#i'm perfectly happy to stay in my little daydream
rainy-day-wizard · 4 months
hey guys, only two days from spiderbit's 11 month anniversary :,) i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine i'm normal im great guys
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golden-cherry · 4 months
deal - cl16 (30/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Summary: Your whole life has gone to shit. Your boyfriend broke up with you, you just lost your job and the Monegasque, who suddenly stands in your doorway, claims that it’s his apartment.
Chapter Summary: The Leclerc family dinner is something else.
Warnings: this is just cute, mentions of injuries (due to Monopoly), alcohol consumption, Arthur Leclerc
Word Count: 3.8k
series masterlist
previous part
A/N: happy birthday to the lovely anon from yesterday! this is not smutty, but I hope you'll still like it! feedback is appreciated!
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When Charles brings the rickety Renault to a halt and pulls the handbrake, you can hardly believe your eyes.
The car is parked in front of a large, white house that is surrounded by green ivy on one corner. The black roof perfectly matches the black shutters leaning against the wall of the house, giving you a glimpse of the interior. Above the double doors of the entrance is a small balcony with a black metal fence and small flower boxes in which beautiful, colorful flowers are sure to bloom in summer.
It looks like a painting.
You stare open-mouthed through the windshield. "It's gorgeous."
Your friend smiles. "My mother had it renovated last year. The façade was crumbling a bit and the windows were no longer in good shape." He shrugs his shoulders. "But otherwise it's stayed the same. I grew up here."
You can hardly take your eyes off it as you get out of the car. "It's beautiful. It must have been great growing up here."
"It was." He rounds the hood and stands next to you. "Unfortunately, I was always on the road because of karting and the older I got, the less time I spent here. But this house holds so many memories." He exhales deeply. "This is my home."
You turn your head in his direction before reaching for his hand and squeezing it. "Thank you for taking me with you."
Charles smiles gently at you and pulls you a little closer so that you can feel his warm breath on your face. "Don't get too excited. You haven't met my brothers yet."
You tilt your head a little. "Are they that bad?"
"The worst," he whispers and leans forward a little. His gaze flickers briefly from your eyes to your lips. Your heart leaps a little. "But I'm the worst."
"Shouldn't I stay away from you then?" you ask him. He's so close to you that you have to tilt your head back to look at him. "Good girls should keep their distance from bad boys, shouldn't they?"
Charles releases his hand from yours and gently places it on your neck, leaving you no choice but to look at him. His other arm wraps around your waist and he pulls you all the way against him. Chest to chest, he looks down at you before licking his lips. You can feel the arousal pooling in your panties. "Are you a good girl, mon amour?"
As one of the front doors opens, he disengages from you with a smooth movement, as if nothing had ever happened and as if it wasn't running through your mind how you would have loved to get down on your knees for him right there. As he walks towards the house, you can see his back muscles dancing under his shirt. How you wish you could scratch him with your fingernails and -
"Maman. It's so good to see you," he greets his mother, who kisses him left and right on the cheek, snapping you out of your super non-platonic daydream. Which maybe isn't the worst thing, Charles is your friend after all.
"Yes yes, it's nice to see you too," she replies, before pushing past him and coming towards you. "Chérie, I'm so glad you're here!" The woman hugs you tightly before also kissing you left and right.
"It's nice to see you again too, Pascale," you smile. "Thank you so much for inviting me. The house is gorgeous."
"Thank you, chérie," she replies and reaches for your hands. "Come on, come on. Let me show you the house." Before you can say anything back, she pulls you towards the house, past Charles and through the door. "Charles! Your brothers will be here soon. You can set the table," she calls to him over her shoulder.
"Of course, Maman," he replies and when you look back at him, he rolls his eyes in mock annoyance.
"And please take the good china! We want to make a good impression."
"Of course, Maman." Charles, who has followed you into the house, closes the front door behind him.
The inside of the house looks like it's from another world. Large, white tiles adorn the floor, the furniture is kept simple, but still looks luxurious and so expensive that you'd be worried about scratching the surfaces with your car keys if you put them down. The lower floor is open plan, with a large kitchen with a kitchen island, a glass dining table and the living room. There's a soft-looking sofa in front of the fireplace, where you can definitely warm up on cold days. There are countless pictures on the walls - a mixture of art and personal photos.
"Would you like something to drink, chérie?" asks Pascale as you stop in the kitchen and she lets go of your hand. She opens the fridge and starts rummaging around in it. "We have water, orange juice, spritz, wine and cola."
"I don't need anything, thank you," you reply with a smile. You're a little overwhelmed that she's being so nice to you. You're not used to parents being so sweet and kind. Yours certainly weren't when you lived with them.
"All right, then. If you need anything, just take it. Make yourself at home." She squeezes your shoulder briefly before scurrying past you. "Charles! The table!"
"I'm on it," his voice comes from another corner of the room before he steps back into your field of vision. He is holding expensive-looking tableware in his hands, which he carefully spreads out on various coasters on the glass table. "Could you please take the cutlery from the top drawer there? There must be six of us. Enzo wanted to bring his wife Charlotte."
You take the cutlery from the drawer and count it off before joining him at the table and distributing the items. "I'm a bit nervous," you confess quietly. As you place a fork next to one of the plates, Charles grabs your hand.
"We can leave if that's too much for you," he suggests. " I'm sorry. My brothers aren't that bad. They're nice and funny and I think you'll get along fine." He strokes the inside of his wrist lovingly with his thumb. "You really don't need to worry. But if you want to leave, I can understand that."
You shake your head slightly. "It's all good. Your mother cooked dinner especially for me and it would be rude to leave now." You chew the inside of your cheek. "I just want to make a good impression."
Charles takes the rest of the cutlery from your hand before interlacing his fingers with yours. "You really don't have to worry about that, mon amour. She already loves you."
You raise an eyebrow in confusion. "And how do you know that? Did she tell you that?"
"She didn't need to," he replies with a smile. "When I introduced her to Annika back then, she reacted differently. No kisses, no dinner to get to know each other better. And she definitely didn't ask her to feel at home here," he explains, placing his free hand on your cheek. "She has good intuition and the fact that she took you to her heart within minutes just shows me that I made a good catch with you."
"Excuse me! There are children here!" a male voice shouts across the room. You would have liked to take three steps back to put some distance between you and Charles, but he keeps you in place.
"I don't see any children," replies the man in front of you, glancing over your head towards the kitchen. When you turn around, a young man is standing there, grinning and leaning against the kitchen island. "All I see is an annoying little brother who doesn't know when to hold back."
Playfully hurt, the stranger puts his hand on his chest. "Ouch. I'm not the one who can't seem to just pull through ." Before you can say anything back, he takes the few steps towards you and stops in front of Charles. The two stare at each other for a moment before a wide smile spreads across the shorter man's face. "Good to see you, big brother."
Charles releases his hand from yours so that he can embrace his baby brother. "You too." With a smile, he hugs him before gently pushing him away. He turns to you. "This is my little brother Arthur."
"It's nice to meet you," he replies and - in true Pascale style - gives you a little kiss on each cheek before winking at you. "Maman has already told me about you, but she didn't tell me how beautiful you are."
"'Keep your hands off, Arthur,' your roommate warns his brother, but he just waves it off.
"Don't worry, Charles. I'm not here to take your girlfriend away." You raise your hand and open your mouth to correct him, but he turns on his heel and walks back towards the fridge. "I'm here because I was promised good food. And maybe a game of Monopoly?" He waggles his eyebrows in anticipation.
Charles shakes his head vigorously. "Absolutely not. Last time Enzo nearly lost a finger because you thought he was cheating the bank."
Arthur rolls his eyes. "The whole thing would be unfunny without a bit of violence." His gaze shifts from his big brother to you. "What about you? Do you like Monopoly?"
"Monopoly? Maybe we should look for the first aid kit first," laughs the young woman who has just joined you. With her long blonde hair and wide, pearly-white smile, she looks so beautiful that it almost takes your breath away. Without giving the guys in the room a glance, she walks straight up to you and hugs you tightly. "Hi, I'm Charlotte. Enzo's wife." She gives you a quick hug before pulling away from you. "I like your top."
You introduce yourself to her as well before thanking her for the compliment. "Is Monopoly really that crazy in this family?" you ask quietly, watching Charles and Arthur tease each other in the kitchen.
"When it comes to winning, the men behave like animals," she explains, putting her slender arm around your shoulder. "That's why it's all the better that you're here now. Maybe they're acting a bit more grown-up this time then."
"Everyone here is an adult," another person defends themselves. The black-haired man tries to get Arthur out of Charles' headlock. "My little brothers might be a bit wild, but we're all old enough to behave reasonably." As he separates the two bickering men, he stands between them with his arms outstretched.
Arthur points his finger at the eldest of the three brothers. "You once knocked over the whole board because you had no more money to pay Charles."
Charles briefly runs his fingers through his tousled hair to get it into style. "And you once kicked us out of your apartment because you didn't have a hotel to take out a mortgage."
Before you know it, Enzo grabs his little brothers and tucks them under his arms, but Charles is quicker. With an elegant twist, he wriggles out of his brother's tight grip and twists his arm a little so that he can't get hold of him again, while Arthur tries with all his might to free himself.
"I told you," Charlotte whispers to you. "Like animals."
"Are you out of your minds?" Pascale's voice drowns out the boys, who abruptly move away from each other and blink at their mother. Arthur's face is red, while Enzo tugs his shirt right. Charles throws you a grin and a wink. "I'm cooking for everyone here and you're acting like children! Come on now! You know what you have to do!" she nags her sons, who quietly apologize to her and then scurry back and forth to put the rest of the things on the table.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" you ask the young woman next to you, but before she can answer you, Pascale is standing in front of you.
"Please take a seat. You're our special guest today and if I even see you lift a finger…" She gives you a stern, loving look before pulling one of the chairs from the table. With a nod, she tells you to sit down. Her look leaves no room for discussion.
"Would you like a glass of wine? I've brought a lovely sweet Riesling," Charlotte asks as she takes two wine glasses from one of the cupboards in the kitchen.
"Yes, please."
As she sets your glass down in front of you, the men also sit down at the table while Pascale places various bowls in front of you. When Charles tries to sit on the chair opposite you, his mother promptly stops him.
"The chair is broken, chéri. I'm afraid you'll have to use that stool there," she says, pointing to the small stool in the corner of the room.
Without hesitation, Charles swaps the pieces of furniture, but when he sits down, he grimaces. "My goodness, that's uncomfortable. It's sure to give me a backache."
"Maybe your lovely girlfriend can give you a back massage later," Arthur suggests, wiggling his eyebrows. Before he can react, your friend has reached into one of the bowls in front of you and thrown a piece of bread at his little brother. "Ouch, what the hell? I didn't say anything! It only becomes ambiguous when you make it ambiguous."
"Boys, pull yourselves together, otherwise it'll be the last time I invite you all here for dinner," Pascale scolds her sons, but you can tell she's not serious. She sits down at the table in front of them. "Now eat before the food gets cold."
"How did you two meet?" asks Enzo, popping a spoonful of vanilla ice cream into his mouth.
The pasta that Pascale cooked especially for you tasted absolutely fantastic. While you ate together, you talked about all sorts of things. About Enzo's work, Charlotte's recent seminar, new recipes that Pascale really wants to try out and your photography. At the beginning you were worried that you wouldn't be able to join in as you didn't know anyone from this family, but there was never a moment when you felt left out. It feels nice to be part of a family again - even if it's not your own.
Charles, who stretches his back briefly, looks at you across the table. "That's a funny story. Would you like to tell it?"
As all eyes turn to you, you have to swallow. You weren't expecting the attention. But Charles looks at you so gently and his smile is so warm. He makes you feel like you're not in the wrong place.
"He surprised me when I came out of the shower half-naked," you grin back. All you hear from the corner where Arthur is sitting is a whistle.
"Hey, that's not quite true," your roommate defends himself. "You were living in my second apartment without me knowing! Joris rented you the apartment and didn't tell me. And when I turned up there, you came out of the shower. It's not my fault." He raises his hands. "And you wanted to beat me up with a magazine!"
You reach for your wine glass and take a sip. "You were a stranger who suddenly appeared in my apartment. How else could I have reacted? You were so close to calling the police."
"You were standing half-naked in my apartment. It could have been that you were a crazy fan and somehow found out the address."
Charlotte looks up from her bowl of ice cream at you. "Didn't you know who he was?" As you shake your head, she claps her hands several times in delight. "Oh how cute! Just like in the fanfictions you can read on the internet! That's awesome!"
Her husband gives her a puzzled look. "You read fanfictions about my brother?"
Charlotte rolls her eyes. "Are you crazy? Of course not! But every now and then I just hear about it."
"And you've just decided to share the apartment," says Arthur as he scrapes two more scoops of ice cream out of the ice cream container.
"Yep. Just like that," Charles explains, and you smile gratefully at him. You're glad you don't have to explain that you're unemployed. Especially since everyone at this table is pursuing promising careers. Your friend smiles back affectionately before arching his back. "And it would also be the best decision I've ever made if I didn't have to sit on this stupid stool all evening. My spine feels like pebbles."
"Don't be like that," his mother grumbles at him. "You're still young. Your back pain can't be that bad."
"Arthur is younger than me. Shouldn't he be sitting in this chair then?" Charles tries to get out of it, but he falls silent when Pascale gives him a dirty look.
"But I don't have a girlfriend who can rub my back later," grins the youngest Leclerc. "I'm sure she won't mind."
"Arthur!" Pascale reprimands him. Her gaze shifts to you. "I'm so sorry. I thought I'd brought her up better." She puts her head in her hands.
"Oh, Maman." Charles gets up from his uncomfortable stool and you can tell by the way he looks that his back is actually hurting. He stands behind his mother and puts his hands on her shoulders. "We know you did your best. And we actually turned out well." He can barely suppress his grin. "Except for Arthur."
"Hey!" Arthur jumps up from his chair so quickly that you fear he's going to fall over backwards, but Charlotte just manages to catch it. Arthur chases his big brother around the room while Enzo stacks up the ice cream bowls to take them to the kitchen.
"Wait, I'll help you," you offer, reaching for the cutlery that has been left behind, but Pascale's hand on yours stops you in your tracks.
"If you lift a finger, the same thing will happen to it as with Enzo's fingers at Monopoly," she threatens lovingly and gets up to clear away the rest of the things herself.
You look at Charlotte uncertainly and she waves you off. "Don't worry about it. She doesn't mean any harm. She just wants you to feel comfortable here and make sure you have everything you need. You'll get used to it over time."
"Thank you," you reply with a smile. "I think if you weren't so nice to me, I'd be really scared of you."
The blonde has to laugh. "Unfortunately, I hear that a lot. But I know what it's like to be new to this family. It can be quite nerve-wracking and overwhelming. But they're all lovely people. You don't need to worry about that." She puts her hand on yours briefly before rising and joining her husband in the kitchen.
A short time later, you feel two large hands on your shoulders. "Are you all right?" Charles asks as you lean your head back to look at him. "My family didn't scare you off, did they? Or are you sick of it and don't want anything to do with me anymore?"
"A terrible family," you reply and feel his thumbs rubbing gentle circles into your skin. You feel warm.
"I can understand," he nods and leans down towards you so that the tips of your noses touch. "So that's the last time we'll see everyone. I definitely prefer your company to that of the others."
You have to stifle a giggle. "You're only saying that because you're hoping to get a back massage from me as soon as we get home." Your mouth goes dry at the thought of running your hands over his muscular back and feeling the soft skin under your fingertips.
"You're right about that," he admits. "Shall we go? I've had to share you with my family long enough."
"You want to leave already?" asks Pascale, who has rejoined you at the table. You didn't even realize she was back until she started talking.
"Yes, maman. My back really hurts and we have a lot to do tomorrow," he apologizes. It's news to you that you have plans. But maybe it's just an excuse so that you can be alone again more quickly. And you definitely have no objections to that.
Friends, sure.
"All right." She puts her hands on her hips. "But I'll expect you both back here at Christmas. I'll prepare your old room so you can spend the night here." Her smile is warm and heartfelt. As you get up from your chair to say goodbye to her, she wraps you tightly in her arms. "It's so nice that you're part of our family now. I'm already looking forward to having you back here at Christmas. It's only a few more days until then."
"Thank you for your invitation." You return her hug. "I haven't felt like part of a family for a long time."
Apparently she sees something in your gaze, something sad, because she has to swallow before she starts speaking again. "We've been through a lot as a family - and I think you have too. You're always welcome here. No matter what happens. Even if you need someone to be there for you in the middle of the night. The doors of this house are always open to you." She blinks away a few tears and you briefly consider hugging her again.
Which you finally do. "Your family is wonderful. You've raised three great sons. If your husband was anywhere near as kind-hearted as they turned out to be, then he must have been the most lovable person in the world," you whisper to her.
"He would have loved you. I'm sure of it." As she breaks away from you, she wipes her eyes once. "Thank you for looking after my son. There's no denying how good you are for him."
As if on cue, Charles stands next to you and puts his arm around your waist to pull you close. You feel his body heat, the pressure of his fingers on your skin.
After this morning, you had been unsure whether you would ever be so close again despite the misstep, or whether you would keep your distance because the situation would be awkward for people who are actually just friends. But Charles' smile is genuine, his gaze gentle and his lips soft as he presses them lovingly to your forehead.
"She's the absolute best thing that could have happened to me."
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krispycreamcake · 17 days
woah your matchups are so detailed ! 🩷 can i request one if that is okay? idk if this info will be okay but, here goes nothing: i'm 5'1 and v petite, w messy hair cut in a wolfcut. i have so much duality, both in personality and in my style: i can go from happy and sweet to ruthless and cold af in seconds so much that sometimes idk which of the two is the real me... i'm also v good at acting, lying and pretending. my style varies between emo and cutesy haha. i'm shy but i'm also a gremlin w the ppl i trust and can act v silly. i have v bad trust issues, i really can't trust anyone. i have anger issues too... my hobbies include writing, playing romance games and watching anime. i love rock music and visual kei too. i would love to learn how to play an instrument or learn to sing one day... my friends say i'm sweet and in general i'm cheerful around them ! i hide my feelings and struggle w them alone often, esp when i have anxiety.
my love language is gift giving. bc i'm not v smart and even if i have good intentions what i say might have the wrong effect i prefer comforting my friends making playlists for them or writing them a fic to cheer them up. i know if they lived near me i would always be buying little gifts for them haha but at the same time i'm super shy when it comes to accepting gifts bc i don't think i deserve them...
i'm also v romantic and daydream a lot, especially abt my yumeships. i can be cheeky and a quirk of mine is i tend to wink when taking selfies a lot > /// < i also obviously love vampires 🦇
idk if this info is okay... i'm sorry if i did this wrong and absolutely no pressure to answer ! thank you so so much either way ♡
From author: From what I've gathered, it looks like what you need is someone to spend quality time with.
Your need for that romance aspect in your life tells me that you're very open to relationships and would welcome one if it came your way. But you do need to be wary and try not to rush things as it may affect how much of you the boys could take.
Since you prefer staying home, I can decipher that you're not necessarily a very socially active person but that doesn't mean you don't enjoy building friendships since it's clear to me you care about your friends abundantly.
Because you deal with anxiety and emotions, this can show me that you may prefer to keep them locked away or even push them aside to forget about. I wanna hone in on this a bit because as we know all of the brothers have problems dealing with inner conflict and you not being able to navigate through your OWN ones would help better point to who you would work best with.
Because of your generally kind nature and ability to comfort people without necessarily using your words, this tells me that despite being faced with emotional obstacles from those around you, you still find it possible to respond in appropriate manners without the need to verbalize your care for someone.
And now that we've assessed you, your best match would be 🥁🥁🥁🥁
Azusa Mukami
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Continue reading for more info
Azusa is someone that's known to be passive and soft spoken. His docile nature has lead him astray in the past and because of this, he needs someone that won't take advantage of him while also keeping him on his toes.
Because of your clashing tendencies of being kind and being assertive, this keeps him interested. Azusa would be exactly what you need when looking for a romantic partner seeing as he's always selfless and would constantly think of your needs first.
Azusa doesn't need to go out all the time and have fancy dates planned, he'd be perfectly comfortable just laying next to you while you scroll on social media or even listen to some Malice Mizer. As a matter of fact, he quite enjoys that band and loves it when you do decide to put on some music.
Because of your ability to navigate through emotional conflicts by showing remorse or even gratitude towards someone by giving them a gift, this shows Azusa that you care about him and that you're putting effort into the relationship. This would then have a domino effect of him learning to open up more and in return, making you be able to open up towards him.
He'd fully support your creative side and would encourage you to learn a new instrument and even sing. He'd be your biggest supporter no matter what you do.
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ratsoh-writes · 7 months
(Hmmmm.... because you insisted I send in a matchup, here you go. Have fun, lol! Also.. just so you're awareI don't really mind if it's platonic or not, I just want to see what you come up with.)
The Basics:
Height: 5"8
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Demisexual
Soul Trait: Kindness
Personality Type: Introvert
Love Languages: (Giving) Words of Affirmation (Receiving) Quality Time
I like reading, video games, watching anything animated, and deep diving into fandoms. I adore animals of all types, so I need someone who is willing to at least tolerate pets. (Bonus if they enjoy them as much as me). This extends to the typical cats/dogs, to more "exotic/uncommon" animals like reptiles.
The horror genre... just in general. (So no scary movies for me).
And spiders...
I've got some social anxiety, so I'm easily flustered and have difficulty speaking to strangers. But once I know you I can be talkative... especially if you have the same interests as me. I'm always willing to help out a friend if they ask me, and I'm loyal to a fault. At least half of the stuff I do will probably be said or done in an overly sarcastic/dramatic way mostly because that's my sense of humor. You'll also catch me talking to myself a lot. No reason why. I guess it helps me sort out my thoughts... either that or I'm daydreaming and talking/acting it out.
People who don't take care of their things. Like, if you ask to borrow something, I expect you to return it in the same condition. But why wouldn't you do the same thing with your own stuff? Don't you want it to last?
People who shoot down others for enjoying something. It doesn't matter if I'm interested in the thing personally or not, if it makes someone happy I will listen to them talk about it. So it bugs me to see people tear someone else down when they just want to enjoy something.
People who ask for my opinion on something, and then blatantly ignore it. Why did you ask if you didn't want to know?
I don't mind messy people, but I prefer to keep my personal space clean and organized... so just repect that please. Don't go mess it up for no reason.
Hmmm you could work with a lot of the skellys so I had a ton of choices to choose from. After a bit of back and forth, I match you with…. FINN! Seaswap sans!
Finn is a total cutie patootie, a true sweetheart, just an all around good guy. He’s easy to talk to, friendly with every one and totally non-judgemental. Finn is great for someone a tad eccentric as he isn’t bothered at all. In fact he loves that they stay true to themselves! After all every one is a big nerd about something. Your thing is reptiles, his is collecting and coming up with scout badges. In fact.. can he borrow a snake for his scouts reptile handling badge? Don’t worry, your little baby will come pack perfectly fine, if a tad spoiled for the day lol.
Finn is a great listener. He remembers whatever his SO tells him, whether that’s tasks they need done, or just details about their wants and likes. He wants to understand his partner so he puts extra effort into keeping his metaphorical ears open.
While Finn is more of the sporty type, he does have experience with video games thanks to his brother. He doesn’t play on his own but is always down to play in groups or with a friend. He’s surprisingly good at shooters, even if he apologizes every time he kills someone lol.
One downside about finn is he’s 100% a people pleaser, and sometimes will reluctantly agree to things he really shouldn’t do. So he needs a partner who’s willing to put their foot down whenever someone is trying to take advantage of him.
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sam-glade · 1 year
Writeblr Positivity Tag
Tagged by @captain-kraken, @writernopal, @mariahwritesstuff💜Thank you so much!
And passing the tag onto: @lynnedwardswrites @tisiphonewolfe @breath-of-eternity @hallwriteblr @words-after-midnight
Blank list of questions below the cut!
1. What motivates you to write?
Daydreaming. I sometimes get this scene play out in my mind and go 'I have to write this'.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
"You've seen me as a person when I was convinced I was a monster. You are what kept me sane when I thought I was losing my mind. You've forgiven me for things I thought were unforgivable. This–" He poked at the jasmine held in the buttonhole of His lapel. "This is what kept me focused today. You are what makes me whole."
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
Rilna from The Truth Teller is my current 'comfort character'. The honest, kind soul that is trying to stay so despite everything. Also, Lirivan, although I don't talk/write about him that much yet - he appears later in the story.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
The moment where all the little off-handed references come together. When a character makes a comment that I put in because I needed something and it suddenly fits into the wider picture perfectly.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Hands-down worldbuilding. But also, I think I'm quite good at action/fight scenes.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
Tag games keep me motivated, but I love all the interactions (especially the little comments in the tags) - they always make my day!
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
A good old-fashioned notebook. It forces me not to edit as I write. I've also moved from a single doc to Scrivener within the last year, and I've got to say, it's working out better than I expected (although I don't use the majority of the features).
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
All the myths are true. Things can be believed into existence. Legends about living people directly affect them, often forcing them to do things they'd rather not.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
It's ok to take a break. It's ok to write self-indulgent fluff that you don't intend to show to anyone. Or even not write at all, but try your hand at a new hobby, read a book, do something creative.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
@faelanvance @captain-kraken @elshells @writernopal @iced-ginger-tea @tisiphonewolfe
1. What motivates you to write?
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
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omegapheromone · 6 months
I think about my identity in the context of Omegaverse a lot- I've always struggled with it, but recently, I've had even more thoughts.
I've always (for as long as I've known what omegaverse is) identified as an omega.
But what tends to mess with my self-perception is that I've always been some flavour of demisexual at the very least, even without the sexual trauma that has just caused me to be even more avoidant and scared of intimacy.
Topics of sexuality/libido, sex, etc below, NSFW. Kink mentions, sexual trauma mentions, also mentions of past abusive partners etc. It's just a long ramble
And, sometimes I wonder, am I aromantic? Demiromantic? I don't think I am, but at the same time, while I experience crushes and strong emotions, every relationship I've been in has usually been shadowed by this sense of, it always seems like I'm far more detached and independent than the other person is.
Maybe it's a neurodivergency thing- but I'm usually perfectly happy without constant connection to a partner. I actually like to have plenty of my own alone time where I can be alone. I enjoy stuff like cuddling and affection, but I don't feel like I need constant displays of care/affection, especially verbal. I don't feel the need to be constantly messaging a partner if it's long distance. I struggle to say the word "love" (though this could probably be trauma as well). I find myself disinterested and passive fairly often, especially when a partner is trying to get something from me (whether it be affection, sex, etc- I feel like it becomes a chore when it's being demanded of me). I don't need constant hourly updates on their daily life, nor do I necessarily feel the need to check in on them myself, especially not as often as my past partners have insisted on checking in with me (at minimum once every 30-60minutes). To me it's usually just a given that they're probably fine, they've been fine before I was in their life so why would they not be, when I am in their life? That type of logic. I hope I don't sound callous or unfeeling, because it's not that- I genuinely do care very much, and feel very deeply for people, but maybe the way I express or show it is just... wrong, or dysfunctional, or not there, the way it should be.
And idk, I just often feel a little broken, in some way, as an omega. I'm quite passive and struggle to show emotion. I desire to have a romantic partner because I do know I at least experience crushes and aesthetic/visual attraction, and I enjoy many aspects of a relationship of that sort- the companionship, the emotional value, the easily available physical comfort of cuddles and such, and so on. But, at the same time, I feel broken. I can't tell if all my partners have actually just been super obsessive over me, or if I'm the problem and don't care enough, somehow.
My libido is also actually very low, and honestly, I prefer to take care of my own needs myself because sex with a partner usually has just felt like a chore where I need to look and sound sexy and make a partner feel nice. Honestly I hate to admit it even though they were abusive and it shouldn't bother me to say it, but like, 90% of my orgasms with my previous long-term partner irl were fake. A part of it was bc they would act all self-deprecating and pitiful and question if I even found them attractive or wanted to be with them at all and that's why I wasn't able to cum (no, idiot, I have a lot of sexual and sex-related trauma, that's why!!) But I think another part was just... it mostly felt like something I needed to act to "play my part" so that I could complete this "chore". My mind also usually wandered and I struggled to stay "in the mood" to begin with, usually I would be thinking about mundane things or daydreaming instead of actually being in the moment. To some extent, sensory deprivation play helps with that, but that's not always viable, especially when my partners have usually been ones with insanely high libidos (which I mean, should have been a red flag from the start since it did end up with me feeling coerced/coaxed into sex on multiple occasions, but I can't blame their toxic traits on it since it was ultimately me who didn't speak up and say no, and I was too cowardly to break up despite this obvious incompatibility (among others))
Iirc I've always somewhat identified with the demisexual/demiromantic labels, ever since I started discivering my own sexuality. But I always wonder how much of it is a reaction that's caused by trauma and distrust and me being neurodivergent, and how much is actually just my sexuality. I think I've never really been able to explore it because I've never actually felt safe, even with past partners who technically did 'care', and wanted me to feel safe, but would emotionally manipulate me if I struggled with it (again, "why don't you trust me, do you hate me, am I evil and horrible, why don't you feel safe with me? Am I not good enough??" Type bs, and I hate that it worked on me back then). Idk, now I'm getting to an age where most people my age have a long-term partner already and I'm kinds just used to being single and such, and even though I want romance, the whole idea of letting anyone close enough to get to know me is actually just so daunting that I wonder if it's better I just give up on dating entirely, especially since omegaverse puts a LOT of emphasis on mates and mating. I'm not a believer in fated pairs either, not since an abuser used a similar concept to manipulate me into staying with them multiple times
Honestly I can't remember where I was going with this. I think I just had thoughts and needed to express them somehow? Idk. But, anyway. Sorry for the random rant, especially if you read the whole thing- it's a lot of text and quite disjointed and disorganized, and I don't really even have a takeaway or conclusion or main point to any of this
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lucifersresources · 2 years
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taylor swift self titled album rp meme.
edit/alter/change pronouns etc as you see fit!  
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tim mcgraw.
that's a lie.
i was right there beside him all summer long.
the moon like a spotlight on the lake.
when you think happiness, i hope you think of me.
i hope you think of me.
think of my head on your chest.
september saw a month of tears.
i'm thanking god that you weren't here to see me like that.
it's hard not to find it all a little bittersweet.
i'm back for the first time since then.
picture to burn.
i didn't get my perfect fantasy.
you love yourself more than you could ever love me.
watch me strike a match on all my wasted time.
you're just another picture to burn.
there's no time for tears.
i'm just sitting here planning my revenge.
if you're missing me you'd better keep it to yourself.
coming back around here would be bad for your health.
teardrops on my guitar.
i fake a smile so he won't see.
she's got everything that i have to live without.
i can't even see anyone when he's with me.
he says he's so in love.
i wonder if he knows he's all i think about at night.
he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar.
he's the only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star.
can he tell that i can't breathe?
there he goes, so perfectly.
the kind of flawless i wish i could be.
she better hold him tight.
i drive home alone.
i'll put his picture down.
a place in this world.
i don't know what i want.
i'm still trying to figure it out.
i'm alone, on my own.
life goes on.
just trying to find a place in this world.
i'm wearing my heart on my sleeve.
tomorrow's just a mystery.
cold as you.
you take the very best of me.
i start a fight coz i need to feel something.
i'm not what you wanted.
what a shame.
just walk away.
i've never been anywhere cold as you.
you put up walls.
i stood there loving you.
you come away with a great little story of a mess of a dreamer, with the nerve to adore you.
every smile you fake is so condescending.
counting all the scars your made.
the outside.
i know i didn't read between the lines.
nothing seems to work the first few times.
nobody ever lets me in.
i've been a lot of lonely places.
i would give it all up.
no one notices until it's too late.
tied together with a smile.
seems the only one who doesn't see your beauty is the face in the mirror looking back at you.
hold on, baby.
you don't tell anyone that you might not be the golden one.
you're tied together with a smile, but you're coming undone.
love was all you wanted.
stay beautiful.
will you ever know?
you're beautiful, every little piece.
you're really gonna be someone.
i hope your life leads you back to my door.
stay beautiful.
i'm taking pictures in my mind.
it's hard to make a conversation when he's taking my breath away.
you and i are a story that never gets told.
what you are is a daydream.
should've said no.
everything is gone.
just looking at you feels wrong.
it was a moment of weakness.
you should've said no.
i should've been there in the back of your mind.
you shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet.
you can see that i've been crying.
you know all the right things to say.
do you honestly expect me to believe we could be the same?
the past is the past.
was it worth it?
mary's song (oh my my my)
i looked at you like the stars that shined.
our daddies used to joke about the two of us growing up and falling in love.
take me back when our world was one block wide.
i dared you to kiss me.
your eyes still shined.
all i need is you next to me.
you stayed outside till the morning light.
after all this time, you and i.
our song.
we don't have a song.
our song is the way you laugh.
i didn't kiss her and i should have.
i'm only me when i'm with you.
you and i are painting pictures in the sky.
we don't say a thing.
everything i need is right here by my side.
i know everything about you.
i don't wanna live without you.
i'm only up when you're not down.
don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground.
you drive me crazy.
i'm only me when i'm with you.
just a small town boy and girl, living in a crazy world.
i don't try to hide my tears.
i don't try to hide my tears, my secrets or my deepest fears.
through it all nobody gets me like you do.
when i'm with anybody else, it's so hard to be myself.
i'm only me, who i wanna be, when i'm with you.
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sophiie2000 · 2 years
Our Own New Year Celebration
Eek, first fic I'm posting for 2023!!🎇
If you've read any of the other posts on my blog, you may have noticed I got very excited about the Oops I Said Yes stories.♡♡
As such, it only seemed fitting, that the first fic I posted involved one of Voltage's, in my opinion, best LI's!♥︎♥︎
Kuranosuke Kiba x MC
Away on a business trip, MC misses out on sharing her first New Year with Kuranosuke. Yet would the blizzard let the New Year pass without some sort of celebration with his wife?
A whole lot of Fluff, and a little bit of Smut later on!
Disclaimer - Characters belong to Voltage Inc
~ 2615 words
01 January 00:01 am… they had missed seeing the New Year in together. This was the thought that intruded on MC as she gazed out of her hotel room window, watching the display of brightly coloured fireworks explode in the night sky. 
She couldn’t help but feel defeated. Downhearted to have been away from her husband for the New Year. She wasn’t a teenager anymore. It wasn’t the upset of missing out on that midnight kiss. It wasn’t even the missing out on drinking the night away. 
She simply missed him. 
This would have been their first New Year together as a couple. A funny thought, considering this time last year he was no more than her strict supervisor.
The blizzard. Someone she admired, but truthfully had never thought she would converse with outside of work.
Now, they were married. They could have started their own silly New Year tradition together. Like they did for Christmas. The special breakfast before opening their stockings. 
Would they have played a few board games? Shared some drinks? Danced in the comfort of their own home? Or would they have made plans with their friends or families?
These were the thoughts that niggled in the back of MC’s mind. Instead of being home, with her husband, celebrating the New Year… she was staying in a hotel 6 hours away from away. 
What was her husband doing? Had he made plans? Unlikely… he was probably preoccupied with a little someone. MC giggled as she imagined her strict husband turning to mush as he doted on their little kitten.
Expressions as sweet as the desserts he secretly relished so much. Nothing could melt her husband’s strict façade quite like Haru, their beloved kitten. 
There was 2 more days of her business trip. She had a meeting with a client. One, so important, it couldn’t wait until after the holidays nor be conducted over the phone.
MC didn’t mind, of course. She loved her job. But she couldn’t help but wish the meeting had fallen on a different day, been finished sooner, or her husband could have been present too. 
Should she send him a message wishing him a Happy New Year? She had typed various forms of the message out five or six times, only to erase it seconds later. Thinking her blizzard of a husband would be more exasperated in her spending her time daydreaming of him, rather than focusing on the companies very important client. 
This is an important meeting, focus birdbrain! She chuckled, she could easily hear his exasperation as she imagined his reaction.
Sighing, MC chucked her phone down onto the plush sofa, before throwing her weary body down into the thick, velvety soft sheets of the king-sized bed. A bed so big felt cold, and lonely without her husband’s warm body snoozing dreamily beside her. 
So, she built a Kuranosuke size pillow fort to fill the void. Silly, she knew, but it filled the large space beside her. Although nothing could ever compare to the real thing. 
Sighing softly, and nuzzling into the soft pillows, MC tugged the thick duvet over her head and closed her eyes. Welcoming the dreamland that was beckoning her closer so sweetly. Dreaming dreams of the side to her husband only she knew.
2 days later, MC’s important meeting had just come to a successful conclusion. 
“Thank you, Ms ___ for taking the time to meet us, especially during the holidays. Your designs envisioned our plans perfectly… in fact they went above what we had expected of someone, well so young! We very much look forward to working with Miyoshi Concepts on this project.” 
The lead client was excitedly shaking MC’s hand as they said their goodbyes. A sense of accomplishment filled her as she smiled brightly. 
“Sir your praise means a great deal. I just hope we can live up to your expectations. And it is no problem, we at Miyoshi Concepts remained open for the holiday period and so I was more than happy to come meet with you. Please, if you have any other questions for us, do not hesitate to contact me and I will endeavour to answer them all.” 
Bowing slightly, MC smiled to the client before heading back to the hotel to collect her belongings. A successful meeting with the client meant she would finally be heading home. A thought that hastened her steps.
It did not take her long to arrive back at the hotel. Having been excited at the prospect of returning home today, MC had packed her bags readily earlier that morning.
She felt like a lovesick teenager, excited to be reunited with her boyfriend. Jeez, it has only been a week… she thought, smiling ruefully to herself. 
Still, no amount of self-exasperation made her delay hurrying to the airport ready to catch her flight. On route to the airport, MC fired off a quick email to the team, which consisted of Kunihiro, Kuranosuke, Ukyo, Shu and Eiji to let them know the meeting had been successful and the client had given her designs the green light. 
And a couple of hours later, MC had settled into her seat, and was finally on a flight home. 
It was almost 7pm by the time MC had finally gotten home. She had tried to contact Kuranosuke to let him know she had landed and was on her way home but he hadn’t responded.
MC assumed he must have been busy working overtime. A thought that only intensified upon approach to their home, shrouded in darkness. 
Upon walking through the door to their home, MC was greeted by an excitable kitten. Giggling softly, and placing her bags down on the floor, MC gently petted Haru. 
“Shh, make sure you don’t tell Kuranosuke I left my bags in the entryway for a few minutes just to pet you, otherwise he’ll fine me for breaking the rules!” MC chuckled whispering to the cat conspiratorially. 
“Idiot. If you don’t want a fine, you shouldn’t leave your things around the house” A grumble came from the direction of the bedroom. The grumble of a man who MC had thought not to be here. 
“Kuranosuke!” MC startled. Jumping up from the ground. 
Her shock didn’t matter for too long, however. It was soon forgotten about when she made eye contact with her husband for the first time in a week. A smile immediately finding its way onto her face, before she lunged herself at him. 
“Woah… hey… MC!” Kuranosuke exclaimed in surprise, flustered as he just managed to catch his wife. Yet the surprise look was soon replaced by a gentler expression. A smile full of love. As he tightened his arms around his beloved wife, he nuzzled his face into her neck, inhaling her perfume. “Welcome home”, his whisper ghosted passed MC’s neck, sending a wave of goose bumps over her skin. 
“Heh, it’s good to be home!” MC smiled, slowly releasing Kuranosuke from her embrace. 
She was just about to venture into the bedroom with her bags when a panicked Kuranosuke blocked her path. She raised an inquisitive eyebrow in his direction, even attempting sidestep around him. Yet he only forced his body between her and the bedroom door. 
“Kuranosuke? I need to go into the bedroom now… you know, so I can put my stuff away?” MC chided, still eyeing him suspiciously. 
“No. You… uh… you can’t go in there right now…” 
Interesting… her husband was never this flustered or stumbled over his words.
“And why not?” MC asked, a teasing tone to her voice. She watched a Kuranosuke visibly swallowed. He was nervous… but why?
“You… you just had a long flight, you should go take a bath! Yes, a bath! That’s a good idea. I will put your bags away for you while you relax in the bath!” Kuranosuke exclaimed, gently guiding MC into the bathroom.
When she turned to face him, Kuranosuke placed a quick peck on her lips and closed the bathroom door. MC was utterly bewildered. What had gotten into her husband? Her typically stoic, blizzard of a husband was acting out of character. And MC wanted to know why.
Ok, Kuranosuke… She thought… I’ll play your game.
A short while later, MC emerged from the bathroom with a short towel barely covering her assets. 
“Put some clothes on!” Her husband scoffed, a delightful blush teasing his cheeks.
“I would… if you had allowed me to enter the bedroom to fetch them before telling me to go bathe” MC teased. 
She enjoyed how her husband had been left flustered of her in such a state of undress. Still slightly damp from the bath. She watched as Kuranosuke eyed her up and down, deliberately. The tell-tale signs of desire evident in his eyes.
He slowly approached her. His fingertips ghosting her skin. Stroking patterns up and down her arms. It wasn’t just him who was emitting their desire. MC could feel the heat congregating in her cheeks. She could feel how her body responded to his featherlight touch. A week. It had been a week since they could touch each other, and it wasn’t taking much for her fire to begin to burn. 
“I missed you” She blurted the words out in her relaxed state. She wasn’t left with enough time to panic, thinking herself foolish for the vulnerability she had just shown. Kuranosuke tightened his hold on her.
“I missed you, too.” MC’s eyes widened in surprise. Annoyance flittered across her husband’s expression. “What? Why are you so surprised?!” Embarrassment clear in his tone.
“I thought… I thought you would ridicule me… say it was only 7 days…”
“Idiot. It was 7 days, yes. 7 days without the woman I love.” 
His eyes were filled with a fire. Neither had taken their eyes from one another since MC entered the room. The sparks between them were flying. The air was heavily charged with the sexual tension between them. 
As their lips crashed together, there was no denying the want or need in them. Tongues entwined together, hands dancing over each other’s bodies. It was obvious to MC where this was leading.
At least… it should have been.
Suddenly, Kuranosuke pulled away. They were both breathing heavily. Lust evident in their eyes. MC could see how it almost pained Kuranosuke to stop. Which was why there was a ball of concern beginning to coil inside of her. 
“Kuranosuke?” Her whisper etched with concern was barely audible. 
“Do you trust me?” Kuranosuke asked.
MC froze. What a heart rendering question to ask at such a time. Of course she trusted her husband. But his weird behaviour ever since she got home, in addition to his sudden question gave her pause. Nonetheless, she nodded decisively. 
“Good…” Her husband smiled, before slowly turning her around and covering her eyes. “You do not need to worry, I will guide you slowly.” His words breezed by her ear. The sudden loss of sight, heightened her sensitivity to touch. The affect his whisper had on her was evident in the way the hairs on the back of her neck stood up.
True to his words, he slowly guided MC. Even though she was blindfolded, she could tell the direction they headed in was the bedroom.
He had been adamant earlier this evening she could not enter the bedroom. Knowing she would finally be witnessing whatever he had been hiding, caused her heart rate to skyrocket.
The sound of the door handle turning sounded louder to MC’s ears. As they entered the room, MC was engulfed by a nostalgic aroma. Floral in smell. 
“Ok… are you ready?” Her husband’s honeyed whisper coaxed MC’s attention back to him. She nodded, suddenly both excited and nervous. 
Kuranosuke’s warm hands pulled away from her eyes, and for a moment it took her a second to readjust to the change in lighting. 
But when she did… her eyes went wide. Scanning the room in complete, and utter, awe. 
Candles were lit up along the windowsill. Hundreds of orchid petals scattered around the room, and across the bed. And finally, on the table in the corner of the bedroom, a plate of various dessert pastries just calling out to be eaten. 
“It… it’s amazing! But why?” MC turned to face her husband, who smiled sheepishly while scratching his neck.
“We couldn’t be together for the New Year… so I thought we could have our own New Year celebration tonight…” Kuranosuke murmured, suddenly seeming unsure of himself.
“I love it, Kuranosuke. Thank you! What made you scatter all those petals though? You hate mess!” MC asked, curious.
“They’re the petals of the Phalaenopsis to be exact… it symbolises happiness, vitality and longevity…” Kuranosuke explained, desperately avoiding looking into MC’s eyes. The pink blush on his cheeks matched the shade of the petals perfectly.
MC, having become slightly teary eyed at the thoughtfulness of her husband, approached him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed her lips to his. Lingering slightly before, pulling back. A slight pout formed on her husband’s lips, as she failed to continue or deepen her kiss. She chuckled at the view. A view only she, his wife, was privy to. 
“I love you, Kuranosuke.” She finally spoke the words, her lips still close to his, sending a shiver coursing through him.
“And, I love you” He replied, before colliding his lips with hers, picking up where they had left off earlier. 
This time, there was no stopping them.
When Kuranosuke ran his tongue along MC’s lips teasingly, she happily opened her lips and welcomed him inside. Their tongues twirling around each other. Enticing. Soft gasps of pleasure escaping.  
MC felt her body begin to float in the air, as Kuranosuke carried her bridle style across to their bed. The way he chucked her onto the bed, was much less elegant, but MC didn’t care. Both of their excitement was increasing, and MC could feel her husband’s desire as he pressed himself to her.
The feel of him inspired MC to roll her hips against him, luring him to her. The act receiving a grunt of gratification from her beloved, delighting her. She was suddenly in the mood to tease him.
“Wait!” She quickly placed her hands on his shoulders. Kuranosuke’s signature frown was on his face, clearly displeased at being stopped at this moment. 
“What is it?” He asked, concern knitting its way into his brows.
“What about those tasty looking desserts you got us? Don’t you think we should eat those?” She smiled at him.
She enjoyed teasing him. She believed she had the upper hand once again. Until she spotted the mischievously, naughty glint in his eyes. 
“Ah yes, those. While they do look absolutely delightful… I think I would much rather devour you first!” 
Kuranosuke began peppering her neck with biting kisses. Soothing each nip with his tongue afterwards. MC began to wonder whether he truly would devour her.
Yet that was all he needed to say for MC to know the games were over. Her husband was in beast mode, and she wasn’t going to deny their desires any longer. Neither did she want to. The truth was, she wanted him just as much as she did. A fact, both of them knew very, very well. 
The rest of the night was spent eliciting sultry moans, while tangled up in one another’s sweat glistened bodies, sharing words of love.
Their first New Year together was celebrated late. But both of them hoped, every New Year would be celebrated in much the same way. Sharing words of love, while wrapped up inside one another’s warm embrace. 
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swiftthought · 3 years
Taylor Swift's Albums in a Nutshell
Taylor Swift- The first to be released, last to be discovered. You either love it or don't care about it.
Fearless- Has love story, you belong with me and Mr. Perfectly fine. 4 Grammy wins in the same year. You will never be sure how you feel about this album.
Speak Now- Album Taylor wrote alone by herself. Straight up a murder Album. You almost feel bad about the person she is singing about.
RED- Just die out of sadness. Just PAIN. HEARTACHE. DEPRESSION. DYING. CRYING. Oh ohh I'm feeling 22. More sadness.
1989- Biggest pop album. Biggest celebration of music. 80's tunes. It's a new soundtrack. DARLING I'M NIGHTMARE DRESSED LIKE A DAYDREAM!! Is that Selena Gomez? Heartbeat. STAY!! Is every track a single? I-I-I-I shake it off. I'm in wonderland. My soul is finally clean...
Reputation- Greatest comeback in history. I'm not ready for it. Snakes. Shade. Badass. Why was IDSB not a single?. Epic. Thrilling. Holy shit the references. Best tour till this date. SHOULD'VE WON A GRAMMY.
Lover- Most of the fandom either forgets about or hates this album. Pop but not Pop. Romantic pop. Punk pop. Alternative pop. Hip hop pop. Jazz pop. Crying pop. Happy pop. I need someone who loves me pop. UNDERRATED AS HELL.
Folklore- I'm doing good I'm on some new shit. Fairytale. Bedtime stories. James, betty, augustine. The lyrics. The bridges. The start. The end. The middle. The tunes. The feels. JUST. PLAIN. PERFECTION.
Evermore- Folklore sister album. The neglected child. Magical. WHAT A SHAME SHE'S F**KED IN THE HEAD!! Peaceful. Great bridges. Little crying. Wow a country song. OH MY GOD Ted Bundy. She doesn't need your closure. Long story short I survived..
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allwaswell16 · 3 years
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This is a fic rec of my favorite Drarry fics as requested in this ask. (I'm not the most prolific Drarry fic reader, so this is very much a list curated just from what I personally have read over the years!) If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find all my other (One Direction) fic recs here. You can find my own Drarry fics here. Happy reading!
Any Instrument by dicta_contrion / @dictacontrion (E, 131k)
Draco Malfoy wouldn't go back to England for anything less than an exceptional case.
Grounds for Divorce by Tepre / @tepre (E, 122k)
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter.
Helix by Saras_Girl (E, 92k)
Seven months after the end of the war, Harry is feeling lost.
The Claiming of Grimmauld Place by @bixgirl1 (E, 74k)
When Grimmauld Place begins fighting against Harry’s ownership of it, he decides he needs help to train the historic home — but little does he expect that it’ll be Malfoy who’s most suitable for the challenge.
Embers by shiftylinguini / @shiftylinguini (E, 41k)
Werewolf Alphas aren't meant to be alone, or to suppress their ruts indefinitely like Draco has been since he was bitten eight years ago.
dirtynumbangelboy by magpie_fngrl / @magpiefngrl (E, 39k)
After Harry’s unfortunate encounter with his ex, Draco Malfoy makes him a proposition.
The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy by magpie_fngrl / @magpiefngrl (E, 37k)
Zacharias Smith writes a tell-all about the D.A. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are not happy about it.
Come Rain or Come Shine (I'm With You Always) by phdmama / @phd-mama (E, 35k)
After the war, Draco doesn't know where to go, he just knows that he can't stay in England.
Harry Potter and The Bisexual Awakening by Writcraft / @writcraft (E, 23k)
Harry is perfectly content being single, heterosexual and living in Godric's Hollow with his very clingy rescue dog, Snitch.
Phoenix Repair Services by carpemermaid / @carpemermaidtales (E, 20k)
Phoenix Repair Services — We’ll bring it back to life as if it was new!
The Frisky Furnishings of Malfoy Manor by Writcraft / @writcraft (M, 19k)
Hermione has a crafty plan, Harry and Draco are fake boyfriends and wizarding traditions have a lot to answer for.
Through the Looking Glass and What Draco Found There by magpie_fngrl / @magpiefngrl (E, 17k)
Draco discovers the Mirror of Erised is a portal and he enters an alternate reality where your deepest desires come true.
Can't Fight The Moonlight by sunsetmog / @magicalrocketships (M, 16k)
the one where Harry accidentally gets Draco pregnant, both of them fail to talk about their feelings, and in the end, there's a baby.
plasticine porters with looking-glass ties by M0stlyVoid / @bonesliketambourines (E, 15k)
Lately, Harry thinks things don’t seem the same between him and Draco.
Three Wishes by PalenDrome (E, 10k)
Draco meets his fairy godmother and is granted three wishes.
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imerdwarf · 4 years
Love At First Crash
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Summary: your car gets taken to the repair shop where you meet the man who will repair it for you.
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Pairing: Mechanic!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: flirting, mild angst, idiots in love, happy ending 🥰
Word Count: 2,128 (I AM SO SORRY)
Author's Notes: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club's Drunk Drabbles 💜 my first time writing for mechanic!Bucky, thank you so much @jobean12-blog for checking it and giving me your thoughts 💜
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It's been just a few days since you've visited the repair shop and met the owner Bucky Barnes. His charming smile made your tummy feel like you had a swarm of butterflies fluttering around inside.
His tight white tank top was pulled so tightly across his chest that his pecs could be seen. His black jeans that sculptured around his thick thighs to show off those thigh muscles, his mechanical outfit was matched perfectly with his black boots.
Your footsteps echoed off the bare concrete walls and floors as you entered the repair shop back from the back entrance. The metal shutters with a dangling chain link was rolled halfway up and a dozen of motorcycles parked next to the doors.
The distant quiet music from the digital radio did very little to quieten your footsteps. Bucky had heard you and rolled himself out from underneath your car. He smirked up when he saw you approach him.
"Hey there doll." Bucky showed off his perfect pearly whites and that was the same smile that gave you the butterfly feeling.
"Hey Bucky," you smiled back and sheepishly shoved your hands in the front of your pockets. You had originally opted to call him James, but he beefy man insisted on Bucky since his close friends and family called him by that name and James had sounded so foreign to his ears.
Bucky stood up, his biceps flexing under his movements and you couldn't stop the creeping flush. You cleared your throat and looked at your car.
"She's looking good!" Bucky's smile grew wider by how excited and happy you were.
"Yes you are," he muttered under his breath but you heard him say something. Your head snaps towards him and grin.
"What did you just say?" Bucky blushed and now it was his turn to clear his throat and rub the back of his neck, unknowingly with his greasy padded fingertips which left a black streak.
"I said she is, she won't be too long in here actually, a few more days." He wanted to exhale his sigh of relief when you nodded your head and looked back at your car.
"Great, you're the best Bucky!"
Bucky was absolutely beaming from the praise but it wasn't a lie, Bucky really was the best. He was so the best in fact that you found yourself daydreaming about the beefy mechanic days after you visited him at the shop.
You were laying on your couch listening to the birds singing outside and staring up at the white ceiling with your hands resting on your stomach thinking about that gorgeous smile of his. You loved the way his hair was always slicked back into a bun and how his shirt was always grease stained, a sign of a hard working man. You knew he was working hard to get your car back on the road as soon as possible, he kept in touch to let you know how everything was going.
You were falling for him, fast and hard. He was all you could ever think about, he was all you dreamed about and he lived rent free in your head.
Your gut clenches from the thought that realistically, he is probably in a serious long-term relationship with a much more beautiful woman, one that must make him happy because he was always in a good mood and always smiling.
Your chances of ever being with him were really slim, and it was such a bitter pill to swallow. He was just a crush and that is all he would ever be. But it didn't stop you from creating scenarios in your head with him. What your evenings would look like cuddled on the couch watching movies, listening to music or just talking to each other. What kind of food you'd cook him, would he kiss you as a compliment? In your head he does.
You wonder what it would be like to have him underne—
"Y/N!" Wanda's voice suddenly breaks through your thoughts and you blink back to reality. You mumble a response and Wanda finds you laying on the couch staring up to nothing, again, "still daydreaming about your hot boyfriend?" She teases and you scoff, sitting up to glare at her.
"He is not my boyfriend. Never was, never will be." Your face drops when you said it out loud, as though it suddenly dawned on you.
"But you have a crush on him right?" Wanda pushes and you regret ever spilling the beans to her in the first place, of course she is never going to let this go.
"No." You lied.
"Then why does he make you look so sad?" Damn it Wanda, "look, I'm not here to pressure you but my brother is back in town and we are meeting at the bar tonight! He misses you and wants to see you!"
"Bucky misses me?!" You may have zoned out again thinking about Bucky. Wanda rolls her eyes and laughs lightly.
"No! Pietro! But I'm sure Bucky does kiss you... I mean miss you!"
You smiled, great now another thing to add to your scenarios.
"What time?"
"8pm sharp! Don't be late!" She kisses your cheek in a friendly manner before skipping out of your door and leaving you alone with your thoughts. You had a few more hours to lay here and do nothing but think about him.
The bar was crowded when you arrived and you headed towards the bar to order a drink when Pietro came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You screeched out when you turned around and saw it was him, pulling him into a tight hug and keeping your hands on his forearms as he kissed your cheeks.
It might have been innocent, but from where Bucky was stood, it seemed like the two of you were an item and his heart dropped into his stomach and his mood turned sour.
He had no idea you were with Pietro, he knew him because he's a well known lawyer with a lot of successful cases under his belt so he couldn't blame you for being with someone with a clean job while he went to work everyday in a greasy repair shop.
He's only met you a dozen times but he doesn't remember you ever smiling that brightly at him when you were in his repair shop.
"You're brooding." Natasha, one of Bucky's oldest friends told him as she sipped her dry red wine. Bucky rolled his eyes and swished his beer around in his hand.
"I'm fine." Bucky scoffed and turned his angle away from Natasha.
"You're in love." Bucky again rolls his eyes and tries to ignore her. He tries to ignore you both, he tries to contain the jealousy that desperately wants to come out and say something about the way you're not even pulling away from Pietro.
"I'm leaving," Bucky tells Natasha, chugging the rest of his beer before slamming the bottle down on a nearby table, he turns to Nat and points a finger in her face, "and don't follow me."
The catch-up with Pietro was nice, it's been a few years since you've seen each other and he was telling you about his new wife when you saw Bucky storm out of the bar over his shoulder. Your eyes widened, never even noticing he was here and oh god, how this must have looked. Your heart sunk when you saw a redhead follow in his direction, that must have been his girlfriend.
Your mood to stay in the bar any longer was diminished and now all you wanted to do was go home and be by yourself.
You excused yourself from Pietro's grip and bid Wanda a quick goodnight before making a quick exit out of the bar and heading straight home.
Your thoughts kept you up the whole night. You couldn't sleep and tossed and turned throughout the cold night. You kept thinking back to the way he stormed out of the bar, if only you had seen him sooner.
Wanda entered your home early the next morning to find you already sitting up at the kitchen table nursing a hot cup of coffee. You looked exhausted and she could tell you haven't slept.
"Hey." She whispers, putting her hand on your shoulder, "are you okay?" You nod your head and sigh, not being in the mood to talk about things right now.
"I'm fine, just tired from last night." It's a lie that Wanda seems to accept for now.
"Barnes called." Wanda sighs and your head snaps up, "your car is ready to be picked up. I'll go and get it for you so you can rest." You feel upset that he couldn't or didn't want to call you but called your emergency contact instead.
"I'll be back in a bit!" Wanda leaves quickly, jumping into Pietro's car and rehearsing the conversation in her head before she confronted Bucky.
Bucky was wiping his dirty greased up fingertips on the rag he had stuffed in his back pocket when Wanda arrived with Pietro. He saw him drive off shortly after she got out and Bucky refrained from rolling his eyes.
He was probably going home to you. He thought selfishly to himself. He mustered the biggest smile he could but it didn't fool Wanda.
"Barnes, you called?"
"Yeah, Y/N's car is ready."
"And you couldn't inform her why?" Wanda queried, noting the disappointing look that swam in his eyes.
"I didn't think Pietro would like that."
Wanda bent over and held her stomach as she laughed. Bucky's eyebrows pinched together in confusion, "What's so funny?" He snapped, angry at how this whole thing was completely unfair.
"I'm sorry- it's just- it's just- oh god- Pietro is my brother and he's married." Wanda said between breaths.
This only infuriated Bucky even further, "good for him but I don't need to know how happy they are together!" He needed to chill and calm down. Jealousy was not a good look.
"He isn't married to Y/N. She's single, has a crush on you, maybe even hopelessly in love with you but that's fine if you want to-"
"She's what?" Bucky asks shocked, there's no way a pretty dame like yourself could love him. He's too basic, too plain.
"Why don't you drop me home in Y/N's car and take her car back to her yourself and you'll see what I mean." It was an offer he couldn't refuse. If Wanda wasn't pulling his leg, and you really were single, he needed to get to you before someone else did.
It's been well over an hour since Wanda left to pick up your car. In that time, you managed to take a shower to release your tense muscles, take something for the pounding headache and change into an outfit.
You were really excited to get your car back, making a promise with yourself that you'll be a lot more careful this time and try not to get into more car crashes.
You heard the engine in your driveway and you leapt towards the front door with a smile on your face, your smile growing even wider when you saw it wasn't Wanda behind the wheel, but Bucky. You couldn't put your finger on why you were so happy to see him, maybe it was a little hope he didn't hate you after all.
He got out of the car and strolled up towards you with a matching smile on his own face. His hands were in his front pockets and he looked amazing dressed in all black with a black leather jacket.
"Hi!" Your dam almost breaks, you were awake the whole night worrying about what would happen and then he didn't call you himself this morning about your car, it was easy to jump to conclusions, "I'm so happy to see you."
"Doll, I'm sorry I didn't call- my thoughts- well, I mean my feelings got in the way and I let my jealousy shine brighter than the sun." He chuckled shyly.
"Please you don't need to explain, it's me who owes you an explanation. You see, Pietro and I are—"
"No need doll. Wanda told me everything. It's a pretty warm day, Steve is covering for me back at the shop and I wondered if you'd like to head down to the beach with me?"
You grinned and looked down to your feet before looking into his eyes again, "I can make a picnic?"
"Sounds like a date!"
"A date it is."
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Taglist: @smokeybluebrooke-lyn @pinkdiamond1016 @whatrambles @bestofbucky
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stargazer-sims · 3 years
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- forty-three -
Fox could sit by the window and watch the activity of the people on the street below for hours. The family waiting room is quiet, and the sunlight pouring through the window is warm and comforting. On a typical day, he'd be perfectly content to be in a spot like this, sketchbook on his lap, drawing and daydreaming. Unfortunately, however, today is not a typical day.
He’s astonished at how quickly he’s run out of energy, despite doing almost literally nothing today so far. He hasn't even tried to propel his own wheelchair. Mrs. Suzuki pushed him around the hallways for the most part, upon discovering that Taka is terrible at it. They laughed about it, but Mrs. Suzuki had taken over because she was worried Taka would run into something. Or as she'd put it, "No good, Takahiro. You drive at the wall."
Her English isn't the greatest, but so far they've been able to communicate well enough. Equally as important as their discovery that they can make themselves understood, Fox likes her. He feels safe and comfortable with her, just as he does with Taka. She has the same calming energy as her son, but there's something else too, like an undercurrent of fortitude and assertiveness that he thinks would make her somebody one wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of. He gets the impression Keiko Suzuki doesn't suffer fools gladly, and that she wouldn't back down if she believed what she was doing or saying was right.
At the moment, she’s sitting on the end of one of the room’s cozy-looking sofas. She’d been describing her house to him, with occasional input from Taka, but she’d evidently run out of words, and the three of them lapsed into an easy silence.
It’s only when Mrs Suzuki touches the back of his hand with her fingertips that Fox realizes he’s starting to drift off.
“Fox,” she says softly, apparently doing her best not to startle him. “You looking tired. You want bed?"
He smiles. "No. No bed right now. I think Jin’s going to help me after lunch. I should try to stay up until then," he says. "I really am getting tired, though. Can we go back to my room?"
"Want me to drive?" Taka asks.
Fox laughs. "No, thanks. One injury is enough."
"But, how I can improve if I don't practice?" he teases.
"Maybe you should practice with an empty wheelchair first," Fox tells him. "I don't want to be the practice subject. It's too scary."
"You never was scared of me before."
"You never tried to push me in a wheelchair before."
Taka grins, obviously amused. "Good point. We let Mama do it, so you be safe. She's a expert."
"Yes," Fox agrees. He glances back at Mrs. Suzuki. "Can you take me to my room, please?"
She nods and stands up. "We go there. Then, Takahiro and I leave. You rest."
"Yeah, I think that's a good idea," Fox agrees.
"I have to be at work this afternoon," Taka tells him. “I help close the café tonight. That means I can't come back until tomorrow."
"It's okay," Fox says. "I'll miss you, but at least I'll have tomorrow to look forward to. This time, I'm going to trust you to do what you say you're going to."
"I always try," Taka says. "Anyway, you don't be alone all day. Maybe your father comes this afternoon."
"You're not happy about it?"
"I guess I'm just a little worried, after yesterday."
"Yesterday wasn't a good day," Taka says. "Yesterday was very stress. Today will be better for you and for him."
"I hope so."
They take the long way back. Mrs. Suzuki navigates the wheelchair, and Taka walks along beside them, holding Fox’s hand. Fox loves this, although he doesn’t say anything. He’s not certain how to explain how reassuring he finds it, and how natural and right it feels. Never mind the fact that, up to now, he could not have imagined himself casually holding hands like this with another man.
It takes more time than it should to return to his room, because Mrs. Suzuki keeps stopping to say hello to people. Remembering that she’s a retired nurse, he assumes they must be former colleagues of hers.
She confirms this herself with, “Sorry I very slow. I have big number friends here. I work here long time.”
“She used to take care of people in their homes, but she got instructions and medical stuff here every day, and sometimes she worked here with patients,” Taka explains. “I think she know mostly everybody.”
“It’s fine,” Fox says. “I don’t mind if we’re going slow. I’m not complaining.” He gives Taka’s hand a little squeeze, attempting to convey why this is the case.
Taka squeezes in return. “I don’t complain about it, too.”
Mrs. Suzuki smiles at Taka and says something to him in Japanese. He immediately starts blushing, but he doesn’t let go of Fox’s hand.
“What?” Fox asks.
Taka mumbles something that sounds like, “Three months.”
“What?” Fox says again.
“She say I’m not allowed to be too comfortable with you too fast. She say we have to wait at least three months before we get married with each other,” Taka says. “That’s how long she knew Papa before she married with him. Three months.”
“Oh,” Fox says, and now he’s blushing too. “Tell her she doesn’t need to worry about that. It’ll be longer than three months. We're not ready for marriage. I mean, you haven’t even asked me on a proper first date, yet.”
“You want me to?” Taka inquires.
“Let’s wait until I can walk again. Then we can think of somewhere we can go together.”
“Until then, I see you every day, and we learn all the things about each other,” Taka says. “And Mama is there to watch us and give us every opinions about our relationship.” He says this last bit with a playful grin at his mother, and then adds something in Japanese.
She gives him an exaggerated mock-angry frown. “You not good boy, Takahiro.”
They both laugh, and Fox soaks in the warmth and genuineness that seems to radiate from both of them. He already cares for this family, and he can imagine how much stronger and deeper his connection to them might become once he’s living with them. More than anything, he wants that. He needs it. Ever since he came to this country he’s been alone, and the loneliness had begun to wear him down. Now, he doesn’t have to worry about that. For the next couple of months, he’ll be surrounded by lovely, friendly people who seem to truly care about him and his best interests.
They’re almost at the door of his room, and Fox is seriously reconsidering his earlier claim that he didn’t want his bed. Maybe a quick nap would be good.
He’s about to ask Taka if he can find Jin or another nurse to help him when his attention is drawn away by a small commotion further down the hall. He notices it mainly because he was just thinking of Jin, and it’s the multilingual nurse’s voice he recognizes, speaking English with his distinctive New Zealand accent.
“He’s already got visitors at the moment, sir. You’ll have to wait for a bit.”
Fox’s heart sinks when he recognizes the voice of the person Jin is talking to. Dad’s tone is one of irritation as he replies, “I should be allowed to see my own son.”
“Of course,” Jin says. “When his current visitors leave.”
Dad says something else that Fox can’t quite understand. Then, a moment later, Fox sees him striding around the corner. He looks tired and unhappy, and he’s wearing the same clothes as yesterday.
So much for finding a room, Fox thinks. He probably did sleep in his rental car.
The first words out of Dad’s mouth when he sees Fox sitting just outside the door of his room are not ‘hello, how are you’. In fact, it’s Mrs. Suzuki he makes eye contact with, and he demands, “Excuse me! Who are you people, and what are you doing with my son?”
“Hello, Dad,” Fox says.
“Fox, what’s going on here?” Dad asks. “Why aren’t you in your room?”
“I was out for a tour of the orthopaedic floor with my friends,” he says. “This is Takahiro Suzuki, by the way. You talked to him on the phone yesterday. And this is Taka’s mom, Keiko. Taka, Mrs. Suzuki, this is my father, Campbell Abbottsford.”
“Your father not very good behaving in the hospital,” Mrs. Suzuki comments mildly.
Excuse me?” Dad says.
“Hospital has rules,” she tells him.
“Yes, I’m well aware of that, and I don’t believe I’m breaking any of them.”
“Dad,” Fox says, in what he expects will be a futile attempt to distract him. “How was your first night in Mt. Komorebi? Did you find the hotel?”
“How am I supposed to find anything when no one around here speaks English?”
“It is Japan,” Fox says. “People do tend to speak Japanese here, you know. Should I assume you didn’t get a room?”
“I’ll find a place today.”
It’s not lost on Fox that neither Taka nor his mother immediately offers to help. They've both been so kind to him and eager to do whatever they can to make things easier for him, but they hesitate when it comes to Dad and his predicament. He's not surprised, really. Dad's demeanour right now is enough to put anyone off.
"We can look online," Fox says.
"Anything will do," says Dad. "I'm not going to be there for long."
Fox is almost afraid to ask, "Why?"
“I found out who your doctor is," Dad informs him. "Miraculously, she seems to be British and actually speaks English. She refused to tell me anything about your injury or your treatment, but she did say you’re going to be discharged on Friday."
"I’m going to arrange our flight home for Saturday, and I'll go to the hostel and pack up your things in the meantime. We’ll get you out of here and back to someplace safe.”
“I'm safe here,” Fox says. "And my stuff is already out of the hostel. It’s at Taka’s place. Ruby’s there, too.”
“Damn,” Dad says. “I nearly forgot about Ruby. How am I going to find a vet to issue her a health certificate before Saturday?”
“You don’t have to, because Ruby and I aren’t leaving."
“You need to come home. How are you going to manage here on your own? You need your mother and me to look after you.”
“No,” Fox says. “I’m staying here... with my friends."
“You can’t,” Dad says. “You’re not able to look after yourself.”
“I know,” Fox says. “But, I’m going to stay at Mrs. Suzuki’s house. She and her husband are going to help me, and Taka’s going to take care of Ruby until I can be on my own again.”
"Fox, please be reasonable,” Dad says. “You can't just decide to stay with random people who don't even speak your language. Mommy and I already warned you that something would happen to you if you ran off like this, and now something has. What else is likely to happen if you stay with strangers? I think it'd be best if you'd—"
"No," Fox repeats, interrupting Dad in mid-sentence. He’s trembling, and he’s suddenly so anxious that it feels as if his insides are twisting themselves into knots, but he plunges ahead anyway. "Taka and his mom aren't just random people. Taka is my friend, and Mrs. Suzuki is a nurse. Nothing's going to happen to me, except... except maybe I'll get to do what I want and say what I think for a change."
For a second or two, Dad's face is completely unreadable. Fox is so close to panic that he can barely breathe, and it's only the steadying presence of Taka's hand on his shoulder that's keeping him from crumbling completely. He reaches up and puts his hand on top of Taka's, needing the extra bit of reassurance the contact provides him.
Taka presses his shoulder gently and murmurs, "You're okay."
He's not okay, but he can't find enough breath to tell Taka that.
I’m brave, I’m brave… he repeats over and over in his head, like a mantra, but it does little to prevent hot tears from leaking out of the corners of his eyes or to prevent him from shaking.
He’s upset and scared, yet in one small corner of his mind, he’s also perversely proud of himself. He didn’t think he could ever find the courage to say no to Dad, and somehow he’d done it. The aftermath is likely to be awful, but there’s no way to unsay what he’s said. Now, Dad knows what Fox wants, whether he likes it or not.
"Fox, we are not having this discussion," Dad says at last. "I think your mother and I know what's best for you."
Fox's voice comes out barely audible. "No, Dad. You don't."
Dad looks like he's about to say something else, and he starts to take a step forward. At the same moment, Mrs. Suzuki steps toward him, one hand raised in a forestalling gesture. She must've been concentrating hard to follow the conversation, but it occurs to Fox that it wouldn't require exceptional powers of observation to understand it at its most basic level. Their body language alone probably tells most of the story by itself.
Mrs. Suzuki's expression is one that broadcasts loud and clear that she isn't going to tolerate any crap. "You," she says to Dad. "No more talk. Look. He very afraid now." She gestures at Fox to emphasize her point. "This is your son. Your job to make him safe. Not make him afraid."
Dad glares. "Keeping him safe is what I'm trying to do, ma'am."
"You very bad at it," she says.
"With all due respect, this is none of your business." And then, as if he thinks she may not have understood, he says loudly and slowly. "This... is... not... your... concern."
"Yes, it's very my concern," Mrs. Suzuki says firmly. "My patient. My concern. You make him feel bad, it's my concern." She crosses her arms and juts out her chin. “I protection him.”
Dad tries to step around her, and she moves with him, keeping herself between him and Fox. Dad makes a frustrated noise. "We’re not finished dealing with this."
"Yes. We are," Fox says.
He has to let go of Taka's hand so he can lean forward and press both arms across his stomach. He's sure he's going to throw up or faint, or both.
This is not how he wanted this day to go. Everything had started out so well. He’d been feeling good and enjoying the company of his new friends, and then this had to happen. As much as he’d wanted a member of his family with him before, now he’s starting to regret ever having called them.
He gives up trying to stop himself from crying and simply sits there weakly, letting tears stream unchecked down his face.
Taka bends close to him. "Fox? You need help?"
"Y-yeah," Fox says. "I... I feel like I’m going to be sick. Can you... can you please take me into my room?"
"Yes," Taka says. "I do that. Then, I find Jin for you. He'll know what to do."
All Fox can do is nod.
Taka turns the wheelchair around carefully and then, as if he's transporting a glass sculpture, gingerly moves toward the doorway. Just as they're rolling slowly across the room's threshold, Fox hears Jin's voice in the corridor again.
"Oi! What’re you doing down here? I thought I asked you to wait."
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chimtaesty · 4 years
One Last Time
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pairing: ai!hoseok x reader / 2.7k words
warnings: angst, talks of death and illness (fluff, superficial intelligence, fluff, long lost love, futuristic)
plot: After living a long life you get the chance of seeing your long lost love again, but to a price you are willing to pay.
A/N: hi! I'm kinda active with writing and i had this idea a few days ago so i sat my ass down and wrote this in one night. I want to clarify that this au is inspired by an episode of black mirror. This made me tear up a lil while writing so I hope you like it and you'll stay tuned for more of my works
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Life has been kind to you, a daughter, two sons and a kind husband. Nothing that you wanted or worked for hasn’t not worked out the way you wanted it to. When you were twenty five you met your husband, Jinyoung. He helped you through life and helped you take care of the kids. Even the one that wasn’t his. Jihyo wasn’t his child and yet he loved her with all the love he could give her.
Jinyoung passed away about twelve years ago due to heart failure. You felt bad that you didn’t grieve like your children did, you didn’t love him like that, you never did. He was more like a best friend than a lover. A man, who died before Jihyo was born, owned your heart and he knew that.
Jung Hoseok, that was his name. Now, even though you weren’t able to move the way you wanted to, you could feel your body move to his. He was a great dancer and he loved dancing, no matter where, no matter who saw him, he danced like no one ever could. It made you feel light, oh so light. The feeling he gave you was indescribable, not a single person ever made you feel this way again.
“Mum, wake up” you hear Jaebeom's voice. Your second oldest visits when he can. You appreciate the effort. “Mum, wake up. It’s your birthday and we want to celebrate with you.” Your eyes open slower than you want and behind droopy eyes you see the faces of your children, Jaebeom, Jihyo and Youngjae. A smile plasters itself on your wrinkly face.
“My babies, what brings you here” Youngjae rolls his eyes at you as he chuckles “It’s your birthday today. We want to celebrate with you” you gasp slightly, trying to sound surprised. Of course you know, the day you were born is the same day the love of your life left this planet. “Don’t act like you don’t know. Your brain works faster than you give it credit, Mum” Jihyo laughs. You chuckle and wave her off.
“Look, Mum. We actually wanted to tell you something” Jaebeom starts and your laugh dies right there. His tone doesn’t excite you, not in the slightest. “What, honey?” your hand finds his and he assures you with a small smile “We all know how your chances of living another year stand. The cancer has spread and your body won’t withstand it any longer.” You nod, that you are going to die, pretty soon, is nothing new. You are prepared and so are your children.
“We thought about a way to make it more comfortable” Jihyo continues and your brows furrow. You talked about hospice, and you didn’t like it. Why are they bringing this up again? “Jihyo, hun. I am not going to leave the country to die.” Youngjae shakes his head and grasps your other hand. “No, mum. We are talking about a way of you getting to live forever, in peace and without pain. You might have heard of Daydream. It’s a non profit organisation which makes it possible to transfer one's consciousness to their database and to a place called Base Line. “
Your brain is running miles as soon as he starts to talk about “base line”. You know exactly what he is talking about, he used to talk about it all the time. Hoseok liked the idea of being together in eternity. “We thought about it. Since you’re not willing to die early and we all know about your undying love for a man who died a long time ago. We were able to get you a spot in daydream. They are willing to download you and give you what you craved for all these years.”
Your mind goes into panic. How can you live forever, forever in a place that Hoseok dreamed about?. How can you spend your eternity with Jinyoung when the person you so dearly love isn’t him? “Jaebeom, honey. I can’t, you don’t know what you are talking ab-”Mum we know. We’ve known for years.” Youngjae almost whispers. Your eyes snap to his and you can see the sincerity. “What?” the whisper leaves your lips, it almost sounded like a whimper, so pathetic. “We’ve known for a long time that your love wasn’t his. Dad was never the man you loved, it was Jung Hoseok, Jihyos father.”
Your eyes fill with tears. They knew, they knew everything. Secrets you kept in the deepest depths of your mind have been discovered all these years ago. Your life was a lie, everything you lived to protect was a lie. “I-I-don’t-”Mum, it’s alright. We are not angry with you.” you start to cry. A violent yelp leaves your lips as all of the thoughts, emotions, memories flood back into your mind. The pain you feel is unbearable, it makes you double over in the comfort of your bed. Youngjae holds your shaking form, whispering comforting words.
“But h-he didn’t-”He did, mum. He was able to get a spot as a beta test person almost fifty years ago. His download was saved on their server. They opened his interview file about twenty years ago and tried to contact you. His reason for joining the program was you, mum. He wanted to find a way to stay with you for the rest of eternity. Dad kept it a secret but we want you to be happy. We want you to be free of pain and live a happy life with the person you love, with Hoseok.” Youngjae sobbs.
You can’t believe it. All these years he was merely miles away. The person who made you feel how no one else could, the love of your life was a few hours away from you.
The car ride is long, almost seven hours to go, but you don’t mind. While your children call their families, read their books or listen to their music you reminisce, you reminisce about the moments you spent with him. The memories you made with him come back.
“Come on, give it a shot.” you frown, the thought of embarrassing yourself further displeases you a lot. He smiled at you with his hands out for you. His brown straight hair frames his handsome features perfectly. The softness of his skin, the lightliness of his smile and his comforting smell that coats the air. Everything makes you smile back at him.
“You know i can’t dance, i much rather watch you dancing” it makes him chuckle and his head falls back with a wide smile plastered on his face. He shakes his head and comes closer, almost too close. A step closer and you are pressed against each other, even with the step in between you, you can feel him. The warmth, the comfort and the love.
“I don’t care about your dancing skills. I want you to have fun with me. How about this, you put your feet on mine and I guide you.” a grin escapes your features and he takes it as a yes as he pushes your feet over his. “Just follow my rhythm, I’m right here, i’ll always be” you nod and lean your head on his chest. You can hear his heartbeat, the way he breathes and the way he hums the melody to stay on tact.
“That’s it baby, just like that. You’re a natural, you’ll master the wedding dance in a heartbeat” your eyes find his as his sentence reaches your ears. He would want to marry you? “Wedding dance?” you whisper and he halts his movements. His searching eyes study yours, trying to find displeasure. “Well, yes. I would love to be married to you. No one else should be by your side, not that anyone is better than me” he chuckles and you can’t help but laugh as well.
No one was ever better than you.
“Go to sleep, mum. We have one more hour to go” Jihyo whispers behind you and puts you to sleep with a gentle rub on your shoulder. Once again you reminisce in memories, in more painful ones.
“Don’t you understand where i’m coming from? Why are you so blind, i can’t have a child right now” you shout. He rubs his temples with a frown. “I’m not forcing you to have a child, I just want to know if you want to ever-in the future- have a child with me.” he shouts back at you, the tone in his voice was angry, very angry.
Your eyes are wide and wet, trenched in tears as you back away. He doesn’t care though, he is too busy throwing the next mug on the floor. “Is it me? Would you have a child with someone else because I'm such a mess? Am i not responsible enough? Am I not enough?” he shouts and throws the plate to the floor. Porcelain shatters on the wooden floor with such anger. You’ve never seen him like this, ever and it scares you.
“No, why would you not be enough?” he laughs in the midst of his emotional breakdown. “Because it damn fucking looks like it. Did you already cheat on me, huh? Is that why you’re so damn quiet?” he steers and all you see is red. You almost sprint over to him, your body finds it’s way over the tiny kitchen island like it has done it a million times, it seems so easy. Your hand connects with his cheek with such speed that you are afraid you might’ve knocked some of his teeth out.
Hot tears coat your cheeks as you try to find your words “Don’t you ever accuse me of cheating on you. I know you are angry but this is low, very low.” you whisper. His angry eyes shut and he shoves you out of his way. He grabs the car keys and almost kicks the door open
“I’ll be out for a while, don’t wait for me”
You jolt awake with a loud gasp “Don’t go” you whisper through tears. Just as you see your son in front of you, you realise that it’s not this day, the day he left you. “Mum, are you alright?” Jihyo has a hand on your shoulder in concern. You quickly wipe the tears away to hide your emotional rukus. “Look, we’re here. Right there is the facility” Youngjae points at the big building up the road. “You almost made it, mum” Jihyo beems at you. Your little girl smiles at you with such compassion. It’s something only children are able to do, look at their parents with such love, with such adoration. Having to leave them behind weighs heavy on your heart.
“Mrs. Y/LN, here you will have some time to say goodbye and talk about whatever you might want to share with your family. After you are done we will inform you about the process of downloading and what we know about Jung Hoseok.” a young lady, not older than your daughter, informs you.
All of you sit down, a heavy silence dominates the room. No one is brave enough to say something, to say goodbye. “I love you-”Mum, you don’t have to-”No, Jihyo, i have to. I want you to know. I love you all so much, and I would stay much much longer by your side, if I could.” your hand finds Youngjae’s and a shaky breath leaves his mouth “Mum” Youngjae whispers.
“I’m sorry that I won’t see you children grow up, Youngjae. I’m sorry that i won’t see you get married, Jaebeom. And I’m mostly sorry that you will never see your father, Jihyo. Hoseok would’ve been such a good father. I’m sorry that things haven’t always worked out the way I wanted them to. But I’m honored to call you my children. I’m so proud of you, of everyone of you. You made me the happiest mother there could ever be. I love you and I hope that you’ll remember me as such. Not the weak, ill woman I was the past seven years. I want you to remember me as the woman who raised you, the woman who loved to dance, the woman who was strong. Do me a favor and remember me as such.”
Jihyo sobbs against your shoulder and you let her. In merely a few moments they won’t have a mother anymore. They’ll be without the support of a lifetime, without their lifeline. Without the person who gave them shelter and love, their mother.
“We’ll always remember you as the strongest woman there ever was, as our mother” Jaebeom whispers under tears. You smile and pet his head like you used to when he was little. “I’ll miss you” “Mrs. Y/LN, the transfer is ready” you are quick to stand up. “Go, live your life. Don’t be sad for too long. Grieve and cry but afterwards you have to live. Promise me to live” you grin in pain. With a kiss to each of their faces you leave the room.
The corridor to the room the woman is bringing you seems endless. The time it takes you to get to your love seems endless. But as she sits you down on a comfortable blue chair your heart calms down.
“My name is Nayeon and I’ll inform you about the process of downloading. We’ll connect your brain to our core and transfer your consciousness to one of our memory bots. Jung Hoseok, the man you so desperately want to meet again, was downloaded on an older memory bot. He was saved on a almost twenty year old bot when we found him so we had to transfer him to one of our younger bot models to guarantee a safe connection to our station “base line” and to your memory bot. The bot wasn’t damaged in the slightest. His consciousness was copied, as for yours is being transferred, meaning that your body won’t be usable after your download. Do you understand? Do you still want to proceed?”
She puts several sensors on your head and injects a chip into your right temple for the transfer. Weirdly enough, your head is empty. You expected your head to run wild as soon as they started your transfer. “In less than two minutes you’ll go unconscious and wake up in the superficial world base line. Your bot will be securely stored and taken care of. I wish you a comfortable journey. bon voyage
You awake with a small groan as the bright sunlight burns itself into your skin. The gentle wind glides through your hair and slightly dries your eyes as you pry them open. You can smell the salty sea air and feel the rays of sunshine.
The bed you are lying in is big and comfortable, almost as comfortable as the bed you shared with Hoseok. Speaking of Hoseok, why isn’t he here? Isn’t he supposed to welcome you? Your feet find the floor as fast as possible as you run across the room. Just seconds before you dare to leave the room you catch a glimpse of the mirror facing the beach. You see yourself, not the almost seventy year old you, no, the twenty year old you. The firm skin, the still colored hair and the healthy looking body you once had faced you.
You breathlessly stumble towards the mirror to take a closer look and then, then you see him. You’re able to see the reflection of his back through the mirror. Your head whips around and you start to run. The pain, the love, all of the emotions you kept inside of you all of those years made you sprint, stumble towards him. “Hos-Hoseok!” you scream. You run with all of your strength, you hurry to the man you’ve missed so much. “God, Hoseok!” and the moment he turns around you halt. All of your limbs stop moving.
His golden skin, his beautiful face make you stop. You can’t believe that he is here, right here after all these years. “Ho-Hoseok” you manage to sobb. His face morphs into a smile as he opens his arms. “Come on, come to me, my love”
And you run again, you sprint into his arms. His warm body embraces you as you crash.
The weight pulling the both of you to the ground.
“I thought I lost you” you sobb as he strokes your hair.
“I promised you to find a way to stay by your side forever.”
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hwauas · 3 years
🕊️: "dangerous drive"
kim hongjoong (김홍중) - 2,166 words.
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     the past few hours had been more animated than your entire life. and your whole life got impacted for ever.
who could have predicted this? who could have known that being here, at this moment, would change your life?
     your arms were tightly holding this man, the one driving the motorcycle at high speed. your hair were flying behind you because of the speed. neither him nor you had time to put a shelter on. you had to go away. for a reason absolutely unknown to you.
     the truth is that you were scared of high speeds. not all type of high speeds of course — even though you weren't really comfortable in a train, it was not a problem. no. the problem was car or motorcycle going too fast on roads. this was the real problem. this was what you were scared of. and even though you were holding tightly the man driving the motorcycle, you still were scared.
     “shit, they won't leave us alone!”
you heard him screaming in anger as he sped up the pace. you tightened your hold around his waist. you didn't care if you were restraining him to breath. you needed something to hold tightly.
“there's only one way... hold on me tightly dear.~”
you cursed multiple times in your head. your eyes were already closed: you didn't want to see the whole world passing by you at a crazy speed. but you closed them harder. you were even frowning. the only things which were proving the high speed were your hair flying and the growling motor.
     the man suddenly turned to leave the highway. he was slaloming between the few cars on the road. still at a high speed. you could have had a panick attack, but something was holding you back.
as if your subconscious wanted you to keep a control on yourself. or maybe... because your body loved the feeling of the adrenaline rushing through your veins? or the feeling of powerlessness you were experiencing?
     you felt the motorcycle shaking a little bit more than before. and you could hear an another type of noise coming from the ground, under the wheels. quickly, the speed slowed down. and you eventually managed to open your eyes.
you were in a desolate place. the road was in fact a little path surrounded by trees here and there, and grass. a small hill was hiding you both from the main road. you heard the police cars and the sirens coming closer, and then going further to finally disappear.
this man outwitted them.
     you let go of the man, and got off the motorcycle. you pushed your hair back and started to walk around to calm down.
     “you're crazy! you're fucking crazy!”
you shout to him. a mix of anger and fear was growing up inside of you.
     “i'm happy to meet you too.”
the man said in a sarcastic tone. he even rolled his eyes and looked away.
     “what? are you kidding me? you little piece of- calm down, y/n, calm down...”
you tried to count in your head to try and call down. this man was literally playing with your nerves.
“you scared me! you took me and you forced me to sit on your motorcycle! and then, you drove like a crazy to escape the cops! i don't even know why they were following you! i literally faced one of my biggest fear while you were driving! or should i say while you were challenging your motorcycle's motor? and-”
     “actually both.”
the man replied with the same sarcastic tone.
but this time, a smirk you didn't like at all was spreading over his lips. you felt like he was testing you and your patience.
     “DON'T CUT ME OFF!”
you screamed in anger and came closer to him.
“and now, i'm in the ass end of nowhere because of your stupidity! and the only thing you're telling me is that you're happy to meet me?”
     “damn, you're pretty savage.”
he pushed his hair back, and turned over to face you.
“i guess you would have preferred to stay there, where you could have been killed?”
you stayed quiet in front of him and his answer. you couldn't do anything. he was right.
“huh? tell me, i'm listening? or maybe the little savage girl/boy is speechless now? did she/he lose her/his tongue?”
     “i'm sorry. i didn't think about that.”
you looked down to your feet, feeling a little bit sorry and awkward.
     “good. i prefer that. because i don't really want innocent people to die in the middle of a gunfire.”
he sat again on his motorcycle, ready to ride away from here.
“now come and sit or i leave without you.”
     you looked up to him. you were playing with your fingers, trying to control your nervousness.
“about this gunfire... why did it happen? why were you involved in this gunfire?”
     “damn, we met each other not even thirty minutes ago. is it usual for you to be this.. intrusive in other's lives?”
he was looking deep into your eyes with a deadly gaze.
     “for you information, mister blonde guy. i was in the middle of this gunfire too. even though i didn't choose it. so i have to know something about it!”
you tried to build you more impressive in front of him to try and have informations. but it failed.
     “come. and. sit.”
to push you to come, he spinned the handle to speed up. the motor growled.
“come on an y/n. or i leave without you. last warning.”
     you sprinted to sit behind him again. you didn't want to take the risk to be here, alone, without him.
     “this gunfire... it's because they trapped me. these bastards.”
he waited for you to be a little more comfortable and ready, and then started to drive away.
once again, even though he weren't driving that fast, you were holding on him tightly.
     “S-SK. the mafia band. i'm sure they warned the cops i'll be here. when i saw them, i escaped. one of S-SK started the gunfire. cops heard it, and of course, they shoot back. happy to know that?”
     you were daydreaming, thinking about what he just told you. you have been involved into a mafia thing. and you couldn't think properly.
you always hated this. but in an another hand, even though you've been involved in this, you've been saved by someone linked to mafia things. you were almost rethinking your opinion on this.
     “y/n! you don't listen when we're talking to you?”
he even beeped to catch your attention.
     “sorry! i was daydreaming.”
     “no shit, Sherlock.”
the man drove into the highway again, going back to the city.
“i was asking for you address? to drive you back home?”
     you nodded, and gave him your address and some indications about the surroundings to be more precise.
“thank you.. hum..?”
     “Hongjoong. you're welcome.”
     the ride was quiet. none of you talked. but the atmosphere was less tensed now he was less angry. you were less scared for your life to hold this tightly on him. and even his muscles felt less contracted than they were before.
     when you reached the town again, Hongjoong turned and turned again in the streets, until your district. but then, you both heard voices screaming 'they're here!' and deep inside you, you knew they were talking about you.
Hongjoong sped up to try and tricked them. when you both were far enough from them, he quickly stopped the motorcycle and urged you to get off.
     “come here!”
he took your hand and ran with you through the dark streets — the street lights were bright enough just to see few meters away, that's all. there was more shadow between each street lamps' light halo than light.
     Hongjoong brought you into a dark alley. to be sure you would both fit in the darkness of the alley, and the shadow, he pushed you against a wall, and didn't hesitate to come against you. he was blocking you with his whole body. his arms on each side of your head. and his whole body against yours.
     you felt like you were burning inside of you. even though you didn't paid too much intention of his face, you couldn't deny the fact he was charismatic. and he was now against you. was it even real? was it even the truth?
    you were looking right in front of you. your eyes were wide open. you noticed his body's proportions. his large shoulders but his marked and thin waist to contrast. his developped chest: his pectorals' lines perfectly visible through his shirt, his collarbones visible through the collar. not to mention his Adam's apple on his throat.
     you were in awe. and this moment could have last for hours, you wouldn't have complain. but Hongjoong went away when the footsteps were not hearable anymore.
     “they're not here anymore. let's go to your place, quickly.”
he grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the alley. you barely had time to realise what happenned, and to process where you were now. you've been just too unsettled.
     you followed him. you had no other choices anyways since he was still holding your wrist. but why was he still holding your wrist? you had no idea. but you were enjoying the touch. his hold wasn't tight at all, just enough for your wrist to stay in his hand. his warmth was relaxing. and his skin felt soft.
under the armour, there was someone totally different. a tender heart and soul.
     once you reached your place, he let go of your wrist, and turned over to face you.
     “this is where our paths seperate.”
he put both his hands in his pockets, waiting for you to go back home so he can leave.
     “i guess so...”
you looked down to your feet again. you felt nervous. should you ask why he walked you home? what his reaction would be? will it be disappointing for you?
     “oh please just tell whatever you want already.”
Hongjoong sighed. he was looking at your petite form in front of him.
     “but! i'm nervous! stop!”
     “nervous? after you shoot at me? after you called me crazy? after you were about to call me piece of shit? nothing to be nervous of. go ahead.”
he was right. after all, it wasn't that horrible. you handled his anger pretty well.
“i wondered why you walked me home? you could have let me come back home alone, and just.. ride your bike again to go wherever you want.”
he giggled at your question. it was cute, but you understood he was making fun of you.
“after they saw you? they would have follow you and maybe kill you. i don't wanna be linked to a murder case, if you know what i mean.”
he shrugged and looked away.
“i didn't want anything to happen to you.”
     you stayed quiet. you were blushing. first, you were quite sensitive and needed nothing to blush. but with this man, it was worse. anything, absolutely anything, could get you blushing. you were just weak. and it was a fact.
     “now go home. and sleep. forget about this.”
Hongjoong mentionned your front door with his chin, and walked away.
     without thinking twice, you grabbed his arm. you didn't want him to go away now.
he turned over to look at you. he raised an eyebrow because of the surprise.
     “you know the address now... can you.. pick me up.. someday..?”
your face couldn't be more red than now. even a tomato was less red than you. but hopefully, the darkness was hiding your state.
     “babygirl/babyboy already like the taste of the danger i see?”
of course he would play with you. it was the perfect opportunity to satisfy his ego.
     “shut up and answer.”
you were still looking away. but you were losing hope. didn't he answer because it was a no? and he didn't want to tell you? but you felt like he was the type to say the truth, no matter how hurtful it is. you were just lost and hopeless.
     “i'll pick you up tomorrow at night. at 8. be ready. not a single minute more.”
he removed his arm from your hold.
“usually.. i don't like people who shoot at me, call me names, or dare to be, you know... savage. but you. it's different. you're adorable when you're angry.”
he smiled, showing off his perfect teeth.
     you were too shy to answer something. and he was already leaving.
you stayed here to look at him until he disappeared in the corner of the street. you entered your own house after, and locked yourself up in it.
resting your back against your door, you sighed with a bright smile. it was a very light sigh. the one you make in happiness.
     tomorrow, you'll be seeing Hongjoong. again.
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roughentumble · 3 years
I'm almost afraid to ask...
What are your werewolf au ideas?
GSHBDKSND oh its not horny or anything its just like. kind of angsty, but like, in that way where sometimes angsty daydreams are fun, you know?? like
ok its like a geraskier thing cuz im a one trick pony, but basically geralt gets cursed, three nights a month he goes all wolfy. he's an intelligent werewolf with pretty great self control, BUT he's like, ridiculously worried that he's gonna snap and hurt people. (he's not, but, you know, he's had to put down werewolves for that before, and he's not a man with a lot of faith in himself, So.)
uhhhh i cant remember how jaskier finds out tbqh, but after traveling together a while, it comes to light, and jaskier is of course very "its just you, im not scared, and im not judging you." they hang out, they figure things out, and geralt starts to relax.
so all the time he's been cursed, he hasnt gone back to kaer morhen-- its only been a year or two, but still. he feels like they'd know right away, he's worried they'd just put him down, he doesnt think they should get used to "monsters in the keep", he just feels Real Bad about it, but jaskier convinces him that this is his family, they'd understand, and they must miss him.
geralt agrees, eventually, goes up to kaer morhen with jaskier in tow.
but once they get there, he just... totally refuses to explain anything. none of the other witchers have sussed out that something's wrong(other than jaskier's hushed whispering about how geralt should "just tell them, they'd understand")
geralt's genius solution is, he'll just sleep outside three nights a month, he'll bring blankets and his fur will protect him. jaskier doesnt like it, but he's not about to tell geralt's secret, and he cant bodily drag a werewolf inside, so. his only condition is that he gets to sit outside with geralt for a bit, cuddle with him n' such. their excuse is that theyre gross love birds who are going out for moonlight picnics. everyone buys this, partially because its sort of true, partially cuz no one wants to walk in(or out) on them fucking.
it actually works the first trio of nights, to jaskier's surprise, but the 4th night they try they arent so lucky-- they forget something inside(a bottle of wine, a blanket, who knows) and eskel is like "i'll fall on my sword, be the one to bring it out to the happy couple". he steps outside, and what does he see?
a gigantic werewolf pinning jaskier to the ground.
bit of a frenzy after that, eskel attacking and shouting for backup, trying to keep the werewolf in sight while also looking for geralt, getting between the monster and jaskier while jaskier shouts-- eventually jaskier gets through to him though. thats geralt, dont hurt him, its geralt.
geralt isnt saying anything though(despite the fact he's perfectly capable of it, even transformed), and eskel sortve misunderstands. doesnt really get that this has been a long-term affliction, and assumes this is the first transformation. so with geralt not responding, eskel says "not right now it isnt," and gets his hands on one of the training blades they keep in the courtyard.
more chaos-- everyone's outside now, jaskier is absolutely not having any of it but also three grown witchers versus one bard isnt much of a fight, no one's listening to him, and geralt's just pinning himself against the wall like a prey animal and not saying anything.
jaskier proves just enough of a distraction that geralt manages to hop a wall, takes off into the woods. jaskier is calling after him, while the three remaining witchers each make a gameplan(STILL not listening to jask). after a moment, jaskier darts and weaves and makes it just out of their grasp, so they've got a werewolf AND a bard loose in the woods in the dead of both night and winter, which. Bad.
eskel goes after geralt, vesemir stays behind because they need someone in the keep, and lambert's on bard wrangling duty. lambert doesnt have much trouble finding jaskier, but he does have trouble keeping a hold on him, because he's worried about breaking his tiny human limbs(and also he's wearing a lot of thick layers, which he has no compunctions about ripping to shreds to get out of lambert's grip.) he loses a boot and a sleeve to the ongoing tussle, as he keeps slipping out and darting away. lambert even tries axii, but the biggest trick to getting out of axii is just training a lot to resist it, so geralt and him'd run through that a long time ago, so his response is to go fake-limp, then kick lambert in the dick and run off into the night with one shoe.
lambert is extremely annoyed. its not jaskier's best plan.
he finds the cave that geralt had backed himself into by some miracle, and also because eskel'd made no efforts to hide his tracks and there are currently shouts coming from the cave. jaskier gets himself inbetween the two of them and refuses to budge. geralt's still pulling the silent routine, ears pinned back, looking like a kicked dog, and eskel's trying to coax jaskier away from the "monster".
lambert comes bursting in as well, pissed and sore, but stays near the entrance, the four of them locked in a sort of stalemate. the three of them argue about what to do, but jaskier is shivering because of his wrecked coat. eventually geralt breaks his silence to rumble out a worried "yourrr fingerrrs..."
(werewolves roll their 'r's in tw3. dont ask me why, just go with it.)
eskel and lambert are stunned into silence, and jaskier is immediately turning towards geralt, letting him fret and dote on him. slips his arm inside his jacket so his fingers dont fall off-- lets geralt wrap a giant, warm paw around his foot to get some heat back into it.
lambert's like "wait, so you CAN fucking talk?????"
it all got escalated way out of hand, partially because of eskel's reaction, but also because geralt was too ashamed to stand up for himself-- thought maybe they were a little bit right. was basically just going to curl up and let it happen, which he admits with some gentle prodding, and leaves eskel looking sick.
jaskier, though, is absolutely nuclear levels of pissed, because he was explaining everything, even how he'd known for months, and that geralt was perfectly safe to be around, but all the non werewolf witchers were just tuning him out. and geralt nearly died because of it. so he's, like-- he's unspeakably angry at all three of them.
eventually, they do all four make their way back to the keep(geralt carrying jaskier cuz he's still missing a boot), and explain everything one more time for vesemir. everyone looks pretty ragged, because it was a lot of drama very suddenly late at night.
geralt still hesitates in the doorway of the main hall, says he'll make the keep smell like monsters, that it's dangerous, but jaskier just gently encourages him inside and they curl up together in front of the hearth, nice and warm.
from there its little bits and pieces of geralt showing his werewolfy-er side, like dragging in a deer one night to devour raw by the fire. (he looks bashful about it, but jaskier insists its a part of their routine on the road, helps geralt clean his muzzle afterword.) and jaskier slowly encouraging geralt to relax, come deeper into the keep, curl up in a real bed.
jaskier gets less mad, but never quite gets over the fact that geralt's family proved his fears right. geralt gets less ashamed, but never fully sheds his anxieties about being allowed inside. everyone else gets less tense, but never quite sheds the shame of nearly killing their brother in arms while he was fully cognizant-- or quite comfortable with a "monster in the keep". it's still their first winter, tho, so with any luck things will someday get smoothed out.
[the porny ending is that geralt knots all three of them and this wildly smooths over any remaining tensions, but thats just a little fun off-shoot, not the Official Daydream Ending]
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
A Little Piece of Art
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The art gallery had always been one of Shawn's favourite places, he loved the colours, the textures, even the smell of the freshly painted canvases.
During his residency year of Emergency Medicine this love, had become something more, something sacred. His weekly visits to the local art galleries were the only chance he got to 'just be'. He found something so comforting in the way the colours melded together forming any number of unique patterns, the colours quietly, but boldly expressing the many emotions with fuelled the artist's work.
Maybe it was this that he connected with the most? Life as a medical resident was hectic, always ruled, by other people's, needs, wants, emotions, there never seemed to be time to address your own wants and needs. But time, at the art gallery, Shawn found, gave him an escape, a way to wonder off into a world of bright unchecked colour and vibrancy, away from the harsh unrelenting realities of people's all too often life-threatening and life-changing injuries, away from everything an everyone. Well everyone except one person that was.
He'd first met Auburn three years ago, it was a chance encounter, he wasn't meant to walk into that particular little gallery , and she wasn't meant to working that day, but as fate had it she was and he did.
They'd striked up a friendship fairly quickly, a mutual interest and respect for the works of art and the artist's behind them fuelled many hours of conversation. There had always been an unspoken, but undeniable chemistry between the two of them, but Shawn was busy with work and didn't want to drag someone else into that mess, and Auburn was just too shy to ask
When Shawn found out that Auburn was single, he was shocked. She was gorgeous, with long platinum blonde straight hair and the perfect figure, yet up close she had just the right amount of freckles scattered over the bridge of her nose, breaking the facade of perfection.
Auburn had been equally as confused when Shawn admitted that he too was single. She could understand the reasoning behind it, with a busy job and other commitments including a family that lived out of state, she couldn't however get over, but Shawn was gorgeous like some Greek God doctor-model who had just made his way from the runway and into her gallery. He was tall and lean, but muscular with tattoos scattering his hands and arms, deep brown eyes which seemed to reach your soul with the barest glace and a mop of perfectly kept brown curls- always tamed by hair product which Auburn longed to run her fingers through.
Two years and much flirting later and Shawn had finally gotten up the courage to ask her out l, to which she immediately agreed. He'd taken her to one of his favourite restaurants for dinner and they're talked for hours as if they'd known one another for a lifetime. Shawn told her about his hobbies, medicine was number one for which Auburn admired him for following his passions, closely followed by the guitar and ice hockey, not to mention family, he loved his family, Auburn found this to be an immediate turn-on as she too was close to her family although she couldn't get to see them as often as she liked l, they were across country and an art gallerist's wages certainly did not cover the cost of the ticket.
She found herself telling him all her most embarrassing stories from grade school when she's tripped and fallen into a muddy puddle bigger than she was in front of her entire class, and all about the time she'd been left to sit outside the movie theatre in 8th grade for two hours waiting for a date that would never show.
Shawn was furious at this, exclaiming that he would never do that to a girl, and anyone who would, was a coward, before downing the rest of his Tequila.
Admittedly by then they were both a little drunk and high on life and the presence of each other
When the evening ended Shawn walked Auburn home like the gentleman he was,turning to leave her and she made it to the doorstep, but something in him made him turn around causing him to crash into her body with the force of a truck as she too made her way to him. The two sharing a heated kiss before Auburn turned head down to hide the raging blush and wide smile that lit up her face and made her way inside.
From that moment the two had been inseperable, with Auburn moving into Shawn's condo- a far cry from the crusty old place she'd rented when she first got the city.
They'd done the whole meeting each other's families, both feeling completely at home and welcome, before a year later getting the happy news that they were expecting.
Auburn had been feeling off for over a week when Shawn finally convinced her to go to the doctors and get a blood drawn, a million things flying through his head as to what it might be.
The pregnancy news had completely shocked them both, but as they had sat there together staring down at the piece of paper stating the cause of all her sickness, irritability and hunger there was no denying that it was right.
They were over the moon, elated at the idea of being parents with Shawn referring to the baby as he laid his hands on her stomach as "Their happy little ancient!"
To say that Shawn was protective was an understatement a helicopter parent (to be) might be more apt Auburn thought as Shawn handed her what fleet like her tens of pills as she ate her breakfast before rushing from the room only half dressed to finish getting ready for work which now that he was finished residency (and at the top of his class, which Auburn loved to brag to her friends about) was a local hospital where he was working.
The day started normally, Auburn went off to the gallery to start her day l, daydreaming of seeing Shawn who'd been away on training for the last little bit.
Somewhere in this perfect daydream, everything came crashing down. The last thing Auburn was aware of was the screech of tyres and the immense, unstoppable feeling of pain.
"Dr Craigen,we need you in triage one." Brian's nurse Amy spoke as she came skidding into the room.
"Can it wait?"  He asked looking up briefly from the hand of a young girl he was suturing after she was bitten by a dog.
"No, it can't." He could hear the tension in her voice,  so he stood removing his gloves,  and paging another doctor to take care of the girl before following her out.
"What is it? Who?"  He asked as Amy all but ran through the corridor. His question was cut short as they reached the bay in question.
"Just stay still! For God sake, you don't have a choice." He couldn't see the patient's face from outside the door,  but he could see that two nurses and an intern were currently trying to restrain her,  against her will.
"What on earth do you think youre doing Doctor Tanaran?"  Brian asked as he grabbed a pair of gloves and stepped into the room. The intern stepped back from the patient, turning to look at him.
"We need to get an I.V. in her,  but she's not cooperating," he responded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Brian?" The person on the bed asked. He recognised the voice immediately and sure enough as he stepped around to the other side of the bed,  there lay Auburn  a close personal friend, someone who he considered to be like a sister, and the girlfriend of one of his best friends, Dr. Shawn Mendes.
She was almost unrecognisable, bloodied,  and bruised,  tears flooding her face and falling into the linen of the bed staining it a muddy brown as they mixed with the blood flowing from a nasty looking gash on her head,  an oxygen mask laying forgotten beside her.
"Auburn?" he asked finally making eye contact, before looking up to find that she had not even been attached to any monitors yet.
"Everyone get your hands off the patient, now."  he stared poignantly at the intern that who still had his hands on her.
"She just wouldn't cooperate." he grumbled as he stepped back.
Brian saw red at that, turning to glare before speaking.
"Have you thought about why the patient might be uncooperative?  Have you even bothered to ask?"  I questioned folding my arms across my chest.
He looked down at the floor,  but didn't answer. "Didn't think so.  So not only have you terrified an already distressed patient,  but you've assaulted the girlfriend of Dr. Shawn Mendes,  head of this ER."
His head snapped up at this,  a look of shear panic on his face.
"Dr. Craigen I didn't think-"
"That's right,"  he interrupted.  "The same way you haven't thought the three other times I've had to speak to you over the duration of your time here so far.
Get out of this room,  and go and tell your resident that I don't want you on my service anymore.  Oh and Tanaran," Brian called as the man made his way for the exit.  "If I ever see or hear you do something like that ever again,  I will personally make sure you're pulled from this program."
He sighed and turned around to see Auburn smiling softly.
"Thanks Bri"  she spoke softly, very dazed,reaching her hand out for him to take. Somewhat restricted by the board and collar she had been placed on for spinal management.
"No problem hon. He's got an attitude that one.
So I'm just going to start slowly okay.  I'm just going to hook you up to some monitors so that we can check you're heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen. Can I see the chart please? " he asked one of the nurses that was stood meekly in the corner.
"Yes Doctor," she responded before leaving and returning a minute later with the relevant information.
"Okay so it says here,  that apart from that gash on your forehead and a fracture to your arm you have  some fractured ribs, a suspected bruised spleen and a dislocated ankle as well as possible spinal injuries," he listed off as he took in the notes from the Emergency Services.
"They only got half way through checking her." the other nurse  responded. Brian nodded, before placing the chart in the holder at the end of the bed,  and returning to Auburn's side. He picked up her hand gently to check her pulse,  watching as her eyes fluttered,  drooping slightly.
"Auburn, I need you to try and stay awake for me," he spoke, tapping her check softly, moving to check her focal response with his pen light and finding that she had a fairly moderate concussion.
She let out a small groan,  but managed to open her eyes, watching me tiredly.
"That's it," he praised. " smiling before grabbing his stethoscope from around his neck and resting it to her chest.
"Deep breathes," he asked quietly. She did as asked, but it was obvious from the way she was wincing every time she inhaled that she was in pain.
"It hurts and I want Shawn." she cried.
"I know you do hon. We'll get him here soon," he promised, paging one of his nurses to go and find him.
"How bad is your pain one to ten?' he asked,  watching her closely.
"Eight " she answered.
"Okay I'm going to help ease some of that okay. " he spoke resting the I.V.tray that the previous doctor had set up next to the bed.
"Tell me what you remember? " he asked, trying to keep her talking.
"I was just crossing the street,  and a car came out of nowhere. I don't know what happend. I was coming to see Shawn." she added.
"I'm sorry Auburn. " He really did feel sorry for her,  not only as a doctor, but as a friend.  She and Shawn had barely gotten to see one another the last few weeks, and now this. 
"They didn't even stop to help me! " She cried, more tears trailing down her face. He felt so sorry for her, and sick at the thought of how Shawn might react. He just hoped Shawn was able to stay calm,  for both of their sakes.
"Small scratch." he warned, inserting the line, and getting her started on some much needed fluids and pain relief. She flinched a little,  but didn't pull away. "Okay, so I'm going to get Dave to come and  help me with a spinal exam,  and he should also be able to determine if we need x-rays for these breaks okay" he explained gently,trying not to scare her.
She looked worried at the mention of x-rays,  but he just assumed it was due to her being clastrophobic,  as she didn't say anymore on the subject.
He walked out of the room, quietly closing the door after me, and made my way to the nurses station where I found Dave helping a nurse. As an Orthopedic doctor he was often called down for consults, so it was common to find him here.
"Dave, do you mind helping me for a second mate?" he asked, before coming to stand next to him waiting as he finished his conversation.
"Yeah what is it?" he asked as Brian handed him Auburn's chart.
"Auburn?" He asked disbelief clear in his tone,  eyebrows raised in confusion. "Auburn as in Shawn's Auburn.What happend?
"Hit and run." he answered. Causing Dave to wince in sympathy. "They didn't even stop!"
"Has anyone gotten a hold of Shawn?" He asked, shaking his head as they made their way to the door of Auburn's room.
"Yeah, but she's quite distressed obviously,  so I'm just taking it really slowly. At least until Shawn gets here, unless something is absolutely vital," he told him. Dave nodded before opening the door, and greeting Auburn with a bright smile.
"Hi Auburn, Bri told me you got in a fight with a car?" He asked, causing her to smile faintly.
"What have we got so far?" he asked.
"Large laceration on the forehead and a fracture to the left  arm, some fractured ribs, a suspected bruised spleen and a dislocated right ankle as well as possible spinal injuries, she is also complaining of chest pain." Brian added as he hummed at the growing list of ailments.
"Auburn are you having any trouble breathing? " he asked, she nodded letting him listen to her breathing as Brian had. The room was quiet for a few moments except for the beeping of the machines as he moved the stethoscope around her chest, before stepping back with a sigh.
"Slightly muffled left side," he agreed, glancing to the monitors,  a look of concern on his face.
"It'll need to get an x-ray,  and maybe an ultrasound." Brian nodded, adding,
"I'd also like to get some CTs of the head just to be sure there is no underlying bleeding. Is it okay if we give you some oxygen?" he asked wanting to up her saturation, especially given her breathing troubles.
She made a small jerk of the head in the affirmative,  allowing him to place the mask that had lay beside her back on her face.
"Any other pain?" Dave asked lifting the blanket to assess the damage to her lower extremities, she took a few shaky breaths.
"Just my ankle."
" Okay,we just need to turn you and have a feel of your spine. Before we do, anything else, as we don't want to aggregate anything." Dave explained coming back to stand at the head of the bed. "All you need to tell me is if you feel anything sore."
She hummed in resonse,  unable to nod due to the collar.
"On three, one,two,three. " Brian spoke before rolling her and holding her steady.
"Any tenderness?" Dave asked as he made his way down her spine, gently feeling for abnormalities.
"No." she answered innnediately.
"Wiggled your toes for me?" he asked as he went to stand by the end of the bed again. She did so,  causing them both to breathe a sigh of relief.
Five minutes later and Dave l had decided that x- rays were necessary, due to the precarious nature of the fractures in her arm and ankle and that the fractured ribs did need further investigation, however that no spinal damage had been done,  meaning she could be removed from the collar and brace.
"Where's Shawn?"  She asked, again as they went about removing the neck brace. Brian was starting to wonder what was taking the nurse so long himself.
I hadn't been able to focus all day, it was my first day back after being away at a two week trauma conference,and also the first time I would be able to see Auburn and the baby since she was meeting me at work. I sighed as I tried yet again to focus on the swirling numbers of the department's budget on the screen in front of me.
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock.  "Dr. Mendes you're needed down in triage. Urgently." A nurse spoke,making me stand and follow her immediately.
-Third Person-
"He's on his way now hon, but we really should get you up to x-rays okay." Dave spoke, going to start moving the bed.
"Not not until Shawn is here," she begged, catching his hand and stopping him. Seconds later, and Shawn ran through the door, eyes wide as he took in the site of me.
"Auburn, baby,what happend?" he asked, leaning down and gently stroking her head, careful of the cut.
"They didn't stop!A car!" She cried a fresh batch of tears starting.
Shawn was pretty calm considering the situation, Auburn however was not, Brian could see from the monitor that her heart rate was spiking and he tipped his head to Shawn, indicating for him to do something.
"Try and slow your breathing honey," he encouraged softly as it spiked to about 130 when it had previously been sitting about 110. She managed to slow it a little, Shawn not saying anything,  merely cupping her face gently and kissing her head.
"Shawn, " Daves spoke,  "we really need to get her to x-ray. She has broken ribs, we need to determine how bad."
"No, no x-ray," she interrupted again.
"Sweetheart, you'll be fine,  I promise. " he spoke,  stroking her hand softly.
"It's not that." She answered, looking away.
"Then what?" Dave asked looking to Shawn.
"I'm pregnant," she whispered. "We found out two weeks ago. We wanted to keep it a surprise."
"Someone get Connor down here," Shawn ordered almost too calmly.
Dave and Brian shared a worried look, if she was pregnant,  there was a possibility that something may have effected the baby.
"Page Connor." Dave mumbled to Brian.
"I've already done it ,he's on his way." Briam tried to reassure him, hoping that he would calm a little at the fact that the best ObGyn was going to be consulting.
"No what if something's wrong? " Auburnpanicked,  catching on.
"Auburn you need the ultrasound," Shawn spoke firmly.
Her lip wobbled a little causing Shawn to soften his tone a little.  "I'm sorry babe,  I'm just worried about you. And you need the x-rays," he added.
"Auburn, you need to understand that while normally we wouldn't use x-ray, in this instance it's important,  we won't have a healthy baby,  unless it's mummy is healthy too yeah? " Dave explained gently.
  "O-okay," she agreed reluctantly.
"I think we can however forgo the CT, given that you've been alert the whole time. " Brian spoke earning a smile from her.
"But you won't be allowed to sleep for the next few hours and even once you can we'll need to wake you every hour, on the hour," Dave warned.
Just as we were about to start moving up to radiology having unhooked the bed Connor arrived.
"Sorry I came down as fast as I could," he apologised "Hi Auburn," he smiled as he came over to the side of the bed.
"So you found out you were pregnant two weeks ago?" he asked. She nodded.  "And everything has been normal so far? No bleeding?
"No." She answered, nervously, causing Shawn to squeeze her hand a little.
"Okay then, I'm just going to pull your gown up."  he did so before reaching for the gel. That was housed next to the portable ultrasound machine that we always kept in the triage bays. They were smaller, and less powerful, but still useful in situations like this. "This will be a little cold," he spoke before placing the gel on her stomach. The room was silent, everyone waiting with baited breath, Auburn with her eyes shut. Connor hit a button on the machine and the room was filled with a rhythmic thumping.
"What's that?" her eyes snapping open to met his.
"Congratulations Auburn, that is your baby's heart beat. Junior seems very happy,  very strong heart rate at 150 beats per minute." Connor smiled. 
" Oh my God!" she cried reaching up to hug Shawn, before sharing a kiss.
"Judging by the size, bubby's just gone 12 weeks," Connor added, pointing out the measurements on the screen.
Everyone's faces were the same- all smiling from ear to ear.
"Do you want a copy of the scan?" Connor asked.
"Hell yeah!" Shawn agreed making Leah laugh. "This is going on the fridge."
Twenty minutes later, and we had all gone down to radiology, Shawn not having left her side. A permanent smile etched on his face.
"Just stay still for me Auburn." Dave asked,adjusting her leg to get the right image.
Once that was done, and it was determined that nothing needed surgery she was taken back up to a more private room, and Dave set about casting her.
"This will feel a little funny, but it won't hurt now." He reassured her as she became a little fidgety,  giving her some laughing gas and upping her pain meds slightly.
It was then Brian's turn to stitch up the wounds on her head, something which should have been very straight forward, but she was terrified,  having all but jumped (or gotten as far,which wasn't very) into Shawn's arms.
"It won't hurt Princess, Brian will numb you up good okay?" he spoke, sitting next to her, while Brian sat on a rolly chair by her head, Dave next to Shawn.
She nodded.
"You're being so brave Princess," Shawn encouraged as she clung to his hand.
"Have you thought of any names for the baby?" Connor asked from where he sat in the corner working, having left briefly while they were at radiology and then returned, wanting to be here for support. Something which Shawn was grateful for.
An hour later and they were officially off shift, but  had all taken up residency in Auburn's room,  wanting to keep an eye on her, as she was a part of the family. They all sat quietly doing paper work,  as she rested, fast asleep now that we have deemed it safe.
"How are you feeling Shawn?" Brian asked, looking up to find Shawn watching her.
"I don't know, I have never felt so many emotions in one day!" he laughed, before Auburn broke the silence with a small moan.
" I'm cold," she mumbled,  "And sore," she added, visibly shivering.
"Here,  budge up." Shane spoke, helping her to move over,  before getting into the small bed again.
Connor got up to adjust the pain meds and check her vitals. However she didn't settle.  "What's wrong Poppet?" Shawn asked. Sometimes the meds could make patients a little agitated.
"I want to have a bath,  I feel gross,  and you smell different. " she grumbled,  her nose wrinkling. Shawn looked up at Connor and Brian,all laughing.
"How much of the stuff did you give her?
"I'm serious." she pouted, swotting Shawn's shoulder. "I don't like the smell of the scrubs. It doesn't smell like you."
"How 'bout this?" he asked bending down to reach for his bag, and grabbing a hoodie.
"Much better," she spoke,  nuzzling her head into him.
"Now I'll help give you a pat down with a cloth if you want?" he offered. You can't really have a proper bath yet cause of all the wiring and your cast."
She nodded
"Just sit up slowly okay. You might feel a little dizzy." Brian warned, standing up to help too.
  Connor went ahead to start the water for her while Dave came to help move the wiring as they supported her to hop to the bathroom. Eventually Shawn just picked her up,being extra careful of her ribs, holding her under her shoulders instead,and cradling her somewhat like an infant.
Half hour later, and Shawn had successful sponge bathed her, the rest of the group having gone back to their work while they waited.
"Get some rest Princess,you've got a little piece of art growing in there, you and Jellybean need it, he whispered as he placed her back in bed, rubbing her stomach softly.
"Love you," she whispered, already half asleep.
"Love you more," he replied kissing her head, they all shared a smile, because at that moment, all was right with the world.
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