#i've Considered it a bunch though i might as well just start at some point
kazumahashimoto · 11 months
i need to regain (REMAIN?!?!?!?!??) the desire to write about my ocs the way i wrote about my ocs during class in middle school to pretend like i was doing my work
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AITA for getting upset at my ex for being PDA with his boyfriend?
🌱🚌🍰<- To find later
Ages aren't super relevant here but everyone is in their mid-late 20s. About a year ago, my fiance of about 8 and a half years, Jake, broke up with me. It wasn't the smoothest breakup, I didn't take it well at the time, but I've since had a lot of time to think about it and I do understand (and agree with some of) his reasons for it. We're still on friendly terms and recently started casually chatting again 2 months ago after he said he needed a break for a while. I admit I do still love him and we had said at the time that we would want to get back together someday but that it would be a long time before we could consider that again and I wouldn't be upset with him if he changes his mind. There are a number of reasons why things weren't going well, I know I have a lot of body image issues and that had a lot of impact on our sex life, and there was also just a lot of baggage from old issues that built up over the course of the relationship. I've since been in therapy which I know was long overdue and working on a lot of the issues that contributed. Ultimately though, what ended up being the breaking point was issues we were having with polyamory.
I'm going to try and keep things as succinct as possible because the including all the details would make it way too long, but here's basically what happened: Jake and I agreed to be open about sleeping with other people, as long as we kept things out of our shared space. We weren't sure about dating others yet, but we said we'd talk about it if it came up. I know Jake felt jealous about me being with others while I worked on our own intimacy issues, but he told me that he knew that was unhealthy especially if we wanted to eventually be poly. A few months in, I heard from one of our friends, Emily, that a new friend of ours, Daniel, thought Jake was hot and might have a crush on him. I was shocked that Emily would tell me that because she knew Jake and I were together, and I told Jake to discuss what to do about it. He was kind of upset that I told him because he said he would've wanted to hear that from Daniel directly, I argued it was relevant but apologized anyway and dropped it. Over the next few months, Jake and Daniel started texting a lot and Jake started developing feelings for him. When Daniel confessed during a movie night, Jake said he felt the same but that he'd have to talk to me about it first. Jake told me he wanted to go for it, which was surprising because he had said literally the day before that he wasn't sure, but we decided to try poly with some ground rules. Ultimately the issue came down to the "shared space" rule we were already following. I considered making out as sexual, but Jake disagreed and told me that was too controlling if we were allowed to have dates at the apartment. This led to a fight, and when I went to the other room to calm down, I realized that if I couldn't handle seeing Jake with someone else so close to me, I couldn't do poly, so I went back out to tell him. He asked why we couldn't keep talking about it, I said I couldn't change how I felt, and he got upset that I wasn't willing to have a conversation about it now that he had feelings for someone else, so I asked him what he'd want to talk about and he said not to bother because it was obvious I had already made up my mind. The next day he told me we should take a break, and we broke up a week later. I want to make it very clear that I don't blame Daniel for any of this and I don't think anyone was "cheating". As far as I'm aware, Jake and Daniel started dating about 4-5 months after we broke up. I'm not going to lie and say that seeing Jake so happy with someone else doesn't hurt, but I know that's immature of me and I'm working on getting over it.
About a week ago, Jake invited me to go to a bar with a bunch of our old friends. It was a lot of fun and I had really missed hanging with everyone in a group. At some point during the night though, I noticed Daniel being kind of handsy with Jake. I brushed it off because everyone was drunk, but as time went on it became less and less subtle, and I started getting a little uncomfortable. I noticed that one of our more reserved friends, Jason, was also looking a bit flustered. At one point Daniel pulled Jake away from the table to go off somewhere, and everyone just kind of laughed awkwardly before continuing conversation. I know that Jake didn't like PDA before but it's possible that changed, idk.
At the end of the night when people were saying goodbyes and starting to head home, I pulled Jake aside to thank him for inviting me and saying it was a lot of fun and great to see everyone again, but that I noticed people were kind of uncomfortable with Daniel's PDA and suggested that he tone it down a little in the future, especially around Jason. Jake didn't say anything at the time but his smile dropped a little bit and he said he'd talk to Daniel about it.
The next day, I woke up to messages from both Jake and Jason telling me I was out of line and that nobody but me had any issues with their PDA. I even mentioned Jason looking uncomfortable and he said that it was because he had had a crush on Jake for a while now, but that it would be unreasonable for him to ask Jake and Daniel to change their behavior around their friends (which I completely disagree with when it comes to PDA and being inappropriate in public). Jake told me that if I was going to bring our breakup back into the group dynamic it would be better if I didn't come in the future. I asked a few of our other friends and one said that it could be too much sometimes but only when everyone was really drunk, one said that if it did go too far they'd say something, but that it never had, and the last one told me that I was being rude and was clearly just not over Jake.
I don't think I'm an asshole for being uncomfortable with PDA and even if nobody else agrees with me (and at least a couple do), I didn't go about telling them in a rude way at all, but most of the group is saying I was overstepping and to get over myself. AITA here?
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
10 Asks! Thank you! :}} 🌱
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I assume I'm not, it appears to just be a chest cold 😞
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<XD I've heard of whiteboard yeah. But I've never used it. I can just imagine people popping in just to scribble all over everyone else's work. I'll think I'll stick to solo drawing for now-
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(Post in question)
XDD Sylvester has a tendency to be rather cursed-
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I don't see why not! :}
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(Post in question)
Indeed it is! I made a post talking about his backstory but I can't access my archive atm so I'll do a quick recap-
I don't actually know anything about madness combat. Some friends of mine were really into it and made a bunch of OCs and I wanted to be cool like them 🥺 so I made my own madness OCs based on what little knowledge I had.
His name is Casey. And he lived out in the middle of nowhere Nevada with two of his best friends in this giant armored truck that they built.
At some point they were caught in a burning building disaster, some bandits stole the truck and Casey's friends died in the fire. He wandered the wasteland alone for a few years.. before eventually stumbling upon the bandits camp.
He stormed into the camp and killed everyone, unfortunately his truck was nowhere to be found. He did however find this little girl that had been captured and tied to a tree.
Him and "Stefany" then traveled together for a few years before meeting a scientist named Eric. He had gotten separated from his group and was stranded. I had this idea that the people from the wasteland hate scientists. But Eric begged for help. They made a deal that if they brought this guy back to his lab, that he would give them this valuable thing from the lab. He agreed.
Eric didn't intend to keep his side of the deal. But after a few weeks of traveling together and bonding.. when they got to the lab he stole the thing and gave it to Casey. Getting himself booted off the lab team in the process.
So now the three of them travel together. Eventually Casey gets hurt really bad and the group has to camp out for a bit. While Stef was out looking for food, she saw Casey's truck in the distance. She went and hijacked it, kicking out the two bandits that were in it.
She drove it back to the camp but the bandits followed. There was a stand off between the bandits and Casey. When suddenly..
"..Casey? Is that you?"
The two bandits were Casey's friends he thought he'd lost. There's this tearful reunion, a lot of story telling and explanations.. and now they travel together as a family :)
Oh yeah and at some point Stef gets a (probably) rabid raccoon named kitty, even though there aren't animals in madness combat..? Apparently?? Idk I had barely any world knowledge when I made these characters <XDD
But now that I'm thinking about them.. I should draw them again some time.. 🤔 anyways, thank you for the interest and for the ask! It means a lot to me :}}
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(video/link in question)
That's how I'd start probably. Then they'd build sandcastles, dig giant holes for no reason and play in the sea! :}
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Sorry, I don't take drawing requests. :/ and considering my state, it's especially something I will not do upon request..
And what are you doing askin me to draw? 🤣 I've seen your work, you're quite the artist yourself! Why not draw it yourself? I know it'd come out great! :D (genuinely)
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I don't think much surprises the Mario Bros anymore. 😅 If they saw a crew of talking pirate cookies they'd just think "well this might as well be happening."
As for a bully on the ship, the crew would not tolerate any of that behavior towards Red. They'd shut that down real quick. ❌
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:DDD Thank you so much!! :}}}
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Jimmy's doin fine. And I'll draw what ever I WANT when I finally get over this, thank you very much! >:T ☝️☝️thank you tho :}}
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theotherseapancakes · 2 months
Psssst. You mentioned no one cares about Philemon, but now I'm curious if you have any thoughts about his role in the games after he disappeared. And for sillies sake, does he have anything to do with the Dance games?
I have been waiting my entire life for this. Anon do you realize how verbose I'm going to get. DO YOU REALIZE? I hope you like read mores. Let me preface this with I am aware and have seen some popular theories, so I'm going to sidestep a lot of them and present one I've built since... well, I became a Persona fan as a teenager. MAJOR PERSONA SERIES SPOILERS LIKE THE ENTIRE THING OK? OK. yes even royal.
The P2 PSP additional scenario is so incredibly important and I think everyone missed the point of it. THE PERSONA 2 PSP ADDITIONAL TATSUYA SCENARIO!!!! It's beyond important, because it reveals to us Philemon can have more than one Avatar we know about, just like Nyarly. (Casual reminder he's like half the shopkeeps in P2. Time Count, anyone? Why was the Time Count so hot. Anyway.) Disclaimer: I'm just a casual fan who has played a LOT of Persona and SMT. I haven't gotten around to all of them, but I've played/finished both paths of 1, 2, 3 (and p3p) as well as 4 and 5. Didn't manage to get my hands on Golden but I've seen enough of it. (It's funny you ask about the dance games, they're the only ones I don't have right now! But my roommate does, and will be gone for a few months soon, perhaps I will take the time to start with p4DAN. I'm atrocious at rhythm games though so more than likely I'll find a video. Anyway.) WHAT is Philemon? If we can't define that, we can't talk about The Positivity Guy Ever.
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So let's talk about Phil. He's a fascinating character. His Persona is just a form of Himself, But Cooler. And he seems to HAVE no set shape, not unlike Nyarlathotep. People have various theories about Shadows and their origins etc., but Phil is more like that vote of confidence in people. I think, personally, that after the end of Innocent Sin, Phil's been pretty weak. We see in Eternal Punishment he's fading pretty roughly, and has a hard time talking to the party. Presumably ending Nyarly might to some degree fix things when Deja-vu Boy goes home, but... the problem is, we don't know how fixed they truly ended up being, or the full depth of how much he could/did expend!
In fact, the first time we even see Phil without the dumb mask is when Tatsuya decks him. Pay close attention to that fact. To the mask motifs here. I want you to really soak in Phil's everything. He's a leader. A kind soul. He's the good of people. He wants to believe the best.
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Anyway, most of these things overlook what I find really interesting as we've gotten more games worth of lore: he and Nyarly aren't the only eldritch entities walking around like that. Yes, Nyx is one too. Yes, it's probable she may even be their 'mom'. It's possible they all came from Nyx initially, but it's also possible (and should be considered) they too may have been outsiders at one point. We need to ask ourselves how far the human collective unsconsciousness can go. Is that sea infinite? Could it affect other worlds? Think about Aion in Devil Summoner Soul Hackers 2. Yes, I am asking you to think about Soul Hackers 2. Deal with it, I don't care. They're sister series. They share many things. SO! Did the shape of the human mind change a bunch of eldritch creatures and make them interact with us even more after Nyx smacked the moon a gazillion years ago? Is there multiple worlds? Weird bullshit? Just the two? Hmm. Well... I, personally, think so. I think he was touched by humanity just like Nyarlathotep, but in the other way. The reason I bring this up is two-fold. The first is Nodens. Now, we don't know much about the actual Nodens, unfortunately, just some speculation. Which is a shame. (If anyone has more info I'd love to have it, ngl. As a pagan this shit fascinates me.) But what we do get on him in Lovecraftian lore can provide us some intriguing possibilities about Phil's everything, which the games love to keep really rather vague. (And this is putting aside that his human Persona is based off the obviously bogus Jungian Spirit Guide, but we love an old guy in a mask anyway. He probably felt that was more 'friendly' for humans, hah.) I believe that Nodens, and Phil by extension, are just as responsible for nurturing and keeping the collective unconsciousness alive and positive. We see the butterfly symbol everywhere. We see it with Lavenza, too. "This is truly an unjust game." So was the bet Phil made with Nyarly, a game he rigged. Phil made the mistake of thinking the Crawling Chaos wouldn't cheat, a mistake he is never making again, I assume, if he can help it. Shit, you could view his boss fight in P2EP as him trying to train the EP crew to beat the snot out of Nyarly, even. But off topic. If Nyarly is basically the father of all Shadows, and they and Personas are the same coin, it makes me wonder a lot of things. The two have always been portrayed as simultaneously diametrically opposed, but also not? They have identical halls in P2. They have similar powers and talents... I think after Persona 3, Phil's remnants sank into the Collective Unconsciousness, to attempt to rehabilitate humanity from what it lost, from what he himself lost. I think Igor took over the room, because he took a backseat to recover. It would go a long, long way towards explaining why only SOME characters have the tier of the Wild Card, which is similar to the 'original' Persona power. (Having multiple.) He was took weak to remain in his Spirit Guide (Philemon) form, and had to abandon it to return to the depths as Nodens... So. Let me go back to Nodens and make some notes about design.
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Nodens, as seen here, sort of resembles an iron maiden. It really brings to mind the idea of maybe Tatsuya or someone's humanoid form sleeping within it, doesn't it? Fitting for an aspect of Philemon! ... You probably can see where I'm going with this, but let me pull up some screens to finish the point:
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That's right! It's Azathoth, Baby! I believe that unlike mythology, he's yet another aspect of Philemon. Eldritch positivity, in too much force, could be used for accidental bad, too. (Reasons Maruki is my favorite Law Hero, haha.) Let me explain. I think Philemon always existed in... let's call it parts. Azathoth is said to be a dreaming god in whom's universe we all just happen to be alive inside, right? "Dream of butterfly" (Philemon) "Or is life a dream? Don't wanna wake up. Cuz I'm happy here." That sure is thematic to what Maki goes through in Persona 1, and what Maruki's beloved suffers, isn't it? ISN'T IT. The "true reality" he creates... would help Maruki create in the additional Semester--would be something most humans would never pass the muster to even try to control. But we have seen Phil test a few people and find them worth passing before! However, that seems like ages ago. Why has he been so quiet? I think because he was spending time conserving his energy. He believed in humanity enough to give Makoto a push when it was needed in p3 (or femc, if you play her), but otherwise trusted Igor while he restored what needed it. But in Persona 5 Royal, he hand-picked Maruki, didn't he? At first, when I played Persona 5 Royal, I really thought it was some part of Nyarly, but I no longer believe this to be the case. The coloration and symbolism in the background (the golds, the whole garden of eden themes, the way his Palace was laid out), the whole sea of soul motifs in P3Re later... mmm. I have a lot of thoughts about this, but this post is already way too long for one simple ask. So let's wrap up by going one step further and looking finally at Nodens' dialogue to the party in the Extra Scenario in Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (PSP). The following is a transcript, you can find a video here:
Nodens: This is the memory of the lost child whom you all seek. Nodens: Memory occasionally brings about much distress and suffering, but it is absolutely vital to distinguish oneself from others and manufacture one's own psyche. Nodens: Ever since it began, life's memory has accumulated unbroken, passing through individual experiences and spanning several generations. Nodens: And so it has given shape to Kadath and the Collective Unconsciousness, thereby becoming a foundation for the next generation. Nodens: Even if the roots of the world are directed by fear and anxiety, never forget that the true essence of life is brimming with joy. Nodens: You must not stop seeking the answer for why life was born in a cosmos progressing towards absurdity and chaos. Nodens: Life brims with joy, bringing about balance in a universe predestined to heat death, and that allows the world to live a long time.
So to answer your question, I think he's taken a much subtler role. I think he's influencing people by pretending to be a Persona for Maruki, because he believes it will help them grow. I don't think he was intending a forever-control vice grip, but rather to prove a point. No matter what, the primordial chaos of humanity will rise up for chaotic good, lawful good, whatever "good" is needed. Azathoth is... interesting. Adam Kadmon is also interesting. But mostly I HIGHLY suspect we may see him again in Persona 6, or at least I'm hoping so. It's my personal pet theory by then he'll be less faded and come back to us in a new form of some kind. He's never had a set one, after all. Now for funsies about the dancing game, well, he's a positive guy, he wanted to just make sure everyone had their fitness regimen checked off. Obviously. (This is a joke.) Did the devs intend this? I'm honestly not sure? Like there's a lot of nods to older Personas in 5 and now 3RE especially, but it's definitely worth chewing on. I could go on and on about things I think he's connected to, but ultimately they have the final say lol. I'm just a crackpot conspiracy theorist on tumblr who really likes Philemon. He and the Room are my favorites. :) Ask me about attendants for additional dumb, sometime, I guess lol.
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poptivist · 5 months
metaphorical deaths across trench
the day trench was released, kerrang published an article which contained the following quote: “neon gravestones, tyler explains, is the heart of trench.”
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and i just didn’t get it. we’d had jumpsuit, natn, levitate and my blood for months; all in-world, all not having very much detail about death other than showing the literal gravestones lit with neon.
in early 2019 i ran a small poll on twitter asking “do you think this is related to the narrative” for each song on trench, and of 132 voters, only 67% said yes, neon gravestones seemed related. i didn’t then – and still don’t now – know what exactly neon gravestones as a song has to do with every other part of trench the album.
here are some things we do know: ending your life is the goal of vialism. in the third verse of neon gravestones tyler lists reasons that someone might end their life (as a form of legacy, as a form of lashing out) and says as a counterpoint that our culture should glorify old age instead of an early death. in leave the city, the record’s last song, tyler says “in time i will leave the city; for now i will stay alive.” and we know it’s the goal of the vulture/bandito to turn death into life (be a vulture who feeds on pain).
with the “heart of trench” thing in mind, i’m looking for ways that neon gravestones relates to each other song on the album – because before there were articles, interviews, or music videos, these songs existed first on their own, together. i’m starting from here:
the first verse of neon gravestones gives us this:
what's my problem?
what’s his problem? he’s about to explain. excellent.
well, i want you to follow me down to the bottom underneath the insane asylum keep your wits about you while you got 'em 'cause your wits are first to go while you're problem-solving and my problem? we glorify those, even more, when they
(“lost ‘em,” presumably.)
so based on tyler’s description of song structure i’m looking for problem-solving as a point of conflict (specifically, losing wits) and death as a topic.
this is what i’ve scraped together -- i've categorized each song as wits kept, wits lost, and incorporating death into living.
jumpsuit. jumpsuit ends with tyler in a pose that definitely screams dead.
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though “attempted escape should be honored,” considering tyler tried (with zero endgame) to run on foot from a bishop on horseback, i would place this firmly in the category of wits lost.
02. levitate “i am a vulture who feeds on pain”. vultures feed on carrion, so there’s some relationship between pain & death. in a sense he’s incorporating death into living.
03. morph. tyler can’t stop thinking about life after death, even though nico is always trying to stop him.
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he takes this song to methodically reason out his thoughts about death. for that reason, i would categorize this as wits kept.
04. my blood says “if you find yourself in the lion’s den, i’ll jump right in and pull my pin.” taking the grenade with you is a one-way trip 💀 so i would categorize this as wits lost.
i noticed a bunch of these songs have high emotion in them, like for example jumpsuit's “i can’t believe how much i hate…” if there’s high emotion in this one, i would call it loyalty (but past the point of self-preservation).
05. chlorine. chlorine says "rebel red carnation grows while i decay." decay suggests a death occurring. “i’ll be back when it’s all complete” and “the moment is medical” says this leaving-of-the-city is temporary and necessary; it’s incorporating a death into living.
06. smithereens. “for you i would get beat to smithereens”. smithereens literally means small pieces, which is generally considered pretty dead. if there's high emotion here i would call it most likely rage. you could maybe say what he wants to save he'll kill: in jumpsuit, himself, in my blood, his brother, in smithereens, his relationship. i would call this one wits lost.
07. neon gravestones: is the song we’re talking about.
08. the hype. the hype music video shows tyler and josh getting shot up by invisible bullets, which according to the director symbolized the metaphorical death that took place before the band redefined themselves for trench. this is incorporating a death into living.
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09. nico and the niners. this one does say we will win but not everyone will get out. that doesn’t necessarily mean death, but the whole rap verse is a half-assed plan at best. (still better than jumpsuit, which was a zero-assed plan)
10. cut my lip. the cut my lip visuals show the arms of the statues pictured in natn sticking up out of the ground as though drowning. so maybe wits lost? being buried in the ground/drowning is dying, and in the song he says explicitly this isn't what he wants.
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(the cement people periodically turn yellow like the vulture)
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11. bandito. in jumpsuit tyler’s death is preceded by a fall; in bandito the lyrics say “we know you don’t know to fall”. they also say “i created this world to feel some control; destroy it if i want”. wholesale destruction does seem death-adjacent. i would call both of these things incorporating death into living.
12. pet cheetah. no deaths here. tyler says “no, i move slow, i’ll sit here til i find the problem.” the squealing tires tell us there is an urge to move hastily, but tyler makes a decision to be patient with his problem. i would call this wits kept.
13. legend. during the live show tyler would say during legend “if i my grandfather taught me one thing it’s that it’s worth it to keep on fighting all the way to the bitter end.” he also says “you’re a legend in my own mind” and notably, dema maps have a compass rose, but no legend, so maybe his grandfather is an example for him? either way, “keep fighting to the bitter end” is a clear plan, so i would call this wits kept.
14. leave the city. “it’s only time before they show me why no one ever comes back with details from beyond.” this suggests he’s talking about a final death, a final leaving-of-the-city, the point of no return (assuming people aren’t coming back with anything else either, like cashews or scratch tickets or whatever). this isn’t incorporating death into living then, but it’s a plan to live. i would call this wits kept.
so that's my attempt to see neon gravestones as central to trench beyond what is explicitly said in the third verse. i'm basically full of question marks and this is the best i could come up with. any ideas? what am i missing?
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
For those awaiting an answer on one of my more recent posts, and whether I'll be leaving, here it is. .....Under the cut, as it, in my usual fashion, gets lengthy, you can skip to the end for a TL:DR :)
I'm not going to leave tumblr/simblr, I'll be floating around and still liking people's posts, I'm probably gonna unfollow some people (not my mutuals ofc ilya) just because it's hard to keep up with my dash when I get over 10 notifications every 2 minutes or so especially when if I'm not going to primarily consume Sims 4 content. I'm going to put my mods folder into my external HDD, in order to preserve them ykwim, and I'm going to uninstall TS4, I'll try to make one more sim before the sims 4 gets poofed off my laptop, although as it stands even after freeing up 20 GBs of space, my space went back down to 400 MBs so 😭😭 I will probably be posting variety content, even though I know all my followers are primarily Sims content consumers (some of ya'll do other stuff, but I mean as a whole, my audience tends to be more Sims 4 related), I might play and share some of my Sims 1 content, which is not story oriented, it's just a little gameplay of Roo in the Sims 1 :) I'll also probably post Baldur gate stuff (if I can free up the storage for it LMAO), I'll post witcher content maybe, and plenty of other things, and like I said, I'll continue to float around, and I'll continue to reblog any Sims content I see and enjoy... as well as other things. .... So what about W.A.S? Yea. I dont know, while W.A.S IS supposed to be a fleshed out story, and while I know I AM leaving sims 4 behind, completely limiting what I can and cannot make story-wise (just cuz I don't know how to make scenes and stuff lmao), I will ATTEMPT to make W.A.S content, I will still make and post the Official teaser, and I'll probably introduce the characters myself sometime after the teaser (I'll take screenshots in CAS and just hope my storage doesn't dip TOO low). I may release some of the story in just text form, as I do really want to continue to post about the story. I'll try to come up with something tho, don't worry :)
I may also start getting back into art, I still need some hobby to preoccupy my time that isn't gaming, I will still do blender stuff (since I have a bunch of my Sims' DAEs) and I will maybe make more edits, but regardless, I still enjoy art and Sims 4 kinda consumed the time that I wanted to spend doing art, soooo yeah.
For the unrooleased tag, I have a bunch of sims that I've never posted, as well as renders that I've never posted, and I may, as Sims 4 filler, post those to fill the void that will become my Sims 4 content
and FINALLY. LAST THING I promise :) I know all of ya'll LOVE Roo, and I do want to reinforce the fact that ROO IS NOT A SIMS CHARACTER, I did NOT make him originally from the Sims, if you were at any point worried I would stop posting about him, I will not be, I will continue to share about Roo, probably with a lot less pictures considering I really only used TS4 as a visual assistant for his story, I do have his DAEs, so I can make SOME Roo blender content, albeit limited with Scenes and stuff. Roo is a character that I will continue to be passionate about, I never mentioned this but I LOVE to make Roo in pretty much every game I play (besides Skyrim................ and ofc games where u dont have customization), like Animal Crossing, I made a variant of Roo there, and in Stardew! You get the point, he will always be a prominent figure of my content. I may also bring back some characters I made from TS4, like Nirvana, I LOVE her character and would LOVE to continue to post about her, as well as Roo's family, I love posting about his family members and sharing their own story and what importance they are to Roo.
WOW, okay that was a lot, if you're skipping here for a clear answer, or a sort of TL:DR, here ya go, I don't want to leave tumblr, so I won't, and I won't necessarily leave the Simblr ring, TS4 is going to be uninstalled, but I WILL preserve my TS4 mods in my external HDD, and be on the look out for the last sim I make in TS4 :)
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Got this comment on one of my posts, went to reply, found that I had more to say than I could fit into a comment, so I'm replying with a new post instead. Hope you don't mind, @properverse.
I might be wrong, but I think the Jimmy Carr situation has changed even in the few years since I've started following this stuff. When I first watched 8 Out of 10 Cats/Catsdown/Big Fat Quizzes in 2020, here's what I think the situation was: Jimmy Carr writes horrifyingly offensive one-liners and smashes them all together in stand-up shows, he also does a lot of autocue-reading TV hosting, it's a pretty soulless comedy career but he's a professional at what he does, seems to do it well (if you assume that "it" is tell a bunch of one-liners where the punchline is the fact that it's offensive, and look like a robot in robotic TV jobs), it's certainly worked for him, it's made him very rich. He's friends with a lot of other comedians, who all say he views comedy as a job that has nothing to do with his real personality, and in real life he's a very nice guy. That does track with how he comes across - a soulless comedy robot just punching the clock, not putting any of himself into his work, so I guess it's totally possible that he's very different when not on the job.
I made a lot of posts in the early days of this blog that talked about Jimmy Carr. When I think about my early posts on this blog, I have a better understanding of why comedians don't love having bootlegs of themselves out there; I love getting to hear what a comedian I like said in 2008 or whatever, but I also cringe at the thought that people can read some shit I wrote in 2020. I frequently cringe at the thought of stuff I wrote last week.
Anyway, I was very very into Catsdown in particular in those days (I still think it was a great show in its heyday, I just think that day was long over even before Sean Lock died and it should be done now), so Jimmy Carr cropped up in a lot of my posts. I didn't like him, but I did sort of respect some things about his weirdly cold professional approach to the job, and every once in a while I'd write some screed that would try to reconcile all the contradictions about him. And speculate on whether the laugh is real. I still think it might be, he might have just covered it up better earlier in his career. Most likely option seems to be that it started as an affectation and became real. I did mention, in some old post or other, that Jimmy Carr draws very clear dividing lines between his professional persona and his real life, he's never "himself" on stage or on screen. Which means the only thing we know for sure that Jimmy Carr did as a real person, as himself and not as the character at all, is avoid tax.
This seemed like a reasonable thing to discuss speculate about and consider complicated at the time, he was an example in what I think are some reasonable debates about how much offensive stuff it might be acceptable to say in the name of comedy (though he wasn't a great example because he isn't actually funny). I did find it interesting that all the other comedians seemed to like him so much.
That's where I think things were a few years ago, when I started this blog. But I don't think that's the case anymore. At some point in the last couple of years, he's gone from that, to someone where I will easily just say "that guy can fuck right off and so can anyone who thinks he's cool". It doesn't seem so complicated now.
I think the turning point was when that Holocaust joke he made got all over the tabloids and stuff. Which I did think was a bit ridiculous, tabloids reporting that Jimmy Carr told a racist joke. I'm not defending the joke at all, it was awful and racist. But it was about the same as all his other jokes, it was weird to single that one out. If you don't like racism, don't go to a Jimmy Carr gig. Ideally, no one would like racism and Jimmy Carr wouldn't have a career. But I guess there's always a market for it.
After that whole storm, Jimmy Carr doubled down hard, and since then he's become much more classically right-wing. Going on Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson's podcasts. He's appeared on a few right-wing panels and stuff. Railing against cancel culture and the woke PC mob in interviews, in "real life", when appearing as himself, sharing real views rather than just doing comedy. Pivoting in his stand-up from all the years spent just saying awful things, to saying awful things prefaced by "of course this will get me canceled by the wokes".
Basically, I feel like he's proven all the initial easy assumptions right. In earlier years, he made us think, okay, maybe it's possible that there is a weird contradiction where a really nice guy in real life can just say awful things because it's a job, just like any other person who might do things they don't believe in for the sake of their job, then he clocks off and he's a good person offstage. I thought the possibility of that contradiction was mildly interesting. But since 2022, he's pretty much said, "Nope, everything you'd assume about me from my comedy is correct, I'm just another right-wing stereotype in real life."
And I haven't heard quite as many other comedians talk about what a great guy he is within the last couple of years. Nish Kumar has a story in his latest stand-up show about getting in a fight with Jimmy Carr about this, getting angry at him for going on Jordan Peterson's podcast. That took place at Just For Laughs in 2022 (where I actually saw Nish Kumar live, and he did shout the words "Fuck you, Jimmy Carr!" during his set, and those words were not in that same show when I saw it a few months earlier in New York City, I didn't know until he started doing his current show that those words got added because he'd just had a fight with Jimmy Carr during the festival). They story makes it sound like he and Jimmy Carr were cool before that. Just a few months earlier he was hanging out with Jimmy Carr on Katherine Ryan's couch in her Backstage show. So clearly, at least in one comedian's mind, things were changing with him.
Since then, the only comedians I've heard talk about how great Jimmy Carr is are comedians where their veneration of him may be less "He doesn't really believe those shitty things", and more "I agree with the shitty things he believes" (Russell Howard, Katherine Ryan). And Sam Campbell. I'm hoping being a fan of Jimmy Carr is an anomaly in Sam Campbell's beliefs. That's a weird one that I can't explain. He's not even funny, Sam. What are you doing?
Anyway, that's what I think about Jimmy Carr. Not sure the whole "He's a great guy in real life!" holds up anymore. I also think I might have read at some point that he's said he won't do Taskmaster, I hope that's true. Though even if he's open to it, I think at this point he might be getting to be too controversial a figure for Taskmaster. Presumably the Taskmaster casting people know they'd alienate their audience if they brought in one of those "I hate the wokes" comedians, and Jimmy Carr has pretty well thrown his lot in with them.
All right, that is the last screed I write about Jimmy fucking Carr. I'm done with it now, I promise.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
You can't expect people to take you seriously if you're not providing any proof? If Will and El are twins and Joyce and Hopper are their bio parents, why don't any of them know about it and why haven't there been any hints about it? I'm not even trying to be rude here I just haven't seen any evidence. Let alone strong evidence
I've gotten a few confused asks about this theory and how it just doesn't make any sense..?
I'm not saying that I completely understand the ins and outs of how it works, in fact I'm still completely immersed in theorizing and not being certain of anything! Quite frankly, I don't understand it (how time works/the rules of the game), though I think that's necessary because otherwise everyone and their mother would have guessed this surprise by now if it was any more obvious than it already is.
I also just feel kind of bad about spoiling what could possibly be going down, especially bc this would clearly be a series long surprise.
I've been theorizing for months now with @shippingfangirl013 about this. It started with us sharing thoughts about Twelvegate and just sort of piecing together s4 lab scenes and then eventually going back to the beginning to see what we might have missed from this new lens, that being the possibility that Will is Twelve. And that's when we realized A LOT of stuff has been overlooked from the very beginning, which provides not only answers to certain questions we had, but also brings forth even more questions that we wouldn't have come up with, had we not looked back further into the details in the first place.
She has a bunch of posts that are severely underrated in regards to this whole theory, so I urge you all to check those out:
Twelvegate Theory: Drowning in the Quarry and Will & El (Part 1)
Twelve Actor Resemblance to Young Will Byers
Stranger Things S5 Conglomerate Twelvegate Theory (Part 1)
Conglomerate ST S5 Theory Parallels
Also be sure to keep an eye out because she has some really big brain analysis in the works that you dont want to miss. I can honestly say she plays a big role in why I feel fairly confident about this theory, because I myself didn't really believe it at first. But now, after everything I've seen, it's kind of hard not to.
Even if you don't like this the idea of this theory or just simply don't believe the evidence presented that you've seen thus far, at the very least looking at this could expand your ability to look further at other details on the show and even pick up on evidence of your own. I find that more often than not, knowing about the existence of certain overlooked details allows you to find even more overlooked details that others missed.
For the sake of your doubtful ask, and for anyone else who isn't even considering this theory because it seems too far fetched, I'm going to share some of my favorite unhinged evidence for whatever the hell gate we're calling this...
But first, here is some basic context for the chaos that follows.
Something important to note, is that we don't meet Hopper, El or the Byers the night that Will went missing. We only met Will and the party. Instead they saved the rest of the main character's introductions (his family, mind you) for the following day, after Will had gone missing. This also means they saved their introductions for AFTER the big power outage that happened that night right before he disappeared.
I find this interesting because this choice allowed them to make those introductions feel arguably 'starting point'/reset-like (like in a video game).
You'll also note there is a 'Pizza One' box in that first scene when the party is in Mike's basement playing their campaign, moments before that power outage. This could have been a hint that the very start of the pilot episode at the Wheelers may very well be the OG timeline, that we've been straying from ever since. And so let's say hypothetically, if we had met Hopper, El and the Byers BEFORE that power outage, whose to say their lives wouldn't have looked slightly different...?
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The first time we are introduced to Hopper is in the scene directly after the opening credits, which was right after the scene of Will disappearing in the shed. Hopper is sleeping on the couch in his trailer, wearing both his daughter's blue bracelet and his watch. We also get 3 references to keys in this scene (a 2 ft long key decal in the literal opening shot). And if that's not enough, what follows is Hopper getting ready for work, putting a yellow pen in his pocket near a painting of an owl, before grabbing his keys and walking out the door.
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The first time we are introduced to Joyce (the Byers), follows directly after the scene with Hopper, where Joyce just so happens to be looking everywhere for her keys, Where the hell are they?, followed by finding them on the couch, despite already looking there previously with no luck (interesting Hopper was sleeping on the couch with Willel symbols on his wrists only moments before this hmm). We then get a shot of Joyce showing concern over Will not eating breakfast, followed by scolding Jonathan for forgetting to wake Will up, adding I've told you this a thousand times, before she walks past an owl on the wall in the hallway and opens the door to another owl on the wall in Will's (unoccupied) room...
Let me just say, for the sake of this fictional family, I hope to god they haven't been through this thousands of times. Though I fear they might have. At least more than once...
There are a lot, A LOT of scenes that go down like this. As the show progresses, we get a lot of references to time passing and confusion and impatience and it almost feels like they themselves know deep down this isn't their first rodeo, and yet they're still playing along bc how exactly can one question their reality?.
The problem right now for me, is that I don't understand the rules of the game. How does time work? What even is the goal of the game (to win, I presume?)? Maybe Vecna's having to keep reseting the time loop, to get the results he wants, and over time he's getting closer and closer to the results he wants, but it will ultimately (predictably) lead to him failing once and for all in the final season, when all is inevitably revealed?
Hypothetically, if this is all some game/pocket universe Vecna has thrown our core characters into, essentially surrounding them with 'fakers', then how do we know what is/isn't real? Or I guess whether or not we're in a timeline/loop either closest to, or furthest away from the original timeline? That's why it's hard for me to go further in terms of definitively piecing everything together time wise. Not only that, but we also don't even know for sure what Vecna wants from Will and El, truly.
But I do think that a lot of the answers to the truth are hidden in plain sight.
If you're genuinely curious, I encourage you to rewatch the show for yourself to see if you can pick up on things! Be sure to keep an eye out for keys and owls in particular. Also, El's flashbacks of Mama/the rainbow room might prove to be important... like, literally slowing down and pausing and screenshooting every single frame level important...
Who knows, you might even stumble upon a completely different undiscovered theory in the process!
On that note, here is just a slice of my favorite evidence in regards to this theory, that will hopefully open your mind to the possibility:
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When Hopper asks about Lonnie's whereabouts, Joyce insists TRUST ME HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS. They made sure to keep the keys on the wall OUT of the frame in those shots referencing Lonnie by name specifically. However, when the conversation circles back to Will, and then follows after with Joyce telling Hopper to find her son, the keys are once again visible in both of their shots.
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This scene right here is pretty epic. We all interpret Hopper's investigative skills throughout the series as him just being good at his job. But I would argue this scene in particular gives off very intense deja vu. It's as if Hopper knows where to look, because he's done this before. It's as if he's getting a gut feeling in certain areas that actually could be close to the truth, because this is his thousandth time doing this (Jesus, for their sake, I hope that's not the case).
Still, Hopper showcases a lot of unbelievable detective work throughout the show, and I think it could very well be hinting at him drifting in and out of awareness over the fact that he has done this before, which allows him to make such incredible guesses that lead him to the answer sooner than he would have in any normal situation (and yet, never too close...)
Has this always been here? That's what Hopper asks about a dent in the wall. We interpret it as maybe Hopper trying to figure out if this could be connected to Will's disappearance. But what if it's more than that? What if it hasn't always been there? What if this is a glitch in the matrix of sorts, and he noticed that glitch, bc this isn't his first time doing this? (Also peep the owl that shows up at the very last second in the shot directly below, with Joyce and Hopper in the frame, just as he gets the urge to check the backyard...)
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This scene... This fucking scene ya'll. It just doesn't make any sense. This is one of several scenes throughout the show that have so many unanswered questions. I think it's because something else is going on that weren't not supposed to understand yet. That shot with Hopper encased in a rainbow is cool and probably means something... Hopper intensely walking into the frame as he steps towards the shed, with the upside down horseshoe above the door also probably means something...
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Hopper literally walks up straight to where Will was in the shed the night previous, bc he's just that good of a detective. Yeah, okay... Suddenly the light overhead is blinking dramatically, only to switch off completely, which leads Hopper's eyes to catch this makeshift fort in the corner of the shed. Before he even gets a good look at what he's seeing, he's interrupted by Callahan, pulling him out of his deja vu state, followed by the light switching back on instantly, as if the occurrence was all in his head.
This also happens a lot, where our main characters are being interrupted by other characters, only seconds before they were close to solving something. And I just find that interesting...
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This one is kind of peak comedy because, all it's doing on the surface is implying that Joyce and Hopper have a romantic history, but it also sneakily involves Will in the joke, as evidence that they have been intimate... The Chief and her, they've screwed before huh? ...WILL! That a 'yeah' or did they...
To be honest, I was really doubtful about Joyce and Hopper being El and Will's biological parents at first, even despite believing twelvegate and the possibility of them being twins. And this doubt mostly came from the scenes we get with Terry aka El's 'Mama'.
Initially, I had convinced myself it would be too sad, considering how much backstory we got about Terry. But @shippingfangirl013 made me realize that there is something very off about these scenes with Terry, that I think kind of went over all of our heads.
First of all, Mama is essentially the equivalent to the name Papa, and so we should start by unpacking that. Why didn't the writers have El distance herself from that exact association she links to Brenner, by just having her call Terry 'mom' like most kids call their mother? It doesn't seem that serious on the surface, but again this is a choice the writers made... Maybe it's because they wanted the audience to subconsciously associate those two with each other (Papa/Mama)? Also peep Jim giving Will Byers vibes, all lit up by the sun like Jesus (or I guess... God?) below!
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The main thing I want to talk about though, is that despite Terry's vegetative state, she's still managing to give us hints about how she feels and what she thinks, with very subtle micro-expressions.
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When she meets Hopper and Joyce in s1, Terry looks completely unsurprised. You could say she looks the same all of the time, because of her vegetative state, and while I mostly agree, there are some outliers in the mix.
When Joyce mentions El being her daughter, what we get is a reaction shot of Terry dramatically closing her eyes for an extended period of time, almost like she's experiencing frustration over them woefully misunderstanding the truth behind what's going on.
And I think that's kind of the whole point of the vegetative state here, that perhaps if Terry could say what she wanted to say, it would give away the truth that has been hidden all along, AKA Joyce and Hopper are El and Will's true parents. When Joyce then mentions her missing son, showing Terry a picture of him, this woman LITERALLY turns her head to the right, looking straight up annoyed... Why? Why would she do that unless this is her ?/? time meeting them, hearing this same old silly charade?..
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But then here... THIS moment when Hopper asks about Brenner and Terry's relationship with him, that's when it gets interesting. Terry doesn't look exhausted over their ignorance anymore like she seemed to be in the moments previous. Now, she's back to her stare of nothing, and yet seeing this in contrast to her micro-expressions, almost adds a new layer to what this could possibly mean... Perhaps this could be hinting that Hopper is a lot closer to the truth than he realizes, warranting a knowing look from Terry, with her almost impressed, thinking Damn Jim, maybe you'll figure it out this time and I can finally be released from this hell...
This might seem like a reach to assume Brenner and Terry had any sort of relation beyond her being a lab volunteer, but something I think you might be interested in knowing, is that Terry has a little collection of Bonsai tree books beside her chair... Bonsai... does that remind you of anyone...? (If you check out those posts by @shippingfangirl013, you might know what i'm referring to...)
The fact that Hopper even mentions Brenner and Terry's presumed connection to him is just one other example of Hopper subconsciously picking up on things he discovered in previous loops that are close to the TRUE truth, allowing him to narrow things down quicker this time around, without needing to take all the steps to get to that point.
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An owl behind both Joyce and Hopper here, while they talk about what allegedly happened to Terry and her daughter Jane.
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And there you have it folks, the acknowledgment that the truth could have been covered up, the moment Hopper stands in front of the owl artwork (literally covering it up). Owls, which have been tied more than anyone else to Hopper, Joyce, Will and El (tying them together?).? Also the crib between them... Nothing to see here.
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This one is pretty self explanatory. We even get a parallel to this in s4 with El AND Will, though next time they'll confirm Hopper's role in the equation. So, be ready for that...
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These scenes are so important to this theory because despite them all being separated (who knows how many times now), they have this epic finale of coming together. We get these really heartfelt scenes with El and Joyce and Hopper, Will and El, and then Will and Joyce and Hopper, and it's all very emotional and just so much deeper knowing that the truth could be that they're all tied to each other more than we (or even them) realize.
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11 & 12 between the two hands on the clock, in a moment that parallels X-Men and also the lab massacre (which presumably had both 11 and 12 in attendance...). Mike calling out to El emotionally the moment that Joyce and Hopper are reunited with Will. My heart can't take it!!!
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Someone actually noticed this shot of Hopper recently, I can't remember who! But it made me want to go back to see what shot is right before it. And low and behold, it follows directly after a shot of the Byers family reuniting. Kind of interesting they made the choice to have this shot right afterwards, of Hopper sitting next to Ted (aka a dad), while looking lost in thought as he stressfully bites his nails, with his arm sporting his daughter's blue bracelet...
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Not suspicious at all. That creepy shadow behind Owens as he makes an almost knowing comment about Joyce and Hopper being 'Mom and Pop', followed by Hopper looking like he's missing something...
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And for this scene to follow shortly after? Hopper literally acknowledging Owens whose waving at him politely, and yet choosing to not wave back at him?... He KNOWS something is off, but he just can't quite put his finger on it...
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As you probably know, most of the scenes with the birthday mug in Mike's basement involve either El (in s1) or Will (in s2-3), which is interesting considering the other few notable birthday references we get in the show, including this really cryptic sequence above, involve Joyce and Hopper...
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Now, if you still didn't believe me about Terry's behavior being off, I think this piece of evidence might help support our claims a little bit more for you to consider. Because, why, WHY when El approaches Terry in the void and says I'm home, is Terry's response No..? Why would that even make any sense? Why would El's biological mom say No to her missing daughter implying that she is her family? Unless, she's not of course...?
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Something interesting about the flashbacks that Terry shows El, is that they're very sporadic and hard to understand. Not only that, but we STILL get callbacks to these memories heavily even in s4, which tells me there is still something there that has yet to be picked up on, by both the audience and El herself, which is why they keep resurfacing in different forms. My favorite moment out of the s2 flashbacks though is probably this moment where it looks like a baby is born, only for Brenner to look back, like there's more to come (another baby?? TWINS?). But this type of twin imagery, only gets stronger in s3-4...
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After 2 seasons of building up this meeting of these two characters who have been mirroring each other since the very beginning, here we are... Also, why even hold back for so long in introducing them? Maybe because them finally interacting properly is going to cause some things to resurface... And you definitely don't want to overlook these shots of Hopper and Joyce in Melvald's with two baby's in between them, followed by a shot of keys... Hmmmm.
Remember when I said to pay attention to the Terry/Lab flashbacks El experiences over the seasons?
Well this particular flashback below comes from 3x06: E Plurbius Unum aka the episode that was originally titled The Birthday, might prove to be important...
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Jonathan and Will in a scene prior to El's flashback, has them situated interestingly between this Lucky Charms box and this Spill & Spell game, which is then followed by this scene with El experiencing flashbacks... And...
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Rainbow? Lucky (Upside down horse shoe...) Enter flashback
I'm not going to be able to show each frame of this flashback, because in total there are over 30 different quick images shown and repeated...
And so, If you want to find out why this is the strongest piece of evidence for Willel twins in my opinion (brought to you by @shippingfangirl013's big brain), go back and rewatch to see how many times they show the image of baby El and young El in the rainbow room... Also take note of how shots of Kali (008) are interspersed consistently within this flashback, aka a character that is known for having powers to make people invisible, and to also make people see things that aren't actually happening...
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Here's that parallel I mentioned earlier making a return, but instead tying El (and arguably Will) to Hopper being their biological father. Also peep El's bracelet and Will's watch being prominent in a lot of their shots together throughout s4, now that they share the screen a lot more.
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The Wright Bros...
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No, but seriously, Willel's bracelet and watch mirroring each other often in their scenes together, and by association also paralleling Hopper wearing one of each, dramatically showcased in his introduction to the series, can be something so personal to me...
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This one really goes off. A car passes by a couple times during this flashback El has (IN S4), causing a shadow to cast behind Will, almost creating this duplicate-like effect... This is literally happening while El is having a flashback to her 'birth mother', while staring at a family (with their faces warn out/blurred) on a billboard, with an arrow pointing towards where Will, aka her twin, is standing to the right of her...
This one below has gotta be my favorite though. And it's because I literally remember watching this scene the first time and being confused?
Tbh, that's when you know something is more complex than it appears. Whenever something feels off within the context provided in the moment, it's probably because there's something deeper going on and there are multiple meanings at play. This means they're using this small moment as an opportunity to provide dual meaning in plain sight, that we wont understand the dual meaning of until later on down the line.
Are you ready..
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Hmmm. I wonder what this could possibly be alluding to? Could it perhaps be the writers hinting at Hopper unintentionally projecting his own situation onto Dmitri? Is it possible who Hopper believes to be his child (daughter... son(s?)?) and his (ex)wife, are not actually who he and everyone thinks they are...?
Well. There you have it! These are just some of the many, many hints hiding in the details that point to the possibility of the Byers actually all being, Hoppers...?
For now, this is just a theory! So even though it's cool and there is a serious amount of evidence pointing to it, it will most definitely continue to transform and look different over time, the more we look deeper and discover more. Nothing is set in stone, for now it's all just theories and speculation.
Again, if you're curious about what else there is out there in regards to this theory and other possibilities surrounding it, please follow and check out @shippingfangirl013 posts! She was way more on board with this theory than me in the beginning and arguably still is, because I do still experience occasional doubt about it, for sure.! And so without her I would not have come to half of these conclusions! I look forward to you guys seeing other stuff she's discovered bc seriously... Her poor storage ya'll.
And also, if you're interested in the time-loop aspect specifically in regards to this, I encourage you to check out two recent posts I did about this. Part I actually starts with those first scenes introducing Hopper and the Byers and how other scenes later in the show parallel it. VERY VERY cool stuff, and tbh if you've made it this far, I think you'll be intrigued...
Time Loop Fuckery in Stranger Things Part I
Time Loop Fuckery in Stranger Things Part II
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spilledmilkfkdies · 2 months
So what are your personal thoughts on Yilidth (if you haven't already answered). I hadn't read the comics in a while but I don't think they ever said anything about him being related to Duman, though considering his eye and hair colour I guess it was probably implied. How do you think he created him? Like did he just use magic or did he had a one night stand and then years later, a basket with baby Duman just appeared with a letter telling him he's the dad, and he's like "Oh, f*#k".
I actually made an au where the wizards had joined Yilidth's wizard cult as novices and one task that he made them do was babysit Duman. Imagine the chaos😂
I think I have given my thoughts on him before, but that was both a while ago and I didn't appreciate him as much as I do now, which you can tell 💀💀 very angry very rambly stuff over there- So let me give some more/updated thoughts!!
Him being underused and shoehorned is still very true, unfortunately. He could've been a super handy tool to give us more information about the whole Terrestrial conflict, since that was an interesting part of canon that might have benefitted from a bit more exploration, even if it was a bit late. But then he just. Wasn't?? He was announced, he came, he died?????? And that was the first and last we saw of him. Honestly deranged boooo yucky.
He never even got to interact with the wizards again- You could literally say he was just some random criminal that had been locked away and almost nothing would change, and that's really his main problem. Aside from his design. I mean, love a blank canvas to throw a bunch of takes at, but come on!!!!!
Him and Duman's relation was never really mentioned either, I don't think? Beyond the "He was the leader of the fairy hunters!" there's really um. Nothing. Like in general. Ask canon Yllidith their names and he'll give you a blank stare fgbhbn- Tbh I'm surprised Duman's even in the lil flashback thingy at all ngl
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Now, can we call any sort of relation implied? Are we gonna give them that much credit? Well idk! I'm just personally a fan of it so I just kinda. Squinted real hard. Matching eye colour? Mhm. Hair colour? Sure kinda. Yllidith having illusion magic and Duman being a shapeshifter? Yep that lines up enough for me, that does it, they're related now. Some people see the vision, others might not- I've spoken to plenty of people who aren't a fan of the take and that's a-okay, just know that I very much am 👉👈
This is a. Surprisingly consistent thing for me too?? Like yeah there's a case of "it depends on what I'm doing", there usually is- But not to a large extent ig? The method varies, but in a lot of stuff I'm doing now there's definitely a relation in one way or another.
Usually Duman is more or less made from scratch, a magic'd up baby, if you will. Though the process did include Yllidith's blood, so you have enough wiggle room to still say there's a blood relation. (Duman wouldn't.) (Yllidith only does when it's convenient.) But I've been getting the urge to explore a more normal approach where he was just regularly born lately, so maybe I'll get to that at some point too.
And!! If you ever feel like sharing more of that AU in any way, please do, because it sounds absolutely DELIGHTFUL. Imagine them thinking it's gonna be an easy enough task, and they wonder why nobody else wants to do it, then little Duman starts shapeshifting into horrors beyond mortal comprehension. Bye, I'm obsessed.
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rainedragon · 1 year
kind of a weird question maybe (hopefully not too weird). I bought my first lolita pieces in 2020 and now I mostly wear it casually to sit in my basement as I work from home. I'm not on any social media other than tumblr, I don't have a local comm, and don't really take outfit photos since I mostly enjoy just wearing the clothes and going about my day. However, I'm getting to the point where I'd like to both A) document my expanding wardrobe a bit better and B) share my love of frills a little bit more openly. But I've been scratching my head about how to make a wardrobe post that works with tumblr's post format when I'm used to basically only seeing wardrobe vids from lolita youtubers. Do you maybe have some advice or examples of formatting for wardrobe posts that work well with tumblr's particular post style? Thanks a bunch
Traditionally, wardrobe posts were made on Live Journal in January due to a monthly post theme event the EGL mods started. Some people started making video posts later on because they were more active on Youtube than blogging platforms.
While I haven't tried to do a wardrobe post on Tumblr (I have a long form blog at rainedragon.com where I post anything longer), I have seen people do wardrobe posts on Tumblr. Typically they will either do one post per piece spread out over a month or so with closeups and such in each post. OR they will group things (book prints, red pieces, everything from a specific brand), and make a post that shows those pieces that meet that specific criteria. That said, one trick we used in the LJ days when we got too close to the post limits was to save multiple dresses as a single image like this...
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It looks like 5 pictures, but it's really 1 with white bars in the photo. And you can list out what things are with little numbers, or use a key with numbers in the actual photos...
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Angelic Pretty Candy Pop JSL
Angelic Pretty Dot Pony Applique JSK
Angelic Pretty Dot Pony Applique Skirt
Angelic Pretty Polka Dot Pleated Sailor JSK
Angelic Pretty Dream Magic JSK
You can also photoshop photos and text together into a single image to save space, but the text won't be searchable / accessible to people who use screen reader technology.
I personally document my wardrobe in lolibrary's wardrobe feature, though in the past I've used a spreadsheet and a google photo album.
If you wanted to document just your wardrobe on tumblr long term, you might consider doing a side blog for it, and putting one item per post and then sharing it to your main blog or linking to it.
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jessicas-pi · 5 months
paint bombs, pixie cuts, and elopements........
This is my Sabezra Medieval AU! (it's the sequel to Matchmaking, Mad Science, And Accidental Child Acquisition, which is a TCW/JFO/SWR Medieval AU.) PBPCAE has gone through SO many variations and plans and ideas and four or five times I've thought I might actually have the story 100% figured out until I stumbled over a plot hole and got stuck, but I finally went back to the beginning and thought it out, and i've actually got an ACTUAL plan now, so I'll ramble about it instead of sharing a snippet!
So, the backstory of it is this: Sabine is Viscountess Wren, heiress to Clan Wren. Ezra is an orphan who was found, rescued, and eventually adopted by Kanan (aka Prince Caleb Dume of Jedha) and Hera! Ezra and Sabine meet as children (she's 7, he's 5) in book 1 and get along like a house on fire. After the events of book one, they keep in touch--I haven't decided for certain, but Sabine might actually live in Jedha for a while.
Fast forward in time to the beginning of PBPCAE. Sabine is a young woman, just old enough to marry, and Ursa is discussing potential political matches with her. Now, up until this point, sabine had never ever considered marrying ezra, but then her mom goes and says "Sabine, I may as well be clear from the start. You will not be permitted to marry that Jedhan boy you're constantly running around with."
Sabine's response?
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After some confusion, embarrassment, hilarity, and a trip to Jedha, Sabine manages to convince Ezra that This Is A Great Idea Actually. But there's a problem.
Jedha and Mandalore both have very complicated marriage customs and requirements. And Sabine knows her mother will use any objection she can. So Act 1 of the story is Sabine and Ezra doing a deep dive into Jedhan and Mandalorian law (with the assistance of Cal Kestis, Resident Nerd) and kind of go on a bunch of quests to make sure there can be no nitpicky legal objections whatsoever (i.e. they have to convince kanan to adopt ezra the mandalorian way as well as the jedhan way so that ezra would be considered actual royalty and therefore a good political match), while also keeping it a total secret so Ursa can't step in and stop them. The secrecy leads to some comedy due to Sabine and Ezra both being very bad at making up excuses as to where they've been sneaking off to.
Finally, they've settled every objection, and are preparing ye olde powerpointe presentatione on "Why You Should Approve Of This" for Ursa when a visiting Mandalorian with a bit of a grudge against Sabine sets her up, resulting in an Incident that nearly ruins Sabine's reputation, and causes Ursa to summon her daughter back home.
War breaks out in Mandalore.
Sabine and Ezra don't see each other for two years.
Enter Act 2.
The war ends, and Ezra and his family (which includes young Jacen!) are invited to Mandalore's Winter Court as part of the celebrations. (I haven't decided what plot reason there is for them to be there lol.) Ezra is ecstatic to see Sabine again, though he's a little nervous that two years will make things awkward, especially with their secret marriage plans between them (and the fact that, during their time apart, he came to terms with the realization that he had feelings for her. His friends Luke and Han, who know about the secret, have been giving him (extremely bad) advice on How To Woo Your Future Wife.)
'Tis not to be.
The first news Ezra gets upon arrival is that Sabine is engaged.
To be specific, Sabine is engaged to Carthage, the philandering slimeball son of Gar Saxon---and the same guy who set her up and nearly ruined her two years before. She's not happy about it, but it was part of the conditions of the peace treaty, and so she can't call off the engagement without a mutual agreement.
(Ezra is, understandably, heartbroken. He can't even be happy for Sabine because her fiance is a lousy person!)
Then yet another Incident happens and suddenly the whole Winter Court is convinced that Sabine is carrying on with Ezra behind Carthage's back. Carthage is mad.
Wait a second, Sabine thinks. This could be my ticket out of here.
So, in an attempt to make Carthage upset enough that he willingly agrees to cancel the engagement, Sabine and Ezra play themselves up as a starcrossed romance between a noblewoman in an arranged marriage and the peasant boy who became a prince and who also happens to be her childhood friend---basically they use all the dramatic tropes they can. Half of the Winter Court is scandalized by their behavior, and the other half is like it's the romance of the century!!!!
And when even that doesn't work?
There's always elopement.
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Traffic/Evo Watcher headcanon, don't mind me
Ok, so we've known awhile now that the next season of the Life series is going to be released soon, so naturally I've been re-watching the previous seasons and going over POVs I hadn't seen before. While going down this rabbit hole I came across a Martyn stream I missed where he was talking about the Watchers lore and how he and Grian worked on it for Evo and then he kind of altered it from what Grian originally imagined (i.e. the Watchers being representative of us, the audience, who watch them for entertainment) to the more sinister lore we Traffic connoisseurs are familiar with today. This got me thinking. A lot. Too much even. What if we, the audience, were STILL the Watchers? I'm not talking about for the Life series or Evo series specifically, I'm thinking more broad spectrum, like across the MCYT multiverse type thing. I like a cohesive story, and I like puzzles, and when there are stories that look like they could be pieces of a bigger puzzle I enjoy smooshing them together in one giant headcanon that more or less makes sense, so here we go.
The canon lore we have (as I understand it anyway) is as follows: the Watchers first made themselves known during Evo, where they messed with the Evolutionists as they went through each Minecraft update, ultimately separating them for the final dragon fight where Grian would leave Evo and become a Watcher himself. From there the Listeners (who I know diddly squat about) got involved and helped the Evolutionists escape the Evo server, thus getting them away from Watcher influence. Or so they hoped. The Watchers somehow regained power over the Players that were involved in Evo, along with some of their friends, and put them in what is essentially a never-ending loop of death games as punishment for their defiance. Grian didn't like how the Watchers operated, so he left them to join his friend in the death games. The Watchers feed off the Players' negative emotions, but leave their memories, thus enabling them to start fresh each season without holding on to previous grudges (though considering Impulse's thing with BDubs and the clock and Tango's rage that might not be entirely effective)
This is where my headcanon comes in. The Watchers are a group of people/sentient beings of some kind who feed off of the negative emotions of others and watch their misery and struggles for entertainment. They're a mischievous bunch, some might even say troll-like (of the internet variety, not like in fairy tales), and at least two of them enjoy speaking in rhyme, i.e. they're artistic and dramatic. Sound familiar? Because to me this description sounds very much like the wider MCYT fanbase, especially the fan artists/writers. I mean come on, when have we NOT jumped at the opportunity to turn a pretty normal moment into the angstiest piece of writing/art imaginable. Case in point, Mumbo and Grian at the ghast farm in Last Life. They were giggling through that whole interaction, yet I've watched SEVERAL angsty animatics about just that one scene and I've loved every second of it.
This next bit is likely a pretty big reach, but the thought popped into my head and wouldn't go away so I would just like to get it out there. Grian doesn't really interact with his comments on an individual basis, but he definitely has addressed the more negative ones, especially the ones that go after his friends when they're on an opposing side of whatever war he's started at that moment in time. This ties in pretty well with him not liking the way the Watchers operate in my opinion, and it also ties in with him leaving the Watchers to help his friends. Not necessarily directly, but more in the sense of the vibes matching up.
We currently don't know enough about the Watchers to definitively say how plausible this headcanon of mine is, like we don't know exactly how many Watchers there are, or how many Listeners there are, or what separates a Watcher from a Listener, or really any info about the Listeners in general. I do think it's a pretty fun headcanon though, and until it is directly contradicted this is how I will view the Watchers. Thank you for reading my essay.
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dandyshucks · 4 months
hi dandy ! a ship question : what pkmn does juno have ? have guzma and juno ever traded / gifted pkmn to each other ? what does guzma's pkmn think abt juno, and vice versa? dont feel pressured to answer all of these if u dont want to , just a bunch of questions out of interest ^^ - @dmclr
AWAUUHH HI CLARA !! thank u so much for the questions omg :O !!
my s/i's main team is piplup (Henry), houndoom (Greer), psyduck (Huey), greavard (Grimsby), and a still unnamed chatot and banette (im slooowly playing through platinum so i'm waiting til i catch them in-game to decide on names), buuuut i might swap someone out of there because I've grown to really love my mareep named Mung Bean in pkmn sleep !! :3
I'VE NEVER RLY THOUGHT ABT THE SECOND QUESTION OMG.... guz would absolutely gift juno a wimpod at some point though,, I like to think they go hunt for wimpods sometimes as a shared interest activity :D guzma would also definitely gift juno a cutiefly early on maybe before they start dating because... how could he not HFSDJKL, he is fluent in bug-types and would want to flirt through bug-types hehe :3 also somewhat related, once he finds out about juno's interest in cataloguing the differences in plants in the different regions, he'd probably look into the alolan variants of pkmn (like vulpix and meowth and rattata etc) and then try to impress juno w his (newly acquired) knowledge JFSJKL
juno would absolutely eagerly help him fill out his bug collection with some sinnoh bug-types that alola doesn't have !! (i need to make a list of bug-types that each region has tbh...) they'd gift him some they had in their storage box, and then help him catch any others when they go to sinnoh together :D
ooh okay i have thought abt this third question a bit fdsjkl it's so fun thinking abt the different personalities of their pkmn :3
golisopod puts on a tough act for like. a day at most. and then immediately crumbles and is actually just a big ol' softie so he warms up to juno pretty much immediately fdsjkl. ariados doesn't like juno very much just because juno's a little afraid of him dsgjkl but eventually the two of them come to some sort of mutual understanding where they get along in a vaguely strained manner (guzma never rly understands why the two of them don't get along well and tries to facilitate some bonding moments that go disastrously sideways somehow every time LMAO). scizor is kind of stand-offish and unsure about juno but once juno hangs around for a while and he sees more of them, then he accepts them as one of the squad! pinsir is a little mean (he's just mischievous tbh) and likes messing with juno but they eventually catch onto his pranks and antics, and turns it back on him one day and that earns his respect LMAO. masquerain is just happy that there's more people in the house and gets along really well with Greer to everyone's surprise, so he's a happy camper :] (at some point i want to create a proper team list for guz and maybe come up w names for them hehe)
Henry is a shy but proud lil guy and doesn't really trust Guz at first but trusts Juno's judgement so he warms up to the big boss man soon enough (plus Guz works hard to get on Henry's good side considering Henry never goes into a pokeball so he's around almost all the time LOL). Greer HATES Guz at first 😭 it takes her a long time to tolerate him - she finally starts turning around on her opinion of him when he helps Juno through a flashback/panic attack that she couldn't calm them down from on her own. Huey is super chill, so there's no issues there fdsjkl, I think he'd get along especially well with the grunts tbh LOL they'd probably try giving him a painkiller one day just to see what would happen and he'd be forever indebted to them (Juno finds out later and loses their mind because painkillers aren't made for pokemon and they have to rush him to a pokecenter to get him checked over JFDSKL). and Grimsby loves everyone, if you give him any bit of attention he'll love you forever, so Guzma gets on his good side pretty much right off the bat :3
THANK YOU AGAIN AND I'M SO SORRY ABOUT THE NOVEL-LENGTH ANSWER OMFG 😭😭 these were just such good questions and I could not make my answers any shorter than this HDSGJKL
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softpine · 7 months
For me the note was kind of irrelevant like it shows that Asa really didn't intend to hurt himself and just thought he was going on a litte jaunt to go find Finn but in reality whether he reveals his abilities or not it's a red flag that he's willing to hurt himself over a boy and I think you've said in the past that Beth wouldn't believe him and I'm sorry Asa but in their eyes this is the second attempt to take his own life even if he didn't mean to hurt himself and this is just a casual (?) s
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i see where you're coming from, but i hope it's coming across that asa isn't doing this just for finn. i totally understand that the way i've been joking about this situation isn't doing asa any favors. i'm someone who's been affected by suicide and have felt at least passively suicidal myself for almost as long as i can remember, so i sometimes don't know how to talk about this stuff in a normal way lol
there's some stuff in your message i can't talk about yet without spoilers, but i would like to clarify asa's intentions. he may not be trying to die, but he understands it's a possibility and he's more than okay with that risk. in his eyes, he'll either find finn or die trying. that may be unconscionable to some people, and i understand that, but there's no way to get around the fact that feeling suicidal makes you a more selfish person. it just does. it's no one's fault, it's not meant to harm anyone but yourself, but the very nature of suicide means you're putting your own pain above anyone else's. please know that i only feel comfortable saying this because i've been on both sides and i know how it feels.
so to explain more about how asa feels, here's an example from my own life (this is a long ass trauma dump but stick with me if you can stomach it lmao):
when i started college, i chose to live in the dorms even though it wasn't required and was not covered under my scholarship, so i'd be paying for it out of pocket (i still am). i was so scared to leave my family and pets behind, but i thought the dorms would be an easy way to make friends on day one. none of my friends went to the same college as me, in fact my best friend went to school an hour away, which may as well have been across the country considering neither of us had a car. i signed up for a 2-person dorm room with a connected bathroom that i would share with 2 other people. but when i moved in, i was the ONLY person in that block of rooms for MONTHS. it was incredibly lonely. the whole dorm culture was nothing like i expected; everyone kept to themselves, no one left their doors open, the common rooms were dead zones, even at the dorm events/parties no one wanted to talk to me. i was just miserable. i felt like there must be something wrong with me if i couldn't make friends in a place that was literally created for making friends. and then i started to realize that every reason i had to stay alive was sort of gone now. before, i knew i couldn't kill myself because i didn't want my family to find me, i didn't want a huge deal to be made at my high school, i had a job i loved (but i got let go right before college), and i just generally didn't want to create trouble for anyone. but in my dorm? i was totally anonymous. if anyone found my body, it would be an RA whose name i didn't even remember. all my stuff was already packed into a few boxes i never bothered to unpack. in my mind, there was nothing keeping me here. it all culminated in this one random day which had started out completely normal. i bought a bunch of halloween decorations from the dollar store and i started decorating the outside of my dorm door, and i was finally feeling excited for the first time in a while, when my RA came over and made me take it all down. at that point, i was just done. i took all the decorations down and i went inside my room and i was so completely fucking ready to die. and i know that might be hard to understand for anyone who has never felt suicidal before, because like... they're cheap halloween decorations. but they were the last straw for me. now obviously i'm still here today because my plans got interrupted (actually it was a random phone call from my best friend, telling me she hated her school and wanted to know if it was too late to transfer and become my roommate; it was like something out of a movie), which i'm so fucking thankful for. but in that moment, i was ready to give up. and if things had gone my way, it would've seemed like i killed myself over $10 worth of halloween decorations.
how does this relate to asa and finn? well, losing finn is just his last straw. if asa's life was more normal than it is, he would be able to grieve the loss of a loved one and move forward with his life. it would be difficult, but he could do it with time. but given everything else going on inside his head, he simply couldn't bear one more thing. and finn is a pretty big thing. so on the outside, it may seem like asa is hurting himself over a boy, but it's not really about the boy. it's not really about the halloween decorations. it's just the last straw. and when you've hit your limit, nothing else matters. you'll start to convince yourself that no one cares about you anyway, and if they do, they'll forget about you soon enough. you can't apply real logic to these situations. but trust me, it will feel so silly when you're in a better place and you look back on all the awful, untrue things your brain said to you. and i hope you'll be able to see that through asa in the future!
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this came in right as i was about to hit post jfksjds but don't worry, i didn't take it in a rude way!! you're exactly right that the note won't make anyone feel better; in fact stevie is the only person who will be able to tell what it even means. which is just further proof that asa doesn't grasp the full weight of his actions or how they will affect other people :(
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So I see we both make ocs and GOTG/marvel content lol
I have my own little AU kinda like yours with Rocket, and Lylla, Teefs, and Floor being alive and well. I also kinda incorporated other marvel animals into the AU like Croki (alligator Loki) and I made an oc for it named Lightbulb (a platypus with a lightbulb on head)
It's kinda cool seeing someone who draws and makes art with these guys like I do. I'm not good at drawing but I always try.
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Heres some doodles of the AU I made and my in universe OC Lightbulb.
And here are a couple of my ocs for a project I'm planning on doing
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You can check my profile for other art/posts if youd like but I've got to say I love your art style! Its leagues better than mine lol.
Have a nice day, I just wanted to stop by and say hi ^^
Hello hello, pleasure to make your acquaintance. I have to admit I was inordinately excited at being asked something hahaha.
Yeah I do a lot of OC stuff- tangentially related to Kung Fu Panda and Redwall for the most part but I think a bunch of it veers off from the source material to the point of basically being it's own thing. There's a lot of them and a lot of different stories to tell so I'm not sure if it's worth getting into a synopsis about it all? I might try and make a Masterlist kind of post though, for the sake of categorisation. If you are curious though I'm happy to chat more it's just there's a lot.
Have been on a very major GOTG and especially Rocket brainwave for roughly a year now. And for once OCs aren't the focus! My AU to cut a long story shorter is essentially Batch 89 are alive and working for the High Evolutionary in the same capacity as Hellspawn. Rocket, in a bid to save them and also himself manages to negotiate a deal. Their freedom, for a few ingots of phenomenal cosmic power more commonly known as Infinity Stones. I'm very proud of it and people seem to like it a lot haha.
Your art is pretty neat actually. Especially since I'm going off the assumption that you're fairly young and fairly new to it? It's a pretty good starting point all things considered (and I daresay, significantly better than mine haha) and I'm a big fan of both Lightbulb's design and Crocki (I have my own plans for Loki that sadly don't turn him into a crocodile but i think it'll be fairly entertaining when i get to it). I appreciate the compliment but also feel the need to add there's no such thing as a 'better' art style. Mine is probably more refined by virtue of me being an old bean, but like, I'm no (I'd say Picasso but I don't actually like his art hrrrrmmm) Gwen (everyone knows Gwen, Goddess of Rocket posting).
TLDR just keep at it. Do some studies. Look at tutorials if it helps you (I've found they tend to very much confuse me so there's not many I can actually recommend) Draw with the intent to improve. Before you know it you'll be doing things you didn't think were possible.
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indigo-creates-chaos · 2 months
Hey there! It seems as though at least a few people are seeing my posts. Considering that this is the only social media where I'm actively posting, I thought I should write a little introduction!
You can call me Indigo. I'm almost 20 years old as of posting this. I'm aromantic and asexual, my gender is still to be determined. My pronouns are they/any, which basically means that any pronouns (including neos) are fair game as long as you throw in a "they" every once in a while.
(This is long so I'll cut it here)
If you've seen my posts you'll know that I enjoy yelling about mcyt stuff, specifically about fable smp. I'm also following smps like bound smp, mer smp, siege smp, craft smp, EoD, Hermitcraft and occasionally the life series though.
I'm also an enjoyer of fictional languages/writing systems. I learned Ender back in the day and I wanna at least write down Telchin, Enchantment table, Quixian and Luxtent to name a few. There's a bunch of others that I wanna write down too, with the goal of having a key for a bunch of them in the same place eventually. I'm so normal about languages guys ^^
I also enjoy reading. I have a lot of books and will gladly give book suggestions if anyone asks me. I mostly read fantasy and science fiction books, ideally without a prominent romance aspect. I also read what might be considered murder mysteries? That's probably not what the genre is called, but you get my point. I've read thinks like a "a good girls guide to murder", "Dune", the aurora cycles, most of the grishaverse books "the priory of the orange tree" and "the sunbearer trials". This isn't a complete list by any means, if i wrote a complete list this would be way too long.
I also enjoy watching crafting content on YouTube. It's really fun to watch other people make stuff! I mostly watch people who make cosplays or just regular clothes, but there's some diorama/sculpture makers in there too.
If you've been here for a while, you've seen the posts about the beginnings of my technoblade cosplay journey. That is still a project I really want to make and it's the reason I started posting here in the first place. I am going to finish it at some point, I don't know when yet though. I'll still post updates here if I work on it.
I likely won't post here all too often, it'll mostly happen if I've got more mcyt theories or other fandom related stuff that I need to yell into the void to get them out of my head. Other than that it'll be reblogs of stuff for the most part. I am working on a tagging system but it's not done yet (:
Well then, that's the introduction! I didn't expect it to get this long lol, but that goes for all of my posts. As always, thank you for reading and have a nice rest of your [timezone]!
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