#i've never made phone lockscreens before
hawkeyes-boy · 2 years
what do you guys do when your bored and insane about mash but can't watch mash
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bananadramaaa · 6 months
W-would you maybe consider doing an art of Alastor and Mimzy in a lockscreen format...? 🥺
I don't know if you're ok with this kind of use for your art, but if I could I'd really love to have them on my phone everyday .___.
As I stated before, I also love the style on demon Alastor and Rosie on one of your previous works. So something like that also would be amazing. To be honest everything would be amazing, at that point, because you never cease to amaze, Love 🤌✨
But I know that usage of one's art is a sensitive topic, so please treat my ask, first and foremost, as an overall sign of my appreciation for your lovely work.
Warm forehead kisses,
A Rat Under Your Floor
Well, I've never worked with lockscreen format, so pardon if something ended up a mess 😅
For now, I did Al & Mimzy 'cause I had an idea since you made that amazing 'historically accurate' playlist. For Rosie & Al it's a work in progress XD
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wileys-russo · 5 months
hi! laura freigang, 'can i use a picture of you as my phone's background?', locker room please?
lockscreen II l.freigang
you woke up to a flash in your face, ducking your head beneath the covers with a groan. "go away lau!" you moaned kicking out at your best friend who only grinned, tugging the covers away from you.
"it was for the collection!" laura explained as if that was completely normal as you tiredly glared up at her. "get out of my room, its not even eight yet!" you realised with a groan, shoving her a little harder than intended as she went rolling backwards off the bed.
you sat up with a start, covering your grin with your hand as the blonde moaned clutching her head which had collided with the carpet.
"sorry?" you tried with an innocent smile as she sat up and fixed you with a venomous glare. "idiot!" she huffed unappreciative of your efforts. "in my defense i have warned you before about not waking me before nine unless its an emergency." you reminded with a shrug.
"i was waking you because i made breakfast but now i think i will go give it to that cranky lady next door, she would be more appreciative!" the blonde grumbled standing to her feet with a shake of her head, stretching out her back.
"no no, no need! thank you." you shot up from bed, kissing her cheek in thanks before racing off toward the kitchen too fast to see the way the girls face burned beetroot red at the tiny gesture of affection.
laura had been pining over you for months now, and it was painful that it was obvious to absolutely everyone but you, even her teammates teasings only causing you to roll your eyes and dismiss them with a wave when they joked you were secretly dating.
laura could only wish to be so lucky, and only wish you'd finally see that all the little things she did for you was because she was crushing on you hard.
ever since you'd moved to the club the girl felt her knees wobble a little when you were introduced to the team, the first to put her hand up to show you around and within a couple of weeks the two of you were thick as thieves and laura had offered you her spare room while you hunted for a place of your own.
it was an offer which beat the pull out sofa you were currently sleeping on in an old school friends one bedroom loft who'd moved to germany for university and just never come back.
you'd be lying if you said without laura you'd have lost your mind and probably quit to move back home. she helped you set up everything, get better at the language, offered friendship and a comfortable bed beneath your back, cooked everyday for you and showed you around new places each weekend between matches.
you hadn't realized it just yet but you were also crushing hard on the blonde, only you'd grown up with four older brothers and attributed nearly every strong feeling you had toward a woman as just a longing for friendship.
it was idiotic how blind you were really.
"so." you looked up from your spot at your cubby, training finished for the day as you were icing your ankle you'd rolled, most of the team having already left for the day laura was kindly waiting around until the physio came back to check you over, currently in a meeting.
"as you know i've been making my phone look nicer." laura started as you chuckled, amused by her sudden interest in aesthetics which was spurred on by a late night tiktok doom scroll as you lay together 'hanging out' in complete silence in her room the other night.
"i found a lockscreen-" she turned to show you a photo she'd taken at the markets on one of her film cameras, smiling at the familiar setting. "-but, can i use a photo of you as my phone background?" she asked hopefully as you groaned.
"what!" she huffed, a little offended by your reaction. "not if its one of those awful pictures you always take of me sleeping, or eating, or at that gross zoomed out angle but super close and-" you started to protest making her frown switch to a grin.
"no schatz, not a bad photo." she patted your knee reassuringly, sliding closer to you as your head fell to her shoulder, missing the way she tensed up a little, clearing her throat.
"i have nice ones. i will even let you choose!" laura promised as you hummed and she clicked into her camera roll, selecting an album with a little sun emoji.
"see? look these are all candid ones of you. at the farmers market, out at dinner, cooking at home, when we went to ikea, when we went to the night festival, getting coffee-" as she scrolled slowly through, something suddenly clicked in your mind.
in nearly all of these you and laura had been hanging out, but always just the two of you. you took turns paying for things, you were always laughing, she was always surprising you with little adventures or taking you to new places and forcing you out of your comfort zone.
but it was always just with laura, and then it clicked for you, it was laura, you loved laura.
the girl was too busy recounting the story behind one of the hundreds of photos in the album with a soft smile on her face to notice you pull your head away to look at her, finally seeing the slight blush on her cheeks and not missing the twinkle in her eye.
so maybe, just maybe, laura loved you too.
"lau." you interrupted, cutting her off mid sentence as she looked up and caught your eye, blush intensifying as she did. "was i rambling? oh god i was rambling wasn't i? i told you when that happens to snap me out of it or tell me to shut up or-" she started again making you smile.
"lau?" "yeah?" "shut up." you grinned as she did too, tips of her ears flushed pink which you found quite cute, suddenly now noticing a lot of little features you'd taken for granted.
"do you trust me?" you asked softly and the blonde nodded without a moments hesitation, but in her most wild of dreams she'd never expected what came next as your hand moved to settle on the back of her neck and you leaned in until you were barely a hairsbreadth away.
"is this okay?" you whispered, checking one last time as all the german could do was nod, dumbfounded and unsure if this was actually happening until you leaned in just that tiny bit further and pressed your lips to hers.
this was really happening, and as laura dropped her phone into her lap, tugging you even closer and kissing you back like you were her last breath of air, you realised that yeah, your laura did love you back, and this was the start of a brand new adventure together.
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kaliforniahigh · 2 months
fwb noah but he gets upset if you go on dates or talk to other people
fwb noah who swears up and fucking down that it's just a casual thing but you're his lockscreen and he's never, ever, forgotten a holiday with you
fwb noah who stalks your socials pretty regularly, and will text you like 🤨
Thank you so much for the request! I hope I made it justice :D
Warnings: fluff, mentions of throwing up, jealousy, Noah is a lovesick fool.
Requests are open! Please check the guidelines before requesting.
WC: 1.426
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Your dinamic with Noah didn't really change that much. Years of friendship brought along the comfort you felt with each other. You slept on his bed countless of times and he slept on yours the same.
Whenever you were on a trip with the boys, you would always be assigned to room together. Or sit together on the plane and sit next to each other during meals. It's just the way it was. You like not having to order at restaurants because he already knows what you get in every single one of them.
So no one was really surprised when your friendship evolved to friends with benefits. He cared for you and you cared for him, now in more ways than one.
It was good, because you didn't have to worry about embarrassing yourself, you didn't have to worry about casual conversation or the awkardness of first dates and first kisses. You already knew each other too well for that.
You actually sat down to talk about this, to set boundaries and what not. You settled on some ground rules:
It can't interfere on your friendship.
You can't catch feelings.
You're exclusive in the sex department, but if you're going out with someone and you feel like you're gonna have sex with them, you give each other a heads up.
No jealousy.
Right now, you were just relaxing on the couch, Noah playing video games beside you, while you read your book. Your phone pinged beside you, alerting that a noticifcation has come through. Both Noah and you look at it, the little fire on the app icon catching his attention.
"You're on Tinder?", he asked you, pausing his game.
"Yeah? I though you knew", you just talked to people there. You knew you weren't going to find the love of your life on a dating app, but maybe a date or two couldn't hurt.
"You talking to someone there?", he went back to his game, trying to distract himself and look away from you, so you couldn't read his face.
"I've talked to a few people. Might go on a date next week actually", you said, nonchalantly, looking at him out of the corner of your eye. "Are you bothered?", you asked, when he didn't askwer you right away.
"No, of course not. You can go on dates, that's fine", he reassured you (and himself)
"You would tell me if it bothered you, right?", you didn't know if you wanted him to be bothered or not.
"There's not much I wouldn't tell you. You know that. Seriously, it's fine", you decided to trust him with that.
The days went by as usual. You observed Noah for any signs that he might be uncomfortable with you being on dating apps, but found none. He might actually not care about, or if he did care, he hid it very well.
When the night of your date came around, you were finishing getting ready, about to leave the door and drive to the restaurant. Your phone vibrated a few times on your purse as you were grabbing your keys. You pulled it out and looked at the screen, seeing texts from Noah.
Noah: I feel so sick :( Noah: I've trown up three times already. Noah: I actually feel a little dizzy right now.
He rarely felt sick, so this actually got you a little bit worried.
You: Maybe it was something you ate? Make sure to drink water. Noah: I don't know, I really don't feel well. You: Do you wanna go to the hospital? Noah: I don't think I need to. But I don't think I can get up from the bed. I feel weak. You: You want me to come over?
You sat down on your couch, waiting for his response and hoping it wasn't too late to bail on your date.
Noah: You have a date today, I don't wanna ruin it for you. You: It's ok, you need me right now. I'll be there in ten. I have the spare key.
Shooting the guy you were supposed to meet in a little bit a quick message, saying you wouldn't be able to make it and apologizing, you opened the door and made your way over to Noah's place.
Parking outside and making your way in, you called out his name, but only heard grunting in response. You went up to his room and found him laying on his bed, covered by a blanket. A lazy smile gracing his features when he saw you.
"How are you feeling?", you sat on the edge of his bed, putting your hand on his forehead to measure his temperature. He didn't feel warm or cold. That's a little better.
"Not very well. I don't know what could've happened", his voice was small, but not as rough as you would've expected for someone who threw up three times.
"Do you want me to lay with you?", you asked, rubbing his arm from atop the blanket.
"I don't want you catching whatever I have", he coughed a couple of times. You furrowed your eyebrows.
"Do you have the flu or a stomach bug?", you aked him.
"I don't know. But it could be viral?", he made a puzzled face and you hummed.
"Well, I don't mind. I'm here, so we're gonna cuddle a bit. Scootch over", you could see a little smile playing on lips.
Once you were settled on the bed, with your head on his chest and his arms around your shoulders, you hear him ask you "did you cancel your date?"
"Yeah, I did. Don't worry, we'll reschedule it", your voice was a little muffled by the blanket and his hoodie.
"Ok", his answer was simple, but you knew him enough by now to know that something was definetely off. You had a feeling about what it could be, but now you were sure. You weren't even looking at him and you could hear the smile on his face.
"Hold on", you lifted your head, quick enough to see him changing his smiley face to one of false sickness. "You didn't lie about being sick just so I would cancel my date, did you?"
"What? No! I would never do that", he made a face of false indignation.
"Then let me take you to the hospital", you started to get up, but he held your arm back, making you plop down on him again.
"No! You don't have to do that. I'm already feeling better. See?" he moved his hands in the general direction of his body.
"No, thowing up three times can't be good. You're probably very sick, some IV fluids would do you some good", you laid it on thick, in hopes he would finally admit to it. But you weren't expecting his next move, because seconds after saying this, you felt his hand grip the back of your neck, bringing your lips together in a kiss. You melted immediately into his body, pressing your chests together.
"See? I'm totally better", he said, not moving his lips too far away from yours.
"Noah, we need to talk about this", you whispered back.
"No, we don't. I just wanted you here with me. Nothing wrong with that", you felt butterflies at his words, specially since you were so close together, and he felt so warm and firm underneath you.
"So it wasn't because I was going out on a date?", you pried.
"Maybe a tiny little bit", he looked a little guilty now, but you didn't have the chance to call him out on it, because he kept going "I don't like the idea of another man having you the way that I get to have you"
You tried to not clench your thighs together.
"I know we agreed on not catching feelings and being jealous, but I'm starting to hate the fact that I can't call you mine. Or introduce you to people as my girlfriend. I don't want you to be someone I just mess around with. You're so much more than that"
You didn't know you needed to hear those words until he said them. Suddenly you understood why you two just felt so good together. Why everyone else didn't compare to how he made you feel. Why you dropped that date the second he needed you.
"I have an idea about how you could make me yours", you said, a little grin on your face.
"Oh, I plan on doing that the whole night. But first I need you to delete that goddamn app on your phone", he reached for your phone on the bed side table, as you laughed on his chest.
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sozila · 3 months
convalescence. (sukuna x reader)
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synopsis: convalescence noun. time spent recovering from an illness or medical treatment; recuperation. ryomen s. itadori was a disease that infected every part of your life, and you didn’t notice until it was too late.
pairing: best friend's older brother!ryomen s. itadori x pre-med uni student!fem reader.
warnings: explicit content eventually, mdni. mentions of underage drinking, descriptive sexual activities. masterlist | previous | next
you are on: incubation. (part one) a/n:
hello!! my name is sozila, and this is my first ever work on tumblr/ao3 so bear with me if my writing seems a little elementary :,) let me know what you think, esp if it's constructive feedback! i've been a huge fic reader since i was 11, if that's any solace <3 (i'm in my second year of college now lmao) this piece really just came to me because i craved older brother sukuna and breezed through every fic with him in it. also, i wanted to incorporate parts of my college experience and hence the allegory to infectious diseases, i promise i'll hash it out adequately soon haha <3 also to note: i'm aware this chapter is rather short, but i intend to make longer chapters as the story continues! until then, here's a little bit of what i have :) enjoy!
ao3 link here.
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incubation. (part one) you were 2 years into being best friends with yuuji itadori before you saw him. an idea of him was created in your head through a web of yuuji’s descriptions, megumi’s mild irritations. nobara’s hot-cold opinion that “he’s an insufferable asshole, but those tattoos do numbers on girls”. some part of you felt allured by the mystery of his identity, even though you knew exactly who he was. at least, as much as you could from the near-empty instagram account and pictures from yuuji’s childhood littering the apartment.
it was odd you didn’t meet until now, but university had other plans for you. it made sense though— as a pre-med student, you didn’t have much time to hang out or go to frat parties, as much as nobara complained about your lack of thrill for wilding out. you digressed, but promised as soon as you secured an internship you’d maybe allow a bottle of vodka on you, in the comfort of your shared apartment. yuuji and megumi never held your busy schedule against you; which you genuinely appreciated. you loved that whenever you did get to see them, things picked up right where you left off.
which is why you were surprised at the very least to be met with someone you knew yet were so unfamiliar with standing before you when you knocked on yuuji’s door.
“you one of yuu’s new leeches or what?”
your brows furrowed a little more at the jab on your character, but you utter nothing as you take in the fact ryomen itadori isn’t a mythical brother your best friend made up. he looks exactly like the lockscreen picture on yuuji’s phone, save for a couple new tattoos on his face and arms. his hair was a mix between a mean undercut and ivy league, sporting the same pink hue of his younger brother’s. a simple silver chain hung on his neck which drew you downwards to his chest. he was definitely built much bigger and wider than yuuji. coarse, and just.. raw. you register you’ve been staring at this man clad only in a wife pleaser and joggers for an inappropriately long time and clear your throat, straightening, holding your bag a little closer as if it was going to disappear with a glance of his sanguine eyes.
“you gonna stand there all day, or should i close the door on ya?”
his gruff voice now laced with irritation led you to match his demeanor. you give him a wry, plastered smile and push past him. he lets you, surprisingly.
“can’t really go in with you blocking the entire entryway, asshole.”
he doesn’t acknowledge the blatant insult and walks towards the kitchen. your nose catches it first- he was cooking something really good. suddenly, he yells over his shoulder while he stirs the pot.
“yuuji c’mon, i’m not babysitting for your ass!”
the thomp-thomp-thomps of yuuji’s footsteps follow with him hurrying down the stairs and he flashes a dorky smile to you. “sorry, sorry! you met my lovely best friend then, aniki?”
he grunts without turning around. you didn’t even consider this a conservation, but yuuji seemed unphased by his wet-blanket personality. guess older brotherhood looked like this. yuuji flits around the stove where he’s working to stick a finger in the pot and steal a taste, which sukuna smacked him upside the head for.
rubbing the back of head, yuuji then turns and faces you to give your arms a little squeeze. “megs is running a little late from swim team practice, but he’ll be here soon. ryo made dinner for us though!” he quips brightly.
with a whip of his head and a withering look, you deduced sukuna wasn’t aware of this information, but grumbled to himself. you made out a “motherfucker” and “freeloader” in his long curse.
you pull your happy-go-lucky friend a little out of earshot and bring him to your level to whisper harshly. “yuu, i don’t want to inconvenience your brother.. he already seems pissed i exist,” you murmur. your gaze returns to the giant man in the kitchen and something tickles in your chest. immediately he slaps your shoulder and chortles, as if you told him something outlandish. “don’t even worry! he acts like that all the time, he just doesn’t know you well enough yet.”
you weren’t sure you even wanted him to.
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it was 7:30 when you heard the ring of the doorbell and your head lifts from the snug placement you took on the couch. sukuna had already slipped away upstairs so yuuji answers this time, much to your dismay. you lament internally that megumi wouldn’t face the same frosty welcome as you did. you hear two voices instead of just the one you expected and crane over to see a certain red headed girl you knew. she beams upon noticing your peeking form. “you’re here early, miss i-have-no-time-for-my-beloved-friends,” quicker than you could react, she was already beelining to jump on you with a smothering hug.
you try to muster a clear response but get muffled by her puffy knit sweatshirt. “if you checked your phone you’d know i told you!” you push your computer out of reach so it wouldn’t be swept in the tornado that was nobara kugisaki.
megumi had already taken a seat on the rug beside yuuji, deep in conversation about winter finals. however, it became evident it was more megumi lecturing yuuji on course material and the latter looking more confused and stressed by the second.
you move nobara enough to clap your hands and catch their attention.
“if you guys utter the word ‘exams’ one more time, i swear will explode.”
nobara snorts above you and knocks on your head. “look who’s talking. is your memory shot to hell or do you not remember all the times you bring it up yourself?”
“she literally did this afternoon,” yuuji mumbles with a pout. you throw a decorative pillow at him.
“hey! don’t forget i literally made your study schedule for you. and even the studious want a little break,” you defend with a huff. nobara d’awws and squishes your cheeks. “my poor little baby! however did you survive.”
“you guys suck. i deserve nothing but love and affection.”
yuuji rolls his eyes and whines. “oh my goood, yes we love you and appreciate you, hugs kisses rainbows blah blah— i wanna watch a movie already!”
you giggle at his antics as nobara pushes off you, walking to the unabashedly large TV and starts filing through yuuji’s big movie bookshelf. “what are we feeling tonight? fast and furious, ladybird, jigsaw..”
after a couple minutes you all agree on midsommar, which you protested but lost in a 3 to 1 vote (democracy is a joke). you could never sleep properly after a good horror movie, hence you always watched them during the daytime. but because your friends were evil, namely nobara, you had to endure some at night and ended up sleepless and jumpy. “if you can’t sleep, just slip in with me tonight,” nobara counters with a dismissive wave. while you knew neither nobara nor her girlfriend, maki, would bat an eye because of their long friendship with you, you worried for your own well-being. nobara was a huge kicker in her sleep (she denies this profusely). too many times after a night out you’d wake up on the floor with bruises on your side while nobara dozed peacefully, starfish-ed on the bed. you sigh and accept your fate.
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the movie ends up being just as if not more unsettling than you expected. you knew nobara clocked out much earlier than you thought when you heard no reaction to the bear scene (never getting that image out of your brain, you fear). you stretch your neck to assess who’s out. beyond the dirty plates on the coffee table from the dinner sukuna “made” for you all, you can make out yuuji cradled into megumi’s chest, snoring lightly. the urchin haired boy didn’t stir much either, so you peel from nobara’s vice-like grip on you to throw a blanket over the two of them. out of the corner of your eye, you see yuuji cuddle into megumi a little more, a small smile on his dozing face. god, you eagerly await the day they could be honest about their feelings. you step back around quietly to adjust nobara on the couch into a more comfortable position.
to navigate out with a better light you fish your jeans for your phone but to your dismay, are met with empty pockets. it didn’t help that your nerves on high alert and the living room was lit only by the glow from the tv. something straight out of a horror movie. genuinely fuck my life. you frown as you crouch down to feel around underneath the couch. after a few minutes of helpless padding later, the task seemed fruitless and you began to retreat to yuuji’s room. nothing could prepare you to feel a big, cold hand palm your shoulder. you freeze, your spine going icy. is this how i’m going to die? swiveling faster than your mind could compute you almost let out a bloodcurdling shriek, only to be met with the same cold hand pressing your mouth shut.
“are you fuckin’ mental?”
sanguine eyes bore back into yours and you fight the urge to bite the hand pressing on you. the audacity of this guy was baffling, really.
you shove him off and glare pointedly.
“me? i’m mental? says the dick who decided to sneak up on someone and grab them like a fucking serial killer!”
you jab a finger on his chest, seething in a whisper. his chest, in reality, was much harder than you anticipated and your finger probably hurt more than the attack on him.
a step. he’s closer to you and now in possession of said finger.
“i lightly tapped you. the rest was damage control, sweetheart.”
“i can’t call you that?”
“how about you don’t call me anything, ever? thanks.”
“makes sense that i can’t call you. got your phone, and all.”
your mouth drops a little. “what?” he snickers. “if you weren’t so busy trying to curse me into the next domain, you’d realize i’ve had your phone in my hand this whole time. fuckin’ idiot.”
lo and behold, your phone was nestled in his raised hand, looking much smaller than you remembered. or was it that his hand was just that large in comparison? how big was this guy, really? part of you wanted to stop everything and just ask him to hold different objects and compare how they perceived in his grasp. but reality struck and you recall this is the same guy who just scared the living daylights out of you.
you yank it out of his stupid mammoth hand, ripping his grasp on you in the process and take a step back. you were awfully close to one another upon closer inspection.
“not an idiot, by the way. 4.0 gpa doesn’t exactly scream stupid.”
“idiocy applies to everyone, sweetheart. regardless of how much you dick ride your textbooks.”
every word that left his mouth had a lilt to it. the laughter in his eyes, his head cocked to the side.. he was messing with you and relished it. that pissed you off. who the fuck was he to decide who you were? what you stood for? you had barely known this imaginary-but-actually-real brother for a couple hours, and here he was insulting and teasing you all in one gift-wrapped present. what gave him the confidence to be so insufferable? and better yet, what could you do to stomp it out?
“go to hell, sukuna.”
you were unwilling to stay in his irritating presence for a moment more. your face was stony and unrelenting, your foot tapping incessantly in impatience. you wanted to slap his face off, but thankfully for him, your best friends were in dreamland just a few feet away.
“goodnight, idiot.”
your feet padded angrily up the stairs and you could still feel those dark sanguine eyes boring into your skull and all over your body. you decided that imaginary or not, yuuji itadori's older brother was the most pompous asshole you've ever had the displeasure of meeting. you didn’t get hit with your skin radiating heat until you closed the door of yuujii’s bedroom behind you. question is, was it anger or arousal?
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... she never told me her name.
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omg light banter... guys i really love slowburn so sexy time isn't guaranteed soon :( once i've outlined it i'll add specific explicit warnings and maybe you'll get a glimpse of what i envision for you and sukuna aaaaa :) for tumblr, i'll have a navi/masterlist up in a little!
peace luv bathtub!!!
© sozila 2024, all rights reserved. please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on other mediums or sites. cross-posted on ao3 and tumblr under same alias.
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0cta9on · 2 months
Hey dude, here is your daily dose of cute thoughts
1. Always love when ahjumma asks "Is this your girlfriend?". Same concept like the "Are you two a couple?" Theme video.
2. Such a cute gesture seeing how you save your girlfriend in your contact list. Or maybe seeing your phone wallpaper. Maybe "Cutie pie💕" "My2ndhalf❤️). Or a picture of her, she never seen, that you took secretly.
3. Having Ice skating date at a nearby mall is always cute, learning while spending time together.
4. Going for school reunion, everyone there doesn't expect the most unexpected couple.
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Have 'Marcus'😅
Hello mikeylo! I've actually been in a little bit of a mental rut, especially with how busy I've become, so these are always nice to get bits of inspiration for UD :] As such, I'll be using this ask to talk about Yuno and Minji :>
During the spring, when the weather is nice, Yuno and Minji like going on walks at specific park they both like. One day, the pair are resting on a bench underneath the shade, sharing an ice cream cone (Yuno didn't want any, but Minji insisted that they share one and he can never say no to her) when an old lady passes by, a polaroid camera hanging by a lanyard on her neck. She smiles at them, asking them if they're a couple, which they reply with a resounding 'yes'. She then offers to take a photo of them for free, telling them how nice the light looks on them. Minji enthusiastically agrees, and despite Yuno's awkwardness in front of a camera, the picture turned out alright. The old lady gave both of them a polaroid of the picture before walking off. Minji keeps her copy in her phone case while Yuno keeps his in his wallet.
Since this is his first relationship, Yuno doesn't really know what to think about pet names. He feels pretty neutral about them, but he likes Minji's name the most, so he'll have her contact as "Minji<33333". Simple and to the point :> His phone lockscreen (after he figures out how to change it) will be a picture of Minji sleeping on his shoulder. If she's busy with something, he'll stare at his lock screen for hours, waiting for her notification to pop up :>
Yuno was hesitant about the ice skating at first, but he can't say no to Minji's face :> The rest of their friends tag along, all having some experience ice skating, leaving Yuno to be the obvious outlier. Minji tries her best to help him by holding his hand and supporting him every time he falls, but in the end, he uses one of those balance aids that children often use :> He feels a little embarrassed, but Minji assures him that he looks cute and that's enough for him :>
I have a future scene in mind, so technically this isn't canon, but it's fun to write anyways :> As Yuno and Minji walk hand-in-hand through the venue, they receive the same stares that Yuno had been accustomed to during high school. Aside from Hanni, everyone found it hard to believe that the notorious delinquent and the class president were not only dating, but had been dating ever since they first met during senior year. When Minji was asked to do a speech, she made it abundantly clear to everyone how much they misunderstood about Yuno, much to his embarrassment. A couple people came up to him to apologize, which lead to the two of them leaving early after Yuno's social battery runs out :>
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hyunjilicious · 1 year
dog walkers [hwang hyunjin x reader]
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Summary: it wasn't enough that Hyunjin already missed you beyond words, but then he also had to sit down with Felix and reminisce about one of your guys' best dates and make everything worse. (FLUFF) 2.2k + texts
Warnings: none except for hyunjin being absolutely adorable and this being completely self indulgent and not edited ❤️ (also pls ignore the fact that halfway through this I forgot how time zones work, just go with it. Thanks 😖)
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"What's my ideal date…" Felix hummed, scrolling through one of the online quizzes his phone recommended. It was the middle of summer, the intolerable heat of Seoul's July forbidding any of the boys from leaving the house. 
"Yeah.." Hyunjin chimed in, his phone instantly falling down onto the couch they were both sitting on. "What is your ideal date? I never heard you talk about it before - about dates in general"
"Probably because I've never been on one," Felix shrugged. "I mean, I have… but just like.. casual dates. I've never actually been on a 'let me take you out' kind of date"
"Casual dates count too!"
"All we did was sit down and talk. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change that memory for the world, but now that I think about it, I kinda wanna go on crazy dates too. Like you and Y/n used to do"
Just the sound of your name brought a smile to Hyunjin's lips. The memories flashed before his eyes at lightning speed, from the first time he saw you, 3 years ago, to the last text you sent him, which had been that morning. "I miss those"
"Which was the best one?"
The enthusiasm in Felix's voice somehow made Hyunjin sad. "Urgh, don't make me do this. I already miss her so much"
"Don't pretend talking about Y/n is not your favorite thing to do"
Again, he couldn't help but smile. "Not when she's on the other side of the globe"
"You're just grumpy today" Felix shook his head. "Do you want me to show you a picture of her? Maybe it'll cheer you up"
"Pff, yeah right" Hyunjin threw an eye roll and pointed his phone in Felix's direction. On the lockscreen there was a picture of you two hugging in front of a blossoming tree. The sun was setting but the gentle and warm artificial light from the fairy lights made it so that both your wide smiles and the flowers around you were perfectly contoured and visible. "I have her as my wallpaper"
"Aww" Felix pouted, grabbing the phone and bringing it closer so he could examine the details a bit more easily. "And it's such a nice picture too."
"Yeah, it is"
"Come on, tell me about your best date. I know you're dying to talk about her"
He wanted to refuse. He knew he should've refused because just the thought of that night filled his heart with so much pain. It was now that he finally understood the true meaning of the word bittersweet. But it was too late, his heart rate already picked up and before he knew it, he was settling better against the cushions on his corner of the couch, feeding off of Felix's radiant and awaiting smile. 
"Ok, but I'd like to start by apologizing to all the other dates we've had, because I feel like an asshole just choosing one-"
"But you know exactly which one it is"
"Yes'' Hyunjin laughed with no hesitation. "Ok, so I don't know if I already told you about this date. I might have, it was the best day ever"
"I don't think so," Felix dreamily shook his head. "I think I'd remember"
"It was right after Y/n got accepted into the programme at work. The day I realized she's leaving. Like she's legit leaving. Like I knew she'd leave, there was no doubt in my mind she'd get accepted, she's the best at what she does, but reality hit me when she showed me the email"
"I remember the email," Felix laughed out loud. "You called me crying, remember?"
"One eye crying happy tears, one eye crying sad tears" 
"Leave me alone" Hyunjin exclaimed with a fit of giggles, knowing damn well there was no way to deny it. That whirlwind of emotions was still familiar to him, he was still going through it, one day so proud of you his heart could burst, and the next, so pained by your absence that he could just drop everything and hop on a plane. "I was going through something. That was what made us come up with these ideas for the dates. We always had fun staying indoors and doing absolutely nothing together, but when I realized she'd be leaving for two whole years I kinda freaked."
"Yeah, exactly! Like the other person being there is enough, but if you can do something different, why not do it?"
"Yes. And the first date we had after this was the best day of my life"
"I remember you made a list at one point? The planetarium, you wanted to go hiking, all that stuff-"
"Yeah, well, the first date wasn't so-" Hyunjin trailed off in search of the right word, "Date-y"
"What did you guys do?"
"We decided to walk dogs"
"That's such a Y/n thing, I love it!" Felix laughed, his head thrown back as he clapped his hands. "And no, you haven't told me about this one, I'm pretty sure"
"It means I was saving it for the right moment"
"How many dogs did you walk?"
"Yeah… about that. Y/n posted an ad somewhere, mostly as a joke. We didn't think anyone would actually ask us to walk their dogs, especially because it was on a Saturday. Like during the weekends people actually have time to do this… so we just said ok to every person that contacted us and before we knew it, it was Saturday morning and we had 9 dogs to pick up"
"Yes… I know"
"How did you-"
"Don't ask… please don't ask. They all pooped at least twice and it wasn't just small dogs… every one of them was pulling in different directions and ok, I'm totally used to sticking my hand in Kkami's mouth to take out whatever gross thing he found on the ground and decided to chew, but I wasn't familiar with all these other dogs! Other chihuahuas are fine, but any dog bigger than a beagle? Never doing that again"
"Jesus Christ" Felix was hardly able to contain his laughter, the mental picture being just what he needed. "Only you two could've had this happen"
"It was her idea!"
"I'd be surprised if you didn't jump up and down in excitement when you heard it"
"I might have, but still, I'm not the one who thought 9 was a reasonable number"
"How did you even get to the dog park?"
"We took the car, obviously."
"As if you and Y/n in a car alone with 9 dogs is so much better"
"Hey, we got it done, that's what matters"
"How is this your best date, I don't get it"
"Maybe it was the trauma we went through together. It brought us closer. No, I'm kidding. But it actually was very fun. Once we got to the park, I swear it was like heaven. They were so, so sweet and adorable. And we didn't even have to sweat. All we did was sit down on the grass while they chased each other and played around us. I've never had my face licked so much. We were literally covered in dogs. And at one point-" Hyunjin said with glee and sat up from the couch to exemplify. "- I'd just say turn around and they'd all turn around! Or sit, and they'd all sit. It was like a little dance, they were so happy. It was the best"
"Ok, I take it back. It actually sounds nice" Felix agreed. 
"But then we had to take them all back" Hyunjin sighed, his smile slowly fading off his face as he sat back down. With his legs now gathered to his chest, he continued to speak. "I was starting to get attached. And most of the people that asked us to walk their dogs were older people, you know. And when we brought the dogs back, they were so nice. We obviously didn't want to accept any money, but most of them refused to let us go just like that. One lady gave us flowers from her garden, and I actually painted them. I'd show it to you but I gave the painting to Y/n. And others also gave us pie, and fruits. And like you could tell some of them didn't have much, but they still wanted to share it with us"
A little frown settled on Felix's face as he blinked a few times, "I would've cried" he said sincerely, his eyes not showing even one glint of sarcasm. 
"Oh, we did," Hyunjin nodded with a giggle. "We cried on our way back. Not ugly cried, but we cried"
"It counts"
"Yeah.. and by the time we were done with the dogs, I don't remember what time it was exactly, afternoon anyway, we didn't really know what else to do. We initially planned to go to a restaurant and eat, but we were already full. So we settled for a walk, and we found online this garden in the center of the city - thought it would be nice to go check it out. But when we got there, there was a wedding going on"
"A wedding?"
"Yeah, and the problem was that we didn't realize it was a wedding.. we thought it was just busy so we just strolled in not even bothered by the fact that everyone was dressed in suits and fancy dresses. And so we went towards the back of the garden, where there weren't that many people. It was gorgeous, by the way. You have to see it too, it feels like a different world."
"So you crashed a wedding"
"Well… technically yes, but when we realized what was going on, the bride and groom were very nice about it. They hadn't rented the whole thing so we could've been there for a whole different reason. Like we could've just been there to eat or something but we didn't know. They offered to let us stay if we wanted to dance or something, which was probably just them being polite - we obviously didn't, but we did take some pictures! I mean their photographer took them for us-"
"Your lockscreen!"
"Yes, exactly. And then we left. We stayed there for like 10 minutes maybe? So it wasn't that big of a deal, but we interacted with so many nice people that day. Like, how often does that happen? I don't know, it filled me with joy"
"I can tell, it sounds like a really nice break. Especially since it was the first date like this"
"Yeah… it was very nice. After that we just did a little bit of shopping, went home, cooked together and went to sleep. Like, nothing major happened, but it's still one of the best days of my life. And Y/n was so happy. She didn't stop smiling the whole day. And until then she had been so stressed with work, but that day she was so relaxed, and I got a full day of Y/n just being herself around me, with literally no worries in the world. And I think that's what makes that day so special, because others have technically been more fun, but as time passed and the day she was supposed to leave started approaching, she stopped being so.. I don't know, free. Um… yeah, I don't know what I'm saying-" Hyunjin stopped himself to take a deep breath. "I'm rambling"
"No, I know what you mean," Felix reassured him. "I miss her too."
"What time is it?" Hyunjin asked but was also the one to tap his phone screen to check. When the picture of you two in the garden popped up, both of them smiled. "It's almost 5pm"
"Got any plans?"
"Yes, pester Y/n until she gives me attention. But she's usually working at his hour so I don't want to bother her… too much"
"Send her a selfie" Felix suggested, "It'll make her smile"
"No, I look horrendous. All I've done today was sweat"
"Come on, you could send her a picture of your pinky finger and she'll still find something nice to say about it"
"Yeah, she would," Hyunjin giggled, "somehow…"
"Just like you would, about her pinky"
"Hey, she has very nice hands. And I'm not just saying that"
"I know you're not"
Shortly after, the topic of conversation swiftly shifted. They left the couch in search of food, and neither of them refrained from complaining when they realized there was none left and they had to cook. It was a daily occurance, the complaining and the cooking, but today it was different. While Hyunjin did his part, he moved a bit slower, showed less enthusiasm and his usual jokes were at best delayed, but mostly absent. 
While they both knew the reason, they didn't want to address it. Felix knew his friend would come to him and speak up if he needed someone to listen to him, but he also knew that wasn't enough. Maybe that conversation really wasn't the best idea.
The day drained itself pretty slowly, especially because the only person he wanted to interact with was busy and on the other side of the globe. He wasn't in the mood for anything else and thought he'd go insane, so there was only one thing left for him to do. 
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shiicheol · 4 months
silent converstions ~ 2
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‣ pairing: jeon wonwoo x oc 
‣ summary: Maxine found comfort in regularly sending messages to the number of her deceased ex, seeing no harm in it—until she received a response from a persistent stranger named Wonwoo. What are the chances of forming a connection with this unexpected stranger? How will their story unfold?
‣ genre: strangers to lovers. angst.
‣ chapters:
‣ disclaimer: The ideas and personalities depicted in this Alternate Universe (AU) do not reflect the actual views or characteristics of the artists. Their names are used purely as placeholders. Please remember that these stories are fictional and do not represent reality. Thank you!
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NOTE: Text messages are in italics, while non-italicized text represents thoughts and narration
Wonwoo's POV
Texting Stranger
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for being a bother. I'm sorry because you have to put up with a stranger persistent enough to message a person who is no longer here.
What life do you live that makes it feel like you should apologize for grieving?
Texting Stranger
Please, don't respond anymore. You will never hear from me again. Thank you for your time.
There's so much I want to say but in respect to you, I will hold back.
No messages from you? I said to myself, as I observed the lockscreen of my device.
I'll assume that you're in the process of moving on. I hope you're doing well wherever and whoever you may be. 
However, as if one cue, the name of the Unknown sender had flashed on my screen again.
Texting Stranger
Hi, love. I told myself that I'll stop messaging you but here I am with a bottle of alcohol and a million emotions running through my heart.
I remember you used to commend me for having exceptionally good typing skills despite being drunk. It once used to be a memory I hold dear to my heart but now the thought of it wrecks me in unimaginable ways.
I was fine. I've been fine. Or maybe I thought I was.
How can I ever be fine, right? How is it possible for me to move on? You've managed to move on but why can't I do the same?
I'm rambling again, aren't I? I remember every time I would be in talkative mode, you would interrupt me and it would lead to an argument. Believe it or not, I miss it so much.
Please, love, stop me from rambling again. I promise I won't get mad at you. Just, please.
I don't know you personally but why do I feel your pain? 
Texting Stranger
Can I call? Please?
Her message had been surprising, yet my response was beyond me. The next thing I knew, I was waiting for the call, not hesitating to click the answer button, as if the panic i had felt previously had been abandoned.
As soon as I picked up the phone, a sense of regret flashed through me as I was met with mere silence at the end of the line.
I thought that maybe she had fallen asleep.
Seconds passed. 
Minutes passed.
I released a breath of relief I didn't know I was holding upon realizing the possibility of her being in a drunken state.
"Hmmm," I heard a soft groan from my device just as I was about to click the end button.
I looked at it with wide eyes, waiting for her to speak again.
"Love... I miss you, love," the voice slurred out.
"P-please, come back," said the soft voice again.
I couldn't seem to do anything but listen.
That was until I heard a whimper.
"Shhhhh," I tried soothing her.
What could I do, right? What can I say?
For a time, it became a cycle. She would repeat words such as "Love." "I miss you." "Please, come back." Then I would try to calm her down.
Until she asked a question that caught me off guard.
"C-can you please sing me a song like before?" She said with a voice that showed zero signs of sobriety.
Me? Sing? That was something kept private between me and the confines of my own space.
But declining would be too selfish when I know the state she was already in.
I sigh.
With no second thought, I started humming a lullaby.
"I can't hear you." she slurred.
With another sigh, I made my voice louder but not too much for it to disturb next-door neighbors.
Just when I was about to finish singing the 3rd song, I heard silent snores from the other end of the line.
I released another breath of relief I realize I was holding.
I looked at the clock and it read, 4:30 am.
We've been on call for 2 hours.
I considered ending the call but it didn't feel right. I thought of staying the entire time but it didn't feel right either.
So after much contemplation, I decided to wait 20 minutes before hanging up.
That way, I'll know that she's in the middle of her deep sleep.
As I waited for time to pass by, I wondered why I was doing this in the first place.
I'm not one to do favors for others.
I'm not one to do phone calls late at night.
I'm not one to sing a song.
I'm not one to empathize.
But why?
I would say out of pity but is it really?
If it was simply out of pity, I would feel nothing but sorry for her.
So, why?
Why do I care so much?
Why do I feel the need to be there for her?
Why do I want her to feel happy?
Why does it hurt when I hear her cry even though I don't know who she is?
Why do I see myself in her?
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orangesaek · 2 years
Have you seen that tiktok where someone's boyfriend asked for lunch and the showed it off to his coworkers/friends so proudly?? Kinda like an unboxing video lmao
( https://www.tiktok.com/@barstoolsports/video/7136210152868351274?lang=en )
I was hoping you could write a scenario where Mark ask if you could bring him lunch and he gets so happy he shows it off to everyone, doesn't even want to eat since he wants to keep showing it off:) I love your writing and hope you have a good year ❣️
hi! omg i'm so sorry this took so long 🥲 i hope you're still around to see this & let me know what you think 🥲🤍 oh, and i wish you a wonderful year 💕 i've never come across the vid, but I watched it before writing this! thanks so much for the reference 🤍 it was really cute 🥹
a/n: slightly proofread (my brain's not really in perfect condition to review everthing sorry)
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It was already way past lunch time, and the guys of 127 have yet to eat something after breakfast—especially Mark, who probably felt the hungriest out of everyone (alongside Haechan, since they chose to sleep some more and skipped breakfast that morning).
Although you have reminded Mark time and time again to never skip his meals and to eat on time as much as he could, you couldn't really blame him for choosing sleep over food though. You understood how hectic his schedules have been lately, and there's not much you could really do about it.
You knew how much of an actual foodie Mark was. He was the type of boyfriend to send you links to new restaurants for your next date, or send you recipes to whatever delicious food he ate overseas and asks you to cook them for him. So to know that he hasn't been eating properly lately got you worried. He must be extremely exhausted to prioritize sleep more.
And that's how you ended up visiting their company with a lunch box for him in your hands that day.
You walked your way to the front desk and greeted the receptionists warmly. Being Mark's girlfriend wasn't an enough reason for the company to give you access to his workplace whenever you wanted, that's why whenever you had to give him something whenever he's at work, it's either you give it to him prior or one of their managers will come to get it for him.
"Hi, I'd like to leave this for NCT's Mark." you said as you placed a paper bag on the marble desk. The receptionists smiled awkwardly before looking at each other with hesitance in their eyes.
"We're so sorry, ma'am, as we are not allowed to keep gifts or anything at all for the artists." one of them said, and you nodded in understanding.
"Oh, no, it's alright. I understand. One sec," you said before taking the paper bag off the desk and getting your phone. You smiled quickly at them and took a mental note of the questioning looks on their faces as you dialled a number. Of course, you couldn't just straight up tell them you're actually Mark Lee's girlfriend.
"Oppa~ how are you?" you greeted on the other line. "I'm glad to hear that. I'm doing just fine. Actually, I have a small favor to ask..."
You glanced back at the receptionists and gave them a shy smile before placing your attention back to the call.
"I'm really sorry. I know you're probably busy right now, but I'm actually down here at the front desk with Mark's food." you said quietly. As soon as the call ended, you turned around to face them again and gave them another smile, to which they smiled (rather unsurely) in return.
You looked around and found an empty seat around the corner and made your way there. You took out your phone again and looked at your lockscreen. It was already lunch time, but knowing how their practices go, they were probably still too far from taking a break. But that didn't stop you from smiling widely at your phone.
Your lockscreen was of Mark in a green shirt with a guitar. It was when he had called you in the middle of the night to sing you a lullaby when you texted him that you were too stressed out to have a good night's sleep. You guys weren't even dating yet back then, but it was one of the countless times he showed you just how much he really loves you.
Not long after, you heard footsteps coming nearer to where you were seated, and looked up to see their manager greeting you with a smile.
"Hey," he said as he opened up his arms for a hug. You smiled back and stood up to return his hug. "Mark would have been really glad to see you."
It was no secret that you have gotten along really well with their managers. They were like the reliable and wise brothers you never had, aside from the other NCT members. And Mark was thankful for all of that.
After exchanging conversations and saying thank you, you went on your way. You took out your phone and sent Mark a text, letting him know that you have dropped by and that their manager picked it up for him. With a smile, you went back home, excited to receive a reply from your boyfriend.
"Excuse me, sir? Who was she?" one of the receptionists asked as the manager walked pass by them to the elevator. He stopped in his tracks and gave them a small (but polite) smile.
"Her? She's Mark's girlfriend. Better remember her face for next time." he quickly said before proceeding to the elevator, chuckling to himself at the surprised looks of the receptionists' faces.
Their manager quietly went back in to the practice room with Mark's lunch on his hands, and placed it on an empty table. His arrival went unnoticed by the members as they were too focused on monitoring their dance in the laptop.
"I just hope the food won't get too cold..." he sighed quietly as he looked at the guys who have now walked back to their formations and started practicing again.
"Hyung, can we eat after this? I'm starting to feel dizzy," Jungwoo told their dance teacher as he held onto his stomach and patted it gently, indicating that he was getting really hungry. The other guys mumbled to themselves in agreement.
Their dance teacher nodded and asked for the boys to do one more round of practice before letting them go for a break, telling them to resume practice in 2 hours.
As soon as the music ended, all of the guys let out a sigh of relief, including their manager, who couldn't wait to let Mark know that you have dropped by with his lunch.
"I'm gonna order some Chinese food. What do you guys want?" Taeyong asked as he went to his bag and took out his phone. The other guys, except Mark, have told him what they wanted to eat. Taeyong looked at him, waiting for his choice of food.
Mark just finished wiping his sweat off with his towel and hung it around his neck.
"Oh, me? I don't know... I think I'm just gonna skip lunch today." he said quietly. The guys looked at him in worry. They all knew he hasn't eaten anything the entire day. Yuta was about to protest when their manager walked towards them, holding a medium-sized paper bag.
"I'm afraid a certain Mark Lee's not skipping lunch today." their manager said as he held out the bag in front of Mark, and placed it in his hands. Mark just stared blankly at the bag, not really sure why it was handed to him. Their manager chuckled lightly and gave him a light pat on his shoulder.
"A beautiful lady dropped by a few minutes ago to give this to you." their manager said before giving him a knowing smile. Mark's eyes widened in realization and grinned widely. The other guys have started hollering and teasing him, with Taeyong saying something along the lines of, 'baby Mark's so loved'.
"Thanks so much, hyung." he said. Mark was still smiling to himself when he realized you might have tried giving him a call or sent a text message. He quickly went over to where his bag was and took out his phone, chuckling quietly to himself as he saw your name in his notifications. He bit his lips, smiling, as he read your text message.
'Hey, cutie. I hope your day's going well ♡ I made you lunch and dropped by the company earlier. Your hyung-nim came down to meet me. Anyway, eat well, okay? Stop skipping meals or else >:('
Mark sat down the floor and placed the paper bag beside him as he typed in a reply, completely ignoring the teasing remarks of the other guys (to which they eventually just let him be and continued on with their food hunt using Taeyong's phone).
'Hiiiiii :) we're having our break atm :)' he replied before sending in a couple more follow-up texts.
'I wish I could have seen u today :( but thank u for dropping by :') and for my lunch :')'
Mark opened his camera app, held the paper bag close to his face, and took a selfie. He went back to the messaging app and sent you the picture.
'I'm sooo so so super-duper lucky to have u :((( i love u so much ♡'
'but what do u mean by or else?'
"This is just one of those days I wish I had a girlfriend, too." Doyoung mumbled to himself quietly as he looked at Mark's happily-in-love face. Unfortunately for him, Johnny heard him clearly and started teasing him.
"I can help you create a Tinder account, you know." Johnny said, raising his eyebrows teasingly. Doyoung just frowned at him in response before playfully punching his arm.
"Melkkk~ we're gonna order some dessert. Want anything?" Haechan called. Mark turned his head to face the other guys who were crowded around Taeyong, and shook his head no.
"What are you having for lunch?" Jaehyun asked as he laid down on the floor.
"Oh, right. I haven't opened it yet." Mark chuckled to himself. He found a small box at the top, a bento box below, some disposable utensils, and a small vacuum flask on the side. He took out the contents and carefully placed them on the floor.
The guys quickly gathered to where Mark was, feeling intrigued by what he's having for lunch. They all knew how good of a cook you were, and they were excited to know what was on the menu today.
"Start with the small box, hurry!" Haechan said rather impatiently.
"Just let him be." Doyoung reprimanded lightly, although he was just as curious as Haechan was.
Mark opened the bento box and gasped loudly, with the others gasping along after seeing what you have prepared.
"OMG! It's so cuuute!" Jungwoo exclaimed as the others smiled in agreement.
"Dude, if I were you, I wouldn't dare destroy this masterpiece." Johnny commented. Mark just smiled even wider, feeling his heart full of love. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and took a picture of the food. He was about to send you the picture when you sent in a reply.
'excuse me? I'm the one who's lucky to have you >:*'
'and i love you too, but if you don't finish your lunch, no sexy time for you, Mr. Lee >:('
The guys whipped their heads when they heard Mark giggling to himself as he was typing away on his phone.
"Okay, I don't want to feel extra single today, so I'm gonna go away." Haechan said jokingly after looking over at Mark's phone and reading your reply. He stood up and made his way to the couch as the other guys followed suit, (im)patiently waiting for their orders to arrive, completely leaving Mark in his own world.
'oh no :(( i can't live without our sexy time :'( i gotta make sure no grain's gonna be left uneaten then' Mark replied, still smiling and giggling to himself. He placed his phone on his thigh as he took the small small box and carefully opened it.
Mark let out another gasp as he covered his mouth with his hands. The guys craned their necks from the couch in curiosity.
In the box was a small cake with a watermelon design on it. Small hearts were also drawn around it.
"Awww~ guys, look! Look! It's a watermelon cake!" Mark proudly showed off to the other guys, to which they grinned at how cute it was.
Mark took a picture of the cake and sent it to you, also asking you if you were the one who made it as he knew that you were also quite skilled in baking.
'yaaasss :'> u like it?' you replied.
Mark couldn't help another smile to form on his lips. He couldn't count how many times he has smiled in less than 30 minutes. All because of you.
'awww how perfect could u get :'( told u i'm super duper lucky to have u :'( thanks so much, my love ♡♡♡'
Mark took the spoon was just about to start digging on his lunch when he stopped to admire it again. For the nth time that day, he let out another smile. He set the spoon aside and grabbed his phone again to send you another text.
'babe, i'm sorry, but i can't bring myself to eat this :'(' he replied before sending you a picture he previously took of the food.
'look at this. who in their right mind would eat this pretty little thing, really :( i should have this framed or something'
Mark stared at his lunch as he waited for your reply, still admiring the food you had prepared for him. His lunch actually consisted of some of his favorite dishes, including the kimchi jjigae that was in the flask (which he has yet to open, by the way). You knew much he loves it.
Meanwhile, the other boys just quietly looked at Mark, feeling the overflowing love you both had for each other.
"If it was any other day and I didn't know why he's being like that right now, I would say he's gone crazy." Haechan said quietly but just enough for the other guys to hear him.
"Well, we can't really blame him for being crazily in love with his girlfriend. I mean, I would too if she was my girl, to be honest." Taeil commented, a soft smile forming on his lips as he looked at Mark's still-smiling face. The others just nodded in agreement.
Mark quicky picked up his phone when it vibrated, signalling a reply from you. He opened the text message and chuckled softly at your reply.
'just eat it. i'll make you a prettier one next time, don't worry :*'
'don't text me until you're done eating >:( with proof!'
Mark typed in an 'okay' with a lot of heart emojis before putting down his phone again and looking at his food. He grabbed the flask, opened it, and giggled in delight at what he saw.
"Guys," he called as the tried to show them the contents of the flask, and the other members looked at him in wonder.
"It's kimchi jjigae, my favorite!!!" he shouted while his members just laughed heartily at his excitement. They were happy to see Mark so happy.
Mark was about to put the paper bag away when he saw a small folded paper left inside. He wondered what it was and took it out. It was a letter you wrote for him, and Mark smiled softly as he read the message.
"To my one and only love, Mark. I wish you nothing but good health above anything else. Even though we couldn't possibly be together all the time, I hope you know you're always on my mind :) words just cannot express how much I love you, my cutie little watermelon boy ♡"
Mark placed your letter on his left chest, feeling so grateful to experience this kind of genuine love from you, his first-ever girlfriend, and also hopefully his endgame. He has made it his personal mission to make sure he's gonna spend the rest of his life with you.
Haechan let out an exasperated sigh and abruptly stood up from his seat, both hands on his hips. The guys whipped their heads to him, clearly puzzled, including Mark, who was still holding your letter close to his heart.
"Hyung, do you want us to feed you or something? Coz your food's getting cold. Like, seriously. I'm concerned."
- end.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
matty buying you a sexy birthday outfit and then ripping it off of you 🤭
oh my god... this is so fun. buckle up babies, it's a long one
ok so i fully believe matty's the type of boyf to ask you like 5 million times if he can pick out an outfit for you, very like "i love you and i love when you take my outfit recommendations so much but i don't wanna do a kanye and take full creative control, cos your autonomy is so important and besides i always think you look beautiful no matter what you wear" - you're like "matty i've said yes to you picking my outfit for my birthday night out eight times already. i don't even know what i'd pick anyway i've never been to this bar you're taking me to lol" (in my head it's either here, the library bar at soho house's electric house in london, or here at swans bar in maison assouline also in london). and so i think on your birthday you'd wake up to not only breakfast in bed and some flowers and gifts, but to some massive luxury shopping bags perched on the end of your bed beside your extremely excited fiancé (this gives fiancé vibes!), who you take a couple of minutes to berate for spending so much money on you before kissing him and thanking him (because you're lowkey hyped about it lmao). and matty's sensible enough to buy you things you'll be able and willing to wear more than once, so i think he'd probably buy you a cute little black dress (i like this ysl one) and heels (inspo), as well as a handbag and obv some new lingerie. you knew about the latter, because he made you bookmark everything you liked from agent provocateur and send him the links, but you were like "you can pick which set, you're the one who's going to be looking at it and taking it off after all" (which made matty short-circuit lmao) - he's opted for the one you secretly liked best, anyway, so it's all good. but yeah, matty's done well with the outfit choice, mostly due to the fact that he's picked things he knows you'll feel good wearing, which he thinks is the sexiest thing, and he gets all blushy when you give him lots of little kisses and tell him he's done well (praise kink simp that he is).
and you feel SO good about how you look when you go for drinks that night. you spend a fair bit of time on your hair and makeup and getting ready and accessorising, just listening to some good music and generally vibing, and you steal one of matty's leather blazers from his wardrobe when he leaves the room - when he comes back in and sees you ready (without the jacket), he loses all coherent thought and the ability to speak for a little bit, just staring open-mouthed at how incredible you look. and you're smirking like "yeah i think i look alright", and matty's spluttering like "alright? ALRIGHT? you're the fucking pinnacle of beauty, darlin'. 'i look alright?' next clothing item i buy you'll be a pair of glasses. christ", and you giggle and blush and matty comes up behind you to look in the mirror and he's like "seriously, you're gorgeous. far too hot for me. look". and you're like "ok now YOU'RE being blind. you look so handsome in that shirt. and look how good we look together (incredible btw hottest couple alive)! we need to take pictures". and matty's like "oh absolutely" and then he takes like 85849 pics of you both looking sexy as hell (some a little bit risqué, because he's him lol) and another 5838558 pics of you alone (he makes one of you smiling cutely at him his lockscreen) before his phone vibrates to tell him the uber's outside - you quickly grab his jacket and slide it on like "ready!", and matty just closes his eyes and takes a deep breath like "you're trying to kill me, woman. i am going to turn into a puddle of goo because of how much i fancy you", and you're like "ok but could you wait until AFTER we've gone for drinks to do that please lol" and matty's like "whatever the birthday girl wants" and you leave the house (after you've kissed mayhem on the head and told him you loved him lol).
drinks are SO FUN - the bar is incredibly beautiful, the atmosphere is great, and the cocktails are GOOD. you and matty have so much fun picking out drinks for each other and trying them, as well as just chatting shit and kissing at your secluded little corner table. and he just cannot get over how good you look!! he's constantly touching your hand or your leg or putting an arm over your shoulder, almost as if you're some perfect figment of his imagination that'll slip away from him if he lets go at all - between that and the kisses and the drinks and just the incredible way matty looks and smells, though, you get pretty turned on after a couple of hours. and you kiss him slowly and you're like "i really do like this outfit on", and matty's like "fuck, so do i, sweetheart", and you lean in to whisper in his ear like "however, i would also quite like you to take it off, preferably soon". and matty's eyes darken a little bit and he kisses you slightly more roughly, before he says "again, whatever the birthday girl wants. finish your drink, let me settle this bar tab, and then i'll take you home and take that dress off you, darlin'. ok?", and you're like FUCK ok, downing your cocktail and booking an uber for the two of you. and it's a fairly quick drive home, thank god, you kissing matty's neck as he tries to be polite and chat to the driver, before you're hustled out of the car and into the house.
as turned on as you both are, i'm convinced it's a somewhat romantic evening - matty scoops you up bridal-style ("i'm getting my practice in") and carries you to the bedroom. and i think he goes down on you before he's even gotten you out of your dress - sets you down on the edge of the vanity and crouches down to take your shoes off, then thinks "fuck it, i'm down here anyway" before shoving your panties to the side and eating you like you're his last meal, until you're almost crying from the overstimulation of two consecutive orgasms and pulling him up by his shirt collar and undoing the buttons. while you do that, matty's got his hands on your back, pulling the zip of the dress down and coaxing you to step out of it, just as you simultaneously undo his belt and push his trousers down. when you're both in just your underwear, matty steps back to sit on the edge of the bed, looking at you with an interesting mix of lust and total adoration like "you're stunning. i can't believe you're mine" - you giggle and straddle his lap, kissing him before you cheekily say "of course i am; if this is how well you treat me on my birthday BEFORE we're married, i'm so excited to see what you do next year when i'm your literal wife". and that does it for matty - he groans and kisses you passionately, hands going straight to the clasp of your bra and undoing it, before shimmying the garment off you and kissing all over your boobs for a minute then going back to making out with you. he pulls away after a second to be like "i love you. i'm so excited to marry you, and to treat you even better on your birthday next year than i did today. have you had fun, though, sweetheart?", and you're like "i love you too, and i've had the best day ever. you know what would make it better, though?" and matty's like "tell me" - you grind down onto his lap and whisper "if my extremely sexy fiancé fucked me like i've wanted him to for hours". and matty grins and says "don't need to tell me twice", before flipping you both over and fucking you hard and deep and passionately until you're both euphoric and exhausted - after that (and a quick bathroom break and a cup of tea), you snuggle up in his arms and go to sleep, dreaming of the amazing day you had and the amazing wedding you'll have soon <3
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
I have so many things running through my head right now (all about Barbatos 🫶) but I feel weird sending multiple asks so I hope you don't mind if I put them all in one!
Firstly, owl Barbatos has been flying around my thoughts for DAYS. As a long-time bird lover, I can wholeheartedly say that he's very owl like in general! But this is less about him being a cutie patootie little bird and more about his onesie thing. I NEED TO HUG HIM. He looks so soft and comfy and squeezable EEEEE! I just need to spot him from across the room and then rush up to him and envelope him in the biggest embrace ever! Place several little kisses all over his beautiful face before he's had enough and just kisses me... 🙏 He actually looks like a dream to cuddle with in his onesie I cannot stand it.
Next, I am terrified of butterflies. This current even had me thinking all about how Barbayos would deal with this. Like, I am so scared of them that when I was a child, I was kicked out of the butterfly sanctuary for screaming and crying and scaring the other kids. Anyways, LMAO, I think he'd think I'm silly (I am) but still never make fun of me. That's what's so wonderful about him, he'll never judge!
I just realized these are all completely self-indulgent, and I apologize for that, but I have one more djmsjdwnwkow. So, I had left over chain from a previous DIY project, so I made Barbatos' collar chain that he has in his demon form!! I think it's super cool, and I think he'd think it is, too. I wouldn't even tell him about it, I'd just wear it one random day and see if he notices. (He will. He notices everything. More evidence towards owl Barbatos propaganda.) But, yeah, we'd match. I was wondering if you had any silly things you'd like to match Barbatos with! Personally, matching pajamas and keychains are SO cute.
Final thought, Barbatos would make you his home screen. Anyone can see a lockscreen if you look at their phone, but only he gets to see your face on his home screen <3
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Listen, I always have Barbatos brain so I totally understand. You're free to send in one long ask or several smaller asks, it's whatever you're most comfortable with! I don't mind either way 💕
Ahh, owl!Barb is truly excellent. Like I definitely think that's a good choice for him. Owls have a reputation for being wise, right? And while I think in reality they're probably just as dumb as any other animal, I still like the association of wisdom for Barb, you know?
I actually have an owl that lives behind my house. I've never seen it because it gets dark here at night, but I've heard it hooting. It's actually pretty loud lol. But wouldn't it be cute if that was something Barbatos could do to like check in on MC in the human world? I think something similar whenever I see the crow gang that lives across the street from me, except I imagine it's Mammon. That's probably pretty silly, but I can't help but think about them, you know?
I think there are a lot of bird associations with the characters, I mean we also got peacocks for Luci. Though I have never seen or heard a peacock around my house lol. If I ever see a cow in the street, I'll blame Belphie.
Anyway, getting off topic here, which is that Barbatos in his onesie is absolutely adorable and I love him. He would be a delight to cuddle with.
OH suffering from lepidopterophobia?? LOL yes okay I looked that up because I was curious. I was like there has be a word for being afraid of butterflies. Anyway, I don't think Barbatos would judge you at all. The fact is, most phobias like this are irrational, it doesn't matter if they don't make sense. For you the fear is real and Barb cares a lot more about your comfort than anything else. He wouldn't want you to be scared or anxious about it!
Yo, no worries about self indulgence. I have so many self indulgent fics it's not even funny, this is what we're here for. I think Barbatos would be flattered that you would want to match with him. I especially like that it's something from his demon form, which he isn't in all the time, so it's like you're matching with him in a subtle sort of way. As for me, I don't know if I'd want something that's exactly matching, but I like the idea of something that's like clearly about him, you know? Like wearing a ring with a teal stone or something like that. I initially thought about wearing a teal septum ring, but then I realized I would like to be able to see it without a mirror so a regular ring would probably be my choice. I do like matching pajamas, though, that sounds adorable!
Oh yes, I like him being possessive. He's like, only I get to see this picture of MC, so it must be home screen. We'd kinda match that, too because this man is already on both my lock screen and my home screen yes I have a problem.
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humanransome-note · 1 year
last day of work at michaels
wore a skirt and bodice because it has been hot and my back has been hurting
the new guy (my replacement) saw me walk in wearing a 25yd skirt with tittes actually supported did a double take
this very much has to do with the fact my name is exclusively masc and I haven't worn a skirt since march
he later told me he thought i was exaggerating the heat being a factor in my quitting, he was proven wrong
damn near every customer i rang up during my 4 hour shift said something about the store being too hot
three walked out because it was too uncomfortable to shop
during my 15 I went to the petsmart next door to get an energy drink and some working AC a dude in the parking lot was jamming to Never Gonna Give you Up in a dark blue ford explorer
a coworker fell into the pedro pit on her own time (Narcos and TLoU) and saw my phone lockscreen (a collage of Pedro from the WIRED shoot)
I told her which season of GoT he was in and told her if she does watch it just stop before the fight with the mountain
Also told her about strange way of life, she seemed intrigued
I have before this interaction, said in earshot of this coworker smth along the lines of "I wanna give him head so bad."
so she was already well aware of my opinion of that 48yr man
a customer was looking for ribbon and couldn't find what she was looking for, when I suggested the JoAnn about 20min N she said she was already there
she then asked if H*bby L*bby would have any and i said I don't know, I've never been, and i don't think they'd want me in there anyway my nearby manager (the cool one) snorted
cool manager asked if i knew what I was gonna do, and when I said not rn, and that i may come back she said not to
i then explained my reasoning for leaving the door to this job open and she was like "okay, fair." to give you an idea of what the employees think of the place
I tried telling a different manager that a few customers left because of the heat but she wouldn't listen
had to find cool manager and explain that telling the right person that money is being lost may make shit get fixed faster
cool manager and several coworkers made a card (notably the SM, the one who pulled the last straw, did not sign it)
knee jerk thought was that she wasn't in today, but someone who wasn't in today signed it too so :i
anyway i am now unemployeed im gonna not care for the next 2-3 days before I start looking in serious earnest
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olismabel · 6 months
hello! I didn't see any on your blog, but (if you make them) I would like to request some buddie lockscreens (phone is Samsung Galaxy S21 for dimensions) that have a summer vibe to them? Any scenes or episodes is fine by me and i'm not picky about colors, just nothing super dark please! thank you :)
hi ! I've never made lockscreens before, but I could give it a try. I would need a bit more info on what you would like though. I saw it goes from very minimalist to collages/quotes/stickers. Dou you have any examples or could describe what you're looking for?
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cowboyshit · 4 years
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hangman adam page lockscreens
two lockscreens (887x1920), click to load full size please like or reblog if using and please don’t re-edit, repost, or claim these as your own. thank you!!
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My mom saw a still of this gif I made forever ago on my laptop screensaver
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and she was like “That picture of Janis looks so much like you”
My own mother thinks I look like Janis Joplin, thank you, good night.
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oro-e-diamanti · 3 years
The one where Ethan is pretending
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Description | When you bump into Ethan in Paris, you fail to mention that you know exactly who he is. You’re not sure how long you’ll be able to keep it up when he asks you out for a drink.
Content | Fluff
Pairing | Ethan x gn!Reader (with the exception of one female pet name)
Word Count | 2071
Taglist | @ginny-lily @ethaneskin @tabi-toast @mywritingonlyfans
There was no way you were staying in the same place that Måneskin had just arrived at. There was no way, you kept telling yourself. Paris was a massive city, the number of available hotels in the hundreds, maybe thousands if you had to guess. And yet, somehow, you had managed to pick the one place one of your new favourite obsessions would spend their time. You knew it didn't mean much, the hotel had more than a couple of rooms and with your luck, you wouldn't even catch a glimpse of them. But as you kept scrolling through Instagram, seeing pictures of people meeting the four Italians in front of the place you had checked into mere days ago, you couldn't fight a little bubble of excitement forming in your chest.
Well, you told yourself you wouldn't get your hopes up. And you definitely wouldn't hang around in front of the hotel or in the lobby. You had booked your solo trip to Paris months ago, after dreaming about visiting the city for most of your life, and you would be damned if you wouldn't stick to your itinerary and enjoy your holiday. However - you had gotten up at what felt like dawn to go queue up for the Louvre and spent the last couple of hours there, so you decided that a nap was the way to go if you wanted to continue exploring the city in the evening. Fortunately, the walk back to the hotel wasn't long.
You had made it to the last corner before entering the street you were aiming for, when two giggling girls ran past you, unceremoniously bumping your shoulder and sending you tumbling. You were fully expecting to hit the ground, but instead, a pair of strong arms caught you and brought you back to your feet. A pair of strong arms belonging to a strong chest that you came face-to-face with, belonging to a gorgeous face, belonging to Ethan Torchio.
"Tu vas bien?" His broad French accent confused you, momentarily forgetting about the little detail that you were, in fact, in France, as you stared at the drummer in front of you, who was still protectively holding onto your upper arms.
"Huh?" Was the immensely intelligent answer that thus left your mouth.
"Oh, not French?"
"No, definitely not French." You finally said, taking a step back from him to avoid the increasing awkwardness you were feeling about being touched by him, while the two girls who had previously knocked you down were now lingering around the two of you suspiciously, not coming close enough to be rude, but obviously desperate to get their own piece of Ethan. "No, just a tourist."
"Me too," Ethan smiled. "A tourist, I mean. Well, kind of. I'm here with my band so it's not like we have time to do a lot of sightseeing."
He briefly turned around to look at the two girls who still seemed frustrated at you hogging his time and gave a small wave before turning back to you. It was the movement that made you realise he had the most gorgeous red rose tucked into the waistband of his trousers. Well, it used to be the most gorgeous rose - after your little crash, it had bent in the middle, the top hanging only by a thread, in the most miserable fashion.
"Oh, no I am so sorry!" You gasped, carefully grasping the delicate petals that were on the verge of breaking off. "I must have crashed into it when you caught me."
"Don't worry about it," Ethan said, softly, and pulled the stem from his waistband. The flower looked even more tragic now, in all its crushed glory. "A fan gave it to me a few minutes ago."
"Huh?" You surely proved yourself articulate in this conversation. You mentally hit yourself, angry at yourself for being so easily flustered.
"There are a few fans waiting in front of our hotel, because we're in a ... band ... and things."
Apparently, your awkwardness was contagious. Also, it was becoming increasingly obvious that Ethan thought that you had no idea who he was.
"Let me get you a new one," you suggested. "There's a flower shop just two doors down from the hotel - I mean, I am staying there, too, so I know."
He smiled at you with a serenity and calmness that had your heart soaring. You decided you'd be willing to buy him a million roses if only he kept smiling at you like that for a little longer.
"Well, I've got to go now, but it would be rude to refuse your offer. Meet you in the bar of the hotel at 8 tonight?"
No way this was happening. You almost gasped, but at the last moment managed to keep your cool, outwardly. On the inside, you were a mess. Bumping into the drummer of one of your favourite bands was a wonderful chance meeting as it was - but this almost sounded like a date. Now, of course, Ethan wouldn't be asking you out on a date. That would be ridiculous. But there was also no way you would miss out on a chance to meet him again. Preferably without those two giggling girls that were still standing behind him, watching every move of your interaction but luckily too far away to hear what you were saying.
"It's a d- uh, deal," you quickly recovered before almost spitting out the word date instead. Ethan chuckled.
"Right, see you later, then, for our... deal."
He had seen right through you anyway, you thought. But he was still laughing, so it wasn't all that bad - right?
With another quick touch to your upper arm, Ethan walked past you, turning around just one last time.
"My name is Ethan, by the way. You can tell me yours tonight."
Oh, you would.
The rest of the day was... well, restless. You couldn't nap because your mind was a whirlwind and your stomach was twisting with excitement. So instead, you had made sure to get the prettiest red rose you could find in the flower shop down the street - while slightly wincing at the price that a shop in the center of the city of love demanded - and put it in a glass the hotel receptionist had been nice to give to you. Then you had decided that there was no way you would manage to relax before 8, so you allowed yourself a few hours simply wandering through the city, no real destination, no itinerary for once, just a nice long stroll with nothing but your thoughts.
At five past eight - being slightly late was still cool, right? - you did a quick check-up in the mirror, realised you were not going to get any happier with your appearance whatever you tried to do at this point, grabbed the rose from its makeshift vase, and left your room.
It only took you a second to see him when you entered the little bar on the ground floor of the hotel. Even in the dim light, the white blouse that he had already been wearing when you met for the first time stood out like a sore thumb. Long dark hair fell over his back in a silky fashion. You had never wanted to touch anyone's hair more.
You took one more deep breath and then walked over to Ethan, smile on your face and rose in your hand.
"A rose for the handsome gentleman?"
Ethan almost jumped, apparently not having heard you coming, but quickly a smirk spread over his face while he stood up.
"I'll take the rose and your name, then."
"It's Y/n."
Ethan greeted you with a soft kiss to your cheek, before taking the rose, pulling your chair back, and inviting you to sit. It was almost ridiculously romantic and if it had been anyone else it would have seemed over-the-top and off-putting, but with Ethan it seemed sincere and fitting.
"Glass of wine, Y/n?" He asked as he casually waved the waiter over to your table.
"Just one. I want to get up early tomorrow for some more sightseeing."
It didn't end up being just one glass. It ended up another one and then a bottle shared. But it also ended up with three hours of talking, laughing, teasing, and slowly moving your chairs closer together until you were basically sitting on the same side of the table. You had asked him about his band - still trying to cover up that you knew exactly who they were out of pure fear that he'd reject you for being a fan - and he has asked about your job, your life, your family. In fact, you only left the bar when the waiter had started throwing you annoyed looks while demonstratively cleaning the tables around you.
"I'll bring you to your room," Ethan chuckled lightly as you waited for the elevator. His hand was on the small of your back and it was spreading tingles all through your body. You were standing close enough that you could smell his perfume, a light yet musky scent that encapsulated everything about him.
As soon as the elevator doors opened, he lightly pushed you inside and you found yourself not minding him leading you like this. You pressed the button for your floor, leaning against the wall as you studied the man in front of you. He was a thing of beauty, no question about it, and when he smiled down at you the way he was right then and there, he made you feel like one, too.
"I had a lovely evening, Y/n. Is there any chance I could get your number?"
What a question, you thought to yourself. You'd be mad to refuse him!
You dug your phone out of your cluttered bag. You had switched numbers just a few weeks ago and had not yet learned the new digits by heart. Quickly, you switched it on - and your heart sank. Oh crap. You had completely forgotten about this.
The lockscreen of your phone was a picture of Måneskin.
As you looked up, you realized Ethan had seen. And, contrarily to the reaction that you were anticipating, he was wearing a massive grin.
"Ethan, I am so sorry, I should have told you immediately when we met but I kind of just stumbled into this and you were explaining you were in a band and I didn't know how to say-"
"Dolcezza, calm down. I've known all along."
"Wait - what?"
He didn't explain. Instead, he pointed to your bag - your tote bag - your Måneskin tote bag.
You truly felt like the least intelligent life form on earth.
"I've been carrying that around all day, haven't I?"
While your embarrassment grew, face heating up, Ethan grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into his body. His arms tightly wrapped around your body and you could feel his giggles in his chest, as your head was pressed against it. You didn't hesitate in reciprocating, clinging onto his torso, slowly swinging from side to side. Both of you caught in a tipsy stupor.
You only stopped when the elevator arrived at your floor, both of you stumbling out and dragging each other to your door while clinging on. When you reached your room, you let your back lean against it, pulling Ethan along so you were standing face to face, smiling at each other shily and yet never breaking eye contact.
"Why didn't you say anything?" You finally asked. He stroked your cheek, leaving goosebumps. He had now gotten so close that you could feel his breath on your, drowning in each other.
"I liked pretending."
And then he kissed you. Boldly, unafraid and passionate. You melted like putty under him, letting him take control while letting yourself fall, as his lips moved against yours.
You only pulled away enough to get another glance at him, before once again searching your bag, now one-handed, so you never quite had to let go of him. A small triumphant sound escaped you as you located the key card. Holding it up next to your face, you shot the man in front of you another smirk.
"Why don't we keep pretending? At least for tonight."
It wasn't an offer he was going to refuse.
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