#i'm aiming this at all the haters right now
buck-up-buck · 5 months
If I see ONE MORE THING bashing BuckTommy I am actually going to throw hands.
Let Bi!Buck be happy for FIVE MINUTES.
Hasn't our poor baby been through enough trauma, now you want him to fall for his first guy, and then rip him away from him? REALLY.
Leave. Tommy. And. Lou. And. Oliver. ALONE.
Ready for a fight. BuckTommy you have my heart and I WILL PROTECT YOU DAMNIT.
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muntitled · 4 months
𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐞 | 𝐊.𝐒.
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Kim Seungmin x Fem!Reader
♡ Follow Kim Seungmin as he embarks on slaying the demon that plagues you monthly. (Aka he takes care of you on your period)
♡ Cw: Established Relationship, Domestic Fluff, Care, Suggestive Content, Soft Dom Minnie, slightly implied chubby reader, humour, mentions of nausea, Possessiveness
♡ He's successfully wrecked Bang Chan as my top bias
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He could tell, from the moment he stepped over the wooden threshold, when your frustrated groans drifted through the air, that he had just walked into something akin to a battle zone on the Northern front. Seungmin clenches his eyes shut, feeling his own exhaustion double at the sound of your incessant moaning and groaning.
His large hand drifts over the contours of his bareface and for a no more than 40 seconds, Seungmin just stands there.
His back hits the framed wall depicting you and Seungmin (in much happier spirits) on your various ‘baecations’ all around the globe.
Seungmin turns to examine these pictures as he kicks his Nike sneakers off and he shakes his head.
You look so carefree in the picture. Your head is thrown back in a luscious guffaw aimed at the sky and Seungmin, in the very same picture is caught, quite embarrassingly so, with his head gazing down at you with a kind of admiration ancient Greeks held for the deities they worshipped.
That same mouth of yours had been painted with a lip combo that Seungmin had spent the entire evening trying to kiss off. He kissed you and kissed you and never grew tired. You both look so full of life. So attractive. So infuriatingly Instagram-y.
“야, Kim Seungmin! I swear to God if you're standing at the door, holding my period pills hostage, I will fucking end you!”
The juxtaposition was almost laughable. Seungmin couldn't help the slightly humorously exhale that left his lips as he gathered what little sensibilities he had left to face you and your particular dragon that he had to conquer when it was that time of the month.
When his sock-clad feet glide into the living room he finds you laid on the floor in foetal position (unsurprising) with your hands clutched around your stomach, while you groan thunderously into the air.
“Why do you always resort to using my government name when you're having cramps,” your ‘supposed boyfriend’ says in a manner that is so infuriatingly nonchalant, it has your eye twitching from your position on the persian rug.
“I'm dying, and that's the first thing you have to say to me?” Instead of responding to what was admittedly an over exaggeration used to thaw away at your boyfriend's unnaturally cold heart, Seungmin instead places the groceries on the counter.
“It's almost as if-” you watch as he works in the kitchen ceremoniously connected to the living area. “You always think you’re dying and then, miraculously, make it through another month. Its almost as if this is… temporary? Dunno though, I'm not an expert.” he resorts to sarcasm while your stomach turns in nausea
“Haters!” You affirm through clenched teeth while cradling your body from side to side, “I'm surrounded by my haters and they're closing in….”
“The only thing that's ‘closing in’ is your bedtime.” Seungmin swipes his fringe to the side as he watches you from behind the counter but it only bounces right back into his eyes, “Did you brush your teeth”
“Did you brush yours,”
“There's only one of us slinking on the floor like Satan,”
“Mean to me-” you whimper through quivering lips, “You're so mean to me!”
“I'm not mean when I'm trying to get you to go brush your teeth,” you hear the sound of the water spout running before soft muted footsteps approach you. Sensing Seungmin’s shadow now casted over your serpentine form which did in fact resemble Satan in the garden of Eden, you keep your eyes shut and your bottom lip jutted out as if thoroughly,and completely angry with him.
“Drink your pills, Bubs-”
“Don't tell me what to-”
“Drink it.”
There were many things you could get away with being in a relationship with one-such Kim Seungmin. He practically radiated boyfriend energy which made walking out in public with a complete nightmare because there is a special detector stationed in every girl, letting them know they were in the radius of a particularly special boy. He knew of your aversion to outsiders perceiving him, “you want me to wear a paper bag?” Seungmin had been completely unimpressed when you brought up the topic at the kbbq restaurant in the sunny recesses of Gyeongsang Province. “You're too hot,” you'd said, “And kind and delightful and it pisses me off,”
he had cracked a smile and showed up to your apartment the very next day quite literally wearing a cardboard paper bag. He had holes for eyes and the rest of him was otherwise normal. “Let's go”
And you had fricken gone, because when Seungmin puts base in his voice, like he’s doing right now while he had a glass of water hanging above your head, there was nothing left to do except comply.
You grumble as you lift yourself up from off the floor and your eyes are hardened balls of cement when you grab the water and the pills.
“You complain about cramps but never actually want to drink the pills I bring,” Seungmin murmurs with his hands on his hips. You watch him in his billowy white shirt and his sweatpants and you can feel your anger beginning to slip away.
Chugging down your water, you place the glass on the coffee table before you begin to grumble, “Instead of medicating me all the time it wouldn't hurt to- I dunno- hold me-” the second those words leave your mouth Seungmin pulls you into his arms with a deep and heavy eye roll as the both of you fall backwards into the couch. “That was my second order of business, Babe.” He nuzzles his nose into tje side of your face and his hands pull yoir thigh pver his mich smaller one
“Unhand me, Demon!”
“Now I know you didn't eat because you never eat when you're like this,” your stomach, despite turning in nausea also manages to descend into a pit of butterflies, “But I'm going to make you a smoothie and you'll drink at least 2 gulps. Maybe even 3.”
You try to wrangle out of his grip but he keeps you there, “And you still haven't brushed your teeth, so you're doing that after the smoothie” Seungmin whispers, nearly causing an anyureseum as a places a delicate kiss to ypur cheek, as his hand comes up the back of your head, patting your hair down in intervals.
“Are you my dad?” You whisper, despite your eyes flitting shut. Your cramps, you're noticing, have already begun to ease up and Seungmin snickers as he watches the peace take over your countenance.
He leaves one more delicate kiss to your forehead before snickering, “don't piss me off” he says, tapping the skin of your thigh, “God, I love when you're like this,” you're unaware of the intensity with which Seungmin is looking down at you. “You like when I'm dying of pain?” You ask craning your neck back to haze into the vaguely serious face taking over your boufriend's features. While you examine the roundness of his cheeks and the contours of his visage, Seungmin's eyes are trained on you too. They're intense, dark holes of perpetual lust as his hand begins to rub up and down your thigh. “I like when you let me take care of you?” He whispers before lightly pushing his lips against yours. It begins as a whisper of a kiss, almost hy as the tips of your lips brush together. Seungmin sticks his tongue out, lapping shyly at your bottom lip.
You groan underneath him, only prompting him to shift until he's hovering over you, kissing you deeply.
“I need-” you try to move away but his lips chase yours, “I need to eat, remember-”
“Didn't say anything about me eating you-”
The lightening that slices down your spine is so vicious and so sudden and by the time you're pushing Seungmin off of you, you realize your cramps have completely dissipated.
“Make me a smoothie, and then we'll talk.”
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madwomansapologist · 2 months
notes on Storm's Illumination
"Thath. Justice." - Navani Kholin, chapter 69.
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I wanted to leave this for the end, but let's start with: how it feels good to be right. I am, once again, Miss On Sight.
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Elhokar is a stupid fucking asshole. What a dumb king. Stupid. He weakened his family in the vision of others, and without his stupid decision of CUTTING THE FUCKING SADDLE the whole battle of The Tower wouldn't happen.
The way everything would be so much easier if he was cruel. But no, he needs to be only thing that is worse than that: stupid.
Elhokar, if you have no haters than I am dead. Fuck you, and bless Dalinar's cock inside your mom. You fucking child, say sorry for stepdad/uncle.
The Tower was an arc worthy of prizes by itself. The way I could see all the threads Brandon Sanderson created just becoming one knot, how every single thing finally had an answer, is just mind blowing.Dalinar.
I judged Dalinar for his behavior, but there he goes and proof that my argument was exactly the conclusion he came to. His moral is right, the moment isn't. And if the moment isn't for a man like him (and what a man), then he will change what's happening.
The Way of Kings wasn't written for people in a war, but after it. For now, he can be the only adult in a room full of childs.
The way characters decide to give others they armors and swords just makes so much sense. Szeth now wanting one more shardblade to aim other, Kaladin not seeing honor in gaining something from a battlefield filled with his friends corpses, Dalinar understanding that he will never allow himself to be Blackthorn again.
Sadeas, I liked you for a instant. I'm waiting gladly for the moment Adolin kills you. And c'mon, there is no way anyone but Adolin is killing Sadeas.
Bridge 4 finding their freedom only because they were honorable. And them being honorable only because they knew what it felt to trapped in a position in which the only thing they could do was to die. Not a "I was hurt and because of that pain I will protect", but "I was hurt and despise that pain I will protect".
Syl being a honor spreen. Still not sure about what it means exactly, but I have a theory about Shallan that soon I will see if it's right or not.
In general: I slept four hours that night because of that book. And I am writing this while at work. That's how much it affected me.
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@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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hero-next-door · 6 months
Defending Nathan Prescott
(From Every Accusation)
All fact proven & common sense theory
No bullshit.
I suck at grammar. Deal with it.
I've replayed the game far too many times to gather this. I read into everything and even read into and WATCHED people who have suffered the same mental illness and situations Nathan has been in.
What I'll be covering:
Illness, rib breaking, dead animals, bdsm, Chloes pic, Rachel, gun on campus, Kate, Pompidou, Jefferson, wealth and his father.
And dont even THINK about skipping ahead!
Everything here is tied into one another. Read from start to finish. You're on this post to understand, right? Or to argue? Im not here to argue so, bye.
Lets start from the top...
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Nathans downfall was caused by society and all who failed him. He's driven by hatred of others who don't understand him, and the game purposly wrote him off that way. They want players to hate him from what sides of the stories we've experienced. They gave this character controversial hobbies and a cynical bully attitude to really keep you suspecting him and not guessing Jefferson. The game isn't about Nathan. It's about Max. We learn so much about Max and everyone close to her. The tears they shed, the pains they've endorsed. Same with Chloe and Rachel's story. My heart goes out to all of them. We don't get to see that with other characters. Therefore, we don't care for them...or that's the games' intentions. We don't know the ins and outs of Nathan. Only what the game shows us, which are all negative. So, of course, disliking Nathan is only reasonable.
Mental Illness
We start with mental illness. He has Psychosis. Lots of proof, but i'm assuming you've seen it all already. Like, do people know what Psychosis is? Do they REALLY know what it is? Because this ALONE changes everything. And not Psychopathy ..Psychosis. Two different things, pookie. Psychopathy is the one where part of the brain is missing or disturbed. THEY'RE the ones that don't have empathy. Psychosis is different. Anybody can get it. This illness can take your empathy and awareness away, then bring it all back after the harm is done, leaving you to process that. Schizo and Bipolar are also all quite a handful to deal with too. Loud Noises/downgrading voices in your head SO LOUD that people will do anything to calm them. (Dont be shy, youtube: "28- Psychotic Episode" by Collège d'Alma) The feeling of loosing your mind is something I notice a lot of haters dont empathize on especially if they killed or hurt sombody. The brain slips into a state so disconnected that interviews with recovering patients I've seen describe it as confusing and scary and dont recall saying the stories they told and actions they did others. Imagine not being able to remember the hurtful things you've said and done. Imagine being told you killed somebody... with your own hands? And you can hardly remember what happened. Like... how would you react? Think about it. Anybody can get psychosis with enough trauma or a kick in the noggin. Some people who were interviewed that had psychosis said that they found relief when getting high or drunk. Little did they know the symptoms could bounce back up to 5x during withdrawal. But they were so desperate to get rid of the voices that they abused the drugs. Like....wow the game really did their research to create such a complicated character. Anyway, moving on.
Edit: After further research, he certainly had bipolar disorder first. Then it went left untreated, therefore sunk him to worse mental state of many other illnesses. Drugs only made things much, much worse. Bipolar disorder can cause schizo and schizo to lead to psychosis. 🙄Jesus Nathan quit hogging all the illnesses.
Now, let's break down everything else...
Shooting Chloe
Just rewatch it. Aims gun, Chloe pushes him, it tightens grip, ACCIDENTLY shoots her, immediately drops gun and gets really scared of he's done, checking to see if she's alive! If you specifically rewatch the ending of Lis1 when Chloe gets shot, they extend his reaction. He goes back and forth, checking her body. If he wanted to kill her, you check pulse and then run. Not sticking around crying about it. There's your empathy you're all saying he doesn't have. Other times where he could have shown more empathy ties with his Psychosis. Some people with the illness said that the voices loudly in their head will convince them that everyone around you is your enemy. Everyone is after you. It can twist your brain to feel anger and fear towards others. Nathan is always hung up on how everyone is using him and trying to control him. Which people ..DO use him. So now he's convinced that everyone is. He's not choosing to feel this way. He just needs psychiatric help.
Breaking Ribs
In Before The Storm, his entire demeanor is completely different than the Lis 1. He's more cowardly and not loud and aggressive. We'll be mentioning his creepy "pervy" binder later. Nathan isn't violent until the end IF you let Nathan get bullied and push his life in a negative direction. Sure, it's not Chloe's responsibility, but this is the game's way of showing you his downfall. We need to remember the game hides scenes and expect you to make up what happened behind the scenes. He broke Samantha's ribs over ..what? She's always so desperate to defend Nathan and even gets upset with Chloe when she doesn't help. So, if you tell her the wrong option to pressure kindness into Nathan, it results in him breaking ribs. How, though? Haters immediately hop online to say cause he's a mean and abusive non-empathic nut head. Are you sure he didn't just push her away, and her clumsiness just fell over? This took place after the play...so he possibly...pushed her off... 😰 She did say she was clumsy. You don't think she would have tried to hug or touch him in any way. Ok ok...calm down... Let's take a step back.. You get this "breaking ribs," ending from letting Nathan get bullied and embarrass himself during the play that his father pressured him about! Adding a little "..fuck you.." to the audience. Showing his start to his villain career and the start of him hating everyone, and you tell Samantha to go hug him!? This is the start of his mental spiral if you let things play out this way. But hurting her with intention? No. Lets tie this in with the other endings to their relationship. You get the clumsy ending. She hurts herself differently, and Nathan is with her in the hospital. Saying how he feels bad that she got hurt. (empathy bell) And they continue yo talk about her photo or whatever. Tie this with the rib one, tie this with the Chloe getting shot incident, and tie this with his mental illness. Come on, do i gotta spell it out for you.. Hurting someone is not what he attends to do. Like he quotes in his voice mail. (Speaking of that voice mail, empathy bell.) He does get angry at Samantha and hurts her, and we as players dont know the full story. But what was playing in his head seconds before and the entirety of the game that led up to this IS the reason why he accidentally hurts her. His anger from the entire game was built up and, unfortunately, released on her. Whatever happened, breaking her ribs was not on his to-do list! And then we have.. The good ending. He sits beside her, smiling.
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Oh, wait! He's a little psycho with no human emotion? Psychosis has all parts of the brain attached, pookie. For most cases, It can be cured and helped. I can get it. YOU can get it. He has human emotions when he is at his very rare peaceful moments like with this good ending, when with Victoria ig and other scenes we tend to forget. Because painting him as the villain was the games goal. Jefferson was the plot twist.
Daddy Issues, Smug Talk, and a Gun on campus
Simple guys. Simple. You represent this school. You represent our name. This is a legacy. You will not embarrass me. This isn't about you or your problems!
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Sure, YOU wouldn't crumble under that pressure, but Nathan sure did. Sure, child abuse isn't an excuse to "kill" people. But is it the child's fault? Sean-beanbag prescott should be arrested for not taking his boy to the asylum. Instead, he argues with a doctor!? Goofy, bro. But so many people are fueled with anger towards Nathan instead. It's whatever. Prescott, literally being his name, was already a red flag to other characters and chose to hate and bully him over it. Drew hated for what his FATHER did. Nathan did ..what again? Notice how that "rich Malfoy talk" wasn't really present in Before The Storm. Sure he tried to burn Drew with a family financial situation insult but the "Im rich, my father owns everything, I got a lawyer, money this and that" wasn't in his character in the Before the Storm. I believe being a prescott wasn't really in his future goals, and he wasn't ever really passionate about it. It's all in the annoyance in his tone with his father before the play. Lis1 he uses it so often to show that he's the boss and in control. He is influenced by representation for his family/school, wealth, intimidation, and of course hatred and believing everyone hates him. In his mind, everyone is against him, after him, and wants to use him. Again, he doesn't choose to think this way. Let me explain my last sentence clearly, though. Imagine being surrounded by a ton of people. All their attention is on you. They hate who you are. They talk about you. You have a defensless stomach sinking feeling and scared because all these people surrounding you are looking at you and all your insecurities and laughing at you. Well, obviouslysome of that is not going on in reality. But to Nathan, that IS his reality, and he has no control over it. Anyways I shouldn't have to keep explaining mental illness and how it stresses the brain. The bottom line is that his status and waving a gun around is what he thinks keep others out of his head. He can barely throw a punch. He had to use his head on warren, and did you catch when Max hit him in that scene? The dude was literally holding onto his face like he'd been battered. Like she did NOT hit that hard lmao. He's weak. He's always been the same tiny Nathan from before the storm. Just now, he uses masks for intimidation to stop his bullies, and anyone he thinks is "after him." He never meant to use a gun on anybody, just a threat. During the second scene where warren reunited a head butt with Nathan.. If you pull off warren, he barely even aims the gun when he runs away towards his room. Cowardly. He feels that he has to, to protect himself. He also uses his father as a threat, but clearly, that never worked. Also, I noticed him crying when you let Warren get crazy on him? Dudes apologizing and sobing? Guess that's not his first rodeo, rip.
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Dead Animals
There is no proof he hurt animals. That's not really like him. He does have a list of illnesses, but Psychopathy isn't one of them. Y'all can keep yappin, but it's not. Clearly NOT one of them. He could have hurt an animal during an unaware episode, but there will not be any awareness behind it. Anyways, there are plenty of artists that do the same thing. Nathan is very passionate about photography and protraying solitary but not in the same way Jefferson does. Jefferson certainly uses that manipulation, but we'll get to that later. There are artists that like to shine on death in a positive light and in sorrow. There's also beauty in anatomy. It's not my cup of tea, but someone close to me can name me all kinds of gross organs and would be down to disect any animal. Yuck. But to them.. its fascinating, and they are the greatest people in my life. In love and in empathy. (NOT comparing my pookie to Nathan, PAUSE.) In anatomy theres Education and surprise. Death is also a theme and style too. Skulls and gore, super "rad" fukin "knarly."
BDSM Skip to (●) next part if needed
Ok.. so he's a little frisky. Y'all need to remember this is a fictional game first, okay? Lol Anyway, I can't defend him much here, but I got something. Firstly, the game WANTS you to suspect Nathan. Can't keep his room pretty and pink. They have to make it freaky and spooky. They paint Nathan as the villian for you to only focus on him as a suspect. So that everyones jaws are dropped with Jefferson twirls in.
Anyway...defending BDSM? This can bring trauma to those who have experienced it negatively or view it negatively. So skip to the Frank defense or read more if you want.
Bdsm relationships are very controversial. Some people see it as unhealthy, abusive, and sick. But if you have talked to or listened to other people within these relationships, they state that its completely consensual, safe, harmless, a breach of deep trust with their partners, and simply a fetish or kink The goal is to have fun at your limit..not pass the limit. There are twisted people who have broken that barrier and made it not fun and abusive. That's where I can't argue. If you feel that way towards the topic, I completely empathize with you.
Nathan has shown in his other photos a black and white theme of solitary. And you can tell that he might have taken those bdsm photos himself. As the quality is almost like the Pompidou photo. Everyone blends him taking bdsm photos with his angry behavior and "non empathic" demeanor. But this is where I loop back to Before The Storm hugging-my-binder Nathan. It's shown that in one of his endings, he took photos of Samantha. Obviously, NOT bdsm photos. His binder was a school project. But Samantha obviously consented, and Nathan was passionate enough to show her. He sees them as art. Naked girls have been models for sculptures and paintings. Its beauty. That's IF she was naked in some way in those photos. Which I still doubt. School project. Im sure the photos were gentle and strange and misunderstood, and Drew was just in his bully era. His reaction would have been a lot more eye-opening if he had a face full of tits or straps. Nathan begged for his binder back and even nervously reacted, showing he had love for his work and 'took time with it' (as he quotes when Drew throws it). I bring this up here to show that the women in his photos were indeed given consent, and if hes passionate about depicting his art, hurting them wouldn't be on his agenda. As we all learned today that hurting people was never his intentions until drugs and illness met with pressure and intimidation clouds his brain.
I read up on other artists that painted things similar. In their paintings, they expressed dread, vulnerability, feeling traped, and ..feeling used. If Nathan did find the images he took arousing, then why would he hang them up like everything else in his room like art? I believe that they're depicted in an artful way and in its black and white shading brings a sad darkness. If it's anything like the painters I mentioned, maybe Nathan has a deep level of empathy we don't understand.
●Frank and Pompidou
I didn't even know he took a picture of Franks hurt dog in the road because you little freaks threw his treat in the street!? This will also tie in to chloes pic, but we'll get to that. Frank first, as it's pretty simple. Nathan runs some system with Frank. And it's pretty obvious it's the same thing Drew was doing in Before the Storm. Nathan clearly doesn't like it as he finds it controlling, but getting his hands on drugs is a great way to forget his flaws and calm his illness symptoms. Which only created a loop of his symptoms worsening, as talked about before. His illness is very active towards the end of Before the Storm. You can tell by his huge character difference that drugs only made it worse.
Pompidou is a good dog, but just remember he's not the one who hurt him. This ties in with what we explained in the dead animal phase. The Imagine is black and white. It's a strange art most people don't understand. Man, I don't even understand it. But these people aren't heartless, and they're simply expressing pain. Or.. he took it for the same reason he took Chloes pic. To feel that he's in control, thinking this will help his mental reality of thinking everyone can use him, as explained earlier. But i doubt it. One is in color, and Pompidou is not. One is misguided, and one is "art."
Jefferson, Rachel, Kate, Chloes pic
If i see one more person throw him in the same trash bin as Jefferson, im going to puke. Anyway, I've twisted my head around this story so many times, begging to see the bigger picture. No pun attended. Jefferson was pulling the strings all along ..you know that, right? If Nathan was never there, Jefferson would have still done his disgusting projects. He certainly brought Victoria over without Nathan's usage. He didn't need Nathan, Nathan just made it easier cause he can easily be manipulated. Making Nathan do it all so the consequences will fall on him. Jefferson is smart and knows the right words to say. Nathan is missing the kindness of a father figure. All he has to do is play with his feelings. Nathan falls too easily to kindness. He felt the kindness of Samantha during the good ending, and He felt the kindness from Victoria.. but Victoria toxic bully nature wasn't helping. The bottom line is Jefferson easily manipulates him and understands his mental reality and uses that against him. Adding thoughts into Nathans head. Jefferson learned to use Nathan's illness to his advantage. Nathan trusted Jefferson as did everyone in that school. Why on earth would Jefferson wrong him? He looked up to him, so when Jefferson slowly brought him into his plans of drugging girls, Nathan thought that it was all ..moral. In reality, you and I know obviously that's not okay, but to Nathan (and his severe illness), he trusted Jefferson was doing no wrong. We don't understand the mental strain he was under. Manipulation goes a long way. Heres how he did it. He probably said things like 'We are the same Nathan, this is art just like yours.' It starts small, Nathan gets him the drugs. Then he pulls him in, and Nathan starts drugging the girls for me. Start driving them here. Start helping me inside the dark room. Start helping me inject my victims. Jefferson had so much power over him. He was connected with his father. He can threaten his grade, his representation, and his future in art. He knew all the right things to say and do. He knew how his head worked. Clog him up with drugs, and keep him quiet. Heal his missing father needs and demand him for your needs. Does this not make Nathan a victim, too?
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Then ...the Rachel incident happened. Nathan was NOT mentally aware of what he's done. The excited "Rachel!" When he saw Max at the diner clearly shows that he truly expected her to pull up. This mixes with the symptoms we've discussed. He only remembers bits and pieces as obviously it was beyond traumatizing. Sending him in an insane spiral and the infamous psychosis drawing. (Don't be afraid, google psychosis drawings. Damn. Just imagine you recovered from psychosis and laying eyes on that and not remembering you drew that..ugh...I'd cry.) Someone with Psychopathy wouldnt feel traumatized from such events, debunking the fact everyone thinks Nathan has Psychopathy. He doesn't have Psychopathy, he has psychosis. Moving on. Jefferson was certainly angry with him and drugged Nathan himself after the incident, which really helped Nathan to forget what he's done. But Jefferson's anger and not talking to him tore him apart. His emotional attachment clearly wasn't having it. The note he wrote Jefferson in desperate attempt to bring him back after ruining Jefferson plans goes to show just how much he wants that sense of being cared for. If only it was someone else that wasnt Jefferson ..or his dad can do is fucking job too.
Alcohol was certainly a great method of forgetting what he did. So then comes Chloes' interaction with him. We know the story. He did not SA her, I can say that right here and now. Nothing like that was behind this. You can tell by the way Chloe presented the story to Max. There wasn't an uncomfortable tone to her story. She didn't seem traumatized but more shocked, and "it was pretty crazy." She also wasn't drugged for that long. She woke up very soon, fully clothed. What obviously happened is that Nathan used this to feel in control like the mentioned way above. Drugs and Psychosis is no jokes. Who knows what hell is playing in his mind, but I unfortunately believe that this was to try to win back Jefferson. He had been angry at him and ignoring him, and even tho he hates drugging, his confusion and drunk state led him to this. He's cowardly, and his mind is slipping and tries to do what he thinks is right for him. He's misguided and leads down the wrong path.
Nathan did not SA Kate! Kate story breaks my heart into a million pieces, but if she was SA-ed, it wasn't Nathan. After everything I said above, you can tell that that isn't in his character. But here I want to bring up the voicemail. Nathan claims multiple times that he never wanted to hurt anybody, implying that he felt forced to do harm. Something he DID NOT want to do. Why on earth would anybody have felt forced to SA somebody!? I'm not saying Kate WASN'T SA-ed as I can only assume maybe the boys she was shown with in the video did something or Jefferson. Victoria was Kates bully!!! Nathan wanted to be liked by Victoria and was influenced by her nature. He's desperate for attention and kindness. Victoria did far more to hurt Kate and her reason as to why was shit. You go THAT FAR to one up your photography game. Girl, bye. She spread that video, and she still has empathy, too? Her regretting everything? Did she reallyy regret it? Or did she want to make herself look good for her representation? She showed regret via text message in Before The Storm, too? She doesn't have a mental illness, but the game gave her an act of forgiveness and used her as a victim so the audience would sympathize with her. Goes to show you the game controls what they want you to feel. If they were to do that with Nathan..would opinons be different? Taking us into his mind and how he sees the world around him. They could have..but didnt. Well.. We have the voicemail, but obviously, that didn't stop the haters. It's unfortunate. But the game gave me just enough little clues for me to shine light on in this post. They put so much into his character but never showed the audience the truth.
What we've learned today is that Nathan isn't the villain you think. He's been manipulated, used, and needs mental help, but im sure my old Nathan-defending friends have said this time and time again. Im here to add something....
It's been PROVEN that he's capable of all human emotions. You just refuse to believe it because you're mistaking his illness and claiming all of this was intentional. Psychosis can be temporary. It's like a hand that steals your common sense, feelings, empathy, and sympathy, and you're only left with acting on pure chaos and negative or fearful emotions. After long treatment, your sense of reality returns, your feelings, your empathy, your sympathy.. And all you have now is guilt and regret and self blame that you hurt somebody. If you let Nathan kill Chloe, he is arrested. He had doctors aware of his illness and would have been charged with illness in mind. Forcing the treatment he needed ages ago. By the time Lis 2 came out... I wonder how he's taking it all in? What he did to everyone, what he did to Rachel.
He was written off to die, be locked up, and blamed. Unfortunately, he was caught in the crossfires of the harm of our favorite characters. If he was born in a different family and away from Jeff, he would have never hurt anybody. Matter a fact, he would never have suffered with his listed mental illnesses.
This goes out to all real accidental murder cases. There will always be a great divide in opinions. I hate comparing fictional games with real life, but I find it crazy that we call others nonempathtic when they aren't empathic themselves. It's like the word "accidental" is worthless.
Its always a debate..
Do we feel bad for the lives lost and their families
Do we feel bad for the mental crumble of the one who never meant to kill and how their familes have to deal with that.
Are they worthy to walk this earth? Are they worthy to see the daylight again? Are they still human, too? Should they die, too? Is redemption possible?
Who knows. Peoples opinions won't change unless they themselves fall onto the opposing team. If they were to suffer the chaos of accidentally murdering someone or the grief of losing someone from an accidental murder.
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Red Nathan, the first Nathan we all experienced from Lis1. Damaged and doomed. Used and mentally obstructed. It's unfortunate things ended this way.
Blue Nathan, Appears in Before the slStorm and Max's alternate timeline. He is clean and hasn't touched drugs. He had not been involved in crimes or violence yet. In this alternate timeline, he has been somehow saved and kept away from mental destruction and Jefferson. We will never really know what drove Nathan towards this peaceful path, but I assumed that it was the kindness of Max that led him in the right direction. (Max somehow changed Victoria, too. With her demeanor being so gentle. I really am curious about the whole back story of that timeline... I think about it alot)
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fellthemarvelous · 9 months
Let's talk about forgiveness
I posted this on Twitter yesterday and now I'm sharing with Tumblr.
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I am so so so so so so so tired of the double standards thrown in Aziraphale's direction.
It's annoying watching Crowley held up on this pedestal of perfection while Aziraphale is villainized for every single thing he says or does on this show, and it's ridiculous.
I came into this season a Crowley gal through and through because I feel the same way about Heaven and Hell that Crowley does, but the amount of vitriol aimed at Aziraphale (and Michael Sheen) is appalling. I never imagined that I would be sitting here defending him so staunchly, but here we are.
All I see when people hate on Aziraphale is the question of why he doesn't consider Crowley's feelings for this moment or that moment.
Aziraphale is treated the same way people treat female love interests and include this notion that all of his decisions should revolve around Crowley's existence. Who cares about what's going on in Aziraphale's head, right? Who cares about his millennia of anxiety and trauma? He didn't fall so clearly he has it made in the shade. 🙃
I grew up in the Catholic church and I remember having to go to confession and the priest telling me to say the rosary this many times and 10 Hail Marys and 10 Our Fathers if I wanted to earn God's forgiveness, which is fucking bullshit because everything we do in life is considered a fucking sin anyway.
The church made sure to tell us that groveling and reciting holy chants to God is the only way we will have those sins wiped off our conscience.
But god forbid all the Aziraphale haters take five seconds to consider a perspective they are unfamiliar with just because Aziraphale is complex and not as open as Crowley. Maybe consider that Aziraphale really didn't see a way out in the Final Fifteen and tried to express it to Crowley.
But oh no, Crowley is having this love confession and that's way more important than the fact that Aziraphale is standing in front of Crowley, clearly distressed, and being told he is an idiot. Suddenly shades of grey no longer matter and both sides of the story here are not equally relevant.
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imagionationstation · 1 month
Hey please feel free to ignore this but your rant was honestly SO valid and cathartic for me to read. The amount of hate that 2012 gets is frankly insane to me, and what's more insane is how normal and accepted it is in the broader fandom? Like with the flaws of every other series the attitude tends to be very 'live and let live,' but haters just can't shut up about 2012 all these years later and it drives me nuts. It was honestly starting to think I was remembering like, every tmnt series WRONG, so I recently re-watched 2003 AND Rise expecting to see these like, *perfect* brother relationships and *flawless* Splinter character development and its just NOT that at all?! Lmao. In literally every version the turtles have flaws and conflicts (ya know - like CHARACTERS IN A TV SHOW). And literally every version of Splinter has flaws (again...like a character). (Also I genuinely love Rise but christ the fandom is so **unintelligible curse words**) Gah sorry for turning this into a mini rant but this has been on my mind too and it just gets to me. Right there with you! <3
Thank you!!
Was lowkey staying away from notifs and Asks because I was ready for someone to wish death upon me and didn't know if I was ready to stomach it. With the release of tottmnt and all the nonsense now getting formulated and pieced together in my brain, the dopamine is at an all-time high! And then with everyone chiming in their support-
It was a good time to risk it all. And I was pleasantly surprised!
I sometimes forget how many people seriously love this series and that's so dumb because there is an unreasonable amount of people following me right now. And considering how firm I aim with certain beliefs, at least half of you have to share the opinion that 2012 is brilliant despite it's flaws and concerning moments.
I'm silly, but you guys are amazing.
The amount of hate that 2012 gets is frankly insane to me, and what's more insane is how normal and accepted it is in the broader fandom? Like with the flaws of every other series the attitude tends to be very 'live and let live,' but haters just can't shut up about 2012 all these years later and it drives me nuts.
Seriously, I don't know why people harp so hard on 2012 like it's the only show (tmnt or otherwise) that has made funky character moments or odd choices. Everyone has different tastes and interests. That's why the wide diversity of fandoms is so important.
No one has to love every single fandom, but that doesn't give them the right to openly hate either.
I recently re-watched 2003 AND Rise expecting to see these like, *perfect* brother relationships and *flawless* Splinter character development and its just NOT that at all?
I've done that too! Sometimes, it's like, what am I missing????
And literally every version of Splinter has flaws (again...like a character)
Literally my favorite part about Splinter is the fact that- even when he's portrayed as a wise master Sensei- he's just as capable of making mistakes or having bad judgement as anyone else!
He's only mutant, after all.
Gah sorry for turning this into a mini rant but this has been on my mind too and it just gets to me. Right there with you! <3
Thank you for your mini rant! This ask is SO appreciated! <3<3
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slavghoul · 2 years
Interview from Classic Rock Magazine #309
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What stands out in your memories of 2022?
TF: Going back to touring was a fantastic feeling! In the beginning it felt almost unreal; still with a bit of restriction, which was kind of unintuitive, but the last tour we did, in August/September, was as good as normal. We released the record when we said we would, we managed to back it up with seventy shows. We cancelled one show in total. That's a good result.
Impera has dark, historically rooted themes, but it's also music that makes the listener feel so many things - joy, aggression, excitement, sorrow... After such a turbulent couple of years there's something cathartic about that.
I am very happy about how the record came out, and that it seems to be well-received among our fans. That's a tremendous feeling. I feel like I managed to do a lot of things I set out to do. We're gonna continue next year, we still have a lot of things to do. But right now we're just recharging a little.
Kaisarion has been a hit live. For a song about the brutal murder of a female Roman philosopher, it really gets the party going.
Yeah, I'm still surprised that with a song that does what it does - and was so well received and opened up the shows - there's never been talk about turning it into a single. Which I don't understand. But at the end of the day it's a label decision, and people around that decide which ones will, quote-unquote, 'work best'. And I've realised that I'm not really capable of choosing. I remember Mary On A Cross was a B-side.
It's weird how that happens with some songs.
Yeah, I must say I feel very optimistic with regards to how that song is taking a life on its own. Even though it was technically a B-side on a fun additional thing [2019's Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic] - it was not our main single from a new album we have always played it ever since it came out, on every show. Maybe a few exceptions, but I've always pushed that song as something that I felt very good about.
On that subject, you're viral on TikTok now. What is it about that platform that appeals?
I hardly knew what it was until two months ago! I have two almost fourteen-year-old kids, so of course I'd heard the phenomenon mentioned. It's an insanely big thing among kids and teenagers. What happens is they create these short snippets, funny, sad or emotional clips, to which they often tag some sort of music or sound. And if you are a creator of sound or music, you might be tagged on to a clip that might go 'viral'. That way you hit a lot more people that you might never entertain, you know, aiming your guns at. So it's a bit of a crap-shoot as well. We are not a big mainstream act, so obviously there's going to be a mixed bag of reactions. Because people in general are kind of strange to a lot of these aesthetics of rock, and especially the darker aspects of it.
It has brought the band more attention.
But if all that attention is a good or a bad thing, we do not know yet. There have been people who might have come on to the track, and as soon as they see what the band is about - or what they perceive the band to be about - there's backlash, because it's like: "Oh my, God fearing hater!" "I don't like it!" "This is communist bullshit!" So there are two sides of the coin. But it's a great bonus if we can get new people, especially kids, into liking rock music or other things, or if it makes them feel in any way better-informed, if you will.
Do you think TikTok will be a bigger deal for musicians in the future?
I don't know. I think when you're a musician, and you're making records, you need to have a certain strategic mind. But your job at the end of the day is making records and playing live. That is the heart of the matter. If you sit around waiting for a viral thing to happen, you can wait a long fucking time.
Back in May, the identities of the Nameless Ghouls were confirmed on social media. How do you feel about them not being strictly nameless any more?
Well, they haven't really been for quite some time. So for me it was not an overnight sensation. As long as it doesn't in any way interfere with what we are doing, there's no desire that I have for people not to feel proud or happy about what they're doing.
You've lamented not being able to play more guitar. If you could be the guitarist for a day in any band, which would it be?
Good question. There's several bands. I would have loved to be what Mick Taylor was in 1969, coming into the Rolling Stones at their best era - but I would have stayed around! That would have been a great experience. Very fun music to play. Definitely within the limits of what I can play really well. I spent a lot of time as a kid learning how to play guitar. Otherwise I would love to play in the Red Hot Chilli Peppers; I love what John Frusciante does. Def Leppard might be a good fit too. Joe Elliott spoke very highly of Impera when it came out. That would have also been really cool. Also a fantastic band. In an alternative reality, in an alternative life, I would have wanted to do a lot of other things. But I did hear that [Joe said those things], and it was very heartwarming, of course. A very big honour.
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thecluelessdoctor · 11 months
Ok soI've been wanting to talk about the current discourse and shit that's been going on in the amazing digital circus fandom and how well- it's pathetic lmaoOk so let me start with just talking about the haters and the stans. Les do it.
So ofc we all know there has been a serge of haters for TADC, and it's funny because there reasons behind hating TADC is either from fandom bait, made up entirely, or just because it's popular. It also seems anytime a indie project is popular it gets a lot of hate which I find incredibly stupid like. If your gonna hate on the indie stuff, please, go hate on corporate stuff. Go on. Like of course, there are problems with TADC, that happens with literally every indie project! Also the hate for it is insane. Like it's often being compared to Hazbin hotel/helluva boss- which I find really unfair because they are two very different medias. One is meant for adult, and the other seems more aimed towards tweens and teens (and maybe young/new adults) Like one of the reasons people have been hating on tadc is because of the reason Jax is a asshole like- oh golly I'm sorry people like Jax actually exist in the real world lmao. Also the hate for Jax also comes from ppl claiming he is sexyman bait even though Caine is RIGHT THERE IN ALL HIS AI GLORY LMAO. guys Jax is twink bait get it right/j
Now lemme touch on the stans, who are attacking anyone who doesn't like tadc like- mate. Not everyone is like you- like myself, I had a bit of a hard time watching TADC because I'm sensitive to random colors, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it (I watched the OG one with my phone far from my eyes and the lowest brightness it could go, and all the rewatches where edited version that made the colors less bright) The thing is, everyone has a opinion. Some just might not have enjoyed it, and that's fine! Don't attack them for it. It also doesn't help that a lot of stans are mixing up good criticism with hate. Like example, I personally don't like Jax's design. It feels too simple compared to everyone else, but that doesn't mean I hate him or the show as a whole I just- UGH
Now let's talk about the fandom/fandom bait and why it really doesn't matter
Every fandom will have bad eggs, it's a given. It's gonna happen. No matter the fandom. But most of those bad eggs are doing it for attention. They want a reaction, or they want to make the fandom look bad. If you don't give them attention, they'll give up. It's not that hard. I know this is cluttered and all over the place so I'ma link a video (not made by me) that basically says my points in a much cleaner way 
anyway peace bro *Despawns*
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
How to Break Jimin Antis
Besties, pull up a seat.
Jimin has a song coming out this Friday. He's collaborating with an idol he admired in his youth, and he helped compose the song. It's kind of a big deal.
Now look, some folks are going to have legit reservations about supporting Taeyang considering past transgressions, and you should let them be true to their lived experience. Everyone has to answer to their own conscience here.
But some people are gonna be vile haters no matter what, and shit all over Jimin. You can expect a flood of posts attacking his lyrics, his voice, his looks, his sexuality, whatever.
Normally, I'd tell you to ignore it, block and report.
I'm not going to ask you to do JUST that, this time.
Instead, I'm going to ask you to start a new trend: co-opt their platform.
Use subversive kindness.
You see a post throwing major shade at Jimin? Don't fight. Don’t clap back. Don’t retweet to call them out. It just amplifies their message.
Take a page out of Jimin's book: be classy, but sassy.
Comment underneath hate posts is with Jimin-supporting hashtags.
"Thank you for the platform! With Jimin til the end! PJM1 is coming! #JIMIN #VIBEftJimin #parkjimin #jimin #bts  @bts_twt #withyou #pjm1 Be a good human! We love Park Jimin!"
Make them regret ever mentioning Jimin.
Spam the shit out of them with positive, joyful, celebratory, supportive message for our boy. Do NOT post anything bitchy or catty; nothing that would get reported or make Jimin feel ashamed if word got back to him.
Just take those haters’ swords aimed at our artist and beat them into ploughshares.
Deplatform the haters.
Take their free real estate and turn it into fertile ground to trend for Jimin.
 THEN go ahead and report and block and move on.
DO NOT GIVE ASSHOLES THE ATTENTION THEY CRAVE! Instead, keep the focus on Jimin, by being kind and positive and productive.
Take a page out the citizens of Wunsiedel's book and make the bigots work for a good cause:
Every single time an anti posts, it's an opportunity for ARMY to co-opt it for BTS. Any time a member is attacked. Any time a bond is belittled.
See a crazy cultist post misinfo or crap all over Jimin? Guess what? That's now an open invitation to cheerfully cleanse the timeline by commenting with tags you'd prefer to see.
If vile little antis are kind enough to create a post, we will happily take the space and change the message. We can even fundraise around it. One penny for every hate post toward album purchases or Jimtober next year.
After all, the best revenge is a dish served HAPPY.
Our artist is coming back to us. Let’s make sure the whole world is very clear how happy we are about it. Be so loud, no one can hear the hate.
Please feel free to reblog this, and share this idea on twitter and other platforms. We have three days to the word out.
If you come for Jimin, you’ll get more Jimin than you could ever handle.
And you'll get it politely, pleasantly, persistently... until you break.
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90363462 · 5 months
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Part I]
​eurt si em tuoba yas yeht gnihtyrevE
Them super powers gettin' neutralized, I can only watch in silence
The famous actor we once knew is lookin' paranoid and now spiralin'
You're movin' just like a degenerate, every antic is feelin' distasteful
I calculate you're not as calculated, I can even predict your angle
Fabricatin' stories on the family front 'cause you heard Mr. Morale
A pathetic master manipulator, I can smell the tales on you now
You'rе not a rap artist, you a scam artist with the hopes of being accеpted
Tommy Hilfiger stood out, but FUBU never had been your collection
I make music that electrify 'em, you make music that pacify 'em
I can double down on that line, but spare you this time, that's random acts of kindness
Know you a master manipulator and habitual liar too
But don't tell no lie about me and I won't tell truths 'bout you
[Part II]
Shoo, shoo, shoo
Shoo, shoo, shoo
Bee, bee, bee, bee, bee, bee
[Verse 1]
Yeah, I'm out the way, yeah, I'm low, okay
Yeah, the island right here's remote, okay
I ain't thinkin' about no reaper
Nigga, I'm reapin' what I sow, okay
Got a Benjamin and a Jackson all in my house like I'm Joe, okay
Hellcat, made his homeboys and them type sell they soul, okay
Everybody wanna be demon 'til they get chipped by your throwaway
And I might do a show a day, once a lame, always a lame
Oh, you thought the money, the power or fame would make you go away?
Have you ever played have-you-ever? Okay, nigga, let's play
Have you ever walked your enemy down like with a poker face?
Have you ever paid five-hundred thou' like to an open case?
Well, I have, and I failed at both, but I came out straight
I hate when I rap or talk about guns, then somebody die
They turn into nuns, then hop online, like "Pray for my city"
He fakin' for likes and digital hugs
His daddy a killer, he wanna be junior, they must've forgot the shit that they done
Dementia must run in his family, but let it get shaky
I'll park his son
The very first time I shot me a Drac', the homie had told me to aim it this way
I didn't point down enough, today, I'll show you I learned from those mistakes
Somebody had told me that you got a ring, on God, I'm ready to double the wage
I'd rather do that than let a Canadian nigga make Pac turn in his grave
Cutthroat business, you got shit twisted
What is it? The braids?
I hurt your feelings? You don't wanna work with me no more? Okay
It's three G.O.A.T.s left, and I seen two of them kissin' and huggin' on stage
I love 'em to death, and in eight bars, I'll explain that phrase, huh
It's nothin' nobody can tell me, huh
I don't wanna talk on no celly, huh
You know I got language barriers, huh
It's no accent you can sell me, huh
Yeah, Cole and Aubrey know I'm a selfish nigga
The crown is heavy, huh
I pray they my real friends, if not, I'm YNW Melly
I don't like you poppin' shit at Pharrell, for him, I inherit the beef
Yeah, fuck all that pushin' P, let me see you push a T
You better off spinnin' again on him, you think about pushin' me
He's Terrence Thornton, I'm Terence Crawford, yeah, I'm whoopin' feet
We ain't gotta get personal, this a friendly fade, you should keep it that way
I know some shit about niggas that make Gunna Wunna look like a saint
This ain't been about critics, not about gimmicks, not about who the greatest
It's always been about love and hate, now let me say I'm the biggest hater
I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress
I hate the way that you sneak diss, if I catch flight, it's gon' be direct
We hate the bitches you fuck, 'cause they confuse themself with real women
And notice, I said "we," it's not just me, I'm what the culture feelin'
How many more fairytale stories 'bout your life 'til we had enough?
How many more Black features 'til you finally feel that you're Black enough?
I like Drake with the melodies, I don't like Drake when he act tough
You gon' make a nigga bring back Puff, let me see if Chubbs really crash somethin'
Yeah, my first one like my last one, it's a classic, you don't have one
Let your core audience stomach that, then tell 'em where you get your abs from
V12, it's a fast one, baow-baow-baow, last one
Headshot for the year, you better walk around like Daft Punk
[Verse 2]
Ayy, Top Dawg, who the fuck they think they playin' with?
Extortion my middle name as soon as you jump off of that plane, bitch
I'm allergic to the lame shit, only you like bein' famous
Yachty can't give you no swag neither, I don't give a fuck 'bout who you hang with
I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress
Surprised you wanted that feature request
You know that we got some shit to address
I even hate when you say the word "nigga," but that's just me, I guess
Some shit just cringeworthy, it ain't even gotta be deep, I guess
Still love when you see success, everything with me is blessed
Keep makin' me dance, wavin' my hand, and it won't be no threat
I'm knowin' they call you The Boy, but where is a man? 'Cause I ain't seen him yet
Matter fact, I ain't even bleed him yet, can I bleed him? Bet
When I see you stand by Sexyy Red, I believe you see two bad bitches
I believe you don't like women, it's real competition, you might pop ass with 'em
Let's speak on percentage, show me your splits, I'll make sure I double back with you
You were signed to a nigga that's signed to a nigga that said he was signed to that nigga
Try cease and desist on the "Like That" record?
Ho, what? You ain't like that record?
"Back To Back," I like that record
I'ma get back to that, for the record
Why would I call around tryna get dirt on niggas? Y'all think all my life is rap?
That's ho shit, I got a son to raise, but I can see you don't know nothin' 'bout that
Wakin' him up, know nothin' 'bout that
And tell him to pray, know nothin' 'bout that
And givin' him tools to walk through life like day-by-day, know nothin' 'bout that
Teachin' him morals, integrity, discipline, listen, man, you don't know nothin' 'bout that
Speakin' the truth and consider what God's considerin', you don't know nothin' 'bout that
Ain't twenty-v-one, it's one-v-twenty if I gotta smack niggas that write with you
Yeah, bring 'em out too, I'll clear 'em out too
Tell BEAM that he better stay right with you
Am I battlin' ghost or AI? Nigga feelin' like Joel Osteen
Funny, he was in a film called "AI"
And my sixth sense tellin' me to off him
I'ma blick niggas all in they coffin
Yeah, OV-ho niggas is dick riders
Tell 'em run to America, they imitate heritage, they can't imitate this violence
What I learned is niggas don't like the West Coast
And I'm fine with it, I'll push the line with it
Pick a nigga off one at a time with it
We can be on a three-hour time difference
Don't speak on the family, crodie
It can get deep in the family, crodie
Talk about me and my family, crodie?
Someone gon' bleed in your family, crodie
I be at New Ho King eatin' fried rice with a dip sauce and blammy, crodie
Tell me you're cheesin', fam
We can do this right now on the camera, crodie
Ayy, fuck y'all niggas, I don't trust y'all niggas
I wave one finger and thump y'all niggas like mmm
Field goal, punt y'all niggas, they punk y'all niggas, nobody never took my food
Whoever that's fuckin' with him, fuck you niggas, and fuck the industry too
If you take it there, I'm takin' it further
Psst, that's somethin' you don't wanna do
We don't wanna hear you say "nigga" no more
We don't wanna hear you say "nigga" no more
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stateofcharles · 21 days
now, although i'm a proud mclaren and norris hater, i feel like everyone should think about this:
one of sky italy's journalists said she interviewed both norris and piastri pre-race. when asking what the aim of the day would be, oscar answered that he aimed to win. norris, instead, said he aimed to a 1-2 for the team. plus, zak brown said that both drivers are allowed to race, as long as they do it clean
these simple answers show the truth behind the whole wdc deal: mclaren knows they're perfectly capable of winning the wcc with the rocketship they have right now, but they are not so slowly forgetting that they are in contention for a wdc as well. we all know norris screws up under pressure, yet behind there's a team who is not helping him from this point of view ("their golden boy" the streets are calling him) and who seems incapable to focus on both wc - and mind they don't have a perez in the team, thus they can count on solid points every weekend with both drivers. the wcc should be something "easier", almost given for granted, yet it's their only thought that distracts them from a bigger goal.
not that i'm sorry for them, BUT they're hugely wasting time and important points with all this. it's the blatant proof of why they're not ready to be a winning team. they are losing touch with reality and this will probably come back to haunt them.
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timemachineyeah · 1 year
Hi, I really appreciate your points on Madoka! Thank you for providing that insight that is so desperately needed! Because I am so sick of dudebros acting like it's better than female-empowering Magical Girl works aimed at girls, or how whenever I or somebody else critiques the storytelling and message we just get told "Madoka is perfectly feminist actually and if you don't think so then you're just too stupid to understand how DEEEEEEEP it is go back to your stupid sweet and fluffy anime that's for GUUUUURLS" or alternatively "oh so female characters can't ever suffer ever and have to be happy all the time ever or it's misogynistic trash?!?!?!?! check and mate bitch" like I am just so tired. I'm glad to see your posts even though some of them are quite old. I have to say thank you once again for your genuine critique of Madoka because at this point I feel like I'm being punked whenever I talk about what's wrong with it.
Sorry! I saw this earlier and completely forgot to answer!
My few posts have given me a reputation as a Madoka hater (and, fair enough, because I certainly don't blame anyone who is. Please hate Madoka all you like). The truth is I really do like the original show quite a bit, but YEAH.
I think the thing that gets most exhausting for me, over and over, is bringing up these criticisms and being told, "No! Because Madoka fixed all that!" and even ignoring Rebellion (which I am inclined to do anyway), the girls still die.
They die.
The happy ending is a montage of girls dying. Which is a happy ending only because what they were getting before (specifically as a consequence of choosing to be a magical girl) was a fate worse than death.
And it's worth noting how the incubators are portrayed. They aren't portrayed as malicious. They aren't "evil" in that sense. What they are is practical and indifferent. They are taking advantage of inherent factors in the universe, not creating those factors.
Which means that there's something about PMMM that is saying, this is reality. At least in this fiction, this is the reality of femininity. And it is inherent to femininity! Kyubey even explains - it's weird! But only teen girls are like this! That's why we use them!
I think it's fair to be like, hey, that's fucked up. What kind of gender essentialist fatalism? Bro?
And it's also just denial to pretend it isn't about fanservice or a male audience.
As anyone who's been on my blog recently will know, I'm kinda super into Love Live! right now. It's cute. It scratches an itch.
And there's a lot of plausible deniability built into it, and a lot of pushback from English speaking fandom about it, but, uh, Love Live! is an idol game but it's also a waifu collector.
It's also a catalogue of nonthreateningly sexual anime teenage girls specifically designed to appeal first and foremost to lonely awkward Japanese young working men with disposable income.
And, idk, knowing that doesn't impede my ability to find it cute and wholesome and fun and escapist. The fact that it is that does lead to some of creative decisions that make the series less fun for me (it's not very diverse, for example. The yuri elements are subtext for another. And I either wish the girls were less sexualized or older, personally). But I'm not going to deny what it is.
I'm not even particularly interested in shaming the men its aimed at for liking it, or shaming the creators for making it that way per se (well, okay, sometimes I am interested in shaming the creators a lil bit). But I do think most the things about it that read as feminist to me as an American read that way because I am so far outside the original intended subculture. And I think the same is true about Madoka. You can absolutely read feminist messages in it. I certainly do. But placing these works in their original contexts tells a very different much more... regressive? picture. They were not made for women and girls. They are not made to uplift women and girls. They CAN! And they DO! Both in Japan and elsewhere! But that's anywhere from (at best) a secondary market to (at worst) a complete accident.
It's hard for some people to wrap their heads around because in America at least I think the idea of a "cute" (even if that's subverted in Madoka) media starring a large cast of only girls being for men is pretty alien to how we do stories and marketing. Here we understand playboy magazines and swimsuit editions, but we don't understand men collecting merch of a cute fictional girl they like. It would be seen as emasculating.
We understand the reverse. We get that boy bands and anime like Free! can be aimed squarely at women while being comprised entirely of men or male characters. Which is part of why I'm not shaming the male audiences, because... desiring anime tiddy isn't inherently predatory anymore than a lady desiring anime ass. And that's a crass way of putting it anyway. We don't frame hanging a boy band poster up that way, or playing a game like Mystic Messenger. It becomes more complicated because we live in a complicated patriarchal structure that protects and empowers men and women differently and unequally, but that seems like a poor reason to try to tell individual men they aren't allowed to enjoy things in a way that is obviously natural and parallels how... most humans like to enjoy some things sometimes.
But that also doesn't mean we can't look at those broad cultural patterns and... make observations. And have criticisms. And talk about how it affects people, and the back and forth between media and culture.
But, Madoka is for men first. The girls' suffering is a form of male gaze, and pretty unambiguously a kind of very very softcore torture porn for male gamer types. That's not a judgment against it, that's just its literal intended share of the market. It's a pretty easy read if you understand the context in which it was released and the culture it is coming from and catering to. My Little Pony is a little girls toy franchise. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sells toys to boys. Home & Gardens is for housewives. Top Gear is for car dads. These are true even if other people like them. When an adult fan of children's cartoons (I say, as an adult fan of children's cartoons) tries to say, "But it's not really a kids cartoon!" I feel about the same way I do when a feminist fan of some clearly male-centric media says, "But it's not really!"
And that's - own your shit. Own it. It's fine. It's fine to like it. It's fine to love it. It's fine if it means the world to you. It doesn't mean there's something wrong with you if you like a media that maybe isn't the most mature or progressive masterpiece out there. Just don't pretend there's no validity in obvious criticism. I love some real garbage made by real garbage people. I have survived.
Madoka exists in a fictional universe where the laws of that fictional universe are that 1) girls are uniquely emotional, 2) that emotion and their own aspirations can easily be harnessed against them in such a way that in the best possible universe all it does it kill them. In the normal universe it turns them into evil witches. That's just true. That's the world. I'm allowed to look at that, especially in conversation with magical girl media that came before, and go, "you know what? in that context, that's pretty fucked up" and it doesn't even mean that I stop liking the show, so I don't see why everyone else has to get so defensive about it.
(Y'all have no idea. Those posts are old now, but I got so many asks. I had to block so many people. I'm not trying to take your precious anime away calm down.)
Idk if I completely agree with the tone of my original posts - there's a little bit of offhanded vilifying of "men" as a shorthand for... all the bullshit... and I no longer love that language. I love men. Men are people. Some men can be shitty, but shitty individual men and patriarchy aren't the same. But I do still agree with all my broad points.
Plus, yes, also. The thing of a new (often male) fanbase getting into something you've been into for a long time with some new entry and acting like it both invented and fixed everything about the genre (PMMM and magical girls, Friendship is Magic and girl cartoons, Stardew Valley and farming sims) is frustrating, and to hear many an incurious nerd tell it, magical girls were floundering before Madoka! And I hate that.
Anyway, oops, I went on a little rant. That still makes it look like I don't like Madoka. I actually really do like the original series. I have rewatched it multiple times and probably will again. I even tried to play Magia Record (briefly - I couldn't really get into it). I can't speak to the many many spinoff media - but those have so many different writers and so much different lore that I think it'd probably be hard to try to pin any kind of single ethos to the franchise as a whole any more. But while I couldn't get into Magia Record I'd bet there's a short manga story or something that I'd love at this point. When you make like 200 magical girls or whatever that's bound to happen.
Thanks for the ask. Sorry Madoka fans are still so hyper defensive apparently. I hope you are able to survive them and find some better magical girl series out there. <3
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flyfish1999 · 5 months
Sure, I'll send one from main: Yukari Takeba?
thank you :] !!!!!!!!!! these have been so fun to write ! i super adore yukari, and i'm very worried for her ^_^;; she is possibly ... THE best written modern persona character to me (at least in fes .. i havent really analysed how i feel about her fully in reload yet)... let's hope they don't decide to change that in the dlc o7 !!!!!!
favourite thing about them: yukariiiiiii orz ... lies on the floor and weeps until a big puddle forms underneath me i love how messy she is and is allowed to be . she goes back on her word, she's a hypocrite, she's distrustful, she's rude, she doesn't always know what to say, she's sometimes a coward, she's selfish .. but she learns and grows and changes and adapts . and she still makes mistakes ! even when it feels like she should have it all figured out . she grieves . and she stays true to her ideals when it counts, and she never loses real hope in what she believes in . she's selfless but she's also strong enough to do what she does for her own reasons, even when she's all alone and can't use her evoker yet . she stays behind to make sure you're okay after you put yourself in the line of fire for her . and when she's the one to kickstart everyone's use of theurgy, she does it protecting someone . YUKARI TAKEBA I LOVE YOU ! i will shut up now, or there will be pages of this ^_^
least favourite thing about them: NOTHING . yukari haters are weak ^_^
favourite line: this is so difficult ! but from mitsuru's awakening: "that's all i can do. that we can do. right, mitsuru-senpai?" their development is one of the most satisfying things in p3 for me !
brOTP: i love the progression of her friendship with both junpei and mitsuru in p3 so so much, but i think she could have a very cute friendship with rise in arena ! both being in showbiz, i feel like they could match each other as lovers arcana very cutely ^_^
OTP: yukamitsu, i'm nothing if not predictable, but i also love post-answer yukaigis !! they're super underrated ^_^)/ brand new days is their theme to me :p
nOTP: while i can't really see her with the other sees boys, i don't really have one that stands out to me as something i don't like :]
random headcanon: from the posters in her room, i think she's also somewhat of a music fan with a bit of a collection ^_^ !! it could be something very cute she'd have in common with the protagonists .. making mixes and going to escapade and such :D
unpopular opinion: uuuuu ............. i don't like her featherman outfit in arena at all !!!!!!!! the actual future story doesn't bother me as much as it maybe should ^_^;; but goddamn couldn't she get changed ; ; !!!!!!!! it really rubs me the wrong way ... i have no idea why . also, i miss her bad aim in fes . it's so funny how overcorrected bows are . "i won't miss!" twang miss
song i associate with them: GIRL A - siinamota !!! favourite picture of them: this pq line sticker ! i love yukari "the popular one" ehehe .. third year yukari being a bit of a mentor to second year chihiro as she grows even more is a cute thought !
Tumblr media
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eyeballcommander · 10 months
(Previous) Yes! Excellent cut! Even through Percival’s blurry and bruised vision, the sight of that beautiful, beautiful blood made him smile wickedly. He wanted more than drops… He quickly swiped his non-knife-wielding hand across the wound he’d just inflicted, then wiped his glove across his mouth, effectively “licking” it. Doing so earned him another punch to the face. But it was worth it.
"Did you just drink my blood!?" ?Commander Peepers shuddered in disgust as he yelled, "Whadda creep!" His next punch was aimed at the blood on that skunk's face with the duel purpose of getting revenge for that sick display and desperately attempting to wipe it off before something happened.
Unfortunately a watchdog's absorption rate was too high to stop it now. Heck, they couldn't even spit the majority of what they drank out if they wanted to. Commander Peepers reached for his handkerchief to blot up what he could anyways.
Things were looking up for ol’ Bishop Percival. He ran some quick calculations in his head. With how much magical energy he’d expelled already during the fight, factored in with how much the Commander is likely to resist, Percy should have around… A minute and a half of fun before he used up too much energy to function. That would be plenty. A sudden burst of black smoke poured from both of his hands like a fog machine. The Commander froze in place. The Bishop crawled out from under him. He was going to put on a show for the jumbotron.
When the smoke came Commander Peepers instinctively covered his face with his arms. At first it seemed like nothing happened since he chalked up his freezing to his own fear response. But then he knees failed to press harder down on that rat to prevent him from slipping away. Instead he fell flat on his face without even being able to adjust his center of gravity.
Which left him in a embarrassingly prone position that resembled someone cowering in the face of an opponent they had no hope of beating. The twitchy movements that resulted from resisting with all his willpower while being forcibly pressed back into place by magic probably looked like sobbing from a distance.
“Hmmm? What’s wrong, Commander Peepers? Feeling remorse for how you’ve been treating Lord Hater’s faithful bishop? I may forgive you… If you grovel for me.”
"Why would I!? YOU should be the one feeling sorry about how you've treated his right hand man!"
Bishop Percival twisted his hands around, adjusting Commander Peepers’ pose like a puppet. It was easy to get him into a groveling position since he was already on the ground. “Ah, that’s better… Unfortunately for you, though, Glorn is unmerciful. We will never forgive you.”
By now Peepers was sobbing as he found himself solidly trapped in his deepest fear. Only this time he lost control in a far more literal sense. And he wasn't sure how much of his body's shakiness was due to him fighting in vain or trembling in terror.
Meanwhile, Hater paced in his box booth. There's never been a watchdog Peepers couldn't beat! So he never thought he would be in any real danger! But now instead of putting his newest little nemesis in his place he was being thoroughly humiliated in a horrifying display.
If it was anyone else Hater would find it hilarious. With his best bud though? It was sickeningly, unnecessary cruelty.
Should he step in? Or would C.Peeps only get mad and claim that his interference injured his overblown pride?
Bishop Percival ripped Commander Peepers' arms up towards the sky, which caused him to leap up and land on his feet. “Your only use now is as a sacrifice. What’s this? You’ll do it yourself? Why, thank you sir!”
Once he reached the sacrifice bullshit (and confirmed that he was running sentient sacrifices on his ship!) it was clear that nothing Peepers said mattered. Just another way he snatched his autonomy away.
The Bishop moved his arm, movements which Peepers mirrored, until Peepers’ hand was in his pocket. He gripped his blaster and pulled it out, first pointing at Percy.
Whipping out and pointing his blaster at Percy was the first fluid motion Commander Peepers made since he'd gotten bound in metaphorical strings. It was what he'd been trying to do this entire time anyways. And for a brief moment he had the illusion of control.
“No no Commander, that’s the wrong way!” Percival cheekily chided. He twisted his hands around to orient the blaster towards the Commander.
Puppeting Peepers into turning his own weapon against himself consumed far more magic than any previous actions. Yet surely it was worth it to see the great Commander Peepers sobbing his heart out.
“Any last wor-...” With how hard Commander Peepers was resisting, Percival found himself more spent than expected. “Actually, We don’t care.”
Peepers clenched his eye shut in anticipation as he cried out, "PLEASE! MAKE IT ST-"
Bishop Percival snapped his fingers, effectively making Commander Peepers pull the trigger.
His surrender was cut off by his blaster firing directly at him. Turning it to full power in preparation for blasting Bishop Percival's face off had backfired in the end. At least... Lord Hater has trained him to deal with far worse blasts...
The force of it sent Peepers flying backwards and knocked him out cold, with his twisted arms being torn from his trusty blaster in the recoil. It clattered at the victor's feet.
Lord Hater froze in shock before exploding into rage. How DARE that stupid magic man do that to his C.Peeps! Hater teleported between the two with a loud burst of thunder, protectively scooped up his fallen friend, blasted that bastard, and teleported out as quickly as he came.
The crowd fell completely silent. After a long pause (and time to walk around the huge stadium) Andy checked to make sure Lord Hater was gone before slipping into his "box booth" and plugging his microphone into the Doom Arena's sound system. During which his bud, Cameron, kept his camera on the field.
"Well... that got weird at the end but... There you have it folks! Commander Peepers has been beaten by no other than our magical support, BIIIIIISSSHHHHOOOP PEEERCIVAAALLL!!!"
A few watchdogs hesitantly clapped, with only the Glornists fully into it. Then they grew louder, more confident in their excitement at one of them finally beating the tyrant most if not all had the displeasure of directly dealing with.
Soon the others joined the Glornists in hooting and hollering while raining victory confetti into The Pit. Someone even loaded balloons full of the stuff into repurposed t-shirt canons which popped when they landed near Bishop Percival.
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What did you think of lsf's easy?? I liked it! Though it's definitely jumping on the low-fi train that newjeans made trend, it's really different from their past title tracks and I liked the dancing. I wonder why they released on a monday - maybe a shift in focus to sk rather than spending much effort on the west for this album? Also I may be blind but I don't understand what about the mv was too inappropriate to be shown on kbs. I didn't think there was anything out of the ordinary about it
I'm finally answering asks!! I'm really sorry! I work until late and when I get home I only have time to wash and make dinner, eat, read fics for an hour, and then crash... I could've replied to you last weekend but I was still processing the comeback... Anyway, I really appreciate getting asks even if I don't respond quickly... Sorry.
I too was surprised they dropped Easy on a Monday. I wonder if that was strategic or a matter of logistics. Even if Easy's a Korean track, I'm sure they're still aiming for a Hot 100 debut and to grow in the West. Even groups who chart worse than LSF in the US drop music on Friday. Dunno...
I absolutely hate the music video. I had a pretty negative reaction to the song at first because the music video is so pretentious. LSF have become a mockery of their concept. The copying black aesthetics in the MV, the posing, the absolute randomness of the outfits, scenes, visuals. It was hot garbage. Their facial expressions don't help them look less ridiculous and pretentious, especially Yunjin. Regarding it being censored, I thought it was because of Sakura and Kazuha being in bed together, but I read it was actually the hair dryer in the tub?
I was disappointed that Easy was nothing like Good Bones, which was a pretty creative and bold trailer. It sticks out like a sore thumb in the album.
Easy's a great song. Right now I'd say it's my favorite LSF song. The choreo is good too. However, at this point I can't admit I don't like the group... I like their music, especially the title tracks, but I don't like their stage presence, their dance, their vocals, the image they project. Yunjin - and I'm sorry for being another Yunjin "hater" (not a hater, just not a fan) - annoys me with her exaggerated "I'm so hot and cool" facial expressions and mannerisms, and her voice is unpleasant to me; Eunchae is really young, I know, but her voice sounds flat and empty, she's stiff and looks scared on stage, and her dancing is awkward; Chaewon has a nice voice and stage presence, but she doesn't grab me in any way; Kazuha is a good dancer, with good facial expressions, and she's a decent singer (even without a good voice, she's versatile); and Sakura, who's my favorite member, can't sing and her stage presence isn't great.
Actually, on the topic of Sakura, they keep giving her the wrong lines. They try to give her easy lines because she's a bad singer, but it just makes her stand out even more, and some of the lines are so unnecessary the song would be better without them. She did so much better on Fearless and Antifragile - her stage presence was much better too. Now she just gives these empty smiles during her 1 second lines and it doesn't fit her at all. Sakura's fancams are actually the only LSF fancams that don't bore me, because she uses her head and shoulders really well, and she has nice subtle facial expressions - she's more dynamic and consistent than the others. Yet, on stage, she's the second most boring to watch after Eunchae. I think she could stand out a lot more if they knew how to utilize her, which they clearly don't. I just watched her debut Fearless fancam and her facial expressions were so much more natural there, and her lines didn't make her stand out in a bad way. Eunchae looked better in that fancam too.
Like I said, LSF have become slaves to their concept. At this point they're just caricatures.
Also, one more complaint, sorry! Their performances are pretty boring to me because they rarely sing. I'm honestly starting to hate kpop performances in general. I can't stand the non-singing. You have veteran groups (eg. Twice) who can't even sing without a very loud backtrack, and still skip most of their lines...
Anyway, the album itself is... okay. I don't really like LSF's bsides. They're generally soft which doesn't suit their weak vocals. Swan Song is nothing special, and neither is Smart. The choreos are meh too. We got so much might be my favorite bside in Easy. I think their best non-title track is probably Jewelry. That song is cool.
Anyway, sorry for the negative rant, I wanted to get it out of my chest... Thanks for the ask!
Edit: I just remembered something else I wanted to vent about. I see Redditors losing their shit over LSF's Easy encores, and they're all out of their minds, ffs. Haven't they heard their previous encores or any of their live vocals? LSF sounded pretty good in those encores. Sakura was pitchy and uncomfortable as always, but showed improvements, Kazuha sounded like the studio version, Eunchae sounded close to the studio version too, and Chaewon and Yunjin sounded good to me - I don't know why people are insisting Yunjin sounded off or worse than usual? They actually sounded better than in previous encores, but people are reacting like it was terrible. I mean, what were they expecting? You think Hybe uses so much autotune on them because they like autotune? They do, but they don't lather Jungkook's vocals in autotune, now do they? Still, it was a normal encore. I don't get the dogpiling on them over this.
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piduai · 5 months
The ugly baboon is just a p!mp .
So rat chi just tried to make us sympathies with one. The only reason why yoshiwara wasn't abolished after his underserved nice passing is because there still some idealization of these kind of place which is awful.
I can't believe gin ball ma used to be an example of strong female empowerment media for me and anitwt(☝️🤡) 2018.
There is nice stuff but it's NOT one . It's not because something is less bad than it's peers that it's meeting the minimum standards.
I wanted to rewatch and follow your commentaries but nevermind also I never liked the alien space stuff .
You know I think the yato clan could be a superhuman clan from earth and we didn't need all these space stuff and that ugly electrical obelisk. (the tower that they like to put in any cover )
Not surprised also when you take into account his real friendship with the ruronini kenshin author .
I'm sorry to lash out my hateful keyboard because I'm a hater and find negativity in everything , I feel comfy to lash it out here 🚬🚬🚬 ( fuuuu) .
on one hand gintama is a gag manga whose brand is hiding good morals under a raunchy and jaded exterior but on the other hand 🙄 the worst thing is that it's actually miles betters than its peers LMAO. i wouldn't call it female empowerment now and neither did i consider it such back when i was first into it but i quite like the female cast, and unlike other series at least it has a female cast that is only getting saved like half of the time. what is pissing me off though is that at times it tries to raise the issue of female subjugation, reductive gender roles and what have you and then immediately shoots itself in the foot while trying to parade its lukewarm message, resulting in something even worse than if the status quo was left untouched. sad! males idolize yoshiwara and other red light districts and keep reusing its setting in their shit stories because they are demons. and it's concerning when this stuff is presented in shounen jump of all places, a magazine aimed at children. but whatever
i don't really vibe with the alien stuff either, to be honest when i just started rewatching i was a bit baffled by how... idk, right-adjacent this whole "outsiders are enemies, we need to protect our country" stuff is. maybe i'm imagining it though, i can't coherently put it into words but it left me 🤨 huh never noticed this before. besides it's boring and ugly. i stopped following the manga closely after the arc that came after shogun assassination but i remember watching the final movie in the cinema and it was literally just 2 hours of non stop boring alien fighting and i feel like that thing dragged for 2 years in the manga, the last few arcs they go to space and they just keep fighting space animals over and over and it has no meaning or definition and then it ends. i don't really care about yato as a whole to be honest but they were soooo underutilized, they're like this superhuman quing dynasty lite but the only prominent characters are kagura's family and mutsu (who wasn't even known as yato for most of the story and then it's never brought up again) like they were so fumbled. i think in the end literally everyone was fumbled because every single character needed to be scraped off the board to make space for the annoying ass ugly insufferable mc because god forbid his dick is not being sucked for 0.2 seconds
this is a safe space for haters ✌️😤 all in all the forte of this series has always been the comedy and that's why i picked it up and liked it in the first place... and it's still funny. given lots of grace we can say that some of its serious stuff is also mildly entertaining but it should have never deviated from being funny imo, but i find my rewatch quite fun to be honest. all things considered up to a certain point it's not a bad series at all
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