#i'm gently cupping that idea's face and kissing it on the forehead
geotjwrs · 1 day
morning kisses
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; none
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The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the quiet neighborhood. Jenna had wrapped up a long day and was now settling into her room, enjoying the peace and quiet. She sat by her window, lost in thought, when she suddenly heard a faint rustling outside.
Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Y/N climbing up to her window. Shocked, she rushed to help him inside. "Y/N, what are you doing? There's a door downstairs!"
Y/N grinned sheepishly as he swung his leg over the windowsill. "It's too late for knocking on doors," he whispered, pulling her into a quick hug.
Jenna shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips despite her initial surprise. "You could have gotten hurt."
"But I didn't," Y/N replied softly, gazing into her eyes. "I just couldn't wait to see you."
Jenna's heart melted at his words. "Alright, you crazy romantic. Come on in."
They settled onto Jenna's bed, the room bathed in the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains. As they lay side by side, their fingers intertwined, they talked about their day.
"Today was so exhausting," Jenna sighed, resting her head on Y/N's shoulder.
Y/N nodded, gently stroking her hair. "I know. But now we're here, together. That makes it better, right?"
Jenna smiled, looking up at him. "Definitely."
They talked for a while longer, sharing stories and laughing softly to avoid waking anyone else in the house. Eventually, the conversation slowed, and a comfortable silence settled between them.
"Do you remember the first time we did this?" Jenna asked, breaking the silence.
Y/N chuckled. "Yeah, I nearly fell off the ladder trying to get up here."
Jenna laughed, her eyes crinkling with amusement. "And I had to shush you because you were so loud. I was sure we'd get caught."
"But we didn't," Y/N said, squeezing her hand. "And now we're experts at this."
"Speak for yourself," Jenna teased. "I still get nervous every time."
"Really?" Y/N asked, surprised. "You don't show it."
"I guess I'm good at hiding it," Jenna admitted. "But it's worth it."
They lay there for a while, simply enjoying each other's company. Jenna nestled into Y/N's side, her head resting on his chest. Y/N wrapped his arm around her, holding her close. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat lulled Jenna into a peaceful sleep.
Y/N watched her for a while, his heart swelling with love. He gently brushed a strand of hair from her face, smiling at how beautiful she looked in the soft light. It wasn't long before he too succumbed to the pull of sleep, feeling utterly content.
The next morning, the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. Jenna stirred, slowly waking up. She looked up at Y/N, who was still sound asleep, his face relaxed and peaceful. A smile spread across her face as she watched him, her heart filled with love.
An idea formed in her mind, and she contemplated waking Y/N with a kiss. She leaned in slowly, her lips just centimeters away from his. But as she got closer, she hesitated, embarrassment creeping in. What if he woke up at that moment? What if she looked silly?
She hovered there, caught between desire and shyness, her face growing warm with the proximity. Just then, Y/N's eyes fluttered open, and he found Jenna hovering above him, her face a picture of adorable uncertainty.
A slow, mischievous grin spread across his face. "Well, if you won't do it, I will" he said softly, his voice still husky from sleep.
Before Jenna could react, Y/N closed the small distance between them and captured her lips in a gentle, lingering kiss. Jenna melted into the kiss, her initial embarrassment fading away. She kissed him back, her hand moving to cup his cheek.
When they finally pulled away, both of them were smiling, their foreheads resting together. "Good morning," Jenna whispered, her eyes shining with affection.
"Good morning," Y/N replied, his thumb gently stroking her cheek. "That was a great way to wake up."
Jenna laughed softly, the sound like music to Y/N's ears. "I'm glad you think so."
They spent the morning wrapped in each other's arms, talking and laughing, sharing kisses.
"Do you have any plans for today?" Jenna asked, tracing circles on Y/N's chest with her finger.
"Just one," Y/N said, looking down at her. "Spend as much time with you as possible."
Jenna smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. "That sounds perfect."
They talked about everything and nothing, losing track of time as the sun climbed higher in the sky. The world outside seemed to disappear, leaving just the two of them in their little bubble of happiness.
Jenna played with Y/N's hair, a thoughtful look on her face. "You know, I've been thinking about us."
"Yeah?" Y/N prompted, curiosity piqued.
"Yeah," Jenna said, looking up at him. "I know we have to be careful, but... I don't want to hide us forever."
Y/N nodded, understanding. "Me neither. But for now, let's enjoy these moments."
Jenna smiled, leaning in to kiss him softly. "Agree."
When it was finally time for Y/N to leave, Jenna walked him to the window. He leaned down to give her one last kiss. "I'll see you later," he whispered, his forehead resting against hers.
"I can't wait," Jenna replied, her heart full.
With one final smile, Y/N slipped out of the window and disappeared into the morning light, leaving Jenna with a heart full of love and the memory of their perfect morning together.
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So that ask reblog...
4, 14, and 30? 4 feels like a tanjiro+ayame shenanigans while 30 is a perfect zenitsu with anyone. oh and 14 for the boy Inosuke can't forget him, totally can see him stealing clothes from the people he likes.
...if you want to 👉👈
of course i want to, i'm so not normal about fits and the idiots squad that even my best friends are embarrassed to be seen in public with me, considering how much I have both kny and fits on the brain
4. "i don't think either of us are qualified for this but sure, go for it."
Infiltration, as Ayame had mentioned before, was not a strong suit of the Kisatsutai. They were swordsmen and soldiers, first and foremost. They were not shinobi, who were more comfortable hiding behind disguises and fake names; their strengths lay in meeting their adversaries face to face with nothing but their breaths and their swords.
Zenitsu cleared his throat and delicately said, "The gyuus around Tokito-ya are pretty nice. And they never say no to a pretty face."
Ayame struggled not to make a face.
If they wanted a pretty face, Inosuke was ideal, but he wasn't at Tokito-ya with them. Even if he was, he wasn't allowed to speak because his attempts at falsetto were miserable at best - and mortifying at worse.
She drew her eyes to Tanjirou, wordlessly pleading with him. Sumiko had a much friendlier reputation than Ayako. Even if a pretty face wasn't his strong suit, wouldn't he be able to get information just by being earnest? That was why Koinatsu-Oiran had taken to him so easily. It certainly hadn't been anything Ayame had done!
"I can't do it," Ayame said slowly, returning her gaze to Zenitsu, who was looking at her expectantly. "I can't... flirt for information."
Her nose wrinkled. She could barely get the word out of her mouth.
"And," she added, "I don't think the gyuus would know that much. It would make more sense for me to ask the shinzous."
"It would," Zenitsu agreed easily - suspiciously, "but you're not getting very far with them either, ne?"
Damn it. He was right. Getting information from the shinzous wasn't going well; having been raised on Tokito-ya, they were more wary about being loose-lipped around anyone. They were more familiar with how a word spoken carelessly could end a career - and with it, any hope of freedom.
Nonetheless, Ayame found herself turning to Tanjirou with wide eyes. It was obvious what she was asking.
"I can't do it," Tanjirou yelped, cheeks red. "I don't know the first thing about fl - flir - flirt - "
He couldn't even *say* the word. He was far too honest to fake an attraction where there was none.
Zenitsu shrugged. "It was just a suggestion. Maybe we'll get lucky, ne?"
Ayame pursed her lips and shrugged. She knew better than most that luck was rarely on her side.
"If you stare at him any longer, he might combust."
Ayame glanced at Tanjirou as he sidled up to her side. She leaned back around the corner with a sigh.
"But that's the gyuu that hangs around Okami-san and Danna-san the most," she grumbled. She peered up at her partner. "He would know something, wouldn't he?"
They stood in silence for a moment. Zenitsu's ridiculous suggestion swirled in her mind.
"I should probably try," she said suddenly.
"... Yeah." Tanjirou nodded, a frown on his lips. "Of course. For Suma-san."
Right. For Suma-san.
She glanced around the corner again, then shook her head. "I'm not qualified for this."
This being this entire farce of an infiltration. She wasn't a shinobi, and she wasn't trained in getting information out of anyone.
A smile lifted the corners of his lips. "I don't think either of us are qualified for this but sure, go for it."
Ayame scrubbed her face, called up as much courage as she had and squared her shoulders. It was now or never. If it didn't work, then it didn't work. But if it did, then it was for the greater good.
"Wish me luck," she muttered and finally stepped around the corner to approach the gyuu.
She missed the way Tanjirou swallowed nervously, his eyes following her every move as his hand rose to fiddle with an earring.
(It didn't surprise her that she didn't manage to get any usable information. It did surprise Tanjirou - he would have told her everything she needed to hear if she had fluttered her eyelashes at him like that.)
14. "i've been looking for my hoodie-" "my hoodie, you mean."
Something else crashed to the ground. Inosuke let out a curse, before stomping out of his room and into another once more. He had been doing that for the last half an hour.
Ayame watched him, lifting her mug to her lips to take a sip of her hot tea before replacing it onto the dining table. Zenitsu was lazily watching Inosuke's circuit from the couch, golden eyes trailing after their irate friend.
Tanjirou only looked up from his laptop when Inosuke passed behind his chair for the third time.
"What is it?" he asked, as concerned as ever.
That was exactly what Inosuke was waiting for. He whirled on Tanjirou and declared, "I'm looking for my hoodie - "
"My hoodie, you mean."
At Ayame's interjection, Inosuke scowled and crossed his arms. Tanjirou slowly looked between his friends, his lips twitching.
"The blue one with the seigaiha on the pocket, right?" asked Tanjirou, even though he already knew the answer.
Anyone who knew Inosuke for longer than a week was aware that leaving any of their clothes unattended was just begging to have it stolen from them. He had already stolen a handful of Tanjirou's shirts, not to mention a couple of Zenitsu's cardigans. It was Ayame's fault for leaving her favourite hoodie lying on the sofa.
"Well? Where is it?" Inosuke demanded, finger pointed irately at Ayame's face.
She slurped at her tea loudly.
Then -
"I washed it," she said simply.
"You washed it?" Inosuke repeated, mouth dropping open. "Why?!"
"Inosuke, it was starting to smell. I hadn't washed it in a month when you stole it."
"I didn't steal it." Ayame raised an eyebrow at Inosuke's protest. "And I like it that way! Now, where is it?"
"In the washing machine - "
Inosuke took off running for the laundry room in the basement of their apartment. Ayame was hot on his heels, almost tripping over the mound of shoes that the four of them had failed to put away.
"Inosuke!" she shouted, voice echoing through the halls. "It's wet!"
"It's mine!"
"No, it's my hoodie! You have your own clothes!"
Zenitsu and Tanjirou shared an amused look.
"We should probably go with them," Zenitsu suggested, even as he made no move to leave his comfortable perch. "Before they break something, ne."
Tanjirou hummed, his eyes drifting back down to his notes. "Or," he said slowly, "we could just let them deal with it themselves while we enjoy the peace and quiet?"
They shared another look, then settled down to do their own things. It was just for a couple minutes...
30. "i can hear your heartbeat- why is it going so fast all of a sudden?"
Zenitsu had very good hearing. He knew it, his friends knew it, so they were used to his sudden comments. For example -
"I can hear your heartbeat - why is it going so fast all of a sudden?" he asked, squinting at Ayame-chan.
Ayame-chan jolted from her thoughts, frowning at him. "What? I don't know what you're talking about."
In the silence, Zenitsu focused on his friend. Sure enough, her heartbeat was elevated, drumming rapidly in her chest. he raised his gaze to hers, but her eyes skittered away from his. They wavered, glancing somewhere before settling on something by Zenitsu's ear.
Narrowing his eyes, he followed the path of her momentary glance. Then, an exasperated sigh left his lips. He didn't know why he was surprised.
Tanjirou was speaking to one of the senior Demon Slayers that was in Himejima's station with them. As he watched, Tanjirou laughed once more, his nose scrunching up in a way that even Zenitsu found cute.
The heartbeat next to him spiked once more.
"Seriously?" he asked, somewhat baffled, even though he shouldn't be.
Ayame-chan buried her face in her hands. The tips of her ears were red; he would bet every zeni he had that her face was completely red as well.
A smile tugged at Zenitsu's lips. Ne, Ayame-chan was getting even cuter these days - ever since she could admit that she was in love with Tanjirou.
"You guys," he sighed to himself, "are ridiculous."
Now that Zenitsu was privy to the way Ayame-chan was so effortlessly charmed by Tanjirou, he found himself tuning into the way their heartbeats reacted when they were around each other. He couldn't help but notice that Ayame-chan's heartbeat spiked whenever Tanjirou laughed - but not when he smiled. When his boulder-brained friend turned to Ayame-chan with the corners of his lips curled upwards, her heartbeat seemed to settle and a sweet tinkling sound of a higher-toned major chord would play in her sound.
It was so sweet that his teeth gnashed together. And they still had the audacity to not be together. He was going to scream.
He was so distracted by Ayame-chan's sudden spiking heartbeats that he almost completely missed Tanjirou's reaction.
It wasn't as obvious as Ayame-chan's. Rather than a sudden elevation followed by a serene drop, his heart rate quickened whenever Ayame-chan was nearby. Sometimes, the only way he realised Ayame-chan was near was when Tanjirou's heartbeat steadily accelerated until it was a steady drumming that was uncharacteristic of how languid his heartbeat usually was.
When Zenitsu noticed it the first time, his mouth dropped open in outrage. He was silent as he saw the way Tanjirou's eyes immediately sought out Ayame-chan - it didn't matter if she was speaking to someone else, or if she was looking for them. It was such a subtle thing; it was the sun beating down on you, relentless and gentle.
Gods. It wasn't just one single thing that Tanjirou found charming about Ayame-chan. He was just so hopelessly enamoured with her all the time that his heartbeat was always a little faster in her presence.
This, Zenitsu eventually realised, was the sound of love.
Yeah, he was definitely going to scream.
"Nezuko-chan, look out!"
Despite the ache in his legs, he crossed the distance between himself and Nezuko-chan with a breath. He pulled her small body close, spinning them around so the falling branch didn't so much as graze her. The panic on his tongue was a familiar sensation that he had almost forgotten in the year of peace they had experienced.
His heartbeat was roaring in his ears, almost drowning out Ayame's and Tanjirou's panicked shouts. The couple were quickly dropping whatever was in their hands as they quickly approached Zenitsu and Nezuko-chan. He couldn't understand a word of what they were saying.
Instead, he looked down at Nezuko-chan. Her dark pink eyes were wide, her lips still parted in shock.
Zenitsu glanced over his shoulder, almost sick at how large the branch was. It wouldn't have killed her, but it was still big enough that it would have injured her pretty badly.
"Are," he said through a dry mouth, "okay, Nezuko-chan?"
Nezuko-chan blinked, her eyes finding his. Pink dusted her cheeks as she nodded slowly.
Tanjirou sighed, raking his fingers through his hair. "Thank the gods Zenitsu was here."
"Yeah," Nezuko-chan said quietly. Then, her eyes widened. "But Zenitsu-san - you're hurt!"
Now that the adrenaline had passed, Zenitsu realised that his arm was aching and stinging. When he finally looked at his right arm, he nearly swooned at the blood welling up from the scratches on his arm, his sleeve torn.
"That's - ah - A - Ayame!" he whimpered.
"Honestly," Ayame muttered, a fondly exasperated smirk on her lips. "You're ridiculous, Zenitsu. Come on, let's go sit down. I'll see if I can rustle up a first-aid kit somewhere."
Nezuko-chan held Zenitsu up, laughing under her breath. The sound sank into Zenitsu's soul, keeping his heart light and full as they wobbled over to a raised wall. He sat down heavily, calmed by Nezuko-chan's warmth as she fussed over his injured arm.
Now that he wasn't panicking, the pain in his arm really wasn't that bad. He had gotten much worse injuries before; it was just the suddenness that had caught him off-guard.
The roaring in his ears subsided, but there was still a hummingbird heartbeat in his ears.
It took him a moment to realise that it was coming from Nezuko-chan. Even though the danger had passed, her heartbeat was still rapidly drumming in her chest.
And she was looking right at him.
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haikyuuhoo · 8 months
tired eyes
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pairing: gojo x reader
wc: 790
warnings: light angst, minor manga spoilers
a/n: tagging @shotorus in this bc sel your sleepy gojo thoughts made me unable to stop thinking about this idea I've wanted to write. I know this is so different to the vibes of what you were talking about but I figured you deserved the tag since this lil drabble finally made its way out of my head bc of you <3 (pls don't feel like you need to read this I'm nervy just tagging you lol)
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Gojo’s keys clang loudly against the bowl on the table in the entryway, and he has half a mind to cringe at the noise, seeing as it’s so late and you’re probably asleep by now. He unzips his jacket as he drags his feet in the direction of the bedroom, heaving out a sigh and finally letting his shoulders relax a little, letting some of the tension he’s been harboring for days leave his body. He's so tired that he feels like he could fall asleep in his clothes without even crawling beneath the duvet, though he knows he should at least shower first. But that's all forgotten when he steps into the warm glow spilling into the hallway from the light on your nightstand, and he hesitates for a moment when he notices that you're not asleep—in fact, you're very much awake, like you've been waiting for him.
Your gaze darts up when you see the figure in the doorway, a smile immediately lighting up your face. “You’re home,” you say as you set aside the book you were reading and pull your headphones off.
Gojo raises an eyebrow, making his way to the edge of the bed where you rise onto your knees to meet him. “You’re still up?”
And you nod, shrugging one shoulder slightly as you bring your hands up to cup his face. “Of course. Can’t really sleep well when I’m waiting for you to come back from a mission, ya know?” You say it so casually, but it makes him frown knowing you’re referring to the nineteen agonizing days he was gone from you. You lean in to close the distance between you two, pressing your lips to his in a hungry kiss that has him grasping your waist and pulling you flush against him.
“Well, as much as I wish you wouldn’t stay up just for me, I’m glad you did,” he murmurs into your mouth.
“Mmm,” is all you hum in response, pushing your fingertips underneath his blindfold. And then you kiss his nose, then his forehead, and then briefly his lips again.
And those lips fall into probably the prettiest pout you’ve ever seen. “You gonna take it off?” he asks, his voice low, and normally the tone would have you moving quickly to take everything off of him, but not tonight. Tonight, his voice is low with exhaustion, and you'd noticed the way it seemed to seep into his bones the moment he entered the room.
“No,” you say softly, and he nearly whines, “you’re tired. Your eyes—” You gently let your fingertips smooth across his eyelids over the blindfold “—I’m sure they need the rest.”
Gojo had a penchant for coming home with migraines after missions, all that time with his blindfold off to help him fight draining him and making his eyes even more sensitive than normal, and you’re sure tonight is no different.
“But I want to see you.”
The corner of your mouth tilts up. “I may not know exactly how your technique works, Satoru, but I know you can see me.”
And this time he does whine, squeezing your waist and pressing his forehead against yours. “You know it’s not the same. I wanna see you.”
You hum, stringing him along like you’re thinking about it and toying with the edge of the black fabric. “Okay,” you finally say, “just a peek, yeah?” Before he even has a chance to respond you're lifting it off and dropping it to the side. His hair falls around his face, messier than it normally is, and you gently brush it back.
Gojo blinks a couple of times to adjust his eyes to the light, and your chest tightens at the sleepy smile he gives you, at the way his eyes seem dimmer than usual. “Hi,” he whispers.
And you’re suddenly overcome with a wave of emotion that has you blinking back tears. “Hi.” You cup his face again, thumbs stroking over his cheekbones. “I missed you.”
He flashes you a grin. “Aww, no need to miss me too much, you know I can’t stay away from you.”
And you both know it’s his attempt to lighten the mood, to pretend that someday there's going to be a time when you’re not waiting up for him, when you can be at peace despite knowing his responsibilities will always take him away for days at a time, when he's not carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders—when there's not a very real possibility that someday he may not come home to you.
So you decide that today you two will pretend, and you let your tears fall, giving him a wobbly smile. “I know.”
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reblogs & comments always appreciated <3
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chrisdr3 · 2 months
"Ignorant" ~ OP81
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Oscar x Introvert!Reader
Summary: Y/n gets hateful comments about her appearance and for being "ignorant", whilst Oscar tries to understand what's going on with her feelings.
You never really liked to talk much, you always were shy and tended to hide your emotions. You were more on the introverted side, like Oscar. When you were together, Oscar did most of the talking, especially when you were infront of fans, reporters and team members unknown to you.
That's the main reason the hate started. Most of it, at least. Every day, you were recieving hateful messages and comments on your social media. Everywhere you went, several fans that recognised you said things about you. Because of that, you started staying at home and you stopped posting stuff on your social. The worst part is that you distanced yourself slowly from relatives and friends.
At the last few races, you went on McLaren's hospitality from the back, avoiding fans as much as you could and avoided places of the garage that had cameras and media. You took your headset and hid in lonely corners or in Oscar's driver room, where nobody could reach you, and stayed there, sometimes crying and others just sitting and thinking. Feeling hideous and snub.
As the time passed, you started distancing yourself from Oscar slowly, thinking he hated you just like the "fans". He wasn't talking much either, so that's what you thought. You didn't really hug or cuddle him, you ate and showered alone, you spent hours locked up in your office room, reading books, and didn't sleep well at night, staring at the ceiling, trying not to cry. Long story short, you started avoiding him, too.
The fist days, Oscar thought you had to study for uni. Then a week passed and Oscar started to get worried. He wanted to help you, he wanted to talk to you, to find what's going on. He was cooking your favourite meals, bringing them to your door, tried to understand if you had a certain time of going out to shower, but you didn't.
One day, he checked your social media, just in case he found why were you acting like that. He checked them that same afternoon he came up with the idea and scrolled through your accounts, every comment he saw made him even angrier. He then posted something in response.
"I've repeatedly seen hateful actions and comments about Y/n and I want people to know that she's not ignorant or rude, she's an introverted person. So, I'm requesting from everyone to respect her. If there are still people out there, still hating on her through internet or irl, they'll stop being considered "fans" by me and will be reported. Thank you." That's what the post said.
He then waited till you got out to shower and stranded waiting in the doorframe if the closed bathroom door. When you got out, he moved infront of you and pulled you into a warm, bone crushing hug. "Why are you so distant lately, sweetheart?"
Tears escaped from your eyes, and you cried silently in Oscar's arms, staining his shirt with them. He didn't move, he rubbed your back gently. "That's it, let it out princess." You continued crying till you hadn't any more tears to shed, holding the towel around your body tightly, afraid it will fall.
Oscar cupped your face and kissed your forehead. "It's okay baby, I'm here for you." He whispered. "Talk to me, what took you away from me?" You looked at him, your face tear stained, sad. "Promise n-not to get angry?" You mumbled. "Of course, I can't get angry that easily, especially from you." He replied, caressing your hair.
You didn't leave his arms, snuggled in their warmth instead. "D-do you hate me?" You mumbled, looking at your feet. "Why would I hate you baby?" He responded, not getting his arms off you. "Because I'm"ignorant" and "rude" and "snub"." Oscar looked at you and smiled sadly. "It's the comments, huh?" You raised your head, a questioning expression in your face.
"I know about the hate you get. I saw it on your social and you don't know how many times I've heard "fans" talk to me or to other people about you when in races or downtown." He explained, ruffling yor hair. "Oh..."
"I'm here for you baby, I know you are shy and stuff but I believe in you. You can ignore them and you have the words to confront them." He smiled. "Can you try that? For me?" "I'll try..." You whispered. "Thanks, sweetheart." You kissed his cheek, adjusting your towel. Oscar noticed, he then grabbed your hand and led you to your shared bedroom. "Let's get you dressed, princess."
Taglist: @pinkswaet @dilemmaontwolegs @changetyre @thef1diary @f1driverszona
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catboymoonknight · 8 months
Alucard Tepes x Reader
No Y/N used
Gender not specified
Words: 800+
Requests are Open!
Notes: Just finished both Castlevania shows and I'm so sad. I need more. Its also my birthday today (Oct 7) but I figured I should post this anyway since its finished <3
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"Don't think I haven't heard the orphan children call you father," Greta says as she sits on the log with Alucard. His face flushes as he hears her words, turning away from her.
"Some of them even refer to you and your partner as their parents."
Alucard flushes deeper, leaning forward to rest his face in his hands. "I have no idea what you could possibly be talking about." He says, keeping his normal tone in hopes of not seeming flustered.
Greta chuckles softly, patting his shoulder before standing up to help around the new village. He watches her walk away, sitting back up the further she gets. He sits up straighter as he hears a familiar set of footsteps walking towards him.
"I didn't know the orphan children called us their parents." He says softly, turning to look at you as you stand at his side.
"Mm..." You hum softly, resting a hand on Alucard's shoulders. "I've heard it from one or two children." You say softly, crouching down by him.
He chuckles softly, leaning into your touch. "Its cute, no?"
"I think the children in general are cute, Alucard." You laugh softly, pressing your forehead against his.
He brings his hands up to your face, cupping your cheeks. He rubs your cheekbones with his thumbs. Leaning down, he presses a kiss to your nose before leaning back and standing up. "Walk with me, darling?" He asks, holding his hand out to you.
"I would be happy to walk with you." You say with a bright smile, taking his hand.
He smiles back, helping you to your feet. He brings your hand up to his face, gently pressing your knuckles to his cheek. He lets out a content sigh, enjoying the warmth you provide him. You gently pull your hand from his grasp, pressing the palm of your hand to his cheek.
"You know... If I knew any better I would say you would die without my touch." You tease him softly.
He grins, his fangs peeking out from behind his lips. "Mmm.. Maybe I would, but I'd rather not find out, darling."
You laugh, leaning up to nuzzle your nose against his. Taking his hand, you slowly begin walking around the village, Alucard following closely behind you.
He looks over at you, eyes filled to the brim with love, a small content smile on his face. For the first time in weeks, months, he feels relaxed. He feels content. Many of the villagers say hello as the two of you pass by. Some of them notice the way Alucard looks at you, a smile on their face as they realize how smitten he is with you.
Many of the children run by, a small little girl running up to you. You crouch down to her height, recognizing her as one of the orphan children who refer to you and Alucard as their parents.
"What do you need, my little love?" You say to her, rubbing some dirt from her cheek.
"This is for you." She says excitedly, holding out a small flower she picked from the ground.
You smile brightly at her, taking the flower from her tiny hand. "I'll keep it forever," You say ruffling her hair softly.
She beams up at you, wrapping her tiny arms around your neck in a quick hug before she runs off once again to go play with the other children.
You stand straight again as you watch her run off, before turning to Alucard. He has a smile on his face, an expression filled with nothing but love.
You blush softly, giggling. He snaps out of his daze, blushing as he realizes you caught him gazing at you.
"You're so cute, my love." You say, tucking the flower behind his ear.
"I think you're mistaken. You tend to be the cute one between the two of us." He says, leaning in to press a kiss against your lips.
You rest against his chest, pulling away from the kiss after a few seconds. "I love you, Alucard."
His knuckles brush your cheek, his eyes meeting yours as he looks at you. "I love you too, darling. I will always love you. During this lifetime and through many more." He whispers against your lips, his breath gently brushing your skin.
A deep blush spread across your face. You look away from him, burying your head in his shoulder. He chuckles softly, the vibrations from his chest providing a sense of comfort, a sense of home.
He wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly against him. Your bodies fit together perfectly, like two puzzle pieces. Neither of you speaks, enjoying the silence between the two of you while listening to the ambiance sounds from around.
The silence is broken by dozens of little feet running over to you. You quickly turn in that direction, a group of children running around the two of you with happy expressions. You look up at your lover, a content smile on your face.
"Looks like our children need us." You say,
He chuckles again, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Looks like it, darling."
He leans down, picking up one of the younger children, holding them on his hip. The two of you contiue walking around the growing village, the children happily walking and running beside the two of you.
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buckyalpine · 7 months
I'm in a angsty, fluffy, sensitive babie mood. You know that silly prank people do where they text/talk to their partner all serious about having to confess something serious just to tell them "I'm Batman". So imagine Bucky does that but he has no idea how badly it would trigger you.
"Y/n" Bucky entered your shared bedroom quietly, letting his heavy duffle bag hit the ground with a thud. "There's-there's something I have to tell you"
"What is it, is everything okay baby" You set down the book you were reading, growing worried seeing his fallen expression. He sighs, slowly approaching the bed and taking a seat by the edge next to you. You move to see if he's injured anywhere but he stops you, resting his hand on your leg.
"I'm fine. It's just-something I've been meaning to tell you. Probably something I should've told you a long time ago" He bites his lip contemplating his next words, itching to burst into a fit of giggles. "I have to tell you the truth"
"Tell me the truth?" Your stomach drops and your throat starts to tighten. "You can tell me Bucky, anything" You struggle to keep your voice steady, holding your breath, waiting for his next words.
"It's just-I can't believe I kept this from you and it isn't fair to you at all, you know?" He runs his hand through is locks while keeping his blue eyes cast down. "It's been going on for about a year now..."
If you weren't already sitting down, you would've passed out. All the pervious anxieties you'd had in past relationships, all the deep insecurities and worries you had came pouring out at once, your deepest fears coming true.
Of course Bucky was seeing someone else.
Of course you weren't good enough.
Of course he cheated on you just like the last guy, why did you think you deserved someone to love you, obviously-
"I'm bat man!-baby? baby, what's wrong" Bucky went from giggling like a madman to feeling pure dread within a matter of seconds seeing your tear streaked face. His nervous act was no longer just an act, anxiety filling his chest seeing you so distraught. "Oh God, baby don't cry, I was joking, c'mere"
"W-what?" You sniffled, trying to swallow down a hiccup while Bucky scrambled to scoop you in his arms, wiping away your tears.
"I was just kidding around with you doll, I said I was bat man, I didn't mean to upset you babygirl" Bucky cooed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head while you slowly got your breathing under control again. Bucky truly thought you would've whacked him with a pillow or playfully shoved him off the bed, never in a million years did he think you'd take actually any of this seriously. You whimpered in his arms as he squeezed you tighter, continuing to give you soft, sweet kisses.
"Baby-do you-do you really think I'd ever cheat on you?" He spoke softly, keeping you cradled in a ball, close to his body. A part of him felt hurt that you felt that way, that he'd ever given you room to think he would do such a thing. He thought he was going to cry, the very thought of being with anyone else made his heart hurt.
"I thought you were seeing someone else" you whispered, old pains of coming in second resurfacing. "Maybe you found someone better-
"Never" Bucky moved to cup your cheeks firmly in his hands, making you look at him, "I would never. I love you so much angel, so much it fucking hurts. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I wouldn't even dream of someone else. I couldn't, I-fuck, you're everything to me" His own voice nearly cracked with emotion, resting his forehead against yours. "I love you. I love you like I've loved no one else, you have my heart sweet girl"
"Promise?" You toyed with his dogtags while he pressed his lips firms to yours, sealing every bit of his feelings with that kiss.
"I promise baby" He pulled you down to lay with your head resting on his chest, his hand gently playing with your hair, "So back to what I was confessing - Ow"
"I deserved that"
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fairy-hub · 7 months
𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: fluff, suggestive with toji, mentions of his hard dick, toji smells your panties after taking them off you, mentions of smoking with stoner!choso, cuddles with choso and sukuna, back massage with toji, confessions, jealousy towards a stuffed bear, toji calls ya mama, sukuna teases you and calls you pet, true form!sukuna, plenty of kisses, they are all soft for you how can they not be your wonderful babes, established relationship
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 @akumuprincess I'm so sorry to hear that you're having a shit day😭🥺 I've recently been imagining really often about the jjk men holding you (me, us, the reader, everyone idk how to text😭) after a hard day, because I've had it pretty rough the last few weeks and just imagine them hugging you and holding you close while stroking your back or hair! I feel like Toru would drown you in little kisses all over your face while caressing your hair and cooing sweet nothings at you. Suguru would have you sit in his lap, holding you as close as possible, letting you talk about your worries and frustrations, humming and stroking your skin softly until you relax under his touch. Toji I feel like would give you a relaxing massage and then let you bury yourself in his huge chest while you lie on top of him! I think even our mean king of curses would be softer if you've had a rough day, letting you be more affectionate and clingy, he'd still bully you about it, but wouldn't let you go off his grasp, trapping you in the bed with him hoping it'll make you feel better. They'd be just so gentle and sweet aah, I really hope you feel better by the end of the day, I'm sending you hugs and kisses 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Oreo; thank you for this cute idea! I’ve been thinking about choso a little too much! Toji has a little sexual tension to it, but he does his best to behave. After writing this I realizing that sukuna in true form would give wonder massages
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Gently, slowly trailing kisses up the side of your face, to the middle of your forehead, down the length of your nose. Cupping your other cheek, lovingly kissing you. Slowly swiping his thumb along your cheek.
Pulling away, “Let’s cuddle on the balcony, look out at the smoke n’ watch the stars try to be as beautiful as you.” Kissing your cheek.
Squeezing Choso’s slim, sculpted waist, hard underneath your squishy thighs. “Don’t let me go.” Slipping your fingers into his soft hair, freeing it. Lightly dragging your nails along his head.
Choso half open, eyes are blood shot, full of admiration and love for you. The way he looks at you has you forgetting the rest of the room. When he smiles down at you, “Never dream of it love dove. I'm your’s forever.” there is only him.
He stands up, holding up the bong for your to carry before picking up his black rolling tray from his bedside. Kissing where his tattoo stretches into his cheek. “I can't believe I get to be your’s.” He flicks on the fairy lights strung along the balcony’s ceiling.
A soft kiss on your forehead and the last of the tension is melting from your body. “Who else could I hope to belong too but a perfect Angel.” Stepping out into the cool autumn air. Sitting down on the sofa looking out at the tree line.
You slip your hair out of his hair, kissing his forehead. Turning around in his lap, grabbing the tray from him, setting it down the bong down. “Lean back for a moment love dove let me make sure your cozy in a blanket. Don't want you to get a chill.” Resting on Choso’s warm, broad bare chest.
He grabs the neatly folded blanket next to you, spreading the blanket over your lap. “Thank you handsome, you’re wonderful I love you.” He squeezes your soft side, his gentle large hands comforting. You’ve never felt so secure in yourself or in a relationship before Choso.
“I love you too love dove. You’re my everything.” Another kiss, and you want countless more. Closing your eyes enjoying his soft lips on your temple.
“I’ll be good but I can’t promise that my cock won’t be hard.” Sliding your underwear off, holding the messy part to his nose, taking a deep breath. “I’ll use this lace piece to jerk off when you take a nap.” Looking into your eyes, “Missed ya mama.” Tossing your underwear behind him.
Running your his hard, “I missed you too, couldn’t wait to get home when I got your text. And how is that behaving?” He stands up, leaning over you, kissing your forehead. Grabbing your hips and squeezing. Toji’s loving, gentle kiss and his warm large hands on your soft body is everything you need.
“I could’ve licked ‘em clean like I wanted.” Kissing your cheek, sliding his hands up your waist. “Lay down on ya stomach beautiful.” You stretch out on the bed, turning your head to the side. The smell of his conditioner clinging to the pillow.
After three weeks had started to fade from the large black sweater he lasted wore and from his side of the bed. It didn’t feel like home without him.
Closing your eyes. “If ya fall asleep then I’ll clean ya up n tuck ya n, I’ll be smokin’ on the balcony watchin’ tv if ya need me.” Straddling your ass, making himself comfortable. His hard dick resting on your cheeks. “If ya take a nap after we can order some take out get in the shower together whilst we are waiting.”
Toji leans over kissing both your shoulders, slowly smearing lotion up your back with his large warm hands. “I’ll wash ya up, give you one of my shirts spray ya in my cologne.” Relaxing your shoulders, not realizing how you’ve been tensing up throughout the day. He works on the tight pinch between your shoulder blades with one hand.
Lifting your head, “Will you take my make up off?” Your head hits the pillow, holding it up being too much effort. Closing your eye, smiling at Toji’s heavy sigh, picturing his pout.
Kissing the top of your head. “Lucky I love you.” Focusing on the knot between your shoulders. Gently messaging up towards your neck, letting out a soft sigh when his large fingers wrap around your neck, gently kneading.
“Thank you handsome, I love you too.” Wiggling your cheeks, he lifts his hips up. Grabbing more lotion pouring some on your back. Smearing it towards your sides, squeezing.
You are admired, beautiful and loved laying on your shared bed with pouty Toji giving you a message. “Teasin me with your beautiful ass how is that fair?” Gently messaging your lower back finding the knots there. “Now stay still, lemme take care of ya mama.”
“You sure you want me? That giant Teddy Bear of your’s seems to be-oh!” Sukuna intentionally stumbles forward onto you. Calculating his fall onto you to involve shoving your stuffed animal off the bed.
Caging you in between two of his large hands, grabbing your hips. Nuzzling his face into your neck, pressing you into the bed. Sukuna lightly bites making your squirm. “Didn’t look like you needed me since you picked the bear.” Leaning away, cupping your cheek, the mouth on his hand giving you a soft kiss.
His cheeks flushing pink. “Without a thought of coming to see if you could cuddle me.” He glances down at your lips when you smile for the first time since coming home. Letting go of your face, grabbing waist, lifting you off the bed.
Sukuna lays down, setting you down on his lap. He is shirtless like always, part of the population is seeing him traversing around town half naked. “The great, powerful, handsome sukuna is,” siding your hand down his bare chest enjoying the warmth of his hard pecs.
“Is what? Spit it out pet.” He gently slips his fingers underneath your chin to tilt your head up to admire your face. Sliding both his hands down your thighs, squeezing them. He’s been getting handiser, unable to keep to himself.
You love it, the softer he gets for you the more you fall for him.
All four of his hands comforting, warm, and big. One of the mouths on his hands peppering kisses along your side. “Jealous of a teddy bear blushing pink because he doesn't know how to handle the feelings he has for one measly little brat.” The mouth across his abs vanishes, you lay down, resting your head on his chest.
“You know people are scared to breathe in my presence.” His chest rumbles when he speaks. Kissing his chest, the resting your heard, the heart pounding of his vessel pounding faster.
“Back in my day, ok old man.” Sitting up, kissing his cheek, whatever happened earlier today no longer matters for the moment. All that your concerned with is the beautiful monster beneath you. “I love you.”
Sukuna smirks, “I know ya do pet. What else would explain your baffling behavior. When you first saw me and smiled I knew you were a dumbass.” He pinches your nose shut wiggling your head, gently flicking your forehead.
Grabbing his wrist and biting his finger. Letting go when his hand on your thigh bites back. “I'm your dumbass! I wonder if I'll get to hear you say it back.”
He leans in and softly whispers, “I love you.” Leaning back his expression indifferent, crimson eyes cold which his cheeks are redder than. “Now don't think about trying to hear those stupid words from anyone else.”
Oreo creampie’s m.list
part two; gojo, geto, nanami
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st7rnioioss · 5 months
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ੈ‧₊˚ waterlilies
matt sturniolo x fem!reader
warnings: FLUFFF and a lot of it, kissing
word count: 648 i think (I CANNOT WRITE LONG FLUFF)
i HAD to link an arctic monkeys song. listen to it while reading if you bother lol.
working on some requests!! i love y’all’s ideas🤍
anyways, i love painting myself so this was fun to write. felt in the mood soooooo HERES A GOOD OLD FLUFF😇
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“So, what do you think? Is it good?” you smiled, holding up the paper in front of you.
Your whole life you had been fascinated with painting, specifically water colouring. The way the thin paint blended in with the other colours, layering it to give it depth, the tiny details you could add, and overall just the mood of it.
This past month you had been really into it. Painting a pond with water lilies, a green forest turning orange as the seasons changes from summer to fall, and a lot more. You usually kept all your small paintings in a notebook (with water lilies on) the same size as the paper.
Matt was your biggest supporter. He loved your paintings, but not as much as he loved watching you paint. Your concentration face, tongue slightly poking out through your lips, eyebrows frowned, the sun hitting your facial features just right.
He could just gaze at you for hours, here and there telling you how good the painting looked or how good you looked. This would often result in you smiling, blushing and looking away. He just joined in, laughing as he threw his arms around you, plastering your face and head with kisses. He loved your laugh so much. Well, to be honest, it usually ended up in the bedroom. But that’s not the point.
“I love it. I swear, you get better every time,” Matt said, his hand holding his head up, the other one holding your hand across the table, studying the painting.
“Can I have it? I want to frame it.” Matt smiled, taking the painting from your hand, his eyes scanning it.
A turquoise blue pond, water lilies floating on top of it, surrounded by tall dark green trees. You knew Matt liked forests, so while painting the pond you added the trees and the rest of the forest, of course, adding your signature water lilies on top.
You loved water lilies, and Matt seemed to love them too. He had gotten a small one tattooed on his inner wrist, and when you asked him the day he got it, why he got it, he just told you that ‘Water lilies remind me of you’
“Of course you can. I’ll find a frame, we can do it right now,” you said as you stood up from your chair, on your way to the basement.
That was until Matt caught you, his arms wrapped firmly around your waist, tickling you.
“Got you!” he chuckled.
“Hey! Matt!” you laughed uncontrollably, your hands gripping his strong arms. He started laughing as well, kissing your neck, cheek, forehead, and now turning you around to kiss your lips. He cupped your face with his hands gently, your own hands ruffling through his hair.
“I love you,” he whispered as he pulled away from this kiss, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I love you too,” you smiled liked a little kid, holding his hands. Matt then decided to totally betray you and tickle you again.
“Matt, stop!” you screamed, both of you laughing so hard you fell to the floor.
He stopped tickling you, both of you panting, but still giggling. You rested your head on his chest, intertwining your fingers slowly.
“You know I love your laugh,” he smiled at you. You looked up at him, his eyes already locked on yours as you chuckled a bit. His words always managed to make you blush like crazy.
“Look who’s blushing, huh?” Matt teased, pinching your cheek as he started laughing again.
“I am not!” you giggled, covering your face with your hands, covering in dried up paint.
“You so are!” he kept teasing, leaning over your body to kiss your face again, one hand beside your head, the other gripping your hip. You just lied there for a bit, kissing each other, blushing, smiling, kissing again, leaving hickeys here and there.
“Ouch, we should get up. This floor isn’t so comfortable after all,” you chuckled, pulling away from his, now swollen, red lips. He got up from the top of you, picking you up by your waist, throwing you over his shoulder, his arms wrapped around your legs.
“Matt!” you giggled. “Put me down right now!”
“Nope, not happening. I’m taking you to the bedroom.” he chuckled, a smirk growing on his lips.
a/n: hope u like it!! lots of love💕
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elysianeclipxe · 1 year
How they react to seeing you sleep on the couch
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genre: fluff and a little crack?? (just stupid parts)
summary: how these genshin men react to coming home and seeing you asleep on the couch while waiting for them to come home
word count: >800 words
sidenote: just note that you might not agree with the characters in that section, this is just how i see them as. OH YEAH, uhmm navigation is in the works so after that y'all can start requesting if you want
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picks you up bridal style and brings you over to the bed
To them this is the quickest way to get you into bed. They don't want to bother you by waking you up since you're probably in a deep sleep at that point, but they also don't want to let you continue sleeping on the couch since the chances of you waking up with a stiff neck are extremely high. They’re such caring partners to the point I’m jealous. Some of them are pretty nonchalant about their love for you though, but if they’re sweet enough to do this then I think it’s pretty obvious they’re real into you. Will get really close to your face to either peck your lips or rub their nose against yours, just another reason why they prefer carrying you to bed. I can see them whispering a light “thank you” to your sleeping figure in their arms since they appreciate you trying to stay up for them. Excuse me, I did not ask for this sweetness, ughh.
— al haitham, diluc, gorou, kaeya, ZHONGLI
gently wakes you up and tells you to sleep in the bed
All of them are surprised that you stayed up and feel their hearts clench at the image of you sleeping, you’re so cute to them. Would try their best to be as quiet as possible and gently shake you awake. You deserve to get some proper sleep… in their arms. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I can easily confirm that when you wake up still half asleep their eyes would get so soft at the sight in front of them, a smile crawling up their lips cause omg how are they so lucky to have you. Will guide you to bed and tuck you in again before joining you in. Lets you lay your head on their chest and will stroke your hair or run their fingers through it to ease you to sleep. It’s so cute how smitten they are for you.
— ayato, baizhu, THOMA, tighnari
drapes a blanket over you and kisses you goodnight
I can spot sweethearts from a mile away, and these men are it! I’m only like 27% joking rn. HEAR ME OUT!! Yes you’ll probably have a stiff neck in the morning cause of this but they are so sweet when you’re asleep. Really doesn’t want to wake you up so they just let you sleep there, will cover you with a blanket so you don’t get cold. Sighs cause they find you so pretty, one of them for sure has a blush on his cheeks seeing you look so soft *cough* cyno. ANYWAYS, leans down and cups your cheek with his hand and stokes it with his thumb. Kisses you goodnight on the forehead, lets their lips linger there for a bit before pulling away with a smile. Aww, they’re so whipped.
— aether, albedo, cyno, KAZUHA
tries to fit themselves on the couch to cuddle and sleep with you
THESE MFS!!!! Does not give the slightest fuck if you are sleeping on a couch half their size THEY WILL MAKE IT WORK. Just like breathing = living, sleeping will always equal cuddles, it’s just a given. The idea of y’all sleeping in a proper bed just goes over their head, plus this seems more fun. They’ll whisper for you to move a bit so they can fit in. Just saying, these idiots are probably gonna wake you up in the process. Don’t worry tho, they’ll bring you close to their body and give you enough body warmth for you to fall back into sleep. Is the type to bury their head in the crook of your neck, mumbling a soft goodnight that you instantly relax to.
— childe, ITTO, venti, kaveh, heizou
leaves you on the couch, might check up on you here and there
I don’t wanna make them look anti-romantic but y’all I cannot even sugarcoat the fact that they would not care if you were sleeping on the couch or not. I'M SORRY!! But like they probably think you slept there on purpose so the idea of moving you to the bed would not even be there. They think you’re weird for sleeping there, for sure will ask you about it the next day. As much as I want to make them seem like the most unromantic person ever (jk) they will check on you ever like 10 minutes minimum. At one point they get so tired of walking back and forth from the living room and the bedroom that they decide to just sit on the floor beside the couch and sleep there. You’ll probably wake up and see your hand intertwined with theirs, they’re soft boys in disguise.
— dainsleif, WANDERER, xiao
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nothing much left to say other then thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed the little scenario i made <3 let's hope i can actually be more consistent with posting, mwah
© elysianeclipxe. all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my content onto other platforms.
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sansaorgana · 1 month
Oh my God, would you write a little something about their little daughter/son or (twins?) walking in on reader and Buck? Pretty please? 😅🫠
hi, sugar! 🍬 thank you for your request, it's such a cute idea. 🥺 I love imagining Buck as a husband and a father and all these domestic things. 🏡
I had to currently close the requests because I got so many so I'm working on them atm 🙏🏻
🔞 THIS FIC IS 18+ 🔞
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You hadn’t been intimate with your husband for a long while now. Taking care of energetic twin preschoolers was taking up most of your time and even when you happened to have free time at the end of the day, you were often too tired to start anything. Which was a misfortune because you wanted at least one more child with Buck. You dreaded the day your son and daughter would go to school – you wanted to be busy with another little baby in the meantime.
You gave it a try tonight because after a long day spent in the park, running around the playground, your twins had fallen asleep very quickly. So, there you were, laying under your husband’s warm and strong body, with your thighs around his waist pushing him deeper and deeper as your back arched and his full lips were muffling your soft moans with a kiss. Your hands were squeezing his biceps as his were cupping your face; the rhythm of his hips was steady but not too fast and not too rough. Buck Cleven was not the type to fuck. He was making love to you.
After a few weeks of no intimacy at all, you could feel your release coming very fast and you only hoped you’d have more than one round on that night. So lost in pleasure and chasing the high, enamoured by your husband’s flushed cheeks, a single golden hair strand falling down on his forehead and his beautiful blue eyes staring at you lovingly whenever he’d break the passionate kiss to catch a breath… you simply didn’t hear the noise in the corridor.
“Mummy, daddy…!” Your little girl’s whine interrupted you as she pushed the door open without knocking. Her twin brother followed and you froze with widened eyes as you panicked.
But Buck never panicked. That man was always calm and always knew what to do, it was impressive. No matter what the situation was, his calmness was working miracles to make you feel safe and taken care of. He made sure that you were both covered with the blanket and turned around to look at your children.
“Minnie, I’ve been telling you to always knock,” Buck scolded her gently. Her lower lip trembled as she squeezed tighter the teddy bear she was holding.
“But daddy, Bobby is mean to me! He says there is a monster under my bed…” She was on the verge of tears.
“I really saw him!” Bobby denied the accusations. “I wasn’t trying to scare her! There is a monster under her bed.”
“Funny!” Minnie faced him. “Why under mine and not yours then?”
You took a deep breath in and sighed. They were only children and it was difficult to be angry at them for this but you weren’t pleased either.
“And what are you doing?” Bobby squinted his eyes at his parents.
“We… We are talking,” Buck answered awkwardly, his cheeks flushing even more. However, your little boy didn’t seem to be convinced. “And cuddling,” Buck added quickly so the answer was more believable.
“Why are you naked?” Minnie asked and you furrowed your brows at her.
“How do you know?” You asked and she pointed at your nightgown on the floor. “Well, it’s hot here,” you quickly made up an excuse and rubbed your sweaty forehead. “Go back to sleep, darlings, there are no monsters under any bed in this house. Monsters are too scared of daddy,” you tried to make them go away as quickly as possible.
“Then daddy should inspect,” Bobby crossed his hands.
You looked up at Buck’s face and he sighed with a gentle smile. He was a big softie for his children and that was one of the reasons why you loved him so much. He moved away delicately, making sure you were still both covered with a blanket.
“Can you hand me that, love?” You pointed at your nightgown and your daughter picked it up to give it to you. You put it on over your head and let it fall down, allowing Buck to take more of the blanket for himself. He left the bed with it around his waist as if it was a towel and he picked up his own underwear from the carpet.
“I’ll go and inspect in a moment, “ he winked at Bobby and went to the bathroom.
When he left the bed with the blanket, you spotted your panties scattered somewhere down the mattress. You quickly grabbed them before the kids could notice and you turned your back on them on the edge of the bed to put them back on.
When you were completely dressed up again, you spotted that Minnie was already in the middle of your bed, laying her head on your pillow and cuddling her teddy bear.
“What are you doing, Minnie?” You asked her and caressed her hair.
“I want to sleep here tonight,” she gave you puppy eyes.
“But daddy will go there and show you that there are no monsters,” you assured her.
Gale left the bathroom at that very moment, already in his pyjamas. He carefully put the blanket over you and Minnie as he leaned in to kiss her forehead.
“You coming with me, young man?” He asked Bobby and the boy nodded, feeling important as he followed his father out of the bedroom.
Minnie moved closer to you and put her tiny arms around your waist. You sighed and kissed the top of her head with a smile. You already knew there would be no way you’d go back to your lovemaking tonight. Minnie was starting to doze off in your arms and you watched her sweet angel face lovingly. 
Buck and Bobby came back to your bedroom. Your husband had a playful smile on his lips and your heart skipped a beat at the sight. He was so adorable, you were so happy to be his wife.
“There are no monsters under the bed,” Gale ruffled his son’s hair as he stated. Then he raised an eyebrow at half-asleep Minnie.
“I guess she stays here tonight,” you whispered.
“Me too, then!” Bobby jumped inside the bed and laid beside his sister.
Minnie turned around and clinged to him adorably. Buck joined you all in bed and adjusted the blanket over you.
“You okay, baby?” He asked as he caressed your cheek.
“Yeah,” you nodded. The heat was long gone now, you were mostly sleepy. “And you, sweetheart?”
“Perfectly fine,” Buck assured you. He turned off the light on the bedside table and put his arm around his wife and babies, curled up together between their parents as they fell asleep; feeling safe and loved. Like you always wanted them to feel. It was the most important thing in the world for you.
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When you woke up, the bed was already empty. You rubbed your eyes and glanced at the clock. It was nine already and you wondered how it was possible that you had been allowed to sleep for so long and no one had been trying to wake you up to prepare breakfast. The mystery was solved soon enough when Buck entered the bedroom quietly. He was still wearing pyjamas as well.
“Oh, you’re awake now,” he pointed out as he got under the blanket to greet you with a kiss. “You were sleeping so peacefully. I made them breakfast and now they’re watching the kids’ program on TV. That gives us about half an hour,” he pointed out in a whisper as he smirked.
“You’re so needy, Major Cleven,” you giggled and cupped his face.
“I’m starving, Mrs. Cleven,” he admitted before peppering your face with tiny sweet kisses. Once he was done, he focused on your exposed neck as his hips lowered down and you felt his erection between your legs already.
Trying to be as quiet as possible, you lifted yourself up and joined your lips together in a heated kiss as you got rid of each other’s clothes. You knew that you had no time to waste if you wanted to finally get the job done.
When you were both naked, hands wandering all around each other’s bodies while kissing and shushing each other, Gale pushed you down softly and positioned himself above you with his elbows on both sides of your head as you raised your thighs to put them around his waist and impatiently guide him inside you. He pressed his forehead to yours with a hiss at the feeling of your warm, wet and pulsating pussy. 
Your back arched as you threw your head back, exposing your neck even further for your husband’s sweet and needy kisses as his hips thrusted into you firmly, hitting all the right spots with military precision.
Just like on the night before, it didn’t take long for you to feel the reaching peak overtaking you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you gasped and dug your fingernails in his shoulders. Buck grunted softly and picked up his pace.
You came with a soft moan and he joined your lips together quickly to muffle the sounds leaving your mouth. He needed a few more chaotic thrusts before spilling himself inside of you as his eyes shut close and his sweaty forehead pressed to yours.
“God, finally,” you sighed with a chuckle and he smirked. You raised your hands to caress the scars on his cheeks gently.
“You better find them a nanny for the weekend,” he rubbed your nose with his, “because I don’t want you out of this bed for hours, Mrs. Cleven.”
You giggled like a schoolgirl at his words.
“Sir, yes, sir,” you nodded.
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hyunjin-mylove · 3 months
First morning of forever
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You open your eyes to a brightly lit room. The morning sun coming in through the balcony doors that have been left open.
As your eyes adjust to the morning, you take in the room. The hotel sheets are warm and soft around you. Clothes litter the floor - your cheeks flush at the memories of last night. A water bottle has been left on your bedside table and you sit up to take a sip. The breeze from the open doors spreads goosebumps down your bare arms. It's then that you notice the empty spot next to you in the bed, quickly losing warmth.
You look over to the balcony, spotting your husband of not even 24 full hours. Instantly, you're warmed by the image of his figure standing out on the balcony, taking in the world below. His tan skin glows in the morning sunlight, almost like he's some angel and not a mere mortal. Hyunjin always had that aura about him and you were left completely speechless every time you recognized it. The silky robe he threw on when he got out of bed sways gently as another breeze rolls in. This time, you barely notice, too enraptured by the man you get to call your husband.
The ring on his finger sparkles in the sun, catching your eye. A smile finds its way to your lips as you recall how excited you were to put it on him the day before that your hands couldn't stop shaking until he guided your hands to his. Tears begin to well up as you recite his vows in your head, poetic by nature, and you need to lean back into the pillows to brunt the force of love and emotions hitting you all at once.
As if sensing you've awoken, Hyunjin turns to meet your eyes with his own. A gentle smile graces his face as he carefully takes in his bride. You're sure your hair is a mess and your pajamas were never the cutest, but there was not a hint of judgement in his eyes. The sun hit his eyes in such a way that plain old brown could no longer describe them, but no matter what colour they were, pure love was all you could see in them. It was all you'd ever seen when he looked at you.
Gracefully, almost as if he's floating, his long legs take him to the bed where you lay. He sits next to you and cups your face in his large hands. A kiss is pressed to your forehead and his thumbs swipe away the tears that fell when you closed your eyes in contentment at being held by him.
"Good morning, my love," he mumbles against your hairline. Hyunjin pulls away to look you in your eyes once again. "Happy tears or sad?"
"Happy," comes your wet reply. The grin on your face pulls at your cheeks in a way that you know he's restraining himself from pinching. "So very happy. Just overwhelmed by how much I love you."
You watch as tears begin to well up in his own eyes at your admission before he finds refuge in your hair. Even now that you're finally married, those three words coming from your mouth will always overwhelm him. His arms squeeze you close. The warmth radiating from him is grounding on this gentle, early morning.
Hyunjin's response comes as soft words whispered into your hair.
"You have no idea just the depths of my love for you. I meant what I said yesterday when I said I'm with you until the end. You've taken my heart and soul; I cannot live without you."
You gently push him away so you can see his face. He easily goes but before he can continue his speech, you pull him to your lips. The kiss is wet, both of your tears mixing on each other's cheeks, but it is no less gentle than he promised the day he learned your first kiss would be his to cherish. His hands find their home on your cheek and around your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck. Your grip pulls him even closer to you, where he's practically laying on top of you, but it's exactly where you both want him to be. The plans he made for your first day as a married couple can wait, if it means you can stay in each other's embrace a little longer.
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Hi!! Thank you so much for reading! The moment those pictures were released, all I could imagine was what it would be like to wake up to him the first morning of your honeymoon and this is what came about :)
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starry-eyedblog · 3 months
legitimately the only thing I can think of is husband!price coddling his partner, they're all bleary eyed from crying out of desperation for physical touch since he's been deployed for so long- just the pure neediness. needing him there in every way, physically and emotionally. just like him muttering small "'m here, I have you baby" or "feels too good now that I'm back, yeah? gonna take all of me anyways, love"
(the last sentence is nsfw but either way just... the reader being needy for him in every way when he returns home)
- cruel anon
cruel anon hello !! how are you? you're constantly keeping me fed with ideas and i love it. i need price to soothe me in his arms while i cry
warnings/tags: john price x gn reader, crying, clinginess, smut
you've spent most of this month in tears, desperate to be in your husbands arm, safe and sound. for some reason, his latest deployment was taking a real toll on you.
days seemed longer and the house felt too big without him. cooking just for yourself was becoming more difficult and going out to socialise just didn't seem to fill the gap in your chest.
but finally, it was the day he was coming home. you knew that his time home would fly by and you'd be waving him goodbye again, but thankfully he had been given a wee bit longer off this time due to how demanding and rough his latest deployment had been.
you were now waiting in the living room, sipping on a tea anxiously while you waited for the front door to open. any minute now and he'd be kicking his shoes off and sweeping you off your feet in a bear hug.
after around fifteen minutes, you had finished your cup and decided to go pour another. as you stood up from the comfy chair, that's when you heard the swift click on the front door.
you dropped the cup down, uncaring of where it lands as you rushed through the hallway to the front door. tears instantly pooled in your eyes, making your vision a bit blurry but you didn't care. all that mattered was that your husband was finally home again.
"hey honey, miss me?" john chuckles, dropping his bags onto the floor to open up his arms for you - which you happily ran into. he picked you up, squeezing you tightly before gently setting you back down.
salty tears streamed down your face as you pressed kiss after kiss onto his lips and face. after a minute of this, warm hands gently cupped your face, forcing you to stop moving and stare up. "hey, shh what's wrong baby?" john soothes while using a thumb to rub away some tears.
"i don't know, i guess i've just missed you a lot." you sniffle, your hands wrapping around his waist and holding on tight, never wanting to let go. your chest feels light now that your husband is back safe and sound.
john leans down and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead, "well i'm here now huh? not going anywhere honey." he whispers and you nod slowly, tears still streaming down your face.
it's been a few weeks since then, and your emotions haven't got much better. you cling to john where he moves around the house, desperate to just be with him. his physical touch always settles you, keeps you happy and calm.
john hasn't minded, he honestly thinks it's cute. you're acting like a needy house cat, and he's more than happy to treat and spoil you. the two of you haven't really gone out to be with friends since he's been back, too wrapped up in re connecting with one another to even think of leaving the house.
completing simple tasks around the house requires him by your side now, and whenever anything get's too much or goes wrong - he's quick to step in and help. you feel like you've struck gold with your husband. most people would find this emotional and physical clinginess too much, but not john.
he understands how hard it must be for you to be home alone for months on end, trying to keep everything together while also making sure you're getting out enough and staying on top of things. he's always well taken care of too when he gets back, you pamper him to the point he doesn't need to lift a finger.
this time though, it's you needing that extra support and closeness and john is more than happy to be there however you need. after all, why wouldn't he? john loves you, deeply.
it becomes even more apparent during sex, the way you cling to him and never want to let go. being able to have his bare skin on you while he fills you up is so comforting. he's surrounding you with his body, voice and scent; to the point where all you can think about is 'john john john john john.'
you cry and moan, gripping onto him while he slowly slides in. his lips are pressed to your ear, whispering filthy things. "feels so good that i'm back, right sweetheart? oh i know i know, c'mon you can take all of it i know you can. s'just been awhile yeah?"
it's emotional and euphoric, the way you tighten around him while tears stream down your face. he loves the sight of you broken before him, so dependant and trusting. it's something he'll never forget for the rest of his life.
the fact you trust him so deeply, letting him pleasure you to the point of exhaustion, still gripping onto him and crying for him. how could any man ignore such a beautiful bond with his wife?
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nsharks · 1 year
Can I ask more of Ghost with pregnant!reader? Like she is being totally emotional because she wants specific food and when he gets exactly the food she wants she cries because he's being so thoughtful and he's just like: ???? (I mean growing an human it's haaard)
pregnancy fluff with ghost (he's very patient with you)
Ghost loves the way you wear pregnancy. Your bump has become somewhat of a fascination for him— Can't believe you're growing my son in there. He likes to press firm kisses over the entirety of it, cup the underside with his palm, searching for any movement as he sighs in disbelief that this is truly his life now.
He's a bit obsessed with it all.
But what Ghost doesn't love about your pregnancy is how often, and at random, you begin to cry.
One night he's brought home takeout for you. He sets it on the table and searches for you. When you're not in the bedroom, he panics for a moment, but it fades once he finally finds you in the bathroom. With the lights off. Taking a bath with only a candle on the counter.
"Why are you bathing in the dark?" he asks, flicking on the light.
"No, no," you practically whine and he turns it back off.
"What's wrong?"
"Just... the light. It's too bright." He hears you sigh and there's a few little splashes as you rub over your stomach. "I'm trying to relax."
"Well, I've got your dinner and you never eat it once it's cold so c'mon."
He helps you out of the bathtub, grumbling something about how it's not safe to bathe in the bloody dark, but he presses a kiss to your damp forehead and lovingly towels you off. Helps you change back into your sweats, his shirt.
But when you get into the kitchen and look into the bag he's brought, Ghost sees a look on your face that he knows.
His chest tightens.
A frown trembles at your lips.
Oh, bloody hell.
You press a hand to your forehead and begin weeping, pitifully, the tears quietly stream down your cheeks as you shake your head. He is quick to hover behind you, ghosting a hand on your hip.
"Hey... hey, what is it?" he tries to ask as calmly as he can, but your crying (no matter how often it happened) always spikes a rush of fear in him. All of Ghost's fears begin and end with you, and now, the child you carry.
"This isn't what I wanted," you tell him with a voice that quivers.
"What?" He takes a deep breath, speaks slowly. "This is what you always want from there, love. Got you the same thing."
"I know, but I— I wanted the chicken this time."
"Why didn't you tell me that?"
"I thought I did," you wipe your cheeks, but the tears don't stop. "I think I forgot to."
"Forgot to tell me what you wanted," Ghost murmurs, not angry. Amused almost. He brushes the hair from your forehead. "Right, then. Nothin' that can't be fixed, yeah?"
And he drives back to the restaurant because the knot in his chest hurts and he knows it'll only dissipate if your tears do the same. But when he returns, and you see that he's actually come back with the order you forgot to tell him in the first place, you only cry harder, waddling up to him and gripping the collar of his coat. Your wet cheeks burying into his chest.
"Oh, Jesus," he says, confused and at a loss, his hand settling carefully on your back. "Sweetheart... what is it—"
"You're so thoughtful," you whimper. Breaking out into a sob. And it completely throws him off guard. "I don't think I deserve you."
"Don't deserve me, huh?" he mutters with a sigh, closing his eyes and holding you firmer now.
He can remember when he used to say the same thing— but now you are his wife, your swollen belly is pressed against him and even though he has no idea how to make you stop crying, he just holds you and says gently into your hair:
"You deserve everything, alright? Growin' my kid in there can't be easy. And if he's anythin' like his old man, then I know he's wanting some dinner."
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Meet the Parents
Request: Hii🩷 can you maybe make like a fic where reader is matt’s girlfriend and friends with the triplets and after like a few months of dating Matt she meets their parents in Boston and she’s like nervous and stuff and they all try to calm her down and their parents and other brother end up loving her
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The triplets are going to visit Boston for a little bit and Matt invited his girlfriend of five months, the girl immediately accepting the invitation. The general idea of meeting the rest of Matt's family and seeing where he grew up was amazing at first, but now that they're about to leave, she has nothing but anxiety coursing through her.
"What if your parents totally hate me? What if they think I'm not good enough and you deserve much better?" Y/N rants off any question that comes to mind.
"They won't think that." Matt insists. "I've talked about you countless times and my mom already loves you."
"So your dad might hate me." Y/N says.
"He doesn't hate you either." Matt says. "Stop psyching yourself out, sweetheart. I know you're nervous, but it'll go great. I promise." He kisses her on the forehead.
"We're back!" They hear Nick yell out, the other two triplets having gotten an Uber to go pick up some food for the group, Matt needing to stay and pack.
"Come on." Matt grabs her hands, pulling her to her feet. He leads her out as she continues to wrack with nerves.
"I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight. I could totally embarrass myself and they'll hate me forever." Y/N whines.
"Baby..." Matt tries.
"What are you talking about?" Chris frowns.
"Y/N's nervous about meeting mom and dad." Matt says. "Despite me assuring her that it'll all be okay."
"They've been looking forward to meeting you." Nick says. "Mom will probably be attached to your hip all day asking questions and gushing over you." He laughs.
"Yeah, they ask about you whenever Matt talks to them." Chris says.
"What about Justin? He could totally hate me. You're his little brother, it may not--"
"Justin will be fine." Chris promises.
"Long as you and Matt are happy, that'll probably be all they need to be happy." Nick says, his brothers nodding in agreement.
"It'll be okay." Matt promises, cupping his girlfriend's face. "And if you're too nervous, I'm right there the whole time. I promise." He pecks her on the lips.
"Can you guys save that for later so we're not throwing up during our meal?" Chris pleads.
"Shut up, Chris." Matt rolls his eyes.
They're at the airport in Boston, waiting on the boys' parents. Y/N barely got sleep and has been anxious the whole day, Matt doing his best to calm her nerves by making her focus on things other than meeting his family.
Matt grabs onto Y/N's hand, intertwining their fingers and gently squeezing.
"They'll love you." Matt assures.
"Hey, there they are." Chris points. "Oh, Justin came." He smiles.
Y/N stands back, watching with a soft smile as the boys reunite with their parents and older brother.
Her smile falters for a moment when the attention is turned to her and Matt quickly wraps his arm around her waist, gently squeezing her hip in reassurance.
"Mom, dad, Justin, this is Y/N." Matt introduces, a grin full of love directed to his girlfriend.
"Hi, sweetheart. It's so nice to meet you." Mary Lou immediately greets her with open arms, pulling the girl into a hug.
"Hi." Y/N softly replies, gently hugging the woman back.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N." Jimmy smiles, giving her a quick hug.
"Hey, nice to meet you." Justin gives her a small wave, Y/N returning it with her own wave.
"Nice to meet you guys, too." Y/N smiles.
"Oh, we've heard so much about you. I can't wait to learn more." Mary Lou smiles. "Come on, let's get you guys something to eat and get home."
"Sweet." Chris excitedly whispers at the idea of eating.
"Y/N, what food do you like? We can go out somewhere." Jimmy offers.
"Oh, uh... I-I'm okay with wherever." Y/N smiles.
"She loves Italian food the most." Nick speaks up.
"Ooh, perfect! There's a really good place we all enjoy, you can try it." Mary Lou grins.
"Can't wait." Y/N nervously smiles, reaching for Matt's hand.
"All right, let's go, boys." Mary Lou urges.
"See? Not so bad." Matt quietly says.
"It's only the first five minutes. I could still totally fuck up." Y/N insists.
"You won't. It'll be amazing, promise." Matt tells her, kissing her cheek.
After lunch, Y/N's anxiety had finally started to dwindle after spending time with the triplets' family and being able to converse with the three just as easily as she can with the boys.
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perfectly-imperfect82 · 4 months
“Is that a kid?” - Sick
Katie woke to someone tugging on her arm and completely woke up when she saw you leaning against the bed. 
"What's wrong sweetheart?" Katie spoke quietly as she saw your tears, getting out of bed to pick you up. 
"Shit" Katie mumbled feeling your hot skin as you placed you head into the crock of her neck.
"Let's go find something to make you feel better, sweetheart" Katie whispered, sparing a quick glance to make sure Caitlin was still asleep as she carried you out of the room and towards the kitchen, setting you on the counter.
You whined when Katie stepped away, "I'm just getting you some water" she said as she filled a sippy cup up with water for you. Handing it to you as you took a couple of slows sips at Katie encouragements.
"What are you guys doing up?" Caitlin asked with a yawn as she walked into kitchen, instantly feeling worried as she saw your red and tear stain cheeks.
"Do we have children medicine?" Katie asked looking over Caitlin.
"We should. Katrina had us buy the whole store saying we would need it at some point" Caitlin said as walked over to you, kissing your forehead gently as you now cuddled into her as Katie pulled out the medicine.
"Have you taken her temperature?" Caitlin asked as Katie handed her the thermometer.
"Hey darling, feeling yucky?" Caitlin asked causing you to nod into her chest.
"Is it your tummy?" She continued as you slowly shook you head no
"Can you point it out?" Caitlin tried, hoping to figure out what doesn't feel well to give you the right medicine.
You slowly pulled back, pointing to your head and throat.
"Can you let me take your temperature? Then we can get you something to help make you feel better" as you allowed her to put the thermometer in your mouth.
"39.3" Caitlin said, sharing a worried look with Katie who bite her lip debating if they should take you to the emergency room.
"Medicine and warm bath. Then we will check her temperature in a few hours" Katie said walking over with medicine to give you.
"Here, drink up. It will taste like grapes. Isn't that yummy?" Katie said holding medicine out to you as you looked back hesitant before taking it. Instantly pulling a disgusted face as you looked at the older women who were hiding their smiles at your face.
"See, not so bad" Katie said.
"Let go get you in the bath" Caitlin said picking up and heading to the bathroom.
Katie quickly turned on the water and helped Caitlin undress you as you gripped on to both of them shaking your head no. 
You shook you head no again as more tears fell, gripping Caitlin harder.
"Sweetheart, I promise it will make you feel better" Katie tried as she looked at Caitlin who looked just as helpless as you gripped her shirt tightly in your little hands. 
"I've got an idea" Katie said taking you from Caitlin arms as she looked at her confused, you quickly gripping Katie's shirt in hopes not being put into the bathtub.
"Getting in with her" Katie stated as held your crying body in her arms and slowly sat down in the water with you. You slowly calming down and relaxing against Katie who was smiling up at Caitlin who looked relived to see you not crying.
"See, this isn't to bad" Katie said after a few minutes as you were fighting to keep your eyes open
"Looks like she is falling asleep" Caitlin said fondly as she grabbed a towel for you and Katie
"I've got her" Caitlin said wrapping you in a towel as Katie held you up. You instantly cuddling into Caitlin as she walked you into your room and set you on your bed
"Let get you changed, darling" Caitlin said grabbing on of your shirts, only for you to tug on her shirt
"What's wrong?" Caitlin asked as you refused to put on your shirt, looking close to tears again
You whined pitifully as you tugged on her shirt again, "okay, you can have my shirt" Caitlin said as she took off her shirt and put it on you. Leaving a kiss to your forehead before your leaning back into her, wrapping your arms around her neck
"Let's go lay down" Caitlin said picking you up and carrying you back to her and Katie's bed, seeing Katie already changed.
Caitlin gently laid you on Kate's chest as she went to find a new shirt.
"We've got you" Katie said kiss your head as you lad on her chest, as she gently ran her hand through your hair. You instantly gripping a piece of Caitlin new shirt as she laid next you
"I'm right here" Caitlin said gently holding your hand that held her new shirt. Both women watching as your eyes closed and your breathing evened out
"Looks like someone is clingy when their sick" Katie whispered.
"Just like someone else I know" Caitlin whispered with a smirk as she leant over and placed a kiss on Katie lips who only smiled back.
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miguel-ohara-eater · 8 months
Two man job
(idea from @ipegmiguel )
(summary: no context. just sex. threesome with Miguel and Peter.)
CW: praise, dirty talk, slapping, spitting, fingering anal, doggy, blowjob, throat fucking, soft sex and rough sex, pet names, hair pulling, unprotected sex,
"thaat's a good girl." Peter groaned as you opened your mouth for him and he thrusted himself into your mouth.
Miguel was behind you, pounding your pussy like it was the last day he'd ever live.
Peters hands in your hair, Miguel's clawing at your waist as they used your holes for their own cum dumpster.
Miguel slapped your ass, his talons digging small holes into your skin.
"taking my cock like the dumb shocking slut you are hm?" Miguel hissed, slapping the hand print on your ass once again.
you couldn't do anything but take it, your back arched painfully but pleasantly, your aching hole being pounded, and Peters gentle thrusts gagging you everytime his tip hit the back of your throat.
"Miguel, a little more gently huh?" Peter half groaned half talked as Miguel kept pounding you, your slick dripping out of you.
"she likes it like this. right?" he snarled, leaning over to look at your cock drunk face.
you slightly nodded, drool pushing it's way out of the corners of your lips, cum on your face from Peter's last load, and your eyes rolled to the back of your head in bliss.
Peter grinned, tugging on your hair a bit and his hips stuttered.
"you're doing good alright? j-just a little more-" he grunted, leaning his head back as his cum spilled into your mouth and down your throat.
he pulled out of your mouth, cum and saliva connecting your floppy tongue with his cock still.
you coughed, dipping your head and panting, your forehead shining with a thin layer of sweat.
Miguel kept pounding into you from behind, leaning his head down and spitting on your anus and prodding it with his fingertip
"Peter is already done? aww boo..." he said sarcastically, pushing in his finger, causing you to yelp.
"more for me." he grunted, his heavy and edged balls slapping against you as he fucked you.
he fingered your anus, his cock plowing into you relentlessly.
"you close baby?" Peter looked down at you, his fingers tucking the sweaty hair behind your ear.
he didn't know since he wasn't the one back there, but you'd already came 3 times. Miguel's cock was just SO good to you.
you whimpered, thighs twitching as Miguel's pace stuttered.
"you next?" Miguel groaned, asking Peter.
Peter nodded, and Miguel moaned, throwing his head back and hot ropes of cum spilled inside of you.
your toes curled, thighs quivering with overstimulation and he pulled his finger out of your anus with a small squelch, along with his dick.
he squeezed the rest of him cum out, wiping it on your red hand-printed ass cheek.
"your turn." he said, moving to the other side of the bed in front of you.
Peter got behind you, kissing over the small cuts from Miguels talons that he'd left, and the hand prints.
he sat up, pushing his tip into your tight pussy with a whimper
"God you're so fucking tight-" he groaned, slowly moving his hips and you whined softly.
Miguel held your drool ridden face up with his hands, kissing your forehead and slapping your cheeks a couple times.
"don't worry. Peter won't take long in that perfect pussy of yours." he cooed, Peter leaning over and kissing the back of your neck, his thrusts slow but hard.
Miguel ran his hand through your hair, deceiving you before he pulled it.
you grunted, burying your face in the mattress underneath you and whimpering
Peter reached under you, cupping your breasts and panting softly. "you're doing good baby, I'm close okay?" he cooed, burying his face into your neck and whimpering softly, his cock twitching inside of you.
Miguel smirked, his fingers sliding into your mouth and pressing down on your tongue. "told you he wouldn't last."
and before he could say anything else, Peters body shook a bit, his warm cum pouring into you and coating your walls as his moans filled your ears.
Peter slowly pulled out his softening cock, laying down next to you.
you flopped down flat, head in Miguel's lap and Peter wrapped his arm around you.
idk how else to end this, so pretend this is an ending.
this was yesterdays, and I'll post todays kinktober tomorrow. along with tomorrows scheduled one.
I'm running off of no sleep rn loll
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