#i'm trying to experiment with a slightly different style with this one
justmeinadaze · 2 days
Nothing's Gonna Change My World (Steddie X You)(90s Universe)
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A/N: I hope you like this. It's a new style for me and I have all the ideas for this. Each chapter will be a different universe. <3
Warnings: Steddie X Fem Y/N, The universe they view the first time is a 90s esc style one with Punk Boy in a Band Steve/ Entrepreneur Eddie and Regular 90's girl Y/N. SMUT, light spanking, daddy kink with Eddie (because Im me), and everything in between
ANGST (again because I'm me)
Y/N's kinda blah about the experiment mentioning she's only doing it for the money, mentions of cheating (her ex cheats on her), mentions of alcoholism (briefly touched on)(reader almost breaks her sobriety until Steve appears), mentions of loss of sibling (brief), these three get feisty with each other near the end. Slight cliffhanger ending I guess? There's some things we're going to learn about these three as the chapters go along.
Word Count: 6282
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“Ok, thank you all for coming and being apart of our experiment. I’m just going to go over some rules, guidelines and answer any questions you may have.”
You sigh and fold your arms as you drown out the sound of the doctor in front of you. Could you really call him a doctor? When you signed up to do this, he introduced himself as an inventor and scientist. You genuinely didn’t care either way. All that mattered to you was the ten grand payout you were expected to receive when this stupid thing was over. 
“As stated previously, you will be here for about 3 weeks. You will be provided meals and beds free of charge but any additives like cigarettes or candy do cost extra.”
A boy snorted as he laughed under his breath drawing your attention. There was a total of about 15 people in the room but this boy stood out a bit more. It could be because you saw him outside of the building smoking when you were leaving your first initial interview but he seemed a lot less “put together” than the people around you.
Every participant was given a white shirt with white sweatpants to wear and just like everyone else in the city most of the people were fairly clean cut with their hair pulled or slicked back, little to no makeup, and their face clean shaven. This boy had long, wavy hair that hung around to his shoulders and it seemed like he hadn’t brushed it in months. He dawned tattoos on his arms that had some of the people around him flashing him dirty looks like he was unkempt. 
You had a tattoo but it was hidden under your shirt by your heart where only you would see it. 
When his chocolate-colored eyes briefly locked with yours, you shifted your gaze back to the man who was speaking. 
“Every other day, you will be in the vessel for 4 hours and we do administer a calming agent to make sure you’re relaxed through the experiment.”
“Why? I thought you said this wasn’t dangerous.”, a woman interrupts beside you.
“It’s not, Mrs. Lynette, but it can be slightly…jarring… to see yourself in a different environment. We want you as relaxed as possible.”
“Excuse me. Can you explain that a bit more, please? Different environment.”, a boy asks as he leans forward with his elbows on his knees. 
You ran into this boy as well after your interview. He bumped into you as you were opening the door to leave, mumbling an apology before holding it open wider for you to step through. His smell always lingered with you even when you went back home, trying to identify where you knew it from. It was definitely cologne but it felt so familiar. 
He seemed like everyone else around him with all of his hair pushed back and his face clean of any stubble but his body language screamed that he was different. Up until this point, will everyone was sitting up straight and listening, he was leaning back with his large palms rubbing his knees as his long legs rested out in front of him. 
After asking his question, he glanced towards you before you both looked towards the doctor.
“It’s hard to explain but the best way I can is you will getting glimpses into different universes and realties. They are you just in a different plain so to speak.”
“Will we be hurt or anything?”, someone else asked.
“No, not in this universe anyway. You are only an observer. You won’t be able to interact or change anything.”
“So what’s the point of this experiment exactly?”, you ask more so out of curiosity than anything. 
The doctor smiles as he presses his clipboard to his chest. 
“To learn. Learn about other worlds, other universes, other ways we can make this universe better.” Your eyebrows raise sarcastically as you huff and gross your legs. “You guys will be the first people to test this system out so we’re hoping for a fun and unique month.”
“Will we be running into each other? What do we do if that happens?”, a man inquired. 
“We chose participants at random from different backgrounds with different circumstances and add in that there are so many factors that branch out universes or timelines. The chances of you running into someone in this room are one in a trillion. Less than even…”
You began to tune him out again until the feeling of hand touching your arm got your attention as you and the other participants were led to a large white room with 15 different pods or “vessels” as he called them. The nurse who guided you, held your hand as you stepped in and laid down in the somewhat comfy Styrofoam bed underneath you.
“Alright, Miss Y/L/N, you’re going to feel a slight pinch…” You hissed as the needle pierced your arm but the effects were instant as you laid your head back and felt your body calm. “Good. Now I’m just going to put these goggles over your eyes. This is what will allow you to see the universe. Remember, you’re just watching not interacting.”
“Okay.”, you murmured as you allowed her to place the bulky equipment over your head.
The sound of the pod closing had your fingers twitching as sounds around you became muffled. 
“Alright, Miss Y/L/N, dropping down in 3, 2, 1—”
You sat in your car staring at the stupid club sign debating if you should go in or drive away. You had been sober for the past 3 years but your ex-boyfriend (as of today) decided to cheat on you with a friend from his office and all you wanted to do was drown your sorrows in booze. 
“Kallie, I’m sorry.”, you whisper as you open your car door and are promptly hit with freezing cold winds. After running to the front door, you show the man your id and he allows you entry. 
Smoothing down your hair, you quickly remove your jacket and hand it to the person behind the counter and thank her as you take the ticket you’re handed. The beeper clasped to your hip beeped but you continued to ignore it knowing who it was. 
As you take a seat at the bar, you glance around at the people dancing under the ambient red light while the band continues to play a slow but rhythmic song that even has you sway. 
“What would you like to drink, Miss?”, the bartender asks and you order the first thing that comes to mind. 
Feeling eyes on you, your gaze shifts towards the stage to see the bands guitarist eyeing you before giving you a soft wink and a smile. At the action, you suddenly feel under dressed in your overalls and long sleeve turtleneck that hugs your figure. 
The man focused on his music again and you couldn’t but watch how his fingers moved across the strings of his instrument. He reminded you of a lead singer from any 90s punk band with his hair slightly spiked up but haphazardly flowing every which way and his black polo clinging to his upper torso to show off every muscle and tattoo he had. His jeans left little to the imagination but you loved the black and white converse that he showed off when jumping into the air as he played out the final song. 
When he laughed and high fived his friend, he scrunched his nose and showed off his teeth making you smile as jealously panged your heart. You wished you were as happy as he seemed. 
Your drink was placed in front of you and you stared at the contents as your fingers played with the rim of the bottle. 
“Are you hoping to drink it with osmosis or?” You had been focusing so hard on your brain you didn’t even notice the guitarist had come up beside you causing you to jump when he spoke. “Whoa! I’m so sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to scare you. Are you alright?”
God, he smells amazing.
“I’m ok. I was just…lost in my head.”
“I can understand that. I’m, uh, Steve, Steve Harrington.”
“Nice to meet you.”, you smile as you shake his extended hand. “I’m Y/N.”
“Y/N…that’s a beautiful name.”
“Thank you.” Clearing your throat, you try to regain control as you gesture towards the stage. “You guys sounded amazing up there.”
“Thank you, thank you so much. My friend taught me how to play and I’ve been doing it ever sense. I love the rush I get you know?”
“Yeah, I have some idea.”
His amber eyes scan you over as he takes in your soft smile and jittery hands.
“Hey. I have an idea. We’re going to an after party down the street at my friend’s house. His uncle makes a ton of money so he has like this huge mansion we all hang out in after a gig. Would you like to come? He’s a cool dude.”
You weren’t sure what it was about this boy but you felt safe with him. You felt like you had known him for years but you couldn’t figure out how or why. Following your gut, you threw money on the table and started to head towards the front to get your coat. 
“You didn’t finish your drink!”
“I don’t need to, Steve Harrington.”
“Would you mind if I ride with you? We all take a van here.”, the man asks as he slings on his jacket and he grins when your fingers graze his patches. 
“Yeah, no problem.”
“Y/N! I have been looking everywhere for you! Why the fuck are you at a bar?!”, your ex shouts as he meets you halfway up the parking lot. 
“That’s none of your fucking business! Get out of my way!”
“You know you shouldn’t be drinking!”
“And you know you shouldn’t be fucking other women yet here we are.”, you growl as you dig for your keys. 
A hand reaches out to touch you but it’s swiftly pulled back when Steve grabs his wrist. 
“Don’t fucking touch her.”
“Who the fuck is this?!”
As your ex pushes his hand away and steps towards you, the other man steps between you and shoves him back. 
“I’m not going to tell you again. Don’t touch her. It sounds like she’s done with you. Now get the fuck out of here.”
“Or what?”
Again, he steps forward but this time Steve’s fist flies hitting your ex hard in the face. 
“I warned you, asshole.”
As the bouncer comes out to see what’s going on, you hastily grab his arm and run to your car.
“Wow. Your friend lives here?”, you ask as you pull up to a two-story large house that took up most of the square footage of the area. “How did you two meet?”
“Um, high school?”, he answers before shutting his door and running around to open yours. “His uncle owns the factory up north and makes a ton of cash. He’s a cool dude and people love working with him.”
“Is that what your friend does?”
“Uh no. Eddie is kind of a freelancer, I guess you would say? He designs websites for people trying to utilize the world wide web. With this whole dot.com thing, he makes good money to. Designed our bands website.”
Steve didn’t even knock before entering the home but the party was in full swing as people around you were cozying up on couches and music blared. There was a pool out back where you could see people diving in and splashing around while couples clung to each other in their swimsuits. The man beside you high-fived people as he passed them, banging his head to the bass as it blared. 
Guiding you around a corner, there were a bunch of boys in front of a big screen tv, screaming towards it as they button mashed the Nintendo 64 controller. 
“Ah come on, man! Fuck you! You can’t use swords when I only have this knife!”
“Pick a better character than, Henderson! Boom!”, a long-haired boy shouted playfully as the character on the screen died. “And that is how you win, baby.”
Grinning wide, he ruffled the boy’s curls before standing and stepping over the back of his sofa.
“Harrington! Hey, man. How was the show?”
“Phenomenal as always.”, Steve beamed as he hugged his friend. “Hey, I want you to meet Y/N. Y/N, this is my friend Eddie Munson.”
As you reached out to shake his hand, he took hold of your own and kissed the back of it as he bowed in front of you.
“Nice to meet you, sweetheart. Can I offer you anything to drink? A beer maybe?”
“Oh, um, no thank you. I don’t…I don’t drink.”
Steve’s eyebrows furrowed as he scanned you over but he chose not to press you on the issue. 
“Not a problem. Let’s head upstairs so we can talk somewhere quieter.”
Still clinging to your palm, Eddie guided as the other boy followed and you took this time to visually take in the boy in front of you. His long hair was pulled back so you could see the beautiful features in his face and the stubble that dusted his upper lip. While everyone else seemed more casual, he was dressed in a button up shirt with black slacks as if he had just got off from some corporate job. 
Like with the other man, something about this boy told you that you could trust him. You had spent your whole life struggling especially within the last 6 years and besides Kallie never felt safe around anyone or anywhere. Even with your boyfriend, you were always afraid something bad was about to happen and oddly enough when it did you weren’t surprised. 
“Welcome to my cozy nook away from the craziness.”, Eddie beams as he falls theatrically into a bean bag on the floor. “Y/N, I know you don’t drink but may I offer you some weed?”
Reaching behind him, he produces a little black box and pulls out some bud that he begins to roll. 
You cackle as you laugh at a story Eddie had just told that had both boys beaming your way. 
“Oh my god, it’s 3am. We’ve been up here for almost 4hrs. Do you need to get back to your guests?”
“My moochers? No, sweetheart, I don’t.”, the man answers in a husky drawl that makes you feel warm. “Honestly, Steve here is the only person who doesn’t use me for my cash or free shit so that’s why as soon as he arrives at my place, we come up here.”
“Hm…must be kind of lonely. Not knowing who you can trust.”, you reply absently causing their heads to tilt. “I can understand that.”
“Yeah, poor girl’s going through a breakup.”, Steve relays causing you to sit up and cross your legs. “Something about him cheating?”
“Yeah, um, I came home from work early and they were… fucking asshole. I’m not sure how he knew what bar I was at but—”
“Especially since he seemed to think you shouldn’t be there.” At his comment, you and Eddie shift your gaze his way before your head hangs. “Something about how you shouldn’t be drinking. It’s weird when I met you, you were sitting at the bar with a drink in your hand but you weren’t drinking it.”
When you didn’t respond, Eddie clapped his hands and tossed a smile your way. 
“I have an idea. Let’s play truth or dare. It will help us get to know each other better and you can find out how much of a whiney bitch Steven is.”
The man narrows his eyes jokingly at his friend as you laugh. 
“Harrington, truth or dare?”
“Is it true… that every time your dad pisses you off you get a new tattoo?”
“Oh yeah. That’s why I have so many.”, he sasses, playfully widening his eyes as he removes his shirt to show them off. “I got this one on my stomach when my dad told me I was a waste of space for running off to join a band.”
“Steve…I’m so sorry.”, you try to comfort, reaching out to run your palm along his warm skin.
“Ed, truth or dare?”
“Is it true…is it true you don’t smoke?”
Eddie flashes his friend a disgusted face before showing of the joint in his fingers. 
“I only smoke the green stuff, my friend. I used to smoke cigarettes but after a doctor told me I was at risk because my mom died of cancer I quit the stuff.”
“That’s really good. I’m proud of you.”, you grin.
“Thank you, princess. Maybe you can help me talk Tom Delonge over here into stopping.”, he chuckles as Steve lightly kicks his friend’s knee with his bare feet. “Alright, Y/N. Truth or dare?”
“Um, truth.”
“Is it true what your boyfriend said? That you shouldn’t be drinking.”
You blink, taken off guard by his question as both men’s eyes bore into your frame. 
“It’s not that I shouldn’t be. I choose not to.”
“I, um, I used to be an alcoholic. When I drank…I got stupid…and people got hurt.” You glance their way expecting judgement like everyone else in your life but when you’re met with their soft eyes, you smile towards Steve. “Truth or dare?”
“Is it true you think less of me because I almost broke my sobriety tonight?”
As your head slightly hangs, he reaches out with his fingers to lift your chin. 
“No, it’s not true. I get it, honey. Fucking asshole broke your heart and you just wanted the pain to stop. He had no right coming at you the way he did like he’s your fucking dad or something.” You can’t help but exhale as his thumb caresses your cheek before dropping his hand back around his legs and focusing on Eddie. “Truth or dare?”
“Is it true you think less of Y/N?”
“God no. I think she’s strong, funny, and extremely beautiful.” You blush at his compliment, reaching out to lightly swat his arm before he swiftly grabs your wrist and pulls you closer to his lap. “Truth or dare?”
The long-haired boy smiles mischievously at your answer.
“I dare you…to kiss Steve.”
“You don’t want to kiss me?”, you ask incredulously as his grin widens.
“I do but I don’t want Harrington to think I’m trying to steal you away.”
Releasing you from his grasp, you lean back and scoot closer to his friend, closing your eyes as you inhale the smell of weed and nicotine on his breath. 
“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”, Steve whispers and that comfort is all you need as you tilt forward so your mouth can crash to his. 
The best way to describe what you were feeling was safe and you reveled in it, falling deeper and deeper in with every movement of his lips. His palm tenderly cupped your face to bring you closer as his tongue invaded and danced with yours. 
“Hey, hey, hey. We aren’t done playing!”, Eddie chuckled as he swatted your two apart but Steve was unwilling as he lifted you off the floor and placed you in his lap with your back to his chest. His strong, tattooed arms wrapped around you and you melted into his embrace. “You’re turn, princess.”
“T-Truth or dare, Steve.”
“Dare, baby.”
“I dare you to take off your pants and underwear.” With one arm still wrapped around your stomach, he unbuckled his belt and awkwardly shoved down everything he was wearing below his waist. “F-Fuck.”, you moaned when his large cock sprung free and hit his stomach. 
“Harrington, she’s not going anywhere. You can let her go.”
“I like feeling her against me. Truth or dare, Munson?”
“Dare, dude.”
“I dare you to help Y/N out of her clothes so we can get a good look at this beautiful woman.”
Eddie crawls towards you on his hands and knees, playfully grabbing your ankle and sliding his palm up your calf. 
“Is that ok, sweetheart? Can we see your body?”
“Y-Yeah, yeah of course. Um!” They pause at your exclamation as both sets of eyes look down at you with concern. “I just feel like I should tell you…this isn’t normal for me…like I don’t go around jumping into bed with every guy…I meet at a bar.”
As you struggle through your words, Steve kisses your temple while Eddie unhooks your overalls. 
“No judgments if you did, babe. We’re not like that either. I’m assuming Harrington here really likes you. He’s never brought a girl to the after party before.”
Lifting your hips, you allow him to slide off your pants while you help by removing your turtleneck and tossing it to the side. 
“Is that true?”
“I’m, um, a little shy believe it or not.”, the man giggles as his lips lean down to kiss your neck.”
“Truth or dare, Y/N?”
“Truth.”, you pant as their hands caress your skin. 
“Is it true you’ve never been with two men before?”
“Yes, it’s true but…”
“But what?”, Eddie coos his lips attach to the other side of your throat. 
“I trust you. I can’t explain it but I do.” Neither man said a word as they continued to suck on your skin before you aggressively grabbed the long-haired boy’s collar and forced him to face you. “Truth or dare?”
“I dare you both to fuck me.”
Lurching forward, his mouth needily kissed yours and you moaned at the taste of the joint on his lips. After hastily ripping off his shirt and pants with his own boxers, he pumped his cock in your direction and you didn’t even hesitate as your palm took hold of his girth and your tongue ran along the tip.
“Fuck, that’s it, baby. Spit on it. Get it nice and wet.” Eddie bites his bottom lip when your eyes flick up to meet his as you spit on his mushroom head and stroke it along his shaft. 
A loud moan ripples through from your throat when you feel Steve adjust you slightly before sliding his fingers under the waist band of your panties and run his fingers through your folds. 
“Shit, honey. Already so wet. Is this because of us?” When you nod, he mewls as he kisses your cheek. “Go ahead, pretty girl. Suck my friend’s dick. I got you.”
You did as he suggested and Eddie’s fingers tangled in your hair as he lightly thrust his hips, pushing himself as far down your throat as he could go. Your own whimper vibrated against him as Steve breached your entrance and slid one of his own digits into your cunt. 
“Goddamn it, Ed. She’s so fucking tight. I wonder how she tastes.”
His friend pants out a laugh as he bends down and lifts you off Steve’s lap to place you directly onto the floor.
“If you wanted to eat her out all you had to do was ask. Is this ok, Y/N? The floor isn’t cold or anything?” Shaking your head, you reach for his lips and he smiles at your eagerness as his hands roam your skin. “You really are beautiful, baby. What’s this?”, he asks as he lifts off your bra and his fingers trace the ink on your chest. “Who’s Kallie?”
“My sister. She died three years ago.”
Eddie’s eyes scanned yours before leaning down to give you a gentle kiss. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
Feathery light kisses grabbed your attention as Steve traced your thigh with his lips before deeply inhaling you through his nose between your legs. 
“You smell good, honey. Can I make you feel good?”
“Please.”, you beg and he obliges as his tongue runs up your slit to your clit. 
Your fingers played with his hair and with every light pull, he would moan making your eyes roll back as Eddie’s palm massaged your stomach and up between the valley of your breasts. 
“Does his tongue feel good?”
“Yes. C-Can I…Can I taste you again?”
As he pushed up onto his knees, you stuck your tongue out and he licked his lips as he tapped his cock against the muscle. 
“Now keep your tongue flat, baby, and I’m gonna fuck your throat while Stevie here makes you cum.”
At the sound of his name, the boy tilted back and spit directly into your hole, eliciting a filthy moan from you as he slid two of his fingers inside of you. Squeezing your eyes shut, you allowed Eddie to use you as he pumped his length hard and you gagged around him. 
The sound drove Steve crazy and he wrapped his lips around your bundle of nerves as the obscene sound of slurping filled the room. 
“Good girl. Fuck, baby. Cum on his fingers and keep that throat open for me. That’s it.”
Your pussy clung to Steve’s digits as the ball dropped and you came aggressively as he helped you through it. Kissing his way up your stomach, his lips lingered along your tattoo before you felt his tongue lick your skin to your neck. 
“You taste so fucking good, honey. Taste yourself.”, he commanded in a breathy whimper as he offered you his fingers that you eagerly sucked on. “Atta girl. Sweet like you.”, he cooed with a smile as he kissed your cheek.
They exchange a glance and switch places, Steve on his knees by your head while Eddie opens your legs wider and tosses one of them over his shoulder. You mewl as he glides his cock through your folds, collecting your slick as he pumps his hips. 
As he begins to push inside of you, you wince slightly at his size while he carefully inches forward.
“I know, baby. You’re ok. Everything’s ok.”, the other man tries to sooth as he pets your head and places tender kisses along your face. “You’re doing good.”
A jolt of electricity shoots through your body and your gaze shifts towards Eddie who was rubbing your clit with his thumb as he continued to watch himself disappear inside you.
“F-Fuck, it’s so big.”
“I know, sweetheart. I’m—fuck, you’re so tight—I’m almost all the way in.”
Searching blindly behind you, it takes Steve a moment before he realizes what you’re looking for. 
“You want to suck my cock, Y/N? Can you handle us both right now?”
“Yes…please…”, you whine making him groan with need as he scoots closer to your side. 
When his friend bottoms out, he freezes allowing you to get used to his size as he tenderly kisses and rubs your calf against his shoulder. 
“Fuck me.”
Finding a steady rhythm, Eddie obliges and so does Steve as he guides his length into your awaiting mouth. 
“Shit, baby. Your mouth is amazing. Taking—mmph—taking us both so well.  Y-Your pussy’s so good you shut Munson up.”, he chuckles as his friend’s head hangs absorbing the pleasure while he clings to your thigh for leverage. 
Biting his bottom lip, calloused fingers play with your nipples as the other boy tilts down a bit more to do the same. 
“Oh, Eddie!” As he leaned over, he brought your leg with him, pushing his cock deeper into your cunt and slamming into buttons you had no idea even existed. “Right—Right there.”
“Right there, princess? Ok…ok, I got you, baby. Daddy’s got you. Fuck.” The title threw you off guard as your pussy gripped him like a vice. “Fuck, Y/N. You like that, don’t you? Like knowing Daddy’s taking care of you?”
“Jesus.”, Steve murmured as you bobbed your head faster around him. 
Placing his palms flat on the floor to balance himself, the boy above you rolled his hips practically punching the air from your lungs as you choked and spit spilled from your lips. 
Steve hastily backed away, allowing you catch your breath as your eyes locked with Eddie’s. 
“Say it, sweetheart. Beg Daddy to make you cum.”
“P-Please, Daddy. Make me—ahhh—make me cum. Oh f-fuck.”
Skin slapping into skin echoed through the room till your back arched and your nails dragged down his bare chest as you came. 
“Jesus H. fucking Christ. W-Where can I cum, Y/N?”
“Inside…Inside please.”
Dropping your leg to the side, Eddie collapsed on top of you with his hands on either side of your head as he grunted in your ear. 
“Good girl. Good fucking girl. Mmph—take my cum, baby. For pussy this good, it’s yours.”
His entire body trembled as his release spilled inside of you, a little chuckle leaving his lips at the feeling of your cunt milking him till he was empty. 
As soon as he rolled away, Steve was at your side softly kissing your sweaty face. 
“Are you ready for me, pretty girl?” When you nod, he swiftly wraps his arms around you and spins you around until your giggling on top of him. “You really are beautiful, Y/N.”
“Very. Your ex is a fucking moron.”, Eddie smirked as he lazily reached out to run his fingers along your leg. 
Your own palms run along the guitarist’s chest as you take in all of his unseen tattoos that were slightly obscured by the hair on his chest. 
“I like this one. ‘Jai guru deva, om’.”, you smile as you point to the words. “I wouldn’t expect a man like you to like the Beatles.”
Steve’s own grin grows as he pushes up onto his elbows. 
“You really are something, aren’t you? Definitely more than what’s on the surface.”
Your lips kiss his and he cups your face bringing you with him as he lies down flat on his back once more. Feeling movement below you, you both moan as his grinds his hard, leaking cock between your legs. 
As you reach between your bodies, the two of you watch as you hold onto him and gradually sink down onto his length. 
“Oh my God, Steve.”
“Fuck, honey. T-Take your time. We have all night.”
As you slowly roll your hips, his large, gorgeous hands run along your thighs, up your sides, and to your breasts, kneading them in his palms as your own balance against him.
“There you go, baby. Am I—mmph—am I deep? Can you feel me right here?”
When his hand pressed on your lower tummy, your head fell back as you whimpered his name and covered it with your own. You found a rhythm as you bounced on top of him, his moans mixing with yours as he watched your body move.
“God, Y/N, you’re so fucking sexy riding my dick. That’s it, baby. Harder.”, he commanded as he spanked your behind causing you to fall forward and hold yourself up with your palms. Tilting towards you, his mouth wrapped around your nipple as his tongue flicked against the bud and he hit your ass again.
“Fuck, Steve.”
“That’s right, pretty girl. Mmm—say my name like that again.”
Wrapping his arms around your back, he yanked you flat against his chest and planted his feet into the carpet as he thrust up into you roughly. Fingers threaded through your hair and pressed you to his neck as your lips clung to his skin as he grunted into your ear. 
Your screams were muffled but he could hear you chanting his name as you came, driving him over the edge as his rhythm faltered and you felt his release coat your quivering walls. 
You both continued to pant as he rolled you onto your side and a second set of lips tenderly kissed your shoulder. 
“Are you alright? Do you need anything? Water?”, Eddie asked with a kindness behind his tone that made you smile. 
“No, thank you. I’m alright.”
Nodding, he absently reached behind him and produced a blanket to cover your bodies with while Steve continued to pet your head. 
“Hey, um, I have a gig on Friday in Indianapolis. Would you want to come?”
You giggle at his shyness as his friend grins wide behind you. 
“I think it’s cute after what we just did, you’re still nervous to talk to me.”
“I’m not nervous to talk to you. I’m nervous…we won’t hear from you again and I don’t know about Ed but I’d like to get to know you more.”
“I definitely would. I’m going with him on Friday for a meeting and I’d love to experience one of his concerts with you. We can all get dinner afterwards…talk.”
“Truth or dare?”, you ask Eddie as you both softly smile at each other. 
“Is it true that I have some demons in my past that may frighten you away from me?”
The man blinks as he takes in your question before leaning down to lightly kiss your lips. 
“It’s true but it takes a lot to scare me away, sweetheart. Trust me. We’ve got some demons to but we’re learning to deal with them just like you seem to be. Maybe we can even help you.”
“Truth or dare?”, you ask Steve as your turn your attention to him. 
“Truth, honey.”
“Is it true that this isn’t a one-time thing for you both? That you genuinely like me.”
Smiling, his tattooed hand cups your cheek as he gives you a sloppy kiss that makes you laugh. 
“It’s true. I fell for you the moment you walked into the bar. As soon as I spoke with you I knew Munson would like you to. We don’t have to move fast or anything. We can take this as slow as you need to.”
Eddie’s fingers tilt your head his way.
“Truth or dare, Y/N?”
“Dare.”, you answer as you bite your bottom lip coyly. 
“I dare you to stay and give us a chance because we promise you won’t regret it.”
“Whoa, Whoa, Miss Y/L/N! Everything’s ok!”, the nurse tries to comfort as you jerk up and remove the goggles from your eyes. 
Glancing around you, you hear the sounds of the other participants crying and talking over one another as they describe what they saw. 
“Ok, let me just check your vitals really quickly and then we can give you another relaxer to calm you—”
“Mr. Harrington, WAIT!”, another nurse shouts across the way as the man heatedly stomps away from her to grab Eddie’s sleeve and tug him out of the room. 
“Mr. Harrington! Mr. Munson! Hang on now!”
“Miss Y/L/N, please come back!”
You ignored her as you jumped out of your pod to follow where they were going. 
“You said it shouldn’t be a fucking problem!”, Steve hissed.
“I didn’t think it would but I’m not a fucking scientist. I haven’t physically spoken to you or seen you two years and it’s not like we were the best of friends before that! I figured ‘other realities’ of me would also know what a fucking asshole you are!”, Eddie growled back as he pushed the man away. “I didn’t expect it to be like that…”
“You two know each other?!”, you angerly whisper causing their heads to jerk your way. “So much for fucking random. Look, just keep your fucking mouths shut! I’m not getting kicked out of this thing because you two screwed everything up.”
“Excuse the hell out of me, Miss high and mighty but how is what happened our fault?!”, the pretty boy scolded as he crossed his arms. “How do you know us?”
His palm promptly slams over your mouth as he pulls you around the corner and shoves you against the wall. 
“Shhhh! You’re not the only one who needs to be here. Now, Eddie probably appeared because we’ve met each other so how do we know you?”
“I’ve never seen either of you in my life.”, you answer when he removes his hand. “And how do I know you don’t know me?” As his eyes scan you from head to toe your own roll. “Really? You are a fucking asshole.”
“I’m not trying to be. I just…My class of people don’t usually run into yours.”
“How do you even know what my class is?”
“I mean…”, he responds, gesturing absently up and down towards you.
“Wow. You were such a better person in the other universe. If I’m so beneath you, how do you know him?”
“Look, it’s none of your fucking business alright? Let’s just chalk that up to being a fluke or something and move on with your lives, hm?”, Eddie intervenes as you and Steve sigh and relent. 
“Miss Y/L/N! You three need to get back inside so we can take your vitals and prepare for the interview.”, a nurse commands as she points into the room. 
“Y/L/N. As in Michael Y/L/N?”
Without answering, you hurry back inside and fold your arms as you sit back near your pod.
“So you do know her?”, Eddie whispers as they both slowly enter the room. 
“Uh…no. No, I know her last name. You do to…Our private school was named after him.”
The long-haired boy blinks as he tries to comprehend the information in front of him. 
“Wait a minute. Why DON’T we know her then? Shouldn’t she be like a billionaire or something?”
“I don’t fucking know. Just drop it, ok. Like you said, it’s a fluke or something. Let’s just avoid her and avoid each other so we can do this and get outta here.”
@baileebear @jasminelafleur @twirls827 @dashingdeb16 @myherometalhead @starboygf @alba8688 @crybabyddl @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @utterlyinsanity @hardladyheart
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ref pic (suggested by the lovely @arnold-layne ) under the cut
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incognit0slut · 4 months
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Much Ado About Nothing (Act I, Scene I: The Silent Agreement)
Ever since that night, you and Spencer have always been at odds, but there is one thing you both agree on.
Part warning: just two idiots bickering nonstop Words: 1,6k A/n: so nervous about starting this but welcome to the first part! It's a short introduction though I'm trying to make longer chapters in the future
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Hate was too strong of a word, too intense and dramatic for the subtler, more nuanced disdain you felt toward him. It was more like a persistent itch you couldn’t scratch, a pebble in your shoe, or a fly that wouldn’t leave you alone.
You didn’t hate him. You didn’t even dislike him all the time. But there were moments when you wanted to shake him, or yank his tie hard enough to shut his smart mouth. Because every time he started throwing around statistics and facts, he made it sound like you couldn’t possibly understand, as if you weren’t on the same intellectual level as him.
And right now was one of those times you wanted to wipe that smug look off his face.
“You’re wrong,” you argued, not breaking eye contact as you leaned across the cluttered map with pins and photos of various crime scenes. “The Unsub doesn’t fit the profile of someone who strikes randomly. Look at the pattern, the meticulous planning in each location—it’s obvious they selected victims based on specific criteria, not opportunity.”
Spencer scoffed, his eyes narrowing slightly. “The victims have nothing in common. Different ages, different backgrounds, different cities. How do you explain the randomness of the victims if it was planned?”
“It’s the chaos that’s planned, the seeming randomness, each victim is at a pivotal point. The Unsub is not just killing; they’re sending a message through the timing.”
“A message? Or is that just what you want to see?”
You frowned, not liking the condescending tone in his voice. “Reid, not everything has to fit into your neat little boxes of logic. Sometimes, you have to look beyond the obvious.”
“You mean baseless assumptions?”
“How about intuition?” you snapped back. “How about pattern recognition that isn’t immediately visible but becomes clear when you consider the psychological aspects?”
“You mean your hunches?
You gritted your teeth. “It’s not about my hunches. It’s about understanding the Unsub’s mind. They’re choosing victims who are at turning points in their lives for a reason. Maybe it’s symbolic, maybe it’s personal."
“Or maybe you’re just reading too much into this.”
Your frustration bubbled over. You knew if he weren’t talking to you, he might actually agree—No, he would definitely agree. You had enough experience working with him to understand his analytical style and to know that he valued well-reasoned arguments. Yet now it felt like he was purposely dismissing your perspective.
He wasn’t being fair.
“You know what? Sometimes I think you’d argue with a freaking wall if it meant you could prove a point.” To me at least. "Not everything is a textbook case, and not every answer is in your precious statistics.”
You saw him raise an eyebrow. “And you’d dismiss all logical analysis if it meant you could rely solely on intuition. How is that any more valid?”
“It’s not about relying solely on intuition,” you defended. “It’s about seeing the connections, the human behavior that your statistics can’t always explain.”
“But you’re assigning meaning where there might be none.” He gave you a pointed look. “Not only is that dangerous, you’re being reckless.”
Red. You were seeing red. Your retort was on the tip of your tongue when a sharp clearing of a throat suddenly interrupted. You both turned to see Hotch standing at the corner of the room.
"Let's redirect this energy towards something productive," Hotch interrupted, you could almost feel the weight of his stare. "Both of your insights are pointless if you keep arguing like this.”
“I wasn’t arguing.”
You rolled your eyes. “Sure, you weren’t.”
Your boss sighed, the kind of deep, exasperated sigh that seemed to pull the oxygen out of the room. “Just... work together. Please.”
The plea was simple, filled with the tiredness of having had this conversation more times than anyone cared to count. He then turned to leave and the room suddenly felt too big, the silence too loud.
You glanced over at Spencer the same time his eyes fell on you. But before either of you could say anthing, the door jerked open, and you watched as Derek sauntered into the room.
“Did you two fight again? Because Hotch asked me to babysit you.”
You scoffed. “Really? Those were his exact words?”
“Of course not, he asked me you needed supervision because you can’t stop sniping at each other.”
“Supervision,” you muttered under your breath, the word sounding ridiculous because it was the last thing you needed. “We don’t need supervision.”
“Exactly. What you both need is a babysitter.”
“We’re also not kids.”
Derek chuckled, leaning against the doorframe. “Could’ve fooled me. Given how loud you were, I half-expected someone to start throwing toys.”
Spencer was quick to defend himself. “We were having a professional disagreement.”
“A professional disagreement?” Derek mocked, pretending to be deep in thought. “That’s what they’re calling it these days?”
You huffed, crossing your arms. “Yes, Morgan, some of us prefer to call it that instead of ‘arguing like toddlers’.”
The grin spreading across his face was so annoying that you wondered whether you should’ve put your frustration on him instead. Derek pushed himself off the doorframe and walkes over to Spencer, casually draping an arm around his shoulders.
“Alright, Pretty Boy, let’s hear your side of this professional disagreement.”
Spencer shifted uncomfortably under his arm but managed to maintain his composure. “We were discussing the Unsub’s choice of victims. I believe the randomness is genuine, while someone,” he glanced pointedly at you, “Thinks there’s a pattern.”
Derek raised an eyebrow. “What pattern?”
You stepped forward, determined to explain. “Look at the victims’ timelines. They were all at critical junctures—new jobs, big moves, major life changes. The Unsub isn’t picking them randomly; they’re choosing people going through something significant.”
Derek nodded thoughtfully, removing his arm from Spencer’s shoulders. “Alright, I see where you’re coming from. And you, Reid, think it’s just a coincidence?”
“I think the Unsub might be targeting randomly to avoid detection. Patterns can be dangerous for them.”
You sighed. “Can we at least agree to look at both possibilities? If we cross-reference the victims’ life changes with significant dates in the Unsub’s background, we might find a connection.”
You held his gaze as he studied you. You were right, you both knew you were, but you could tell admitting he was wrong was the last thing he wanted to do. There was a tense silence as he considered your suggestion, his eyes flicking between the evidence board and you.
Finally, he nodded, albeit reluctantly. “Fine. We can analyze both angles and see if there’s any overlap.”
“See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Derek chimed in with a smirk, clearly enjoying the moment. “You know, you could’ve gotten more work done if you two still got along.”
Derek’s words hit harder than you expected, a bittersweet reminder of a time when things were simpler. He was right, of course. There was a time when you and Spencer were more than just colleagues locked in constant debate. You were friends—good friends, even. You could almost hear the echoes of shared laughter that had once come so easily.
You remembered late nights at the office, the two of you working over case files and tossing ideas back and forth. Back then, your debates had been lively, yes, but never tinged with the frustration and competition that seemed to color your interactions now.
And to make matters worse, Derek suddenly voiced out the question neither of you dared to ask out loud.
“You guys used to be inseparable,” he mused, glancing at the two of you with an amused smile. “Wonder where it went wrong.”
You knew he was joking, but his words carried an uncomfortable truth that you couldn’t ignore. You could also tell it affected Spencer because his eyes met yours silently.
You both were thinking the same thing. You were sure of it, because everything had changed after that night, that one night you wished to forget. That one night when you thought your friendship would change for the better, but instead, it turned into a moment of clarity, a freaking slap to the face.
The change was immediate, like the abrupt silence that follows a sudden, jarring noise. What had once been effortless and natural now felt forced and awkward. The distance between you grew. The ease with which you once communicated had been replaced by a strained formality, as if both of you were trying too hard to pretend that nothing had changed.
It was as if you had made a silent pact to never speak of that night, an unspoken agreement to bury it deep and carry on as best you could. Both of you were too proud, too scared to address the elephant in the room.
You looked away, unable to hold his gaze any longer. The weight of the unspoken words pressed heavily on your chest, and sure, it seemed childish to harbor such disdain at your big age, but you couldn’t help it. It wasn't just the loss of a friendship that stung; it was the betrayal of knowing someone so close could cause you such pain.
Because Spencer Reid had hurt you deeply that night, so much so that a small, spiteful part of you wanted to hurt him too.
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cowboybeepboop · 14 days
Please please please write something angsty with Hangman that ends with smut, it doesn't have to be too angsty but I really like how soft you write him
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Pairing: Jake “Hangan” Seresin x fem! Reader 
Genre: Smut
Word count: 6.6k 
Summary: You’re a psychologist who is currently working with Maverick which means that Jake Seresin is back in your life. The two of you used to be friends but things changed between you during senior year. Seeing him again brings back memories, and feelings you thought you’d suppressed.
Warnings: not even slightly accurate to irl navy experience (I feel like that would be an assumption but nevertheless), mentions of bullying, Jake being a horrible person in the past, hand stuff, oral fem receiving. 
a/n: lowkey this was rlly fun to write, I'm not so great at angst so I hope this is good. Again, as always, I hope you enjoy and please send any requests you might have <3 I love to write requests so feel free to send anything! Also also, send me a message if you want to be tagged in future Glen Powell/Hangman fics.
You and Jake went to the same highschool and were great friends yet both late bloomers. You grew into yourself during your sophomore year of college whereas Jake did in Senior year of high school, when he got his big growth spurt and lost his braces. Something about him entirely humiliating you by standing you up on Prom night, something you were looking forward to, simply because of how much you liked him has you holding a grudge. 
So when you ran into him during your new position as a clinical psychologist for the Navy, your heart quite literally stopped. You thought that pretending you didn't see him would suffice, but, unfortunately the universe has a completely different plan. 
Your boss had introduced you to Maverick, they planned to have you check out his new team in order to make sure they are competent for the missions the government plans for them to complete. That's how you ended up in the gruff man's office every morning, despite his obvious disdain for your presence in their team. 
The evening sunlight beats down on you as you stand next to Maverick, watching the team go through their training drills. You notice him glance over at you, before focusing back on the team in front of you.
"How's that observing going for you?" He asks with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, never taking his eyes off the team performing push-ups.
“Honestly Sir,” you glance over to him, “You’re really good at training, but I think you should be flying missions. You’re too good of a pilot to be stuck on teaching duties.” 
Maverick pauses for a moment, caught off guard by your unexpected compliment. It's clear he wasn't expecting you to say that. He huffs, shaking his head as if trying to dismiss what you said.
"Well, aren't you just full of surprises, sweetheart." He smirks and turns to look you in the eye. "I take it you read up on my file, huh? Got all the dirty little details on Mr. Top Gun himself."
“Of course, but my father trained here a couple years after you.” your gaze returns to the aviators, “He’s always looked up to you, says you're one of the greatest.” 
Maverick's smirk falters for a second, his expression unreadable. He shifts his weight and adjusts the collar of his shirt, suddenly looking a bit uncomfortable.
"Your old man, huh?” He clears his throat. “I had no idea." There's a brief pause before he speaks again, his voice taking on a slightly softer tone. "What's he doing nowadays?"
You reply with a shrug, “Not sure. He wasn’t so keen on having a *shrink* hanging around. Said it cramps his style.” Maverick snorts, that sarcastic smirk returning to his face. 
"Yeah, that sounds like a pilot, alright." He says with a chuckle. His gaze flicks over to the team, currently going through flight drills. He lets out a deep breath before speaking again, a hint of contemplation in his voice. "Did you ever think about becoming a pilot?”
“I did, but I don't think I meet the height requirement.” you smile up at him. Maverick chuckles at your joke, a rare glimpse of genuine humor in his expression.
"Ah yes, the height requirement. The bane of many short people's existence." He teases, his smirk widening. Before you can respond, both of you turn your attention to the sound of the aviators approaching. They look exhausted but pleased, clearly proud of a job well done.
Jake walks towards you, sweat dripping down his forehead from the strenuous training. He stands a little too close, his eyes fixed on you and his breathing heavy. "Hey, Y/N." Jake says, his voice strained from the workout. "You got a minute?” you shift your gaze to the older man at your right, clearing your throat before speaking. 
“No, I’m quite busy.” your usual playful tone is replaced with a distant and cold one.
Maverick picks up on your plea immediately, his expression hardening at the sight of Jake's attempt to speak with you. He steps forward slightly, creating a small barrier between you and Jake.
Jake looks taken back by your cold response, his cocky demeanor slipping slightly. He glances between you and Maverick, clearly confused. "Ah, come on. Just a quick minute." He presses.
“There’s time to talk later.” Maverick interrupts, making you sigh in relief. Jake's cocky smile falters at your cold rejection and Maverick's intervention. He glances at the older man, clearly annoyed by his interruption. 
"It's alright, Maverick," he says, trying to shrug off Maverick's protective stance. "I just wanted to talk to Y/N for a second. It won't take long."  you cower behind Mav, unwilling to face Jake alone again.
Rooster interrupts the tense situation, “Mav, should we hit the showers? Or is there more training to be done?” Jake’s face darkens at Rooster’s question, clearly frustrated that his attempt to speak with you is being constantly interrupted. He clenches his jaw, his irritation palpable.
Maverick, however, remains calm. He gives you a reassuring look before turning to face his team. "Yeah, you guys go ahead and hit the showers." Maverick says, his hand still on your shoulder. "I’ll take care of the situation here." The team nods, sensing the tension in the air, and starts making their way towards the showers.
You avoid Jake's gaze, biting down on your lower lip as you sigh with the tension between the three of you. As the team heads off to the showers, the tension in the air still hangs heavily. Jake stands there, hands on his hips, as he stares at you with a mix of disappointment and anger.
Meanwhile, Maverick's hand goes to your shoulder, a silent show of support. "You really going to keep avoiding me like this?" Jake finally blurts out, breaking the silence.
“If I can.” you say, voice barely above a whisper. “You’re like a damn hawk.” Mav gives you a quizzical gaze before you sigh. “It’s okay Sir, I’ll talk to him” he gives you a soft nod, heading off toward the buildings. 
Once Maverick leaves, Jake's attention refocuses on you, his gaze narrowing as he steps closer. "You’ve been avoiding me all week. We need to talk." His voice is firm, his frustration evident.
“It’s only been a couple days,” you protest, Jake's annoyance only grows at your words, his jaw tightening as he steps even closer, closing the space between you. 
"A couple of days?! It's felt like an eternity. And yeah, I remember our last conversation. It didn't exactly go well." He crosses his arms over his chest, his eyes narrowing as he looks down at you. "You can't keep brushing me aside like this." 
You take a few steps back, sighing with defeat. “Jake, why do you care so much now?” Jake's eyes flick down to the space between you, watching you take a few steps back. His expression softens slightly as he hears the resignation in your voice.
He runs a hand through his hair, frustration etched across his features. "Why do I care?” he repeats, as if the answer should be obvious. “Because I..." He trails off, his own emotions catching him off guard. He pauses, grappling with the words he wants to say, before finding them again. 
You gulp, brushing past him heading toward the buildings. Jake turns, his eyes following you as you try to brush past him. He reaches out, his hand encircling your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.
"Hey, wait." His voice is softer now, more pleading. "Please, just stop and listen to me for a second."
“Okay, fine.” you pull your wrist from his grasp. Jake's hand hangs in the air for a moment after you pull away, your sharp movement surprising him slightly. But he quickly regains his composure and drops it back to his side.
He takes a deep breath and steps closer to you. He wants to reach out and touch you again, but he restrains himself. "I just... I can't stand this. This constant avoidance." 
“Worked well for you when it was you avoiding me.” you bite back. 
Jake's face flushes slightly, guilt flashing across his features. Your words hit him like a punch to the gut, reminding him of his own past behavior. He lets out a frustrated breath, his gaze dropping to the ground. "That was different..." 
“It’s not and you know it.” your head lowers as your mind goes back to your previous conversation, where you confessed your feelings for him and he shut them down quickly. Jake looks at you as your head lowers, regret in his eyes. He instinctively reaches out, gently placing a hand on your shoulder.
"Baby, please." His voice is soft, almost pleading. "Just let me talk for a minute." His touch is tentative, as if he's afraid you'll brush him away again. He wants you to hear him out, but he doesn't want to push you further away in the process. 
You’re taken aback by the pet name, allowing him time to speak. Jake notices the effect his words have on you, a flicker of hope sparking in his eyes. He realizes that he might have a chance to explain himself now.
He takes a deep breath and begins, his voice steady but sincere. "When you told me about your feelings, it took me completely by surprise. I didn't expect it at all. And, honestly, I didn't know how to handle it." His gaze drops to the ground for a moment, his hand lightly squeezing your shoulder. 
You take a deep breath, “Jake,” you move his hand from you. “The only reason you care now is because, because I’m finally *decent* enough for your attention.” 
Jake's expression darkens at your words, a mixture of anger and regret in his eyes. He knows your words carry truth, and it hurts. "That's not true." he protests, his voice tight. "If I'm here now, it's not because I suddenly think you're *decent enough*. It's because..." 
“Because what?” your eyes scan his face. 
Jake runs a hand through his hair, struggling to find the words to explain himself. His eyes lock onto yours, as he tries to convey the depth of his emotions.
"Because I realize now what an idiot I've been," he bursts out, his frustration and remorse clear in his tone. "But... something changed and I..." 
“What changed?” you sigh, Jake's eyes drop to the ground as he grapples with how to answer. He runs a hand through his hair before looking back up at you.
"I don't know," he admits, his voice quieter now, "maybe it was time, or realizing I'm not a kid anymore, but..." He takes a deep breath, steadying himself. "You're different now. You've grown, you've become this..." He gestures towards you, struggling to find the right words. 
“Jake stop..” you look up at him with wary eyes, “That's not fair,”
Jake stops, his eyes widening at your words. "What do you mean it's not fair?" He steps forward, confusion and frustration etched in his expression.
"I'm trying to explain myself, to make you understand why I care now," he says, his voice straining to remain calm. "How is that not fair?"
“Why? Why now?” your voice becomes louder with your growing frustration. Jake's own frustration flares up in response to your growing anger. His hands clench into fists at his sides as he tries to control his emotions.
"I can't explain why now!" he snaps, his voice rising to match yours. "I don't know why I didn't say anything before. I was a dumbass, and I'm sorry!" He runs a hand through his hair, his eyes never leaving your face. "I... I just wish I could go back and fix everything.” 
You open your mouth to speak, yet nothing leaves your lips. Jake notices your hesitation and his expression softens slightly, hope flickering in his eyes. He takes a step closer, his voice quieter now.
"Please. Just... say something. Anything." his hand snakes around your waist, pulling you closer, his hand pressing into the small of your back. You stay silent, unable to process his words and find a response. 
Jake's touch on your waist is firm but not overpowering. He pulls you closer, his eyes searching your face for some kind of response. He notices your silence, the way you seem to be frozen in place. His brow furrows with concern. "Please, talk to me," he pleads. "Don't just stand there." 
You cover his mouth with your hand, needing a second to think. Jake freezes as you place your hand over his mouth, preventing him from speaking any further for the moment. He instinctively responds to your touch, however, pressing a soft kiss against your palm.
His eyes fix on yours, full of hope and anticipation, waiting for you to speak. You feel your guard dropping with his affection, leaning into his body. 
Jake pulls you closer as you lean into him, his arms wrapping fully around you. The tension in the air eases slightly as he holds you tight against his body, his heart racing against your chest. He takes a deep breath, his chin resting on the top of your head. "Please, just talk to me," he whispers into your hair, his voice gentle and desperate. 
“Jake…” you press your forehead against his shoulder, “I..” Jake feels your forehead press against his shoulder, and he holds you a little tighter, his arms encircling you like a protective veil.
"Please," he repeats, his voice barely a whisper, "tell me what you're thinking." He gently tucks a finger under your chin, gently tilting your head up to meet his gaze. His eyes search yours, desperate for some kind of response. 
Your eyes glance to his lips, hands grasping his sides. “I, uh. I don’t know what to say,” your tongue flicks out to wet your lip. Jake's body tenses as he leans in towards you, his breath warm against your lips. He holds you tightly, his grip firm but gentle.
"You don't have to say anything," he murmurs, the corners of his lips barely brushing against yours, "Just... just let me show you." His eyes search yours, filled with a deep mixture of desire and vulnerability. Waiting for your response, for any sign that it's okay to proceed. 
“Jake..” you murmur, his breath hitches at the tone of your voice, the sound of his name on your lips sending a shiver down his spine. He leans in even closer, his lips mere millimeters from yours, his eyes locked on yours.
"Say it again," he whispers, his voice low and rough. "Say my name again." you shake your head in response,  pressing your lips to his. Jake's heart stutters at the touch of your lips against his. He responds immediately, the tension between you snapping as he kisses you back.
He molds his body against yours, one hand gripping your hip to pull you tighter against his chest. The other hand moves to the back of your neck, his fingers tangling in your hair. He kisses you deeply, a thousand unsaid words translated through the contact. 
Your desire momentarily outweighs your grudge against him. Your resistance fades further as Jake's hand slides down your back, his touch igniting a fire within you. He caresses your body with a combination of firm desire and tender finesse, as if he's both demanding and reverent.
His hand cups your ass, his touch a combination of possessive and loving. He pulls you even closer, pressing your body fully against his, his tongue delving deeper into your mouth. He kisses you hungrily, his body craving more, but his hands remain gentle and careful. 
Jake pulls back from the kiss, his forehead resting against yours. Both of you gasp for air, chests heaving as you take a moment to catch your breath.
His eyes remain locked onto yours, a mix of desire, hope, and something else - something deeper - swirling within them. His hands remain on your body, his touch possessive but tender. He runs his thumb over your cheek, a soft gesture of affection. "Say something," he murmurs again, his voice gruff with need. 
“I think,” you take a deep breath, “I think I should leave Jake.” your hands fall from his sides. 
As you speak, as those words leave your lips, something flickers in Jake's eyes. Fear, regret, desperation, all battling for dominance within him. He feels your hands fall away from his sides and his own hands tighten slightly on your hips, as if reflexively trying to pull you back.
"Please, don't go." His voice is thick with emotion, his grip on you bordering on pleading. "Please." your hands cup his cheeks, pulling him in for another deep kiss. Your brain constantly fighting the way your body clings to him. 
As your lips meet in another deep kiss, Jake melts into your touch like a man starved. His hands move to your waist, pulling you flush against his body, his touch firm and possessive.
He kisses you hungrily, his tongue delving into your mouth, seeking connection and reassurance. His heartbeat thuds against your chest, his body reacting to your touch with a mix of need and desperation. 
He doesn't want to let you go. Not now. Jake's body presses even closer against yours, his leg slipping in between yours, creating a tantalizing friction as he wedges himself between your thighs.
His hands roam your body, his touch both rough and tender, a manifestation of the emotions he can't quite find words for. His mouth moves down your neck, his kisses becoming more insistent, more possessive, like a man marking his claim.
He needs you, and he's making it painfully clear. You moan softly, your head leaning to the side to give him better access. Jake's hands grip your hips as he kisses your neck, his lips tracing a path of fire along your skin. The sound of your soft moans only emboldens him, his own body responding to your noises in kind.
You feel him harden against you, a physical reminder of his desire for you. His kisses grow more intense, his teeth gently nipping at your skin as he tries to reign in his self-control. 
He wants more. He needs more. He growls against your skin, his hands moving under your shirt, his fingers tracing up your sides. He nips lightly at your collarbone, his own need growing with each sound that leaves your lips.
“Mm Jake,” you push against his chest, “Wait.” Jake's body stills as you push against his chest, his mind still clouded with desire. He pulls back just enough to look at you, his eyes hazy and dark.
He tries to process what you're saying, his breath coming in short, ragged bursts. He swallows hard, trying to control his racing heart. "Wait... what?" His voice is low and hoarse, his body still pressed against yours, his hands gripping your hip. 
“Take me home,” you murmur, intoxicated by his body on yours. Your lips press to his with hunger, arms wrapping around his neck. Jake's brain struggles to process your words, his body still caught in the haze of desire that surrounds you both. But as your lips brush against his again, the sound of your voice, filled with need, cuts through the fog.
He responds to your hunger with his own, pulling you even closer, his arms wrapping around your waist. He deepens the kiss, his tongue sliding against yours, his body pressed completely against yours.
When the kiss finally breaks, he rests his forehead against yours, his voice a ragged whisper. "Yes. Anything you want." you nod against his head, pulling him closer as you’re unwilling to let him go. 
Jake holds you tight as you nod, his arms encircling you possessively, not wanting to let you go either.
He takes a moment to compose himself, taking a deep breath and trying to gather his thoughts. But the feeling of you in his arms, the sound of your voice, the scent of your skin, they all cloud his mind and make it difficult to do anything but touch you.
He nuzzles his face into your neck, his voice low and rough. "We need to go." 
“Mhm,” your hands wander down his chest, to his lower abdomen, moving to his belt. “We really need to,” Your touch on his body sets his nerves on fire, his muscles tensing under your hands as you move them lower. The feel of your fingers on his belt sends a shiver down his spine, his breath hitching at the contact.
He swallows hard, trying to maintain his composure, but your proximity and your touch make it difficult. He grips your hips tighter, his fingers digging into your skin as he tries to control himself. His voice, when he speaks, is a rough murmur. "Not here.”
You reluctantly pull away from him, handing him the keys from your pocket. Jake takes them from you, his fingers brushing against yours, the contact electric. He watches you pull away, his eyes following your movements closely.
He clenches the keys in his fist, the cold metal a stark contrast to the heat in his veins. His body thrums with need, the need to touch you, to hold you, to *claim* you.
He takes a deep breath, trying to compose himself. "Lead the way." you slide into the passenger seat of your car, putting your address into the gps, restlessly waiting for him inside. Jake slides into the driver's seat beside you, his movements quick and urgent. The sight of you in the seat next to him, the knowledge that he's about to take you home, only serves to heighten his desire.
He starts the car, his hand gripping the gear shift tightly, his knuckles turning white. He glances over at you, taking in your restless demeanor, and a smirk crosses his lips. He knows exactly how affected you are, and it only makes his own need surge. Your hand falls to his lap as you squeeze your legs together in anticipation of what's to come. 
Jake's breath hitches as your hand lands on his lap, the touch sending a jolt through his body. He can tell how tightly you're holding yourself, how the anticipation is affecting you, and it only adds to his own desire.
His eyes flicker down to your hand on his lap, and he has to fight the urge to pull the car over and take you right then and there.
He keeps his eyes on the road, his grip on the steering wheel white-knuckled. "We're almost there." His voice is hoarse, filled with tension. 
“Almost,” you whisper in response, moving your fingertips over his bulge, teasing his body. 
Your fingers brush over his erection, and he lets out a strangled gasp. His hand flies to yours, pressing your hand against him, as if trying to both stop you and encourage you at the same time.
He clenches his jaw, his body tensing at your touch. "Tease," he mutters through clenched teeth, his eyes darting from the road to you and back again. He groans, his body aching for release. You move closer, using your free hand to unbuckle his belt. 
You successfully remove his belt, fingers fumbling with the button and zipper. Jake's breath catches in his throat as you move closer, your hands working on removing his pants. His body tenses, both in anticipation and because he's trying to focus on driving.
He bites back another curse as you unbutton and unzip his pants, his eyes flickering between the road and your hands. He grips the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles white with tension. "We're almost there," he repeats, his voice strained. "Just... just hold on a little longer." 
“Fifteen more minutes,” you groan, hand sliding into his pants. Jake's body jerks at your touch, his hips lifting involuntarily, seeking more of your touch. He lets out a low, ragged groan, struggling to keep his focus on the road.
He looks at you, his eyes dark and intense. "Fifteen minutes," he repeats in agreement, his voice gravelly and rough, "that's it. I can last fifteen minutes." He reaches down, his hand covering yours, but not pushing you away, his touch firm and possessive. 
“Mm, but I can’t.” you murmur as you free him from his boxers, his erection standing straight up. Your words and your touch send a shiver down Jake's spine, his body responding to your every move. 
He closes his eyes for a moment, your touch like fire to his skin, the air in the car suddenly thick. "Jesus," he breathes, his head falling back, "you're going to make me crash."
As you stroke him gently, Jake's eyes fly open, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. "If you keep doing that, I'm not going to be able to drive," he warns, his voice strained with desire.
Ignoring Jake's warning, you lean in and press a soft kiss to his jaw, sending shivers down his spine. His body jolts with surprise and pleasure. Your hand continues to stroke him as your mouth moves closer to his erection, and with a strangled groan, he abruptly pulls the car over to the side of the road, the tires screeching against the pavement. 
His eyes lock onto yours, a mix of desire and alarm, but he says nothing as you wrap your lips around the tip of his cock, the heat of your mouth enveloping him. His hands fly to the back of your head, his fingers tangling in your hair as you begin to suck, the rhythm slow and tantalizing.
His hands grasp your shoulders, gently but firmly, and he pulls you away from his lap. "Wait, wee can't do this here," he says, his voice strained with need and concern. His eyes are dark with desire, but he's visibly fighting to regain control. "Not here, this wouldn’t be right." His words hang in the air, and for a moment, the only sound is the heavy panting of your breath and the pulsing of his erection against your hand. 
You reluctantly pull back, your own desire warring with the understanding in his gaze. "Let's go to your place," he suggests, his voice still thick with lust. "We can... talk things out properly there." He releases you, his hands dropping to the steering wheel as he takes several deep breaths, trying to calm his racing heart.
He speeds to your place, rushing to get you inside. The tension in the car is palpable as Jake shifts it into park, his eyes never leaving yours. You both exit the vehicle, and he takes your hand in his, his touch surprisingly gentle given the fiery passion that had flared between you moments ago. As you enter your townhouse, the urgency from the car seems to dissipate slightly, allowing for a brief moment of awkwardness to settle in. 
You unlock the door and lead him inside, the cool air conditioning a stark contrast to the heat that still simmers between you. Once the door is closed, Jake turns to you, his gaze searching your face for any hint of regret or hesitation. Seeing none, he leans in, capturing your mouth in a kiss that's both desperate and tender. 
Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer, as if trying to erase the years of hurt and distance. His hands roam over your body, reacquainting themselves with your curves, and for a moment, it feels like no time has passed at all.
The kiss deepens, and Jake's hands move to the button of your pants, his fingers deftly undoing it and sliding the zipper down. You gasp into his mouth as he breaks the kiss, his eyes never leaving yours as he kneels before you. He hooks his thumbs into the waistband of your pants, pulling them down along with your underwear, exposing your bare skin to the cool air. 
His gaze travels downward, taking in your wetness with a mix of hunger and awe. "Fuck," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire, before pressing his mouth to your inner thigh, kissing and nipping the sensitive flesh as he moves closer to your center. His tongue traces the line of your pussy, eliciting a moan from deep within you. His hands grip your hips, keeping you in place as he kisses and licks you with purposeful strokes, the heat of his breath sending waves of pleasure through your body. 
You lean back, falling into the couch, your legs spreading wider, giving him full access to explore and taste you. The tension of the day dissipates as he worships your body, his mouth working magic on your clit, his hands exploring and caressing you as if trying to make up for lost time. The air is thick with the scent of arousal, the only sounds in the room your muffled moans and the wet sounds of his tongue against your skin. 
Jake's eyes meet yours again, and you can see the need in them, the raw desire that matches your own. You reach down, threading your fingers through his hair, urging him closer, whispering his name as you feel yourself getting closer to the edge.
As Jake continues to kiss and suck on your clit, you can't help but squirm against his mouth, the sensations building to an unbearable peak. You grab onto his shoulders for support, your moans growing louder with each passing moment. 
Suddenly, the dam breaks and you cum hard, your body shaking with the intensity of your orgasm. He doesn't pull away, instead, he laps up every drop of your release, groaning with his own pleasure at the taste of you. 
As the waves of pleasure subside, you collapse onto the couch, panting and trembling, your eyes fluttering open to meet his intense gaze. He stands, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, a smug look on his face. "See, we can still get along," he murmurs, his voice thick with lust. 
The sight of him standing there, looking so confident and desperate for more, makes your heart race. You can't deny the pull between you, the undeniable chemistry that's always been there. But as you look into his eyes, you know that this isn't just about sex. 
Jake's kisses slowly travel up your legs, turning from hungry to gentle pecks that make your skin tingle with sensitivity. His eyes never leave yours as he shifts his body, moving from his knees to the couch beside you. He wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, and you can feel his heart racing in sync with your own. 
His other hand continues to trace patterns on your bare thigh, the softness of his touch a stark contrast to the fervor of moments ago. His eyes are filled with a tenderness that you never knew existed within him, and it's this that has your chest tightening with a mix of emotions. 
With trembling hands, Jake fumbles with his zipper, the metal teeth parting with a low hiss. His eyes never leave your face, the intensity of his gaze setting your skin alight. He swiftly pushes his pants down to his thighs, freeing his erection. It stands tall and proud, a testament to his desire. The room feels like it's closing in, the air thick with anticipation.
You pull him to you by his collar, kissing his lips hungrily. The fabric of his shirt is rough against your skin, but the heat of his body underneath is anything but. His tongue meets yours with an urgency that mirrors your own, your kisses deepening as his hand slides up your shirt, palming your breast. You arch into his touch, a soft moan escaping your lips as his thumb grazes your nipple.
He pulls you onto his lap, your legs straddling his thighs. He kisses you again, his tongue invading your mouth with a passion that leaves you breathless. You can feel him, hot and hard, pressing against your wetness, and it's all you can do to not grind down onto him immediately.
Jake's hands are everywhere, exploring the curves of your body as if he's worshiping a sacred relic. You can feel the heat of his breath against your skin as he kisses down your neck, leaving a trail of soft, sucking marks that make you shiver with pleasure. His teeth graze your skin, not hard enough to break it, but enough to leave a sting that makes your pulse race.
As your moans fill the quiet room, you can't help but move your hand to wrap around his erection. Your grip is firm, your strokes measured as you watch his face contort with pleasure. His eyes are closed, his head thrown back, and the noises he makes are pure, unadulterated ecstasy. You stroke him faster, your hand moving in a rhythm that matches the beat of your racing heart.
His hips buck upward, meeting your hand with each stroke, his breath coming in short, ragged pants. You can feel the tension in his body, the coiled spring of his muscles ready to snap. And when he's right there, on the precipice of climax, his head falls forward into the crook of your neck, his mouth finding your skin.
The feel of his needy moans against your flesh sends a shiver down your spine, your own body responding to the raw, primal sounds. You tighten your grip, your strokes becoming quicker, more erratic, your own breathing syncing with his. Each moan that escapes his lips is like a command, urging you to bring him over the edge.
His body tenses beneath you, his muscles tightening like a bowstring about to snap. And then it happens. With a guttural moan, he cums undone in your hand, his release hot and sticky as it coats your palm and fingers. His hips jerk upward, his cock pulsing in your grip as he rides out the waves of pleasure. His eyes squeeze shut, and his breath comes out in sharp gasps.
For a moment, there's silence, save for the sound of your own racing heart and his labored breathing. You sit there, still straddling him, watching him come down from the high of his orgasm. His chest is heaving, his eyes still closed as he savors the feeling.
You slide from his lap, relaxing into your couch as the weight of your actions crashes over you. You turn your back to him, biting your lip as you think about what to do next.
Jake watches you, his eyes tracing the curves of your body, still trying to regain his breath. He reaches out, his hand brushing against your arm, his touch gentle but insistent. "Look at me," he murmurs, his voice raspy and rough.
You turn to him with a breathy sigh, avoiding his gaze. Jake notices your averted eyes, his fingers moving to your chin, gently lifting it until you're forced to meet his gaze. 
"Don't look away," he whispers, his eyes searching yours. "I want to see you."
"Jake," you whisper his name, eyes softening at his expression. You knew it wasn’t a mistake, it couldn't be, not on your part. You've been in love with him your whole life, but what if it was all lust for him. 
Jake cups your face in his hands, his thumbs tracing the lines of your cheekbones. He can see the mixture of emotions in your eyes - love, lust, fear, and regret. He gently shakes his head, his gaze intense.
“Jake, is this really what you wanted?” you take a deep breath, “Not just some game to you?” 
Jake watches you intently as you withdraw, his hands falling to your waist, his touch firm yet gentle. "This isn't a game to me," he says, his voice serious. "It never was." 
He pulls you closer, his eyes locked onto yours. "I've always wanted you, more than anything else," he continues, his fingers tracing patterns on your skin. "But I thought I lost my chance with you a long time ago." he presses a soft kiss to your chest. 
The tension in your body vanishes the second he speaks, you relax into his touch, audibly sighing. “Always?”
Jake smiles, his hands roaming your body as if trying to memorize every contour. "Always," he confirms, his voice a whisper. "Since we were kids." He pulls you onto his lap, cradling you against his chest. He can feel your tension melting away, replaced by an air of comfortable intimacy.
“You’re confusing,” you sigh, feeling his hands pulling you closer to him, his chin resting on top of your breasts. 
Jake chuckles, his breath warm against your skin. "I know," he replies, his arms encircling you possessively. "I've always had a habit of making you scratch your head, haven't I?"
He nuzzles his face against your chest, his tongue tracing a gentle line between your cleavage. "But that's nothing new," he whispers, his voice husky with desire. "I've always gotten a kick out of confusing you."
You gasp in response to his tongue, hands squeezing his shoulders. “Mm, fuck.” Jake feels your hands clenching his shoulders, and he grins against your skin, his tongue continuing to explore the valley between your breasts. 
"Language, princess," he teases, his voice laced with amusement. "You know how I feel about filthy mouths."His lips move up to your neck, gently nipping at the sensitive skin. "Makes me want to shut you up."
“Are you going to be able to be professional at work?” your murmur, hands tangling in his hair as you force him to look at you.
Jake chuckles, his eyes meeting yours. "Are you kidding me?" he counters, his grin widening. "When have I ever been professional when it comes to you?"
He shakes his head, pulling you closer until your bodies are flush against each other. "I've been trying to hide how I feel about you for years. Do you really think now that I've finally got you in my arms, I'm going to play it cool at work?"
“Jake,” you purse your lips at him, pressing a quick peck to his. “You know that I already have a problem with your coworkers…I don't want to make it worse.”
Jake lets out a groan of frustration, his hands moving to the small of your back, pulling you even closer. "I know, I know," he mutters, his lips returning to your neck. "But can you blame me for acting like a possessive jerk? You've got all those guys drooling over you, and it drives me insane."
“They only drool over me because of how form fitting my uniform is,” you reply sweetly, “Now imagine if they saw me in a bikini.” you whisper against his ear teasingly. 
Jake's grip on you tightens, his breath hitching at your words. "A bikini," he repeats, his voice dropping an octave. "Now that's a mental image I'll have trouble getting out of my head."
He pulls back slightly to look at you, his gaze dark with desire. "You like teasing me, don't you?" he accuses, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "You know what that does to me."
“I think we need to take a beach trip one of these days,” you smile innocently.
Jake's hands continue to roam your body, his touch growing more possessive. "A beach trip?" he echoes, his mind already filling with images of you in a bikini. "That's a dangerous idea, princess."
He leans in, his lips moving to your ear. "But I like how you think," he murmurs, his voice low and seductive.
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cherryfennec · 11 months
"All fun and games."
Aka a silly thing before the angstier project.
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Script for those who struggle reading.
If Mr.L won he'd have told Dimentio to stay out of his sight for as long as possible. He usually ignores these challenges but this once he thought he could easily win whatever Dimentio had in mind and get the clown to leave him alone for a while. It didn't work out so well....fucker chose Jenga...
Thank you for reading!!
Some additional information regarding the bigger upcoming comic for those interested:
Some of you might've already heard that I'm working on a bit more serious toned project and if you haven't well, there you go now you know.
As of now I have planned out around maybe 20 panels, more or less. I'm not super well versed in comic layout but I've been trying to make it look somewhat interesting and comprehensible. I'm not sure how long this will take to put together and I will not make any false promises. This is something I want to have fun and experiment with, for example; I might post it per page at a time or I might post an entire part at once (there are two parts planned in total). If writing the chat bubbles becomes tedious I might resolve to just typing it out as well. The style for it might also be different from the one you see above, I've been trying out new brushes and I think I found a cool combo.
The comic will feature Dimentio, Nastasia and Mr.L. As always it will include at least some headcanons like slightly altered designs or mannerisms. I have already thought of the name for the comic but I might keep it private for now.
Additional trivia: The comics I make are under the assumption SPM takes longer than one or two days. That's why you'll see me reference time periods such as weeks and maybe even months.
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How long does the process take you to get one (or more) comic page done? I love the idea of making comics but i suck at structure, you know with the script and posting/layout. I was wondering if you had any tips or what you wish you knew before you started.?
Sorry if this had been asked before
OOOooooo a fun question for me!! I love talking about comic creation :D
I do my best to keep the full process under 2 days (or 12-14 hours of work) per fully coloured page. I'm trying to get faster, but speed comes with time and experience.
Hmmm as for tips and things I wish I knew... so many things... I should let it be known that I am an artist and not really a writer, but your questions are focused on script/planning/structure, so I'm going to focus the advice on that.
Start with something small - Learn about making comics and find a comfortable style through making a couple smaller comics and then try your passion project. Writing and planning smaller comics with fewer pages takes a different kind of puzzle solving and thought process. Smaller page limits can force you to try new things which you can then apply to larger projects to save time; limitations breed creativity after all. Every attempt made (even an unfinished project) is knowledge gained that you can apply again for future projects.
Study comics! - It's hard to create if you aren't feeding the mind and giving it things to learn and create from. Read comics made by professionals and study how they handle pacing. How many pages are they dedicating to each moment? What do you think of their pacing and what would you change? Take a sketchbook and make small rectangles and draw out the panel layout from that comic. What are they doing that works and what don't you like about it? How would you do that differently? ... I think this is me assigning homework... i am so sorry.
Set a hard page limit - Try to get your story told within that limit, and then add more pages if necessary. More pages = more time you have to spend working on it. Most standard single issue American comics are roughly 24 pages. I try to work inside that limit using a rough 5 page per scene structure.
Condense or Cut - I struggle so hard with this one, but comics aren't written in the same way as a novel is. They have a slightly different plot structure and a much more limited amount of pages to tell the story in. Obviously it depends on the story being told, and what kind of scenes are important to that genre of story, but in general, unnecessary scenes should be cut out. examples...
CUT! Having the characters go out to get ice cream is cute, but you don't need to show them each ordering their ice cream unless the flavour they choose is an important plot point. Skip to the last one receiving their ice cream and turning to the others who already have theirs and are having that deep discussion. OR skip that scene entirely and have a quiet panel of them sitting in the park at sunset, already holding their ice cream, before delving into the deep emotional conversation they will be having.
CONDENSE! You can combine two scenes if you need to. If you have one scene where two characters are having a casual conversation and another where they are sneaking into a building? Stick them together. They can sneak AND talk and now you've only used up 5 pages instead of 10.
Comics take a LONG TIME to make!! - you have to make peace with that _(:Ⅰ」∠)_ Comics, especially full colour ones, are an extremely labour intensive and time consuming way of telling a story. If one page takes 1 day (8 hrs of work) and you have 24 pages, that is 24 days of working on one comic.
Thumbnails! - Draw the pages small and rough first! It's easier to plan things and mess around with the layouts when you don't have an emotional attachment to how the art inside looks. Once you have a layout you like, you can then draw it again in full page size and work on it from there.
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Page and panel layouts are my favourite part of the whole process, I could talk forever about it, but I do not have the energy for it right now. I'll save panel/page layout for another time.
It doesn't have to be perfect!!! - IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE PERFECT!!!! (shouted with excitement btw). Panels can be boring! A page can be extremely simple! The art can be messy! The dialog can be simple! The plot can go nowhere! In fact it is really really fun to make a messy imperfect comic on purpose. Destroy the perfectionist in you, because they will always and forever hold you back from actually creating things. "what if it's bad?" what if it's fun? what if you learn cool things?
Anyway, those are my tips/advice, idk if I actually answered what you were asking... sorry about all the time commitment ones, that is something I really wish I had figured out a few years ago lol.
Comics are fun to make and a lot of learning how to make them is just jumping in, encountering a problem, and then learning how to solve it.
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rosesdrop · 3 months
Pick a pile
Which Disney Princess are you?
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Pile 1:
Rapunzel, you must have really pretty hair; it's very noticeably beautiful and outstanding for anyone who sees you. You may have your head in the clouds, usually busy dreaming and fantasising about the next adventure to take. You dream big. And most of your dreams revolve around going on a trip somewhere, to a different land, or generally just taking a step into the unknown and never coming back. You are flighty in that way; no one can pin you down or decide your future for you; you leave it to your expansive and ever-growing imagination. Aside from that, I'm also noticing here your childlike soul and appearance; you like to have fun even if it's just by yourself; your peers recognise that in you and enjoy spending happy times with you; you have a sunny aura; and the sun may be highly significant for you. You also may have authoritative figures around you that try to dim your light or take that childlessness away from you, and you are in a constant fight with those that try to limit you. I'm also getting that you have a small circle of friends or people that you surround yourself with. 
Pile 2:
Alice is your Disney character (even though she wasn't a princess but is still a Disney main character after all). You are so connected to another parallel version of yourself; you like to create different realities and experience multiple stances in them; you have an eccentric style, generally known to be different, maybe odd for some people but really challenging to understand; your style is very outstanding and reflects your rich inner world, a world rich in fantasies and colors; you always felt different from your peers but more connected than ever to a world so far from our mundane lives; that's where you found home. You are probably an animal lover, but you are more inclined to be interested in exotic species or animals that are not very popular and loved among people. Others may sometimes perceive you as deceitful, quick to change, or unstable in your decisions because of this abnormality that you represent in their eyes, but it's just because it's hard for them to understand how your mind works.
Pile 3:
Merida from brave is your princess; you are stubborn from the view of others but stable and know what you want in your view; you voice your needs and you like for your voice to be heard; you may believe in the supernatural and believe that the universe works for your favour and that whatever you wish, if you concentrate on it, you can bring it into reality; you have a strong will. You don't like to be caged or controlled by others, and that sometimes infuriates you. You like to get against the stream. You work hard and prefer to be independent in your work. You like it to be something that you made with your effort and time. You have very strong features, but they're not very sharp. There's a sense of stillness and stability in your gaze, even if it's penetrating. You may enjoy or prefer medieval clothing because it makes you feel secure in yourself, and, down to earth, you get angry and competitive easily because you are in constant contact with those who try to dictate their beliefs to you. 
Pile 4:
Belle is your princess; you may have an infatuation with roses; you like to surround yourself with a pretty aesthetic that is appreciated by everyone; you are a calm person in the face of adversity; people may be in a constant debate about their needs while you are just chilling and enjoying your time. You slightly have your head in the clouds, but that doesn't distort your perception. You are a problem solver, and you take your time in making your judgements about things. People admire you for that and feel like they can't compare. You have a certain pride about yourself that makes you sure about yourself without having to brag; you are silently succeeding. You're also protected by your guides, spirits, or good entities that can see your purity clearly and help you through adversity. You always prioritise yourself and have a strong sense of self-worth. 
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kpopaussieline · 5 months
Good Girl
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Genre: smut MDNI
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: Afab!Reader, pet names (sweetheart, baby), one p**** slap, praise (use of good girl), fingering
Synopsis: You've always liked experimenting with different styles, but something about the emo girl outfit you're wearing gets Jake a little worked up
A/N: First time writing smut 🫣 I'm sorry if it's bad, feedback is appreciated <3
You admired yourself in the mirror, angling your body left to right as you adjusted your skirt and thigh-highs. Once you were satisfied, you sat on the edge of the bed and slipped on your boots, lacing them tightly.
You loved trying out all sorts of outfits: preppy, streetwear, alternative and now 'emo girl'.
Your boyfriend Jake loved seeing your ootd. He'd never fail to compliment you with a genuine grin.
You were about to get up and go flaunt your outfit to him, when he knocked politely on the door before entering. His eyes widened slightly when they landed on you.
"Oh wow," he said quietly. He met your gaze and smiled. "You look amazing, sweetheart."
You stood and made your way to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and went on tiptoes to give him a peck on the lips. "Thank you."
Jake's hands rested on your waist, his thumbs rubbing your skin gently. He looked down at you with a smirk on his lips. There was a look in his eyes far less innocent than the smile he'd given you a moment before.
You tilt your head. "What are you looking at?"
The smirk remained. "Just you, princess. You look so sexy right now." His eyes dropped to your lips, then your chest, before meeting yours again.
You chuckled and swatted his arm playfully. But he wasn't joking around. His hands slid down to your hips, thumbs hooking into the band of your skirt as he pulled you closer. You could just feel the bulge in his pants pressing into your thigh. Your eyes flickered  up to meet his and you swallowed, trying to discreetly press your thighs together.
Jake leant down, his lips brushing the shell of your ear. "What happened to my good girl, huh?"
Your skin went warm and your heart sped up. Your core throbbed a little more.
"I'm just trying a new kind of outfit," you reply shakily.
"Mm," he murmured, a low grumble in his throat that got you wet, your arousal slowly leaking out into your panties. "You feeling tough today, princess?"
You swallow again and squeeze your thighs tighter, spreading your slick around. "I–"
Jake's teeth nip at your ear. His hands move around to your ass and hold you flush against his body, his clothed boner hitting your clit through your panties. You let out a soft, involuntary moan and he chuckles.
"Maybe we should test it out, hm? See how tough you are when my fingers are inside that pretty pussy of yours."
"Jake," you sigh out, your eyes closing as your hips roll forward to grind against his bulge.
You hear him suck in a breath. "I'll take that as a yes," he says. He leaves a kiss on your neck before pulling away. "Sit on the bed, sweetheart."
You do as you're told, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. Jake climbs on, sitting behind you. He puts his legs either side of you and brings you back against his chest. You relax into his warmth while you still can. It's not going to last long before he's destroying you with those gorgeous hands.
Jake whispers into your ear as one arm wraps around your waist and his free hand creeps down your thigh, tickling the skin and leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. "You're such a good girl for me." His Australian accent melts you like butter and your pussy responds, soaking your panties a little more, clenching around nothing.
Jake's hand glides down your thigh, then up again. Getting so close to your core, yet so far. His touch is so light, sending an excited chill down your spine. You start getting impatient, shifting and groaning softly.
He tilts his head and his palm rests on your knee. "What's wrong, baby?" You can hear the smirk in his voice and you bite back the urge to slap it off his face. But you can't lie to yourself and say it doesn't turn you on when he messes with you like this.
"Just do it already," you tell him.
Jake chuckles. "I'll do it when I want to, princess," he whispers in your ear. The hand on your waist slowly slides up your front, under your shirt. He cups your breast through your bra before moving the fabric aside with his thumb and teasing your nipple.
You moan quietly and arch into his touch. His fingers trace up your thigh. He squeezes the plush flesh of your upper thigh before slipping your panties aside. You inhale at the sudden cool air against your warm pussy.
His other hand still toying with your nipple, his fingers spread your slick up and down your pussy. You squirm and moan every time he makes contact with your clit.
Jake silences you with a quick slap to the pussy, the wet noise echoing in the silence.  You wince, even though it didn't hurt that much. If anything, it makes you even more wet.
"Behave yourself if you wanna cum. Be a good girl for me."
You chew your lip and nod. Satisfied, Jake continues stimulating your nipple as two fingers slip inside you. You bite your lip harder as they start moving in and out, curling to hit your gummy walls. Your back arches and your fingers dig into Jake's thighs, needing something to grasp. You moan softly and it's music to his ears. He speeds up, the crude noises of your pussy sucking in his fingers filling the room. The sensation of his cool metal rings on your heated cunt just adds to the enjoyment.
His increased pace and the stimulation on your nipples has you spilling juices onto the covers, squirming and moaning under Jake's touch. Your nails dig into his thighs through the denim of his jeans.
The hand that was playing with your breast slips out from under your shirt. His fingers trail between your boobs, over your collarbone. They wrap around your neck and squeeze gently.
You squeak in surprise, eyes widening.
"What did I say?" Jake's voice is raspy with lust.
"I'm sorry, Jake," you whimper. His fingers are still working your cunt, drawing your orgasm closer and closer.
He lets out a hum of approval, but keeps his hand on your neck, holding your head back against his shoulder. His fingers pick up pace, stroking your walls with such skill your impending orgasm is suddenly a lot closer. Your eyes shut tightly and you bite down hard on your lip, the knot in your lower stomach tightening. Jake gives your neck a squeeze, harder this time, and it has your head spinning.
"You're doing so well, baby," he praises. "Don't hold back those beautiful noises of yours, princess. Let me hear how good I make you feel."
His words, his grip on your throat, his skilled fingers. You fall over the edge, the knot unravelling in a dizzying but delicious way. Your back arches and your nails claw at the sheets.
"Ah! Jake! Oh god!"
He kisses your neck and gradually slows  his fingers as he works you through your high. He releases his hold on your throat and your head drops back on his shoulder. You're seeing stars.
Jake brushes the hair from your face and kisses your temple. "You did so well for me, baby," he whispers.
You take a moment before leaning forward, going to get up and clean up. But Jake wraps an arm around you and gently but firmly pulls you back against his chest. He kisses from your temple to your neck.
"You didn't think we were done, princess?" he whispers in your ear. He rolls his hips up and you feel his raging hard-on on your ass. "We've still gotta deal with this little problem you caused."
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selarina · 10 months
And I'm Asking You to Hold Me Just Like the Morning Paper
-> older brother’s best friend!Gojo Satoru
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Gojo Satoru grew up lonely. He’s not only the freak whose mere existence altered the balance of the world, but he’s also the only one of his kind. There’s no more after or before him. There may be one, born hundreds of years from now, who will understand him, but for now, for today, he stands all alone.
But then Getou comes along, and he starts to feel like he can stand beside someone. Getou will never understand what it means to be him, but he understands him in most ways no one else does, and it thaws his heart just a little. But then he meets you, and you—you’re just the worst parts of Getou.
You understand Getou like no one does, despite your differences in looks and techniques. You have the same blood flowing through your veins, so you get him in so many ways he could never.
That’s when he starts craving for what you and Getou have, while also hating you all the same. Your mere presence has managed to single-handedly make him feel even more alone. Of course, he hates you.
He wouldn’t ever say it out loud; you're Getou’s sister, and Getou loves you more than the world itself, so he would never. But it shows—sometimes he just so forgets to pull out a seat for you.
Some days, he forgets to invite you out with the group.
Some years, he even forgets your birthday. But Getou never believes him, even if you do. Gojo remembers the day you were born so vividly; he was there alongside Getou, after all. He saw your father's hands tremble as he held you. He later saw Getou's hands do the same. It was the strangest thing.
He also got to hold you when you were born, and it was the first newborn he had held, the most insane experience he had at the age of three. So, of course, he remembers.
So one day, you grow tired of it because you grew up idolizing this man. He’s an idiot, and he’s always embarrassing himself in ways you didn’t think were possible, but he’s just so—well, he’s Gojo Satoru, right? There’s something about him.
There are so many things about him—he’s pretty good-looking for starters. Sometimes when he stands under the sun, you think he’s no short of an angel. And he has these eyes; you see them so rarely now, but when you were a child, you thought you could see the ocean in his eyes.
One time you told Getou, and he told Gojo, who wouldn’t—no, doesn’t shut up about it.
And it’s not just his looks really—one time, you saw him save not only you but 53 other people from a building that was making its way to crush you all. You could’ve moved and saved yourself, but you didn’t see the point, not when that meant living with the fact that you couldn’t save those 53 people, but things like that came easy to a man of his capabilities.
You could go on and on about how you came to form a crush on Gojo Satoru, but the fact of the matter is—your pride matters more, and you decided that after 16 years of pining after him, the least you could start doing is pick up your pride and find other options.
Your heart may not find them instantly, still slightly transfixed on the man who bleeds gold, but eventually, you think you’ll move on.
So when the popular guy from your class asks you out—you think, “Why the hell not?”
And so, you find yourself on a date with a man who’s really into furniture and protein shakes apparently. It’s all you’ve gotten out of the conversation you’ve had with him. And frankly, he doesn’t compare.
But you tell yourself over and over again, as you begin to zone out—that this is to be expected. No one compares to Gojo Satoru, a man who’s entirely too unique to supersede or replicate, so it’s only natural. It’ll take time.
So you try, the fake laughter and soft brush of your fingers. You focus on the little things and you try to beat the sleep dawning on you.
That’s when Gojo sees you. You’re wearing a blue dress that hangs just above your bruised knees. Your hair is down but slightly styled and pulled up halfway by a clip, and beside you, there’s a guy.
The guy you’re with, his hand slips around your back, ushering you into the elevator, and Gojo thinks he’s never felt something so sinister boil in his gut before. He clenches down hard on his jaw. He doesn’t understand.
Are you with this guy? No, there’s no way. Is this a random guy bothering you? If he was—he’d be on the floor, pleading for his life. So no—it can’t be.
He doesn’t think at all, really, but he rushes towards the elevator before it closes. Only when it starts to close after he gets in does he notice his date—and then he snaps out of his daze to hold the door open.
She looks surprised but joins him by his side, and now you and your date stare at him in surprise.
“Are you Gojo Satoru?” your date speaks up.
“Yeah,” he grins as he pulls his glasses down. “That’s me.”
“Can I have a picture with you? My mother practically worships you,” he continues.
And Gojo turns his attention to you, and your eyes have grown stone cold, and he immediately turns his attention back to the guy, not wanting to be subject to you staring daggers at him.
“Of course, I always have time for fans,” he maintains his grin.
“Who even are you?” he hears his date murmur, and frankly, there’s more to this story. His date wasn’t entirely a fan of his at the moment. He was late to the date, and he got caramel chocolates which she mentioned she hates. He disappeared on a bathroom break but really, he was halfway across town fighting off a curse that could’ve been taken care of by an amateur, and on his way back, he started wondering if he was really needed there or if he just wanted to leave the date.
So, yeah, when the elevator dings and the doors open up to the ground floor, he’s not entirely surprised that she’s saying goodbye, but he is surprised by this.
“Not to sound like a bitch—” she starts. “—but you need to learn how to be a better date. I understand that boys your age are slow in the brain, but it doesn’t take a genius to send a text if you’re running late.”
Just when he thinks she’s done, she’s talking again, as though she only stopped to take a breath in— “And I know that wasn’t a bathroom break, who even is gone for that long and comes back smelling like he bathed in perfume when he didn’t a moment ago. And for God’s sake, don’t go out on a date if you’re in love with your best friend's sister,” she says.
“God’s sake, what is wrong with you?” is the last thing he hears from her as she makes her way out.
“So,” your date begins. “About that photo?”
“Chimin,” you bat his shoulder. “Not now.”
“But he—”
“It’s fine, give me your phone,” Gojo says, and he’s less chipper now, although he does a good job of maintaining the facade.
He poses with a peace sign, and he pats your date on the back.
“Uh, thank you, sir,” your date says before he turns to you, his arm reaching your waist. “Shall we go? I was thinking there’s a park—”
“It’s cold out,” Gojo’s voice comes out abruptly, leaving your date’s mouth agape.
“I mean, I should probably take you home,” he says, situating himself right next to you now. “You can expect a text about that second date. What was it you said? Oh yeah, a park date. Heh,” he scoffs. “Sure.”
“So sorry,” you start. “I’ll text you. It is pretty cold, and I’d rather get home now. Thank you for the date; you were lovely,” you say with a smile before you lean in for a hug as he kissed you on the cheek.
“It’s alright. Text me when you’re home safe,” he says mirroring your smile, only his feels a little more real than yours. “I’ll wait for the text.”
So as you make your walk back home with Gojo, you pull his coat tighter around yourself. Gojo doesn't say anything as he walks beside you, and for a moment, the silence between you two is almost soothing.
You steal a glance at him, and his lips remain unreadable, his expression hidden behind those ever-present sunglasses.
"So," he finally breaks the silence, his tone light but something else lingers beneath the surface. "You're dating now, huh?"
You merely nod, trying to keep your composure. "Yeah, kinda."
Gojo smirks, and you can feel his gaze on you, "Interesting choice. He did seem more into me than he was into you if I'm being honest."
"Haha, it's a pity. I pegged him for a man with good taste, what with the Toyota Crown he promised to take me on a ride on and whatnot."
"Do we really want to go there?" he turns to you, bending down, as he smiles all in your face. "You don't want to go there."
Your heart quickens just a bit, caught between a fine line of annoyance and amusement. You tilt your head, looking back at him through narrowed eyes. "And where exactly is 'there,' Satoru?"
He chuckles. It's a low, throaty sound. " 'There' is a dangerous place, sweetheart. A place where your date, no matter how charming, can't compete with me, Gojo Satoru."
You roll your eyes at his arrogance. "Ever the egotistical maniac. You're insufferable, you know that?"
"I am?" he replies, with playful obliviousness.
As soon you approach your home, you stop in front of the door, turning as you awkwardly wave at him. "Well, um, bye."
"Bye," he replied back. He doesn't motion for you to return his jacket back, but honestly, you're disappointed in yourself. You should've asked him about what his date meant. You should've said something.
"Actually—" you start. "Do you want some tea? It's cold."
He doesn't get cold easily, he wants to say, but he'd play weaker if he could spend a millennium cooped up in your house. "Sure," he says.
He walks in, and there's silence. "No one's home?" he asks.
"Yeah," you say. "They should be back soon though."
He hums in response, through muscle memory alone, as though dragged by strings he removes and places his shoes in the rack. The same place he's been placing them for years. And then, he blindly follows you down to the kitchen.
The kitchen is dimly lit, the only source of light coming from the small hanging lamp above the kitchen slab. You set the kettle on the stove, the sound of its soft whistle filling the room as it begins to heat up. Gojo takes a seat at the table, his fingers tapping absentmindedly on its surface.
You busy yourself with preparing the tea, the gentle rustle of tea bags as you move them. There's a muted grassy smell that's emanating from the tea, but it's not strong enough to overwrite all the tension in the air, a lingering curiosity that just won't leave you alone.
"So," Gojo begins, breaking the silence. "That guy, you really going to go on a second date with him?"
You glance over your shoulder, meeting his gaze. "I don't know. Maybe. He's nice."
He smirks, leaning back in the chair. "That's nice."
"What about you? How did your date go? You know apart from terrible," you grin.
"Well, it was also 'horrible'," he says, mirroring your grin.
"Date with Gojo and horrible. Seems about right," you say.
"Oh, come on. It was an off-day. I can be a very good date," he says.
"Why was she so mad then?" you ask. "Your date."
"Well, I'm sure you heard most of it," he starts, truly wanting to know if you did, but your expression remains muted. He can't tell, but it seems obvious. It's why he's here and not halfway back home, after all. "But I, uh, I got her caramel chocolates."
You wait.
"She hates caramel," he adds with a small pout.
"Ah, smooth. I've changed my mind about you, Gojo Satoru, you would make the best date ever."
He grins. "Thank you, kindly."
Your tea seems about done, so you reach up, opening the cabinet, but the classes are placed too far back for your height. And generally, you'd pull a chair and get the cups, but before you could, Gojo's right behind you, reaching for it before you could move back. He pulls out two cups, one plain pink one with hearts and another white mug with a bear on it. His and yours.
It reaches the slab with a soft clink, but before Gojo can move away, you speak up, "So, what did she mean?"
"What are you talking about?" He asks, plainly.
"You know," you say, stressing, as you turn to face him. You're so close to him now, but he doesn't move back. For once, he doesn't move back. You gulp, "You know what, Satoru."
"I don't," he says. His grin is gone, and his lips are in a line. You've never truly seen him this way.
"Bullshit, what did she mean by 'you like your friend's sister'?" you almost half-yell.
"Ignore her. She was just talking nonsense because she was mad at me."
"Was she, though?" you press, studying his expression more closely now.
He resigns with a sigh, as he begins to move. "Yes. Now, drop it."
"No," you say, as your hand comes up to hold his own. "So, she was just making it up?" you ask, incredulously.
"Yes," he says.
"And you don't like me?" you ask. This time, you move closer to him, his lips practically a few centimeters away from yours.
"Look, it doesn't matter what she said. I was just trying to save your date, be a good friend to your brother, and all that."
You scoff, trying to mask the lingering disappointment. "Save my date? By ruining it completely?"
"How did I ruin it?" he asks.
"Oh? I don't know, the same way you always ruin things for me. Just by showing u—"
And that's all it took, really. For his lips to meet yours. His hands find themselves on your hips as yours rest on your shoulder and his chest. Your lips move roughly against his. It's not like any of those soft first kisses you see on TV. This one feels like yearning. You feel it in your heart and in the way your arms tug his body into your own.
When he pulls off, you feel strangely disappointed.
"I'm serious. If you didn't show up, that could've gone somewhere," you say. A little proud of yourself for not giving in so easily.
"Gone where exactly? The park? You know you deserve more than the fucking park."
"What? Sure, I wouldn't end up married to this guy, but does it matter? I was moving on," you say with a shrug.
"Moving on from what exactly?" he asks.
"From you, obviously stupid."
Gojo's expression shifts, a mixture of surprise and something else, something you can't quite read. Your grip on his hand tightens just a bit, and for a moment, neither of you says anything.
"Moving on from me?" he finally repeats, his voice softer than before.
"Yeah, Satoru, from you." You pull your hand away, breaking the contact.  "It's about time, isn't it?"
The kettle on the stove whistles, signaling that the water is ready for the tea, but neither of you moves to attend to it.
"Look," he starts, his tone serious, "I didn't mean to mess up your date. I was just trying to have some fun and play the hero for a bit. I didn't think you'd actually be interested in that guy."
"Well, you thought wrong," you reply, crossing your arms. "I was giving it a shot, trying to move on. But you can't resist bringing everything back to you, can you?"
"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't think it through." His shoulders slump a bit, and he runs a hand through his hair as his head falls onto your shoulder. "I just... I couldn't stand seeing you with someone else."
"So, your date wasn't wrong then?" you say.
"Yeah," he says, and you feel the breath of his words on your neck. "I guess, she wasn't."
The kettle continues to whistle, now completely forgotten in the background.
"I don't believe you," you say.
"What?" he looks up now, his eyes looking at your face. "I just told—"
"You can tell me whatever you want," you say, frustrated. "But you don't even remember my birthday. How could you like me if—"
"I remember," he says. "I remember your birthday."
"But you—"
"I know, I know, baby." His hands come up to hold your cheek. "It's stupid, but I guess I was scared. It's stupid and not an excuse. But of course, I remember your birthday. I could never forget."
"Scared?" you repeat. "Scared of what, Satoru?"
"It's not that simple. You're Getou's sister. I can't just..."
"Can't just what?" you challenge, even if his thumb moving against the supple of your cheek thaws your heart red. "You can't just admit that maybe, just maybe, I'm worthy of being liked by you?"
"It's not that," he sighs, frustration evident in his expression. "It's complicated, okay? I didn't want to complicate things between us. I didn't want to risk our— whatever it is that we have between us."
"I get it," you say, a few moments later to his surprise and your own.
"You do?"
"Yeah," you say, reaching up to leave a soft kiss on his lips. Soft. Delicate. Like your touch could break him. "I do. I really do, and we'll figure it out, okay?"
His ears perk up as he turns, and the soft purring of the car engine comes to a halt. He can't believe he didn't notice your parents pulling in with your brother.
Your hands reach out to hold his own, and he realizes that they're trembling, just a little. And he gets it now. To love is to be afraid.
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shuenkio · 5 months
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Pov: Tsundere 𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ Enhypen ᯓᡣ𐭩
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Genre: Fluffy
Pov: Tsundere enhypen
Paring: Enha X male!reader
Do not copy my works (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
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Heeseung: In the third pov, he's the type of secret admirer, who's possessive, very jealous, and wants you to look at him only. whenever a guy or girl is near you, he's always at the crime scene, standing towering behind you, giving your friends a free dead stare, watching you closely while you are talking to your bff, And you don't even know about his presence in your shadow. He likes to walk you home even when you don't need him to and often gives you a strange signal every time. When you ask him, did he has a feeling toward you he just replies with a simple "Nope" However his actions speak in a different language as away the next day after you ask him. "No one can have you when I'm still breathing yeobo :) "
Jay: The principal's son is a walking fire in the school. He's cocky, flirty, hot temper and loves bully to those who are bad talk about him, only an appropriate is a pass. As soon as you transfer to this school, you draw his attention very quickly, because as the bully he is, he already got bored with the same victims and decided to give you some warm love instead. On the other hand, he's walking to his trap, he realizes that the moment you greet him with a short "hello" his heart almost gets shattered by your soothing voice. Your energy just brings him inside out, even though you're a guy but just by your existence alone, cast an unknown spell on him. Which makes him look awkward-cack-handed handed everytime he sees your face. "S-shut up! You failed the experiment who said I like some poor thing like you...or did i? "
Jake: The nerd guy who likes sports might be talkative to his friends but for you, it's different. Sometimes he likes to give you a hard time while sometimes he gives you a butterfly in your stomach. So confused yet so adorable. Over time, when it's a sports exam day, your p.e teacher assigns you to his team since you're bad at sports. Luckily you know how to play basketball too but not very good at it that much. It's the last match of the basketball game, sweaty, hot, and exhausted but you still keep your head on. This is the only chance to prove to Jake that you're useful too. The ball then passes to you, and you quickly run to the other team's goal, aiming for the net, with a piece of blessed luck you make it but during that time you're knocked by the other team member accidentally. You fall to the ground, slightly nosebleed, before blacking out on the spot. Jake saw you're blackout on the floor, immediately ran to you before lifting you in a bridal style, and sprinted to the nurse's office. later on, when you're awake with a band-aid on your face, you see Jake sitting beside you, watching you sleep. You're about to ask him what happened but he cuts you with "Do not try to impress me again like that, you're weak and y'know it. Just show your face every day is e-enough >:( "
Sunghoon: Laterally he enemies with you, all you do is breathe, still he got those headaches whenever you stand in his shadow. Try to act all cool and mysterious every day so you'd think he doesn't want to talk to you and avoid it at all costs. However deep down, he's watching your every move, secretly taking care of you, giving you the answers during the exam on purpose, nevertheless, you never knew he was doing it on purpose, he's more than happy that you never found out about his suspicious behavior. One day when walking back home, you got bullied by some bunch of bullies, boy didn't spare more time before jumping on them one by one, leaving them on the ground, blacked out. You were scared, bleeding and scratching your face. He then leans closer on his knee to check on you. You asked, your voice is shaking. "Wh-what are you doing here?" - "Shhh everything is okay now, let me take you home!" He ruffles your hair gently before giving you a piggyback to take you home.
Sunoo: This boy is so bad at acting all tough and mean, you know he's just doing it because you thought he wanted to look cool. However, he's still didn't treat you the same as his friend. He hates it when you're in a group project with him, talking to his friends, Don't fear him, and treat him as one of your friends when he does it opposite which somehow makes him feel slightly guilty. This action of his got the best of him when you're not in the class he'd put a snack under your desk almost every single day because he was scared to talk to you, too scared to say sorry and wanna be your friend or even more than a friend? During one fine evening, he asked you to meet him at the school's garden for some serious discussion about a project you both needed to do, it's sound not like a joke to you so you went right away. Once you arrived, you asked him what was wrong. He turns to face you with his tears streaming down his cheeks. He got on his knee and asked for your forgiveness out of a sudden. "Please M/n, I can't take it anymore, let's be friends again no-- I want MORE THAN A FRIEND THIS TIME, I LIKE YOU ALL ALONG-- why don't you know about it?"
Jungwon: A really hot temper one, can't say if both of you are friends or not because sometimes he's sweet and sometimes he's harsh as hell. Randomly staring at you in class non-stop which makes you very uncomfortable. One time during lunch break, when you were going to buy the strawberry milk, it was out of stock the moment you were about to buy it. you've been craving for those the whole day but now it's out? Ruin your lunch mood for real. He saw you wanted that strawberry milk so bad, he decided to walk to you and give you by himself and leave the canteen unspoken any words. Give you a dumbfounded moment. Your friends started to tease you after this scene happened from this day. As the day went on, he started to act more nice and lovely to you, as if he never shouted at you back then. You were stressing out that it could burn your brain until you chose to ask him the moment you saw him somewhere. "Why did I act all nice to you? Are you dumb or an idiot? Do you think I put zero effort before I make you mine?"
Ni-ki: Can't describe this boy how much he hated you the moment you walked into the classroom and introduced yourself. What's worse is the teacher assigned you to sit next to him, he just wants to murder someone on the spot but he can't do anything about it. Time is walking, he hated you but now, after spending some time observing you, he realizes you're just a shy person, everything you do is so soft and gentle, making him wanna swallow you and hide you inside his pocket. It's a pepero day, the day everyone exchanges the chocolate-coated cookie sticks with their friends or loved ones. The whole school is full of students who exchange chocolate together, even the teachers do this. Ni-ki get this opportunity to tell you his true feelings today after he developed a crush on you for a long time, so he decided to give you one while you talking to your friend. "Aww the bad boy give me a pepero, what's makes you want to do this?" You asked while giggling in a good way ofc. He stays silent for a second before finally speaking his mind. "Be my boyfriend dumbass, I can't stand seeing everyone having a crush on you from now on"
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
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dykeby · 2 months
✨️ this post is about lesbian sex ✨️
CW: gender dysphoria, mirror sex, rough sex/manhandling, hair pulling, degradation, breeding
Oh darling, is your dysphoria getting to you today? It is not fair that such a pretty lady has to experience that, I'm trans myself, so I know it's debilitating at times. We might get dysphoria in different ways, baby, but I do get it, and I think some distractions and affirmations may help. Let me get you in front of a mirror and let's talk sweet thing.
Look at the way my hands run through your hair and my god baby, it's gotten so much longer now. Look at how it frames your face so well and makes your jawline look smoother. I love the way your hair just flows as I bundle it up in a grip. Would you like me to play around with it and try different styles with you? How about I just tug on it so your head rolls onto my shoulder and I get to grab your neck and you whimper? Only a woman could make me do that darling.
Keep your eyes focused on that mirror and see how I grope your tits, they've grown so much my sweet. They're so soft and mould so well in my hands, just so perfect and cute. I love the way you squirm as your breasts spill over my fingers. Would you like me to measure your bra size so we can see just how much they've grown? How about I just keep groping roughly and pinch your nipples. A woman with a sensitive chest is such a treat.
Dont move your pretty little head one bit, move your eyes down to see how well my hands kneed your hips with their new fullness. The fat distribution has really given you these amazing hips honey, look at how the skin changes colour slightly from my grabbing. I love the way your hips roll towards me at my touch. Would you like me to take you shopping so we can find clothes that accentuate your hips? How about I push you closer to the mirror and force your hips back to grind against my bulge.
I'm gonna wreck you against this mirror, you're gonna be a good girl and keep your eyes open so you can see just how much I love your body. Maybe if I can show you that then you'll start to see what I see, which is a slutty woman who can't help but moan like a bitch in heat the minute a butch gets their cock out. I'm pushing those panties aside so that your hard girl cock can stay hidden - you know from this angle it looks a bit like a clit in those panties. Do you like that princess? Do you want me to pound your ass whilst your clit leaks because it does now doesn't it? It gets wet because of your estrogen. You get me so fucking hot, look at you. Your hole flutters on my strap so well, you love having me inside you don't you? You'll get it all day if you can stare at yourself in that mirror and repeat all the praise I give you. By the end of the night you'll be begging for me to breed you because you're the prettiest woman out there and there's no one else I'd want.
You will see what I see once you're completely debauched like the cock slut you are, a beautiful woman without a doubt but a cock slut just the same
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kiesbrainjuice · 2 months
I'm not sure if you're still accepting request but I want to try to send one. I already tried to send this request to some writers here who's accepting request but sadly they didn't noticed.
This idea might be cliche story for Nishinoya but I want to see how you do it with your style of writing.
3rd year Nishinoya x kouhai female reader oneshot. The reader is quite smitten for Nishinoya that leads to love confession before her senpai graduates from highschool. Though the reader is smitten for Noya, she's an accepting person, whether her senpai reciprocates her feelings or not. Something like that. It's up to you if you're going to sweet, bittersweet, or angst ending route.
Thank you and Have a nice day~♡♡
— EYES WITHOUT A FACE ! nishinoya yuu
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syn : a shy first year girl confesses her crush to the 3rd year Nishinoya, leading to dates and the start of their relationship.
wc : 5.3k
tw : none ! oneshot
a/n : sure thing ! I think it’s an amazing plot ! plus I was searching for a good plot for yuu fictions 😭 ! so yeah I did one, I hope you’ll like it !!
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The early morning sun filtered through the tall windows of Karasuno High School, casting a warm, golden glow across the empty corridors. As a second-year student, you had grown accustomed to the serene tranquility that enveloped the school before the morning rush. Today, however, felt different. Your heart was fluttering in your chest, a mix of excitement and anxiety that had become a familiar companion over the past few months. The reason for this upheaval in your otherwise calm life was none other than Nishinoya Yuu, the energetic and charismatic libero of the boys' volleyball team.
Your first encounter with Nishinoya had been nothing short of memorable. It was during the first week of the new school year, and you were still finding your way around the labyrinthine halls of Karasuno High. Lost and frustrated, you had been wandering aimlessly when you heard a cheerful voice call out to you.
"Hey, you look a bit lost! Need some help?"
Turning around, you saw him for the first time. Nishinoya Yuu stood there, a bright smile on his face, his spiky hair and confident demeanor instantly catching your attention. You had read about the infamous "Guardian Deity" of Karasuno in the school newsletter, but seeing him in person was an entirely different experience. He radiated an infectious energy that immediately put you at ease.
Blushing slightly, you nodded. "Y-Yes, please. I'm trying to find the science lab."
Nishinoya's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "No problem! Follow me, I'll show you the way."
As you walked together, he chatted animatedly about the school, his love for volleyball, and the upcoming matches. You found yourself captivated by his passion and the genuine kindness in his eyes. By the time you reached the science lab, you realized you had barely said a word, too engrossed in listening to him.
"Here we are," he announced with a flourish. "If you ever need help again, just look for me. I'm Nishinoya Yuu, by the way."
Smiling shyly, you introduced yourself. "Thank you, Nishinoya-senpai. I'm [Y/N]."
From that moment on, your days at Karasuno High were irrevocably changed. You found yourself looking forward to any opportunity to catch a glimpse of him, whether it was during lunch breaks, in the corridors, or at the volleyball matches you began attending religiously. Watching him play was mesmerizing; his agility, his unwavering determination, and the way he seemed to defy gravity as he leaped to make impossible saves left you in awe.
Your friends quickly noticed your growing infatuation and teased you about it endlessly. "You should just talk to him," they urged, but the thought of approaching Nishinoya outside of those chance encounters left you paralyzed with nerves. What if he didn't remember you? What if he thought you were just another fan?
Despite your reservations, you couldn't help but cherish the small moments that you shared. One afternoon, you were sitting in the courtyard, engrossed in a book, when a familiar voice interrupted your thoughts.
"Hey, [Y/N], what are you reading?"
Startled, you looked up to see Nishinoya standing in front of you, his usual bright smile in place. You felt your heart skip a beat as you struggled to find your voice.
"O-Oh, um, it's just a novel for…class," you stammered, holding up the book for him to see.
Nishinoya's eyes lit up with interest. "Cool! I like reading sports magazines and manga too. What's it about?"
As you explained the plot, you couldn't help but notice how attentive he was, his eyes never leaving yours. The conversation flowed more easily than you had anticipated, and for a moment, it felt like you were the only two people in the world.
"Well, I should get going," Nishinoya said eventually, glancing at his watch. "Practice starts soon. It was nice talking to you, [Y/N]. See you around!"
You watched him walk away, your heart racing. Every interaction, no matter how brief, left you feeling like you were floating on air. You replayed those moments in your mind over and over again, finding solace in the fact that he seemed to remember you.
Your shyness around Nishinoya was both a blessing and a curse. It meant that every glance, every smile he sent your way felt like a precious gift, but it also meant that you struggled to express your feelings openly. You found yourself writing letters you never intended to send, pouring your heart out on paper in a way you could never do in person.
One particularly vivid memory stood out among the rest. It was during a particularly intense volleyball match against Aoba Johsai. You were in the stands, your eyes glued to the court as Nishinoya and his teammates fought valiantly. The atmosphere was electric, the tension palpable as the score remained neck and neck.
In a moment of sheer brilliance, Nishinoya made an incredible save, diving across the court and sending the ball back into play. The crowd erupted in cheers, and you found yourself on your feet, clapping and shouting his name.
After the match, you lingered near the gym, hoping for a chance to congratulate him. When he finally emerged, sweaty and exhausted but beaming with pride, you gathered all your courage and approached him.
"Nishinoya-senpai, that was amazing! You were incredible out there."
He grinned, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Thanks, [Y/N]! I'm glad you enjoyed the match. It means a lot to have your support."
His words sent a thrill through you, and you felt your cheeks heat up. "Of course! I'll always cheer for you and the team."
From then on, your admiration for Nishinoya only grew. You admired his dedication, his unwavering spirit, and the way he always seemed to find joy in everything he did. Every day, you looked forward to the moments when your paths would cross, even if it was just a fleeting glance or a quick exchange of words.
As the school year progressed, you found yourself becoming more involved in school activities, partly as a way to be closer to him. You joined the student council, started helping out with the volleyball club's events, and even took up photography, hoping to capture the essence of the team's dynamic and Nishinoya's incredible plays.
Despite your efforts, your shyness remained a constant hurdle. There were times when you caught Nishinoya looking at you, a curious expression on his face, but you always looked away, too afraid to meet his gaze. Your friends continued to encourage you, insisting that you should take the plunge and tell him how you felt, but you couldn't shake the fear of rejection.
In the quiet moments, when you were alone with your thoughts, you often wondered what it would be like to confess your feelings. You imagined the scenarios, rehearsed the words in your mind, but when faced with the reality of it, your courage always seemed to falter.
The gym was bustling with activity as the boys' volleyball team practiced their drills, the sound of sneakers squeaking on the polished floor and the rhythmic thud of the volleyballs reverberating in the large space. You had come to the gym after your student council meeting, hoping to catch a glimpse of Nishinoya in action. He was, as always, a whirlwind of energy and skill, diving and leaping with an intensity that never failed to impress you.
As you stood at the edge of the gym, watching the team, you noticed a small group entering the building. It took a moment for you to recognize them, but when you did, your heart skipped a beat. Kiyoko Shimizu, no longer the team manager but still as poised and beautiful as ever, walked in with Daichi, Sugawara and Asahi, two former team members who had also graduated. They were here to visit, their presence immediately causing a stir among the current team members.
Your eyes were drawn to Nishinoya and his best friend, Tanaka Ryu. The moment they spotted Kiyoko, their faces lit up with unmistakable excitement. They exchanged a quick, knowing glance before sprinting across the gym, their voices rising in a chorus of enthusiastic shouts.
"Kiyoko-san! Kiyoko-san!" Nishinoya and Tanaka yelled in unison, their exuberance echoing through the gym. They skidded to a halt in front of her, their expressions a mixture of awe and adoration. With the two of them practically bouncing on their heels, their eyes shining with a fervent admiration that was almost comical in its intensity.
Kiyoko smiled warmly at them, clearly accustomed to their antics. "Hello, Nishinoya, Tanaka. It's good to see you both."
Seeing them together like that, the way Nishinoya's face brightened at her presence, was like a punch to the gut. You had known he admired her, but witnessing it firsthand brought a fresh wave of hurt. The way he looked at her, the sheer joy and admiration in his eyes, made you feel invisible. It was a stark reminder that no matter how much you liked him, his heart seemed to belong to someone else.
You watched as Nishinoya and Tanaka vied for Kiyoko's attention, each trying to outdo the other with their antics. They were like two eager puppies, desperate for a pat on the head from their beloved owner. The rest of the team watched with amused smiles, clearly used to this display.
"Alright, alright, settle down, you two," Daichi said, chuckling as he placed a hand on Tanaka's shoulder. "We're here to watch the practice, not disrupt it."
Nishinoya nodded vigorously, his enthusiasm undiminished. "Right! We'll show you how much we've improved, Kiyoko-san!"
The practice resumed, but your heart wasn't in it anymore. You felt a hollow ache in your chest as you watched Nishinoya play with renewed vigor, clearly wanting to impress Kiyoko. The way he moved, the intensity in his eyes, all of it was directed towards her, and it hurt more than you had expected.
You tried to focus on other things, on the other players, but your eyes kept drifting back to Nishinoya. You couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy and sadness, knowing that his heart was set on someone who was out of reach. The realization made you question your own feelings, wondering if you would ever be able to compete with the pedestal he had placed Kiyoko on.
As practice came to an end, you decided to leave quietly, slipping out of the gym before anyone could notice. The cool evening air hit your face as you stepped outside, and you took a deep breath, trying to steady your emotions. It was painful to see Nishinoya so infatuated with someone else, but you couldn't blame him. Kiyoko was everything you admired—beautiful, strong, and kind. It was no wonder he looked up to her.
Walking home, you resolved to continue supporting Nishinoya from afar, even if it meant dealing with the heartache. You couldn't change his feelings, but you could be there for him, cheering him on and finding joy in his successes.
The morning began with a sense of determination you hadn't felt in a long time. Today was the day you would finally confess to Nishinoya Yuu. Your friends had spent the entire previous evening pumping you up, convincing you that this was your moment. Their encouragement echoed in your mind as you stood in front of the mirror, psyching yourself up.
"You got this, [Y/N]. Just be confident," you whispered to your reflection before heading out the door.
At school, your friends gathered around you, their eyes full of excitement and anticipation. "Today's the day, right?" one of them asked, grinning.
You nodded, your heart already pounding in your chest. "Yeah, today's the day."
The first opportunity came during the morning break. You spotted Nishinoya near the vending machines, chatting with Tanaka. Summoning all your courage, you approached him, your hands trembling slightly.
"Nishinoya-senpai," you began, but before you could say anything else, a group of first-year students crowded around the vending machines, pushing you aside.
"Sorry!" one of them said, not noticing your disappointment.
Nishinoya smiled at you apologetically. "Catch you later, [Y/N]!" he called as he was swept away by the crowd.
You sighed, feeling a pang of frustration. "Almost," you muttered to yourself.
The next chance came at lunchtime. You had spotted him sitting under a tree in the courtyard, eating his lunch alone. This was perfect. Taking a deep breath, you walked over, your heart racing.
"Hey, Nishinoya-senpai," you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
He looked up, surprised but pleased to see you. "Oh, hey, [Y/N]! What's up?"
"I was wondering if we could talk," you started, but before you could continue, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch break. Nishinoya jumped to his feet, grabbing his things.
"Sorry, gotta get to class! Talk later?" he said, already heading towards the building.
You watched him go, feeling deflated. "Later," you echoed weakly.
As the day wore on, you found yourself growing more anxious and frustrated. Every time you tried to approach him, something got in the way. During the afternoon break, you saw him near the library, but just as you were about to call out to him, the loudspeaker crackled to life, announcing an urgent student council meeting. By the time you got out of the meeting, he was gone.
By the end of the day, you were exhausted and disheartened. You had tried so many times and failed each time. As you walked home, the sky painted in hues of orange and pink by the setting sun, you couldn't help but feel like giving up. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.
Passing by the gymnasium, you heard the familiar sound of a volleyball hitting the floor. Curiosity got the better of you, and you peeked inside. There, alone in the dimly lit gym, was Nishinoya. He was practicing his receives, his movements sharp and focused.
Something inside you stirred. This was your moment. No interruptions, no crowds—just you and him. Taking a deep breath, you walked into the gym, the sound of your footsteps echoing softly.
"Nishinoya-senpai," you called, your voice wavering slightly.
He looked up, surprised to see you. "Oh, hey, [Y/N]! What are you doing here?"
You walked closer, your heart pounding. "I... I wanted to talk to you."
"Sure, what's up?" he asked, wiping sweat from his brow and giving you his undivided attention.
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself. "Nishinoya-senpai, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time."
He tilted his head, curiosity and a hint of concern in his eyes. "What is it?"
Your hands were trembling, but you pressed on. "I've admired you for a while now. I love your passion, your energy, and how you always give your all in everything you do. You inspire me, and... I really like you. I was wondering if... if you would like to go on a date with me."
The silence that followed felt like an eternity. Nishinoya's eyes widened, and for a moment, you feared the worst. But then, a slow smile spread across his face.
"Wow, [Y/N], I didn't know you felt that way," he said, his voice gentle. "I’m really flattered. You’re always so kind and supportive. I’d love to go on a date with you."
Relief and joy surged through you, and you couldn't help but smile back. "Really? You mean it?"
He nodded, his grin widening. "Yeah, really. How about this weekend? We can go to that new café in town."
"That sounds perfect," you said, feeling a lightness in your chest you hadn't felt all day.
Nishinoya laughed, a sound full of warmth and sincerity. "Great! It's a date, then."
As you left the gymnasium together, the sky darkening into twilight, you felt a sense of accomplishment and happiness that made all the failed attempts worth it. Nishinoya had agreed to go on a date with you, and that was more than you could have hoped for.
The weekend couldn't come fast enough. The anticipation of your first date with Nishinoya kept you on edge, your mind racing with excitement and nerves. When Saturday morning finally arrived, you spent extra time getting ready, carefully choosing an outfit that was both casual and a little bit special. You wanted to look your best for him.
The café Nishinoya had suggested was a quaint, cozy place on the edge of town, known for its warm ambiance and delicious pastries. You arrived a little early, your heart pounding with a mix of excitement and anxiety. As you waited outside, you couldn't help but fidget, checking your reflection in the café's window every few minutes.
"Hey, [Y/N]!" Nishinoya's voice called out, breaking through your thoughts.
You turned to see him jogging towards you, his face lit up with a cheerful smile. He looked effortlessly cool in his casual clothes, his hair still slightly tousled from his usual style. The sight of him made your heart skip a beat.
"Hi, Nishinoya-senpai," you greeted, smiling nervously.
"Call me Yuu," he said with a grin. "We're on a date, after all."
Your cheeks flushed at his words, but you nodded. "Okay, Yuu."
He opened the door for you, and you both stepped inside the café. The smell of fresh coffee and baked goods enveloped you, instantly making you feel at ease. You found a cozy corner table and settled in, the soft hum of conversation around you creating a comfortable background noise.
"So, what do you want to try?" Yuu asked, scanning the menu.
"I heard their pastries are really good," you suggested. "Maybe we could share a few?"
"Sounds like a plan!" he agreed. "I'll get us some drinks. How about a cappuccino for you?"
"That would be great, thanks," you said, appreciating his thoughtfulness.
As Yuu went to place the order, you couldn't help but watch him, admiring the way he moved with such confidence and ease. It was hard to believe that you were actually on a date with him, the boy you had admired from afar for so long.
When he returned, he carried a tray with two steaming cups of cappuccino and an assortment of pastries. "Here we go," he said, setting the tray down. "Hope you're hungry!"
The pastries were as delicious as you had heard, and the cappuccinos were the perfect complement. As you ate and sipped your drinks, the conversation flowed easily. Yuu was full of stories about his adventures with the volleyball team, and you found yourself laughing more than you had in a long time.
"And then," Yuu said, chuckling, "Tanaka tripped over his own feet and fell face-first into the sand. We were supposed to be practicing our dives, but it turned into a comedy show."
You laughed, imagining the scene. "Sounds like you guys have a lot of fun."
"Yeah, we do," he agreed, his eyes twinkling. "But it's also hard work. We push each other to be better."
The hours seemed to fly by, and before you knew it, the sun was beginning to set. You both stepped outside the café, the evening air cool and refreshing.
"Thanks for today, Yuu," you said, feeling a warm glow in your chest. "I had a really great time."
"Me too, [Y/N]," he replied, his smile genuine. "Hey, there's a festival next weekend. Would you like to go with me?"
Your heart leapt at the invitation. "I'd love to!"
"Great! It's a date, then," he said, giving you a playful wink. "I'll pick you up at six?"
"Perfect," you agreed, feeling a surge of excitement.
The week passed in a blur of anticipation. You couldn't wait for the festival, imagining the fun you would have and the memories you would make. When the day finally arrived, you spent extra time getting ready, choosing a light summer dress that felt perfect for the occasion.
Yuu arrived promptly at six, looking excited and a little nervous. "Ready to go?" he asked, offering his hand.
You took it, feeling a spark of electricity at the contact. "Absolutely."
The festival was a riot of colors and sounds. Lanterns hung from every available surface, their warm light casting a magical glow over the bustling crowd. Stalls lined the streets, offering everything from delicious street food to handcrafted trinkets. The air was filled with the cheerful sounds of laughter, music, and the occasional pop of fireworks.
"This place is amazing," you said, looking around in wonder.
"Yeah, it is," Yuu agreed. "Let's check out the food stalls first. I'm starving."
You wandered through the festival, sampling various treats and enjoying the festive atmosphere. Yuu was full of energy, his enthusiasm contagious as he pointed out different stalls and suggested things to try.
"Have you ever tried takoyaki?" he asked, leading you to a stall that smelled heavenly.
You shook your head. "No, but I've always wanted to."
"You're in for a treat," he said, ordering a plate for you both. "These are the best."
He was right—the takoyaki was delicious, the perfect blend of flavors and textures. As you ate, you found yourself relaxing, the nervousness of earlier fading away in the warm, friendly atmosphere.
"Let's go see the games," Yuu suggested after you finished eating. "I'm pretty good at the ring toss."
You spent the next hour trying out various games, laughing as you both failed spectacularly at some and triumphed at others. Yuu won you a small stuffed animal at the ring toss, presenting it to you with a proud grin.
"For you," he said, his eyes shining with happiness.
"Thank you, Yuu," you said, accepting the gift with a smile.
As the evening wore on, the sky grew darker, and the festival lights shone even brighter. The highlight of the night was the fireworks display, and Yuu led you to a spot on a hill that offered the perfect view.
"Here, this is the best place to watch," he said, sitting down on the grass and patting the spot next to him.
You sat down, feeling the warmth of his presence beside you. As the first fireworks exploded in the sky, painting it with brilliant colors, you couldn't help but feel a sense of magic in the air.
"This is amazing," you said softly, watching the fireworks in awe.
"Yeah," Yuu agreed, his voice just as soft. "It really is."
For a moment, you both sat in comfortable silence, watching the display. Then, Yuu turned to you, his expression serious but warm.
"[Y/N], I had a really great time with you tonight," he said. "I know this might sound sudden, but... would you like to go out with me again? Like…as my girlfriend?"
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, a mix of surprise and joy flooding through you. "I'd love to, Yuu," you said, your voice barely more than a whisper.
His face lit up with a radiant and full of love smile. "Really? You’re my girlfriend then?"
You nodded, feeling a warmth spread through you that had nothing to do with the summer night. "Really, I love you, yuu…"
As the final fireworks burst into the sky, his eyes widen and he leaned close to you, his lips brushing yours as his hand were on your neck, at the last fireworks, he smashed your lips with yours. You couldn't help but feel that this was the beginning of something wonderful...
“I love you too…[Y/N].”
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It had been a month since you and Yuu had confessed your feelings under the fireworks. The two of you had enjoyed your moments together, keeping your relationship private, savoring the thrill of stolen glances and secret smiles. However, today felt different. You had decided to visit him during his volleyball practice, a gesture that hinted at your readiness to share your relationship with the world.
As you approached the gym, the familiar sounds of laughter, shouts, and the thud of volleyballs greeted you. You paused at the entrance, taking a deep breath, the scent of sweat and the sight of the team hard at work filling your senses. Your heart pounded with anticipation, and you felt a mix of excitement and nervousness.
There he was—Nishinoya, your Yuu, in the center of it all, his energy contagious as he encouraged his teammates. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of him, so alive and full of passion. Gathering your courage, you stepped into the gym and walked toward him.
"Yuu!" you called out, your voice cutting through the noise.
He turned, his face lighting up when he saw you. Without a second thought, he jogged over, a wide grin on his face. Before you could say anything, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close, pressing a quick but affectionate kiss to your lips. Your cheeks flushed, and your heart raced at the unexpected public display of affection.
The gym fell silent. Every pair of eyes was on the two of you, shock and curiosity etched on their faces. The team had seen you around before, but this was the first time they witnessed such intimacy between you and their libero.
"Whoa, Nishinoya!" Tanaka's voice broke the silence, filled with surprise and amusement. "Did we just see that right?"
Nishinoya kept his arm around your waist, his confidence unwavering. "Yeah, you did," he said, his voice loud and clear. "Everyone, this is [Y/N]. We're dating."
A chorus of reactions followed.
"About time!" Sugawara said with a knowing smile, nudging Daichi. "I had a feeling something was going on."
"Well, I didn't see that coming," Asahi admitted, scratching his head, but his expression was warm and accepting.
Hinata and Kageyama looked at each other, eyes wide. "No way! Nishinoya-senpai has a girlfriend?" Hinata exclaimed, his voice filled with awe.
Kageyama nodded slowly, still processing the information. "I guess we should've known. He's always been bold."
Tsukishima adjusted his glasses, a smirk playing on his lips. "This explains why he's been in such a good mood lately."
Yamaguchi elbowed him lightly, grinning. "Come on, Tsukki, let them have their moment."
Tanaka, however, took a more dramatic approach. He fell to his knees, clutching his chest as if in pain. "Noya, how could you?" he wailed, his voice filled with mock sorrow. "I thought we were best friends! How could you keep this from me?"
Nishinoya rolled his eyes but laughed, clearly amused by his friend's theatrics. "Relax, Tanaka. It’s not like I was hiding a secret identity or anything."
"Still," Tanaka sniffed dramatically, wiping away imaginary tears, "I expected better. I'm heartbroken, man."
You couldn't help but giggle at the exaggerated display. "I'm sorry, Tanaka," you said, trying to keep a straight face. "We'll make it up to you, I promise."
Tanaka's expression brightened instantly. "You better! I expect to be the first to know about all future developments!"
Nishinoya looked down at you, his eyes shining with happiness. "I wanted everyone to know," he said softly, just for you to hear. "No more hiding."
You nodded, feeling a rush of relief and joy. "I'm glad," you whispered back.
The rest of practice continued with a new energy in the air. The team seemed to feed off the excitement of the reveal, their spirits high and their camaraderie even stronger. You stayed to watch, cheering them on and exchanging smiles with Yuu whenever your eyes met.
After practice ended, the team gathered around you both, eager to know more about your relationship. Nishinoya held your hand proudly, answering their questions with enthusiasm.
"So, how long has this been going on?" Tanaka asked, his curiosity palpable.
"About a month," you replied, glancing at Yuu with a smile. "We wanted to keep it to ourselves for a bit."
Sugawara nodded, his expression understanding. "Makes sense. But we're happy for you guys."
"Thanks, Suga-san," Yuu said, his gratitude genuine. "It means a lot."
As the team dispersed, heading to the locker room to change, Nishinoya pulled you aside, his eyes soft with affection. "Thanks for coming today," he said, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "It made everything feel more real."
"I'm glad I did," you replied, your heart full. "I love you, Yuu."
"I love you too," he said, kissing you again, this time more tenderly.
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Ⓡ kiesbrainjuice all rights reserved. please to not plagiarize, repost, or translate !
tag : @haechansbbg
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lemon-natalia · 4 months
Harrow the Ninth Reaction - Review
my copy announces at the end ‘Gideon will return in Nona the Ninth’ she’d fucking better! i do not think my heart can take thinking Gideon is permanently dead again
wow, you all really survived two years waiting for Nona. question: how? Also more importantly to me, how am i gonna survive waiting for Alecto once I’ve finished Nona
fun statistics nobody asked for: i wrote just over 15,500 words about HtN! so about 3000 words more than GtN, but in general per chapter i just had less to say on this one because i wasn’t trying to figure out the world building or a single central murder mystery like last time
all in all that was certainly … a sequel. if the experience of reading Gideon the Ninth was like being on a rollercoaster, with lots of steady twists and turns, Harrow the Ninth was like being on a steadily faster river boat ride where three quarters of the way you simultaneously fell off a waterfall while a caneering train came out of nowhere and smashed the boat to pieces
it was certainly very intriguing to read, if very hard to tell what exactly was happening at certain points. it also had very different vibes in general? while GtN could probably be summed up plot-wise as ‘murder mystery’ this had much more interpersonal drama. i wasn't quite as shocked every other chapter like i was with GtN, and i did miss that, but i still had a fun time trying to figure out what was going on with the Lyctors & Harrow's mindscape stuff
tldr: i'm just rotating all of the lore of this series inside my mind like a rotisserie chicken. 9/10 i am once again emotionally destroyed but that's kind of tempered this time around with just, absolute confusion
i will say i do think i preferred GtN slightly, solely because of Gideon’s narration style being delightful, but i still very much enjoyed the experience, and i'm more hooked on this series than ever now. i didn’t mention this really before, but there was a point immediately after finishing GtN where i didn’t think i was gonna read HtN because i was genuinely that upset over Gideon’s death at the end, but i’m very glad i did!
i will for sure be doing liveblog posts for Nona if people want me to?
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justin-chapmanswers · 3 months
Do you ever get annoyed with people mischaracterizing your more complex characters like Knofe or Silver? Since both of them can be seen as *bad,* but if people pay more attention to the narrative them and other characters are actually a lot better than they seem at first.
Uhhh. Hm. I'd say not really. Everyone's had their bad moments. And sometimes those bad moments are more significant to some than others. That's life.
I'm always interested to see what people take away from the characters and their choices and how they change. In the case of a character who generally changes for the better, not everyone's going to forgive. But being good isn't done for forgiveness, it's done for, well, being good.
But I guess this is more about mischaracterization than criticism, yeah? Characters are complicated. So I'm fine seeing people more drawn to one aspect of a character than another. If that's what someone's takeaway is, then that's their experience. Even on the II writing team itself, characters can be written slightly differently, even if not easily perceivable. I think if I briefly stepped away from the II team and watched a new episode made without me, I'd easily be able to tell if it was written by Adam, Brian, or someone else. I can do that with some shows, too, but I'll quit elaborating for the sake of not sounding nerdy (Steven Universe my beloved, but that becomes easier cause each writer is also storyboarding and they have distinct styles, oh no I'm elaborating).
But yeah! Characters are cool and flexible and that's kinda the point of them in fiction. We like writing a lot of them to be complex, but unlike real people, characters exist in stories to complete a purpose narratively. And that'll dictate characterization to a degree. So, lil nunanced changes are welcome. And more notable changes, too, why not. I guess I'm thinking more from a fanfic lens more-so than a discussion-of-characters lens, but it's all the key tenants of viewer interpretation being valuable, but it's always a plus to see people, on average, having the intended takeaway. And good on you, trying to see a character from every angle!
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hottpinkpenguin · 3 months
I’ve read your Boromir fic (the first one I‘ve ever read) and it changed my brain chemistry. I can’t get it out of my head THE LONGINGGG
Could I humbly request an Aragorn x female reader fic where they are sparring or play fighting in a more private area and they land on top of each other? And it leads to a confession and smut/steam? I know, this trope is very original hehe
Could there also be some tension/ longing between them?  Or anything you have in mind, really I just want to see him hot and desperate 😭
I lᡣ𐭩ve your work and thank you 🫶🏻 Have a beautiful day 🥰
A/n: probably not my best work, Anon, but I hope you like it! I experimented with a slightly different narration style (rapidly switching back & forth between reader and Aragorn POV). I'm always astounded when ppl like my work so THANK YOU for reading and for the request <3 Word count: 1535 Content warnings: blood, implied smut, non-canon, steam, mutual pining
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** Aragorn's POV | Reader's POV **
“Your weight is off balance, y/n.” 
You looked down at your feet reflexively, huffing in frustration as you realized he was right. Across from you, your sparring partner cracked the smallest of smiles. Graciously, Aragorn waited for you to fix your stance. You imitated him - lifting the arches of your feet slightly, your body weight suspended softly on the balls of your feet and your knees bent ever so softly. You shifted your hips in small circles around your feet, testing the surety of your new stance. It certainly felt better, but there was only one way to tell. 
“Better?” you asked, raising an eyebrow in question at Aragorn.
He missed y/n’s question entirely, his eyes hovering on her hips as she swung them softly side to side. He could just barely see a sliver of the soft flesh around her hips between the waistband of her trousers and the hem of her tunic. His mouth went dry at the sight, and at the thoughts that tore across his mind like sparks. 
Shit, she was talking to him. 
“Much better, yes.” Aragorn’s eyes seemed to shift in and out of focus, a strange pained look darting across his face as if you’d disturbed him from a dream. You knew that look - you’d seen it on his face ever since the Fellowship had left Rivendell some months ago. You felt silly for continuing to pine over him when his affections were so obviously spoken for. 
“Who were you thinking of, just then?” The question slipped out before you could catch it. 
He groaned internally. Had he really been that noticeable? You’re losing your touch, you old fool, he chastised himself harshly as he lifted his sword to line with y/n’s, studiously avoiding her gaze. 
You didn’t miss the way Aragorn’s eyes never met yours. It set your stomach churning on itself in embarrassment, but you forced your face to smooth. Even if you’d tried, you doubted you could draw your gaze away from his face, so handsome in his focus.
She’s looking straight at you. She knows, obviously. 
Aragorn felt his sword rise up and collide with y/n’s blade as she parried his stroke. The sudden rush of movement and strength felt good, like a wave washing his mind free of those pesky thoughts. 
Aragorn’s strikes were stronger than you were used to, and you instantly felt your recently reclaimed balance teeter dangerously. The mixture of distracting emotions and your off-kilter weight shattered your focus. You twisted your blade to block his lateral strike a second too late, and you felt the white-hot kiss of his blade dig into the muscles on your shoulder.
You hissed in surprise, trying to clear your mind from the blind of pain. 
He felt y/n hesitate across from him - a rare feat. She was unusually well-skilled with a longsword, and it was uncommon for there to be such a clear and decisive victor in their melees. If Aragorn had held his focus a moment longer, he would have noted the blood seeping from a fresh cut in her shoulder and the uncharacteristic weakness in her sword arm. But his mind was foggy from his pride’s close brush with humiliation, and it wasn’t until he collided full-force with her that he registered something had gone wrong.
One moment, you were blinking back the burning tears of unexpected pain, and the next you were resolutely pinned under Aragorn’s body. He managed to catch the back of your head deftly and gently to keep it from slapping off the frost-chilled ground. Your initial reaction was a gasp of surprise-
-y/n gasped in pain as he landed on top of her clumsily. Barely able to piece together what had happened, he began searching her body for signs of the injury-
-Aragorn’s face twisted into concern as he pulled back from you. Instinctively, you hooked a leg around his, pinning him against you-
-he was able only to pry his upper half off of her before he felt y/n’s leg grasp him against her, the sensation unlocking memories of dreams he’d found himself tumbling into each night ever since meeting her-
-you froze, your breath caught in your throat as you felt Aragorn stiffen against you. His gaze caught yours, that same pained expression you’d seen earlier flashing in his gray eyes like a reflection of sunlight on steel-
-his body went rigid, a sudden terror seizing him as he wondered if he was hopelessly misinterpreting the pressure of y/n’s leg locked around his hips, but before he could think-
-his lips were on yours, his hand moving from the back of your neck around to your throat and to the edge of your jaw. You felt him melt down against you, the stiffness in his spine softening until he was fully prone against you, his mussed curls tickling your cheeks and forehead as you reached up with your mouth, inhaling and tasting and devouring him.
Y/n let out a soft moan of contentment, the vibrations plucking a matching string in Aragorn’s desire. He dropped his sword, his free hand coming to her waist, gliding across the oiled planes of her leathers and the rough handspun wool of her tunic. His mind felt blissfully scattered, raw need catching like wildfire as it burned away the traces of conscious thought.
Each moment that the kiss deepened you felt yourself slip a little bit further away from control. His hands roamed freely across your body as you wriggled and writhed into his touch, eager to feel the pressure of his hands on every inch of your available skin. It wasn’t until he grazed over the still-stinging (but very much forgotten) cut on your shoulder that you hesitated.
Aragorn felt the tackiness of fresh blood catch on his fingertips as he grazed over her shoulder, accompanied a moment later by a reflexive wince from y/n. He broke from her embrace, glancing down at her shoulder, the beige of her tunic stained crimson.
“Gods above, what have I done?” 
You chuckled, unwilling to let Aragorn pull away fully. 
“Ignore it,” you commanded, greedily rising up to catch his lips again. He obliged, but you could sense that concern was dulling the edges of his enthusiasm. “It’s a small cut, nothing more,” you offered, hoping he would move on and attend to your other needs. 
He groaned in frustration at his own inability to ignore the wound, but Aragorn’s attentiveness to pain - your pain, above all - wouldn’t be silenced. He broke free from her lips with some difficulty long enough to inspect the wound. She was right - it was a minor, glancing blow. Nothing that would require stitching, but perhaps a bit of rest. And cleaning, he thought with a hint of smugness. 
You caught the way his lips quirked slightly as he poked softly at your wound. 
“What could you possibly be chuckling about?” you hissed, feeling put out by his unwillingness to dive back into the kiss that had sent you to the edge of fire. 
“Your wound, m’lady. It needs attention. A good cleaning, I think.” His eyes smoldered at the last few words, the tone of his voice tightening something deep in your core. You had to stifle a bark of delight when you finally grasped his meaning. He rose from the ground, brushing grass from the front of his trousers as he extended a hand towards you. You accepted it, letting him lift you lithely from the ground. 
Y/n’s desperate gaze was practically all he could focus on, but Aragorn steadied himself with a deep inhale as he cast a self-conscious glance around. Thankfully, the rest of the Fellowship was resting uneventfully among the rolling slopes of Rohan’s Westfold, and no one seemed the wiser to your brief interlude. More extensive companionship would require greater privacy, but he didn’t balk at the feeling of her fingers twining in his as they strode with a shared understanding towards his tent. 
“I thought-”
“Lady Arwen, yes. I know what you thought,” Aragorn cut you off softly, rubbing a reassuring thumb along the back of your hand. You were surprised to hear him speak of her without a note of longing. You looked toward him with questions. “Lady Arwen and I were raised together in Rivendell. I think of her as family, nothing more. The longing you sense in me is nothing more than homesickness.” 
Aragorn had been content to let the rest of the Fellowship misinterpret his closeness with the lady Arwen for romance, although he had always resented having to keep up with the ruse with y/n. It was true that she’d be safer without his affections painting a target on her back for their enemies, but in that particular moment Aragorn found it difficult to summon anything more than impatient desire.
You chewed on the inside of your lip as he lifted the flap of his tent. Although there was no luxurious steaming bathtub inside, you did notice a well-made cot laden with soft furs. With ample room for two, you thought warmly as you stepped inside, Aragorn following closely behind you…
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slvtforfiction · 8 months
NSFW Alphabet
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☆ Sapnap X Reader
☆ Smut
☆ Hey guys! Before anything else I would ask you to request anything you want because I've lost a lot of motivation and it would really help! :D (Please look at pinned post to see if requests are open.)
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers :)
Masterlist | Pinned Post
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(What their like after sex)
Would definitely try to make you as comfortable as possible after sex because he believes it's very important (Because it is!!) So if you wanted him to run you a bath or just cuddle instead he would definitely do it but he would definitely clean you up after and then give you some clothes along with a lot of praise.
Body part:
(Your favourite body part on him and his favourite body part on you)
Your favourite body part on him is definitely his hands because he's very skilled with them and they are extremely attractive.
His favourite body part on you is probably your ass,he is definitely an ass man.
(Anything to do with cum,basically)
He doesn't mind making a mess as long as it's easy to clean up so if he isn't wearing a condom he will most likely try to cum on your back or stomach depending on what position your in.
If he makes a mess he makes sure to clean it up instead of you because he was the one that made the mess.
He loves seeing you covered in his cum especially when you give him head,before he cums he pulls out just so he can cum in your face.
Dirty secret:
(Pretty self explanatory,a dirty secret of theirs)
He jacked off to one of your streams before.
You purposely tried to tease him once but he never noticed.
(How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's definitely experienced now that he's been with you but his first time with you he had only watched porn and didn't know much so you taught him even though you had never had sex yourself.
Favourite position:
(This goes without saying)
Considering that he is an ass man he loves doggy style but he would also love missionary because he loves hearing your angelic moans for him and your face as he fucks you.
(are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Sapnap thinks that for it to be enjoyable that sometimes you have to be a bit silly in the moment to enjoy yourself more with the right person.
Your first time together he was wanting reassurance but at the same time while he was learning he was shedding some light to the serious mood by his jokes.
(how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps his hair,down there,very maintained and trimmed but rarely shaves.
He doesn't mind if you have any hair,down there,because he doesn't think it's a big deal.
(how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
If he's had a bad day he might fuck his anger out through you by going rough during sex but other times he is usually slow and sensual wanting to hold onto the moment more.
Jack off:
(Masturbation head canon)
He rarely masturbates except from when he's extremely horny and your no where near him.
If your just out at the shops then he would most likely wait for you as he palms himself trying not to be in as much pain from his boner.
(One or more of their kinks)
Into bdsm but more of the bondage side and slightly less of the discipline side.
He loves to degrade and praise you at the same time (e.g "look at my pretty little slut")
If you two live in different states or are in different states for business etc. he would try virtual sex and it then becomes one of his kinks.
He is an ass guy so he likes anal play because he gets to look at your ass so much.
He also like orgasm control knowing that you can't cum or orgasm without his permission makes his thoughts go wild.
He loves overstimulation because he loves to feel you wriggle underneath him from it.
(Favourite places to do the do)
You guys haven't done the deed in many places because of him living with George and clay.
But when you go to your apartment instead you've done it virtually everywhere,the sofa,the countertop,the bathroom,gaming desk,everywhere imaginable.
But his favourite place was the bed because it's just very simple and you can do it at his house too.
He also loves when he railed you on top of your gaming desk,you made sure that you monitors and etc were secured before you did it and it turned out to be a great experience for both of you.
(What turns them on,gets them going)
His turn ons are mainly him teasing you or you teasing him but he gets turned on by quite a lot.
His main turn on was when he caught you touching yourself and just stood there and watched before railing the fuck out of you.
(Something they wouldn't do,turn offs)
His turn offs would definitely be pretty based like he would hate the idea of you pissing on him or him pissing on you.
He would hate age play,watching you have sex with someone else etc.
(preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He would prefer giving but loves your head,he thinks it's the best head he's ever going to feel and is in pure ecstasy whenever you give him head.
He would love to give you head though because he loves hearing you and he lovessss feeling your thighs clamp arohnd his head as they shake because he knows he's doing a good job.
(are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends what time of mood he is in,like I said earlier if he's in a bad mood and if he is you better be prepared because he will go so fast that you can't move but if he's in a good mode and just horny he would be slow and sensual.
(their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He hates quickies because he prefers to tease you until your begging and at that point he would take you home and actually fuck you rather than a quickie.
(are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He doesn't mind the risk and sometimes you even fuck with saps door unlocked just for the risk of George and clay walking in.
He would definitely be scared of them walking in though but he loves feeling the anxiety coursing through him which slowly turns to great sex because he gets an adrenaline rush making his stamina extreme high.
(how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He has a high stamina,he could go for hours without stopping and would make you cum so many times before he even thinks about cumming once.
You record of rounds was 8 rounds in one night and sap will constantly bring it up and try to beat the record if your up for it.
(do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He definitely owns toys because he loves teasing you with them,he particularly loves thrusting in and out of you whilst a vibrator is overstimulating your clit.
He did let you peg him once but decided he hated it and didn't try it again.
(how much they like to tease)
He loves teasing you if your out or even just at home because he knows he has power over you and can make you fold instantly and make you so horny.
He hates you teasing him though,if you start to tease him and he gets hard so help you god your gonna need this👩‍🦽.
(how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.
He can be load if he wants to be and quiet if he needs to be.
If someone is in the other room he will humiliate you by making you moan loud asf but he will be silent.
But if your alone he would probably give out a few moans.
He definitely moans if he's bottoming.
Wild card:
(a random headcanon)
He's definitely ate you out whilst you were streaming and you've definitely given him head whilst he was streaming.
If sapnap does give you head whilst your streaming if he's horny he's probably jacking off.
(let's see what's going on under those clothes)
He packing atleast 8 inches almost 9 when he is hard.He is extremely tall over your figure even though he's about only 6ft.His hands are your favourite body part of his because oh how they can leave bruises if he wants them too.
(How high is his sex drive?)
His sex drive is fairly high and you end up doing it atleast 2 times a week maybe even once a day,usually 5 times a week though.
If your not in the mood he respects that though and just masturbates instead.
Z = Zzz:
(how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
They fall asleep after making sure your comfortable,making sure you enjoyed what happened and made sure he didn't push any boundaries.
After you pass out and he knows you're okay and not in pain he cuddles up with you and falls asleep.
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