#i'm This Close to seeing what small businesses are hiring 'cause i know
strifetime · 2 years
me, after working for one week: holy heck i'm over this
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
You know what i would like to see a goldfish reader cause i mean goldfish can be really tiny and can get fairly big, maybe reader is from a pet store and gets bought for a young rich yandere and gets absolutely pampered and gets huge, clifford the big red dog style
"Sorry, I can't make it this year."
"Mom won't drive me out that far....."
"Maybe next time?"
"Next year."
Next year... Next year.. They'll be forty by the time that rolls around. It's always the same. People stick around for the lavish parties and taste of the high life, but the second they want to downgrade for something small with close friends and family everyone's suddenly too busy to come see them. The presents have always been shit too. Flashy jewelry or clothing from brands they couldn't care less about. Whatever happened to giving kids toy trains and dolls? They're sick of it. Sick of everything. Why can't anything turn out right-
Auryn hurls their phone at the door, anger fleeting as it smashes into a million pieces. Mommy and daddy will just buy them a new one, and while it won't do a scratch they love the idea of burning a hole in their pockets. Wasting all the money they gave them instead of time. The door creaks open once the coast is clear and in peaks a frightened maid. Her eyes fall to her arms, soothing whatever she held with a soft hush. They return to her master, waiting for their answer.
"Come in."
The maid opens the door completely and steps inside. In her hands was a glass bowl. "From your parents."
Auryn drums their leg against the frame of their bed, wondering why their arms were still empty. "Well?"
The maid shoves the bowl into their chest as passive she could, prioritizing the creature within over her annoyance. They look into the glass. Floating at the bottom; staring right back at them, was a little goldfish. Poor thing had been startled awake by the loud thud and trying to squeeze its tail into the castle it had already outgrown. It still couldn't have been any bigger than their hand. Beyond its human features, there was nothing special about it. A fish.
A fucking fish. Out of all the things they could've sent. The maid could sense their rage flaring. "Please give it a chance. Your brother couldn't keep it, and he knew you'd be the next best owner."
Their nails scrap the glass. That only makes it worse. Their family dumping their trash on them was a new low. What were they going to do with this thing? They should put it out of its misery. Abandoned, weak, unable to feign for itself.... just like them.
Auryn looks at the goldfish again. They stick a finger in its tank, swishing it around as the guppy takes interest. It swims up to them and puts its mouth around the digit, nibbling at the skin. They smile a bit, pulling their finger away which in turn causes the fish to dart away. Their brows furrow in worry.
"... I'm..sorry for scaring you. You're just like me aren't you? Alone. Afraid. I'll take care of you. I promise. Why don't we start off by getting you a new tank?"
You shake in their arms as the divers attempt to fit their measuring tools around your tail, successfully knocking two of them away and sending the third packing. Auryn strokes your tears into your scaly flesh, fighting a laugh as the hired help resurfaces.
"I don't want to get measured!"
"Shhhh. It's okay. If even one scale is missing off that gorgeous tail I'll cut their oxygen and add a few bricks to their suits."
You still aren't convinced. Auryn melts at the way you curl against their chest. The first time they held you like this you were about the size of a puppy. Now, your tail alone was bigger as their entire torso and your arms were tree trunks compared to theirs. They had done exactly as they said. After you came into their life no one else mattered. They got you a nice large tank to start off with, fed you a healthy diet with plenty of treats since your speak lessons were going so well, and spoke with you for hours. You were already half their size by the end of the year. They used to take you on walks in your little bowl, then they had to buy a wagon to carry you around, and now you lived in a glorified swimming pool no one else had access to besides care beyond their capabilities. Having you turned them into a more compassionate, but closed off person, and got them through the worse in life. They were successful in nearly every endeavor and it was all for you.
Auryn gets close to your ear as their voice rises in pitch. "But if you reaaaally don't want to - I'll have to find some other guppy to give all the brine shrimp I have in the house to."
Your tail cracks against the pool's wall, ripping the water's surface with tidal category waves and pushing the workers back down under. "I'll be good! I will- please!"
"Haha - ok, ok." They give a thumbs up to the divers as they climb in the pool. You work with them this time, channeling your fright as their tools stretch and stick around you into the grip you hold on Auryn's arm - careful not to apply too much. They grit through the pain and as one of the divers comes up again they take the measuring tape still held by the rest and lines it up to your head.
"4 meters!"
Auryn exclaims in glee and grabs you by the cheeks, cooing and kissing your nose as they laugh. "Look at you! A whole nother meter in just one year. Keep this up and we'll have to buy an island."
A servant knocks on the sliding glass door. Auryn excuse themselves with one final kiss to your wet lips as they hop out of your tank. They hand them a phone.
"It's your parents. They are in town with your brother and would like to take you out for your birthday this evening."
Auryn gets real close to the receiver as they speak. "Eat shit and die. Stay the hell away from us."
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2smolbeans · 2 months
In ride or die (runaway darlings yan ceos) HERE ME OUT..What if when the yans capture both of us and they figure out we're in love with each other? What would be their reactions??
Part 1/context
Their reactions would be bad, like really BAD.
First of all, you had the gall to escape, the audacity to manipulate them and LIE, the nerve to fake your death and cause them an endless amount of pain. They spend years searching for the both of you, spending money hiring investigators to look for you..They even took months off work to look for you and accept the fact that you were missing. It was so bad that both of the brothers couldn't work, they were lost, angry, confused, and worried.
Already, both Marco and Vincent are trying to process that. It's enough that you left Marco the day of your ANNIVERSARY, and April left the night he promised Vincent they'd start a family (For brownie points ofc).
So not only are they pissed over that..YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER??! HUH?! Is that why you two ran off together?! Marco's pissed. You fell in love with his brother's husband?! Out of all people?! WHY?!
After everything the two of you been through. The love he's poured out for you. The nights he's fucked you while you BEGGED him to keep going. The gifts and places he'd take you- spoiling you like royalty.. And you fall for the scrawny four eyes?!
Oh, my, god. Did you fuck him?
Nope, nope, no. He's going to lose it on you.
Vincent on the other hand doesn't say a word. He just glares at you, and then stares at his beloved. He doesn't even to utter a word to express how fucked April and you are. April already knows that the moment he returns with Vincent, one of his human rights are getting taken away.
When they both catch you, they'll demand answers. If you don't comply...They'll make sure you'll comply alright. They're pissed to the point that everything is on the table. Torture, intimidation, blackmail- ANYTHING is now on the table for the both of them. So when you confess, both you and April, they'll take notes on how the two of you escaped.
The moment you go home with Marco, he's making sure that you have no access to anything. Not to the kitchen cabinets, knives, forks, spoons, hell even the FRIDGE. Say goodbye to all the doors in the house. Because you decided to be a little escape artist and a lying rat, every inch of the place is going to have cameras. He does not care, he's not taking chances.
It's so bad that he's even made a schedule for you with timestamps and everything! He doesn't let you out of his sight. His one mistake was thinking it was okay to leave you home alone.. So no matter what, he always has his arm wrapped securely around your waist. He's at work in the office? Well, you're sitting snuggly on his lap. He's in a meeting? Well so are you! He has a business dinner tonight? Well, get dressed for dinner.
And GOD FORBID are you seeing April again. Not a fucking chance.
To top it off, out of the kindness of his heart, Marco will give you a special gift..
"My brother was talking to me about an electric collar.. Apparently he uses one and it's really effective with..
But I'm not a monster! You're not some pet. You're my treasure, and I love you no matter what.. But, you broke my trust.. Had an affair and cheated on me.. So I got you a matching set of these!"
The bracelets closed on your wrists with an electric buzz, and the short small dainty shiny necklace hugged your neck.
"It still works just as well as a collar! Just more.. Fashionable. I hope you like them! I picked them out, especially in your taste <3"
You're never getting out alive.
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danisbrainrot · 4 months
Could you do Actress!Reader x Nat but Nat's like a bodyguard or staff or something?
natalie scatorccio x reader tw: power imbalance? sfw, but implied nsfw near the end. okay, I love this idea. i'm really fucking with these actress!reader x natalie asks i've been getting lately!
flashing lights forced you to cower behind your bodyguard, as your hands flung instinctively to your face. turning you around by placing her hand on the small of your back, you are led into a quiet room in a random hotel.
sighing loudly, you practically fling yourself onto the couch and close your eyes for a moment. natalie stood at the door patiently, her inquisitive eyes never leaving you for a second. once you open your eyes again, you notice her gaze—and, more importantly, how hot and bothered it made you feel.
you offer her a reassuring smile, "i'm okay. you don't have to be so. . . alert," you tease, giggling softly at her serious expression.
she smirks subtly, not allowing you to see her reaction to you, lest she lose her job. you sigh loudly again, stringing yourself across the couch. still, natalie stares at you with piercing eyes and something else behind them—if you were anyone else, you would have thought it was hunger. but you knew your bodyguard. . . well, at least that's what you like to believe. never once had nat showed any interest in you—after all, your agent hired her because she knew how to separate business and pleasure.
you had other ideas, however. immediately enamoured by her, you planned on finding a way to make her crack. you hoped that maybe she'd let her guard down a little—joke with you like she joked with her colleagues, flirt back or perhaps even touch you below the small of your back.
that's why you pat the seat next to you, shooting her a cheeky wink. "come, sit," the blonde didn't move a muscle. "please," you whine, watching with a mischievous gaze. "aren't i your boss?"
"you are," she replies immediately.
"then i'm giving you these orders. relax, take the night off. . . or just take a seat next to me," you demand, watching her chest deflate and her eyes droop. she looks around for a moment, before cautiously stepping towards you.
sitting beside you, she remained rigid—as if she was ready for an attack at any second. "you know i'm being paid to protect you, not to relax," she replies, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. you smirk, in awe of this new side to her.
you sigh, tossing your hair behind your shoulders, and placing your feet in her lap. "well, then i guess you should clock off for an hour," you blurt out.
"why an hour?" she asks with a wide grin. you shrug innocently, trying not to appear creepy. you knew there was a power imbalance, and you didn't want to push her into something she wasn't comfortable—but you couldn't help but feel like she was picking up what you were putting down.
"you're free to do whatever you want," you reply. without any further conversation, natalie got up and left the room. you frown in disappointment, wondering what you had done to scare her off.
all your questions were quickly answered when she re-entered the room, no gadgets or guns, no badge and wearing nothing but a white blouse and black pants. "i guess it's a good thing i clocked out, because now. . . i can do this," she mumbles.
the way natalie was staring at you caused heat to rush to your cheeks—you barely had any time to think, before she grabs your hand and yanks you towards her—you crash into her, feeling her chest heave against yours. tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, she smashes her lips against yours and her fingers intertwine in your hair.
your hands snake around her neck, enjoying how her lips feel against yours. it wasn't hard to tell she'd been drinking, tasting the alcohol on her breath, but you didn't mind. you quite liked the flavour of her lips.
when natalie finally pulled away, you whined at the loss of contact. "don't worry, baby. we still got fifty five minutes left," she replies, pulling her shirt over her head.
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zannenilsson · 1 month
AITA for using a lookalike of my son's activist girlfriend to incite a small uprising so I could stop my employees from organizing?
I (53M) am a hardworking business executive and single father. I had to raise my son (21M) alone after his mother died giving birth to him. Admittedly I kind of threw myself into work after my wife died so I wasn't there a lot when he was growing up, but I used the money I made to make sure he got everything he needed to thrive. I take care of all his expenses so he doesn't have to work all the time the way I do, so he just hangs out with his friends all day.
Now, my son never asks questions about how I actually make all this money; he's well-educated but has never been really curious. So I was very confused when he burst into my office the other day totally freaking out and crying and asking about my employees' working conditions. Once he calmed down I found out that he saw an industrial accident - which I hadn't even been told about - caused by one of my workers' negligence.
Naturally I was confused because he's never been to the machine rooms where my low-level employees work, and when I pressed him he said he was looking for "this cute activist worker girl" who he saw while hanging out with his friends. And I don't know what she said to him that made such a big impression - knowing him she was probably just very attractive - but he kept talking about how he had to find her and help her make things better for my workers because they were really just like him.
I tried to explain that no, he was not "just like" one of the unwashed and uneducated workers in my machine rooms, and that they were where they belonged, just like him. For some reason this upset him even more and he ran out of my office again. He disappeared for a while after that.
Meanwhile, I finally got more details about the accident and found out a bunch of the dead workers had these weird identical sketches on pieces of paper in their pockets. My foreman had no idea what they were, so I consulted my Former Close Friend (51M) about it. (We had a falling out over my late wife before my son was born, long story, but I pay his bills because he's the smartest person I know and in exchange he helps me out with unsolvable problems.)
Long story short, turns out the sketches were maps of the city's old catacombs system. FCF showed me that my workers have been using them to illegally gather there after their shifts and listen to the same activist girl my son was obsessed with (19?F) give these weird sermons about how some rich person will help them peacefully organize and improve their living and working conditions.
As I've already said, I provide the best working conditions I can for my employees. I also provide them all with free housing. Yes, the housing is underground, but it's safe, clean, and easily accessible - in other words, much better than the upper-city slums they and their families would probably live in otherwise. So not only was this girl making them ungrateful for everything I'd given them, but she was clearly manipulating my son to help her do it.
Admittedly I'm not proud of what happened next, but I was angry and scared for my son. So I asked FCF to help me swap the girl with an advanced lifelike robot he'd built (long story, don't ask), show my son how duplicitous she really was, and lead the workers into the violent uprising they clearly wanted so I could remove that element from my workforce once and for all. FCF agreed and took care of everything.
Once we got the robot girl in place everything started going downhill for some reason. My son suddenly reappeared, saw me with her, had a nervous breakdown which I hired doctors to see him through, then he disappeared again. I tried to follow up with FCF to see what the robot's progress has been but he seems to be avoiding me. The uprising seems to be going as planned since the power in the whole city just went out, but without any intel I can't stop it. And now suddenly the man I hired to find my son turned up to say my son's been sucked into the uprising somehow and it's spiralling out of control. When I asked if my son was okay, he said a lot of people will be asking me the same question about their sons tomorrow, implying that this whole thing is MY fault.
So I have to know: AITA?
UPDATE: I finally tracked down FCF and overheard him telling the activist girl (who he kidnapped, for some reason?) that the robot is actually carrying out some secret revenge plan he had against me, which apparently involves DESTROYING THE ENTIRE CITY and KILLING MY SON. So I broke in, let the girl out, and beat him to death. I'm going to fix this.
UPDATE 2: The robot has been neutralized, but the workers' city flooded in the uprising and the workers are pissed.
UPDATE 3: The good news is, I found my son. The bad news is, FCF isn't dead and is now FIGHTING MY SON ON TOP OF THE CATHEDRAL. HELP.
FINAL UPDATE: FCF is dead. My son is okay and helped me reconcile with the workers, who seem to think it was all the robot's fault. Thank you to everyone who responded to this and helped me realize I'm NTA, and it was in fact FCF who was TA.
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vampireheist · 5 days
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Length: (Y/n) 5-part Miniseries.
Genre: Horror, unexpected pregnancy trope, a vampire child, a secret murder coverup, A love child from a twisted affair. Fluff. Daddy/daughter trope. 
Plot Summary: Y/n Barrett, the sister of Adam Barret gets pregnant by Krisfor Lazaar after being Hypnotized and fed on for 6 months during an undercover FBI Investigation, after escaping and disappearing with her brother, 9 months later, She gives birth to a baby girl, who initially seems like a lovely normal child. But as the child ages, so does her thirst for blood. The older she gets, the more monstrous she becomes.   Not understanding what her child is, y/n panic, as she finds dead rats sucked dry, buried Underneath her daughter's pillow, and a dead priest in the middle of the bedroom floor. Scared and frightened, she believes her daughter has possibly brought something hauntingly into the world of the living, and she quickly seeks her brother Adam for help. 2 years later, he used the night of the dead priest, against Y/N. Scared, she agreed to be a part of his kidnapping against a very wealthy man. and That was recommended by an old friend.
🍓🍓🍓 🍓🍓🍓
You grew up with an abusive stepfather, and a mother that was so heavily in love she didn't care what caused her children, mental, emotional, and physical pain. 
As you came of age, growing up without any Maternal love and abused mind, you sought Validation from anyone that laid eyes upon you, seeking closure. You became close to your brother Adam, never leaving his side for anything. 
He became your best friend, a father-figure, a Guardian angel, Protecting you from any harm. 
When he got into law enforcement he begged you not to come along, but you heavily insisted- as stubborn as you are- He agreed, warning you to stay alert. 
You always knew how controlling Adam was- but it never bothered you one bit, because you know how protective he can be. 
When it was time to expose the one and only Kristof Lazar, the sheriff director ordered you to take part in the mission- alongside your brother. Adam bans it, not wanting his little sister involved.
 Wanting to make the sheriff director happy, you happily volunteered ignoring your brother's wishes, going undercover as the spy; an undercover Intern Technician hired by one of the bosses that work for Krisfor Lazar.  
On the first day of the job as an undercover FBI spy, you were sent to the top floor to work on a computer chip gone wrong, a business floor that no one dares to go up to unless called upon by the boss. 
You walked nervously down the hall, Snapping your necklace back and forth. When you entered the room, you felt like you were being watched, eyes burning at the back of your head.
 You assume it's just your paranoia, your crowded, noisy brain playing a trick on you. like it always had when you were younger. So, you continued with the mission. 
The room was crowded with digital cameras, computer coding, and other technical software. Examining the room, you searched for the secret flash drive that you wore around your knee high socks. Carefully, placing it there, to not forget it. 
Still feeling eyes watching you, you turned to look back at the entrance, but nothing was there. You sighed, with relief. When you turn back around, you gasp, shrieking away in a soundless scream.
 Lazaar appeared out of nowhere, admiring you with his dark shaded eyes.
You huffed, breathing for air after having a small heart attack. 
You look up at the 6 '3 pale men who stared down at you with a cold emotionless Demeanor. His presence seemed cold, but warm in a way that made someone nervously giggled when flirting. 
You smiled out of fright, pressing your hand against your chest. 
“I'm sorry I didn't see you there,” You snorted, muffling your mouth, biting your lips nervously.  
He lifted his head slightly- not saying a word- Instead, admire you silently. 
Heart thumping, throat tightening, sweaty palms, You breathed, still giggling nervously. “Hi, I'm y/n, I was sent to fix a computer chip.”
“I know who you are,” he whispers, raspily, no emotional change, gently taking your hands into his big palms, pecking a dry kiss.
You stared at the man with widened eyes. Your mind ascending, your body a float, with only your heart steering. 
 “You startled me! I didn't hear you come in,” you chortled, slowly, unsurely falling into a trace. 
“Mmm,” he deeply moans, eyes bugging, breathing in your wonderful scent. 
A few months in, you have completely fallen in love with the crime lore. Your brother Adam thought it was odd, but not strange- Considering you fall In love with anyone you meet Quicker than a shooting star- But his will to protect you, even when you didn't need it- is what fulfilled him- to know you were safe in this world of crime. 
Eventually, 48 weeks later, everything has been successful in taking down the crime lore. Tricking the crime lore to get into his circle and using you to testify against him. 
Everyone cheered, as the court date was set for tomorrow. Everyone went to sleep, preparing for victory. 
When Adam awoke, two rooms down where Krisfor Lazaar Lieutenants were held. He was ordered to check on them, Leaving you, who seems disoriented- stripped away from a trace- in the room to be. 
When he opened room 205, he shrieked, seeing a pile of dead bodies- ripped to shreds-blood splattered everywhere. 
The plan has been demolished. The Victory has been snatched. Someone or maybe a wild animal has come to steal back their Anonymous pride, viciously. Everyone quickly assumed it was Valdez. 
Adam rushed You out of the bathroom, packing every essentials that both of you needed before vanishing. 
For his safety and Yours, he quickly abandoned his own family, leaving behind everything that traced the both of you, And changed both of your names, so you couldn’t be tracked.
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kayhi808 · 1 year
Return Home
This takes place a couple of years after Hurry Home.
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You look up into the stormy late afternoon skies of NYC, figuring out your odds if you'll be able to make it to the Metro before the rain comes pouring down. You flip your sign from "Open" to "Closed", locking up after letting your employees leave early before the rain comes down.
You recently aquired this cafe and you've been doing well so far. Open for breakfast & lunch, you've poured your heart & soul into this place, "Eden". You named it after your daughter who passed a couple years ago. It was a real tough part of your life, but you survived. You pushed through the worst of it and you're ok. Not everyday, but for the majority, you're good.
As you finish wiping down the counters in the back you hear a clap of thunder. You sigh as you grab your bag & coat from your office. You hire kids from the nearby University, so you're glad you let them go early, hopefully they made it back home by now. As you walk to the front door, you can see the rain coming down in buckets! Well, shit! There's someone standing in your doorway trying to get out of the rain, what little good it does, as you can see the rain still pelting your windows. Now you're going to have to be an asshole & tell this guy to move.
You open the door & the man turns, "Y/N?"
"Billy." His eyes wide with shock. It must mirror your own. His coat does little to protect him from the rain. He's soaked through. You step back to let him into the cafe. He quickly enters. You lock up and turn to him. All you can do is stare. You haven't seen Bill since you told him about Eden. He had tried calling & seeing you afterwards, but you couldn't do it. He is Eden's father & thinking of her was too painful back then. He wipes his hand down over his face, getting rid of the water. It breaks eye contact & you feel free to move. "Have a seat, I'll be right back." You drop your bag on a table and run to the back for towels. It also gives you time to catch your breath. Billy. You can't believe he's here.
Returning with the towels, Bill has taken off his coat & its thrown over a stool at the high top table. "Here. Dry off."
"Thank you." He runs the towel through his hair & wipes the water from his face. "What are you doing here?"
"I work here. I should be asking you the same thing."
Hooking the towel over his shoulders, "I had a meeting in the neighborhood. My driver is running late. Traffic." He can't stop staring, "Y…you look great. How have you been?"
The sadness you see in his eyes rakes across your heart, "I'm good, now. I'm a lot better." He nods.
"I'm glad to hear that," giving you a soft smile, which makes you more aware of the emptiness you feel in your soul. You kept yourself busy so you wouldn't have to deal with that feeling.
You move behind the counter, "Do you want a coffee? You must be freezing. I have tea."
Billy step further into the cafe & takes a seat at the small counter. "Coffee sounds wonderful, if you don't mind." Billy would accept anything if it gave him more time to spend with you. He's loved you since the moment he saw you, but was a fool to never have let you know how he truly felt. While on a Black Ops mission, you had found out you were pregnant & had lost the baby at 18wks. Bill didn't return from his mission until it was way too late. You didn't want to see him after that & he respected your wishes. He had hurt you so much already, he didn't want to cause you any more pain. It hadn't stop him from keeping tabs on you though. "I thought you were are 'Penelope's."
"How did you know I was there?" Pouring water over the coffee grounds. Stirring the grounds while it steeps.
Bill doesn't make eye contact, but shrugs. "I check up on you once in a while. I want to make sure you're alright is all."
Your breath catches. Billy is still watching over you. "Um, I left a couple months ago. I started this place."
"What? This is yours?" Billy breaks out into a happy grin, that's infectious. You nod & smile back. "Holy shit! Congratulations! You did it!" He gets up to look around the cafe more carefully, taking it all in. His gaze stops, at the fancy lettering of "Eden" in the window. "Eden," he whispers. He silently stares at the sign. You pour his coffee into a reusable ceramic mug with the Eden logo across the front. It's bittersweet, yet you're proud of what you've accomplished. Bill knew this was a dream of yours and in a small way you're sharing it with him now.
Billy returns to the counter as you hand him his coffee. He takes your hand, bringing it to his lips, "I'm so proud of you, darlin'. You did it." He brushes a tear away with his thumb. You didn't even realize you were crying.
Noticing a black SUV pull up in front and you step back from Billy, putting distance between you. "Thank you, Billy. I think your driver is here."
He looks outside and checks his phone. "Let me drive you home."
" It's ok. I'm good."
" I insist. It's the least I can do...."
Taking a deep breath, "I'd rather you didn't." You see the hurt in his eyes but you...can't. Just seeing him again is overwhelming for you.
"Sweetheart, its storming out" trying to cajole you into obeying. You see the muscle tick in his jaw; he's getting annoyed.
"It was nice to see you again...but its hard too. Please understand, Billy. Don't be mad at me."
Billy drops a kiss on your forehead, "My number hasn't changed. Text me to let me know you got home safe. Can you do that for me? If not, I'll send agents out right now to sit in front of your house to let me know you made it home."
Shaking your head at him but he did wrangle a grin out of you, too. "I'll text you." Billy still cares about you enough to keep track if you're ok or not.
Saluting you with his new mug, "I'm really proud of you. G'night, sweetheart."
"G'night Billy."
You stay in the doorway until you see the SUV tail lights turn the corner. Opening up your umbrella you make your way to the subway. Seeing Billy didn't hurt quite as much as you thought it would.
@idaofinfinity @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @e-dubbc11
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crazyringo · 3 months
HSR Penacony 2.3 Thoughts
2.3 was great! I enjoyed every bit of it, though I'm a little sad that our adventure in Penacony is now over (or, is it?). I shall miss the planet of festivities, especially the cute little Origami Birds
Needless to say, this Stelfly/Stellaron Hunters fan is satisfied~! Omg. You guys don't know how excited I got when I saw Silver Wolf on screen (even if she did appear as a hologram), and I got even super duper excited when I saw that Silver Wolf was the one who hired Sparkle in the first place! Our little Wolfie is such a cute Tsundere 💕
Speaking of Silver Wolf, I was honestly caught off guard that she even got in contact with Sparkle, who's a Masked Fool. During the Aetherium Wars event, Silver Wolf sounded like she didn't even trust the faction whatsoever. That nothing good ever happens for trusting a Fool. And I'm only saying that cause I believe Silver Wolf's definition of entertainment will not be the same as a Masked Fools', at least that's the vibe I got when she talked about them, but I guess after chatting with Sparkle through a video game was enough to convince her that Sparkle can be trusted enough to ensure Firefly's safety (again, my opinion)
It was so heartwarming to find out how close the Stellaron Hunters are as a team. I laughed out loud when I got the Save the Cat! Achievement when I put them on a team together. At this point in the game, I'm entirely convinced that Elio is indeed the black cat
And while I am happy for what we got for 2.3, I also can't help but feel a little uneasy about it all. Not only was this update shorter than 2.0-2.2, but for me it also felt like everything went too smoothly, you know? The impression I got for the 2.3 trailer felt like everything was going to be stakes, after high stakes since we're literally at the end. And the theory I've seen about that we're still (yes, still) stuck in the dreamscape made me feel even more uneasy about everything. And while we did say our goodbyes and all, I was somewhat bothered that we didn't even get to say goodbye to Robin and Firefly. You'd think we would after everything we went through together in Penacony
Like, okay, I guess you could say that we did say goodbye to the two of them during the Bird Clash event, but you would think that maybe they could've had us say a proper goodbye with voice lines and stuff in the main story. Especially with Firefly, cause it's definitely going to be a while before we see her again. And, unfortunately, it obviously won't be in her real form since she depends on the SAM suit in reality. I guess it's too much to ask Hoyoverse to do a Stelfly tender hug goodbye. Just saying. Don't know about y'all, but Firefly needs a hug. Robin too, especially after everything she's been through
Anyways~ Back on on track. I guess that the other thing that bothered me a little was the meeting between Mr. Oti and the IPC. Now, let me be clear, I AM NOT a business woman and I don't really understand anything concerning proper business etiquette. Even so, I will try my best to get this thought written out as best as I can
Mr. Oti, Jade and Topaz sit down, they exchange pleasantries and relatively discuss the future of Penacony. Jade, of course, mentions about Aventurine's mistreatment during his stay in Penacony (I knew it, I knew she was going to do that) to get a word in edge wise. Oti was pretty much dismissive about it, especially since he didn't deal with Aventurine personally and mentions that Sunday was just a fool for what he has done. How dare. And then he began to tell them about his future plan for Penacony. Jade, surprisingly, goes quiet (her small smile was even gone) and suddenly decided to have an intermission so she and Topaz step out
Here's where the "fun" starts ("fun", as in, I am still trying to figure out what the heck Jade and Robin talked about! And this bothered me even more during the Bird Clash Event)
Some theories think that Robin sacrificed her memories concerning Sunday. Which, okay, it makes sense considering that Robin does consider Sunday to be her precious older brother and memories involving him would be considered precious enough for Jade to claim in a contract. And since we already saw firsthand how Jade's contracts work... That would suck for our chicken wing siblings. - while this could indeed be possible, I really hope that did not happen
Another take I saw is that Robin purposely distanced herself from everyone in exchange for Sunday's freedom, which would explain why she decides to leave Penacony and just travel for a while. On one part, I don't blame the poor girl cause she really needs to take a step back and just focus on herself for a little while. On the other... I also hope that is not the case cause this is just sad 😭 
Now, my opinion starts: I believe that when Jade and Topaz had stepped out from the meeting to discuss a plan B for their approach that it was all just a simple exchange for information. While Topaz went to find Himeko, Jade decided to find and say hello to Robin. It's pretty clear that the two of them have already met/talked. When Jade asks for Robin's opinion of Mr. Oti, Robin responds that Oti is a respected business man, but she doesn't really know him as a person. She only knows what she knows thanks to Sunday. Moreover, I believe that the main reason why Robin referred to Sunday as the previous Oak Family head during this scene is because she's in public. Remember: Sunday is now arrested, Sunday's name is pretty much taboo within the Family. I would not be surprised if she's not even allowed to mention her brother's name
I'd like to believe that Robin, who's an insider of the Family, willingly gave away crucial inside information that an outsider like Jade wasn't supposed to know. Death is now a possibility in the dreamscape, which would be bad for Penacony in terms of business if people were to find out about it. And, honestly, this part made me chuckle. It's only fitting considering the Family absolutely had no problem throwing Sunday under the bus, so it's only right that Robin, his sister, would also have no problem throwing the Family under the bus too by, literally, giving them the bird (hehe)
This info was the bit that Jade needed and was looking for to have the meeting be in her/the IPC's favor. Not long after, Robin tells her to not forget what they had talked about and Jade promises that she'll keep her end of the deal. To me, this part was pretty much a "I'll scratch your back, and you'll scratch mine" type of deal. And we pretty much know how the meeting concluded after that, and old man Oti did not look happy about it since he had no choice but to yield and go with Jade's proposal. He also wasn't happy when Robin gave away the Feldspar, his own extravagant ship, to the Nameless without his say so on the matter. A pretty bold move on her part
But yeah, I'd like to believe that that was essentially their contract. Exchanging crucial info in exchange for Sunday's freedom. And if not freedom, then to maybe have Jade help out Sunday with some kind of plea deal to lighten his sentence
At this point, I don't know what to think anymore. I know that this is probably wishful thinking on my part for assuming that their deal would be that simple, but a girl can dream, right? I mean, if you think about it, I don't think Jade would've known about death being a possibility in the dreamscape otherwise if not through Robin. Aventurine doesn't count cause he pretty much stepped out story wise after being "killed" by Acheron, so he wouldn't know what happened in the Grand Theater
If not that, then my other thought was that Robin pulled A Little Mermaid. She sacrificed her singing voice, ironic considering Sunday had taken it away without her knowledge. Only difference this time is that it was her choice to do so. And it would explain why she decided to step down from the spotlight and go traveling by herself. This is only a possibility at best, but we also have to consider that she may have been lying to the trailblazer so that they wouldn't worry
And that's about it, really. Honestly, ever since I first saw Sunday and Robin on screen for the first time, they really reminded me of Lelouch and Euphemia/Nunnally from Code Geass
Lelouch for Sunday - trying to ensure a better world for everyone, namely his sister, and would pretty much stop at nothing to achieve his goal. And at this point in the story, he's definitely giving me Aventurine 2.0 vibes (as in, he's in prison and now has an opportunity to get out of his current predicament)
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Admittedly, it would be interesting to see him as an IPC grunt than a Stellaron Hunter. Maybe he'll destroy the IPC from the inside through his own means, or perhaps Diamond can offer him something to fill the void as a potential member of the Ten Stonehearts. That'd be cool. And if he does join the IPC, the next time Sunday visits Penacony, the Family will literally be at his mercy for throwing him under the bus! Chicken wing boy shall have his revenge!
As a Stellaron Hunter, I don't think he'd handle taking orders from a cat well (no matter how hilarious it would seem). Not to mention, having his fate orchastrated by someone else doesn't seem like his style. Again, if Hoyoverse goes through with it, fine. I'll accept it for what it is. In the meantime, something tells me that he will take Jade's deal and work for her/the IPC, and only because Jade mentioned someone precious: Robin. If Jade hadn't mentioned her, Sunday probably would've tuned her out completely and would rather take his chances in trial
For Robin - She really reminds me of Euphemia more so than Nunnally tbh. I merely mentioned Nunnally due to the old injury that Robin has on her neck (point is they were injured). That, and of course they're both little sisters. Euphemia too, but I'm mostly referring to her via appearance and mannerisms. Robin's a super nice/innocent character with pure intentions and cares about the people around her. And because of that she reminded me of Euphemia whenever she appeared on screen
I'm sorry, but I had to mention/ramble about that. Those of you that have seen Code Geass might agree with me with those similarities
Anyways~ that's pretty much it for my ramble. With how happy-go-lucky 2.3 was, I was a tad disappointed that we didn't get any Robinhill crumbs... Since Boothill was at the bar with hologram Aventurine, I was half expecting Robin to do her singing performance and maybe Boothill would've been like, "Holy forkoroni. I just died and went to heaven..." Or something among those lines for when he laid eyes on Robin's angelic beauty. No? Just me? Okay lol
But yeah, I feel like Penacony is not quite finished yet. And I'm only saying that cause I stumbled upon this while I was doing the sticker thing on our handbook...
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Does this mean anything? Idk. It's just something I noticed a few days ago. If I remember correctly, the lady that tended to us at the front desk said that this handbook will only be relevant to us while we're in Penacony. If so, then I guess there's a bit more in store for us. If not, that's fine too.
But if that theory about that we're still stuck in the dreamscape is true... Oh boy. I can somewhat see it, if only because the Trailblazer is sensitive to Memoria. Something that Black Swan, Acheron, and even Firefly (I think) has mentioned throughout the story. Maybe everybody else woke up, but the Trailblazer is still in deep slumber. Just something to ponder (if only a little)
We'll see what happens on the next update. I might be wrong on some things, but I wanted to put my thoughts out there. Feel free to let me know what you guys think. I hope that everyone who wanted Firefly are happy Firefly havers. I know I am~! Currently trying to see if I can get her to E2 before her banner is over. Wish me luck! :3
Good luck on your pulls everyone~! And thank you for reading!
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bodybeyondstories · 1 year
dicks keep growing around me - 1 (Myron)
(I couldn't get this phrase out of my head and I thought it was funny, so I'm seeing where it leads.)
Until recently, Myron was oblivious to the fact that dicks would get mysteriously bigger the longer someone hung out with him. He begins putting the pieces together as his boss, Miguel, starts going through all too familiar changes below the belt.
2 - Next
“Dicks keep growing around you?”
“Yes,” I said. “Or at least I think. It’s not exactly an airtight theory, but there are some examples.”
“And it just…happens,” responded my supervisor Miguel.
“And it’s happening to me?”
“Pretty sure.”
So I have a theory. Maybe just a hunch, I don’t know. And I’m not doing it on purpose, but I’m pretty sure I’m the cause. For lack of a better way of saying, dicks keep growing around me. And I don’t mean chubbing up, I mean literally growing. Like adding on real, tangible inches with no end in sight. It’s very slow, and I think it comes down to how often we’re in close proximity, but if you spend enough time around me, you may end up with more, sometimes much more, below the belt. I don’t have any idea how this works, but I wish I did. I’m still just piecing clues together.
So I guess Exhibit A would be my boss, Miguel. I do a lot of temporary contract work, which isn’t ideal, but allows me to string together rent while working on some of my own creative freelance stuff. I was hired onto this project six months ago to restructure the data management system of a small, local startup and they miscalculated the resultant shift in office space. After a series of awkward corners and at least one broom closet, they decided to just stick me in Miguel’s office. Miguel requested it actually. He figured I would be of more use working in tandem with him than I would blocking everyone’s path to the bathroom. 
I was less than pleased to look like his makeshift corner secretary, and honestly I’ve dealt with much worse, but he didn’t mind. In fact, he seemed to welcome the company. Miguel kept a tight beard and even tighter fade, always perfectly put together in what looked like one-step-below-designer business casual, with the cherry on top being the neon purple and green barefoot shoes he tended to wear to work. I would’ve been annoyed if not for the fact that he was a genuinely nice, thoughtful guy, and more than just a captivating smile. Plus, I came around on his use of a balance ball chair once I was introduced to his tight butt clad in well fitting slacks. Not that I ever really thought about him that way.
So we shared a space and had a congenial enough dynamic. We both had similar tastes in some of the experimental music scene locally and would even go out to some shows together. Also he’s a self professed menswear expert and started systemically giving my wardrobe a much needed overhaul. So I found it odd when his usual form fitting, modern pants began to lose their flair.
At one point, he chalked it up to seasonal shifts, trying out some new, looser looks for the spring. Not to mention baggier, boxier styles had been taking the place of slim fit jeans and tight shirts, at least according to him. A few times he texted me in the morning, saying he was running late because of a ‘wardrobe malfunction,’ which I never thought much of. I had come to expect him cycling through three or four outfit changes before he finally made it out. 
For a while it seemed like he might’ve just been getting the wrong fit, since he developed a habit of adjusting his crotch often, or even wincing slightly when he sat down too hard. And I had had multiple friends and partners with similar issues, so offered some tailoring tips, but he didn’t want to dwell on it.
I got a good idea why when we went to a show together one evening. A DJ we both liked was playing a set at a warehouse on a Thursday night, and we figured we had to go. We’d bring a change of clothes, work late on Thursday, then roll into the office late Friday morning. We could even call it a team meeting or professional development or something. 
The show was euphoric. I felt like I was rising up and outside of myself as our bodies bounced on the packed dance floor, in so small part due to the haze of surprisingly strong drinks and party drugs. While Miguel seemed to be enjoying it, he was still preoccupied with the constant need to readjust his crotch. I had seen him in this pair of skinny leather pants–his ass alone was unforgettable–but they seemed especially constricting. 
“Told you you’d look great in those pants,” came Miguel’s familiar voice in my ear. He never missed an opportunity to brag about being my personal stylist, but I had to admit I looked better than expected. However, I didn’t expect Miguel’s strong hands to linger on my hips, nor did I expect myself to close the rest of the gap between us. I’d been catching guys checking us out all night and I was feeling myself, so I thought Fuck it, as we began grinding to the rhythm. Maybe it was the fantasy of the moment or whatever I was on, but the bulge in Miguel’s pants felt major, and his crotch was radiating heat.  
Suddenly, Miguel’s hands tensed up and he pulled away, his hand trailing against my lower back as he turned to leave. I asked if he was doing alright and he sputtered something about needing to piss, quickly disappearing into the crowd. I didn’t think much of it, and quickly got lost in the crush of moving bodies, and more than a few lingering caresses just below my hips. To say I was getting hot and bothered was an understatement and eventually I realized that I also needed to relieve myself, aiming in the vague direction of the bathroom but quickly getting lost in the crush of the crowd. Eventually I stumbled into a back alley, a rush of chill spring night air hitting my lungs as the party thumped through the wall behind me.
I turned my head at the sound of a deep sigh of visceral relief, looking to the left to see Miguel, eyes closed and head thrown back as he pissed loudly against the side of the wall. I wasn’t exactly in my right mind, and didn’t stop myself from glancing at his cock, which, semisoft, was hanging halfway down to his knees, jiggling comically as he shook off the last drops. It wasn’t just massive, it was beautiful, majestic under the streetlight, draped in shadow by Miguel’s outstretched arm, other hand bracing against the wall.
“Sorry,” he said, making me quickly realize that while my eyes were hyperfocused on his schlong, his were on me watching me hyperfocus on his schlong. “There was a line to the bathroom and it was about to be a photo finish,” a slight smile turning up his lips as he saw me finally draw my eyes away from his stunning dick.
“I, uh, was just about to join you,” I replied, deliberately keeping my eyes on his as he struggled to fit his prodigious cock back into his pants, by some miracle getting the zipper up after a few tries.
The awkwardness must’ve been my own anxious imagination, as the next day at work he actually seemed more relaxed than he had in a while, his bubble butt perched on his exercise ball chair as he sat with a leisurely spread, his bulge plainly visible. I guess the secret’s out, I thought. At least between us.
When the summer sun had come to stay, and my contract was wrapping up, he proposed an office hiking trip at one of his favorite trails, a moderately strenuous 3.5 mile track that led to an impressive waterfall tucked away just outside the city. I hadn’t been, but was familiar with it because my roommate, Ty, worked in the kitchen at a bar nearby that was kind of the post-hike spot. My apartment, according to Miguel, was “on the way” to the trailhead. I begged to differ, but he insisted on the kind gesture of giving me a lift, until we reached the compromise of me getting a ride home with Ty when their shift ended. So Miguel picked me up from my place, decked out in hiking boots, thick socks, a breezy short sleeve button down, and some five inch linen shorts with a sizable bulge. I had already caught a glimpse of his dick, so I wasn’t surprised by what looked like rolled up tube socks tucked into his crotch, but this looked bigger than I remembered. 
And I don’t think I was the only one who noticed either. Miguel was certainly the center of attention when we met up with the others at the trailhead, albeit delightfully oblivious in his excitement to take us on this outing. And it looked like I may have missed the memo about the dress code. All the other guys were wearing similar short shorts, showing off their own respectable bulges–though not as impressive as Miguel’s.
As we set off down the trail, Miguel took an early lead, looking like he had no intention of slowing down. As we settled into a rhythm, I found myself consistently a few steps behind him–admiring more than the view of the scenery–with the rest of the group farther back but still within earshot. I began to think that Miguel should’ve stuck to the breezy bottoms he had fallen into wearing, because he was constantly adjusting the hem of his shorts as they dug into his meaty quads. At times, he seemed visibly uncomfortable. 
As we reached a bend in the trail with a makeshift bench, we decided to take a breather and let the others catch up. Miguel’s shirt was glued to the middle of his back by a trail of sweat that ran down to his butt crack. I had trouble noticing anything else as he bent over and rested his hands on his knees, pushing his tight butt in my direction as he caught his breath.
From behind, the crotch of his pants looked overstuffed and straining at the seams. I thought it must have been my exhausted brain and overactive imagination until with a soft rip, the crotch of his shorts gave out, his dick gracefully bobbing two thirds of the way to his knees, definitely bigger than before and paired with some proportionately huge nuts. Miguel, his cock now freed of its constraints, let out a sigh of relief before apparently coming to the realization of the cool breeze on his oversized genitals. 
Hearing the others approaching, I sprang into action, pushing him off the trail and just behind a stand of bushes, hoping passers by would assume he was relieving himself and keep moving. 
“Sorry,” he said. “I brought up a backup pair just in case, give me one second.”
“A backup pair?” I asked, wanting to respect his privacy but also betraying my own fascination with this super dick that I had now been introduced to twice.
“Yeah, I thought I wouldn’t have an issue yet with these pants, but wanted to be careful.”
“What do you mean issue?” I asked. “And what do you mean yet?”
“I don’t know, I think I need to see somebody about this, it’s like–” he was cut off by one of their co-workers catching up to them on the trail. He quickly finished changing and stuffed his cock back in his shorts, shooting me a brief look of thanks.
Thankfully, the rest of the outing passed without incident. We actually had a great time, and Miguel was certainly correct about the waterfall being worth the aggravation. A few of the guys even waded in to cool off, inadvertently revealing some very heavy bulges through the thin, wet fabric of their shorts. Miguel hung back. 
We got drinks afterward and it was obvious Miguel was a post-hike usual. As the afternoon wore on to evening, everyone fell away slowly, until it was just the two of us. He insisted on hanging around until Ty could take me home, and I would’ve staunchly refused if not for how much I enjoyed his company–and how he would’ve stayed against my wishes anyways.
He hadn’t really been drinking–concerned about everyone else having a good time, in typical Miguel fashion–but I had maybe had more than I should. During a lull in the conversation, he leaned in slightly and said “Thanks for the save back there. Would’ve never lived it down at work.” 
“To be honest, I was not expecting all that,” I said, trying to be careful not to push boundaries too far too fast. 
“Honestly, me neither,” Miguel responded, his eyes widening slightly as he glanced into the distance. “TMI, but I’ve been kind of having a late growth spurt the last six months. Or something.”
And well, this is when the pieces finally started to come together. I had had hunches and musings over the years about my propensity to meet some truly noteworthy cocks, but something deep in my brain felt compelled to ask “When did it start?”  
With a thoughtful look in his eye, he glanced at me and said, “Around when you showed up. You might be my lucky charm.”
This is when it finally clicked.
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Mctna modern au headcanon
This is so ooc but pls forgive me 🙏🙏
A 32 year old Seon-ho sits down in the corner of a bar by himself. It's barely past 9 but most people have already left. The ice in his drink had long since diluted whatever cheap alcohol he'd ordered. He closed his eyes as a band started up on the makeshift stage, losing himself in the music and his memories.
And I met her downtown in the slums of Austin Once we were sober, she said "I'm from Boston" I told her, "I couldn't give Massa-two-shits" Luckily, she likes guys that treat her like
Third-year uni student Seo Hwi gives in to his friends Mun-bok and Beom to at least attend one party before graduation. It's not that he doesn't like them- in fact everyone agrees he'd probably be the life on them. He just doesn't see the point in partying with a massive group of strangers when he'd much rather just have a good time with his friends.
Enter Nam Seon-ho. He's in the same year but mainly keeps to himself. Still, that doesn't stop him from stealing glances at that one handsome, always-smiling Culinary Arts student. He decides to go to this party and get blackout drunk 'cause once he graduates, he'll be stuck back at home with his dad learning the ropes of his company.
They reach the venue (a rundown off campus house with shitty LED lights all over the place) that night. Mun-bok quickly leaves Hwi to chat up a pretty girl by the drinks table and one of Beom's other friends beckons him away. Hwi feels a bit stranded so he gets his own drink.
He makes small talk with some people but an hour later he's bored. He goes to get another drink when he sees Seon-ho, the 'kinda beautiful actually' business major he sometimes sees walking around campus, chugging back some disgusting mix of drinks like there's no tomorrow.
Help me, everyone calls me Mickey Just wanna be your darling
Hwi wants to approach him but Seon-ho talks to him first, thanks to some good old liquid courage. They hit it off really well even if Hwi makes one too many corny jokes. One thing leads to another and then they're making out in the corner before stumbling their way into Seon-ho's apartment. Sung-rok curses when the door to their dorm slams open and throws a book at Hwi who barely dodges it. He's grumbling something about 'damn self-destructive tendencies' as he makes it out of the room just before they're making out again.
A couple months pass and they're actually a couple now. They graduate and move back to Seoul. Seon-ho takes up a job at his dad's company while Hwi is now a new hire at some fancy restaurant. Things are good for the while. They're happy and making time to see each other. In fact, they're almost unhealthily dependent on each other.
So, listen, I know you're probably with him And maybe for good reason But, you don't fuckin' need him I warned you
But as the years go by, they're getting busier and Seon-ho is getting more stressed at work because of Nam Jeon. He starts drinking more and more. It doesn't help the fact that the owner of the restaurant Hwi works at, Yi Bang-won, has started to take an interest in him. This gives way to lots of arguments between them. Why talk it out when they could just fight and fuck instead? Plus, Seon-ho gets to the point where he's almost always drunk when he's off work and has even started to get high.
Maybe stop getting your advice from the guy you get your high from
Hwi can't bear to see the love of his life- because they both know; that's what they are to each other- destroying himself day by day. Especially when it puts Yeon in danger because of it.
How can I love someone that can't stand The thought of loving me back? Why do I think I need that? I know you, pick me But one day, babe, you'll thank me For teaching you how to leave A piece of shit just like me I warned you
They break up.
Everything goes to shit. Seon-ho is convinced Hwi hates him and that Bang-won had a role to play somehow. Seon-ho overdoses. Nam Group gets involved with this huge drug scandal. In the midst of this all, Seo Geom passes away in jail after wrongful imprisonment and Yeon develops epilepsy. Hwi's mind is so clouded with worry, grief and anger, he's convinced that the Nam family was responsible for those fake charges. Seon-ho and Hwi hate each other.
Yeah, I remember when you said how you wish that I was dead So, I tried to kill myself Swallowed way too many pills And god the tummy-ache was shit But not enough to kill the kid
Against his will, Seon-ho survives. Nam Jeon shipped him off to rehab, telling his failure of a son to keep his head down and listen to him. For the next 6 years, the only confidant he has is Sung-rok. He and Hwi don't talk anymore, even if they both hate and yearn for each other each day.
Sometimes I wish I didn't live But I'm so fucking glad I did I remember what you said You were wishing I was dead Now, you're wishing me the best 'Cause my song's stuck in your head
In the present day, miles away, Hwi is listening to the same song on the local radio station as he's washing wares in his kitchen sink. He'd uncovered the truth about Bang-won about 2 years ago. By then, all forms of communication between him and Seon-ho had been cut. He felt such horrible guilt for blaming Seon-ho for getting Seo Geom imprisoned after their breakup as some horrible form of revenge. He'd sunk to the floor, tears welling up in his eyes when he recalled the last words he'd hurtled at him, "You pretend to be so different from him but you're just like your father!"
As Hwi puts a dish on the drying rack, he sighs deeply to himself . His heart constricts painfully in his chest. Even though he can't forgive Seon-ho for getting Yeon hurt those years ago, he hopes that he's doing well wherever he is. He just wishes he could make things right between them.
I'm so glad I still exist Just so I can rub it in
In the bar, Seon-ho gets up to leave, the condensation from his unfinished drink pooling at its base on the table. He wonders what Hwi would think of him if he saw him now. When he realised he was all alone in this world, he'd made it his mission to at least quit getting high out of sheer spite.
You were perfect and I'm so sorry I'm such a dick But you still love me I still regret letting you leave me Don't you forget you used to need me
Now, Seon-ho knows that they'd both had parts to play in the train wreck of their relationship. They were both argumentative near the end and were never willing to compromise their own values for the other. At his lowest points, he'd wondered what would happen were he to lose his wretched pride. He and Hwi could've talked to each other. The heavens knew they were so fundamentally flawed and yet, they understood each other in ways no one else could.
Seon-ho looked up at the stars and shoved his hands into his jeans pockets. Hwi, if you can hear this...I'm sorry.
In his home, Hwi's heart suddenly felt a bit warmer.
For as much as both men had and still hated each other, they'd always loved each other far more.
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randoom-r · 1 year
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HermitValley Introduction: Tango and Pearl
Tango moved into the Valley at the young age of 22. After bartending at his parents Bar in the Nether for 3 years his parents surprised him with a Saloon in a small village near the Local dimensional portal. After renovating it to make it “blaze safe” he opened it up for customers. Business was slow at first, which was understandable since the other hybrids were cautious. There aren't many blazeborns living in the overworld but it's not unheard of.
Business didn't start picking up until the day he met a moth hybrid in the community garden.
“you're the new pub owner right?” the brown haired lady said.
“yeah, im tango. Who are you?” “my name is pearl, always nice to meet new people!” 
At that moment Tango didn't think that this meeting would change so much in his life.
While they were harvesting their respective plots the two got to talking.
Pearl apparently had 2 younger brothers, the three didn't know where their parents were, she was really into sewing, so she grew different kinds of flowers to make dye for fabric. However even though she enjoys it she doesn't make it into her job. She mostly learned it to modify clothing for herself and her brothers since they all had wings and normal clothing wouldn't fit with them.
Tango on the other hand told her all about the nether region, on how his parents owned a popular saloon there and how he got the opportunity to open his own in the overworld.
“This has to be so exciting! i could never think about leaving this Valley, i lived here since my early child years and all the people im close with live here” she said excitedly.
“Yeah, I didn't have many close friends in our city, not many people are excited about hanging out with the child of the most famous Saloon owners there”
“Yes I can understand that, some people are just so judgemental over the most useless things. You seem like such a sweet person Tango”
“Thank you, I really appreciate you saying that Pearl.”
“no problem, however i'm finished here and have some business to attend to soon, the fabric doesn't color itself on its own! Maybe I will stop by later for some dinner. I would love to talk to you more!”
“Yeah, me too”, Tango answered smiling.
“I’ll see you later tango!” and then she left.
Tango harvested the rest of the vegetables and went back to the saloon to prepare some dishes.
This day the Saloon was busier than ever, it was like half the village decided to visit that day.
“Seems like people like this place huh?” Tango looked up and saw pearl, grinning at him:”i guess telling people how nice you are worked”
“What?” Tango asked.
“I told people you aren't a bad person, they were very skeptic about it since they never interacted with a netherborn”
“That sure explains why there is like half the village visiting today!” Tango laughed.
“expect this more then, people really like hanging out with each other in this village. They always hung out in the old Community house, however that is basically breaking down so they can't do that there anymore.” 
“That really sucks, however if the Saloon will be that full everyday I probably have to hire help around here in the evening… that could also become a problem since i don't know anyone here.” 
“i could help, i don't have a job at the moment and hanging around my brothers can be really exhausting” She answered
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN PEARL!” two guys scream from the pool table room. They fit the description that Pearl gave about her brothers. Its two avians, a blond parrot hybrid that’s as tall as pearl and a blond canary hybrid that's 2 inches taller. 
Tango giggled “they sure seem like they cause quite some trouble. However, I would love to take on your offer. My parents started to get quite busy at 3 pm, how about you start at that time?”
Pearl smiled "Sounds great. now onto another topic, what do you recommend for dinner? I'm starving!" 
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bunbeeplays · 7 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 23 - Team and Family Building
Luckily, Hector and the kids need little convincing and arrive at The Roll With It Bowling Alley around the same time as the Laurents' employees. Let's put on those goofy shoes and get rolling!
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I go to a cool new place, I make my Sims pose for pictures. It's what I do.
I love the BFFs, but I made these guys, so they're all like my babies.
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Drew is really good at the guitar, but really bad at bowling. Don't worry, The Laurents were too busy chatting to notice! Too bad their friends notice.
Xander: HA!
Drew: Shut up!
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It's Ophelia's turn!
Xander: Too bad Hil couldn't convince Hector to hire Lemon as the singer and axe Tiff.
Moses: Don't remind me, Drew and I are the ones who will have to perform with her.
At least they didn't see Ophelia totally flop. She wonders what they're talking about.
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Hector's a pro!
Greta: Way to go, Dad! You're the best! Tell those pins who's boss!
Drew: You trying to get a raise in your allowance?
Greta: No! I'm trying to get my curfew extended.
Drew: Classic.
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Xander: Come on, what's that third trait of yours? We've got Ambitious and Music-Lover. Is it one of the lame ones like Lactose Intolerant? I'd be embarrassed to tell people too if a third of my personality was pooping myself if I eat too much pizza!
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Ophelia: Not telling!
Xander: I know it's not Evil 'cause you've never cackled maniacally. Or Hates Children 'cause my nephew is existing over there and you're not having a meltdown over it.
Moses: She doesn't want to tell us, ease up.
Xander: Fine, keep your secrets, Lemon Tart.
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I didn't know that if a kid is bowling, they put bumpers up on the bowling lane. Fun feature!
Jace still manages to get a gutter ball somehow.
Hilary: It's okay, honey. Practice makes perfect!
My man Jace looks like he really wants to use some forbidden words right now.
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Obligatory post about Ophelia getting a strike because she's the Main Character.
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Xander and Greta have their turns at the same time so of course he has to be a good uncle and show her how it's done.
Xander: Just like that and... Strike, baby! You see that, G?
Greta: Yeah yeah, no one likes a bragger, Uncle Xan.
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Ophelia: Your family's pretty close, huh?
Xander: Sure. We're stuck together, we might as well like each other. Probably helps that most people don't get paid to hang out with their brother-in-law.
Hector: O-ho, you're lucky you're a good bartender, Alexander.
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Ophelia: You go to Copperdale High, huh? It's so weird, every Sim I've ever talked to also went to Copperdale High.
Greta: Yeah, weird, right? Small world.
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Xander: Sorry for bugging you about your third trait earlier. You seem cool. I'm sure you have your reasons for keeping it to yourself. If Hilary trusts you, you gotta be a pretty good person.
Ophelia: ...You know what, you got me. It's lactose intolerant.
Xander: I knew it!
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Oh Hector. You poor oaf.
Greta: OMW Dad totally beefed it.
Moses: Is it bad to laugh at the man that gives me my livelihood?
Greta: He's the man that gave me life and I'm still laughing.
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Hilary: It's okay, darling, we're just playing for fun.
Hector: Winning IS fun.
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Everyone's hunger bars are looking a little yellow, so The Laurents treat everyone to a hummus and pita platter.
The way Hector and Hilary talk about their kids and how proud they are of how they're growing up, it makes Ophelia... uncomfortable. Parents can be like this?
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Xander takes the opportunity to bond with his niece and nephew.
Jace: Wisp is the best Voidcritter! It can phase in and out of dimensions!
Xander: You're dreaming, kid! Pleuro's the best! It shoots water jets!
Greta: You guys are dorks... But Jace is right, Wisp is the best.
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Ophelia steps outside for some fresh air. Later on, Drew joins her.
Drew: Doing okay? Nobody could find you.
Ophelia: Yeah, sorry. I'm not used to being around families that like each other. It's weird.
Drew: Tell me about it. My older brother still calls me a boogerhead.
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Drew: Look, I don't know your deal. It's probably worse than being called a boogerhead. Either way, you're an honorary part of the Let Them Eat Cake family now. Moses and I are your new dads.
Ophelia: Aren't there gender neutral parent names?
Drew: Yeah, but Dad feels right.
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Ophelia comes back in to play some arcade games with Xander and the kids. It's boys vs. girls!
Xander: Eat our intergalactic dust!
Jace: Go, Uncle Xander!
Ophelia: Aw, come on! This game's rigged!
Greta: Maybe you just suck.
Ophelia: I should introduce you to my friend Summer.
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Greta: Ah! We're in the lead!
Xander: We can still beat them, J!
Ophelia: Oh no you don't!
Despite their rough start, Greta and Ophelia blast the boys to bits.
Xander: What?! Maybe this game IS rigged!
Greta: Hell yeah!
Ophelia: Double hell yeah!
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neptoons1998 · 1 year
nannying a ceo
a/n: Imma be real this one is short but I wanted to post so bad today. plus with work and school worse case I'll add more chapters if I feel like it isn't completed yet.
tag gang: @pantherheart @somethingcleaverandwhitty @mal-urameshi
In the coming weeks, Shuri realized how good Riri was at watching and caring for Toussaint. The short woman was able to pick up ASL pretty fast. Based on what Shuri could see the woman adored the little boy. She couldn't help but feel something about the new hire, Riri was sweet, kind, and funny. Who wouldn't fall in love with her? Shuri thought to herself.
Somedays she would watch Riri and Toussaint play from a distance. It was like the pair were in their own little world.
And Riri became confident in her relationship with the young boy and his guardian. Riri sometimes thought Shuri still didn't trust her; she always lurked around the hallways or have Toussaint's many bodyguards talk to the CEO about Riri's ability to take care of her nephew.
The small boy, even though mute expressed his wants and his needs through his hands and eyes. Riri learned quickly what the young boy liked and disliked. He loved green grapes and distasted tomatoes. He likes when they take walks to the parks and do child-friendly experiments; he dislikes when he watches his friends he would make in the park leave with their parents.
"Will it ever get easier?" Toussaint signed out to his nanny. Riri had to think about it for a moment, she could recall the grief and despair she felt when her dad and her close friend were killed in a driveby.
Riri took a deep breath before signing, "It won't. You still feel sad when you get older the easier it is to hold that weight. But until then if you ever feel sad or lost come to me or your aunt okay?"
Toussaint gave a nod as he slipped his hand into Riri as they start their way home. Some time later Shuri came back to the townhouse, she move quietly knowing that it was past Toussaint's bedtime. She didn't want to disturb what little sleep her young nephew could get. What she didn't take into account was Riri being in the kitchen. The woman was in her own world as she worked on scrubbing a dish. Shuri couldn't help but like how domestic it made her feel. Is this what her brother felt when he looked at Nakia? Shuri thought. Before Shuri could make her presence known. Riri jumped a couple of feet in the air when she saw Shuri, "Jesus! you need a bell around your neck."
Shuri couldn't help but laugh at the poor woman's freight, "Now why would I do that if I live here?"
"So you do want to send me to the grave early," Riri muttered as she went back to finishing the dishes.
“Did you draw this?” Shuri asked one night as she picked up a drawing. Riri gave a sheepish smile, cutting the water off.
“Yeah,” Riri chuckled, “What can I say, I’m more musical arts than actual art.”
"Oh good that you know you're strengths and weaknesses," Shuri commented as Riri gave a fake laugh, "Who knew a CEO was a comedian. when's your next stand-up?"
The pair not realizing how close they were with each other, were far too busy ribbing each other. Shuri was the first one to realize how close they were to each other. Her nose could smell the hint of coconut and lavender on Riri's head. Shuri had to keep her groaning to herself.
"I'm sorry what?" Shuri asked not realizing Riri asked her a question. Riri's almond-shaped eyes looked at her again, "I said do you want to come with us to the zoo tomorrow?"
Riri put space between them, causing Shuri to feel a hollow longing in her chest. Riri was slowly grabbing her stuff, Shuri not thinking what she had to do tomorrow nodded, "Yeah I would love to."
Riri gave a warm smile as she open the door, "Great, then it's a date."
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newbie-whovian · 2 years
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Hello Again, hope you are well and doing good. Could I get a second part please? If not that all good, love your work. 😀 this song reminds me of the Doctor. Hope you enjoy it
(Aighty 👌 sorry it took forever for me to finish this, band ate all of my time, I swear I'm still alive)
Strange Magick pt. 2 - Featuring The Tenth Doctor
Donna watched the Doctor disappear into the TARDIS and shook her head, rolling her eyes with a smile. She held the strap of her bag and strode into the marketplace, standing near the back of the small audience that had formed around you.
You continued to perform your tricks, conjuring small glittering butterflies from your palms and causing the children to light up in delight (some of them literally). It reminded Donna of a magician her mother had hired to perform at her tenth birthday, only that chap had been pulling flowers out of his sleeve, plain as daylight, and you didn’t have any sleeves at all. She watched as you wove an image of a dragon spitting a plume of smoke, swooping low against the ground before exploding in a shower of sparks, and the audience cheered. You stepped off of your box and smiled mischievously, giving them all a deep bow with a flourish of your cloak.
The audience dropped small coins into your hat before slowly dispersing, and Donna stepped closer. “How do you do that?” she asked with a smile, “I mean, I’ve seen sleight of hand or whatever, but that’s not what you’re doin’.”
You grabbed your hat off of the ground and pocketed the coins, vanishing the hat away with a flick of your wrist and giving her a smile. “A magician never reveals their secrets,” you said, picking up your soapbox and beginning to walk through the market.
Donna followed and said, “That’s all fine with me, drives my friend there bonkers though,” gesturing back towards the TARDIS.
You smirked and said, “He’s a Time Lord, from Gallifrey?”
Donna nodded and crossed her arms, saying, “How’d you know that?”
“The only time I’ve ever seen something appear out of nowhere by someone’s means other than my own, it was a Time Lord,” you explained, “They’re all dreadfully stuffy and a bit close-minded.”
“Yeah, ironic, innit?”
In this case, the TARDIS was about as helpful as a screen door on a submarine, which was to say not very helpful at all.
The Doctor paced around the console as different tests were being run, and one by one, they all came up with no useful information whatsoever. He frowned and muttered to himself, “Oh c’mon, it’s got to be something,” resting his hands on the console with a huff. He found his pair of reading glasses (that he didn’t need, but that was none of anyone's business now, was it?) and slipped them on, taking a closer look at the monitors.
The TARDIS hummed at him indignantly, and he whipped off his glasses with a frown, saying out loud, “No I will not calm down! There’s no way it’s ‘just magic’, magic doesn’t exist, never has, never will.” He looked back at the monitor and tugged it closer, mumbling, “There’s a logical explanation, there always is.”
The TARDIS hummed again smugly as yet another test came up negative, and he shot her a glare.
You walked with this stranger, the woman who called herself Donna Noble, bonding over your mutual disdain for Time Lords.
“I dunno what that one would do without me around, probably get himself blown up or somethin'," she said, looking at each stall as you passed them.
You frowned and said, "Blown up? But I thought they were more likely to stay cooped up on Gallifrey rather than be out in the universe. It's odd enough seeing one off of Gallifrey in the first place."
Donna shrugged. "That's the Doctor for you. Never really been one for the rules. Also thinks he's a bit of a god."
Something seemed to occur to her and she stopped for a second, saying, "Come to think of it, I guess he counts as the average Time Lord now, y'know, since the rest of them are dead."
You stopped in your tracks. "Dead? How?" you asked, and Donna gave another shrug.
"He doesn't talk about it, and I can't much blame him, can I?" she answered, quickly getting distracted by a display of jewelry.
All of a sudden, the man you'd seen standing by the blue box, this "Doctor", stepped his way out of the crowd and spoke up. "Donna, come on, we're leaving." He gave you a wary look.
Donna protested, placing her hands on her hips, "We've only just got here, and you already want to leave?"
He nodded exasperatedly, reaching for her hand and rolling his eyes as she held it away.
"Now hold on! I'm not done lookin'! You promised me a day of shoppin' after that disaster on Peladon, and I'm not lettin' you cheat your way out!" she said, and you couldn't help but chuckle.
The Doctor gave you a wary look before Donna crossed her arms, saying, "Well? Not backin' out on me, are you?"
"Alright, alright, fine, but we're not staying in this district," he said, "not if there's magic users."
You raised an eyebrow. "Magic users? Well if that's what you're so worried about, you'll have to leave the planet. It's full of us."
He froze. "Hold on. The whole planet?"
You nodded.
"But that's impossible, the Time Lords-"
"We don't exactly advertise it, 'come to Libopin III, see the magic show!'"
"Then how come-?"
"I've got to make a living, haven't I?"
He shrugged. "Fair point."
Donna spoke up, "C'mon, it's a fabulous market. Who cares if there's a few street performers, eh?"
She turned to you. "No offense."
You shrugged and said, "None taken."
"And besides, if we leave here, you might send us into a black hole or a lava pit or somethin' like that. And I'd appreciate a little break before we go back to the crazy," she said, crossing her arms again.
The Doctor paused before letting out a dramatic sigh, saying, "Fine. But I don't want you," pointing at you vindictively, "pulling any funny business."
You held up your hands and said with a smile, "Of course not. I'll keep my spooky magic tricks to myself."
Donna tried and failed to smother a snort.
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joongalez · 2 years
Neverland | k.hj
Chapter 3
<- PREV | NEXT ->
HONGJOONG makes his way over to the lemonade stand, asking the person behind the stand for two lemonades. The person hands the cups over and Hongjoong gives one of them to Nari.
"Thanks," Nari says, taking a sip of the cool, sweet lemonade.
"Thought you could use some," Hongjoong says. "Thanks for sticking around with me."
"I don't do this often," Nari says. "I mean, go places like this. Amusement parks. I've been trying to be more spontaneous lately."
"Being spontaneous is a good thing. I'm glad you decided to come here."
Nari gives a small laugh.
"You've never been to Neverland before, have you?"
"No." She holds her drink close to her mouth. "This is my first time."
"Welcome to Neverland." Hongjoong gives a proud smile. "I own this amusement park and work here full-time. It's like I never leave."
Nari gives Hongjoong a curious look. "You own it?"
Hongjoong nods, gesturing for Nari to follow him as he starts walking down the path. "Gifted to me by a family relative who turned this park into what it is now. Used to be an old, abandoned park, but it's this now. Lots of people seem to enjoy it."
"I saw it in an ad somewhere," Nari says. "I think. I can't remember now. But I thought it could be something spontaneous to do."
"You're not a spontaneous person, are you?"
Nari shakes her head.
"I'm glad you're trying to be more spontaneous." He smiles. "Have you ridden the Ferris wheel?"
"Yes, I have!" Nari grins. "I came here to ride the Ferris wheel and the swing carousel, and I've completed both tasks."
Hongjoong laughs. "I'm glad! How about bumper cars? Or the tilt-a-whirl? Maybe the haunted mansion?"
"No, that's okay. Really. I don't have any more tickets."
"Didn't you hear me? I own the park." Hongjoong stops, smiling at Nari. "We can go on as many rides as you want here. Don't worry about the tickets."
Nari looks to her left to see a blonde woman in a forest green pantsuit walking up to them. She has her blonde hair pulled back in a bun and her eyes are strikingly blue.
"Ah, Tinea." Hongjoong gestures toward Nari. "This is Nari, she's new to the park. I was just showing her around. Nari, this is Tinea, my assistant. She basically runs the park for me when I'm not doing it."
Nari gives the woman a polite smile. "Hello, nice to meet you."
Tinea lets out a small sigh. "Hongjoong, the boys are wondering when they get their lunch. Two of them are arguing about the time."
"Let them both go," Hongjoong says. "Shut down a ride if you have to. They need to eat."
Tinea nods, narrows her eyes at Nari, then turns and struts away. Nari notices a small scar running along the left side of the woman's neck, old and faded.
"Tinea is a bit..." Hongjoong starts after she's gone, but then trails off.
"Busy?" Nari asks.
Hongjoong laughs. "Yes, busy. We'll go with that."
"Employee issues? I know a lot about that."
"Not so much as issues, really. Just some boys who are struggling to get along. We just hired the newest boy and him and the one who's been here the longest don't get along the best. We're still working on the dynamics."
"I understand," Nari says. "I work in customer service."
"What do you do?" Hongjoong starts walking again and Nari follows suit.
"I work from home, actually. Answering emails and having phone calls every now and then."
Hongjoong nods. "Doesn't sound very spontaneous."
"I'm not a spontaneous person." Nari grins.
Hongjoong smiles. "I think you should give the haunted mansion a try. It would be spontaneous, wouldn't it?"
He reaches out and touches her hand again, causing butterflies in her stomach like the ones clipped in his hair. Something about this man is drawing her to him, but she can't pinpoint exactly what it is. His looks? His mysterious smile? His kind demeanor?
"I shouldn't," Nari says. "I need to be going anyways."
"Don't leave." Hongjoong steps closer to her. "Please. You've only just gotten here. I'd love to show you the rest of the park."
Nari hesitates.
"You're trying to be more spontaneous, aren't you?" He smiles. "Why not give me a spontaneous yes?"
Nari takes a deep breath then lets it out, a smile forming on her lips. "Okay. Yes. I'll stay."
Hongjoong's smile grows wider. "I thought you might say that."
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ahah silco headcanons with s/o gn!reader whos a badass in an assasin way? like you wouldn't expect it but they can one shot someone by throwing a knife theyre way!
Not me pulling my assassin creed phase back in for this one
Silco with an Assassin headcannons
Reader: gender netural
Arcane Masterlist
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Y/n Kenway (i had too. Im sorry) thats your name
A god in close range and far range
He hired you as a sort of body gaurd, and to do his dirtiest jobs.
One time some people came to him, ready to kill him, and there you are five buildings down and the roof a bow with an arrow nocked.
There was only a small space between Sevika who stood by his side
You took the shot as ordered, aiming perfectly
Talk about head shot
It was so clean too like hot damn
Disappears at random times
Silco totally not thinking about you when you disappear for long time
Pops back up at the best times though of course, you are an assassin
Most believe you're both just dating, especially if you have to take him to a big event
You use his pockets as storage, you love that coat, slipping your hand in his coat in a "loving" manner when your actually pulling a posion mircodart from his inner jacket
"Ooh! There dancing! Come on darling!"
Yanks him away and walking towards the target accidently bumping into them sticking them and apologizing quickly pulling Silco away to dance as an escape
Lots of people know theres always someone watchin Silco they just don't know who it is
Sitting on the corner of Silco's desk as he gives you jobs.
Calls you by your last name to grab your attention
Drabble about how powerful u be:
"What is it that you two want?" Silco asked the two council members, "If you can't see I'm very busy.".÷
"We heard about the deal with the Piltover council men. Jayce? Was his name?" Finn questioned, twirling his lighter around as he sat in the chair, Renni behind him, Sevika besides him.
"Have you now?" Silco questioned, "Then you should know it's all handled."
A knock on the door intruppted them.
"Come in." Silco responded.
"Excuse me sir. I have the drinks you requested."
There Y/n was, in an outift.
A black vest silimar to Finns yet no jacket, pants on there lower hip showing off the high cut body suit and the strong hip bone which was prominet. Finn couldn't get his eyes of them.
"You've met Y/n? Hm? My newest bar tended." Silco questioned.
"I can't say that I have." Finn spoke lowly, eyes raked Y/n's body, like a man looking at meat who had been starving for days.
Y/n walked over calmly, heeled boots clicking as the tray was placed down Y/n setting the expessive bottle of brandy between the two, along with a fancy glasses.
"Be a dear and pour us some." Silco responded Y/n nodding and uncorked the fancy glass.
Odd, why was a a wine stopper, stopping a fancy bottle of brandy. Y/n set the fancy wine stopper down, its cork metal and the tip sharp, longer than usual as well and poured the drink, setting it infront of Silco and then moved onto Finns.
"Y/n's very much one of my more...popular bar tenders." Silco spoke, looking Y/n's figure up and down how much he genuinely admired Y/n, it was dangerous his liking towards Y/n.
"I can see why." Finn spoke, his eyes burning holes in Y/n as they picked up the glass, setting it infront of Finn.
"How much?"
"That's none of my busniess." Silco spoke drinking the caramel liquid in one go."
Finn picked up his glass, taking his own drink. It was only a matter of mintues before he started to choke, the everyone becoming tense besides Silco and Y/n.
Silco sighed as he was handed a vile by Y/n, he drinking it quickly as Y/n grabbed the wine stopper.
"I do apologize." Silco spoke, "I did forget to mention Y/n is not for sale."
Finn fell to the floor and Renni ran, she ran for her life, rushing out as quick as she could Silco only nodded towards Y/n. Y/n taking the offer, and calmly walked after Renni. She rushing down the stairs yet a wine stopper caused her to stop and fall to the floor, blood pooling from her neck.
Y/n stood at the top of the steps, they had thrown the wine stopper.
Silent but deadly- in the actual meaning- litteral no speaks bc you no want to
Silco still staring at you because you a baddie
Silco secret crush he'll send to the grave
Teaching Jinx how to control her breathing better it helps with panic attacks she has
Sexy. Oh your so SEXY
Especially leaning back in his chair legs spread with a smug look on your face, that only happened bc of one mission
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