#i'm not actually insulting taylor in this so not tagging as such
outrunningthedark · 2 years
My real big problem with BuckTaylor is him wanting to date Taylor in the first place despite knowing what she almost did during the brownies accident, which also happened briefly in Season 2 until he decided to be with Ali because seriously, it just makes him look very stupid in comparison when he can be more than that. The only real acknowledgement to Taykay's behavior from the firefam that I remember of is that during Jonah's investigation via Chim and Hen's silent gesture, the same episode we're seeing her "true nature anyway" so it's redundant and Athena talking about her to Lou which does not go anywhere and she does nothing with it afterwards.
Babying Buck or not, Taykay's writing is riddled with stupid, stupid decisions one after another.
Look, it's really easy for us as viewers to question the choice to bring TayKay back as a real LI and then never truly address her previous behavior, but (IMO) we would have a better understanding if we thought like a show runner.
*LI is going to be temporary, mostly to fill the void left by Maddie (one woman leaves, another is available) and Madney as a couple. What would be faster/easier? Creating a whole new character, or reinserting someone the audience doesn't have to get to know? *LI's career should have some sort of connection to the first responder life so she can fill those gaps in screen time, but not be important enough where her presence or absence affects the overall story. TayKay is a reporter whose segments meant crossing paths with the firefam, but once the narrative shifted she was easily swapped out for another voice (they don't even need to be seen!) who could do the exact same job. *Not atoning for prior actions served two purposes: keep any newer members of the audience (s4 was when the fandom *really* took off, I think) from dwelling on a past version of a character they never knew, and hope that by not having Buck or any of his friends question why he'd get involved with her again, the audience wouldn't think twice about his change of heart. And for the most part, it seemed to work, especially around here. We've seen the gifsets about #charactergrowth after 4x11 when she made her "celebration" at Buck's about solving two cases rather than a promotion. Hook, line, and sinker. (Good thing those edits don't circulate anymore!) *Her work didn't negatively impact the people in Buck's life (this part is important - those of us who always saw TayKay for what she was had no problem criticizing her obsession with solving the husband and wife murder plot or how she tells other people's stories to hide from her own, but none of that hurt anyone directly connected to her bf) until it was time to end the relationship. When her quest for the truth crossed the line for the second time, Buck realized she was never truly going to prioritize their relationship or his trust in her over a chance to make headlines. Does it make sense? Not to people who over-analyze and assume the show runners like to have some grand plan at all times. But remember what Kristen said after 5A - TayKay wasn't even supposed to be in as many scenes as she got that first half despite being a reporter. She was always meant to be a "for now" option, not "forever", and the writing had to reflect that. (Unfortunately, not everyone could see the story for what it was, hence the panic over trying to legitimize her as Buck's future from Buddie fandom and then the BeeTees claiming the show switched things up last minute because they couldn't handle the idea that their fave was made "better" until the show brought all the mains back where they belong.)
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meraki-yao · 11 months
The taylor zakhar perez hashtag just full of praise for Nicholas acting and twitter full of anonymous messages asking for his recast because he's not as good as Nick. That shit hurts and I can't even enjoy the new content I'm tired of the hate that man has been getting for a year and a half (it's not about Nicholas I love him so much)
First and foremost this is awful and Taylor doesn't deserve any of this unfair critism that are frankly insults, it's fucking sick
I will say this about the acting (and I'm typing this while listening to the podcast where Matthew talks about how well suited the boys are for the roles)
Both of them nailed their roles. But because of how the roles are written, certain things show easily than others.
Henry is more emotional sensitive and "broken", and because that's kind of an unhealthy mentality which isn't the normal state of human being, it's easier to pick up, which is why even with a surface glance audience can pick up on Nick's intensity and level of performing. For example, Henry spiraling on the lake. It's a crescendo of negative emotions, and you can see it go from opposite of the previous emotion (happy and content) to increasing panic and heartache.
Alex is the healthier one, in the movie he doesn't have much baggage as Henry does, but he does have baggage. At first Alex might seem like a sunshine puppy or something but if you paid attention to the details which Taylor does, you can read so much more. His fingers fidgeting whenever he's nervous like when Henry's taking off his clothes or Zahra barging in looking out. Like him clenching his jaw and watching every second of Henry's face when he goes in. Like how you can feel the aggressiveness in him die down as Henry shouts his thoughts during the Kensington confrontation. Like how fucking in love he looks all conveyed in his eyes.
So TL DR and this is my understanding of the performance: the tricky part for Nick is not to go overboard so that it's too dramatic to the point of being unrealistic, while the tricky part for Taylor is too not under perform it that Alex becomes one dimensional. AND BOTH BOYS NAIL IT PERFECTLY.
But for people who watch it passively, or watch it with negative assessment already in mind, it's easier to miss Taylor's details than Nick's details.
But this is a speculation from the acting perspective as to part of the reason why Taylor's getting so much shit
Also Twitter people are just another fucking type of crowd who mostly should use their life to do something better (I'm not on Twitter and never will be) and I'm convinced that there's still racism involved in these commentary even if it's internalized or latent
Anyone who says Taylor should be recast or is not as good as Nick either didn't actually pay attention to the movie or don't understand Alex. Taylor read the book 8 times. Matthew and Nick, the two most important people in regards to his performance, have nothing but praise for him.
Taylor is Alex, just as Nick is Henry.
Hopefully after a while these stupid "opinions" die down and only intelligent/genuine/constructive comments will be left and things will get better. And I truly hope Taylor can see more support than insults. He doesn't deserve any of this.
I'm sorry that this has affect you, and I understand it. Honestly this is why I don't directly look at tags, especially the actors' tag, block whoever I don't wanna see or deal with, and don't go on Twitter.
Just from my experience on dealing with shit like this, I would say give yourself some distance from RWRB and social media for a bit, even if it's a day or two, and come back when it hurts less. Take a bit of a break. And avoid places you know you will see shit like this as much as you can.
Both of the boys did amazing, and imo perfectly in the movie and in these roles, and they deserve all the love and support. Both of them.
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 years
Giving you an excuse to info dump about the magical girl au all you want bc I think it’s so cool and wanna hear ur inspiration for the designs
Okay here is the info dump I promise. Also thank you for all the tags they were all very nice, and they really push me to create more :)
Normal: As I always say with his design its winx and cheerleader inspired, I already dweled on the first one in a previous post so I'm gonna skip that.
I really wanted to incorporate a star motive in his costume (thus the star top which I adore but was a pain to choose colors for), because I just think it fits him very well, he does lose some of the teenie memorabilia (without the SD for san dimas and the T's in his design) because I thought it is reminicent of his departure from the costume, yet it comes after his "trying not to be himself" phase (the third outfit) so it does bring back the previous colors.
He has teal as his main color because I really like the idea of the Oaks being green, but because ge doesn't quite fit (and because he is the new generation pc) he gets mix of blue and green which is teal (also because blue and white are the schools colors but i only found that out later).
His "trying not to be himself" costume brings in elements of the others costumes, with the chunky shoes and wings from Normal, he is trying to his friends yet pieces of himself still poje through. It has red and blue for Taylor, purple for Scary and yellow and white from Link.
I imagine this look comes after his confrontation with his dad (I want him to try to not be a magical girl for a while, like with the dance arc, and when he tries to transform after his outfit glitches and his powers malfunction, later it turns into this when fightning before he has his realization and it goes to the powerup version).
The last outfit is just his everyday (I considered drawing the teenie suit but It didn't fit on the page unfortunetly lol), I imagine he wears a lot off school merch because he still misses teenie (and yes it still very much stinks).
I think he looks the most like the classic magical girl, I really enjoy the poofy skirt because I didn't draw a lot of skirts here (it either defies logic or has shorts underneath because a skirt is not practical)
Scary: again I think I talked about the first outfit previously, I did tweak the colors and design a little bit (I struggled with the hair color a bit) but nothing very major changed.
She has purple and red (classic villian colors because she is cool and edgy). I think I started this before the betrayl but the second powerup outfit definitly happens after the reveal.
She has a lot of punk and rock influance in her outfit (and yes the platforms are impractical but they do add to the vibe). She gets cool chains but no wings. Also the prop is the Kellog knife.
Her everyday outfit is one I designed a while ago yet really like (I actually made a Scary doll and She wears the same one).
Taylor: god this was such a hassle for color choices it was terrible, just hard to draw in general and I did the Hermie powerup too many details abomination.
He gets flaiming hair like his dad, its also blue like his dad. Its definitly sailor moon inspired (I'm debating whenether Hero hates super gero Taylor or likes him, either way she does point out the sailor moon similarities either as an insult for being unoriginal or as an admiration thing because she does like sailor moon) (I just realized if I make Hero a superhero she gets the tuxedo mask inspired design for sure).
There was samurai inspiration in this (thanks Usagi chronicles you have ridden my mind) and his second outfit has a very faint flower pattent which I really like.
I think apart from power up link he has the most armor. He does get wings but they are tiny and don't really work at first but then do in his power up. Which he might get after going to hell. He does get a tail which I forgot to draw and his ears get pointer (he does also have fangs which Scary is jealous of).
He gets a staff in classical magical girl fashion (and because of his sword staff) and a katana which he does summon and do cool anime stuff with, and it does catch in flames. I really enjoy the Taylor is disabled headcanon thus the staff and i do think he has compressors in his costume.
Hermie: my boy changes designs way too aften, there is his everyday pre magic (he does get the joker stuff still).
He is a magical girl that kinda just joins the gang and is kinda a trickster, Taylor and Normal don't realize he is actually Hermie for a while (Normal doesn't know the longest) while Link and Scary know very quickly (Link is annoyed at Normal for not realizing it and it becomes a gag).
There is his 1 magical girl outfit (its practiclly the same to my previous drawings of him as nothing really changed), then there is his accident outfit (he gets it after the cheese accident), his two-face arc (also talked and shown this one previously), his after the accident everyday and then his power up.
God does it have many details, there is joker, poison ivy and two-face as inspiration in it (his hat has leaves for ivy and coins for two-face). He gets two eyes in his mask and more trickstery look in ode to his father scam. I was really inspied by court jesters and harlequins. I like how he ends up looking like a fea. Oh also question marks for riddler.
He is a silly little guy and I adore him but drawing that again will be a pain.
Link: finally my boy, after Normal he was the second finished drawing. I had a slight problem with his colors, finally picking almost white, yellow and really light green.
His norma outfit is the most practical and soccer players inspired. He gets cool lightning and angel imagery (I really enjoy his contrast with Scary with her purple and black and his yellow and white). He gets cool glowing eyes because I am a sucker for inhuman traits.
His second outfit is very palladin-y, I think the lightning kinda looks like corruption which I really enjoy, he also probablly gets it after Scary's betrayl.
There is gold and copper in his design as accents. The wing shoes were hermies inspired. He gets a glowing sword. I really enjoy some of the biblical imaginery he looks connected to.
Like I said I might honestly make more refrence sheets (I am working on kiddads designs and some other charakters, escpecially villains, but that is a bit harder for me to design so we'll see). Anyway hope this wasn't too ranty and feel free to ask anything or add ideas.
Also thank you @rooolt for giving me an excuse to infodump I am a sucker for charakter design and analysis so its very nice to rant about my choices.
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gayloringinplainsight · 4 months
Genuine question after seeing your response to that other anon: how would you react if she came out as bi?
Also I almost agree with the other anon. I think the aggressive hetlors are worse, but I think all the points they made seemed reasonable. Mostly because any time I try asking another gaylor a good faith question about ‘what if some signs actually meant something slightly different, like she hasn’t been bearding she’s just been bi and dating both men and women’ I get screamed at like you screamed at the other anon.
I feel like Taylor is in an impossible position, because the biphobia I have seen from some gaylors is absolutely unreal and every bit as bad as the homophobia I’ve seen from hetlors. If she comes out as gay, the hetlors are furious. If she comes out as bi, the biphobic gaylors will say it’s a baby step toward a Real coming out without invalidating her whole narrative (aka not believing her), AND the hetlors would be pissed.
I don’t think she would call herself a friend of Dorothea if she were straight, so I’ll leave that option out.
Again. Not all gaylors as biphobic. But holy shit, some of the things I have seen (and blocked) in this tag. Or been told.
I think we have to write the hetlors off as a lost cause, but I want her to feel like gaylors will at least stick with her and believe her if it turns out she was bi for some or all of this time. I feel like I never see that in the tag, though. I’ve seen people saying it would be appropriative because she had Me out on lesbian visibility day, but… I’m Taylor’s age, and all WLW were ‘lesbians’ in middle school bathrooms. And lesbian has historically included bi women under the label, even if that’s changed in recent years. (When I was in college running the campus GSA, lesbian still included bi women)
Basically, this is a lot of dithering to say that I’m worried about Taylor. I’m worried she thinks we’ll leave if she’s not a gold star lesbian. I’m worried she doesn’t know that not all gaylors are biphobic assholes because I just…never saw that vitriol getting shut down by other gaylors. My blocklist is huge because of it.
I don’t know if she’s bi. She might be a lesbian who dated men before realizing. She might be a lesbian who was in comphet but not bearding relationships as she tried to make herself straight. She might be a lesbian who was still groomed by older men who convinced her they could change that. She might be a gold star lesbian. I don’t know! I can see the signals meaning any of those options tbh. Because she has to talk in code, we can’t be 100% about anything. And I’m worried that she thinks she’ll lose EVERYONE if she comes out as the wrong thing. Does that make sense?
Basically, I want to know what other gaylors would do if her identity matched her YNTCD hair dye. I try to keep up to date on the tag, but you know how tumblr is. I might have missed posts reassuring her that we would stay regardless. That we would believe her. Because all I’ve seen were posts about how there was no need to worry, gaylors would understand if she called herself bi to cover up her narrative, and we would know that ACTUALLY she was a lesbian all along, etc. (this was admittedly a long time ago and I blocked whoever said that)
Anyway. If you think even suggesting she could be bi is an insult, just… Don’t even bother replying. Block me instead. Sigh.
If she's bi then she's bi and that would be awesome. I'm not sure why you think I'd have a problem with that. I'm very careful in all my posts to refer to her as queer because we don't know her label.
I interact with a LOT of gaylors because I'm very active in the gaylor subreddit, and I don't know anyone who would have a problem with her being bi or would abandon her for it. Sure, some suspect she's a lesbian based on recent flagging but everyone acknowledges that we don't know for sure.
I must not be hanging out in the same gaylor spaces as you because I really haven't seen much biphobia. But maybe we have different definitions of it. It's not clear what exactly you're referring to so I'll say a couple things on the subject.
First, it's not biphobic to suspect she might be a lesbian. There's been a ton of lesbian flagging on eras. There's also been bi flagging and pan flagging throughout the years. Simply having an opinion on her label isn't in and of itself biphobic.
It's also not biphobic to think that her public relationships with men may have been PR. Now if she were a normal non-famous person who dated both men and women and someone claimed that the relationships with men were fake, that would absolutely be biphobic. But she's not a normal person. She works in an industry that famously employs and requires PR relationships. Even straight people have PR relationships. There's a great resource on the subreddit that talks about how to recognize PR relationships and why celebrities use them. Personally I'm fairly certain that all the public guys have been PR. I've also seen some compelling evidence that she may have dated men privately, e.g. Martin Johnson. So just because someone thinks that the public ones are PR doesn't mean that they think there's no way she could be bi.
Lastly, I didn't address this in the other anons ask but since you brought it up, I think the idea that if Taylor were to come out that that would also mean she's co-signing every single little theory that gaylors have is ridiculous. And the idea that this is what's keeping her from coming out is also ridiculous. So is the idea that some rando on Tumblr who wants her to be a lesbian is keeping her from coming out as bi. She'll come out when she's ready and I think the overwhelming majority of gaylors will celebrate whatever label she claims.
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ma-lark-ey · 6 months
✪ malarkey's intro post 2.0 ✪
░!! have you done your daily click? !!░
░ greetings & salutations. since my original intro post is kind of messy, I'm making a new one!
ー name lark / magnus
ー age / birthday nineteen / may 5th
ー pronouns he/him/they/them
―●○◎ other socials/blogs ◎○●―
― archive of our own: ma_lark_ey
― tumblr: marauders side blog
― tumblr: poetry side blog
― spotify: malarkey
― discord: ma_lark_ey
― pinterest: mxlarkxy
―●○◎ fandoms i'll tag/post:
all for the game (the foxhole court) / harry potter / the marauders era / red, white, & royal blue / percy jackson / magnus chase / check, please! / the extraordinaries / simon snow (carry on) / the mortal instruments / taylor swift / hermitcraft / the adventure zone / dimension 20
―●○◎ also, here are my fics that I still think are readable. ◎○●―
(otherwise known as, the collection of fanfictions I actually think are well written and not the ramblings of a lunatic (re: not written in a cripplingly intense hyperfocus.))
Separated by fandom
Carry On ―
― Winter Gardens [NR/6k]
"Simon Snow was (almost literally) scooped out of the trash by Davy Cadwallader when he signed his contract to become 'the next big thing' at just thirteen years old. Now, at eighteen, the years of sidelining his health in the name of his producer's standards are catching up to him, and the public's beginning to notice. It probably doesn't help that his boyfriend's vague-posting insults to his producer, either... Or that people are onto the fact he even has a boyfriend."
― are not created equal [NR/4k]
"Carry On where Everything Is the Same(tm) except Simon Snow is Deaf. And also autistic. Baz has like an ounce of emotional literacy but that's less important."
Critical Bits ―
― there must be something in the water [T/3k],
"Gerry had forgotten that even he deserved to be treated with respect, even he deserved to be able to feel safe in his own schools. His new science teacher is there to remind him of that."
― remember when... [T/6k]
"Simply a study of the Finch siblings from Brantley's birth to Brantley's high school graduation. It was supposed to focus on the trans!brantley headcannon, and then the Brantley kinnie start slipping out. So now we have this."
Dungeons & Daddies ―
― is that my face!? [G/36k]
Nick decides to go to church camp with Grant just so he doesn't have to be alone. He wasn't ready for... Whatever the fuck he's got himself into. This kid has his face, and for what? Nick's heard of dopplegangers, but this is just absurd. Much more absurd that they have the same fucking name.
― day:/time: [G/3k]
In which Grant Wilson haphazardly keeps a diary of his first few days in Faerun and the set of twins weirder than the Oak's that have taken him under their wing.
― apples never fall far [G/3k]
Henry always saw his transness as an afterthought, a part of himself that burdened others to hide away and talk about as little as possible. Lark always saw his transness as something that permeates his identity, affects each and every way society treats him. Something as innately a part of him as autism. Both have always seen their transness as a piece of them they cannot change, even if they tried.
― Stampler: A Documentary by Paeden Bennetts [G/10k]
what if the boys never went to Faerun? What if faerun didn't exist and they were simply kidnapped by their grandparents? what if, over a decade after the fact, young film major Paeden Bennetts, the youngest kidnapping victim, gathered the doodlers to film a documentary with a true to story recount of the events?
― laundry basketball [G/3k]
Grant is struggling with cleaning his room due to a hard hit of Depression, so, he calls Terry to come help him. And who's to say if they kiss once or twice? It's not gay to kiss the homies.
The Extraordinaries ―
― you're alive in my head. [NR/3k]
"should've kept every grocery store receipt / 'cause every scrap of you would be taken from me. / Watched as you signed your name... / ...All your closets of backlogged dreams / and how you've left them all to me. / What died didn't stay dead." OR: Five times Nicholas Bell missed his mom and the one time he didn't
Harry Potter ―
― this was a therapeutic chain of events [M/71k] [ongoing]
"Sirius Black was not looking for a relationship. He had a book to finish, deadlines to meet, and too many issues to drag another man into his life. He's already got two roommates and a toddler to worry about. Remus Lupin was not intending to look for a relationship. Between the service dog, the chronic illness, and the special interest in the Marauders book series, he doesn't have much game, either. James Potter did not even have the time for a relationship if he wanted one. He had a toddler, surgical residency hours, and Sirius to keep an eye on. His hands were full. Regulus Black had never even considered finding a partner. His brother gave him too many abandonment issues for that shit. He could never stoop that low. And then they all wound up in the same bar one night."
― never learned to read your mind [series] [T/132k] [ongoing]
“I’m trying to raise you to be a functioning adult, Albus. Do you want me to just stop being your father? Would that make life so much easier for you?” Albus knew that sometimes the things he said were needlessly cruel, and he didn't care. This was one of those times. “God, sometimes, I wish you weren’t my dad.” His father tensed, and what he said was so much crueller than anything Albus could ever come up with. “Well, sometimes, I wish you weren’t my son.” Or: Five times Albus ran away and the one time Harry followed him
― these hands of mine were clumsy, not clever. [G/43k]
OR: I toyed with the idea of Harry and Ginny having a kid by accident soon after the war, and Harry entering such a deep state of depression afterward he decided it be better he walk out on them than the stay and let his son watch him suffer and now we're reaping the consequences with an eleven year old Potter with daddy issues
Percy Jackson & the Olympians ―
― The Side-Effects of Being the Hero [T/2k]
Percy had always known he was neurodivergent, but since his adventures in saving the world from evil beasts and immortal beings, his mental health has only declined. He's been doing well since the fall of Gaea, but the weight of even causing that much damage weighs on his shoulders, leaving him in harsh nights. Nights like this one.
― home sweet home [NR/4k]
In which; Annabeth never goes home during the Olympian's series. Instead, it's not until after the war with Gaea she makes the ultimate decision to try to reconnect with her family
― wisegirl is live! [T/11k]
Fans piece together that popular streamer B4ckb1t3r's companion, Wisegirl, bears a striking resemblance to kidnapped seven-year-old, Annabeth Chase. Even down to the same name. Isn't that just crazy?
― i wanna know, do you play DnD? [G/3k]
In which: Heroes of Olympus (highly abridged) is actually just a high fantasy DnD campaign of a bunch of kids in their late teens trying to have a good time. That's it.
― let's be alone together, we could stay young forever [G/2k] [ongoing]
In world where fate decides most things, one up-and-coming pop punk band tries to keep their own sticky situations with fates, and the identities of those attached to it, away from the public. And, sometimes, fail.
Magnus Chase & The Gods of Asgard ―
― it's just our bringing that gets us out of hand [M/146k]
After two years, Magnus had grown rather content with his life. He had friends, he had a girlfriend, and he had figured shit out. And then his Uncle Frederick rolled in and said, "I'm claiming legal guardianship of you. Let's move you to New York!" And now he's enrolled in therapy. Lucky Magnus. Or: A No Gods AU where Magnus DID go with Annabeth and Frederick when they came to Boston. Also canon is optional, fun fact.
Red, White, & Royal Blue ―
― CHECK(MATE) [T/14k]
"It's such an unexpected pairing, a hockey player and a punk star. How'd you too meet?" "Oh, well, it's really silly. It actually started when Alex's fans started..." "I met Henry because my Tumblr followers started this elaborate hoax about us being best friends." "And, let me guess, you ran with it?" "Oh, June, you know I commit to a good bit."
― Shouting Into Nothing (AGAIN?) [T/19k]
"How about this," Alex offered, "If I win AOTY, I announce Henry and I in my acceptance speech. If I don't, we do it your way." OR: Alex is a world famous pop punk star, Henry is still the Prince of England, and the public is onto them. (formerly: my songs know secrets you're sick of keeping)
― it's nice to meet you, prince perfect [M/5k] [ongoing]
Two years ago, Mary Windsor passed away at the age of 86. Two years ago, her youngest grandchild, a talented young female singer/songwriter who performed under the stage name 'Prince Perfect,' disappeared within the month. Now Prince Perfect is back from the dead. With an endless amount of cryptic messaging leading to a hidden away album for fans to discovery. An album named 'henry.'
Unprepared Casters ―
― you're on your own kid, you always have been [G/1k]
In which a nameless citizen of the Fey wild contemplates the recent happenings with the Sun (or, Suns) and Moon.
― find a penny, pick it up! [G/2k]
A brief summary of the early life of the eldest Lovejoy.
┌ below are my personal tags & what they mean !
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matan4il · 2 years
what is your opinion of buck telling lucy that he's just glad she wasn't with him(bobby) and lucy smiling, some people have interpreted that to be a romantic moment but I did not get that at all.
Hi Nonnie!
So TBH with you, I didn't write about this because I couldn't be 100% sure whether Buck said, "I'm just... I'm glad you weren't with him" or "I'm just... I'm glad you were with him." I tend to think I hear "weren't," the subtitles in the file and the transcript site say the same, but I know some people heard "were," making this a bit of a mystery.
So, if Buck said "were" then I don't think this line was there to do anything other than get the ball rolling with Taylor's jealousy. Which is ironic, right? We've been waiting for the other shoe to drop when she finds out Lucy is the other woman Buck had kissed in 511, but instead Taylor goes jealous and even dishes out a threat over an exchange that, as far as she knows, is completely innocent, platonic and grounded in a collegial relationship. This would be a really good line to highlight that whatever wasn't working in Buck and Taylor's r/s, it's not just him getting drunk and doing something stupid, they fundamentally lack the trust needed to make one work and are mismatches in terms of their personalities. Can you imagine Buck ever doing something like this to Taylor's cameraman if he sees the two of them having a platonic conversation after filming an intense segment for the news?
If the line was "weren't" I have to admit, I dislike it. Supposedly Buck, looking at his father figure, knowing he could have lost Bobby, or any of the other members of the 118 (since that's the risk when they were ALL in the burning dispatch), somehow ends up telling Lucy the most important thing is that she wasn't under the rubble with Bobby and May. Beyond the fact that I really don't wanna see a Buck/Lucy romance for various reasons, I also just feel a bit insulted on behalf of the team, which we all know those people are Buck's family. And somehow I'm supposed to buy that Buck was more concerned about losing Lucy than about losing any of them? Nah, that doesn't fly. More than that, it's also so unearned. What have Buck and Lucy shared so far, one drunken kiss? One platonic conversation where we didn't see anything between them that runs so deep, it starts veering into romantic territory? We haven't seen anything else between them that could support this notion that Buck feels so deeply about Lucy, that even as he's trying to process the possibility of having lost Bobby, he'd say he's just relieved Lucy wasn't in danger, too. It actually is something that could he could have said platonically as well if it were "I'm glad you weren't with him." It's the "I'm just..." right before that implies this is the main thing Buck's grateful for. Which doesn't work. It still sets up Taylor's jealousy and her ugly reaction, but this time it doesn't work quite the same, 'coz this time it implies Taylor is right to be suspicious and jealous. Still doesn't justify her reaction, but with this version, she's seemingly onto something real. I don't like it because the focus should have been IMO how Taylor and Buck just don't work as a couple. So I truly hope the line was "were" and not "weren't." I do have to say that the "an awful thing has happened and all I could think of was you being okay" trope is usually a romantic one, so I do get where people are coming from with this, though I have to say, if that's what the line was going for, it's not earned, nor feels authentic.
Either way, I see this line as being mostly about setting up the destruction of the B/T relationship from its very core. Because in either case, a part of why it implodes is due to Taylor, too.
I hope this sort of helped, Nonnie! Sorry for the length and in case you're looking for any of my other asks, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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triviareads · 2 years
hi! I wanted to say I loved your johncesca smut fic and I'm excited to read the next chapter when Michael shows up.
I was surprised this was your first time writing smut because I swore you'd written some before haha anyway I don't understand why people are obnoxious about your ship tags if it's a poly romance. Some people really have nothing better to do... 🙄
Sorry for the (10 day?) delay btw- I was stewing over the ao3 comment for a bit bc didn't want to pitch a bitch fit on tumblr, so I held off on replying.
Anyway, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy i touch you (with my mind) and Michael, Francesca, and John. (Also looking at this title, I'm really running out of poetry to steal lines from for my titles. Next I'll have to turn to Taylor Swift or something).
And I'd actually not written a completed sex scene before this! There were bits and pieces but nothing complete. But it's gotten easier since, and I'm hoping to write more in the future, including for this fic if I ever figure out where to go with it next lol. In the meanwhile, you can look forward to Edwina getting the HR heroine treatment.
As for the tagging comment, I don't think that person understands that there can still be two-person groupings within the polyamorous relationship. Which, fine. Whatever. But it is irritating when they're also attempting to gatekeep how I write a character because apparently only Michael is allowed to be a "flirt" or "naughty" or "risqué"? Like, there is variability with all these traits, and they manifest themselves differently in people. For one, I doubt Michael would ask Francesca if she'd liked to be watched while she got off.
But at any rate, who are they to dictate how I write a character? And yes, I'm aware freedom of speech exists, this is an open platform, etc. etc. But internet mores exist as well, and where ao3 is concerned, unless the content in question is grievously insulting (especially towards any sort of minority) or hate speech or something, don't comment at all. Just x out and call it a day.
Hopefully that was minimal bitching on my end. I wouldn't want to stoop to some people's levels where this fandom is concerned.
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When I finished ATW 10mn version I was in tears because of how good and heartbreaking it was, and then I came to tumblr and everyone was being so mean in the spoilers tag. Really instantly shifted my mood. Between this and finding a new favorite movie of all time this week and then seeing it's rotten on Rotten Tomatoes, I'm starting to doubt my taste. And I wonder if I'm just too easily impressed. But imo the song isn't corny and lines like "I come back stronger than a 90s trend" are way cornier. So I think people are just being too nitpicky. I blocked someone because they were like "Taylor added a few seconds of an instrument to this song... She didn't understand the assignment... Literally how is this supposed to be a re-recording?". There are a lot of negative opinions in the spoiler tag, and some are really really insulting and it makes me feel so bad because I actually enjoyed the album... Let's hope that they're wrong and not me. I don't wanna wake up to everyone hating on the album 💀
I'm sure everyone won't hate the album anon and I feel you sometimes you expect every review to align with yours and then people just?? Throw you off?? Lol gotta wait until the album is released for the real consensus to be out!
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theamazingannie · 3 years
Taylor has been around since season 2, you misogynistic piece of shit, and she was NOT introduced, nor does she exist, just to get your loser buddie ass away from the fucking show. She exists because she's a great character, and is with Buck because they ARE good together and DO work well together. You're ignoring the circumstances surrounding the season to nitpick their relationship and you're being an asswipe while you do it. Fuck you, fuck off, hope you choke.
I received this ask two days ago, but I had an overnight shift and then a day shift, so I haven't had the chance to sit down and properly formulate an answer to this.
First off: congratulations! After 8 years of posting my dumbass thoughts on this website, you are actually the first person to ever send me anon hate. This is honestly such an honor; I feel like I've truly made it here. Normally, I would agree that replying to anon hate is fruitless, but it appears my words have been misunderstood and I believe in giving people the chance to explain themselves.
Now, let's get into this. I assume you are responding to the post I made about Taylor Kelly a few days ago (that literally only got like 10 notes lmao) that I began with, and I quote, "I think Taylor Kelly is a really interesting character..." You are correct that Taylor has been around since season 2. For a whole two episodes, which ended in her and Buck deciding they did not want to be in a relationship together. So it's weird that she came back a whole two seasons later (4x08) and soon ended up...in a relationship together. A pretty dull relationship, in my opinion, at least in that way. I like them together. I think they have great chemistry. As friends. I just don't see them in a romantic way. My opinion (which, last I checked, I am allowed to have).
I did not say they were trying to get the "buddie loser ass[s]" away from the show. Or at least, that's not what I meant. I meant that they were trying to quiet the people who ship Buck and Eddie together by putting them both in romantic relationships with women. Coincidentally, at the exact same time (Ana comes in at 4x06 and they start dating soon after that). If you have paid any attention to anything I've said about this show for the last two or so years (or in the tags of the post this is all about), you know that I don't think buddie is going to happen. That's not why I watch the show. Do I hate that they teased me, a queer woman, with a potential romantic relationship between two people of the same sex and then didn't make it happen? Of course. But I'm used to this at this point. It's not why I don't like Buck and Taylor together. It's certainly not why I don't like Taylor, because as stated before, I DO like Taylor. I'm looking forward to getting to know her backstory and her life outside of Buck. I really don't think pointing out the fact that she was written exclusively to be a love interest for Buck (which she was) and saying that I want to see more of her as her own person makes me a "misogynistic piece of shit".
I'd like to close this out as this is already getting too long and I am not nearly liked enough to deserve a long response (or this ask tbh). I don't even know if you'll ever read this; you obviously don't like what I have to say. But hey, I love to talk. It's why I'm here and why I will continue to voice my stupid opinions on here. I do want to end by asking you if a dumb post I made at 4:35am that got 10 notes was worth telling a stranger on the internet that you hope they choke. I'm genuinely curious. If you would like to discuss this matter further, I am totally open to do so. I study psychology and law, so analyzing people and arguing are two of my favorite hobbies. Please leave the insults and death threats at home, though. There is never a reason for that.
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orionsangel86 · 4 years
Regarding this whole drama or whatever the hell is going on, I'm finding it very strange that from "their" point of view and what they're posting about, they're making it seem like you're the one who's bringing all this drama back and attacking them and constantly tagging you to stop it...which honestly leaves me very confused by their behavior because I've seen barely a peep from you about this (at least on tumblr, I'm not very active on twitter). They're tagging you, telling everyone that you're the one instigating it but yet I havent seen anything at all from you trying to defend yourself on this, and this seems like something that if you had supposedly started then you would probably want to defend yourself on. So it doesn't really add up when they're making claims that they're the ones being bullied here. And I'm also less inclined to believe what this person says when I've seen them routinely mock and insult their anons and calling them stupid. At least with you, I can always trust you to be respectful and classy when dealing with things you don't agree with.
I havent always agreed with you on things but you were the first SPN blog I ever followed when I joined the fandom a few years back (the first post I ever saw from you was a meta on the Scoobynatural episode and I thought it was really interesting but I was much too shy to tell you that at the time, so I decided to follow you instead). Despite not always agreeing with you, Ive always still kind of stuck with you because I can handle differing opinions and I appreciate different points of views and you seemed like a very passionate but also still down to earth individual. And I'm not really here to pick a side, just more here to say that I respect you.
And even though I'm not really a Destiel shipper anymore, I lean more towards Sastiel these days, but I do still consider myself a multi shipper so here's my destiel head canon. The oh so famous destiel mixtape, obviously we can bet that Dean has his usual classic rock types on that tape, but I also like to think Cas's tastes in music kind of stem towards more modern style so my head canon is that while Dean was making this mix tape, he was just kind of racking his brain trying to come up with music he thought Cas might like as well. So he just turned on a top 40s radio station and listened and just pulled a few songs he heard on there. But he actually picked music Cas doesn't really like but Cas cares about the gesture too much to tell him so, plus Cas also thinks the songs are on there because Dean genuinely likes them and because these two are so bad at communicating they're now having to pretend to eachother that they like these songs that they both hate.
First of all thank you so much for this ask. I really appreciate you taking the time to give me the benefit of the doubt. Though I will say I did respond to the hate in a post further down my blog in my #fandomwank tag and put it under a cut. I responded once they started making accusations that I was racist and ableist. That is the last post I will ever make about those people. I am trusting regular people like you to consider and make your own judgements on the matter (those that are actually interested that is as I know many people just wanna stay as far away from drama as they can!)
I appreciate you taking the time to reach out. Thank you for that. Just be careful now since you didn't send this on anon.
As for the headcanon ahhhh thank you! I love the idea of Dean sitting down and wondering what other kinds of music Cas likes! He'd be grimacing while listening to some very modern popular number (though he totes nods along to Taylor Swift :P)
LOL they really would do something like that! Both so desperate to please the other they keep up an activity they don't enjoy just to please the other one. Utter dumbasses :P
Headcanon accepted my friend. Thank you so much for that and your kind words. <3
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meyhew · 4 years
i only saw taylor's tweet bc she was trending on tumblr and i am too much of a snoop to not enter the tag, and i get why the joke would bother her i do but... the tweet... she could have phrased it with so much more... idk elegance is not the word i'm looking for but i hope you know what i mean. to me it read like a tiktok of that blonde girl that makes parodies of stereotypical white women
she 1) could’ve left it alone bc the show wasn’t actually insulting her. her dating history has been a running gag for years that even she has joked about. but i see how it can be irritating after all this time so 2) she couldve called out the specific writers responsible instead of vaguely naming the show and unleashing her mindless stans on a black actress who isn’t at fault. it takes two seconds to google who wrote a certain episode of a show. but this whole “Oh woe is me” mindset isn’t new for her
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ledoftherings · 5 years
Thanks for the tag @girlofthemoon75 . .my 3 husbands and 3 side boys. Plus one bonus hunk because I can't control myself.
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Roger Taylor. The husband that would actually work. The mischief we'd get into and fun we'd have. The world would not be ready for the dual threat extrovert squad. And lots of car sex would abound.
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Jimmy Page. He looks like everything I dream a man to but I'm a playful sass bucket and I'm not sure how that would go over. I'd still marry him because I got it bad for this poetic looking bad boy introvert weirdo who i will fight anyone who insults him
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Sebastian Stan. Talented dorkball. I'd marry him but I'd marry 1940s Bucky even more! Gorgeous eyes. Inspired my fav character in my novel.
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Paul Rodgers. A recent acquisition who is suddenly my top side dude. He's like Jimmy but with less appeal but also less edginess and control issues. He vibes like you could tackle him into a mattress or throw him in a pool and he wouldn't be horribly offended and hate you for 20 years over it. He'd probably laugh or pull you with him. He's like Jimmys less compelling little brother with one killer voice that just drips sex sometimes.
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Tom Hiddleston. Need I say more? A gentleman and a nerd. A philanthropist and a sex god. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a dancing Shakespeare nerd with rolled sleeves and gorgeous eyes must be in want or a wife (PICK ME!)
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Robert Plant. I mean he's the whole package with quite the package to go with it. Plus he raised goats and is such an agrarian little hippy at heart. Also this is my fav look of his so if you got more pics of it. Please send them my way.
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And because I'm a Gryffindor and don't believe in rules here's my 7th man. Who I just signed away to @justanotherzosofangirl in exchange for full custody of Paul.
Tagging: @brownskinsugarplum76 @callmethehunter @tangerinecloudbreaker @gimmeeshelter @strange-broo @zosocialogist @squeezemylemon @tremble-and-shake and @starchild0985
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mind-reader1 · 6 years
Queen of Hearts (Ch.17)
Drake x MC (Emma Barnes)
TRR AU: What would happen if Emma loved Drake but had to marry Liam?
Catch up here
Warnings: Some cursing
Note: Enjoy! Let me know if you’d like to be added/removed to the tag list. This chapter is short, but there will be some juuuuuicy NSFW coming Saturday or Sunday. 
Word Count: 2490
Summary: It’s the night of the costume ball, but it’s not a ball without some drama! Neville challenges Drake to a duel, a mysterious woman in red makes an appearance at court with veiled threats. 
Chapter 17: Ours - Taylor Swift 
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Seems like there's always Someone who disapproves, They'll judge it like they know about me and you, And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do, The jury's out, And my choice is you.
So don't you worry your pretty little mind, People throw rocks at things that shine, And life makes love look hard, The stakes are high, The waters rough, But this love is ours,
And it's not theirs to speculate, If it's wrong and, Your hands are tough but they are where, My belong in, I'll fight their doubt and give you faith with this song for you.
“Your dress is magnifique!” Kiara and Penelope came up to the group followed by Madeleine as they all waited to be heralded. Emma was going to answer, but Kiara had already turned on Drake, her eyes raking up and down his body.
“I like this noble look on you Drake.” Emma rolled her eyes. She was starting to think there was only room at court for one bird sigil. Drake cleared his throat awkwardly and practically shoved Maxwell between him and Kiara. Everyone made idle chit chat before it was time to enter.
“Are you ready?” Liam whispered down to Emma. It would be their first time announced at court together, in fact it was her first time being announced to court at all, and it couldn't be with the one person she wanted most. She swallowed hard and nodded.
“Duchess Emma Barnes of Valtoria and his Majesty King Liam!” All eyes turned to them and Emma forced a smile as they descended the stairs.
“This is our first time back at the palace, how are you doing?” Emma couldn't lie she was a little jittery.
“I'll be okay. I'm just worried about you and Drake.” Liam gave her a reassuring smile and watched as their friends were announced by the herald, Constantine and Regina going last.
“I'm okay. Something about Drake is different today, he seems...happier.” Emma nodded, she had noticed it too.
“I wonder if Kiara has anything to do with it.” Liam teased, Emma didn't find it that funny. She swiftly hit Liam, scowling, before anyone could notice.
“Not funny Liam.”
“Got it. Excuse me.” He walked into the middle of the crowd, the conversation stopping as they waited for his speech. He addressed the attack and thanked everyone for being there before Constantine gave a speech, gushing about how he met Regina at a costume ball years ago. Constantine then dragged Liam away and Emma made her rounds until the band began to play. Liam approached her and bowed.
“May I have this dance?” Emma took his outstretched hand and followed him onto the dance floor. As she and Liam spun, she watched as Drake desperately tried to find someone to dance with, the only woman left was Kiara who was eager to see Drake's moves.
“Is there a way we can get rid of Kiara?” Emma muttered.
“No, besides we need all the nobles we can get. I wanted to thank you for your support at the hospital earlier, it really meant a lot to me.” Emma gave him a quick smile.
“I'm working on being a better friend, it seems like you are too.” He nodded, and they suddenly heard a commotion. Looking over they saw that Neville and Drake had collided on the dance floor.
“Walker, I hardly recognized you in that horrendous…thing you're wearing.” Drake rolled his eyes, but Emma had heard enough.
“Where’d you buy that ugly thing? The Goodwill reject box?” A chuckle rippled through the small group that was gathered.
“It's Armani! It probably costs more than your entire Royal wannabe wardrobe.” Neville sneered at both of them, not caring that Emma was the future queen.
“You can dress the peasant up all you'd like, but he'll never fit in! He'll always be the one that everyone pities! Only around to serve as the King's lapdog. He’ll never enjoy things such as this English waltz.” Liam grabbed Emma's wrist before she could lunge at Neville, she ripped her hand away and stared at him in disbelief. She couldn't believe that he was letting someone talk about his best friend like that. Emma was hoping that Drake would punch him, but instead he let Neville turn back to his date.
“Actually, it's a Viennese waltz and you're jumping in on the wrong beat.” A large crowd had now gathered around them and all “oohed” at Drake's insult. Neville was floored, he had never made such a mistake. Drake turned, and Emma saw the smirk on his face. She ran up beside him and threw her arms around him in a hug, before remembering they were in public and taking a step back.
“That was amazing Drake. I've never been prouder of you.”
“You'll never be one of us! You don't know how not to behave like a caveman!”
“Oh really? The man who trips over his own feet and picks fights for the hell of it is calling me a caveman?” the crowd around them began to laugh, some even clapped as Neville looked beside himself.
“I've had enough!” Neville pulled out a white glove and threw it at Drake's feet.
“I, Lord Neville Vancoeur, demand that you meet me in a duel.” Everyone around them gasped, Emma looked to Liam.
“There hasn't been an honor duel in over 100 years.” Emma's mind was flooded with questions, the biggest, what did that mean for Drake.
“I accept.” Drake picked up the glove and glared at Neville.
“Drake!” He met Emma's gaze, both of them holding it a little too long, others beginning to notice.
“Go get him Drake.” He nodded and turned back to Neville. As word of the duel spread though the ballroom, a mysterious woman with red hair and a red dress entered the room, excited for the duel. Emma wasn't sure, but she thought the woman was a Nevrakis. Neither of the men moved though, they stared at each other sneering.
“Are we going to duel or not?”
“To the field.” As they walked out, Emma was right by Drake's side.
“Drake is going to make you wish that you never returned to the palace you pompous ass!”
“Thanks Barnes.” Neville scoffed.
“I'm far more prepared for this than my opponent.” Outside, nobles gathered, whispering with excitement as Emma and her friends crowded around Drake.
“You took a bullet Drake, you can do this.” The first thing Liam had said about the duel all night.
“Guess all the mock duels we had as kids will pay off.” He chuckled nervously. Hana and Maxwell shared words of encouragement with him, even Madeleine came over though she was all about the political angle it would create. He turned to Emma last, she wanted to reach out and kiss him, ask him why he had done it, but she knew. He was finally standing up to all the nobles who thought he would never be good enough, who looked down on commoners.
“Take this, for good luck and be careful.” Emma gave him an extra piece of fabric from her costume, it was the best she could do in front of everyone, but it meant the world to Drake.
“You got it Barnes.”
“Let's begin Mr. Walker!” Neville taunted waving his sword around in a flashy manner. Emma gulped when she saw just how sharp they were. Neville took the first swing, Drake was barely able to deflect. Taking advantage of Drake's offset balance, Neville swung for his head and Drake ducked. Emma latched onto Liam's arm squeezing tight, she hoped Drake would take his own advice about playing dirty because Neville clearly wasn't going to fight with the honor that he claimed to have.
“Do you want to know what I despise most about you commoners.” He said, as if the word itself left a bad taste in his mouth.
“You're going to tell me either way so just get it over with.” Neville struck, and Drake parried.
“That you have no respect for those who are clearly better than you.” He struck again, and Drake barely dodged it.
“I have plenty of respect for those who are better than me, but you'll never be one of them!” Drake lunged, the force sending Neville stumbling back towards the crowd.
“Brute strength, just what I expected from a caveman!” Neville slashed forward with speed catching Drake off guard. He cut through Drake's side, a gash pouring blood out over his coat. Drake gasped.
“Drake!” Emma tried to run forward, but Liam held her back.
“He's hurt, you must stop this duel!” Hana pleaded with anyone who would listen around her.
“Nonsense. Drake needs to lose much more blood before he can stop fighting.” Emma's head was spinning, Drake had gotten hurt again, her mind flashed to the homecoming ball. Neville went after Drake who dove out of the way, scrambling to find his sword.
“Get up Drake.” Emma chanted under her breath.
“There's no excuse for lying around while your head is still attached Walker!” Olivia yelled out. He found his sword before Neville could strike again and they traded parries until Neville saw an opening, yanking Drake's wounded arm into an unnatural position. Drake cried out in pain again, falling to his knees. Neville raised his sword over Drake's head, Emma was afraid she might faint, her knees growing weaker as she clung onto Liam for support like her life depended on it.
“Let this be a lesson to you and that gold digging, commoner whore our king is marrying, you will always end up in your rightful place... in the dirt, kissing my shoes.” Emma was suddenly furious, Neville had just called her a gold digging whore and Liam stood there stoic, watching as his best friend bled at the hands of Neville.
“What do you have to say for yourself now?”
“Get up Drake! Get up!” Emma screeched falling to her knees beside him.
“He doesn't know a single fucking thing about us! Put him in his place! Show him how Americans do it!” Drake locked eyes with Emma, a newfound fury in them. Neville had called the woman he loved a gold digging whore, he was going to pay dearly for that.
“Yeah, I've got something to say. I've got one good arm and you leave Emma out of this!” He stood awkwardly knocking Neville's sword away, sending his fist flying at Neville. It connected with his jaw, sending him sprawling into the dirt. Drake grabbed Neville's sword with his good arm and jabbed the point at his neck, drawing blood before pressing harder, gritting his teeth.
“What are your last words Neville?”
“I yield!” He gasped as Drake eased the sword away just a bit.
“Go apologize to Emma, or I'll draw more blood.” He whispered fiercely for only Neville to hear, but he nodded in understanding before getting up.
“I declare Drake Walker the victor!” Constantine called out and cheers erupted amongst the crowd. Their friends rushed forward to congratulate Drake. Emma threw her arms around his neck, making him stumble backwards and wince.
“Watch the shoulder.” Emma let go carefully, realizing maybe she had been too affectionate again.
“You had me worried Drake.” He got a mischievous gleam in his eyes and winked.
“That was magnifique Drake!” Kiara came over and kissed Drake on the cheek making him blush. Emma suppressed an eyeroll and turned away to find Neville standing there.
“Duchess Emma. I would like to apologize for insulting you. I was out of line and pray that you can forgive me.” Emma was surprised and turned to find Drake staring Neville down.
“Get out of my face before you find out how New Yorkers settle these kinds of matters.”  
“I won't forget this!” Neville turned back to yell before he scrambled away. Emma and Drake's friends continued to congratulate Drake before he was escorted away to get patched up. The crowd filed back inside when the strange woman from earlier approached Olivia. Emma accompanied them inside and they sized each other up, her name was Lucretia, Olivia's aunt. A servant brought them a bottle of Lythikos wine and scrambled away before Lucretia could intimidate him anymore.
“We should toast, our future unconventional Queen.”
“What do you mean unconventional?” Lucretia smiled, but it was cold and calculating, Emma repressed a shiver.
“A commoner by birth, American, the business with that nobleman...Tariq? Quite the scandal, but you've put all those things behind you of course, loyal to your king and fiancé.” Emma forced a smile, Lucretia knew an awful lot about court for not being around, and a little too much about the arrangement. She tried to move on and diffuse some of the obvious tension between Olivia and her aunt, but it only grew as Lucretia revealed she was there to see Liam.
“King Liam was all Olivia ever wrote about after her parents died, she really held a torch for him.” Olivia took a sip of wine to try and hide the color rising to her cheeks. It wasn't much of a secret that Olivia loved Liam, but it was clear Lucretia was trying to get under Olivia's skin.
“So, you've known Liam for quite a while, what was he like as a young boy?”
“He was, how do I put this?”
“A free spirit?” Olivia offered.
“Yes. Though I would call it overly sensitive. He seems to have matured quite a bit now though, standing by and letting Lord Neville say those things, quite the diplomat.” Lucretia mused, Emma clenched her jaw. She needed to talk to him about that, at least Liam's sudden emotional outbursts over the past few weeks now made sense. Emma was lost in her own thoughts about Lucretia's words, wondering how she could know so much, while she and Olivia continued to argue about Liam and her parents.
“Honestly Olivia! It's time to move on! Liam has clearly moved on, it's time to think of your future!” Olivia was taken aback by her aunt's words.
“What future could you possibly be talking about? You showed no interest in my future as a child, so I don't see how it has any relevance now!”
“Your marriage dear. You need to produce a Nevrakis heir. Obviously, you're not going to listen to anything I have to say tonight though so I'll be going. I should mingle with the other guests.” Lucretia swept out of the room and Olivia relaxed for the first time since she appeared.
“Olivia?” Emma was unsure what to say.
“Do you think she's right?”
“Olivia, I… I mean...I.” she held her hand up, stopping Emma right there.
“I can't do this with you, not not tonight. I'll say something I can't take back. Besides, both of them will be falling over themselves by now, trying to find you.” Olivia downed the rest of her wine, disappearing back into the ballroom, Emma not far behind. As she approached her friends, she could hear them praising Drake, giving him endless food and drinks. She wanted to join them but, saw Bertrand hovering at the edge of the room watching Savannah before running off. Emma chased after him, and after offering her help and expertise after learning what finally happened between them, she was able to help Bertrand get a date with Savannah. Maxwell found her shortly after and was chatting animatedly about how happy he was for Bertrand and Savannah when Drake sidled up behind her.
Tag List: @notoriouscs @brightpinkpeppercorn @ooo-barff-ooo@leelee10898@princesstopgun @choicesyouplayandmore@sleepwalkingelite @roonarific   @indigo39 @skyila@speedyoperarascalparty @andy-loves-corgis@furiousherringoperatortoad@blackwidow2721 @drakewalkerfics@findingdrake @sue9659 @smritysriv@tmarie82 @larryssunflower@likethetailofacomet@zaffrenotes @mrsdrakewalkerblog @agent-bossypants @endlessly-searching-for-you   @cgd03   
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someone needs to arrest miss swift for putting actual crack in the treacherous bridge
125 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 03:05:08 GMT
Cardan: I find Jude so beautiful that it physically hurts. it scares me how beautiful she is. i dream about her all the time
Jude: ...how dare he insult me like this
174 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 20:00:59 GMT
who gave Holly Black permission to just write the line "Whatever I imagined then, now it is I who would beg and grovel for a kind word from your lips"?? what the fuck?? this is unbelievable I'm suing
181 notes • Posted 2021-05-29 01:13:53 GMT
is there any greater mood than Cardan Greenbriar, who, to cope with having a crush, just scribbled her name on a piece of paper over and over, and later told her to shoot him when she found out that he liked her?
814 notes • Posted 2021-05-29 01:28:23 GMT
"I FUCKING LOVE MY WIFE" guys are the single undisputed best genre of fictional men send tweet
2189 notes • Posted 2021-05-29 01:09:38 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kathyorihara · 6 years
About me unpopular opinions
(I'm not gonna tag I'll get attacked if I do)
I'm anti feminist/sjw rhetoric as in I do believe everyone should be accounted for and be equal but just not in the way that hurts others:
( I mean this)
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I am skeptical of those that use they/them pronouns in their bio. Mostly because I've seen too many people use them and claim that they don't need gender dysphoria to be trans.
I like pineapple on pizza
White milk is gross I prefer chocolate
It's latino not latinx
There are some white people that are racist and there are some straight/cis people that are homophobic/transphobic. However, that doesn't mean they all are and I wish people would stop generalizing it as so.
I hate black and white pictures they feel empty. I legit colored the pics in my friends binder in freshman year because they were in black and white.
I hate Trissia paytas, James Charles, Onision people like that.
I don't find Dan and Phil attractive like don't get me wrong I can see how others are attractive but they're too much like me to be my type.
Worms are gross
I am for woman to have abortion rights however I do not like that some woman will use abortuon as another form of contraception despite having one already( use pills/condoms)
I am in between on legalizing weed mostly because I feel like a few will over use the power and not let people that need it medically get it.
Free the nipple is kinda dumb cuz a lot of women use it to just flaunt their titits. No it's ok to say it when a mom should be allowed to breast feed in public nit when you want to be naked.
I think men should have more say in custody battles too many shitty moms walk away with the child because the law said the man has no say.
I can respect others opinions be it political or not as long as we are mutually respectful of one another.
If you say your pan I will question if you mean it as in that's a most comfortable label for you or if you think bi is against trans (it's not)
3rd person pov in fanfic sucks there are some that are good but most are hard for me to focus on.
Facial hair on guys is gross this is just my preference it has more to do with how my dad has facial hair and the saying that your partner is like the embodiment of your parent.
Insects are cool
Pancakes are gross
I'm ok with others not shippinh what I ship. We can all be respectul of others ships it's not that hard.
Live shows are boring
There can be change without being mean to one another
Poc people can be racist I have seen them be racist to other poc people and to white people (yes you can be racist to white people)
The light furry is beautiful
If you want representation make it don't just bitch about not beinh any in other shows.
Vaping and smoking is gross but please be mindfull if others around you if you do vape/smoke.
I do think farm animals should be treated better but I'm not gonna be begam because of it.
Books I hate are 50 shades of gray, hunger games, twilight, and the fault in our stars ( had to write a page why I hate it in Highschool).
Dyed hair, piercings, and tattos should not be considered unprofessional.
Parents should let their kids have privacy but at the same time they should let them be open about their feeling.
I don't mind someone's religion as long as they're not jackass to those that don't believe.
Ghost can be explained by science
Boys/Men should be able to express emotion and be open to others if they experienced abuse or rape.
Girls/Woman can be pedophiles, rapist, abusive, shitty in genereal.
Hitting or insulting your child is not discipline.
People of the opposite sex can just be friends.
Gold fish are hard to take care of
Periods are gross
There are rules to crossing the boardsr and they should be respected. This is coming from an actual illegal immigrant (that's a post on it's own). (I am not pro trump btw) it's worse for most people that cross illegally. There are some illegals that are good but there are also some that are bad.
Taylor swift is like wine or cheese her songs get better with age.
Tacos (latino or american) are not that good.
Pickles and olives are gross so are pickles.
Pigeons are cute
Going braless or sleeping in underwear is gross (for me that is)
Shoe brands like Nike, pumas, and adidas have the ugliest shoes I've seen.
Colone is gross it makes me want to vomit from the smell.
That's all for now but please do not reblog this I don't want to get attacked.
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emmasokk · 7 years
I can’t sleep so let’s talk about the grammys
before anything, I just want to say that I am nothing more than a 15 year old girl who spends too much time dwelling on things and if I didn’t write this I would’ve started to cry-again.
I'm sure most of you internet hackers have heard of the grammys.i mean, let’s face it, they stop regular television to broadcast a bunch of celebrities giving heavy trophies to more celebrities. iconic, really.
but if it wasn’t clear before, I am not a fan of any award shows, it’s too stressful to think about especially knowing that there is so much behind-the-scenes- stuff that doesn’t make anyone look good-but I digress.
the grammys this year caused quite a stir, especially with one award that was given to ed sheeran. 
look, I don’t care about opinions on which singer was better or whatever, I just need to make sure everyone knows how this whole award system thing works.
a group of esteemed individuals have a checklist and their own opinions and grade an artist’s work, if the song meets the criteria, it is nominated, if all the judges agree on one song, that artist wins.
this had nothing to do with ed sheeran, the man wasn’t even there! he was home with his fiancée and his cats! he didn’t even watch the show!!!!!
that’s not even what upsets me the most though, the part that makes me feel infuriated is when I see all the angry tweets and people actually booed.
first of all, that is the worst sign of bad sportsmanship. it’s equivalent to Kanye west going and interrupting Taylor swift’s acceptance speech. no matter what your opinion is, it is unacceptable to boo someone at an event like that where every speech, act, etc is taken seriously. 
second of all (and here is where my rant comes in) all of the tweets saying the four other nominees should’ve won were for two main reasons: they were women and they went through some kind of pain. if I were those women, I would feel so insulted. as a girl who competes with people of different gender, background, identities in general, I would feel so ashamed if I was told I should’ve won simply for being a girl whose gone through shit.
has my talent and passion to create music been so overlooked by my gender? or is this you trying to pity me or maybe you just want to have a reason to tag #girlpower in your latest tweet. if people really wanted Kesha to win, her having been raped and being a woman would not have been a major reason. the judges don’t care about the hell you’ve been through and they shouldn’t. this ceremony has nothing to do with who was assaulted or who had the toughest upbringing. once again, I know these are people much more experienced than I am, but it bothers me that the main argument was “well she’s gone through so much and this song was about her story as an empowered woman”. Kesha is a very vocal, song and brave artist who spoke her mind and stood up for herself, this however cannot be a deciding factor to give her a music award as that would be biased.
also, no one seemed to care that 24k won over 1-800, a song about suicide prevention. oh, I forgot, that was man to man. the meaning behind the songs then are irrelevant!
I must sound like I don’t know what I'm talking about. truthfully, I probably don’t. I just needed an outlet, somewhere to explain how I'm feeling about this. I know if my friends ever beat me in something and I was told I shoudl’ve won because I’ve been dealing with mental illness and self harm for five years, I'd either smack the person in the head or cry, depending on my mood and how many shits I give that day.
soy, that’s my take on this, sorry if I offended you, I just really didn’t feel like crying over this.
if you want to talk, you know where to find me.
until then, Emma out :/
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