#i'm open to other differing opinions as long as they're respectful!
emodennis · 2 years
im not in the clearest headspace so this will be fuzzy, but basically i love fat mac because i am also fat and have severe body dysmorphia, and being able to laugh at my problems helps a lot. much in the same way im mentally disabled and seeing the gang make fun of charlie for his own makes me laugh, it makes me happy in a weird way to know that the gang would treat me just as poorly as theyd treat anyone else. i think if the gang Werent super mean to mac for being fat, then that would be out of character for them, especially dennis and dee. but i would totally love to hear your perspective on it!!!! sorry if this sounded like gibberish aksjsjdjd
this makes total sense, dw. everyone deals with their problems differently, and i think this show can be especially cathartic/comforting for people for different reasons. and i don't want it to seem like i'm trying to take that away from anyone.
i agree that the gang not being mean to mac for being fat would be out of character, which is why i wish that plotline was just not in the show.
but basically, i have three major issues with fat mac: the reason behind him, his characterization, and the way the gang treats him/the way that the show expects the audience to think about him.
so we all know that rob wanted to satirize the fact that often characters on TV shows look better as they get older because the actors get richer and have the means to maintain/improve their appearance. so he wanted his character to look worse, aka fat. already stigmatizing from the outset.
additionally, we see mac get stupider, lazier, and hungrier in season 7, moreso than in any other season (although he does get stupider in later seasons due to flanderization. but the change from seasons 5/6 to 7 was drastic). i don't have all the examples for this off the top of my head- i was going to gather those for a more thought-out post, but i'm sure some come to mind. they basically turn him into a fat stereotype for a season, and then subdue those traits immediately once he loses the weight in season 8. and every time he's shown wanting/eating food, it's in a way where we're meant to laugh at the spectacle of a fat person being obsessed with eating. and i know that's the intention because of how they utilize the gang as the straight person/people in those scenarios. which brings me to my next point.
i tend to compare/contrast the fat jokes to the way they make fun of mac for his gay behavior- the gay jokes are funny because they’re making fun of him for not realizing that what he’s saying/doing is gay. it doesn’t come across like his being gay is a bad thing, because we know that the characters accept him for it. the fat jokes are meant to be in a similar format- they’re making fun of mac for not realizing he’s fat. the joke is supposed to be about his delusion. but the difference is that they hate his being fat. the gang plays the voice of reason in those scenarios, the audience surrogate. they’re supposed to reflect what we’re all thinking: mac is fat and he needs to realize he’s fat and lose the weight because it’s disgusting.
also from the podcast, we know that rcg have very mainstream (aka fatphobic) views of health, which are especially visible in the who's more healthier episodes. i'm not going to get into the science of why fat does not equal unhealthy, but a quick google search should explain why correlation does not equal causation (and even if a fat person is unhealthy, there's the whole "why should we harass/discriminate against people for being unhealthy" part too but that's another thing). anyway, it's pretty clear that rcg view being fat as a bad thing and it shows up in their writing.
i know this show perpetuates all sorts of bigotry, and fatphobia is just one thing on a long list. but i have a neurodivergent level of fixation on fighting fatphobia, so that's one of the battles i choose.
i accept (and on good days, love) myself for being fat. i don't find catharsis in fat jokes. they just piss me off and make me sad for all the fat people who are going to have to hear yet another message about why their bodies are bad.
(btw, most of this was just a general rant/explanation and not a direct response to your message. i wish you the best on your acceptance journey and i'm glad that fat mac helps you through it.)
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moonsaver · 5 months
Your writing is very good! And I like it! I'm having it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, everytime
BUT LIKE, LISTEN TO ME, WHAT IF S/O WAS REBELLIOUS LIKE HIM TOO. But not like actually him, just typical rebellious student back then. Like, breaking the rules, pissing off the teachers, etc
AND, HIS S/O IS LIKE NOW, NORMAL. A PROFESIONAL, and probably embarrassed of their phase back then. I do see them being Friendly and chilled with Ratio?? Or like "Oh crap, it's the old rebellious dude that tries to teach me random smart stuffs"
But in my opinion, I do see S/O just being like "Oh, what's up Ratio" and just being neutral. Greeting him whenever they passed by or see each other again, while also slightly joking about the things Ratio tried to teach them back then. As they told him that they actually listened to his teaching.. Even though it's.. Well, it's used by unsuccessful methods
S/O WOULD DO THAT, telling Ratio old rebellious phase embarrassing stories to his students whenever they feel afraid of him. Like
"Oh, did you know that your professor (Veritas Ratio), used to talk so much about our teacher that just give the slightest wrong formula, to the point he keeps getting send to the office? Hah! I was there!"
As Ratio stood there with hidden embarrassed look, as he tries to hold the urge to not shut S/O up.
Under the cut,might be long!
Soso, you're the rebellious kid who's butting heads with the other jerkwad, the only difference between you two is that he's just a nerd on top of being a rebellious kid. He's the "worst" of both worlds.
It's a very cliche enemies to strangers to acquaintances who respect each other to tension between possible lovers. Its kind of funny.
In your student days, I imagine the moment both of you see each other in the hall, you scowl at each other. Or make fun of something the other has. Maybe he's lugging a bulky art project and you make fun of him saying he looks like a turtle dragging his own shell. Maybe you left your bag's zip open and Veritas comments on how "devoid of knowledge" it is, "like your head" (you forgot all your books somewhere, your bag is completely empty). God forbid either of you tried something experimental and the other catches a glimpse of it. If they're not within talking distance, they'll shout on the top of their lungs. To both of you, the louder it is the more humiliation is involved. You'll find this method is often used by Veritas, as he openly quizzes you and chides LOUDLY that you're a BUFFOON and an IDIOT for not knowing a SIMPLE FORMULA. You decide to retaliate by stealing more than half his stationary, so now he has to scramble to gather extras and literally no one helps him cause he's a jerk lol.
Everyone on campus absolutely either hates it or loves it. Theres fanpages of you two with cringe edits,or those really well-made shitpost ones. Sometimes your classmates just bait the other to go a certain place just so you two cross paths and stir up a lot of trouble. The teachers are all done with both of you.
Cut to the future (or present?), reader's a professor too now. Let's assume either of them is unaware when they join the job (as implied by the request).
I imagine professor reader, if they manage to stay calm and just.. talk normally, it does give Dr. Ratio some whiplash. His pride demands he straightens himself out though, so it's not too soon before he himself drones on about some or the other tedious topic. You mention the past and how often you used to butt heads, and Veritas' first instinct is to immediately retaliate the way his past self would have done; but he stops himself in time, and sighs at it. You've painstakingly ingrained that response into him. But he's still slightly embarrassed nonetheless. It's not too soon before the conversation becomes more relaxed (I mean.. considering Veritas,as relaxed as he lets it be), and as a form of "nostalgia" he brings up all the questions he used to ask you back then, only to be pleasantly surprised when you give him detailed but professional answers. It's not too soon before he learns that you've become a professor aswell. Dr. Ratio congratulates you – with reservations of course, which is completely thrown out the window when you tell him you knew all of this because.. you listened to him.
Ugh. Don't make him feel so sappy. A part of him detests it; warming up and being all chummy with a hopeless classmate of all people. But a part of him is.. kind of happy about it.
Which is promptly changed the moment you also realize he's a professor now.
And that his students aren't spared from the nostalgia either.
He's bursting through the door, jaw dropped, angry and shocked face as you prattle on about how much of an asshole he was back in the day to his students. For a moment, he contemplates whether he should just throw chalk at you and make an example of you to his students, or drag you out. After a few seconds of paralyzed contemplation, he immediately grabs you by the back of your collar and drags you out before something else comes out of your mouth.
It's almost the same all over again – both of you bickering back and forth as he's all pissy about you spilling everything to his students! You've positively tarnished his reputation! Perhaps he shall tell your students how you used to walk around wearing a lanyard and a shirt with the institution name written on it in big, bold letters on the first day? Or that time you tripped and faceplanted right into the trashcan while you complained about his (axe bodyspray) deodorant?
Ugh.. he'll just deal with you later. Although he won't admit this even to himself.. it's nice seeing you again. He didn't think of that, it must be the headache you gave him that's making him think all weird.
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allastoredeer · 7 months
The last chapter was pure gold!!!
I love how Alastor just ignores Vox existence, or at least he tries lol
And I got the feeling Al mistunderatood the “What the hell does Lucifer have that I don’t!?” With ‘what does the hotel have that they don’t’, which it’s not any better agahah Vox is so delusional
It’s such a shame he didn’t say that in front of the other overlords, it would have been such a good laugh and maybe the end of the vees?!
Also I love how u write Alastor, beside his pain he hasn’t stop smiling even a second, and let’s be honest his was such a comeback. He definitely knows how to entertain, also I got the feeling that when he attacked velvette he was trying to repay Carmille a little, cause she tried to protect his privacy more than one time during the meeting and yeah Al, Charlie is definitely rubbing off on you.
“Well, these meetings sure are getting shorter and shorter,” Totally sent me rolling laughing. He is so right tho
I wonder how Luci is gonna take this plan of his, cause I don’t think he will accept it with open arms. And I honestly don’t know if Al has something to offer the king of hell to make such a deal …but it’s undeniable that he has a soft denial spot for Al, so who know he might actually go with it👀
I just have a question, are they gonna get together in the end? Or is it just gonna be a long slow burn. Either way I am enjoying this a lot. Can’t wait for more
Hahaha, Alastor was trying SO hard to ignore the petty little TV man. He wants to talk about Charlie's hotel and go home, please and thank you.
And LOL yeah I'm glad you picked up on that. Alastor still thinks Vox is referencing working together, not the insinuation that Vox wants something more between them. To Alastor, it sounds like Vox is trying to imply that he can do "so much better" with his alliances; whereas Vox thinks Alastor knows--a least a LITTLE--about Vox's crush, but is playing it off like its nothing, which makes him even more furious.
Hahah I was so excited to write his clapback to the Vee's. He knew that if they showed up, they were going to bring up the fight with Adam, and he needed to be prepared. People start beef with him, but you better damn well believe he'll end it. Carmilla definitely enjoyed the clapback too. For a sinner she certainly has the patience of a saint.
But I also don't think she actually respects the Vee's. They're just entitled, spoiled little children in her eyes. They're a group she doesn't feel the need to expend her energy on, because, well, what's the point? She doesn't have a high enough opinion of them to do so.
Alastor and Lucifer's conversation in the next chapter was very fun to write. These two can't be left unsupervised because it's just going to end in a fistfight. They're constantly ready to throw hands and I love it.
I am writing this with the end goal being them getting together! It will be a slow-burn though 😂 I'm really gonna go into Alastor exploring his ace/aro'ness, what being in a relationship means for him. and what he wants out of a relationship. On the flipside, I'm gonna explore Lucifer's thoughts and feelings about slowly falling for a sinner (who HAS done terrible things) and what he thinks that says about himself--he has had a very negative view about sinners for thousands and thousands of years, and a mindset like that isn't going to change overnight.
So, they're both definitely going to be exploring different parts about themselves that this relationship forces them to address. And I'm very excited to get into it!
I think the tag "Lucifer Fell First But Alastor Fell Harder" is going to be very apt for this fic series.
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rewrittenmha · 3 months
Hi, everyone! This is @sapphic-agent speaking! I went ahead and made the new blog just to have it set up. I won't be active on it for a while- at least not until I either finish the anime or read the manga- but when I am it will be mostly bouncing ideas around, discussing what went wrong in canon, giving shunned characters real arcs, and fixing character arcs that were lacking in canon.
As I said before, this isn't a full fledged rewrite. I don't think I have the time or the energy to commit to that. If I feel inspired, I may write little excerpts here and there. But other than that, this blog will primarily be discussion-based. Unlike my main blog, this one will be a little more serious. While I still won't treat characters like Bakugou, Aizawa, and Endeavor kindly, this blog won't be me just mindlessly bashing them. I do that enough on my main🤷🏾‍♀️
Be Civil: Don't be dicks to each other. I almost never see that from the people who frequent these tags, but this is just to make sure. No racism, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia, etc. No insults or threats or harassment. And please, no holier-than-thou attitudes. Everyone interprets the story differently and that's okay. Don't assume you know better because your opinion is different. The point of this blog is to be open to everyone's perspective. Just keep the discussions friendly, okay?
Be Constructive: I don't mind what you say about the fictional characters/plot/Horikoshi in the tags or reblogs, but I do ask that you keep the asks rewrite related. This is to a) keep the blog focused on one topic and b) keep my ask box from getting flooded. Questions are fine as long as they pertain to the rewrite.
Be Patient: I would like to go through every arc one by one. So if we're on the Sports Festival, it doesn't make sense to suddenly jump to the Shie Hassaikai, you know? It helps me keep things organized here
Scroll: If you're a Bakugou, Aizawa, or Endeavor fan, I recommend not visiting this blog. At best, they're all facing harsh criticism. At worst, they'll be given extreme consequences. Get gone if that bothers you. If you harass me or anyone else about it, you'll immediately be blocked. This isn't a space that's meant for you, kindly respect that.
No Shipping: I'm staying FAR away from shipping in this. I've never really shipped anyone in MHA hardcore (the closest maybe being MomoJirou), so I have no qualms leaving it out entirely. Don't ask me about any ships, none of them are going to be written by me. Only wholesome platonic relationships up in here😤
Keep asks focused on THIS rewrite. This blog isn't meant for giving advice or critiquing ideas for your own rewrites. If I'm ignoring your asks I'm not trying to be mean, but it just doesn't pertain to what I want to do here. I'm going to be deleting the asks I've already answered about this because it feels as though the blog is getting cluttered with them
I'm pretty sure that's it. I might add more rules if needed, so check in on this post every once in a while (I'll pin it). Can't wait to start on this after I get through this dumpster fire!
Stay tuned, everyone😊
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inchidentally · 21 days
About teammate relationships being pr. Do you think this pr teammate relationships are also a part of football?
I'm so sorry I'm a fake sports fan so apart from F1 and hockey I don't know anything about other sports!
and like just to say honestly the PR thing is SO overblown about F1 bc the teams actually love a rivalry so long as the cars don't end up in the wall. it's great PR and usually is great for pushing and motivating their drivers. I think recency bias has made ppl think that DTS/DR/Liberty Media basically post-Bernie F1 has had some major overhaul in wanting friendly personalities and friendships etc but it's just not the case. F1 is inherently not a "friendly" looking sport bc it's incredibly elitist, woven deep into extremely uhhhh not PC and human rights-violating political establishments and public as well as private business - and to simply gain entrance to F1 requires millions poured into just one driver's career at each stage of their racing career. and tbh even the drivers who've gone for sponsorships outside of racing are choosing luxury brands etc so they're not needing to appeal to the general public.
there are maybe three drivers who are wanting an image that appeals to the wider public but the rest are absolutely fine with for the most part being openly remote and private or strategically showing just enough to the public to seem open but actually remaining very private. it's absolutely nothing like team sports and honestly not even similar to most other racing bc up until Liberty it was a walled city of a sport. PR is truly optional and scandals/salaciousness/fighting will always generates way more engagement and press attention than friendships and wholesomeness. F1 is entirely finance-driven (even moreso than other sports where public affection is any kind of priority) and if PR friendships or a friendly image meant literally anything then you wouldn't have drivers getting dropped from the sport mid-season or PR-darlings waiting in the wings after F2 in favor of F1 nepo hires and drivers who bring major regional or corporate sway with them.
backmarker teams like St-ke and W-lliams utilize PR more simply bc they need to keep sponsors happy and it's easier for drivers who are barely even aiming for points to have no tensions or public scrutiny to make it uncomfortable.
it's why I always point to how - regardless of what their private relationship is - CS and CL have always been fully on the same wavelength about their image as teammates in terms of managing what the public sees and how to negotiate periods of tension. weirdly enough they're the only case of two teammates actually utilizing their joint PR skillfully and intentionally BUT that being the case because a genuine friendship and respect runs through it. if they fully disliked or were even just disinterested in each other then they wouldn't bother and would run with the rivalry with the occasional bit of social media thrown in. Ferrari especially doesn't give a fuck if the public think they're "friendly" or "relatable" as a brand lsdfgsljafgljsagfsaljf. the C2 stuff has been a great unexpected little addition but they'd have been just as happy if they agreed to do a few stiff little challenges and the occasional ad but otherwise hated each other.
which is what's funny abt seeing the wild sht going on bc ppl can't grasp LN and OP having a solid and respectful working relationship but totally different approaches to PR. LN is open about how he's wanted to build his brand and his own company and the double edged sword of being such a public and accessible figure - PR for him is both a nightmare and savior bc the more extreme and blindly devoted of his fans are actually the biggest threat to his peace of mind and public identity. they start to take over his public perception w their opinions being so amplified by sheer numbers and insane devotion.
which is why someone like OP who represents a much more typical F1 driver who sees this as his career for as long as he can have it and PR as just a necessary evil that you hire a person for, ends up making those insane fans misinterpret THAT approach as some kind of devious Machiavellian PR... instead of literally being the opposite. he's literally said that he's ok or at least resigned to having to be a public figure as a part of the job and therefore also public about certain other people/things in his private life, but he draws the lines firm and very very reserved even from his own fans. esp when compared to someone like DR and LN and CS who at least appear extremely accessible to fans.
which is why in a totally different way, the LN/OP partnership works just as strongly as CS/CL one - bc OP doesn't care about publicity beyond Mark's advice and his sm person's requests and LN is already having to perform an extremely precarious PR dance w too many of his fans feeling v comfortable and entitled to him to the point where they make bold statements and opinions about his innermost thoughts and mental health as if speaking on his behalf. poor MaxF regularly has to help him run that gauntlet by subtly reminding fans about boundaries and that yes LN is indeed capable of experiencing emotions in rational ways !! and that he's fully capable of gaining perspective after the heat of a race !! and that fans deciding to run hate campaigns against people on Lando's behalf is not healthy or sane behavior !! (again, said much more subtly and skillfully than that)
then you've got OP who was hated the second he arrived in F1 on behalf of fan-favorite DR, got a brief respite while he was still notably behind LN, and now has gone back to being hated on behalf of fan-favorite LN. his mom is a fully random bit of fan popularity but even there, she's not consistent with it and doesn't go to races or otherwise make her life or feelings known publicly. there's zero "strategy". she doesn't defend him or coddle him and is known for lovingly roasting him. even choosing the RFP for an interview was hilarious bc she went w an outlet that makes gags about her son and favors the drivers she also likes and apart from saying how she raises her kids to be decent and kind she didn't say anything that particularly "sold" OP bc she just admitted he's weird (in a good way!!) but not naturally super emotive or sentimental. it's not the kind of stuff a mum who was PR-instructed or trying to make the public blindly adore her son would say. it's a very Aussie down-to-earth not-the-end-of-the-world approach to her son chasing an insane career that frankly stresses her out most of the time bc it's so dangerous.
whereas LN has had publicity following his life since he was small and it was decided that his dad would represent the family publicly but everyone else would be visible but otherwise private. the same strategy was applied to all of LN's friendships bc some were like MaxF who didn't mind being public facing and then a lot of them are visible but not known beyond their names. but it's so easy to see what a non-stop crazy dance LN has to do with his PR bc just when it feels like it's within his control, the delulu over intense fans latch onto smth and start flooding comment sections and crossing lines and assuming they have his blessing w all of it.
which is why it's perfect that OP is so inaccessible and relatively remote/uninvested in a public image bc having the hivemind of a rabid fanbase against him can never strike too deep or too personal since fans have never been permitted to any of those parts of OP's life. (I mean, technically they could ofc get even worse than this but then we're into legal action and race ban territory)
and it's also why they've both been so smart to adopt OP's methods when it comes to their relationship as teammates and pull all of their downtime and private conversations out of the public eye and and only mention them in passing. bc in the same way, whatever insanity fans project onto their relationship will never hit too personal bc they don't have access to any of it. CS/CL choose to make a lot available to fans bc they both know how to control and work that into being beneficial but not damaging. LN/OP choose to keep a lot private bc a large part of LN's fanbase is extremely unwieldy and OP has no interest in pandering to PR beyond strictly necessary. if they had to negotiate both of their images throughout all of this it would be complete chao.
and it's ironic bc the fans currently engaged in the online warfare against OP don't at all see the parallel w how LN was treated by DR's fanbase when they were teammates - and how those two were friends at the same time as frequently being at odds within the team etc. but I mean to be that kind of fan you're not capable of seeing that kind of behavior pattern ig ?? idk I couldn't fathom gunning so hard for men let alone rich men so I'll never understand !
aaaaaanyway tl;dr the notion of PR in F1 is negligible and a lot of fans are very very confused about when they're actually being blatantly pandered to and when a relationship or driver is being genuine lasfgsjlagfljg
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Sometimes I scroll through your blog just to Vibe and Turn Off The Brain bc Safe Space Energy, and every single time, I go "Yeah this is great, nice and chill, no thought, head happy-" and then I get SLAMMED with ideas for fics.
Like. Your opinions and takes and tastes are PEAK and so full of inspiration,,,,,,
I am currently in an AroAce Luffy Mood so accept my crew x Lu ideas
ZoLu as a partnership where they call one another Their Boyfriend, and they pass as a romantic relationship. Luffy doesn't really Get Romantic Feelings but he DOES love. He has squishes on his whole crew, but Zoro is His Zoro.
Zoro, for his part, is aromantic or some flavor thereof where his devotion to Luffy is maybe romantic love, maybe platonic love, who cares, he'd do anything for his captain.
Simultaneously, Luffy has a queer platonic relationship with most people on the crew, they are HIS and the only boundaries he'll respect at the ones they establish. Who cares about propriety? They're PIRATES!
After different arcs, Luffy gets Clingier to certain people - it's either New Friend Fawning or Not So Hidden Abandonment Issues Cropping Up. Sometimes it's just a need for comfort, either on his end or for one of his people.
Sanji spent a long time keeping everyone... kind of at arm's length. Ussop and he wind up falling into orbit, and life isgood, is beautiful, Sanji is so happy - but he also is so terrified.
He will follow his captain to the end of the world, and he loves his crew, his friends, with everything he has. There is no where on the planet he'd be safer than there, with them. But Luffy's eyes, so dark and searching and Seeing - they make him antsy. It's alright in passing, in energetic moments. It's unbearable during those rare moments of calm examination. Sanji makes it clear very early on that he's not into that.
It's only after WCI that Luffy grabs Sanji into a tight hug late one evening, them both sitting up, awake and alone in the small kitchen. It's then that calloused rubber hands cup a stubble dotted jaw, a forehead pressed to forehead, and brown-black-red eyes meet blue and Luffy just... waits.
And Sanji? Oh, he's tired. He's tired, he's sad, he's hurt but he's safe and-
He's Luffy's.
He is baptized under that gaze that night with hot cocoa in their tongues and warmth in their hearts and Sanji lets himself have this. It doesn't matter if he deserves it, it doesn't matter if it's alright, all that matters is that It Is, that he can claim it for himself.
Just. Idek where I was going with this honestly. Just AAAAAAAAAAA
You can't just say I'm a comfort blog for you and not expect me to start crying 😭😭💖💖💖 That's the nicest thing ever, please,,, Sobbing. I'm glad you like my posts <33 And I'm always in an aroace/aroaspec Luffy mood so PLEASE tell me your thoughts 💛💛
Aroace Zolu is so funny to me. They're a third secret thing. It's like they are not boyfriends but they are boyfriends but actually that's just how first mates/captains are with each other but they're special and unlike anybody else and-- You get me.
And I agree btw I think Luffy has QPR relationships everywhere in the crew (I mean. Mostly east blue crew but yeah) because his way of loving is more than just friendship but it's not romantic love either? And they don't need a word for that because they are pirates so it doesn't matter at all what labels they use as long as they're happy with it.
The last part btw????? Do you want me to CRY?????? Aghhh. I love Sanji opening up and accepting the love Luffy has to offer him. It's my favorite flavor of Lusan.
This was great,, Awesome incredible even,,, Made my day <33
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hajihiko · 1 year
If you feel up to it, I'd really like to hear more of your thoughts/takes on HinaKoma. I recall you saying that they make the most sense as love interests (aside from Chiaki, R.I.P. class rep) but you also seem to also have very different view about them than what I'm used to seeing. Your opinions and thoughts regarding the cast in general tend to be very interesting and kinda deeper? more detailed? than the people I tend to interact with, and I love reading all of them.
Ok so what I mean is basically;
Reading the narrative as a story, it makes sense that Hajimes primary love interest was Chiaki, as the game sets the two up as an investigation duo from the start, and there's definitely some intent there. The narrative sets Nagito up as this weird friends-to-enemies-to-respect-to-maybelovers, which is interesting, and I think the narrative definitely keeps the idea of Nagito and Hajime as love interests completely open (to the standard of the game in general). They're foils, they're a pro-deuter-antagonist knot, they have an interesting dynamic, a long way to go, and the story generally seems to support that, no matter what, they are Involved with one another, to a degree that really exposes how much interest they have in each other. Like they're a bit a LOT interested and it's like, inevitable, that they'd have a massive influence on each other's lives, even when it's not in the most healthy way. I think they are sort of inevitable together, and they gotta find a way to bridge that crevice and make it work, because its GONNA happen no matter how stubborn they are. And making it work is gonna be HARD, it takes so much effort and reflecting and growing and understanding, lots of heartbreak and breakthroughs, but by the end they're much more realized people and they Get It Now and can make it happen healthily.
(If they fail and get unhealthy with it, they'll be a really toxic and bad relationship that nonetheless cannot seem to fade away, and they keep trying to simultaneously understand and condemn one another to their own detriment.)
If they try and succeed, it was always gonna happen but they made it into a happy happening with a lot of effort and growth, and can have a fully realized relationship that could probably withstand most anything.
That's how I consider them Love Interests, it makes the most story sense and is definitely supported by the narrative (as much as any queer elements ever are, I guess), I just think it would be a LOT of work and almost unwilling effort.
(It's rotten work, he says.
Yeah, I say, it really fuckin is, especially to me, especially when it's you. I mean I'll do it of course, but Christ alive.)
It's just still not what I'm most interested in, even if it's the most narratively satisfying and I consider it an intentional hint at a subplot. I just like to draw what I'm interested in.
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micah-write · 10 days
Rusty leasebound:
Falling into racism?
I believe that at first rusty genuinely tried her best despite biased opinions she learned from the people around her , it's very common to be fed theses ideas and then having to unlearn them as you grow older . Unfortunately as leasebound grows and get older the more rusty falls into racism . The terf movement despite being rooted in feminism is an elitist type of feminism. If you don't cater to their ideas of feminism you may deserve the benefits of it but they'll judge you harshly and even go as dehumanize you in order to feel like your savior . It's a very toxic mindset that doesn't make them acknowledge your needs in the feminist movement .
But you may ask me "micah what's the point with racism" I'm getting here !
A part of the Terf movement will exclude or view black women as in need to be saved as well . Depending on what branch of the movement they follow . From what I've seen in the comic rusty believe that black women needs to be saved. Because the terf movement center white gnc women (yes there are black terf women . But you will notice how they're not at the face of the movement nor in important debates ? It is in fact again a proof of who the terf movement serve the most , white women)
Now that our history moment is done , Leasebound is falling into racism big time
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Rusty did not only whitewash her men characters, she even whitewashed THE MAIN CHARACTER and before I hear the rusty boot licker "oh it's the background you ignorant gendie" look well at the color wheel , rusty insanely whitewashed Jaden. It was so easy to notice too . Background won't make someone look this white . Saturation too . Rusty made the choice to go whiter as she changed her color palette . Not only that she also changed some of her characters ethnic traits for a set of another I the middle of the comic , she's trying so badly to evade the racist allegations she's digging a bigger hole instead of listening. Parnyia look completely different, she doesn't look like the same person at all , she's so damn white she should be called patricia (/j) I honestly think rusty has only been fed wrong ideas by people that want to see her portray their vision of the world and that in a attempt of pleasing them is starting to fall deeper in the white supremacist side of terfism . I believe genuinely that rusty doesn't mean harm and has simply been thaught anger for so long she doesn't know any other way to react . If she wishes to contact me I'd be more than open to talk to her properly with open mindness only if she is ready to do the same and respect me as a men . Because I do believe in a future where rusty understand she doesn't need to be a terf to be a radical feminist if that's the movement she aligns with , simply terfism isn't radical for everyone, it's only for a white gnc elite .
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20dollarlolita · 9 months
How involved are you in the Lolita community? As someone who dresses historical inspired (and thus, some of my clothing dips into lolita)—I find the community, especially the international community, utterly exhausting to be around.
I'm an artist, I work at an art gallery—and I find the community to be somehow even more pretentious of an environment. It's like the attitudes of millionaires into couture combined with the same obsession weebs have with Japan and anime.
I'm a plus sized person, so if I buy something lolita, it tends to be a non-patterned dupe/replica that I alter to better suit my tastes and I made the mistake or mentioning this and people online within the lolita community were furious—telling me that I don't "deserve to be in the community"... I have no desire to go to meet-ups with people THAT pretentious, especially about clothing.
I saw your posts about your opinions on replicas, so I wanted to know—what are your opinions about the lolita community?
Are we talking about the local lolita community that banned the four most openly disabled people in the group for saying that banning someone without giving a reason was shitty and then openly saying that it was because someone was mentally ill was even more shitty?
Or are we talking about the communities that I've joined and helped build and try to create an open space. The lolita community that I'm the most active on is my own discord server, which has like 250ish members and which follows rules that I made up and think make sense.
But prior to joining the local community that I was later banned from, I spent 10 years being lone lolita. This meant that I had to get used to ideas like, "I'm going to wear what I want to whatever events that I want. It doesn't matter if there's no one else to wear it with me. I'll post it on my own social media, and if people like it, then that feels great!"
And this gave me a really interesting power, which was that when someone tried to take the local community away from me, I was offended that it happened, but no one could take the fashion away from me, because my relationship with lolita fashion is not based in a community. I like being in a community, but the fashion is mine and no one can take that away from me.
I've had people ask me before how I made a successful lolita blog, and the secret that I tell people is to find a void in what people offer, and do what I can to fill that. I started this blog because I needed more lolita things in my life, and I didn't have resources to help me make them. I figured that if I needed this resource, other people probably did too. Sharing the resource was public, but the things I was making, I was making for me. But that's what it was, finding something that I wanted to do and was passionate about and that no one else was doing.
With regards to replicas, the main thing that I absolutely cannot stand about the mainstream lolita community is the idea that replica dresses are bad, but replica shoes are fine. I've bitched about it before when people say that print replicas are theft and design replicas aren't. The community has partially changed about that, but I still get people saying, "well, replica shoes are different!" and when you ask why, no one has an answer that doesn't sound like bullshit. At the end of the day, you have to look at your own morals and the consequences for your actions. There's a lot of places where posting coords with replicas (except fucking shoes for some weird ass reason) is prohibited. If you want to participate in that group, you have to respect their rules. I absolutely fully respect groups to be able to make absurd rules and then defend them like they're life-or-death, and as long as those rules aren't inherently excluding someone for something they don't control, that's fine. I'm in a facebook group where you get banned if you use the letter N (and don't remove it when called out by other group members). It's absolutely hilarious. If brands like Meta and Atelier Pierrot, as well as taobao brands on places like 42lolita, and the handmade lolita scene, didn't exist, banning replicas would actually be a rule that excluded people who were plus-size, but it's 2024 and there are options for extended size. There's not as many and they're not as good, but this isn't 2010 and we have options other than Qutieland resellers and having shopping services visit Laforet for you.
But if you're well-informed on the economics and global impact of replicas as well as that of mainstream lolita fashion, and you're okay with making the purchase when you have all the facts, and you're also okay with how wearing replicas is going to impact your lolita social life, go for it. You've already learned that there's places where people don't tolerate it. But at the end of the day we're all stupid people in stupid dresses, so wear what you like.
If you want a short answer: There's a lot of parts of the lolita community that I don't like, so I made my own. I think it's important to have my relationship with the fashion come from within me, and not from community involvement. It's nice to have lolita friends but It's just as valid to just wear what you want for the sake of wanting to wear it.
(I limit the number of people who can join the Discord at a time because I want to get a chance to meet people. I've recently had a lot of health problems and I'm just not mentally up to meeting a ton of new people and teaching them server culture. If anyone reading this finds this post and that link has been used up or expired, please message me and I'll get you a new one if I'm able).
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 7 months
Hi! Hope you’re doing well.
I have a few fun questions for you if you don’t mind answering.
First one, from one SonAmy fan to another, if the two hedgehogs EVER became canon, how would you write their future relationship?
Secondly, what are your opinions about Sonic opening about his emotions more often in different medias?
Third, what Sonic characters would you like to see interact more?
Haaaiii!! Thank you so much for the ask!!! 🤩🤩🤩
Oooh, good questions!! Okay, if Sonamy ever becomes truly and fully canon, (once I finish flipping out lol) I'd probably actually write their relationship to be very similar to what it is now. One thing I really like about Sonamy is how they can each be independent, but still love and care for each other. And they've both matured to the point where I think that not much would look different if they did start dating. I think there would be subtle differences, at least at first. Like, I doubt they'd be super public about their relationship. Sonic probably wouldn't tell many people, except maybe Tails, and possibly Knuckles. Sonic would definitely still travel, but I can see him picking up souvenirs from random places for her, buying stuff he wouldn't normally get and maybe passingly commenting that it was for his girlfriend (and then he'd leave without elaborating and the cashier would go nuts haha). Amy would probably want to be more open about their relationship, but I also know she would respect his wishes if he didn't want to. They'd probably spend most of their dates in secluded areas, probably out in nature, in the mountains or in the middle of a flower field, far away from society and cities. He'd probably take her with him on more of his runs. But yeah. 🥰💙🩷
I keep meaning to make a post with a list of Sonamy headcanons along those lines haha. 😂🥰
I LOVE when Sonic gets to express his emotions more!! I totally get that they can't have him be overly emotional, that makes sense with his personality. (Besides when he's being a drama king over silly matters 😂) But like, getting in his head during the Metal Virus arc and seeing him start to stress and overthink things after days of infection and no sleep, seeing him have a breakdown in the first live action movie after being alone for so long, seeing him panic, seeing him display symptoms of PTSD and trauma in Prime, I've honestly been loving getting to see him be more vulnerable. He's still a hero, he'll always be a hero, but his falterings and doubts make him feel a lot more true to life. I love it!
The main duo that comes to mind that I REALLY want to see interact is Shadow and Whisper! I actually ship them, as does my bestie, but also I just really want to see their dynamic, what with how they both have trauma, both have experience with loss, and their lives have indirectly intersected. I want to see how they'd talk to each other, how they'd interact.
I also wanna see Sonic and Tangle just doing stupid stuff together. 🤣 They make such a chaotic sibling duo, they're both suckers for reckless adventure, I can just see them going cliff diving and stuff together while all their friends facepalm. 😂
Thanks so much for the ask!! I'm doing pretty well, I've been sick but I'm not feeling too horrible. 😁 I also just had a Sonic energy drink and feel like vibrating into the atmosphere. 🤣 I hope you're doing well too!! 💙
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doodledstars · 3 months
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This is ALL my opinions, so views are subjective! Also note there will be mature themes since this IS an adult/yaoi game and I'll be typing a LOT, so please read at your discretion!
Wanted to do something fun before I do work! I received some questions especially for who's my faves for this game, so now that I played the game more, I can actually form my own opinions! Since this is going to be a long LONG text, they'll be under the "keep reading" tab!
Also Topper and Father are at the top tier cuz they're just cute small animals. Can't argue with that. :)
Not gonna lie, when I first saw him I HATED him. I REALLY don't like tsunderes (looking at you Takumi from FE: Fates) and it didn't help that Eiden immediately fell for at first sight. Like I was internally screaming at Eiden NOT to fall for the tsundere knight. :T
But to my biggest shock, he was WAY more than that. He's respected by all his people (with some stuck-up noble detractors), the knights adore him, and he's always looking out for the best for others. His duty, work, and especially others and Eiden come first before he does. His tsundere personality only comes out when Eiden teases/flirts with him, but otherwise, he's very sweet and cares for others, especially Eiden.
And I absolutely ship him with Eiden the most. Out of all the relationships, they feel the most "mutual" if that makes sense? One reason I'm iffy about adult and especially yaoi games/themes was there was a HUGE power imbalance. In this case tho, Eiden was already head over heels and loves everything Edmond does. Edmond on the other hand, attempts to open up more and Eiden falls in love more and more. They both respect each other and are on equal footing. They're the same, but opposite, and that's something I was not expecting from a BL/Yaoi game. :)
My favorite one is Tranquil Cloud. THAT was incredibly, oversaturating SUPER amazing. It really showed the development Edmond went through and how he wanted to be BETTER not for himself, but for Eiden and others. And when Eiden found that book, oh my lord, he ABSOLUTELY loved him. OH AND THE PRISON RIOT, when Edmond was worried about Eiden being a different person, how they made up when EDMOND was the one who initiated the roleplay LOL. It was SUPER SWEET!!!! ;V;
Overall, Edmond is my #1 spot. Never thought I'd be so obsessed with a tsundere.
2.) KUYA
Wow another tsundere on the top list lol. Same deal with Edmond, I wasn't feeling that great about him. I generally hate the tricky, fox-like characters.
But then I saw some of his coversations and... wow. I actually REALLY like him. What I love is despite him doing tricks and jests on others, he absolutely HATES talking about himself and letting his personal feelings get in the way. It's not even including how he feels about Eiden, but rather how vulnerable he hates being. In a way... he's uncaring but selfless, too. The fourth rooms in Kitsune Dream and Aromatic Exotica Kuya really showed more of his depression and how numb he was to everything.
This is my theory, but I think Kuya WAS abused by Huey considering how long they've been together. Everyone mentioned how Huey wasn't a good person despite his amazing power. And Huey doesn't like Kuya's yokai side, which is why Kuya doesn't think highly of his ears and tail. Even tho Kuya doesn't regard Eiden the same way, he also doesn't miss Huey if that makes sense?? I feel part of his depression was cuz he WASN'T used to being abused by Huey and considering how old he is, it took him such a long time to finally work and accept it.
I absolutely ship him with Quincy tho, mainly because they're also on mutual grounds if that makes sense??? The only thing that's holding me back from him and Eiden being together is how there's a HUGE power imbalance and honestly, he DOES go too far in some cases. Even in some events, he gets away from... a LOT, and that's really difficult considering how powerful he is honestly. But with Quincy, there's a silent respect for each other and they don't dare to mess each other up too far (like SUPER far if that makes sense). That and c'mon, they've HAD had to be together at some point. They're my favorite divorced grandpa ship ahaha.
Really Like!
I never thought I would love Eiden honestly. I LOVE how he's not a self-insert character when he got isekai'd to NU: Carnival's world.
I love how he's not just a stupid character, but rather someone who is ACTUALLY mature (when he's not being a dum horny dude of course :b) and looks out for others. He DOES help everyone be better about themselves and wants the best for everyone. He's goofy, but when he's needed, he's needed. :)
I ship him the most with Edmond mainly cuz they're on mutual grounds and they're the same, but opposite. I can see how others are also just as romantic, but to me, I'm entirely an Eiden x Edmond shipper aha.
Eiden DOES take things too far sometimes or even during the worst times. I mainly wanted to play the game for the fluff conversations, but c'mon Eiden... now ain't the time OTL.
Quincy's amazing.
I really REALLY like Quincy. He's just a genuinely nice hermit haha. I haven't seen his conversations with Eiden as much, but I appreciate how he's such a caring dude and their relationship must be super sweet. Also him and Topper are super cute and I love how dry his humor is ahaha.
If you don't include Eiden, Quincy's #3! I personally prefer Edmond and Kuya higher, but if we talk about shipping... Kuya and Quincy WOULD be #2 together hehe. I just REALLY like shipping them together!!
He's just a silly li'l android! But what I like about him is he's just genuinely curious and silly! One reason he's pretty up there is cuz he has no malicious intent and wants to learn more about being "human." He really cares a lot for everyone and c'mon... his attack mode is REALLY cool. XD
Also I think his Crystal Awakening outfit is the BEST design in the game, no question! Absolutely loved his development and growth in that event.
6.) REI
I wasn't expecting myself to like Rei a lot! He honestly surprised me and I love the type who focuses solely on their research to the point of sacrificing. It leads to a lot of well good writing and character development, and Rei did not disappoint!
Maybe cuz I haven't seen all of his events, but personally he and Eiden gives "friends with benefits" vibes. I THINK he's slowly coming around for the romance with Eiden. But overall, I do like Rei as a character and how he can actually stand up against to Kuya in talking ahaha. Poor Quincy.
Tbh he's ONLY there just so I can tease a good friend of mine. :b
All jokes aside, I was expecting the depraved priest trope from Olivine, but thankfully it was well done! It really went super deep into his backstory and what he's going for now. The recent event gave me more points for him and Kuya haha. I loved how he even asked Kuya to join him for a prayer session with the kids... AND KUYA ACCEPTED IT HAHA.
...Though if I must be frank, he is kinda freaky in the bed OTL. I do appreciate Eiden's help and encouraging Olivine. I know I'm playing a yaoi game and I SHOULD have an open mind, but yeah wasn't really used to it ahaha. Props to those who enjoy it tho, please do so!!!
8.) ASTER (ONLY if he's in his other form)
If we're solely doing this on appearances, Aster would be much lower due to how young he looks. I'm sorry, but I don't really like having young characters ESPECIALLY in adult games, it doesn't give me a very good vibe. It doesn't help considering Aster's true age yet he still looks like 16-18 (according to official sources). BUT his other form is MUCH better and I HIGHLY prefer that.
Aster is really cool! He's such a greedy vampire ahaha. His story with Morvay was really sad too, he was waiting for such a long time for Huey to come back. You realized despite the good things Huey did, he was a cold person in real life.
---Gap here cuz I'm TRYING to like these characters---
Trying to Like
I'll blame this on the lack of exposure I have to him, but yeah... I just couldn't vibe with Yakumo. I don't really like crying characters and it didn't really help he felt... obsessive with Eiden if that makes sense?? I guess "worshipping" is the better word.
Honestly, I prefer his interactions with OTHER clan members. I felt the detective event really showed that. It just felt any time he was with Eiden, he just has to talk about him and Eiden isn't AS interested vice versa if that makes sense? But Eiden won't ignore him either, it just felt super one-sided. Hopefully I can change my mind, cuz I really do like his design and I don't outright dislike him.
10.) DANTE
Okay so remember how I mentioned I hated tsunderes lol. Despite putting two of them on the top list... Dante is the embodiment of an ACTUAL tsundere.
The problem I have with Dante is that he's a tsundere to EVERYONE. I can give it a pass if he was acting like that to Eiden only, but he does that to everyone, his own people, the other clan members, etc. And it sucks too cuz I ACTUALLY like his banter and conversations with Eiden, but overall as a character, I wished he would loosen up.
I can understand that he's the ruler of his kingdom, but it also didn't help I was given a negative impression of him. Also on Eiden's side, he was trying to tell him how to rule a kingdom and honestly both sides did NOT give me good vibes. :/
I know he doesn't have a lot of alts, but hopefully he'll get some more screen time to develop and all.
11.) GARU
Garu unfortunately left a bad impression to me, but I'll blame it more on the writers for this. Him looking young and the split personality disorder not taken seriously was doing more harm than good to me sadly.
It's the same deal with Yakumo, I feel it's more one-sided on Garu's end. And man, Karu was actually a tsundere, too. I get they're going for the sweet/spicy side, but it just didn't work out well sadly. I just don't feel that comfy with how he looks honestly and how his disorder wasn't taken seriously.
12.) ASTER (Original form)
I already said why I like Aster, but for his original form, I don't like his appearance sadly. It's the same deal with Garu. I DO like Aster as a character, but just for the appearance, he's ranked down here.
Uh yeah... he just likes balls. ^^;
Couldn't vibe with him honestly, so sorry!!! I do like his sad story tho, but otherwise I can't really get myself to like him sadly.
Thank you for reading this HUGE text. I'm super obsessed with this game and hoping to draw more in my free time! <3
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fruitgummies01 · 16 days
Just a question out of curiosity.....That you said you became BTS's fan after jhope was already Enlisted which probably means after 18th April 2023 and initially you were kinda in tkkrs space as in u saw more of their content cause of algorithms or wtv So how did you become jikook's fan? What i mean is in 2023 there isn't much of jikook seen together like in all previous years, because previous yrs it's like jikook were attached at the hip compared to that they weren't really seen together much and i guess even after April 2023 there's Taekook appearances here and there too so without having much of jikook content at hand how did you thought that they were probably closer than others?
This is just a question out of curiosity cause honestly i thought that most of the people who would join around 2022-23 will always have this impression of jikook that they're just co-workers who work for the same band and nothing else lol. Not like antis don't try to spread that agenda everywhere since forever.
Hmmmm. I'm deciding whether to make this a long or short post haha, because I really have so much to say about this. When I first started getting into BTS there was just soooo much content, but one of the things that would constantly and consistently come up with be tkk content. And I don't even mean in the shipping sense (at least not at first). Large update accounts would post about them frequently, and almost all if not most posts would be about them under any content. It was like BTS as a group and then tkk, those were the two things that I was seeing on a regular basis. Being a new person to the fandom, you take what you see at face value, especially if so many big accounts seem to be cosigning what is being said (and again based on what you said, because there was a lack of any jikook content, a lot of people just weren't pushing back on a lot of things that were being pushed). . And because the algorithim is what it is, I started getting recommended tkk videos. And again because I didn't know any better, I would watch them and that again would shape my opinions of the other members without fully knowing it. I started to believe that tkk was the foundational friendship/rs/whatever you wanna call it ship within the group that everything pretty much revolved around if that makes.
Looking back on it, a lot of the videos that I would watch to get myself acquainted with the group painted Jimin as the one being all over Jungkook and not respecting his personal space and wanting attention, and they used (what I would find out later) to be manipulated videos or videos taken out of context. So I began to form these somewhat negative opinions of Jimin (which is ironic because he is now my bias).
But to answer your question, how did I become a fan of jikook, it sorta happened in stages. I already had in the back of my mind when I would watch compilation videos of BTS, that I really wasn't seeing any um, emotional chemistry between tkk (that's another story), but I over looked it because I just figured it was because I was new. I think I mentioned this before, but Tae being seen with Jennie in Paris was a HUGE eye opener. And honestly, I might still be wrapped up in that side of the fandom had that moment not happened. But I'm so thankful it did, because it allowed me to see with my own eyes, in real time just how they lied and gaslighted fans into believing that the whole thing never happened by making up these wild theories. That people just believed without any pushback, and how that information was just parroted back to other people in this sort of weird circle. My brain just isn't wired like that, so I stopped watching those compilation videos and edits because I realized none of those people were reliable (no offense), and went back to watch all official content (that actually painted a completely different picture).
Watching Jungkook's weverse lives played a big part in changing my opinion on Jikook and Jimin. That man would bring him up without fans having to say anything, and be happy to talk about him. And what's apparent about Jungkook in getting to know him, is he never fakes anything, so if he's talking about him, it means something to him. Both Jimin and Jungkook would also say things insinuating that they had watched the other's weverse lives, which I thought was interesting. That weverse live with JK in bed trying to entice Jimin to do a live was also another turning point. I still laugh thinking about JK saying he would take his stuff to wash up AT Jimin's house, when he could've just done so BEFORE leaving. JK was on a mission that morning haha.
I should say after all this lol, that I am still not 100% sold that they are in an actual romantic relationship. I see A LOT of signs that point in that direction, but with cultural differences anything could be possible. I do see a beautiful and deep bond, especially with these AYS episodes and them enlisting together right afterwards. Even though they were planning to spend every day together for 18 months, they still carved out time in their insanely busy schedules to spend even more time together filming AYS. Regardless of what their labels are, it's clear that they are both priorities in each others lives. I think they both need each other in real ways that are very different from the ways they need the other members. I wrote a lot so I'll stop here, but I could go on, but won't haha.
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accirax · 4 months
Disventure Camp All Stars Power Ranking (Round 9)
Time to shoot my shot at nailing a perfect score for the next elimination. Something tells me that the power rankings game is about to change, though...
In case you haven't seen my previous power rankings ( 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 ), the Power Ranking Format is essentially a way of ranking how well each player is doing in the game. So, in essence, this is a long form way of predicting who I think will be eliminated from the competition in the next episode. There will be spoilers for last week's episode (obviously) and its power ranking, so make sure to read that first if you don't want to be spoiled on how I ranked our last boot. If you want more clarification on the rules, that first post will help you out as well. Furthermore, I'm going to be spoiling the preview for next episode, so if you want to go in TOTALLY blind, save this for later. Let's go!
Recap - Tess' Elimination
Current Point Total: 34 acquired/53 total
Um. Oops.
Needless to say, Tess wasn't the only one blindsided this episode. I guess putting Tess in the direct middle point of my rankings wasn't that bad in the grand scheme of things, but I'm pretty sure it is my worst call of the season thus far. I had the right idea about Gabby being able to somehow eliminate one of the Cyan heroes, even if the "advantage" I was picturing was entirely different from the team-combining that wound up happening. Thanks a lot for throwing that one on me out of nowhere, Kristal.
Like I said in my initial thoughts, I do sort of wish that Aiden would have been the one to go home instead of Tess. However, I also feel like some opinions I've seen around have been... overestimating the extent to which Tess was a good character this season, in my opinion. I do think Tess' portrayal in All Stars is probably superior to S2, just because her arc wasn't solely hinging on Hunter. However, her portrayal this season was getting a little boring, at least to me. She was kind, patient, a good friend, super strong, great at claw games... what are her flaws supposed to be, again?
It was definitely supposed to be her indecisive nature; she needed to choose whether she should stick with her friends or do what's best for her game. Then again, that decision was kind of made for her by Ellie acting more villainously, such that Tess never needed to make a judgment call. (She got to stand by her friends and do what was better for her game.) I was starting to worry that she would just coast to the finale as a very likeable yet fairly bland hero-- sort of like what the show makes fun of S2 Aiden for being, but at least he wasn't solely solving others' problems as he went.
I don't want to make this sound like I'm some huge Tess anti. I like Tess! I'm sad she had to go! I found her indecision and commitment to kindness relatable, and I enjoyed her interactions with Ally and Ellie especially. I just don't fully understand all of the people bemoaning the fact that the DC writers sent some phenomenal, lynchpin character home ahead of her time when I think she served her purpose as a mid-game exit nicely. Even if you disagree, I hope you can respect me sharing my thoughts.
Trailer Analysis
Here's the big one out of the way-- it's finally the merge! Between the shared tent and everyone being present at tribal, there's really no way to argue around that. Finally, I don't have to try to anticipate when the merge is going to happen to predict where characters might go. Of course, this opens up the new can of worms that is trying to predict how everyone will act now that they're at the same camp. I feel like it should be easier, but... we'll see...?
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Here's Gabby following after the villain's alliance. The fact that she's trailing behind them could imply that they aren't fully including Gabby in their proceedings, but... I genuinely don't know why they would do that? With 10 people at the merge, six votes is a majority, so it's super important for the villains to work with Gabby to have at least five in numbers. This is probably more that the former Yellow Team goes off to do something and Gabby follows behind them, making it obvious where her allegiances lie.
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Tom and Jake are having a chat... again. Now that these two are on the same team again, this is gonna happen a lot, isn't it?
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Looks like the merge color might be black, which makes sense as the K to their CMYK. Yul has some purple paint on his chin, which may be the result of Kristal demonstrating the paint gun on him. Or, the ammo might not be paint, but instead the blueberries we see throughout the trailer-- same point either way. Also, Ashley (and maybe Grett) is the only morning person. Tracks.
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The challenge is something involving paint guns, not sure what. We don't see any footage of people covered in paint, which possibly means that shooting other people isn't part of the challenge? Or, maybe they're just trying to hide who doesn't win immunity. I imagine that, whatever it is, Ashley will be pretty good at it. Ally too. All of the guns and gear are the same color, so it seems like there aren't any inherent teams, but it is a challenge in which allies seem to be working together to some capacity.
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Everyone at tribal! Very fun. Unlike Survivor, there's no immunity necklace, so we can't tell who may be immune at this vote. People are still sitting with their tribes, but I don't think that has any meaning beyond people sitting by those they're aligned with.
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"Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will have to leave for the Bus of Losers immediately!"
The dialogue is the standard thing that Kristal says before every vote reading, so nothing particularly special there. However, what I want to look at is who was shown reacting in the flashes before the votes are read. Can they give us hints as to who is in danger? Here's who was shown in every All Stars episode prior to this one:
(no votes)
Fiore + Hunter + Ashley/Jake
Gabby/Tom/Aiden + Tess/Lake/Ellie*
Riya/Grett/Alec + Miriam/Connor/Yul*
Ashley + Hunter/Ally + Fiore
Yul/Grett + Connor/Alec/Riya*
Fiore/Ally + Jake/Ashley*
Ellie + Tom + Gabby
Tess/Aiden/Tom + Riya/Yul/Alec/Grett + Gabby*
Okay, that wasn't actually as helpful as I thought, just because 5/8 rounds showed every person on the team, which guarantees 100% chance of showing the boot. Still, in the three cases that they didn't show everyone, 2/3 showed the boot, and 3/3 of them showed people who received votes. This could imply that some of Ally, Yul, Alec, and Jake could be major vote-getters, or the eliminated person, in the tribal council.
I hoped it would help me out more, because, with unofficial lines drawn between five heroes (Ashley, Ally, Jake, Tom, Aiden) and five villains (Alec, Riya, Yul, Grett, Gabby), I think this tribal could be fairly unpredictable. Will a villain ascend to heroism, or will a hero fall into villainy? Here are my thoughts.
Power Ranking
#1: Gabby
(I guess if the merge team's color is black, I just have to leave the name black.)
She finally did it! Gabby is #1 in my power rankings!!! What could be behind much a major shift in position?
Well, the merge, basically. Not from an edit position, though: this is a direct result of her swing-voting her way to safety. Gabby was the most recent addition to the decently tight villains alliance, so it stands to reason that, if the heroes are looking for a sixth to bring to their side, they would want to work with Gabby, not vote her out. Not to mention, the villains have no reason to target Gabby at the moment, because they desperately need her vote. Sounds like no votes will be cast in Gabby's name, eh?
As the cherry on top, Gabby was the merge boot in S1, and I would imagine that they wouldn't want to give her that exact same placement again. In my mind, there's basically no way that this episode will result in Gabby's elimination.
#2: Grett
My highest placed choices this time were chosen based on the logic, "which of the heroes would be the least likely for the villains to target, and which of the villains would be the least likely for the heroes to target?" Out of all the potential threats in the villains alliance, I see very little reason why the heroes would view Grett as the biggest.
While last challenge did prove that she is a baller, Grett isn't exactly known as being a huge challenge threat. (The one individual immunity she won in S1 was basically handed to her by Alec and Fiore.) She's not a strategic mastermind or leader, and most of the relationships she had coming out of S1 lean negative. The heroes would only target her to diminish the villains' numbers, but if you have the chance to diminish the villains' numbers, why wouldn't you target someone scarier?
Grett appears to still be in the middle of her character arc, and, at this point, I see her arc ending with Yul exiting the game before she does. That hasn't happened yet, so I imagine that Grett will be camping for a little while longer yet.
#3: Jake
Listen up, 'cause this next piece of reasoning is going to be important for the rest of my power rankings this week. I think that, if the villains are looking for a sixth vote to recruit, they're going to be looking to Jake as their most likely addition. Alec already manipulated Jake once this season to vote out James and save Fiore, so Jake would probably be at the forefront of Alec's mind when coming up with plans to eliminate heroes and save villains again. Jake is also... teetering on the edge of hero and villain this season, narratively speaking, so it would make sense if he had to face that music at some point.
Whether Jake flips on the heroes or not, if the villains want to work with him, he won't be their target. And, even if he isn't their object of recruitment, why Jake? The man is a hot mess! His mere presence causes conflict between the heroes, both on the Ashley/Ally end and the Tom/Aiden end. The villains should be trying to keep him around for as long as possible.
Despite my glowing(?) words, there is one way that I could see Jake going home. If Ally, Aiden, or whoever was so sick of Jake that they were willing to work with the villains just to take him out, the villains could exploit that and eliminate him on an "at least it's not me" basis. However, I don't think that would be the plan, because I don't think Ally or Aiden would really want to agree to it, and I don't think it makes much sense narratively. I don't think Jake will be eliminated. That's why he's #3.
#4: Alec
I believe that, if the heroes could somehow magically eliminate the villain of their choosing, Alec would be the smartest option for them to shoot for. He's their leader, and without them, the alliance might crumble (such as, if Yul and Riya start going for each other's throats again).
He's also proven to be pretty good at immunity challenges. Yes, he only actually won 1/5 individual immunity challenges in S1, which was the scorpions in the cave challenge. But, let's look at a breakdown of what actually happened. Alec had mastery of both the questions and cages challenge and the zombie apocalypse challenge, handing off the win to his teammates (Grett and Fiore) for strategic reasons. While it's not a guarantee, it's definitely possible he could have won the medals in the rain challenge if he didn't forfeit the win to Ellie. And, it took active sabotage on Ellie's part to prevent him from winning the final four paired challenge. Add all that together, and... there's a possibility that Alec could have won every individual immunity challenge based on pure skill if no strategy was involved. He's scary!
However, that's only what the heroes would do ideally. In reality, I have no idea how they would bring the votes together to land on Alec. I don't know if all five heroes could count on all five of their votes to coalesce on Alec, much less pulling in one of the villains, who all seem to respect him.
For these reasons, maybe I should have put Alec even higher up on the list. I don't think it would make much narrative sense for him to go home at this point, either. However, I do understand why people would want to attempt to vote him out, which I can't say for Gabby, Grett, or (for the most part) Jake. Thus, Alec lands in spot #4... just like in S1. Smh.
#5: Yul
Kind of similarly to Jake, I think that the main reason why Yul would be voted out would be if the heroes were able to convince the villains (Alec and Riya at least) to flip Yul because he's just that annoying. However, this would be an incredibly bold move to make when the heroes have very little information as to the inner workings of the former Yellow team. As far as they know, Yul and Grett are still a happy couple. I also see Alec willing to give up one of his numbers at this point even less than Ally or Ashley, so the whole plan seems unlikely. Not impossible, but unlikely.
Anyways, Yul is still obviously involved in a plotline with Grett and the rest of Yellow, but that could be resolved in one episode at any point now, imo. I just think that's probably still coming a few episodes down the line, to break up the villains then instead of now. Yul should be thanking his lucky stars that Yellow never went to tribal again after voting out Connor. I guess he probably thinks that he is his own lucky star. Yul should be thanking himself. Yeah, that tracks with Yul's thought process.
#6: Riya
With Riya being placed here, I think you can pretty clearly tell that I think the villains are going to win this round, sending a hero home. I just think it makes more sense with my projected arc for the rest of the season. The villains will stick with their alliance and kick out a hero or two, but just when all hope seems lost for the heroes (for instance, when there are three of them left) the villains will turn on each other and start cannibalizing themselves. Therefore, at the end, we can have a mix of surviving heroes and villains for the finale. That's what makes most sense to me at this point, although I acknowledge that I'm not factoring in the status quo shakeup of a returning player. Mostly because I don't know when they're coming back. Oops.
Anyways, in the case that I'm wrong, I think Riya would be the most likely villain to be eliminated. This is mostly because of Aiden's vendetta against her. I'm not saying that Aiden would necessarily be the hero alliance's leader or anything, but in the case that no one else has any strong opinions on who to take out, we know that Aiden has a strong preference for taking out Riya. Tom would probably back him up, too.
Riya is in a weird spot narratively because what she has right now is, "friends with Alec, enemies with Aiden, friends and enemies with Yul." She clearly has some important relationships, but... she isn't really undergoing any kind of character development, as far as I can tell? Like, they aren't delving as deep into her character as they are with Gabby, Grett, Ally, etc. It's possible that could spell mid-game boot for her? Still, I don't think that will be now, because the villains seem far less shakable than the fractured heroes at this point. I was pretty wrong about Tess last time though, so, there's certainly a possibility that I'll be cashing in 6 points for Riya at the end of this episode.
#7: Ashley
Now that we've reached the merge, Ashley doesn't have that same sort of shield that I felt she had pre-merge. It's definitely possible that the villains would choose to snipe Ashley for the same reasons that the heroes would love to snipe Alec: she's strong and tough, as well as a calming/uniting factor between Jake and Ally. She's the most heroic hero. Take Ashley away, and the prospects of the heroes mustering any kind of alliance grow even dimmer.
However, because Ashley is so well liked, it would be really hard for the villains to convince one of the heroes to vote with them to take her out. Like, no shot Ally takes that deal, and Aiden and Tom would have to realize that it'd be a bad move for their games to do so. There's a small chance that they could manipulate Jake's jealousy to convince him to do it, but 9 times out of 10 that manipulation would result in an Ally boot instead.
Furthermore, there's a high chance that Ashley will win immunity in this country-ass shooting challenge, rendering this entire train of thought pointless. Ashley is probably still fine, but I could see her role in the narrative no longer being necessary at this point as well. It's that that landed her down here, instead of higher on the list.
#8: Tom
These next three are the ones who I believe are seriously at risk of going home. Like I said, I think that Jake is going to (temporarily) continue his chain of character degradation by letting his jealousy land him on the villains team, taking out one of the players he's been complaining about these past few episodes. And, boy, has he been complaining about Tom...!
Tom is a decently big physical threat, so I see no reason why the villains wouldn't agree to take him out if that's what they managed to get Jake on board for. If Tom, say, decided to tell Jake that he was lying about having a boyfriend in their chat on that rock, Jake could grow so fed up with Tom that he just wants Tom out. That could lead to a Tom elimination, as a result of his lies.
However, part of me still believes that it's still too early to pull the trigger on sending Tom home. Both Tom and Jake have still privately admitted that they really care about the other, and if that's how Jake really feels, he might have a hard time actually putting pen to paper. They haven't been on the same team all season thus far. Couldn't Jake still feel guilty about idoling Tom out with his own totem last time, and not be able to write Tom's name down...? I feel like there are still other characters more expendable than Tom, but I wouldn't be shocked if Tom went here.
#9: Ally
Ally is one of the people that Jake could wind up targeting, for sure. Voting Aiden out might make Tom dislike him even more, whereas, theoretically, if Ally were gone, Ashley would have no choice but to make Jake her closest partner. That could be appealing for Jake.
Whether or not Ally would stick around in a narrative sense is... difficult. Now that Tess has been eliminated, I feel like the writers would want to keep Ally around as a representative of that relationship/plot point of S2. However, without Hunter or Tess still in the game, the potential for future Ally-centric plotlines has also been slightly kneecapped.
For whatever reasons, it seems to me like the writers didn't really like the HunTessAlly relationship in general? All three of them had pretty radical personality changes since S2, and Hunter and Tess were both eliminated somewhat randomly in favor of characters who made it further the first time (Fiore and Aiden). Out of the three, I think that changed-Ally both had the most care put into her and emanates the most potential. But, it could be that all three of them were brought back into the season with minor "improvements" (subject to viewer interpretation whether they are improvements-- I think Ally is better, Hunter is worse, and Tess is a draw) mostly as plot devices/stepping stools for other, more important characters.
(I don't hate Ally, either. I like Ally. I just think that the way the HunTessAlly relationship has been handled this season has been less than ideal. I get it, because the writers wanted to prioritize other relationships, all of which I've been enjoying, but I still wish they could have gotten more focus time for themselves and not just as props to other characters. Maybe I'm explaining too much. I don't like being negative :( )
However, I also think Ally could win this challenge with her pro gamer skillz. So, there's that. Besides, I can't help but feel like there's someone Jake wants out of the game even more than Ally or Tom...
#10: Aiden
Aiden makes the most sense as the next elimination for a lot of reasons. Or, namely, the lots of people who want him out may all come together to make him the next elimination. It's striking.
The villains alliance wants a sixth vote to establish the majority, for which they will probably turn to Jake. Jake wants Aiden out of the game because he kissed Tom and they now have a rivalry. That's one person pitching Aiden's name.
The villains alliance also wants to ensure that they keep Gabby on their side-- even if they can pull in Jake, it doesn't matter so much if Gabby flips back to the heroes because she, like, doesn't want to vote out Ally or whatever. Well, no matter. Gabby wants revenge on her former Cyan tribemates, Tom and Aiden. Gabby wants to vote Aiden out. That's a second person pitching Aiden's name.
But, what if the villains themselves don't actually want to vote Aiden out...? Haha, no. Riya very clearly wants to establish dominance over Aiden once again, and even already threw out his name last episode. And, even though Yul insisted that Aiden wasn't a threat last time, it's not like he likes Aiden, either. It was James' refusal to poison the man that got Yul eliminated and really sick in S2. I'm sure he'd be happy with Aiden leaving from a karma standpoint, if not a strategic one. That could be people three and four pitching Aiden's name.
If the villains want to remain united, throwing all their votes on Aiden makes the most sense. I don't think he would win this challenge, and, still, no totem has been announced, so if he gets six votes, I think he's just toast. This is my guess as to the dominant strategy of the episode, so we'll see if I'm on the mark.
Also, I want to acknowledge that I'm aware that it doesn't have to be a 6-4 (or even 5-5) vote at Tribal council. The villains could, for example, scheme to get Ashley, Ally, and Jake to vote out Aiden, and Aiden and Tom to vote out Ally, while the villains put four votes on Ashley (4-3-2 vote). However, due to the difficulty of executing that plan, I find it unlikely that that's what's going to happen. I feel like Disventure Camp usually sticks to pretty standard voting schemes (like a four person vote going 3-1 instead of 2-1-1 or whatever), so I'm working off of that assumption. I think they did some fancier stuff with Fiore in S1, though, so it's not totally off the table.
Anyways! Those are my power rankings for this week. This episode is going to be really important for establishing the key characters and plotlines moving forward in the post-merge, so I'll surely be keeping my eyes out.
Also, this week is the season finale of the actual Survivor 46! Not really related to DC, but I'm really excited about it, so I'm mentioning it here. I'm gonna be swimming in exciting game show content this week >:) I hope you all have a nice week, too! Bye!
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slugtranslation-hypmic · 10 months
Hey Slug! I've been baffled over this for a while now and realized I could just ask you for your opinion. Names. Specifically, Hypmic characters mostly using first names to address each other. I- I'm obviously not all that familiar with Japanese traditions, I'm just the usual anime nerd, but I thought I had a grasp on how people use names over there by now and Hypmic is kinda confusing me? Why do they all use first names to address each other? But sometimes people still use last names??
Short answer: Because, for the most part, the people talking to each other are close friends in casual settings.
Long answer: Using first names vs last names has to do with the level of emotional distance between speaker and listener. Regardless of language, we all adjust the level of formality we speak at depending on whether we're talking to close friends, acquaintances, strangers, or authority figures. It's not socially appropriate to present yourself as best buds with your boss or teacher. Similarly, you might jokingly call a close pal a bitch, but this level of closeness would be inappropriate for a coworker. In Japanese, emotional distance is more strictly codified than in English via varying degrees of polite language, name honorifics, and first name vs last name, but the basic idea involved isn't especially different from English. Most of the people we talk to on a day-to-day basis are classmates and coworkers. If you speak Japanese in your work or school setting, you'll likely use last names for the classmates and coworkers you don't know especially well ("Yamamoto-kun's the guy I sit next to in math, but we don't hang out after school or anything." "Satou-san and I both have the opening shift on Tuesdays, and I chat with her whenever we're on break at the same time. But we don't text outside of work or anything." These kinds of people.) because you have a sense of emotional distance from them. For those you feel closer to and would consider a friend, one way of indicating that closeness is by using their first names. For really close friends or romantic partners, you can drop honorifics altogether to indicate that you feel super, super close to them. (As a side note, some people aren't comfortable doing this at all and still refer to best friends and romantic partners with honorifics. That's largely a matter of personality.) We see Hypmic characters doing this for their classmates and coworkers in rare instances of classroom or workplace scenes, but the majority of Hypmic takes place outside of these settings. Since each team is comprised of close pals hanging out, there's no need to put up a barrier of emotional distance. Some notable exceptions:
The characters who were once close pals but have since had falling outs still largely use first names for one another sans honorifics. This is meant as a deliberate insult, since they're no longer close enough for this lack of distance to be acceptable. Sound confusing? Let's go back to the bitch example for a minute. Calling your best friend a bitch? Probably fine. Calling someone you had a fight with a bitch? Yeaaaah, no, that doesn't fly. Same deal here.
Even when they're friends in TDD, Ichirou still calls Samatoki "Samatoki-san" because he treats Samatoki like an older, respected figure. He doesn't want to try and portray himself as on Samatoki's level. The "-san" is dropped after their fallout because he no longer looks up to Samatoki.
Jirou and Saburou call Ichirou various affectionate derivatives of "oniisan" or "aniki" instead of his first name. "Aniki" is a matter of respect, but "Ichi-nii" and "niichan" are more about social custom than respect for Ichirou based on his individual merits. Even if you're an English speaker who feels very close to your parents, you probably aren't on a first-name basis with them due to social customs. It's the same idea here. Japanese-speaking siblings can be super close to one another and still use variants of oniisan/oneesan even while otherwise speaking to their sibling like a close friend. Many other languages share similar customs.
Ditto for Nemu calling Samatoki "oniichan."
Ramuda calls almost everyone by their first name (usually without honorifics or with overly familiar honorifics) in a way that is socially inappropriate. He's stating that he feels very, very close to the listener, regardless of whatever the listener thinks. This is in line with Ramuda's extremely outgoing persona and the "everyone's idol" trope. He gives his love to EVERYONE! He's best buds with EVERYONE! But plenty of people (rightfully) find it off-putting or boundary smashing. It's another example of the way Ramuda breaks social conventions, especially in a cute or childish way. Like "Oops, tee-hee! I'm just too young and adorable to know better! I just wanna be your friend :3"
Even when they were close friends, Jakurai never called Ramuda by his first name. He instead uses "Amemura-kun" (as an aside, Jakurai attaches "-kun" to most of the cast members' names because they're a fair deal younger than him. It's not demeaning. It actually conveys some degree of warmth) which leaves some measure of distance between them at all times. It's not explicitly stated exactly why he does this. It's reasonable to assume TDD!Jakurai has some reservations about getting close to Ramuda, although it's debatable whether this is due to suspicion about Ramuda's behavior, trauma from his fight with Hitoya, or simply an attempt to establish socially acceptable distance because Ramuda utterly fails to do so. (Also, I think Jakurai might combust into a ball of embarrassed flames if he tries, but that's neither here nor there.)
Very, very significantly, Doppo and Hifumi never refer to Jakurai by name, instead using some variant of "sensei." They mean this in a good way--they respect him a lot--but as Jakurai occasionally comments on, this creates a sense of distance between them that he doesn't like. He wants to be treated like an equal instead of being placed on a slight pedestal above his other two friends.
Since I'm talking about honorifics here too, Juushi calls Hitoya and Kuukou "Hitoya-san" and "Kuukou-san" even when they don't return the favor. Like I mentioned previously, this strikes me as a matter of personality. It's not that Hitoya and Kuukou disrespect Juushi or that Juushi doesn't consider them to be close friends, but he's just a bit shier than either of them. Well, it's not hard to be shier than Hitoya and Kuukou...
Rei is on a first-name basis with Ichijiku in an effort to be rude with her. She presumably does not want him to call her "Ichijiku-chan," but Rei most certainly does not care.
Nemu is also on a first-name basis with Ichijiku (Ichijiku-san), which I'm chalking up to the fact that she and Ichijiku do seem to be close outside of work.
Also, when characters talk about someone they don't know well, they usually use first and last name without honorific. That's pretty similar to English conventions, too. "Hey, you know that comedian Sasara Nurude?" "Hey, you know that actor Jack Black?" Same deal.
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pomplalamoose · 10 months
headcanons: Luke Skywalker and a mentally ill reader🫂🩵
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A/N: I received several requests for Luke with a reader that struggles with their psychological health and decided to do one big post instead of three small ones.
Since I'm heavily affected myself I have a hard time talking about it, meaning this will be shorter than what I usually do; thank you for understanding <3
Nevertheless it's an important topic that shouldn't be ignored so here we goooo
Luke comforting you when you're afraid of being a bad Jedi due to your mental illness
• like I often mention, Luke always has an open ear for you
• I think he's especially understanding when you tell him you struggle with your personal image as a Jedi
• because in a similar way Luke often worries about this as well
• is he doing the right thing? Did he make the right choices? He doesn't know
• more often than not he wishes for Obi-Wan or Yoda to be with him still, to guide him
• his insecurities might stem from a different place than yours but in many ways you are able to draw parallels
• just like you he's afraid of not being good enough
• I think he'd let himself be really vulnerable in sharing this with you, hoping that it makes you feel less alone
• he doesn't want you to think you are in any way failing him or yourself
• most importantly though he wants to prevent you from thinking he's without faults
• he wants to give you an opening to relax, to show you that it's going to be okay as long as you're genuinely trying your best
• he does his best and is he not doing a good job?
• he wants to relieve you of the burden of perfectionism
• both of you are human and that is very much okay
• additionally the both of you don't have much information about what a Jedi should or should not be and while that certainly makes things harder, it can also mean a new beginning
• Luke spends a lot of time thinking about the principles and teachings he wants to pass along to a new generation of Jedi
• and I think a big part of that would be to embrace one's nature and being as they are
• some things can't be changed, it's the will of the Force
• in this regard he is big on following his senses and his heart and how could you ever be a bad Jedi if he sees so much goodness in you?
• while it may be hard to see for yourself, Luke will do his best to show you that your personal struggles don't equal being a failure
• mental illness isn't a flaw that makes you less capable or less intelligent
• you are not your mental illness
• it doesn't define you as a person even though it often times feels like it
• he will list many wonderful character traits of yours, trying to convey how others may see you
• he retells situations where you were able to overcome or even use your struggles in order to help another person
• you are allowed to be yourself and he's glad to have you by his side
• he values your opinions and insights
• in many ways you are able to view certain aspects from a totally different point
• with your unique experiences you are able to offer comfort to those in similar situations better than Luke ever could
Not wanting to burden Luke with your trauma
• Luke is familiar with the notion of keeping ones struggles to oneself
• especially when it's done out of consideration for others
• I don't think you'd manage to hide your mental state from him though, not post ROTJ and not when you're force sensitive as well
• he might have been rather blind to his surroundings earlier on, but has long grown past it
• of course he respects if and when you want to open up at all and will put no pressure on you to tell him anything whatsoever
• however I think he prefers his family and friends to be outspoken about how they're feeling
• not only does he want to help but is also aware that it's only going to get worse over time otherwise
• he knows what can happen when one gets lost in an endless maze of the same recurring thoughts
• to be able to realease something into the Force, to let it go, one has to confront it
• how this is done varies for each person though
• you know best where your trauma stems from and only you know what you are able to take on in order to leave it behind
• as much as Luke would love to be able to simply tell you what to do, he can't
• it's a journey everyone has to go on for themselves
• he'll want to be your company though
• Luke is happy to let you take your time
• if the possibility to retreat is important to you, it's what you get
• he wants your healing to come from a place of security and with the knowledge that he's there to catch you when you're not able to do so on your own
• still he remains firm in his believes and will tell you so
• nobody said it was easy, he knows for a fact it isn't and he is ready to be by your side when you are
• depending on your relationship he might give you gentle nudge in the right direction or, alternatively, a kick in the butt if that's what you need
• he won't stand by and watch you destroy yourself
Dilf!Luke realizing you're not doing well mentally
• since he always has his eyes on you, he can tell when something is just a little bit different
• depending on how well you're able to hide your mental condition though, it possibly takes him a while
• unlike is child he can't be around you all the time and during your car rides home the both of you don't talk
• maybe he realizes how tense you grow when a member of your family contacts you
• maybe he overhears parts of a conversation either when you have to take their calls or when you talk with your friend
• I think he'd ask his child if everything's okay with you
• he doesn't want to seem overbearing or like he's invading your privacy
• since they are your best friend they wouldn't tell him any details but maybe mention you're struggling
• again it depends on you as a person
• are you open about your mental health or not?
• if not they will lie for you
• otherwise they know what they can share without revealing too much
• after all it's your decision what you want others to know
• either way he's worried
• he will offer his help right away
• if you need someone to talk to, he's there
• he's not a professional of course but he'll listen! A second perspective can change a lot!
• the house is easily big enough for one more person, he doesn't mind you staying for the night or a few more
• you can always come over when you need space or a place to rest
• he'll look after you
• have you thought about moving out?
• are you making enough money to be independent?
• are you seeing a therapist?
• "Dad please calm down, I can't tell them you said any of this!"
• your friend will give you a watered down version of what happened because they're kinda afraid that you'll be creeped out by Luke's behavior
• you aren't
• in fact there's nothing you want more than for Mr. Skywalker to take care of you
• he may ask you about it himself once you are better acquainted
• if you're comfortable enough to drop a comment or two he definitely catches on to them
• you are welcome to celebrate the holidays with him and his child, you know?
• he's sure they would be more than okay with it too
• it's your choice of course but he'd be happy to have you
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ca-suffit · 3 months
I really enjoy your blog and thought you were the best person to come to for two questions I have that stem from a genuine desire to learn. I don't intend this to be inciting, I just honestly don't know the answers (or if there even are answers).
In the fandom, racism is discussed through a verity of lenses (as any important, impactful topic should be), but one lens I don't quite understand is comparing different experiences with more empathy (not sympathy) for one than the other. You've likely figured out I'm referring to Louis and Armand. The conversations and analysis around their respective experiences as minorities in every space they inhabit seem to often lead to what I see is akin to a "trauma competition." Please bear with me as I am truly trying to understand.
Question 1: Both Claudia and Louis have experienced early 20th century American racism and mid-20th century European racism and Armand has not. Armand has experienced 16th-20th century European racism, not 20th century American racism. Do those experiences have to be "pitted" against one another? Could viewers not learn just as much by comparing them and respecting each as their own?
Question 2: Do you think that the tendency of some viewers to lean into "Louis had it worse, Claudia had it worse, Armand had it worse" analysis is because the show runners did not not account for some of the resulting complexities of changing characters' race for their adaptation? No one can account for every eventuality, but I have read posts that rightly criticize some aspects of the narrative/plot points which were not changed from the books (and those scenes involved two privileged white men). So the ramifications of not adapting some aspects of the story itself makes the series problematic in ways that could have been avoided? In your opinion, is that just carelessness on the part of the show runners or is it intentional so that the show has more nuance for us to analyze?
Thank you for taking the time to read this insanely long ask even if you don't answer publicly. I appreciate that your inbox is open. I love reading your and your anon's takes on this fandom and the AMC adaptation as well.
hi and thank u!
Q1: if u haven't seen this post yet, I think this will help explain a lot of what ur asking here.
racial tensions are always going to exist and u will never get a single answer on the "best" approach. listen to as many perspectives as u can and absorb it all. for what ur asking here too, about louis and armand, it's a combination of their personal histories as well as who they are in the stories, what they're doing, *and* how the fandom is treating them.
antiblackness is so normalized worldwide and that's a lot of the struggle here with louis and claudia when compared to anyone else. black ppl never get to be seen as victims. so u have louis and claudia being abused nonstop but ppl are quick to remind u how they're "not innocent either." ppl also come down harder on claudia bcuz she's a black girl/woman and misogynoir is its own whole thing.
armand has his own history and is a brown man, but he's a man who does have privilege in ways over louis and is shown abusing him with it too. it doesn't mean his history is erased. but the fandom will defend (white) lestat first, then (brown) armand second, and....never really defend louis (or claudia).....despite them being the only ones we've seen abused on screen so far. so it's not rly about pitting anyone against each other as it is acknowledging who has the privilege across all these spaces and knowing why that is too.
ppl mainly need to realize that power dynamics exist in everything and will shift according to whatever players are present. acknowledging privilege and understanding what that word rly means goes a long way. I think that word confuses ppl a lot bcuz it makes them think of a v wealthy person with all needs met who never suffers. it doesn't mean that tho. it just means how much do u have to worry about in ur daily life vs the person next to u. white ppl don't have to think about being white bcuz whiteness is acceptable everywhere. straight ppl don't have to think about sexuality bc heteronormativity is accepted everywhere. the more privilege u have, the less u will be able to see it bcuz u never have to think about it. that's what makes white privilege so hard to talk about in the first place, nevermind anything after that.
(anyone else can elaborate on this too, idk if I explained this the best)
Q2: if u have examples of the plot points or scenes ur meaning here, that would help. idk how to answer this as broadly as ur asking bcuz it's p dependent on what's being depicted. I overall think they considered a lot about the race changes tho and have incorporated that rly well into nearly everything about the show.
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