#i'm talking about the popular fandom headcanons btw and not personal ones
xhanisai · 5 months
Fandom headcanons that I love
Marinette is a caffeine addict.
Alya is an MCU fan.
Adrien is obsessed with croissants.
Chat Noir gets offended when Ladybug pets or plays with other cats.
Nino has an obsession with potatoes.
Nathalie is in love with Emelie (though that's sorta canon isn't it?)
Everyone crushed on Marinette at one point.
Adrien possesses the most Ladybug merch.
Marinette creates Chat Noir merch- mainly for herself though.
Adrien recognises that the scarf was made by Marinette because he finds her signature on the fabric.
Marinette, Alya, Nino and Adrien often do dumb shit when they hang out, be it intentionally or unintentionally.
Adrien wants to marry both Marinette and Ladybug (pre-reveal).
Marinette has ADHD and the rest of the core four are neurodivergent too.
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ao3commentoftheday · 6 months
I have a kind of similar experience with the anon in a previous post about their friend who moved to another fandom (sending hugs btw, anon).
I also used to speak with someone I considered a friend, chatting about our original characters, stories, headcanons, and even personal lives. I'd understood from the beginning that this person wanted desperately to open up to the fandom and be more "popular" in it, which is fair and honestly I can relate to some extent. But one day, they completely stopped messaging me themselves and only answered some of my texts many days later, rather indifferently; they weren't rude to me but clearly seemed bored of the discussions they were previously eager for. I was very anxious, very worried I had done something to them, maybe I said something wrong or whatever. But no, since I realized sometime after that they had actually joined a fandom-famous server, made whole new friends there, managed to get the popularity they wanted and we never chatted again.
I feel like they took advantage of me because I was always consistent and happy to talk to them, but when they found what they were always looking for, they "disregarded" the least popular person.
that sucks, anon, and I'm so sorry that happened *hugs*
it's never a good feeling to be used, and it's even worse when that feeling comes from someone we thought of as a friend ❤️
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legoiscrying · 11 months
Since you guys liked my first k2 analysis so much, I've decided to make a second one and mainly focus on things that I mentioned in the last paragraph there: how I see their romantic relationship. This is probably going to be more headcanons than analysis but we'll see lol (it ended up not)
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As I mentioned before, I don't really see k2 having some sort of special feelings for each other when they're young. Meanwhile it can kinda work with Kenny, it's probably won't work with Kyle: Kyle already has two strong sources of emotions. His bond with Stan and his sort of rivalry with Cartman clearly means more to him. And to get myself more clear: No, I do not erase everything I said in the previous post about their interactions, they're still very sweet and in my personal opinion important. But if we analyse Kyle's relationships with others and give everyone some sort of a status, Stan would be "best friend", Cartman would be "frienemy" (it's not so obvious when I say it like this but we all should agree that Kyle cares a lot about the shit Cartman says, not necessarily in a good way but it's still a huge source of emotions for him). And Kenny, as I believe, would be just "friend". Not much to add.
But if we're looking a little bit further...Time skip for a few years. Or not a few. High-school maybe?? Or adults?? Whatever you prefer more
From this part it'll be mostly headcanons because different people can see the future relationship of the main four differently. I'll talk about my personal point of view here (I think it's the most popular one in the fandom anyways)
So this is where Kyle's previous sources of strong emotions are kind of fading away. With Stan...I'm almost sure that no one is going to argue with me for this. Stan, as a depressed individual, would probably at some point of his adulthood change his relationships with people. He'd cut contact with some and just sort of change his attitude to other. And although I believe Stan and Kyle would still be friends (close friends??) when they grow up...There's not going to be the "bond" as strong as it was before. This is debatable, but even if you don't agree with my statement: One source of strong emotions is definitely not enough.
With Cartman my point of view is much easier to explain: they're not kids anymore. I believe their rivalry won't dissappear, but. They're not kids and not gonna fight 24/7. I'm not sure if I'm explaining this properly, but I think it's just not gonna take all their time. So yeah. It's not enough
Kyle feels a bit more lonely. So he hangs out with Kenny, who pretty much feels the same. They spend time together, talk a lot, remember some things...And realize how similar they are to each other (this part is also analysis btw, I didn't come up with it from nothing). They realize that back then they both were trying to act kind to people around them, but no one seemed to appreciate it as much as they wanted. They were doing it differently and was getting treated differently, but in the end both ended up being lonely without much people around. You. You can feel my thought here. right
They realize how similar they feel, so they decide to try to help each other. Just make some company. It won't hurt, right?
It didn't. I see them a bit fast burn... They start to appreciate each other's company more. And more. They hang out in a lot of different places. Anywhere you can get your old buddy: like seeing some cool movies with him, taking him to restaurants so you can make sure he eats well, sometimes going to his ol' house with him to help his sister...At some point Kenny starts calling it "dates", and Kyle is extremely flustered about this.
Kyle falls first, but Kenny confesses first: so their relationship-thing happens not so long after that.
And yep. This is what I wanted to share from now. I really hope someone reads all that xD
Love k2, appreciate k2, enjoy k2, share k2. They're very lovable little guys!
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(If this gets 100 likes AGAIN I will write k2 headcanons. Go)
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alaynestone · 5 months
You don’t have to post this if you don’t want. I just wanted to say I was one of those curious, openminded fans willing to entertain the idea of samjohn (mostly bc deanjohn feels so congruent with canon + there’s so much interesting meta on it that managed to convert me + incestuous households usually affect all of it’s members) but just like you said I was immediately put off by the blatant character assassination that pervades everything from fics to edits to the propaganda in that incest poll lmao.
I guess that’s the major difference - deanjohn requires little to no stretching of imagination bc it already fits seamlessly into canon, whereas samjohn almost demands ooc shenanigans to work.
I also just found the way fans talk about it nauseating for some reason, though that’s likely more of a reflection of my own personal triggers. I love digesting incest narratives, but the fetishistic angle of that blog really makes my stomach turn. That’s not a moral judgement on anyone else’s enjoyment btw! Just another reason why this ship didn’t resonate with me.
thank you for sending me this. it's clear that a lot of people feel the same way.
when i first joined fandom, the few j/s fics were straightforward evil!john non-con. not my thing, but i understood why it was written that way. then came the inexplicably popular fandom creation of "sexkitten sam" which continues to pollute the entire sam/dean fandom and of course extends to other ships too. i'm not even gonna get started on why that's "problematic" because that's not the point, it's not remotely in character. even as an exaggeration sam is not the kind of person to attempt to find agency in outward submission or objectification. he's very vocally not compromising his identity to please his family and especially john. dean is more like that so when you have sam acting like a fetishized pinterest aesthetic moodboard version of dean and dean acting like an old man from wattpad i'm understandably left squinting at the screen. then it's genderswapping sam and using that as a personality eraser because women are automatically submissive and naive and trad?
who is being converted by all this when it has nothing to do with sam, john or even dean? where is dean in all this actually? a core aspect of their family is that dean is closest to both sam and john who rarely had much opportunity to bond without him. there was a distance between sam and john throughout sam's childhood and adolescence. most of his parental needs were being fulfilled by dean even if that was never enough. their situation with their father wasn't the average one where they were simply 2 kids fighting for his attention.
for the most part j/s appears to be about "envying" dean's position in the family. it's about diminishing or straight up erasing dean and more notably about feminizing sam. either directly or otherwise. people generally seem to have big issues with the fact that sam is a man and confidently so. most of the annoying tropes in wincest fandom have this at their core. and of course in order for sam to be "the woman" dean needs to genuinely and authentically be the most stereotypical of cishet men. it's very transparent because right from the start the show poked holes at dean's performance of masculinity. it was very much the point. dean's gender issues could fill a book yet any alternative interpretation of sam and gender seeks to cast dean as the oppressive bigot who would never get it? stopping here before i get off topic but to make myself clear: in theory i respect headcanons i don't understand, but not when they spitefully exist to deny dean's depth in every possible way.
to return to my point about dean's pseudo spouse and mother position being enviable, it misses the point of how harmful john's parenting was to both of them. it's no coincidence that they both view themselves as the unfavorite. dean believes he's taken for granted, only valued for what he can give, how well he can perform his roles, how successfully he could play at being an adult even before he hit double digits. dean can't just exist and be himself while sam is uncompromisingly himself. because of that he believes john doesn't like him, never liked him, rejected him, didn't have time for him, didn't trust him enough with the family secrets, even when those secrets directly concerned him. as of season 1 he still has contempt for dean for what he views as unquestioning obedience to john and letting himself be molded by john. dean had to fight for every scrap of approval and affection and sam refused to do the same if it meant sacrificing his own needs and identity. not everyone reacts to abuse the same way and both characters are very much shaped by their different reactions to their environment. and any j/s shipper argument that is built on the idea that sam was the one john loved more is not only gleefully mocking dean's parentification but ignoring that sam being comparatively sheltered and treated like a son is yet another reason why john would not cross such a line with him. dean "gets it", dean lost mary too, dean is his partner and his confidant, dean can handle adult responsibilities, dean is loving and supportive, dean isn't making him confront his parenting failures, dean can't say no to him. like you said, it doesn't at all stretch the imagination to make j/d fit into dean's backstory. "you are not a child" - "i never was".
as i have been saying, any remotely ic exploration of j/s would have to follow both j/d and s/d. i can't believe in a universe where j/s is the only incest that happens in the family. i think a theoretical plausible j/s fic would have to not only accept but embrace its adjacency to the 2 ships that are compliant with the canon. but whether sam knows for a fact about j/d or not, there's no way he isn't severely impacted by the proximity to that relationship in a number of ways and that's a very compelling dynamic in its own right.
tldr i agree with you anon. people can read and write whatever they want but there's a big difference between incest subtext that is believable and just saying things in a way that's meant to provoke.
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 4 months
hello! i mean this in the nicest way possible because i'm sure you're not trying to be mean but some of the things in your reblogs/tags recently kinda come across that way. i don't really like rebelcaptain fics or art where they have babies either, i agree that i don't think they would. but reblogging a post from someone who clearly does with additions saying you think that's wrong, or publicly talking in the tags about a specific post you think is "so wrong" when you could just block it silently, those both come across as pretty mean to the people who make those posts or share their headcanons. again, i don't mean to imply at all that you're trying to be hurtful, but it does kinda come across that way.
Hi anon, I’m sorry if it comes across as mean. I certainly don’t want to make anyone feel bad. But I do think I’m allowed to speak my opinions on a neutral topic so long as I a) don’t use any language that is hurtful (and I don’t think that simply saying I disagree with someone’s headcanon, however popular, qualifies as hurtful) and b) I don’t come specifically TO someone’s blog or someone’s post to shit over it in the tags. I wouldn’t do that. I’ve had others do that to me and it’s annoying at best and very hurtful at worst, especially when it’s someone’s art that they’ve poured their heart into, and I think it’s perfectly alright to ask people don’t do that. So… I didn’t!
These were the tags in question btw
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And hey, yeah, just shutting up about something that annoys me but other people enjoy is free, and maybe I should have been the bigger person and done that. But tbh it was late, I was tired, and I’m not doing so hot right now, and I got a little salty on main - again, while making sure I don’t spoil anyone’s fun on the post in question but just by saying a thing in a separate post on my own blog, because people are allowed to enjoy things that I don’t! And I’m allowed to say “that’s cool but it doesn’t vibe with me at all”. That isn’t trying to be hurtful, anon, that is simply stating a fact (and honestly a boundary, because the idea of having children isn’t a happy thought for everyone! It can be upsetting to people for a multitude of reasons and I’m honestly tired of people ignoring that).
On the off chance this came from the op in question, btw, I’m very sorry you took offence, I obviously wasn’t dissing your hard work, skill or creative choices, but simply saying I didn’t love this one in particular and got a little upset that the post kept popping up on my dash and reminding me of an uncomfortable topic.
Oh, and if this is about the other headcanon post I made yesterday - you may be right I used a slightly too strong adverb? Small crime, I think, we’re all too passionate about fictional people here. But I did honestly feel like I was taking part in a discussion that people invite when they post their headcanon in the fandom tag, and op reblogged my post and didn’t seem to take offence either.
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marcusrobertobaq · 2 months
List your Gavin headcanons, I am now curious
I suck at headcanons but these are the cop headcanons I was talking about:
Gavin joined the force around 10yrs before when we meet him in the game
Back in patrol he used to be rough with suspects even if he knew they were innocent, y'know the ego, never admitting he's wrong and shit. The use of force is a bit over the limit too, throwing people on the ground when ain't that necessary, pinning on the wall, car hood and shit. Your average police brutality metaphor.
Always an escalating prick: if he can make the environment kinda tense he will, with authoritative and sometimes sarcastic tones. He also tends to joke about the suspect behind 'em back, calling 'em idiot and shit like this.
On scene he used to make questionable jokes with his pals (that were like him) when with a suspect detained or arrested especially if related to DUI.
His superior on Patrol Unit used to be "corrupt" too so he was always kinda backed up cuz although he was an asshole he got things done and u know what cops think about some types of suspect, especially the hostile ones
If he can go for his gun he gonna go for his gun and gonna point it in your face.
Although Gavin could be considered a corrupt cop for having power trips dude knows the laws, the thing is he does what he thinks that needed to be done to make the wheels turn. I'd say he got his own laws.
When going to clubs or bars things almost always ended up in conflicts or fighting and i'd say even if he took a beat mf gave it back doesn't matter if the mf is a 2m bodybuilder. Ofc mf drop the "cop card" to put people in 'em place. This habit continues to this day
For some reason I believe Reed been a detective for at least 4 years when we meet him. He thought about trying SWAT before or even K9 (mf love dogs, hunter dogs) but found himself in financial related crimes division, later in major crimes like homicide. He liked the detective even tho was a hell of work and u couldn't have peace. But it's a popular area to try building a career.
Dude's kinda interested in firearms.
He's still got the habit of joking even on the most gruesome crime scenes. It's like things don't impact him that much to the point if he discovered something he didn't like about the victim he would joke about 'em death
He got a damn of a dirty mouth esp when not inside the station and he can be disrespectful in some moments
He's known ass Det. Asshole in his division. Dude's always sarcastic and arrogant, and wanting mfs to laugh or agree with him. Some actually pretend being in the circle but still think dude's an asshole and invasive sometimes, especially the women.
He'll often make homophobic and transphobic jokes especially if he wanna piss someone off - mostly about men, if fruity or too feminine or trans women that looks "kinda masculine". Nothing personal, tho.
If the person is fucking an android or is an android "lover" he'll also shit on this, usually saying things like "you can't fuck a real person so you need a piece of plastic as replacement". It's basically like asking for him to look down on mfs. He also bully his co-workers about it, especially if the coworker dislike androids too. It's like an offense.
He got very peculiar opinions on Tracis, especially the fem ones. By peculiar I mean quite negative and I got the impression he would do some bad things to 'em. I'm talking about destroying 'em, ofc.
He also ain't got respect for "the bitches" - u just gotta look and/or act like one, btw. Well... He'll joke about it and be quite disrespectful. Men can be bitches too, according to him. "Pussies".
On the contrary of what most of the fandom think doesn't matter if he kinda see an android like an individual he'll still see 'em as inferior beings that should kneel to him and kiss his feet and he'll carry this mentality for a good time. The rebellion actually makes him "hate" android more cuz now androids are giving "orders" and making demands.
He sometimes bully the android cops too. He just likes making fun of 'em, bumping into 'em on purpose sometimes even making 'em fall to the ground and saying "oops! Sorry" in sarcastic tone. Ofc when things are more empty at the station and nobody gonna complain about it
He'll be an ass about androids while they're passive, and he expects 'em to always bow down in the end. Even if the android did something absurd he gonna joke about it or force 'em to bow. The moment the android becomes visibly unstable dude gonna shit on his pants and gonna order somebody to deal with the shit - which was the case in The Interrogation with Ortiz's android. But I assume most human characters are like this as they're not used to unstable androids or see 'em as just defective machines comparable to your printer going wild in the office
He like telling stories about his cases and experiences to anyone next to him in the moment. Even if it's some fucked up shit mf is always with his sense of humor on point.
This fucked up and sarcastic sense of humor happen to be one of his manipulation methods in interrogations, where he constructs a bridge with the criminal so they feel like in a friendly chit-chat and confess. But his favorite method is roughing up suspects, if he can get physical, punch mfs he will so if mfs don't tell him what he want he kinda doesn't mind that much, if u know what i mean.
Bro is aiming for supervisor ranks for the name but he actually sucks in being in a team. Dude always wanna order everybody and do everything himself, not obeying orders that goes against what he think is right. He hates some people are in the way of him achieving it.
If the "lead" detective on scene he doesn't wanna anyone fucking around, even if the person is a witness. He tends to escalate things or even get the witness "roughly" detained if they piss him off.
Some co-workers try avoiding him, fear him but some are just assholes like him. Not the majority, tho. Sometimes mf can be an asshole but dislikes Reed
Although he's a complicated person he has been more cautious in not having his shit being discovered by superiors not cuz he think it's wrong but cuz he doesn't wanna mfs screaming in his ear and fucking with his stairway to success. Shit going public also wouldn't be a good deal.
Bro just wanna get the job done to add to his list of accomplishments, to show how although he got an asshole reputation mfs can't say he's a bad detective. And it's even the reason some superiors are actually cool in pretending they didn't see shit - we're dealing with criminals, after all. They're less than animals.
He knows Hank covers criminals and it makes him pissed how Jeffrey backs him up just cuz he's his friend, not cuz Hank is doing a good work. It's all about the old times. Gavin looks down on the type of criminals Hank cover, even tho he kinda pits 'em. But there's one reason: androids. As I said before Gavin jokes about mfs addicted to drugs, he looks down on 'em most of the time - alcohol and red ice being the common ones. Control the shit, don't let it control ya is the deal.
Some mfs already tried bribery with Gavin cuz they were "relevant" or something so minuscule there's was "but why?" in the air but mf throw it back at 'em and kinda laughs. If he gotta investigate what end up to be a fellow police officer he'll do it and be pleasured in fucking mf's life, unless mf is really friends with him. The issue is when some commands come from above him, it's another reason he's aiming for higher ranks. He doesn't care if he would act kinda corrupt as long as he gets what he wants done.
He knows about the overall police reputation and how he can be seen as one of the rotten apples and i don't think he cares about cleaning the org's name, just about getting his work done.
During the "Android Crime Unit" episode he was the only one that thought this whole thing was sus af. But it was out of his hands, had superiors involved on this so he just let it go even if he hated it. Although he can be impulsive he got good eyes and ears to detect fuckery going on.
He ain't a fan of CyberLife at all not only cuz of android but cuz he dislike megacorporations like this who got 'em hands on everybody like this, replacing everybody like they're nothing. If he got the opportunity of shitting on 'em he will. Being replaced by one of 'em shitty products is a damn offense, almost a threat.
He dislikes the gov but when the deviant crisis happens his opinion on androids doesn't change. He actually wants 'em to be set on fire, gunned down, destroyed, even if it means it's helping CyberLife. He's there to serve his city, after all. LE gotta show who's the boss in this mf. Curiously this a sentiment most of cops share even after a successful revolution.
He got this "badass motherfucker alive" sentiment. Back when he was in uniform he used to take pictures of him with hand on holster or gun in hands, "like a boss" poses and shit. Y'know, those cops who like some aviator glasses and badge always on sight. It still kinda a thing now with plain clothes. He just thinks he's the best mf ever esp at work - always trynna prove being superior
There's a very good way of shutting him up, tho: letting him talking to the walls or being too polite in counter-argumenting him at work. He'll get angry fr. He doesn't like when mfs think they're better than him or more "successful" than him at his job.
In the end he's just a high-nose bastard. Everybody facepalms and sigh deeply when they know Det. Reed is in the area.
Some stuff may contradict another but I guess I really don't give a fuck now? I'll have a proper list with a proper english in my docs some day, maybe February 31st.
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abschaumno1 · 1 year
Dear Hermitblr,
I want to start this by saying that I'm not out to get anyone here or to tell anyone what they can or cannot do. You are free to do fandom in whatever way you like and go out and draw and write whatever you want.
However, tumblr as a website, and we as communities talk a lot about curating our experiences and filtering things we don't like to see. We're already doing great with shipping from what I can tell. Good job everyone.
I do have a suggestion though. Or maybe something we could discuss as a community at least? Either way, in that spirit of "curate your own experience" I would like to bring something up that I have noticed over the past few weeks (which is when I started to pay closer attention to it):
Hybrid headcanons, Winged characters and Watchers. More precisely, the way they get tagged in the community.
These are all popular headcanons, I know. But I will be honest with all of you, I don't care for them very much. Now i do my best to filter, but tumblr's filtering system has its limits. Mainly the fact that there are about a billion different tags to filter for, either in terms of conceptual tags (as in "Watcher Grian") or artists' personal art tags ("[username]'s art" or any variation thereof) and not to mention the various artists who tag their art with "my art" (you folks are valid btw it's just not a tag people can easily filter out, or search for for that matter). There is also a number of people out there who don't have their own art tag at all, which makes things even harder.
My proposition would be that we all as a community try and work out together how we can make this easier for everyone. I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't always want to see these things. Maybe we could come up with tags so people can more easily filter out popular fanons they don't particularly care for without having to filter for a million different tags or not being able to filter. Maybe we could try and work towards tagging new fanart at least.
This is just an idea right now, but I'd hope we can discuss it as a community.
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theinkedfoxsl · 6 months
Choose violence all of them. All of the violence.
omg why
the character everyone gets wrong
not oc: tartaglia. oc: ezel
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
i don't have a compelling argument, all my favs are switches.
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I've seen a lot of bad takes on tumblr, I've been here over a decade lmao. But honestly? Most "writing tips" are absolute garbage and constantly contradict themselves and each other.
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I don't hesitate :) there are no last straws, if i do not like you, goodbye. this has gotten me into shit in bigger communities where people talk to each other but i do not care.
worst discord server and why
my old one<333
which ship fans are the most annoying?
mercy x moira fans and also any tart shipper.
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Diluc. I was pretty mid on him but after following uhhh certain people who were super annoying about him and awful with his characterization i hate him now.
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
what's a common fandom opinion?
worst part of canon
retcons when a media becomes more popular. happened to genshin, overwatch, dbd, ect. They need to pump out more information and they end up contradicting themselves and making their media boring.
worst part of fanon
idk this might just be my issue personally but i watched a lot of people tell a lot of lies to make themselves look better and its. something. i'm here to enjoy a common media, not get into your little cat fights.
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
35 for JUST tags. And its because my mutuals can't tag consistently, yall ANNOYING as hell for that btw. its come to the point where i have to fucking post filter instead of tag filter. i hate yall.
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
(holding corvus) i just think hes pathetic.
worst blorboficiation
diluc or tartaglia, also lion(r6)
that one thing you see in fics all the time
I don't read fics anymore unless its my mutuals. Nothing interests me enough. That being said, lot of fuckboy shit in the old genshin days. he would not do that.
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
a lot of people can't seem the grasp the wide range of asian skintones, let alone shade them correctly.
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
cheating hcs, or thinking kaeya specifically would be a cheater. are you stupid or??
there should be more of this type of fic/art
genuine love for what you're writing rather than what'll get clicks. I can see how soulless some things are.
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
the paladins fandom in general is very much asleep, wake up bro
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Mutual obsession is my weirdest thing I g, it can be done well.
part of canon you found tedious or boring
As I mentioned before, once things start to get retconned and changed, it becomes tedious afterwards. You can see they're stitching together the pieces they think will do well, with no regard to the actual story.
part of canon you think is overhyped
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Kaeya's favourite flower is a medicinal one.
ship you've unwillingly come around to
corvus/caspian, meg/trapper.
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
i don't know i don't pay attention lol
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Graphics updates for dbd.
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fruitobject · 2 years
what is your opinion on coinpin and leafpin (specifically a love triangle (where pin and leafy already had an established relationship until bfdia and then pin dated coiny in bfdia and then there is a cool interaction in idfb))
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this is so long oh god
this is what I'm picking up for the love triangle part if I understand correctly (i'll comment on this later but I don't fully understand love triangles sorry😭)
and if I'm wrong you can disregard the third conclusion section
easily best bi couple right?
I absolutely LOVE all their interactions throughout the whole series, down to their bickering and small comments to each other. In the world of the bfdi fandom, friends to lovers and rare pairs always take the lead in a way.
This isn't saying bfb is poorly written, but there wasn't too much meaningful character interaction or at least development following the interactions in the show. The only times we do get to see it between a pair of characters its always followed by shipping in the fandom because of how little friendly interaction there is outside of the competition normally (firey and leafy arc, pin and coiny's little talk about loser and more, fireafy and coinpin are the most popular ships currently) ITS HARD TO WORD THIS IMSORRY
but imagine it like there's little development outside of the competition (and it's not bad, it's a battle after all) so when characters finally DO have meaningful interaction the fan base loses their marbles whether it's some sort of villain arc or just repairing an alliance because everyone else is so bland (in terms of dynamics and stuff with others I NEED MY TROPES)
but this also gives a reason for these "popular ships" to work together more, because the said pairing would have the most development together if the above is true with the "most meaningful interactions"
back to coiny x pin, I would dub it as a popular ship in the fandom. is it overrated? of course not! I can see how their chemistry works, and there is plenty of canon content with them as a perfect duo.
this is just me wanting to bring up the bfdi shipping issue(?)(not really I just noticed it) I'm sorry again
conclusion: can definitely see it, and ship it myself! one of bfb's fav ships for a reason
Their relationship in the series quite literally began on the first episode with them being in an alliance, and I've loved their strange alliance since. I'm not sure if most of the leafpin shippers came in before or after that one short with the two, but their dynamic is great! Also on the popular side due to many different things, but I don't have any complaints about it!
Nothing else to really say, but I'd love it if they interacted again in another short or something in the future!!!! u guys are starved I'm sorry
conclusion: neat ship! love two lesbian gals in love
love?????? triangle????????????
Would be interesting but a little weird considering Leafy is in bfb still and no where near tpot grounds. I assume you mean this takes place in a period where they're still in bfb (coiny and pin make out without leafy during bfdia😒/j)
It'd be good for a fic or something that could be expanded on with its own plot reasons, but I personally don't see the love triangle part! I respect your opinion though and think its still pretty cool!! I can see it with a backstory of some sort, just not from what we already have in bfb.
Everything above does apply since it's just the both of the ships above with Pin in a weird love dorito
btw don't let any of my opinions take down what you think of these ships!!!!!this is just a long ramble about what I think
conclusion: I don't know what a love triangle is
. . .
final conclusion : I think the dynamic between the 3(or 2 each) would be really cool!! works best in fics that could give it some more backstory to how the love triangle came to be + maybe even some fun little headcanons
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archive2394934 · 1 year
sorry you had to deal with that person. I hope you know I always admire your characterization of Henry and how accurate they are. it's a lot easier for people who don't understand to simple see him as a villain, just because he did bad things, instead of seeing the depth and the complication of his character. and I respect you so much for like still trying to educate that person? I would've just blocked tbh. but you did your best and if they still couldn't understand then that's not your problem anymore. I hope you never stop doing what you're doing. your blog is honestly my favorite and I always enjoy reading your takes on Henry. also, for what it's worth, Jamie Bower doesn't see Vecna as a villain but rather someone who's been hurt and abused since he was a child (he did not make excuse for Henry's action, but he understands Henry's pain, like you do) so... yeah, keep doing what you're doing and screw the haters. you're so much better than them. lots of love from me. x
Awh, thank you anon ❤️❤️ I'm glad you like my thoughts about Henry! That person did have a point about racism and misogyny for sure, and this fandom DOES have a problem with racism as many fandoms do (check out how Lucas is treated vs his friends who are played by white actors for example) and comparing Kali's treatment in contrast to say Billy's treatment by the fandom is very, very valid, but Henry? Not so much. Thats where it slips for me. He doesn't have near the amount of fans Billy has and unlike Billy he was never racist (which, btw, I don't back people acting like this was just an inherent part of Billy and that he couldn't have grown away from it or that "Billy's racism" wasn't ever HEAVILY influenced and enforced from Neil because it absolutely was and I also don't believe Billy died an irredeemable monster. He was an abused kid. Imo, his death was framed heroically and thats why it echos as a source of tragedy and guilt for Max in season 4.) Also knowing MY posts in particular were a big inspo for THAT post just like... Excuse the fuck out of me. And like I said, even Billy's fans will turn into the same anti-weirdos and hypocrites that they spend all their fandom time fighting against when it comes to Henry, which I've also talked about a few times because its very unfortunate the amount of Billy fans I've seen trying to deflect hate off of Billy by putting it on Henry because they also see Henry as a more acceptable target. And that particularly has a lot of to do with some very rancid, very homophobic headcanons and theories that are popular in the fandom. (Beside the outright ableism) But people think cos some of those headcanons and theories came from queer people that they're ok and cannot be criticized, but the thing is-- and its known in LGBT spaces-- that no one is more glad to support and promote homophobia than young queers toward older queers, particularly toward gay/bi men. Thats when homophobia suddenly becomes okay. Thats when horrifically harmful and classical homophobic stereotypes suddenly become legitimate and free game. Literally as long as the target in question is older (usually in their 30s+) this shit is ok. This shit flies. This shit is ATE. Older gays talk about this behavior all the time and how repugnant, regressive and harmful it is to our community but it always only seems to get worse. (or maybe its just cos I'm 30+ now thus get to experience the full force of homophobia and hate directed toward me and people also 30+ from people in my own community.) But anyway, off tangent a little, literally, far as Henrys tags go, I couldn't see any racism or misogyny from my posts just because I'm hyper fixated on Henry and understanding him as a character and his actual context? Can't see any racism from the small few other moots I've seen make similar posts about Henry to mine either and the thing is we all A) Seem to like Henry as Henry and not as a stand in for Jamie so, its def not a matter of just thirsting for a characters cos he has an attractive white actor and B) Most- if not all of us seem to really like Kali and are the people who do tend to remember her and talk about her, so? Oof but now I'm rambling again dhfsjkld thank you once again! this ask is v sweet and made my night. Also yes, Jamie is such a based king, he fully supports anti-villain Vecna and it DOES ANNOY ME when people think Jamie's take holds no validity at all because it obviously absolutely does.
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lesbiansandco · 1 year
time for a long post that will make sense to probably .00002% of the population
Fandoms: Gravity Falls (tv show) and Alter Ego (game/app by Caramel Column) (one of these is wildly more popular than the other but both are worth checking out) (There's no way I'm the only person who likes both GF and Alter Ego, right?) (spoilers for both fandoms btw)
:readmore: So, I think that Es' realm operates a lot like the GF's mindscape, because Es' realm is her mindscape. The biggest indicator is the greyscale coloring of it all, however now that I'm thinking about it there are many, many things that prove my point. In this essay I will.....(yeah you get the point) Like in Gravity Falls, Es' mindscape is empty unless someone enters it, which explains why there are only 3 entities: Es, Ego Rex (whom we'll get to later), and the player (known to both as the wanderer.) Es explains that she's been alone with Ego Rex for a long while, and wasn't expecting anyone else when the wanderer arrives. The next thing that points to the game being set in Es' mindscape is the thought bubbles. They take on physical form like memories and other things can in GF mindscapes, and as the game progresses the thought's form and words adapt to Es' mental and emotional state. During the game, Es stays in her room, which is nothing but filled to the brim with bookshelves full of books. In GF, mindscapes contain things that are important to a person, such as Stan's mindscape containing the Mystery Shack. Books are obviously important to Es, as whenever she is not talking to the wanderer she is reading constantly (as is the wanderer, but that's another thing.) and in both the ID and Super Ego paths of the game she loses the ability to read, which obviously distresses her. In GF, anyone can manipulate things/summon items in the mindscape. No where in the game is a sink and soap shown, yet during the Super Ego path Es feels like her hands are dirty and remarks to the wanderer that she has washed her hands myriad times.
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Another thing about physical manifestations in the mindscape is that you can see Stan's fears in take the shape of actual entities. In the game it's revealed that Ego Rex and the wanderer are just manifestations of Es' insecurities and intrusive thoughts (Ego Rex) as well as her hope and reasoning (the wanderer). Anyway, it is now my personal headcanon that Es' realm is her mindscape. I'm bad at writing conclusions, so if you read this far, have some confetti 🎊
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I wanted to say something because I've seen (granted only a very few) murmurs about it on twitter and I'd like to shut it down now.
Full disclosure before what I'm about what I'm going to say; I'm not the biggest sonamy fan, for a lot of things but it's always been a ship I've been ~eeeh~ on for various reasons. I don't hate it like a lot of people I know do, it's just personally if there ever was any chance of me do liking it it's been long, long ruined for me now because of... certain both sides of this fandom.
Now, a popular headcanon and one that a lot of the fandom has is the headcanon of sonic being trans, one I personally share him being ftm but there's also ones of her being mtf which is totally cool too :) now with this said I've seen for some fucking reason some people on twitter thinking again for some fucking reason that somehow this headcanon of sonic being trans (either/both ftm or mtf versions of the headcanon) somehow ""ruins"" their sonamy ship.
...yeah. 😬 yikes.
Now this is a very minor part of twitter I've stumbled upon but??? Do I honestly really have to break down exactly what part of the statement is bullshit??? Just because people headcanon a certain character as trans shouldn't ruin shit about a ship to you first off. Second, exactly how does it ruin it? Because it wouldn't be a cishet relationship or whatever anymore and that's so fucking important to you? That's fucking laughable and also really pathetic.
There's more to it, like how on the flip side of it just being nothing but blind Amy hate (which is stupid btw) somehow getting at that somehow she'd not be supportive if Sonic came out to her as trans which????? Are we talking about the same character???? Amy Rose??? Not being supportive??? Like if you want to view them together in a romantic sense or not that's fine whatever but bare bones Sonic and Amy ARE friends and there's no way that Amy would not be supported towards one of her friends especially of something important like this that's completely against her character.
My point is: romantic sonamy or purely platonic sonamy, Amy would absolutely fully support and be there for Sonic no matter what gender just like Sonic would be there for Amy no matter what gender (personally I also headcanon her as trans too being mtf)
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deffonotsimping · 2 years
hiya<3 i saw your playable reader au and i love it! i was wondering if i could request a playable reader au with itto,kazuha, and thoma where playable reader is generally a very soft spoken person and is a big cinnamon roll that everyone likes and reader is probably really well known because of how soft they are and how nice they are to children and have some great accomplishments along with being wholesome(sorry if its very descriptive!) pls dont overwork yourself to much<3
That's so cute, I love it omg
Characters: Itto + Kazuha + Thoma
-> Masterlist
content!! playable reader AU, slight spoilers for the archon quest, spoilers for Thoma's hangout event
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Arataki Itto
You two are so adorable it's pathetic.
People headcanon you two to look over children together and you to softly scold him whenever he's being "mean"!
They imagine him to be extremely protective over you because how couldn't he be? You're so wholesome and everything about you screams soft
So much fanart of you two just cuddling in the warmth of each other's embrace, his face buried in your neck as he has his arms around you, not too tightly though in fears of breaking you.
They started shipping you two even though you haven't interacted in the game yet, however it is heavily implied that you know each other.
You, working as a general for the rebellion - which is a shock because? how can you be so soft and wholesome while literally working for the rebellion and fighting???? - should have met him already? right?
Well, they don't care anyway, you two are cute and that's all they need.
As for the popularity in this ship. Well. Either they ship you or they think people that ship you are just so annoyingly obsessed with making a character softer than they actually are for the sake of a ship.
Kaedehara Kazuha
You're a part of the Crux! Being one of Beidou's closest acquaintances (friends? besties? best friends forever?), you're bound to have met Kazuha!
(someone request for Beidou sometime pls I love her with my whole heart - generally any female characters too btw 😡 please I'm gay and I need them ‼️)
You got introduced to the Traveler right before they got to Inazuma. After the thing with the reactivation of the vision obviously didn't work, we can see a scene of you trying to comfort Kazuha.
Half of the fandom fell in love with you right then and there. You're so soft spoken and your voice feels as though you're whispering all the time, which some people appreciate.
"Kazuha, move, it's my turn to be in love with Reader."
So. Yes, the shippers are rather jealous at both of you - they still love you though!
Anyway. Once you're featured on Kazuha's banner as a new four star people start to go crazy!!
"Must.. c6.... them....... *ends up with c5 Kazuha and c2 Reader*"
Yeah. Ouch.
You're also an amazing dps Character if teamed with Kazuha and people just take that as a sign!!
If any Zhongli or Childe mains read this you probably know how awkward it is playing with each other and how much tension there is. Yes. This applies to Kazuha mains and Reader mains.
Soft and softer right here!
You're shown in his hangout event when him and the Traveler put clothes on the animals! Thoma said that he knew a person that was amazing at stuff like that and guess who that was! - you of course!
Ever since then people kept talking about scenarios in which the both of you just freshly met - how did that go?
Canonically, we don't know yet! However, it will be revealed in one of your voicelines once you're out as a character.
Shippers like to imagine that you two met when seeing an injured animal at different times and taking care of it without knowing of each other until one day you meet! :)
The ship is so amazing, lots of people like it and you don't have a lot of haters. (Well, people that like Thoma x Ayato usually don't necessarily enjoy ThoDer (Thoma x Reader) but there's still nothing but respect between the shippers for each other!)
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oops Thoma's was shorter than the others ehe forgive me 🙏
I actually really like how this turned out? I specifically think Kazuha's hcs are the best ones in this post :))
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bookiedoodles · 2 years
I literally get so miffed with the huntlow antis in the tags, because they seem to constantly want to justify their dislike. Maybe its because I usually ship more crack ships, so I'm not used to seeing too much hate in my ship tags, but there are so many posts about 'I don't hate huntlow, buuut…' and then have this long post about why they hate it.
Like, if you don't like the ship, or you prefer something else, that's cool. You don't need to put your damn thesis in our tag.
The ship itself is pretty wholesome and all I find on it are people posting their art and gushing about it. I'm sure we have our bad apples but its hardly a toxic fandom. I feel like the only things anti's seem to complain about is the fact that its popular and the shippers get excited over crumbs in the show. But like, just block the huntlow tag???if you don’t want to see it???
Ive been in fandoms where I have disliked the more popular pairing while shipping the less popular one, and it can be frustrating to see the ship you dislike everywhere while seeing very little love for the ship youre invested in. I get that it can be cathartic to vent about a ship you dislike, or read someone else's venting. But it costs zero dollars to tag your anti posts.
Sorry about the long rant, Your art is super cute btw!
Honestly, just in general if you have to write "I don't hate this ship, but..." then you just. Shouldn't talk about it. Or at least tag correctly and censor the ship so it doesn't end up in the tag??? It is SO easy to do. Also like???? When it comes to ships that there are zero problems with, I don't see a reason why someone needs to go so out of their way to make so many posts about WHY they feel the way they do?? I don't personally care for gold////ric, but I haven't made a single post bashing the ship. If you ship it then like. Whatever. I don't care. It has absolutely nothing to do with me and if you wanna take your crumbs and run wild with them, go nuts! So to see someone get so heated over huntlow just completely blows my mind. It's not even the fact that it's hated because it's getting more popular is whats getting to me. Cause, like, whatever. Popular ships will get disliked and there's really nothing you can do there. It's the fact that it's such a totally wholesome ship with nothing wrong with it, and yet SO MANY PEOPLE keep trying to pull problem after problem out of their asses about it. Or they keep being like "how DARE you ship them when they are *insert THEIR OWN GOD DAMN HEADCANON*". Like, dude, that's a personal problem.
And this is why I'm constantly like "if you don't like huntlow just cause you don't like it, that's fine" because I genuinely feel that way. You just don't vibe with huntlow? It doesn't align with your own headcanon and so you just don't see it? Chill, whatever. Just don't come picking fights with those of us who DO ship it because of your own feelings.
Like just. Be respectful. That's literally all we want in the end is respect. I do not understand why so many people feel so strongly against this ship and like literally whatever. Your feelings are your feelings, but if you're gonna air out those feelings then the VERY LEAST you can do is keep them out of our spaces. Please and thank you.
ALSO thank you so much for sending in this rant!! You are ALWAYS welcome to rant in my inbox!!!! And thank you for the compliment <33333
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chubbletea · 3 years
Why I think Shuichi is TRANS
I don't believe Shuichi is trans coded, but he has many trans male attributes that I noticed and highly believe he's trans because of it
I know it's a popular-ish headcanon in the fandom, and a lot of the time I just headcanon characters as trans just because. why not
I'm also elaborating on this because I can and want to, and I would like other people to see my perspective on it
Also please don't debate with me on this unless it's a joke, since I haven't seen much of Shuichi outside of ndrv3
anyways strap in folks this is gonna be a long one
1. Feminine looks
Every afab (assigned female at birth) person tends to be described as feminine
and, especially when it comes to men, Shuichi looks very feminine, even so much to the point where a few characters thought Shuichi was a girl in the manga (see below)
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Alongside the manga panels of those few characters thinking Shuichi could possibly be a girl, even the wiki says that his eyelashes are feminine, and it's not only that, he just looks feminine in general.
And I'm not saying that men can't be feminine, they can be feminine as much as they like, but it's not things that Shuichi could change that are just feminine, it's just him in general that's feminine too. As in, his body (no not genitals you dirty-minded bitch /lh)
Anyways here's some images of Shuichi incase you need reminded of visuals
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(focusing on Shuichi in these pics. And no, I'm not calling Shuichi feminine for expressing emotions)
See, it isn't really as visible as it is in his sprites, but that's what I'm about to discuss
2. Baggy(-ish?) clothing
I've seen some stuff about transmasc/trans male people, and heard from them that they tend to wear baggy clothing to hide their femininity, typically their boobs but it can really be anything when it comes to baggy clothing
And you maybe be thinking- "Shuichi's clothes aren't baggy"
Well, let me show you this-
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See? It's slightly big on him. Plus, he's wearing two layers; his shirt and his jacket
I've seen multiple trans boys say that they like to wear multiple layers or baggy clothing to hide their femininity, and Shuichi is doing both; wearing more than one layer and his clothing is slightly baggy
Bonus points since he rarely takes it off
Even MORE bonus points since he wears a jacket on his swimsuit sprite! (sorry for the shit quality)
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3. The ahoge jokes
You might be thinking- "It's just a joke"
Well, yes, it is so, BUT! We should still consider it for this analysis
(for those of you who don't know the joke, here it is-)
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It's a design gimmick the Danganronpa artist(s) use(? Is that the right word for it?)
Shuichi's ahoge is slightly spiked, if you squint
Either way, Komaru's debut, Danganronpa Ultra Despair Girls, came out before ndrv3, and Kaede was introduced before Shuichi was as well
So do you think it's normal to switch the consistent design of the male protag's ahoge to look more like a female protag's one?? while the designers know of this change??? mmmm I'm lookin at the trans flag!!
4. Stereotypes
Well, he has two gender-aligned stereotypes that go along with him
He looks like a stereotypical tomboy
He's a little associated with the "trans male uwu soft boy" stereotype
Shuichi's only partially stereotyped with those, but I will still elaborate on them
The stereotypical tomboy look is a girl with short hair while wearing a jacket, no skirt, and usually a hat and enjoying more "masculine-aligned" activities. While I don't believe that any activities are masculine or feminine aligned, it's just what society says and we're talking stereotypes here soooooo
The second stereotype, the one about trans men, is that they're shy and "soft"
While Shuichi can speak up and get serious if he needs to, and has done so before, he tends to avoid doing so when he can, and it's clear that he's shy and a bit stuttery, which is a trans boy stereotype (the stereotypes aren't true btw they're just rude)
Yeah, this is why I think Shuichi is trans
Feel free to add on if you'd like, I'd love to see more evidence! Like I said, I haven't seen much outside of ndrv3!
Also, I apologize if this is a bad analysis, I haven't done one in awhile if I have ever even made one lol
I have never elaborated so much on a headcanon good GOD *slams my head on a desk*
Reblogs appreciated!
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iamjustrobin · 2 years
dalpony, curlypony, mmm let's do the wild wheel of darry/two bit
1. What made you ship it?
MOSTLY, because they remind me of the dynamic between Han Solo and Luke Skywalker (bastard x infp space cadet boy) and well, that's another of my fave ships ever💖✨ Btw, i have to take this out of my soul: the scene on ANH where Han ask Luke if he thinks if Leia could be interested on him and the scene on The outsiders movie where Dally says Cherry is kinda cute while Pony throws his sandwich are cinematic parallels and i don't accept other perspectives🔥.
Besides that, i really fell for this ship after reading a lot of fanfiction and paying too much attention of their interactions in the book and the movie (and it's more me taking everything out of context, but hey, that's the exact point of shipping🤷🏽‍♀️).
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
They gave a lot to play in a very chaotic, drama and angsty sense. Dude, i live for this. Maybe is my latina side calling for telenovela drama, who knows? All i know is they feed my heart and i need all the quality content where they are involved💖😫 And i love to contribute trying to dedicate some fanarts to this pair because the content is small, but i'm also kinda proud because the few content is enjoyable most of the time<3.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Not really. More like a fandom thing, and is that (as usual) people don't know how to write Dallas on fanfictions (and headcanons lmao). I get that sometimes the writers want to see Dally getting soft on someone else, but there are other times when this just gets out of control in a very innacurate sense...
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
At first I didn't ship them and just made me mad because (imo) Curly is a character that in canon you can take as non-existent since his participations are limited to a few mentions in The outsiders and a tiny role in TWTTIN (a role that could be played by someone else if it wasn't for Hinton wanting to connect her books, tbh).
Then i started reading some fics because i was bored (like REALLY bored) and some of the few good ones or that at least entertain me made me like them a bit more? Is probably that i just like the idea of Pony having a problematic boyfriend.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I didn't mentioned this on Dally/Pony, but is related: Pony is not exactly a goody goody boy (fact that the fandom tend to forget) and i like when there's other person involved to take the "dark side" of Ponyboy out of him.
I see some signs where Pony could easily be a problematic boy if it wasn't for the family necessity of stay together and do their best.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
People only start to ship them because the "official ships" where made and they didn't want to leave any of the gang without a gay partner lmao.
ANDDD, i've noticed some of the fics/headcanons kinda took aspects of Dally's personality to put them on Curly. Which is the most funny part to me because that just make me think people want to ship Dally and Pony in some way without the "problematic" part (the age gap, smh).
Don’t Ship It
1. Why don’t you ship it?
They don't have too much to play in canon. I can joke about them as a couple (mostly for my best friend who likes this ship), but talking about myself-on my side-individually, is not one of my favorites. I can see the appeal about them (serious boy x clown) but the fandom have a kinda distorted idea about them and i'm still surprised to know they are popular (seriously, when my bff told me i never expect them to be that popular).
2. What would have made you like it?
Probably watch them interacting more in canon to see if they could actually work for me.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I'm not sure. Even when i read some fanfics where they're involved as a side couple, they're still very lame imo. I wonder if there's actually a good one where they're the main couple BUT i'm not that interested on them to confirm this, so... I guess i just keep them as a brotp on my mind.
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