#sorry but i hate sudden yelling and loud noises
domesticmail · 1 year
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storiesofmyhead · 6 months
Alastor x Reader
Summary: When Alastor's wife goes out on a shopping trip, only to remember it was extermination day.
Warnings! Swearing, Hazbin Hotel, Use of y/n
Word Count: 876
Humming the doe walks down the sidewalk looking into each window of every store, deciding whether they were worth going into or not. Though as she began down another part of the sidewalk stores began to close. One after the other, sinners nailed boards up on their windows and locked their doors.
“What the fuck is going on?” She mutters, her horns growing bigger every store that closed. 
Growling she rolls her eyes and begins to make her way back to the hotel.
“So much for a shopping day.” 
Turning back around, the walk back to the hotel begins. 
“AHHHHHHH” A scream interrupts the once silent town.
More and more overlap each other. Quickly Y/n searches the sky, her eyes widening at the exterminators that now fill the sky.
“Shit!” She yells now breaking into a full sprint back to the hotel. 
“Ahhh, Hello sinner.” An exterminator drops in front of her, stopping her.
Taking a step back, Y/n’s eyes fall on the weapon the exterminator holds out in front of them.
“Seems as if it’s your time.” They giggle. “Again.” 
Antlers growing, Y/n’s eyes dilate, as a giant grin as sinister as Alastor’s grows onto her face. The exterminator seems to hesitate at the now growing figure of the sinner before them, but they continue anyway.
Giggles erupt from Y/n’s chest, causing the exterminator to stop. “You ruined my shopping day. And now you threaten me.” Her grin grows deeper, her sharp teeth now on full display. “I believe you owe me an apology.”
The exterminator tries to stick their ground, letting out a weak chuckle. “An apology. Sinners don’t deserve apologies.” 
“Oh.” Her eyes darken. “Ok.”
“Charlie, have you seen my darling Y/n?” Alastor’s voice interrupts her conversation with Vaggy.
Charlie jumps slightly at Alastor’s sudden appearance before humming in thought. “Actually, no. I don’t recall seeing her recently. Sorry.” Charlie gasps. “I hope she’s okay. It’s extermination day.” Now worried Charlie pulls Vaggy up. “We’ll help look for her. Come on V.”
Alastor nods, narrowing his eyes at the ground, trying to think if she had mentioned anything before.
Before Charlie and Vaggy have the opportunity to leave to look for Y/n, the door to the hotel slams open. Revealing the exact person Alastor had been looking for.
“Al.” She whimpers, dropping to the ground.
Alastor quickly moves to Y/n’s body that lays motionless, except for her chest that softly moves up and down at each breath. Moving her head to his lap, his eyes search her body for any injuries, finding small scratches and bruises, lifting her cardigan that he had so graciously given her he revealed a giant gash on her side.
Behind him Charlie and Vaggy move to help, but are stopped when loud static noise fills the space around him. 
"̵̨̺̻͇͖̖̫̪̫̗̩͕̀S̴̛̞̭͚͆̾͆͑͐͒̇̅̊̚͝͠t̸̺͔̞̥̻̊͜a̴̡̡͙͋̅̓̓̐̏̈̐͝y̴̰̤͓̣̫̱̯͉͔̫̙͓͈̻͙̔̆̉̒̆̒̊͐̚͝.̶̢̲̤͔̞̩͚̱̭̭̱͕͖̋̀̎̄̇́̈́̽ ̵̡̡̰̲̜͓͚̦̲̭̼̤͙̜̩̂͐́̊̀̉B̷͚̲͓͎̏͒́̇̅́̕a̵̡̬̱̙̙̰̮̹̋̋̆̆̎̐̀̑̔͐̾͘͜c̶̨̼̱̼̫̰̥̤̳̏͑̉̀̎̈́́̃͆̉̓̀͘͝͠k̷̛̻̖͍̬̖̗̩̝̫͈̏͑͋́̒͊͌͛͘̚͠"̵̛̝̜̭̙̄̇̐̐̓̊̎̂͑̌͘ͅ He utters, his antlers growing large, as his shadows cover both him and Y/n before they disappear from the two girls view.
Her eyes fling open at the sting on her side. Screaming her body tries to move away from whatever was causing her the pain, only to not move an inch.
“ALASTOR!” She screams.
His hand lays on her head as he rubs her ears. “I know darling.” His voice emitting more static than he meant for. Clearing his throat he speaks again. “I’m almost done. Just one more.”
Her whimpers echo in his mind. As much as he loved hearing others' pain, this was the only situation he hated it.
“Done.” He smoothed down Y/n’s hair, allowing his shadows to put away all the supplies he was using to dress her wounds. Now although she could heal without them dressings, the provided a safe barrier so they wouldn't reopen.
Her eyes finally found his face, only to see a frown in place of his usual grin.
“Al.” Her voice comes out as weak, as she watches him sit back down next to her. But no matter how many times she had said his name he wouldn't look at her.
“I’m supposed to protect you. Never let you get hurt. I f̸̥̦̖̝͇̗̯̪̳̪̩̘͙̊́̒ȃ̶͍̺͈̩̒̈́̎̾̃̾͛͑͝ī̴̧̧͖͓̙̟̙͊̄̅̾̀͊̊̕̚͝l̷̺̯̳̤͖̪̩̪͗̎̃͌͛̀̄̋̒́̆͋̿͘ẽ̶̮͚̣̊̏̐̑͐̃̎̾̊̾͛͋̅͘ḑ̴̘͖͚͎̠̪̱͇̅̈́͑̈͑ ̸̧̞̱̝͚̤̱̘͖͖͉͊͗̏̍̈́̆̽́͒͘̚͜y̶̭͕͍̰͋ǒ̵͈̦͇̝̲̻̀͋͗̆̈́́͊̀̿̽͠͠u̴̡̺̭̼̞̘̭̭̲̣̮̣̞͗͌͐͋̅̋̔͂͜͜.” His voice broke in static at the end.
“Al. Please look at me.” She begged, lifting her hand to his face turning it towards her. “You didn't fail me. I left on my own. It was my fault.” 
“No.” His eyes wide as he quickly leaned towards her. “It’s not your fault-”
“And it’s not yours. Ok?” She smiles. “Now get in bed. I’m tired.” She yawns, moving over, only wincing a bit at the gash on her side.
Shaking his head, Alastor shrugs off his jacket, laying it on the back of the chair he had been sitting on before. Lifting up the comforter, he slides under it and softly pulls Y/n into his chest. Cradling her, one arm wrapped around her waist and one arm wrapped around her head playing softly with her ears. 
Humming Y/n nuzzles her head deeper into Alastor’s chest, her tail wiggling around in content, causing Alastor to chuckle as it moved the blanket behind her. 
“G’night” She mumbles sleepily, before finally letting the exhaustion take over.
“Good night, my love.” He smiles softly.
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queers-gambit · 11 months
If Speaking is Silver, Then Listening is Gold
a Turkish proverb
prompt: ( requested ) you require a bit of reprieve after the week you had, and Tommy's a gentleman.
pairing: Tommy Shelby x hard of hearing female!reader
fandom masterlist: Peaky Blinders
word count: 4.4k+
note: you hit me in the chest with this request. as someone who is hard of hearing (HoH) and progressively losing what they have left, this got personal.
warnings: author projects, mild angst, hurt and comfort, specified frustration, working with customers SUCK, mild violence, Tommy's a little OC 'cause he doesn't know what to do with emotion!
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"Excuse me! God, the service here is terrible! Aren't you listening to me, barmaid!?" The woman with polished finger nails slammed her manicured hand to the bartop aggressively, glaring at you as if you had backhanded her mother.
The sudden slap made you jump slightly, turning your head to acknowledge her before deflecting, "In a moment, ma'am, I'm trying to listen to this man's order."
"I've been trying to get your attention for 10 minutes now!" She argued, the noise of the bar dialed up as the night droned on and the patrons drank more.
"And I'm busy assisting other customers, I'll get to you when it's your turn," you reminded her, blinking at the man in front of you. "I'm so sorry, sir, I, uh, what were you saying?"
He sighed, "You don't remember? Or didn't hear me?"
"I couldn't hear you over the woman yelling at me," you snipped, perking your brows. "Would you like to order or should I move onto another customer?"
He scoffed, "Just get me a fucking bourbon."
"One fucking bourbon comin' at'cha," you rolled your eyes as you turned from the people to grab the bottles of liquor lined up behind you. You poured the man his drink, set it in front of him, and pocketed the bill he slapped in front of you - not offering change as you instantly looked to another customer. He grumbled with displeasure, but you were asking the next person, "What can I get you?"
"Uh, no, I'm next, I've been waiting long enough," the woman with polished fingernails insisted, literally pushing the customer out of her way.
You sighed, "Know what? All right, fine, what can I get you, ma'am?"
At that moment, the doors swung open and a new wave of drunkards stumbled in; the bar roaring to greet the newcomers as the woman ordered her posh drink that had no business being ordered in The Garrison.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" You asked, staring at her mouth in the hopes of reading her lips. She repeated her order, but her tacky lipstick made her lips stick - making it hard to read. "What? I'm sorry, ma'am, it's loud, you're gonna have to speak up."
"Are you fucking with me right now!?" She screeched, making your eyes widen. "You're the fucking deaf - you can't hear a simple order!?"
"I only asked you to repeat yourself," You defended.
"You asked me three times!" She raged.
"So tell me a fourth and shut the fuck up!"
"Hey, hey, hey," Harry stepped in, hand to your shoulder when the woman looked ready to launch over the bar, "I got this. I'll man the bar, you go on - there's some tables that need bussing."
You sighed and stepped back, nodding, "Sure, Harry."
You hated when he did this. Instead of defending you and your inability to hear - something you have no control over - he would always just push you aside and send you to do other chores. It wouldn't cost anything to tell the customers to calm down, it was loud in the pub and you had a hard time hearing as is - but nope! The customer was always right, or whatever bullshit he would remind you.
You were constantly accosted at work for your difficulty hearing clearly. It wasn't that you couldn't hear at all, it was just difficult! Sometimes, you could hear bits of their sentence and just inference whatever words you missed, but that wasn't an exact science. You mostly depended on reading people's lips, always hating asking anyone to repeat themselves; but at work, it wasn't always possible. The people you interacted with seemingly took personal offense that you had a hard time hearing, and each of them made their displeasure known. Again, a great time for Harry to defend you, but the older man didn't like rocking the boat.
You didn't necessarily blame him, knowing the Peaky Blinders kept a close eye on the pub and would probably reprimand (cut) Harry for discipling customers instead of firing you. So, you kept quiet about your displeasure over your treatment because you needed this job - you never wanted to give reason or thought that you were difficult. Maybe that was why Harry would send you off to do other chores, he didn't want you to lose your cool and this job. Though, some of these people deserved a good tongue lashing.
Picking up a spare pail, you went around to a few tables and cleared them of empty glasses before using a rag from your bucket to wipe them down for the next set of people.
Apparently, in that moment, someone decided to move past you, and to their credit, they did say, "Excuse me, luv, behind yah," but you didn't hear him. So, when you straightened up from cleaning the table, you took a natural step back and bumped into a body; gasping when something wet splashed over your neck, shoulders, and down your back and chest. "Oh, fuckin' hell, lass! Watch where yer fuckin' goin'!" The man raged, his empty glass shattered on the floor.
You blinked in shock.
"What? Didn't fuckin' hear me when I told yah I was there!?" The man continued to reprimand you. "Gotta fuckin' listen in a pub like this, lass, you'll cause worse fuckin' accidents!"
"I'm so sorry," you offered meekly, shaking the ale off your arms and glancing at your front to see it trickled in alcohol. You needed to take a deep, long breath before turning to head for the bar.
"What happened?" Harry asked when you arrived, looking mild concerned.
"Another spill," you spoke through a clenched jaw.
"Oi!" The man who dropped his drink all over you approached the bar, barking at Harry. "It's not our fault you hired some deaf bitch! That can't fuckin' hear 'round her! She didn't move from my way, I lost me pint 'cause of her stupidity!"
Stupid...? Did this drunk asshole just call you stupid because HE bumped into YOU and spilled HIS OWN drink? Maybe the money you made at the bar wasn't worth this...
Harry had no issue giving the drunkard another pint of ale as you tried in vain to dry off, but your dress, hair, and skin was completely plastered in sticky alcohol. You felt your eyes burn with stress, wanting to burst into tears and sob your frustrations out, but you didn't have the strength to break down right now. That's how tired and upset you were - you didn't even have the energy to cry.
You went about your evening, bussing tables and avoiding whatever customers you could; keeping your head on a swivel to avoid any other accidents. You felt a little better, but the stress still lingered around the bar; feeling as if the customers were glaring at you no matter what you did. When a natural lull came, Harry let you back behind the bar with the promise of staying near in case you needed him, but you were ready to drop.
Your final straw was about an hour after the usual Peaky Blinders and Shelby brothers had come in for the nightly round(s) of whiskey. You smiled at Arthur when he approached the bar, all too happy to greet you loudly - the lad never having an issue with speaking up when you couldn't hear. Arthur was always happy to accommodate you, having a soft spot for you since his brother, Tommy, had made his interest in you known that past year.
Speaking of, Tommy Shelby, notorious gangster of Small Heath and the head huncho of the Peaky Blinders, entered after his brothers and made an instant approach. "Harry," he greeted when he stepped around the bar.
"Mr. Shelby," Harry nodded.
"Love," he acknowledged you, pecking your cheek sweetly. "All right?"
"Doin' all right?" He asked clearly, being similar to his brother and not minding speaking louder, slower, clearer, whatever you needed to hear him better. In fact, Tommy wasn't know for being patient, but with you, he'd repeat himself as many times as it took - but only for you.
"Oh, yeah," you sniffled, trying to hide your frustrations.
"Why's your dress wet?" He worried, petting a sticky lock of your hair back, his concern mounting.
You shrugged, "Bit of an accident, 's not a big deal."
"Someone run into you, again?"
You nodded, "It's fine, though. He got a new pint and calmed down."
Tommy shook his head, gritting, "Who?"
"Tell me who, love."
"No, Tommy, it's fine," you insisted, petting your hand down his chest in a show of affection; seeing another customer approach the bar. "I'm sorry, I'm working, love, can we talk later?"
He nodded, pecked your temple, grabbed a bottle of Irish whiskey and moved for the snug - where his brothers and Aunt Polly waited for him. You got back to work, and barely noticed the time ticking by... Until a new customer approached you with a sneer already marring his face.
"What can I get for you, sir?" You asked kindly, needing to raise your voice over the usual drunken yelling. So, you preemptively warned him, "Sorry, 's bit noisy tonight, you'll have to speak up."
The man ordered his drink clearly, but another few men in loosened slacks and disheveled button-ups stalked up to the bar; crowding around the other two men who stumbled over in obnoxious laughter. You felt your panic spike, already overwhelmed by them all trying to talk over one another.
You were bombarded with drink orders from them all, eyes flickering between them because you didn't know who to listen to first. You tried to get the drinks together at the same time, but in truth, it was overwhelming because the men changed their orders, but got mad at YOU when you didn't quite hear them clearly.
Their drunken words added to the bar's noise level sprinkled with you being hard-of-hearing just resulted in a cluster fuck. "This isn't what I fucking ordered!" The original man complained, glaring at you with distain. "It's really not that hard, girl, my God. If you can't get our drinks right, how you gonna make any man a decent wife? Gonna fuck up his dinners, too?"
"Jesus - I'm sorry, there's just a lot going on. Why don't you remind me your drink and I'll get it now," you offered as kindly as you could.
"I doubt you'll be able to get it right," he sneered, but you missed half his sentence.
"I'm sorry, what was that?"
"Are you fuckin' kiddin' me!? Just fuckin' listen - it's not hard!" He snarled, literally chucking his glass just past your ear so it shattered into the liquor bottles behind you. "You can't even get a fucking drink right! Fuck you doin' workin' here, then!?"
This caused a huge commotion, obviously.
The Shelby's don't play games, you see, and the moment the glass shattered, they were moving out of the snug to investigate. When they realized someone had offered you disrespect, it was a shit show as the drunkards clashed with the men with razors stitched in their caps. Still in shock from the show of violence, you felt something in your heart snap you into motion.
So, you silently untied your apron, grabbed your coat and home keys, then literally walked out the backdoor - while the men all scuffled. The moment you stepped outside, you let your emotional dam give out - sobbing into the stinging cold air as you moved up the street.
You weren't sure what emotion you felt - be it anger, disappointment, shame, fear... Crippling insecurity. Once at the Irish pub, The Black Lion, you settled at the nearly empty bar and ordered your own drink, something you rarely did anymore. Something about working with alcohol all day made you less inclined to drink, but tonight was different than previous nights.
"All right, lass?" The bartender asked, pouring the whiskey in front of you. "Look a bit put out, huh?"
"Just a long week," you answered. He hummed, nodding and asking something. You felt tears in your eyes when you asked, "C-Could you repeat that?"
Louder, he repeated, "Anything you wanna talk about?"
"Oh, no, thank you," you waved off. "Just... Customers being unruly."
He laughed, "Oh, don't I know it. What happened?"
You shrugged, "Nothing important."
"C'mon, lass, if it's made you come inta a place like this, searching for a drink, it's probably important enough."
You sighed, "Honestly, I think I appreciate the silence."
He smirked, "I can respect that. Here," he poured you a new glass, "this one's on the house. I deal with unruly customers, too, so, I know you'll need this second one."
You chuckled and grinned broadly when he went to walk away, did a double take, then left the whiskey bottle to your side with a smirk. He moved off to sit at a different table with some other older men, leaving you alone for the first time in what felt like a long time. It felt ironic for a moment that you sought solitude and silence, but you just wanted time to digest all that happened tonight and move on.
Why couldn't people understand that despite you being a public servant, you were still a human being? A human with human emotions, human disability, who makes human mistakes. Yet according to those entitled pricks that think YOU work for THEM, you were a second class citizen who was underserving of empathy. How dare you ask them to repeat themselves! How dare you misunderstand their order - and quickly replace it! How dare you have a disability past your control that affects your day-to-day life!
There was a heavy, looming feeling of being inadequate.
Being alive was hard enough as it is, more so when a bodily function most others take for granted malfunctioned within you. It made life harder; you had to work harder than everyone else just to operate on their same level. However, if you dare show exhaustion, frustration, any degree of weakness, you were quick to be labeled as "lazy" or "entitled" or your favorite, "dramatic!"
Those people can hear pins drop, they couldn't ever fathom what this felt like. It wasn't that you couldn't hear, you could. It just wasn't on the level other's could heard at, and for whatever reason, it seemed to frustrate everyone else more than you. You were the one dealing with the predicament, and yet, everyone else was seemingly the most inconvenienced! They thought it mortally offensive to be served by someone "like you", thinking your disability was unacceptable in their proximity.
Fucking assholes.
If only they knew the way your stomach knotted itself every time you asked someone to repeat what they said. Every time you said, "Huh?" or "What was that? What did you say?"
You were embarrassed because it made you feel as if you couldn't even be a human "correctly", and it's not like you chose for this to happen! It's not like anyone chooses to make the obligation called life ten times harder by putting you at a functional disadvantage. You felt like "damaged goods" because you felt constantly out of the loop; missing a lot of what's said if you're not paying explicit attention.
However, years ago, you had perfected the ability to read lips. Yet this was difficult when most people you couldn't hear were your customers, majority of who are slurring their words. You worked in The Garrison, meaning that on any given night, there was loud discussions that added to your frustration - but the tips were too good to quit. So you endured. You felt pathetic and borderline like a failure if you quit any job; feeling as if your disability had won by emotionally crippling you. So, while it didn't make a lot of sense to work in a noisy place when you're already hard-of-hearing, you remained at your place of employment simply out of spite.
It was difficult reminding yourself it wasn't your fault, that you were still doing a great job - no matter how many customers catch attitudes, get snippy, or throw full-on adult tantrums. You despised needing to be the "bigger person", but figured nobody else would be willing to accommodate you, so, if you wanted a semblance of peace, you had to be the one to create it.
You reached for the bottle of whiskey after downing your second glass. With a harsh sniffle, you glanced around the pub and realized how many people had arrived to fill in the place. You felt the hair on the back of your neck stand on end, acutely aware that you were so deep in your emotional tarpit that you missed the noise rising.
So much for a quiet night.
You poured a new glass, praying to whatever God would listen that you're granted deliverance from this empty, helpless feeling that was pitting your stomach and chest.
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After hearing the glass shatter, Tommy and his brothers were rocketing to their feet to investigate. They saw a man, red in the face, yelling hatefully at you behind the bar - liquor dripping off the shattered shelves from the man's bout of violence. There was no thinking for any of them. Tommy recognized you were in a predicament; striding forward first, and the chaos began.
It'd been a good bit since the lads had a good fist fight. No razors, no guns, no advantages - just bare fists and bar furniture.
It cleared the place out, and when the drunkard was hauled off by his companions, Tommy was wiping the blood from his knuckles. Harry frowned at the sight of blood splattered on the floor, shaking his head before calling your name - knowing you had some secret to getting blood out before it stained. However, there was no response. The Shelby boys all looked around expectantly, waiting for you to reappear, but it was evident by the way Harry searched for you that you weren't in the building.
Tommy placed a cigarette to his lips, just lighting it when Harry returned from the back room, informing, "Her belongin's are gone, she must've left early."
This made Tommy whip around sharply to use his own eyes and scan the room. "Nobody saw where she went? How was nobody watchin' her!?" Tommy asked demanded. There were several shakes of different heads, Tommy's anxiety flaring in his chest. He quickly rushed to grab his coat and flat cap, tugging them on in haste, hearing Arthur question where he was going. "Gotta find her," he explained through his panting-panic. "City's dangerous enough for people that can hear properly. God knows what can happen when she's alone at this time of night."
"We'll help," John offered, nudging Arthur, Finn, and their cousin, Michael Gray.
"I'll find her faster," Tommy answered, already out the door.
Michael shared a look around the room, wondering, "He acts like this all the time or just with that one pretty barmaid?"
Arthur smirked broadly, "That one pretty barmaid is Tommy's girl. Don't get caught lookin'."
"He's like this with just her," John chuckled, "always has been, always taking care of her the way she cares for him."
"What did Tommy mean? She can't hear?" Michael questioned innocently.
"Nah, girl's got some hearin', just not a whole lotta it," John explained as if common knowledge. "Never thought I'd see Tommy so patient, so fuckin' doting. He doesn't mind repeating himself if she asks, in fact, he does what he can to talk to her how she needs."
"What's that mean?"
"Like," John paused, sighing through his nose, "he'll face her directly, speak slower to let her read his lips. He speaks up, he's clearer, he wants her to feel like she's not a burden if she can't hear like us can so he does it all organically."
Michael smiled softly, vaguely impressed by Tommy's show of humanity. Speaking of, everyone's favorite gangster was prowling through Small Heath; stopping in each and every open business, searching for the familiar sight of you, and moving on when he was unsuccessful. You weren't at the Shelby home, nor your apartment, church, or anywhere along the Canal - places you frequent when overwhelmed.
Tommy was beginning to get cold, but he wouldn't say that. His determination would keep him warm, and even as the snow began to fall once more, Tommy hiked through the wind. Luck seemed to be on his side because when he entered the third pub, one he doesn't usually step foot in outside of evident emergencies, there you were; sat at the bar looking miserable.
"Thank God," Tommy breathed in relief, straightening his jacket and swiping his cap from his head. He approached your side and reached a hand out to the bartop in front of you, minimally startling you by announcing his presence without words. "Hey, love," he greeted you.
"What're you doing, Tommy? Blinders don't come 'round in here."
"We do when one of our own goes missing."
Your eyes rolled, "I'm not missing, I just needed a break."
"I know," he nodded, "but I'm here to make sure you get home safe."
"I don't need an escort."
"I don't think you do, but it's dangerous at night. You know I care about you and that includes your well-being."
"Oh, don't tell me, you're trying to play the gentleman card?" You scoffed, taking another swallow from your glass. "C'mon, sit down, I don't like drinking alone," you commented, "makes me sad, leaves me alone with my thoughts."
"We can drink at home, love."
"I don't want to go home yet."
"'Cause I'll have to explain why I got fired."
"You didn't."
"Huh!?" You yelped.
"You didn't lose your job," he assured softly.
"No, not fired."
"Oh," you mulled over your thoughts, "that's good, then."
Tommy sighed and pulled his coat off to take the empty barstool beside you. "All right," he decided, going through the motions to stick a cigarette between his lips and light it. Smoke wafted from his mouth as he asked, "What happened tonight?"
"You already know, I'm sure."
"I want your truth."
"Doesn't matter," you refused, downing the last of the whiskey in your glass. You went to leave a few bills for your tab, but Tommy stopped you and covered it himself. Your eyes rolled and hand snatched the nearly-empty bottle of whiskey before heading for the exit.
Tommy followed not far behind.
"Love, c'mon, wait up," he grit, catching up to you and tossing his coat over your form, "you're gonna catch ill."
"I'm fine," your eyes rolled. Truthfully, the consumed whiskey in your system acted as an internal heating mechanism; warming your blood, wrapping you in a fuzzy grip.
"Talk to me," he pleaded.
"I just - I'm frustrated, okay?"
"Sure, all right," he agreed, "but why?"
"You don't get it, Tommy," you felt emotional, rounding on him with tears in your eyes. "You don't know what it's like, you can hear just fine, you can still see, you don't know what it's like to progressively lose one of your senses! The way people get angry for something I cannot dictate - it's like they're the one being vastly inconvenienced!"
Tommy nodded, just listening.
"And they crucify me for it!" You sniffled, feeling defeated. "Like I'm some pariah that will infect them with my loss of hearing. They treat me as if - as if I've asked for this, as if I'm doing it on purpose!"
"What would help?"
"Honestly? I don't know anymore, Tommy, but this town is seriously lacking in their ability to empathize. I don't know what I'm supposed to say or do - I get so angry now. It happens more and more, people getting angry or frustrated at me 'cause I need them to repeat themselves. What am I supposed to do, huh?"
He smirked slightly, but the sight angered you.
"Oh, fuck off, Tommy!" You turned from him, moving back up the street. "I don't need to laugh at me like the rest of them - "
"I'm not!" Tommy insisted, reaching for your wrist to halt you, whip you around, face him again. Both his hands extended to hold the area above your elbow, speaking clearly, "Listen to me. I was going t'wait, but I think now's a good time."
"Good time for what, Tommy?" You growled, now just wanting to go to bed and hide from your emotions; hide from people; hide from reality.
"I have a new job for you, in the company," he smirked. "We're still getting things structured, but why don't you step away from the bar and come work for me now? Help us build what's left, and then transition into your company job?"
You paused, just staring at him in mild shock.
"You're kidding me, right?"
"Why would I joke?"
"You're... Offering me, what? Some job as your receptionist?"
"No, I was thinkin' something a little more paramount."
"Like what?"
"Like Chief of Operations?"
"COO?" You laughed, "For what company, Tommy?"
"Come home with me, we'll talk all about it," he bargained, "but if you accept, you've gotta quit The Garrison, love. We'll need your head in the game, no other distractions."
You felt something in your heart crack, asking, "What if you lot can't stand working with me, too?"
"Because of your hearing?"
"Or, you know, lack there of."
"Love," he smirked, "there's nothing you can do - intentionally or unintentionally - that would make any of us distance ourselves. If we get frustrated, it's not because you can't hear - it's never your disability, love."
"So, if you get frustrated, it's just, what? My personality?"
"More than likely," He grinned, arm snug around your waist again to walk down the snowy lane together. He laughed when your hand rose to pinch his side; squeezing his rib tightly, causing him to flinch and grunt lightly. "Hey, hey, easy with that," he chuckled, seeing your happy smile. "You all right, love? I know tonight was a lot, but... You feelin' any better?"
"I think so," you sighed. "The whiskey helps," you joked, raising the bottle to your lips.
"Mhm," he mused, taking the bottle after you.
"But present company helps more," you complimented softly. "You know, I'm sorry for today..."
"You're sorry that you couldn't hear a bunch of drunks in a packed-out pub?"
Tommy smirked, "Don't apologize, sweetheart. It's not your fault; like you say, it's not something you can control. I'm the one who's sorry you had to endure all of that... The lads got that guy pretty good."
"And now you've a new job, yes?"
"After I hear about it," your eyes rolled in humor, taking the bottle back. "What's this big idea for a company anyway? What's it even called?"
"The Shelby Company Limited, and we're gonna change the whole of England, love."
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requesting rules and masterlist
Peaky Blinders masterlist
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briefinquiries · 1 year
Luke Alvez x Reader: Broken Glass
Description: Luke has a bad day at work and accidentally takes it out on you.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Yelling, angst
A/N: another repost :)
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The front door slammed suddenly, practically causing you to jump out of your skin. The pictures hanging on the wall rattled because of the sudden impact.  
You were in the kitchen, in the midst of drying off a dish you’d just washed when Luke came bursting through the door. You waited cautiously, immediately recognizing that something about his demeanor was off. If you’d learned anything in the two years you’d been together, it was that Luke rarely got angry. And when he was, it usually translated into him just being quiet for an evening.  
This felt different. He threw his jacket on the floor and tossed his keys on the table, letting them slide across the wood, obviously not caring where they landed. He made no effort to greet you, or even acknowledge your presence.  
A lump formed in your throat, making it harder and harder to breathe. You hated confrontation– ever since growing up in a home where yelling and screaming was the norm. Any sort of tension instantly brought you back to the long nights of hiding in your bedroom with a pillow over your head to block out the noise. And tonight, tension was radiating off from Luke, suffocating you. You had to say something.
“How was your day?” you asked nervously.
Luke walked right past you to the cupboard, grabbing a cup. He proceeded to the fridge, totally ignoring your question.  
You bit down your lower lip, your anxiety just growing more and more intense.  
“Is everything okay?” You asked. Luke continued to pour his drink, showing no sign that he even heard you. 
“Did something happen?”
He set his cup back down, leaving it on the counter before walking towards the stairs.
“Luke?” You said again, worry evident in your tone.
“What?” he snapped, spinning in his tracks and staring at you. 
“I just– um, is everything okay?”
“I’m fine,” he said in a voice that suggested anything but. He turned and started up the stairs again. 
And of course you just couldn’t keep your stupid mouth shut. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh my God. Can you just leave me alone for one goddamn second?” 
“I just wanted to make sure–”
“Enough!” he yelled harshly, slamming his fist into the wall. 
Your eyes widened as the impact, combined with Luke’s suddenly loud voice made you jump, the glass dish in your hand falling to the floor, shattering around your feet. You snapped out of your trance, looking down at the mess you made and anxiety flooding through you. Shit, shit, shit. Not only could you not shut your goddamn mouth, but now you broke a dish, and were crying and shaking like an idiot. 
Your whole body shook and you could feel the tears fighting their way to your eyes. You waited for the yelling– the berating. 
Can you do anything right? Your father used to ask. 
You idiot! Dumb! Useless, useless, useless. 
You choked back a sob, nervously kneeling down, tucking your hair behind your ear and trying to pick up the broken glass. Maybe if you could clean it up fast enough, it would minimize the impact of the situation. 
“I’m sorry–“ you whispered, it was so quiet though, you doubt Luke heard. “I’m sorry,” you repeated. You were so anxious you didn't even grab a dustpan, you just started collecting pieces in your hand as quickly as you could. Your vision quickly became blurry, your cheeks wet.  
“Shit,” you heard, but you can’t stop. You were frantic, grabbing whatever you could off the floor before Luke would get more upset about it. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Useless, useless, useless. 
By now you were a wreck. The tears had taken over and were flowing steadily down your face. You couldn’t really see what you were collecting off the floor, all you knew was that you had to keep cleaning it up.
“Y/N, stop–“ you heard.  
It was distant.
It was just background noise.
“Hey, hey, hey,” you saw a figure kneel beside you and before you could push him away, Luke’s hands were gripping your own, forcing them open. “Give me the glass,” he said, his voice noticeably calmer. You dropped the pieces, vaguely hearing them clatter to the floor. As soon as the shards were out of your hand, he was pulling you into his chest.
“I’m sorry,“ he breathed, wrapping his arms tightly around you. Luke’s head rested on top of yours. “I’m so sorry.”  
“I have to clean it up–“ you whimpered.  
“Shh,” he soothed, leaning back so that he was resting against the cabinets. He tugged you with him, your body falling against his chest. He rocked you on the floor like that, his arms wrapped around you securely. Your breathing was choppy and you were still shaking so violently. Luke gripped your arm with his hand, holding you steady and trying to calm you down. He muttered soothing words into your ear, planted gentle kisses to your temple, and repeated soft I’m sorry’s over and over again, until you could breathe again. 
Only then did you feel Luke shift. “Let’s get away from the glass.”
He supported the majority of your weight, all but lifting you off the floor and guiding you to the dining room. He stood in front of you. Your eyes felt so heavy.  
Luke grabbed your hands, holding them out in front of you and scanning them. “Did you cut yourself?” he asked, running his own hands over your skin.  
You shook your head.
He pulled you into his chest again, crashing his body against your and pressing his hands into your back.  
“I’m so sorry,” he repeated. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to yell–“
You nodded into his shirt, pinching the fabric between your fingers and breathing in the smell of his skin. “It’s okay,” you whispered, just wanting to forget this ever happened.  
You felt Luke shake his head above you. “No-I’m-“ he almost apologized again, but he paused. “That wasn’t okay. Nothing about that was okay. I shouldn’t have yelled, and I definitely shouldn’t have hit the wall. I had a… a really shitty day,” he sighed. “But that’s not an excuse, and it’s not your fault.”
You pulled back, looking him in the eye. You knew Luke saw things at his job that haunted him. You saw it in the nights he woke up panting and gasping for breath because he had another nightmare. You saw it when he’d zone out randomly, like flashes of something horrible were running through his brain. You hated the fact that there was nothing you could do to help with any of it. 
“You can talk to me, you know? I know I’m not a profiler, and I know I won’t always understand what you’re going through, but I’ll always listen.”
Luke nodded carefully. 
“That’ll probably save us quite a few glasses in the future,” you added teasingly. 
He nodded, smiling slightly and kissing the top of your head, “I don’t think I’m ready to talk about this one yet. But, I’ll remember that next time,” he said.
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charmante-mp3 · 3 months
-- Day 9; Stockings (Song Mingi x Fem!Reader)
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The people called for Mingi, and so I deliver to you, Song Mingi. And yes, this is from my Kinktober prompt from last year- This is also halfway edited, ending might feel a little rushed? Idk I'll come back to this... maybe. - Kinktober ML Main ML Warnings; Fem-bodied reader, she/her pronouns, squirting, m! and f! oral receiving/giving, unprotected sex (only allowed in reading don't do irl!), thigh-riding/fucking, reader flashes Mingi on accident oops- 1.6k
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Y/n looked herself up and down in the mirror, not knowing how she felt about the fabric adorning her legs. A few weeks back, she and her friends went shopping just before settling for drinks. A now monthly routine they had slowly accustomed to. On that night, when she was home the girl haphazardly threw the bags in a corner of her room. Only remembering the new items thirty minutes ago. She sat on her bed, pant less, with nothing but a cream colored sweater and a brand new pair of white stockings. Y/n had purchased many types of stockings in the past, ranging from boring long black socks to pink ones with bows adorning the edges. However, her plush thighs spilling over the top now occupied her thoughts. 
The bitter silence was the first thing Mingi noticed when he walked into the girls home. Usually, the TV was playing or maybe music but not one noise sounded through the house. Did she forget he was headed over? Mingi began to think she was gone and headed to lounge on her couch. He stopped mid-way hearing a loud sigh come from the hallway leading towards her room.
“Y/n, you here?” Mingi’s loud voice tore the girl away from her thoughts, completely forgetting entirely what she was just doing. 
“Yeah, I’m in my room,” She yelled back at him, his footsteps now making way towards her open door.
“Hey, what 'cha doin’?” Mingi’s head peaked in, his newly dyed platinum hair shining in the sun that peeked through her window. 
“I forgot about these new clothes I bought, for some reason I don’t know if I like these new socks,” She looked down at her legs with a confused glare in her eyes. Mingi’s eyes trailed down her figure, breath hitching at the white, lacy stockings. The lace at the top kept bunching together as her thighs pushed over the tight section that stopped mid thigh. Mingi’s hands bunched together as he quickly brought his eyes back to her face. Stopping the thoughts of his large hands gathering the soft skin. 
“I think they look fine,” He said after shamelessly clearing his throat. The poor girl was just as clueless as Mingi sometimes. Like in this situation, both are clueless to the effect they have on each other. Y/n’s new item flutters something in Mingi’s stomach and his complement makes way to hers. 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. They’re kind of itchy,” The girl lifted her leg to start removing the increasingly uncomfortable stockings. In this process, accidentally flashing the man in her room.
“Oh my god Y/n,” Mingi’s eyes flew shut at what he saw and the sudden air flow in her lower area reminded her, she wasn’t wearing and pants or underwear. 
“Mingi I’m so sorry,” Her legs flew down, a blush flushing her cheeks. In different circumstances she wouldn’t have minded, but this was an accident. There’s no telling how uncomfortable Mingi was right now. 
“Can I please say something, you can hate me, think I'm gross and everything but you have such a pretty pussy,” Mingi’s hands flew to his face, a fire building up his neck as he rambled. Those words dug a deeper pit into Y/n’s stomach. Mingi was always prone to complimenting the girl, it was his second nature, but those words took this situation a bit further. 
“You can get a better look if you’d like Mingi,” Her words came out barely above a whisper. Mingi’s eyes popped open, his pants growing increasingly tighter.
“I can?” He asked breathlessly. His hands grew clammy, his heart pounding at his chest. With a nod of her head and the slow opening of her legs, the tall male quickly walked over and dove down to her. He hovered over her face before dropping to her increasingly wet pussy, shoving his face into her, inhaling the sweet smell of her sex.
“Fuck,” Mingi growled, feeling pre-cum gather in his boxers. He couldn’t worry about that right now, all he wanted was a taste. 
“Can I taste you?” Mingi asked, his breath airing over her cunt. 
“Please,” She whined at the male, one of her hands flying to his hair as his lips came in contact with her clit. 
“Fuck me, Mingi!” His pace was relentless. Her high was coming embarrassingly fast with the way he sucked and rolled his tongue around her clit. The pleasure was numbing her thighs, unable to feel the forming bruises Mingi brought upon them. Cream coated Mingi’s tongue as she came, but he didn’t stop or slow down. She clenched around nothing when his tongue occasionally slipped inside, curling around and slipping out returning to the torture on her clit.
“Mingi!” She gasped at him, her high increasing even after just cumming. Her back arched, pushing Mingi away as a clear liquid coated his face. He let out a loud groan, grasping his clothed cock as she covered him in her essence. His once light grey tee now darkened around his neck, cum covering his face. Mingi looked down at the dazed girl, her breathing labored as she came down from her high. Y/n looked down to see Mingi palming himself and with that she weakly pushed herself up, which caught Mingi’s attention. 
“Wanna make you feel good,” She said, replacing his hands with her own. Her hands softly pulled at his sweats and Mingi lifted himself, allowing her to pull out his desperate cock. A pathetic whine left his lips as her thumb met the tip, running it along the slit and wiping away the pre-cum stuck to it. His head flew back as she slid her hand further and took him down her throat. Mingi was long just as he was thick, popping him from her mouth she allowed spit to fall from it. Using the spit to jerk the other half of him she couldn’t fit in her mouth. His hands found a refugee wrapped in her hair. His stomach clenched as her throat swallowed around him, his high growing near. His hips twitched as he filled her throat with cum, pushing himself farther down her throat in the process. Y/n pushed his thighs, his cock and cum flooding out with a grotesque gurgle. 
“Shit, I’m sorry.” Mingi rushed to the girl, but she grabbed his hands.
“Mingi I need you to fuck me, please,” Her voice was hoarse and it drove him crazy. 
“Keep those on,” He grunted in her ear. Her hands stopped fiddling with the long socks covering most of her plush thighs. Mingi then picked her up and flipped them around. Her bare cunt now flushed against his bare thigh. 
“Fuck yourself on it,” Mingi’s eyes met hers as he guided her hips around his thigh. He groaned at her slick coating his thigh, small mewls now left the girls throat as Mingi continued a slow pace. Then he tensed his thigh, pushing her further into him. 
“Mingi,” Y/n whined, she wanted more unfortunately Mingi wanted to see the girl fall apart one more time before she came on his cock. His lips came in contact with her neck, before deciding he was tired of her cute sweater. He pulled it off and in return she pulled at his while still grinding on his thigh. As she worked herself, Mingi removed his own shirt allowing her to run her fingers down his chest. The action caused him to shiver as her nails scratched his abdomen. Lips had now found their way back to her neck trailing down to her breast. As Mingi kneaded at one, his mouth enveloped the other one rolling his tongue around it just as he did to her clit moments before. 
“Mingi, i’mma cum again,” The girl above him cried, throwing her head back as she continually fucked herself on his large thigh. He could feel her wetness run down his leg and his cock was red and hard all over again from watching her use him. 
“Cum on my thigh baby, you’re doing so well for me,” His deep voice rang in her ears, she chanted his name like a mantra as she chased her next high. Her eyes rolled back and her body seized, cumming on the blonde male once again. Before she was able to regain a normal state, she was placed below Mingi. He had propped her waist on a pillow before pressing himself along her back. 
“You’ll tell me to stop if it hurts, right? I need words baby,” He voiced into her ear. 
“I will,” Y/n’s voice sounded almost gone as she spoke. It was raspy and shaky, Mingi wondered what she’d sound like once he was done filling her. Mingi rubbed his cock through her folds before slowly pushing into the girl. Y/n moaned as he stretched her out perfectly ruining her cunt for anyone else. 
“So full,” She moaned as Mingi bottomed her out. Mingi’s mind was in shambles trying not to move as she clenched around him, but he needed her to move first. It was only mere seconds before Y/n’s body wiggled back to him encouraging him to move. He held himself a little longer letting out a guttural moan he towered over her, watching her increasingly fuck herself on his cock. Mingi’s patience snapped as he grabbed the girl's wrist, pinning them above her as he roughly pounded his cock into her weeping pussy. Y/n could no longer form words, just loud moans as Mingi’s hand made his way to her swollen clit. The constant pleasure building in her stomach caused her to shake at her final orgasm. Her pussy pushed out Mingi’s cock and squirted once again, now coating the male's lower half. 
At this point, Mingi didn’t know if she could handle another one so he pushed her thighs together, using the previous liquids to fuck her soft thighs. Mingi came, his seed running down onto her plush covers and brand new stockings.
“Well, if it makes you feel better I don’t think you’ll be able to wear these stockings again,” -
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in1-nutshell · 20 days
Silver Aid the sparkling part 2
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronian (techno organic) reader
Optimus didn’t know why humans had a fascination with explosives. Granted he had some bad experiences with them, not to mention he had lost count of how many fires he had to put out because of these kinds of things.
So, he was a bit biased.
But he had to admit that the colors were nice to see from a far.
It was some sort of celebration the humans had; some holiday he couldn’t remember the name of. The team was technically off duty, but trouble always seemed to follow them around. It was good to be on alert.
Bumblebee and Sari were trying to explain to Prowl how to play with the sparklers; Bulkhead had brought his easel and paints attempting to paint the colorful sky above them; and Ratchet was inside the Plant. He didn’t like the loud noises the fireworks made.
Optimus himself was watching everyone from his spot on the ground near a couple of bushes by the Plant. Maybe he’d stay out a bit longer before turning in a bit early, or even try one of those sparklers.
Optimus looked behind him, crouching down to get a better look at whatever made that noise.
Maybe it was one of those squirrels or racoons Prowl had been trying to sneak into his room for the past months?
More snapping was heard, it was something bigger.
Or maybe it was a lost dog or cat.
The snapping sounded heavier this time.
The Prime grabbed his axe in one servo and was ready to strike at anything--
He dropped his axe at the sound of the little voice.
A voice so young that he hadn’t heard since Cybertron.
A tiny frame suddenly tumbled from the bushes and landed in front of his knees.
The sparkling sat up, pouting a bit, before looking up at him rather confused.
They both studied each other for a minute before the sparkling smiled widely at him. She waddled a bit until she put both servos on his knees.
“Oppy I found you! I found you!”
… There was no way this was her…
Maybe this was Silver’s sparkling—wait no, she would have told him about that.
And there had been weird situations the bots had been in…
And there was only one bot from his sparklinghood that gave him that name…
The sparklings optics widened happily reaching at him. He gently picked her up, slightly cradling her in his arms, she didn’t seem to mind too much. The sparkling was too busy rejoicing having found her friend, even though he was so much bigger than last time. Maybe this is what happens when you drink too much energon?
“Oppy! Oppy! Oppy!”
…Sweet Primus…
“Silver? Is that you?”
Silver hugged his neck cables the best she could.
“Oppy! You too big! Too big to hug! But still hug!”
She pulled back and gently patted the side of his face smiling.
He couldn’t help but smile back.
She always seemed to be able to make him smile no matter the circumstances.
Too bad their moment didn’t last long.
“Optimus do you know where Ratchet hid the rest of the—IS THAT A BABY!?”
Optimus and Silver jumped a bit at the new voice.
Silver peaked from her now taller friend’s shoulder angerly.
Who decided to yell at him!
That’s not nice!
Oppy hates yelling!
She looked down at the funny looking sparkling and glared.
“No yell! Scare Oppy! Say sorry!”
Sari couldn’t believe what she was seeing, and Optimus suddenly had a bad feeling about this.
Silver had always had a bit of a protective streak when they were all younger, especially when it came down to newer bots.
Sari flew up to get a better look at it.
The sparkling was adorable, even with the little angry look on their face.
But that color scheme was a bit familiar…
Sari turned to the Prime.
“Did Silver and Megatron have a baby?”
Optimus shook his helm immediately.
“No, but I have reason to think this is—"
Leave it to Bumblebee to let the world know about the sparkling at once. Soon enough the rest of the team began crowding around them both. Silver tried to ignored the sudden loud voice around her and came up with a single thought. She didn’t like this, not one bit. First, there were a bunch of new bots around, none she had ever seen before. Second, some of them were poking her pedes and servos. Finally, it was getting way too crowded for her liking, and Oppy hates crowds!
She needed to fix this right now!
The bots looked at her waving her servos in a shooing motion.
Bulkhead wagged one of his digits at her face.
“Aww! Look at tiny Silver! So tiny—"
“Go! Go! Go! GO!”
The bots slightly winced at the shriek she gave at the last word.
Bumblebee leaned to Bulkhead’s side.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have called her small, big guy.”
Optimus sighed readjusting his hold on Silver.
“It’s not that. She is trying to get you all to back up.”
Ratchet looked at Optimus a bit skeptical yet had a feeling he knew why his former student was acting like this. “And how do you know that Prime?”
Optimus groaned internally.
“I just know okay.”
“Oppy no like crowd. Shoo! Shoo!”
Optimus felt his faceplate burning as the others smiled a bit teasingly.
“Aww! Look Oppy you have a little protector.” Bumblebee teased.
Silver glared straight into Bumblebee’s optics making him shudder a bit.
“Yeesh! She still has that same glare.”
Prowl thankfully got the message.
“Maybe we should back up. Give them some space.”
The bots slowly stepped back.
The sparklings glared and hold was still strong, but now it softened a bit looking at Optimus’s face.
She had a worried look patting his face.
“Oppy okay? Oppy?”
Optimus smiled.
“I’m okay Silver.”
That put a smile on the sparkling’s face.
The Prime took that moment and turned to the others.
“Silver, these are my friends, Sari, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Prowl and Ratchet.”
Silver looked at the bots then at Optimus.
“Oppy friends?”
He nodded.
“Down now.”
Optimus gently placed the sparkling down and waddled to the bots, circling them before coming back to Optimus’s side with a judge look.
Ratchet raised an optics “Are we being judged by a sparklng?”
Optimus quietly shushed him.
Silver finally smiled and waved at them.
“Me Silly! Silly friend Oppy! You Silly friends now!”
Prowl gently pats her helm a bit.
“Quite the extrovert, isn’t she?”
Optimus just sighs as she waddled up to them giving pats on their legs before waddling back to Optimus.
“Why Oppy big now?”
“Oppy drink too much energon?”
“Yes! Oppy drank too much.”
She looked around.
“Where Nel and Eeta?”
Oh Primus how was he going to explain this one.
“… They’re on a trip now.”
Silver looked at him curiously.
“Yes, a trip.”
“Coming back?”
Optimus gently rubbed her helm.
“I’m sorry Silver, we can’t see them right now.”
“That okay. I wait.”
This was not going how he thought it would. Hopefully she would forget about this soon.
Optimus then rubbed small circles on her back until soft little snores were heard. Silver Aid was always the first to fall asleep.
In a whisper the Prime addressed the team.
“We have to figure out what happened to her.”
Sari gently patted the sparkling’s arm.
“No duh, but how? Where did you even find her?”
Optimus gestured to the bushes behind him.
“I don’t know how we are going to figure this out, but we will.”
Sari spoke up.
“Maybe my dad can find something about Silver becoming a baby.”
The team agreed. In the morning, they would pay a visit to the Professor, but first there was something Optimus needed to do. The Prime tried to pass Silver to Ratchet, but her grip tightened and let out a soft whine when the field tech’s servos touched her. Optimus held her and she went right back to sleep.
He silently carried her into his room.
Her tiny servo had clamped down on one of his digits. Peacefully unaware of the stress she was inadvertently causing on the young Prime.
He placed her on his chassis and sighed.
“Oh Silver… what are we going to do with you…”
With that the Prime’s optics slowly closed and drifted into a pleasant sleep with the grip on his digit tightening a bit.
Megatron was slightly pacing back and forth across the room. It took the entire team to convince the leader to at least take a nap before returning to the skies to search for the sparkling. Everyone else was working on the main console. Lugnut was looking over Blitzwing’s shoulder. Blitzwing and Starscream were typing furiously.
“Has anyone any trace of her signature?”
“She’s techno organic Lugnut.”
Lugnut tapped Blitzwings’s wings a few times.
Blitzwing vented heavily before turning to the bigger mech.
“What that means Lugnut is that we don’t have the trackers for techno organic bots yet! They were a work in progress and nowhere near finished.”
“…So still no sign of her?”
Starscream nearly threw the keyboard at the wall.
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This is how any bot would see sparkling Silver Aid trying to fight them for Optimus's honor.
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I think it's angst time >:)
Maybe Pav and Gayatri are having their first-ever serious couple argument, and Reader just happens to walk in the room at the wrong time, causing them to either snap or yell at you. Or maybe Readers teasing goes too far, and feelings get hurt?
Maybe there could even be a chase scene, I think that would be pretty fun :3
(Anyways, this is the first pavitr gayatri anon, I've decided to name myself "Partly Cloudy Anon" based on the current weather here lmao. The Yandere Pav and Gayatri honestly had been kicking my legs!! I really love you you emphasized they weren't just lovesick for you, but also for each other!
Most yandere couples I've read had them be normal about each other and while that is fun to read, there's just something so intriguing about Pavitr and Gayatri being just as yandere for each other just as they are for the reader. I can't really put a word to it right now, but I'm just so invested in them <3. I've been rambling for quite a while now, so have a good day!)
-Partly Cloudy Anon
𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙙𝙤𝙚𝙨 𝙖 𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙡𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙯𝙚
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Cw: Poly!gn!reader x Pavitr Prabhakar x Gayatri Singh, arguing, aged up!characters, gaslighting, manipulation, toxic relationship,
Notes: For the most part is not yandere, but I imagined this as the moment the relationship would become more consuming eventually leading to the things I said in the yandere headcanons.
Thank you so much for your words 🥺 and I'm happy you picked an anon name, sorry if this took kinda long, I hope you have a nice day<3
You came back from work, took the key from your pocket and before you opened the door, you heard your partners raising their voices, this isn't an unfamiliar noise to get to, but this time you didn't heard any laughs along with it, you entered the doorway and as you came to the hall, the words being _yelled_ instead of spoken became more clear, you stood worried in the doorway outside of the room
"You don't understand what I'm trying to even say! You don't want to listen!"
"Maybe I don't want to listen because it's all shit excuses!"
You slightly flinched at their voices being so aggressive, you figured it'd be best if you left for a bit until they solved whatever they had going on, so you walked towards the front door, moving carefully. The fighting seemed to get closer, but you heard one particularly loud yell, it was Pavitr's.
"I don't want to hear anything from you!" The door was slammed
You cursed your luck as you stood very rigid and still while Pavitr approached. "Y/N... Are you going away?" His voice cracked and he sounded out of breath, he reached for your wrist, never hurting it. Gayatri followed him "What do you mean she's going away?" She sounded so hurt, almost mad.
You spoke, calmly, afraid they'll get you in between of what they were fighting again, you never head them had an argument before, in all the years you were together, but this one seemed bad, and you'd hate to take sides, you were dating both and loved them both, and it was okay if they had disagreements sometimes, but you didn't want to think about what would happen if it escalated. "I want you to resolve your differences, I really don't want to be in between" fear flashed past their eyes, so you quickly shut down what they were thinking "I mean going somewhere else for the afternoon, I'll be back, I'm not leaving"
Pavitr's grip became tighter.
"But you are, you are leaving." He said shakily
"You can't leave, I- it's not my fault, you can't leave if I-" Gayatri's sweet voice sounded darker than ever
You've never seen him like this, and it started upsetting you "You don't decide when I leave, I told I'll be back" you stand firm, setting a boundary, you shake your hand hoping he'll let you go, but he doesn't, he just stares at you.
Gayatri looks at you with the same souless expression. "Don't." It's all she says
"Let me go!" You are bewildered at both their sudden change of demeanor, and how rapidly they forgot their feud.
You violently shake your hand and Pavitr lets go out of surprise, you hurry to the door and start running outside, you never thought you'd have run from your loving partners, your highschool sweethearts. You run towards the street market, hopefully it'll be easier to hide.
You feel them running towards you, they see you disappear into the crowded street, Pavitr feels the urge to run and run no matter what, until he finds you, but he refuses to leave Gayatri behind, she's slowly dancing on the edge of goal-directed apathy and losing her mind, at one moment she begs her boyfriend to find you no matter what, but then she sees him get away and fears for abandonment, she needs him close, she loves, she can't lose him, she doesn't care for an argument, she doesn't even care for morals, she cares about having the people she loves by her side. Always by her side
You heard them get close, you moves in circles, waves, careful mentally choreographed steps, with so much intricacy it felt like you were dancing. Like a tango, no, not like that, you weren't being seduced, you were getting chased. Like a cueca, you evaded, dodged their advances, while they ran and showed their might, their craving to have you.
You reached a dark alley, and you realized there was no way out, you reached the end, you turned your back to the wall and looked at both in the eye, Gayatri's usually slicked and perfectly styled hair was now sweaty and messy, Pavitr's golden retriever smile was now a manic gaze and tensed muscles. You stand on your feet firm, straightened spine, talking with authority, hiding the knot of complicated feelings you had building inside you.
"I won't love you anymore if you hurt me. I want an explanation to why you chased me down the streets like I'm a runaway prisoner."
"We won't hurt you, we just wanted to talk"
"You think you can fight and take it out on me? Is this what this is about? Because you seem pretty damn close since you started chasing me"
"We'll never do that, I was scared, we were scares you wouldn't love us because we were loud and mean, it was just a disagreement, you didn't do anything wrong, Y/N" your boyfriend was so sickeningly sweet you would have find him cute if not for the obsessive dark look in his brown eyes, paired with his buff figure blocking your way, keeping you from escaping.
"You just ran into the street, we were worried, right Pav? You were erratic, we thought you could hurt yourself" Gayatri sounded so genuinely concerned you could believe her if you hadn't been there. "Relationships have bumps, meeri jaan, that doesn't mean you can run away like that" she came closer, you flinched.
"I'm sorry we triggered you, we should've known better, knowing everything you went through" she was using the things you told her, the things you trusted her to know "but as you see, we worked it out, we just want you back so we can talk about it" she held your hand in hers, oh so delicately.
You mourned for your lovers, for the truly beautiful love you had, for the ones that wouldn't snap at you for being near the door, wouldn't gaslight you and treat you like you were stupid or crazy, for the ones that wouldn't make you feel small, unworthy. And you looked at them now, nothing left of them.
They couldn't have changed just one day, and you wonder when the switch truly went off, when does a man become a monster?
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
Chan/9thMember!Reader, Jungkook/Sister!Reader (Part of the little sister universe)
Summary: Jungkook walks in on shomething he shouldn't have seen and misunderstand's the situation.
Warnings: established relationship, female reader, sex, violence?, talk of hate, swearing, idol!au
Word Count: 1233 M.list
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You moaned out as Chan slammed you down onto the bed, firmly holding your head down as he thrust into you from behind.
You both moaned out together as Chan’s movements became rougher, your high becoming closer... when it was suddenly ripped away from you.
You screamed out in horror when Chan was suddenly and roughly shoved off you. Your let out a shocked gasp when your eyes focused and you realised that your brother was grabbing at your boyfriend’s shoulders threateningly.
Chan didn’t know what was happening right away. One moment he was having the best sex of his life, then next he was on the floor, elbow sore from scraping it and someone grabbing tightly onto him.
‘Jungkook no!’ You screamed, already close to sobbing. He just ignored you and continued to shout nonsensical things in Chan’s face.
Chan was helpless on the floor. He was trying to explain to Jungkook that you were in fact together, all while trying to maintain his dignity.
You gathered up the blankets from the bed, and ran to put yourself between the two men.
It took all your strength to push your brother away, considering how angry he was in this moment.
‘Oppa please stop!’ You pushed at his chest in an attempt to get him to listen. When he was far enough away from Chan, he finally looked down at you.
‘Why are you protecting him!? He was holding you down!’
‘Ne he wasn’t! We’re together!’ Jungkook stopped fighting you and froze in place. Had he heard you correctly just now?
Chan stayed on the ground in an attempt to show that he meant no harm as Jungkook stared into space, as if he couldn’t understand your words.
You were still holding onto his arms even though he had stopped fighting, not wanting to chance him suddenly lunging again.
Jungkook spared one last look to Chan, then to you, before storming out of the room, slamming the door behind him. You jumped at the loud noise, but still span round to face Chan, just as he was shakily getting to his feet.
You could tell that he was embarrassed by the situation, going by the red tint to his cheeks.
Obviously, neither of you had banked on your brother suddenly turning up unannounced to your home. You hadn’t heard the front door open, so Jungkook was probably sulking in your living room.
‘Are you ok?’ You ran your hands gently along his shoulders, which were still slick with sweat.
‘I’m fine, he didn’t hit me. Just embarrassed...’ You grimaced.
‘I’m sorry...’ You trailed off, not sure how to make the situation any better.
‘Don’t be. He was just protecting you.’ Chan stroked your cheek and kissed the top of your head.
‘You should probably speak to him... Clear some things up.’ Chan backed away almost sheepishly.
You nodded with a sigh, not looking forward to having this conversation with your brother of all people.
‘What about you?’
‘I’ll get cleaned up and try and regain some dignity.’ Chan chuckled humourlessly, already scurrying away to the bathroom.
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A little while later after getting dressed, you all but tip toed into the living room, to see Jungkook leaning back on the sofa, head buried in his phone.
He didn’t look up when you sat down next to him.
‘Are you seriously gonna ignore me right now?’ You scoffed, crossing your arms.
Jungkook sighed in annoyance before pocketing his phone.
‘I just don’t understand how you could be so stupid.’
‘What the heck!? How am I stupid?’
‘Fucking your band mate for one...’ He mumbled under his breath, looking away with a shake of his head.
‘We aren’t just ‘fucking!’ We’re in a relationship.’ Jungkook turned fully towards you and grasped your arms. You let out a small yelp at the sudden contact, not expecting him to grab you.
‘You don’t understand!’ He yelled, taking you by surprise. ‘If it get’s out, then you’ll be the one to take the fall. Not him!’ Your face softened. You understood now where he was coming from. It was the unfortunate reality that female idols usually faced more criticism, and harsher punishments for dating scandals than their male counter parts. It also doesn’t help that Chan is the leader of your group. You cringed thinking of the headlines and the implications of that one.
‘We don’t have a dating ban anymore...’
‘You really think that’s gonna mean anything in the long run?’ He looked at you pointedly and leaned back once again.
‘Chan won’t let anything like that happen to me.’ You sat up straight and spoke confidently.
‘You can’t be sure of that!’ Jungkook threw his hands up in exasperation, annoyed that he wasn’t getting through to you.
Before you could reply, Chan appeared from the hallway.
‘I know I’m probably the last person you want to see right now.’ Chan paused to take in Jungkook’s scowling face. ‘But Y/N is right. I would never let anything happen to her.’ You flashed him a weak smile as he came to sit on the armchair next to you.
Jungkook took in Chan’s prescience, before once again addressing you, but softer this time.
‘I just don’t want you to loose everything you’ve worked so hard for...’
‘That won’t happen.’ You reassured. Jungkook just rolled his eyes.
‘I know you think it doesn’t mean anything...’ Chan started, before slyly glancing to you and taking a breath. ‘ But I love her. Y/N means the world to me, and I’ll protect her no matter what.’ You were stunned at his sudden confession of love. You hadn’t been together too long yet, but you knew you felt the same.
You leaned over and placed your hand on his, flashing him a warm smile. A silent promise that you would talk later.
Jungkook went silent at Chan’s words. He slumped back and rubbed his forehead.
‘If anything happens to her, I’ll kill you.’ He sighed out, knowing there was nothing else to say. You suddenly perked up with a wide smile, launching yourself forwards and throwing you arms round your brother. He laughed and patted your back.
‘Ok, ok! I don’t want your cooties.’
‘Are you 12 years old?’ You laughed out, but pulled back regardless.
‘You better keep your promise.’ Jungkook went back to staring daggers at Chan, only half joking now.
‘If she get’s hurt, you’re dead.’ Your eyes flicked to your boyfriend as you tried to hide your snigger.
‘Yeah... You have nothing to worry about. Y/N is in safe hands.’ Chan rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly feeling nervous.
‘Ok that’s enough. You can’t scare away every guy who takes an interest.’ You jabbed Jungkook’s leg with your toe.
‘No, but I can always try!’ The three of you shared a laugh before falling into an awkward silence.
‘So... What did you need earlier?’ Chan broke the silence. Jungkook looked over and shook his head.
‘Ah, it doesn’t matter now.’ Jungkook stayed for a little while longer, before deciding that it was time to leave. It would take longer for him to get over the awkwardness of walking in on his little sister having sex.
Now though he had another issue. He had to find a way to gently let down his friend that you were no longer single, after promising to set you up with him...
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gojoscalico · 11 months
Turn Back Time || t h r e e
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Summary: You were never sure when it started to fall apart but it did. 10 Years later and now you're facing him again. Will it reignite the feelings you both once had for one another? Or will you both end up walking away from each other once again?
Word Count: 1990
A/N: WARNING!! This chapter does mention graphic violence and death of an animal.
Tags: @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn
&lt;;- Previous Next ->
“Y/N!” Afraid that you would burst into tears in front of not just Shoko but in front of the students who suddenly have turned their attention to the both of you, you bit your tongue. You winced in pain. The taste of blood triggers your memories of living as a corpse in your family’s basement. It was something you had always done when your mother would strike you until you were unable to stand. It became a hard habit to break. You remembered whimpering in pain. And if you had cried she would only pounce at you some more. The sudden twinge of pain from biting your tongue calms your nerves, pivoting suddenly and turning towards Shoko with a smile. The best smile you can conjure up. It was something you had been good at. Taught at a young age how to smile for the public even with a broken rib. To hide how you felt to survive. But eventually it was also something the trio was able to look past. Shoko looked at you with a pained look on her face.  “Y/N…Toru he–”
“I’m fine! Shoko I just forgot that I had to grab something from my lug–” She interrupted you with a sudden hug. Suddenly you were sixteen again and here you were struggling to survive…to breathe freely in a world that wasn't the cold dark basement you had grown familiar with. And here again a decade later was Shoko with her healing touch. You had thought that maybe moving away had helped you fight the demons inside your head but in her arms you knew that you had just silenced them for a moment and learned to live alongside them in the shadows. You had never really faced them. You dug your head deeper into her arms and the tears just flowed. “Shoko…I wish I could tell him…I wish I could just tell him everything but being a Gojo is everything to him.”  She petted your hair as she ran her hand down your back,” Shh…I know…I know… everything…” You stopped crying, lifting your head up you felt a sense of confusion, “What?” 
“When the clan called on you I was there…I heard what they said. I thought that you were going to tell us. I thought that you were gonna ask Sugu and I for help…I’m sorry that we made you feel like we weren’t safe enough to talk to when they forced you to make a choice.” You shook your head. You never thought that even once this whole decade. You stepped away from her crying into your hands. You were thinking about how much this hurt Shoko. To know the truth about everything but was unable to tell anyone. “No…Shoko…I never…I just didn’t want to…” Shoko took a step towards you to reassure you that she didn’t hate you for your choice. She never once hated you for how you handled a shitty situation chucked to you as a child. Especially not by adults who had promised to protect you. She had only wished she was able to help you more, “Maybe I can help…Tell Toru what it was that–” BOOM. 
It was an attack.
Shoko looked around with a confused look on her face. How was she okay? How did she end up outside of the pavilion that just collapsed? Then she remembered hearing you clap before the loud boom. She looked around to find a tree standing where she had been just mere seconds ago. Turning her head to where you had been standing just seconds ago she saw a huge mountain of rubble. She heard ringing in her ear from the loud noise, which left her a little disoriented . “Y/N!!” Shoko yelled at the top of her lungs, panic was distinct in her voice. In desperation she called out to Satoru and Suguru. “PLEASE ANYONE! I can’t find her!” Shoko felt the tears in her eyes. Please. She begged that you were okay. Please. She fell to the ground as she noticed your shoe right outside the mountain of rubble. She picked up the shoe to realize that it had been wet. Staring at the vivid cherry colored liquid on her hand. She panicked as she looked around for any sign of you when she saw the blood seeping through the debris. She yelled for Satoru and Suguru in desperation one more time before she started to dig through the wreck. Her fingers were bleeding after cutting herself from the sharp edges of the fallen debris. “Shoko…what are you?” She turned around to find Satoru standing over her. Suguru appeared right behind him, his eyes widening as he noticed the blood. “Y/N…she’s under here.” Shoko stated as she stared at the rubble. Satoru’s eyes widened as he took a step forward, “No…No…” Using his curse technique he lifted the rubble so easily. There he finds your body miraculously not crushed by the wrecked parts of the pavilion. Still there was blood staining your clothes. You were hurt. You gave him a weak smile. “T-Toru…I–” You coughed up some blood. Your body was at its limit. “I’ve got you princess…I always got you…” After hearing those words you released your technique. Unsure if it was muscle memory but your body knew that if you heard those words you were gonna be okay. You took one last breath in before closing your eyes. 
“Y/N! You’re too slow!” Heavily breathing you lunged at Satoru with a spear as he dodged it…again. You groaned, “Just once I want to be able to hit you just once.” Satoru laughed, “Oh come on princess, then it’s not sparring, I just become target practice.” You scoffed, “Doesn’t sound too bad especially if you keep calling me princess. You know I don’t like that nickname.” Satoru laughed at you mockingly as he kept avoiding your attacks. He watched as your cheeks just got redder as you continued. He was worried that you were going to pass out from the heat. “Okay let’s take a rest before you hurt yourself.” You groaned again as you took off the uniform jacket and fanned yourself with your sweat-soaked t-shirt. “Fine.” Satoru watched as beads of sweat dripped down from your face to your chest. The sweat soaked t-shirt practically transparent, he swiftly threw his jacket over you as he heard footsteps from behind. “Hey!” 
“Shut up!” You then suddenly hear Suguru and Shoko laughing down the hall. “No and then he…woah are you two okay?” You tilted your head confused, “What do you mean?” Suguru placed an ice cold sports drink on your cheeks, flinching letting out a little moan of pain as the cold drink touched your warm cheeks. “Ow…” Satoru watched Suguru laugh as he handed you the sports drink. He felt a tinge of jealousy as your cheeks turned even more red. “Yeah exactly, you look like you're dying of heat exhaustion. And why are you still wearing the uniform jacket?” You glanced at Satoru who was now looking down at the drink that Shoko had brought. “It helps with conditioning my body for extreme temperatures.” Shoko laughed at your remark, “All that training would be useless if you die Y/N. You have to take care of your body more.” You pouted as you ran towards Shoko hugging her, “I mean it’s not even my jacket…” You then glared at Satoru’s direction, “Someone just suddenly threw his jacket at me. When I was trying to cool down.” 
“Well I mean her…sh-shirt is...” You tilted your head unsure of why the arrogant Satoru was suddenly flustered. Then you looked down at your sweat soaked t-shirt and you noticed that your bra was seen through it. You felt the heat of your cheeks turning red in an instant as you covered your chest, “P-Perv! Toru you’re a pervert!.” 
“Huh? ME? You’re the one who just just took off their jacket in front of me. A man.” You laughed, “A man? You? Please Toru. I won’t see you as a man for as long as I live.” Pissed off, Satoru laughed, “And I will never see you as a woman, just a little girl who can barely land a punch.” With that you scurried away huffing with anger. You weren’t sure what it was about Satoru but whatever he did he pissed you off. It was his arrogance. His arrogance was based on nothing but the fact that he was a part of the Gojo clan and that he was born with those eyes. 
Satoru watched you hurry away. He chuckled because no matter how pissed off he was at you the way you moved was so cute. You were like an angry rabbit. He knew that no matter how pissed off you always get you would still bless him with that pure and innocent smile. The smile that made his heart skip a beat. “You know Satoru, if you like her you shouldn’t be so mean to her it’s not like we are still in grade school.” Satoru sighed at Suguru’s comment. “Go apologize and tell her you love her.” Satoru threw a punch at Suguru who blocked it, “Tsk. Always acting like you know everything. Shut up.”
With Suguru's advice Satoru followed you so he can apologize. He knew how hard you were working but he wanted you to catch up soon so that you could start to fight alongside him. “Hey Y/N…” Satoru stopped in his tracks as he watched you sitting on the floor looking at an injured squirrel. Typical. He figured you were going to pick it up and cry about how you wanted to take care of it. Shocked as he watched you pick it up and break its neck instantly killing it. He watched your dull expression as you held the lifeless squirrel in your hand. He flinched. It wasn’t something he expected you to do. “Hey, What are you doing?” He asked as he took the squirrel’s dead body away from you. He caught a glimpse of your eyes. It was as if you were a different person. They were hollow and dark; it was the eyes of someone who knew what they had done and meant it. Satoru pried the squirrel's body from your hands and placed it by the tree where it had probably fallen from.“Y/N! Why did you do that?” He shook you as you glared up at him. “Why? The squirrel was in pain Toru…it was gonna die anyway.” Satoru looked at her in shock. This wasn’t the Y/N he knew. But he knew for the first time he was seeing you for who you were. Cold. “You didn’t have to kill it…we could’ve nursed it back to health.” You laughed almost mockingly, “How do you know it would’ve lived? What if it suffered even more if we had let it live?” He looked at your eyes. He knew you weren’t talking about the squirrel anymore. “Weak things die…it’s how the world works Toru.”
He looked at you with a distressed look in his eyes. In this moment, he wanted you to forget the pain you were forced to bear before coming to Jujutsu. For the first time ever since he had met you he reached out his arms. He placed his hands lightly on the back of your head as he pulled you into a gentle embrace. “I’ve got you princess…I always got you…” It was as if the anxiety that blanketed over you since the day you were rescued was lifted, you felt a sudden relief. You cried as you dug your head deeper into Satoru’s arms. “Toru…I…” He looked at you, placing a hand on your chin as he lifted it, bending down a little until his lips touched yours. He knew that whoever you become he will always love you. And he will always follow you. 
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itsgxsly · 1 year
back to you | part 2
Pairing: pierre gasly x reader
Summary: You didn't think you could hate the same man you loved. But Pierre had achieved just that, and now he has to do whatever it takes to make you forgive him, and maybe to make you fall in love again.
word count: 1,9k
warnings: none
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March 2022, Bahrain
The smell of petrol and rubber and the noise of the Paddock greeted you as soon as you passed through the security at the entrance. The smell that had sometimes been so unpleasant to you at that moment felt like a return home. You had missed the races in the last six months.
A few days after that fateful night that you had preferred to forget, Formula 1 had returned to its heyday after the summer break ended. Originally you had planned to accompany Carlos to some more races, but after what had happened with Pierre, you didn't feel good enough to see him smiling again as if nothing had happened. Your brother, being the overprotective brother that he was, was quick to question you to find out the reason for your sudden change of plan. With no choice but omiting some detail that you were sure he didn't need to know, you told him what had happened after the party until Pierre had left you in the morning.
You swore that if you hadn't made Carlos promise that he wouldn't kill Pierre or cause a scandal, he would have caught a plane to Milan right then and there to assassinate the Frenchman.
For the remainder of the 2021 season, Carlos maintained his formal relationship with Pierre as you had requested, although he was about to drop the formality when he saw the sad look on your face when you saw Pierre again in Abu Dhabi when you went to support the Ferrari guys in the final race.
Now, while you were walking next to your brother and Isa through the Paddock of the Bahrain circuit, you couldn't help but feel that the new season would bring you quite a stir.
In the distance you saw a figure dressed in red waiting in the Ferrari garage. You couldn't help but jump with excitement when you recognized your brother's teammate. In the last few months your friendship with Charles had grown and he had become a close support for you. Apart from the fact that he was going to share a garage with your brother for another year, your relationship with Charles was also related to Pierre, since your brother had not been able to avoid complaining to the Monegasque about what Pierre had done to you and Charles had agreed that you didn't deserve it, even scolding Pierre for it.
"Charles!" You yelled his name as you moved closer to hug him. The Monegasque hugged you back with the same emotion.
"How are you, little Sainz? I have missed you during the holidays” the nickname he had given you came naturally from his lips.
"I'm sorry I didn't text you, I needed some time with the family" and far from everything that reminds you of Pierre, you thought, although you didn't even need to say it out loud.
"Don't worry"
Your conversation was interrupted by another voice with a strong Spanish accent.
"We haven't even started the season and you already have a preference for my sister over your teammate" Carlos spoke while he put a hand to his heart dramatizing.
Both boys in red greeted each other and the conversation continued. At one point, you noticed Charles move a little closer to you while you were talking, but you didn't give it any importance. Clearly, you had not noticed the French driver who was watching you intently from the other side of the Paddock. Charles knew his friend and knew that under the look of indifference, that gesture had made him jealous. Honestly, Charles wouldn't say that he was looking for any relationship with you, but he had no problem getting a little closer to the beautiful girl to make his friend a little jealous.
A while later, the boys had to go off for their pre-race routines. You and Isa placed yourself in the hospitality of Ferrari after wishing them good luck, ready for whatever happened.
Although none expected the wonderful end of the first weekend of the new season.
A Ferrari double podium. Charles winning and Carlos following him in second place.
You and Isa ran to the fence with the rest of the Ferrari mechanics to wait for the boys to get out of the car to congratulate them. The first one you hugged was your brother, shouting into his ear in Spanish how proud you were of him. Then came Charles, who you had to shake a couple of times to convince him that he had won before hugging him.
You could see from below the two boys in red receiving their respective awards and celebrating with the champagne, but when you got distracted for a second from all the hubbub, your eyes met a pair of blue eyes that had been haunting you for a few months. You looked away quickly, but you couldn't help the strange feeling in your chest when you saw Pierre again after so long.
On the other hand, Pierre also couldn't help the feeling in his body seeing you there. Even though he had checked your social media a couple of times during the break to see you, nothing compared to seeing you again in person. The feeling in his body turned to annoyance as you looked away from him to look at Charles, who was already preparing to step down from the podium. He had no right to be jealous because it was his fault that you walked away, but he couldn't help it.
He needed to talk to you.
And his moment came from him when he saw you alone waiting alone in the Ferrari garage.
You were waiting for Carlos and Isa so that you could return to the hotel and prepare for the party that would be held in honor of the winners. Suddenly, you noticed taps on your shoulder that made you turn a little scared for having been distracted. Your fear turned into pure annoyance when you saw who was in front of you.
"I'm sorry to scare you" it was the first time you heard him speak again since that party.
"What are you doing here, Pierre?" you didn't hide your dislike for him in the tone of your voice. And clearly he noticed.
"I just wanted to stop by and say hello, I haven't seen you here for a while" I try to sound casual.
It seemed unbelievable to you that he was acting as if nothing had happened. Not even an apology. He was talking to you like it wasn't his fault that you hadn't been in a race since last year.
"is seriously?" you wanted to end the conversation right now, but the anger won you.
"What?" Pierre knew you were angry, but at that moment the image of you talking to Charles came back to his mind, so he preferred to play crazy and tighten your temper.
"What? Is that what you have to say? You left me stranded, gilipollas. And you didn't even bother to apologize. Why the fuck are you approaching me now? Is it funny or something?" even though you wanted to cry, it felt good to throw everything you thought into his face.
“y/n…” Pierre couldn't finish the sentence before being interrupted.
"Everything is alright?" You sighed gratefully to heaven when you heard Charles's voice behind you.
The Monegasque had noticed that something was wrong the second he saw you with Pierre.
"Yes, we were just talking" you answered for both of us, although Pierre still didn't want to end the conversation, but he knew he couldn't say anything more when he saw you approach Charles almost as if seeking comfort from him. It made him feel bad about himself, made him want to be the one you sought comfort from.
“Well, I'm glad you guys are catching up, but Carlos is looking for you, y/n” With that, you set off to find your brother with Charles by your side.
"Bye mate, see you later" Charles said to Pierre, who only nodded curtly.
And actually, you met again later.
You felt like you had gone back to those summer break parties the year before while you were dancing in the club.
It was full of team members and almost all the drivers celebrating the start of the season. You had drunk a few drinks and were going for another one when a hand on your waist caught your attention.
"Hi, little Sainz!" Charles's scream made you laugh.
"Hi, Charles" you greeted him moving closer to him to speak.
“You know, I was coming to talk to you, but now I have a much better idea. Don't turn around, but Pierre is looking at me as if he wanted to sink me underground” you didn't pay much attention to him and you turned secretly, only to see Pierre's gaze already fixed on you.
"Do you want to tease him a bit?" Charles's playful smile was enough to convince you.
"Lead the way, Leclerc" you smiled at him the same.
Charles dragged you to the dance floor and brought your body closer to his holding you by the waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you began to move in tandem. You were having too much fun with Charles, but your head couldn't stop you from turning slightly to see if Pierre was watching. And of course he was. The deep look he was giving you almost gave you chills.
Maybe it was the alcohol again that led you to separate from Charles apologizing about going to the bathroom.
You knew that the Frenchman was following you and you confirmed your suspicion when someone grabbed your arm and took you to a fairly secluded area.
“Are you having a good time, mon ange?” His sarcastic tone and his voice so close to you made you shudder slightly.
"Very good. Until you interrupted me. If you don't mind, I'd like to get back together with Charles” You knew you were playing with fire by making him jealous, but alcohol made you a little braver and he deserved it.
"Mon ange, you and I know that you are not interested in him" his French accent sounded arrogant.
“You are the one that doesn't interest me, Gasly. So get lost” you tried to walk past him to leave, but he grabbed your arm again and this time he brought you closer to him preventing you from moving. The sudden closeness left you momentarily speechless.
“I don't care if you go back to him right now. Because I promise you that before the summer break you will return to me, amour. I don't care if I have to drag myself through it”his words were a mixture between an affirmation and a plea.
“Sounds like a challenge, Gasly. You seem very sure of yourself” you laughed at him.
“It is not a challenge, it is a promise. So get used to the idea that you're not going to get rid of me anytime soon. I'm going to get you to forgive me” Pierre was too drunk and it had given him the courage to say all this and leave his pride behind him.
"I can't wait to see you try it, Pierre" and after pronouncing his name a few inches from him, you walked away again back to the club.
Pierre couldn't wait for you to say his name like that again. And he was going to have to work hard to get it.
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glyhpsrfvckincol · 1 year
If requests are open can I request Hunter x reader hcs in which his S/O is really sensitive to loud and sudden noises but also likes quieter calming noises (heartbeats, purring, wind/water, etc)
Thanks if you do! ^^
Sensitivity || Hunter Noceda
Synopsis - Hunter Noceda helping his sensitive hearing s/o.
Warnings - Mention of screaming. Mention of Mommy kink. Teasing.
Request are opened; headcanons only
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↳ He understands to a certain degree. He doesn’t like people suddenly yelling.
↳ Hunter didn’t know that it was more than yelling that set you off though.
↳ He learned this when he dropped a pot in Camila’s kitchen. T_T
↳ He felt so bad.
↳ Just held you and apologised a few million times. Very quietly.
↳ Also, someone talking suddenly, specifically someone he didn’t know was there scares the wood bones out of him.
↳ Hunter gets flustered easily. Trust me, this is helpful.
↳ This makes his heart rate go faster.
↳ Just rest your head on his chest. He’ll become flushed, which would immediately increase his heart rate, slightly amplifying its sound and becoming even more calming.
↳ Will just fly you over the ocean on Flapjack. The sound of the water and the blowing wind. No talking, unless you instigate it first .
↳ Hunter also finds peace in these moments. Just you, him and FlapJack, who eventually becomes Waffles :(
↳ I just made myself sad, I’m so sorry😭
↳ In the human realm, he def would ask amity to burrow Ghost so you could hear her purrs. She agrees to this under one condition.
↳ She gets to tease Hunter. It only lasts 20 minutes because she gets bored.
↳ Hunter really hopes bird Chirps is a sound you like and that doesn’t overstimulate you.
↳ If rain is a good sound, he’ll just sit outside or by the window with you while you do whatever.
↳ Hunter will cover you’re ears while you sleep if you’re an incredibly light sleeper.
↳ Does anyone else hate the sounds of certain words? My friend speaks Cantonese and a particular sound bothers me. I don’t know why 😭
↳ And nails being dragged down chalk boards!
↳ Hunter will ask people to be quiet if there’s too much noise.
↳ “Luz, whatever game you’re playing, I KNOW for a fact it doesn’t need this much noise. Shut up!”
↳ Sassy siblings.
↳ If you like his voice {Lets be honest, who doesn’t?}, he’ll read you Cosmic Frontiers.
↳ With the book, The Good Witch Azura, he’d prefer Amity reading to you as Luz is very loud. Maybe he might read it to you.
↳ Listening to him learn Spanish I believe would be so calming. Like damn bro, it’s pronounced Mami, not mommy-
↳ Firm believer Hunter has a mommy kink.
↳ If time is set before Kings Tide, Hunter would tease you occasionally. Fucking hypocrite-
↳ But I digress, Hunter will always try to help you with your sensitive ears, just give the boy a bit of a direction.
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Felix x reader
Non-idol au
Angstyy with a happy ending, mentions of blood,Reader faints,
Not proof read so sorry for any mistakes
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You and felix have been in a relationship for years now,one day he decided to shoot his shot and asked you out.Of course you said yes,because you also were crushing on him a bit(maybe more than that).Your relationship with Felix was so healthy you and him would all ways been seen together,your relationship was adored and loved by many.You guys were just perfect for eachother!
So where it went wrong,everything was perfect,what happened?Suddenly felix just stop talking to you,you barely even held hands.He wouldn't even look at you!You were so confused,did you do something?Did you say something?It carried on like this for weeks,him ignoring at you,no interactions between you two.One day you woke up and your head was pounding,you could barely even walk straight.You stumbled over to bathroom to go brush your teeth,looking in the mirror above the sink.You looked awful,your hair was messy,eyes bloodshot from crying,your eyes and cheeks puffy.When did it get this bad?Your hands shaked as you reached for your toothbrush,trying to stabilise yourself by holding onto the bathroom counter.Why was this happening?
The pounding in your head worsened as you continued your day,you were worried,you should let someone know about this.The first person that came to your mind was felix,you told him everything.From your memories to your trauma,but...with the way he's acting would he even care?You decide to give it a try,walking to the room he was in.He has his headset on and his eyes were glued to the PC.A few curse words flew from his mouth,you were used to this that's what usually happens when he gets frustrated during a game.
you softly muttered walking closer to him his eyes stayed on the screen
You tried again
"I'm busy"
He replied no emotion lacing his voice.
"It's kind of important"
You said trying to reason with him,he still payed no attention to you.
Felix suddenly snapped,the yelling making your head pain causing you to wince."o-okay I'm sorry"you stuttered weakly,returning to your bed.
You layed on your side and pulled the blanket to your neck,tears rolled down the side of your face.Why was he doing this to you?Does he hate you now?Negative thoughts rushed through your head,scaring you even more,what was going on with him?was this your fault?.A week passed after felix snapped at you,that moment stained your mind.He yelled at you,he shouted at you,he screamed at you.You and felix never really had fights,and when you did yelling was never involved.This was new to you,you've only heard felix yell when frustrated,Never to your face.
To make everything worse your migraine hurt even more,you tried calling a doctor,he said to avoid loud noises and to drink more water.You followed his instructions but it still remained in your head.You got up from taking a nap,you decided it's a good idea to drink some water so you walked to the kitchen sink.As you walked your vision began to become slightly blurry making you stumble a bit.You held onto a wall in attempt to feel better,but you kept walking.Once you arrived in the kitchen you grabbed a glass and filled it with cold water,once enough water was in the cup you raised it to your lips.All of a sudden,your heart started beating faster and you started to feel dizzy.A loud ringing noise filled your ears as your vision became blurry.Before you knew it you were falling onto the ground glass coming down with you and shattering everywhere.All you heard were felix's screams and everything went black.
Felix opened the door after having a nice hangout with his friends he didn't even notice that he didn't tell you where he was going.You must've been worried since he left pretty early and its now night.Why was he like his?You didn't do anything wrong?Why was he so mad at you all the time?Realisation hit him like a train as he noticed how poorly he's been treating you,unexpectedly a loud shatter came from the kitchen causing him to snap out of his thoughts and rush to the room.
A loud scream shot out of his mouth as he saw you laying on the floor with a pool of blood around your head and glass right by it.He instantly ran up to you and checked your pulse a wave of relif going through his body as he felt that your heart was still beating.He grabbed his phone and dialed the ablumance.
he cried out,tears uncontrollably running down his face"what can I help you with","my-my partner, they-they"he spluttered trying to catch his breath, he was starting to hyperventilate.
"It's okay take your time"
the lady from the other side of the phone said trying to comfort him.
"Blood-theres blood everywhere"
Felix managed to get out, while one call with the lady he grabbed a thick piece of tissue and placed it on the back of your head trying to prevent the blood from spilling out.
"can you tell me where the bloods coming from?"
"Uh-its uh coming from their head"
He replied his voice trembling
"Help is on the way okay? Try and stay calm, can you do that for me?"
"Yeah-um i..i don't know"
Felix stuttered, still breathing quickly.About five minutes later,felix hears sirens around his house,this made him sit up and picking you up bridal style still having something to cover your head. He opened the door with some struggle since his hands were occupied with holding you. The ambulance noticed him immediately and the paramedics walked to him one rolling a streatcher on the floor, they layed you down on the stretcher and rolled you into the back of the ambulance. The paramedic with nothing in their hands walked to felix
"Sir we are going to have to ask you some questions, you're not in any trouble we just want to know what happened"
Felix nodded in response still shooken up from what just happened.
"So im going to have to ask you to get into the ambulance with us okay? "
Felix agreed, he was happy with this idea. He would be able to see if you're doing well on the way to the hospital.Felix got in the back and held your limp hand. How could he let this happen? This was all his fault. Once at the hospital, he was pulled into a separate room with one of the paramedics.
"How did you find them like this? "
"I don't know I just.. saw them there"
Felix said his leg shaking rapidly under the table.
"Were there any weapons around them? "
"Um there was shattered glass but a bit of it was in their hand"
"Interesting... "
The paramedic took note of this in a book,he asked Felix a bit more questions and connected the dots.
'So, if you are telling the truth,they seemed to have fainted and fell backwards with glass in their hand, they blood came from the fall and not the glass"
"Why would they have fainted though..?"
Felix muttered but the thought back to when he yelled at you, you looked sick, you looked unwell. How did he not notice that? He was so stupid!
"Oh,um sorry, yes?"
"You can leave now,visiting hours end at 22:30"
"Oh okay thank you"
Felix got up from his chair and practically sprinted to your room. He opened the door to see you on the hospital bed, his heart broke.You looked to weak, he sat on one of the chairs by your bed.
Felix looked around to see who was whispering his name
He turned his head and looked at you, was the sound coming from you?
Your weak voice said, making felix's eyes slightly widen. You were awake?
"Oh my god baby I'm so sorry I didn't-"
Felix rambled on and on and tears started to form in his eyes
You said again causing him to stop talking
"It's okay"
He opened his mouth to protest but you sushed him.
"I'm so sorry baby, I really mean it. "
"I know"
He sighs and looks down then looks back up at you
"Is it okay if I kiss you?"
"It would be a good start to making up for your behavior"
Felix smiled as he went in to kiss you
That was my one of my first fanfics please if you like it let me know,and PLEASE GIVE ME REQUESTS my rules are on my master lists PLEASE🙏
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bked0n-lorazepam · 3 months
"Inseparable" Part Eleven
Short Little Summary: They try to make pancakes, she gets fed up with him, a little something something occurs during shower time, and Patrick is a very possessive guy. (He gets a little freaky at the end)
Warnings: Vulgar language, groping, suggestive, no actual smut.
Words: 1,997
A/N: Chat, I'm so embarrassed right now, how could I forget this part. Anyway, I think cock-blocking Patrick is my favorite thing to do, it's so much fun. And sorry if you're favorite flower is carnations, I just thought of some random one, and sorry if you like cheese. Have fun reading, feedback is always welcome!!
“What the fuck am I doing wrong?” Patrick yelled while holding onto the baking mix box, reading over the directions. Y/N sat on the counter, chewing on the leftover chocolate chips they didn’t use.
Patrick somehow ended up burning the pancakes, twice, so she gave up on breakfast. 
“Maybe stop staring at my tits and actually watch them cook.” She said and swung her legs back and forth, shoving a handful of chocolate chips in her mouth.
He glared at her and threw out the burnt pancakes, putting his hands on his hips and staring at the pan on the stove.
“I’m done with that shit.” Patrick murmured and opened the fridge, a slice of cheese appearing in his hand.
Y/N looked at him distastefully, her hatred of cheese showing all over her face. She hated the texture, the way it smelled, the way it tasted. She hated cheese more than she hated anything in the world, and she would forever stand by the fact that it was a food made by the devil himself.
Patrick slapped the cheese onto the counter next to Y/N, to which she flinched from the sudden loud noise.
“I want pancakes.” She whined, setting down the jar of chocolate chips and leaning back on her hands. Patrick took his eyes away from the cheddar on the counter to look at her, and he sneered.
“So make them your fucking self, lazy bitch.” He counteracted her complaint and picked the cheese slice back up, opening it and pulling off a small piece. His mischievous eyes didn’t stray from her tired ones as he chewed on the cheese like a damn cow.
“Fine, you fucking asshole.” Y/N hopped off the counter and wiped off any chocolate chips that may have been on her clothes before getting the stove and pan ready for pancakes, once again.
She had fixed up all the ingredients, after berating Patrick for somehow forgetting to add eggs into the pancake mix, and stood by the stove, watching her food cook.
Patrick was sitting down in one of the chairs that he stole from the dining room and was chewing on a plastic straw when Y/N had placed a plate of pancakes in front of him.
“Bon appétit.” She smiled exhaustingly, trying to rub the sleep from her eyes. She needed something to wake herself up for, but she didn’t know what.
Well, she didn’t know until she bit into one of her pancakes. “I think I’m gonna take a shower and do my makeup when we’re done eating.” 
“I don’t give a flying fuck.” Patrick was scuffing down the sweet breakfast before pausing and looking at her. “Wait, no. I wanna join.”
“Absolutely not.”
Y/N ran her fingers through her hair, closing her eyes and lathering the shampoo on her head. Showers were relaxing to her, especially feeling clean. They were her favorite thing in the world.
“Damn, did you know that John Lennon’s dead?”
They were her favorite when Patrick wasn’t with her.
“Yes, Patrick. He’s been dead since, like, forever.” Y/N rolled her eyes and put her head under the water, rinsing her hair out. “What the hell are you reading, anyway?”
“I don’t fucking know, some weird ass magazine.” Patrick threw the paper book away from him on the floor and leaned back on the sink he was sitting on, crossing his arms.”You almost done?”
“No.” Y/N gritted her teeth and started putting conditioner in her hair, using a comb to make sure it was even all around her head. He was so impatient that it drove her insane.
She knew he only sat in the bathroom while she showered because he got to see her breasts when she reached out to grab a towel, and it was one of the things about their friendship that pissed her off.
He always wanted to shower with her, whether he’s the one who needed to shower first or her, he always wanted to be there with her.
Y/N grabbed a washcloth and put her body wash on it while she waited for her conditioner to work in her hair, and she started lathering herself with it.
Patrick smelled the berry scented soap and knew she was getting close to done because that was the second to last step in her routine. 
Vanessa rinsed herself off after, along with her hair, and turned off the water. She stared at the shower curtain that blocked Patrick from viewing her naked body, and thought for a second. 
He’d seen her naked before, even though they were all accidental. Or at least that’s what she told herself they were. She had bought a new body butter from the convenience store and wanted to try it out, and usually she’d ask Patrick for a towel and kick him out, but it always took forever to get him to leave.
She also needed her skin to still be wet when she put the lotion on, so she needed to put it on before drying off.
“‘You good in there?”
“Yup.” Y/N responded and opened the curtain, stepping out of the shower.
To say she felt like a piece of meat being dangled in front of a starving lion was an understatement. She knew he was going to stare at her breasts, like always, but his eyes went straight down her body, and he didn’t look up.
“Are you good?” She watched him lick his lips and smile before he finally looked into her eyes.
“Never better, babe.” He leaned his head against the mirror and sighed, his eyes going straight back to her breasts.
Y/N hummed and rang the leftover water out of her hair, grabbing the tub of body butter. She opened it and he watched her like a hawk watching its prey.
She put some on her fingers and ran it up and down her leg, massaging it before moving onto the other. She then moisturized her arms and looked back at Patrick, their eyes meeting each other's.
“‘Should let me do the rest of you.” He suggested with a serious face. Y/N smiled and tilted her head.
“Be my guest.”
Patrick leapt off the counter and put the same amount of lotion that she did on his own fingers, and she flicked her wet hair off her shoulders. She hated the way her hair felt when it was wet, but she’d put up with it for a bit.
He looked her dead in the eyes and rubbed the lotion all over the palms of his cold hands right before attaching them to her breasts.
She gasped at the cold, a soft ‘fuck’ leaving her lips when his cold fingers pinched at her nipples. “I really hope you know I meant my back and all that shit. Not this.”
“I know.” He grinned, continuing to grope her. His hands roamed the rest of her body as well, resting on her ass. 
She deadpanned and he smirked.
“You know me well enough to know that this was going to happen no matter what.” 
Y/N was about to say something when he started to move closer to her, using his grip on her ass as leverage to move her towards him as well, until the doorbell rang. His smile fell from his face and fear quickly flashed over hers, and she pushed him against the counter.
“Ow.” He rubbed at the part of his hips where it connected with the edge of the sink and watched her quickly rush to put clothes on. The doorbell rang again, and again, over and over.
“I’m fucking coming!” She yelled back, pulling her pants on and running to the door, Patrick following behind her.
“You definitely will later.” Patrick snickered and she whipped her head back to him to give him a pointed look. He raised his hands up in mock surrender and Y/N opened the door.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?” Patrick interrogated the guy at the door before Y/N could even open her mouth. 
“I’m just, uh. I’m here for Y/N.” The guy gestured to Y/N, and that was when the two friends noticed the bouquet of flowers in his hands.
Patrick looked unimpressed and Y/N didn’t know what to do, especially because she didn’t remember him at all. Luckily, she didn’t have to ask him who he was because Patrick was already on that case.
“And you fucking are?” He leaned his body against the side of the door frame and put an arm around Y/N's shoulder. 
The guy grimaced at Patrick and told him his name, “Duke Adams, and you are?”
“Patrick Hockstetter.” The two men held a stare down for a while before Y/N remembered who the guy was.
“Oh, you’re the guy I danced with during freshman year,” She pursed her lips, “You ditched me for Sandra Kellies.”
Duke cleared his throat and looked down at his shoes in embarrassment, and mostly to avoid Patrick’s burning gaze.
Patrick didn’t have a good feeling about the boy, although he never had a good feeling about anyone who would potentially date Y/N. 
“That uh, isn’t exactly a proud moment of my life.” Duke nervously chuckled and looked at Y/N with the sweetest eyes she’d ever seen. She remembered him as the worst guy of her life when she started dating, but for some reason, his eyes made it seem like he’d changed. They held a softer, kinder gaze than when they first met. “These are for you.”
He handed her the bouquet and stepped back a bit, glancing at Patrick. He never let his hardened gaze fall from Duke, and he reminded Duke of a guard dog.
Or more like one with early stages of rabies because he was sure if he didn’t leave soon, Patrick would start growling at him.
“Anyway, my house phone is in the tag, if you ever wanna talk again. I’ve missed you.” Duke smiled and stepped off Y/N's porch, getting into his car and driving away. 
She watched him go and waved him goodbye, her own smile clear on her face. She looked up at Patrick and noticed a look of hatred in his eyes, one she’d seen whenever she’d introduce a guy to him.
He was a possessive and jealous man, she knew that. Even though they weren’t dating or anything, she sure as hell was going to have her fun with him.
“Maybe I should call him.” She taunted and moved his arm off of her and walked back into the house, Patrick following her trail like a dog.
“The fuck are you talking about? He broke your heart, he sure as hell is gonna do it again.” He tried to reason, running up the stairs with her. She placed the bouquet of flowers on one of the small tables in the hallway, to which he noticed what flowers they were.
“They aren’t even your favorite, he got you fucking carnations.” He scoffed and stopped following her when she reached the bathroom and turned around, blocking his way of entering with her.
“Maybe I secretly like them.” She winked, and he huffed out a laugh.
“Don’t try that shit with me.” He put his arm up to hold onto the top of the door frame.
“Hm, oh well. It’s my call anyway, not yours.” She shrugged and smiled, closing the door on his face.
“What the fuck?” He yelled, wanting to continue what they were doing before they were interrupted. 
“Go jerk off or something, I don’t want you to distract me!” She yelled back and he heard the blow dryer turn on.
He groaned and pushed off the wall, making his way to Y/N's bedroom. He sat down on the soft sheets of the bed and looked around, trying to find something to do. His eyes laid on the familiar purple piece of fabric in her laundry bin, and he grinned.
Maybe he’d take up on her suggestion.
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small-world-au · 3 months
“Will you stay?”
*this takes place after the church and getting his new friend Luna home!*
As he continued to flick his lighter, he began to fight his tears once again. He’s such a terrible boyfriend, isn’t he???…
The moment they got together, he swore to Sora that he’ll make sure NO ONE would hurt him as long as they have one another…but he STILL GOT FUCKING HURT!
Stone groaned with frustration and guilt as he struggled to turn on his lighter for his cigarette, thinking how life was before Sora. It was true he was very grateful for his adoptive family friends…but it was such a long time since he had someone whose on the same level of maturity and were able share about his deepest insecurities with.
No one’s ever seen him with eyes filled with genuine love and understanding, no one’s ever NOT called him ‘pathetic’ or ‘weak’ when he cried, and
It was someone who knew him all his life and stuck with him despite everything…
Sora was his miracle…and how did he repay him? By leaving him by himself with psycho of father and got beaten to a pulp! He HATED that he wasn’t there to save him, he HATED seeing Sora not smiling as much and was scared for his life, and he HATED that he wasn’t there to stop others from taking away the only sunshine he had. And now Sora’s out there! all alone and possibly hurt! Not to mention there was a FUCKING MURDERER on the loose!
He threw the lighter the far corner, yelling out in anguish at these horrid thoughts. Tears started falling at the thought of never being able to hold him in arms or resting on the mattress with Kip as they slept to one of Sora’s gentle melodies as he baked something sweet for him and his friends.
He needed a drink…he popped open a cold one and was about to drink it until he heard footsteps behind him.
In Ramshackle, different footstep noises can mean different kinds of folk.
Loud and menacing steps mean a gangster or police.
Medium sounding steps were either scraps or some animal.
And quick clicking ones were for lootbags.
But those footsteps were familiar.
“Stone???”,That voice…was it really???…
He turned around once he heard a familiar voice and saw a grayish cloaked figure with a basket filled with baked goods and flowers adorned on it, standing behind him.
“Sora????…” The raven haired man asked to the other as he reached his hand out towards him.The other took Stone’s hand and used it to pull down his hood.
It revealed a young man with purple brownish curly hair, with a scar embedded on his left eye, looking at him with his wavering chocolate brown eyes,filled with insecurities and apologies as he locked with Stone’s own tired sage green ones that were filled with worry, relief,and a demand for an explanation.
“I know what your thinking…why did I decided to show up now??? Don’t I know there’s a murderer on the loose…don’t I know I worried you and our friends with my sudden disappearances…”
He then backed away slowly to look at his lover in the eyes…if there was only 1 good thing Shino taught him, it was to face his problems like a man.
“Yes…am aware…I am very aware of what’s happening right now…I am very sorry for being distant from you all…distant from you…I…I know I messed up and you all have the right to get mad at me for this…everything that has happened has taken a toll on my mind and I can’t even shake it off when I was staying in Rowan’s mansion…”
He then saw Stone drawing closer to him silently, his expression unreadable.
Sora panicked as he took a few steps back.
“I-I-I messed up!I-I know that now! I…I am an idiot! A-a VERY careless idiot! I just wanted sometime to clear my head of the whole situation! I-I wanted to escape everything!b-but just for a brief moment!”
The more steps he took backwards, the more closer Stone came.
“I-I see that I only just cause trouble for you all! I was so ignorant, I see that now! No amount of explanation can excuse what i did! No amount of treats or gifts of mine is enough to show that am TRULY sorry for being selfish!”
He jolted as he felt his back pressed against the wall. Sora began to tear up, preparing himself for an impact of a possible fist attack as Stone stopped at his tracks.
“O-oh! Stop being so stone, stone! Scream! Shout! Insult or punch me if you want! Just…just please! Say some-!!!”
Stone cupped Sora’s face, caressing it softly as he sighed deeply.
“Even when you ramble…your still so beautiful…”, he said, revealing a rare smiling face with black tear stains on his cheeks.
Stone then did something Sora never expected from him. Stone placed his lips gently on his.
Sora’s eyes widened in surprise, but he eventually melted into the kiss.
Once the pair broke away from the kiss, Sora softly cried as he placed both of his hands with stone’s slightly cold ones. They then embraced, fearing if they let go, the other would vanish in an instant.
“You…h-how can you not be mad at me?! I…I thought you would hate me!”, He asked as he buried his face into Stone’s shoulder.
Stone then lifted Sora’s chin gently so he could face him,“Even if I was mad, I could never hate you…your too cute to hate.”
They then rested one’s forehead on the other, both sighing tiredly with hint of euphoria.
“You care about your friends and I can tell your truly sorry because your showing afford to grow and make up to them…not everyone can do that, A’stor. And if they can’t see that, I’ll gladly set their asses on fire.”
Sora pouted, “please don’t.”
Stone shrugged, “eh, just saying, Sorbet.”
The duo giggled as they both nuzzled. Sora sighed happily as he booped his lover’s nose with his own.
Suddenly, Stone slowly untangled himself from Sora, wiping his own tears as he…got down on his knee? What was he taking out of his pocket???
“Um…Stone??? What…what are yo-”
“Sora…i…um…when I started out on the streets, I was engulfed in pain and in self-hatred…although I am grateful for skipp and vinnie, they showed me what a TRUE family should be…but i still felt like a waste of space time and again…I never once thought about romance, didn’t had a reason or time for it as I was more focused on surviving these fucking streets and keep my family of idiots safe. But, once you returned to me, I’ve never wanted more than to spend the rest of my life with you! Never have I’ve ever desired someone that much…someone who has seen me through my best and worst moment, someone who stood by my side, no matter what happens. Even after all the bullshit you endured, you never forget to smile and stay kind.People like you are rare to find…so…”
Stone than pulled out a beautiful ring with a emerald in middle, shining brightly.
Sora gasped softly as he placed both of his hands over his mouth as the tears came down even farther.
“S-stone?! Oh Dios mío…what…what are you saying?!”
“Sora Aguilar…will you stay with me???…will you…will you marry me???…”
(Sorry if stone here is outta character! It’s my first one shot!)
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Hihi!! Can I request bonten with a house husband who is sensitive and they accidentally yell at them to loud? and some fluff at the end? Hope you have an amazing day :)
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Of course!
I hope you like this
Warnings: mentions of abuse, angst to fluff, male reader
It was really surprising that someone like (name) got with Bonten, the house husband polar opposites in personality and attitude.
(Name) was soft spoken and a rather sensitive man, always startled at loud sounds.
"Are you guys alright?" (Name) asked worried as the Bonten men came home from a particularly rough mission, annoyed and angry "were fine"
"Do you want something to--" "WHERE FINE!" the men snapped voice raising and they immediately regretted everything as (name) flinched back, teary eyed at the sudden noise and anger directed at him, he just wanted to know if they wanted food.
"...alright" his voice was quiet and ran got up to go comfort him, resting a hand on his shoulder but (name) brushed it off and wandered into the kitchen area to let them cool off.
"Were assholes" Takeomi said simply and the others nodded in agreement "should we go check on him?" Rindō asked and Kakucho nodded "I'll go first" his voice soft as he walked to the kitchen, watching (name) shakily prepare dinner for them, soft sniffles and crying could be heard as his shoulders shook.
(Name) hated yelling and anger, having associated yelling with getting hurt.
Kakucho moved slow, gently wrapping his arms around (name) and resting his head in the nape of (name)s neck, gently taking the knife from his hand and laced their fingers together "dinner will be done soon..." (Name)s voice was soft and meek as he was worried about angering them more and Kakucho kissed his neck gently "we are sorry baby, it wasn't right of us to yell at you when you were just trying to help"
(Name) didn't reply as he looked down and fiddled with Kakuchos fingers, voice caught in his throat and Kakucho knew he had to take a step further as he led (name) back into the living room.
Red eyed and tear stained, they hated seeing (name) so upset.
The men each individually apologized and looked ashamed as they pulled (name) close, falling into Mochis lap "I forgive you..." (Name) mumbled "I-I was being annoying so I get it..."
"Never say that again" Mikey said seriously and (name) looked at him confused and wide eyed "you are never annoying, we were jackasses"
"Now... Let's order food and let us remind you now much we love you"
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lewisconstellation · 2 years
good in bed
summary: being Lewis Hamilton PR was a big challenge. but being locked in a motorhome with him was a much bigger one.
pairing: lewis x reader
word count: 6.4k
warnings: 18+, general smut, angst
notes: i'm reposting this one just because... yeah i kinda like it. english isn't my first language so there are many mistakes here. i'm so sorry for that :(
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“If he wants to prove that he’s a man, I think we should do it out of the car, face to face.”
That phrase, that damn phrase was glued in your mind, disturbing your peace and bringing a sudden panic from the moment you heard it from Lewis’s lips during press conference. 
When you were hired by Mercedes team to be Lewis’ PR, you knew you were going to be dealing with tricky things. You would be taking care of the image of a great F1 team, a team that was winning, dominating the category. You would be taking care of the image of an even greater driver, who was considered one of the best the world has ever seen. And when things were so great, the responsibilities were even greater. But you always liked challenges, liked to feel challenged. 
When they hired you a few months ago, Lewis was having a rough time. The 2016 season was controversial and the Mercedes drivers were involved in a huge battle for the world championship. Nico Rosberg had the win, but it cost a lot. The German driver couldn’t deal with the pressure and decided to retire right after his win. And, Lewis, well. He was a relentless pilot, that was a fact. Aggressive, technical, dominant. One of the best on track. But outside of them, he was still seen as a somewhat controversial figure. He was that kind of person you either loved or hated. There was no middle ground. He sometimes talked too much in interviews. Spit all his feelings, let people know more than they need to. And when you’re a famous person, it’s dangerous. People can’t know that much about you. 
So your duty was to clean up his image. Make him the idol that Mercedes wanted to build. You accepted that challenge. You felt capable enough to do that. And there you are.
The race in Baku had not ended well. In fact, quite the opposite had happened. Lewis was leading the race by a huge margin and was on track to beat Sebastian Vettel, his main opponent that year. However, while waiting for the safety car to leave, the rear of the Mercedes car was hit full-on by the red car. As if that wasn't enough, Sebastian even hit Hamilton one more time, when they were side by side. Even with all the damage, Lewis managed to finish in fifth place. It had been a great run of recovery and damage containment, but he was extremely dissatisfied. One thing led to another, and he ended up saying countless things he shouldn't have during the interview. And it made you extremely angry. 
You were used to it. She was used to fixing things, putting out the flames Lewis lit. Used to handle it well, kept calm. But today, that had crossed all limits. You guys had a damage containment schedule, he knew what to say when this kind of unexpected thing happened. But he just decided to forget all about it and said whatever stupid shit made him look like a damn rockie. You wanted to yell at him, call him deplorable names. In many other moments you also felt this urge. But nothing compared to what he felt this time. Maybe it was the heat of Baku. You didn't like the hot weather. It just made you more stressed.
But you couldn't put him in his place right there, in front of all the media. You knew better than that. She was smarter than he was, after all. Then, right after the press conference was over, you escorted him to his motorhome, as you always did. Side by side, walking together. Both serious, carrying your own frustrations. 
He went in first, leaving the door open for you. He wasn’t a gentleman, you thought. But you accepted the invitation. You went through the door like a hurricane and slammed it shut. So much force that a loud noise echoed through the walls of the motorhome, startling the driver.
“Are you crazy?” The driver asks, turning his head to look at you properly. 
“I should be asking that question, don't you think? Are YOU crazy?” The words came out from my lips, roughly, accusatory. He give you a sinister laugh in response. You don’t like the sound of it. 
“Look, that fucker literally hit me. I should be the winner of that shit race and instead I end P5. Vettel is still the leader. I'm so fucking pissed off, you don’t even know”. He laughs again, this time louder than before. You realized that this was something common with him. He used to laugh whenever he was nervous about something. “So what the hell do you expect me to say? That I'm oh so happy to be P5 when I could win the fucking race?”
“I expected you to say what we agreed before?” You gesture with your hands. Can't understand how someone like him, who's been in the spotlight for so many years, can't answer the media's questions without giving them ammunition. 
He doesn't answer you. That was another thing about him. He just ignored people so he wouldn't continue arguing. You were already used to it. But then, he started taking off his Mercedes white shirt, the toned abdomen now visible, the dark lines of the tattoos decorating his body. Getting ready to finally leave, go back to the hotel, rest a bit before fly back home. 
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Taking off my clothes?”  He answers like it's obvious. 
“Now? In front of me? Right when we're fighting?” 
"Don't act like you've never seen it before." - He says, a naughty smile painting his lips. You ignore the weird shiver that runs down his spine when he looks at you like that. "And you are fighting. Alone. I'm not fighting with you. For what it matters, I don't give a fuck to any of this. My image. What the media will say. What you are saying. I don't fucking care." 
You shake your head in disbelief after hearing Lewis' words. How could anyone be so selfish? Egocentric?
"Want to know? Fuck you Lewis! Fuck. You." You say, upset. You turn your back to Lewis and start walking toward the door in quick, precise steps. Feel his eyes on you during the process. Don't want to be in that tiny cubicle anymore. Can no longer breathe the same air as that man. But when you put one of your hands on the doorknob, you realize something is wrong. The handle does not turn as it should. It looks stuck.
"Ugh, what is the problem with this door? Fuck!" You mumble. Low enough that the rider thinks you're talking to yourself, but loud enough that he hears and comes to your aid. You had your pride, after all. You wouldn't ask him for help even if I needed it to live.
"So stubborn and can't even open a fucking door. What a joke!" He complains but you hear his footsteps, walking towards you. Seconds later, he's behind you. His bare chest inches from your back, one arm outstretched, his hand on the doorknob. You're practically cornered by him. You hold your breath.
"Fuck! This shit is broken. Fucking hell." He says, his deep voice in your neck makes you shiver. In all these months, you've never been this close. It makes your body behave in a strange way, but you try to ignore it. Focus on the problem you need to deal with right now. You're stuck in the motorhome with Lewis. You need to find a way to get out of here. 
"I can't believe I'm stuck here. With you." Your voice comes out as a moan, anguished, anxious to get out of that place soon. You'd  always hated the feeling of being trapped. That's why you used to avoid elevators. And while the motorhome had ample space, Lewis’ presence made it a smaller square than the elevator. And it made you panic.
"You talk like it's not your fault. You're the one who broke the fucking door."
He scoffs, hands still on the doorknob. His body is still close to yours. You turn around at his words. His face is mere inches from yours. You could feel his rhythmic breathing, could see his face perfectly. The pretty contour of the nose, his perfectly plucked eyebrows, bright brown eyes, all the details of his face exposed to you. But what caught your attention the most were his lips. Full, lower lips the same size as the upper ones. Perfect. For a few moments, you imagine what it would be like to kiss him. Would he be dominating, aggressive, just like he was on the tracks? Or would he let you take control?
You shake your head, try to banish those thoughts from your mind. Try to focus on the situation in front of you.
"Why are you always looking for a way to blame other people, huh? What the hell, why do you always do this? Why do you always blame me?" 
The phrases come out of your mouth quickly, without thinking enough before saying them. They've been in you for a while and you’ve been waiting for so long to say it to the driver. Thought this was the right time to spit it out. They didn't make much sense right now. In the end of it all, the handle was broken because you used all your strength to close the door. Too tightly. But you didn't want to think about it. Just wanted to hurt him the same way he hurted you. But your thoughts and your words are abruptly interrupted. Lewis' lips were glued to yours. He was kissing you.
You felt like your whole world stopped. At that moment, all that mattered was the fact that his lips was against yours. He wasn't soft at all, in fact his contact was extremely dominating, strong. It suited him. He parted your lips, his tongue finally dipping, exploring your mouth intensely as his hands slowly roamed your back. He pulled you to him, and seemed eager to take all of you completely. One of his hands gripped the back of your neck tightly, forcing you to stand there and feel everything his lips were willing to give. The other roamed around your waist, holding that region possessively, pressing your body on his. A moan escape from your lips, and it makes him even more ferocious. Your hands, still shy and trembling, reach his shoulders and you decide to leave them there. Feeling his muscles move in your fingers. The sensation is delicious and consumes every bit of you. Your head spun out of control, the feel of his body strong against mine was overwhelming, intoxicating.
You always thought those “enemies to lovers” romances were silly, something that could never happen outside of the books pages. But in that small room in a motorhome, surrounded by Lewis’s scent and taste, you could see a little bit of truth in those romances. The sudden fights, the sexual tension that hung in the air, the strange desire that took over your body. All those silly cliches coming to life right before your eyes. 
When the air is no longer present between you two, Lewis pulls away minimally, just enough for both of you to catch your breath. His lips are still softly touching yours and now both of his hands are on your face, holding you gently. His eyes meet yours and you feel your entire body combust in that moment. There is so much lust, so much desire there and it makes all your senses disappear.
"If I only knew that all I needed to do to shut that dirty little mouth of yours was kiss you.” He pauses, lets his head drop to the level of your neck. Breathes your scent, leaves wet kisses on your skin. You moan once more, completely surrendered to him. Completely at his mercy. "I would have kissed you sooner." He finishes looking you into your eyes again, lingering. But then he's looking at your lips. They were probably red and swollen from his kisses. His lips twisted into a smirk. The one he always gave after saying something bold or after winning one of your usual arguments.
You roll your eyes to him. You should go away from him. Try to open the door again. Yell for someone of the team and ask for help. But you just can't. There's something that makes it impossible for you to simply go away. Maybe it was his smell, so strong and intoxicating. You would never admit it out loud, but you found his scent fascinating, addictive. Even after spending hours in a racing car, he still smelled oh so good. But maybe it wasn’t his smell. Maybe it was his kisses, so demanding that you knew he could do anything he wanted from you. Or maybe it was his hot body against yours. All solid like a rock, muscles carefully built with years of workout smacking your small body. In the end of it all, maybe it was a combination of all of it with the months of sexual tension and mutual desire hidden by your daily fights. That was making you crazy. But you don't want to overthink it. Just tell him to shut up and kiss his soft lips again.
His hands sneak down to the back of your legs. A request for you to jump up and wrap them around his waist. You obey and promptly comply his request. A moan escaped his lips when he felt your hot pussy against his needy, throbbing cock. Even through the clothes he could feel how needy you were, how much you wanted it. Without taking his mouth away from yours, he walks with you in his arms to the small gray sofa that occupied the central area of the motorhome room. He sits there with you in his arms. Kiss your lips in a hungry way again and again. Trace the line of your neck with his tongue. Let soft kisses there. Mumble naughty things in your ear. You feel that at any moment your body is going to catch fire. Every move he makes, every gesture seems to be minimally calculated. Specially designed to set you on fire.
You move slowly in his lap, feeling the hardness of his length against your pussy. Your panties were already soaked. Your juices are leaking through the fabric and running down between your thighs. You suspected it was staining the black pants he was wearing, but he didn't seem to mind.
For the first time he pulls away from you, giving you just enough room to pull the Mercedes shirt off your body. You feel embarrassed when his intense gaze falls on his breasts, now fully exposed to him. You had let go of bras a few years ago, you didn't feel the need to wear them anymore. But in that moment you regret your choices, when he drank the view exposed to him. He looked mesmerized. His face comes closer to your body again, he leaves a trail of kisses from your neck down to your breasts. "You're perfect". he murmurs against your skin. "Fucking perfect." And you feel your stomach tighten. You feel confident again, like you're the most beautiful and powerful woman in the world. His praise sends all your insecurities away. It makes you even wetter, as if that were possible.
When his hands reached your breasts, you were sure that you had died and arrived in paradise. His big hands enveloped it, taking up all the volume. His long fingers brushed your nipples, immediately hardening them. "You like that, don't you? My little whore." Nodding your head, you arched your back, pushing your breasts against his hands, giving him greater access to your body. His hands didn't take long to accept your  offer. Lewis massaged your breasts slowly, making you sigh, moan his name, ask for more. At that moment, your eyes were closed, but you were pretty sure he was smiling. Could feel it. Bastard.
So intoxicated you were by the pleasure he was giving you, that you don't even notice when one of his hands leaves your breast and then his lips enclose your right nipple, drawing a loud moan from you. You lose track of time. You don't know where you are anymore. The only thing that goes through your mind are the sensations Lewis is making you feel. You need to hold back when he repeats the movements on your left breast or you'll end up coming just from it. How can a man be that good?
With your left breast on his lips, Lewis slides one hand down your legs, until he reaches the hem of your black skirt. He doesn't think twice before taking it out off your body, leaving you half naked for him, only the damp fabric of your panties covers your body now.
Unfortunately for you, Lewis leaves your breast, but doesn't leave you in misery for long. The man lets out a loud groan as his fingers make contact with your wet pussy still covered by your panties. He takes it off of your body easily, his hot finger finally in contact with your needy folds.
"Holy shit, baby, you’re dripping… soaking up my fingers." He gently pressed your clit, massaging slowly before sliding two of his fingers inside of your heat. Your lips parted as a moan left your body. Your hadn't been this wet in your entire life. When he starts moving his fingers quickly, in and out of your pussy, you lose control, feel completely dizzy. "Wet like this for someone you hate that much?" 
A million different sensations passed through your body, spreading from each  point where Lewis was touching you. The way he thrust his fingers into you or how he kissed your breasts and your neck. Everything was so intense that you couldn't hold back for long, and in a moment of euphoria, you came on his fingers, your body shaking so intensely that Lewis had to let go of your right breast to hold your waist tightly. You muttered nonsense words, moaned his name out loud, not caring if one of the many employees passing by would hear you. His fingers continued to work furiously on your sodden pussy, sliding in a rhythm so overwhelming it had you screaming.
"You look so much prettier like this, you know? Totally under my control, coming just for me." 
When he finally seems to take pity on your exhausted state, his fingers leave your pulsing center. You breathe hard, consumed by the pleasure he was giving to you. But one movement catches your eye. Lewis's wet fingers reached his lips and then he started licking them. Licking your cum, your taste from his fingers. You've never seen anything so sexy before. "You're so fucking sweet" He said. Eyes glued to yours as he licks his fingers clean. "Even more than I imagined." Oh so he had imagined it before?
He closed his eyes as he spoke, as if he were savoring your taste, delighting in it. That was so hot. You couldn't articulate a decent answer to that. But your hands began to work. You slipped them down to the waistband of his pants, opening the zip and palming his hard bulge. You felt his body shudder under your touch. Realizing that made you feel an overwhelming need to make him feel as much pleasure as he was making you feel.
You hesitated for a moment. Your fingers stopped at the waistband of the black jeans he wore. You looked up at his face, finding his brown eyes glaring at you, pleading, eager for your next move. With that look, you felt something light. You felt powerful there, on top of him, setting the pace. He was at your mercy now. And you were enjoying it. "Tell me what you want Lewis" Your voice is steady, your eyes glued to his. Fingers hovering over the fabric of his pants. He moans your name under his breath, the pleading tone dripping into his voice. He has his pride, he would never plead with you. He just thrusts his hips into your hands, making you feel how hard he is. For you.
You give up any verbal pleading on his part. You already had control.  Didn't need anything else. Finally you slid down his pants and underwear, all at only one time, making his hard dick bounce, hovering in his lower abdomen. See it took your breath away. Your eyes widened at the sight of Lewis's cock, big and thick, throbbing against his skin. Protruding veins covering his entire length. His red and moist tip was covered in his pre-cum. That was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
Your fingers circled him, giving him a soft stroke. A strangled moan emerged from Lewis' lips. “Fuck, this feels so good." You stroked him once more, this time with a bit more of strength and savored the feel of his big dick between your fingers, the soft skin and the hardness of his member, throbbing under your touch. You think about how good his heaviness would feel on your tongue. Get ready to be on your knees in front of him. Want to taste him on your lips. When you move to get off his lap, Lewis sighs and holds you down.
Grabbing your hair, Lewis gently pulled it, pressure enough to make you moan. "So eager to have my cook in that filthy mouth of yours, huh?" He asked, his lips hovering close to yours. "I will let you gag on my cook, baby. But not now. Now I need to feel that tight pussy around me."  God. All the blood in your body has pooled in your center, your wet cunt pulsing and piercing every one of your senses.
You feel your entire body getting hot, in an almost feverish state. Can't wait any longer, so you just take matters into your own hands. Hold his throbbing cock in your hands and masturbate his length slowly, drawing a groan from him. Positioned your body so that your dripping entrance is hovering over his cock. Pass his swollen tip through your entrance one, two, three times until Lewis loses his patience and grip your hips tightly, making you slide his length, taking all of him. 
It is so overwhelming that you lose your breath for a few seconds. He's so big and so thick and fill you up so well that you lose all your senses. You swallow hard. Feel him pulsing inside of you, just as needy as you. It was all too much but at the same time it seemed too little. You wanted to feel more of him, you needed to feel more of him. With that, you started moving your hips slowly, trying to feel every single inch of him. The way he fit you so perfectly made it seem like he was built exclusively for you, to give you pleasure.  How could you live so long without feeling this? 
“Shit, baby, you’re so tight” Lewis whines, his head falling over the back of the sofa. You look at his face and just that sight seems to be enough to make you come. Eyes closed, cheeks flushed and mouth slightly open, moaning your name over and over again. He looked helpless there, completely at your mercy. You were in control. “So warm and so fucking tight.”
You placed both hands on his neck, using it for support to ride him faster, harder. You watched his eyes widen at your act, a strangled moan leaving his lips.
"You like that, don't you? You like being my little toy? Being used exclusively for my pleasure turns you on, huh?" You say mockingly, taking advantage of the vulnerable state of that man who was normally so dominant. He groans shamelessly, enjoying the feeling of your warm walls around him, strangling his cock. Seeing him like this, so helpless, desperate to take everything you were willing to give, set you on fire. You wanted to hold back more, you wanted to make him beg, to make him come first, but you couldn't. The feel of his cock touching the deepest points of your wet pussy was too much. You couldn't help it. 
You swallow hard, feel your pussy getting tighter and tighter around his cock as your movements start to be slower, clumsy. Everything comes at once. An overwhelming pleasure takes you off the ground and makes you lose your sense of reality. It feels like a dream. This couldn't be real, it was too good to be. You moan his name over and over, can't stop repeating it, sounding like a mantra in your mouth. 
Still sailing the waves of pleasure, you feel Lewis' hands move up your back, now extremely sweaty, until they reach the back your neck. He holds you tight, makes you look at him. The dark eyes stare at you lustfully, as if you're something precious. He kisses you intensely, takes your breath away before he holds your jaw.
"Did I let you do that? Did I let you come?" There he was, the dominant, controlling man. You smiled, still inert, feeling the effects of your recent orgasm. “Answer me. Did I let you come?”
“I didn't know I needed your permission to do it.” You smile again, enjoy that power game. 
“Oh you didn't know huh? Such a whore, aren't you? I will teach you a lesson and you will never, never disobey me anymore.” With that, he gripped the back of your neck tightly again before move his other hand to have a good hold of your ass, hugging your body completely. You gasp when he starts thrusting up, fast and hard. With the new angle, you can feel his cock touching deep points inside of you, points that have never been hit before. You are still sensitive from your recent orgasm, you won't last long this time.
“Oh shit! You're so fucking deep. It's so good, fuck!”
“Yeah? You like it rough, don’t you?” He asks, even though he knows the answer. He knows you're loving it, intoxicated by every little detail of it. He can feel by the way you’re clenching hard around him. By the way you’re moaning his name shamelessly, not caring about the people walking outside and probably listening to the whole show. Completely dick drunk and obsessed with the way he fucks you. But, he want to hear it from you. His big hands slap your ass, making your eyes widen. "I asked you a question. Answer me"  
“Yeah, I love when you fuck me like that, baby. It’s so fucking good, you’re gonna make me come again” You whimper, running your hands through his short beard, feeling the rough hairs on your fingers. Kiss him on the mouth one more time, make him swallow your loud moans and start to move in the same rhythm as him. You want to feel him coming too. 
“You can come baby. Squeeze my dick one more time, love. I want to feel it again.” He murmurs against your cheek, kisses your skin before moving his lips down to your neck, never slowing the insane pace he’s moving his hips. You moan in relief and, with his permission, come once more, soaking his cock in your juices. Nothing could overcome that feeling. It was destructive, addictive. 
“Lewis, fuck! I can't take it anymore, I can't” He laughed when he heard you whimpering. The tables turned again and now you were helpless, reduced to a whimpering mess. With one swift movement, he flipped you over on the small couch, as if you weighed nothing. He maneuvered your body so that he was on top now, hovering over you. That sight made you dizzy, weak. See him like this, sweaty, so strong on top of you, moving fast. He looked so composed, like he wasn't making any effort. This couldn't be real. You were probably dreaming.
Lewis didn't slow down, however. He continued to fuck you even harder, he never seemed to get tired. You've been with a few men in your life, but none of them have been like that. None of them prioritized your pleasure, none of them were so relentless. Without realizing it, that feeling took over your body again and then you were coming again. It wasn't possible.
“Yes, you fucking can. That's what you wanted, isn't it? Cum around my dick, huh? I wanna feel you fucking dripping.” He states, moving one of his hands to your neck, squeezing. You struggle to keep your eyes open but you feel the need to watch that moment. Want to remember him like this forever. Sweat trickling down his strong body, highlighting the many tattoos he has. The way his muscles moved each time he moved his hips back and forth. Lips parted, pupils dilated. He seemed like some kind of God, sent to earth especially to take away your peace and at the same time to make you achieve it. 
Watching him carefully you notice him changing the rhythm of the thrusts, sometimes slower, sometimes a bit faster, slamming his hips relentlessly against yours. Sometimes his eyes would close and he would take a deep breath, you knew he was trying to control himself. He was just as vulnerable as you were, just as off-limits as you were.
“I will make you cum around my cock again, my little whore. You will fucking cum again and again and again. Until you can't stand on your legs. Until this pretty pussy of yours be sore.” His words had an effect on you. Again, you felt your body come apart, now beneath him. The pleasure was so violent that it made you feel a strange pressure in your abdomen, more overwhelming than the previous ones. Unlike anything you've ever felt in your life. Unable to stop yourself, you squirted on him, drenching him completely. That seemed to feed him, made him even more ruthless. You were so sensitive that any little stimulation was overwhelming. Pleasure and pain mixed together. If he didn't have mercy on you now you were sure you would die. 
“Please, Lew, come for me. Come inside me. I need to feel it, I need to feel you. Please.” You beg your hands gently running up and down his cheeks. The pleasure made you so careless, so out of your mind, it was impossible to contain that desire. You were always controlled, careful. You never allowed a man to come inside you, you didn't like to take risks. But at that moment, you needed it. It was an uncontrollable desire. You felt like you would faint if he didn't pour it on you.
That was not common for him either. It went completely against the careful behavior he always had. But he can't help it. Your hot, wet pussy, squeezing him mercilessly was pulling him to do it. When he heard it from your mouth, asking so gently, so needy. That was the end, he couldn't contain himself.
“Fuck, I’m coming. Mhmm, milk my cock, baby. Take all of it” He muttered before finally pouring himself into you. A deep, high-pitched groan tore from his throat. Your name. His hot seed painting your walls. You did as you were told, squeezing your pussy around him until he had completely emptied his load in you. It made you feel complete in an indescribable way. It was too much to explain.
After that, his body collapsed on top of yours, wrapping his strong arms around your body as if he needed that to live. You accepted and returned the gesture, hugging him too. It felt so natural, laying there, completely naked, hugging him, in a circle of completeness that neither of you could ever understand. You hated each other a few hours ago and now you were here, sharing such an intimate moment. It was weird. But then again, you didn't want to overthink about it. So you choose to live the moment and enjoyed it as much as you could. 
You didn't know exactly how long you stayed there, laying together, silent, just contemplating your existence together, but you know exactly the moment that woke both of you. His cock still hard inside of you, pulsing, begging him to move again. It was unbelievable, that man couldn't be real. Did he not get tired? 
As if reading your thoughts, he chuckled, before lifting himself a little and moving his hips again, slow and careful, drawing a groan from you. 
“Are you insatiable? My God” You protest sounds more like a groan than anything else.
He laughs again, that endearing laugh, looking like a kid who's been caught doing something he shouldn't. He knew he'd impressed you and he liked it. "You have not seen anything yet" With that he kisses you deeply, starts moving faster, uses his own cum to make you more slippery, more malleable.
"Lewis? Are you there?"
Angela's voice echoes off the cramped walls of the motorhome, pulling you both out of the wild bubble you've been in. Your eyes instantly widen and for some reason you can't even move. Nervousness consumes you completely and the only thing you can do is watch Lewis, stunned. You silently ask him to do something, to quickly get off of you and tell Angela some lie, but he doesn't. In fact, all he does is continue moving his hips slowly, thrusting gently into your wet pussy. You can't believe the boldness of that man. He certainly was crazy. And maybe you were even more because you were enjoying it. You were enjoying it way too much.
“Yes, Ang.” He answers. Pause to watch you. Move his hips once more. Can't stop his movements even if he wanted to. Being engulfed in your warm walls is just too good to stop now. And besides that, he finds it cute to see you struggling to contain your groans. “Yeah, I'm here.” 
“Are you ok, Lew?” She asks. Her voice was unsure. Of course she thinks the whole situation is way too strange. In normal conditions Lewis would quickly open the door for her. His sore muscles asking for her magic hands to give him some sense of relaxation after all the stress he has been exposed to. But not today. Today he was receiving another kind of recovery treatment.
“Yeah. Yeah, I'm ok. Just...give me five minutes and I'll meet you in my room to stretch a bit before the meeting.”
“Ok, I will see you then!” You know she’s still thinking it’s a bit weird, but she doesn’t push it.  
After you hear the physical therapist's footsteps walking away from the motorhome entrance, you push Lewis' body off of you, sighing at the loss of contact, making him fall onto the couch. His face contorts, a mixture of confusion and dissatisfaction. You shake your head, laughing. That man was crazy. Did he really expect you to stay there all day? “We need to go back to work” You say, casually, as if you weren't doing anything wrong just minutes ago. 
You get up from the couch but your legs give out and for a moment you think you're going to fall on your knees in front of him. You pray to God that this doesn't happen because if it does you will never get out of that motorhome again. Luckily Lewis' big hands grip the back of your thighs. It keeps you steady on your feet. “I got you” He says, a playful smile on his face. You can’t help but smile for him again. You don't know how long you stood there, facing him and smiling. Good sex really makes people silly, you think. 
You escape from his touch quickly, still naked. Walking bewildered through the small space of the motorhome, trying to find your lost clothes on the floor. You inhale and exhale to calm yourself, but ends up being flooded by the scent of sex that hung in the air. Yeah, maybe breathing wasn't the best idea at the moment.
He watches you closely, doesn't move. Still sitting on the couch, beautifully naked. His cock, still hard, rests on the smooth skin of his abdomen. He seems to be oblivious to reality. And you're not much different. Your movements are lost, clumsy. You should yell at him. Insult him and expect him to insult you back. Start a fight. Follow the common routine you've developed over the past few months. But you can't. And neither does he. The atmosphere between you seems calmer, lighter. You strangely expect it to stay that way. 
"Will you leave me here? Like this?"
He asks, finally. Lewis gestures with his hands, signaling his cock, painfully hard and throbbing, clamoring for your attention. You want nothing more than to be on your knees for him, cover him in your saliva, choke on his thick length. But you can’t. Have been too reckless today. You are already fully dressed, the Mercedes uniform covering your body perfectly. But beneath the dark-colored clothes, your skin is sweaty, clammy. Lewis's masculine scent permeated every part of you. His cum dripping down your panties. You try to not think about it. 
"I need to work." You answer, slowly. "I need to fix the mess you've made." Maybe it seems you’re accusing him, but your tone is playful and you’re laughing. Your daily provocation game is taking a new tone. That was good. “And we need to find a way to open the damn door” You say, almost forgot the broken door. Secretly, you were thanking the gods for making that door break. Without it, none of this would have happened. Maybe your life would be easier if none of this had happened, but what's the fun of it?
Lewis only nods but when his mouth twitches into a mischievous smile, you know he’s in the game already. He starts moving, picks up his own clothes, puts them on slowly as you try to arrange your curls. You smile at each other during the process. When both of you are fully clothed, he kisses you intensely, gives a slight slap on your ass. Smile at you again. Maybe wild sex was all you needed to finally stop acting like two silly kids, you think.
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