#i'm too invested in a ship and i am like 100% sure that they will NOT end up together don't ask me how i know i have a feeling
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Pulleyverse MCs and How They Sleep At Night
In honor of the fact that I completely conked out after work and just woke up like 20 minutes ago at 2 am :^))))
Thaniel: he has no sense of personal space in his sleep. Just full on fuckin starfish. Mori absolutely does not mind bc Human Weighted Blanket but it takes so much fucking force to make him stay on his own side when need be. He will always apologize but there is not a force on earth that can prevent him from doing it.
Mori: he's definitely a sleep talker, but the kind of sleep talker who only says some buckwild phrase/sentence once and stops until like 45 minutes later. And since he can see into the future it's even fucking weirder bc it's stuff no one has heard of yet. I just picture him in the middle of the night saying modern shit like "wacka flocka flame" out of nowhere and scaring the shit out of everyone around him.
Merrick: SNORES. This man snores so loud I know it in my bones. Growing up Charles invested in a really nice set of earplugs because he could hear his fucking snores through the walls, and even created a will at the ripe age of twelve just so he could leave those earplugs to Merrick's future spouse so they don't have to endure it as well. It is LOUD. Poor Raphael thought there was an earthquake the first time he had to sleep in the same vicinity as him and has not recovered since.
Raphael: idk why but I feel like he sometimes just sleeps with his eyes open. He has them open when he like freezes and stuff so when he goes to sleep his brain kind of interprets it the same and his eyes just end up being open. Either that or he just ends up falling asleep in really weird positions that cannot possibly be comfortable, and gets really confused in the morning when his back hurts.
Joe: he has really vivid dreams. Not just about his memories and past lives and stuff, but he once was so fully convinced that a horse was walking around on the deck of the ship because he could remember seeing one in his dream, it took like five different people on the night rotation to convince him otherwise. And even then he wasn't 100% convinced.
Missouri: no matter what size bed he's sleeping on, he always sleeps stock still like he's in a small ass twin bed. I'm talking stiff as a board, not moving an inch just in case he manages to fall off of like a queen sized bed even when he's in absolutely no danger of falling off. He also seems like the kind of person who can fall asleep standing up for some reason.
Valery: fuckin blanket stealer. Shenkov literally bought himself a second comforter because he was tired of freezing his ass off at night, and still without fail he will end up without a blanket come the morning. He also seems like the kind of person who needs to have some kind of contact with the person they're sleeping next to, and if they move he wakes up immediately and is very much worried that they now suddenly hate him. He just wants to be Cozy your honor :(
Shenkov: he's such a light sleeper that even car headlights shining through the window will wake him up, so he HOARDS melatonin and other sleeping agents like it's gold. In modern times he would have like blackout curtains, white noise machines, sleep masks, the fucking works, as well as a very elaborate bedtime routine that he sticks to religiously to make sure he can sleep for as long as possible.
Bonus Rounds!!!
Flint: he always has to read something to fall asleep. If he doesn't have something to focus on before he falls asleep he will not be able to do it bc his brain just wanders too much. Conversely, he cannot read in the daytime because it will put him to sleep no matter how interested he is in the book.
January (I'm calling my shot with this one, we'll see if I'm right or not): he seems like the kind of person who needs to wear headphones to sleep properly, but he doesn't play any kind of soothing music; on the contrary, it's very dramatic and loud music that he gets very focused on, and that's what helps him sleep.
Gale (again, calling my shot): I feel like they have such a specific and densely layered white noise setting that just puts them to sleep immediately, but if it changes even fractionally they will not be able to sleep at all. Like if one of the twelve different white noise layers gets lowered by >1% they bolt straight up in bed.
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Alright, a couple of regular replies, and then some about Jade!
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
I'm so nervous to de anon but your newest comic of Floyd/Idia comic is too cute! I'm sure Floyd totally doesn't have any ulterior motives once he realizes what position they are in.
This is such a silly thing to be nervous about since I write problematic content (mostly incest) and enjoy your Shroudcest stuff a lot. You have such a beautiful art style and I am so happy my anon blurbs (the Seb/Ceil and Fin/Ciel and some other NSFW stuff) make you two somewhat happy 😊. I know I don't interact with a lot but I hope to drop more chats in non anon.
Thank you so much! We really appreciate it <3
Floyd is super invested in that game he’s playing, but once they’re in this very convenient position, he’ll show Idia how much of a multitasker he can be >:3c He’ll impress him for sure.
And even though it’s going off-anon is an anxious thing to do, it’s good to see a person behind all those asks :) Nice to meet you!
Anonymous asked:
(Referring to your fem twst art) I absolutely NEED to see fem!Silver in Aurora’s 1959 commoner outfit! She would look so pretty!!! 🥺😍🥺😍
Ahh SHE WOULD, ANON, SHE REALLY WOULD!! And honestly this is my favourite outfit of Aurora.
I don’t have anything to show right now, but I really hope to draw fem!Silver in this dress. Even though she probably spent the majority of her time wearing pants…
Btw thank you for loving my fem!Silver, it means a lot ;w;
Anonymous asked:
In this household we love Jade ❤️
In all seriousness the fandom doesn't give him enough love, Jade is always the other woman when it comes to ships and worst of all it's always Floyd his own twin brother that gets the girl anyways. Make a donation to save Jade from second male lead syndrome 😢/j.
Ahh, poor Jade. Always a bridesmaid, never the bride… I can picture him sobbing quietly and wiping his tears with a tiny little handkerchief… :”(
To be fair, I think Jade finds his position quite advantageous: if everyone always pays attention to Floyd, he gets to not only act as if he isn’t the same when it comes to being chaotic and dangerous, but also have this element of surprise!
He also doesn’t flirt as obviously and as often as Floyd does, so we can blame Jade’s sneaky ways to collect his bottoms lol
Anonymous asked:
by chance, do you think Jade would like using idia as a lab rat? aka feeding him all kinds of mushrooms to test their effects and inevitably doing the affection +100 nighttime-activities command with a very drugged up idia
Anonymous asked:
I wonder if Jade being the awful guy he is (lovingly) would test out every single kink from A-Z on Idia?
Those are two different asks, but I feel like they are kind of connected because in my head to Jade testing out kinks and using someone as a lab rat are pretty much the same thing lol And to answer both of them: YES, Jade would absolutely do that if he had an opportunity. I guess the second option is more possible because it seems less dangerous, and I wanted to say that it would come first, but…. Honestly? With Jade it could go either way.
He could either start experimenting on Idia and it’d turn out sexual, or he’d start having sex with Idia, but then they’d end up experimenting somehow.
I don’t know what needs to happen for Idia to get stuck with Jade-the-shroom-guru and his tests, but Jade would be very excited. I mentioned it our other Jade/Idia posts, but: he would love to see if some mushrooms would change the colour of his hair or the way it burns. In this way, Idia is the most perfect lab rat ever – it’s so much fun! Not to mention how helpless Idia becomes when he’s drugged up… even more-so than he is usually~
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
I FINISHED SEASON 1 OF WOLF359 AND THIS IS NOT OKAY (Reaction to Episodes 11-13, plus mini episode 1)
So basic info on the tags and how to follow my reactions below, but I'm honestly too emotional to type much more than that. What the heck was even that? I gotta get going, so I'll let past Bods of a few minutes ago do the talking under the "Keep Reading Button" but YIKES this was a LOT.
I currently have Wolf359 Tags blocked to avoid spoilers and will try my best to react blindly. I also made this meme to describe my recent feelings.
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Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs
So for these last few episodes, I'm just gonna live react since I have the time to sit down. Sorry for inconsistent formatting.
Episode 11: Am I Alone Now?
Um... Hilbert? A grey door where no one ever goes??? Well...where does it go? "Open in Emergency When You're Alone"... what does that mean?
Oh the joke about the genie. I've heard this one before: "I wish my friends were back with me". Yep, that's it.
Wait. Wait. Is that what the door does? Does it somehow...bring them back? What is this metaphor trying to suggest? Or...does it only make you think they're back? So that you don't go crazy? Or is it a door that leads outside the ship? Like...a door that gives you the option to, for lack of a better word, "give up" if the others die and you're left alone in space? Because that would also be dark.
Okay, Hilbert, I agree, fear can be adaptive. Uh, not sure about the gun and war thing, that's not exactly what I meant...wait bombs? Hilbert, no, you SHOULD be afraid of yourself.
Working on the fear of death? Uh...Hilbert? Are you uh...working on reanimating corpses in space, because that sounds like a bad idea to me.
"Alone should be afraid of us instead there is a door incase I am ever alone." Well what about the others?
I agree Hilbert, alone can be a good time to focus, but I gotta say, not sure I like how you're spending your valuable alone time.
"The scary part is the part of your mind that whispers back: how can you be sure?".
Oh. Now what's interesting about that quote is that in the "Alone should be afraid of us" sentence it personifies alone. The only way to really be comfortable being alone is if you are confident that you are stronger than whatever might be there if you aren't alone. But how can you ever know 100% that you are stronger than the unknown? Also there are sound effects that sound like someone moving about. Don't like that.
Is it Blessie?
"Someone must think they are alone when they are not, there must be monsters underneath someone's bed". Okay, Hilbert, clearly going for the creepy quote of the episode award.
Why is there knocking?
Uh...Empty Man?
Um...why is WHO here Hilbert? What other missions???? Was Hilbert on another mission? Hello???? Hilbert? EXPLAIN????
"You weren't here last time, but now you are here waiting for the day, open in case of emergency, open only when you are alone."
Does the empty man want them to open the door? When they think he's not around? Why?
Uh...I don't think that joke is very funny Hilbert. And no, I'm not laughing, you're dodging my questions.
Oh now we're onto Hera. I like this. We see a lot of Doug alone but not the others.
Yeah, Hera you should NOT trust the code Hilbert gives you. I wouldn't be surprised if he's experimenting on you too.
HERA. WHAT DO YOU "SENSE UNSEEN?" And yeah...Hera I know how programming works. If I don't unblock the wolf359 tag, tumblr.com isn't gonna just show me wolf359 posts, or tell me "hey here's one you should look at". But let's just say, hypothetically, that one of my mutuals draws some wolf359 season 1 fan art that doesn't spoil anything for me. Then I would trust that they might message me, and tell me that it's okay to view their wonderful art, but I won't know that unless they tell me because the tag is blocked. Not the best metaphor, but the point still stands, Hera I guess you don't HAVE to tell them about the "empty man" roaming the ship unless they ask you for that information. But as their friend, you probably should. What motivation would you have for hiding this? Hera seems to have very human attributes in terms of her ability to have social connections. She also seems to care about them to some degree. At least, she seems fond of Doug and has some tension with Mincowski and Hilbert. She's pretending to talk to Doug, which is a very human thing to do.
Ah yes. Good for you for finding loopholes in your programming Hera. I like riddles too. But...what exactly are you going to do with these riddle answers you've acquired? Are you going to help the rest of the crew? Blessie? The empty man? Or do you have your own agenda?
"Somedays I wonder if I'll miss you after you go away forever Doug." Aw, Hera. 🥺.
"I doubt it". No, I think you will Hera. The fact that you, a robot, are even wondering about missing Doug makes me think you will. Especially since you could, theoretically, live until the heat death of the universe, which is a very long time to be alone.
Wait. WAIT. The storm is happening on a part of the spectrum that their minds can't process...is that what the empty man is? Is that why they can't see him? But Hera can't see it either so her programming must either not be able to see it or it's being blocked. But weirdly enough, only visually it seems. Huh.
Hera seems frustrated with humanity, but also seems to care about them, maybe envy them a little bit. I love this level of complexity with her. "Once the game is over, I'll come up with some names for these colors." Yikes, Sophie, when you said that I was writing the Whisperer very similarly to Hera, I didn't realize it was gonna be that spot on, but okay, especially with her calling this a “game”. It’s kinda like a darker version of what I’m writing or at least, it seems to be leaning darker, probably because it’s adult media. It also makes me wonder who Hera's creator is and what they want, or maybe that just doesn't matter in this story.
"Someday. After you've all gone away..." Um. Hera. Did you open the door?
Or are you the genie in this metaphor?
Ah now we're with Doug.
INCINERATED? What sort of psych evaluation is this? And these questions are NOT standardized for space. When coming up with psych evaluation materials, you need context. Answers that are normal in a warzone or in space are not normal in everyday life.
WHY IS HE SEARCHING FOR ALIEN LIFE IF HE DOESN'T WANT TO BE HERE? Doug, I know pizza hut might not be paying much, but you gotta follow your passion, and this clearly isn't it.
10 things you miss about earth and not one person? No one? No family? No friends?
"Great listener"/"I empathize too much" ok Doug.
Hm. Not too sure about Doug's answers. Honesty is only overrated when you're not the one being lied to Doug.
It also makes me wonder what you really miss about Earth.
Wait. Mission = Punishment? Spaceship = Prison? Is Doug...are they...are they doing this because they are completing a criminal sentence? If so, I can see how Hilbert and Mincowski got assigned to this as a punishment, they have science and military backgrounds, but what on Earth is Doug's story? "He was a former tech genius kid who burnt out got into drugs and alcohol, worked at pizza hut, did a crime, and now they sent him to space?" And since when do space missions fulfill court mandated community service? Also Doug I think technically has arms training, because if I recall correctly, Mincowski gave him a gun but refused to give one to Hilbert. Like...who are you Doug? What is your deal?
Alone...again. Yeah, just Doug and the voices in his head. Forgot about those. There's a lot to keep track of for a small cast of characters.
Let's do a quick run down before we hear from the commander:
Doug Eiffel- former pizza hut employee, no family/friends to speak of, possibly serving prison sentence, apparently knows how to use a gun and a lot about communications
Dr. Hilbert- doing VERY unethical space experiments, sees himself as a genius despite being a huge liability whose mind was nearly over taken by a killer plant. Obviously knows SOMETHING the others don't, so I don't trust him or his spinal fluid stealing ways.
Commander Mincowski- stereotypical by the books commander, I like her, but she also has a ton of unanswered questions and vague backstory so ???
Hera- seems nice, I wish people treated her better but also clearly keeping secrets from the others including Doug who is her friend so Hera what are you doing?
Percival The Plant aka. "Percy" aka. The Blessed Eternal aka. "Percival B. Eternal" aka. "Blessie" aka "Specimen 34"- a plant that thinks of itself as a god. Where did it come from? Even if it did take over the ship, what is it's plan? No one knows.
The Empty Man???- may or may not exist, seems to be off the visible spectrum even for robots and AI. He's hungry or as the messages put it "the empty man hungers" and that's about all we know about him. What we don't know is what his food source is, and I find that rather troubling. Maybe Doug can make him some pizza. Oh, and one other thing: he knocks. Which...is surprisingly courteous behavior from a dangerous man that can't be seen. But why would they open the door for him, unless...oh. Unless they are so desperate not to be alone that they embrace the empty man. But like...how would that even...I don't even know. Also apparently the empty man was asleep, because the first message said he'd awoken. Awoken from what? Hyper sleep? Was he in the box? Apparently he can see them even if he can't be seen, and I don't like that.
The voices in Doug's head- they say "he's not the first". Which is kind of crazy, because Dr. Hilbert was talking about "other missions". So um...what other missions? Who are the others? Who are the voices? Is something being transmitted into Douglas' head?
Captain Lovelace and that scientist lady (don't remember her name) from the sealed off lab- are they still alive? Were they on a previous mission? Why did they want to make spiders bigger? What was the point of these experiments? I SWEAR I saw people posting about Lovelace before I blocked the tag, which makes me think she's important.
The Spiders- presumed dead. Let's hope so.
The thing in the box- weird that the box was 953, which is 359 backwards. Weird that it had a heartbeat. Weird that it was labelled "for Doug Eiffel" with no other information. Odd that there were so many other seemingly nonsensical boxes in that room.
Whoever sent the “Empty Man” messages. Because I’m starting to suspect it might not have been command and there might not have been a psychological experiment. Which means the messages were meant for someone, but whoever sent them didn't want the others to know about it. ...but who were the messages for? Hilbert? Hera? Hilbert? ...Blessie???
Whoever sent that jazz music earlier. It's good music, but why?
Also important to note that multiple characters on this list might be the same people, people pretending to be the same people, or different versions of the same character due to cloning or time travel experiments thanks to weird space magic and also Dr. Hilbert.
Now let's here from the captain.
I um...I wouldn't call the talent show a success. Dr. Hilbert didn't get to make the ice cream! We never even got to find out what everyone's favorite flavor was 😥
3 minutes. Okay. Let's see what Captain Mincowski says.
I wonder who she's talking to.
Yeah, the plant being, it's weird that that's not a priority here, I agree Captain.
Huh. The weather is weird. VERY weird that Hilbert is ignoring it, and VERY weird that he has human tissues samples and jars with dead things after giving a monologue about trying to conquer death. Don't like that one little bit.
Soap? Hilbert you need to get better at lying. And yeah, captain given that he's talking about "other missions", I think he might have been lying for longer than anyone realizes...
Things moving around and turning up in odd places...it seems the empty man and Blessie (one of the two) enjoy furniture rearranging...yeah I do think there's more than the three of you, my list had at least 10 with some possible overlap.
I'm sorry what. The station changes? THE DOOR TO A SECTION JUST VANISHED? Terrarium? That might be Blessie, but still...that's weird. Eiffel...huh. Unsure if this is a case of him being so absent minded he didn't notice or remember the terrarium, or if he legit can't remember. Wait Wednesday started over? Clocks turned back at midnight? FOOD RETURNED? Okay you can change clocks, but you can't...okay time is being warped now. Maybe. Possibly. This is gonna be one of those things where you don't know how much is in their heads and how much is actually happening right? Oh boy. But also...how can one remember a time loop and the others don't...unless they are all remembering different loops...oh goodness, is this like Netflix's Dark, where I'm gonna have to start drawing maps or something?
"I don't know if there's anyone else I can trust": yeah, commander, and with the others in the same boat, it looks like you all really are alone.
Wait "MARRIED ME?" Who is she calling? Aw. Happy Birthday. That's sad but sweet. I hope she makes it home to whoever that is, but...for some reason I doubt.
Also...with the time loop stuff...is that what they mean by saying Doug isn't the first? Is Hilbert trying to escape the time loop is that why he remembers the other missions? What are the missions for? What does Hera know? Man I gotta stop doing these as study breaks or I'm never gonna quit.
But. Wait wait. Okay, I know I’ve had about 600 different insane theories already, but one more: I don’t know who sent the empty man messages. But. Is the empty man… a vessel for someone? Hilbert was talking about cheating death, time warp stuff is happening, maybe this is an invention of future Hilbert. If it came from the box, it might be for Doug. Like a… backup body for his consciousness or an… invisible clone or something? It makes the “you’re not the first” stuff make sense too. Doesn’t explain Hera’s behavior or why Doug is in space, or why the empty man is hungry and knocking, but… you know what never mind idk where I was going with this one.
I think I'll react to the rest tomorrow, because it's late, and I'm tired.
Episode 12: Deep Breaths
Update: It is tomorrow. :)
Why so doom and gloom Doug? Oh it's Christmas. Well someone's a bit of a scrooge. What else besides celebrating a nice holiday Doug? What doesn't the commander remember?
No Doug, don't hint at stuff, explain it. Normalize explaining things.
Doug. A cigarette cannot be all you are living for. You need help. You all need help.
Don't cry for me Argentina? Do not go gentle into that good night?
Doug is so dramatic. I'd hate him more, but I'm in this picture, and I don't like it.
Hilbert. Why do you need him for your experiment?
Hera tell him.
Everyone needs to listen to Hera more. And also ask her more questions.
Oh boy another recording!
Sounds like music, less clear this time...oh. A band!
Aw, Hera remembered his birthday! 🥺 Wait...were those words via the transmission!
Oh Hilbert hush up.
Why would it matter if they were all music or always old transmissions from the 10s or 20s?
Hilbert. Okay. Look, 7.8 light years away, I get that...but...now hear me out...isn't it possible that you could be picking up music on a station that plays music from an older decade? Like if I picked up the song "Let it be" by the Beatles my first thought would not be "Hey! That song didn't come out 8 years ago. ALIENS." it would be "oh we pick up a 60s/70s radio station". Now obviously something deeper probably IS going on here, but still a bit of a leap.
Uh. Making a return trip to...where?? Also this is some pretty clear music. Also good quote "When you eliminate the impossible, whatever is left no matter how unlikely must be true."
Also I recognize the music playing. Is that...hold up is that Church music? For Christmas? Wait now it sounds like a ballet?
Um...what is that.
...and why did it happen as soon as they talked about trying to find the aliens?
Let's see. A little weird that the station can receive transmission better than it can send. 40 light years away? That's pretty far.
And um...I don't know if I'd be so optimistic about this. We still have a lot of unanswered questions.
What is lock down protocol 24c and what is indigo39? Hilbert. HILBERT. Were you lying about the aliens to experiment on Doug Hilbert?
Oh poor Hera. Alpha victor? What... how does Hilbert have all these codes? Why can't she let Mincowski in? Hilbert. Are you taking over the ship? Is this a one man mutiny? It is treason. WHY DOES THIS ALTER THE MISSION? LAST HALF HOUR OF OXYGEN? NO NO NO NO NO!
Yeah Eiffel, he IS crazy.
Oh no Hera.
Minutes? How does he have a way to contact Earth? Who is YOUR superior Hilbert? The devil? He must be since you are RUINING CHRISTMAS AND DOUGLAS' BIRTHDAY THAT NO ONE BUT HERA REMEMBERED. How hard is it to save your evil plans until after the holidays? How hard is it not to betray a man on his birthday?
Hera. Hera PLEASE tell me you found a way to win the game. PLEASE tell me you found a way around this.
Episode 13: Gas Me Twice
Well that was a bummer. I swear, Mincowski better not die she has a family.
I hate Hilbert so much. Dude is the WORST.
Wait! The oxygen mask! For the cigarette! Douglas your stupidity has saved you again!
...oh my gosh I really am in this picture, and I don't like it.
Oh no. Hera. Hera you need to help him. Yes Douglas! Have faith in her! Even though she's actively withholding information, she still seems nice! HERA! It hurts her? Oh no... oh Hera no. 🥺
22 minutes of air? Well, at least she's still alive.
Incoming pulse beacon? Interesting...
Hephestus station please respond? ...Who is Cutter???
Contingency scenarios? Data series? Transmission from deep space? Origin source? Who are these people? WHAT ARE THEY LOOKING FOR?
Oh...wait why would he know about Eiffel being alive? Haha...oh Eiffel. This was a good plan. But you might have wanted to get a little more information from him.
Death was no immediate? Okay so Hilbert was under orders to kill, but it seems Doug is his own experimental side project? Interesting...
Oh dear. A fire. Looks like you have to let Hera have control back.
Yes! Mincowski is still alive! :)
YES HERA! Emergency response overrides it! For 20 minutes? Great. Kill or capture Hilbert now.
Restarting... no. No. Hera. You killed her. 😢😟🥺
This gif I found pretty much approximates my feelings:
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Shut up Hilbert. No one wants to hear you speak.
Oh...hello Mincowski :)
And yeah...it's okay Mincowski. A lot has happened. Christmas was ruined. You lost a crewmate. It's okay to not be okay.
Can you hear me? Well Hera did say she could always hear him. Maybe a part of her mind got saved somewhere. At least, we can always hope.
Lobotomized her? No you need to fix her. 🥺
Hilbert you bastard. I don't swear much or at all on this blog, but if there was ever a time, it is now. And um... given the plant situation and the other mysterious stuff on the ship...look I don't support murder, but maybe you could just send Hilbert off by himself in a little pod and let nature take its course.
You deserved a good dinner Mincowski. Aw, Doug is 32. Happy Birthday Doug.
Hm. A communication from Hilbert's commanders. This is awkward. But better open it. And yeah, you both deserve answers.
But who is on the other line?
...Why does it sound like an telephone?
How dare. How dare they end on such a cliffhanger?
Mini Episode 1: Are space suits itchy?
So I'm not sure what this is, but it's on my podcast list as the last episode of season 1, so I'm gonna listen to it? Let me know if it's not canon or something, but hopefully it will be nice, even if I don't get any answers.
Aw, third grade questions. "What do you do when you're crewmate betrays you?"
IDIOTIC QUESTION? Doug what is up with your family? Be nice to Stephanie, it was a fair question.
Yeah, no don't see your doctor. He's nuts. I feel like I might be listening to his out of order. Which is a good thing. Otherwise Doug would be on the podcast telling third graders to not call their doctor lest the doctor try to kill him.
Oh boy the censorship 😂. Mincowski is the better person for this.
Well that was a quick one, but nice! Oh okay, so it was like a mini episode that aired during a break, okay. Well I hope that soon enough I'll be able to listen to more. Because I need answers. Hera needs to get better. And Hilbert needs to go to jail. I want his degrees revoked! I want him rotting in the slammer! I want the world to look upon him with nothing but contempt and disgust!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this, see you all next time.
Wait no, wait hold on. What about the door? The door that Hilbert was supposed to open once he killed all of them? The grey door, the one he kept giving ominous monologues about? And...he knew about the empty man, or maybe the transmission were to tell him about the empty man. But what is that? What does that mean? You know what, we can figure that out later, I'm still mad at him.
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superfluouskeys · 9 months
Author Interview
Thank you @thevikingwoman for the tag!!!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
100 💪😔
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
oh god. oh god. sdkjnfjknfknjf. 1,107,586
3. what fandoms do you write for?
tbh I really don't feel I write for specific fandoms, I move around as the wind takes me
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
Songbird -- Sleeping Beauty (Maleficent/Aurora) || 39k words maleficent finds the princess before the curse takes effect.
The Prisoner -- Sleeping Beauty (Maleficent/Aurora) || 250k words Do Not Read The Prisoner.
New Disaster -- Portal (Chell/GLaDOS) || 9.8k words post-portal 2 chell-focused character journey.
Begin to Hope -- Sleeping Beauty || Maleficent/Aurora || 16k words more trauma processing thinly disguised as a coffee shop au.
total control -- Sleeping Beauty || Maleficent/Aurora || 5.7k words god this one makes me cringe but ppl still read it sometimes. modern au. smut i am too embarrassed to reread.
5. do you respond to comments?
Except for recently when I got way too behind for various reasons, I respond to all comments unless they're like rude or something LOL!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmmm I had to think about this for a bit LOL bc I think I tend to favor, like, melancholy but hopeful endings. I honestly wish I could write sadder endings--there's one fic in particular that just absolutely eviscerated me and I'd love to be able to replicate that. But I tend to get invested in longer fics and want to make the ending Worth It you know, so I think you have to pull off a particular flavor of tragedy for that to be the case.
Anyway, maybe stop-time? It's uhhhhh an Incredibles 2 Helen Parr/Evelyn Deavor fic LOL Not sure how I feel abt the ending in retrospect actually but I'd say it's the least positive.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
See above LOL, this is also hard because I think I always like there to be a little bit of a twinge in my endings! Like everything's okay but there's still a little lingering pain/uncertainty/etc. I honestly don't know on this one LOL, I think maybe The Prisoner has the happiest ending?? Because it was so long, I really wanted to resolve as many threads as possible. But now I'm ruining it with scorched earth LOL!
8. do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten a few interesting messages over the years LOL, the real ones will remember.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I went on an Improvement Journey a couple of years ago and now I feel my smut writing is wayyyyy better--anything before that makes me cringe out of this mortal plane. I like writing character-focused and story-driven smut.
(battling my demons rn part of me wants to write malora smut just so the only malora smut i ever wrote isn't TERRIBLE AND CRINGE but also i do not want to write malora smut do you see my problem)
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
Full crossovers are tbh too much effort for me LOL--I will sometimes write, like, crossover-inspired things. The Chance You Take (DA2/Meredith/Hawke) is extremely Carol-coded, for example.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, but I have had a couple of ideas just straight-up plagiarized from private conversations which made me pretty pissed LOL.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I used to be so awkward and just avoid answering when people asked me, but now I just refuse outright.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I'm like wayyyyyyy too much of a crazy control freak for that LOL!
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
Ohhhhhh come on you can't ask me that LOL, it changes all the time.
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
As I mentioned recently, most of my old WIPs are pretty much abandoned at this point. Never say never, but I just don't think I'll ever muster enough interest or enjoyment to make finishing them worthwhile for me.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Natural dialogue, slightly agonizing yearning, generally describing like, specific Emotional States TM.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Hmmmm I still think I'm working on my pacing in certain contexts, and on making stronger narrative choices/not pulling punches. I think my narrative can meander a little and I can repeat myself a bit if I don't edit enough. I also notice sometimes that because I love working within limited pov I don't always explain, like, the character's thought process well enough? So what she's thinking sometimes seems like a leap of logic looking at it from an outside perspective. But overall I think I'm a very strong writer.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
LOL I think just indicate that it's in another language unless it's like just a word or short phrase and you either explain what it means in-story or can guess from context. There are probably some very specific circumstances where you might want a small section of dialogue in another language to create a certain effect, but other than that I think it's a no.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
I mean we really don't have to unearth my whole fandom history here. Let's say it was a musical and leave it at that :)
20. favourite fic you've written?
Oh idk, I think I'll always have a soft spot for New Disaster, and more recently I really like everybody's fool (DA2, hawke/aveline) -- but it's hard to choose an absolute favorite!!!
TAG TIMEEEE: @thepapernautilus @yourlocaldisneyvillain @eemamminy-art @quinnthebard @delirious-comfort annnd i am once again so bad at thinking of fellow writers
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I do kinda wish there was more focus from fans on ilia outside of either her relationship with Blake or a potential future ship.
Like, she’s got more to her then that, she’s got an very righteous anger over what happened to her family and the kingdom that caused her all that pain just got destroyed, I feel like that’s something to at least think about? And what’s her overall approach to fighting against Faunus oppression going to look like going forward? is she just going to completely abandon all violence and follow ghira unquestioningly? will sienna still have some influence? How’s she gonna react to all the refugees from atlas who previously either hated her or never cared what happened to her or her family now being in such dire straits?
There’s a lot of interesting potential conflict of her truly coming into her own and deciding what’s truly best for her, before she simply followed Adam but now she’s only been shown following ghira instead. I want to see her becoming her own person.
To be fair finding out what kind of activist they want to be seems like it should be Blake’s arc to but she’s been kinda busy being a huntress and all.
see, yeah that's all fair for sure. for me personally, my approach to shows/media i like or find myself enjoying is getting invested in characters and their relationships, and less about the plot. like, i find i can relate better to something in media if i'm attached to a character. for orphan black, it was sarah manning and cosima niehaus. for life is strange/life is strange true colours, it was chloe price and max caulfield and steph gingrich and alex chen.
for rwby (aside from blake and yang obviously) it's ilia amitola.
but i completely understand where you're coming from too, bc like, for anything to happen for any character, or in any relationship, there has to be plot 100%, like how else is there going to be any story that creates situations for characters to bond and create those relationships?
for me, it's all intertwined, in a way. saying that i love blake and ilia's relationship means i'm invested in them in characters, means that i'm invested in their past and their futures. it means i want to learn more about them, what their history is, and what will become of them. it's like, it's both - can't have plot without characters, can't have characters without plot.
when i say i'm so invested in the idea of ilia being with emerald or weiss for example, it's like... okay, HOW is the story going to go in a direction that would have them set up in situations that could lead to that relationship forming, or would lead to that relationship being tested? in the case of the bees, it was like, adam was their main conflict, but their relationship was what drove that plot forward, in a sense. the plot couldn't progress if their relationship remained stagnant, and vice versa for their relationship to progress if the plot did not move forward.
if/when (i'm HOPING for a "when" with ilia bc they included a shot of her in that v8 montage so i hope they aren't going to forget about her in the future) ilia shows up again, i am very much hoping they handle her well. she is the perfect character to push the white fang forward, as a balance between the violence sienna/adam, and the peace of ghira. and putting her in vacuo with all the other refugees arriving from atlas will absolutely be a perfect narrative vehicle for her to be put in situations where she has to confront head on the things that the white fang once stood for, and will probably grows as a character tremendously in that regard -- and i feel like it would be a MASSIVE disservice to ilias character if she didn't meet weiss. not just for the shipping standpoint, but for the plot. ilia's past was largely defined by the death of her parents in a schnee dust mine. imo, it only makes sense for her to meet weiss and to even have a conversation about it, if plot allows, bc it would be a great chance to show how BOTH of those characters have grown since their introductions.
so yeah im VERY invested in the idea of where they could take ilia narratively. bc there would be a lot of openings for her in v10 with the atlas refugees having to experience hardship, and seeing how ilia processes and addresses that both internally and externally.
and there's also the "summer maiden ilia" theory that would really allow the plot to focus on ilia and who she is and is growing into being, just like winter becoming the winter maiden gave her a huge character arc through v7/v8. even though she's just a tertiary character right now, there's nothing to say that ilia couldn't become a big piece of the story going forward in v10 if they end up going that route.
all this blabbing to say, i just really hope that ilia is given more focus in ANY capacity in v10. bc i feel like there's so much untapped potential with her character and her future character arc.
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duskydrawings · 2 years
what is your ship about Pk
You've no idea how long I've waited for someone to ask about this.
And still, I've got no good answer. Honestly WL x PK is very beautiful-looking and also supported by canon, but at the same time I don't have her fleshed out to nearly the same extent as PK, which makes it difficult for me to be hyped/invested. The same goes for Grimm. I'm not particularly attached to him, but he is super cool nonetheless!
Probably the closest thing for me is Pale Watcher. And like, I'm not talking about some variation where both PK and Lurien survive and get a happy ending together. No. Because I am evil, I greatly enjoy the concept of Lurien sacrificing himself out of one-sided love. And, as much as I think they would mesh well together personality-wise I can't see my interpretation of PK being comfortable in a relationship with Lurien, due to many reasons.
For one, there's a pretty huge power discrepancy, two, my mans would basically be sending his would-be-boyfriend to his death, three, I still think PK would hold lingering fidelity toward WL, and four, he's understandably got self-esteem issues and would deem himself unworthy of a loving relationship even if the opportunity presented itself. Has he always had those issues? No, but I think it got increasingly clear to him as things escalated that he's not who he thought he was — more on all of this later*.
Also, Lurien is probably too chicken to confess and PK is too socially oblivious (sperg) to know when someone wants to put a ring on him. IMO it's a great will-they-won't-they dynamic I basically never get tired of. Truly, a source of endless giggles AND silly leg-swinging whilst twirling my luscious locks.
TL;DR, PK is super single, you guys. He's too busy trying to dad after I unceremoniously revived him for that very purpose. I can't let such a tragic dadfailure go unchanged!
*So, I know not everyone has this interpretation, but my particular variation of PK values his moral integrity IMMENSELY and strives to do the Right thing. Entering a relationship with Lurien, for example, would probably not be the Right thing. I think Lurien is perceptive enough (it's his job) to realize this as well and would not push it. SIMP <3.
With all of that said, the vessel plan haunted PK to his death and tore him asunder, mentally. Like, he was probably guilt-free and doing fine during the dawn of his reign, considered himself worthy of love — but after having to create the vessels? Nah. I do not have any doubt in my mind that PK recognized how fucked it was. Guy literally had a mantra to soothe himself (no cost too great) and I'm not even sure he believed it... Dude probably had the cognitive dissonance and self-gaslighting turned up to 100 in order to live with himself. So yeah, if someone asked him out on a date or something he'd probably just go: "oh, you can do better than me".
*pinches his cheeks*
Which cheeks, you ask? Yes.
Also, you might find it weird that I would say PK has fidelity for WL considering the canon infidelity. Some jokingly/seriously characterize him as a 'playa' because of this. Well, my specific boy is not a playa!!! Too awkward for it and not nearly horny enough. He's running on fumes as-is. WL is the horny one, goddammit.
So, in my opinion, that dalliance wasn't really something he desired and was more a means to an end. I'm glad he did it though! Otherwise we wouldn't have our girlboss Hornet. Thanks king!!! 😘
Anywayyyy I think I got pretty off-track but I enjoyed getting my sperg on. I appreciate the ask!
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morphemeta · 21 days
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gakuto oshiro. cis man. he/him. bisexual. ⇝ hey, isn’t that hirokazu 'kaz' amuro ? i think that the forty-five year old from okinawa, japan works as a city council member & owner of dracula's coffin club, but outside of that people describe them as shelves of leatherbound books, artworks hanging in gilded frames, expensive vintage wines in their rack and not a thing out of place; a dark room illuminated only by the flicker of candlelight; an old photo album, full of snaps from a disposable camera, hidden away in the back of a forgotten closet; crisp suits, expensive jewellery, an image so perfectly designed as to be uncanny; strong posture, total control of the room, a gaze sharp enough to dissuade any arguments . i hear they are manipulative & a control freak, but they are also known to be sentimental & artistic . consider giving them a visit at their home in the winterwood estates and get to know why they’re called the tormented.
IMPORTANT LINKS: will be added when they're ready!
TW: emotional neglect in childhood, disappearance/death of a loved one??
just to make my intentions with this character very clear before we get any further, this guy SUCKS. he's meant to be somewhat antagonistic and just all-round not that great a guy. sure, he probably has his redeeming features & he was a decent person at some point but :) time changes ppl, i guess! i feel like he's probably pretty amicable and decent on the surface but he's also very two-faced so it's like...Be Careful <3 also, i have no particular want to plot any active ships for this character. this isn't because of a lack of interest on his part, it's just because i don't necessarily want to write, or think it's appropriate to rp, what would definitely be a very toxic relationship! also he's definitely still in love with a person who's been missing for twenty years so there's also that. anyway, that's my little note done. read away! also! unlike most of my other muses (except ash), this is a new character i'm writing just for anchorage so please keep in mind a lot of stuff is generally subject to change. i'm going to try and work out the kinks as i go but this intro might not stay 100% totally accurate.
His full name is Hirokazu Amuro (安室洋一) but he started going by Kaz for short once he moved to the States in his late teens. It just kind of stuck. I imagine his nickname growing up would have been 'Hiro'.
Kaz was born in Okinawa City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan and is of direct Okinawan descent. Kaz may describe himself as Japanese for simplicity's sake but he considers himself Okinawan first & Japanese second. (Okinawans/Ryukyuans are an unrecognised ethnic minority in Japan & are ethnically/culturally distinct from the mainland Japanese majority BUT that's all I'll say on the matter bc this is a topic on which I am not qualified to speak & that presumably requires far more nuance than should be squeezed into an rp intro hehe)
He speaks Japanese (standard & Okinawan dialects) and English fluently, and he knows a little Uchinaaguchi. I imagine he knows some other languages too, I just haven't settled on that. I think he's very interested in cultures and language.
As a council member, he dedicates a lot of his attention to the Arts sector, having taken it upon himself to oversee the relevant funding and the like. He's very invested in the arts and considers it a matter of great personal interest. Kaz is also a known patron/doner of the Hanging Arts Gallery and paid out of his own pocket to financially support certain productions of the Single Carrot Theatre, especially due to his history with the venue. This has given him a reputation for being philanthropic but it largely comes from a place of self-interest and satisfying his own wants and needs.
Similarly, he's donated money to publications such as the Anchorage Daily Diem under the guise of support but the reality is that he has built up a good rapport with news outlets so as to give him more control over how he's portrayed in the media. Money speaks. And money can make sure that you don't speak.
This is a recurring issue, for the record. He very much needs to be in control of things. He's not especially power-hungry, and is quite content to sit back and let things play out without him lifting a finger, but he likes to be the one putting pawns in their places to ensure things go his way. Obviously, his success here will vary but, again, this is just how he likes things to be.
All this to say, he's kind of a known eccentric, hence his ownership of the Coffin Club. What can I say? He likes spooky shit. On top of that, the way he presents himself in public is so particular and perfect and poised that it's a little uncanny. I think he probably comes off a little unsettling.
I imagine he might clash with his fellow council members at times because he prefers to speak directly and he's kind of condescending, especially if he disagrees with you on something. He holds grudges too and is the type to start playing Devil's Advocate just to rile someone up because he happens to dislike them. He also doesn't have much issue just insulting people SO UH....
He likes screwing with people. I really picture him as the type of guy to pour a glass of red wine over someone's head in order to humiliate and belittle them.
Insufferable rich man.
Hirokazu was born, on 13th October 1978, as the second of two children, the only son, of a wealthy family. His father was in business, as his father had been before him, and his mother was a homemaker who had also come from a wealthy background. It was tolerant but largely loveless marriage, the couple having come together at the behest of their respective families (who had been primarily concerned with what the union might do for their collective reputations). It is hard to say that the Amuro children grew up surrounded by much warmth but they were comfortable.
The expectations placed on the two Amuro children were high, particularly for Hirokazu who had been deigned the obvious sucessor to his father's work. They were raised in a strict home where studying well to impress the parents was the be-all-and-end-all. They had strict curfews and were forbidden from the sort of hobbies their parents considered frivolous and a waste of time. If the children weren't working to improve themselves for future job prospects, they were wasting time.
Fortunately for Hirokazu, he was a clever and studious child and never struggled much in this regard. He was also a voracious reader and, to his good luck, this was considered an acceptable hobby. He was known to spend hours at the library down the road from his family home. It was just about the only source of entertainment to which he had easy access.
In his early teen years, he grew irritated with this constrictive lifestyle, of only doing and reading and even thinking this that had been approved of by his family. The first step in breaking free was a very, very small one indeed: he deliberately hunted out the pulpiest, schlockiest book he could find in the entire library, a beaten-up and dog-eared old copy of some horror anthology, and found himself hooked. The entire genre was such a far cry from the world in which he lived, full of freaks and weirdos and people who obeyed none of the rules. This led to him reading more and more horror, and then to him sneaking away to the local arthouse cinema where they'd show strange and splattery flicks imported all the way from places like Italy. Here, he learned that he didn't really want to follow in his father's footsteps. Business bored him but art fascinated him.
In his first year of high school, at the age of sixteen, Hirokazu took it upon himself to form and appoint himself leader of the school's new Horror Literature Club. The membership was small but the attendance was strong. (It should be of note that the small attendance was also what justified his position as leader, despite being a first year.) This was also Hirokazu's very first taste of leadership. He'd never been an outgoing child and was usually left alone by other children but he found that, suddenly, people listened when they believed he was important. This stint lasted until halfway through his second year of high school, at which point his father found out what he'd been doing and forced him to withdraw from the club altogether.
The new opening in his schedule would be filled with more studying. After all, he needed to get into a good uni if he wanted to maintain any respect in this family and his father wasn't just going to pay his children's way. If they couldn't earn their education on their own merits, they were no children of his. And, so, Hirokazu studied and studied until he secured himself a spot at a top university in Tokyo, studying Business (a decision made for him by his family). Because his sister had also gotten into a good women's university in the city a couple years prior, the family left the tropical climate of Okinawa behind and moved to Tokyo.
Two years into his time at Uni, at the age of nineteen, he was offered the chance to take part in an exchange program that would send him to New York for a year. Eager, if not desperate, to get away from his parents, Hirokazu jumped at the opportunity. His father considered it a good chance for Hirokazu to branch out and network and so he approved it. Along with a good friend from Tokyo, Hirokazu made the move and immediately set to work on forging his own path, living his own for the very first time.
His actual education was of minor concern and Hirokazu immediately threw himself into the nightlife. He found himself at home in more alternative groups and more artistic spaces, even beginning to dabble in poetry himself. He surrounded himself bands and poets and artists, adopted the name Kaz and stayed out all night shoving fuck know what kind of substances into his body. He'd become a free sprit; the idea of rebellion had long since crossed his mind, so far had he come from those repressive beginnings.
And, then, he met them. They were just another member of Kaz's wider circle but, from the moment he laid eyes on them, he was infatuated. They would often break free from the rest of their circle in the wee hours of the morning to steal away private moments. At age twenty, Kaz had fallen in love for the first time and he fallen quite hard.
It was 1999 now and the two had been officially dating for quite some time. Kaz had made the decision to remain in New York and finish out his education there, having graduated that very year. He ignored his father's demands that he move back home and take up a position working alongside him. His partner mentioned wanting to up north somewhere for New Year's Eve, in the hopes of seeing the Northern Lights as the new millenium rolled in and, so, Kaz surprised them with a two week trip up to Anchorage.
During this trip, the two grew very fond of the strange town and decided to take root there, having found themselves feeling otherwise lost in life after graduating. Thanks to Kaz's wealthy background, they were able to buy a home in Delilah's Gated Den without any trouble. Kaz took up a job handling the finances for the Single Carrot theatre, believing it to be the ideal way to pursue his love of the arts while still making good use of his business degree.
In 2004, when Kaz was twenty-five, their partner disappeared. Another statistic in Anchorage's endless list of missing people. The news hit Kaz like a ton of bricks, his reality seeming to chip and crack around him. He was forced to watch, helpless, as those in charge seemed to do nothing, not a finger lifted for any casuality in the town. Unable to let go of his missing loved one and determined to prove that they were still out there, Kaz left his position at the theatre behind after five years of work and moved into local government. He would work his way up the ranks and find the answers he was after.
After years of hard work, such hard work that it had bordered on obsession, Kaz had become a member of the Anchorage City Council. He was on top and he had access to everything he needed. That was when he learned about the Miroir, and that was when he had learned about their miroir. The cracks that had formed all those years ago splintered beyond repair. Shattering. The vague hopes onto which he had clung for so long twisted and contorted into something like rage and resentment. The journey he had taken to get to this point had already changed him for the worse, the years spent following only one trail blinding him to anything that did not serve his own interests, but this would only push him over the edge.
Separately from this, somewhere along the line he took it upon himself to start a small business of his own: Dracula's Coffin Club. Of course, his love of horror was never forgotten and this little shop is a testament to that. He's often too busy to do any work in the shop itself but it's sort of a little passion project for him. He still likes to write poetry in his own time too but that's a very private business. (SORRY THIS IS SUCH A SHIFT IN TONE LMAOO I DIDN'T KNOW WHERE ELSE TO PUT IT </3)
As for his family, they fell out with him during his Single Carrot years but, having caught wind of his successes in local government, they eventually changed their tune. Kaz was understandably not impressed with this but has tried to stay in their good books out of a desire to remain on his father's will. (His belief is that he deserves to be compensated for having this man as a father.) His sister has since taken his place as their father's successor, having proven herself a perfectly capable businesswoman, and has a family of her own whereas his mother has had some success in launching her own jewellery business. Kaz does not take any interest in their affairs.
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minggukieology · 2 years
A genuine que I don't get how so many shippers thinks that their ship is real like just cause of skinship or some things they had said about e/o ? If we go by that logic 90% of kpop would have been in relationship with their bandmates or smtg. Do they not pay attention to the conversations they has ? Like there's 100 of moments which can easily debunk that 'my ship is real' narrative which ppl just overlooks at. And I'm saying this for everyone including all ships of BTS even jikook too.
Hi, thanks for your message.
While I still believe most shipping (no matter the fandom) is harmless and just a fun way for someone to consume fictional content that provides a safe escape for many people, I noticed is as soon as the community grows bigger and bigger in size, more and more emotions are invested in it and is reinforced by instances of behavior from the idols that they would deem as legitimizing their ship, this community becomes sort of an echo chamber of the same thoughts, narratives and beliefs. Being inside this echo chamber means you lose an objective point of view on all the information presented as the group of people around you makes sure to filter out any information that would threaten the belief or the narrative that the community is built upon. In this way only those moments which would fit the narrative are acknowledged as legitimate and bind the people inside this bubble even more. It sort of becomes a self-feeding machine.
In this situation a well known principle of human psychology kicks in: cognitive dissonance. The situation becomes even more significant as the beliefs around ships are typically built with a huge emotional investment from the people involved. Imagine this: If your belief, your whole "worldview" which you are deeply emotionally invested in, the narrative that binds the whole community which you found acceptance and place in is threatened by information that would deconstruct and debunk it and "see your whole world crumbling", your brain goes into a state as if under attack and naturally does all it can to minimize the discomfort by either: 1. avoiding this information (consuming content only related to the ship- so it's kind of what the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't feel) 2. deligitimizing this information ("other ship moments are fake or scripted;" -even if the way you argue against it is false it doesn't matter, truth is subjective in this instance and the community will gladly accept alternative explanations that fit their belief) 3. undermining the importance or impact of this information ("my ship does this more", "everyone does this so it doesn't mean anything").
Shipping hits on many aspects of human psychology and sociology: the need for community and socializing, the need for a role and acceptance in social group, internet subcultures, building of belief systems through which we view our world and many more.
Lastly, just to express my own stance even though I hope or believe you didn't send the message to attack me: I am not here to argue about "my ship being real." On my twitter account for the past few months I have tried to provide objective explanations (many times debunking false narratives, translations etc even about "my own ship"), more cultural context and hopefully lead a sound discourse in connection with topics within the fandom.
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via-l0ve · 1 year
Hii! Hope all is well with you! I'd love to do a 🎃 for supernatural or marvel of possible! <3
I'm so bad at describing myself, bear with me :)
Physical stuff out of the way. I'm pretty average high and weight, around 5'4 and 135. I do have hope dips and a ton of stretch marks. I have mid-length wavy brown hair and big brown eyes. I'm super pale, like ghostly pale lol. Oh and I wear glasses!
The basics! My favorite colour is lilac! My favorite season is autumn! I love Halloween and Christmas. There is nothing quite as good as that cosy, nostalgic feeling that comes with that time of year. I am in my early 20's. I'm bi (but maybe with a guy for this? :) ). I'm the oldest to 3 siblings. I've worked with kids my whole life. I suffer with chronic pain and anxiety and I want to be an addictions and mental health counselor to help people like me!
I am a huge reader! I love most genres but I'm a big dark romance, thriller and history nerd. I'm almost always reading a few books at a time lol. I'll do digital, hard copies or audio, the more the merrier.
I'm a huge history buff as well. I will learn a little about a plethora of different time periods and then deep dive into ones that peak my interest. Ancient Greece/Rome, the 40's and the Victorian period are a few that come to mind.
I love the look of the '70s as well. My style definitely has some influences from the era. I'm also a bit of a hippie. All peace and love and positive vibes here <3
I also love a huge range of music, classic rock to folk to pop to country. I listen to it all! I love my Zeppelin, Louis Tomlinson, Noah Kahan, Jake Wesley Rogers, guns and roses, David Bowie, Harry styles, imagine dragons and Mumford and Suns just to name a few!
My love language is physical touch and gift giving. I'm constantly wanting to remind my partner know I love them by holding their hand, cuddling, playing with their hair, etc. If we become friends in any regard, I will be feeding you. I'll bake homemade treats, suprise you with coffee and doughnuts on a bad day or make you a full dinner just cuz I missed you. It's just how I show I love you!
All my friends call me a grandma I'm constantly checking on my friends, I always have food and little candies in my purse in case you get hungry, I am a homebody, my family is extremely important to me, I'm learning to knit and I have to make sure everyone is good before me.
In a relationship I love little (or big) romantic gestures. Remembering my Starbucks order or building a fort for a horror movie night, etc. I find it very attractive when they get a bit over protective. I also am a sucker for pet names and all that lovey dovey stuff.
Sorry for any bad grammer or if it's just way too much! I have a bad habit of ranting. Thank you so so much in advance! Have the best day
Ps. I love your page! I stumbled on it not too long ago and I'm hooked! Keep up the fantastic work friend <333
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i ship you with thor!!!
he would 100% sing along to all of your songs because he is a himbo and i love him. he also fucking LOVES your stretch marks and hip dips. pls let him kiss every single mark on your body he will do it with a smile. he plays with your hair all the time and he loves it. he has a christmas playlist for that time of year and he decorates with you and gets all cozy and makes you watch ELF every single year so he can laugh at the same parts. he’s always worrying about you and the pain you’re in but he always helps the best he can <333
he BEGS you to read some books to him and he gets really invested. he wants to tell you all about Asgard and in return you can tell him about all the history you know!! he LOVES you clothes and begs you to pick some out for him as well. he’s the type to want to match outfits. he screams Hardy Styles and Louis Tomlinson any chance he gets.
i fucking love that you’re the grandma friend i NEED one of those in my life that’s so cute.
thor loves it too. teach him how to bake please. he needs the help before he burns your house down hahah.
thor notices EVERY detail about you. your drink order, the way you like your hair, the way you focus, what movies you cry at, what your comfort movies are, a phrase you say a lot, etc. he’s very perceptive. he makes cute date nights like picnics and pillow forts so you guys can watch shrek (my perfect date ngl.) or a preferred movie.
he’s such a golden retriever bf and i think you need that bc you’re the grandma and all grandmas have cute hyper dogs so that’s my thought process!!!!!
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fantomette22 · 2 years
Hey, you need to remember that many ships that Exist have not been hinted at in canon - someone one day just "invented" them and other people joined! x) You do not really need community for the ship or pre-existing works, it just feels way more nice and validating if other people are into it too. Like... I for one do not get the attitude that shipping something no one else shipped yet is somehow 'awkward' if not 'cringe'. Questions like 'omg this ship is REAL?' don't make sense either... like, every ship exists as a possible scenario, for example Valtr x Eileen is as 'real' as Valtr x Yamamura, whether someone created stuff for it or not yet is not relevant. Be a trend starter! You might stay alone in this boat, yeah, but you ALSO might get other people into shipping it too, when they see how much fun YOU have talking about this ship or drawing/writing for it. Because they'll wanna have fun too! Be the change you want to see!
(Naturally I am curious what rareship you refered to x) You gotta tell us now dfhhsds I mean if you are comfortable sharing)
You're right and I 100% agree with what you just say!
It's just it's kinda the first time that this happened to me ? or at least the first time I fully realize it. That I was probably the first one who thought about this particular ship? ... but who knows. (I was tired too XD)
To talk a bit about my life, I don't really have that much ships. (even across all the fandoms I have and all, but it's something I really like as well). Of course there's plenty I found cool but only a handful of ships I like really hard/i'm really invested in (not sure if that's an aro/ace thing too lol) (half of the time it's really popular and the other half it's quite rare and except the weird stuff you can find at time I like this particulars ship so much I'm taking almost every content I can found!)
So for all the others I generally have a scale that goes from :
(my eyes!) ew not my thing ->...-> I don't really care/neutral->...-> oh that's valid/ cool-> oh that's cute (-> ship them so hard I'm taking almost ANYTHING XD)
So for Bloodborne now... that's subject is not really the focus of the game too (an I really like that aspect) but yes there's quite a few I "like" or found cool but only like 1 I'm super invest in ?
(Some people here might know who I might reference XD One day I need to actually seriously talk about it... I guess when I will just not care anymore or if someone nicely push me... I know the mutuals I got here are super encouraging about it too x) The problem, it's that I have so much different interpretations of this relationship at the same time I'm afraid it's weird (that create more than 2 AU and one character became like 2 different idk ...)
And recently I thought about another one... so hm on my last post I was basically thinking about Dores x Gate Keeper...
So who wanna join my lil boat ? XD I'm gonna develop a bit here too :
I know we don't know much about them but for me it just makes a lot of sense I guess? I don't know I just think they would be cute. (And it's funny and drama... and really sad at some point too...) Not too serious into it but cool background/minor ship
In the grave guard set description they don't just talk about Dores but about mr Gate keeper as well (and we know other people become mad because in the dungeons but it's only referencing this 2!)
They became mad like... Together ?! They might have done the most of their expedition together as well. Perhaps they help each other with their issues...they probably got the same problems at the same time and the only who could fully understand what one feel was the other... And they both stick with Willem in the end.
I begin to imagined quite a few headcanons about them too. Because well I needed that to prepare my big bb story x) especially the first part at Byrgenwerth.
I do believe in badass young middle aged (+older) woman Dores supremacy. Who is really feral, can kick& punch Pthumerians with only her bare fist. (Willem know he was right to got her by their side, Gehrman is impressed, Liam (the name I choose for mr password gate keeper) is so in love and encouraging and Laurence is just really concerned XD).
If she likes you that's great she gonna scared whoever is mean to you in the best case. If she don't... well hope you don't see her often... For Gate keeper he's usually you know, the "calm and collected one", the guy who was raised in Yharnam and didn't spend all his childhood in like... the forest... But if he needs he's not afraid to shoot people with a shotgun (especially mad pthumerians). And this 2, after Willem, act like the parents of the Byrgenwerth squad/gang at times ? (yes even Gehrman who is just a bit younger than them XD but this trio guys I swear... so much potential)
If I remember correctly there's indeed a moment where I begin to consider them as a ship...it begins when I decided to re take a look how/where you found the graveguard set.
The set is divided between the corpse of two hunters? (who appeared in the game with the yharnam's hunter set, but like the member of the church got the default black church attire in the overworld so...).
One have the mask and the other the rest of the set (I took the first pic I could find on YouTube too). They're really close, but you can't access to the mask directly after you got the rest of the set.
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And well obliviously you can wonder why this two have it? They're not Dores right? They might have take her(/their/his) role after she passed away I guess? but who are they really ? (it's highly possible it's just some hunter from Ludwig era or after, who stick with Byrgenwerth or in the lost wood/villagers for some reason or that Dores took in to help and taught them stuff ^^ it's a cute idea but I got another...)
I begin to wonder, what if... what if... this 2 are like her children/grandchildren ?? (depending on their age and this dumb timeline... also if they're the grand kids who could be the kid(s)? Well the Madras twins need to come from somewhere right? hm forget it...I'm not even settle on this they could just be friends) So um... I figure it could be cool if the other parent was like... gate keeper... 😵‍💫
Yesterday in between the G&M hugs, group hugs & the crows I draw this too ^^
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(My designs for them are like there and there too...)
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artikgato · 1 year
Well, it was raining yesterday, so I didn't go out for the jogwalk. I did today, though! It took me until like 10:30 but I did do it!
I was also up until nearly 1am last night...reading a fanfic. A Slayers fanfic. A 60+ chapter Slayers fanfic, currently unfinished, in the year of our lord twenty twenty-three. I have no excuses. I make it a policy to almost never read unfinished fanfics, for one. I also knew exactly what I was getting into when I saw the chapter count and just shrugged and went YOLO I guess?
Okay, so it all started with Anime Weekend Atlanta announced, less than a month out from their con by the way, a whole slew of new guest announcements. The schedule is out now and it's less than two weeks to the con so I think they're done doing that now, but I digress. They announced Veronica Taylor as a guest. Well, years ago I already had the honor of meeting her and getting her to sign my VHS copy of Pokémon The First movie, so I don't necessarily need her autograph on any more Pokémon stuff. But of course she's in plenty of other things, including Slayers, which is one of my absolute favorite media franchises, period. So naturally I have to get her to sign for Amelia! And Lisa Ortiz, the voice of Lina, will be a guest at a convention I'm going to in March, so I can get her to sign, too! Fantastic!
And then, because I haven't really thought about Slayers in a long time, my brain went I should cosplay from Slayers again. I've been wanting to for a while. I cosplayed Filia (from TRY) waaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day, maybe I could remake her? (I do still want to do that, FYI, talk about obscure characters though am I right?) Or despite being so tall, I've always liked Lina's character design, she'd be great. I can probably pull that off before Khromakon in March, but absolutely not before AWA. But do you know who I could pull off before AWA?
Yeah, so I actually cosplayed Xelloss all the way back in high school. I never wore him to a convention, and it was a very bad cosplay. Technically, my first cosplay. (Technically, because my actual first cosplay was a very, very very bad closet cosplay of emperor Hotohori from Fushigi Yuugi the year prior, my junior year of high school. Our high school banned Halloween costumes but a gaggle of my stupid friends and I decided to see if we could get away with just wearing regular clothes but clearly being in cosplay. So I was Hotohori, a friend braided her hair and was Duo Maxwell, etc. etc.)
Anyway, my aunt made the cloak for me, and I still have it all these years later. The rest of the cosplay would be easy, because of how skilled I am now. I can 100% do this cosplay in time for AWA, and it'll be fun! He's a pretty recognizable character from a classic anime, so while I'm sure The Kids won't recognize me, I'll get at least a few people excited to find someone else that remembers Slayers. And hey, I already cosplayed one evil purple-haired anime prettyboy this year (Okada Izou) so why not two?
So anyway, I made a deal with myself. I would go to no more than three thrift stores after work one day and see if I could find a yellow turtleneck. If I could, I would proceed with the costume. If I didn't, oh well, it's not like I don't have a closet full of cosplays to wear. And wouldn't you know it, I found the turtleneck at the third Goodwill. So I ordered a wig, and now I just need to do a few minor alterations and possibly make the staff.
And so, with Xelloss Metallium now fully on my brain, I remembered that, oh yeah, Xelloss/Filia was one of the OTPs for me back in the day. One of the very first ships I got really, really invested in. And I wondered if, in the fifteen or so years since the least time I probably looked, any good new Xel/Fil fics had been written. I mean, the last time I was really invested in the ship, Evolution-R and Revolution hadn't even come out yet! A03 didn't exist yet! What was the harm of taking just a little, tiny peak at A03, right?
And that's how I ended up binge reading a 60+ Slayers fanfiction, in the year of our Lord Of Nightmares 2023. I'm not even done reading, but I've got shit to do today!
Time: 21:41 Weather: 63, sunny Humidity: 60% Song of the Day: Ghost, Mystery Skulls
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bronzebtch · 1 year
It's sinday give us some sinday wishlist or headcanons you have for your muse ✨️
ahhhhhh anon <333 thank u so much for this!!! so i don't particularly have any wishlist per se, because i do prefer discussing any sexual themes quite closely with my respective writing partner(s) who would like to explore such a dynamic with me one-on-one. and while i do have some generic headcanons regarding rhea's perception of sex and experience, i also do believe that any nsfw details could differ with each interpretation and ship ! with that said, have some touch-n-go headcanons which definitely could be expanded depending on its respective relationship(s) <3
rhea comes across looking very dominant, but this isn't true. the more she trusts her partner in actuality, the more she's subservient in bed. the more she wants to be taken care of, rather than the opposite.
she prefers rougher stimulation since her pain tolerance is quite high. this includes rough sex.
i'd like to think she has a quick refractory period, but only during the time when she's really aroused. if not, she tries to shift the pleasure more for her partner than on herself.
doesn't mind public sex — as long as they're in a private setting. for example, it's in a field where they're sure no one is there or watching. yeah, she's probably okay with that. but if there are people around the corner, or they're clearly in public and eyes are on them, she abhors looking anything but modest and professional.
probably likes being praised a lot. ( won't tell you about it though. ) she'll get all red and whiny however, which is a big sign that she does like it.
she does get kind of clingy and needy the closer she is to orgasm (and the more she trusts her partner), which means... she doesn't actually prefer not being able to face her partner while they have intercourse, because she does want to be able to hold them.
she doesn't mind being marked. she claws, herself — though hers are more from the intensity of the moment than any act of possession. ( to add: rhea is not a possessive partner; she's protective, though. )
in modern settings, i do believe rhea indulges in bdsm practises. not often, seeing as she has quite a low sexual need to compare to the average mass, but there are practises that bdsm have which she definitely finds appealing and it is something she does apply to meet her sexual needs. — this includes respecting and utilising subspaces — the usage of rules and punishments in case of disobediences — punishment in forms of spanking, overstimulation, edging etc ( again, i am always continuously learning about bdsm practises from those who are genuinely practising them safely, and i definitely have more intricate headcanons regarding these and they could get quite detailed, so i'm reserving those specifically for any specific partner to which this circumstances could apply to c: )
which is to say, ( applying to canon, using modern terms ) when rhea accidentally slips into "subspace" — or that mindset where she's 100% reliant on her partner — and the intensity of the sex is too much, she may cry? she gets really embarrassed about it, which is why it's important that the aftercare has to be very gentle because........ she really needs it.
again, this all goes back to how much rhea trusts the partner she is sleeping with in the first place. the less invested she is in the dynamic, the likelihood is that she's quite detached from the affair. though the more she's into the act, the more she can be quite clingy and far more open emotionally - especially afterwards.
i do write rhea as demisexual as fuck though. so, in all honesty, it takes a very serious emotional connection for her to even consider engaging in a sexual activity where she's genuinely invested and would react genuinely towards the experience. outside of that, she does come across as having no interest in sex rather than it is an act to 'produce heir', and that's about it. pleasure is something she never believes would apply for or to her.
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vulpine111 · 10 months
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My SSI hit while I was napping earlier. I had a little over $900. This is what I've got left after paying rent and my phone bill: $557.
Anyways, I don't know who is going to take me to buy food or clothes - if anyone.
Grandpa can't. Another one of his toes is infected. I don't feel comfortable making him walk on it just to help me. I made a Facebook post asking if anyone can help, but I doubt I will get many responses.
Maybe a ride to the Trans Resource Center will be a good investment. I will call and make an appointment to discuss their transportation program. (A social worker told me about it.) They can apparently send me Lyfts to help with grocery shopping and such.
I forget when my case worker is coming back. He forgot his laptop but eventually I can get help from the Sun Van too. He's going to still walk me through the paperwork for that.
Anyways, instead of wasting a lot on energy drinks this pay period, I'm probably going to get some Gamersupps. 100 servings is $40 plus shipping and handling. I am not sure if it's cheaper after I use a friend's promotion code. I better get that before I proceed, though.
I wish I had enough for an electrolyte supplement as well, but I want clothes, food, and maybe even more art supplies. I would like to see if NUUN hydration makes a difference at some point. Just probably not this time.
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shipping thingo from twitter
Three shipping tropes I love:
- pretend dating/pretend relationship - accidental marriage - huddling for warmth
Three shipping tropes I don't love:
- unrequited love - love triangles (if they are... not resolved with happy poly lol) - extreme jealousy = "proof of how much I love you"
One emotional aspect of a relationship that always gets me:
TRUST. Like, the deep kind of trust that becomes simply part of who they are together, and how they are together; just... underlying everything about the relationship. Absolute mutual trust is my #1 kink, honestly.
A physical aspect of a ship that always gets me:
...too many?? IDK. Uh, casual, easy, comfortable touching. Especially if one of the characters isn't usually into being touched in general, but likes it with this person. Also, sitting on each other's laps. I'm v. weak for that.
Multiship or monoship:
Ha, I have *always* been a multishipper. Very, very rarely I will fall into a groove with one pair but it's... so rare. My ships are plentiful, and entirely contradictory, and that's why you'll run into random surprises in the backgrounds of stories. :P (That said, I will often end up focused on one or two particular characters. So, sure, I'm writing different pairings or ot3s or whatever, but it's still roughly the same people popping up over and over again.)
Rarepair or mainstream:
I 100% read both. But I often end up writing rarer things, bc... idk, I generally write what I wish I were reading, except nobody has written it, or I've already read all the fics. Or, you know, I like a character that people don't let fuck. Cough. Etc.
Polyamory or monogamy:
I am here for polyamory, uh, all the time. I love characters who are full of feelings, and relationships strong (and flexible) enough to share, and I also have *many* thoughts about different people bringing different things to a relationship. 💜 ...it's probably also extension of my absolute trust kink. AND is probably why I mainly write polyfidelity, or at least 'kitchen table' polyamory, ha. ANYWAY obviously I also write a mountain of monogamy. Sometimes I just want my characters to have even more nice things, is all!!
#8 is a top/bottom question, isn't it?
Look, I just think being comfortable with lots of different things in the bedroom is the way to go. I think being open to switching things up is the way to go. I will, now and then, write a character that has a *preference* (see: a long WIP I am currently working on), but you'll never see me being *rigid* about it or, god forbid, applying VALUES to which dick goes where. I don't think it's a personality thing and I dislike it being a status/power thing. TBH, I often look at cases where a writer has gotten very invested in who tops *esp. with specific values added to that specific act*, and I wonder find myself wondering if they also interpret PIV sex through that lens. Which. Honestly? Really fucking sad. (Probably fighting words, but whatever.) Sex is so much more than just... that.
Do I always have romantic ships for fandoms?
Pretty much. There are many fictional relationships (family, friends, etc) that I care about deeply in various canons but, ah, if I'm engaging in fandom? I'm probably going to have a romantic focus bc... that's just what I enjoy the most?
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demadogs · 2 years
I know, i know 😭 (30% anon here). It's not that i think the idea is absurd at all, like you listed so many good things!! I'm just trying to actively lower my own expectations because i'm the type who gets really invested and then consequently really disappointed (though i guess since this is tumblr most of us are that type lmao). I'm just used to shows not following through with subtext, and i'm not only talking about gay subtext, but all different kinds of plots. I hear you though, trust me!
Since i'm already in your inbox, i have a question: have you been around for a while? What's the history of the byler ship? Was it always popular? Did people always think there might be a serious chance or was it more of a crackship? Were there any popular theories that came true or that were completely false? Since i'm super new to the show myself i'm curious!
yeah i totally get it. my brain is just not wired to be able to have lower expectations for something that his this much evidence for. im either 100% confident in something in a show or i have absolutely no idea whats gonna happen lmao.
i only started being active in this fandom a few months ago but ive shipped byler and followed lots of byler blogs for years. people started shipping byler after s2 came out. i didnt see anything about it during s1 because they literally had two scenes together and there was almost nothing really to work with. but when i watched s2 when it first came out i distinctly remember thinking “….is anybody else seeing this?? am i crazy orrr?” and then i went on here and found a small fandom of people who shipped them too so i was like “ok cool nice”. at this point it was mostly gifsets of their scenes together and maybe some edits and we hadnt established whether we were gonna spell it byeler or byler yet lmao. then i found @kaypeace21 and she was the first person i saw ever actually analyze it and really start to believe that everything might be intentional.
before i followed her, i never even considered that they might actually go through with byler. i think that was the case for most people during s2. i shipped it in the same way i currently ship ronance and steveddie. i thought they were cute and had good chemistry but i never believed it would go anywhere because of mlvn and also just the doubt that an insanely popular 80s scifi show would put their main characters in a gay relationship. i still loved reading kaypeace’s analyses but i wasnt convinced yet. then s3 came out and that changed everything for me and a lot of other people.
i watched s3 the day it came out hoping for some crumbs of byler but again, not at all expecting anything evident of them actually going through with it. it was kinda just in the back of my mind bc i love this show mostly for the supernatural plot. but during their fight scene when mike said “its not my fault you dont like girls” i was shocked. that convinced me that at least will would have a crush on mike but i still wasnt sure about mike until that painfully awkward kiss on the last episode. it wasnt until a few months later i rewatched that season and went back to kaypeace and found SO many things that i missed!! mike not letting el touch him when they kissed, the drastic tone and aesthetic difference between the break up and the byler fight, the frame of mike perfectly in a closet when they kissed!! i was completely sold then and so were a lot of people. i also think it was around this time that finn liked some byler art that had the quote “im not gonna fall in love” on it so that made a lot of people like 👀.
then everything the cast and duffers have said leading up to volume one only increased my confidence. i went into volume one completely expecting more obvious queer coding and i was right to. i was already overly confident but the biggest thing from volume one that made me more confident wasnt even a byler scene, it was mike and el’s fight. im glad they had her explicitly call him out for not saying he loves her. they kinda had to spell it out for the general audience. that was a really good scene and the fact that they played eulogy over it!!!?? insane. i lost my mind when i watched that episode a second time and realized that. that is 10000% intentional and the only explanation could be that that fight was the death of their relationship.
anywho yeah ive shipped them almost since the beginning and its been so fun slowly realizing that theyre actually going to do this and watching it build up and seeing the general audience start to catch on. it added a whole other layer to a show that already would have been my favorite either way just because of the plot alone.
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