#i'm not goin out there cause i'm a coward but WHAT is happening
fooltofancy · 1 year
there is Stuff going on inside this apartment building rn
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animekpopsimp · 3 months
You Almost Die (Demon Slayer Characters x Reader)
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It was a last minute decision for you to jump in front of Tanjiro, letting yourself get hit by the demon's attack instead. Tanjiro watched with horror in his eyes as you fell to the ground, bleeding. Somehow, you were still conscious, trying to push yourself back to your feet. Thinking quickly, Tanjiro pulled you into his arms, making sure you were out of harms way before swiftly beheading the demon the two of you had been fighting. Not bothering to pay any more attention to the monster, Tanjiro ran back over to you. By then, you had fallen unconscious, causing him to panic even more.
"I'm so sorry! Please don't die!" He begged, though he knew he wouldn't get any response. With tears in his eyes, he ran as fast as she could to get you to Shinobu.
The next time you woke up, you were laying in one of the beds inside Shinobu's estate. Looking around, you spotted Tanjiro sitting in a chair next to your bed. His head was resting on the bed as he slept. At that moment, he woke up, eyes going wide when he realized you had woken up. Tears instantly began to well up in his eyes as he pulled you into a hug, careful not to hurt you anymore than you already were.
"I was so worried, why did you do that?!" He cried, you smiled softly, rubbing comforting circles on Tanjiro's back.
"I didn't want you to get hurt" you admitted,
"never worry me like that again" Tanjiro said, still hugging you.
Inosuke had always been reckless, and this moment was no different. While fighting a demon, he had sustained some serious injuries. The Demon took advantage of that and sent what could be a fatal attack. Eyes going wide, you quickly took action, pushing him out of the way. However, in the process you didn't have time to block or dodge the incoming attack. Inosuke watched as you fell to the ground, after that instant, Inosuke felt more rage consume him than ever before. He rushed toward the demon.
You awoke to find yourself in Shinobu's estate, alone. What had happened before came rushing back just as the door opened. The insect pillar walked in.
"Oh, you're awake, how do you feel?" The woman asked. However, you weren't worried about yourself.
"Where's Inosuke? Is he ok?!" You asked frantically. Shinobu chuckled to herself.
"He's fine, you should worry more about yourself." She spoke, you let out a sigh of relief, happy to know that he was alright. Suddenly, Inosuke burst through the door.
"(Y/N)! You're awake!!!" He shouted before latching onto you, ignoring Shinobu, who was trying to tell him to be careful.
Zenitsu hated how much of a coward he was, even at the moment where you were laying on the ground, bleeding out, he found himself almost too scared to move. Suddenly, he passed out and within a second, he had decapitated the demon.
"(Y/N)!" Zenitsu shouted, rushing to the side of the hospital bed you were laying in.
"I'm so sorry, I'm such a coward, I couldn't protect you!" He shouted with tears in his eyes.
"Keep it down! People are trying to rest!" Aoi yelled. You smiled softly, placing a hand on Zenitsu 's head in a comforting manner.
"You did save me, you were the one who killed the demon." You pointed out, laughing softly. Zenitsu looked at you with wide eyes as he wiped a tear from his face.
"Really?" He asked with a hopeful tone in his voice. You nodded,
"then I promise to get stronger so you never get hurt again" he spoke.
"I'm sure you will" you said as Zenitsu hugged you. Aoi watched with a small smile on her face.
You slowly opened your eyes as you looked around, finding yourself in the Butterfly Mansion.
"What-what happened?" You asked, your voice caused Rengoku, who had been sleeping next to you, to stir. He opened his eyes, his expression changing to one of relief when he saw that you were awake.
"You're awake..." He said before suddenly pulled you into a hug, careful not to bother your injuries.
"I was so worried that I was going to lose you" he said, resting his head on your shoulder. You returned the hug,
"I don't remember what happened" you told him. Rengoku pulled away from the hug as he began to explain.
"You took a hit for me, I didn't know if you would make it" he spoke, at that moment, you started to recall the demon trying to attack Rengoku. And the moment you took the hit from him.
"Never scare me like that again" Rengoku's voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
"I won't" you said as Rengoku pulled you into another hug.
Waking up, you found yourself in the Butterfly Mansion. There were bandages wrapped around your mid section. Just then, the door opened and Giyu froze in the door way when he saw you awake. The bento he was holding nearly fell from his hands as he rushed over to the side of your bed. He placed the food down, kneeling next to the side of the bed.
"You're awake, I was so scared you would die" he said, you vividly remembered the moment the demon hit you. Even you didn't think you would make it. Looking at Giyu, you noticed he was crying. He carefully wrapped his arms around you as you let him cry.
"You're finally awake! I'm so happy. Never scare me like that ever again. I can't stand the thought of you dying!" Mitsuri's voice was what you were greeted with when you woke up in Shinobu's estate. She ran over to the side of your bed, tears running down her face as she did so.
"Mitsuri..." You started to say.
"Please don't get hurt like that again!" She begged, her tears staining your shoulder. You smiled softly, letting her take time to calm down.
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hecatemoon87 · 11 months
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Minor DNI.
Chapter 8
Johnny and the gang rode up to their rival's bar close to nine thirty p.m. The bar was located about four miles northeast of their own hang out.
What triggered the visit was that one of their own members had been beaten up pretty badly by a group of the Vipers. And Johnny had had enough.
As Johnny's gang got off their bikes, a handful of Vipers filed out of the bar and stood waiting. One of them was Malone, the leader.
"How's it goin', Johnny?" Malone said with a sneer.
"Well, I don't know Malone, that depends on how this night ends," Johnny said, casually walking up to him.
"I ain't no fortuneteller, but, uh, I think it ends with you running back home with your tail between your legs," Malone said, unmoving as Johnny met him face to face.
Johnny laughed mirthlessly. God he wanted to strangle Malone, watch that fucker's face turn red, his eyes bulge and fight for air.
"I just don't see that happening unless you apologize for fucking up my warehouse and beating up one of my guys," Johnny said, his body tense and ready for a fight.
"Nah, you see, I ain't gonna do that. And you ain't gonna do shit about it either," Malone said bringing up a hand and poking Johnny in the chest.
Johnny almost decked Malone, but there was something in his opponent's eye that made him pause. "Oh yeah? And tell me why I just don't beat you down and burn your bike?" Johnny challenged.
Malone chuckled with sense of knowing. "You got that pretty little Italian slut on your arm now don't ya? Wouldn't want her to get hurt again."
Johnny froze, a sensation of dread crept down his spine. "What do you mean 'again'?"
"Oh, nothing. Only that she wouldn't put out for one of my crew. Real prude if you ask me. He rough her up enough to tell her what's what," Malone said grinning.
Johnny's heart rate accelerated, every muscle in his body was so tense it felt like he was spring loaded. He moved closer to Malone, staring him hard in the eyes. "You touch her, you die. And the fucker that did it, he's already dead."
Malone shrugged his shoulders. "Funny thing is, I forgot his name. And if that slut tells you it, she's the one who is dead, John. You wanna risk that?"
Johnny clenched his jaw. He was holding back with every ounce of will power he could summon. "This isn't over, Malone," he finally said, turning around and walking back to his bike.
"Look at that Vipers, a Vandal being a coward over some pussy!" Malone shouted, causing an uproar of laughter from the Viper gang. Benny came up beside Johnny and said, "Forget it, man, they ain't worth it."
Johnny settled back on his bike and look Benny dead in the eyes. "Nah, I'm not gonna forget this. You find the name of the prick that hurt Amelia. That's all that I want right now. I'll deal with Malone in my own way."
With that, Johnny revved his bike, telling the other Vandals it was time to go.
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elkenbulwark · 10 months
+ talk about ren.
"That fuckin' idiot. You know what happens when I say maybe it's not the right idea to plop is'ass in a chair with a dragon jaw poised overhead like a can-opener? Know what he says to that? 'Overreacting, Biv, AS USUAL'. And the lot of'em who would've said he's the fuckin' 'wizard' that's always fuckin' up and keepin' us late, and pissin' off folks with spell splatter...but they decided they gots a bone to pick with me for bein' right. For bein' cautious! That's not their brother, so how fuckin' dare they get on MY case? For FAMILY business? Fer a bit of HESITATION? S'it really worth it to sit there and pat your own ass over the fact you took up fer somebody's ~FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION~ ooooh (gag me alfuckin'ready) when in the next breath that independence you so wanted to see cuz you're so fucked up in need of it yr'self is layin' DEAD at your feet? For a lil ass pat from somebody what's whole world is just a rendition of words in books from a slew of unreliable narrators?
Well fuck me then. Fuck me 'cause they think so poorly of me for darin' to get the least bit outraged over it. My job was hard enough as it was...and now he's even weaker and twice as stubborn. I can't-...I can't protect'im. No matter how hard I fucken' try. Not when he doesn't want it no more, not when even if I tries he's too frail, not when everybody round us decided he's the fuckin' one what needs the most encouragement to venture out with reckless abandon despite what all's 'appened. I hate watchin'-...knowin' what's gonna befall him and with nothin' to do bout it. Cept get a good shove or a rockin' of knuckles when I done nothin' but live fer'im this whole time. When he runs off to be with some coward what's only solution to deal with conflict is to run off and hide in the shadows, what then? He doesn't understand... and I don't think he ever will. And where does that leave me?
The whole fuckin' world is turned right side up-down and I have no clue what's goin' on even though I'm 'posed to all the time-...if he'd just listen to me. Just ... not even in the do what all I say way, just hear me out on the real fuckin' concerns I gots and just consider it instead ah blowin' me off aways. Now my cheek's hurtin' on account of him gettin' fussy and bashin' out at me, and of course he landed his hit too. Sometimes...I just wish there were evenin's with his stories and nobody 'tween us causin' a fuss like what it used to be. We was close once, y'know. Alls each other had. Then somethin' changed. And I'm still not sure if it was him or me."
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His voice
Baji x soulmate f!reader
Request by: @aeshiiteiru
Genere: fluff
Warnings: a bit of violence, nothing to major tho
Soulmate situation: once you hear your soulmates name, their name appears on your wrist
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You were walking home after visiting your favorite mochi shop. It was late in the evening where you didn't expect people to be out and about. But you weren't as right as you wish you were. Walking your way home you heard a group of guys arguing.
You had two choices. Choose the bridge for the way home, which would be quite the detour. Or choose to walk under the bridge, where you could hear the people arguing.
Now many people would choose the bridge because of safety. But let's be real, the other way was much faster. The faster you're home, the quicker you can eat your lovely mochis.
Walking down the path you chose, you could make out three different voices. "MAN JUST GIVE UP! THERE'S NO USE!", one frantically screamed, voice not seeming as confident as it should be. The other voice shouting, "Y-YEAH! ITS STILL THREE AGAISNT ONE!" Followed by the third voice, "RIGHT! YOU'RE EXHAUSTED! YOU CANT WIN AGAINST US THREE!"
Everything was silent for a few seconds. You stopped walking, maybe regretting choosing this path. You could hear one person moving. "Yo, what's goin' on! That sounds like bullshit to me! I'm perfectly fine! I can take you three all at once! LET'S GO!", the forth voice yelled. His voice was deeper and much more confident.
It sounded so soothing. But, why? Have you heard this voice before? Do you know him from somewhere? You couldn't think of anyone. But one thing was for sure, you wanted to get to know the person with such a smooth voice. Somehow you felt like it was calling you. Something felt so attracting.
Deciding to continue walking, you soon found the group of guys that were making all this trouble. Walking slowly to observe, you payed close attention to the situation happening. You saw about six other people laying on the ground, seemingly unconscious. Given the context you just heard, it was save to assume that the one guy with the soothing voice beat them all up. Which was honestly really impressive. He sure had to be strong and a skilled fighter.
It wasn't a pleasant sight necessarily, but it sure was nice to see him beat up the others easily. He looked tough, his hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail, throwing heavy punches. Punches that knocked, the first guy that was attacking him, out cold. Which also meant, only two more guys to go. You didn't expect anything surprising other than him winning. Until you saw the leader pulling out a knife. How unfair. The long haired guy didn't seem to notice, being focused on beating the third guy up.
Quickly you moved forward, walking straight towards the fight. This surly was a bad idea. But why did it feel so right? Regardless, there was no time to think about your reasoning right now. With no hesitation you joined the fight. Getting behind the leader, roundhouse-kicking him in the ribs before elbowing him in the face.
The leader stumbled back, holding his side. Not giving him any time you took his hand that was holding the knife and twisted his wrist. "WHO ARE YOU!?", he screamed out in pain. Turning his arm further, causing him to drop the knife, you answered, "None of your damn business. I wouldn't be involved If it wasn't for you being a coward and tying to use a knife."
Hearing a loud groan from behind, you turned around looking at the other male on the ground. "So you have been watching us then? Didn't notice you. Respect.", the last guy standing noted, pulling out his hair tie. Watching his hair fall free, all you could think was how beautiful and healthy it looked.
"Well yeah, I wasn't as obnoxious loud like all of you. How would you have heard me, while you were beating the living daylight out of that guy.", you pointed to the man laying before his feet. "I could've taken them all by myself ya know. Why did you join in?", the man who's name was still unknown asked. "He had a knife with him. It would have been unfair. Therefore I had to step in and help.", you said.
He looked at you, his puzzled expression more noticeable than before, "do I know you from somewhere?" So he felt the same too? He also thought you were familiar. But you don't remember ever meeting him.
"I don't think so.", you answered, looking just as confused. "What's your name?", the male questioned. He felt as if he had known you for years. As if you needed to be in his life.
"I'm y/n (full name)", he stood still hearing your name. It was something about your name. It sounded so familiar, so welcoming to him. "And what's yours?", you asked, wanting to know his name too. Given the unexpected attraction toward him, you needed to know the reason for It "I'm keisuke. Baj-", before finishing his sentence, somebody called for him.
"Oi baji! There you are! We've been looking everywhere for you, man!", a friend, you guessed, came running down. "Oh? Y/n?", he asked. "Wait. You know her?", baji asked surprised. "Yeah I do. She's in my class." You looked at him, recognizing him immediately. It was one of your good friends; mitsuya takashi. "Mitsuya? You know him?", you questioned, referring to baji. If he did know him that would mean, if you hung out with mitsuya you'd get to hang out with baji at some point too.
"Yeah I do. He's part of my gang. We sadly can't stay to chat though, we have to go. Let's go baji.", he urged, in obvious hurry. "Damn, already?", baji was not happy about it. He wanted to stay and talk to you. He felt so drawn to you. He needed to get to know you more. Mitsuya was quite surprised. Never has baji shown any interest like this. Of course mistuya was quick to come to a conclusion, looking at yours and bajis wrist only confirmed his assumptions.
Before they both left, you could see mitsuya pointing to his wrist while looking at you, signaling you to look at your own wrist. Which you did.
It was fair to say that you were quite surprised. There on your wrist was bajis name. Beautifully written "Baji Keisuke" in the prettiest deep ocean blue you've ever seen. Everything made sense now. He was your soulmate, that's why you felt so drawn to him despite this being the first time meeting him.
One thing was sure to say. The next time you meet mitsuya, you'll surely ask for bajis number.
"Hey, uh- mitsuya?", baji was unsure how to word his upcoming question. "Yeah?", mitsuya already had a hunch of what was coming, "what's up?" Baji looked unsure and quite conflicted, "do you- do you happen to have y/n's number?" Mitsuya looked at baji, who was looking down to his feet, "I suppose I do. Why do you ask?" The silver-lilac haired male knew why he wanted your number, but why not have a little fun with this?
"Ah- well- I wanted to thank her for helping me. Right. Yeah.", baji didn't exactly know why he wanted your number, but he needed it. "I can thank her for you next time I see her, you know.", he answered, finding this situation quite funny. "Ah- No- No. It's fine! I don't wanna burden you with this. I can thank her myself.", baji frantically told him. He couldn't let this opportunity pass, he needed your number.
"Haha alright. I guess I can give you her number,", mistuya chuckled, seeing baji sigh out of relief. "Have you, by any chance, looked at your wrist in the last 20 minutes?", he continued. Baji looked at him, confused at what he meant. Lifting his arm to look at his wrist he stood still once more, falling behind mitsuya.
It was your name. Your name on his wrist. That was the reason why he wanted to stay with you so badly. You were his soulmate. He'd always been thinking about how he'd meet his soulmate and what they'd look like. He smiled at the thought of you, feeling proud of his soulmate being this confident and cool, stepping in a fight to help.
"Are you coming?", mitsuya who stood a few steps before him laughed at bajis surprised expression. "You knew?", the surprised male asked his friend. "It took only seconds by the look in your eyes." Bajis cheeks grew warm. The look in his eyes? "Shut up! Let's go!" He sure was happy to have you as his soulmate.
And he sure as hell could not wait to text and see you again.
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mysteryshoptls · 3 years
SSR Leona Kingscholar Dorm Uniform Personal Story: Part 1
"Let me jump in too."
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Magift Stadium]
Savanaclaw Student A: Hey, all y'all, stop slacking off! You all gonna be okay with another pathetic showing in the upcoming inter-dorm tournament like we had last year?!
Savanaclaw Student B: None of us in Savanaclaw can afford to lose to anyone from the other dorms. Hey, all you underclassmen, put your back into it!
Savanaclaw Students: YESSIR!
Leona: Oh, man, what amazing spirit.
Leona: Do your best, you guys. I'll be watching from here. …[yaaaaawn]
Savanaclaw Student A: Hey, you bastard, what're you doing!? Don't grab my shoulder like that. Let go!
???: No way. Until you apologize, I'll never let go.
Leona: Haahn? Who's doing all that yapping? I can't sleep.
Jack: In Magift, it's against the rules to directly target another player with magic. And yet…
Jack: You guys definitely were aimin' at me instead of the disc, weren't you?
Jack: You're all also goin' out of your way to bump into me, or tryin' to trip me up… It's all just barely legal play tactics.
Savanaclaw Student A: Hey, hey, Jack, the ref didn't call a foul, right? So, what's wrong with the way we're playing? Heeheehee.
Savanaclaw Student B: Besides, you think you can speak to your elders that way, even though you're just a puppy that's barely been here a month?
Jack: My elders? …If I'm bein' honest, my magift playing ability is way better than any of you.
Jack: I'm not going to just obediently follow someone who isn't even on my level just 'cause they're older than me!
Savanaclaw Student B: What'd you say!? Do we gotta pummel it into you so you get it?
Jack: If you think you can, try me!
Leona: Hey, you guys. Shut up.
Savanaclaw Student A: Dorm Leader Leona!
Savanaclaw Student B: This guy… This freshman Jack picked a fight with us.
Leona: Right. So you're one of the newbies that joined our dorm this year, Jack Howl.
Jack: …
Leona: I've heard rumors, y'know? The highly sought after fresh-meat with superior athletic abilities.
Leona: Even when it comes to the dorm's magift practice, you've utterly destroyed these second and third years who were so proud of their strength…
Leona: Seems as though you've also completely crushed that pride.
Jack: …I've been fighting fair.
Jack: Compared to that, these guys couldn't beat me, so they resorted to playing rough.
Jack: I can't ever forgive cowards like th…
Leona: What's wrong with the way these guys are playing? Of course you gotta use your wits during a game.
Jack: Wha… Are you saying you'd forgive such dirty tactics!?
Leona: Those were all "barely" legal, right? Then it's not really cowardly. It's a proper strategy.
Leona: According to the rules, these guys haven't caused a single problem. As the one who is disrupting the pack, you're the one who is more of an issue here.
Jack: Ugh...
Leona: If you can comprehend that then be a good boy, sit yourself down and think on your actions.
Jack: …
Jack: …I'm going to return to practice.
Leona: Kukuku. Cheeky little pup.
Savanaclaw Student A: Seriously, he's so cocky! What's with that attitude, even though he's just a newbie who just joined this school.
Savanaclaw Student B: We should teach him a lesson, at least once. Heh.
Leona: …Hey. Don't think about doing something stupid.
Leona: There's not much time left until the inter-dorm tournament. You seriously think you guys have time to be picking fights during practice?
Leona: Just try to lose as pathetically as you did last year in the competition. …You know what'll happen to you then, right?
Savanaclaw Student B: S-sorry…
Leona: You all shouldn't get so worked up in the first place, just because you were about to lose to a "newbie who just joined this school".
Leona: I'm getting second-hand embarrassment just from watching you.
Savanaclaw Student A: Wha… That's not…!!
Leona: No excuses. Hurry and get back to practicing. Don't bother me anymore.
Savanaclaw Students: …Yessir.
Savanaclaw Student A: Tch, what the hell…
Savanaclaw Student B: Don't sit right with me at all…
Leona: Haaah. Jeez …This is all so tiring.
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Requested by @leonakingscholarship.
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jasonsthunderthighs · 3 years
So much shit has happened.
I don't know where to begin. It's just all so stressful and tirin.
When we were livin in a tent for a week or so, we also met a 40 or so year old dude that lived in the woods by the train tracks. He was cool at first. Very nice and supportive.
But as you know from my other post, the cops found us. We got called on by the cops three times (it wasn't exactly on us, just the other homeless people who actually would hang in front of the buildings in front of the train tracks) and told all of us to basically leave and not to live on the rail roads anymore, since it's public property and whatnot.
So, we leave and stayed hidden for a few days, and even away from the man, cause he was bein a little strange and weird.
On the 2nd of July, I was on the bus with my ex friend to get dabs for us (not my ex friend, cause she doesn't smoke.) and I get a text from my twin, telling me she's scared and that the man found our camp site and started to curse and yell at my twin. She tells him to basically fuck off and not to come back.
When we came back to the camp, we hid out behind this tarp thing that was already put up by someone who use to live there (we found the camp site trashed up and messy when we first came there.) to not be seen by the guy. He walks by our camp site and starts to THROW ROCKS AT US. VERY HARD THROWS AT US. One of the fuckin rocks almost hit my ex friend, which that still pissed me off and I grabbed this metal rod thing and machete to defend us from him, whilst my twin grabbed her hatchet to throw at him. He told us this was “war” (this isn't your turf, mate. 😒) and that he was goin to force us out if we don't leave, and leaves us, walkin back to his camp site.
We relax for a bit, tryin to pack our shit, (and smoke some dabs) and the fucker COMES BACK THROWIN GARBAGE AT US, threatenin and yellin at us. My twin got pissed and we both basically told him he's a coward for just throwin trash and rocks instead fightin us. (Three against one)
So, twin's boyfriend comes back from work and we gathered our shit in the middle of the night, with help from two friend of ours who has vehicles to help us move shit. As we were makin our trips (and almost done) the man COMES BACK (we're in a public parkin lot at this point) and starts to circle the four of us (our friend, my ex friend, my twin and I; twin's boyfriend was tellin his other friend who has a car where to go so we can meet him and whatnot) and threatenin us. We told him we'll call the cops on him, he just laughed sayin that he's got the police in his pockets, and that they won't help or believe us.
What I didn't know was that he tried to choke out my twin's boyfriend earlier with TWO OTHER WITNESSES watchin this man assaultin him for NO REASON. The man said that was a lie and called my twin a lyin bitch when she was on the phone with the cops.
When the cops did come around, her and her boyfriend explained what was goin on, whilst the man was yellin sayin that we're lyin and that he touched nobody. (Havin the cops in your pocket, my ass.)
The whole ordeal was awful. I had a massive panic attack and my friend had to calm me down from it.
Now, my ex friend and I are in a flat with two others who are very, very nice and even in the LGBT community. They can only take two people, so we went instead of my twin and their boyfriend and cat. Nobody wanted to take ‘em in, cause of the cat. Which fuckin blows, so they're actually living in the woods two hours away from here. They're safe, but I still miss my twin so much.
We're gonna be here for a few months to gather up ourselves, physically, mentally and emotionally, and financially wise. I'm workin my ass off to get the process faster and get a place soon.
The good thing outta all of this, is that my new flatmate is gonna teach me how to drive, give me his old car when he gets a new one later this month, AND (hopefully, he needs to talk to his guy) got me a modeling job through this awesome company (I don't know it all yet, he was tellin me bout this whilst I was workin my ass off last night.) so that's a few good things that's happened out of the three months so far.
I'm still gonna be busy as Hell, but I'll try to update and whatnot. I might just reblog a few of my posts, cause I don't have a lot to post right now at the moment.
Thank you for reading. I'll be back when I can.
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moonlightflower21 · 5 years
Wrong direction
A/N: this was inspired by a song, written at 12:25 am. been feeling kinda all over the place, so i wrote this and it may have mistakes in it. hope you enjoy, anyway <3
this is complete angst, by the way :")
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You stood as the tears that you tried to hold back, painted your cheeks with broken sobs passing your lips. Your back leaned against the wall, knowing full well your knees would have collapsed underneath you if you continued to stand unaided. It felt like you couldn't breathe, your lungs seemingly filling with air but nothing reached them. Your vision were blurred with tears, continually dripping down your cheeks at a steady pace. You knew your head would hurt later on but at least it would provide something else to focus on when your heart felt like it was being stabbed.
This wasn't your boyfriend, you refused to believe that Raphael was this... cold. This heartless. Yet he stood opposite you, with a bored expression making no effort to console you or try to justify his actions. His arms crossed over his chest, with a leg leaning up against the wall as April stood behind him, staring at you and him warily. You wanted to strangle her, it was a miracle you hadn't wrapped your fingers around her pretty little throat.
"What's going on?" She asked, stroking Raph's bicep comfortingly as her eyes stared at you up and down in a demeaning manner. "Nothin', Y/N is goin' off on one" he chuckled, finally making eye contact at you. Your brows had raised high, your own arms crossed over your chest to mirror his posture. The anger you built up leading to this moment burst and you were unable to reel it back in.
"Fuck you, Raphael. Fuck you" taking a step back, you shook your head at him in shock. A lone tear leaked from your eye, your heart felt like it had been ripped out of your chest and been stomped on multiple times at once without a pause. The smirk he had on almost faltered immediately, seeing you cry like that. In pain, caused by him.
"What's going on, guys?" Mikey smiled entering his room to grab something but then it disappeared as he saw your tears dropped from your cheeks and falling to the floor. He shot his brother a confused look when he didn't do anything to help you. "Y/N! What's wrong??" He gasped, coming to your side and you shook your head, letting out a soft sigh trying to not sob here.
"Nothing, I got reminded why I should have left your brother that night. You weren't worth the effort at all" you looked straight at Raphael when you some, hoping your words would cut his heart as his actions had done to you. And it had done, watching pain flicker through those irises you had grown to love but now hated with every passing second.
"Wha..." Mikey's eyes widened in the slightest when he caught sight of what happened. He looked to his brother in disbelief, blinking at April who stood next to his side. "Why are ya-" Raph started angrily but got cut off promptly after. You had enough, now it was your turn to talk.
"Shut up, I'm not done!" You hissed, holding your palm out. While your heart may have felt like it was being twisted in all sorts of directions your brain kept a clear path and direction which you were thankful for. His brow arched ever so slightly but he didn't interrupt.
"You know what the worst part about all of this?? I can't hate you physically. I hate what you did to me. I hate that I spent countless hours of my time, gave you my heart, gave you my time and for what?? For you to cheat on me with her??" You pointed angrily to April, fingers curling in a tight fist. Taking a breath, you composed yourself as best as you could. But it was hard given the circumstances. The amount of time you spend with him and the memories shared. You hated to think that, while they meant so much to you, he was probably thinking of April during it all.
"Mikey, could you give us some privacy?" You looked at him and gave a tired smile. Your eyes were red and your cheeks were puffy slightly. You looked so hurt, he hadn't seen you look so defeated. He gave you a hug, patting your back comfortingly before giving you one of his signature smiles. They were needed but they didn't quite reach your heart. He nodded, ignoring Raphael and looking at April.
"Let's go, that's the least you could do" you were surprised when you heard him speak in that angry tone, he specially reserved for enemies.
"But I-" "I'm not hear to listen to you. Get lost" Mikey barked out, opening the door and watching her reluctantly leave Raph's side. Raphael watched them both leave hearing the door close afterwards, and finally looked at you. So many emotions ran through your eyes, it was hard to pinpoint an exact one.
"You're happy. I guess I wasn't the one for you. But why? Why did you have to do this?" You asked, breathing out to calm your nerves so you didn't feel so overwhelmed at him. He didn't respond and you faked a laugh, sitting down on the bed.
"So the silent treatment? You hurt me, goodness knows for how long and you still stay silent? You knew what this would do to me, still you provide not an answer. You're a coward, Raphael. That's all you are" "Watch it, Y/N!" He snapped, glaring at you and you shook your head, watching how angry he turned. Normally you'd be a little cautious, but not today. Not after this.
"Can't take it?? That's how I'm feeling now Raphael! Why the fuck did you cheat on me?? Why the fuck did you hurt me like this??" You cried out, throwing your hands angrily in the air in emphasis.
"I-I don't know! It wasn't supposed to happen-" "Don't tell me that bullshit, just stop" you harshly wiped the tears that stained your cheeks while looking at him. The pain he caused you would stay with you for the longest time.
"I always stayed loyal to you, even when you weren't here. Even when I could have dated someone else, I chose not to. Where was your loyalty? Where was the honour in lying to me?" You asked, looking at the ground before meeting his gaze and he couldn't look at you. He chose to stare at the floor, knowing that meeting your eyes would make guilt overrun his stomach and he refused to break down in front of you.
"You can't answer, like always. My heart was in your hand and you played with it so easily. As if it meant nothing. But I guess that's exactly what it meant. I meant nothing to you. I was crazy to think you loved me-"
"I do!" "Then why the fuck am I crying. Why am I sitting here asking you, why the fuck you cheated?!" You yelled, standing up once more. "But you won't fucking answer me! That's the least I deserve, don't I?? An answer??" You snapped, coming closer to him. But not a sound from his side, and you scoffed turning around.
"I just, all this time I could have found someone that loved me instead of staying with someone who didn't" "You don't understand, Y/N! I loved you, I always did and I'm sorry-"
"Oh, I understand very well. You cheated and there's nothing else to it. People who love each other don't cheat on them. I loved you, did I cheat?" You shouted, not caring that probably the whole lair could hear you. The last sentence made your voice tremble, bring you back to the reality that he cheated. He really, actyally cheated. He fucked another woman in his bed and didn't even think how you'd be affected by it? Even when he made promises to you that he wouldn't. Even after all this, he went ahead and did it.
"What did you think Raphael? That you apologise and I'll run to you?? I'm breaking up and I don't ever want to see your face again" you picked up your bag from the ground, opening the door and turning your head to spare him one last glance before you left his life forever. You realised how hard it would be, without him. Because he taught you what love felt like, what happiness was. And you hated and loved him for that same reason.
"You weren't worth it, in the slightest. Have fun with April, hope you feel exactly what I'm going through. Bye, jerk" you smiled, slamming his door shut before taking in a shaky breath. You turned, leaving the lair before giving a glare to April. You didn't listen to the calls of the other turtles, knowing that the more you stayed in the lair the more your heart would continue to shatter and the more you would break.
It's so gut-wrenching, falling in the wrong direction.
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