#i'm so dead tomorrow xD
piracytheorist · 10 months
Episode 33 reaction!
*incoherent screaming*
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Yor talks about how they'll just put them in that inflatable boat and then go to the other ship, but would that really work with the amount of assassins on board? All they'd need to do would be fire with a sniper while the trio were boarding.
Anyway. Caught by the smell, after all. And indeed Yor doesn't seem to have a scent that super-smeller Turtleneck Guy can pick up. Interesting!
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I love how Anya didn't even have to negotiate this. She wasn't even direct about it.
Also, it looks like Anya got a little more comfortable hearing a myriad of passionate thoughts around her? Like, remember episode three, where she passed out from the amount of thoughts around her. Here she didn't seem bothered at all and thought she could "look around" for Yor's thoughts. Is that a sign that she's getting stronger and gaining more control of her power?
I love how Yor saw the two guys standing by the hallway and went like "These are probably assassins" and they were indeed assassins.
Okay. This spread is hilarious, with all the different expressions side by side, and I'm glad I had the manga in a physical copy and could see it in all its glory XD
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It was so sweet, how Olka tried to calm down Gram 🥺 the voice actress did such a great work there!
They actually fit three full chapters and one short chapter in one episode, and it still didn't feel rushed, what the hell! Like they took their time showing everything. This is amazing.
I love how Gram got excited over jumping around in Yor's arms XD
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The sniper got an order to kill the baby too, if possible! The fuck!
Setting a fight between assassins - which includes a lot of shooting - amidst a firework show is brilliant. The plain guests had no idea what was happening just a few meters away from them.
The difference between their reactions at the other dodging was hilarious. The sniper went like "She dodged that???!?!" and Yor was like "Aw shucks, he dodged it."
Then. Yor. Fucking. DESTROYED. A DAGGER WITH HER BARE FINGERNAILS. What the actual fuck! (I accidentally typo-ed "bear fingernails" there but was it actually incorrect? This woman is a beast!)
And Gram is still having fun! Fireworks? Time to cry. People trying to kill them? Laughing his heart out :D
My god! The assassins coming out, and Yor doing her tricks with her stilettos before preparing her stance? The animators really understand the assignment!
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Some good quick action there, McMahon coming to their help and I THINK I MIGHT HAVE SCREAMED WHEN ZEB GOT HIT.
Like they were actually falling and I was like. Please tell me he wore a bulletproof vest. Please tell me he won't die. PLEASE DON'T DIE ;_;
So yeah. I was so relieved to see he had a vest. And it's also funny that they took a humorous tone with that. A bit of an emotional whiplash was expected there XD
There's so much good animation there I can't even begin to comment on it. I'll have to gif a lot tomorrow :D Probably :D
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McMahon cleaning up! Both preparing to fuck shit up!
I love how Yor apologized for using a guy's dead body as a shield from bullets. Kindness over all!
And then Loid wondering why Anya is still so excited after a long show of fireworks. He would lose his mind as a modern parent whose child could listen to Baby Shark a million times in a row.
A literal bloodshow ensues! Yor killing guy after guy and McMahon cleaning up after her!
Meanwhile, Anya and Loid enjoy the fireworks, and the office dudes win a fortune. Wins all around!
Though shit! The mace guy broke one of Yor's stilettos! Sacrilege!
They didn't pull back. With the soft song accompanying the action, we then get a hilarious (!!) montage of Yor taking out the assassins one by one and HOW DO THEY DO THAT. How is the humor in this show so effective I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Like, Endo's writing is funny in and of itself, but then the anime manages to pick up from that and use make it over the top! I love it.
Turtleneck guy thinks he's in the position to judge Yor??? Shut up my dude.
So McMahon is a pretty traditional dude, huh. Interesting. And did Turtleneck Guy really go like, "No, YOU will be eaten by sharks!" Like was that the best you could do XD
But then! Things get deeply serious! McMahon isn't dead, is he? O_O (don't answer)
Oh my god there's so much more I can barely comment! The katana guy being over the top! Yor worrying over breaking Loid and Anya's hearts! BECAUSE SHE'LL DIE. The haircut moment XD
But then Yor had her moment of wondering and then got her ass kicked and shit.
It is not clear in the anime, but it looks like in the manga Yor ripped the earring off her earlobe to stop Turtleneck Guy from moving on.
It's kind of tragic, how the Briar siblings ended up. Yor got into a dangerous, soul-eating job to protect Yuri's carefree life, and Yuri, seeing the sacrifices she made for him, did the same for her. They're so desperate to protect each other from the evils of the world, because they're all they have...
But now she's got even more of a motive...
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So what if I cry? What if I dissolve into a puddle of tears and feels? So what? T_T
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One last moment of logic that yes, she did rip her earlobe.
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And now I continue screaming. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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bloopitynoot · 17 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 2
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
Chapter 2: Mission
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Okay pre read thoughts here. This story is so good! I am totally loving the premise of this, the system mechanics are wonderful (so much sass) but also so unpredictable!
I'm not going to lie I am nervous for this mission that Shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu and co are about to go on. I just feel like things are about to get completely fucked LOL
again (as a reader not as system in book) points to Shen Yuan for noting how nasty the relationships are in this OG canon (p 63 re: Die-er and Old Master Chen- barf)
Okay but like I get it Shen Yuan- I still cannot imagine attempting to fake being a martial master OMG p.64
MOOD "Shen Qingqiu didnt even want to pretend to meditate, so he lay on the bed, just pretending to be dead" p65
unrelated to this plot but also related to this plot: I fucking love how MXTX is as a writer. I love the constant comments about the writing of women and side characters in fantasy writing it's very meta right now p67 (Re: shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu- i haven't decided what to call him at this point tbh- talking about how the "original author" wrote the shittiest female characters).
I am once again here to talk about how Shen Yuan talks about Luo Binghe (he is a child- another barf) but also Shen Yuan does have this future(?) omniscient (?) knowledge about about what he becomes as a fully realized adult character - it still makes me deeply uncomfortable RE: "Shen Qingqiu could only say that, as expected, the brilliant protagonist truly was overwhelmingly cool, awesome, insane, and badass, with a dick longer than the heavens" p68
RIP easy mode XD LOL p69
why is he naked tho??? p71
bless her heart- RE: everything about Ning Yingying p74
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I can't. Re: Luo Binghe's crisis pp76-77
If shen Qingqiu fixes this entire story by accidentally making Luo Binghe fall in love with him I- *deep sigh * pp76-77
The way Shen Yuan keeps reading the filth out of these characters- SO MUCH shade! "Their IQ wasn't beyond saving!" p 81
thank fuck he finally unlocked the OOC feat p85
Okay but the Lin Xi Caves actually sound so stunning p88
Re stunning caves: well minus the blood and qi deviation LOL
When his headcanon for Liu Qingge is absolutely wrecked ahahahaha p93
Liu Qingge really hates Shen Qingqiu (I mean, I get it but like still, damn) pp 97-98
Unrelated but I adore the way this sect is organized. It is visually stunning with the various peaks, im fully picturing this gorgeous mountain range
The QUEEREST thought so far in this is Shen Yuan commenting on the demon woman's (now I know she is Sha Hualing- don't @ me) footware, I can't p102
wait what the heck! Shen Qingqiu's fighting is so elegant! pp 106-107
Luo Binghe: status- Broken p107
OMG he wants to protect this kid but the struggle of a protagonist (re: -1000 if Luo Binghe does not fight) p109
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Hell yeah! I already love Liu Mingyan!!! p111
OMG he totally is accidentally causing Luo Binghe to fall for him. I can't-what a way to fix the plot. p112
The hate Shen Yuan has for Ning Yingying is too much XD I keep laughing, oh no. Him basically saying "omg thank you for running away I literally cannot handle you in this fight because you are a constant mess" p116
wait. WTF. Is Shen Qingqiu going to die?!?!?! p124
oh, thank fuck, Liu Qingge showed up pp129-130
bahahahah OFC he's "repaying for the cave" p131
oh damn well shit okay, that's one way to end the chapter.
I hope his cultivation is not fucked because of the poison!?!?!?
also jesus, that's a harsh way to get points. Does he level up in this?? I feel like he at least deserves a level up.
That's all for this chapter!
Tomorrow is date night for me and my partner so maybe no chapter- but we will see if I have time to read earlier or not.
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devilscreekballad · 1 month
This is the one I saw referencing RDR and so I assumed the answer would still be the same
The fact that Charlie and Hosea are both my favorite makes me soooo happy. I love sweet conmen yk?
I have been trying to catch up on all the updates. I definitely need to go back and see how much I missed but I can't wait to play again.
Alsooo. Naming my character after one of the RDR members? Like can it be any of the gang or very specific ones( so I know if I have a mystery on my hands)
Nglll I missed my pookies. I'm gonna break the server bcs of how many times I'm replaying to try every option. (And to kiss Charlie over and over)
~A cowboy who frequently secretly fancies other cowboys
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I have no memory of that linked ask (I am, however, more knowledgeable of RDR now XD)
Wait a few more days, the sugarcube version should go up tomorrow or on Friday (fingers crossed)
As for the naming... I think I posted the list somewhere. There's some restrictions (I'm not letting anyone play as Micah, cause, nope Charlie wouldn't go near the guy... except for conning him, maybe. Also Hosea for, well... see the other post ;) ) But the others will prompts some minor special dialogue (nothing very specific yet, but with the next chapter it will certainly be more. What I can say is that if you play as Dutch, Charlie will NOT let you pick any aliases when needed)
Also the sugarcube version has multiple savestats :3
and :D
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unmotivated-student · 9 months
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Quackity was hosting a space on Twitter and these are a couple of things that he mentioned and that I was able to hear if you're interested [I couldn't hear the beginning or the end sadly :c]
- Quackity is going to upload a video to his main YouTube channel
- He also wants to create more content for his channel in spanish, but not simply re-upload streams but rather record specific content for YouTube
- As for streams, he wants to make more streams including irl stuff
- About the qsmp he said that "exciting" things are coming and that there are incredible plans for 2024
- He said he wanted to stream tomorrow [stream de rosca de reyes xd] he said he wanted to do it with someone but he didn't confirm anything, he just said "we'll see who with"
- Quackity also said this month was exciting because he had several personal announcements he said, and I quote: "Tomorrow I could be announcing that I am going to have a child and guess what? I'm not lying, or maybe I am, I don't know, who knows? who knows?.."
- He said he basically wanted to ''report'' so we could see he wasn't dead and that he wasn't "scratching his balls" [being lazy] and that he's been working really hard [which is why he's been inactive lately]
- He said he wanted to give this year everything he "owed us" from last year, like new emotes: "Emotes are coming soon for both channels and also for a third channel if I learn to speak Portuguese"
- "and the set up... No mames, for two years I've been doing streams in front of a white wall... I'm going to decorate there too, decoration streams are coming, I'll most likely punch the fucking wall and leave a hole there, maybe that will be my decoration but we'll try, that's going to be very exciting and very fun"
- hair reveal? [maybe maybe maybe he'll let his hair grow as long as he can and then cut it on stream maybe, that's the plan at least]
- maybe the second edition of "washing dishes live" will come xd
- He said that he's been talking to Rubius about doing something together [clarifying, he said they haven't talked about it much]
- after some people on twitter said they didn't believe him he said the new propaganda was "Quackity always tells the fucking truth/Quackity siempre dice la pura pinche verdad"
- "This month, God willing, something very exciting is coming on the QSMP and also in the month that follows and the month after that, very significant moments are coming to the qsmp, you'll know in due course what I'm talking about and if you want, record this clip so you can see that I'm not lying" [and so I did :D]
- says he's planning his return to a platform, he said "well, it's not a "return" because honestly I was never there." [tik tok?]
- And that's all I was able to hear :D
- I'll check if I missed anything and add it later xd
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greghatecrimes · 6 months
Easter Eggs - In the Dirt Chapter 3
Okay. I have so many of these that I threw in for funsies. I had to have something to keep myself entertained while PVP-ing writer's block for six months xD I'll post my favorites first, just since the list is kind of ridiculously long, lol.
First: the entire funeral section of the chapter is written with the same structure as the first chunk of chapter one. >:) ("Sticky counters under fingertips. The sharp tang of sweat and alcohol..." -> "The stifling scent of artificially perfumed flowers. A dusty Princeton funeral home...")
Now for narration and dialogue. Unless stated otherwise these are just meant to be parallels/nods that we the readers see, not that the characters are explicitly referring to within the story.
"I'm going to die. What difference does it make if it's when I'm still young and healthy, or if it's five years from now when I've lost the ability to walk? To talk?”: This one is meant to be a tonal parallel to Thirteen and House's argument in You Don't Want to Know. ("I might die. So could you, you could get hit by a bus tomorrow. The only difference is you don't have to know about it today, so why should I?")
"Oh, grow up.” House snarls, so sharply that Thirteen feels herself flinch. “It's the same for all of us. Everybody dies. You know damn well that none of us get to do it with any dignity.”: HNNNNFHFSDF this is my favorite one. On my part, it's a reference to both Pilot ("You can live with dignity; we can't die with it") and House's angry, grieving outburst to Thirteen in Dying Changes Everything. ("People die! You, Amber, everyone. Don't act like you just figured that out.") Within the story, House only intended it to be a callback to the latter.
"You'd rather die than let anyone see the real you, because you think you're weak. You think you're pathetic.”: OOSHGSDF THIS IS MY OTHER FAVORITE. Okay. This was meant to be a parallel to my 7x18/5x08 web weave. Specifically House's dialogue with Sophia in Emancipation ("You need people to see how independent you are, how well you're coping. So they won't see the lost, hurt little girl.") (The other parallel to the web weave that I threw in there was Thirteen's later thought of House... what did you do?)
Before you start yelling at me– They're heading down a two-lane road, passing field after field under a dizzyingly wide blue sky, and Thirteen's vision fills with green-green-green– I'm doing this because I care about you.: When I first set up this connection when I was outlining the chapter, I almost fuckin' screamed. BIRTHMARKS. BIRTHMARKS!!!!!!!!! ("I am not doing this because I care.") I drove myself fucking insane with this one. I could write a whole ass post about the parallels between this chapter and parts of Birthmarks, but I think a lot of it will probably end up getting sprinkled into House's POV. (Edit to add: and the drugs. that was ALSO an intentional birthmarks reference. Idk how I forgor the drugs😭)
The rest are under the cut if anyone is curious!
Thirteen asking Foreman "Are you... okay?" at the beginning of their phone call: This was meant to parallel the moment in The Dig when Thirteen asks House the same thing, immediately after finding out that he and Cuddy had been dating but broke up.
“You had me worried for a second there. I thought you were about to show up at my apartment with a dead body or a stab wound.”: A nod to Darrien going to Thirteen for help in After Hours.
"I'm sorry." "Hey, no, don't do that.": Parallel to Remorse, when Foreman apologizes for firing Thirteen in the middle of their argument, and Thirteen snaps, "Don't do that! That's not what this is about!"
"What, did he finally break parole and get arrested or something?": Parallel to an exchange between House and Thirteen in The Dig about Lucas ("You could have at least hired Cuddy's weird boyfriend." "Lucas?" "Mmm-hmm." "You don't know?" "What, is he dead or something?"). Except with the horrible irony of: this time, someone actually is dead. Or something.
“I’m trying... to say that he’s gone. House is gone.” “Excuse me?”: Meant to be a thematic mirror image of a moment between Foreman and Thirteen in The Softer Side ("Do you miss sleeping with women?" "Excuse me?"). Tone-wise and context wise, they are complete opposites. But both times Thirteen reacts to the shock by asking for clarification (because clearly, to her, what she just heard can't possibly be what Foreman intended to say.)
"We've gotta be realistic. He's attempted before.” “Yeah, four years ago!": Reference to House quite literally killing himself (for less than two minutes) via electrocution in 97 Seconds.
"Why the hell did you just give up? What happened to 'killing yourself is never the answer?'”: House is referencing what Thirteen tells their patient in The Softer Side ("No matter how bad things get, killing yourself is never the answer"). He didn't mean it as a reference to Kutner, but it triggers memories for Thirteen of Kutner's suicide.
His words hit her like a sucker punch as memories of a different person– a different time and place, blood coated over her hands and face, cold and thick and copper-crisp– flash before her mind's eye.: Thirteen remembering the moment they discovered Kutner in Simple Explanation. (Also occurs at the end of the chapter when she feels "someone else's blood that drips from her face")
House's jaw drops.  “Charity case?” he demands, incredulous. “After everything I've done, you think that's what this is? A charity case?": lol this was just a nod to the title of the 'House fires Thirteen so she can be happy' episode being Charity Case. Something something House has never seen Thirteen as a charity case something something Thirteen tries to say he does so she can deny emotional involvement/connection.
She'd written out a little speech. Something about spud guns and lesbian bars and the number thirteen...: In-story reference to the events of The Dig and The Choice
Chase's easy grin, Eric's warm hand around her own: Thirteen remembering Last Temptation (Chase grinning and hugging Thirteen when he sees her again for the first time) and Simple Explanation (Thirteen and Foreman holding hands as they watch Kutner's funeral procession)
The cool metal of a spud gun beneath her fingers and House's hand over hers, steadying: That one screen cap from The Dig where Thirteen's aiming the spud gun and House looks like he's supporting her/guiding her through it. Thirteen is remembering that moment.
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olath124 · 9 months
Thank you @ouroboros-hideout for the tag! It's always super fun to do this kind of stuff!
After a weekend full of Christmas markets I'm quite delirious but I'll try to put the things I am working on in some kind of order.
Ok, the thing I’m doing exactly right now is a drawing of Violet, Misty, and Jackie when they were kids. I've just reached the part where Jackie dies and… so many FEELINGS. So I had to do this!
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Here they are… probably I’ll post the finished version tomorrow.
On the artistic side I want to draw chibi Aurore, Aymeric and Jhonny at least. But for them I only have an image in my head so far… The gremlin in my head is also yelling: “What about Jackie, Misty, Viktor and Jago!?!? And your other two Vs (one is not even already made in game xD) ?!?What about them?!?” So… yeah, Ill be drawing them way into next year…
As I said in a previous post I’d like to write something about Hansen and V. So far I've only some crazy thoughts and things in a really colloquial form. This is the only part I’m comfortable showing. Oh, it's probably a bit… I don't know, there’s some psychological/physical torture? Nothing too extreme for now. Their relationship in my head is not romantic at all and it probably never will (but there's absolutely some tension). They are just two assholes who find it funny to mess with each other ❤️.
There are also probably some mistakes and some phrases and words I'll definitively need to change later. I haven't proofread it and I'm too tired to do it now!
And that's when he's behind her back, a tight grip on her throat and the knife resting on her jaw. Probably a quick use of Sandevistan, because it's a matter of seconds. "If it wasn't for you and your friend, Myers would be already dead. You saved her once, why the change of mind?" The answer is simple, even if the thumb resting not so softly on her carotid artery makes her feel every heartbeat in her head. And probably he's feeling that too. And that's without the knife which still hasn't cut her skin but it's just a matter of an infinitesimal amount of pressure. “Two people who helped her are dead despite her promises. Two people are alive and well even if they were actively fucking with you, just because you've promised to let them go. If I have to guess who I need to trust to survive I think I’ll bet on you.” She has rehearsed this part during the wait, so the fear won't paralyze her. “Not mentioning the whole Songbird’s shitshow.”
So, that's it for now!
I'll tag some of you, feel free to do it if you want to!
@theviridianbunny @cyberholic77 @8oo8erry @dustymagpie @aggravateddurian @cybervesna
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dynamic-k · 7 months
I am so sorry for not updating much aside from the Guessing Game (which is super easy even on zero coffee).
I have been tired and busy and trying to finish assignments, and as a result, writing got pushed to the back burner for a bit.
Stay tuned and thank you for your patience!
I sure hope you all don't end up like:
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XD [meme by Xyna]
Anyways, as far as a specific date is concerned for when chapter 4 of Arc Two will be out... uhmmm, I have no idea.
I'm almost done with it, yes, but there's a conversation scene I'm trying to nail just right and it isn't cooperating. XD
I'll get it soon, fret not.
Small Hollowhead chapter 5 is the closest to being finished out of every other fic I have been focusing on. If I'm lucky with my time today, I may even be able to wrap that up and post within the next few hours, but no promises.
I have also re-picked up my beloved Red Menace series. Whoops. I left that one on the floor for a bit. 😅
And Second's Tale may be a little while too. I am trying to take my time with that one since I still have no solid plan for the final chapter. And with how close I am to the end, l really wanna get it right! Maybe even better than how I ended Super Sticks - Arc One, if that's even possible.
All in all, I thought I may as well update so everyone isn't wondering if I'm dead or abandoning ship.
Also, I got like this finance book I was supposed to read back in November of 2023, and I still haven't and the book report rough draft for that book I haven't read... is due tomorrow. And the final draft is due the 28th...
I'm procrastinating on a writing assignment. Who knew...
Why can't my writing assignment be little baby Second instead of three things I learned about this financing budget book?
I know this is important, but it's boring important!!
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pikahlua · 4 months
Pika, I just wanted you to know that you're one of the only people on here that are keeping me sane and hopeful about the direction of this ending for My Hero. All the negativity going around about Horikoshi's writing, when the story isn't even over yet, has just made the time between chapters even more agonizing. So thank you for your service, lol.
Everything is still up in the air right now, so I was wondering what do you see happening or what would you like to see happen for the resolution to Toga's, Spinner's, and the Todoroki's storylines?
I'm relatively sure (and hopefully not delusional) that Spinner and Touya will survive. Spinner so that Izuku can pass on Tomura's message, and maybe he'll be able to talk to Spinner to get to know more about Tomura, since they didn't get to talk for long before AFO came in. And if Tomura is truly dead for good, Spinner could carry out his will in making sure that Hero Society changes.
And I feel like it would be cruel for the Todoroki's to go through Touya's death a second time right after getting him back, when they put so much effort into stopping Endeavor so both of them wouldn't die. Toga is who I'm a little less sure about, but there's plenty of reasons narratively for her to survive through this as well.
Thank you! I guess I'm just more used to death used as a literary device rather than a moral proclamation about the real world than some other people lol.
I agree that at this stage I see no reason other than to expect Spinner and Touya to survive. Toga is an interesting one. I kinda want her to live if only because that would make Ochako's story slightly different from Izuku's. But I don't know if that happened based on Ochako's panels in this most recent chapter.
Really, I am just interested to know what happens. I don't have any strong predictions, but I have like little what-ifs and maybes floating around. I think of new ones every day, but we're getting more leaks tomorrow so I may as well be patient a little longer. XD
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kaddyssammlung · 5 months
about the new message - second part
“It is the hook upon which we hang our deeds and the bed from which we rise each day.”
We have strange assumptions when you think about them. We all assume certain things all the time. I assume that I will get up tomorrow morning and drink coffee and then walk my dog. My dog needs his walkies and I need my coffee. What if the coffee maker does not work? What if my dog is gone? What if I don't wake up?
You can either constantly be scared about that or “just” step into the now and then you stop thinking about tomorrow morning. And when something “goes wrong” tomorrow then you can try to stay in the now as well and accept what is.
That's a form of alchemy btw.
Love “our alchemy” boy XD
For right now that's what I connect this with but I know myself. I will rewrite this many times just as I do with the way I say the lyrics. Too many layers to unwrap.
And also: I keep screaming into the void how I don't understand the phrase “swallow years beneath this bed and then he comes up with that simile( idk if that's the right word). Now I can add another layer to “years beneath this bed”?! Right?!
“To assume that death is the end is to assume that our being extends no further the physical substrate that carries us.”
Yes, sure. But who assumes that? Or why do you assume that? Who taught that to you? Do they benefit from you believing something like that?
Deep dive into yourself....I sure have.
“This assumption does not account for the way in which we experience being alive.”
This a painful one. I used to strongly feel like I was not alive. Every year on December the 25th another candle was added on the cake and that was is. One more year with the same sh*t. And that was all. “I don't feel alive” is something that I often felt. I had a wrong idea about what being alive means. But I only found that out later in life. All those pressures from society about what life should look like and mine was nothing like it.
Now I feel alive. Especially when I go deep into now and just sit there, no thoughts in my head, focused on my breath, guided by the words of someone that is doing a mediation that I am doing or, more often now, not even that. Just being. Just be. So much easier said then done but that aliveness that I can feel can not even be put into words. It has nothing do with feeling a pressure do to things before I'm dead. Which is kind of what society means with “living”.
“Nor does it sit comfortably aside the fact that we are not yet able to comprehend the way in which our being manifests itself.”
Do you want to me explain real manifestation now?! It has nothing to do with feeling in lack and wanting things so bad. You manifest the opposite of what you want and go further into a state of lack. Idk where to go from here?!
The Higgs boson my Vessel?! I like the name “God particle” instead of Higgs boson. Whatever. I'm kind of leaving this out. I might get back to it some other time.
(first part about it that I wrote)
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cat-esper · 1 year
Intro time!
My name is Cat (she/her and aroace) and while I've been on tumblr for a couple of years now, jumping from fandom to fandom and writing fanfic, I decided to make this blog to focus on original work.
I write fantasy, sci-fi, and a little bit of horror and I love mixing genres like there's no tomorrow. My absolute favorite things are found family, robots, and time travel, and I am a firm believer that platonic relationships can be just as fierce and important as romantic ones. Most of my novels are set within a shared universe I call the Starfish Saga and that's my main focus, though I do have quite a few exciting projects outside that.
I have so so many WIPs but the ones I'm currently focused on include these (all titles are placeholders for the time being):
Project Paladin: a YA science fantasy about a girl whose parents have been abducted by aliens and features portals, light magic, and found family*
Project Arcana: a YA epic fantasy featuring dangerous history, blood magic, and a warrior's desperate and unhealthy quest to honor her dead mentor*
Project Utopia: a post-apocalyptic sci-fi about a young woman with cyber magic, an android, and an undead abomination on a quest to defeat a powerful lich
Project Guardian: a YA science fantasy about an Irish teen, time loops, yet more magic, and the meaning of regret*
Project Array: a YA contemporary fantasy in which a girl grieving the death of her best friend gains a found family of people who fight the very thing that might help her find peace*
Project Slipstream: a YA slipstream portal fantasy set in the 80s/90s in which a group of outcasts wander away from our world and to the enigmatic Spiral, drawn there for reasons unknown by a song all of them know*
Project Wraith: a weird western about two criminals--sometimes partners and sometimes rivals--who team up to rob a ghost train
Project Bootstrap: a sci-fi narrative about the end of human civilization and the androids tasked with collecting data from the past to preserve for the future
Project Portal Epic: My most ambitious worldbuilding project, this epic fantasy brings together characters from multiple worlds connected through the Nightland Tram System; each is on their own quest that culminates in a team-up to prevent the long-dormant Night Beasts from awakening*
(* marks WIPs set in the Starfish Saga)
I'll be gradually posting WIP intros for these over the coming weeks so stay tuned! And if anyone wants to be added to a taglist, let me know by commenting on the WIP's intro post or shoot me a DM, specifying which WIP you'd like to be added to.
I also love getting asks and participating in tag games and just general chatting about WIPs if anyone is so inclined.
That's it for now. If you're interested in my other blogs, you can find me at @that-vibe-i-cant-explain (for multi-fandom shenanigans) or at @redstarsarc (my Pirates of the Caribbean blog).
Anyway, hello! It's nice to be here XD
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piecesofeden11 · 7 months
Writing Patterns (Tag Game)
Thank you for the tag @underacalicosky This seems fun!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
(My edit: Or however many you want, or WIPs, or first sentences of chapters! 😁) <- Including this edit from @underacalicosky I'm still gonna go down the line for my posted works. Most of them are Obikin, there maybe some Merrical and Obianidala snuck in there, too :D And if they come up, I WILL be including every individual Heel-Kinktober entry :D (Which also includes Barrisoka) So let the fun begin!
1. "She's been an absolute champ, sir. No signs of distress or injury, actually slept through half of the trip and has settled nicely already. I'm certain you can begin training right away tomorrow!" (Half-Pass and Half-Pipes) (Obikin, Modern AU, Olympics AU, Multichapter Finished) 2. "And that will be all for today, Senator Amidala." (Count thy Blessings for They Are Plenty) (Obianidala, Sabedala, Canon-Divergent One-Shot) 3. It was baffling. (Anakin, Obi-Wan, and the Secret of the Star Brick) (Obikin (if you squint), Silliness with Lego Figures, Photostory, Unfinished) 4. "Youngling, stop staring out the window and pay attention." (What use is it to know (the Army of the Dead)) (Gen, Canon Compliant, One-Shot, Eerie Spooky Vibes) 5. Hushed whispers rumbled through the crowd, as heads turned and bodies shuffled to make way for the sudden spearhead formation of soldiers that stepped off the transport. (Kinktober 2023 - Heel Snippet - Day 24: Sex Toys) (Vaderwan, Sith Obi-Wan, Kinky) 6. It stung. (Kinktober 2023 - Heel Snippet - Day 23: Deepthroat) (Vaderwan, Sith Obi-Wan, Explicit) 7. "There is something to be said about simplicity", the Emperor muttered softly, satisfied pleasure in his tone. (Kinktober 2023 - Heel Snippet - Day 22: Bondage) (Vaderwan, Sith Obi-Wan, Explicit) 8. "Do not fret, sister. We shall take care of your daughter while you are gone." (Kinktober 2023 - Heel Snippet - Day 21: Tentacles) (Merrin Solo, Tentacle Sex (duh), Explicit) 9. A deeply disappointed sigh. (Kinktober 2023 - Heel Snippet - Day 20: Mind Control) (Barrisoka, Torture, Dubious Consent, Explicit) 10. "You really should get out of bed soon, darling." (Kinktober 2023 - Heel Snippet - Day 19: Uniform) (Vaderwan, Sith Obi-Wan, Softer, Kinky) + Bonus: Usually, coming home was an exhilarating feeling. (Like Puppets on a Broken String) (Obikin, Canon Divergent, Multichapter, Ongoing) A lot of direct speech :D And some really short ones as well as run-ons which I had expected more. This was fun!!! Non-pressure tags go out to @palfriendpatine66, @somethingsteff, @grapenehifics (I know you did it already but still xD), @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart and @heretolurkandnothingmore
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blackjackkent · 7 months
All right, I do after all have a bit of time to kill before GW2 events tonight, so let's finish out this fight with Aradin I guess.
I backed up just slightly because I realized we can tell Aylin about the impending threat of Aradin's kidnapping attempt. She responded with the sort of subtlety and restraint that we have come to expect from her:
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"A mercenary, you say. Then I must find who has set a price upon my head and take theirs in kind. I will sleep with both eyes open this night."
>:) Lorroakan better watch his ass.
Anyway, on to the combat:
So here's the thing. I expected that this wouldn't be like trying to fight Aradin's band as we saw them in act 1; we're much more powerful now so that would make for a very stupid fight. And indeed, his companions are a crowd of seven fighters of varying classes, all Level 8 with roughly 70HP.
Aradin himself, however...
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Oh. Oh no.
"Poor stupid lad" indeed... :/ I honestly feel bad beating him; this is such an ill-advised, foolish venture on his part. Hector's pretty upset that he wasn't able to talk him down.
As with the previous camp fight that we had (with the vampire spawn), only the active party (plus Aylin) gets to fight here, and I don't get control over Aylin. Hopefully she fights a bit better than she did against Ketheric.
This is not a hard fight - more annoying than anything else. Karlach one-shot poor Aradin right out of the gate and the rest of the fight was spent cleaning up all of his lackeys. My biggest concern ended up being that the whole battle took place around the hookah area and I didn't want to smash it, which reduced some of the AOEs I could use.
I had Jaheira use Confusion and Gale use Slow, which turned most of the group on each other very ineffectually. Aylin cast Moonbeam and rolled around the battlefield causing damage to everyone which was very satisfying to watch. And sooner or later they all fell like dominoes.
Aylin is VERY ANGRY about the whole thing afterward.
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"Our camp has been besieged by bribelings. And Dame Aylin is the prize that seduced them. I found a note on one of the foes. It read of the wizard Lorroakan and his designs upon my capture. To Ramazith's Tower they were meant to take me."
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"Ho! Won't Lorroakan be surprsied when Dame Aylin trounces him in his own citadel. Let us hie us to his chambers, his lair, when morning breaks. We will see him undone in the style of the dead, unburied Ketheric Thorm!"
Well. Hector was already probably going to go beat him up for the crimes of a) almost killing Hector in the street, b) probably beating up Rolan and also random customers, c) being a general toolbag, but doing it with Aylin's help sounds MUCH more fun. >:)
So that will be something for me to look forward to tomorrow after work. XD
(Also, Aylin then proceeded to start flapping her wings and gliding around the Elfsong rooms repeatedly and GLOWING VERY BRIGHTLY after this conversation, which feels like it must have been REAL annoying for everyone trying to get some sleep afterwards. XD )
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Eventually she disappeared so I'm assuming it was just waiting for her Moonlight spell to wear off.
And hey, the hookah survived!
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terresdebrume · 3 days
I retrieved another Charles breakdown ficlet from my tag (I stg if I could harness this organizational energy in areas of my life other than my blog I would be unstoppable) which means that I might be able to post it tomorrow or Thursday (don't have time to do cleanup tonight) which I'm excited for tbh
Also fun fact: Dead Boy Detectives is now in the top five of fandoms I've produced the most works for, and there is a non zero chance it could climb to second place one day, which isn't something I specifically strive for but is fun to watch nonetheless ^^
I say second because the first place in that podium (the MCU) sits pretty at 134 works but the second one, which is Cassandra Clare's mortal instruments, only had 34 pieces written for it so.... Not impossible (though probably not this year xD)
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bookinit02 · 9 months
I'm dead tired bc I got barely any sleep last night + braindead because I've spent the past several hours binging through your Stranger Things Byler retelling and I'm a bit out of words, HOWEVER. It finally clicked in my head that you have a tumblr and I, also having a tumblr, can use said tumblr to throw my appreciation upon you in a more direct manner.
On that note... the retelling is AMAZING and I love it so very very much!!! (I've also been leaving a whole stream of comments on the fic itself, so a lot of my feelings have already been described in detail there XD). It makes me feel so very many emotions, both good AND bad, and for a fic to trigger THAT MUCH of an emotional reaction in me is really an achievement. It's so beautifully sad and tender and joyous and realistic, and all the more painful for it—and all the more beautiful IN that pain. I haven't actually been a big active part of the Stranger Things Fandom (TM) for several years, but I still often return to Byler fics, sort of like a comfort blanket in story form—and yours are some of the BEST (I think it was also you that wrote one of my favorite ever painting scene fix-its; I'll have to go back and re-read that as well!!)
I started reading season 4 last night (which is in part to blame for my lack of sleep) and finished up the rest of it today. I'm so extremely excited for season 5 and to see what you've done with it—I already started reading the script for episode one and it looks amazing (god, I bet that Mike having a panic attack/Vecna episode hurts WAY more in prose)!!! I can't decide between reading all the script first, then reading the fic; or reading the script episodes and then reading the according fic chapters; or just barreling on ahead in the fic and coming back to the script if it strikes my fancy later (which is, if I'm being honest, the most likely outcome). All will have to wait til tomorrow, however, as I have dinner and a warm bed to get to. All the love to you and your fic!!
(Love how I said "I'm so braindead I've run out of words" and then proceeded to give evidence to the EXACT OPPOSITE claim. I'm really a bit like Mike lmao, even if I'm struggling to actually describe my specific emotions or feelings about something, I can run my mouth about any old thing for ages XD)
hi hello good morning!!! i have been watching ur comments come in with so much joy and happiness—hopefully i get time to respond to all of them within the next few days! i hope that you have gotten so much rest and that you are all refreshed for the next day🫂💗
thank you so much for all your kind words, in this ask and otherwise! the rewrite is really a labor of love that has been sustaining me for over a year now, and it is always so impressive and awe-worthy to me when new people discover it and start from the very beginning. that is SO much to read!! several novels worth!
as for the script, read it in whatever order you would like! my recommended order was originally to read the script first, then the fic chapters—but i know that some people want to experience the plot twists and developments as they happen, so really any way you decide to read it is completely fine! the byler scenes are all the same (with a bit extra in the fic), it’s really just the other characters and plot lines that are expanded.
thank you for “running your mouth,” as you’ve called it—but i prefer to think that we’re just chatting🥳 i really love interacting with people through both comments and asks, so feel free to do both (and to talk as long as you’d like)! i am super grateful and honored that you’ve chosen to read my story, and i hope that you enjoy what i have so far of season 5!!💗🫂
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darkforestdreams · 1 year
This was a WEIRD episode XD
Suon has a greater goal.
Suon has a greater goal.
Suon has a greater goal than playing FnaF and nobody can convince me otherwise. :p
Davis and Reed have subverted expectations yet again! Now I have NO idea how or when Sun and Moon are going to reconcile.
Suon (or Meteor, as I like to call him) ripping open the bandage and pouring salt on one of Sun's many wounds was one thing, but using Lunar against him was freaking LOW. Sun and Lunar's relationship has always felt kind of rocky to me, but I'm certain Sun loved Lunar back then, and he absolutely does now! Did you guys hear the anger in Sun's tone when Meteor suggested "playing" with his little brother? Sun almost losing Lunar (and thinking he DID lose him for weeks on end...) made him appreciate the little guy much more.
And who is Meteor to talk about Sun "not loving" Lunar? He has no loved ones aside from himself and is a dangerous bully with no remorse! After seeing how he escaped (dammit Freddy!) and listening to what he was saying just before, it sounds like he wants to get under Sun's figurative skin. Is he trying to push Sun to the extreme so he'll do something "brazen", as Meteor put it?
As much as I miss Lunar, at the same time I've believed that maybe it's good he's kinda MIA right now. Eclipse doesn't know where he is; he's safe. And I KNOW, I know, Eclipse quite possibly regrets abusing him, but all Eclipse knows right now is toxic and harmful behavior! I don't think he has any idea how else to treat others! He has a LOOONG way to go if he wants to so much as talk to Lunar again!
And... oh, Moon. He sounded so tired when answering his brother's call. It's to be expected, he just had a blow up after all, but he almost sounded dead inside. He sounded so done with everything, and... I can relate. There have been plenty of times when I've felt done with the world, especially this year and last year.
As concerning as Sun's mental condition is, Moon's been through hell, too.
When he started threatening Meteor it actually scared me a bit. The passive aggressiveness and, maybe I just suck at hearing differences in emotions vocally speaking, but the fact that he barely changed his tone was chilling. Reed is too good voicing distraught Moon. WAY TOO GOOD. XD
Though, I highly doubt Moon would do something like go back to his old ways because he's better than that, even if his emotions are kind of... in turmoil at the moment.
Sorry if any of this sounds... sloppily written. I'll edit this tomorrow if I feel the need to, but right now it's late and I'm ready to just have some comfort food and go to bed. G'night everybody!
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macawritesupdates · 2 months
I don't know about the rest, but I'm so excited I got my popcorn and juice ready to see Sukuna of the present and the past fight over Yuuji 🤤 this chapter definitely is going to be amazing
I slept away two days in a row rather than write 8'3 BUT currently back on track, working on the chapter and on the chapters of Seven Days to Fall in Love >.< Those are the priority for writing!
Hopefully won't be too brain dead to edit either by the end of the night 8D If so...tomorrow for sure.
I underestimated how long it takes to write the bickering of two Sukunas XD
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