#i'm writing smut rn if u couldn't tell
sinning-on-a-sunday · 2 years
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U My Everything - p.b
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‣ paige x grumpy reader: part two here!
‣ wc: 3178
‣‣ synopsis: paige's harmless joke is taken a little too personally by her sensitive and grumpy girlfriend; slight angst? but very fluffy by the end! (the song is most relevant for the end part of the fic as it's inspired by KK's 05/31/24 live, can u tell I live for uconn lives?)
‣‣‣ a/n: I'M SORRY, i know y'all chose emily in the poll but I alr finished this one and I've promised myself I would try to release at least one fic a day; emily's will be out very very soon, writing smut for the first time is just very nerve wracking lmao. this is lightly based off the, good morning gorgeous, tiktok trend going around rn; Also, I'm so sorry for the amount of times I use y'all, like, literally, and really because I try to make my dialogue and what not as realistic as possible, but as a Southern Californian they're literally engraved into my vocabulary 😭😭.
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Rolling over in bed half-conscious, your arms reach out, patting around the bed in an attempt to locate your girlfriend's warmth without having to open your eyes. However, to your sheer disappointment, your fingers are met with cold, rumpled sheets on Paige's side of the bed.
Now fully conscious with confusion as to how your girlfriend managed to slip from bed without you realizing, the pounding in your head became all the more severe as you sat up in bed, frustrated that the one person who could comfort you simply with their presence was nowhere to be found.
With your right hand massaging the temple, attempting to soothe the deep ache that had settled into the front portion of your head, your left hand blindly felt around your nightstand for your phone, knowing Paige wouldn't have left you alone in bed without so much as a simple text message. But to your surprise, her name was absent from your list of notifications.
Even more annoyed than before, you forced yourself out of her bed, stumbling your way to her adjacent bathroom, wincing at the sudden intrusion that was fluorescent lighting. By the time you began brushing your teeth, you heard the front door open, hearing Paige call your name as she entered the dorm.
"Bathroom," you yelled out to her, despite your head screaming at you to shut up and crawl back under the safety of Paige's comforter.
"Hey baby," Paige greeted as she entered the bathroom while you spit toothpaste into the sink, coming up behind you to hug your waist, resting her head on your shoulder. As you stood back up to meet her gaze in the mirror's reflection, you saw her tuck her bottom lip into her mouth, clearly trying to hide her shit-eating grin.
"Well don't you look... interesting this morning," she teased, the sarcasm apparent in her low voice. You knew her mocking was all in good fun, the two of you often poking fun at each other for little things. But perhaps it was the headache still waging war in your skull, or the final three midterms you had to take later today, or your remanent annoyance at having to wake up alone, despite her knowing your favorite part of the day was waking up, warm and all loved up in her arms, or perhaps it was the fact that looking in the mirror, you genuinely looked wrecked this morning.
Your curly hair was reduced to nothing but a puff of frizz overnight, sticking out in all directions, your eyebags particularly prominent this morning, combined with the pesky anxiety breakout that had settled into your forehead a few days prior, you just couldn't handle her jokes today.
"Yes, thank you for pointing that out Paige," you shot back, setting your toothbrush back in its cup holder, exiting her hold to wipe your hands on the small towel before pushing past her to get dressed in her room.
Paige followed close behind you, curious as to why you were giving her so much attitude so early in the day, especially over such a harmless statement.
"What's up with you, this is the first time I've even seen you this morning," She questioned from her seat on the unmade bed as you began changing your clothes with your back facing her, which was another thing that struck out to her as odd. After dating for over a year now, the two of you were incredibly comfortable with each other, and it was rare for you to completely turn your back on her, even when changing.
"Nothing, I'm just not in the mood today," you grumbled, tugging your, her, sweatshirt over your head. Heading over to her floor length mirror with your makeup bag and necessary hair products in hand, you settle down on the floor in front of it, convinced to improve your appearance a bit before you head off to your exams today. Still ignoring Paige's presence in the room, you began getting ready.
Hearing her scoff as you started applying your makeup, she got up and began making the bed, intent on ignoring your bratty mood until you fixed it. You knew you were being petty and acting bitchy to your girlfriend, who had technically done nothing wrong, you just couldn't force yourself to drop the attitude. By the time you finished your makeup and smoothed out your slickback, you managed to go the entire twenty minutes without so much as looking at your girlfriend through the mirror, who had now perched herself on her side of the bed, scrolling mindlessly on her phone.
Your headache hadn't subsided yet, but now that you were more awake, you had gotten used to the throbbing sensation. Making your way over to your side of her bed, you collected your phone, headphones, watch, school bag, and other items from your nightstand and around the area to get ready to leave.
"Your heading out already? You still have over an hour before your first class," Paige finally addressed you, putting her phone in her lap to look at you as you packed your things.
"Yeah I'm gonna head to the library early so I can review before my first midterm," You answered, speaking to her normally for the first time in the last hour she had returned.
"But what about breakfast, you're not gonna be able to concentrate and stuff when you're all hangry," she said, only slightly teasing you with her statement.
"I'll just grab something to eat from the coffee shop next to the library, I was gonna stop by and get matcha from there anyways," you responded, a small part inside of you glad that despite your attitude, Paige made sure that you were well taken care of.
"Dude I still don't understand how you drink that stuff, tastes like straight grass," she had dropped her concern and switched back to joking, her automatic setting. "But I guess it's fitting," she continued, "cause yk, cows just love their grass," she sighed, holding back her laughter at what she thought was a brilliant joke.
In her defense, if it was any other morning, you would've joined in on her teasing, either mooing at her in response or poking fun at her in return.
But today, it just ticked you off even further. I mean, you were clearly already in a bad mood, stressed the fuck out, hangry (but Paige didn't need to know she was right), and the sharp pressure in your head was only getting worse. Plus, Paige had already easily finished off her midterm exams two days prior, which meant she didn't truly understand why you were so worked up over your exams. And the worst part, your bloating and exhaustion really did make you feel a little bit like a cow.
“P I'm just not in the mood to deal with you right now," you sighed, exasperation laced in your tone. "I already feel bad enough this morning, I can't handle you piling more onto my plate, I'll see you later," you barely even said goodbye to her properly as you gathered your stuff, put on your shoes, and left her dorm.
The second you closed her door behind you, you could feel the pit forming in your stomach, full of regret and shame. You knew it was unfair to be so rude to Paige when she was just trying to lighten your mood, but your anxiety always caused you to last out at anyone who tried to help you. You made a mental note while walking to your favorite coffee shop to apologize and make it up to her when you saw her in the evening, after the stress from midterm week had diffused and your raging headache calmed down.
You were flipping through your study notes and flashcards while listening to one of Paige's playlist on the lowest volume possible when you saw your phone screen light up from next to you. Deciding it would be good to take a quick thirty second break, you reach for your phone and matcha latte at the same time, clicking on the text message you received from Paige.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From P 💜:
I'm so sorry for making fun of you this morning baby, I know you're stressed about your tests today and I had no intentions of making you feel worse with my jokes, I just wanted to cheer you up a bit because I know how bad your anxiety can get. Good luck on your test today killer, i love you 🤍.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shit, now you really felt bad for snapping at her earlier today. All remnants of your misplaced anger had long since disappeared, now replaced with embarrassment. She was right, your anxiety was hitting you hard today, but that was no excuse for bitching out your girlfriend just for trying to improve your mood. You quickly hearted her message and began typing out a short response, as you knew you needed to apologize in-person for your behaviour.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To P 💜:
Thank you so much P, I'll see you later tonight baby. I love you too 🤍
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You breathed a sigh of relief as you finally reached the floor of Paige's dorm room, exhausted from your long and mentally tiring day of midterms, but you were finally done, your headache was finally gone, and you now had the weekend to relax and spend time with your girlfriend.
As you reached for your keys in your pocket, you heard the loud commotion of voices that you recognized to be KK, Aubrey, Sarah, Allie, and Paige in the living room. It wasn't uncommon for the girls to be over, as the team always spent hung out together outside of practice, and since you started spending more time at Paige's dorm, you had quickly stocked her near bare kitchen full of snacks, baked goods, and home-cooked meals the girls loved to steal.
You entered the living room greeting everyone as you took off your shoes, making a beeline straight to where Paige was sitting on the couch. You stood in between the space of her legs, wrapping your free arm around her shoulders to lean down and plant a kiss on the top of her head.
"Hey P," you spoke softly, looking down at the small smile that had settled on her face.
"Hey yourself, how were you midterms? Today was your last day right?" She questioned as her fingertips began running up and down the back of your legging covered thigh.
"They were fine, I think I did good on majority of them. My math midterm was a little shaky, but not too bad yk?" You answered her quietly, afraid to pop the little bubble of peace you two had created around yourselves among the chaos of the living room's occupants.
"I," you began, as your hand had made its way to the front of her face as you pushed back a small piece of hair that had escaped out of her bun. "Will you come in the room with me real quick?" You asked her, practically whispering at this point.
"Yeah of course baby," she answered quickly, letting her hand travel up your body to rest at the small of your back as she stood up, leading you past everyone to her bedroom.
"We'll be right back," she announced to the group as the two of walked by. "Oooo, Paige is in trouble," KK sang out as the two of you reached her closed room door, Paige still standing behind you. She turned the knob quickly, gently pushing you into the room first as she turned around to stick her tongue out at KK before she closed the door.
By the time she turned around from the door to face you, she barely had a moment to adjust to your body barreling into her, as you had already dropped your bag off next to her desk. She quickly wrapped her arms around you, being able to sense that you just needed to be held for a minute before speaking.
She lightly rubbed your back and shoulders with her hands, knowing exactly what it was that immediately calmed you down. You stayed silent in her comforting embrace for a few more minutes, having craved her touch all day when you were around campus.
"I'm sorry," you finally spoke up, unburying your head from her chest to look her in the eyes. "I was really rude to you for no reason this morning. My headache when I woke up and all the stress I had was completely unrelated to you, but I still ended up taking it out on you," you sighed before continuing, "I really appreciate the fact that you were trying to cheer me up this morning, even though I was being a total bitch. And you are never a burden or someone who adds more onto my plate, I love you and I'm so sorry I said that to you, I would never want you to feel that way and-" as your eyes began to well up with tears, the last of your apology was cut off by Paige.
"Hey hey it's okay baby," she pulled you slightly away from her as the tears began flowing from your eyes. "I know you," she maintained eye contact as she reassured you, "And I know you would never act like that normally, you are not a bitch. You were just stressed out and not feeling well. I understand, and I promise I'm not mad at you at all," her right hand moved up from your back to your face, wiping the tears streaming down your face.
"Thank you P, I have no idea what I would do without you," you sniffled lightly, your hand coming up to wipe your face as well. "I love you so much, you have no idea," you professed.
"I love you too y/n/n," she whispered as her hands wrapping around your waist as she pulled you into her, leaning down slightly to kiss you. Your hands flew up the moment your lips connected, one cradling her jaw while the other rested on the base of her neck. The kiss was slow and languid, an apology met with forgiveness as your lips moved together.
The loud rumbling of your stomach, interrupted your sweet moment with Paige, forcing the two of you to separate as a giggle slipped out of her.
"Didn't realize a small kiss made you that hungry for me," she smiled, now at peace knowing that you were no longer upset. "Shut up," you smiled back, lightly hitting her chest as you broke away from her. "I am for real hungry though, but I need to shower first," you told her as you moved around the room, grabbing your towel and a fresh pair of pajamas to change into.
"I'm pretty sure Aubrey is ordering Domino's so I'll tell her to add in something for you, and it'll probably be here by the time you get out," she kissed your cheek as you went to exit the room, heading for a quick shower as she remained in her room.
As you entered the living room, curls freshly washed, a soft pair of Paige's sweatpants resting low on your hips, and a small off the shoulder sweatshirt over your sleep tank top, you witness KK showing her tik tok live her "hips dance", if it could even be referred to as that.
"Oh wow," Paige commented dryly at the sight while getting up from the couch so she could grab her laptop from the kitchen counter. You moved past her to Aubrey's desk, grabbing a piece of garlic knots from the Domino's box she left partially open (i don't think she actually bought any but I'm craving them so i added it in here). You rested your hip against the table, waving at the live while KK queued up Sexyy Red on her Siri.
Everyone knew you and Paige were a couple, when Paige accidentally hard-launched you by posting a cute couples pic on her main instagram story instead of her close friends. But since then, the two of you kept a private but not secret relationship, very occasionally posting together, but fans often saw candids of the two of you on dates or together in the team's lives or other events.
You licked the remaining cheese and butter off your fingers as you watched Paige, KK, and Aubrey dance in front of the camera to "U My Everything", smiling at their so-called dance moves, especially Paige's.
"Man we go together tell them hoes we go together," Paige sang, before doing her little "attitude now walk" move, making you double over with laughter at her with the other two girls.
You scratched the back of your neck as you continued to watch the girls mess around, too tired from your day to join them, but content just from watching them. As the second chorus approached, Paige walked up to your leaned figure on the desk, grabbing your bare waist and pulling you into her as she sang.
"Bae, I love you, you my everything, I'm your main bitch, fuck a wedding ring," you laughed at her awful singing, but you couldn't deny the blush that rose to your cheeks at the thought of her singing you the lyrics while very clearly in the live's frame. "We both in fast cars and we switchin' lanes, when I'm away from you, you always on my brain," she continued, adding in her sassy facial expressions with the corresponding lyrics.
You couldn't help but laugh at her actions, the pure giddiness coursing through your veins was a complete 180 from your mood this morning, and you couldn't help but think there was nowhere that would make you happier than in her arms.
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Thank you for reading all the way through! The recent support has been crazy and I appreciate all of you! Should I make a part two to this with smut so r can properly apologize to p.... 😏😏😏
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facefullofsadness · 7 months
I'm in such a ningie mood lately and can't help but to write this LOL
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content - me going absolutely batshit insane talking about ning yizhuo, smut (switch!ning, cunnilingus, fingering, sex toy mentions, not a lot of actual smut just headcanons), not proofread in the slightest D;
wc - 1k
a/n - like I was literally just thinking ab ning2 when I saw this ask, I also have her pc out next to me rn so ningie close ur eyes baby don't watch me as I write this 🫶 also tysm anon for finding me hehe
like ningning is so fucking fine.
idk what god mixed together in his lil cauldron to cook up ning yizhuo, but she's actually so fucking RAAHHH. sorry this is gonna be so incoherent bc I'm just ningyi drunk as fuck right now.
I imagine a fluffy besties kinda relationship w her. like it's all giggly and flirty and you make each other's heart race with touches and words, but also love to be cute and cuddle, gift giving (more on her part bc she loves to buy things that remind her of you), domestic shit like groceries or cooking together. and also you loveeee talking shit! in an idol!au world, in a school!au world, in any type of world where you two meet and fall in love, you're best friends that talk shit before anything.
I mean u don't necessarily have to do that specifically, but I just feel like above all and at your relationship's core, you're best friends that are clingy and inseparable. so you just make the perfect pair when you finally become gfs. bb girl loves to say she's not a scorpio but I think that the oct born blood within her is in full effect in bed. I'm telling yall, autumn/fall born besties are horny mfs (I can confirm).
like already being physically affectionate with you prior to even dating, she would move quick with pushing it further. your first kiss even evolved into a very heated makeout sess straight away, hands gripping skin under shirts or running through each other's hair, legs intertwined, spit dripping down chins because both of you refused to pull away for air (need!). and like it only but amplified from that point on.
I feel like the first time happens unintentionally. probably a drunk game of truth or dare that gets touchy and suddenly ning ends up slurping the cum flowing out between your legs, moaning against your pussy and grinding her cunt against your leg as you sit back against the couch, your hand in her hair pulling her in further. chanting her name raspily as you grind your hips into her mouth, her tongue feeling so incredibly good in your leaking hole. you yell out her name as you interlace one of your hands with hers, her thumb rubbing against the skin of your wrist as you cum all in her mouth.
she shudders at the same time you do, cumming in her panties from grinding against your leg, unable to stop herself from getting turned on eating you out. and you fucking love watching as her eyes roll back with her mouth on your pussy, feeling the heavy vibrations from her screaming into your cunt.
of course returning the favor for your gf, pinning her down under you and fingering her tight puffy pussy as she squirms. you LOVE fingering her despite being obsessed with the taste of her cum, because you couldn't get enough of how her face contorted with every thrust of your fingers in her cunt. the way her mouth would fall open, the way her eyes rolled back, the way she would tilt her head backwards and expose her sweaty neck, the way she would reach out for anything to dig her nails into (sheets, blankets, your clothes, or your skin!), the way her moans sounded sooooo fuckinggg heavenlyyyy. I mean have you heard this woman sing? the melodious sound of her voice chanting whines and whimpers of your name, knowing she'd sound like this for you and you only. to add on, she's fucking loud, so just the sheer volume of her moaning for you riled you on so much.
she's a squirter me thinks. she's a creamer in my stripper fic but that's only because I wanted her to make reader squirt oop- maybe you both are! I mean I think we can all agree that she's a master pussy eater right? I can only imagine how good she fucking feels with her skillful tongue and mouth. she knows exactly what she's doing even if she's had no experience, yizhuo just seems like the type to be insanely good at eating girlies out. every time I see her, I either so badly wanna get eaten out by her or eat her out. I just know she's so reactive and sensitive but is obsessed with cumming over and over again, overstimulation and all.
the prettiest girl to ever exist. so pretty between your thighs, so pretty around your fingers, so pretty taking your tongue, so pretty on top of you, so pretty under you, such pretty moans to slip from her mouth, such pretty expressions when she feels your touch. IM GOING INSANEEEEE!!! vvv switch coded! I know she gives extremely pillow princess energy, but she's so utterly in love and obsessed with you that she wouldn't dare let you go without an orgasm because you deserve it! either extremely service top or power bottom.
loves to play around with toys, but ultimately opts sticking to mouth and fingers because she loves feeling all of you always. though it's not surprising in the least that she has a wide sex toy collection; vibrators, dildos, strap-ons, cuffs/rope/bindings, blindfolds, floggers, gags, clamps, collars, you name it, she probably has at least one. is down to experiment with almost anything and is very adventurous, she just wants to have a good time with you!
ning is just a really passionate lover overall. because even after hours of fucking and cumming everywhere, she always makes sure you're okay :(( kissing you gently on the neck where her face is buried after a long session, rubbing your skin where there might be red marks or scratches or what have you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear, offering to get you a drink or run a warm shower/bath for you both. she makes you feel loved and that's the most important part (aside from the mind-blowing continuous climaxes she just gave you).
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kristlewrites · 1 year
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“Video Game Lover”
CW: Shower sex, established relationship, smut, unprotected sex, aftercare, fluff, nicknames (baby,mama,princess), breeding kink.
PAIRING: Eren X Blk!FemReader
WC: 1.4k
🗯️🫧: omgg, tysm for all the support on my latest zoro fic, it means a lot🩷😖sooo we’re finally here with erennn!!! I honestly had fun writing a lil needy/soft eren, lmk what you guys think :p???
“Fuck off!” Eren shouts, the familiar routine unfolding every Friday night. You on Eren's bed scrolling en
endlessly through tik tok bored out of your poor mind while Eren is hooting and hollering over the mic playing god knows what with his friends. “Yeah, eat shit!” Eren yells jumping a lil.
Impatient, you crawl towards the edge of the bed, tapping Eren's shoulder. “Yeah baby?” He asks in a tender voice almost making you feel guilty for being mad at him. He looks you in the eye, he doesn't even need you to ask the question he already knows what you're going to ask “I'll be off right after this round i promise” he adds then gives a lil peck on your cheek. Foolishly you believe him and return back to your spot, getting comfy under the covers
“WHAT THE FUCK” you jolt awake from the roar the eren caused, eyes barely open as you check the time on your phone. 11 pm ‘one more round my ass’. You look up to see he is now on a completely different game!?!? Like you cannot be serious. Taking in the situation you decide it's best if you go to bed. You remove the blanket flinching a bit from the cold of the room, and head into the shower, slamming the door just to be a lil petty.
He invited you over, and he can't even get off the game for a minute for you?? You sigh while removing your clothes. Grabbing your shower cap from the shower, you make sure to grab all your carrot soap as well as your vanilla body wash. Of course you couldn't forget your music, logging into spotify you play ‘All I want is you’ by Miguel (litcherally my fave song rn so srs.) . Turning the knobs making sure the water is at perfect the temperature you step in. 
Lathering your body, in your own world. Eren walks in, halting in his track as he sees your figure behind the foggy screen. No matter how many times he's seen it,it never fails to stun him. He is completely mesmerized by the way the water rinses off the soap from your titties. In a complete trance with how your curves look behind the glass, he loves every inch of you and would never want to hurt you. Reflecting on how he treated you earlier when he was in the game, he obviously regrets his actions…I mean the game was never that serious. 
Finding his resolve, Eren knocks on the glass trying to get your attention. You continue singing completely ignoring his knocks, until you see Eren take off his clothes. ‘What is he doing..?’ you think to yourself irritated. You could never understand this nigga. The door slides open to reveal Eren dick and balls out “Can I come in?” he asks absolutely cheesin, smile ear to ear n all.
“N-no, what the fuck nigga get out” you voiced, this man is crazy.
“Oh c’mon baby, are u mad at me?” Eren pouted, ignoring your rejection he climbed into the shower. You roll your eyes and resume scrubbing your arms “Please tell me what's wrongg” he was practically whining at this point. Still facing forward you continue rinsing your body until you feel his rough hands on your hips dragging you back a little. Your ass grazing his tip. You hiccup quietly at his swift motion.
“What are you doing..” you ask looking everywhere but him. Silence. Growing irritated, you turn around looking dead at him. His long hair washed down, the trails of water flowing down his perfectly carved chest each droplet tracing down the path of his abs.your eyes following one little droplet as it paces down his body all the way to his-
“My eyes are up here mama” He says, you quickly dart your eyes back up to him
 “Why are you here?” You ask with your arms crossed covering your nipples. 
“I wanted to say i'm sorryyyyy” he sulks, with his frown quivering.
“For what?”
“For ignoring you and playing the game.” he answers, with his head down and hands behind his back. Almost like a little kid getting into trouble. “Do you forgive me?” He looks back up at you with his big green eyes staring right into your brown ones.
“Hmmm…,” you ponder. You were having way too much fun teasing him like this. “Nah”
“Please baby let me make it up to you” Eren said practically begging on his knees with his hands rubbing together.
“And how are you gonna do that?” 
His tongue shot straight into your pussy, wiggling around a little bit. “What is wrong with you?!?!” Reflexively you slap him on the forehead. He slowly stands up, giggling to himself. As soon as he reaches eye level with you he grabs your chin, brings it in closer then leans in for a kiss. Instinctively you tilt towards him returning the kiss. He reaches for your ass, lifting you up. Both arms around his neck and wrapping your legs around his waist, completely melting into the kiss. Tongues colliding with each other, swishing around. Eren pulls back and looks into your eyes with pure adoration. He is without a doubt enamored with you, he feels so horrible for what he did to you. 
“Do you forgive me?" he asks again. 
You giggle at his question, looking down at him, nose to nose. “Of course I do baby, jus dont pull that shit again.”
You can see him gleaming, wearing that contagious grin reaching for another kiss.
“Let me make it up to you, yeah?” You nod, he lets you down gently. Performing a smooth arch, with your ass facing towards him water evenly dripping down your back.  “Let me know if it hurts,” Eren says.
His penis enters slowly into your entrance. Eren nearly melts at the way your pussy just wraps him so well, your smooth velvety walls caressing his dick. It’s like you were made just for him.
“mmm” you felt every inch of him in you, moving quicker and quicker. 
“ya feel so good baby, so good.”Eren marvels at the way your ass jiggles with every thrust. He grabs your hips, slamming your ass aggressively against his balls. So loud it sounded like damn gunshots (🪦🪦😭) “Let me fill you up princess, I wanna see you full” Eren whispers into your ear
“M-mhm” you mumble, can’t even barely form thoughts let alone words. You were dazed out of your mind, the way Erens whole demeanor changes when y’all have sex is wild but you love it. “Oh baby right there!” You squeal as erens hits your g-spot. Toes curling, legs shaking, nails gripping onto whatever surface it could grasp onto, you could feel it and so did Eren.
“Cum on me y/n” Almost instantly it comes pouring down, flooding his dick. “Yeaaa, that’s right.” Eren says in a whisper, astonished. Reaching for your arms he carefully picks you, twisting you facing him with your back against the tile. Like the beast he is he continues, fucking you into oblivion. Your head resting on his shoulder, bobbing at every thrust. Your cum still lingering in your pussy making easy access for eren.
“p-puh ” you manage out, nearly numb out yo mind.
“Baby use your words or I won’t be able to understand what you want” Eren grunts, still going abusing your poor little cunt. “I’m gonna make you all nice and full”
“Eren, f-feels so g-good” you cry out 
“Mhm..”you nod against his shoulder. You can feel his dick twitchin and in you 
“Hold on mama, stay with me” as he says that you feel his warm liquid cum flowing into you, sending you off into orbit causing you to release too. Panting, you rest your head on his shoulder. “You did a good job, let’s get you cleaned up.”
Eren spent the rest of the shower tidying both of you guys up, cleaning out whatever could be left and turning off the shower. Still carrying you he lays you on his bed lending you his shirt and boxers to sleep in.
“Do you want wingstop?” Eren asks, holding his phone on the door dash app. You nod, lying on his chest listening to his heartbeat.
Once the food was delivered you guys spent the rest of the night watching scary movies (the movie not the genre😭).
(love u guyss, enjoy!!)
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jenoslutie · 1 year
i saw your requests were open and im really craving jeno filth rn. can i request a blurb of mean/angry jeno wanting to try anal spur of the moment while fucking but theres poor prep. can there be focus on degrading, humiliation, & dacryphilia? i saw on your requests that you write some hard kinks so hopefully this works (if not, ignore me). thank you!
pairing: jeno x fem!reader
genre: smut
wc: 1501
warnings: degradation, humiliation, dacryphilia, anal (with little to no prep), mentions of haechan, angry jeno.
a/n: thank u anon!! im so sorry im replying so late i've been suffering with severe lack of motivation but thank u to @jenomov for motivating me to write this luv u bb!!
Ever since you and Jeno got home earlier, hes been upset and he won't tell you why. All you remember was being at a little get together with him and his friends and midway during the night he took you by the hand and told you that you guys would be leaving. The whole car ride was silent and you honestly don't have a clue what could be wrong with him. You'd assume one of his friends may have said something that pissed him off but if that did happen he would've mentioned it to you. All your attempts of trying to ask him have been pushed away with him either ignoring you or simply telling you to not worry about it.
"Jeno?" You walked into your shared bedroom after washing up where he was at his desk playing video games, already having changed into a pair of grey shorts and a white t-shirt. "Can you talk to me? what's wrong?" and much like the other times, he ignored you once again. Being fed up with his silent treatment, you went up to where he sat at his desk and took his headphones off his head, placing them on his desk and turning the chair around so he'd finally look at you for the first time since you'd gotten home today.
"Jeno, talk to me please, what's wrong? I don't know what I did and it's making me feel like shit knowing that I upset you and I don't even know what I did" Jeno groans, not amused that you reminded him of it again. "You know what, fine I'll fill you in." He sat you down on the floor in front of him and his voice was awfully calm which was a stark contrast to his demeanour from less than a minute ago. He tucks your hair behind your ear and ran his hands through your hair before grabbing a fistful and pulling it roughly, making you wince.
"I was looking for you the whole time today but where did I end up finding you? Sitting outside with Haechan. You know how he feels about you yet you still entertained it like some attention whore." He sneered as he says this and tugs on your hair harder.
Now you remember.
Jeno seemed to be occupied with his friends so you and Haechan decided to go and get some drinks from the kitchen before sitting outside and people watching. There was barely any dialogue exchanged other than some random comments the both of you made when you saw someone doing something funny.
So you tell Jeno that.
"You know, if you really want to slut yourself out to Haechan while your boyfriend is busy with his friends then go ahead. But for now, come on, strip" Jeno was seeing red at this point. He was already upset that you ditched him and when he finally did find you, he found you hidden away with his friend who's had feelings for you since time. What added on to his anger was you were wearing this skin tight black romper with no bra underneath so everyone could clearly see every curve of your body and your very hard nipples.
He watched you as you got rid of that stupid romper that made you look even sexier than you already were. "come on, take off those panties too, sluts like you don't need those. I'm surprised you even wore any in the first place." you complied with a slight frown, the situation was so arousing to you right now but you couldn't show him just how much it was affecting you. Jeno hummed as your naked body stood before him, his fingers finding their way to your nipples to toy with them before bringing his mouth to one and flicking his tongue over it making you moan softly. However that didn't last long until Jeno got off his chair and sat you on it instead. You brought your hand down to your sopping wet cunt and realized your wetness was dripping down onto his chair. You knew Jeno wouldn't be happy about it considering his mood right now so you chose not to even mention anything about it until he'd notice himself. Which clearly didn't last long because when Jeno looked down to where your hand was, he saw the mess that was made on his new gaming chair.
"What the fuck is this hmm?" Jeno raised his eyebrows at you making you close your legs and look down in shame. "You know, I was thinking of letting you off easy but I don't think you deserve it today. Get on your knees and clean up your mess." You whimpered at his degradation. As harsh as his words may get, you know he doesn't mean it at the end of the day. So you obeyed his command and fell to your knees and lapped up your arousal from his chair, leaving an arguably bigger mess but you know Jeno never really minded in the first place.
"Good girl. Get on the bed baby" You followed all his commands with no hesitation. Making your way over to the bed with him trailing behind you. He sat you on the bed before getting rid of his shorts and shirt. Immediately, you knew what that meant so you got right to work, licking at his tip before taking his length in your mouth. Sucking him off like you know he likes. Making a mix of his groans and the sound of you gagging from his length hitting the back of your throat fill the room.
He pulled you off him before he was able to reach the edge. "Get on your hands and knees." And you obeyed, arching your back the way he likes it. What you didnt expect was to feel his cock circling your rim. it's not your first time doing this with him but there was barely any prep or foreplay to prepare you for this. "Jeno? I dont think I'm prepped enough for anal right now..." you trailed off to which he slapped your ass in response. "You can take it I know you can, It'll feel good I promise" Dropping down a glob of spit to 'lubricate' your hole before he slid in just his tip around your hole, hips stuttering from the feeling of your hole squeezing him in. The pain was too much making your eyes well up "Jeno fuck..it hurts so much" And as if to make it better, he dropped another glob of spit on your hole to make the stretch more bearable (it didnt help much). When he finally bottomed out in your ass he let out a loud groan which you could almost feel from the way his cock twitched inside you. Your cheeks were stained with tears as you fought the urge to beg him to at least use some lube but the thought quickly went to the back of your head when he started pounding into your ass while rubbing at your clit.
"Jeno fuck" you sniffled and you didnt expect Jeno to fucking whimper at your tone. "Fuck baby are you crying?" He chuckled softly, flipping you onto your back to observe your messy tear stained face.
"You're so fucking pretty when you cry baby it makes me wanna ruin you more often. You like when I fuck you hard like this?" You nod and soon the pain is mixed with pleasure when he rubs at your clit harder and your arousal trails down to where his cock is pounding into you.
"Gonna cum Jeno feels so good" Jeno knew you were close from the way you tightened up around him and your legs shook around his waist. "Cum baby. show me that pretty teary face when you cum." And you did. Your orgasm hit you so hard that you sob even harder, your face a mix of tears and drool that made Jeno's high to follow right behind yours. He buried his cock all the way inside you and you feel the hot white ropes of cum filling you up.
Jeno slowly pulled out and collapsed next to you, wiping the tears off your face. "You're so good to me baby sorry if I was too rough today." You shook your head with a smile, not trusting your voice to do you any justice in the moment. Jeno returned the smile and gave you a soft kiss to your forehead.
"And just so you know, I'm not mad about the Haechan thing anymore. It was a stupid thing to get mad about I'm sorry" You smiled at the man before you. Jeno less than 10 minutes ago was nothing compared to the Jeno you were seeing right now.
"It's okay, I love you and only you okay?" He hummed with a smile, giving you another kiss to your forehead before he went off to get something to clean you up with.
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ivysangel · 9 months
in an alternate universe partition was written about dick grayson because it's so him i just KNOWWW he'd do that shit!! with his cocky smile and everything 🤭
NONNIE NONNIE NONNIE !!!!!!! saw this ask half asleep while checking my notifs and had to force myself to get some rest instead of answering it bc i got SO excited even in my delirious half asleep state. obviously i'm listening to it rn while writing this, like NONNIE ??? i'm smiling, literally not joking i'm cheesin like a fucking loser. quick ro lore before we get into the GOOD stuff: massive beyoncé stan, MASSIVE partition stan !!!! massive music lover and pop culture fiend too like this might just be my favorite ask ever. anyway.
who said in an alternate universe bc it's definitely this one. i literally ghostwrote the song with dick grayson in mind err? like i do just wanna be the girl he likes (everybody point and laugh). like the song, aside from being about super hot sex, is about being so into your partner that you'll give everything to them, do anything for them, put all this effort into catching their eye as if you don't already have it. 'take all of me i just wanna be the girl you like' (cassie in euphoria s2 is that u?) IS SOOOOOOOOOOO REAL TO ME !!!!! like i would do anything for him. (side note, why am i listening to partition and hearing jay on the bg vocals? like am i going insane orrr)
(everything under the cut is just smut)
'he popped all my buttons and he ripped my blouse/he monica lewinski'd all on my gown' and 'took forty-five minute to get all dressed up and we ain't even gon' make it to this club' ??? oh exactly. you put all this effort into looking good for him, and unlke CASSIE in eufuckingphoria season 2, it works out for you oh my god it does. 'driver roll up the partition please/i don't need you seein' yoncé on her knees' bc...car sex. but you're not going to a club, no it's a wayne enterprises gala and you don't even get there until hours later because you're almost fully naked in the back seat getting dicked down by dick grayson !!
'handprints and footprints on my glass, handprints and good grips all on my ass' ugh real music literally real fucking music. you're straddling him as he manspreads, cock buried in you, and your fingernails are digging into the black leather seats. his ties been loosened, shirt opened, and there's red smudged on top of blooming hickeys. the glass is foggy, the only semi clear parts being your handprints from when the pleasure got overwhelming. 'now my mascara runnin', red lipstick smudged/oh, he so horny yeah, he want to fuck' like it's dick grayson, he'd fuck you into next week on a normal day so ofc he'd do it when you get all dolled up. ofc everyone's wondering when pretty boy grayson's gonna make an appearence in front of the flashing cameras. 'over there i swear, i saw them cameras flash' rolls down the partition just a smidge, to tell the driver to park somewhere private so you're not caught in an extremely compromising position. not that he really cares, everyone already knows he gets play anyways, it's more about your comfortability. tits out and pussy facing the world, on the cover of tmz and shit bc he got just a bit too cocky. no never that.
'cheauffer eavesdroppin' tryin' not to crash' you and the driver both end up getting a tip that night. he's sorry, he really is. but he just couldn't resist you, not when you were dressed like that. your intention was to have amazing mind blowing sex with dick that night but not in the back of a moving car. 'driver roll up the partition, please/i don't need you seein' yoncé on her knees' bc it was just supposed to be some quick head and now his pants are ruined, your dress is torn, hair messed up on both ends, and the amount of hickeys between the both of you is concerning.
you'd do it all again tho, and he knows you would. shit, he would too !!! and that's so evident in the way he teases you for the next few weeks about it. asking if he should take the dress to the dry cleaners knowing it looks like you'd been in a fight, suggesting you wear the lipstick shade from that night, asking if you need a cheauffer anytime you have to go anywhere, and giving you knowing looks everytime someone asks why you guys showed up at the gala over an hour late. "wardrobe malfunction and car trouble." he says with a smile. it looks normal to whoever you're talking to but you know it holds a level of cockiness that is so completely unfathomable, a level of cockiness he only gets when he fucks you.
(got a little carried away nonnie my b. ughh how i love a good lyrical breakdown, even out of order lol. seriously, this made my day. literally woke up and got straight to it. did not proofread this bc i...just woke up lmao)
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daydream-cement · 2 years
i absolutely love ur fanfic, they r just so good, please never stop writing them! ♥️ i have a little request if you could possibly write a oneshot where larissa and fern have a serious argument in fern’s classroom. and then the next day she gets called to larissa’s office where larissa attempts to apologise but fern is still unhappy/mad and wants to be alone. then another argument occurs within the office but as fern states something that really pushes larissa over the edge, larissa can’t help but get closer to her to show who has more ‘control’ but u can guess where i think this could go. 😭 maybe larissa looks fern in the eyes and warns her but then this is where they just can’t ‘let go’ of each other. thank u smmm and honestly, i love ur work so much!!
Over the Edge
Larissa Weems x OC (Fern Rogers)
Authors Note: Sorry if you wanted smut anon. I love this prompt, but ya smutty author isn't feelin' too smutty rn so you get fluff? or is it healthy communication? or is it neither? maybe just fighting? who knows? NSFW at end.
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"Excuse me? Would you like to teach my class instead?" You glare at Larissa as you try to keep your angered breathing under control. Larissa had just stated that she found your teaching methods unruly and ineffective. You knew for a fact that many of your students were now finding interest in plant sciences when they previously found it a droll subject.
Larissa's jaw was clenched as she picked her next words carefully, so you continued talking before she could stop you, "I think I have a perfectly fine grip on my classroom. Thank you!"
"Two students were nearly eaten by a carnivorous plant today!" Larissa shouted back in response.
"Oh, please. They were fine! Even if they were eaten, the decop process takes hours." That was not the correct answer, but you could care less. You were dedicated to winning this argument.
"Honestly, Fern!"
"Honestly, Larissa!" You were acting so childish and you knew it. She just made you so angry sometimes. Larissa's hands were on her hips as she stared down at you. By her heavy breathing, you knew that she could have killed you on the spot for acting like one of the students.
"I'm not talking to you about this anymore."
"Great. Didn't want to talk about it with you anyway!" You shout as she walks out of the greenhouse.
That night you stayed with Rowan, not wanting to go back and continue the fight with Larissa. You couldn't sleep, however. You were absolutely fuming. How dare she speak to you that way? Just because she is your boss doesn't mean she knows how to run your classroom.
After an hour or so of you complaining about Larissa's controlling nature, Rowan told you to call your mother or talk to someone else about it. Repeating multiple times that both of you were being hurtful and ridiculous.
It was late in the afternoon the next day when you received a call to your classroom phone that your presence was requested in Larissa's office. There was a large portion of you that wanted to not show up, just to stir the pot and piss her off more. You decided to listen to the angel on your shoulder rather than the devil and you headed up to her office.
She was waiting for you, seated on the front of her desk with her arms folded over her chest, "Dr. Rogers."
You roll your eyes as you close the door, annoyed by her fake formality. You turn on your heels and offer her the same in return, "Principal Weems."
You see her jaw shift back and forth as she tried to read you. Her next words shocked you, "I'm sorry, Fern. Last night, I said some really hurtful things an-"
You didn't want to hear it. You still wanted to fight an you still wanted to be angry, "Yes, you called me ineffective and naïve. You insulted my teaching style when I am a damn good teacher."
"That's not what I meant and you know that." Larissa spat back. If you wanted to yell and get angry, she could certainly match your energy. You begin walking towards her, the anger rising in you.
"Do tell what you really meant, Principal Weems. I'd love to hear your perspective on managing a classroom of various outcast children. Oh, wait. You only have three years classroom experience from 15 years ago! What would you know?" You wanted to shove the words back in your mouth as soon as you said them. That was crossing the line and you knew it.
"You little..." Larissa moves off her desk and stands over you. You sometimes forget that she is over a foot taller than you. Her breath is ragged and her hands rested on her hips. You could tell that she was struggling to find the words, "Watch it."
"What are you going to do?" Again you wondered why you couldn't just keep your mouth shut.
"You are driving me absolutely mad." Her tone was different. She was making you nervous. Larissa's looming presence was unrelenting and your mind began to wander. Her dominating presence and heaving chest was reminding you of all the unspeakable things she could do to you. Her hand came up to your throat and you felt yourself involuntarily lean into her grasp, "I simply don't know where you get the audacity to speak to me like that."
You lick your lips, searching for the right words. Was it time to apologize? You felt you anger lower from a boil to a simmer, but you were having trouble reading Larissa.
"Fern Rogers. I swear... Never in my life have I had a teacher speak to me like this before." The grip on your throat tightened and she used her thumb to raise you chin so you would be forced to look at her. You felt like a deer in the headlights. It was similar to the nervousness you felt when you first started seeing each other.
The words spill from your mouth, "I'm sorry."
"Larissa, I'm sorry. I just got so mad and then I said some things that weren't right. I just-"
"I know. It wasn't right for me to say you are inexperienced. You are a deeply talented educator and I-"
"Let me finish, I just think-"
"Fern, I need you to be quiet because I'm going to kiss you now."
You cock your head, face filled with confusion as Larissa's lips crash against yours. Her hand moves away from your neck so it can cup your face. She was the one to deepen the kiss, her arm wrapping around your waist to pull you closer.
When she pulled away, your lips chased hers, seeking more. Larissa's voice was sickly sweet, "We are going home where I can fuck your brains out and we are never going to speak to one another like this again."
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sleezycake · 7 months
Finally posting an intro‼️‼️
Name: I'm uncomfortable sharing my irl name, so please just call me Cake or Lint!
Nationality : Guatemalan
Gender & Pronouns: Trans male🏳️‍⚧️ he/they/it
Age: I'm not saying specifics, just please know I'm a minor
Also I have AuDHD!
Some of my interests are (in no particular order) :
Welcome home
Omori (I do not support Omocat)
The Amazing Digital Circus
Persona 5
Hazbin Hotel (I do not support Vivziepop)
Helluva boss (again, I do not support Vivziepop)
I'll most likely post About lemon demon or just silly life stuff, and occasionally reblog stuff abt my other interests! I will also post art when I find motivation to draw lol
Please dni if you're:
Against xeno and/or neo pronouns
NSFW blogs (I love sex jokes, but if you're just horny posting and/or drawing and/or writing smut it makes me uncomfortable)
That's all! Thanks for reading!!!
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shelly-ya · 1 year
so my birthday is in like 3 and a half weeks still but idc i have been thinging of a request for u to awesomely write for the past 2 days i kid you not
SO how about smut with mikey? i don't honestly care what it is, but I am craving him rn let me tell you!! You always write him so well omg
stay hydrated, eat, and tell your baby I'm sending her smooches! <3
Okies Imma give you the smuttiest birthday ever baby. Happy early birthday I'm aiming for long story here. I hope you enjoy it. Ofcourse I will give her those smooches and well I am working on. Eating and drinking on time.
Rated 18+ for sex unprotected sex. Just don't read it if you 18 minor...
Bonten Mikey x minx birthday fic
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She woke up slamming her hand on the alarm clock. *groaning*
"Why? Why is the alarm on today?" Minx asked angrily
"Oh that's me I have a meeting this morning" Mikey said getting up she felt the bed moving as he did so.
"What?! Meeting" she shoots up. "But today is...."
"A normal day... minx I have meetings everyday" he speaks with no emotion as he steps in the bathroom.
"But.. **groans**" drops back in bed pulling. The blanket over her head.
"You going to spend the day in bed all day?"
"Day off"
"Again... are you spending the day in bed all day?"
"No Im having breakfast with my friends"
*drops blanket and glare at him* "I was going to spend the rest of the day with you but you have meetings"
"A normal day minx"
"Go to work and leave me alone"
"Are you telling me what to do?"
"Let me think... yes"
*his phone beeps* "you're lucky we'll deal with this later"
"You're lucky we'll deal with this later" she mocked him as he was walking out the door in his suit and undone tie.
"I heard that minx" she heard before the front door close.
Mumbling to her self she got up and got ready for her day.
Minx's morning was spent with her friends for breakfast and now she was back at her shared room with Mikey at the hotel. The room was quiet and seemed lonely. Sighing she slunk down on the couch and whispered to herself.
"Happy birthday to me yay" she said in a monotone. The bedroom door opened and closed catching her attention. Turning she saw Mikey coming out fixing his tie and a woman following behind him.
"Minx what are you doing here?" Mikey. Asked surprised
"Um let me see, let me see, oh yeah right I live here"
"I mean I thought you had a breakfast thing"
"I did. who's that and why was she in MY bedroom"
"My personal assistant"
"Oh PERSONAL assistant... how personal and what assistance"
Mikey furrows his eyebrows and realization hits "wait no no it's not what it looks like"
"So what is it?"
"Oh god it's not what you think just trust me"
"*blinks* I thought you had a meeting?!"
"I did"
"In MY bedroom"
"I should go" the personal assistant said.
"Start running chica" minx grumbled rolling up her sleeves. Causing the sound of the tok tok of the assistant's heal to speed off out the apartment. Causing Mikey to grab minx at from behind.
"Now now darling please calm down"
"I can't believe this my man cheats on my birthday couldn't you wait any other day!" Minx was trying to get out of his vice grip.
"I wasn't cheating just here me out"
"Go on I'm listening"
"We were preparing your birthday gift from me"
"Huh?" She stops when she heard that "in... our... bedroom?"
"Yes minx" he looked like he was genuinely telling the truth. "I didn't expect you to be back so soon though"
"What is it show me" she huffed and placed her hands on her hips. He walks to the bedroom expecting her to follow him. To which she did warily. Once. The door opened she was surprised the whole bedroom redecorated in party supplies and balloons...
"Did you rob a party store?"
"No I bought these things..."
"You bought the whole store"
"Hmm not a bad idea"
"NO!" Mind felt his arms around her middle from behind.
"Happy birthday minx" his hot breathe on her neck
"I really thought you forgot"
"Ofcourse not" He caressed her body giving gentle kisses along her neck and shoulder.
"Best birthday gift ever" turning in his arms she faces him brushing his white hair from his eyes "i love you bonten king"
"Hmm same here bonten queen" he smirked
"No say the three words or we stand here forever"
"*sigh* I love you to my bonten queen" (my notes I squealed so hard) they finally shared in that passionate kiss they craved for. His hands moving to quickly remove her clothing. The sound of wet sloppy kisses and clothes ripping we're the only sounds heard. Minx giggled when he pushed her to the bed and then pulled his tie and jacket off. Pulling on his shirt he ripped the buttons open.
"Happy birthday to the sexiest woman alive" he let out animalistic growl as he lowered himself on her pressing himself onto her. Kissing and hands roaming. Wrapping her bare legs around his waist. Pushing up a little he admire her
"Nothing just thinking how lucky I am to have such a beautiful light in my dark dreary life." He pressed forward again.
His right hand on her chest as he moved his left between her legs pressing on the sweet knob ever so slightly. He decided he should insert two fingers as he devoured her mouth with kisses. (My note. Not me screaming like a 16 year old)
Once he thought she was ready he removed his pants she heard the belt unbuckling and zip going down.
"What no oral?"
"Later need you now" he absentmindedly stroked himself a few times before lining up. "Besides we have the whole day and night" as he pushed in slowly allowing her to adjust to him. Giving the nod of approval he moved slowly at first his hands on her hips holding her steady so he can set his rhythm. The sounds of moans, groans and flesh slapping flesh were heard. Their heavy breathing joined the symphony. As they continued their intimate dance. She welcomed his weight on her it felt delicious and perfect. He enjoyed how her legs wrapped around his waist pulling him ever so deeper into her. Sweat gathered on their bodies as they chased that high.
"Oh minx too good"
Her mind already shut of with the passion as she can't form words. Eyes rolled in her head as she enjoyed that high. That didn't stop him he pushed forward more helping her reach that high. Snaking his hand between them he pushed on the knob sending her over the edge. Once he felt that squeeze around him he let out one more loud groan as he emptied himself. Dropping down ok her slowing his movement.
"Yeah... so... That... happened..." Mikey chuckled.
"You know how to ruin a mood don't you" minx retorted with an eye roll...
"Yeah I do..." Kissing her nose "happy birthday my queen"
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Banner is from @benkeibear
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get to know the author!
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name : ashley pronouns :  she/her preference of communication : whatever ! im bad at communicating frequently anyways so tumblr ims are usually where i'm comfortable starting but if we talk a decent amount i can give you my discord - i will not give it to just anyone but also like. its not hard to find now that the #s are gone. i just feel bad because i have a tendency to read a message and forget that it's there and don't reply for awhile. most active muse :  merrick or stella ! i go through waves with different muses at different times but those two are without a doubt the most common ones i can pull out before the rest experience / how many years :  i started in the g lee rp circle playing the one and only rachel barbra berry for about four years before i started dipping into oc's. since then i have created a fucking small towns worth of characters and gravitate towards indie or small discord groups. sometimes i look at tumblr groups but discord is just easier so that i can rp on my phone. best experience : i genuinely can't tell you. i've had so many incredible experiences over the years - i've made amazing friends, met great people, and written some truly phenominal stories i couldn't have done without other people. rp pet peeves : i don't really have any lmao u do u and ill do me and we'll just mesh or we won't ??? fluff, angst, or smut : all. angst but like, light angst - dark themes i tend to keep off tumblr because i'm tired of the Correct Police throwing grenades at people. fluff is easy but gets kind of dull sometimes. i like writing smut but i do gotta be in the mood for it. a mixture and balance is what i care about most ! plots or memes : ???? why not both.gif ??? plotting is great and i'm always down for crying about our babes but also sometimes you just have to see where your characters go and how they interact - it's again all about having a healthy mixture for me ! also i love memes and they can help me when i'm stuck for a beginning interaction or just in a writing slump ( like rn ) long or short replies : depends on my mood and writing ability; i like really long replies because i have a tendency to put in a lot of exposition, but sometimes snappy one liners are easier to get out. most of what i do on discord is 'texting' so that also makes an impact. time to write : i would love to find this out for myself one day if you can find it lemme know are you like your muses : i think there's always a little piece of a writer in all their characters, whether it's a favorite color or song or attitude or something. so yes, i'm sure some of them are different facets of my personality, but that is something for an eventual therapist and i to tackle.
tagged by: @wynterlanding kiss.emoji
tagging: @mctionsick @evocatiive @sanamuse who else do i write with that wasn't already tagged
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a-kaash-me-outside · 1 year
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i already took a break to calm myself down so that i can form a coherent reaction but now that i'm sat here on my laptop, i am once again hit by WAVES OF EMOTIONS!!!!! (*≧∀≦*)
first off!! when we knocked on tsumu's door and he was only wearing his hoodie and athletic shorts I FREAKIN GASPED BC!!!! WOW THAT'S FREAKIN GENIUS!!!! we met tsumu in that fit the first time AND LEMME TELL YOU that fit was the *reason* why i fell in love with tsumu in this fic!!! i can just imagine his toned thighs and and his abs and I AM LOSING MY MIND bc this fit MADE A COMEBACK AHGJKHSDJKGH I LOVE IT
then their convo?!?!?! tsumu saying that we're good n great, and he knows that he's been real shitty, he's aware that he's been an ass— i was reading that part with bated breath, hand on my chest, tears rimming my eyes!!! SO GOOD!!! i mean granted he didn't directly say "sorry" but i felt that in our first kiss (and quite frankly by how he fucked us senseless right after that sdhjfks) he was so gentle and patient and he wanted us to take the lead and then he just hit us with "but can i kiss you for a little longer first?" LEMME TELL YOU!!!! I FREAKIN DIED!!!! I THINK MY CHEST EXPLODED THAT TIME IDEK SDJKLDNSGJKS
and then the part that we've all been waiting for THE SMUT
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I MEAN WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN?!?!?!? how do i even describe all the emotions that i felt during that?!?!?!? can one even form a coherent response while tsumu is out there making us SEE STARS?!?!?!?! AHWFJSHJKSGBK
i'll be honest tho. i'm not really into m! receiving oral (in general) bc just reading abt it makes me physically gag and idk i hate that kind of sensation BUT for atsumu??? I. Will. Go. Through. It and the way we was so confident??? dayum, we was so HOT fr fr if reader decides to have a seminar or a crash course abt being hot and confident like that and even just abt sucking dick, i will be the first to sign up jsfhjksdh
and tsumu saying "and you’ll be so sore ya can’t get out of bed and walk to yer room" OH MY GOODNESS that is so filthy BUT IT IS SO HOT OH MY GOODNESS HNNNNGGGGG and his accent??? I WANT TO HEAR TSUMU TALK (and whisper) TO ME LIKE THAT EVERY NIGHT NGL SLJKGHSJG
and also!!!! i read in one of your asks that your fics are chubby coded, i couldn't believe it at first bc i haven't noticed it but then !!!! "you lean your weight into your wrists, he can feel it all on his sternum. the pressure is incredible, like he couldn’t take control if he wanted to right now." THIS MADE ME SO FREAKING HAPPY I'M UGLY SOBBING RN AJKSJKHS THIS LINE MADE ME FEEL SEEN AND LOVED (づ◡﹏◡)づ♡♡♡
i wouldn't elaborate any further bc this will just be me quoting your lines back to you and my ask is already getting out of hand. i know that i've already told you in my previous asks that this fic is so good but i just want to tell you again how GOOD your writing is!!!! i just LOVE how you write complex emotions, friendly banters, and just everything!!!! you are an amazing writer, tori ( ◡‿◡ )♡
okay one last scream
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OMG OMG. BABE. THIS?!??!?!?! this ASK omg. i'm literally swooning bb swear to god. i can't. i was smiling and smirking the whole way through this shit. ALL of the things that you pointed out are things that i absolutely loved writing or hoped people would pick up on so i'm just AH thank you T-T
AND YEA YEA. i'm glad that you noticed and picked up on it. i really do write for chubby readers, just like? lowkey? not over the top and in your face or anything, just like! i am! so when i visualize the scenes, i put myself in that position. SO YEA. i'm glad you picked up on the little bits that i put in there and stuff. <3 and that it made u feel seen <3
i'm sososoos glad you loved it and let me just AH tell you that AH. this shit? made me <3 yes <3 thank you so much. <3 so happy. TT
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zeltqz · 2 years
Okay so i had the same problem with my ex bf, only I wasn't writing fics at the time. He would get upset If I had saved pictures of anime boys in my phone, he would get upset if I talked about them, he made me drop my male friend, basically I ghosted him and now I'm too embarrassed to reach out even if u broke out with the my ex.
Anyway, don't do it for him. Men will be upset about that but I bet he watches porn and follows half nude models on insta, 100%.
The smut part is the beginning, if he feels threatened about you basically writing erotica which that's what it is, change y/n to a random name and idk Ran to Jake and boom, novels. It's the same. It's a form of art, like doing fanarts.
He will then become jealous about your male friends, about having a vibrator 😂, about dressing up to go out with your friends.
I know it's hard when you like someone, but please try to consider our advices. I wish I had someone to tell me all the red flags I couldn't see at the time in my ex, it could have spare me so much pain and stress now. 🤍
MAD OVER A VIBRATOR!(!3&9 there’s a 99.99% change that ur ex has never made a girl cum in his life
No but srsly I get what ur saying. Its obviously something small now but it’ll just grow into a huge problem. He’s offline rn, probably mad that I won’t listen to him lmao but I’ll talk to him and tell him my feelings on the topic and if he till wants to act stubborn then I’ll just break things off
I genuinely don’t think he’s a bad guy I just think he might be insecure which is fine because I’m insecure too but he just handles his in a different way
But don’t worry I’m not gonna let this slide I’ve been educated 😎
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megistusdiary · 2 years
We know Scara is rough but-
What if its readers first time? Would he be gentle?
(I actuallt requeated this before but i tought you might have overlooked it because it has been a while i requested. If u saw it and deleted it please ignore this 😊)
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hey! i think i remember seeing it but my inbox is so full- i think i have about 65 ish requests rn ;w; they built up over time and i do not think i will ever get through all of them ☹️
however, lately i have been in a scara mood so i will be writing this one 🤞 it is really long because i have been in the mood to write more dialogue and plot lately :)
i know you are all probably tired of the really long stories with minimal smut but i guess it's a side effect of me being mushy in the brain.
i firmly believe scaramouche is an asshat, but i think if you were really vulnerable he would take pity mostly because it reminds him of his past and feeling vulnerable 👎👎
also, i think if he was to take a partner, it would need to be someone strong asf who can stand up and challenge him. he would honestly be smug if he thought he could teach you something.
warnings: dom!scaramouche and sub!fem anatomy/gender neutral pronouns reader
sweet and sour scaramouche, degradation/praise, he calls you 'human,' fingering/penetration (sub!receiving),
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scaramouche stared at the pot of stew boiling over the fire. he occasionally reached over to add spices and stir the liquid with the wooden spoon, flames reflecting off of his deep blue irises.
he watched the soup with blank, dead eyes, brain long gone and focused on other matters. particularly what had occurred earlier that afternoon.
the two of you had your usual sparring match, you fought for a bit, he pushed, you pushed back, and it all ended with him on top, of course. naturally, even the strongest of fighters didn't stand a chance against a being made to exist as a puppet for the raiden shogun.
however, this time, something was different. there was a certain tension between the two of you.
now, scaramouche was not ignorant on the pleasures and desires of flesh. though he had not felt anything similar to this in many years. he had experience, though he knew he was out of practice in some ways.
so it surprised him when you landed on top of him, chests pressed together, your noses touching. he could feel your heart beating rapidly against his chest, and the ghost of a heartbeat in his own-
he immediately had shoved you off of him, hearing you gasp when you rolled over. "go shower and get changed, i'm going to cook dinner."
that was another thing he had never done before...cook for anyone.
perhaps it was a shock to find out that scaramouche knew how to cook in the first place. he claimed to have learned by himself, but you both knew that he must have picked recipes up from his time as a traveling puppet.
but none of this mattered to scaramouche, only your peculiar reaction to being on his chest. he could see the way your eyes went comically wide. he was sure if he hadn't pushed you off first, you would've scrambled to get up yourself.
but why? was he that undesirable?
scaramouche suddenly jumped when he realized his hand was resting on the burning pot, cursing the archons themselves when he cradled his hand to his chest.
damn you for distracting him. he knew it would be best to dispose of you, but he couldn't bring himself to no matter how many times he walked this path.
when it finally came time to serve the stew, you were already there, taking the ladle and filling up your bowls to the top, carefully walking them to the dinner table. he never thought he would live any type of domestic life, and it perplexed him how he ended up in this situation in the first place.
dinner was quiet, as per usual, though him clearing his throat put you on edge.
"about our sparring match today," he began, making you tense up as you avoided his gaze. "you were slacking off, like always. i can tell." he scoffed, sipping the stew.
"do you want me to learn to hurt you?" there was a slightly teasing lilt to your voice that made scaramouche grunt.
"you could at least give me a challenge." he leaned back in the chair, stirring his bowl. "though, i must say you did catch me by surprise at the end."
he watched you duck your head, face heating up as you cleared your throat. "i...apologize for that. i didn't mean to end up, uh, on top of you."
scaramouche narrowed his eyes at you. "why do you look so shameful?"
you looked up at him this time, lips pressed together tightly as you dropped your soup spoon into your bowl. "because i didn't mean to offend you. if i have, please, don't beat around the bush. tell me so i-"
"i am only asking because you act like you've never touched a man before."
you coughed, immediately reaching for your water before scaramouche snatched it away from you.
"no more distractions. tell me why that is. does my touch or form displease you, human?"
your brows furrowed. what was he on??
"what are you talking about?"
"answer me." he barked, clearly upset.
you couldn't tell him the truth, you just couldn't. it was difficult enough to live with him knowing he hated you. this would surely make him get rid of you.
"i- i can't." you told him, dropping your head once more as you forced yourself to stay neutral.
"and why is that?"
"because you would hate me-" scaramouche opened his mouth, though you paid no mind, "more than you already do."
scaramouche pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. "i never said i hated you. humans get on my nerves, i don't typically like your kind." he leaned his head back, staring up at the ceiling. "but i suppose i make an exception for you."
you stared up at him, wide eyed, lips parted as you struggled to collect yourself. "you- well, i-" you couldn't seem to find the right words, brain failing to communicate with scaramouche. "so you're not mad at me?"
"no." he confirmed curtly as you nodded. "but i would still like to know, indulge me, what was with that terrified little human act?"
"i did not want to offend you by being so close. i know you despise physical touch."
scaramouche sighed. "you know, it would be so much easier if you didn't lie to me. i can hear your leg bouncing beneath the table."
you immediately froze at his comment, willing your body to sit still. you felt yourself tremble under his gaze.
and so, you were finally caught.
how long had he known? how did he feel about it? what if he-
"tell me the truth."
you suddenly stood up, slamming your hands on the table. you were running on pure adrenaline, ignoring the shocked look he gave you. "if you want to hear it so bad, then fine. i like you, and when i fell on you i was nervous that you would reject me like you did. there, are you happy now? kick me out, get rid of me, do what you wish. i can't live lying to myself anymore."
your energy fizzled out towards the end as you stood rigid, fists clenched. scaramouche slowly rose from the table, stalking towards you and gripping your chin. "how endearing." he cooed, pulling you towards him. he swiped a thumb over your bottom lip, shaking his head and muttering to himself.
he watched you rub your thighs together shyly, staring up at him surprised as he scoffed. "oh, please, if you want something from me, you'll have to ask me the correct way."
he was expecting something from you. but you struggled to produce as you suddenly grew meek. "scaramouche, i don't- i mean, i just..." you grew quiet, wishing desperately to bury your head in the sand as he frowned.
then it hit him.
"you've never done this before, have you?" he asked as you shook your head just twice, not wanting to stare up at him any longer. he sighed deeply, carefully taking one of your hands. "if i am to be the one to deflower you, i won't be cruel." he watched your anxiety slowly dissipate. "but that does not mean i will treat you like glass." he warned.
"i want you, scaramouche. can you please teach me?"
scaramouche seemed to be pleased by your soft voice, obliging and tugging you behind him towards his private quarters. his grip was tight, though not as much as what you assumed some of his subordinates felt when they disobeyed.
once he closed the door behind you, he tugged you towards the bed, urging you to sit down. "you do know how to please yourself, yes? i hear you every night. the walls are thin." your neck felt like it was on fire as you covered your cheeks.
"yes, i know how-"
"then we will start there. disrobe."
you followed his orders, carefully removing your clothing until you were left in the thin tank top and shorts beneath your robes. scaramouche narrowed his eyes.
"i said disrobe, not leave everything on."
"but..." you curled up on the bed as he sighed, standing up and removing his own clothes. "wait-" you squeaked, embarrassed as he went as far as his undergarments.
"my form has purpose, i am not ashamed of it. never show shame for your body, be grateful you have one." he huffed, adjusting his hair.
once you finally undressed, he adjusted you in his lap, spreading your legs and staring down at your most sensitive areas. he held up two fingers in front of your mouth expectantly, feeling you slowly part your lips as he shoved the digits past them.
he rubbed his fingers over your tongue, coating them in saliva until he deemed it fit, pulling them away and swiping them across your slit. you squirmed a bit, feeling him hold you steady as he worked you up.
you leaned against his shoulders as he tried to remember exactly how to pleasure a human being. it had been quite some time since he found himself in this predicament.
he opted to focus on stretching you out, collecting your slick and easing a finger into your hole. you gripped his wrist reflexively, eyes widening at the intrusion. "it feels weird."
he rolled his eyes. "it will be fine. just relax, don't tighten up so much. breathe." he warned you, feeling you try to lean back against him, keeping your legs spread as he allowed you to adjust to the digit inside of you before attempting to add another.
the second he started spreading his fingers out, you jumped, not used to the sensation. "stay still." he snapped, holding you down more firmly as he fucked his fingers into you.
he heard your whines increase in volume as he crooked his fingers, slightly changing the angle that they slid into you at. he could feel you trembling against his form, taking shaky breaths as he slid his thumb up to brush over your clit.
unintelligible mumbles fell from your lips as you plead for him to keep going, begging for more until he suddenly pulled away. your eyes filled with tears of frustration until he quieted you. "stop whining. this is supposed to be a humanly act of love, no? not just an outlet for release." he chastised as you pouted in his lap.
he rearranged your body, moving you to face him on his lap. he carefully removed his final piece of clothing, revealing himself to you and allowing his cock to bob up against his stomach. he stroked himself a few times using your residual wetness as a type of lubricant.
he picked you up with inhuman strength, hovering you over his dick as you shivered, feeling the head rub over your hole.
you bit your lip, nervous as he looked up at your glassy-eyed expression. "i won't lie to you, it will be uncomfortable. but as i said earlier, i am not cruel, nor am i ignorant. this is supposed to be done for human connection and pleasure."
and with that, he eased himself into you, groaning deeply as you gasped, fingers seeking purchase on his shoulders as you shivered. he filled you up perfectly, stretching you out and making you feel a fullness you never had before.
though you couldn't deny it was still painful, and it felt like you were ripping apart at the seams internally. you wanted equally to escape and chase the feeling, stuck in his iron grip.
as soon as he was seated entirely inside of you, he let you lean on his chest, smoothing his hand down your back. he shushed you, allowing you to adjust and relax. you were squeezing him so tightly, seemingly confused by the sensations as he sighed, pulling your chin up.
"i am sorry it hurts like this. i do not wish to taint your idea of sexual pleasure." scaramouche explained, gently placing his lips to your forehead, feeling you lean into him.
though he had seen you cry, experience defeat, be cut, bruised, scraped, sick to your stomach, and soaked in rain, he hadn't seen you this vulnerable before.
it almost reminded him of a certain someone many, many years ago.
"let me take care of you, just breathe."
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sohcah-toa · 2 years
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Teyvat Blossoms - a series ❀
Teyvat Blossoms [click for the main masterlist]
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Chapter 10: Teyvat Blossoms with Childe
cw — smut, fluff, slight angst, f!reader, modern au, aggressive, praising, spanking, semi-public, fellatio, aftercare, cussing
n — that art right there is majestic and im so inlove, like have u seen it? his chest, his clothes, his smile, im melting rn
n — i had too much fun with this lmao
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Knock Knock
"Oh!!" You immediately became surprised and slammed the letter on the table "Come in!"
"Boss!" Childe said, he brought something to you "Food? Before Teyvat Blossoms tomorrow" he smiled widely, bringing the food to your table.
You immediately became nervous, the letter beside the table. You keep glancing at it while Childe explains his dish to you.
"It's a very special dish for a very special person tomorrow" He said, you couldn't even focus, Childe continued speaking "Now, I know Diluc makes the drinks around here but I do too! And here's proof!"
Childe noticed that you weren't paying any attention "Is something the matter boss?"
You shook your head no and looked at the food and drink on your table, suddenly forgetting about the letter"W-wow, Childe, this looks so elegant" you've just noticed how spectacular it looked.
He pouted "I know" then crossed his arms "Try it out"
You grab a spoon and try it out. It's savory, it looks like a flower, you'd assume it was sweet but it isn't. You take a sip on the drink, there were spinning flower petals but a lot smaller than usual and the texture is jelly like. The drink looks like a potion, it was so beautiful, you felt guilty about drinking it.
"Childe? What the hell is all this? This is some really amazing shit" You tell him, afraid to take another bite "Are you going to make this for people tomorrow?! All the hard work!!"
"Haven't you been listening? It's only for a special person" He sighed "You really don't listen"
"Fine, but still, this is— wow" You look at it again then take a bite and sip again, then again, then again "I'm sorry but it's good too"
"Why do you keep apologizing? It's made to be eaten!" He scoffed "Just finish it and I'll go take the plates back"
You were trying to hurry it up, minding about Childe who was waiting. You were about to grab the drink but then it accidentally spilled, you yelled "NO! The beautiful drink!"
"Oh, wait I'll go get something to clean it up" He said, running off.
You try organizing stuff, removing files. You saw the letter drenched in liquid, you immediately open it up again, only the place and time can be seen.
"No!" You yelled again "Goddamn it!"
"What's the matter? What is it?" Childe came running in with a cloth "Did something happen?"
You hide the letter from Childe "N-Nothing, just, the beautiful drink oh no"
"It's okay, I'll make you another one" He said, cleaning up. It was weird, he was being way TOO nice to you. You always bicker with each other.
You stare at him "What do you want Childe?"
"What?" He asked
"You want something and it's way too obvious" You raise your left eyebrow "What is it?"
"Can't I just be nice for no reason?" He rolled his eyes and then sighed "Just finish the food"
"You? Nice?" You laugh out loud "You're rarely nice to me"
He saw the paper in your hand, his eyes widen for a second. Trying not too make it obvious that he saw it.
You forgot you were holding it as you interrogate Childe "So Mister, what is it?" you sighed.
Childe looked at you in disbelief "I'm leaving" and then he did.
"What? Did I tease him too much this time? He did bring me this beautiful food" You sigh "It's so unlike him to not have a come back"
You look at the paper beside your hand, the wetness was hidden behind your palm as you hold it "Who the hell are you?" you say, reading the time and place again.
Meanwhile, Childe felt torn walking in the hallways "I put my heart writing that letter, she reads it and then treats me like that? What is wrong with her?" he scoffed but then blushed "She knows I like her now, how can she act that way?"
The next day. Teyvat Blossoms, finally. You keep thinking about the time and place "Back of Wangshu Inn, 9 pm"
You sigh, dressing up for the parade when someone knocked.
"Oh, wait!" You quickly fix your dress and open the door "Childe? What are you doing here?"
Childe was blushing "Um— I was sent here to fetch you" he averted his gaze, rubbing the back of his neck, his face is redder than ever "So let's just go"
You nod and go out with him, he was acting weirder than usual, not even annoying you for how you look right now "Hey"
He still doesn't look at you. Childe was nervous, his heart beating rapidly just being inches away from you, thinking how could you act so casually when he just confessed his love to you in that letter?
"Hey" He said "What's up?"
"Why are you acting so weird?" You laugh and playfully hit him "Are you the one going on the parade or something? Geez, you look nervous"
He looked at you in disbelief, his heart shattering into pieces. Was that it? Are you rejecting him? Is this how he was gonna be rejected?
He was quiet the whole time while you tease and annoy him.
You were now at the parade. There were a lot of people. You do your job but can't take your mind off on the letter you just received.
The parade was finally finished, you changed clothes and everything. You were only waiting for the time to arrive at 9. You were nervous. Who could this person be?
Meanwhile, Childe was pacing back and forth in his room, wondering if he would still go at the place he wrote on the letter.
Childe sighed "She knows already, what's the point?" he plopped on his bed and then sighed again "I poured my heart out on that letter" he yawned, slowly falling asleep with sadness in his heart.
You walked towards the meeting spot, 9 pm sharp. There was a huge tree so you decided to wait under it. It's pretty dark in there.
"Wow, I can't believe I got here first" You scoffed "Like seriously, you plan to meet with someone and not even arrive on time. Absurd!" you keep ranting to yourself, cautiously looking for someone.
30 minutes passed.
"What the hell? Did I just get stood up by someone who asked me?!" You shout "Come on!"
Just when you were about to leave, a single drop of water touched your face "Seriously? Rain?" you step back, the tree was the only thing keeping you from getting wet.
You sighed "It's really pouring" the rain was getting harder and harder.
Childe yawned, just waking up from his nap "It's raining" then he remembered "Did she go? If she did, then.." he immediately stood up and ran towards the meeting spot.
It was quite far away from his room so he ran as fast as he could.
Meanwhile, you were trying hard not to slip but really, you were losing it, annoyed and frustrated "Whoever sent that letter to me, I will kill them" you scoffed. It was so muddy that you slipped making you scream, your clothes are soaked "Seriously"
You heard footsteps, someone running towards you. Your vision was blurry but as the person gets closer, you finally saw who it was.
"Childe? What are you doing here?" You asked him, forgetting about the contents of the letter. You stood up but slipped again "Fuck"
Even though he was completely soaked himself, he pulled your hand and helped you stand up "I-I'm so sorry" he muttered, panting "I never thought you would still come"
You looked at him, confused "Are you— you?" you pointed at him, the sound of the rain kinda makes it hard for you to hear him. He was still holding your hand.
"I'm sorry" was all he could say as he tries to catch his breath "I thought you rejected me"
You eyes widen, you let go of his hand "Rejected? What are you talking about? Why did you want to meet me here?"
"What?" Childe asked, wiping the water off his face "The letter"
You nodded "I only read the time and place because the drink fell above it"
Childe breathe a sigh of relief and then laughed "Oh!!" he kept chuckling as if going insane "That's why.. you were acting so— oh my god" he laughed again.
You were completely lost. You step back to the tree again, even though drenched, you still didn't want to be out in the rain.
He stepped a little closer to you with a smile on his face "I thought you rejected me"
"Reject from what?" You start feeling nervous as he steps closer and closer until your faces are inches away "Childe.."
"I poured my heart out on that letter. I thought you knew it was me" He chuckled, you have to admit that he was being sexy right now. He was drenched in water, his clothes are see through and his hair was slicked back. His smile.
You gulp, blushing for thinking those thoughts "W-What did you say in the letter?" you asked, staring at him. Drops of water pouring down your face.
"Do you want me to repeat what I said in the letter, here?" He asked, standing straight up. You realize how tall he was, that he was only slightly bending to meet your gaze.
You nod, suddenly getting excited. Your heart beating faster and faster.
"I've known you for forever. I've never had feelings before, I never saw you in a different light. I don't know when I've realized .. suddenly all I want is to always be by your side, to feel your presence, all I wanted was to see you. I get more and more greedy everytime I get to be with you, our bickering make my day. I want to hold your hand, to hold you in my arms. Y/n, I don't know if you feel the same way I do but I hope you give me a chance. Meet me at the back of Wangshu Inn, 9pm" He said, staring right into your eyes, his face inches away from you, both his hands on the tree beside you, trapping you between the tree and him.
You feel your heart pounding like crazy that you had no choice but to clench your clothes "I—" you were speechless but clearly he was waiting for an answer.
"Do you wish to answer now?" He asked, his face was so close that you can't help but notice his beautiful features. His jaw line, his lips, his nose, his cheeks, his eyes. He continued "No come back for this one? You always have a comeback" he smirked, wiping droplets off of your cheek.
That was it, that was the trigger for you, he smirked and all you could see was his lips. Everything seems slower. You held out your arms, reached for his cheeks and pulled his face on top of yours. His damp lips was above yours in a heartbeat.
He was surprised at first but eventually he kissed back, holding your hand, much more aggressive than you as his face pushes into yours. His cold hands pushed your head from the back to deepen the kiss.
Feeling each other's breaths under your noses whenever you pull back and in for a kiss. Your knees felt weak, the only thing you could focus on was how soft his lips feels above yours.
Without exchanged words, he carried you and pinned you on the tree without breaking the kiss, your legs wrapped around his waist for support. His hands rubbing your thighs, it felt cold because of the rain but the heat between you two was too much.
He suddenly pushed his hips against you, letting you feel his erect cock making you moan a little. He took the opportunity to let his tongue in, in which you accepted with delight. You grab onto his clothes, rubbing his shoulders.
Your moans and heavy breaths were barely heard, the rain was so loud. You start reaching down to his dick while sucking each other's tongues. It was quite hard since you're afraid to fall but you did it anyway.
"Shit" he muttered, breathing heavily, clearly intoxicated "You wanna do it?" he asked, letting you down. You were so filled with desire that you didn't let his dick go.
You kept rubbing above his pants, feeling it twitch in your hands "Do you want to?" you asked.
He immediately nodded and started taking his pants off. Not caring about the mud, you kneeled down and started rubbing his erect and wet from the rain cock.
His low grunts fuel your desire. He was trying so hard not be rough on you by clenching his teeth and fists. He then finally took his shirt off, you looked up and admired him before licking the tip of his dick. His abs glistening because of the rain.
You just kept licking his tip, trying to tease him. Then slowly putting it in your mouth, not even the whole tip in to annoy him.
"I-It's so good" He grunted, rubbing your wet hair, clenching it from time to time "You're teasing me"
You pulled it out of your mouth to tease him more "And what if I'am te—?!" before even finishing your sentence, he pushed your head, his dick going all the way inside your mouth making you gag.
"T-There" he moaned, bobbing your head, his thick cock fucking your mouth. You hold on his thighs, bracing yourself every thrust "How do you like teasing now?" he grunted, his head hanging back from pleasure, his eyes closed, letting his desires get fulfilled.
Your gags turn him on so much that he wouldn't have stopped if he didn't feel like cumming "Not yet" he muttered, pulling his cock out of your mouth, a white liquid separated your lips and his tip.
He pulled you so you could stand up, you felt weak but you managed. You tried catching your breath "Childe, that was too—" and again, before you could finish he started taking your clothes off in a hurry, almost destroying it. Every move he does makes you squeal just a little bit.
"Now this is it" Childe smirked again making your heart melt. His hands quickly went above your breasts, shaking and fondling them.
You giggled at howw cute he was being. You lean in to whisper "Let's hurry up, it's cold and someone might see us" then kissed his cheek.
He chuckled and suddenly grabbed your ass while your face is on the crook of his neck, he then whispered back "You're awfully being hot today miss"
Then he let go and grabbed all of your wet clothes. He helped you wear yours and then he got dressed "That's it, let's go" before you could protest, he held your hand and pulled you.
"Childe! The moment!" You said, following him.
The both of you sprinted inside the inn, other staff asking what happened but clearly you weren't in the mood for chitchat. He then brought you to his room and slammed the door shut.
"If I'm going to fuck you, I wanna do it properly" He said, taking your clothes off again while pressing his lips against yours, making you unable to speak.
You start removing his clothes too, not being able to wait anymore, you've been wanting it so bad that you decided to ignore the heavy rain earlier.
He then pushed you on the bed, despite being soaked "Sexy" he whispered to himself, inserting two fingers in your mouth while he positions himself between your thighs.
You sucked his fingers, his other hand rubbing your breasts, slapping and pinching your nipples making you moan, sending vibrations to his fingers "C-Childe—"
He started kissing your stomach then up to your breasts. He used his hands to spread your legs even farther apart, his cock eager to go inside you already.
His tongue was cold, going in circles on your erect and sensitive nipples. You wrap your arm on his head, pushing him deeper in your chest while moaning his name.
You finally feel his tip at your entrance but since you were teasing him earlier, he decided to tease you too. Just rubbing his tip above your clit.
You groaned "Childe, put it in already" you rolled your eyes. He looked at you and smiled sweetly.
"You like teasing don't you princess? Have a taste of your own medicine" He stick a tongue out like a kid.
Just when you were about to switch positions with him, he held both your hands, pinning you on the bed and said "Couldn't wait?"
You wrap your legs around his waist and pulled it towards your crotch, his cock sticking to your folds, you start grinding under him, moaning his name, annoying him "Childe— don't you want it?"
His grip on your hands weaken from the pleasure he was receiving "Not fair.. fuck" he grunted. Despite wanting to tease you more, he positioned himself and finally starts going in "You're so wet for me?"
You felt embarrassed so you averted your gaze. He held your cheeks to make you face him so you nod "Y-Yes"
You feel his whole length going inside you, making you squirm, it already feels so good and it's not even all of it yet.
All your other senses were gone, all you could feel was his erect big thick cock going inside of your wet hole. You embraced his torso, his face on the crook of your neck as he starts thrusting in and out of you.
"You feel so good" He whispered, kissing your neck "Shit" his thrusts start to become faster, making lewd sounds.
Your moans become louder, your nails leaving marks on his back as you take him all in "Childe!" every thrust he makes surprises you, making you scream "Harder"
"You're so beautiful" He whispered, grunting, you feel his hot breath on your neck, turning you on even more "Fuck, you're tight"
He pulled back, the both of you catching your breaths. He held your hands again, intertwining them "I'm losing my mind" he said in a husky voice before giving you a kiss, biting your lower lip.
"D-Don't stop" You were panting. He smirked and pulled your hand, pulling you into another aggressive kiss before pushing you on the bed again with your ass facing his cock.
"Oh, I'm not stopping" He said, giving your ass a spank "I'm just getting started, you want me to stop?" he asked, pulling both your hands and placing them on your back.
You can't see him, your face is shoved into the pillow. He then gave your ass another smack, pinching it "I'm going insane just looking at you" he rubbed himself before inserting his cock inside you again.
All you could do was wait and catch your breath. Everything is exhilarating, you don't have time to think.
You once again felt full. He finally lets go of your hands so you could support yourself while he fucks the shit out of you in doggy style. His grasp on your waist was tight, moving it to the same rhythm as his thrusts, making his cock go deeper.
Your moans echoed in the room "Fuck me Childe, go faster!" your whole body moving back and forth as he continues to slap your ass from time to time just so he could hear you squeal a little.
"Goddamn" He grunted, his cock kept hitting the right spots. He watched as his dick goes in and out of your pussy, making you go nuts, making you squeal and scream his name, for him to go faster and harder.
Your moans never stops "Cum inside me! I'm safe"
Childe was edging himself so he would never stop but hearing you say that was his weakness "Shit— no" he grunted.
"I'm cumming! Don't stop" You yelled "Go faster" you were drolling, just focusing on what he was making you feel, your hair was a mess and so was the bedsheets. You were shivering, feeling you climax, your knees almost giving out "I'm cumming!"
"Then cum" Childe said, forcing himself to not stop for your sake, one wrong move and you wouldn't be satisfied "Cum for me" he grunted, his cock was covered in white already "Let's cum together"
"Y-Yes" You panted "Cum inside me"
After just a second of saying that, Childe couldn't control it anymore "Shit, why did you have to—"
"C-cumming!" You moaned, letting it all out. Your knees finally gave out, your lifeless body fell on the bed. You were panting hard.
Childe pulled his cock out, tons of white liquid came out of your hole but you were too tired to even move. Childe immediately went and got some tissues to clean you up.
"What are you doing?" You asked, still trying to catch your breath "It's fine, just rest here beside me"
"No, you'll get a cold, come on, stand up, I'll give you a warm bath" He said, somehow still having energy.
You were surprised "Ooh Childe, you're so caring"
He stood there, waiting for you "Come on, you'll catch a cold!"
"Fine!" You said, finally regaining few energy.
He didn't lie. He did give you a warm bath, even washed your hair which was very sweet. He made you hot cocoa and even let you borrow his clothes.
"You're very sweet" You said, sipping your cocoa "I can't believe we almost had sex under that big old tree while raining!!" you laugh out loud, he laughed too.
"Well, I couldn't hold it anymore. I saw you shaking from the cold so I held it in just a little bit" He smiled "You're a tease"
You never knew that was the reason he pulled you inside. It was unberably cold outside. He noticed it. You smiled a little to yourself.
"And you're aggressive"
"I finally had you all to myself" He said, holding your hand "I'm assuming this is your answer?" waving your intertwined hands in front of your face.
You ponder for a moment "Hmmm"
"What?!" Childe suddenly yelled "You're teasing me again!"
You laugh "Don't be a baby, you baby"
For some reason he kept staring at your chest so you address it "Why do you keep staring?"
"You have no underwear on" He blushed "It distracts me!"
He suddenly slides his hands from under your shirt, fondling your breasts.
"Childe— my cocoa" You tell him but he doesn't stop so you put the cocoa on the table before it gets wild.
"Warm bath, hot cocoa, my girl is satisfied so it's time for round two, more satisfaction" He whispered, pulling you in again for another kiss.
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lizzibennet · 2 years
Bestie, drop your favourite Bridgerton fanfics. The people deserve to know!!!
alright *cracks knuckles* let's do this
for reasons wretched and divine by penny_loaf - time loop au compliant with show canon. this is my favorite bridgerton fic, i reread it all the time. ao3 says i've visited this 22 times and that seems right lol i just love some time fuckery and this author nails their characterization. i rec their other fics too but this is my fav <3
nothing breaks our wave, my love by superoverdramatic - s2 through anthony's eyes/character study. ripped my heart right out of my chest and stomped on it. ppl who write anthony well my beloved. another one i've reread a bunch
sidelines by ramarro - "Kate sees Anthony's bumble profile and finds it very pretentious. It does not stop her from obsessively drawing his arms though. Until he starts dating her sister." literally fic of all time i LOVEEEE this one SO much edwina gets a lot of respect (which is rare with bridgerton fic authors </3) and the way her and kate's relationship is written is just chef's kiss. peak kate and anthony being idiots about how stupidly attracted to each other they are. GOD i love this one
three cities by ramarro - ramarro my beloved. kate and anthony have a holiday fling and also meet across a few countries. imagine me reading this and smiling like a fucking idiot cause that's what this one does to me
i'd be your little spoon by magicalmenagerie - [inhales] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. the one in which bagwell is a woman with Knowledge and edwina wants her to Teach. literally edwina fic of all time. i also rec this author's other fics!!
the universe laughs at anthony bridgerton by teabrigadier - modern soulmate au where the first words your soulmate will say to you appear on your arm and both kate and anthony are convinced they have assholes for soulmates. my feel good fic <3 there is also a follow up which is kate's pov which is also great
june, after dark by stutteringpeach - edwina drags kate to daphne's wedding at her country estate with her family. hijinks ensue. literally not a single flaw in this one. it is everything i want in a modern au i was vibrating when it wasn't completed because i wanted to read it SO bad lmao another one i've reread a bunch
engagement series by burnerraccount - show canon compliant for after s2 ends. before they get married kate and anthony have an Agreement. perfect characterization and the smutty parts don't make give me secondhand embarrassment like most fics do <3
love, spoke this silence by ninzied - i'm recommending this one bc it's the most recent but really i am telling you to read all the bridgerton fics by this author <3 by far my favorite bridgerton fic writer. i can't say enough good things u have to trust me you must read all of them
it had to be you by zegabz - when harry met sally au. need i say more
the little things you do by zegabz - flower shop au - kate finds a bouquet she put together abandoned. talented showstopping amazing etc
1, 2 step by zarahjoyce - expanded versions of show canon + some canon compliant stuff + some aus. yes i'm recommending them all i don't think zarahjoyce has one even average bridgerton fic they are all great
the story of us by irishseeker - THE kathony uni au because i said so. i consider this one a bit of a fandom classic lmao you've probably already been recommended it but here it is again <3 i love it so much i couldn't not rec it
come away with me by floralumbrella - mostly show canon compliant smut lol. but good smut!
operation: barista by starkswinterfelling - how does one fic series so flawless exist. idk but i'm glad it does. THE coffee shop au because i once again say so.
i could be your heron blue sky (wrap me in celadon and gold) by krewlak - keeping myself from shouting MILF FIC MILF FIC MILF FIC rn. kate marries an earl for security, but after he dies she and her family relocate from india to find edwina a match. i don't always read incomplete fics bc it ruins my life but i have to rec this one bc it's just so thoughtfully written!!!! love love it
hidden by ironsidee - once again, kind of a fandom cornerstone, but i had to rec it still bc it's SO good. kate and anthony are childhood sweethearts that grow apart but are still caught in an arranged marriage. a fuckin banger of a fic kind of the only one that is book canon that i really like
a supercut of us by joekavaliers - AAAAAAAAAA this one is so up my alley it's ridiculous. basically a buzzfeed unsolved au lmao where kate is ryan and anthony is shane. well except for the fact they kiss a little. also one of my go to rereads <3
do you regret asking yet <3 i will stop
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litaskick · 2 years
Heyy! So I've been simpin' SO hard over our mans Edge lately and I really need your help... First things first though, do you write smut? I'm new here lol if not pls ignore little ol' me.
Anywho, would you be able to write a real smuty, real jealous Edge?? After a few months of dating all you want - all you need - is your man, but he's not picking up what you're putting down. It's not that he's not doing what he does best, wink wink, but you're craving more. So anyway, you're out having a few drinks one night and you're dressed to display everything you want him to play with. Hehe. He gives you your attention, but gets carried away with a game that's on t.v. You make eye contact with a man who's been trying to get you to notice him all night. Finally you make your way to the bar and start chatting with him. You're in no way sending him any signals that he's gonna get lucky, however, you're trying to get Edge to notice. Oh boy when he does. I love this part. He somehow heard you giggle through all of the noise and when his eyes land on you, he sees your hand lightly touching the man's shoulder. No. No. No. Not his girl. Nope. Jealous Edge comes out to play and really asserts his dominance over the guy. He all but throws you over his shoulder to take you to his bed where you rightfully belong. Then by the grace of God he gives you every little thing you've been dreaming about. He full on unleashes THE one and only R Rated Superstar - making note that you particularly like Mr. Superstar for future reference. . .
Too much? I mean you said to be detailed because it helps you write. I'm dying over this man rn. Buuut, you do you and run with it. At this point I'll pretty much be happy with anything. Thnxx
your fucking MIND!!?
my requests are open, request here - who i write for - request rules -  Edge Master List
summary: You’ve been trying to get Adam’s attention all night, and every time it has failed. Finally you go start to talk to another random guy at the bar. When Adam hears you giggling through all the noise and spots you at a table with another guy, his jealousy goes through the roof. He drags you home angrily, and when you arrive, he gives you all the attention that you’ve been wanting.
Notice me
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You slumped in your seat at the loud bar. Tonight was supposed to be going differently, his eyes were supposed to be on you. Yet there he was, joking and shitting around with his friends. You and Adam had been dating for 5 months now, and you were starting to get irritated at the lack of sex. All you wanted was him, he was all you needed at the moment. There were times where you two would get so close to finally having your first time together, and then something would come up or he was needed somewhere. 5 months. Your body physically couldn't withstand it any longer, so that's why tonight, you had a mission. Tonight was going to be the night, you were dressed to show everything you wanted him to see. The dress was tight, showing off all of your curves, the neckline was low, putting your boobs on perfect display, and it was short, just barely covering your ass. It should work magic with Adam, the moment he saw you in it it should have made him whisper to you how you were in it for it. But none of that had happened, all he did was tell you that you looked stunning, and then hung around Christian for the rest of the night. You decided to try and go back up to him, so you did. You strutted back over to Adam, your heels clicking as you walked. He looked up from his drink to you.
"Hi babe." Adam greeted you with a grin.
"Hi baby." You said, waking around him to straddle him.
He went in for a kiss, giving you his full attention.
"You look incredible tonight." He mumbled between pressing kisses all over your neck.
You could feel your core start to drip of excitement, you were finally going to get what you've been wanting for months.
You just hummed in response, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Adam continued to kiss on your neck, that is until everyone around him started hooting and hollering over the game on the tv. His attention went off of you and onto the game. You sighed silently, getting yourself off of his lap. Before you walked away he gave you one last kiss, you just rolled your eyes as you walked off to empty table where you started. There you were again slumped in your seat, completely rethinking your plan. You glanced over at a guy who had been trying to get your attention all night, and miserably failing, and that's when you got an idea. You could make Adam jealous if he saw you talking with another guy. It was worth a try, you get up out of your seat once more, smoothing down your dress, and strut over to the table the guy was at. You take a seat, looking the man, clearly shocked that you actually took notice to his advances.
You waved at him. "I saw you trying to get my attention." You say, sipping on your drink.
"Oh, um, yeah, hello." He said, still trying to ground himself.
You offered him a smile.
"Would you like a drink?" The man asked.
"No thank you, I already have one." You politely declined, gesturing towards your glass.
You two continued to chat back and forth for a little while.
"You know, I wouldn't expect to see a girl like your at some bar like this." He grinned.
You giggled, placing your hand on his shoulder lightly.
Adam could some how hear you giggle even through all the noise of the bar, his eyes scanned the room for you, until finally they landed on you. There you were at a table with another man laughing, and there was your hand on his shoulder. Oh no, not you, not his girl, nope, absolutely not. Adam marched his way over to you and the guy.
"Excuse me." Adam's voice was dripping in anger.
The man looked at him startled.
"What exactly are you doing with my girlfriend?"
"Oh, um, we were just chatting, nothing flirty o-or um- anything." The guy stuttered, clearly terrified of your boyfriend who stood high above him, muscular arms showing through the tight material of his black t-shirt.
"Well if I were you, I'd get away from her." Adam spat angrily.
The man quickly spurted out an apology, walking away as fast as possible. Once he was out of sight, Adam grabbed your wrist firmly and drug you out of the bar with him, making the way to his car. Your plan was working, you were finally going to get what you needed so badly. Once you got to car, he let go of you, motioning for you to get into the car. He slammed his door once getting in. The ride back to his house was complete silence, the tension was thick. But all you could think about was the wetness forming at your core, your panties already soaked at the thought and anticipation of what he was going to do to you. You put your legs together in an effort to conceal the drenched cloth between your legs until you two got home. When you finally did get back to his house, you got out of the car as quick as possible, and before you even knew it, Adam had thrown you over his shoulder. And you stayed there until you guys got back into his bedroom. Adam threw you onto the bed, you looked up to meet his gaze.
"You think you can just get away with what you did back there, huh?" He questioned you.
"Well I don't think so." Adam answered his own question, his eyes not leaving yours.
He tossed his shirt over his head onto the floor, his underwear soon following before crawling on the bed to hover over you.
"I think I know somebody who has been a bad fucking girl." He growled, you gulped in anticipation.
"Tell me how much of whore you've been baby girl, taking to another guy when I was just a few feet away. I think someone just couldn't wait for daddy's cock could you baby? You were so desperate for me that you had to go that far to get me."
"Yes daddy." You moaned, his words almost being enough to push you over the edge.
"Well it worked baby, and now you're in for it." Adam whispered in your ear, nibbling at the lobe. It send shivers down your spine.
He got the dress off of you, pulling it over your head. Adam chuckled darkly when he saw your panties, completely drenched, and he hadn't even done anything yet.
"All of this and I haven't even done anything yet. Huh, you really are just a whore for me aren't you."
"Yes!" You exclaimed, your body squirming just waiting for him to do something, anything.
Adam started kissing and sucking on your neck, hitting your sweet spot, earning a moan from you. He pulled off your panties finally.
"I'm going to show you who you belong to tonight, baby." He chuckled darkly.
Adam paused for a moment, before smirking at you. "When I'm through with you tonight you won't even remember that guy's name, the only word you'll be able to think of will be my name, baby." He spat angrily and aggressively, lining himself up with you.
You whimpered. Adam put a hand over your mouth after hearing that. "Don't act all pitiful now, princess. After all, you did this to yourself." He lightly scolded, that jealous expression on his face never faltering even once since you two had left the bar. Unexpectedly, Adam pushes himself into you harshly. You let out a scream of his name at the sudden sensation, it was painful, but it felt so damn good.
"What is it baby? Am I too big for my fucking whore? Maybe you should have ran off with that guy at the bar, his dick would have been tiny enough for you to handle." Adam spat.
You shook your head urgently. "No, no, you're making me feel so good Adam."
"Damn right I am." He smirked, his thrusts quickened as his confidence boosted a bit.
"Nobody else could make you feel this good, could they?" Adam questioned.
You shook your head hurriedly, the moans escaping your lips keeping you from speaking.
"Shit, you're such a mess, can't even speak I'm making you feel so good. They call me the rated R superstar for a reason." He shouted over your noise.
Your hands went to his back, clawing at the skin. Adam brought his lips to yours and invited his own tongue into your mouth. Your uncontrolled moans and whimpers sent vibrations down his throat, and it drove him insane. He pulled away from the kiss eventually, his speed picking up again. You could feel yourself starting to slip, all of this finally starting to catch up to you, already at the brink of your sweet release, and Adam noticed.
“Already slipping baby? We haven’t even been going at it that long.” Adam teased.
All you could muster to do was whimper at that, bringing your hands up to tug at his long locks of hair, and that flipped a switch in him. With that, a moan escaped him. You made a mental note that Adam loved that for future reference.
“Shit y/n.” He breathed in deep.
You noticed your lover was close too, his groans and grunts becoming a lot more apparent. You felt yourself starting to clench around him, your hand quickly going from his back to his shoulders, your nails digging into the skin.
"Adam." You whimpered. "I'm so close."
"Fuck, me too." Adam said breathlessly. "Go when I tell you too."
You nodded, smiling softly at the fact that you could see the jealousy start to bleed out of him as he was returning to his usual self.
"Go!" He practically shouted. And with that, you both started to come undone. So much noise coming from both of you. He took both of your hands into his own, intertwining them as you both finally got the long awaited release.
"I love you." You whimpered as his seed spilled deep within you, your back arching.
"I love you too." You heard him respond, so out of breath.
You could feel his load inside of you, it’s all that you’ve wanted for the past few months. Adam finally pulled out and rolled over next to you. He pulled you into his chest weakly, still trying to recover from what had just took place. You both heaved in unison, getting your breath back slowly but surely.
“You alright, hon?” You heard Adam ask as you both had finally came down from your highs.
You adjusted your head a little bit to look up at him, your chin resting on his chest.
You nodded. “Yeah.”
Adam caressed your cheek. “I’m sorry if I was too rough with you, babe. I- Just seeing you talk like that with another guy made me so jealous, I just couldn’t stand it. You know?”
“Don’t worry, it was perfect.” You smiled lazily.
He smiled back at you softly, rubbing soothing circles on your back. “The thought of losing you drives me nuts.” Adam said softly.
That made you feel bad about how you acted tonight. “I’m sorry honey, I just wanted you and your attention so bad, and then you just ignored me for a game on the tv. I just wanted to get your attention, not make you actually feel bad.” You apologized, a slight frown settled on your lips.
“I promise not to ignore you anymore if you promise not to do anything like that again.” Adam smiled.
“You have a deal.” You giggled.
“But hey, will the sex still be this good?” You grinned.
That earned a wholehearted laugh from your boyfriend. “Yes honey, the sex will still be this good. You don’t have to make me jealous just to unleash the one and only rated R superstar.” He poked you teasingly.
“Good.” You said, tracing the tattoo on his shoulder. “Because I like the rated R superstar a lot.” You played along.
“Yeah, I kinda like him too, he’s pretty damn good isn’t he?” Adam joked.
“Oh absolutely.” You giggled, bringing your head up towards his to go in for a kiss.
Adam put his hands on either side of your face, deepening the kiss before pulling away. “Let’s get cleaned up, hm?”
You nodded, and with that he went off to get a wet rag and some new sheets.
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