#i'll provide context later if anyone wants it
see-arcane · 1 year
Jokes aside Jonathan must have felt so very vulnerable after that night. Getting both scared and horny for the first time in his life aside, now he realized that the Count 1. Has claimed him as his own 2. Has moved from touching/grabbing/pulling him to taking the liberty to undressing him 3. Yet is the least dreadful thing here and the one he can go to seek protection and safety from
Points 1 through 3 have already been picked to death so I won't beat them any further into the ground. But the 'Mark me down as scared and horny!' of it all is something that legit has me going back and forth, so I'll hop on that.
Jonathan does state outright that he finds the Brides attractive, or, specifically, that he wants them to kiss him.
"All three had brilliant white teeth that shone like pearls against the ruby of their voluptuous lips. There was something about them that made me uneasy, some longing and at the same time some deadly fear. I felt in my heart a wicked, burning desire that they would kiss me with those red lips."
The most straightforward read on this and his ensuing ~dreadful anticipation~ is that Jonathan is A) Naturally attracted to the hot vampire ladies and/or B) Having natural attraction being enhanced on a supernatural-hypnosis level. I can see either being in play. But I don't think it's the most interesting--or terrifying--read.
The first thing I want to nitpick here is that this almost definitely is not him feeling lustful for the first time in his life (we'll learn more on that point later in the novel ala his relationship with Mina being A Lot 👀). Jonathan knows what attraction is, emotionally and sexually, from being a staunch Minasexual. Which is a not-quite-exaggerated way of saying I personally see Jonathan skewing more towards the demisexual and biromantic side of the scale. In that lens, he has the potential to be attracted to anyone regardless of gender, but first they have to win his interest/heart before he even starts connecting any sexy dots.
Minor spoilers, but through the whole novel, Jonathan does not refer to Mina with any physical descriptors when he gushes about her. It's always a reference to her character, to her actions, to Mina being Mina. Which I think is interesting when put in context with his fixation on describing Dracula and the Brides' appearances, be that in attracted, repulsed, or frightened terms. Because the vampires are the only ones who get that reaction out of him. And I think the former, the automatic physical attraction, is its own unique red flag to him; though he may not have the language for it. It's not just him being ashamed to feel attraction or to write it down when Mina might see it someday.
It's because that attraction is probably not even his.
He doesn't know these women. All beautiful, certainly. But strangers. They haven't spoken with him, haven't endeared themselves to him, haven't done one (1) single thing to provide an excuse for his highly reserved libido to pay attention. And I doubt he's gone his whole life blind to any pretty people in his vicinity. Hot people have happened to him before and he has not cared because for Jonathan, care has to precede lust.
What the Brides have done is introduce a wholly alien sensation to him--an instant arousal that was injected rather than awoken from some natural place in him. It makes me think of Toxoplasma gondii, that fun little parasite that switches off rodents' natural predator response to cats and makes them docile when the pretty kitty creeps up with their mouth open. And while the Brides' and Dracula's trance effect does get the basic job done of Keeping the Victim Still and Compliant, having the side effect of forcing a bodily reaction on that intimate of a level is a violation in itself.
Though it does have a purpose too. Because the very first thought Jonathan has upon seeing them turns out to be the most dangerous one: He wants them to kiss him.
The One Thing that will see him bled to death, then undeath. Which has its own super fun parallel in things like, say, the fucking Cordyceps fungus that turns ants into zombies forced to aid in their own and others' slavery/destruction.
And while Stoker wasn't in on all the scientific lookalikes in the animal kingdom, I doubt that Jonathan's mesmerized fixation on wanting to be kissed first and foremost, running on in a written stupor about lips and teeth and breath, was an accident.
Just like a mouse holding still as the cat scoops it into their maw.
Just like an ant crawling up to the sun so it can burst with spores and share its half-life demise with its fellows.
Hold still, dear. You want to hold still for us, don't you? Of course you do. Good boy. Here. Have a kiss.
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Hazbin Hotel Swap AU
This is one of the post I hate
Context: Adam is still Angel/The Leader Of Exterminator and has Chlorokinesis/Plant Manipulation (I just really love the idea of Adam having Chlorokinesis/Plant Manipulation, okay!?) While Charlie Morningstar is still The Princess Of Hell and daughter of Lilith and Lucifer. Lilith and Adam have more of a twin relationship than ex-lover. And remember... DON'T TRUST VAGGIE!!! SHE IS BASICALLY JUDAS ISCARIOT in this AU!! Anyway, I might provide more information later if I have time, but feel free to ask me anything about this AU.)
Previous + Next
[Scene cuts to Lilith's house, showing framed photos of her family and a badly drawing of her in a dark spooky room. Lilith can be heard making snarling noise as she was working on something. As the scene goes, her room is revealed to be filled with a lot of Stuffed Owl, and stacks of them filled the boxes and tubs.]
Lilith: That's it… Almost there… Now presenting… the magic-tastical back flipping Stuffed Owl! Haha! That spits fire! [Stuffed Owl eyes glow red as its shoots flamethrower from its mouth] Hoot hoot hoot! Hold the applause please, okay. Oh, thank you, thank you. Oh god, who am I kidding? This sucks!
[She throws the Stuffed Owl at her family portrait and the badly drawing of her, lilith looks sad as she look at her family portrait and the badly drawing of her. Suddenly her ringtone plays. she picks up her phone, and was shocked who was calling her.]
Lilith: Adam? Adam! Brother calling?! HOOT! Uhm uh, uh hello, adam. He-ey, hey, hey Ada-ada. No, no! That's not good. Oh, this is the first time he's called you in years. This has to be perfect. [takes a deep breath before she picks up phone] Hey~ Whore!
[Intercut conversation between Lilith and Adam during the phone call from the hotel to her house.]
Adam: Hi, lilith…
Lilith: Hey! How are you? Oh hoot. Where-where are you these days?
Adam: You know where I am lilith. I've told you before. Remember?
Lilith: You have? Oh, yeah uh, well, you know, I um uh-
Adam: I told you when you called me five years ago, or did you not listen?
Lilith: No, no, no, no. Just, you know, just forgot. You know, I've just been really busy, you know…
[She look at her the boxes and tubs that filled with Stuffed Owl.]
Lilith: with, um, important things. [kicks Stuffed Owl]
Adam: Well, I'm actually running a hotel to rehabilitate my descendants. Maybe you saw our commercial?
Lilith: Oh, sadly, I missed it. heh heh. You know, I haven't been watching much TV lately. Scrambles the brain. [makes silly noises]. But hey! A hotel, fun.
Adam: (Sighs) Listen Lilith, I've got kind of a big ask.
Lilith: [coughs and sets down her tea] Yeah, of course. Anything in my power is yours for the asking. You just name it~
Adam: I need to speak to Heaven and one of the deadly sinner. Well, whoever's in charge up and down there, I don't care if it's Satan or mammon, just anyone who is above your daughter, above anybody. I need to go to the top.
Lilith: Oh, no. No~ No, no, no, no, Adam, no, no, no. That's, uh hah, sorry but that is BIG no.
Adam: [angrily as vine with thorn grow around his neck] Look Lilith! Just… [He sigh, the vines has calm down and slowly disappearing.] I don't ask you for much, I never have, but this, this is really important to me. It's the most important thing I've ever done. And I…need you. I need your help.
Lilith: I don't know, Adam.
Adam: Please! Just come see what I'm trying to do. You'll see why it's a really good idea. And Heaven is bound to agree if I get the chance to talk to them… Please, Lilith…
Lilith: Wait, you're…inviting me over?! After all I did? Absolutely! Uh, I'll be there in an hour. [hangs up] ♪ My Brother wants to see me~! ♪ [points at the Stuffed Owl below her] Take that, depression! HA!
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voidedaurora · 2 months
Alrighty guys, Since she decided to get her friend Gaia in the mix and write a big document stressing "LEGAL INFO LEGAL INFO LEGAL INFO " and didn't even really say much about the screenshots I provided (and when they did it was "omg look she's pressuring her to apologize for being horrible to people") which is crazy on its own, Overall her response is JUST as bad as I thought it would be and I have no choice but to prove my point by sharing alot of blatantly sexual texts/interactions :,) didn't want to do this for the privacy of everyone involved but she's currently trying to make herself into a victim and that is absolutely NOT what happened Alrighty then. sorry Mel but you've genuinely brought this upon yourself by being a lying piece of shit and trying to be the victim in every situation, you are a vile person Clover's messages will be censored/blocked out unless they absolutely need to be there for context
Context may be added to some screenshots to make sure they are not interpreted a different way TW: Sexual topics, coercion, S/A, general toxicity Firstly I'm going to go through a bit of their doc and what Mel apparently was "thinking" during this whole thing happening
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Clover and I never pressured, forced, repetitively insisted on, or anything else of the sort towards Mel and us all having "group activity" , Clover and I only were comfortable/did any of this to begin with to her to help her heal from her own sexual trauma, she was our friend and she had mentioned alot how it affected her and how she couldn't do "stuff" on her own, we essentially extended a helping hand that she did NOT have to take and had every opportunity and right to say no or back out at any point, we made that very clear to her. (2nd time) Her randomly letting us know she was horny/going to jackoff [please note that alot of what I said towards her was playful banter and not any attempts to coerce or force her into doing it]
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Skipped a bit of irrelevant convo (was mostly just laughing/Lmao's and doesn't add to the convo at all)
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Skipped a bit more irrelevant convo (to clarify if anyone needs the in-betweens I'm more than willing to provide, there's just a limit to what I can put in a tumblr post)
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As you can see with just this instance by itself, she was a willing participant and nobody pressured her into anything.
She could theoretically claim "they pressured me in vc" but just by using the context of these screenshots and her behavior AFTER we all fucked you can tell she wasn't in any distress or anything, actively making doodles about it and such. I'd like to state that even if what she is saying is true and she didn't want to do any of that with us that it doesn't change anything, it doesn't change the fact she lied about it being mutual to get into my pants, and It doesn't change the fact of it being assault. Additionally, the point I am making is not lack of consent that makes it assault, we all consented at the time BUT the important part of that is the fact that she'd lied to gain that consent and later admitted so to me personally.
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What Gaia wrote in the doc is indeed the definitions for coercion and assault BUT context is just as important, in situations like this if someone lies to you to get you to have sex or anything of that nature with them it is coercion and assault I and many others consider what Mel did Assault and I think that theoretically within a court of law this same conclusion could be reached, especially with the context I've provided. You should agree shouldn't you? context is very important.
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Furthermore If she continues to deny all of this and make excuses, I am more than willing to provide more context, more screenshots, and more proof backing up how willing she was. (I'll share the 1st instance which was a lot more sexually charged, along with some other personal things) I am not going to let her deny this and make herself out to be a victim, she needs to take responsibility for once and admit what she's done. Aswell, I don't believe she addressed the fact that she told me she'd only done things as a group to do things with me in that response. Here's some things to mention within your own document that support what I've claimed aswell
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as stated here, what mel did would fall under trickery.
I will state once again, none of this is out of spite, I'm not out to "get" mel, this isn't a overreaction or me spreading false information specifically to make her look bad just because we aren't friends anymore, its none of that.
All of this is things I (once again) stayed quiet about for a very long time and am only now coming out about because of the events that have gone on, I have no reason to keep it private anymore and she has proven (once again) she's willing to lie and lie to cover her ass. With the situation about the apologies
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There is alot of things wrong with this statement, Firstly she did NOT only apologize for the public discourse it created she apologizes for multiple things within this doc including the ones below (I say she apologized in airquotes because she didn't write any of these apologies as we all know) Here's a few relevant separate apologies within the doc that aren't just troubling the public 1. response
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2. apologizing for spreading misinfo about RED/MAGENTA
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3. Apologizing for the drawings she made of her and EX being all lovey as their child selves
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4. death threat apology for EX
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5. Honest (video) apology
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She did not JUST apologize for the public, she also offered personal apologies within the doc that obviously were not written herself and were not in any way, shape, or form genuine thoughts or feelings of hers, I think the screenshots in my previous post are more than enough proof. I'd like to also make a point that I know what Khai, Mel, and her friends/fans have all been saying about this whole thing in her server. Everyone, especially Mel and Khai/s attitude towards this entire thing absolutely disgusts me and proves just how bad you all actually are. If anyone in her server that's participated in making fun of me, the claims, etc. are seeing this right now then please stay safe and I hope you all become better less vile people. Absolutely wild that when Mel made her s/a claim even though she never provided a lick of proof everyone supported her but the second I open up about Clover and I/s experiences I have to violate our privacy to try and prove my words are true. Don't get me wrong, I have had people support us, and I'm extremely greateful for that fact, but knowing people are making fun of me for speaking up about this? Calling me crazy because of my bpd? Literally disgusting Not to mention initially when they all first told everyone "hey no misinfo! not true! wait for mels side!" none of them had actually read the doc and assumed I was talking about something else (guilty conscience I guess) That is all I have to say for now, if more evidence is demanded I can provide, I am extremely uncomfortable and honestly angry that I had to share any of this to begin with but it was to be expected with her denying everything once again, so sorry for this possibly not being written and formatted the best, I'm not a professional and I just wanted to speak on what's gone on. If anyone has any questions, there's something I didn't address, you need anything clarified/want to see the missing screenshots, have something to say, or anything else you are free to send an ask or possibly dm me on discord (mostly try and ask for stuff through asks but if you need to dm its ok!) Edit: since I've also caught wind of people being like "omg this should've been handled in private" I gave her 3 months to handle this in private and she refused to come to me to clear things up, apologize, or take accountability, seeing some of these people following her blindly when she's done NOTHING to refute any of my claims, no evidence, nothing is absolutely beyond disappointing , im not going to force anyone to believe me nor can I but I have every right to speak about all of this since nobody will ever get closure and what mel has done/does is not ok and hasn't been for a very long time. Edit #2: aswell for the people saying that the screenshots aren't proof of s/a, you are correct! that is not what the screenshots were for, the screenshots were to refute the claim that she was pressured and was an unwilling participant, I cannot prove what mel said to me (aka, the her admitting that she only slept with both of us to sleep with me) because it was said in a vc but I am providing literally everything I can and have been providing extensive amounts of context, proof, and information to back up what I've been saying Hopefully you decide to tell the truth mel
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fairykery · 2 years
If not canon, then why flashy?
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Eyesex and a smile?
The guy that hates physical contact is smiling as kohaku hugged him? Not only that but he also looked into her eyes tenderly? LIKE? The other girl going "it wasn't that type of hug" was just referring to the fact that they aren't gf and bf because technically THEY AREN'T and the one girl still assumed that they were. So when they got touch- feely and the girl covered her eyes thinking they were a couple(thanks to the kiss situation) the other girl calmed her down saying they weren't really a couple sharing a hug; but two people that care about each other hugging. While Senku did not return the hug because he is never/and has never been forward about that type of situation, Kohaku is the first he's smiles at, lets hug, and has had people wonder the state of their relationship when being hugged by. She is also the only girl he is close with, that has been hinted at having feelings for him.
Sorry, No I get it. It was too soon for this to be a romantic moment. I get it. It was for the sake of comic relief. But if you pay attention. The context of the scene didn't necessarily have to be written romantically, NOT EVEN for the sake of the plot. Cause them kissing had nothing to do with the situation; BUT the mangaka STILL specifically chose to go THAT route with the scene. He, HIMSELF, chose to use a romantic excuse(even if a comical one) as a plot device to move the story forward. And on top of that made them kiss(even if they were both uncomfortable by it still at this point in the manga). With that, making Kohaku the girl he's closest to who he has had the most physical contact with and even shared a kiss with(even if it was just a chin kiss and they both were practically uncomfortable for being forced to do.). No but seriously, the mangaka using SenHaku as a plot device to move the story forward WHEN it is NOT needed should provide some insight of what he thinks of the pairing. Which is that: "it is fun to write about" and "he likes to write about it".
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I like how he reponds with something that implies. "Maybe i'll blush later....not rn we gotta find a way out of here". Can we also take a moment to realize the mangaka/writter interrupted this moment before Senku could respond to the: "and the way i see it that is so very-" from kohaku? Subtle behavior on his part. Is there something on Senku's mind he doesn't want fans to know for the sake of avoiding ship wars? I wouldn't be surprised if this was what was stopping him from making the ship more explicit. Cause shippers get kind of crazy with the wars and MOST mangakas KNOW this and dont want that to affect the sales.
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He specifically chose one of the most romantic tropes to draw them In? Sorry no. This has nothing to do with their dynamic; but he still drew them like this? In THIS pose? Mangaka definitely shipped them.
Nah; but like never have i ever seen him so touchy feeling with anyone?
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idk idk they remain sus. Especially with all of his guy friends hoping him to experince romantic love.
SenHaku also kinda parallel His adoptive dad and his lover(maybe not in the sense of dynamic; but in color aesthetic and how they are portrayed in the covers)
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[also look at them being bride style like the senhaku cover lol]
I don't know why people say this ship is impossible because Senku says he isn't interested in romance. Like he also hinted at the fact that he has sex drive, just not a crazy active one where he would attack a female for, especially one stronger than him.
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And if you ACTUALLY pay attention every time that topic of romance comes up is not that he COMPLETELY dismisses it. It is more because he does not prioritize it or care to look for it, especially considering that he is so goal-driven. At the same time, it is already revealed that not everything he says(especially when it comes to relationships/bonds)does he mean. He only, like i said, likes to remain goal-oriented and doesn't want anything to distract him.
He also acted pretty detached towards his own father and rejected his overly affections of love. So much so, that Byakuya tried to adapt to his own love language of science. But at the end of the day,it is not that Senku is 100% against those concepts(of romanticized bonds) it is just that he finds them to be waste of time. But despite that, he is still human. He still feels despite how much he doesn't allow himself to do so:
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And Riri herself pointed how Senku only acts tough and detached when it comes to relationships/bonds(when talking about his care for the village) but a part of him does care. This is because she is the only one whose seen him cry at his father grave, despite how detached he acted about his father dying at the beginning. But again, he remembered that he had a goal, and wiped his tears; because for him "there's no time for that". It's all about prioritizing his goals, especially when about science.
And there's ALOT of emphasis on THAT.
Even so, so many characters in shounen have ended up marrying/having feelings despite saying/or there being no indicator that they are interested in romance. It is a common trope of it. So even if it were because Senku is not into romance it wouldn't sink the ship. I mean look at Sasuke(another goal-oritented character) said that romance had no place in his revolution; but at the end of the day married sakura and even gave her a ring to ward off insects
[note: is important to note that sasuke was not rejecting sakura here. More like trying to convince kakashi that romance had no place in his revolution. Because he was goal oriented, like Senku(that and the fact that he was still struggling with his darkness). In fact Sakura said that she wanted things to go back to the way they used to be and he assumed that was romance, without anyone saying anything of that sort. And Sakura had already left it clear that she wanted team 7 back; but then sasuke mentioned romance lol]
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Something else worth mentioning is the fact that Senku hates clingy overly-romantic girls or the girls that fall in love too fast with him, as we've seen him cringe or act annoyed with those type of acts. But still, he was able to manage to say something about a type, despite his dismissive behavior. Even tho it was just to brush the conversation off, the fact that he answered his type of girl with "someone that could bring him materials" and then calls Kohaku a lioness, and him as a scientist knows that usually a lioness is one to provide their mates with food from hunting. I don't know. It seemed like a sweet nickname to give her. Especially when in his time period, that type of nickname is considered flirtatious. What is more, is that he initially brought Taiju back because of his usefulness in strength(and the fact he knew he could trust him) & Senku himself noticed the exact same quality in Kohaku.
So someone that could fit his description of his type would definitely be kohaku and seeing that she is the girl who he is the closest, and HAS brought him materials before so i dont see why not. I mean he was already pretty impressed with her first meeting her. Even after having worked with her, he was still impressed by her strength, and doesn't stop talking about it:
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There's also people who always dismiss Kohaku's feelings. I mean i think it's already pretty clear
His physical aspect she seems pleased with
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And well he already fits the EXACT description of her EXACT type. So it is 100% safe to say that she has feelings for him. It may not be explicitly stated but it was just the right amount of sublte. Similar to Mikasa Ackerman/Touka Kirishima, whose feelings were never explicitly stated; but were always quite obvious. That was the type of subtlety the mangaka was aiming at. And i think there's a reason for that.
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Because Senku hates fast paced relationships/love at first sight/mushy girls. Building Kohaku's feelings in a slowburn manner makes Kohaku stand out from all the other girls that have feelings for him/have flirted with him/felt attracted to him. Because, as i said, he doesn't like that kind of stuff. And since he is still sciency I don't think he would ever fall for a romantic type of girl; but rather a useful one that can serve as his partner. The way I see them happening would be by Kohaku being accepting of his anti-romantic nature, and Senku seeing her as worthy Mate that he could reproduce with so that the sciene can live on and keep developing. While he did teach Chrome alot, Chrome also says he wants Senku to live. I think he also meant it in a metaphorical way. Chrome, next to his other male friends kept pushing for or looking for an indicator of him feeling attraction for a girl/or at least want him to understand romantic love so that he doesn't keep downplaying the feelings that they have towards their crushes. Even Gen seemed pretty excited at the thought of him kissing a girl lol. So it's safe to say that the mangaka writing this was him rooting for the same thing for Senku; but not in the way that we exepect.
Again, if he ever did develop a relationsip with kohaku to another level. I dont think he would confess/or admit his physical attraction to her, if he did feel any. I think he would find himself content that he has found a useful girl, that can bring him materials, and doesn't ask much of him(in a romantic light). This would push Senku to allow Kohaku as his partner. I don't think Kohaku would mind it either as long as she knows Senku is willing to reciprocate in terms of just the right amount of romantic gestures/or sexual entanglement(when senku finds the time for her)
Because as he has stated he does not NOT have a sex drive(just not active) nor is he COMPLETELY against chivalry (which is rooted in romance).
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So i think if he did develop feelings for Kohaku he will not do much to figure out the why and would instead only try to rationalize it by saying Kohaku is the perfect partner. He would agree to a wedding for the sake of his friends and act like he was peer pressured to doing it, and would probably ONLY compliment Kohaku's looks by saying something like "You know, according to the symmetrical proportions of your face, you'd be considered to be living up to the beauty standards of my time" and Kohaku would be fine with that thanks to the reassurance of her sister about how "he is not the type of guy to be completely against the tradition of bonds/feelings. He just doesn't prioritize them". So kohaku would be fine with that. Especially because she herself has been swayed by his way of living.
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As long as she knows that Senku considers her his mate, partner, and important person, I think she'd be okay with that. Especially since Senku is logical enough to understand that he needs to put effort into the relationship with his mate. So he'd do soft gestures for her that will keep her happy in order to maintain their relationship, even if she doesn't ask for it. And that will be enough because by the end of the day that's what most relationships are, Senku just doesn't feel the need to romanticize them, unless it's for the sake of following through with a logical situation. And well him maintaining his relationship with Kohaku would be logical as it would avoid conflict and prevent him from seeking a mate elsewhere. We all know Senku doesn't like to bother with those things. He just goes with the flow of whatever is convenient.
I also think that even though he doesn't like physical contact he'd probably do soft things like touch her hand in reassurance,(he's held her hand), smile at her(as he has done so before), look tenderly at her with pride(has looked and felt proud of her) and lean on her when he is tired(they have leaned on each other metaphorically). Those would be indicators.of him caring for her, but he won't ever stop to think about them, even if his heart rate actually does start to raise he will only rationalize it with talks about "dopamine/serotonin" and Kohaku being his chosen partner; but overall, he'd be most ecstatic about having a partner by his side, and the fact that he cares for such partner. Kohaku won't ask for more and will come to understand that she has what any other girl has(when it comes to romantic relationships), and she SIMPLY has a partner that tends to rationalize everything and dislikes romance; but is willing to do it for the sake of logic.
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opinated-user · 8 months
debunking LO the groomer
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LO is refering to this post from Brittany. even without going to click that link, can you imagine what is wrong with the screenshot that LO provided? try to think what could be the difference between what Brittany actually said and what LO claims she said. ready? she cut out the rest of it.
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Brittany didn't say anything about LO having some secret trans womanny superpower to groom people who never interacted with her and she never spoke to. she very clearly talked about an established relationship between LO and Sunny, one where Sunny felt used and discarded the moment he stopped being attractive for LO. let's take the parasocial grooming term out of here for one second. we shouldn't, but let's for the sake of argument. why would a innocent person would need to cut obviously relevant and valuable context like that? this is about Sunny, not about some generalized idea of what grooming even is. the claim is that LO groomed Sunny. Sunny and LO interacted pretty regularly. LO went out of her way to interact with Sunny and Sunny as a minor/very young adult went out to interact with her. Sunny was bombarded with attention and when that attention suddenly went away, he felt the need to do things he wouldn't normally do to get LO's attention. now, let's get out of the way if you "believe" that counts as grooming or not for a second here... surely we can all see that there's something wrong with LO blatantly saying that Brittany saying something she never said and cutting out part of her post to fit her own narrative? surely, despite whatever opinion you have on Sunny, you can see that this is deliberate and manipulative, is it not? i ask again... why a innocent person would do that? as for ginger, we went over this before, but for anyone new: ginger was very much not an adult when these interactions, that LO very much encouraged every time, happened.
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(more links and exact timelines of how old ginger was on each of these posts here. in one of them ginger tells LO that she wants to date her and LO respond positively.)
ginger at her youngest was 15. LO at her youngest was 24. "oh but she's only calling her cute! there's nothing creepy about that." there's something extremely creepy about a 15 year old blatantly saying that their intention was to flirt with that adult and that adult doing nothing to discourage that behavior. ginger was a kid. we don't blame kids for what grown adult, like LO here, didn't do, which should have been to either block ginger or tell her to stop it. just so we're extremely clear here: i don't blame ginger for a thing, she was a kid. LO was the adult. all the responsability of anything on those screenshots or interactions is entirely LO's. all of this is already bad enough, but then LO just had to go and date ginger as soon as she turned 19 and therefore was welcome instantly on her inner circle. what do you call when an adult flirts with a minor, shares intimate information about their sex life or their naked body with them, only to later date that minor as soon they "become legal"? there's an easy and simple word as an aswer here. i'll let you guess which one it is.
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soul-controller · 1 year
Hey everyone, I hate to disappoint but I just wanted to share that there’s no way that the Halloween event can happen anymore this year.
My manager at my job initially promised me that I would be able to have a set schedule where I could have 4 days off a week so I could properly devote time to getting my writing done. Unfortunately, two people quit and my schedule for the next few weeks just came out and now I’m being forced to help cover their shifts until they hire new people (which will probably take a while since my job has a terrible reputation in town). Although I would have probably been able to find a way to make the event still happen given how excited I was about it, I’m still in the process of doing four relatively large story commissions so there’s no way that I can juggle both those and the Halloween event. Something had to give and obviously the event had to go as the commissions take priority.
To provide some context and be a bit vulnerable, things in my personal life have been a bit rough and hectic the past month or two, so I’m hoping things can eventually settle down soon enough. As previously mentioned my job is being a nuisance, but there’s other stuff going on like money issues on top of being in the process of getting a new doctor because my current one was refusing to take any of my concerns seriously. Beyond just him downplaying my anxiety and depression diagnoses when it comes to providing me effective medication, he also refused to try and help with the debilitating migraines I suffer through practically every other day.
Just to add a cherry on top of the shitty month that this has been, I just recently discovered that queuing on Tumblr has finally failed me. The story that was meant to come out this month never got posted and the concept of having to go through re-formatting everything and getting photos again was just too much of a depressing nuisance for me to deal with. Hell, I've been in such a stink recently that I didn't even do a celebration to celebrate the fact that my account had passed 4,000 followers! I guess doing it nearly three hundred followers later is a bit too late, but I suppose it's never too late to celebrate. I seriously appreciate all of the support I've received regardless of it was a like, a reblog, a follow, or a subscription to my Patreon. All of it means a lot to me... genuinely.
I suppose I just wanted to say that things feel a bit grim for me currently, but I remain hopeful that good days shall eventually come (especially since Halloween is my favorite time of year). To put a more positive spin on the increased hours at work, at least it means that I'll hopefully fix my money issues. Plus, I finally have a meeting with a new doctor this Thursday so I'm hoping I can get some results and find someone who actually cares and wants to help me.
In closing, I sincerely wanted to apologize again in case I disappointed anyone by canceling the Halloween event. Hopefully I can make it up to y’all though by releasing two stories here for October that I really enjoyed writing.
On top of that, I’m thinking I may give the concept of releasing long stories for purchase via Ko-Fi / itch.io a shot by having a trial run with a nearly 10k word Halloween-ish story involving misguided spells, twinkification, and age progression / weight gain between two best friends.
Thanks for reading, I appreciate all of your support and hopefully your understanding during this extremely trying time. 💙
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hey id suggest removing the mindless self indulgence polls, theyre a famously racist band and multiple members have been outed as sex pests
Hi! Sorry for taking a while to reply to this. We had to formalize our policy on controversial artists, and this post will be both a response to your ask and an explanation of the policy.
Now, the policy is stated in full on the pinned post now if anyone would rather read it there or wants to know where to reference it later. That aside, I'll answer the ask first.
The problem with deciding if an artist/band is unacceptable is even less straightforward than deciding what's unacceptable content. I assume you sent this ask because you saw this ask, published yesterday. That response deals largely with album content, which is to say, something concrete that we can look at and is clear and directly relevant to any individual album poll.
It's unclear from your ask whether only the band members themselves have these problems or if this is reflected in their music as well. IF the latter is the case, and this includes instances of context changing/clarifying the message of the music, then we would like to know!
However, I can't understate how important it is to be clear and demonstrative if this is something you want to do. I understand that you probably mean well, but you can understand that an anonymous ask that makes claims that we then have to verify ourselves could be used maliciously and doesn't really allow us to ask for clarification in return. Whether you're off or on anon, explaining how something concrete and directly relevant like a song lyric is potentially harmful is so much easier to work with.
Now for a more policy-centered discussion:
The unfortunate reality of running this blog is that that there isn't enough time to vet each individual artist, and we as mods don't feel comfortable nor well equipped enough to draw that line for each artist with limited information.
Now, if an artist/band is associated with a hate group or a genre that at its core seeks to do harm (ex. NSBM), that's a clear indicator that everything that they say is in context of that. But if we don't have those indicators, then things become less straightforward.
To this end, we would like to make it clear that no post on this blog is an endorsement, and we do encourage people who are interested in looking into an artist they see on here to vet them to your usual standards to confirm that they're someone you're okay with supporting/listening to. Also, if there's any information you might feel is important for people to know about an artist that you're familiar with, absolutely feel free to add that information in the replies/reblogs so that people can make more informed decisions!
I've also added an option on the submission form if anyone wants to provide a disclaimer or more information about the album they've submitted. This was technically an option before, but it wasn't clear and thus rarely used. There's more information on this in the pinned.
As a general policy going forward, asks like these won't be answered publicly, so if an anon ask is sent, it won't get a response, but if action needs to be taken, we will take it!
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sflow-er · 1 year
Young Royals Season 3 Endgame: Team Abdication or Monarchy?
Team "Let Wilhelm Be Fully Himself And Parliament Decide What's Next."
I've seen very good arguments on both sides of the abdication debate (although it wouldn't be called abdication if Wille wasn't king yet). On the one hand, Wille would be happier without all the pressure, and he shouldn't have to stay on against his will. I've also read some incredibly insightful posts on how the monarchy is an undemocratic remnant of the past that would be very hard if not impossible to reform from within (and in real life, I am quite staunchly anti-monarchy).
On the other hand and in the context of the show... I don't want Wille to have to step down because of his sexuality or his anxiety. Those should not disqualify anyone from a position they would otherwise be well-suited for (which Wille actually seems to be, provided that he gets to do it his own way and with proper support). I also don't like the idea of his decision being surrounded by scandal, i.e. the video and the Crown's cover-up of August's involvement, or the drug stuff hitting the fan. He should only step down if he truly believes that's what's best. He could do some good in his position, and I doubt that he would get to really fade from the public eye even after renouncing his right to the throne. Plus, if August or someone else took over, the same oppressive institution would just carry on unchanged.
So, I think the best ending would be to let Wille stay in his position on his own terms - and to make it clear that parliament has started debating what that means for the country. I think enough secrets will be revealed in S3 to turn public opinion against August as a successor and for Wille as an openly queer heir to the throne (and later king), and that will trigger a democratic process. Does Sweden really want to uphold the institution either by reforming it or by picking a new successor further removed from the current monarch (both of which contradict the usual argument of the royal family representing stability), or do they want to take the opportunity to become a republic (and would they like Wille to lead the transition until his death or just have him retire)? A constitutional amendment will be required in any case.
I do not need to see the conclusion of that debate, nor do I think it's realistic to resolve it in the timeline of the show. Wille can't officially renounce his title until he turns 18 anyway.
With all that said, I'll be happy with any conclusion as long as it's done well, and I believe it will be.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 11 months
kicking around some thoughts this morning, this is extremely disorganized but here are the key ingredients in this meta smoothie:
jin guangyao +
the bad things that he does (both of his own free will and under duress for wrh and/or jgs) +
textual evidence presented to the reader indicating that jgy is aware of the awfulness of these things +
reader interpretation of what jgy's understanding of that awfulness means about his personal feelings about his own actions (i.e., he is perfectly okay with them, or he is absolutely fucked up by them, or something in between)
= two* contradictory versions of jgy in fic and/or the neverending game of mdzs fandom discourse
(*yes i know there are more than two contradictory interpretations of his character, but by and large the majority these interpretations can be filed into two categories: he's Evil or he's Not Evil.)
the more i mull it over, the more i think it's at this specific intersection (of jin guangyao as a character, the actions he takes in the story, his understanding of these actions as being terrible, and reader response to his understanding) where the disconnect happens between fans who consider themselves jgy stans, and fans who either don't like jgy or don't have much of an opinion on him either way.
i think it's clear where i stand on the issue (jgy is NOT unaffected by the terrible things he has done, even in those instances where he believed his actions to be unavoidable or necessary), but i also want to provide clear textual evidence for why i stand by this interpretation. since i don't have the time today to go through the whole book and draw out the specific passages i have in mind, i'll just pull this one quote from the guanyin temple sequence for now and come back to this post with additional quotes as reblogs later:
Only after the word came out did [Lan Xichen] remember that he’d already one-sidedly broke off with Jin GuangYao, and thus he shouldn’t call him [A-Yao]. However, Jin GuangYao seemed as if he didn’t notice it, his expression collected, “Brother, don’t be surprised that I can call him such dirty things. To this father of mine, I once had hopes as well. In the past, as long as it was his command, whether it be to betray Sect Leader Wen or protect Xue Yang or remove anyone who disagreed, no matter how foolish it was, how hated I’d be, I’d obey regardlessly. But do you know what it was that made me lose hope completely? I’ll answer your first question now. It wasn’t that I’d never be worth a single hair on Jin ZiXuan or one of the holes in Jin ZiXun, it wasn’t that he took back Mo XuanYu, it wasn’t that he tried every possible way to make me a mere figurehead either. It was the truth he once told the maid beside me when he was out indulging himself again [...]" -EXR translation, pg 984
bolded emphasis is mine because i think these textual context clues provide insight into jgy's state of mind, both in this moment where he is struggling to maintain his composure (and will later fail to maintain it), as well as in the past when he was carrying out these actions for jgs. i think we have every reason to believe that jgy is being honest when he says that he once had hope of receiving his father's affection, recognition, and respect, given what we have seen of his past actions prior to his legitimization. i also think he's being honest when he describes the actions he takes for jgs as being foolish, or certain to make people hate him, because... well, that's precisely what happens in the text, isn't it? his word choice is deliberate when he describes his own actions: they were foolish, and he knew that he would be hated for doing them, but even while doing them, he held out hope that perhaps one day, he would have done enough to earn the thing that jgs gave freely and unconditionally to his other children. one day, he would not have to do these terrible things that jgs never, ever asked of jzx, or jzn, or mxy, ever again.
and then. and then.
anywho. /sticks a bookmark on this post, i will come back to this, probably.
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The Story of the RTDLDX Box-art Leak
news of the Magolor Epilogue side mode is officially out! with that, say hello to @qui-gg , the original source of the RTDLDX box-art leak to the kirby fandom!
watching the leak spread in real time, the both of us talked and thought it would be fun to make a post about all of this later as a piece of fandom history. the reason why i'm making the post and not her is because while she was the original source, i'm the only one who witnessed the rest of the entire story firsthand.
note: all screenshots of dms/quig's initial reactions/info from quig and her friend posted here i received permission to share. all other screenshots are from public servers, so names are not censored unless someone asked me to, or unless they're the person who caused the leak to spread to the fandom at large. with that, let's get into the story 👇
the story starts with quig's friend, who works at gamestop, posting images of the the boxart to a mutual server they share
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the white is the name of quig's friend censored. also for consistency's sake, note that these screenshots from quig are in central time. the rest of the screenshots in this post are from me and in pacific time (2 hours behind)
quig's friend isn't into kirby and had taken and shared the pictures without the knowledge that there was even anything special or spoilery on them. they had only taken it to show quig, because they knew quig as the kirby person of their friend group. quig decided to share it to my discord server soon after
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a thread for the leak was made in the server instead of quig dming everyone individually, and we quickly established a rule against reposting it outside of this server. however, it was still allowed for it to be shared privately
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everyone talked about the news excitedly for a while. quig continued to feed us more early info from their friend that never made it into the main leak spread throughout fandom, like photos of the inside box art, preorder bonuses, and info that apparently the boxarts were going to be displayed in-stores in about a week, confirming some sort of announcement or trailer soon.
around 2-3 hours later, we started to hear about other places talking about the leak.
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at the time, no one suspected foul play. considering quig's friend's gamestop had received the boxart, everyone assumed that gamestop in general had received it and that other employees had also leaked it. however-
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also going back and checking the image shared to reddit, we confirmed it was the same picture. then begun several bouts of back and forths trying to figure out how it had been leaked
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apparently the very first leak of it outside of my server was to the r/kirby discord server. at this point, because im the owner and head mod of my server, and we had already established many times that we had not wanted it to be shared outside of there, and because quig was starting to get stressed about this immediately getting out of control, i decided to do my own investigating and find out who had leaked it so i could yell at them for breaking the rules
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these were the very first messages to r/kirby that started the leak getting out to the entire fandom. ive censored her name in pink because i dont want anyone to attack this person, and from this point on i'll be calling her "the leaker". interestingly, it was someone not from my server, however, by chance, i happened to know her decently well anyways because we share some of the same spaces. because of this, i just dm'd her directly asking where she had gotten the picture from, providing additional context because, while i knew her, we didn't talk much and i thought it would be rude to only ask that without letting her know why
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by that time it turns out she had went to bed, however. so for the rest of the night i did more asking around and found out who had shared it on my own. the person who showed it to her did end up being from my server. they were a friend of the leaker and had shared it to her in dms, but told me that they didn't know she had posted it to r/kirby because she never asked or let them know she was going to do so.
because i knew the person who had shared the box-art image to the leaker was cool, as well as sharing in dms not being against our rules, i decided there was no malicious intent and decided to lay off my "ass kicking" mood. i guess as you'd expect, the leak happened because it was shared from friend to friend and it took just one person not getting the memo it shouldn't be shared publicly for all of this to get out of control. that was my thought process at the time.
i already found out who had shared the image to the leaker, but since i had already sent a dm to said leaker about the event, i figured id just leave the messages to confirm and see what she had to say about it in the morning. like said in the beginning of this post, i did not get permission to share the dms so i will not post any screenshots, but ill summarize what was said next
i was told the next morning that, yes, the person who i had already known had given her the photo had given it to her. the leaker had taken it and immediately shared it to the largest kirby discord server out there because "shes incredibly impulsive" and "wanted the attention and clout", but otherwise was sorry. she told me she felt incredibly guilty about the whole event and went on to say stuff about how she was an "worthless human being". i told her it was fine and that she didn't have to be so harsh on herself, i had only wanted her to know the consequences, since at this point the next day, large gaming news sites had begun posting about it and it had gotten really big, to the point where quig rescinded her previous statement that her friend was in no danger and had started to worry this could lead to them getting hurt. the leaker told me she did all of this because she couldnt help wanting the clout over everything else if she wasnt told the consequences to her face
hey getting lost in the hype happens right? i wasnt the most happy that quig was feeling incredibly stressed now and that their friend could be in danger because someone wanted clout without thinking of the consequences, but this stuff happens. being impulsive happens. once the official news comes out sometime around a week later, this would all blow over. once again i reassured the leaker this was all fine, and we had a good friendly talk for several hours afterwards
later that day, quig found a youtube comment on the gamexplain video about the leak
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the detective work started up once again. the canadian portion could be assumed from the french text alongside the english on the box, but it shouldn't have been public that it was from a canadian gamestop employee. quig started to worry that people were now digging so hard for the source their friend would get doxx'd. we did not believe it to be a random lurker in the server, because none of the other info quig had told us had gotten out.
initially i thought this was my fault. i mentioned it was from a gamestop employee in the tags of this post when i had made it the previous day, and then deleted those tags about 15 hours afterwards once we realized this was getting way too big. while not unreasonable, i found it a bit strange that this info had come from me, though
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obviously people take tumblr as being the dead site that no one uses, and the leak news in general was spreading much more sluggishly over here with our smaller fandom and, compared to twitter and reddit, significantly less reach. not to mention i had left that information in the tags where less people read anyways, and with the word gamestop censored and my post itself not in the main kirby tags, the person in the youtube screenshot had to have been someone who follows me and was active on tumblr during that short timeframe for this to have happened
completely unrelated, later in the afternoon i decided to look in the r/kirby server's leak thread for fun, specifically the messages from the leaker. the previous day, people were swarming her about where she had gotten the image since she was the first person to post it to the general fandom. people were speculating that the leak was fake and that the leaker could've tried to fake it. there were lots of vague rumors about it being from "some random discord server out in the world". as my server was almost like the "ground 0" of the leak, it was a lot of fun watching this and watching people talk about us. i used the leakers messages as a boost to find these types of messages, since the r/kirby spoiler thread had dissolved to regular leak discussion.
and i found these
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(that last sentence is a straight lie. she had just never bothered to ask)
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(same message as in the previous screenshot, showing that the leaker had reacted with :true:)
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it turns out she was the one who had leaked that this was from a gamestop employee. from my dms without letting me know once again. this was almost exactly 2 hours before i had the aforementioned conversation in dms with her. before she apologized and told me she felt immensely guilty and asked if there was anything she could do. before she told me she leaked the initial info because no one had told her the consequences to her face
excuse me in advance, please take the following as my interpretation of the event alone. i say and assume these things because of many prior encounters with this person
there is a lot i could say about these screenshots. i was absolutely furious when i saw them. in my eyes, the blatant 180 shift in attitude and behavior when talking to the public and when talking to me in my dms only a short while later shows the exact opposite amount of care she told me she had. the complete lack of acknowledgement of several people mentioning someone could get fired because of her actions, instead choosing to focus on how confirmation of it being from a gamestop employee just confirms the leak is real now... the fact that she said behind my back that i needed to chill, right before telling me she thought she was a worthless human being for doing this... i'm sparing the full details of my grievances because i don't want to make this a vent post or about me; i say this as a conclusion to this part of the story. as in, i think there's zero reason to believe the leaker actually ever gave a shit. i fully believe she purposely stepped over the consequences for the sake of clout
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(to be clear i'm not trying to totally absolve myself of responsibility here, or make this some kinda persuasive argument. it totally could've been just my fault that the gamestop employee info got out. i don't particularly care if people think the leaker didn't do anything wrong either. whatever, make your own conclusions based off what's there)
thus ends the bias section. luckily the next news we got from quig's friend was very good
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really a one in a million event. we now had concrete proof that her friend was, for sure, at 0 risk by some stroke of luck.
with that, the server, and quig and her friend, enjoyed the leak chaos in peace. this stuff doesn't happen often in the kirby fandom, and we thought this was a particularly interesting leak story to share as people who were there from start to finish. watching everything play out from one person, to one group, to the whole fandom and more, while stressful at times, was a unique and overall really fun experience
thank you for reading if you've made it this far! i know this post is kinda long, but i hope you've enjoyed this (probably over-comprehensive lol) write-up. really my final words on the subject are: i hope people can understand from reading this that, while getting lost in the hype happens, please know that there are real life people behind leaks. there can be real consequences to one person letting it slip. don't spread leaks without asking and, if you know the source of a leak, don't go around shouting it from the rooftops. not to mention the amount of people upset that they got spoiled. even though this was very tame as a back of box-art leak, ultimately its best if these things are kept secret and in small groups
some final words from quig (that i'm paraphrasing on her behalf): she says sorry to anyone who didn't want to see the leak and got spoiled early. she never meant for it to spread out of control, and had believed the leak would spread from multiple sources at the same time, instead of being just from her
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Hey you seem well informed but there is important context missing if you are going to open up a discussion on this topic. To be clear, the fans who are not fans of lucy based on those articles you included should not feel invalidated for that, because it does paint a weird and messy picture that she doesnt particularly take a side in the issue of mark sampsons behaviour. The period of sampson being sacked was confusing from every angle from a public pov, nikita parris, alex scott, kelly smith being some of the players who showed direct support of the manager at the time, later retracting comments when he left. What Lucy doesn't do is condone racism at any point in her answer, she vocially did not support the manager or his actions. Lucy is outspoken on matters of rasict discrimination, has been consistent to call out fan abuse towards black players, and is a huge figure for supporting her teamates in that regard. Lauren James in particular has suffered since she was a teenager with online abuse, she along with Khiara Keating have both referenced lucy as the most supportive teamate to provide a comfort when entering into the england senior team setup. She has countless close friendships with people with diverse ethinic backgrounds that I won't create a list but for anyone who followed her career across clubs its clear enough to see. I understand that you explained the issue of idolising public figures, and people are not perfect etc. But this interpretation of Lucy sends me to another level of frustrated with this trend across online fanbases to quickly form very strong opinions, and stand by that opinion with limited information, in this case they take no time to learn who she really is as a person.
anon - if you can provide the links to an apology, etc. i'll gladly take a look. i know nikita parris has done so during the black live matters movement. are you saying lucy took a side in that situation and actually supported aluko? because when someone doesn't take a side in a situation when one party is found to have used racist language, then that's actually taking a side. please fill me in where i am missing context. i'm asking genuinely.
and i'm sorry but being friends with a black person now and being supportive of refugees and speaking out against racist discrimination now doesn't automatically absolve you of past conduct when lucy should have been a better teammate, period. i think we can at least agree on that point? because lucy's words in that interview speak for themselves, and they don't seem supportive?
and that goes for others on the england national team, too. just because we're talking about lucy now doesn't mean that others weren't also part of the problem.
when i'm talking about being a good teammate and standing up for what's right, i'll give you some examples in spain of putting your neck on the line and when it stops being just wanting to focus on football and being annoyed at distractions, but about something more:
vero boquete and vicky losada gave up their entire national team careers following the 2015 world cup to call out the abuses going on within the national team and the poor conditions that their fellow teammates were going through.
mapi, patri, pina, lola gallardo, and the rest of the "las 15" standing up for themselves and their teammates only to be absolutely crucified by the federation and media, have their concerns dismissed, and called spoiled brats.
mapi, patri, pina, lola and those who decided not to return to the selection in 2023 and give up their world cup dreams and national team careers for what they believe in.
alexia and irene taking a stand and testifying on behalf jenni hermoso, only to be called groomers and sexual predators by the media and accused of taking advantage of younger female players on the team (as the reason why they wanted vilda and rubiales removed because they were preventing them from doing that).
in contrast, i have called out spanish players ivana, athenea, and even misa for their conduct during this time.
do i still like misa today and think that she's learned her lesson and grown up a lot? yes i do! but i'm not going to make excuses for her because she should have known better and has fucked up in the past.
similarly, i am one of the biggest jenni hermoso fans around. but jenni hermoso royally fucked up when she mocked the haka, along with other players, on new zealand soil. will i make excuses for her? no, she did a bonehead thing and the team apologised for it, as they should have.
i think we can acknowledge that players we like have made mistakes in the past or handled situations really poorly and should have done better, period.
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Just finished watching Providence. I'll probably have some more thoughts to share about it after sleeping on it, and possibly later if I rewatch S3 again (😍).
Providence and S3 spoilers ahead!
The first thing I can't stop thinking about is that upon giving the Psycho-Pass subreddit a quick look before watching the movie, the only post I saw was about how "this movie should have come out before S3". I didn't read the body of the post in fear of spoilers, but throughout watching the movie, I kept thinking about how much I disagree with that. How insignificant would Akira be if you didn't know he was Kei's brother? How random would Atsushi be as a character if you didn't know what he meant to Arata? Imagine this random kid showing up. No one would react positively to Arata, Maiko and Kei. Akira would feel like a side-character we only cared about for a split second and Atsushi would be confusing in the wrong way. Season 3 wouldn't be the same without the mystery of Tsunemori's incarceration. Objectively a wrong take if you care about the storytelling and characters at all imo.
With that out of the way, while Providence answered some of our burning questions, some have been left unanswered, such as:
Did Gino change his haircut so drastically all of a sudden because he realised the wind blowing in his face meant he couldn't see shit?
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I'd be willing to buy that he just enjoys changing styles regularly, though.
Since I'm looking at her... do we know what Frederica's deal is, exactly...? I also can't help wondering - is there a reason why Shimotsuki hates her this much? While she's always complaining over petty things, she seems to hold a pretty specific dislike towards Frederica. Is it really just her personality? (I'd be willing to buy that, too...)
I feel like we have gained a net zero information about either Homura Sr. or Jr. Or Bifrost.
I feel like I had another serious question... before I started joking about Gino's hair. It'll probably come back to me. I guess there's always "can Shou's backstory get a Moment? Anyone else remember how S2 didn't give its new cast the same amount of time S1 did? Babyboy's still kinda just Here rn."
I'm still a bit confused about Jackdaw and Vixen, and the fact that I only just realised that Vixen is a woman probably does not help.
I miss Azusawa and Obata...
Oh right, I think I remembered what I meant to talk about. There are events that clearly happened between Providence and S3 that haven't been detailed, such as Gino leaving the Bureau to join Foreign Affairs, Kunizuka running the fuck out of there or even, I believe, Arata and Kei being appointed as Inspectors. We know that Tsunemori contributed to the latter - I wonder if we may learn more about her reasoning in the future. I think we can also infer that Gino, who stated in the movie that he intends on protecting Tsunemori, had to change plans one way or another due to her arrest.
I feel like we still don't know enough about Akira's relationship to his brother or to Atsushi, and I don't know whether that will be forever left in the air of if it will be detailed. The exact implication of Stronskaya Sr. and her relationship to her daughter are also vague.
Honestly, there's a lot going on in this movie. A lot of politics... a lot of religion... and a thick wall of the story's context. It's complex, and it's interesting how Psycho-Pass is continuing in this direction that already stood out in S3.
I'll just say I'm upset about Saiga. Evil evil bad. I'm really hoping for more content with Arata, Maiko and Kei in the near future because I seriously love them!!! And I want closure for them!!!! Akira was a pretty interesting character, though his quick death was frustrating - which I assume was not not on purpose. Though it happened maybe a little too fast due to the movie format (compared to an episodic format), the revelation of his allyship was set up pretty well. Like I said, details are definitely missing - Atsushi didn't explain why Akira was so willing, and he was interrupted before he could say who he was in his own words.
It was pretty nice to see Kougami be a little cringefail. I didn't enjoy his characterisation in S3, but in Providence, it feels a lot more sensible - like he can really feel that he doesn't have control. I'm satisfied with his and Tsunemori's dynamic in the movie, wherein they care about each other deeply - dare I say, Kougami might even care a little more than she does at this point? - how does that dynamic shift feel my guy? - but Kougami's wrongdoings have weight and the narrative doesn't force him back on her. You can feel that he wants to be back, you can feel that to Tsunemori he never really left, but like I mentioned in a more personal post, Gino's her source of comfort, her trustworthy teammate; Kougami isn't welcomed back by default. This feels natural. This feels like the writing cares about their feelings.
What else... Oh yeah... Did anyone else feel like Saiga was kinda................. hot?
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ephemeral--dreams · 1 year
Something Interesting. (4)
Rating: T
Word count: 1112
Warnings: Dottore is his own warning, reader also starting to be deranged wow 
Notes: (Dottore voice) I can make you worse, but also better
( part 3 )
☆ ☾ ☆ ──────────────────
It's on a rare occasion when Dottore runs his tests on anyone else, because it is far more convenient to do it with you. When he does, it's usually a traitor, or someone who needs to be punished. Committing any sort of betrayal against the Fatui is a grave offense, after all. And Dottore's probably the worst one to deal out consequences. You know better than most exactly what he's capable of. 
Honestly, if it was someone innocent, even you would feel some sympathy. But considering that it's not, watching as he makes them scream and cry doesn't affect you all that much. You're more interested in him than the person he's working on. It's interesting, how detached he seems when he gets his hands on anyone but you. It reminds you of how he'd once been, back when you'd first come here. Clinical, chilly, cruel. Even like this you feel drawn to him. 
You like watching him as much as he likes watching you, it seems. 
It's not until a couple years in that you take a more active role in any of it. That you drift closer instead of staying back, that you assist him with his tools and parts and vials and whatever he's using on his victim. 
…Victim. It's an interesting word. You're often in this same position on the table, but you don't think of yourself that way.
It's a matter of context, you suppose.
Sometimes they think they can reason with you more than they can with Dottore. It's almost funny. As if you'd possibly let someone free from Dottore's clutches. No one ends up in this lab anymore unless they deserve to be here. Thus they deserve whatever happens to them. You have little love left for humanity and no interest in the pleadings of traitors. They won't find help from you.
No, you're more than content to stand by and take in Dottore from a perspective you rarely see him in. 
"You're a mess," You tell him, fingers wiping away the blood on the exposed part of his face. Not another thought is spared to the body dead lying next to you. 
"Perhaps. Yet you don't seem to mind," He smiles, lingering for a moment before shifting away. "I must clean up here. You're free to leave."
"...I'll stay until you're done."
"Do as you will."
"Come on an errand with me."
It is an interesting request. You don't exactly… Leave the palace. Not that you couldn't. But what purpose do you have out there? Anything you want or need is provided here. If it wasn't here, Dottore would get it for you. He himself often spends most of his time in the lab, too. He utilizes his segments for the majority of things that require outside contact or resources, so it comes as even more of a surprise for him to ask this.
You weren't opposed to it, though. If he wanted you to accompany him…
"If you insist."
So you dig out your little-used coat, and allow him to drag you along as he goes about his business. And the next time he went out. And the next. 
There was always something bracing about the cold. Even though you'd grown up in Snezhnaya, it was so terribly icy here that there was no getting used to it, especially when you almost never left the heated interior of the palace. 
Long story short, it is a shock to your system. You would think having a pyro vision would make you run warm enough to fend off the chill, but that isn't the case.
Today's outing is a particularly long one. He's stopped at a few different places and had conversations you only half-listen in to. It doesn't matter if you pay attention, he'll probably discuss (ramble about) the details of it all later. What's important is that you're freezing. You wonder when he'll be done. 
Two hands reach out to cup your cheeks. You startle out of your thoughts, looking up at the culprit. He's doing that thing again, where he's careful and attentive in a way that has nothing to do with research. You still don't understand it. "Hm. I don't wish to deal with you dying from hypothermia today…"
You want to say that it doesn't matter, that you've already died from that very thing more than once, what's another time? But you're entirely too caught up in the intensity of his full attention on you.
"Y-you don't need to worry about that. I'm perfectly fine," If nothing else, your face is certainly heating up under his touch. Which doesn't escape his notice.
"If say we should test out alternative methods of warming you up, but we don't have time for that. Let us take a quick break indoors."
…You'd call that flirting if you didn't think it was just Dottore being Dottore.
The cafe you enter is mostly empty. You take a table in the corner and let Dottore take care of things. Your hands wrap around the cup of tea. It's strikingly similar to…
"There seems to be something on your mind."
"...Mm. It just reminds me of when we met," What happened before the event, rather. All the awful things that led you to him. You don't think about it often anymore, but sitting here across from him like this… 
"Yes, what about it? In a reminiscent mood?" You can feel his gaze focused on you, despite his mask covering it. Dottore is more than perceptive enough to pick up on your moods by now. The only question is whether he intends to pry. "Tell me what the issue is."
Of course he's going to pry. Why wouldn't he? He wants to know everything. Always. "I shouldn't have to tell you I went through a lot out here. You know that much."
There's a long moment of pause between you. You sip your tea. This is not the sort of conversation the two of you have. You run from the past, and he focuses on the future. That's how it has always been. It is a topic that has never been broached, and his lack of response leaves you feeling unsettled.
"I'm aware. It is irrelevant. None of that has any importance now that you're with me," He settles your concerns as easily as that, waving them away as if they no longer matter. And he is right. They don't. Nothing is the way it used to be, and it never will be again. You shouldn't waste time thinking about it. Being under his care should remove any problems you once had. Hasn't he proven that?
"...Maybe you're right."
"I'm always right. You should know that at this point, dear."
You kill off whatever is left of your most unpleasant thoughts, and instead allow yourself to be swept back into Dottore's pace. 
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hellfireconfessions · 9 months
Hey there, is Guri here. You may know me from years or unfortunately for all the drama before HF shutdown. All this situation is getting a lot put of hand for me, and I wanted to reach out here in order to explain what happened on my side ( if anything is worder incorrectly, please let me know, English is not my first language.)
Ok, so... About the doc. Some people may have read it already, and may not know what it means because the wording wasn't the better but I'll give some context. It was a story from a villain character POV on their abussive relationship with other character, both of the characters are from my creation. "Did the doc contained grooming?" No, both characters are adults. The villain character met the other character once when it was small and then didn't met each other after the other one was adult. "Did the doc had sexual content?" No, the "love bites" were a trait I gave to my characters subspecies, but since the character in question was a villain, the bites used to happen a lot more than usual. "Did the doc had zoophilia?" no, both characters are animals. "Did the doc had non-con/rape?" No, all the doc is basically the villain saying that they love biting the second character and that they love the taste of the blood. "What does the [ But she had a body I can't recall her to have] then?" the original concept of the character was a normal bipedal Utahraptor with some feathers, later was revamped to a quadrupedal more "cat-like" creature. That line meant that the character used to remember the other as s feathered normal Utahraptor, and now that they are adults, seeing her as a completely new creature with different features is weird. "What does [ swollen womb] means?" pregnancy, thought it would be another way to say it. The doc had a trigger warning on the very top and was censored entirely, to ensure the safety of sensitive readers. But many people ignored it.
I haven't groomed anyone, I'm not a pedophile, I'm not a zoophile. My characters does not define me, I'm sorry if anyone has felt uncomfortable with the doc. I truly thought that putting a warning and censoring it would be fine. The server in which was posted was a +17 server, which a few 16 years old members. No one has reached to me about the docs until noodles did on a report ticket, I got a final warning and got my pack rep removed and accepted the punishment. But aside from that, I haven't done anything. I would like to ask for the harassment and lies about me to stop, saying that im a pedophile, zoophile, that i promote incest, rape and other horrible things is not true, even I heard that some people were saying that they had proof of me grooming people and that there was a supposed victim. Of course, when you asked for the evidence, none was provided aside from the doc.
I been banned from server which I haven't played on, all for a doc that staff decided it was not banneable. Getting into my personal space and insulting my family is also not ok, while I won't blame the entire dentem et pluma pack even if the comments they made about me were horrible and I had never talked about them that way, one thing is insulting me as a player, other different is including my husband as Snail did. I make this announcement as an attempt for people to also see my side of things, that I am sorry for how everything took place and that even if horrible things were said towards me, I mean no ill intentions towards my aggressors that as long you didn't insulted my family. Guys, this is a dinosaur game, it's totally ok to not be friends with everyone but what is not ok is harassing, insulting and getting in the personal life of someone over a dino game. Stop the doxxing too, stop judging the private lives of members. If anyone would like to talk about what happened and have a fresh start/make amends. My DMs are always open.
normally i wouldnt approve but i dont know the exact details of what happened so ill let yall go at it
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zenaidamacrouras1 · 3 months
hi zenaida! i was looking through your modern steve ailments post (which is amazing, thank you) and wanted to ask if it was ok for me to add on to it? i have mild-moderate scoliosis that impacts my daily life and thought i could provide some more insight. or if there’s anyone who’s looking for information about it, i’m willing to answer any questions! :)
Oh my gosh yes! I would love that so much! If you reply to it with your thoughts I'll bump that version up.
It's funny because I have such terrible flat feet and I think I skim over that in the post, but they really do impact my life a lot more as I get older especially but I think I was so used to living with the constant foot pain I didn't realize like not everyone has this pain?
One of the things I do as a writer is try and find a specific real life person to base writing an identity I don't have on. Because you are never going to capture a universal experiencing - there isn't one! So I was saying somewhere, that I did a ton of research into asthma but at the end of the day, the way I write asthma attacks is basically exactly how they manifest for two super close family members, and I often think of scoliosis in the way that my brother had it.
It's so important to have a breadth of context and I think first hand stories are so generous to share.
As far as questions I might have you could maybe address (no pressure) maybe
Are there mundane things about your day to day schedule that scoliosis impacts that it would be interesting or important to see portrayed in a story in a low key background way? (i.e. I have a story where Steve is in a safe house escaping bad guys and he has to do a bunch of scoliosis stretches because his back hurts)
Are there big overwhelming "worst moments" that would be interesting to see a character either navigate, or that might shape their characterization later in life if they had this happen to them?
Are there most annoying or outrageous reactions or questions you get?
Are there good aspects that you are proud of or otherwise found gratitude for?
(For the record these are the sorts of questions I would be interested in as a writer for any kind of identity/health issue/whatever if other folks want to share!).
I hope someone gets inspired to work some of your experience into a story with a modern (or otherwise non-serum) Steve Rogers or any other character!
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septiccoffeefreak · 2 months
So what's the system's singlet-sona like?/hj
Well Tommy is very, very open about our plurality, so usually we don't have to use one- he'll introduce himself to new people as Tommy and right out the gate explains that other people might front later- if someone asks his name he'll say "Tommy! But I'm in a system so someone else might front later and have a different name." just, very casually and openly. This does sometimes backfire, but not as often as some people expect, actually. Our parents and friends all also know.
I also try to be open, but sometimes I get nervous and just don't elaborate or correct anything, so if they assume I'm Tommy I won't say anything out of anxiety, or if they ask my name I'll say Seán and give no further context. I do explain we're plural and stuff about half the time, though; it's something I like being open about, I just have anxiety.
But when around people we already have met who don't and CAN'T know (usually pluralphobic or generally ableist), we just use our AGAB pronouns and the name of our core (that's what we call the person who the body belongs to, so...name given at birth). As for personality and interests we go the route of just...accepting everything, I guess, since plurality can be very covert anyway. The things I'm interested in and the things Tommy's interested in and things we know other people are interested in all get blended up into a blender.
So if Tommy's fronting and someone asks him about horror movies, he'll say, yes, he likes them- even though he specifically doesn't like them at all- and I'll jump in to provide examples or trivia. If I'm fronting and someone asks if I want to go to some crowded busy place with lots of people (because Tommy is an extrovert), I'll just say I'm not in the mood right now or that I'm overstimulated and we can go later. Neither of us are huge into clowns, but we have a collection because of someone else, so if we receive a clown we'll thank the person and talk about how great it'll be for the collection.
this also happens with triggers and boundaries- we phrase all of it as "it depends" and "sometimes" and hide behind vagueness, so nothing is completely contradictory. Tommy likes hugs and physical contact and I don't, so usually we just switch quickly if we see someone is about to hug us, or if I'm given a heads up I'll just say I'm not in the mood right now, etc. instead of saying we do, or don't, like hugs. Nothing is ever 100%, it's always conditional.
There's a lot of near CONSTANT back and forth and interrupting each other to keep this up and it's exhausting; finishing each other's sentences, rushing to fill awkward pauses that happen from hesitation and checking in with each other, passing control of the body like a ball whenever the subject changes and we don't know shit about it- it's incredibly involved. I'm glad we don't have to do this often and usually for short periods, because FUCK.
For longer stretches of time where we have to do this, we'll take frequent bathroom breaks, retreat to secluded areas whenever possible, and change clothes a lot for excuses to duck out and take a moment to recuperate; little walks to the water fountain when we don't actually need water so we can have the silence we need to talk to ourselves in our head and tell each other it's okay, give some encouragement, maybe take a deep breath, and then go back in.
It's awful and I hate it when we have to do that. I loathe the stress and anxiety and being on high-alert, and the constant changing of who's talking or moving the body with no warning at all because "oh fuck someone wants to hug us and oh god they just asked about our SOAD shirt and wait shit they want to know about Tommy's comissions-" (I imagine it's even worse for anyone who doesn't have help, and doesn't host like we do, and just has to make up excuses for not knowing things or not wanting to talk about them.)
And we're terrible liars as well, so this is just about the only option. If we made up a specific character to "act" as, it wouldn't work and I think all we'd accomplish was looking suspicious and possibly splitting someone. Same with picking a specific pre-existing alter, although minus the risk of splitting.
So we didn't consciously make up a specific way to BE in front of known ableist people- a specific persona to act out- we just pretend to be one person like, at all. I don't even know if you can call it a singletsona because of that- it's just lying?? Like the only thing we want to do is hide we're plural, there's no specific characteristics we're trying to keep up, so we just lie about being plural and stay as vague as possible so inconsistencies don't show.
People tend to make up their own way of making things make sense, though, so "just lying" works perfectly fine. Those relatives just think of us as odd, socially awkward, moody, and indecisive, but still singlet. They aren't suspicious, they just decided we're a (singular) weirdo and moved along. And thank God for that, because my religiously traumatized ass could not take having a forced exorcism or something shitty like that because someone decided we're actually demons.
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