#i'm joey n' 4
rebouks · 6 months
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[engine revving] [Kaden hovered in the driveway as Kian took off, raising a brow as Joey slipped between the closing gates] Kaden: What’s going on? Joey Ivan n’ Oscar were in that car across the street. Kaden: You’re sure? Joey: Uh-huh, they took off-.. reckon I should follow ‘em? Kaden: What for? Joey: I dunno-.. find out what they were doin’? Kaden: I can imagine. [Joey nodded as though he understood, but it was clear he’d failed to put two and two together] [fountain trickling] … Kaden: So, I’m gonna take a wild guess here n’ assume that Ivan followed you. Bruno: Hm. Kaden: Bruno-.. why didn’t you say anything? Bruno: He wouldn’t understand. Kaden: To me. [Bruno shrugged despondently] Kaden: Given everything that happened-.. well, forgive me if their presence leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Bruno: He thinks I’m cheating on him. Kaden: It’d be wise to make sure, either way. Bruno: It’s not the same-.. they wouldn’t wanna get involved again, anyway. Kaden: Look.. I’m not too worried and I’m happy to have you here, but you can’t live with a foot in each world; it’s not worth the toing and froing, believe me. You need to think about what you want-.. think about what’s best.
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laplacesdevil · 9 months
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its fine theyll set up a study group
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joeys-babe · 7 months
Joey B Imagines: Everybody Loves Somebody
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Summary: When your first argument with Joe turns into one of the biggest relationship milestones.
Warnings: Angst, fluff
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine Universe: Into The Mystic
A/N: More high school Joe and y/n for V-DAY!! You and Joe have been together for 4 months. The argument is mentioned in this previous fic, so if it feels familiar, that's why!
April, 2015
For the first time this school year, I didn't want to go to school. I didn't want to go to first period. I didn't want to sit in chemistry. I didn't want to see Joe.
We've been together for four months now, and having Joe as my boyfriend and built-in best friend has been amazing.
Most days after school, we'd go to each other's houses. Alternating every day.
We became inseparable. Experiencing teenagehood with each other.
Yesterday, though, we got into our first argument, and it was over something completely stupid.
I was over at Joe’s house, sitting on his bed as he played video games on the floor.
He hadn't spoken a word to me since we had gotten here. and I had been there for almost two hours.
“Joey.” - you
He didn't answer.
“Joey.” - you repeated, a little louder
Again, I was met with silence. Feeling fed up, I crawled off of his bed and walked over to where he was.
“Joseph Lee.” - you tapped his shoulder
All he did was look up at me with a smile and winked before looking back at his screen.
Okay, I'm done.
I grabbed my backpack off of the floor and slung it over my shoulder before walking towards his door and pushing it open.
“y/n?” - Joe
I heard the sound of headphones and a controller hitting the floor before loud footsteps followed behind me.
“Where are you going?” - Joe
Without saying a word, I walked into the living room towards the front door.
“Leaving so soon?” - Robin
“Yeah, sorry. Just getting a little bored.” - you
I flashed Joe a petty smile, to which he gave me a confused look back.
“Oh… well, get home safe! Joe, would you walk her to her car?” - Robin
“I was going to.” - Joe nodded
Not waiting on Joe, I said my goodbyes and opened the front door. I walked to my car at a fast pace.
“Baby… what's going on? Are you mad? Did I do something?” - Joe
“First of all, don't ‘baby’ me, Joseph. Secondly, yes, I'm mad. Thirdly, you didn't do something. It’s more that you did absolutely nothing.” - you
“I'm not following.” - Joe
“Of course, you aren't. All you follow are those stupid video games.” - you
“Oh, I see what this is about. You're mad that I was playing games.” - Joe
“No, you idiot! I couldn't care less if you played those games.” - you
“Aye, calm down. Just come back inside, and we can talk this out. If I did something that upset you, I'd like to know so that I can fix it.” - Joe
“Now you want to talk?!” - you
I grabbed my keys out of my purse and started unlocking my car.
“y/n, if you're gonna leave, at least gimme a kiss, please?” - Joe
After looking at him for a few seconds, I rolled my eyes and got into my car, slamming the door in his face before driving off.
After begrudgingly getting ready for school, I slowly drove to the building and walked inside.
When I walked into the chem room, Joe’s stuff was in his seat, but he wasn't.
I sat down at my usual spot and fiddled with my pencil, anxiously dreading Joe showing up.
When he finally did, it was right before the late bell rang.
Joe sat down without saying anything, but I could tell he was itching to get something off of his chest.
“Uhm, I know you're mad at me, but can I ask you something?” - Joe
I nodded my head without even looking at him.
“Yesterday, when you left, that wasn't you breaking up with me, right?” - Joe
After almost choking on my saliva, I turned to see his sad face full of seriousness.
“What? No! Of course not. You're still my boyfriend, and it was just a little argument. I'm so sorry if you thought I was leaving you.” - you
“It's okay… I'm just glad I was wrong because… never mind.” - Joe
“No, what is it?” - you
“It's not important.” - Joe
Except it really really was.
Later in class, Joe couldn't stop thinking about what he almost said because he wanted to say it so badly. He was just worried you didn't feel the same.
After thinking about it for way longer than he should've, Joe found a way to maybe get over his worries.
I watched Joe rip out a small piece of paper from his notebook and turn his back to me so I couldn't see what he was writing.
Soon, he scooted the piece of paper upside down over to me.
When I flipped it over, butterflies swarmed in my stomach.
In Joe’s handwriting was something that made me know I was going to keep this piece of paper forever.
I love you.
Looking up at Joe’s smiling face, his cheeks were blushed like mine, and I couldn't help but grin.
When the teacher wasn't looking, I leaned in close to Joe’s ear.
“I love you too.” - you
And Joe would be the only person you'd ever romantically tell that to.
Request for this fic;
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Hope you enjoyed! 🤍🤍
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ftrcountry · 11 months
The One With The Test
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I just want to say rip to a one of a kind actor, Matthew Perry. I still can't believe it :( May he finally rest in peace.
Summary: I watched Fools Rush In Today and this sparked the idea for this fic. I hope you enjoy!
It was New Year's Eve in New York City. People were out partying and hanging out with their family and friends. Snow was slowly falling down in the cold crisp air. This was yet another New Years eve party without a date. You weren't particularly upset as you grown used to this. You were currently standing outside on the balcony watching the snowflakes fall all around. "somebody kiss me at midnight!" You heard Chandler go around asking each one of your friends in the apartment. You let out a small laugh. Oh sweet Chandler. You haven't told no one but you were starting to develop feelings for your best friend. You were just afraid to say anything in fear it might ruin the relationship the two of you have. You bit your lip, an idea popping into your mind. You had a lot to drink tonight so you had more courage than usual. You were going to catch Chandler off guard and kiss him at midnight.
Everyone was gathered around the tv counting down from ten. 10 9 Rachel was with Ross. Phoebe with Mike. 8 7 Monica with Richard Joey with one of his flings. 6 5 You took a deep breath as you walked up to Chandler. 4 3 You grabbed a fist full of Chandler's shirt. 2 1 Cheers erupted, people clapped at the start of the New Year as you pulled Chandler close and pressed your lips to his. Chandler tensed for a moment before you felt his lips kissing you back. His hand fell to your waist. "You wanted someone to kiss you at midnight." You whispered breathlessly as you pulled apart from him. You were flustered as Chandler pushed a piece of your hair behind your ear. "You have no idea how long I wanted this." Chandler finally spoke, giving you one of his charming smiles.
After the party, you ended up at Chandler and Joey's. Both you and Chandler were a little more than tipsy. After a hot, passionate round of the best sex you ever had, you were cuddled up to Chandler's side. "Wow." was the only words to escape your and Chandler's mouth.
Three Months Later Since that night on New Year's, you and Chandler decided to make it official. Everything was wonderful and you were so happy until three months later you were sitting on the bathroom tiled floor holding a positive pregnancy test. You've never been this scared in your life. You knew this would freak Chandler out and run him off. This would most likely be the end of the relationship and you might be a single mom. Before you could think about the future, there was a knock on the bathroom. "Y|N, you okay?" It was Chandler. With a shaky breath, you stood up with the positive pregnancy test. With trembling hands, you opened the door revealing Chandler. Concern was written on his face as you were in the bathroom for quite a while. His eyes flickered down to the test in your hands. His eyes widen and he jumped back. "Y|N. Please don't tell me that-" He stopped speaking. A tear slipped down your face as you nodded. You couldn't look at him. "I used a condom. Lot's of them." "Well, one didn't work." "But that's its job! It's whole purpose in life is... to work!!" Chandler was freaking out at this point. He ran his hand through his hair, pacing back and worth. He went into the kitchen got a glass of water and chugged it down. You started playing with the test in your hands out of nervousness. "I'm keeping the baby" You stammered. Chandler's eyes flew up to yours. "What?" He questioned. He was not ready to be a father. You knew he was expecting the other options that you were going to do. Keeping the baby was not one of them. He looked upset and this was where the relationship would end. You dropped the test on the counter, tears falling down your face. "Goodbye Chandler." You whispered before running out of the apartment.
Rain droplets fell into the night in New York City. You were currently at Monica's, sitting on the couch with a leg pulled up to your chest. Monica, Rachel and Phoebe were all sitting around trying to comfort you. It's been a little over twenty four hours since you and Chandler had the falling out regarding the baby. "I'm sure it's a simple misunderstanding. You guys are having a baby! Chandler would never leave you alone to deal with this. He's probably just scared." Monica said, rubbing your back. "You should've seen the look on his face. It was full of fear, concern and he was just upset. He didn't have words." You cried, wiping your eyes with a tissue. Before anyone could say anything, the door opened and Chandler walked in. You looked down at your hands in your lap. He had one hand in his pocket and the other scratching the back of his neck. Monica, Phoebe and Rachel got the queue and grabbed their things and left. "Hey." Chandler spoke softly, walking over. "Hi." You sniffled. Chandler came around and sat on the coffee table right in front of you. "I'm sorry Y|N. I panicked and didn't have the words to comfort you and to be there when you needed me. This is big news." Chandler spoke up. "If you don't want to be in the baby's life, that's fine. I can do this on my own." At this point you still couldn't look at Chandler. You felt sick to your stomach, whether that was morning sickness or your nerves you weren't sure. "Just wait a minute. Look at me, Y|N." Chandler spoke, taking your hands in his. You finally looked up into his eyes. He was staring with so much adoration in his eyes at you. "This afternoon, I couldn't decide between a Texas burger and a tuna melt, but my life made sense, you know? And now I know exactly want I want, and my life doesn't make any sense. And I was doing fine this afternoon. I was doing great. That was me. It was me then. And now I'm with you and I don't know what happened between the tuna melt and the Texas burger but I WANT this with you Y|N. I never thought about my future before until we happened. I want this with our baby." By the time Chandler finished his speech, you had tears rolling down your face. Chandler slid over to the couch right next to you and pulled you close. You buried your face into his chest as he rubbed your back, kissing the top of your head. "Everything is going to be okay, Y|N. I love you so much and I already love this baby."
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
Seeing Joseph Quinn wearing glasses made me think of a typical father, opening Christmas presents in a warm jumper. So maybe Joe is spending Christmas with the reader and their little girl, who has drawn her daddy a picture of their whole family or some other sweet gift? Generally lots of sweets, fluff, cuddling together by the fireplace, watching movies, a blanket and kissing under the mistletoe. I'm already in the mood and I'm sure Joseph would make this Christmas even more wonderful ❤️🥹
Stop this is a total fucking mood and I'm living for it
I went for a Christmas Eve scenario, I hope it's what you wanted 😚 thank you for your request x
🎅🎄 Christmassy Daddy Joey it is
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"Daddy, daddy! Look what I got!" Joe moved to watch from across the room, stood in the doorway looking upon his little girl receiving her Christmas Eve box especially sent by Santa Claus himself.
He pretended to look surprised, folding his arms, mouth gaping open. "What's that my darling?"
"Santa sent it for me so I'm all ready for the morning mummy said!"
You sat on the sofa looking back at your husband, totally excited that this is the first of the holiday's you'd spent as a family where your little girl truly understood the magic of Christmas. It made everything so much more special.
"Shall we take a look inside?" you smiled, Joe joining you on the sofa, he snaked his arm around your shoulder and you leaned into him, admiring her open her gift.
Inside were brand new pyjamas, slippers, a certificate which confirmed she had been put on Santa's nice list and a small Candy Cane patterned teddy bear for her to take to bed.
"Oh my goodness!" You both shouted in unison as your daughter's sweet brown eyes sparkled shooting looks at the two of you, just the way Joe's did when he happy. It brought an enamoured ache to your heart, watching your 4 year old practically cheering with pride at her new things.
"Shall we go put them on?" You offered and she quickly ran over, passing the teddy to Joe to hold and grabbed your hand to pull you up out of your seat and into the hallway. "Come on then." you sighed contently.
When you returned, Joe was just putting on her favourite Christmas movie, as promised you would all watch it together before she went to bed. A small bowl of popcorn lay on the coffee table with a a glass of chocolate milk each and a bigger bowl for both of you to share. "Look at my beautiful little angel, all ready for Santa coming."
"Where's Bear Quinn?" she moved along the room, searching for her stuffed toy.
"Bear Quinn?" Joe barked a laugh at her, pointing in the direction of the middle of the sofa, there it was snuggled up under a blanket waiting for her arrival.
"Yes he's part of the family now, so he needs my last name." She showed Joe what only could be described as a teenage death stare, as if he was supposed to know that.
"Of course, silly me." Joe nodded slowly, smirking, his eyes twinkling between you and Y/D/N, their bond was something phenomenal.
Joe sat one side and you sat the other of her, she pushed the blanket over for you all to share and Joe started the movie. The living space had never felt so cosy, the lights were dimmed, the fireplace provided the welcoming heat with your named stockings hung above it, keeping the cold outside where it belonged.
"Daddy, I almost forgot what me and mummy did together for you today, can I show you?" She didn't even wait for his reply instead she escaped from the middle of you, racing to the dining table to collect the piece of paper, a chaotic little busy body, again just like her dad.
She came scooting back in, edging herself between the tight space in-between you. "Close your eyes." she braced herself as she placed a drawing of the 3 of you on his lap. "You can open them now."
Joe looked down, a hitch in his breath as he fell in love with it instantly. "Oh my goodness, look at this! My talented girl" Joe flashed a wink at you and placed a kiss down onto Y/D/N's cheek, she blushed a little looking so proud of herself and fell straight into his side snuggling down into him, her legs laid flatly across your lap, he placed his arm around her and found your hand to intertwine his fingers with. No matter how far apart you were placed, he'd always find a way to caress you one way or the other. Touch was absolutely his love language and it was hers.
You watched half of the movie in complete silence, looking down you noticed she was dropping to sleep, you figured now would be a good time to end the pleasant evening and get her up to bed so you could begin to prepare for tomorrow. You shot a look at Joe and his eyes fell straight down to her. Joe picked her up in his arms, cradling her as if she was still a new born baby and stood up to take her upstairs.
She stirred, waking up slightly when you both got half way up. "Daddy." she let out a huge yawn in-between her words.
"Yes princess?"
"We forgot to do milk and cookies for Santa and a carrot for Rudolph."
"Oh no! Well we must do that before you get your beauty sleep mustn't we." Joe halted onto the stairs, nodding for you to head back down.
He put her down onto her steps that huddled against the countertop so she had enough height to help do her duties. You handed her the carrot and cookies to set out onto a plate and Joe helped her pour a glass of milk into a small cup. She took the plate into the living room and set it beside the tree, Joe placed the milk onto the top of the fireplace which was beginning to burn out.
"There, now he'll have something to keep him going on his long journey." He nodded in acceptance at her and she beamed a sleepy smile so bright. Joe offered his hand back to your daughter as she rubbed her eyes.
"Mummy, will you come up and tuck me in with daddy please?"
"Yes of course I will." you smiled down at her, she reached her other hand to yours so you were both holding one side. A happy family.
You put her to bed, wishing her the sweetest of dreams, stroking her hair and singing her the same lullaby your mum sang to you as a child. Joe watched in complete awe, his heart could burst at any given second with the beautiful view in front of him, you two were his life, his happiness and he felt so lucky, more than ever right in this moment. Both of you kissing her goodnight, you closed the door and headed back downstairs.
"How long shall we give it?" Joe asked, obviously too eager to get the presents downstairs.
"We'll check on her in a little bit Joey. I can't wait to see her face in the morning."
"Me neither. But for now I've got something for us to enjoy."
"What's that?" You scrunched your face up, a little smile rising onto your features.
Joe ran into the kitchen himself just as your daughter had done to bring him her drawing, hiding the object behind his back he mimicked the words your little girl had said to him earlier. "Close your eyes, my love."
You closed them and Joe hung his arm in the air, giving you the all clear to open them once more. You did, taking your gaze from his face up his arm and what was being held above the two of you. Mistletoe.
"Merry Christmas, here's to the best one yet, my perfect wife."
"Merry Christmas, my most amazing husband."
You slowly moved towards one another, closing the gap when your lips magnified together. A slow and impeccably sweet kiss beneath the mistletoe was shared, just like in the movies, this Christmas Eve was joyful and bright and you couldn't wait for the day ahead.
Santa was on his way.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
top 10 saddest quotes in obey me
a/n: I'm suffering from having 0 idea of what to write next and my previous shitpost like this did surprisingly well, so here we are. (I actually posted this before but it didn't show up on tags??) Again, this post is all jokes. I'm sorry if I accidentally offend anybody.
no image belongs to me, I just filtered and cropped the screenshots from the game.
content warnings: shitpost! everything is all jokes, mild strong language
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This is a harsh reality many Mammons live in: zero money. You know why? Because they often get hung up upside down, so the cash falls out of their pockets. The Mammons hate it very much, and it's scary for them, but this one is showing his deep fear to the Leviathan to show he really has no money. The fact that the Levi looks like he doesn't believe the other male is truly devastating to look at.
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What we see here, dear people, is a wild Beelzebub who stole a Leviathan's food, and proudly quotes the Joey guy from Friends while doing so. While it is not uncommon for such orange-haired males to steal food, it is sad when it happens to a Levi. Think about it, where do we go to get food when it's all finished? Exactly, the supermarket, which is outside. And what do Leviathans hate? The outside. This poor Levi now has to go outside for food.
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Mammon has returned, this time not sharing his own hardships, but making life hard for another species: Satans. Many people don't know this, but recent studies have shown there are two kinds of Satan, gold and silver. Silver Satans are more emotional than the gold ones, so calling one cheap is very painful for them, dangerous too. Why? All Satans express emotions by throwing destructive tantrums. By the way, our research team couldn't determine what the Simeon is thinking. Hypothesis says he's thinking about an Mc's glutes.
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Speaking of glutes, look at this heartbroken Asmodeus. It's in his name, ASSmodeus. Clearly, this kind of male loves ass as much as he loves the mirror section at IKEA and fake plants bugs won't sit on combined. This Asmo had spotted some potential mate with, in his words, 'a pretty nice derriere.' Imagine the pain he felt when the mate, potentially a Mc dressed as a succubus at a Halloween party, vanished from sight. Scientists were brought to tears by this image. So sad.
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Many of us can relate to this poor Belphegor. It's a sad reality we live in: waking up everyday from precious sleep to go to work, school, or to see your laundry you forgot to fold. As we know, Belphegors enjoy sleep, and are able to sleep in any situation. That is how much they love visiting dreamland. Our team of researchers believe this is due to the fact that Belphegors dream about auditioning for the position of the lead singer of Evanescence, and getting said part. This is their dream they get to live in. Imagine waking up. Ouch.
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Oh my, what a rare sighting! Wild Raphaels don't appear often in front of people. But, think about the reason we found a Raphael. He said it himself, he is missing. The poor thing. Imagine how much he misses his mom. The fact he used the word 'still' indicates he's been lost for a good while. Poor Raphael, we all hope he finds his mom soon.
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When you first look at this, you might think there isn't much sadness to it. But what if I told you our research team found out what the context behind this image is? You see, the Lucifer is talking to an Mc. Said Mc just woke up from a dream and they're still half-sleeping. Sadly the dream was way better than their reality: the Lucifer actually unbuttoned the highest button of his shirt in it. This Mc wishes it was also the case in their reality. One of our researchers quit because this was way too emotional.
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Now, on with the real tear-jerkers. First, I have to point out how sweet it is of the Asmo to try to cheer the Levi up. But, we've all been in this position the Leviathan is in right now. And we sure know how painful it is to relive those memories. Nobody wants to remember the terrible things they did as a young child at 3AM while trying to sleep after all. Just look at this Levi's body language, he's completely shut himself off from the world. I actually cried.
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Oh the pain. The pure emotion packed into this phrase, the hint of sorrow behind his eyes, the blush, indicating the Satan was crying. That's too much, man. Good thing the nearest Mc came running to give this Satan a hug. We have to admit, our team wasn't able to find the context to this image. However, the most popular theory states that the Satan was trying to catch a cat, but it ran away and told him a yo mama joke.
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I needed a moment before even looking at this. Poor Diavolo, getting absolutely clapped in Mario Kart. Everyone hates losing in that game, but it's worse for Diavolos. Mcs rank them not by attractiveness or anything, no, but by skill in Mario Kart. That means this Diavolo's love life got ruined, by his own friend. If that isn't sad, I don't know what is.
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Miami Vice S1E14: Golden Triangle, Part 1
A rash of violence against sex workers raises Castillo's suspicions.
And we learn that Castillo is... I don't know? A martial arts wizard?? We'll later learn he is also a fucking samurai, but this is really the first "let's give Castillo depth" episode, and they really fucking go for it
An absolutely useless bit of trivia: some of the opening credits in this episode are in the wrong font.
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This is not the Miami Vice font. It switches back to the Miami Vice font like two names later.
Love Castillo downing a cafecito from what is absolutely not a heat-safe plastic glass, and Rico and Sonny following him as he walks away like he's a beautiful girl in a bikini
Also love that Crockett's "nerd" disguise involves going over dot matrix printouts by hand by the pool. A normal vacation activity. Love less that he is just blatantly doing an entrapment.
When Sonny and Rico take Candy in, we cut to a currently-in-progress conversation in which she asks Sonny, "well, am I right or what?" Then pauses, while neither Sonny or Rico look her in the eye, but they both smile in the most hollow and awkward way possible, and then Candy nods and says, "Yeah, I'm right." I really want to know what she thinks she's right about that both Sonny and Rico basically are like 'please stop talking' about.
Candy is great-- she's very savvy about the police (and rightly does not trust them), very intense, and has no issues telling Sonny off.
Rico finds all of this hilarious.
The drug dealer who wants a safety deposit box is John Snyder, who will always be "extremely annoying Joey in the Mafia Wars arc of Wiseguy" to me, except that recently Dan and I watched an episode of Star Trek in which he was a eugenicist from the eugenicist planet. Man sure plays some roles. He's also apparently a long-time anime voice actor??
Sonny complains about the system being broken and Tubbs kind of sighs and says "the system. Want a cold one?" #1 reason Tubbs isn't as broken by the end of the show is that he comes in from day one knowing that Everything Sucks Forever, while Crockett takes it personally every single time
Alligator Nail Filing
"We're getting too good at playing bad guys" sure is the understatement of the whole series
It's not actually clear until around the 3/4 mark that this is the first Castillo Episode, but he makes a wonderful little suspicious face when Sonny starts telling him about Szarbo-- he knows something is amiss.
There's an exchange with the cop who has been working part time as a pimp where Sonny no-true-Scotsmans him-- he states that the man isn't a "real" cop for what he's done. I think Sonny still genuinely believes this at this point in the series. He will not by the end.
Castillo finds out that one of the dead people is Thai and just absolutely flips out and is like I NEED TO SEE THE CORPSE. I get what the actual intention here is-- that Castillo has put together enough things about the case based on similarities to things that happened during his own years in Thailand-- but we don't know that yet as an audience, so it just kind of seems like Castillo is totally paranoid and thinks any deceased person of Thai descent MUST be involved in crime, which is not a good look.
I adore the sequence in which it is implied Tubbs and Castillo go to like eight Thai restaurants together, partially because I appreciate when they work together, and partially because I love seeing restaurants from bygone days.
To the tune of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
Awkward dinner naked waiter
Awkward dinner naked waiter
Awkward dinner naked waiter
Marty n' Rico having supper
It is awkward!
(but seriously why does that waiter not have a shirt)
And we learn, finally, that Castillo is a master of every martial art, as he gets in a wild action movie fist fight with the naked waiter in the parking lot. It's stupid and fantastic in equal measures, and we'll learn even more about Castillo's exciting fisticuffs adventures next time.
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toontails · 5 months
I'm backreading all these mf tumblr asks and I just finished and oh my GOD???? I have so many things to say ogbsjfbs
Firstly, Pib having a pet bunny that Slicer gave to them???? Slicer and Pib matching?? THEY'RE SO CUTE WAAAAA
And womp womp to Felix imagine having daddy issues and (probably) getting jumped by your own dad L bozo (me n Felix both got daddy issues)
I wanna come up with theories so badly but I don't have any theories to craft and it is pissing me OFF
I'm just sayin that reader has so much potential bro like they're genuinely such a good reader insert/main character because they aren't annoying, they aren't THAT embarrassing to read and they aren't a Mary Sue either; they make mistakes and the way they behave and act makes sense for their age. I think reader and her family are such an interesting group of characters (aside from the dad LMAO) and that the Vendolez characters such as Ruck, Hector and reader are just so cool??? Reader being a fast learner is such a GODSENT character trait btw like if reader wasn't able to figure out how to use a bow as quickly as she did the entire cast would probably be SO FUCKKEDDDDD
Btw I know y'all be hatin Bendy for a multitude of reasons (including what Alice Angel said in chapter 4 I believe) but bro is such a mystery despite is seemingly knowing so much about him??? Like yeah bro is way in over his head n allat but he isn't NEARLY as bad as I think he could be- he would be an absolute BEAST if it weren't for Joey/Henry watering the mf down and making him chill tf out💀 it's so clear how much Bendy genuinely likes and cares for reader, seeing as how he's done thing after thing to ensure her safety (ranging from when he saved her from those crocodiles or whatever in that one chapter after reader frolicked off with Cups and Mugs and got kidnapped to cuddling her on the boat while they slept after reader got her ass beat by Pib) like yeah Bendy has his flaws but I do think bro is still a fairly good guy😭 (at least for the time being he is)
Ykw you right you right 😭 he good. A lil bit, But trust. We blaming Joey now for letting him be a little BITCH. Poor Bendy, if only he knew what he was capable of.
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The Dancer and the Rockstar Pt 4 {Joe Elliott x Reader}
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Sorry for making y’all wait for part 4. Here it is now! I hope you like it!
Y/N woke up at around 8 in the morning, the boys seemed to be asleep. Joe is really pretty when he is sleeping, Did I say that out loud?
She went into the main cabin and tried to find something to eat in the fridge. She found some toast and a little container of butter. This was her favorite breakfast, Tahlia made it for her all the time. 
While spreading the butter on the toast, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. 
“Good morning, my love,” Said the all too familiar voice of Joe Elliott, as he rested his head on her shoulder. 
“Good morning, Joey,” She whispered to him, “Want some toast?”
“I’d love some toast,” She nodded and handed a slice to him. They both sat at the table and ate in silence. 
“I’m excited for the rest of the tour, now that I'm with you, I will surely enjoy it a lot more,” Joe grinned. That stupid smile, the stupid adorable smile. She couldn’t deny that she was developing a crush on her bestfriend. God, I love him. 
“I’m excited too,” The girl smiled. It came out a little more high-pitched than she had hoped. 
“You ok?” He asked.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine…” She trailed off, which didn’t make it anymore convincing. 
“Good morning,” Said a sleepy Steve with a light red almost pink robe on and dark red slippers.
“Mornin’” Joe and Y/N respond at the same time. Joe sat on the couch as the dancer cleaned the dish that once had toast on it. She hummed a little bit of “High N’ Dry (Saturday Night)”. 
“Saturday Night,” She hummed, “High…”
“Saturday Night, high n’ dry….” Joe sang with her. 
“You two sound good together,” Steve smiled and sipped on his tea. 
“Yeah, you do,” Sav said as he walked out into the main cabin. 
“Thanks guys,” The girl smiled and went to sit next to Joe on the couch, “So, where is the next show?” 
“We are leaving to go to London  for the show tonight, so we are on our way over there now.” Sav responded and Y/N looked out the window. She loved London, even though she had only been once before her mother died. 
“I haven’t been in years,” She whispered. Suddenly, all of these memories rushed back to her and she sighed, “I had gone with my family and we had good times,”
“Wait,” Joe started, now realizing that he hadn’t seen Y/N’s mother or father when they went to the apartment, “Where are your parents?” 
“Oh, you don’t know,” The girl looked down, “Mother died a few years ago and father didn’t want to deal with me alone, so he left.” 
Joe went to hug his bestfriend, her mom was a wonderful person. He loved her and hearing this news felt like he was stabbed in the heart. Joe began to cry, he had never cried in front of the boys, but he did not care. Y/N also began to cry, she loved her mother. She was a very kind woman, she loved to bake and take care of animals, yeah, Y/N lived with 3 dogs and 4 cats. 
“Joey, it’ll be ok, she’s still with us, in here.” The girl pointed to her heart, Joe nodded as the tears he cried began to decrease. 
“I know, it’s just, I didn’t get to say a proper goodbye to her,” Joe stated.
A 13 year old Y/N and her father rushed to the hospital to see her mother. She was in the hospital because she had cancer. Y/N almost refused to go to the hospital knowing that her mother was going to leave. 
“Dad, I don’t want to go,” The girl whispered.
“Don’t you want to say goodbye?”
“Yes, but it’s hard, I wish I didn’t have to say goodbye,” The girl’s mother had made her feel safe in a world so truculent. A sort of emptiness filled her life after that day. 
Y/N and her dad entered the hospital room and noticed that mother was awake. 
“Oh, Y/N, baby, come here,” 
“Mom!” Y/N rushed over to the bed and hugged her mother, “I love you, I love you, I love you!” She repeated over and over, as if she hadn’t said it enough in her past. 
“I-I know you do,” Her mother stated, “I love you more than you will ever know!”
“Mom….” The girl whispered, tears falling on the bed.
“Don’t cry, my love. I will always be here,” Her mother struggled to point to the girl's heart.  
“No, no, no…..” The girl trailed off.
“Tell your bestfriend, Joe, I say bye,” She said and grinned weakly. The last moments of Y/N and her mom came quicker than the girl ever imagined. Her mother passed away while holding the girl's hand and there was a special feeling about that. 
“Good bye, my love,” Her mother said and closed her eyes, letting herself go. Then, all of a sudden, the world went dark, the vacuous feeling filled her world. 
For a week she lived with her dad, but he really did not want to have to deal with a teenager, so he left. The girl woke and went to find her dad, but he just wasn’t anywhere around the house. She had tears streaming down her cheeks as she left the house to go to her dance studio. She then found Tahlia at the front desk, Tahlia was kind of like Y/N’s second mother. She was the woman that the girl trusted most after her mother.
“Sweetie, you don’t have practice today, what are you doing here?” Lia questioned. The girl began to explain all that had happened in the past week, again tears, and lots of them. Tahlia tried to comfort her, but it only made her sadness worse.  At the end of the conversation, Tahlia asked Y/N something that made her smile again after so long. 
“Y/N honey, I can possibly arrange for you to move into my apartment and you can live with me and my husband.” 
“Yes, yes, yes!” The dancer cried, she was so lucky to have found Tahlia. She went in to hug the woman and then she whispered, “Thank you so much.”
“It’s no problem, honey,” Tahlia loved the fact that she could help young kids going through things like this. Y/N made Tahlia happy and she wanted to see the girl happy. 
“I am so sorry, love,” Said Steve, holding the girl’s hand. The boys all nodded in agreement to Steve’s statement and they all went in to hug the girl and Joe. 
“That’s all in the past now, I miss mother, of course, but she would want me to be happy,” 
The rest of the morning the group finished eating breakfast and got ready. Three hours later, they made it to the venue in London, but the group went for a walk instead of staying at the venue. 
“It’s just as beautiful as I remember it…” Y/N smiled. Joe walks right next to her with a smile on his face. Y/N notices and smiles again, but she also puts her hand in his and he squeezes it. There was a kind of spark when he held her hand and butterflies fluttered in her stomach.
She blushed, I hope he likes me back….
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deans-baby-momma · 2 years
Law & Love Chapter 3
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Y/N it's not what you think. Please call me (406)321-5879
I don’t call him when I clock out. I don't call him while I take a cab home. In fact, I don't call him at all. 
I am angry! Angry at myself for letting him in and angry at him for asking me out when he is clearly unavailable. 
I don't know how they do stuff here in Montana but I was raised to be faithful and true.  That's probably why I endured Eric's lack of attention and overlooked his cheating for so long.
Yes, I knew my boyfriend was out fucking anything with a vagina almost weekly. I discovered it when I found a hotel receipt in his pocket. 
I did a little amateur sleuthing and found out that he had used that certain hotel for years. He had an open account with the seedy fleabag accommodations; he paid after the use of their room, usually with cash that I still didn't know where it came from. So, I tolerated his cheating and laziness because that's what I was taught to do. 
But now? Now was different. I am not that same girl I was then. I was aware of the obscenity of the world and knew very few people abided by the 'old ways'.
So, I'm not about to let some philandering womanizer get the best of me. He cannot have his cake and eat it too! 
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It’s been a few days since the sheriff and his girlfriend/wife/whatever had visited the diner and I was ever so grateful. I didn’t want to see his cheating, conniving face at all! Everytime I thought about the audacity he had to ask me out when he was clearly taken, my blood pressure skyrocketed. The nerve of him! The gall to manipulate the situation to his advantage was mind boggling. 
After the lunch rush was over, I set about getting the remaining tables and chairs back into their proper order when the bell rang and someone stepped in. I smile as I see who I know now is a regular at this time of the day, Joey. Joey would come in when the rush was over and keep Deb and I amused with his stories of different things. He seems to be a nice guy who lived alone and simply desired social interaction.
I smile at him as he walks to his usual spot and settles in. Deb writes up his normal order. As I pass by headed to the kitchen, Joey smiles and speaks. “You look nice today, Y/n.”
“Thanks Joey.”
Deb and I listen to Joey as he regales about the time his uncle took him and his cousins fishing at Park Lake Campground, southwest of town.
"So, here we were standing alongside the lake. We could practically see the fish swimming around, waiting for us to throw our lines in. Marco and Luis were baiting their hooks as ole Uncle Paul was sliding the earthworm onto mine.  He didn't trust me not to try to eat the lure." He pauses as Deb and I give him a look of disgust. He laughs and continues.
"Ladies, I was 4 years old okay! I probably would've tried to eat it," he laughs. "Anyway, he gets the hook ready and hands me the pole. I watch my cousins cast their line out into the water so I pull back and throw……hook, line, sinker and pole. It floats on the water for a second before it sinks. Uncle P starts yelling and running toward the water. No one caught anything that day."
The bell over the door rings and a woman walks in with a brown paper bag with handles. There is no writing on the nondescript back. She smiles at us and asks for Y/N. I groan as I realize exactly what that means.
The fucking sheriff has sent me another goddamn gift. I mask my irritation and I step forward with a smile and take the bag.
Inside is a stuffed animal. I pull it out to see it's a gray squirrel holding an acorn in its paws. On the acorn are the words "NUTS FOR YOU".
Yea, he's nuts if he thinks I'm going to keep accepting his little gifts and trinkets. Not when he's a two-timing jerk!
I stuff the stuffed animal back in the bag and take it in the back room, where we keep our personal items.
After my shift, I'm making a pitstop at the Sheriff's office and putting an end to his treacherous ways, once and for all!
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The taxi driver can tell I’m on a mission as soon as I slide into the backseat and utter, “Take me to the sheriff’s office.”
As we pull up outside of Helena P.D. I can see the red truck that I know belongs to the sheriff sitting alongside the other cop cars in the lot. I can’t help but sneer at it as I pay the cabbie and exit the vehicle.
I open the door to the building and am met immediately with the smell of donuts and coffee. I want to laugh at  the plain and simple stereotype of it all but before I can even twitch my lips, I look through and see Sheriff Arlen and his companion through the glass that divides the front of the station with what is apparently his office. They are both smiling and talking and I see him throw his head back and laugh at what she just said.
“Can I help you?” 
I bring my focus back to the front to see the same officer that had come to collect the sheriff and his companion that day at the diner; the day I realized just what a swindler the man in charge is.
“I need to speak to the Sheriff, if you can pull the lovebirds apart,” I jeer. The man looks at me questioningly and goes to open his mouth but evidently Beau has noticed my presence and comes out of the room.
“Y/N?” he calls as he approaches, a smile on his face. What the fuck is he smiling for? Does he not realize I know what a fraud he is?  His ‘whatever she is’ is standing right there behind him, leaning against the door frame of his office. Her arms are crossed over her front and her head is sort of cocked to the side. Does she know who I am? Does she know he asked me out when he is obviously involved with her? Why is she not fuming? Why does she look as if she could care less?
Beau finally gets to the front desk and he nods at the officer who was still standing there. “I got this Popcorn.”
‘Popcorn’ nods and heads back to his desk.
“What’re you doing here?” the Sheriff asks. “Having more troubles?”
I clear my throat and straighten my stance as I pull the brown gift bag from my purse. I reach inside and grab the stuffed animal and remove it. I look at it one more time before I lift it and throw it right in his face. 
“I don’t want your stupid gifts! I don’t want anything to do with you! How dare you try to take advantage of me in my time of need! You’re a fucking asshole and a cheat! Fuck. You!”
I turn to leave but not before I notice the look of confusion on the sheriff’s face.  As I push the door open, I hear his voice. “Y/N! Wait!”
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @spnbaby-67 @tftumblin @sea040561 @delightfullykrispypeach @larajadeschmidt13 @atc74 @vicariouslythruspn @squirrelnotsam  @sandlee44 @blacktithe7 @hoboal87 @mogaruke @deanwanddamons @supraveng @deandreamernp @akshi8278 @lyarr24 @kazsrm67 @chriszgirl92 @fanfic-n-tabulous
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sansloii · 1 year
Share 5 particular habits that your muse have!
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HABIT 1: Dakota is slightly far-sighted which, thankfully, has been an issue she's had all her life as opposed to something that developed because of her job. i say thankfully because if it was an issue that came about because of the job, it likely would've been the result of a very serious injury
anyway, because she spent so long without proper glasses, though, she doesn't… wear them all that often--even when she does need them to read, like… the fine print of agreements or contracts without bringing the paper super close to her face or super far from it . her life isn't impacted too much by her only wearing them when it suits her ( which is, probably, when she wants to seem a little more friendly than she actually is on the job ) but there are many moments where Joseph has had to hand her the pair of glasses like "Put. Them. On." because he can see her squinting and doing nothing to fix it.
HABIT 2: She is a "wake up at 6 to exercise" girlie. If she doesn't do it when she gets up, she will never get to it because all she wants to do at the end of the day is get in bed. More oft than not, she'll go for a swim ( in her nice little, secure pool ) and the cold water tends to wake her up for a long day of work.
HABIT 3: okay but i was inspired by a tiktok but Koko absolutely tests her heels. she doesn't really like running in heels ( much less wearing them if she truly doesn't have to ) but they're nice looking and sometimes, heels are the only thing that go with whatever outfit she's wearing. her heels must be durable enough in case of an "emergency" so home girl will do a trot, a run, a kick-off test, a couple stomps, and whatever else she feels is necessary. if it ruins the shoe, then it was not worth the money and she can invest more into a higher quality heel.
HABIT 4: she likes sitting outside when she eats certain foods or has a certain drink, even if it's a little chilly. they vary by season:
in the spring: egg salad sandwich or banana pudding + some sort of tea
in the summer: chilled berries or various fruits + fresh lemonade
in the fall: corn chowder or mac n' cheese + wine
in the winter: mildly spicy chili + some very creamy coffee
she doesn't always have this luxury, though, and she reserves this habit for when she's somewhere secure.
HABIT 5: when someone says something Koko finds…. inordinately stupid--to the point where it genuinely tickles her--she'll always look over at Joey if he's in the room. and what he sees is his late 30's boss putting her tongue over her teeth inside her mouth as she tries very hard not to laugh or be disrespectful. of course, dakota can be a bitch, at times, and sometimes it's on purpose… but she doesn't really look at Joey when it is.
her expression can be best described as "Help--they're embarrassing themselves." or "i'm about to embarrass this person so badly." and joseph's own is always some version of "do what you have to." because he truly can't stop her … or doesn't care to. whichever comes first.
tagged by: @mugunghwc tagging: @lured-into-wonderland / @mannequinentity / @rexpyre / @arcxnumvitae (Ven) / @nezumivc103221
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lokahjarta · 2 years
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RATFINK I love u ((by lokahjarta))
rat·fink. (răt′fĭngk′). n. Slang. A person regarded as contemptible, obnoxious, or otherwise undesirable.
+ a sleazy little playlist to 6 yrs a godslut
"Surprisingly tender. Deeply perverse,"
- john waters (about this playlist)
Blackjack - Ween
Camel Walk - Southern Culture on the Skids
Cuntry Boner (Evil Joe Barresi Mix) - Puscifer
Dad I'm in Jail - Was (Not Was)
Me So Horny - Revolting Cocks
Lets Get Fucked Up - The Cramps
(Let's Go) Smoke Some Pot - Dash Rip Rock
Do Ya Think I'm Sexy? - Revolting Cocks
Two of Hearts - Stacey Q
I Would Die 4 U - Prince
Horseshoes (Up My Ass) - Vampire Beach Babes
Pepper - Butthole Surfers
Punk Tactics - Joey Valence & Brae
L.m.l.y.p. - Ween
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joeys-babe · 5 months
Joey B Blurbs: Boyfriend
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Summary: You prank Joe by calling him your boyfriend instead of your husband.
Warnings: Unserious/funny, pranks!
Pairing: Joe Burrow x Reader
Imagine Universe: Into the Mystic
A/N: Part 2 of blurb night!
April 4, 2024
I was cuddled up on the couch, relaxed by the rain hitting the roof, and the twins played in their playroom while I watched TV.
Joe had left early this morning to go workout, and his mood seemed positive since he was able to start throwing again recently. His happy demeanor was infectious because I couldn't be more prouder of him than I was now. He rehabbed like a man on a mission, and he was now seeing benefits from it.
I was still lying in bed when he gave me a quick peck before leaving. Joe then said bye to my bump, and he was off to the gym.
Since then, I have gotten the boys ready for the day, fixed breakfast, did some quick cleaning around the house, made some lunch, and talked to Robin over the phone about Joe’s injury status.
I caught a whiff of Joe’s scent off of the sweatshirt of his that I had on.
A pang of sadness crept up in my mind when I realized just how much I hated being away from Joe.
I always hated being away from Joe for extended periods, but pregnancy hadn't made that any better.
Before I get could too lost in my thoughts, my phone started vibrating on the coffee table.
My heart warmed when I picked up the phone and saw it was Joe calling.
“Hey, babe.” - you
“Hey, Mama. I'm almost home.” - Joe
“Okay… good.” - you
“Good? Everything okay?” - Joe
“Yeah, I just miss you a lot.” - you
“I only went to go work out, baby.” - Joe laughed
“I know, but I don't like being away from you. Neither does your daughter.” - you
Joe felt his heart flutter at that, his daughter. He was so ready to be a girl dad.
“I’ll cuddle with you both when I get home.” - Joe
“Sounds perfect. I'll see you soon, Daddy.” - you
There’s a few seconds of silence until Joe clears his throat and speaks up. I hadn't ever called Joe that, but I still didn't mean it sexually.
“What did you call me?” - Joe
“Daddy, you know, because we were talking about the baby and you're her daddy.” - you
Joe cleared his throat yet again, and when he began talking, I didn't miss how his voice had dropped an octave.
“Oh. I thought you meant it in another way. You've just never called me that unless you were referring to me for the twins.” - Joe
“You liked it, didn't you?” - you
The grin in my voice was evident, and Joe’s dirty chuckle sent a sizzle of heat down my spine.
“Yeah. I’ll admit that I did. Damn, your hormones have been raging lately.” - Joe
“You don't help, Mr. Sexy.” - you
“And you are testing my control, Mrs. Sexy.” - Joe
We continued going back and forth till Joe announced that he was turning onto our road. After quick I love you’s we hung up.
A minute later, Joe walked into the house with a big grin on his face.
“There’s my girl.” - Joe
“Hey, Joey.” - you
Joe went to climb onto the couch next to me, but I quickly stopped him.
“What?” - Joe
“Did you shower at the gym?” - you
“Yes, ma’am.” - Joe
“Okay, continue.” - you
He laughed before plopping down next to me and propping his feet up on the ottoman. I cuddled into Joe’s chest, and he snaked one of his hands under his my sweatshirt to put a big hand on my bump.
“Where are the boys?” - Joe
“They’ve been playing in the playroom. I just checked on them, and they were playing with their Hot Wheels.” - you
“Imma be right back.” - Joe
Joe pressed a kiss to my temple before getting up and heading to the boys' playroom.
A smile found its way onto my face when I heard Tyson and Miles cheering for their dad’s arrival home.
Joe would be gone for a few more minutes, and during that period, I realized Joe was due for another prank…
It was later that evening. Miles and Tyson were asleep, and I was in the kitchen, cleaning the rest of the kitchen up from dinner.
Joe was laying on the couch, waiting for me to come cuddle with him when I was done. Let the prank begin.
“Baby, come here.” - you
I heard the floorboards creak and soon, Joe’s tall frame was making an appearance beside me.
“What’s up?” - Joe
Setting my phone up on the counter, Joe side-eyed me when he saw that TikTok was pulled up.
“Why are you videoing?” - Joe
“It’s just an easy TikTok trend.” - you
“K.” - Joe mumbled
I clicked play on the video and Joe instinctively moved closer to me to where his body was pressed against mine.
“Hey, loves! There's a trend going around where you ask your boyfriend to touch his favorite parts of you, so I'm gonna do it with mine.” - you smiled
When I stepped to face Joe, he had a playful smile on his face and an eyebrow raised.
“What?” - you laughed
“I’m not your boyfriend.” - Joe
“Huh?” - you
“You called me your boyfriend. I'm not your boyfriend.” - Joe
I stared at him, trying to act dumbfounded, so Joe forged ahead.
“If I remember correctly, I put a pretty hefty ring on your finger and said vows to you in front of a hundred people. I haven't been just your boyfriend since January 30th, 2021. So… if you have a boyfriend, it isn't me, gotta be another man.” - Joe
“Joe…” - you laughed
“So who's your boyfriend?” - Joe
“I don't have one, it was a prank.” - you
“Yeah, that's what I thought, wifey.” - Joe grinned
“Calm down, hubby.” - you
Authors note: Next fic at 7:45
Request for this fic;
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destinyc1020 · 7 months
Funny how JE talked about facetime n in the Buzzfeed interview Z talked about liking Facetime lol we make time for the ppl we care for. i hope his nepo gf is able to make time for him, she def got the time to
...oh wait, nt Kaia, that relatiomship only lasted a yr 🙃 my mistake 😅hope he has fun with the other nepo baby who was involved in that college scandal. Despite 2 rumored breakups they still seem... stronger than ever 🥴
Funny how JE talked about facetime n in the Buzzfeed interview Z talked about liking Facetime lol we make time for the ppl we care for.
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That's basically it in a nutshell Anon! LOL
Plus, I think people forget that you can be dating someone and not really all THAT into them lol. It happens all the time. Like, you're INTO them (no doubt), but you're not THAT into them to the point where you're actually putting forth a lot of effort into the relationship. Ykwim? And we all know Z was clearly rebounding with JE. No WAY was she over Tom THAT quickly while she was dating JE. NO way! Even he probably realized it. I think he was dating her, and was obviously attracted to her, but I think he was mainly dating her for CLOUT tbh. Cuz he didn't seem as into her either if you ask me lol. 😅 I will say that to my dying day lol.
...oh wait, nt Kaia, that relatiomship only lasted a yr 🙃 my mistake 😅hope he has fun with the other nepo baby who was involved in that college scandal. Despite 2 rumored breakups they still seem... stronger than ever 🥴
Ooof! Girl...you're taking us back 3 or 4 years ago! ROTFL!
Honestly?? I don't think JE is all that "INTO" Olivia (College Scandal Girl) either tbh.... 👀 It seems like there's a breakup rumor about them every 5 months lol, and he seems like she's just an afterthought or someone to just spend time with while he works on his career. She seems low-key and low maintenance, so it probably works for him lol. I'm actually shocked he's dated her for as long as he has tbh lol. 👀 If I'm being quite honest, he seemed the MOST into (or in sync with) Joey.
But hey, that's just my outsider's opinion on them.
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Hey everyone! I'm back from my little social media break, and it was much needed. It has got me thinking about my tumblr page, and how I feel like mixing it up a bit, have a bit of a change so to speak. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love writing for my favourite Thomas characters, and I will happily continue to write and receive asks for them. But I want to broaden the character list a little more, and offer some more choices. So having said that, I will be writing a little list at the end of this post of some characters I'm more than happy to write about, they will include cartoon or anime versions too. They will be from films and TV shows I've watched so I'll know about each characters story line and how they would be in a story. Some are characters who are similar to Terry, dark, lonely and in need of their Y/N. But there are a few in the list who are happy or cheeky characters, just to give a diffrent vibe. So, yeh! I'd love to hear what your thoughts are about this, and I will look forward to seeing if anyone will choose from this list 😃 thank you 💚
1. Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit)
2. Thranduil Greenleaf (The Hobbit)
3. Arthur Curry (Aquaman)
4. Dragon age characters
Iron Bull
5. Daemon Targaryen (House Of The Dragon)
6. Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher)
7. Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
8. Loki Laufyson (Marvel)
9. Eric Northman (True Blood)
10. Guy of Gisborne (Robin Hood Series)
11. Spike (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
12. Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead)
13. Severus Snape (Harry Potter)
14. Mitchel (Being Human)
15. Aemond (House Of The Dragon)
16. Joey (Friends)
17. Matteo (Benidorm)
18. Lucien (Underworld)
19. Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
20. Alucard (Castlevania)
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issie-https · 1 year
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𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒏.
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒈𝒆 & 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒌𝒊𝒅𝒏𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈(𝒂𝒍𝒔𝒐 𝑺𝒊𝒅 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈... 𝑺𝒊𝒅)
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔: 677
𝑨/𝒏: 𝑰𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒆𝒈💀 𝑨𝒏𝒚𝒘𝒂𝒚, 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔!! 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 2-4 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔!!
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Jim and Corey walked me up a set of stairs , around a corner and through a hallway. We entered a big room, two big burgundy couches in the center, a glass coffee table, a record player and some other decor items. On one couch was two men, one's mask was something like black latex with pins sticking out, obviously inspired by pinhead. The other's mask was identical to or inspired by a gas mask. "This is Craig," Corey said, motioning to the pinhead knockoff, "and this is Sid," he pointed to the other man. "Hey," Sid waved. I did my best to wave with my hands behind my back. "Still on probation?" he asked. "Innocent until proven guilty? Something like that?" I joked. "I like this one," he nodded.
"This over here is Joey," Corey pointed to a guy sat on the other couch. I turned to see a man with... black hair and red streaks and weirdly familiar blue eyes. His mask was white with some black lines and other black decor. "Didn't you come to my record store yesterday?" I asked, hoping it was him and I wasn't losing my mind. "No, I don't listen to vinyls," he replied. "Suuure," I rolled my eyes. "She's gonna be fun," Joey smiled.
We walked through the rest of the house and to the kitchen where the last three men were. The first one was only slightly shorter than Jim -- his mask was silver with bars over his mouth, he definitely was one of the more intimidating guys. "This is Mick," Jim said. The next guy was slightly shorter than Mick, his mask was a weird colour with a weirdly long nose. "This is Chris," he said next. Finally, was the last guy who was slightly shorter than Chris, his mask was plain black, slightly similar to Micks but yet, still different. "Last but not least, is Paul," Corey stated.
"Nice to meet you all. May I ask if it was one of you who decided to kidnap me?" I blurted. "Not saying," Mick shrugged, sipping a beer through his mask. "I'm gonna strangle myself with these handcuffs," I whispered to myself. "What was that, angel?" Corey said, a smirk evident in his voice. "Can't wait to eat," I said flatly.
That's when Shawn walked in and said, "good thing lunch is soon,". I looked around for a clock and found one on the wall, it read '11:53am'. "So, you know everyone now," he asked, more to the guys and now me. "She's got our names, she hasn't formally met us yet," Sid winked at me. "And she won't formally meet you at all if you continue. When we decide, Y/n can roam around the house and get to know you all properly," Shawn stated, his voice was strong. "Is there an outside to the house? Vitamin D is a need," I smiled. "We can give you some Vitamin D," Sid laughed, earing a slap on the back of the head from Craig. "If you follow our rules, you can roam around the house freely and go outside with supervision," Corey added. "Okay, what are the rules?" I asked.
"Rule number one, very simple, don't try to escape because we will get you before anyone else can," Clown said, "Rule number two, don't have an attitude because there's always punishment waiting for you,". "Number three, no sexual acts unless Shawn confirms before," Sid groaned, taking a puff from a blunt he had apparently magicked out of thin air. "It's more for her than us," Shawn stated, "Number four, no leaving your room outside of hours,". "What kind of rule is that?" I laughed. "Outside of hours, we walk around the house with our masks off," Joey said, taking a puff from Sid's joint. I just nodded and looked at Corey. "Anymore?" I asked. "That's it for now," he replied.
For there on, we ate lunch which wasn't bad in all fairness and then Shawn got Corey to remove my cuffs and show me around the house.
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