#i'll survive being a live in maid
darknight3904 · 6 months
See You in the Morning, Coryo
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𝕊𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪:ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏʀɪᴏʟᴀɴᴜꜱ' ᴀʀɢᴜᴍᴇɴᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴄʜᴇꜱ ᴀ ᴄʟɪᴍᴀx ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇꜱ ᴀ ᴍᴏᴠᴇ.
ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏɴᴇ / ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ / ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ / ᴍʏ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: ᴅᴀʀᴋᴇʀ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜰᴇᴡ ᴘᴀʀᴛꜱ. ᴄᴏʀʏᴏ ᴄʜᴀɪɴꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴜᴘ. ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴ ᴀ ꜱᴇxʏ ᴡᴀʏ, ꜱᴀᴅʟʏ.
The first time you met him you were 12. It was only your fourth day at the Capitol's Academy and you wished you could go home and bury yourself in your bed and never return. You had yet to meet anyone interested in being friends with you, the homeschooled freak who started oh so late compared to her peers. Sure, you had met Arachne and Festus at big lavish parties your parents threw but that didn't mean they liked you.
And then, on your fourth day of school, everything changes. Big blue eyes are fixated on the overly large sandwich and fruit bowl that had been in your lunch bag. A soft gurgle of a hungry stomach fills your ears and you turn to see a boy with the prettiest blonde curls atop his head staring at you.
"Do you want a piece? Our maid always packs too much and I can never finish it. You can have some if you want." You ask, picking up a strawberry and holding it out to him.
He hesitates for a moment but eventually reaches out and takes a small bite.
"Don't you have a lunch today?" You ask
"I already ate it." He said
Something inside you said he was lying and so you offered the rest of the fruit to him. Your sandwich would be enough for today, after all, no one should go hungry if another had something else to give.
You chat with the boy with blue eyes and pretty blonde curls. His name is Coriolanus Snow and he lives with his Grandma'am and his cousin. You smile at him as he eats the fruit, savoring the taste of the grapes that were mixed in. As you sit beside your new friend, you smile to yourself and hope he'll be your friend tomorrow too.
"You're not leaving. I won't let you."
Coriolanus knows how bad it sounds. He knows you're angry when you go to step around him and he blocks your path. Your engagement ring feels like a brick as it sits in his shirt pocket.
"Coryo. Move. I'm going home." You say, determined to get away from him.
Where do you think you're running off to? You have no place in society besides your spot next to him.
"You can't. You have to stay here. With me." He insists, hoping his softer tone will change your silly little mind.
"Please, Coriolanus. Just let me go home for tonight. I'll come back tomorrow. I promise." You whisper.
He hates that. Coriolanus. Why are you calling him that? He's always been Coryo to you why are you changing it now? The way his full name lingers in the air makes his blood boil.
Rage is something that's hard to control. Coriolanus has seen it first hand when the Districts rebelled against the Capitol all those years ago. He saw it Dr. Gaul when Lucy Gray survived her snakes thanks to him. He sees it now, in you as you give him a hard shove to his shoulders and begin moving toward the door.
Rage. That's why he does it. It's something he and so many others can't control. Rage. What a funny concept it is, how it causes someone to think so irrationally.
Truly though, you are to blame for it all. If only you had just talked to him rationally. taking off your ring and throwing a fit, demanding to go home like you're some petulant child who needs a nap.
Perhaps this will change your attitude, after all, you couldn't just run off, he needed you.
There's an ache in the back of your skull when you finally open your eyes. A soft blanket is covering you and the soft scent of apples and cinnamon is wafting through the air.
"This is your favorite, right?"
A voice that used to bring a smile to your face now sends a jolt of fear down your spine as you quickly sit up.
Coriolanus is sitting in a plush-looking chair, with your favorite candle burning on a little side table next to him.
What the hell had he done to you?
"You sat up too quickly. There's some painkillers on the nightstand if you want them." He says
His voice is so calm as you gradually take in your new surroundings.
"Where am I?" You croak, your voice sounds terrible.
"You're still in our mansion. This is the basement. Part of it anyway. Over the past two weeks, I got them to transform a section of it into a room perfect for you." He says, closing the book in his lap.
Weeks? How long had it been since that dinner when you tried to leave? What the hell had even happened? The last thing you clearly remember was shoving Coriolanus and beginning to walk away. Had he hit you with something? But then how did he keep you down for two weeks so he could bring you here?
"You're wondering what happened. I'm not proud of it but I hit you with a serving tray before you could leave."
Your mind briefly conjures up the silver trays that the food you often enjoyed was served on.
"I had a doctor give you injections to keep you asleep until this room was ready. The headache you feel is the hangover from the drugs, not a concussion. I made sure he gave you an exam and he's cleared you from any injuries."
Corionus' explanation is making your brain ache. What the fuck was happening? Why are you in a basement bedroom instead of your normal one? When was he going to let you out? Would he ever let you out?
Your stomach gurgles and you just barely make it to the small garbage can that's sitting on the ground next to the bed.
"Ah, the doctor said vomiting was another side effect. I'm sure it will pass soon." Coriolanus says, unbothered as you heave up whatever gunk he had gotten the doctor to pump into your stomach.
You wipe your face with the back of your hand, wishing for something to take away the burning at the back of your throat.
"Alright. Since you're awake now, I'll be leaving. Lots of meetings today and the arena is nearly ready I just have to approve a few more things." Coriolanus says, standing up and fixing his tie as he begins to walk away.
"Wait." You groan, trying to reach out to him
"I'll be back for dinner. I know how much you love to listen to me talk about my day."
Two months later
There's been a certain warmness about you recently. Perhaps it's the flowers he brought you your maybe the fact that he takes the heavy chain off your ankle when he visits you. He decides it's the latter as he watches thumb through the new books he handed you.
"Do you like them?" He asks
"Yes." You smile as you gently place them on your shelf.
You're so effortlessly pretty, even here, locked away from the sunlight and every inch of society. Here, you're all his, every bit of you hinges on him opening the heavy metal door that keeps you here. It's been so long since you had even tried to argue or fight back against him. Sure, the beginning had been rough, you had thrown things at him and had at one point threatened him with a butter knife but now you we so docile. Almost like he had domesticated a wild animal and now it was trained perfectly.
"Could you bring the little cakes tonight?" You ask
"The ones with the powdered sugar on top?"
You nod as you sit on your bed, stretching out your right ankle which is marked with a heavy bruise from the chain he had to put on you. It wasn't what he wanted but after you tried attacking him when he entered the room on the second day of your enclosure, he knew it was a necessity.
"I'll have the chef make extra. We can eat as many as you like and get fat." He teases
You smile at him but he can see something else behind your eyes.
You remind him of a bird with clipped wings. Freedom so effortlessly in reach but unable to fly to reach it.
If only he could trust you enough to let you back into the main floors of the mansion.
Time passes slowly whenever Coriolanus is gone and it gives you time to think. You were going mad, chained up all day, waiting for him to bring you your meals and sit with you at night. So in an effort to chase your impending insanity away, you thought. You thought about your childhood and if things would be different had you never given Coriolanus that stupid bowl of fruit. Perhaps you'd be head of your father's company now, or maybe you'd be married to some elite capitol man.
Your mind was always racing, overanalyzing every little thing and every little mistake you had ever made.
Perhaps you should've never confronted him about those pictures. If you had just slipped out of the mansion one day what would had happened? Maybe he would've caught you or perhaps you would've made it back to your parents, back to your old life and self.
How naive you had been at that gala years ago, thinking that you didn't need anything but Coriolanus. What a stupid girl you had grown up to be.
The past few weeks had been rough. You had been sucking up to Coriolanus to be let back into the main part of the mansion. You claimed to just want to feel sunlight again. Of course, you also planned on running the moment you had an opening but he didn't need to know that half.
Coriolanus was simply insane, it was a conclusion you had come to after all these long days. Maybe he had always been like this but you were just too blind to see it. Maybe his nice gestures and honey-coated words had disguised the monster that lurked behind those eyes. All you knew was that he was the worst man in all of Panem and here you sat, suffering all because you were his favorite.
"My heart burns for you."
What a load of bullshit.
He stays true to his word and arrives that night for dinner, cakes in hand. Silenced Avoxes serve you your food and Coriolanus sits across from you at the table that had mysteriously appeared one night when you were asleep. The chain on your ankle made an unpleasant sound as you shifted in your seat.
"The salmon is nice, isn't it?" Coriolanus asks as he eats
"Yes, it's wonderful. Very buttery." You say, struggling to find exactly what was good about it.
You didn't want salmon, you didn't really want anything anymore, perhaps you were finally giving into whatever game he was playing by keeping you here.
"I've decided to replace the curtains throughout the mansion. I've found the blue to be a bit ugly. Tomorrow there will be beautiful maroon ones hung." He informs you
You had hand-picked the blue ones, years ago.
"I'm sure they will be beautiful." You say looking down at your lap.
Coriolanus stops chewing and sets his silverware down.
"If you're going to mock me, you shouldn't even open your mouth. You know I hate it when you're full of attitude so why do you still try?" He says
It's a warning. You know it, he knows it.
"I know. I was being serious." You say, "I hope I get to see the maroon curtains soon, Coriolanus."
"Coryo." He corrects, placing a bite of food in his mouth
"Coryo." You parrot.
He smiles, pleased with you.
"You will, soon."
Dinner passes slowly as you finish your salmon to the tune of Coriolanus' talking. Something about the latest games being a wonderful success and that the big finale would be either tomorrow or the next. He suggests you watch on the little TV that sits in the corner, untouched, it was something that was added a week ago, specifically so you could watch the games. You promise to watch and he smiles at you again.
Coriolanus bids you goodnight after dessert. He double-checks your chain before straightening up and gently kissing your forehead.
"Goodnight, darling. I'll see you in the morning."
"See you in the morning, Coryo."
The past week had been going nearly perfectly for Coriolanus. Not only had the games been perfect, but you had been impressing him. Sure, a few days ago at dinner you had called him Coriolanus and he nearly lost his cool after he thought you insulted the curtains but that was behind him now.
He had finally concluded that he'd release you from the basement. He missed your presence in the mansion and at the normal dinner table. He wasn't quite sure about letting you have full roam yet, perhaps he'd sedate you during the days and let you walk around at night, when he could personally keep an eye on you before bedtime. The idea of one of the Axoxes watching you didn't sit right, after all, if you ran what would they do? They couldn't even shout for help to bring you back inside.
He was positively giddy as he walked down the many flights of steps that led to where you were. He wanted to show you the greenhouse first. Sure, you had seen it before but the way the roses were blooming recently was simply too good to pass up. He had planted new ones recently too, blushing pink ones that reminded him of you and your warmness to him.
The metal door was cool against his palm as he opened it to reveal your darkened room. The door let out a heavy groan as it shut behind him.
It wasn't uncommon for you to be sleeping when he entered, he often visited during the night and would watch you, as if you were going to disappear. However, this time the darkness confused him. It was the middle of the day, surely you weren't still asleep?
The soft clink of that ridiculous chain filled his ears as he stepped towards the lamp that sat on your shelf.
"Are you hiding from me, darling?" He asked into the darkness, ready to scoop you up and hold you close.
Silence answered his question as his eyes tried to focus on anything.
The softest rustle of fabric fills his ears as he quickly turns to his right. The slightest shimmer of color reaches his eyes, illuminated by what little light wormed its way under the door. It's you, in that sweater you often wore.
"I see you." He says reaching out to what he thinks might be your arm. "What a pretty shade of blue that is. I'll have a designer make a dress in that color for you."
He swears he hears you whisper his name but perhaps it was just in his head as he steps forward.
Coriolanus feels the smile that was on his face drop into his stomach when he hears it again, the rustle of fabric. You were behind him now.
His hands twitch one, then twice, and before he can react, you're there, in front of him again, anger polluting your pretty face.
His lips form your name but it never leaves his mouth. Instead, the cool metal of that chain he had intended on removing was cutting his vocal cords off.
The chain he hated putting on you, the chain you had desperately tried to claw off many times as he watched through a grainy video feed was rapidly wrapping its way around his neck, ready to destroy him.
Next Part
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bunnibaby-love · 6 months
hear me out...possessive dom neuvillette...power imbalance......
🧁 Neuvillette x F!Reader 🧁
♡ female reader + kinda non con + barely smut + corruption + manipulation + power imbalance + dumblification
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Iudex Neuvillette has been admiring you ever since you offered an umbrella to him. It was a simple gesture that even Wriothesley did but he thinks it might be what humans called love at first sight
It saddened him when he found out you move to Sumeru to pursue your education. He won't be able to admire you while you walk thru streets or watch on the opera house every once in awhile
Once he found out you are graduating, he didn't think twice to offer you the position of being his secretary. He made sure you are only coming to him by blocking any possible work that would want you or what you want
You of couse, accepted the position of being his secratary. I mean what's better position than being the secretary of Monsieur Neuvillette?! It's a high paying job too!
You wish to learn alot from this work experience but you don't feel doing a professional work. It's always the melusine that do paperworks while you just do Neuvillette schedule and make his meals. It makes you feel more of a maid and this is somewhere you didn't wish to pursue
"A resignation?" Neuvillette raise his eyebrows at you "Pardon me but care to explain? i don't understand you leaving such an important and high position? do you think other place would take in you easily like this?"
He always intimidate you but now it's a very scary feeling and you are sweating cold although you tried hard to be brave infront of him "Yes Monsieur i...i rather work with somewhere i can show my skills"
Neuvillette chuckles at that. He is making your life easier now then you actually want it hard? "And you think your skills are that good?" he smirk when he saw you get pale "Leaving a position like this? only well stupid people would" he cross his legs while enjoying your scared expression. "I'll gave you a better..position then"
He stands up to tuck your hair behind your blushing ears "Kneel" you quickly kneeled, scared to angered the iudex
Neuvillette is a cruel man. You perceive him as cold and intimidating man but just know how cruel he is too you.
He won't let you leave the palais mermonia anymore unless he is with you, with his arms around your waist. The people of fontaine just think of it a cute couple and how great you are for taking the heart of the iudex
When it is the opposite.
You are still his secretary by name but, you did anything but that. When the doors of his office closed, you have to sit down on his lap while he does his loads of paper work "Behave or do you want me to leave you at the floor with that tiny vibrator mhm?" you shake your head. The last time he did that to you, you were in that position for 6hours
When a trial is ongoing, you are secretly under his table and sucking his cock with whatever paced he wanted. He makes you fully naked with the thrill of getting caught
You should hate it. He is making you do all of this because of how powerful he is. He knows you have your debts still and can't even pay it if you left because he is blocking everything from you
But, is really living on surviving better than this? sure Neuvillette treats you like how the toy you are but he is also caring. He would gave you aftercare no matter how much he torment you.
"So pretty like this...at your perfect place" you don't want to think about it anymore.
You now enjoy being on the iudex knees and sucking his cock like it's the only meal you need "Good girl" You happily shows off your tongue full of his cum and swallows it
"Im very proud of you dear...especially now that the test says you are pregnant..." he kiss your lips passionately "my wife....mine forever..."
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starstruckmoony · 10 months
electric touch.
pairing - theodore nott x reader
summary - a cute guy stumbles into the coffee shop you work at and it alters your brain chemistry.
trope/tags - coffee shop!au, modern!au, college!au, muggle!au, out of pocket headcanons
word count - 6.5k
warnings - language, smoking, mentions of sex, light smut-ish (not really)
"get a job at a coffee shop", they said.
"i'll be fun", they said.
working at a café as busy as the three broomsticks certainly had its perks, if you could say so yourself, but it definitely had some godawful cons in the bunch and was terribly annoying in itself. the shop was located in one of the most bustling parts of london, not very far away from a university campus, which meant that one could easily make out the atmosphere inside of it without having to step through the door. it was always filled to the brim with students who all relied on caffeine for survival, many of which you would usually avoid even glancing at during lessons. so between your utterly unendurable acquaintances, occasional out-of-control children, and middle-aged ladies who criticized your every move and complained about their lattes being zero point four degrees too hot, you weren't sure which one irked you more.
your job was barely tolerable, but it wasn't like you had many other options laid out in the first place. you needed the money and you swore to do whatever it takes to pay for your tuition and heaps of other costs that came in the package with it. you went into it with very little enthusiasm, but nevertheless settled for working as a barista, as much as you were dreading the thought of it.
your shift started of normally that day. you were busy serving one of your least favorite friendly customers in world, draco bloody malfoy, and fighting a tempting urge to dunk the drink in your hand all over him. the two of you went way back, there was lots of resentment, some unresolved negative feelings and grudges about situations you could barely remember clearly. primary school, the darkest years of your lives. neither of you bothered much to fix your shitshow of a relationship. you were schoolmates who were sort of friends who didn't like each other very much. he was nice to you when he didn't have a stick up his arse, but he always had stick up his arse. pansy (who was also your coworker) declared you frenemies, and she was sort of onto something.
despite all that dirt, finding him in the shop wasn't an unusual occurrence, and you never got used to his annoying presence or the way your skin literally crawled just seeing him walk through the door. although, you had to admit that you were pretty grateful when he brought his hot beautiful handsome please snog me sir friend with him for some coffee that faithful friday.
"good morning." draco greeted his friend absentmindedly and gave him a short-lived glance before continuing the deadly staredown you two were having. keeping things professional with that little arsehole was a tough challenge. pansy nudged you behind the counter, and then very subtly motioned over to the handsome bloke next your nemesis when you finally gave her some attention.
"did you not order for me?" the guy questioned in disappointment, seeing that only a single cup of coffee was sitting on the counter. one good look at him was all it took for you to realise why pansy was so eager to get you to heed her observations. you sucked in a breath, focus.
"no? do i look like a maid to you?" draco spat, taking a loud, annoying slurp of his freshly-made cappuccino. he scowled in disgust, making your eyes roll backwards into your brain. the man always managed to find something wrong with his order. this time, the stupid drink of his didn't have enough sweetener. his friend coughed to cover up a chuckle.
"i will be filing a complaint." he declared, sitting back and crossing his arms.
"shove it up your arse, hm?" you offered him the fakest, most poisonous smile you could muster, turning to his attractive friend who's order you had to take. he gave draco a rather aggressive shove before he was able to open his mouth again, and then smiled at you sympathetically.
"i admire your patience." he was speaking to you, but even the most oblivious of people would realise that he took a subtle jab at draco. he looked a bit offended, "what the fuck, theo?" just like that, you got his name without even having to ask for it. today must have been your lucky day.
"tell me about it. if throwing drinks into people's faces wasn't listed as strictly forbidden in my job description, i'd be thriving." you responded without thinking, regretting it the moment you spoke. you could only hope that he would take your awful joke well because receiving a judgemental stare and no response at all was the last thing you'd have asked for that morning. but your thoughtlessness did pull something that sounded like a laugh out of theo, and he appeared to be pretty satisfied.
you suddenly felt hot. a handsome guy just laughed at your joke made at his best friend's expense? it made your heart flutter a little bit, kind of like everything else about him. you sighed inwardly, it was totally unfair that somebody as insufferable as draco got his eyes blessed by that man's presence every day.
"am i allowed to order or will you threaten to throw coffee in my face, too?" theo snapped you back to reality. you heard pansy snicker at your awkward stance before she continued talking to draco who got bored of tolerating your abuses and resorted to flirting with her instead. the pretty boy bit back a laugh once he noticed the way your cheeks turned pink. you wished for the earth to swallow you whole.
"yes, of course! sorry, uh, what would you like?" you put on a professional smile, yet you felt like he saw right through you. he was doing things to you by just simply being there. you already knew pansy was going to have a jolly good time teasing you about this.
"uh," his eyes trailed over to the menu on the wall. he looked completely and utterly clueless, but after a moment of silence, he made up his mind, "one black coffee..." he responded a bit uncertainly, as if he was afraid that you were gonna judge his choice of beverage.
"see why i don't order for you?" draco threw a crumpled up receipt into theo's face. you wondered how he managed to be so unphased by it.
"one black coffee?" you queried just to confirm his order, pretending not to notice pansy who's mischievous eyes were set on you. that, and the constant comments she was making about how cute you and theo would look together. you were surprised when draco didn't disagree like the snobby little hipster he was and then call her batshit crazy. maybe magic was real.
"yes." theo cleared his throat, slumping down onto a barstool three seats away from draco. next level damage control. when he found a smoking allowed sign on the wall, he immediately lit a cigarette.
"oh, thank god." you mumbled in relief. theo stared you in amusement, with a tiny smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. if you hadn't met in the middle of a crowded café, you would have kissed him then there. these days, people tend to forget that plain coffee is, in fact, a thing. that in itself isn't so bad, no, but it's pretty horrible for a coffee shop worker who has to balance time spent on making a drink while also satisfying everybody else at the tables. maintaining your sanity was another thing you had to dedicate yourself to, especially with having draco coming in every day.
you quickly got to work, hyperfocusing on the task at hand for the first time in a while - all that in a poor attempt to ignore the way that blush kept creeping up your cheeks. that wasn't the first time you had laid your eyes on a handsome guy at work. many good looking blokes had set their foot into the café, but you rarely ever let it get to you. they would come and go, simple as that. but there was something about the way theo was looking at you that made you feel unbearably giddy, and you were having a hard time keeping your thoughts from going places.
you were too busy preparing his coffee and trying to remain calm to see the way he shyly kept stealing glances at you. he was enthralled, to say the least, and he could not fathom the fact that you were that person draco always complained about. it was impossible. not only did you make him laugh literally ten seconds after he spoke to you for the first time, but your strange relationship with his friend was quite intriguing. and pretty hilarious, if he could say so himself. something was pushing him to find out more about you. he could not keep his eyes off of you, and he was deeply regretting all those times he shut draco down when he suggested they got coffee together. he'd even offer to pay each time, which theo only found more off-putting. the concept of being so nice and inviting was usually unfamiliar to the blonde, but theo eventually guessed that he had his own reasons and motivations for showing up everyday.
you whipped up his coffee in no time, shooting pansy with a death glare because of the way she wiggled her eyebrows at you. you placed the cup in front of him and were thankfully spared of any additional awkwardness when theo grabbed the drink and took a sip. you watched him with burning anticipation in your eyes as he blinked in confusion, "what the fuck are you complaining for?" he turned to a scowling draco who was making sure that everybody knew that he was rather discontented by the way his cappucino was made.
"i have tastebuds." he explained, shooting theo with an aggravated glare. pansy covered her mouth to silence a laugh.
"are they dead?" theo deadpanned.
"are they dead?" draco mocked, and then began sulking like a little child when pansy had to take the order of another customer. 
theo turned to you again, "ignore him," he offered you a comforting smile, "this is the best coffee i've had in a while." he took another large sip of the hot drink. a satisfied smirk appeared on your face. draco flipped you both off. 
"it's probably the beans," you trailed off, "although, brewing it does require some talent." it was true. pansy herself admitted that you made better coffee than her, multiple times, but that was probably because she proudly half-assed all of her work knowing that it won't cost her much. it helped you out tremendously when you had nothing else to brag about.
thoughtlessly, you continued speaking to theo, completely forgetting that your shift had not yet come to an end, and that you had well over two hours of work left. theo possessed the power to snap you back to reality, but was even more skillfull at pulling you out of it. your mind fully dismissed where you were. you learned a few things about him; he lived with draco, enzo and mattheo, who you got to meet after blaise and pansy dragged you to a random nightclub not so long ago. he had a persian cat who he named 'cat' because he wasn't creative enough to come up with anything that hit the spot and lorenzo made a pledge to make fun of him for it till the day they both die. he liked black coffee only, and no it was not a metaphore for the colour of his soul or some out of pocket bullshit that you heard way too often for comfort, he was just that basic. insane too, as he didn't put any sugar in it. you missed the basic, though, and it was a nice breather from all the ridiculousness you had to deal with on a day to day basis. he also happened to have seen your favourite movie, and that opened the door to about ten other conversation topics that you could go on about for hours upon hours. you were so immersed in the discussion that neither of you realised draco left, with pansy's number (which he finally acquired after three months of asking for it) written down somewhere in his notebook.
the sound of a stranger's throat clearing stopped you mid sentence, and you were rudely reminded that you were still at work, with lots of drinks to prepare, and many more customers to serve. curse them, whoever they were. they were practically forcing you to get theo's contact information, which would have been totally fine if it wasn't for the thought of rejection that was tearing your insides up into pieces.
you and theo offered some empty words of apology to the older man who pulled you out of your own little world and returned you to the misery that was present day. you sighed, exchanging a longing glance with the boy in front of you as if you hadn't just talked to him casually for twenty whole mintues, all while the line was gradually growing. not to mention that you both had places to be.
"here," theodore stuffed a hand into the pocket of his coat, pulling out what looked like twenty quid and sliding in front of you. you opened the cash register to fish out the amount of money you were supposed to give back to him, but he shook his head. there was no way in hell he was leaving that big of a tip. or maybe he was. you not only spent almost half an hour making his day better, but he liked your coffee so much you had to make him three, one being on the house.
you let out a laugh of surprise at the serious expression on his face, silently wishing for him to walk out and retrieve the money like any sane person would. at that point, just simply being graced by his presence was more than enough. you didn't even want the damn tip. your thoughts caused an onset of panic to flow through you. you weren't thinking straight at all.
"thank you." you spoke finally, contemplating whether you should ask him for his number or not. pansy's look of anticipation seemed to be heading in the exact direction you were most terrified of. thank god theo was being a wuss too.
"i'll see you around." he smiled as he made his way over to the exit, and you nodded enthusiastically, giving him a small wave as he stepped through the door and out into the streets.
you sighed when he finally disappeared out of your line of sight, failing to notice the way a few of the customers waiting in line were holding back their giggles after having witnessed the whole commotion. you weren't sure if you wanted to fly around like happy little fairy or burst into a million pieces and disappear off the face of the earth, but you knew that you were very spontaneously falling for theo and there was no going back.
a few weeks had gone by since theodore first came into the three broomsticks. and many things changed, one being that you began looking forward to coming into that hellhole which was a 'goal' rotting away somewhere in the far bottom of your bucket list. you'd never been more happy having to wake up at seven in the bloody morning to grind coffee beans and serve annoying londoners. it was laughable how you jumped from hating your job to getting excited by the thought of showing up to work. life was indeed full of surprises.
theo made sure to come in every morning (or afternoon, depending when you had your shift), and would always stay much longer than he intended, or so he told himself. he was awful at balancing university and personal life, but he was willing to make some sacrifices for you, even if it meant that he had to endure some never-ending teasing from his friends. blaise came in from time to time to enjoy the show live, mattheo called him a softie, enzo thought the whole thing was too hilarious to be real, and draco was giving him the cold shoulder (lovingly).
"oi!" pansy nudged you with her elbow. you were just about to brush her off as you were busy with the ice dispenser, but when she motioned with her head towards the door, your breath hitched.
theodore stepped through the entrance, and he somehow looked even prettier than he was when you saw him yesterday. you swiftly whipped up the order that you were working on and bid the customer goodbye when they confirmed that their to-go macchiato was perfectly made.
he smiled at you as he took a seat at his usual spot, and you grinned back in response before returning to work. it was awfully difficult not to lose focus when he was sitting there looking like a god sent gift, and you were getting frustrated with yourself. you could see pansy smirking at you in the corner of your eye, and you groaned quietly as you began working on another drink.
you were starting to get very impatient while you were busy with the other customers, but after making several cappuccinos and dealing with an angry man who's twelve espresso shot latte was too bitter, you finally got to speak to theo.
"hello." a greeting. a bloody greeting was all it took to make you blush furiously. you mentally applauded yourself with some heavy sarcasm. you were doing a great job at not being obvious.
"hi." you responded breathlessly, making him chuckle at your rather dishevelled state. pansy was having a very difficult time trying to stifle her laughter, but she remained professional and continued helping her costumer.
"so, i've been thinking...today." he cleared his throat, wiping the sweat on his palms on his black jeans.
"okay," you chuckled, "i'm listening." you tilted your head to the side slightly, curious to see what he had to offer. you hoped it's what you thought it was, but you didn't want to get excited too early. for all you know, he could be asking you for a favour or help to sort him a working spot at the café itself.
"right," he looked a bit uncertain. he gulped, hesitating before letting his words form decently, "my roommates are having a movie night and i'm not exactly sure what they have in mind, but that's besides the point," he rambled, letting out a displeased huff. something was definitely wrong with him today. when he went over this with mattheo, it seemed incredibly easy, but now that he was going through with it, he felt as if his downfall was inevitable, "i was wondering if you wanted to join us." he forced a smile, the internal prayer of please say yes was becoming so loud his thoughts became clouded. it's not like he couldn't handle rejection. frankly, he was fairly good at it and rarely ever let it touch his ego, but not in situations like these. not when he was actually falling in love and able to picture his life with somebody.
you weren't sure if it was possible for your cheeks to get any more red than they already were, but you quickly learned the harsh truth when you heard draco snort rather loudly.
you weren't that shocked by theo's suggestion, no, but it seemed to good to be true. so good that you had to pinch your arm behind the counter where he couldn't see it to make sure you weren't dreaming. he silently panicked for a moment, but when he saw the lovestruck expression on your face, he turned red himself. he sort of bid farewell to his intimidating, mysterious persona the moment he first met you, too enthralled to try and keep it up, and this was barely what was left of it. it was long gone. draco wished he had brought a camera with him.
"of course, i'd love to." you responded, without a sign of doubt in your voice. he smiled, breathing out a sigh of relief. he scrunched his face thinking how desperate he must've looked, but nevertheless continued the conversation. the speed with which you accepted his offer made him feel a strong surge of confidence, "when does your shift end?" he questioned as you began preparing his coffee.
"seven, remus is letting us off an hour earlier tonight. he said he had somewhere to be." you looked over at pansy who was giving you a not very subtle thumbs up. you rolled your eyes at her with a stupid grin on your face.
theo felt on top of the world. his eyes never left you, he watched you work, and only got snapped back to reality when pansy addressed him and asked him to close his mouth before he starts drooling all over the counter. he blushed profusely, and you tried not to laugh at him, but failed miserabley when you turned around and handed him his drink.
he groaned and covered his face with his hands, having no other option but to laugh along with you. "you should've seen her face when you came in," pansy winked at you with a mischievous smirk. you kicked her from behind the counter for that comment, and she blew a kiss your way before handing draco his coffee, "you know, nott," she started, pretending like she was thinking about what to say next, you should put that mouth of yours to use soon so she finally shuts up about–" you scrambled to cover her mouth before she could finish that.
"how's your coffee?" you changed the subject, turning to him innocently.
"perfect." he gave you a brief nod, not daring to spare draco or your friend another glance. you yanked your own hand away when pansy licked it, muttering a few curse words as you reached over to the sink to wash her spit off.
you turned to theo with an apologetic smile, making a mental note to murder pansy after your shift, and the two of you held eye contact for what felt like a goddamn hour to all the people impatiently waiting to get served. you simply could not get enough of those beautiful green eyes. they were so, very distracting.
"can you two eye-fuck after i get my overpriced tea?" lorenzo decided to make a surprise (dramatic) appearance. fair point he had there. you scratched the back of your neck awkwardly, and theo only rolled his eyes, wordlessly reaching for a cigarette. that was his one way of dealing with lorenzo.
"are you gonna bring your entire friend group in here or what?" pansy exclaimed in disbelief, thinking she would spot mattheo sitting at a table somewhere in the corner.
"i'm not bringing them here, they're following me around like annoying fucking flies." draco jumped to defend himself. the poor guy was never able to escape the countless of false accusations thrown his way. you were loving every bit of it.
"that should tell you something." lorenzo sat himself next to draco. "huh?"
"you smell." he purposefully leaned in too close for comfort, successfully avoiding the harsh shove the blonde was preparing to give him.
"what the fuck, are you five?" draco stared at him with obvious judgement. theo shortly glanced at the pair, and then shifted his full attention back to you. as funny as watching them bicker was, he found you a lot more captivating. and besides, his day was going quite alright (minus pansy's comment about him drooling all over the counter), so he wasn't looking to ruin it by getting involved in playfighting with his idiot friends.
the boys took about an hour to leave, and when they did, they made sure to let you know that theo was going to make you very happy, emphasis on the what's in his pants part. well, lorenzo did, at least, draco wished to leave the moment his friend opened his mouth and started listing all of the reasons why one should date theodore nott.
"and also, he will very much– hey, i'm not done!" theo ignored lorenzo's protests, and proceeded to push him towards the exit with draco on their tail. they all waved you goodbye, although enzo did it quite reluctantly, he wasn't ready to leave yet. theo offered you one last smile before stepping out the door, and you mouthed a quick goodbye, your face redder than ever.
"do you think he's good in bed?" pansy suddenly quipped while she was cleaning up the coffee spilled around the espresso machine. "who?" you shot her with a perplexed glare. you were not about to have this conversation with her.
"draco." she said it as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
"good god," you mumbled to yourself. at least she wasn't trying to get you to talk about theodore, "i don't know and i don't want to know."
"hm," she stared at nothing while she spoke, "i wonder if that's how he gets all his anger out." she said thoughtfully before shrugging it off like she didn't just make you picture the most atrocious thing known to man. you never wished for theo to be there more so he could save you from whatever grotesque form of nightmare that was, and you certainly hoped that pansy wasn't going to attempt to test out her little theory tonight, as draco had invited her over in the meantime, too.
patienece was something you heavily managed to work on while working at three broomsticks, and you could say that you had successfully mastered the art of it in your four months spent there. you could also say that meeting theo was the biggest fuck you to all of the progress you had made.
the remaining two hours of your shift ended up turning into what felt like an eternity of torture. pansy had to keep a careful eye on you, a bit mortified that you might just strike an innocent customer. if looks could kill, yours definitely would. you best believe she told draco about that.
it wasn't all so sullen, though. your misery did not last forever. at last, the clock struck seven. but there was one thing you did not consider when you thoughtlessly agreed to show up at theo's place at eight, and that was that you'd have a little over thirty minutes to make yourself look presentable. the moment your shift ended, you sprinted to the staff room to collect your things, gave pansy a clumsy hug, and left the shop light speed.
you always felt incredibly lucky that your dormitory facility was very close to your workplace, but today that feeling was extraordinarily more intense. you made it there in less than five minutes, cursing the out of order elevator and swiftly climbing up the stairs to third floor where you were situated.
you burst through the door, out of breath, immediately ridding of your clothes and disappearing inside your tiny bathroom. you couldn't recall the last time you took a shower so quickly. not even ten minutes later, you were back inside of your room, rummaging through your dresser in search of something cute to wear. it was rather sad that you just then noticed that hermione, your trusted roommate, was not there. she stuck a post it note to her headboard, explaining that ron's parents invited her over for dinner and that she'll be spending the night at his place. just when you needed her, she wasn't there.
"fuck." you cursed, continuing to ransack the drawers of your small commode. trousers were out the window. the best pair you owned was in the wash, the other three were an immediate no. you weren't sure what the dress code for a movie night was, exactly, but wearing your over-the-top fake leather trousers did seem like a bit much. maybe that should have been your sign to get some new ones.
you yanked the bottom drawer open and managed to dig up some clean socks and a large jumper (one that you weren't even certain was yours), and when you couldn't find your favourite sweatpants, you snatched a pair of jeans from hermione's closet. you could only hope that they would keep you comfortable for however long that little movie marathon was going to last.
you shuffled the clothes on, you didn't have enough time to try on anything else, and quickly did your make up just so you looked a bit more presentable. bless pansy and her patience when she was helping you step up your eyeliner game. you took a few improvised mirror selfies to send to her, emotional support and all that, grabbed your coat, slid your old low docs on, and bolted out the door.
it had begun to get dark before you even stepped outside, and with the sun disappearing behind the horizon, it got colder, too. you were very happy that the boys' flat wasn't located too far away from your dormitories, and you could make it there in about ten minutes if you tried hard enough. good thing you knew the address, as you had the displeasure of having to visit draco a couple of times when you got assigned to work on a project together. he always made sure that his friends were out whenever you showed up there. you were hoping that your experience would be a little better this time, but you didn't worry much. you were going there for theo, so how bad could that really go?
you didn't even want to think of it as you stepped in front of the entrance of their flat, and pressed your finger to the doorbell to alert them that you'd made it. mattheo opened the door for you and grinned like an idiot, very obviously trying his hardest to fight away his inner demons that were pushing him to crack some stupid joke on your and theo's account.
"do not." you threatened, and he raised his hands up in defeat, moving out of the way and letting you walk through the door. he waited for you to kick your shoes off, and then politely led you further inside, no unnecessary comments made.
you didn't expect the boys to make it all look so comfortable, but you had to admit that you had underestimated them. they brought out some extra pillows so that whoever sits on the floor doesn't leave with sore buttocks, fluffy blankets with star wars patterns, an old beanbag, lots of different food to choose from, and a crate of beer shoved under the table. huh, you could definitely see yourself enjoying that.
draco, unsurprisingly, didn't say hello when you stepped into the living room, but lorenzo offered you a different kind of greating.
"theo, your girlfriend's here!" he announced, loud enough for the neighbours on the fifth floor to hear.
"piss off, enzo!" theo yelled from what you assumed was his bedroom, and then stepped out a few seconds later, flipping lorenzo off when he wiggled his eyebrows. what a child. he grabbed a hold of theo's wrist and kissed the offending finger.
"good evening to you too." you gave him a pointed look, letting out a noise of surprise when theo took a gentle hold of your hand and led you to the couch. he mumbled something along the lines of, "you look pretty", and you offered him a smile in response, not willing to attract any more attention. draco had already claimed the spot sofa, explaining that he and nobody else is allowed there, so the two of you settled on the floor without a fight, sitting so close your shoulders were touching.
pansy showed up not very long after you, and lorenzo was more than happy to have the long awaited movie marathon finally start. it didn't go down without bickering, obviously, and after twenty excruciating minutes of arguing if you should watch notting hill, poltergeist or fight club, pansy grabbed the remote and put on 10 things i hate about you. nobody really complained.
you and theo managed to avoid the hand accidentally touches hand part of sharing a bowl of popcorn, but then your legs somehow tangled under the blankets and neither of you bothered to move or apologise.
in the meantime, lorenzo shifted from his chair to the beanbag mattheo was in, and had the other cuddle him against his own will. not like he actually minded. it was a miracle that thing was big enough, one wrong move and they'd both be on the floor along with their bags of funny-flavoured crisps.
the beloved rom-com felt like it came to an end sooner than it started, and you were all already arguing on what to watch next. mattheo took the advantage to grab the remote when draco reached over to hit lorenzo, and clicked on dirty dancing without asking for a second opinion. two romance movies in a row. somebody was out to get you. draco groaned in protest, but pansy gave him a kick to shut him up. yes, he let her sit on the couch with him, but her, and her only.
halfway through, you felt theo shift next to you, and not long after, he threw an arm around your shoulders, nervously holding you before relaxing when you didn't move away. you smiled to yourself and shuffled closer, the warmth radiating from his body was addicting. you could get used to it. the thought of pulling away seemed ludicrously dreadful and the concept of time became unfamiliar.
you only realised how long you had been squashed together when it hit you that the second movie was coming to an end, too. there were barely twenty minutes left, and you felt your eyes beginning to flutter shut. not because you were bored, you were just simply exhausted. theo quickly noticed, and he let you lay your head on his shoulder, but falling asleep was the last thing you wanted to do.
"god, i could really use a coffee right now." you groaned and you rubbed at your eyes, covering your mouth as you yawned. you needed a little something to keep you awake, and your trusted caffeine would surely do the job.
"come on, i'll make you some." theo stood, helping you up and not letting go of your hand as you made your way towards the kitchen. mattheo questioned where you were going, and nodded skeptically after receiving a short response. the other three didn't care, either too immersed into the movie or occupied with other things.
you took a seat on the counter next to theo where he opened the cupboards, his eyes searching for whichever form of caffeine they had left in there. he pulled out a half empty jar of instant coffee, and looked at you unsurely, unknowing whether you'd want to drink it or not.
"just make me whatever, it's fine." you waved a dismissive hand, and he gave you a quick nod before getting to work. not that it took much effort.
it was almost done in an instant, hence the name. you didn't mind, though, coffee was coffee, and coffee could never be bad. although, you weren't really paying attention to what he was doing, a little too busy staring at his face to notice anything else.
"tell me if it's horrible." he said as he handed you the hot drink. you hopped off the counter and thanked him before you pressed the mug to your lips and took a tiny sip. you tried not to grimace, and politely took another one. it was not good.
"it's good." you choked out, holding back a cough and forcing a supportive smile. theo didn't look very convinced, you doubted he was, and he took a step closer, like he was about to confront you about your little white lie.
"be honest." he sighed, yet there was a sort of menace behind the disappointed look on his face.
"it's terrible." you failed to hold back a snicker, feeling a little sorry that his coffee tasted just that bad. he was lucky you had some tips up your sleeve, "it's so bad, what did you–" to say that you were absolutely flabbergasted when he kissed you would be an understatement. you didn't push him away, nor did you resist, you were simply too shocked to react.
you laughed in surprise when he pulled back, your jaw hanging open slightly. then he leaned in again, but you had enough time to react this time, so you kissed him back, despite feeling a bit lightheaded by it all. it was one of the strangest situations you had found yourself in in a long time, but were enjoying every little bit of it.
"i literally just criticized your–" he quickly hushed you, going in for another kiss. you giggled against his lips and set the cofee mug aside, wrapping your arms around his neck and letting your hand tangle his locks. theo could fucking collapse. there was something about the way you grabbed his hair, something that made him see colours he didn't even know existed. you weren't oblivious enough to miss the way he reacted, pressing his body closer to yours and tightening his grip around you, so you did it again, smirking in satisfaction when it drew a pleasant sound of approval from him.
his tongue brushed over your bottom lip, and you let out a tiny noise of surprise, feeling your knees buckle. without dwelling on it, you opened your mouth, and when his tongue touched your own, you gasped, maybe even whimpered, accidentally pulling on his hair a bit too harshly. theo didn't seem to mind. he grunted in response, you were making him forget that there was nothing but a wall separating you from your friends.
"you just missed the best– oh, fuck, my bad, continue please, sorry!" mattheo disappeared as fast as he appeared, his footsteps followed by laughter and the end credits of dirty dancing which got increasingly louder. courtesy of draco turning it up to drown out any unholy noises he suspected might come from the kitchen after seeing the look mattheo's face.
you pulled away from each other, too flustered to even laugh, your lips swollen and cheeks pink. theo's grip on your waist loosened, and you relaxed your arms, but still didn't pull them away from where they were wrapped around his neck. he leaned his forehead against yours, uneven breaths fanning over your lips.
"uh," you started, as speechless as he was, "have i mentioned that my dorm was empty for the night?"
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causeilikelix · 1 year
Stray Kids Soulmate Smut Au Series
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Member Scenarios (warnings tbd)
If you'd like to be added to the taglist for the whole series or just individual fics, please leave me a comment or shoot me an ask!
I have no posting schedule at the moment, all I know is that I'll be writing Felix's last because I know myself and I'll get carried away.
Synopsis under the cut:
In the magical world of soulmates, you can begin looking for them when you turn 21. Once you touch them, the overwhelming urge to consummate the union takes over you until you fulfill the desire.
Bang Chan (18+)
Bodyguard x bratty, younger ward au
Chan is your bodyguard who is determined to keep you out of trouble and protect you from those who want to use you to get to your rich and powerful father.  The only problem?  Trouble is your middle name.  Going out to clubs and getting random guys to grind up on you is one of your favorite pastimes and Chan has to go along with it.  You love how he gets gruff and protective when other people put their hands on you.  With your 21st birthday creeping up on you, these outings get more dangerous since anyone could be your soulmate.  On the fateful night of your 21st birthday, you go out to dance and when you dance with the wrong person, Chan isn’t so sure he can keep his hands off you much longer.
Minho (18+)
Prince x Maid, Bridgerton era au
Part One: 
Everyone in the ton is invited to the final tea party before the Queen announces who will be the lucky lady betrothed to Prince Minho.  Everyone except the help, of course.  It is the final opportunity for eligible ladies of age to meet with the prince to determine if they are soulmates.  The lady you work for has managed to get you into the tea because she’s not interested in the prince and would rather spend time with you.  Bored, you wander around the gardens and you run into a young man who also seems to want to escape.  After some banter, you touch accidentally and you realize this man is your soulmate.  Once you consummate the union, you have to rush away to find your lady in time for the introduction of the prince, only to find out that you just fucked him behind a hedge.  And how he can’t take his eyes off you.
How will you survive if he’s supposed to marry someone else?
Part Two:
Prince x betrothed sister, 40s Italy, past lives au
You are a noble lady who is not quite ready to enter society, being just under 21.  Your older sister, however, is out and your family is in talks with the royal family to betrothe her to the prince if they cannot find his soulmate by the final masquerade ball of the summer.  Luckily, you have no interest in marriage or soulmates, mostly because you think you’ve found yours already.  
In a lonely bookshop that very few frequent, you’ve been sharing secret notes with another reader of your favorite poetry book.  You can’t remember how it began, but all you know is that you have been corresponding anonymously with someone through notes hidden in books and you may be falling in love.  Your multiple attempts to discover the identity of the person have all failed.  Including promising to be at the bookstore on your birthday instead of at the ball.
On the night of the masquerade and your 21st birthday, your sister discovers her soulmate in someone else and begs you to take her place.  You’re torn but ultimately agree.  You dress up in your sister's gown, don your mask, and attend.  While you’re there, you see Prince Minho mingling with other guests and when you lock eyes you get the sinking suspicion that you’ve met him before…
Changbin (18+)
Brothers best friend x reader college au
 Your older brother, Chan, and your neighbor, Changbin, have been best friends since they were kids.  You were just Chan’s little sister for years so you thought that Changbin would never look at you twice, which made your crush on him that much more difficult.  Especially since you eventually developed a friendship with the three of you. Halfway through high school, your family moved away for your dad’s job but you went back to college in your hometown.
Low and behold, you run into Changbin again and your friendship picks up right where it left off.  The two of you reminisce and he invites you to his place to play Mario Kart and watch Jurassic Park, just like old times.  The entire time you’re at his apartment Changbin is nervous around you and you wonder why until you beat him at Mario Kart and tackle him in victory. 
Changbin finds himself torn… between his soulmate and his best friend.
Hyunjin (18+)
Rich CEO x Assistant reader au
You and your boss have been exceedingly careful.  Hwang Hyunjin is rich and successful and gorgeous and every single woman in his company envies your position, allowing you to be close to such an immaculate being.  You, however, find it very stressful.  Since you’re both successful adults who haven’t yet found your soulmates, you have to be very careful and go to extreme lengths on occasion to keep from touching.  You can’t let love get in the way of your work.  It doesn’t stop you from trying to quietly entice him.  You often wear borderline sexy outfits to work with the hopes that one day your hot boss will finally touch you to at least see if you’re soulmates, but he’s so hot that you can’t help but feel aroused in his presence.  You simply wouldn’t know until then. 
One day, Hyunjin has a photoshoot and interview for a high fashion magazine and he looks incredibly delectable.  You stay nearby in case he needs something but you keep to your own work.  While he’s getting pictures taken, the director gives him a prompt and asks him to think about something that makes him hot.  The director wants to sell sex for this collection.  When you look up, Hyunjin is staring straight at you and you are not sure how much longer you can keep your hands to yourself.
Jisung (18+)
College student Jisung x slightly older college student barista reader au
Han Jisung is the bane of your existence.  You’re both in the same major so you take a lot of the same classes and it’s as if he made it his personal mission to annoy you every time he sees you.  He must, because he does.  He does it in small ways, like asking you dumb questions during class just to get you riled up, stealing your pens, and overall being a nuisance.  Why does he pay so much attention to you?
One day while you’re working at the coffee shop you’re the manager of, Jisung comes in for some coffee and specifically requests for you to make it.  Despite the fact that you’re absolutely slammed, you have to comply.  You make his drink and pass it to him, not realizing that your fingers brush in the process.  Jisung’s demeanor changes immediately, instantly getting a little more serious.  You continue working through the rush, wondering why suddenly you feel the intense urge to rail Jisung into the next century.  
Closing suddenly can’t come fast enough.
Lee Felix Yongbok (18+)
Professor x graduate student au
Professor Lee’s class is one of the most coveted on campus.  It fits into multiple fields of study and even the undergrad students desperately want a chance to take a class with him, even though he only teaches at the master level.  You finally get a chance to take his class, lucky since it’s required for you major, and you realize why everyone wants to take his class. 
He’s intelligent, he’s fun, he’s charismatic, and he’s positively stunning.  He’s easily the most beautiful man you’ve ever laid your eyes on.  And even you you’re initially hesitant to act like all the other students in the class and fight for his attention and a chance to touch him just to see if he’s theirs, you find yourself dressing up as well.  Not to impress him!  Not at all.
One day during class, he asks a few people to collect the paper that is due and you happen to be one of the people he calls on.  You gather the papers and ignore the ugly looks from all the others who wish they were in your position.  Professor Lee is teaching with no care in the world until you trip on the bottom stair.  Papers go flying and your cheeks burn.  Professor Lee gasps and helps you gather them while making sure you’re okay.  
Without thinking, you reach for one of the papers at the same time and your fingers brush.  Felix looks at you, eyes dark and he dismisses class without looking away from you.  The class is silent for a moment before he finally tears his eyes away from you.  His demeanor changes and he tells the entire class to leave unless they want to fail.  You begin to scramble away to follow his orders like an obedient little girl but you freeze when he locks you in his gaze again and rasps: “Not you.”
Seungmin (18+ suggestive)
Lawyer x Lawyer au.  Suggestive, no full smut
You and Seungmin have been rivals since law school.  Always trying to best each other in your final grades, who got to be valedictorian (it was you), and the most important: who wins the most cases.  For years, you two have been working for different law firms in the same building and have been keeping a tally of who wins what.  
One day you are pitted against one another in a heated divorce case.  Not your usual type of case, but you took it in order to be against Seungmin.  The case is emotional and dramatic and you find yourself arguing so intensely that the judge orders a break.  You both storm off to the break rooms to console your clients but the hallway is too narrow and for the first time in all these years, you brush arms.  
The arousal is instantaneous and you look at each other in equal surprise.  You each go to your separate chambers to calm your clients down before you excuse yourself.  You seek him out, looking into each office until suddenly someone grabs your arm and pulls you into an empty conference room.  
Of all people, why did it have to be him?
Jeongin (18+ Suggestive)
Tattoo artist x client au.  Suggestive, no full smut.
You are too innocent for your own good.  Jeongin recognizes this in you the second you walk into his tattoo shop in your short pastel skirt and matching top.  You ask him if he has time to do a simple tattoo of a line-art flower on your thigh.  Obsessed with you already, Jeongin quickly reschedules his next appointment and invites you in.  As the only artist in his shop, he can pretty much do whatever he wants.  The walls are covered in his art and you know you’ve come to the right place.  You discuss the tattoo you want, you fill out the paperwork, and sit down in the chair while he prepares the stencil. 
The second his fingers graze your thigh to put the stencil on, several things become apparent to you all at once.  First, he’s the hottest guy you’ve ever seen.  Second is that this hot guy is your soulmate and you can tell by the stickiness growing between your legs.  The third and most important thing?
You forgot to put on underwear this morning.  
And Jeongin?
He can definitely smell it.
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arataka-reigen · 4 months
Winter Anime Review by Yours Truly 🍄🌻
This season I said I would not watch anything besides dunmeshi. As we can all see... that was a fucking lie.
In total I've started 10 anime (can everyone praise me and be proud of me for being a bit more tame than I was in the fall season? At least it wasn't 20 anime this time).
My reviews are something I make just for fun, and they 100% reflect my own personal tastes. I might give a highscore to shows other people would call absolute trash, and that's okay! To each their own~~ That being said, I do try to make it very informative to aid you in choosing what you might want to check out by adding a summary and a few content warnings along with the actual review.
A little preview: this season has some great romance anime with couples that actually do make progress in their relationship, which is kind of rare for anime couples, always on their "will they wont they" thing, so if anything, i would recommend picking up one of the romances this time around. (And dunmeshi. Watch dunmeshi.)
***This review will include exclusively animes that debuted this winter, so no 2nd seasons or continuing shows from the fall season.
So, without further ado, let's get into it under the read more.
Dungeon Meshi
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Summary: Seinen, Fantasy, Gourmet, Comedy
A party of adventurers gets stuck fighting a Dragon even though they are starving and in no shape to survive. In a last ditch effort to make it out alive, mage Falin sacrifices herself to save her brother Laios and their party. She sends them back to the surface but gets eaten by the Dragon. Now Laios and co are in a race against time to save Falin before she gets digested. The problem? They don't have any money for food. The solution? DUNGEON MESHI!!! AH, DUNGEON MESHI!! DUNGEON FOOD!! JUST EAT THE GODDAMN MONSTERS 😋
Rating: 10/10
Review: if you've been following me for 2 seconds or less you already know dunmeshi is one of my all time favorite mangas. And the anime absolutely delivers. The animation is great, the voice acting is great both subbed or dubbed (the english dub AND the portuguese dub are worth it). The comedic bits hit so hard, and we're just at the start but you can already see bits and pieces of a larger and more dramatic story unfolding.
World building is insane. Character design is insane (everyone say thank you Ryoko Kui our goddess).
Not only is the story incredibly well written with no plot holes, the characters are also well fleshed out and three dimensional.
I could sing praises for it for hours, but then it would leave no space for the other shows on this list so I'll stop now.
But if you only have time to watch one anime this season, this one is it.
Content Warning: blood, death, necromancy crimes 🧟‍♀️
7th Timeloop: the Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy
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Summary: Reincarnation, Fantasy, Romance
Rishe is not new to the reincarnation business. This is her 7th time around. After being accused of crimes she didn't commit and having her engagement to the crown prince broken off in her 1st life she went on to discover that life is full of possibilities and adventures. But, after 5 years, she died. Only to find herself back at the moment the crown prince broke off their engagement. With each life she explores new countries and new possibilities, but in every life, after 5 years, she is caught up in the war waged by emperor Arnold Hein, and is killed. In her 6th life she dies directly by Arnold's blade and in a turn of fate she runs into him in her 7th life, catching his attention, and maybe his heart? Can she prevent her death this time around and finally live a peaceful life?
Rating: 10/10
Review: ah, we all knew the otome reincarnation was coming. This shit is my life source. That being said, even if it wasn't, I would still probably really love 7th Time Loop. It's just that good.
Rishe is a great main character, in all her past lives she was on The Grind. From being a merchant, to a doctor, to a maid, to a royal guard. And now she tells herself she just wants to chill, but this girl simply cannot chill. She is playing mind games with Arnold, trying to figure out what he is planning and how to stop the war from breaking out.
Meanwhile, Arnold is head over heels in love and probably so so full of trauma we still don't know yet. We must protect this dude. I'm very excited to find out more and more about him and what exactly led him to start a war against the world.
The animation is gorgeous, I love the way the eyes are drawn like constellations.
The romance is great and developing at a very nice pace, Arnold is very respectful of Rishe's boundaries for their marriage and overall just a really great guy.
CW: blood, death, kidnapping.
Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
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Summary: Boys Love, Adult Cast, Workplace, Supernatural, Comedy
Office worker Kiyoshi Adachi has gone 30 years of life without ever having his cherry popped. Due to this profound accomplishment, he gains the ability to read minds through physical contact. However, this new skill has only made his life harder and he now hates crowded spaces.
On the way to work, Adachi runs into his colleague Kurosawa, curious about what an outgoing guy like him thinks about, Adachi touches him and finds out that Kurosawa has a crush on someone from their office, looking further he realizes Kurosawa is actually crushing on him.
Rating: 10/10
Review: first of all, if you say "romance + adult cast" you already have my full attention. Add mind reading to the mix to make sure that the main character doesn't have miscommunication problems and i'm at the fucking table eating it up.
This show is incredibly funny, Kurosawa's thoughts about Adachi are always so sweet and/or horny and obsessed, but he is still just a super great guy with great morals and he would never do anything Adachi doesn't want (much to Adachi's surprise because he thought the dude was going to jump him anytime with how badly in love his thoughts are).
Adachi is straight until proven otherwise, and Kurosawa proves otherwise really fast. The pace of their romance is really great, we dont get ten thousand episodes of "will they wont they" and I really appreciate that.
CW: none that i can think of atm. Let me know if you have anything i could add here.
Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord
Summary: Otome Isekai, Fantasy, School
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Yumiella Dolkness is a girl with dark hair and dark magic (characteristics associated with the Demon Lord) and for that she is feared.
When Yumiella was 5 years old she regained memories of her past life in modern Japan, and the game she used to play: Light Magic and the Hero. In it, Yumiella was the secret boss you had to defeat after the Demon Lord. Determined to avoid this fate she applies gamer logic to her life and begins adventuring in dungeons to max her power levels.
Now, 15 year old Yumiella is going to school, where she will meet the true hero of the game. She wants to avoid calling attention and just go through her school years without trouble. But when their power levels are measured in the first day of school, she is measured as a level 99 dark magic user and now even the king and queen have their eyes on her.
Rating: 10/10
Review: you gotta trust me on this one and get through the first ten minutes, I promise it gets so much better after Yumiella is really introduced. They just had to spend a few minutes doing a gag introduction, where you follow the game's hero before you find our beloved villainess. And it was very cool how the opening resemble a dating sim game opening.
Yumiella is great, one of my favorite female leads this season, and that is including frieren and maomao from the fall season animes that are still airing. She is not very aware of all the social cues and has trouble communicating and making friends, but we get to see her inner thoughts and they're always hilarious.
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My favorite gag is that dark magic can be used for healing, but the healing process looks fucking grotesque so people would rather not be healed by Yumiella. For some reason that always gets me.
I really fucking hate the 4 hero characters, they're super annoying, but in a "i love to hate them" way, and I love seeing yumiella wipe the floor with their asses without even trying because she is just that overpowered. Most of the anime is just her trying to use just a tiny bit of her power because if she uses her full power people would just straight up die with a simple punch.
CW: blood
Yubisaki to Renren
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Summary: ✨️Shoujo✨️, Adult Cast, Romance
(Summary stolen from myanimelist, sorry) Yuki Itose is a hearing-impaired university student whose world has been shrouded with silence since birth. She has lived in the same place her whole life, and rarely interacts with others save for her best friend, Rin Fujishiro. During her commute one day, she meets the silver-haired and multilingual Itsuomi Nagi, a mutual friend of Rin. Unlike most, Itsuomi is unwavering when he learns of Yuki's impairment; this, along with his experiences abroad, fascinates and touches her. After they part, her fondness of him starts to grow. A new world begins to open for both Yuki and Itsuomi as they learn about each other's different lives.
Rating: 10/10
Review: and here we have The Shoujo Of The Season. And it occupies that spot marvelously.
Yuki and Itsuomi are another one of the incredible couples of the winter season. Relationship developing at a very nice pace that isn't too fast and not too slow (like shoujo can be sometimes). Yuki is very inspired by Itsuomi, she wants to see the world and experience new things now that she got a glimpse into his life and realized how big the world is.
I specially love how cool, calm and collected Itsuomi always acts, but how his cousin, Kyouya, lets us know that Itsuomi is really interested in Yuki and just shows it in different ways, like the way his voice gets very affectionate towards her.
The animation!!!!! Wow!!!! So soft!!! So warm!!!! I love it!!!! I'm sure you'll love it too!!!
Sound design is also very good, it's specially interesting during scenes where we cant hear anything because we are on Yuki's point of view. I wish it happened even more often.
I've seen people compare this show with Koe no Katachi but they're very different shows, specially since we get to see most of this one through Yuki's point of view, while Koe no Katachi was not from the POV of the hearing-impaired character and dealt a lot more with issues like bullying and suicide. Yubisaki to Renren is a lot more light-hearted, soft, sweet and overall just a feel good anime.
I am always going to recommend shoujo. Specially when they're as good as this one is. So definitely check this one out.
CW: none that I can think of. Let me know if there is anything I should put here.
The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil
Summary: Seinen, Romance, Comedy, Supernatural
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The angels and the devils are waging a war. Things are not looking so good on the devils' side, so they send Akutsu Masatora on a journey to the human world, to find someone that can aid the demons on their fight.
Akutsu is assigned a seat next to Lily Amane, the cutest girl in class. But when he tries to recruit her to the devil's side he realizes she is not a normal human. Now he must deal with the fact that he is tied to his mortal enemy, an angel, and with the fact that he might be falling in love.
Rating: 10/10
Review: More like,, the foolish devil gets played by the angel.
Akutsu and Lily get into stupid mind games trying to make the other fall in love, all while realizing that "hey, angels/devils arent so bad after all" as they spend more and more time together.
It reminds me just a bit of Kaguya-sama how the main couple wants the other to cave first.
This show is simply hilarious, I was laughing out loud at so many stupid scenes. Some gags do get old a bit fast, but overall it's still going strong and makes up for where it falls short with how badly in love these two already are just a few episodes in.
I'm not sure we'll get a proper confession this season, but it doesnt look like these two will be stuck forever in the "will they wont they" stage like the couple from kaguya-sama.
CW: there is a scene by the end of episode one that is completely played as a joke that has one of the lead characters putting a collar on the other lead and the imagery was a bit disturbing, definitely leaning on non con bdsm themes, it isnt terrible, just felt a bit distasteful to me, but nothing big, i dont think it should deter you from watching this, but watch out for that.
Solo Leveling
Summary: Action, Fantasy
(Synopsis stolen from myanimelist again) Ten years ago, "the Gate" appeared and connected the real world with the realm of magic and monsters. To combat these vile beasts, ordinary people received superhuman powers and became known as "Hunters." Twenty-year-old Sung Jin-Woo is one such Hunter, but he is known as the "World's Weakest," owing to his pathetic power compared to even a measly E-Rank. Still, he hunts monsters tirelessly in low-rank Gates to pay for his mother's medical bills.
However, this miserable lifestyle changes when Jin-Woo—believing himself to be the only one left to die in a mission gone terribly wrong—awakens in a hospital three days later to find a mysterious screen floating in front of him. This "Quest Log" demands that Jin-Woo completes an unrealistic and intense training program, or face an appropriate penalty. Initially reluctant to comply because of the quest's rigor, Jin-Woo soon finds that it may just transform him into one of the world's most fearsome Hunters.
Rating: 8/10
Review: everyday that passes I find myself liking battle shounen less and less. This one is not bad, it is actually quite interesting, it's just not the type of stuff i'm into anymore, I guess.
That being said, if you're in the mood for it, this one if very interesting. Jin woo's life is now completely ruled by this game that allows him to level up, and he is getting a bit fucked in the head by it.
Animation is great, I love when his eyes get all shiny because you know he's gone Beast Mode.
Not a lot of characters introduced so far, but it's still cool to see Jin Woo leveling up on his own. I mean... a show named solo leveling has got to make sure that the solo aspect isnt boring lol.
For some reason tho I still gave it an 8, which is high, so... it's pretty good.
Jin woo is just a bit... generic i guess. Nothing you havent seen before from an isekai male lead.
Also... i miss his haircut from the earlier episodes, his current haircut makes him look even more generic.
CW: blood and gore, body horror, torture, death games. Big and scary god statue that smiles in a fucked up way and kills kills kills.
Drop Box
Animes I either already dropped for a specific reason or will probably drop in the future simply because I wont have time to watch everything I started this season, so among the 10 I started, these are the ones i'm least likely to finish:
Majo do Yajuu
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Summary: Seinen, Action, Fantasy
Guideau and Ashaf are an ominous pair, working for a mysterious organization that deals with magic crimes. Guideau is a feral and unhinged girl/genderless beast with a curse she wants to break and Ashaf is her soft spoken and calm companion. They go from town to town looking for witches to defeat and trying to find the witch who cursed Guideau and get their revenge.
Rating: 7/10
Review: I do like this one, I just think that if it comes to it and I dont have time, I wont miss it too much if I never finish it.
The blood and gore are heavy, and that might be the reason why i'm fine dropping it, i'm not that big of a fan of gore.
Other than that tho, I find the two main characters extremely interesting and i want to learn more about them, specially Guideau and her curse and that crazy beast mode she goes on when she manages to put a pause on her curse sometimes.
CW: blood and gore, body horror
Gekai Elise
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Summary: Reincarnation/Otome Isekai, Fantasy, Medical, Romance
(Again, stolen from myanimelist) In her first life, the renowned and genius surgeon Dr. Aoi Takamoto was Elise de Clorance, a villainess of noble descent. Elise's selfishness, insolence, and obsessive love for her fiancé—Prince Linden de Romanoff—led to the deaths of her family members and, eventually, herself. Only after being reborn did Elise realize the error of her ways and decide that, instead of ruining lives, she would devote herself to saving them. But a tragic airplane crash robs her of her dreams too soon.
By a miracle, Elise wakes up in her original body before her official engagement to Linden. Recognizing the chance to cherish her loving family and free Linden from an unwanted marriage, Elise wishes to use her advanced medical knowledge to continue down the path of saving lives. In a deal with the emperor, Elise is given only six months to prove that her true place is not on the throne, but rather with the wounded and ailing who desperately need her help.
Rating: 6/10
Review: I'd like to say I dropped this show for personal reasons, not because it is a bad show.
It is definitely not the best otome isekai of the season (7th time loop and Villainess 99 win by a mile), but it is quite good and has an interesting premise. The main couple didn't seem too promising or interesting to me tbh.
The thing that interested me the most was the fact that Elise's original life was as a noblewoman, her second life was as a doctor and then he got a chance to relive her first life and change the mistakes she made.
Unfortunately, I am a med student, and I simply can't watch medical related stuff without nitpicking it to hell and back. Mostly, I try to distance myself from medicine related shows because my life already revolves around it too much, u know. I just need a break from All That when I'm watching my silly little shows, so... i had to drop this one.
Also, the main character was kind of annoying, but that might just be me.
Anyway, check this out if you think it sounds interesting. I might not be the best judge of this one.
CW: plane crash, death, medical procedures, surgery
Gushing Over Magical Girls
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Oh boy...
I'm putting the CW before anything else because this one is problematic and I don't want anyone acting like I didn't warn them beforehand.
CW: this is straight up softcore porn and the characters are all middle/highschool aged. The anime revolves around BDSM themes (so many and increasingly worse themes, from simple bondage to pain play, to age play and other stuff), and there is nothing more than that to it, all the character growth is about the characters becoming more and more uninhibited with their sexual preferences. Also extremely dubious consent for all of it.
This is just a hentai disguising as an ecchi. It's fully yuri tho. Small blessings lol.
Summary: Mahou Shoujo, Girls Love, Ecchi, Comedy
I'm tired already so this will be short. Utena is a girl obsessed with magical girls. One day she gets the chance to become a magical girl herself, however, she is fooled and actually becomes a villain. She is made to fight Tres Magia (magical girl group) and ends up realizing she quite enjoys inflicting pain against them.
Review: the animation is good, very clean, the boob physics is not all that bad (what. this is an honest review and the anime is an ecchi. i gotta talk abt the boob physics.)
It is indeed super funny and definitely unhinged.
Plot wise, it is pretty straightforward, girl likes magical girls -> girl finds out she likes to watch magical girls suffering and in pain and moaning (well, not only watch, she does a lot of touching too)
Do I recommend it? No. Am I having fun watching it? Yes, it is pretty funny if you're the type of person who can ignore A Lot of things.
I'll probably favor the other animes tho so this one is very likely to get dropped before the season is through.
Thank you for reading (if you managed to make it this far lol, although this list is definitely smaller than my fall anime list)
If there is any other anime you think I should check out this season leave it in the replies and I might take a look at it and update this review with it!
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lullabyes22-blog · 2 months
Snippet - Who's That? Who's That? - Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
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A few shopgirls spy a pair of distinguished shoppers.
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
Today, the Skylight Commercia is an upscale amphitheater, licensed by Zaun's Cabinet and protected by its own army of blackguards. It also boasts a full complement of unionized staff: porter boys, seamstress girls, spoonymen, bakers, bartenders, watchmen, even medicks who specialize in the tragic malady known as shopaholism.
Already, the atmosphere is a profusion of bedazzlement. Clutches of people dot the pathway: early risers and late-night revelers. A few stop and stare at the couple strolling past them. An entourage of Enforcers follow them at a distance, footsteps echoing across the cobblestones.
"Lookit," are the whispers. "Lookit."
They make an unusual pair. A man and a woman, shoulder-to-shoulder. He is a blade of a thing: sharp in every facet. Sharp-dressed, sharp-eyed, sharp-built. He gives the impression that if you come at him wrong, you are liable to get sliced in half.
Yet he has a smooth, silky manner about him. A Zaunite's strut.
His companion is a lithe, languid, lovely creature in a charmeuse gown the color of midnight. It is intricately pleated and geometrically cut: a Piltovan style. Indeed, the woman is all Piltover, from the top of her beautifully gold-coiffed head to the soles of her shapely gold-sandaled feet. Some greet the sight of her with scowls; others with stares.
The woman pays no mind to either. Her head is held high. She appears serenely at ease in her strange surroundings.
"Who're they?" the shoppers whisper among themselves.
Rumors swirl. The man is none other than the Eye of Zaun, master of it all. Hard to credit. Most only know him by his trademark voice in radio broadcasts. The rest are still convinced the Eye is a myth, or a monster risen from the depths of shadow. This man is too real to be either. The scars on his face are crosshatched as deeply as mining seams.
And the woman? A Councilor, it is whispered. Harder to credit. Why would a Councilor dirty the hem of her dress across the pathways at this hour? Indeed, why would she bother to get out of bed (a bed the shoppers can only imagine is as sumptuous as a chocolate gateau) before noon, when most Pilties ring for their maids to serve breakfast?
"Who d'you reckon they are?" one shopgirl whispers to another.
"They say it's a Topside toff," her companion whispers back, "with the Eye of Zaun."
"Pffft. The Eye already owns the whole city!"
"Well, maybe he's out bargain hunting?"
"That's bollocks! Bet it's a chem-baron, giving his mistress the tour."
"A Piltie mistress? You're dreaming!"
"Am I? These days, every Topsider and their dog wants a sniff below."
A third shopgirl stares awestruck at the woman's elegant silhouette. "She looks a right prize, I'll say that."
"We'd all look right prizes if we never worked a day in our lives!"
They laugh in ribald unison—laughter being the main thing that has survived in the Fissures despite decades of hardship.
And so, inevitably, has gossip. In a few minutes, off on their break, they are at their usual haunt near the Big Brass, chattering away. The city bubbles with scuttlebutt: fads, fights, fancies. What is passe and what is posh. Who has gone up in the world; who has tumbled down. Who’s up to no good, and who’s met a bad end. 
News is impossible to separate from natter. It is the lifeblood that pulses through the city's arteries. It suffuses the air with its own magic. And no one knows that fact better than the Eye, who has spent much of his tenure collecting it, distilling it, manipulating it.
Knowledge is currency—and the currency is the only thing that can be relied upon in a world of shifting sands.
Today's fare is the juiciest of the week. The shopgirls, on their third round of cavernfruit juice, are already aflame. The upcoming Expo is off to a promising start: the streets are cramming with tourists, and the shopkeepers are rubbing their hands with glee. Hotels are seeing a surge in bookings.  Clubs have mandated fire sprinklers and escape stairwells.  The air has been pleasantly pure despite the periodic Gnashers.  A new dance, the Targonian Twist, is sweeping the Lanes. In Oldtown, rehab centers are running out of beds. The treatment programs are making headway. The Shimmer addicts are being weaned off their fix. And the medicks say a cure for Grey Lung is on the horizon.
The prototypes are currently undergoing tests at private laboratories. By this time next year, there could be a vaccine available for sale. No word on the cost, yet. Or whether the Cabinet will approve its mass-production.
But the talk is rife with optimism—the offspring of early progress.
What truly interests the girls is gossip to do with the Council. They lean in closer, their voices dipping to a hush. 
"You heard what happened to Heimy, then?" one girl says.
"You mean the old Yordle?"
"Who else, daftie?"
"What about him?"
"Well, seems he's gone missing while on sabbatical."
"On what, now?"
"Sabbatical! Y'know. It's what the eggheads call it when you take a holiday."
"And he just vanished?"
"His secretary got a letter saying he was heading up to Demacia. He hasn't been seen since."
"How'd you know?"
"My second-cousin's wife, she's a maid at his house. Said Enforcers dropped by. They told her to keep her lips zipped."
"Zipped why?"
"Said the Council are keeping it hush-hush. Heimerdinger’s their former head and all. Don't want folks worrying."
"He was on the Council, wasn't he?"
"Well, there's something else..."
"What's that?"
"My aunt, she works at the Boundary Markets. She says that before the Siege, she could've sworn she saw him wandering about."
"You mean... here? In Zaun?"
"Yeah! And not alone. She said he was with some bloke."
"Janna knows. He had a mask on. Personally, I think she's exaggerating. She's a bit of a lush. The drink must've gone to her head."
"But what if it's true?" one girl says. "Maybe the fuzzball's hiding out in Zaun? And who's the man with the mask, I wonder? Could it be the Eye?"
"Why'd the Eye help a Councilor? He calls 'em A lineage of leeches."
"Maybe he's trying to make nice after the Treaty?"
"Or he's holding the old Yordle for ransom?"
"As what? Jinx's new pet?"
They share peals of laughter. Absurdity is also a staple of the Zaunite diet, and the notion that the Eye would keep a Yordle captive in his penthouse is enough to make anyone's sides split. They can picture it, clear as day. The Eye in a dark silk robe, the Yordle in a pink bow, the two of them dancing their own strange waltz around the lavish rooms. Maybe Jinx would serenade them, as her devotees do her:  Come on, dance faster, just a little bit of energy...
"I keep hearing," a girl says, "the Eye's a vampire, and his flat's a dungeon."
"That's just the chem-burn talking, love."
"Well, I'd wager there's a grain of truth. Vampires don't breathe, right? And they don't need sunshine. The Eye's no different. Where else would he live but underground?"
"He's commissioned a dozen cultivairs' hothouses full of sunshine. Why'd he do that if he's a vamp?"
"I'm not saying he's a full vamp, for Janna's sake. But everyone knows the Eye has his fingers in the blood trade."
"The Shimmer trade."
"Same thing. I hear Shimmer's made of poro blood. That's why it's so dangerous."
"It's a drug, love. Drugs're all dangerous."
"Not always. My boyfriend got a thimbleful last weekend from the back-alley chemist. Cleared up his cough, it did. And gave him a cockstand so big—"
"Oh, shut it, I don't wanna know!"
"What I'm saying is, there's more to Shimmer'n meets the eye."
"Got that right. My uncle OD'd on it, remember? Died screaming. So did his missus."
"Didn't their kid run away?"
"Yeah. Joined the Firelights. Who are a bunch of crazies, if you ask me."
"Oooh. I can't stand the lot of them! Making a ruckus wherever they go!"
"I heard they're dying off. No one's seen hide nor hair of them since the Siege."
"That's not what my brother-in-law said. He's a blackguard at southside. He heard scuttlebutt that the Firelights were holed up in a secret lair. Somewhere down in Oshra Va'Zaun’s tunnels. The Eye's trying to wall 'em in—or starve 'em out."
"How long've they been there?"
"Don't know. Maybe years."
"What a load of bollocks. Where are their goods coming from, then? You'd have thought the blackguards would've sniffed out the supply lines."
"My brother-in-law says they've a secret way into Zaun."
"What? Where?"
"Dunno. Supposedly only the Eye knows."
"He's a crafty sod. Bet he's already filled it up with Jinx's bombs."
"Why not ask him? He was browsing for jar cakes an hour ago."
"That's not the Eye, you dumb tart!"
And etcetera.
Under the watery sunrays of the glass dome, pigeons flutter. The girls buy paper cones of birdseed, for the fun of watching the birds flock around them. They are still playing guessing games over who the enigmatic chem-baron and his companion are. But in fact, it matters little. The security detail has alerted them to the presence of bigwigs. They need to know nothing else.
Where the Gray sits, as the saying goes.
At the escalators, they spot the couple again. They have stopped with their entourage. A little girl lingers by the railing.  Too scared to climb aboard the steps, she is blocking their path. The shopgirls tense as one of the lady's guards move to shove the girl aside. 
That's Enforcers for you. Always throwing their weight around.
The sharp-dressed man stops the guard. There are quietly severe words exchanged. Then the man himself kneels. He is talking to the girl, a gentle hand on her shoulder. His manner is almost reassuring. Whatever he says is lost in the hubbub of the marketplace. But the little girl seems soothed by his words.
Politely, he proffers a hand. She accepts with caution, then smiles a little as they perform a box-step together, leaping onto the escalator. Playfully, the man lifts her off the last step at the top. The girl giggles and kicks her feet before he deposits her on the ground.
Below, the elegant lady claps. She has been watching with an intrigued eye. Her entourage, more grudgingly, follow suit. The little girl, titillated, performs a curtsey. She and the man exchange parting words. With a forefinger, the man taps the skin under his eye: the universal Zaunite gesture:
Fuck the police.
He gives the girl a finger wave. Beaming, she rushes off to her family, who've watched her progress with bated breath.  A chem-baron and Enforcers cornering a lone child? In the Fissures, it's the beginning of a horror story.
With a dismally familiar ending.
"That was decent of him," says one shopgirl, licking her fingers.
"The best men are good with whelps," the second says. “It shows.”
"Pffft," scoffs the third. "One good turn and you're already fitting him for a ring, eh?"
"I'm only saying! He was patient. A lot of kids would've started blubbering."
"Maybe he's a chem-baron who moonlights as a nanny."
"Chem-barons have whelps, too!"
"And they pack 'em off to boarding school soon as the tit's empty."
"Maybe this one's special."
"You're daft," the first girl says, tossing a pigeon a last pinch of seed. "He's the Eye, for sure."
"What's got you so convinced?"
"Well, he's got a whelp too, doesn't he? Jinx?"
"Pssh. Jinx is his dollymop."
"Don't think so. I read somewhere he'd adopted her."
"I read he'd had a child by her."
"That's bollocks!"
"They say it's why she went into hiding after the war."
"Well, I heard she'd—"
"Ssh," the first shopgirl hisses. "They're coming this way."
Sure enough, the couple are crossing the plaza. Their entourages follow. Hurriedly, the shopgirls clean the clutter of cigarettes and paper-cones, straightening up. They give the couple wide berth, nodding respectfully as they sweep past. The aroma of hothouse hyacinths and bottled bergamot lingers in their wake.
The woman stares straight ahead, indifferent to the scenery. The man, on the other hand, appraises his surroundings with interest. They converse in soft voices: contralto and baritone. The latter has a graveled pitch that seems uncannily familiar.
A radio voice. The Eye's.
The shopgirls are too intimidated to eavesdrop. But suddenly, the rumor—that the Eye and a Councilor are on an extended excursion of the Skylight together—no longer seems so far-fetched.
A paper cone, caught in a shopgirl's fingers, slips free. It skitters toward the man's gleaming leather shoes. He stops mid-step, and the lady follows suit.
"I-I'm sorry, sir," the girl stammers.
The man stoops, picking up the cone. With an elegant precision, he hands it to her. For a moment, the three shopgirls are caught in his crosshairs. Up close, he's a fearsome-looking creature. The dapper clothes conceal a hard-edged physique like a miner's pickax. His right eye is the color of a lapis lazuli strung from the stalls. His left eye...
Roving across the girls, it gives off an acid-red glow.
The eye of a godling—or a devil.
The shopgirls’ skins break into gooseflesh. Their tongues go dry as Fissure-roots.
Idly, the man nods, and walks on.
"Shit," the first girl whispers, "what if that is the Eye?"
"If it is," the second whispers back, "then pray to Janna nobody gets their throat slit."
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auro-cyanide · 6 months
My reading list
✅ ⭐Not your typical reincarnation story
✅ The tyrant wants to be good
✅ The remarried empress
✅ From a knight to a lady
✅ Divorcing my tyrant husband
✅ ⭐ Men of the harem
✅ ⭐ My in-laws are obsessed with me
✅ ⭐ Philomel the fake
✅ ⭐ Forget my husband, I'll go make money
✅ Post possession damage control
✅ I adopted a villainous dad
⬜ Mother's contract marriage
⬜ Solitary lady
✅ Secret lady
✅ ⭐ Being raised by villains
✅ Kill the villainess
✅ ⭐ I shall master this family
✅ The archduke's adopted saint
✅ ⭐ Villains are destined to die
✅ ⭐ Not-sew-wicked stepmom
✅ Catherine's key to a happy life
✅ ⭐ How to win my husband over
⬜ Ennead
⬜ The golden forest
⬜ The fantasie of a step mother
⬜ My secretly hot husband
⬜ To be you, even just for a day
✅ Concubine walkthrough
⬜ Trash of the count's family
✅ The villainess reverses the hourglass
⬜ The reason Raeliana went to the duke's mansion
✅ ⭐ Carrier Falcon Princess
✅ ⭐ Who made me a princess
✅ Just the male lead's friend
✅ ⭐ The villainess's stationary shop
✅ The villainess's blind date is too perfect
✅ Marriage of Convenience
✅ The villainess flips the script
✅ The perks of being a villainess
✅ I listened to my husband and brought in a lover
✅ I just want my happy ending
✅ ⭐ I think I've been possessed somewhere
✅ How to hide the emperor's child
✅ The grand duke's fox princess
✅ I am the real one
✅ You are obsessing over the wrong person, lord of the tower
✅ ⭐ An extra stole the male leads
✅ ⭐ How to survive as a maid in a horror game
✅ The monster male lead living under my bed
✅ My villainous family won't let me be
✅ ⭐ Adopted by a murderous duke family
✅ The reason for the twin lady's disguise
✅ ⭐ Raising my fiance with money
✅ The Villainess is a marionette
✅ Seducing the monster duke
✅ ⭐ Baroness goes on strike
✅ The villainess captured the grand duke
✅ Baby prisoner of the winter castle
Stopped reading for now
🔳 Lady chef royale
🔳 The price of a broken engagement
🔳 The beloved fake saint
🔳 I don't need a proposal
🔳 Siella's revenge affair
🔳 Crowing a spoiled prince
🔳 The first night with the duke
🔳 Tricked into becoming the heroine's stepmother
🔳 I thought my time was up
🔳 My three tyrant brothers
🔳 My husband changes every night
🔳 I created a harem by accident
🔳 I will divorce the female lead's older brother
🔳 Lady Adelyn the homebody
🔳 I'm the queen in this life
🔳 The beloved fake saint
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calisources · 7 months
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𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍   𝐐𝐔𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒.   all   sentences   and   quotes   have   been   taken   from   kiera   cass's   the   selection.   this   are   all   from   book   one   (i   think).   change   pronouns,   names   and   locations   as   you   see   fit.   topics   of   royalty,   arranged   marriages,   competition   and   fantasy   present.   
“True love is usually the most inconvenient kind.”
“I hope you find someone you can't live without.I really do. And I hope you never have to know what it's like to have to try and live without them.”
“No, I’m not choosing him or you. I’m choosing me.”
“It's always the fear of looking stupid that stops you from being awesome.”
“If you don’t want me to be in love with you, you’re going to have to stop looking so lovely. First thing tomorrow I’m having your maids sew some potato sacks together for you.”
“America Singer, one day you will fall asleep in my arms every night. And you'll wake up to my kisses every morning.”
“You get confused by crying women, I get confused by walks with princes.”
"One can never help being born into perfection.”
“I should have known that if any girl was going to disobey an order, it would be you.”
“Listen to me, kitten. Win or lose, you’ll always be a princess to me.”
"Do you think. That I could still call you ‘my dear’?"
“You’re too beautiful for your own good. Once you leave, we’ll have to send some of the guards with you. You’ll never survive on your own, poor thing.”
“I guessed princesses-in-training didn’t wear pants.”
“History isn’t something you study. It’s something you should just know.”
“You don't do that. You don't just leave your family. Sticking together... it's the only way to survive.”
“It's the fear of looking stupid the keeps you from being awesome.”
“America, I don't think you can change history."
“You ask for such simple things, I can't deny you.”
“Great. Now the queen thought I was a misfit, too.”
“Yeah, Mom, I’ll just keep telling the prince that he has absolutely no shot with me and offend him as often as I can. Great plan.”
"Yes! It's been a pleasure getting to know these ladies."
“You deserved to be loved. And I hope you get to marry for love and not a number.”
“I think you can tell by now that I'm not the type of man to beat around the bush. I'll tell you exactly what I want from you."
 "In public? You thought...for heaven's sake. I'm a gentleman!"
"Why did you even offer to help if you think so little of me?"
“Ah yes, the man or the crown. I'm afraid some can't tell the difference.”
“It was a special feeling, irreplaceable, that was priceless. No queen on the throne could feel more important than me.”
“Every girl needs to shine once in a while.”
“I’d be surrounded by scores of guards at the palace, but I couldn’t imagine a place safer than my father’s arms.”
“You are all dear to me. it is simply a matter of discovering who shall be the dearest.”
“But you don't love someone for almost two years and then turn it off overnight.”
“America, I might have my family, but imagine how embarrassing it is to have your parents watch as you attempt to date for the first time. And not just your parents—the whole country! Worse than that, it’s not even a normal style of dating.”
“Sometimes people don't know whether to interpret silence as confidence or fear.”
“By birth you have been blessed, and it is time to acknowledge that blessing.”
“I feel that no good leader can let the masses go unfed”
“Your feelings being a little slower than mine? I'm prepared to wait. I don't think there's anything you could do that I couldn't forgive.”
“I’ve never needed very much to be happy. I thought you knew that.”
“The summer was ending, and soon we’d be faced with cold. And worry.”
“I didn't want to be royalty. And I didn't want to be a One. I didn't even want to try.”
“And I didn't think it was possible to find love for a person I don't know at all.”
“I gulped. Too many rules, too much structure, too many people. I just wanted to be alone with a violin.”
“Another reason everyone married young: Waiting is torture.”
“You were a dream I didn’t dare speak aloud”
 “You get confused by crying women, I get confused by walks with princes,”
“America, my dear, I hope you find something in this cage worth fighting for”
“Tsk-tsk. A lady never raises her voice above a gentle whisper.” 
“If she cries, I want to wear pants for a week".”
“I was so hungry for words from my family. As soon as it was in”
“you don't love someone for almost two years and then turn it off overnight”
“And it’s old advice, but it’s good: Be yourself.”
"The first time we really spoke, I corrected your manners." 
“We couldn’t afford the luxury of wants. We had needs.”
“Gerad, what do you think? Do you think I’m pretty?”
“They curtsied and giggled.”
“My whole life, I've been taught to be invisible”
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oscurascout · 2 months
Y/N As A Doorman
From That's Not My Neighbor game
Part 6 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10)
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They had chosen to do house chores. After all, they would be the ones staying at home most of the time. I was happy to have a maid- I mean, a roommate. The good thing was that my house was big enough for plenty of people to live in, as it was inherited from my grandparents.
The D.D.D. agent left a while ago to arrange some things; I don't remember very well what they said they were going to do but I didn'tactually care. All of the residents were in their rooms except four, one being the milkman who was working a double shift. Meanwhile, both of the twins and Angus had left for a business trip, though the twins were expected to arrive sometime this week.
It was almost time to end my shift; I just needed to approve Francis while waiting, strangely, Mr. Schmicht arrive to the window, even though he wasn't on the entry list. "Maybe he had an emergency with his new book," I thought as I looked at Mr. Schmicht's ID and didn't see anything bad. I quickly started looking at the entry request.
Arnold - "You seem to be in a hurry."
"Yeah, you see, I'll be taking care of a very special friend," I said happily.
Arnold - *menacingly* "So that traitor survived?"
I was about to open the door when I heard him say that and completely stopped. "Sorry, what?" I said, confused and hoping I misheard him.
'Arnold' - *angry* "I asked if that traitor survived?"
"Yes, he did, and I won't let you hurt him ever again!" I said, angrily.
'Arnold' - *angry* "Tch, this messes up all our plans, dammit!" *hits the glass* "How? How is that rat still alive? He was supposed to die either by those damn yellow suit bastards or by the many injuries he had!"
"It seems you failed; serves you right for trying to kill him. And you know what? For doing that, I'll start calling the D.D.D. on all doppelgängers," I said with a smirk.
'Arnold' - *angry* "I don't care about the others, but I will tell you this, you better—" *interrupted*
“I think you are barking at the wrong tree. After all, it is you who should be careful because now *stands up and leans toward the window* I will be hunting you down like the prey that you are. So be careful, little doppelgänger. Make sure to always look behind you because if you don't, I, WILL, CATCH, YOU” I said with a smirk. I could tell that they remembered those words; after all, it was the exact same threat they had told me, and that only made them mad.
'Arnold' - *angry and banging on the window* “This is not over, you dumb human! I'll make sure to get both you and your little friend, and make both of you—” *interrupted*
I didn't let him finish and pressed the red button, which quickly put the shield down. I could hear them screaming at me. I quickly called the D.D.D., but by the time they arrived, the doppelgänger was long gone.
This time I didn't hide myself; instead, I held my ground. “I swear I'll kill you,” I thought as the D.D.D. started to patrol the perimeter. After everything was done and the D.D.D. agents were gone, an hour later, Francis arrived.
Francis - “Hello, Y/N. How has your day been?”
“Good. I received word that Hoon is getting released. He will be staying with me,” I said with a big smile.
Francis - “That's good to hear, but remember to be careful, okay? Also, if you ever need help with him, just call me, and I'll help,”
“Thanks, Francis, but a D.D.D. agent will be staying with me just in case. But to be honest, Hoon would never attack me,” I said, smiling.
Francis - “Mmm, so someone will be protecting you? That's good, but still, remember to call me in case of anything, alright?”
“Yup,” I said as I let him in. “This day ended well. Now I know who to hunt,” I thought as I started leaving the office.
Upon arriving home, I saw a truck parked in front of my house, my house lights were also on “He is here, finally” I thought as I parked in my usual spot and headed inside.
As I opened the door, I was suddenly greeted by someone hugging me. I managed to catch myself before I fell over and saw that it was Hoon.
Hoon - *happy* “Hoon! Hoon!”
D.D.D. Agent - “Hey, you're back! Great, I just bought food, so let's eat!”
Hoon happily led me to the dinner table, and for the first time in a while, I really enjoyed the food. “I feel as if everything is okay now,” I thought as I listened to Hoon happily 'talk'.
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muiitoloko · 5 months
My Commoner
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Summary: Sarah, a healer with common origins, embarks on a mission alongside the arrogant and disdainful Sir Rickman to locate and confront a witch who poses a threat to the kingdom.
Pairing: Knight!Alan Rickman × Commoner!OC
Warning: Power dynamics, mistreatment, and a power imbalance between characters.
Author's Notes: I don't know if I'll do more chapters of this and turn it into a series, the fanfic got lost in my drafts and I decided to post it after changing some things, I'm going through a bad period of author's block. Who knows, it might help me write more if you guys like this.
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Sarah, feeling the weight of exhaustion, continued to watch over Sir Rickman as he slept. Two days had passed since they embarked on the treacherous journey, and it had been exactly two days since Sarah last closed her eyes. Commanded to keep watch while the knight rested, Sarah's weariness was evident, but her duty compelled her to remain vigilant.
As the moon cast its silvery glow over the campsite, Sarah fought against the heaviness in her eyelids. The rustling of leaves and distant sounds of the night seemed to taunt her with the promise of sleep. Yet, the relentless command echoed in her mind – to stay awake and alert for any potential danger.
Sarah, a commoner and a servant of King Robert's castle, found herself thrust into the unforgiving world beyond the castle walls. Her knowledge of healing had marked her as a valuable asset for this quest against the witch tormenting the kingdoms. However, her role was far from prestigious; she was a mere watcher, assigned to keep the arrogant and ruthless Sir Alan Rickman safe during his rest.
Sir Rickman, the best knight in King Robert II's service, embodied the disdainful attitude that many nobles held toward commoners. Sarah, despite her healing abilities, was no exception to his scorn. The journey had become an arduous test of endurance, with Sir Rickman's threats hanging over her head.
The campfire flickered, casting dancing shadows that played tricks on Sarah's tired eyes. She couldn't shake the weariness that settled in her bones, the desperate desire to surrender to sleep. But she dared not defy Sir Rickman's command, for the consequences were dire – the threat of her life being severed by the sharp edge of his blade.
As the night wore on, Sarah's mind wavered between the urgency of her duty and the overwhelming pull of sleep. She watched Sir Rickman's figure, his snores filling the night air. In the quiet moments, her thoughts wandered to her life within the castle, where she was raised by maids, devoid of knowledge about her parents and bearing no surname.
Sir Rickman, married to Princess Margaret, the daughter of King Robert II, held a position of power. His disdain for his wife and his arrogant demeanor extended to all commoners, treating them as beneath his notice. Despite this, Sarah, bound by duty and a sense of survival, had little choice but to endure his presence and heed his commands.
The forest, alive with nocturnal sounds, became a surreal backdrop to Sarah's struggle against sleep. Her eyelids drooped, and her senses dulled, but the fear of consequences kept her on the edge of wakefulness. The moon, an indifferent witness to her plight, continued its silent journey across the night sky.
Sarah, the commoner who had lived her entire life within the castle's confines, now found herself entangled in a perilous quest. The hunt for the witch held the promise of danger, but the immediate threat came from the very man she was tasked to watch over.
As the night deepened, Sarah's weariness reached its peak. The struggle between her need for rest and the peril of disobedience intensified. The distant hoots of an owl seemed to echo the warnings in her mind, a reminder of the precarious balance between survival and sacrifice.
In the early hours of the morning, Alan awoke to the feeble glow of the campfire. His eyes focused on Sarah, the commoner who had struggled to keep the flames alive through the night. The warmth that once flickered in the fire now waned, mirroring the tension between the knight and the reluctant guardian of the common folk.
As Sarah began to stir the remnants of the fire to life, Alan sat up, the creaking of his armor punctuating the quiet morning. Adjusting the leather straps and securing his sword, he cast a disdainful gaze upon the commoner attending to the campsite.
"Leave this," he grumbled, dismissing her efforts. "Go wake up and feed the horses. We'll be leaving soon, and I won't tolerate delays."
Sarah, her movements slowed by the lingering exhaustion, managed a tired acknowledgment. She attempted to shake off the remnants of sleep from her eyes before venturing toward the horses tethered nearby. The silent exchange spoke volumes – an arrogant knight demanding obedience, and a commoner navigating the delicate balance between duty and survival.
While Sarah attended to the horses, Alan stood, his armor gleaming in the dim light of dawn. The air carried the tension between them, a silent battlefield where each gesture and command reinforced the hierarchy that defined their roles.
"Make haste, commoner," Alan barked, his impatience evident. "We've wasted enough time."
Sarah, her response muffled by the distance, simply nodded and continued with her assigned tasks. The morning sun began to cast its golden hues across the landscape, painting a deceptive facade of serenity over the underlying conflict.
As the sun began to cast its morning glow over the clearing, Alan surveyed their surroundings with a calculated gaze. The knowledge of their route was etched in his mind, and the village awaited them in three days. A subtle confidence crept into his demeanor, his certainty in the path ahead evident.
Amidst the quiet anticipation, Sarah approached the knight, her voice respectful yet cautious. "The horses are ready, Sir Rickman. Would you desire something to break your fast?"
Alan, seemingly disinterested, questioned, "Do we still have fruit in our bags?"
Sarah nodded, confirming, "Yes, we do."
"Then we shall eat that to break the fast," Alan declared, a command that brooked no argument. The practicality of sustenance took precedence over any consideration for comfort.
As Sarah attended to the provisions, Alan's gaze remained fixed on the distant horizon, his mind undoubtedly focused on the impending journey. The delicate dance between the commoner and the knight continued, the unspoken power dynamics woven into their every interaction.
The morning unfolded, painting the scene with hues of gold, while the duo prepared to resume their quest. The village, a distant promise on the horizon, held the key to unraveling the mysteries surrounding the witch tormenting the kingdoms. Yet, for Sarah, it also held the potential for a reprieve from the nightly struggles in the open wilderness.
The journey pressed on, a relentless march toward the elusive resolution that lingered on the horizon. Alan, mounted on his steed, exuded authority, and Sarah, the reluctant guardian, navigated the complexities of servitude with resilience born from necessity.
As they set forth, the horses carrying them towards the destiny that awaited in the village, the shadows of the forest whispered tales of both peril and possibility. The dichotomy of their roles lingered, a silent undercurrent that shaped the narrative of this unlikely partnership against the backdrop of a medieval realm.
Sarah rode behind Alan while eating an apple, trying desperately not to fall asleep. Two days of riding non-stop, two days without sleep, were starting to take their toll. Hesitant, Sarah glanced at Sir Rickman, swallowing her pride before asking if she could pose a question.
Alan arrogantly replied, "You're already asking a question, commoner. Spit it out."
Gathering her courage, Sarah finally voiced her plea, "Sir Rickman, may we stop to rest? I am weary, and my eyes can barely stay open. A moment to sleep would do me good."
Abruptly stopping his horse, Alan turned his steed around to face her. Sarah quickly pulled on her horse's reins, the tiredness evident in her eyes as she met Alan's gaze. The air grew tense as the knight regarded her request.
"You dare ask for rest?" Alan sneered, his disdain cutting through the weariness. "We have a task to accomplish, and your trivial need for sleep shall not delay us."
Sarah, undeterred, spoke with a firmness that defied her common status, "Sir Rickman, I am but human, and exhaustion plagues even the strongest. A brief rest will rejuvenate me, ensuring I can continue to serve as your watcher effectively."
Alan's eyes bore into Sarah, his disdain palpable. "Who do you think you are, a Lady?" he spat with arrogance. "You're nothing more than a filthy and worthless commoner. If you believe for a moment that I will halt the entire journey for your rest, you are sorely mistaken. You must learn your place."
Sarah, feeling anger bubbling within, her exhaustion momentarily overshadowed by defiance, responded in a tone that surprised even herself. "Sir Rickman, I may be a commoner, but I am not without value. A well-rested watcher is more useful to you than one who collapses from exhaustion. Allow me a brief respite, and I assure you, I will fulfill my duty more effectively."
Alan dismounted his horse, the clinking of his armor accentuating the tension. He walked towards Sarah, pulling her abruptly from her horse. Sarah, caught off guard, let out a startled scream, her apple dropping to the ground as Alan's grip tightened.
"Did you dare to question me?" Alan growled, towering over her. "Know your place, commoner. Your worth is in your silence and obedience."
Sarah, fear coursing through her, stammered, "I... I meant no disrespect, Sir Rickman. I only thought..."
Alan interrupted with a harsh laugh. "You thought? Commoners like you don't think. You obey. This journey is not about your comfort; it's about fulfilling your duty. Now, pick up that apple and tend to the horses. We move on."
As Sarah, shaken and subdued, retrieved the fallen apple, the power dynamics between the arrogant knight and the commoner became even more pronounced. The journey continued, the shadows of the forest concealing the struggles and conflicts that unfolded beneath the surface of their uneasy alliance.
The duo rode for another two hours, Sarah silently enduring the weariness that clung to her every movement. Alan, seemingly impervious to exhaustion, abruptly halted and dismounted his horse. Sarah, following suit, avoided questioning his odd decision to stop while it was still daylight.
Tying the horses to a nearby tree, Sarah tended to their needs, ensuring they were fed. Approaching Alan, who sat against a tree with an air of impatience, she cautiously inquired, "Sir Rickman, is there anything you require?"
Alan, arms crossed and gaze fixed ahead, grumbled, "Rest, commoner. You'll be of no use if you collapse from fatigue."
Surprised by his unexpected consideration, Sarah nodded gratefully and sought a quiet corner to rest after lighting a fire. As she settled down, the fatigue that had been haunting her finally caught up. The forest, once a daunting backdrop, became a cocoon of tranquility as she succumbed to the embrace of much-needed sleep.
As the hours passed, the sun descended, relinquishing its throne to the moon and stars. Alan, true to his relentless nature, maintained a vigilant watch over the campsite. The crackling fire cast flickering shadows on his weathered face, the lines etched by years of unwavering service to the crown.
Observing the commoner, Sarah, sleeping peacefully, Alan grunted, acknowledging the necessity of allowing her rest. However, any semblance of compassion was swiftly denied within the fortress of his pride. His decision to let her rest was not born out of concern for her well-being but rather a calculated move to preserve her functionality for the mission.
"Commoner or not, she serves a purpose," Alan muttered to himself, as if reaffirming the transactional nature of their alliance. The fire's glow reflected in his steely eyes, concealing the complexities that lay beneath the armor of a seasoned knight.
The moon ascended higher, and the stars adorned the night sky like distant witnesses to the unfolding drama. Alan, driven by an unyielding commitment to the mission, rose from his seated position. He surveyed the surroundings with the precision of a seasoned warrior, ensuring that no threat lurked in the shadows.
As he tended to the fire, sparks dancing into the darkness, Alan's thoughts remained fixed on the impending confrontation with the witch. The well-being of a commoner was inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. It was the success of the mission that dictated every decision, every sacrifice.
Denying himself the acknowledgment of any sentiment towards Sarah, Alan brooded over the strategic aspects of their journey. He pondered the upcoming challenges, the terrain, and the potential traps laid by the elusive witch. The weight of past victories bore down on him, and failure was an outcome he deemed unacceptable.
As the fire crackled and the night deepened, Alan's stern countenance betrayed no hint of the internal conflict spurred by his decision to allow Sarah rest. The commoner's fate, like that of others beneath his station, was inconsequential when weighed against the success of the mission.
In the quiet hours of the night, as the moon held its silent vigil and the stars whispered tales of both conquest and sacrifice, Alan's gaze lingered on the slumbering figure of Sarah. Her vulnerability, hidden in the peaceful reprieve of sleep, went unnoticed by the knight who only saw her as a means to an end.
With the fire casting its glow upon him, Alan steeled himself against any sentiment that threatened to cloud his judgment. The quietude of the forest embraced the dichotomy of their roles – the arrogant knight and the commoner bound by duty, both navigating the treacherous path towards an uncertain destiny.
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tati3001 · 2 years
Love Affair
Summary: Wanda moves into a new house attempting to fix her marriage with Vision. Little did she know that the house came with more than just the walls.
Words: 1,069
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"Are those all the boxes?" She asked as Vision left the last one of them on the floor close to the stairs. "Last one" He turned to look around all the boxes around them and let his hands rest on his hips. "With the size of the house, it'll look like we have little to nothing" He mentioned amused.
Wanda smiled and looked at the house. It was big. It was a mansion. It had been her idea to move from New York to LA, but Vision had managed to find such a big house for a minimal price. It's not like they did have money but right now she wasn't sure if they were using their united accounts, or if that's something she also lost the right to after what she did.
The wallpaper of the house looked old, and it didn't make her comfortable. She wanted to feel like she was home, so she walked toward it and ripped it away, letting the yellow paint from the wall face her face. "I'll get started on the kitchen" She mentioned to him. "You want me to rip the wallpaper?" He asked, looking at what she did. "No, that's okay" She smiled at him and rested her hand on his arm. "Wanna start on the room?" She asked, but were they even sleeping together?
He seemed to be thinking the same and took a few seconds to answer. "I think that we shouldn't sleep together" He mentioned, before turning to the stairs and taking the box.
Wanda sighed and turned to grab a box to take to the kitchen. She deserved it, she knew that. After everything he did for her, how could she cheat on him? She sighed as she left the box on the counter and started to organize the utensils.
It all started when she was ten years old. She had woken up and thought that the day was gonna be normal, until dinner time came and robbers broke into her house, leaving her and her brother with dead parents and nothing worth of money to survive on the cold streets of Sokovia.
They lived on the streets for eleven years before they had enough money to rent an apartment for one night. And considering the coldest night of winter, they took the opportunity. The landlord of the apartment told them they could stay for a week, which ended up being a trap. He told them he needed payment for them and since they didn't have any money they had to be his servants for the rest of their lives.
That is until Pietro found him trying to abuse Wanda, and all hell broke loose that day. Wanda left that house with a dead boss, a dead brother, no money, and no place to live. After that, she managed to get a job for a rich man that helped her to travel to the United States.
He wasn't an angel, of course, he didn't abuse her. However, she was underpaid for several years but didn't have any other option, until she found another job. She wasn't underpaid but she was working her ass off for the minimum wave.
But that's where she met Vision, and their love story quickly turned up to be Wanda's salvation. He helped her with her education, her job, with her status in the united states. And she repaid him by cheating on him.
Natasha had been her friend since day one. And slowly she made Wanda believe that she didn't marry Vision because she loved him, but because he had saved her from a hard life. He had been her angel, and Natasha was ready to help Wanda leave him to go with whoever she loved, who happened to be no one else than Natasha Romanoff.
"Do you need any help?" A voice startled Wanda. She turned around to find a young girl, who couldn't be older than twenty-five, dressed in a maid's uniform. "Who are you?" She asked confused. "My name's Y/n. I'm the maid". "I didn't hire any maid". "I come with the house".
"Shouldn't you be in school?". Y/n walked around. "I don't go to school. Need to work to help my family" She finished. "Can I help you with something? Maybe the wallpaper? I could tell you didn't like it". "Uh, yes. Please" Y/n smiled and walked out of the kitchen.
Vision never mentioned anything about a maid. She finished the kitchen in record time and left Y/n to finish the walls. She walked upstairs to what would be her new room and started to unpack her things.
A picture of Natasha fell into her hands and she couldn't help but sit on the bed and clean the tears that fell down her cheeks. Natasha had been her greatest adventure. Her best memories occurred when she was with the redhead. She had never felt more alive than when she was with her.
So of course, she made the mistake of not taking care of Natasha the way she could only do it. Natasha had died six months ago in a car crash, and that's how Vision found out about her extramarital relationship. Tho he never knew who she cheated on him with, and after their marriage went to hell she didn't try even bringing up the subject.
At first, she didn't think about fixing her relationship with him, because she didn't find it worthy of her time. She knew she didn't feel the same for Vision. But as much as she thought about it she realized that whoever else she loved would eventually die. And Vision had already been so good to her that the least she could do was try to fix things with him.
Because he wanted her too. He wanted to be with her. He was willing to forgive her and forget about it all if she tried to. And for him she did. Or was trying to, but she wasn't doing a very good job. And Vision was still mad at her.
She placed the picture on the nightstand and continued to place her room as she wanted to. She didn't know where everything would be fixed, she didn't know if she could love Vision the same way she did. Or if she would be able to live the life Vision was used to. But what else could she do, other than try?
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demonichikikomori · 7 months
We made it! Yippee! Thank you everyone for this milestone, I'm feeling super happy about it hehe. It's a nice gift to wake up to. I promised to do a face reveal but I want to see if I can hand over an old selfie instead. I do have some updates to give since I see it as an appropriate time to share and they'll be below the cut!
But before that, I want to say thank you again. I really wouldn't be much without you guys haha.
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What happens @ 600 followers?:
Well, I’m not doing an event until 666 followers (Badum tss) but a while ago I did promise a face reveal so behold:
An extremely edited photo of me from about a year ago before I had my apartment. This, is 20 year old me in my grandma's basement... In a maid dress... Drinking a bang energy in front of my PC set up... (I still own my maid dress if anyone needs me to clean their house for them) I am in fact a REAL PERSON! Behold me. I won’t do a proper face reveal until I’m a little happier with myself as I am dealing with a lot of mental issues as of recent.
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What’s going on?:
To make a long story short; I just got laid off at my job and I have to move in January. I do have some requests in queue and I am going to be on and offline as I look for a job and get unemployment for the time being. They said they will bring me back January 1st but they forget I am an adult with no support from my parents so I need to work to live. I won't be taking commissions as I cannot live off of those and again due to mental issues I have been having my production times for my commissions has gotten increasingly slow over the past year. I cannot complete them in a timely manner to keep my head above water. My last check will go towards rent and I NEED a job by next week as I need to save for my deposit in January for my new apartment (1,000 dollars) and I need to pay my last bill of the month (40.55 in consumers haha).
I am moving in January because me and my little sister agreed we would live together for a year and then live on our own. So, we're in the same neighborhood but our own apartment so if we need each other we're still close. Our lease is over on the 27th of January so I need to get all the money I have so I can be prepared. It's crunch time! I don't want to ask for charity, but I do want to express that my inbox will be staying closed so I can focus on adulting.
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As you can see, I queue my posts like this so I always appear active online when the truth is: I'm probably sleeping/at work/writing/ect. I have the persona of a chronically online hikikomori, but the truth is I'm just a depressed person haha.
What about January?:
By January I won't plan to move for a long time as the rent is very cheap and the building allows smokers which is a big bonus for me. The usual response is; why don't you quit smoking?
Do you know how hard and expensive that is? Kicking a bad habit is hard enough, but doing that for the sake of HOUSING is not a good reason to quit. My survival shouldn't have anything to do with that. And also... The non smoking apartments are very boujiee and I don't like those kinds of uppity neighborhoods. I seek comfort in familiar and more impoverished areas. And again, dirt cheap rent. I'll be offline for the first few weeks of January and working on moving into my new apartment and I'll be updating you guys once I do! I can't use my PC since... Well, I gotta cut my internet off before I move haha. And my consumers the day of so they can turn my lights on at my other place. I am very excited that I have a new spot and I need to just get my deposit, and I'll deal with rent when I get to it along with all my other bills. I'm anxious and excited for the future. And with enough hard work I can strive towards a getting a small house.
But with the economy? ... Let's stick with an apartment. <3
Thank you for reading. And as always,
The Devil Loves You!
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goth-automaton · 1 day
All if you'd want pretty please!
You really hate me, don't you? /joking
Okay, I'll try...
The basic idea of Haunted House AU was described here, so I won't elaborate on it (feel free to ask any questions, though!).
"Metal Gear Chaos: RE//connection" is an AU me and babe made some time ago. Basically, years after events of MGS4 supporters of Patriots created a new organization, dubbed Neo-Patriots, which prompted revival of Philanthropy, this time led by Snake and Otacon's daughters: Sunny and 4 years younger Emma. The AU follows various adventures of Philanthropy's members and adjacent characters, with whole character and story arcs.
"Story of a Phoenix" is an AU centred around daughter of Dabi and Hawks, Reimi Takami. The story starts at the reveal Dabi is pregnant and covers her life, through her childhood, her helping overthrow the hero system as a teen and later enrolment into a dance school in Berlin and career as a professional dancer. The AU later gets a bit derailed and shifts most of its focus towards Shigaraki's adopted daughter, Karina.
Roxene's native AU is, well, AU centred about my OC Roxene – a maid from Marluxia's past, who joins Org13 as a sorta housekeeper (castlekeeper?) and ends up becoming Org's emotional support animal. It later gets a bit complicated, as someone tries to get rid of her.
"Bur;al" is an AU, where Vexen, the main character, is a single mother of Zexion (14yo) and Xion (5yo). Following advice from his bff, Lexaeus, he moves from big city to a smaller one, where he gets hired as an embalmer at the local mortuary owned by forever absent Xemnas. The story is a mix of slice of life and horror, as shortly after his joining Vexen starts being haunted by... Something.
"unforget you" – during a mission in Realm of Darkness, Roxas and Xion get saved from a pissed off heartless by a mysterious entity. They later come back and befriend it. The entity, named by the two Xana, is pure Darkness with "a heart long dead and putrefied". Xana (they/them pronouns) doesn't know, who they actually are and what their past is. The story will focus on figuring that out, with only hint being Xana's seeming connection to a couple of Org's members.
Massive crossover AU (I think I'll call it "Automata: Mechanismus Mundi") – after events of KH3, Marluxia, Saïx (who's developed an alternate personality after recompletion, Isa), Vexen and Zexion have troubles with getting used to their new lives, especially with the fact they're expected to just let go of their experiences at Org and go back to who they were before it. At one point Vexen and Zexion are visited by Accord, who introduces herself as a Recorder – an android tasked with archiving events of various dimensions and timelines. It turns out some incarnation of Xehanort survived, discovered there are worlds beyond KH's multiverse and is now jumping through them, infesting them with heartless and causing tears in reality, which leads to people going missing. Accord demands someone to fix it. Zexion, Marluxia, Saïx/Isa and 2B, with Vexen as a mission control (he helps gather information about worlds the gang goes to) join her and travel through universes of various video games to defeat Xehanort and restore peace.
Unnamed ancient gods AU somehow sparked from this fic. Not long after Saïx's passing, Xemnas introduces new Number VII – Keizelex, the Violent Maiden. She comes from one of very few communities, that still practice Cult of the Ancients – once popular old religion centred on gods born with the whole universe, who were supposed to bring guidance to their followers and keep Laws of the Universe from being broken. The joining of Keizelex quickly destabilizes whole Org, as it becomes apparent that there is more to her, than it first seemed.
Circus KH AU – 16yo gymnast Xion, running away from her shitty stepmother, joins a circus owned by mysterious Xemnas and led by Xigbar. Features found family shenanigans, some suspicious shit going on behind the scenes, almost everyone having tragic backstories, Marluxia being pregnant and a polycule so complicated, I had to draw a diagram to somehow keep track of it:
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Also, Roxene is there and yes, she's also everyone's emotional support animal.
KH x DMMD AU (made with help of @overheaven) – pretty self-explanatory. Marluxia, Larxene, Xigbar and Aoba are a group of Rhymers belonging to a Rib gang, tasked with fighting other gangs to keep influence over parts of Midorijima (in this AU, it is possible to play Rhyme as a group instead of single PvP). At the same time, Marluxia and Larxene are co-parenting Marluxia's 4yo daughter, Naminé, and Aoba is taking care of his twin brother, Sei, and Sei's daughter of similar age to Naminé, Xion. Also, there is some shady shit going on related to a disbandment of a very influential Rib gang, that happened years ago after someone set their homebase on fire, killing their leader.
"Complicated and Filthy" – Marluxia (17yo, 3rd grade of high school) is a boyfriend of Xigbar (19yo), both are certified life disasters. One day he has to move in with Xigbar due to his parents kicking him out of the house – he got pregnant with Xigbar's baby. Basically slice of life drama. Secondary characters include a group of delinquents Marluxia is a part of: 4th grader and leader Aqua, fellow 3rd graders Larxene, Saïx and Demyx, 2nd grader Kairi and 1st graders Roxas and Xion (who actually isn't very deliquentish, but one day she just started hanging out with them and no one had a heart to tell her to go away. Now she's sorta emotional support mascot).
Brand new AU inspired by "American Mary" involves a polycule made of archivist Vexen (who's currently expecting a baby), owner of a small tattoo shop Xaldin, sex worker Saïx and med student Marluxia – main character. Saïx is working for Xigbar, a kind owner of an underground brothel, who treats his workers (and people related to them) like a family. Marluxia sometimes does some body mods for Xigbar's workers, mainly piercings and ear sharpening, at the back of Xaldin's tattoo shop (which is kinda illegal, 'cause he doesn't have license, but he's good at it + none of his clients is going to snitch). One night Saïx accidentally discovers, that one of his regular clients is smuggling drugs, which leads to the guy cutting an X on his face him to scare him. Furious Marluxia enacts revenge by mutilating the guy. Professionally mutilating the guy – while he does end in the hospital, he survives. Story about what he did quickly spreads over whole underground and Marluxia is asked by Larxene – Xigbar's old friend – to work at her back-alley aesthetic medicine clinic as a plastic surgeon. Marluxia first refuses, but in the end gets convinced because money. And then shit happens, when it turns out, that the drug dealing ring involves some people from Marluxia's university. Also, Zexion is there as a surgery assistant in Larxene's clinic.
*leans in their chair* That's all for the AUs I mentioned in the post. Thoughts, questions?
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merakiui · 2 years
With very genius, fact checked, very special optical x-ray tools, I am proud to say that I may be able to report about our fave degen Idia.
Despite being an incel, if he done my genshin commissions and spyral abbyss for me, he is an instant smash.
Cough cough, this pretty boy actually has more than he lets on, he is a solid 8.5 incher, on the skinny side, pale as hell cause look at this vitamin D deficient looking ass, a bluish blush on the tip, not so prominent veins.
(source: trust me bro I seen it for myself)
A bit crack but would he be bald if you put water on his hair? Does his hair grow back immediately after dried? Is mf a God?
He is shroud'ed in mystery(kek get it?)
If Idia bought me enough primogems to c6 and r5 Scaramouche and his weapon, he is allowed to do whatever he wants to me. I'll be his live-in maid, his catgirl, his e-girl. Literally anything he wants. I'll do anything for the primogems... T_T
The technology you used to get this information is very reliable because I was with Idia recently and I saw it, so I can confirm this as fact. >:) You can't call him small, whether as an insult or a joke, because you'll be eating those words the minute you see his dick when he decides to be intimate with you. And you'll be surprised to learn that, despite dwelling in a dark bedroom, surviving off of junk foods and energy drinks, and having the biggest small dick energy irl (it's a different story online), Idia is packing in length. OTL
Omg bald Idia... Maybe it's possible because his hair is fire, but maybe it doesn't follow the logics of normal fire? So maybe it just isn't as bright or fluid as it normally looks. Maybe he looks like a wet dog caught in a rainstorm if his hair becomes soaked. He really is shrouded (lol) in mystery. :o
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watermelinoe · 1 year
can you recommend some isekais?
ohhh anon you bet your buns i can!! so i'll just say that i love the villainess isekai trope, and i love historical political intrigue, aristocratic scheming, power struggles, etc. i personally like f/m but only if the male lead is secondary to the female lead. i like a male lead who falls in love first and devotedly supports his female lead while she does important plot shit, even better if she's completely oblivious to his feelings. but the second a good f/f villainess isekai exists? i will devour it so fast. (you have no idea how let down i was by i'm in love with the villainess. i may never recover.) ANYWAY here you are:
kanata kara (manga, complete): 90s shoujo fantasy romance, a young woman finds herself spirited away to another world where she is prophecized to release an evil monster currently sealed inside a wandering young swordsman. i really loved the worldbuilding and the fact that noriko has to learn the new language bc she doesn't automatically know it like in most modern isekai. and i love that it emphasizes the good in people, and the importance of the connections we make with each other. noriko is unquestionably vital to the narrative even if she can't fight. i also personally love the art style but i get that it's not for everyone!
sengoku strays (manga, complete): shounen with a female protagonist who knows kendo, no romance, written by a woman! totally underrated imo. a high school girl ends up back in the sengoku era right in the middle of nobunaga oda's rise to power and ends up fighting alongside his allies. i didn't expect to like this one as much as i did.
the villainess is a marionette (manhwa, ongoing): double-reincarnation story, princess kayena hill has already had two past lives. in this one she is working to survive the power struggle for the throne by gathering her own allies... most of whom so far are women - her maids - and she's really protective of her people (and they're really devoted to her). when she shows up to the rescue when her maids are in trouble, without spoiling the situation, i was kicking my legs bc she's just the coolest. there's the male lead, who's in love with her, but she's largely too busy with other shit. i would also die for her so i get him tbh. the art is gorgeous!!
a wicked tale of cinderella's stepmom/i raised cinderella preciously (manhwa, ongoing): 37-year-old protagonist, she wakes up in the body of mildred vans, apparently the wicked stepmother of three daughters (included stepdaughter ashley vans), and makes it her mission to help cinderella marry her prince and ensure her other daughters find good marriages so she can retire to a cottage somewhere. this obviously doesn't go as planned. the manhwa deals quite a bit with the misogyny of the time period and the girls trying to find their own way, while wanting to protect each other and mildred, so they all hesitate to go for what they really want. the female characters of the vans family are all well-rounded and devoted to each other. this is a slow burn with lots of secret identities and misunderstandings. i have my own theories based on what we know so far, but the big question right now is: is ashley really cinderella?
not-sew-wicked stepmom/i'm a stepmother, but my daughter is just too cute (manhwa, ongoing): another wicked stepmother isekai, in this one the female lead wakes up as snow white's evil stepmother, abigail friedkin, but all she wants to do is get close to her daughter and design clothes for her (she was a children's fashion designer in her past life). this manhwa deals heavily with misogyny and disordered eating - the female lead was always overweight in her past life and snaps when she finds out her stepdaughter's tutor is restricting her meals, for example. also, if you like rococo era fashion, you'll really enjoy the dress designs, especially the chemise dresses - the manhwa explores the misogyny surrounding women and girls being forced to wear uncomfortable clothing. this is also the second time i've actually seen period blood depicted in a manga or manhwa (the other was akatsuki no yona, which i absolutely recommend)! i do have to give a trigger warning for the reveal of past child sexual abuse. the perpetrator is dead before the start of the manhwa but the manhwa deals with the remaining trauma.
the villiness flips the script/it's time to change the genre (manhwa, ongoing): i really like the villainess genre alright. the female lead wakes up in the body of judith maibaum, abusive aunt to the male lead of a tragedy novel, a boy named luca winterwald. she plans to send him off with his uncle to live out the novel's storyline so she can live quietly, but instead he claims she's really his mom so that she has to come with him to the winterwald estate. he turns out to be quite different from the novel, much more jaded and quick-witted (obviously i'm pretty sure why that is but it hasn't been confirmed yet). i also really like the male lead in this one bc he's so straight-forward. it's not really a slow-burn in that regard, and most of the plot is focused on the political intrigue and trying to prevent the tragic events of the novel.
master villainess the invincible/i'm a martial art villainess but i'm the strongest (manhwa, ongoing): you guessed it, yet another villainess isekai! in this one the female lead wakes up in the body of the villainess of a martial arts novel, hae-won tang. when she eats a random root that unseals her chi, she discovers that she's actually an incredibly powerful martial artist. as she tries to help the people around her, she inadvertently becomes embroiled in the politics of her clan and the battle to prevent the rise of the demon clan, a role that was supposed to be fulfilled by the original novel's male lead... but he's not really up to the task. and not to be bi on main but... the female and male leads here, whew. also i don't want to give spoilers but when the women in this manhwa go apeshit, it'll do something to you, okay.
rn i have 55 manga/manhwa in my isekai list on my anilist so ummm yeah, these are just my very very favorites!! if there's one you wanna ask me about to see if i've read it/heard of it, go for it bc i feel like i'm the only weebfem here who's allergic to most shounen gjhfdkgjfd shoujo/josei supremacy
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lizzy-doll-thefoxy · 3 months
talk about ginny please!
Ginny! a sweet woman who was condemned to a terrible fate...
(Note, Ginny's ex-husband belongs to my boyfriend and maybe he'll change some things in his story, I'll tell him his current lore)
Ginny's story begins when he was a child, she and her twin sister were the last to be born, they were born in a simple hut, Ginny and her brothers' mother was a nymph
So she and her brothers inherited some powers, Ginny's mother had to leave because in the kingdom where he was born people are quite aggressive and hate outsiders and can even kill,Ginny and her brothers lived with their father for years, a while later the king was looking for someone special, but no woman interested him because he thought they were ugly (poor womens) Until he met Ginny, he ended up approaching her and pretended to be someone kind, unfortunately Ginny fell for this scam, but deeply regretted it and was forced to marry him against her will . She was mistreated several times by him, even if she looked back she couldn't do much... because this king is not a normal human being and he could kill her easily
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Justin's birth
Ginny When Justin was born she was a bit young, still around 19, she didn't want him to be like his father, so she always set an example for him to be a good person Justin always tried to please both his parents, but one day he was trying to play with his father, his father got angry and hurt Justin's cheeks, leaving two scars on each side.
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The scape :
When Ginny found out she was very angry and decided to do something, she couldn't allow him to hurt her again or Her son, she decided to run away, she asked her closest maid for help.And so she helped Ginny and her family get out of there, but it cost the life of the poor maid who couldn't escape in time, Ginny cried and cried at the death of her friend, she feels guilty.
This is Charlie the maid who died saving Ginny:
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(Charlie :I NEED HELP!)
Ginny managed to escape to a kingdom, and this kingdom is the kingdom of shadows in this case the kingdom of metteo, she had nothing, and she didn't want anyone to recognize her, so he started acting in the shadows,She stole things in the kingdom to survive with her family, was it a bad situation? Yes, but it was better than staying in that hellish kingdom, unfortunately one day Ginny was captured, the queen tsuki He felt sorry for the poor woman because he realized that she was just a mother trying to feed her family, and he decided to help her, she got a job at the castle, after a while she kind of became part From the family and became the official nanny of metteo and his sisters, everyone keeps her secret and doesn't want anyone other than them to know she's there
About Nicolas, it was her first true love and thanks to him she once again had hope in love, he is the father of Breno and his daughter called Mindy (she used to be Camila but I changed her name)
Ginny powers:
Ginny uses a dangerous magic, the magic from the book of the god of death, few can use this magic without dying, Ginny uses it for good and as an emergency She also uses it to protect herself in case her ex-husband finds her
Bonus: Beltren was interested in this magic but Ginny doesn't like the idea of ​​him getting involved in it so she just makes it clear to him that there are consequences to this magic, maybe Beltren understands... Right...?
Ginny: ...This won't be right...
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