, hand coming to give a small pat at his shoulder. It took every fibre of his being not to flinch. He did Taekwondo for God's sake, what was with him?
The words hadn't come out of her mouth, but it was silently spoken from one party to another. This wasn't just a blessing, this was a warning. A threat too, all in one.
Yeri took it upon herself to exit the room first, even making sure to close the door gently as to not disturb anyone around them, and Jungwon's legs took him to his Council President seat—because if he didn't take a seat, he was sure he'd faint somewhere along the way back.
Kim Yerim had just threatened him like an overprotective Mob Boss whose child had just gotten their first boyfriend. Kim Yerim, his crush, the girl he had been pining over since they had both been elected for Council positions, Kim Yerim—who he had apparently not known enough about.
Outside of the room, Yeri was making her way down the hallways, checking messages on her phone as she did so.
(10)! unread messages from Heeseung!
All with the same premise. What did you talk to Jungwon about? What did you say? Yeri? Where are you?
She should've known Jungwon would tell his other friends, it was only natural he would. I'll deal with that later.
She tucked her phone back into her skirt pocket, unaware of the frantic footfalls of someone running down the hallways in the opposite direction.
previous | next - series masterlist
TDLR: you kiss his cheek again, yeri drags jungwon to the stuco room, yeri will make sure jungwon wont live past the age of 30 :D
TAGLIST; @lumixen @ghjasksdk @atinyyylove @jjikyuu @yjwooon @ncityy04 @tyunni @littlewolfieposts @xoxojayd3n @rosiechaengz @sunshine-skz @youreverydayzebra @hobistigma @plshhhhhhh @lokideadontheinside @alo-ehas @milkycloudtyg @bangtopia @imjustme-things @love-4-keum @sleepy-paws @ilyaera @reallysmolrenjun @whoe-dis @drunkwithfever @yourstruely @chaosmagic-wanda @deezarenotmynutz @bakukags @13isacoolnumber @enwonhee @creamkwan @sunghonkers @aichaskz @oureis @hyunsunge @n1k1tty @kisswonie @hainaz
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i hope this was worth the wait you scoundrels
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one-sad-human · 3 years
•Something There• Slash
Pairing: Slash x Reader
Requested? Yes! By a lovely anon
Theme: Fluff
Warnings: Some language
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: —
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     You take in a deep breath. The letter in the sweaty palms feels heavy and intimidating. It's hopefully an acceptance letter from your dream college, UCLA, but there's a chance you got declined.
     You open the envelope slowly, unfolding the letter and beginning to read. Your smile grows and you jump up from your chair, pumping a fist in the air and jumping around your kitchen.
     You race to your phone and call your parent's phone number, waiting impatiently for one of them to answer. Before a 'hello' is said, you shout out.
     "I got in! I got in UCLA!"
     It's been your dream to go since you were small. America was scary and foreign, but you've always known that you can't live in England your entire life.
     It's always rainy and cloudy, and LA seems bright and gorgeous. It's full of possibilities and excitement. And it helps that your best friend, Saul, lives there.
     You and Saul have been friends since practically birth. Yours and his parents were close friends, meaning that even after Saul and his mom moved to America, you all remained in contact.
     You're parents took you to yearly trips to America to visit the Hudson's, and he visited England once in a while, too. Over the last few years, you haven't been able to go visit him.
     You have a job and have been working hard to save up for college, so vacation was a distant memory. But nonetheless, phone calls are still pretty common between you and him.
     According to Saul, his friends call him Slash now, and he has a band. He seems to be happier with this band than his previous ones, and you wish him nothing but the best.
     You can't wait to be there, to see him on stage with florescent lights beaming on him, his fingers moving quickly along the fretboard of his guitar. You're smiling just thinking about it.
     It's finally moving day. It's bittersweet, bitter because England is all you've ever known, moving so far away is the scariest thing you've ever done. Your parents are also heartbroken your leaving, but they keep smiling faces to not make you feel guilty for leaving.
     But the sweetness is stronger. This is your dream! You'd be able to live in LA and see the ocean everyday, walk along the Sunset Strip, and go to your dream school. Saul being there definitely helps, too.
     The plane ride is nothing new. It's long and tiring, and you just want to sleep when you finally get to your destination. But the familiar heat wakes you a little when you step out of the airport.
And when you get to your very tiny dorm, you rush around to unpack so you can go and explore. The strip is obviously you're first destination. It's colorful and loud and the exact opposite from England, which may be what you love about it.
A poster stuck to a window with drawings and a date on it catches your eye. It's for a local band called Guns n Roses, and you remember that's the name of Saul's band.
So, naturally, you go to the show. The band is loud and the energy is something you've never seen before. It's electrifying.
After, you reconnect with Saul— or Slash as he likes to be called now. You meet his band and they all love you, although all of them tried to get into your pants at some point during that night.
But as time stretched on to months, you and Slash are closer than ever. His bandmates are convinced there's something going on between you, but both of you always brush it off.
"We're just best friends," is Slash's favorite quote.
Axl and Steven were the most vocal. Axl is nosy and notices everything, and Steven just loves love. You can't count the number of times they've tried to set you up with Slash on a date, it hasn't worked yet.
     But nonetheless, Steven and Axl giving up their mission seems impossible. Well, you thought, until now.
     "You set me up on a blind date?" You ask, a slight snarl on your face. "With who?"
     "What the hell do you think blind means? Go and find out! It's this Saturday," Axl says. You put your pen down, as you were finishing up some schoolwork before Axl had called you.
     "Why do you even want me to go on this date anyway? Aren't you the same guy hell-bent on getting me with Saul?"
     "Look, this guy needed a date, you're the only single woman I know that I haven't fucked."
     "You're disgusting."
     "Will you go on the date or not?" Axl asks, ignoring the insult.
     "I don't know, Ax." You sigh. "I'm busy with school and work and—
     "Exactly! A date is exactly what you need to relax!" Axl says.
     "Fine! Fine, I'll go," you agree. You know that he won't give up on asking, he would just show up at your dorm if you hung up. Besides, how much harm could one date do anyway?
     It's Saturday, the dreaded day of the week. You park your car outside of the restaurant that your date will take place at. The restaurant looks nice, it isn't fancy and expensive, but it doesn't look sketchy.
     You walk in, glancing around quickly to see if you can spot your date. Axl said he should be sitting at the first table near the window.
     You walk over, and when you spot who it is, you shake your head in disbelief. He may have his back turned to you, but his curly head of hair is still distinguishable.
     "So you're my date?" You ask, rounding the table. Saul looks up in surprise and laughs, throwing his head back.
     "Axl set us up?" He asks.
     "Apparently." Slash shakes his head but keeps his smile on his face. He gestures for you to sit down across from him.
     "Well, I'm starving and I'm not wasting the reservation. What do you want?"
Once you order and begin eating, you begin to think how nice this is. You wonder if there is something there, if maybe it was there all along and you never thought about it.
You become almost hyper aware of everything Slash does, to the way he looks down when he smiles and how he listens to you intently and hangs onto every word.
When the date ends, you’re disappointed and wish it could last longer. Slash feels the same, which is why he walks so slow exiting the restaurant.
“Can I tell you something?” He asks, walking you to your car.
“Of course, what?”
“I really had fun today.” You nod and smile.
“Yeah, me too.” You get to your car but instead of getting in, you lean against the door.
“Could we do it again sometime?” You raise your eyebrows and your lips part. Slash keeps his eyes low, nervous for your answer.
“You mean you want to hang out again?” You ask, and he quickly shakes his head.
“No, I want to go on another date. Just me and you, no Axl setting us up. A proper date,” he explains, his words fumbling.
“I’d love to,” you say with a grin. Slash looks up, a relieved smile on his lips. He reaches up his hand and caresses your face, leaning in ever so slowly. You lean against your car more, grateful for the support.
It turns out Axl and Steven were right sometimes, not that you’d ever say that to their faces.
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moon-lixie · 3 years
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about a letter left to be found and a boy who disappeared into thin air.
word count: 2.046k
genre: slight angst
song: 말할 수 없는 비밀 (Secret Secret) - Stray Kids
I don't think any of you would be able to understand, not even if I sit down and speak all of my truths. Still, I think I owe an explanation.
With trembling hands he gathered his things, the notebooks filled with dreams spilling from the edges of every page, his favourite hoodies, the pair of bright red headphones he had since the beginning of high school.
From the open window a cold breeze came in and ruffled the slightly damp hair of the boy, paying special attention to the ends that were still clamped together due to the dampness.
He wasn't exactly in a hurry, but he still felt nervous and anxious, because even if it was almost impossible, at the back of his mind he was haunted by the idea of someone coming in and stopping him.
Moving quickly he reached down for the towel hanging around his shoulders and ruffled his hair a couple of times more until he felt satisfied.
First of all, I have no idea where I am going but know that I'm fine.
A loud sigh caressed his lips as it escaped, filling the room that he had always called his own, his little world nobody could disrupt because in between the forgotten comics and the piles of clothes sprawled here and there he had felt more at home than he has ever felt anywhere else.
Throwing the towel to the basket of dirty laundry at the end of the hallway, he finally finished everything he had to do, simply being left with staring at himself in the mirror and fixing the wild strands of hair that had been upset by the freshly washed hoodie hugging his torso.
He could barely muster a smile at his reflection, not because he was sad, but because it all felt surreal in a sense that left him wondering if it was still the middle of the night many years ago and the last years had been nothing but the hopeful dreams of his younger self.
Maybe it's a bit selfish of me to simply leave without a warning, but please understand that I want much more than this place could ever offer me.
He closed the front door of his house, locking it with the pair of keys his mother had given him once he turned twelve; they were still held together by the Pororo keychain he had bought one day after school with such an overwhelming excitement that made the memory pull at the corners of his lips.
It felt bizarre to walk away from the entrance of his home knowing that he was never really going to come back, that this was the last time.
Just like the very first time he had arrived there along with a moving truck packed with boxes and furniture, he felt breath leave his lungs at the sight of the white façade. It made him stop for a second and contemplate in utter silence.
Goosebumps coated the length of his arms once he turned around and kept moving forward at a steady pace, leaving his old bike behind as well.
Know that the decision to leave wasn't made in a haste, I've been thinking about it for long and now just seemed like the perfect time.
Mr. Kim lazily waved in his direction, gentle smile and downturned eyes with the familiar brown that reminded Jisung of his grandfather; maybe that's where he would go next, to visit his grandfather.
Without much thought he returned the sweet and familiar greeting, feeling a bit nostalgic when he thought back to all the summers that he had spent working with the man in his garden.
Back then a young Jisung had been happy to make a few bucks while getting to stay out all day in the yard playing with bugs and with the sun kissing the skin of his chubby cheeks and legs that weren't covered by his favourite pair of green shorts.
He couldn't help but wonder where had all that time run to because despite being the one who lived through it, he could barely make sense or when had he ended up where he was.
Time moved too fast and without a warning, it left everyone wondering.
It isn't easy to leave my whole life behind but it feels right, the mere idea makes me feel lighter because who knows who I'll get to be when I get to the end of my journey.
Perhaps I'll be braver, a little bit smarter, more mature, maybe even a couple of centimetres taller.
He could walk the streets with his eyes closed and still know where every bump and crack was in the sidewalk, he could still point where his old school was, where the closest convenience store stepped in his way and as usual tempted him to buy a snack even on those days were his pockets were empty and his tummy full.
From there he knew his way to everywhere else in town, he even knew how long it would take him to get to said places on foot or with his trusty bike.
It all felt too easy and familiar, too comfortable, and those things weren't bad at all but Jisung thought he had had enough of them. He craved discovering himself inside the walls of another place so foreign that every single one of his truths were only known by himself.
Was it silly? That he thought a change of scenery would make him a new person, one much more alike to who he truly was.
Sometimes talking to someone isn't enough, because you don't think they'll understand, you know they won't. That's why I never said anything about the deepest desires looming in my heart or the biggest fears that tied me down for as long as I can remember.
All the interrogations running leaps around his mind made him walk faster, filling him with the same dreadful excitement he felt every first day of school, one that mixed with nervousness and fear.
He wasn't sure if starting fresh would let him be someone whose fears didn't weigh upon his heart so harshly, he wasn't sure if he would get to be the person he had always wished he could be but he could only hope.
Hope had been what drove him this far and today he was giving it full control of where his feet moved to, control over how his next day would look like or where he would wake up the next day.
Never in his life had he felt more ready to wander around by himself.
But I guess, since I'm going, it's only fair that I try to sit down and talk to someone, hoping that they will understand even if my words are scarce and there will be nobody to talk back to at the end of this letter.
On the horizon the sun rushed to slumber, leaving a comforting lilac pooling around the clouds and making them stand out even more.
Night hovered over his shoulders making him breathe with much more ease because if there was something that portrayed hope and tomorrow with an uncanny resemblance and lack of effort, it was the night sky with its endless stars and its shining moon.
In his childhood days he had discovered that there was no better cure for uncertainty and a nostalgic heart than staring up at the night sky; there was something about it that made him feel like time stopped for an instance, that time wasn't quite as unforgiving while the veil of darkness covered everything.
If he could go anywhere he wanted —which he was already doing— he would wish to go to the sky, not the endless and uncertain space, but the idea of the sky that humans have in their ignorance, a canvas that goes no further than our eyes can see.
Ever since I can remember I've felt like there was a place for me somewhere out there, a place I always called home without knowing what it really was.
It wasn't like I didn't feel at home here, there was just a feeling in my chest that told me out there I could feel completely free in the way I've always craved.
For him it had always felt unfair, how everyone got to live and walk around without the things that kept him back. Of course when he grew older he understood that everyone had their own problems but sometimes that was easy to ignore when one's own darkness loomed around their heart.
He had spent many years wishing, praying to whoever was listening, that he could just be himself without the voices in his head and the uncertainties that made every single one of his steps be cautious.
Nobody seemed to have listened as years went by and things got harder, still, he never gave up and even though he could never really say that there was nothing else bothering him he could at least say that he had everything under control.
If time is unforgiving it also is healing, and for him it had healed many wounds that couldn't be seen.
Unknowingly I spent a lot of time wanting to go to that place, craving to find where it was.
Some years ago I understood that it perhaps wasn't a place but a version of myself that could bring such soothing feelings. That's where I'm going to, that's why I have no destination.
He wanted to believe that nothing had been planned, that his savings carefully stuffed at the bottom of his backpack had just been him being responsible about his money and having enough for the impulsiveness that one day had won over reason and had driven him to this adventure.
He wanted to pretend but it was stupid to do now, there was nobody around to judge him or question his motives, so there was no use in not being honest with himself.
Thinking back to all those evenings spent running around the small restaurant in which he had found a job, he could see that perhaps this plan had been many years in the making.
Unconsciously he had always been hoping for a moment like this, a moment of unadulterated freedom.
Hopefully I do get there, hopefully I get to be happy and everyone I left behind does too.
The journey to happiness, to authenticity, to being unapologetically himself, had taken him to the airport, another thing that wasn't as spontaneous as he had tried to make it seem.
Passport in hand and trembling self, the whiteness of the place and the various people walking back and forth made him realise that this was really going on, he was really leaving.
For the first time in his life overthinking had no place in his plans.
I wish to be who I am meant to and disappearing was perhaps the thing I had always been destined to do. A boy who disappeared into thin air, that's who I am, a boy with secrets that weigh down on my heart and that I'm unwilling to carry with me on this journey.
Approaching the desk he was met with a young woman, in her mid twenties or early thirties, sweet but practised smile covering her lips as she recited the words that he must've learned a long time ago when she first started working there.
"I want a ticket for the next flight available," Jisung said, offering a reassuring smile after the confused look the woman gave him.
He looked around as the sounds of typing filled his ears and before he had time to start regretting something the ticket had been placed on his palm and his savings were short by a considerable amount.
I'm afraid that wasn't much of an explanation but it was my truth.
Good luck and see you whenever we're meant to cross paths.
The last thing he saw before falling asleep were the clouds from above and the sky now completely dark like the many nights he had wondered where he belonged.
Now he had an answer, he belonged wherever he felt free and right then in that comfortable plane seat he felt the freest he had ever been.
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mystery-salad · 3 years
OC Interview: Matthias
Tagged by @just-eyris-things 💖 and I'm late to the party but here we are!
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1. Can you introduce yourself?
He offers a charming smile, "Matthias , Commander of the Pact."
2. What is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
"I'm a bisexual man, and very much a free bachelor still." He gives a wink
3. Where and when were you born?
"Right here in Divinity's Reach twenty five years ago. Wonderful city to grow up in, made a lot of connections that got me to where I am today."
4. What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
"While the standard sword and shield are the usual for soldiers like me, I prefer dual swords. I'm not one to take a defensive stance when I can charge right in against danger. It's good to take charge on and off the field of battle."
5. Lastly, are you happy?
He lets out a soft, charming chuckle before answering. "If I wasn't happy I surely would've moved on to other job propositions by now, my parents surely would prefer I took a safer role after my time in the Seraph. But there's something fulfilling about being able to travel and help people in a way I couldn't if I'd remained here."
1. What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
"Oh they're wonderful, despite their status they love to keep a low profile though, so I'll avoid dragging this question out too long. We get along well and I try to write or visit when the opportunity arises."
2. Have you ever ran away from home?
"Never even had the thought to, there wasn't much to regret or bemoan of my childhood." He smiles fondly as he recalls, "There were night sneaking out with friends of course, boys will be boys, but I'd always come back by morning. Hopefully to parents none the wiser I'd even left, though I was not as stealthy as I'd thought."
3. Would you consider marriage or having children?
"While I'm in such a dangerous line of work I wouldn't dream of raising a family. I'd hate to be one of those absent fathers off to war. But perhaps, when retirement inevitably comes knocking and it's time to pass the torch on, I may settle down and find The One."
4. Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
"Of course not! I've had nothing but the most trustworthy and kind friends here. And while I know rumors spread that I and my co-Commander, Aildyn (@ascalonianpicnic), had a rocky start to our partnership, I can assure that the two of us work wonderfully together. Just a small cultural conventions bump was all."
5. Which friend knows everything about you?
"Oh, telling any friend everything leaves little to still keep each other on your toes does it? We all have our stories and dalliances we save for more private moments." His smile softens a little, as if fondly thinking of someone. "Nevertheless there is someone who knows the most about me, I'll keep her name secret to avoid any unwanted attention it may garner for her."
1. Are you literate? Have you been to school?
He feigns insult before offering a smile softening any potential misunderstanding on the action, "Me, illiterate? Id never hear the end of it from my family if I was, with how expensive the schooling I received was. And I highly doubt Logan would have put forth someone lacking in the ability to hold up the more tedious side of running an organization."
2. The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
"I'm not one for predictions really, I prefer to live in the moment and enjoy what surprises may come."
3. What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
"Hmm, I like to pride myself on being observant, so this isn't a particularly easy one to recall. But as a child, it took me quite a few years to realize that not all 'bite sized food was actually bite sized. Had some hilarious moments at dinner parties my parents hosted, not that they'd agree with the results."
4. Do you have mental health or physical issues?
"I'm quite proud to say I'm in tip top shape, physically and mentally. The safety of the world is in very stable hands." He holds his hands out slightly for flourishing emphasis before settling back for the next question.
5. What is your current main goal?
"While we are between dragon threats at the moment, a wonderfully relaxing place to be, we do in fact have some behind the scenes research going on in a few various matters. I'm not at public liberty to talk about then yet, but rest assured when the Pact makes another move you'll be the first to know the scoop."
1. Drink or food?
"Drink of course, a nice drink with friends can happen anywhere at any time. And I'm quite the amicable socialite if I say so myself."
2. Cats or dogs?
"I enjoy both, though I prefer the independence of cats. They know what they want at all times, and I'm afraid I'm far too busy for the training a dog would require of me."
3. Early bird or night owl?
"I'm an early riser by nature, nothing like getting a solid mourning routine and breakfast in before starting the day!"
4. Optimist or pessimist?
"I fancy myself an optimist, this job would get oppressively depressing otherwise wouldn't it? You've got to be able to focus on the bright side as you look forward."
5. Sassy or sarcastic?
"I enjoy some sarcasm here and there, sass has little use in mature conversation aside from hindering the mood. Sarcasm meanwhile, can still let things roll forward with intent thrown in."
1. Been caught sneaking out?
He laughs, "While I'd underestimate the count of how many times my parents caught me either sneaking out or back in after a fun night with friends, I'm sure they'd overestimate it. But yes, they've caught me at least once."
2. Broke a bone?
"I've broken an arm or leg here and there, sometimes you just slip up or fall the wrong way of course. Especially when your enemies would like to cause far worse harm. But thankfully we have access to wonderful healers, and I've never been down for long."
3. Received flowers?
The admirers of the Pact and the hard work we do are very kind, they certainly make their adoration and appreciation known. I've received more flowers than I'd have room for even if I filled my office with vases."
4. Ghosted someone?
"Of course not, I'd hate to leave someone hanging and wondering what happened. Anything I enter into, I intend to see through to however it ends."
5. Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
"We all have moments of polite convention, and not every joke appeals to every sense of humor. I try to be discerning when necessary, but I've laughed at a fare number of jokes I simply didnt get."
He stands up, giving a polite bow to the interviewer. "Thank you for extending this invitation to me, it's always wonderful knowing how admirers feel and being able to share with the general public that we heroes are just like everyone else."
It's important to know that 99% of this interview is a bold faced lie
I think pretty much everyone's been tagged by now! At least those who want to do it! So I simply extend the invitation to say I tagged you, and mention me if you do this too! I'd love to see others who haven't gotten to this yet either 💜
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theprettiestlamb · 3 years
Take Me Away (Helmut Zemo x F!SE Asian!Plus Size! Reader) [PART 1]
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Word Count: 1244
Description: The unassuming prison librarian catches Zemo's attention. When he escapes, she could take him back to prison. But does she?
Author's Note: Guess who's finally sliding in with their Daniel Brühl character fic debut? I was going to write all the parts first and post them all together, but I don't even know how long I want this to be and which events from the show I'm including. Hopefully uploading in chapters like this will also motivate me to write more and eventually create a routine (*laugh cries in I write whenever the fuck I feel like it*)
Special thanks to @unlikelymilliner for that post about Zemo's books, because only God knows how long I'd be looking for the title of that Machiavelli book.
Warnings: Mentions of experimentation
(Y/N) didn't think she would ever fall in love with a criminal.
She lived a good deal of her life under the oppressive thumb of a group of them.
A remnant of that past remained in the form of what was essentially a shock collar strapped around her neck as part of one of their sick experiments.
Thankfully, the strip of velvet sent electrical jolts only when an attempt was made to remove the device.
No one knew the story behind it, save for one man.
She quickly took note of him the moment he walked into the library. Several inmates had already come in and left, but none had paid her any mind. She didn't expect them to. They came to get their books and went about their day. But there was one person who left an impression.
He wasn't intimidating like most other inmates. In fact, she was shocked to discover he was in solitary confinement.
It helped immensely that he was easy on the eyes, though she knew better than to let something like that put her at ease. That's how they get you.
Due to his status, he wasn’t allowed around other prisoners. It was just the two of them, plus the guard who stood by while he browsed the non-fiction section.
She greeted the man, just as she would anyone else, and received a small grin in return.
Dorothy, the head librarian, had given (Y/N) the task of updating the book logs since the computer was down the previous day.
The latter logged in with her newly acquired employee ID and got to work inputting names, ISBNs and book titles.
Halfway through the list, she sensed someone in front of her.
When she looked up from the computer screen, the man who came in stood at the other side of the big walnut desk, a book in his hands.
The first thing she saw was a pair of brown eyes that turned gold when the fluorescent lights hit them at a certain angle. The second was a mild-mannered aura, similar to the one she’d seen earlier. Something about his face seemed different this time. It almost reminded her of herself
She wouldn't have picked up on it unless she stared enough at both, which is what she was doing.
Unbeknownst to her, he'd spoken.
"Are you new here?" he inquired again.
His inflection showed no signs of incredulousness, simply curiosity.
Over the course of her working at the library, she would have the displeasure of prisoners telling her off when she politely asked them to keep noise at a minimum or leaving the seating areas in disarray. While she only knew this man for all of two minutes, (Y/N) could see he wasn't going to cause her trouble.
She said, shyly. "Today's my first day."
Now that they were engaged in conversation, she observed a few more things about him: he had short, light brown hair, most of which was straight, save for the curl framing one side of his pale face.
When he smiled, his lips didn't take on the shape of a crescent, as one's normally would. Instead, they formed a soft "w".
He had an accent. From where, she couldn't place. Russia? Germany?
"Ah... well," he placed his book on the countertop and slid it towards her. "It's nice to see a different face, especially a kind one."
Her cheeks got warm, a tinge of pink upon them. Thankfully, her tan complexion made it nearly impossible to detect. Yet, somehow, she thinks he did.
She averted her gaze, and in doing so, she remembered what she was supposed to be doing.
"Let me just log your books real quick," she slipped a chart from the bottom of the four-paper pile on top of the one she was transcribing earlier.
The book was Fortuna ist ein Reissender Fluss by Roger D. Masters. From what she could tell, it was about Leonardo Da Vinci's and Niccolò Machiavelli's quest to turn Florence, Italy into a seaport.
Intellectual, she thought to herself while writing down the book information.
"Have you read Machiavelli?" he asked, eyebrows raised.
For the fraction of a minute, she was torn between lying and looking stupid. If she said yes, he would more than likely ask what she thinks of something she's never even read before. He would see right through her. If she said no, she would out herself as someone who was uneducated, which was true to some extent. Yet another person would see her the way she felt since she left her homeland: a girl from some faraway place barely anyone knew existed, let alone cared about. The only stories about her people she's heard from outsiders were of inhabitants who didn't go to school, only wore rags and lived in filth.
She didn't want someone who has been so decent to her so far turn against her because of these prejudices.
"No, I haven't, actually..." she replied, meekly.
He nodded a bit with a small grin. "What I find intriguing is the relevance it holds today as well as its testament to his era. I think everyone should read them."
"I'll have to look into it," she hummed curiously and turned the form towards him, setting her pen down parallel to it. "I'm always looking for something to read."
"What kind of books do you like?" he asked while writing his name and initials.
He made eye contact with her again when he was finished.
"I've read a bunch of different genres: horror, satire, poetry," her lip perked when his eyes lit up.
She felt more confident and continued, "I'm currently reading a biography on RFK. When I heard how he was sensitive, the 'odd man out' in his family... I knew I had to learn more about him. I think his empathy allowed him to see past the labels society put so much weight on, like social class and race. I like biographies and learning about certain people. Some more well-known than others."
Though she wasn't able to attend a university due to her captivity, she was lucky enough to have a grandparent who was a teacher, instilling a sense of discipline and dedication to learning. Once she got to a mainland, she read constantly. She managed to restart her education and a new life from the ground up.
"Hm," the prisoner hummed, seemingly mulling over her words. "Impressive."
He threw her another smirk, one she found charming.
"T-Thank you," she mirrored the expression, except she was sure she looked like a timid schoolgirl.
What was he doing to me? she asked herself.
The guard at the door caught both their attention.
"Hey," he said sternly to the man and tilted his head towards the hall, hinting that they have to go.
The latter nodded and turned back to the librarian, taking the book in his hands after she'd stamped and closed the back cover.
"Well, it was nice chatting with a fellow bibliophile. I hope to see you again," he glanced at her name tag. "(Y/N)."
"You as well—" she was about to refer to the log he'd signed, but he saved her the trouble.
"Helmut," he smiled again, eyes crinkling a bit and waved his book in farewell before leaving.
She watched the two men leave and read the log.
In the third column, was the name: Helmut Zemo
She swore she knew it from somewhere, but where?
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sakuric · 4 years
study dates -> akaashi keiji
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synopsis!the love you felt for keiji was growing bigger and bigger, suffocating you more and more each day, but you still didn't let yourself confess. all it took was rejection to finally word how you feel about him.
pairing!keiji akaashi x gn!reader
warnings!slight cursing
gen taglist! @graykageyama @elixhirs @soranihimawari @admiringlove @softieynnie
a/n!hello babes :3 this is a short? not rly drabble dedicated to my dear sam @admiringlove , and every akaashi stan reading !! this wasn't proof read, but i hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it :)
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you were in love. in love with a boy whose presence made your heart skip a beat. in love with a boy whose hands are gorgeous, but he hides them everytime someone, who isn’t you, around him. he's a boy you've been in love with for a long time now, yet you can't gather the courage to let yourself tell him.
"hello, y/n. are you ready to study?" akaashi asked, sitting down opposite of you at the table. you were doing your study session in the library, as you do every week. although bokuto, akaashi's friend, once joked that you two go out on study "dates", but neither of you found it funny. and it made you worry, why akaashi didn't find it funny. of course, he doesn't usually laugh at bokuto's jokes, and he usually answers with a snarky remark, but he stayed quiet that time.
"l/n?" akaashi waved a hand in front of your face, causing you to flinch out of your daydream. "oh, uh, yes i'm ready." you smiled softly, opening your biology book, but akaashi noticed something wrong.
"you sure? we can skip today if you want."
"oh, no, akaashi, it's okay. i'm okay." you gave him a soft smile before continuing to read. "so what i'm thinking is-"
"what i'm thinking..." akaashi interrupted, a hand slid across the table to close your book, his deep emerald eyes gazing back at your own. you gulped, swallowing any sign of anxiety that could be visible. but it didn't help, akaashi knew you well, and he knew how fidgety you get when you’re anxious for something, so when he saw you anxiously play with your nails while waiting for him, he knew something was up. "is that we can continue this later. do you want to go out with me, y/n?"
as the words left his mouth, your body stiffened, your breath came to a halt for just a moment, and your palms started sweating heavily. "like- like on a date...?"
"yes, y/n, like on a date." akaashi let out a laugh, mumbling "cutie" before sitting back in his chair. "i'll let you think about it, and if you say yes, i'll see you tomorrow at eight pm, by the crooked tree in the campus park, deal?"
the next evening came faster than expected. and you weren’t really confident with your choice to go on the date akaashi suggested. what did you have to wear? did you have to bring anything? was it a friendly date? the answers to these questions were too unknown to you, but nonetheless, you couldn’t disappoint your best friend, right?
“i was thinking you forgot about the date.” akaashi’s voice ringed in your ear, your body shifting immediately towards the origin of the sound. your eyes scanned his body; a university hoodie, a pair of black, skinny jeans, and his beloved converse shoes. you swooned over how he dressed, for the study sessions he’d wear a beige button up with a sweater-vest on top and some formal, checkered pants. but for afterschool chats and hanging out, he dressed nearly opposite.
“are you alright? why are you not saying anything…”
“you.. look nice.” you mumbled, stepping closer to him, in hopes that your anxiety will calm and let you speak the words you wished to say.
“thank you, y/n. you look nice too.” he smiled softly, his emerald orbs scanning your face for any discomfort. akaashi was good - he was good at identifying different emotions of people, even if there was the slightest change in a person's body language, he could already identify why and what they felt. he was also good for you, and you knew if he’d reject you, he’d try his best to continue being friends without it being awkward for you.
“akaashi, why did you ask me to come here?”
“i wanted to tell you something.” keiji extended his hand towards you, waiting for you to grasp it. he loved when you held his hands, and you’d do it quite often. akaashi never let anyone hold or look at his hands for too long, and he had opened up about how he’s insecure about his hands, their shape and form. that time, you comforted him by planting a small kiss on each of his fingers, saying his hands were perfect the way they were. you intertwined your fingers with his and started walking.
you wondered what it was that he wanted to tell you, what was on his mind this exact moment. you sometimes wished to be able to read people’s minds, just so you could figure out what goes on in that pretty head of his. and maybe, for your own good, what he thinks about you. these emotions flooded your mind like a flood after a rainstorm, and akaashi noticed. he stopped in his tracks, covered your eyes and mumbled ‘were almost here’ as he stood behind you. you two walked for a while, akaashi mumbling a few words into your hair as he led you further. your mind started racing with a million thoughts an hour as you wondered where he had taken you.
“okay we’re here,” keiji announced, removing his hands from your eyes. you turned around to see him smiling softly at you, as he stood in front of the object he wished to show you. you tried to get a look at it, but akaashi forbid you from it. “remember when you showed me that flower, in our biology textbook?” you nodded your head, anticipating what the boy had planned.
“i did some research and i found out that the flower is right next to our main campus,” akaashi moved so you could finally see what he brought you here for. and then you saw it… the bright lilac flower staring back at you. a laugh mixed gasp left your lips as you walked closer to the delicate flower, your fingers carefully tracing the petals. “and i also found out that it was planted here on exactly your birthday. so i think i’d like to call it the y/n flower.” you giggled and turned to him with a smile painted on your face. as your arms embraced keiji in a warm hug, you mumbled a small ‘thank you’ against his warm skin.
a week had passed and akaashi wasn’t seen, to you at least. you saw him in the halls and tried to catch up to him, but he’d walk away without letting you even say hello. you’ve had enough. what did you even do wrong? you two just hung out later after the date, he gave you a book he really liked and said there was something special in it for you- wait. the book… you haven't opened it yet, and maybe the important thing was why he was ignoring you.
as soon as the class bell rang you ran out of the school building and jogged across your campus. thankfully, it was your last class of the day, so you didn't need to rush. except you did, you wanted to fix this, you wanted to find out what went wrong.
you attempted to unlock and open the door to your dorm, but the door seemed to give you a middle finger and decide to not unlock. fuck it’s the wrong key, you thought and clumsily fumbled with the multiple keys you had. as if the day hadn't been horrible already, you dropped the keys.
“fuck!” you exclaimed, feeling tears prick your eyes. you quickly grabbed -hopefully- the right key and unlocked the door. you had never gotten in your dormitory as fast as you did now. without taking any notice, you quickly speed-walked to your bookshelf.
The picture of Dorian Grey, by Oscar Wilde. was the name of the book Akaashi Keiji gave you. it was one of your favourite books when you had read it in highschool, yet you haven't picked up a copy of it ever since. you flipped over to the page where a small blue sticky note marked. you opened it to find a highlighted quote, and another sticky note writing something underneath it.
“You are a wonderful creation. You know more than you think you know, just as you know less than you want to know.” y/n, have i not been obvious enough? I have tried to show you that I love you. maybe my cheeks weren't a bright enough shade of crimson when you kissed each pad of my finger on both my hands, maybe i didn't use my body language enough. Bokuto says that for a genius I am truly stupid. and I cannot help but agree. i hope, that instead of study sessions, we could go on real study dates, as a couple. but i’ll ask you this later. I love you, l/n y/n. please tell me you do too.
that was it. that was enough to make you realise what you had done and why he was ignoring you. you hadn’t told him.
“hey, y/n.” spoke akaashi, seeing you the next day after your date. you smiled softly at him and greeted him with a hug.
“hi, keiji. are we going to study today?” you asked, tightening your grasp on the straps of your black backpack. you noticed how akaashi’s hands twitched, he was going to hug you, or maybe hold your hand, but he restrained himself.
“i.. uh.. i have to go, y/n. see you around.”
he had expected you to open the book as soon as you got home, and didn't think about the fact that you wanted to give all your time and attention to it. it didn't make sense. it didn't make sense how all this time you expected to be rejected by akaashi when you’d confess (which you thought about never doing), but you unknowingly rejected him.
once again, your body worked faster than your brain could register and you were right out the door, on your way to akaashi’s dorm.
“y/n? what are you doing here?” keiji asked, his head slightly tilted to the side, signifying that he was confused. he was wearing that gray university hoodie of his and some black sweatpants, and you swore you had never wanted to embrace someone in a hug as much as you did now.
without even saying anything, you embraced his lips in a passionate kiss. akaashi’s mind raced with multiple thoughts, but nonetheless his warm hands travelled to the groove of your waist. you two made out with the open door for about two minutes until either of you realised it was even open. akaashi thanked the gods that no one saw and that bokuto wasn't over at that time, because he would've made funny remarks, that neither you or akaashi would've found funny.
“i love you too, akaashi keiji. i’ve always loved you.” you smiled after you two caught your breath. “i read the highlighted page, and i’m sorry that it took me so long. we could've avoided the whole… ignoring that went on if i had opened it sooner and i- i love you, akaashi.”
“i know you do, y/n. i love you too.” akaashi smiled, placing a kiss on your forehead. “how about a study date at the library?”
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© all work written by sakuric is not to be posted on any other writing app or website without notice. if it is found to be reposted without consent, rightful action will be taken.
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