#i've been obsessed with stardew
starrysimss · 2 months
to play the sims or stardew valley? i cannot decide
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mnonep · 8 days
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I'm kind of like a baitpilled fishcel recently, really been squidmaxxing lately
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copiasblair · 5 days
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hi i'm not back from hiatus i just need to show you all that copiablair is canon in stardew valley
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bonus look at our house it's cute and i worked very hard on it
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froghwon · 1 year
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ace-and-ranty · 1 year
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currently obsessed with Stardew Valley now
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gentlethorns · 13 days
sigh. did not sleep enough yesterday to make up that overnight ☹️ might nap when i get home (bc idk for sure but i think the exhaustion is affecting my body, like sorry tmi but i blew up the bathroom at work like four times this morning) and then when i wake up finish my novel. wow. finish my novel. what a phrase
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chooey · 1 year
being consumed by stardew valley atm how ab u?
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laughingmagi · 2 years
Not really celebrating the holiday so much as the gluttony. Hap Turk Day to those that do. I’ll prolly be around various blogs off and on today if I’m not back on that Stardew Valley tip. Still got a lot of stuff on Ginger Island to unlock and some day I will make it to the 100th floor of that dreadful dungeon in the desert (yes I know the idea is to use stairs, and I really need to buckle down and just mine and mine and mine that stone lmao...........or make a new save and make a beach farm cos it’s new to me and I wanna see what that looks like, but I’m not sure cos like? No sprinklers? I guess the idea is to use retaining soil but even that’s not perfect ANYWAY. SORRY THIS IS NOT A STARDEW VALLEY STRAT BLOG AHFRHFDHRGFHFRH)
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naturalmadison · 3 months
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heyyyy! 🙈
name's Madison!! 🤭 used to slave away on my parents' farm, but guess what? i've moved on to conquering the internet LOL 🙈
totally obsessed with Stardew Valley and all about that Palworld life 🤓 thinking about starting my own stream soon - and you'll love watching me doing dumb things for hours long 🤓 plus i've got this crazy idea to travel the world
i took a wild turn and started sharing my nudes on OnlyFans. yeah, you heard that right. it's been a game-changer, boosting my confidence and connecting me with some amazing souls. used to be a bit of a loner, but look at me now 😎
if u want to chat send mea DM on OnlyFans!
i'll reply for sure...maybe...😋 see u there! xx
My OnlyFans 🤭
my twitter
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our-aroace-experience · 4 months
I always thought I was aroace until I met my best friend and got really confused, because I would think about them a lot and I would (after spending a lot of time together) get the fluttery feeling when I was with them. But I've never wanted anything sexual with her.. I think kisses and sex are kinda gross and a waste of time. And we've even talked about it, she doesn't like that stuff either. That's how close and comfy with each other we are. I also talked about it with my therapist and basically my therapist thought it was a crush. If I HAD to put a label on it, I'd agree that "crush" is probably closest. The no sex thing was fine, and actually common for some people like me: some people on the autism spectrum. Anyway, months later, I'm on a walk with best friend and she's talking about their sexuality and they say so smoothly "yeah and I think I have a crush on you." ?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!??!!? OH MY GOD. Holy cow. okay. wow. if someone else had said that to me, I would've been weirded out. I always thought dating was weird and never understood it. But when SHE said it? I got so excited and flustered and I said I think I had a crush on them and we talked. We were confused though because we were like "well, what now? are we dating??" because we didn't wanna kiss and stuff but still we felt like. attached? close? to each other. and what's the point of dates? lets just hang out and chill. we didn't really put a label on it. It's a Qpr, I guess? we're girlfriends, partners, whatever. remember in the jaiden animations video where she says she thought having a partner was just like having an extra special friend or whatever? that's us!! my partner is simply my person. I love them. also after the walk and talk, they asked me "so wanna get married on stardew?" we're both obsessed with the game. I said yes. Im just amazed because I've had other close friends say they had crushes on me but I was always just like "oh :(" because I never understood. and honestly I don't think I do still. but her. my favorite person in the whole world. they understand me. I understand her. we're each other's special person and that's all that matters to me. I love the aroace spectrum because relationships like mine exist and we can feel valid because there's others like us and I just. wow. its just special.
i’m so happy to hear it! best wishes to you and your partner!
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wumblr · 1 year
universally hated gifts are the funniest stardew game mechanic. i've already made a post about qi fruit ("why is the farmer suddenly obsessed with growing fruit that looks like that weird guy, ew" -- this has since been deprecated and some villagers like it now, although it is still largely worthless despite being one of the hardest agricultural skills in real life). nobody likes treasure chests, presumably due to some kind of superstition, and nobody likes fossils, presumably because they are a memento mori. everybody hates snails except vincent (slightly realistic but i feel like demetrius and leah should like them). everybody hates uranium except maru. everybody hates poppies and they are all so fake for that. you would think somebody would at least like fairy dust. abigail should like monster musk, right? but she doesn't. nobody thinks the drum block is cool, which is presumably why sam's band has to go to zuzu city to even find a venue. pelican town will never become a hit arts and crafts location for ceramics because nobody likes clay. not even alex likes muscle remedy or energy tonic. and the mobile-only error bread from the saloon? gettoutaheah! everybody hates sugar
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eemamminy-art · 2 months
not obligated to answer this but if you have anymore thoughts about alex sdv (or stardew valley at all) please share. i am obsessed with alex
Oh hell yeah anon you've activated my current hyperfixation 😁 I have a google doc where I'm dropping my headcanons and a bulleted timeline for a Alex/m!farmer longfic I've been writing in my head that's up to about 13 pages now ahaha so here's a few things!!
When he first moved to Pelican Town he was actually really quiet and reserved because he was still grieving heavily, so he never really got close to the other kids. He talks about how he played gridball with his mom so I think once he got the chance to play that in school (in another town no doubt) I think he came out of his shell then and made some friends, but all those friends lived far enough away that after graduating high school he's been pretty lonely and never could connect with the other people his own age in town.
He never goes into the saloon to my knowledge prior to the 10-heart event dinner scene, so I headcanon that it's because he doesn't drink alcohol and doesn't want the temptation to try it. I don't remember if it's said explicitly but I got the impression his dad's abuse stemmed from being drunk so I imagine Alex refuses to touch the stuff out of both principle and fear of becoming like his father one day.
I said it in another post but I headcanon him as gay and suffering comphet. He's built himself up as this cool popular guy, so he tries to emulate the sexist straight guys he's seen in movies but there's absolutely nothing behind it. He says something rude to a girl and then is like uhhh (shit what now) bye! 😅 I want to think that in getting to know the farmer he not only does away with that facade but also gets more comfortable in his sexuality!!
and on a sidenote to the above: I hc most of the town as gay or bi and I am toying with the idea of Abby being transfem! Sam/Seb is a given, and maaaybe they're in a poly relationship with Abby but I'm still undecided!! I like Maru/Penny as a concept but need to marinate on that a bit more, I see them always sitting together and it makes me happy but I need to think more on how they met and what their relationship would be like. I don't have anything solid yet in terms of other characters' gender or sexuality headcanons exactly, other than Caroline and Jodi being bi and desperately yearning to run away together 🥰
But back to Alex!! With how his storyline goes of trying to impress others with his jock persona, then trying to switch gears and be super booksmart, I headcanon that he gets close to the farmer via the farmer tutoring him so he can take a community college placement test. :3 My thought for why he's in the rut he's in is that he wanted to play college gridball but his grades in high school were so bad he has done nothing with himself since graduation and has just been stagnating and becoming more and more bitter (which only amps up his shitty attitude when the player first meets him). So trying to get educated is doubly good for him because he can work toward his sports dream (in a way) and try to impress the farmer. Though of course, the thing that brings them closer is Alex learning to be true to himself 😊
This is getting long, so last thing: he's actually a really well-rounded homemaker but does not even think about it really. George has been disabled for a long time, so all of the handy work around the house has to be handled by Alex, and he's so eager to help out his grands. :3 They put a roof over his head so of course he'll climb up onto it to fix the leaks when it rains! Evelyn is always cooking and baking and Alex is so soft for his granny he has been in the kitchen helping her for as long as he's lived with them, so he's actually got a real talent for cooking and baking too! One of the first things he learned after moving in with them was the proper way to set a table, and the best way to wash dishes efficiently. He's spent enough time at Haley's house having no chemistry with the poor girl, but found Emily's whole sewing setup really fascinating and she taught him to mend the holes in his letterman jacket when he asked so he knows how to hand sew! These are all skills that he has but doesn't recognize as skills, he just inherently has this desire to help the people in his life so he picks up this and that to make it easier!
Anyway! Thank you for letting me ramble 😄 Alex is really sweet and soft underneath the mask he wears, and he's been rotating in my head for the last few months hehe
I had bought sdv when it came out but barely touched it, and started it up again on a whim earlier this year and I'm so glad I did!! I really adore the game and it's bringing me a lot of joy currently 🥺
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archangeldyke-all · 3 months
Here's my Sevika request again. Hopefully it won't get eaten this time 😅
Modern AU here? Sevika is a streamer on a streaming platform who primarily plays fighting games. And she is VERY GOOD. Good enough to compete in tournaments, which she goes to frequently, and does pretty well.
Reader has been friends with Sevika for a while, and is a mod in her stream. But there is some subtle tension between them. They've flirted a little here and there and even sent pics back and forth to each other over time, both friendly and flirtatious. Aaaand one tournament weekend they finally meet in person and all that tension comes to a head after they hang out and go back to someone's hotel room 👀
forgive the lack of video game knowledge, all i play is fortnite and stardew valley
men and minors dni
you're one of her first loyal subscribers.
you become obsessed with a niche, ancient video game, that practically nobody's heard about before. sevika's the only streamer you can find who plays it. it's love at first sight.
sevika's incredible at everything she plays, she rarely takes more than two tries to beat a level. she's just one of those people who can pick up a video game and master it in one go.
sevika knows your username, she's seen your selfie-- compressed into the little icon by your name, but that's as much as she knows about you besides the fact that you're one of her favorite, funniest, loyalest subscribers.
at least at first.
about a year into you watching her, sevika starts getting really popular, out of nowhere. she hesitantly reaches out to you, dm'ing you with a quick message, asking if you'd consider being a moderator for her. you agree happily.
sometimes you guys send each other memes. you like taking ugly screencaps of her mid-word or bite of food and sending them to her later, you like the frustrated, pissed off responses it gets you.
she likes casually flirting with you-- which always makes you swoon a bit.
that's about as far as you assume the relationship will ever go.
until you bump into sevika at a gaming convention.
she seems to notice you staring. of course, she doesn't know you're you, but she assumes you're a fan. she approaches with an easy smile that makes your knees a little weak, and she reaches a hand out to introduce herself.
you quickly introduce yourself, and watch in fascination as sevika lights up, leans in to hug you, then pulls away at the last minute. she chuckles awkwardly.
"s-sorry, i just... i've never seen you before. you're..." she trails off. you raise an eyebrow at her, and giggle when she ducks her head in embarrassment.
"i'm what?"
"you're my favorite moderator." she says, shrugging. you giggle.
"you're my favorite streamer."
"are you here competing?" she asks. you laugh.
"me? no. just watching. as always." you tease. sevika grins.
"well. i'm glad you're here. i always do better when i know i've got someone good watching." she says, winking.
sevika wins the tournament. you'd just come to watch for a while, but upon realizing sevika was competing, you stayed to watch the entire thing.
she catches you afterward, giggling and grinning as she runs over to you.
"hey!" she calls. you smile as she approaches.
"hey big winner." you tease. sevika grins.
"so, do you live around here?" she asks. you nod, and sevika's smile grows. "me too." she says, giggling. you raise an eyebrow.
"really?" you ask. "what're the odds?" you ask. sevika bites her lip.
"do you want to maybe like... get drinks or something?" she asks nervously. it's strange to see her fiddling with her hands instead of cool and confident and holding a controller.
"i'd love that." you say. sevika grins, her hands clenching at her side in excitement. you smile and grab one of her fists, and sevika's smile only grows wider.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved
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kinzoddi · 3 months
I've been playing Stardew Valley lately.
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That's great seb...
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Emily you are a treasure.
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I'm in love with the new furniture. And my obsession with shane grows.
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subwaytostardew · 1 month
▽ Adoptable Joltik  - Sidetracked Events⚡️
I added a 7-event (more like 3, really) storyline included as an update to the Adoptable Joltik mod. It consists of Emmet not taking loss well. He misses his Joltik. He doesn't want to bother you about it. He will get back on track eventually.
These play when you enter the backwoods/mountain pass between 6:00 and 10:00 AM after seeing the adoption event and have at least 8 hearts with Joltik. Enter the mountains at the same time for the 5th event (with Ingo). Each event unlocks a new line of daily dialogue from Joltik and starts a cooldown for the next event to not start until after 4 days. The final (7th) event requires 9 hearts with Joltik.
As always... Commentary under the read-more.
▷ Station Steward Thylak
This update didn't really have any planning. It was a spontaneous decision to make more events and all the content was written as I coded so it's a bit rougher than previous events.
I've been wanting to update the Joltik mod to use Emmet's new recolored spritesheet and lock adoptability behind 8 hearts as intended (and also... fix the event requirements since I realized it was set to 10 hearts instead of 8... oops). The file was also zipped in a way that removed the containing folder so it made using mod loaders like Stardrop and Vortex more finicky.
If you've already seen the adoption event, there wouldn't be much incentive for downloading an update since Emmet doesn't appear outside of events. I'm not ready to release him as a full NPC to the general public just yet! His heart events are still broken. I dread going back and fixing them. I got a bit burnt out from working through my backlog of things to do for the mod and wanted to switch tracks from pixel art (so many portraits...). Eventing is my favorite thing to do regarding the mod, so I decided to make more events to include in the update as a break of sorts (not working on the mod? Taking an actual break? Why, I'd never!). More events are the perfect solution for me wanting to show off the new art for Subway to Stardew while also not implementing submas as full NPCs in the Joltik mod.
I could make Emmet's 9-heart event but... I feel like that's more of a Subway to Stardew thing than an Adoptable Joltik thing... if that makes any sense. I might include it later when I get around to writing/coding it, but I thought it would be a bit abrupt to add in the Joltik mod since you don't really get to befriend Emmet as intended there. There's also some people who aren't obsessed with submas and do download the Joltik mod for well, Joltik! Only Joltik. I went into eventing with that in mind and well...
I missed Emmet. I wanted him to be clingy again. I think you can tell where I got a bit self-indulgent. Making a mod is a lot of work and if I have the ability to turn Stardew into an Emmet friendship simulator, I'm going to make the most out of it. I need my emotional support Emmet to keep me on track. So for people familiar with Subway to Stardew and do like submas, you can get Emmet hugs at 9 hearts with Joltik now because I got derailed. Yippee!
The sneaking around in the mountain pass part was just silly. Since you can't visit Emmet in the Adoptable Joltik mod, I wanted to write around you not being able to find him. He's actively avoiding you now. Whether or not you notice him doesn't matter. He's not going to talk to you. It's safer that way.
I was thinking that Emmet doesn't take loss or changes in his routine very well; adopting Joltik would cause him to split tracks with you for a little bit. He's clingy and can't stand the few he cares about being gone even a little bit. He overthinks Joltik being happier with you so his inferiority complex flares up and he gets insecure about you forgetting him, too. He's jealous of you being a two-car train and he misses having Joltik aboard. He knows it's wrong to direct his frustrations at you since all you did was make Joltik happy.
There is a lot derailing his train of thought. While it's hard for him to stay on track, he still cares about you; you're still his best friend and favorite passenger (at the end of the line...). He doesn't want to split tracks forever, so he'll steer himself away in case if he accidentally lashes out or you end up thinking he's annoying with his visits for Joltik. He doesn't want you to hate him. He just wants to make sure Joltik still cares about him and still care for them while he takes the time to adjust to the changes in his routine. He's still frustrated with you, but that's his problem, not yours. He knows that. He thought it was a good idea to avoid you until he adjusted.
After all of that, his frustrations die down and he's a little deprived of his favorite (not-Joltik) passenger. He's clingy again. He won't let anyone derail him. Not even you. But he's back on track!
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