#i'm sorry i know i said i was sending an ask
03jyh23 · 3 days
— i haven't kissed you yet today || choi san
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genre: fluff
trigger warnings: none
words: 900
reminder: what you’re about to read is purely fiction, so let’s keep it separate from reality.
!minors do not interact!
— hi there! this request was in my inbox for an unholy amount of time. currently, i need some breather from all the angst im working on and i decided to give this request a shot! hope my lovely anon will enjoy this small piece of work!
love, monika. ♡
if you enjoyed this post, i’d be so grateful for a little love – a like, reblog or comment would truly make my day!
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You were lying on your bed, the soft comforter providing a comforting warmth. The setting sunbathed the bedroom in a beautiful golden light. It was a lazy day, with your activities limited to fetching food or using the bathroom while binge-watching your new favorite series. In recent weeks San's schedule become incredibly hectic due to his idol responsibilities, leaving him little time for his boyfriend duties. He had left home early today again, and you were somewhat upset that he hadn't woken you up to say goodbye. Picking up your phone, you contemplated sending a message, but decided against it, not wanting to add to his already overwhelming responsibilities. Instead, you nestled deeper into the comforter. After several hours of continuous watching, even the most interesting series could lose its charm. So, you decided it was time to close your laptop and give your eyes a much-needed rest. You twisted and turned, trying to find that perfect spot. The bedroom was silent, save for the occasional rustling of the sheets. The golden hues of the setting sun had long faded, replaced by the soft glow of the moonlight seeping through the window. 
Awoken by the noise of unlocking doors, you were in a half-asleep, half-awake state. You clung to your comforter, pulling it closer to your body in a futile attempt to stay asleep. Its weight seemed to keep you in your dreams, but reality kept intruding. You heard the rustle of fabric as San removed his jacket, the sound a testament to the long day he must have had. Following that, the muted thud of his bag hitting the floor echoed in the quiet room. A few heartbeats later, the soft patter of his steps grew louder as he approached the bedroom. Soon after, you heard his footsteps getting louder as he came towards the bedroom. The bed dipped slightly under his weight as he slid in beside you. You could feel the warmth radiating from your boyfriend, his scent filled your nostrils, combining his faded cologne and a faint hint of sweat. 
"Baby?" San murmured, his fingers brushing a stray strand of hair away from your face. "Are you awake?" he asked gently, trying not to startle you. Despite your best efforts to remain asleep, the sound of his voice pulled you towards consciousness. You hummed in response, still unwilling to open your eyes. He chuckled softly at your response. "I'm sorry I came home late," he whispered, his voice laced with guilt. 
You shrugged lightly, turning your face to him. "It's okay," you mumbled, your voice muffled by the comforter. "I'm just glad you're home." He smiled in the darkness, pulling you closer. His arms wrapped around you, providing a warmth far better than any comforter. 
San leaned closer, his face just inches from yours. "You know," he said, his playful voice filled with affection, "I haven't kissed you yet today." 
Your heart fluttered at his words, a warmth spreading through your chest. You chuckled softly, looking into his eyes. "Well, we can't have that, can we?" you replied, barely a whisper against the intimate silence. With a gentle, almost shy smile, San closed the small distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a sweet, lingering kiss. It was the kind of kiss that made time seem to slow down, each moment lingering in the sweet love between you. "Better?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. 
"Much better," he replied, his thumb tracing a soft line along your jaw. "But I think I need one more, just to be sure." 
You chuckled softly, your heart swelling with love for the man beside you. "Well, if you insist," you teased, your lips finding his once more. It was just you and San, wrapped up in each other, sharing a perfect moment. It was a reminder of why you loved him so much, and why, despite the hectic schedules, you wouldn't change a thing. 
San pulled you in closer, your head now resting on his chest. You could hear the steady rhythm of his heart beating, a comforting lullaby in the quiet room. He kissed the top of your head, his lips lingering for longer than usual. "Goodnight, baby," he whispered, his voice filled with warmth and affection. As the whisper left his lips, you felt a sense of calm envelope you. The day's stress seemed to melt away with your boyfriend's comforting presence. A soft sigh escaped you, content as you drifted to sleep, nestled securely against him. San's hand gently ran through your hair, the action absent-minded yet filled with affection. It was a simple gesture, one that he probably wasn't even aware of, but it spoke volumes about his feelings for you. It was these moments, the quiet, intimate exchanges when it was just the two of you, that made everything worth it. You knew that no matter how hectic life got, you'd always have these moments to look forward to - the quiet nights spent in each other's arms, the shared laughter and whispered words of love. As you drifted off into a peaceful slumber, you knew that despite the challenges, there was nowhere else you'd rather be. 
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mirrology · 1 day
Can I ask a boothill with an adopted child/teen reader that's hps (hyper sensitive) and also has parental trauma
(You don't have to do this if you feel uncomfortable 🐧)
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ノstar .ᐟ ʚɞ
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୨୧ No matter that love's gone, We just see it shining. We've traveled very far, I'll keep a leftover light burning. So you can keep looking up, Isn't that worth holding on? — star, mitski.
boothill & gender neutral reader. platonic | wc: 1.6k
tags/warnings: decided to go with hc's for this one since I didn't know how to write it in fic format T_T. teen reader, reader is a galaxy ranger and really well versed in technology. they can fight pretty well, reader also hates the ipc. boothill is a bad influence. mentioned child abuse, child neglect, reader has a "mom" and acts a little like blade when near her.
notes: aaaa sorry that this is so late! Hopefully, this is what you meant by "hypersensitive." If not, then just let me know, and I'll change it, ALSO HAPPY PRIDE MONTH
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— The two of you met when you were beating up some IPC goons on a planet that they had recently wanted to take over. You had been there gathering materials to set sail to your next destination, you were on the hunt for a certain IPC employee. One who you once knew.
— You couldn't just stand back and watch those IPC scum send that planet into spiraling chaos. So, of course, you beat them up without breaking a sweat. That's where Boothill had found you, he was impressed that someone so young had such skill in combat.
↳ You huffed as the remaining IPC personnel ran away with their tails between their legs. A slow sound of applause came from behind you, causing you to turn around, a deadpan evident on your face. You were met with a man with dual colored hair and what seemed to be a metal body, “I'm not gonna lie, you've got skills, kid.” He had said, a smirk on his face.
— Once the both of you got to talking, he found out you were also a galaxy ranger and that you also absolutely hated the IPC, you both really had many things in common. You had asked him for help in getting to your destination and he agreed pretty easily, claiming that he had “some time to spare”
— Although you had spent little time together, you felt comfortable around him, he never pushed your boundaries or forced you to do things you didn't want to. Boothill’s vocabulary surprised you, instead of cursing normally his words were censored. You would have offered to try to fix his synesthesia beacon, but just the thought of touching someone made your skin crawl. The ghostly touches of people who you once considered family etched onto your skin.
— Once it came to part ways, you didn't want to do so. You shyly admitted to Boothill that the thought of not seeing him scared you a tad bit. He looked surprised but then gave you a bright smile and told you that you could join him on his adventures, and so a strong bond between the both of you was born.
— When Boothill infiltrated the IPC headquarters you're the one who hacked into their system. With your experience, it was relatively easy, although Boothill would not let you go inside with him. He couldn't risk putting you in danger, even though he knows you can put up a fight.
— When the both of you escaped the headquarters after causing absolute chaos, Boothill brought his hand up to your head as he tried to ruffle your hair. He was surprised and slightly hurt when you tensed up and quickly moved out of the way.
— Boothill thought he had made you scared of him somehow, even though you had no reason to be afraid. You noticed his downcast expression and you quickly told him that he did nothing wrong, it was just…
↳ Your heart pounded in your chest, your hands were sweating. You reached up and gripped a strand of your hair in your hand as a sheepish expression painted your face. “I'm not the best with physical touch,” You blurted out, albeit bluntly. “Whenever someone touches me — even if it's just a brush of their fingers, it feels like needles are being stuck into my skin” You huffed, clenching your fist and your eyes downcast. Boothill's expression softened, his once frown lifting into an understanding smile. “Thanks for telling me, bud.” He nodded, his fingers twitching at his side, as if wanting to reach out to you. Yet he respected your space and refrained from doing so.
— Now that Boothill knew about your hypersensitivity he made no attempts to touch you, preferring to give you gifts instead. Whenever you do something that makes him proud as a father would a child; he takes you out to get your favorite food as a treat. Of course verbal encouragement is also a thing he does, giving you a “I'm proud of ya’ kid!” and a pointy grin.
— It's canon Boothill is pretty wealthy from all of those bounties that he hunts and he doesn't exactly know what to do with it. So he definitely spoils you at every chance he gets. Want a nice Keychain you saw in a shop? He's handing it to you right now. How about a nice piece of clothing or a cultural food from the planet that you're visiting? He's got the clothing in a bag and is urging you to try the food.
— Even though you both have your moments of happiness, the both of you still have purposes you stick to. You had gotten a lead on where that person was and you were going to do everything to catch up to them and make them get what they deserved.
↳ “You.” You hissed walking towards the woman in an IPC uniform, kicking another unconscious employee away. You gripped your weapon tightly in your hand, the woman widened her eyes in terror at your sudden appearance, she fell on her bottom, scooting away from you as you approached her. As she backed away she didn't go far, her back hitting a wall not too long after. Your unhurried footsteps resonated through her ears, making her breath pick up as she clutched the dirt underneath her in an attempt to ground herself.
You stopped in front of her, eyes full of unbridled anger. “(N-name)?!” She squeaked, putting a hand out infront of her to reach out to you. “What are.. how are you-” She was cut off as the back of your weapon slapped her intruding hand away. “You don't get to say my name.” You glared at her, your tone icy cold and unforgiving. She tried to speak once more but was once again cut off, “You left me to die! If it wasn't for my quick thinking, I would have been dead by now!” You said in a firm tone and pointed your weapon straight at her, leaving her no room to move or else you would attack.
The woman tensed up and a bead of sweat ran down the side of her cheek, “Honey… I had no choice! You would only weigh me down, you have to understand!” She had the gall to call you “honey” this woman no longer had the honor of doing so. The words stung, even though you no longer felt any affection for her… they brought back memories that you would rather forget. You clenched your teeth and watched as she rambled on and on about how “it was for your own good” and that “you should try to understand her situation” before she would get another word out, you sound your weapon, officially slicing her throat.
The blood splattered onto your stoic face, you watch as she choked on her own blood, eyes wide and filled with panic as if her life was flashing before her eyes… you hope it hurts.
A set of footsteps came from behind you, judging by the jingling of metal and their heavy footsteps you could tell who it was. You reluctantly turned around to meet Boothill's concerned gaze, “Er.. ya’ okay kiddo?” He scratched the side of his face as he pointed out the tears that prickled at the corner of your eyes. You stared at the ground and slowly nodded “I don't entirely hate her, but she didn't deserve to know that… even in her last moment” You muttered as more salty tears filled your vision.
— You and Boothill headed back to your ship, all while you were still occasionally shedding tears. Boothill, seeing the state you were in, offered you a warm, fluffy blanket and a warm drink; hot chocolate.
↳ You sniffled and held the blanket that was over your shoulders to your chest. You were sat on a cushion on the floor of yours and Boothill’s ship, knees tucked towards your chest in an attempt to stop yourself from crying. “Heya kiddo, I got ya’ some hot chocolate…” Boohill plopped down next to you on a matching cushion and held out the mug that was in his robotic hand. His hand was placed below the mug so when you reached to get it, you both wouldn't accidentally brush fingers.
The both of you sat in a pregnant silence and you occasionally sipping on the warm drink provided to you. Boothill stared at you from the corner of his eye, your gaze was focused on the window, giving you the view of the vast space. “She was my mother, you know” You suddenly broke the silence with your blunt words, Boothill’s eyes widened a significant amount, yet you continued.
“Even though she claimed to love me, her actions hurt and her words even more.” You put your mug down beside you and snuggled further into the blanket. The cyborg's face softened into something different, almost sad, distraught. His teeth clenched in anger at the thought of you being hurt by that woman, something ugly bloomed in his mechanical chest.
“But now she's gone,” Boothill started, making you turn your head to look at him with a surprised expression. “She can't hurt you anymore nor anyone, not when I'm around” He grinned, his shark-like teeth out on display. Something in your chest felt warm, it was different but not unpleasant. You offered Boothill a small smile then took a deep breath and raised your pinky up, “Pinky promise?” your voice a bit shaky, but your eyes were filled with determination.
Boothill slowly brought his pinky up, gently intertwining it with yours. They were barely touching but it was progress, “Promise.” The cyborg nodded firmly.
Tears pricked at you eyes, not in sadness nor anger, but relief.
“Thank you.”
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politemenacephd · 1 day
Miguel O'Hara x GN!Reader (+18)
You're alone with your new boss Miguel in his office, and you decide to finally ask a question you've been harboring for a while: Is he really a vampire?
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CW/Content: Description of blood, Miguel has a blood-drinking/cannibalism fetish, Mutual masturbation, messy kissing, consensual kink, dirty talk, hand job/clitoral stimulation. Notes: hiiii I'm back finally, back to writing anyway, life beat me half to death but I'm back and I'm horny. hope yall enjoy
‘Are you really a vampire, boss?’
Miguel flinched, his enormous body going rigid midway through typing. He’d been about to send a message to Lyla when that question was asked, but now suddenly all of his iron-tight focus was gone. With narrowed eyes he turned and glanced down at you, the person who’d asked such an odd question out of nowhere.
‘Am… Am I a really a vampire? Is that what you just asked me?’ he replied back in a cool, slightly cold voice.
You were both up on his floating desk, with you dangling your legs over the side into the gloomy abyss below while he basked in the warm, orange light of his desk monitors. While he turned to glance down at you, you didn’t return the favor, and continued to stare at the slightly misty darkness below.
‘That’s what I asked boss, that is correct’ you replied.
Miguel grunted, his lip curling ever so slightly. He was trying to be polite, he really was, but he was regretting more and more letting Lyla hire someone to help out with the mundane chores around his office. Maybe if she’d just hired someone… quieter… this wouldn’t be such a hassle, but instead, he was stuck with you.
When you beamed up at him again, he pinched the bridge of his nose.
‘No puedo más’, he hissed under his breath, ‘no! No, I’m not a vampire.’ He was trying to speak diplomatically but the intensity in his voice remained, that sharp authoritative bark that usually made people listen.
‘It’s not an issue if you are, I don’t mind’ you said cheerily.
I don’t believe you, Miguel thought to himself, though he didn’t say it.
‘Oh, good. Great. Well, I’ll keep that in mind if we ever do become a real vampire, won’t I?’ Miguel replied in that slightly sarcastic tone.
‘Boss, I’m serious’ you said again, lightly rolling your shoulders as you lay back down across the floor of his floating desk. You could see his body above you, so lean and powerful, and yet you showed no fear or concern.
‘I’m just… curious’ you continued. ‘I’ve heard the other newer members saying it, and, you know. It’s an odd rumor if true.’
‘Who did you hear saying such things?’
His sharp tone made you flinch, and you awkwardly hunched your shoulders. ‘Uh- just, a few people’ you said, not wishing to snitch anyone out. ‘They mentioned it a few times, enough times for me to think it wasn’t just a joke. So, I wanted to ask. That’s all.’
‘Eso es ridículo… No, I’m not a vampire’ Miguel finally grunted, his sharp features glowing in the light of his monitors. ‘I have fangs, and red eyes, but not- that’s not because I’m a vampire.’
‘So, what did cause that?’ you piped up. ‘The uh- fangs, and stuff. Because nobody else here has those traits, right?’
Miguel’s eye twitched as he strained to be polite. ‘I was mutated with a spider. That’s why. No vampirism, nothing supernatural, just… spider.’
‘Riiggghhtt, but… Spiders are cannibals, right? Quite famously’ you replied smoothly. He hissed, his head spinning until you caught just a glimpse of his eye. It was burning red, almost glowing.
‘What do you- can we please stop this?’ he snapped.
You flinched only a little at his sharp retort. He was usually polite, and restrained, even when irritated, but that sudden burst of anger betrayed something more serious. You slowly raised your hands. ‘Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Really, I’m- sorry.’
Miguel curtly nodded and returned to his desk, but now he couldn’t focus. He couldn’t get it off his mind.
Could you tell? Could you somehow see his deepest, grossest inner thoughts? The thoughts he hated?
The instincts that made him salivate at the thought of soft flesh in his mouth, of licking the sweat aside and smearing the skin with venom to numb it, so their breath wouldn’t catch, so they wouldn’t scream, so he could feel that soft skin puncture and give way to his fangs, letting him in, letting him deep inside, filling his mouth with—
Miguel blinked himself back to reality. He glanced down; he’d gotten so carried away he’d sunk his claws into his desk, piercing right through the metal. He slowly retracted them.
Another reminder that he wasn’t human, he thought sourly.
But you didn’t scream or look at him in disgust. That’s what he was used to. Instead, you looked genuinely concerned. ‘Boss, hey, look I didn’t- I didn’t wanna upset you’ you said, keeping a low voice. ‘I was genuinely asking before, not in like a morbidly curious way, I just… I don’t know. I wanted to be, considerate, if that was the case. I wasn’t trying to be cruel.’
Miguel scowled. ‘Calling it a… vampire thing, or, implying I am a vampire, that… How is that not going to come across as cruel?’
‘Well vampire isn’t necessarily a bad thing’ you argued back, ‘I didn’t mean it like—’
His cold, sharp stare drew you to silence, and you pursed your lips.
‘No, you’re right. You’re right! You are, I’m- I’m sorry. I am, really.’
Miguel stared down at you as you apologized. His lip was still curled a little, his brows knotted, but they started to loosen when he saw the sincerity in your expression.
‘… I’m, not used to anyone not being morbidly curious’ he muttered quietly. ‘Or, disgusted, or afraid, or—’
‘Jesus! No, I’m not disgusted or afraid. I mean look! I’m here, on your platform, no escape. Eh? That’d be a weird thing for me to do if I thought you were an evil bloodthirsty beast.’
Your cheery tone and smile faded a little as he shot you another disapproving look, but this time he didn’t snap or turn away. Instead, he coughed into his fist, and began a very curt explanation.
‘Hm. Look, I was mutated with a spider, physically, and it… gave me some, unusual traits. More, primal traits, I guess. I’m not some rabid animal though.’
‘I know, I know. I never said rabid’ you replied, suddenly very eager that Miguel was actually responding. ‘Just… Do you, need to engage in certain types of, ‘consumption’ so to speak?’ you asked softly.
‘I don’t… Need to, I don’t think’ he muttered back, awkwardly swiping a few holograms aside. ‘But, it- the rumors come from the fact that, it gives me some… Urges.’
You nodded along slowly, trying desperately to manage your growing excitement. Yes, yes, urges. Urges. That’s why you were here.
‘Hm… Do you, get the urge to eat people, then? Or is that an unfair rumor?’ you asked, trying to keep it light and polite as you buried your desires down.
Miguel grunted softly. ‘… Sort of’ he murmured. ‘My instinct goes against my better nature, sometimes. So, I try to… keep them in balance.’
‘How so?’
Miguel swallowed. He shouldn’t be talking about this.
‘I, uh… I desire, certain, non-lethal things’ he murmured, speaking as stiffly and awkwardly as possible to cover up how he felt.
But you just kept pushing. You wanted more.
‘Right… So, for example… Biting?’ you said, whispering that last word ever so softly.
Just the word made Miguel almost involuntarily hiss. His spine arched by an inch and his hand balled itself into a fist as he fought to maintain control, to not act on his awful desire and snap his teeth and imagine that soft, soft, sweet neck in his maw-
‘R-Right. Yeah. Biting. You could say, biting is, appealing. But- I believe most, adults find some level of biting attractive’ he argued back.
‘Sure… Sure, I’d agree with that’ you murmured, your voice involuntarily slipping. You’d seen his slip, his flash of a fang, and now you wanted more. ‘I’d agree with that… But, some people are into, more, than just biting.’
Miguel tried so hard to not be obvious as his dark, glowering eyes moved down towards your body. The way you were sitting, the way you coyly arched your head to stare at the distant floor so you didn’t make eye contact
Were you… flirting? Was HE flirting?
‘Do they?’ Miguel murmured, slowly unbaling his fists. You could feel his eyes boring into the back of your head, like a mouse finally sensing a cat in the shadows, and the fear was exactly what you’d hoped it would be.
This was delicious. This was ecstasy.
‘Y-Yeah’ you replied softly, letting your voice deliberately drop. You heard his curious little grunt in response.
‘And what do you mean by that, exactly?’ he replied, his voice slow and sharp. You heard his accent slip out a little, as if he was holding something back. You swallowed hard.
‘Some people… Might be, interested, in your traits’ you replied.
‘How so?’
His persistent, sharp questions made your gut do flips every single time. He could almost smell your primal response, but he wanted more.
‘Some people… Might enjoy the idea of being bitten, like you said, just as much as you enjoy doing it.’
‘I never said I enjoy it.’
Your fists tightened on the edge of the floating office, as you forced your next statement out.
‘No… No, but, I also never asked’ you murmured.
The two of you went silent then, with nothing to fill the void but the slow dripping of water somewhere in the enormous cavern of his office.
‘… Do you enjoy biting?’ you asked after a minute or so. Miguel narrowed his eyes, but you caught him slowly licking his upper lip.
‘… Yes.’
You hid the instinctive shudder that went up your spine at that curt response, and instead asked another question. Keep going. Keep going. You’re so close.
‘Do you, like the idea of drinking blood?’
Miguel shivered as he came to stand behind you, his arms folded over his chest. He stared down at your head, breathing in that sweet scent. It took all his inner strength to now bend down and huff your nape.
‘Yes’ he replied softly. ‘I do.’
‘Do you have, preferences, for blood? Does some taste better than others?’
He managed to chuckle at that.
‘Yes. I’d say so.’
‘… Do you think I’d taste good?’
That question hung in the air like a physical weight, hot and heavy and thick. Miguel felt his muscles tense. He was like a cat in the long grass, instinctively crouching as it smelled the potential of prey.
Slowly he turned and glanced down at you, your body still perfectly perched on the rim of his floating office. You met his gaze without fear. You looked coy, perhaps, but… not afraid. You weren’t joking either.
He’d felt his own prey drive before, but he’d never seen his prey sitting, staring, meeting him with equally hungry eyes.
You watched Miguel lick his lower lip, flashing just an inch of fang. His keen senses picked up the way your body shivered at the sight. ‘…Oh, yes’ he whispered. ‘I think you would. I’d- need to smell you first though.’
Stop. Stop, what are you doing?! His brain screamed at him to withdraw, to cough and dismiss what he’d said as a bad joke, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. Not when you shivered like that.
‘… You wanna smell?’ you murmured back, idly tilting your neck. He saw the soft gleam of your bare skin and had to swallow down his increased saliva.
‘… This is, incredibly unprofessional’ he whispered back. God, his voice was so deep. He sounded tortured.
‘I’m aware’ you replied in the same soft, tender voice. You were speaking like someone talking down an angry animal. ‘We can always stop, if you want. But the offer is on the table.’
Miguel was still only for a moment. As his resolve crumbled, he dropped to his knees beside you, his hand outstretched and his head tilted as he silently requested your cooperation. You obliged.
You bent your neck and tilted it to the side, giving him access to the fine hairs on your nape. You couldn’t help your breath hitching as you sensed his size at your back. Those glowing red eyes, the way he had to look down at you even on his knees.
He kept his eyes fixed on your own for as long as he could while leaning in, letting you see his intent right up until the warmth of his breath hit your neck. You shuddered, and in response, he purred.
You felt the tip of his nose hit your nape, and with a soft growl, he breathed in.
And then he moaned.
You shivered openly at the sound. It was deep, guttural, fully instinctual, and it only got worse when he saw your body respond. You felt his nose sliding up your neck and into your hair as his lips found your skin; they were full and warm, slightly rough on your soft flesh.
He paused there, huffing your hair, his eyes open just a slither to see how you responded. When you remained still, your lips parted and your own moan just barely tittering on your lips, he moved again.
He licked you. His large, flat tongue just barely flicked at your nape, tasting your flavor profile through the sweat beading on your skin, and he growled with approval.
‘Mm… Qué rico’ he whispered against your ear. ‘Yeah. You’d taste good. Real good… So, rich. I bet your blood is, thick.’
In that moment he lost any resolve he’d been trying to maintain, and he indulged. He whispered those filthy forbidden words against your skin between breathy kisses, and you took it all.
‘Mm… So thick… I bet if I pierced here, I wouldn’t even need to suck. Hng… y-yeah. Yeah, it’d just, slide down my throat, so warm, so sweet’ he moaned. 
‘Y-You just, wanna bite my neck?’ you whimpered. ‘Nothing else?’
‘Oh I’d bite everything’ he groaned. ‘Every little bit… But the neck, that’s my favorite. I want to feel your pulse, I want to feel you squirming. Mm…’
‘Y-You want me to squirm?’
‘Maybe just a little’ he cooed, almost crooning a little as he kissed your jaw. ‘But I want you to savor it. I want you soft, and still, and moaning. God, I want to feel that moan in your throat when I bite it. I want to taste it…’
‘Would you, rip it all out? Get too, frisky with it?’ you moaned back, your voice shaking with excitement.
‘Oh, I’d love to’ he hissed, another low groan echoing in his thick throat. ‘I’d tear into you like butter. It’d be too easy… Too easy… Just one, good bite, and you’d be nothing but flesh in my mouth. I’d have to drink you fast You’d be all mine, all mine.’
You let out a soft whimper and tried to turn, trying to face him, to see him.
‘Yes, please—’
You jolted to a stop as he grasped your nape, refusing to let you turn. He couldn’t allow it, at least, not now. He couldn’t let you see that he was rock hard, his erect cock straining almost painfully against his suit where he was trying to suppress it.
The smell, the softness, the taste… he couldn’t help it. He told himself he just couldn’t help it. Not when you moaned like that.
He held you steady, gripping your skin like a cat holding a kitten, and slowly he began to scent you again. He peppered kisses up and down your neck.
‘Mm… Shh, that’s it. That’s what you wanted, right, you little brat?’ he purred. ‘You just wanted to rile me up to get some—’
‘Would you… Would you eat me all at once?’ you blurted.
Miguel paused only briefly to glance at you, realizing that you wanted to keep going. You wanted to go further, not just with the physical play, but with the talk of eating. He felt almost a flicker of pride. He thought you’d drop his strange fetish the moment you got a little taste of his strength, his body, as everyone else did, but you… no. You really were different.
‘Oh, no, mi tesoro’ he whispered right into your ear. ‘No, no. I could. But that’d be a waste. You’re far too precious.’
You whined as he began sliding his tongue around the ridge beneath your ear, sliding up and then down to your neck, peppering kisses as he went. ‘I’d… I’d keep you going for as long as I could. My own little personal blood bank. I’d keep you in my private quarters, I think, and I’d chain you up above my bed, to keep the blood flowing, and… Oh, I’d indulge. I’d indulge in you. I’d drink from you until you were right on the verge of passing out, and then I’d let you recover, and then I’d do it again. Like you’re my cow, my little broodmare, my delicious little pet.’
At his response, you could hold back no longer. With no regard for professionalism you slid your hand down to your painfully swollen clit, still covered by your pants, and you circled it with one finger.
Miguel’s eyes widened so hard that the red glow began to reflect on your bare shoulder, drawing your gaze back to him. You locked eyes.
Miguel didn’t dare blink. He stared at your face, then your hand, then your barely covered crotch, then your eyes again. Your eyes moved from his face to his crotch, to the thick mass twitching beneath his suit. A low, barely discernible breath escaped his parted lips.
He raised his hand, and in front of your eyes, he grasped his own shaft, giving it a small, teasing stroke.
‘Slowly’ he whispered in that dark, husky voice. ‘Slowly… Eat you, slowly.’
‘Skin, and bone, and blood’ you whined back.
He groaned, hard, and you saw his cock fully twitch in his hand. With no resolve left he pressed to phase away his suit at the groin, allowing his hefty cock to fall free.
‘Skin and bone and blood and all.’
He hissed those words back as he fisted his own shaft in front of you. It was thick and curved, notably veiny, and you could see he was already profusely leaking. Either he was an extremely virile man or a pent-up one, and both thoughts excited you.
With a heavy breath you continued gently playing with yourself, letting him watch as his hard, calloused hand worked his girth back and forth.
‘Y-You could eat little pieces of me too’ you whimpered. ‘A finger, o-or my foot—’
‘Mm, foot. That’d be so greedy’ he moaned. His cock throbbed in your delicate grip. ‘Mm… I’d eat little pieces until you couldn’t escape me…’
‘W-Why would I ever want to escape?’
‘Oh, right. Right.’ Miguel purred as he spoke, suddenly fixing you with a slightly cocky, eerie smirk, flashing his fangs your way. He leaned in and watched as you melted.
‘You want this, right? You want that perfect, pretty body in my maw.’
You shuddered and moaned right against his face. As he continued to pant, as his lips parted to flash those thick, pearly canines, you leaned in and coyly let your tongue slip out. He released a low, curious growl in response, as if unsure of what you wanted.
He leaned closer, always moving slowly, and gently nipped your tongue with his fangs. A single, pearly drop of blood formed, causing him to groan. You moaned in response, but you weren’t satisfied with just that.
Instead, you leaned in closer too, and gently licked his fang. You ran your tongue along the smooth surface before coiling around to the curved underside of the tooth, licking at his slightly swollen venom glands until a little bit leaked out.
His eyes were wide as he felt you massaging him, milking him like a snake, taking those little drops and swallowing them down your gullet
It wasn’t enough to paralyze you, just enough to make you feel a little woozy and lightheaded. It tingled a little in your toes. It felt warm. You drank more.
Miguel watched for as long as he could before he was forced to break. Just the sight of you swallowing his venom, so soft and submissive, was almost enough to make him bust right then and there. He had to release his shaft to avoid stimulating himself too far.
‘Mm… mm…’
With a soft shudder his eyes closed, and he widened his jaw to let you in deeper. You obliged.
You continued like this, panting into each other’s mouths, your eyes both reflecting the same shared fantasy: one where you weren’t co-workers, one where you weren’t bound by appearances, where he could grab you by the nape and claw you body back up to his apartment where he’d fuck and lick and bite until you were barely coherent.
When you withdrew it was only because you were too close to orgasming, and you refused to stop the fun this quickly. Who knew when you’d get the chance again? So instead, you kept indulging.
‘W-What would be your favorite part to eat?’
Miguel almost purred at the thought, his tongue now eagerly tasting the saliva you’d left on his fang.
‘Mm… Your thighs’ he murmured dreamily. ‘Oh, I bet they’re delicious. So, soft, so… full. So rich. I couldn’t even save them for last. I’d eat them first…’
Without giving you a chance to reply he kissed you. You squeaked at first but quickly conceded, letting his rough, heavy lips crash into your own.
‘Taste so- fucking good, ah, mierda, muy rico’ he hissed between kisses, ‘me encanta, mm… tan suave.’
He gave you a few more hard, passionate kisses before grabbing your jaw and yanking it open, holding your lips open so his tongue could slip in. He was fisting his cock furiously now, with his tongue tasting every inch of your mouth and his claws digging into your skin. You just lay back and took it, feeling your climax growing closer and closer with every touch.
‘Mmm! Mm, so f-fucking good.’
When Miguel finally pulled back he was panting, and his lip was red. He’d bitten your lip so hard it’d started to bleed, and now he was almost angrily licking it up.
‘Mmm, yeah…’
His full tongue fell out and lapped at your neck, leaving a long, wet trail of saliva and venom across the skin.
‘Estás riquísimo, mm… te quiero.’
You didn’t even need to speak. It was like you both knew what the other wanted. Without words you swapped hands, with your fingers grasping his bare cock while his slid down your work pants and found your clit.
You both fell down onto the floor of his office and began to stroke the other, frantically pumping and circling as you both swelled and throbbed in near unison.
‘That’s it, that’s it. J-Just, think about my teeth under your skin’ Miguel groaned, his needy lips still sucking on your neck. You struggled not to scream. His fingers were huge, calloused and warm, and they felt like heaven as they slid between your lips and carefully massaged your swollen clit.
‘I’d pierce fast, so it didn’t hurt—’
‘NO, no, make it hurt’ you pleaded, your hips bucking up against his finger. His smirk widened.
‘Oh, you want it to hurt, huh? Putita/o? Me gusta el dolor…’
‘Y-Yes, fuck yeah, I bet you do—M-Make it hurt, god, make it hurt. Make it slow. Make me plead for it!’
‘Y-Yeah, yeah, beg for me’ he moaned, his cock twitching in your hand. You could feel his fangs rolling your skin as he licked at it, almost as if edging the possibility of sinking right in. ‘Mm, beg for it. I want you to beg me to eat you.’
‘Beg… Y-Yeah… P-Please, please, I want you to bite me’ you pleaded. ‘I-I want it, please—’
‘Oh, I’ll bite you’ he hissed, giving a teasing little nip to your neck. ‘I’ll bite you, and I’ll swallow, and I’ll do whatever I want with you. Every bit of flesh on your body is mine, your bones are mine, and I’ll do whatever the fuck I want with you.’
Your sweet, breathy moan gave him such a rush. Yes, yes, you wanted it. You wanted HIM.
‘You like that, eh? Puta/o? You want that?’ he hissed.
‘Y-Yeah… Yeah, yeah, all yours’ you panted back. ‘All yours…’
‘All mine. All mine. I’ll bite you, and I’ll taste you, but only ever when I’m inside you. I want you to feel me pumping you, feeling you, with my teeth in your neck. I want you to feel them both. I want you to know I’m in your body in every conceivable way. I’ll swallow you down and fill you with my love, mi tesoro, I’ll love you from your flesh to your blood to the marrow in your bones, I’ll worship every inch of your body, and I’ll make it all mine.’
He started to speed up as the heat of his own fantasy took over. Soon he was groaning into your ear, almost crying every sweet word as he massaged your clit. He was pumping his hips now, practically rutting into your hand.
‘I’ll fuck you while I drink from you’ he moaned, his voice now echoing through his office. ‘Y-Yeah. Little whore. Puta/o. I’ll love you, and I’ll use you. I’ll fuck you so hard, until you can barely walk, I’ll unload in this pretty little cunt until you can’t move, you’ll take every last drop, and I’ll sink into your neck when I cum and let your blood fill my mouth— This is mine¸ you’re all MINE—’
With a final shaky groan Miguel shuddered and nearly spasmed, and you realized he was about to finish. You leaned up and caught his tongue with your own, making eye contact as you open-mouth kissed right at the moment of climax
You both orgasmed nearly simultaneously, both filled with the same mental image of Miguel devouring your neck drop by drop.
Miguel’s cock strained and erupted, squirted thick rope after thick rope all over your lap and hand, a cascade of warm, rich cum so sticky it barely dripped. You, in turn, spasmed and throbbed against his two fingers, letting him hear your pleasure on his own tongue as those sweet, mewling whimpers filled his mouth. He ate them up.
You both throbbed and shuddered together before slowly collapsing into a messy, weak pile, with your clothes soiled and your skin damp with sweat. You withdrew from the kiss and held on to the taste of him in your mouth, and Miguel savored that taste like it was his last meal.
He even licked your spit from where it dangled between your lips, taking it right into his mouth. You whined at the sight.
‘Mm… M-Mmm’ he moaned softly, his eyes fluttering shut. ‘Dios mio… eso se sintió increíble.’
He slowly removed his hand from your pants and dreamily raised it to his lips, where he forced you to watch as he licked his fingers clean. You shivered at the sight of the hunger in his eyes, the way he treated your slick, viscous fluid like a sampling platter.
He treated you like you were delicious, like you were a privilege.
And then you opened his eyes and he looked down at you.
His eyes were all red now. No white, barely any black at all, just red. Red, hungry, predatory eyes, sensing only your pulse beating in your neck and your hot, heavy breath. He let out a guttural purr in the back of his throat.
You were exhausted, sweaty, broken. You couldn’t flee.
He lowered himself to your neck, and you lay back to oblige him.
Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat.
He needed it. He NEEDED it. He was starving, ravenous. He pinned your chest with one clawed hand and moved his lips to your neck.
Eat. Eat. Take. Eat. Take. Eat.
He licked your jugular, feeling your pulse rapidly increasing. He could smell your sweat, he could smell your excitement. Your hand weakly stroked his chest, bidding him to continue.
He opened his maw.
Eat. Take. Fuck. Eat. Take. Fuck. Eat!!
He snapped his jaw open, his fangs extending. He sank them into just the first layer of skin on your neck, and then—
‘Hey, Miguel!’
Both you and Miguel froze on the precipice of pleasure, with his fangs just barely piercing the skin. You knew that voice well enough, and Miguel knew it even better. That was Peter B.
Miguel scowled, his face contorting into a series of angry lines as his eyes burned. He was alight with crimson fire, almost trembling with rage. For a moment he closed his eyes and leaned in closer, as if willing to test Peter’s resolve and see whether he’d just assume Miguel was busy and leave, but unfortunately, his hope was short-lived.
Miguel withdrew and snapped in less than a second, causing you to flinch. You could have sworn you heard Peter flinch too, even all the way down there at the base of the office.
‘We got an emergency call, one of the new guys needs help with an anomy.’
‘No chingues… No me estes jodiendo’ Miguel spat under his breath, before finally pulling away from your neck with extreme reluctance. He had to wipe the growing spittle from his lip where he’d been salivating, smearing green venom across his jaw. You just lay where you were, too overwhelmed to move and too worried you might set him off again.
‘I have to go’ he grunted as he rose to his feet. You watched him phase his full suit back on, covering his bare cock again, which reminded you to glance down at your own utterly soiled clothes.
‘R-Right…’ you murmured back. ‘I, um… Look, I—’
Your attempt to speak was cut short as Miguel bent down and roughly grasped your collar, drawing you up to his face. You felt his lips brush your ear, and into it, he hissed.
‘You will be here, waiting, when I get back. Do you understand me?’ he breathed, almost spitting with intensity. A low, hedonistic groan escaped your lips, one you barely managed to stifle.
‘Mm…. M-Mmhm, mmhm, I understand’ you whispered back.
He gave a single, approving grunt before dropping down from his desk into the open air, his terrifying body vanishing into the dark and the mist.
You stayed where you were, panting and trying to figure out how you could clean the cum from his clothes before he returned.
Though… Then again, from the way he was talking, he probably didn’t want you clean. You felt your face growing warm at the thought.
No. He probably wanted to add more.
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delicatebarness · 2 days
cry baby | chapter eleven
Summary: “You’re the heart of the family, Sweetheart.”
Warning: Fluff. Crying, it's Cry Baby after all.
Word Count: 1572
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A/N: I'm so so so sorry. Please feel free to leave feedback or let me know where and how you want the story to continue, this is just as much yours as it is mine. - B
Tags: buckys0whore | @thezombieprostitute | @lanabuckybarnes | @mishkatelwarriorgoddess | @softieekayy | @noonespecial90 | @hello-therree | @randomawesomeperson102 | @whoreforbarnes | @thejutvtsupport | @somnorvos | @cjand10
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About a week passed since the latest bar incident, and life had slowly begun to return to normal. Rumlow wasn’t embarrassed to show his face around the bar anymore and everyone stopped staring at you and whispering when you walked in. 
Tonight, you decided to head back to the bar again. The familiar establishment was filled with the usual crowds, creating a lively atmosphere. Your friends greeted you with warm smiles and hugs. 
The conversation flowed easily, yet as the night went on, you began to notice once again that everyone in your friendship group was wearing their matching ‘Avengers’ leather jackets. You hadn’t gotten one, and it always made you feel a bit left out, a pang of sadness tugged at your heart. 
Bucky was the first to notice the sudden shift in your demeanor. “Something on your mind?” he asked, his knee nudged against yours gently under the table. 
You hesitated, looking up at him. “It’s silly, really,” you paused, taking a deep breath. “But, I can’t help feeling a bit… left out, I guess.” 
He furrowed his brow, concern flickered in his eyes. “Left out? Why?” 
You glanced up toward the ceiling, trying to stop the tears from flowing, you felt foolish for even having these thoughts never mind speaking them. “It’s just… you’re wearing your jackets, and I don’t have one. At least, not my own.” 
“That’s not silly,” Bucky replied. He reached his hand under the table, rubbing his thumb over the exposed skin of your thigh. “I get it, you want it to look like you’re apart of the group, not just seen with us?” 
You met his gaze, giving him a small nod. He squeezed your thigh while sending you a smile. “Well, then. I think I have a solution.” 
Before you could respond, he stood up and shrugged the jacket off his shoulders. “Here,” he said, holding it out to you. “Now you match.” 
You shook your head, surprised by his gesture. “Bucky, I can’t take your jacket.” 
He hesitated for a short moment, disappointment flashed over his eyes before he shook his head back at you. “Consider it a loan, just until we get you one of your own.” 
You held up your pinky finger, forgetting where you both were for a moment. Your pinky promises had never happened in front of anyone else but each other. Only ever in your apartment, never in public. 
Yet, his pinky finger tangled itself with yours. “Thank you,” you said softly, accepting the jacket and draping it over your shoulders. That familiar scent envelops you, like a protective embrace. 
“Anything for you, Sweetheart,” he said, widening his smile before taking a sip of his beer. As he did, his muscles became defined by the dim light of the bar. Shadows cast over them, accentuating their contours. You found yourself gazing at his arms for a lingering moment, as though you were seeing them for the first time. 
A couple of days later, as you were getting ready for an evening at home, you heard a knock on your door. You stopped what you were doing instantly, opening the door slightly to see who it was. No one was there, yet you found a small wooden box sitting on the doormat. Intrigued, you picked it up and examined it closely. 
The box was beautifully crafted, with familiar delicate cravings adoring the cedar. You traced your fingers over the patterns. Inside the box, there was a note attached to a wrapped parcel, written in Bucky’s handwriting. 
Opening the note, you read it carefully. It simply said, “You’re the heart of the family, Sweetheart.” 
Tears welled up in your eyes as you kept rereading the note. It was a simple message, but it meant more to you than your emotions could let you express. With a shaky breath, you unwrapped the parcel and found a soft, cozy, pastel pink cardigan neatly folded. 
As you inspect the cardigan, you notice the patches on the back, taking your breath away. 
You ran your fingers over the embroidered designs, tracing the outline of each patch: the Avengers logo, that you sketched years before, and your initials. The tears that were previously welling now spilled down your cheeks. 
With trembling hands, you reached for your phone and pressed Bucky’s name. As the call connected, his face appeared on the screen, immediately softening when he saw you. 
“What’s wrong, Sweetheart?” his voice filled with concern as he noticed your puffy eyes and flushed cheeks. 
“I just…” you tried to find your words between hiccups. “I just wanted to… I wanted to thank you for the cardigan. It’s… it’s perfect.” 
Relief washed over his face, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. “I’m glad you like it,” he said softly. “I thought you’d feel more comfortable with a cardigan than a leather.” 
Looking at him through the screen, you couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. “Thank you,” you whispered, your voice catching in your throat.
You took a deep breath after the call with Bucky ended, taking the note, you made your way to the kitchen. Carefully you attached the note to the door of your fridge. It felt like an important reminder. 
Stepping back to admire the note, you wrapped the cardigan tighter around you.
A few days later, you were settling into your nightly routine, getting ready for bed, before another knock at your door. You hesitated to answer it, yet another knock came with a ‘It’s me,’ mumbling behind the door. 
Answering it, you found Bucky standing on the other side, looking worse for wear again. 
“Dare I ask?” you asked, making room for him to enter as concern filled your eyes and a small frown tugged at your lips. 
He shook his head as he made his way to his usual seat at your dining table. “Just a little scrap, nothing serious,” he replied, giving you a weak smile. 
You weren’t convinced, it was never just ‘a little scrap’ when Bucky was concerned. “Let me take a look,” you insisted as you made your way into the kitchen to fetch your first aid kit. 
As you worked on tending to his wounds, cleaning and bandaging his knuckles, his gaze froze and fixated on something behind you. “Wait, who is this?” he asked, his voice filled with confusion as he stood, making his way over to where he had looked.
You turned to see what he was looking at, you blinked feeling a rush of guilt wash over you.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about?” you said, trying to play it cool as you reached out to take the tiny white kitten from his arms. 
He raised an eyebrow at you, his expression skeptical. He moved the kitten out of your reach. “Sweetheart, the cat? The cat I am very clearly holding…” he trailed off, his eyes narrowed at you. 
“There’s no cat here, Bucky,” you replied, trying to keep a straight face. And, still trying to reach the kitten.
Bucky started at you for a moment, an unreadable expression over his features. “Are you okay?” he asked, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. 
You glanced around nervously, a pang of guilt rushed through you for keeping the truth from him. “I, um, I’m not allowed to have pets here, but I couldn’t say no to her…” you whispered in a rush. 
His eyes softened. “You are the sweetest thing,” he said, a smile playing on his lips. “But, wait… does that mean? Little Miss Rogers… the cities Cry Baby… my Sweetheart? Are you breaking a rule?” he added with a mocking gasp and a teasing tone. 
You nodded sheepishly, a flush of heat creeping up your cheeks. “I know, I know,” you replied, avoiding his gaze. “I couldn't just leave her.” 
Bucky shook his head, “Well, I won’t tell if you don’t,” he admitted, the hand he wasn’t using to hold the kitten reaching out to cup your cheek. 
As the night began and ran into the early morning, you and Bucky found yourselves lost in conversation, the kitten purring between the pair of you on the couch. Amidst the laughter and the warmth of each other’s presence, there was a subtle shift in the air. 
Bucky tried to ignore the way his heart fluttered as he looked at you, the way your glossy eyes sparkled with excitement over any small gesture the kitten did. He couldn’t deny the surge of affection washing over him, he had an overwhelming urge to reach out and pull your face toward his. 
He wanted to hold onto this moment, but he knew he couldn’t. As painful as it was to admit to himself, he knew he had to leave. 
Bucky stood up from the couch, forcing a smile as he tried to hide the rage inside him. “It’s getting late,” he said softly, “I should probably head home.” 
Confusion and a hint of sadness flickered across your face, you assumed he would have been spending the night at your apartment, like the majority of the nights recently. “Oh, okay… I guess you’re right,” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. 
As he made his way to your door, he paused a moment of hesitation before turning back to look at you. “Goodnight, Sweetheart.” 
You smiled weakly, a lump forming in your throat as you watched him leave. “Goodnight, Bucky.” 
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lyrenminth · 2 days
What we could be
Second part of the request about Joe and you getting divorce
Happy ending, second chance
I'm going to send the kids with my mom on Saturday. Would you like to go out and eat something or we stay at the house?"
Truthful to his word, Joe sent you a text. You didn't know what to answer, going out implied many things and you didn't want to be seen with him (harsh but true) but being surrounded by people made you more confident than being alone at his house. You didn't want to think what would happen if you were alone at his house.
"There's a coffee place we could talk privately. Saturday at noon" you answer back.
When Saturday came, you were so nervous you messed up your eyeliner twice. You remembered his words. "I never wanted a divorce" Was that really true? You never thought Joe was putting any effort into your relationship after Mackenzie was born. Everything was football and winning. You really try to talk to him, you really did and he wouldn't clear a damn space in his agenda for you.
You sighed, looking at your reflection in the mirror. You remembered the way Joe look at you when Julian mentioned the date.
Would you go back with Joe if he asked?
You didn't know. You loved him, he was the dad of your children but you were so scared. You didn't wanted to get hurt again.
When you arrived at the coffee, Joe was already there. He smiled fondly and stood up to kiss your cheek. Your hands were sweaty when you took your seat. "Should we order something?" He said looking at the menu. "I'm going to order an iced coffee" he stood up before you to set your order on the counter. You watch him interact with the employee, and you felt a pang in your chest. He was lovely, really polite. He would order your coffee like this many times before. Nostalgia hit you like a truck, but you weren't here to remind the sweet times.
When he came back you said a shy thank you and waited for him to sit down. "Well, thanks for coming" he smiled again. "Julian has the same smile at you" you pointed out. His smile grew bigger. "Yeah, the boys told me"
"Well, yes" you gulped, sipping your coffee.
He ran his hands through his hair, one, two, three times. Good to know you weren't the only nervous.
"I mean it. What I said in the house" he said, his eyes big and honest "I'm sorry I've never considered your feelings. I guess being a father made me realize the big responsibility I was carrying, but I completely forgot to be a husband" when you didn't say a word, he continue "I thought that by working more, earning more money would protect my family" he was sad "I never thought it would be the reason of losing it"
"Joe, this is not about the kids. I think you're a great father, and they loved you. This is about us" you sighed, tired of having this conversation "We forgot about ourselves. I tried to arrange dates you didn't show up. We had conversations like this before, I missed my husband and you weren't there so tell me" you voice filled with emotions made you stop for a second "...tell me why I should believe you"
"I-I still love you, Y/N" he confessed, staring at your soul "I want to share a bed, a house or a damn mug with you. No one else. You are the mother of my children and I still care about you "
"You didn't hook up with that reporter a month after our divorce?" you brought up. He pressed his lips and have the decency to look ashamed. "I was hurt, but yeah"
"Well, it was long ago" you realize after the divorce Joe went blank about his personal life. No one knew if he was having dates. It was hard to believe if he didn't.
"I understand if you're afraid, I'm very honest and very clear right now, I want a second chance" he declared, fully confident.
"Joe..." you pleaded, but looking at him felt so familiar. What would happen if you didn't divorce? Your family would be closer, children wouldn't be stressed but maybe you would be miserable, right? You loved him, you still do. Joe had all the respect and admiration on your side, but again you never felt the same support. "I love you, you're a great father but you haven't show me any different"
"Give me a second chance please" his hand looked for yours over the table, and when you felt it so warm and big around yours, your mind was in completely silence. You haven't touch Joe in three years. He was the love of your life, and yet...you were so scared.
At your hesitation, he confessed "I'm sorry to made you feel lonely, I regret it completely. I'm not going to talk about my wishes anymore. And I understand if you say no" he took a deep breath before saying "I'll retire this year"
The new made you flinch in surprise. "What? No? Are you joking?"
"No, I'm not joking. After the divorce I realize many things" he sounded honest.
"But you loved football!"
"Yes, but my body is asking for a rest. And football is not my family, doesn't make me cookies and hug me tight everytime they see me" you were crying at that point. If that's true, things could be so different. "I want you back. You're my wife, I made those vows for you. I love you"
"Do you give me a second chance?" he was grinning full of hope.
"You won't regret it, I promise"
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nor-4 · 1 day
Hey pretty do you still take requests? If you do please write something about Lewis Hamilton x Fem Reader and their relationship is like that one video of rihanna and asap where rhi is looking lusty at asap. Lmao I'm bad at explaining I'm sorry, anything will do tbh i trust you. 🥰
Those sinful eyes - Lewis Hamilton x Fem!Reader
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ᝰ.ᐟ A/N: Oh i just know what you mean lol. All the requests in my account got deleted and this is recent so if you are one of those peeps who sent me a requests back then you are free to send it again, I'm very sorry for the long take. 💋
ᯓ★ One of the things you can use against lewis is your eyes. They have a big impact on him it can be staring up at him or staring down at him.
"Don't move so much babe, I'm trying to do your hair." You giggled as you place your feet behind your ass resting it on his knees to comfortably sit on his lap while he wiggled like a child, "I'm sorry missus." as his eyes traveled from your lips to your eyes.
"fuck.." he muttered looking at you breathlessly, "What you have a staring problem now?" you joked as your fingers made their way into his curls before carefully tugging a piece as you continued your work with braiding his hair since the fronts are the only thing that was left untouched.
"You are so beautiful and beautiful and beautiful." Lewis blabbed looking back at your left to right eyes as if he is watching a tug rope competition fighting over which side is he gonna look at with how close you are.
The biggest hate love he has on the way he folds quickly just by the eye contact. The intimate eye contact and smile does something to him that will make him want to go on convulsion.
George once pointed it out on him which became a whole joke on the grid.
"The family guy is here again." Max said as lewis approach the drivers who just sat down and talk after the practice race, "What do you mean, we don't have a kid yet?" lewis cluelessly said as he sat down between all of them.
"With how whipped you look at her oh you will be soon" George marked spreading his arms on the back of the chair to welcome lewis more to share a detail about both of yours relationship. "Have you seen how his girl look at her? If she looked at me that way i would even faint, lewis is just a humble guy." Lando pointed out to side lewis and to give him a concrete reason on why lewis acted like that when you look at him.
"I mean have you seen lewis? I would look at him that way too" max stated before sipping his redbull.
ᯓ★ Get dressed, get your nails done, buy all your make up, own him up.
Another weakness of his is seeing you all ready and pretty for somewhere you guys are going for a date or whenever you go to the paddock.
"Hey guys i wasn't informed we are all meeting in here." Lewis entered as the laughter and talking went down to silence, "What's that on your face?" Lando was the first one to speak up which broke the silence.
"What what??" Lewis asked as he rose his phone up using it as a mirror to look at himself
"That kiss mark.."
"Oh it's from my missus." Lewis answered confidently before sitting down as a big smile still plastered on his face like a kid who's proud of his medal, "Yeah of course.." George bitterly said rolling his eyes and smacking his lips.
"Wow the missus really wifed you up."
That's one of his title that he is very proud of, hell have you guys checked on lewis when both of you first talked? He is very proud of it bragging it to everyone as if he won the most luckiest man alive. What worse when you said yes to his proposal of being your boyfriend who will definitely be your husband soon.
One of his dream is making a family with you, finally hearing his surname beside your name.
"Hello Mrs. Hamilton you look beautiful in that dress." Lewis addressed walking at your back feeling his palms on your back like he is sculpturing like those statues in museum, "Thank you Mr. Hamilton, you look handsome as ever.." You complimented back placing your hand on his face caressing his jaw and cheeks, holding up an eye contact on him with pure admiration.
"Of course i do, you are the one who picked my outfit" he commented and yes he lets you pick on what he wears. There are times where both of you wear a matchy outfit or just a same color shirt just so people can't tell you both apart. "Did you like it?"
"Oh i love it Mrs. Hamilton, look how good we look besides each other" He kept the nickname before looking at both of you in the mirror holding your waist like the mirror will take a picture any time moment. "I think something is missing hmm.." he said looking at you.
"What do you mean, you look really good." You muttered looking back at him, "My kiss.." he pouted as you smack his chest feeling a sigh of relief. "Darling you scared me" you giggled before grabbing his face with one hand and placing a kiss on his cheek.
Looking at the pigment that rests on his face is like looking at the painting of work from the history. The memories and moments of how many times you have did this, it's like reminding everyone that you own him, The seventh time world champion who makes everyone know that he can't function without feeling the affection you give to him by the daily basis.
"How i love looking at that on my face everyday, God knows you will walk down the aisle as a scene and confirmation to everyone that i am gifted with a gorgeous wife like you."
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princessmaybank · 15 hours
🍒 - 2 & 10 w/ jj plsss 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Awe I hope you like it!!! This was so cute and I loved writing it! Enjoy!
Only One Time
Pairings: Sweet!JJ x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of sexual intercourse. More fluff.
Summary: Prompts 2 & 10 from this list.
Authors Note: I rarely write fluff so you guys better like this one!
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It was just supposed to be a one time thing. That's what we told each other 3 months ago. We've had sex at least once a week since then. It wouldn't have been a problem if I would've just kept feelings out of it. I tried, I fought like hell, but every time I hear her moan my name, it sends me through a tunnel of love.
That is the same for this time as well. I am currently balls deep inside this amazing girl and she can't stop moaning my name and clawing my back. I like to think of her scratching as her way of claiming me.
Recently I've been trying to keep her in positions where I didn't see her face, but it never helped. This time, she insisted on missionary, so basically I was fucked. Haha literally. "Jay- I'm gonna cum- don't stop!" She moaned. Fuck, she said my name again. I can't stand it. "Me too, me too.." I hissed out. Y/N clenched around my dick and came all over it. It was just enough to tip me over the edge. I slipped out and spilled my cum on her stomach just in time. We both stared at each other with bright smiles on our faces. We both looked exhausted but she still looked perfect.
"What is it Jay?" She asked, catching her breath between words. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are? " My cheeks heated up and I mentally slapped myself, I don't know why I just fucking said that.
"Uhm no actually.." She blushed and looked down at her fingers. I definitely couldn't take back what I said. Not that I wanted to, I just wanted to fucking hide for the rest of my life. "Well I think you should be told every day. You really are absolutely gorgeous Y/N. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." I smiled and gave her a small hug. She seemed to blush harder now. "Thank you Jay, that means a lot to me." Y/N answered.
We laid there cuddling for a while, nearly falling asleep a few times. I'd like to say this was the first time we cuddled after sex, but it's actually become a normal thing since our 3rd or 4th time together. So yeah, pretty much every fucking time.
"Hey Jay?" She asked. We were spooning, one arm under her head, the other is laid over her hip, and my dick was pressed against her ass. "Yes Y/N?" I asked. "Did you mean what you said earlier? About me being pretty?" She questioned. "Of course I did. Why wouldn't I mean it?" I was slightly confused. "No one's ever called me beautiful before and our situation isn't exactly easy, so I guess I just thought you said it in the heat of the moment." She sounded upset. "I'm sorry." I don't know why she apologized. "You have no reason to be sorry." I turned her so she was on her back and I was hovering over her.
"I would never lie about something as serious as that. Especially to you. I could never lie to you Y/N." I brushed some hair out of her face and she nuzzled into my hand. We couldn't stop our glossy eyes from staring at each other.
I'm not sure how but it felt like our lips were magnetic. They pulled us closer and closer to each other until they crashed together. We had tried kissing before in bed but that was so different. Before it was hot and steamy, with no emotion. This one was full of passion and desire, but not in a sexual way.
After our long, beautifully emotional kiss, I pulled back and we looked at each other with shock and what seemed to be the most intense feeling a human could experience.
"I love you. "
I said barely above a whisper. I wasn't afraid to say that anymore. I needed her to know, even if the feeling wasn't mutual. But her eyes softened. "I love you too Jay." She pulled my lips back into hers.
When we pulled apart I felt so much better knowing that she felt this way too.
"Will you go out with me?" My heart beat out of my chest as I waited for her answer but I had a feeling the odds were in my favor.
"Of course Jay!" I was right.
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"i definitely think it is hard for me, in my head, to compare women to my mother and for them to live up to her," william said.
"well, i think everybody does that."
"do they?"
"i compare men i am dating to my father," annie said.
"and do they live up to him?"
"sometimes," annie said. she found herself thinking of tom. specifically tom's cock. she made a note to sext him after this session. "what was your mom like?"
"a petite little longhaired hippie," he said. "loyal to my dad for 30 years of marriage. stayed home with us, i mean, she literally never had a job in her life other than mother and homemaker."
"sounds nice."
"never drank alcohol, never smoked cigarettes, looked young and healthy well into her late 40s. died in her early 50s of cervical cancer."
"oh, i'm sorry."
"my dad told me they had sex every night. for 30 years. that's over 10,000 times."
"so your dad liked period sex?"
"well," william laughed. "i think he counted blowjobs as sex. and yet he voted for clinton."
annie laughed politely.
"it's funny but as a kid i actually knew when my mom was on her period because it was the only time she wore underwear."
"really?" annie said.
"like i said. hippie. she had a couple of pairs of purple underwear she'd wear around the house for a few days a month, but the rest of the month she was always in little silk robes and little sundresses, or nothing. didn't own a bra."
"so you saw her naked a lot."
"nice hippie bush?"
"bush in the fall and winter. trimmed down to almost nothing in the spring and summer."
"good system."
"my sisters do it too. to this day."
"you see your sisters naked a lot?"
"no, but they joke about it. may 1st rolls around and they're like, time to harvest the bush."
"funny," annie said.
"i definitely did when they were teens, though," he said. "you know, i was like 13, 14, they were 16, 17, and i think they sort of got off on scandalizing me. in a wholesome way."
"how so?"
"they would both flash me. like, in the car, pulling out their pussies. and sometimes i'd be in my room and they'd run in naked and lay in my bed."
"they sound fun."
"they were," he said. "they'd always ask to see my dick, ask how big it was, that kind of thing."
"did you show them?"
"not until i was like 16, you know, by then they weren't really doing it so i became the one who did that kind of thing."
"only fair," annie said.
"yeah." he laughed. "now sometimes when i'm drunk and i get laid i'll like, send them a picture of me getting my dick sucked."
"how do they react?"
"enthusiastically, honestly. like, they're both married. they'll be like, 'I wish I was out late getting railed.'"
"did your mom ever see your dick?" annie asked.
he laughed. "actually yeah. i mean, so you know, when she died i was like, 22. yeah, it was 7 years ago. so like, i guess when i was 21, i was living at home, and she was already sick but still looked normal, still was up to her usual stuff, and she walked in on me jacking off. and she had the best possible reaction, she said, 'oh wow, look at that thing.'"
annie laughed. "was she naked?"
"no, not then." he said wistfully. "she had a dress on."
"you ever ask your sisters for evidence of the bush harvest?" annie asked.
"no, but i should," he said. "maybe i will."
"you should," annie said. "you know, it's late fall, so what does three months of growth look like?"
"good queestion," he said. "what do you do?"
"most of the time I excessively trim," annie said. "and shave my bikini areas."
"sounds like my mom in the summer," he said. he was looking between her legs. annie let them fall open a little. she was wearing a short skirt with panties. he looked. she smiled.
"white panties," he said. "that's really classy."
"i don't know," annie said. "i like your mom's way."
"so take 'em off," he suggested.
annie slipped her panties off and closed her legs quickly. she blushed, voluntarily, as she tossed her panties toward her desk.
"Our time is up for the day," she told him.
he grinned at her and stood up and left, not trying at all to hide his erection.
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welldonekhushi · 3 days
Womp womp. “Positive place” “no hate” my ass. If we looked into your past we’d see a different story. 
You likely don’t care to address it but you gravely hurt one of my dearest friends. I doubt you realise anything you did, before or after they broke it off. And with reason. You took so much interest in everyone’s characters and stories but theirs, instead devaluing their opinions, spamming their inbox with shit they didn’t ask for without bothering to send them even one question or prompt in return. 
I want to laugh that only after he cut you off did you start asking others even a bit more about their projects. Only after it was too late did you bother to make a change. It’s pathetic, really, that you must have been trying so hard to cover up your true habits, that falling into your blatant disinterest in him. He’s better off without you. 
Speaking of your covering shit up, don’t think your queerphobia has been forgotten. Don’t think he and I didn’t see you delete a reply saying your OC “wouldn’t really get along” with his, when meanwhile your stoic, guarded military man is out there making friends with literally everyone else. The difference being everyone else who isn’t openly gay. Don’t think we’ve forgotten when your muse cried and tried to guilt-trip my friend’s when the latter came out to her. 
You prop up Scarlet as a friendly-to-all but Strong™ Female Character but I know she’s not. She’s a homophobic, insensitive, spineless little bitch - sounds like someone, doesn’t it? 
Who I am doesn’t matter. What matters is that there’s a third party who knows the truth. You’re fucking horrible. You might have other friends now but I hope one day all this comes to light, no matter how much you might have tried to change. Whether or not this letter ends up posted, I want you to read it once, twice, three times over. They say to forgive and forget but some of us never forgive and always remember. There is someone out there haunted by what you did to them and you can’t keep running from it.
Okay, anon. After reading your message, I would first like to mention that I don't know who you are, or the friend that you're talking about. So let's put the points together of what you said that you and the "he" you're mentioning feel.
First, you said that I'm queerphobic because I said that my OC wouldn't get along with your friend's OC because their character was "openly gay". It's the same meaning as saying "You hate me because I belong here." by directly coming to a conclusion, instead of not understanding the mindset they belong to or their indulgence in something that could be disagreeable to others. I don’t know who or which OC you’re mentioning, but If I said my OC would not get along with them, it doesn't mean I directly hate their OC (whoever they are). This doesn't make sense when I never disrespected or showed hatred towards anyone who presents their OC as queer. I have friends here who have queer ships with their OCs and canon characters and I support them fully by heart. I even had their OCs interact with them.
Second, you proceeded by saying that I never bothered to send your friend an ask, a question or a prompt. Can I be honest, anon? I have a life. I've always been busy with my uni and now I have finals on my head. I can’t even find time to draw, academic pressure is already stressing me out, and I don't even have inspo at times to be here and publish stuff here. If I happened to miss out on your friend (whoever they are), then I'll say sorry. Because it feels that they were only relying on ME to send them the prompts and asks, and not “the shit which they asked for” as you nicely mentioned. It seemed to me that they (whoever they are) don't really see the rest but me and me only, right? I'm sorry, I think their 'friend' got so busy that they tend to forget that the friend they have has a life out there, too.
Third, you proceeded to call my OC Scarlet a “spineless little bitch, homophobic, and insensitive". Huh. Seems like while proving your point, you thought to add some more spice to your heartfelt thoughts by shitting on my OC as well. You thought you cooked anon, but turns out your dish got rejected. Sorry, you are eliminated from the MasterChef Competition. (Talking about ‘spineless’ while hiding behind anon. The irony.)
Fourth, you thought I guilt-tripped your friend when they came out. Huh. I don't remember a day when I insulted or ridiculed someone for coming out when originally I'd be happy that they finally had the courage to represent themselves for who they are. If you're saying I guilt-tripped them, be a good anon, reveal yourself in the public to me and give me proof. If you're confident enough, then do it. I'll have no hesitation. I'll admit it was my fault. But show yourself first. It "doesn't matter who I am" but it does, because even if you're a person typing that, you're just an anon with no personality to me. No appearance. Nothing. Just blank. I explained who you are. Hope you're happy with that.
Fifth, you said that some forgive and forget, but some don't forgive and remember. Honestly, I understand how disturbed and angry you feel inside because of me, anon. Well, even if you say that I acted like that with your friend (whoever they are), so, here's the third time I'm saying this. If it makes you feel better. I am sorry. Instead, I feel pity that you might be feeling so frustrated because of my presence. If you don't want to forgive me, I'm okay with it. You have a right to do so.
In the end, sorry for you and for your friend. But I hope one day, you'll learn too that to 'forgive and forget', means to move on, letting go of the people who hurt you so you'd be happy as well. If I hurt you and your friend, you can block me, and move on. Be happy without me. I understand I wasn't a good friend to them, I don't refute you at all. Besides, you have every right to be angry. I'll not even say that you're all at fault here. I made a mistake? I'd fully admit it. But you accusing me for what I did while hiding behind anon is… unsettling for me. I don't know what else to say.
You thought you were making me scared and afraid by saying “Read it once, twice, three times over”, but no, you’re completely dismissed out of my mind when you come at me out of nowhere, attacking me with baseless accusations, and insults me and my OC. You’re just another hate anon to me. “You’re a horrible person.” Look in the mirror. I’m not the one sending someone a whole essay of a hate anon.
Have a good day anyway, anon.
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hollyhomburg · 2 days
I’m asking really really nicely for a sneak peek 🥹
it's just a little one~ i'm sorry i didn't respond last night i just had a few little things that i realized i needed to change in the chapter :( promise you won't hate me when you hear that i edited out yoongi's smut....i pushed it to the next chapter BUT STILL!
beware! angsty conversations and posessive smutt!!
Chapter 71 Sneak Peek <3
His hands go up and down your waist, hungry, small sleep shorts just pulled to the side to give his still pulsing cock room. Your slick is cooling and the sweat on the back of his neck is turning balmy. Alpha musk sweetening the air in satisfaction, but also challenge, the way that Hoseok smells when he and Jimin wrestle and he gains the upper hand- however briefly. Definitely not the way that the alphas usually smell after popping a knot.
You recognize the cross look on his face and aim to kiss it off of him. planting the type of kiss that almost always makes Hobi smile at the corner of his lips.
You pause for a second, for dramatic effect, but it still doesn't make him stop his pouting. “Okay- now you’ve ////got to tell me what's wrong you’re still literally inside me and you’re not smiling-” you laugh against his throat, pull back worried, “not that you have to be happy ///fuck- I didn’t mean-”
Your words jog him out of his thoughts and he lurches forward, Hoseok pecks your nose, your lips, still warm from your sighs and moans that he got out of you. his shifting causes his cock and knot to rub up and more fully inside you just slightly, forcing a tiny bit of cum to slip out, cooling and sticky. but oh well- the inside of the lambo has seen worse messes in recent weeks. you sigh at the movement and rest your face against the hollow of hobi's throat, pouting petulantly as he continues the small juts of his hips, content to rip another orgasam out of you (although the front of his white shirt is already soaked translucent with it). he's competitive like that.
you grab his arms to try and slow him, already a little overstimulated and unable to feel your thighs, but hoseok just grabs your waist and lifts you up, however briefly- to seat you more firmly on his knot, "Hobi fuck-"
There's an itch under his skin that just won't quiet down. Won't settle. "How many times does Yoongi usually make you cum?"
your eyes futter, and he settles you back against this chest, his heart thuds quick against your ear, "like 2 or three times but-" he starts up again, moving his cock syrupy slow, knot deflating but not gone entirely, rubbing and sending shivers up your spine as he twitches, not done with you at all yet, the drag hot and filthy and slow.
“It’s nothing” but you wait, because you know it’s not. He kisses at your temple. (How lovely is it- that your favorite place to be kissed should be called the same name as a house of worship? hoseok kisses you just as reverently cock still working diligently deep to pull more sweet sighs out of you. hoseok's cock and knot are not too small or too big- he fits you just as yoongi did (does); just right.
“You said, with Tae- that you wanted to marry her.” Hoseok closes his eyes, just briefly. his eyelashes catch the light from the streetlamps “I was just looking at you and wondering...wondering why you chose her.” //////and not me
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froggyphycosis · 3 days
Your Fratello Angel
Takes place Immediatly after episode four, after loser baby. Just a fic of Angel's thoughts as he walks home with Husk and as he talks to Charlie! Mainly fluffy! Or hurt/comfort depending on your view really!
(if u wanna keep this fic after I'm done I'd suggest reblogging because I might delete it after a day or so maybe a week unless it does really well)
1471 words
Content warning!
Swearing/strong language
Mentions of alcohol
Mentions of murder/wanting to kill Val
Mentions of sa/just the scene of Charlie and Val thouggh
Honestly it's not that bad if you watched the series you can read this it jsut sounds bad jsjsjsjs
Angel cackles and splays his hand out in front of him, like he was about to tell a grand story, something maybe daring and crazy, his face lighting up with a devilish grin. a good raw excitement that he hadn't felt with anyone but Cherri in a long time. It feels good and refreshing and he takes a moment to bask in it.
Before he's inevitably going to ruin it, because he's actually going to say something extremely silly and stupid, because that's what he does best. That's the realest he can get and that is what Husk asked for. It's the least Angel can do for him after tonight,so that's exactly what husk's gonna get.
"okay so i got in his limmo with these two catty chics- not that that's important though they both started smashin faces the second we got in the car- and Valentino was trying to count up these bills that he had been given after i did like some... Shark dude? I dunno he was probably important though!"
Angel had spent the last hour chatting with Husk and regaling him with stories of Valentino, in return Husk talked about his old Casino, time as an overlord and shitting on Alastor as is expected. But they are coming up to hotel gates now, and Angel desperately tries to push Charlie out of his mind
"and fun fact about 'ole Vally is that because he's a moth his eyes are geuninly a pice of SHIT-"
"he's such a bitch."
Angel is so surprised by Husks bluntness and the complete apathy in his voice and general lack of care that he bursts out laughing (how on earth could he think husk acts like that all the time when his true lack of care sounds like *that*) and Husk probably still high off of adrenaline after having been in a bar fight and shoot out in the last hour, can't help but laugh aswell. Angel is shocked to find out that when Husk laughs he snorts, which sends Him into another fit of giggles that makes him cry and stumble about so much he ends up in The hotel bushes.
"HAHAhahah hohoholy SHIT Hahaha c'mere cmon I need your help!!" he wipes away his tears and waves around his hand like a mad man as Husk hauls him out of the bush wiping away his own.
"sorry sorry okay continue! Continue! Please!"
"Ahahaha fuck I can't remember what I was saying now." Angel is smiling like a loon and he knows it but he he hasn't felt the high of friendship and understanding in someone new in what seems forever and he isn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
"Try squeezing your hands."
"pfttt what?"
"Just do it its supposed to help you remeber things" Husk is grinning self consciously probably aware that he sounds insane right now
"oh! Oh! Never mind! I remember now!!"
"Oh yeah?"
They've finally gotten to the front door now and Angel completely ignores everything in lieu of looking at Husk. Drinking up this moment like it's champagne, trying to permanently burn this bubbly fruity feeling hinto his brain. Nothing else matters right now exept from Husk and him bitching about his boss.
And it's honestly what Angel considers a perfect moment.
"Yeah! Okay so I know I said he had bills but it was litterally like three it was like three dollars and he got so pissed at me for not telling him but i honestly just found it fucking hilarious that some guy paid him three dollars and he couldn't even tell as he was counting it- I think the shark guys got shot in the head for it though?"
"how long did it take him to realize??" Husk asks, using his whole body weight to push open the tall red oak doors and into the main room.
"he had like three bills. And it took him like thirty minutes to count it!! His eyes are so shit!!" Angel giggles and covers his face with all four hands, heaving out a long and tired but happy sigh as the warmth of the hotel finally knocks into him and settles into his bones, making him realize how tired he is.
However the quiet and warm moment does not last of course.
He doesn't even get a moment to to take in a second breathe before a very upset, very sorry princess, comes barralling into him with all the strength, the emotion and conviction of something 20x her size, and it momentarily knocks the breathe out of him.
Ah shit.... Time to face the music.
He cringes as her arms small and as squishy as they might be, attach themselves around his waist like iron bands, pressing all the multitude of bruises around his body. He wouldn't dare tell her to get off, or say she's hurting him though, because she needs it. She deserves every bit of kindness that a washed up whore like Angel can give her, he'd do it whatever it costs in a heartbeat too.
Everything that had happened that morning came rushing back to him and his left eye started to throb again like it remembered too.
Charlie is an emotional demon with Empathy for others that probably kills her, and Angel feels all the guilt of what she must have been feeling, left at home, forced to sit on it, thinking she had done something wrong like it was ever possible that she could do something to hurt someone. it was Val's fault. Not Charlie's and even he was smart enough to know that.
But then again Charlie probably wasn't smart enough to understand that, considering it was Angel that shouted at her.
He really hadn't meant what he'd said in a cruel way, but the panic of what Val was going to do to him when she left the building and he was alone in a room with him felt suffocating. That and the mix of disgust and anger that he had felt when Val wrapped his slivery disgusting fucking tongue across her arm and he had to watch as Charlie smiled through the discomfort had flared up something fierce and protective in Angels chest. Angel doesn't usually let himself revel in the thought of harming Val because it's all just a fantasy in the end, letting himself get too lost in those kinds of things would slowly kill him.
but in that moment he didn't even bother pretending even to himself that he didn't want to kill Valentino on the spot.
"I AM SOOOOOOO SORRY ANGEL. " she warbles and her face as she looks up at angel Crushkng his heart into powder "i PROMISE ILL NEVER CME TO YOUR WORK AGAIN I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORR-"
"Woah Charlie. " he put his hand on her head and as she looks into his eyes he's caught by surprise as the sudden flash of his sister when they were both twelve shoves itself to the front of his mind, when she would come running to him with tears in her eyes just like this, with the same long blonde hair and blue eyes as this, with a scraped knee and a plea for her Fratello Anthony to make it better.
And he always did.
"You don't need to apologise Charlie. It's okay, i forgive you." he strokes her hair softly running his fingers through her sleek blonde hair, the other wrapped around her waist and tries to look down at her with the most comforting and level gaze he can manage. It pays off when of course she beams back and the tears in her face come flooding back and she flings herself towards Vaggie wailing,"HE HE HE FORGAVE MEEEEE."
Vaggie the softy she 'secretly' is, (even though everyone already knows) smiles and scoops her girlfriend up in one go bridal style. She looks at Angel in a surprisingly thankful way? He expected to have a spear pointed at him, but she merely nods with a curt smile and starts to ascend the stairs up to their room.
Husk turns to look up at him, he smiles, sharp teeth all yellow from smoking and liquor. Angel swears he can see something like being pride etched into his face. He feels his smile return back full force and let's himself revel in it. The feeling of it, but for once, it doesn't feel red or smoky or suffocating or scary, it just feels warm and safe. Familiar. It's crooked and mishapened it's early mornings spent on self improvement even with the worst hangover ever, it's him trusting with letting fat nuggets around others, it's his care for the people around him, its the care he receives back.
It's family.
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soobibabe · 12 hours
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MOA bitchFUL era 6 members - 6 active
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yeonjun: GUYS SOMEONE GOT FUCKING PRoPOSED TO INFRONT OF ME yeonjun changed group's name to "moa bitchFUL era"
taehyun: thats nice. good for them. yeonjun: AT SEND OFF? ??? I THOUGHT MOAS WERE LIKE US??? you: bitchless? yeonjun: YES? WHAT HAPPENED TO TOGETHERNESS? kai: no you've got a point
soobin: that's crazy me personally if someone proposed to me in front of bebe rexha I would looking at them with a blank expression and ask "who dis?" ngl beomgyu: don't speak, peasant soobin: ? you: what's up with you two? kai: soobins is in another dating scandal with the same guy as last time and beomgyus mad because (a) soobin didn't deny it (b) he didn't tell any of us and (c) the week prior, they were on another bromance trip again :3
yeonjun: ik its pride month, and I'm happy for you beomgyu or condolences BUT WE AS A COLLECTIVE NEED TO PREPARE FOR DISASTER! CRISIS! SSSSOOOSSS beomgyu: kys soobin: im NOT dating Seonghwa, Q, Keonhee or Zhang Hao guys ^.^ kai: WHORE why do you remember all their names you: exactly!!! why do you have other friends Choi Soobin?????? beomgyu: oh but when I say it I'm gay huh 😒 yeonjun: HELLOou*oo))000? ARE WE JUST GOING TO IGnORE THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM? MOA NO BITCHLESS ERA??? beomgyu: you're an elephant in the room taehyun: Oh, dear god. I fear you may actually be onto something yeonjun. What if we lose our fanbase? Should I start posting thirst traps again? Guys seriously. you: NO 🙅‍♀️🚫🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️ we cannot go back to the dark ages PLSLLSLLSLS those tik tok posting schedules era was BRUTAL
yeonjun: Taehyun I love your big sexy wrinkled brain please don't change no jungkook kai: remember that time Namjoon exposed tyun for his JK wallpaper LMAOOOOOOOOOO taehyun: huening kai. kai: apologies. sorrows. soobin: oh my god no yeah pls TAEHYUN U ARE SO RIGHT y/n start first!!! guys!! this is an emergency!!!!!!!!!!!!! you: SHUTUTUT UPPUPPUPU yeonjun: Hes right, youre our main visual
beomgyu: guys if MOA start marrying each other does that mean no more fan service? if so I say lets support the movement!!! SICK and TIRED of seeing those "Y/N MARRY ME" comments on my welives soobin: hey I comment those taehyun: ??? you: well yeonjun: this reminds me of that one time I was on tik tok and a yeonjun x y/n imagine came up about us getting married and leaving txt OH MY GOD WAS THAT GOD FORESHADOWING kai: since when did you believe in god??? yeonjun: GUYS WHAT IF MOAS GETTING MARRIED ACTUALLY MEANS THAT Y/N AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED AND WE'LL LIVE HAPPILY E VER AFTER AND TXT WILL NOT GO EXTINCT AND WE KISS AND WE HOLD HANDS AND ONE DAY WE FALL INLOVE DEADASS AND HAVE 3 KIDS AND WE LIVE TOGETHER FOR THE REST OF OUR LIVES AND RAISE LITTLE MODEL FASHION BABIES I CAN STYLE AND THEYD HAVE SUCH GOOD GENES DO YOU SEE THE VISION
beomgyu kicked yeonjun from moa bitchFULL era beomgyu: now that that's over, how about we go get ice cream? taehyun: sure. kai: ICE CREAM >>>.<<< ^////^
soobin: can we add him back i kinda like when he's off his hinges wait yes we can because I'm the leader and I say so HAHA soobin added yeonjun to moa bitchFUL era yeonjun: thanks soobin soobin did you know that I love you you know soobin? soobin kicked yeonjun from moa bitchFUL era soobin: boy wth was that you added yeonjun to moa bitchFUL era you: guys what if I said i have a long term low maintenance long distance low commitment casual boyfriend
you left moa bitchFUL era kai: ????? soobin: there's a g*n in my mouth actually yeonjun: did I just get cheated on? taehyun: wasn't I the long term low maintenance low commitment casual bf? wdym long distance?? kai: ????? x2 beomgyu: ☹️☹️?? I THOUGHT WE WERE SOULMATES?? soobin: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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A/N: they’re all a little insane in today’s ep. sorry!
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eunciia · 7 months
birthday starter┊@aeipathcy
Maudie had thought long and hard about what to give Niko for his birthday. Through a period of time she even debated on not giving him anything, maybe even just offering to hang out with him for the day if he was free. She could plan the day. She vetoed the idea though, not willing to over step and assume he didn't have other plans. The raven thought long and hard for weeks, stumped on finding something that would be heartfelt, but not too much.
She'd text him the morning of to wish him Happy Birthday and see if he would be able to meet up with her at some point in the day. A smile not leaving her face when he agreed, but still trying not to let herself get too excited about it. As she waited for him at their meeting spot, she scrunched his present around in her hands. Maudie had decided not to wrap it, it being something useful that he could use right away if he actually liked it; not that she'd be offended if he didn't.
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The soft fabric felt warm in her hands. The fall weather was getting cold as they got closer to the winter months. She was proud of the black winter hat she'd knitted for him, hoping that it wasn't too much. She'd done a lot of knitting on a loom when the twins first were kicked out of the coven. The small girl really hadn't picked a loom up in quite some time, but for some reason she thought something small and homemade would be the perfect thing to give her undead friend. She wasn't even sure if it made sense to give him a winter hat, or if he needed one, but she hoped that he appreciated the gift either way.
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inkly-heart · 17 days
please don’t be sad little sprout, you are loved 🌱 🖤
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gregoftom · 1 year
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#tomgreg#so i've seen this around a lot and ppl have already made points but like holy fuck. hoooly fuck lmao where do i begin#TOM THOUGHT THE ROOM WAS EMPTY FOR UH ... FOR WHAT BITCH??#empty for what. you two just going in there ALONE. what for. strategizing? ok but then why was greg showing you tonight's selection.#even if it was girls it's still sus bc like who tf goes specifically to a room to show that shit.#oh by the way i  listened again and tom says first ''why do we have to...'' so GREG asked for the room?#greg asked them to go to an empty room. slut.#anD THEN AFTER SAID ''I WANNA GIVE YOU'' BITCH!!!!!!!!1#are we sure it's girls though...... like does it say later. i'll keep watching but Christ. LIKE. WHAT THE FUCK#how am i supposed to read this other than an affair lmfao and then he says ''go on'' and sends greg off away like a little pet#sick to bastard death of them god#so it's like. greg says can we go somewhere private and tom says why do we have to#greg says i wanna give you... and tom says what do you wanna give me annoyed like#girl we are at work and we are trying to stay alive can't you wait til we are at home for me to clap them cheeks#and then greg says a preview of tonight's selection...  of what? could be alcohol could be sexy stuff could be mf. clothes idk#and then they look up  like O FUCK the room is in use and it's fucking SH*V and immediately tom is like GO ON and greg#doesn't even stutter or say anything like usual he's just like SORRY and leaves immediately bc he KNOWS he gotta gtfo#sorry i'm just. poetic cinema indeed
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fluxweeed · 10 days
hey. hope this message doesn't bother you. I love you. I love your work. you are one of my favorite fic authors, I am absolutely obsessed with everything you write. reread everything ten times over, drarry or not, fluffy or angsty - even when it absolutely shatters my heart (e.g. for lack of wanting, SUCH a great fic btw i'm so obsessed with it). the four doors? life changing. two to lie and one to listen? engraved into my brain for eternity. what's mine is yours? what a ride holy shit, im VERY normal about it. wrapped? my comfort read. and so it goes.
if I could aggressively smother you with kudos and love I WOULD!!!
awhile ago you said that there's no such thing as "big deals" in fandom and I 100% agree but at the same time you are a big deal TO ME!!! not in the sense of any kind of hierarchy but purely based on the fact that I think you are such a cool person and your writing is amazing and poignant and your presence in fandom makes it so much better. it's been a pleasure following you here on tumblr and just reading your tags and posts.
idk I just think you rule. that's it. thank you for hanging with us. MWAH 💛
ahhhh anon sorry for leaving this message sitting in my inbox for a couple of days but !! i have zero idea how to react to this!! you're so kind!! thank you!! please discard any and all inclinations u have that i am a cool person bc i can assure you i am NOT!!
#tumblr tag essay time? tumblr tag essay time#why can't i do this in the main body of a post u ask? pure obnoxiousness ig idk#scarier when it's not greyed out and in a little whisper innit#1) anon i love and appreciate you + your kind words so so much but i rly cannot stress enough that literally nobody here is a big deal 😭#like i know u don't mean it in That Way but even so!!!#this is a hill i could write another 1k words about before i die on it again but i will spare u 😅#2) ur also v v kind to say the thing abt my presence in fandom#but unfortunately i'm coming to terms with the fact that my presence in fandom is v much on the sidelines#a non-presence#i'm embracing my role as the crotchety old hag who does not attend the functions#i have a hut in the woods and u can find me there (here in tumblr tags) muttering to myself#occasionally i'll wander into the town square (ao3) and present an unnerving thing i made from mud and twigs (a fic) and then i'll fuck off#that's about all i can handle in terms of group settings i think 😅#but the door to my hut (my DMs) is always open if u want to stop by!#3) i can't even begin to acknowledge all the nice things u said about my fics kjhsdf you are truly too generous 😭#let me smother YOU with love!!! cmere!!!#4) this is the second nice anon message i've had in the last couple weeks which is !!!!#anon(s) i'm kissing you wherever u consent to be kissed!!!#but ofc now i'm paranoid ppl will think i'm sending these to myself skdljf#can't stress enough how open my DMs are on here/twt/discord if ever u wanna chat in a way that i don't have to post publicly to reply to 😅#5) i'm soooo sorry about these tags#could have just said “thanks!” couldn't i#please put me right in the bin#anyway sorry again thank you again ilu very much ❤️
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