#i've actually been procrastinating on this for two weeks
wishmemel · 2 years
your boyfriend, gojo satoru (bonus)
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part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | bonus
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- when you think of him, he really reminds you of winter. a little violent, untouchable, slightly bitter, and so so beautiful. but that demeanor changes in an instance when he's with you. considering those dazzling blue eyes and his snow-white hair, he blends right in with his surroundings. he's the kind to press his nose to the window in awe at the first fall of snow, and the type to blow through his mouth to make you laugh when you two are outside so that it looks like he's smoking. there's this feeling you get in winter when it's so chilly outside that you get a little numb, but as soon as you're inside, your body can't adjust to the heat and you start feeling all scratchy. maybe you're being poetic, you think bitterly, but sometimes that feeling reminds you of him. that itch that won't go away, the feeling that he's left some lingering piece of him with you, as if to ensure that he'll always be on your mind, and, for what it's worth, you keep scrubbing and scrubbing your skin raw, but that stupid itch, those stupid feelings, his cheeky expression, it just won't go away.
- death is such a foreign concept to satoru. he doesn’t understand how people can be one minute here and another minute gone. he laughed with them just yesterday, what do you mean they’re not here anymore? he saw their smile two hours ago, what do you mean he won’t ever see it again? he’s not the kind to cry and weep over deaths. it kind of just settles in numbly. like the way the cold makes you stop feeling your fingers, he doesn’t really feel the sting of death. it’s not something he can accept, whether you call it denial, inability to cope, or masking your feelings. and as someone with so much power at his fingertips, something like bringing the dead back to life should be a breeze, right? wrong. even he isn’t capable of such miracles. he just watches, one by one, as everyone he loves disappears and that numbness settles in again. being so powerful always means sacrificing other things. smaller things. things that should be insignificant. but he'd foolishly believed that the friends he'd made, the people he cared about, he really thought they'd all be there until the end. sometimes being the strongest doesn't feel so great. but death claims everyone eventually. so he's learned to cope. and maybe he is in denial. maybe he does feel the slight twinge of pain in his chest. maybe he is suppressing all his feelings. but what does anyone else care? he's gojo satoru, the strongest sorcerer. and that's all that matters.
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bunnihearted · 4 months
#just a little diary dump:#i've contacted my school therapist again. asked for help regarding anxiety abt schoolwork since i dont get any other treatment#she said she can help me go thru if there are other options since neither psychiatric nor healthcare center will help me#+ she said that she and i can talk abt my anxiety regarding school etc. so in two weeks i'll see her#school starts next week. 4days a week rip... lol thats much for me. a bum. a cellar dweller. i've decided that im gnna go to all my classes#and always work while im there since its harder for me to do it at home. and i will also talk more w my teacher nd ask them for help#then im looking into an online therapy service. it miiight be possible for me to do that. but then i have to contact them and focus on only#1 or 2 issues. in my experience it just doesnt work to go to them and be like everythings bad :(( they wont help u then. i have to narrow it#down for them. nd i'll think i will talk 2 them abt my extreme feelings of loneliness and also my procrastination behavior#but yeah i have no idea if it's possibly bc idk if i can get financial aid for that service. im still in contact w the healthcare center so#i hope she will come to some sort of conclusion nd not just leave my high nd dry (she sent another referral to the persobality disorder -#clinic. even if they rejected the first one. so i'll see)#hmmm yeah. the situation w my sisters is sooooo rough. i hate it. they make me feel so so bad#and the housing situation is roughhhh. it's impossible to get an apartment lol.#so i need to find a way to shut it off and try to not let it bother me#just focus on finishing upper secondary school. nd i've been thinking abt taking out a loan for it and take german/french/spanish classes#instead of doing what im doing now when im actually poor and stressed bc they can choose to cut me off anytime#im meeting my highschool friend on tuesday. she asked if i wanted to hang out for a bit c:#im a bit anxious but like yeah.. it's nice to get out and talk to someone besides my family. which is just my mom lol#i messaged my other old highschool classmate on insta and said i saw her in my neighborhood#she replied but i had lowkeyyy hoped for more... like maybe being able to befriend her T-T but she didnt seem so interested in talking to me#which is ok ofc. it just made me a bit sad bc idk how to make friends and i thought she was rlly nice. but oh well#im rlly sad atm. maybe heartbreak prob. even more sad bc it was my stupid fault but yeah#im still grateful for all that it gave me. nd how i got to experience feelings of warmth nd love nd appreciation i didnt know i could feel#so even if im just contantly heavily sad bc i keep being like oh. i wanna ask this. say that. wonder what theyre up to. etc etc. i just have#to... be sad and just keep going forward#hope and try to not fuck everything else up. even if it feels like... what do all the other things matter when what i rlly rlly wanted got#ruined..... thats life tho. i know. im just so bad at handling life :((#i feel so broken and confused and i hate that i didnt get to be normal and healthy#im so illequipped at dealing w myself nd my emotions nd there seems to be no professional help for me
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nyoomfruits · 5 months
hi! for the wip thingy: warm/warmth ! hope u had a good week <3
only had two warm's and one of them was about soup so. have this one :))
Olivia is sad. She’s crying quietly when Lando gets to the daycare, mostly a sad wet blubbering, though she does calm down marginally when she gets handed over to Lando, flopping her face into his shirt with a sad little hiccup. She feels a bit warm to the touch too, and the daycare employee, Samantha, strongly recommends him to take her temperature when he gets home.
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e77y · 3 months
Literally only have one more assignment due tonight before spring break tomorrow... and it's just a final draft I need to add 50-ish words to...... and it's so easy.......... and I don't WANNAAAAAAAAAAA
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khaotunq · 9 months
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ii-zi · 2 years
sister tested positive last Friday & my father+me are symptomatic lol had a kitten fall ill for several days and literally just yesterday got better made 2 notebooks out of scraps + started painting mini painting in those tongue pushing wooden stick thingies as PT bc my hands are getting worse ever day but I've been lucky overall bc of a slight decrease of other like. Symptoms. Oh also my mother is Literally gaslighting me like she's outright stated multiple times already that I'm making up having been sick for months bc it's impossible and I'm crazy like. ????????????
#quick update lol it's not like i /have/ to be active here but it feels weird being offline and not even saying a word..#for some reason???? I've been doing so much gift wrapping?? i have no money to get gifts lol but like. other ppls gifts#ik not everyone has hand issues like i do but i like making the gifts easy to unwrap for ppl w motor skills issues jfjdjf my favorite is#the string to rip it open without struggling. something i struggle picking up the string tho but i don't have#ribbons :/ so gotta make do w what i do have jdkejg#been thinking abt putting like a little piece of wood or something easier to grab 🤔 like those accesible zippers i really like the design#been Obsessed w mini personal projects lately??? like for a week straight working on random mini projects til 5-6am lol#and out of the blue yesterday (or two days ago??? idk i just found out that it's already friday n almost had a panic attack LMAO) i#started like. looking back at personal long term projects that are still v much in the brainstorming phase and#actually got to do a bit of work for one???? i love typing lol i hadn't in quite a while bc using computers hurts my hands a lot but#i really missed it JSJSJS#my house is a pigsty im sleeping like so many hours a day and only have enough time for a single meal so only have#energy to sit and do nothing 😭 but the cats are alright 🙏#I'll have to do a fuckton of cleaning in the next two weeks tho bc im going back to classes fml#and my sister never arranged my therapy session that her therapist asked her to bc she's procrastinating on it 🥳 I'll die ill and insane#OH I've had coffee three times this last week and didn't destroy my stomach!!!!!!!!
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death-rebirth-senshi · 5 months
Finally got stuff done that I was procrastinating for like a week 😊 and after I'd written the day off as a loss since I woke up in such a bad mood...
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daggersandarrows · 9 months
having just sort of a Night
#could physically Feel myself getting to that point of “hasn't seen humans in long enough that it's Bad”#this usually hits for me around the 72 hour mark moving up or down depending on how long it's been since i've shared a bad#but it's also that tipping point where i'm in a 50/50 split between “oh i need humans” and “actually what if i just didn't make an effort t#see anyone again ever"#was leaning hard towards option two when meg had to cancel which is when the [i'm in danger] feeling Hit#i don't feel. like. BAD. but i'm having an adjustment coming off gabapentin so i Need to do things that give me purpose#and i was halfway through cleaning the apartment when they called#stopped dead intending to finish and simply Didn't#but i fed myself switched my laundry and did some actual flight rising planning#and finally and i'm most proud of this one#i FINALLY quit my part time job#i fully intended to give them two week's notice but kept procrastinating then got hit with massive guilt which of course got worse#my boss was really nice about it and i guess one week is better than nothing#i have a feeling i'm going to feel much better tomorrow and that my executive function is going to improve bc that was REALLY weighing on m#idk why i just couldn't fucking make myself do it#i even fucking brought it up in therapy fully intending to quit that day#and. Didn't.#oh i also emailed my therapist to discuss esa paperwork! AND i read fetch api documentation in prep for maaaaybe testing into the advanced#code the dream class#i guess i did a lot today it just feels like all i did was sit in front of the tv#i'll feel better tomorrow. i will.#thing is. i'm much better at coping with being unexpectedly alone than coping with being unexpectedly with people.#i know how this works. i'll be okay. i'll be okay#i'm going to finish my audiobook and go to work and code and text my friends#i will be fine#i just feel a little lonely and weird tonight and i need more vitamin d and also to remember to take my meds#thane.txt
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wickedhawtwexler · 2 years
if you want to know how bad i am about laundry, know that i moved two months ago and i'm just now doing laundry for the first time 🤪
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igarbagecannoteven · 2 years
hiya megs! heck yeah for the productivity! 🥺 🛒 ✨ ❌ 🦅🤯 (i'm always terrified with emoji asks that the emoji won't send properly but hopefully this works!) -hazel
hiya hazel!! i totally understand your fear, especially as someone who doesn't see all the emojis iphone-users have lol. but they all came through! huzzah!
🥺 - is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? moments where one character is extremely vulnerable in front of another and it goes better than expected never fails to punch me in the gut it can be physical or mental vulnerability it's just. hngh.
🛒 - what are some common things you incorporate in your fics? themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc. definitely driving lol, but besides that i think a lot of my fics have a certain amount of physicality when it comes to descriptions of emotions!
✨ - give you and your writing a compliment. go on now. you know you deserve it. fineeeee i will >:( i think i'm rather good at taking premises from all over the fic spectrum and running with them without making the fic only about the premise. like it could have been easy to just take, like, "boarding school superhero sidekick who's pining after his roommate" and keep it very flat and just about the concept but i think that generally my fics tend to be about more than whatever wacky thing i started with.
❌ - what’s a trope you will never write? student/teacher really squicks me out so i'm def not writing that lol also probably omegaverse bc a) i haven't read any so i don't understand the intrecacies of the au and b) most of the ones i've heard of are *very* nsfw or nsfw-adjacent so it wouldn't really be possible for me to start exploring what it's about beyond the smut lol
🦅 - do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants? depends on the fic! it tends to be good for me to have some sort of ending in mind otherwise the fic will just wander for all eternity, but many of my short fics don't have much more than a vague premise. my longer fics are a very different story, especially my series: i have a very detailed outline of the road not taken series and i have a less detailed but still defined outline of where i know this whole damn city is going to go in the long run
🤯 - what’s a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)? getting together fics are very hard for me both because they tend to be longer and because they're so far away from my experiences. it sucks bc i have a lot of good ideas with that but realistically only a handful will make it to the finish line. straight fluff is also hard bc it doesn't generally fit into the boxes i was taught equal "quality writing" (which is bs but i was definitely taught about how to write a specific style that has little room for fluff) and i have a hard time writing things that don't have really clear, distinct conflicts. also i think i'm a harsher critic of fluff in general lol so it's very hard for me to reach a standard where i will think that the fluff i wrote is actually decent.
fanfic writer emoji ask game!
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munsonthings86 · 3 months
we've been celestial even before this
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: after she has a particularly rough day, steve takes his girl stargazing
warnings: cursing, fluff, soft!steve, established relationship (but still fairly new), oversimplified summary, reader depicted to be nineteen, these two being the biggest lovesick idiots for each other
an: i've been having a lot of fun writing about these two. they own my entire heart. hope you guys enjoy this one * don't copy my work *
wc: 6.1k
steve and sunshine's timeline
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The trembling flame of the Coffee House scented candle illuminated your messy bedroom in a flickering, warm, honey light. The smell of the candle resembled nothing of coffee, more like hot cocoa or caramel you thought, but it did its job of calming your rattled nerves, nonetheless. Most of your wooden floor was hidden beneath neglected pieces of clothing that you'd pulled from your closet in a hopeless attempt to string together a decent outfit that morning. I'll tidy up tomorrow, you shrugged, though knowing you, there was a high possibility that "tomorrow" would turn into next week.
Procrastination was a terrible habit of yours, and the tension that the day left you with was doing very little to diminish it. Your early morning shift at Family Video was borderline torturous; Keith saw to that when he scheduled you sans Steve and Robin and had two inept new hires shadow you. Sure they were nice and all, from what you can recall anyway, but you were too out of it to bestow on them the patience you typically had.
Once the stint came to its much desired end, a dreadful date at the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles awaited you. In your venture to become more of an independent and responsible "adult" (being merely nineteen, the word made your blood run cold), the goal of obtaining your permit was set in stone. The written test was passed with flying colors, but like any classic BMV nightmare, you'd forgotten a required document to actually get the damn permit.
Nearly plunging to your knees, you begged the grumpy old woman behind the counter to let you run back to your apartment that was “just down the street”. Truthfully, it was a thirty minute trip on foot, but she didn't need to know that. If you ran, you could make it back in twenty.
But, again, like any classic BMV nightmare, all she left you with was a hardly sympathetic, "Sorry ma'am, but if you don't have all the required documents, I'm afraid you'll have to come back tomorrow. The office closes in fifteen minutes." Through clenched teeth, you thanked her for her time, though she neglected to return the gesture, squawking "Next in line!" in a tone that was poles apart from her customer service voice.
Mercifully, your day wasn't all terrible. On the way back home, you stopped by the library to return a week's long overdue book and, instead of crucifying you for it, the lovely librarian recommended a novel she thought you'd appreciate. Rose in Splendor by Laura Parker. Unbeknownst to her, you'd been dying to read it ever since it was published last year. The grouch over at the BMV could definitely take a page out of her book. No pun intended.
Curled into bed and tucked under your beloved ivory crotched blanket, you thumbed along the pages through gravelly, blurry eyes. You kept promising yourself "one more page", but that was well over ten pages ago.
The male love interest was recounted having perfectly tousled brown hair with a body to die for, and you couldn't help but to think of your Steve. You missed him terribly in that moment and the one thing that kept your woe at bay was the anticipation of you two's nightly phone call. It was the selling point of all your days spent without him, truth be told.
The chime of the landline in the hallway between your kitchen and bedroom pierced through the otherwise silence of your apartment, prompting you to glance at the clock on your wall. 9:32 p.m.
Speak of the devil.
Folding a little doggy ear onto the page to preserve your place, the blanket keeping your legs warm was tossed among your strewn out clothes as you nearly slipped, scurrying to answer the phone. You couldn't bite back your smile as you pressed the receiving end against your ear, hearing the music that was Steve's voice, fill your mind.
"Hi, sunshine."
A breath that was unknowingly caged, freed itself at the sound. "You're nearly on time," you teased, referring to earlier today when Steve promised to call you at 9:30 sharp tonight. Usually, he called you earlier than this, but he was jammed with babysitting duties for the six kids you were considering adopting for yourself at this point.
"I know, I'm sorry," he chuckled. "They finally fixed that game at the arcade that's been down for the past few weeks. Gaga, I think it's called."
"Galaga," you corrected, giggling to yourself. It wasn't a rare occurrence whenever the kids would drag you along on one of their many hangouts, so you were rather well-versed in their nerdy recreations. "Yeah, that's the one. I could barely pry their grubby little hands off the thing. Especially Dustin."
Based on his tone, the roll of Steve's eyes as he spoke was nearly audible. As much as he complained about constantly having to be the one to look after the party, there was a part of him that covertly loved the fact that they depended on him so much. Not only was it somewhat of an ego boost, but he's always dreamed of having little nuggets of his own to protect and guide and treasure.
The daydream of Steve being the ideal father, unlike his own dad ever was, reeled your bottom lip between your teeth as the cord of the landline fell into the trap of your twirling fingers. It was so vivid; a shirtless Steve wearing blue jeans that hugged his bottom so perfectly, driving a rackety lawn mower along the wild grass of the front yard to the house you may or may not have pictured the pair of you living in.
In that utopia, the children that you may or may not have pictured parenting with Steve, sat behind the lemonade stand that was built by their father, giggling and toying with a leaky hose as they awaited customers. You'd be watching your little family from the boxy window of the kitchen, fixing them an afternoon snack, unable to contain your laugh when the hose goes haywire, soaking your lover from head to toe.
The imagery made you giggle out loud, head falling against the wall as your stomach cramped. "What?" Steve asked, laughing along with you though it's purely out of instinct, because of course he didn't know what you were laughing about. But hearing your audible delight was contagious. He couldn't help it.
"It's nothing," you assured, smiling softly before continuing, "just hoping your day was better than mine was."
"Well I don't like the sound of that," he frowned, sneakers squeaking against his floor as he shifted his weight onto his other leg. He watched as the days worth of dirt that'd found solace on his shoes, abandon patterned scuffs on the wood. Memories of the pointed sound of his mothers voice demanding no shoes in the house rang through his head like a siren at the sight. He would've ditched his footwear at the door, but he knew he was running late for his phone date.
"What happened?"
Commencing your response with a weary sigh, you shrugged, laughing dryly, "A lot. It's not even funny how exhausted I am right now."
Steve's chest tightened. He hated when you had a bad day; it left a bad taste in his mouth. Even worse, whenever Steve would make an effort to get to the bottom of what ailed his girl, he had a less than impressive success rate, seeing as vulnerability was one of your shortcomings. Steve knew better than to pry. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to do his damnedest to make these final hours of the day your best.
"I'm sorry to hear that, honey," he lowered his head, offering a comforting smile that though you couldn't see, you could hear in his voice. "'S alright," he heard you murmur.
It fell silent for a beat before Steve inquired, "When are you comin' home?", to which you furrowed your eyebrows, letting out a confused chuckle. "Uh, I am home."
Jokingly, the boy scanned his apartment and though he saw some of your forgotten belongings from previous visits, he couldn't seem to pinpoint you. "That's weird, I don't see ya. You hiding somewhere?"
The laugh that erupts from your core at your sappy boyfriend is inescapable. Your shoulders quake as you snicker and Steve's never heard a sound so sweet. Mission accomplished. For now, anyway. "You're an idiot."
"For you, yeah," he retorts, "thought we already established that." The apples of your cheeks are growing sore as Steve's honeyed words denies your smile the chance to falter. Any inconvenience that was precedent to this very moment was long forgotten by virtue of the prince charming that was your boyfriend.
"I'll come see you soon, lover boy," you quipped.
"You makin' fun of me?" He was completely unoffended. Prior to the few weeks of you dating, Steve spent the better part of the past decade containing his cascading love for you behind the dire dam of the friendzone. Despite delay, the dam was broken and there was no playing "Mr. Cool Guy". Steve was crazy about you. And he'd be even crazier to not show it.
"I wouldn't be me if I didn't," you teased. "I'm gonna head to bed, though. I have another shift in the mornin'. That damn Keith," you rolled your eyes, groaning as Steve laughed through his nose.
"Alright, sunshine, I'll see you later, okay?"
"Okay," you glowed. "G'night, Stevie." You waited for him to respond with a "goodnight" of his own before returning the phone back to its base, already pining for your boyfriend's presence again. Though you poked fun at it, what Steve said about you not being "home" wasn't just him being sappy. You were feeling the same way.
No matter where you were, whether it was school, work, the arcade, shit, you could be in the Upside Down, but as long as Steve was there, you felt at home. It made you reflect on the times where you'd be lying in bed, unable to slip into a slumber as you couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to go home, though geographically, that's exactly where you were. It was because you missed Steve. And any place where he was absent, was no home of yours.
Sauntering back into your bedroom and kicking away garments to clear a path, you cocooned your body into the blanket that was now stained with the scent of your burning candle, and continued from where you left off in your book. You figured you'd make some decent progress to hopefully avoid another late fee at the library.
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It'd been forty minutes later, give or take, when you stood on sore legs, cleansing and moisturizing your face before calling it a night. Your dull eyes wore dark and heavy circles like a hideous skirt, a clear manifestation of the fatigue you were weathering. You rubbed at them unkindly with the hopes of looking even a little more lively, but to no avail.
The bulb of the bathroom went out like a flame once you flicked the switch off, and you abandoned the journey back to your room at the sound of a series of knocks to the front door. Clasping the opening of your robe with shaky hands, you wondered who could be here at this hour. You weren't expecting any visitors. Approaching the door with hushed footsteps, a miniscule view of none other than Steve Harrington could be seen through the peephole of your door.
The tension in your shoulders dissipated, ribs doing their best to cage your fluttering heart. You squealed, fingers fumbling with the lock and you could swear the metal thing had something against you, the way it stalled to unlatch. Steve smiled from the other side of the door as he watched the knob twist and jangle, warmed to know that you were just as eager to see him as he was to see you.
The brown lettering that labeled the white entryway '2F' swung out of view and Steve made eye contact with you for a split second before stumbling back a bit when you threw yourself into him.
Elevating yourself with the tips of your toes to reach him, you trapped his neck between your arms as he returned your hug with one arm, the other remaining properly tucked behind his back. "Hello to you too," he laughed breathlessly before briefly stamping a kiss to your shoulder.
"What're you doing here?" you buzzed, pressing little pecks to as much of his dotted skin as you could. You were suddenly a ball of energy. Finally at home. "When you said later, I thought you meant, like, tomorrow or something."
"Well, I missed you," a kiss to the corner of your mouth, "Wanted to come see ya."
The smile he wore carved thin lines into his cheeks as he spoke, walking your tangled bodies back into the quietude of your apartment. He stopped at your cutesy welcome mat, kicking his shoes off before revealing his arm that held a bouquet of just about the prettiest flowers you'd ever seen.
"Steve," you pouted, releasing your hold on his shoulders, "they're gorgeous." Cradling the peach hued roses dressed in a newspaper-style wrapping paper, your eyebrows scrunched together as you reminded yourself of the time. "What florist is open at 10 p.m.?"
The boy chuckled, locking the door behind him. The plaid pajama pants he wore swung loosely on his legs as he approached you. "There isn't," he ran fingers through his disheveled hair that was long overdue for a trim, "I saw them while I was out with the kids and I thought of you, so I got 'em." He shrugged like it was nothing.
"I was gonna surprise you with them at work tomorrow, but I figured I'd just give 'em to you now, ya' know, all things considered."
Heat rushed to your chest and face as you ogled him, filled with an overwhelming sense of luck to be his. Your feelings toward him felt so immense that at times, you could barely articulate yourself. Words of love and adoration raced through your mind a million miles a second yet you always found yourself terribly speechless.
Steve was so open with his affection for you. It’s a love people pray to experience at least once in their lifetime. And what a heaven-sent gift it was to earn that kind of love from Steve.
These would look perfect by the living room, you thought, turning to the kitchen to retrieve a vase after slipping him a fleeting kiss.
Scouring the white cabinets, you almost failed to remember that you didn't particularly own a vase, given the fact that you'd never actually received flowers before. The realization dejected you a bit.
Steve trailed behind you mindlessly, a frown weighing on his lips as he watched your shoulders droop. Leaning against the space on the counter next to you, he slid down a little, leveling with you, "What's wrong, honey?"
A mumbled, "I've never gotten flowers before," left a pang in his chest, your eyes never leaving the shelves of your cluttered cupboard. "Never needed a vase before."
It was now Steve's turn to slump his shoulders while he gazed at you with sad eyes. How could someone so lovely, so divine as you, not be treated the way you deserved? He would buy you flowers every day if you wanted and he had to bite his tongue when he almost cursed himself for not doing it already. But it's okay. He was here now.
Luring your waist into his body with those burly hands of his, he spoke with assurance laced in his voice, "Well, that's okay," he cooed. "Here, use one of these for now," he pulled a mug that you would've otherwise had trouble reaching, as it sat on the very top shelf, "and tomorrow we'll pick out a nice pretty vase for ya'."
Filling the black cup with water, he planted the roses down as neatly as he could. The flowers sat in the mug awkwardly, all splayed out with the stems way too long for your liking. But somehow, it still managed to be nothing short of perfect. "Cute, a little weird," you shrugged, a smile teasing your mouth, "but cute."
Steve chuckled lowly, situating himself between your legs once you sat on the surface of the tile countertop. "That's funny."
"What is?"
"I said the same about you when I first met you," he laughed, unable to contain his smile before getting the joke out. The face you made didn't help. "Shut up, Harrington," you jab at his shoulder softly, cracking a smile of your own.
Though there was a newfound romance, the typical banter that was mutually exchanged wasn't going anywhere. You were glad that nothing changed between you when you started dating.
Toying with the drawstrings on Steve's Gap hoodie, you began zoning out, the thought of going to bed while cuddled up with your boyfriend, sounding all too alluring. Looking up at him, he was already intently staring at you with painfully adoring eyes and you couldn't help but melt under his heated gaze. "Hi," you muttered, shyness clouding you.
"Hi, sunshine," he smiled, adjusting the collar of your robe with careful fingers. "I'm sorry your day sucked."
"It doesn't, anymore," you replied, sincerely. Steve's eyes lit up at that. It wasn't a secret to anyone that his presence alone seemed to be the antidote for some of your worst days. You'd even admitted it yourself, once or twice. But it never failed to ignite the nerves in Steve's body with fervor.
Although you were completely honest that your mood had gone up about ten octaves since he'd been there, Steve didn't want to just be there. He wanted to do more. It was what you deserved.
"You up for a little adventure?"
"Depends," you squinted. "What kinda adventure are we talking about?" He shifted his weight onto his other leg as his eyes veered off to the ceiling, thinking.
Steve happened to have a few tricks up his sleeve.
"There's somewhere I wanna take you," he drummed a rhythmless beat on your thigh with his fingers. The sneaky expression on Steve's face told you everything you needed to know. He was up to no good. As much as you wanted to go on a late night escapade with your boyfriend, you had to be somewhat, even a little, responsible.
"Steve, it's late and we both have work in the morning," you huffed, losing your grip on the strings you'd been distracting yourself with.
Steve playfully rolled his eyes, flinging his body out of your clutches dramatically. He was going to get you to cave. Whether you already knew it or not. "Alright, grandma, I promise to have you back home at a reasonable hour. Deal?"
The internal battle on whether you should stay or go was evident in your features, though, realistically you had already come to the conclusion that you'd humor him. The "grandma" bit is what really did it for you.
"This is a dumb idea."
"I'll be waiting by the car," he smiled an accomplished smile before leaving the kitchen. Letting out another sharp exhale, you hauled your body off the counter and headed towards your bedroom, discerning that a robe probably wasn't the dress code for wherever it was Steve was taking you.
Concealing your underlying tank top with a hoodie almost similar to Steve's, you threw on some sneakers before snuffing out the diminishing candle. Giving your appearance a once-over in the mirror, you wondered what you'd just gotten yourself into. Though any time with Steve was time well spent, you couldn't help but to look at your bed longingly as you shut off the lights to your apartment, meeting Steve outside.
He stood by the passenger side of the car, fiddling with a loose thread by the end of his sleeve. The fall season brought a night frigid breeze that blew his hair over his eyes like a curtain, making him pout. You hugged your body as you neared him, brushing his brown tresses from his face, though the wind reversed your efforts in no time.
He pressed a kiss to your palm as he became a puddle under your touch, appreciating the way your toasty hand felt against his icy skin. Steve took his own turn rubbing at your arms when he saw you visibly shiver, teeth nearly chattering. "You wanna tell me where we're goin'?" Misty clouds left short-lived trails in the air between the two of you when you spoke.
"Now where's the fun in spoiling the surprise now?" He opened the car door to punctuate his sentence, gesturing you inside. You could only rebut with a roll of your eyes as you entered, though you and Steve both knew you were loving every bit of this. It warmed your heart knowing he was so keen on saving your day from the horror it started it out to be.
Digging through the glove compartment, you sifted through old receipts and other rubbish that really needed to be thrown away, searching for the mixtape you and Steve made for little times like these. Moments that may now seem small, but would soon become memories that you'd cherish for years to come. It served as a little time capsule; hearing the songs you two carefully picked, easily transporting you to these times even when you'd become gray and old.
As Steve began driving off, your fingers found the sneaky cassette that was scribbled with yours and Steve's initials along with doodles of suns, to represent you, and poorly drawn anchors in honor of Steve's Scoop Ahoy era, to represent him.
Regardless of Steve's slight disdain for that period of time, it was one of your favorites and obviously that was due to the fact that the uniform he wore, showed off his legs in the best way possible. It was the perfect eye candy that summer.
The low sound of Bob Marley singing Could You Be Loved floated through the quietness of the car, easing away any tension within you that might've still been trapped. You admired the way the town was so still. The time was hardly 11 p.m., yet there wasn't a soul to be seen; only lonely litter that drifted through the breeze, aimlessly. It was a stark difference from just a few hours ago when you had to dodge shoulders as you cut through the crowded streets on your way home.
The sky was dark and empty apart from the glowing crescent moon that seemed to be chasing you as you drove. It was the only light source you had aside from the street lights that lined the sidewalks. You started counting them and even got to as far as nineteen, but soon lost count once Steve picked up his speed a bit.
Your eyelids threatened to close as the calming drive coupled with the music, fought to lull you to sleep. But instead, bright neon lights stung your sensitive eyes that grew accustomed to the darkness. Squinting, you read the colorful sign labeled "Darling's Diner", and nostalgia strikes you. It had been years. Too many years since you and Steve had been here last.
"Holy shit," you glimmered, hurriedly unbuckling your seatbelt. Steve's hand that found comfort on your thigh during the ride gave it a squeeze before he put the car in park, rushing over to open your car door. He took your hand in his, adoring the way your stunned face gleamed under the glow of the pink and blue neon bulbs. "Surprise," he cheered in a low tone, lightly bumping his shoulder against yours.
The smile you had burned your cheeks but the elation you felt made it all too easy to ignore. The feeling you got whenever you came to Darling's was something indescribable. There were countless fond memories attached to this place and it left you all soft and gooey inside to know that Steve planned on making more with you here. Instinctively, you practically dragged Steve behind you as you rushed inside, the homey scent of burgers, fries, and shakes wafting to your nose.
The floors were still the black and white checkered tiles you remembered them to be; stained with drops of grease and sprinkled with deserted fries. Walls were not much neater, though they were messy with posters and vinyl records instead.
"Want the usual?" Your nod was immediate and shortly after, Steve approached the busy woman impatiently pressing buttons on the register. Wisps of hair fell out of her ponytail and clung onto the film of sweat developing across her forehead. She visibly shrunk into herself as she heard the bell above the door ring, signaling new customers. It was a much busier night than usual.
Regardless of the surge of patrons, the booth you and Steve usually sat in once upon a time, wasn't occupied. The wears and tears corroding the red leather almost served as a name tag, assigning the seat for you two. It was impossible to forget the days Steve came here with you after school, carelessly doing homework while listening to whatever song played on the jukebox.
The table was tidy apart from laminated menus and coloring sheets scattered across the surface. You smirked thinking of the times you and Steve swore you could be the next Picassos, the way you took those things so seriously. As if they'd be hung in museums, you did your best to color them, but not without the added challenge of switching papers with Steve every few minutes. A fun little game you played.
Colored pencils sat by the condiments and you made yourself busy adding hue to the Back to the Future poster, sliding Steve a sheet with some random sports car you didn't know the name of, when he made his way over. He traded you with a cup of hot cocoa with jumbo marshmallows that threatened to abandon ship. "Thanks, Stevie."
"Anytime," he smiled, biting at the cherry that was kissed with a touch of the whipped cream that sat atop of his strawberry milkshake. His long legs brushed against yours as he sat next to you, knees finding mutual rest against each other.
A waitress on pink roller skates offered a kind smile as she brought over a basket of fries that Steve and you snacked on while you chatted and giggled, coloring your own and each other's papers as time seemingly flew by.
"How long has it been since we've last been here?"
"I couldn't tell you. Anything before senior year is such a blur," you responded, adding finishing touches to Steve's car before taking the last sip of your now barely hot, hot chocolate. "I'm just sad we stopped coming here."
"Me too," he swung an arm around your shoulder, pulling you in for an apologetic kiss to your temple. "But I promise to bring you a little more often. It was our spot when we were kids and it'll be our spot now."
You looked at him with bright eyes while hugging his torso, despite the awkward position. Trying to understand what you did to deserve someone like Steve was a dead mission, as you could never fully wrap your head around it. How does one try to understand why they've gotten so lucky?
He kissed away the marshmallow mustache idling on your upper lip before tapping your leg twice, "C'mon, we've got one more stop to make."
The spot he sat in was quickly losing its fever as he stood, holding a hand out for you to take, but you just stared at him with a face that was an odd marriage of scolding and amusement. "Steve," you warned.
"Yeah, yeah, I know, you can yell at me about it later. But I promise you'll love it." Waving his hand to urge yours into his, you accepted it with little hesitation at his grin. You wished the woman at the front a good night as you left the bistro, while Steve dropped a tip in the jar next to her.
He didn't let your hand go until you were sat in the passenger seat, subsequently getting behind the steering wheel, inserting the key in the ignition. You could tell Steve was tired too, the way he full-body stretched as he yawned, rubbing at his eyes that were getting a bit red from fatigue. He wanted to go to bed and cuddle and forget about the world just as much as you did. So why were you still out there?
"What's all this for, Harrington?"
He answered your question with another one of his own, "What's all of what for?"
"Tonight. Everything. The flowers, the diner, and now something else. I'm really grateful for it, don't get me wrong," you warmed his hand when you held it, "but why so much?"
Steve shrugged, averting his gaze to the gear shift sitting between you two. He softly rubbed at your knuckles while he gathered his thoughts.
"Well, you told me that you had a shit day. Just wanted to change that. I like when you're happy."
Your throat felt like it was closing in on itself and your chest stung when tears pricked at your eyes. Steve looked back at you affectionately, the voice of his eyes telling you just how much he cared for you. It made your heart so full. It was too much to handle sometimes.
"I like when you're happy too, Stevie," you beamed, blinking away the pool by your bottom eyelashes. Cupping his cheek, you pushed your plump lips against his that were a little chapped, though you didn't seem to mind at all. Reluctantly, you pull away and Steve doesn't think it was nearly long enough as he sneaks in a few extra pecks.
The drive to wherever on Earth it was that Steve was taking you, was much different compared to the one prior. It almost didn't look like Hawkins. For the past couple miles, Steve's burgundy BMW had been the only car on the road. The trees were taller, a darker green and stronger in numbers than the ones you were used to. The street lamps were less abundant and dimmer than usual, and the animal crossing signs told you that you were more than just a little ways from home.
You had almost said something until Steve pulled off to the side, parking the car on an empty hill just off the road that overlooked Hawkins and the neighboring city. It looked so small from here. Steve smirked at the puzzled expression you threw his way as you removed your seatbelt.
"Before you ask, just come outside. There's something I wanna show you."
You didn't bother waiting for Steve to open the door for you, as you stepped out, attempting to conjure up what he could possibly be wanting to show you out here. There was nothing to be seen but dirt and fallen leaves and branches. "What exactly am I supposed to be looking at?"
"Look up," he responded, leaning against the hood of the car.
Your furrowed eyebrows relaxed as a gasp fell from your lips at the sight of the cloudless sky, lighting up with numerous twinkling stars, an image you could only dream of seeing for yourself since you were a little girl. The mighty city that sat so close to Hawkins fostered light pollution that made it nearly impossible to see the stars at night. If you were lucky, you were only able to make out about one or two, though you weren't sure if they had been stars or planets, instead. Either way, it ignited your soul to be able to see such a bright and beautiful piece of the universe, making you feel so small in the best way possible.
That didn't nearly amount to this very moment though, where there were more stars that you could count, sitting so prettily in the midnight sky.
Mouth still agape, you utter, "Steve, it's beautiful," and other than that, you were rendered speechless. You couldn't dare to tear your eyes from it, worried that if you did, it would all disappear, proving to be a mere hallucination from your tiredness. Steve adored the way you stared at the heavens, noticing the way it was the same way you looked at him. All he could see was a clear reflection of the stars in your eyes, and it perfectly spoke to the way he felt about you.
He saw everything when he looked at you. The sun, the moon, the stars, the universe, even the galaxy. His past, his present, his future. All of it. To him, you encompassed everything beautiful and divine. He was convinced you were too good for this planet. Too extraordinary. How did he get so lucky?
"Look," you pointed at two stars that sat close to one another, shining impossibly brighter than the others, "do you think that's us in another universe?"
Steve smiled at your question, cherishing how whimsical you could be sometimes. Your voice was soft and full of wonder and he couldn't be more content in this moment. "Yeah," he nodded at you, "I'm yours in every universe, sunshine." He kissed the back of your hand, holding your intertwined hands against his chest.
"Y'know I was thinking to myself the other day about how weird relationships are," he stated, looking down at his feet. You peeled your eyes away from the sky, gazing at your boyfriend for the first time since you stepped out of the car. "Weird, how?"
"I don't know, like how you randomly meet someone and get to know them really well and one day just decide, 'I like this human. I'm gonna spend all my time with them and take care of them.' Maybe weird isn't the word, but it's definitely interesting," he rambled, talking with his hands, even the one that was still laced through yours.
You nodded along, understanding where he was coming from. It was something you'd thought about yourself. He continued, "Like, I look at us and how far we've come and it scares me a little 'cause I see how my parents are now. They were best friends before they got married and now I can count on only one hand the amount of times I've seen them hug or kiss. Freaks me out."
This was one of the few times Steve spilled what was weighing on his mind. You could always tell when something bothered him and though he'd give you bits and pieces when you asked what was wrong, it was never anything as nuanced as this. It made you proud to see him develop so much.
"We're not them, Steve. It's like you said, I'm yours in every universe. Maybe they aren't each others every universe," you sighed, "We won't end up like them, I promise"
You always knew how to reassure him. It was one of the things Steve loved so much about you; your way with words. Nothing sort of a poet, he thought. He engulfed your face with his palms, kissing you with every ounce of passion he had.
Lowly in the background, you could hear the song Just the Two of Us by Grover Washington, as the mixtape was still playing in his car. "It's our song," you smiled against his lips when you pulled away. You took his hands from your face, grasping them when you asked him, "Dance with me?"
He nodded, holding your body against his as your head fell against his chest, looking down at the sleeping town that felt so far away. You swayed back and forth, finding comfort in the near silence, listening to the rhythmic beating of Steve's heart. "Thank you for this, Steve," you whispered. "I'm lucky to be yours."
"Even if you weren't, I'd still do it for you," he admitted, running hand across your back, tenderly.
The little sentence made you think. Steve has been in your life for well over a decade now and he never failed to be there for you even when you didn't know how to ask for it. He was the one who took care of you whenever you found it a little difficult to take care of yourself. The one who never dared to leave your side.
You and Steve were in love even before you were. You'd been celestial even before this.
"I love you, sunshine," he murmured, head resting on top of yours.
"I love you back, Stevie."
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💌 1 new message from jojo: pls pls pls comment/reblog (or both teehee) if you enjoyed, it means a lot! inbox is open!
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destiny-fics · 7 months
Baby Said - Kim Hongjoong, Park Seonghwa
[Kim Hongjoong x Park Seonghwa x Fem!reader]
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Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x Park Seonghwa x Fem!reader
Genre: smut, non-idol!au, sugar daddy!au
Summary: Becoming the sugar baby for married couple Kim Hongjoong and Park Seonghwa hadn't been in your original life plan, but you had learnt very quickly that the biggest benefit to being Hongjoong and Seonghwa's baby, was Hongjoong and Seonghwa themselves.
Warnings: smut, mommy kink, Seonghwa likes to be called mommy, polyamory, bisexual Hongjoong and Seonghwa, married Hongjoong and Seonghwa, threesome (mxmxf), oral (m receiving), vouyerism, dom!Hongjoong and Seonghwa, sub!reader, swearing, reader gets called: baby, good girl, princess, alcohol consumption, sugar daddies Hongjoong and Seonghwa, sugar baby reader, unprotected sex (please don’t do this), Hongjoong likes to watch and Matz are both nasty as hell
A/n: hey y'all! It's...it's been a while. Ngl I've just been so busy I haven't had time to write/really been inspired by anything. So I just, disappeared lol. This isn't a promise that I'll be back soon, but I was inspired while procrastinating studying for an exam and this little Matz piece was born. I hope you all enjoying it and thanks for sticking around!
Smut under the cut. Minors DNI
"I'm so fucking proud of you, you know that? You worked so hard, you deserve everything baby," You laughed at Seonghwa's words, the man pressing desperate kisses to the side of your neck as you sipped on your champagne.
"Only after the first hundred times you told me Hwa," you giggled again, melting against Seonghwa as he nipped your neck playfully. Your plan for celebrating your university graduation had originally been to attend a party with some of your classmates, but when your sugar daddies turned boyfriends surprised you by coming home early from their work trip to see your ceremony and celebrate with you, your celebratory plans had quickly led you back to your boyfriends' apartment and into their arms.
You liked to maintain that becoming a sugar baby had never actually been a part of your life plan.
No, that hadn’t been a part of your plan at all. You were going to graduate high school top of your class, go to one of the best universities in the country and graduate top of your class there too, so you could go into the best job in your field. You hadn’t anticipated spilling coffee all over the suit of the Kim Hongjoong while working as a barista three years into your degree, nor had you anticipated him and his husband Park Seonghwa offering to pay for any expenses you needed them to, so that you could focus on your final year of your degree, only wanting to spend a couple of hours a week in your company in return.
And you absolutely could not have anticipated a relationship which had begun as purely transactional between you and the two men to blossom into the dreamlike romance you had found yourself in. The men didn’t do anything by halves, Hongjoong had told you on your third date, and they had never wanted the relationship with you to be only transactional, they had always wanted something more.
So no, none of it had been a part of your original plan.
However, despite that you couldn’t find yourself complaining all that much, for what was there to complain about when you had Hongjoong and Seonghwa? The perfect additions to your life.
"What about you Joong?" You hummed softly, moving your gaze to that of your other lover, sipping his own champagne as he watched you both with dark eyes. "Are you proud of me?"
The man smirked as you addressed him, taking another slow sip of his champagne. "Of course I'm proud of you my princess, I'm always proud of you."
You smiled, delighted with his response, gasping softly as Seonghwa continued his trail of kisses across your neck. "Yeah? Wanna show me how proud?"
"I think Seonghwa’s doing enough of that right now," Hongjoong’s smirk widened when Seonghwa hummed in agreement. "Maybe I'll just watch for a bit, what do you think Hwa?"
"Whatever you want love," Seonghwa detached his mouth from your neck to reply to Hongjoong, before addressing you once more, voice sickly sweet as he pulled you into his lap. "What about you baby? Want to be good for me so I can show you how proud I am of you?"
"I'm always good for you Hwa, always good for…" you hesitated on the word, eyes flickering between your two lovers. "I'm always good for mommy."
Seonghwa shuddered as the word left your lips, his eyes rolling back momentarily before he glared at Hongjoong, the other man huffing a soft laugh. "What Hongjoong?"
"Nothing, nothing…it's just baby bats her eyelashes and calls you mommy and you're ready to do anything she asks of you."
"Because she's a good girl who deserves the world, don't you agree?" Seonghwa countered, licking up the side of your neck as he spoke, eyes challenging Hongjoong.
But his husband didn't back down, merely setting his champagne down and leaning forward with a smirk. "I think that you're an enabler Park Seonghwa."
"If I'm an enabler then you're even worse than me Kim Hongjoong."
"I think…" you hummed the words softly, nuzzling into Seonghwa’s neck. "That perhaps you could do this later? After I'm all fucked out?"
Hongjoong laughed, getting up from his chair and walking towards you and Seonghwa, pressing a bruising kiss to your lips. "There's my girl, why don't we show you how proud we really are?"
"That's it baby, sucking Hongjoong’s cock so well, such a good girl for mommy." Seonghwa pressed himself against your back, cooing in your ear as he watched you lap at the head of his husband's cock. Hongjoong, to his credit, looked mostly unaffected, but you knew better and the way his eyelids fluttered closed when you ran your tongue along his slit let you know that you were doing everything just right.
"Mommy's good girl," you hummed softly as you pulled off Hongjoong's cock to breathe. You kisses his tip gently, looking up at him through your lashes, "Hongjoong’s good girl too…?"
Hongjoong's dark gaze softened at the hint of a question in your words and he nodded, thumbing your cheek gently. "Yeah, always my good girl baby." You smiled softly, pressing another, sweeter kiss to the head of his dick before descending your mouth onto him once more. Hongjoong let out a groan, smiling softly at Seonghwa, who had watched the entire exchange quietly, eyes soft. He smiled back, pressing a kiss to Hongjoong’s thigh, smirking when the action made the man kick his hips up into your mouth.
"You're evil Hwa…so fucking evil."
"Nah," he grinned, shaking his head, "I'm just, what was it you said? An enabler." Hongjoong rolled his eyes playfully, before returning his attention to you, nearly gasping at how content you looked with his cock in your mouth, just so happy to give him pleasure. "Think you can make him cum like this baby?" Seonghwa whispered into your ear, locking eyes with Hongjoong as he sucked on your earlobe.
You nodded around Hongjoong’s cock, humming in affirmation. "Good," Seonghwa purred before turning his attention back on Hongjoong. "You gonna cum for our baby Hongjoong? Give our good girl your load? Watch her swallow it all and then watch her get fucked by me?" Hongjoong threw his head back at Seonghwa's words but very quickly fixed his gaze on you.
"Want to hear her say it, want to hear her beg for it." Seonghwa grinned, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
"You heard the man, beg him."
You immediately pulled off Hongjoong with an obscene pop, still stroking his length in your hand. "Please Joongie…please, please, please. Cum, want your cum. Please Hongjoong, I've been so good. Don't I deserve it? Aren't you proud of me?"
"...oh fuck," Hongjoong stilled, eyelids fluttering shut as he let himself go, hands carding through your hair as he spilled into your mouth. You swallowed it all diligently, opening your mouth to show both Seonghwa and Hongjoong, the former humming in approval.
"Good girl," he whispered, "we're so proud of you."
"I think it's time for your reward now, don't you?" Hongjoong hummed, pulling you into his lap and turning you to face Seonghwa. He pulled your panties to the side and began to run his fingers through your wet folds, collecting your slick and holding his fingers out to Seonghwa. The other man practically tripped over his feet to get to Hongjoong, eyes rolling into the back of his head as he tasted you on his husband's fingers. Hongjoong removed his fingers from Seonghwa's mouth before slipping them inside of you, grinning at the half-gasp/half-moan you rewarded him with. "What do you think princess? Should I let your mommy fuck you? Let him fill up this sweet, pretty pussy with his cock? Let him make you cum?"
"Yes…God yes Hongjoong please. I'll do anything." You whined, canting your hips into Hongjoong’s hand. He chuckled, slipping his fingers out so he could rub the head of his cock against your puffy entrance. Hongjoong raised a challenging eyebrow at Seonghwa who was watching the two of you silently, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Yeah? Anything?"
"Mhm…anything Joong anything. Just please!" You cried out as Hongjoong slipped his cock inside you, giving a few shallow thrusts before pulling out and pushing you towards Seonghwa, grinning as you stumbled into the man's arms.
"What are you waiting for then? Put on a show."
And put on a show you did, Seonghwa wasted no time pressing you into the sheets, making sure you were facing Hongjoong where he was sat in his desk chair. Seonghwa unceremoniously tore your panties from your body, whispering a heated promise to buy you a new pair, before sliding his cock against your pussy, groaning when you desperately grinded back against him.
"Is that how you ask baby?" Seonghwa tsk'd, tapping his cockhead against your entrance.
"No," you replied quickly, shaking your head. "I'm sorry Hwa…I'm sorry mommy. Please fuck me, I need you so bad." You craned your neck to look at him, eyes welling with desperate tears. Seonghwa cooed, brushing your tears away and leaning down to kiss your forehead.
"Of course baby, because you asked so nicely."
The first thrust of Seonghwa’s into your weeping pussy had you seeing stars, crying out Seonghwa’s name as he began a relentless pace of fucking you. You let your gaze move to Hongjoong and that almost made your situation worse. He was still sat in his desk chair, cock still standing proudly against his stomach and leaking copious amounts of precum onto his expensive dress pants, soiling the fabric. But he wasn't doing anything about it, simply sitting there and watching you and Seonghwa with a dark proud expression, eyes almost black with lust. You knew he was getting almost as much pleasure out of this just by watching you and you whimpered at the thought, fucking yourself back onto Seonghwa’s cock. Seonghwa draped himself across your back, almost holding you in a mating press and pressing a wet kiss to your cheek.
"Look at him baby," he whispered. "Look at the way he's watching us, watching you. He's getting off on this, on how sexy we are."
And to Seonghwa's credit, he was absolutely right. Hongjoong was getting off on watching the two of you, watching the loves of his life share their love with each other. Knowing that you were all his, that he was the only one who got to see the two of you like this, who got to have the two of you like this. That was the best part of it all.
"I think you're going to make our baby cum Hwa," he hummed thoughtfully. Seonghwa laughed, before straightening up and drilling into you even harder than before.
"Yeah? You gonna cum? Cum for mommy?"
"Mhm, mhm." You nodded desperately. "Gonna cum for mommy, can I cum for mommy?"
"Of course baby, you can cum, cum for mommy."
You cried out as your orgasm finally hit you, pressing your face into the sheets as your walls clenched desperately around Seonghwa’s cock. He groaned deep as he reached his own orgasm, pressing deep inside of you as he pumped you full of his cum. Seonghwa kissed your head gently as you both came down from your highs, moaning as he pulled his cock from your hole and watched as his cum spilled from you. "My sweet girl, did so well for me."
"Did so well for us," Hongjoong hummed, standing from his seat and making his way towards you. With the help of Seonghwa, the two of them lay you against the soft pillows of their bed, Hongjoong moving to hover over you and press a sweet kiss to your lips. "You think you've got one more in you for me, pretty girl?"
"Always Hongjoong," you hummed softly. "Please. Doesn't feel right without you too." Seonghwa smiled at the exchange, pressing a soft kiss to your head and Hongjoong’s lips.
"Treat my baby well," he whispered. "I'll get something to clean us all up with."
"I love you Seonghwa," Hongjoong hummed, smiling up at his husband.
"And I love you," Seonghwa smiled, giving you both another kiss. "You behave baby, just like I know you are."
"Of course mommy," you giggled, feeling soft and high of the endorphins from your first orgasm. Seonghwa shook his head fondly before quietly leaving the room, making you put your attention solely back onto Hongjoong.
Moments like this weren't rare with Hongjoong, but each one of them was so precious that they felt like a rare jewel. He slipped inside of you easily and began to fuck you gently, not pushing your body beyond the limit he knew you could take. He treated you like you were precious, bringing you closer to the brink of your second orgasm and himself closer to his own.
"That's it princess, you just cum for me whenever you want." He whispered softly, pressing his forehead against yours. "We're so proud of you baby, Seonghwa and I. You've worked so hard and you deserve the whole world. I'm so, so proud of you."
"I love you Hongjoong," you whispered softly, kissing his lips. "I love you and Hwa so much."
"We love you too baby," Seonghwa's voice sounded from the doorway and the presence of your other lover pushed you over the edge once more and into another orgasm, this one only more powerful than the first. Hongjoong buried his head into your neck as he came, a muffled "I love you," whispered against your skin.
He almost refused to part from you as he came down from his orgasm, but with some gentle coaxing from Seonghwa he eventually pulled far enough away from you that Seonghwa could get you all clean.
"So," Seonghwa hummed softly once the three of you had settled onto new, clean sheets. "What do you want for your graduation present?"
"You mean this wasn't it?"
"Don't be silly," Hongjoong grumbled into your neck. "What kind of sugar daddies would we be if we didn't spoil you?"
"I always thought Hwa was a sugar mommy," you giggled, squealing as Seonghwa tickled your side. "But, there is a new pair of shoes I've been eyeing recently."
"Yeah? We'll get them for you."
"If you ask nicely enough we'll buy you the whole store."
You and Seonghwa dissolved into giggles as Hongjoong’s words, him eventually joining in despite the fact he didn't really know why it was so funny. Eventually your giggles subsided and you fell into comfortable silence as the three of you began to drift off.
Even if this wasn't in your original plan, you couldn't find it in you to care, because you got this, you got them.
And that was better than any plan you could have come up with.
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General Taglist:@hiseu @yeosayang @avyskai @whatudowhennooneseesyou @foxdaisy @maskedmochii
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 3 months
Can i request a super fluffy and sweet hotch fic where reader is baking and hotch is sittinh there on the counter admiring his wife, like theres music and r is just glowing and aaron is thinking ‘oh im so lucky to have her’ and ughhh im craving sweetness pls give me fluff thank you
fem wife!plus size reader, wc: 515.
a/n: i've been craving some sweetness too, so this fluff was for me and you 😭 thank you for your request!
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It's so incredibly late that when Aaron enters your shared apartment with the expectation of you sleeping, all he sees is the way you jump and almost knock over your mixing bowl when he calls out your name from the dark.
“Holy shit!” You swear, your hand — which was covered in flour — slapped itself over your racing heart. “Jesus, Aaron, you scared me.” You sighed in relief.
“Sorry, sweetheart.” You watched as he set his briefcase and go-bag down on the couch. Aaron looked exhausted; his hair was air whipped and disheveled, there were slight darkening bags under his eyes, and those frown lines from all that scowling and frowning he does. Your boyfriend was here, and he was home, safe and sound.
You looked at him with a sweet smile as he rounded the counter sluggishly. “Hey, handsome.” You greet him quietly, almost as if it was a secret between the two of you. You throw your arms around his neck loosely while his hands fall lazily on your hips.
“Hi.” His body relaxes under your silk touch, your fingers threading themselves through his cropped hair. “Do you want to talk about it, or do you wanna be home now?” Aaron squeezed your body closer to his at the question. “I wanna be home.”
An intimate silence fell over the both of you before he pulled away slightly, looking at the messy island that was covered in baking ingredients.
“What are you doing?” He inquires in a soft tone. “Oh! Jack has a bake sale tomorrow and I kind of… procrastinated making them. So now, here we are.” You confess with a sheepish smile.
“Do you need any help?”
“No, I’m okay - wait! There’s actually one thing you can help me with.”
“And what’s that?”
“By sitting your cute ass down and telling me about your week.”
He smiles at your wording but relents and allows you to shuffle him out of the kitchen and into one of the bar stools.
He rambles on about his week while you listen and occasionally add your commentary when something peaks your interest. He stares in awe at your multitasking, but also at the fact that you look so serene.
You have a severe case of bed head, and your pajamas are wrinkled, followed by your messy hands and the blotches of flour littered on your clothes. You put Jack above your sleep and felt butterflies flutter in his stomach.
How was he able to find someone like you?
After Haley died, Aaron was convinced that maybe he was just meant to wander the world alone, and watch his son grow up. But then… there was you. Sweet, beautiful, outgoing you.
When he had said something funny in the monotone voice of his you laughed, and the sound rang like twinkling bells were in his ears. It completely overlapped with the soft tunes that were playing from your phone.
It took him a while, but Aaron was glad that he learned how to love again, because you had been waiting for him for a long, long, time.
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imsoquarky · 1 year
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Aftermath PB & J Fanart
Fanart for @happyfoxx-art's Aftermath comic! (Inspired by Part 6) Or as much fanart as this can be considered because the comic uses the show's designs and I can't draw those for the life of me
This isn't my first time drawing fanart for this comic lmao, the ROTTMNT hyperfixation is still goin' strong! That's supposed to be the Pokémon Scarlet & Violet switch by the way, which I actually own irl~
♠️ - ♣️ - ♥️ - ♦️
Itty bitty life update: I'll announce this again in August, but the week of August 20th will have no posts as I have college freshman orientation! It actually starts the 18th but that's a Friday so I'm sure I can get two posts out before that.
♠️ - ♣️ - ♥️ - ♦️
Still no endcard, I've been procrastinating
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silly-inky · 8 months
Luigi's Hair
Booigi comic and Luigi headcanon!
Also Peach and Luigi being besites
(More details of post and headcanon at the end) ( I would have made seperate images for the first few slides, but tumblr only let's me have 10 slides 🥲)
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My headcanon for Luigi:
My headcanon in this post is the white streak's in Luigi's hair, this is because of Thunderhand. Since Luigi is human and comes from a world without magic, his body isn't built to properly hold it, so when he received thunderhand it took a long while for his body got used to it.
Luigi went overboard a few times with it while his body was adjusting to the new magic which caused a lot of harm, the scars on his hands and along his arms and the white streaks in his hair where caused by putting his body under a lot of stress from overusing the power. Like he was struck by lightning.
Luigi can live with the scars, they aren't his first and they probs won't be the last, but his hair was a bit more if a sensitive spot for him.
When it first happened Mario made a joke about how he looked like an old man with his hair and jittery hands (a short time side effect of thunderhand) and although it was meant as a joke, it really got to Luigi, so he dyed his hair for ages. Mario and Peach were the only two people that knew. Peach saw how it effected his already low self esteem, so she and Mario have been working hard on slowly building up his self confidence.
(What happens in the first few pannles) Luigi has just come back from a week long adventure with Mario, the next morning after they got back he got a shower and saw that his dye was fading and his roots had grown out. So he went to pay Peach a visit, it's here where Peach finally convinces Luigi to stop dying his hair as she doesn't think it's needed and that he actually suits it well.
Peach knew that Luigi would still be a bit nervous about washing it out completely and finally committing to the look, so in an effort to make him feel more comfortable in himself, she had him put on a new outfit that they had bought a few days before the adventure to help boost his confidence.
I realise that I haven't made a booigi post in a hot minute, and believe it or not I've been working on this one since the middle of September (I probs could have gotten done in a week but procrastination is a b) so I thought I would sneak some booigi in here
Anyways happy spooky month ( and Friday the 13th) and I hope you like it
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the---hermit · 1 month
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More cross stitch updates! In the past few days I've made so much progress!
Today was quite productive and still I managed to get enough breaks and rest when I needed it. I am very happy about this and I hope I can keep this up. I am still procrastinating in picking a new fiction read because nothing from my unread shelf calls to me at the moment. I do have a couple of non fiction books I have been slowly reading so I am not left without a read, but I would like to finally settle on a good fiction book to escape from reality in my free time. Still I will have to read a lot for uni so maybe it's better for me not to start any new books I cannot keep up with. I am listening to Monstrous Agonies a lot, and I can confirm it has turned into my comfort thingsTM. The way it makes me feel calm and comforted is unreal. I am also very excited for dracula daily to start at the end of the week. I think I will be listening to the podcast version like last year because it was phenomenal. As for actual study updates I have finally started to dive in the articles I found yesterday and I can proudly say I have read and annotated two full articles today. I was expecting to get less done. I still have to write a couple of general notes on my notebook for the last article, but I'll be doing that tomorrow.
today's productivity:
read in the morning (still reading the historical essay because I cannot pick a new fiction book uuugh)
started reading and annotating the articles I found to write my English lit paper (I worked on two today, which feels like a great start)
practiced Irish on duolingo
continued working on my cross stitch project
planned the rest of my week since I will be working on a couple of mornings
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