#i've missed her glinda so much
festivating · 6 months
Hey, weird question. I always see in stories people referring to Glinda's parents as Larena Upland and Highmunster Arduenna, but I went to double-check in the first book and she mentions twice that the Arduenna clan name comes from her mother's side. She says in the second chapter: 'Then I must overcome my natural shyness. My name is Galinda. I am of the Arduenna Clan on my mother’s side.' And then when they are meeting the Wizard: 'Oh, you useless thing, all talk and no—I’m Glinda from Frottica, if you please, Your Highness, descended matrilineally from the Arduennas of the Upland, and this, if you please, is Elphaba, the Thropp Third Descending from Nest Hardings. If you please.'
So I was wondering if you know how family names work in the Oz lore. Such as, if Highmunster is actually Upland, would Larena be called Lady Upland? I've been trying to write for practice, and the last name situation always gets me stuck.
Ah yes. The confusion regarding Glinda's parents comes from Maguire retconning her mother's last name in the third book. Kind of. Now I may be wrong about this but we never learn anything of Glinda's dad in the first book, it was always her mother brought up as being "of the Arduennas of the Upland." That made me think "Arduennas of the Upland" was the whole nobility thing and Glinda's dad was just some random guy, hence why her "good blood" was only from "one side."
BUT THEN. In the third book there's a very stupid and pointless family tree that shows her mother as an Upland and her father as an Arduenna. And in the fourth book, Glinda even refers to her mother as an Upland, and that as the reason why they're filthy rich. In my opinion that's just a continuity error? Because then does that mean the Uplands are the ones with the noble blood? And her father was an Arduenna this whole time when he was never mentioned before?
Maguire. What. Tbh, to this day I still don't know if I'm missing something there.
As to whether or not she'd be called Lady Upland, that's very much up to you I would say, since you get to assign Glinda's parents whatever last names you prefer thanks to canon being so messy there. Glinda herself is called Lady Chuffrey after she gets married, so there is precedent to women taking their husband's last names!
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that-ari-blogger · 4 months
A Weird Finale (For Good)
Catharsis is a weirdly complex emotion. Weird in the sense of how it operates. Catharsis isn’t an emotion, that’s kind of the whole point, but it acts like one. Catharsis makes you feel better, it makes you laugh or cry or maybe both, and there are very few literary tools as powerful as the ability to make your audience emote.
Catharsis is the releasing of strong emotions. If I tell a joke, the catharsis is the punch line. If I tell a sad story about a friend getting badly injured, the catharsis is the conclusion where I tell you that they are ok.
Case and point, For Good is the final song of Wicked. Kind of. It isn’t really, the story continues afterwards, and a song called Finale follows that. But For Good feels like the conclusion a story. It certainly reflects on the events of the musical as a whole, and makes a conclusion going forward.
It is also one of the two songs in all of musical theatre that I cannot make it through without crying, and this post is my defence of that inability.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD: (Wicked, Hazbin Hotel, Andor)
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“I'm limited Just look at me I'm limited And just look at you You can do all I couldn't do Glinda So now it's up to you For both of us Now it's up to you”
Elphaba has failed in her journey. She wanted total freedom, and she couldn’t achieve it. She wanted the ability to make a change in the world, but she was just one person. She failed.
The reuse of the Unlimited Lite Motif shows the other side of the coin that is Glinda and Elphaba’s relationship. It brought them both what they wanted. Together, they were unlimited, but alone… there’s this.
The limit actually corresponds to more than just physical freedom. They both wanted to be free, to be unshackled by their own capabilities. They wanted unlimited power, and Elphaba couldn’t achieve that, but she believes Glinda could. Although Glinda would disagree.
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“I've heard it said That people come into our lives For a reason Bringing something we must learn And we are led to those Who help us most to grow if we let them And we help them in return Well, I don't know if I believe that's true But I know I'm who I am today Because I knew you”
I had a whole thing planned to write about fate here, but I don’t think it’s the point. Because if you focus too much on what might be, you miss what actually is.
Wicked is a story about dreams and reality colliding, and the answer to which will come out on top, is “neither”. Elphaba chased her dreams to the end and found them unobtainable. Glinda, meanwhile, saw her friend achieve great things in real time.
Don’t stop chasing a better tomorrow. That isn’t what I’m saying here. But don’t think that the change will be sudden and one day you will reach that eutopia. Change is slow, and it happens as you go. Elphaba, for example, has been saving people, and inspiring people. Oz hasn’t been saved, but she’s made progress.
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The first chorus, as is usual for a song in this musical, is understated, and building to something bigger. It's laying the groundwork for later events.
The fact that Glinda’s phrases are offset is a continuation of something that began in I’m Not That Girl (Reprise), her casualness.
When Galinda was introduced, she spoke with a practiced poise, that was evenly metred so that it was impossible to notice when a song started for her. She had, in a very real sense, always been singing and never actually spoken.
This is the opposite of that, Glinda’s words feel more real, because the timing creates a casual vibe that I take to be more genuine.
Wicked has been playing around with time signatures since the beginning, usually to represent indecision or an inconsistency reminiscent of how fae realms are represented in mythology and literature. It feels whimsical.
Here the awkward bar is used to emphasise Glinda’s words. “I have been changed.”
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I have found myself recommending covers of these songs, so to continue that streak, Voiceplay's Wicked medley is phenomenal, and the For Good section is especially memorable.
Glinda doesn’t know or even care about fate or what was meant to be. She is astonishingly real and pragmatic, and she can see Elphaba’s success in a way that her friend can’t.
Elphaba has become the Wizard, in a sense. She has inspired people to take their lives into their own hands. She has promised people a better world, but instead of the Wizard’s false hope, Elphaba delivered, and showed people that if they try, they can improve the lives of generations to come.
Glinda can see that Elphaba changed at least one person and made them want better, and she can carry on that legacy.
In other words:
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“You've already done so much So many lives you've changed So many souls you've touched And in the end, if it's only me you've saved There's something that I've been dying to say”
Hazbin Hotel is satirical musical that deals with seeking freedom. It’s most definitely not Wicked, it’s theming is different and when I do a series on it, I will talk about that at length. But it does have a song that links to For Good.
There’s a difference between having done enough, and being done. If you only save one person, you are a hero. If you make life better for one person, and inspire them to pay that favour forwards, you have made your mark. You have your legacy.
But Elphaba has done far more than just save one person. Again, if she has inspired Glinda, she must have inspired someone else as well. And when Glinda drives away the Wizard, and presumably does more to help the citizens of Oz who are oppressed, that’s because of Elphaba.
This song in Hazbin Hotel is also a love song. I wonder if that is relevant.
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“I burn my decency for someone else’s future. I burn my life to make a sunrise that I’ll never see.”
Andor is a surprisingly well-made series. As in, the Star-Wars fandom has been starved for a while for stories that say anything. So, when Andor began exploring some complex philosophy, people missed that the show was also just genuinely good craft.
But it is the messaging that I want to talk about here, briefly. Andor discusses the cost of rebellion, and in one of the several incredible monologues of the series, Luthen Rael explains that, among other things, he is making a better world for future generations. One that he will probably never receive. Like Moses delivering people to a promised land that he, himself, would never reach.
Legacy is important to both Luthen and Elphaba. Their futures are marked by conflict, but they exist so that later generations will live without that.
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I would also recommend this cover by Jacob Daniel Cummings and Peter Gibbons. They are both talented vocalists, but the simplicity of the music video and set design are really cool, and the fading from monochrome to colour is a nice touch.
This song precedes Elphaba’s “death”, and it centres around Glinda telling her and the audience that it was all worth it. That’s the catharsis, whatever happens next, Elphaba has succeeded.
“You'll be with me Like a handprint on my heart And now whatever way our stories end I know you have rewritten mine By being my friend”
The romance of this musical has been implied. Evidence through subtext, rather than what is actually being shown. It got pretty strong, but an entirely aromantic reading of their relationship was possible, if you squinted.
However, I would argue that this isn’t subtext. I would suggest that “you’ll be with me like a handprint on my heart” is innately romantic in nature.
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“Like a comet pulled from orbit As it passes the sun Like a stream that meets a boulder Halfway through the wood”
At this point, the song spits out a ton of metaphors, and I’m not going to go over each one. So as a whole, these stand in for that catharsis. This is Elphaba and Glinda finally letting out their emotions and stopping limiting themselves.
Defying Gravity reflected the first half of Wicked by displaying Elphaba’s freedom from external forces. But the second half featured the battle with herself and her own abilities and emotions. So, letting go of all of that and saying “I love you” in every way imaginable except the obvious certainly counts as releasing emotions.
This is the other part of the catharsis that I talked about. Half of the drama of this musical has been the development of the relationship; however you see that, between Glinda and Elphaba. That relationship fell apart, hence the tragic nature of this musical, but it did so quickly and without much closure.
So now, the two can look back on it and say, with definite confidence, that it was, in fact, a relationship.
Again, I will claim that this is romantic because friendship isn’t that powerful, usually. Friendship can change people, but romance can change a person’s story, and their life. A friendship doesn’t leave “a handprint on my heart”, for example.
I am actually having trouble articulating why this is romantic. It just is, look at it. You have to prove that it isn’t at this point.
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The acting here sells the romance as well. The blinking back of tears, the faltering in each word. Emotions are running high through this song.
That is why I love this song. That is why this is my favourite song in all of musical theatre. That is why this song makes me cry.
This song is the resolution of a complex, and heavy story. It looks at the future to talk about legacy, but it also looks at the past to say “see what Elphaba has achieved”.
The song itself isn’t even the thing that makes me cry here. The emotional element of this is the story that got you here. Wicked is emotional, but it makes you hold all of that in, until For Good releases that.
Essentially, I like For Good because I like Wicked, and when I listen to the song, I listen to an entire story.
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Final Thoughts
This was really difficult to analyse because the song isn’t complicated on its own right. Like I said, it’s the fact that it is the conclusion to Wicked that gives it the emotional gravitas.
But I do want to clarify something. This post should have gone out on Wednesday, but it will probably go live on Sunday instead, and there is a reason for this.
Partly, I am disorganised as hell. But partly, I have been struggling to explain why this song is queer or even romantic in nature. It is, and I will defend my opinion on that, but my excuse for it being that is… look at it, it’s so obviously romantic.
I think my answer is linked to my conclusion about this song as a whole. This is a romantic song because the entire musical has been about the romance between Elphaba and Glinda, so it carries over that weight. This song is queer because that relationship was queer. All this song does is amplify what you take into it, and that’s a weirdly empty description for something so powerful.
But I guess, in a way, that’s how stories operate as a whole. You only get out of them what you are willing to put in. If you engage with a character, and you pour your heart into that character, you will probably be rewarded tenfold. But that takes a mixture of good craft, the right story (because no story is for everyone), and a great deal of vulnerability on the part of you. Emotions can hurt, and to engage with a story, you have to be willing to let yourself feel that. But the risk is well worth the reward, at least with Wicked.
This mostly wraps up my coverage of Wicked. I will be compiling a complete summary of my ideas for the musical at some point. But before that, I will be starting my coverage of another musical, one with slightly different themes.
So stick around if that interests you.
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thegratefulsouth · 6 months
Alright I have just finished Season 1 of TWD DD and I have thoughts and questions and feelings. And energy!
I am very new to this fandom, and while I've done some searches in places, I'll still just apologise in advance for being repetitive and missing stuff. I will miss stuff every time.
I'll get Laurent out of the way, and even though it's all connected for me, the rest is Caryl.
#1 So Laurent. I have questions about his ability to see into the future. He was convinced Daryl would survive the Gladiator battle, he knew they'd all end up back together. Is this a real thing? Is it coincidence in faith? The drawing I don't care about, I'm not sure how involved he is with the manipulations, but he should definitely be able to feel that this is happening with Isabelle, given his empathic nature. So in that case, does he sense there is a reason to go along with her ways, for a future purpose we don't know about yet.
The empathic thing:
Episode 1, he says to Daryl "You're homesick. I see it in your eyes. I feel things. In my stomach. I feel your sadness." Episode 5, he tells Madame Genet that she isn't angry; her heart is broken.
He can distinguish sadness between heartbreak and homesickness- these are very specific feelings. Are there more examples? Not sure when I'll be able to watch it back. Is this significant? Is there a point to this? Is he going to make the match? Is he going to be overwhelmed by Carol's grief and guilt, though hopefully she'll just be happy and relieved when he meets her (hopefully!!).
"Daryl why don't you just kiss Carol like she wants you to?"
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What are the rules around this? I don't know how it works.
#2 Second up! The boats. Is there any evidence that any of the boats have any significance? I know they probably just make sense with the location and the storyline, etc. But when Laurent cuts the boat loose, Daryl is losing his most immediate TANGIBLE lifeline to Carol and that is because a BOAT has drifted. A boat.
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Okay, and also, I was thinking about this on my long drive to work this morning and I swear to the husks of dust on my Jim Shore Dorothy and Glinda figurine, Spotify threw THIS song I've never heard before at me. Yes, PIRATE song. Pirate song by mehro. But dear god the lyrics.
"Are you ready to let me in?"
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"I've been trying to believe what I said is what I need."
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This is such a haunting, beautiful song. I'm so thrilled to discover this artist. I'm not immune to dissolving into a puddle on the side of the road when I hear a new song that spins me out. I feel things so intensely. I'm going to do a post just for this song. This song is Caryl to me.
#3 Daryl's longing for Carol in a ramble:
I like the connection between Daryl saying "I have family back home," and Carol in the teaser clip saying Daryl is the only family she has left. It feels like a string, tying them together. Feels like they're on the same damn boat. Emotionally.
I just want to touch on the name dropping Who Are Your Friends scene with Laurent. Even though I have no idea whether this scene is supposed to have any significance or if it's just supposed to be a simple moment of connection for these two. Regardless, it is significant. Every second beyond about a week just is. So to touch on Laurent again, I'm just wondering is it possible that Daryl's a little guarded here, because he knows the kid's intuitive? Does he feel like he needs to be more careful with his emotions? He's already elevated. But he says Connie's name really easily. It's easy for him to say her name and I think that says a lot. He's trying to connect with the kid, so of course Judith and RJ pop up. Daryl got himself started, and there's a very slight gap, while he's thinking before he offers up Ezekiel. That's where he should say Rosita but she's gone, or Aaron (but too much missage? Their bond), Michonne's not there! Oh, Ezekiel! They were starting to get along? They had a hug and everything? I don't know. I like the link between Connie and Ezekiel though. Anyway Daryl has to say Carol because she is his heartbeat, so he manages to get that out and then he stops. No more names.
Laurent says they sound nice and is Daryl's response a little defensive? Even though Laurent's just a kid, he's a little intense. Daryl says, "Yeah, how do you know?"
I think that's interesting. Like he's shared as much as he's comfortable sharing and then he wants to bundle his family back up again. It's painful to talk about Carol because he misses her and he promised her and she cried when he left and she is his soulmate. She's a little too precious and valuable to be spoken about by someone who hasn't even met her.
Alrighty now I need to go find some gifs for that song post.
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lunarmoonheart · 3 months
HFFF day 4: date night
summary: steph and ruth on a date at the starlight and miss retros
title: i have a dream (and part of its right infront of me) ship: ruthanie prompt: date night
Ruth was sitting infront of her mirror. She was going on another date with steph tonight to the starlight theater. It was some new show called workin boys. Honestly it sounds like a show about strippers but ruth doesnt care. Shes just waiting for steph to come pick her up. She loves steph so much. How could she not steph is smart, funny, kind, fucking hot, and confident. Ruth didn't think of herself as any of those things but steph insisted she was.
Ruth looks out her window when she hears a car horn. She sees steph waving to her from her car. Ruth bolts down the stairs almost tripping when she runs out the door. Steph meets her on the driveway picking her up and hugging her. Ruth giggles kissing steph on the cheek. They get in the car and drive to the starlight theater. Chatting about their days and stealing glances at each other.
When they pull into the parking lot steph gets the car door for ruth.
“Why thank you good sir.” they both laugh. 
Walking into the theater they find there seats. Watching all the other audience members as they come in. steph chats with brenda and stacy for a minute. Ruth says a quick hello to bill and ted. They watch as linda murray and becky barnes walk in hand in hand. ruth notices miss mulberry on the other side of the theater with a cop and starts gossiping with steph about it. A few minutes later the lights dim and the show starts. The whole time ruths eyes are glued to the stage bright with her love for theater. Steph isnt really enjoying the show but shes glad ruth is happy.
After the show steph and ruth file out of the theater. Ruth is gushing about the show all the way to the car. Steph listens happy that ruths happy.
“So what do you wanna do now ruth?”
“Uh we could go to miss retros. I really like it there miss holloway is so nice.”
“Sounds good ruthie.”
They drive to miss retros. Ruths favorite diner ever mostly because she loves miss holloway. When they walk in miss holloway greats them with a smile.
“Heya darling! How was your date?”
“Heya miss holloway! Its going well.”
“Thats great ruth. This must be the legendary steph.” miss holloway holds her hand out smiling at steph.
“Uh yeah thats me. Nice to meet you.” steph shakes her hand. This lady seems pretty cool.
They chat with miss holloway for a few more minutes. Ruth tells steph all about miss holloway before they go sit down in ruths usual booth. They order some dinner and milkshakes. 
“Thanks for taking me to that show steph. It was so fun!”
“Im glad you enjoyed it babe.”
“That zach guy was so impressive! I wish i was half as good as him.”
“Ruth your ten times better than him. I'd rather watch you than any show.” Ruth blushes taking a sip of her milkshake.
“I wanna be on stage someday.”
“What would you wanna be in?”
“Anything really. I'll never make it though.”
“You totally could babe I've heard you sing your amazing! So tell me what's your dream role?”
“Well uh I've always wanted to be zazzalil from firebringer and being anyone in legally blonde or wicked would be amazing.”
“Well if your ever in wicked ill be the glinda to your elphaba.”
“Aw babe thats so sweet. Can we dress as them for halloween?”
“Of course baby.”
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Thoughts on Wicked Trailer (2024)
Eh. Not too thrilled about this but will see it anyway.
What I don't like about the Wicked Trailer:
-I love Cytnhia's voice and Ariana doesn't sound bad either from what I've heard, however, they just both look way too old to be playing wide-eyed bushy-tailed college kids in the first part. This is a two parter movie and well they probably would have looked great in the second half when they're older and wiser but... yeah based on this trailer they don't convince me as college kids. Ari always looked young for her age but she never looked older than she does in this movie. Idk if it's the blonde hair or what that just doesn't compliment her.. yeah.. iff. See, if this was a stage musical no one would notice. But movies are always shot in close-up with so much detail and you can really see the age on these actresses, not they're ''old'' by any means but they don't look like college freshman. I'm sure their voices will make up for it though.
-Why don't we see the other characters like Nessa, Boq, and Fiyero? Kind of a cop out. We even see a glimpse of Dorothy and we don't even see her except her silhouette in the original musical.
-Musical trailers are no longer advertising themselves as musicals, so unfortunately only the spoken bits are shown and very little music. But maybe that's a good thing. It kind of teases us without giving too much away. But would have liked to hear more of ''Defying Gravity,'' just the last bar if nothing else. even the Mean Girls trailer had one lyric fully sung.
What I like about the Wicked Trailer:
-Dorothy's shoes. Hands down, the best thing in the whole trailer. I like how they're silver like the original story. They don't stand out as much as the ruby ones from the MGM version but they're still pretty.
-I'm not crazy about the design of Glinda's dresses but I do like how they dressed her in pink throughout the whole movie. No, she doesn't have as much variety in her fashion as the stage costumes, but it's a nice symbolism if that's what they were going for, tying her up in pink. It seems Elphaba will be pretty much in black for the whole movie, too.
-Unfortunately, that's all I liked about the new trailer.
Not really excited for this at all. I've been waiting for years for a Wicked movie and it just looks disappointing...
EDIT: Just kidding, they showed Fiyero for like a brief ''blink and you'll miss it'' second. Will have to re-watch to see if there was anything else I missed.
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osatokun · 1 year
Damn I miss drawing Charlie. I've let myself drown in depressive episode for too long, and didn't draw much. I do have other characters. I have Charlotte to play, and she is a cool one. I have Glinda to draw, I dearly love her. But they are not as personal as Charlie. Glinda is a perfect woman(well, she is absolutely not, but perfect for me), but in the first place she is not my creation so she is not as close. Charlotte.. probably it differs too much when you play with people you don't really contact with. I see them on the games and we don't communicate outside. Considering she's been in a bunch of oneshots, it was different people. Maybe they are too shy to chat, or just don't want to, I don't know. But the games feels way less personal. I've never had a character like Charlie, it feels very different. Need to gain my strength back and draw him again. (ofcourse I won't stop drawing BG heh) sorry I had another 20 hours of sleep and felt need to babble
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a-koschyei · 1 year
dynamic playlist ♔. from the hoard : 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔟𝔢𝔞𝔯 𝔩𝔬𝔯𝔡 ( @nowincolor ) , accepting
defying gravity, wicked : i'm through accepting limits / 'cause someone says they're so / some things i cannot change / but 'til I try, i'll never know / too long I've been afraid of / losing love i guess i've lost / well, if that's love / it comes at much too high a cost! / i'd sooner buy defying gravity / kiss me goodbye / i'm defying gravity / and you can't pull me down / glinda, come with me / think of what we could do, together / unlimited / together we're unlimited / together we'll be the greatest team there's ever been
no good deed, wicked : no good deed goes unpunished / all helpful urges should be circumvented / no good deed goes unpunished / sure, i meant well / well, look at what well-meant did / all right, enough / so be it / so be it then / let all oz be agreed / i'm wicked through and through / since i can not succeed / fiyero, saving you / i promise no good deed / will i attempt to do again / ever again
you found me, the fray : in the end / everyone ends up alone / losin' her / the only one who's ever known / who i am / who i'm not / and who i wanna be / no way to know how long she will be next to me / lost and insecure / you found me / you found me / lyin' on the floor / surrounded / surrounded / why'd you have to wait? / where were you? / where were you? / just a little late / you found me / you found me
how to save a life, the fray : let him know that you know best / cause after all / you do know best / try to slip past his defense / without granting innocence / lay down a list of what is wrong / the things you've told him all along / and pray to god he hears you / and i pray to god he hears you / and where did i go wrong? / i lost a friend / somewhere along in the bitterness / and i would have stayed up with you all night / had i known how to save a life
goodbye brother, the prince of egypt
no one mourns the wicked, wicked: no one mourns the wicked / no one cries "they won't return" / no one lays a lily on their grave / the good man scorns the wicked / through their lives / our children learn / what we miss / when we misbehave / and goodness knows / the wicked's lives are lonely / goodness knows / the wicked die alone / it just shows when you're wicked / you're left only / on your own / yes, goodness knows / the wicked's lives are lonely / goodness knows / the wicked cry alone / nothing grows for the Wicked / they reap only / that they sow / are people born wicked? / or do they have wickedness thrust upon them?
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randomthingsbylfcds · 9 months
Chapter 9:
Artemis- Glinda Faba gave birth to twins, which worried me. But, as luck would have it, one of them was a boy. This way, I still have the opportunity to consolidate my blood. So far, the only two consolidated lineages have been the Faba, the Vyper and my sister's. Not even Nyx has her lineage. Speaking of which, Nyx contracted an infection after giving birth to Thanatos, her son. Therefore, I deepened my search for a cure. Luckily I found it, Phoenix Blood, a mermaid. Now Nyx is fine. And we have two additions to the coven, because Phoenix brought her daughter, Heather.
Isis- I managed to find a strategist. It was not so hard. I am preparing strategies for possible attacks. I think I trusted Seraphine. Our collaboration is proving effective, and we are developing plans to ensure the strength and security of the courts. Each strategy is carefully crafted to maximize our advantages and minimize risks. The anticipation of possible challenges excites me, and I am confident that our meticulous planning brings success.
Nyx- I don't know if I care that much about my lineage. I recently gave birth to Thanatos. The pain I felt was immeasurable. I still suffered from an infection afterwards. I'm too far from the action, I fear I've lost my ability. I'm no sure if i would make this again. I still need to investigate Glinda...
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traits: Clever, High-Spirited and Beyond expectations
occult: mermaid
function: Phoenix Blood serves as the healer within the coven, bringing a unique and potent ability to mend physical ailments and injuries. Drawing on her mermaid heritage, Phoenix Blood possesses an innate understanding of restorative magic and herbal remedies. Her role is crucial in maintaining the health and well-being of the Amazonas, especially during challenging times such as childbirth or unexpected illnesses. Additionally, Phoenix Blood contributes her knowledge to the overall well-being of the coven, fostering a sense of trust and security among the members.
court: newmoon
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traits: Non-commital, extroverted and Moody
occult: vampire
function: Seraphina Nightmare plays a vital role as the strategist, leveraging her tactical expertise to plan and execute effective strategies for the Amazonas. With a keen understanding of military tactics, espionage, and strategic thinking, Seraphina ensures the security and strength of the Fullmoon Court. Her responsibilities include analyzing potential threats, devising plans for both defense and offense, and coordinating the Amazonas in times of conflict. Seraphina's strategic prowess is instrumental in navigating the challenges that the coven may face, making her a valuable asset to the leadership and overall success of the Amazonas.
court: fullmoon
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lserver362reviews · 1 year
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Previous review:
The amount that I could take off this score, because I don't think it's perfect (certain Gerwig-isms that grind my gears are present), are so slim that it really doesn't affect the overall 5 stars out of 5! This movie was made for me! I've been a Barbie-head for the majority of my life, and an existentialist. Phenomenal casting, music, set design, direction, and themes. I don't think this movie quite found equilibrium but the fact that it touched me and entertained the hell out of me is enough. I could go on and on but I won't! Ryan Gosling is a gift. This is the Maximalist film of the year (Elvis taking 2022's title)!! (& That's my doctor!)
This really is even better on a rewatch! Everything that hit me as off-putting or took me out of the first viewing went down easy on the second go. The feminist rant Gloria goes on to existential crisis stereotypical Barbie felt really natural and I appreciated how this is actually how people talk. It hit different for whatever reason, and this audience in the packed theater broke out in snaps for that part which surprised me. Maybe I was just being susceptible to the very thing they point out, which is that once you name something you can engage with it better. It doesn't make contradiction go away but it can shift your framework. I still teared up at the first sight of Ruth Handler, who in my first viewing I figured that was her, but I did wonder for a moment if, based sewing machine, it was Carol Spencer. I'm not sure why seeing Barbie interact with Ruth hits me so deeply but it really does. I first learned about Ruth and her daughter Barbara, and formally about Barbie, as an 8th grader for some social studies project. I hated projects and my teacher basically suggested that the conclusion of my project was that Barbie warped girls self-image. He didn't know he was talking to a day one Barbie defender. I think it hits me as the perfect reverence to motherhood, but also as reverence to having a creator (cue Nearer my God to Thee) to walk with. I think my existentialism will always fall to religious or spiritual thinking. What was also special about this viewing is that I went with my mom, which sometimes her reactions to things just crack me up. I'm glad she really really liked it and came away saying how it was funny and fun, but she did miss P.J. (her coveted doll) and Stacie. She also said that one doesn't have to be so serious about this film. (Sorry mom for the rest of this review!) The other day, after my first watch I tweeted, "It cannot be understated: the phenomenal job @lizzo's work on #BarbieTheMovie does to bring us into the world, to set the tone, to set us up for the story ahead. All the music was so well used (ty Mark Ronson) but the fact that it was Lizzo who brought me into it was everything." I still stand by this point and a second watch only made me notice more fantastic music cues and just how much Billie Eilish's What Was I Made For? is used. What a beautiful theme for this film. Once again I wear my undergrad philosophy hat by recognizing the Nietzschean "Yes" Barbie utters after grounding herself in feeling and thereby channeling her existence as a human. Barbie becomes the ubermensch. I really wish that I could teach a feminism and philosophy class with this as the primary text. I think there's also much of the messaging of the Wizard of Oz in that scene where Ruth Handler is a mix of The Wizard and the Good Witch Glinda, helping Barbie to realize that what she wants, and where she belongs, is deep within herself already. She's ready to leave a fantastical place because she loves her humanity and own soul that experiences all that makes life alive. It's very Dorothy Gale and a character that I'm deeply touched by. Barbie loves humanity, she wants to embrace her agency, just like all of us. In the wise words of FrankNFurter from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, "Don't dream it, be it" (or something more contemporary, Top Gun: Maverick, "don't think, just do"). Ken also learns that all he really needs is to decipher what he's feeling, communicate it, and know that he's (K)enough. Ryan Gosling really just knocked it all the way out of the park with this role. The Ken dance number on the sound stage makes me think of the way dance is used in Footloose and how a good dance in an abandoned warehouse can really clear the mind and heart. This is a deeply humanist film delivered to us in the most maximalist way. For that, I give Barbie the Maximalist Film of 2023 Award. This award is given in my head and past winners are Elvis (2022). To quote Harry Styles, "You know, my favorite thing about the movie is, like, it feels like a movie. It feels like a real, like, you know, 'go to the theater' film movie."
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katherinemckay · 2 years
elphaba and glinda's choices in defying gravity
or "glinda's choice to stay behind is very justified and objectively leads to more success by the end of the show": an essay
okay so i came across people discussing whether glinda or elphaba made the more difficult choice in defying gravity and the comments were overwhelmingly elphaba biased and as a glinda biased girlie i wanted to write my little analysis of this scene so this is my 1 am, hyperfixation-driven take on this show <3
so as the audience we spend all of act one meant to empathize with elphaba. she's your typical underdog protagonist; the world is basically against her and you root for her because she has good intentions and goals. so, when she decides to give up everything to fight for what's right, we naturally admire this choice and cheer her on. this tends to make people feel like glinda made the cowardly/weak choice to stay back, but i think it's more complicated than that.
first, we have to look at these choices in the context of their lives. glinda has presumably grown up in privilege and has spent her entire life striving to be perfect, as she's desperate for everyone to love her and will continue trying to put on this act even when it makes her miserable (see: all of thank goodness). in contrast, elphaba's life is the opposite: she's never really received love from anyone before her friendship with glinda, even her relationship with nessa is very strained. all that she has driving her forward are her own personal goals and ambitions (see: the wizard and i), so when she realizes what's going on with the wizard, she's naturally going to continue prioritizing these goals. however, they look different now that she realizes the wizard and her society in general are actually responsible for these problems- now, she has to center herself in achieving these goals, as she can't strive for the wizard's help anymore. this means that although it is still an incredibly bold and difficult decision, elphaba forging her own path is basically the natural choice for her going forward. however, when we look back at glinda, it's the opposite- impulsively uprooting her entire life is not at all a reasonable course of action from her perspective. she has everything (she thinks that she wants) to lose- her reputation, the opportunities the wizard is offering her (and we know she's been interested in sorcery and has wanted to do this for awhile), and even her relationship with fiyero that she's still trying to maintain. this is very different from elphaba's situation, who even points out she basically has nothing left to lose ("i've been afraid of losing love i guess i've lost"). so, going with elphaba would be a much more high-stakes decision for glinda in the context of her life and what she values at this point in the story.
additionally, i think a main theme a lot of general fans miss about wicked is the fact that glinda and elphaba do want the same thing (glinda not going with elphaba does not mean she actually supports the wizard!!!!!), but they are just fundamentally different in how they believe change gets made. glinda has always believed that how someone is seen affects the power they have. she explicitly states this mindset in popular- "did they have brains or knowledge?... they were popular", "it's not about aptitude, it's the way you're viewed, so it's very shrewd to be very, very popular." because glinda has grown up in privilege, she understands that in her society, people who are widely liked hold the most power. in contrast, elphaba believes/wants to believe that change can be made by taking a stand and doing what's right; this is the mindset we see in defying gravity. the differences in how glinda and elphaba see the world very strongly explain the differences in how they act throughout the show. glinda choosing to run away with elphaba in defying gravity ultimately wouldn't make sense for her because that's not how she believes change happens. based on how important glinda deems popularity, i truly believe she thinks that staying back and finding a powerful position within the ozian government is the best way to slowly push for change. everything glinda does is so carefully calculated, while everything elphaba does tends to be more impulsive, and so this is seen in their methods for trying to fight against the injustice in oz. i don't believe it makes either of them weak or wrong; it's just two very different mindsets that reflect their very different life experiences.
finally, i think one of the most crucial plot points of the show that almost everyone seems to miss is the fact that ultimately, glinda was right. elphaba forging her own path results in her image becoming even worse in oz, to the point where no one besides glinda sees her as anything but wicked. because of this, she ends up completely unable to make any of the change she was hoping for, as her image as the wicked witch ruins her chances of any kind of public support. she even explicitly tells this to glinda in for good: "i'm limited, just look at me / i'm limited, and just look at you, you can do all i couldn't do, glinda." here, elphaba realizes she's limited because she is so widely hated... but glinda isn't. because glinda is widely loved, because glinda spent all of these years carefully constructing a perfect public image, glinda has earned herself power, which she can now use to make a difference. elphaba is admitting that glinda can do what elphaba can't, and that's because glinda made that choice to stay behind. as tragic as it is, glinda's outlook on the world was more realistic than elphaba's, and so it ultimately lands glinda in a position of power with the opportunity to make change.
tldr: glinda is the smartest character in wicked please stop being mean to her :(
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princesssarisa · 2 years
For the character ask: Glinda and Dorothy (Wizard of Oz 1939)
Favorite thing about them: She's an all-around likable character; a nice, warm-hearted, relatable every-girl, whose "heroine's journey" is engaging and enjoyable to follow.
Least favorite thing about them: Hmmm... there's not much to dislike about her. Maybe that she tries to run away from home without considering at first how much her aunt and uncle will miss her and worry about her. But since she's just (approximately) a 12-year-old girl and desperate to save her dog's life, it can be excused, especially because she feels so guilty about it later.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I have brown hair.
*I'm sensitive and a bit of a dreamer.
*I love dogs.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I've never lived with an aunt and uncle.
*I don't live on a farm.
*I could never manage a long journey on foot in high heels (though maybe if they were magic, I could).
Favorite line:
"Someplace where there isn't any trouble. Do you suppose there is such a place, Toto? There must be. It's not a place you can get to by a boat or a train. It's far, far away. Behind the moon, beyond the rain..."
All the lyrics to "Over the Rainbow."
To Miss Gulch when she comes to take Toto away – a good scene to remember whenever critics accuse the screenwriters of robbing Baum's young heroine of her spunk:
"I won't let you take him! You go away, you....! Oooh, I'll bite you myself! You wicked old witch!"
To the fearsome giant head of the Wizard – more good lines to remember any time a critic labels her a weakling:
"You ought to be ashamed of yourself, frightening him like that when he came for you to help!"
"If you were really great and powerful, you'd keep your promises!"
And of course, the iconic line when she first arrives in Munchkinland:
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!"
brOTP: The Scarecrow, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and their real-world equivalents, Hunk, Hickory, and Zeke.
OTP: Safety and happiness.
nOTP: Any of the other characters; they're all too old for her.
Random headcanon: Her parents died in a fire. This explains why fire and smoke are associated both with the Wicked Witch and with the Wizard's initial frightening appearance in her dream.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think she's too much of a damsel in distress or a crybaby. Now, I understand why feminists complain that she's less spunky and no-nonsense than Baum's original Dorothy. But (a) she's older than Baum's Dorothy – it's natural for an adolescent-ish girl to be more emotional than a small child, (b) she's not without her own spunk – she still stands up to people who behave badly or threaten her friends, and even slaps the nose of a lion (not yet knowing that he's a coward) in Toto's defense, (c) Baum's Dorothy cries fairly often too – I don't know where the myth that she hardly ever cries came from, and (d) with all the danger and turmoil she goes through, I think she's entitled to a little terror and a few tears!
Song I associate with them: What else?
Favorite pictures of them:
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Favorite thing about them: Besides being such a kind protector of the Munchkins and helper to Dorothy, I like that she's a little bit ditzy in a funny way, or at least lacking in knowledge of humans and earth animals: e.g. asking if Toto is a witch. It saves her from being just a sugary "good fairy" stereotype. Also, her cheerful nonchalance in the face of the Wicked Witch's threats: true proof that in Oz, good is stronger than evil.
Least favorite thing about them: The fact that she knows all along that the ruby slippers can take Dorothy home, but instead of telling her, she sends her on the journey to the Wizard, putting her at risk of being caught by the Wicked Witch. "She wouldn't have believed me" is an awfully flimsy explanation why. Now, I don't think she has any dark ulterior motive – it's just the screenwriters' awkward patch-up of the plot hole they created by combining Baum's Glinda (who doesn't meet Dorothy until the end of the book) and the unnamed Good Witch of the North (who sends Dorothy to the Wizard because she doesn't know about the shoes' power) into one character. But if I could rewrite any part of the classic movie, it would be to change her explanation... maybe to say that Dorothy had to go on her journey to help her friends find their brain, heart, and courage and to destroy the Wicked Witch, as well as to learn that there's no place like home.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I'm female.
*I like to help others.
*I like pink.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not a witch, good or bad.
*I don't have red hair.
*I don't usually wear sparkles.
Favorite line:
Her iconic first line:
"Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?"
About Toto:
"Oh! Well, is that the witch?"
And to the Wicked Witch:
"Oh, rubbish! You have no power here. Be gone, before somebody drops a house on you, too."
brOTP: Dorothy, in a surrogate mother/daughter or fairy godmother/goddaughter type of way.
OTP: None; she's a happy, powerful single woman and this doesn't need to change.
nOTP: The Wizard or the Wicked Witch of the West.
Random headcanon:
(1) An "Oz is real" headcanon: Like Baum's original Glinda, she's centuries old and was in Oz long before the Wizard ever came.
(2) An "Oz is Dorothy's dream" headcanon: She looks like Dorothy's late mother. She might seem to be the only main character in Oz who has no counterpart in Kansas, but really she does.
Unpopular opinion: I wish more of the adaptations, spin-offs, sequels, etc. would portray her as a redhead again. She has red hair in both the original book and the classic film, so why do Wicked, Oz the Great and Powerful, and their like always make her blonde? Is it a legal issue with MGM, or is it just anti-redhead prejudice?
Song I associate with them: "Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are."
Favorite pictures of them:
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Ranking the 14 musicals I've seen/listened to
14: Dear Evan Hansen. I don't truly understand the plot besides a mentally unstable kid's friend commits suicide. The only reason I like this musical is Waving Through A Window.
13: Frozen Broadway Musical. Much better than the movie and that fucked up sequel. I love the added songs (What Do You Know About Love?; Monster; Dangerous to Dream; Hans of the Southern Isles (Reprise); etc.). There are still musicals I really like more than this, though. Also, I get flashbacks to when I was in drama club in fifth grade and I was stage crew. Fave song? What Do You Know About Love?
12: Lion King Broadway Musical. I saw this on the US tour last year with my family, so I enjoyed it. Not the best, though. Like with Frozen, I love the added songs. Fave song? He Lives In You.
11: Beauty and the Beast Broadway musical. I always get flashbacks to 7th grade when I did BATB JR. I was part of the ensemble and understudy for Cogsworth. Like the last two: I love the added songs, especially Human Again; Me; and Home. Fave song? Human Again.
10: Greatest Showman. It's a musical everyone's obsessed with that I accidentally discovered. Nuf said. Fave song? The Other Side.
9: West Side Story. Would be up higher if it weren't for that ENDING. Like, bro, YOU CAN'T LET TRUE LOVE NOT HAPPEN LIKE THAT! Also, my real name is Maria, so I obviously love the song Maria (it's my fave). My mom also has been a fan of it since she was young, but I wasn't named after the character or song. I was named after my Great-Grandmother who died when my grandpa was 13 from cancer. BACK TO THIS POST TOPIC-
8: Hunchback of Notre Dame. I fucking love the entire movie soundtrack. It's my favorite animated Disney musical. Love the historical crap because I'm a nut for history. But I like other musicals better. Fave song? Hellfire.
7: Hairspray. Love the soundtrack. Love the history. Not sure who is more evil: Miss Baltimore Crabs (it's one am I don't remember her name. is it Von Tussel?) or Penny's mom. Fave song? Miss Baltimore Crabs.
6: Into the Woods. GLORIOUS. One of the only musicals I can watch with my school friends together. My sister loves it and she has high musical standards. Fave song? AGONYYYYYYY
5: Love Never Dies. Don't fucking attack me. I like it a lot. Would be higher if it weren't for the ending. Same sister that has high musical standards claims that this is her favorite musical. Idek with her. Fave song? Beneath a Moonless Sky.
4: Hamilton. This was the first Broadway soundtrack I listened to (yeah I started the Broadway thingy late). Like I said, I love history, especially in colonial times, so I love this musical. Fave song? Burn
3: Wicked. I no longer hear Idina Menzel as Elsa, I hear her as Elphaba. Fiyero x Elphaba forever. Glinda is an asshole who can kiss my ass. Fave song? As Long As You're Mine.
1: PHANTOM OF THE OPERA! I HAVE AN ENTIRE FUCKING BLOG (@meet-me-at-box5) DEDICATED TO THIS FUCKING MASTERPIECE... and LND. I LOVE THE GASTON LEROUX NOVEL SO MUCH THAT IT'S BECOME MY FAVORITE CLASSIC AND HORROR-THEMED NOVEL AND SEMI-ACCURATE NOVEL! Weird story time: my dad once listened to Canadian cast of POTO Masquerade to calm himself down when I couldn't calm down and it calmed me down as well. Everytime I cried and wouldn't calm down as a baby, he would play Canadian Masquerade. He also claims that the vacuum calmed me down? Weird. But I am the eldest child of my family... so my parents didn't really know how to take care of a baby... SO technically, I've been a Phan since I was a baby even though I never watched it until I was 11. One year after I discovered it, I had watched POTO 2004 over a hundred times, probably. Fave song? THE POINT OF NO RETURN! Team? ERIKKKKKKKKKKK!
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lesbiten · 3 years
if you were in charge of the wicked movie what would you do with it? like, what changes would you make, etc.
OK so i wanted to think about this a bit and also wait until the dw mania was over with so now that we're here. hm.
i think first and foremost i would add at least a few elements of the book into it.....because i think that both the musical and the book on their own arent really suitable to be adapted into a movie but i think if you combined them it would better translate.
i think that having some of elphaba's upbringing (maybe toned down a bit since this. is. a movie that will appeal at least somewhat to kids) and many of the side characters (avaric, crope and tibbett, pfannee and shenshen, etc) from the book would help out a lot with the worldbuilding and relationship building that the musical misses out on.
on the other hand i think that the movie would be better off keeping shiz the way the musical interprets it (the whole ama system isn't there, etc) at least in most aspects because i think it would work better in a movie setting. the book does a fine job at going into the intricacies of shiz life and i don't think that the movie would be able to do it proficiently. it would be better to have it the way the musical does as an almost modern college.
now, onto the things i will get fired up about! the main characters!!! let's start with something easy. boq! he's a funny one because his character between the book and the musical are like night and day. i do think that at the end of the day boq's characterization doesn't matter THAT much in the grand scheme of things. however. the musical does sort of turn him into a caricature and i did like how the book kind of made him. human. and i want for movie!boq to have more of the Human aspect than the caricature aspect. i want for him and elphaba to be friends (if the movie shows some of her upbringing like i suggested, one of the scenes it could show is her and boq playing together as children so it. makes sense). im not sure if i can ask for the same 'boq eventually gets over his crush on glinda' from the book if they go for the same route story-wise as the musical, but i did also like that aspect of his character more than i did in the musical :)
next! fiyero. fiyero fiyero fiyero. i will be honest. i don't really know what i want from fiyero in this movie. i want him to look like he does in the book. i think that ones pretty obvious. if they whitewash him in this movie i will actually kill someone. but like. character wise? i don't really know! i think at this point it's kind of a staple of fiyero's character (both book and musical) that he's not a great guy. and i'm fine with him being kind of a creep or generally unlikeable. but i want the narrative to UNDERSTAND that he's unlikeable. i don't want to be fed the idea that fiyero is a hero in this story when he isn't. i think that's really the most i can ask for right now for him. i think they're either gonna do really well with him or really bad. i guess we'll see!
glinda. :). i think that. well. okay we know that the musical kind of had a problem with turning characters into stereotypes. and while this did happen to glinda, i do think she managed to retain a lot of character traits outside of her stereotype and i can appreciate that. HOWEVER. i would kind of just like for that dumb blonde stereotype to......maybe just.......be toned down. like a lot. she deserves to be smart!!! i don't know. i want her to have her interest in architecture back. i also want there to be no plot point even remotely related to her actually being in love with fiyero. i've already talked about it a million billion trillion times so i won't do it again when this post is ALREADY long but i think that when you read thank goodness as being about fiyero it becomes almost meaningless. it loses so much emotion and meaning. that song always has been and always should be about elphaba. that's all! thanks! but yeah i think glinda is also kind of in the category of 'it can go either way'. like i think they're either gonna nail her or they're going to just. do so so badly. either way we have to watch ariana grande perform her songs so who's really losing
and NOW. for everyones favorite green motherfucker. elphaba. she's a really tough one for me!!!!!! because book!elphaba and musical!elphaba are so so so SO different but they make enough sense in the context of their respective worlds. if the movie had the world of the musical and dropped an elphaba modeled after her book counterpart into it, i think it would just! not work! so i think how she gets written should and will depend entirely on which direction they go with the worldbuilding. i think that if they lean in more on the politics and religion from the book, then we should have the elphaba that didn't like the wizard in the first place. who worked closely with dillamond during his research and was deeply in tune with the political world of oz. but if they lean in more on the "were going to drop worldbuilding for the sake of relationship building" that the musical had, then i'm all for elphaba retaining her whole 'idolizing the wizard' thing. i mean. it's not like they're just gonna cut the wizard and i. so elphaba in some capacity is going to have to idolize the wizard. idk. once again!!!!!!!!! i'm not sure if i have a specific "i want her to be like this" i just want for them to write her in a way that makes sense. i want for her to be her own character and not become an extension of fiyero in the second act. anything. at all. please.
overall. i don't know what changes i would make because i am not a writer and i do not write. HOWEVER. i do spend an excessive amount of time thinking about blorbos from my musicals and i think this movie has the opportunity to right some of the wrongs of the musical. will it actually do that? who fucking knows! i'm going to watch it either way.
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A very self indulgent series of tpn musicals headcanons
AU where at some point at Grace Field they had the chance to listen to Broadway musicals or something. Maybe the music room at Grace Field also has the scripts of various musicals, or maybe the House is the only place in the universe to have original official recordings at its disposal.
(Unless otherwise specified, these are based on the children before they found out about the secret of the orphanage)
•Emma likes those musicals about struggling but with an always happy ending, and her absolute favourite is Matilda: she really enjoys listening to its many funny songs, and holds dear the "growing up" theme. She loves how diverse, various and big this cast of children is, and she has lots of fun associating each of her siblings with one of the many characters. She also really loves thinking about the magic in it, and wonders what she and her siblings would do with telekinesis. Additionally, Miss Honey's kindness remembers her of Mama. (And when you think about it, "When I Grow Up" makes such a good foreshadowing)
•Norman is not very into musicals; thinking about GF Norman, he would probably just love a few specific songs, mostly romantic ones, such as "Helpless" and "No One Else" I adore this romantic aspect of his I have a big soft spot for it.
After having taken on the role of Minerva he would bittersweet laugh thinking about how much he relates to "Non-stop" (you know, as in "working the hell out of you because you want the best for your family to the point you end up hurting your family itself") and how evil he has become (That's because he doesn't like Alexander. Nobody at GF likes Alexander. You know, betraying your family and stuff.)
•Ray has never told anyone, but he adores Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812. He listens to Dust and Ashes like it's a spiritual experience. He's just so sensitive to the whole theme of redemption and the "finally starting to live" thing. He's also really captured by how different the musical is from any other, how particular, extravagant, but ultimately beautiful under every aspect it is.
Even if very different, he would also really enjoy listening to Waitress: he likes how sassy, raw and uncensored Jenna is, and how harshly the musical depicts the cruelty and unfairness of the world she lives in. But the thing he likes the most is the whole concept of escaping from an abusive situation and finally being able to build happiness for yourself. (A very subconscious part of him likes Waitress because he associates the protagonist with Isabella: the story is ultimately about a mother who loves her child very much, and who succeedes in overcoming her abusive relationship for her child and because of her child; that's probably something Ray really longed for in his days at GF, even if not realizing it himself.)
•Gilda is fond of Wicked. She just loves this story about the friendship between two amazing witches that are so different one another but still love each other to the end of the earth, and were able to destroy all the boundaries. Each and every time she listens to "For Good" she starts ugly crying, no matter that's the thousand time she's hearing it. She also adores all the costumes from Wicked, and could spend hours talking about how great every little detail in them is. By the way, even if she would never admit it, she really likes the assonance between her name and Glinda's!
(Oh, Gilda would probably enjoy The Prom too, wouldn't she??)
•Don likes Newsies. He finds the coreography with all the acrobaties so fun to look at and has spent a fair amount of time trying to imitate it. But he also loves how exciting and powerful the musical's themes are, with its plot that revolves around a strike, the concept of a fight to end the exploitation of children and so on. Also, I can totally see him singing "Santa Fe" somewhen after they escaped. He's a dreamer.
•Anna loves Anastasia! She really enjoys the relaxing and emotional music, and she likes to plunge in this calming feeling brought by how nostalgic it sounds. She also really enjoys how the story gives an insight into far, romantic and exotic places such as Petersburg and Paris.
•Nat would probably like The Phantom of the Opera, wouldn't he? (I've never listened to that musical, but with its Opera centered plot and enigmatic atmosphere it just feels right?)
•Thoma and Lani like these newest musicals that bring a new take to classics, such as The Lion King, The Lightning Thief and so on; Aladdin would be their favourite, with all its amazing special effects and cheerful songs.
•Of course, Phil would love listening to Matilda together with Emma.
•Isabella tells everyone that she doesn't like the genre (all that singing probably reminds her of Leslie), but has definitely cried to "I Dreamed A Dream" more than once when nobody was around. I could write an essay on how that song is /perfect/ for her and probably will at some point
•Krone rocks Six. She's especially into No Way. For real go check out that song it looks like it has been written appositely after her.
Other things:
•Little Emma and Norman singing the first verses of "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" to Ray when he's all by himself to try and convince him to play with them. It doesn't work most of the time, but one day Ray unknowingly let out a "go away you two" in perfect timing with the song making the other two suddenly get so excited they burst into laughter; it was a joy for everyone to witness.
•Emma, Don, Phil, Thoma and Lani have attempted to reenact "Revolting Children" in the testing room at some point. (Isabella didn't allow it, obviously. But she did say “I love your enthusiasm thought”, and that was something.)
•Ray and Norman have this silent agreement to never let Emma see nor listen Les Misérables. They just want to protect her from seeing such an heartbreaking, dramatic story that involves losing all of your family/comrades.
•Emma has a very deep loathing for Hadestown ("What? She leaves him behind???? Her family??????????? How could she???????????????? It can't be!!!!!!")
•Thoma and Lani have totally tried (and succeeded) doing this at some point
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Uhm uhm I will definitely continue this so stay tuned for more I guess
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talesandfluff · 5 years
Hi there! I stumbled across your blog and all it's wonderful Gina Beck content and I just wanted to say how much of a huge fan of hers I am as well :D She's SO amazing as Miss Honey in Matilda! I've seen her twice now, I went for the first time in July and I've already bought tickets to go at the end of the month! xD I've seen a couple of clips of her as Christine and OMG !!! She's so incredible
SHE’S SO AMAZING!!!!! and she is legit one of the nicest people at stagedoor I’ve ever met (although that tends to be true of Glindas in general). She is SO fucking talented!!! her voice!!! the many details of her acting!!! she’s absolutely sensational. 
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theoriesoflove-old · 5 years
In Elphaba's dream, a man dressed in an emerald uniform stands in the doorway. His face was in shadows until he steps closer to the large bed that she was laid out upon. As moonlight falls across his face, the man is revealed to be Fiyero. He begins to undress, his eyes roaming her body. "I've wanted you for so long, Elphaba." Still clad in his undershirt, suspenders, and pants, he places a knee on the bed to lean over her. Lips inch closer and closer until— Elphaba wakes up. (Act Two)
Elphaba woke with a start, eyes wide as she sat up in bed. Looked beside her – nothing. Looked to the door – nothing.
Another dream. Of course it was. Fiyero would never do any of that. He was with Glinda. More importantly, he was the head of the Gale Force hunting her. She still didn’t know what to think of that. Surely, Glinda had told him the truth – right? It was all an act. Fiyero would never hurt her. Never.
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She missed him so much.
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