#i'm not even doing anything illegal i just thought it would be fun to watch tv on a small handheld game console
pinkvaquita · 2 days
hey u know class of 09 right? whatd you think of the flip side (came out today, jeckas pov)
Just make a post saying that it wasn't that much good-, but guess I can make a longer one because that other one was literally just those words.
Soooo... Oh god it had so much potential. It had so much wasted potential.
Going in order of routes. Spoilers Ahead
1° Jecka Suicide.
Again... Why foot fetish!?
Like I get that maybe using other options could not be possible because is 2009 and there is no only fans. But it could have been any other thing!
Like, in the last game they show us the whole myspace prostitution circle. They could have used that to make her sell swimsuit photos or questionable poses!
If they necessary wanted to use Jeffrey, maybe they could make Jecka do shitty cosplay or voice acting manga scenes!
And even if the foot fetish was totally necessary, they didn't needed the scenes to last that long! They could have done the whole "screen goes black" timeskip thing like when Nicole attempts suicide!
And now with the whole Nicole fucked her dad thing...
That was the only part I am not complaining.
Nicole is a sociopath, and as much (Wich is literally just the bare minimum) as she appreciates Jecka, this is in character for her.
She herself said in the first game she doesn't care enough for Jecka to try to see her after graduation. She was more than fine with leaving her alone with her pedophile brother. And only cared about it untill Jecka wanted to leave her.
And honestly, she only cares about Jecka when she tries to leave her. Like in the jail ending and the dating Ari ending.
And is only in those two! Like literally, we see her witness Jecka die and go to jail in the racist endings and she doesn't care!
Even when people hate her or love her, Nicole doesn't give a fuck, and would backstab for the most simple reasons.
She literally make a whole scheme to steal Megan's boyfriend and embarrass her about it In front of anyone, just because Megan was bossy.
She abused Ari, even if she didn't do anything wrong to her. Just out of fun.
Are we really that surprised she did this to Jecka? She has done worst for less!
And also, Jecka leaved a sorry message when Nicole killed herself. Nicole didn't.
And the monologue... Oh, that was depressing. Jecka's words were so sad. Although I have one problem with this. The pic.
Why is she in her bra!? Why is she in a pose like if it is a body pillow!?
Is this some weird metaphor I am not getting????? Because this thing looks to me like another weird thing going on in the developing.
2° Jeffrey dies ending.
Same situation with the foot fetish. Why????
Now going with the end... Damn that monlogu was also good. I do appreciate the showing how the different circumstances Jecka and Nicole had growling up affect their behavior. And also, Nicole voice at the end genuinely scared me. For a whole second I thought she was gonna use Jecka's abusive background against her and talk to her like an abusive parent would.
Other than that it was... Good? I guess. I mean, Jeffrey is a total creep so I don't really care if he died.
3° FYE
What the fuck was that?????????
Seriously, that was the most out of place and boring route. It felt like it was a total different game!
The dialogue, the scenes, the ENDING????
I mean, yeah I don't find that insane that maybe there is a whole warehouse filled with illegal porn and the FBI finding it and not telling anyone.
What I do find insane is a guy giving the place information I'm a riddle, two teen girls finding it, and that somehow ending in one dead and the other being victim of human trafficking.
And the dialogue of the counselor was so weird. Like, wtf?????
The only mildly good thing is that Kelly got some screen time. But that wasn't even enough because she had zero character explanation. She is the true bimbo, give her an actual exploratory arch like Emily or Ari. Or at least make her be worth to watch like with Megan! Give my girl something to be iconic about!
4° Ari dies ending.
Jecka turning emo was not on my bingo card. Honestly I like this route more than the Jeffrey one, even if involves Ari's death and Jecka still living with his dad (Wich by the way, I was also scared everytime he was on screen.)
The party scenes felt so real. Emily acting out an calling Jecka and Nicole possers was in character. The hat man scene was unnecessary but good enough to ignore it was out of place. Jecka with black hair was EVERYTHING. OMG I feel so bad for how damaged her blonde hair got.
Now story wise, I remember seeing a YouTube comment calling this a route were Jecka becomes slowly as bad as Nicole. Literally she killed someone and instead of the regret she would normally show, it was: "That was low-key funny" and "I'm so pretty when I cry"
Good route. I can live with this one. Live, laugh, love emotionally empty Jecka.
5° Jecka's version of Nicole suicide route
This was so heartbreaking.
First. I was not expecting this from Mister Kaz. He literally was the only teacher in the whole game that seemed to not be a pedophile or racist or both. I should have seen it comming.
Jecka's scene in therapy was tugging my heart so badly. Specially because of her desperately rambling and breaking down in tears. I almost forgot that Miss Ames was racist just because she was trying to help.(although I still hate her. And even more with how she acted in the foot fetish route.)
Second, seeing that scene from the first game word by word was terrifying because that was the signal of: "you know how this is gonna end"
The intervention scene was also realistic. The break trust. The attempt to get police involved. The fear. Even more when Jecka got home and was received by her dad screaming at her. I even though he was gonna kill her.
And all that tension and horror builds and builds untill we reach the scene. We know is gonna happen. And it still hurts like hell.
Seeing Jecka standing right besides Nicole's corpse (Wich again, why Nicole got such a cinematic picture for her suicide end but Jecka instead got THAT????) while reading the suicide note was so sad.
And the final dialogue was good. I feel kinda disappointed that there wasn't a final monologue. But that scene replaces it enough.
Conclusion. This was... Meh? The only memorable and well develop ending is the fifth one. The Ari one is good but is not that much good. The suicide one has too many weird things going on to be as iconic. The Jeffrey one is both things combined. And the FYE one is bad.
And even if there is some good things.the game feels so... Bland and soulless? There is no longer the social commentary or the routes were there is some sort of fucked up justice. Neither the humor. It could be because of Jecka not being as sociopathic as Nicole. But even when Nicole got bad endings, there was still some reflection about society in those.
It could have been so better. It wasn't worth the hype.
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I have never been as happy as ten minutes ago when I discovered I could watch The Owl House on my Nintendo 2DS XL
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All is right with the world now.
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nekropsii · 8 months
This is a personal challenge, based entirely on my own experience and perspective, and also ranked from Most to Least Correct. I was bored, and thought this might be fun.
Putting this under a cut, because it's long as hell.
People get her mostly correct, from what I’ve seen… Most of the time, fan content of Meulin is absolutely recognizable as Meulin, but her pride in her deafness + joy of learning new ways to interact with the world through/due to her disability is always removed, and I do not often see people tackle the Toxic Positivity aspect of her character. That seems less like character assassination, though, and more like a combination of people not actually playing through the Openbounds, people not being able to fathom disabled people (especially those who gained a disability later in life rather than being born disabled) being happy, and general fandom distaste for the idea of touching anything uncomfortable, especially when that uncomfortable topic is highly mundane, normalized, and potentially applicable to them or their loved ones. Meulin’s toxic positivity was, of course, commentary on Tumblr’s ecosystem at the time, so… It was much harder to touch back then.
People tend to get her general, broad strokes personality right, but unfortunately she gets treated pretty roughly for the crime of Being A Serket. People refuse to understand her motivations, and she often gets demonized for what she was doing around/during [S] Game Over, even though that was something she’d gotten pushed to and also was cool as fuck to watch. God forbid a woman do anything.
People are right about the racism, 100%. It is completely despicable, hard to look at, and extremely blatant. She does, however, have character outside of that. No, it isn’t “whore”, it’s more like “angry, dysfunctional abuse victim”, and she’s genuinely a very interesting and tragic character. But, again, people are right about the racism, so she gets to be placed way up here.
She is such a chaotic little bastard. I love her. I really do. Please understand that she genuinely does not understand the concept of consequences. This girl didn’t have a Lusus, she didn’t have parents, it was functionally illegal to tell her “No, you can’t do that.” That would fuck up literally anyone’s moral compass. That’s not me hand waving away all the fucked up and bad shit she’s done, we all know what she did, but people tend to forget this aspect of her character and it pains me deeply, because it is a very genuinely interesting concept that I want to see more of. She’s capable of regret, we’ve seen her feel it, I just don’t think foresight is her forte. No one raised her to consider consequences, or help her experience them in a healthy way, because nobody raised her period.
Also, her ass is not butch, she is the girliest girl in the entire comic. She is about hot pink and glitter and kiss marks and unicorns and cute little puns and you will respect that. She is not masculine. Her ass is not masculine nor is she butch. Let her be her hyper-feminine self.
Please for the love of god there is more to her character than “Gamer Girl” and “Mituna’s Girlfriend”. You are falling for her fucking ruse. Please. Please. Please recognize that her entire character is about internalized misogyny, and being forced to overcompensate for misogyny in gaming circles as a gamer who happens to be a woman. Please. I’m begging.
His character is not that deep, it’s mostly just a string of events he is mysteriously, inexplicably involved with. The Makaras are extremely Function Over Form- their characters practically do not exist, they're mostly just plot devices that exist to push the story along. I'm sorry to Makara fans. You just invented a guy in your mind and decided he was real. He is also not that soft, though, and his relationships with both Meulin AND Mituna are not healthy. Hard to stop people from ascribing cutesy squishy lovey dynamics to random men who happened to have looked at each other once, though. Some people truly haven't graduated from 2012.
I am begging people to consider that maybe the biggest issue here is not that he is “Bad Otherkin/Therian Representation” and is in fact maybe the fact that Hussie was actually making fun of Systems when he was writing Horuss. Because Horuss is canonically a system. He uses the word system. He uses the word switching. He uses the word host. He literally talks about his Plurality at length in extremely upfront, plain terms. I don’t know how him being “Bad Otherkin Representation” was and still is the main discourse about him. It makes me insane. That is a commentary that truly writes itself. Talk about having your priorities out of wack, honestly...
No, she is not a MRA, she’s just a regular feminist who happens to live on a different planet with different politics and social hierarchies from Our Real World Earth’s USA. Whatever argument you’re about to pull out of your ass to say that she sucks is bad. She already explained what she meant by that, in more detail, very clearly, and she was right. Half the time she’s literally just giving you factual information about what Beforus was like, and literal plot synopses. She isn’t saying anything insane. She’s literally normal. I don’t know why people cannot handle or process this. Porrim has not ever said anything controversial. If you disagree with this you’re either misconstruing her on purpose or you fell for Kankri’s bait, and that’s just fucking sad at that point.
Also, she’s more than a sex object, and her tits are not huge. Honestly, half the shit she was saying was just “I am more than my sex life”, and so many people took that and made her main character trait her sex life. Just pathetic.
This man is a fucking war criminal and I will stop at nothing until he is behind bars for his crimes against Damara. Raging misogynist. Total fucking cunt. Just the worst. If I talk any more about this, this part will be 1,000 paragraphs long. But also, I’m begging people to recognize his relationship with disability, too. He was similar to Meulin in the sense that he didn’t mind his disability, and his biggest gripe with it was the way that Horuss tried to “fix” it… Which is an interesting way to expand upon how Beforus’s culling system is not only very explicitly ableist, but mimicking real world systemic ableism. I also want people to recognize that Hussie is actively having a conversation about the reclamation of slurs with Rufioh’s character, and how not letting people reclaim such language is doing nothing but giving the word power against them while stripping away their own personal agency. Rufioh’s a complicated guy, and he’s interesting and also the worst, and I am really tired of how he gets watered down to nothing but “Pretty Boy Victim Of His Inexplicably Psycho Ex”.
Holy Fucking Shit, You Guys Are Ableist.
To this day I see people saying he was just Hussie making fun of SJWs. To this day. To this day people think Hussie was trying to make Every Tumblr Leftist look bad, and that he hates them Because They Are Leftists. When will people recognize him as a bootlicker to the oppressive class and the violently bigoted. When will people recognize that. When will people recognize that this is more of a commentary on the legitimate real flaws of Tumblr’s politics at the time. When. When.
When will people stop portraying him as a lovey-dovey Catholic Whore. I’m going to stab my fucking eyes out and then kill everyone in this building. Me when it's based and cool to ship an aroace character with a sexual predator. I GUESS.
I say this with every ounce of sincerity I can possibly muster as a person: What the literal actual fuck.
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arisewanekosuki · 4 months
TLH -Extra-: Love Potion! - Lisa (Feat. Aether/Diluc/Venti/Gorou x Fem!Reader)
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-"Lisa.....it is possible to make a Love Potion?" The librarian took a sip of her tea and then smiled at you. -"Oh my....is the little cutie having feelings for someone?" After that, you heard some glass hitting of one another and a gasp -"Aether! Watch out!!" You looked behind Lisa to see Aether who almost dropped a new batch of potions and Paimon holding a bottle and scolding him for not being careful. After making sure they don't need your help, you look back at the librarian. -"It's not that I want to use it on someone... After making so many potions with Aether I just started to wonder if it's even possible to make Love Potion too." You tilted your head, wondering. Love Potions are a popular concept in fantasy stories. You saw the magic of the potions you made with your companion, so you couldn't stop wondering if it's possible to make one that will bring two people together in this world too. The purple witch closed her eyes, with a smile not leaving her face. -"Then I want to ask you... How would such a Love Potion work in your opinion?" You hummend. -"Something like, the person who will drink it will feel more relaxed around the other person? Or maybe the person can use potion on their skin and the smell will make other people attracted to them?" Lisa giggled. -"Oh my....are you planning to make all the people in the city fall in love with you?" -"Wha-!? N-no! ... Alright, the potion used on skin is a bad idea..." -"But I like your ideas... most people  would say that a Love Potion should make someone immediately fall in love with the first person they see. A potion like this is possible to make of course but it is morally wrong to use one like this." Lisa poured more tea to her and your cups. You thanked her and asked. -"Have you ever made one before?" -"Oh? Are you interested in my love life?" -"W-well..." You played with your fingers, Lisa laughed. -"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't but coming back to the subject... I won't mind for you to try making your own 'Love Potion', you can consider this as a small test from me. She was still smiling, but you felt a chill run down your spine. You gulped. -"Before you start you have to promise me that you will be the one testing the effects of your Love Potion, alright?" -"A-alright..." You nodded, maybe this wasn't a good idea to ask about it, but you won't lie, it's exciting to try to make such a new potion.
Aether watched you working on this new potion. He knows this is a bad idea and yet deep down he wishes for it to work even for a moment and have you shower him with affection and love. You promised Lisa that you will be the one testing it and Aether is there to make sure you won't be jumping on random people to kiss them or something. -"Are you sure about that?" the blond boy asked. You looked at him with a big smile. -"Of course! It's really fun! I used Zatyun Peaches, Marcotte, Dandelion, Glaze Lily... let's see..." You put the mixture into heart shaped glass. The color was pink mixed with purple. "Okay... let's try it!" You took a sip. -Oh! Is (Y/n) testing the potion now?" Paimon flew towards you, wanting to see how it would go. You licked your lips. -"So how are you feeling?" The little girl asked. -"Hm... normal." You shrugged. "The taste is a bit off though." -"So the first one failed? Don't worry (Y/n)! I'm sure the next one will work! ... (Y/n)? Why are you looking at Paimon like that?" -"..." You placed your hands on Paimon's cheeks and then started to pinch them. -"Uwaaa! Paimon!!! Your cheeks are so chubby! So cute!! Like a hamster!!" Paimon tried to run away from your grasp but you held her tight and started to hug her. Nuzzling your face into a little girl's head. -"Why are you so cute?! This should be illegal!!" -"Aaaa! Aether!! Help me!!!" But the boy didn't do anything. He stood there watching all of this with a pout. "Why couldn't this happen to me?" he thought. ... You sighed. Thankfully the potion worked only for 5 minutes. After drinking the potion Paimon started to look very cute in your eyes and you got the urge to hug and smooch her cheeks. -"This...wasn't the effect I was looking for..." -"Next time do that to Aether! Paimon felt like some toy!!" the little girl pouted still hiding behind the golden haired boy. -"I'm so sorry Paimon! I didn't expect to lose control like this!" Paimon only did small 'hmph' and went to gather more flowers. -”I have to buy Paimon some Sweet Madame later…” you scratched your head, looking at an angry, little girl flying over the garden. “Okay, let’s go back to making potions!” Aether watched you putting ingredients into the pot. You look so cute when you concentrate on something, he really wanted to leave a kiss on your cheek now. And maybe he will be able to, if the potion works of course. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn’t realize that you finished your second one. -”Oh! Master Diluc! Welcome back!” Paimon shouted. Aether looked over where the red haired male stood. He wondered if there was some problem with the batch they sent to Dawn Winery, so he went to ask Diluc about that. -”Welcome back, was there any problem with potions?” -”No, I wanted to commission you to make another one with different effect-” -”Diluc!!! Welcome!!!” You jumped on the red haired man, holding on to him tightly. Both guys were surprised. Diluc didn’t know what to do, after you jumped at him, he stopped moving. “Ah I missed you so much! My heart is in pain without you!” You nuzzled your head into his chest. -”(Y/n)! Let Master Diluc go! We are sorry! (Y/n) was trying to make Lo- testing new potions, so she ends up behaving like this! Aether don’t just stare! Help Paimon!!!” The white haired girl shouted at Traveler who was standing in place, too shocked that again your affection was given to another person. And the worst part is that it is given to another guy! You held tightly to the young Master of Dawn Winery. -”No! I won’t let go! Diluc is so warm! I want to stay with him! Oh? I knew it! You feel the same, right? Your face is so red! Hehe~” You giggled, seeing the red cheeks of Diluc. He tried to cover his face with one hand and turn his head away from you, but with your hold on him it was hard. -”That’s it!” Paimon shouted and then started to tickle you, hoping it would make you let go of Diluc.  And it worked, even too well. You tried to run away from Paimon but you ended up falling on the ground with the little girl not showing any mercy. 
When Paimon stopped tickling you, you needed some time to take your breath. -”Are you alright?” Aether that was crouching by your side, asked. -”Ha…ha…y-yeah… I’m better now…” Aether held his hand for you to help you get up from the ground. “Thanks!” You smiled and then looked at the red haired man. “I’m sorry Diluc for that. The potion I was working on didn’t go well as it seems. Ah! I have to write everything down!” And you ran off to the table where you are making potions. Aether sighed. “Next time I have to stay close to her no matter what.” He thought. Meanwhile Diluc finally calmed his fast beating heart down. He coughed into his hand. -”It seems you both are busy… I’ll come another time.” -”Wa! But Master Diluc! We can still take your order!! Oi!” Paimon shouted but Diluc already left. Right now he wished he had Cryo vision to cool down his red cheeks. 
… -”Done! The third one should be a success!” You held up the potion to show to Aether and Paimon. The little girl already hid behind the Traveler. -”How does this potion work?” the boy finally asked. -”Hm? Oh! I want to make a potion that fills you with confidence! Like you know, if someone is planning to confess! If I lost control over my emotions and stuff that means I failed…Ok! Let’s try this one!” You drank it. -”So…how are you feeling?” Paimon asked, still being behind Aether. -”Normal… the taste is at least better!” And you three just stood there in silence for a moment. -”Weird. I don't feel different either…” -”Hello there my good friends!” you all heard a sing-song voice. -”Wa!! Tone-Deaf Bard!! Don’t scare Paimon like that!” the little girl pouted and crossed her arms. -”Ehe~!” -”Ugh Paimon have enough! Why are you even here?!” Venti make sad face -”Aw, I just wanted to check what my dear friends are up to…but it seems you don’t want this poor lil old me here…” The bard turned around “Ah how sad that I’m not welcome here…” he said with a sad tone. The truth is he wanted to tease Paimon a bit, but what he didn’t expect is that your arms would embrace his torso from behind. Your head on his shoulder. -”Don’t say that, Venti. You know we are always happy when you’re with us. I love hearing you sing or recite poems or play on your Lyre. And of course we love hanging out with you!” you said, your cheek pressing towards his one. It’s hard to surprise Venti, he is not moved when someone tries to charm him either. And yet there you are, making Anemo Archon’s heart beat speed. -“Oh? Is that so? So you won’t mind if I stay for awhile then?~” You turned him around and grabbed his cheeks. -“Of course we won’t! Stay as long as you want!” your thumbs started to do small circles on his cheeks. Venti was stunned because of such close contact.  “Did anyone said how pretty you are?” You continued while playing with one of his braids. But before the bard could say anything, someone took you away from him. -“It seems the potion works….but not in a way it should.” Said Aether, glaring at Anemo Archon while hugging you from behind. You looked surprised, but then smiled and pat the golden haired boy’s cheek. -“Aww, is someone jealous? Don’t worry Aether…you’re pretty too!” Paimon flew over Venti to explain your behavior.
… This time the effect of the potion lasted longer. You spend one hour complimenting the boys, holding their hands or caressing their cheeks. They didn’t complain, they decided to just bath in your affections. Even when the potion stopped working and you were apologizing for all those stuff you did, they were smiling saying “Don’t worry!” in their heads they wished the potion lasted longer. Venti had to go, he promised Diona to help find some more stuff for her new drink. But he didn’t mind to leave so soon, your attention towards him and touches brought him to such a good mood that even now he is coming up with new songs and poems. He hopes that you’ll listen to them later.
Meanwhile you were feeling burned out. None of the potions worked the way you wanted and you’re not sure what you are doing wrong. You were looking at your notes but feeling a bit frustrated you just closed the notebook and sighed. -“What’s wrong (Y/n)?” The boy asked who was sitting by your side. -“I.. I’m just angry I failed so many times… we did so many potions that I thought I can make something like this…” Aether patted your back. -“How about a small break? Maybe you’ll get an idea how to improve it after you relax a bit?” -“Yeah!” Paimon flew over with flowers in her hands “We didn’t eat anything in some hours!! Your belly is empty and this is why you can’t come up with anything!” You giggled. -“Alright, let’s go to eat then!” Paimon fly higher like she wanted to jump in the air shouting “Yay!!”. Your group decided to go to Good Hunter for a meal.
After filling your bellies with good food, you come back to working on the potion. -“Alright… this is my last attempt… if it won’t work then I give up.” You said to your companions and started working on the mixture.  You were writing something on your notebook, Aether is always curious what you write there but he can’t read it at all, even if he visited so many worlds he didn’t know your language (or maybe he doesn’t remember it anymore?). The connection between him and you helps you to understand and speak in Teyvat language but you can’t read Teyvat alphabet and people from here and him can’t read your alphabet. He is really wondering why this connection can help with speaking but not reading, there are many mysteries about it. -“I finished it!” you suddenly shouted, surprising Aether. “Okay…here we go!” and drank it immediately. “It tastes sweet…too sweet…ugh…”  you said, closing your eyes. -“Hey everyone!” Everyone turned toward Gorou who was approaching your little group. -“Gorou, wait! Don’t move--!” But before Aether could finish his sentence you ran towards the Watatsumi General. -“Hm?” Gorou stopped moving and looked at you. The both of you looked at each other without saying anything. “Is there a probl-“ -“Marry me!!” you shouted. Kneeling in front of him and holding his hand. -“WHAT?!” everyone shouted. Gorou's ears and tail were standing up. -“I know it’s sudden but Gorou! I want to spend the rest of my life with you!” You put his hand where your heart is. -“B-but (Y-Y/n) this is…this is too sudden!” he said but anyone who was behind him could see his tail start wagging. -“I know! But I don’t want to waste any more sec- uwah?! “ you were interrupted by Aether who tried to take you away from the cannie warrior. -“Sorry Gorou! Don’t take this seriously, she drank a weird potion and is…a bit crazy!!” said Paimon and then helped Aether to take you away. Gorou stood there stunned, his face was red. -“So…does it mean you and (Y/n) are married now?” Kirara asked, approaching him. -“Wha- N-no…” his ears fall. -“You look disappointed.” -“I’m not!” But yes, he is.
When you come to your senses you apologize, you’re so embarrassed that you proposed to someone. You think you won’t be able to look Gorou in the eyes for some time. This was a big failure and you gave up. When talking with Lisa, she said to not worry, even if the potions didn’t work how you wanted you still learned some things. You decided to take a small break from making potions and took a nap under the tree, while Aether continued to make potions that people commissioned. Lisa watched from her table and sighed. -“It’s a shame Razor wasn’t there…” then she chuckled “But oh well, at least I had some fun watching all of this~” and then she took a sip of her tea.
-Bonus- In Inazuma, the pink kitsune laughed loudly. -“Ah I wish I could see this with my own eyes~” said with a smile, trying to imagine the whole scenario. -“Paimon said it was because of potion…at first I thought (Y/n) was serious about that nya! -“Hmm… I think this gave me some ideas. Thank you Kirara for sharing about your trip with me.” Yae Miko eyes’ looked like a predator finding it’s another meal. -“A-ahaha! You’re welcome!” Kirara at this moment started wondering if it was really alright to tell Yae about her trip with Gorou to Mondstadt.
------ Thank you for reading till the end! And sorry for mistakes >.< You can guess I had the idea when I played the potion event but because I couldn't use my PC I had hard time to finish it in peace... But now I can use my PC again so I'll try finish other things! I'll post other short thing today or tomorrow that I started to write in that time without my PC. It may not be that great but I hope you'll still like it!
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bangchansgirlsblog · 1 year
-9th member
Warnings: Angst, fighting.
Pairing: strays kids 9th member
Summary: being an idol is hard but it’s even harder when you want to be a normal teen but you can’t.
"But Chris!" I say yelling from the other side of the room.
We had been arguing for almost 10 minutes now and he wasn’t budging at all.
"I know you wanna go for the concert but we have a flight the next day, it won't be okay and I'm not risking you going out alone with non of the boys with you." He says crossing his hands and glaring at me.
"But Chris! I'll be with the girls-"
"The girls that im not in charge of! The girls that drink like maniacs and do stupid shit. You'll end up in a ditch!" He shouts at me.
He was currently sat on the dining table and his laptop was out meaning he was doing work.
I thought it would be a good idea to ask him about going for a concert tonight with the girls that I used to train with. They had invited me out and since I had been behaving I thought Chan would allow me too.
"Please Chan this is the only time I get to be a normal teen. I'll be back early and I won't touch or do anything illegal I promise." I complain in my whining voice.
"Nope." He simply says and I get even more angry.
"Chris you don't even let me go out! Why are you being like this!" I grab the pillow and throw it at him but he dodges it and glares at me.
"You know why I am! Im not arguing about this anymore. Go to your room and make sure all your stuff is packed. This conversation is done.”
"Ugh! I wish I never became a K-pop idol! I hate you!" I scream. I knew I was being dramatic but I had to atleast get my lick back. I refused to let him win this argument.
"If I knew you were gonna act like this I wouldn't pick you in the first place! You’re such a brat!" His voice louder than before.
"Woah woah woah what's going on In here?" Leeknow says walking into the room. Obviously coming out from the shower.
"Get your daughter before I yell at her even more." He tells him. standing up to pace the room.
"Y/nie what happened baby girl?" Leeknow asks wrapping his arms around me.
I knew if I told leeknow about the concert he would have been more stern than Chan. He would have mean more stricter.
“Hey why are you crying? Talk to me.” He softly says wiping off the tears that run down my cheeks.
“It’s nothing, Chan’s just being a jerk,” I spat and shrugged his arms off before walking up the stairs.
"What did you do Chan?" I hear him ask Chan.
Chan and leeknow always acted like the mum and dad of the group. In every situation.
I hear them whispering, Chan probably telling him about the concert and I hear leeknow gasping. Knowing trouble was coming my way I silently groan and walk in the dark corridors making my way to my room.
All the other guys were at practice or shopping cause we were going to leave in the morning so the house was quiet.
Being an idol was fun, I enjoyed it but that means I wasn't allowed to grow up in a normal space.
Being the youngest in the group of boys made it worse cause they were bugging on me and checking on me 24/7 and since my parents didn't leave in Korea they gave all guardian rights to Chan. Making me his "child".
A sigh escapes my mouth.
I sit on the carpet and fold my clothes while putting them in my pink suitcase.
We were going to New York for Lollapolza so I had to make sure I packed quite a lot. So I was busy, my thoughts were taunting me.
Chan's words didn't leave my head as I was busy packing up everything,
I was so upset that I didn't hear or see Leeknow walking in.
I wipe my tears and give him a smile, knowing he was going to scold me. I just knew it.
"Honey." He says with his scolding tone.
"Yes leeknow."
"You've disappointed me" he softly says.
"But Lee-"
"Chan is your elder, he watches over you like a father. He makes sure you eat sleep and rest and he helps you get to the goals you wanna reach right?"
"Yes but Leeknow-"
"No no no, you've hurt his feelings. I want you to apologize because I know me and him didn't raise you like this. We raised you to be respectful and to listen" he holds my hand and slowly rubs circles on them just to make sure I wasn’t upset but I was.
"What about my feelings leeknow you don't want to listen to me!" I blurt out frustrated.
He takes it by surprise cause I never dared raise my voice at him or yell at him.
"Excuse me?" He says raising an eyebrow. I quickly regret it and say a tiny “sorry” causing him to nod his head for me to continue
"Leeknow it's tiring watching all my friends having fun while I'm stuck on the side. When my friends are partying and having fun, I have dance practice from 6-12 in the night. I'm tired I just asked for one night out."
"But look baby girl, I know you want to be normal sometimes but you worked for this. You chose this life and the harsh truth is, Chan is looking out for you and our image. You can't be caught out drinking and smoking with boys." He says softly.
He obviously didn't get it but I was so exhausted from fighting I just nodded.
"Okay now wash your face, the boys are almost home and we'll have dinner. I hope your done packing." He says while getting up from the ground.
I just say a little hum and zip up my bag.
I take a shower and wear what looked like Jeogin's hoodie and some sweatpants and make my way down stairs.
All the guys were sitting on the table and the tension in the room was high.
"Hey munchkin," Han says kissing my forehead.
I tell him a little hello and he frowns at my dull face.
He obviously knew why I was upset but he didn't know it affected me this much.
Leeknow brings out the food and we all start to eat when I get a text on my phone causing me to look at it.
Maknae's On 🔝 :
Felix: we hard about the fight you had with Chan 😬
I.N: yeah sorry about it pookie.
Y/n: Guys we're on the table Chan is going to tell us off! Stop texting.
*cough cough* I look up to see Chan glaring at me obviously wanting to get my attention.
"No phones on the table Y/n you know this." Chan says while putting his fork down
"I was telling them to stop-"
"Just put it away and stop arguing." He cuts me off and grabs the bowl of potatoes.
"Are you serious right now Chan?" I ask in disbelief.
Why was he only picking on? Was he that angry at me? If he was going to be mad he should just say so instead of picking on me.
"Y/n let it go." Changbin says getting in the middle of the fight.
"But I was just-"
"What did we talk about?" Leeknow asks.
I scoff and put my phone down.
Saying things under my breathe because I was so mad.
The evening consisted of all the boys talking about the flight and discussed dance moves or general performance things.
I sit there quiet thinking about how I would be at a concert right now having a blast but I was home being given the Cold shoulder.
I grab my plate and put it in the sink leaving everyone in the dining room and making my way to my room.
I turn off all the lights and sit in the darkness scrolling through my phone trying to calm down.
It was long before I heard a knock on the door.
It was my oldest ‘brother’.
"Can I come in?" He softly says but I turn my back on him and look the other direction. Still very angry at him.
"Fair enough, I still am coming in." He sighs and sits by my bed.
The room is quiet.
"I'm sorry Y/nie" he says while brushing my hair.
His touch is soft and delicate almost like he didn’t want to break me or hurt me.
When he realized I wasn’t going to talk he just continued talking:
"Your the only girl in the group AND your the youngest. I worry okay? I worry because as men in this industry we see a lot but the women have seen worse. Your still a baby Y/nie. I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to you. I basically raised you. I want the best for you always. I know what I said has hurt you, it wasn't my intention but you hurt me, and being your older brother I was disappointed. Channie loves you so much and Im happy your on my team okay?" He finalizes and I feel a drop on my shoulder.
I look at him and watch he had tear stained eyes. My heart breaks and the guilt starts to fill my stomach.
"Oppa don't cry because of me. I'm sorry." I get up and wipe his tears. Hugging him tight.
"I was just angry, I don't hate you I promise. I just need to understand things Channie..." I trail off and look at my hands.
“And that’s okay, you’re still young and I’m going to do whatever it takes to protect you.” He softy says and pulls me into his arms one last time.
“Also I’m sorry for yelling at you during dinner, I put the boys out in time out.”
“You did?”
“Yeah no gaming for the next hour.” He says proudly.
“Ohh that’s a nice one.” I give him a high five while we laugh.
Hey *with rizz*😜
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judesmoonbeauty · 5 months
Fairytale Final Assessment 1st Anniversary SE: Jude Jazza's Epilogue ཐིཋྀ
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere.
CW: Brief mention of castration. Translation notes are marked with *** Alternate translation is marked with/// Hour Glass Banners Credit: @/natimiles ཐིཋྀ
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Kate, your work has reached my ears. Thank you as always.
Therefore, I would like you to evaluate one thing.
I wonder if Jude, who is cursed, is worthy of the Crown.
After reading the letter from Her Majesty several times, I finally understood. 
Just the other day, Jude and I were engaged in a battle over the Fairytale Keeper Continuation Agreement.
(Does that mean I'm going to assess Jude this time?)
(You're giving me the opportunity to make a fair judgment. Her Majesty is indeed very open-minded.)
(If it's an assignment, I have to face Jude properly and submit a report!)
There is no mention in the text that the person should be kept in the dark.
I mean, the quickest way to do that is to ask Jude himself about it, and his intentions to stay at Crown.
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Jude: I don't know anything about that. When you ask someone for something, shouldn’t you pay them for the information?
(I can't for the life of me believe that he will tell me honestly….)
(Come to think of it, I never asked Jude in depth why he was at Crown.)
It’s said that he dared to sign a contract with Crown when Victor suspiciously approached him with a tearful face, I’m sure…. I’m not wrong that it was to get information you need.
(I guess I have no choice but to observe Jude...)
Ellis: Your brow’s wrinkled. Thinking?
Kate: Oh, Ellis. 
Kate: Just in time! Do you know where Jude is today?
Ellis: It seems like Jude went on a mission after showing up at work. What's wrong?
Kate: Actually...
When I explained the reason, Ellis smiled.
Ellis: I'm joining Jude after this, so let’s go together.
Ellis led us to a pub with a suspicious atmosphere even though it was daytime.
There, Jude was in the middle of a cruel and merciless judgment.
Jude: Oy, no runnin’ away. The story is your usin’ illegal sleeping pills, messin’ ‘round with girls, and sellin’ ‘em off.
Scoundrels: Guh….!
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Ellis: Kate , if bottles start flying, it won’t be safe, so stay here and hide.
Ellis: I’ll be there.
Kate: Ah, yes! Ellis, be careful not to get hurt too.
Ellis: Jude, here you go.
Jude: Tsk, what’re ya waitin’ for?
Ellis: I'm sorry. I'll try a little harder to make up for my tardiness.
I watch Jude and Ellis fight together from the shadows.
Liquor bottles and people lightly fly through the air, and the sound of blows rings out.
(Hmmm...this is what it means to scream.)
(This is supposed to be a Crown assignment.)
Jude does not follow the orders of others unconditionally unless the conditions are acceptable.
Therefore, there must be a reason why Jude accepted this mission.
In the meantime, everyone had fallen to the ground.
Jude: What, ya think I'm gonna kill ya? I’m not gonna to kill ya.
Jude: There's a coal mine at the far end of the country, and I thought it’d be fun doin’ manual labor there.
Scoundrels: ……. A coal mine?
Jude: Before you go to a cold, dark, and fun place, I'll give you a present.
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Jude: Ellis, take ‘em to the black market surgeon later. Hand ‘em all over to be castrated.
Ellis: Yeah, okay. If it makes you happy, Jude.
As the thugs screamed in despair, Jude put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it.
Jude: The prevalence of inferior products is proof that the drugs weren’t distributed sufficiently.
Jude: ……Guess we’ll just have to handle it ourselves.
Jude's company eliminates the value of inferior products by distributing the correct products.
(That’s how Jude tries to eliminate evil at its source.)
Thanks to all the time I've spent, I had unintentionally come to understand Jude's way of doing things.
(The method may be as radical as ever.)
(But, there are somethings you can not protect with a straightforward approach. That’s why…)
Kate: Jude is absolutely essential to Crown…..
Jude: So, how long are you going to be sneaking around in there?
Kate: ….ah.
I was thrown onto a bed in a room at the back of the pub, and his hands restrained me while lying down.
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Jude: You’re a real bad princess for peeping without permission. 
Jude: So, what are you up to now?
Kate: That’s…..
Jude: I could torture ya and make ya spit it out. You're a pervert who expects to be tortured, aren't ya?
I could smell the scent of sandalwood wafting from Jude, and my body temperature seemed to rise once.
Jude: Ha. Why’re ya lookin’ so hopeful? Ya really are a pervert who likes things that feel good.
Kate: T-that's wrong! Actually- 
Jude: Hmmm, reverse assessment.
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Jude: That's just like that woman who loves fairness. ***
Jude: So, ya followed me ‘round to review me. You've come a long way.
Kate: As for following you around without telling you, I'm sorry.
Kate: But thanks to that, I was able to reaffirm what’s important to me.
Jude: What?
Kate: You are definitely suited for the Crown.
Jude: Ha. Who d’ya think ya are?
Kate: I’m a fairytale keeper. Hehe, I think I can write a good report with this.
Kate: I'll write it perfectly, so you can rest assured, Jude. Well then, I'm -
Jude: Why’re ya tryin’ to go home? There's no way ya could just spy on me and go for free.
Kate: Eh.
Jude: There's another matter to tend to.
Jude: I just need a decoy. You love hide-and-seek, don't ya?
Kate: A decoy!?
Jude: Poor thing. Ya wanna go home, but can’t. Pay the price for sneaking without permission.
Kate: Oh, come on….!
Jude: Those defiant eyes are so temptin’.
Amethyst eyes looked down at me cruelly becoming distorted.
Kate: In the report, you know I can write down all of your actions, Jude.
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Jude: Write, write. However…
Jude leaned forward and looked into my face.
Jude: You...wouldn't you be lonely without me?***
Kate: …….
Kate: That’s not true….!
Jude: Huh. What are ya upset ‘bout?
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[Master List]
***白々しい This appears to be a nuance: Jude’s being insincere about the Queen’s apparent fairness. It can be rendered white-wash, insincere, bare-faced (lie), shameless, but I felt that this was used just to explain his insincerity or doubtfulness in the Queen. ***Just to clarify, Kate is essentially threatening that what she writes in her report about Jude can cause his dismissal from Crown. So, that's why he tells her to write it, but.....she'll miss him, won't she?
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138 notes · View notes
soothinglee · 7 months
now it’s different; i am the one inlove...
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jeongin x reader | 3.3k✔︎ | mainly his point of view.
my notes⎯ whew. this is the longest fic i've ever posted and i can't lie and say it wasn't a pain. originally i got this idea from listening to "morning dew" like 100 times and thought it would be perfect to write something for i.n.
warnings⎯ somewhat angsty, poor writing, some cursing, doubts, and humorous dialogue (so sorry if you dont find me funny).
genre⎯ eventual friends to lover, angst.
songs⎯ morning dew; xavier wulf | a new kind of love; frou frou
⎯catalog for skz✰ | requests r open
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12.03.23 | 4:04 p.m;
it had been ten minutes since you left jeongins’ side to aid seungmin in teasing changbin. the frigid weather turning your breaths to smoky clouds as you laugh at one another.
jeongin rests in his spot on the park bench, if you ask, he’ll simply say he cannot join in on the fun due to the stiffness in his joints, and not the fact that an unwavering feeling of jealousy is creeping through his bones like wildfire.
he can’t help but narrow his eyes at the skinship you give felix, reaching up to brush the snowflakes out of his bangs, threading your fingers in his when you spot a squirrel resting in a tree; dragging him towards the spot before the rodent runs off.
jeongin hates physical touch with a burning passion. there would never not be a time where he didn’t push one of his hyungs off of him. he didn’t like when bangchan would suprise back hug him, or when hyunjin would randomly sit in his lap and pester him.
yet when he looks at the way you interact with the other members, he cant help but wonder what it would feel like with his hands in yours. running around the white colored park, throwing snow at eachothers faces, trying not to slip on the ice while playing tag with everyone else.
you weren't shy to affection, jeongin knew that for a fact. so there wasn't any real reason for him to be scared to go up to you and initiate a hug or a hand hold. but the overwhelming feeling he's been trying to hide for the last two years is holding him back.
yang jeongin has the biggest crush on you. he just wont admit it.
all the other members can see it clear as day, they don't hesitate to tease him about it when you aren't around; sometimes they do it infront of you but they are somewhat discreet about it.
"you're staring again." a muffle voice comments beside him. jeongin flinches at the sudden sound, he had been sitting by himself silently for a little longer than he had expected. "keep it up and she'll think you're a creep."
jeongin raises up his fist towards hyunjins face to which the man backs away quickly, "shut it." he threatens, he turns his attention back towards you, watching you get a piggyback ride through the snow by bangchan. he holds back a scoff.
hyunjin shrugs, readjusting his scarf around his face. the tip of his nose peeks through the fabric, it's color matches his ears; dusted a cherry red, "i'm not lying. even just watching you watch her is making me uncomfortable," he shivers to further his point, jeongin lightly shoves him. "i don't know why you wont just tell her."
jeongin feels his blood run cold contrast to the heat in his cheeks. he gives a quick glance towards hyunjin who watches him expectantly. "i don't know what you're talking about." he mumbles, adjusting his body on the wooden bench. he's been sitting for so long that his butt is growing numb.
"what?" he says, "i don't have any feelings for her, i'm only just looking. it's not illegal or did the laws suddenly change?"
jeongin swivels his head exasperatedly to look at hyunjin only to find him staring back with a wide grin. jeongin raises an eyebrow.
after a moment of staring, hyunjin lightly murmurs, "i never said anything about having a crush on her." his grin widens.
in that moment panic flushes through jeongins body and he's quick to clamp a hand over hyunjins mouth. "shut up. shut up dude."
"YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON Y/N." hyunjins voice comes out muffled underneath jeongins glove but he can still hear it very clearly. he just hopes no one else (more specifically you) hears it aswell.
"you liar, i do not! hyung, please stop screaming, i swear-!"
"you guys alright?" a third voice pipes up. both of them turn and see you standing a couple inches away, bare hands shoved in pockets looking like a swaddled marshmallow. you were covered head to toe in snow, proof of the snowball fight you had with felix lingered on your clothing. the apples of your cheeks moved with every sniff you took and jeongin couldn't help but mentally compare you to a bunny.
he immediately released hyunjin, who stayed in his backed up postion grinning at him. "yeah." he cringes at the way his voice cracked out of nerves, or the way his palms started to sweat despite the cold.
"are you sure?" you question, looking at hyunjin then back at him, "i thought i heard a scream."
"-you did." hyunjin interjects, slapping a hand on jeongins back. his body jostles forward at the contact. "but it was nothing, right i.n? just some light teasing."
jeongin grunts through his teeth, "yeah. harmless."
you nod, unsure that it's the whole truth, "okay..." you point behind you, gesturing over towards the disfigured snow man whose bottom half lay smaller than its top, it's eyes on opposite sides of its face. "well if you're sure...i'll just go back."
before you can fully turn around, two heavy hands place itself on your shoulders to halt your movements, "no, you should stay and take a break. you've been moving around a lot. i'll finish your snowman with changbin."
you look at hyunjin, eyebrows scrunched together, "are you sure? you don't need to do that, we're almost finished anyway-."
hyunjin looks towards the figure and back towards you, "-no the hell you aren't. don't worry," he reassures, taking a deep breath. you can almost see the captains hat form on his head. "leave it to the artist."
he gives you a light push towards the empty spot next to jeongin, his butt print out lined in the snow on the seat. he turns around and calls out to changbin, "yah! it looks like shit! let me take over!"
"eh? you don't know jack about making a snowman!"
"i know more than you do, genius!" his voice fades away as his stumbles down the hill and towards a grumpy changbin.
you can't help but let out a giggle at the twos bickering. "something is wrong with them."
jeongin tries to nod in agreement but finds himself frozen.
at the lack of a response you turn towards him and see him tense in his spot, "are you okay?" concern drips from your voice as you lean towards him.
he hums quietly, giving you a brief glance and then returning his attention to hyunjin kicking over the snowman. "'m good."
you only nod and face forward.
a couple minutes go by as nothing else is exchanged. your hands begin to freeze due to the lack of heat to your fingers. you pull them out to send a few frosty puffs of air to at least try to heat them up but it doesn't work; you can practically see the icicles grow from your nails.
"it's so cold." you comment, rubbing your hands together.
jeongin perks up at your voice instantly, looking over at the way your shoulders shiver and the weak attempt at warming yourself up. before he even realizes it, he's pulling off his own mittens. "where are your gloves?" he questions, no hints of mockery in his croaky voice.
"gave them to han." you comment, smiling softly, "lee know took his when they were fighting and he wouldn't stop whining about how he was going to have to get his fingers amputated, so i gave him mines."
jeongin can't help the smile making its way to his face at your selflessness. you were always like that, worrying about others before yourself. it was admirable but he wishes you didn't do it as much.
"what about your hands?" he questions, holding out his own pair to you. you kindly reject his offer, pushing away his hands as he tries to force them onto yours.
"what about them?" you retort, "i was keeping them busy, with all the movement it gave me enough warmth."
he can't help but roll his eyes. he gives one last attempt at taking your hands and lets out a little cheer when you relent and give them up. jeongin feels his eyes widen as he looks at the purple color nipping at your fingers, sure you'll get frostbite later. he quickly slides on the wool gloves (much faster than he would've liked- it would've been nice to hold your hands a little longer) and watches satisfied when you lean back on the bench with a relaxed sigh.
with your eyes closed, basking in the new warmth, the feeling of the snowflakes hit the bridge of your nose tickles as you try to brush them off. you can't help the childish giggles that escape you as you scrunch your nose in retaliation.
and jeongin can't help but watch.
all he wanted to do was deny, deny, deny his feelings for you.
he didn't want to complicate the relationship you had built up since you joined the group. he was the first person you talked to, he saw how anxious you were and did everything he could to make you feel comfortable, despite the fact that he was relatively new too and couldn't do much.
sure you were close with all the other members, but you and jeongin had a connection. something deep down that made your tummy hum and your head feel cloudy. every time he was near you he felt- cheesy enough- complete.
jeongin doesn't like you like that.
he couldn't.
"just friends." he thinks, watching as you turn to him with a smile that makes his heart hurt. "just friends."
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12.05.23 | 8:23 p.m;
it had been a couple days since you all went to the park and you can already feel the sickness creeping up your throat.
most of the tea in the house was gone due to the other 8 contracting colds left and right. so when you go into the cabinet to make you another fix it wasn’t surprise to see that the options were limited.
what was surprising was that your chamomile tea, which you bought for yourself only (and jeongin) was sat empty on the shelf.
“son of a-.” you start, turning back towards the rooms lined the hallway, “which one of you bitches drank my tea?”
“me, sorry,” a voice echoes down the hall, “i ran out of mine and yours was the only one that looked good.”
“i lend you my gloves and this is how you repay me?” you shout back, opting for some black tea instead, turning on the stove. “just for that you have to do my chores for the next week!”
it’s silent for a concerning second, and then a loud, throaty cough, “girl, fuck you!”
before you could spit out a long winded response, full of curse words you didn’t even know could be strung together, a gentle hand was placed on your back.
“you need to relax, you’ll raise your blood pressure, grandma.”
you turn around and see jeongin standing there with a mask around his face. he’s clad in a matching tracksuit, it was a size too big so it hung off his shoulders, allowing you to see the tank strap he had on underneath.
good lord.
“i’m legit only a couple months older than you.” you retort, pointing a wooden spoon at his face, “not too much on me.”
he laughs and raises his hands in defense, “i apologize.” he does you a favor and starts to put water in the kettle, “if it’s really that serious, i could just go out and get more for you. you don’t have to kill han over it.”
you watch as he places the kettle on the stove and ignites the burner, “i would be doing lee know a favor.”
he laughs again and allows you to take over. “plus you’re sick too.” you add, watching steam slowly blow out of the hole, “i don’t want you to go out and take care of me when you’re in the same state. that ain’t right.”
jeongin says nothing for a moment, trying to find the right words to say. he doesn’t want to lay out all his cards on the table, his confession riddle with coughs and pit stops to wipe his nose. but he wants to say that he doesn’t care that’s he’s sick. that he’ll go back to a few days ago and give you the coat off his back if you asked.
to be honest, just like the gloves, you wouldn’t have to.
he’ll willingly give you anything. even the world if you truly wanted it.
ugh, cheesy.
he pulls out his phone and leans against the counter next to you, "if you wont let me get it, i'll just doordash it."
you perk up, "you can doordash tea?"
jeongin nods and grins, facing the app towards you were the jewel-osco section is pulled up, "uh-yeah? you didn't know that?"
you scoff, "no? i'm not a online food delivery freak like the rest of you."
"you say that until you're asking me to order you some take out at like one in the morning."
you roll your eyes and push him out the way jokingly. the kettle begin to whistle like felix trying to hit a high note and you pour the hot water into the mug. "watch it." you pull down another cup from the cabinet, "and please don't spend your money on me. save it for something better."
jeongin raises an eyebrow, "like what? more clothes?" he jokes, clicking place order. "it's fine. i like buying things for you. even if its something small." small was definitely not the right word after he just spent 10 dollars on a tiny box of packets.
you can't help the heat that rises to your cheeks and turn your back to him, finding sudden interest in the tea in front of you. "i'll pay you back later."
"no need." he says, voice coming out softer than he intended, "like i said, i like buying stuff for you." he watches as your hands pause putting the sachets in the mugs and takes over, "i got it."
you have to force the thank you out of your throat as you stare up at him. maybe its because you're sick, but the lightheaded feeling becomes intense and you have to grip the sides of the counter to stabilize yourself. you watch as his hands move with ease, adding the sugar, then the honey to each respective mug.
he says nothing more, but he doesn't need to really say anything. the intense look on his face voices his thoughts a lot more than he wanted to let on, just like a few days ago. something was on his mind, he just wasn't saying what.
"are you okay?" you ask gently, laying a hesitant hand on his mid-back. you can feel him tense underneath your touch for a spilt second and then his body relaxes. he looks towards you quickly, giving a stiff smile. he pushes the finished tea towards you, your hands incase the hot cup before the liquid can spill over.
"mhm." his fingers dance over the rim of his drink, "why wouldn't i be?"
"i dunno." you reply, "you just look...overwhelmed."
"well, i am sick." he smirks, pulling down his mask to his chin, "everything is a little overwhelmed right now."
you shove him lightly, careful of the cup in his hands, "you know that's not what i mean!" he laughs, "but...you do know you can talk to me right? like, you know i wont judge, right?"
he knows that, in a million years, that you were never critical to his feelings. for as long as he could remember the two of you were going to each other for problems that you couldn't solve alone. but this was a different feeling. and if he were to tell you, he could be ruining a relationship that took a long time to build up. why ruin that rapport for something like a silly crush?
but he couldn't help but wonder if you felt the same? there had been many times where some of the other boys said that you felt the same, even though it wasn't there business to get involved (they do not care). but jeongin knew how they could be. spreading misinterpreted lies to egg on something that most likely isn't true in the first place. they had a tendency to mix up words so why would now be any different?
he's spent all of this time convincing himself that what he felt for you wasn't crush like behaviors. just a good friend looking out for another.
but friends dont get jealous when the other holds another's hand. friends dont get jealous when the other gives another more attention. friends dont have the urge to take them on dates, or have their contact be more than platonic, or to kiss the other.
maybe hyunjin has a point, maybe he does like you.
jeongin feels that if his heart continues on like this, it could stop at any moment. "death by seemingly unrequited love." would look hella embarrassing on his tombstone.
out of all the situation he has been alone with you, why did his heart and mind choose now to tell you? maybe it's the sickness making him vulnerable but he feels a rush of confidence surge through his veins.
"actually," he starts, a nervous shake rattles his vocal cords. he refuses to make eye contact with you, finding interest in his scorching hot cup, "there is something i need to tell you."
you posture immediately straightens and you place down your mug, giving him your undivided attention. usually he loves it, now its burdensome, "oh? what is it?"
the tea shakes under his hold and he mentally curses it for exposing his fear. he wants to do it so bad, it'll be okay, he tries to convince himself. just let it out.
"i've been trying to convince myself for a while that what i feel isn't true but i think i should tell you now."
you nod, urging him to go on.
he takes a deep breath, he isn't trying to stall but the way his insides buckle is making it hard to find the words.
he started it, now he just has to finish.
"y/n, I...," he pauses, "y/n I lik-" before he can get it out there's a big crash coming from down the hall. heavy footsteps stop at the kitchens entrance and lee know stands there covered in bubbles.
"what the hell happened?" you comment, rushing over to him while holding back a laugh. he looks like the pillsbury dough boy standing there eagle spread.
lee know coughs and you swear you see several suds fly from his mouth. "seungmin. i'll kill him, i swear i will."
you let out a laugh and brush the soap from his shoulders. it takes you a second to remember but when you do you turn back around to look at jeongin, "i'm so sorry what were you saying?" you start to say only to find the tea he was drinking abandoned on the counter.
jeongin barely hears you call out his name as he rushes down the hall and towards his room. he can't help the tears that brim in his eyes and he starts to feel pathetic wiping them away.
what the hell was he thinking? admitting he liked you was hard enough on himself, so why did he think admitting it to you was a good idea?
as he sits on his bed, he can't help but feel a piece of him gone. you most likely didn't know where he was getting at, you didn't know that he was confessing to you in that moment. but the embarrassment of him understanding his words were worse. there was no way he could face you after that. for his own dignity.
as he cries he can't help but think;
it's always different, i am the one in love.
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part 2?
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mspaintbrush · 5 months
Mauga thoughts
He is a biter
He WILL bite you if you hold him down
The only one who can really keep Mauga under control after Baptiste left Talon is Doomfist
Doomfist uses violence for that (of course) (he has been bit while holding him down) (uses his gauntlet hand around Maugas head now)
Mauga refuses to let Moira experiment on him (even though she'd love to), my boy has had enough of unpermitted alterations to his body, even though he liked the changes the first time
He really doesnt get along with Reaper
Reaper is very bitter/serious/stern about the fights and Talon's mission, completely opposite of Mauga who sees it as a game and a fun way to spend his time
Reaper tells Mauga regularily that this isnt a game and that he should stop playing with dying men
Mauga is not impressed by any of reapers threats, he finds them amusing at best
#1 reaper bully, walks through him on purpose on a daily basis just cause he likes the feeling of the smoke on his skin
Sombra sympathizer
There are not many other fun people to spend time with at Talon anyways
Sombra is weary of him and pretty quickly saw through his happy and laid-back mask when she watched him in battle
But she also doesnt have many optional conversation partners at the base, so they hang out and bully Reaper together
Sombra is fascinated with how he gets his hair so nice and fluffy (the secret is the blood of your enemies)
Pranks him sometimes by putting sticky notes on his back that he cant reach because he is too buff
He can play Ukulele or at least owns one (canon)
It used to belong to Baptiste
Mauga took it from his things after he left Talon, its his only reminder of their time together
Sometimes Mauga just holds it and plays a few notes when he is reminiscing
Together with his guns one of the only things he hates people touching
Could work really well with Lucio if he wanted to
Maybe I'm writing Lucio a bit very naive here but I feel like he could be fooled by Mauga's personality (and Mauga would take full advantage of that)
Like he would bring this dude to the base á la "hey guys meet my new friend he plays ukulele and is really fun" with Mauga just grinning as everyone stares in horror
Baptiste used Mauga as a couch during their Talon times (illegal murder operations dont really provide comfortable resting places, so you make due)
Both miss it, both have no one close enough to replicate the feeling (which doesnt mean they dont try)
Mauga leans his guns on his side or the ukulele on his chest, but since everyone has enough common sense to not go anywhere near him thats all he can do
I think it would be funny if during a mission brief a very tired Sigma leans onto him (he doesnt have this famous common sense to really notice the danger radiating off Mauga) and everyone holds their breath as it happens. Against all odds Mauga doesnt say anything as he quietly enjoys it. Its not a common occurence, much to Mauga's disappointment.
Baptiste sits on the side of the couch, owns a very big pillow and the tendency to lean onto people if he gets very tired (since most people arent a 6 foot mountain of muscle  though, they dont really have the necessary strength to hold him)
Some eventually catch on and subliminally try to persuade Reinhardt to sit next to Baptiste more often. Maybe Reinhardt notices it too, but definitely not as the first lets be honest. (Reinhardt is the general couch for everyone in Overwatch who wants to, i dont make the rules)
Mauga's body needs a LOT of nutrients and protein to keep up its shape, more so with him working out on the side, so this man is constantly eating
This guy is a foodie, gets really gnarly when he's hungry and even more ruthless and unpredictable
Fish is a main food in Samoa, but since Mauga has a strong connection to the ocean and the ecosystem behind it I dont think he would eat any fish he didnt catch himself. And he doesnt trust Talon enough to verify where the fish came from. So no fish for him right now.
Is a sweettooth, there a lot of sweet samoan dishes featuring coconut milk and fresh fruit from the island
He probably often complains about the cheap quality of the fruits Talon have to offer him. They get picked too early before truly ripe or just dont seem to have the same intense flavor as an island grown fruit would have.
Can and will crack a coconut easily by hand. Or rather by teeth.
(I wonder if that is humanly possible)
(I looked it up. You need around 610N to crack open a coconut. Humans can bite with about 1000-1400N. So its possible. Crazy.)
Being used to warm and tropical weather he struggles with any mission too far up north. He has to wear more clothing during those, limiting his mobility and effectiveness.
Probably has a hard time finding fitting clothes in general, Talon has a special seamstress just for this case. (And for Doom and Sigma too probably, they are huge)
Is a very well educated man and still keeps up with recent studies and research, especially revolving around marine biology.
He doesnt show this side of him in public, only reading when he is alone in his room.
Sigma is able to gain access to whatever books and publications he wants, nobody really double checks because they dont care or wouldnt understand anyway. So Mauga puts his desired books on Sigma's list and takes them from his lab once they arrive.
Sombra picks up on this eventually, since she spends a lot of time with Sigma. What will she do with this information? Who knows.
Sigma isnt aware of this but does wonder why there are books about non-physics topics around. Sometimes he looks at the colourful reef pictures.
Scuba Sigma - the origin story
favourite animal: shork
He knows how vital they are for marine life and relates to them.
They look and are told to be extremely aggressive, but arent. They still are incredibly powerful and efficient killing machines though. There is a nice metaphor compared to himself here. Somewhere.
Corrects anyone badmouthing sharks and doesnt care if that feels "out of character" to bystanders
Always wanted to learn how to surf but is lacking balance and a normal body size. And since being in Talon, time. And water. Everything really, but he thinks about it sometimes.
Good swimmer, his body shape is not super helpful but he makes up for it with great strength and form
Loves to dive, not necessarily in whole gear, but he can hold his breath longer than average
Generally just enjoys being in water
Knows how to catch fish (of course)
Usually you'd catch fish with a traditional net or maybe hook and rod, but Mauga knows how to spearfish and sometimes does it to show off
If there are no current missions he helps out carrying cargo and other equipment around Talon quarters. Its something of a practical workout for him.
Not a drinker. One or two bottles of beer at most. He wants to be in full control and aware of his sorroundings at all times.
He does pretend to be more intoxicated to provoke bystanders to let their guard down.
If he truly gets wasted he is the silent type. The "stares at you uncomfortably from a corner"-type. His extroverted and noisy facade disappears, revealing the cunning and sadistic spirit inside.
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rescue bots incorrect quotes teehee
Optimus: Please explain what upsexy is!
Blades: Could you rephrase that in like, two words maybe?
Boulder, wiping tears from his eyes: If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, it's meant to be...
Heatwave: I'm literally just going to the store.
Chase: Jail is no fun. I'll tell you that much.
Bumblebee: Oh, you've been?
Chase: Once. In Monopoly.
Heatwave: But when all hope seemed lost, I had an epiphany!
Heatwave, earlier: I'm going to throw myself into the sea.
Quickshadow: Happy Throwback Thursday! Here's a throwback to when Blurr ate an entire tube of lipstick.
Blurr, whining: But why would it be cherry flavored if you can't eat it!?
Boulder: Anybody got any crayons so I can color in my Ph.D?
Optimus: Is there something you would like to say, Hightide?
Hightide: Oh there are SEVERAL things I would like to say.
Heatwave, texting Chase: Any plans for tonight?
Chase: No.
Heatwave: Loser.
Boulder: Help! I'm drowning!
Optimus: Calm down. We're only in six feet of water!
Blades, to Blurr: Are you peanuts? Because I want to boil you alive.
Heatwave: I wish I could control wasps and bees to sting my enemies.
Optimus: You're too young to have enemies.
Heatwave: You don't even know.
*Out grocery shopping*
Chase: *Takes a free sample twice*
Chase: Robbery and Fraud. I am a Rebel.
Salvage, texting: Hi, who's this? Blades changed all of my contacts to mythical creatures.
Blurr: What's mine?
Salvage: Dwarf.
Salvage: Oh hey Blurr.
Blurr: FUCK!
Blades: I eat cheerios because they're heart healthy!
Blades: And my heart has been severely damaged. So Bumblebee if you're out there--
Blurr: I was just diagnosed with deez.
Heatwave: Good, I hope it's lethal.
Optimus: Do you cook?
Chase: I made a cake once.
Heatwave: Yeah, it was good.
Chase: Really?
Heatwave: Don't make me lie twice, Chase.
Bumblebee: ...This is one of those moments where it doesn't really matter what I have to say, isn't it?
*The rescue bots all nod unanimously*
Blades: Boulder, you look deep in thought. What's wrong?
Boulder: Did you know you can look at any object and know what it's like to lick it? Even if you've never touched it before?
Blades: I'm never asking you anything ever again.
Quickshadow: Who would you swipe right for? Blurr or Salvage?
Hightide: I would delete the app.
Heatwave: We're about to do the taser challenge. You want in?
Chase: What's the taser challenge?
Blades: We tase each other, then drink.
Chase: How do you win?
Heatwave: What are you, a lawyer? You want in or not?
Optimus: We will discuss this later.
Hightide: Fine, I won't be listening.
Boulder: What, I can't be in a bad mood? It's like people think "Oh, Boulder is such a nice person, Boulder is so happy-go-lucky! Boulder can't be in a bad mood!" Well, you know what? Boulder CAN be in a bad mood. And right now, Boulder IS be in a bad mood.
Heatwave: Thanks for not telling Optimus what happened.
Bumblebee, dumbfounded: I wouldn't even know where to begin trying to explain this.
Chase: Blades, you need to react when people cry.
Blades: I did. I rolled my eyes.
Quickshadow: If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple "thank you" is all I need.
Quickshadow: Not all this "how did you get into my house" business.
Blades, texting: Hey.
Chase: Hey?
Blades: I can't sleep. :/
Chase: I can. Goodnight.
Heatwave: Die.
Boulder: Please don't die!
Heatwave: DIE!
Blades, confused: Why are they yelling at a plant?
Chase, watching while eating popcorn: They bought it together and Boulder wants Heatwave to accept it as their child.
Quickshadow: Can you keep a secret?
Hightide: Do you know anything about my life?
Quickshadow: No, I don't. Good point.
Boulder: Don't quote me on this, but I believe murder is illegal!
Chase, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll just drink my sorrows away.
Blades: Be right back, gonna hit the toilet for a quick power sob.
Heatwave: And I'd love to be sorry for that, but we all know I've done much, much worse.
i'll probably reblog this with more later. maybe those will include the humans as well (don't get your hopes up).
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iennoganan-aha · 9 months
I thought I was done being disappointed in stranger things. Falling out of love with a hyperfixation that brought me so much joy already sucked, but the whole Noah Shnapp shit really ruined it for me. I wasn't planning on watching or supporting season 5 anyways, but finding out Argyle won't be in s5 has really stripped away any want still buried deep in my brain man, like I'm not even slightly interested in watching illegally now. (I wasn't planning on it but curiosity is strong sometimes)
Jonathan was my favorite character, and Argyle is SO important for his character. Like putting aside how important Argyle was to the plot of s4, his importance to Jonathan was reason enough for him being there since Jonathan NEEDED him.
Argyle was the ONLY relationship he had that didn't have expectations. He could be free and loose and himself around Argyle. This isn't hate towards Will or Joyce or Nancy because he loves them and the story likes to ignore it but those relationships all come with expectations that the story has hinted at being hard for Jonathan to manage.
He loves his brother and his mom but the role he was forced into so young has really damaged him and how he views himself. The expectation to be a fatherly figure, an authority figure, a protector. I know Jonathan doesn't mind doing it because he loves his family but it's a lot of pressure and if s4 told us anything (again, even if the story likes to gloss over it for some reason) that pressure was too much for him.
And I LOVE Jancy, I love Nancy, but again s4 told us directly that in some way he feels a lot of pressure with her. He feels the need to give up on his dreams in one way or another, because it's either he goes to college with Nancy doing something he doesn't exactly wanna do, or he doesn't and he loses his girlfriend. He fears communication with her because she might get upset, at the end of s4 you can see that while he trusts Nancy and doesn't think anything is going on with Steve because he also trusts Steve, we can't deny the writers might do some lame ass love triangle bullshit this next season which will put even more pressure on Jonathan because now he might lose his girlfriend to his previous bully 🧍‍♀️
Argyle was SO healthy for Jonathan's character! He helped get Jonathan out of his comfort zone in some ways, in all 4 seasons with Argyle Jonathan was the most free and silly and acted like a teenager! He could just be a teenager with Argyle. He wasn't a supportive big brother or boyfriend or oldest son or any of the stigmatizations from his home town with Argyle, he was just Jonathan. Instead of worrying about taking care of Will, or getting a job to help pay bills or (at the time) fighting monsters, he was playing golf in the middle of a car dump with his best friend, getting high in their pizza van and having fun. I dunno, I just think it's a shame we're taking away his only friend that he isn't dating or related to.
I also fear that the did it for a reason of pushing the love triangle because let's be real if Argyle was there Jancy would just communicate. Argyle wouldn't stand for them dancing around each other and Steve being an issue he'd be like 'talk it out 👏🏼👏🏼'
Again this isn't even MENTIONING how important he is to the plot of s4 in general? Some people say he was just the comic relief and while he definitely played that role, he also is the reason half the main cast are alive?? Without Argyle; will, Mike and Jonathan would be dead! They would have no escape from the government SHOOTING THEIR HOUSE AND TRYING TO KILL THEM. they would have no transportation to find El, they'd have never even found El! They'd never have found a place to make a bathtub so El could save max, they'd never have made it back to Hawkins! He is an important character not just to Jonathan (because while I adore their friendship and this post may make it seem that way) HE IS NOT AN ACCESSORY TO JONATHAN! He was a fun character, a relavent character!
They could have done so much with him, imagine how he could have interacted with other characters? Character pair ups that could have been awesome? Steve and Argyle would be SO FUNNY! Argyle and Dustin, Argyle and Lucas bonding over neither being fucking white, Argyle and Robin being a comedy duo, Argyle and fucking Nancy having a conversation as Jonathan best friend and girlfriend respectively, or Argyle finally just meeting the girl he's heard about for a year- i dunno the possibilities are endless and the duffers are lame for not doing ANYTHING with the potential of these characters.
Oh well, I lost respect for Stranger Things a while ago, but a part of me is still passionate about the story being told and it really is a shame for Jonathan's character. But I shouldn't be surprised the writers have always kind of hated Jonathan. Those stonathan moments better be great I guess, I dunno I won't be watching it 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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fitgothgirl · 7 days
Long post incoming, so coloring key points just to help even my own eyes.
I'm pretty high-functioning right now, but I feel so not okay under it all. I'm applying for jobs. I go to the gym. I grocery shop. I clean. But I feel awful.
Being unemployed is making me feel worse the longer it goes - especially with how little I'm even hearing back on all my applications. I just feel so inadequate as a person overall (sucks that capitalism instills such feelings). And I feel guilty for doing anything but applying for jobs, even if I've already applied to a bunch that day; I feel guilty for going to the gym or watching TV or doing anything fun.
I've been wanting to make this pivot to bartending, knowing I would need start as a barback or server and applying as such, but I'm getting so discouraged. The last few days I've gone back to searching/applying for healthcare admin jobs, including front desk which I used to do and swore I wouldn't do again. But if I was already resolved to not WFH for a while by bartending, and I'm not getting anywhere with that, then I may as well not WFH at a day job in something I have experience in. I'm keeping in mind that regardless of my next job, it's all temporary until I get my CPC certification, so there's a light at the end of the (relatively short) tunnel if I end up in something I'm not thrilled with. But I'm now starting to feel silly for thinking about bartending; did I really do the hyperfocus thing again and get too excited over a prospect that I'm not quite capable of yet only for it to leave me wondering what I was thinking afterwards? I was trying to be aware at the time and asking myself if that was what was happening, but I didn't think it was. I honestly have always been interested in bartending, but now this Cointreau and vermouth and bitters and stuff is on our bar counter and I look at it and I just kinda feel like an idiot.
I had been drinking too often as it was before I lost my job but when I got fired it got a lot worse - no days without alcohol for over a month, probably getting drunk close to half the time - and now my stomach has had a sort of sudden change and I'm having problems I've never had before and it's making me nervous; it scared me into suddenly not drinking for 2 days, followed by a day with 1 drink, followed by two more no-alcohol days. Last night I did have a few though, but they kinda just made me feel shitty and I'm motivated to not drink again today. But it's also scary because I don't have fucking health insurance right now until Medi-Cal (Medicaid) approves me, which could still be a couple more weeks (i.e. a total of 6 weeks since I applied). Just gotta do what I can on my own for now. I often overreact about my health though, so fingers crossed this is just that.
It's not lost on me that I'm seeking out bartending yet obviously have periods where I can't seem to control my alcohol. I can't imagine drinking while working a job like that though (plus it's illegal for bartenders to drink on the clock anyway). If it's anything like barista-ing, which I know it is but even crazier/harder, I'd want to be as clear-headed and locked in as possible lol. But I'm not going to sit here and act like it would be an ideal job for someone trying to control their drinking with just being in that environment so often and having the thought it in one's head so much. So idk maybe it's best I just give up on it. I even still wanted to do it parttime on nights/weekends when I got my CPC cert/got a day job (as I was wanting to do before I lost my job), but maybe I shouldn't. But a big reason for bartending was also the good money they can make and I want that to get out of debt. Ugh idkkkkkkk. I guess I could just do serving... If someone would hire me, that is. But ugh all these thoughts are making me feel so mixed up and lost!!
And separate from all this work stuff is the fact that I've been wanting to talk to my bf about some stuff but can't bring myself to do it. The conflict avoidance in me is so strong... And it isn't even necessarily a "conflict," but my brain interprets it as such. It's so hard for me because any time there's been a Talk™️ in my life, it ends up a conflict, and I end up wrong. I end up crying and/or apologizing and/or fawning. Like, I'm not just getting this anxiety out of nowhere, I feel like I've really been taught through life experience that I'm just wrong all the time. Developed by my dad growing up, then my ex did his absolute best to compound & reinforce it. I know I need to "do it scared, do it with your voice shaking, do it with your hands trembling, but do it," or whatever that saying is, because until then I'm being a bad partner by not communicating. It doesn't help that we gel so well that we never fight or get heated because we both feel like so few things are worth getting upset over, so I don't actually have a lot of practice in this area, which is both a good thing and a bad thing obviously. But this is all dumb because I'm not even upset!! This isn't a talk like that!! I want to talk to him because I love him and I want to be open with him about my needs and I want to strengthen our relationship and I want him to be happy & healthy in his own right. I would want him to express his needs or hold me accountable, how can I not do the same for him? Why am I so focused on worst case scenario? Why am I so convinced this will be a negative conversation?? (Oh yeah all that aforementioned past experience stuff lolz. But I need to get over it...)
I just. My heart hurts a lot of the time. I keep ripping up my cuticles. I can't seem to stem the negative self-talk. I miss my therapist but can't get myself to reach out, but I'm also wondering what more she can do for me at this point (which is maybe why she hasn't reached out either?). Little things make me feel inordinately bad about myself, like the hummingbird feeder has been empty for a while, or my plants need watering, or even the fact that I haven't started decorating for Halloween yet, etc. I also feel like I should be doing all of the house chores that come up rather than half, which I don't think is wrong with being unemployed and my bf covering bills, but whenever I do clean it just weighs the reminder on me that I'm jobless and "inadequate." I want to cook for him too but idk why I get so nervous about that; he's a great cook, and when I cook for myself it's good, but imagining cooking for him makes me feel like it's going to be inedible shit for some reason lol...
I don't really know how to end this but I guess I'm done writing for now so... End 🙃
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queergalpal97 · 3 months
Okay so this is only my second time posting a fic on here, so be gentle everybody. I'm also on mobile, so if the format is weird that's why. (Also because I'm shit with formatting)
My inspiration for this one shot was Olive convincing Adam to watch the ✨Barbie Movie.✨
I hope you enjoy!
~A ✨
(I do not give permission for my work to be re-posted, copied, or translated.)
"Yes, olive?" Adam looked down at his girlfriend, nestled into his side.
Movie night was her idea, and yet there she was scrolling on her phone not even watching the documentary. Practically doom scrolling again.
Adam had half a mind to throw the phone away, pull her into his lap and... we'll come back to that thought.
"Remember how you love me and would do anything for me? Remember that?" Adam narrowed his eyes as olive sheepishly pulled her blanket closer to her face.
"I vaguely remember something along those lines, yes," Adam paused, "Why?"
"Well I have our next movie night sorted!" Olive beamed at him, the things her simple smile did to him, it should be illegal. Adam wouldn't know though, he never did get around to applying for law school. Thank god for Holden.
Adam looked down at her, a bemused curve of his lip that only olive could pick up on appeared.
"Oh?" His eyebrow quirked
Olive blushed and would have turned away if it wasn't for Adams hand gently cupping her jaw.
"And what's your plan my smart-ass?" Olive giggled, yes giggled! And Adam melted slightly.
"I got us tickets to.....The Barbie Movie!" Olive exclaimed, smiling ever so anxiously. "I checked and it's not a musical, well not really, so I figured you wouldn't mind?"
It took Adam a second to register what olive said, before he chuckled slightly. Pulling olive into his lap he nuzzled himself into her neck and laid soft kisses on her skin.
"Well, if you promise it's not a musical I suppose I have no issue with going" He whispered into her ear, before nibbling on her earlobe.
"Adam...." Olive sighed breathily.
"Yes Olive?" Adams hands held on that bit tighter to olive, her hands snaked around his neck and into his hair.
"I- I um,"
"Yes?" He chuckled."Have you forgotten already, Olive?"
"N- No, I just" she moaned quietly, "It's n- not the time anymore."
"I don't think I believe you, smart ass, did I distract you that easily?"
Olive tucked her face into the Crook of his neck and she sighed, it was more of a whimper, but if Adam noticed he didn't say anything.
"What can I do for you Olive?" Adam whispered gently, trying to coax her out of her hiding spot.
Olive slowly angled her head up to Adams ear, careful not to move too far from her hiding spot, "I was thinking......that um- well......we could dress up when we see it?"
Adam raised a brow, "I beg your pardon?"
Olive blushed and almost shrunk against Adam before explaining herself.
"Well, it's a trend online where couples dress as Barbie and Ken, or Barbie and Barbie, or Ken and Ken, to go and see the movie! And it looks fun! And I could be scientist Barbie and you could be biology ninja Ken!" Olive giggled again, a nervous but somehow excited giggle. Possibly because of the look on Adams face as he tried to understand Olives rambling.
"Olive I never enjoyed acting or dressing up, but I think I could make an exception for you, my beautiful smart ass." Olive swooned and leaned back to look at Adam. Pure adoration flowing from her. "But Olive....." Adam smirked, "I'll only dress up if I can be your Biology Ninja Ken"
Olive wrapped herself around Adam once more, though this time for more wholesome reasons, and squeezed him tightly.
"As if I would ever let you be anybody else's, I'm terrible at sharing!"
Adam heartily laughed, "I'm well aware of your aversion to sharing, we do work together after all. Plus it's one more note for the Title IX" Adam smiled down at a blushing olive and leaned in closer, gently kissing her.
"Now can we please finish this documentary, it's actually quite interesting when you pay attention."
Olive scoffed and pushed herself off of Adam, before retrieving her phone again. It took mere seconds before it was plucked from her hands and onto the other couch.
"Hey!" She exclaimed.
"Oops," Adam grinned sheepishly, "I guess you just have to pay attention to me instead"
The end.
Likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated! ✨
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obey-me-disaster · 2 years
~Proposing to~
Mammon x gn!MC
A/N: This is part 2 of the serries where MC is the one to propose to the characters. Please enjoy ^-^
This will either end as a night to remember or a complete disaster. Mammon convinced you to go with him to a 'really special place'. You thought this was your chance to finally propose but now you were not so sure.
The special place he told you about just so happened to be an underground casino. The place looked absolutely dazzling despite being an illegal casino, with demons and witches dressed like they came straight out of a fashion magazine. Both of you were dressed also in some of your best clothes, but you still got a bad feeling at the back of your mind.
Depending on your timing, the proposal could be ruined, and as much as you would want to propose on another day, the thought of proposing to him as he wins just seemed so much more tempting than just some old fashioned proposal.
"Heyyy, earth to MC, are ya still there?" Mammon was weaving his hand in front of your face to bring you back from whatever thoughts you were having. "Now that you're back, you can finally enjoy the show I am about to put on. Ya don't wanna miss the Great Mammon making all the demons around here go broke!"
"Just make sure you don't end up losing all of your money after winning." You said as a matter of fact.
Mammon knew the ins and outs of gambling, he knew how to get money out of demons, he wansn't the avatar of greed for nothing but he also got a tendency to get cocky and make risky bets that would lead to losing all the money he won until that point. In order for your plan to work you have to stop him before he would lose all his money, but let him win enough bets to get him in a good mood.
"Mammon, what do you say we start with a round of black jack?" You suggested, trying to make him start with easier stuff.
Flashing you a big grin, he took your hand and went straight to the table where people were placing their bets for black jack. Squizing your hand one last time, Mammon took his seat and turned all of his attention to the game. If you didn't had to focus on the game you swore you could just watch him play all night. You didn't know what made him so attractive in the moment. Maybe it was his confidence and the way he handled himself, or his calculating look transforming into one of satisfaction as he won yet another bet or maybe it was the greed of the demons around making Mammon seem all the more powerfull.
You guess, in a way, you lost yourself a bit in the greed too. There was something about Mammon that made you not pay attention to anything other than him. Placing bets, eating and drinking demons in the VIP area, fooling around, you were having so much fun you nearly forgot why you were there in the first place.
It wasn't until Mammon's voice brought you back to earth for a second time that night. "What do ya say we go to the slot machines? I'm feeling really lucky right now after winning so many time." Oh no...His eyes had a golden shine to them, and the tone of his voice made you uneasy.
You had to act fast, both for your plan and for the sake of Mammon's wallet. But what could cause the avatar of greed to forget about a gamble without making you seem suspicious or ruining the mood? He nearly got to the slot machine when an idea suddenly strucked you.
"Say, Mammon, what if we make a bet that would just be ours, that no other demon could have?" Hearing about having something that others don't, something just between the two of you, he couldn't help but forget about whatever he was doing, after all, you were more of a priority than any gamble in the three realms. "That's my human!" Putting an arm around your waist he leaned closer to you, so whatever you would say, it would be heard only by him. He was so close you could feel his breath down your neck, sending shivers down your spine. Was he always this smooth when he was on a winning streak?
Before you could lose yourself again you started to speak, even if you didn't have a proper plan yet. "We need to go to a more private first, how about the balcony?"
The avatar of greed seemed deep in thought for a few seconds before flashing you a big smile. "Ya just know how to make me have a good time, lead the way then, treasure!"
Both of you started to make your way towards the balcony, in what seemed to be a comofortable silence between the two of you. While from the outside everything seemed perfectly fine, your mind was racing to find any idea. What kind of bet could you even make on a balcony? How fast can you reach the ground? That wouldn't do.
You looked around, trying to find any clue in order to make a plan, when you spotted a demon flipping a coin. That's when you finally got a proper idea in your head, just in time as you reached the balcony. "Now that we're here, what's that bet ya were talking about?"
Reaching into your pocket you took out a coin. "Really, flipping a coin is your big idea of a bet-" You cut him off before he could say anything more.
"It's the prize that makes it worth it. If it lands on tail, you have to say yes to whatever I ask next, if it lands on head...well I guess you can decide what you want to do as a prize." Hearing the last part seemed to make him receptive to the bet.
Without waiting anymore you flipped the coin into the air. It seemed really fitting in a way, to propose to the avatar of greed using a bet, but that made you just as anxious. It could easily land on head and destroy any chance of proposing tonight.
The coin landing on the back of your hand made your heart beat so fast you swore Mammon could hear it from where he was standing.
"Tail, huh? Seems like ya won this bet." You won? You won! Now you just have to propose...shit you have to propose. You got so into making sure you win the bet you didn't have time to feel nervous about it, that was until now at least.
"MC, are you ok? Are you that surprised you won?" Mammon furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to figure out what seemed to bother. Gentle hands caressed your face in an attempt to calm you down, making you melt into his touch. He seemed more like the Mammon you're used to in your day to day life than the avatar of greed.
"Can you close your eyes? I need a minute to prepare for what I am about to show you." It seemed like his attempt to calm you down worked. You felt more ready to finally propose to him than 5 minutes ago at least.
"Ya mean for the thing you made the whole bet for?" You didn't get to answear before he closed his eyes. "Just tell me when to open them."
Seeing as he closed his eyes you finally got down on one knee and took the ring out. After everything that happened tonight you didn't think you would get to finally propose to him. The risk you took with the bet really was worth it.
Before you could stay and think if Mammon's influence started to rob off on you by any chance, you took one more look at the ring. It was a beautifuk golden ring encrusted with three diamonds in the center, and two rows of smaller diamonds, one above and one below, the main three. You chose this so it would go with his usual outfits without looking out of place but still stand out from his other rings in a pleasent way.
"You can open your eyes now." Mammon could hear a slight change in your tone, it seemed softer. He wanted to ask what the deal with the change in tone was but stopped when he saw you.
"Mammon, there are many treasures out there but you are the only one I want so, would you make me the honor of marrying me? I guess, in a way, you have to say yes because of our earlier bet."
Mammon rapidly blinked away his tears, trying to look as composed as he could, not that he would admit to crying anyway. "Stupid human, I'm supposed to be the one to call you my treasure, not you."
Taking your hand, he helped you stand up. "So I can take that as a yes?" Putting the ring on his finger, Mammon pulled you in for a passionate kiss, letting his actions speak for him, you could feel his soft lips against yours and his arms wrapping around your waist. By the time you finally pulled away, you were already out of breath, your foreheads resting against each other. "Of course I wanna marry you, dummy. What kind of question is that? I'm your first man after all!"
"I don't think you realize how happy that makes me feel. Especially after the whole bet thing. If you would have said no then it would have been even more awkward." It was really stupid to think he would say no, but the possibility was always there in the end. "How many time do I have to tell ya that saying no is out of question?!" Mammon took your face into his hands and squished your cheeks while making you look at him. "Listen here cause I'm about to say it only once. I wanna marry you and only you ok? Ya belong to me and I guess, I belong to you too." He said the last part, shyly looking away for a second before making eye contact with you again. "So I don't wanna hear any nonsense about me saying no, got it?!"
"Got it!" He finally let go of your cheeks. "Now that there are no more doubts on either part we got to celebrate! Let's get out of here and go straight to an expensive restaurant, my treat this once!" He turned to leave, but you grabbed his hand. "I was the one that proposed to you, I should be the one to take you out for dinner."
"Huh?! I offered already to pay for dinner, I was the first one to do it so I win!" Mammon took out his wallet and shoved it in your face. "Especially that I wanna treat ya to a meal with all the money that I've won today!" He tried to shoot you the best puppy look he had, and you nearly gave in when you got an idea. "Should we flip the coin again? If it lands in head I pay, tails you pay, how does that sound?"
Mammon took a coin out and flipped it. Just as he was about to catch you blurted out. "I guess this counts as out first argument as a married couple." Hearing that, Mammon drops the coin and it somehow bounces off the balcony.
Now it was only you and a really flustered Mammon. "Don't say stuff like that! We ain't even married yet! I even dropped the coin.." You two looked at each other for a little bit more before bursting out laughing, this was probably the dumbest argument you had in a while between the two of you.
"How about we just leave this place first, then we can decide who pays later? How does that sound?" Mammon leaned towards you to give you one final kiss on your lips. "I think that sounds like a good enough of a plan for now"
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tears0fsatan · 11 months
                ♰          ・        𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇!
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✦ ⊹ ˚˖ warnings... dead dove do not eat, gn!reader, spoilers for lesson 35 whoops, brief stalking mention, scent kink, established relationship, obsession, body horror, unhealthy attachment to a corpse
 :¨·.·¨ ♥︎  a.n... I'M FINALLY WRITING SOMETJIMG FOR MY NUMBER ONE BABYGIRL CAN I GET A WAHOOO??!???!! BONUS BECAUSE SHES WEIRD!! AND A LITTLE UNSETTLING!!! (this turned out sadder and more romantic than i thought lol oops) srry that this is so latebtw i've been doing uh teenager stuff lol <3
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from the very moment she had caught a whiff of your scent in her lair, thirteen was hooked. it didn't take a genius or a powerful existence to sniff out the stench of other living beings that had trespassed her den. amongst the familiar smell of demons and that pesky sorcerer, yours had stuck out like a sore thumb, so much so that all thoughts regarding your illegal trespassing flew out her mind.
perhaps it was because she was a reaper, but she could practically taste the life that seeped into your scent. for someone who was neither dead nor alive, hell was it addictive.
she just had to seek you out, there was no way someone brimming with so much life could escape her grasp now that she had her sights on you. whenever she wasn't busy watching the life candles or coming up with new fun trap ideas, she couldn't resist the temptation to follow and watch your every move. after all, when would another human who smelt so good and wasn't a sham of a sorcerer come down to devildom and pique her interest like you did? she needed to have you, needed to trap you somewhere where only she could see you, where only she could be with you.
there were nights she found herself craving you and your scent, despite her plan still in the works. there moments where the thought of leaving all her work behind, to sneak in your room and take you away with her and live out the rest of your lives together (or more so, your life..). an itch to steal the clothing she saw you wore often made her feel restless, but she was nothing if not patient and told herself she'd wait until she was closer to you.
eventually, the two of you were bound to run into one another at RAD, but that moment didn't come nearly soon enough. so, the reaper took matters into her own hands. she waited for the moment you weren't surrounded by those clingy demons to make her move, making it seem as though it was completely coincidental and not carefully thought out on her part. gosh, you were so much cuter in person, she had fantasised the moment she could finally talk to you dozens of times and you went beyond all her expectations.
this was perfect; without realising, you were slowly playing into her trap. the reaper made sure to play up a facade, one that would keep you curious about her and have you coming back to find out more. she played the role of a trickster until you tied the strings of your heart around her marionette controller all on your own accord, swept away by the sweet words and barrage of attention from such a pretty, powerful being. she had you in the palm of her hand and you were more than alright with it.
there was an ornate fear that constricted thirteens heart, or at least a reaper's equivalent of one, something she feared for more than anything else in all three realms. as a reaper, she was far too aware of how short human lifespans were and how much shorter it would be around her and it terrified her. now that she had you in her grasp, she couldn't afford to lose you. there were unspoken lengths she was willing to go in order to keep you next to her, even if it meant breaking the laws of the three realms.
while humans were satisfied with a life together until death parted them, for a reaper, even death wouldn't be enough to part ways. being surrounded by death, the very being that watched over every human from the second their flame lit to the moment their light blew out, it was hard to form an attachment when such lives were fickle and could go out at any given moment. thirteen knew that, she knew that one gust of wind could easily put an end to you and everything you had lived for and so she wanted to cherish what short time she had left with you.
the day you died, many souls died with you. the reaper lost all control and threw a rage, at the other living beings who wouldn't understand her pain and at the world for making her kind so detrimental to human life. it was unfair, unfair how you had just started out your life and now you were gone, unable to spend many more of your firsts with thirteen. she didn't even have the chance to show you just how much she loved you.
not a day went by where thirteen didn't take care of your body, washing your body with extra care and dressing you in your favourite clothes, keeping your appearance the same as it was the day you died. even as your flesh began to turn all sorts of hues, she still thought you looked as beautiful as the day she lost you.
your body, now lifeless and cold, a mere shell of the human you once were, could no longer support the weight of your head and slumped forward onto thirteen's shoulder whenever she would pick you up. the reaper held onto every inch of your being left, afraid that if she let even a hair shed, your entire existence would cease to exist, as if you had never been here in the first place.
your eyes were always something she adored, something that left her speechless and the first time she got to see them up close and in person, she was left in awe. by now, she's stared at you long enough to determine that yes, stars do swim in your eyes, and never missed the opportunity to go stargazing. even after your eyes became blurry after your death, they never lost that sparkle that she fell in love with in the first place.
how could she resist pulling you into her arms and dance along to inaudible music when you looked so beautiful? even though your skin was icy to the touch and your joints refused to move from the rigor mortis, she still enjoyed holding you close and swaying to an unknown rhythm. especially on nights when the moonlight would peer into her lair and cast a shadow on your features that just ever so slightly make you appear alive, she would dance until the sun took the moons place and brought her back to reality.
nevertheless, until the moment she reaped her last soul, she would continue to love you and keep you by her side, no matter the cost.
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© 2023 TEARS0FSATAN. please don’t translate, modify, repost or plagiarise my works anywhere.
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
HI AMIA!!! Hehehe, im glad ur inbox is open again^^
Could i request a WXS x reader (separately would be nice) pocky game type thing? U can ignore this if no, i just thought itd be cute! :D
Also love ur work!
hihi!! but aww this is cute, and ty!! I hope you like this!! <3
♡ POCKY GAME - Tsukasa Tenma, Rui Kamishiro, Emu Otori and Nene Kusanagi x Reader
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When you approach Tsukasa with a pocky box in hand, he'll watch you with a curious gaze
"Hm? What is that for, my co-star?" "Well, it was originally for you, but I thought that it'd be fun to do the pocky challenge!" "The what?-"
You explain the challenge to him, and his eyes widen before he laughs, bringing a hand to his chest, "Well, I assure you, I shall win this challenge!"
With that said, you take out a stick and place one end in your mouth. He takes the other end, and you both take careful bites
He actually goes slowly, set on winning. You match his pace, and the two of you slowly inch towards the middle until...
He leans forward, capturing your lips in his. Your eyes went wide, but you quickly melted into it. He pulled away after a minute, grinning at you. "Looks like I have won!" "...Tsukasa, that's not how it works-" You would let him have that win anyway.
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Rui knew immediately what you were planning to do with the pocky box in your hands
"Ah, what do we have here?" "Oh c'mon, I just thought it would be fun!" "It'd be easier to just ask me to kiss you, y'know."
Your face was warm, but you insisted that you just wanted to do it because it'd be fun, no other reason. He sighed, shaking his head before smiling. "I suppose this should be fun."
You took out a stick and placed one end in your mouth. He takes the other end, and he starts with a big bite-
It was a bit shocking, but you kept going, taking smaller bites than him. You inched closer and closer to the middle and...
He suddenly moved back, causing you to lose your bite on the stick. "Wh- Hey! That's illegal-" He cut you off by leaning back in, kissing you on the lips. He pulled away with a smirk, "I kissed you and I won, now we're both satisfied!"
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Emu would try to snatch the pocky box from your hands the moment she saw it-
"Hey! No touching, this is for us!" "Ohhh...You should've said so!!" "I didn't even say a word- But, we're doing the pocky challenge!" "The pocky wha??"
You explain the challenge, and her eyes go wide. "Ohhh, that sounds super duper fun!! Let's do it!!"
You take the stick and place one end in your mouth. Emu does the same, before immediately taking the biggest bite she possibly can-
You're surprised, and take a small bite. She just takes a big bite, and before you know it, she was well past the middle. She didn't even notice...
She simply leaped forward, eating the rest of the stick and kissing you on the lips. She pulled away with a grin, "Mmm, that was so yummy!! Do you have any more??" She did not understand the purpose of the challenge, but she had fun!
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Nene would immediately give you a deadpan look when she sees the pocky box
"No." "I didn't even say anything!" "It's...It's a stupid challenge, I'm not doing it-"
You persist in bugging her about it, until she sighs, shaking her head. "Fine, fine, I'll do it. Just...Don't tell Tsukasa or Emu or Rui-"
You promise you won't before taking a stick out and biting one end. She bites the other, and takes the smallest bites she can
The two of you inch closer and closer together, both of you refusing to take bigger bites. You both were close together in the middle before...
She pulls away, her face incredibly warm. "Ah, that's so..." She looks at you, her face growing warmer, "I..." And then, she leans forward, giving you a quick kiss before running away-
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nessa007 · 1 year
ppl who said Ryan was "too old" are about to be proved wrong by that box office $$$$$ he's about to rake in. he's hilarious and perfect for this role. and also gorgeous??? A TRUE BEAUTY KEN. "I saw a ken face down in the mud and texted Greta a pic with I must tell this man's tale" xD also there's never a person (until RECENTLY) saying the female actors aren't cast old enough (I'm not taking about Margo). The viral moment a little while ago was when Emmy Rossum was cast as Tom Holland's mom (and it's only because it's Tom hype it was noticed, I love him but still this has been happening since cinema has existed) she's only ten years older than him. That just happened in a Jessica Chastain movie like two years ago and no one said anything. My neices were watching a utube soap and I kid you not the "mom" was the SAME AGE. It's every movie; every show. I'm so happy Halle was cast as Ariel - appropriate age!!! I understand productions cast older teens/young adults rather than kids because then they can cut corners with union rights/demands like kids needing more breaks and parents on sets and like... basic human decency. also shows like R!verdale have teens sleeping together every weeek and sexy shots yada yada that actual teens WOULD NOT be permitted to do in filming (thank god they have intimacy coordinators now FINALLY). I forget who pointed it out, but you never see a news woman with grey hair. On a man it's distinguished on a woman it's ugly or she's a crone. I'll watch movies where they cast a 30 something woman and make her 50 by graying her hair. Like wtf? Anytime I'm watching a high school scene with a friend I say "none of those people are high schoolers". I'm an actor who's repeatedly told I AM LUCKY MY FACE LOOKS YOUNGER THAN I AM. This is going to last me about what 3 years? 2? I was just basically let go from a gig because FB feedback on photos were I looked "too old" for a character and it was because our boss was casting TEENAGERS illegally so yeah, of course I'm going to look about 80 years old (at 31) next to a 13 year old. She said "we're going to cast you as older roles" yeah we NEVER get requests for those. I wonder why. Okay, sorry for the rant... These reasons are why I'm so happy for Ryan. Prove the haters wrong and hopefully more light is shed on this too old/too young/ageism issue as a whole. Perfect moments and the movie hasn't even come out: THE JUST KEN SONG I DIDN'T KNOW WOULD HAPPEN JUST DROPPED?!
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He thought of the KEN underwear!!
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he's not afraid to poke fun at himself, wear pink a whole movie and funny outfits and dye his hair - so many "action movie" macho men actors would NEVER. this is the same guy from Blade Runner, Drive, The Gray Man (lol for their shoutout to his Ken)
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the tassel shaking, "I'll need clicky pen", the changing scenery and outfits montage, rock paper scissors, crossing his fingers when he asks barbie if he can come over xD EVERY MOMENT IS PERFECT.
yeah, sadly ageism is always gonna be a thing with hollywood and especially for women.
i don’t care how old ryan is, he is PERFECT in this role and that’s just judging from the few clips and trailers released. i love seeing all the early reviews saying this will be the role he is remembered for and he steals every scene he’s in 👏👏👏 i’m so excited to see the movie, especially for ryan !!!
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