#i've got loads more up my sleeve...
thekendallkathryn · 10 months
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Sucia Series: "South Shore Seaweed"
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miyasturniolo · 5 days
MINECRAFT | matt sturniolo
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pairing: bf!matt x f!reader
summary: where you and matt used to play minecraft together, but both of you finally logged back in and explored your old minecraft world together.
warning: fluff, flirting, use of y/n, swearing, pet names (baby, sweetheart, love, darling), mention of covid.
a/n: not my photos, on pinterest. I screamed when I saw they brought back live streams!!! my first fluff on this account.
WORDS: 1.4k
miyasturniolo on wattpad
you - pink | matt - blue
During the lockdown, you and your boyfriend used to have a shared love for Minecraft, playing it together every day. However, now you both have stopped playing the game and rarely bring it up in conversation.
While you were at home, your boyfriend called you because he missed you, but you couldn't visit him due to being busy with various things. You made an effort to find some time for him.
"I don't feel like playing Fortnite. I had to play it yesterday during the livestream," he grumbled. You simply hummed in response, both of you mostly searching for a new game to play together.
"You looked handsome in that livestream, but I couldn't watch it because of my schedule. I've only seen clips on TikTok," you mentioned, making him blush and chuckle. You could tell because you were both on FaceTime.
He was a bit speechless, trying to downplay the effect of your compliment by changing the subject.
"How about overwatch?" he suggested, but you just stared at him through your phone, causing him to playfully roll his eyes. "Okay, no overwatch then," he quickly added.
You were scrolling through when you came across a game that made you smile. "Wanna try Minecraft again?" you asked.
He paused for a moment, pushing his hair out of his eyes as he hadn't had a haircut in a few weeks, and he was biting his bottom lip while thinking. "Yeah, okay," he answered.
You opened Minecraft, which was already updated because your device always stays up to date with app updates.
"Think our maps are still loaded in?" he asked, and you just shrugged. He smiled and looked at you as he loaded into Minecraft.
"Are you wearing my hoodie? I've been looking for my blue hoodie," he said, noticing you wearing the one with white stars on the sleeve. "Maybe," you replied.
He rolled his eyes, then finally got online, and so did you. He gasped softly, clapped his hands together once.
"I still have most of the worlds saved," he smirked, his pink lips soft from using his brother's lip balm called spacecamp.
You chuckled softly, reminiscing about some details of the world, even though it's been over two years
"Shall we join one?" you asked, guessing that he probably wanted to. He smiled and agreed. "Just join me," Matt said to you while looking at you through the phone once again.
You joined him and loaded in, luckily, you were close to each other, so you didn't have to spend half the time trying to find each other and both of your buildings.
"Isn't this are house and not the villagers we spawned to make are city more lively” he asked, which confused you as you followed him. He had slightly better wifi, so he loaded into the game first and it was his world.
"Hold on," you mumbled and chased after him, your eyes fixed on the pavement leading to the building you both recognized.
"You do remember when we spent all day trying to build a city, right?" He whispered without thinking, and you let out a small laughter, making him smile as he glanced at his phone in adoration, since you were still on the call. "Of course I do,"
You were walking along the pavement with Matt, but he suddenly stopped, a smile lighting up his face, cheeks slightly flushed.
"I found it!" he exclaimed, his voice a bit higher than usual. You responded with a drawn-out "oh yeaaa?" before turning to see what he had discovered.
You catch up to him since you were still a bit behind but you mostly explored the virtual world, you couldn't help but marvel at the random creations that filled the landscape.
Matt could hear you mutter a curse under your breath over the call. "Do you really need to swear, miss y/n?" he teased, to which you just rolled your eyes in response, a playful glint in them.
“alright, I shouldn’t say anything- sorry sweetheart.” He his hands up in surrender which made you laugh
You decided to jump off a mountain, making sure to land safely to avoid fall damage. Matt followed suit, being a bit more cautious.
"Be careful not to die, okay darling?" he said, but you only nodded, already on the brink of death in the game. You didn't mind, knowing that you wouldn't actually perish.
You ate the apple from your inventory, replenishing your health as your hunger decreased. This prompted you to eat something to raise your heart levels.
Matt spam crouched next to you and gestured like Minecraft YouTubers do in their videos. "Where do you want to explore first?" You asked, but he just chuckled and replied, "I want to explore you in real life." You widened your eyes in surprise, and he laughed.
You entered a building that you both constructed, a simple yet modern structure more fitting for 2020 than the present. "omg, a baby villager!" you exclaimed as it approached you for a second and then running to the basic red bed.
"Where are its parents?" Matt asked, scanning the area before swiftly dispatching the villager with his sword. "MATT!" you gasped, to which he simply laughed.
"Rot in hell!" you playfully scolded him before continuing to explore the house, which one or both of you had built.
After exploring for a while, Matt signaled for you to join him which you did. “Have a tulip, I stole it from a pot in that house behind you” he offered.
You watched as he handed you a tulip, and a soft laugh escaped your lips as you thanked him, a smile spreading across your face that he could see thanks to your video call.
"You're so beautiful when you smile, baby," he said, causing your smile to widen even more. You were at a loss for words, but he enjoyed rendering you speechless.
After exploring the city together for a while, Matt excused himself to wander around. However, he couldn't help but let out a small exclamation.
"y/n, darling," he called out, prompting you to hum in response, curious about what he had to say. He simply asked you to come over, and you obliged, spotting his name tag.
Approaching him, you noticed a heart and more, triggering memories to flood back. "Wasn't this from our 'date' we had planned? I remember making this for you while you were asleep because I had promised to take you on a small aquarium date, but then lockdown happened," he reminisced.
“Yeah, it was” you say softly, both of you reminiscing about those special moments.
You both looked around for a while. He took his time building this since in Boston there is an aquarium nearby, so he wanted to make sure everything was just right and matched perfectly except for details he added.
"Baby," he whined, causing you to stop walking in the Minecraft world and look at his character. "What?" you replied, matching his playful energy and eliciting a small giggle from him.
While still on a call, you checked your phone, only to find him already gazing at you. He stared at you momentarily, forgetting what he wanted to whine about before remembering at the last minute.
"I want to still take you on an aquarium date. Could you possibly take a day off so we can spend the whole day together? I don't mind going back to Boston for a week... I need to see my parents too, but most of all, I just want to see you," he said with a slight frown.
"I'll see what I can do, okay?" you responded softly. He smiled and nodded before meeting your eyes while still on the call.
"Fine.. you better add a few more days if possible," he quickly suggests, making you groan slightly and laugh.
“I’ll try Matt. I can't push too far, alright?" you say, but he just scoffs and playfully flips you off. "Fine," he mumbles.
"I love you," you declare, but he just squints his eyes at you before smiling. "I love you more," he replies.
“oh and remember, I’ll one day still take you to the aquarium.. like I promised four years ago!”
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triple-7-heaven · 1 year
thank you for waiting for me, readers. i do hope you enjoy it ♡ my first aespa fic, awesome! i've been going through it, thus the lack of content, but things are looking up for me. take care of yourselves, until next time :-) pairing: male reader x winter; words: 6.5k ; categories: aespa, winter, reader insert, smut, slightly storyline heavy
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Back in high school, there was a girl who shone above the rest, but wasn’t necessarily popular. A girl who was a member of the math club, the photography club, and the dance team, whose evenings were filled with activities, who made many friends, but wasn’t fawned over by the student body in the way the true popular kids were. 
One evening, you were at school pretty late, tutoring in the library. You were so engrossed in your work that you didn’t notice the time passing, until the janitor came in and told you he’d be needing to clean the library up, so you’d better scram. Backpack full of books, you rushed out of the library, and quickly made your way through the dark hallway. You turned the corner and nearly collided with a small girl, who grabbed onto your arm to steady herself. 
“I-I’m so sorry,” you said, and the girl looked up at you. Oh, perfect… “Minjeong, shit, I’m sorry…” 
“Hosang, what are you doing here so late?” Minjeong asked. 
“Uh, tutoring… You know my name?” you asked incredulously. She smoothed out your sleeve, folded the collar of your shirt down, and tucked her hair behind her ear. 
“You know mine, too,” she quipped and giggled before running to catch up with her dance team friends, leaving you without room to explain yourself. To explain that no, I promise it isn’t weird, everyone knows your name, Minjeong, I’m not a crazy stalker, and I’m not here to spy on you through the gym windows while you dance. But you never got to explain yourself. To be fair, you did admire her from a distance. In the halls, at lunch, you wouldn’t deny that you looked at her with heart-shaped eyes. As pretty as you thought she was, you didn’t ever talk to her, something you would eventually regret. 
Minjeong dropped out, and you didn’t run into her again. After graduation, you headed off to Seoul to learn how to fly, and soon, you realized someone else had come, too. Billboards, advertisements, you name it. For a solid month, wherever you looked, you saw her. 
The same Kim Minjeong who you nearly sacked in the hallway that night, who, instead of yelling or being upset, straightened your clothes and wished you a good night; who knew your name when you were nobody. She was Winter, now, styled with gorgeous long, blonde hair, imposed over ethereal backgrounds and colors. You had to give it to whatever company she was running with, they made that old crush of yours flare right back up again with the way they marketed that girl. Financially stable enough under an air charter company flying small private jets, you decided you’d buy a set of the group’s albums when they debuted. Sitting on the floor of your apartment, pulling the photocards and posters out of those albums, you felt the full force of the regret from your school days: if you’d only talked to her in high school, you could have her number in your phone right this minute… But you were resigned now to being a fan, and a strongly biased one. That’s all you could be. 
Charter piloting has benefits. Loads, surely. You’re essentially a glorified taxi driver, charging rich business people and celebrities $20k for a one hour flight from Incheon to Jeju. It’s morally wrong to allow a sucker to keep his money, right? As good as the pay, benefits, and overall experience are, the clientele… Well. Nothing you hate more than a stuck-up diva, and it’s even worse when you’re trapped in a flying metal tube with them. But you make do; the idol sightings you get on the job make all the asshole corporates worth it. From old school stars your parents might know, to drama actors and actresses, to the newest generation of idols, you welcomed a ton of each aboard, more than you could ever remember if you didn’t write it down. Unforgettable guests come along now and then; a trio of Twice members one weekend, some big-name producers behind insurmountably popular groups for a surfing trip, and the casts of award-winning shows on celebratory benders. Unforgettable loses its meaning when your secretary hands you today’s clipboard. 
“This is mine? Thought it was… Uh…” you trail off and your eyes widen. The secretary laughs behind the desk.
“I knew it! You’re her fan, right? You always talk about Aespa. And I know you have her photocard in your wallet,” she winks at you as your face fills with an embarrassingly deep blush. 
“It’s not just that, Jihye. I knew her in high school,” you say hesitantly. 
“Oh my God, it’s like a reunion!” the girl squeals. “Wait, were you cool in high school?” she laughs. 
“Uh… I don’t-” 
“Yup, I knew it,” she says matter-of-factly. “Let me guess, the lame, nerdy guy had a crush on the cool-chick future idol?”
“No! Well, I don’t know,” you say. Your mind is too busy racing to think properly. The young secretary giggles to herself as you walk to the hangar. Preflight routines are difficult to complete when your mind’s racing faster than a Blackbird. Would she recognize you? Should you say something? Nah… You’re kicking tires pretending to be busy and the door opens. The trail end of a conversation… 
“-ng is going to be your pilot. He’s a great aviator and an even better tour guide, so I’m sure he’ll be happy to show you around the island,” Jihye says. That damn secretary. 
“Hosang? I feel like I’ve known someone with- oh, hi,” Minjeong stops abruptly when Jihye walks her around the aircraft to meet you. Long, wavy, dark hair, with bangs curled and blown out to mathematical perfection. Fair, unlined skin of a small and cute face. A simple and comfortable black sweater, a modest manicure, and plain, natural eye makeup. You bow shyly and wave. 
“All good to go?” Jihye asks with the most annoying smile in the world. 
“Yep,” you answer. Jihye departs and you welcome Minjeong to get comfortable while you finish up. A strange look occupies those perfect features as you give her a quick safety brief, then turn to enter the cockpit. Before the door closes behind you, “if you need anything, let me know.” 
Why are you cold with her? Why are you nervous? You hardly smiled at her or asked what she was traveling for… Pure white clouds roll calmly underneath you. You resolve to be nice to her, even if she doesn’t recognize you, because let’s be real, it’s not her fault for not recognizing you. She meets tons of people. You’re just some not-cool kid from high school who had a crush on the cool-chick future idol. A pilot report over the radio snaps you out of it as you enter Jeju International’s airspace. Gusting winds and vertical movement, it’ll be a bumpy ride down. You reach for the intercom. 
“Hey Minjeong, forgive me if I startled you. Looking at some rough air on the way down, but we’re about 20 minutes out. I’d sit down and belt in if you aren’t already, okay? Call if there’s any issues, and think of what you’d like for dinner.” You toggle off the intercom and wonder where the hell that came from. What, Jihye said you’d be happy to show Minjeong around the island, right? So you’ll show her. Your inner autopilot (funny…) takes over and you idly nudge the yoke for your approach phases. Wheels on the ground, hangar door shut, you stand and exit the cockpit. Minjeong looks up at you sleepily, and you sit across from her on one of the bench-style seats. 
“So… dinner ideas?” you ask. Minjeong stands up and points at you groggily, shuffling towards you until her finger pokes the center of your chest. 
“You. You went to my school, didn’t you?” she says, tiredness dripping from her voice. You nod and meet her eyes. “How come you didn’t say anything?” 
“I didn’t think you’d recognize me…” you say softly, honestly. She moves her hand to your shoulder.
“Well you’re bigger, yeah, but… I recognize you. Bigger and taller. Same face,” she says. The smile can’t be kept off your face, unfortunately, and Minjeong smiles too. 
“You sound really tired. Let’s get going,” you say. After a quick post-flight and signing off with the hangar staff, you face her and say: “Gonna change really quick, then we’ll head to dinner.” You slip into the FBO restroom and drop your duffel, then slip out of your annoyingly stiff white uniform shirt. You stare at yourself in the mirror for a moment, then pull on a plain black t-shirt before swapping your slacks for black jeans. One careful ruffle of the hair later, and you’re leaving the restroom to meet Minjeong in the hallway. 
“Alright, ready.” You carry Minjeong’s luggage and she trails behind you, much like a puppy, on the way to the parking lot. The modest rent car’s parked right where the staff told you, so you open the door for Minjeong and she shoots you a confused smirk. You smile back, and hop into the driver’s seat. 
“So what’s the occasion? Family in Jeju?” you ask. 
“Honestly, I… When I get time off, I run a secret travel blog… So I take vacations, and take pictures and stuff,” she says quietly. “I dunno, it’s kind of silly.” 
“How come it’s silly? Sounds fun to me. We’ll have to go to some really cool places so you can write a good post, huh?” you reply. “Now, dinner?” 
“Mm. I’m too tired to think,” she mumbles. Great, now the pressure’s on you to pick something perfect… 
“How about Black Pork Street? Could make for some good photos, and it’s really as good as people say it is,” you say and put the car in gear. 
“Sounds good…” she trails off. Really, really sleepy. But she makes an effort to talk to you. She makes an effort to keep the focus off of herself, and more on you; she asks you how graduation was, since she didn’t go, and you really had to reach deep into your memory for that one. She asks you about flying, about why you chose it, about your life in Seoul, and about how you never ran into each other in the city. You hold yourself back from saying ‘well no, Minjeong, we haven’t run into each other in a city of 10 million people, with about 9,999,999 of those people being more interesting than me.’ When you arrive, Minjeong is lively and excited, telling you about her camera and asking what’s next after dinner. You kick yourself when you start wishing for a specific sort of dessert. Quit being dirty-minded, idiot… 
“Let’s go! I’m hungry,” Minjeong says, dragging you out of your thoughts. She looks perfect taking photos on the street, pointing her camera at the sky, at signs, storefronts, plants, street cats. The way her eyes light up when she takes a good photo, runs over to show you, insists that you take a few of her; she’s not much different than she was back then, huh? A person with a good heart. A person whose heart you’d like to learn. 
“Is it our honeymoon? First date? Must be a first date, you look nervous,” the dorky waiter says, nodding to you. Minjeong laughs, and you blush; the difference between you. 
“Uh… J-just high school friends,” you manage to say. Minjeong jots notes and snaps photos throughout the meal, and as you’re serving up some pork belly for her, she takes a few photos.
“C’mon, make it look nice,” she whines. 
“You’re serious about this, huh?” you laugh. 
“It’s… It’s my baby. My project. My travel blog is like… I dunno, it’s a way for me to be creative, but not be Winter. It’s a way to just be Minjeong,” she slowly explains. “To have a space that’s all my own. Where I can talk about stuff I like, and not worry about press, or netizens, or fans, or anti-fans.”
“I get it. A space of your own. I should call you Minjeong then, right?” you say, nodding your head a bit too fast and a bit too much. She smiles and nods. But she nods like a regular person, not like you. 
Dinner passes without incident. If we can ignore the waiter thing. Do you look like a couple or something? Maybe you do compliment each other. Maybe you seem like high school sweethearts. Maybe you could be. 
“Hosang?” she says as she leans forward. “You in there? Let’s go to the hotel!” You snap out of it for the second time and hop up to lead the way to the rent car. The paperwork Jihye gave you had most of the information listed for Minjeong’s trip, and the hotel she’d be staying in was, of course, the Lotte City Hotel. No less grandeur for the princess. The GPS gets you there quickly, and you pull up to the front doors, leaving the car on as you grab Minjeong’s suitcase. Just as you’re rounding the front of the car and waving goodnight, she makes a confused face.
“Wait, you’re leaving?” she whines. Minjeong the kid… 
“Oh, uh, yeah. I was gonna head to the motel near the airport, that’s where my room is. Did you need something else?” you say. 
God, why do I sound like a customer service bot? ‘Did you need something else?’ Seriously? 
“I… I dunno, I guess I just wanted someone to hang out with,” she replies.
Oh. To hang out? 
“Oh, of course, Minjeong. Let me park, I’ll meet you,” you say. And she’s waiting for you in the same spot once you return to the front door; she didn’t even go inside. Her long, dark hair’s ruffled by the wind. Cute. 
NO. Not cute. Not cute or pretty or hot. She’s my client, my customer, my responsibility; not my crush, my girlfriend, or my next body. Look at the ground or something, for the love of God, Hosang. 
But looking at the ground can’t keep her legs from your peripheral view. She walks through the sliding doors and you follow behind with her suitcase in your hand, and your duffel on your shoulder. Long, slender, perfect legs, and you’re looking right at them. You snap your gaze to the windows and pretend to be looking at the skyline through the windows while Minjeong checks in. After a moment, she turns to you and smiles. 
“Do you have a swimsuit?” she asks. You shake your head. “There’s shops on the bottom floors, go and find one, okay? Meet me on the sixth floor. There’s a pool! The pictures are gonna be perfect!” 
She shoves a room key into your hand and takes the bags from you. You’re left in the lobby, dumbfounded, wondering how you should navigate this. A bellhop whistles at you.
“First night with her? Sheesh,” the young man says. “Score!”
“Weird situation, man. Weird as hell,” you trail off as you walk away, still shaking your head, more so to yourself now. Okay, shops. Swimsuit. You begin to feel insecurity nagging at you. You’re lean, sure, but not perfect. Not as perfect as… Well, nevermind. Quickly, you make your way through the shops, and find a pair of rather plain, mid-length black trunks at a duty free shop, changing into them in the restroom and leaving your shirt on. The elevator ride lasts forever. And ever. And ever. Until the robotic voice announces,
Sixth floor. 
The doors open and you walk quietly out to the open area of the pool. You see one figure in the water already. She’s facing the city, hugging the edge of the pool and gazing at the skyline. The water laps at her back, just below her shoulder blades, and the silky smooth skin of her back is laid out for you, with only thin bikini straps to cover it. Her arms and shoulders are small, toned, but soft. Fancams and jacket shoots could never do justice to the sculpted angel right in front of your face. 
“How’s the temperature?” you say. She turns around. Her top is composed of white strings and back fabric; conservative, but form-fitting to her chest, that Goldilocks chest, the perfect balance of size and shape. Her collarbones are distinct, curved, beautiful. Hell, every curve you can see is perfect, from the angle of her jaw to the base of her neck to the gentle taper of her arms. 
“It’s heated,” she giggles. “Come on!” Insecurity. Nagging. Loudly. 
“Are you sure? I can just hang out and take pictures for you up here, it’s not-”
“Come onnn,” she pleads. You turn away from her and slowly drag your shirt off, then kick your shoes and socks off near where Minjeong left hers. The water is slightly warmer than room temperature, and a welcome change from the chilly air. You sit yourself down on a ledge in the pool, and Minjeong swims to your side, sitting right next to you. Not close enough to touch. 
“See? Isn’t it nice up here?” she says.
“It is. Ever been to Jeju before?” you ask.
“Nope. I think it’s even nicer with a good tour guide.” 
“Ah, come on. I’m not all that.” 
“You’re…” she trails off and sighs. Her hair tickles your shoulder when she leans into you. “I wish I’d talked to you more back then.”
“Hmm? Don’t worry about it, that’s way past us,” you mumble.
“So… If I said I wanted to make up for lost time… What would you say?” she says and you feel her fingertips smoothly run over your leg under the water. 
“I think I’d ask where that idea came from,” you say breathlessly. She moves her hand to your waist, arm around your front. 
“I always liked you. I just didn’t think you liked me, you were always so quiet,” she says. Your hand, now, meets her waist, and your eyes meet hers. 
“Is this okay? I mean… Can you do stuff like this? Now that you’re all famous and everything,” you say, struggling to form any words at all, overwhelmed by the electric sensations of skin on skin underwater. She cups your cheek with a wet hand and nods to the camera bag. 
“Can I get some pictures for the blog? Before… Before I forget,” she finishes cautiously.
Before you forget, huh… Gonna make me take an impromptu bikini shoot of one of the most beautiful women ever. No big deal. 
Minjeong disentangles from you; she tosses you a towel and you dry your hands, then power on the camera. Eyes fixed on the camera’s display screen, you start shooting. She moves through pose after pose, and you can feel yourself hardening. How could you not? A perfect, slim, pale Minjeong, body covered with water droplets, her skin shining in the flash of the camera. 
“Would you check and see if those ones are any good?” she calls to you. You begin scrolling through the photos, and sure, they’re great. It would be hard to take a bad photo of her. 
“Yeah, these are good,” you say. 
“Let’s take a few more, then we can relax a bit,” she says. The camera display switches back to photo mode, and you look through; this time, your heart stops. The screen shows you that Minjeong has shed her top, and now, the camera focuses on her bare breasts, nipples erect in the cold air, water streaming down her chest. Her hourglass shape is all the more prominent now, and you wonder how it would feel to run your hands all over her wet body. You begin to lower the camera, but she shakes her head. “These are just for me. Please?” 
“J-just for you?” you mumble, mostly to yourself. Her poses grow more erotic. She squeezes her breasts together with her arms, grabs them with her hands, and leans over for you to capture a shot of her from the side with her back arched. Now you’re definitely hard, no question about it, but at least now there’s no way she could be mad at you for it. It’s her fault. She moves towards you, and you set the camera on the ground next to the pool. 
“How’d they turn out?” she asks. Her arms reach around the back of your neck, and yours wrap around her waist. 
“You’re evil,” you say into her neck before planting a few kisses there. 
“Oh, how could you say that? It seems like you had a good time,” she says. Her hips grind forward against your cock; she wants you to know that she knows how hard she’s gotten you. “You know, to be really honest, Hosang, you’re the first guy I ever thought about while touching myself.” 
“You’re an idiot- Oh, God,” she’s interrupted by moans as you kiss further down her neck. “I just like you, okay? 
“Well I just like you, too. Always did,” you say. 
“I hope so. Otherwise this could be kind of awkward,” she giggles. You withdraw from her neck to place a kiss on her temple, and finally, on her lips. She tastes so sweet, lips so soft, tongue so aggressive. Her hand grabs onto your hair and she forces your head to turn so she can deepen the kiss. Minjeong seems hungry, desperate. You sit back on the ledge with your high school crush in your lap, her legs around your waist. She’s got both hands on your face, and she observes you like some sort of specimen. 
“What’s, uh, what’s up?” you say, eyebrows raised.
“Your face… As different as it is, it almost looks exactly the same as the face I fell for back then. And I think I’m falling for it again,” she says. You begin to speak, but she places a finger over your lips. “I know what you’re gonna say. Just don’t think about it right now. Don’t. Think. About anything.”
Between her words, she’s taking your hands in hers, and moving them to her bare chest. You swallow. Hard. She’s right. If only for tonight, for this weekend, for a week, you have to just let it go. Her breasts are soft, and she whimpers when you squeeze them. She giggles and moans through a toothy smile when you roll her nipples between your fingers. Minjeong is clay in your hands, melting under every single touch, and it’s your job to make this trip unforgettable for her, to mold her into shapes of pleasure she’s never felt before. 
“You know there’s a sauna,” she whispers through gasps.
“Good idea,” you reply. Water falls from both of your bodies when you stand up with her still wrapped around you, clinging to you like a koala bear to a tree. A quick jog from the pool to the sauna, but the wind still manages to chill you both to the bone. The sauna, though, is comfortably warm. Minjeong in your lap again, you sit on the wooden bench and she devours your neck. Her tongue and breath are hot against your skin and the steam begins to make you sweat already. She stands and takes hold of your hand, beckoning you to follow suit; you stand close to her and she looks up to meet your eyes. Small hands make their way to your waistband. 
“Can I?” she asks softly. You help her slide the trunks down your legs, and your cock springs out, painfully hard, smacking your stomach. Her hand wraps around it immediately, and she moves in to kiss you again. She moves her tongue slowly against yours and her hand works your length all the while; her delicate fingers find the precum dripping from your tip and spread it generously. Delicately, she kneels; cautiously, she licks your cock from the base to the tip before latching onto the head and giving gentle suction. She looks up at you with her deep brown eyes and you place your hands on her head. You’re gentle with her. Your fingers make their way through her hair, and you keep your hips as still as you can, so as not to overwhelm her. You feel the back of her throat suddenly, and a moan escapes your mouth briefly, before you slap your hand over it. Minjeong backs off and strokes you with her hand.
“Don’t… I want to hear you,” she says. You feel your cock twitch, and you let out a sigh. A soft moan when her strokes speed up. “Good…” 
“What if someone-”
“If someone hears? They’ll leave. Don’t worry,” she says. She gives you a few more seconds of suction, tongue massaging your head, then stands back up. You switch places with her, only now, she casually strips her bottoms off and sits on the wooden bench. Her toned thighs spread apart slowly while you stand back to take her all in. 
After all these years, there she is; imagine telling high school Hosang what’s happening right now. Forget moaning her name while I jerk off… She’s right there. 
Beads of sweat roll down your face and body. Minjeong, too; she’s covered in dewdrops of her own. Somehow you think they must look better on her than they do on you. A deep breath, and you step towards her. Her chest rises and falls rapidly under your hands when you give her pert breasts some more attention. You’re on your knees, now, watching her face contort and listening to her voice catch in her throat. If she never wore a bra again, you’d surely be happy. Kisses planted down her body, from her sternum down her stomach, halting at her hipline. You take a moment to stroke her thighs softly with your fingertips, and they shudder. More kisses for her legs, from her ankles up her calves to her inner thighs. Her sweat is salty and sweet. How will the rest of her taste? You look at her again.
"What do you like?" you ask. 
"I… I don't know."
"When you touch yourself, how do you do it?"
"That's embarrassing…"
"When you're using your hands, imagining they're mine, what do you do?"
"Show me, so I can do it for you." Minjeong’s eyes are half-lidded, lust-laden. When you look down at her perfect, trimmed pussy, it’s dripping; your words got to her. She takes hold of your right wrist and places your hand on her stomach, thumb on her clit. 
“Slowly,” she whispers. You oblige, and slowly make circles on her clit, spreading her wetness over the sensitive nub. Her next move brings your left hand to her mouth. She sucks on your two middle fingers, taking them deeply into her mouth. Wet enough now, she moves your hand, palm up, near her pussy, and nods. “Inside.” The walls of her pussy are so hot, so scorching hot, inch after inch engulfing your fingers. One curl of your fingers and she’s cursing, moaning, bucking her hips. Poor girl must be starving. 
“Is that good for you, Minjeong?” you say. Your voice seems like it’s dropped an octave and slowed down about half a measure. It doesn’t matter; she can’t answer you, anyway. She’s busy stuttering out your name. Temptation gets the best of you and you move your thumb away. Minjeong whines, but it’s soon replaced by a near scream when your thumb is replaced by your tongue. As expected, she tastes incredible, some remnants of salt water from the pool, but overwhelmingly sweet underneath. She clenches around your fingers a bit.
“F- Oh my fucking-” Minjeong stutters. Her eyes roll back in her head. Her delicate fingers grip your hair, not so delicately. Rapid, shuddering breaths cause her toned stomach to rise and fall quickly, her arms and legs jerk, and the salty and sweet flavor floods your tongue. Unlatched from your hair, Minjeong’s hands grab your face and yank you up towards her face; as you stand, the tip of your cock grazes over her clit. 
“Whoops,” she whispers. Her lips are warm and smooth when they lock onto yours. And you feel her hand creep down your abdomen. Your attempt to break the kiss is foiled with Minjeong’s arm around the back of your head, and her other hand moves up and down your shaft. She’s devious, smiling into the kiss as you fill her mouth with moans, tightly gripping your cock and twisting her hand with her up and down motions. 
Kim Minjeong from high school is jerking me off. Kim Winter from Aespa is jerking me off. 
It’s a mindfuck. She kneads the back of your neck and sucks on your tongue. You can’t fuck her in a public sauna… Can you? 
“Minjeong…” you whisper against her cheek. She looks at you innocently. Like someone who isn’t driving you crazy. 
“What?” she giggles. 
“How about we go to your room? Could be bad if, you know, someone sees us,” you mumble. 
“How about once here, and a few more times there?” she says with a wink. “It’s late, baby… No one will come up.” 
Minjeong guides you towards her pussy with the hand that had never left your cock. Her legs rest on your shoulders, and you grip her pillowy soft thighs to brace yourself for impact, for entry. Her heat begins to swallow your length, quite easily due to how wet and aroused she is, and she makes the hottest noise she’s made the whole night. And now you’re hilted in Kim Minjeong in a hotel sauna with an unlocked door. Her nails scratch at your chest and shoulders frantically. 
“God, so full…” she moans. 
“You want me to fuck you now?” you put the sultry voice back on. She nods. “When you’re using your toys, imagining they’re me…” 
“Please, Hosang, just fuck me,” she pleads. “However you want. However you need.” It’s all you need to hear, certainly. You pull out nearly all the way, and watch your cock disappear inside of her with a grunt. Your thumbs nearly touch as you wrap your hands around her small waist to pull her down around your shaft with every thrust. All inhibitions are gone, any restraints have been lifted; you’re slamming into her hard, and the both of you moan loudly enough for the reception desk to hear. Minjeong’s tight abs contract and relax under your hands, you look at her face to see her drooling with her eyes rolled back. Like, actually, really drooling. 
“Fuck, babe… You’re really enjoying this, huh?” you say gruffly. You swipe your thumb over her chin and she leans down to suck on it instead. Lustful eyes meet your gaze and your thumb pops out of her lips. 
“I’ve been waiting so long,” she says. A quick sigh to punctuate her sentence. “So many years…” 
“Well-” you try to speak, but she clenches herself around you. “Fuck. I don’t think I can wait any longer than I already have-”
“Pull out baby,” she sighs. “I want to swallow you.” 
Regretfully, you withdraw from Minjeong’s tight hole, but the steam keeps your cock rather warm while she kneels down. After a lick from the base to the tip, she takes you all the way into her throat. She takes your hands and places them on her head, looking up at you sinfully. With fistfuls of her dark hair, you pull back, and thrust in again. She gags and coughs, but she never gives up, and soon, you’re shooting rope after rope, nearly convulsing in pleasure. She strokes you into her open mouth, wringing every drop out of your spent cock. When she’s satisfied, she swallows and stands up to kiss your neck and chest. 
“How about… How about we go to the room?” she says. 
“You want me to stay with you tonight?” you ask. She laughs a bit. Her laugh is fluttering and adorable, a sharp contrast with the noises she was making moments earlier.
“Of course.” 
After getting dressed and gathering Minjeong’s things, you head upstairs. In the elevator, you stand behind her; she grinds back onto your groin and brings your hands to her chest. Floors fly by and the number on the small screen goes up as you massage her chest and her delicate moans get you painfully hard once again. She rushes in front of you to the room, giving you another view of those creamy, toned legs, and you do your best to catch up. Once inside, she sits on the bed in front of you and waits. Her hands travel slowly from her hips to her knees, and even slower she parts them with her hands to reveal the glistening skin peeking out from her bikini. Her breath hitches when you step forward and gaze down at her. 
“I showed you what to do last time,” Minjeong whispers. “I want to see what you’ll do on your own.” 
“No pressure, right?” you joke, and she smiles. Her thighs are soft and malleable in your hands, and her neck softer under your lips. You untie the bikini top and cast it to the side, then kiss further and further down her neck. Kisses travel down her neck, over her collarbones, down to her sternum. There’s still salt from the pool on her skin, and you lick towards her nipple before giving it a bite. Minjeong jumps slightly and closes her fists in your hair. Your mouth works on one nipple and your hand kneads the other breast, perfectly sized for your hand. After switching sides once or twice, you kiss her stomach. Her hands move to your shoulders as you kneel on the floor in front of her.
Minjeong’s legs are wide open. You slide your fingers into the waistband of the swimsuit and slowly drag the bottoms down. More kisses travel from her knees across her inner thighs and up to her hip bones. She’s still dripping for you and you drag your tongue upwards over her pussy slowly to savor her. You spit on your fingers and slip them inside of her easily. 
“Ohhh my God-” she whispers and bucks her hips. “Go faster…” 
“Mm, so impatient, Minjeong,” you reply. Your tongue returns to her clit and makes smooth circles. She tenses around your fingers when you curl them back towards you, her moans growing louder, grip on your hair growing stronger. Taking her by surprise, you withdraw your fingers and stand up. While her hands work automatically on pulling your swim trunks down, you take a moment to just gaze at her. Her ruffled, semi-wet hair, strands sticking to her forehead and swaying wildly as she kisses up your thighs. Her flushed, glistening skin, cheeks inflating and deflating with the waves of pleasure coursing up your torso as your length disappears into her mouth again. Her pretty shoulders and arms. Her nose buried in your stomach.
“You’re really good at that,” you moan. With a yelp Minjeong is scooped up into your arms and tossed, more or less, onto the pristine hotel bed. She pats the bed beside her, and you get the message. You lie back and let her mount you. She guides your tip to her entrance, and once in line, she slams her hips down aggressively. You’re content to let her ride. Her body moves in mesmerizing ways as she grinds on you, seeking the best angle for your cock to rub against all the right places. Just as soon as you begin thrusting into her, your phone starts ringing. 
“Dammit, sorry, Minjeong,” you curse and remove the girl from your lap. Fucking spam call? Really? With the phone silenced, you turn around to see her lying back on the pillows. 
Like an animal, you crawl towards her; you feel like one at least, with the way your cock is throbbing. She pulls her legs up for you, and you guide your tip towards her dripping center. The warm feeling envelops you again and you sigh, eyes closed. Your hands find her waist and keep her torso still while you begin to drive into her. You almost can’t even hear her whines anymore, her voice punctuated by each thrust, curses and iterations of your name following every other sound.
“-nside me,” Minjeong’s voice fades in as your stupor breaks a bit. You lean forward and make a confused expression. “Cum inside me. I want to feel you fill me…” 
And something about the way she says it just obliterates any second thoughts you may or may not have had. Her high, airy voice, begging for such an impure action, intensifies the warm, wet pleasure surrounding your cock. It only gets warmer and wetter as your cum dumps into Minjeong, deeper and deeper inside of her, coating your shaft, dribbling out onto the sheets. Your thrusts slow down, but your dick stays inside; you’re tired. You wrap your arms around her waist, and lie down gently on top of her with your face in her neck. She administers gentle scratches to your scalp. 
“You came so much, Hosang,” she whispers. Her legs settle around your back. 
“Drained all my energy,” you laugh weakly. 
“You’re heavy. Can we switch?” she says. So you do; you roll onto your back. Your cock slips out in the meantime, and you both laugh about it. She fits in your arms like she was made for them.
For a long while you lie there. The cold air condition and the crisp sheets are a welcome contrast to your steaming hot skin and the panting, sweating furnace lying on top of you. Minjeong painstakingly brings her hand to your cheek and kisses the other with soft lips. A slow blink. A thought in your mind. 
Is this what it feels like?
“What are you thinking about?” she asks. She knows. 
“How do you feel about me?” you reply. Her expression is mixed.
“How do I feel… I feel like there’s a reason we ended up on this trip together,” she answers. Her body rises as you take a deep breath. “I mean I feel like something brought us together.” 
“What do you want to do about it?” you ask. 
“I want to find out why. There must be a reason this happened, you know?” she says. A small yawn. “Like… There must be something waiting at the end of a journey we can take together to find out. Or something.” 
Together? A journey? 
“Think it might be time for you to go to sleep,” you whisper. Her baby hairs stick to your face when you kiss her temple. The sheets are smooth and cool when you pull them up over Minjeong’s body and yours. She falls asleep quickly. You don’t. You’re thinking about IFR plans and what to say to her in the morning. Your fingers trace along the smooth skin of her hips and lower back for a while. The softness is comforting. And you fall asleep. 
Is this part gonna go in the blog post? 
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ham1lton · 23 days
hi, are you still taking request for the drabbles series? if so, could you do 27 with lando? maybe like just a super cutesy, funny lil blurb? tysm, love your writing and i hope you have a great day!! 🫶💞
027.   an apple orchard in the middle of spring w/ LN4.
— part of a series of drabbles! <3
your boyfriend of two years was the undisputed love of your life, but by god, could he be annoying sometimes.
today had started off well. he’d picked you up from your apartment in a loose linen co-ord and had told you to dress summery. he had a picnic basket in the back filled with all of your favourite snacks and sandwiches from your favourite deli. he even let you play your playlist on his stereo instead of his. he was really going all-out on the boyfriend experience.
the sun was shining brightly on the two of you as he drove, a hand resting on your knee and the other on the wheel. you could get used to this life, you think as the wind blows through your hair. as you arrived at the apple orchard, he grabs the basket from the back seat and holds a hand out to you.
“ready for the perfect day?” he grins, sunglasses pushed up against his curls. you take his hand.
he had picked a perfect day to take you to the orchard. the air was sweet with the scent of the apples and the blooming white and pink flowers that were scattered everywhere. he leads you to a cozy spot underneath one of the trees and spreads out a white blanket. he unpacks the basket, spreading out an array of treats.
the two of you spend your time eating and talking until suddenly lando leans over. you give him a curious look. he tucks a flower behind your hair and grins.
“there,” he declared. “now you’re even more beautiful.”
“flattery will get you everywhere.” you wink as he laughs.
after finishing your sandwiches and lemonade, your boyfriend suddenly jumped to his feet, a determined look on his face. "i have a mission," he announced, pointing dramatically at one of the apple trees. "i'm going to pick the perfect apple for you."
you raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "oh really? and what makes an apple perfect?"
"it's all about the shine, the colour, the symmetry," he said, already moving towards the tree. "trust me y/n, i have an eye for these things. it’s one of my many talents.”
you laughed as you watched him approach the tree, rolling up his sleeves with exaggerated seriousness. he inspected the trunk, nodding to himself before grabbing hold of a low branch and pulling himself up. for a moment, he looked surprisingly agile, maneuvering through the branches with ease.
but as he reached higher, the branches became thinner and more precarious. he spotted an apple that seemed to meet his criteria, but it was just out of reach. determined, he stretched out, balancing on a branch that started to bend under his weight.
"be careful!" you called out, half-amused and half-worried. "i don't want to have to call an ambulance."
"i've got this," he replied confidently, though his voice wavered slightly. he made one final reach for the apple, and in that moment, the branch gave way. with a yelp, he plummeted, hitting a few branches on the way down before landing hard on the ground with a thud. your heart leaped into your throat as you rushed to his side.
"oh my god! babe! are you okay?" you asked, panic rising in your voice. he groaned, clutching his arm and wincing in pain.
"i think... i think i landed on my arm weirdly," he said through gritted teeth.
you quickly called for help, your fingers shaking as you dialed 999. within minutes, the sound of sirens broke the peaceful ambiance of the orchard. paramedics arrived and carefully assessed his injuries. they suspected a broken arm and possibly some bruised ribs. your heart ached as you watched them load him onto a stretcher and into the ambulance.
at the hospital, you sat beside his bed, holding his free hand while the doctors took x-rays and confirmed the diagnosis: it was a sprained arm and a couple of bruised ribs. he was going to be fine, but he’d need some time to recover.
he looked up at you with a mixture of embarrassment and pain. "i’m sorry i ruined our perfect day," he said softly.
you shake your head, squeezing his hand gently. "you didn’t ruin anything lan. i’m just glad you’re okay."
he managed a weak smile. "well, at least i got you that perfect apple."
you hold up the apple that your boyfriend practically risked his life for and take a bite. it’s crisp and juicy. you nod in appreciation as you look at him. he beams.
“i told you!”
“you think you can heal up quickly enough to get me another?” you ask as you take another crunch.
the look he gives you is enough to make you burst into laughter.
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liked by bestie, user12 and 12,838 others.
yourusername: apparently an apple a day doesn’t keep the doctor away.
view all 2,345 comments
bestie: are you okay??? oh my god!!
-> yourusername: i’m fine! it’s lando. he sprained his arm.
-> bestie: oh that’s fine then.
-> landonorris: i’m still alive bestie and that means ur bestie is still my gf 😝🤭🤣 stay mad!!!
-> bestie: BOOOOOOOOOO !!!!! 🙄
author’s note: yes requests were closed but i didn’t actually write that 😭 so i wrote this one just for you because it was my bad!! i hope u enjoy it!! i wrote it in like 5 minutes <3
also this is the last of the series. so thank u everyone who sent me prompts and/or interacted with these drabbles. i love you! thank u! also i’m going to be online rarely for a bit or at least until my exams are over so <3 i’ll see u later!! send me some asks to come back to!! :))))
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ddejavvu · 11 months
it’s dbf!indy anon and I finally had a thought!!!
looking at old photos of your dad and indy with dbf!indy, and just being like “wow I would’ve smashed younger you” or “you’ve just gotten more handsome with age” or like, subtly flirting and he’s trying so hard to not flirt back bc he’s still trying to forget that he finds you attractive
today is multiverse monday, send me any au you can think of! :)
this post is 18+ (due to an age gap), minors dni.
Your dad seems to have been a whole other person before he'd settled down with your mom. You've never seen this side of him before, the cocky young man pictured beside Dr. Jones at a dig site, squinting into the sun and marred with dirt. Now he's neat, proper, and wouldn't spent days at a dig site if he was offered millions of dollars.
Dr. Jones is even more jarring to look at. There's a layer of rugged scruff on his face in the picture, his shirt hanging half open over his chest and sweat lining his brow. His sleeves are torn off in the photos, probably due to the sweltering heat they're working in, though you wonder if having his skin exposed left him vulnerable to sunburns. He doesn't look burnt, only gorgeously tanned, and you marvel over the man he used to be.
"That's you?" You ogle at a shot of him standing atop a carrier plane, lugging crates of god knows what into the hold. The cut-off sleeves give you a fantastic view of the muscles in his arms bulging while he lifts the boxes, and you only wish you'd have been there in person to avoid the slightly grainy quality to the film. It's a precarious position he's in, one that you wouldn't expect from the proper professor beside you.
"That's me," He drawls, "You like my hair?"
It's not combed, laying fluffy and natural over his forehead. There's a hat hanging from his belt, and you're surprised it hadn't messed up the strands of hair that flop so naturally over his head.
"it's different," You laugh, turning to face him. He'd been peering over your shoulder to see the pictures you're looking at, so when you turn, you're rather close. He doesn't move away, though, not even as you study him with a discerning gaze.
"You're proper-handsome now." You decide, "The gelled hair, the glasses, the suits-and-ties. But you used to be rugged-handsome." You flip to the next page, showcasing him caught sleeping against a load of cargo in the tiny plane.
You're too focused on the photos to notice him watching you, jaw working to tighten his lazy grin so that it doesn't turn upside down. He's fighting an internal battle, he knows he shouldn't be attracted to you but he is, and he can't decide whether he'll allow himself to accept your compliments or not.
"See?" You point to his posture, toned arms stretched up and over his head, his hat over his face to block out the sun, "That's a picture they'd put in one of those super-sexy firefighter-of-the-month calendars. The muscles, the open shirt, the thighs on display..." You muse, tracing over each feature you name.
He's torn. You're complimenting him, openly, brazenly. He knows he's not taking advantage of you, you're coming to him, but something about it seems so forbidden that he almost can't respond. But he's well-acquainted with danger, with the exhilaration of doing something he shouldn't, so he lets a chuckle escape, "Yeah? You think I'd make it as a sexy firefighter?"
"Oh, for sure," You nod, like you think you're reassuring his insecurities, "Just lose the shirt and swap it for suspenders, Indy, you'd fit right in."
"Really," He marvels your bold nature, unable to stop from laughing again, "Well sweetheart, maybe you 'oughta take the pictures for me. Pose me, oil me up, that sorta thing."
"Deal," You grin, turning back to face him again, still not backing away from your tantalizingly close proximity, "Should I bring socks to stuff your crotch with?"
"No need," Indiana assures you, his drawl never having been cockier, "I've got that covered myself, sweetheart."
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fairlyang · 5 months
Present 🏹
in which kate unwraps her present
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w/c: 2.8K
pairing: kate bishop x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. fluffy at first, horrendous ugly xmas sweaters, flips a switch, teasing, groping, grinding, fingering, sweet aftercare, more fluff, matching jammies and hats, hot chocolate
You were sitting in your living room reading a book with Lucky napping on your leg and Christmas music playing softly in the background when suddenly the front door bursts open. In comes your girlfriend Kate with loads of bags in her hands.
She dumps them on the floor then closes the door before pointing at them with a wide smile. "I got you something." She says and goes through her bags unsure which one to show you first.
"This won't be good." You mumble petting Lucky's head before he jumped down to greet her while you closed your book and put it on the coffee table.
"Hey buddy!" She exclaims pulling away from her bags to play with him.
His tail was wagging back and forth since he hadn't seen her all day because she was out shopping without you. There was no one to babysit him and she didn't want him to stay home by himself while you both shopped for hours. She feels too bad.
So you told her to go by herself which you would soon regret.
She pulls away and opens a bag, digging in it for a few seconds before taking out a sweater for Lucky. She gasps and holds it up to him, he excitedly sat down waiting for her to put it on.
She takes off the price tag and quickly slips it on him with ease. "Go show mama your new sweater!!" She says and points to you.
He quickly runs up to you and does a little twirl before sitting down, tail still wagging, tongue happily out. His sweater made it seem like he was an elf, with cute little red and green cotton balls on it.
"You look so handsome Lucky." You said and scratched behind his ears which made him tilt his head to the side.
"I knew I had to get him a few things and absolutely adored that sweater!!" She says excitedly, taking tags off what looks to be a bunch of toys.
"You have great taste baby." You coo, taking a quick glance at her, and fixing the collar on Lucky's shirt.
She then dumped brand new toys she got him onto the floor. "Santa!!!" She yells and squeezes the toy's belly, making a loud squeak noise that instantly got his attention.
He sprinted towards her and grabbed the toy out of her hands before running off to some other part of the apartment, toy still getting squeaked.
Kate turned towards you, holding something behind her back. "I got you the best thing I've laid my eye on." She says, standing up and walking over to you.
"That's only making me nervous Katie." You chuckle and she shrugs.
"I promise you'll love it." She replies and takes a seat next to you.
She then moves her hands and places a sweater on your lap. You grab it and hold it up only to burst out laughing.
"Now Kate-"
"Please try it on! Pretty please." She pleads, giving you your best puppy dog eyes which you couldn't deny.
"Fine." You mumble and get up, walking towards your shared bedroom.
You tried to take a peak at the other bags she had before she quickly spun you around and made you go to the direction of your room. "No peaks!!!" She exclaims, pointing a finger at your face.
"Ugh fine! All I'm saying is you better have an ugly sweater too." You groan and she gives you a thumbs up.
You walk away, entering your bedroom and closing it shut before taking a closer look at the sweater.
And of course it was an ugly Christmas one.
Because Kate bought it.
It was a red sweater with white snowflakes all over it, with green stripes along the entire collar, cuffs of the sleeves, and the bottom of the sweater. But worst of all it had a big gold bow on the entirety of the chest with a gold strip right through the middle.
Oh but the absolute cherry on top was the "You're welcome" tag attached to the bow.
How the hell Kate always found the weirdest of sweaters ever is beyond your knowledge. And how she finds worse ones after every year....
You sigh and take off the hoodie you snatched from her side of the closet before leaving it on the dresser. You then slip the sweater on and pray it wasn't itchy.
It surprisingly wasn't but it felt almost heavy? There was just so much going on and the colors were atrocious.
Sure it was the colors of Christmas but it couldn't be a sage green? Forest green?
It was all way too bright but the things you'd do for Kate....
You took a deep breath then let it out before opening the door and going back to the living room only to find Kate with her back to you.
"I swear to god Kate Bishop if yours isn't as ugly as this one-" you start but she turns around, shutting you up.
Your eyes widened and you brought a hand to cover your mouth.
And there was your lovely incredible Christmas loving girlfriend in an ugly Christmas sweater.
Somehow more ridiculous than yours but it was the tiniest bit cute on her.
So it technically wasn't fair.
She moved her hair back and grinned, "what do you think?"
"It's.... Ugly?" You say unsure what she wanted to hear.
It had different blue and white patterns along the top and bottom, with thick red strips along the collar, cuffs and bottom of it. But what made hers so.. different was the fact that there was a Santa on it.
With his sleigh.
And physical plushie reindeers flying it.
And colorful pom poms along the sleeves.
It was truly horrendous but the reindeer, the most ridiculous part of the entire sweater, somehow made it look cute.
Maybe only because it was Kate that was wearing it and you thought she looked good in absolutely everything...
"I don't even wanna know where you got them." You cut off the silence and she chuckles before taking a step forward towards you.
"Not like I'd tell you anyway!" She teases before reaching up and tugs on two strands of your bow.
"S'cute." She mumbles under her breath making you snort.
"Yeah right." You groan making her laugh.
"You make it look cute, pretty girl." She coos, wrapping her arms around your waist, pulling you closer.
But her reindeer then poke your chest and stomach making her pull away slightly. "I do have other actual cute things for us but I just had a thought..." she mumbles, leaning in towards your neck.
She left a soft kiss on your skin, not caring about your sweaters bothering each other. "And what's that baby?" You ask quietly, already having a slight idea.
"I wanna unwrap my present." She murmurs against your skin making you let out a sigh.
"Don't gotta say it twice." You breathe out and she hums, kissing up to your ear then nibbling on your earlobe.
"You're so gorgeous." She murmurs as she pulls away and quickly grabs your hand leading you to your bedroom.
"Eager much?" You tease making her groan as you walk into your room.
She closes the door and pushes you against it, slipping her leg between yours and with her hands gripping your hips. "Acting as if you don't want me to." She coos and gives you a little pout.
"You're such a tease." You whine and she grins.
"Good." She mumbles before going back to your neck but this time immediately sucking on your skin then leaving a wet kiss on it before finding another area to mark.
You moaned as she left another mark and your hands made their way to her hair, slightly pulling on it how she likes it. "So did you- j-just see this sweater and thought of this?" You stutter making her chuckle and pull away.
"Kind of. I know you appreciate a good dirty joke." She says with a smirk on her face.
"So are you gonna unwrap your present?" You ask lightly fluttering your lashes at her and she only shrugs before grabbing your hand, bringing you to the bed.
"I will.. but first I wanna see something." She says and you both walk to the edge of the bed.
"Lemme just see something really quick.." she mumbles and gets on the floor.
She brings her hands up to the waistband of your sweats and she pulls them down all the way. You step out of them and she whistles. "I'm so lucky."
"Speaking of-"
"He's fine!"
"Now back to where we were before..." she says and walks behind you.
Her hands were all over your body, the bow making noises that irked your ears but as soon as she started groping your tits you didn't mind.
Your ass was directly on her crotch now and you did what you had to and started grinding on her as she squeezed your tits. "Mmm Kate." You moan and she grinds her hips against you making you both moan.
"Bet you're already all soaked for me, aren't you baby?" She whispers in your ear as she pinched your nipples softly.
You moan and lay your head back against her, she leans her cheek against it as you relaxed into her arms. You continue your grinding making her groan and hump against you. "God you're driving me crazy baby." She moans and goes back to kneading your tits.
Without another word she grabbed you and put you on the bed with her jumping right behind you, literally.
"I wanna try something a little different okay?" She says and you nod.
"Just need you."
"I know baby, I know." She coos in your ear as she helps you get comfortable between her legs.
She makes you kind of lay your back against her then slowly starts trailing her fingers over your body. You lean your head back and buck your hips up already wanting her touch so desperately.
"Patience my love." She coos in your ear making you whine.
But she decided to be nice this time and gives in. Her right hand goes straight down to your already spread legs and her fingers start trailing up and down your soaked slit.
She bites her lips not expecting this much wetness already but then again it was you. And you'd get wet from the littlest of things.
You just loved Kate's touch so much.
And your dampened panties were proof of it.
"Katie please, I need you so badly." You whine and she hums.
You reached down and moved your panties to the side which made Kate chuckle before dipping her fingers in and instantly feeling your arousal soak her fingers.
You moaned and bucked your hips up but Late brought her left hand down and placed it against your stomach to somewhat stop your movements.
"Poor baby already so needy." She coos as the sounds of your wet cunt fill the room.
"Katie." You moaned and felt your eyes roll back as she teased your entrance with the tip of her finger.
"Shh it's okay baby, I've got you." She murmurs and slips two fingers in making you gasp.
Your left arm went to clasp hers which she was happy to see, you were just so cute wanting to continue touching her.
She slides her fingers in slowly then pulls them right back out making you whine until she brought said fingers up to your fingers which you subconsciously opened.
She slipped her fingers into your mouth and you closed your eyes, tasting yourself while you sucked on them. "Good girl." She purred making you moan against her fingers.
"Such a good girl for me." She whispers, giving you a kiss on the cheek before she took her fingers out and went straight back to work.
She slipped them in and this time didn't stop and started immediately fucking them into you. You clenched against them and you kept your eyes closed just for your immersion.
Her fingers always worked their perfect magic on you and you'd never grow tired of it. She always came up with new ways so you never grow "bored" but you never would anyway.
Her left hand moved up your body and came up to squeeze your left breast. You grabbed that arm and just held onto it, not wanting her to stop anything she was doing.
She started pinching your nipple as her pace went harder, faster. Your greedy cunt acting as if it hasn't been getting played with and just sucking up her fingers and enveloping them easily. "F-Fuck-" you whimpered and she kissed your cheek again.
"Feel good mama?" She asks and you nod feverishly.
"So tight too. I'll never grow tired of it." She purrs making you whine once again as she started fucking her harder.
By this point your cunt was pouring out a mix of wetness and creaminess juices, no doubt about to stain the bed.
But that was the least of either of your concerns as you tried spreading your legs out wider and it sure helped. Kate was now able to fuck you deeper but before she did she added a third finger.
At the new angle she was now hitting that sweet spot that had you passing out and seeing stars.
And you've yet to open your eyes.
"Oh fuck Kate— mmm god it feels so good—" you moan and grip her arm as you bring your right hand to play with your right breast for even more stimulation.
"Taking them so well pretty girl." She coos making you moan and you swore with just her praises alone you could come undone.
"Mmm Katie please- please-" you whined and she swore under her breath.
Her boxers were already a mess and your pretty moans were not helping her case. Not a complaint but god those moans drove her insane.
"So beautiful, fucking perfect." She murmurs and you quickly bring a hand down to rub your clit.
You rubbed fast circles on it and soon enough felt your orgasm approach. You figured out you always needed clit stimulation to cum until you met Kate and you suddenly didn't need it.
But sometimes it still felt good to cum that way anyway.
You let out a melody of whimpers and mewls as Kate's fingers were hitting your g spot harder now. You felt that all too familiar feeling in your stomach and your body began to shake.
"Cum for me baby, let go." She whispers and you do.
You let go and cry out as your orgasm hits you and leaving you a shaky, breathless mess. You move your hand away as Kate slowed down and left her fingers inside. You were breathing heavily and Kate brought her left hand to yours and held it softly.
"Did so good for me baby." She praises and kisses your cheek sweetly.
She slips her fingers out of your gently and you finally open your dazed eyes just in time to see her bring them up to her mouth. You look up at her in adoration and just sigh as your breathing calms itself down.
"Didn't even unwrap your present." You mutter and she giggles before wrapping both arms around you softly.
"Sorta counts."
"It does not."
"It should."
You then sit there in silence, enjoying each others company until Kate moves and positions you so your head is on the pillow. "I'll be right back." She whispers, giving your forehead a kiss before running off.
She came back after a few seconds and comes in with some plaid pj pants. "I got you red and green but because I know you love this green..." she says and takes the tag off before putting them on you.
"Perfect! Now I'll go wear my red ones and next week we flip flop." She says excitedly making you smile.
She was the sweetest and most thoughtful, caring person you've ever had the pleasure of meeting and you couldn't believe she was your girlfriend.
How you got so lucky was beyond you but you felt so grateful you found her because she was absolutely your soulmate.
The pea to your pod. The peanut butter to your jelly. The yin to your yang.
Your other half.
Because of her, you were a happier version of yourself and it was all because of how perfect of a girlfriend she was.
She finally came back only this time with her new pj pants on, a hat with the lower half of Santa, and two mugs.
Lucky came in behind her racing towards you, immediately jumping on the bed with another hat which he left on your lap. This one being a cute Christmas tree.
"See I have good taste." She says with a big grin.
"You have the best taste." You respond, grabbing the hat and putting it on.
"How do I look?" You ask as you grab the mug Late was handing to you.
"Absolutely perfect." She sighs and looks at you adoringly.
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undercoverpan · 10 months
Say what you mean (I can't, sorry)
"Why didn't you make me tea when I was sick?"
The room they're in is quiet. Spider isn't looking at him, rather, he's staring at his cup of water as he sits down in one of the cold, metal chairs the RDA had left behind. Jake's place within the four walls is at the small counter, leaning other it with his elbows as he grips a piece of bone, whittling it into a bead. Neither face the other.
"What?" He asks, resuming with his carving. Spider glances at him from the corner of his eyes, catching the dismissive tone, and thinks of shutting his mouth. Just dropping the conversation. But with a second glance, he catches amber on the man's songchord, and thins his lips. Proof of his place within the family is reflected in that insignificant amber, the same blood that courses through his veins now. How he hated his blood; how he wonders why and how Jake could cherish it. His blood beckons him to speak, rushing to his cheeks as he opens his mouth again.
"When I was sick, you never made me tea." 
Jake regards his words in the way you might regard the core of an eaten Yovo fruit. Past its sweet flesh, what is it worth? The seeds may be cultivated by Eywa, but not necessarily the Na'vi. By Jake. But Spider wants to be valued beyond his metaphorical and literal flesh. 
"Did you want some tea?" He offers; and Spider stills. His rational mind, the one that never made any effort to shield him from the less rational parts of himself that dwelled within his heart, tells him that that is what he wants. Tea. He's asked for tea and he's being offered tea. He associates that part of his thoughts with cowardice and willful ignorance, because this isn't what he wants. 
"No, not right now. Back then, when I was a kid. You used to make the others tea; but never me. Why?" He presses, and though he shows great restraint with the emotions seeping through his teeth like blood through a white bandage, it is still as palpable and intrusive as the past comparison. Jake pauses, turns, and looks at Spider. He feels microscopic beneath his intense gaze, like an insect, like a yerik, like prey and insignificance all at once. Their relationship is one of commensalism, maybe parasitism if you push it. Spider certainly is.
"That's because you rarely got sick. Also, Norm wanted to keep you away from Na'vi foods and drink when you got sick–" he starts and Spider feels shame welling up in his throat like bile. Embarrassment. "No. Not that. Why didn't you make me tea?" He says. It's simple, a simple question. But below the surface, it's a heavy; loaded question. It's not stupid, or petty, or childish; it is a plea. A plea for understanding, a plea for please don't make me really say it.
"I never thought to make you tea. I…I thought you liked making your own tea." He offers instead an odd olive branch of sorts. Spider tightens his grip on his cup. "I always wanted someone to make me tea. It–, I like my tea, but I've never compared it to anything else. I don't know if I'm doing it right; I don't know what tea is supposed to taste like." He says, admits with some embarrassment and hesitance. Jake takes a breath; it feels like he's taking the air straight from Spider's lungs.
"Is it so bad, not knowing what tea is if you like what you make?" 
He asks. 
"Is it so bad that I want you to make me tea?" Spider counters. Jake sighs and Spider feels ridiculous. An 8 year old tugging at someone's sleeve, saying come look, I hit it right in the middle this time! I carved it myself! I wove it myself! I saw this and thought of you! I learned how to do this today! I made this for you!
"It's not that I don't want to make you tea, Spider, I promise. It's just…" he hesitates, searching for something inside himself, something more genuine than he wants to be right now. "...With the kids, and Neytiri, and the rest of the clan, I was just so busy." 
Spider feels something in him deflate, filled with some delusional hope that because he is part of 'the kids' and 'the clan' he'd get tea, but he wasn't. Never was, never will be. He bites his lip, hunching over like Jake punched him in the stomach and with the pain in his chest, he might've.
"Okay." He says, tersely. He doesn't dare meet his gaze. Doesn't want to imagine what he'd find in that golden eyed gaze.
"Spider…" He trails, reaches a big blue hand towards Spider in some kind of attempt at comfort. It's a cruel thing, reaching when you've made it clear you have no intention of holding. Featherlight touches grace him occasionally, but he wants the real thing. He wants somebody to care in the same way a father was. Anyone, anyone at all.
"It was stupid to ask," he says, standing up, "Sorry. It's stupid–, I'm stupid–,"  He rushes out of the room, water forgotten, eyes red rimmed and body stiff, trapped in rigor mortis. His body is tense, reeling from some kind of impact. He grits his teeth as he makes it to his little bedroom. He opens and closes the door behind him, a quiet click as it shuts behind him. His room, small and usually suffocating, is his sanctuary.
Sanctuary.  His uturu from the rest of the world, when it all became too much. And it's so stupid and he's so stupid because it's just tea. It's just tea, it's something he can make on his own, it's something he doesn't necessarily love; it was such a stupid and petty and desperate thing to ask. He feels like there are bugs under his skin, he wants to rip them all out. 
Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid
He feels hot tears down his cheeks. Embarrassing.
He sinks to the floor, knees tucked beneath his chin. He heaves.
The room blurs, turning into a muddled sea of colours in his vision. His head is cold against the hard floor as sobs wrack his built frame. And yet, from the corner of his eye, he spots something. It's in a brown can, a familiar one. He reaches out his hand and touches cold metal, pulling it from beneath his bed. 
It's one of the better drinks the RDA makes. Coffee flavoured energy drink, a favourite amongst the science guys. He always thought it tasted like dung, the bitterness juxtaposed awfully with the artificial sweetness. But when it's in a chipped mug, topped with copious amounts of whipped cream and chocolate, it's good. When it's shared around a campfire with Quaritch, it's good. When it's put into a microwave and subsequently blows up said microwave, it's good. 
He ignores the warning labels and drinks it down. It's good.
Spider not asking what he rlly wants <333 turning to an unhealthy imitation of what he truly desires <333 he cant ask his dad for affection or why he feels unloved, he like frfr
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petermorwood · 2 years
DD mentioned that you designed the Gonne in Terry Pratchett’s Men At Arms, so I just have to say thank you for creating one of the most plausible but terrifying weapons for that world!
NB, I did NOT design the "Gonne" (from "Men At Arms") - that's Terry's very own, and it's a gunpowder weapon based on the Harmonica Gun. (Look it up.)
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Yul Brynner carried one in the spaghetti Western “Adiós, Sabata”, and - given the presence and plot relevance in MAA of a musical watch like the one in “For A Few Dollars More” - the Sabata movie may well be where Terry saw it.
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Read more in this post from 4 years ago, waaay down near the bottom, including the vexatious problem of a writer carefully concealing what the McGuffin / Plot Device is, then having all that subtlety wasted by an artist (Josh Kirby in this instance) who paints it clear, distinct, and obvious on the cover...
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(According to The Annotated Pratchett File, Terry didn’t mind. That was the official position, anyway...)
What I designed was the prototype Spring-gonne / One-shot.
Terry and I were sitting in the convention bar and he described something he was thinking of for another book (which became ”The Fifth Elephant”). I mentioned the Wel-Rod sleeve gun designed for SOE.
This was basically a huge silencer built around a one-shot firing mechanism, carried hidden up a coat-sleeve on a rubber lanyard.
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A jerk of the arm sent it down into the hand, the weapon was pressed tight against the target and fired (unnoticed in ordinary street noise), then the rubber cord whisked it back out of sight while the assassin walked away from someone who’d apparently tripped over their own feet...
It was meant ONLY for stealthy contact-range assassination, so was exactly the sort of "not-for-threat-just-for-killing" weapon he had in mind and which Vimes so dislikes.
Terry got very interested, explained that it couldn't be a gunpowder weapon and after a few more questions from me ("does Ankh-Morpork have a tech level that can make helical springs?" was one), I got a pen and some paper napkins and sketched a few designs.
They were based around the telek spring-guns in my own books, weapons to fill that inconvenient across-the-room distance between sword and bow and which, as described, have a very satisfying pump-action threat gesture - at least if the hero using them has two working arms...
The original version of the One-Shot was like a bicycle pump from the Dark Side - pull out then puuush in to cock it, turn one way to lock, muzzle-load a bolt and turn the other way to shoot. What finally appeared in print was rather different ("for reasons of Plot" as Terry told me much later; for instance the version in “The Truth” no longer enclosed the bolt so Mr Pin could light its incendiary tip) though I can still read the ancestry of the first scribble in its description. :->
I've still got one of them but have no idea where (try finding a single sheet of crumpled napkin in a house with two writers!); it’s something like this:
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itsgrimeytime · 2 months
Home is Where the Heart is (Part Ten) || Farmer!Rick Grimes (TWD) x Teacher!GN!reader AU
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9...
Taglist: @1tsk1tty
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker @zomb-1-egutzz
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Inspiration: Like Real People Do by Hozier and Begin Again by Taylor Swift.
Summary: Your life was spinning out of control, you knew that. After a string of particularly shattering events, you decided it was time to start anew. With a little help from one of your Grandma's rentals, you found yourself in the small town of Alexandria. The last thing you expected was your neighbor, Rick Grimes.
TWs: kinda anti-Lori, a lil bit of crying, alluding to sex (nothing graphic), and mentioned child abandonment.
[[A/N: Fun fact, I based the multiplication tables on actual posters I had as a kid. And yes, I did have physical multiplication tables on my walls, I was a nerd. This one is quite the rollercoaster. Enjoy :))]
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You woke up early that morning, dancing around your house trying to gather everything up. It was almost 2 weeks until school started, and you had honestly never been more panicked in your life.
Grabbing stacks of paper and a few colorful posters you saved from your job in the city, you pushed open the door and unloaded it into your car. It wasn't your first trip to the car that morning, and it was starting to get a little tedious (you would've been frustrated if you weren't so nervous).
Slipping them into the trunk, you took a big breath out of your lungs and readied yourself up for another load. There was a lot more than you'd thought there'd be to decorate a classroom-
"Mornin', darlin'," a voice called to you, and you immediately spun on your toes to meet the one and only Rick Grimes.
It had been a few days since you'd seen him. You started working over at his house, so you wouldn't be running yourself into the ground again. He kept you hydrated and fed, and if you got stressed, he'd kiss your temple or drag you away from the computer. It was a really nice change of pace. You'd been relatively less stressed because of it, except for, well, now.
Rick was leaning against the fence, sleeves rolled up past his elbows (a worn flannel that maybe he wore just for morning work, you noted), and forearms on full display. You could see dirt on his hands though, and you realized it was early enough he must have been working too. Grinning at you and blue eyes twinkling, a stray curl hanging over his face (you had the instinct to comb it back). He actually looked a little messy, imperfect even, who knew he could do that?
Making your way over to him, you chimed with a bright smile, "Hey, loverboy, funny seeing you here."
He laughed, eyes swimming all over your face as you stood in front of him, "'Could say the same for you, ya know."
You smiled, teasing, "You always watch me like that?"
He let out a low chuckle, eyes intently focused on you -you really were never going to get used to that, "Only sometimes."
Laughing, you gently combed the curl back in its place and while you were at it fixed the rest of the muss of his hair. It looked a little like a bedhead, so you spent a little longer fixing it. Rick just watched you do so, maybe a little fondly.
"'S gettin' a lil' long, ain't it?" he offered, and you looked at it for a moment -the bundle of curls almost reached the bottom of his neck.
"Rick, believe me when I say this," you moved your hand to his cheek -mock-serious, "-I will kill you if you cut your hair."
Rick let out a full-body laugh at that one, head tilting up to the sky. You smiled at the noise, heart lurching in your chest.
"Don't get me wrong," you clarified, hand still in place "-I've seen the pictures, and you are very handsome with short hair-"
He just smiled at you, eyes trickling all over your features. It made you want to fidget a little.
"-in fact, I think you'd be handsome with any hair, actually-"
Rick leaned forward and pecked your lips, effectively cutting off your reasoning. It was a simple kiss, just surface level, still made you smile though.
"Ya do know how to flatter a guy, you know 'at?" he hummed, fingers tapping along the wood. He kind of looked like he wanted to touch you, but, you know, dirt hands.
"I am just stating facts," you argued. It was unreal how he did not know how plain attractive he was. God, you could wake up every day stoked just because you were together.
He changed his footing, looking at you curiously, "What are ya doin' out 'ere anyway?"
Blue eyes drew to your trunk, where a substantial pile was growing -messy colors and books and stationery-
"'Looks like a lotta stuff," he commented, saying playfully (but there was something a little serious in his tone), "-Ya ain't leavin' me, are ya?"
"No," you laughed in disbelief, but you saw something in him relax, "-Remember that job I have? That you ignore?"
Rick rolled his eyes, "I don't ignore it."
"You do," you patted his cheek, "-you buy everything for me. But-"
He smiled at you, affectionately, turning to kiss your palm.
"-since school starts in a few weeks," you explained, "-I have to go set up my classroom. What is in my trunk is not my stuff, but instead, tragically, is cute little posters about multiplication tables."
"Cute?" he questioned, eyes looking at you so fondly you thought that you might melt in your place.
"They're jungle themed," you clarified, motioning with your hands, "-have little monkeys on the sides."
Rick smiled at you, something smoothing into his eyes, "'At does sound pretty cute."
Your eyes flicked between his, "I said that, didn't I?"
He laughed again, and you pulled him to your lips that time -a little longer than before, but not much more than the press of the lips. Although you were pretty sure Rick wanted it to be. You too, really.
"Alright, loverboy," you parted, dropping your hands from his face, "-you've distracted me enough, I have some work to do. The colorful letter cutouts will not stack themselves."
He looked at you a second, before asking, "Ya need an extra set of hands? Or maybe three?"
"Oh, you don't need to wake them up, Rick, I'll be fine-" you hummed, "-it'll only take a few hours."
"Carl's helpin' me outside, and Judith is pickin' flowers, think she might give 'em to ya actually, and-" he tilted his head -playfully, "-I gotta few hours."
You laughed, "Do you?"
"For ya?" he grinned, eyes skimming over yours -fond, "-Absolutely."
Rick ended up piling up his kids in his truck and following you to the school. What can you say? You were weak-willed when it came to Rick Grimes.
Now, you were roaming down the hallways, hands full of papers, muttering the instructions you got from an email to your classroom. Beside you, Rick held most of the stuff (not that you hadn't offered), Carl held one box, and with your free hand, you held Judith's -keeping her close. Rick's eyes had been following it the whole way, you probably would've said something, if you weren't so distracted.
"Rick!" a woman called, crouching down to the kids' level, "-and look, Carl and Judith too! Hey guys."
She was young, wearing a floral top and regular jeans. She had blonde curly hair and a deep sort of blue eyes. Her voice was warm and she seemed so welcoming it was actually unbelievable-
Now that you noticed it, she came out of the first hallway -the younger classes. You briefly wondered if she was a teacher too.
"Hey, Beth," Rick chimed happily, warm, "-just helpin' Y/N get 'eir room ready."
"Y/N," she smiled, big and bright, rising back to her feet, "-the Y/N?"
He chuckled, and you saw the tips of his ears go pink (a smile bloomed onto your lips again), but still, he confirmed, "Yeah if ya wanna say it like 'at, the Y/N."
The woman grinned, something twinkling in her eyes, before realizing she hadn't turned to you yet, "Oh, I'm sorry! I'm Beth, Beth Greene, I teach Kindergarten here."
"Hi, it's really nice to meet you," you chimed, smiling, "-and even though you don't need it apparently," your eyes shot to Rick a second, "-I'm Y/N. I teach third grade, and am... currently trying to find my classroom."
"Oh," she spoke, eyes lighting up at the idea of helping, "-I can totally help you with that! Third is gonna be the second hallway, what's your classroom number?"
"203," you replied with ease -in all your nerves, you had memorized it.
"That's easy," she waved a hand dismissively, "-should be right at the front, odd rooms are on the left."
"Thank you," you smiled.
"I hope to see you around!"
You grinned wide and continued walking down the main hallway. Maybe I shouldn't be so nervous.
"Look at ya," Rick hummed, teasingly, "-already makin' friends."
You pursed your lips, warning, "Don't start, loverboy."
He laughed, as you turned down the second hallway -eyes darting between room numbers, a little frantically. Rick's eyes lingered on you a little longer, eyebrows furrowing a second. He opened his mouth to say something, but you interrupted him.
"There it is," you breathed out a sigh of relief -second door on the left.
Grabbing your key off your lanyard which had your photo ID too, you slid it into the lock and turned.
Taking in the room, you were nearly bouncing on your toes. Not that it was anything special, it was just a basic classroom with lines of desks, a big whiteboard, plain white brick walls, and a big desk in the corner. It was just... your very own classroom.
"Ya look happy," Rick chimed, coming up to your side as Judith and Carl ran into the room.
You instinctively called out, thinking of the hard tile flooring under your shoes, "Be careful, you two! Don't fall!"
The both of them slowed down considerably, and you let out a sigh of relief -placing the papers you had on one of the desks in front of you and turning to Rick.
He was smiling at you so fondly that you promptly forgot what you were saying -heart skittering in your chest, "Sorry, what did you say?"
"Ya look happy," he repeated, blue eyes skimming over your face a little like he couldn't get enough of you.
"Oh, yeah, I am," you agreed, smile on your face, "-I've always had assistant jobs, this is... I finally have my own classroom. It's big for me, even if sounds a little stupid-"
Rick shook his head, putting the boxes onto the floor, and approached you -running his hands along your arms, "Ain't stupid, baby. Not at all."
You smiled at him but not quite the fullest, nerves still bubbling under your skin, "Thank you."
He furrowed his eyebrows, eyes smoothing over your smile, "'Ere's somethin' else. What's wrong?"
You bit at your lips a second, "I just... I really don't want to mess this up. I've only ever been an assistant-"
His hands moved up to cup your face, turning your eyes onto his -steady gaze, "You're gonna do great. Not a doubt in my mind."
You pursed your lips.
"I've seen ya wit' Carl and Judith," he continued, genuine and honestly, "-you're amazin', baby. You 'ave nothin' to worry 'bout."
"'Course," he assured, leaning forward and pecking your lips once, "-Now, what ya want me to do, boss?"
You laughed, and the four of you got to work. Well, Judith was sitting at a desk coloring with crayons but you'd still counted it (especially when she'd offered you the finished product after Carl signed it for her. You immediately stuck it on the pinboard behind your desk. Rick couldn't stop smiling at you).
You were, at the current moment, making nametags with Carl; you were writing their names and he was folding them into triangles -quite diligently, you added. Every once in a while he'd tell you about somebody if he knew them, 'Annie likes the color pink, and James likes dinosaurs, he let me play with his favorite once. It was so cool-'. Attentively listening, you carefully skimmed every name, making sure that their name was spelled right.
"Do you know what Mary's favorite princess is?" you asked, curiously.
Carl paused from folding, gathering an oddly serious face (you almost laughed), "'Think she told somebody it was Cinderella once."
Kind of basic, your mind chimed.
"Good choice," you hummed instead, and you could feel Rick's eyes heavy on the two of you -you chanced a look at him and sweetly smiled. He grinned, shaking his head, and busying himself with the posters.
And then, there was a rapt on the door.
You curiously looked to the door and spotted a man with dark hair and dark eyes. His eyes surfed along the room before landing on Rick, a grin seeping across his face.
"I heard we had a visitor," he spoke, echoing out into the room.
Rick spun to him, grinning wide and making strides to the door, "Glenn, 'ey! Ya heard from Maggie?"
The man, Glenn, smiled in a small sort of way, shaking his head -embarrassed. You peeked up at the two of them, curiosity peaked.
Carl whispered, low for your ear, "'At's Glenn, he teaches here."
You turned to him, digging deeper, "And whose Maggie?"
He darted to the group, seeing they were lost in conversation, and putting his hand in front of his mouth, whispering, "She sells flowers in town, he has a big crush on 'er."
"Really?" you whispered back, "-How do you know?"
"Dad said so," he responded, blue eyes locked onto yours, "-Glenn won't ask her to be his girlfriend though."
"No," you exaggerated, enraptured, "-does Maggie like him back?"
"Yeah," he answered, mindlessly folding, "-she looks at 'im how Dad looks at you. And Dad really likes you."
You smiled, something in your chest fluttering, laughing a little, "Does she?"
"Yeah," he hummed, adding dramatically, "-And she twirls her hair."
"Oh, wow," you responded, playfully, "-she must really like him then."
He nodded at you, as you continued writing away. Until a thought crossed your mind.
"Has your Dad ever tried to get Maggie to make a move?" you asked.
"Dunno," Carl answered, shrugging, "-Dad says everybody in Alexandria is waiting on it. I don't really care, though."
You laughed, and you felt Rick's eyes dart to you at the noise, "Well, at least, you have your priorities straight, Carl."
There was a pause.
"You should try it though," he added, a little quietly, not looking at you.
"Should I?"
"Yeah," he leaned into his hand, "-I think if two people like each other, they should be together. 'Specially if they really like each other. Like you and Dad."
"And you're-" you pursed your lips, "-you're okay with me and your Dad?"
"Yeah," Carl spoke, instantly, "-he smiles a lot with you. 'Didn't used to smile that much when we weren't around."
You frowned slightly but didn't say a word.
"'Cause Mom left," he commented, tone much lower than before. You just watched him quietly. You hadn't really thought too much about Lori, or, at the very least, Carl's perspective.
It might be a little like he lost a Mom.
You bit your lip, bouncing your pen for a moment, "Hey Carl?"
He turned to you, big blue eyes, and his fingers dancing along the table.
"It's okay to miss her sometimes," you decided, eyes settling along his face, "-even if... even if she left on purpose. You can still miss her."
"I can?" he asked so genuinely that it made your heart ache in your chest.
"Yeah, of course," you hummed, giving him your full attention, "-we can still miss the people who hurt us. Especially if you love them."
"And," he started, voice maybe a little wobbly, "-And it's okay if it did hurt me?"
Something in your gut twisted. Oh, Carl.
You took a breath in, hand coming to smooth down his arm, "Yeah, sometimes-" your hand smoothed along his head, "-sometimes people do things that hurt us, and it-" you bit your lip, remembering things yourself, "-it hurts for a long time. And you know what? That's okay."
Carl just looked at you.
"It's okay to feel hurt by someone," you added, not moving your eyes from his, "-even when you love them."
Carl looked at you for a second, processing the words. You attentively kept his gaze, patient.
Before you could blink, he scraped back his chair and threw himself into your arms. Tiny little arms and hands hugging you.
You smiled, a little bittersweetly (maybe with a dusting of tears in your eyes), hand coming up to carefully hold the back of his head. Wordlessly, you smoothed your palm against it -repetitively.
Looking up to match Rick's concerned eyes, you motioned dismissively with your free hand, mouthing 'Later'. He seemed to shoot between your eyes and the back of Carl's head, rolling his lip in between his teeth.
'It's okay', you mouthed, trying to reassure him, '-he's okay.'
Something in him softened, and he took a deep breath, turning back to Glenn.
You did eventually meet Glenn, Rhee you learned; he taught fifth grade, towards the end of the third hall. Just like everyone else, he'd said Rick had practically introduced you already. It made you grin, just like it did every other time. He was nice, friendly even, offered to help you learn the ropes -which, you kind of desperately needed.
A little after that, with the help of Rick's height and Carl's remarkable focus (seriously, you wished you had that), you finished your classroom. Cubbies pushed against the wall, crayons in little drawers, papers properly filed in your desk, and walls covered in cute posters. You deserved a little break, so you took one.
Eating dinner with the Grimes, you stayed over. Leading you to now, as you sat -curled up on the couch watching whatever sitcom was on. It seemed familiar, but you couldn't really remember. Rick was putting Carl to bed, as he'd put Judith a few hours earlier, and you just sat in the coziness of his house.
It was crazy how nice it felt to be in here.
"Hey, baby," Rick hummed out, waltzing up to your side.
"Hey," you greeted with a sweet sort of smile.
Rick sat down just beside you, pulling you into his side (his body warmth bubbling along his skin, and a woodsy smell pulling through your nose). In response, you went to lean your head onto his shoulder -naturally.
"Just one thin'," he hummed, and you stopped in your tracks as he guided your chin up. And with fond, twinkly eyes, he kissed you.
It was languid, beard scratching at your face, and fingertips gently on your skin. Your hand naturally pushed through his hair, brushing through the curls with your fingers. Rick let out a low hum in response that made your stomach twist in a sort of pleasant way, so you kept doing it. Lips melding together with each breath you took, you had the spare thought that he kissed you a little carefully -gently. It made sparks shoot to your toes that he cared so much. Wanted to make you feel special and cared for.
You parted then, eyes fluttering open with a breath, a little flustered. Rick laughed a little at your reaction, fingers brushing along the hinge of your jaw -the careful touch of his callouses.
"Ya are so cute," he hummed, low as a whisper, "-always so flustered by me. 'S cute."
"In my defense," you responded, "-you are probably the hottest person like... maybe ever."
He quirked an eyebrow, a playful smirk smoothing across his lips, "Hottest, huh?"
You paused, "Uh, yeah. I call you handsome all the time-"
"Handsome and hot are two different thin's darlin'," he interrupted, curling his hand behind your ear, "-'s 'bout the intention."
"Well, then-" you continued a little uncertain, "-yeah. You look like you deserve to be carved out of marble-"
His eyes just laid heavily on you, but you could see the tips of his ears turn pink.
"-and at the same time, I would like to watch you chop wood shirtless sometimes," you finished, a little quieter.
He laughed just a little, before confessing, "Sometimes, I do chop wood, actually."
"Yeah," he explained, voice low and gruff, "-in the winter, in case the power goes out. Keep some firewood for the fireplace. Don't think bein' shirtless would be a good idea in 'at weather."
You hummed, distracted by the way his fingers were brushing against your skin. It was so fond it made your head spin.
"'Could be shirtless for other reasons though," he added, tone coated in something different.
You let out a breath, eyes flicking between his, mindlessly poking his chest -accusingly, "Now that's not fair, Grimes. Jokes like that-"
"Who said I was jokin'?"
Your breath hollowed out in your chest, your heart pounding a little too fast. You swallowed, eyes holding his heavy look that you had never really seen before, but you knew very much what it meant.
Heart leaping into your chest, you spoke, "Yeah?"
"Kids are asleep," he offered, eyes set on your face -dipping to your lips, "-if ya want to, I want to."
"Jesus Christ," you muttered.
He laughed a little at that, eyes fond for a second. But continued strumming along your skin, careful touch now definitely making your head spin.
You breathed out, "I would like that. Yeah, who wouldn't?"
Laughing again, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours -surface level, but something new biting there. A promise for more.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, hands twisting into his hair. He hummed again, but this time a little differently.
Before you could blink, he was pulling you up to stand, and right before you could do that, he hitched his arms under your thighs -effectively carrying you.
You swallowed, god help me.
Rick grinned at you, something shining in his blue eyes, "'Figured I could show you somethin' else with my strength, yeah?"
You croaked out, just staring at him, "Yeah."
He laughed big and bright then, eyes smoothing to your lips, and decidedly saying, "'Said I was gonna take care of ya, didn't I?"
You blinked, swallowing. Well, maybe you didn't need god to help you.
You looked at Rick a second, before he started to move to the bedroom with a pretty quick pace -almost running. You laughed.
Maybe you were already blessed.
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resowrites · 1 year
Daredevil - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry’s overprotectiveness drives his pregnant wife crazy…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, dialogue heavy, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 1765
A/N: My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Daredevil - oneshot.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Henry's voice startled her and she almost lost her footing. "Careful, you're going to fall!" He dashed forwards, catching her as she teetered backward from the ladder.
"For God's sake! I almost fell off thanks to you!" Henry quickly helped her down, taking the large box from her hands as he did so.
"Well, what on earth are you doing?! You know you're not supposed to be doing any heavy lifting!" She couldn't help but roll her eyes.
"Don't be ridiculous, I had to get a start on clearing my office or we won't be able to make it into a nursery--"
"Then why didn't you just call me for help? I said I'd do it at the weekend, there's no need for you to be carrying heavy stuff or going up and down ladders--"
"Henry, you promised not to start becoming a fusspot--"
"How am I being a fusspot when my pregnant wife is scaling heights while juggling a load of boxes?!"
"So I'm not meant to move for the rest of my pregnancy am I?!" He folded his arms.
"Preferably, yes!"
"Oh, don't be ridiculous! I'm allowed to carry on as I would normally, you know women can even do weight training throughout their pregnancies?" Henry's eyes went wide.
"You're not planning on doing that, are you?!"
"Well, maybe. After all… it's better to be in good shape ready for the birth."
"You're are joking? You're not seriously going to lift weights in the gym?!"
"Well, I thought having a personal trainer come here would be better. Just let me know when you're not using the weights and I'll schedule the session." But he was in no mood for her teasing.
"You mean to tell me you're going to have some random guy come over and help you work out?!" She smirked.
"Oh, so now it's about the trainer? What if it's a woman instead?" Henry sighed and led her by the hand into their bedroom. Carefully, he sat her down on the edge of the bed and took a seat beside her.
"Ollie, I know you're a headstrong person but I must admit, I'm getting worried about how that's showing up in your pregnancy--"
"Aren't you being a tad dramatic? I mean, I haven't been advised to take any precautions so far--"
"And what if that changes? Will you follow the advice you're given?"
"Of course! Why are you making me sound like some irresponsible lunatic?"
"Well, I don't know about irresponsible…" She smiled.
"I'm serious, what risks do you think I've been taking?"
"Well, take a couple of nights ago. You got in the bath despite barely being able to keep your eyes open!"
"So? What does that have to do with anything?" Henry sighed and took her hand in his.
"Ollie, you have to accept that our lives are changing. And there will be some things you just can't do anymore." She jumped to her feet and angrily crossed her arms.
"Henry, I'm not an idiot and I would appreciate it if you stopped treating me like one--" she turned to leave only for him to catch her by the sleeve.
"Whoa, there. I neither said nor implied any such thing. But what would have happened if you'd fallen asleep in the bath Ollie? I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you or the baby…" Henry's eyes seemed to glaze over temporarily and she felt bad about being so defensive.
"Oh, Henry. I had no idea you were feeling so anxious…" She sat back down on the bed, taking his hand once again.
"I'm not anxious!"
"Look, I'm worried about the responsibility of becoming a parent as well--"
"I'm not worried, either. More… concerned. I mean, there's only so much I can do to protect you both."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, it's my job as a husband and father to keep you both safe. And if I can't even do that before the baby gets here… it hardly bodes well for the future."
"But Henry you do protect us. Every day, in fact. You make sure I'm eating well, and getting enough rest. I can't even leave the house without you holding my hand or walking between me and the road!"
"And what if that's not enough? I won't always be around…"
"Well, I'm sure we'll manage--"
But it won't be easy for them to have such a handsome, famous father!"
"What do your looks have to do with anything?! And I'm not a china plate Henry and neither is the baby. There's going to be accidents, injuries… times when we're sick. It's just a part of life." Henry looked down, shifting slightly from one foot to the other.
"I know, I know. But just promise me you'll take it easy. At least until you're past the twelve-week mark?" She looked into his pleading eyes and could see it was useless trying to disagree.
"Fine, but only if you promise to try and relax a little. Who knows what the future will bring but I want us to both enjoy this pregnancy. Before we know it, it'll all be over."
"You're right. It's just tough feeling so powerless…" An idea suddenly popped into her head.
"Well, why don't we get a fetal doppler? That way we can listen to the baby's heartbeat at home."
"Can we really do that?!" She nodded eagerly.
"From twelve weeks onwards, yeah. And you're also welcome to check in with as many times as you want each day, no matter where you are or what you're doing." Henry visibly relaxed and placed his hands gently on his stomach.
"Do you also promise to tell me the minute anything feels off? Even if you're not entirely sure what it is?"
"Of course, darling. I know it's just as important for you to have that information as it is for me. But please try and relax, there's no use worrying over what we can't control. Now give me a hand with these boxes, once they're up in the loft I can start moving the furniture out of my office as well." He jumped to his feet and came between her and the door.
"Oh no you don't! You're not lifting any more boxes. And if you want things moved then you'll have to ask me."
"But then how will I turn the loft into a workout room?" Henry's mouth fell open. "I'm kidding! You are far too easy to wind up these days. Anyway, I thought you didn't like it when I bossed you about?"
"Well, you just said to stop worrying about things we can't change…" She bopped him on the arm. "Ow! I think somebody's overdue for a nap, don't you?" As if on queue, she yawned.
"Henry, if I wanted a nap, I'd take one…" She yawned again and Henry just shook his head.
"Into bed now, madam. And if you're good I'll bring your dinner up later as well."
"Are you going to cut it into little squares and give me a fruit shoot as well?" He smirked as he made his way around the bed and pulled back the covers.
"Ollie, you can argue with me all you like, it's great practise for when we have an actual toddler…" She grabbed a pillow off the bed and chucked it straight at Henry.
"The only toddler here is you, it's why you're so good at antagonising me all the bloody time!" He patted her spot on the bed and she reluctantly sank into the sheets. Henry then lifted up her feet and pulled them around so she was laying straight. "What's next, are you going to sing me to sleep?"
"What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of being right--"
"How are you right?! I told you, I'm not a bit sleepy." But her heavy eyes betrayed her. He then settled in beside her, rubbing the base of her stomach the way he always did to help her to sleep.
"Come on mama, time for beddy-byes…"
"Hey, do you think the baby sleeps when I'm asleep?"
"…They'll be awake more than that." Though her eyes were closed she thwacked Henry on the chest.
"You know, just for that, I think I'll do a motorbike jump over ten London buses at Wembley Stadium…"
"Have you been reading my Evel Knieval biography?"
"Well I had to find something to do between marathon training and shotput practise…" He rolled his eyes.
"Well don't go getting any ideas… you're a danger to yourself as it is."
"Oh stop it, I was actually reading it to get inspiration…"
"For what?!"
"Baby names."
"You are not naming our baby after some mad stunt performer!"
"But Knievel Cavill sounds lovely!"
"Go to bed missy, before I launch you out the bloody window!" She curled up closer to Henry.
"Ooh, now you're talking. I like a bit of danger. Maybe we should put together a knife-throwing act…"
"Don't bloody tempt me. Now close your eyes and think calm thoughts, our baby needs all the help they can get."
"I will not! I don't want them turning into a nerd or I'll come home to find the two of you painting those bloody figures!"
"Warhammer, woman! And far better they do that than be some hooligan!" She giggled. "Can you imagine them having a goth phase like you did?"
"I was never a goth!"
"You had dreadlocks! And listened to Megadeath!"
"Oh God, what if they get the worst of both of us?!"
"What, like loving air guitar as well as online player games?"
"Exactly, throw in your third nipple and they'll be an outcast!"
"It wasn't a third nipple, it was a cyst--"
"Oh Henry, I can't bare the thought of them being teased--"
"They won't be! Besides, with the kind of school they'll be going to, there'll be much better targets."
"I suppose… do you really think our lives will change that much?"
"I guess so, yeah."
"But what about us?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, what if we change? I like the person I am now and it took a long time to get here…"
"Darling, I promise you will be just as uncool when the baby's here as you are now. Now go to go to sleep, you can't even keep your eyes open."
"Fine, but keep rubbing my tummy…"
"Will do, after all the more love our child feels the less likely they're turn to heavy metal." She kicked him in the shin.
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gilverrwrites · 2 months
Morning After
Black Mask/Reader, 1.5K words
Request Info || Masterlist || Ko-Fi 
AN: This is a slightly updated repost of a fic I wrote in 2016. This is the only time I've ever written Roman with a removable mask.
You overhear a discussion not meant for your ears, the morning after hooking up with Roman Sionis. Rating: 18+
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CWs: Swearing, graphic mentions of torture & death, death threats, mentions of sex, suggestions of drinking, manipulation, (mild) blood.
Please remember: You can do anything you set your mind to.
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“I always knew we couldn’t trust that bastard. Call Tupeng, send him down to that backstabbing bastard home and make him pay for ever crossing me.” “Y-yes Boss, but what would you like ‘em to do to ‘em.” “Burn him, skin him, skin his whole damn family for all I care, just make it hurt. Make that pig regret ever squealing on us.”
Your hand clasped over your mouth but not before a startled gasp escaped your lips. What had you gotten yourself into? When you’d gone home with Roman Sionis for the night, you knew he was dangerous. Truthfully it was exhilarating to know you were in bed with someone so influential, so wicked, but you were suddenly realising that being close to his world was maybe a little more then you could handle.
When silence fell from the other side of the door you knew you were trouble. They’d heard you, they must of. Hastily, you scurried across the room to the window, hoping to make some kind of escape, the view from the window reminding you that you were on the third floor. Panicked, you began to search for a hiding place, only to be stopped dead in your tracks as the bedroom door was wrenched open.
What you saw next nearly shook you to the core. You’d recognise Romans white suit pants anywhere, you knew the way his muscles flexed beneath his tight black shirt, and even the white tie was familiar. It was the chiseled black skull that sat over his face that sent a shiver down your spine.
“You! You’re Black Mask!?” You stutter, attempting to get a grip on yourself. You’d heard rumours about this man, you’d seen his hard wooden face on the news, but you never actually thought you’d be standing face to face with him. More importantly, you never thought you’d wake up one morning to discover you’d slept with one of Gotham’s most notorious felons. The very idea of it simultaneously terrified and excited you in ways you knew were wrong.
Roman seemingly takes no mind to your realisation as he closes the door behind him and begins to focus on rolling down the sleeves of his shirt.
“Oh god. I knew you were… But THIS! This is… oh my god.” You wrapped your arms around your chest. The cotton of the shirt you’d stolen from him to sleep in now acted like a morbid comfort blanket.
Fastening the last button on the cuff of his dress shirt, Roman finally looked up at you.
“Exactly how long where you listening to that conversation?” His tone was abrasive, the mask did little to muffle out any of his anger and suddenly you remembered what was going on.
“I-I- only the end. I swear. I don’t even know who you were talking about. I promise.” You stammer. “I woke up and you weren’t here so, so I got up to look for you and as I reached the door, I heard you talking outside. That’s it. I-I didn’t mean to listen, I promise.”
The gangster didn’t say anything for what seemed like forever, he just stared, the subtle rise and fall of his chest being the only sign that he wasn’t a statue. You had no way of knowing what he was thinking.
“I believe you, Sweetheart.” He finally spoke up. His voice much calmer this time, the petname soothing you slightly. “I do.”
You breathed a sigh of relief, finally willing yourself to stop shaking.
“But,” he continued as he walked across the room to the wooden chair situated at the corner of the bed. Suddenly, you remembered the loaded gun holster he’d left there last night, and your heart skipped a beat. With one hand he scooped up the leather holders and with the other he gestures for you to approach. “You’ve already heard what happens to snitches. How do I know you won’t go straight to the heat with this information? How do I know you won’t rat me out if the feds start asking questions? I don’t wanna see that good-looking face of yours get all cut up.”
By the time you were standing beside him you’d begun to shake again, even more so when he handed you the holster. Unsure what to do with it you held it at arms lengths, eyeing it warily. When Roman turned his back to you and stretched out his arms you figure that he wanted you to put him it on him. Cautiously you began to thread the straps over his arms.
“Well? Are you gonna answer me?” Roman prompted, shrugging his shoulders to make the holster sit a little more comfortably. You’d been so focused on the guns dangling in your hands that you’d forgotten he’d asked you anything. “I can’t have you wondering around when you know that kind information. Why should I trust you?”
“I’m not, I would never tell, I swear to you I won’t tell anyone. I promise and I would never break a promise.” You repeat the words under your breath as you step around him, your fingers brush against his chest as you reach to clasp the holster together at the front, only to discover that there is not clasp. You scrunch you nose up in confusion before a warm hand clasp around your chin and direct your face upwards.
A sense of dread fills in your chest as your stand directly in front of the famed Black Mask. The faint smell of polish fills your nose. He seems completely inhuman to you. You hear the stifled sound of him humming beneath the mask as his hand works across your chin, stoking your cheek before his fingers began to run through your hair.
You like the feel of his fingers, the way they move against your skin. Last night you’d been surprised to discover how soft they were, even as they’d dominantly explored every inch of your body. Memories of the night before ran through your head and sent a shiver down your spine. You’d be lying if you said last night wasn’t one of the greatest nights of your life, and before all this you’d considered leaving him your phone number. Now there was a voice in your head that keeps telling you what an idiot you are for ever falling into bed with this criminal. On the other hand, there was an undeniable attraction that made you weak at the knees, regardless of who he was or what he’d done. Besides, you’d already figured that Roman was involved with some dodgy stuff. His menacing attitude and ferociousness had been a big factor in what had attracted you to him in the first place.
Nervously, you looked up at him, wanting to make eye contact, only to be met with those unseemly shadowed out eye sockets. You sucked in a breath when you felt his free hand slide around your waist, roughly pulling you against his chest. You tasted the wood of the mask before you knew it was coming. The smell of would polish stinging your nose as he pressed the cold hard lips of the mask against yours. Briefly, you were taken back by this action, before you let go and kissed back, ignoring the swelling from last night’s kissing, you pecking the solid surface before pulling back.
Roman’s chest rumbled slightly, you heard an amused scoff come from beneath the mask before he untangled his hand from your hair to push the mask away from his face and resting it atop his head. Your lips twitch into a small smile when you can finally see his deep brown eyes. You notice a predatory glint, as he smirks back at you, before pressing his lips against yours. The taste of last night’s alcohol was gone, but you welcomed the smoky wood flavours that filled your mouth. Gingerly, you rubbed his chest and he replied by nipping at your bottom lip, drawing blood and eliciting a quiet moan from you.
All too soon he pulled away, a look of self-satisfaction plastered across his face. Lifting one hand to your mouth, he wiped a small drop of blood onto his thumb before pressing it between your parted lips. Catching the hit, you dart your tongue out to lick up the coppery liquid. Once your tongue is back inside your mouth, he removed his thumb and replaces it with his knuckles. Gently pressing them against you bottom lip, and watching you expectantly. Less confidently you puckered your lips, lightly kissing each point, knowing this was considered a sign of respect or appreciation.
Once you’d kissed each knuckle, he pulled back his hand, releasing you from his hold and stepping back to retrieve his suit jacket from the back of the chair. He pulled the fabric on with ease then strutted across the room.  Bewildered by the sudden change of event you simply stood and watched as he pulled the door open before turning to you.
“Catch you later, Doll—lock the door behind me, yeah?” He grinned, shooting you a sly wink before pulling the mask back down. With that he exited, closing the door behind him.
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yukari33 · 10 months
Shinso x Reader Smut
Spoilers for the new manga of my hero!
Warnings: Reader is in a deep depression, self-harming, biting, scratching, oral (female receciving), unprotected sex, cream pie, and swearing.
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Bakugo . . . Bakugo.
Bakugo passed away, and he was your best friend. He actually was nice to you, cared for you. When you watched him die right in front of you, it shattered you. He was like your big brother.
You've been sitting in your room for the past 6 months, isolating yourself from the world. You've bitten your nails to the point they have bled. You've picked your arms until they bruse and bled. The pain is the only way that you can cope.
Your best friend Shinso is the only one you let into your room. He brings you food and the necessities that you need. He's the only small flicker of light that makes you happy.
Today, Shinso managed to drag you out of your room and to a nearby café. You're in one of Shinso's hoodies, shorts, and convers. You get a small frappuccino that is loaded with chocolate chips. Shinso got an iced tea. You sit on a couch holding the drink between your sleeves. "See this isn't that bad," he says giving you a smirk. You stay quiet and sip your drink.
The bags under your eyes tell Shinso you got no sleep last night. He pulls out a cookie from a paper bag splitting it in half and hands you one half. You hesitantly grab it and take a bite. "You wanna head home?" You nod and grab his hand.
The two of you walk down the street, heading back to the school. "Hey, for your first time out, it wasn't that bad. The café is pretty quiet around 6." Once you get back to your room, you plop down on your bed, grabbing your stuffed animal. Shinso sets down his drink on your night stand. "Wanna watch you favorite movie," he asks with a gentle smile. You nod and grab the remote for the tv. He sits next to you on your bed and holds you tight. You rest your head on his shoulder.
After watching your favorite movie, you scroll through netflix for something to watch. One movie catches your eye that you haven't seen. It's called 'After'. "Can we watch this," you ask quietly. "Of course, it's not like there's anything else to watch." You click on it and watch it.
Throughout the movie, tension grows in the room. Shinso is oddly quiet. You feel your heart beginning to race, and your face flushes when it gets to the sex scene. Out of nowhere you ask, "Hey Shinso, have you been with a girl?" He looks at you confused. "What do you mean?" "Like . . . have you ever dated a girl?"
"No, heh, I mean I'd like to but I never really got a chance." "Is there a girl you like?" "Yeah. But I don't think she likes me that way." Something clicks in your head. Is he talking about you? You look at him and grab his chin. His face turns pink. "I think she does." He grabs your hand and pulls you forward so your arms are on either side of him. "I like you y/n. A lot. I know this isn't the best time to tell you but I've always liked you." You're face heats up. "I have to. I think deep down I've always been attracted to you."
Shinso kisses you, and you kiss back, sinking into the kiss. Deep down, you feel a light awaken in you. He grabs your legs and pulls you on top of his lap. The kiss becomes more heated and passionate. Shinso pulls away and kisses down your neck, slightly nipping at your skin, which makes you jump. "Shinso," you gasp. "Mmm?" "I . . . I want to go further." Your face is bright red.
"Are you sure?" You nod, "Yes." He pulls you back into his lips and pushes you onto the bed. You feel his fingers hook into your shorts and panties sliding them off. The cold reaches your now wet lower parts. Shinso pulls away and lifts his shirt over his head, reavaling his chiseled abs. Your fingers trace around his abdomen.
He smirks and gets down on his stomach, face aligned with your core. "Are you ok with this?" You nod, spreading your legs further for him. He runs his hot wet tongue along your slit. You gasp, grabbing his hair. The sensation is exhilarating. He continues to lap at your folds, licking up your essence. Shinso then inserts 2 fingers catching you off guard. "Shinso!"
He smirks as he begins to move them at a slow pace. "Shit, Shinso," you moan. A knot in your stomach beings to form. His fingers pick up speed. You pull at his hair, lost in pleasure, trying to ground yourself. The knot in your stomach relases when Shinso finds your sweet spot and throws you over the edge. "Fuck fuck fuck Shinso," you practically yell. Your orgasm is a high that you have never experienced, but it's something to remember.
Shinso lifts his head, wiping your juices from his mouth and licking them up. You're still coming down from your high as Shinso takes off his belt and lowering his pants. His rock-hard member sicks straight up, twitching. Your eyes go wide seeing how big he is. 8 inches jesus. "Do you think you're ready?" You nod wrapping your arms around his neck.
He slowly inserts the tip, which immediately starts to hurt. He continues to slowly push himself in, but since you just came, he kinda bottoms out right away, kocking the breath out of you. "Sorry," he says trying not to cum right away. "You're ok, just give me a second to ajust." "Of course." Shinso kisses your neck gently, trying to help distract you. "Ok, you can move." "Ok."
He slowly moves his hips, gliding his cock inside your tight pussy. "Shit, you feel so good," he groans, tightening his grip on your hips. Shinso picks up his pace and the pleasure kicks in when he hits your sweet spot again. Your moans fill the room also with the sound of slapping skin.
The tightness in your stomach comes back tightening quicker by the second. Your nails dig into Shinso back, leaving nail marks. "Shinso fuck, more, im so close" you mange to make out between breaths. "Don't have to tell me twice." He manages to go faster, throwing you over the edge once again in a harsh orgasm. Your eyes roll back from the overwhelming pleasure. "Shit, I'm cumming, baby." Shinso bites your neck and cums inside you, filling you to the brim. "Fuck," he groans panting.
The two of you are left out of breath, holding each other. Shinso pulls out, and the mix of your juices drips onto the sheets. He fixes his pants and lays down next to you. "So what does this make us," you ask. "Whatever you want it to be." You roll on your side. "I wanna be with you. Together." "So does this make us a couple?" You nod smiling for the first time in 6 months. Shinso kisses you gently and smiles. "I love that smile. I've missed it."
The two of you sit on silence for a little bit. "Hey, I think I saw there was a second movie to After, wanna watch it," you ask. "Do I have a choice," Shinso jokes. "Nope, hehehe."
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ADHSquirrel project time
In true disorganized jumping-bean-brain fashion, I've got multiple projects going at once. I prefer this, actually - I like to cycle through things when brain screams "No more focus on this!"
In no apparent order:
Dollhouse nostalgia: this is a cheap, bad kit from the 90s alternately known as the Greenleaf Allison or the Whitney Cambridge dollhouse. It's made of balsa wood, and the wood warps if you look at it sideways.
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I put one together when I was (much, much) younger, and then we threw it away when it started to fall apart. Now I want it back - but this time, I want to put it together so it's a lot more stable.
Plans: reinforce exterior load-bearing walls by creating faux clapboard siding and quoins (the corner pieces) like this:
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I found craft wood sheets that are 1/8-inch (3 mm) thick, and I'll be cutting them in 1/2 to 1-inch strips and gluing them to the exterior walls. Then paint and seal. I also like the raised decorations on the window sills and shutters. Hopefully, I have enough craft sheets to do that, too. I got the kind of sheets that are thin enough to cut with a craft knife, and I've got rulers for days. Dreading the sanding, though. So much sanding. Also, I've been researching putting together dollhouses, and I learned that it's better to dry fit the whole thing, secure in place with masking tape, and then glue stuff together. This is - very smart.
Sewing: continues apace. Pattern pieces are cut out for this Requiem Art Design Renaissance gown.
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I'll be doing the long, fitted sleeves. The pattern is made for knit fabric, but I'm using a woven fabric (silk dupioni I've been told, but I am not entirely certain what that is), so I incorporated the seam/hem allowances into the edges. I'm not linking to this pattern again, because it has... issues. Let's call them issues. (I'll be sending a write-up of my feedback to the designer once I've finished.)
I've cut out the pattern pieces. Now I'm tracing them onto cereal box cardboard to make pattern "blocks" - then I'll trace them onto yet more paper after I add 1/4-inch seam/hem allowances. I'm also planning to use washable markers to trace the actual patterns onto the fabric. I want to see if the marker actually washes out.
Next up: cutting cheap fabric for a toile/muslin, aka a practice run. Sewing machine has been cleaned and is in good operating condition.
Dress fabric:
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I'm using the one on the right for the dress, and the one in the middle (a gorgeous copper in person) for the arm bands and sleeve linings. It's going to be for my Feeple60 girls.
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Poor Ria.
Face-ups/blushing: every time I'm in the mood to go downstairs and work on face-ups and blushing, my ankle decides to be a little diva and inform me that under no circumstances will I be able to take the stairs today. This is exceptionally frustrating, but such are the joys of aging, I suppose.
Craftorama room: even more stuff has been cleared out of the master bedroom in preparation for upcoming staycation, when we'll move into the MBR and create Craftorama room. My office has been totally taken over by dolls, and I love it. I walk into the office to work, and all my lovely girls are here to keep me company. Cleaning books off bookshelves and filling a box to donate to the local library/thrift store, so I'll have shelf space for my dolls. Cuz priorities.
I am so excited for Craftorama room; I will not shut up about it. No more ankle-diva-no-stairs. I can close the door and work - no worries about cats trying to play with (and possibly get injured by) sewing notions. And I can finally, FINALLY, restring in peace.
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celest1all · 2 years
hii, can i please request a spencer x female reader fic where reader is sick and spencer has to take care of her and ends up confessing he's in love with her? thank youu 💗🥺
oooh i love this. soft spence makes me wanna cry.
Sickness Bug
spencer reid x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of phlegm, fluff, mentions of the flu. not much else.
authors note: hope you enjoy!! i hope i did this justice <3
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You hated the winter, but more specifically, you hated flu season around the winter. Everyone you came across was either sniffling, coughing or sneezing. It was -- quite frankly -- revolting. And you couldn't stand it one fucking bit.
Luckily for you, it was a simple paperwork day. Finishing up reports, writing some consults you had been asked to analyse. Not so luckily for you, however, somewhere along the way you had caught a bit of a cold. Well, that's all you hoped it was, that's for sure. Your throat had recently started to feel like you had swallowed a thousand pieces of straw and your head was banging like it was being hit repeatedly with a blunt object.
It was hell.
You were currently just sat at your desk, eyes dropping in and out of focus of the paperwork sat on your desk. There was a box of now empty tissues next you and a bottle of cold medicine that was close to being finished on the other.
You tried clearing your throat to soothe the pain but it instead just made it worse. In fact, it made it worse ten fold.
"Fuck," you mutter to yourself, hand coming up to your throat, rubbing to attempt to ease it.
"You okay?" a voice come behind you, startling you from out of your seat. You swivelled around and narrowed your eyes to try and see who the voice belonged you, breathing heavily out of your mouth as your nose was blocked.
Through the blurry mist of your vision, you could see a head of messy curls and a worried look. "Spence?" You ask, almost wondering if it was a figment of your ill-ridden brain.
Spencer took in your appearance. Your hair was up in a messy ponytail, there was a bottle of extra strength cold medicine on your desk and your trash bin was full of used tissues. You, on the other hand, looked (for lack of a better word) terrible. Your eyes were blood shot, you were breathing rather heavily, pale and also clutching your forehead.
"You're sick." He says, looking at you, sympathy swirling in his iris.
"Pfft, no." You reply, avoiding eye contact. "I'm the fit of health."
Spencer hummed in response, not needing to profile you to know you were lying. "No, seriously, it's just a bit of a col--achoo!" You both looked at each other, neither one of you saying anything. Fit of health my ass...
Spencer looked around, one hand still clasping his beige satchel, before zeroing back on you. "Uh, okay. You should go home."
You narrowed your eyes again, before shaking your head and slightly coughing. "No. I'm staying." Your voice was croaky and dry, "I've got a shit load of paperwork to do from the last case and Hotch will shoot me if I don't do it." You wipe your sweaty forehead with the sleeve of your sweater, whilst slightly shivering. "A-Are you cold? I'm cold."
Against his better judgement, Spencer took his coat he was wearing before he came into work to fight against the harsh DC winter and wrapped it around your frame, rubbing his palm up and down on your upper arm in an attempt to warm you up slightly. "Okay, let's get you home."
With that, Spencer helped you get up from your chair in the bullpen and got your bag for you and put it on his shoulder, whilst the other was still wrapped around you. "W-What about the p-paperwork?" Your teeth were chattering relentlessly now.
"Fuck the paperwork, you're sick. You might have the flu, and having the flu in a building full of FBI agents might not be the best idea." He says, ushering you towards the elevator.
Spencer pressed the button for you and let you in first, him following closely after.
"I can take the s-stairs. I know you don't l-like germs." You state, warming up slightly from the doctors coat.
He chuckles slightly, "I'd rather get the flu than Morgan kill me because you collapsed whilst walking down six flights of stairs."
You laugh, causing phlegm to get stuck and making you cough. It was disgusting. After a few seconds of coughing, the elevator dinged to signify you had arrived to the ground floor.
Making sure there was nothing that could trip you up or inconvenience you in any way, Spencer helped you out of the elevator and towards his car. Every now and then, he would check on you. You were rather out of it, anyone could tell you that. This cold was kicking your ass rather spectacularly.
Once you had both arrived at his car, Spencer opened the passenger door and helped you inside, then buckled your seatbelt. Unknowingly, the act of trying to buckle the seatbelt, he could smell the perfume you used. It smelt divine, it was a smell he would want to smell for the rest of his life.
Clearing his throat, he got in the car and started the car. He looked over at you, who was now sleeping, and smiled fondly to himself. Shaking those thoughts away, Reid pulled out for he garage and began his journey to your house.
The journey was uneventful, it wasn't rush out yet so the ride was quick and easy. That he was grateful for.
Once he had parked the car in your driveway, he got out of the drivers side and made his way around to you. He opened the door and carefully unbuckled the belt, picking you up bridal style.
He grabbed the keys out of the bag that was on his shoulder and unlocked your front door, shutting the door behind him. Spencer briefly looked around your house and chuckled at the different posters you had on your wall, all of the artists and tv shows you had talked for hours about were there. It made his heart warm.
Reid walked over to the couch and delicately placed you onto it, grabbing the blanket on the back of it and covering you in it. Unconsciously, you snuggled into it, the soft material providing you great warmth in your sick state.
Whilst you slept, Spencer had cooked up some soup for when you awoke. He had no idea how long you would actually be asleep for, but he could always heat it up for you when eventually wake up.
He also sort of cleaned, well, tidied the living room so it wasn't as cluttered. He hoped that you didn't take it as a sign of rudeness or disrespect. Fuck, what if you did? What if you thought he was being disrespectful? Was this the wrong thing to do? What if--
"Spence?" You ask groggily, hand rubbing at your tired eyes.
Spinning around, Spencer makes his way over to the couch and sits down beside you. "Hey," he says softly "How are you feeling?"
Trying to sit up, you gasp at the sudden throb of your head, making you wince slightly. "Tired." You admit, smiling at the doctor.
"That's to be expected, you most likely have the flu and you had spent almost every waking hour at the office so it's highly likely that the two--" Spencer cuts himself off at the look on your face and clears his throat awkwardly, "I made you some soup."
Your eyes widen, and you smile wholeheartedly at him, "You did?"
Reid nods his head and smiles back, "It's still warm so would you like some?"
"Fuck yes."
Spencer chuckled and gets up to grab it and som napkins incase you might make a mess. He hands it to you and you thank him before tucking in.
"It's my mothers recipe, she used to make it for me when I was sick. Well, the one time I was sick." Spencer smiles fondly at the memory, before shaking his head and looking over at you. You looked cute, all wrapped up in a blanket, sleep still costing your features.
After finishing your bowl of soup, which lasted probably ten seconds, you place it on the ground and wrap yourself tighter in the blanket. "Why are you helping me?"
The question took Spencer off guard, making his brows furrow. "What do you mean?"
Readjusting your sitting position, you continue. "You took me home, right? So you helped me out of the office, out of Quantico, and presumably into your car, out of your car, into my house, onto my couch and then made me soup. Also taking into account that you are a germaphobe, so that begs the question; Why?"
Spencer blinked at you. And then again. And once more. "It's not a trick question, Spence, no one has ever done that for me. Not previous boyfriends, no one. So why?" Spencer took note of the almost guilty look in your eyes, like you felt bad that you put him out like this.
Reid avoided eye contact and looked around the room, swallowing hard. A million answers ran through his brain and not one of them seemed viable for question asked. Spencer rubbed his hands together, anxiety flooding his senses. Fuck it.
Turning to face you, Spencer breathed in and closed his eyes. "I like you." He opened them again, but still avoided eye contact with you. "Not as in how I like Morgan, not in that way. But the way you make me breathless every time you walk into the room, the way you make me smile and forget everything I have ever known whenever you look at me with that goddamn smile on your face."
You widen your eyes at his confession, mouth ajar in shock. Spencer continued rubbing his palms together and breathing heavily. How long had he wanted to admit this?
Not wasting another second, you take one of his sweaty palms in to yours and hold it there, causing him to look over at you with this soft puppy dog eyes he always does. You smile at him, the one that always makes him have butterflies in his tummy. The one he will never ever forget, not in this life, not in the next.
"Spencer, I like you."
It was his turn to widen his eyes, "What?"
"I like you." You reiterate, eyes flicking back and forth between his.
"You do?" He asks, almost to ensure that this wasn't a massive wind up, one that he would probably never forget, even on his death bed. He shivered just at the thought.
"Mhm," You nod at him and smile brightly at him again.
Going out on a limb, Reid leans in to kiss you. But before he could do so, you put your hands on your chest to push him away slightly. His heart falls out of his ass. Had he read this all wrong?
You watched his face fall and sadness fill his features. Eyes widening in realisation, "No!" You shout louder than you thought you were going to, causing your head to throb that much more. Spencer's eyes snap to you. "Fuck," you wince, shaking your head to ignore the pain, you look into the eyes of the saddened man infront of you. "I do want to kiss you, just don't think it's the best idea. I don't want you to get sick."
Spencer's heart beats a bit faster at that, but really, he couldn't care less. All he wants, is to feel your lips on his. That's all he can fucking think about right now. "I don't care. If kissing you meant getting sick, then I don't care. I would do it in a heartbeat."
Your heart fluttered in your chest. Maybe it's the sickness, maybe it's the headache, maybe it's the lack of sleep, but that sentence made tears start to prick at your eyes. "Kiss me then."
Smirking, Reid leans in and places his lips onto yours. The kiss was a sweet, but euphoric one. Your lips were soft against his, the feeling of it making his tummy do somersaults. If he could kiss you for the rest of his life, he'd be damn sure he would.
Pulling away, you lean your forehead against his. "That was..." you were breathless, the kiss taking all ounce of oxygen out of your lungs.
"Amazing." He finished, smiling down at you. You smiled back at him and curled up next to him, still relatively cold. Spencer wrapped you up in his embrace and the blanket a bit tighter, kissing the top of your forehead.
God, he hoped that this was going to be the first day of the rest of his life.
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enjoying your leverageposting!! question for fun if you want: do you have any headcanons about hardison?
hi thanks so much! i'm glad my descent into madness is bringing some enjoyment to people. 😄 this isn't so much a list of headcanons as it is one i've been thinking about a lot involving hardison running a game of dnd -- he chooses 5e (assuming some timeline wibblyness) not because it's the simplest system out there, but because he figures it's the most accessible given the cultural baggage around it. it's not that the others aren't smart enough to figure it out (they definitely are), but they're a little intimidated by the various handouts hardison has printed out and put into individual binder sleeves. eliot (jokingly) gives him a hard time about not wanting to dress up as an elf and do "nerd shit." hardison picks up on everyone's reticence and goes, "well if this is too complicated we can do a different system," and then stays up all night gutting and retooling the entire game and making premade character sheets and a presentation explaining how to play, but then something more important comes up and nate's gotta pull the plug on their scheduled game night. hardison gets actually bummed about it and they can tell because he insists "it's cool" and is not actively bringing it up except to occasionally give them sad puppy-dog eyes from the corner.
anyways the team make it up to him one night when he comes home and they're all sitting around the table wearing silly costumes. a couple of them have brought dice; eliot's the only one with a d20 and is arguing with nate who's brought, like, craps dice ("it's a very distinctive rolling system"), except hardison's reworked it into some 3d6 system so technically nate has the right ones. (no one can tell if nate actually knew this all along or just got lucky.) sophie's like, "oh i have six-sided dice!" except everyone knows they're loaded and she's not allowed to get them. also every single one of them is a control freak who gets upset when their rolls don't go well ("a BABY could pick that lock"). after a while, parker starts consistently rolling very well, and no one can prove that she's manipulating the dice but also no one can prove that she's NOT manipulating them.
hardison also makes premade characters for everyone based on what he anticipates their playstyles will be:
parker's a cool thief that can only do three things (sneak, steal, and stab) but does them very well
nate's a shifty used car salesman of a bard that tries to talk his way through every situation
sophie's a beautiful actress that everyone recognizes and adores. tries to seduce her way out of the situations nate gets them in.
eliot is squeaky the gnome. he grumbles about it until combat rolls around and everyone learns squeaky is built to kick absolute ass.
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firewoodfigs · 11 months
any royai headcanons? :)
hi anon!! I'm SO sorry it took me forever to respond, but ah thank you for the ask--this is especially fun now since ao3 is down, much to everyone's dismay!!
I should preface this by saying I've just been writing fic and hardly engaging with canon material LMAO so I unfortunately only have paltry crumbs to offer at this point but there have been so many interesting h/cs going around, and it's always fun to see the fandom coming back to life again :)
some completely random and bizarre royai headcanons (this is more crack than anything else because I have about two brain cells left):
roy is a simp
riza is a simp
roy loves shrimps (and also loves peeling them for riza because he is a simp)
riza forces him to finish his vegetables
they are each other's emergency contacts
they 100% got it on before the promised day. how else could they have been so agile after literally sustaining life-threatening injuries???
roy is a generally reckless driver but drives with extra caution whenever riza is on board as passenger princess bcs that's his precious cargo right there
riza has a nifty collection of his shirts that she routinely wears as PJs (back to point no. 2)
roy has a burgeoning collection of dog toys bcs he was the asian dad who claimed he didn't want a pet but is obviously deeply in love with the dog
riza would make breakfast first for the dog and give roy crumbs and roy would be like aww yea that's fair (also "that's my wife")
riza is secretly an amazing singer and roy is always looking for ways to sneak in karaoke sessions during team bonding activities
but nobody wants to go for karaoke because roy is tone-deaf and deadass cannot sing. when he's drunk he just raps and that gets everyone on their knees begging for mercy
roy was very excited when riza started growing her hair out because he's always dreamed of getting to braid it with his own two hands, yadayada
riza on the other hand adores it when roy rolls his sleeves up
tldr they are both thirsty and in need of something more than a drink or two
riza fell in love first but would sooner die than admit it
riza decided to pick up xingese while in the countryside so that she could listen to the songs and read the poems that roy enjoys in secret
roy on the other hand really loves buying first edition copies of poetry books for riza. i'm sure he's also loaded so no biggie (apart from the possible mesothelioma but honestly first editions are worth inhaling some asbestos or whatever for)
roy's nickname is tailor swift because he's really good at sewing and has made riza more than one dress
roy's black coat is gucci
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