#i'll spell check all of these after my exam passes
cielur5ww · 5 months
୨📜୧ ─────・ It's my problem, not yours.
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▭ Synopsis﹕ Scaramouche had heard of you, the perfect student... the one who had it all. Though he had never interacted with you, he found you disagreeable. But it seems this time, you'll be getting closer than he'd prefer... so why does he feel this pressure in his chest and the heat rising to his cheeks?
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★ ❪CW❫── male!reader!student x Scaramouche, AU modern, small insults, the reader is a perfect student, Scara hates you a little, Scara's POV, Scara being a tsundere
ᶻz ─── n/a﹕I just vomited this idea, ignore me.. Maybe I'll do more parts, MAYBE (I am very procrastinating and lazy). Any spelling mistakes... sorry, I don't want to review it, I'll probably post something new in another 2 months.
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Scaramouche sighed, letting out a slight huff as he rolled his eyes to disguise his mild annoyance.
His delicate hands held the exam paper, and though he had thought he did well, he noted the few incorrect marks in his answers (only three), seeing the red number at the top, an 80. The maximum score was 100, and he had hoped to have scored at least an 85 or perhaps a 90, but he wasn't too surprised either. After all, he had only had a few days to study.
He could glance over his shoulder at his neighbor, who had scored a 60. That at least comforted him a bit, knowing there wouldn't be many with a grade as high as his.
His gaze wandered around the room, passing over each of his classmates' heads until he found your hair... The perfect student.
Scaramouche huffed slightly, feeling annoyed, and kept glancing away, gritting his teeth a little. You were the stupid perfect student, the teacher's pet, who probably scored a 100 effortlessly... But his curiosity drew him back to you in the distance, watching as you held the exam paper in your hands for several seconds instead of putting it away and being done. You were reviewing your exam sheet with the textbook open, as if double-checking your own already perfect answers.
However, in the end, it seemed you had left your exam sheet, flipping it over on your desk and closing the book. Your head was slightly tilted, maybe you had made a mistake in one answer... he thought, but still, you were the 100 student, if you got a 95, you still had an excellent grade. He sighed again, looking away to focus on his own affairs.
As he heard the slight squeak of the chair backing up a bit, he looked up once more, and some strands of his indigo hair bothered him a bit. He quickly adjusted his hair and watched as you stood up from your seat, still with your back to him.
"Teacher, may I go to the bathroom?" It was a simple and typical question among students, but this time, it was you who asked. Obviously, the teacher gave you approval, and you quickly left the classroom, blending into the class's murmur. But he saw you. Scaramouche observed you.
He simply didn't pay it much mind, leaning back in his desk and stretching a bit over the table, lost in his thoughts and staring into space.
Now that he thought about it, he had never interacted with you. Well, he had never spoken to you.
Scaramouche remembered the first and last time you had spoken to him, even if it was just a small accident.
It was in the hallway while he was carrying some books to the office (the teacher had forced him). There were quite a few books, and he struggled a bit to carry them, so he couldn't see well as he walked. Accidentally, he bumped the books against your back.
Ugh, just remembering it seemed like a stupid cliché encounter from love stories, like when the girl bumps into the guy and it's love at first sight. He groaned at that thought, but he continued to recall how you had interacted with him.
After the collision, obviously the books fell to the ground, and you immediately apologized (when he was the one at fault), bending down to pick them up and arrange them in a row. He also crouched down, but didn't say anything, just furrowed his brow.
"Do you want me to help you carry this?" You had asked him kindly, your voice disgustingly soft for his taste, but he didn't say anything. He had already recognized you as the proclaimed perfect student, the teacher's pet, and... the number one in school.
He didn't like you, that was his point.
He wanted to refuse, but he also didn't want to carry those books again alone, so reluctantly he just carried half of them in silence, standing up and giving you a silent confirmation without meeting your gaze.
They walked together to the office, maintaining the uncomfortable silence between them. Scaramouche silently appreciated that you didn't unnecessarily try to fill that void. When they arrived, he immediately dropped off the books, giving a small greeting to the secretary to not seem rude, and then walked past you, distancing himself.
He didn't want anything to do with you, and he easily achieved that. He avoided you and kept his distance.
But oh, surprise! He and you shared three classes together: Biology, Arts, and Mathematics. Still, he didn't attempt to get closer or interact with you; it seemed unnecessary to him. He knew nothing about you, apart from being the "perfect" student. He thought you were arrogant, only showing kindness and politeness to maintain your facade of an exemplary student.
Scaramouche probably imagined that every time the teachers praised you or asked the students to follow your example, you were secretly laughing mockingly inside or looking down on others behind your soft and repulsive smile.
Scaramouche hated you.
Did he have reasons? No, but he found you distasteful for some reason.
The sound of the bell snapped him out of his thoughts immediately. Automatically, he began to pack his things into his backpack, and once finished, he stood up and made his way through the people exiting the classroom, navigating through the crowded hallway toward the exit.
It was break time, and he simply didn't want anything to do with the crowd of stupid people around him. So, he walked through the crowded halls, ignoring everyone. After all, he didn't really know anyone.
Scaramouche's feet carried him towards the stairs leading upstairs, until he reached the door that led to the rooftop. Normally, this area was blocked off, and it was forbidden to go out, but he really didn't care.
So, he easily opened the doors, removing the padlock (he had stolen the keys from the counselor's office). He closed the doors behind him so that no one would suspect that someone had been on the rooftop. He tucked the key into the pocket of his blue coat and took out his headphones and phone to listen to music, the only thing that relaxed him.
He walked across the rooftop, staying away from the edge to avoid being seen, but not too much in the center either. He headed towards the benches, which were strangely clean; probably the janitor also cleaned this place. He sat down, put on his headphones, and started playing music.
Gently, he lay back on his back, with his arms behind his head, starting to close his eyes, immersing himself in his own world of music, finding peace in melancholy.
Song by song, Scaramouche began to feel drowsy, sinking into a state of relaxation. However, when he opened his eyes, he found your face disgusting... again.
Why was God punishing him this day?
Automatically, he sat up, removing his headphones at the same time. He looked up and saw you. You had the impeccable school uniform, clean and strangely soft-looking hair, and your eyes were calm and gentle, in perfect harmony with your hair. You were too close for his liking, although technically you weren't invading his personal space, you were still there, practically in front of him, with your hands behind your back and a soft smile that he felt was fake.
"I thought this place was off-limits." You commented calmly, looking at him with those eyes that seemed as serene as water on the surface, yet so deep that they could easily swallow him whole.
He didn't want to answer how the heck he got into this closed-off place... so he simply averted his gaze with indifference, trying to show disinterest. To him, you were just an arrogant idiot, he told himself.
There were seconds of uncomfortable silence for Scaramouche as you continued to observe him with those eyes of yours. He felt uneasy under your gaze. So, he huffed annoyed, looking back at you and furrowing his brow.
"I thought the model student didn't break any rules in school." He declared, looking at you defiantly. He didn't care if you went and talked to a teacher, pointing him out for being on the rooftop, because you were there too. That place was supposed to be off-limits, but there you were, looking at him.
However, you simply smiled, as if it didn't affect you at all if he told a teacher that you had broken a rule. Although, on second thought, they wouldn't believe him, they would believe you because you were the perfect student, the role model. But if Scaramouche were to prove that you had broken a rule, it wouldn't matter because many teachers would probably overlook it due to your reputation as the responsible student with a bright future.
That's why maybe you were smiling so calmly. He clenched his teeth slightly, annoyed by your mere presence.
"I was just checking who was on the rooftop, as there have been incidents of students smoking here or having gatherings that are prohibited without a teacher's authorization." You responded softly, still smiling at him with that fake smile of yours, and you even sounded completely logical.
Your eyes, looking directly at him, made him feel small under your calm and deep gaze, like that of an animal observing its prey. But he wasn't going to let you take control.
"Do you see me smoking?" He responded, looking at you without hesitation, although the slight pressure in his chest increased with every moment you continued to look at him. Then, you gently closed your eyes and then opened them, looking in another direction, probably gazing at the blue sky.
"No, you're not smoking. I was just... 'investigating', I guess you could say." You said softly. Damn, maybe he understood now why they said you were so kind; it was your disgustingly soft tone of voice.
Although he also silently appreciated that you stopped looking at him. The tension in his muscles briefly relaxed, but his mind raced trying to decide how to act now. Respond? Ignore you? Say nothing? Leave? Any option seemed bad to him.
He decided to go for the first option, maybe then you would be satisfied with the conversation and leave him alone, ignoring him and forgetting about him.
"Are you going to tell a teacher, then?" He said, sounding uninterested because it was the truth. He really didn't care if a teacher scolded him for breaking a rule, as his mother wouldn't have time to go to the school and find out. But he continued the conversation, hoping you would leave him alone afterwards, and also so he would know whether or not he would be accused by you.
"Mhmm.." you hummed to yourself. He watched you step back a bit to lean gently against the whitish wall, crossing your arms, and again... looking at him. "Don't worry, Scaramouche, I won't." Damn, how did you know his name?
He remained still, watching your stupid smile that he disliked so much and how your lips pronounced his name. He didn't even know how you knew his name or why you had memorized it. Even though he hadn't told you, still... he looked at you, processing what you had just said, but at least you weren't going to rat him out. Was that a good thing? One could say yes.
"And this sudden kindness?" He immediately recovered, putting one leg up on the bench he was sitting on, bending it enough to lean his elbow on it and look you in the eyes, adopting a casual and unconcerned posture.
Or so he tried to appear, but his brain fried a bit when you called him by his name. He wondered why you had memorized his name, but he would go on with his intention. He wouldn't let himself be dragged down by you; you were just... ridiculous.
He watched in slow motion as you gently closed your eyes, fluttering your eyelashes, and then opened them again, tilting your head slightly... looking at him.
"I just noticed you weren't in class, the bell rang over 5 minutes ago." You commented casually, looking directly at him.
When the hell had the bell rung? He didn't even realize that time had passed too quickly for his liking... and he remembered that he also had classes with you today, and in math class, adding more weight to the situation. He would definitely be scolded, so he immediately stood up with a clear sound.
"Did the bell already ring? Why didn't you tell me, idiot?!" Scaramouche snapped at you, giving you a death glare as he checked the time on his phone. Even though he didn't give a damn about what the teachers thought, the math teacher punished him with too many assignments, which literally gave him a headache.
Scaramouche hurried towards the rooftop door, opening it. But a hand on his arm stopped him just as he was about to step onto the first step down.
"It's okay, Scaramouche. Let's go together, so the teacher won't scold you." You said softly. Now you were disgustingly close, he could feel the soft perfume surrounding you. It wasn't strong or intense, but soft... His brain went blank from your tone of voice and your strange comforting touch for him. After a few seconds, he reacted, stepping down onto the first step and turning around to look at you, pulling his arm away from your grip abruptly.
"Let go of me, idiot," Scaramouche muttered through gritted teeth, looking at you defiantly. But why did he feel like his cheeks were gently warming up? He lowered his gaze and turned, descending the stairs quickly without waiting for you. However, he could hear how you followed suit afterward.
After a few minutes, they were standing in front of the classroom door they had today, with the math teacher. Obviously, upon entering, the teacher was clearly not happy that Scaramouche had arrived late, but his expression immediately changed when he saw you with him.
He asked why you came back from the bathroom with Scaramouche, and in the end, you ended up lying for him, saying that when you returned to the classroom, you saw Scaramouche sleeping, so you woke him up and told him about the class time.
The teacher had no choice but to scold him for not falling asleep outside during class time and next time, threatening him with punishment if he did it again (basically, thanks to you, he wasn't punished this time). Scaramouche simply remained silent, not even thanking you.
He went to his seat, sighing irritably, trying to focus on the class and ignoring the fact that, in the distance, you seemed to have that stupid smile again. Maybe it was one of triumph for having helped him and now he owed you a favor... you were so annoying to him.
Thanks to your stupid pretty face and good reputation, you helped him this time and decided that you wouldn't tell anyone about the guy on the roof. What did you want from him? He doesn't know but he doesn't want to return the favor.
You were just two-faced, surely..
This was their problem, not yours, you're just a stupid busybody.
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Scaramouche was there, sitting... trying to concentrate on Math class but really, he didn't understand at all...
"Where the hell did the teacher get that -26?.."
He simply groaned in annoyance in his seat, his gaze wandering over the others' heads, to where you were... and he thought about the roof.
Oh shit, he had forgotten to put the new lock on the doors.
At the next recess, Scaramouche immediately went through the crowd to the roof, to make up for his mistake, but when he went, the doors to the roof were locked... he was a little relieved, but he wondered if the janitor was the one who did it. And then he looked in his pocket for the key but he realized that only his cell phone and headphones were there... the key was not there.
At what point did he lose it?!
In reality, it was you who had stolen Scaramouche's key when you were with him, and when he was going down the stairs you made sure to lock it with the utmost care that it was silent because you knew that Scaramouche might react badly.
Scaramouche in the end deduced that the only culprit was you.
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Yours, Forever | Chapter 4
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PAIRING | Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
SUMMARY | The party was a great success, but Y/N didn't see much of it. After her panic attack, she was too busy with caring for herself, and being cared for by everyone she loved. She realizes she has feelings for Bucky, but will they be mutual? And will she pass the bar exam she has coming up?
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Talk about the panic attack.
A/N | Hi everyone, thank you so much for reading my first ever fic! I would like to start off by saying that English isn’t my first language (I’m Dutch after all 😉) so every mistake you find – spelling or otherwise – is completely my own. I would appreciate you spreading the love about this fic, and I ofcourse hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Likes and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist | Series masterlist | Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
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On the morning after her panic attack, Y/N felt like she was hit by a truck, she looked that way too. She still had her arms around Tony and when she woke up and looked up at him, she saw he was awake too. ''Hi honey, how are you feeling right now? Did you get some sleep?'' he asked, but she couldn't say anything because of her sore throat. She nodded a little bit and pulled her arms away from his neck, but they were sore too and it hurt. ''It's okay, take it easy. We have nowhere to be today, so we can take all day if we have to.'' he said in a soft voice, which made her feel good on the inside. She loves this caring side of Tony not many people get to see.
''Your dad brought some clean clothes, your glasses, toiletries and stuff like that, so you can get cleaned up and get into something more comfortable. He stayed with us for a few hours, but he eventually went home, he arrived home safe. Pepper came by here as well and she wishes you the best, but she was heartbroken seeing you like this, but we all are obviously, nobody wishes this on you. Oh, and Bucky came by to see you a few times too, he was worried about you too. Even after you accused him of being gay!'' Tony said followed by a laugh. Y/N felt incredibly loved in this moment and was happy that there were so many people who care about her and her well being. She felt a blush creeping up her face when he mentioned Bucky and him checking up on her.
''Do you wanna stay in bed for a little bit, or do you wanna get cleaned up?'' he asked, and she held up 2 fingers to signal that she wanted to go for the second option. ''Okay, I'm going to put you down on the bed and I'm going to run you a bath so you can relax a little okay? Your dad brought all of your favorites so it should be easy. When he wanted to put her down, she croaked out ''B-B-Bucky'' with a very soft voice, indicating that she wanted to see Bucky right now. ''Okay, I'll go get him first, and then I'll run you a bath. Sound good?'' and she nodded slightly. He ran out of the room and to Bucky's bedroom.
''Buck, you awake? She's asking for you. I don't know why she would ask for you, but Y/N wants to see you!'' Tony said and didn't wait for him to get up. He barely got the chance to turn around before the door opened and he walked out with sweatpants low on his hips, he didn't even bother to put on a shirt or shoes when she needed him. Bucky would run to the ends of the earth and back if you asked him to, so he didn't hesitate even a second. When they reached the room she was laying in, she managed to get her phone and text her dad she was awake and to thank him for bringing the supplies. When she saw Tony and Bucky walk into the room, she looked at them and gave both of them a smile in acknowledgement that they'r here.
''Hey doll, Tony said you were asking for me?'' Bucky said and he crouched down beside the bed to be on Y/N's eye level with a worried look on his face. Tony went to run a bath as promised following the instructions he got from her dad. ''Thank you... last night... meant a lot...'' she managed to get out before her voice gave way again. She talked about when he ran into the room and making sure she wasn't alone when her dad went to go get Tony, it meant the world that she didn't have to be alone right then. She was also happy about the fact that he checked up on her a few times. ''It's okay doll, I'm just happy to see you're okay now, you really had me worried for a few hours. I hated seeing the most beautiful woman I've ever seen being in distress, but I'm just glad Tony was there to hold you, I'm glad you didn't have to be alone.'' he said while softly stroking her hair with his flesh hand. Her eyes flickered over to his metal arm and where it meets his shoulder for just a few seconds. That is when Bucky suddenly had the realization he wasn't wearing a shirt.
He felt the redness of his blushing creeping up his neck and onto his face, as well as down to his chest. ''I- I was in such a hurry, I didn't even realize I wasn't wearing a shirt. Sorry.'' he apologized but Y/N just smiled, she didn't mind at all. She thought about him a lot, and she had fantasized about everything under those shirts he wore, but this was even beyond her wildest dreams. ''I think your bath is ready, do you want me to carry you to the bathroom, so you can take your bath? Tony can help you take care of the rest over there.'' he said, still blushing like a teenager who was head over heels in love. She nodded a little bit, and Bucky got up, he put one arm under her back and one under her knees so he could carry her bridal style to the bathroom.
Tony listened to the conversation in the bathroom and didn't want to interrupt, so he waited until you got carried to the bathroom. ''Well, you're already practicing for your wedding day I see!'' he joked and a smile formed on Y/N's lips, unable to make a sassy remark back at him. ''Do you mind setting her down on the bathroom counter for now? I can take it from here.'' Tony said to Bucky who just nodded as a response. Once he put her down softly and made sure she was sitting steady enough, he let her go and put a soft kiss on her forehead to let her know everything would be okay. ''I hope I'll see you around soon, Y/N, I'd love to get to know you better.'' he said. And with those words he left Tony and Y/N behind, so she could go take her bath.
''So, Bucky huh?'' Tony started when he was out of ear shot. ''Out of all the men in the world, you happen to choose the grumpiest one of them all!'' he said in a teasing way, helping her to take her dress off, and sliding it down her legs after slightly lifting her off the counter. She was left in her underwear and he helped take that off too, but neither of them were embarrassed about it, since they had seen each other naked quite a few times before Tony met Pepper. They didn't have feelings for each other in a romantic way, but they did have a friends with benefits arrangement for a few years before Y/N went off to Harvard and Tony met Pepper. ''Get in too...'' Y/N said softly, sounding a little bit more like herself now.
He agreed, but did decide to keep his boxer briefs on in the bath tub. There was no need for him to be naked, he just helped her relax and get cleaned up. They sat in the bath for a while and Tony contacted Pepper again with an update about the situation, also telling her about Bucky and how Y/N wanted to see him. She was happy to hear she was doing better and laughed about the situation with Bucky, saying how cute the two of them would be together, and Tony could only agree. When they were done and Y/N relaxed for a while, she came back to her normal self again more and more.
''Thank you Tony, for everything. For you being there for me these past ten years, when I escaped from Paul and you let me stay with you and Pepper, and last night too. I can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my life.'' Y/N said with tears in her eyes, threatening to spill over. ''Woah woah woah, don't you think you've cried enough already?!'' Tony said jokingly, but it meant the world to hear those words, he knows she would do the exact same for him if the roles were reversed. ''Let's get you dried off and into something more comfy, shall we?'' Tony said and he got up.
''Damn Stark, still looking good as ever!'' she said teasing him as he got up. ''I train enough hours a week, it would be a crime if I didn't look like this!'' he said back, and wrapped a towel around his waist before taking his underwear off. He knows they've seen each other naked plenty of times, but he doesn't want to draw attention to it right now, so he decided to do it this way. ''Can you get up by yourself?'' he asks, and Y/N pushes up and stands, albeit a little unsteady, up in the bath and steps over the edge. Tony is ready with the fluffiest towel he could find, and he wraps her in it after she lifted her arms. When she sees the clothes her dad brought her, a smile creeps up on her face when she notices it's one of her mom's shirts that she kept, not being able to throw it away. ''What are you so happy about, honey?'' Tony asks, and she explains it's her moms shirt, her dad knew she needed her and brought her shirt to help her feel closer to her mom.
They both dry off and Tony leaves the bathroom in order for Y/N to get changed and ready for the day. She is happy her dad brought her glasses, so she didn't have to fumble with her contacts now, and stepped into her underwear after that. After putting on her bra and pants, she picked up her moms shirt and clutched it to her chest for a bit and put it on, looking in the mirror at herself. She felt happy right now, knowing how loved she was by everyone, and how they all wanted her to help. She put her hair in her usual ponytail and walked outside, Tony being fully clothed too now. ''Can you maybe bring me to Bucky's room? I wanna talk to him if that's okay.'' and he does.
She knocks on the door and when the door opens, Bucky is standing there fully clothed this time, earning a little bit of a disappointed look from Y/N. He started blushing and Y/N couldn't help but smile while also becoming more and more red. ''Hey, I wanted to say thank you again. I know I already did, but I wanted you to know that it really meant a lot to me to have you there last night. At first I didn't know it was you, but when I saw your arm it clicked into place, it felt so cool against my back and I realized you were there for me, so thank you.'' she said. ''Doll, there's no need to thank me. I'm just glad you're okay, and I am happy knowing that you're feeling better now.'' he said. When he said that nickname again 'doll' that was all she could think about. She stepped a little closer to him and got onto her tiptoes, then she placed a kiss on his right cheek as one more thank you for everything. She lingered a little bit so she could inhale his scent, and after she walked away, meeting up with Tony again.
Bucky walked over to Steve's room since they were supposed to meet up anyways, but he couldn't wait, he had to talk to his best friend NOW. ''Steve, you in there?'' he said after knocking on the door. ''Yeah, coming!'' he heard from the bedroom, and then he saw Steve open the door a little bit with a towel around his waist, his hair a mess and a sheen of sweat over his body with red cheeks. Bucky knew immediately what that meant. ''You know what, I'll come back later, I see that you're busy.'' looking at his best friend who clearly was in the middle of having sex, probably with someone he met at the party last night.
A few days later, Y/N was over at Tony's house, and they were having dinner with Pepper. At first the conversation was light, talking about the pregnancy, work, stuff like that, but at some point, Tony wanted to talk about the panic attack from a few days ago. ''Y/N, you know I love you to death, but can you please tell me what was going on that night? You scared me so much, your dad came to find me and didn't want to tell me what was going on, only that you were having a panic attack again.'' he said with a worried look in his eyes.
''I just got overwhelmed with everything, you know how bad my social anxiety can get.'' she said shortly, with a tone that made it clear she didn't want to elaborate further and hoping they'd just drop the subject altogether. ''Yeah, I know, but I also know that wasn't JUST your social anxiety getting the best of you. I haven't seen you like that since we got you away from Paul, and I hoped to never have to see you like that again. When I saw you on that stage with your dad I knew something was very very wrong, and the worries got the best of me again. So can you please tell me what was going on?''
With a sigh of defeat, Y/N knew she couldn't hide her feelings from them, and when Pepper gave her a reassuring squeeze in her hand, she started telling them about everything that happened, all the feelings she felt. Missing her mom, how she had a hard time dealing with that, the stress when she was away to college, hew abusive ex, all the emotions she bottled up for years coming out tonight. But this morning there was a little bit of relief going through her, and she wanted to tell them about that too. ''This morning, I asked to see Bucky right? Well, when he showed up with you, I felt a little of relief coming down over me. Like it felt right for him to be there or something, it's hard to explain.'' she said.
''That night, when my dad went to look for you again, he showed up and held me when my dad wasn't there, he was my rock at that moment. It felt right to be in his arms, and for a few moments it felt like there was this feeling of warmth going through my body, which was different from when you held me. When you held me it felt safe, like everything was going to be okay, but when I saw Bucky again, it felt like I saw home. And I honestly think I can say I witnessed love at first sight first hand.'' she explained with her face becoming more and more red as she kept going. She knew they wouldn't tell it to anyone, that her secret was safe with them, and that they just want her to be happy.
''It was honestly the first time I felt any feelings like THAT, well, ever actually. I never felt those kind of feelings with Paul, and we all know what a mistake that was, but I really hope Bucky will be different. It's like I found my soulmate and I don't even know him, like, at all.'' she finished. Y/N was afraid that they didn't understand what she was talking about, but all Tony said was ''I understand, I had the exact same feeling when I met Pepper.'' and he got tears in his eyes when he thought back to that, and all the happy memories they shared. ''I just hope you will get the life you have always dreamt of, honey. You deserve nothing less than that, and I honestly think Barnes can give you that. And you know I don't say that lightly!'' he mentioned quickly, but he didn't have to. This was all she needed to hear from Tony. Y/N got up from her seat and went to hug Tony, she really was the luckiest girl in the world to be able to call him her best friend.
~ 1 year later ~
Y/N had taken the test for the bar to become a lawyer, while also still working in her dad's bakery when she could. During this year, she didn't see Bucky as often as she'd like, since he was away on long missions for the most time, just like the other Avengers. Steve got injured pretty badly on a mission, and even his super serum blood couldn't fix that properly, even though everything else healed incredibly fast. Because of this, he was usually in the compound working when the rest were on missions, which gave Y/N time to bond with him, and she always went to see Steve as well when she visited Tony. She checked in to see how he was doing, and ofcourse she tried to subtly ask about Bucky as well. ''You know, if you want to know how Bucky is doing, you may always just ask that instead of asking about everyone else too and trying to not make it look obvious. It's pretty obvious you like him!'' Steve said with a smirk on his face, as he watched her face turn deep red.
''How about we go grab a coffee and I can tell you a little more about Bucky? I won't tell you his deepest, darkest secrets, but I can tell you a little more about who he is as a person.'' Steve suggested, and you immediately said yes. ''Alright, it's a date!'' he said with a wink. ''Looking forward to it! Just text me when you have time, and I'll see when I can make time in my busy schedule for this date of yours!'' Y/N said before walking away to go grab a snack from the kitchen, and somehow you bump into Bucky, who shouldn't be there, or so you thought. ''Hey doll, you should watch out where you're going, or else you're going to get hurt! Also, you're going on a date...?'' Bucky asked when he felt jealousy creep through his chest, feeling like he was too late with asking her out, someone got to her first.
Bucky was trying to be a gentleman and give her a little bit of space in order to not smother her with his presence, since he wasn't sure if she would like being around him all the time. He knew he really enjoyed hanging out with her every time the two of you were together, since you could always talk about your love of books, and you constantly recommended books to one another and discussed them the next chance you got. Tony invited Y/N to movie night a couple times as well and as luck would have it, she could always sit next to him. Little did he know it wasn't luck, but just Tony playing cupid. When there was a scary movie, Y/N usually cuddled up to him after there were some scary parts, and she hid her face in his chests a couple times. Those moments he wrapped his arm around her and sometimes even dared to give a little kiss on the top of her head, but only when no one was looking.
He curses himself out for being too late, and tried to act interested never the less, not wanting her to know he was jealous. ''Uh, yeah, but it doesn't mean anything! I'm just grabbing coffee with Steve soon, that's all, we've been getting along pretty well the last year and I think we're becoming pretty good friends at this point. It was just a bit of a joke when he said it was a date. Besides, I have my eye on someone else I actually might have a chance with, someone who is not into guys like Steve is.'' she ranted, instantly regretting the last part as soon as it left her mouth. ''But if you don't mind, I was just on my way to go see if I passed the bar or not, since the results just got posted a few minutes ago!'' she said excited and nervous at the same time.
''Oh, do you want me to come with you, or did you want to be alone?'' Bucky asks, hoping you want him to come along for it. ''Uhm, I think it would be nice if you could be there, I'm really nervous and I have a feeling I might pass out when I'm alone...'' Y/N said softly. They went to the tech lab and grabbed a laptop so she could see her results. After she filled in her username and password, she grabbed Bucky's hand and looked at him for some reassurance. ''You got this doll, I'm sure it's gonna be good news!'' he said, and she kept on holding his hand when pressing enter. There it was, the results she had been hoping for, and she didn't dare to look, so she turned her head away.
''Doll, you should really look at the screen, because you're gonna be working for S.I. very soon.'' Bucky said, and before she realized what he had said, she looked at the screen. It said she had passed, and she would officially be a lawyer once she took the oath. After that, she would become a practicing lawyer in the state of New York. ''OH MY GOD, I PASSED?!'' she exclaimed, still not quite believing it. In her excitement she did something she always dreamt about doing, but she didn't dare. She stood up and she grabbed Bucky's face, pulling him into a soft kiss that made the butterflies in her stomach go absolutely crazy. Their lips fit perfectly together, like they were made for each other, and Bucky slowly put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer when she kissed him. It was a kiss filled with love, excitement, and hope for a beautiful future together. It wasn't rushed, it was a soft, slow kiss that felt like it was going on for ever and ever.
When they finally had to let go of one another, they saw nothing but love in each others eyes. Both their dreams had finally come true, they finally kissed each other. But as soon as they came back to earth, there was a realization dawning on Y/N, she was going to leave to go to Italy on a vacation for 3 months with her best friend, Eve. She wouldn't be seeing Bucky for 3 months, just when they had found each other, and that feeling absolutely broke her heart in a million pieces.
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paintalyx · 3 years
got a couple of extra headcanon asks on my zombie-mode art instagram from my irls. i'm rather happy with them, so i'll repost some here for the sake of archiving and an illusion of consistency. genshin impact round, here we go!
kaeya has dimples when he smiles. this is a hc that my brain came up with at like 4a.m. one night and i haven't been the same ever since. ugh.
self-proclaimed best emergency babysitter ever. he's only mildly better with younger kids (think klee's age) than teens. they think he's cool because of the whole pirate vibe he has going on and because he lets them do stuff other adults don't. he probably didn't get to goof off a lot as a kid, so he's just as excited to try out all the stupid and crazy ideas.
because his brother is diluc ragnvindr, who couldn't tell a lie if his life depended on it when he was a kid, kaeya honed the skill of crafting cover-up stories to perfection. my hc is that growing up, he was the more mature, responsible and cautious sibling, to contrast with diluc, who was kind of naive and reckless, prone to accidentally getting into trouble
he's never been on a proper date nor in a committed relationship (we relate to stan a king with commitment issues). rumours say that he's bedded at least half of mond and he's yet to disprove or confirm them. he tends to joke that it would be a crime to unfairly deprive people of *gestures* "all of this"
he and sister rosaria have a... very complicated relationship. on first glance, one would be forgiven to think that they are good friends. they drink together, talk about philosophy and conspiracies in-between ships of wine, and it seems like they have some sort of an unspoken understanding between them. and that's the thing! takes one to know another! they both have certain suspicions regarding each other, and as much as they find amusement in easy banter that goes on between them, both know that getting close would be nothing but danger
jean and diluc had an unspoken *something* going on before diluc left the knights. was it just a crush? was it more? maybe less? they are on good terms even after crepus' death and they clearly still care about each other, but this *something* is always hanging above their heads when they interact
he has freckles!!! they were more obvious when he was a kid because he used to be out in the sun a lot, but you can still see some faint spots over his nose and cheeks (and arms, if he rolls up his sleeves while working)
though he's quick to deny it, he has a soft spot for venti after everything that happened with dvalin. he knows that the bard is sneaking into the winery to steal grapes, apples and wine, but every time he gets caught, diluc's threats sound more like an obligation. there is a lot of banter between, but it's clear that they enjoy each other's company. on rare, special nights, when either of them is feeling like it, they talk about the past.
going off from the previous hc, diluc knows a lot about mondstadt's history and culture. he probably had to learn about it when he was younger, but i like think that he's always been passionate about it. heck, he and jean were probably nerding out about it all the time when they were kids. when he became friends (???) with venti, he got to listen firsthand retellings of so many stories he read about and his love for them only grew
you know bennett, fischl and razor? benny's new (unofficial) adventure team?? well, yeah, they are diluc's emotional support children now because you can't be knockoff batman without knockoff batfam. fischl is his goth theatre daughter. razor is always free to crash at the winery if the weather is too bad for camping. diluc himself has no idea how's it come to this, but, frankly, he should've known what he was singing up for when he didn't correct bennett for slipping up and calling him "dad" the first time
drawing your faves with freckles is good for the soul and i have no-self control. bennett is outside all the time, so they are kind of prominent. it adds to his charm!!! (though people keep mistaking him for being younger than he actually is, partially because of them)
he has good luck only in card and board games. but, like... ridiculously good luck. he is practically banned from playing ludo because he has all four figures out before some players can even roll their first six
he will inevitably start calling every older male that sticks around him "dad" sooner or later. he accidentally slips up in front of diluc once and that's so embarrassing, he wants to die— diluc is caught off guard and confused for a grand total of five seconds before he internally goes: "well. guess i'm a father now". almost everyone is surprised when it sticks
he's a surprisingly good writer! he never thought of it as something that he wanted to pursue, but venti's poem class was the kick he needed. early on, he's mostly writing poems and short stories on scrap pieces of paper when he's bored. it isn't until razor offhandedly tells fischl about the hobby and she insists that they need to get him a proper notebook that he starts taking it more seriously. maybe he'll write the next adventurer handbook one day?
he is the kind of guy who can get a crush on anyone who's remotely nice to him (someone tell this boy that standards are a thing). then he never does anything about it. ever. nope. taking it to the grave. he would be extra dense when it comes to romantic advances to boot, so who knows when he'll settle down?
(gotta love my irls. smooches for them. also here's venti headcanon batch in case anyone wants to see it)
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theglitterypages · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys As Your Boyfriend
Bokuto Koutaro
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•He's a big baby
•He's the type of boyfriend to hug you all the time, he loves warmth and affection so please be generous enough to give him those.
•Clingy but not in an annoying way, you'll jusy feel like you have a boyfriend and at the same time, a son (LOL)
•Bokuto is the type of person who will always apologize first after arguments. Arguments will be very rare though, because when it comes to you he'll always listen.
•Kou is probably an insecure boyfriend, he thinks more men are much cooler than him that's why he's always working hard to improve himself.
•He's the type of boyfriend who will definitely avoid making you jealous, he'll limit his interactions with women because he doesn't like it when you're jealous, you're cute when you're being jealous but he's afraid that you might leave him.
•Loves kissing you
•He will always tell you how much he loves you.
•Your picture is his wallpaper and lockscreen.
•His IG, FB, Twitter or any other social media platforms is full of you, your pictures. messages for you and stuffs.
•Bokuto is your diary, he loves listening to your rants, it doesn't matter if you guys aren't together, just call him and he's always ready to listen.
•He's the type of boyfriend who will always brag about you, he's just so proud of everything you achieve. It doesn't matter how big or small the achievement is, he will celebrate it no matter what happen.
“Baby Bear!” you opened your arms widely as you ran towards your boyfriend. Bokuto lifted you off the ground, he kissed the tip of your nose before putting you down. “I miss you, baby.” he told you as he let his hands rest on your hips.
“I miss you too, sorry if I don't have much time Kou.” you apologized and he just pulled you closer for a hug, “Shh it's fine. I know you're busy, but how's your tests?” he asked.
You looked at him with sad eyes and the poor baby panicked, not knowing what to do, “What? Did you fail? It's alright baby, I'm proud of you, I know how you worked hard for this.” he pressed his lips on yours with a smile, he cupped your face and let his forehead rest on yours before kissing you for another time, much longer than the first one.
“I almost got my exams perfect baby!”
“You scared me! But I know you can do it!” he laughed and showered kisses on your face as he keep on saying how much he loves you and that he's so proud of you.
Kageyama Tobio
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•Cold at the beginning of the relationship
•Kags is not yet used to physical contacts so don't expect much at first.
•But as the time passes by, he'll start wondering how it feels like to keep you in his arms for a long time so he will try and do it once when you two are studying in his house.
•Because Kags loves how warm and comfy it is to hug you, he'll start hugging you a lot (not in public though, he will be so shy)
•He's the type of boyfriend who'll fall asleep while watching movies (Forgive him, playing volleyball is hard)
•He wouldn't call you baby, babe or other endearments but he loves it when you give him one. His favorite endearment? LOVE
•Kags is a supportive boyfriend, he's the first one to cheer you up if you're sad.
•He's sharp as hell so he would always notice if you're not feeling well once he notice that he will do everything he can to make you smile or to make you feel better.
•Loves it when you keep on asking him to carry you.
•He loves the fact that you're shorter than him (Readers, if you're taller than Kags sorry😭)
•He would always walk you home.
•Sweetest thing he do for you? Taking care of your fingernails 💅🏻 he would definitely watch tutorials in applying nail polish. He also takes care of his fingernails so he wanted to do the same for you.
•When it comes to kisses it also take him some time to kiss you, he always wondered how it feels like to kiss you but he doesn't want to creep you out so he'll behave for quite some time.
“Tobio, you used the wrong method for this equation.” you called him out, Kageyama was quick to look at the problem that you're pointing out and his mouth gaped open as he realized his mistake. “Sorry, I'll do it again.” you giggled and showed him your homework, “Look at mine and compare it to yours, both methods are similar but they will have different answers so beware.” Kageyama started revising his answer while you continued studying for the another subject.
When he was done he looked at you just to see you so focused on what you're doing, you were pouting while answering your own homework and he couldn't help but stare at your pinkish lips.
You two have been dating for almost a year and you two haven't kissed because Kageyama is too shy to make the first move but right now he couldn't help but be tempted.
“Y/N, look at me.”
When you looked up at him, he immediately grabbed your nape and pressed his lips on yours. He was still unsure of how to do it but he did his best and boy, Kags is not too bad for a first timer.
When he pulled away you couldn't help but look at him completely dumbfounded. He will chuckle on your expression and will lean down to press his lips on yours for the second time.
“I love you.” he whispered.
Kuro Tetsuro
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•The type of boyfriend who acts like a Dad (no one can change my mind)
•Kuro will definitely keep on reminding you that eating vegetables is good for you.
•He will monitor your sleeping routine. He would even buy scented candles for you to help you sleep.
•He's so smart so expect him to help you in studying.
•Kuro is addicted to kisses, he will always do everything in his power to steal a kiss from you even if it's in front of his teammates.
•He will tease you a lot for being smaller than him but once you get pissed he'll stop and he will keep on bugging you until you finally agree to forgive him.
•He will always talk about you, in fact he never shuts up about you to the point that Kenma is asking you what kind of love spell did you put in Kuro. He'll politely ask you to decrease the effect of the ‘love spell’
•Kuro loves pinching your cheeks (it hurts so you will get mad) once you get mad he'll be showering kisses all over your face and will talk to you in a baby voice saying things like, “Oh look at baby YN looking so cute with red cheeks. Sorry baby, come here I'm gonna kiss the pain away.”
•What is the sweetest thing that Kuro did to you? He installed a period tracker app on his phone, so he can remember your cycle. If you're on your period, expect Kuro to be extra gentle. He won't tease you or anything, he will buy you snacks and he will always check up on your mood.
“YN, the captain of volleyball club is looking for you.” says one of your classmates. You smiled at your classmate and nod but before you could stand up from your seat, Kuro is already in front of you, “How're you feeling? Do you want to go home? Internet says ginger tea is good for reducing nausea during period.” your eyes widened and you covered his mouth using your hands.
“You don't have to announce to everyone that I'm on my period Tetsu!” you whispered yell and he gently removed your hands from his mouth. “Okay, calm down. Sorry, I know that there's a whole lot scientific process going on inside you, I understand your outburst. I brought snacks for you.” he lifted the plastic bag on his left hand and smiled at you.
You were about to smile back at him but you realized something, “How did you know I'm on my period?” Kuro blinked for a few times before clearing his throat, “I saw the period tracker on your phone, I installed the same thing on mine so I can monitor your period. My Mom told me periods are uncomfortable and painful so I just want to do what I can for my dearest girlfriend.” your heart melted at that and you started crying, Kuro's eyes widened as he pulled you close to his chest.
“Shh, baby what did I do?”
“Nothing. It's just that...I love you so much.”
“Oh experts believe that the drop in estrogen and progesterone, which occurs after ovulation, triggers mood swings during or before your period.” Kuro whispered as he caress your back gently. You sniffed and hugged him tighter still crying because you just felt so loved. “These hormones reduce production of serotonin, a chemical neurotransmitter, it's natural to be emotional, baby.” you looked up at your boyfriend and when you saw how serious he was you just couldn't help but laugh.
“You're such a nerd. God, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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muresetivoire · 3 years
Moony × Reader
Word count: 3577 words
Genre/Warnings: Fluff/Angst
If you want you can check out some more on wattpad (:
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As I ran along the corridor, late for class, I bumped into someone with a loud ouch. "I'm so sorry" "Hey its no problem, let me help you," a soft voice responded. As I reached for my potions home work, a hand brushed mine. Remus John Lupin, my rival. The only person who's intelligence rivaled mine. The person who makes my life living hell. The sweetest gum-drop to everyone, loved by all. However, I'm not "all."
"Y/N?" he asked, looking at you with those big brown eyes. "I'm fine Lupin," I respond as I grab my book from his hand. "At least let me-" "I said I'm fine." He slowly gets up, and offers me a hand. I huff and shove it as I stand. "You know I was only trying to help y-" "I'll see you in class Lupin," and with that I storm off, leaving a very confused boy.
Now you're probably wondering, what makes one hate Remus Lupin, the sweetest guy, the glory of the marauders. Well let me tell you, not much.
My mother and his were the very best of friends, there by, we became best friends. Every holiday, every weekend, every opportunity we got, we were at the Lupins. Remus and I grew close. He shared his love for reading with me, a love I always had but never felt so confidence to share with him. From fantasy to romance, I read it all, but I never shared it with him. The vulnerability I felt knowing he'd see what I enjoyed, what I loved, what I wanted, it was too much. His mum told my mum about his "illness." He thought himself a freak, a monster. He would cry about it, the pain he felt, the embarrassment of scars. To me, he was all but an angel sent from heaven, beautiful and pure.
Before we began Hogwarts, we made a promise to never leave each other's sides, to remain best of friends, no matter the houses or the circumstances. As it turned out, we weren't sorted in the same house. Everyone was shocked knowing that studious Remus was sorted in Gryffindor while me, odd-ball and awkward, was sorted in Ravenclaw. At first we were both shocked, but we kept the promise.
Until one faithful day.
Now while I never shared my love for reading with him, I did share everything else. My love for baking, knitting and potions, you name it, he knew. We shared our darkest secrets with each other. He shared his insecurities about his scars, and me my insecurity about being "fat." We made plans to open a book/tea shop, he would supply the books and I the tea, obviously. He knew everything about me, except for my reading and I knew everything about him. And for that, I loved him, but he never loved me.
In the beginning of the first year in Hogwarts, in the middle of a potions class, we were presented with amortentia. Why we were presented with such a complex potion at such a young age, I couldn't tell you. Perhaps Professor Slughorn was feeling cheeky. I smelt him in it. I smelt the soft worn out pages of the books that he read, I smelt the roses he always grew, his chocolate he always carried and something entirely him. After class, we met at the lake, our place where we'd meet and study. As I approached him, he seemed really tired, as usual, and something I thought I never imagined he would posses, anger, raw and bitter anger.
"Hey Rem, you alright?" He turned to me with puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. "Rem oh Gods, whats wrong?" I rushed towards him and slowly wiped his tears away. "Talk to me, please," I asked softly while I wiped all evidence of tears. He looked up at me, those beautiful kind eyes, eyes that held so much emotion but always the best ones. "I don't want to talk about it," he said batting my hands away. I awkwardly fixed my glasses, "Okay well whenever you're ready, you want to start studying for our potions exam?" I began to unpack my bag when he got up, fuming. "You know what, yeah I do want to talk about it" I sat up, completely confused. "Remus?" "Y/N how is it, the one person, the one person who hates reading, detests it, passes every exam without fail? And not just passes, but tops every class. How?"
I sat there gaping, "Well I-" "Don't lie to me, don't you dare." I stood up, a feeling of anger consuming me. "What do you mean Remus? I study just like you, just like everyone." He grunted and groaned, "Stop lying to me," he screamed, "I read everyday, I study all the time, and yet you, you get all the awards, all the academic glory" I feel myself begin to heat up and tears begin to form, tears I begged not to fall. "What do you want me to say Remus? That I cheat? That- That I use spells to make me remember? Is that what you want to hear?" He stares at me, his gaze hardening. "I'll give you one chance, and one chance only, tell me the truth." I step back, gaping, confused. "I already told you Remus, I do the same as you, I study." He looks to me and says in a tone I never believed he could conjure, "Fine, if that's what you want to tell me, don't talk to me at all." "Remus you can't be serious." The tears I tried my best to hold, began to spill furiously as his words made me crumble. "Y/N, I don't ever want to talk to you, I don't want to see you, I don't want to study with you and I sure as hell-" "I smelt you in the amortentia today," I blurt surprising myself. "You what?" "I smelt you, the chocolate, the roses, your books," I say sniffling. He laughs, a cruel sarcastic laugh, "Oh really? Me? You must be joking?" I stare at him, confused and hurt. "You think I'd ever smell you, or like you. Y/N you're bloody lying to me, I could never like, or for that matter, love someone as hideous as you." My eyes begin to gush now. How dare he? The one person I trusted, my best friend. "Remus you don't-" "Oh but I do," he said while he picked up his bag and looked at me. "What about our plans?" He looks to the school, "I could never work with someone like you Y/N, I've never disliked someone as much I dislike you now." He begins to walk to the school, "Remus wait I-" "Leave me alone forever Y/N, and don't come here anymore, I have other plans here, plans that don't include you." With that, he walked away, leaving me, my tears streaming, my glasses foggy and my heart broken.
So you see, I never really hated him, but I obliged to his wishes. We never met again, he hung out with his friends, James and Sirius and Peter. As for me, I hung out with the first person I spoke to in Hogwarts, Andromeda Black. Now, Andromeda and I are two very different people, but we shared a love for potions . She knew of my love for reading, she saw me reading on my first night at Hogwarts. We became quick friends, and she soon became my best friend. She's like a sister to me, but I never did tell her about Remus.
After I left Remus on the corridor, I ran and met Andromeda in potions. "Hi dearie, saved me a seat?" She laughs and moves her bag. "Students, please note, today we will be brewing potions in pairs," the class sighs, "pairs that have already been chosen." I sigh loudly. "Cmon its not that bad, you could be paired with that cute Hufflepuff guy." We laugh softly. Remus and another guy run in and swiftly sit down. Professor Slughorn begins to call the list of pairs. "Andromeda Black and Xenophilus Lovegood," with that Andromeda groans and gets up. "Y/N Y/L/N and Remus Lupin," and my mouth fell open.
Remus came to my seat and we began to collect and prepare the potion. No one knew the potions name, only its ingredients. However, these ingredients seemed familiar but it never clicked. I felt his eyes stare through me. From the first year to the fifth year, my body didn't really change, I still remained a "fat girl" but hey I grew some boobs. Does he still think I'm hideous, I thought. I shake my head and we work in silence. "So how are you Y/N" he asks softly. Those beautiful innocent eyes stare right through me. Nope, not happening. "I'm fine Lupin" "Quite the tumble you took today, I-" "Let's just finish this okay?" He shakes his head and we work in silence. He seemed, nervous? Sad? Distressed was the word. After finishing the potion, we all gathered at the front. Dread began dawn on me as I fit the puzzle pieces together. "Now, who can tell me the name of this potion hmm?" "Amortentia , sir," I say in a soft voice.
"And Y/N can you tell me what happens when you smell this potion?" "You smell things that you like sir," I answer shakily. "Very good Miss Y/L/N, please, do us the honours of smelling the potion first." Dread fills me, but I still walk towards his desk. Please, I silently beg, please. "Well Y/N what do you smell?" I inhale the the aroma. "I smell- I," I gulp, "I smell roses, chocolate a-and books." Professor Slughorn applauded and awarded Ravenclaw 20 points and I return to my original place. I feel his eyes on me, but I only feel pain. After four years, how can I? As class is dismissed I begin to rush outside, but he grabs my hand. "Y/N please wa-" "Let go of me Lupin" "Y/N, please I-" "Lupin let go of me," I hear my voice break with emotion. He hears it too and let's me go.
Later that evening, at the brink of dusk, I sit in my room reading. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, a favourite of mine, and one of Remus' too. I sighed and stared out the window. Its been four years Y/N, pull yourself together. Those four years were one of the most brutal years. Thank goodness for Andromeda, without her I'd be so lost and defeated. After that day where Remus and I fought, he moved on well, he was constantly surrounded by his friends and well I, I was alone. I spent my time helping Madam Pomfrey. I learnt how to conjure spells to fix injuries and how to fix bones and so on. Although Remus and I stopped speaking, I never told anyone about his "illness," but I did help make the potion to control it, Madam Pomfrey taught me how to. He didn't know this either, not that he'd care or want to talk to me or- Pull yourself together Y/N, he forgot about you, he kept his promise and you did too. I sighed and began to turn in for the night, my mind racing.
To say I avoided Remus for the next week was an understatement, I ran from him. I spotted him the corridor, I ran the other way. Saw him in class? Sat away from him. Saw him in the library or lake? I'd be gone before he could say quiditch. It hurt, but I needed to do it, our last conversation played in my head over and over again. I couldn't bear his venom again, but I missed him, but could I manage without him? Hell yes.
On the Sunday that week, I walked down the stair well of my common room, wearing a fluffy sweater and cozy joggers. It was exactly midnight and I'd gone avoiding Remus perfectly. The heavy monsoon of October interrupted my sleep, but otherwise the school was sound. I crept down and checked for anyone. No one, lovely. Now I know what you're thinking, Y/N what on earth are you doing? Its bloody midnight. Well, I'll tell you. I was going to read. Due to my hectic schedule and lack of free periods, I spent most of the day working. But at night, it was the only time I read. I grabbed my wand and made my way to the library, my footsteps muffled by the pitter patter of the rain.
As I reached the library, I sighed in relief. No hiccups on the way, thankfully. However, the scent of chocolate lingered in the air. I tensed but brushed it aside, he was here today Y/N, I said to myself. I shook my head and began to search for a new book. I gently tapped my wand against a lantern and held it. Tonight was a mellow night, I wanted some excitement, a bit of comfort. I sighed, laughing to myself as I grabbed Pride and Prejudice from the bookshelf. I made my way to my reading nook, a cozy little spot, very hard to find, between the ends of the furthest bookshelves. As I read, my eyes became droopy. Five minute won't kill me, I convinced myself. As my eyes grew heavy and began to shut, a loud crash jolted me awake.
Who on this bloody earth would be in the library at this hour, I thought to myself. I extinguished the lantern and hid between two bookshelves. I held my breath and counted silently as I heard footsteps approaching. I exhaled slowly as I heard them fade away slowly. I stood up and sighed, picking my book from the ground, making my way back to my nook. Or I would have, if it weren't for the hand that grabbed me.
I spun around and was promptly shoved against the bookshelf, a warm lean body pressing into my cold soft one. They covered my mouth but I saw no hand, their other hand trapping my hands above my head. They slowly removed their hand from my mouth, and removed their cloak. The warmest brown eyes, eyes filled with emotions I've only read about, met mine. "Remus," I exhaled in a mix of shock, hurt and relief.
He stared at me, those big thoughtful eyes watching my every move. He took his hand and fixed my glasses that slipped down. "Hi Y/N," he said softly. My heart caught in my chest and my throat felt thick with emotions. "Let go of me Lupin," despite me being a larger girl, Remus was still stronger, by a lot. "Cmon Lupin, let me go, I'll leave and you can have your private time," I begged looking into those beautiful hazel eyes. "If I let go," he whispered softly, his breath tickling my ear, as he leaned in,"will you let me talk for a minute?" My heart hammered, "Yes." He slowly let go of my hands and stepped back. I sighed with relief, and then shoved him and ran.
I ran out the library, down the hall. I heard him calling my name but my tears that streamed my face answered why I couldn't stay. After four years, I never did stop loving my- the big goof. I reached the end of the corridor and ran onto the lawn, a stitch forming in my right side. I gasped as I felt myself begin to freeze in the cold rainy night. Bloody twit used a hex on me. He approached me with a vigor and I stared at him, tears streaming, and my heart hurting.
"What the hell Remus, let me go," I gritted as I tried to move. He took my wand away and held it. "Look, I just want to talk, I'll let you go but please, please listen to me," he pleaded. How could I ever say no to that beautiful boy? I nodded as best as I could and he unfroze me, my wand still in his hand.
I stared at him, my tears flowing in torrents, just like the rain, "What do you want Remus? I did as you asked, I left you alone," I shout over the boom of thunder. He looks at me and I saw tears flowing down his face too, "Tell me the truth Y/N" "Remus I di-" "No Y/N, tell me why you wake up every night, why you sneak off to the library every night." "I-Remus b-" "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, his voice cracking, "You made everyone believe you were uninterested, bored by reading. You lied to me," I sobbed. "I didn't want you to-" "To what Y/N to judge you?" he stepped closer to me as the rain and soaked our clothes. "To what, think you a nerd? Like me?" "No I-" "Y/N is that really what you think of me, well than-" "I lied because I couldn't let myself be vulnerable around you," I say as I sob looking away, "Remus, I- I didn't want you to see what I liked or what makes me cry, or angry or happy," I sniff as thunder booms, making us both jump. "Then why did you tell Andromeda?" I gape at him, "Yeah why?" I felt my anger build up, "She found me reading one day Lupin, I don't have to explain myself to you," I huffed as I began to walk away. "I smelt you, in the amortentia," he admitted, his voice thick with emotion.
"In our first year, I smelt you," he said, stepping closer to me,"I smelt green apples, like your perfume, cookies, like what we baked, and books. Books." I stand staring at him but he continued. "I smelt you but you never told me about how you read, why you'd come to class tired, or why you stayed up all night. I thought you trust me Y/N" "I did Remus and I do," I cried, "I just couldn't afford to be vulnerable around you." "Wh-" "Because I love you Remus," he stared his mouth ajar, "I've always loved you Remus, I love that you trust me, that you showed me everything, your likes, dislikes, loves, hates, the good and bad." The thunder boomed but I continued, "I didn't tell you because I was scared Remus, it felt like sharing a piece of my heart with you, and I didn't know if I wanted to share so much, knowing that you didn't love me." I sob miserably as tears flow slowly down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry Y/N, I never meant to hurt you," he cried stepping closer to me,"I know what I said that day, and I've never forgiven myself for it," he said as be wiped his eyes, the thunder rolling. "I'm sorry and I know I hurt you, I thought you hated me," "Remus I-" "I thought you hated me and preferred Andromeda to me." "Rem, you were my best friend, and I loved- I still love you," I admit, defeated, "I didn't want to show you everything, I didn't want you to hate me." He holds my hands and intertwined our fingers, "How could I hate you when you're my love?" he asked, as he crashed his lips to mine.
My eyes widened but I slowly melted into his embrace. He dropped my hands and pulled me in gasping softly. His hands wrapped around my waist and mine, tangled in his chocolate locks. I never felt such passion, such emotion, emotions I only read about. I felt tingling sensations stretch across my body but his touch soon soothed it. He pulled away slowly, both of us gasping for air. "I've always loved you Y/N," he said as he pulled me close, his hands wrapped around my waist,"I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm so-," I silence him kissing him softly, "It's okay Rem, I would have probably gotten mad too," I said sniffling. He chuckled stroking the small of my back. "Well, I think of a way I can make it up to you." "Oh?" I sniffle as I look at my beautiful boy. "Y/N, you are the love of my life, I love, love, love you," he holds my chin and and makes me look up at him. Raindrops and tears mixed and fell down both of our faces. "Be my girlfriend, and maybe one day-maybe one-," I kiss him and he sighs, relieved. "Yes Rem, I'll be your girlfriend."
He hugs me and kisses my forehead. We hold hands and walk in the rain, talking and laughing. "So how on earth did you know that I read in the night?" I ask him. He laughs and pulls us into the corridor, sopping. He shows me the marauders map and explains it. "I'm sorry I spied on you," he apologised blushing. He held my hand and led me back to my common room. When we reached, I turned to him. "Thank you for the walk Rem, I'll see you in class today?" He smiles his signature gorgeous grin, "How about we skip today?" I laugh and I kiss him, "Whatever you want Rem, Whatever you want."
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blindspot-repata · 5 years
High School Blindspot
Chapter 4 - Go to the party
Just a little chapter before a bigger
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"Hellen, tomorrow will have a party.” Remi risked communicating to her foster mother about her desire to go to Patty's brother's party. “We were invited.”
“And? Did you come to tell me you want to go?” The irony was noticeable in the woman's voice.
“Yes. I'm thinking of going. And, Roman too.” Remi had a hard time convincing the boy to go with her, knowing that it would be harder for Helen to agree if he wasn't.
“Nothing done. I said I didn't want you guys in a gang. Enough what they had done in the previous school is enough.” Helen referred to Remi's involvement with Oscar and Roman's involvement with Kathy.
“That's not it! It's not fair that you forbid us to go out and meet people! We were isolated at home because of your paranoia.” Remi slammed the door shut like a wayward teenager. Roman just went to the bedroom in silence.
Natasha heard a car horn on the door of her house. She feared it might be Ricky. She glanced sideways through the crack of the window and didn't look like him, so she decided to check it out.
“How about a ride on my ferrari?” Edgar stepped out of the old chevrolet that didn’t resemble a Ferrari at all. He showed a smile from one corner of the ear to the other.
“Oh! You did it?” The girl ran to meet him and hugged him. “It's a beautiful car!”
“Don't overdo it either! It's not that pretty, and it's a little old too, but gradually I'll put it just the way I want it.”
“Ah, but it's very cool.”
‘Want to take a ride?” The boy suggested shyly, in fact he was eager to take her to meet his car.
“Me? Will I have the honor to ride on your car?” Natasha tried to feign astonishment, but she was flattered by his invitation.
"Yes, you'll be the first to ride my big car. Come on!” Edgar opened the door and the girl settled smiling in the passenger seat.
Edgar started the car and they drove through the outskirts of New York.
"She's not my girlfriend, at least not anymore..." "I see you together." "She doesn't accept the end." "Are you going to Freddy's party?" “Helen doesn't want us to get on with the high school people.” “But that's up to you.” “She doesn't accept it.” “But do you want to go to the party?” “Y-yes.”
Remi couldn't forget the conversation he'd had with Kurt during the high school game. His words hammered in her mind. The desire was to set aside all that Helen had taught them and to plunge only into what she was willing to do. She knew Helen loved them, so she wanted the best for them, but many of her attitudes were exaggerated and what she most wanted to do at the moment was go to this party. She needed to find a way.
“Shall we go down a little?” Edgar suggested when they reached a park. It was getting dark and not quite deserted, there were some young people talking on one of the benches and others playing basketball on the makeshift court just ahead.
“Can be.” They sat on one of the cement benches and were silent for a while.
“It's all right?” The boy broached the subject and Natasha shrugged. “About what happened today...”
“It was humiliating. I never thought of passing such a shame in front of so many people.” The girl was still feeling very bad for Ricky's affront at the school door. It had been one of the worst situations she'd ever been through.
“I know. It was horrible.”
“Thank you for defending me.” The girl gave him a sincere smile that made his heart race. “What did he talk about...”
“No problem, I don't care what he thinks.” In fact Edgar was still very angry at what Ricky had said about him running after her. He didn't feel that way about her. They had always been very good friends, long before this guy came into her life and he knew his limits and would never cross if he didn't feel it was her will either.
“He's an idiot. You know, he wasn't like that, maybe he was and I was too blind or too in love to realize, but in the last few months, he has changed a lot and I wasn’t getting out of this relationship, out of fear, I know I'm taking a risk and you too be here with me.”
"I won't leave you alone knowing this guy is out there willing to hurt you."
"I don't care what happens to me, Ed, I just don't want anything to happen to you about it."
“Don't say that anymore. If something has to happen to me in your defense I won’t regret it.”
"You shouldn't be fine after seeing Sarah either."
"Actually, I think I was really scared because I didn't expect to see her with someone so fast, but it's okay, it's not me she likes. I don't even know if I liked her that much.”
“She's a good girl.”
“Yes she is.”
"You know, I get more and more sure of what I want to do with my life."
“Hmm. Is it the same childhood wish?”
“Yes, it is. I want to be a cop.” A smile broke out on her face. “I want to defend people. Do good for this country, which is my homeland. Show these bandits that you don't play with me.” They both burst out laughing.
“You are right. You have to do what your heart asks, but be careful.”
The girl had already done some research on what was necessary to pursue this career and intended to devote herself to pass the exams. She had many plans for next year, to prepare her body and mind for the tests that would surely demand a great deal from her.
Kurt kept looking at the role she had given him. The phone number was spelled out quickly, but he wasn't sure if he should call. She had said her foster mother disagreed with her making friends in the new school. He thought it was silly, but she seemed to have a lot of respect for the woman. The boy put the paper away and decided to call in the morning before going to work.
Saturday dawned hotter than normal for the season. She got up early and did her exercise routine with her brother. At first they were Helen's demands, but today she couldn't help but make them. He was well aware of how strong her muscles were getting. She had finished her housework when she heard the phone ring. They didn't have cell phones, besides being expensive Helen wouldn't allow it, but she realized that few in school had, unlike where they studied before.
“I answer!” Remi warned seeing Roman go towards the device. The boy just raised his hands in surrender and left the room. “Hello!”
“Hello! Is it Remi?” The boy's voice faltered on the other end of the line. “It’s Kurt.”
“Oh, hi. How are you?” The girl's heart raced, she wasn't sure if it was because he called or feared that Helen would ask her questions about the phone call.
“I am fine. I just wanted to know if you're going to the party. I can stop by and get you.”
“No!” Her voice came out a little louder than intended. “Not sure yet. But if it is, I will be with my brother.”
“All right. See you there then.”
After she hung up the phone she knew she needed to broach the subject with Helen again. She found her mother in the garden tending some plants.
“Hi daughter! Been there a long time?” Helen asked as she stood up among the plants and noticed the girl watching her.
“No. I just arrived. I wanted to tell you about the party.”
“Hmm. I've been thinking. Maybe it would be good for you to go. I don't want anyone commenting that I'm overprotective with you.”
“Thanks! Remi pulled Helen into a hug of thanks.”
Remi was aware of how overprotective Helen was, but she knew everything the woman had gone through to be with them. She had braved the world to get them out of the orphanage where they were treated badly and bring them to the US. She sometimes had some kind of overdone rules, but she still had a good heart and her children knew how she loved them.
I hope to meet readers' expectations with each chapter, and my expectations as well, hehehe.
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soft-sarcasm · 6 years
Pairing: park jimin x reader.
Summary: ever the epitome of selflessness, jimin takes in upon himself to being the release to your tension.
Genre: smut, a bit of fluff, oral sex, ass play.
Word count: 4,3+k.
a/n: i really apologise for any spelling errors as I'm doing all of my writing on a programme that doesn't have spell check and I only had the time to skim edit them. I hope you guys like this senseless Jimin smut that I have had floating around for a little while, thanks so much reading!
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The numbing pain in your head had begun to transcend through your body, causing everything to not exactly ache, but definitely hum with discomfort as you shuffled in your seat in search of some sort of relief from your current ailment. The foot space given by the oversized slab of wood that currently worked as yours and four other students' work space gave little way for you fully stretch out your legs that over the course of the past three hours of immobility had gone stiff and rigid.
You knew the remedy for this ailment, a quick stretch, a pace around the florescent lit library that you had been haunting for the past few days during you yearly routine of preparing for exams. All you would have to do was stand up, maybe go and fetch that refill of water that your mouth had been begging for, for the last twenty minutes. But that would mean giving up and finally conceding that maybe you just wouldn't be able to retain the paragraph you had been stuck re-reading for twenty minutes. It would also mean that perhaps you should just call it a day after over nine hours and return to your apartment in shame. Solidarity was what kept you in your painfully hunched position, tracing over the words that were determined to simply filter out of your system as soon as you looked away like some unobtainable piece of dust that kept escaping your grasp every time you reached for it.
Your phone let out another shudder of activity, this being the fourth silent cue in the few passing minutes, letting you know that someone was trying quite persistently to catch your attention. So this was it, this was where you were ending today, staring at the same paragraph and falling victim to the number one enemy of the 21rst Century student; the cell phone. Sighing, you finally turned your neck that like the rest of you, had grown painfully stiff due to the lack of movement, and grabbed for the device to your left, leaning back as you swiped the screen and fully relinquished all self control.
You must of not been paying as much attention to your phone as you thought you had because while you had been expecting at least four messages to be waiting for you, you were not prepared for the amount being somewhere closer to 16 and all from the same contact.
Jim-Jim: almost finished practice and then I'll be coming through to yours. Delivered, 19:12.
Jim-Jim: can't wait to see you!!! Love you lots Delivered, 19:12.
Jim-Jim: what do you want to do tonight? Movies, food, sex? I'm down for it all! Delivered, 19:13.
Jim-Jim: especially that last one if you get what I mean. Delivered, 19:13.
Jim-Jim: of course you do because you're more dirty minded then me.Delivered 19:13.
Jim-Jim: but I just wanted to make sure that my comedy gold wasn't going to waste. Delivered, 19:14.
Jim-Jim: are you even getting this or am I talking to myself right now? Delivered, 19:17.
Jim-Jim: I'll take that as my answer. Delivered, 19:19.
Jim-Jim: pick up your phone!!!!!! I wanna talk to you!!!Delivered, 19:21.
Jim-Jim: wrapping up now, when will you be finished?? Delivered, 19:26.
Jim-Jim: babeessssssssssssss. Delivered, 19:26.
Jim-Jim: I get studying is important but you've been there since 10am! Give your boyfriend some attention over here! Delivered, 19:27.
Jim-Jim: I'm hungry, horny and tired. In that order and I wish for all of this to be rectified. Delivered, 19:29.
Jim-Jim: come on babe, you're not even going to reply to that pun??? Delivered, 19:31.
Jim-Jim: I don't even know who you are anymore!Delivered, 19:32.
Jim-Jim: I'll be at your place at 20, I really hope you're going to be making your way back there as well. Delivered, 19: 39.
You checked you watch to see that it was 5 to 8 and as the library was a bit farther than a five minute walk from the library, you'd be getting there after Jimin, something your boyfriend of just going two years would most likely not be very happy with. Not that it bothered you very much, your boyfriend wasn't always the most supportive when it came to your rather self-destructive method of overworking yourself during exam season, along with every season in between. It was trivial almost; that the main conflict that arose in your relationship was the constant argument surrounding each other's working habits and how much you each put into your respective fields.
You were constantly scolding Jimin for not taking better care of himself during promotions and comebacks and everything in between, but when he turned around and did the exact thing to you, you brushed it off. It was highly endearing, but sometimes you both took it a bit too far. But you had to be thankful that each other's wellbeing was what you bickered over, rather than something more disastrous.
By the time you had finished packing up and bundling yourself up to make the trip back, your phone buzzed, but you ignored it due to you not only having gloves on which made working a touch screen rather impossible, but you also knew what it was going to say; Jimin was home and you, evidently, were not. You paid it no mind though, trudging your way across the familiar streets that would lead you to your cosy apartment, which thanks to the blistering cold, you were currently aching for. It took you a little under 15 minutes to complete the journey to your front door, having to ensnare the finger tip of your glove in your mouth so that you could free your hand and punch in the familiar set of digits that you would grant you entrance into your home.
The entry way light turned on as you came in, taking the time to shed your excess layers and shoes now that you were surrounded by the comforting, artificially generated warmth of your apartment. It smelled lightly of the scented candle you had lit this morning and something more savoury that you could only distinguish as some sort of takeaway that you could only assume Jimin had ordered for the two of you.
"Jimin," You called slowly as you dropped down your bags in the living room and begun to make your way towards the kitchen, curious as why you hadn't received any sort of greeting when you knew he was here by the shoes at the door.
He barely looked at you when you crossed over the threshold leading into the kitchen, head bent down as he read the extra notes you had left on your countertop that morning in your rush to get a table at the library. He often took the time to read some of the work you were currently on, as a way to somehow connect with the set of activities you did apart from him. Using his concentration as a weapon, you sneaked up behind him, using your rather nifty ability of being light on your feet to your advantage as you slipped close enough to him so that you could sneak your wind cold hands underneath the layers of his mulberry sweater and white turtle neck to rest on his flat stomach.
The yelp that left his lips was comical to the extent that you even let out a small laugh as he lurched in your grip before spinning around to face you, an unimpressed glare lighting his eyes as he scowled at your humorous expression. "You little rascal," He bit at you, his irritation an obvious hoax as he wrapped you in his arms and pulled you to his chest.
"Who're you calling little?! I'll have you know that I'm a whole centimetre shorter then you and that goes away as soon as I put on shoes!" This was an overused argument, one that constantly remerged thanks to your taller height for a women and Jimin's equally limited one. During one particular night of excess drinking things had gotten a bit out of hand and competitive spirits had begun to boil as you both argued about who was in fact taller. The heated discussion had led to an actual, official measuring taking place, overseen by an equally fired up Jungkook who no matter the result, towered over both of. It had then been officially discerned that you were exactly a cm shorter then Jimin.
"That's a whole 10 mm that makes me big and you little, and that's enough for me." He chortled happily as you leaned into each other, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek as he smiled at you. "How did studying go?"
You instantly drooped, a look of defeat settling on your features, "No better than yesterday. I don't know what's going on! It's like my brain is literally just repelling every little bit of information I try to put into it. I spent twenty minutes rereading the same paragraph, that's just not me!"
Jimin hummed in understanding, putting his own hands on top of your own and giving them a sympathetic squeeze. "Sorry babe, I'm sure that must suck. But you also need to remember to not force yourself; I'm sure it'll come in time."
"But I don't have time," You groaned while removing yourself from him and instead retreating to sit on one of the many stools that lined the opposite side of the island. "There's so much assigned reading this semester and I can only assume there's going to be more in the second quarter. It's just- suffocating."
"I can imagine," Jimin empathised, pushing one of the stirfoam boxes filled the brim with some sort of noodles and meat so that it was now in front of you, ready for you to devour.
And devour you definitely did, before Jimin could even thinking about opening his own respective box you were already three mouthfuls in, inhaling the first taste of sustenance throughout the entire day. It seemed that Jimin was far too hungry himself to comment on your rampent appetite as he tucked into his meal with similar vigour though somehow in a more graceful manner then you would ever be able to muster.
"That was amazing," You finally sighed after emerging up from your final slurp of noodles, "Thanks love."
Jimin shrugged in response, twirling around the final remains of his own meal on his chopsticks, "I assumed that you hadn't eaten anything all day, I see I was right."
"I forgot to grab something this morning and getting something from the vending machines is like paying for cardboard, " Your face instantly creased in disgust at the thought of the less then desirable treats that the monster machine spat out on demand.
Your boyfriend made a small noise in answer as you moved to clear both of your cartens to the rubbish bin, thankful for the disposable containers that elemited the need to wash any plates. You were busy rinsing off yours and Jimin's metal chopsticks when you felt a kiss at the crease of your neck and arms looping around your waist so that you were being pulled back.
"Jimin," You near sang his name as he continued to press himself into you, "Is someone a bit excited?"
"I already told you I was horny," Jimin snarked against your skin, "Your lucky I let you eat, I was ready to get going as soon as you got home."
"Oh I'm so thankful that you allowed me such a luxury," Despite your rebuff you remained stationary, allowing Jimin to continue his descent, his hands moving lower until they were resting just near the top of your trousers.
Jimin made a small noise of recognition, hand now sliding directly over your clothed crotch, his own now pressed fully into you so that if you weren't aware of his current state, now you were, "You're welcome, now leave those things and pay me some attention."
"So needy," You tsked but still discarded the metal utensils to turn to him with a forcefully unimpressed expression that Jimin barely noticed by the way that he was focused on your lips as they spoke their rebuffs, "And what do you intend to do with my attention?"
Jimin's tongue ran over his teeth in contempletion, his mouth lowering so that it just barely grazed your own, "Focus it on something more pleasureable."
Before you could press for more clarification, your boyfriend was descending to his knees, popping the button of your jeans during the same movement. You gripped onto the granite edge behind you for support in a rather pitiful attempt to keep yourself from staggering under the weight of arousal in Jimin's eyes as he stared up at you while continuing to push down the thick material, your skin prickling against the cool air of exsposure.
There was little you could do to pretend that you weren't becoming increasingly riled up as a skilful finger ran down the front of your plain black underwear that had been chosen in the favour of comfort over aesthetic, but you still had a pretense to uphold, "Are you just going to admire or are you actually going to do something?"
"So bossy," Jimin cooed but complied nontheless as the same finger decided a different route of pushing past the increasingly damp fabric so that direct contact was made and suddenly your grip tightened tenfold. Jimin seemed to take pleasure in the uncontrollable reaction of your body near buckling forward into his barely tangible touch, "And so sensitive."
"Fuck you," You grated out, having to steele yourself against the sensation of Jimin's finger nearing closer to your enterance.
"Soon, but I'm a bit busy right now," He commented with little commitment, a finger suddenly sliding into to where you needed it most and you near crumbled, especially as he hooked upwards, "Unless you want me to stop?"
You instantly focused out of your haze long enough to send a splintering gaze, "Try."
Your single word threat seemed to be enough to send Jimin into movement and you could only assume that it was more so propelled by the memories of what happened the last time he had thought it would be a good idea to start something and stop halfway through. That was a particularly painfull week of Jimin's life. He pushed your underwear further out of the way to gain better access as he pressed his godly thick lips down against your clit and you sighed out in relief. Your hand instinctively want to his hair was he began to devour your, though it was more so for support then anything else as you were on the brink of collapse as another finger was added.
Jimin pulled away from you with a loud smask, his fingers never stilling their movements even as he smacked his lips together while looking up at you with a lethal innocence, "Sweet."
"Fuck," You breathed though in your current state it was boardering closer to a prayer then a curse because fuck Jimin looked positively sinful with the way he was currently tonguing at his lips and it seemed that only a prayer, a plea would be enough to save you.
You could only imagine what you looked like from Jimin's persepctive with your legs still caught in the confines of the jeans he had made no move to fully remove, all but completely clothed but also completely ruined. However you looked it seemed to bring him some sort of joy as he dived back in and a startled gasp was instantly ripped from your throat.
The first fragments of your release began to creep into your vision that blurred and splintered with each adminsitration of Jimin's expert tongue and twist of his fingers. His free hands raised to keep your hip in place. As if there was any chance of you being able to move with how tightly pressed he had you up against the granite to the point that you could feel the cool surface dig into your back in a way that at any other time you would find painful but were too far gone to even bother.
The threat of being completely submerged by the incoming inslaute of pleasure was enough to have you crying out, hands scrambling to find purchase on anything that promised support. "Fuck- I'm close, god dammit- fuck don't stop."
And then with only final plunge of Jimin's fingers and lash of his tongue; you were shattered. You were almost certain that you had been fragemented into a thousand-and-five pieces that bounced around the room like the slices of poginant black that floated through your vision as your system was completely overrun by the volatile sensation.
The look on Jimin's face as he reclaimed his standing was the epitome of contempt in a way that if you hadn't been so focused on reclaiming back your coherency, you would have said something clever to rebuke his satisfaction. Instead all you could do was watch as you attempted to pull back in the strings of your sanity that Jimin had so successfully unraveled while he kept himself busy sucking off the final traces of you off of his fingers.
"You did so well lovey," He cooed after deciding that there was nothing left of interest to find on his fingers, "I do love it when you come apart so quickly."
His taunting words were enough to rekindle the tendrele of heated pride that the ocean of pleasure had temporialy soothed. Jimin looked positively startled when you quickly pushed your jeans from your legs so that you were to free to all but launched yourself at him with enough force to have him slamming into the opposite side of the counter, his hands grappling for some sort of support as you fused your lips to his and forced his body against the surface.
You tore back for his mouth with a clash of teeth, the ends of your lips twisting like smoke at the ripples of surprise that swam alongside the overt desire in Jimin's eyes, a whimper escaping his swollen and near bruised lips as you reached for him through his trousers, "Shall we see how well you far, lovey?"
Jimin gaped for a response that never came as you made an artful show of pressing your body impossibly close to his as you made your descent to the ground. He let out a melodic gasp that resonated throughout the sterling space when you pushed his trousers down to the point the you could access his underwear and you nearly cooed. It was quite the spectical really, how quickly the plates in your relationship shifted, how only moments before it had been you in Jimin's position, knees near buckling as his cock was finally exsposed.
You trailed you fingers down the underside, enjoying the shudder that carried through Jimin's entire form as he pinned you down with both desperation and expectation, "Is there something you want Jimin?"
"Really?" Jimin managed to puff as your fingers circled in a threat to grip him but maintained their distance, "I didn't make you beg."
"True," You conceded, slightly tightening your hold a fraction as your expression of faux understanding instantly swirled into one of malicious mischeif, "But that was your own fault."
A pitiful sound escaped Jimin's lip without his approval as suddenly you brought your tongue to dance devishly across the head of his cock that cried tears of pre-realse in a call for you to take mercy, "And you say I'm the tease."
"You are a tease Jimin," You cooed, lashing your tongue out yet again, "I'm just a better one."
A near sob escaped Jimin as you abruptly took the crown into your mouth, his hips bucking on instict to fully bury himself but being stopped by your hands that held to keep them stationary. "Fuck- oh my fuck fine! Please god dammit, please, pleas-"
You mercifully cut off Jimin's pleas in favour of hearing him cry out as you moved to swallow him whole, your fingers running soothing circle on the sturdy flesh of his ass as your hands slipped to cup what you had told Jimin on multiple occassions was his best asset. Your throat stretched to accomodate to Jimin on instinct as you hummed in pleasure. You had admitted on one particularly wine fueled night that you got off on giving Jimin blowjobs almost as much as he got off recieving them. Jimin had taken many opportunities to use this fact to your disadvantage with crude goads and nudges but it seemed that in his current state of searching for nothing but relieve, he was in no fighting form.
You payed no mind into the cold bite of the tiles that had begun to dig into your knees or the fact that you had your own cum drying into your underwear, it was all forgotten in the haze of watching Jimin fall apart. If he had been sinful before on the floor before you, lips shinning with slick, now he the angel that you had called for guidance from. Dark hair a mess under his constant minstrations and mouth parted in a constant stream of pitiful noises and lackluster curses. You almost wished that you had taken the time to take off all of his clothes before dropping to your knees but the exspanse of smooth skin you could access would have to be enough.
You used your grip on his ass to push him further into your mouth and Jimin positively broke, his arms shaking under the weight of both having to support him against the counter and your toruture.
You moved one of your hands slightly closer to the part of his ass, a question that even in his world of endless pleasure Jimin seemed to understand as he instantly nodded, "Yes, yes, please.."
Your teeth scraped against his dick as you smiled, reaching up so Jimin could messily suck on your fingers which he quickly took in, eyes fluttering close as your digits become lost in the mess of his mouth. You coudn't help but moan yourself at the sight which caused Jimin to sob in turn, allowing your hand to drop back to its resting place on his ass. You continued your adminstrations to his dick even as you sout out his rim with one of your now sopping fingers, your ears purring at the satisfaction of Jimin's broken shout as you pushed through the tight ring of muscle.
Jimin's cock continued to hit the back of your throat just as your finger finally found its place inside of him, finding his prostate being all but second nature as you brushed over the bud of sensitive nerves. Jimin arched up, almost as if to get away from the pleasure only to be met with the tight confines of your mouth so that he was completely wrapped in a cage of pleasure.
You were almost certain you glanced silver liquidating at the edges of Jimin's eyes as he sobbed, "Oh fuck I'm cumming- fuck-"
It seemed that the weight of his climax seemed to render Jimin speechless as he came down your throat and you swallowed as you coaxed him through it. You kept your grip firm as he whimpered and shuddered, only slipping away when you were sure that it had passed and he wouldn't fall over.
"I love it when you come apart so quickly," You purred in a perfect imitation of Jimin as you moved back to sit, your knees sighing at the release.
"You know I can't last long with your fingers," Jimin huffed, tucking himself back into his underwear and wriggling the last bit out of his trousers so that he could comfortably take up the spot next to you.
You let a snarked laugh, "You seemed pretty eager to have them."
"They're just so good," Jimin's was almost mournful, hissing ever so slightly as the cold tiles touched his exposed skin. "Thanks though."
"Right back at you, I didn't realise how much I needed that," You admitted, grasping Jimin's hand in your own and resting your head to his shoulder, "I guess all this stress has made me a litte..."
"Tense?" Jimin offered with a soft playfulness that had you near smiling as you nodded, "Yeah I could tell, I thought you needed some release."
"Well I appreciate it, though let's not pretend that my release was the only reason you wanted to participate."
Jimin let out an insulted gasp, swatting at your bare thigh, "Of course it was! Was getting on my knees and getting you off not enough to prove that I only wanted to make you happy?"
"It was," You assured in contradication to the twirl of contempt in your gaze as you met Jimin's offended pine, "Until you pleaded for me to suck your cock, that gave away the whole 'selfless' act pretty quickly."
Jimin sniffed, retaining his indignation, "Nothing I do is ever appreciated around here."
"Oh no, of course I appreciate the way you so selflessly let me get on my knees and have you fuck my mouth."
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