#i'm triggered by sudden loud noises and screaming. is there something else you can do to let out your frustration?
domesticmail · 1 year
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dimensionwriter · 6 years
Fight for the Heart
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Male! Robotic Naga x Female! Reader
Trigger warning: mention of death, blood, depression (starts off sad, but gets better quickly, I guess)
The screams were deafening behind you as the sound of crunching and pounding of metal vibrated through the thick cemented walls. But you ignored it as you focused on wielding this robot ripped face back together.
"So, is there any permant damages to it?" it's owner spoke from the corner with a fat cigar in his mouth. You made a frown as he blew a wave of smoke your way.
"He will have to go to a professional to get the claw marks out of his eye socket," you said in a monotone voice as you spun back around to look at the robot infront of you. You ran a gloved hand over the claw marks over it's right eye. They couldn't find his actual eye, so it's just an empty socket right now.
"Dang thing didn't even win the fight and it's costing me more money," he yelled standing up. He lifted his hand to smack the machine, but you turned the blow torch on blast.
"Sir, I would recommended you step out while I finish him up," you retorted not even looking at him. You slide down your visor as you tried to figure out how to put the metal back in place on his shoulder.
"Whatever. Hurry up. My wife is waiting on me at home with dinner. Can't keep woman waiting. You know how they get," he said before barking out laughter. You rolled your eyes at the clearly sexist jokes. He probably didn't realize that you were even female with all the protective layers you had on.
You waved your free hand at him telling him to leave. If he continued talking, it would be a shame if this torch slipped out of your hand and burnt him.
He stopped laughing and walked to the door. As he open it, all the screams intensified. He stepped out and muffled the screams by closing the door.
"Waste of breath," you grumbled under your breath. The robot infront of you let out a small laugh before going stock again. You turned off the blow torch and put it back on to the rack beside you.
"Do you like doing all this fighting?" You asked leaning back in the chair and looking into it's one red eye.
He looked away from you and shrugged his shoulders. You didn't response, waiting for the truth to come out.
His eye drifted back to you before looking down. He shook his head as red liquid started building up in his eyes
Seeing a robot cry is beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. Their tears isn't clear like humans, instead it's different colours base off what fluids they have. It expresses a lot more pain than a human could.
You placed a hand on his thigh and gave it a small squeeze. He looked back at you as a single tear trailed down his face.
"It never use to be like this," he spoke with his voice glitching from the emotion. "I use to help with the garden or look after their daughter."
Your eyes narrowed as you tried to remember that man ever speaking about having a child. Everytime he's in here, he mention his wife, but never had a daughter.
"But then there was an accident where I went to get repair because I cut myself pretty bad with the hedge shears. And the daughter wanted to finish my job," his fist balled up as his eyes narrowed at nothing as he relived the memory. "And she- she didn't know that the ladder was broke and she felled. She-she died. And they blamed me."
Tears were pouring out of his eyes by now. You lifted your visor up to show him that you were listening. It seem like he needs to get this off his chest.
"I didn't know. How could I have known? And-and then they fell into depression and didn't work, so they needed money. They told me I was finally going to be useful and took me to this hell hole," he ended with harsh growl as he glared at the cement walls.
His face was trying to protray anger, but the red tears pouring down his face and his fist shaking in fear screamed something else. He felt sad, lonely, and betrayed.
You stood up and wrapped your arms around him. He didn't hug you back, but opted for laying his face into your shoulder. You gave him a tight squeeze before stepping back.
"Hey, I know this person that could help you escape if you want," you said turning around to pick up your blow torch. "I'll give you the information if you want."
His eye showed his hesitation, but he nodded slowly. "My love for this family died when she died," he mumbled angrily. You gave him a sad smile as you flicked on the blow torch. Hopefully you'll be able to fixed his shoulder.
You finally relaxed back in your chair 10 mintues later after the robot left. You gave him the information and told him to store it. He thanked you before his owner came in to take him away. You hope he will leave soon.
"Yo, what's up babe?" a loud vocie screamed before slamming the door open. You jumped out of you seat in panic at the sudden loud noise.
You turn towards the enterance to see Willow entering the room. You glanced down to check him out.
He had a tan colour to his body along with a silver colour at the bottom of his hips. He was pretty short for a robot, but was still taller than you. But for what he lacked in height, he made with his long metallic snake tail behind him.
Yes, Willlow was a robotic naga. Why did someone create this, you have no clue.
You looked upward to see that his short black hair was pretty messy from the fight he just had. His eyes were a light gold colour that seem to light up seeing you look at them.
Of course, you didn't miss his lack of right arm. And the left arm that was holding a detached arm. Or the huge chuck of his toro missing. And how could you ignore the golden liquid pooling on the concrete floor.
"Let me guess, you lost," you said sitting down. His metallic laughter filled the room as he slide over to your working table. He plopped down on it as his tail lazily slide around your chair.
"Nope, actually. I only lost one of my limbs, but she started with 8 and ended with 0," he said with a giant smirk. You rolled you eyes as you hoped they wouldn't send her to you. Reattaching a limb takes hours to do and doing 8 would take an entire day.
"Couldn't you go easier on her?" you ask taking the limb from his arm. You inspected it and noticed that there seem to be some very close deep scratches.
"Go easy on her. The thing had 6 buff arms and two legs that turned into spikes. I don't even have legs, hun," he said pointing to his tail that was wrapping more around your chair.
You let out a laugh as you placed the arm beside him. Whoever owned that android obviously got her just to fight.
You leaned forward to get a look at his sides. Your eyes squinted as you noticed that he had the same deep scratches as his arm.
"You look so cute when you squint your eyes," he said placing his hand under your chin and lifting your head up to look at him.
His signature smirk was on his face as he gave you a swift wink. You rolled your eyes and swatted his hand away. You return back to looking at his side.
"What are these weird cuts? Did she use a weapon?" You ran your fingers on the cuts. They were pretty smooth and ripped into the metal pretty well. She must had a lot of strength to do this with a weapon.
"Oh, yeah she used a weapon. If you consider piranha like teeth to be a weapon. The dang thing ripped through my metal like it was paper," he grumbled holding up his detached arm.
Okay, no wonder he didn't go easy on her. She was probably made to have no feeling in her except animalistic desires. Some humans are sick enough to strip away emotions of androids to make them 'better' fighters.
"Well, did you see what they did with her body?" you asked going to where his right arm would be. You touched the area, instantly covering your hand in a gold liquid. Why was he such a messy bleeder?
"Willow, can you please stop your fluids from spilling everywhere?" You asked wiping away the liquid pouring out of his arms. You couldn't even see what colour the wires dangling out of his arms were.
"Give me a kiss and I'll think about it," he purred running his tail across your ankle. Who decided to give this robotic naga a flirting code? This would be something you wouldn't mind getting pulled out.
"I'm not giving you a kiss. I'm here to fix you up, not to entertain your weird flirting habits," you barked at him. You stood up to go outside to see if they found the chuck of his missing torso. It would be too much to rebuild a new one.
"Wait, don't leave," he yelled. In an instant, he had his metallic tail wrapped around your torso. The metal felt cool against your skin, but it felt quite wet from all of the golden fluids pouring out. "I was joking. I didn't mean to make you angry."
He yanked you back causing you to stumble back and hit the bed. "I'm not leaving. I'm trying to do my job and fix you. Now if you will let me go, I need to go find the other fourth of your torso."
"Why are you so cold to me? When it comes down to other robots, you are so nice and friendly to them. But I just get the cold shoulder," he mumbled leaning his head on your shoulder.
A chill went down your back at his words. You noticed you were a little colder towards him, but you hoped he didn't noticed. It's all because of that stupid crush you had on him when you first started working here. You fell for all his flirting antics and thought you were special. And then you noticed that he flirted with all creatures, humans or robots. You were simply just a toy to him.
And you created this wall between the two of you in order to stop from getting hurt. You tried to kill those feeling, knowing that he probably doesn't even have those feeling, especially for you.
"I apolgize," you mumbled staring at the concrete wall across from you. You didn't want to look at Willow. This was probably just another trick.
"Do you not like me?" He mumbled lowly into your working suit. Without even thinking about it, you turned your head to look at him.
His gold eyes were already staring at you sadly. His peach lips were poked out and pressing into your shoudler. He look so adorable, even when trying to look sad.
"I do not discrimate against robots," you said jokingly trying to lighten back the mood. Those dumb feelings are trying to resurface. He's just being his dramatic self again.
"That's not what I meant!" He yelled tighting his tail around you. He yanked you up onto the bed. His arm snakes around your waist as he buried his head into your neck.
"What are you talking about?" you asked trying to stay calm. He's never done this before. He would usually just brush it off or if he does continue on, you could move around. But his arm was wrapped around you as if he was scared of letting you go.
"The way you smile at other robots. The way you hug others as you comfort them. You see them out of you office with a comforting hand on their back. And you don't see the way their eyes light up when you do this. You don't hear what other robots talk about doing to you when they come in for repair. You don't know," he rambled angrily gripping on to your suit.
How did he noticed these things when you didn't? You just tried to comfort the robots. You didn't mean to lead them on or give them the wrong idea.
"I hate it. I really do. I don't want then looking at you. Most of these robots don't even have a romantic code in there body. And they have the audacity to say such lewd things about you," he growled out. Your body stiffen at hearing this new tone. He's never been like this. It almost seem like he was-
"Jealous. You're jealous," you mumbled as realization dawned on you. You looked over to see a widen golden eye peaking from under your suit. "You are, aren't you?"
His tail snapped off of you as if you were made of fire. His arm released you and he jumped off the bed. His slide behind your working chair with his eyes widening.
His cheeks started turning a gold colour as he stared at you. "I'm not jealous! I'm-i'm just simply worried about you. Stop jumping to conclusion." He pointed his finger your way accusingly. You bit your lips to stop yourself from laughing.
The gold tint to his cheeks were the equilvance of blushing. And you could hear all his cooling system whirring away under his skin. He was flustered.
"If your not jealous then why did it bother you so much if robots look my way. It's not like any humans are," you joked proping your knee up and leaning on it.
"Well, it's because… you're too good for them. And I'm worried... as a friend. Stop giving me that look," he yelled his blushing increasing. You covered your mouth trying to hide your smirk. "It's not what you think. I just simply am worried about you.".
He slide over to the door and slammed it open. He quickly slide out, almost closing the door on the end of his tail.
You smirk dropped as you just thought about his last words. Crap, you did it again. You over anlayze everything again. He probably was just simply looking out for you. And here you are, probably projecting your feelings onto him.
You let out a small sigh as you dropped from the bed. The floor was covered in his golden liquid. That was going to be hard to clean up.
You glanced in corner of the room to see his arm had rolled of the bed. He's gonna want to come back for this. Maybe he'll wait until your shift ends to come get it fix. You did make it pretty weird.
"So, boss told me I need to be fixed up because I'm making a mess," someone grumbled from the door. You turned around with the arm in your hand to see Willow peaking his head through the door. His face was still glowing gold as he looked anywhere but you.
"Figured. Get on the bed," you said back in your cold voice. You aren't gonna let your feeling affect your work. Feelings and work should not go together.
"Yeah, okay," he mumbled sliding up the bed again. His tail stayed curled up around the end of the bed. You slide your visor back over your face as you picked up some tools needed to rewire the arm back with his shoulder.
For 20 long mintues, you worked in silence. It was rare to work on Willow and have him be quiet. Usually, he would talk your head off, unless his voice processor got ripped out. But you know for a fact that it's still intact.
You let out a small sigh as your reached over for your plyers to pull out a rogue shard of metal. You glanced at Willow to see that he was staring at you.
He couldn't see your eyes because of the reflectivness of your visor. And your head is down so it looks like you are still working.
How long has he been starring at you? He had this small smile on his face. His golden eyes seem to have changed. His usual slit pupils were blown into a wide circle.
You turned your head towards him to look at his eyes. They've never done that before. Maybe that robot had mess up his optical lenses.
Willow turned his head quickly away from you as the smile disappeared. The gold blush returned to his cheeks that was casting a glow on his short black hair.
You reached your gloved hand up and gripped his jaw. You turned his face back towards you as you got another look at his eyes.
"What are doing?" He squeaked shrinking down, but you held your grip firm. You use your other hand to flip up your visor.
"Your pupils are blown wide open. Seems to be something wrong," you grumbled squinting your eyes as you leaned forward.
There was no scratches or any viewable damages around his eyes. It seems to be fine, but his pupils shouldn't be like that. Maybe you rewired something wrong in his arm that is causing his eyes to glitch out.
"What," he yelled as he jumped back out of your grip. His left hand slammed over his eyes blocking your view. You let out an irritated sigh.
"Come on, Willow. Let me see. I have to make sure there is no other damage done to you, especially for your vision," you stated trying to remain calm. You wrapped your hand around his wrist trying to pull it off. But the dang thing didn't move a single rotary wheel.
"No! It's-it's fine. It sometimes does this. Don't worry about it," he rambled. Something cold and hard wrapped around your waist causing you to jump. You loooked down to see his tail around your waist. He lifted you off the ground and you didn't fight him. He gently place you in your chair, but didn't remove his tail.
"Okay, but by the end of this. I want to check to make sure. Okay," you said in a stern voice. He nodded his head, but kept his hand over it.
You grabbed your blow torch and got ready to wield together his arm back to his body. You still got to see if anyone has found his side yet. At least he's stopping the bleeding.
"Um, you know. My eyes have done this before," he yelled over your blowtorching. You turned your head towards him to let you know you were listening.
"It was your- your first day. And I had gotten a scratch on my shoulder after an easy fight. I heard that we got a new mechanic nurse and I was wondering how they would be. And I walked in on you laughing with boss," he started to run his nail acorss his silver tail," I haven't heard laughter that pure in this place in a long time. And you turned around with that-that stupid smile," he said starting to smile himself. You brought down the blow torch and turned it down.
You remeber that day. Boss was in the middle of telling you about how he accidently sneeze while blowtorching and the metal finger fell out of his hand onto the robot thigh. It was funny especially with the weird faces he made. But you don't remeber really meeting Willow.
"And I froze up at the door. I panicked and just slammed the door. In the reflection of the metal door, I noticed that my eyes were dilated. It never happen before, but it seem like every time I got around you, it would happen."
"What? But I never saw this happen," you said kicking up your visor. His hand slowly dropped to show that his eyes were still dilated.
"I learn to keep it under control. Well, I thought I did. I just threw it in as a glitch, but then you pointed out me being jealous. And I realized that," he kind shrunk down as his cheeks started to glow extremely bright," I am jealous. I'm jealous of all the robots that get to wrap their arms around you. And I'm jealous that they get your affection. It may be selfish, but I want it all for myself."
You slammed the visor back over your face as blush quickly flooded your face. Don't assume anything. He's most likely just saying some random crap. Don't get your hopes up.
"I apologize if your uncomfortable with it. I know I'm not the most attractive robot, well I would assume I'm close in the lead," he joked with a smile. He started to giggle as blush spreaded up his cheeks.
You head tilted over in confusion. You've heard him laugh before, but this is the first time he has giggle before. And he looks absolutely adorable.
His black hair is bouncing from his body shaking. His left arm was trying to cover his mouth as the high pitch sounds escaped his dark pink lips. His eyes were squinting close as he continued to giggle.
"I have the codes for love, but I've never exprience it. It feels great," he said turning his head towards you. His eyes seem to be sparkling in delight as his mouth spreaded into the biggest grin. "There's this warm feeling in my chest that seems to be spreading though my body the more I look at you."
You didn't know what you felt at the moment. So many emotions seem to flood your body that they seem to block eachother out.
"Ahh, wait," he screamed jumping off the bed and standing infront of you. You had to look up to see his face, which was contorted with fear. "You-you don't feel the same. How could I forget about that? I'm so stupid. And I just confessed out loud. Oh gosh. I-I"
In one swift move, you slide your visor up with one hand and with the other grabbed Willow's jaw. His eyes snapped down at you in fear and confusion. That expression gave you the rush you needed to do it.
You yanked him down closer to you. You brought your face forward until your noses were touching. His eyes widen as he realized how little space was between the two of you.
"You stupid snake. Don't you dare think I don't return those feeling," you growled with so much feeling. For years, you assumed that he didn't have any romatic feeling for you. You're not going to let him assume the same.
"Wait. You do," he yelled out jumping forward pressing his face closer. His eyes trailed down as he realized just how the two of you were. "So, you wouldn't be weirded out if I said that an action program just popped up to kiss you."
A dorky smile slowly spreaded upon his face as he stared deeply into your eyes. His pupils were so dilated that his eyes were black with a golden rim. His midnight black hair were tickling you cheeks from the closeness.
"Well," you said lifting your finger to bop his nose. His eyes crossed to look at your finger before returning to your eyes. "I would say you should activate it."
He let out a deep chuckle that cause your smile to increase. His right arm lifted up to gently cup your cheeks. His usually cold metal held some warmth to it. His thumb slowly rubbed against your cheek as he leaned it.
"I found the fighter's side," a person yelled slamming the door open. You jumped back from the sudden loud noise filling the room. From the force of your body going backwards, the chair flipped backwards with you in it.
You would have crashed onto the ground if Willow's metallic tail didn't wrap around your waist and hold you above the ground.
Your head snapped at the door to see it was one of the new human workers. He stood at the door with a chunk of metal in his hand. It ws a tan tint that matched with Willow's skin tint.
"I'm sorry. Did I interrupt something," he squeaked out as his face turned red. Willow slided quickly to the door with his fist balled up.
He used some of his tail to stand above the poor human. He snatched the chunk of metal out of his hand and snarred his fangs at the boy. "Yes you are and if you interrupt again, I will be holding a chunk of your side."
Willow grabbed the side of the door and slammed it shut in the boy's face. You sat up on his tail as you covered your mouth trying not to laugh.
"That wasn't nice of you, Willow," you joked patting his tail. He turned around with that signature smirk on his face.
"Maybe I was. But everyone else has had plenty of time with you. I want my turn," he purred sending you an exaggerated wink. His eyes went down to the metal in his hand before his smirk widen. He threw his side behind it causing it to slam onto the floor. "I can go a little while longer without this. Now, where were we?"
Now before you guys start yelling at me for doing another naga story, I just want to ask what you think of the moodboard above it. I never really done one before, but I really wanted to try it out. Also, put in the comments or ask me about what monster you guys would like to see me write about. As you can see, I'm stuck in the naga zone, but I want to try to venture out. Pleaseeeee, leave a comment. I love reading what you guys write. It makes my day. Thanks and enjoy.
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Close to the Ground
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Title: All In a Name
Word count: 4,204
Characters: Peter Parker, oc
Warnings: fluff? Platonic fic not romantic.
Notes: Sweet damn!!! This came out a lot longer than I intended for it to. Let me tell you. As I was writing I kept thinking of more ideas and the word count kept getting longer. I'll edit this when I have the time if I'm able, so forgive typos. There are so many typos. I'll change this when I've edited the story.
I came up with the idea years ago back when Civil War came out. But now I have time to headcanon and perfect it.
The little girl stared at Peter and he in turn stared back the two looked at each other as if they were deer caught in the head lights. That both sat criss cross, across from the other on May's living room sofa. Every time Peter even tried to make a move the little girl would flinch, a cold chill creeping up her spine so Peter tried to remain motionless.
While he appeared cool on the outside, inside his thoughts were spiraling out of control. What do I do!? What do I do!? Where's aunt May? One of my first real "rescues" as Spider-Man and I come home with a kid!? In the grip of silent panic his right foot beat uncontrollably against the cushion. It seemed to be the only acceptable action, as it didn't send the pipsqueak into a tizzy.
He had been doing a routine sweep of neighboring area swing through the cityscape when a scream as good as a a banshee's rent the air. Nobody screamed like that unless they were in fear for their life. It came from a darkened alley, and like a true hero he'd taken off toward it ready to take on whatever threat lied ahead. He shocked to find the alley seemingly empty though after a careful look around just to be safe he had found her. Lonely, buried beneath bags of trash, she laid out.
Peter wasn't sure what he'd been thinking back then, forty minutes ago. Scratch that, he knew damn well. The city streets were no place for child, especially one so young. It was going to be dark soon and thunder had been in the forecast for later that evening. He'd used his best judgement.
He mentally scoffed, best judgment.
Now here he sat just him and what could be more than a two-year-old. Her icy blue eyes stared directly into his soul unsure yet whether to consider him friend or foe. Her clothes were of the spring variety a season that would becoming to an end in following few weeks. They seemed kind small for her, which was saying something, stained with dirt, garbage, and other thing Peter didn't care to name. Her hair was knotted and tangled giving it a troll rat nest appearance. If he had to guess, she was brunette.
The ringing for the apartments land line went of like a school bell. The two caught off guard both flinched at the sudden noise, the little girl letting out a high pitched yelp as she did. Second ring. Peter shared a look with toddler at the other end of the couch. He needed to answer the phone, but he didn't want to trigger a panic. Third ring. She whimpers bring her knees up into her chest. Fourth ring.
"I need to answer the phone," Peter said. His words were clear and concise, carefully spoken as to not spook her. "Please, I promise that's all I'm going to do." Her icy eyes softened, not by much but enough to convince him she would allow him to get up and move across the room.
He moved in at brisk walking pace very aware of the fact that with each step he was silently being judged. Once in the kitchen her scooped up the land line and spoke into it. "Parker residence. Hey this..." he listened for a moment.
"Hey, May... I'm- I'm fine. I could really use your help though... Can it wait?" He looked over to the child now staring out the window, from the couch, with wide eyed fascination at the rain outside. "It's kind of important... Oh I see... Uh-huh... Uh-huh... But still... Uh-huh. Okay... Later? Sure... Okay... No, no I got it... okay, see you then... I love you too...bye." He hung up the phone, placing it back on it charging stand.
With a sigh he ran his hands across his face. The child immediately turned her focus back to him eyes darting up and down to discern his current emotional state. He wouldn't cuss in front of her, at least not a loud. Inside his head he was Kenny McCormick.
He gave a feeble smile to the toddler when he noticed she was watching his every move, as if she were studying him. "What am I going to do with you?" he laughed somewhat dryly. She obviously didn't like that lowering her head so only her eye and above peeked out from behind the couch's back.
Indeed what would he do with her?
It seemed there was nothing he could do to make her budge. She was't interested in his action figured, books, or legos— Probably a good thing she wasn't to keen on the legos kind of a choking hazard — she ignored his funny faces and attempts to make her laugh. She just stared on, gnawing on her fingers, curled up at one end of the couch. She had moved when Peter accidentally came too close to her but he wasn't about to do that again. It would be cruel to use her spacial fears against her.
"Okay I give up," Peter declared. "You can just sit there on the couch and do nothing." He was laid out across the rug surrounded by various items he'd pulled from his room in an effort to entertain the emotionless youngling.
At Peter declaration she raised a brow, the faintest of smiles tugging at the corners of her lips. As quickly as it came it went, Peter was none the wiser.
She hadn't meant to do that, Peter could tell by the light pink pink color flushing her cheeks. Her stomach rumbles again making her squirm in her seat.
Peter raced to the kitchen. He swung open the fridge, digging past the left over takeout none of which he figured she'd like, he found a box with leftover chicken nuggets from a meal he'd made himself a few days prior. He took out the remaining seven nuggets and quickly placed them in the microwave for 49 seconds before coming back to the living room.
He sat back down, set the plate out on the coffee table in front of the child and asked.
"Are you hungry?" A lick of the lips was all he got in response. She carefully eyed the plate, focus switching from,Peter to the tenders on a loop. "It's okay, the foods fine," he tried nudging the plate a bit closer to her. "It's chicken nuggets. Do you like chicken nuggets?" She curiously dropped her head to one side eyebrows drawing together as if to ask 'what are chicken nuggets?'
"There really good," Peter coaxed taking a piece for himself to demonstrate. "It's okay, they're not poisoned or anything." He took a bite and smiled.
Hesitantly she reached an arm out but was quick to realize her arms were to short. Cautiously, carefully she slid herself off the couch cushion, eye never leaving Peter. Feet firmly on the ground she let herself relax a little. She finally took one of the nuggets off the plate and sat her little bum on the rug. She sniffed the meat then just barely touched it to her small tongue.
She cooed, kicking her legging up and down, as she'd just been hut by a stoke of lightning. Her eye dilated losing there icy sheen as she devoured the chicken nuggets. Eyes shining with new found life she looked to Peter. Clicking her feet together she held out the plate, making series of inaudible noises.
Peter bit back a laugh, "do you want some more." There was bag in the freezer, they would actually require more than a microwave to bake. But she was happy, maybe more would make her smile.
Peter couldn't help but feel proud of himself. Making more chicken nuggets had clearly been the right decision. She chattered and observed everything with a newfound curiosity. He still hadn't seen her smile but that didn't bother him too much.
He sat on the couch watching her wander around the apartment reaching for and looking at everything. Every now and again she'd find something so interesting to her that she'd pick it up and bring it over to show Peter. She chatter and babble nonsensically then leave at his feet and amble of to continue exploring.
Peter was keeping a list in his head of where she was finding everything so he could later put them back. So far she'd gifted him nine items; an electronic candle, the tv remote, one fuzzy sock, his Mathematics of Astronomy textbook, a spare set of keys, a decorative flower, an orange, a quarter and two nickels, and his Wicket the Ewok action figure.
There was pull from under him. He looked over the back of the couch to see the little girl tugging atone end of the throw blanket, the other end firmly lodged underneath him. "Whatcha doin'?" She briefly stared at him, then continued to tug at the soft blanket.
"I don't think I can keep pretending you don't have a name." He said suddenly, lifting himself off his end of the throw blanket.
With no one else home it was easy to ignore the fact that he didn't know her name but it was starting to feel rude. She knew his name, he just thought she couldn't yet say it. Either out of shyness or verbal development.
"Do you have a name?" He asked. She blinked a few times before draping the blanket over her head. "Can you tell me what it is?" He tried. From beneath the blanket she chattered and honked at Peter stomping her feet against the floor.
"Really?" Peter smiled, pretending he knew just what she'd said. "Well, how about I give you a nickname?" she babbled some more craning her head to one side. "Okay cool," he pulled out his phone and brought up a cite for nickname recommendations. "Let's see... cutie? You are pretty cute," Peter teased. He couldn't see her face but he heard her blow a raspberry. "So that's a no... monkey?" she was curious. Another raspberry. "Bee?" This time she shook her head, her interest fading.
Blanket still over her head she traveled around the room like a ghost. A cute ghost. An unnerving tingle ran up Peter's spine making the hairs on his skin stand on end. He immediately looked to the toddler. "Ooah," she squeaked. She hadn't gotten far before bumping into one of the apartment's ceiling support beams. His eyes flew wide and his muscles went all rigid.
He surprised himself, he was at her side in seconds, still maintaining an arms length distance. Her arm length not. "Hey, hey are you okay?" He softly cooed, cautiously lifting the blanket off her head. He looked her over, as best he could from where he was, for any bruises or marks. She nodded.
"Yep? You're okay?" She continued to nod making clicking noises with her tongue. There was this twinge feeling in Peter that just wasn't convinced. Not a spidey-sense feeling just a fEeLiNg.
She affirmatively nods, struggling to stand up in the blanket tangle she'd created. Peter couldn't help but laugh softly watching her struggle to stand. She reminded him of the videos of newborn calves standing for the first time. She sneezed tripping backwards back down on her bum.
His muscles went stiff, he had to stop himself from touching her. "Hey, be careful. Clumsy." He laughed dryly. "You alright?" She turned her head to him, wiping the snot dribbling down her nose away with her sleeve and nodded.
Peter crinkled his nose in disgust, he was compiled by sheer grossed outness to peel her arm away by the sleeve. She flinched at the sudden contact, her face washed blank with confusion. Then she remembered, and her muscles relaxed.
"Let's use a Kleenex," Peter suggested bringing her arm away from her boogered nose. Her clothes were already coated in a thin layer of grime. "Maybe... take a bath?" He added. She was in desperate need of one, he was getting used to it but she reeked. And he was curious to know what she looked like without the filth layer.
That being said, this was the first time he'd been allowed to contact her in anyway since he'd brought her home and she still seemed agitated. So bath would be hers and his summit.
"Okay look it's just a little water."
He managed to coax her into the bathroom and fill up the tub before she'd put two and two together. She stood back against the one door and shook her head. He'd been at this for fifteen minutes, though her trust in him had grown she refused to enter the bath. Peter wasn't about to make her that'd just undo her confidence in him.
"Hold on I'll show you." Peter dunked his head into the mildly warm water. Her nervous became frazzled jumping all together in a frazzled panic. Heart rate spiking, she speeds across the room to the edge of the tub. It wasn't long before Peter brought his head back up, he'd only been under for a couple of seconds. His hair lies plaster about his forehead beads of water dripping down from the tips. "See? Perfectly fine?"
Looking to her his smile fell. Gripping tightly the edge of the tub, her eyes held a sweet amount of concern. Lower lip drawn back in her, eyes brimmed with watery tear threading to fall. Guilt hit him like a fright train. "I'm sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He apologized. She shakily sniffled, gnawing on her middle, index, and ring fingers as she sat her bum on the tile. She needed to calm her nerves.
So bath was a no go. Something about the water unnerved her.
"How about a shower?" He offered. Sure the toddler was small but she wouldn't fit in any of the sinks for a baby style bath. It was after all a small apartment. So a shower seemed like the next option. Peter pulled the the drain stopper out, to let the water run down.
Her blues curiously watched the water drain until the base of the tub was bare. "I promise a shower isn't bad." She looked at him, monitoring his movements as he stood and took off the handheld shower head. "Promise, promise," he joked sending a reassuring smile her way.
He turned the nob over the water nozzle, activating the hot water. "It's just like a rain...shower." He explained spraying the shower head toward the bath's back wall.
Eyebrows arching toward the sky, her eyes widened. She chirped and squeaked pointing — with the hand not in her mouth — toward the watery spray.
"See?" He held his hand out in front of the gentle spray. She moved close to him, so close her shoulder brushed against his. She held out her own hand, the warm droplets tickled her skin.
"There you go," Peter beamed. She babbled about, looking between him and the spray, her senseless words ran into one another. Peter reached over her head and took out rubber duck from the shower caddy. "Ducky will even be your shower buddy." It hadn't had purpose until then, previously nothing more than a decoration.
"Quack-quack quack," he teased tickle the duck against her side. She hummed, crumpling up. Her mouth formed what wasn't quite a smile but also not a frown. She poked at the rubber duck, attempting to mimic Peter's quacking. Peter laughed, she sounded like a chick.
"Ducky?" He tried.
She crinkled her nose making a stank face. Another raspberry.
He chuckled softly, she really is cute
Peter couldn't believe it. Under all that dirt and grime the toddler was actually quite adorable. She was cute before but now that she was cleaned up she had this new glow to her. The toddler was Celtic looking, fair skin, sharp eyes, spotty dotty freckles that shifted with her cheeks and beautiful strawberry blonde locks.
"And blue," Peter called out.
The two were back in the living room. They spent the better half of an hour sorting Peter's stuff by color, something he thought she wouldn't be interested in but took to quite naturally. They'd run out of stuff from Peter's pile on the floor to sort twenty minutes ago. He wasn't quite sure how it started but now all he had to do was call out a color and she'd toddle off to find a match, then return so he could add it to the corresponding color pile.
No completely clean she'd certainly perked up even more so then before. She wore a pink black-squared tank hooded capri romper, hair still damp it fell loosely on to her shoulders.
Prepping for her a shower he'd discovered she wore pull-ups. Shouldn't have surprised him. This however made him realize there weren't any clothes suited for her in the apartment. Luckily one of the neighbors a floor below had a child close to her assumed age. The mother was confused as to why he needed some of her child's old clothes and pull-ups. Peter had just said he was babysitting and the child didn't bring an extra pair of clothes. Which wasn't a total lie.
The patter of little feet filled the room as the toddler waddled over to Peter from where ever she had been. She held out a blue sandal, not a pair sandals, just the one. "Is there another shoe," Peter asked raining a single brow. She drew in her lip, rocking back and forth on the soles of her feet, and nodded hesitantly.
"Can you go get it for the blue pile?"
She rolled her eyes but nonetheless complied, scuffling off to retrieve the other sandal. She was really enjoyable to be around, a bit of goof ball.
It wasn't long before she came barreling in sandal in hand, a blue metallic 1966 model Chevrolet chevelle clamped between her teeth.
"Hey what did I say?" Peter asked adopting a stern tone. She blinked a few times before remembering. She widened her mouth allowing the car to drop to the floor. "Little gum monster."
This earned him a raspberry.
Peter was certain she was still teething. If she wasn't gnawing/gumming on her own fingers she was gumming on some object. She'd gnawed on the rubber duck, a spatula head, four of the gifts she'd given Peter and now a metal model car. He'd have to get her a teething ring.
Peter shook his head mentally hitting himself. She's not staying.
Peter had to found himself forgetting that fact a couple times in the past two hours.
"Okay go find..." he wanted to challenge her this time. "Yellow." She chirped and squeaked before toddling off. She was a little scout, obtaining articles and returning them to Peter.
This time it too, her bit longer to find something of a yellow color. The duck had already been used so she need to find something else. She found herself in what could only be Peter's room. She sifted and searched, eyes on the lookout for some yellow.
He heard it... again. The litter patter of little feet approaching. Heart swelled as he saw her round the corner of the couch, proudly clutching a mustard yellow cloth. "You found yellow," he commended holding a hand out for her to give him the cloth. Peter couldn't help but laugh as he spread out what was actually his mustard yellow tee with the words 'Bacteria. The only culture some people have' printed on in bold black lettering.
The little girl tried mimicking his laughter, but sounded more like a dolphin or chipmunk. This only made Peter laugh more.
"Thanks Gummy."
The name just slipped out. Her eyes sparkled like freshly fallen snow. He could tell by her body language and lack of raspberry that she at the very least didn't hate the name. In fact Her babbling happily like spring brook suggested she liked the name.
"Gummy," he repeated.
There was something about the nickname that just... suited her.
When this kid, Gummy at as Peter now called her, got her energy she made the most of it. He never wanted to hear the Hokey-Pokey or the Baby Shark songs again. His muscles were tight from the childish motions. Simon says had been much more his speed for the night, at least until it was Gummy's turn be Simon. Hide-and-Seek nearly gave him a panic attack.
He could no longer deny the fact that he cared about her. Her bright eyes, bubbly chirps, and button nose. Her in all her quirkinesses.
"Okay Gummy, behold one of the greatest movies ever!..." He exclaimed holding up a colorful dvd box. Gummy did her cute curious head tilt, crinkling up her nose. "That we own." Peter murmured somewhat sourly.
Peter had the room set up for comfy movie watching. She'd burned out after four rounds of hide-and-seeks, showing clear signs of tiredness. Now she sat tired-eyed rather sluggishly on the couch. Peter himself was sort of tired too, she'd drain a lot of his energy. A movie seemed like the perfect way to wind down. He wasn't sure how long she'd last, her eyes already glazing over, but he'd enjoy himself even when she inevitably fell asleep.
Gummy reached for the box making grabby hands. Peter took out the dvd and handed it's case to the two-year-old. "It doesn't go in your mouth." He emphasized before turning his back on her. She tried to play with the thin plastic case but quickly discovered the only thing interesting about it was the sound it made when she opened and shut it.
"My Neighbor Totoro. It has animals I really think you'll like." After getting the dvd ready, he sat beside her, letting his body sink into the cushions.
They sat, brains off, engrossed. Peter would peel his eyes away every few minutes to check if Gummy was still awake. Though the television blared her eyes were half closed and her fingers were back in her mouth. She'd yawn, little tongue curling as she did. Her eyes lit up when the first Ghibli creature appeared on screen but there was still a tiredness behind them.
She'd be out like a light soon. Peter returned his focus to the movie.
Some time passed and he suddenly felt a weight increase against his side. He looked down and his eyes immediately softened. Gummy had curled against him. He gave her a side hug and brushed her wispy bangs back. She hugged her little arms around his, nuzzling her face against it, the softest smile gracing her lips.
Peter's heart melted. She's not staying. She's not staying.
He watched her chest rise and fall. The two's combined body heats, tethered with the bump-bump-buh beat of Peter's heart sent the sweet girl off to dreamland. Her fingers unconsciously curled into the fabric of his top, not clasping it tightly, but just enough to reassure her, he wasn't going anywhere. Peter using his other arm brought her onto his lap, protectively holding her against himself.
She's not going anywhere.
EXT. Ending
The apartment was dark. The only sources of light came from the one lamp still lit down the hall, and the frequent passing of street cars. Their lights shining through the apartment windows. There was shuffling of feet out in the hall, a muttering of a curse, a jangle of key, and finally a satisfying click. The door swung open. In the door way, the silhouette of a woman shaking the rain off her umbrella.
"Peter?" She whispered quietly entering in. Just barely making out some movement on the couch she shook her head. Her nephew most have fallen asleep on the couch again. "Peter," she called out. At the second call of his name Peter awoke, his hold around the still sleeping baby in his arms tightening.
"Hey Pete sorry I had to work late." May apologized tussling her nephew's hair. "A coworker had leave suddenly, his wife went into labor. And it was my turn to cover." She headed to the kitchen.
Peter pushed a hand through his hair fixing the tussled up areas. "Yeah it's fine May," He assured looking back at her from over his shoulder. "Something huge happened after school." He began.
He didn't get a chance to finish as his aunt held up the dirty pair of clothes Gummy had been wearing earlier. Their apartment didn't have a washing machine so he'd simply discarded them in the sink until they could be washed. "Peter who's clothes are these? Who's Emilia?"
May held up the shirt tag. While he was seated too far to see what was written, he had to guess it was the word 'Emilia'.
Peter bit the inside of his cheek, mentally kicking himself. Her name was on her shirt tag! As the full realization, sank in, he threw his head back. From the pit of his stomach, came all his emotion, and a loud groan passed through his lips.
"Damn it."
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