#i'm not the only one thirsting over this old man 😭
I'm so happy the Ben Mendelsohn fandom is rising again with Secret Invasion thank you so much for letting me know i'm not alone besties 😭🙏🏻
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marsbar17 · 4 months
im like a woman in a desert dying we are so depraved of bloodhound x reader stuff pls just give anything at this point 😭😭😭🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
Don't worry pookie I am here to quench your thirst <3
Bloodhound is honestly my favorite character to write about and this one flustered me a bit dbsbbsjska
CONTAINS: established relationship, alcohol consumption, jealousy, possessiveness but in a non-toxic way, a little bit of spice, not full on smut but it gets pretty spicy >:)
Celebrating a win was very popular amongst the legends. Mirage often invited everyone to the Paradise Lounge for some drinks and good laughter, even the less cheerful legends attended most of the time. Caustic could be found sipping beers and glaring at people, while Ballistic complained on and on about how they didn't even serve good tea.
Today, you sat at the bar between a very tipsy Fuse and an arguably even tipsier Valkyrie. Mirage popped in and out of the celebration as he served customers, but he always made sure your glass was full with whatever drink you desired.
"Mate! That wingman shot was bloody beautiful!" Fuse practically yelled into your ear as his metal hand clapped you on the back, making you wince slightly. Somehow, you had managed to pull off a win after responding in the last ring with only a wingman and one other teammate at half health. I guess whatever god is out there took the wheel because suddenly your aim was the best it's ever been and you downed the last two enemies with two headshots.
"I know, Walter. You've told me about fifteen times since we sat down." Rolling your eyes, you down the rest of your drink before scouring the crowd of legends to try and find Bloodhound. They said they'd be there, but you hadn't seen them yet. Although, it's hard to find anyone with the flashing lights and the alcohol starting to take effect.
Giving up, you turned back to your empty glass and smiling friends. If they didn't come, that was fine. They usually didn't enjoy settings like this anyway, they only only came to guide you back to room after you got wasted.
"The old man's right, though." Valkyrie added in, dragging your attention away from Bloodhound and back into the party. "Seeing you hone into the fight always surprises me, I swear your whole energy changes. It's fucking hot."
The pilot said it so nonchalant, taking a swig of her drink and signaling to Mirage for another like she didn't just call you hot. You couldn't tell if the heat on your face was from the alcohol or how flustered you felt. Probably just the alcohol.
"I'm gonna hafta agree with Valk on this one." Fuse said, still quite loud. He put his arm around your shoulders. "You make bloodlust look bloody sexy. No pun intended." His laugh is deep and booming, shaking your body as he leans on you. What the fuck is happening? You knew the two of them were flirty drunks, but you'd never had their affections directed at you before.
Again, you found yourself looking around the room, and this time you spotted Bloodhound leaning against a wall, watching you. Fuck. They were mad, you could tell. Even without seeing their expression you could practically feel the anger rolling off of them. The fact that Fuse was now playing with strands of your hair and Valkyrie had her hand on your upper arm didn't help your case at all.
You quickly got up, saying a small goodbye to your companions before making your way to a pissed off Bloodhound. They didn't even wait for you to get to them before they walked out the door, leaving you to hurry after them.
"What was that, elskan?" Their voice surprised you as you left the building, and you whipped your head around to see them beside the doorway. They leaned again the wall once again, arms crossed over their chest.
"I'm sorry, Hound. They were drunk and they surprised me and I didn't know what to do and I didn't mean to let them keep going and I-"
"Hush." Bloodhound interrupted your nervous rambling, holding a hand out in a 'halt' gesture. You shut your mouth as quickly as you possibly could, not wanting to anger them any more than you thought you already had. Before they continued speaking, they led you around the side of the building into a less visible alleyway. "I am not blaming you, I simply wanted to know what happened."
They weren't mad at you? Thank the Allfather. Having Bloodhound mad at you was something straight out of a horror film. Your body relaxed, but you still kept your head down instead of looking into their face.
"They got drunk... and we were talking about my win." You started your explanation again, slowly this time to avoid rambling. "Their compliments started getting flirty, and then they started getting touchy. I should've pushed them off, I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. You are not responsible for the actions of drunken fools." Bloodhound grabbed your chin with a gloved hand, lifting your face to look them in the eyes. Well, where their eyes would be behind the goggles of their mask. "I trust you, elskan. I know that you are mine, and you would not betray me. Especially for someone like Walter Fitzroy."
You laughed, the tension leaving you as you slowly let yourself process the fact that they weren't mad at you. From the way their shoulders jumped slightly, you could tell they were laughing too.
"However," Bloodhound continued, letting go of you and reaching behind their head. "It seems like our other other companions need a reminder of who you belong to." You heard the familiar sound of their mask being unclasped, and soon enough you were really looking into their eyes as they set their mask along with their respirator onto an old wooden box beside the two of you.
You couldn't even speak before they grabbed your waist, spinning you around so your back was pressed up against the rough brick wall. You could only gasp as their hands gripped at your skin and their face nuzzled into your neck, leaving small kisses along your jawline.
"You are so beautiful. So perfect, ástin mín." Bloodhound muttered praise as the kisses slowly became more desperate. They nibbled at your skin lightly, not enough to hurt just yet. You looked towards the alley opening and whined slightly.
"Hound, someone could see us..." You grabbed at their shoulders, trying to push them back away from your neck. They pulled back, not even looking at the alley, only into your eyes.
"Would you like me to stop?" Bloodhound rubbed soothing circles into your hips, keeping your attention on them and not the possibility of someone seeing the two of you.
"No... but what if they see your face?"
"They will not. I will be too busy giving you tons of pretty marks."
Bloodhound didn't let you speak again as they dived back into the crook between your shoulder and your neck, sucking on the skin harshly. You couldn't suppress the moan that left your lips no matter how hard you tried, and you quickly slapped a hand over your mouth to muffle any further noise. They just continued to mutter praise into your skin while they savored every reaction you gave them.
It hurt, and you squirmed in their bruising grip. They were determined to mark you up until they were satisfied and wouldn't settle for any less. It was a miracle no one managed to walk past the alleyway while Bloodhound ravaged your neck and collarbones. It wasn't like you were being quiet either, the intensity at which they sucked and bit at your skin was enough to make tears well up in your eyes and to bring so many sinful noises from your mouth.
"I should just take you right here, where anyone could see how good I make you feel, elskan." They whispered in your ear, making your knees buckle and your eyes roll back. Good thing they were holding you against the wall, or you might've just fallen to your knees right then and there.
After what felt like forever, their teeth stopped grazing your skin and their grip on your waist loosened. You could feel their tongue darting out of their mouth to lick at and soothe the dark bruises they left on your skin. Your moans and whimpers turned to soft whined and sighs as the pain slowly faded into dull numbness. Bloodhound took a couple of steps backwards, looking at their work with a smirk.
"Absolutely gorgeous, kæri. Now, everyone will be able to see your devotion to me." They gave you one last look before grabbing their gear and putting it back on.
You just finished wiping any stray tears from your face before Bloodhound grabbed your hand and led you back into the Paradise Lounge. They escorted you back to your seat at the bar, giving you a pat on the head before walking back to the wall you saw them at before everything happened.
"....Bloody hell." Fuse's mouth was practically hanging open as he stared at the dark purple and red marks that littered your skin. "Didn't take Houndy to be the possessive type." He just laughed and shrugged before going back to his drink. Valkyrie had disappeared sometime during your absence, and all that was left was two empty soju bottles and a $20 bill on the bar.
"Yeah... So where did Valk go?"
Thank you for requesting, I hope you like it!
Reminder that liking and reblogging my work really helps me as a creator, and it takes like 10 seconds so why not support a little gay gremlin author
Requests are always welcome! They help me get the inspiration to write and produce more content for you! Request anything that's on your mind :)
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miaurri · 3 months
Insane yapping incoming
I would've drawn this out but obviously I'm too tired 😭
This is just me explains Kayo more thoroughly as a character. Despite how I draw her thirsting over Mizu 23/7 Kayo actually has a very complicated relationship with women in general. She sees herself as being better than most women due to her negative experiences with them growing up
Kayo became an assassin for a reason, she is a capable fighter as she is a spy. She doesn't want to hide the fact she's a woman while doing all of that because she's "better than the others". Essentially detaching herself from the women she was surrounded with
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Easily, I can boil it down to her having a "not like other girls"'s phase but that can't cover everything. Kayo's main theme as a character is a nature vs nurture effect and she could've been someone entirely different. Like Mizu she grew up with people viewing her as a freak. The women around her life struggle as well (her mother was a Chinese immigrant that ended up in Japan and then her Oiran sister figure that was struggling to make money) but they also had their shitty moments
If I were to say what would be Kayo's version of the "who betrayed Mizu" theory it would be something like "who failed Kayo". Both women tried their best to raise her properly but due to outside surroundings Kayo simply was "set up to fail". Being sold off by her mother after her brother's death and having her "sister" leave her once she were "old enough" to handle being on her own. Kayo's two supportive female figures had given up on her when it came to her fascination with violence
oh yeah- the theme with violence, Kayo growing up majority in the red light district was subject to the idea of Shinju or the act of selfharm as love. Low clas oirans at the time period would perform self harm as a sign of love and dedication for her customers but some of the smart ones would pay off grave robbers to find a body and chop off a piece of their limbs for them to use. This was because men at the time period would be sold to the idea of a woman being so infatuated by them and blah blah blahhhh 🤓☝️
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Keeping it brief cause I wanna talk more bout her love language in another post perhaps soon but for Kayo it's just hard for her to trust women the same way she could trust a man. Which is why when she met Mizu she was just as infatuated as she was curious. Something about Mizu was off and Kayo didn't knew what could it be. Then she finds out this man has tits and also has a forest down there and realized oh shit that's a woman-
her first immediate gut reaction was jealousy cause "how could another woman be a strong fighter?? Why is she so strong am I not?" putting herself against Mizu more critically. Kayo obviously is still damaged by her past when it came to women, she can barely take most of the women who confront her seriously but overtime as she spends more time with Mizu (and possibly with Akemi too cause the girl needs more female companionship-) Kayo would see women in a different light
While Akemi finally has a supportive female friendship system Kayo needs time to open up again toward women. After being constantly hurt and lied too it's no wonder why Kayo would rather work for men like Heiji or Fowler. Keep in mind though Kayo isn't hateful with women, she won't call them names but her empathy for them is a bit lower. She has a hard time opening up and being traditional feminine in a safe environment
Paraelling with Mizu- Mizu has a masculine/androgynous built but there'll always be that hint of soft femininity in her even if it's only few. Kayo on the other hand is physically very feminine but the way she carries herself natural is more masculine leaning. Mizu and Kayo are just as different as they are equal to one another.
TLDR: Kayo was let down by the women in her life that subsequently turned her into a woman who has a hard time opening up to other women.
Next post I'll rant about Kayo's sexuality and how it's actually a retelling of the yandere trope in queer media
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jtheplante · 1 year
All Hail King Julien survey! 🎉
Feel free to copy & paste, then give ur own answers! 👍 Stolen from @fairfaxandy
1. What do you think about All Hail King Julien?
Worst show ever
2. When did you first watch the show?
I knew this show existed for years. WHY DID I SLEEP ON IT FOR SO LONG??? Anyway last June I think I finally gave the 1st episode a chance, I was bored & looking for something new. The 1st episode is only okay so I didn't think much of it. A few weeks later (early July) I decided to give the show a 2nd chance. Episode 2 is meh, but it was Episode 3 w/the absolute gay furry thirst trap that is Karl Fanaloka that won me over & sealed my fate to watch the whole show 🔥
3. Favorite season?
Season 2 is probably the best season of any show ever in history. Exiled as a whole is also amazing but sadly dips in quality for a couple episodes IMO
4. Favorite episode?
Um have u even watched my episode rank video?? I put s3e6 (Jungle Games) as my #1, but as time's gone on, I think it's really s5e11 (KJ Is Watching You AKA the Orange ITN Black parody episode). Ted is peak and this episode is his peak 🔥
5. Least favorite episode?
As said in my ep rank video!! The S3 opener - O Captain Where Aren't Thou (both parts). Jokes fall flat, KJ's parents are a pain to watch, & the pirate crew is so forgettable I can't name a single one off the top of my head
6. Favorite scene?
Um the whole show but the hardest I laughed at any moment was when Ted suddenly exploded on stage while singing for no f*cking reason
7. Least favorite scene?
s3e4 the episode basically opens with a minute of nasty visualized farts & everyone vomiting on each other. I like gross-out to an extent but this was TOO. MUCH.
8. Favorite characters?
1st: Ted my beloved 💗💗💗 he's so much like me it's scary
2nd: King Julien - a VERY close 2nd. His energy & ability to stay goofy in even the worst situations inspires me to be the same 🔥
3rd: Karl - Gay thirst trap hottie social reject misunderstood sad backstory creative genius who just wants love 😭😭😭
4th: Mort - Objectively the best fictional character of all time. Sure he delivers the funniest moments in animated history but I don't really feel a connection with him like I do the top 3
5th: "Uncle" Julien - sass and ASS 🍑🥵 I love villains who are unapologetically assholes. His redemption was forced & stupid
9. Least favorite character?
Maggie - I love farts but it 100% depends on who. If it's a hot guy then 😍😍😍 but this is an old woman so 🤢 & that's like her whole character
10. Favorite ships?
Jaurice - absolutely adorable couple, heck I get teary eyed just thinking about them, gosh I'm so gay. Anyway their ship is extra special b/c KJ is usually hedonistic & horni, but with Maurice it's so wholesome & romantic 🥺
Julieddy & Karlien - These 2 ships have their own unique dynamics, but I put them together b/c they're both a gay man desperately wanting a man they can't have. This kinda situation always fascinates me & I can relate myself...
Karl x Chauncey - we all kno who Karl wants the most, but the fact that he has a happy life with Chauncey makes me happy 😌
Pandy - Be gay do crime
Ted x Horst - tbh if Ted finally divorced & married a man instead, Horst is a genuine contender
Nurse Phantom & Dr. S - the way they bicker is hilarious
KJ x Rob - Gay booty bumpin hotties enough said
11. Least favorite ships?
Clage - I've already ranted about it a million times it's just crap
"Uncle" Julien x Zora - like I said, forced & stupid
Willie x anyone - Willie's too innocent y'all
12. Have you ever cried while watching?
I'm an overly emotional gay man I cry over litcherally everything. I practically choked to death crying the first time I saw Maurice fall 😭
13. Favorite songs?
-Theme song superiority 🔥🔥🔥
-True Bromance is a gay anthem for the ages
-All Eyes On Me (Photronique) 🔥🔥
-I also like Swagnificent & Big Stacks
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itlivesproject · 2 years
Obviously I talk big game! But in the sense that if my mr. Daddio turns out slightly less twisted than expected, I'd probs still choose his problematic arse over the LI's in a heartbeat. No matter the horny tax. I love thirsting after some delicious old man with massive BDE, after all. I mean, him calling MC a good girl in that scene? My god, a woman can only take so much!
BUT GETTING NASTY WITH BOTH HIM AND HIS CHILD?! ON THE SAME BLOODY NIGHT?!!! IN FRONT OF EACH OTHER?! 😭😭😭 That's not horny anymore, that's just downright nasty! I love some good drama, but I can't handle my lovely genuine/sarcastic MC going THAT far. My horniness has to stop somewhere, and fucking both a son and father seems like as good a place as any.
Thank god for y'all allowing multiple playthroughs though, allowing me to still get horny with both 🙏🙏🙏 You're the real heroes!
- L
how messed up would it be if we locked matthias's romance behind also romancing lincoln 😂 like yeah, you can romance him, but ONLY if you romance his son first! Nah we may be evil but we're not that evil sdlkfj. good to know you have some standards though.
as a side note, just because an option *ahem pursuing both a father and his son* is included doesn't mean you all should pick it (not you L, i'm talking to the others in the room now 🤨) and if you do, don't you worry, us writers will charge you with a HEFTY horny tax that you won't believe. i sleep well at night, knowing that all our players will one day be punished for their sins 😌🙏
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kaedeakeshisworld · 2 years
Oda Nobunaga in a Relationship
cw: How I think Oda Nobunaga would be in a relationship or rather my horny thoughts about him sounds much better 🤭. As always black female reader intended, he's a pervert but for you only, spanking, fondling, bodily fluids, eating someone out on a table, nipple play, nipple sucking, rough/make up sex a bit of fluff at the end because it is much deserved!
wc: 1228
aperçu: just me thirsting over men I can’t physically have like my life’s peak content I swear choke me daddy nevermind. This man, his behaviour, obsessions and how he carries himself oh I almost forgot his facial hair! Just looking at him had me like 🤔🥲🤯😜🥵😝😅🥳👀💀 I'm most definitely horny don't mind me. I know I have something for long haired men 😭 Don't point it out, I am aware of it 💀
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He’s such a perverted man no surprise right!! So, he likes to purposely let things fall such as spoons or even a bowl and asks you to pick them up saying “I am a little clumsy could you please help your old man out?” with puppy eyes. That way, he is sure to cop a feel when you crouch down to pick things up or  just get a glimpse of your goodies while he is sipping his cup of coffee.
He often likes to make you sit on his lap as you are face to face and he viciously fondles your backside alternating from cheek to cheek, sometimes he slaps it  add lip biting emoji here
During heated make out sessions, he will make you grind on his thigh if he wants to tease you but if he lets you grind directly on his growing bulge then someone's eager for where this leads 👀
He is also a bit too obsessed with your bodily fluids *you know which ones I am talking about* specifically the ones he causes 
He truly does enjoy seeing your clear essence staining his slacks, he's so proud about it 😉
He also likes to suck on your nipples when you are on top of him. He is a little mischievous, he bites them lightly and this makes you gasp for air. 
He has made them so sensitive that now even a slight brush of material against it is enough to arouse you and this smug bastard uses it to his advantage specifically after you two have had an argument that didn’t end on good terms. This simply means that you are using the silence treatment on him.This one time you both had argued over some matter that did seem really important at the time and you were so mad at him that you decided that you had better keep things for yourself otherwise you would hurt his feelings ( bad bitch vibes) so you go silent for the rest of the day and he doesn't like this one bit but he knows how to make you talk to him. His effective strategy is to lure you in your shared bedroom and make sure that he will make you moan because he is making you feel that good. So he sits on the bed and calls you “Y/n please come here, I can’t find the remote. Could you please help me?” You really don’t want to be in the same room as he is but you still go there to help him. You got there and just looked at him like, is he kidding me, the remote is on the bedside table like can’t he see it. He watches your every step towards the bedside table where you sleep and when you give him the remote he yanks you towards him. Now you are on top of him and he has a triumphant smile “ So you really thought you would go on the whole day without talking to me uh, precious?” he utters. You’re pouting, you know he is doing this to make you talk to him but he won’t succeed but as soon as he lays you on your back and starts playing with your nipples you know you are done.
By the end of his ministrations you’re getting your back blown out while he's all smiley and shit saying “ you’re really a cockslut uh? Ah, you don’t answer that’s right I know what I am doing that’s why you can’t talk” the only things you can manage to make like noise is to let him know that he's doing a great job fucking you like he should “my pretty girl, you moan so beautifully for me” 
He really knows where to rest his head whenever he feels like sleeping, so he only lays it on your boobs. It's the most comfortable place after all. 
If you're lying on the couch when he feels a bit needy he will come by and hop on top of you to rest his head on your boobs
And you ask him “what's wrong?” because usually he's not so affectionate like this. You start running your hands through his black hair, lazily scratching his scalp with your fingertips which earns you a satisfied sigh and minutes after he's out like a light.
He really likes to let people think he is the one that leads this relationship while in reality it is you that rules pretty much everything 💅🏾
If you are ignoring him on purpose, he will make sure you regret that when you have your friends over. You do love feral fucking but not when your friends could possibly be the audience. 
All of this messy situation started because you told him to do laundry and while he said he’d do it he did not move from his spot. This led to you acting as if you were not present in the house and this was still going on when your friends were over at your house. It has been a few hours and he is not having it. He decided to lock you in the kitchen where you were getting some drinks and quietly made your friends leave claiming that you both had some important business to get to and when you least expected it he lifted your skirt up, ripped your undies and stuffed your mouth.
You were going to protest but he told you “you better not say a single thing right now, you were giving me attitude all day long because I didn’t do the laundry so let’s keep things that way” and right before his breath hovers over your cunny you hear him say “itadakimasu”.
The way he is eating you out is not how he usually does it, he does not allow you to even come down from your orgasm, he just keeps doing his thing. You are there trying your best to take every single thing he is giving to you but he is doing too much right now isn't he?
His goal is to make you cry but at the very same time this is a punishment for being a brat earlier. When he is finally done eating his meal he utters “gochisousama deshita”. 
And he leaves you there on the kitchen table. You are heavily breathing, trying to pace it but also coming back to your senses slowly. When you finally do come down from your hazy state you notice that he is by the door arms crossed.
"Are you with me honey? I need to take care of you." He walks towards you, picks you up from the table delicately and carries you towards the bathtub bridal style.
He strips you off of your clothes, kisses your nose, forehead, lips and hand. He helps you get inside the bathtub, he helps you wash your body specifically insisting on rubbing your backside. When he is done rinsing you he covers your body with a towel and carries you back to the bedroom . 
In front of the bed he pat dries your body, rubs body butter on it all the while he has a straining erection in his slacks(he a superhero honestly 🤨) because for him today it's all about you he can take care of himself later or maybe session 2 might come by after much deserved rest.
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2022 © All rights reserved to @kaedeakeshisworld. Translations, modifications, replicas or even property of my achievement are not allowed without my approval. Do not repost/ recommend/ share it elsewhere!
Comments and reblogs are immensely appreciated!!
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
ryen let me start by saying that this chapter was AHMAZING I cried I screamed I whined and I wanted to kick myself!!! It took me longer to collect my thoughts and send them to you bc I was running late and I was thinking if it's OK to send you a few asks so you can put them all together under a read more to avoid spoilers? If it's sth you're comfortable with it, or you can just keep them (my unhinged thoughts) to yourself! -3tandream
oh my gosh, baby!! i am so happy to receive mindblowing feedback from you. four whole messages?? convenient so that i can put them all in one? you're amazing.. responding to everything below!
ryen let me start by saying that this chapter was AHMAZING I cried I screamed I whined and I wanted to kick myself!!! It took me longer to collect my thoughts and send them to you bc I was running late and I was thinking if it's OK to send you a few asks so you can put them all together under a read more to avoid spoilers? If it's sth you're comfortable with it, or you can just keep them (my unhinged thoughts) to yourself!
SCREAMING CRYING WHINING WITH YOU :((( don't kick yourself though omg. this was an awesome way to receive and format feedback, so thank you so much!
The first thing I want to say scream about is how well you played us!! I've read literally all of the 3tan asks since the very first one and I didn't remember at all that one🤯 now I have to find a new personality trait since I've been thirsting over a man that I literally do not know his name. Yoongi my sweet summer child, he loves her so much he's always thinking of her!!! And him and his insecurities got him thinking that maybe jk was a better option for oc? His thoughts really had me on the verge of tears! Why would he think such things!! Oc celebrating their one year since their first time by bringing tangerines and OF COURSE it had to be raining, just for me to tear my hair off over the parallel with the og 3tan😭! -3tandream
MWAHAHAHA YESSS it wasn't any of the members! it's what i've stuck with since the beginning since i wanted to keep it as inclusive as possible. new personality trait LMAO it's ok, babe! there's now a 3tan!jin... so be careful now ahahaha.
and yoongi. yoongi, you old, silly man. for a guy that seems so confident (and is) he really is his own worst enemy bc of his past. it can't seem to leave him :(( why would he think such things is the question! and oc celebrating the one year anniversary with tangerines i love them so damn much.. there were so many parallels! hell yes.
Our man got his walls so high up that oc really snapped, and I'm glad she did! She's showing more sides of herself and she's comfortable with expressing how she's feeling (big sigh),,, oh. OH. so jk was her first love? The first boy that broke her heart? I'm👀over the fact that now that he saw her being all confident and feeling herself he's all like "I've been in love once, Yada Yada, I wanna approach her again Yada Yada"😒 and finally the talk they needed to have!! And the tears that needed to be shed (I was only crying bc I was emotionally supporting them)! AND THE HOLLY VIDEOS😍 and yoongi cares about the cat😍 -3tandream
reader snapping was so cool tbh LMAO called him tf out so abruptly! we are starting to see more of her character and i love it. glad you recognized that!
so jk... sigh. they dated and then he broke her heart before she left for uni. yup. ofc he thought she looked like a million bucks if he had feelings for her before. ugh. i just... yeah. feeling things.
LMAO YOU CAN CRY JUST TO CRY BBY ITS OK!! it was a rough but beautiful scene for them. they needed that. and then all the fluff AHHHHHHH YES YES HOLLY AND CAT!!!!
Don't get me started on the I wanna watch fireworks with you again bc I will cry while I'm pretending to work! You know how much we all love that fireworks line and you're lovingly terrorizing us with it!! I will not comment anything over THE BEST SEX SCENE IVE EVER READ over the fact that I'm a hoe for yoongi's chains. And chains in general. But mostly yoongi's. Oh to be called yoongi's girl and yoongi's slut and to also call yoongi (his dick) yours🥰. And the question remains; who tf is the bro and who will stop me from slapping jk across the face? Ryen ily and you deserve all the rest ib the world, I love your sexy brain💜
alright. yeah. we're just gonna talk about the line that broke me uh huh uh huh great. we do love the fireworks line.. so i cried when it came out again. :'))) played myself like a gd fool. gosh. and then yoongi tearing up at it, too? like, that had to mean something. goddd.
AHAHAH THE SPICE YESSSS i'm so happy that you liked it! huge praise here i am so touched<33 chains. chains chains chains you know me it's a given at this point lmfao. to be called all those things. a dream really😭
who is bro indeed! it's not any of the members, just whoever :D i love you too and i shall rest and rest indeed<3 thank you so incredibly much for all the amazing fantastic sweet words, dream💜
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leewonkyeom · 7 months
Omg wait that's actually a really good way of coming up with usernames! I kinda figured out that won-kyeom part and I was not sure about the Lee being dino because y'know there are a lot of lees in k-pop now I'll just combine k-pop idols names whenever I need to come up with new usernames!
Naurr chan 😭 but i kinda agree i think most of the carats who are in their 20s mostly see chan as their lil bro?? (Atleast the ones I have met) Or literally a child cuz most fanfics and smaus I've read about cheol and hannie they are either basically chans parents or they just bully him 💀. but I have to admit he's kinda bias wrecking Nonie these days (but he could never replace jeonghan in my heart T^T) BUT SHUA OMG he's a real fucking threat to both of us cause he did the impossible: bias wrecking Jeonghan. Like stop pls 😭😭
You have irl carat friend 😭😭 you're luckyyyy and omg comparing you to dk when he does something awful is something a friend would do lmao but hey atleast she's comparing you to the one and only SEOKMIN 🤩 a win is a win! my army friend (who also watches svts stuff sometimes) said me and hannie are really similar (y'know when we cause problems on purpose and cheat in games...match made in heaven fr 😍)
OMG YES PLS A SPIDERMAN AU 🛐 please write it if you could I'm on my knees begging (if you aren't busy ofc) i feel like this au would suit Nonie a lot (for obvious reasons) he kinda fits the loser (affectionate) nerdy Peter Parker vibes like him being the Spiderman is going to be the death of me and hear me out i think Jeonghan would also thrive in this au but he's Gwen Stacy/ Mary Jane and the reader is the spidercreature 😼 who else do you think fits in this au?
I get not watching movies often i also sort of re watch old movies again and again but If you watch the movies i recommended with your dad watch Chungking express! Fallen angels kinda has a suggestive scene (nothing too crazy but still)
Ahh thank you <33 Ida is also such a cute name!! My name is sort of a reference to the character Jolyne Cujoh
like i made this wayyy back in 2014 or something😭 and i think my og name was ohbyundae, for sehun, baekhyun and chen😭 and i've just kinda stuck with it for kpop usernames since korean names are so easy to combine and i suck at coming up with names lmao. but yesss!! it could obviously be jihoon or dk as well, but chan is who i had in mind
nooo i'm 21 and i love chan sm😭 like when they debutes i didn't think he was that hot, since he was so young. but nowadays???? man that man is ON FIRE. i'm still not over the back it up performance😭😭 literally fighting people for his pcs as well cause they're all so good. i have a few fics (wips) with chan as brother figure, but only because he's such a good brother😭😭
shua is the bane of my existence atm😭 love and hate it sm😭😭 cause he is literally perfect
well, i made her slip into the diamond life, but thirst traps on tiktoks were a lot of help as well😭 i think the shadow clip of mingyu and cheol in the rain is what got her in the end. but yess, i feel really lucky😭
exactly😌😌 i see myself in him as well so i get it. but omggg getting compared to hannie is the dream😭😭 like love him so much, that is peak !!
the way i went to my notes to write it down after i replied to your last ask... and wrote that vernon should be spider-man👀👀 but lnao shouldn't reader be a gwen stacy/mj version😭😭 i was thinking i might do a full on avengers au, with all of svt having some sort of super-power but we'll see. i have a lot of other ficd lined up first😭😭 but i would love to discuss it some more !!
the way i could straight up watch porn in front of my dad i do not think he would care 😭😭 like i'm from scandinavia so sex and whatever is really natural for us (although i only got through one episode of sex education with him in the room, mostly for my own sanity) but thank you for the heads up !!
thank you♡♡ ida is just my irl nickname, i didn't even think about coming up with an alias😭 and yes!!! omg i love jojo !!!!
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sungbeam · 2 years
OML BEAM!! U DID IT!! U TOLD ME MY BIASES' POWERS 🫠🫠 this is so exciting i literally LOVE the fact that u associated josh w/ iceman & made hansol SO op 😭 i love the contrast between his personality & his power b/c u know he won't try to do anything like evil HAHAH & as for joshua, he just seems like such classic x-man (???) LIKE it just makes so much sense for him to be iceman i think it fits him well (also apparently iceman is practically immortal?? LIKEEEE if u break him in his ice form, he can just... control the molecules and put himself back together?? HUMPTY DUMPTY COULD ONLY DREAM!)
& IF U LIKE MATT IN SHE-HULK, THEN UR GONNA LOVE HIM IN HIS SHOW!! he has this sorta old uniform before the iconic red one and he looks so... MWAH 🥰!! it's like a black skin tight outfit & a mask over his eyes and *sighs dreamily*, matt murdock 💗💗 it's definitely darker than she-hulk, but i think it's worth the watch!!
speaking of darker shows, ur definitely right about tfatws! it was leaning more towards serious social commentary in some episodes & THAT john walker scene freaked me out 🫣 i think ur right, they weren't really friends in the beginning! so glad it developed & they got closer 🥹🥹 and i'm also 99.9% sure they WERE FIGHTING FOR CAP'S ATTENTION, but honestly if i were them? i would too b/c LOOK AT HIM 👀👀👀
I ADMIT. I WOULD STAY UP LATE TO READ DRUIG FICS... and i still do!!! but who's gonna stop me? not him 😌 everything about him just SCREAMS dream man & i searched for fics as soon as i stepped out of that theater 🫡
I DID !! I DID IT (^_-)-☆ yes omg im so glad u agree w me, im glad we can both see joshie as iceman 😼😼😼 NO BUT THATS SO INSANE OF HIM THAT HES PRACTICALLY IMMORTAL LIKE THATS SO OP !!!! classic, but still powerful asf we love to see it (HELPP HUMPTY DUMPTY CAN ONLY DREAM BAHAHAHHA THATS SO FUNNY OML—) yeah i was going thru the list of mutants and trying to see what fit vernon the best and i thought ,, why not make him super duper powerful 🤩🤩🤩 our king of low-key is now a dimension-maker and manipulator !! lol it's so funny thinking abt how i paired maknae line 😭😭😭 it's hard to explain but it's just so funny to me when i look back at my notes akcnsknc
OMG I THINK IK WHAT SUIT UR TALKING ABT THAT *IS* SUPER DREAMY UR SO RIGHT XNONIE !!!!! also he did the flippin walk of shame that was hilarious to me like plsss 💀💀💀 mans is so self confident that his walk of shame isn't even of shame skxnkwjc but yuh he can come back and take *me* out for dinner whenever he wants :D
the John Walker Scene™ scared me half to death skxkdbdkd but I also kind of lived for that kind of energy from marvel, like it was kind of a shock obviously but it was a good (?) shock?? dunno how to explain it, but it was like how multiverse of madness was a much darker tone than i anticipated as well !!! like there's something abt dark mcu films/shows that really pull me in yk? the mcu always nails humor, but being dark?? SHIVERS. (i think my mouth was open for like the rest of the night after i watched the infamous episode lol like,,, THAT BTCH STAINED AND CORRUPTED THE SHIELD TF)
i have only one thing to say abt capt america and that is ass 😔✨
AHAHHAHA I TRIED HOLDING OUT FOR A LITTLE I THINK BUT EVENTUALLY GAVE IN, BUT R WE SURPRISED?? ofc not (^_-)-☆ i think it was only inevitable tbh like that scene with him in his little community in the forest and he's fighting the deviants and he's in that gray tank top @_@ i mean COME. ON. ur just ASKING for a flood of thirst posts after that move—
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
- Now idk if yall have SEEN Shirabu but the mf just looks like he needs to go outside.
- He looks like the most he goes outside is to walk from the dorm rooms to the gym, if he even has to do that. (Do you guys REMEMBER how luxurious that school looked?? They had a fucking hallway that went from one building to another, IN THE AIR, AND IT WAS JUST A SCHOOL! Maybe I'm the one that needs to get out more.)
- Reon most definitely is a beach bum. He's like the moms who just sit on the chairs the whole time saying "Oh you go on in the water, I'll join in a bit", and he's said that 5 times in the last hour and a half.
- Semi has the mental capacity of a 5 year old as soon as his feet hit the sand. (Not that it's too much better when he's off of it)
- Reon drives, Shirabu sulks in the backseat, and Semi is blaring the radio. Shirabu was this 🤏 close to taking the laces off his shoes and using it to strangle him.
- Reon would reach back to rub at Kenjirō's leg from time to time just to keep him calm 😭
- When they finally get there, Semi, Mr tough guy, Eita decided that he would do the heavy lifting. And by heavy lifting he offered to carry the big ass cooler through the sand. Which is a lot harder than some may think.
- Shirabu looks like the type to wear some expensive ass, brand name sunglasses.
- Reon has the honor of rubbing his boyfriends down with sunscreen. Shirabu and Semi fight for who gets Reon. They then continue on to make it a competition on who can rub down Reon the fastest. Reon's already exhausted and they just got there.
- Once they finally settle in their spot, they've only got one problem left.
- The eyes on them 👀
- Semi and Reon are (super) attractive dudes. So is Shirabu but he's chilling in swimming trunks and a rash guard. (Which is pretty hot ngl, the short tight sleeves that show off him arm and shoulder muscles and how it rides just a tiny bit up his neck PHEW 🥴😩) but then there are Semi and Reon who are wearing swimming trunks and nothing else. Just them, the swimming trunks, and their rippling abs.
- Good thing they have their gremlin boyfriend to fend their admirers off.
- It's ok tho, cuz they gotta fend off the people who Shirabu is too distracted to notice staring at HIM. (Aka ME)
- Ok you will find this hc in the very DEPTHS of this account but SemiSemi was born in Hawaii, raised in Alabama. So he's an American ass country boy but he can ride a wave too. THE MF CAN SURF
- Semi lowkey reminds me of Tom Cruise in the first 'Top Gun' idk why
- Anyway it definitely has Shirabu and Reon foaming at the mouth
- Now it's my turn to thirst over Reon 🥴
- When I tell you this man has the most BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION
- You know those slow motion moments in the movies where the hot character turns around and the sunlight just bounces off their face PERFECTLY?
- They honestly all have such pretty undertones when it comes to their skin. Kenjirō's got this pinkish-red undertone, Semi's got a golden orange and Reon has this brighter orange type of one.
- Semi is desperate to drag both his boyfriends in the water at least ONCE during the trip.
- They both know how to swim. Shirabu's actually a really good swimmer.
- But Shirabu, local rich kid, probably grew up swimming in indoor pools and stuff
- Reon looks like he grew up going to camp grounds so he's probably swam in lakes and stuff.
- Semi just thinks he's straight out of H2O
- "Come ON Kenji, it's just some water" "YEAH, REALLY DISGUSTING WATER!"
- "If you think about it, there are a whole lot of dead bodies in the ocean, but people still swim there. But if there was a single dead body in a pool, no one would swim in there. So does that mean that people care about the dead body to water ratio?" "I mean..I guess? If you just keep the dead body away from you does it really matter?" "Of course you wouldn't care, Eita."
- Semi definitely gets completely wet and then chases Shirabu around.
- "I JUST WANNA HUG YOU KENJI! I LOVE YOUUU!" "GO AWAY!" The whole while Semi has this shit eating grin on his face
- Shirabu's scary so Semi ends up tackling Reon. And sweet, sweet Reon just hugs him back and fixes his hair :( a little kiss on his nose too 😙
- Shirabu gets jealous and gently pushes Semi.
- "Reon's MINE. Back off ✋️🙄"
- Semi promptly grabs him and hauls ass with a screaming Shirabu in his arms.
- Long story short Shirabu ends up wet, wrapped in a towel in Reon's lap, glaring straight daggers at Semi.
- Semi, pretty successfully, gets his boyfriends to play in the water with him. It's a lot of splashing each other and they bring a volleyball too just to pass around.
- They end up eating snacks all hunched over on a towel with a towel around them and their hair plastered to their foreheads. Like when you and your mom's friend's kids would take a break from swimming typa beat 😭
- Eventually they decide to pack up and go home, all tired and sandy. Mostly because if the setters see Reon glowing in the light of the sunset any longer than what they have, they might just pass out.
- Semi and Shirabu race to the car. Shirabu wins and doesn't fail to rub it in Semi's face.
- They pack up and as soon as they get on the road and are all sat and comfortable, they can hear Semi begin to snore.
- Homeboy was OUT 😭
- Shirabu definitely takes pictures while Reon giggles at their antics.
- The rest of the ride goes smoothly. Semi sleeping in the back with Reon and Shirabu talking in whispers, their hands interlocked.
- Once they get back they all rinse off before tumbling into bed together.
- Bonus if Reon ends up with weird tan lines because Semi and Shirabu were rushing too much 💀🤙
HAPPY (almost if you're not out yet) SUMMER BREAK!!
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lesovoj · 2 years
So hey again (bts new fan here)
I said I’ll get back to you after a week but I couldn’t and I’ve been listening to BTS music nonestop. I listen to all the songs you mentioned with lyrics too and they’re all too good. I really can’t find a song I can’t like or bop to. But I’m in love with Jimin’s songs so much. Serendipity and lie are my current faves. The filter one omg... my soul left my body watching him dance like that... he’s just too good. 😩😍
And I’ve memorized all names and members faces and found out my faves are JIMIN (ofc) and V. V’s voice had me in trance wow. Does he have songs outside of bts like Jimin too?
ON and blood sweat and tears are on repeat rn. They unleash my inner dancer and hoe chronicles simultaneously 💀
Pls do recommend anything you like... I want to get into their older stuff because I really liked BST so much, so I’m wonder of their older music was more like that? Or more hiphop-ish?
Does this qualify me as ARMY? Haha idk but I’m here to stay. Even if I can’t manage to be a full time fan I’ll always listen to their music now and will always thirst over Jimin and V🙈🙈
Thank you again so much omg. I’m so happy I discovered your blog ❤️
AAA. i'm so glad you liked it 😭🙏🥰🥰🥰
Omg a VMIN fan? You have taste. Yes yes of course so uh where to start.
Tae (V) solos that are my fave - sweet night , inner child , stigma and scenery.
More of his solos - christmas tree, singularity (the music video is beyond gorgeous) & winter bear .
Also if you love jimin and V the most you have to listen to FRIENDS. ❤ it's the song jimin wrote and produced and sang along with V only.
BTS songs that in my opinion use V voice the best way -
The truth untold ( his voice at the start pure chills man)
Spine breaker ( his deep voice in this song 10/10)
Ok so Blood Sweat and Tears is from their WINGS album from 2016 (lie is there too) so maybe check it out if that is your style.❣ also funny thing is Jimin wrote melody for blood sweat and tears he really is very talented.
Yes old BTS used to be way more hip hop and r'n'b driven. My faves from that era are -
Hip hop phile ( actually just whole DARK & WILD album is perfection )
Ma city
Moving on
About stuff i also like i think i forgot to mention Jimin's cute song Promise. And i really love Jungkook's Still with you solo song. And if you have time pls watch Agust D "Daechwita" music video. No words for that one.
About old songs with best choreos or music videos -
Run ( music video teenage dream really)
Danger (dance pratice wow)
Boy in luv (again dance pratice )
I need U (music video and dance both great)
And just now old dance pratice for Tomorrow on yt dropped and i cant stop watching. That dance goes so so well with the song and jimin again just moves his body so prettily.
I'm glad you found my blog too. ❤ how did you find it btw?
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My Top Posts in 2021
"Just ASK! Me!"
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A/N: YALL I am in NO WAY a writer 😭 but this is just something thats been on my noggin and just HAD to bring this baby to life!! Again I suck at writing but hey why not?? Lol
Summary: Coco has been watching the same porno over and over, he wants to try something with you but to scared to ask.
"Hey baby I'm home!!" You walked in carrying groceries that you just bought from Walmart and sat them on the kitchen table. "Daaamn Mami what'd all you get?! You say you were only getting shit for tonight!" He peeked in the bags one by one. "Yeah well figured I'd get some for tomorrow night too!!" You pecked his lips and started pulling stuff out. While doing so coco barely looked at you.
"Something goin on with you baby?" You leaned against the counter staring at the mayan.
Coco scratched his head "nah?"
"Oh you lying to me now? Woooow ok come on cruz I know you better than you know yourself talk to me." You wrapped your arms around his waist kissing his exposed chest.
Coco sighed now finally looking at you with those big brown chocolate eyes that melted your heart. "Ok so I was watching this..porno..and um.. baby you know I love our sex life you be putting it DOWN Mami like that thing you do with your tongue in my..." you stopped him before he could finish. "Daddy I know how much you love that you usually show me all over my face" you giggled. "Now tell meee" a slight whine came out.
Coco bit his lip looking at the ground then finally at you. "So next time your riding me or I'm fucking you from behind..can...can I put a finger in your ass?" Once it finally came out he looked back at his feet. You stared at him just waiting to see if there was more but when nothing else did...you laughed. Which of course cause coco to mumble something in Spanish and roll his eyes "Know what just forget I even asked I knew you'd make fun of me" he turned to walk away but you grabbed his arm stopping him.
"My coco I'm not laughing at you!! Hell yeah you can stick a finger even two fingers in my ass!! I'm definitely down you know how nasty I like it daddy" He smiled looking relieved "yeah? So so why you laugh?"
You bit your lip trying to stop the giggle fit. "Because!! How is it your a big scary biker who can take apart then reassemble a gun in under 15seconds, cross the border while carrying heroin and SHOOT a guy between the eyes no hesitation...but your scared to ask if you can stick a finger in my ASS?!!"
At this realization coco bubbled with laughter along with you.
"Thats pretty fuckin funny but you know what? Mi dulce?" coco picked you up throwing you over his shoulder heading toward the bedroom "What?" You questioned while kicking your legs a little
"That ass aint about to be laughing in a minute" with a hard slap on the ass to drive his point home, coco showed exactly why all. Night. Long.
42 notes • Posted 2021-04-07 16:09:41 GMT
Nestor got all THAT HAIR IN THEM BRAIDS?!!!!! OH MY LORD!!!
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42 notes • Posted 2021-04-28 03:08:09 GMT
Yall we need to have a serious, actual conversation about how attractive roman is. How does a man like that just walk this earth and be REAL?! This isn't even a thirst post I'm generally concerned on HOW FUCKING SEXY HE IS??!!?!!
50 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 04:33:06 GMT
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This man DONT MISS!!!! whew lord 😍😍😍😭😭
@luvelygyal @honeychicana
73 notes • Posted 2021-08-26 19:34:36 GMT
Um just a heads up the person running this blog is 12yrs old..I repeat 12YRS OLD. block this person from yalls blogs, most of my mutuals are 21+ but anyone 18+ yes blog this baby. And ima say baby because that's what she is. Idk why tumblr @staff even let her get on this site.
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85 notes • Posted 2021-08-19 04:50:25 GMT
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