#i'm keeping them right here to look at HAHAHAHAHA
rikyos · 11 months
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accio-victuuri · 15 days
5/20/24 zsww fake rumor house contribution. 🤍
i love the posting time! 13:14!
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WYB: Bought one for her
WYB: Wu! Can attract wealth *laughs*
WYB: What's ugly? I have really good eyesight, okay?
WYB: What do you mean?
WYB: Put it on for her
WYB: Oh my God, she’s fat again
WYB: You gave her more to eat than you gave me
WYB: Is it okay to obviously have it?
WYB: It's just sour
WYB: Not yet comforted
WYB: That's pretty much it
LOL omg yibo what did you buy for jianguo to wear again. it’s been an old cpn that he enjoys buying costumes for 🌰🌰🌰
XZ: Here you go
WYB: What? It’s not the New Year again
XZ: Keep safe
WYB: Wow, okay then
XZ: Put it on the bedside
WYB: 😀
XZ. Why are you laughing like that?
WYB: Laughing, we have a tacit understanding. It’s for you.
XZ. What? No, moving.
WYB: Same as you
Staff 1: Are you really like this? Hahahaha, are these all the same?
staff 2: I’m convinced
XZ: 😇
what did gege give him????
WYB. Brother Zhan
XZ: What are you doing (looking down at your phone)
WYB: Zhan ge
XZ: speak ( this is zz telling WYB off )
XZ: speak ( this is zz telling WYB off again)
WYB: ...
WYB: (Snaps his fingers)
XZ: What are you doing? (Look up)
So childish 🤦‍♀️
XZ: Is this the one you bought last time? It’s delicious, but a bit spicy.
👩‍🦳: Is that okay?
🧔‍♂️: A little bit
XZ: Has he eaten?
👩‍🦳: Well, I’m sweating after eating, hahahahaha!
XZ: Did he eat a lot?
🧔‍♂️: Just a little bit
( WYB walked in)
WYB: What are you talking about?
👩‍🦳: xls said the xxx last time was a bit spicy
WYB: Oh👀 Is that possible? zhan ge, I don’t think it’s spicy.
XZ: It’s best if they say you’re sweating from eating.
WYB: I don’t have it. That’s because they remembered it wrong, right?
👩‍🦳🧔‍♂️: (Looking at and helpless)
XZ: Then why are you sweating?
WYB: The weather has gotten hotter recently, don’t you think, zhan ge?
XZ:...Okay, okay
If love had a sound, you would probably think I'm noisy
It’s ice cream season again. Do you like it? You can eat the golden flavored ones, but remember to eat them in moderation. Have you ever seen a double rainbow? I pray that you are also okay. Peaceful and everything you wish for is achieved If you have time, just go to the beach for a walk. You won’t have to worry about the breeze.
I wanna know what food xz gave him that he is pretending that he’s not affected by the spice at all 😂😂😂
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craziechwiv · 8 days
The Paladin and their Succubus frenemy - 3.5
Still at the tavern, our team of heroes decide to formally meet their new teammate who has suddenly appear out of the blue. Everyone is intent on knowing who she is and how she got into contact with their group, and most importantly, what does she bring to the table besides the word of their leader.
And the champion and very keen on finding out why she was so close to the leader, both in sitting right next to him and...whenever he slides alil further away from her, she'd slide closer to him. And why was she looking at him like that? All of this just made Pyrrha question if Ren was telling the truth or a misfortune. Could it be that Jaune has been seeing someone behind her- er, their team's back?
???: Pyrrha?
She would not have it, for all she knows, this mysterious woman possibly put a spell on her Ja- leader...making him fall in love with her. Or has some blackmail on him so he is forced to love her! She must know the truth.
???: Pyrrha!
She'll interrogate the girl when their alone, and if she shows her true colors to her, she won't hesitate to dispatch the foe. For their safety, and for her Jau-
Jaune: PYRRHA!
Pyrrha: AH! Y-Yes Jaune?
Too bad for Pyrrha, she has been staring and giving Ruby a deathly glare ever since they sat down. While Jaune was concerned about the whole situation, Ruby just looked back at Pyrrha with a smug look. Nora and Ren we're sitting beside Pyrrha on each side...but further away in their seats to not get in the way in case she instinctly pulled out her weapon.
Pyrrha: Ahem, sorry. Uhm, so Ms. Ruby...where are you from again?
Ruby: It's quite already first off. I am from an...eventful place lets call it.
Ren: And where is this 'eventful place' you speak of?
Ruby: It's an island called Patch. As soon as I became old enough to travel by myself, I did just that. Although coming here wasn't the nicest welcome as I was attacked by bandits...
Ren: Ah, there has been rumors of bandits becoming more frequent as of late, hopefully they didn't take much from you.
Ruby: Actually, they didn't even take anything. I took care of them myself.
Ren: Really?
Nora: Oooh, how? How?!
Ruby: With this beauty~!
Ruby pulls out a bulky stick that was latched onto her back, and as the others took a look at it, Ruby clicked a button and it became the same scythe Jaune saw.
Nora: WOAH!
Ren: That is...something,
Pyrrha: Indeed, it seems to be masterfully made to.
Ruby: Hehe yeah. It's a gift from my mom, uh...'gods' rest her soul on that remark. But uh, I am quite proficient in it. Always have been after my dad figured he couldn't keep me tied to home for much longer...so now I'm here. And I want to join your team if I can.
The rest of the team just looked at her with skeptical looks, making both Ruby and Jaune a bit tense at the moment. However, Pyrrha stood up and walked towards where Ruby was sitting. The small girl looked at Pyrrha with a anxious look, preparing for the worst...until she saw Pyrrha extend her hand.
Pyrrha: Then, let me be the uh...second to welcome to our team. A friend of Jaune is a friend of ours and we'll do whatever we can to make you feel welcomed here.
Ruby gave a small smile back to Pyrrha and shook her hand tightly.
Ruby: Thanks, I hope to be by your side till the day we all die.
Ren: Speaking of, how did you and Jaune meet?
Jaune: Uhh...
Ruby: Uhm...funny story about that.
P+R: ?
Ren: So you thought Jaune was a threat when you both crossed paths at said village he was sent to survey...and nearly killed him?
Ruby, who was looking down at the floor embarrassed: Y-Yep...that's the story.
Jaune: Uhm, you alright Py-
Pyrrha: We're gonna have a talk when we get back to home, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Oh gods...
Next Chapter >
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cq-studios · 4 months
Do you have any screenshots of your favorite details from KHUX?
Gonna just drop a read more here 'cause if y'all know me at all you know this post is probably gonna be 10KM long lol
So, I'm gonna try to hold myself back a little because I literally have like 10 pages of notes about specifically stuff in the backgrounds and I doubt the internet will find my bench and lamppost count interesting. (Also image limit lol)
I'll list just 4 things for now (in no particular order) and talk about them a bit underneath.
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So there are four street signs that we’ve seen in Daybreak Town. Two are in the Fountain Square (A and B), one is in the Marketplace (C), and one is in the Clocktower Outskirts map (D).
For B and D it’s pretty easy to figure out what the represent. B is a clock, probably representing the Clock Tower… or maybe the best place to see the Clocktower because it’s in Fountain Square. The overall shape of it is different from the rest of the signs so I imagine that means something. D is a gondola or canoe of some sort, which makes sense because it’s next to stairs that seemingly lead to the canal that runs through town. Maybe there’s a ferry system of some sort?
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A and C I’m less sure about. The designs don’t really bring anything obvious to mind. Maybe C is Munny because it leads to the Marketplace? I’m not sure.
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See what makes this interesting to me isn’t just the fact that apparently Fountain Square is hollow underneath (maybe for pipe repairs or something, I don’t know) but just the general fact that a lot of structures in this town, that maybe shouldn’t be, are hollow.
If you look even some archways have windows, so there has to be an open space inside, right? Most of them seem at least connected to houses so I assume they’re basements or something. (The one by murder house gets me tho, like that’s right under the bridge. Who’s living right under the bridge)
And I also feel like this leads into the fact that, similarly but not as extreme as in Scala, Daybreak Town is kinda built on top of itself. Maybe that’s a symptom of being around so many (and possibly on) mountains but I still feel like it should be talked about more.
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There is so much to unpack here but I’ll try to keep it brief.
So I’m pretty sure this is one of, if not the oldest building in Daybreak Town. Two reasons.
1. Instead of having little wall lamps, like the rest of the town and buildings, all the light seems to come from mounted candles.
2. There are swords (A) on the walls and not Keyblades. Why would the Keyblade town not have Keyblades on its little shield emblem? Is it possibly because it was there before Keyblades?
This staircase here (B) is also the only known (not sewer drain) way into the waterways. It leads into the sewers then out to the little dock below the Lighthouse with the boat, hence the sign.
There’s these maps here (C) that I don’t really know what to say about, but is definitely worth pointing out. They’re all the same and I assume show the layout of the area surrounding the town (the darker parts being water). It could be a world map though (darker part being continents)… I don’t think we’ll ever really learn lol
And also I don’t know what this is (D) but I think it’s interesting that it has writing on it. It kinda gives me the vibe of those flat on the ground gravestones…
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Daybreak Town actually has a flag it’s all over the place and you’ll start to see it everywhere if you look for it. They also kind of look like the banners in Radiant Garden. The colours and shape/mounting are the same but the designs on the flag itself (and mounting) is different.
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I have no clue what that implies, if anything, but I figure it’s worth pointing out ‘cause it’s interesting.
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spaceyaceface · 11 months
I'm Right Here
Sebastian Sallow x f!Reader/MC
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Murder, Guilt, Injury, Depression.
Summary: Just before Sebastian killed his uncle, she was injuried. Now Sebastian has to deal with the guilt of not only the life he took, but the life he almost couldn't save.
A/N: hahahahaha this is pain. But also some fluff.
He shouldn’t be her. He shouldn’t be seeing her take deep breaths, shouldn’t be grasping her hand like a lifeline.
Shouldn’t be watching his best friend lie unconscious in the hospital wing, because it was all his fault. 
He’d led her to that blasted place—he knew she would follow. When hadn’t she? He was the one who stole that relic, who let his anger get the best of him. Now she was paying the price. 
It had all gone wrong so quickly. He’d barely had time to process the terror on her face when she looked at him, the Inferi pressing in around them, before his uncle came swooping in. And then the fighting had begun. 
Solomon had been the first to cast a spell—Sebastian had clung to that fact as an excuse for his actions, but the more he looked back, the flimsier it seemed. She had fought hard alongside Sebastian. Spells flew left and right, and Sebastian relied on pure instinct. Then there’d been a yell—a desperate cry—and she was down on the ground.
And Sebastian Sallow killed his uncle. 
The rest was a horrible blur—she’d lost consciousness soon after that. What would she remember, he wondered, when she awoke? Would she recall the horrible look on his face, the flash of sickly green light, the sound of a body falling? 
And would that be all she remembered when she looked at him? 
But those thoughts didn’t come until later. No, after the fight, after her eyes had closed, despite his pleading, he took her and ran. He brought her to the hospital wing, and prayed to any being that would look past his sins to save her. 
She would live, he’d been told soon enough. He didn’t know what he would have done had the news been otherwise. 
As he watched her, his throat began to constrict. He couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. He shouldn’t be there, he had to get out. 
So he did. 
The next several days were a blur. He hadn’t spoken to Ominis at all. It was better that way, he kept telling himself. He had betrayed his oldest friend so completely, there was no chance for forgiveness. Why bother fooling himself? Ominis had warned him time and time again, knowing that the outcome was inevitable. That it only brought pain. Why couldn’t he have listened? 
In addition, she was awake and well—it was a relief, but it also meant she could try to talk to him. Key word being try. He avoided her like the plague. They’d only had one full conversation since she’d awoken, and it was when she assured him that she would keep him out of Azkaban. He’d shook like a leaf for hours after that, so completely consumed by his guilt. It wasn’t even a full day until he regretted asking for her help in protecting him. Hadn’t he put her through enough? She should have sent him away. Like Ominis, she had voiced her concerns, tried to stop him. 
The nail in the coffin was the letter Anne had left in Feldcroft. He’d spent hours staring at it, numb to the world around him.
He’d betrayed his best friend. He’d failed to save his sister. He’d hurt the girl he loved. 
He’d lost everything. And it was all his fault. 
He began to ditch classes, spending his time wasting away in hidden parts of the castle. He wished the professors would punish him for his absence, but he hadn’t heard even a whisper of it. Instead, they pitied him, let him mourn the death of his uncle. It just made him crave consequence even more. 
There was a point where he stopped his pathetic sobs, where the guilt and regret were so strong he could hardly feel sorrow. The desperate sadness that had gripped him fell way into a cold emptiness inside his chest. He started to ask himself why he was still there, letting the walls of the castle haunt him. How long could he go on like this? 
He thought about running, for a brief moment. He seemed to be rather good at that lately. But he couldn’t. Maybe he liked the pain of seeing her—maybe it gave him the tiniest flicker of hope that she could move on. 
But over a month after everything had happened, he was still there. And when she stood in front of him in an empty courtyard, expression fierce, he knew he should have ran. 
He’d let his guard down. He always tried to keep tabs on where she was, just so he could avoid something exactly like this. But he lost himself in a weak moment and he was about to pay the price. 
“I can’t do this,” he told her. His tone was even and cold. 
“Sebastian,” she said, voice stern. “I’m not letting you run off this time.”
“I’m not letting you stop me.” 
But he didn’t move. 
He felt frozen in place, seeing her so close. Had she always had that crease between her brows when she was angry? It was a flurry of emotions standing before her—every part of him contradicted himself. He wanted to cry. Scream. Run. Hold her. But he did nothing. 
“You can’t keep avoiding me like this,” she said. “It… it’s driving me mad.” Her voice cracked on that last word. 
His eyes darted down to the ground, unable to take the raw expression on her face as the anger slipped away. “It���s better this way.” 
She scoffed. “Better for who? You’re wasting away, Sebastian. I can see that. And don’t you dare say it’s for me because you will never understand what seeing you like this does to me.” Her voice shook. 
He couldn’t give in. Couldn’t let what she said get past his walls—he fought back. “I don’t need your pity,” he spat. 
“It’s not pity and you know it!” she said. 
He shook his head. “What else would it be? Why would there be any reason you’d want to have me around, if not to try to rescue me like one of your bloody puffskeins?” He was shaking. His fists clenched in an attempt to hide it. 
“I know what you’re doing.” She took a step closer to him. “It’s not going to work. Stop trying to scare me away.”
“Maybe it should,” he growled. 
“I don’t care.” 
That fire in her eyes—the same fire that made him want to know her in the first place—burned brighter than it ever had. He only saw it clearly for a moment before his eyes started  to blur, unshed tears forcing their way up. Her hand reached for his shoulder, but he pulled away, taking a desperate step back. He couldn’t let her in, he couldn’t—
Her arms wrapped around him and he broke down in sobs. 
It hurt, letting all of the pain escape through the cries he had contained for so long. His throat felt raw and his head pounded—but it hurt less when he pressed it into her shoulder. He was holding her too tightly, he knew that, but he couldn’t for the life of him let go. Her hands come up to cradle his head against her, and he can’t help but feel like a child as she pet his hair, soft reassurances muttered into his ear. 
“I’m sorry,” he choked out. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s alright,” she said softly. “It’s going to be alright.”
That was a lie and he knew it, but he couldn’t help the way it seemed to soothe his aching heart. 
“I’ve ruined everything,” he whispered. “Anne, Ominis, Solomon, you…”
“Not everything,” she said, pulling away just enough to look into his eyes. “I’m right here.”
He shook his head. “And I can’t understand it. I… I almost…. You could have died and it would have been my fault.” 
She opened her mouth to speak, but he kept going.
“Do you know what that would have done to me? I couldn’t… I don’t think I could—” He took a shuddering breath. “I know it’s horrible of me, but seeing you on the ground is what haunts me the most. But all of this is destroying me. I can’t take back what I’ve done. I can’t undo it, I—”
She shushed him softly, and he realized he’d been losing his breath again. He tried to follow her as she took deep breaths. “You’re right, you can’t undo it,” she said softly. “But we have to keep going.”
“How?” His voice broke. He couldn’t find it in himself to care.
“I… I’m still trying to figure that out myself,” she admitted. “But we can’t do it alone.”
He closed his eyes, resting his forehead against hers. “I can’t understand why we’re still here.”
“Because I love you.” She said it so simply. As if it was the most obvious thing in the world—maybe it was. Maybe that’s what it took to go to such lengths for someone. 
“I love you, too.”
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lutiaslayton · 7 months
Hello! You seem to be knowledgeable about Japan-exclusive Layton stuff so I wanted to ask if you knew how many chapters were there in Mansion Of The Deathly Mirror? I tried to look it up myself but I couldn't find an actual answer
Thank you for all your translations btw I really appreciate them!
Hi, and thanks! <3 There are six chapters in total. For more info, I will simply give you (and anyone else who reads this) a Reddit post:
This post explains everything we know about Mansion of the Deathly Mirror and how to deal with the fact that this game is lost media.
That link aside, I have a transcript planned for Mansion of the Deathly Mirror just like I did with Chelmey's Casebook and London Holiday, but I don't even have the full first chapter completed yet, so I'll have to catch up whenever I have the time and materials to do so. I haven't had the time to work on it in many months, but don't worry, I haven't forgotten about it and I WILL make a better, FULL version of the translation, as soon as I can get to it (but right now I'm kinda supposed to be preparing for my PhD defence hahahahaha).
Now for some ramblings related to the above-linked Reddit post. Long story short: we have chances of securing the game. But for that to happen, we need to be patient, and we need to be silent. If you ever find footage of the game on youtube or elsewhere, no matter what you do, leave the player alone.
Let them upload at their pace and gather the crumbs as they fall off the table, because asking for them to let you eat the whole cake has never worked in the past. By that I mean: asking someone who owns the game "hey can I see your cool shiny thing asap plz plz plz" will result in that person blocking you, no longer posting any footage or content related to that cool shiny thing, and possibly disappearing off the face of the entire internet forever. I am neither joking, nor exaggerating.
I'm not talking that much about MotDM because we don't want to get too much attention drawn to it for the time being. But don't worry, if this game ever is found (and we have a whole team searching for it, we're just secretive on purpose -- for the reasons I mentioned here and for those that are explained in more detail in the Reddit post), we WILL make sure that the fandom knows about it. It's mostly just that right now, the only person we know who has the game and is somewhat willing to make a playthrough does not want any unwanted attention, and this person is not a friend of ours. They will stop uploading if people ask for them to upload faster, and they already threatened once to delete all their videos when someone asked them if they could "share the ROM." (No. No they won't. And even if they were willing to, we can't even make anything out of a ROM yet because of the hardware being stupidly complicated anyway.)
So there you have it -- your answer is "6," and I could have left it at that because I have no strict obligation to say anything more since you didn't ask for any other info haha.
Unless you want to dive into this endless rabbit hole, I highly suggest you just keep that answer, leave it at that for now, and go about your day minding literally anything else. We will get back to you and the rest of the fandom once we have real news about it! It's just that for now we're all stuck in limbo hahaha, there's some stuff done in the shadows but nothing worth hyping about until we're done with it. I mean -- we can't do anything until the one (1) person who owns the game decides to upload more footage of it. Given how desperately lost this game is, we should actually be happy we get to have anything at all, even if even NWoS might come out before it.
[EDIT] Needless to say, the player who is sharing some gameplay footage does NOT know that I have a website with the beginning of a fan-translation, and if they learn even so little that it exists, they are going to have a heart attack and will likely delete their entire playthrough. And nobody wants that.
I personally won't celebrate and heave a real breath of relief before footage of the full game from start to finish with as much content as possible is secured, which is why I don't talk about it a lot. I'm just paranoid that something might go wrong like it already has multiple times in the past hahaha
DO NOT show my website link around at random until I say it's ok to do so. And if you share it with friends, ALWAYS mention that I am the one running it. That way if you or your friends have questions, you know who to ask for explanations.
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pluppsauthor · 1 month
OC Interview
Thank you to @kaylinalexanderbooks and @tildeathiwillwrite for the tags! I'm a bit behind on some of times, but that's alright :)
Rules: answer the following questions in the perspective of one of your OCs!
Last time I did Dusk, this time I'm going to go with my main man Jesse Graves from my (still unnamed) western WIP, as well as a randomly decided character... the wheel says... Reven from Frequency: Forsaken! (Jesse's answers are in orange, and Reven's are in blue)
Are you named after anyone?
"Hmm... Well, I named myself, but 'Jesse' is a common name. Especially in the east. It wasn't after any one person, just the first name I thought of." "No. It's not even a name. Short for 'Revenant', should say all it needs to."
When was the last time you cried?
"Men don't cry. That's what I like to tell myself, anyway. In truth... every time I'm reminded of the people who died by my hands, I cry. May their souls rest in peace." "I've lost my limbs, been burned, and had my head cut off once. I don't cry any more, I can't."
Do you have kids?
"No. And I'm not looking to start a family right now either." "No."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"I don't really like to joke around. If I say something, I mean it. Simple as that." "HAHAHahaha, only when I'm cocky. What's the point in being serious? Takes all the fun out of it."
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
"How they carry themselves. If they walk with the confidence of a killin' man, or the regret of one, then I know to keep an eye out. Beyond that... I see if I recognise them." "I don't really pay attention to other people that much. I guess I notice if they might want to kill me, but they can't anyway, so what's the point."
What’s your eye colour?
"Brown, like the colour of my hair." "Blue? Why are you asking?"
Scary movies or happy endings?
"I've heard of the theatres in some of the big cities out far to the west. But I haven't seen a movie myself. But between scary stories and happy endings? ...There's no harm in a happy ending I suppose." "Nothing scarier than what I've been through, and there's no happy ending waiting for me... But a scary movie is more fun."
Any special talents?
"I'm a quick shot. My soul's a little unique too. But if you're looking for tricks, go see a priest or a witch. I'm not one for magic, so I don't have many special talents." "Yeah, I can't die. Anything more special than that?"
Where were you born?
"Don't ask me that. It's not important, and I don't want to tell you." "What does it matter? North City, the one near that rocky coast? I couldn't bother to remember."
Do you have any pets?
"No. I have my horse, Biscuit, but I wouldn't consider her a pet." "No."
What sort of sports do you play?
"I don't play any sports. Some people to the north consider marksmanship a sport. But I don't." "What are these questions? None, I don't have the time or interest for that."
How tall are you?
"I don't know, 165 maybe?" "Seriously, I don't care. 170, 173 maybe?" (Both in cm)
What was your favourite subject in school?
"School?" "Okay, one more of these questions and I'm done. Who do you take me for, some rich kid who grew with real grass on his lawn?"
What is your dream job?
"Dream job? I don't got one. All I want is to be at peace. Forgiven and without anything I need to do." "Alright, I'm done. I don't know why you wanted to ask me these so bad, but I've had enough. I'm done." *sound of door slamming* (Real answer would be to kill Dusk, nothing else)
Great round of questions this time. (Shame Reven left) But now onto the tags! Gently tagging... @kbwritesstuff, @illarian-rambling, @xenascribbles, and @leahnardo-da-veggie. Open tag as always to anyone who wants to hop in! ❤
Here are the questions!
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
[I'm stealing the easy copy/paste format >:)]
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silvergomez · 8 months
House Of Ashes In Among us 6 : Dead Body
*Body reported*
Joey : Well, I found Dar's body alone in the dark.
Jason : Just that? More details..!!!
Joey : I found his body on the balcony. I just didn't see anyone around.
Jason : I see...
rachel : This is suspicious...
Nick : My God! Guys stop nonsense, it's obviously Salim!
Salim : What? Me again? I already said I had nothing to do with this, I proved my innocence!
Nick : Negative! You may have escaped being caught as an impostor last time but now there are no excuses!
Jason : What it is? It doesn't make sense to be Salim!
Nick : And why not?
Jason : He was with me the whole time after the first vote! It can't be him!
Nick : Oh... Well, anyway Salim is not innocent!
Clarice : How are you so sure of this?
Nick : Because I'm investigating this case! My main suspect is Salim!
Joey : It's ok! But there's no proof that it's him, right? So for now let's just skip it!
Nick : Do we need proof??
Clarice : Of course yes, idiot! If not, we may vote for the wrong person.
Salim : I just don't understand why you don't like me.
Nick : I know you are the impostor! And if that's the case I really don't like you.
Salim : But..But I'm so kind.... Why hate me like this? I'm not an impostor, right?
Nick : Keep your words to yourself! I do not trust you! I don't trust! I will prove that you is the impostor no matter what I do!
Rachel : Guys.. Stop! Let's not vote for anyone! I don't think it's Salim anyway. We will not vote in this round.
Nick : What? Serious?
Salim : Thanks...
Clarice: That’s fine for me.
Joey : I agree too.
Jason : If it's for this bitch's happiness.
Nick : Shit..whatever..
*No one was ejected 1 impostor Remaining*
Rachel : Don't worry Salim, I will prove your innocence...
Salim : Thank you for helping me prove my innocence Rachel, I don't know what I would do without you now.
Rachel : No problem, now let's continue doing the tasks.
Clarice : What's your problem man? Accusing the guy like that out of nowhere! You could have been ejected.
Nick : I know he's the impostor, just because I don't have proof doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Clarice : Don't be empty-headed! Think with the brain you have. My God! It's not difficult to behave and don't do stupid things until the next meeting, okay?
Nick : I won't do anything wrong.. I promise...
[Joey walks to the lab]
Joey : well, I have three tasks here, I hope it doesn't take that long.
Merwin: Badah!
Joey : Outch! Don't scare me, Egghead!
Merwin : Egghead huh? That's not what your mother told me yesterday while she was in my bed.
Joey : Oh I see, hahaha.
Rachel : Are you guys going to stay here talking about each other's moms? Don't have any taks to do?
Joey : Of course! I was already going to do mine.
Rachel : And you ?
Merwin : I was already going madam!
Rachel : That's how I like it... Everyone obeying me... Aaahh Oh damn! I have tasks too...
[ Everyone was doing their tasks, right? But someone sneaked into the ventilation and is now sneaking in there. oh no! He is sabotaging the ship]
*Sabotaged ship*
Clarice : You have to be joking!! *Puts hand on face*
merwin : Who was the idiot who did this???
[Everyone goes towards sabotage, and luckily they manage to do it before the ship explodes. How lucky! Then before they can breathe a sigh of relief a body falls among them all]
merwin: Oh fuck!
Rachel : Looks like we have a new corpse on our hands...
Jason : Oh God and now?
Joey : Let's report!
*Body reported*
??? : hahahahaha, It's so funny how they fall for my words... manipulable...
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kemetic-dreams · 10 months
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Why is it every move I make turns out to be a bad one? Where's my guardian angel? Need one, wish I had one I'm right here, shorty, and I'ma hold you down You trying to fuck all these bitches? I'ma show you how But who-? (Name's D, like you, but my friends call me Damien) And I'ma put you hip to something (uh-huh) about this game we in You and me could take it there, and you'll be The hottest nigga ever living (that's a given?) You'll see Hmm, that's what I've been wanting all my life Thinkin' about my little man, so I call my wife Well, your dada is about to make it happen (What you mean, my nigga?) I'm about to make it rapping Today I met this cat, he said his name was Damien He thinks that we're a lot alike and wants to be my friend (You mean like Chuckie?) Ha ha, yeah, just like Chuckie (Dada, looks like we both lucky) Yeah
The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog How you gon' see him if you living in the fog? The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog How you gon' see him if you living in the fog? The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog How you gon' see him if you living in the fog? The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog How you gon' see him if you living in the fog?
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Ay-yo, D (What up, D?) You's a smooth nigga I seen you when nobody knew who pulled the trigger Yeah, you know, it's always over dough You sure? I could have swore it was over a hoe Nah, nah, that ain't my style (igga, you stay fronting) But you're still my man, and I ain't gonna say nothin' Got some weed? Go 'head, smoke it (what?) Go 'head, drink it (what?) Go 'head and fuck shorty, you know I can keep a secret (aight) I'm about to have you driving, probably a Benz But we gotta stay friends, blood out, blood in Sounds good to me, fuck it, what I got to lose? Hmm, nothin' I can think of, any nigga would choose Got me pushing the whips, takin' trips across seas Pockets stay laced, nigga, I floss Gs For that nigga I would bleed, give him my right hand Now that I think about it, yo, that's my man!
The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog How you gon' see him if you living in the fog? The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog How you gon' see him if you living in the fog? The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog How you gon' see him if you living in the fog? The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog How you gon' see him if you living in the fog?
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You like how everything is going? You like what I gave ya? You know if you was going down, I'd be the one to save ya But yo, I need a favor, these cats across town hate me Plus their behavior hasn't been too good lately What? Anything for you, dog, where them niggas at? 38th from Broadway (aight, let me get the gat) Run up on 'em strapped, bust off caps in four niggas Laid low for 'bout a month then killed two more niggas Now I'm ready to chill, but you still want me to kill Look at what I did for you! Dog, come on, keep it real! Aight, fuck it, I'ma do it, who is it this time? Ayy-yo, remember that kid Sean you used to be with in '89? Nah, that's my man! (I thought I was your man?) But yo, that's my nigga (hey, who's your biggest fan?) Either do it or give me your right hand, that's what you said I see now, it ain't nothing but trouble ahead (uh-huh)
The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog How you gon' see him if you living in the fog? The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog How you gon' see him if you living in the fog? The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog How you gon' see him if you living in the fog? The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog How you gon' see him if you living in the fog?
In the fog, the fog, living in the fog How you gon' see him if you living in the fog? How you gon' see him if you living in the fog? The snake, the rat, the cat, the dog To be continued, motherfuckers Ah-hahahahaha
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vanillaxoshi · 3 months
New part’s here hahahahaha ehem- lemme just start with re-creating episode 11
“Are you sure you wanna take Tapops Savage Trial?” asks Admiral
‘No! It has already started to get annoying so can we quit?!’ thought Petir
“Yes Admiral!” answered Tanah
“Are you aware what will happen if you fail the savage trial?” 
Cahaya wasn’t paying much attention to any of them, he was just looking at Fang, he felt something odd from him
“-Planet Volcania” he (Cahaya) perks up at the name and turns to listen to Admiral
“A planet full of active volcanoes and molten lava rivers!”
“Uhh…What exactly is this Savage Trial?” asks Tanah
“The savage trial is a stimulation test to find a power sphere hidden in planet Volcania” said Commander 
Cahaya looks back at the planet hologram, he didn’t notice Admiral’s smirk
“So where are we supposed to find the power sphere?”
“Right there! At the volcano summit!” points Commander at the hologram 
“The volcano’s summit?!” exclaims Air
“Conserve your energy before you reach the summit!” said Commander walking around the hologram 
“Also there will be two teams in the retrieval, team A and team B”
“Huh?! Two teams?” exclaims everyone 
“Man! This is going to be fun!” said Api excitedly 
“That’s correct!! Team B will CONSIST! All of you!!” said Commander pointing at all of them 
‘Wait?! Was it just me or Commander did not include Fang?’ thought Cahaya, he looks at Fang who wasn’t looking at him at all, Cahaya thought maybe Fang did not notice his stare unknown to him Fang glanced back at him as soon as he stopped starring 
“-Awesome” Cahaya heard Angin and Gopal exclaiming that after they convinced Api who was pouting knowing that they aren’t splitting and fighting each other 
“Then where’s Team A?” asked Yaya 
“Team A has been deployed on Planet Volcania!” 
Hearing that Cahaya felt a little relief, maybe he was just overthinking 
“They are already in place?” asked Tanah
“Ah oh they already had a head start over our team” said Ying with a hint of worrying 
“ENOUGH! The time has come to begin the savage trial! Ochobot!”
“Yes Admiral” said the yellow power sphere, entering in the room
“Oh it’s so pretty” exclaimed the Y duo
“And hot” said Air while wiping off his sweat
“Already!” chuckled Api
“I am the water element after all” said Air lazily at his brother 
“Where should we go to look for the power sphere?” asks Daun looking around 
“How about we split?” asked Cahaya
“We are not splitting!” said Petir glaring at Cahaya
“But-“ before Cahaya could continue he was cut off by Tanah, “Petir is not wrong, the three of you still don’t have powers”
“We are eleven people here, we can split in groups of five and six and look for the power sphere! It can also come as an advantage to attack Team A or fool them in a way possible” said Cahaya trying to make them understand 
“But-“ before Tanah could say, Angin broke him
“Cahaya’s right, it would make the work easier” said Angin keeping his hand on Cahaya’s shoulder 
“And it’s just stimulation Tanah, you don’t have to worry that much” said Gopal
“Sighs! Ok then, Yaya, Ying, Gopal, Fang and-“ “Me! We are in one group” saying so Angin drags them with him while Tanah just sweat drops at his behaviour 
“Looks like we are going together then” said Petir walking forward to another direction 
“Let’s just get this over with!” saying so Air follows Petir, they all move forward and Cahaya for once glance at Fang’s disappearing figure, he was feeling worried but he did not know why
“Yay! We made it!” Gopal said as he cheer up along with Angin
"Let's go!" Angin said 
“This whole test wasn't all that bad after all. Moreover, seems like I'm the one who found this first!”
“Shadow attack!” Fang suddenly attacks him
“Owww” Luckily Angin was able to dodge it
“Fang?" Yaya and Ying ask feeling odd
“Dey, what's the matter with you?" Gopal asks curiously. But then, another two-people appeared and that's how Fang confesses that his mission is to stop all of them
(Yes! I am skipping Angin and Gopal’s crying track on Fang’s “death” lol….though the other elements know about this drama as when they were doing that Ying was informing them where they had reached and Cahaya was annoyed on their drama but he was more confused after hearing from Commander that Fang had already moved forward, he really wanted to know why?)
The four of them were fighting against Team A when Fang accidentally went overboard and nearly push Angin into lava of the volcano
Meanwhile with others 
“Wait isn’t it Angin?” Cahaya said as he heard someone’s voice and immediately went after it 
“WAIT CAHAYA JUST DON’T-!!” before Tanah could finish or stop Cahaya, Api and Air runs off too following him, “NERD! WAIT FOR US” 
“API!! AIR!!” Petir exclaims in disbelief at his brothers’ behaviour 
Daun was about to follow them but was held back by Tanah on time
Air stops running on mid way when he notices something and stops Api as well
“What are you-“ 
“Isn’t that the power sphere?”
“Heck yeah! We found it-“ 
Both of them turns towards Cahaya who had shouted Angin’s name and right now helping him as he was half-asleep. They both nod at each other and runs in their direction 
“Angin?! Angin are you alright?!” asks Cahaya helping him out
“Why…why are you doing this Fang?” whispers Angin and looks towards Fang
“I- I am sorry. I am under orders” said Fang sadly trying to reach out to them
“Doing what and what orders?” asked a confused and frowning Cahaya who was looking at both of them 
“Don’t apologise Fang!” said Shielda 
“Where’s Gopal?” asked Angin
“Heh! There” Sai points at all three of them making Api, Air, Cahaya and Angin look at them who were lying down unconsciously in pain
Api clench his fists, “MY FRIENDS!!”
“Now! It’s your turn Boboiboy!” exclaimed Shielda pointing at them
Cahaya glares at her and was about to retort before-
“Enough! We’ve already defeated them!” said Fang turning back at his teammates 
And that’s when it hit him, don’t take Cahaya as dumb, this was not rocket science or any complex integration question, he could now figure everything out and not only him it seems that Api and Air too
“Are you feeling sorry for them?” Sai questioned Fang
“Since when did you become weak like them Fang?” continued Shielda 
“WEAK?” Api who was already angry got triggered after Sai and Shielda mocked them
“You think we are weak?!?”
“Wait Api” Air tried to calm down Api who did not listen to them and fire surrounded Api. Air was nearly hurt by that move if Cahaya wouldn’t have pulled him back on time. All three of them were amazed as now, Api, finally unlocked his powers!
Api started fighting with them. Cahaya did got little worried as Fang was nearly hurt if Shielda wouldn’t have protected him on time. He turns around looking for Petir and Tanah who have not arrived yet. Air was helping Angin
“API!!” Daun shouts who came along with Tanah and Petir just in time to see Shielda slamming him to the wall
Air holds his shoulder, stopping him and calmly saying, “Don’t worry Daun, Api can handle it!”
“Enough!!!” the siblings heard Fang telling Shielda to stop
“Enough you say?” And with that Shielda got thrown away by Api’s attack
“I was correct this isn’t just some stimulation” saying so Cahaya turns at Tanah, “We gotta stop him! He’s going out of control!”
“Don’t bother it! He will eventually calm down” said Petir calmly 
“Yeah?! But he’s attacking recklessly what if he hurt them or hurt himself?!?” replied Cahaya angrily 
“Rapid fire attacks!!”
“Api wait you’ll hurt them!” saying so Tanah starts moving towards Api who was pushed back by the force
The siblings widens their eyes on it, Cahaya and Petir runs towards Tanah and pulls him back, Cahaya holds Tanah back along with Daun who was with Angin while Petir shouts at Api angrily telling him to calm down. Api was too angry, he doesn’t hear any of them and continues attacking Team A
“Flaming punch!”
“DODGE!!” But it was too late. The three teenagers collapse on the ground. Cahaya groans annoyingly at that reckless move, he wants to go and help but he knew he could not 
“Take that! Now’s your guys turn to taste defeat!” The four siblings at the back heard Gopal’s voice loud and clear but that was not what they just heard, they also heard sound of the molten lava boiling up and felt the place shaking 
“What?” Fang questions but it wasn’t only him who had the same question 
“The lava has become unstable after Api’s attack!” said Cahaya after widening his eyes 
“We gotta stop Api!” exclaimed Tanah worriedly
“API!!!” Air tried to approach Api but got thrown due to unstable volcano
“SAVE AIR PETIR!!”after hearing Angin, Petir looks at Air’s direction and saves him using his lighting speed just on time
“HELP! Please abort this test Admiral! The volcano’s gonna erupt!! WE ARE IN DANGER!!” Gopal’s panic voice somehow reaches them and Cahaya closes his watch which he just connected to call Commander 
“Hiya!!” somehow Api’s power makes the volcano react and others widen their eyes at this
“Api” Daun mumbles being scared and holds Angin’s sleeves who was holding him back too
“Api it’s enough!!” Tanah shouts at his direction who turns to look at him and maybe was realising a bit when he noticed worn out Angin, him (Tanah) and his younger siblings worried 
“Api calm down! Remember who you are!!” Fang shouts after Tanah 
“Calm down Api!” Api turns at Air who was gently smiling at him which somehow made him nearly calm until Sai retorts and use his powerful attack
Api immediately sharpens his eyes and dodges that attack which resulted an unconscious ‘Wow!’ from Air
‘It’s coming back’ thought Cahaya but Api easily surprises them by catching the shield hat
“Okay, that’s unexpected!” Petir whispers that to himself 
“You think such a pathetic move could fool me?!?” said Api clearly mocking Sai
Everyone widens their eyes at that move and before anyone could say anything Api throws the hat back at Sai
Tanah tries to run towards Sai’s side in order to protect him but Admiral comes to the rescue!
Admiral calms Api down and they all return back to Tapops station through portal. Team A and Api apologies to each other and Gopal, Ying and Yaya surprises Admiral by showing him the power sphere they brought with them. Fang tries to talk to Cahaya ignores him and leaves which did not go unnoticed by anyone present there
Tanah makes Api apologies to Air for attacking him unknowingly while Petir makes him apologies to Tanah for the very same reason. Cahaya was sitting there going through his tablet as an excuse just to ignore Fang who was still apologising to him ignoring about his self esteem right now
“Haya! Please listen I am sorry don’t ignore me”
Angin and Daun were enjoying the show sitting nearby while Air was sleeping
“I am really sorry Haya don’t ignore me please!”
Cahaya was about to get up and go from there but Fang held his hand, again requesting him but Cahaya snaps at him back
“You just do what you feel right isn’t it Fang?”
“Can’t you think before doing something! You are dense than Api Fang!!”
“Wait- doesn’t dense mean thick? He’s thicker than me?!?” whispered a shock and confused Api
“Stay quiet Api” said Air while shaking his head at his twin’s statement 
“I am sorry Haya! I swear I will not do it again!” said Fang apologetically while looking down
Cahaya sighs and smiles softly and forgives Fang who hugs him in-return. The siblings present there smiles while Angin and Api fake cries 
“How about I teach you flying space ship!” Fang exclaims that suddenly after breaking their hug
“Are you trying to bribe me?”
“Well if you don’t want-“
“I never said I don’t want it!”
“It’s fine just forget about it-“
“FINE! I accept it!” said Cahaya while huffing 
Tanah smiles at their interaction and follows Petir who had already walked out
“Sorry again Haya that I didn’t tell you”
“Tell me what?”
“That- I was in Team A?”
“I understand you were under orders but why are you apologising for that?”
“Wait- so you weren’t angry for THAT?!?” Fang widens his eyes 
“You thought I was angry for THAT?!?” Now it was Cahaya widening his eyes in disbelief 
“You did not know what I was angry at and kept apologising? Unbelievable” saying so Cahaya gets up and leaves from there
“Wait- Haya!!!” Fang follows him back 
“Wow! The plot twist!” exclaimed Api who laughs again with Angin
“That makes me think, what is Cahaya angry at if not that?” asks Daun
“Yeah good question!” said Api and turns to Angin, “What do you think?”
“I don’t know? To be honest even I thought that Fang didn’t tell Cahaya he’s in other team is the reason! Is it because he attacked me?”
“But he already apologised to you and you forgave him for that!” said Daun
Air shakes his head and turns another side mumbling, “Unbelievable”
I still have not read the comic on Gur’latan arc I mean I do know what has happened and have a lot of idea on it but did not read it so I doubt I could even recreate an episode on that though I very much want too…..anyways will see about that!
And thanks 😁
first of, YOU
your making me want to continue that wattpad story i stopped writing(septuplet au adaptation of the show) and want to improve it.
second off, having them split up is cool knowing theyre one too many and this is another nice adaptation and dang what is cahaya mad about with fang?
i dont know nothing bout the full gurlatan arc story so its good
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pancake-breakfast · 8 months
When I said I wasn't ready for this to end on my last post I didn't intend to then not post until the weekend, but somehow using TriMax to try and soothe my JJK feels didn't seem like a good idea, so here we are.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 14, Chapters 4-6 below.
Chapter 4: Never Give Up! Never Surrender!
CW: Blood (in color)
This honestly seems like an odd title given how suicidal our main character is, but let's run with it. Maybe it's referring more to the Earth Fleet.
Vash, asking important questions.
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WTF, why is dead Legato just standing there screaming? Like, yes, I get that him standing around screaming in an unsettling fashion is totally in character for him, but... he's dead, yeah? Or... is it Vash screaming? I mean, I feel like screaming is generally the appropriate response to Legato showing up.
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What the...? Surprise Wolfwood. He looks in pretty good spirits for a dead man.
Dang, that's a lot of ghosts.
OMG it's REM.
Wait, is he dying? Like, I know he's dying, but is he dying dying??
Oh, he hit a wall between him and them. He must not be quite gone yet. But gods, his hair looks fully black here.
Oh, wait. It has just a bit of lightness in it still.
Vashie looks sooooo tired.
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Meanwhile, humanity is trying its very, very best to communicate with the Plants Knives has absorbed.
Ooh, looks like the Plants are forming Opinions.
That's a big boom.
Oooh, critical failure for Earth Fleet.
The good news is Knives and/or the Plants he's merged with just saved all of Humanity on Noman's Land. The bad news is everyone still has to deal with Knives.
Hahahahaha, this kind of spirit is the soul of Trigun. Thanks, girls.
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You're right, Meryl. It's absolutely too heavy a burden for him to carry alone. I hope he knows you feel that way. And not just you, but so many others, too. I hope he's at a place where he can accept that.
Wait, what cracked Meryl's helmet?
Eyyy, Vash is conscious again!
Chapter 5: Ticket to the Future
Where's he stuck? Limbo?
Ahhhhh! He heard Meryl's words!
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Oop, feather to the face for Vash, too.
I like how he calls himself Vash the Stampede in his head. Not Vash. Vash the Stampede. You have to say the whole thing.
I still don't know what the hell he caught, if anything.
Dang, Knives isn't even gonna bother slaughtering the humans. He's just gonna leave them to rot.
What is that noise, Knives? Is it maybe your sisters? Are they now making their noise un-ignorable?
Were you really united? Did you ever actually check with them? Or did you just assimilate and assume that because the assimilation took, they were in agreeance?
It's not just Vash at this point, though, is it?
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Wait, is Vash gonna plug into Knives? Ohhhh, he does not look enthusiastic about this move.
Sooooo much giant Plant underboob.
Oh, Vash is going to plug himself into the connection they've set up to try and talk with the Plants. That's hella dangerous. Has he ever been plugged into anything before? What if he can't maintain his sense of self in there? Though I guess Chronica could when she plugged into Domina... but that was only a fraction of the entity Vash is gonna jump into, and the entity he's gonna jump into includes Knives.
Hahahaha, I feel like Knives telling Vash not to touch him is exactly the fuel Vash needs. Big sibling energy here.
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This looks distinctly unpleasant for the both of them.
Everyone's screaming for ice cream here.
Eyyyy, the giant fused entity is dissolving! Presumably into feathers.
Yyyup. Feathers. Weird-shaped feathers.
Wait, is Vash falling?
More screaming, but this time in Japanese.
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LOL, it's not tenacity but recklessness. Fair. This is Vash we're talking about.
I feel like I keep saying this, but Knives doesn't look so good.
I keep saying that about Vash, too, but it continues to be true.
All these freaking feathers. I'm STILL blaming CLAMP for this.
Chapter 6: Mind Games
Memories for everyone!
Yeah, Meryl's allowed to panic a bit when she gets inundated with foreign memories again.
But look at her, doing her best to stay focused. She knows Vash is at his limit and she's doing her best to support him.
UGH, HE CAN FEEL HER EMOTIONS!!! HE CAN FEEL THEM!!!! That there's a rare genuine Vash smile. He may not know if it's gonna work, but he's so grateful for her effort and support. He's glad she's here for him right now.
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This is a Thing. Everything dissolves when communication ends. When there's no more room for it, whatever the reason may be.
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Heh, they call Vash "Red Brother." I approve. I think he'd like that.
Love and Peace, yo.
They're leaving Knives.
I bet in Stampede, if they get this far, everything will dissolve into flowers. That is NOT LESS CLAMP-LIKE.
Ooof, there's just a mess of bulb-less plants lying everywhere now. That seems dangerous for them.
This guy doing what he can to communicate via a feather. I approve.
This scene. I love this scene. I love the tenderness of his touch on the one Plant's head. I love how he changes his words from a statement of fact, a demand and a command, to a desperate request. I love her smiling peacefully through her tears.
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Vash is up and on his feet!
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After watching Stampede, I read somewhere that someone was saying how those who were familiar with the series were gonna have fun explaining to Stampede-onlies how Knives getting destroyed in July is just him being dramatic. Looking at him missing HUGE CHUNKS of his body and yet still somehow maintaining his basic shape, I can't help but think he's being dramatic again.
"My head's killing me." You don't say? Maybe it's because HALF OF IT IS MISSING?? What a freaking dork.
I... honestly don't know if what Vash is aiming for here is something that can be defined as "freedom."
Howwww can there only be two chapters left??? [insert panicked hyperventilating]
Chapter Archive
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Archive Intermission for Formatting Reasons!
Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8 || Vol. 11: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 12: Covers + 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 || Vol. 13: Covers + 1-3, 4-6, 7-9 || Vol. 14: Covers + 1-3
Extra Credit Archive
Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel) || Vol. 11: New Hair, New Outlook
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italeean · 1 year
Drabble Event Bonus Day
A/N: After so much time, here it is!! The drabble for the amazing friend, and super cool tumblr user, @jettori 😸 Thank you for your friendship and support, I'll treasure it forever 🥹 And thank you for the ship we chose... you really wanted to give me a gift, huh? (Let's say that I like those characters A LOT... for reasons) Ti mando un grande abbraccio e tanti biscotti 💚🤍❤️ (I'm sending you a big hug and lots of cookies)
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"Oh please, keep up with your sassy comments and see where it gets you." Kuroo said with a fake-sweet and sassy tone to the younger guy who was helping him with the cleanup. Bokuto and Akaashi had decided to not join them for that special training session because they thought that training more before dinner was already enough.
Actually Akaashi, helped by the rest of his team, made Bokuto give up on that idea and go to bed. No one wanted to know how cranky the ace could get without resting properly...
"Is it sass, though? I'm just telling the truth here..." Tsukishima said, completely unaffected by his senpai's indirect threat. The rooster-head just chuckled to himself and went on with his cleaning tasks, keeping up the playful banter with the blond.
However at a certain point, he just decided it was enough. When the taller boy said something about him being Kenma's mom, he just knew he had to take drastic measures. He quietly approached the clueless teen and suddenly jabbed his side, which earned him a jump from his kouhai.
Tsukishima glared at him with a surprised and slightly nervous expression and he glared right back with a huge smirk. The ravenhead didn't advance any further, he just said two words. "Run. Now."
It was all the younger guy needed to sprint right away, trying to make a beeline for the exit. However, luck wasn't on his side, in fact he tripped on the net that was laying on the floor and even got an ankle stuck in one of the holes.
He cursed and tried to free himself, but his hands were shaking in nervousness and anticipation (although he'd rather die than admit it), so Kuroo easily managed to catch up to him. "Would you look at that? I don't even need to pin you down, you did everything by yourself~"
As soon as he saw ten wiggling fingers ominously coming his way, Tsukishima intensified his struggle, but it was all in vain. The rooster-head's hands went straight for his sides, spidering up and down trying to get a reaction out of him.
It was both hilarious and endearing to Kuroo how his kouhai squirmed and bit his lip to hold back his laughter, but he knew it wasn't going to last long. A giddy smile was already taking over his face and his breathing was getting heavier with every second.
Kuroo's intuition was correct, as soon as his fingertips prodded on the teen's ribs, the dam broke and a stream of giggles filled the whole room. "Kurohohoo stohoHOHOhop ihihit rihIHIHight nohow!!" The blond tried to bark orders, wirh scarce results, given his position and who he was talking to.
"Trying to tell me what to do, huh? What if I don't want to listen to you? What would you do?" He sassed while his hands were going up, painfully slowly, towards the poor teen's underarms. "NohoHOHoho not thehehere!! DoHOhon't yohou dahAHAHare!!" Tsukishima yelled instinctively.
"Not there? Hmmm... if you don't like me tickling you there on your ribs, I'm sure you won't mind me going up~" Before the taller guy could register and elaborate what was going on, an excruciatingly tingly sensation sent little electric jolts to each and every one of his nerve endings.
"PFFT- HAHAHAHAHA KUHUHUROO NAHAHAHAHAT THEHEHERE!! GOHOHOHO AHAHAWAHAHAHAY!!" He laughed so loudly that one might have thought he was being murdered. "Not the ribs, not the underarms... you should stop making demands, you're in no position to do so." Kuroo stated in a fake stern tone, laughing a little when no comeback came from his underclassman.
"Tell me, which one tickles more? This one?" The ravenhead poked quickly the center of his friend's left underarm, "Or this one?" He did the same with the right one, watching the blond go crazy. "NOHOHOHO OHOHONE SHUHUHUHUT UHUHUP!!"
"Oya oya oya? That's not nice... now I'll continue until you give me an answer and apologize... maybe this will teach you a lesson~" Hearing that, Tsukishima quickly said that his right armpit was more sensitive, even though it was a lie, they were both equally ticklish.
However, it wasn't enough for Kuroo to stop. He wanted an apology and he was determined to get it. Eventually, the taller guy gave in and yelled "IHIHI'M SOHOHORRY JUHUHUHUHUST STAHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIT PLEHEAHAHAHSE"
"Oh, even a please? You must be serious then..." The rooster-head said while getting away from his underarms and freeing his ankles from the net, satisfied with how his plan of leaving it on the floor as a trap had turned out. Tsukishima just laid there, panting and getting in some much-welcomed oxygen.
When he finally recovered, he got up, refusing his senpai's help because he still had some pride left, and asked "How did you know about... you know what?" He found it strange how the Nekoma captain went straight for his worst spots even if he'd never tickled him.
Kuroo decided it wasn't necessary to tease his friend any more and answered directly "Yesterday I saw Yamaguchi poking your side when you refused to get up to do your stretching routine," He smirked, enjoying how Tsukishima's expression changed when realization hit him "and I decided to ask him more about this little weakness of yours. Poor boy, he was so intimidated that I didn't even need to corner him... he just told me what I wanted to know. He even tried to lie at some point, but he was like an open book. Apologize to him for me, I think I quite scared him." He concluded while he was exiting the gym.
Tsukishima left soon after. His knees were still a bit wobbly, but he was able to walk anyway. His cheeks were still slightly flushed, but his eyes were sparkling with evil. He went directly to his room, where he found Yamaguchi alone since everyone else was still chatting or having dinner.
The freckled boy greeted him with a smile, but his cheerful expression fell as soon as his gaze met the blond's one.
"Hey Yamaguchi, have you ever heard of the word 'betrayal'?"
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nori-the-cat · 2 months
i'm really excited about your new tarot segment!!! So Who’s in riize romantically interested in who in the industry? Or in the company if the previous ask too difficult for reading... thank you!
Important Note: This is a tarot reading for entertainment purposes only.
/scratches head/ Anyway, I knew this would happen…
Girly tbh I don't know what u want from this information but these boys are hopeless romantics with nothing happening in their life HAHAHAHAHA but oh well /shrugs/
The boys are somewhat interested in "someone" or have a crush on "someone" but the intensity of pursuing that person is different for each member. Most of them are interested in someone “successful”.
imma let u take a guess which letter belongs to which member~
Member A is focusing on his career and dealing with pasts hurt (five of cups in reversed). He may not be actively looking for someone (the chariot). But he is kind of stealing glances at someone in the industry. She is someone influential, independent, and passionate, possibly someone in a leadership role (Queen of wands).
Member B might be hesitant to pursue someone in the industry due to fear of rejection (reversed Fool). He seems to be attracted to someone nurturing, creative, and beautiful. However, he may be focused on achieving success in his career first (The World). Tbh, his love life is not making any progress, he feels limited in his options or doesn't know how to approach this "someone" (eight of swords). I think he might be open to a serious relationship with this person (the world).
Member C shouldn't be thinking about his love life honestly. But I digress. He's a little frustrated and unhappy. I'm not sure if he is interested in someone but he might be open to finding love with someone who brings him joy and success (The Sun). I say this because he may have had a relationship that didn't work out, causing some indecisiveness (the lovers reversed). At this point in his life he's open to new connections and might be looking for someone emotionally available. Why? Cause he might need extra attention and affection. ASDFGHJKL. Right now he might be dealing with unrequited love or one sided love.
Member D might have a crush or some sort of infatuation towards someone? Maybe an admiration? Somewhere in between these energies. Anyway. He might have an idealistic view of someone in the entertainment industry (the star). He may have been attracted to their talent or charisma, but he's cautious about pursuing anything serious (the devil reversed). There is some internal conflict or hesitation here (reversed knight of wands).
Member E has attraction for someone in the entertainment industry too. However, it's not definitive if this person is a celebrity, idol, or actress specifically. He might be drawn to someone who is ambitious and goal-oriented (Knight of Wands) but also grounded and successful (King of Pentacles). This member is very career oriented that he wants someone career oriented too.
Member F, is, another broken-hearted member. Yikes. He might be drawn to someone kind and nurturing in the industry (the empress). But he may have had a past heartbreak and is hesitant to jump into another relationship (three of swords reversed). Right now he might be unsure of his feelings or who to pursue (seven of cups).
Member G might be keeping his feelings hidden (The Moon) or unsure if his attraction is real. Heads in the cloud type of guy. I think he's more focused on what the relationship would bring him if they're together (justice). He values fairness and honesty in a relationship. might have hidden feelings for someone reliable and dependable (knight of pentacles).
Based on my reading, it's possible that member A or C might be open to a relationship with someone famous, while member D and B seem more hesitant. Member D, F, A, and B all show strong feeling for having romantic feelings for someone in the industry. However, each faces internal struggles or external circumstances that might hinder their pursuit. Tbh they're scared it will be backlash and ruin their career.
Overall: It's difficult to pinpoint exactly who in RIIZE has feelings for someone in the entertainment industry. The cards suggest some members might be interested but cautious due to past experiences or career focus.
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On the topic of gilfs. Can you imagine how the horror guys would respond to this phrase? Like, I'm pretty sure that Inkubus knows about this a little TOO well. Drayton, I'm pretty sure, probably hasn't heard a thing like that and is just asking why he gets the occasional heart eyed look. Jim... I'm not sure if he'd know or not, but I bet he'd get SO smug once he finds out/someone reminds him.
You know I love talking about the old folks. Here we go-
Old Folks reacting to you calling them a GILF (Grandparent I'd Like to Fuck)
Captain Spaulding: He thinks this is so fucking funny XDD He's gonna make so much fun of you. You want this wrinkly old dick?? That's what you're into? Fuck!- You're something.
Drayton Sawyer: Omg the picture you painted XD Like- what's that?? Bubba, what- what is that face she's givin me? What do I look like, a snack food?? When someone tells him what (he is) GILF is, he thinks its a mean joke. Like yeah, make fun a' the old guy, ha ha ha- fuck you.
Granny Boone: Hell yeah I am!
Inkubus: Like you said XD Tell him something he doesn't know, honestly-
Luda Mae Hewitt: ... Are you messing with her?? =_= If not, then she's so flattered, haha XD She thinks its so funny, and its been a while since someone complimented her!! ^^ <3<3 If you're a victim, though... she's not gonna react.
Manual Dyer: How nice of you to say, dear. Would you like to be his 27th wife?
Mayor Buckman: He's choking again. You what!?-
Peepaw Myers: ... *stabs you*
Norman Nordstrom: Uh... really? He's not gonna show it but he is intrigued by this and will be thinking about it to himself for a while. You think he's handsome?? You wanna fuck him?? Can he use this to get you to have his child? Hmmm...
Otis B Driftwood: Yeah whatever, good for you, I don't give a flying fuck.
Pamela Voorhees: hahahahaha you're so funny! be sure to lock your door tonight, okay dear? i heard their was a murderer around... (you are in peril.)
Sheriff Hoyt: ... ladies love a man in uniform.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Stuart Lloyd: So many things going on in his head. Like really?? Are you making fun of him?? Do you actually think he's handsome?? How old are you?? How does he respond?? What does he say to that?? Are you laughing?? He wants it to be true but he's suspicious.
Walter Harris: He's flustered but also READY. Like, he thinks you're gonna fuck him right there?? Calm down Walter.
Dr Peter Andover: ... excuse him, he needs a vat of coffee to deal with this. Be right back. Here's a pamphlet about Freud to peruse.
Ivan the Awesome: ... what!???? Very alarmed, staring you down, hoping to god you're joking-
Jim Bickerman: Smug, yes XD Like, oh really?~ Gilf, huh? He's gonna keep that in mind for later when their aren't any crocs around okay?~ (he'll come back for you 🤣🤣)
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howlingday · 1 year
Setting - People scream as they flee downtown Vale. A war machine is on a rampage, destroying cars and smashing building walls. Inside, a madman cackles in his revelry as police are powerless to stop him.
Lisa: We are live here in downtown Vale, where the recently escaped convict and gang leader, Roman Torchwick is causing as of yet untold collateral damage, with an unknown number of civilians injured. Police are caught in a devastating warzone as they battle the criminal, who is inside what is confirmed to be a Paladin-class mechanized exoskelton. As the carnage continues, everyone's minds are focused on the singular question;
Lisa: Where is the Red Hero?!
Roman: AHAHAHAHAHA! Hello, people of Vale! Roman Torchwick is back, and bigger than ever! With that Little Red nuisance gone, I OWN this city, and not a damn one of you can stop me!
Terra: What should we do?
Saphron: What can we do? Our car has been destroyed, and we were lucky to be alive when the police showed up.
Terra: I know you don't like her, but... I really wish Red Streak would be here.
Saphron: (Sighs) I hate to say it, but I wish she was here, too.
Adrian: (Looks up at his cowering moms, Crawls through barricade holding a red cape)
Terra: Adrian? ADRIAN!
Saphron: NO! COME BACK!
Officer: Ma'am, you need to remain calm and stay behind the barricade!
Saphron: But that's my son out there!
Roman: Huh? Well, well, well! Look who it is! It's Little Red herself! And I guess she lost weight, huh? HAHAHAHAHA!
Terra: (Sobbing) THAT'S MY SON!
Saphron: (Sobbing) THAT'S MY BABY!
Adrian: (Ties on red cape, Glares at Roman)
Roman: Well, aren't you brave? Are you going to fight me yourself, Little Man? (Steps forward)
Adrian: (Puts up his fists)
Chief: (Feels something on his shoulder, Plucks off a rose petal)
Roman: (Stops, Scowls)
???: Hey... Red Hero...
Adrian: (Turns around, Pulls off hood)
Ruby: (Smiles)
Adrian: I knew you'd come back.
Ruby: (Chuckles) Sorry for the wait, and, uh, thanks for stepping in for me. You're very brave. (Crouches down) But right now, your moms need you to keep them safe okay? Just like your uncle would. Don't worry about Torchwick. I got him.
Adrian: (Nods, Runs back to his moms)
Crowd: (Cheers)
Ruby: Uh, excuse me, but could I borrow your megaphone?
Chief: Yeah, sure. Here.
Ruby: Thanks. (Clicks megaphone)
Roman: Oh, you're actually going to fight me now, Little Red?
Roman: YES!
Ruby: WELL, I'D HATE TO DISAPPOINT YOU, TORCHIE! (Hands back megaphone, Sighs) Just another beautiful day in the greatest city in Remnant.
Roman: (Charges forward with Paladin, Launching all weapons at once)
Ruby: (Weaves around zooming projectiles, Smiling)
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lutiaslayton · 4 months
I'm sure you've heard it before but I just wanted to say thank you so much for your attentive documentation, translation and obvious adoration for professor layton! Your work is truly a treasure trove for the series and it's incredibly generous of you to share it with everyone! Very excited to see your translations of the novels :) !!
Thank you so much for your message! There are indeed some times I look back on how it started-- Initially this really was all just for the sake of my personal fanfiction research, but whooooo boy did past me have no idea of the size of the rabbit hole she was about to dive into.
It's such hard work that it simply felt natural to share it and spare others the trouble! Especially if it also could give others the chance to not only use my finds for their own fan content (be it encouraging people to draw the underrated obscure character Jeremy Campbell, or... having people genuinely create content inspired from my puzzle theory??? guys it will never not be so, so flattering and wholesome 😭💖), but also maybe, just maybe, encourage them to give me a hand just a little bit hahahahaha. At the very least, I'm glad that my lore analyses are getting your brain cogs running every now and then, giving you new ideas and sharing with me deductions and observations I had missed!
I do wish I had more time to myself right now, because I am admittedly spending way more time than I'd like on stuff that is all at the same time tedious and Layton-related, but that I also can't "really" share here because it's mostly background tasks such as doing research on lost media and doing some coding and cleaning up my local files for the sake of making it easier to find X and Y content + sharing it ASAP... But the thought that it's all going to be worth it the day I get to share it with you all and that this is for the better good of the whole fandom is keeping me going <3
I do think I might need to make a priority that post I planned to write about how I do my translation work without actually being able to speak Japanese. Perhaps if I finish and publish that post some of you guys will be motivated to help me translate things faster 👀
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