#i'm not sure if that makes a lick of sense but there's my stream of conscious while i'm also trying to concentrate of dnd
benevolenterrancy · 2 years
Odd, for as weird as it seems... Klink probably belongs better within the realm of Napoleon rather than that of the 2nd World War. But even then... Let's say Klink wears a Prussian Uniform, and Hogan and gang in their nations respective uniforms from the era... Honestly I can't imagine how that would go. Because think of it, Technically Newkirk is allied with Klink and Schultz, with LeBeau being aligned with Hogan, Carter, and Kinchloe....
But weird Napoleonic geopolitics aside, the uniforms themselves would look very dashing.
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tbh i have NO knowledge about historical uniforms of basically any shape or form but i do enjoy this concept, absolutely adore people using their niche interests to create the wildest and coolest au's. you're so right about klink...
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buckyalpine · 8 months
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Please do a teeny story where buckys kitty is all over a y/n and he is so flustered about it. These pics of my cat who is a Turkish Angora. I like to think he might look a bit like Alpine 😉
I'm here for all the domestic fluff rn. WHAT A CUTE BABY PLSSSS absolutely yes your fur baby looks like such a little angel. That is most certainly Bucky's sweet Alpine.
Bucky finally moved into a new apartment. One with proper heating and lighting. A comfy bed he actually liked to sleep in. Furniture he picked out. It was a simple space but he liked it. He even got a few plants and hung up a few pictures, most of them with Sam and Steve.
His favorite place was surprisingly the kitchen. After years of tasteless mush and not exactly feasting every day back in he 40's, Bucky loves trying experimenting with different recipes and recreating ones he remembered his ma making for him.
Then there was his favorite thing in the whole world. A little white ball of fur that would slink around his legs all day, meowing for pets and cuddles, purring so loudly Bucky was sure the neighbors could hear. He'd never meant to get a cat but all it took was one charity event at a local animal shelter and the rest was history. He couldn't resist those adorable blinking eyes and soft, wispy fur.
"Alp?" Bucky rubbed his eyes, curious as to why there wasn't a fuzzy motor boat purring on his chest while the sun streamed through the curtains. "Where'd you go, baby"
It wasn't rare for Alpine to wake up earlier than Bucky, sauntering around the apartment to lay under a patch of sun. He swung his legs over, making his way to the kitchen to make breakfast for both him and his cat only to find the apartment empty and the cat door swinging.
"I should've never installed that" Bucky groaned to himself, deciding to continue making breakfast in hopes that Alpine would be back shortly whilst also wondering why he thought it would be a good idea to give his cat a sense of independence. Moments later, Bucky heard the swinging of the flap, announcing the arrival of the fur ball.
"Where did you go" Bucky cocked his head, noting the way his cat was smugly licking his lips before jumping onto his cat tree and stretching out for a nap. "For fucks sake, you're worse than Steve, running off God knows where and doing who knows what"
A knock of the door broke Bucky away from the conversation he was having, his eyes growing wide seeing his pretty neighbor on the other side.
"H-hi" Bucky stuttered, smiling down at the PJ's you were still in along with soft bunny slippers on your feet, sleep still evident on your face. Before either of you could speak, Alpine trotted over, walking right past Bucky and straight to you. He stood up on his hind legs with needy meows, batting his eyes as best as he could, something he very clearly learned from his owner.
"Alpine" Bucky hissed, his cheeks growing red while his cat continued to paw at your leg, trying to climb you like a tree, begging to be picked up.
"Is he yours" you giggled, picking up the fussy cat in your arms, letting him adjust himself until he was comfy, his eyes closing for a nap. "He was at my door this morning"
"You can't nap there baby" Bucky sighed, embarrassed over the fact that his cat was rubbing himself all over you plus he'd clearly just revealed Alpine wore the pants in the relationship. "Yeah, he's mine. I'm so sorry, he's usually not like that, he usually runs away from people-
"It's okay" you cooed at the content cat in your arms, giving him another snuggle before turning to Bucky again. Something silver in your hand caught his eyes, running and hand over his face when he realized what you were holding.
His cat was a menace.
"He left this at my place while coming for a visit. Thought I should bring it back to its rightful owner, Sargent" You said shyly, handing over Bucky's dogtags, your breath hitching as your fingers brushed over his metal hand, placing them in his palm.
"Supposed I should give this back to you as well" you handed over Alpine, torn between wanting to cuddle the fur baby more and also feeling jealous of how comfy he must've felt in his daddy's thick arms, resting against his strong chest-
Get a hold of yourself.
"Thank you, doll" The pet name slipped out on is own making both of you giddy again. "I-I was just about to make breakfast, if you want to come over in half an hour" Bucky offered, nervous at how your react, butterflies bursting in his tummy when your eyes lit up.
"I'd love that" You gave Alpine one last scratch behind the ears before retracting back to your apartment to get changed while Bucky closed the door behind him.
"I know you want a mommy but you can't just plant yourself into the arms of the first pretty girl you see" Bucky's muffled voice carried through the door making your cheeks heat up, smiling to yourself when Alpine meowed in response.
"I know you have good taste but you know I would've asked her out eventually. You didn't have to drag my dogtags there"
"I'm not scared"
"I'm not!"
"Fine. But you let me handle this when she comes over"
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asonofpeter · 10 months
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Pairing: Jaime Reyes x F!Reader
Summary: Your lack of sleep makes it seem like you're going insane, then again, your boyfriend has an alien inside of him...maybe insanity makes sense.
Warnings: reader has emotional distress, description of skin and flesh? mentions of sleep deprivation and male genitals, SPOILERS FOR BLUE BEETLE! there's also some light SMUT but it will be labeled by 🦋 so you can skip if you want and must be 18+ to read!
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Second part? Umm hell yeah! I gotta go see this movie again cause I wanna see Jaime wink wink. Thank you for all of those who reblogged the last part! If the smut confuses you, be aware that I'm a whore and my page mainly consists of smut. Please make sure you're 18+ when reading and enjoy! 💕💕💕
I don't consent to my work being copied, reposted, or translated.
“Where could he have possibly gone?!” you ran your fingers over your hair, tears streaming down your face as Miliagro tried to comfort you. “What the hell was that thing?” you shook your head, dumbfounded.
You had been standing, staring up at the hole in the ceiling for the last few minutes, completely dumbfounded that your boyfriend was somewhere up there. You were in hysterics compared to the rest of the family.
“Amá is calling the police, I’m sure we’ll find him,” she rubbed your shoulder, tears streaming down her face too.
A few moments later, your heart rate spiked up the moment a loud crash was heard in the dining room, the already collapsed table now housing your fainted boyfriend who was completely naked.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, hand over your mouth as you ran over to aid him but he awoke abruptly, incoherent words escaping his lips. About to stop him from moving to prevent any injury, you felt your face heat up when he stood up.
“His huevitos!” Rudy shouted, the rest of the family’s breaths hitching before Rocio and Nana started reminiscing about Jaime’s childhood. 
You stepped forward, trying to give Jaime some concealment but he pushed passed you, entirely dazed until he crashed on the couch.
“Ten, tapaló,” Rocio handed you a blanket and you quickly covered him. That’s when you all realized what was on his back. 
“That is the grossest thing I’ve ever seen,” Millie gagged beside you and you frowned at the sight of the bug fused into his back.
You sat at Jaime’s head on the couch, Nana waving the vapor rub in front of his nose. You combed your fingers through his hair, the smell, and your touch slowly coaxing him awake. 
His eyes opened, body jolting in shock to see all of you sitting around him. “Where?” his brows were furrowed and he stared down at himself, realization growing on him and being confirmed by a peek under the blanket. “Oh god,” he gaped, shooting up from the couch and keeping the blanket wrapped around him.
“Jaime, wait,” everyone called out, following him but he shrugged everyone off, going into his room.
“Follow him and tell him,” Millie pushed you forward and you got the message as you managed to slide into his room before he slammed the door shut.
“Jaime,” you called out, a smile forming on your face when you saw his bare ass, unable to help yourself. “You need to know something,” you wrung your fingers together, staring at the glowing blue fusion on his back. 
“Hang on, Y/N, I can explain everything. It’s all fine, this is all normal,” he struggled to put clothes on, mainly muttering to himself. “It’s all good,” he laughed, shirt in his hand as he walked over to you, a humorless laugh escaping him as he grabbed your shoulders. “I missed you,” he inhaled before leaning in and kissing you.
You were taken aback by the sudden gesture, but welcomed it nonetheless when you recalled how worried you’ve been about him. 
“Jaime,” you said when he pulled away, licking your lips as you opened your mouth to continue. “Look in the mirror,” you exhaled just as he pulled his shirt over his head.
He paused, doing as you said, his eyes widening when he got a look before a scream left his mouth.
“Just breathe, okay?” you hurried towards him before he panicked even more. “We’re gonna find a way to fix this, okay?” you grabbed his shoulders and he seemed to calm down a bit before you engulfed him in a hug.
“We’re gonna fix it,” he repeated, arms slowly wrapping around you. “I need to find Jenny”.
“That’s Cesar to you!” Rudy shouted at Jenny after she became the reason the Taco was ruined. 
You were all sat around the table after Jaime had driven off to go find Jenny to explain everything. You weren’t too pleased he left so suddenly, worry still raking through you from the day’s earlier event. You kept your anger under wraps, thankful to Rudy for laying it on them. 
A few moments later after hearing Rudy cry about the damage done to his truck, he came back in, fury still bubbling in his words. 
“I can’t believe you did that to my truck, after everything,” he cried. “This is all your fault,” he pointed at Jenny. “First, you put a bug inside my nephew and now my truck?!” he screamed, shaking his head.
“Wait, what’s he talking about?” Jenny darted her gaze around the table and Jaime sighed. 
“He means this,” he said, turning around and pulling his shirt over his head so she could see the blue and purple bug glowing along his spine, his flesh pink in the areas it fused to the creature.
“Oh my god,” the family shouted, Milagro gaging at the sight. You on the other hand had grown a quick immunity to the sight, your face straight as you stared at it.
“I’ve seen worse,” you and Rudy said at the same time and you shared a glance for a second before Millie butted in.
“Where?” she furrowed her brows. 
“You don’t want to know,” you said at the same time again, your gaze narrowing at him.
“What the hell is this thing?” Jaime pulled his shirt back down, leaning over the table between you and Jenny.
“It’s a scarab, given to my dad when I was a kid. It’s some type of world-destroying weapon,”  she shrugged, the sight of defeat written across her face aware that this news was not one taken well by the family.
“Great,” Jaime inhaled deeply, hands running through his hair as he walked into the kitchen.
“So did you know this was going to happen when you handed it to my brother?” Millie asked, shooting daggers at Jenny. 
“No! I swear I didn’t. The scarab isn’t activated by any person, it chooses you,” Jenny elaborated. “So that means it chose you,” she turned to Jaime, a look of disbelief on his face.
You were sitting silently beside everyone, arms crossed over your chest as you took in the information you were given. Emotions trickled through you, you were sure you’d experienced all of them at least once today, but hearing the words come out of her mouth, you couldn’t help but crack your stoic face and double over in laughter.
“That is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard, you’re joking,” you managed between laughs, the family sparing glances at each other and Jaime placed a hand on your shoulder to check on you.
“Ignore her, she hasn’t slept since yesterday. Night shift,” Millie excused you.
“Are you sure she didn’t get the alien inside her? Seems like she’s going insane,” Rudy butted in, twirling his finger by his temple to say “cookoo”. 
“Ay, Rudy,” Rocio waved him off. “As you can see she’s a little out of it from the lack of sleep”.
At her statement, the laughing stopped and you straightened up, composing yourself with a clearing of your throat.
“I’m not out of it,” you defended. You were sure you slept a good hour this morning. “I’m just finding it a little hard to believe that there’s an alien inside my boyfriend’s body, bonding to him as we speak,” you exhaled. “It’s insane!”
“It’s okay,” Jaime reassured, his other hand coming up to massage your shoulder. “You said it chose me, so how do we make it unchose me?” he asked, turning back to Jenny who had a look of softness cross over her eyes as she stared at you two.
“I’m not sure. But if I can get access to the proper technology, we can figure out a way,” she claimed. “I just need a key. It’s located at Kord Industries though,” she said, face falling. 
“I have a way in,” Rudy said. “Come on, cabezon, we’re gonna get that thing outta you,” he pointed. 
“Okay, Jenny, Rudy, and I will go. You guys stay here,” Jaime said, mainly looking at you.
“Are you crazy? I’m going with you,” you shook your head, standing up to meet him.
“Y/N, you haven’t slept since yesterday. You should sleep,” he cupped your face.
“I’m not tired,” you pulled away from him. “You’re insane if you think I’m letting you go out on this without me,” you argued. “I don’t want to miss this,” you frowned. “You have god-knows-what inside you, I should be there,” you reaffirmed, glancing at the floor.
“She’s right, mijo,” Alberto sided with you and Jaime let out a defeated sigh. 
“Okay, let’s go,” he agreed.
The former Kord Estate was a magnificent abandoned haven. The secret passageway entering Jenny’s dad’s lab was insane and other-worldly. Nothing about this day made sense and you only hoped there was a cure so you could get on with your lives. 
After Jaime decided a better fit of clothes would be preferred, you followed him and Jenny upstairs. You were both shown into an empty bedroom, presumably a spare one seeing as it had no personal touches added to it. 
You were staring out the window while Jaime was in the bathroom when Jenny came back with a blue tracksuit be she left, a kind smile on her face as she departed. The door shut behind her as Jaime walked from the bathroom.
“I have accelerated healing,” he brushed his fingers over his cheek and you sent him a puzzled look. “Look,” he walked closer to you to show you his perfectly unbroken skin that was red and cut only a few moments ago.
“Hmm,” you hummed. “This is still too insane to believe,” you pressed a hand to your forehead, shaking out a laugh and your boyfriend smiled before pulling you in for a hug. “Does it hurt?” you asked, referring to the scarab.
“Not really,” he shrugged before he pulled off the muscle tee, leaving him shirtless in front of you. “It looks bad, but to be honest, it feels,” he paused for a second. “Normal”.
“That’s something then,” you wrung your fingers together, trying to sound as supportive as you could.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay, alright? We’re going to get it out of me,” he rubbed your arms reassuringly and you sighed. “I love you, you know that?” he rubbed his thumb along your cheek and you nodded. 
“I love you too,” you recited. “It’s weird,” you added, glancing around the room. “The silence,” you tilted your head, able to hear nothing. “I’m now realizing I haven’t had a moment alone with you since you got back,” you chewed on your lip, cheeks heating up.
“I mean, we’re alone right now,” he suggested, a knowing look washing over his face.
“I want to savor it,” you nodded, staring into his beautiful brown eyes.
“You can do whatever you want, mi amor,” he traced patterns on your hip with his thumb. 
“I really do need the distraction,” you licked your lips, gaze falling to his lips. 
“Same here,” he swallowed. 
“I think we have time,” you added, hands coming up to wrap around his neck softly. 
“We definitely do,” he agreed, one of his hands sliding underneath your shirt. 
With that, you both leaned in, pressing your lips together in a soft gentle kiss, one filled with desperation but screamed all the reassurance you both needed.
You ran your fingers through his hair, his hand squeezing your hip as he pulled you closer.
Living with five other people in a small house wasn’t as fun as it usually was. You shared a room with your boyfriend’s sister, your boyfriend was in another city for four years previously, and now that he was back, your schedules never coincided with your night shift. To keep things quick, you and your boyfriend rarely have sex.
His hands ran over your back, one hand finding its place on your waist while the other snaked up to cup your jaw. Your moans vibrated against each other as you pressed your bodies together, closer than before.
You pulled away, guiding Jaime to sit on the closest chair before you straddled his lap. Your kiss resumed as his hands glided over your ass and under your thighs while you threaded your fingers through his hair, tugging on his curls. 
He made a move to take off your shirt and you followed through, leaving you in your bra until you got up quickly to shimmy your sweatpants off. 
“Fuck,” Jaime threw his head against the chair, frustration laced in his tone. 
“What?” you frowned, pausing in your movements. “Did you?” you led on, gaze dropping to his crotch. “It’s okay if-,” you shrugged, disappointment in your voice but his eyes shot open. 
“No! Not that,” his cheeks tinted with pink. “We don’t have a condom,” he explained, and you tilted your head up in realization. 
“Oh,” you said. “Well shit,” you exhaled. “So much for a distraction,” you bent down to pull your pants back up before you sat back in his lap, head resting against his shoulder. 
“Soon, baby, soon,” he mumbled into your hair as he placed a kiss.
You smiled, reaching up for a kiss before a knock on the door was interrupted. 
“It’s Rudy, I’m not coming in cause of last time, but we need y’all downstairs,” he shouted through the door and you couldn’t help but feel your face heat up at the thought of last time.
“We should go,” Jaime said once you heard Rudy’s steps fade away. 
You agreed, getting up to move and letting him change before you opened the door. Your boyfriend stopped you though, hand wrapped around your wrist, you glanced at him expectedly.
“I’m really glad you’re here,” he said and you grinned.
“Me too”. 
Reblogs are the best!
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itsmealaiah · 4 months
inspired by @hockeymenarehot you are the BEST
Suck me dry
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tags/ warnings: p0rn without plot, pussy eating, overstimulation, marking and biting, dom! vampire bill, mentions of blood/ gore
MDNI (don't like don't read)
pairing: bill x fem
do not repost, copy, translate, or take this fic anywhere else.
Your POV:
The moonlight streamed through the window, casting a haunting glow on the unmade bed. My breath hitched as I felt the familiar heat of his body press against my back. I couldn't help but arch into him, craving the feeling of his hard chest against my soft skin. His hands slipped under my shirt, tracing gentle circles on my stomach, sending shivers down my spine.
"Bill," I breathed, my voice husky with desire.
His reply was a low growl, sending a thrill through me. "I know, my sweet," he purred, nibbling at my ear. "I know."
With a swift movement, he spun me around in his arms, pinning me to the mattress. His lips found mine, hungry and demanding. His tongue thrust into my mouth, tangling with mine as his fingers curled into my hair, holding me in place. It had been too long since we'd been together like this, since he'd fed from me and marked his territory.
"Tonight," he groaned against my lips, "you're mine, and I'm going to make sure everyone knows it."
His words sent a shiver of anticipation through me, and I arched my hips upward, grinding against the hard length I felt pressing against his jeans. Heat pooled between my legs, and I couldn't wait any longer for him to make me feel better. I reached down and unbuttoned his pants, pulling the zipper down and revealing his thick, hard cock, already leaking pre-cum.
"Oh, yes," I breathed, wrapping my hand around him. "That's what I need."
With a growl, he yanked my pajama bottoms down my legs, and then I felt his cool breath against my damp folds. I gasped as he parted my lips with his tongue, exploring every inch of my wetness. He thrust his tongue deeper, curling it around my clit, and I felt my body tighten in response. I dug my fingers into his shoulders, desperate for more of his touch.
"Bill," I moaned, arching my hips upward. "Please…"
His tongue darted in and out of me, expertly teasing my clit as his fingers began to explore my folds. He licked and sucked, relentless in his pursuit of pleasure, and I felt my body begin to tense, ready to release. With each thrust of his tongue, I could feel the pressure building inside me, threatening to explode.
He pulled back for a moment, breathing heavily, his chest heaving as he gazed down at me. "You're so beautiful, my love," he whispered, his voice thick with desire. "So fucking perfect."
Then he was back, his tongue dancing over my clit, and I cried out, arching my back off the bed. His teeth grazed my sensitive skin, sending a shiver of pleasure through me, and then he bit down, just hard enough to leave his mark. I gasped as pain mingled with the intense pleasure coursing through my body, and then he was sucking on the mark, soothing it with his tongue.
I could feel the orgasm building inside me, threatening to tear me apart. "I'm going to give you what you need," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "I'm going to make you come."
He thrust a finger inside me, curling it against my G-spot as he continued to lick and suck on my clit. My hips bucked wildly against his hand, and I moaned his name, my body on the edge of ecstasy. "Fuck, Bill," I whispered, my voice strained. "Please…"
And then he did it. His tongue circled my clit one last time, and I felt the world explode around me, my body convulsing in the strongest orgasm I'd ever experienced. His name was a ragged cry on my lips as he continued to lick and suck, drawing out every last tremor of pleasure.
As my senses began to return, I felt the bite on my neck, the sting of his fangs against my skin. It was a sharp, intense pain that mingled with the lingering pleasure of my orgasm, sending a shiver of arousal down my spine. I arched my neck, exposing more of my flesh to him, wanting him to feel more of my warmth, more of my life. He growled against my neck, his lips brushing against the marks he'd left, as if to soothe them.
He pulled away from my neck, his breath hot against my ear. "You're so incredible," he whispered, his voice thick with desire. "You always know just how to drive me wild."
His fingers trailed down my body, skimming over my sensitive skin, leaving a wake of heat in their wake. He reached between my legs, his touch gentle but insistent, and found my aching clit. His thumb circled her, teasing her back to life, as he kissed his way down my body, his lips leaving a trail of fire across my chest and belly. I moaned his name, my hips arching off the bed in response to his touch.
"You're so wet," he murmured, nuzzling his face into the curls between my legs. "I can feel how much you want me."
He licked along my folds, tasting the mixture of our juices, and then he pushed his tongue deeper, flicking against my clit. I cried out, arching my back off the bed as pleasure washed over me in waves. His teeth nipped at my hip, drawing blood, and I gasped, feeling the sharp sting mingle with the intense pleasure that coursed through my body.
"You're mine," he growled, his voice low and commanding. "You always have been, and you always will be."
His tongue thrust into me, curling around my clit as his fingers found their rhythm inside me. I cried out his name, my body on the edge of ecstasy. He kissed his way back up my body, his lips finding mine in a passionate, hungry kiss, as his hips began to move in rhythm with his hand. His cock pressed against my entrance, teasing the entrance, promising more pleasure to come.
"Give yourself to me," he whispered against my lips. "Let go and feel it."
I did as he said, surrendering to the sensations overwhelming my body. With a groan, he thrust his hips forward, impaling himself on my wet heat, filling me completely. I cried out in pleasure, arching my back off the bed as he began to move, his rhythm deep and sure. His teeth grazed my neck, marking me again, claiming me as his own.
"You're mine," he growled, his voice rough with desire. "Always."
As he moved inside me, I felt my body tighten, preparing for another orgasm. I wrapped my legs around his waist, arching my back to meet his thrusts. His teeth grazed my neck again, sending a shiver of pleasure through me. His lips found my ear, and he whispered words that only I could hear: "You're perfect."
His hand moved to my clit, circling and teasing as his hips began to move faster. I moaned his name, my body on the brink of release. I felt him grow more intense inside me, his movements becoming more urgent. He looked down at me, his eyes burning with desire, and I could see the pleasure coursing through him as he felt me getting closer.
With a groan, he thrust deeper, pushing me over the edge. I cried out his name as my body convulsed in a powerful orgasm. He followed me, his eyes squeezed shut, his back arching as he let out a hoarse cry. His teeth grazed my neck once more, a mark of possession that only I could see.
As our breathing slowed, he withdrew from me, his softening cock slipping from my body. He rolled onto his side, pulling me into his embrace. His lips found my neck again, kissing and nibbling as he whispered, "You're everything to me." I wrapped my arms around him, feeling the warmth of his skin and the steady beat of his heart against my chest.
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Nothing Will Be the Same Again | Simon Ghost Riley x gn!reader
anonymous asked: hello, how are you?, could you make an imagine with simon and reader with the phrase """Stop looking at me like that." "Like what?" "Like I mean everything to you.""
summary: you're not ready for this moment, sitting with Ghost in a hospital room and sobbing your eyes out - you're not ready.
tws: death, blood
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
Nervously, you chewed and pulled the flesh from your bottom lip as you did your best not to become distracted by everything around you; by the lifeless and dull room you were packed into, throat dry and the stench of hand sanitiser clogging your already blocked nose.
You couldn't believe that it was all happening, a stinging and pounding headache at the very front, body aching as the last few sobs were ripped from the back of your throat; snot so thick on your sleeve that you could feel its cool lick against your skin, nose burning and itching from being rubbed against the coarse material of your jacket far too many times.
You could hardly see anything, it was all blurry and white when the LED lights caught your eyes. You kept begging, kept pleading, asking the guy upstairs if he could just do you one favour and not take your beloved away from you.
"Not my baby, please," you would whisper, voice raw and hoarse as you shook your head, chest aching. "Please, anyone but my baby. Please, that's all I'm asking, just not him."
You knew there would be no answer, you weren't sure if you really wanted one anyway, but that still didn't stop you from begging and pleading; you needed to put the blame on someone, needed someone to scream at so at least you could make some sense of the cruel and unjust fate you were being subjected to.
The senseless and needless heartache that made your body tremble, bottom lip quivering every second, breaths ragged; you wondered if the doctors and nurses would barge in and demand to know who you were screaming at, but that thought soon faded when you wiped your eyes and saw the condition he was in.
Strapped up to dozens of monitors, drips feeding into his arms, tubes in his nose; his eyes weren't the same, cloudy and almost entirely a greyish blue, even the whites. He wasn't telling you army jokes that made you roll your eyes, refused to eat and drink.
You knew it wouldn't be long, but you didn't want him to leave.
His breathing was ragged and quick, panting more than anything, gasping and wheezing with every single breath that he took; he was in pain, wincing and seething even though he still tried to hide it. You could hardly bear to see him like that, collapsing into the navy blue chair beside him, holding on tightly to his hand as you sniffled and wiped your nose on the knee of your jeans instead.
"Don't go," you begged softly, bottom lip quivering yet again. "Please, Simon, don't go anywhere. I can't follow you if you do."
He was weak, and he was fading fast, you could see it in his clouded eyes, in the panicked and racing breaths, in the painful way that he coughed and spluttered; when he had the strength, he could talk but it took far too much out of him to say even just one word. You didn't wonder where the team were.
Gaz, Soap, Price. They had left hours ago, when the final cracks of sunlight were still streaming through the straight and unmoving curtains; they told you that you were there if you needed anything, but none of them wanted to hang around. They knew how much you and Ghost needed to be alone, they understood.
You whimpered, grasping his hand and holding on tightly as you sniffled and swallowed thickly; your throat was sticky, and it was nearly painful to so much as try and force the words out from the back of your throat. You had known Ghost for years, his only friend from childhood, his only partner in life. You were meant to be getting married soon, everything had already been planned.
Now, he was getting ready to leave you all alone; a life without Ghost. Home wouldn't exist anymore, just a sore and weeping wound; a gash where the bed was. A stab wound where the kitchen used to be and where you used to dance together; the same kitchen where he asked you to marry him.
Flowers wouldn't be as bright without him in your life. Love songs would only make you feel resentment and anger. You wouldn't be able to drink coffee without him making him every morning. You wouldn't be able to steal his hoodies and grin when he said that you looked so much better in them than he did. The smell of his aftershave and cologne wouldn't stick to the bedsheets.
"Simon, please," you growled, hot tears streaming down your face, snot dribbling from the tip of your nose as you gently shook his hand. "Simon. Don't... don't leave me all alone."
Ghost slowly shook his head, spluttering as he coughed and struggled to sit upright. "Stop it."
"Stop looking at me like that."
"Like what?"
"Like I mean everything to you," his voice was so hoarse, every syllable was barbed wire against the roof of his mouth and the soft flesh of his throat. The taste of blood heavily on his tongue as he let out a long and hard wheeze. "Let me go, sweetheart."
You shook your head, able to feel your stomach drop and all energy fade from your body as you whimpered; he sank down against the scratchy bed and pillows, and let out a few more splutters. He was so tired. "I can't let you go... what am I gonna do without you?"
You knew what he would say if he could; that you were smart, a lot smarter than he was, and you would figure it out with time. You knew he would try and ease your pain with words of reassurance, but as you watched the last breath leave his lips, the monitor going flat and starting to drone, you knew.
You knew, more than anything, that there would be no reassurance.
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mon amour, mon ami - luis S. x Angi???
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tags - fem!reader, somewhat soft?, re2 luis (remake), edging, overstimulation, some petnames thrown in, horny sub luis, a gift for a friend~
an - @angi-writes-filth i saw your post and SMIRKED, and then i started writing. the smut is taking longer than i thought but that's okay because little ole' katzen is gonna give you a small gift while you wait for the smut
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"Estimado-- please..please s'too much- can't handle anymore.." luis cried, bucking his hips into angi's hand that was wrapped around his cock, tears streaming down his flushed face as he bit his lip and clenched his eyes shut. moaning and sobbing in pure bliss, it was all too much for poor, poor luis.
"shhh mi amor, you wanted this, didn't you? don't be scared now, mi corazón," angi chuckled with a smile on her face, squeezing gently at the base of luis' erection. angi leaned down to nip on luis' jawline before kissing him firmly at the corner of his lips. "just take it for me.."
"i- i can't-- ", luis mumbled, tears still falling down his cheeks. "i want to be good for you, and i can't.. I just..I can't cum..!" luis hiccuped with a choked moan, hands shaking and body shivering at the pressure of angi's hand around his cock.
his breath hitched when he then felt her hand sped up, his moans getting louder and the tears kept streaming down his face. bucking his hips wildly into her hands desperate for his high, his hands gripping whatever he could grip, as he desperately tried to keep himself from cumming. "angi, please! please, oh fuck!"
"stay like that until i'm sure you've come, alright?" she whispered, smiling warmly at her lover, slowly caressing his balls as she got down on her knees between his legs, her tongue flicking out to lick her lips slowly.
"amor- please..", luis whined softly, eyes flickering closed tightly when Angi began licking him slowly, savouring every inch of luis' cock, biting her lip when luis let out another whimpered whine. "oh god…Angi, please…" he gasped like as if he was underwater swimming back up for air, the warmth of her mouth around his length overwhelming his senses.
angi smirked seeing luis so needy and willing. she liked how luis had always been submissive towards her, not even once having the nerve to refuse anything she ordered of him. 'he's mine,' she thought, licking the tip of luis again, making the Spaniard shudder. luis couldn't help but cry out when angi sucked roughly at the head of his cock, using her hands to hold the bottom half of his dick to guide herself up and down his cock.
he was so eager that he immediately came after she'd taken him into her mouth, his cries growing louder than ever as the hot spurt of his semen filled her mouth. Angi swallowed his thick seed eagerly, humming happily at the feeling, sucking and licking at his shaft as if she were eating honey. "good boy." luis moaned quietly, grabbing at the sides of angi's head to hold her still before collapsing against her, panting heavily.
"fuck me…" he mumbled, his voice shaky and raw from all his crying, breathing heavily as he looked over at Angi. he was blushing crimson, obviously embarrassed and embarrassed by all he just did. "hmm, you want more?"
"please~". angi murmured with an innocent pout, giving him a puppy dog look with her eyes wide with longing. "you know what you mean to me..and I know how hard you can make me cums without it hurting too bad." luis sighed, knowing he wouldn't win this battle with Angi's devious ways.
he knew it would be easier to just give in to her demands. she wasn't going to stop until he gave in, and luis had learned that lesson very well already. "alright, fine..just don't bite my neck or scratch me..I'll have your ass in a second-" luis warned, looking away quickly to hide his blush when he heard the sound of Angi laughing loudly, this was going to be a long night.
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thewritersaddictions · 10 months
Bases: Negan Smith- Mini Chapter 3.5
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Pairing: Negan Smith x Fem!Reader
Pov: Negan Smith
Warnings: Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Fingering, Language, Hair Pulling, Sexual Situations, Dirty Talk, Smut, Fluff.
Summary: Negan treats Y/n to a special surprise.
A/n- @ firefly-graphics for dividers; Also credits to the wonderful vegans-lucille-tblr for this gif!
WC - 1.2k
The Walking Dead Master List // The Wanderers Master List // Series Master List
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As I slot myself between her legs, the show of age strikes through my body. My knees already ache from being pressed into the hard concrete floor. I can ignore the pain if I can just get a taste of her.
Y/n rests on her elbows, supporting herself to see me between her thighs. Her panties are obviously wet, and it's already driving me crazy. "Did you get this wet from suckin' my cock, sweetheart?" I ask her as I send kisses up her knees and toward her inner thighs. She whines above me.
"It's alright, baby, that's all normal." I coo. She seems to believe me. I continue leaving little paths of kisses, and every once in a while, I scrap my beard across the sensitive skin on her inner thighs. Sending goosebumps and shivers in its wake.
Her panties are worn due to the world going to shit. Yet there is an innocence to them. The pink fabric has a little bow at the top or the frilly sides of the panties. It causes my cock to go ridged in my pants all over again, but for now, I must tell myself that this is about Y/n. Not about the insatiable things I yearn for.
"You ready, princess?" I ask her one last time, wanting to hear her pretty voice; she shakes her head instead. I rest my cheek on her inner thigh. "Words, baby words," I tell her. She groans, frustrated that I haven't just taken what I want from her.
"I'm not doing anything until I know for sure that you're okay with this." I tell her honestly. It feels wrong in a sense to just take what I want from her, she's far to unexperinved for me to be rough with her. Uncaring for her feelings, and emotions.
"Negan, if you don't return this fuckin' favor, I'm gonna cut your dick off." I chuckle, and then that turns into a deep belly laugh. "Calm down, baby, no need to go choppin' me up." From where my cheek is settled on her inner thigh, I can see her glazed-over eyes. Y/n rolls her eyes at me. I like the feisty version of her. It warms a part of my cold heart.
Y/n groans again, "Alright, alright" I don't give her time to breathe into it or settle against the soft sheets beneath her. Instead, I take what is already mine, licking a long and full strip up the soaked fabric of her panties. Her hands are already searching for purchase, grabbing anything she can access.
I nudge the bridge of my nose into her clit, breathing deeply in the scent of her cunt. It surrounds me and makes me dizzy from just once breathing and floating. "Fuck princess, you smell so good, like a goddamn treat." Her moans are already bouncing off the room's walls, but I want to hear her screaming my name.
"Let's just move these off to the side," I whisper into her skin. She shrieks when I blow on her dripping cunt. "OH Fuck, NEgan!" Y/n moans as I kiss her clit gently. I take the first natural lick, streaming from her dripping hole to her swollen clit. "God, Y/n, you taste like fuckin' heaven." She squirms under me but enjoys the praise as her cunt flexes around nothing.
With nothing stopping me from devouring her cunt, I do just as I please. Slipping my lips around her clit and sucking. Her moans fill the room quickly, and the longer I lap at her clit, the higher her moans become. Like music to my ears, when I release her swollen clit she groans and brings a hand to my hair. Pulling me back toward her clit, "Patience baby, there are other things I wanna do to this cunt." I tell her, my voice rough and thick like honey.
I move down her soaked cunt, my nose nudging again into her clit, as my tongue finds her dripping hole. "Fuck, baby, you taste so good, so wet for me, and I've barely touched you." My hands find their place. One is on Y/n's hip to keep her from searching for more pleasure, and the other sees her hand.
Locking our fingers together, she squeezes my hand tightly, and I press back. Her head falls back into the bed with a bounce as I lap at her dripping hole, getting my beard wet and my lips soaked. Once in a while, as I shift under her, my nose meets her clit, and she shrieks with pleasure. I whisper the dirests of thoguhts into her cunt, into the folds of her cunt.
Her hold on her hair is a nice feeling, pulling me closer to her cunt when I slip my tongue into her hole. Tight and already squeezing me, I think for a moment short, circuiting how tight she'll feel around my cock. When use my tongue fucking her gently, her hips rock to meet my tongue and my nose hits her clit with a rhyme.
"Fuck NEgan, god, I feel so good…" She moans out with pleasure, the only thing on her mind. "How close are you?" I ask, pulling up and away from her cunt which she doesn't like. Our hands still locked together, she gives it a hard squeeze, "So close, its burns." She brings her hand in my hair down to the bottom of her belly. I hum before falling back between her legs.
"You cum whenever you feel like it, don't hold it back." I say before latching my lips around her clit, and slipping the first two fingers into her cunt. She grabs my hair hard, pulling me in the direction she wants me while we both feel the tightness and stretch of her cunt around my middle finger.
Her moans are erotic all in themselves, but the sound of her wet cunt taking my thick finger is different all on its own. "Fuck your finger, god so big." Y/n moans out as I contiune fucking her, when I feel she's ready I slip another one in. My ringer finger is pratically sucked into her sloppy hole. Gushing wetness all over my hand. "I'm gonna…" Her breathing catches in her thraot, and her eyes shut tight and her voice cuts off from her loud screams to screams that have no sound at all.
Her cunt squeezes my fingers, and then just like that Y/n is coming around my fingers. I coax her through the high of her orgasm. "There you go, sweet girl, taking my fingers so good." When I pull my fingers out, Y/n whines at the empty feeling. I kiss her thighs, and other part of her skin.
Her legs were still shaky, and her hand squeezed my own tightly. I'm able to inch myself up to a sweaty body. "You did so well for me, princess. Took that lesson so good." I tell her as I kiss her exposed skin. When I finally reach her lips, she groans into the kiss. Careful not to lean all my weight on her body. She can taste herself on my tongue.
My jeans are uncomfortable getting up and off the bed, yet all I care about is Y/n right now. I leave her for a few seconds break before returning with a cool towel for her neck and a warm washcloth for her cunt. Y/n gasps at the heat and then leans into it. "You take such good care of me." She murmurs as she moves into my touch. I'll deal with my ragging hard-on later on.
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Completed on: 08/19/23
Posted on: 08/20/23
Bases- @ge0rgzs @rainyzonkmakerlover @amazingmaeve @harmonib @fullwattpadmusictree @finalgirlmp3 @raynneemccann @redscreendarkwin @lanceisrandom @sweetvixensstuff @charlie19690 @123avengersandmarvel @ayeitzzshayla @sageworld @julumariett @freedomfighterlex @chelseypprimrose @oceanablue @daryldixonluvr @whatsssss @kaits-diary @idk1idk2idk @scarlett-widows-89 @jsmsgorl @lanad3lrey-l0v3r @clararangel @tonysterco @staciex @0thecrazygurl0 @kpoplover4life @definitelynotyagmur @rivernell @vanilla88 @alteredgalaxy @kyleepsposts @max-505 @nhayoshii
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f1tasies · 1 year
i honestly could see pierre wanting to have a baby with a friend. his own little unique family, a cute baby and the freedom to be a whore, sounds like a dream lol
Haha exactly!
You were childhood friends, you've known him since he played with his toy cars in the house next to you. When he came back to his hometown, after winning a few races in F1, well, the temptation became irresistible. You'd fucked a couple times, in between races. You'd gone out to the stream behind your school. You'd had long conversations about everything, and nothing, under the starlight.
He felt like home. He always did. And you wanted more.
"Have you ever wondered? What she would look like?" You ask, planning your hands on his chest, feeling his heart beat.
Pierre's arm wraps your body, nesting you. "Who?"
"Our daughter," you say, trying to suppress a laugh.
He sighs, running his hands through his hair. "Not like this. You know, not like this."
You turn over, your hair falling on his chest.
"Why not?"
He's silent.
You continue, swallowing your nervousness. "You don't think you're father material?"
He laughs, tracing your cheekbone with his thumb. "I don't think that's true, mon ami. Especially not after what you had to say last night," he smirked.
You roll off of his body. "Think about it. A little girl, the perfect combination of you and me. Your eyes-"
"Your lips," he whispers into your ear and kisses you. His fingers travel up your sides, until his palms find your breasts. He places a kiss on each nipple before licking a circle around it, and gently latching his mouth. "Your skin," he continues.
"Your- fuck - unruly, messy, so fucking soft hair," you grab his hair, as his fingers inch downwards, making you writhe in pleasure.
"Pierre, please..."
"Please what?" He looks at you, his blue eyes peering at you from between your legs. You want to wipe that smirk off his face but right now, he was making you feel so good.
"Fuck a baby into me," you moan.
"Since you asked so nicely," he stops. You prop yourself up, wondering why he stopped, and find yourself suddenly pinned down, on the bed.
You open your mouth to protest but he shuts you up with his lips, soft and supple. They were slightly chapped, but so was the rest of him. He was a complicated man, rough at the edges, but a complete softy inside. It was why you loved him.
"How can I possibly say no?" He enters you, filling you with a sense of completeness. But you couldn't be sure.
"You mean it?"
He picks up the pace, thrusting deeper and harder into you, hitting the spot every time. Somehow, his hands finds yours, and you hold on like there's no tomorrow.
"And I not proving it to you?" You rake your nails across his back, not caring if you drew blood. It's not like he had to be shirtless anyway.
"You're mine, Pierre," you whisper. "And I want every other girl you fuck to know that."
"They will know-" he grunts, his focus solely on going deeper into you, only on you. "Because the only name on my lips will be yours, mon coeur."
Your release hits you before his does, and you clench up, squeezing everything that you can from him. He lets go, collapsing into you. His fingers trap themselves in your hair and yours find their way on his ass.
When he stops shuddering, by how good it feels, he pulls out and kisses your forehead. "I don't think once will cut it, do you?"
You smile and pull him on top of you, wrapping your legs around his back, trapping him completely.
"She's beautiful," he says, looking at your daughter. The bundle of joy you created, out of love.
"I wonder what Katerina has to say to that," you giggle, listing his latest fling.
He kisses you, and then your daughter. His daughter. She snuggles closer to you, in your embrace.
"She has your nose," he marvels, as she wraps her tiny hand around his finger.
"And she has your rage. You should've been there when she started kicking."
"I'm sorry I wasn't there, mon ami," he rests his head on your lap. "But I'm glad I made it."
"What do you think we should call her? I wanted to name her after my mother, but she doesn't look like an Irene."
You roll your eyes. "Sure, fanboy."
"It's a great name! 7 times world champion!" He defends himself, now sitting up. "Let me hold her," he requests. And you could never deny him, now could you?
He's a natural. You don't have to show him the ropes, he supports your baby's neck with one hand and places his other hand underneath her.
You sigh, as he gazes at her. He was so- infuriating. So perfect. You wanted to love him fully, but he could never be yours and yours alone. But your daughter, you could tell that she was just as important to Pierre and she was to you. And that would have to do.
"She's perfect, mon amour. I will love her no matter what we name her."
"Charlene?" You suggest, giggling.
There's a moment of silence. "Even then."
You think for a moment. "Estelle. And her middle name is Charlene."
"Why do you want to add to his ego?" He pokes your side gently, teasing you.
"It's only fair. No? Maybe after her potential stepfather..."
"Oh god no. Anyone but him. Promise me." He pleads you with his eyes.
"Anything for you, my love," you close your eyes and hold his hand.
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6lostgirl6 · 1 year
Hey bestie, can you do one for me with Van Helsing where he saves the reader from vamps and then lets you tag along with him cause said vamps killed your parents and over time you two fall for each other??? Fem reader please. 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
My Kind of Woman
Pairing: Gabriel Van Helsing x Fem!Reader
TW: Cursing, slight gore, dead parents
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"Please, can I go with you?"
Gabriel continued walking, carrying his signature crossbow as he barged through the intense thicket. Behind him, you appeared as you brushed away a stray leaf from your hair. Your favorite dress shredded from sharp branches and coated in brown from the mud.
"Why not?" You asked, trying to keep up with his long strides. "I could help!"
"The only thing you would do is slow me down." He replied, trained eyes drifting from tree to tree, his gaze searching for something unseen. "And get yourself killed."
You sighed as you wiped away the tears that were starting to dry, your hair sticking to your cheeks. You felt like a mess, however you couldn't blame yourself for the situation you were put in.
It was been several hours since the incident. A traumatic change in your life that you've never expected to occur and discovering that humans weren't the only monsters that walked amongst you.
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You were paralyzed, watching in horror with tears streaming down your face as two monterous creatures feasted on the corpses of your dead parents. The lifeless gaze of your mother haunted your subconscious as you own gaze returned her own. Your father was already almost devoured, the pale bat-like monster licking its bloody claws while the other continued tearing through your mother's own jugular.
You couldn't understand why they were keeping you alive, taking their time to traumatize you before they would brutally make you their next meal. The monsters that seemed to take pleasure in your suffering and it will be your turn soon. Your pitiful end when you thought you barely started your beginning.
Until he arrived. Your savior.
It was an intense battle and you couldn't take your eyes away from the man that seemed to be made to defeat monsters. With his strong, massive stature and fierce precision with the crossbow that he had strapped to his back, he was able to vanquish the horrifying bat-like creatures.
Gabriel stood there, watching your traumatized figure staring at the ashes of the vampires he had slain and clinging onto the corpse of your mother. He sighed to himself, feeling guilt torment his heart that he didn't arrive sooner, saving you from this cruel reality.
He hesitated before stepping closer to you, hovering behind your sitting figure. The crushing of leaves captured your attention and you turned slightly towards him, your doe-eyed expression full of tears made him falter in his words.
"...There is a town a few miles West from here, there's a church there and I'm sure they'll take you in." He said, staring down at you.
You continued to stare at him, causing him to shuffle a little, feeling awkward at comforting. "You'll be safe there. Take this." He proceeded to pull a map from one of his many pockets and handed it to you.
You hesitated before taking it.
Gabriel watched as you looked through the map and he glanced around for any sense of danger. Finding none, he gave you one last glance.
"Take care." Awkwardly, he patted your shoulder and walked away, leaving you sitting there in the dirt surrounded by carnage. 
No, he was not going to leave you here. 
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"But I have nowhere else to go." You whispered, voice cracking as tears filled your eyes once more.
He paused, hearing the hurt in your voice which caused him to feel a little guilty for how he was acting towards you. He felt bad for you, truly he did, however he would never forgive himself if he allowed you to travel with him and get yourself killed, he would blame himself for eternity. Plus, he wasn’t used to having another companion with him on his missions, more accustomed to being a lone wolf that kept away from others. 
Fuck, you could also die if you gotten lost trying to find the next town over which left him in a little bit of a predicament.
He sighed before turning towards you, lowering his weapon as he continued to stare at you. He had to admit, you were gorgeous, depite your blood-stained dress and reddened eyes from your tears. God, you were going to be the death of him.
“Why would you want to come with me? This life is dangerous and you shouldn’t involve yourself with this mess.” He asked, watching you intensely as you shuffled a little in your place. He figured you would change your mind and walk away, heading for the town. 
However, he was severely wrong. 
“I want to help you kill these creatures. Nobody should go through what I’ve experienced and if I can do something about it, I want in.” Your voice was full of passion, lacking the hurt that you once held. Your gaze focusing on his own were full of fire and Gabriel was left speechless for once in his life. 
‘Maybe I’ll be the one that gets killed.’ He thought to himself. 
“Fine.” He answered, turning his head away, adjusting his wide-brimmed fedora to conceal his heated gaze from your figure. “If you stay with me, you listen and obey everything that I tell you, understood?”
With tears returning to your eyes, you smiled and nodded. “Of course!”
“Good.” Without another word, he stalked off again, which you feel like he would do very often during your time with him.
You smiled more and quickly followed along.
"First off, we need to get you out of that dress, last thing I want for you is tripping and that's a death sentence."
The sudden neighing captured your attention.
You paused as you noticed a large black horse that was situated with its reigns tied to a tree branch, securing it from wandering off. You quickly realized that it was his horse, and you would be sharing.
Gabriel unloaded a large dufflebag that seemed to be filled to the brim with equipment, camping supplies, and spare clothes.
He looked through for a moment before pulling out a shirt and trousers that were definitely going to be much bigger on you. Silently, he handed them to you and pointed towards the tree before turning away to start building a fire.
Looks like you both were going to camp for the night?
Shrugging your shoulders, you walked behind the tree and spared another glance, making sure he wasn't looking in your direction for a perverted peek. Seeing that he was still busy with his task, you quickly changed, pulling off your dress and replacing it with his shirt and trousers. Of course, the trousers were too long, brushing over your feet while the sleeves of your shirt went well past your fingertips. You left your shoes on as they weren't damaged.
Hesitating, you stepped out from behind the tree and joined him, sitting next to him as he was finishing up with the fire, sparks coming to life.
"Here, you can use this." You said, handing your dress to him to use as fuel for the dry logs.
Gabriel could feel his cheeks redden at the sight of you in his clothes that seemed to devour you and the feeling of the material of your dress in his hands.
"Thanks." He replied, before adding the dress to the pile and watching as the flames became bigger and brighter. He turned towards you and noticed your feet practically swallowed by the material. "Let me help with that."
Carefully, he grabbed your ankle while pulling out a small hunting knife that he carried on his person.
You flushed a little, watching as he carefully carved away the excess material and freeing your feet before using it as more fuel for the fire.
He glanced over at you before looking away. "What's your name."
"(Y/n). What's yours?" You asked.
"Gabriel." He replied, turning a little towards you and staring at you from under the brim of his fedora. "Pretty name for a pretty girl like yourself."
"O-Oh, thanks." Your heart threatened to stop having your savior compliment your appearance even though you felt like you were the opposite at the moment.
Gabriel wanted to hit himself, he didn't realize he said that out loud until you thanked him and he was ready to turn in for the night and hopefully ignore your presence until the morning.
"...You're welcome."
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Taglist: Comment to be added!!
You smirked, putting your heeled boot against the temple of the goblin you had slain, retrieving the arrow that was lodged in the back of its head. Grimacing at the oozing wound of green blood staining your weapon, you wiped it against your trousers.
"I'm getting better at this." You muttered to yourself, putting the arrow away into the safety of your quiver.
Gabriel would be proud.
It has been six months since you've joined Gabriel as his hunting companion and you wouldn't have it any other way. After months of Gabriel's challenging training and gruesome endeavors with monsterous creatures, you were becoming a phenomenal monster hunter.
After a few months accompanying your savior, you were beginning to notice unknown feelings wrap around your heart and squeeze whenever you were near his presence. Gabriel was an awkward man in the beginning, however things have prospered and you came to understand how caring and quite charming he can be. Soon after, you realized the feeling you had for him was love.
However, you never brought about mentioning your feelings for him. Whether it was the fear of rejection or losing the friendship you've both built, you hesitated in letting your feelings be known. If you had an idea that he returned your feelings, you would have confessed long ago.
"Good work, (y/n)."
You quickly turned, smiling at the approaching figure of the man that held your affections. "Fancy spotting you here." You teased.
Gabriel returned the smile and looked down at the goblin that remained motionless. He noticed how much you have improved with immense skill, and it honestly terrified him. What if you didn't need him anymore?
For three months, Gabriel has been pining for the return of your affections. Due to him being an awkward man that was used to being alone, he didn't know how he could display his feelings for you the correct way. Simple touches on the shoulder and praises when you successfully defeated a monster was the only time he was able to show you how much he loved you.
Perhaps you simply didn't feel the same or believed he was just doing what any mentor would do for his student. He needed to push a little more.
"Like I would ever leave you." He replied, glancing towards you.
You felt your cheeks warm before turning away. "You can't, you're stuck with me." You replied, turning back to him and giving him a playful smile.
"I wouldn't have it any other way." He stepped closer, forcing you to step back. He continued walking towards you until you were flushed against the tree.
"Gabriel..." You whispered, looking up at him with pure adoration and confusion in your eyes. "What are you...?"
"What do you feel for me?" He asked instead, returning your gaze, searching for something he desperately wished to see.
"I feel..." You hesitated, glancing away and placing a hand over your chest. Your heart was rapidly beating and butterflies were fluttering in your stomach.
"I know what I feel for you." He gripped your chin between his thumb and forefinger before returning your eyes to meet his own. "Something that I never thought I would ever know."
"And what's that?" You asked, wrapping your fingers around his wrist where his hand kept its firm grip against your chin.
"That you were made for me."
Without another word, he pulled you into a kiss which you gladly returned.
@patient1666074 @ghoulgeousimmaculate @scaramantica @rottent33th @slaasherslut
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minhavn · 2 years
What do you think of shy and soft puppy hybrid girlfriend x dom human beomgyu smut
- 💋
warning : mention of heat/rut, breeding, petnames, tummy bulge, dacryphilia
a/n : i dont really understand how hybrids are so, yeah <//3 pls bear with me :'< this is also for anon that requested for beomgyu + breeding kink
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It's going to be the start of your heat soon and it kept getting harder to stay calm whenever you were around Beomgyu, curling on his lap and taking a whiff of his scent in hope to calm yourself down—only to find yourself grinding your hips against his thigh. "You okay, puppy?" He ran his fingers through your hair, looking at you in worry while keeping you close to his chest.
You shook your head, whimpering slightly at the dull ache between your legs. "It hurts," you sobbed into his shirt, tugging his sleeve to distract your mind from it, "so bad." Furrowing his eyebrows at your words, he took your hands in his; giving them a gentle kiss before covering your face with kisses. "Do you mind telling me what's wrong? Where do you feel hurt the most?" He nudged his nose against your cheek, still keeping you close to him before you placed his hand between your legs; cheeks getting flushed with embarrassment and excitement.
"I'm on my rut," you gulped down, looking up to see his eyes. Beomgyu understood what that meant, so he hooked his arms under your knees and neck before carrying you to the bed. It wasn't his first time to take care of you during your rut, but he was still nervous in case he made a mistake and accidentally hurt you. "It's alright, I'm here, okay?" He ran his hand along your arm, giving it a reassuring squeeze and pressing his lips into yours.
Pushing your shorts down, Beomgyu stripped your clothes off without breaking the silence; focusing himself on making sure you wouldn't feel too hot. "Take a deep breath, okay? Tell me if you need anything," he flashed you a smile and took off his clothes; placing his hands on your thighs afterwards.
If it wasn't because of your rut, he'd surely prepare you first and edge you during the foreplay—not taking any risk of seeing you in pain because of him. "You're so wet, princess. Is it because of me?" He cocked his head to the side, chuckling at your nods before pushing his tip against your entrance; looking up to ask for your permission before sliding in.
Locking your fingers with Beomgyu's, you shut your eyes tightly as he gave you time to adjust his size; muttering a soft 'you can move now' and wrapping your legs around his waist for some leverage. "Gone fill you up with pups, hmm? A pretty mommy, do you want to be one?" He egged, still keeping his pace as you nodded, tears streaming down your face due to your heightened senses.
"Yes, I want to be one!" You exclaimed, finding the familiar tight knot inside your stomach and feeling Beomgyu inside you when you placed your hand on your stomach, not showing any sign that he would stop at any moment. "How cute," he cooed before brushing your tears away with his thumb and licking it clean, "you'll be one once this is over, puppy." He gripped your hips tightly and hooking one of your legs over his shoulder, filling you up with his cums before pulling out and watching it oozing out from inside.
"So, how about one more?"
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blackmambaboobs · 1 year
Can you do face sitting with Sniper and his afab S/O pretty please?
Still making this gender-neutral as much as possible! :)
Hunger "Are you sure about this?" You asked, chewing on your lip as you sat on Sniper's chest completely naked. Being nervous about sitting on his face was an understatement and you didn't wanna hurt the poor guy! "Positive, Roo. Unless you've changed your mind...?" He asks, looking up at you as he rubs circles on your thighs. He was excited by the thought of pleasuring you this way, especially if the tent in his boxers was to say anything. But your comfort came first after all- "N-No, just nervous is all," taking a breath, you try to calm yourself down. You wanted to try it too, but nervousness was your enemy. "How about this? If I can't breathe or wanna stop, I'll tap your thigh twice. Okay?" Giving you a reassuring smile, he demonstrates by doing the motion on your thigh. You nod and take another deep breathe. "A-Alright, I trust you." You say, missing the genuine smile that Sniper gives you as you straddle his face and place your hands on the pillows you put up for his comfort (even though Sniper said he didn't need them). He senses your nervousness and hesitation and is quick to pull you down on his face, holding your thighs down so you can't escape. He gives your clit little licks, listening to your moans as you start to grind down. Bingo. He's quick to give your clit full licks as he licks up your wetness and groaning at the taste of you. You forget your nervousness completely as Sniper devours you, grinding down on his tongue and moaning loudly. Luckily, you were in his van, so you could be as loud as you wanted. He switches from licking to sucking, making you nearly scream from the pleasure. You can feel tears building in your eyes, but you don't bother to wipe them away. You try to jerk away from Sniper's mouth, feeling yourself getting ready to cum, but he lets out a deep growl, holding you closer. "On my tongue, Brat, I don't wanna waste a drop." You whimper as he continues his assault on your poor clit and you can't stop yourself from crying out as you cum. Hard. You honestly weren't prepared for how hard you cum, tears streaming fully as you babble. Sniper doesn't stop sucking or licking, making you whimper from the stimulation. "T-Too much," you say, trying to lift yourself up from his face. He gives you mercy and lets go of you as you lay down next to him, shaking, feeling high from your intense orgasm. He licks around his lips, feeling your wetness covering the lower half of his face from where you squirted. He uses a tissue to wipe himself off and quickly gets a wet rag and water for you. "Here, Love," he says, helping you sit up as you drink the water, not realizing how thirsty you were. Having an intense orgasm like that will make you thirsty as shit, you thought. You jump from the wetness of the rag as Sniper wipes you down, careful with being gentle between your legs. You look down and realize he's still hard, painfully hard. "Hon', you're still hard," you pout. He smirks at you as he throws the rag into your guys' pile of clothes. "Don't worry, Roo, once you've calmed down..." "I'm making you do that again."
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layanasstories · 2 years
First of all, I want to say that I dedicate this part to @renneiscent! Because you had such mixed feelings, and you were looking for some relaxation. Besides, you were very disappointed in Jake. I hope this part makes it right for you!! 🤭🤣😏
Second, this part is not for those who are under the age of 18.
As if the devil was playing with it, the motel phone rang. Jake was faster on his feet than I was and answered the phone "Hello?... Yes, perfect... I'll be right there." then he ends the call.
"Pizza?" I look at him questioningly.
"Yeah, pizza." he laughs.
After quickly putting on his clothes, he went to the reception, to get our pizza. In the meantime I jumped in the shower. A cold shower to be honest, I had to wash away the heat from the ride and especially the heat from just now. It was also nice to wash away all thoughts along with the overwhelming emotions.
I was already dressed and all, when Jake finally walked in.
"So, you took your time. Were you lost?" I tease him laughing.
"Keep on teasing me, you'll see what happens." he says with a smug look on his face and big smirk.
Out of surprise, I playfully raise my eyebrows."Okay, maybe I will. I'm quite curious by nature." I answer his cheeky comment.
But despite the twinkles in his eyes, that don't go unnoticed by me, he is clearing his throat "Shall we eat something?" he points to the pizza box he had put on the desk.
"Backing off already?" I tease him even more that can't hide my giggle.
"Oh, I'm not backing off at all, I'm just slowly building up." the smile that appears on his face is so lascivious, I have to swallow.
Only he doesn't stop there, from the pouch pocket of his hoodie he takes out a box and tosses it my way. "How's this for backing off?". The lascivious smile he already has even turned into a devilish smirk.
I look at the box, then back at Jake. I want to make a smart ass comment about the condoms I have in my hands but nothing comes to mind.
"I told you I'm slowly building up." with the same smirk he sits down on the bed and pats the duvet "Come sit down, let's eat."
I walk towards him to I face him, until I am standing very close to him, between his legs. I lift his chin with one finger so that he has to look up, into my eyes "Eat? Sure. I'm just not that hungry for pizza."
His smile hasn't gone away, as if he already has a sense of victory. I gesture with my head for him to move back a bit. Whereupon he grabs my ass with both hands and slides back further onto the bed, forcing me to sit on his lap. I don't feel forced at all to do what he wants, because his feeling is exactly like mine. With my hand I grab his hair at the back of his head, pulling a little so that his lips can be reached even more. I lean forward and kiss him. with his hands still on my ass, he pushes me closer to him. My kiss starts out soft and calm, but that changes when he licks my lips with his tongue, longing for me to give access, which I eagerly give him. Our kiss grew wilder, our tongues intertwined and danced an erotic dance. As I try to catch my breath he bites my lower lip causing me to slip out a moaning sigh.
As if that one groan triggers a switch for both of us so that we no longer know how to stop and because of our eagerness we tear the clothes off each other's bodies. With one flick of his fingers, my bra is untied. When I extend my arms to remove the garment, he cups my breasts in his hands, then kisses them. To make sure he can get to it better, I lean back with my hands on his knees. He happily takes advantage of this and goes from kissing my breasts to sucking my nipples. Which sends a stream of goosebumps all over my body. I can feel a small smile form on his mouth, due of my reaction to his touch.
Then he slides his hand over my skin under my arm, past my side and then down my back. With a quick composed movement, he turns me around and lays me on the bed on my back. For the first time I feel how strong he is when I run my hands over his back as he rests on his arms above me, kissing my neck and collarbone. I close my eyes to only feel his body with my hands. But I don't get the chance for long, because he turns away from me, and takes off my pants, along with my panties. He then takes off his own pants and boxers, giving me the chance to see him in full. To me he has the most attractive body I've seen, it's that he quickly crawls back up onto the bed and over me or else I would have pulled him in to devour him. When he wants to continue kissing my neck, I try to turn him onto his back by putting my hand on his shoulder, so I can please him, but he stops me. "oh no, I am enjoying you and I don't intend to stop now." he says very softly in my ear.
I surrender as he continues to kiss my neck, making a path of kisses down my collarbone, between my breasts, across my stomach to just above my crotch. With every kiss I let out a small groan. With his hand he gently pushes my legs apart, giving him full access to my vulva. He continues his kissing path further down to my clitoris, with small licks he makes me squirm and moan. He stops with his tongue, to continue with his finger. He spins small circles, and then he carefully slides his finger inside me, making thrusting movements. He stops when he notices that my climax is not far away. I grab his arm. "Jake, stop teasing. I need you, all the way." I moan. He smiles and comes up, he reaches next to me for the bedside table and takes the box of condoms. While he's doing that, I put my hand around his throbbing penis and start to satisfy him at a leisurely pace, his concentration to open the package disappears. A moan escapes his lips as he tries to tear open the condom pouch with his teeth.
Now it's my turn to show a small smile, the pleasure on his face makes me almost reach my climax. I take the pouch of the condom from him and tear it open with my teeth in one go. I slide up a bit, and straighten myself a bit, take the condom in my mouth and then slide it over his hard penis. The deep moaning growl he lets out makes me even more weak than I already am. When I check with my hand whether the condom is properly on, I slide back under him. Wrap my legs around his waist and pull him toward me. From there he takes over again and thrusts into me with a firm but careful thrust. Which makes me let out a loud moan. His pace picks up quickly. The thrusting is faster and deeper, leaving me with a groan with each thrust. My moaning only seems to spur him on, until his thrusts go so deep that I can do nothing but dig my nails into his back. His breathing becomes more shallow, almost panting, with a groan here and there. He kisses my neck while his movement continues steady. I feel my climax rising from deep within me and when I reach my climax I give a loud moan. I feel him sucking my neck and moaning in it as he reaches his climax as well.
He doesn't roll off of me right away after I gently pulled my nails out of his back. I gently stroke his back and kiss him. He calmly rises and slides out of me, which makes me squirm one more time. He smiles at the sight. I follow him with my eyes as he walks to the bathroom and then quickly come back to the bed. Crawls back on and lays his head on my chest. I'm still in a daze, enjoying the sex we just had while stroking his hair. "You are the most beautiful, sweetest and delicious, I have ever had the pleasure of enjoying." I hear him say quietly. It makes me smile because I think the same about him. "The same goes for you too" I whisper back.
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Trimax Thoughts Vol. 13 Pt. 1
Oh boy I'm late. Here's my stream of consciousness thoughts!
Legato on the cover... ooooo
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Interesting that when he asks this, Legato's entire face is shadowed at first. I'm sure that means something. Maybe I'll come back to it later.
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Exaggerating his disinterest with yawning... he's done this before to Legato, right? And it's specifically Legato's loyalty that sets off this reaction I believe - shutting down the idea that he is unique amongst Knives' followers.
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hjsdfhdbvjh he's so completely done with Legato
It's to prevent Legato from using his powers??? Okay! Sure!
Wolfwood doesn't make an appearance amongst the GHG again...
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Oh... interesting. Okay then. Figurative back to back shot...
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I love my boy. :) (Also greatly enjoying the dynamic between him and Elendira right now it's oddly funny)
Legato making this fight about him and what he wants for the rest of his life is so fascinating to me. I'm sorry I wish I was more coherent right now but just. Yeah. Legato's a good character. (I wish he would stop licking blood off the ground though.)
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I wish I understood what the hell kind of weapon this is. When did he have this made. What.
Can't believe this is all motivated by Legato wanting to be someone who mattered to Knives. Well actually I can. But still.
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Livio seriously yelling for Elendira to wait in the middle of a fight. Whhjdfbjhg he's so funny to me
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Livio, canonically: "Waitwaitwait, let me put on my cowboy cosplay real quick."
(I understand the meaning of this, believe me I do, and it's very heartwarming, but also. He's so silly.)
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Elendira, canonically: "Fine then, here's my ass-kicking outfit."
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I say this as a person who is definitely ace and probably aro... did Elendira just get even hotter? (Please leave my boy alone though...)
Elendira is actually sizzling... and I mean that literally lol. Ok what is going here. Elendira, girl, who are you???
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Oh this is kind of fascinating. It seems that the fused entities the Earth fleets have seen before did not involve a clear, central consciousness - they may have been composed purely of Dependents, or multiple weaker Independents who lost themselves like Domina. Either way, somehow Knives is asserting direction to the Plants where the other fused entities did not have any specific will or goal.
Oh... Luida has a tear in her eye thinking of Vash fighting alone...
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Oh he jammed her gun!!! NICE!
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HEJHBSJCHBJDHV (Why is Razlo such prime meme material?)
Um. Hi. What just happened.
So Elendira has some kind of strange ability that allows her to essentially give horrific visions to anyone with a sense of bloodlust. Um. What is she? Is that not kind of similar to the strange auras Vash and Knives were putting up that kind of paralyzed whoever happened to be around with fear? Did Wolfwood not receive a similar vision earlier? What's happening???
Anyways I'm so stressed out this is very intense.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Based on the concept I mentioned about Fluffy AU! Funtime Freddy opening like normal.
Keep in mind is this the zombified version of Fluffy AU! Funtime Freddy, like Withered Bonnie. Explored the concept for body horror purposes lol.
Reach Inside
Yandere! "Fluffy" AU/Zombie(?) Funtime Freddy Short
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, NOT OKAY IF SQUEAMISH, Implied possessive behavior, Sadistic behavior, Blood and lots of it, Gorey descriptions, Zombie like behavior, Freddy licks your blood, Extreme body horror, Mostly meant to be horrific, Wound mention, Poking and prodding at said wound.
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"Oh, won't you please come out, Cupcake?"
The growl of a voice echoes throughout the facility. You don't dare touch anything in fear it'll attract the beast hunting you. Who knew how perceptive that bear 'experiment' is.
"Me and Bon Bon just want to talk! Sure, we got off on the wrong foot, but I'm sure you'll come around! I miss you~"
Bon Bon, the rabbit the bear was referring to, didn't exist. Bon Bon was a small rabbit plush given to the beast to calm him down when he acted up. Like you wanted to participate in this experimental bear's sick game.
You hear Freddy drop onto all fours, sniffing the air.
"...I can smell your blood, Cupcake. You won't get far~!"
You look down at your thigh. Large claw marks tore down your pant leg. Blood streamed down them, making you cringe at the feeling.
The white, pink, and now red bear had sharp claws. He gave that wound in an attempt to grab you. Now it acted like a tracker to his improved sense of smell.
There's then loud banging followed by laughter. Quickly you search the facility to find some supplies to bandage your wound. Although, even if you bandaged it, he already had your scent.
"Aren't you excited? I promise to lick that wound clean~! Then we can continue from where I left off!"
He sounds close but you're meandering around him to stay out of sight. There's dripping coming from near his location. If it was saliva or blood you weren't sure yet....
Quietly you hide before tossing an object to a different area. The bear perks before you catch sight of the large beast running by you.
His fur was a dirty white, pink only in certain accented places. Blood ran through his fur and by his maw. A lot of it pooled around his stomach.
You swore you saw certain places that looked like seams moving.
"What a cruel trick to pull...."
The bear whines, slumping over before his nose flares. Predatory blue eyes search before falling on your location. Just in time to see you flee.
You flee as fast as you can. Thigh spilling enough blood to make you pained and woozy. You couldn't get fast enough before the large 6-7 foot bear catches up enough to pin you.
Your breathing picked up, the bear's grin showing sharp teeth skilled at tearing into flesh. All you could stare at were those dreaded seams.
"Finally, chasing you can be rather tiring!"
A large tongue swipes across your sweaty bleeding face. A giggle coming from the bear before he slips down to play with your thigh. It stung and burned each time he poked and prodded at it.
"Look, Bon Bon! Our little Cupcake is leaking...."
To your horror, Freddy's stomach seam opened, revealing the gorey insides of the bear.
You struggle against the tall and large bear, closing your eyes tightly when he pulls out a blood soaked Bon Bon from within.
"Isn't this all so fun? I never am allowed to have fun here. But, now there's my Cupcake!"
The beast's tongue slipped out to glide across your thigh this time.
"My tasty little cupcake....!"
Your fear grows when the bear steps off, bloody plush in hand/paw.
"I don't think I could ever let you leave this place~!"
You're then roughly pulled up by the bear's free hand. The stomach 'hatch' was still partially open, seeming to be controlled by the bear.
You gag when the bear chuckles before opening it again.
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angelamajiki · 3 years
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PARINGS: Shouta Aizawa x Reader
CW: yandere, stalking, rape/noncon, pain kink, pain play, mild scent kink, home invasion, gags, restraints, virginity kink, scumbag aizawa, pet play, humiliation, cum stuffing, fingerings, snowballing, voice kink
SYNOPSIS: You have been calling the same phone sex operator for months, creating stalker and CNC fantasies. What happens when he rings true to his words?
AN: this is very dark, be warned! just had to make a fic out of the little idea I had <3
It’s always you who requests him. He can tell you're a virgin, the way your voice wavers when you feel like responding to him. Sometimes you don’t, letting your breathy moans do the talking for you.
“Good little girl.”
“Getting off to a phone call from your stalker? What a whore.”
“Cum for me, pretty girl.”
”Do you like that, pretty little kitty?”
He never had a knack for giving nicknames, but he had to make it known that he remembers you. Remembers that voice. Hopefully, he’ll be able to remember your body one day.
Tracking you down was easy enough; you didn't bother to block your number and public records was just calling his name. God did he love untouched girls like yourself. So wet and pliant, so easily manipulated, so naive to believe everyone had good intentions.
Cameras were placed around your house so he could watch you when he couldn't hear you. If it was a stalker you wanted, he was going to give it to you.
You called often and asked for him always—such an obedient girl. The live feed from your bedroom streamed in front of him whenever you rang, but he was tired of playing games this week.
“Just look at the way you’re kneading yourself; you like to tease yourself. Don't you, kitty?”
Your breath hitched, but he knew it wasn't from pleasure. Looking around, he chuckled at your confused expression.
“You got a real cute face, you know that kitty? I can't wait to fuck it one day.”
Be rational, you told yourself. Its all part of the fantasy, right? He can’t actually see you.
“That’s a cute bed spread you got there, I didn’t take you for the type who liked lilies. You always keep roses in your kitchen vase.”
Okay, he was definitely listening to you now.
“Say, you live on 14th Street, don't you? Why don't I come down and give you an in person session?”
“What do you say, kitty? Or should I just break in like I always tell you I would?”
The phone hung up after that comment. Sure, you were up to the fantasy of being stalked and raped; that’s why you called him. It was too embarrassing to tell a partner your fantasies, not like you had one. Or roommates for that matter.
His voice is what soothed you after a hard day, but now it kept ringing in your ears. Listening to his breathy chuckles sent shivers down your spine, but you never expected to feel them there.
Three raps came from your bedroom door before it opened. You were buried in your sheets, hopelessly, desperately attempting to be asleep. Like that would stop him.
“I know you're awake.”
An “ah” of realization came from him.
“Unless you sleeping peacefully is part of the fantasy. This is new, but I can indulge you in that kitty.”
The bed dipped and creaked with his weight, fear sinking into your heart further as a hand smoothed itself over your shoulders.
“So tense.” He tutted. “I’ve got something that can help you relax.”
His tongue lapped at the outer shell of your ear; arm slung over your blanketed body.
“Such a naughty girl. Tell me, how many times did you get off to the sound of my voice telling you I was going to take your virginity by force.”
A hand snaked its way up to your throat, squeezing gently enough not to cause pain but enough to cut off part of your air.
“Tell me you want me to rape you, here and now. Or I’ll take you out to the alley and make a display of it.”
His voice barely reached above of a whisper the entire time, the same soft sound he used over the phone. Hot breaths tickled your ear and neck as you squirmed, gasping at straws for air.
“I promise to be gentle; I know you like a tender man who takes what he wants.”
Your throat restricted even more under the hand to the point where you felt light-headed.
“Please!” You gasped, using your nails to scratch at his wrapped fingers. The pressure withdrew.
“Please what, kitty? C’mon, you can do it.”
“P-Please rape me.”
A sharp laugh came from behind you.
“Is that any way to address me? I thought we were using special nicknames here.”
He let you have your moment, apparently amused to see you choke for air as he stroked your back.
“Please rape me...sir.”
“Atta girl.”
The hand made its way back to your throat, only resting there as the thumb stroked over your tender flesh. The other one snuck under the blanket and groped at your chest.
“You're a virgin, aren't you, kitty? Don't worry; your owner is going to talk you through it. Nice and slow so you feel everything I'm giving you.”
Fingers wiggled their way under your bra and began pinching at your nipples, tugging and pulling at the hardening nubs.
“Stop squirming, or I’ll have to tie you up. You'll get your treat soon enough, kitty.”
You yelped after a particularly rough tug, tears springing in your eyes. His one hand managed to rip your bra apart, giving better access to his perverted fingers.
“I know you like it, the way I knead your pretty little breasts. Come, take your clothes off. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
Everything came off before he instructed you to stand at the edge of the bed for him. He circled you like a predator, making inspections.
“I have to make sure my kitty is well-groomed and taking care of herself.”
The weight of his hot breath on your skin weighed down on you, pulling you further under his spell. He lifted your arms and smelled your scent.
“Lavender deodorant? What a shame; I wished I could have smelled your natural musk.”
Humiliation flushed your face hot. Disgusting pervert, it seemed he was into everything as long as it wasn't consensual.
“Sit down on the bed, legs spread.”
The baritone of his voice shook you to your core, but not in the pleasurable way you're used to.
“Don't make me ask twice, pet.”
His command was hard to ignore after following them for such a long time; it was practically instinctual to do as you were told. Shaking legs spread as you turned your head to the side. Another tut rolled off his tongue as he gripped your cheeks with one hand.
“Don't turn away from me. I want to see the look in yours when I take you and make you mine.”
You hadn't even realized before that he had brought a bag with him. From it, he took a bar spreader, rope, and a spider gag, all of which he put on you. The gag made your mouth uncomfortably wide, leaving nothing to his imagination.
Rough fingers pull you tongue from your mouth, his own coming down to lick at before spitting down the back of your throat.
You did.
“Good kitty.”
The name didn't comfort you anymore. Nothing about him comforted you anymore. Not his voice, not his nickname, and certainly not his breath, which you felt like was burning all over your body.
“I’m going to be nice and leave your throat alone today. However, if I give you a treat, you will swallow it. Do I make myself clear?”
You nodded, terrified at the notion that he intended to come back after tonight. Crouching down in front of you, he inspected your wet pussy before spitting on it as well. Gingerly moving your lips, he circled your tight hole and stood up.
“That should do.”
Watching him undress himself seemed to make time move slower, knowing that he was about to take your virginity within minutes. His hard cock sprung out from his boxers and hit his happy trail, bobbing slightly against his abs. Not only was this man toned, but he was also huge.
“In we go, kitty.”
Not even taking the courtesy to gather some slick from you, he pushed in, taking his sweet time as he locked eyes with you. He went agonizing slow, grinning as you wailed in pain.
“Hurts, doesn't it? Let's see how painful we can make this.”
You were hardly prepped, only having wetness left behind from your previous phone call. It stung, and it stung bad. Your eyes wept as you looked up at him with a pleading gaze, hoping he would take mercy on you. He did no such thing, pinching your clit between his fingers and rolling it with intense pressure. Moaning, he watched as you convulsed and twitched in pain beneath him.
“Being such a good girl for me, kitty.”
Another glob of spit landed in the back of your throat, making you gasp and choke on your sobs. He loved that you were an ugly, messy crier. It only served to make his dick harder.
Once he bottomed out, he stayed there for a while, letting you feel the fullness of his thick cock.
“The name’s Shouta, by the way. I'm sure you must have been curious.”
He spoke so casually, so calmly. It made you furious how collected he was while you were a whimpering, sniffling mess.
“Don't worry; we’ll have all the time in the world once we’re done to get to know me.”
Goddamn, that voice. That hypnotizing, nauseating voice. It's the reason you're stuck here underneath a fucking phone sex operator that turned out to be your stalker. What a mess.
A tap to the temple pulled you back to the present.
“Keep your focus here, kitty.”
Hips drew back and snapped into you, not letting you take a moment to adjust as he set a brutal speed.
Oh, how you wished you could leave your body, but if anything, your senses were all the more enhanced, taking in every last drop of your surroundings. The sounds of the bed creaking under his pounding, his grunts and breaths, the skin slapping against skin, your own cries of misery. The feeling of his breath, how your once silk sheets now felt like sandpaper across your skin, the metal of your binds, and the burn of your rope. Everything and nothing all at once.
The minutes seemed to draw themselves out into hours as he continued his assault. He, or Shouta, you supposed, wasn't lasting very long. It didn't suit him; he seemed like a man of stamina. Maybe it was because he played out a sick fantasy of his that made him cum in minutes.
Unprotected, he came deep inside you before sliding out, giving your pussy a slap as he made his exit.
“Such a tight little kitty you've got there.”
Fingers at the ready, he stuffed his cum back inside you, toying with your clit all the while. He was quick to make you cum, making you see stars at the intensity of your orgasm.
“Don’t worry; I'll make you cum on my cock next time. I have plenty of games planned for us when I take you home.”
Pulling his fingers out, he pushed them down your throat to clean them before getting up and dressed again. He left you there, tied up and gone without a word.
In reality, he was just getting his car ready for you, but who was he to deny himself the pleasure of seeing your panicked face when he came back?
You were going to make a fine pet for him.
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sableseb · 3 years
Hii I'm not sure if you write for Sebastian Stan if not it is completely okay to use Bucky where the reader is playing with his beard while he lies on the readers chest and sometimes just rubbing the beard on her which eventually just becomes some nice beard burn between her thighs 😉
Just some good old fashion beard kink. Thank you 😁
AH, thank you for this wonderful request! And I’m totally comfortable using Sebastian!❤️
word count: 842
warnings: smut, beard kink, oral f receiving, fingering
tags: @fuckandfluff @sparksforkoo @stucky-my-ship @meetmeatyourworst @harrysthiccthighss @greeneyedblondie44
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You’re more than content with a night in. Night ins with your boyfriend are cherished, always the highlight of your time spent with Sebastian.
The tv is merely background noise as you both lay in each other’s embrace on the couch. His weight on top of you is comforting, his warmness envelopes you. His scent is purely intoxicating. He’s addicting in every sense and he’s home.
As you scratch his scalp, running your fingers through his thick locks, he buries his face deeper into your neck. He’s enjoying the feeling of your hand, nuzzling into you farther with each rub.
Sebastian’s beard grazes your skin with each tilt of his head. You let out small giggles at the sensation of the corse hair along the base of your neck.
“What’s so funny?” he smiles, looking up at you.
“You’re tickling me.”
“You love it.”
And he’s right. You love the fullness of his beard. It always makes him seem older, more defined. The little gray patch along his chin makes him a bit self conscious, but you love the lighter color. Always stressing to him how hot it is as he’d roll his eyes. Something in you always snaps when you see the graying strands on his head and jaw.
He plants kisses all over your face, each one a fierce peck that causes a stream of laughter to bubble up. He’s on top of you as he continues his assault. As he pulls back, he leans in for your lips this time.
It’s chaste at first, kissing you once, twice, before parting your lips with his. He slips his tongue into your mouth, massaging your own. You moan into the kiss, running your hands through his soft hair, trailing your fingers down to his scruffy cheeks.
You grab his bottom lip between your teeth, dragging it down before letting it snap back into place. Your chest is rising and falling rapidly. He always seems to take your breath away.
Tracing his nose along your jaw, Sebastian whispers, “You gonna spread those legs for me, pretty girl?”
You’ll do anything for this man. Those blue eyes shining with mischief, those pretty whites peaking out behind his smile, and that damn beard make you lose all thoughts that aren’t about him.
You open your legs farther, rubbing yourself against the prominent bulge hidden under his gray jogging pants. He groans at the contact, the friction bringing little jolts along his abdomen.
“That’s my good girl,” he praises.
Sebastian makes his way down the length of the couch, getting comfortable between your legs. He pulls your old tee up to your chest, kissing along your stomach. He grips your sleep shorts and pulls them down, revealing your already soaked pussy.
“Oh, baby. You’re drenched,” he coos.
His gaze is making you hotter by the second, he’s taking in every curve, every slope, every divot that your body possesses.
Sebastian leans down, licking everywhere but the place you need him the most. He’s biting and sucking your hips, your thighs, your mound, completely ignoring your drenched heat.
“Please,” you croak. “Please, Seb. Need your mouth.”
“Mmm,” he hums. “How can I say no to that?”
Finally, he takes his hands and pulls your lips apart, displaying your glistening folds and painfully swollen clit. With out a second thought, he dives in.
You arch your back off the couch and lock your legs around his head. His beard makes you dizzy, the little hairs prickling along your thighs with each move of his jaw.
You’re a whimpering mess as he expertly takes you apart. He runs his tongue along your folds before attaching his lips to your clit. The sweet suction instantly making you see white.
You grab a fistful of his hair, moving his head in time with your thrusts. You’re practically humping his face, going feral for the way his tongue moves along you and the way his beard is bringing a delicious friction against your cunt.
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me fucking cum,” you rush out, feeling heat rise in your core.
Sebastian pulls away, sliding a long finger into your pulsing hole. He watches as your face contorts at the intrusion. It makes his dick jump, the way your eyes are shut tight and your mouth hangs slightly agape.
“Go ahead, baby. Want you to cum for me.”
The pressure is steadily building inside you, begging to be released. The fast pace of his finger causing your legs to shake violently. Then, he wraps that sinful mouth around your clit and you’re done for.
The sucking mixed with the drag of his digit along your tight walls has you crying out as your orgasm hits you. A gasp gets stuck in your throat as you fall apart on his face. He help you ride your high, only stopping when you start to push him away.
As he raises up, you see the slight sheen his beard adorns. You bite your lip at the sight. “Don’t shave your beard any time soon, Seb.” You tell him as you rub your thighs together.
He smirks, looking down at your post bliss form. “Anything for you, baby.”
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