#i'm confident in neither option
deadmomjokes · 2 years
Do you have any recent adventures of bean? Thank you for sharing those moments, they are lovely posts to read <3
You will, I hope, be delighted to learn that the bean has recently discovered Pokemon. And she LOVES IT.
Everything is Pokemon now. All butterflies are named Butterfree now. Her white lamb toy is Meowth (because it's white, it's okay that it doesn't have a tail or a sticker on its head). The decorations of cardinals at a local lights show? "Those red birds are like a red Pidgeotto!" Despite never enjoying Ritz Bitz before in her life, she now consumes them like a vacuum in a confetti factory because the multipacks of the minis have Pokemon on them now. So they are Pokemon snacks.
Her favorite Pokemon are Koffing and Butterfree. Butterfree makes sense to me, she's always loved butterflies, and it's one of the first ones you meet in the show, so it's seared into her brain as an archetypical example. But Koffing, huh? I ask her what she loves about Koffing, and she says, "Because he's a ball, and his mouth is always open so he's happy and smiling."
The pros of this obsession:
Christmas shopping for her just got super easy. I even found a plushy Koffing. She might actually pass out.
Reliving the original anime series with her, and it's way funnier and better than I remembered.
It is unbearably cute to hear this little chipmunk voice recapping episodes and doing her darndest to pronounce the difference between Tentacool and Tentacruel.
There's so many Pokemon and so much content out there she will be kept entertained for years, if she manages to get tired of repeating the same episodes (unlikely)
The cons:
Pokemon is generally intended for children a few years older than 3, so there's not a ton of small-children Pokemon merch that isn't infant onesies. Caveat: She is not only intellectually on the level of a 6 year old (according to her teachers and psychologist, I'm not just being braggy), she is also wearing 5-6 year old clothes, so the effects of this merch-dearth are somewhat mitigated
I happen to know the "Bye Bye Butterfree" episode would absolutely shatter her. Butterfree is a favorite; she pretends to be Butterfree at least once a day. The one where Ash temporarily traded it away was rough enough, and she required a LOT of reassurances after the episode that yes, Butterfree is back, and Ash said sorry. Letting Butterfree go? FOREVER?? I don't think she'd recover. However, she's also smart enough (and obsessed enough) to notice when Butterfree isn't there. We can't just skip it without an explanation. But if we explain what happened, she'll demand to see the episode and get fixated on it if she doesn't get the full context. It's the next episode, y'all. She saw the thumbnail with Butterfree already. WHAT DO
According to her, not enough airtime for Koffing.
But yeah, that's been the Big Thing lately. That and Christmas Lights. The only thing this kid loves more than Pokemon is Christmas Lights.
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tomaturtles · 1 month
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IT'S KAWOSHIN DAY!!! As well as the last day of Kawoshin Week :') It's been such a blast, gonna miss it when it's over
Kawoshin Week Day 7: Cuddling/domestic fluff! + Sleepover and Spinoffs (again)! Based on the Campus Apocalypse sleepover chapter ☺️
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UPDATE What's up, it's the proposal guy. You said you wanted to know how this turned out, so I figured I'd tell you. First some context though, because I'm mean and I wanna keep you in suspense longer.
1- I don't wanna doxx us so I'm not telling you where we live, but suffice to say, neither of us are American, and gay marriage has been legal here for less than five years. For both of us, this is the first relationship we've had where marriage was even an OPTION, and I think that's where we've been getting some of that whole 'this has to be a REAL proposal with EVERYTHING' idea.
2- I gotta figure out how to explain this properly. So, I'm pretty used to being the GUY guy in relationships? I was always the one who did the nice gestures, not the one they got done for. Before I met my dream guy, I didn't really notice or care that it was such a thing, I just assumed that's how shit worked. Also, I promised I wouldn't talk a lot about his stuff here, but his last boyfriend before me SUCKED. Anyway point here is, it turns out we both REALLY like feeling swept off our feet sometimes, and a big part of finding each other has been getting to feel special for once? That's a stupid sappy way of putting it the point here is I think all that's what morphed into "I need to be the one getting proposed to, also it has to be completely perfect", and then our Petty & Extra genes got involved.
So I'm sitting in bed thinking about all that up there, and watching all the comments coming in basically being like "Dude, you are BLOWING this" on repeat, and telling me to compromise, and I look up and see him flossing in the bathroom and making all these doofy faces at the mirror, and it's like a switch just flips in my brain, and I'm like "Oh, I'd rather he gets to have his perfect proposal than we both have an okay one". I'm gonna do it.
Morning rolls around, and while I'm 'out for my jog like normal' I hit up a pawn shop for a temp ring (the ring pop thing is cute but NOT HIM). I found one I was at least confident wouldn't get ruined the first time he got his hands greasy (he fixes old machines as a hobby it's hot as hell), got back home, and hid the box in the toe of my nasty ass workout shoes in the bedroom closet, since I figured he'd check there last.
He was still asleep, because he stays up late no matter what and then is SHOCKED he's tired the next day, so I called and booked a table at our usual anniversary spot. (Side note about the 'he picks bad restaurants' thing. This isn't an 'I like Greek, you like Chinese' situation, dude's just BAD at finding places. He either assumes pricey is tasty and I get to eat some overrated gourmet bullshit, or he'll try and find something hip and underground and risk giving us food poisoning again, and he REFUSES to give up and pick somewhere we've been before when it's his turn to plan date night. I'm obsessed with him <3.) Date was set, I'd propose on the 21st.
Some of you might have noticed this, but fun fact! It's currently the 16th.
Last night I'm doing dishes and he's been sent to our room for mug collection duty, and he's taking FOREVER, so I go check just in case he found the ring, because the man's a gift tracking BLOODHOUND. Turns out he hasn't, he's found my Angry Box.
I assume other people have an Angry Box? Basically, we had this huge messy fight right when we first moved in together, and I never wanna let it get that bad again, so I have this shoebox where I keep a bunch of our stuff I can look at if we're fighting and hopefully cool off. There's one of those photo booth roll things, letters we wrote when he moved back with his parents for COVID, the wine cork from our first date, shit like that. Anyway, he's just sitting on the floor staring at it, and I explain about the Angry Box, and then he! Proposes!!! Kind of.
He definitely didn't have anything prepared, because by 'propose' I mean 'ugly cried & rambled at me for several minutes before I figured out it WAS a proposal', but once I got on the same page it was amazing. I said yes, and he had to admit he didn't have a ring for me because he was CONVINCED he'd win and I'd do it, so I grabbed mine because, yeah, he was right. He was like "this is the ugliest ring I've ever seen" and I was like yeah well the plan is to replace it later and he went "No. You can pry this off my cold dead fingers. After I'm buried with it." So I guess it's not a temporary ring anymore.
I'm just gonna go ahead and skip to this morning. I pointed out we still have the reservation, and he said I should propose there anyway because "We can get a free dessert. They have those creme brulee shot glasses you like. And for love, or something" and I said ok deal, but that means you gotta get me a ring to keep it fair, and his eyes LIT UP. When I swung by his work for lunch he was still on the phone with a jeweler and he had a whole page of notes on three other ones. Pray for me.
OH PS: I was RIGHT that he'd been the one behind the cat biting me, but it wasn't about the proposal stuff, it's because I paid my baby sister three dollars to shout 'fuck you' every single time he enters a room she's in for (if you ask me, he should be madder at my sister for charging so little), and he did it by giving her a bunch of treats for biting his hands too, so now neither of us can pet our baby girl without oven mitts on. HOLY SHIT I love this man.
Oh my goddddddd I love everything about this <333 I awwww'd out loud on a voice call, like, six times while reading. You two are friggin perfect for each other and so obviously smitten with each other and I wish y'all all the happiness in the world
PS Are y'all planning to have a big wedding? If so oh boy I can't WAIT to get that one in the inbox
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sage-green-matcha · 10 months
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having a little fun with Ethan after your murder spree <3
Content includes: Smut! P in V sex, blowjob, a bit of overstim! Mentions of blood, murder, gf!Reader, gf!Ethan
A/n: I love writing psychopath reader 💪
It was off-putting, the way you hummed as you cleaned the pool of blood below you. Ethan paced back and forth as you scrubbed, trying to process what you had just done.
"Please stop spreading the blood" He left prints of red as he walked, making you have to clean up an even bigger mess.
"Sorry..." He felt his chest tighten as he listened to your calm words. It's like you had done this thousands of times before. You were so calm, so confident.
"You said you wanted me to help you with this, E" You mumbled, collecting more water into your bloody sponge.
"Do you regret it?" You asked so nicely, looking up at him with your soft, doughy eyes.
"No...I don't know" His eyebrows furrowed and you smiled, going back to cleaning.
"Richie is proud of you, you know that...right?"
To make Richie proud was all he ever wanted. Sure his father was some half-ass cop and he wanted to make him proud too. But to make Richie like him was all he ever wanted. He always looked up to him, and when he saw what he did in Woodsbooroe he knew he had to do the same.
You know, to carry the legacy.
But it wasn't him who killed the group of friends. It was you.
You knew Ethan's plan would let you experience some of your deepest desires.
The rush of killing was like no other. You felt your body get hot with each stab, every splash of blood that hit your face made you excited.
Ethan watched in horror, he thought he would enjoy watching his brother's murderers get killed. But it was the total opposite.
His skin crawled and he cringed each time the blade made contact with skin. He thought about telling you to stop, telling you he wanted to call off the plan. But it had fallen too deep, there was no going back.
"I know" he gulped and you watched as he slipped his shoes off, carefully to make sure you wouldn’t get upset.
He sat on the couch as you finished cleaning, resting his head back while trying to think.
Your eyes watched Ethan carefully, noticing how tense he was. Maybe it was because of the heavy bodies he had just dragged, or he was just stressed about what to do next.
Whatever it was, you knew you could help him.
You sat down on the sparkling wood floor. The one that was just covered in blood. But you didn't make that connection, you were too focused on Ethan.
You traced small circles on his knee, making Ethan look down at you with intimidation in his eyes.
He wasn't sure how to feel. You looked so cute, so innocent. But what you had just done made him question that.
"Talk to me" Your face was squished up against the soft cushion, your finger still moving up and down his leg.
He hesitated as he went to speak, opening his mouth before quickly closing it. "Was this the right thing to do?"
You batted your eyelashes. You were obviously annoyed. He had just had you kill 4 people...for nothing? But you didn't say that you didn't say anything. Instead, you comforted him.
"It was the best option, Ethan. The only option"
"I know, I'm just..." He bit down hard on his lip, scared to admit how he was feeling.
"I'm just confused, I thought if they were dead I would feel better...but I feel the same"
"Let me help you feel better"
The feeling in the room changed. The awkward tension became sexual and it flowed perfectly throughout the quiet room.
He wasn't sure if now was the time for something like this. But yet again, he would never say no to you. You were just trying to help him. And maybe this was just what he needed.
His cheeks were flushed pink as he nodded, giving you the green light.
Usually, you went slow with him. Giving him a handjob till you stuck his cum covered tip in your drooling mouth.
But this time you didn't have patience for any of that, and neither did Ethan.
You sat yourself between his legs, carefully undoing his belt before reaching into his boxers.
Ethan's heart raced, his tummy filled with butterflies as your hand wrapped around his warm cock.
You almost forgot how perfectly he fit in the palm of your hand, slowly pumping his hard shaft.
He shivered as you spit into your hand, a lewd moan falling from his mouth while you watched with amusement.
Precum leaked from his tip, matching the shiny spit on his cock. With every stroke you felt his veins engrave into your hand, memorizing them.
Ethan was so caught up in his own pleasure that he didn't notice you getting closer. When you paused he let out a small whimper, missing your touch.
But he wouldn't complain again, not when your lips were wrapped around him. Your tongue swirled on his tip, kissing and sucking with your entire mouth.
Ethan basically levitated, his hips twitching forward while his eyes were closed tightly.
He pushed himself deeper into your mouth, a small gag coming from your throat.
The sound made him reach for more, thrusting himself into your neck desperately.
"Shit y/n, fuckfuckfuck" Whimpers fell from your lips while tears escaped your eyes. He barely fluttered his eyes open to see you choking on his cock, the sight being one he had imagined hundreds of times before.
He felt a tight feeling in his stomach, his cock twitching in your mouth before you pulled away.
"Why...why'd you stop?" His chest rose up and down with each heavy breath. His eyebrows were furrowed, but his eyes were open just enough to see you unbutton your jeans.
You sat yourself on top of his lap, moving your panties to the side before sliding his length up and down your slit.
You shivered at the feeling, your juices mixing into each other.
Ethan placed his hand on your waist, holding back whimpers and moans while you held onto his cock.
It wasn't like Ethan to get impatient, he was always good for you. But he was desperate, pushing your hips down with a harsh motion.
You let out a small gasp, feeling his veiny cock fill you up. He stretched you out so well, making you hold onto his shoulders.
Before you moved you pushed yourself all the way down, taking every inch of him. You squeezed him tightly, whimpering at the feeling of your hole being fully stretched out.
Gently you rolled your hips, biting your lip to hide any noises. Ethan’s eyes were closed tightly, his mouth wide open while small moans fell from his lips.
The sound of skin slapping filled the room, your head falling onto his shoulder.
You could hear his muffled whines above you, his hands grabbing all over your thighs and ass.
“Shit, Eth. Making me feel so good” You could barely speak as you felt him inside of you, the feeling making you melt. You were never verbal during sex, but Ethan could get used to it.
He trusted his hips forward, his tip making contact with your G spot. Mumbled moans fell from your lips as sweat formed on your forehead.
“Y/n…” A quiet groan fell from his lips, stopped by your teeth digging into his clothed shoulder.
You pushed your hand under his shirt, running it on his toned chest. “Take it off”
You continued to bounce as he slipped it off, Ethan messily throwing it to the side.
Your nails scratched at his chest, your mumbled moans against his skin.
“M close” Ethan's grip got tighter, the pain from your nails shooting straight to his cock. “Cum in me”
All you wanted was to feel Ethan, to hold him close and make him feel better. You needed all of him.
He trembled at your words, his nails digging into your waist. Marks formed in your skin, deep and red but the pain felt so good.
Your face smushed against his chest as his legs started to shake. His cock twitched inside of you, the feeling of hot cum shooting into your pussy.
He tried to breathe but you were desperate for your release, overstimulating Ethan. Your legs began to shake and you melted into him once again, gasps falling messily out of your mouth.
You felt the tie in your stomach snap, legs still shaking as cum dripped out of your hole.
You pulled him into a messy kiss, running your hands through his hair. You weren’t one to express how you felt, but you needed to tell him. It overpowered everything that had just happened and you wanted him to know.
“I love you Eth, I’d kill for you again and again”
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messiahzzz · 1 month
as much as i dislike the dialogue option that leads to this scene, i genuinely appreciate gale's response. it is easy to overlook what he is actually trying to convey here and is instead commonly dismissed as him being "overdramatic" or as a display of his bruised ego.
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player: it was fine. gale: i see. gale: well, fine is... fine. nobody weeps because the weather is fine. no monarchs were overthrown because their ruling was fine. no artworks were burned because they were not masterpieces, but merely fine. player: would you have rather i lied? gale: the dignified thing for me to say is 'no. of course not. forthrightness before all.' but honestly? yes... i would have rather you lied. gale: i'm just a man. an imperfect one, with needs, wants, and flaws by the bushel. a fragile vessel in which to place potentially world-ending power. gale: perhaps it would be better to not shake such a vessel. gale: forgive me. these were already trying times before elminster delivered his missive. now, for me at least, they are potentially end times.
gale is no stranger to introspection. despite having his natural blindspots, he is fully aware of his flaws and imperfections. he lacks an inherent sense of self-preservation, displays impatience on occasion, can be hypocritical, has trouble handling pointed criticism well, and has a tendency to respond in passive aggression if he feels his competence is brought into question. he seeks admiration and is known to not honor his limitations and own safety for the sake of receiving praise.
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gale: [...] people have always commented on my confidence, sometimes my over-confidence, and in one particularly cut throat assessment at university - my 'abject and incorrigible self-delusion.'
gale is not blind to how he is perceived by others, nor does he dismiss their conclusions without careful consideration. instead of deflecting he simply takes what they dish out and files it away for later contemplation and inspection.
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player: because you acted the idiot. and paid the price for it too. gale: as always, i endeavor to be invigorated by your candour, rather than eviscerated by it. gale: blunt as your summation is - it's correct. i dared to call myself an archmage while acting the apprentice. the hallmarks of a most excellent idiot, unfortunately.
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player: i can't say i share the same high opinion of you, gale. gale: always bringing such candour to our conversations. some would think twice about mocking gale of waterdeep, but you just go straight for the gut. nodecontext: playing along, making fun of himself gale: i like that about you. it's one of your rarer qualities, though i fear my ego can take no more of it tonight. nodecontext: cheerfully accepting the brush off, not taking it personally
needs, wants, and flaws by the bushel.
gale craves as mortals do. for relevance, safety, consideration, loyalty, care, acceptance, and love. he's desperate, he's angry, he's petty and hurt and lonely. he's contradictory, and at times inconsistent. he's afraid, he stumbles, he yearns. if he loves, he does so with all his heart but forgets to extend the same love to himself. he gains understanding only to disregard it later. he is absorbed yet devoted. he expects kindness but is bewildered when it is extended to him in turn. he's neither a perfect colleague, a perfect companion, a perfect lover, nor a perfect husband. he's just another human who's trying to navigate and make sense of the world. who is silently hoping for his soul to be handled with tenderness and care, to finally be seen for who he is —no need for performance or pretense — and to be unconditionally cherished nonetheless.
a fragile vessel in which to place potentially world-ending power.
he knows the burden he carries. understanding that even a momentary lapse in judgment could spell catastrophe if he doesn't exert tight control over his emotions at all times. he knows what is at stake should he lose the composure he painstakingly had to master. a mere moment is all it takes. this self-assessment isn't an "indirect threat" intended to subject pressure on tav or solicit pity, it's a stark acknowledgment of the truth. he is a fragile human, housing powers that should've never been his in the first place.
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player: unbelievable. did you ever think what would happen if the tadpole got the better of you? gale: every waking moment. every dreaming moment too. but there was no way out.
he is also keenly aware of how his (former) colleagues perceive him, following his fall from grace.
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player: bold. few would dare to reduce a goddess to their 'muse.' gale: i am, after all, the villain of the tale.
this line in particular is one i often think about. it makes me wonder about the extent of information gale received from the outside world after locking himself in his tower for an entire year, setting magical wards so no one but tara would be able to enter. did he hear the whispers? ("shunned by the goddess of magic herself, of course, it was only a matter of time before he flew too close to the sun.") were his colleagues ridiculing him, applauding mystra for cutting off the rot at the source? how did he arrive at the assumption that he is perceived as "the villain" and not the victim?
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player: you must have been lonely, with only tara for company.. gale: sometimes. but i imposed it upon myself, after all. i set up enough wards to keep an army at bay, never mind the few colleagues who sought to inquire about my welfare.
or is this solely his own harsh judgment of his folly? that there is no chance anyone would meet him with sympathy, kindness and understanding after what he had wrought. he was too greedy, too impatient — selfish in arrogance, ravenous in ambition. letting delusions of grandeur guide him. he brought it all upon himself with his lack of patience. entirely convinced of his success and skill, blind to the possibility of failure. now doomed to drag innocents into the abyss with him. the hallmarks of a villain, right? after all, who would truly believe him that his ambition hid no ill will?
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players: by rights. i should kill you. gale: perhaps that is what i deserve, but you deserve no such thing. [...]
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obsessedvibee · 1 month
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MDNI, 18+
Pairing: Austin Butler x Evelyn(reader)
Summary: Austin and Evelyn are on vacation in Hawaii and a little teasing game begins. Who can get the other to crack first?
Warnings: teasing, sex against a wall, neck squeezing? i don't wanna call it choking, unprotected sex, p in v, masturbation reference, dirty talk, what's a smut story without a little awkward boner?
Words: 2.5k
Authors Note: When I tell you I had such terrible writers block when trying to come up with the scenes where they tease each other. I don't know why that was so hard for me?? But I know a lot of you were waiting for this (I've never had so many notes on a teaser before! I'm so beyond thankful but now the pressure is a thousand times more I truly hope I don't dissapoint-oh gosh) story to be put out, so alas- here it is.
As always comments and reblogs mean the absolute world to me, so feel free to write your little hearts out or even message me!
But enough from me...enjoy!
The hot Hawaiian sun blanketed her body as she laid out on one of the white beach chairs. The sound of the nearby waves lapping at the sand lulled her buzzing mind. Only thoughts of her husband Austin were present. She was on vacation after all, he SHOULD be the only thing on her mind. 
Austin soon returned with two cocktails in his hands, handing the cold glass to her. She took it in her hands, the condensation dripping onto her thighs, causing goosebumps to form.
She took a generous sip, savoring the sweet flavor on her tongue, the alcohol warming her throat as she swallowed.
“Mm, you’re so hired,” she moaned, taking another gulp.
He chuckled, sitting to face her on the chair beside her. “Does that mean you’ll keep me around for another night?”
A smirk danced on his lips as she pretended to consider her options. 
She eyed him through her glasses, taking in his newly toned body. He’d always been thin, but he bulked up in the last month for his upcoming role. His shoulders were more rounded and his biceps held more shape. The lines of his abs were subtle beneath his skin with a bit of hair topping the waistband of his swim shorts. Her thoughts quickly began to fill with desire. A sudden little playful idea formed in her head.
She waited until his eyes made their way back to her before swiping her tongue along the rim of the glass before going in for another gulp.
His eyebrow twitched in response.
She straightened her posture, “that’s not a very respectable thing to say to a guest, now is it?”
Beneath her confident gaze, her heart pounded in her chest as the words left her mouth. 
He had to crack first. 
“My apologies, ma’am.” He stretched his arms above his head, his biceps flexing.
He didn’t miss a beat. 
He was on to her.
Let the games begin.
Although, she wasn’t sure if any kind of game had started when neither of them made a move in the last hour. But she did know she wanted to cool down and get out of the sun for a bit, feeling a bead of sweat roll down her back. 
“You gettin’ hungry?”
“A little,” she admitted.
He sat up, groaning as he stretched his stiff limbs. 
“You go ahead,” he encouraged, “I’m gonna take a quick dip before I head in.” He nodded his head towards the ocean. 
She couldn’t tear her eyes away from his back as he walked right into the water, sinking down just enough to dunk his head before walking back up to shore. He ran a hand over his face and through his hair to slick it back like he was Fabio on some cover of a romance novel.
She was eating up every second of it. 
He looked her way right as her tongue darted out to wet her lips. 
A cool shower sounded incredible. For more reasons than one.
She abruptly stood, refusing to look in his direction, already knowing he had a smirk that was awaiting her gaze. Making her way to the outdoor showers, she gratefully slipped behind the wooden paneling. 
She briefly wondered if he’d follow in behind her.
Flipping the water on, she jumped aside with a shriek as a sudden spray of freezing water hit her.
If her nipples weren’t pebbled up from a moment ago, they sure were now. 
She waited a bit hoping the water would warm some, but quickly realized there wasn’t going to be anything remotely tolerable coming out of the shower head any time soon. 
Turning the spout off, she stepped back out into the heat again, almost welcoming the warmth if it weren’t for the dried sweat that covered her skin. 
“Was that water a little too cold for you?” Austin chuckled as he toweled himself dry. 
“Straight from an iceberg- that's what that was.” She grumbled lightly, watching as his hands moved the towel over his body.
Everything’s always hotter when it’s wet.
“Is that why you’re..” he stuck his pointer fingers out from his chest, nodding to her breasts, “pokey?”
She blushed.
“Or is it just cuz of me?”
“Careful,” she warned, pausing in the doorway. 
He wanted to talk about her boobs? 
She could work with that. 
Reaching for the strings of her bikini top, she pulled them loose letting the bottom fall free. 
He visibly swallowed watching her hands, his throat bobbing.
Oh the power of a little peek-a-boob.
She turned, not able to contain her cheeky grin as she made the snap decision to rid her top as a whole, keeping her back to him as she dropped it to the floor.
“Hey, that’s not-“ he trailed off as she turned to face him with a giggle, his eyes drinking her top half in. “…fair.”
“Anything is fair game, but the first to touch the other person loses.”
He reluctantly brought his eyes back up to hers. She could almost see the tug of war that was going on in his brain of where to look.
“You were going to order dinner for us, weren’t you?” She teased, scooping up her top before beelining it for the shower. 
It was after dinner, and he had just turned the water off for his own shower. He called her over to him from the bathroom. 
She walked over to find him with just a towel tied low on his hips, standing in front of the clouded mirror. Steam was still hanging in the air from the hot shower, adding to the mood. 
A dark new tan colored his skin from all the time spent on the beach the last few days. Her mouth almost watered as his muscles flexed beneath his skin while he spread shaving cream over his face. 
“Hi,” he greeted, a playful look in his eyes.
A nervous smile pulled at her mouth, “hi?”
“I need your help.”
She raised a brow, “with shaving?”
He nodded, patting the counter with his hand, “come sit.”
“But I can’t touch you?”
He chuckled, handing her his razor, “you’ll have to be careful then.”
She stood frozen for a moment contemplating the challenge. Not wanting to back down she hopped up on the counter, sitting tall. 
His eyes sparkled mischievously, watching as she brought the razor gently to his face. The air seemed electrified as she scooted a little closer, their faces now only a few inches apart. Pressing the blade to his skin, she made the first swipe. Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip in concentration as she focused on not slicing his sensitive skin. Her arm almost shaking by the end from the exertion. 
Making the final swipe, she finally realized how close they were, feeling the exhale from his nose. She’d never craved to kiss him so badly before, she could practically feel the warmth of his lips on hers. 
She sudden feel of his towel brush against her inner thigh snapped her out of her lustful haze. Looking down she noticed she wasn’t the only one getting affected. 
She pulled away rather abruptly, quickly hopping off the sink. Straightening her shirt, she looked back at him. The tips of his ears were red, but whether that was from the shower or if he was actually blushing she wasn’t sure. 
“That doesn’t count,” he defended, clearing his throat.
He took another towel to his face, “I can’t-“ he looked at her, “control it.”
Taking one more glance down to see the obvious sign of his arousal she was almost light headed with desire just knowing he wanted her just as much. 
She fled before she could lose control and yank him back into the bedroom.
Were there any rules against taking her own pleasure into her own hands?
Later that night, well after the sun had set, the bonfire crackled weakly as it began to die out between them, only the moon casting a blue glow on the sand. The breeze caused a chill to shiver up her spine, and of course Austin noticed. 
“You cold?”
She reluctantly nodded.
He picked up a stick and poked around in the burnt logs trying to coax a new flame, but only a few extra sparks fluttered up into the air.
“There's some other ways we could keep warm.” The words fell out of her mouth before she could think.
He paused. “Are you forfeiting?”
Her fingers tingled with the desire to touch him.
“Is the temptation too much for you?” She quipped.
They were both fighting for their lives.
“Only ‘cause it comes from you.”
Damn him and his way with words.
His eyes were like a magnet pulling her to him and she was too weak to pull away. His tongue swiped over his lips, his eyes darting behind her.
“If you put that towel down, I’ll take you right here.” He said, his voice dropping an octave.
She bit her lip, failing to hide her smile as a new warmth spread through her veins for what seemed to be the hundredth time that day.
“Didn’t know you were an exhibitionist.” She slowly reached back for the towel, spreading it open on the sand.
She hardly had time to situate herself down before he was on her.
He hovered his lips over hers, teasing just a bit more. She could feel his breath on her lips. Every inch she moved back, he inched just as far forward. 
“Aus,” she whispered.
“As much as I want to do this right here-“ she inhaled sharply as his lips nearly brushed hers, “-what if there’s paps?”
He pulled away with a heavy sigh.
“C’mon,” she stood, before she took off running as best as she could in the shifting sand, a laugh bubbling past her lips. She just made it past the front door when Austin's arm snaked its way around her waist, “not so fast, baby.”
Her soul cried out in joy as she felt the weight of his touch on her, his warm skin making her nerve endings sing.
He pulled her into him, his front pressed to her back, his head lowering over her shoulder. “Where do you think you’re going?”
She laughed some more as his cheek brushed against hers.
“Where do you wanna do this, hm?” He spun her around.
A full grin spread across her mouth as his hands found hers, and he began to toy with their fingers.
“You wanna do this right here?”
She nodded, her heart skipping a beat when he gently pressed her back into the wall of the hallway, his forehead pressed to hers, his blue eyes swirling with lust.
Like a dam that breaks when the flood waters come, so was his desire for her, breaking through in a heavy long awaited kiss; his mouth finally devouring her own.
His hands fumbled with her shirt, his fingers almost trembling. Quickly discarding it to the floor,  his hands began to explore the newly exposed skin, earning a moan when his thumb swiped over her nipple. 
His desperation was contagious. She tugged at his shirt blindly, his mouth the only thing she could focus on.
He took a half step away to pull his shirt over his head, “tell me what you want, Ev.”
She whined, reaching for him, “Aus.”
He raised a brow with a little smirk, “hm? You’ve mentioned it before.” His fingers slotted into the belt loops of her shorts tugging her closer to his warm chest pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.
“Take me against the wall,” she all but whispered.
“There's my good girl.”
His fingers reached down, popping the fly open on her shorts and yanking them down over her hips, landing at her feet. His cock twitched realizing she had been pantyless the whole evening. 
Ridding himself of his own shorts, he quickly hoisted her up, gripping her thighs. She wrapped her legs around his waist, his already stiff length brushing teasingly at the inside of her thigh.
They both fumbled for a moment trying to get him in her, the angle proving to make things difficult, “put your leg down for a sec-“
Lowering her leg carefully back to the floor, freed up his hand and he quickly positioned himself at her entrance and pushed inside. She inhaled sharply as her walls stretched to accommodate him.
“God, I don’t think I can ever get used to that,” she breathed as he eased in, gripping his bicep for dear life.
He gave a few slow strokes, testing the position.
Once he was sure they were stable, he hiked her thigh a little higher around his waist, spreading her open just that much more. Slotting his mouth over hers, he reached a hand up to squeeze her breast, coaxing a moan out of her. His hips began to piston faster, jolting her into the wall with each thrust. 
“Can you-“ a particularly hard thrust caused her to stutter. “A-Aus.”
His eyes darted to hers, his hips stopping. “You okay?”
“Don’t stop,” she whined, pulling at the hairs at the bottom of his neck, “-need you deeper.”
“Shit- yeah?” He reached down, getting her to wrap her other leg back around his waist. 
A wanton moan danced in his ears from her mouth as he sunk even deeper into her, “fuck, yeah.”
He pressed her harder into the wall, hips working double time, panting heavily in her ear as he held her, his fingers digging into the skin of her thighs. Sweat began to form across his forehead from the exertion, dampening his hair. Little groans began to fall from his mouth as their passion progressed, unable to contain it all inside.
A sudden impulse came over him and his hand reached up to her neck, squeezing gently. Her eyes widened as he locked his eyes to her, pressing their foreheads together. He slowed his thrusts, taking his time making her writhe with every push of his hips into her. 
“Baby-“ she mewled, clawing her fingernails into his shoulders.
He could feel her tightening as her climax quickly  approached. “You gonna cum for me, baby?” 
She squeezed tighter with her legs, her fingers tugging harder at his hair, pulling a grunt out of his throat. 
“Give me a good one, c’mon.” 
She held her breath as her high took hold, her walls spasming around his length.
“Holy shit,” he mumbled as he felt her squeeze every part of him as her climax hit. He quickly fell into his own orgasm, his blue eyes rolling back. His cock spilled heavily inside of her, painting her walls white with a low moan.
As her limbs loosened, her walls continued rhythmically milking every last bit from him until he was completely soft, quickly slipping out of her as he carefully let her down.
“Just so you know,”  she said between breaths, “you lost.”
Tags: Want to be added? Let me know! @ughdontbeboring @btsisinmyheartue @myles-production @purejasmine @shockercoco @sunsetsturniolos @denised916 @richardslady121 @austinbutlerslovers
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a-kaash-me-outside · 1 year
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𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭
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♡ sure, he has a girlfriend, but she just isn't you ♡ (aka how hq men would react to you asking them how their gf would feel about what you're doing rn)
♡ featuring: ᴀᴋᴀᴀsʜɪ, ᴀᴛsᴜᴍᴜ, ʙᴏᴋᴜᴛᴏ, ᴛsᴜᴋɪsʜɪᴍᴀ cheating, nsfw mdni, afab reader she/her pronouns, individual tags for each~
♡ i will write a part two to this if people want it (send me an ask with a name and i'll do it, really, i swear), and maybe even if they don't because i'm obsessed with this concept fr. ♡ ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢs ᴀɴᴅ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs ᴍᴇᴀɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ♡
♡ the song that inspired this entire thing (xxx) ♡ wrote this same vibe w atsumu but its a whole fic (xxx)
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♡ akaashi ♡ 1 day // guilty fucking, just can't help himself
“f-fuck, we shouldn’t be doing this,” he tells you, voice not nearly are strong as you’re sure he means it to be. he pushes his hips forward again, sliding his cock slowly inside of you, thumb spreading your lips apart so that he can watch himself disappear inch by inch.
he’s nearly crumbling in front of you, fucking in and out of you, one word punctuating each thrust. “we… shouldn’t…. be… doing…. this….” his voice is just as shaky as his forearms bracing you.
his forehead falls against your shoulder, moaning into your soft skin. he presses kisses wherever he can reach, trailing up your collarbones to the sensitive areas of your neck and the underside of your jaw.
akaashi is really not the type of guy to cheat on his girlfriend, he swears. but he just couldn’t help himself. when the opportunity presented itself, he really had no other option.
not when you looked like that, sitting so pretty on his couch when she wouldn’t be back for the entire weekend. not when you smiled like that when he pushed your hair out of your face. not when he could convince himself that it really meant nothing. it couldn’t have, not when he’s thinking about her so much.
and then he kisses you, warm and breathy and sweet enough to give you a toothache. not a fucked out, gasping for air, desperate to touch you just to touch something, but one that gives you butterflies and makes you feel closer than his skin on yours
lips pressed against yours, meticulously thrusting into you so he can savor every second. he can barely breathe.
when he finally pulls away, looks you in the eyes, gaze confident and unwavering, and you let it slip past your slightly parted lips. “how would your girlfriend feel about it?”
it’s quiet and low, softer than the sounds of his moans or the obscene smack of his hips against the inside of your thighs. you watch the blush spread, up his chest and neck to the highs of his cheekbones, but he doesn’t stop, doesn’t falter for a moment, speaking confidently now, but no less indulgent.
“she wont find out.”
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♡ atsumu ♡ 8 months // little bit toxic ngl, blatant disregard for their partner
the first few times that you and atsumu slept together, there was remorse on both ends. over time, though, it just started getting easier to justify and to excuse. the two of you melded perfectly and the more nights you spent together, the better it got.
neither of you have felt bad about it in awhile.
“fuck me any softer and i’ll mistake you for my boyfriend or something,” you huff.
in fact, you both horribly go as far as to teasing each other at your own partner’s unknowing expense. you wrap your arms around atsumu’s neck, pulling him down until you’re able to press your nose into his shoulder, breathing softly against it.
“hey, no talking about your boyfriend. you know i get jealous,” he says, dragging his teeth against your collarbone cautiously so as not to make a mark. he doesn’t bring any attention to how his pace picks up, fucking into you faster as the insides of your thighs start to sting.
"yea?" you say, rolling your hips in time with his thrusts, "and what about your girlfriend?"
the scoff that erupts from his chest nor the thought of his girlfriend disrupt his rhythm. "you're the one that brought her up. what about her?" he asks, placing soft kisses against your chest where he can reach.
you shake your head, arm leaving his neck to cup his face in your hand, pull his eyes to yours, "not good enough."
he knows what you're looking for, can see it in the devilishly sweet smile on your face as your eyes scan his features. he almost wishes that his reason for hesitancy wasn't what it was. the pauses, the insufficient answers, he knows they aren't in the name or regret or guilt, they're just to tease you, to keep you waiting for the answer he knows you want. "she’s not here, we don’t have to worry about her," atsumu teases, leaning forward to kiss your lips this time.
you turn your head at the last second, let his gentle kiss press against your jaw instead as you repeat yourself, "not good enough."
he sighs, faux and dramatic, reaches his fingers over to nudge your face back towards him once more. when he leans down again, his tender grasp on your chin begs you to stay put. you lean up towards him as much as you can to meet his kiss. when he pulls away, his forehead is still pressed against yours, sentence is murmured against your lips, "well, it’s no competition, really, between the two of you."
"yea?" you ask again, core fluttering, tightening as your walls grip him desperately. "only one of us has your heart, right, tsumu?"
"fuck," he says, hips stuttering as he nods, "fuck, that's right, baby."
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♡ bokuto ♡ 2 weeks // super desperate, only somewhat guilty
“god, when do i get to see you again?” he asks, all teeth and tongue and desperate, throaty pleas against your chest. his hands are just as frantic as his facial expression, roaming over every part of you without rooting once.
he isn’t even inside of you yet, and he's already looking forward to next time.
it was supposed to just be a one night thing, you and him. and if it was one night out, complete mistake, he could’ve explained it with alcohol or a lapse in judgement. but that was 2 weeks ago.
because no one told him how much he’d be craving you every single fucking night after that. no one told him how much he'd remember your touch and the weight of the backs of your thighs on his hips and how pretty you sounded and how soft your skin was and how fucking tight you were.
no one told him that he'd need to see you 5 times in those two weeks, like you were his new obsession that would quickly turn into a bad habit.
you’ve kept quiet about it, the fact that you knew he had a girlfriend in the first place. you've honestly just been enjoying yourself, skating around the topic or deliberately avoiding it, fearful that if you mention it he’ll run.
you don't really know where it comes from. truthfully, it just slips out because it's on your mind, because he asks you as if it's not on his mind at all, "how does your girlfriend feel about it?"
he stops for a second, movements ceasing, facial expression thoughtful, only constant his chest rising and falling at the same pace as before. you're convinced, all at once, that your fun is over, that tonight won't go as planned, maybe you should've at least waited until you were finished.
his response is softer, more contemplative than the desperation fueled plea before, "how do you feel about it?"
you can't help but laugh, eyebrows furrowed, "i- i mean? fine, yeah, i don't," you take a deep breath, mentally flinching at how horrible it is before it even comes out of your mouth, "i don't really care. i'm having a good time."
his hands are back on your body, assured and quick, leaning down to place kisses against your chest and shoulders once again. "good, so when can i see you again?"
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♡ tsukishima ♡ 4 months // tsukishima is an asshole, toxic and blamey, degrading almost, hot
“stay just like that,” he orders, arms crossed over one another, each of his hands on your opposite hips as he holds you still. no hand to guide his throbbing cock, he lets it slip between your lips a few times, missing your sloppy, drenched hole, grinding against your puffy lips. it feels like he’s almost missing on purpose, just loving the feeling of his length dragging across your messy pussy.
when he pushes inside of you, he does so slowly but forcefully, rolls his hips and thrusts his cock as deep as it’ll fucking go.
“fuck, you’re so goddamn tight, perfect for my cock,” he mutters aimlessly. you’re half convinced it’s just instinct, no purpose other than he couldn’t not let the words slip.
“how would your girlfriend feel about that?”
he is so ready with a comeback, it almost feels like he’s been waiting for this for your entire affair. you’ve never brought up his girlfriend before. too timid to say it aloud or afraid it would result in him leaving, it didn’t really matter.
over the last couple months, you’ve grown to know tsukishima pretty well, have learned to roll with the punches and throw a few right back at him and he’s so focused now, not too much attention on you, or at least not in that way, and as much as you want to chalk it up to an accident or slip of the tongue, you both know how deliberate it is
“aren't you just as much to blame as i am?” he retorts, not slowing or missing a beat, digging his fingers into your hips harsher, pulling you onto his cock harsher.
you open your mouth to protest, but he cuts you off.
“i think it’s pretty much your fault, actually, looking like that and expecting me not to want you on the spot,” tsukishima mutters, can barely get it out with his smile turning into a smirk.
he wraps his fingers around your shoulder, other hand around your forearm and guides you up towards him, back pressed against his chest, head craned to the side so you can see the devilish look in his eyes. uses gravity and your weight and the small thrusts upwards to fuck you like this and your protest is mashed between whimpers and affirming moans.
“not-” huff “not my fault,” you gasp, pushing off of the bed in time with his movements until only the tip is inside of you and then falling completely seated onto his thick cock. “she’s not my girlfriend,” you reason.
there’s still no hesitation, fingers clenched onto your jaw to force eye contact as he speaks, “but you know about her, right? doesn’t that make you just as bad as me?” he grunts as he buries himself inside of you, teeth sinking into your shoulder. “maybe worse.”
it hits you softly and then all at once, this guilt. and then he starts fucking you harder, changes positions, moves both of your bodies until his weight is on your back, your chest pressed into the mattress as he fucks into you, hand around your throat and waist holding you tightly in place. it’s harder. and it’s faster. and it’s better than you’ve ever been fucked before, even than the other times you’ve been fucked by tsukishima. you’re clenching around him, stomach tense, and breath bare.
and then it’s gone again. you don’t even remember her name.
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avatar-anna · 1 year
Please Anna 😭 Write a part 2 of ice hockey harry and skater YN (possibly longer if you cank)
the part two to my hockey harry fic that only a couple people asked for. enjoy!
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You knew you shouldn't have been jealous, you were the one who put all these strict rules in place about keeping the arrangement you had with Harry from being anything more than it was. Harry followed along of course, but it always felt like he was just amusing you, like he knew something you didn't.
But despite how good he made you feel, he still infuriated you. He was still the cocky asshole who considered himself the best athlete on campus. And you'd made such a big showing of being indifferent to him, of not being charmed by him that you couldn't see him as anything more than a good fuck. You wouldn't.
So why did seeing him flirt with someone else make your blood boil all of a sudden?
You'd seen Harry at parties before. Sometimes he would sneak you away to a bathroom with a lock on it or a room no one would enter, but in most cases you both minded your business, sometimes sharing snarky remarks if your paths crossed. Tonight was the same, though when your eye snagged on him and some girl that looked nothing like you, you gripped your plastic cup a little harder than usual.
You and Harry weren't dating each other, but you were also keenly aware of the fact that neither of you went out or hooked up with anyone else. You told yourself that it was to reduce the risk of STIs, but did Harry want to explore other options? Were you not giving him enough satisfaction? Why was he leaning in so close to her?
Then, almost as if he could sense you looking at him, Harry turned and met your gaze. His brow raised the slightest bit as if to say, Your move.
He was doing this on purpose. Harry was intentionally flirting with some random girl to get a reaction out of you, to see what exactly that reaction would be. He probably wanted you to storm over there and get between him and the girl, and...What? Claim him? Make sure everyone at this party knew Harry wasn't as available as people thought?
Well, you were not going to do that.
The smart thing to do would've been to just ignore him, to not play his little game at all. But intelligence and good sense seemed to fly out the window when Harry Styles was involved.
You didn't go over to Harry, though. You stalked off in search of more alcohol and your friends. The bass of some rap song pounded through the speakers as you pushed past people. You found yourself in the next room over, searching for a place to sit and people watch.
"Hey, Y/n!"
Turning, you saw someone approach, and your eyes lit up, but only because of the opportunity that was presented to you. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Harry enter the room holding hands with that girl. Smiling to yourself, you looked up at the guy in front of you. "Hey, Evan. We have metaphysics together, right?"
Evan and Harry were virtually opposites. Similar on paper, but completely different otherwise. He played baseball, was the team captain, and was handsome, so so handsome. But he was sweet too. He didn't strut around or make crude remarks. Evan had a quiet, understated kind of confidence. He was the one you should've gotten all flustered around.
"Yeah. I saw you and I thought I'd say hi. I don't normally see you at parties."
You weren't the kind of person who flirting came naturally to, but you did your best. "Yeah, I came with my friends, but I'm glad I ran into you."
Evan's eyes glanced down to his arm when you placed your hand on it. Unable to help yourself, you glanced to your left. You fought the smile that crept on your face when you caught Harry shooting daggers at you. Before he noticed you noticing him, you turned back to the boy in front of you.
You nodded. "I mean, like you said, we have a class, we sit next to each other, but we've hardly said two words to each other."
His eyes squinted as he grinned, then bent down to whisper in your ear. "Or are you glad that someone as good-looking as me is here to make Styles over there jealous?"
Well, shit. "I'm sorry," you said, a blush forming on your cheeks. "He's just being an ass, and I thought I would—I don't even like him, but he's such an asshole—"
"You mentioned that," Evan said, but for some reason, he didn't seem to be mad at being used. "I don't really care what you think of the guy, but I'm always up for a bit of light teasing."
"Really? What's in it for you?" you asked. This was not the reaction you were expecting.
"Help with studying for the midterm? I'm not gonna lie, I'm totally lost in that class."
You thought about it for a moment. Harry really wasn't worth going to all this trouble for, right? With another glance out of the corner of your eye, you saw Harry completely ignoring whoever it was he'd been flirting with to piss you off, and that was satisfying to say the least.
"I...I don't like him like that," you said. You felt like you had to say it.
"No judgment here," Evan said, raising his hands in mock defense. "I just need to pass an exam. I'd technically be using you just as much if you think about it."
"Five minutes, ten tops, and I'll help you study for the test," you decided. "I don't like him, but I like the idea of ruffling his feathers."
Evan grinned. "Well then. Better make 'em count."
Harry was fuming, you could tell. It shouldn't have brought you so much satisfaction, but it did. He just always got under your skin all the time with his teasing and heckling during practice, it was nice to be on the other side of it.
And you'd made a friend out of Evan. To everyone at the party, it looked like you and Evan were flirting heavily with his arm draped over your shoulder and the casual touches between the two of you, but you talked about your class mostly. And the sports you played, but mostly school. It turned out you were both kind of lost in class and were going to need to clock a lot of hours in the library if you were going to pass the upcoming midterm.
And Harry was there in your periphery, looming in the corner of the room you were in while you talked to Evan. You told yourself he was doing this to himself because if he'd just come over, he'd realize it was all a ruse.
When he finally did, you and Evan were sitting on a couch, your legs were across his lap while he told you about some tournament the baseball team had next weekend. "You should come," he said. "There's food and music, it's a big party, really. The baseball team knows how to have a good time. So if you ever find yourself out of that little ice rink of yours—"
"She has plans already. Thanks."
You tipped your head back to see Harry standing over you and Evan. His arms were crossed and there was an adorable little scowl on his face. You knew he was pissed, but it was cute because he was so jealous.
"I do?"
Harry just glowered down at you, and you stared right back, your arms crossed just like his were.
"I'm gonna—I think I see some friends over there."
Evan gently put your feet back on the ground and stood up. He clapped Harry on the back the way all guys did as they sized each other up, which you found both ridiculous and amusing. You quietly waved goodbye to your new friend, then looked back to Harry, brows raised the same way he'd done to you a little bit ago.
"Can I help you?"
Muttering under his breath, Harry grabbed your hand and pulled you to your feet, dragging you off until he found an empty room, some office that was converted into a room with a pool table, a dart board, and a bunch of other games. Before you could say a word, his hands were on your hips and lifting you up onto the pool table. He put his hands in your hair, gripping the back of your head harshly as he pulled you to him for a searing kiss.
You almost didn't want to kiss him back, just out of spite, but there was just something about Harry that got to you. Even when you were training and he was teasing you from outside the rink and you were pretending you hated it, hated him, you felt like you had a magnet in your navel dragging you to him against your will. Harry drove you insane, and on principle, you should have hated him. He was cocky, arrogant, had an ego the size of Texas, and yet...
Your legs wrapped around his waist and drew him closer to you. His grip on your waist was hard, almost painful, but it felt good too, deliriously so.
"Harry—I want—Can we—"
"I don't really care about what you want," he seethed, un buttoning the cropped sweater you were wearing. "What the hell do you think you're doing out there, huh?"
You quickly put your hands on his shoulders and pushed him back a bit. "Me? You started it! And last time I checked, we weren't exclusive."
"Bullshit! We—" he stopped and stepped away, not meeting your gaze. Looking at him, you realized he was really hurt by this. Angry, for sure, but it felt like he was using it to mask something more.
"Harry, we—we agreed that this was just—"
"Just sex, I know. I know," Harry said, stepping back. "I shouldn't have flirted with that girl tonight. I was just hoping—I mean, I—I thought you would react differently, I guess. My mistake."
You were left speechless, mouth opening and closing like a fish. You didn't know what to say, you thought you and Harry were on the same page.
As you continued to struggle for words, Harry stepped away from you even more. "I, um, I know what we agreed on at the start of all this, and I'm—I'm sorry, but I can't do it anymore."
"No, it's my fault. You held up your end, I couldn't hold up mine. I'll leave you to get to know that guy. On the baseball team, right? I've met him a few times. He seem like a nice guy."
Harry left soon after that, his head bowed. You were still frozen, perhaps in shock, sweater still half unbuttoned.
You'd never seen Harry...like that before. Things were always playful between the two of you, and you were always purposely pushing each other's buttons. You thought that was what was happening tonight, but apparently you'd misread the whole situation.
"You're staring."
You jolted in your seat at the dining hall, looking away from Harry and his friends and down at your barely-eaten sandwich. "I wasn't."
"You were," Kate said. "It's okay to be upset, you know."
You looked at your friend, trying to act confused but couldn't muster the energy. "How did you—"
"You think I didn't notice when you were in such high spirits out of seemingly nowhere? And then the moping since last week? Give me some credit," she said, a small grin on her face. "So, did you like him?"
Looking down at your sandwich, you said, "It wasn't like that, we were just—" You sighed. "It wasn't like that."
Kate snorted, which made you look up at her. She was looking at you amusingly, like she was in on a joke that you weren't. "What?" you asked.
"It's okay to have feelings for him."
"I don't," you insisted, but even to you it sounded like you were only trying to convince yourself.
"What happened between you two?"
"I don't want to talk about it," you said.
Standing up from the table, you took your lunch and walked over to the trash cans to throw out the sandwich. Kate followed, but didn't say anything. As you left the dining hall, you had to pass the table Harry and his friends. The grip on your backpack tightened, preparing yourself for the unavoidable interaction. You hadn't seen Harry since the party. He didn't come by the rink while you practiced anymore, and you never saw him when your training sessions overlapped. Sometimes you wondered if he went back to taking the bus, and in those moments, you missed him the most, if only because you didn't know if he was safe or not.
He was avoiding you, you could tell, but you didn't really know what to say to him if you were given the chance. He made it clear that he had feelings for you, and you...Well, you—
"Kate! Off to class?"
Zayn, Kate's boyfriend and Harry's teammate, smiled as she walked by. You half expected her to want the two of you to sit with him and Harry and their friends, but she didn't. Apparently because she knew you and Harry had had a falling out.
"Nope," Kate said. "Y/n and I are both done for the day, so we're gonna go shopping at the mall a couple towns over. Wanna join?"
Shooting your friend a look, you elbowed her and tried to tell her that was a terrible idea. Zayn didn't think so, though, and agreed. "H, you coming?"
"Great. I think my car will fit all of us. Meet us within the next half hour?" Kate asked, dragging you away shortly after. When you were out of the dining hall, you smacked her arm.
"What the hell?"
"He likes you, Y/n. And you clearly feel something for him. What the hell is wrong with that?" she asked you, walking down the path that would lead to the dorms. "He's, you know, he's Harry, and he's a cocky bastard, but he's harmless. Kinda sweet in that goofy, lovable idiot kind of way."
"I know."
Kate pinned you with a look. "Did he do something? Did he say something that made you hate him, or—"
"Nothing. He didn't do anything. We just—We had an agreement, and he—"
"Aw, and you were so good he fell for you," she cooed, laughing when you frowned at her. "Do you like him?"
You frowned at her. "What?"
"Do you like him like that too?" she asked again, hands on her hips and everything.
"I—It doesn't matter. He probably hates me now anyway," you told her with a shake of her head.
Eyes lit up, she looped your arms through hers and began walking again. "We'll see about that."
Walking around a mall with Harry was not your idea of a good time.
Almost five minutes into the trip, Kate and Zayn disappeared with the rest of the group you came with, leaving you and Harry alone to walk awkwardly side by side. Neither of you said anything, just walked aimlessly past store after store. You were itching to say something, anything, to break the obvious tension between the two of you, but you couldn't come up with anything to say. You and Harry were never the types to have small talk, and now certainly didn't feel like the time to start.
So you snuck glances at him instead. You peeked at him, at the same baseball cap that he always wore, the same scuffed up pair of sneakers, the sleeves of his shirt that clung to his arm tightly, the spot just below his collar where his skin was a tiny bit paler because it didn't see as much sun. You took note of all the little things you took for granted when you had the luxury of seeing him all the time. You wondered if he was doing the same when you looked away.
"I...I'm sorry that Kate forced your hand," you finally managed to say. "I didn't know she was going to spring that on you and Zayn. I'm probably the last person you want to hang out with right now."
"It's fine," he said, still not looking over at you. You understood why, of course, but you found yourself really wanting him to look at you.
"And I'm—I'm sorry about that night at the party. You...You took me by surprise, that's all."
Harry chuckled, but there was no humor in it. "You don't have to try and make me feel better about it, Y/n. I already told you it's fine. You're off the hook."
Rolling your eyes, you grabbed his hand and pulled him into a family restroom. He protested as you locked the door, and for a moment there was some light pushing and slapping of hands between the two of you, but you finally managed to shush him and put your hand up so you could collect your thoughts.
"I—I don't want a nice guy."
You paced the small bathroom, your heart pounding in your chest. "At the party, you said Evan was a nice guy, and he is, he's very sweet—"
"Y/n, I really don't care about what kind of guy Evan is—"
"Will you shut up?" you interrupted. Harry raised an eyebrow, but thankfully didn't say anything. Your hands were shaking, but you took a deep breath and continued. "He's nice, but I don't want a nice guy. I want—I want...you."
Harry was quiet for a moment, leaning against the bathroom door. His head was bent, but when he lifted it, he had a small grin on his face. "Wow, that was some speech. You really know how to make a guy feel good."
"Yeah, well, you're no poet, either," you grumbled, crossing your arms.
"Um, no. Nuh-uh. That's not how this is gonna go," he said, stepping closer to you. "You are apologizing to me. That doesn't involve you insulting me. I am nice, by the way. So you'll have to apologize for that too."
"Oh please. We're both assholes," you muttered. You kicked at nothing on the tile floor, waiting for your nerves to settle. You'd never been all that good with words, which was why you loved skating. You could express yourself through each performance much easier than talking. "I'm confessing, not apologizing. There's a difference."
"Really?" he asked, stepping closer, settling his hand on your hip. Your breath hitched, and Harry's grin widened when he heard it. "Because I'm not taking you on a date until you apologize."
"A date? I didn't say anything about a—"
"You'll want to. Once I tell you all about it," he said, pulling you straight to his chest. Your hands itched to touch him, but you kept them at your side. You knew Harry pretty much had all the power, but a proud part of you was still hanging on, not giving in. "And you're definitely not getting into bed with me until we go on a date. I know you're practically aching for it. You're just too stubborn to do something about it."
"Excuse me? You—"
"You said you didn't want nice, baby. I can be that for you, and so much more." Harry leaned down, his lips grazing the shell of your ear. "You just have to say yes."
"Fine. Yes, now will you—"
"No. Like you mean it."
Your brows furrowed even more, but Harry was in your space for the first time in a week. He was grinning and making your heart leap, and if you took two seconds to think about it, a date did sound nice. Going to his games in his jersey and him watching you perform, holding hands, study dates, kissing him whenever you felt like it.
"I...I hated seeing you with that girl. I was practically seeing red," you said, hooking a finger in the belt loop of his jeans.
"I want to sit on your lap at parties, I want to be your partner at beer pong, I want you to make sure I make it home safe at the end of the night and make sure I get my shoes off before going to sleep," you said, tilting your head up at him. "I want to wear your jersey at your games so that those girls who always come to your games know to back the fuck off. That good enough for you?"
Harry caressed the side of your face and brushed his thumb across your cheekbone. "I mean, that wasn't really an apology, but—"
"Oh shut up."
You leaned up and kissed him, pushing him backward until his back was against the door of the bathroom. Harry tried to put his hands on your waist, but you pinned them down, kissing him harder. You knew he definitely could've resisted, but he wasn't, he was letting you do your thing.
It had only been a week, but you'd missed him. You missed gripping your fingers in his hair and tasting his skin and watching him react to the faintest touches. And yes, you missed the in-between moments too. You didn't talk much to each other much, but you liked waking up next to him and hearing him mumble in his sleep. You liked how Harry spooned you right after sex and always had a fresh towel for you to shower with, and how he always gave you space on the bed when you asked for it. You liked how gentle he was with you when he went a little rougher than usual in bed and how even though you were always exchanging jabs and casual insults, he always had the gentlest voice when he cleaned you up and brought you back down from the cloud you were drifting away on. You liked how he randomly kissed the birthmark on your rib cage and how he pushed you harder than anyone else did when you were training. You liked how he understood how competitive you were, that he did because he was just as dedicated an athlete as you were.
You could have that again, and so much more, just like he said.
"This is my apology," you said, kissing him while undoing his belt buckle. "I'm gonna have bruises on my knee for days, and my throat is gonna be sore, but you're not gonna tease me about it because this is my grand apology, got it?"
"Well, I don't know if I couldn't help myself from one little joke."
"I will walk out this door and leave you hard and alone," you said, letting go of him.
Harry raised his hands up, surrendering. "Okay, okay, shutting up. I'll behave, I promise. I could get used to these kinds of apologies."
Grinning, you got back to unbuckling Harry's belt. You kissed him once on the lips before sinking to your knees, the cold tile biting your skin.
You could get used to these kinds of apologies too.
"God, Harry is so hot."
"I know. The things I would do if I had a moment alone with him."
"I heard he has a girlfriend now."
"So? He's not married. That's fair game to me as far as I'm concerned."
"Oh my God, Monique. You're terrible!"
"Mm. I just know what I want," the girl, Monique, shrugged, tying her hair back with a clip. "And I mean, he'll want it too. You'll see."
If fake flirting when you technically weren't together had driven you crazy, then listening to some girl you didn't know talk about your boyfriend like he was hers for the taking? Your blood was boiling.
You glared at the girl and her friend standing a couple feet in front of you, crossing your arms and tapping your foot rapidly. Harry was supposed to come out of the locker room any minute now, but now it felt like he was taking his sweet time while you listened to Monique and her friend talk about stealing your boyfriend. "Where the hell is he?" you muttered, pulling your phone out to text him.
A minute later, and the doors to the locker room opened, all the members of the school's hockey team flooding out. You strained your neck looking for Harry, not caring if that made you look desperate. The minute you saw him, you were going to make it clear to Monique that she would not be getting what she wanted this time.
He spotted you first, green eyes lighting up when he saw you waiting for him. He was dressed comfortably in a pair of sweats and a dark gray hoodie, his baseball cap fitted on his head like it always was. There was a flash of confusion when he saw your pissed off demeanor, but it was wiped away when he saw you rush over to him.
"Hey, good game, right? Did you see when I—mmph."
You kissed him, perhaps with more force than was probably necessary. Harry didn't seem to mind, though. He held your face with one hand and rested the other on your lower back. He tasted like mint, just like he always did after a game. Apparently brushing his teeth was just as important as showering once he got off the ice. His perspective confused you, but you didn't question it.
"While I love the enthusiasm for our win today," he mumbled, nipping your bottom lip. "It is out of the ordinary. You hardly ever know what's going on during my games."
"I'm learning," you said. Harry pinned you with a stare, like he was waiting for you to say more. Finally scoffing, you told him, "Fine. Those girls over there seem to think that you might have a wandering eye. I'm letting them know you don't."
"Me? Never," he agreed. Harry pulled back enough to kiss the tips of your fingers. His hair was still damp and extra curly around his face. His cheeks were flushed from the cold, but the rest of him was warm, solid as you wrapped your arms around him. "But since we're both suckers for showing each other off, should we go to the party tonight or just head back to your place? Or mine. I'm good with either."
"Mm...No party tonight," you said. "Dinner and back to my place. That girl was a little too smug for my liking."
Harry took your hand and walked to the parking with you. As you passed Monique and her friend, you looked over at them and gave Monique a pointed look over your shoulder. She shot you a dirty glare, which only made you smile. Harry, who was fully aware of everything taking place, pinched your side and kissed the top of your head.
"Careful there, love. People might think you actually like me," he said, and you didn't have to look at him to know his grin was smug.
He slung his arm over your shoulders, his hand still laced with yours until he had to put his gear in the trunk. You wrinkled your nose when you caught a whiff of the smell and immediately went for the driver's seat so you could be as far away from it as possible.
"Oh now you don't want to be anywhere near me," Harry said, pulling you back to his chest by the waist.
"You're lucky I let your shit stink up my car. That should tell you everything you need to know about my feelings," you said, giggling as he peppered the back of your neck with sloppy kisses. "Come on, Harry, I'm hungry. Let's go."
Harry stayed exactly where he was. "It's not like your stuff smells any better. Sweaty, smelly gear is sweaty, smelly gear. It's all the same," he mumbled.
"I wash my gear regularly and keep disinfectants in my bag," you said. "I thought I told you to get some."
"I'll get on it. Kiss?"
You turned around and frowned at him. "Promise?"
"Are we really talking about this right now? What happened to being wildly jealous and kissing in front of my adoring fans?"
"Bite me."
"Gladly. But not in the parking lot, so let's get out of here, yeah?"
"You're the one pinning my ass to your crotch like a desperate fool—"
"Car. Now, please," Harry said. When you turned around to face him, his usual cocky grin was back on his face, dimples on display and eyes squinting with glee. Now that you could take the time and allow yourself, you realized you thought that smile was endearing. Too sure of himself it made you want to smack him, but endearing too.
"Menace," you muttered, but got behind the wheel anyway.
"I think that's what you like best about me," he called as he shut the trunk and came around to the passenger seat.
"Yeah," you sighed. "I think you might be right."
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gothbitez · 1 year
linger, ellie williams
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pairing: dealer!ellie x afab!reader
chapter: one shot (5.5k words) (theres hope for a continuation tbh) proofread but I'm dyslexic so if you see a missing word, double words and errors- mind ur business </3
warnings: explicit sexual content, 18+ so minors do not interact!!!, dealer!ellie so mentions of drug use and marijuana, afab!reader and gendered nicknames, poc friendly!! blasphemy, choking, use of trusty strap. ellie's a bit rough but it's all consensual she just gets pussydrunk tbh, (think that's all)
summary: reader returns from patrol to find her stash is empty, relying on her trusty masc dealer who loves calling her nicknames and teasing her.
Disclaimer: I do not support the genocide of the indigenous Palestinian people, and neither should you, please don’t buy the new Remastered or continue giving any more money to Druckmann. Educate yourself, learn the history, it is vital. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸
A sigh escaped your lips, damn.
You looked at the almost empty baggie with a slight pout, almost pleading to the bag, hoping its substances would magically reappear. But you knew better than that.
You glanced at the clock behind you, it rested on a mahogany wall which had seldom been cleaned or decorated, you simply didn't have the time or effort, to be honest. Even after so many years.
There was too much to do in Jackson, whether you were on patrol, sorting out stables or farming crops. There was rarely any free time, but tonight you had returned from a three-week patrol, and all you had wanted was to spark up and relax for a few hours. Maybe finally get some good fucking sleep, in your own bed.
Alas, you had returned to Jackson to find your stash box considerably emptier than you remember. You could've sworn you had some more left, but knowing your habits, three weeks prior you had probably decided it would be best to smoke it all, as a going-away present to yourself. You sighed at your own stupidity.
The clock's hands ticked as you reevaluated your situation. Another look at the clock told you it was now 2:36 a.m. What were your options?
You could attempt to sleep without a joint and lie awake all night, your mind consistently reminding you of all the shocks and horrors you'd seen that you'd hoped had all been forgotten. Sometimes, you'd see the restless faces you had killed, sometimes you'd see the people who tried to kill you. Other times, flashes of infected, masses and masses of them charging after you. You shook your head to yourself. Needless to say, going cold turkey was not something you had wanted to do, especially at nighttime.
With that in mind, you collected some things and put some denim pants on, they were a bit on the baggy side but in the apocalypse, beggars can't be choosers, they fit around your waist that's all that matters. On top rested a tightly fitted green shirt, it was actually one of your favourites as it let you see what was going on underneath those clothes, it made you feel confident and you'd need all the confidence you had for this.
You had no other choice, it was almost 3 a.m and the only other person who was likely to be awake, someone with the same sleeping struggles as you, was none other than Ellie Williams. Your cheeks flushed. Would she even be awake? Would she even want customers at this hour?
You hesitated as you reached your front door, this probably wasn't a good idea but you were desperate, with a final sigh you unlocked your door and stepped outside into Jackson's winter weather.
With a light tap, you knocked on Ellie's door, suddenly unsure of yourself. A few moments passed as you thought no answer was going to come when you heard shuffling from inside the building and a shadow moving across the window.
You sighed, happy that she was awake.
You heard the door unlock before it opened revealing the auburn-haired girl you had hoped to see. Her brows were furrowed, a hint of confusion on her features.
"It's a bit late, you know." She spoke, her voice raspy, she was probably tired. It was then that you realised how desperate you probably looked, knocking on Ellie's door at ungodly hours of the night.
"Sorry, ran out of weed." You muttered, that was all you could say, a gust of condensation exiting with your words due to the cold. Hopefully, she'd be kind enough to give you some and spare you the embarrassment. Ellie had a reputation for being a bit of a menace, though.
Ellie chuckled quietly, looking down at you. "Well, that explains it," she hummed, her green eyes locking onto yours. Unable to hold her gaze, you looked down at your hands. They were slowly becoming numb from the extreme weather, your jacket not padded enough to protect you from this cold. "I know it's late, I just can't sleep without it..." you trailed off, "sorry, I can come back tomorrow if that's better."
Ellie simply shook her head, a soft smile grazing her plump lips, "I couldn't turn away such a pretty girl," she stopped, "especially at this time of night, it's dangerous out there."
At her words, you felt yourself fumble. You knew there was little to worry about in the safe confines of Jackson in terms of danger, except for a few raids here and there. Memories flashed in your head from a few years ago, you blushed at the thought, refusing to entertain it any longer. You wondered if she remembered it, too. Probably not.
"Only if it's no bother," you said, unsure. "Of course, not. It comes with the job of being the only source for miles," she reassured, to which you smiled and shook your head, agreeing.
"Come in, you look like you're freezing." That you didn't expect, usually in your meetings you would quickly exchange goods before returning home. But this time, she was looking at you with that smile of hers, and the cold was slowly decreasing your energy. "Yeah, okay." you hesitated, following her into her home.
Ellie closed the door behind you, before speaking again, "It's upstairs, I'll go grab it, you can take a seat wherever." She accommodated, I sat as she left the room, hearing her footsteps trail upstairs.
You took this time to look around, your house was comfortable, but it wasn't quite lived in as Ellie's, who seemingly had personalised and decorated her space. You wonder if she has people over often. For some reason, that thought tightened your chest.
You were quickly pulled away from your thoughts as Ellie reappeared in the living room. "Here," she threw a bag towards you, you smiled as your mission had been successful, catching the bag in your hands. "Thanks," you spoke, gratitude all over your voice.
"Don't mention it," she paused, "Seriously, don't mention it, Maria's been on my ass about it." "Having a domestic dealer probably wasn't what she wanted for Jackson." You joked, knowing Maria always made disapproving comments when she'd catch a whiff of it at your house. "Well, too bad. If I had to deal with an apocalypse sober, I'd have shot myself." She deadpanned, and you laughed in return.
"Thank you for providing sanity for us all." Ellie laughed at this. Her eyes looking over you, it reminded you of that day so many years ago. You shuddered.
"Well, I'll head off, don't wanna bother you more than I already have." You said, thinking that it must be at least four in the morning by this point. "Rude as always, I see." she joked, putting her hand over her heart in feigned hurt, "not even gonna stay for a joint?" Ellie pressed, finding herself entertained with the pretty girl in her living room.
To be honest, you were quite comfortable and warm. Not wanting to face that cold again, you mulled over what she said, surely one joint with her can't hurt right? "If you insist," you finally said.
With that, Ellie picked herself up off the floor, making her way over to Joel's vinyl player. You took this time to really look at her, she'd only gotten more attractive over the years you'd known her. Her short auburn hair was tied into a half bun, the rest of her hair left down, biting down on her lip softly as she scoured for a good record to play, god she really was attractive, you thought.
Against your will, memories of ardent kisses, lingering glances, heavy breaths and harsh touches appeared in your brain again. God damn it, you thought, not now. You pressed your legs together as Ellie had finally picked a record, placing it delicately on the player before turning her attention back towards you, music playing softly in the background.
"So, we've not really spoken for a while, huh?" Ellie said, grabbing the baggie and her paraphernalia as she settled down on the floor to roll. Ellie knew you could roll perfectly fine, you had been getting weed off her for years, but she couldn't help herself from wanting to show off her skills a little. You glanced at her arms, toned and tanned, adorned with a tattoo, your glance reaching her hands as you inspect the delicate way she grabs the items. Her hands are so pretty- veiny and strong, your thoughts roamed, thinking about what she could do with them, you blushed to yourself.
"I've been on patrol the past three weeks, only got back tonight." "I was wondering where the beauty of Jackson had disappeared off to," she half-smiled, looking up from hands to you, "Glad you're back."
You felt the blood in your cheeks rise, you were far from the prettiest girl around. "Me too, couldn't take another day of Jesse and Dina sneaking around during the night." You joked, those two thought they were so subtle and you couldn't shatter that blissful illusion for them. "Why do you think I refuse to go on patrol with both of them?" Ellie said, the joint rolled in less than a few minutes.
You couldn't help but be impressed, it usually took you a good amount of time before you could perfectly tuck the paper into itself, that part always annoyed you. But, Ellie? She did it all so effortlessly, her fingers habitually manoeuvring the paper before bringing it to her lips, licking the edge of the paper to stick it all together. Her eyes never left yours as she did this, lingering on you.
You watched, wordlessly as she finished rolling it. What could you say? Yeah, that was really hot, do it again, never. "Why are you so far away, I don't bite," Ellie said, trying to soften the tension that glazed over the room.
You didn't realise the distance there was between you two, you being happily sat on the couch whilst Ellie settled herself on the floor. "Alright," you scootered down next to her on the floor, resting your back against the couch. "That's more like it,"
With that, she held the joint up to your face, placing it lightly between your defined lips. You froze, watching her grab a lighter and bring it to the joint, lighting it for you. You inhaled, securing the flame was actually lit before pulling away and exhaling.
You remembered something Tommy had said, how before the outbreak, men would sometimes light cigarettes for women they find attractive and were actively pursuing. You wondered if Ellie was making a subtle move on you, but before the thought continued, you passed the joint back to her, fingers lingering on each other briefly. She established eye contact, not breaking it as she inhaled. You felt something in the air switch.
"You know something?" She broke the silence, exhaling the smoke as she did so, you thought she was about to say something really serious, so you listened. "I think you've never had to roll a joint in your entire life," she accused, an impish glint in her eyes letting you know she was officially reaching teasing territory.
"Excuse me, I can roll very well, thank you." You responded, feeling confident in your abilities. "No, I don't think that's true," she paused, taking a drag, "Pretty girl like you, I'm sure men are fawning at the chance to roll for you to impress." Ellie teased. "What, like you?" You retorted, not wanting her to have the upper hand. This seemed to catch her off guard, "What? You think I didn't notice you 'fawning to roll to impress me'?" Ellie was silent, then. Her teasing had backfired and she was left with nothing to say. You felt a swell of pride, you had made the confident Ellie speechless.
Passing you the joint back, Ellie thought back to the same day you couldn't stop remembering, she recalled that day clearly. The way your mouths had fervently collided, a haze of lust in each other's eyes. You had probably both been about 17 at the time, succumbing to each other after a night of secretly drinking Tommy's whiskey behind the stables. Of course, the lovely make-out session had been interrupted by Jesse, who was roaming around the stables. Ever since then, they never mentioned it, and nothing further happened. To make it worse, she found out that the day after you two had kissed, there was a certain man trying to grab your attention.
Ellie was never insecure, but seeing you laugh at this random bastard's jokes made her feel inferior, so she gave up. She left you alone and decided she wouldn't mention it. Though, her body craved to feel you again. She had assumed you were straight, in all honesty, but she never bothered to ask. If she did she would've found that you were the exact opposite. You had dated men in the past, slept with them, Ellie knew this. However, she was none the wiser to the truth that you were, in fact, dealing with a heavy dilemma as you realised you weren't actually attracted to men. You had always known you were into women, but finalising that you weren't into men at all, was a recent development.
Ellie sighed, thinking of that night. You had probably forgotten, she thought. It was so long ago now. "Penny for your thoughts," you said, after exhaling and passing it back to Ellie. "I'd rather stay penniless." She stated, not wanting to expose what she was really thinking about. "Come on, that's no fun." You said, feeling light-headed.
"I was just thinking," she trailed off, realising she had lost the upper hand. Ellie wouldn't have that, she craved being in control of the situation again. Ellie liked control, she liked to have her bearings and to be honest, you were making her lose it. "What?"
"I was wondering if you remember that night." You gulped, eyebrows slightly raising and stopped the movement of your hand raising the joint to your lips. There it is. Ellie thought, a smirk grazing her lips, she remembers. "I don't know what you're talking about, Ellie." This was the first time in the entire night you had said her name, and the rush it brought her was unreal, feeling more confident to press further. She saw you shudder and she wanted to see it again, she wanted to see you in all sorts of compromising positions.
"You don't?" Ellie teased, "Really?" Inching closer to you, gaze dropping down to your lips, not believing a word that was coming from them. You tensed, of course, you remembered. How could you possibly forget? The way she grabbed your waist, kissing up your neck. It was heavenly. You sighed, and she ate it up.
It was an unspoken thing, you both quietly decided that it'd be best to never mention it. But now, Ellie was reaching dangerous territory, and she couldn't pull herself back.
"Cos I remember," she leaned closer to your ear, "I remember everything." Your mouth hung open, feeling the heaviness of her breath hitting your ear, almost making you flinch. "You do?" you breathed, moving your head so it was level with hers.
"Everything," Ellie stated. Her eyes were blown out, the joint almost neglected as the smoke kept disappearing into the room's air. Ellie grabbed the forgotten joint from your hands, bringing it to her lips and inhaling, before moving it back to your lips. Your faces were so close, she blew the smoke at you. You latched on to the joint taking a final drag before Ellie stumps it out and throws it aside, "Let me jog your memory," grabbing the back of your head, bringing your lips closer.
With the smoke still in your throat, you close the gap, lips meeting in a needy manner. Her hand still latched on to your hair, pulls your head back as you have no choice but to sigh into her mouth. Ellie sucks the smoke from your lips, taking her final drag before ripping her lips from yours to blow it out.
You had never seen anything like it, you felt a rush down to your core at the action, then realised you were sad that she had taken away the warmth of her lips.
With a groan, she replaced her hands at the back of your neck, breathing heavily as she reconnected your lips together. God this was so much better than you remembered, Ellie's gotten good at this, causing a pang of jealousy to hit your chest.
Your hands travelled, meeting her waist and letting out a small gasp as Ellie grabbed the back of your head and pulled your neck back again, exposing your throat to her. This time, she leaned down and placed her soft lips on your supple skin, groaning as she sucked, causing soft hisses to escape from you. Ellie chuckled and continued leaving marks all over your neck, she was enjoying this, fucker.
Her roaming hands grasp the skin underneath your shirt, gripping you tightly. You let out a sigh as she manoeuvred her hands up, reaching the hem of your bra. Ellie brought her lips from your throat back to yours, almost laughing at how much she wanted this. She grabbed your thighs, a noise reverberating in her throat as she felt how warm they were, with a slight squeeze of your inner thigh, she hoisted you on top of her lap. Legs spread over hers.
Ever since that day, Ellie had never forgotten about you. Haunted by the memories of the night she held sacred. She often wondered if you thought about it. She wishes she had gotten further with you that night, but Jesse had to ruin everything. Here, today, she was given another chance, another chance to claim you, to mark you and make you feel the best pleasure you've ever felt.
It was almost carnal, her desire. She thanked her gods for bringing you to her tonight, she had a taste of you that night, and now she was ready to have the whole serving. "Ellie.." you trailed off, suddenly embarrassed, looking at her with those doe eyes. How can you look at her so innocently? Ellie almost melted at the sight, your eyes needy and chest rising rapidly, tugging on her waist harder. "What is it, pretty girl?" You almost moaned at the nickname, feeling a wave of shyness hitting you.
"Use your words, baby." Ellie hummed, placing her lips on your earlobe as she bit down gently, her hands caressing your back as she grabbed you tightly by the waist.
"Ellie... I.." You finally moaned, allowing yourself to give in, "Yes, angel?" Her raspy voice in your ear was causing your thoughts to run at a million miles per second. "Please," you finally said, covering your eyes with your hands.
Ellie was having none of that, she quickly raised her arms to grab yours, pulling them away from your face. "Why are you hiding, pretty girl?" You locked eyes, the longer you looked at her, the less resolve you had. She was just... so hot. The scar on her eyebrow brought a certain toughness to her appearance, her plump lips slightly red from kissing you, you could only imagine what you looked like. "I want you." You said, to which her smirk reappeared.
"Is that right?" she pecked your lips, "What do you want me to do?" She was teasing you, she knew damn well what you wanted. But she'll be damned if you weren't going to say it.
"Ellie!" You groaned, "Don't make me say it." hiding your face into her neck. "Say it." Her voice deadpan, "Say what you want me to do to you or this stops."
Her sudden change in demeanour took you by surprise, not expecting the way her words dripped with honey and hung in the air. You heard Ellie had a reputation, word travels fast in a small town, but you didn't realise just how quickly she could switch to being so dominating. You had no choice, now. Ellie wanted you to submit to her, assert her power and give you everything you needed. You just needed to say the word.
The tension hung in the atmosphere as you stared at each other, her pupils were dilated so large you could barely see the green eyes leaning on you. You couldn't take any more, you needed her, like a flower craves sunshine. "I need you to fuck me, Ellie." That's all that was needed. As soon as those sweet, sweet words left those tender lips of yours, Ellie knew she was a goner.
"That's all you had to say, pretty girl," she whispered into your lips, her hands at your thighs. It's like she just knew where to touch you, like she was born knowing. You let out a moan when she placed her knee in between your legs, grabbing her neck for support. You were still on her lap, your hips started moving automatically at the feel of her knee where you needed her the most.
"That's it, baby." she hummed, "Keep moving those hips for me," Her hands moved down to your ass, grabbing it and pulling you down further on her knee, all you could do was moan, and she had barely done anything. The power was quickly going to Ellie's head as she became unabashed. Loving how you looked so weak right now, so powerless, so... hers.
Ellie took notice of the way your cheeks darkened whenever she called you those names, she wanted to use that to her advantage. With a quick hand, she unbuttoned the pants that were still in the way, dragging them down your legs to reveal your silken thighs and lace underwear. Ellie groaned at the sight, fingers already making their way to your underwear before either of you noticed. She almost slapped herself for not doing this sooner, then remembered that guy.
"All those times you came here, saying you wanted a joint," she paused, "What you really wanted was for me to fuck you until you break." Her fingers teased circular motions at the inner part of your thighs, the sensation making you squeeze your legs. She was so close. "Isn't that right?" she questioned, "You just want to be fucked properly, can't fault you there, baby girl. These stupid men don't know what they're doing."
"Ellie... please." you moaned, feeling her fingers so, so close to your dripping core. "Is that what you want, hmm?" she cooed, her lips going to your neck again, "You want me to fuck you like those guys never did?" Fingers inching closer and closer, they slid the fabric of your underwear to the side. "Fuck.. Ellie.. please." You couldn't believe yourself, you were someone who liked to be in control, and Ellie was completely undoing everything you thought about yourself by the second. You heard the desperation in your own voice, almost ashamed that you could ever sound that needy.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good, baby." She dipped her finger into you, rotating it in small circles that made your skin feel as though it was on fire. The slight pressure of Ellie's finger stretching you out brought moans from your lips, it had been so long since you had been touched. And even longer since you felt this turned on. You craved more, you craved her.
Rutting your hips against her finger, Ellie decided to add more digits. Watching you as your face contorted with bliss, your eyebrows raising slightly as your mouth hung open, delicious sounds escaping your lips. It was music to Ellie's ears. This was officially the furthest you two had ever gotten.
"Do you know how long I wanted to do this, to see you rocking on my fingers? God, I could've killed Jesse that night." She groaned, her eyes gleaming as she smirked, feeling your hand grab her wrist, almost to say, more, more.
You were becoming breathless, but it still was not enough. You wanted all of Ellie. For her to give you her hardest. "Mhmm..." you moaned, smiling at the thought of Ellie being annoyed that your time in the stables had been interrupted, she thought about it as much as you did. It was clear now.
Ellie caught the smile and grinned, bringing her hand up to your throat. Smiling darkly up at you as she applied gentle pressure to your windpipe. You gasped, anytime a man had even tried to lay his hands on you like that, you'd tell him to kick it where the sun don't shine, yet with Ellie? With Ellie you would let her ravage you, take complete ownership of you. It was so natural. "You think I didn't see you practically drooling over my hands, you're not as subtle as you think, doll." 
Her toned arms gleamed in the dark as she fucked you, her other hand grabbing your breast under your shirt and rubbing your nipple, placing her lips over it as she sucked. You were getting close, the knot in your stomach tightening at her actions, and then she halted, pulling away from you and directing you onto the couch.
All you could do was whimper. Pathetically. That was until she leaned over you, your back resting against the couch as she spread your legs. She was tall, and she towered over you. Her fingers removed your shirt as yours removed her sports bra and shorts, throwing the garments with reckless abandon, uncaring of where they ended up, meeting each other's lips with a fever.
You felt your heart beat faster, the anticipation nearly making you come on the spot, you clenched wondering what she was about to do. Ellie lifted herself off you and onto her feet, "I'll be back, baby." She said before ruminating through a box in the room, you couldn't see what she was doing though, her back turned to you.
When she returned to you, she reconnected your lips, feverish hands moulding themselves over every inch of your body. As if she was worshipping you. Her head travelled down, dropping kisses on your collarbone, down to your stomach and finally reaching the top of your pelvis. You felt your thighs being pulled apart before Ellie placed her warm tongue down on you.
You moaned, relaxing at the sensation of her wet tongue lapping up your juices, she was good at this, there was no denying that. You were quick to lose control, hands clawing at the back of Ellie's head, as she wrapped your thighs around her head, bringing her tongue deeper. "Fuck..." you gasped, grabbing her head to relieve the pressure as she licked harder, alternating between soft and harsher pressures. It wasn't long before you were a moaning mess, whimpering and clenching around nothing.
Ellie decided to multitask, stretching you open with her fingers as she ate you out. She groaned herself, even without you touching her she was already so turned on, her mind reeling and all she could think about was you. You, those moans and that body. She felt drunk from the sounds you released, and wanted nothing more than to continue hearing them.
She removed her mouth from your core, fingers still dipping in and out of you. "You like that, baby? Huh?" She breathed, "You like having my fingers inside you?" She teased, looking up at you with those darkened eyes, before dipping her head back down to your core. "Ye-mhmm, yes, fuck!" You never knew head and fingers could make you feel so good, just goes to show the kind of previous partners you had.
"More, plea- Ellie!" The pace at which she was going in was unmatched, you were surprised a smoker had so much stamina. "Did you say more, pretty girl?" She hummed, waiting till you closed your eyes and nodded, "I think I know how I can help." There was an impish look in her eyes, as she stopped. You heard her shuffle around with something before you realised what it was.
Fuck. That had all just been a teaser, foreplay before the main event. Ellie had manoeuvred herself into the harness, glancing at you as you bit your lip, watching her silently, as she slid the plastic tip over your folds. Running the tip along the wetness of your core, you ground your hips against it, hoping Ellie would take the hint.
If she did, she made no acknowledgement of it, teasing you slowly as the tip became covered in your slick. Ellie just loved teasing, curious to see how long she could drag this out until you couldn't take it anymore. "Ellie, if you don't fuck me with that already, I'm leaving and never coming back," you groaned, your voice breathless as you tried to level out your breathing.
"Don't worry, darling, all in good time," she said, before finally slipping in the tip to your entrance. You couldn't bite down your moans anymore, feeling more full by the second as you stretched around the object. "Oh-," you gasped out, barely able to speak, this is what Ellie had wanted all along, you around her in this way as she grinded her hips into yours.
"Like that, baby?" she cooed, caressing your thighs, you nodded, "Yeah? Is this what you wanted?" "Mhm-my god," you moaned, finally feeling relief as the object dipped in and out, hitting you where you craved, filthy sounds left both of your lips. "No god here, just me," she smirked, with an air of cockiness, as she grabbed your hips, locking them into place as she went deeper inside you, relishing in the delicious sounds erupting from your lips.
"Ellie, feels so- so good," you nuzzled your face into your arms, feeling your eyes roll over to the back of your head, conscious about what you looked like, you hid. But Ellie seems to like it when you're confident, not shy.
Grabbing your arms and ripping them away from your face, she thrust into you as she held your arms over your head, keeping you in place, all exposed for her. She loved the filthy expression on your face, lips in the shape of an 'o', brows furrowed and eyes rolling.  "Who knew?" she teased, "That you were just a dirty little girl just waiting for me to fuck you," she loved the way her words had an impact on you, feeling high off your reactions.
"Please," you were reduced to whimpers and moans, the air felt obscene. Ellie suddenly grabbed your hips, flipping you over so you were on your stomach, she delved her hips into yours and the new position left you seeing stars. Her hand grabbed your hair, and you raised your hips, arching your back and rocking your hips with hers. The auburn-haired girl rubbed her palm softly on your ass before smacking her hand down with force, you yelped, not expecting the sudden hit and Ellie almost got scared until she noticed you settle into yourself, moaning louder.
"Fuck, doll, you're so hot like this," Ellie breathed, smacking her hand down on your cheek again, this time there was the red mark of her digits imprinted into your skin, it was devilish how much that riled Ellie on, losing control over her mouth as the obscene words escaped her lips. "Look at you," she scoffed, smirking, "So perfect, just made for this cock," At her crude words, you cried out, almost feeling overwhelmed by all the sensations you were experiencing, that didn't stop Ellie, though.
"I bet no man has ever fucked you like this, huh?" Her hips thrust into you, slower this time but deeper, you were already close, she didn't have to do much, taking long pauses before entering you again. Her fingers moved down to your clit, rubbing the bud to enhance your orgasm, as she leaned over your ear, your hair still bunched into her hand, which was handy as it allowed her to bring your head closer to her own. "Answer me, doll,"
"No, Ellie-" you struggled out, "No one, ju-just you," You were delirious, evidently having lost your grasp on yourself as your body shook, you were so close. "That's what I thought," she whispered into your ear, dropping your head back into the couch, fucking you relentlessly.
Her fingers on your clit exacerbated your orgasm, as you let out a final "Fuck!" as your body rode out the high, twitching in Ellie's arms. "Fuck..." you whispered again, as you rested your head on your crossed arms, taking deep breaths as you slowly came back to reality. Ellie slipped herself out of you, rubbing circles into your thighs as she placed sweet kisses on your spine.
"You are... wow." she hummed, you were better than she ever expected. At a loss for words she decided to wrap her arms around you, you still lay on the couch, catching your bearings as you felt her strong arms cover your body. "I could say the same for you," You giggled, covering your face, "Come on now, still shy?" Ellie chuckled, "What we gonna do about this, then?"
"It's your fault, you're just so.." "So what?" She continued, her fingers rubbing against your skin. She was so different now, all affectionate when she had been a lust demon just seconds earlier. You two clearly had a lot to talk about. "Irresistible." "I'll take that,"
"I think I'll come down to your house at 3 am again,"  "I'd like that."
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madman479r · 8 months
Knight Light
*Earth* *Pizza place*
*Jessica, (Green Lantern) Diana (Wonder Woman), Dinah (Black Canary) and Mari (Vixen) having a girl's night out.*
Jessica:... and he's such a gentleman, he's kind, considerate, loving and just... *sighs lovingly* perfect.
Mari: Damn, you are love struck.
Karen Starr (power girl) : **appears because she was late** Who's love struck?
Dinah: Jess.
Karen: Really, you found a guy? Congrats. What's his name?
Jessica: Jaune Arc.
Karen: Jaune Arc, Huh? Short, sweet, rolls of the tongue. Where's he from?
Jessica: Another dimension.
Karen:... So am I gonna have to be the bitch here or was this Girls night out actually an intervention?
Diana: What do you mean?
Karen: *sighs* Alright, guess it's option 1 then. Jess, sweetie, I get sometimes ladies, especially hot ones such as yourself, get embarrassed by not having a guy but you don't need to pull the "he goes to another school" or dimension in this case, with us.
Mari: No, but like he's literally from another dimension.
Dinah: Besides, aren't you from another reality as well? How is it so far fetched?
Karen: Okay, mind showing a pic of the guy?
Jessica: Sure. **Shows volume 1-3 Jaune**
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Karen: Hmmm. I mean I guess he's cute, not exactly my type, unless I wanted a one night stand but I say you could do better.
Jessica: **swipes to show volume 8 Jaune.**
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Karen: Okay, well he certainly had a glow up. He looks more confident and that body is definitely a plus but I still say-
Jessica: **Swipes to show volume 9 Jaune**
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Karen:...Would you be opposed to a threesome?
**Laughter from all girls**
Mari: But I think we need to ask the most important, emotional question.
Dinah: That's right. I've heard of long distance relationships but this is pushing it.
Diana: My thoughts as well. Neither of you would be willing to leave your own dimensions so... how... would... *notices what Mari is doing*
Mari: *puts her index fingers together and slowly starts to pull them away, looking Jessica in the eyes.*
Jessica: *smiling smugly*
Mari: *Continues to widen the gap between her fingers*  Oh? Okay. *Gap is now 7 inches wide* Nice. *8 inches* ain't no way. *9 inches* no, no! Really?!
Jessica: *Still smiling, not saying anything*
Dinah: I'm actually getting worried for her now.
Mari: *Reaches 12 inches*
Jessica: *Nods*
Mari: Holy shit.
Diana: Talk about blessed by the Gods.
Dinah: She's gotta be lying.
Karen: I can see her heart rate and pupils, holy shit she isn't lying.
Jessica: And you wanna know the best thing? His ability lets him charge himself back to full, so he can go for hours.
341 notes · View notes
writerpetals · 4 days
care for you | 🔞
; optional male lead smut |  ☁️
w; ass play, semi-public sex, younger mmc, sugarmama!au (i'm queuing up some posts for this week ~)
What started as nothing more than one night of release for your overworked and exhausted body has somehow turned into more than you ever pictured yourself dabbling into with someone so much younger. Not like your hectic work life that painfully bleeds into your personal one ever allows you time for a relationship, but you’re pretty confident in assuming he doesn’t want as much either.
He doesn’t mind, however, enjoying the lavish life you live the few moments out of the year you’re not working, tagging along with you on trips of both pleasure and business. Spoiling him can’t be helped when he offers such intense pleasure in return, and you find yourself needing him to ease the tension from your muscles and the worries from your mind more often than not.
He flies with you to different countries paid for by you, not hesitating to send your body into the most relaxed state as soon as you board the plane and his hand is between your thighs and his mouth against your neck. The glances and side eyes from nosey passengers in first class bother neither of you , because how could it when the moment he slips his fingers into your panties, you’re clutching your thighs around him and biting your lip to keep quiet.
He’s devilish and sneaky at times, loving to offer a distraction from work because he knows how well you need one. In the cab he can’t keep his hands off of you, and at the hotel bar he teases your thighs beneath your dress while you sip on your gin and tonic. Even a few hours on the white, sandy beaches when you have the day off turns into him slipping between your legs and easing into you as you lay beneath a colorful, shaded umbrella.  Maybe he cares more than he’s willing to admit, and maybe you do as well, so you tell yourself he only enjoys an older woman’s experience and money while you enjoy his eagerness along with his willingness to please. 
In the morning, he barely waits for you to crawl out of bed and shower before he’s wrapping an arm around your body to pull you back in. You should have known something was off when he didn’t even bother to dress himself after awakening, deciding to walk around in the nude while brushing his teeth and washing his face, but you couldn't complain when you’re allowed the view to study the muscles in his body as well as the curves of his ass and thighs on display. 
You warn him you’ll be late for your meeting with the executives you traveled so far to see, to which he can only reply with a groan once he pushes you against the bed and grips your waist. Taking in the sight of your half-exposed slit fresh and clean from the shower makes it hard to care about the dull meeting, and you know it’s only because he becomes too bored and lonely while you’re working that he couldn’t give two fucks if you make the men wait on you.
You exhale a reply of his name, fingers clutching the fresh, white sheets beneath you as he pulls the damp towel from your body so you’re fully on display. “I really… really have to go.” You hardly sound convincing as you mutter the words, and the chuckle you receive in return lets you know as much.
“I won’t take long,” he groans, palms gripping your ass to spread you farther apart for him. Your face buried in the soft linens does little for your attempts at arguing, so you remain quiet and allow him to proceed. The way you begin to ache for him offers no help either way. “I was a bit rough on you last night, baby.” 
The way his tone deepens and the words seem almost forced out in a groan have you quivering before he’s even touched you. Steady, gentle palms soothe the markings he left on you the night before, and even if his words are true in the fact that he was less that careful fucking you because it’s the way you like it, you know his attention this morning is only a distraction so you will stay with him a bit longer. 
“I just want to make you feel good, now.” With another breathy chuckle, he slips his knuckles over your slit, causing you to flinch and attempt to pull away from how damn sensitive he has left you. “Will you let me, baby? The meeting can wait. I just want to taste you before you leave.”
There’s no use in denying him. Not when your body craves his touch. And not when he’s so damn skilled with his tongue it nearly pisses you off at times. He shouldn't know how to make you so weak with the simplest of requests and he shouldn’t know how to make you come better than men your own age, but you chalk it up to his ability to pay attention to your body and his willingness to learn what pleases you most. 
“Yes,” you whimper against the sheets, tugging the fabric hard enough to have your nails scratching your palms the moment he lowers himself with his knees to the floor behind you, feeling his breath against your skin. 
He pushes your hips higher, aligning your ass perfectly in the air for his viewing pleasure, and once his lips press to your skin, the meeting is the furthest thing from your mind. Gentle kisses paint your ass as he takes his time, drawing out the moment because he will be damned if you’re not wet and thinking of him the entire time you’re gone. His hands hold your thighs in place, fingers pressed tightly to your legs as his mouth begins to wander once he’s satisfied he’s kissed away the soreness.
“Please.” It’s a bit shameful to beg him so early on, and maybe even more so because you’re older and should have more control. But as his breath ghosts hot against your center, just waiting for the perfect moment to give in, you can’t help but to become impatient. You ache for him, already beginning to feel the warmth surge and the arousal pool at your entrance. 
With a single lick up your slit, from your mound to your tightened rosebud, your body attempts to lunge forward as your back arches and your jaw slacks. To say he took you by surprise would be an understatement, but luckily his firm grip on your thighs keeps you in place as he repeats the motion. The third time he decides to taste you from top to bottom, he drags his tongue painfully slow over your flesh, lapping up your juices to spread to spread over your ass and mix with his saliva.
You whine his name, trying to push your body into him, but it only earns a dark, teasing laugh before he presses his tongue to your ass. A gasp fills his ears to satisfy his ego, knowing how much you love when he circles the puckered rim extra slowly before tasting you with the flat of his tongue. “Fuck.” You clutch the sheets tighter each second that passes, with your clit throbbing and desperately needing attention while he toys with your ass. 
“You taste so good, baby,” he informs you, each word between a kiss he trails down your slit. Until he reaches your clit and decides to finally give in to have you gasping all over again. He circles the swollen, aching nub with a pointed tongue before pressing flat against your flesh to lap up your juices dripping down your folds. Then he presses his lips to your skin. “I could eat you out all-” Kiss. “-fucking-” Another. “-day.” 
With that, he begins to press open-mouthed kisses against your soaked slit to have you whimpering, with his tongue catching every drop of your juices from top to bottom. The sinful noises of his pleasure never fail to bring goosebumps to your skin as his motions become a desperate attempt at tasting you. You can only imagine how his face glistens against the light as he buries his mouth deeper against your body and with the way he groans against your pussy and ass, you know he enjoys it just as much as you.
“You’re so wet, baby,” he growls once he pulls away for only a moment. “You’re dripping all down your thighs and onto the bed.” With that, he presses his tongue to your mound to catch the arousal trickling down to dampen the sheets. All before he eases his tongue between your folds to massage your clit, earning a cry of his name as you push your body against his face.
He doesn’t reject you, allowing you to control the pressure before your hips are rolling against him and you’re fucking his tongue to relieve the pressure. His groans against your body encourage you to keep going, riding his face as he licks, and sucks, and buries himself deeper between your folds. 
“Fuck,” you begin to whimper without shame, rolling your hips harder against him as you feel the warmth bursting between your thighs, “I-I’m so close.”
He only grips your thighs tighter and encourages you to lean against him, pulling on your legs until you’re pushing yourself from the bed. Your arms extend straight to hoist yourself up and you’re nearly sitting on his face as he tastes you from behind with a craned neck, but the pleasure is too intense as his tongue massages in circles and you’re trembling in his grasp. 
Once the pleasure swells and the first rush of  warmth floods from your center, your arms grow too weak as you collapse against the bed. A shaky cry of his name is all he receives as the bliss surges through you, continuing to shake in his arms and becoming so breathless, speechless, and unable to even pull away as he continues massaging your clit with his tongue. He doesn’t remove his mouth from your body as you come undone, loving how much wetter you become, how much sweeter you taste. 
When the pleasure becomes overwhelming, you reach your hand behind you to push him away gently, seconds before collapsing on the bed as he chuckles proudly behind you. You can hardly keep your eyes open to see where he goes after he stands, hearing him rummaging behind you for a bit but you’re too relaxed to even care.
When he returns, a tap of his fingers against your ass pulls you from your post-bliss state, eyes fluttering open to see him standing behind you with a pair of your panties.
“I-I need to clean up first...” It’s almost as if you’re drunk from pleasure as you speak, attempting to rise from the bed, to which a simple arm around your torso assists you. Thankfully, he’s strong enough for you to nearly collapse against him all over again, earning a cocky grin over his lips in return for his self-proclaimed job well done.
“No,” he simply says, voice stern and it makes your eyes grow wide. Before you can reply, he slips his hand between your thighs to have you gasping and tightening around him. Unfortunately for you, he’s able to shove two fingers in your drenched walls without effort, paying no mind to how sensitive he has left you or the fact that the pressure has you weak in the knees, ready to topple over. 
You whine, high-pitched and so taken off guard.
“Put your panties on, baby,” he says, voice so deep you can’t help but to listen, “so you’ll be wet enough to think of only me the entire time you’re gone.”
And then he finally pulls his fingers from within, leaving you trembling and suddenly craving for him all over again.  With parted lips and wide eyes, you can’t dare look away as he brings his fingers up to his mouth before licking them clean, making sure you will hardly be able to think about anything else during your meeting. 
He seems to show up at your work when you least expect it. When the day has been too long and you’re too tired of cursing beneath your breath at incompetent business partners and their horrible ideas. When you’re too frustrated and fed up with having to prove yourself over and over. When all people can see you for are curves and a cute smile and no one really gives a shit about how incredibly smart you are or the fact that you’ve managed to run your own company longer than most of these men can keep wives.
As horrible as it may be, you’re beyond done going above and beyond when everyone else seems to do the bare minimum to get praise. And no one sees you pinching your nose at the start of your headache once you’re able to get a quiet moment behind your desk. No one sees the deep breaths you take to calm your anger from bubbling over at the sheer stupidity nor do they realize how your mind is constantly spinning with innovative ideas and working overtime to not only make a good future for yourself, but your faithful employees beneath you.
He seems to notice the moment he steps into your office. There’s a brown paper bag in his hand and a grin on his lips from sneaking past your secretary. Not that she would question the younger man showing up to your office every once in a while, but you’ve made it clear to him not to make it a habit so rumors don’t escalate. The last thing you need is everyone calling you Ms. Cougar.  
“I brought you lunch!” he says with a proud grin, puffing his chest as he places the bag on the clear, glass surface of your desk and it makes your heart flutter in ways you try to ignore. You can’t develop feelings when it was only supposed to be a form of stress relief from your hectic, busy life. He would only be a distraction, falling in love with his thoughtfulness, his ability to know your moods, his ways at calming your mind and your body. You remind yourself it would be a horrible idea to get wrapped up in the younger boy, so you try to push the thoughts aside simply due to it being such a reckless, terrible thing to do.
At least, you tell yourself that.
“It’s six in the evening.” You can’t help but to grin, and your stomach rumbles, giving away that you skipped lunch to squeeze in another meeting with a moronic business partner, but he already knows you too well. It’s not uncommon for you to forget to eat, which is why he makes these sudden stops to your office when you’ve ignored his texts asking if you’ve had lunch. 
“Well, I brought you dinner, then. You need to eat,” he replies sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck while the black sleeves of his t-shirt tighten around his bicep to make your teeth sink into your bottom lip. The boy doesn’t even know what he does to you, causing you to cross one leg over the other as your heart pounds away. 
“Eating is the last thing on my mind after the day I’ve had.” You spare him the dirty details of the exhausting meetings and aggravation, but he’s more than aware what you mean when you make such comments.
“Are you tense?” he questions, already making his way around your desk as his boots scuff the dark, wood floor panels. “Need a message?” A wicked smile forms on his lips after asking, and your gaze lowers to see him pulling the shiny, silver-plated rings you bought him during a trip out of the country from his fingers before setting them against the desk.
“I’m fine, really,” you mutter with a shake of your head, but all it takes is one finger held up from his hand to cause you to turn in your chair, allowing your back to face him as your knee presses to the armrest. 
Before you can say much else, his hands fall to your very tense, very tight shoulders, but before he begins his massage, his mouth lowers to your ear. “You should know better than to argue with me, sweetheart.” His sudden, husky tone catches you off guard. The breath against your neck earns goosebumps over your skin, and you can only press your thighs tighter together. 
Though, it’s not his tone or the breath against your flesh that has your heart beating twice as fast, but the nickname he saves only when he wants to make it known he needs to care for you. The first time it slipped from his lips, you had come down sick and he made it his sole mission to nurse you back to health. You thought he was only being sweet on you, until the second time when you had the worst possible day at the office and he made it better by kissing your tears, slipping between your thighs, and muttering the endearment until his heart’s content. From that moment on, you knew it was a sign of intimate affection, and you never questioned him twice about it. Maybe you pay attention to the little details just as much as him, but it would be a terrible idea to admit it. 
You don’t think twice about arguing with him once his hands begin to work over your thin, silk blouse. He digs his fingers into the tense muscles to draw out soft sighs and whimpers, until your eyes are fluttering and you almost forget where you are for the moment. 
“You should eat something,” he says once he gets the opportunity to speak between the noises he's causing you to make. “I bought you a grapefruit salad. Your favorite.”
And in the middle of the bliss swelling you to the brim, you manage to snicker at the comment. “My favorite? Who says?”
“You said the last time you ate one at that restaurant we went to,” he informs you, slightly offended you would even question his knowledge of you and for that, you have to give him credit.
“You mean the restaurant in Cabo? Do you know how drunk I was after having that meeting all day and then I didn’t even make the deal with those jerks? Anything would have tasted amazing, then.” 
“I see,” he hums, continuing to work his fingers into your shoulders, until his grip slips down your arms and back again, sending a shiver down your spine. “Is that why you let me finger you beneath the table before the appetizer even arrived?”
Heat floods to your cheeks at the memory, the details of being beyond worked up and needing release still so fresh in your mind. The alcohol certainly helped, right along with knowing his skilled fingers would put your body at ease within moments. 
“Maybe…” you whisper in return, biting your lip while hoping he didn’t realize how unsteady, how breathless your voice has become as the images flash in your mind, trying hard not to think about his hand slipping beneath your skirt that night, or the way he bit his lip and groaned upon feeling how wet you were. 
“Maybe you need the same kind of attention, sweetheart,” he whispers, once again deep and husky in your ear and it takes a miracle to be able to hold back a whimper when he presses his lips to your neck. 
“Wh-what do you mean?” You try to feign innocence, knowing the last thing you need is someone barging in your office and catching your younger and devastatingly hot man toy getting you off when you should be working. But it’s clear exactly what he means once his hands move to the front of your blouse, slipping lower to pop a few buttons loose. You remind yourself to steady your breaths as you whisper his name, eyes glancing toward the door, thankful the long, glass window is the only one in the office and the blinds were shut the moment you escaped the stresses of the day to try to rid yourself of a pounding headache. 
“Come here,” is all he says, not bothering to answer the question before guiding you to your feet with a hand beneath your elbow. You follow his instructions, rising from the chair, but before you can call his name once again, he lifts you against the desk after spinning your body around to face him. His palms remain on your hips, thumbs caressing lovingly into your sides as his gaze meets your own. Suddenly, his eyes seem darker, full of desire and passion and you know there is no use fighting against his ways of care and attention. The younger man is stubborn, yet he knows what you need, when you need it, but it would definitely be a terrible, terrible idea to take that fact to heart, of course.
You simply call his name again, not wanting to argue, yet not wanting to get caught. But he ignores you, hands rising to release the last, few buttons of your blouse until your silky, black lingerie is exposed. He takes one look at you before he can’t hold back a groan, eyes studying the curve of your breasts, your bare tummy, and all the way to where the hem of your skirt rests against your skin. Palms slipping up your sides allow for his thumbs to reach your hardened nipples visible even beneath your bra. He teases the erect buds for a moment, brushing the pads of his thumbs gently over the surface and you can’t help but to push your chest into his grasp. 
“Just let me take care of you,” he exhales, and his lidded eyes and bitten lips a second later convince you to do just that. There’s no use worrying over getting caught or someone finding out enough about your personal life to spread gossip. Not when his mouth presses against your own or his tongue slips over your bottom lip to have you allowing him entrance. 
A soft whimper vibrates his skin, causing him to groan and deepen the kiss with his hands lowering and pulling you close by your waist while his tongue massages yours in the sweetest, softest of motions. Your hands rise to press palms against his broad, strong chest, feeling his muscles tighten beneath your touch while you inhale deeply to take in his intoxicating, yet familiar aroma of a citrus and pine cologne you gifted him a few months prior. It doesn’t take long for his hands to wander as he pulls away with a nip of his teeth against your bottom lip. Fingers lowering to your thighs to hike your skirt higher has your skin flushing beneath his touch. And when you shimmy side to side to allow him to push the fabric up to your waist, you shiver under his gaze as he stares down at your matching, silk panties on display. 
Without saying a word, he concentrates on his task of hooking his fingers into the band of your panties. Once again you shift side to side until he peels the thin fabric down your legs and past your heels, leaving your center bare, open, and glistening for him after parting your legs. With a lick of his lips, he never pulls his eyes away while pressing his thumb to your mound, watching you shiver beneath his touch once he drags his thumb down your slit and back again. 
A hand lowers to his growing length beneath his faded, denim jeans, and it doesn’t go unnoticed by you. All you can do is look at the outline of his cock beneath his pants while melting into the way he touches beneath your legs. He takes his time, not bothering how it looks to anyone else to disappear into your office for what feels like forever, brushing his thumb over your folds to coat his flesh in your arousal and spread it to your clit once he focuses his attention on the swollen, throbbing bud.
“You still seem tense,” he comments, a smirk on his lips you notice the moment you glance toward his face. Then you’re drawn back down to his cock once again, watching him tend to his erect length with a careful palm, but he never stops teasing your slit with his thumb.
“Well, it’s not like we’ve ever done this in my office,” you manage to reply, a heavy exhale slipping from your lips once he begins circling your clit with his thumb.  “With all of my employees and my assistant right outside.”
“Nervous?” he asks with a chuckle. Clearly he has no qualms about pleasuring you anywhere, anytime, and the thought sends a chill straight down your spine. Before you can reply, he manages to twist his hand around so his knuckles brush against your folds. The sensation has you threatening to clasp your thighs around his hand, but you remain steady, although your eyelids flutter to a close while taking another deep breath. 
“M-maybe,” you mumble, trying to focus on your breathing and your words, but the feeling of his thumb against your clit while his fingers tease your entrance has you breathless and unable to speak a proper sentence. 
“Why?” You don’t even need to look at him to know of the cocky smirk planted on his lips. His tone says it all, as he asks and as he taunts you further while circling your entrance with his index finger. “Because they will figure out you’re dating me, or because you don’t want them to know how good I make you feel?”
The urge to comment on his use of the word ‘dating’ diminishes the moment he slips a finger inside of you, earning a gasp as he plunges the digit in deep before curling toward your g-spot. Your thighs tremble around him, gaping and pushing your hips into the motions of his thumb caressing your clit and his index finger burying deep within your walls. 
“Fuck,” you gasp, head rolling back with a bitten lip a moment later. 
“God, you’re already so wet, dripping against my fingers,” he groans, more to himself than to you, and without warning, he pulls his finger from you only to insert two digits this time. Your walls tighten around him, hips rocking against his hand, against the pleasurable motions while your clit aches and throbs beneath his thumb and your body becomes so hot, flushed from the sinful actions. “You really needed this, didn’t you, sweetheart? Relax and let me make you feel good.” 
You do as he says, deciding to wrap both arms around his neck to pull him closer, lips colliding with lips and tongues exploring one another in the best way the two of you know how. You can’t help but to whimper into the kiss, feeling him bury his fingers so deep before curling the digits inside of you, urging the noises from your lips while his thumb tends to your clit in gentle, steady circles. 
You whimper his name once you pull away from his lips, “don’t stop.” A hand resting at the back of his neck falls to grip his wrist, nails digging into his skin as soft moans and desperate whimpers fill your office. 
“No longer nervous, sweetheart?” he teases you, pushing his fingers deeper, harder within you while circling his thumb quicker. “I can feel you tightening around me. Does it feel that good?” His words are only fuel to the fire burning deep and hot in the pit of your stomach. The flames lick in sudden desperation between your thighs, seering with temptation and it causes you not to care about anyone else but him and you. 
“Y-yes,” you gasp, trembling against him while burying your face into his chest. The heat rises, swelling between your thighs and it consumes your body quicker than you would like. The bliss that follows has the room spinning and you can’t help but to tighten your thighs around his hand. A roll of your hips against his motions allows him to see just how much you enjoy the pleasure, urging him to continue, to pump his fingers deeper, harder, and to caress your clit faster, wild with no mercy. “D-don’t stop. I’m-I’m-”
Your words fall to a deafening silence as the first wave of bliss rolls through your body. Your walls contract around his fingers buried deep inside of you as you come undone, trembling and whimpering his name. Your juices leak onto his hand, coating his flesh in slick, sticky essence and the only sounds that fill the office are the ones emitting from between your legs as he continues to finger you through your high. Your hips roll wildly against him, becoming greedy for more before it’s all too much and you can only grip his hand to stall his motions.
It takes all of five seconds to register how quickly he got you off. Heat rushes to your cheeks, but it’s not the kind of heat reserved for desire or pleasure. You’re suddenly too shy to look at him, realizing you absolutely did need the release he offered and it shows with every moment. From your tense muscles, to your arousal dripping just for him, and even the speed at which he made you come, you can’t deny he knows the perfect ways to unwind your body and mind when you crave it the most. 
“No need to be shy now, sweetheart,” he says with a chuckle, hand leaving his length straining against his jeans to press a finger beneath your chin. Your eyes meet his own, noticing the way his lips curl in a devious smirk a second before he eases his fingers from between your thighs. Immediately you feel emptier than you would like without him, but your eyes pop the moment you witness the digits rising to his lips as they part and he sneaks his fingers inside his mouth. He doesn’t allow you to turn away as he sucks them clean, enjoying the taste of you coming on his fingers and all you can do is bite your lip while watching him lick every last drop. 
“You should eat something,” he repeats once he pulls his fingers away. Though, eating is once again the last thing on your mind, but for different reasons. You can hardly breathe properly from the sight you witnessed, becoming a mess all over again watching him taste the remnants of your climax on his skin. Eating hardly seems important, especially when your thighs continue to shake and your walls are still spasming post-orgasm. 
“And you should,” you begin, but are quickly interrupted by the devilish, younger boy’s lips crashing into your own, earning another soft, gentle whimper against his flesh before he pulls away just as fast, “sit back.” 
“Sit back?” The puzzled look on his face has you giggling, all before you press two, shaky palms to his chest to push him down into your chair. 
“Sit back and let me repay the favor.” Now it’s your turn to have a smirk curling on your lips, watching his eyes grow wide and his jaw slack as you drop to your knees before tugging at the button and zipper to his jeans. To make matters worse — or better, for him — you get the courageous ideas to pick your panties up from the floor before easing his cock out of his black, cotton boxer-briefs. With the thin, silky fabric in your palm, you grip him tightly, watching his eyes roll into the back of his head as a deep rumble emits from his chest in satisfaction.
Two can play that game, you think, knowing he’s not the only one that deserves attention, especially when he treats you so well and tends to your every need. Work and silly rumors be damned. You love watching the bliss fill his face as you slip the panties and your palm up and down his length, all before leaning closer to swipe your tongue across the slit of his tip. 
“You’re already so worked up,” you tease him after licking up the precum from the head of his cock, noticing the way he grips the armrests with every prominent vein bulging before he bucks his hips for more. “You must need this.” He doesn’t find humor in the words as you do, enjoying the way the silk feels against his cock as you work his length while flicking your tongue against the tip. 
“Don’t,” he exhales, then groans and pushes his hips toward your mouth once again, “don’t tease me.” 
“You’re so hard, baby,” you continue the verbal torture, working your palm faster against his cock, silk panties easing up and down his skin to have him hissing in return. You can’t help it. You love watching his face twist in pleasure. The way his brow wrinkles has warmth flooding your body all over again. The way he bites his lips has you pressing your thighs close together. And his tightened jaw and unsteady breaths encourage you to go further. 
“Of course I am,” he breathes, trying to focus on speaking even with your lips wrapped around the tip of his cock, “making you come in minutes has that effect on me.” 
He has a point, silencing all teasing as he uses your own embarrassment against you. But his chest swells with pride and you realize you can’t be too worried when he knows how to treat your body in the way you like. In return, you’ve learned a few tricks to use against him as well. You remove your hand for a moment to cup his balls with the silk panties still in your grip, mouth lowering down his length while your tongue massages the underside until he hits the back of your throat. Then you're pulling away in a desperate need for air. His groan at the sensation fills your own chest with pride, daring to take him in again until his hand reaches for the back of your head.
“God, baby,” he huffs, hips bucking into your mouth once you pull away to tend to the tip of his cock, his fingers entangling into the strands of your hair. “Your mouth always feels so amazing, fuck.” His praise never fails to have you feeling so full, so satisfied in a way no man has before. You enjoy filling him with bliss, watching his jaw tighten, hearing his groans and huffs, and feeling him fuck his cock into your mouth. 
Your tongue swirls around the tip before your lips enclose over his length, eyes never leaving his face. His teeth sink into his bottom lip, groaning through the grip upon feeling you suck lightly on his cock, tongue massaging the prominent vein beneath as your hand works his balls with panties still in your grip. Noticing his Adam’s apple bob before he’s gasping and panting tells you he won’t last much longer. Not after watching you get off and now getting his cock sucked as a thank you.
Your mouth lowers down his shaft once again, head bobbing slightly while enjoying the noises spilled from his lips. Little huffs and groans turn into curses beneath his breath until he can hold back no longer. His hips jut forward, meeting your mouth and you can’t help but to whimper against his cock. His muscles tense seconds before he grows quiet, holding his breath as the first, few drops of his cum spill into your mouth, and you accept his release willingly. Your hand rises to grip his length once again, pumping every last drop onto your tongue so you can suck, and swallow, and have him gasping for air when you fail to stop even as he begins to come down from the bliss.
Licking him clean, you notice his eyes flutter open before he studies the sight of your tongue trailing his slit and around the tip. His nostrils flare as he takes a few deep, much-needed breaths, chest heaving and tense beneath his tight, black t-shirt. When his hand falls from the back of your head, you finally pull away from him, licking your lips clean before the corners twist in a proud smirk. 
Once you rise to your feet after he’s adjusted himself and his pants, he’s quick to stand and pull you into his arms. And again, your heart is fluttering and your stomach is performing backflips as he leans down, pressing his lips to your skin in a sudden, yet sweet attack of soft, gentle kisses to have you giggling. You quickly push him away with hands on his chest before you can get too wrapped up in him, deciding to fix the stray strands of hair he disheveled in the heat of the moment, and he takes it upon himself to begin buttoning your blouse.
“So?” he asks in a whisper, grin forming on his lips.
“So?” you repeat, looking away with warmth swelling in your cheeks.
“Are you finally going to eat, now?” He stares down at you with determination in his eyes, and all you can do is huff and nod, turning to grab the brown paper bag he brought for you.
“Yes, I’ll eat.”
“Good,” he replies, and has no problems playfully smacking your ass and stepping away to make it around your desk before you can retaliate. 
And it would be a terrible idea to think twice about his stubbornness in wanting you not to skip meals, because it would be horrible to come to terms with the way your heart swells if you think about how much the two of you actually care for one another. 
No matter how much you toss and turn beneath the sheets in an attempt to become comfortable, or how tight you shut your eyes, you can’t seem to fall asleep. Even though your body is exhausted from a long work week and you assumed you were ready to unwind for a relaxing weekend, your mind won’t shut off as it spins with constant worries. Reminders of important dates and scheduled meetings pop into your thoughts, preventing you from even coming close to drifting off to sleep regardless if your body aches for a good night’s rest. 
You turn over in your bed to face your alarm clock, reading the bright red numbers that tell you it’s just a little past midnight. You wonder how you could lack energy all day, but become wide awake as soon as your body climbs into bed as you release a frustrated groan. Maybe you’re just too busy lately, finding it to be a hectic time of the year before summer where you need to land deals and get your projects aligned to begin more work in the fall. Oh, how you could use another vacation in Cabo. If only time would allow.
As you ponder over the thoughts and images of the white beaches and blue ocean beneath a warm sun and clear skies, your phone buzzes next to you on the nightstand. The light flicks on, nearly blinding you in the dark room as you reach for the device, spotting his name pop up on the screen once your eyes adjust. 
“Hello?” you answer in a sleepy tone, instantly hearing commotion in the background before his voice fills your ears with words that are a bit slurred. 
“Baby,” he groans into the receiver, tone deeper than his usual soft, gentle words would allow. A bit needier, too, and you’re aware he’s been drinking. “Did I wake you?”
“No,” you tell him honestly with a sigh following the reply. “You’ve been drinking. Where are you? Do you need a ride?” You instantly wonder if he’s only called because he’s drunk and stranded somewhere. It wouldn’t have been the first time he’s gone out with friends and called when he wants to sleep off the alcohol at your place. The thought has you feeling warm, and an ache begins to grow between your thighs at just the sound of his voice. 
Maybe work really has been too busy, you think. You can’t even remember the last time you saw him, let alone spent a night with him, or even just an hour or two to catch up. 
You hear mumbling in the background a few seconds before the quiet chatter in the distance fades, assuming he stepped outside of whatever bar he went to with friends. “Mm, what are you wearing?” he asks with a tipsy giggle just to tease you, and you can’t help but to grin while you shake your head.
“My pajamas. I was in bed, but having a hard time sleeping.”
“Oh? The silky, red pajamas I really like?”
You sigh and then release a chuckle as you look down at your simple t-shirt and pajama shorts you wore to bed, wanting to be comfortable the moment you arrived home and changed into them. “Where are you?” You can just imagine the grin on his face while thinking about the revealing lingerie, and the fact that he already pictures you in the red camisole and matching panties you wear sometimes just for him tells you what’s really on his mind.
“I went out with the guys,” he tells you after releasing a huff. “Do you need me to come over and help you get to sleep?” You can hear the smirk in the words while trying to ignore the way a surge of desire shoots straight through your body as you press your thighs together. 
“As if I haven’t fallen for that line before.” That last time he made such an offer, neither of you slept much. Though when the memories pop into your mind of spending the night together, you know it won’t take much convincing to agree.
“I miss you,” he says after you take too long to give in, voice a bit lower, losing the confidence alcohol normally gives young men like him. Maybe he isn’t that tipsy. “It’s been a while… you know, since we’ve been together.  I want to see you.”
Though he and you are far from a couple, and the two of you have never even come close to mentioning a relationship other than the one time he slipped up and mumbled the word “dating”, you can’t help but to feel your chest tighten from his words. You’re aware he gives you space because of your job and busy schedule, and you don’t put in any extra effort making plans because he knew getting involved with you was only something to do in your free time when you desired company. Take a few trips, splurge a little, and enjoy one another’s bodies was all either of you had in mind.
So you aren’t sure why you feel guilty listening to him tell you how he wants to see you. Not only that, but how much he misses you, and as your body begins to ache and the warmth of desire bubbles in the pit of your stomach, you realize he’s not the only one.
“Okay. You can come over,” you finally give in. “But you and your friends better not be driving if you’ve been drinking.” You adopt a stern, motherly tone, which makes him chuckle.
“We’ve only had a few drinks, but I’m calling a cab,” he promises you while you smile listening to him laugh. “I’ll be there soon.” 
How much time you have to prepare yourself before “soon” arrives depends on which bar he visited with his friends, but you assume it’s probably not much considering your condo is in the heart of the city. Quickly, you push the covers from your body before jumping out of bed, taking one look at your comfortable pajamas before deciding to ditch them. You never told him what you were wearing exactly, and it wouldn’t hurt to offer a more enticing view the moment he shows up.
It has been a while, you think while you flick on the bedroom light, feeling the butterflies in your stomach as you exchange simple PJs for a champagne-colored nightgown with small straps over your shoulders and lace covering your breasts. You can’t help but to grin as you slip it over your otherwise nude body, feeling a bit more confident and hoping to surprise him. Even if it is a bit unlike you. Your previous partners were never worth the effort, you remember, not finding any of them putting forth the extra work to woo you, and after a while you grew bored of them. 
With him, however, you often find being with him exciting. A thrilling experience to leave you wanting more, hoping for the next rush of pleasure and the solace of his strong arms you find him offering without hesitation. It’s probably why you have kept him around for so long, though sometimes you wonder if he will grow bored of your arrangement before you do. 
The thought has the butterflies disappearing as your stomach twists with worry, but only for a moment before there’s a light knock at your door. Grinning, you leave the bedroom to answer the door in nothing but the revealing lace and silk, but he has already punched in your password for the keypad lock by the time you reach the spacious, open living room to allow him entrance. 
“I was beginning to worry,” you tease, looking over his large, black hoodie and jeans he’s wearing as he slips off his sneakers, then to his grinning lips and glossy eyes peering down at you in your nightgown. “You took a while. I thought you might have found a cute girl at the bar to go home with instead.” 
He frowns at that, and you’re not sure why you even said the words yourself. After all, he and you are far from exclusive. You’ve never mentioned to him whether you care if he sees anyone else under the terms of your arrangement, and in fact, when you thought about it before you never did mind the possibility as long as he was available to join you on trips, or take care of you on those bad days when you needed his company. Maybe it’s too late at night, and you’re exhausted, needing some reassurance even though it’s so unlike you. He shakes his head after shutting the door behind him, hearing the click of an automatic lock before you’re being wrapped up in his strong arms. 
“Don’t say that,” he tells you, all before his lips press against your own. A quiet whimper vibrates his skin to cause him to groan as you taste a small hint of the liquor still lingering on his tongue. He pulls away to allow you a breath, his hands falling to your sides to caress your hips with gentle fingers. A second later, he’s licking his lips and grinning once again. “Why would I want to be anywhere but with you? Especially when you…”
His words fade as he takes in your lingerie. You watch his eyes fall to your breasts covered in soft lace, and he licks his lips again. Surely he notices the way your nipples harden beneath the revealing fabric with need as an overwhelming heat washed over you the moment he stepped into your home. His hands continue to caress your sides, as if he’s itching to touch all over your body. Blinking a few times, he finally collects enough composure before his thoughts run wild, meeting your eyes once again. 
“Yes?” you finally ask, biting your lip to keep from grinning. It’s no wonder his effect on you is so sudden, causing the ache to deepen and the desire to rise in a surge of heat flooding your cheeks. The way he looks at you, drinking in the sight he finds irresistible brings your confidence back, making you feel silly for making such a comment, even if it was only to tease him. It’s clear from his eyes and body language, the way he never takes his gaze off of you to how he can’t keep his hands to himself, he means every word he says. 
“Did you put this on just for me?” He raises a brow as his lips twitch in a cocky smirk, something that makes an appearance when he’s had a few drinks. 
“Of course not, I went to bed like this,” you tell him, grinning. “All alone.” He arches his brows while taking another look at you, as if he can see right through your lie.
“Well maybe we should fix that.” His tone deepens just as his hands wrap around your body to reach your ass, offering a playful squeeze to earn a giggle from you. His mouth dips to yours a moment later, lingering against your lips and groaning into the kiss as the heat floods your body. His hands on your ass pull you against him, earning your arms wrapping around his neck. When he pulls away from your lips, he creates a trail down your jaw, reaching your neck to press kisses just below your ear, and his voice drops even lower as he begins to whisper. “You wouldn’t mention me with other girls if you only knew about all the things I was thinking of doing to you on my way over here.” 
With that, his hands squeeze your flesh tighter, slipping the hem of your nightgown up until his palms warm your sensitive skin. Gulping, your eyes shut, focusing on his lips pressed to your neck and his hands on your body, feeling your legs shake with urgency.
“Oh? Like what?” you ask, wishing your voice was more steady as the syllables tremble with each word. Damn you for waiting too long to see him, you think as your hardened nipples brush over the soft lace with your chest pressed to his own. You’re already so worked up from his words and the way he whispers with need in your ear, and his lips pampering your neck and his hands teasing your ass do nothing to help. 
“Hm,” he hums when he pulls away, and the cocky smirk returns, “make you feel good. Worship you and make you come, but I guess I can show you better than I can tell you.” 
Before you can reply, he has you backing up to your bedroom. His lips find yours once again in between guiding your body, messy, desperate kisses shared between the two of you and his hands roaming every inch he can reach. He raises one palm to cup your breasts, the other resting on the small of your back as the two of you take careful, but urgent steps to reach your bed. Your tongue skims across his bottom lip to earn a groan. He brushes a thumb over your tight, erect nipple to have you pulling away in a gasp. And a second later, your body hits the edge of the mattress, feeling the coolness of the sheets against your warm skin as you ache with need. 
“God, you’re incredible,” he groans once he has tugged his sweatshirt over his head to toss to the floor. “I swear I could kiss you all night.” Your eyes fall to his broad chest after he helps your body to rest against the bed, propping yourself up on your elbows while he lingers over you. Your gaze travels from the curves of his muscles that remain tight and tense, to his belly button and then the view of the band of his black briefs peeking out behind his jeans. Now the sight before you has you licking your lips once you notice the bulge in his pants, completely at the younger boy’s mercy and whatever thoughts that were swirling in his mind on the way over to your place. 
“I wouldn’t mind,” you tell him with a shy smile a second before he kisses your lips once again, feeling a bit more vulnerable than you’re used to as he stares down at your awaiting body. 
“Mm, but not your lips,” he says when he pulls away. His kisses lower to your neck for the second time, and your head tilts back to allow him access. He takes his time, pressing his soft lips to your heated flesh, savoring the way you feel against him as well as the little gasps and huffs of breath when he touches your most tender spots. “I love kissing your neck.”
“Yeah?” Your teeth sink into your bottom lip and your eyes flutter closed. God, how he can be so attentive and gentle, taking his time as if he would spend forever like this with you. You admit it makes you feel special in a way no one has made you feel before. As if you’re something so precious he needs to cherish. The thought earns a racing heart as his lips find their way to your collarbone. 
“Mhm, and your chest… these fucking amazing tits…” Just as he begins to kiss down the valley between your breasts, his fingers hook into the flimsy straps of your nightgown, slowly pulling the revealing lace down until each aching, hardened nipple is exposed for him. He takes a moment to admire the sight, as if his breath is caught in his throat just like the first time he laid eyes on you. In your mind you remind yourself it’s the alcohol, even if your heart begs to disagree because he told you he didn’t have much to drink, but he doesn’t give you time to ponder over the reasoning before his head dips down once again. 
A gasp falls from your lips the moment he presses a lingering kiss to one breast, right over the tight bud to earn an arched back. The heat swelling between your thighs burns with desperation as he kisses you again, all before his tongue caresses your flesh in a slow and steady circle. He traces your nipple, leaving remnants of his own saliva over your flesh to earn a chill down your spine when the cool air hits your skin, and then he moves to the other. Repeating the motion of teasing your breast with a few gentle kisses before his tongue tastes your body, you can’t help but to moan his name while your fingers disappear in his hair.
He groans as soon as you pull on the strands, lingering for a moment while kissing between each deserving breast, giving both the attention they need. As he moves lower, he pulls your nightgown with him, beginning to press his lips down your stomach while headed for your belly button.
“I love kissing here, too,” he tells you, feeling him grin between the words as his mouth tends to your body. Another whimper slips from your lips, feeling the rush of desire mixing with the heat rising and the ache deepening between your thighs. God, you know you’ll be dripping if he continues to take his time in such ways. Though he never fails to give you exactly what you need, and from your conversation earlier of you having a hard time sleeping, you assume he considers this to be the remedy. “Do you like it, too?”
He asks the question just before leaving open-mouthed kisses around your lower stomach, earning another gasp when you feel his tongue ease against your skin.
You exhale his name, eyes closing as you try to regain control of your breaths, “you know I do.” 
“Good,” he simply says, finding your reassurance boosting his confidence. For a moment, you don’t feel his mouth on you. With hesitation, your eyes finally manage to flutter open in time to see him pushing the hem of your nightgown higher so it rests loosely over your hips. The cool air ghosts over your hot flesh, sending another chill down your spine as he takes in the sight of your thighs spread open before him. He licks his lips before placing a gentle palm on your thigh, and you assume his tongue will finally relieve the ache at your core, but he leans closer to only brush his lips against the inside of your knee. 
You’re taken by surprise, but you don’t mind. His kisses make up for the moments he spent without you. He makes it clear, taking his time to kiss you just like he said he wanted and your heart swells at the thought of this being what he wanted to do to you after so long. 
“Your skin is so soft,” he tells you between kisses down your leg, reaching your ankle as he holds you gently behind your knee. Then he kisses the top of your foot, causing you to giggle as he grins, brushing his thumb over your toes. Even though it tickles a bit and earns more giggles, you allow him to do as he pleases. “I like the color you chose,” he comments on the deep purple of your nail polish that matches the color on your fingernails, causing your heart to swell over the fact that he notices all the little details. He pays so much attention.
He rests your leg gently against the bed before moving to the other. Like before, he creates a trail of soft, sweet kisses from your foot to your knee, deciding not to stop there as he tends to your inner thigh. Open-mouth kisses are left against your skin as he nears your awaiting center, the ache between your thighs becoming unbearable as he takes his time worshiping your body, just like he said he would. 
You whimper as you feel his breath against your slit.
“Hm?” he hums in question once his mouth presses against your mound. The sensation earns a shiver through your body before warmth floods your skin, overwhelmed with the anticipation, so eager for the pleasure he offers. “Do you like it when I kiss here?” he asks right before lowering his lips down your slit, softly kissing your flesh, over your clit, reaching your entrance for his tongue to dart out and lick a slow, steady line upward.
You gasp, back arching, legs shaking as they threaten to close around him, until he grips your thighs tight with two sturdy palms. The feel of his hot, wet tongue against your flesh ignites a fire in your core, making you aware that he is the only release to put out the desire building within you. “Please…”
“Answer me, baby,” he demands, but there’s still the gentle playfulness in his voice as he speaks that always manages to calm all of your nerves, putting you at ease and making the world stop around the two of you. “Do you like it? Because I love kissing you here the most.”
“Yes… I love it,” you exhale in a heavy breath, the room spinning from the way his lips tease your slit as he tends to your body. 
“I love kissing your pussy like this, especially when you get so wet for me.” With that, his tongue eases over your clit in a quick motion before his lips enclose around the bud, adding action to the words you already knew to be true. A quiet whimper escapes your lips, fingers shaking and gripping the sheets beneath you, hips rolling as you become greedy for release. “But I love it more when you watch me taste you like this.”
He repeats the motion with a flick of his tongue, kissing your most delicate areas to drive you wild. With intentions to have you on edge, he brushes over your clit with just the tip of his tongue, sending little bolts of electricity to the pit of your stomach that blossom into warmth throughout your body. Another whimper of his name leaves your lips, this time urgent, breathless. 
“Will you watch me?” he asks, catching you off guard for a moment. Your eyes flutter open, looking down at the sight of him kneeling on the floor before you, face between your thighs as he blows air over your hot and needy slit. “Will you watch me while I make you come?” 
How could you ever deny a request like that? Especially when he stares up at you, waiting for your reply with those beautiful eager eyes of his. You swear you could get lost in them, finding nothing but comfort and security within them. His lips glisten with a sheen of your arousal from teasing your slit, grinning as you once again prop yourself up on your elbows to get a better view of the pleasure he’s so eager to give. 
“That’s good, baby.” He caresses your thigh with one hand while the other slips between your legs. A second later you feel the pads of his fingers slip down your slit, reaching your entrance to tease in circles. The messy sound of your juices fill the space between the two of you, listening to how aroused you’ve become as he stares down at the sight with a bitten lip. “Mm, I think you’re even wetter than before. Does it excite you that much to watch? Do you like seeing my face buried between your thighs?”
Before you can answer, he leans closer to press his nose against your mound, inhaling the aroma of your arousal just as he eases a finger inside of you. His eyes meet yours while his lips brush your skin and he buries the digit deep within your walls before adding another.
“Yes,” you finally manage to answer him in a breathless whisper, “of course I do. Please, don’t stop.” 
He flashes another cocky grin with devious glint in his eyes seconds before pressing the flat of his tongue against your flesh, licking another stripe up your slit to leave you quivering. Your hips move with his motions, begging for more, needing release from the amount he’s teased you. He repeats the motion, licking ever so slowly up your slit, from where his fingers are buried deep in your entrance until he reaches your clit, drawing out slow circles against the swollen, aching bud. A gasp spills from within you as your head falls back. Burying his fingers deeper within you, he curls the digits to have you crying out his name just as he begins massaging your clit with his tongue, taking his time, tasting you, working up your body even more than before. 
“God,” you begin to whimper, wanting to squeeze your eyes shut tight to give into the pleasure, but with his gaze focused on you, you don’t have the nerve. You never look away with his face buried between your thighs, tongue circling your clit, fingers deep inside of you as you tighten yourself around him. He groans against your flesh, letting you know he is savoring the taste of your flesh and the way you drip onto his fingers, creating a mess as he eats you out. “Don’t… don’t stop.”
You’re breathless and hot and your body buzzes with a million nerves on fire thanks to him. The tension tightens between your thighs as he hums against your flesh once again, and finally you break your concentration as your head rolls back. A sudden gasp fills the room the moment his lips press to your slit and he sucks ever so gently on your clit, messy, wet noises mixing with the sound of you moaning his name in pure bliss. 
You call his name in a strained whimper leaving your tongue, so desperate for release while you push your body closer, holding yourself up with one hand behind you. The other reaches to entangle the strands of his hair between your fingers, tugging as your hips roll against his mouth and the way he pumps his fingers into you. “God… I’m getting close…”
You try to warn him as the pleasure burning hot builds with every second he continues massaging your clit and fingering your dripping cunt. He groans again, this time out of satisfaction from feeling you grind yourself against him, becoming greedy, needing the kind of release only he can offer. 
“Come for me, baby,” he demands of you the second he pulls his mouth away, replacing his tongue with his thumb pressing to your folds, caressing your clit up and down, back and forth. “Come on my fingers, baby. God, you’re so wet and squeezing around me so tight, I know you’re close.”
The raspy, strained tone speaking the words urges you closer to the edge. He encourages you to let go as your body feels more alive than ever before, giving in to the pleasure as the first wave of warm, comforting bliss washes over you. A gasp falls from your lips as a warning, riding out the ecstasy with your hips rolling against his hand and your thighs shutting around him tight. The surge of pure, red hot pleasure reaches from your head to your toes after swelling between your legs, and before you know it, you’re trembling and pushing his hand away from your most sensitive area, overwhelmed with your body falling to the bed. 
“Did I ever say how incredible you are?” Even with your eyes closed, you can tell from the words he’s smirking. Then you feel his weight shift against the bed and his lips meet your temple a moment later. He lingers for a few seconds before he leaves you, and your eyes flutter open to see him pulling open the top drawer to your nightstand near the bed in search of the newest pack of condoms he brought the last time he visited. 
By the time he retrieves one foil packet from inside and tosses the box back in its place, you have your breaths under control even if you’re still throbbing between your thighs from the pleasure. However, you never pull your eyes away as he undresses, starting with tugging the button to his jeans and pushing them down to his ankles, followed by his briefs. You take in the sight of his erect cock with a sharp breath, realizing how patient he has been though he has remained painfully hard from pleasuring you. 
He returns to the bed fully undressed, wrapper in hand that he tears with one swipe before rolling it down his length with urgency. “Come here, baby,” he finally says after tossing the ripped wrapper to the side, settling on the bed and reaching for you to climb onto his lap. 
As you follow his lead, you slip your nightgown from around your waist and down your legs before the silky, thin fabric falls off the bed to land on the floor. Then you straddle his lap, just like he told you to, wrapping hands around his neck while he reaches to grip your waist. His touch is gentle, yet he guides you before aligning the head of his hardened member up to your entrance.
“Come down, baby,” he tells you with a soft tone, yet there’s desperation hidden in the words. “Let me make you feel good again.” 
You don’t miss the way his words in the moment hit you harder than normal. You blame the distance between the two of you after weeks of ignoring desires to be with him thanks to work. Your body remains on fire, needing him, his care, and his touch, and as you sink yourself down onto him, it all comes crashing down at once. He holds you close as you  shiver, taking him in your body while he presses lips to your chest, your breasts, anywhere he can reach to show you the affection you didn’t know you were craving until now. 
The moment his cock disappears completely inside of you, your thighs continue to shake as your nails leave marks against his neck, but he only groans at the feeling he’s missed so much. He kisses your lips as you lean closer to him, feeling his arms wrap around your body while you linger in the taste of his skin mixed with your own pleasure on his tongue. 
“I have a confession to make,” he suddenly whispers in a breathless tone the moment he pulls away from your mouth. Your eyes grow wide before your brow furrows, looking down at him as if he picked the worst possible time to spring something on you.
“Now?” Of course, it seems like the worst time when you’re sitting on his lap, entangled in one another with your bodies ready for nothing but pure bliss. He chuckles and leans closer, holding you tighter while pressing a quick peck against your jaw. Your hips can’t help but to move when he kisses you like that, nearly forgetting the words he spoke until he releases a heavy sigh.
“I know I’m younger and you... you might be embarrassed by being with me, but—”
“Embarrassed?” Once again, your brow is wrinkled and you stare at him as if he’s talking nonsense. Your hips stop moving, though your head spins with not only the worries of where he’s going with the sudden conversation but the feeling of him buried deep within you. It’s not until he smirks and gives your ass a little love tap with the gentle tips of his fingers do you begin rolling your hips against him again, not being able to help how good he feels inside of you. You pause, sighing his name, closing your eyes in a mixture of confusion filling your head and pleasure filling your body. “—that’s not it at all. I just… work a lot. I have to focus on the company, you know. I think you deserve to be with someone better. Someone that can give more than I can.”
“Better than you?” From his tone as he asks, it’s clear he thinks of the idea as absurd. You have to admit it makes you feel special, needed, desired and as he begins to move his hips beneath you to match your motions, you release a quiet whimper while he continues to make your heart swell with his words. “There’s no one else I want but you.”
You gulp, becoming lost to the bliss as your bodies move as one. As he holds you. As his arms remain around your body and as you find so much comfort within them, just like always.
“I know we only keep eachother company when we need it, but—” His voice lowers until he stops speaking, and the tightness in your chest returns. No, you shouldn’t be feeling guilty. Not like this. Not when you’re both getting what you need from one another, just like you agreed on from the very beginning. “I love being with you like this. I love being with you in any way, whatever you need that to be. I care for you, and I want to care for only you.”
And the tightness in your chest coils even tighter until it snaps, making your heart pound against your ribcage and you aren’t sure whether you want to cry or kiss him because of his words, or maybe you want to do both. You continue rocking yourself against him, filled with pleasure in the midst of your emotional confusion and it all becomes overwhelming until you aren’t sure what to say in response.
You whisper his name while leaning forward, pressing your forehead against his as he pumps his hips beneath you, keeping hands on your body and holding you in place. “That feels good. Don���t stop.”
“Mm, yeah?” he questions, the confidence returning in his voice while he pleasures you, noticing the desperation in your words. “Do you wanna come again?”
You can only nod, closing your eyes before your emotions get the better of you, leaning in to kiss his lips, and then you whisper a simple “yes” to tell him you want more.
It’s the only reassurance he needs, reaching down between your bodies to press his thumb to your clit to earn a gasp from your lips. “You know, you shouldn’t ignore me for so long,” he teases, but something in his hesitant, quiet tone tells you there’s a hint of seriousness in the words. “I always want to make you feel good like this. I want to give you whatever you need.” 
It’s not the first time he’s said such things, but you always assumed he told you what you wanted to hear in the heat of the moment. Now, as he holds you close and kisses you tenderly to ease all your worries while giving you pleasure, you wonder if it’s something more than just useless words. You always assumed he only enjoyed what you could offer him — paying for his clothes or rent, taking trips together, even handling his tuition for his last year in college before he graduated — while you convinced yourself you enjoyed his company and wanted to return the favor for spending time with you. Though those thoughts turned into not spoiling him to repay him, but wanting to take care of him the way he takes care of you in his own way, and wanting to see him just as happy as he makes you.
Plus, who else would you spend your money on? When you work so hard but take no time to build personal relationships, there are times when you wonder if it’s even worth anything. Though those thoughts seemed to disappear when you met him, and the relief of not having to deal with answering to anyone in a relationship or deal with insecure men worrying about making less money than you made you all the more comfortable with the situation. Having fun with him was good to take the edge off when work was stressful, but now the guilt has your chest aching from not only hearing him tell you how much he enjoys being with you, but for you finally coming to realize how much you care about him, needing him when you wish to find comfort in his arms and confide in him when things get difficult.
The reality comes barrelling down on you as your pace quickens, grinding your body against him as the moans spill from your lips, a few curses beneath your breath mixing with the way he groans in bliss. You try to push the thoughts aside and focus on the pleasure, focus on his lips against your skin while listening to the groans building in his throat. You squeeze your eyes shut, tight and tighter as the seconds pass and the heat of absolute bliss fills between your thighs. With his thumb still circling your clit, applying more pressure just to hear the noises you make, you know you won’t last much longer. Not with him buried so deep inside you, making your head fuzzy as the emotions run wild, your confusions disappear, and your heart and body both come to terms with how much you need him. 
You cry out, face twisting in pure ecstasy as the heat bubbles in the pit of your stomach before rushing to fill every inch of your body. You collapse forward, leaning all of your weight onto him as he returns both arms around your body, hips moving between your thighs to pump himself into you as you ride out your orgasm against him.
He continues slowly moving beneath you until you catch your breath once again. Once the room stops spinning and you stop asking yourself how you got so lucky to find someone like him, you push yourself away with a small grin, looking until his eyes to have him stop moving entirely.
“Lean back,” you tell him in a whisper, biting your bottom lip when you see him smirk and follow your instructions. “I want to make you feel good now.” You steady yourself with hands against his tense stomach, feeling all the curves of his muscles as you begin rocking yourself against his cock still painfully hard inside of you.
He hisses as you tighten your walls around him, slipping up until he’s almost out of you, then sinking back down ever so slowly. Your confidence is earned with every roll of your hips, watching his head tilt back as his jaw tightens, a deep, desperate groan building in his chest.
“God, baby,” he exhales, reaching to grip your hips so you’ll move faster and give him some sort of release. “You’re driving me crazy.”
“You think you don’t do the same to me?” you tease him, giggling while repeating the motion of sliding off his cock and back down again just to see his body tense. 
“I know I do,” he admits with a smirk that disappears the moment you swivel your hips in a circle just to earn a gasp from his lips. “I do, but I know you fuckin’ like it.”
“I do,” you chuckle, biting your lip and never taking your eyes off of him as you ride him. Slowly at first, drawing out the same kind of teasing that he offered you, until you pick up pace to relieve him of the tension filling his body. Your hips move faster, loving the way he holds on tight to your waist. The breathless, desperate noises he begins to make fill you with a certain satisfaction you won’t find anywhere else, gaining even more pleasure from giving as much to him in return. 
“God,” he cries out, cursing a bit beneath his breath before his body tenses all over again. A few more seconds of rolling your body against him has him coming undone, finally finding release he pumps a few times between your thighs, milking his own cock and spilling every drop until sweat trickles down the side of his face and he’s hissing when he’s grown too sensitive inside of you. 
You slip off of him with ease, staring at his strong, yet breathless figure beneath you for a moment, drinking in the sight of him completely spent and looking ethereal against your sheets. His body shines with a sheen of sweat and you know he’s exhausted his energy, mostly due to pleasuring you, but you both know it was well worth it. 
His chest rises and falls with his eyes closed as you reach to clean him up, gently pulling off the condom before rushing with it and the ripped wrapper to the adjoined bathroom to dispose of. When you return, his eyes are open as he takes in your naked body climbing onto the bed to lay against his chest, and he doesn’t hesitate to wrap an arm around you just so he can hold you next to him. 
His fingers brush over your exposed back, putting your body at ease even though your mind still wanders over his previous words. 
“What would make you think I was ever embarrassed being with you?” you ask out of nowhere, and from his sudden sleepy mumbling, you’re aware you’ve taken him by surprise.
He sighs before he begins explaining himself, voice quiet and tone uncertain. “Well, you try to hide me when I come to your work.” He chuckles, and your cheeks burn because you know he’s right. “You never let me send you flowers, or do nice things like that. You tell me it’s because you don’t like them, but I think it’s really because you don’t want anyone to know they’re from me. And you have these charity functions, and different events, but you never want me as your date.”
“I—” You have no excuse as you listen to his explanation. You know he’s right, though you wish you could say he wasn’t. If you’re being honest, you would love to go to events or be proud you had someone so caring stopping by your work, bringing you lunch, or even on special occasions like birthdays or even Valentines day, receiving flowers from him you could brag about, but it always seemed like so much more trouble explaining your relationship a million times instead of just keeping your private life private. “I’m not embarrassed. I could never be because, well, you’re incredible, too. And I… I’m really sorry.” 
“Don’t be,” he assures you as you lift your head from his chest to look up at him. When he notices, he grins and motions for you to come closer, wanting your affection in the form of your lips against his own. For a moment, you kiss him to rid him of the worries this time. Even if he plays it off like it’s not a big deal, you’re certain it must bother him if he mentioned it in the first place. “Like I said, I know what we have is special… in more ways than one.”
“It is?” you question, just to hear him tell you.
“Of course. With our arrangement, and how I feel about you.” 
You bite your lip, hesitating to ask, but you gain the courage to do so anyway. “And how do you feel?” He looks away for a moment, his hand still tracing patterns on your back. The longer he takes to answer, the more curious you grow. “I don’t mean just taking care of me or being there when I call, but really, how do you feel? I need to know, because—”
“I do really care,” he blurts out, interrupting you and his wide eyes tell you it took a lot of courage for him to admit the words. “Like, really care. Not just for our arrangement or because you do nice things for me but… well, when you said that about being with someone else, about me finding someone else, it made me wonder if you would do the same. If you would be with other men and not be with me.”
Oh, he’s jealous, you realize. Thankfully he isn’t a jerk about it, and the fact that he’s having a discussion with you about how he feels instead of treating you differently because of it has your heart swelling. He really does care. He really does want to be with you. 
“I haven’t been, if that’s what you mean,” you tell him honestly. It’s not like work has given you any free time, and if you had it, you’re confident he would be the first man you would call if you needed company. “Not since I met you. I haven’t been with anyone else.” You never wanted anyone else, you tell yourself, but you don’t add the comment. 
He sighs, as if a weight has been lifted, but he remains quiet. 
“And… I don’t want to be, if you’re curious about that as well,” you tell him, meeting his eyes before noticing him trying to stop himself from grinning with pride. 
“You don’t?” he asks, and you shake your head. “I don’t want anyone else, either. I just want… I want to be with you.” 
He’s said it before, but now the words seem to mean so much more. He isn’t just talking in the moment, or taking trips, or being affectionate and physical. He wants to be more than just an arrangement, more than just a phone call away and a date and time to be together and then you’re back to your own lives. No, he wants you. Just you. Only you. 
There are a million butterflies in your stomach as you consider the thought, then you curse at yourself for acting as if you’re a teenager again. You can’t really be blamed when you haven’t felt something so real in so long. After all the years of working on your business, being alone, being lonely, and now he is before you with nothing but adoration in his eyes and words that you didn’t know could mean so much. How could you deny him? You swear you don’t think you could ever tell him no, not even now.
“It might be selfish of me,” he begins, but you quickly interrupt with lips colliding against his own, pulling him closer with a hand around his neck, and he doesn’t hesitate to hold you against his body. His hands begin to wander like it’s the first time he’s touching you, and the feeling of being so desired has warmth blossoming in your chest. 
“I want that, too,” you say with a gasp, pulling away from his lips. “I… want to be with you, too.” The urgency in your voice as you blurt out the words assures him you feel the same. The widest smile crosses his face, and he can’t help to pull you in for another kiss.
The first of many now that the two of you have said what’s on your minds, allowing your emotions to run free and give your hearts what you both desire. You need one another, to care for each other, offer company and someone to confide in, and be there for one another without it just being an arrangement. And in the moment, you have his arms to hold you as the two of you slip beneath to covers, feeling his fingertips trace circles against your bare back while you fall asleep against his chest, finally getting that good night’s rest you have been missing out on for weeks. 
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gnostiquette · 2 years
the satan: oh foolish mortal...i greet you, to reveal your desires unto you! me: ok hey what's up the satan: i have decided to test you, to-day, to discern your commitment to The Good me: sounds great! so, do i have to reject a kingdom of glory and riches or refuse to jump off a building and make God save me or— the satan: oh no none of that. this'll be much simpler. i am going to present you with a series of ethical situations! ahahaha! me: oh sweet i think about these all the time the satan: perfect...it is time for The First Situation! now, picture a city that is so perfect, everyone is happy and no one is ever sad and there's cakes and festivals and orgies and— me: is this Omelas the satan: me: like this is just gonna be the Le Guin story with the kid in the basement right the satan: ...yeah. ok so there's the kid and the basement and there's the torture, ok yeah you know this one. right. so anyway...you have just learned about the kid being tortured in the basement. what is your judgement here? me: well uh, i guess i walk away the satan: aha but i didn't ask you what you'd do, did i? me: oh come on you tricky little fuck. ok. yeah this situation sucks the satan: and why, pray tell, do you say that is, despite all the happiness and nonsadness and cakes and festivals and orgies and whatnot? me: i suppose it's just that none of that shit justifies torturing a kid in a basement forever. also all that shit sounds kinda gay when you put it like that. like some weird Dutch fag shit the satan: ah. well, moving on, you whimsy-hating homophobe— me: what, just because i say that sounds like Dutch fag shit makes me homophobic? i'm gay you know i can call shit fag shit if i want the satan: —moving on, you would agree with the statement that whatever the consequence, it is inherently wrong to torture a child, hmm? me: well yeah that sounds about right the satan: aha...! me: wait why'd you make that noise the satan: wh-what me: that clicking noise. that was you right the satan: oh no no noise of things clicking into place emanated from my nostrils me: you worded that pretty weirdly, you know the satan: it's time for The Second Situation! you have cro— me: damn you just straight up evaded what i was saying the satan: —you have crossed The First Situation, i was saying, so now it is time for round two. ahem. now, firstly, would you agree that, in general, lying and stealing and cheating are bad? me: well, yeah. i don't like lying, and in general it seems pretty fucked up to cheat and steal the satan: so now you have come across a man in the street who is starving and wounded. after one hour he will die if he is not fed and treated for his wound. there is a store nearby but you are flat broke and have no pocket money, and begging isn't an option. even if you ask your friends to PayPal you they will not be able to get back to you for another two hours. the ER is too far away and there's too much traffic for an ambulance to arrive and take him there in less than an hour and a half, but there is a clinic nearby able to take anyone immediately. however the clinic only accepts people with insurance, and neither of you have an insurance card. you are, however, fairly confident that you can make up fake details that they would be willing to accept. me: what are you trying to write a Jacobin article or something. i'm already a socialist, you don't need to lay out how fucked up our healthcare system or whatnot is, i already know— the satan: okok sure this would never happen under socialism blahblahblah the point is what would you do in this situation me: but in the last one the point was my judgement not what i do. this is getting confusing the satan: DIFFERENT SITUATIONS HAVE DIFFERENT RULES OK?? GOD JUST LEAVE IT AT THAT FOR NOW God: OH HEY SATAN DID YOU JUST CALL UPON ME the satan: HOLD ON I'M STILL TESTING THIS GUY GIVE ME A SECOND God: OH OK THAT'S YOUR JOB AFTER ALL. I SHALL LEAVE YOU TO IT. JUST DON'T BE TOO MEAN
the satan: FUCK. ok. ok. anyway here's the question. assuming you're also relatively confident you can shoplift without getting caught, do you steal a couple things from the store for the man to eat and do you present fake information to the clinic to get them to accept the guy and treat his wound me: yeah totally. i don't want him to die or anything. i'd gladly do just about anything to save someone's life the satan: so in other words, doing bad things like lying, stealing, and cheating in order to accomplish a good thing such as saving a life is good, right? me: sure, i'd say so the satan: AAAAAHH-HAA! i have TRAPPED you! for your response to the first situation implies that good inheres in the act itself, regardless of consequences, and your response to the second implies that good inheres in the consequences of an act, regardless of the means!
me: i mean...not necessarily? like— the satan: wh-what do you mean, mortal me: well, perhaps i think the negative consequences of torture for the child far outweigh the positive consequences for everyone else the satan: what the fuck is that you're doing me: oh i mean you're doing red text, i figure i do blue text, i figure this is like an Umineko thing or whatever the satan: fine. sure. you can do that. whatever. none of this matters to me. why did i pick this fucking job in the first place me: the satan: ...ok, the townspeople get far more happiness than the kid gets suffering me: but what if suffering itself is worth more in moral accounting than happiness, for instance the satan: then how about this? in the second example, you could have caused the shop to shut down due to lost trust with the distributor! you could have caused the clinic to lose their licence over insurance fraud! those could have easily caused far more suffering than if the man simply passed out and died after an hour! me: that's...that sounds far-fetched, but you said it in red, so. ok what if good actually inheres in the character of the person doing the act, so a virtuous person would refuse to sanction torturing a child for the greater good and gladly steal and cheat to save a man's life the satan: virtue ethics is unable to provide actionable guidance! me: oh? the satan: all you can do is imagine what a virtuous person would do, and different people have wildly different imaginations! me: well hmm. that's fair. i'm not sure i could personally live with that, especially in an age where we're getting ever closer to potentially misaligned AI. what if there's rules that say you must never do some things but then other rules can be broken if there's something more important the satan: if those rules exist, then list them off and justify them to me >: ) me: uh, don't torture, don't rape...don't kill is up there, but what if you're killing someone to defend someone else...wait fuck no, what about bombing civilians to end a war, that doesn't sound justifiable at all...god damn it... God: OH HELLO YES I'M BACK the satan: NO FUCK NO WAIT NO God: HELLO DEAR SWEET MORTAL CHILD. IS MY EMPLOYEE BEING TOO HARD ON YOU? OH DEAR I CAN GIVE YOU AN ANSWER IF THIS IS GOING TOO POORLY the satan: oh come on please just let me do my job like normal God: MY DEAR LITTLE CREATURE I HOPE YOU KNOW YOU CAN SIMPLY RELY ON MY EDICT AND ALL THESE DILEMMAS BECOME AS DUST IN THE BROOM OF AN OLD FAT LADY me: why thank you, my Lord, but no matter how perfect You are, it remains that divine command theory is a fundamentally subjectivist theory that cannot provide a truly objective and impersonal basis for ethics, and subjective morality is not a risk i'm really willing to take God: BUT AREN'T I PERFECT FOR YOU AND ALL THINGS MY PRECIOUS LITTLE CREATION me: why, yes, but there's a small but persistent chance You're a figment of my imagination, just like the satan over here, and— the satan: hhHHEYYY NOW me: —and i know that You love righteousness, so really i'd rather continue pleasing You even if You weren't around to tell me what righteousness is God: WHY THAT IS VERY SWEET OF YOU. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M JUST GOING TO STRAIGHT UP LIFT YOU TO HEAVEN LIKE THAT MERRY OLD FELLOW FAUST me: wait huh the satan: w-wait Lord don't you think you're being a bit hasty in judgement a chorus of angels: [grabbing me and lifting me into the aether] ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*HE WHO STRIVES ON AND LIVES TO STRIVE CAN EARN REDEMPTION STILL*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ me: [rapidly disappearing into the sky, utterly bewildered] wait. hold on. hold up. wait,
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windvexer · 1 year
banishing (how to do it)
yeah this is like all UPG but it works good for me, take what you will and leave the rest behind.
if your response to this is "but most people never ever have to deal with unwanted spirit problems so you're probably wrong if you think it's a spirit! do shadow work and touch grass!" please let me invite you to just not interact with this post at all.
Don't cleanse. Like please don't, why do people do this??
"I am confident an unwanted spirit is in my home and I cleansed but nothing happened."
Okay, an unwanted guest is in your home and you did a bit of vacuuming and washing the dishes, so why are they still there??
Why WOULDN'T they be there?! It's nicer now??? It's better for them to stay?!?!?!
"I want to break up with my boyfriend so I did his laundry but he's still texting me :/"
Cleansing =/= banishing and cleansing should be saved for cleaning up after an unwanted spirit after they are banished, which again, is not accomplished by cleansing.
Stop raising wards that trap the spirit inside.
"I cleansed and put up a protection but that only made the problem worse!"
Yes you did a wash up and locked the spirit inside with you, of course it's pissed off. It's trapped.
If you feel the need for immediate protection when dealing with a spirit problem, craft an amulet that serves as a personal protection for you. NOT one that seals off the entrances to your home.
Once the spirit problem is taken care of and you are confident its presence has been removed, feel free to raise up those wards sky high.
Also, if you are heavy-handed with the warding, spirits can sometimes just get trapped inside regardless. Learn how to temporarily "switch off" wards when you need to so things can leave.
Put your fucking foot down and tell the spirit to leave.
This will solve a surprising number of unwanted spirit problems. Not all of them, and come on, please stop telling people they never need to learn actual banishing skills just because telling spirits to leave works most of the time.
But you gotta do it. And I mean you don't have to be an asshole about it. You don't have to jump right into screaming in the spirit's general direction and threatening all such harm on it.
And there's plenty of good reasons to start with this step, especially if you want to be a spirit worker, but that's neither here nor there. Just tell them to leave.
Go to an area where you think the spirit is, or go where its private and speak with the intent that the spirit will hear you.
(You may also sign or write; would generally not recommend doing this operation entirely mentally)
"Hey, Dude. I know you're here, and I want you to know that you must leave. It is no longer an option for you to stay. I request that you leave immediately, and I request that you do not come back to this place. Leave now and we part ways in peace."
Do not go belly up and beg the spirit. It benefits you to behave with authority and dignity.
DO NOT try to "soften the blow" by twisting your words into something that is no longer a demand that the spirit depart. "Hey, if it's okay with you, I'm hoping you'll leave soon, or as soon as you're able... I don't feel comfortable with you here, and I'd prefer if you went." Great, now the spirit knows how you feel. So what?
Banish the spirit (or human, or whatever).
Presumably we're at this step because the prior step ("bro, seriously just leave and never come back") did not work.
Obtain correspondences heavily associated with banishing, use them to enchant a candle, burn the candle.
Can't use a candle? Try a simmer pot.
No fire at all, including incense? Try a floor wash (test carpets to ensure there will not be staining).
Can't burn things or clean the house? Try a sigil you visualize being imprinted on all the walls of your home.
Can't visualize? Consecrate something to represent the spirit, drop it in a jar of water along with banishing correspondences, swirl it around like a whirlpool, chant about the spirit being washed away.
No waterproof containers? Consecrate something to represent the spirit, stand on the edge of your property, throw it off the edge of the property.
You get my drift -- do magic. Do magic. Do magic that banishes. Use magic specifically to banish. Not to cleanse the vibrations or whatever. Specifically magic intended to yeet a spirit.
At this point, do not try to ignore the problem or keep talking it out. Do not just try to meditate or whatever. Do magic. Do magic that banishes.
Here's a banishing spell if you need it:
Basil, cloves, red pepper
Candle (ideally, red)
Paper and ink
Small offering
Draw the planetary seal of mars and the planetary square on a piece of paper, ideally in red. Dress a candle in oil (*burning your house down is an effective way to banish a spirit but perhaps too heavy-handed; dress with care) and include either one or three dried, powdered herbal correspondences to it.
Dedicate the candle to Mars. ("Planet Mars, someone on the internet told me you'd help me if I asked - I'm asking now. I give this candle to you. It belongs to you now.")
Put the candle near the paper.
Evoke Mars. ("Planet Mars, where your symbol exists so you exist. Where your planetary square exists, so do you exist. The space has been made welcoming to you through the presence of these Martian correspondences.") The martian correspondences are the basil/cloves/peppers, btw ("I ask you to bring your attention now to me. I ask you to dwell fully in this space.")
Read the Orphic hymn to Ares if you'd like a little extra elbow grease behind your evocation.
Petition Mars. ("So please get rid of this spirit, it seriously sucks so bad.")
Offer payment. ("In exchange for this help I know you will provide, I give you this candle and also this [small offering].")
Seal the deal. No, you do not need to be able to receive psychic confirmation from a planet or whatever, but do not proceed if you feel any gut-level bad feelings or suddenly get a ton of anxiety. If that happens, be like, "Mars, buddy, never mind - I get a bad feeling about this, so I'm noping out. Thanks for listening while you did. Leave in peace."
But if you feel fine about moving ahead, just be like, "now I give you Mars this offering, and I light your candle, with full and total assuredness that this spirit will be permanently banished from my space, my life, and my home."
[Light the candle, give the offering]
The spirit should be gone before you put up wards
Residual ickyness can make you feel the spirit is still nearby even if its been banished
Cleanse your space and see if the symptoms of the spirit return.
If symptoms return, the spirit has not been banished.
If they don't return,
Put up wards.
Ya got haunted because ya didn't have a fence up to stop random cows from wandering into the garden of your life and trampling all your hard work. Put up the wards.
Oh, but maybe the banishment didn't work, in which case:
Mitigate symptoms.
I mean yeah, maybe try at least a few more types of magical banishing, call in a priest even. But!
Not every spirit can be banished. That's just the long and short of it.
As humans we have the capacity to intertwine our lives, intentionally or otherwise, with forces that cannot be immediately removed from our presence.
Like if the grand spirit of a forest hates all humans and you build a house in the forest, you're not going to be able to banish the forest from the forest, you feel me?
Sometimes, banishing isn't the solution.
As rare as it is, it happens. Make personal protections, use mirror or other illusory wards to hide from its attention, make reparations if possible, avoid attracting attention, and get on with your life.
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radiant-reid · 1 year
Baby Spencer x hotch daughter first meeting maybe? I’d kind of like to think that maybe they had met before or liked each other. Like they go to the same coffee shop and meet there and talk. And he is finally worked up to courage to ask her out and just before he’s going to leave to meet her, she walks in and is introduced as hotch’s daughter.
"Rushing off to see your girlfriend?" Morgan asks with a smirk.
Spencer had thought he made a clean getaway when no one was in the bullpen but he made the mistake of putting his mug in the dishwasher instead of just leaving and Morgan snuck up on him.
"She's not my girlfriend." Spencer denies, blushing guiltily. Maybe one day, he thinks every time at the coffee shop.
"Man, we just got home from a week-long case, you haven't slept in 32 hours, but you're still going to get coffee with her." Morgan reminds him, chuckling slightly at how whipped his friend is.
"It's because I always see her on Sundays," Spencer replies shortly. wanting to get out of there.
Morgan pats him on the back. "Have fun then."
Before Spencer can reply, someone he knows walks through the door, someone he's definitely not expecting to see at the BAU. You.
He's surprised you're here, wondering how you found him, what you need.
And even more to his surprise, Morgan greets you with a hug. "Hey, sweetness, how are you?"
Spencer watches in shock as you hug Morgan back, definitely like you're very friendly with him. Does that mean you knew who Spencer was when you met? Is this some kind of sick, elaborate prank?
"Good." You reply, flashing a quick smile at Spencer that Morgan catches onto and frowns at. "Is he here?"
Morgan seems to know who you're talking about. "Yeah."
"I thought I'd come see him since someone missed our coffee shop date." Your bold wink following the statement has Spencer blushing like crazy. Then you're gone, walking away from the boys.
Morgan's eyebrows raise and he turns to look at Spencer. "That's coffee shop girl!?" He explains, even before you're out of earshot.
"Who is she?" Spencer asks back.
"Hotch's daughter, how did you not know that?" Morgan fills Spencer in on information that has him seriously alarmed.
He's been dating Hotch's daughter!? Jack's young enough that he assumed Hotch's other child was less than ten years older and away at boarding school or something, not an adult in DC that he's been unknowingly building a relationship with.
And his crush is far too big to let go of now.
Morgan's laughing next to him. "Oh, that's too good."
"What am I going to do?" Spencer repeats the question running through his head.
"Ask her out," Morgan says with a shrug. "It just means one day, Hotch will be your father-in-law."
That's a terrifying thought to Spencer, not marrying you but having Hotch related to him, even if it is just through marriage.
He stresses about what to do in the corridor rather than going home or sitting in the bullpen where he's within your line of sight. He's not sure whether it's going to be a good thing or not, but only a few minutes later, you come through the glass doors. Thankfully, you're without your father.
"Hey." You say awkwardly, coming to stand in front of him. "I hope you know I was joking with the coffee shop comment."
Spencer nods. "Did you know who I was?" He asks the question that's been burning in his mind. He's not sure which is the worse option.
"No." You assure him. "I didn't even consider it." Neither of you had spoken about your jobs much, and all Spencer had really said is that he travels for work often. "I'm sorry I never told you my last name."
"It's okay," Spencer shakes his head. "It's nice to see you."
You beam back. "It's nice to see you too."
"Do you want to get coffee?" He finally asks, unsure where the confidence came from. It's a big leap of faith, but he's relatively sure Hotch can't fire him over it. "If it's okay for me to ask you out romantically."
It definetly wasn't what you were expecting but you nod eagerly. "I'd love that."
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irisintheafterglow · 5 months
hi iris i hope u have been well!!
wanted to request a little fluff/mutual pining moment between Satoru and reader who's also an instructor but they only ever get to see eachother during exchange events/higher up meetings/a mission every now and then (it's not for a lack of wanting to pursue eachother but neither of them have put in the effort bc they're both have commitment issues and deem themselves unworthy of trying) i think it would be soooo cute and i'm just dying to see Satoru and reader's students tease them about their VERY obvious chemistry... and hopefully something finally coming out of it in the end :-)
hehe thank u so much and as always you're the best!!
i hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this!
wc: 2.6k
cw/tags: coworkers to lovers, idiots in love, reader and gojo have no idea what they're doing, swearing, mentions of drinking, fluffy fluffy fluff
note: hi anon! thank you so much for the ask, hope you like it!! i definitely got a little carried away writing it just because it's such a cute premise lol
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated !!
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A piece of paper slides inconspicuously into your peripheral vision and it takes all of your willpower not to smirk. With equal nonchalance, you carefully peek under the ripped corner of the meeting agenda and can’t help smiling at the message scrawled on it. 
We’re drinking after this (not optional). 
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye and see him leaning back in his office chair, arms crossed and looking like he’d rather be dipping his limbs in molten lava. Even with his blindfold, you can see the boredom in his expression and you bite your tongue to keep from laughing. His inability to appear professional was going to be the death of you both. 
“Gojo, are you listening?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah,” he says with blatant dishonesty that makes you bite your bottom lip and carefully observe the dusty ceiling tiles. “I was just in…deep thought.” He tastes the last two words like philosophies to be pondered and it suddenly becomes much harder to continue to have a blank expression. Their first mistake was picking a verbal fight with him. 
“Deep thought about what?” Their second mistake was letting him keep talking.  
“Ah, you know, the usual things.” You can feel his attention flick to you for a moment and it gives him a wave of confidence to continue to be a little pest at a meeting neither of you wanted to be attending. It was his favorite pastime, after all, to get you to smile at his shenanigans despite the bullshit you were hearing. “The meaning of life, the wonders of love,” he begins before his volume drops so that only you could hear it, “Why this couldn’t have been a fucking email–”
“What was that?” You suppress a snort into your fist and take a sip of water, hoping the other meeting attendees couldn’t see that you were tearing up from trying not to laugh. The angry-faced higher up scowls at him, catching the biting tone but not his words. Satoru merely smiles innocently, like every utterance was of the purest and most amicable intentions. 
“Nothing,” he sings and you cough into your sleeve to hide a laugh. The other higher ups with their ugly suits and balding heads look at you curiously, but all you can see is Satoru’s shit-eating grin from beside you. “I’m just worried for you, is all.” The higher-up at the front of the room scoffs, still believing the show. 
“Worried? For me?”
“Mhmm,” he nods, his brows drawn in fake concern. “I just know you don’t have a lot of time left on this plane and, well, wonder why you’re choosing to spend it here,” he states with a vague gesture around the musty room. An embarrassing noise of amusement escapes from your throat and you try in vain to regain your composure, only to fall into a fit of uncontrollable coughing. Satisfied with his achievement, he abruptly stands from his chair and pulls yours away from the desk. “My work here is finished. We’re leaving.” His finger gently taps your shoulder twice and you obey, standing and heading for the door while he pushes in your chair behind you. The official at the front of the room has turned beet-red.
“The arrogance of you two–”
“We’re done here. If you say anything important, Ijichi will tell me. I doubt the possibility, though,” Satoru states with finality, opening the door for you and shooting the room of stunned officials one last smirk. Too lazy to walk through the winding halls or take the snail-paced elevator, a flick of your wrist opens a portal into an alley on the side of the building. Your colleague lets out a whistle of approval as your shoes cross from dirty carpet to asphalt, finally taking in fresh air after hours of sitting in the stale conference room. The moon shines in all of its winter glory and you shiver against the welcome chill, comforted by the chatter of the city’s nightlife. “Still up for that drink?”
“As long as you’re buying it,” you reply. “I’m gonna call the kids first and let them know I’m out.”
“Tell them I say hi,” he says without missing a beat, leaning against a nearby wall to wait for you to finish. Utahime picks up after two rings. 
“Hello? Ah, you’re finally done. That’s great!” Your coworker’s voice temporarily becomes muffled while she answers questions of who she’s talking to, followed by a chorus of your name imploring you to come back. “Everyone, say hi!” Your beloved students greet you enthusiastically and you smile at their enthusiasm. “Will you be on your way soon?”
“In a little,” you say, slightly sheepish as your eyes flick over to the man behind you. “I’m gonna get a drink.”
“You’re going by yourself?” 
“Not exactly,” you answer slowly and the realization hits Utahime as she breaks out into a lecture on how Satoru isn’t good enough for you. “Easy, easy. It’s just a drink, nothing else.” Your whispered attempts to placate your friend’s indignance prove futile and you settle for letting her get all of her complaints out. 
“He’s a no-good playboy with a rock for a brain and a chatterbox of a mouth, you idiot,” she concludes after her lengthy rant. “I don’t want you getting hurt because he’s too scared to make any commitments.”
“I’m not making any commitments either, Utahime,” you remind her and you can imagine her rolling her eyes from the other side of the line. “It’s just a drink,” you reiterate, but you still hear her grunt of disapproval. “I’ll see you in a bit, yeah?”
“Mhmm,” she responds skeptically. “Don’t do anything dumb.” 
“Love you too, Utahime,” you laugh, hanging up the phone and sticking it back in your pocket. “Alright, let’s go,” you call to Satoru, who eagerly pushes off the wall and drags you out of the alley. “We haven’t eaten, so we’re getting dinner too.” 
“Whatever you want,” he grins. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t harbor some sort of romantic affections toward Satoru, but you were also resigned to the fact that you’d never act on it. He was the most powerful human being on the planet; how could you be worthy of loving such a man? Still, in times like this, where it was just the two of you walking hand-in-hand to who knows where, your mind tended to drift into thoughts of what could be if you weren’t in this line of work. It would be nice to love him, that’s all. Yeah, it’d be really nice to love him. 
You couldn’t explain any of this to your students the next morning, though, when they interrogated you on who you were with the entire night. When you let his name slip, the shock in the room was palpable. 
“See, I knew you guys had a thing for each other!” Miwa points her sword at you accusingly, far more fired up than you’d ever seen her before. “I thought I was the only one who noticed how he looked at you!”
“There is nothing of the sort, so I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you counter, pushing the sheathed blade to the side. Your other students fight back with full force. 
“It’s so obvious that he likes you,” Mai says, like it’s an insult. “Teasing you all the time? Making excuses to crash your meetings?”
“Bringing you lunch if he’s within a fifty mile radius of our campus,” Nishimiya adds and her classmates nod in agreement. “Do you know how many times I’ve caught him trying to surprise you by air?”
“That could be just part of a working relationship,” you argue, but they’re relentless. “How would you know anything about his intentions? Maybe he’s just being nice!”
“I believe his intentions with you are, indeed, romantic,” Kamo reiterates and you groan, hiding your burning face in your hands. “I can’t say I don’t see the vision. You’re a powerful duo.”
“Your marriage would make the brass shit themselves,” Mai muses with a cynical glint in her eye. “Can you imagine having a baby that can send Hollow Purple through a portal?”  
“Oh, their children would be so beautiful,” Miwa squeals and it’s like waterfalls of sweat come rushing from your forehead.
“Alright, alright. Let’s not talk about marriage or babies, please,” you cut in, quick to nip that conversation in the bud. You can’t tell if it’s the weather making your palms clammy or the unending tirade of comments about your dating life. “We can change the topic of conversation now,” you say in an attempt to get the heat off of you for a little bit. “Todo, how’s that idol you like so much doing?” It’s a good idea, initially, but the thought of you and Satoru together seemed to be brainwashed over your students.
“She’s wonderful, just as the two of you in love is a wonderful sight.” Todo can’t seem to help himself as he announces his enthusiasm for your romantic endeavors, teleporting across the room and swapping positions with his classmates from claps of pure excitement. Mechamaru provides a single thumbs-up when you look to him for support, and you pinch the bridge of your nose between your fingers.
“I think it’s cute how you act like you hate him and then can’t seem to stay away during events like this. Love is so complex,” Miwa sighs, resting her chin on her hand and staring off dreamily. You scoff, hoping they can’t tell how fast your heart rate has picked up. “I wish I were in love.”
“It’s not love. If anything, it’s just admiration. Yeah, it’s just admiration,” you conclude and you’re met with skeptical stares. 
“Yeah, admiration of his hot bod,” Miwa mutters and you open a portal without thinking, allowing some fat drops of rain from who knows where to fall on her head. It was a common form of discipline, summoning portals to unruly weather conditions, and your students sit up a little straighter in understanding. “Fine, okay, okay. I’m done.”
“You sure? If you’re not done, I’m gonna send you to the Amazon again.”
“Yes, fine. I’m done, I promise.”
“Done with what?” You stiffen, mentally kicking yourself for not registering his presence sooner. Had he not taken up your entire attention, you would have sent Miwa to South America for the gasp of excitement she let out when Satoru appeared. It seemed that none of you knew he was listening until he leaned against the doorframe, all six feet of height taking up the entire space. He was wearing his signature shit-eating grin that made you want to choke him with his own blindfold. “You gossiping in here?”
“Nope, just going over strategy,” you lie straight to his face and he hums, not believing you for a second. “Shouldn’t you be doing that, too? With your own students?” You stand and attempt to push him out of the room, only to find him completely immovable. His hand covers yours, lacing your fingers together in a way that makes you a little dizzy. 
“All in good time,” he says carefreely, as if the action with your hands was second-nature. “For now, can I steal you away for a moment? It won’t take long.” You can practically hear the waggling eyebrows from your students and nod, unable to form a biting response because of the crashing trains of thought in your mind. His hand remains holding yours as he all but pulls you outside, finally dropping it when the excited chatter of your students has subsided. “You okay? You seem a little frazzled,” he asks once you’re far enough from any eavesdropping attempts.
“Yeah, my kids are just being a little…funny, today,” you exhale, trying to hide your unease with a nervous giggle. “You know them; they love to make up their own little stories.” He raises his eyebrows in amusement, matching your pace as you walk down a random outdoor corridor of the Tokyo campus. 
“Mine have actually been doing the same thing,” he confesses after a brief moment of awkward silence. “Making speculations, drawing connections. Seems to be a good exercise in pattern-recognition.” You know he means it as a joke, but all you can think about is Miwa’s comment on admiring Satoru’s ‘hot bod.’ Had his students picked up on your behavior, too?
“What are some of these connections they’re drawing?”
“Connections about my behavior around…hmm,” his voice trails off and the corner of his mouth turns down into a frown, like he was unhappy with his students’ observations. “They’ve noticed things about the way I, well,” he stammers and for the first time, you witness Gojo Satoru get tongue-tied. “Somethings that they’ve seen and heard and–”
“Satoru.” You halt both of your strides and cross your arms defensively over your chest, slightly uncomfortable from Satoru’s inability to express himself when he would otherwise be talking your ear off. “What is this about?”
“My students know I like you,” he states bluntly and your heartbeat momentarily stops pounding in your ears. His students know that he what? “And they also theorize,” he stops to clear his throat, adjusting his collar and avoiding your eyes, “that you may reciprocate the same feelings.” Any words that you can form get caught in your throat, an odd mixture of happiness, shock, and pure dread stirring around in your brain. All you could do is blink at him, dumbly, while he shifts between the balls of his feet. “Please, say something.”
“You like me,” you repeat, tasting the words like a fancy wine you’ve never tried before breaking out into the widest smile you’ve ever felt. “Holy shit, you like me?”
“You’re smiling,” he states, still trying to process what was happening. “That’s a good thing, right?”
“Holy shit, you like me!” Your voice raises on its own and you take a step back in surprise, covering your face with your hands to try and contain your emotions. “What the fuck, Satoru?”
“Yeah, that’s,” he mumbles as he watches you celebrate, “that’s how I’m feeling too.” 
“Wait, so what do we do now?” 
“I have no idea. I didn’t expect to get this far,” he admits, rubbing the back of his neck and combing his fingers through his hair. “I was waiting for you to slap me and tell me to go to hell.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because I didn’t think you liked me back,” he sputters and the joy in both you and Satoru’s chests finally breaks loose in a fit of unending laughter. “Holy shit, I was so worried for nothing.”
“They’re gonna be so excited when we get back, they won’t be able to focus on the Exchange Event.”
“I don’t think I can focus on the Exchange Event.”
“Then we can postpone it!” You both flinch as a voice that was definitely not one of yours calls from behind a nearby wall, followed by a terrified oh, shit! as Satoru goes barreling around the corner and drags out the culprits by the collars of their shirts. Yuuji, the pink-haired student from Tokyo, and Miwa both try to explain themselves as they dangle weightlessly from Satoru’s hands. “Gojo, sir, we swear we weren’t trying to–”
“Hold on,” you pause Yuuji’s explanation, sensing some extra energy signatures that weren’t succeeding at hiding themselves. “Come out now, or I’m opening the portal to the Arctic,” you command in the open air and watch the leaves rustle as the rest of the Tokyo and Kyoto students fall from a nearby tree. “It’s rude to eavesdrop,” you chuckle as Nishimiya picks a few branches from Mai’s hair. “Go clean yourselves up and then we can begin the games.”
“You free this weekend after the games to go someplace?” Satoru whispers in your ear once all of the students are gone. “I need a break from the prying eyes of teenagers.”
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HELLO hi im new here but. the. the concept of combining prompt number 11 with the idea of Furina having the hiccups and desperately trying to cover it up has me losing my MIND
“You’re so red, are you okay?”
Characters: Furina x gn!reader
warnings: none
a/n: Sorry it took me so long, I'm currently trying to get out of a writers block I've had for the past few weeks, so there might be a few more uploads in the next few days or nothing once again.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Today was supposed to be the day, everything down to the most minute detail planned out long before you even received the invitation. From the decorations of the room, the food and drinks Furina had asked her chef to prepare and her outfit, to the conversation topics she picked out specifically to impress you, having done her share of all-nighters filled with enough research to write a whole book about each and every one of them.
So when she started hiccuping only a few minutes into your little tea party, having answered one of your questions too eagerly while still having remnants of a small piece of cake in her mouth, the Archon wasn’t sure if she felt like screaming her frustrations out of the window or wanted to disintegrated into a puddle of water, yet, stuck with neither option, all that was left for her to do was try and keep shut until it finally stopped and draw as little attention to it as humanly- well… archonly possible.
If you had been paying any less attention to how great the food and drinks were and took a closer look at the person sitting opposite of you, you might have easily noticed how nervous she seemed all of a sudden, the sound of her voice talking about whatever subject you touched on growing much rarer. And yet, you chalked it up to her simply enjoying her food as well, not paying any mind to it before digging into the cake in front of you once again.
Or at least you were until the silence that had engulfed the room was suddenly interrupted by a… weird sound, there one moment before being gone almost instantly, only to pop up again and again, slowly drawing your attention to Furina as a curious look made its way onto your face.
“Did you hear that as well?”, you asked, expecting the Archon to give her usual confident sounding answer, one that would seem far-fetched but somewhat realistic enough to explain it all. Only for her to greet your question by visibly shrinking into her seat, embarrassment washing over her face as her cheeks grew redder and redder with each inch she shrank, before suddenly jerking her shoulders up for a split second as the same sound rang out through the room once more.
“N-no…?”, Furina managed to respond eventually, her answer sounding almost more like a question than yours while failing to look you in the eyes for even a second.
Once again silence swept over the room, neither of you daring to speak up again for a few seconds causing the sporadic sounds to be even more noticeable and considering how Furina tried covering her mouth and how the sudden jerks of her chest matched the times the sound appeared you slowly got an idea what you were dealing with. However, theory could only take you so far, and so you decided to test your hypothesis almost instantly.
“You’re so red, are you okay?” The moment you rose from your seat and leaned over the table, moving closer to Furina before almost pressing the back of your hand against her forehead, only for her to almost jump up from her seat, dodging your hand as if her life depended on it.
“What are you doing- DON’T COME ANY CLOSER!”, she practically screamed at you, causing you to stop in your tracks, her face somehow growing even redder than before as a feeling of shame washed over her.
“Is it gone now?”, you eventually asked, the crypticness of your question being obvious by the puzzled look you received at first, only for the lack of Furina’s hiccups to quickly dawn on her, causing a relieved look to sweep over her face… one that got quickly replaced by one of panic as she realized it meant all her attempts to hide it were futile.
“So you noticed…”, Furina stated, her nervousness causing her words to come out an octave higher.
“Noticed what?”, you played dumb, tilting your head ever so slightly before finally sitting down once again, the confusion on your Archon’s face quickly being washed away as a small expression of gratitude peaked its head.
“Do you wish for another cup of tea?”, Furina finally returned to her previous tone, both of you deciding to ignore that little incident and simply enjoy the rest of your time together.
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