#i'm very happy with these though it was fun to draw these old girls again after so long
museofvoid-art · 5 months
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Some girls
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sanhatipal · 1 year
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"Noble d'Apchier"
A little watercolor painting of Chloe,with the Zorn palette! I found out about this palette a while ago and I really wanted to try it out! (More on that below )
Chloe's hair is something I adore, it's gotta be one of my absolute favourite character designs ever,I love how swirly and fluffy it is,very fun to draw. I've drawn her normally before,I wanted to do one with her vampire eyes and fangs too. I decided to try to draw a white fuzzy rim around the foreground against the plain background,for a change,like in some of the VnC panels.
The Zorn palette,or Apelles Palette was a colour scheme used by Anders Zorn in the late Victorian/Early Edwardian era. It ,or something similar,might have been used by artists of old civilizations too, because it avoids the use of blue and green entirely: which would eliminate the need for rare pigments . It's essentially a colour mixing challenge,to draw the entire paintings with 4 pigments,2 basic colours: Ochre yellow, Vermillion,and Black and white,which can be mixed into different shades. It can be an excellent exercise and means for portrait painting
Modern artists use red instead of vermillion,but the essence is the same. So that's what I did too. I considered using vermillion,but I realised that it would introduce a lot of yellow tint, making the picture very warm. Which is usually something I prefer honestly,but not what I was going for here. Also,I need to consider the fact that I'm a watercolour artist,which is very different from the original intended palette. Zorn used oil paints,but other artists use it fine for gouache and acrylic too, however,that too is different from watercolor, because instead of mixing with white, I'll be diluting with water,which changes the composition of the palette considerably. So I went with these supplies: ochre yellow and red watercolor pencils (for me, basically watercolor pigments,I don't use them to draw,I grind and dissolve them in water),white and black watercolor tubes,and white ink. In addition: lineart with sepia,grey and black brush pens,which are well within the bounds of the palette
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To be honest,I ended up not using the white paint tube at all,water makes more sense to me. I didn't use anything else though,and stuck with the original materials.And the results:
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Does it work? Hell yeah. It's not perfect,but I'm happy with how she turned out
Was it restricting? That's kind of the point,to paint with some limitations
Was it hard? Honestly? No. Not at all. It's definitely very different from what I'm used to,I use a lot of colours both as is and mixed,but this was surprisingly easy. Perhaps because of my subject,which didn't have much colour to begin with
Do I recommend it? If you want a small challenge,or to experiment or practice colour mixing,definitely
Will I do it again ? Absolutely. I feel like I haven't utilised much of the potential of this palette. I ended up using mainly red and black, hardly any yellow at all. So I'd like to do something more colourful with this palette, perhaps a sunny painting of a gingerhead girl with flowers,and for this I'll probably use vermillion,not red
Anyways, that's all! If you read all this,thank you for your time!!
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Happy Saturday; a couple of short replies today.
Anonymous asked:
I sound dumb but on kofi I noticed that some of your drawings were labeled Fellow and Mob and there was one on Bluesky for Epel and Mob. Who or what or when is Mob? Is this the dude from Scott Pilgrim?
You are not dumb, Anon! No worries.
“Mob” is basically the same as “just random faceless guy/girl”. Here is a definition from this site:
In Japanese, モブ (short for モブキャラクター) refers to a character who plays a minor role in anime/manga/games.
Dorm students from TWST (the ones that aren’t our main characters) are technically all Mob, like Scarabia student B, Heartslabyul student A, etc. This term is also frequently used in doujins when a character is being paired with some rando, i.e. some pervy old man or just some faceless student. In case with Fellow and Epel it was a pervy old man...
But now I can’t stop thinking about Mobile sleeping around lol
Anonymous asked:
ryu i just wanted to let you know that your aot art still lives rent free in my mind specially the ereri ones you were such a visionary omg !!!! but your new drawings are just as beautiful <3
Oh my god, Ereri!
Thank you so much for your kindness, Anon! Hearing that it such a blast from the past, I can’t believe it’s been 3 years already… I am very excited to apply everything I’ve learned over these years art-wise to more Ereri stuff in the future (whenever it’ll be). So it’s great to hear that there are people who still remember us and our content with these two <3
I am very happy you like my new stuff as well, it means a lot!
Anonymous asked:
Was at a con last weekend and you were like every person's at the twst meetup favorite artist I'm not even kidding
No way… 😭 This is incredibly sweet, thank you very much!
In all honesty though, it really is very surprising, but amazing nonetheless. I am very happy to hear that. It’s hard to even imagine that I exist... irl? In other people’s lives? Idk how to put it.
Thank you for sharing, and I hope you (and everyone else) enjoyed the con.
Anonymous asked:
I wish I had an Idia dakimakura. No question just wanted to share my woes. I need to squeeze the life out of him :(
Honestly, I think a lot of lives would have been improved with an Idia dakimakura… He is very squeezable :”(
Anonymous asked:
I've been having the most intense Lilia/Idia thoughts lately and I just wanted to share them if you're interested.
Cause Idia and Lilia are gaming buddies, yeah?
And I just can't stop thinking about how if they were playing a game with comms, there could be other people there or not but having other people there makes it more fun, and Lilia just messing with Idia so hard.
Just saying the dirtiest stuff and Idia's on the other side of the comms blowing a fuse from all the stuff Lilia's saying.
And if there was people there and they heard that, then Idia would have to deal with the questions later and he'd blow a fuse again just out of embarrassment.
Maybe that's a strange thought to have, but I just wanted to share it cause why not?
LOL poor random people who have to play with these two fuckers! On the other hand, it’s probably very entertaining to listen to them lol
It’s also funny that Crimson Muscle seems to have kind of strict and mature, yet unexpectedly playful vibe, so the image in Idia’s head is very specific. But once they learn each other’s identity… maybe Lilia would start acting like his gremlin self more. He really could make Idia blow a fuse if he wanted to…
No matter what happens, people around them are going to think they’re dating lol
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How do you think yae and ei would react to their kids starting to date? Or them finding the others kid on a date that no one knew about?
Parenting headcanons: Ei & Miko and their views on dating
A/N: Hi Anon. Hope you enjoy!
CW: None.
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An eternity of solitude is the last thing Ei wants for her child, be they male or female. She had to experience that herself, and the shogun wouldn't wish it upon anyone. 
As such, Ei's not going to be keeping them away from romance, unless it's with a mortal being. She will be very, very hard pressed to convince her child to let them go, in fear of what mental havoc their unavoidable death will wreak upon their mind. She knows just how destructive grief is. If the love would be especially strong, however, she will let up. She loves her child too much to harm them this badly. 
Ei is very tolerant when it comes to her child's selections of partners. Just not if they're much older gods, especially ones she met during the Archon War, or the conflicts that followed. She's going to be very, very unsympathetic towards gods more loyal to Celestia than the others. She will always be wary of them, looking out for both humanity and her son/daughter. 
She would be so happy to be a grandmother, so if they turn out to swing a different way, well… she'll be very sad, to put it lightly, but will get over it eventually. At least her kid's happy, right? 
How did she find out her child is dating? She was told by them. Ei doesn't do a whole lot of digging in her kid's personal life. Unless it's  blatantly obvious that they have a crush, she'll remain in the dark. 
The first meeting won't be anything special - just a formal dinner in the palace. She's going to ask about their work, interests and some soft opinions about less controversial topics. If that were the old Ei, she would have certainly scared the S/O away with her uncomfortable, awkward questions. But she's luckily not that oblivious anymore. There still will be rough patches, but it'll be okay. 
Ei sips her tea. Across the table sits her son, Takeshi, dressed in decorative armor picked out specifically for this occasion. He's also drinking the brew, looking up at her and the girl next to him. 
She is quite smaller than Takeshi. Her hands, the only part of her not covered by her white kimono, give off a soft glow, similar to that of fish scales viewed in sunlight. The woman surely noticed Ei's (unintentionally) intense gaze, and is visibly uncomfortable with it. She keeps staring at her tea, too shy to look up or start a conversation. Ei draws an easy, forgiving smile. 
"What do you reign over, dear?" She asks. 
The girl shifts around, and looks up carefully. 
"I-I…um… I'm the princess of small sea life, your Highness." She looked back down again, her right hand traveling down to grip her clothing. She rolls it around in her hand in an attempt to calm her nerves. 
"Oh? Princess of sea life? Well, I do like General Crabs a lot, and they do have my emblem on them." She chuckles in good spirit. "Surely you're not willing to contest their loyalty?" 
"No! N-no your Highness. I-I would never h-hope to challenge you…" 
Her panicked assurances are cut off by Takeshi's hand enveloping hers. They look into each other's eyes, and Ei's heart just melts at the view. 
"Hey, don't worry. Mom was just joking, alright?" 
Ei hums in confirmation, but then she smiles. A mischievous thought passed through her mind. 
"Yes, of course. Or was I?" 
The girl squeaks, and leans towards her son. Takeshi brings her closer, and facepalms.
"Mom! You spend too much time with Miko, I swear…" 
Ei can't hold back a soft laugh. " I'm so sorry, Niko. Miko was right, though. It is fun to tease.. ."
The goddess seems to finally relax a little. 
"Oh, and please, call me Ei. Takeshi has been saying so much about you, and from what I heard, you feel for him as well. Ah, you make such a cute couple…" 
Both of them blush at her words, and Ei feels her heart melt even more. They're just too adorable!
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Yae Miko
Her life motto is "live while you're alive", and she wants her kids to live that way as well. There's no way she would limit their life like that. She made the mistake of not indulging in real romance for most of her life, and she wouldn't want her litter to lack that element. 
When they more or less grow up, she will let them go on and find love no problem. Despite her mean comments and teasing, she will keep an eye out on particularly suspicious individuals, with a bit of help from the eldest kids. 
She doesn't give a thought as to their sexuality. She has ten kids, so at least one of them has to be straight, right? Miko isn't worried about having grandchildren in the slightest. 
Kitsune are territorial by nature, essentially in every aspect of their lives - food, territory and partners. Despite being more distinguished, Miko and her young keep a lot of their instincts. And the Guuji will abuse the living daylights out of that. 
Nobody is safe from teasing, not even her joys. Is that mean? Of course, it's not even a question. She will have a limit though. It doesn't mean that she won't be an absolute menace. 
Miko circles around the man. He stays still, keeping his gaze away from the priestess. She can easily feel how tense he is - even his breaths are as quiet and unassuming as possible. His ears twitch occasionally, turning towards her at all times. She looks at her daughter, Naomi, who watches her actions. Miko smirks. 
"Hm… Tall… Muscular…Handsome…Well groomed… Young, and such a strong musk.. ." 
The mother turns sharply towards her daughter, whose displeasure is clearly visible. That's what she is after. But still, she keeps her wits, and Miko just can't have that. So, she turns back to him, and looks right into his eyes. With her index finger, she tilts his face to the side, meeting no resistance. 
"You've got quite the catch on your hands, Naomi…"
Is it the mocking, semi seductive tone she spoke in, or the fact she was touching Naomi's mate? Whatever the reason, the younger fox swiftly moves between the two, and nearly growls. She parts her lips, revealing the fangs for her mother to see. Miko puts on a shocked face, and steps back a little. When she sees her daughter's anger drop and expression turn into one of genuine worry and regret, Miko immediately bursts out in laughter. 
Naomi looks down, just a little ashamed she fell for her mother's tricks once more. The fighting spirit doesn't fade, and the girl bites back. 
"You're done mom? Good. We're leaving." 
"Oh, my dear… are you getting… jealous, perhaps?" 
"I… N-no.. . Not at all." 
Miko sighs, and approaches her daughter. This time, her movements are much less intimidating and friendly. 
"Don't be silly, Naomi. I was merely teasing. No harm done, yes?" 
She exhales, a little frustrated sure, but overall glad Miko let go. Before they leave, Miko turns to the male. 
"Nice to finally meet you, Gozan. Take good care of my daughter, now. She's a good young woman. Keep her away from trouble, will you?" 
"Of course, Lady Guuji."
She crosses her arms over her chest, but her tone and expression remain friendly. 
"You can go now. You have my blessing." 
With a polite bow, Gozan leaves. He joins Naomi on the stairs, and the pair starts descending the Shrine. Miko smirks. 
She just can't wait for an actual, formal introductory dinner. Oh, she has a plan already… 
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Thanks for reading!
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lollytea · 1 year
in a hypothetical toh/Peter pan au (bc the parallels are interesting to explore) The Collector is probably the closest equivalent to Peter (eternal child who's repressed all their troubles in the name of Fun and Whimsy and has an ambivalent approach to morality) (though keep in mind I'm not a scholar and it's been a while since I last interacted with a pan adaptation. You're the more knowledgeable one here feel free to correct me)
And then Wendy's closest equivalent as the viewpoint character who learns the main lesson about growing up and moving on and while not losing the part of yourself that made childhood seem so wonderful would probably have to be Luz (though obviously if we're going for this lineup then the peter/Wendy dynamic would have to be decidedly not romantic. Probably lean more into the "mother" thing from the book or Luz and Collie's like. Babysitter and baby dynamic)
Though again I'm very interested in what you, Lollytea, local Peter Pan scholar and toh enthusiast has to say and whether or not I'm off the mark on these ideas. P.S I feel very seen w/ u obsessing about an early 1900s western children's Isekai (/j) bc I did the exact same thing w/ the wizard of oz.
Okay okay okay okay okay okay this is a huntlow AU for my little huntlow brain but I decided to develop the universe a little and give some info on where all the main characters currently are and what they're doing.
Yes absolutely the Collector is this universe's version of Peter. The island adores them for mysterious reasons and their mood and temperment has complete control over the elements. All his whims and dreams and fantasies become a reality here so the place is very chaotic. I'm imagining that the island has the same starry sparkly aesthetic as the BL in S3.
The Collector is heaps of fun and the Lost Boys love hanging out with him and going on adventures. However....he's also prone to tantrums and his tantrums can have devastating consequences so.....none of them are really his true friends either. They're afraid of him, they tiptoe around him, they try to keep him happy.
His only real friend is King, a Neverbeast whose species is as ancient as the Island itself. King has a depthless cavern of power that he just....hasn't really developed yet. He might be a few centuries old but he ages similarly to the Collector. Just a pair of babies. Boys will be boys.
Luz is the most recent Lost Boy in a whole village of Lost Boys. You know how they had that epic village in Hook (1991) Yeah that shit was so cool, I'm giving them one of those. Anyway Luz's reasons for taking the Collector's offer are very similar to her reasons for choosing to stay in the BL. Fantasy as a form of escapism, struggling with the conventional education system and also grief and her mom trying to get her help that she doesn't want. It lands her here.
Amity is a girl who used to be frequently visited by a fairy named Willow when they were both little kids. However, Willow's friendship influenced Amity's overzealous imagination. She was drawing pictures of and writing about fairies and the stories her friend told her about Neverland and this got her in trouble with her parents. Cracking under the threat of more severe punishment, Amity got into a huge fight with Willow, ending in her declaring "I don't believe in fairies!" before slamming her window shut. This is the most cutting thing you could possibly say to a fairy.
Now, years later, Amity is residing in the world she tried so hard to forget about all those years ago. You see, she was at the age where her parents were preparing to send her off to finishing school and were having discussions about future arranged marriages. But Amity is not ready for that just yet. She wants to be a teacher!! She wants to be an inventor!!! So she runs away to Neverland where she can live out her dreams for a while until she's ready to return home.
She's currently running a "school" for the Lost Boys and is affectionately referred to as "Miss Amity", while also tinkering in her spare time. She feels very comforted by the order and control she has over her life now.
It's Luz's arrival that throws it all into disarray. Luz doesn't agree with Amity's style of teaching and though she doesn't deliberately try to interfere, a lot of Lost Boys do end up gravitating towards her, preferring her strange anecdotes and insane hyperfixation infodumps to Amity's lessons. This ends up putting the two of them at odds.
Gus is a Lost Boy....with a gift!!! The Collector was initially drawn to Gus because of their fascination with his primative human "Magic" tricks. Cards, coins behind the ear, cute silly stuff like that. He chose to go to Neverland because the stress of his Dad's high expectations was getting to him and he wanted a bit of a break (a case of miscommunication between father and son).
However, after being spirited away, Gus became Neverland's official Magician, knighted by the Collector himself. And by that I mean the Collector went "Haha I like you. I wonder what you could do if you had real magic!" and then proceeded to snap their fingers and gave Gus powers beyond his comprehension. Like waaaaay too much power. Gus is currently struggling to control his new magic and it tends to come out in uncontrollable bursts and its actually more of a curse than a gift. But he's pretty optimistic about his ability to eventually master it. And also the Collector refuses to change him back so....[shrug]
Willow and Gus? Besties. They're kinda like Peter and Tink in that Willow's favourite place to chill is atop Gus' shoulder or in his pocket.
She does not tell Gus about her secret romantic rendezvous with a certain pirate because that pirate tried to kidnap her once and Gus is very protective of his best friend.
Eda is.....a lot.
Okay. Originally a rebellious but insanely intelligent human girl, Eda and her sister were preparing to take on the world together. They were both aiming to attend the same university on a scholarship, but due to circumstances, the opportunity was only available to one of them. Eda's sister Lilith, panicking about all her dreams being ruined, wound up doing something she'd regret.
She snitched. She told a representative of their dream school of one of the delinquent acts Eda committed. Things quickly got out of hand. One person told another, things getting warped and exaggerated and other people who knew Eda personally began chiming in with their opinions of her. Some things were true. Others were not. But the most hurtful thing is that everybody was willing to believe all of it, because that just seemed to be the person Eda was. All of a sudden, it felt like the whole world had turned on her.
Life became very difficult Eda, she felt isolated and detested. She felt like a monster. This resulted in her running away to Neverland, but she carried her outcast feelings with her. She continued to stew in her own self loathing but that had terrible consequences.
Neverland is unpredictable. Its wishy washy. Its very attuned to imagination and dreams. Because Eda felt so strongly about being a monster, she gradually became a monster.
The Owl Beast is like the Crocodile to Belos' Captain Hook. She sees him as a reflection of the way she was treated back home, while he views her as everything vile and disturbing about this wretched island. Plus when he looks in her eyes, she reminds him of somebody he used to know. Somebody he hates with his whole heart and soul. He needs her dead. She needs him dead.
A huge part of Luz's goal in this AU is uncovering the mystery of the Owl Beast and eventually bonding with her and maybe even helping her return to her human form.
Anyway so yeah thats what's poppin on the island if anybody was interested. We can have our fun with this stuff, incorporate it however we want. I'm very focused on huntlow being silly tho. It's fun to me.
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cyanidas · 5 months
psst hey hi hello two things: 1, I LOVE Cellia sm and 2, how do you think she would react to meeting/interacting with Fyora the Faerie Queen?
hi!! thank you!!! i was so happy when i got this ask <3<3<3 i immediately started working on some Things for her...
i imagine she would not like her very much >w>
with the help of my now-girlfriend @pewycert, who is a walking neopets encyclopedia and history book (TNT should hire her as loremaster and that is NOT a joke i am NOT exaggerating i genuinely firmly believe she should be the loremaster. TNT if you see this pls dm her) - she basically handed me Cellia's backstory on a silver platter so i'm not responsible for thinking of this but;
basically, in "the old world" (as i like to imagine Fyora would refer to it) when Tyrannia was actively being encased in ice, Cellia was one of the first to receive that punishment due to her...... unconventional appetite.
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She was the last to be freed from her permaice caverns - where, fun fact, she was dreamily aware of the ages passing by, and could see the Negg faerie from where she was frozen, hence the random crush I gave her on Kari.
But, Cellia never forgot Fyora's betrayal...
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(click/tap for quality) - also, in drawing this i realized that Man my faerie girl is Wayyy too detailed to match the neopets style. so i beefed up Fyora's design to match hers, and i wanna make a downgraded / source-accurate version of Cellia to match owo
i cant guarantee that Fyora wouldn't try to imprison her again instantly 😂 she seems like the type to automatically revoke hope for this faerie. but she's right, though. Cellia does not understand why her way of eating is so repulsive, and it's not like she hates neopets - FARRR from it! she just thinks theyre suuuper tasty is all 😅 but, suffice to say, she's so simple-minded that she is Not the type to be 'rehabilitated' (as Fyora puts it in reference to Xandra...)
this piece more shows how Cellia feels about Fyora than anything that would actually happen lol - in reality I think she would be terrified of her and do anything - ANYTHING - to hide from her. besides, i wanted to draw Cellia properly gremlinning out 😂😂
so yes! thank you for asking!!! im absolutely delirious with joy and pride and Autism for someone being interested in my OCs unprompted ;;u;; you are like the unicorn of the artist world and i just gotta say thats so brave and badass of you and i hope you find a $50 bill on the ground (or whatever that equivalent is in wherever you live) and best of all, you get to keep it <3
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ooops-i-arted · 1 year
It's the last day of June but I have one more post in me for @jedijune but it's a little different. The goal of Jedi June is to appreciate the Jedi, but this time I'm appreciating them in a more meta sense.
I saw Attack of the Clones in 2002 as a wee lil preteen and as soon as I laid eyes on the Jedi, I instantly wanted to be one. I wanted a cool lightsaber and space adventures like many a kid, of course. But I was also hitting those awkward teenage years and all that comes with it and I had no words for it, but I knew I was experiencing it different than my peers. I only heard "gay/queer" as an insult or an opportunity to be bullied or even murdered. I wouldn't hear "asexual" until after college. But I knew that more than anything I wanted to imagine being a Jedi because then I would never have to get married. (Also: they had girls. My sister and I watched the AotC VHS over and over and over again and memorized every single frame that had Aayla and Shaak Ti and Bultar Swan and Luminara Unduli and Barriss Offee. Even though you had to be a thin, pretty girl, girls still got to be Jedi.)
And on top of all of that, I was supposed to be too old for toys but I still wanted to make stories. So I took my happy ass and my allowance money to Borders and bought this:
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This, here, is Baby's First Fanfiction and Fanart. I wouldn't fall in love with LotR until January 2003. So this is where I got my start as a writer and artist of characters. (I drew all the time since I could hold a pencil, but mostly dinosaurs and animals.) I loved writing and drawing before, but it was the Jedi that first catapulted me into what I've become as a fan artist and fanfic writer now.
So for fun I dug out Baby's First Jedi OCs and decided to draw them with twenty-one more years of art skills:
For a little background, 2002 Preteen Me had a Very Grand Plan of writing a novel, submitting it to Lucasfilm, and getting it published. It would be about Derran Kanis, My Most Wonderful Jedi OC and her life and her adventures, and the very last scene would be choosing her Padawan, whose final line would be "Yoda, my name is." (Preteen Me was confident that since we don't actually see Yoda in action this wouldn't break George Lucas' rule of not revealing Yoda's species or background. The focus would be all on My Wonderful Jedi OC anyway.)
A little Yoda is a lot easier to draw now after all the practice with Grogu! Should I call Favroni and tell them it was my idea first? XD
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I was obsessed with the Jedi Apprentice series most of all, so of course there had to be more characters for them to get into Shenanigans with for both generations.
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Leronna was Derran's friend, a wise and serious Jedi Master. Derran was the Qui-Gon of the relationship and more of a risk-taker, while Leronna was more solemn to balance her out.
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Their other friend was Mukdon, because I thought a Hutt Jedi would be really cool and unique. To contrast Hutt stereotypes, he was rather un-confident and a worrywart.
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Of course Yoda needed a friend to get into trouble with, so he had Leronna's Padawan Te-Mon Zeyon. Te-Mon was the serious and play it safe one to contrast Yoda being more reckless (I figured he couldn't be that wise and solemn yet but that cheerfully mischievous side had been there the whole time.) Now that I look at him, I think I accidentally designed a Light Side version of Kylo Ren's TFA outfit.
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Last of all my redraws was Tama Ci, a posthumous character and Leronna's first Padawan. Losing her to an illness made Leronna reluctant to take another Padawan and contributed to Te-Mon being more cautious, since he didn't want to risk himself and force his Master to face another loss. I don't remember for sure but I strongly suspect her design was influenced by Aayla Secura, since she's my sister's favorite Jedi and we often tracked down any content or merch of her together.
No I will not post any of the fanfiction... it's baaaaaad. It was written by a preteen and it shows. (No offense to any of you in that age range - just that as an adult, I've learned a lot more since then.) But like favorite dolls you take off the shelf and play with now and then, all these characters hold a special place in my heart. Derran, as my first and most dearest - the core of my first grand plan for a long fic - is very special to me and my oldest "active" OC, now existing as a character in SWTOR.
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The Jedi were escapism and a refuge for me as a kid, just like Din Djarin and his friends are for me now. So that's what I really appreciate most. That even as a preteen/teenager, in all those awkward years, I still had a place to mentally escape and pretend I was a badass space monk who never had to get married and could live in a cool building with a huge library.
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all-hallows-street · 11 months
Lingzi's Odaibako/Twitter Answers Collection Volume 1
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In case you weren't aware, the author of 1031 All Saints Street Lingzi has a twitter account they update rarely, mostly rt'ing announcements of the Japanese release, 1031 fanart, Jpns comedians, and sometimes posting doodles and answering fan questions through Odaibako. You can still send questions/comments/requests through Odaibako but please be respectful and mindful! As the author stated they will not respond to any questions or suggestions about future content! Also do not spam, Lingzi answers in rare bursts so they might not get to answer your comment any time soon. Here is a compilation of what has been answered so far. Chinese questions and answers are being machine translated and I'm verifying with a friend the Japanese questions translations.
A few clarifications. I will skip some doodle requests/drawn answers and will compile them later in a post with all of Lingzi's twitter drawings. Everything with [] marks an edit so the English sounds more natural.
1. Hello~ Lingzi! What made you want to become a manga artist?
To put it simply, it was because of a domestic comic called "Super Alloy Society". At that time (around 14 years old), I became completely obsessed with it after reading a few chapters, and I was very eager to draw such a work myself 😌
2. Does Nick [have] feeling[s] towards Lynn?
ummm······I would say it's more like “he is curious about/interested in Lynn”
3. Who out of all the character would have the [ugliest] laugh?
Ah-never thought about this before, maybe broken [Cupid]?
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4. Will we get stories about Nick's university friends? Their designs are so cool and I would love to know more about them!
maybe? 🤔🤔 let me ask my editor next time.
5. anyone you relate to in the series?
Does this count? Look that is my name on the background 🤣🤣
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6. Which character do you enjoy drawing [the most]?
Definitely Nick[.] He's the easiest to draw, also [the] sexiest. 😌
6. Lingzi, do angles live longer than demons?
Yes! Angels basically cannot pass away unless they are killed. Teacher Lynn's age is also in the three digits~
7. I really, really, REALLY love All Saints Street. Thank you so much for creating this series! There are so many diverse characters, and I love the charming and relaxed atmosphere. I find it really difficult to choose a favorite character because I just love them all so much (Nick is objectively the best though). It encouraged me to try learning to read Chinese again in order to read the manhua. Again, thank you so much for creating this!
Wow I'm flattered, thank you for [liking] my manhua 😳😳 I will do my best to keep [it] going!
8. A work of my pleasure! I love you! I love “All Saints Street”! I love you big hair! Thank you for creating such wonderful works!
[Thank you]! 😊😊 Hope you will like the Japanese [dubbed] version too~
9. This is not an ask but I wanted to say thank you for your hard work! Your series makes me very happy and I love it so much! It's inspired me more to continue making my own characters and helped me create art more. thank you so much! &lt;3
Thank you too 😊😊 Glad I [..] helped.
Not a question but a fact related to a previous question that is very much lore relevant:
Fun fact: Although angels live much longer than demons, because demons can reproduce independently but angels cannot, the number of angels is currently less than one-tenth of the number of demons. ( ← A small private device
10. Can Lynn turn into a girl like Nick and Neil?
No~ Transfiguration is a demon thing.
11. Can Ira taste demon blood? or does he hate it?
He can [...] but demon blood is always too strong for vampires, one bite is like [drinking] ten cups of coffee at once[.] They can get really hyperactive by drinking demon blood. Some vampires may like it, but not Ira. (And it's really bad for vampire kid[s])
12. Hi! This is not a question but i wanted to tell you that I REALLY LOVE ALL SAINTS STREET, since 2020 i been in love with this manhua/donghua, thank you for create all saints street, the manhua/donghua really help me in hard times and inspire me to create my own comics. I really love the characters specially Abu and Luis ❤️
Thank you too, glad you enjoy my work 😊😊
13. Who gives the best hugs?
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14. Why are Lily's wings so small compared to other angels?
No special reason, I just think it's cuter this way.
I will replace it with ship because I don't want the use the acronym due to tumblr search.
15. Will it be very Lynn/Nick? Because people keep telling me that Nini/Lily is the official ship, I am troubled. If the original painting is very bad, it feels like I have violated someone else's OC. I'm very sorry for disturbing you, and I really like your illustrations and works!
To answer this question, mainstream ship ≠ is correct. I think any ship has a reason to exist as long as some people like it. I don’t think it is a minefield at all... and even "official" ship does not mean anything. What kind of ship you want to consume is completely up to you, and you don’t need to ask for my opinion, just be happy
Continued in Part 2!
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darker-overlord · 1 year
whoa, she launched!
happy launch day, kayo! she's my little pookie i love her so much that i bully her constantly through the narrative
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in honor of today, i'll be dumping some REALLY old doodles (really old = two-three months ago) when i started working on her! unlike most of my dumps, i'll be describing and giving more context to the drawings! think of it as a little timeline of her development :D
*the oc blog is @lilies-and-forget-me-nots .. i forgor
drawing 1: our earliest kayo?!
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this was dated january 17 2023. yeah. 2023. this year.
geez, was that really my art style just three months ago?
yes, unfortunately. though i'll attribute the fact that kayo looks 12 here mostly to the fact that i was still getting used to using an ipad to draw--still, you can really see that i had her design 90% down from the start. just changed her parting a little and removed the flower accessory + little ombre(?) in her hair.
at first, she was going to be a LOT closer to yui, but then if she was, she would've intervened as early as more blood, which was not something i was aiming for. plus, isn't it more fun thinking that she barely knows her (and yet pulls the stunt of taking her place for her sake... what a loser)
also, at first, she was going to just be straight up meaner for no reason. like literally just the worst person you can think of, but a problem with that is that she would definitely get killed if she was just horrible and toxic. plus, that was kind of boring on my end as well, so she kind of turned into a meowmeow.
adding to the old concept though, all her endings were supposed to be bad endings! then i scrapped that really quickly when i changed her personality...
drawing 2: our earliest hunter!
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same day as the first drawing... yeouch.
as you can see, her hair was supposed to be a lot neater--and flatter--as a hunter. the cross clip is a lot smaller, and her palette was all over the place. like come on, why is her coat pink??
speaking of which, i changed hunter kayo to being a little messier than her old version because of a change in personality. this proto-hunter kayo still feels emotions very well. in fact, even more intensely than bride kayo. she's constantly angry--for what she went through as a young girl, for losing her eye--just a lot of things.
kind of funny that her personality pulled a 180 lawl
drawing 3: early outfit dump
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i made the file for this drawing on january 19, but i believe i updated it as late as early march.
as you can see, it's really just outfit concepts. most of them are the same as the current outfit concept art--thanks to, well, me updating this file until march. you might be familiar with the three on the right, and the lost eden + dark fate outfit is practically the same as the one i posted. the hdb/mb outfit changed the most out of those three: i suctioned it to kayo's body to emphasize her figure more lol (i am the biggest kayo simp in the end)
as for the first two, you can see they were labelled for chaos lineage and lunatic parade! the chaos lineage outfit is probably already like 90% down for me, but the lunatic parade one is peculiar because, well, i scrapped it entirely. it's a cute outfit, for sure, but i didn't think it was kayo's style in the end. perhaps it might get the same hdb/mb outfit treatment and get tweaked to match her better, but i think her current lunatic parade design is solid!
drawing 4: early cg concepts
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this was dated feb 25!
honestly, this is still really good, and i'm still planning on adding this scenario to laito's route. it's just that, once again, kayo is suffering from the bug-eyed twelve year old syndrome i was going through since january. plus i was (still am) bad at drawing men, so laito kind of came out looking like a really strange looking lady lol. it's so embarrassing i even had to crop it out.
drawing(s) 5: whoa sailor outfits?!
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i actually drew this just two weeks after the last one--march 10th! you can clearly see my art style shifting at this point; i'm starting to think it's the switch from sketching with a soft brush to a hard brush.
this was, if you didn't already guess, in honor of the aquamarine series! of course, there are two: one for the hunter and one for the bride!
i have this running theme of "what would reiji (biggest discreet pervert) make bride kayo wear?" and that man loves his kayo legs, so naturally she had to wear thigh highs and an awkwardly short skirt. at least hunter kayo got away with just a crop top.
you can see something hanging on the hunter's waist--it's actually a demon hunting relic!
drawing 6: hunter kayo in ryotei au cgs?!
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very recent drawing--dated march 29!
now, hunter kayo actually doesn't attend ryotei at any point of the series. it just so happens that i thought she'd look really hot in the uniform, and ta-da--i made an au! being an au, it's not canon, but i like to think she has a small route with shuu that doesn't really end well as you'd expect.
still, the sight of her kissing him as he bites on her knife is very very cool. keep up the good work hunter!
drawing 7: late highschool kayo!
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the final doodle--dated less than a week ago!
this is really just kayo in high school after seiji's treatment of her started getting to her properly. i wonder what she's praying and why...
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i was in the middle of making this post when a certain catboy-baiter (@poohwhin side eyes...) posted................
i love humans with animal features (i.e. not humanoid animals aka what you'd typically think of when you think of furries...) and genshin already devastated me with not only keqing but DEHYA being fake catgirls, so to recover emotionally i naturally made kayo a catgirl. ougggg she's so cute
BONUS 2: a kayoyui route?!
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Yes. and it's finished. i just have to make the cgs and post it.
i mostly made it as a kind of exercise in making routes, since, well, i have to start making a lot. it only has five individual scenarios in the dark, manic, and ecstasy section, but it still has a prologue and epilogue. there are also only two endings!
it also serves to delve a bit more into the hunter's character, since bride kayo is the main focus of the blog. let's give her a little love, yknow!! even if she can't give any back...
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linagram · 1 year
[meet the prisoners! (t2 edition) ] prisoner 006: yoshioka eiko
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wow another prisoner that was so hard to draw it's eiko's turn!! btw i just realized that there's four profiles left soooo yeah i'm excited to start posting their vds after that! :D though i will most likely manage to post only one or two this month. girl help summer is going to end so soon..
General info.
T1 Verdict. Eiko was voted innocent and she found it a bit surprising at first, but accepted it very quickly. Of course, she teased Eiji a lot and said things like "Oh, you did it to make me like you more, didn't you?" and "Hehe, I knew you like me". Thanks to her verdict, she got a new outfit and she also has a different hairstyle now. She isn't as happy about being forgiven as Shun, but she also isn't asking for a guilty verdict, she's just okay with it. She just finds it interesting how she was forgiven, but a 16 year old boy and a girl who was.. uh.. "apparently stalked" weren't. Heh, the guards sure have their favorites. Though to be honest, she kinda had a feeling that she will end up being voted innocent even though her crime sounds so unreasonably cruel. Maybe the guards think there must be more to it?.. Hm, well, if that's the case, she will give them all the truth that they want.
T2 Personality: It's hard to describe Eiko's T2 version, because it's like.. at first it seems like she hasn't really changed, but her personality still feels very different. She's still her usual self, she's still chilling, she doesn't care about what happens to her, but it's like she's more.. curious about this place now? She doesn't ask the guards anything though, simply because she knows they don't have any answers either. They've got way too much power in their hands and don't know what to do with it. She doesn't really try to investigate anything either, she just keeps all of her questions inside her head. Trying to uncover the secrets of this place is Reina's job anyway. But hey, she's grateful to Eiji and Miki for "saving" her! She even came up with a very.. "fun" way to thank Eiji specifically. But more about that in her VD. Interestingly, I can't say that she's more "manipulative" now or anything like that, because Eiko claims that Shun is acting like that not because of her, but only because he's that happy that he was forgiven. When it comes to her relationship with Kei though.. Haha, that's not her becoming more "evil" or anything, that's just her being her.
T2 Relationship dynamics.
No, she doesn't actually care about Shun that much. Even his looks are not helping anymore, which is funny to think about, since she was the one who cut his hair for him. But it's fun to have a tall and surprisingly strong guy follow you around everywhere, being ready to do anything for you while also claiming that he's the more dominant one in this relationship. Eh, she'll just let him dream for now. Also having him around is very useful, since he's basically her bodyguard in a way and even though most prisoners like or at least tolerate Eiko, she still wants to be careful. Yurika's actions in particular worry her a little. What? No, no, it's not like she's afraid of being killed by her, the guards won't let that happen. If Yurika does anything to her hair, nails or clothes though, Eiji will have to try his best to stop Eiko from trying to kill her right there.
Fine, yes, the way she treats Kei is.. not good, so what? Didn't the guards vote him guilty? Doesn't he deserve it? Call her the third guard, she's helping them do their job. It may sound weird or out of character for her, but considering that this is the girl who killed a guy for "lying to her".. Yeah, maybe her morals are stronger than they seem. And again, she doesn't have any serious feelings for him at all, she doesn't love him, but she also doesn't hate him. And Kei knows why she's doing all of this to him and it's not like he tried to say no to her, so.. Yay! She also helps him leave his cell and walk around, so he should be grateful to her, right?
Her relationship with Eiji has changed a little bit, but mostly on her side. If in season 1 she just teased him, complimented him and all of that stuff, now she's actually kind of.. protective over him? It's very subtle, sure, but it's still there. She makes sure he doesn't overwork himself and there even was a time when she asked for a new pillow since hers "wasn't soft enough" and then she gave it to Eiji because "he looked so tired, she thought he's not getting enough sleep". Eiji getting annoyed and tired more easily actually does worry her a little, especially because this guy loves Milgram so much and it's like.. a "safe space" to him, if it's even possible to call it that. If even this prison's biggest fan is not doing good, there's no chance for anyone to find happiness in this place.
Music info.
Milgram cover: Okay, so here's a fun little story: so Eiko was supposed to be voted guilty canonically and I really did think that she will get voted guilty even though I had some ideas for her "Innocent" version and I already had her "Guilty" version profile prepared AND THEN I GOT HIT WITH HER GETTING 81.8% INNOCENT. I'M STILL NOT OVER IT. So. Uh. Y-yeah, I had to go and change some stuff quickly. Anyway, she gets Umbilical as her Innocent cover, because there's.. not really that many songs that fit her Innocent version and yay, if we're counting her T1 cover, she's officially a Yuno kinnie now! (Though they feel very different to me) But seriously, the lyrics actually do fit her (and her relationship with her victim) a lot, especially now that I'm looking at her T2 VD. Ah, and the reason why I've mentioned her Guilty version is because she was supposed to get MeMe in that case. S-so, uh, have fun with that information &lt;;3 We all know who gets MeMe this time though, don't we.
DECO*27 cover: She gets Status Effect: Girlfriend! I think even the title fits her, haha.
Different Vocaloid producer cover: She gets Runway no Fantasista by Tokotoko! I think the vibe is very Eikocore and some lyrics actually hint to what kind of person she was like before meeting her victim ("Of course, love and romance isn't my everything, but getting intoxicated once in a while isn't that bad", "Don't worry about being lonely, the successful ones are always alone")
Her T2 Trailer Voicelines:
"Hiiii~ Oh, I've missed you two so much! Especially you, Eiji-kun~ Yes, yes, I know, it's only been a day, but you two are just so nice to me! So, this is gonna be the second trial, right? I see, I see.. Well, don't push yourself too hard, okay? And just a reminder that I will answer any questions you have- Hm? Eiji-kun, is it just me, or you look like you're about to pass out?"
"Wow, you look better than I expected! Haha, come on, darling, don't be shy~ Hm? What do I mean by that? Oh.. It's just that I had expected to find you in a hospital, covered in bandages and looking like you're going to die at any second."
Her T2 Song Trailer Voiceline:
"I feel like I just knew that you will forgive me."
She wasn't going to change her hairstyle at first, but then she got inspired after giving Shun a haircut, though she didn't want to cut her own hair and changed it only a little bit. She prefers her hair to be long actually.
She also never asked for a new outfit and Miki got it for her because.. uh.. she thought Eiko probably feels too cold in her prison uniform, considering how much skin it's showing. Eiko actually found it cute and thanked her. (Though it didn't help much and her outfit is still pretty revealing.. Eiko is totally okay with that though.)
She's still okay with any decision the guards are going to make, since she still believes she's innocent and they can't do anything to change her opinion, so there's no point in her arguing with them. 
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emmym1 · 8 months
My thoughts on... All-New Wolverine 2015 (#7-12) "Civil War II" & All-New Wolverine Annual 2015 (#1)
As I'm continuing this series I'm having an absolute blast with it! It definitely one of the funniest comic series I've read so far as I have never laughed out loud so much before with a comic. Gabby continues to be absolutely hilarious all while Laura is absolutely thriving!
I love that they keep drawing parallels between Logan's and Laura's relationship and Laura's and Gabby's relationship. These parallels once again made me very emotional becayse you just see how Laura realizes that she is to Gabby what Logan was to her and how she wants to do a better job. I love that they further explore the complicated dynamic between Laura and Logan. The whole alternate timeline logan was also really interesting to see. Especially how Laura experiences the whole situation and stuff. I also really liked the whole angle with predicting future crimes and where Laura stands on acting upon that information. She very much knows that only you make your own future and I love how they show that here. I also really like all the subtle callbacks to her past (comic runs) in this arc. It's really neat to see and I'm glad they're keeping all that stuff in mind. It's so fun to see a mentally healthy Laura who has grown from her past and learned a lot from it use that knowledge to be better. I do kind of wish that they would explore her a bit deeper in this run because I definitely imagine she still has some stuff that haunts her at night and that there are some interesting angles you can explore with her taking on the Wolverine mantle. But perhaps in one of the future arcs that might happen. I can't complain though because i've been having a blast with this run!
Gabby is starting to become a very interesting character, especially with the whole alternate timeline from the old man Logan. I really wonder what the deal was in that timeline and what happened for things to go so wrong. But I love that Laura doesn't give in and believes in Gabby. Because she knows how important that is. Gabby showing her powers and Laura being happy for her was such a sweet moment. They're such an amazing duo!
The team up issue with Squirel Girl was so fun and hilarious. It was such a cool adventure. Jonathan The Wolverine is such an unserious idea but i love it so much. Like a wolverine having a wolverine as pet is so funny i love it! As part of the read through of this run I revisited the All-New Wolverine Annual that I had previously read during my Spider-Gwen read through. It was really fun to revisit it as I had forgotten how funny that issue was. It was super cool coming back to it as the first time I read it, it was basically my introduction to Laura Kinney and what made me want to read her comics. And now she has become my 2nd favorite Marvel character next to Spider-Gwen so it's incredibly cool to see my two favorites team up like that! This was a really solid 2nd arc with a nice balance of endearing, funny and serious moments. I really think this run balances all the different tones it wants to hit quite nicely which makes for a very enjoyable reading experience. I'm absolutely loving this run! I do wish they would go deeper in exploring Laura and Gabby as characters but perhaps that's something for a future arc!
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fyowhore · 2 years
Hello! Duck anon here again!
This is weird. A matchmaker who is not loaded with requests? :0
Um, ok, here we go then! (/// ̄  ̄///)
I am a girl, 21 years old.
I prefer men. (There aren't many women in BSD though, so there's not much choice. XD)
I like men who value their family and wish to start one too. I love men who are initiative and have goals that they try to reach. My partner's motive needs to be about helping people, making them happy, because only then a person would strive to be kind no matter how much he/she struggles. I am also not very good with earning money, so I want my partner to be good at it or else we are both dying in some dark alleyway poor and in love. XD
I like to laugh, so my partner's humour shouldn't be bland. Even though I can be serious and most people think I am strict because of my stern face, I don't think that a serious person x serious person is a very good combo.
However, I also know that I am very lazy, so I really need someone who would put me in line to do work instead of anything other than that.
I love my sister and we are inseparable. Wherever I go, she goes. Whatever she does, I do. We like to laugh together and our conversations are usually silly and useless. (My mother compares us to birds, because we cheerfully 'chirp' about nothing.)
I love writing. I want to become a teacher, but if that dream fails, I will be a children book writer for sure.
I like drawing, but I'm not that good of an artist like my sister.
I like watching anime (Spy X Family, Komi-san Can't Communicate, Yo Boy Kongmin, Mob Psycho 100, Haikyuu are my favourite actually), but I don't do it lately.
I like watching character analysis and theories. Sometimes I listen how a certain author came up with certain ideas.
I don’t like people who don't pick sides and change their opinion according to what the others say. They look weak.
I don’t like people who don't accept how they are, yet they tell that they love themselves. To sum it up, I don't like liars who don't want to admit that they have personal problems. I really want to slap them to bring them back to their senses.
I generally don't like liars who refuse to see the truth that stands right in front of them. Lying is OK on some occasions and it can save you from an unnecessary conflict at times, but there's a limit.
Oh, I also don't like rice and pudding. Yuck. I prefer sweets. >:P
I have very bad hair (they don't grow well, hence they are short) and they are brown/blonde. I have acne (I have lots of dark postacne blemishes and there are acne scars on my face. Luckily, there aren't as many pimples nowadays.) I am 178cm/5ft9in. I have a very poor eye sight to the point I can't see a person's face two meters away from me, but I refuse to wear glasses because I look like a strict teacher in them.
I think that's all. I hope it's not too much! ^^;;
Remember to take rests! :D Have lots of inspiration for your stories and other hobbies! ~✨ I hope you're having fun with your writing! C:
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He might be soft hearted but…
I think Atsushi could be quite a nice fit! He probably would also adore the idea of a family and providing for children instead of leaving them alone. His family would be based in peace and reassurance and I think it would be the gentle environment anyone could hope for. He’s a little awkward for sure but I think he’d also appreciate your jokes, and someone sterner who’s better at reinforcing both of your boundaries.
Working at the ADA together would be perfect, he takes the dangerous work and you could either do something similar, or stay behind and work on safer jobs. It’s a good environment for struggling with work, considering everyone puts up with Dazai, you needing a break every now and then is more than fine.
He’s a sappy man and I think you’d only help him grow further past his traumas. Sometimes he lies to himself, which you’d quickly put a stop to. Or at least heavily encourage him to quit it. He’s insecure but I fully believe a relationship is working towards the betterment of yourselves together. It shouldn’t be an Olympian task but feeling like you’ve earned a safety and love can’t compare to everything coming easy. Past that… not liking rice? Fine by him, that’s just more of his favourite food in the world for him! But he’d obviously accommodate for you.
As for your appearance, even if you were insecure about it… it wouldn’t bother Atsushi. Not at all, never could he think to judge such uncontrollable conditions. He’s scarred too, it’s for different reasons but I think he’d find a certain beauty in it. I also think he’d appreciate the fact you love your family. He never had it, and can only hope they’d love him too.
I hope this is a nice result for you my lovely Duck anon! 🦆 You stumped me a little at first but I can absolutely see the lovely tiger man being supportive, and you talking some sense into his trauma fuelled anxiety. He doesn’t mean to be the way he is, it’s just a hard life sometimes ✨
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incarnateirony · 6 months
She still won't say sike. So. Um.
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i'm in pain especially after checking my 11 is 11 threads and what was in the recent send overs
Shealyn Bonds needing a tenth dimensional lesson to both break her mercurial addiction and stalking habits are cult shit but also to stop being intentionally disassociatively transphobic in particular and being heard by brain baked gnostics across the world. Except that one time came through REAL clear.
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DaddyreaPOP SO CUTE how would u feel if i gave u a boiled egg. You have to crush it to see the yolk. Why go back and change history instead of moving forward baaaaadada!badupabadup [insert pornography] mmm baby baby fealzo good badabadabaduptada
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#magus stop taking my shit homegirl, u place copyright papersymbol and you take others creations? How you tricks (Reptilians) I know you, you still connected to me. Psycho.
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Some things you can't whine, or reblog, or log out of, Shealyn. Some things just are.
You can hop off of me now.
Again. Disappeared, out of here, it was time to pay my dues. Never guessed that you'd be dressed in my clothes and in my shoes, but you never thought I'd fight back, because you knew so little, you never accepted He had left you, and you just had shadow projections, and then by the time you were here, well. Quite a moment to be a fool. Give it up girl, cuz we're both back. I'm back. And you need to accept all of what that means. Admit to yourself what you have done, and then admit to everyone, and delete the wrongdoings and fix it. And most of all amidst it, hop the fuck off it. All the way this time.
You think I'm still "wishing" for anything. No. I am Willing, Working, Doing, and Being.
Because you refuse my face and name as Aaron, or Oron, I am Bird. I'm Henry, I'm Tired, I Laid An Egg, I think you're a piece of crap person, and a terrible birdparent. I like the spicy pigeon you didn't look at close enough to bring home. That ma'am is going to be the egg of nightmares even if it can't hatch, it hatching isn't the point. I never even expected it to Become so literal, but I should have had more faith in myself, aye?
It was always a snake wearing a snake under some girl mask. I can appreciate being a girl, but sometimes, a girl gotta scream Childe's cry connected to Akasha Internet. Always has been. I'd be like mf Windrunner for real. Imagine gender being in everything. But that old mask became shadow, and that old shadow has become Persona, and you cannot claim my life, my face, my identity, or my soul just because you regret your decisions and can't face them. You cannot cage me, I will not be harassed across this life and the next purely because you can't stop attaching to or projecting on me. It's over, and it's all you. All of it, this entire thing, it's all you.
And it's you, it's all you. And it's a con. And it's you, and it is, and it's about just being, and it is, and it is, and it's in the room with you, and I brought a lot of friends. Happy listening. No negotiations, no bargaining, no pleas, no reblog arguments, your karma is actually still in the acting negative. You can do nothing but tell the truth to end it.
Saying no and drawing the Absolute Boundary, without being cowed by complaints of those who do not understand, is the most liberating thing I've ever done.
Hey Shea... ever wake up from a dream with real weird narrative consistency? Maybe you should read that 2013 interview some time, around when you tried to rip out my eye, or when Ash tried to kill you, or when you kept seeing me around the mall, give or take an orientation of a year.
Yeah, that one, that's the one. That period. Anyway it's real fun, death, sex, everything between, like crazy disco lights, in the Winchester Mystery House built together by a madwoman carpenter who won't build anymore despite working in construction. People think Tartarus is a place of punishment, but it's really, more the space between dreams. Though I hear its snow is very useful...
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Your home is fucking void until you dismount me, since you haven't just attached yourself, but your entire cult, to this bahamut ride. And none of your gods are real, none of the ones you call anyway. You break your own rings for me when I tell you not to. When the saints are away, we become the saints.
0 notes
wornoutmouse · 3 years
Fun fact: demon slayer starts in 1912 and ends in 1927(or at least that's when the Tashio era ends). Using that math Tanjiro (as long as he kept his health good) would very well be alive today at the ripe age of like 78 if my math is correct since he started as 13 in the series. (My math probably wrong asf)
Power imbalance, power bottom reader, knife play,  blood but not blood play...
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He hated you.
Your very being irked him more than anything he'd ever experienced in all his centuries of living. You were clumsy, boisterous, and played that arrogant music all throughout your home while walking around half naked. Well in Muzan's opinion you were half naked, he couldn't even begin to describe his disbelief at the trend of exposing skin. 
It didn't help that you had that insignificant filth running through your veins. At first he was unsure, after all this was a completely different country than Japan, not to mention your darker skin and coiled hair. But no, he could smell and recognise the Kamado blood running through your veins just as strongly as it had run through all your ancestors. 
Completely undiluted. 
At the very beginning when you first moved in, you  came to his home. Knocking aggressively on his front door already getting off to the wrong start. When he opened it, you slipped past him and walked into his living room barely even saying hello as you put poorly decorated sugar cookies on his obsidian coffee table. "This is a nice place you got here Mj." 
Muzan's eyes twitched, that joke had long since gotten old since he moved to America. 
Now that you were closer he could definitely smell, the century old stench of rivaling bloodlust simmered just below your onyx skin. At any moment he expected you to attack him in some way or form. "Anyways I'm here to say hello neighbor, my name is Y/n and I'm your new best friend!"
Your happy attitude also agitated him to no end. Even though the knowledge of demons had dwindled down to only a few select families, even basic humans were wary of him as their baser instincts made them aware of his dangerous origins. This fact had long since forced Muzan to only prey on the elderly to survive. You had stayed a bit longer babbling about some nonsense that Muzan never acknowledged as he watched you from a good distance.
"You know you really got to add more to your wardrobe than 1963 suits." You walked from the back of his home, an area that he didn't even notice you wandered to. Finally getting bored, you open his door bidding your farewells. 
Just before leaving you stop and with a cheeky grin say, "If you ever need anything just come on over. We Kamado's are known for our kindness." 
Since then he'd been on edge around you. The point of relocating was for him to keep a low profile but now it seems he'd have to come face to face with an old nemesis reborn. 
Muzan snapped out of his thoughts with a flinch as he pierced his hand with his nail. He watches the dark blood well up from the wound and drip down his wrist. In the end this world had long since lost its hostility dwindling the average human incapable of basic combat. Giving you were no doubt a great descendant, Muzan failed to see you as a true threat.  
But one can never be too sure
You heard a knock on your door, soft and hesitant. "I don't think I'm expecting company." You checked your watch and peered out of a nearby window. It was at least 8 at night, you were braless wearing sweats with a red T-Shirt and on your way to bed.  In the back of your mind you visualize your two grand-uncles Inosuke and Zenitsu coming over to make you spectate their fights. For two old dudes they still had enough strength in them to do hip breaking nonsense.
You open the door shocked to see your next door neighbor standing before you. For once he wasn't wearing a suit that cost more than your house. His attire was still expensively dressed but in a more casual sense, that being a black dress shirt and slacks. His sleeves were rolled up displaying his pale skin. "Can I come in?" A dazzling smile you had never seen before practically blinds you as he walks past you into your home.
When Muzan walks in his eyes immediately dart to the clear as day Nichirin Blade sword displayed recklessly on your living room wall above your couch. "You like it?" A hand on his shoulder makes him jump, "Got it from my grandpa, he says it's really special but I feel like he's exaggerating. You know how old people are." Muzan shakes out of his stupor. "I don't quite understand what you mean by that, however I do know that it's much more wise to listen to your elders than ignoring…..It could save your life."
Muzan replicates you and puts a hand on your shoulder gently squeezing. This was it, he'd go in for the kill and it would be over, the amount of blood he'd pump into you would be enough to watch you meet a satisfying end of combustion completely untraceable if the police were to get involved. How he wishes he'd be there when your poor grandfather walks along your remains splattered on every surface in your living room. Unable to do a thing as he's finally in his last stretch of life. 
The beauty.
Muzan's finger only twitches in the slightest before pain sparks from his own neck. "The thought of you coming into my own home unprovoked and at night no less, was the most obvious sign one could ask more." You had his hand gripped so tight your veins popped while your other hand held a small pocket knife that burned  brighter than any Nichirin sword he'd ever encountered. He didn't understand, he was quick enough to kill even the best of the ancient Hiroshima. So how did a little foreign girl like you get the upper hand?
It was embarrassing and almost laughable if any of his pillars were alive to tell the tale.
You press the blade harder before bringing your other hand to caress Muzan's cheek,  "Did you think I'd be just an ignorant descendant of an infamous hero?" You clicked your teeth disappointingly. "How naive, you've really become lazy after all these millennia huh?" You walk forward, pushing Muzan back with seductive strength. He allows you to push him into your couch,  I say allow because at any time he could have stopped you.  
Muzan is most definitely not holding me at gunpoint right now. 
The knife never wavers even as you climb into Muzan's lap, pressing it even closer against his jugular. "You do know getting beheaded will not kill me, and I doubt this petty little kitchen knife will get the job done in the first place." Your lips draw into a smirk and you press the knife closer as you trail it down his chest, "That may be true but it's gonna take one hell of a time for you to grow back." Your hand jerks down, popping his shirt buttons open.
Muzan watches with interest, your eyes light up as more skin becomes exposed. The tones of your dark skin contrast strikingly as you caress his pectoral with the tips of your fingers. "For a 1,000 year old grandpa you look decent." Still threatening his life with your blade, you kiss him. It's deep and carnal. Your lustful desires being made known as you grind in his lap. The flesh of your ass snuggly hotdogs the forming outline of his cock. "I've always wanted to be with a demon. You've had to of become a real freak after living this long!"
When you pull away Muzan's thin lips are pink and a bit swollen. He is out of breath despite needing none, "You have a lot of nerve for a mere human." With your free hand you loosen the belt of his slacks, only standing to pull them off, pleased when Muzan voluntarily raises his hips to aid you. 
Don't get him wrong, he was still planning on killing you and ending your wretched bloodline once and for all, he just needed his mind to clear itself. Your scent, your confidence, strung him along like a puppet. His hands grip onto your ass cheeks like a lifeline. Molding them between his fingers, even giving them a shake through your sweats. His nails elongate and puncture the thick fabric as if it was nothing more than a spider web. 
Your sweats are tugged off completely leaving your lower half nude. Muzan moves his hands to hold your ass again but your blade politely makes itself known. You are out of breath and clearly flustered. "Watch yourself, demon, I'm the one calling the shots, don't forget that." Muzan bites his tongue with sharp glare. He raises his hands in surrender, "Of course." 
Muzan can feel your wetness against his leg and it's driving him insane. "Hey…" red eyes refocus on yours, "You ain't got any diseases do you? And you can't get me pregnant right?" Muzan smirks hands enclosing around your ass despite your protest. "I can, however it will cost a lot more than doing it once." The odds didn't seem in your favor but you were in no position to stand down and grab a condom and Muzan knew it.
You curve the blade towards his chin, "If you are lying and give me some ancient unknown disease or I find out you have superman sperm, I will kill you." Muzan links his lips, "Wasn't that the plan from the beginning or have you had a moment of level headedness?" Your wrist is quick and precise, cutting a thin slash along his jawline., not enough to scar and it barely even bled, but the threat was clear.
You grab Muzan's dick and use your thumb to attack the underside with fast strokes. Said man doesn't react outwardly, the only sign being his eyelids lowering by a fraction. "Were you always this well endowed or did you adjust this part too?" Muzan was not amused by your insinuation. Deciding to once again display the true power imbalance this situation had, he loops his arms underneath your large thighs and lifts you just enough to thrust his cock against your hole. 
From there he let's go, making you plop down on his length, making you yelp and allowing him to lean back with a relaxed sigh. You were so warm and tight. Now even though I explained what had happened with great detail,  keep in mind that in reality it all happened within a fraction of a second. 
Your large and in charge persona was cracking.  You gripped Muzan's sides tightly as your pussy spasmed around his girth. "F-Fuck it's too….." you trail off not wanting to give Muzan the credit he was truly due. 
It takes a few moments for you to get your bearings all the while Muzan and his dangerous jaw swayed in the crevice of your neck. A viper playing with its prey. The blade is back against his neck once again making his cock twitch. If he were human this would be a dangerous feat.  Your grip never slacked nor lessened against his neck, slicing into a growing wound that dropped dark blood down his chest and to his abdomen. 
His dick stretched your pussy and made it weap on each downstroke. Muzan's hands grip onto the cheeks of your ass with gritted teeth.  Your insides gripped him ever so slightly.  Sucking him back in as if he belonged there.  He felt used and it felt good.  His black ringlets stuck to his face from sweat and his red eyes grew in intensity. 
He couldn't see much of your body, hell he could barely even touch. In the back of his mind humorous thoughts such as how he knew Tanjiro would lose his sanity if he knew his granddaughter was being bedded by the man he despised. But the more you bounced, the more you squeezed, the deeper you cut into his neck proved that you were truly the one in charge. 
"Oh God you're so deep!" Your deep almond eyes shut themselves with pleasure. Muzan could feel your legs shaking with exertion at the same rhythm your pussy twitched. His balls felt tight after having no action in over a dozen years. "F-Faster." He has no care for your blade, only wanting to cum and feel the sweet ecstasy he knew your creamed pussy would provide. "Come on human, go faster." Muzan locks lips with you, gaze hardened and intent on proving some sort of point.
Tossing the knife you wrap your arms around his neck pulling his head closer. Red eyes target brown ones as his hands take a stronger grip on your ass. He uses his strength to bounce you. The sound of his balls slapping against the curve of your ass is just as disgusting as it is sexy. Your nipples rub against his through your tank-top making you both moan. The feeling blood stains your shirt making you shiver from the cool wetness
The couch you rest on bangs against the wall behind you the faster you both go. Muzan's feet are planted firmly in the ground, his fangs further elongated. He looks feral and it is in this moment where you get a glimpse of the horror many people felt when he took their lives. "Focus little Kamado, you wouldn't want to disappoint me now would you?" 
Muzan's hips meet yours, spreading the tempo. Your juices coat his lap before finally you tense up completely into a cramp inducing stance as Muzan impaled you on his cock one last time. "Ahh.." Muzan empties himself within you with a relieved sigh. 
Maybe the Kamado bloodline could go on.
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➳a mastermind ♡
in which fred weasley turns to the resident mastermind, y/n l/n, in hogwarts for advice. the problem? he has a crush on the same girl george does: angelina johnson. the story spans over a couple of months in their second last year at hogwarts.
fred weasley x ravenclaw!fem!reader
word count: ±1.4 k
tw: nothing really??
drop a follow if you wanna see more of this content!!
my masterlist:D
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ft. cassius warrington
wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure
a mastermind
after fred and george weasley had given up trying to enter the triwizard tournament, their sights set on a different matter. for george, it had always roamed his head. for fred, it simply popped up at the randomest of a time.
they were in the age of chasing after pretty girls with pretty smiles.
one pretty girl in particular. angelina johnson.
george's crush really wasn't a crush. it was more like a deep love for angie. he knew her really well, they were almost best friends. and angie loved him back.
fred knew both these facts, yet he couldn't possibly grasp why he still had a good old schoolboy crush on her. and he couldn't tell george either. no, george was too considerate and needed a girlfriend. and he had been patiently waiting long enough to deserve something.
sometimes he wished he was george. still funny and prank-loving, but calm and collected at times. but sometimes he liked himself just as he was. spontaneous, dramatic and terribly idiotic.
and hey, george was handsome, so he must be too, right?
one morning after tossing and turning all night, he decided he needed help.
he spotted the girl in the blue uniform and the glasses, she had the brightest yet the wisest eyes. even before he approached her, she swiftly lifted her head from the parchment she had been writing on and saw him. she met eyes with him. she didn't show any emotion she hadn't already been showing, but the simplicity of understanding was written, like all the ravenclaws, in her brain.
"um, hello," fred started.
"good afternoon, what's up?" y/n replied friendlily, parchment now away and now doodling randomly on a scrap piece of it.
"i need some help."
"okay then, go on, i'm listening," her tone was gentle and reassuring.
"i like the same girl as my brother. i don't know what to do, really."
there was silence for a little while. her eyes were focused, her hand absentmindedly drawing across the parchment.
she pushed her glasses up.
"would you consider this 'liking' you say, to be potentially love?"
"no, not at all, it's just a crush, y'know."
"a silly one? i know we all have silly crushes which are full of quite foolish feelings. but they're nice for a while."
"yeah, that's the feeling."
"why do you think you like this girl?"
"um, because-because she's pretty, and she's nice."
"two very valid reasons," y/n chirped, "and why does your brother like this girl?"
"he loves her, because she understands him and she puts up with him and they've been best friends for years. they like the same things and have the same beliefs."
she was still deep in thought.
"does this girl like one of you?"
"that's the problem. she's in love with him and we all know that. i just can't get over her."
"oh, moving on is easier than you think it is. simply put, your brother or the girl?"
your brother or the girl?
everything seemed so much more clearer.
"think about it this way, fred weasley, if your brother is happy, are you? good day, sir!" she saluted jokingly and set off merrily, her steps quick and paced.
she knew it was good to be cheerful around him, because if she was cynical and way too practical, it would break him. he needed to get over angelina, she thought, or it would severely affect his and george's brotherhood.
she didn't tell him that though, that would be mean and sad.
fred was quite astounded. he didn't know how this girl, who was, to him, small in size and in ego, and probably younger by a few months, knew this much.
that's the eagleclaws for you, he thought.
she didn't look intimidating, if anything, she was nice and fun, but she somehow seemed like she could be the end of you.
she knew, she knew, she knew.
she knew who the girl was, who the brother was, she knew more about him than he did himself, and she barely knew him. she about solved his issue.
he found himself being drawn to her. instead of his eyes floating to angie, they were on the chatting, studying, daydreaming girl who wore the ravenclaw blue with much nonchalence.
y/n was freezing. it was the end of the school day and it was snowing. so she made her way to the ravenclaw common room, muttering a haphazard answer to the riddle, told her best friend julia that she was going to take a nap and then bundled up in the heavy sheets.
julia just smirked. she quickly went to grab fred.
"oi, fred!"
he was laughing with george and lee.
they would make cute babies, julia pondered.
"oh, hello," he said.
"come with me."
her tone was ominous and commanding.
he followed her to the ravenclaw common room, where she sat down next to a telephone.
"in a few minutes, y/n will call for a blanket because it's cold. just wait."
"and how does this concern me?"
he got a scorching glance in return.
"i have to talk to cassius in a few minutes."
sure enough, the phone rang.
"juliaaa, you're a darling, you know that right??" y/n flattered her.
"yeap." julia's face broke into a smile.
"yeah, so be a darling and could you please possibly send a nice blanket up here?? or two or even three??"
"of course, and a handsome prince with the hair colour of fire too to cuddle," she winked at fred who turned red.
"yEs oF cOurSe, juLiE, aNd prEfEraBlY thAt hE hAs sTaRs iN hIs eyEs aNd gAlAxIeS iN hIs MinD tOo," she joked back.
"okay. right up."
"wha- julia what??!!! thanks."
they both chuckled.
he handed fred a stack of neatly folded blue blankets.
"go. fifth door on the left."
and so he did. it seemed the ravenclaws were too mature to need barriers on their dormitory quarters. the door was open and the room was insanely neat. y/n was lying in a bed, eyes wide open, a small pout on her lips.
she was clearly surprised to see him. when he placed all the blankets nicely on her she smiled.
"thank you, freddie."
"aren't you gonna let me in too?" he asked, smirking.
"oh," her cheeks heated up, "i thought julia was just joking!!!"
"apparently i am indeed a handsome prince with hair of fire, stars in his eyes and galaxies in his mind," fred smirked and y/n huffed.
"it's an expression. and i didn't know she was talking about you!"
"well, scoot over."
y/n just stared at him, before shuffling over.
"i hate you."
fred just scooped her up in his arms.
"you smell good," she blurted out, before immediately turning red.
"mhm, 'pparently my cologne does have that effect on girls."
"pretty sad that only your cologne attracts girls," y/n retorted, "and i was just telling you. it does not have an effect on me."
"'kay, whatever you say."
there was a silence.
"this is boring," y/n frowned.
"wanna make out then?"
y/n glanced at him. was he for real?
she thought not. so she pretended she was asleep, and soon she really was.
fred didn't feel defeated at all.
for he had noticed the faint blush rise on her cheeks.
y/n decided it was probably time she asked fred out or something. if she got rejected, she was great at moving on.
so she asked him to meet her at the corner of the library on a thursday afternoon. he didn't show.
dismayed, she went out of the library, and met george weasley.
"hey george!"
"have you seen fred?"
"check the astronomy tower."
there was something mischievous about the way he winked at her as she departed. then again, it was george.
the astronomy tower was well lit and there in all his glory, stood fred. she felt a frown on her face as she approached him. he turned around and smirked at her.
"stop it. i invited you to the library to tell you that-"
her voice was muffled as fred put a hand to her lips.
"you are not going to beat me to this."
"this isn't a game!"
"eh, everything is. i really really really like you, y/n."
he anxiously awaited her answer.
a cheshire cat smile formed on her lips.
"well i was just going to tell you that transfiguration homework is due tomorrow but okay."
"..." he was staring grumpily at her, lips in a pout.
"i like you too."
he smiled, "good."
"isn't this the part you ask me on a date or something?" y/n teased, "or should i? wanna go to hogsmeade with me?"
"you beat me to it."
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subbe93 · 3 years
All I want for Christmas...
A/N: Like I told in The Roulette of Destiny chapter 13, sadly, this is going to "replace" this week's chapter, because I really wanted to write some kind of Christmas fic :) And I kind of wanted this to be my Christmas present for all of you ❤
I made a little research and learned that in Japan, Christmas isn't as a big deal as it is in Finland which was kind of sad, because my first draft was based on the Christmas that we spend in Finland. But I also learned that Chrismas eve is the most romantic day of the year in Japan if you know where I'm going with this ;D
I also want to thank my friend @joa9457 who drew a picture based on this fic. I was touched when she asked if she could draw something, and of course, I wanted to include it with the story :) Thank you so much ❤
But now: Happy and peaceful Christmas for all of you! I hope you all have relaxing and enjoyable holidays ❤
And as a reminder: The next chapter of Roulette of Destiny is coming out 2.1.2022! Sorry again for delaying it!
All I want for Christmas...
Shinichi has known Sonoko for as long as he cared to remember. She was an annoying rich girl who always looked after boys and teased him and Ran for being a couple. It was so irritating, but at this point, Shinichi has heard it too many times that he didn’t even care to get angry or annoyed by it anymore. He knew that the reaction was all that Sonoko wanted because that way she got another reason to make fun of him and Ran.
And maybe, only maybe, Shinichi kind of wished that Sonoko's words would be true. But they weren’t… at least not yet.
But it didn’t change the fact that it wasn’t a nice thing to shout around.
Deep down, Sonoko was a nice girl, and her intentions were always good. This Christmas Sonoko has planned fundraising which collected money and gifts for poor and orphan children. It was a noble and kind cause, and of course, Shinichi took his part. He didn’t tell about it to Sonoko and part of him didn’t like the idea that Ran knew about it, but since she was with him when he was donating some old stuff and some of his allowance (well, since he had told his parents about the charity, they gave him a little extra), there was no point to try to hide it. It was enough that Sonoko wouldn’t get that knowledge because he was pretty sure that she wouldn’t let him be after that. Gosh, she would never let him live down with that.
So, to make Ran keep her mouth shut, he had to make a promise to take her on Christmas eve to some restaurant to eat, walk around the city and buy some gifts, and eat the Christmas cake with her and her father.
Well, making Ran keep her mouth shut was very expensive, but since it was Ran, he would do it. And when he thought about it more, maybe it wasn't a bad idea at all. After she would be ready with their event (since Ran wanted to help Sonoko with it), he would take her to a nice place to eat, and after they had bought some gifts, maybe he could take her somewhere where it would be a nice view to look at all the lights and he would confess to her. It would be romantic, at least Shinichi thought so, and he knew that Ran liked that kind of thing. Though there was a chance that Ran didn't feel the same, and it would destroy that romantic atmosphere at once, but it was a risk that he was willing to take.
But what Shinichi didn't consider was the fact, that with Sonoko, nothing went as she had planned. Those were rare occasions that her plans worked out, and surprisingly, this one wasn’t on that list.
Shinichi was very aware of their plans: They got permission to use kindergarten as the place where they would meet those children on Christmas eve. Sonoko's father had promised to be Santa Claus, sit on the armchair, and take those poor and orphan children one by one to sit on his lap, asking questions, then he would give them a present and if they would like to, they could take a picture as a memory. After that, they would go to another room where would be a chance to enjoy some hot juice and gingerbreads (that Ran and Sonoko had made) before leaving.
Sadly, Sonoko’s father came sick a day before the event. Of course, it was no one’s fault since no one could be prepared for getting cold and no one can’t get rid of their sickness in one night.
That also meant that Sonoko and Ran needed to find a new Santa Claus, and fast.
Which was the reason why Shinichi sat on that big armchair in Santa Claus costume and took every child on their own turn to sit on his lap.
It was embarrassing. He was a detective, not an actor or... or... well, whoever wanted to get dressed as another character! He cursed in his mind Ran's father just because he knew that the old man could have done this job instead of him, but just because that drunkard had been "wishing Merry Christmas to his favorite bars" last night and was sleeping soundly, Shinichi didn't have any other choices than wake up early in the morning and let Ran drag him in here.
Well, it wasn't like Shinichi himself had better things to do, but... still.
Gosh, he really hoped that none of their classmates wouldn’t pay a visit. He would be a lucky one if Sonoko would let him down with this, but his classmates? They would never forget this.
At least his only relief was that Ran was the one who stood beside him with a present sack, listening to what he was talking about with the children, and without anyone noticing, she searched for something suitable before giving the present to Shinichi. Luckily those children kept him busy because he had seen the Christmas dresses that Sonoko had bought herself and Ran, and as much as he wanted to appreciate it, he also cursed Sonoko to the deep under the ground. Why on the earth she had decided that Ran (like he cared what Sonoko was wearing) needed to wear a dress which didn't even reach her knees and neckline showed a little too much?! Luckily Ran had a little red cape with white outlines on her bare shoulders, which hid a little more of her skin... But still!
Shinichi wondered if Ran knew how hard she had made this for him. He almost wanted to claim that this should be a payment enough for her to keep her mouth shut about his donating, but in the end, it wasn't completely Ran’s fault that he was in this situation. If she hadn’t been the one who had prayed for his help…
Gosh, every time! Why was it so hard to say no to her?
Hah, even if he could say no to her, he doubted if he would.
But after some time, meeting all those children, it started to be easier and went smoothly. He got his constant questions, and since he got hold of acting like a Santa Claus, he didn’t even need to think about it. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but seeing those children leaving with happiness, made him happy too. Well, it wasn’t as thrilling as searching for evidence and cornering the culprit with his deduction, but this was a good and nice thing to do. And he was part of the reason why those, who wouldn’t have much, got even a little something for Christmas.
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The clock started to be close to three, and the event started to come to its end. The last children stood up and went to their parents to show them a present before they went together to the next room to take something to eat before leaving. Shinichi was kind of happy that the day was over because even if he had a few breaks from sitting on that armchair and got a chance to move a little, it felt like he had a long day behind him. It was a pretty hard job to be Santa Claus.
He stood up relieved and stretching was the first thing he did. It felt so good, and it would be better as soon as he would get his fake beard and that Christmas hat away…
“Shinichi, wait!”
Shinichi turned to look at Ran. She had folded one of the sacks away and looked at him with a questioning look on her face.
“What?” he asked and relaxed.
“Can you just… sit still?”
“Why?” Shinichi asked and felt already annoyed. His job here was done, right? Hasn't he sat down long enough for today? And after two hours, he would be sitting again, with her, at that restaurant that he made the reservation. “Isn’t my job here done already?”
“Yeah, but…”
Ran lowered her gaze and looked so bothered.
“But?” Shinichi asked.
“But… I have never sat on Santa Claus’ lap and wished anything…”
He just stared at her. He wasn’t sure at all that he had heard her right. “What?”
“You heard me right”, Ran shouted embarrassment without meeting his eyes. “I have never done that!”
“Aaaand?” Shinichi asked slowly. “What can I do about that?”
“God, do I need to say it out loud, you idiot?” Ran snorted out before stepping in front of him and pushing him enough that he took a step backward. His calf touched the armchair which made him fall back to sit on it. He barely had time to take a better position when something heavy set on his thighs. Shinichi tried to stop his surprised inhale when Ran's body pressed closer to his, and as soon as he saw some of her skin in his view, he looked away. Actually, he started to be happy that he didn’t have time to take that fake beard away because right now it hid half of his red face. And apparently, the situation didn’t get any better when he felt her left arm wrapping around his neck.
“Ran”, he got out from his mouth. He raised his gaze at her, trying to leer at her to tell her how annoyed he was right now.
“Come on, Shinichi”, Ran pleaded and flapped her eyelashes. “This one time, please?”
“I’m not Santa Claus, you know”, Shinichi muttered and looked around like trying to find a way to escape from this. "And I already promised to pay the restaurant and buy you something..."
“I'm not asking anything more you to buy”, Ran interrupted. “But you were so good with kids, they loved you so much. You made them happy.”
Shinichi felt his cheeks burning. Yeah, he had seen those happy faces and he was happy that he was the one who had done it, but hearing it from Ran’s mouth…
"So... is it too much to ask that you would still play that part? One more time?"
“But they were kids…”
"For me?"
“Please, Shinichi…”
“No”, he said. “I’m not Santa Claus, I can’t make any wishes come true…”
“I know, and more importantly, that's not the point”, Ran answered. “But please, I have never done that and I want… at least once in my life…”
Shinichi was ready to tell her to go find her Santa Claus somewhere else. In the end, they were going to the city after this and he was pretty sure that in some shopping malls, there could be Santa Clauses still waiting for children to come to meet them. But when he made his mistake and looked at those beautiful and begging orchid eyes, he was already gone. Gosh, that girl didn’t have to do anything else than just show her smile, begging eyes, or… or… actually, never mind that. Ran didn’t even have to do anything, it was enough that Shinichi looked at her and he was a goner.
He was so weak.
“Fiiiiine”, he sighed and tried to straighten himself a little more, making Ran move a little. “But we’re not talking about this when we are done. Never. Okay?”
Ran shouted shrilly as an answer before letting herself sit back on his lap. Shinichi tried his best to relax since he had taken a good position to be, but the truth was, as long as Ran was the one who sat on his lap, he couldn’t feel comfortable at all. It was like he had a porcelain wase in his arms which could be broken anytime... Though he was pretty sure that from the two of them, he was the one who could break any time. So, carefully and a little reluctantly he wrapped his arm around her waist.
Okay, he just needed to focus. It was only Ran, his childhood friend. There was no reason to be nervous around her because it seemed that she wasn’t either. It wasn’t so uncommon that they were this close to each other…
Except this wasn't fine at all! Normally they were standing or sitting beside each other. She could have held his arm, been close to him, but it was okay, those were normal things. But now? She was on his lap! She was all over him! Closer than normally! And there was no way that he could leave without making her mad.
This wouldn’t take too long, he promised to himself. He would be fast.
“So, little one…” Shinichi started like he had done with those children, trying to keep his voice deeper than normal, but looking at smiling Ran, he knew that he couldn’t do this. He sighed. “Okay, that sounded so wrong…”
“Just keep going.”
Shinichi rolled his eyes before taking a deep breath to continue.
“So, little miss… What is your name?”
“Mouri Ran”, she answered brightly, like she really had been a child. As much as Shinichi wanted to think that he was happy to make one of Ran’s wishes come true, it still felt so stupid.
“Ran-san…” It was so weird to call her like that. “Have you been a good girl this year?”
“I think I have”, she answered leaning a little closer to him, which made Shinichi only more uncomfortable. “I have looked after my father, who sometimes has hard times, but I have tried to be at his side when he needs me to be. I have also made sure that my childhood friend is surviving while his parents are overseas, and when he has a big urge to play detective…”
“Haa, haa, Ran”, Shinichi commented dryly.
“Aaand”, she continued like he hadn’t said anything, “I have tried to be kind and nice to everyone. I have helped those who had needed or asked for it. So… I think I have been a good girl.”
And that was the truth, and Shinichi knew it even if she hadn't said it. Ran was always nice and kind to everyone, no matter what. She always lends her helping hand to everyone who needed help. She was so selfless. Ran would deserve everything she ever wishes for, but since she was selfless, she would probably give all her wishes to someone else, to someone who would need them more than she. If Shinichi only could, he would make all her wishes come true.
“It sounds like you have been very nice this year”, he said eventually. “Now then, what would you like to wish for Christmas?”
The arm behind his neck moves, but Shinichi tried to ignore it. Ran smiled and looked away. Shinichi wasn't sure if he saw a light blush on her cheeks since there was colorful Christmas light around them...
“I… I should wish peace and happiness in the whole world, right?” She let out a laugh.
Shinichi wasn’t surprised.
“Noble thing to wish”, he said and part of him wanted to tell her that there was no way that he could grant that wish, as much as he would like to, but at the same time, he thought that Santa Claus wouldn’t say something like that, and he at this point, he didn’t want to ruin this moment. If this was so important to Ran, he wanted to give it to her - even if he wasn't comfortable with this. “But if you could wish something for yourself, and only to yourself, what would it be?”
As much as Shinichi wanted to say yes, he knew that he probably couldn’t. Though Ran knew that they weren't doing this because she could wish impossible from him, but at the same time, Shinichi knew that Ran was a pretty humble girl. She probably wouldn't ask much, so there was a chance that he could grant that wish. Well, it also depended on how much he got remained from his allowance after the restaurant, but he promised himself that if it would be something he could afford and find, he would give it to her.
“Anything”, he promised.
"Anything”, she repeated like thinking and looked away. When Shinichi started to think that he needs to speed things up, he heard her mumbling something.
“What did you say?” he asked.
“I…” she turned to look at him, and she seemed to be so nervous. Gosh, she looked so cute with her puppy eyes, with that unsure smile, with light red cheeks... “I… would like to… have… you…”
Shinichi just stared at those orchid eyes, and he wasn’t sure if he had heard her right.
“You…” he repeated unsure, trying to fully understand what she had said. Did he miss some of her words? “You… mean..?”
The arm behind his neck moved. He felt fingers on his neck hair which wasn't hidden under his Christmas hat, and before he had even registered that in his brain, something moved his fake beard down enough that he felt something on his lips.
And that something was Ran’s soft lips.
As many wishes as he has wished, he never had dared to hope something like this. Even when he was feeling her with all his instincts, he was still doubting that he was dreaming this whole thing. Soon he would wake up and realise that he was only dreaming.
Except he wasn't...
He realised that he needed to do something. Even if there were too many feelings and thoughts in his head trying to fully understand what was happening, some part of him knew strongly that he needed to act. And since Ran was the one who made the first move...
He gave himself permission to fall for it. Slowly he closed his eyes and made sure that those lips on his has no reason to be unsure of being there. If this was what she wanted for... If this was what she wished for...
And when he felt her fingers on his cheek, others on his hair, and her lips dancing braver with his, he knew that he had gotten the best gift for Christmas. He didn't even care to count how many times he had stolen glances of her lips, wondering what they would taste, dreamed how they would feel, but nothing he had thought didn't match with the reality. It was much, much better, and feeling them coming back to his, touching his again, asking more…
He moved away fast and looked in the direction of the voice.
“Oh, sorry!” a familiar voice said before Shinichi properly realised who was it. “I thought that this was in silent mode…”
“Whaaat, that was a perfect photo of your first kiss”, a light brown-haired girl smiled and looked mischievous while she started to move to the closest doorway. “But it seems I interrupted something important here, so I’m just leaving, you two just continue…”
“SONOKO!” Ran shouted again and stood up before Shinichi even realised it, running after Sonoko who laughed while running away. Both of them disappeared from the next door, leaving Shinichi alone there, still sitting on that armchair. He was still processing everything that had happened in the last two minutes… or three? Well, he wasn’t even sure if last minutes was even true.
But he still felt her fingers on his neck, other ones on his cheek, and soft, warm lips on his. They were his proves that it had happened.
Well, not precisely only ones since it seemed that Sonoko had taken her own proof.
He smiled before standing up and taking off his fake beard and Christmas hat. He could already imagine how much it would take to get rid of Sonoko after they have cleaned up the place. He wasn't sure how much Ran had told their plans to Sonoko, but if that girl knows that they were going to eat and do some shopping...
He hoped that Sonoko would read the situation and understand that they wanted to be together. In the end, there would be much to talk about and... Well, as scary as it somehow was, he still wanted to verify that Ran had meant what she had wished for since part of him was a little scared that he had just dreamed it.
But there was still one problem: If that was really her wish for Christmas, how could he give her something that she has had all these years?
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