#i'm sorry craig
seconds-2-midnight · 7 months
Totally Normal Gangreen Gang HCs
Grubber is extremely porous and can be used as a sponge in a pinch
Ace is a flat-earther, but only because he doesn't understand geometry
Once, the gang mistook a funko pop for Lil Arturo and switched them out for a week before they noticed
The 'D' is Sanford D. Ingleberry stands for 'Delinquent'
Billy knows the nuclear launch codes but isn't really sure what that means
Once, Lil Arturo got worms from eating chicken nuggets out of the McDonald's dumpster and they gave him cat dewormer (it worked)
Ace may be wearing an untucked shirt, but he does have a secret leotard underneath it
Grubber is a modern dance prodigy
Snake's nose makes for a very effective doorstop, and yes, they have tested it repeatedly
Billy's one eye is fully functional but it does see dead people
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shhh-secret-time · 5 months
Can we please get some Poly Tweek and Craig? I'm so down bad for those two! Something spicy maybe? Love your stuff so far.
Oho~! This was was a little tricky to write but I enjoyed it! I do love those boys!
Warning: Dirty Talk, Blowjobs, Improper use of icing, Strong Language, NSFW
Pairing: Craig x F!Reader x Tweek
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"She's gonna kill us man! Ack! Don't just sit there and eat the icing!"
"Why not? We're not using it."
"Dude! Just help me clean this!"
"Calm down honey, I am helping."
The two bickering back and forth brought a smile to your lips. Craig's monotone responses contrasted Tweek's rising panic, earning a little giggle. From the corner of your eye, you could see their shadows from the kitchen, watching Tweek's scurrying around frantically trying to clean whatever mess they made. You haven't walked into the kitchen yet, in fact you just got home. Calling out that you were home fell on deaf ears as the two were so engaged in their little argument.
Tweek's shadow was getting larger as he made his way out of the kitchen. Coming into view, you got a better look at him. He was covered in sprinkles and icing, the blue stars and little sugary delights stuck in his crazy blond hair. The white vanilla smelling icing clung to his cheeks slightly smeared across the pale flesh.
Where there was one the other was sure to follow, Craig following him with a pleased look in his eyes. Over time you learned how to read the tall blank faced man, learning that it was all in his eyes. And right now, his eyes held such childlike excitement, as he gazed upon Tweek's frustrated face. He wasn't as covered as Tweek was, but his blue hoodie had white powder all over the front of it, you guess he refused to wear the aprons Tweek owned, and his clothes paid the price for it.
"Where are you going babe?"
"What do you- what do you mean where am I going!? To wash this crap off! Since you didn't want to help with the kitchen you-" Tweek stopped in his tracks at Craig's question, turning to face him he hissed in frustration.
Tweek only stopped when he saw you standing in the corner of the living room. His eyes widened in surprise like he was caught in some horrible act. To Tweek this was a horrible act, his anxiety was screaming at him that the messy kitchen was going to make you blow up.
But it was the exact opposite, you were giggling and covering your mouth at how adorable they both looked. Craig stood there with a bored expression and Tweek twitching causing sprinkles to fall from his hair and onto the floor.
"Did you guys have fun?” You asked through your giggle fit.
You could only laugh again, shaking your head at your boys. Closing the distance between the two of them, you reached up and began picking the sprinkles from Tweek’s hair. You could hear his breath hitch as you pulled one off his cheek, stuck because of the icing, and popped it into your mouth. The little blue star melting on your tongue.
"Hmm~ lemme guess, cupcakes?"
"Hnng, y-yes! Craig and I thought... thought you were looking stressed recently, so we wanted to make you cupcakes!" Tweek explained through grunts and squeaks. His fingers were flexing until they found purchase on his sweater vest.
Craig only nodded along with his boyfriend, but he liked the idea you had and as Tweek spoke he picked a sprinkle off his cheek. When he popped it in his mouth Tweek's body tensed and shivered.
"Awh... guys that's so sweet! So, what happened?" You giggled again watching Tweek shoot a glare at Craig.
"Tweek freaked out because he couldn't get the cap open, fell back and the icing fell on him." Craig's responded faster than Tweek this time, the monotone voice cutting him off.
"Yeah, that sounds about right, but hey it's the thought that counts! Thank you!" You responded with a little shrug and a warm smile.
"Oh, the cupcakes still got made, they'll be done in a bit." Craig pulled his hand back when Tweek delivered a firm slap on his hand.
"N-now Craig and I are going to clean the kitchen a-and ourselves!" Tweek gestured to himself and Craig with a sigh.
"Oh~? Are you trying to tell me this isn't part of my little gift?" Your purr sent a shiver straight down Tweek's spine, a deep blush creeping across his face.
"H-hng no! I-I mean- it could be?"
Laughing at his reaction, you pressed your lips against his cheeks. The dried vanilla delight coming in contact with your lips made you hum. Your tongue darting out to collect the sweet icing that was already beginning to melt across your tastebuds. Tweek's body flinched in response, the feeling of your tongue gliding across his cheek pulling out a shaky moan.
"Hm~ did you offer Craig a bite? All of this can't just be for me." Your voice dipped to a sultry whisper as you finished cleaning off his face.
Your hot breath brushing against the shell of his ear made him whine out. Craig's chuckle now much closer than it had been a minute ago, Tweek could feel his breath fanning down his neck. Pressing an open tongue kiss into Tweek's skin, Craig bit down on the soft flesh. The sharp pain on his neck was quick but enough to make Tweek moan out.
"G-guys please." You smirked at the sound of his begging, which Craig mirrored.
"Ain't he sweet? Taste so good~"
"He does. Messy and sweet." Craig peppered kisses up Tweek's neck with a hum, Tweek's head tilting back in response. "Always a messy boy."
You hummed in response as your hands slid down Tweek's waist tugging on the belt loops. Following Craig's lead, you began pressing kisses on the other side of Tweek's neck down towards his shoulder.
Tweek's head was spinning from the sensation of both of his lovers assaulting his neck. His breathing becoming erratic at the love bites, the dark red marks Craig left behind and the teeth marks you were pressing into his flesh. Not to mention the way your hands were inching dangerously close to the button on his pants, your fingertips disappearing past the hem of his pants.
"Craaaaig, did you really not help clean the kitchen?" Your tone suddenly rang out, the warning making Craig stop and groan.
"I... ate the icing out of the bowl?" He muttered into Tweek's skin.
"Oh baby, that's not very responsible of you. I don't think you deserve this Tweek treat." Your hands cupped Tweek's hips to tug him away from Craig, who's brows furrowed.
Before he could protest Tweek let out a shaky sigh and wrapped his arms around you, immediately nuzzling into the crook of your neck. Just relieved that he could finally catch his breath, but more so that you were on his side.
"Why don't you sit down while I help Tweek get the rest of the kitchen cleaned up?" Taking Tweek by the hand, you lead him towards the kitchen.
Craig pressed his lips together in a thin line, if the way you said that didn't make his cock throb in response he'd be pissed. Leaning against the doorway, he crossed his arms and watched as you gently pushed Tweek back against the island counter. Tweek's eyes were wide as he watched you grab the bowl of icing, there was enough left to execute your little plan. His mouth went dry as he looked at Craig, the dark green of his eyes almost black with lust.
So preoccupied with the way Craig was staring the both of you down, he gasped when the cold air of the kitchen brushed across his exposed cock. His eyes flew down to your form, already sunk down to your knees with the little pink of your tongue sticking out. You had his pants down by his thighs, along with his underwater, his mind racing at how easily you could mold him. He was puddy in your hands and you knew it. You loved it even. You had a power over the both of them, it wasn't like Craig listened to just anyone. Someone with the kind of power to keep the stoic man by the doorway, someone with the kind of power to make his cock bob at the mere sight of you on your knees.
"Relax Coffee Bean, I'm gonna reward you for being so good. But I'm going to make you all messy again, okay? Continue to be a good boy and let me taste you." Tweek nodded at your command, his head shaking up and down vigorously. Anything you wanted; he would give. He'd give it all.
You smiled up at him as your fingers began collecting the sticky sweet icing in the bowl. Tweek felt his chest tighten when you began smearing the icing down his shaft. Just as he was about to squirm from the feeling of the thick cream on his cock, the feeling was replaced with your mouth around his cock. You started off slowly taking your time with the cute blond, your tongue swirling around the bright red tip. Each time he bucked against your mouth you had to resist the urge to giggle, he was trying so hard to not thrust his cock down your throat. He was already a twitching mess, but the incredible feeling of your mouth around his cock made it worse.
It didn't help that you could feel Craig's piercing gaze, watching you intently bob your head up and down; the icing smeared across your lips. Your hands trailed up the inside of Tweek's thighs, squeezing and holding on as if they were your last lifeline. Poor thing couldn't take it anymore, his hand flew down to your hair gripping the locks as he rocked into your mouth. Salty and sweet flavor pushed further down your tongue as slick pre-cum coated your tongue. Tweek felt his body tense up as he chased his release, losing rhythm the closer he got to his climax.
"I'm-I'm gonna cum, please let me cum! Please, please!" Whimpers and cries turned to begging that was separated by heavy panting, Tweek felt like his chest was about to explode.
Unable to pull away from his assault you gave his thighs a firm squeeze, letting him know it was okay to let go. A hum from your throat vibrating up into his cock made him throw his head back, eyes rolling to the back of his head. That was when you felt the salty liquid shoot down the back of your throat and your nose forcibly pressed against his stomach. Tweek's cries slurred to moans as he gripped the side of your head trying to anchor himself to you. Eventually, when he calmed down, he slowly pulled his member from your mouth. His hand shakily trying to message any discomfort from your scalp. You smiled and nuzzled your face into his hand as your swallowed down the rest of his cum.
"There we go, you did so good for me Tweek." You cooed happily, rising to your feet.
Using Tweek to stable yourself, you slid your hands up and down his chest feeling the loud thumping in his chest. Your smile died as a human shaped shadow was cast over the both of you. You knew what was coming, Craig didn't take teasing well if at all. The fact that he patiently watched you for this long was a miracle in itself. Rough hands, contrasting Tweek's gentle touch, grabbed at your waist forcing you back against his stiff member. You almost felt bad for the man by the feeling of it through his jeans alone it must have been painful, but any pity was thrown out the window when you felt him lift you up and press you against Tweek.
Normally Craig would have chuckled at the squeak that left your lips, enjoying the fact that you were suddenly so shy at the way he manhandled you, but right now the only thing on his mind was getting back at you. It wasn't fair that they could have a full conversation with their eyes and body language alone and it certainly wasn't fair that Tweek was so quick to betray you. His slender fingers fumbled with the button of your pants, once they were popped open Craig's fingers hooked into the waistband of them and practically shoved them down. With a frustrated huff he wouldn't bother giving your underwear the same patience, tearing them off with a snap. You yelped as you felt Tweek's hands grip your arms to hold you up and your feet no longer touching the ground.
In the back of your mind, you knew neither would do anything to really hurt you, but the way Craig looked at you made you feel like prey. And when he leaned forward, bending your body until you were smashed up against Tweek's chest, you knew you were in for it. His hot breath brushing against your skin as his voice dipped dangerously low, the kind you could feel in his chest as he spoke.
"Remember that I love you honey, because I'm going to fucking destroy you like I don't." The man pressed a sweet kiss into your cheek like he didn't just promise your downfall.
Your eyes widened up at Tweek who only gave you a smile in return, sickly sweet like he was enjoying this. The little traitor. When Tweek's hand caressed your face and he pressed a kiss onto your lips you should have known he was distracting you. Distracting you from Craig but from the way the tip of his cock drug across your wet folds there would be no ignoring him. Craig's arm hooked under your leg stretching your thighs until you were spread open perfectly for him.
You heard him click his tongue and then without missing a beat his cock slammed into you. The thick member shoving past your folds and immediately meeting that oh so delicious spot. Feeling Tweek smirk against your lips as you tried to cry out in pleasure, you swore you were already seeing stars. For as quick as Craig was going about bullying your insides, Tweek kept his kisses slow. While one was treating you like glass the other left bruises on your skin. Soft gentle kisses, tasting himself and that icing on you, peppering his lips on yours repeatedly; every time he pulled away you let out moan after moan.
"Fuck, the way your walls are clenching around me. You like this don't you? Like when I fuck you like this?" Craig wasn't usually so verbal but something about you and Tweek pulled something out of him. Maybe it was the way your walls clenched around his cock, fluttering at the way his voice got ragged. Maybe it was because he was addicted and finally getting his fix after you thought you could deny him. "Fuck of course you'd get wet from that, trying to choke my cock sweetheart?"
He stood back at his full height, no longer hunched over you to whisper filth in your ear. No, he was focused now. The shift was unbelievable. He went from short rough thrusts, rutting against you like a mad man, to calculated long strikes. His tempo didn't slow, if anything with your cunt sucking him further in it only encouraged him to speed up. Beads of sweat traced patterns over your skin, your arousal making it easier for him to keep up his pace. Tweek watched as you came undone around Craig's cock, felt your body tense up in his arms and your back arching. Tweek's fingers slipped down from your arms to your clit circling the pads of his fingertips around your aching clit, clear cum coating his fingers.
With your walls fluttering around his cock, Craig felt his release creeping closer and closer. He wanted to try and hold out to pull another out of you, Tweek already overstimulating you from his fingers, but he couldn't. Not when you felt so good around him, like you were made for him. After a few more slam of his hips, his cock pulsed and released deep inside of you. His cum painting the inside of your walls, filling your insides until you were stuffed and dripping.
For a few moments the three of you basked in the glow of each other, the sound of trying to catch your breath and Craig coming down from his high. Ever so slowly he pulled his softening member from your core, setting you down gently. When your legs failed to hold you up Tweek wrapped his arms around you. Gently placing you on the counter, he took a step back to help you both get cleaned up. Somehow the flour on Craigs clothes flew off and clung to your sweaty skin, the sprinkles from Tweek stuck to your thighs and shoulders. Instead of getting clean, now all three of you were a sticky sweaty mess.
“Cupcakes are done.”
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beaniebabz · 1 year
Craig's favorite Star Wars character is AP-5 from Rebels.....
Craig and Tweek are literally AP-5 and Chopper lol
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he wants to show you his dwawing
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wrecklesspp · 1 year
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@dalmonstrosity do you know that silly little thing your doing
(wanted to som art for the story Bc I think it's funny)
(click for better quality)
Pls I am so tired 😔
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animebw · 1 year
did I just witness Daniel Craig playing Among Us in a bathtub with Stephen Sondheim and Angela Landsbury
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bunytime · 2 years
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miscellaneous assortment of old SP doodles from twitter
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cool-island-songs · 1 year
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anyway ,, big booty tweek canon tf
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anewgayeveryday · 11 months
Today's LGBT+ Character is;
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Jasmine Williams from Craig of the Creek-Lesbian
Requested by Anon
Status; Alive
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in-death-we-fall · 1 year
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The Tightest Knots Never Fray
Metal Edge 48-11, March 2003
By Roger Lotring
(google drive link) Murderdolls interview here – Stone Sour interview here
“Someone has to bring down the whore, dude,” says Shawn Crahan, determinedly addressing the soulless gluttony that has devoured integrity from contemporary music. “I’ve been all over the place,” he admits, readily likening his foregone ranting as being “almost schizophrenic, man.” But for #6—the Clown percussionist of Slipknot—the corporate impurity that desecrates his sacred rock ‘n’ roll art form pits him as the proverbial David in the face of a Goliath. “People always say Clown’s a fuckin’ retard genius,” he exhilarates. “And I say, ‘You’re right.’ I’ve taken an oath, spilled a lot of blood, and I’m part of an organization that is going to do nothing but bring down the pig.”
The challenge of Disasterpieces is the first of the slings and arrows. A turbulently intense package, the very first Slipknot DVD is largely centered around a February 2002 live performance filmed at the London Arena. A fast-paced style of editing moves conjunctively with 5.1 surround sound to overwhelm both the aural and visual senses, making for an extreme Slipknot experience. An accompanying second disc features a video history of the band, including the banned clip for “Spit It Out,” plus a previously unreleased animated version of “Wait And Bleed.” Enhanced bonus material and an exclusive audio track—”Purity”—make this DVD the gauntlet of a challenge to sedentary bands reigning over hard rock popularity. “I’ve kind of made the DVD like, ‘Look, if you’re not this good, and you don’t know what the fuck’s going on, why don’t you quit and do us all a favor?’” Moreover, Disasterpieces is an architectural draft by which metal fans can judge what to expect from their music. Nothing less will suffice anymore in a landscape of media saturated mediocrity.
“It’s the cattle thing,” Clown defines, a cultural popularity branded by lethargy. “If you’re not at the back of the pack, something in life forced you to be at the front,” he says, intimating music fans as an order of natural selection. “There’s probably a chance for everyone, but it means we’re going to have to go, ‘Hey, you guys at the back of the pack, they’re going to eat you, do you understand?’” It’s what he calls an education. “That’s what Disasterpieces is,” he says by comparison, something by which metal fans can decipher the natural order of musical innovation.
Metal Edge sat down on a Saturday afternoon for an intense conversation with Clown about Disasterpieces, as well as his perspective on the Stone Sour and Murderdolls branches of the Slipknot family tree. “I used to talk about unity and pushing forward,” he concedes, noting that, “I think Slipknot did that to the point that we don’t need to anymore. Now, it’s obvious all of us are looking for our insides. We are trying to evolve Slipknot. All of us need to fuckin’ find some stuff for ourselves,” he explains, assuring diehard Slipknot fans that “they ain’t got nothing to worry about. Let the Maggots know it’s all coming for ‘em. We’re not getting older, we’re getting better.”
METAL EDGE: Is the Disasterpieces DVD meant as a means of focusing attention on Slipknot in the interim before a new album? SHAWN CRAHAN: Most people in the world have to realize that we, the band, have been doing this for seven years. We’ve been doing it professionally, nonstop, for four years. We just got to the point where we understand what home is. So, everybody’s kind of doing their own thing right now—which is totally cool with everybody in the band—because we need time. The third album is coming, right around the corner, and we know it’s going to be different. No one has to be worried about anything drastically changing, ‘cause we’re pretty focused on what we need to be. However, the third one, I think it’s gonna be a really crazy, weird, all-out war. Every member is gonna bring who he is to the table, with all the experience he’s downloaded for the last seven years. This DVD was never intended to let people know that we were alright or whatever. It’ll run its course for two or three months, and we’re starting to write the new album in January—not all of us, but people are gonna fall into place as need be. But, like I said, man, this new album’s gonna be completely insane, as far as I’m concerned.
ME: Would it be fair to say that this DVD almost closes a chapter of Slipknot? SC: I’ve been getting into a lot of trouble lately, because I’ve been telling people that it ends an era. And I don't care what anyone says about it, it ends an era. I’m not interested—the Clown is not interested—in using goats anymore. I’m not interested in half the shit that’s on our stage. Have I talked about this with everyone else? No. But I do a lot of that stuff, and I’m just not interested in the Iowa show no more. I mean, I’m done, I’m bored, and it’s over with. The DVD captured it as best as we could. There were over ten thousand people, over twenty-one cameras, and it was just pure mayhem. You got the most of the show that we could do, that we did for Iowa for over a year.
ME: But isn’t that the point? Why continue doing the Iowa show? It wasn’t meant to be forever, it was meant to be that album. SC: Right, I think people just think that we’re breaking up, or something stupid like that. But no, it’s absolutely the end of an era, get fucking used to it! People change. Fourteen-year-old fans that were there [when] we came out, they’re eighteen now. We’re changing, too, and if no one likes it, fuck off.
ME: You mentioned that this project consisted of a multiple camera shoot, comprising a double DVD. When the idea was first conceived, was it readily apparent that it was going to be so intensive? SC: I knew what was going to happen. I came up with the idea of so many cameras, and the reason was, before, we had only a couple that would film the band. I would just pretty much almost shoot myself, every time we got something in, ‘cause I was so disappointed. Great, you got footage of Sid jumping in the crowd, but what about Joey’s excellent footwork? Where’s all the angles? So, I knew we were going to have a monster. They were talking about one disc, but I knew it would be literally impossible. There’s over four thousand edits in the show itself, and that just takes a lot of information for a computer to recognize.
ME: But with a band like Slipknot, and what it does onstage, you almost have to do it the way Disasterpieces was done, because if you’re at the show, visually, there’s so much going on. SC: That’s how I edited the whole thing with Phil [Richardson]. We edited it like we were in the front row. The reason why I was so excited about being able to do this project was, just like you said, yes, it moves very fast. But how is it moving? Is it moving out-of-control, or is it literally going Clown… Chris… joey… Mick… Sid… Paul… Jim… Mick… Clown… Sid—Ya’ know what I mean? That’s what it’s doing. You’re literally getting to see the chaos as it’s being done. Yeah, it moves very quick, but so does Slipknot. [Laughing] This is for kids to identify with what the fuck exactly goes on at a Slipknot show—Who starts what, who’s playing where, and what they’re doing while they’re doing it. This is all about cues, and the only way to do it right is to do it quickly. Plus, I don’t make anything for the weak, dude. I am here to cleanse the weak away from the idea known as Slipknot. I only want people that understand, because after they take it all in, they’re teachers. And they’ll go out and start molding the future. I’ve kind of made this DVD like, ‘Look, if you’re not this good, why don’t you quit now and do us all a favor?’ That’s how angry I am at the music scene. I understand music has to move, but I’ve never felt so sorry for people listening to music right now, ‘cause it’s fucking crap! Nu Metal? Garbage! It’s garbage, dude! It is! If you know you’re a nu metal band, you’re fucking garbage, end of story. This DVD is about real music, real players—there’s not one musical overdub in the whole thing. What you hear is what happened that night. The only thing that was done, I believe, was in the beginning of “Purity,” because the pyro blew up a couple of the mics. I don’t know any bands that can go through an hour-and-a-half of intensive, dead-on musicianship as we do. I pride myself very, very much to be honored in a band in such good company, ‘cause we’re all incredible musicians, and we make it fly.
ME: So it’s fair to say that this DVD is a challenge to any other band out there right now? If you can’t live up to this… SC: …If you can’t live up to this, why are you even bullshitting? I’ve been on tour with bands that suck. And I’m looking at 'em like, ‘You got a record deal? You’re getting a chance to change the world? Who signed you, some fuckin’ dork? Some idiot over at some big company that knows the formula?’ Man, they’re all losers, dude. Record people get a formula of something that works—Just take Slipknot, for example. Look at all the little fashion statements that have been started, because a band like Slipknot works. Most of the idiots that sign bands because of us are people that said no to Slipknot. I could call four people out from every label. The industry’s a fuckin’ joke, dude! I’m in rock ‘n’ roll, and I’ve never been so embarrassed to be a part of something in my entire life. But it doesn’t matter, dude, ‘cause Slipknot’s there. That’s what we stand for, and that’s what we break down.
ME: Isn’t that a cue, then, with your band being a leader within the rock genre, to throw a monkey wrench into it and make a total left turn? SC: I think so. I never sit here and intend to break the rules. I go, ‘This is the band I’m in.’ The whole time I was editing the DVD, I said, ‘Oh my God, I’m in that band! Yeah, I’m getting to design this, and the whole idea of the DVD is mine, but holy fuck, that’s me in the band! I’m in this band!’
ME: It’s a little surreal, isn’t it? SC: Oh, it’s completely surreal, man! I am so honored to be in the company of eight dudes that fuckin’ throw down. We throw down, man, and I’m proud of it. And I’m not gonna sit back like other people in the band—Everybody would be humble. I don’t care anymore! If your band isn’t this good, then you suck! I’m tired of all the political bullshit, all the bands making fun of us, talking shit. Well, guess what? All your bands suck. None of you could do what we do. I’ve watched all of you, and it doesn’t happen. You come short.
ME: It’s like the early days of KISS, when they would be ridiculed, and then blow other bands off the stage. Nobody would be laughing afterward. SC: We’re actually now managed by KISS’ manager. And we’ve talked a couple stories, ‘cause I play music because of KISS. That was my introduction to music. In the early stages, no one knew what they looked like, and people used to flip out. And I was thinking, goddamn, that sounds a lot like Slipknot!
ME: Watching Disasterpieces, everybody’s faces have been carefully obscured to preserve that mystique. But is the marketing necessity of Murderdolls and Stone Sour detrimental to Slipknot? Joey, Corey and Jim have all been unmasked. SC: I don’t know how to answer that, man. I love Joey, Corey and Jim—As I love everybody in the band. However, things have changed now, and they’re the only ones that have to live with that. And they’re the ones that have to be responsible for that. It is what it is, man, but I don’t think it matters. Joey and Corey and Jim have found another extension of themselves, okay, and I want to clear it up. Corey is a genius. He writes all the time, all day long. I got notebooks that he’s just left laying around, full of conceptual pieces. Some belong to Slipknot, some belong to Corey Taylor. There’s things he won’t even bring to Slipknot, because it’s not the ‘Knot. And no one knows that better than Corey. Think about what he did, man. I mean, he takes the mask off—You know how hard that was? And he did it, and he’s succeeding. And I say, good for him, because that’s what Slipknot stands for. Recently, I said we’re the biggest punk band in the world. I didn’t mean like we’re a punk band, [but] I mean we live the punk feeling. We’re the biggest metal band in the world, and I got three dudes trouncing around the world without masks, succeeding, okay? That’s exactly what Slipknot is.
ME: Meaning that Slipknot is at the point where it can fly in the face of convention and do whatever it likes. SC: I think what we’ve always preached, if we’ve preached anything, is to thyself be true. Don’t ever judge me, just let me do my fucking thing. We’re Slipknot. We stand up and teach kids to stand up! Fight for who you are! Be who you are, don’t worry about it. And now, my own members are like, ‘I gotta do this.’ They go up against all odds and break down all the fuckin’ walls. And they look everybody in the face with their real face, after relying on rubber masks for fucking years? People need to shut up. Fucking ignorance, man! I don’t care what any of ‘em say, we do what we want.
ME: Isn’t that the fundamental basis of being in rock ‘n’ roll to begin with? SC: Yeah! You got Slipknot, now you got the Murderdolls, you got Stone Sour—I will bet my left testicle, there will be other things. Who knows? Every member of the band might have its own entity, and then get together as Slipknot. Oh, some might suck, some might be good. But the point is, what do you do with your life? Most people that have an opinion, aren’t you just cattle being programmed with the imprint? I’m ready for this whole thing to change, man. I’m ready for the pictures in your magazine to change color; I’m ready for people to start talking about things they want, instead of their editors. I’m ready for bands to start telling the truth and lift the veil of rock ‘n’ roll, instead of all this bullshit.
ME: Have you listened to either the Stone Sour or Murderdolls albums yet? SC: Oh, yeah. I listened to the Murderdolls by myself—Joey gave me the copy. When we’re on the road, we’re both very, very busy, and we don’t have a lot of Shawn and Joe time. But Corey, when we were in Europe last time, we both happened to be up very early in the morning, and we were on a long drive. I got to listen to the whole Stone Sour album with Corey. Sitting there with the creator of it, somehow I understood all of it and knew where he was going. I even told him what his next single after “Bother” would be.
ME: Their exploration of musical direction will be invigorating when working on a new Slipknot album. That’s going to be the most positive effect on what the band comes up with, creatively. SC: Yeah. I would have used to have told you that I’d have my people take your head off with that explanation, but I agree with you now. I mean, dude, we’ve been going for four fucking years. Only now can I say thank you to the rest of the guys for allowing ourselves to be home and figure it out. And let me tell you, the three years before being signed—Pure hell. You want to see the evolvement of Slipknot? It took fuckin’ years. I used to wear a Barney outfit. One weekend, I’d be Barney, the next, I’d be a priest. Mick would be Little Bo Peep—Look at Mick, almost seven foot tall, in a Little Bo Peep outfit, slamming with a bonnet on.
ME: But that makes sense, because it wouldn’t have worked if it was something formulated. SC: No! I’ll be honest, man, I hurt some feelings when those guys did that. I hurt some serious feelings. I think people are still angry at me, ya’ know? And that’s cool. I don’t give a fuck. So what? [Laughing] But I take the responsibility of Slipknot hardcore, man. We gave these kids with nothing, something. They were the ones that were so far gone, they were like, I’m outta here, I’m gonna kill myself. Boom—Slipknot comes alone. I’ve had kids wear Slipknot shirts—you know how they are when they wear Slipknot shirts—it’s like a fucking army. They’ll wash it every day, to wear it every day. It lets other kids now (sic) what kind of kid they are. It’s a mentality. That kid is basically telling us where he’s at, by wearing that statement. That’s why I get so nuts, [and] why people are mad at me. Slipknot’s come to a point where—we know we’re a band, dude—but we’ve become icons of responsibility in the world we live in. I try to live my words, man. I try to be really, really responsible.
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venleaf · 1 year
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Read a fanfic with creekenny and oh boi it was lovely also kenny was a jester so yes I had to draw that, also ft thief craig and sadly I didn't manage to draw barbarian tweek with them rip
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damnkenn · 2 years
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• Shooting Your Shot • (part one)
a comic request from an anon that's taken me forever to do 🥲
i'm posting in parts because of how long it's taking (i wasn't expecting the coloring and details to be so time consuming). hopefully it won't take me too much longer to post the next part(s) (i think there may be one or two more). (and hopefully it's worth the wait 😭)
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Please write New Vegas companions react to the courier sitting in their lap :)
Arcade: Arcade sighed heavily. It's been yet another long day helping the followers. Feeling tired, he sat on the nearest bench he could find, and leaned his head back so he could look at the sky absentmindedly. With no warning, the Courier sat on his lap, making him jump from surprise. "W-what are you doing?!?!?! There are other places to sit???" The Courier just laughed and said this spot looked the most comfortable. Arcade adjusted his glasses, "I-uh- you.." He stuttered, clearly embarrassed. "Surely there's somewhere better for you to sit." The Courier laughed again and finally got up to sit next to him instead. Arcade couldn't think of anything to say, he rested his face in his hands to hopefully hide his red face. It didn't help much.
Boone: Boone had been keeping watch while the Courier relaxed. They watched him watch the horizon for any signs of danger. He looked bored. The Courier got up and called Boone, "Hey come sit, I'll take next watch." Boone got up without a word, listening to their command. He took a seat on their previously occupied chair. Without even bothering to go keep watch, the Courier immediately sat on his lap. They just wanted to see how he'd react. Blank. Nothing. "I thought you were going to keep watch." The Courier huffed and got up. With crossed arms, they went to do as they had promised. The Courier didn't know it because of his sunglasses, but Boone had a hard time looking them in the eye.
Ed-E: He has no lap with which to sit.
Lily: The Courier was clearly exhausted, and Lily could tell. Without thinking it through, Lily found the closest and sturdiest wall and leaned against it. She assumed a wall sit position, making the Courier confused. "Sit for a bit. I can't let my own grandchild be so tired." The Courier couldn't believe their eyes. There's no way they could sit on her lap while she's doing a WALL SIT, no one could handle all their weight while doing that. Or so they thought. The Courier noticed Lily's bulging thigh muscles. She is a nightkin after all, she's stronger than any normal human. The Courier shrugged and took a seat. Her lap was much more comfortable than expected.
Raul: The Courier and Raul had taken a trip to the NCR embassy to visit some captain for some kind of mission. Raul didn't really listen to the details so he didn't actually know the reason for their visit. The embassy was particularly busy this day, so they were told to wait for the captain to be available. The lobby was busy enough that there were almost no seats, save for one. Raul sat down without really thinking about it. The Courier awkwardly stood in front of him. "I'd offer you my seat, but I think elders get dibs." He chuckled. The Courier just smiled in response. Raul thought for a moment, probably they wanted to sit too, god only knows how long the NCR will take. "Hey boss," he gestured to his lap, "take a seat." The waved him off, surely he wasn't serious. "No really, come on." He patted his lap. The Courier hesitantly took a seat. The two stayed silent for a couple minutes. Raul interrupted the silence by tapping on their arm, "yeah I don't think my old bones can take this. Let's try switching spots" They got some stares from other embassy patrons, but neither of them really minded.
Rex: You literally cannot sit in a dog's lap.
Cass: Both Cass and the Courier had been complaining about how tired they were from walking. Almost to see who could one-up the other on how tired they were. They happened upon a building with a missing side, but at least it still had a roof. One chair occupied the corner of what looked like a kitchen. Cass used whatever energy she had left to run to the chair and take it for herself. "HA. I got here first." She smirked at them smugly. The Courier crossed their arms and looked at her annoyed. Just as Cass rested her arms by her sides to really relax her muscles, the Courier quickly took a seat on her lap. Cass shot them a dirty look. "Oh I'm sorry was this seat taken?" The Courier reflected her smirk from before. "Uh, yeah, I'd rather take the floor if you're gonna keep this up." Cass was too tired to put up much of a fight.
Veronica: Veronica and the Courier had stopped into the first bar they could find. They were both exhausted from walking for nearly the entire day. The bar was way more crowded than either had expected. Almost every seat was taken. Veronica spotted the singular vacant chair in the corner of the room and quickly claimed it as her own. The Courier stood next to her, leaning on the wall. She could tell just how tired they were and knew their feet must have been aching. "Hey," getting the Courier's attention, she patted her lap, to signal they should take a seat. "You sure?" The Courier asked, just to be sure she was okay with it. "I insist!" She looked at them with a smile. They took a seat and were instantly relieved. Veronica invited them to take a seat herself, but she didn't expect it to be so embarrassing. She blushed slightly, and couldn't look at them the entire time they were on her lap.
Vulpes: Having finally set up camp for the night, Vulpes's guard was down. As down as it could be anyway. Sitting on a log near the campfire, he closed his eyes to relax for just a moment. The Courier saw their chance and quickly made their move to spontaneously sit on his lap. Vulpes quickly opened his eyes at the sudden weight on his lap. He lifted his arms so as to not touch them, "Um.. Is there something I can help you with?" He didn't seem as amused as the Courier had hoped for. They quickly got off his lap, feeling a little embarrassed.
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steeklover · 1 year
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Day 1 of teaching myself how to draw
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acreekinthenight · 11 days
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Spent all day on this instead of working on the next chapter
I am super excited about Sex & Candy though!
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
someone tell white people stop reviewing Bollywood by mediocre Western standards i'm f*cking crying rn
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varibean · 11 months
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the chances of me ever finishing more than a quick concept sketch of twyle are low...but NEVER zero so watch out
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