#i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry
dindjarindiaries · 1 year
Security - Chapter 69: Liberation
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summary: Din and Grogu attempt to save Astra and fight to help Bo-Katan defeat Moff Gideon at long last.
warnings: canon-typical violence, hurt/comfort, injuries (incl. blood), death, references to trauma, angst
rating: T
word count: 5.308k
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chapter 69: liberation
Din lets out a strangled cry even he doesn’t recognize. He charges forward with both blasters firing as Astra collapses to the floor. Din focuses his fire on all three of the guards, but most notably the one that’s hovering over Grogu. He has to somehow make up for the damage he’s already allowed.
Din gets two of the guards on the ground, but before he can turn to the third, they catch his wrist with an electro-whip and make one blaster fly from his hand. He pulls on it in return and fires with his other blaster, though it doesn’t make the guard release his grip. A second one strikes at Din and he manages to catch the blow on his vambrace.
The third comes striking at Din’s front, but they’re pulled away by an invisible force. Din turns his head and sees Grogu standing at Astra’s side, his hand extended as he reinforces Din with his powers. He would praise his son if the circumstances were any different, but his mind is overshadowed by the horror of what he witnessed just moments ago.
Din tugs on the electro-whip to free himself. He goes back-and-forth with the guards, with Grogu still helping to throw some of them around. Din’s hit hard enough to get knocked off his feet at one point, landing next to Grogu as he tries to shield them from an incoming electro-blade. Grogu stops it with the Force, allowing Din the time to kick the guard away and recover.
With his blaster back in his hand, Din finishes one off and focuses his attack on another. After a brief defense, Din’s able to get a blade through the guard, allowing him to spin and focus on the last one. All it takes is two shots for Din to kill the third.
Din drops to his knees and makes his way over to Astra’s side. She’s breathing hard enough to make her entire armored chest heave, her gloved hands pressing against the bleeding wound as her gaze finds Din’s visor. He tears off his helmet and tosses it aside, taking Astra’s upper half into his arms as gently as he can. Astra groans at the movement.
“Grogu,” Din begins, glancing at his son with a desperation he hopes he can hide from his wife. Grogu coos and nods before Din can finish, already making his way towards Astra’s wound as his little hands try to pry hers away.
“Din,” Astra calls for him, another small gasp falling from her lips once Grogu gets one of her hands pushed aside.
“Hey, cyar’ika.” Din keeps his voice calm and soft as he brushes a hand over her head. “You did very well. Those guys were tough to beat.”
Astra gives him a worried once-over. “Are you okay?”
Din can’t help chuckling in disbelief at her. Here she is, inches from death, and still worrying more about him than herself. “Yeah, Astra. I’m just fine.” He continues to run his thumb over her head. “So are you.”
Astra’s lips tremble. She shakes her head at Din as her chest starts to heave more. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Din raises his brow and shakes his head back at her. “You’ve done nothing wrong, rid’ika.”
“I’m scaring you.”
“No, you’re not. We’re all right.” He takes the hand Grogu had pushed aside and holds it within his own. “All you have to do is keep your eyes on me. Okay?”
Astra’s eyelids start to flutter before she can stop them. Din tightens his grasp on her head and lifts her hand to press her palm against his cheek.
“Astra. Eyes on me, ner kar’ta.” Astra fights to obey him, her eyes staying open as her gaze meets his. “There you are. Very good.” Din nods at her. “Grogu’s fixing you up right now. Just keep fighting a little bit longer.”
Astra’s eyes water as her chest heaves with a large, struggling breath. “Where’s Zora?”
“Zora’s safe. Bo-Katan just assured me of that.” Din smiles at her. “You were right. The safest place for her was with the fleet.”
“I won’t get to see her.”
Astra’s words are heartbreaking, but just as Din’s asked her to keep her fight going, so must he. “Yes, you will. You’ll see her when we go home.”
Astra’s brow lifts in hope. “Home?”
Din runs his thumb over her hand on his face and smiles wider. “That’s right, cyar’ika. Our cabin on Nevarro.” He nods with further reassurance. “Grogu and I are gonna grow flowers for you.” Din glances over at Grogu, pleased with his progress as half of Astra’s deadly wound has stitched itself together. “We can plant some flora if you want, to make meals together.” Din looks at Astra again and sees her small smile. “How does that sound?”
Astra’s smile widens. “Perfect.” She wheezes and Din holds her tighter. “Will I get to see it, Din?”
“You will, ner kar’ta.” Din manages another smile for her. “We’re gonna get married again when we get there. Remember?”
Astra runs her thumb over his cheek. “I do.” Astra’s lips start to tremble again. “I wanna go home.”
“We will, I promise. You just have to keep—.”
“Din…” Astra’s eyelids start fluttering closed again. Din takes a panicked look at Grogu’s work and sees that it’s almost done.
“Astra. Astra.” Din lowers his forehead to her own, holding her face between both his hands. “Eyes on me.” When her eyelids continue to flutter, Din shakes his head and lets his panic sink in. “Come on, Astra, come on! Eyes on me.” Her eyes fully close and her armored chest goes still. Din pauses for a moment in disbelief. “Astra!” Din glances at Grogu and sees him sitting back in exhaustion, his ears risen in hope with Astra’s wound fully closed up.
Din’s entire galaxy goes quiet for a moment. He can’t do it without her. He sees her in both their children. He can’t bear to give them a life without their mother.
Astra awakens again with a gasp and a few coughs for air. Din gives her the space she needs, but also keeps holding her tight, one hand staying on her cheek as the other brushes over her head. He exhales as much of the darkness as he can from within him. “Hey, cyar’ika.” Din’s voice is soft as he greets her the same way he did before.
Astra covers his hand on her cheek with her own and holds it tight. She closes her eyes as she continues to regain her breath. Din uses the time to check in on Grogu, who’s watching his mother with his ears even higher than before. Din smiles at his son and lifts a hand from Astra to scoop Grogu into his arms.
“Grogu, buddy, you’ve done so well.” Din’s emotions start to catch up to him as he tears up at his son. “You helped me fight those guards and you saved your mother.” Din lowers his forehead to meet Grogu’s. “I’m so proud of you.” He presses a kiss upon Grogu’s wrinkly head. “Thank you.” Grogu makes the move to bury himself into his father’s cowl and Din lets him. “Thank you.”
Grogu whimpers and holds tight to the material of his father’s cowl. Din keeps him there even as he focuses back on Astra, who’s since reopened her eyes to admire the two of them. His fingertips brush over her face, tracing her long scar. “How do you feel, Astra?”
Astra smiles and starts to rest on her elbows. “Good as new.” She pushes herself up some and grits her teeth. “With a side of soreness.” Astra lifts a hand to cup the side of Din’s face. He leans into the touch and closes his eyes to absorb the life in her. “How are you, my love?”
The sound of her voice saying the endearment has never been so sweet. He reopens his eyes and rejoices at the life in her gaze. Din intends on making his voice more firm when he speaks, but it trembles anyway. “I’m okay.”
Astra gives him a once-over and shakes her head. “You’re not.” She wraps a hand around the back of his head and urges it against the unarmored part of her shoulder. “And that’s all right.” Din’s free arm wraps tight around her as his silent tears wet her flight suit. “I’m sorry you had to see that.” She brushes her hand along Grogu’s ear. “Both of you.”
Din shakes his head and forces himself to take a deep breath. “I’m the one who was too late.” Din’s voice is muffled by the material of her flight suit.
Astra lifts his head and rests her forehead against his. “That’s not true.” She offers him another smile. “You and Grogu both saved me.” She places a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth. “And you were brave enough to keep us calm through it all.”
Din lifts his free hand to her cheek. “I knew you would be okay. I just…”
“You don’t have to explain yourself, Din. I understand.” Astra huffs and lifts an eyebrow at him. “Remember when you wanted me to let you have a warrior’s death?”
Din chuckles and shrugs. “I was more dramatic back then.”
Astra laughs with him before she grows serious again, her thumb running over his lips. “The truth is I never stopped fighting, just like I knew you wouldn’t back then.” A smile breaks through on her lips, a sight so beautiful to Din it makes his chest swell with admiration and warmth. “Because I love you, Din, so much more than this galaxy and every other.” Astra nods at him, minding his head that’s still pressed against her own. “I’ll always fight for you.”
“So will I.” Din doesn’t hesitate to agree with her sentiment. “Thank you for fighting for me.” He’s filled with so much affection and devotion that he’s practically trembling. “Astra… I love you so much.”
Astra’s lips brush against Din’s own as she smiles wider and whispers one more thing. “I know.”
She then closes the gap between them, enrapturing Din in the sweetest of gestures to seal the promise of their eternal love. It’s an ardent flame and an everlasting one, and despite what the galaxy might try to do to them over and over again, it won’t ever be extinguished. This moment would last forever if Din could let it, but with the fight that continues to rage just outside the door and their son still in Din’s arms, they pull away and share another smile.
“And Grogu,” Astra turns her attention to their son, gently scooping him up from Din’s arms. “I wholeheartedly agree with what your father said before. You have been so brave, and so strong…” She shakes her head in amazement at him. “I’m so, so proud of you.”
Grogu’s ears rise high as he coos at his mother, his little hands grabbing at the sides of her face. Astra laughs and kisses his forehead before she looks up at Din once again.
“Did you defeat Gideon?”
Din shakes his head. “No. His armor was kicking my ass.” Astra raises her brow at him. “Bo-Katan took over for me.”
“Then she’ll need our help.” Astra nods and sets Grogu down, instead reaching for Din’s helmet. She slides it on over his head and pulls him close for one last Keldabe kiss. “Let’s go.”
Din nods, helping both of them to their feet with Grogu back in Astra’s arms. He recovers his blasters before the three of them make their way over to the door, with Din closely watching Astra to make sure she’s truly ready after such an intense brush with death. She demonstrates the strength that’s amazed him time and time again and offers him one more firm nod. Din smiles to himself and opens the door, immediately hearing Gideon’s voice as he does so.
“Mandalorians are weak once they lose their trinkets,” he sneers, stalking towards Bo-Katan as she kneels on the floor.
Her eye catches Din, Astra, and Grogu before she furrows her brow at Gideon. “Mandalorians are stronger together,” Bo-Katan insists.
That’s when Din starts his assault. He fires a bolt at Gideon’s helmet before he begins his intense and endless stream of them. Astra stays at his side, doing the same with her own blaster once she’s set Grogu on the floor. Din focuses on the attack, but he’s also aware of the Mandalorians in the air evacuating, along with the quickly approaching shadow of the light cruiser that’s crashing right towards them.
It doesn’t matter. They have to kill Gideon, whatever it takes.
When the light cruiser makes its first impact, the entire base rumbles, causing everyone to fall on all fours. Each of them recover quickly, though Gideon gets a few good shots at Din even through the raining sparks. He’s just been brought back to his knee when Bo-Katan slides in to shield him.
Pieces of the light cruiser continue to crumble down and make everyone lose their footing once again. Din gives his family a worried glance and sees Astra shielding Grogu from the debris the best she can. He fights to stand just as quickly as he did last time, but Bo’s charging at Gideon with a battle cry before he can beat her to it. Even Grogu slides forward to push Gideon back with the Force. It’s Grogu’s powers that push Gideon’s staff away from him.
Gideon takes aim at Grogu, but Din fires first to disarm him. Both he and Astra slide towards Grogu at the same time, firing continuous blasts that keep Gideon falling further and further back until he’s right up against the wall of flames from the light cruiser.
The flames are about to burst upon them all, but just like Astra said before, Din won’t stop fighting. The last thing he hears is Moff Gideon’s scream of defeat before he wraps himself around both Astra and Grogu the best he can. Bo-Katan reinforces from the other side, all of them turning their heads away—except for Grogu.
Din should’ve expected this from their son. Despite the sounds of the explosion and the intense heat that surrounds them, all four of them remain untouched, as if they’ve been surrounded by some invisible barrier. Din lifts his head and watches in awe as Grogu reinforces their position with a Force field, keeping them all untouched by the violent flames that lick all around them. Astra and Bo-Katan also lift their heads to witness Grogu’s miraculous work with widened eyes.
Din shares a look with Astra. She shakes her head in amazement and Din tilts his helmet to agree with her. He keeps a hand on her back and watches Grogu, who continues his work until the flames have all but disappeared. It’s only then that Grogu stops and sits back, his tiny body crumpling in exhaustion.
Din’s quick to pick Grogu up and cradle him in his arms as the three of them stand to their feet in awe of the ruins that surround them. Ash and debris continue to rain down from the open mouth of the alcove, with not a single trace of Gideon nor the Empire left behind. It fills Din with a relief like no other.
Din tucks his blasters into his belt and focuses his attention on Grogu. “You’ve outdone yourself today, buddy,” Din praises him. “Get some rest.” He props Grogu up so that his little head is resting upon the unarmored part of his shoulder. “You deserve it.”
Grogu is sound asleep immediately after, his breathing even as his hands grasp Din’s cowl. Din smiles at the sight before he looks between Bo-Katan and Astra, who are still stunned at the sight of their surroundings.
“Are you two okay?” Din questions, his visor already giving Astra a once-over.
“I’m fine,” Bo-Katan assures them, gritting her teeth as she flexes her right hand, “aside from a broken hand.”
Astra’s brow wrinkles in concern as she faces their friend. “What happened?”
Bo shakes her head. “Gideon crushed the Darksaber in my hand.” She looks down at her hand and takes a hold of her own wrist. “He destroyed it.”
“It’s for the best,” Din insists. “Maybe now, our people will stop using an ancient weapon to determine who’s worthy of ruling.” Din nods at Bo-Katan as her gaze finds him again. “You earned your place long before Astra and I handed the blade to you.”
Bo-Katan’s gaze slides over to Astra, as if she’s seeking confirmation. Astra nods to agree with Din’s words. Bo manages a smile for the two of them. “Thank you.” She closes her eyes and nods in sincerity. “This is the Way.”
Din tilts his head at their ally. “This is the Way.”
Astra’s the last to finish off their call and response. “This is the Way.”
The sound of a large piece of rubble crashing around them draws their collective attention back to the destruction they’re surrounded by. Bo-Katan’s the first to address it. “We ought to get going.” She pauses only once she observes Astra more closely. “That’s not your own blood, is it?” She gestures to the streaks of blood smeared on Astra’s armor near the sight of her wound.
Astra glances at Din and takes a deep breath. “Not all of it.” She nods at Bo-Katan. “Let’s just focus on getting out of here.”
Bo-Katan returns her nod to agree, lifting her gauntlet as she speaks into it. “Kryze to Woves, what’s your status?”
After a brief pause, Bo gets a response. “Regrouping with the others. And you?”
Bo-Katan looks at Din and Astra with a small smile of relief. “Gideon is dead. The Djarins and I are about to rendezvous with the group. What’s your location?”
“Glad to hear it. I’ll send the coordinates.”
“Copy that.”
Bo-Katan finds her helmet and Din uses the moment to check on Astra again. He sets a hand on her shoulder, and after her gaze meets his visor, she wraps her arms around him. Din delights in the feeling of her head resting upon the inside of the shoulder Grogu hasn’t already claimed. Only the presence of one other person could make this moment even sweet.
Din and Astra pull away from each other when Bo-Katan joins them once again, her helmet now secured over her head. She gestures to the opening above them. “You two can follow me.”
She takes off with her jetpack, leading Din and Astra to do the same. Din keeps Grogu tight in one arm and reaches for Astra’s hand with the other, sharing a quick glance with her and seeing her bright smile of relief. He speaks to her, raising his voice above the rushing wind. “You know who we’ll get to see.”
Astra’s smile widens even more. “It’s all I’ve been able to think about!” she responds. “Other than…” She trails off, as if saying the words will keep her thought from coming true.
Din grants her unspoken wish. “Home.” He smiles with her and hopes she can sense it. “That’s where we’re going as soon as we’re done here, just like I promised.” Din glances at Grogu’s sleeping form against his shoulder. “There’s just one last thing left for us to do.”
Astra nods, as dutiful as ever. It makes Din want to fall apart. The events of the entire day haven’t caught up with him quite yet, but Astra’s dying wish to go home is something that’s stuck with him and always will. He already wants to kick himself for not providing her with one sooner.
It’s not long before the dozens of landed Gauntlets appear in the distance. When they get closer, Din notices that most of the Mandalorians are either helping to set up a temporary camp or tending to the wounded. Din and Astra land on the crystallized surface and immediately start to scour the group for the caretakers. They look near the wounded first and make their way through the rest of the makeshift camp with urgency.
“Papa! Mama!” Zora finds them first.
Din and Astra whip themselves around at the same time, watching as Zora manages to climb out of the pod alongside her caretaker and waddle her way towards them. Astra’s the first one to close the distance between them, falling onto her knees as she takes Zora in her arms. Din kneels beside Astra and sets his hand upon her back. He’s hit with a confusing mixture of joy, relief, and sympathy at the sight of Zora and Astra grabbing onto each other so tightly, with Astra’s hand securing Zora’s head against her and her eyes screwed shut.
Din wraps his entire arm around Astra and rests his helmet against her head, joining her in closing his eyes as he holds his entire family in his arms. It’s the first time he’s been able to do so without having to worry about what comes next. Everything is just as it should be; Their physical home is in reach.
But as far as Din’s concerned, he’s at home right here with his family.
When Astra lifts Zora from her shoulder, she’s shed just a single tear, making Zora wrinkle her brow as she reaches forward to wipe it away. “Mama sad?”
“No, my angel,” Astra assures her in the gentlest way. “Mama is happy. So, so happy.”
Din smiles to himself at their exchange and takes a quick moment to stand and set the sleeping Grogu in the pod. He thanks the caretaker and they nod before returning to where they’d come from. Din keeps the pod close when he kneels back at Astra’s side just in time to hear Zora’s next observation. “Mama hurt.” She whines and points at Astra’s stained armor.
“No, Zo, not anymore.” Astra brushes a hand over Zora’s curls and nods at her. “Don’t worry about me. Okay? Papa and I are both just fine.”
Astra’s words make Zora’s head turn towards her father. She smiles so wide she has to take excited breaths as she reaches towards Din. “Papa!” Zora all but shrieks. “My Papa!”
Din chuckles and takes Zora from Astra’s arms, letting her little hands grab at the sides of his helmet. “Zozo!” he tries to match her excited tone. Din exhales and rests his helmet against her tiny forehead. “We missed you so much, baby girl.” Din closes his eyes and fights for composure as the weight of the day starts to get heavier. “So much.”
Din senses Astra’s hand on his shoulder while Zora taps his helmet to get his attention. “Papa hap?”
“Yeah.” Din chuckles again and takes one of her tiny hands between his fingers and this thumb. “Papa is happy, too.”
Zora giggles as she wraps her free hand under the lip of Din’s helmet. She makes no move to lift it, instead keeping it in place. “Gogu eepy.”
“Yes, Zo,” Astra laughs from Din’s side. “Grogu is sleepy from being so brave today.” Astra holds the far side of Din’s helmet to pull it towards her for a kiss on his beskar cheek. “And so was Papa.”
“Goo’ Gogu!” Zora cheers. “Goo’ Papa!”
“And so was Mama,” Din adds, tilting his helmet at Astra.
“Goo’ Mama!”
“And so were you.” Din taps Zora’s nose with his finger.
“Goo’... Zo?” Zora tilts her head just as Din does with his helmet.
“Exactly, Zozo.” Din takes her tiny hand and slides it underneath his helmet for a kiss on her fingers.
Zora flaps her free arm with joy. “Luh’ Papa!” She kisses his visor with a big muah! Din beams and watches her look at Astra. “Luh’ Mama!” Zora taps her own cheek and steals her hand back from Din to sign please in Tusken. Astra leans her face close enough for Zora to give her a muah! on the cheek. Zora whispers her last one. “Luh’ Gogu.” She sets a finger over her lips. “Gogu eepy.”
“And the three of us are next.” Astra’s tone matches Zora’s hushed one as she nods at Din. “We should find a tent.”
“We’ve already got one set up for you.” Bo-Katan’s voice makes both Din and Astra turn their heads to look up at her. Her helmet’s tucked under her arm as she smiles at them, her injured hand now bandaged. “It’s the least we could do for you after everything you did for our effort.”
“Are you sure you don’t need more help out here?” Din gestures to those who are still finishing with the setup of the camp.
“No, Din, thank you.” Bo-Katan bows her head at him with respect. “Please, get some rest.”
Din keeps Zora in his arms as he stands and helps Astra to do the same. “Thank you, Bo-Katan,” Astra says as Din sets Zora beside Grogu’s sleeping form in the pod. Din stands alongside Astra again and sets his hand on her back.
“This is the Way.” Bo-Katan nods once more before she turns and leads the family to their tent. She leaves them once they step inside, their makeshift beds already set up for them. There’s even a hearty serving of food for each of them, though with Grogu and now Zora both already asleep in their pod, Din and Astra set aside their children’s portions for later. They prioritize eating their own shares before getting comfortable for the night.
The exhaustion of the day catches up to Astra much faster than it does to Din. By the time he’s gotten both of their suits of armor pushed aside, Astra’s already somehow managed to fall asleep on their shared bed. For a fleeting moment, Din worries it’s not sleep, and he rushes over to her side to see her up close. When Din observes the steady rise and fall of her chest, he exhales a breath of relief, his gaze finding her stained armor.
Din should join Astra in her rest, but as tired as his body is, he can’t. He’s not a fearful man, but he’s afraid of what awaits him in his dreams tonight, and so Din sits by their armor and starts to clean every piece of it. He starts with Astra’s, with hers needing the most help. Washing off the dirt and grime is routine to Din and something he’s always enjoyed doing.
Then, he reaches the blood.
Din freezes, staring at the blood-streaked beskar. What hurts him most is not knowing if the blood there is the Imperial commando’s or his wife’s. Those were both situations she got in because she was trying to help Din. If he hadn’t let himself get captured, if he had just stayed in the back of the group with Astra instead…
Din clutches the piece of armor tightly and closes his eyes. He has to see it happen all over again. The look in her eyes when the blade ran through, the words she said when she thought they would be her last, and the stalling of her chest when Din’s galaxy stopped for what’s been the longest moment of his life. It’s the second time Din’s thought he’s lost her. He did lose her, if only for a second or two.
Din cries. He never lets himself do this, especially in front of his family, but they’re all asleep and the weight of the day has fully fallen upon him, now. He does his best to keep his cries muffled so as to not wake his family, but he’s gone past trying to hold them back. Din’s plagued with thoughts of their clan dropping from four to three, and the bed for two in their new home always having an open space. It was so close to happening, too close.
Astra’s arms wrap around Din from behind and hold him tight. She lifts a hand to turn his cheek closer to her, allowing her to rest her forehead against the side of his head. Din’s already started to relax at her presence, but he makes himself take deep breaths to calm the cries that have been rocking him. Astra kisses the tears away on the cheek closest to her, her love and her patience knowing no bounds.
Din closes his eyes and fights not to let another cry slip out when he speaks in a trembling voice. “I’m sorry.”
Astra shakes her head and kisses his temple. “Please don’t carry this guilt, my love. It’s not yours to bear.”
“I just…” Din’s hands find hers that are still wrapped around him and he threads his fingers through hers. “I need you to know I’m sorry.”
“I know.” Astra’s kisses move to his bare shoulder. “I know how many burdens you set upon your shoulders, Din.” She sets her chin there and squeezes his hands, asking for his attention. He gives it to her and meets her pleading gaze. “I barely remember what happened. All I remember is the strength you lended me.” Astra squeezes his hands with hers. “So, please, share this burden with me. Let me take some of the weight for you.”
Din’s gaze admires her with amazement. He shakes his head in awe of her. “You’ve always been so much stronger than me.” He manages a huff of amusement. “You were the one who had to resuscitate me from drowning.”
Astra clicks her tongue and lifts a hand to hold his cheek. “That was different, Din. I promise you.”
“And what about Nevarro?”
Astra smiles at him. “We both knew you were being dramatic.” They share a soft laugh before Astra releases her hold on him and brings herself in front of him. She takes the piece of armor out of his lap and sets it aside, taking his face and easing his forehead against her own. “Jokes aside, that does still haunt me, as you know from Tatooine.” Astra nods at him. “But you helped me take that burden from the start, and it’s gotten easier over time. Let me do the same for you.”
Din searches Astra’s sincere gaze before he nods. Astra offers him another smile.
“The way you process this might look different than the way I do, and that’s okay.” Astra brushes her thumbs over his face. “Just let me be a part of your healing journey. You don’t have to do it alone.”
Din nods once more. “Okay.” He lifts a hand to brush over her ear. “I love you, Astra.”
Astra’s smile grows. “I love you too, Din.” She kisses him, a breathtaking gesture that suspends in time. Astra pulls away and gestures to the pile of armor beside them. “Now, let’s finish cleaning our armor together so we can get you to sleep.”
Din smiles and steals one more quick kiss before he gets her a cloth to help him. Astra takes care of the pieces with blood on them, letting Din and his mind take a break from the visual. Together, they work through everything much faster than Din had on his own, and it’s not much longer before they’re lying together for the night.
And as Din manages to fall asleep, he doesn’t dream of the horrors he thought he would. Instead, thanks to the way Astra’s freed his mind, he dreams of the flowers he’s going to grow in the garden of their home for her, and how beautiful she’ll look with them on their second wedding day.
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He would not fucking date him.
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captainjonnitkessler · 10 months
Sometimes I wish we would start calling out the performative radicalism on this site for the poser bullshit it is. "Remember, it's always morally correct to kill a cop!" "Don't forget to firebomb your local government office!" "Wow, it sure would be a shame if these instructions on how to make a molotov cocktail got spread around!"
Okay. But you're not killing cops or firebombing government offices. You are posting on a dying microblogging website to a carefully-curated echo chamber that has radicalized itself into thinking that taking the absolute most extreme position on any subject is praxis but that anyone discussing the most practical way to effect actual change is your sworn enemy. You do not have the street cred OR the activist cred to be talking about killing cops, babe.
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sergle · 1 year
this tweet is making me choke to death
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robyn-i-guess · 18 days
liking someone platonically is so embarrassing like. yeah i admire you. yeah i think about you all the time. yeah i look forward to every time i see you even if it's only for a minute. yeah it's all platonic and yeah i couldn't explain this because it'd sound romantic. fucking hell
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onefey · 5 months
you're going about your normal day when, suddenly, surprise! you've been pokémon mystery dungeon'd!
unfortunately, due to budget cuts, the pokémon assigning quiz has been canceled. instead, you must spin THE WHEEL, assigning you a random, unevolved, non-legendary and non-mythical pokémon. you must now go on some sort of world-saving adventure as this pokémon. good luck!
tell me in the tags what you rolled, and how you feel about it - for bonus points, you can spin the wheel again for (or just take your pick of) a pokémon to be your partner.
bonus rules:
you're not shiny unless the wheel tells you you're shiny
take your pick of regional forms and evolutions (for example, if you roll vulpix, it's up to you whether that means normal or alolan vulpix)
apply whatever logic you like with regards to gender
have fun and be yourself!
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kiryuing · 5 months
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hypertechnica · 27 days
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is this anything
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seagiri · 5 months
when did this happen???
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cottagedreamy · 2 months
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God told me to draw this
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scorndotexe · 6 months
i can't lie to you i loveee bad endings sometimes. what if nothing worked out. what if the characters gave into their worst instincts. what if they became worse. what if there's truly no hope left. what will they do out of desperation? who will they become as their worst selves?
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