#i'm going to try very hard to get this done by next friday
corishadowfang · 6 months
Why am I incapable of writing anything short.
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dredshirtroberts · 2 months
okay. i cleared out the space under my bed so the princess will have so much MORE room for activities than she previously did. at least until Saturday and we move to the new place and she can decide if she's going to play nice with the boys finally.
#i was really underutilizing the under the bed space#not that i had a lot that could go in there but like just conceptually there was a lot of open space#also a whole fuckin pillow for some reason#anyway... my bookshelf STILL has books on it 3 bankers boxes later#i have a BAJILLION chotchkies i gotta figure out how to transport (absolutely already have gotten rid of things that aren't important)#(still have approximately a bajillion don't at me bro i know)#we're gonna figure out the stuffy transport situation#i'm planning on just throwing my clothes into the back of my car wherever there's space when we get to that part#because fuck it i don't care if it's enclosed in something if it gets dirty there's a washer and dryer in the new place#and i've already got plans to wash so much clothing#i have a whole ass hangup about laundry and i'm going to do my best to overcome that this next year#i'm also trying really hard not to overspend on spoons because i want to be able to help AND enjoy my birthday activities#(weather permitting) on friday AND also be kind of useful while we're settling into the new place over the next week#it is very nice that i do not have to do everything all by myself because i've been able to take the rest breaks i need#i'm doing very good at not panicking i'm really hoping it'll last until we're most of the way done already and i can just#point to all the things that are already done and go ''eh it's fine see?'' at myself#and then not actually panic.#we'll see how that goes lmao#okay lunch time i gotta get up and do that before i forget i preheated the oven
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tigertales9 · 6 months
Hard Reset IX
Pairing: Joe Burrow x Reader
Warnings: 18+ / Smut / Fluff
Description: This fic covers the rest of the bye week honeymoon.
Time/Place: Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023 - Friday, Oct. 20, 2023 / the lakehouse
A/N: This is the ninth fic in the Hard Reset series.
The end of the secret honeymoon is here! Next chapter will be back in the city. I'm going to be pretty busy the next couple weeks, but I'll try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can. It'll probably be after the holidays.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Wednesday night, 10/18/23
You come awake slowly, yawning and smiling against Joe's chest as he drops a kiss on your forehead. "How long was I asleep?" you ask.
"Just over an hour," he answers. "I woke up about ten minutes ago."
"I feel like I slept for ages," you murmur, yawning again.
"It was def a power nap," he muses.
You enjoy his warm embrace for several more minutes before his stomach growls loudly, causing you both to laugh. "Let me get a quick shower and we'll cook dinner," you state. "We can save the fondue action for tomorrow."
"Can we finish carving the pumpkins before dinner?" he asks, his hopeful tone making you smile.
"Sure." You take his hand as he stands up and helps you off the sofa. "Shower first, then pumpkins, then dinner. Does that sound good?"
"Sounds perfect," he agrees, following you as you head for the stairs.
~ ~ ~
About forty minutes later, you're freshly showered and back downstairs, finishing up carving your jack-o-lantern as Joe -- who finished carving before you -- tosses another log on the fire.
"I'm done," you eventually announce, standing up and giving him a smile. "Time for the big reveal," you continue, setting your jack-o-lanterns side by side on the table before stepping back to inspect them.
"Awww, yours is super cute," he mutters, making a face as he gestures at his. "Mine looks like he's struggling to hold in a huge fart," he grumbles, mimicking his jack-o-lantern's grimace as you bust out laughing.
"He really does," you agree, laughing even harder when he playfully swats your butt.
"You weren't supposed to agree with me," he pouts.
"Sorry," you giggle, pulling him into a tight hug. "It'll look awesome once we put the candles inside. Let's put 'em on the hearth and light 'em up."
Y'all grab your jack-o-lanterns and head toward the fireplace, placing them on the hearth and inserting lit candles inside before stepping back to admire the results. Both of you are silent for a minute before Joe speaks.
"Mine looks even worse lit up."
You know better than to agree with his very correct assessment, so you just give him a smile and lie through your teeth. "I think it looks great," you chirp, smiling even bigger when he narrows his eyes at you.
"Liar," he scoffs, trying and failing to keep a stern look on his face.
"He's got a touch of RBF, but he's still super cute, kinda like you," you tease, grabbing his hand and walking toward the kitchen. "You ready to cook dinner?"
"Yes, I'm starving," he groans, quickly forgetting all about his less-than-stellar pumpkin carving skills.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Thursday, 10/19/23
Y'all sleep late the next morning then have breakfast together before taking a few hours to do your own things:
watching game film, talking to Coach Taylor, and a work-out for him
a shower, talking to your bestie, your mom, and Joe's mom, plus online furniture shopping for you
You're lounging in bed just after noon -- wearing lace panties and one of Joe's t-shirts -- perusing armchairs for the lakehouse bedroom sitting area when he walks in fresh from his work-out, wiping his face and neck with a hand towel while looking like sex on legs.
"Hey," he greets you, ambling over and leaning down to press a kiss on your lips. "What are you doing?"
"Watching porn," you deadpan, smiling when he cranes his neck to look at your computer screen.
"Those leather chairs are really nice, but I wouldn't call 'em porn."
"I was talking about you," you purr, placing your fingertips on his inner thigh and running them all the way up the leg of his slinky shorts to his thigh crease, giving him a filthy wink at his sharp intake of breath.
"I'm really sweaty," he mutters, his eyes going wide when you pull your hand out of his shorts, set your laptop aside and turn to face him.
"Take your shirt off," you order, grabbing his hips and coaxing him forward a couple steps until his legs touch the edge of the mattress; you look up at him, loving the angle as he towers over you while you stay seated on the bed, your spread thighs flanking his long legs.
He tosses the towel down and slowly pulls his shirt off, using it to wipe his armpits and chest before trailing it down his torso. "Uh-uh," you scold, taking the shirt and tossing it on the floor. "That's what my tongue is for," you tease, holding eye contact while flattening your tongue against his abs just above the waistband of his shorts, licking up the length of his barely-there blonde treasure trail before slowly rimming his belly button.
He makes a sound low in his throat as you reverse course, trailing your tongue back down over his treasure trail, waistband, and all the way down to the prominent bulge in his shorts. "I wanna taste you," you state, licking his erection through the flimsy fabric. "I'm really sweaty," he repeats. "I know," you moan, hooking your fingers in the waistband of his shorts and undies and pulling them down to mid-thigh; you catch his cock as it springs free, relishing the hot and heavy feel of it in your hands as you trace the prominent veins with gentle caresses before gripping him tight. You give him a few slow pulls, base to tip, coaxing some pearly precum out before gently lapping it up, a sizzle of heat rushing through you at the noises he makes as you pleasure him.
"So good," he grits out, placing one big hand on the back of your head as you take him deeper and deeper; your entire body reacts to the sensory overload, drunk on the feel and the smell and the taste of him, the pheromone cocktail causing an immediate rush of moisture in your mouth and core.
"Jesus, baby, I wanna fuck you," he eventually groans, "but I'm way too sweaty to get in bed."
You pull off of him, stripping your shirt and panties off before spinning around and getting on your hands and knees, scooting back until you're on the edge of the mattress, your butt conveniently positioned at his crotch level. You throw him a look over your shoulder and wiggle your ass in invitation, fully expecting him to sink his erection inside you. He licks his lips and squats down, sinking his hot tongue inside you instead; you drop your forehead down onto the bed and arch your back, giving him easier access as his talented tongue works magic between your thighs, your fingernails digging into the cool sheets and your breathy moans escalating as he expertly coaxes you toward climax.
~ ~ ~
After a few orgasms -- two for you, one for him -- y'all end up sprawled on the bedroom floor with you on top of him, both panting hard to catch your breath.
"That got my heart rate up much more than my work-out," he grins, running a hand up and down your back.
"I think I blacked out for a sec," you chuckle, taking several more minutes to recover from the intense climaxes before rolling off of him. "I need a shower, but I'm not sure I can walk."
"Let me help," he offers, standing up and helping you to your feet before guiding you to the bathroom. "Let's get a shower then go do the fondue thing, okay?"
"That doesn't sound like a very healthy lunch," you laugh.
He gives you a wink before turning the water on to heat up in the oversized shower. "We gotta enjoy the cheat days while we can. Once we're back in the city, we'll go back to healthy eating."
"Sounds good," you concede, stepping into the steaming shower just ahead of him, shivering in delight when the hot water hits you.
~ ~ ~
An hour later you're back downstairs, sitting across from each other on the floor on either side of the coffee table -- in front of a roaring fire -- playing Uno and dipping Honeycrisp apple wedges, pumpkin spice doughnut chunks and fluffy marshmallows in warm caramel.
"This fondue pot is amazing," Joe mumbles around a mouthful of gooey marshmallow, holding one hand in front of his face so as not to show you his partially-chewed food.
"It really is," you agree, hitting him with yet another 'draw four' card while he rolls his eyes in exasperation.
"Damn, woman," he mutters, snatching the cards from the deck. "I've got like fifty cards now," he exaggerates.
"Good thing you have big hands to hold all of 'em," you tease, giving him a cheeky grin when he faux-glowers at you.
A couple minutes later, you throw down your last card, laughing at the look of relief on his face. "Thank God that's finally over," he grumbles, stacking the Uno cards and setting them to the side.
Y'all exchange small talk while you finish the fondue.
"I talked to your mom earlier," you say. "She's hinting that she wants to see us when we get back to the city." You reach over and wipe a drop of caramel off of his chin before continuing. "Maybe we should have them over Sunday? You and your dad can watch football and grill steaks, and your mom and I will make all the side dishes."
"Sounds good," he mumbles around a mouthful of apple.
"I'll call your mom tomorrow and invite them. They can just spend the night and head home Monday morning." Joe opens his mouth to say something, but you beat him to it. "I'll let her know that you have to be at the facility early Monday to start prepping for the 49ers, so you won't be having breakfast with us."
"You read my mind," he grins.
"It's getting to be a habit," you laugh, before gesturing to his phone. "Check the weather real quick."
He wipes his hands on a napkin before doing your bidding. "The rain is really scattered," he muses. "Looks like we have a good chance for some light showers but nothing crazy like last night."
You heave a sigh and roll your shoulders, throwing a look of longing at the roaring fire before speaking. "Is it bad that I just want to stay in tonight? I know you want to go to the Lake Lodge for dinner, but it's so warm and cozy here," you plead, batting your eyelashes for good measure.
He gives you a smile before responding. "I was just about to suggest we get soup and sandwiches delivered from The Cove Café for dinner tonight. There's an hour window from like 6:00 to 7:00 when the rain chance drops to basically zero." He shrugs. "Perfect time to have something delivered without the delivery guy getting drenched."
"Great idea," you grin, your smile fading a bit as a thought hits you. "I feel bad you won't get to try the other items you were looking forward to at the Lodge. Maybe we should have lunch there tomorrow before we head back to the city?"
"Why don't we stay one more night?" he asks. "The weather is supposed to be nice tomorrow. Max said we can borrow his boat to explore the lake, then we can have dinner on the rooftop deck at the Lodge tomorrow night."
"That sounds amazing, but we only booked three nights here."
"That was before we bought the place," he grins, laughing along with you as you make a sheepish face.
"I keep forgetting it's our house now. -- It feels like a dream."
"This whole secret honeymoon feels like a dream," he sighs. "Let's stay an extra night before we have to go back to the real world."
"I'd love that," you agree, watching as he stands up and grabs a couple of throws off the sofa before layering them on the floor in front of the fireplace.
"Now that we have that settled," he states. "Let's play a game that I know I can beat you at."
"Football?" you tease.
"Blackjack," he answers, grabbing a deck of cards before plopping down -- criss cross applesauce -- on the plush nest of blankets, gracing you with a smug grin as he shuffles the cards.
"Boy please," you snicker, dropping down opposite him. "I'm gonna beat you at that, too," you boast, sticking your tongue out at him when he laughs at your bravado.
"Let's make it strip blackjack since you're being a cocky little shit," he challenges.
You shrug nonchalantly. "Sure, but you better stoke the fire up so you don't get cold when you're booty butt naked and I'm still dressed."
"You'll be naked first, sweetie," he purrs, giving you a wink as he stands up to throw another log on the fire.
"We'll see."
He drops back down on the pile of blankets and shuffles the cards again while stating the rules. "We'll play through the deck; whoever has the most cards at the end is the winner. We're both wearing five articles of clothing -- shirt, leggings, bra, panties and socks for you -- shirt, t-shirt, sweatpants, undies and socks for me. So we're good to go."
"Sounds good. Deal 'em," you order, watching his sensual hands as he does your bidding, placing one card face down and one face up for each of you. You check your hidden card. "Hit me," you order, smiling at the card you receive. "I'll stand," you continue.
He turns his hidden card over. "Nineteen," he gloats.
"Twenty," you grin as you turn your hidden card face up.
"Lucky ass," he mumbles, rolling his eyes as you rake the cards into a pile with a flourish before setting them beside you. "This is off to an excellent start," you tease, giggling as he deals the next hand.
You eventually win the game, biting your lip and trying not to look too smug when he rips his socks off.
"You wanna deal the next game?" he asks.
"No, I like watching you do it," you admit. "You have sexy hands," you continue, giving him a naughty wink as he shuffles the deck.
He easily wins the next game, and you slowly unbutton your plaid flannel shirt before shrugging it off; you take your bra off before sliding the shirt back on, leaving it open to expose your breasts. You neatly fold your bra and set it to the side, giving him an innocent smile as his eyebrows slide up toward his hairline.
After several more games, he's down to nothing but his undies while you're still wearing your shirt, leggings and panties.
"You're counting cards," he accuses, giving you a look as he shuffles the deck.
"Yep, just like you taught me," you grin with absolutely no remorse. "Why aren't you doing it?"
"I'm trying, but I have a hard time concentrating when your perfect tits are staring me in the face."
"That's too bad," you snicker, trying and failing to look sympathetic.
He narrows his eyes at you. "You took your bra off first on purpose, didn't you?"
"Maybe," you shrug, squealing when he pounces on you and manhandles you back against the blankets, playing cards flying in every direction. "Wait! The game's not over yet," you giggle.
"You win," he growls, pressing a kiss on the sensitive spot just behind your ear.
"But you're not completely naked," you protest weakly, snapping the elastic waist on his undies before turning your head to give him better access as he sucks your earlobe before nipping it lightly.
"I'm about to be," he promises, "and so are you," he continues, giving you a loaded look before parting your lips with his tongue, immediately thrusting it inside when you open up for him.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Friday, 10/20/23 (after dinner at the Lake Lodge)
You finish brushing your teeth before clicking off the bathroom light and joining Joe in the bedroom, smiling when you find him sprawled out on the bed wearing only his undies, his clothes and shoes tossed in a heap on the floor.
"I can't believe I ate so much," he groans, rubbing his flat stomach while making a face.
"It was your last cheat day for awhile so don't sweat it," you soothe, sitting on the bed next to him and looking down at his beautiful face, the light from the waxing crescent moon streaming down through the skylight giving him an ethereal glow. He looks like a Renaissance painting, you muse to yourself.
"Well, the food was delish so I guess it was -burp- worth it," he states, belatedly covering his mouth after his gaseous eruption. "Excuse me," he chuckles. "That burp could've been much louder, but I held back."
"And some folks say romance is dead," you laugh, hopping up to get him an antacid tablet from the bathroom before breezing back in.
"Romance will never be dead for us," he states, chewing the chalky tablet before washing it down with the glass of water you hand him. "Thanks," he continues.
"You're welcome." You stretch out beside him and look up at the night sky, giving a wry grin when you spot the Big Dipper.
"We need to build a boathouse," he muses.
"Are we gonna buy a boat?"
"Yeah, eventually. I want to add another dock with a boathouse about thirty yards to the left of the existing dock. It needs to be offset so it won't block our view."
"I guess you enjoyed cruising around in Max's boat today?" you grin.
"Loved it."
"Me too." You smile at the memory.
Y'all spent a few hours cruising around the lake, the air crisp and the sun shining, Joe's curls blowing in the wind and his deep, throaty laugh echoing as he steered you in and out of quaint coves lined with trees lit up with leaves in shades of red, orange and gold. You took several pics of him, almost as many as he took of you. The outfit you picked out for him -- cream colored henley, dark olive jeans & Timbs -- made him look like a walking orgasm, especially with the henley unbuttoned to show off his sexy neck and a hint of chest.
"We got some amazing pics," he says, reading your mind, as usual.
"Yes, we did."
Y'all fall silent for several minutes before he speaks up again.
"I don't know if I should mention this right now, but I had a bad dream last night. I know it was just a dream, but it got me thinking."
"About what?" you ask, sitting up and looking down at him.
"About our 'official' wedding." He sits up and turns to face you, sitting criss cross and dropping his gaze to pick at a thumbnail as he continues. "I just … the thought of saying vows in front of a bunch of people kind of freaks me out."
You nod your head, not at all surprised since he has a tendency to suffer from social anxiety in certain situations. Playing football in front of 70,000 plus people with millions more watching on TV? Piece of cake. Public speaking when all eyes are on him? Not a piece of cake.
You brush a hand through his curls and give him a smile. "You know I'm perfectly fine not having a big wedding."
"I know." He takes both of your hands in his. "But what do you think about a really small wedding? Like just our parents and us?"
"Keep talking," you urge, the excited look on his face telling you he's got much more to say.
"I'm thinking a destination wedding with just the six of us. We'll take a private jet somewhere a little exotic but still fairly close. Not Florida," he deadpans when you raise a skeptical eyebrow at him. "Maybe somewhere in the Caribbean," he continues. "I like the idea of doing a beach thing, but I don't wanna fly forever to get there."
"I agree," you soothe, giving him an encouraging smile as he forges ahead.
"We can spend a couple days doing touristy things with our folks -- a beach BBQ, sunset cruise, whatever -- then we'll have the wedding ceremony followed by a nice dinner. Afterwards, you and I will go somewhere more private for our 'official' honeymoon while our parents stay behind at the resort."
"You've given this a lot of thought, and it sounds amazing," you grin, loving how excited he seems. "Will we all fly home together?"
"No. Our parents will fly home after a week stay or whatever they decide on. Then you and I will fly home later. Just the two of us." His smile goes from excited to naughty, and you know exactly what he's thinking.
"Will we be joining the Mile High Club on our return flight?" you ask, giggling when he gives you a filthy wink.
"The mind-reading is getting out of hand at this point," he chuckles.
You laugh with him for a bit before responding. "I love everything about your plan, but we'll need to have a party with all of our family and friends when we get back."
"Absolutely," he agrees. "We'll throw a huge party here at the lakehouse sometime between OTAs and training camp. All of the updates -- new boathouse and dock, deck expansion, swimming pool, upgraded landscaping, new kitchen counters, new furniture -- will be finished by then."
"If we host everybody here, they're gonna need a place to stay. Can't have folks getting shitfaced and then trying to drive back to the city."
He shrugs. "I think we should rent out that boutique hotel on the bluff overlooking the lake. It has like 100 rooms, so plenty of space for everyone."
"Ohhhh," you nod, thinking back to the hotel he'd pointed out to you on your earlier cruise around the lake. "The place with that gorgeous tri-level deck?"
"Yeah," he grins. "We should def utilize that deck for something."
"Dinner and dancing," you murmur, immediately getting into the idea. "We can rent out the entire hotel for two nights -- dinner and dancing at the hotel the first night, then we'll host everyone at our place the next day. At the end of the festivities, everyone can crash at the hotel and sleep it off before driving back to the city."
"Sounds like a plan," he states, his huge smile and deep sigh conveying a sense of relief as well as happiness.
You lean forward and press a kiss on his lips. "I can tell you put a lot of thought into this, and I really appreciate it."
He blushes and gives a shrug. "You've mentioned wanting me to make more plans and decisions instead of leaving it all to you. There are a ton of decisions you'll need to make, but I'm glad to help."
"Help?" you chuckle. "You've laid out the entire game plan. All I have to do is flesh out the details which is my fav thing."
"So you're happy?" he asks, his eyes locking onto yours.
"I'm ecstatic." You stretch out on the bed and pull him down beside you, trailing your fingers up and down his bare chest. "We have so much to look forward to."
"We really do," he agrees, covering his mouth to conceal another burp. "But, unfortunately, one thing we don't have to look forward to right now is sex. I ate way too much, and my stomach is churning a little."
"Let me get you another antacid," you offer, hurrying to grab it then watching as he chews it before gulping down another glass of water. "Dinner tonight was pretty rich, and you're not used to that. You'll feel better in the morning."
You stretch back out beside him, several minutes passing before he breaks the silence.
"I never got to see the naughty lingerie you brought."
"I'll surprise you with it one night soon. We have the rest of our lives to enjoy stuff like that."
"We have so much to look forward to," he echoes your earlier words, nuzzling his face into the nape of your neck as he pulls you against him.
"We really do," you agree, your mind racing with thoughts and ideas, a smile still gracing your lips as you eventually drop off to sleep.
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tonyspank · 11 months
Jenna Ortega x G!P Reader
Warnings: Jenna’s husband being a dickhead. And I think that’s all?
Words: 5.7k
A/N: I’m going to try and get chapter six out for the party and the after party tonight or tomorrow!
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Two weeks. Fourteen and a half days, or three hundred and forty-eight hours. That's how long it's been since you've held a conversation with Jenna, and it feels like an eternity. You've been wanting to talk to her and apologize, but she's been avoiding you. And she's doing a wonderful job at it, but you can't lie and not act like you're making it any harder for her to do so.
Instead of waking up at your usual time, you've been waking up thirty minutes earlier, and getting a ride for Eli. After practice, Eli drops you off before heading home himself, and then you'll grab a snack from the fridge, check for towels before you shower, sleep, and then repeat.
On the days you don't have practice you're out with Olivia, doing whatever comes to mind. Again, she's a very sweet girl, kind and loyal, and you can't help but admire her. You've been spending a lot of time with her and it's been great because you both enjoy each other's company.
She's been telling you about how she's started writing songs and they're mainly about her ex-boyfriend. She says her songs are a way of healing, and letting go of her past. You have been supportive and encouraging her to continue writing, and you've been there to listen to her stories while she works through her feelings.
Eli thinks you should stop and hurry up and apologize to Jenna. For someone who wants Jenna for himself, he was so keen on you two being on good terms. Eli was over at your place since it was an early dismissal at school today, and also a Friday.
"I still can't believe you're not talking." You open your mouth to speak but Eli beats you. "Just apologize and be done with it, man." You feel your neck flush. You open your mouth to reply but it only comes out as a stutter. Eli shakes his head and sighs, "All of this because she saw your lil Jimmy John."
You take a bite out of your apple sending a slight glare while doing so. Eli laughs and you swallow your bite before speaking, "Shut up. It's not that simple."
Eli smirks and shakes his head. "You know it is," he says. "You just don't want to admit it." You glare at him, not wanting to give in. You take another bite of the apple, savouring the sweet crunch. "No, it's not," you say firmly.
"Yes, it is. You're avoiding her, she's not avoiding you." You sigh in frustration. You know he's right, but you can't admit it. You set the half-eaten apple down, "Because it's awkward!" He shakes his head and smiles. "It's never going to be not awkward if you don't talk to her. It's better to just go for it and get it over with." He reaches for your apple and takes a bite. "Trust me."
You furrow your eyebrows. "Keep the apple, bitch." He grins, taking another bite of the apple. "You started avoiding her after she saw you naked and then she probably took it as a hint that you didn't want to speak to her, which you don't and started to avoid you herself." You sigh and roll your eyes. He takes another bite of the apple. "She's just as embarrassed as you are."
"So why not just apologize and move on?" He shrugs, taking the last bite of the apple. "It's not that hard. Just be honest and it'll be over in no time and don't walk around naked knowing you have company over." He wipes his mouth and stands up throwing away the apple.
"Where is my wife anyway?" You stare at him blankly at the nickname, "She's out."
He looks around the room for a second before he sighs. "Alright, I guess let's just order pizza and finish the movie you fell asleep on." You throw your head back groaning, "Fuck no! I'm not watching that movie. I fell asleep on it for a reason." He laughs, shaking his head. "Fine. What do you wanna watch then?" You smile, "Puss N Boots."
He raises an eyebrow, but agrees, "Fine, Puss N Boots it is." He pulls out his phone and orders a pizza, and you stand up from the bar stool, heading into the living room.
Thirty minutes later, Jenna was heading home with her friend Emma. She had no idea you were home, and she definitely didn't know Eli was over with you. "Am I about to meet the too attractive for her age, Y/N?" Emma asks with a smile, repeating Jenna's words from earlier today. Jenna sends Emma a glare, unlocking the front door.
Emma giggles, stepping inside and turning to look at Jenna. "So, is it a yes or a no?" She asks with a smirk. Jenna rolls her eyes and walks inside, closing the door behind her. "No. She's at school." Emma's face falls and she sighs. "That's disappointing." She turns away and walks towards the kitchen. Jenna follows but stays silent.
"It smells like pizza," Emma says and looks back at Jenna who nods in agreement.
You pause as you hear sounds coming from the kitchen. You snap your head at Eli who's too invested in the movie to hear anything. He chews his cheese pizza letting out a laugh before taking another bite. "Eli." Eli turns to you and sees the worry in your eyes. He slowly puts down his pizza and turns down the TV. "What is it?"
"I think Jenna's home." His face lights up and he holds his pizza in his mouth jumping up happily, you follow the boy who nearly jogs to the kitchen. Jenna and Emma turn around at the sound of something falling to the floor. It's the pizza that slipped from his mouth.
"MY PIZZA! NOOOOOOO!" Eli yells out as you stare at the two women in front of you. Jenna and Emma smile, amused by the boy's dramatic reaction.
He quickly picks up the pizza and takes a big bite. "Dude, that's so gross." You mutter, squeezing past him and further into the kitchen. Eli continues to eat the pizza off the floor. "It's not that bad," he says with a mouthful. You shake your head in disbelief and watch as the blonde woman whispers something into Jenna's ear.
"I thought she was at school, hm?" Emma whispers, a smile on her lips. Jenna's cheeks flush and she quickly avoids eye contact with everyone in the room. You frown, wondering what that was all about, but it soon disappears as you examine Jenna's outfit.
She was wearing a cropped white button-up, a black tie and a long grey split colored skirt. One side was darker than the other, her socks matching it perfectly. Her shoes were black loafers that matched the tie. A pair of glasses sat on top of her head while her headphones hung from her neck. She really does always have a pair of headphones on her.
She had a unique style, one that blended modern and vintage elements creatively. It was eye-catching and inspiring, and it seemed to suit her perfectly. She looked amazing in it, and it was clear she had a lot of confidence in her own style.
The blonde woman smiles at you, "Hi. It's so nice to meet you. I'm Emma, Jenna's friend." You smile back, holding out a hand for her to shake. "Nice to meet you too—" Eli steps in front of you, shaking her hand himself and introducing himself. "Hey beautiful, I'm Elias Cooper the third." Emma looks taken aback, laughing in shock and surprise as she shakes his hand.
"He's not a third." You and Jenna both say in sync. You and Jenna exchange a glance, and Emma laughs again. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Elias," she says. Eli raises her hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss onto her hand while not breaking eye contact. Emma giggles looking at Jenna, and Eli lowers her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, too," he says, his voice low and rich. Jenna clears her throat, and you place a hand on his shoulder, rescuing Emma from the situation.
Eli stands up straight again, and you quickly shake Emma's hand. "I'm Y/N. Sorry about him." Emma's face lights up with a smile. "It's nice to finally meet you, Y/N." She turns to Jenna with a mischievous glint in her eye, mouthing, "Sexy indeed." Jenna turns a deep shade of red and averts her gaze and Emma grins even wider.
"Don't you two have school? Why are you home?" Emma asks. Jenna sighs in relief at not having to ask herself. You nod and Eli speaks up for you, "We had an early dismissal."
"Oh, I see," Emma said. Jenna's eyes roam over you, taking in your white tee that fits your biceps just right. Or your black sweatpants that sag just enough to show the Calvin Klein band in your boxers. Jenna's gaze lingers for a moment before she looks away, blushing. She quickly turns her attention back to Emma, trying to focus on the conversation.
But Eli noticed it all his eyes widening as he stopped himself from letting his jaw drop in shock. He quickly regained his composure and tried to act as if nothing had happened. Eli glanced at Jenna, who was still blushing. He smirked, his lips turning up into a mischievous grin.
"— home safety." Emma finishes off, and you and Eli nod. "Yeah, I'm leaving as well. I just wanted to hang out with her since she's been spending all her time with Olivia." Eli says, staring you down at the last part.
Emma laughs while Jenna's lips twitch downwards. Who's Olivia? "Who's Olivia?" Emma asked with a hint of curiosity. You shake your head, "She's just a friend." Eli sends a quick look to Jenna before throwing an around your shoulder and placing a hand on your stomach. "A friend who wants to be more than friends!"
He tells Emma and you sigh at the boy. Emma's eyes widen, and Jenna scoffs quietly. You roll your eyes and move away from Eli, hoping to avoid any further conversation about Olivia.
"I should get going," Emma announces to everyone with a small frown. Jenna nods and Eli feels his pockets for his keys, "Me too." Eli begins walking into the living room and you follow behind him.
While that happens Emma and Jenna are making their way to the front door, Emma gives Jenna a hug pulling away with a smirk on her lips. "I saw those glances at Y/N." Jenna blushed, trying to deny it. She was about to say something, but Emma just laughed and shook her head. "Come on. Just admit it."
"Em, I'm married." Emma rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively. "Unhappily. When's the last time you even got laid?" Jenna opened her mouth to protest, but no words came out. She looked away, trying to hide the blush that had spread across her cheeks. "That's what I thought," Emma said smugly.
"Y/N is my best friend's daughter and not only that but she's eighteen," Jenna exclaims. There were a lot of reasons this was a bad idea, but these were her main concerns. Along with being engaged of course. She didn't want to get caught up in a scandal, and she didn't want to make your parents mad. Especially since she was already getting married.
Jenna knew she had to put a stop to this before it even began. She had to make it clear to Y/N that there was nothing more between them than friendship. She had to make sure that Y/N understood that she needed to focus on her future and not on Jenna.
But the way you looked, the way she felt, she couldn't help but think about what if? Her husband was barely home and he barely even called. And here you are, giving her kisses on her temple and sending photos of her to your best friend. She knew it was wrong but she couldn't resist the temptation. She wanted so badly to feel alive again.
"She's an adult. She can make her own choices. Plus, she seems respectful." Emma says, shrugging slightly. Emma looked away, embarrassed. She knew she was wrong in encouraging her friend, but she couldn't help it. She had been in her friend's shoes not so long ago and she wanted her to be happy.
She was trying to be supportive, even if it was misguided. She wanted her friend to be able to make the decisions that she thought were best for her, regardless of the consequences.
While they spoke, you and Eli were as well.
Eli searches the couch for his keys, tossing a few pillows to the side. You cross your arms, "They're on the table." He turns his head, and they indeed are on the coffee table. "Oh, shit. Thanks."
Eli grabs his keys, "Thank you, baby girl." You scrunch up your face, "Shut up." Eli laughs and throws his keys in the air. He catches them and gives you an exaggerated bow. "My humble thanks to you, my lady." You roll your eyes and Eli grins. "You better talk to her."
You uncross your arms, sighing. "And say what exactly? Oh, sorry Jenna. I didn't mean for you to see me naked, I was just heading to get a towel. I thought you were asleep." Eli pauses then gives you a single nod, "Yes. Say exactly that. It's not rocket science." You take a deep breath, then exhale. "Okay, I'll apologize."
Eli plays with his keys. "Good." He turns to leave but immediately turns back around. "Also! You can keep Jenna for yourself. I want Emma." You raise an eyebrow and look at Eli, confused. He smiles and rolls his eyes. "Just kidding. Hashtag Jenna for life." He laughs and starts to walk away. You watch him go, still trying to process what had just happened. You shake your head and laugh, deciding it was best not to question it.
Jenna opens her mouth to reply to Emma but closes it, turning around as Eli enters the room. He stops short when he sees the two and quickly puts on a smile. "Hey, ladies. Looking even more gorgeous than earlier." He says, Emma grins and Jenna shakes her head. "Hey Eli, leaving?"
Eli nods. "Yup, I'm headed out. See you around." Eli gives a small before walking out of the room, leaving Emma and Jenna alone. "He's cute as well," Emma whispers, smiling. Jenna laughs. "We'll talk later, yeah?" Emma nods and follows Eli out the door.
Jenna watched them leave, a small smile on her face. She shook her head and went back to the kitchen, slightly jumping when you were already there, waiting for her. A sad smile was on your lips as you leaned against the counter. "Hey, Jen. Can we talk?" Jenna hesitated before nodding. "Yeah, of course."
"I uh, I just wanted to apologize for--" You motion with your hands trying to find the right words. "For walking out without a towel, I honestly thought you were asleep." You look away, feeling embarrassed. You take a deep breath and look back, hoping for a response. "I'm sorry," you say again, hoping your apology is accepted.
There's a long pause, and you can feel your heart racing. Suddenly, your Jenna breaks the silence and says, "It's okay. Don't worry about it." You let out a sigh of relief and offer a weak smile. "Thank you," you reply.
Jenna smiles back and gives your hand a reassuring squeeze. You feel a sense of calm come over you as you look into Jenna's eyes. You give her hand a gentle squeeze in return, "Can we hug?" Jenna smiles and pulls you in for a hug. You wrap your arms around her and exhale, enjoying the feeling of being so close to her. A soft hand rubs up and down your back gently.
The warm feeling of connection between you and Jenna slowly dissipates as you pull away. You look at each other, a mutual understanding in your eyes. Jenna reaches up to caress your cheek before releasing you and stepping back.
Your face tingles from her touch and your face begins heating up. "There, um. There's still a box of pizza left if you want some." She hums, "What's on it?" You stutter in response, "Uh, cheese and pepperoni."
"I'm a pescetarian."
"Oh, um, sorry about that. I didn't know." You fumble for words, trying to think of what to say next. She laughs softly and says, "It's okay. I'll just have the cheese." You furrow your eyebrows, "Wait. Didn't you have chicken and rice that one day?" You refer back to the day she cooked for you.
"That was for you. I had eaten something beforehand." You feel guilty for not realizing it before. "I'm sorry," you say, "I should have known that." She smiles and shakes her head, "It's alright. I'll just order something else."
"That's why you ordered that veggie sandwich." You mumble loud enough for her to hear. She laughs, "Yes, that's why." You look down at the ground, thinking a bit before letting out a, "Huh." She stares at you, her eyes twinkling. She smiles and says, "It's good for you. You should try something new every once in a while." You nod, shrugging.
"Maybe." She gives you a knowing look. "Just trust me. I think you'll like it." You reluctantly agree, moving to sit down on the bar stool and continuing to talk to Jenna until Midnight comes. You can't believe you spent two weeks avoiding the older woman when the apology was so simple. You mentally groaned at the fact Eli was right.
Instead of being in bed Saturday morning, you found yourself in the school gym, your team and the opponent team warming up. "So, she just said it's okay and moved on?" Eli asks, dribbling the ball in behind him. As you sit down, you hum as you search through your gym bags for your shoes. "See! I told you, she probably thought you were upset. She's grown, I'm sure she got over it the next hour."
You pause for a moment, considering the situation. "I guess so," you finally reply. Where the fuck are your shoes? You glance behind you, looking for them. "Eli, do you have my shoes?" Eli frowns and shakes his head. "No, I don't. I thought you had them." You groan in frustration and turn away, searching the gym for your missing shoes.
You stop looking and take a deep breath. You know you must have left them somewhere, but you can't remember where. You retrace your steps, going back to the locker room and searching around the benches. "Fuck! I left them at home." You glance around the locker room one last time, just in case they were here after all.
You sigh and start heading toward your back. Eli is now sitting down with the ball in his lap. Eli notices your distress and offers to help you look for them. You tell him that you remembered they are at home, "I'll look in lost and found for another pair before Coach starts the huddle."
You nod, sitting down and reaching into your bag for your phone, dialling Jenna's number. Hopefully, she can bring your shoes in time.
Jenna pulls away her phone away from her ear, seeing an incoming call for you. She cuts off the man on her phone sighing, "Jacob. I have to go." Jacob stops her, "Jenna! I'm talking about something important."
Jenna takes a deep breath and clenches her fist in anger. "Suggesting an open marriage is important?! Are you fucking kidding me?" Jacob's voice rises on the phone, "Yes! Don't you think I have needs too?" Jenna's voice tightens, "No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying that's not the way to solve this problem." Jacob pauses for a moment before stammering, "Well, what do you suggest then?
"Oh, I don't know? Maybe coming to see your wife every now and then? Taking some time off to build a family like you said you were the past ten times." Jacob clenches his jaw on the other side of the phone, "You're not my wife."
Jenna's heart sinks. She swallows the lump in her throat and says, "No, I'm not. Because someone is too fucking busy to officially marry me. You don't understand how embarrassing it is. We've been fiancées for so long that my family has stopped asking when the wedding is."She takes a deep breath and resigns herself to the fact that it's just not going to happen.
She feels tears welling up, but she quickly composes herself. "Then you have the audacity to suggest an open marriage? You're an asshole."
She places down the phone, putting it on speaker before speaking again. "Fuck you! And fuck this ring!" She takes off the ring, roughly setting it down on the kitchen counter. "Jenna--" she quickly hangs up, not wanting to hear his voice anymore.
She begins to sob, her hands shaking as she covers her face with them. Her phone starts ringing, and it's you calling her again. She takes a few deep breaths before collecting herself and wiping away her tears. She takes a moment to compose herself before answering.
"Jen! Thank God, I forgot my shoes at the door. Could you bring them to me? I'm at school and I have a game." She sniffles into the phone, about to reply but you interrupt her. "Jenna? Are you okay?" She takes a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'll be right there with your shoes." She hangs up and quickly grabs the shoes before rushing to school.
She arrives at the school and sees Eli, already on the court playing, but no sight of you. The woman recognizes your last name on your jersey, your back is turned towards her while you sit on the bench. Jenna takes a deep breath, smiles and jogs over to you, calling your name.
You turn around, surprised to see her. You jump up making your way to Jenna, a huge smile on your face. She hands you the shoes, and you bring her into a side hug. "Thank you so much," she nods in response. "Of course."
You stare at her, taking in her sad face and you can tell she has been crying. You set your shoes down, a slight frown on your face. "Are you okay?" Jenna nods her head, her lip trembling. She was doing a horrible job trying to convince you she was okay.
You wrap your arms around her and pull her close. You can feel her body shaking as she sobs into your shoulder. You squeeze her tighter, trying to offer her some comfort. You whisper reassuring words in her ear, letting her know she isn't alone. You stay there, hugging her until her body stops shaking.
She pulls away, wiping her eyes and shaking her head as she forces a smile on her lips. "Shit, I'm so sorry--" You interrupt her. "Don't apologize." You whisper softly, "It's alright, I'm here for you."
"You have a game to play." She whispers back, you shake your head. "You're more important than a high school game." She looks up into your eyes, her own still glistening with tears. "Thank you," she murmurs, and she takes a deep breath as her shoulders relax. You smile at her, and take her hand in yours, squeezing it gently.
You pull her back into a quick hug, pulling away and placing a kiss on the top of her head. You don't know why but you just wanted to before you let her go. She looks up at you, a small smile forming on her lips. "Go play," she says. You pick up your shoes nodding before asking, "Are you gonna watch?"
She shakes her head and pushes you away gently. "I'm more of a soccer fan but I'll support," she says. You take a few steps back, watching her for a few moments before turning away and running toward your coach. She smiles before finding a place to sit on the bleachers. Your coach calls a timeout, discussing a game plan to sub you in as your team is trailing 15 points.
Eli pats your back while you bend down to tie your shoes, looking away from your coach's whiteboard to spare a look into the crowd. His face lights up when he sees Jenna, waving at her.
It is Olivia that is seated in front of Jenna, and she thinks Eli is waving at her and her friends, so she reciprocates. Jenna smiles and waves back, but Olivia's face falls when she realizes Eli was not waving at her. Olivia turns away, trying to hide her disappointment. She forces a smile back onto her face and turns to her friends, pretending nothing had happened.
The ref informs your coach that his thirty seconds are about to come to an end, you all break out of the huddle and prepare to step onto the court. The whistle blows and the game begins. Both teams battle it out, and the crowd cheers as the energy of the game fills the air.
As Jenna's anxiety creeps up at the scoreboard, she reaches for her ring only to remember it's not there. Jenna quickly shakes her head and refocuses on the game. Clapping loudly as you steal the ball from your opponent.
You quickly pass the ball to Eli, who dribbles it to the basket and makes the shot. The crowd erupts in cheers for your team. You give Eli a pat on his back as he jogs back down the court.
It's the fourth quarter and your team is trailing by two points. Twenty seconds left on the clock. You walk up the court, calling out a play. Eli sets a screen for you and you run to the basket. Jumping off one foot, you go for the layup only to get fouled badly. You land hard but still manage to make the layup.
The crowd goes silent at the loud smack that could be heard around the arena. You stay laying on the ground, the pain coursing through your body. Jenna stands up from the bleachers, worry on her face. "Don't be hurt," she mutters to herself, repeating the three words to herself.
Chris, your teammate along with Eli jog over to you, helping you onto your feet. You take a deep breath and smile, letting your teammates know that you're okay. You give Jenna a wave and a thumbs up, and she visibly relaxes, sitting back down. Chris and Eli give you a pat on the back and the crowd cheers, relieved that you weren't seriously injured.
"Come on, make the free throw baby," Eli says, patting your back. You nod and make your way to the free-throw line. You take another deep breath, focus on the rim, and take the shot. The ball sails through the air and you hear the swish of the net. The crowd erupts and you turn to Eli who is grinning and giving you a thumbs-up. You can't help but smile back, proud of yourself for making the shot.
The opposing team is left with nine seconds on the clock, inbounding the ball and rushing it up the court. The opposing team takes a desperate shot, but it hits the backboard and rebounds out. The buzzer sounds and the game is won.
The home crowd erupts in cheers and the players on the winning team rush the court to celebrate their victory. The players hug and rejoice, thankful for the hard work they put in to secure the win. The losing team stands in silence, feeling the disappointment of the loss. They shake hands with their opponents, showing respect for the other team's effort. The game is over, and the winners bask in the glory of their victory.
As the other team walks into the guest locker room, you walk to the bleachers with a jolly smile on your face. You're staring at Jenna who smiles at you. She blows you a kiss and you dramatically drop your jaw holding a hand over your heart. She laughs, her eyes twinkling with delight. You can't help but feel your heart swell with joy, knowing that she understands your silly gesture of affection.
You jump as you feel a pair of arms wrap around you, Jenna's smile disappears as she watches you hug back the brunette girl. "Olivia! Hey," You say, pulling away from the hug. She smiles in response, resting a hand on your bicep. "You did so well!" Olivia laughs, her eyes twinkling in the arena lights. You glance back at Jenna, who watches you with a frown. You give her a small smile, and she tentatively smiles back.
Eli walks past the two of you, making his way up the bleachers to Jenna. You nod at Olivia's words but your eyes are on the two, Eli and Jenna embrace in a hug, and Eli whispers something in Jenna's ear that makes her laugh. Olivia notices your gaze and follows it. She turns back to you and raises an eyebrow, her expression unreadable.
You look away, feeling embarrassed for having been caught staring. "Are you going to the party tomorrow?" You ask, and Olivia nods. Before she could speak your excuse yourself, joining Eli and Jenna at the bleachers.
The three of you chat for a while, and when you turn back to look for Olivia, she's gone. "Hey, Jen. Enjoy the game?" Jenna grins. "Yeah, it was very intense." You smile in response, "Well, I had to keep you on your toes somehow."
Jen laughs, "You definitely did. I think I'm going to go grab a snack before heading home. Do you need a ride home?" You shake your head. "Yes, please." Jen smiles at you, "Okay. I'll be at the front entrance." She says and heads off to get a snack. Eli turns to you, smiling. "Did you see her ring?"
You furrow your eyebrows, not remembering as you weren't paying attention. "Uh, no?" Eli's smile widens, "Exactly! Oh my god, this is one of the best days of my life!" Eli claps his hands and jumps up from the bleacher. He looks around, noticing the stares they were getting from the students in the stands. He leans in and whispers, "Come on, let's get out of here."
They quickly make their way down the bleachers and into the locker room. You try to remember if Jenna actually wasn't wearing her ring, but you can't remember. You follow Eli out of the locker room, still wondering if you were wrong. "See you tomorrow, Y/N," Eli says, parting ways with you. You send him a nod, seeing Jenna walking toward the main entrance, you follow her, and the two of you walk toward her car.
Jenna gets to her car and you place your bags in the back before entering as well. Jenna puts on her seatbelt and looks at you. "Hungry?" she asks. You shrug, "Not really. I'll just eat something at home." Jenna starts the engine and pulls out of the parking spot. She turns to you and smiles. "You scared me when you fell."
You laugh and look away. "It was nothing, I'm fine. Just a way to get the ref to actually call it." Jenna nods and puts her attention back on the road. You glance at her hands on the steering wheel. She wasn't wearing her ring. Would she mind if you asked? You take a deep breath and decide not to bring it up. You turn your gaze back out the window, watching the scenery pass by. It's probably better to just let it go for now, especially since she was crying earlier.
"Are you feeling better?" You ask, turning your head to her. She quietly nods her head and you let out a relieved sigh. You both sit in silence, the only sound being the hum of the engine.
"I thought you didn't have a girlfriend." Jenna randomly says as her mind reminded herself of the girl hugging you after the game. You quickly look away, not wanting to make eye contact with her. You clear your throat, not sure how to respond. "It's complicated," you finally say. "Well-- it's not. She likes me but I don't like her. Remember what I said when we were out for lunch?"
Jenna looks back at the road in front of her, feeling a little embarrassed. She nods silently before clearing her throat. "Yeah, I remember," she says softly. She takes a deep breath and continues to drive, her mind racing with thoughts. Some of them are about you and the others are about Jacob.
It was obvious she wasn't happy in her marriage, but she was too afraid to take the next step and leave. She knew it would be hard and she wasn't sure if she was up to the challenge. She was also thinking about what Emma said. She's an adult. She can make her own choices. Plus, she seems respectful. Respectful? You were more than respectful, she thought. You were selfless and more mature than the adults she knew in her life.
Yes, it might have taken two weeks but at least you apologized. You didn't exactly do anything wrong, it was just a lack of thinking and communication. And the way you were ready to prioritize her over your game, her husband couldn't relate. You showed that you can put other people's needs before your own. That you can be considerate and thoughtful. It's a good sign that you're growing up and learning to think of others.
When she arrived at a red light her eyes looked at you. Your head turned toward the window. She shamelessly examined you, your jawline, your nose, your eyes, your hair. Everything about you was attractive. She felt a connection between the two of you like she had known you for a lifetime. She couldn't help but smile, her cheeks blushing from the warmth she felt. She wished the light wouldn't turn green, so she could keep admiring you.
The light changed its color unfortunately, she had butterflies in her stomach as she realized what she's been thinking about. She was infatuated by you, and badly. No more denying it.
taglist - @raven-ss @godsfavouritelesbiann @jennasslut @niqmandu @amburntfreeman @returnnofdamac @starry-night17 @get-the-fuck-outta-here @morganismspam23
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lainiespicewrites · 8 months
Coach Sy part 4 "The Date"
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Here it is folks! Sy and Alayna's big first date and other things ;) Enjoy let me know what you think! No I promise I'm not stopping here!!
Warnings: cursing, alcohol consumption, Smut! (p in v) , creampie, Dom Sy
Reblogs and comments are always welcome! all mistakes are mine! it's late and I definitely did not proof read because I was on a roll and excited about posting it! I'm sorry in advance for any grammatical errors
It was another busy week. We were headed into the second week of October and that meant midterms were right around the corner. And so was fall break. Half of my students were anxious and stressed, they had test anxiety and were worried where this would put them on the class ranking. The others, I couldn’t get them to focus. They had one foot out the door ready for the long weekend, Ready for pumpkin patches and fall leaves. Surely plotting their next instagram post or tik tok or whatever it was they were doing now. 
I actually didn’t see much of Sy during the week, the boys were up against another difficult team this friday so he spent most of his lunches watching tape for practice. We kept things professional when we did run into each other though. It helped that I wasn’t sure how far he wanted to take it after what he’d said saturday. He wanted to be a gentleman. I guess that meant he wasn’t going to kiss me again either until he took me out on a date. I could handle that. But it didn’t mean it wasn’t torture. Logan may be kind and sweet and the perfect gentleman. But he’s also a big fucking tease. And he was doing it on purpose!
I ran into him on Wednesday afternoon in the hallway. I was on my way back in from picking up lunch. He was on his way back to his classroom. He immediately smiled when he saw me
“Well there’s a sight for sore eyes, late lunch darlin?” He asked, leaning against the wall in the hallway. I blushed.
“Hey handsome, yeah, busy afternoon just got the chance to go pick something up.” I responded. Then added “I’ve missed are lunch dates, I haven’t seen much of you this week,” I bit my lip softly waiting for him respond. 
“Yeah, me too, I’d much rather be having you for lunch,” He winked. “But I don’t think that’d be very work appropriate.” He smirked. I felt my face heat up and my eyes went wide. 
“Sy!” I scolded trying so hard to hide my laugh. He cupped the my jaw and brushed his thumb over my cheek. 
“Saturday’s only a few days away Darlin’, I waited over a year for you. Just a few more days and you can see as much of me as you want,” He drawled out chuckling softly. 
My face went completely flush and my heart rate sped up. This had to be what a heart attack felt like. God this man knew what he was doing. My skin felt like it was burning and simultaneously I was puddle on the floor for him. 
“You talk big game for a man that won’t even kiss me,” I teased, finally finding my voice again. I watched him as his eyes flickered behind me and he quickly turned to see if we were alone. 
“I can’t baby, you’re like a drug or something. If I get started with you again I’m not gonna be able to stop. And this aint the right place for that sugar.” He smiled softly. He let his hand fall back to his side. We were in the middle of the hallway surely we couldn’t stand like this forever and not get caught. And he was right. Faculty dating isn’t against the rules. But at the rate we were going we would be fired if we took a step closer to each other right now. 
“I do that much for you?” I asked, unable to hide smile. 
“You do more than that sugar, you’ll see soon enough. I gotta head back to my classroom and get some work done. I’ll see you at the game Friday! You go eat darlin, don’t need you passin out on us,” he gave me one last soft smile before we parted ways and I headed back to my office.  
On thursday night I went to dinner with the girls. And gave them all the details they’d been waiting for. 
“Girl I would have melted! He did not!” Skyler gasped. I laughed and hid my blush behind a sip of wine. 
“And in the middle of the school hallway, you guys are like teenagers,” Hayley shook her head, but smiled. “You better be back by curfew saturday night,” she smirked. I took another bite of the cake we were sharing for dessert and smiled skyler shook her head. 
“I don’t think he plans on taking her back to her house unless he’s staying the night,” She joked. 
“My god you guys can we get through one dinner without discussing my love life,” 
“No, it was non-existent until he came along and we are fully invested. This is better than TV!” Skyler laughed. “Seriously though, I hope you have so much fun saturday night, you haven’t been out on a date in… well a really long time! You deserve this!” 
“He does know you’re like horrible at bowling though right? Like when we used to go in high school your best game was like a 72, you might as well as just dropped it right in the gutter!” Hayley laughed. 
“I tried to tell him! I chuckled. “If anything there will be a lot of laughter. And it’ll be an excuse for him to put his hands on me again.” I wiggled my eyebrows. Hayley rolled her eyes and skyler almost choked on her drink laughing. I love my friends so much! 
Friday felt like it dragged on forever. Sy was busy all day again so I’d only heard from him in his usual “Good morning” text. We were busy in the office starting sign-ups for the first senior college campus field trip, and I skipped lunch so I was starving by the time I packed up my office at the end of the school day. Just as I was about to lock up my office there was a knock on my door. 
I looked up and saw a few of the boys on the football team standing outside of my office. 
“Derek, Matt, Tyler, Can I help you boys?” I smiled. 
“We just wanted to thank you for being at our game last week Ms. P, You’re the best!” Derek spoke first. He was such a sweet kid. He was a shoein for a football scholarship at one of the big universities. 
“Yeah and we heard you were gonna be there tonight too! That’s awesome, Coach says you’re our good luck charm and I think he’s right. No one’s got as much spirit as you!” Tyler laughed. 
“You boys are just trying to butter me up to write your college recommendation letters,” I chuckled. “That’s so sweet of you to say, thank you! I can’t wait to watch you guys play tonight!”
“You rock Ms. Plummer! Oh and uh,” Matt smirked  and stepped out from behind the other two boys I hadn’t noticed he was holding a bouquet of flowers. “Coach sent us to deliver these,” He said extending the vase out to me. 
“Thank you Matt,” I smiled taking them from him and setting them on my desk. “You guys better get home Coach will have your head if you don’t take care of yourselves before the game!” They all smiled 
“We’ll see you tonight Ms. P!” Derek called as they left the office. Shook my head and smiled to my self as picked up the flowers and finally closed up my office. 
Once I got home from work I set the flowers on the counter and noticed there was a little card attached. I pulled off the little envelope and took out the card. 
“Flowers for our gorgeous good luck charm. It’s gonna be a great game! Can’t wait to see you tonight Sugar ;)”  I could feel my cheeks heating up and I smiled to myself. He was too much sometimes. But I loved it. I ate a quick dinner, changed into some jeans and put on Sy’s hoodie I still had from last weekend. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.  I sprayed on a little perfume that he had complimented a while ago. And then headed out the door to get to the game a little early. 
I don’t know why I was trying to impress him. I already had him. But I really enjoyed having his attention. And I missed it so much this week while he was busy. The spot next to his truck was open so I parked next to him. It was starting to feel natural. I liked it. It felt like we belonged together. I shook my head. I was getting ahead of myself. 
When I headed toward the field I found him immediately. He was standing on the sidelines talking with the other coaches while the boys were warming up. I walked along the fence that ran along the outside of the track and stood leaned against it waiting for him to see me. One of the other coaches saw me first and smirked. He sent me a little wink before he nudged Sy and nodded in my direction. Sy raised his eyebrow and turned to see what Nick was looking at. I smiled and and waved shyly. “I’ll be back, Nick get the boys started on the next defensive drill, I want ‘em good and focused tonight!” He said barely looking back to catch his assistant coaches response before he strode over to the fence giving me a toothy grin. 
“Hello beautiful,” He smiled as he leaned his hip against the fence. 
“Hey handsome, looks like the boys are in good shape for the game tonight!” I said. He looked out at the field and watched them for a minute and nodded. 
“Yeah, we’re lookin’ even better now that our good luck charm is here. The boys couldn’t wait to give you your flowers.” He chuckled, turning back to face me. 
“Yeah? I’m sure THEY couldn’t,” I smirked. “Thank you they were beautiful, and the card was sweet Sy, you didn’t need to do that.” 
“Gentlemen always, sends flowers on the first date,” He teased. 
“Yeah but it’s not until tomorrow,” I joked. 
“Okay, so maybe I felt bad that i’ve been a little busy this week, just wanted you to know that I’m eager to see you again. I’m always thinking about ya,” he smiled
“Sy,” i blushed
“It’s true, I’m always thinking about your pretty little smile. And those lips.” He paused “The way you taste. And those tits,” He smirked wiggling is eyebrows. 
“Oh my god,” I blushed and folded my arms against the fence hiding my face. “You are ridiculous!” I mumbled against my sleeve. He chuckled. 
“Is that my sweatshirt?” He asked raising an eyebrow. I lifted my head to meet his gaze biting my lip softly. 
“It might be.” I said shyly. 
“So you’ve been thinking about me too,” He smirked. 
“It’s kinda hard not too,” I admitted. He smiled and holding my gaze for a moment before looking back at the field, then behind me at the bleachers. 
“It’s probably not appropriate for us to show PDA around the students like this huh?” He said sadly, “I wanna kiss you so bad,”
“Well, it is technically after work hours, and theres no harm in a good luck kiss.” I smiled batting my eyelashes playfully. 
“I like the way you think Darlin,” He smirked cupping my jaw tilting my face up and pressing his lips to mine softly. We stayed like that for a few seconds breathing each other in. It’d been a long week. Finally we pulled away when one of the players whistled from the sidelines. Sy chuckled and shook his head. 
“Good luch coach.” 
They didn’t need it, the boys played amazing. The predictions would be that this would be a close scoring game, but our team shut them out. The final score was 54 to 10. They had 4 straight consecutive wins this season. They were undefeated so far and if they won again next week it would be the first time in 15 years we’d headed into an undefeated season. Sy was really soaking it up after the game. 
“Well look at you Cowboy.” I smiled waiting against my car as he walked out to his truck after everyone had cleared out. “You’re famous around here now.” 
“Nah, the boys deserve all the credit, they’re the ones putting in the work.” He said humbly. 
“I saw you celebrating you out there, You love this!” I grinned, looking up at him as he stopped right in front of me. “You’re a damn good coach, they wouldn’t be this good without you,” I put my hand on his chest and the other on his shoulder pulling him closer. 
“With a beauty like you cheering us on we’re unstoppable baby,” He said softly grabbing my belt loops and pulling me against him kissing me roughly. I let him bit my lip and slip his hands down to squeeze my ass before I pulled away and pushed him back softly with my hand on his chest. 
“Slow down Tiger, you haven’t taken me out yet remember?” I smirked. He groaned dropping his head to my shoulder breaking heavily against my neck. “Whats got you all riled up captain?
“You showing up in my hoodie, kissing me like that, acting all shy,  you’re such a tease baby,” he growled. 
“Me? And your little stunt in the hallway this week wasn’t teasing? I couldn’t focus for the rest of the day! And I couldn’t kiss you then!” I pouted. He smirked. 
“Yeah I guess that wasn’t fair was it?” He brushed my hair back away from my face and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Okay, we better get out of here before I try and take you home with me again,”
“One more day Logan, you did this to yourself!” I winked. “It’ll be worth it.” He chuckled.
“I’ll pick you up around 7:30 for dinner, the bowling thing starts at 9 is that okay?” He asked. 
I nodded “That sounds perfect Sy! I’ll see you then,” I said walking  around to the drivers side of my car and opening the door. 
“Get home safe, Text me when you get home.” He said as he got in his truck. 
“I will!”
The next day I was so anxious. Logan and I had been out together before but this was different. I could barely eat I was so nervous. I sat around trying to get some housework done, but I couldn’t even nervous clean. So I sat down and tried to get some reading done, but then there was a spicy scene in the book I was reading and, well my mind wandered to Sy and I was nervous all over again. Finally 6 o’clock rolled around and I let myself start to get ready. I pulled on a pair of tight jeans I hoped he’d like. Not that it would matter. By the end of the night I knew  they’d be off.  I put on a dark green v neck. I’ve noticed he seems to like that color. We would eventually have to switch to bowling shoes so I just put on a pair of converse and paced while I tried to figure out what to do with my hair and how much make up I should do. Then I panicked again because, Should I pack a bag? 
It’s very likely I’ll end up at his place again. Unless he doesn’t want me to stay over. I don’t want to assume. Maybe I should text him. No because I didn’t want him to know I was thinking about what we’d be doing later. But I was. And I’m sure he was. This was Ridiculous. I picked up my phone and sent a quick text. 
“Do gentlemens let their ladyfriends sleepover on the first date?” I sent. That sounds so stupid, He’s gonna think your stupid. He’s literally gonna call you and cancel the whole thing. My phone buzzed and I jumped a little lost in thought and anxiety. 
“When they’re lucky enough to have a date as sexy as you they do ;)” He replied. Okay so maybe I’m not stupid. 
“Would it be unladylike and presumptuous for me to be prepared for said occasion?” I texted back. Instead of texting my phone rang. I answered him quickly
“Hello?” I giggled. 
“Hey Darlin’ I was just getting ready to come pick you up and I was thinking, Do you wanna stay at my place tonight?” I could hear the smirk in his voice. 
“Sy,” I chuckled “You didn’t have to.” he shushed me. 
“Listen baby, you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but the way we’ve been going at it this week, I figured I may as well formally ask.” He was holding back laughter.
“I’d be honored to stay with you tonight, I’ll pack a back,” I teased.  He chuckled 
“Good girl, I’ll see you in 20 baby,” we hung up and bit my lip shaking my head to myself. He was so damn cute! I finished getting ready and threw a few overnight essentials in a bag. Just as I was double checking everything there was a knock on my door. I grabbed my purse and bag and opened the door to see Sy with another bouquet of flowers and a big grin. 
“Hey gorgeous! You ready?” He smiled. I nodded. 
“Yeah! Those for me?” I blushed. 
“Told ya, Gentleman always brings flowers on the first date.” He smirked proud of himself. They were a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses. 
“Your momma raised a good man!” I smiled. “They’re beautiful, I’ll go put these in some water and we can go!” After I found a vase and set them on the counter next to last nights flowers we left for dinner. He took me to a local burger joint. It reminded me of one of the restaurants in Grease. He’d genuinely put thought into this! We ate dinner and even shared a milkshake. 
“You’re such a dork!” I laughed when he leaned across the table to take a sip. 
“You like it or  you wouldn’t keep me around,” He joked. 
“Yeah I guess you’re right.” He laughed and his eyes flickered to my lips. 
“Hold still sugar,  you got a little something,” He took his thumb and swiped the ice cream off my bottom lip and then brought it to his lips sucking it off. I swallowed hard and bit my lip “Got it,” He winked. 
“Mmhmm, you did,” I stuttered. 
After he paid for dinner he drove us to the bowling alley and we got set up on a lane for the night. We also got a little wrist band for the bar. “I”m gonna go get a beer sugar you want anything?” He asked. 
“I’ll take a wine cooler, whatever they got!” I smiled. I set up our screen putting our names on the board and started our first game. I felt him wrap his arm around my waist and he pulled me close pressing a kiss to my neck. 
“You ready?” he asked handing me my drink? I nodded biting my lip and trying to control my breathing. I didn’t want him to know how easy it was for him to make me lose my mind. He chuckled and kissed my cheek letting go of me and picked up his ball.
Sy was up first and I watched as he stepped up to the lane. He drew his arm back and let the ball come forward dropping it perfectly in the middle He hit all but two pins in the far left. Of course he was good at this. “Damn Sy, I didn’t realize you were a professional at every sport.” I joked. He chuckled. 
“A couple buddies and I used to play on a league in high school. It’s been a while.” He picked up his ball again when it came back through and stepped up to the line again and it spiraled down and curved perfectly knocking down the last pins.  “Guess I still got it!” He smirked. I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my drink. I grabbed my ball and stepped up to the line. Well, I’ve made myself look stupid before and he’s still here so, here’s to embarrassing myself! I threw the ball and it dropped hard immediately rolling toward the right gutter. I sighed heavy and dropped my head in shame. I could hear Logan trying not to laugh. 
“Shut up,” I said when I turned around waiting for my ball. 
“That was a good try,” He snickered. 
“I’ll get the next one!” I said confidently. I did not. This one rolled more to the left skated along the edge and knocked down two pins. I winced but laughed at myself when I turned around. 
“You hit em that time!” I laughed. 
“We can’t all be perfect like you Sy!” I joked. He shook his head his chest shaking with laughter. 
“I can help you if you want,” He smiled sweetly. I wasn’t going to give into him that easily. Not yet. 
“No! I can do it,” I said stubbornly.  He just laughed. We went on like that for a while. The next turn He bowled a strike. I knocked down 4. He picked up another spare. I got 6. He got another strike. I threw another gutterball. When it was my turn again I downed the rest of my drink and stood up grabbing the ball. I walked up to the line and stood their for a second. I stared at the pins and the turned back towards Sy and pouted. 
“Okay I give up, help,” He smiled standing up from the table and walked up behind me. 
“Come here baby, Stand a little more to the right of center.” He moved us over and grabbed my hip so I was completely pressed against him. He slowly ran his hand down my arm gently grabbing my wrist. Guiding it back to show me how to throw the ball. He was saying something but I honestly couldn’t hear the instructions he was giving over my heartbeat pounding in my ears. “Just like that and let it go okay.” he smiled. I nodded and he guidded me again helping me throw the ball. This time I knocked down all but one. “Thats my girl!” He said spinning me around and kissing me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders kissing him back. He pulled away quickly and smiled. “I knew you could do it.” We finished the first game and of course Sy had Won. He got me another drink and he switched to water so he could drive us home.  The second drink was starting to hit and I kept calling him over to help me and teasing him by pressing my ass against him everytime he was behind me. At the end of the last game he was behind me helping me throw again. I was definitely a little buzzed. 
I pressed my ass against him grinding against him to  whatever song was playing on the old jukebox. But he was done with my teasing. He growled in my ear squeezing my hip tight. And after I let go of the ball he turned me around crashing his lips to mine. I smirked when we pulled away. “What do you think you’re doing darlin, hmm?” he smirked.
“Just having fun Sy,” I ran my hand down his chest and his stomach. He grabbed my wrist stoppinig me before I could get any further. I pouted. “Buzzkill,” He shook his head. 
“You’re in for it when we get home darlin, don’t say I didn’t warn ya,” we left the bowling alley and got back in the truck. I was  so excited for him to get us home. 
“Such a naughtly little girl teasing me in public like that. You like misbehaving don’t you,” He growled when we were on the main road back home. His hand had been on my thigh the whole drive. His fingertips softly massaging the inside. 
“I think you like it when I do,” I teased. I reached over and ran my had across his lap and smirked when I felt the bulge in his jeans. I playfully squeezed him and he cursed under his breath. 
“What am I gonna do with you.” He groaned. He pulled into his drive way and threw it into park. He jumped out and ran to my side of the truck. I had just enough time to unbuckle my seatbelt before he pulled me out and threw me over his shoulder. 
“Sy!” I laughed. He smacked my ass. 
“You asked for this sugar!”  He carried me into the house and took me straight to his bedroom. He dropped me on the bed and flipped me over onto my stomach. I squealed playfully as he pulled down my jeans and panties tossing them to the side. “You wanna be a brat and misbehave. You’re gonna learn baby.” He brought his hand down with a loud smack on my ass. “Bad girls get punished.” I could feel myself dripping already. God it was like he was straight out of a romance novel. But he was real. This was happening. He gave a hard slap to the other cheek and I whimpered. He rubbed over it soothing it gently. “You like this don’t you, when I take control?” I moaned inresponse. 
“Words sugar,” He smacked my ass again and I yellped not ready for it. 
“Yes Sir!” I choked out. 
“That’s my good girl, now stay just like that, Ive been dying to bend you over all week.”  I heard him unzip his jeans and then felt him press the head of his cock against my folds. He didn’t give me time to adjust this time. He just slammed into me. 
“Fuck Sy!” I moaned as he started a relentless pace. He tangled his fingers in my hair as he fucked me from behind pulling me up against his chest. 
“I love when your like this, when you’re so needy for me. You’ve been aching for my cock all week. And You’d do anything to get it.” I blushed. Fuck he was right. I moaned as he thrusted harder. 
“Say it,” he growled in my ear. 
“Mm fuck I need your cock Logan,” I moaned. I heard him groan and felt his fingers pressing against my clit as he reached around to help me reach my climax. 
“I know baby, and you needed me to make you cum didn’t you, I’m gonna let you cum baby all you have to do is ask.” It felt so fucking good. He was so intense. His words his motions. The things he was doing to me was too much. 
“Please Sy,” I begged.
“Please what baby?” He smirked as his thrusts became sloppy. I groaned feeling it build up inside me. 
“Please let me cum!” I moaned. He Pushed me back down so my face was against the mattress and grabbed my hips thrusting into me. 
“Let go baby, I gotcha, I’m right here baby, cum for me. “ his name tumbled from my lips as my walls clenched around him and I reached my climax. He wasn’t far behind. A few more thrusts and he was cumming inside me. Growling in my ear telling me how good I was. 
“Fuck,” He breathed pulling out and laying on the bed next to me. He pulled me on top of him, combing his fingers through my hair. “Well, I’d say that went well,” He smirked. I shook my head trying to catch my breath. 
“You’re an idiot.” I laughed. 
That's it Please let me know what you think! There's more to come and let me know if you want to be added to the tag list :)
@summersong69 @carrie80reads @identity2212 @caramariehurst @redheadrouge @warriormirkwood @kingliam2019 @gummydummy19 @deandoesthingstome
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cerridwen007 · 29 days
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*Images are from Pinterest and are used for aesthetics only.
Pairing: Boyfriend!Dieter Bravo x f!reader (afab)
Word count: 4.1k (18+) MINORS DNI!
Summary: Your boyfriend, Dieter, has come home early from a project. Hoping to surprise you, he instead gets a surprise of his own when he discovers what you like to do unwind alone from a long day.
Notes/warnings: Smut, fluff, DUB-CON (one party is under the influence of ouid but they are both very into it), established relationship, accidental pervy!Dieter, accidental exhibitionism, pussy drunk Dieter, masturbation (f and m), sex toys, descriptions of smoking the devils lettuce, mentions of other drugs, porn with little plot, oral (f!receiving), piv sex, cumplay, they are both just super horny and sweet for each other, swearing, no y/n. 
a/n: My first Dieter fic, I can’t remember really where or when I got the idea for this fic, but I knew it just screamed Dieter. This is probably quite up there with the filthiest thing i've written, and i'm not sorry, lol. Also, I apologise for my very long absence in posting writing. Life just got the best of me, and I lost all motivation pretty much to write. Ngl I don't think this is my best work, cause I'm a little rusty but it's fun and I enjoyed writing it. But anyway, I hope y'all enjoy, and any interactions with my posts mean the world to me. Love yall so much! <3
Now that his months-long project had wrapped up early, all Dieter wanted to do was surprise you. The both of you had long played the game of hiding behind corners and hiding in all sorts of spots to try and scare each other, all throughout your relationship. 
But more often than not, it was you that made his heart jump out his chest, and a long list of swear words leave his mouth as he over-dramatically clutched his chest. To which you always laughed so hard you cried a little at another successful scare and his reaction. “I'll get you next time.” he mumbles, under his breath, a cheeky grin on his handsome face as he plans when best to get you back.
So now, with an upper hand, he was hoping that he could give you a big fright and jump out of your closet when you least expect it. But what happened was so much more surprising.
You had just gotten back to your shared apartment after what felt like the longest week of your life. You had been drowning in deadlines at work and were so glad that it was friday evening so you could finally get a proper break. After ‘gracefully’ hanging up your jacket on the hooks near the front door and tossing your keys into the bowl on the entryway table, you immediately take off your bra as you walk into your apartment. Throwing it on the back of one of the barstools sitting in front of your kitchen island.
A loud sigh exhaling from your mouth as the pressure is released from your sore shoulders. It had been a long day at work before you ran around afterwards, getting a whole bunch of errands done that you had been putting off. So you were exhausted and understandably so. 
You kick off your shoes as you walk through the messy apartment, not bothering to put them away where they belong or tidy up the growing mess just yet. No, first you need to unwind from the long ass week you had. Besides, the weekend started tomorrow, and you would have plenty of time to clean up then and before Dieter came back a week and a half from now.
You sighed again sadly thinking about your boyfriend. God, you missed him. He had been gone about 3 months now, and each day didn't get any easier. When the two of you were together, you were attached at the hip. Spending all the time you could together; talking, laughing, cuddling and fucking.
So it was quite a change the last few months going from spending almost all your time with your favourite person to almost none, except the few short calls Dieter managed to find time to have with you amongst his very busy schedule. 
You tried to remind yourself of the fact that Dieter would be back before you knew it, and then you could once again spend all the much needed time together that you wanted.
You opened your fridge looking for a snack. You could have to tie your over till dinner that you would order yourself later, a treat for the end of a busy week. 
You picked a few string cheese packets from the chilly shelves of your fridge before closing it shut with your hip as you walked off into your living room. Sitting down with a big “oof” on your couch and immediately sinking deep into the plush cushions as far as you could.
Dieter's heart was beating fast as he watched you through the horizontal slats of the storage closet door. He waited with baited breath, trying to find the perfect time to jump out and give you both the scare and surprise of a lifetime. He had been lucky enough to arrive an hour or so before you got home, which gave him plenty of time to get ready and pick the best hiding spot before you arrived.
He bites his lip, trying to hold back the chuckles wanting to escape as he imagined your hopefully soon to be shocked face. He watches as you get comfy on the couch and can’t help but look at you with adoration, even with dark circles under your eyes and your hair slightly untamed, you looked like a dream, the prettiest thing he has seen. 
You quickly finish your cheese sticks, hungrier than you thought you were, and toss the wrappers on the coffee table. Yet another thing to be cleaned up tomorrow. You let out a long yawn and stretched your arms above your head. A cheeky smile graces your mouth as you realise how you're going to spend the rest of your night unwinding.
You waste no time in reaching into the draws of your coffee table before you and pulling out a dark green bong with small red flowers decorating it that Dieter got you for your birthday last year. You put it down the top of the coffee table briefly as you pull out a matching glass box with your stash in it and a red grinder. 
Your fingers are working swiftly in their practiced work as you get your first cone ready. You pull out your black zippo lighter with your and Dieters' initials and the day the two of you started dating engraved on the front. You flick your thumb over the flint wheel a few times until it ignites. You take in a fraction of a breath before putting your mouth on the end of the glass tube, tilted towards you.
Holding the flame over dried grounds, watching as the white smoke slowly crawls up the neck of the bong. You let the smoke enter your lungs, filling you with warmth.
Your lips only disconnect when all the smoke is gone and you breathe in a little of fresh air. You hold it in your mouth for a few seconds before you tilt your head back and exhale all the hazy smoke. Your loose fist covers your mouth when you let a small cough. 
You decide to do one more hit before you put down the ‘vase’ and let your head rest against the center of the back of the couch. Your legs spread wide, carelessly, as you wait for the drug to slowly take its effects. You groan as you lie back on the couch with a mouthful of smoke. You tilt your head up to look up at the ceiling as you let the hazy white cloud float from your parted lips.
Reaching down beside you, your fingers find something from out under your couch, a rectangle box. You open it to reveal a matte purple 8 inch, life-like, dildo. Fit with veins, balls at the base, and all. Your mouth waters just from the sight.
You have been extremely horny as of late. You always are when Dieter goes away for long periods of time, and you don’t have him to give you toe-curling orgasms all the time. You can never make yourself cum quite as hard as Dieter can make you come, but not from lack of trying. You lazily scoot down the couch a bit so you can take your pants and underwear off. 
Dieter eyes bulge in head when he realises what you about to do and he swears his heart skips a beat when he sees that you're wearing his boxer briefs, even more so when he sees a glistening line of arousal, saturating them. He palms his now fully erect cock through his jeans, as his eyes connect with your glistening folds.
You take the hefty dildo out of the box and half haphazardly toss the container to the ground. Your breath hitches in your throat as you make quite work of sliding it through your folds, the tip catches deliciously on your clit.
You toss it to the side for a quick sec and reach down to your bong on the coffee table, after taking another cone you put it back on the table and grab the remote of the table, flicking on the tv and putting on one of your favourite vibey sex playlists on spotify on.
You sigh as you lean back and you take off your work shirt, leaving you in nothing but a flimsy old tank top, which you nipples prominently stick out of and some cosy socks. You pull your breasts out of your shirt and start groping yourself while watching the screen playing at a low volume, with hazy eyes.
You soon pick the silicone dick up again and slowly tease yourself by tracing around your lips and through your dripping seam. Your head lulls on the back of the couch. You tease around your aching hole with the tip before pushing in ever so slightly. Your eyes roll back for a second as you moan at the slight stretch. “D-dieter.” You softly call out.
His eyes bulge out of his sockets watching you, his hand unconsciously reaching down under the elastic of his pants to feel his rock-hard erection. He swipes his thumb over his weeping tip and has to bite back a groan.
You pump in so slowly, only till it reaches halfway before you pull it out further again. You continue this to help work yourself open.
He watches you intently, stroking himself to the slow rhythm youv’e set for fucking yourself. He uses his other hand to pinch his base every few minutes, to keep from blowing his load, so close just from the sight of you.
God, he doesnt even care about scaring and surprising you anymore, all he cares about is watching you as you fuck your self, quietly calling out his name as you take your time in getting to your release. He has half a mind to just jump out now and fuck you himself but the sight of you spread out for him, caught up in your own little pleasure-filled world is a sight to good to be true. 
He studies your form like he doesn't know it like the back of his hand, like he hasn't spent hours upon hours coaxing the prettiest little moans and whimpers from you, caressing over every single inch of you.
His eyes will never grow tired of the sight of you, your centre gushing with arousal, your eyes fighting to stay open, your mouth on the other hand, fighting to stay closed as a beautifully orchestrated ensemble of curses, moans, groans and his name come flooding out of your mouth.
His mouth waters as the ring of your arousal grows thicker around the base of the silicone cock. He missed the taste of you so much, while he was away. He loved spending hours between your legs, until you were shaking and overstimulated and had to beg him to stop. Crying out “Dieter! Please!” as you struggled to push away his starved mouth.
Your head is feeling quite light now, and the pleasure is rushing through your veins as you increase the speed of your strokes. You keep chanting Dieter’s name, over and over again, softly as if it will summon him somehow. Well shit, maybe it does.
Before he even realises what he is doing, his hand is fumbling for the doorknob of the closet, and he is stepping out, sweaty, and disheveled, all just from watching you. Your heart stops for a second as you hear the closet door near you open, your brain unable to come up with any sane reasonings until Dieter walks out flushed and sheepishly in a trance, consumed by his love and lust for you. 
“Dieter?” You whisper, shocked to your core, that he is standing in front of you and still not entirely convinced that he isn't a hallucination caused by your hornyness and longing for him. And also maybe the drugs too.
He swallows harshly, his throat dry. All the liquids in his body seemingly have traveled lower in anticipation. You're about to jump up from the couch and squeeze him till his ribs break, but he beats you to it, sinking to the floor in front of you and hugging your calves tightly. As much as you missed your baby, you can't help but feel a little awkward, having been caught masturbating and still with the dildo between your legs, no doubt.
Before you can even clear your throat and try to explain yourself, Dieter starts kissing along the tops of your thighs, up your stomach, then sternum, up your throat till his lips lock onto yours. He kisses you with such meaning and passion as he tries and conveys all the feeling of how much he missed you and is so glad to see you now into a single kiss
“God. I. Missed.You. So. Much. Baby.” He says in between quick pecks before once again consuming your mouth with his own, trying to make up for all that lost time he wasn't able to taste your lips on his.
You break the kiss with a gasp, looking down to your legs where Dieter is spreading them to see the current state of your throbbing pussy. “Fuck and it sure looks like she missed me too, huh sweetheart. Just oozing and weeping, begging for my touch. Ain't that right baby?” He lovingly teases.
You grin and spread your legs even further to let him get an even better look at you swollen, glistening folds, still clenching around the girth of the dildo. He reaches his hand up between your legs and pulls the toy in and out of you slowly, eliciting a whimper from you.
“Fuck.” He groans, completely enthralled by the sight of you, and the growing creamy ring of arousal you have created around the base of the cock. He continues to slowly pump it in and out of you, as you squirm above him, your once lost orgasm now coming so close to grasp again. 
“Dieter...please.” You croon, begging him not to stop as you feel the edge of your high starts to wash over you.
“Atta girl, fuck just like that. Cum for me baby.” He softly demands, as he works the now shiny dildo hard, fast and deep into your cunt. He sits up a bit on his knees and hovers over you.
Leaning his head to the side he starts to suck on your pulsing clit. His eyes roaming between your leaking hole and trembling thighs, up to your red, cloudy eyes struggling to stay open with your brows furrowed above them. Your mouth agape, curses and whimpers as your orgasm hits you full force. 
He watches with blown eyes, mouth hanging open, nearly drooling at the sight of your back arching off the couch, as the waves of your orgasm crash over you. He slowly pumps the cock in and out of you, prolonging your high till your legs close firmly around it. He carefully opens them back enough so he can pull out the cock.
He palms himself as he inspects the aftermath, mouth watering from the sight and smell of your creamy residue slathered upon the tip to the flared base of the slick silicone. He sticks out his tongue and brings the base, where most of the cum has gathered in a band round the bottom, to his mouth. You watch stunned and too aroused to speak as he licks it clean of your sweet drippings. 
“God baby, missed the taste of this sweet pussy.” he groans. You clench around nothing as you watch him, eyes fluttering behind closed lids, messily tongue the silicone like one might lick brownie or cookie batter of a spatula.
After he finishes with the lower half, his lips pink and shiny, he wordlessly brings the tip up to your face. You grin devilishly before opening your lips wide and sucking the fat head into your mouth. You too moan at the sweet taste of yourself, not often shared directly from the source but usually from Dieters tongue do you taste the sticky release of your climax.
He palms his painfully hard cock through his pants, before spreading your thighs wide once again, and feasting on the remaining juices. You moan as best as you can with the cock down your throat, before removing it from your mouth and sitting it beside you as you watch Dieter's beautiful curls bob up and down between your legs. 
His tongue slides from your quivering hole to your clit, licking flatly. He alternates between sucking your nub, to fucking into your wet hole.
You fight to keep your thighs open, to not crush his head or let the gorgeous sight below you be hidden, but you can’t any more as the drug haze inside your veins seems to have taken all your strength. Sensing your struggle, Dieter curls his arms around your thighs, holding them open and drags your center closer to his hungry mouth.
You whimper at the dull pain that you feel from his tight grip holding you apart, just under your breaking point. The aching soreness from your legs being spread so wide, only adding to the intensity of pleasure rolling around in your stomach. 
He alternates between eating you messily, and slowly picking you apart. Motorboating his lips and nose between your folds, and precise and firm licks on your clit while curling his thick fingers up into that sweet, sweet spot inside you, that has you moaning, incohesive gibberish from your pleasure and drug intoxication.
Even with Dieter being the sober one (surprisingly), he sounds just as wrecked as you, if not more. So drunk and intoxicated on you and your pussy, something he and you both thought he was deprived of way too long.
Soon you are reaching yet another, and surely not the last of night, orgasm. Your thighs shake with the intensity of the pleasure seeping into your veins. Your lips go from being an wide ‘o’ shape to a cheesy wide grin as the dopamine and endorphins flood your system. 
Dieter makes sure he licks up every single drop of your essence before he rises off his knees slightly and encases you in a massive, big bear hug. Feeling what little air was left in your lungs, you giggle along with Dieter breathlessly as you squeeze his middle just as hard.
He lifts his head to plant the softest, sweet kiss on your lips before rubbing his nose against yours. You take a deep, tired breath in and your eyes flutter close, his delicious musky scent filling your nostrils once again. 
“I missed you so much too, baby.” You whisper. You admire the deep crows feet around his eyes as he grins, his dark rich eyes sparking as he beams with happiness, love, and lust. His smile turns into something that of the devils as he begins to caress your body.
He lifts up your arms and takes off your tank top, throwing it on the ground somewhere. Before his lips lock onto your pebbled nipples. Groaning as he squeezes and plays with the other one, before switching his mouth over. After leaving your tits a glistening, saliva-covered mess he descends further down your body, his kiss-bruised lips planting themselves on every single inch of skin he can see. 
“Mm need to fffffuck you sweetttt thing, and ffffeel that heavenly p-pussy wwwrapped around me againnn.” He mumbles, his lips smushed against your stomach. You softly laugh and nod your head. Getting the gist of what he was saying and knowing him well enough to know what he said that you didn't catch.
“Please Dieter. Please fuck me. Need… to feel you. Missed you…. and your cock…. so fucken much.” You garble out in your own form of a coherent sentence.
Dieter can’t help but whimper listening to you, his cock pulses with need for release as he listens to your confession (although mumbled) of need for him.
He can’t wait any longer.
He reaches under your ass and lifts you up and shifts you so you're lying on your back longways on the couch. He quickly shucks his shirt off, getting a little stuck in the process as he does so. You both giggle and laugh as your hands go up to help him. He soon pulls it off and makes quick work off, shoving his pants and boxers off his legs.
Both of your eyes are shining with something so deep and emotional as you admire each other's naked bodies. A sight seen countless times between the two of you but one that neither would ever grow sick of. You reach up and stroke your hands up and down Dieter's front, feeling his strong chest and plush belly that you love very, very much. He whimpers as your hands trail down into the coarse hair at the base of his leaking cock. 
Even as he towers over your relaxed form, there is an air of submission to him still. The way his eyes are glazed over with no other drug than love, pupils blown wider than when he was higher than a kite on LSD. His eyes brows slightly furrowed in, his chest moving fast as he pants. His bottom lip trembling with anticipation of connecting your bodies together so intimately once again how they should be. How they would always be if Dieter got a chance. 
He shakes himself out of his love trance and lowers himself over you, his forearms resting on the couch beside your head. You close your eyes and kiss him deeply, giving him a piece of you that no one but him gets to have. Literally and spiritually. He groans almost pathetically when you reach your hand down and swipe his tip through your once again dripping folds. 
Your squinting and red eyes look up at him pleadingly, just begging to put the both of you out of the agonising wait and finally feel each other. He smiles a soft smile before he lines himself up and slowly pushes into your pulsing cunt. 
“Ohhhh….ohhh…oh…yeah, honey.” He moans out as he slowly bottoms out in your cunt. You gasp as you adjust to his considerably large girth. Something you truly will never fully get used to. Your hands clutch as his biceps, grounding yourself as your fluttering pussy adjusts to him.
“God….fucken hell, baby. You feel somehow even better than I remember. Jesus christ.” He pants, his face screwing up from the pleasure just simply inside your beautiful heat gives him. He desperately tries to think of anything else other than your stunning form below him and just made for him cunt, feeling already so close to blowing his load.
He reaches down and pinches his base and quickly begins Jack hammering into you fast and hard, to hopefully get you off before he ultimately finishes way quicker than he intended to.
“Oh f-f-fuck, Dieter!” You cry out, eyes squeezing tight at the immediate hard and fast pace Dieter has set while fucking you.
“Im s-sorry b-baby. Fuckkk. You just feel too damn good. I just n-n-need. Ahhh. Need you come before I-I-I do.” He stutters. 
Your heart and cunt clenches around, eyes rolling back from the pure ecstasy coursing through your as Dieter repeatedly stuffs his fat tip into the squishy part deep inside you.
“OoOoh shit, baby. Can feel you clenching real good around me, god damn!”  He groans.
You lay there bonelessly, whimpering as Dieter’s fingers circle you clit just right. Sending you over the edge into the deep depths of mind-numbing pleasure. Your body shakes as your orgasm comes crashing down and over you, with Dieter only seconds after.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Oh oh oh shit,” He wails out with every rope of cum that spurts out of him, his hips almost unconsciously thrusting themselves as deep as they can go every time, only stopping on the last rope of cum, burying his now spent cock deep into your pussy. He lets his full weight drop on top of you as he catches his breath from his own high. 
You breathe out with a soft smile, feeling such bliss and warmth from Dieter being here with you. He moves his head from your neck and looks at you. You both smile wide and break in hearty chuckles, before kissing each other.
You relish in the feeling of Dieter’s chest booming with laughter pressed up against yours, feeling his beating heart beat under you hand, showing that he is here with you now and just Dieter in general, his body fitting on top of your like a puzzle, like two pieces that you never would’ve known hadn't always been connected together like this. 
And that’s exactly how you fall asleep, entwined in each others arms, connected in all ways possible, smiling to yourself as you listen to Dieter’s soft snores and you feel his heart beating strongly against yours, before you two let the sweet blissful temptations of sleep take you too. Everything was going to be okay now that your love was back with you. 
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ikeuverse · 10 months
FIGHTER — l.heeseung
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PAIRING: heeseung x fem!reader  GENRES: very little angst, a bit of fluff at the end  WC: 9.2k+
WARNINGS: mention of fighting, cuts, mention of being drunk, some swearing. let me know if i forgot anything else, please!
SYNOPSIS: you've never seen a fight up close before, let alone an illegal fight. it was a different scenario that caught your attention, really fascinating. now one thing stuck in your mind beyond the whole fight scene: but why did the cute fighter treat you so badly when the two of you had never seen each other before? did he have a good explanation for this?
NOTES: listening bouncy by ateez made me have this idea. i changed the writing a few times and even wanted to continue after the end, but i thought i'd leave it that way to have, who knows, a part two? idk, you can tell me if you wish that. hope you like it!
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You could call yourself an adventurous person. Perhaps a complete explorer of the little and big things in life. Parachuting in, changing course from medical school – done for five long semesters – and running off to study social communication and be a respected copywriter in your field.
But even with a good profession, you never stopped exploring, being encouraged, and even accompanied by your couple of best friends, Sunghoon and Kasey.
You met the girl at the university of communication. Sharing a dormitory with a stranger back then would not make you imagine that today she would be your best friend and also your best friend's girlfriend. Introducing her to Sunghoon at one of your first frat parties was easy. Kasey was super communicative, while Sunghoon was shy. The contrast made the two hit it off right away and, after years, they were still together even though university was over.
Those nostalgic thoughts left you with a smile adorning your lips as you stepped out of the shower, looking at your reflection in the mirror and grimacing when you saw yourself with wet hair.
Friday night, end of work and you left early. Almost as if she knew what was coming, Kasey texted you as soon as you entered the house and threw your bag next to the couch.
We are going out today. Light clothes and a super different place, I think you'll like it.
You always enjoyed her crazy antics, that's why you two hit it off from the first minute inside that university room. She was just as adventurous as you and this could only be a work of fate, bringing two people together as best friends to explore every crazy and interesting thing in this world.
That's why, without delay, you ripped off your clothes on the way to your bathroom and took a long shower. Washing your hair and taking a little longer with the liquid body soap just to feel a little more relaxed after work. Your night out with your friends was always a lively one, and since your chores had been heavy that Friday, only the hot water would be able to wash away – almost – everything bad before you put on a proper outfit and dried your hair.
As you rambled about your outfit after your hair was properly dried – your arms sore from trying so hard to give your strands a good attention – a sigh left your lips, before a thin scream echoed through your room. The sound of the phone startled you and quickly made you turn towards the bed.
The quick steps to grab the handset and answer it on the next ring.
"Hi, I'm listening" you smiled even though your best friend couldn't see.
"Did you dry your hair?" how Kasey could know you so well, you had no idea. Chuckling, you mumbled in agreement before she continued "Okay, fifteen minutes for an outfit. Sunghoon and I will pick you up."
She didn't even let you answer her, hanging up just as quickly as she called. Surprised at how little time you had, you ran to your closet to get something to wear. Smiling at your clothes thinking that at least you would have a ride home. Without spending on a car app and without worrying about some stranger bringing you home.
Taking one last look in the mirror after choosing your outfit, smiling satisfied at what you saw there, you left the room. Even more smiling after seeing that Kasey and Sunghoon were really punctual that day, texting you in fifteen minutes saying they were already waiting for you at the entrance of your building.
Locking your apartment and taking the elevator leisurely, you reached the first floor and waved to the old gentleman doorman who was always so smiley every day.
"Good evening, Miss y/n" he greeted you. You greeted him back, wishing the man a good night before heading out and locating your couple of friends' car.
Getting into the backseat, your hands touched Sunghoon and Kasey's shoulders respectively.
"So..." the guy who was driving gave you a sideways glance, smiling at you "Ready for tonight?"
"I don't know where you guys are taking me, but I think I'm ready" your answer made them both laugh, along with Kasey making sure you loved the place.
You couldn't deny a huge chill in your stomach, even though you knew neither of them would let you down with the surprise. Kasey was a great thinking mind, while Sunghoon executed the whole plan of the crazy outings you all had. That's how it worked. But this time, you being a mere guinea pig for the Friday night surprise made you even more excited. Because what were they up to, anyway? That they hadn't told you anything at all since you got a text a few hours ago?
Please let it be nice, you thought, clutching even tighter to the leather of your jacket and settling comfortably in the back seat of the car as Sunghoon began to drive away, guided by the lights of the night city.
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The reddish lights of the poorly placed sign flashed right in front of you. You, clinging to Kasey's arm, stared at the place with a long sigh coming out of your lips. Sure, you'd watched boxing matches on television and even bought tickets to one on some vacation trip to the States. But it never, ever crossed your mind to be in a giant shed, people back and forth as the words slowly came out of Kasey's mouth.
"Can we call it an underground fight?" from the look Sunghoon gave her, that was the name of what was going on.
Maybe because of the lack of regulations and because none of the fighters were, in fact, professionals, they were just there for the money and the numerous bets that were going on. You recognized this by the stand that was set up right next to the small staircase where there was a makeshift grandstand. Men of all shapes and sizes bet on so many names that you could not identify anything that came out of their mouths. A few women who were there, with fewer clothes than you were wearing, waved and greeted you and Kasey even though they didn't know each other. Maybe a brief recognition that you were the only one there among so many men, besides the others in their bikini tops who were standing in the middle of the fighting ring just waiting for it all to start.
Sunghoon approached with a smile on his lips, both hands carrying glasses that surely contained some drink for you to savor while you were there.
"So, did you like it?" he asked after handing you a glass. It was so full that you decided to share it with Kasey, it was still too early to drink so much.
"It's different" you said, smiling as you drank some of the beer and handed it to your friend "Is that really not dangerous?"
"Look, y/n is scared?" Kasey joked before sipping on the same glass as you "But… I don't think so, do you, love?" she looked at Sunghoon.
For a few seconds, he decided to stay quiet, just looking around trying to find words that could comfort you or make you less tense. Because he knew that's exactly what was happening, just like it happened to Kasey when he told her.
"They're used to it, y/n. But inside there's everything they need in case they get hurt" Sunghoon pointed to the left corner, it looked like a dressing room of sorts and his smile widened when a tall man appeared in the doorway and waved at him, beckoning him in "Come, I want you to meet my friend."
"He's hot" Kasey whispered to you.
"I heard that!" Sunghoon shouted loud enough, making you both laugh as he intertwined his fingers with Kasey's, and she raised her other arm for you to hold fearing she'd lose you in the crowd.
Passing by the one you were referred to, it seemed to be a bit quieter there. The flow of people was much smaller compared to outside. The voices were loud and fast, but there was no danger of bumping into anyone and so you managed to get a little free from Kasey's arm to give her and Sunghoon more privacy as they walked a little further ahead.
Through the dark corridor you were now passing, your best friend stopped in front of the black door and gave a quick knock before entering, without waiting for a confirmation.
"I can't believe you came" the amused voice greeted him, and Sunghoon was soon laughing as he let go of Kasey's hand to enter first and hug the man.
Your friend looked at you and winked in your direction, maybe that boy was the handsome one she had told you about, but his face was still a mystery because the hug lasted so long. It looked like he and Sunghoon hadn't seen each other in years.
"Did you think I would lose your fight today?" shit, Sunghoon's friend is a fighter, you almost yelled at that. Sighing, soon Kasey's voice greeted him and she hugged him too. The man's laugh was as infectious as your best friend's who was laughing at some comment he had made before releasing Kasey from the hug.
And last but not least, you. Your gaze finally caught the really handsome guy in front of you. Was he hot? For God's sake, Kasey lied, he looked like a Greek God. Well-drawn lips, a pointed nose, and an extremely lined, pearly, beautiful smile. Those teeth could reflect all the light in the room if it wasn't for the lamp that illuminated all of you.
"Heeseung, this is y/n, my best friend" Sunghoon introduced you. You smiled at him the same way he smiled at you, nodding and walking the steps that separated the two of you to hold his hand "Y/n, this is Heeseung. My best friend and coworker."
Your brow furrowed briefly and it didn't go unnoticed by either of them, making Heeseung chuckle some more before letting go of your hand.
"This fighting thing is secondary" he explained afterward "Sunghoon is not part of it."
"Not directly" he held his friend by the shoulders before he pulled him away from you to sit him back down in his chair.
Surely Sunghoon would have to explain to you a bit more about that because it was quite confusing, and looking at Kasey, you realized that that information had also been told to her not too long ago. Judging by the way she was sitting on the small couch staring at the two men who were talking non-stop.
"So" Heeseung's voice cut off the moment you were about to start a conversation with Kasey, making you both look at him "Where's your boyfriend, y/n?"
Boyfriend? You frowned again, so confused by the sudden question coming from him. Your eyes searched for Sunghoon who let out a small sigh, nibbling his lip as if he already knew what was coming.
"I… I don't have a boyfriend" you smiled and this time your action didn't mirror Heeseung. There was a frown on his face and the countenance that was once so cheerful was now so closed and nervous.
You almost felt guilty for telling the truth, why was it so bad not having a boyfriend? Was it a sin for you to be single? Your mouth opened to say something, but he looked away from you before he even let you continue.
"What was our deal, bro?" Heeseung stared at Sunghoon, still frowning and even more serious, if that was possible.
"Relax, it's just a night of fun" he explained.
"No, it's not" Heeseung got up from his chair and walked towards you, stopping a considerable distance away from you from Kasey "You need to go home, y/n."
"What? Why?" as a reflex to his actions, you got up from the couch and stood in front of him, the same distance he was keeping from you.
"Hey Heeseung, it's okay. She'll be with me and Hoon…" Kasey smiled without showing her teeth, seeing that even that hadn't disarmed the boy.
Heeseung gave up trying to say anything and walked over to Sunghoon without saying a word. He looked at the door just as there was a knock and his name was called, indicating that the fight was about to begin.
"Don't do that anymore, that wasn't our deal" he touched Sunghoon's shoulder before grabbing the bandages and gloves he always wore. Taking one last look at you, Heeseung left the room and slammed the door as hard as he could.
"What the fuck was that?" Kasey sighed and you let out all the breath you didn't know you were holding until the moment.
Your eyes stung a little, but what was the reason you would cry anyway? Trying to take a deep breath and contain it, you looked at Sunghoon for some bigger explanation.
"Do you have anything to tell us?" his girlfriend insisted, knowing that you wouldn't say anything else for a good while while you were still recovering.
Sunghoon was quiet for a good few minutes, just the sound of people passing back and forth outside the room. Someone had come in to get something Heeseung had forgotten, and as soon as he left, something dawned on the boy who had stayed there with you two.
"Just… Give Heeseung a break, okay?" he tried to explain, giving a smile so loose that neither you nor Kasey seemed to believe it.
That wouldn't be much more than an answer, so you decided to accept it and get it over with. Hoping so hard to be able to go home because that place was already getting exhausting for you.
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Unfortunately, or not, Heeseung was a very good fighter. If you told him that he would take it up as a real profession, it would not go unnoticed. Or if you hadn't heard it come out of his mouth that it was secondary, like a hobby, you would never believe it.
He had precise blows, a cheeky grin on his face every time he hit his opponent. When someone hit him, the most he would get from Heeseung was a bit of spitting on the ground and jeering, before he would practically finish off his opponent in minutes.
"Round three" the man shouted from the middle of the ring. Even though he didn't need to, Heeseung seemed to accept while the other fighter had also agreed.
Taking a seat on the bench in the corner of the ring, he listened intently to the instructions of an older, fat, sweaty man. The towel he carried on his shoulders was so dirty that you could hardly believe it when Heeseung accepted it to wipe his forehead. He needs to take a shower urgently, your mind screamed as soon as the boy returned the towel.
When they gave the signal for the fight to resume, a girl – typical of wrestling – walked by in extremely short clothes into the ring. Whistles and cheers were heard throughout the venue. You held back your laughter when you saw Kasey almost shoot Sunghoon with her eyes, him staring at her for the entire moment until the woman disappeared from his field of vision and left the venue to the fighters alone.
"Come on, Hee! You already won!" Sunghoon shouted to his friend, encouraging him as he always did.
When he stood up from his seat, Heeseung looked at Sunghoon and smiled broadly, or as much as his mouthguard let him do. But as soon as his eyes traveled down Sunghoon's side, stopping directly at you, his smile fell. It was as if there was something about Heeseung that he just couldn't look at you with a smile.
The boy decided to ignore that and turn his attention back to the fight, adjusting his gloves and focusing any and all attention on the man in front of him.
It wasn't that hard to know that, with a few more blows, Heeseung had been named the winner. Bettors celebrated the boy's victory, while others who had bet on the loser, lamented the money they would have to pay.
All for the sake of entertainment. All for the sake of the underground fight that Heeseung loved, because he knew that at the end of the night, the money he would win would be more than enough not to step foot in there for a few weeks.
"Let's go find him" Sunghoon whispered to Kasey, seeing that she stared in your direction with his words even if you weren't hearing very well because of the distance between the two "I promise Heeseung won't say anything to y/n now."
"If he does, he and y/n can discuss" Kasey whispered back, but she let her boyfriend lead the way as the three of you made your way back to the less crowded part of the shed.
Where you, strangely, felt it was best. Even if it meant being in the same room as Heeseung for a few minutes.
Like the first time you were there, Sunghoon entered first and as soon as you entered, the room was not silent. Three more people besides you, your friends, and Heeseung were there. All men excitedly handed several wadded-up notes of money to the newly crowned champion of the fight. Heeseung was sweaty and panting, but he had such a bright smile on his face that you held back the urge to make a vomiting noise when you remembered that he had smiled like that before he was a complete asshole to you.
"Tonight was awesome, man" the gray-haired boy ruffled Heeseung's hair, taking a few steps away and stuffing the money bills into a plastic bag "When are you coming back to fight?"
Heeseung sighed loudly, taking the bag and putting it inside a bag that was probably his.
"Maybe in two weeks, or three" he closed the bag "With this amount I can go almost a month without showing up here."
"Really, tonight was the highest of the month" another man celebrated "You deserve it, man. I think it's good to get some rest too, you've worked hard."
"Thank you" Heeseung thanked and greeted the men before they left.
When he heard Sunghoon's voice congratulating him, he was still smiling, even looking through the reflection of the small mirror in front of him and looking straight at you. Replying to Sunghoon that he could have a few weekends like a normal person, without fighting or having cuts all over his face, Heeseung's gaze had never left you at any point.
And the strangest thing was that you couldn't stop looking at him either. It was as if you tried to look away, but half a second later and your eyes would go back to his reflection.
"And you're still here?" he finally turned around, finishing what he was doing and looking at you properly now.
You noticed the movement of Sunghoon and Kasey as if they had foreseen what was coming.
"Should I have left?" your tone of voice was the same as his, only a little lower for the distance you were standing. Heeseung snorted.
"Should have" how audacious, you wanted to mentally curse him for that "This place isn't for you."
"Of course. You should know a good place for me since you don't even know me."
"I know enough to know it was a mistake for Sunghoon to bring you here."
That hurt. In such a ridiculous way because Heeseung was a stranger to you, so why had his words hit you hard? Why, again, had your eyes started to sting and you were seeing everything in a blur?
"You're shit, Heeseung," your words came out so desperately that he didn't even care to hear them. It was as if the boy was used to being called that, but his Adam's apple shook hard at the way he swallowed dry. Why had he swallowed dry with you calling him that?
"Y/n…" Sunghoon called out to you, but not in time to get you trapped inside the room, because you had already left.
You could have also heard wrong, but Heeseung also called your name. Or was it your crazy head because your steps were so fast that you didn't want to go back?
Your gaze blurs more and more as you passed people, hearing shouts of another fight breaking out. You just wanted to leave.
Without difficulty finding the exit, you were already outside that shed breathing the cold air of the streets that embraced your body. And for some time afterwards, you let the tears fall on your cheeks.
"Y/n… Hey, sweet" you sniffled loudly at Kasey's voice right behind you, wiping your face ever so quickly. But to no avail, it was impossible to hide anything from your best friend.
She turned you around and hugged you slowly, stroking your hair and kissing your cheek.
"Let's go home, please?" you asked in a whisper, holding yourself back from crying again.
"Come on" she said "By the way, can I sleep in your apartment?"
She lifted her head to look at you, eyes reddened just like yours. Shit… Had she cried too?
"Sunghoon and I had a fight because…"
"Because of me?" a pout formed on your lips, you wanted to cry again because that had never happened before. And it was something you dreaded, having your best friends fight over you.
"Also, but—" she sighed, squeezing your cheeks and placing a kiss on your forehead before pulling away from you to hug you from the side "He and Heeseung have some deal that Sunghoon didn't tell me about. And if they treat my best friend like that, I'll fight."
You looked at her beside you, laying your head on her shoulder as she laid her head on yours. Both of you in that position for so long that you had lost count of how many people had passed by or how many people had left disappointed at losing a fight.
"Let's go home. There's a lot of goodies we need to eat in my closet" you broke the silence, hearing her giggle right after.
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You sighed wistfully as Kasey walked through your apartment door holding another bouquet in her hand.
"From Sunghoon again?" you held back a laugh as she agreed, kicking off her shoes to head to the kitchen.
Unhurriedly, your steps followed your best friend as you watched her search for a pot big enough to fit the new plants she received.
"With another regret card, this time I almost gave in" she pouted as she placed the flowers into the water, setting the makeshift pot on the kitchen counter.
Almost two weeks she decided to stay with you in your apartment until she forgave her boyfriend for feeling bad about the last fight. You asked her to stay as long as she needed, perhaps feeling less guilty for still thinking it was all because of you.
"Why don't you talk to him? I think Sunghoon already got what he deserved."
"I'm still upset about the last time we talked, he wouldn't tell me and even allowed Heeseung to talk to you like that" she pulled you into the living room without much difficulty, you wanted to go back there anyway and continue your cooking program before taking a long shower to make dinner.
Taking a seat on the couch, Kasey joined you in watching the show as she laid her head on your lap. You decided to end it there, after all, it was between the two of you and you had tried everything to get them talking again in that time. Even though you didn't respond so well to Sunghoon's messages, because you were upset with him too. But you wanted the good of your two best friends, so giving in was a good thing.
What if I text him now? You thought. After a few hours of watching television, Kasey had taken a short nap on your lap. Breathing quietly with his hand still petting her hair.
With your free hand, you reached out far enough to reach your cell phone and go to Sunghoon's chat. But before you could type anything, your best friend's number was calling you.
Was it a sign, perhaps? He wanted to talk too and that could be good. Or not. You didn't know it, but you answered quickly hearing the noise on the other end of the phone.
"Sunghoon?" you asked as soon as you got no answer, not even a hello from the other end.
"Oh, she answered… Y/n? It's Jake."
"Jake!" you smiled into the handset even though no one could see it, not even Kasey who was still sleeping on your lap "What's that noise?"
"We came to a bar after work" you heard him gasp as he walked to a less noisy place. Maybe he was heading outside the establishment "But some things… Well… Didn't work out so well."
You could swear he was smiling shyly now as if he had done something wrong. Your mind wandered to the first time you met him when Sunghoon introduced his coworkers. Jake was so energetic and funny, and he gave such a shy smile when he broke one of the cups at Jay's house. Maybe it was that smile he was giving now.
"Tell me what happened, please…" you stirred a little, praying that your friend wouldn't wake up. And it had worked. You managed to get up from the couch and walk to the kitchen.
"Jake? What are you doing, man? Give me my cell phone back!" it was Sunghoon, and judging by his slurred voice, the boy was drunk.
"Be quiet and go with Sunoo, he needs to clean that cut."
"Cut?" for a second your voice came out so loud that, with Kasey's words on the couch, now your best friend was awake and Jake was regretting having scared you that much.
"Okay, okay. Sorry y/n. Can you… Can you…"
"Y/n? Did you call her?" Sunghoon picked up the phone under Jake's protests, taking the lead to talk to you "I know you're mad at me and Heeseung and we don't blame you" why is he talking about Heeseung out of nowhere? You hadn't even mentioned his name "But please don't kill us today."
"Kill you? What happened?"
"I guess being away from Kasey made me mad" he huffed, you thought that probably at that moment Sunghoon was playing with his own feet for being embarrassed about what he was going to say next "They bumped into me, I got into a fight and… Well…"
He went quiet and so did Jake. For a moment you pulled your cell phone away from your face to see if the call was still going on.
"Come pick us up, please?" he asked in a whispery tone, almost afraid someone would hear him.
"Okay, give me the address, we'll be there in a few minutes" your gaze quickly traveled to Kasey's drowsy figure, which was slowly waking up at the sight of her face.
She knew something was up, and you took a deep breath as Sunghoon passed you the phone so Jake could give you the address.
You knew where it was, so it would be easier to locate as you hung up the phone.
"Did something happen?" Kasey yawned.
"We need to go out and get the boys, I need you to come with me" you were so quick to deflect her questions, after all, you didn't have much time and she could see for herself. You didn't know much either.
Other than enough said by Jake and the mumblings of a drunk Sunghoon. You just mentally prayed that nothing that serious had happened, even if your trembling hands on the steering wheel of the car told you otherwise.
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The nightclub was full and you didn't feel intimidated by the stares, because all the women were very well dressed and you were… in a sweatshirt. There was no time to change and even Kasey couldn't get out of her work clothes, because as soon as you said Sunghoon and cut in the same sentence, she just put on her shoes and ran with you wherever you went.
Disengaging from some people, apologizing to others for rushing through and getting to the other side of the club, you and your best friend finally reached the bar. The meeting point where Jake had texted you, and luckily, he had just arrived too.
"Thank God!" his sigh of relief was mirrored by the two of you, quickly hugging you on either side "Sunoo and I were the only ones in favor of calling you two" he looked at you and then at Kasey, smiling sincerely at the presence of the two of you there.
While he kept up a casual conversation, trying to distract them until they got to the back of the club, they both answered everything without much excitement, not least because the focus was on finding the boys who – possibly – were hurt. Sunghoon had a cut somewhere, that was the only information they had.
"The security guard let us stay here until you two arrived" Jake stopped in front of the door, it looked like a private room.
"Was it that bad?" Kasey tried not to look so desperate when Jake didn't answer with words, he just shrugged and sighed before walking in, being followed by her and then you.
The room was well lit and the table had only bottles of water on it, which made you feel more relieved. No alcohol, they had taken a break to recover.
Your gaze wandered around the people, stopping on Sunoo who was trying, uselessly, to make Sunghoon sit still while he cleaned the famous cut. It was on his lower lip and that could only have been caused by someone.
"Who did you fight with, Park Sunghoon?" your friend's voice caught the attention of all of them inside that room. So far no one had noticed the presence of the newcomers.
Sunghoon almost fell when he got up from the sofa if it wasn't for Sunoo who held him as soon as it happened.
"Kasey? Baby" he pouted, almost crying with the pain it caused him that his lip was bruised. Sunoo let go of him as her best friend reached for him, feeling his arms wrap around her.
"What happened?" he smothered her in a tight hug, saying anything you could at least hear. Paying attention to the two of them was funny, because in years of relationship, maybe that had been the most serious fight you've witnessed from them.
And it was weird, you couldn't deny it.
Your eyes went to Sunoo, smiling in appreciation for taking care of Sunghoon so well. Or at least trying to. And quickly a gaze ran to the other side of the room, stopping immediately on Heeseung.
He also seemed to have a cut, but he was located on his eyebrow. He had never looked away from you since you had entered that room, and judging by the way Jake put his hands on your back, pushing you towards him, it was your turn to go talk to the boy.
"Not me."
There was no denying that Jake was stronger, and this battle for breaking free from his hands to Heeseung would be a defeat. So you just accepted it and stopped in front of the boy.
"I'll help Sunoo and tell the security guard we can go now" Jake whispered to you, looking at Heeseung and flashing a smile "Behave yourself and be civilized this time."
"Okay, daddy Jake."
"Ew, gross. Don't call me that!" Jake flicked his middle finger at Heeseung and left, walking with Sunoo out of the room and leaving just the four of you there.
You wanted some sign of Kasey and Sunghoon, but their conversation seemed far more interesting than looking in your direction and answering the thousands of questions forming in your mind. Like, for example, why were you here with Heeseung? Sunoo could have looked after him or the boys could have told you what to say to the security guard and you would have gone there. Not standing there to look after someone who had been ridiculous to you.
"I think I can hear your neurons frying from here" Heeseung's voice invaded your ears and you sighed loudly, but not loud enough for him to hear since the music from the whole club was still invading every corner of the place. You turned towards him and tried not to express any reaction to that.
In vain. When he quickly grabbed your hands and forced his weight to stand up, getting only a few centimeters away from your body.
"Sorry, when I get drunk I can't… I…" his gaze was restless, paying attention to every little detail of your face. Whether it was your wide eyes and curiosity about his next move, or even your ajar, reddened lips that Heeseung swore he didn't want to see so closely or he might lose control.
"Heeseung, Sunghoon" Sunoo called out to his friends at the same moment Heeseung shook his hand. You let all the air out of your lungs when everyone inside that room paid attention to the newly arrived boy "Let's go out, I think y/n parked the car near ours. It won't be a problem for us to leave."
You all agreed and Sunoo guided Kasey, who had Sunghoon's arms around his body so he wouldn't stagger as he left. You wished you didn't have to think about it, but it was impossible at the same moment as Heeseung's hands gripped your shoulders.
"Can I hold on to you? I don't want to fall halfway," his voice whispered between your hair, close to your ear. And that damn shiver went through your whole body.
If he wasn't drunk, you could have sworn it was some kind of tease on his part. But without much thought one of your hands went to meet his on your shoulder, intertwining your fingers a little too tightly to hold him back.
"Be careful, Heeseung" you said, not knowing if he heard or not. You just wanted to get out of there and you did.
Walking out of the club with Sunoo in front to guide the way while Jake helped Kasey and Sunghoon.
Without much delay you reached the outside, you had indeed parked your car near the boys' car. Strategically or not, maybe out of sheer desperation to just get there and find them, but at least it had worked out.
"Okay, someone needs to take Heeseung's car. He won't drive like this" Sunoo held up the keys between his fingers.
"Hey, there's my keys" he grumbled, dropping your shoulders to stagger over to Sunoo. Unsuccessful in picking up his car keys, he was without a shred of reflex due to his drinking.
"And I came with him" Sunghoon whined softly, laying his head on Kasey's shoulder for a few seconds, but quickly getting up "I had an idea!"
"Oh shit, should we worry?" Jake asked amused, eliciting a small laugh from the group for the first time all night.
Sunghoon decided to ignore the joke made to him, looking at each of the people there until his eyes stopped on Heeseung.
"You knew that y/n did a few semesters of medicine, right?" you frowned at that question, after all, how relevant could it be since it had nothing to do with the subject.
"Yeah, we talked about it that day" Heeseung agreed.
"What? Did you talk about me?" you almost shouted, startling the two drunken chatters. Jake and Sunoo decided to turn their attention to their cell phones, talking to their girlfriends to give them the news that everything was okay later in the evening. Meanwhile, Sunghoon and Heeseung ignored – or tried to ignore – their questions and focused on the small talk they were having.
"She can take care of your cuts and take you home."
If your life were a cartoon, your eyes would pop out of their orbs the moment you rolled them. How could Sunghoon think such a thing? And how Jake was laughing at that situation so unpretentiously while you denied it with several nods.
"Sunghoon, what are you doing?" Kasey asked in a whisper.
"Helping my friend, I want to make amends with both of them" but his answer had been loud enough, and your eyes remained wide.
Jake, realizing that nothing would come out of his mouth and that Heeseung would not answer anything either, decided to intervene.
"Y/n, I think Sunghoon meant that you can take good care of Heeseung's cuts" he said low, just for you to hear since Sunoo, at that moment, was talking to Heeseung. Gave some guidance because he couldn't drive in that state "He cares the least about it and we're afraid it might get infected."
"I don't— Jake!" you whined.
"It's all right. Anything you can call me, you know" he touched your shoulder with him in a subtle motion "I live two streets away from Heeseung's apartment. If he's an asshole, you can yell."
It was just saying no. Just deny it and say that someone else could take such good care of his cuts other than you, not least because your medical school had been a long time coming. But of course, that first aid part hadn't been forgotten by you.
Shit, shit, shit. Why was no denial of any kind going on in your mind? Why were you walking towards Sunoo and reaching out to take the keys to Heeseung's car? Why were you handing your car keys to Kasey?
"Take care of my baby, please" you said to your best friend as the metal of the keys slipped out of your fingers and into hers.
"I will" she smiled, feeling Sunghoon's arms go away from her body so he could walk over to you and hug you.
"You're the best friend in the whole universe, I swear" Sunghoon whispered as he hugged you tightly. You, returning the hug, smiled as he kissed the top of your head before slowly pulling away "Take care of him for me because I know he'll take care of you."
"Okay, mister drunk" your smile made him smile too, and meanwhile, you clutched Heeseung's keys between your fingers and turned to him.
Without saying a single word, the boy pointed to the dark car in the row of a few cars a little further away. Then it was just a matter of saying goodbye to your friends and getting out. And so you did.
Greeting one by one until there was no one left, you let Heeseung lead the way, hoping he wouldn't trip or hurt himself on the way to the car. Safe and sound, he leaned against the passenger door and smiled without showing his teeth, indicating that it was that vehicle that would take you both away.
You unlocked it, got in, and were followed by him until you both closed the door for good.
"I need your address now" you said.
He just agreed, saying he would drive you to his apartment. As you started the car, your attention was always on the road, afraid to look away from him. But that didn't stop Heeseung from looking at you.
And he knows he did it all the way to his apartment. Without regretting it for a second.
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Heeseung let you rummage through the bathroom cabinet when you said the first aid kit was in there. Complying with your requests, he walked to the kitchen and drank at least two full glasses of water in an attempt to relieve the drunkenness – which had been leaving his body since the moment he got into the car with you. This time, pulling up a chair to sit near the table, the young man waited patiently until you returned. Or he thought he was patient, faltering the second you walked through the kitchen door.
Under the bright light of the kitchen Heeseung could swear that your skin glowed something completely different than he had ever seen in his entire life. Your face was so focused on the small briefcase and some tape in your other hand, that he sighed when he saw a small pout forming on your lips.
"I already washed my hands, okay?" your voice was low due to your proximity to him, placing the case on the table behind Heeseung. He straightened up in the chair and, as if by automatic, his legs opened for you to fit your body in there.
Your gaze fell on Heeseung's legs, hesitating whether or not to stay there, but it was the only way. The only right way to be so close so you could clean that cut with the almost dried blood.
Tidying his hair so that no strands remained in front of his face, he slowly slid between his legs to stand there, a few centimeters from Heeseung's body that was sitting almost static in front of you. He closed his eyes as soon as he saw you pick up the cotton and pour something in, feeling the icy material against his skin.
"I'm cleaning it" you kept talking quietly, sometimes making your breath hitch against his skin "You were sweaty and it was open for a long time, we don't know what's in there."
He murmured in agreement, continuing to keep his eyes closed and not catching any moment of your care. Only occasionally feeling your fingers against his hair to push it away from his face. Or when the absorbent cotton slipped out of your hands, or even when you wiped away some of the contents you had used to clean up and it was dripping, almost going onto his cheek.
"Heeseung?" you called him after a few minutes.
"Yeah…" he opened his eyes, meeting yours that was already looking at him in anticipation. A small smile formed on his lips and Heeseung didn't know why he smiled back at that.
"This might sting a bit" he rolled his eyes down his hands, seeing a small bottle there. Surely he had bought it at the insistence of his coworkers, after all, Heeseung had no idea how to heal a wound. In all of his – occasioned by fighting – Heeseung always had someone in the ring who did it for him, so worrying about taking care of it wasn't his area.
"You know y/n, you don't have to—"
"I do, you won't get it without some medicine" your scolding made him go quiet, realizing that had shut Heeseung up, so you continued "You can squeeze me or ask me to stop if it stings unbearably, okay?"
Without a single word, he just agreed, thinking it was a complete exaggeration. Especially since he fought practically all the time, he had already been beaten up a lot and had many cuts on his face, why would it burn so much that he would do those things?
"Fuck" Heeseung almost screamed when he felt his skin burn and the pressure of your fingers with the cotton from the cut.
In the same second, he grabbed your waist, his strong hands squeezing your shirt and consequently pulling your body closer to him. It made you completely hug Heeseung. And he didn't seem to notice, not even for a moment as he still held himself tightly against you.
Your breathing faltered for a few seconds, the closeness to him making you inhale the scent he had. The musk of his fragrance entered your nostrils as you closed your eyes momentarily and opened them, focusing on the care while Heeseung still kept his hands on your waist.
"It's okay, you can let me go now" you whispered as you took the cotton with the medicine, discarding it just like the other materials you used to clean his wound.
"Shit, I'm sorry" realizing what he had done as soon as he opened his eyes, Heeseung released his hands from your waist, remaining seated.
You didn't say anything else as you put away every single thing you used, throwing what you needed in the trash and going back to grab your kit bag. Your walk back to the bathroom was longer because your steps seemed slower and your thoughts traveled to Heeseung's fingers against your body. As he walked out of the kitchen in the same slow steps, processing what had just happened.
It wouldn't be a big deal that touches because he actually felt pain and your body was the only tangible thing in front of him. But why did Heeseung's fingers tingle? Why did he want more of that contact?
"Okay, your stuff is already put away" your voice snapped him out of his reveries, making the boy stare at you a little dazed by the whole situation.
"Thank you" he tried to smile knowing that it had looked more like a grimace because you laughed softly as you searched for the things that you had left on the couch "Hey, where are you going?"
"Home…?" your lips pressed together, preventing any expression from being used as you held up your cell phone and the cold sweater you had put there when you arrived.
"No, you can stay."
"Heeseung, I—"
"Seriously y/n, I insist" he interrupted you, swallowing dryly when he saw a glimpse of hesitation in you, almost dropping your phone in it's place "It's the least I can do after you took care of it" he pointed to the cut that no longer bled "And you can rest assured, I like sleeping on my couch."
"No… Not really" you tried to protest.
"I'll be right back" with an overwhelming stubbornness, Heeseung disappeared down the hallway of the apartment, making you snort and not giving you a chance to answer anything.
He didn't take long, but it felt like an eternity to you when he came back with some blankets and pillows in his arms, throwing everything on one of the armchairs.
"I'm not very tidy with things, but I promise my bed is a clean and safe place" he smiled, running one of his hands over the back of his neck quickly. Heeseung was at a loss and didn't know how to act from then on "You can sleep there tonight, I'll take you home as soon as we wake up."
You had nothing else to say but accept the offer. Leaving at that hour from Heeseung's apartment wasn't a smart thing to do, taking an app car wasn't very safe either. And Jake had probably already gone to sleep, you didn't want to bother him, even if the boy lived a few minutes away.
"Thanks, Heeseung" was the only thing you managed to say before approaching him and touching both of his hands. Slowly brushing your thumb across the back of his hand, an intimate and quick act, before letting go of his hand and smiling once more. You said your goodbyes and headed down the hallway to the bedrooms, running into his room as your cheeks began to heat up.
Meanwhile, slumped on the huge sofa, Heeseung felt a tingle in his hand again. But this time, a huge smile was on his lips, and now he could tell why this time.
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You didn't know you would miss waking up to the smell of Heeseung. Even though it had only been a few days since you had slept over at his place, with him dropping you off at your apartment door, it was getting more and more confusing. Why couldn't you just stop thinking about him? After all, Heeseung had been a asshole, he'd only been nice out of courtesy and because you'd taken care of his cut, nothing could be fairer.
But no. He had a way of ruining all the thoughts and strategies you yourself had devised to ward off anything related to him.
Hearing the doorbell ring relentlessly, you huffed and walked lazily to the door, balancing your coffee mug as you let your hair down from the grueling day you had at work.
"I hope you haven't forgotten anything here at all, Kasey."
"Maybe Sunghoon can get it for her later" Heeseung's voice almost made you knock over all the coffee you were drinking. Your eyes widened at the sudden appearance and the words had simply vanished from your mind, as if you had unlearned how to speak.
"What… What are you doing here?" shit, you wanted to scream, why were you stuttering in front of him?
"Can I come in?"
"Yes, come in" you said, completely betraying your brain from barring you while there was time.
After entering your apartment, Heeseung walked shyly to the center of your living room with you trailing behind, admiring every detail in it.
"Sorry to come unannounced, but…" he stopped looking at your wall decorations, turning around and facing you "Sunghoon said it was either this, or you wouldn't answer any of my messages."
"Why?" you asked.
"Because maybe he let it slip that you've already called me every possible name" he shrugged, not seeming the least bit affected by it. You could feel your cheeks burning, and from the embarrassed look on your face, Heeseung managed to smile.
"Well… I had reasons" your coffee mug rested on the coffee table as you approached him, crossing your arms in front of your chest as Heeseung held out his hands. A bag dangled from your fingers and you glanced at it quickly, letting out a laugh afterward.
"Accept my apology, please" you took the package and then bluntly took it from there.
The bottle of wine looked expensive enough that you never thought of buying it. It was the kind of gift that only your best friends would give because it never seemed to cross your mind to spend something like that.
"Heeseung" his name came out of your lips like a little melody, and he loved it.
"I didn't know if you liked flowers or chocolates" he whispered "But Sunghoon always comments on how you and Kasey go out drinking, I just figured."
"Thank you" that had been so cute that the pout on your lips made him sigh, and he didn't care that you had heard.
"It was for fight day, actually."
He was quiet for the briefest of seconds, waiting for you to put the bottle of wine away somewhere appropriate that you could use later or whenever you pleased. As soon as you approached him again, Heeseung nibbled on his bottom lip as he rambled on about how to tell you about it.
"Ever since I started this thing, me and the boys have had an agreement" the agreement that neither you nor Kasey knew about, so you just nodded because he had to keep talking. And because you were too curious to say anything "We don't take any kind of unaccompanied girl to the fight."
"Why?" Heeseung pondered whether or not to continue, but he had already gotten that far. If he turned back, you'd surely get even angrier and never see him in front of you again.
"I've been around this shit long enough to see what the guys are capable of over there, y/n" he had a serious tone, but he didn't sound angry at all. Just emphasizing that the subject wasn't any kind of joke "I've lost count of how many times I've heard absurdities from the guys there and what they did with any girl who stepped in that place" he made a disgusted face, recalling facts and even stories that the men told.
It was stomach-churning and Heeseung would spare you any details, telling you only what was necessary to get the matter over with.
"So I made a deal with them about it, that they could only take some girl if she was accompanied" finally, Heeseung didn't know he had gotten so close to you while telling that story. Looking into your eyes when he was finally a few centimeters away from you.
"That's why you asked if I had a boyfriend?" your voice almost faltered from lack of use, watching him slowly agree.
"I was so mad at Sunghoon for breaking our agreement that I ended up taking it out on you, so for that I'm sorry" Heeseung's hand touched your arm, causing you to undo their crisscross so he could hold your hand and intertwine your fingers in his.
"It's okay, you had a good reason. You could have just said it instead of being an asshole to me."
"I know that, that's why I want to make amends" Heeseung slowly squeezed your fingers in his, staring at their joined hands as he looked back up at your face.
"By inviting you to my next fight this weekend" he smiled when he saw your face contort in confusion.
Why would Heeseung call you to the place where he said all sorts of things happened and, on top of that, have the first fight that made you hate him – not at the moment – but you didn't want to admit it.
"For you to fight me again for being alone there?" your question made him laugh, Heeseung knew he wouldn't get a different answer than that. And he expected it, so his next move had been almost calculated.
Closing the small distance between you two, he let you feel the small pressure of his body against yours. One of his hands ran down to your waist, the first place he touched you.
"No" Heeseung's voice was so low it was only audible because of proximity as he lowered his neck enough to let his face close to yours "Because you'll be with me."
"But you're going to fight" you said as the tip of his nose touched yours, a small sigh leaving your lips at the contact.
"Exactly" he whispered "I'll be watching you the whole time" Heeseung squeezed your waist, still whispering every word as he brushed his lips against yours "And it was nice to have your eyes on me while I was in the ring, you know?"
"Really?" you remembered the small exchange of glances between the two of you when it all went down, thankful that now you both had your eyes closed so he wouldn't notice the blush on your cheeks.
"Really, because it motivated me in a way."
"On the one hand I was mad that you didn't have a boyfriend and were alone there" Heeseung touched his lips to yours, the softness almost making you cry out. He chuckled softly, the vibration going straight to his mouth because of how close the two of you were "On the other hand I felt relieved, so I have an excuse to call you to my fights."
"I guess I can accept that."
He wasn't sure if the answer was from your sentence or the way his lips were still lingering on yours. Heeseung was going to take that as an answer to both thoughts, getting carried away with the fact that now you would go with him to the fights and finally get to taste your lips on his.
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© ikeuverse, 2023. do not copy, translate or steal my stories.
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queenendless · 9 months
❤️‍🩹 Period (Adult!Gojo Satoru x Fem!Reader) ❤️‍🩹
A/N: So much chaos happened at home last Friday in tune with my time of the month. Things are better now. And today's newest episode ... oh God. Next week and beyond is gonna crush my soul.
Ergo writing self indulgent comfort fics to quell the soul. Just period stuff, fluff, comfort, basically Gojo being the #1 boyfriend/husbando~
All credit to characters and image below goes to Gege sensei. PLEASE DON'T STEAL OR COPY MY WORK, RATHER LIKE AND REBLOG. I hope you enjoy.
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Menstrual cycles are quite the monthly hassle.
The first day came today.
Curled up on the couch, trying to relax despite the mixed emotions coursing through your hormonal state when your phone pinged about a notification.
You could imagine his cheery, upbeat voice singing it out loud that made you smile at least at the thought of it.
(Missions are done! Errands done! Souvenir shopping time~! Ya want anything?)
You whined weakly as your hand clutched your now swollen tummy.
(Can you pick up some pads and or tampons and pain relievers on the way back?)
(Mother nature calling?)
(KK. Imma get the munchies. Sweet? Salty?)
You texted him your preferences.
You smiled, sending him one more message.
After being gone for 10 days straight, you couldn't wait to see him again.
After changing in the bathroom, you had closed the door behind yourself when you felt a familiar cursed presence appear behind the front door of your shared apartment, followed by the clacking sound of dress boots being taken off.
"Y/n~! I'm home~!"
The boosted hormonal wave crashing into you had you tearing up at the sight of your blindfolded giant sorcerer lover before barreling over into a tight bear hug.
"Oya oya~ What is this~?" Gojo lifted you up under your arms, bringing your blubbering face right in front of his, teeth gleaming in that smug ass smile. "My sweet angel is shedding tears for me~? Oh I'm flattered~!"
You wacked your fists and feet into him — though Infinity was making sure they did not connect. "You can go off on your ego boost after I lay down, god damn Toru!"
Gojo's enriching deep chuckle left you fuzzy as he carried you up in one arm, waving his bag of goodies in your face. "Okie dokie!" He plopped you down on the couch, dropping the bag in your lap, then dipped his head down. "Time for kissies~!"
His deep smooch was smothering – in a sweet laced good way.
"Gojo," His giant hands cradled your face, tilting you as he kissed you from a different angle, making it very difficult to focus. "Uh–!" His many tender pecks peppered many times on your lips, feeling his warm breath brush your moistness. "My heating pad." You giggled as his lips wandered to your cheek, then your neck, your mental processing faltering from his insisting distracing lips. "Please?"
His disappointed whine dispersed as your hands ruffled his propped up spiky snow white hair, kissing his cheek. "Alright alright." His exasperated sigh was betrayed by his mirthful expression as he pecked your nose then stalked off to your shared bedroom, startling you from his shouting voice down the hall. "Uh sweetie?! The battery in this is dead!"
You swore under your breath, whimpering as a finicky upset kiddie from the cramps, before pulling a small capped bottle of Ibuprofen out of the bag. "Could you go out and buy a replacement?" You asked as you downed two small capsules with water from your water bottle.
"Hmm … I could … OR!"
Feeling tall lean firmness behind you made you nearly flail off the couch hard, caught by those dark blue sleeved arms of his.
"Toru! One of these days, warping is gonna give me a heart attack, I swear to God!"
"Unless it's by a Death Note, I think not."
"God." You grumbled as he snatched your small Roku control before turning on the big HD TV as you rummaged out a small package of your munchies. "What about my heating pa – ?"
You stopped speaking, shuddering as his giant hand slid underneath the hem of your top, resting on your bulging tummy, rubbing his fingers soothingly slowly around your bulge.
"You were saying?" His sultry voice purred in your ear.
You shakily breathed at how hot he sounded.
You felt yourself melting against him, his skin being more than enough to chase the discomfort away. "I never thought I'd find a blindfolded giant so hot." You shyly, shamelessly admitted.
"And you're my warm marshmallow." Gojo laughed.
You rolled your eyes, grinning as you ripped the bag open, offering some of it to him behind you, knowing whatever you ate he'd want as well. "Stuff that mouth of yours already, you goof."
His delighted hum, nuzzling his head atop yours, cradling your belly softly, it all relaxed your hormonally effed up nerves.
Binging Netflix, eating some snacks, cuddling on the couch, this is what you missed.
Gojo especially missed this.
For even the strongest sorcerer of the modern age was also the loneliest man there ever was. Exorcizing curses, flipping off the stingy higher ups, watching his students progress from afar, so much done and yet he would stay restless until he felt you in his arms again.
Chewing on more munchies by the handful, he felt your form laxing. Looking down, vocally aweing at the sight of your open mouthed self, your form slowly and softly rising then descending as you breathed, nodding off in the middle of watch time.
He knew these monthly visits from Mother Nature meant you'd be more moody, more drained, so a relaxed sleeping Y/n was the better outcome to receive.
Even in this corrupted present world, he hoped his students, friends and allies would one day be at his level to help him bring down the current world and make it anew. Better for the good souls out there.
Especially for the one that's been filling the emptiness left inside him the most.
Lowering down the volume, he set the remote aside on the coffee table before the couch, watching as you mumble slurry discontent at having his hands leave you.
Gojo Satoru. Your resident heating pad. Noted.
Wiping his hand with some stray napkins you left on the table then leaving the opened half empty snack bag there as well, he turned you carefully on your side so your front would mesh with his, absorbing his warmth into you, the pinched frown on your face melting into that smile he adores so much, nuzzling your cheek into his jacketed chest.
Sliding his hands beneath the hem again, he began rubbing circles in your back, eating up the sight of the shivers your dreaming self gave off, firmly kissing the side of your head as he became lost in your scent.
Lost in this slice of heaven as the troubles of his life and the rest of this world seemed to wash away, he drifted off to nap-ville only to meet you there himself, murmuring words to imprint his biggest constant thought in all your time spent apart.
"I missed you too."
Ah, it's good to be home.
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infinitegalahad · 10 months
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Pairing: J. Robert Oppenheimer x Female Identifying! Reader Summary: You and Robert, of course, were a couple. A serious one at that; no more games, judgment, hiding, and dancing around the idea. But it came with its many hardships. Word Count: 6.0k Warnings: LOTS. Please read. Infidelity, messy relationships, minor blood loss, loss of child, cursing, and minor sexism (not from Oppie). Please read and heed with caution. Notes: THAT HAT. OMG. MY HUSBAND IS LOOKING SO FINE THERE. oops sorry for being horny on the writing account, next topic! folks, buckle up, this is a lot! not only is the longest chapter, but its got a lottttt of drama happening. we're talking infidelity, marriage proposals, trinity, kitty being a bad bitch, edward teller in sunscreen, my drunk writing, groves being an ass hole and most importantly; TWO sex scenes. apparently, y'all loved my smut, and i appreciate your compliments! there's one more scene to come *insert winky face* mwahahha. i also know i said this is ten chapters, but this story is nearing it's ending, so there's one more real chapter. I'm going to try concluding the story within the week. I've been packing for school and I've got a long drive on Thursday. I'm done with most of my packing, so I will try to release the final chapter tomorrow. the epilogue will be much shorter. this has been one hecka of a ride, and the next chapter will most likely be a lot of drama. once again, your support has been amazing, thank you all for everything! <3 Taglist: @forgottenpeakywriter @queenshelbyy @chloriine36 @kodzuvk Taglist | Masterlist
It was five in the morning, and yet it didn’t feel close to it. The sky was pitch black with not a star to be soon. The only light of the source came from the dim light bulbs and the headlights of the cars that surrounded you. You lay on your stomach beneath an uncomfortable mat with your hand edging the corners of the binoculars you held, the other hand reaching for the pain of sunglasses to block the light that would hopefully come from the test bomb. 
Two years. Two years of potential hard work gone to nothing.
Awaiting the announcement of the detention, you laid and, in an attempt to hide your anxiety, thought about how the hell you ended up in the middle of New Mexico, working on some secret project for the government, and what it took to get you to be a small part in the Manhattan Project. 
You and Robert, of course, were a couple. A serious one at that; no more games, judgment, hiding, and dancing around the idea. But it came with its many hardships. 
The first straw was Kitty. 
She was much older, and from what you heard, extremely intimidating. While you respected and honored her, you also wanted to avoid her, as you felt that she did not like you at all. Robert had told her he was in a relationship with a “young” woman, emphasizing “young”, and Kitty read him the riot act. Robert thought she was overreacting, but you sympathized and understood. All you wanted was to be respectful, and honestly, avoid her at all costs. 
But of course, that didn’t happen. After one of your Friday sessions, which ended in Robert and you making love, you slept at this house and stayed until Sunday most times. You even had your own toothbrush and brush, using the feminine bathing products and flowery perfumes that Robert had gifted you. Hatomi had noticed and always said you smelled good. She had been having a possible affair with your French Literature teacher, but that was a story for another time. 
That one morning, you woke up with Robert’s arm on your waist, and a child staring directly at you. You identified him as Peter, as he was the spitting image of Robert, minus the parts that very much looked like Kitty. Blinking rapidly, you thought it was some bad dream, but the broken truck and bright, sad blue stare made you realize that Kitty was here with her and Robert’s children. 
You and Kitty didn’t take long to meet, with her being dressed and you being butt naked. 
Both of you had to smack Robert awake, who was appalled at the situation. There stood his children in front of a girl who was closer in age to them than their father and a very pissed-off mother. Naturally, this needed a very long conversation. 
Kitty glared at you while sitting on the couch with Robert’s shirt on. She, like Robert, smoked a cigarette; her cold eyes burning into your skin. Robert reached over to grab your hand, which you slapped away. 
“So you’re his student?”
You gulped and looked down, nodding. 
“And you’re getting your bachelor’s degree in what? The arts?”
“Maybe a Bachelor’s in both the arts and science, ma’am.”
She blows a puff of smoke into your face, making it feel very directed. As she gets up to get a drink, she eyes you and turns to Robert. 
“At least she’s smart.” 
As much as you really want to leave, Robert insists you stay too well, impress Kitty, and show her you can cook, provide, and care for him. It infuriates you, and as much as you look at the door, you force yourself to stay. You don’t have any clothes there, so you’re forced to wear Robert’s white oxford shorts and bottom lingerie shorts while working around Kitty. She blatantly asked if you had anything besides Robert’s clothes to wear, and you said no. She sighed. 
As Robert plays with his children, Kitty and you decide to make dinner, together. She wants to make Robert’s favorite, which you know by heart; chicken, boiled potatoes, and peas. You tell her, at least advise her, that Robert now likes his potatoes mashed and his chicken with pomegranate seeds on it. Kitty holds a large knife, and you swear that she looks like she wants to stab you with it. 
“Where do you get them from?” She coldly asks as she pours milk into the bowl to stir the potatoes. 
You look up from sauteeing the chicken with garlic and respond, “Get?”
“The Pomegranate.”
“Oh, his garden,” Your face begins to grow red, “He didn’t know he had pomegranate’s in his garden–”
“Until you told him,” Kitty interrupts. 
She stops cutting, and you stop mixing the chicken. There’s a shared silence between the two of you; filled with thousands of questions. 
You scratch behind your ear and sigh, gathering yourself before you respond. 
“Yes. He likes them a lot. I noticed Toni likes them, too. However, I shouldn’t–”
“You care.”
“You care about him a lot. I can see that,” Kitty goes on about. Once she’s done mixing the potatoes, she goes to the sink to clean the mixer. You can swear you hear sniffle. 
“There’s no other reason why you would be using him, y/n. I can’t think of one because there’s none. You’re troubled, yet good. You may be young and naive, but you care about Robert. You take care of him, and I, well–”
Kitty can’t finish her sentence. She drops the mixer and tries to hide her contained sobs and hunching over the sink, but you notice. You walk over to try and comfort her, but Robert’s not far. His voice echoes along with the laughter of two children. Hearing this, Kitty pulls herself together and sniffles. She walks past you with red eyes. You want to ask, but you don’t.
You learn, through numerous sources, that Kitty did not hate you, nor was jealous. She, according to one person, adored you. You found that hard to believe, but every time you sent the children gifts,s he made sure to write you an apology note. 
However, while you made room for Kitty, you utterly refused to make room for Jean Tatlock. 
At that point in your relationship, you and Robert had been going on relatively strong. He’s your boyfriend, and your Friday meetings had extended to more weekly meetings, so with stays at his house. Some people know you are an item; some are disgusted, and some are happy. None of this bothers you and Robert as you continue to be a happy couple; until it’s not happy. 
First, it’s the regrets. After each time you’d fuck, Robert would go on about how horrible of a man he is and how he can’t keep doing this. You do some further digging, and with some integration, learn that he’s not teaching next year. He’s off to some “secret location,” and within the mixture of his regret of “poisoning you”, he recommends that you two should simply stop and just leave each other. 
Of course, this breaks your heart. Hatomi, and your other friends, are horribly worried about. Your lab partner in your chemistry class, George, can see that your eyes are red and asks if you are okay. You respond that you are, having a feeling that something else is going on with Robert. 
At your next Friday meeting, you arrive early, but you don’t water the flowers, and you know why you don’t want to ever water them again. Robert comes to the door, ten minutes late, and when he opens it, you can see his collar is flipped up and his hair is a mess. As he takes a breath, you push past him and run up the stairs. You already see the pair of kitten heels by the door, and as Robert pleads for you to wait, you don’t. Once you turn the all too familiar corner to his bedroom, you hear a soft curse. It’s a woman’s voice.
Turning into his bedroom further proves your worst nightmare; another woman. Let alone, your own fucking psychiatrist; Jean Tatlock.
In your sessions with Jean, she’s been breaking more code of conduct, talking about the new man she's seeing, saying she’s having “one heck of an affair”. Based on her descriptions of him, from the lineage and nicknames, you put the pieces together, and all of them lead back to her and Robert. 
“Y/n,” Jean calmly pleads. She covers herself with a blanket as she gets out of bed, “Stop. Wait. We want to talk-”
The words “we” make your eyes swell with tears. Spinning on your heel, you beeline towards the stairs, but bump into the person you least want to see; Robert. He puts his hands on his arms, but you violently shrug and push his chest away. 
“Get away from me–” You hiss. As you back up, you sense Jean behind you and scream the same thing at her, “--Back, both of you. 
“Y/n,” Robert gently calls your voice, holding out his hands, “I’ve been meaning to tell you-”
“Tell me fucking what?” You bark at him. You point your finger back to Jean, “Robert, honestly, out of all people, my fucking psychologist? The one who describes my medications? The person I tell everything too besides you? The one I saw today just two hours ago for my weekly session?”
Jean is sobbing behind you. You like her, but yet, don’t feel bad. She’s much older than you; she should know better. 
“I had no idea–”
You scoff and let out a fake laugh, “Idea? Sure,” You look back at Jean, whose mascara is running down her face, “Don’t cry; you knew. You’re smarter than you look, you knew. You know my background, and you would go out of your way to do this? And now? We all fucking know. Robert, now we all know you were cheating on your little pure virgin girlfriend with her fucking psychologists, whom I considered to be one of my friends.” Looking at Jean, you say that last sentence, ensuring she understands you are no longer her client, let alone her friend. 
Walking down the stairs, Robert grabs your arm and forces you to stop walking. You refuse to look back, but you can hear his breathing, which makes you scrunch your firsts. 
“Y/n, I understand your anger. This is far beyond wrong. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t. I think it’s best that you take the time to finish your education and, if I recommend, mingle with others your age,” Robert explains with a condescending tone, which makes your blood boil.
“I can no longer carry the guilt on my shoulders. I used you for too long, and now it’s catching up with me. I’m sorry to do this to you, y/n, but I-”
You violently throw your arm back, shaking Robert’s hold on you. Through Robert’s breathing and Jean’s sobs, you storm down the stairs. Your face feels hot, and so does your body, but you ignore it as you stumble out of the house. Ignoring the calls of your name from Robert and Jean, you run out of Robert’s house and down the hill. Once you are away, you finally let go and let the hot tears run down your cheeks. Finally, the devastation and pain hit you like a bullet. When you’re not around any trace of Robert or Berkeley or any of it, you let out a screaming sob of frustration, anger, and sadness. 
It takes you a short while to recover. 
You no longer like to associate Robert with his name. Once again, he’s reduced to Dr.Oppenheimer; your terrifying physics professor with endless icy eyes and a tendency to smoke, not the man who took your virginity and showered you with expensive gifts that you refused to throw out. The relationship between you two has been severed and erased with your function serving as professor and student. Your meetings stop, at the end of the Semester, Robert gives you an A with an E for exceptional effort. Your parents receive your report card, and out of all your grades, are most fond of your Physics report. Dr.Oppenheimer writes that you are an active participant whom he had the pleasure of working with personally in the term. As they read out his comment, your memory flashes back to it all; the dinners, the music, the fire, the terms of endearment, and the whole lot of it. 
Your mother, through a puff of smoke, remarks that he seems like an amazing man. Forcing a smile, you agree. 
Once you return after the Holiday break, nothing much has changed in Berkeley. You’re still alone yet doing well academically, Hatomi’s on the verge of ruining a marriage, and you and Robert have not spoken, according to your calendar, in over two months. 
And then you meet George. 
George is your lab partner in Physics. You have known him since your orientation at Berkeley, from the forced events to the lackluster parties. He’s always had an interest in you, and has made it clear from day one; from wanting to be your lab partner to even asking Hatomi if you preferred chocolates over flowers. When you two would sit down together, he would always initiate small talk and ask how your day is going. You’d respond and spark up small conversations about your lives. 
Into the first week of December, George asked after class if you wanted to go see Citizen Kane with him. He bought two tickets, and offered to buy you anything you wanted, but understood if you were busy since in his words, you seemed even busy on Friday afternoons. 
You knew Robert was watching. You quickly glanced up and saw him at his desk, smoking as he pretended to observe tests when really, he was observing the interaction between the two of you. 
“I’m actually no longer busy at all on Fridays,” You loudly say as you want the words to echo and burn into Robert, “And yes, I’d love to go to the movies with you.”
“I’ll pick you up at Stern?”
“I’ll be waiting.” 
George arrived an hour before and took you out for an early dinner. You knew that he loved to read like you, but you also learned he was fluent in three languages and was overall extremely educated. He made sure to ask what you enjoyed, telling you to talk about your favorite books, movies, or anything that you loved. You had told him to read the first few chapters of Citizen Kane to familiarize yourself with the movie. George went red and said he had done the same, offering that if they enjoyed the movie, they could see together and talk about the plot. 
The movie was good, and in addition to the soda and popcorn he bought you, he also took you back to his dorm and fucked you like there was no tomorrow. As he humped into you, you clawed at his back and looked up at the cycling. Everytime you close your eyes, you see and think of Robert. You forced George to look at you throughout the sec and kissed him patiently to void all thought of Robert. 
There was no doubt that Robert was bothered by you and George’s interactions. You made it not so obvious that you were George’s girlfriend, while George did; from the hushed whispers and small touches he’d give you in class. While George would be doing such small things, Robert would be intensely staring from a distance with straghinted fingers and furrowed eyebrows. At one point, he changed lab partners in an attempt to keep you and George apart. You still worked together on every single lab, and to Robert’s dismay, aced every single one. 
In the beginning, you remember Robert leaving flowers in your cubby during Labs since you’d always arrive about ten minutes early. He’d tuck them into the pocket of your lab jacket. Without fail, and everytime, you threw each flower out. Eventually all together, you stopped showing up on time and made sure to show with George. 
Robert soon began to disappear from your thoughts and life. For the remainder of the year, you only spoke to him in class and nowhere else with cold, curt interactions. George had replaced Robert in all, shape, way, and form. It was strange to go with George since he was your age, and not in your former case, your thirty five year old Physics professor who cheated on you with your friend and phys-
But that was all in the past. 
Two years had gone by. Robert was the thought of the past now and you kept yourself busy between obtaining a Bachelor of Arts and Science in Literature and Physics, all while maintaining a very serious relationship with George. You spent most summers with him on Nantucket sailing or collecting seashells. Sometimes, you’d think about the “what ifs'' of Robert taking you to New Mexico on a horseback adventure. That had once been a reality, but now would forever remain a fantasy. George reminded you that yes, there were good men in the world. You both had your many issues and ups and downs, but both of you agreed that infidelity was never on your list. 
Eventually, each cycle completes itself for everything. During the fall of your Junior year at Berkeley, George proposes to you on a weekend trip up to Napa. He’s smiling the whole way through, and says he doesn’t want to wait any longer and heads straight to the courthouse to wed. 
You want to say yes, you really do, but you can’t. No matter how many times you say you love him, you know that you love him as a confidant, but not a lover. 
Rejecting his proposal, that ends every tie with George. Things are sour for a week, but Hatomi helps moderate a conversation between you two. George sobs, which in return, makes you cry. You apologize to him, and tell him he deserves better; telling him that if he sees a pretty girl, he should take her to the movies and buy her what she wants. George smiles and thanks you for loving him, hugging you, and wishing you the best of luck in your future endeavors. He writes you a letter, but you refuse to open it and leave inside of your copy of Citizen Kane, shoving it into your bookcase for it to gather dust. 
 After you and George are finished, there’s no time to grieve as you were being dragged into another situation. What seems like any other ordinary walk to your metaphysics class results with you alone in an office space with an intimidating general. He did not introduce himself, but you gathered his name as Major Groves. He held a thick file on you, questioning your life and digging into every little detail. He pressured you on your two brothers and roommates, who happened to be associated with the Communist party, asking if you had any association. You held your hands up and was nothing but honest; saying that while Hatomi still went to your meetings, your brothers had stopped talking about the idea once both of them married and had their own families. 
Still, Groves persisted and became aggressive, accusing that your friends and you were some type of danger to democracy. Communism isn't your thing ever, but you had respected it. Many people you surround yourself with were either former communist or still into it, not that it bothers you. You thought of Robert; whom never associated, but you knew he gave money. 
Which was strange. With your thought of Robert, you heard a silent shut. Groves sighed and you looked, and to your horror and saving grace, it was Robert. 
“Thank god you’re here,” Groves let out a huff as he leaned against the desk. 
“Major Groves,” Robert nodded his head as he took off his porkpie hat. He stood away from you, but beside your chair, “Is there any issue with Miss Y/n?”
Groves, still looking gruff, pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Well yes, and no. You see, I find it alarming that she has both family and friends in association with the Communist party. I also understand her, uhm,” Groves hesitated to say it out loud, “Former relations, according to you. It raises suspicious since well, she is both in association with a communist, many of whom who are female in which he know where that ends, and slept wi-”
You were about to walk out, not wanting to be dragged into whatever mess this way, but Robert’s calm voice echoed and immediately shut up Groves. 
“General, on the defense of Miss Y/n, I can assure that her ideologies and gender are mennail to the subject of the meetings. As for our past relations, there are of the past. I ask that you not criticize or grill her without my presence,” Robert’s voice commanded. He looked at you and back at Groves, clearing his throat. 
Your heart skipped a beat as you shifted in your head, clasping your hands together. Robert looked at you, and you returned his gaze, quietly thanking him. 
Once Robert entered, Groves' interrogation stopped and he got what he pulled out of class. In his words, something “big” and “important” was occurring in an undisclosed location in New Mexico. You pieced together that a weapon of destruction was being built, since Groves brought up in your profile that your skills in Physics primarily resize in the nuclear and quantum mechanics, as described by the physics course taken at your time in Berkeley. You had even taken time out of your academic schedule and did research as a job with some of your professors. All of your Physics teachers concluded that you were extremely qualified and knowledgeable in Physics, and in one of them, being Robert.
Robert had gone on about your time in his class, saying that you were one of his brightest students, whom he had given recommendation should be part of said project. He said he was willing to talk with Berkeley to configure a way for you to leave and graduate on time to come and work on his location. Major Groves said with Robert’s recommendation, he would be pleased to approve your security clearance. Groevs also mentioned that he would give you time to figure out things with you, and also implying, Robert. 
Groves had excused himself, leaving you and Robert alone. It had been two years since you two had been alone together, let alone really conversed. You still sit at the desk and look down, not wanting to look at Robert now, admiring your manicured nails in hopes that you wouldn’t chew off the nail polish. 
“Thank you, by the way,” You muttered, “You didn’t have to.”
Some things never change, and you look up to see Robert, elearning against the desk as he looks at you, smoking out of a pipe. 
“But I did. Not that I ever minded doing so.” 
The tension never left, and both of you know it. Bouncing your leg, you lean forward and gather the courage to look at Robert. 
“Why? Am I allowed to know why the hell I’m being dragged into this?” 
“Y/n, you know I can’t say why. I can say that it is important, as you would say, in the grand scheme of the universe,” Robert explained, “We are small pieces, and this project is a much larger force. A force that can end all wars.”
Confusion still infects you. Some of this makes sense, while other parts do not. You think hard back to the past and Robert’s say on the war and weapons, trying to gather your thoughts on the situation Robert has dragged you into. 
“The Germans are out of the war, that’s all I can truly think of,” You mentioned. Once we see Robert lean, your body compels you to lean forward as well, “Is this weapon of mass discussion?” 
Robert looked uncomfortable by that saying. He shifts uncomfortably and stands from his desk, slowly making his way over to you. You want to protest and tell him to not, but you gravitate towards his presence. His hair is a little more gray, and he is still cold, but as handsome as ever. 
“Call it what you want, but possibly. It’s a weapon to end all wars, ideally, the conflict in the Pacific,” Robert alluded to. You forgot how close he came to his desk. He puts his hands on the edge of the desk and you lean back, looking down. Your cheeks when red, reminding you of your younger days with Robert. Robert’s fingers anxiously curl over the wooden desk top as you let out a soft sigh, containing a noise you did not want to be heard by anyone else. 
“There’s something else,” You blurted, “You want me for something else.”
It’s radio silent for a second. Robert’s fingers shift, and you heavily sigh. 
“I want you for your intelligence,” Robert says as a confession. His hands spread against the desk. As much as you try to control yourself, you can’t. Your hands uncurl from your grasp and cover his, grasping them. 
“I also wanted you.” 
With that, Robert asked to kiss you, and you didn’t even say yes as you jumped from your chair and crashed your lips into his. Nearly falling back, he grabbed you and dragged you to the ground, refusing to let go of your body and lips. It’s desperate and messy, evident that the two of you missed each other's presence. Robert asks to remove your clothes, and you let him do so. Once removing your panties and stockings, he sticks his hard dick into you and fucks you like there is no tomorrow. He covers your mouth as you cry tears of happiness and sadness, sobbing his name. Once he finishes inside of you, you hug him and sob your eyes out. Roberts holds you and says he won’t let go. 
Both of you know you have a lot of shit to work through. He had Jean and you had George. Robert knows he’s fucked up, but he still loves you,a nd as much as you don’t want to admit it, you love him as much as he loves you. The whole reason you turned down George was because you still loved Robert. It wasn’t easy for you to forget , and with Robert, he clearly didn’t. 
He promised to fix things if you came to Los Alamos with him.
And you did. 
You managed to graduate from Berkeley a year early. Groves said that he would write to your family that you were involved in a top secret Government project, promising that he would try to cover your back as much as possible. Once you were out of this project your family would question you, but it wasn’t important. After all, Robert was right; you were small things in the grand scheme of it all. 
Los Alamos is hot, cold, and isolating. You are severely depressed, but you are able to manage that with your work and Robert. The work on the bomb is no easy task; it’s full of pressure, arguments, and disagreements. You feel intimidated, surrounded by much older men, whom you feel have more power than you do, despite knowing that you are just as capable as they are. With this stress, Robert is your reliever. Every night, the two of you switch, finding a way to comfort one another in these depressing times. 
 Now, you live full time with Robert. Nothing is perfect, but the two of you talk and make things work in the best way possible. 
You tell him about George and how you turned down his proposal. Robert coldly laughs, saying that you deserved a good man, and that you should have accepted. You said you couldn't because you loved him,a dn as much as Robert thinks you are lying, he loves the honesty that comes from you. It proves to him that when he fucked you, that you were always going to be his. He tells you that he’s cut things off with Jean, promising on his knees that he won’t ever respond to her calls ever again. You force him to promise you or else you’ll leave him. Robert looks like he’s going to sob when you said that, and he repeatedly insists that he will never do such a thing to you ever again. 
You snap back to reality when they make an announcement that they will test the bomb in three minutes. The men around you anxiously chatter as they prepare for an explosion. You put on your sunglasses and look around you. You catch Edward Teller, basking in his sun chair with a face smothered in sunscreen and sunglasses. He looks down at you, and you look away into the dark night, anticipating the explosion. Your heart skips a beat, and to pass the time, you sink back into your racing thoughts. 
In Between this drama, time passes in Los Alamos. Between the bomb being congested and your relationship with Robert being rebuilt, you fall sick. You’re nauseous, vomiting in the morning and sometimes the day, your period stops, constipation, backaches, you feel like you’re dying. You’re able to hide this from everyone but Robert, who assumes what he thinks it is. One trip to the infirmary confirms that you’re two months pregnant, bordering three. 
Initially, you're shocked, but thinking back to the classroom, it all makes sense. 
You’re ecstatic, despite being extremely sick. You take time off from your job, and Robert makes sure to tell everyone that you have come down. I'll have a bug and will return within a couple of months. The only people who know about the pregnancy are you, Robert, and the doctor. Robert makes sure to keep the mater private. 
Like you, Robert is thrilled at the concept of you having a child. You’re rather young and nervous, but Robert promises to take care of you and your child. No longer can you do things on your own without Robert swooping in; whether that be cooking, cleaning, or even reaching for medicine. 
The two of you lay in bed with your feet entangled. Robert caresses your stomach as he has done before, softly going over the small bump forming in your stomach. 
“I thought I had been putting on weight,” You bluntly admitted, rolling your shoulders back. 
“And even if you were, I would love you the same as I loved you before,” Robert plants a kiss into your hair, gently patting your stomach, “You look as beautiful as ever, love. Even with our child, you’re still so tiny. You’re just as I remembered you-”, His hands grab yours as he interlocks your digits, “-in that classroom at Berkeley. You shook your leg and your skirt rode up. As you bit your lip, I looked, and I fell. I feel hard, y/n. I love you.” 
You smile to yourself and close your eyes, squeezing his hand. 
“I love you too, Robert.”
“59 seconds until the drop!” A voice booms over the loudspeaker. Anxiety, nerves, and excitement fills the crowd of Sciences, including yourself. You put a hand on your stomach, feeling the flatness. Sometimes, you can still feel that bump. It’s been a long time, but she’s still there, haunting you. 
You lose the baby at seven months, and remember there being so much blood and tears. Every night after losing the child, you cried yourself to sleep and apologized to Robert. Robert held you and comforted you at that time. He kissed you and held you close, saying that all was well as long as you were him.
You violently sobbed, thinking back to your days of reading Greek myths  at his rental house on Shasta. Just as Hades had given Persephone the seeds for her to say, Robert had impregnated to you and brought you to his desert exile. And like Persephone, you stayed. 
Just as tears were beginning to form in your eyes, a light dried the tears right out of your eyes. 
At 5:29:45 AM local time, the stillness was shattered by an imperceptible click, triggering the activation sequence of the Trinity bomb.
A brilliant, searing light erupted on the horizon with a radiance unparalleled by any natural phenomenon. The desert floor was instantaneously transformed into a blinding white sea of light, casting stark shadows of the nearby objects. The intensity of the light seemed to defy the boundaries of the human eye, as if a new sun had temporarily usurped the heavens.
A seething ball of fire engulfed the desert in those milliseconds, swelling with ferocious energy. A towering column of smoke and dust spiraled upward, its outline illuminated by the incandescent glow. The ball of fire and the mushroom-shaped cloud of debris swelled and merged into a surreal symphony of colors – brilliant whites, fiery oranges, and deep reds – like a celestial painter's brush strokes across the sky.
Trinity’s detonation unleashed a symphony of destruction that resonated not just across the desert but through history itself. The ground quaked with a seismic force, as though the Earth itself trembled at the unimaginable power harnessed by humanity's newfound knowledge. A resounding shockwave rippled through the air, shattering windows miles away and rattling the bones of those who stood witness.
The sound that followed was a peculiar and haunting one – a low, rumbling roar that bore no resemblance to the traditional thunder or even the roar of an aircraft engine. It was as if the very air had been torn apart and reconstituted into a sound that could only be described as the collective gasp of nature itself, a primordial cry at witnessing its own mastery being tested and defied.
The visual and auditory onslaught seemed to defy the boundaries of perception, leaving spectators both in awe and in terror. The Trinity test had successfully harnessed the fundamental forces of the universe and turned them into a weapon of unimaginable devastation. In the wake of that blinding light and resounding sound, a sense of profound unease settled upon those who bore witness – an understanding that the world had irrevocably changed, and humanity had ventured into a new and uncertain frontier, where the implications of our newfound power were as profound as they were perilous.
The cheers are loud and violent. People are thrilled that those two years of hard work have paid off. They're dancing, drinking, celebrating, and you feel happy, even partaking in such matters. 
When the bomb is dropped on Hiroshima, the celebrations truly ensue. The excitement from the test early explodes with raw joy. Everyone knows that the ear is coming to an end as they drink, sing, dance, cheer, and cry. Emotions flood as people celebrate, and you partake in them for a while. As you do, you look for Robert but he’s nowhere to be found. You search within the crowd but you can't identify his pork pie hat or pipe. 
Fleeing from the celebrations, you flee to Roberts office. His secretary isn’t there, so you make this way to your office. You find him standing by the window, simply looking at the crowd. As they move, he stands perfectly still. His hat is thrown on the ground and his pipe is thrown on his desk. 
“Robert?” You sing-song his name, quietly walking over, “Oppie?” 
There’s no response. He’s not acting happy, nor does he look at it. He looks devastated. 
His eyes are watery, and you can immediately feel the guilt on his shoulders. 
There’s no need for words as you walk over and crash into Robert. His arms wrap around you and with that, he quietly cries into your shoulder, sinking with you into the carpeted ground. 
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julienbakerpls · 1 year
Happy Birthday Part Two 18+
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"Okay... you NEED to get out of the house! We're going out and that's final." Your best friend said finally having enough of your almost 3 month long mood swings.
"Fine, but i'm not going to have a good time." You called out to her from where you were laying on your couch.
"I will literally beat your ass. Go get slutty and hot!" She yelled at you coming to pull you out from under your blanket. You rolled your eyes but ultimately decided that she probably would try and beat you up if you didn't get up.
"Wear that short red dress I love on you!" She called, from where she was styling her hair.
"I can't! I told you I lost the bra that goes with it!" You call out from the bathroom.
"So don't wear one, I've told you repeatedly that dress doesn't even need one!" You hear her call out over the sound of your shower.
You took your time getting ready, partially hoping that she would give up and leave without you. However once you had dressed in the "slutty" red dress (sans bra) and had your hair and makeup done she was still lounging on your couch.
"Took you long enough, let's go I want to go to that new bar downtown!" She still yelled even though you were next to her, jumping up and pulling you out to where her car was parked.
The ride to the bar was filled with both of you very badly singing along to the cure cd that she had gotten stuck in her cd player in high school.
"So what bar are we going to? Damien's?" You asked, once you noticed her start to look for parking.
"Nah, It's called The Red Door, it opened I think late last year. It's supposed to be very cool." She said doing an illegal U turn and parallel parking flawlessly.
You remembered hearing about The Red Door, but you couldn't remember from who. The two of you made your way into the candle lit bar, looking around. Your friend quickly made her way over to the bar ordering you both shots. After you had both downed them, she quickly abandoned you to go make out with some girl on the dance floor. You knew this is exactly how things would go, regretting not bringing a book or something to do.
"Y/n?" You heard from behind you, turning to see the cause of your horrible mood for the past three months. Your stomach instantly starting to cramp with anxiety.
"Hi." You answer attempting to smile convincingly. Julien came to sit next to you at the bar, she was wearing a white tank top that showed her muscular arms. You tried very hard not to stare, but from the smirk on her face she definitely noticed.
"I was really hoping to see you here.." Julien started, leaving you thoroughly confused.
"What do you mean?" you asked, taking a sip of your drink.
"I mean I told Lucy to invite you here that Friday after your appointment, but you never showed so.." She trailed off.
"Oh wait... I thought she was just telling me there was a bar down the street I didn't know YOU wanted me to go to it.." You said placing your hand on her arm, She looked down at it smiling slightly to herself.
"I wanted to invite you myself but you kinda ran out of the room too quickly for me to." Julien said, placing her hand over yours. You blushed remembering the way you ran out.
"I thought I made you uncomfortable-" You started Julien instantly cutting you off. "You didn't, I swear it's just I didn't want to take advantage of your vulnerability." She finished scooting closer to your stool.
"You can take advantage of me whenever you want.." You said without meaning too, Juliens face as well as your own filling with heat.
"I didn't mean to say that... out loud." You say, trying to backtrack. She laughs, shaking her head.
"I don't want to take advantage of you, I want your enthusiastic consent before I try anything." Julien said placing her tattooed hand on your bare thigh.
"Believe me, you've had it for the past three months.." You say tracing the Hard tattoo on her fingers.
"Oh yeah? Because you're all I could think about.." She says, staring up at you with those big brown eyes.
"Honestly if anyone else had been my piercer I would have chickened out. I was just too enthralled by you to remember to be nervous." You smiled, blush filling your face impossibly more. Noticing the way Julien's smile gets even bigger, you don't regret saying it.
"Honestly, I was so nervous to pierce you.. You walked in and I forgot my fucking name." She laughs, and you think you vaguely remember her not introducing herself right away.
"And then you took your shirt off and I thought I was going to lose my piercing license.." She said taking a sip of her drink.
"Wait why?" You ask, now also moving your stool closer to her.
"Because we're supposed to be completely professional, not almost drooling on our clients." She blushes, running her other hand across your collar bone.
"Because I was shirtless?" You say smiling at her, she shakes her head also smiling at you.
"I was almost drooling before you took your shirt off.. honestly if I were more of a professional I wouldn't have pierced you in the first place." She laughed, leaning forward to place her head on your shoulder. You smiled to yourself leaning your head to rest on hers, feeling her smile against your shoulder.
"I really like you.." Julien whispers into your shoulder. You smile even bigger, pulling away to look at her.
"I really like you." You say back to her, loving her big goofy grin.
"Do you want to get out of here?" She asked leaning back over to just be closer to you.
"I have to check with the friend I came with.. but i'll go anywhere with you." You say looking at her, less than an inch between your lips. The tension between the two of you is almost palpable. Julien clears her throat pulling away from you, her breathing slightly heavier.
"I'll be right back.." You get up, turning towards the dance floor to find your friend. You spot her after about a minute of looking pressed against a different woman in the corner. You make your way over to her having to pretty much pull her away to get her attention.
"What?" She whines, making grabby hands for the woman behind you now.
"I'm leaving, are you going to be alright getting home?" You ask her, once she stops pouting.
"Yea i'll be fine. Wait who are you leaving with?" She asks looking over your shoulder, and smiling smugly. You feel an arm wrap around your waist looking down and seeing the work tattoo, and blushing.
"Either her type is crazy specific or you're the piercer she's been grossly obsessing over!" Your friend laughed, Ignoring you to talk to Julien.
"I guess I am, Julien." She introduces herself, Pulling you tighter to her and squeezing your waist. You watch as Julien turns to the woman over your friends shoulder.
"Lucy, I'm heading out, please text me when you get home." Julien says, going over and kissing her friends cheek before returning to your side. You think you remember her from the piercing parlor, but you can't be completely sure.
"I will, Love you JB. Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Lucy calls, as Julien starts to steer you towards the exit, hands on your hips.
"God, this dress is killing me.." She whispers once the two of you have made it outside. You blush, pressing your back against her front.
"You know, I usually wear a bra with this but I left it when I was running away from you." You say, as she starts pulling you towards her car. She opens the passenger side door, but before you can get in she presses you to the car.
"I think I prefer it without one.." Julien breathes into your neck, running her hands from your hips to your breasts and massages them gently. Your head falls back at the sudden sensation, your nipples hardening under her fingers.
"Oh fuck.. please" You moan under her skilled hands. She continues rubbing them gently until your aching for her to do anything more.
"If we do anything more out here, it would be public indecency and we could get fined or up to a year in jail." Julien said, pulling away from you and helping you into the car.
"Why do you know that?" you laughed as she got into the car.
"I have very irresponsible friends.." She sighed starting the car, the cure filling the quiet.
"I love The Cure" you smiled over at her.
"Good Robert Smith is a legend." She laughed pulling out onto the main road. Julien moved one hand off the wheel and rested it almost under your dress.
"Oh before I forget... open the glove box." Julien said, Stopping at a red light. You looked at her questioningly before doing as instructed, and to your surprise you pulled out your favorite bra that you thought was gone forever.
"You kept my bra?" You smiled at her a little in awe. She started driving again but pulled her lower lip between her teeth.
"It looked expensive... and I hoped i'd get to see you again. And maybe also see you wear it again." She blushed, pulling into a dark driveway. You watched as she parked the car and got out to come open your door for you.
"You can see me where it anytime you want.." You flirt, getting out of the car with her help. She smiles pulling you down to kiss you hard on the lips. Her tongue tracing your bottom lip begging for entrance into your mouth. Her hands tracing their way up your waist to your chest, instantly finding your hardened peaks. You moan into her mouth, tongues now fighting for dominance.
"Julien... Please." You moan out, your head falling back.
"Let's move this inside." She smiles goofily, roughly tugging you to the front door. Taking her time opening it, pulling you in and pressing you against the door. Julien trails kisses down your neck and collar bones stopping when she gets to the top of your dress. She pulls you tighter against her, silently asking you if she can unzip the dress. You nod, chasing her lips and kissing her again. She slowly unzips the tight red dress, letting it fall to your feet leaving you in just a lacy pair of underwear.
"Fuck Baby..." You hear Julien groan, tracing her hands and her mouth up your body.
"How are your piercings healing," She whispers against your collar bone.
"They're great, yeahh" You exhale shakily, Awaiting her next move.
"Perfect." Julien smiles against your shoulder, kissing down your chest and taking one of your nipples in her mouth. Your eyes roll back in your head as you feel her suck harshly on it. You knew that piercing them would make them sensitive, but you had no idea just how much. Julien continued sucking on your nipples, moving from one to the other. You start grinding your hips against her hip bone, gasping at the overwhelming pleasure. She bit down softly on your nipple causing the knot of pleasure building in your stomach to almost snap.
"Fuck Jay uhh," You whined, shaking from how much pleasure her body was bringing you. She bit softly on your nipple again before kissing back up to your lips, losing herself temporarily in the heated kiss. Julien reluctantly pulled away from you, pulling you up the stairs and into her bedroom. You felt instantly at home, welcoming the scent of her cologne that was clinging to the bedsheets.
Julien almost instantly climbing on top of you, grinding her hips against yours her mouth finding it's way back to your nipples.
"You don't know how many times i've pictured this in my head..." Julien said, biting down beside your nipple.
"Oh yeah, did it get you hot, thinking of me writhing beneath you in your bed. " You gasp out, rolling your hips against hers.
"Fuck Baby... it did a lot more than just get me hot," Julien moaned, pulling away from you and taking her tank top off. You lean forward wrapping your arms around her waist, kissing along her toned stomach. You pull her hips forward, unbuckling her belt while still leaving hickeys along her abs.
"Mmmm Y/n," Julien moaned, before helping you pull off her tight jeans. "Come here," She laughed, throwing them off the bed leaving her in just her sports bra and boxers. She kissed her way up your body, pressing a kiss to your nose before licking her way into your mouth. You wrap your legs around her waist, grinding against her. You feel one of her hands travel down your body and under the thin fabric of your underwear, circling your clit. You're unable to control the whine that falls from your mouth as you rock forward into her hand.
"God, you're soaked, is all this for me baby?" Julien asks applying more pressure to your clit, causing your body to start shaking with pleasure.
"Yes, Julien baby it's all for you!" You cry out as she presses a finger into your entrance. You gasp when you feel the cool metal of her ring against your inner thigh.
"You're so fucking sexy, You have no idea how badly I want you." She whispers into your neck, pushing another finger into you. Your eyes flutter closed, basking in the warm feeling pooling in your stomach. You pull her sports bra up and off of her tossing it onto the floor.
Julien started, biting and sucking her way down your body, her mouth instantly finding your clit. She sucked it into her mouth, massaging gently with her tongue. You feel her add another finger, gasping at the stretch. You whine tangling your fingers into her hair, grinding your hips up into her face. You cum suddenly, the knot in your stomach snapping as she pinches your nipple. Body arching into her, before melting back into her sheets. Julien cleans up the mess she made with her tongue before kissing her way back up to your mouth. You moan as you taste yourself on her tongue, the kiss is messy and you feel yourself getting hot and bothered again.
"Jay baby, I want to taste you." You whine into her mouth, rolling her over so you're on top of her.
You can feel the wet heat between your legs start to build up again at the sight of her. You have a leg on either side of her waist, looking down at her flushed face and big brown eyes looking up at you with an adoring expression. You reach down and stroke her face, feeling her heated sweat soaked skin.
"You're like a dream," You sigh, tracing around her mouth and dipping your fingers into her mouth. She eagerly sucks them, the sight and feel driving you insane. You pull your fingers out of her mouth attacking her lips, and trailing your hand down her body and into her boxers sliding them off of her. Your fingers instantly circling her clit, moaning at how wet she is.
"I wanna feel you cum on my face Jay," You say against her lips, laughing to yourself as she groans.
"Baby, I could cum from just your words." Julien whines out, clutching the bedsheets as you kiss and bite your way down her body pulling her legs over your shoulders. You bite and suck on her thighs, before leaning forward and sucking her already swollen sensitive clit. She rolls her hips up into your face, gasping when you push a finger into her entrance.
"Ah Princess." She moans out, the nickname taking you by surprise and causing you to suck on her more fervently. You thrust your fingers harder, feeling her body clamp down on your fingers. Everything about her tightens and goes rigid, you watch as her eyebrows draw together.
"Baby," Julien gasps, soaking your face and the sheets underneath her. You take your time cleaning her up with your mouth and her discarded boxers.
"You're so perfect," You breathe into her mouth, Kissing all over her face causing her to giggle.
"I'm so fucking glad you decided to get your nipples pierced." Julien smiled, teasingly pinching your nipple.
"I am too," You smile, cuddling down into her neck and pressing a tender kiss there.
- Let me know what y'all think <3
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allastoredeer · 4 months
I read the new chapter of Holy Suffering as soon as it came out and I love the way u write Lucifer. For the past few days I have been reading Radio apple fanfic and I hate how lucifer is portrayed in most of them, shy , innocent with Alastor after the fight, and kinda out of character for the both of them, cause they suddenly like each other, and I don’t see it in them. They like to piss each other off, that’s the whole ship point.
Ur Lucifer is so sassy, Hits all the Good Characterization checks in my brain, he’s such a delight to read, same for Alastor. U had me going speechless most of the time Alastor spoke, cause I honestly didn’t know what he was gonna say next. Writing Alastor it’s probably hard, cause he is misterious and always hides his emotions but You totally nailed it. Right now he is probably angry at Lucifer cause he ratted him out lol
Al be like the audacity of this man after he forced him to do this.🙄
Anywhizzle I just wanted to ask, for the overload meeting, is Charlie gonna send Lucifer with Alastor? Maybe as a snake or something, to make sure is he okay. Cause she really sounded mortified that she didn’t notice that Alastor was suffering and man Al definitely didn’t like that, but it’s not like he can say no to Charlie so
A nd is there like a schedule for next updates? I am really invested in this story and I honestly can’t wait to read more of it.
Thank you ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Hahah Lucifer's got bite to him, for sure. He doesn't come off as the shy type to me. Awkward as hell, certainly. In the throes of depression, absolutely. And he cares about Charlie's opinion of him to a fault. But when it comes to someone throwing their weight around--or, more accurately, getting involved with Charlie (cough Alastor helping Charlie with the hotel, couch Adam fighting/hurting Charlie cough) he isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty.
Alastor is hard to write ಥ_ಥ I love him so much, but sometimes, I want to cut open his head and properly study his brain because f;knslnjsbj out of all the characters, he's the hardest for me to pin down, in terms of both dialogue and actions. He has such a way of talking, and such a distinct voice (his radio filter) that it's simultaneously easy to imagine his voice, but hard to put it to dialogue. So, I really appreciate hearing that I nailed it (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) Seriously, it's so appreciated to hear.
Nah, Alastor is going to be going to that one alone :3 It's going to be set in his POV, so we'll get some insight in his thoughts on the whole thing, and how he's handling his current affliction. I'm both excited to and nervous to get into it, because writing him in someone else's POV is hard, so writing him in his OWN POV is a little intimidating, but I'm mostly excited. I have a lot of thoughts for this series, and it's gonna be fun to explore them.
As for a schedule, I used to try to keep myself to one, and I've found that I have both a love/hate relationship with it. One the one hand, keeping a writing schedule is nice because it gives me a clear view of what I want to work on and an goal date to get it done, which is very nice for my ADHD brain.
BUT, on the other hand, when I start putting that pressure on myself to get it down, and I fail to actually reach that goal, it hits me pretty hard and it can take away my motivation and joy in writing the fic. It starts to feel more like a chore than a fun hobby I can do in my downtime.
Thankfully, I am DEEP in Hazbin Hotel hyperfixation, and the amazing feedback I've gotten from my fic's is certainly fueling my motivation. So thanks to everyone leaving kudos and comments! It's seriously so helpful and I cherish ever single one of them.
If I had to give an estimate for when the next installment of the series will drop, I'd say either at the end of this week, or the beginning/middle of next week. I have an unrelated AppleRadio one-shot I want to bust out before I work on the next installment, and that one I'm going to try and post by Thursday or Friday.
To quote out favorite Radio Demon,
~Stay Tuned
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moljh · 2 years
I Knew It
Eddie Munson x Reader
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Summary: Eddie is certain he knows you better than you think and he’s determined to prove it.
General fluff, no trigger warnings
It was Friday night and unlike most of your friends, you weren't out at another party, instead you were stuck at home desperately trying to catch up on school work. As if all your teachers knew you had plans this weekend, at the end of each period for the day, they all seemed to assign more work than they'd ever done before.
Most people would likely not bother with the work but despite your distain for homework, you still forced yourself to do it. Flicking over the glossy page of your biology textbook the corner caught your finger and you flinched at the small cut. Rolling your eyes you popped your finger between your lips and continued on.
Mere seconds later whoever you heard a small tapping coming from your window. Your brow furrowed in confusion as you listened again for the sound. There is was again, a gentle tap, tap from behind your curtains.
Getting up, you left your homework behind and headed towards the window. Pulling back the curtains you smiled at the sight before you.
"What took you so long sweetheart?" Eddie jokingly asked as he clambered through the window
"I didn't think you could come tonight?" you replied "What happened to the greatest chapter of the campaign yet?" you chuckled as you emphasised your finals words
"Haha" he mocked back at you "it ended earlier than expected and I thought why waste this perfectly fine evening at home by myself"
"Wow you almost sounded like a gentleman then"
He took a few steps closer towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist. Leaning in he came close enough that you could smell the scent of cigarettes and his aftershave wafting off of him.
"When am I not a gentleman?" he smiled, finally closing the gap between you two and pulling you into a deep kiss
You remember the first time he had kissed you, that you had been surprised at how soft his lips were. The hard exterior he portrayed to the rest of the word certainly hadn't made you think he was a man walking around with Chapstick in his pocket.
"As much as I'd love to keep this going" you said pulling away and placing a hand against his firm chest "I have to finish my biology homework"
Eddie groaned in pain at your words and tightened his grip around you.
"You know..." he muttered whilst peppering gentle kisses along your neck "I know a little bit about biology..." he continued his seductive motions and you leant back into his embrace
"Eddieeee" you whined in a poor attempt to stop him "I'm serious"
"Fine, but I'm staying here and making myself very comfortable on your soft bed"
He flopped down onto your bed as you slowly made your way reluctantly back over to your work. You spent a few minutes taking notes whilst he lay behind you gently humming to himself.
"Can you stop that?" you asked "Stop what?" "You know what" "No I don't"
You swung back around in your chair and gave him your best look of annoyance. He merely looked back at you with a smug grin plastered across his own face.
"I hate you" you said sticking your tongue out at him
"No you don't" he pushed himself up out of his lounging position to look at you better "If you hated me I don't think I'd know what colour underwear you've got on right now"
Your eyes widened at his comment and your mouth fell open slightly.
"Excuse me?" chucking slightly "How do you know this?"
"Well I don't know exactly what ones they are but I have a pretty good idea"
Slamming shut your book, you gave up on getting any homework done for the evening and marched back over to the boy who was causing you more trouble than you needed. Sitting down next to him, he pulled you down to his level and secured his hands on your hips.
What began as a soft, gentle kiss, gradually escalated into a much more steamy make out session. You rolled over on top of him and deepened the kiss, pulling back you looked down at him.
"How are you so gorgeous?" he smiled up at you 
"Same could be said for you Munson" 
"You know I hate it when you call me that"
"Oh I'm soo sorry, does Eddie not like that" you teased him
"No Eddie does not"
Laughing slightly you leant back down and continued to kiss him more. Slowly his hands trailed down from your neck towards your back and you felt his finger tips brush against your skin. You moved with him as he tugged at the hem of your shirt and you lifted your arms as he pulled it off you.
Copying his own actions, you pulled at his own shirt and he ripped it off it one swift movement. Tracing your fingers across his chest and around his tattoo, you slowly pressed soft kisses down his chest and down his stomach.
He let out a moan at your actions and closed his eyes as he put his head back against the headboard. You continued your direction and slowly began to undo his belt buckle.
Just at you were about to undo it you heard Eddie mutter "I knew it"
You paused what you were doing and looked back up at him.
"What did you just say?" you asked, unsure exactly what he had said
"I knew it" he smiled back at you, however you were still a little confused 
"What did you know?"
"Your underwear, it's black just like I knew it would be, see I'm good" he gave you a smug grin
"Seriously? You have a half naked girl on top of your about to take off your pants and all you can think about is that you were right about the colour of my bra?"
"I mean... It's not the only thing I'm thinking about..." he said drifting off into thought, eyes rolling over your figure
"You're such an idiot Eddie Munson" you smiled at him and clutched the sides of his face
"Yeah... But I'm your idiot" he said kissing you passionately once again.
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gracies-baby · 3 months
Hey!!! Can you write a Gracie Abrams x female reader. The reader is a couple of years younger than Gracie. She is 20, an actress and comes from a rich family in Italy. The reader is known to be a bad girl and a player. She changes girls like she changes he clothes basically but she is very kind and adorable deep down. and then when she meets Gracie, y/n falls in love with her actually and is not a player anymore but Gracie was only with her as a dare to break her heart as no one has before. Angst with a happy ending.
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Begin Again
(Gracie Abrams x Reader)
Breaking! Italian actress Y/n L/n and American singer Sabrina Carpenter call it quits after 3 month relationship! Fans heartbroken after this news
We all knew this was coming. Hardly news worthy.
I give her a week before she's got someone new.
She's literally only 20 and she's had like 20 different girlfriends 💀
"They all think I'm a slut" Y/n rants to her friend as she reads the comments on the article.
"Who cares what they think? Your fans love you. These people just need to hate on successful women to feel accomplished" her friend, Jenna replies.
"I dunno, what if they're right? I mean, I do date a lot more than any other 20 year old" Y/n continues, stopping when she gets a notification from instagram, seeing someone had messaged her.
Hey, I know you don't know me and we've never spoken at all but I just wanted to see if you were okay? I heard the news. Breakups are hard. I also wanted to see if you maybe wanted to have dinner with me sometime?
"Gracie Abrams just asked me out" Y/n says, showing her phone to Jenna.
"Seriously? Go! Say yes!"
"I just got out of a relationship though. What are people gonna say?" Y/n asks as she nervously stares at her phone.
"It doesn't matter. All that matters is your happiness. Gracie could make you happy. Just try one date"
"..fine. She is really cute" Y/n replies as she types on her phone.
Hi! Thanks so much you're so sweet! I'm okay, thanks for asking. I would love to have dinner with you btw. Let me know when you're free!
"Great! My job here is done! I gotta go now though, I'll see you tomorrow" Jenna says as she walks out of her friend's apartment.
Does tomorrow work for you? If not I can clear my schedule
Tomorrows great! Just tell me the time and place and I'll be there
The two girls stay up talking until going to sleep, waiting for the next day.
She's not here. I think I got stood up
You definitely did not get stood up. I'm sure she'll be there soon. Just wait a few more minutes
As soon as Y/n gets the text, she feels someone take the seat opposite her.
"Hey! Sorry I'm late, I slept through my alarm and I had to pick out an outfit and it was a huge thing. I hope you weren't waiting too long" the brunette says as she takes her jacket off and hangs it on the back of her chair.
"No, not long at all. How are you?" Y/n asks with a kind smile as the two order their coffees at the counter.
"I'm great! I'm releasing an album next week, that's going well. How are you?"
"I'm.. okay. You really lifted my spirits though" Y/n says, sipping her coffee.
"That's great to hear. I've seen what everyone's been saying about you. It's such bullshit. I mean, sometimes relationships don't work out, you know? It's not your fault. Well, I don't know what happened, but I can guess it's not your fault" Gracie speaks, smiling at Y/n gently as the two walk out of the coffee shop, spotting paparazzi a few metres away.
"Heads up" Gracie says, putting her head down as she takes Y/n's hand in hers.
"So, how's a second date sound?" Gracie asks nervously.
"A second date with you sounds amazing, Gracie" Y/n replies with a soft blush.
"Great! I'm busy tomorrow but how's Friday sound?" Gracie asks with an excited grin.
"Fridays perfect, I'll see you then" Y/n replies, leaning in to kiss her lips only to kiss her cheek at the last minute, leaving the brunette disappointed.
"Play your cards right and there's more where that came from" Y/n says before gently closing the door, leaving the taller girl on the other side of it.
Y/n turns on her phone when she begins getting slammed by notifications.
Y/n L/n seen with singer Gracie Abrams leaving popular coffee shop hand in hand. New romance brewing?
Literally not even a week after Sabrina
Gracie girl get out while you can
She was probably cheating on Sabrina ngl
Y/n reads the comments as tears fill her eyes. She opens her contacts and calls the first person she thinks of.
"Gracie? Can you come back?" She pleads, voice breaking.
A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door. Y/n opens it only to fall into the brunettes arms, Gracie wrapping her arms around her and holding tight.
"I'm sorry, I know we just met but you're the first person I thought to call" Y/n rambles only for Gracie to stop her.
"It's okay. Don't apologise. You can call me whenever you want"
"Everything they're saying about me.. you don't think it's true, do you?"
"Of course I don't! I don't know you that well, but I do know you're not a slut" Gracie replies, guiding Y/n to the couch.
Gracie continues to calm her down, waiting until she falls asleep before leaving the apartment.
The two girls go on a couple more dates before making it official, Gracie asking the shorter girl to be her girlfriend on a late night picnic date.
"Gracie? Are you home?" Y/n asks, opening the door to her girlfriend's apartment when she received no answer. She goes to her girlfriend's room but stopes when she hears talking.
"Gracie, she deserves to know. You love her don't you? And she loves you, just tell her" a woman's voice says from inside.
"I can't do that. She would leave me if I did" Y/n opens the door to see her girlfriend standing with Olivia.
"What's going on?" Y/n asks nervously looking between the two.
"I'm gonna go. Gracie has something to tell you" Olivia says before leaving the apartment.
"What do you need to tell me?"
"Okay.. so, uh, just remember that I love you so much. I've never loved anyone the way I love you. And you love me, right?" Gracie asks, holding her girlfriend's hands.
"Of course, what's wrong?"
"Um, when I asked you out.. it was because Olivia dared me to okay? But that doesn't change the fact that I love you now!"
"What? So what was the plan, you were gonna break my heart after getting me to fall in love with you? How could you do this?! I trusted you! I confided in you!" Y/n exclaims, voice breaking.
"You can still trust me! I will still listen to everything you say! This doesn't change anything!" Gracie pleads, tears running down her face.
"No Gracie! It changes everything! You didn't actually want to be with me! You thought I was a slur just like everyone else!" Y/n runs out of the apartment in tears.
"Y/n wait!" Gracie yells but the girl is already gone.
Y/n L/n seen leaving girlfriend Gracie Abrams apartment in tears. Is this the end for the couple?
Y/n hit the three month mark 💀
Who tf would break up with Gracie Abrams
If Y/n doesn't want Gracie I'll have her
After days of Y/n ignoring her calls, Gracie decides to go to her apartment. She knocks on the door, only for Jenna to open it.
"What do you want?" She asks coldly as she stares at the girl.
"Please. I just need to talk to her. 5 minutes" Gracie pleads before she hears Y/n's voice.
"Who is it?" She asks her friend, stopping when she sees the girl at the door.
"Y/n please. You're not answering my calls. I just need to talk to you"
"You need to leave"
"No. Let her come in" Y/n cuts her friend off, watching as she steps aside for the taller girl to walk in.
"You have five minutes" Jenna says before leaving the room, giving the girls privacy.
"Y/n. I know I hurt you but that doesn't change the fact that I love you now. I love you so much. Please believe me" Gracie says, taking the girls hands only for her to pull away.
"How can I believe you? Our relationship was built on a lie!"
"If I didn't love you, why wouldn't I have left you sooner? Why would I have stayed with you this long?" Gracie says, watching as the other girl steps away from her.
"I can't continue this relationship knowing what I know now, Gracie" Y/n mumbles in heartbreak.
"So what if we start a new one? You still love me, don't you? We'll have a new first date and I'll ask you to be my girlfriend again and we'll rebuild our relationship and this time, it's not going to be a lie. Please, just one more chance" Gracie says, stepping closer to the girl and hesitantly taking her hands again.
"Okay. One more chance. I still love you so much" Y/n says, wrapping her arms around the brunette.
"Thank you so much! I love you" Gracie says, pulling the girl in for a gentle kiss, Y/n pulling away after a second.
"You're not even gonna take me out first?" She says as the two girls begin to giggle.
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hiii !! i was wondering if u would write a comfort fic with a bakugo x gn!reader where theyre really struggling with taking care of themselves and gone down like a depressive spiral without him knowing until they finally just broke down. i was thinking the reader would have a telekinetic quirk and they never really used it before but they use it all the time to even do simple things. sorry this is so depressing LMAO but i love ur work !! 🖤🖤
Aw! Omg thank you <3 I'm so glad I have such devoted readers on here guys 😭 it really makes me wanna shit and sob and run laps rn abshdnakshbsnx
Also ofc I will :D
I love the angst so you bet imma make this as dramatic as possible
Masterlist <3
Katsuki x GN!Reader- Sink or Swim
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You could tell it was getting bad again. You were hesitant to go to class or training, you no longer had any interests in your hobbies, even thoughts of your friends were interrupted by "you know they wouldn't care if they never saw you again."
And on top of that, it's was so, so hard getting out of bed in the mornings, and being motivated get stuff done. You had started being repeatedly late to class and you were skipping meals, convinced that after all of the minimal effort you've put in, you weren't deserving of a hot meal anymore.
You don't deserve a place in this school, and you don't deserve the title of a hero. You're just not good enough.
Almost every week you're introduced to yet another tragically disadvantaged youth who's given life and limb just to have a shot at being a hero, and you can't help but feel so undeserving. What use are you, even? The only quirk you have is telekinesis, and even then, it's really not very strong.
Your best friend and partner, Katsuki Bakugou, hasn't even realised just how bad things have been getting, and even though you know you're being a little harsh for expecting him to know when things are wrong even when you haven't talked about it, you can't help but feel a little upset.
During the next week or so, your foul mood only gets worse, and when you realise that your friends are actively trying to avoid you, that's when you break.
They were only giving you a little space because they thought you were having a rough time, and they didn't want to set you off since they knew they could be a rowdy group. It was Mina and Denki who thought it would be best, since they both haven't had the best of luck with sensitive people, and this proves it even more.
You spend the week stuck in your room, not coming to class and instead spending your time staring at the wall of your room, the drab, grey surroundings being a perfect match for what you're feeling.
It's Friday, and your room hasn't seen the light of day since Saturday. You've been crying every day into the soft plush that Katsuki won for you at a fair on his first try, despite your many attempts. You had refused to use your quirk because it wouldn't have been a real win. He'd found that kind of adorable. Stupid, but adorable.
Katsuki had come knocking on your door a few times, but every time you had sent him away with an "I'm sick, babe. I'll be better soon..." Or something along those lines. At this point though, he was at his fucking limit.
"Open the door before I blast it off its fucking hinges. Let me see you! You know being sick isn't a fucking excuse when we've got recovery girl! I've kept Sensei off your ass for a fucking week already, now let me see my fucking partner! I'm worried about you- you're not sick, did you think I'm some kind of dumbass?!"
Your bottom lip wobbles as you listen to him banging on your door. Of all things, you could probably learn to live with not deserving your dream carreer or your place in this school, but not him. The thought that you don't deserve him eats at you every fucking day.
He goes well above and beyond for you, and why? Because you're lucky enough to have caught his attention? It makes you feel physically sick to think about all of the other people out there that could give him more than you ever have. Maybe you should stop running from him though.
Ever so slowly, you get up out of bed, dressed in one of his loose shirts and a baggy pair of sweats. And when you finally open the door, Katsuki can really take in how much you've let yourself fall apart. You really do look sick, but not with the flu, and it breaks his fucking heart.
Immediately his eyes are glossed over and filled with remorse at the fact that he hasn't been here for you, and he opens his arms for you, ushering you into a hug that's far gentler than any other he's given you. It feels so good.
"Shit... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't here. Fuck."
"It's not your fault!"
He squeezes you tighter as you cry into his chest. It's times like these that you thank your lucky stars for being shorter than him, because it makes him the best person to hug, and one of his hands buries itself into your tangled hair as he pets you, slowly guiding you back into your room.
You couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.
He spends the rest of the day cuddling you, your legs tangled together under the sheets while you nap and he watches over you. And you're not surprised when, the day after, he's forcing you to get up out of bed.
"Get up, lazy ass!"
It makes a rather comical picture as he's got one hand around your ankle while you mock tears and cling to the bed frame, struggling against your much stronger boyfriend when he tries to drag you out of bed.
"Help me clean this ugly ass room! Dumbass! If you love me you'll help clean this pig sty!"
"God! Fine! It's not that big a deal- please!"
He finally lets you go and gives you an unimpressed look, since you can't even see the floor in the mess you've let collect, and as you get up and trip over a sock, he only snorts in amusement, giving you that "I told you so" look.
He really does help to distract you from your feelings when you're with him, and every time you try to thank him for it you're met with a chaste kiss to the lips, which has you blushing and stuttering in seconds. He could never get tired of that sight.
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hippiegoth97 · 13 days
Into the Fire: An Eddie Munson x Reader Story Pt. 9
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Collage by me :)
Master List
Part 8
Tag List: @rafescurtainbangz @voyeurmunson @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @mediocredreams
@slowandsteddie @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@rattkween86 @violetpixiedust @bimbobaggins69 @purplehazed-h @morning-rituals
@eddie-van-munson @msgexymunson @munsoneightysixx @impmunson @mysticalstar30
@jenniquinn @oneforthemunny @succubusmunson @ddeadly-succubus @prettyboyeddiemunson
@sanctumdemunson @stalactitekilla @s6raphic @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne
@ohmeg @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever @ahoyyharrington @micheledawn1975
@costellation-hunter @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @yourdailymemedelivery @spacedoutdaydreamer
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI: Swearing, mentions of smut, smoking, fluff, light anxiety, teasing, LGBTQ+ themes, struggles with sexuality, violation of privacy
Word Count: 12.1k
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Divider by @strangergraphics
Part 9.1: Walking on Sunshine
Wednesday, April 5th, 1989
The remaining days of you and Eddie having the house to yourselves have been pure bliss. He wakes you up with kisses every morning, which usually leads to amazing morning sex. After that, you share a shower and some breakfast before Eddie leaves for work or a few deals. You study until he comes back home, and he goes down on you as a reward for working so hard. The rest of the day is spent either trying a new page from the book he gave you, or snuggling up to him while he continues crafting the new campaign, or both. You've occasionally distracted Eddie from his tedious planning by giving him head, earning a few utterances of 'slut' and 'good girl' from his lips as you do so.There's a perfect balance of connection and intimacy in your relationship, you cherish every minute you get to spend together. 
Mom and the kids are coming back today, she called this morning before they got on the road. Eddie doesn't have to work, so you've just been cuddled up on the couch watching TV. You’re laying between his legs, his large hands massaging your shoulders as The Price is Right plays on a low volume. "You excited for everyone to come home, love?" Eddie speaks softly to you, working your tired muscles between his fingers.
"Yeah, I've missed them a lot. But it's also been really nice having some time alone, just the two of us." You reply, eyes fluttering closed as you melt in his touch. It's innocent enough, but everything he does is like magic.
"I know, sweetheart. I've definitely enjoyed being here with you too. Although, I think Wayne has been missing me. He waits up for me to go change for work so he can chat with me. I feel kinda bad for leaving him all alone. He doesn't exactly have a lot of friends." He sounds sad, guilty even. Wayne's done so much for him, the least he can do is be around to spend a little time with him.
"Baby, I'm sorry. Why didn't you say so? I know he's important to you, I feel selfish for having you here instead of the trailer every day." You lean your head upside down to look at him, gazing in his eyes. He just smiles at you, finding your position a bit silly.
"It's not a huge deal, Y/N. I told him why I haven't been around as much, he understands. He said we should have dinner with him some night before he heads off to the plant. He'd like to get to know you better. But only if that's something you wanna do." Your eyes widen at this suggestion, dinner with Eddie's effective parent? That's a big step, but it's one you’re very eager to take.
"I'd love to! Did you have a particular day in mind?" You scramble to face him, straddling his lap. He chuckles at your enthusiasm, putting his arms around your waist.
"Well, I was thinking…Friday?" He knows it's a bit short notice, but there's another reason for the particular day he's chosen.
"Sure!" You lean in to kiss him, and he gladly meets you in the middle. You pull away a second later, realizing what day next Friday is. "Wait a minute." You raise an eyebrow at him, and he just smirks at you.
"What?" He asks, playing dumb.
"Isn't Friday our one-month anniversary?" You don't really expect him to hold milestones like that in high regard, but then again, he always seems to blow expectations out of the water.
"Why, yes it is, I'm so glad you remembered!" He laughs, speaking sarcastically. You smack his chest playfully, he's such a cheeky little shit sometimes. It's crazy to think you've almost been together for a whole month. It feels like just yesterday that Eddie accidentally hit you with his van and graciously bandaged you up. "So, what'd you get me?" He asks, sneakily trying to figure out what kind of gift you'd give him.
"You'll just have to wait and see, baby. Can't ruin the surprise." You say in a sultry tone, though in reality you've got nothing planned. You're sure you can figure it out, finding time to take a secret shopping trip tomorrow.
"Well, I'm certainly looking forward to it, babydoll" His lips meet yours again, warm and slow. You begin to put together a plan for the perfect gift for Eddie, but you're gonna need some help. You make a mental note to visit Robin at Family Video to see if she'll assist you.
"I suppose I can't get a hint about what you're getting for me either, hm?" You ask, keeping your face very close to his as you speak.
"Nope. My lips are sealed, princess." He smiles slyly at you, his tongue playing at the edge of his mouth. He's very excited to give you your present, he just knows you're going to love it. "Hey, how long do we have until your mom and the kids come back?" He squeezes your hips, sending you a very clear message. You glance at the clock behind you, before turning back to Eddie.
"About three hours. You wanna go to the bedroom?" You ask coyly, batting your eyelashes as you play with his necklace between your fingers. Your hips grind into his lap once, making him groan.
"Anything for my sexy girl." He replies, snatching you into his arms so he can run down the hall and toss you onto the bed. You laugh at his antics, he's always up for a round with you. The two of you take your time, savoring every kiss, every touch. You're in no rush at all, your only goal is to enjoy each other in every way you can before everyone comes home.
Hours later, you hear the front door opening. The sounds of Mom calling out to you and all the kiddos running around stirs you from your post-fucking nap. Eddie's arms are holding you tightly, and he's snoring while drool forms a wet spot on his pillow. "Baby, wake up. They’re home." You try to wriggle from his grasp, but he just grumbles and tightens his grip. "Eds, come on." You carefully nudge him with your elbow, and his eyes squint open.
"What is it, sweetheart?" He asks, sleep staining his voice. He's so adorable like this, his hair lays over his face a little, and you can feel the muscles flexing in his arms as they cradle your naked body.
"Everyone's home. We gotta get up." You give him a quick kiss, bringing him into the waking world. He attempts to deepen it, but you stop him.
"No fair." Eddie whines, but you continue to make your way out of bed to redress. He sits up to look at you, his hair a frizzy mess. You giggle at him as he rubs his eyes, earning a glare from him. "What's so funny?" He asks in annoyance.
"You're just so cute when you're sleepy, but you can also be quite the grump." You turn away, reaching down to pick your discarded clothing from the floor. You hear him hop out of bed, running over to you.
"I'll show you a grump!" He shouts, trapping you in his grasp as he starts tickling you. You shriek in surprise, dropping your pajamas back on the carpet.
"Eddie! Quit it! We gotta get dressed!" You try to plead with him, but he refuses to heed your words.
"Who says we need clothes? I've always preferred being naked anyways, and I definitely prefer you naked." He cackles maniacally as he relentlessly wrestles you to the ground. You're laughing so hard, gasping for air, when there's a knock on the door.
"Sugarpuff? Is everything alright in there?" You hear Mom on the other side of the door, concern lacing her tone.
"We're fine, Ms. Henderson. Be out in a minute!" Eddie calls to her, still tickling you ruthlessly. Your stomach hurts from your laughter, and your face has gone beet red.
"Oh! Sorry, kiddos! I'll leave you to it!" She replies with a chuckle, walking back down the hall to help unload the car.
"Alright, you better get off me now. I feel like I'm suffocating." You struggle to speak, and Eddie thankfully yields this time. He helps you off the floor, gathering both your clothes to put back on. Once you're dressed, you walk down the hall to greet everyone while holding hands.
"Y/N! Eddie!" Dustin exclaims as you enter the livingroom. He runs to you, capturing you together in a tight hug. The other kids immediately join in, huddling around the two of you in a large cluster. Mom, Nancy, and Jonathan stand awkwardly, exchanging sympathetic looks with you and Eddie as the children continue to smother you.
"Well, I see the little demons missed us." Eddie quips, trying his best to return every hug as the kids shuffle around to take turns.
"It's really sweet. We missed you guys a lot. too." You squeeze each one of them real tight, your heart lighting up with affection.
"I'm sure you two found plenty of ways to keep busy." Erica says, giving her usual attitude.
"You know it!" Eddie replies, giving you a wink as your cheeks turn red. The room erupts in laughter, leave it to those two to always bring the humor. The hugs stop a little later, and the kids pile back into the cars to be driven back to their homes. Dustin rides along to see them off, and you and Eddie are left alone yet again. "We've gotta stop meeting like this." He jokes, wrapping his arms around you once you hear the vehicles pull away from the house.
"Oh, I don't know. I think I quite like meeting you, in every way." You say just as goofily, giggling as you go in for a kiss. You place your hands on his chest, his heartbeat thrumming into your right palm through his shirt. You keep the kiss brief, resisting the temptation to shove your tongue into his mouth. Your head lays against his shoulder, contentment blooming inside you. You just stand here, listening to each other's low breathing in your simple embrace. A mental picture develops in your mind, filing this moment away to keep for whenever you're apart. He kisses the top of your head, stroking your back with his fingers. "I love you, Eds."
"I love you too, sweetheart." He hugs you a bit tighter, and your arms snake around his torso to deepen the hold. Warmth radiates from Eddie, which always makes you feel safe. You nuzzle against him, trying to get even closer.
"You're so cozy, darling. I love being close to you. Can we take another nap? I'm still tired from earlier."
"Of course, baby. You want the bed, or the couch?" He asks quietly, not wanting to disturb the calm energy between you.
"Couch, please." You reply, loosening your grip on him so he can lay down. He gets comfortable, holding his arms out for you to join him.
"C'mere, sleepyhead." He coos, and you lay on your side between his legs, resting your head on his chest. He puts his arms over you again, and your eyes flutter closed as you lose a fight with a yawn. Eddie smiles at your cute noises, listening to you sigh and fuss as you try to get in a perfect position. When you stop adjusting, he notices your breathing slow down. You look so serene, eyes closed as your chest rises and falls steadily. He settles his head against the arm of the couch, closing his eyes to drift off to sleep.
Later on, Eddie's carefully nudging you awake as Mom brought home some KFC for dinner. "What is it, love?" You ask groggily, the words muffled against his chest. You lift your head, noticing Mom and Dustin taking out plates and forks to dish out the food. The smell of chicken fills the room, and your mouth waters. Your stomach growls at the scent, making Eddie chuckle.
"Sounds like you need some food, princess." He grins at you, patting your back to prompt you to stand up. You feel a little unstable as you get on your feet, almost stumbling as spots fill your vision. "You okay?" He asks, always concerned.
"Yeah, I'm fine. A little dizzy, I just need some water." The spots dissipate, and you go to the kitchen to grab a glass. You fill it at the sink, gulping down the whole thing in one go. You refill it before turning off the tap, walking over to the dining table to have a seat. Eddie sits in the chair next to you, taking your hand in his. You gaze at him, smiling kindly. He returns the look, bringing your hand up to his lips to press a gentle kiss to it. You can't help blushing whenever he does this. It's so simple, yet very effective at driving you crazy. He lets you go as Claudia and Dustin bring the food over to the table.
"Hope you're hungry, kiddos!" Mom says cheerily, glancing at the romantic exchange between you two. It's like you're a whole new person in her eyes, finally experiencing the happiness she knows you deserve. She's spent so many nights praying for you to find a way out of that tough shell you hid yourself inside when your father left, though she never let the true amount of worry she's felt show outwardly. Ultimately, she knew you had to find your own way out, and luckily Eddie’s come along to assist you. "Aw, you two are so darn cute."
"Mooooooom." You groan, pleading with your eyes for her to lay off. She puts her hands up defensively, focusing on dishing out the mashed potatoes and macaroni.
"Sorry, sugarpuff. I'm just happy to see you happy. Is that a crime?" She asks in jest, and you feel a bit bad for acting like a child about it.
"No, it isn't. Sorry." You almost mumble, reaching for the biscuits. You take one for your plate, gesturing the box of them at Eddie to see if he wants one.
"Ooh, yes, please!" He smiles, grabbing one for his own plate. He holds your gaze, noting your agitation. He leans in to you, speaking quietly. "Relax, angel. You realize things will go similarly at dinner with Wayne, right?" You just nod, forcing yourself to soften up. You can't help it, the walls still have a habit of trying to spring up every now and again. Your goal now is to eventually smash them to pieces, but that won't come as easy as you'd like. "How was the trip, Dustin?" Eddie asks, thankfully changing the subject.
Dusty perks up, practically bursting at the seams to tell you all about it. "It was amazing! We went fishing, and hiking on that old trail to look for wild berries. And of course we made tons of s'mores, but Jane kept burning her marshmallows!" He laughs at that last part, and you can't help sharing his joy. He proceeds to tell you every little detail of their vacation, and you listen intently. Sure, it kinda sucks that you missed out on the trip. But the way Dustin speaks about it, it’s almost like you were right there with them. The remainder of dinner goes smoothly, the four of you exchanging light conversation as you devour the food.
When you're thoroughly stuffed, you help Mom clear the table. Leftovers are put in the fridge, and dishes are rinsed and set aside for the morning. You exchange 'good night's with Mom and Dustin, before heading off to your room with Eddie. You plop onto the bed lazily, with your boyfriend following suit. "You tired, love?" You ask, feeling much more awake than you did earlier this afternoon.
"Not really. Why?" Eddie replies, reaching for the book on your nightstand. He'd started reading it to you before bed the last few days, Stephen King's Carrie.
"I'm not either, I think we napped too much today. But you can read to me if you like. I love hearing your voice." You sit up against the pillow, letting your head rest on his shoulder.
"And I love reading to you, princess. You always watch me so intently, hanging on my every word. It's really cute." He pokes your nose with his finger, making you giggle. He opens the book to the marked page, snuggling closer to you before he starts reading. "Billy popped the headlights off as they breasted the next hill, dropped the gearshift into neutral, and killed the ignition." His velvet voice sways into your ears, feeding you a tale of empowerment and revenge. He makes it through almost the entire book before you're struggling to keep your eyes open. You insist he can continue, but he knows better than to let you miss anything. "Baby, it's okay. We can finish it another night, but you need to rest. And I've gotta work again tomorrow."
"Fine. I’ve got errands to run tomorrow anyway." You grumble, not wanting to surrender to sleep just yet. You've heeded its siren's call too many times already, but you can't find the energy to fight against it.
"Oh, is that so? Do you need a ride?" He asks, hoping he'll be able to sneak a peek at your shopping. He knows you've got nothing as of yet, you've been too busy spending time with him at home.
"No, no. I'll bike, I don't need you snooping around. I may be half-asleep at this point, but I'm not falling for your trickery." You lethargically wave a finger at him, a goofy look spreading on your face. "You're a sneaky little weasel, Eddie. And I can't have you ruining the surprise."
"I wouldn't dream of it, Y/N." He chuckles quietly, trying not to shake you too much as he laughs. He helps you sit upright again, slipping out of bed temporarily to flick off the light. You cling to him the second he lays back down, getting as close as you possibly can. He lets you get comfortable, laying his arms over you once you stop wiggling. "Goodnight, love." He whispers to you, unsure you've even heard him.
"Goodnight, baby. I love you." You say faintly, drifting off soon after. A contented smile grows on his lips, and he follows close behind you into a deep slumber.
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Part 9.2: Photograph
Thursday, April 6th, 1989
"Princess, I gotta get up. We slept too long, I'm gonna be late unless I leave, like, right now." Panic laces his voice, which jolts you into the waking world. You rush out of bed, helping him gather his things and get dressed. The clock reads 10:30am, and his shift starts at 11:15. He'll be lucky to make it on time, you hope his boss won't be too hard on him. A few minutes later, he's practically running out the door after giving you a quick peck on the lips. "I'll see you later, sweetheart." He barely gets the words out before the front door shuts behind him. You won’t actually see him tomorrow for dinner. But that gives you plenty of time to start getting his gifts together.
"Hey, Mom? Can I borrow the Polaroid camera?" You ask, looking to find her eating leftover fried chicken for breakfast.
"Of course, sugarpuff! It'll need more film, though. We're almost out."
"Cool. I'm going shopping today. I'll make sure to pick some up." You reply, going to the pantry to get a poptart. You put it in the toaster, leaning against the counter as you wait for your pastry.
"What do you need it for? If you don't mind me asking." Mom's curiosity always gets the best of her.
"Just working on a present for Eddie. It's our one-month anniversary tomorrow. And we're gonna have dinner with his uncle at the trailer." You explain casually.
"Oh, Y/N! I'm so happy for you! Has it really been a month already? It seems like just yesterday you came home with all those bandages!" She gives you a big hug, overjoyed on your behalf. You return the embrace, smiling at the thought of your first night with Eddie. It was so special, and every time you've been together, it only gets better.
"Thanks, Mom. I'm really excited for tomorrow!" You can't contain your joy, you've never been so happy in your life before. It's an intoxicating feeling, and you hope it never ends.
"You really love him, huh?" She asks, already knowing the answer.
"Yeah, I do. He's so amazing, Mom. He's kind, and sweet, and funny. He listens to me, and spending time with him is always so much fun. No matter what we're doing, it's like the world disappears and it’s just the two of us. You know what I mean?" You look at her, hoping she understands what you're saying.
"I do, kiddo. Your father and I used to be like that." Her face is smiling, but her eyes read as sad, almost bitter. Your expression falls a little, wondering if you and Eddie are doomed to end similarly. "Oh, Y/N. I don't mean it like that. Eddie's different, I can tell. He truly cares about you, more than anything in the world. There's no way you'll end up like us, I promise." She takes your hand, trying to reassure you.
"I know, Mom. I feel kinda bad, though. I'm not meaning to rub it in your face." You say guiltily.
"You're doing no such thing, sugarpuff. A mother should always be happy when her child finds love, okay? And I swear I'm so goddamn happy, I could just explode!" She laughs, bringing a small smile back to your face. "You picked a good one, sweetie. Everyone can see it, his love for you is written all over him."
"You really think so?" You question giddily, biting your lip.
"I know so! I'm your mother, aren't I? Where do you think you get your brains from? I'm a smart cookie, you know!" She laughs again, and you can't help joining in with her.
"Of course you are, Mom. You raised me and Dusty on your own, and you've done a damn good job at it. And I'm forever thankful for that." You squeeze her hand, exchanging a look of mutual love and respect. The toaster pops, signaling your breakfast is ready. You put the tarts on a paper towel, standing at the counter to eat with Mom. You don't say much else, just quietly munching in each other's presence. When you finish, you excuse yourself to your room to get dressed. "I better get ready if I'm gonna have time to get everything I need for tomorrow. But I enjoyed this little talk, Mom. We should do it more often." You give her another hug.
"Any time, sugarpuff. I take it you're biking today?" She asks, before letting you out of her embrace.
"Yeah, first time since the day it got wrecked. It's been gathering dust out there." You haven't really thought about it, but Eddie has managed to drive you to school every single day since that fateful Friday. You haven't even tested the bike to make sure it’s repaired to your liking, you've honestly been a bit scared to get back on it.
"Well, just be extra careful, okay? I doubt everyone is as patient and kind as Eddie is, especially in this town." She warns, worry plaguing her features again.
"No, I know. I'm in no rush today. I’ll be careful.." You reply, walking down the hall to your room. You throw on some jeans and the Hellfire shirt Eddie gave you, wanting to have an extra piece of him with you today. You tuck the hem into your pants, mimicking the way he wears it. You dump out your backpack, leaving your books and studying materials on the bed. You put your wallet and cigarettes inside the bag, before slinging it over your shoulder. You head for the entryway, slipping into your shoes.
"Have a good day, sugarpuff! And be safe!" Mom says from the couch, waving goodbye.
"I will, Mom. See you later." You walk outside, strolling across the yard to your bicycle. You look it over, ensuring there's enough air in the tires, that they rotate properly. The front one is a little mismatched, you guess Eddie's friend didn't have the exact replacement for it. You don't mind, it's just a slight color difference. As long as it's functional, that's all that matters. You bring it to the edge of the road, letting it dip off the curb to the pavement. You apprehensively take a seat, staring at the empty road ahead of you. You're anxious about riding again, last time ended with you getting all scraped up. You can do it, sweetheart. Just take it slow. Eddie's voice soothes you inside your head, putting your anxiety at ease. "I can do this." You speak aloud as you exhale deeply, putting your feet on the pedals to get moving.
Your ride goes smoothly. once you get over the initial fear. It’s like the accident never happened. You make your way downtown, easily navigating the busy streets until you reach the department store. You park your bike outside, walking in with a newfound confidence. There's a decent amount of people inside. Moms helping their kids pick out new shoes, husbands looking for anniversary and birthday gifts, and plenty of teenagers browsing the aisles aimlessly. You locate some Polaroid film first, which is easy enough. Next stop, the kitchen section, in search of a cookbook. You figure it like this, Eddie makes amazing French toast and spaghetti. So, a book of recipes could help him develop his skills. He positively lights up in the kitchen, cooking is clearly an expression of love for him.
"Something I can help you with, Miss?" An employee asks as she walks up to you. She can't be much older than you, though she acts very mature. She has a white plastic tag on her blazer, naming her as 'Liz'.
"Um, yes. I was wondering if you could help me find a good cookbook for beginners? It's a gift for my boyfriend." You speak awkwardly, you're not one to ask employees for help in stores. But it would be rather  rude to deny the help if it's offered to you. Plus, you don't exactly want to end up purchasing too complex of a book.
"Of course! Follow me." Liz is more than happy to assist you, and not just because it's her job. You follow behind her, zoning out to the sound of her heels clicking on the tile floor as she leads the way to the item you're in search of. When you reach the shelf, she quickly picks out a couple choices. "These are best for when you're starting out, you can never go wrong with a Betty Crocker!" She hands them over to you, and you briefly look them over before deciding to buy them both. "Wise decision. I'm guessing he needs all the help he can get."
"Oh, no. The things he does know how to make are amazing. I think these will broaden his horizons. Thank you for the help, I really appreciate it." You smile at her, hoping she'll leave you alone now. She's nice enough, but the next thing you're shopping for isn't something you really want her help with.
"Any time. Is there anything else I can assist you with?" Liz asks, smiling wide.
"No, but thanks again!" You politely dismiss her. She nods, turning on her heels to find a new customer to help. You walk around the corner, locating the section you've always dreaded looking at in a department store. Lingerie. You've never really had a reason to shop in this part of the store before, and you don't find yourself to be particularly sexy either. Eddie calls you that all the time, and when you're with him, you almost believe it. Using this logic, you decide that even if you're not super confident about this, he'll enjoy it anyway. You look around at the displays, your eyes nearly boggling inside your head. Quadriplegic mannequins showing off lacy bras and panties, neatly organized tables and racks practically bursting with choices, almost every color of the rainbow on show.
"Hi! Is there something I can help you find?" You're startled as yet another employee accosts you while your eyes scan over the forest of intimates you've lost yourself in. You turn around to find an even younger woman than Liz, with teased hair and an obnoxious gum-chewing habit smiling at you. Her name tag reads 'Mandy'. "You look a little lost, girl. Are you looking for something as everyday wear? Or for someone special?" There's no judgment in her voice, she appears eager to help you find something you'll feel comfortable in.
"Um, it's my one-month anniversary with my boyfriend tomorrow. I need something that'll blow his mind." Your voice trembles as you speak, you don't mean to confess such a thing. Her face doesn't change much, except for a slightly warmer smile.
"Well, I can already see he's a very lucky guy." She says, taking in your figure for a moment. It's not suggestive or anything, more like she's checking your measurements with her eyes. "I think I have just the thing." Mandy walks away, leaving you standing frozen in place. A few minutes later, she brings back a beautiful black lace set that makes your lungs deflate. "This also comes in red, white, pink, nude, and navy. But, the black is most complimentary to your skin tone. And if it interests you to know, the panties are crotchless." You almost laugh when she says that, you've never even considered that as an option.
"Wow, um, he'll definitely love it." Is all you can manage to say, unable to make eye contact with the woman.
"Oh, you'll also need some pantyhose, let me grab those for you." Mandy hands you the set on the hanger, and you check the sizing while she's away. Your eyes widen, she got your exact measurement without even asking you. Seems like Mandy deserves a raise. She returns with the stockings, placing them on top of the small stack of items you've accumulated in your arms. "I also recommend wearing matching heels with this, if you have them. But that's up to you. Did you need anything else?"
"No, thank you, Mandy. I appreciate the help, truly. You're really good at this, by the way." You reply sheepishly, and she just laughs.
"Why, thank you! I hope your man appreciates the effort you're putting in for him." She gives you a wink.
"Oh, believe me he does!" You giggle, blushing at the thought of him. You seriously cannot wait for Eddie to see you in this, his eyes might just pop out of his skull. You mosey over to the checkout, trying to ignore the old crone at the register giving you a disapproving look for purchasing the lingerie set. She begrudgingly hands you your shopping bag once you’ve paid, and you stroll out the front door. You carefully put the items into your backpack, hopping on your bike to ride over to. Family Video.
Once you arrive, you've managed to catch Robin leaving her shift. You get her attention, waving to her. She comes over, unsure what you're doing here. "Hey, Y/N! It's been a while. What brings you here?"
"Well, um. I actually have something to ask you." You're very nervous to ask for her assistance with your little project, you don't exactly know her super well. You might end up freaking her out.
"Sure! What's up?" She says cheerily, very eager to assist you. Shit, everyone is ridiculously helpful today.
"So, me and Eddie have been dating for a month now." You start slowly, easing Robin into it.
"Oh, right! He came in to rent movies to watch with you that one time!" She pipes up, before realizing she's interrupted you. "Oh, sorry. Go on." She gestures at you, bowing her head slightly.
"Right, well, I bought something to wear as a present for him tomorrow. But, I wanted to take some...photos in it. Would you mind helping me out?" You're almost flinching as you await her answer, this whole thing is so strange. You're sure she'll say no, or that it's weird to ask. You just want to run and hide at this point.
"No fucking way!" Robin exclaims, before clarifying. "I mean, of course, I'll do it! I'm just surprised you're doing all that for him! I mean, he's nice and everything. I never took you as the kind of girl to do that. Not- not that there's anything wrong with it. I一" She continues to babble, but you stop her before she makes herself lightheaded.
"Robin, calm down." You grab her arms, trying to get her to slow down. She can really go on a rant if you let her, and God help you if you do.
"Sorry, I haven't really had anything interesting to do in a while. It's all shifts at the video store, and listening to Steve complain about having too much sex." You both laugh at that, and Steve leans out the door to wave at you. You wave back, and he looks worried that you're talking about him. Robin turns to you again. "So, you wanna do this right now?"
"Uh, yeah. You think my bike’ll fit in your trunk?" You ask, glancing at the car Robin was heading towards before you caught her attention.
"Oh, yeah! Bring it on over, I'll pop the trunk." You wheel the bicycle to the car, helping her place it inside. "Perfect fit. You still live with your mom, right?" She asks, slipping into the driver’s side. You go around to the passenger side, getting in next to her.
"Yeah, you know the address?" You ask, surprised that she remembers after all this time.
"Oh yeah, me and Steve have dropped Dustin off many times. I know the route like the back of my hand." She grins at you, clearly she's been in need of some girl-time. Her demeanor puts your nerves at ease, you've always found her to be a trustworthy person. You couldn't have asked a better friend for help.
She pulls into your driveway a little while later, and you notice Mom's car is gone. She's at work and won't be home for hours, which is good. You definitely don't want her to interrupt your little photoshoot. Robin parks awkwardly, causing the car to jolt. "Sorry, I'm still mastering the art of driving."
"I can tell." You wince, the ride over has been quite nauseating. You aren't one to get car-sick, but the way she kept going and stopping was like a boat riding the waves. She gives you an apologetic glance, clearly embarrassed at her lack of skills on the road. "It's okay, Robin. I don't mean to be rude." Her mood lightens, and you lead her inside the house and to your room.
"Nice place. I don't think I've ever been inside before." Robin says, taking in the family photos and shag carpet as you walk down the hall. You open the bedroom door, and she giggles at the sight. "Wow, it's very girly in here." She spins around to look at everything, oddly intrigued by your living space. "It's really cute." She says as she meets your eyes.
"Thanks!" You smile kindly at her, she seems a little out of her element. Robin's always been a little odd, but you admire that about her. You set your bag down on the floor. "Wait here, I gotta grab the camera." You say, and she plops down onto the edge of your bed. You retrieve the camera from Mom's room, checking to see how much film is left. Not much, good thing you picked some up. You walk back in, closing the door. Robin seems to have located the D20 and booklet from your nightstand in your absence, flipping through the pages with widened eyes. "Oh, my God! What are you doing!" You shriek, cheeks going red as she's found something very private and personal to you. You snatch the items from her hands, putting them inside the nearest drawer and out of sight.
"Sorry, they were just...out. I wasn't meaning to pry, I got curious." She looks down at her hands, ashamed for embarrassing you. You sigh, plopping down beside her.
"It's fine, really. But if you breathe a word about it to Steve, or anyone for that matter, I’ll have to kill you. Slowly and painfully." You warn, cracking into a smile to show her you're not that serious about it. She laughs at your words, glad that you're not too upset.
"Can I ask something, though?" Robin says quietly, meeting your eyes again.
"Yeah, anything." You reply, unsure what her question might be.
"Exactly how many of those pages have you and Eddie tested already?" She inquires, cocking an eyebrow at you.
"Um, about half of them. We've gotten a few repeats, you know, with the die leaving it up to chance and all. He made it for my birthday, actually." You recall, cheeks heating up a little as you speak.
"Way to go, Y/N!" She gives you a high five, further lightening the mood as you share another laugh. "And I figured it was his doing, I'd recognize his artistic style anywhere. Dustin's always showing Steve all the cool stuff Eddie draws for D&D, and I just so happen to be around to look over his shoulder."
"Eddie is very talented. He made me this, too." You hold up the guitar pick around your neck, and Robin leans in close to read it.
She gasps at how adorable it is, truly surprised. "Oh, my God, that is so sweet! I never took him for such a romantic."
"Me neither, but he's always had an affinity for turning expectation on its head." You can't help your gaze drifting as you think about him, your cheeks blushing deeper. Robin takes notice, quickly getting excited.
"You love him, don't you?!" She slaps your arm playfully, drawing your attention.
"I really do!" You give an ecstatic nod, meeting her eyes. "You wanna know a secret?" A sly smile plays on your lips, and Robin can't resist a juicy detail to save her life. She nods silently, eyes sparkling with glee. "He said 'I love you' first."
"No fucking way!" She cries ecstatically, jumping off the bed to pace as she soaks this information in. "When did he say it? Was it really romantic? Does he mean it?" Her mouth spits out a long stream of questions at you, desperately needing to know everything about that day.
"I'll tell you all the details, but please, sit down! You look like you're gonna explode." You chuckle, patting the bed again. She lets out a deep breath, taking a seat once more. Her head rests in her palms as she sits cross-legged to patiently listen to you. "Okay, so we'd only been seeing each other for about five days. Eddie was picking me up from school, and he was in his cute little work uniform. I'd been thinking about him all day, so we did it right there in the parking lot, where anyone could see. We looked into each other's eyes the whole time, it was sooooo intense. And then afterwards, he said it. Of course, he got all adorably flustered and almost talked himself out of it!"
"That is insane! For him to say 'I love you', and so soon? Damn, you must be something really special to him." She marvels.
Your smile falls when the word 'special' leaves her lips. "I sure hope so."
Robin catches on to your uncertainty, digging a little deeper. "What do you mean?" She puts her hand on yours, which takes you aback. You tense up, relaxing once you realize she's just trying to comfort you.
"I mean, he tells me how 'special' I am all the time. And he's so sweet, and kind. I'm sure he means it. I just wonder if I'm really worth all that. You know?" You keep your eyes trained on your lap, slipping towards the deep dark pool of self-doubt again.
"Look, I may not know you super well or anything. But from what Dustin tells me, you're pretty fucking amazing! Plus, Eddie isn't the kind of guy to waste time on people or things that he doesn't deem worthy. So, quit sulking, and let's take some sexy pictures!" She squeezes your hand, pulling you back to sunshiney reality.
"Thanks, Robin. You're a good friend." You speak softly, smiling again. "I just have to change first, a lovely saleswoman named Mandy helped me find the perfect thing to wear. Oh, can you dig around in my closet for the black strappy heels? She recommended I wear them with it." You go for your bag, unzipping it to pull out the lingerie and Polaroid film.
"Uh, sure. But don't get mad if I'm lost. I've never been too savvy on women's fashion." She replies, reluctantly sliding your closet door open. Luckily, there's only one pair of shoes in there that match your description. She lets out a relieved sigh, grabbing the heels and bringing them back to the bed. Robin catches a glimpse of the black lace, eyes bugging out. "Yowza! You're really going all out, aren't you?"
"I suppose.” You shrug. “It's not the only thing I got for him. He's actually a pretty good cook, but he doesn't know how to make a lot of things. So, I got him a couple cookbooks. I think he'll like them. Although, I'm sure he'll enjoy this a hell of a lot more." You joke, closing your bag again. You stand upright to start undressing, and Robin awkwardly turns away from you. "You don't have to look away. It's just us girls here." You chuckle, there she goes being strange again.
"No I- I know. Just uh....naked people make me uncomfortable." She stutters, and you feel bad for laughing.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't think about that, but do what you need to do." You try to let her know it's okay, not wanting to be yet another person who treats her differently.
"Thanks. Most people don't get it." You can hear a smile in her voice, giving you one too. You remove your day clothes, taking the lacey set off the hanger. You hold it in your hands a moment, running the soft material through your fingers. You can't wait for Eddie to feel it 一feel you一 for himself tomorrow. You start with the bra, slipping your arms through the straps and closing the clasp. You're facing your vanity, watching yourself become clothed in the beautiful fabric. You admire your reflection as you put on the crotchless panties, the garter belt, the pantyhose. Once the stockings are secured to the belt, you turn around.
"You can look now." Robin shuffles to face you again, taking in the sight before her.
"Holy shit! You're so hot, you just might kill him!" Her jaw falls open, unable to believe how gorgeous you are.
"Well, I certainly want to knock him dead, but not literally." You giggle as you come over to the bed. You slip on the heels, boosting your height by a couple inches. You turn on the balls of your feet, checking the mirror again. "Hmm, I feel like I'm missing something. I think this look needs makeup." You sit at your vanity again, applying some light foundation and rosy blush. You line your eyes, adding a dark shadow to your lids. You finish it off with a cherry red lip. Perfect. You leave your hair down, tousling it with your hands a little to give it a sexed-up appearance. You make one last inspection in the mirror, nodding in satisfaction. "Okay. I'm ready now. The camera is a little low on film, but I bought more while I was out. So, shall we?" Robin seems to have spaced out, her eyes glued to your torso. She notices you looking at her, averting her gaze immediately.
"Sorry, yeah. Let's get to it!" She laughs nervously, taking the camera in her hands. Robin stands as you climb onto the bed, tentatively holding the viewfinder to her eye as you figure out your posing. You start simple, sitting at the edge with your legs spread wide and feet planted on the floor. You grip your shoulders, letting your elbows rest against your tits. "Ooh, that's a nice start." Robin comments, getting ready to take the shot. "Don't forget to give a sexy smile." She adds, and you happily accept her suggestion, tilting your head to the side. The camera snaps, and the picture spits out the front of it.
You quickly move into a new pose, laying sideways with your head propped up on your elbow. Your other arm runs down your leg, stopping at your lower thigh. You spread your fingers apart, slightly pressing into your flesh. Another click of the camera goes off, signaling for you to move again. "You know, I wasn't so sure about this before. I was so nervous even being in the lingerie section in the store. But, actually wearing it now? I feel amazing." You marvel at your sudden burst of confidence, unable to believe wearing sexy underwear is enough to make you feel this good about yourself.
"Well, you seem like a natural to me." Robin replies, focusing on aiming the camera to keep herself from staring at your beautiful figure.
"Thanks." You're on your hands and knees now, giving the illusion of you crawling across the mattress. You arch your back, and lay the tip of your tongue on your upper lip to suggest that you're licking it. Robin captures it, and that's the end of the old film. You retrieve the new pack for her, and she quickly loads it in. "Hey, you wanna come closer? I'd like to get some of me laying down." You ask as nicely as you can, not wanting to order her around.
"O-okay." Robin replies, slowly inching her way over. She refuses to bring the camera away from her eye, keeping the other one tightly closed. You lay back, splaying your hair around the pillows. Your arms reach straight out across the bed, and you slightly bend your knees with your legs held together. *click* You bring a hand to your breast, squeezing it. And you playfully bite the index finger of your other hand, keeping your legs in the same place. *click* You position your arms lazily by your head, and arch your back off the bed. You let your mouth sit slightly agape, letting out a small sigh. *click*
"That's probably enough for this position." You say, noticing Robin's shaking a little from leaning over so far to hold the camera above you. She moves to the side of the bed, and you lay down on your stomach. You bend your knees so your feet are in the air, ankles crossed. Your chin rests on your fist, giving a playful look. *click* You sit up on your knees, back turned to Robin. You turn to look over your shoulder at her, another sultry smile displayed on your red lips. *click*
"Can I make a suggestion?" Robin pipes up, which almost startles you as she's been pretty quiet this whole time.
"Can you lay your head upside down over the edge?" You do as she asks, which lets your hair hang almost to the floor. "And then hold your legs in the air, knees bent like the other pose you did while laying down." Again, you imitate her request. "And...I dunno, hold your hands out to the sides, gripping the edge of the mattress." You do. "And let your mouth fall open, like wide but not too much. You know?" She really seems to have an eye for this stuff, you make a note to tell her she should pursue photography. *click* “Amazing.” She comments.
"I think one more should do it, but what I have in mind is probably a bit vulgar. Are you okay with that?" You ask, not wanting to make Robin any more uncomfortable than she already is. Even when she was leading you for a moment, her voice was trembling.
"That's fine." She replies, still aiming the camera. You get in your final position, sitting on your knees again but facing her this time. You're giving a three-quarter profile, and you slip one hand between your legs. You don't actually touch yourself, that wouldn't be appropriate. But you pretend you are, bringing your other hand to your chest again. You gently cup your breast, and let your head fall slightly back and to the side as you let out an exaggerated moan. *click* Robin almost drops the camera after the last photo is taken, she's shaking like a leaf now.
"Are you okay, Robin? Was that too much? I swear, I was just pretending." You get off the bed, going to her. You take the camera from her grasp, helping her sit down. She avoids looking at you, still trembling.
"I-I know. It's okay, I'm just..." She tries to form the words, but they won't bring themselves forward. She didn't expect to be so attracted to you, and she doesn't want you to find out and think she’s creeping on you.
"Robin, whatever it is, you can tell me. Here, let me put on a robe." You pull your robe from the closet, slipping it on to cover up. You sit back down beside her, taking her hands in yours. "What happened?" You ask, unable to figure out what exactly went wrong here. Her eyes are glistening, almost like she's going to cry. She looks at you, realizing how close your face is to hers. Her eyes flick to your lips, breath stuttering as she stares at their inviting red hue. She turns her head away, ashamed for thinking about you like that. You're straight, and have a boyfriend. There's nothing coming from your end, she doesn't want to make a big deal out of this. You noticed her looking at your mouth, the same way Eddie looks at your mouth before kissing you. "Oh." You say simply, understanding what's going on here.
"What?" Her eyes snap to you again, brows furrowed as she's confused.
"I think I know why you've been so nervous. I don't want to assume anything, but I want you to tell me. And if I'm right, I just want you to know that it doesn't bother me." You say calmly, putting a hand on Robin's shoulder.
"Okay, but please, don't tell anyone. Only Steve knows, and I can't have everyone in town knowing this information." She pleads with her eyes, and you comprehend just how important it is to keep her secret.
"I understand. My lips are sealed, okay?" You mime locking your lips and throwing away the key, making her crack a smile.
"So, I....like girls. And I didn't really think about it when you asked me to help you, I just wanted to be a good friend. But seeing you, in that, and that last pose. It was a bit much for me. I'm...very attracted to you." She winces at the last sentence, afraid that you'll freak out. But you have nothing but a kind look on your face, unphased by her words. "But I know you're straight, and with Eddie. I totally respect that. I can just be friends, if you're okay with that." She looks down again, waiting for you to throw her out or something.
"It's more than okay. Friends get feelings about friends all the time, but they usually pass. It's a natural thing to be attracted to people, Robin. I'm not weirded out by it. You haven't done or said anything out of line, alright?" You do your best to reassure her, but you understand something like this must be terrifying for Robin. If she tells even one wrong person, the whole town knows what she is and judges her for it. You pull her into a hug, and she softens into it. A few tears fall from her eyes to soak through your robe, but you don't mind.
"Thank you, Y/N." She says, barely above a whisper as she tries to contain her sobs. It's so frustrating for her to have to go through this process with someone any time she wants to come out. Her anxiety kicks in, there's always the possibility of the person rejecting her or telling other people. Sure, she's only told you and Steve, but she has to repeat this awful process every single time for the rest of her life. Always worrying about rejection, hoping for acceptance. It's not fair, but in a time like this, and a town like Hawkins, that's the way it is.
"You're welcome, although I feel like I'm doing the bare minimum here." You laugh, causing her to giggle through her tears. "Thank you for sharing yourself with me. That can't be an easy thing to do."
"It isn't. But so far, it's been worth it. Now I have two friends who know, that's twice as many as I had before. I dream of a day where everyone I know knows, though it's not very likely in our lifetime." Her voice is hopeful, but also tinged with melancholy.
"I'd like to think that day will come much sooner than expected. That's the optimist in me, I suppose." You joke again, which she finds amusing. You pull away from the hug, craving a cigarette. "Hey, you want a smoke? Figure you could use one after all that." You offer, standing up to retrieve the pack from your bag.
"Oh, no thanks. I don't smoke." She scrunches her nose, finding smoking to be utterly disgusting. She wipes her eyes, getting up to grab her things.
"That's alright, if you wanted to stick around though there's beer in the fridge." You'd like to hang out with her a bit longer, but she seems ready to leave right about now.
"Nah, I better get home. Thanks, though. We should hang out again sometime. You can bring Eddie and I'll drag Steve along." Robin offers.
"Sure thing!" You bring her in for another hug, before letting her go. "Oh, do you mind putting my bike on the side of the house? I meant to take it out before coming inside. I guess I got ahead of myself."
"No problem at all. I got it. I'd hate for the neighbors to see you in your underwear." She teases. "Bye, Y/N. I'll give you a call to hang out sometime, okay?"
"Sounds great, Robin. I'll see you around." You smile at her as she leaves the room, closing the door behind her. You hear the front door open and close, and you take your cigarettes over to the window. It slides open easily, and you pull a cig from the pack, bringing it to your lips. Flicking the lighter, you breathe the smoke in deeply. You hold the box loosely in your hand, brushing over the cute message written on it with your thumb. You're still on the same pack Eddie left in your bag a couple weeks ago, as he usually offers you one of his own whenever he's around.
You set your cigarette on the windowsill for a moment, walking toward your dresser to look over the photos Robin took. You bring the stack over to the window, continuing smoking as you inspect them. Fuck, they are gorgeous. They're a tad amateurish, since you've never done this before, but Robin is a decent photographer. Eddie is going to absolutely lose his shit over these. When you see the final shot with your fake moan, your eyes widen as you look at yourself. It's like you're seeing a completely different person, but it's just... you.
You finish your smoke, flicking the spent butt into the grass. You shut the window, drawing the curtain and putting the photos in your bedside drawer. You change back into your clothes, hiding the lingerie away for safe keeping to wear tomorrow night. The next hour or so is spent digging around the junk closet in the hallway to locate an envelope for the pictures, and either a gift bag or some wrapping paper for Eddie's cookbooks. There's fishing poles, board games, old photo albums, and various items scrambled inside the closet. You eventually locate the bin for gift-giving supplies, pulling it out. You sit on the floor, sifting through the mass of paper and bows in the thick plastic container. The front door opens again, with Mom strolling inside. "Hey sugarpuff, how'd your shopping trip go?" She calls to you, placing her purse on the hook by the door while glancing in your direction.
"It went very well. Eddie's gonna love his presents." You call back, finally finding some wrapping paper that isn't for Christmas or a birthday. You also find a red envelope that’s the perfect size for the Polaroids. You put the bin back in its place, shoving the random items that fell in your excavation back into the closet haphazardly. You meet her in the kitchen, setting the things you retrieved on the counter. You go to the pantry, taking out a snack-size bag of Lay's to reward yourself for your hard work.
"What’d you get him?" She asks, cracking open a Diet Coke and taking a big gulp.
"Well, he's a pretty good cook. I got some books of recipes for him to try." You answer before popping a potato chip in your mouth.
"Is that so? What does he make for you?" Mom questions curiously. She's quite eager to hear you talk about Eddie, she's his biggest fan at this point.
"Um, French toast, and spaghetti. I know that's not a lot, but when he makes them, it's the best I've ever had." You smile at the thought, the mention of French toast reminds you of how Eddie licks the stray syrup from your chin when you inevitably make a mess.
"Ooh, look at you! You always blush when you talk about him! It's so cute!" She squeals in delight. You can't help rolling your eyes, focusing on your snack to avoid her gaze.
"Yeah, I guess I do. Been hearing a lot of that lately." You can't help it, Eddie can make you so weak in the knees with just a look. Every word he says to you is kind and loving, every touch so warm and adoring. Even during the short periods where you have to be apart, he plays around in your mind all day. The mere mention of his name is enough to drive you wild.
"That's a good thing, Y/N. Everyone sees how much you care for one another. I'm sure Eddie gets an earful from his uncle about it, too. You're not the only person in the world with an 'overbearing' guardian, ya know." She chuckles, taking another sip of her soda.
"I suppose you're right. Apparently, Eddie tells Wayne all about me. It made him blush when his uncle brought it up one time." You giggle, remembering how red his face got. It was so devastatingly cute.
"I'm happy to hear it, sugarpuff. Are you all studied up for your final exams?" Mom's really kicking into high gear today, touching all the bases.
"Oh yeah, I crammed almost every day you guys were away while Eddie was at work. I'm anxious as always, but I'm definitely ready for it."
"Good to hear, I'm sure you'll ace everything. You always do, my little brainiac." She pulls you into a hug. "Well, I'll leave you to wrap your presents. You excited for tomorrow?"
"Yes, but also kinda nervous." You bite your lip, unsure how tomorrow will go. You've thought about it nonstop, agonizing over every potential answer to every potential question.
"What's there to be nervous about? It sounds like Wayne really likes you, and it's not like Eddie's proposing or something. Right?" She raises an eyebrow, wondering if that's even a future possibility.
"No, no. It's waaaay too soon for that." Marriage has never really crossed your mind before, and you doubt Eddie has thought about it either. The word itself sounds so final, scary, even. "Living together came up in conversation last week, actually. And we both want that someday, just not right now. I've got school, Eddie has Wayne. Plus, we have, like, no money for an apartment." Mom just looks at you as you list the many reasons as to why you can't move further in the relationship just yet.
"Is that really all that's stopping you? Money?" She asks seriously. Your eyes widen, her phrasing making you suspicious.
"Mostly, yeah. Everything else can be worked around I guess, why?" You give her an odd look.
“I'm just thinking, maybe I can help you out. Is this something you really want?" She knows you've never really asked her for anything, even as a child you didn't care to ask for extravagant things. As gifts, or otherwise. Maybe this can be her way to give you something you truly want, to reward you for all your hard work. You've made her so very proud, never backing down to a single obstacle that stands in your way in the pursuit of success.
"Mom, be serious! It's too early for that! And you don't exactly have extra money to throw around." There's no way in hell you're letting her pay for your rent. If anything, you should be paying her for letting you live at home for so long.
"Hey, now. We do alright. And...I may or may not have been squirreling away a few extra bucks here and there to give to you when you need it."
"Mom, no way! I can't ask you to do that!" You shake your head, coming up with every excuse in the book to shut down the idea.
"But you aren't asking, sugarpuff. I'm offering. And look, if it's still too soon for you, I understand. How about this? When you and Eddie have been together for six months, revisit the conversation with him. And if you both still want this, I'll pay for the first couple months, okay?" Your mouth tries and fails to form a response. Mom has always been so supportive of you, but this? She's already done so much over the years, this is overdoing it. "You don't have to say anything. Just...don't say no, for now at least. Think it over for a bit. When the time is right, come back to me. Deal?"
"Deal." You manage to squeak out the word, quickly embracing her again. You squeeze her so tight, this is the best gift she's ever given you. "Thank you so much, Mom. I love you."
"Love you too, kiddo. Now, go on! You've got some wrapping to do!" She pats your shoulder, shooing you away to return to your task.
"That I do." You beam at her, still flabbergasted at what she's offered you. "You're the best mom in the world." You say gratefully, heading back to your room with your things.
"You're damn right I am!" She laughs as she calls after you. You close the door, breaking out into a happy dance once you're all alone. You know this isn't a sure thing, but it's exciting to have some semblance of a plan in place. You debate telling Eddie, though maybe it's best to not get his hopes up. As much as you love each other, you're still in the 'honeymoon' stage. You could tell Robin though, she can keep a secret. You'll tell her all about this and your date as soon as you find the time.
You set the paper on the bed, pulling the books out of your bag. You hold them in your hands, feeling how thick and hefty they are. You really hope Eddie likes them, though you could probably give him a carton of cigarettes and he'd be happy. He's relatively easy to please, especially when it comes to you. You can't wait for tomorrow, your talk with Mom has definitely put your mind at ease. You have no reason to worry, it's just dinner. Wayne adores you, and Eddie loves you more than anything. You proceed to wrap the books together as one gift, it just seems easier that way. You've always been an expert at wrapping gifts, a skill you've graciously accepted from your mother. There's nary a wrinkle, tear, or sloppily placed piece of tape to be found.
Once the books are perfectly encased in the dark blue paper you dug from the closet, you put them on your vanity for tomorrow. You pull out the photos, looking through them once more before sealing them in the envelope. You locate a pen, writing 'Eddie, My Love' on the envelope in perfect cursive. It goes on top of the books, and you sit on your bed to look at the sealed presents. You wish it was tomorrow already, time never moves fast enough when you need it most. You hear the phone ring in the living room, and Mom picks it up.
"Eddie's on the phone for you, Y/N!" She shouts to you. That's odd, hopefully he's not calling to cancel or something. You leave your room, skipping down the hall to the phone. Mom hands it off to you, walking into the kitchen to nonchalantly eavesdrop on your conversation.
"Eddie?" You ask, curious as to what he's calling you for.
"Hey, angel. I've missed you today." Eddie speaks sweetly.
"I've missed you too, baby. What's up?"
"Well, I've got some bad news. Wayne isn't feelin’ so hot, so we'll have to do dinner another time." He sounds genuinely disappointed, he was so looking forward to sharing a meal with you and his uncle.
"Oh, okay. Do you need to stay home and take care of him?" Your heart sinks, you were really looking forward to this. But you know health comes first, and you can always celebrate another day.
"I actually offered to do that, but you know Wayne. Always a stubborn bastard, and he doesn't want me getting sick and potentially giving it to you. I was thinking we could go out somewhere. It's also occurred to me that I've been an improper gentleman, as I haven't taken you on an actual date before." He chuckles, making you giggle. He's so funny when he speaks formally.
"That would be great!” You chirp. “Not that I mind how we've done things so far. We're both not really ones for crowds." You add, so he won’t think you find the time spent together thus far as less than you expect from a relationship.
"Very true. But every girl deserves to go on nice dates, especially when they're you." God, he's such a charmer. You don't know where he gets it from, but it's so amazingly sweet.
"Well, far be it from me to say no. Where were you thinking of going?" There's not exactly a lot of options in Hawkins, but you'll have a candlelit dinner in an alley behind a fish market if it means you get to be with Eddie.
"I was thinking...a picnic in the park? I've heard those are very romantic." You can hear the smirk on his face, visualizing it in your mind.
"Oh, are they now?” You tease.
“I’d like to think so, sweetheart.” Eddie jests back.
“Well, I'm looking forward to it. Any notes on what I should wear?" You ask, your tongue poking into your cheek. You just can't help yourself sometimes.
"Something comfortable, and easy to get out of. You know I think you look gorgeous in anything...and nothing at all." His voice has darkened a little, sending a chill down your spine as he speaks directly in your ear.
"Naughty boy." You reply with a sultry tone, looking behind you to make sure Mom's minding her P's and Q's. You continue once the coast is clear, she must have gone to her room. "I might just have to punish you if you keep that up." You hear him gasp on the other end, wishing you could see the bulge growing in his pants right now.
"Oh, I'm counting on it, darling. You have noooo idea." He nearly purrs through the phone. You almost whimper at his words, he really knows how to push your buttons. Apparently Eddie can hear your breathing change on the other end, wasting no time in pushing you further. "What's wrong, princess? You feelin' a little hot under the collar?" He's teasing you ruthlessly now. If only it were possible to pull him through the phone so you could pounce on him. But you know better than to give in so easily, two can play at this game. 
"Oh, you know what? I am feeling a bit anxious, I may just have to go to my room and relax." You emphasize certain words, hoping he catches your drift. You take it a step further when he stays silent. "It's too bad you're not here to help me, I guess I'll just have to do it myself." He tries to stifle a groan, but the end of it still slips out. "What's the matter, Eds? Did you light a fire you can't put out?" You flirt back, licking your lips. This is fun.
"God, you're so lucky I'm not home alone right now. Otherwise, this would be a much more detailed conversation. I better go, something has come...up." He clears his throat, swallowing hard. You both laugh at that, and you'd be lying if you didn't want to have some private time of your own after how you've been speaking to him. "But I love you, and I'll pick you up around five. I'll see you tomorrow, sweetheart."
"I love you too, Eds. And tell Wayne I said to get well soon. See you later." You hang up the phone, turning to find Mom standing right behind you. "Jesus Christ! Mom, what the hell are you doing?" You shriek.
"I'm guessing your conversation went well?" She asks with one of her signature knowing looks.
"Mom! Please tell me you weren't spying on me! I thought you went to your room!" You groan, any arousal you had running for the goddamn hills. Your cheeks burn red, and you sit on the couch with your face buried in your hands.
"I was, but I needed something from my purse. I wasn't meaning to hear anything. You're not exactly subtle." Claudia chuckles, not really finding this to be a big deal. She remembers being your age and talking to your dad like that when they were in high school. It's only natural to be playful with one another. She wishes you weren't so upset over it. "Y/N. It's really not an issue. You're not a kid anymore, I can't expect you to be innocent forever."
"Oh my god, just stop it! I could just about die from embarrassment right now. I'm going to bed." You rush off to your room, not wanting to speak another word about this. You retreat to the one space that's all your own, slamming and locking the door. Five more months can't go by soon enough, you need to get out of this fucking house. You fall head first onto your bed, screaming into the pillows. You stay like this for a moment, wondering what Eddie's up to right now. If the end of your call was any indication, he's probably laying in bed, thinking about you while pleasing himself. You envy him, there's absolutely no way you're doing anything remotely arousing tonight. Not after Mom listened to you talk dirty over the phone. You'd cry about it if you weren't so tired. You haven't even bothered to turn the light off when you unexpectedly pass out for the night.
To be continued…
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armoricaroyalty · 7 months
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author's note: This one was hard to write. I did four or five drafts before I wrote one that worked. Thank you to everyone who listened to me talking about being stuck and gave advice (you know who you are.) Special thanks to @nexility-sims, who always asks the right questions. Another co-author credit on this one has to go to @rebouks, since she made almost all of the poses I used here!
Transcript under the cut.
Nakawe Palace // Armorican State Visit - Day 2
ROSALIND | [offscreen] They’re still out there. ROSALIND | there must be a dozen of them. MARY | [offscreen] Get away from the window! MARY | They’ve all got telephoto lenses, Roz. They can see inside. ROSALIND | Why should I hide from those insects? I haven’t done anything wrong. ROSALIND | ...anyway, my private life is none of their business. MARY | That’s never stopped them before. They’re going to run with this story. ROSALIND | They’re going to forget all about it as soon as the next big story breaks. They always do. MARY | Not this time, Roz. This is too big. ROSALIND | ...what are you saying? MARY | I’ve said it before. I’m a liability— ROSALIND | Don't say that. You are not. MARY | Roz, they know about my husband! They know everything, and they’re going to spread it around and use it to destroy your reputation. I can't let that happen. I won't let them use me against you. ROSALIND | I don’t care. MARY | What? ROSALIND | I. Don't. Care. [They embrace. For a moment, neither speaks.] ROSALIND | Listen to me: I don’t care about them. I love you. ROSALIND | I love you, and I’m not going to let you break up with me over some tabloid rag. Your husband is ancient news, and I don’t care. In fact… ROSALIND | ...I've been trying to find a chance to ask you to marry me. MARY | [softly] Rosalind… ROSALIND | I love you, Mary. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. MARY | … ROSALIND | [softly] Don't break my heart. Say yes. MARY | Roz, there's nothing I want more, but I’m still married. ROSALIND | We’ll announce after we've taken care of that insignificant detail. MARY | And what will we do until then? I didn't plan for this! MARY | [offscreen] They're out there, and they know. They want answers. And if they don’t get them, they’re going to start making them up. ROSALIND | Mary, all we have to do is wait them out. I promise you, they will forgeet all about this as soon as the next big story breaks. MARY | Roz, we’ve only got one story big enough to bury this one. MARY | We're not ready for anyone to kind out about Kelly's kid. She hasn't signed an NDA, and we won't know for sure until we get the paternity test back on Friday. ROSALIND | …no. There has to be a way. ROSALIND | Because I’m not giving you up. I won’t let them win. MARY | [laughs] You are so stubborn. ROSALIND | You wouldn’t have it any other way. MARY | I wouldn't! MARY | ...and my answer is 'yes.' ROSALIND | ...? MARY | I love you. I want to spend forever with you. And babe? The very second we're allowed... MARY | ...I'm going to marry you. ROSALIND | [laughs] You can't propose, I asked you first— MARY | Well, I knelt down first, so... MARY | Rosalind. My love. Will you marry me? ROSALIND | You already know my answer, don't you? MARY | I'd still like to hear you say it. ROSALIND | In that case... ROSALIND | Yes!
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