#i'm still job hunting
see-arcane · 2 months
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Open question to everyone as I continue to wrestle with being a professional starving creative. I’ve been nudged towards making a Substack a couple times now. I’m hesitant on making a new page for anything due to how little the Official Author Website seems to have mattered in the grand scheme of my teeny scribbling career, but there are a couple pros to consider. The most basic plus is that it could make for a tidier spot to leave my Big Scribbles than just piling them in a scattered Tumblr. But the key part the online 'get passive income!1!!' gurus point out about Substack is the sub(scription) bit. And how it can be a charged subscription.
“It’s an easy way for freelancers to make money!”
With at least $5 charged per month. For weekly-to-monthly updates. From me.
That means scheduled writing that's worthy of wringing more money out of the ‘Everyone is Broke’ website at least once a month. Note, I would not be pulling a Watcher; I’d still be dropping previews for my big WIPs here per usual. But a $ubstack would come with that and other original works each month. Supposing there was more than 2.5 folks out there willing to burn their bucks on that endeavor.
Anyway. Chronic indecision and fretting are attacking so I’m hot potatoing it to you:
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mx-lamour · 8 months
I haven't been called an evil narcissistic sociopath in a while. Time to change that, methinks.
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daily-odile · 3 months
AUGH I’d love to see more time looping odile if possible,,,,, how do you think she’d like; “devolve” over each of the acts as compared to Siffrin over time :O
ok im gonna be honest i did like portrait edits months ago and just never finished them. so here you go
act 3:
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act 5:
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yasmeensh · 1 year
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Wooden sword ✨ Third thumbnail coloured... Should make some more soon. It was fun working on these Zelda 1 sketches :)
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causeimanartist · 10 months
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varietysky · 1 month
my bbc ghosts fixation is knocking at the back of my brain waittttt
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leporidaisical · 3 months
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Sorry for dissapearing again. I am no longer unemployed 👍
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telekitnetic-art · 6 months
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The beast approaches!!!
As of today, I am now 20 whole years old!!! Wild!!!!
My journey as an artist has been a chaotic and unpredictable one and I can't say for certain what my path will be. But I do know that I wouldn't have gotten as far as I have without the encouragement, appreciation, and compliments from my friends and mutuals and everyone who's reblogged my art and left their own sweet comments and thoughts in the tags!!!
Misiyh/thank you to everyone who's supported me along my artistic journey so far, it means so much to me!! I never would've predicted how far I've come, and I'm excited for the potential projects ahead of me!!!
That's all for now, now i gotta go finish more uni grad prep stuff... (And also if you wanna get a 20% discount off stuff in my shop, the discount ends tomorrow!!)
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danielsarmand · 3 months
just had my first day at my new part-time job and you will never guess what. i hate it
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olivesjaw · 23 days
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giyuulatte · 5 months
has anyone made spider-buck fanart? if so please point me in that direction. thanks !!
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sachisei · 3 months
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Returning Player Reacts to Official Reverse:1999 Trailers | Youtube Link
Ahem! @arcanistsanctum reached 500+ follows. That's crazy! So this is a little surprise for all the blog visitors. I think I will actually post more Reverse:1999 content alongside Honkai: Star Rail. It's disheartening that there aren't enough content creators to go back and forth with for R:1999 content when this game deserves so much love. So I decided to boost Reverse:1999 YT content! It's a new channel, and I'm new at making youtube content. So forgive my sadge edits and slow uploads! HAHA. I'll learn! Eventually.
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heart-forge · 1 year
August Update:
had a total chapter rewrite I didn't expect but makes everything a lil more consistent. facing down a second total chapter rewrite I didn't expect. as far as progress with updating the game to standard goes, I'm 75% done (not accounting for the actual weight of the updates to the back end and the full rewrites). Next in line is Hybrid because people keep commenting on it.
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kiealer · 3 months
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skayafair · 3 months
I love Neon Frights Twyla so much. It took me some time to grow properly fond of her, but now she's THE doll. I used to want a few others but the satisfaction her different looks and styling them gives me is so much better than any other doll I have or is/has been manufactured that I've lost interest in them.
I still like my small collection, each doll has a place in my heart and a purpose (or, well, that's the way it was intended - I'm afraid Twyla snatched a few roles for herself now), I contemplated selling them and felt a sharp NO in response, so I'm not willing to part with them. I guess they'll be mostly only displayed now, even though I'm more used to playing with them - restyling, reorganizing the poses and their places on the shelf...
I wanted to take up sewing months ago - for more than a year, actually. But I barely managed just one simple and not very well-done temporary outfit before Twyla appeared. Now though... I've already made 2 outfits for her, and I'm even proud of the latter one! I want to make more though. Her image is just so vibrant and pleasant to my eyes.
I'm not sure what the exact reason is - maybe that she's made in my 2 favorite colours? Or just her overall look? No idea. I'm just happy she exists.
She's so much of a comfort doll for me that I took her on my week long trip to the countryside and was SO GLAD I did. Because everyone was nervous and snappish all the time, so I felt terrible, too, and one family member made me so angry just constantly... Then I looked at Twyla and felt much better. Aesthetic pleasure goes a long way I guess.
She sits to the left of me whenever I need to complete some tedious task that requires concentration - with my ADHD it feels like gearing up for fighting a mountain each time. But whenever I look at her, I feel more encouraged.
She watches over my sleep. My dreams are really interesting when I remember them, and I can recall just one or two really bad ones in months.
She really became my little companion.
Look at her, she's so prettyyyyy! 💜
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zombeesknees · 11 months
As of 10/18/23:
Now that we've officially marched on the boss and openly declared, I can publicly drop this news that's been several weeks in the making:
The Bloomington, IL, Barnes & Noble is unionizing with the RWDSU.
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