#i. ( ask. ) periods of fluctuating understanding
zivazivc · 7 months
Sorry if this has already been asked before but why did the band break up? And did they break up on decent terms? Do they still talk to each other sometime?
It has been asked before, I just never answered jshfbdjcbh I'm still piecing everything together and stuff is changing or getting tweaked all the time, so I'm always super hesitant about answering these types of questions, afraid that people will take whatever I say as the final answer. So basically what I'm going to answer now will already contradict what I told some people already. And maybe in the future the story might go a little differently too (although I'm pretty satisfied with the current events)
Uhhh, get ready for a long info dump. I didn't expect I'd write this much...
Floyd basically stayed with the band for 8 years (from 14 till 22) and got pretty messed up in the process. The rest of the guys are all quite older than him so I guess I could say they were more responsible, or at least had a better understanding of their own limits (also they grew up in this kind of environment or grew up aware of it, while Floyd was oblivious and naive about all of it) and while they do get drunk and do drugs often, none of them are really dependent on them. They are also pretty good judges of character and know how to avoid trouble. Floyd on the other hand drove in with no breaks and constantly got himself in trouble that the rest (mostly Les) had to drag him out of. He also developed bipolar during this time (in my story Floyd constantly fluctuates between being saturated and being desaturated because of this) and his manic and depressive episodes started getting out of hand after his teenage years. (None of them are aware it's a mental disorder that's making him act so out of character.)
Floyd was becoming miserable because of this and all of his problems pilling up, and started blaming Les for the way he was. Les never argued this which only fueled Floyd to blame him more. In the end he was getting so frustrated and irritable that Floyd constantly tried starting arguments with him, even putting him down and getting aggressive at times because Les gets very unresponsive and closed off during personal conversations (guy is a giant onion of suppressed trauma that Floyd is hellbent on peeling open).
Eventually there was one fight too many, terrible things were said, some objects flew through the air, and Floyd walked out (or Hed kicked him out, I haven't decided yet) with the promise of going home and never seeing them again.
So, yeah, it was very messy and Floyd was the primary asshole, even though he's not really to blame either...
But Floyd didn't make it home (was too scared to sneak through Bergen Town to get to the tree (i don't think i can judge him for that either)) and he just returned to the reckless lifestyle, this time without anyone being there to keep him safe. So if he was messed up before, this is the time period where he got absolutely fucked up. This is also when he got heavily addicted to sour worms. And when he chronically slept around (half the time just to get offered free worms or have somewhere to sleep, other times because he was having manic episodes and was feeling hypersexual). (This is also potentially the period when he had the two eggs with that techno troll, but I'm still thinking if I want that to be canon to the story or not.) During this time he also grew to become very anxious and his self-confidence went to shit when he was being himself.
Then after about three years of that, he bumped into Les at some party. He wanted to dodge him out of shame but Les grabbed his arm and manhandled him outside to talk. Floyd felt like shit about the way they had split up and tried apologizing for all the stuff he had said and done to Les, but Les wasn't having any of that because he wasn't angry at Floyd, he was just worried about him. Les is also insanely empathetic like Floyd, and he knew that Floyd never really meant any of it, and that he was just looking for an outlet when he was hurting. Also he does think he is to blame for the way Floyd ended up.
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Les wanted to know why he didn't go home like he had said (because that was the only reason Les had even let him walk out in the first place). A few exchanged words later and Floyd broke down telling him all the awful things he'd done, and Les promised to help him, feeling insanely guilty. Floyd wondered if he was allowed back in the band but Les made it clear that the band wasn't good for him and that he was never taking him back. Instead Les helped him go though rehab. I don't think trolls have those institutions (or at least not many are aware of them or how they work (I'm sorry but I refuse to believe the Trolls world has internet and cellphones, Mountrageons can keep that for themselves lol)), so it was more or less just Les finding Floyd a job and his own place to stay in the middle of bumfuck nowhere where he had no option but to detox, and constantly checking up on him to make sure he was doing okay. During this time they grew pretty close again. Or maybe the better term would be that Les slowly started putting his walls down again.
Hed needed a while to warm up to Floyd again. He's almost as protective of Les as Les is of him, and he resented Floyd for the way he had treated him.
Flea is pretty phlegmatic when it comes to any sort of arguing or drama. He was casual about seeing Floyd again, they were never super close anyway.
And Liv, she left the band when she and Hed broke up (haven't decided if that happened before or after Floyd left), so Floyd didn't get to see her again after bumping into Les at the party. And I haven't thought yet if they'd ever meet again somewhere later in life. But if they did, I think they'd both be happy to see each other.
Floyd managed to detox and successfully kept the job for about a year, but then he became manic again and messed it all up. After that he returned to his nomadic lifestyle, but he never fell as hard as those three years again. In my story Floyd's life is a constant cycle of getting his life together and fucking it up and booking to the next place. And he and Les are trapped in a never-ending cat and mouse game where they're both trying to fix each other.
So, uh, Les and Floyd are still very close and see each other somewhat often...
(sometimes monthly, sometimes yearly)
I am so fucking obsessed with them I'm gonna hurl. Please take this song before I combust:
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divinatorydoll · 1 year
planets in the eighth house: 📝
last month, i ran a poll on twitter and my followers asked me to write a thread about pluto in the eighth house (8H). so i decided to make a post about every planet in the 8H:
the sun: these people can feel like they're constantly uncovering more about themselves and always going through some sort of transformation. they can really care about public judgment, but feel like they must go about life as if they are unaffected by the opinions of others. usually have a fluctuating relationship with attention
the moon: prone to bottling their emotions, but go out of their way to absorb the emotions of others. brilliant at dream magic and interpretation. they become more merciful as they experience hardship throughout their lives; compassion is very central to them. sensitive to misunderstanding and can take it personally
mercury: this placement makes for excellent actors. naturally very inquisitive and perceptive people — they have a somewhat compulsive need to understand the details of things, even if they're unimportant. can have a 'speak when spoken to' personality and are quite sensitive to body language, proxemics, etc.
venus: known to be tattoo or piercing lovers. exceptionally drawn to witchcraft and other spiritual practices. very contract-based people in the sense that they often examine things as a transaction; they don't borrow without the intention to pay back. they usually enjoy art that is disturbing or creepy to others
mars: these people can struggle with resentment and hide their anger from others to not seem explosive or uncontrolled. their appearance is often a subject of discussion or gossip due to jealousy. always develop abundant talent in what they're passionate about; they continuously seek improvement in their skills
jupiter: gifted at understanding agreements and reaching them — they are very diplomatic people. these placements particularly benefit from having an altar or praying to their spiritual guides. they have a tendency to look at all of their dreams as prophecies or messages from a divine entity
saturn: extremely selfless and humanitarian people; they can end up draining themselves because of their altruistic personality. often feel that marriage is a bit controlling or overly bureaucratic. they're regularly disappointed by elder figures and those around them with power due to their standards of maturity
uranus: have an inherent talent for capturing people's attention. though, they can have a complicated feelings about friendship and social expectations as a whole. they also have an on-and-off relationship with technology. these placements strive to make unique contributions to society and those around them
neptune: known to be smokers. particularly skilled at digging through their own emotions and understanding why they experience things the way they do. they enjoy finding meaning through suffering (much like 8H jupiters). as a consequence, they can ruminate over their sadness for a very long period of time
pluto: tend to enjoy psychology and love examining people's thought processes. pluto here can cause them to be especially private and protective over their personal lives; they really do not like feeling supervised or watched by others. have a love for thriller films and video game horror
do you have planets in your 8H ? let me know how you resonated with my interpretations !!
book a reading !!
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hypnoticsphere · 5 months
ur healer zuko au has intrigued me, how does he use firebending for healing?? if u dont mind me asking
So, I may not completely understand/have the logistics of how this would work but I think it really stems from how firebenders are able to create their own element.
I have a few different scenarios on how zuko would come about his healing abilities, but a specific one would be after he burnt toph’s feet. He knows from personal experience how destructive fire is, how it sears into your bones.
He would slowly come to realize of how blind sided he has been, and how fire can be the essence of life
I believe he wouldn’t knowingly try to heal with his fire, but he would work on his control and non combative fire bending (ie: when iroh heated up his tea, drying off clothes, heating the air around him) and focus on his energy output and how his chi fluctuates.
In my head I think of it in the way of a forest fire. It can cause mass destruction, become wildly unstable if not controlled, but periodic fires bring new life, clear out dead, organic material. Fire can easily take away life as it can pave the way for ecosystems to flourish.
Does this make sense at all i could go on and on about my different scenarios.. i need to try and put this is more of a cohesive thought.
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403tarot · 1 year
Hey, can you do a reading for Yoongi and his fs? About their personality, their current energy, how they view each other and/or their messages to each other?
for now i see that yoongi has not yet met the person he will marry. when asking about the time in his life when he will meet them, it appears it could be during a very delicate period, especially psychologically. this person may come into his life as a "saving angel" who will help him to rebuild himself. they may have already gone through a similar situation to what yoongi will face and will then reach out to him.
this person may have a personality that is opposite to what they appear to be on the outside: others see them as introverted and mostly quiet, perhaps someone with few friends, very focused on their own work and goals to the point of neglecting external relationships. despite projecting this image, to those who know them, they reveal themselves as understanding (perhaps more than they'd like to admit) and concerned for those they care about. this person doesn't tend to show their own feelings much.
they have a scorpio-like vibe (it doesn't mean they are of this sign, but they may possess strong scorpio-like traits).
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at the moment, this person's energy fluctuates between well-being and discomfort. It's as if they're trying to take one day at a time and not overly anticipate the future. they are working on improving inner aspects and their self-esteem/self-perception.
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within the relationship, yoongi will see this person as someone who brings him comfort and with whom he can be himself. as the relationship progresses, yoongi may increasingly perceive this person as intelligent and unique. although they may have a somewhat cold appearance, deep down, they are sensitive, and he will feel the need to take care of them with great tenderness.
on the other hand, this person will have a completely different view of yoongi as they get closer and enter into this relationship. they will see yoongi as someone who carries many emotional wounds but has not lost the ability to be romantic, attentive, and kind. they will handle well the mood swings that yoongi seems to have, where one day he's fine and thinking about how to improve his future, and the next he's not so well, preferring to be more introspective and withdrawn. i see that this person will greatly respect yoongi's personality and his occasional need for alone time – it won't bother them. they are mature and seem to have a full awareness that yoongi won't be an extension of them, although at times, he may embrace them as if he wants to be.
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mightymizora · 8 months
Also I planned this and shared with some folks and others might find this interesting!
In my little canon world Gortash has many lovers, and I compiled a little list of his favourites!
Everybody listed here happened multiple times over a time period, so people like Haarlep which was a very set period and one off seductions like Liria (the name I gave to the elf whose head can be found in the workshop in Moonrise) don't count here.
Neither technically does Manva Warhelm, though she sits on top for always being on his mind sue me.
Putting under the cut because Enver Gortash is a bad, bad, bad man.
Bane. I mean this goes without saying. Visits from his God are always eventful. 
Musahn Mensahn (Human) a Calishite importer of people who docks every few months. One of the few people Enver is actually fond of, Musahn is a shrewd, cultured man who spins a good yarn and is an attentive, gentle presence in his life. Afternoons with him are like a little holiday.
Del Dawnstar (Dwarf) A young employee at Mistress Yare’s flophouse in The Wide, Enver has been seeing them since they were a teenager starting out. Their position fluctuates; on the one hand they will do anything he asks of them as long as their price is met and he has been able to shape them to his tastes, but on the other hand, sometimes he likes a bit more of a fight (features in Let Me Adorn You)
Hester Ashenheart (Dwarf) A servant in Gortash’s household. He knows Hester does not like him, but that is part of the appeal on both sides. She has found herself in his bed on a number of occasions, often when he has received a less than pleasing letter - and she bears the brunt of the worst of his temper (Features in The Portrait)
Franc Peartree (Human, deceased) Franc and Enver have been working together for around a decade and have been lovers for almost all of that time. Franc has been a close supporter of Enver’s rise across business, politics, and religion, and their affair has always been one of a mutual understanding of his place.
Kruugar (Half-Orc, deceased) Kru is a mercenary who has worked for Enver across jobs. This one is pretty much just physical, and Kru has a prosthetic that Gortash fitted himself as a prototype (having also cut off his arm)
Kerrie Lovelace (Half-Elf) Gortash traded Kerrie and her brother Ellyan from Calimshan, and let her be bought by Karlach Cliffgate in what he saw as a very funny and misplaced moment of chivalry. She went on to become Ulder Ravengard’s mistress, which then sparked his interest; he blackmails her for her company when he feels he wants that particular feeling of power, and she cries all the way through, which is exactly what he is looking for (features in The Portrait and Ammunition)
Ivo Thorngrove (Halfling) A very shrewd moneylender, Ivo has been working with Enver for decades. They had a much more physical relationship when both men were younger, which has petered out into something more familial for the most part, though Ivo can sometimes be persuaded…
Helsik (Dwarf) A completely transactional, only occasional relationship when he wants something. He admires her business sense. 
Wisteria Jannath (Human, deceased) Another transactional relationship, Enver nonetheless enjoys her sharp wit and warmth, and her understanding of what their relationship is.
Ettvard Needle (Human) Editor of Baldur’s Mouth. Enver met Ettvard when working on improvements to the efficiency of print and they formed a close working relationship which became closer when he joined the Banite church. 
Ffion Goldgrind (Dwarf, deceased) Another working relationship, he sees Ffion when he needs a heavy reset.
Fariza Linnaker (Human) Technically his wife. Fariza was kidnapped and held as collateral for ransom to attempt to get Lady Ruth to hand over some of the family’s gold. She did not play ball, a move that Gortash deeply admired, and instead suggested that he keep her if he really wants the investment of the Linnakers. She has gone from locked up in a safehouse, visited only by Manva who “trained” her in what to expect should she live, to being locked up in his estate. He loathes her weakness.
Avery Sonshal (Human) Avery is a recent addition, an ambitious young man who is a Banite “friend of Gortash.” Enver doesn’t think much of him, but he takes a cock well and is eager to please, so is also easy to subjugate.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
"These calls for “getting tough” also generated debate and bitter exchanges between different groups claiming to represent African Americans. Some critics insisted that “law and order” operated as a euphemism for anti-black and anti–civil rights sentiments. Leonard De Champs, chairman of the Harlem Chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), excoriated the NAACP, calling it “oppressive and Nazi-like for its Fascist proposals regarding law and order in the streets of Harlem and New York City’s other Black communities.” He charged that
Vincent Baker’s love for mandated jail sentences and tightened-up parole procedures conclusively proves that the NAACP is an effective enemy of the 1.2 million Black people in this city.
Floyd McKissick, a longtime civil rights activist and another leader of CORE, claimed that the NAACP’s punitive recommendations reflected the interests of the black middle class. He wrote that
the arguments used in the report of the NAACP smack suspiciously of the Ronald Reagan-George Wallace school of repressive ‘law and order,’ at any cost. They appeal to the fears and prejudices of citizens who have even a little bit worth protecting.
He pointed to “a gap of understanding between middle class and poor Blacks along economic lines” and explained that
we should know by now that the addition of more white cops in the ghetto solves nothing. The ones who suffer more from such measures are the poor blacks; not necessarily the guilty ones.
Instead of harsher punishment, McKissick called for community control:
The ghetto must be safe for its citizens, but it cannot be made so by police state tactics. All efforts must be directed toward the ending of conditions which breed crime and chaos; all efforts much be directed toward the development of a Black-orientated, Black controlled law enforcement agency—an agency dedicated to the aid and protection of Black people, not to their suppression.
During this period, a host of community groups and organizations set up treatment programs, many of which received New York City and state funds, intended to be more directly accountable to thecommunities in which they were embedded. Some grew out of churches and established community groups, while others were connected to more radical political organizing. For example, in March 1969, eighty volunteers and twenty-two drug addicts took over a three-story building in Harlem and set up a drug-treatment program. They hoped to bring attention to “the inadequacy of the state’s narcotic program and the entire health program for the black people.” The addicts involved told the New York Times that they had faced a maze of waiting lists and applications in their efforts to secure treatment. One had never heard back from a program he had applied to three years earlier in 1966. The journalist reported that all of the patients interviewed complained that the state’s drug addiction programs were “more punishment than rehabilitation.” One addict asked if “I should turn myself in to the state and be locked up for rehabilitation.” They contrasted the civic degradation of the state treatment programs with guerrilla programs, claiming that in the latter, they “talk to you like a man, not a statistic—the people really want to help you and it makes you want to help yourself.” After a police eviction order, the center was closed and the patients transferred to an “underground hospital.” In subsequent years, other groups also established treatment programs. The Young Lords, a radical group dedicated to Puerto Ricans’ self-determination, were integral to establishing a detox program at Lincoln Hospital.
Drastic fluctuations in policing further intensified frustration within urban communities. In 1969, the city initiated a major intensification in street-level enforcement of drug markets. At a press conference in September, Mayor Lindsay announced that the police department intended to shift the narcotics division’s 500-person force to the pursuit of upper-level drug arrests and direct the entire remaining patrols to prioritize narcotic arrests at the street level. This sweep produced a considerable uptick in narcotics arrests in New York City: they jumped from 7,199 in 1967 to 26,378 in 1970. Then, in 1971, at a high point in the surge of heroin use, the NYPD abandoned their campaign of intensive street-level drug policing. Police officials claimed that the policy was ineffective and expensive and resulted in low conviction rates because the court system did not have the capacity to process the arrests. The result was a dramatic fall-off in arrests. New York City police conducted over 24,025 felony drug arrests in 1970, 18,694 in 1971, 10,370 in 1972, and 7,041 in 1973."
- Julilly Kohler-Hausmann, Getting Tough: Welfare and Imprisonment in 1970s America. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017. p. 57-59.
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fallout4-reacts · 1 year
How would the companions react to seeing a pre-war picture of Sole (maybe a wedding photo?) and realizing Sole lost a lot of weight since— and not a healthy amount, like going from muscular to thin?
I imagine Sole rolling their eyes and being overly snarky It's never easy to discuss a person's weight, and having undergone a major weight fluctuation (but rather the reverse) over the last two years, I can attest that when others want to discuss it with us, we do not want looool
That's said, thank you for the fun!
Cait : "Was that really you? You'd have been a powerhouse in the arena! But tell me, how did you lose so much weight?"
"Radiation. All HS cars."
"These funny metal carcasses all over the landscape—we used to use them to get from place to place instead of walking in the desert for hours as soon as we were called somewhere."
"Walking! It's true that there's not a lot of fat in the corner. But what about the muscles?"
"Probably the 200-year nap."
"That makes sense."
Codsworth : "At the time, I felt like I was doing a good job taking care of you. I can only watch you melt like snow in the sun now, no matter what I do."
"You've never seen any snow."
"My data strips provide me with precise information. It's comparable to your weight decrease."
"Sliding into enemy camps is easy like this."
"I'll make you a delectable brahmin steak. With mashed tatos. And I think the cook hid some oil in the storage room."
Curie : "It's completely unhealthy to have lost so much body mass index in such a short period of time."
"200 years."
"In so little real time."
"Radioactive food."
"This public health issue must be addressed."
Danse (romanced) : "You were such a juicy piece of meat!" He casts a glance towards Sole, quickly realising his blunder. "Not that you aren't... I mean… Understand that you are perfectly fine as you are, yet regaining some of your prior mass would not be a bad thing. That doesn't imply you're not appealing. I mean…"
"Stop causing yourself pain, Danse. I'm not foolish; I realised that I shed about 100 pounds in the last year... way of speaking."
"But nonetheless... It would be a first to have a soldier who did not require a frame to wear power armor."
"It really wasn't that bad."
"Let them come, super-mutants; I'll have my super-Sole!"
"I never realized how dense you could be."
Deacon : "Have you had any surgery or something? I'd like to see a doctor that can transform someone's shape like that. What's your trick?"
"Radiation? Going for a walk in the desert? Low carbohydrate, high radiation diet?"
"The grand total. I guess I won't be able to compete at that level."
"The Brotherhoods have a weight room— 
"Why don’t you use it? You might get a terrifying figure back for a super-mutant!"
"I make use of it."
"I believe I've been asked to the headquarters."
Dogmeat : Doesn’t even know what it’s about. Sniffs around and doesn’t pay attention to the picture on the wall.
Elder Maxson (romanced) : "We need more soldiers of this size. Have you considered trying to restore that lost mass?"
"Lack of butter in the corner."
"Of what, exactly? Still, I'm going to ask Cade to take a closer look at you; you can't be in this condition because of something healthy."
"Does my condition bother you?"
"Not at all," he strategically retreated, realising his mistake.
Hancock (romanced) : "No way, it ain't you." He gets a good dose of Jet and details the picture better. "Them eyes. Yeah, I think I can see. The peepers are identical. Damn, you were a whole snack. What's the sitch?"
"War, bombs, the current Commonwealth, lack of food, the never-ending race to stay alive, lack of sleep, lack of food, running—
"OK, I get it. If you ever decide to lounge in Goodneighbor for good, I got you - no more running and you can grub all you want. I'd damn myself to get my hands on those love handles."
Gage : "I've seen what hunger and drugs can do to a human being, but this is the brightest example."
"I don't take that many drugs."
"Enough to lose, oh, what, 100 pounds?"
"And it has nothing to do with walking a thousand miles through the desert with only a piece of dry meat in your pocket for any meal."
"I'll speak with Mason. He can give his Overboss his meat weight. We’ll round those calves right up."
"I'd almost be offended. Did you ever wonder whether it was my wish?"
"Look at that!" With the back of his palm, he hits the portrait. "That's you, Overboss!"
"Okay, this time I'm being insulted."
MacCready : "So, people used to be really spoiled, huh?"
"Yeah, a little. Radiation-free steak, buttered potatoes, and a car for long journeys."
"Car? These things were long trips? How much long?"
"How far can you imagine a distance?"
"The farthest I know is the Capital Wasteland."
"A few hours' drive."
"Wow, okay, but we don't get to the capital every day."
"It took me eight hours to get from Sanctuary to Diamond City... with a piece of dry meat and a bottle of hot water. Not exactly the best diet for mounting a titan frame."
"Well, the muscles are still there; they're just... dry."
Nick (romanced) : He spends so much time in front of the picture that Sole becomes concerned.
"It's sad..."
"What exactly is sad?"
"You looked so joyful and good in that photograph. And all that, all that mess."
"You know, I can't deny everything I've gained since."
"However, it wouldn't hurt to regain some forms. The Brobovs, you know, don't just serve bad booze; they also have a fine menu, and the butcher provides them with good meat for the chefs. You should go there more frequently."
"Caps, Nick. Caps."
"So, from time to time, we'll take a break from our investigations to go hunting. It will not be said that you will remain skeletal in my custody if we can do otherwise."
Piper : "Are you kidding me? It can't possibly be you. Is it?"
"It is."
"But you were so... How could that have happened?"
"Radiation, starvation, and constant walking through the desert."
"Damn you. Perhaps we should write an article to distinguish healthy lifestyles from those who—
"It's getting really cliché, the way you always look for an article to write about everything."
"Eh! I'm not always looking for new subjects to write about."
"You asked a settler about his impressions of radiation storms!"
"It is critical to take the pulse of the people. But first, let's get back to our radsheeps and your...weight loss."
"Subject closed."
Preston : "That's a significant weight loss."
"A little, yeah."
"And all in less than a year? It’s almost incredible that you’re in shape."
"Fit enough to have pulled you out of the clutches of the raiders when we first met."
Preston smiles slightly as he recalls this incident. Then he removes the frame from the wall.
"This goes straight to the castle vaults."
"Have you ever heard of the concept of private property?"
"History has no private property, and this picture is now part of the Minutemen's history."
"But do so without hesitation," Sole says, hardly masking his annoyance.
Strong : "Puny human not so puny back then."
"No, I wasn't at all."
"Why not stronger?"
"Aaaaah, that's a long story."
"Boring. Eat well. Eat more. Stronger, like before."
"I'll give it a shot..."
X6-88 : "It's incredible that Father's parent were so... well-developed. Specifically observing you today."
"I'm not sure if that's meant to be a compliment or an insult."
"A statement. Certainly, your former self had physical characteristics worth highlighting."
"I'm still not sure if it's a compliment or an insult."
"What I'm saying is that a physical threat like that would require significantly less protection. In what circumstances did you evolve into... that?"
With a dismissive gesture, he indicates Sole's current smaller size.
"All right, I get it now. That is an insult. You won't get an explanation just for the sake of it."
X6 sighs. "As you like. Now that we have squandered sufficient time contemplating the remnants of the past, it's appropriate for us to continue on towards our current objective."
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
To "answer" the first point: I know why it's a requirement, that's why I started of with "I kind understand it but I still find it stupid and hate it." I could have made it clearer that I know exactly why, but I didn't want to spend too much time on it. But to elaborate, when I was told about the requirement to take birth control, I also got an entire 10 page A4 pamphlet with every side effect and explanation as to what to expect, and what/why I'd need to do, and why I'd need to take birth control. I understood the reasoning they gave, but I also found it dumb because I'm just not in the "risk" category because I simply do not engage in any activities that could result in a pregnancy, nor would I have an interest in carrying one out if it still magically happened. Sorry Jesus 2.0. Also, I'm not in the US, and where I am abortions are legal and accessible.
As to the IUD thing. The dermatologists I spoke to, two of them, said that even if I did use a IUD I'd still be required to take birth control because it might fall out, and they also said that it's an issue of them having to prescribe the birth control together with the Isotretinoin. Basically the birth control and the acne medicine would have to be prescribed by the same doctor as a confirmation that I'm not doing it without birth control, and since they don't do IUD's it wouldn't "count" even if it was a valid option, which it isn't. No clue what happens if another doctor already prescribes a patient Birth control.
As to just not taking the birth control, I actually don't know what they'd do if you don't take the birth control, best case they don't care, worst case they might just deny me from getting the medicine I actually want I guess. I also don't know if the piss test also covers checking for the birth control, what I do know is that it tests for pregnancy, and you also get a blood test to test the liver status. Idk what more it does, I don't remember everything from the pamphlet.
There were no notes on what happens if you still get pregnant even if you're on the BC, I'm guessing you'd be taken off Isotretinoin. Not sure, didn't ask, I'm not planning on getting pregnant so it wasn't a question on my mind.
Also since I'm already talking about the pamphlet. If you are a woman, a person with an uterus, or are listed as female like on your birth certificate, you have to take birth control. Which was kinda funny because it seems to cover everyone except cis men. Menopause, transmen, even if you've had your tubes tied/hysterectomy you'd have to take it. And trans women, though I'm not sure if that was just a "cover our asses" and you don't actually have to take it if you have medical proof of being a transwoman.
It's honestly just very frustrating because I understand the reasoning, but it also makes people like me completely unable getting a treatment which could help me with a giant insecurity and give me a quality of life upgrade, just because I can't take birth control without giant side effects that could make my life much worse. Just because some people decided to fuck around and find out. It feels kinda like I'm being punished and forced towards a basically impossible choice, because of the dumb choices of others.
You know, just because some people are dumb, they ruin it for everyone who's not dumb.
TMI originally I took birth control to try and fix my skin, which is why I know the side effects on my body and stopped. I remember at some point in my teens my insecurity was so bad, and my mental health, if I had been given the information of this medication that could help me and then been basically told that I can't take it unless I again take a medication that I know causes me so much pain and I think I might have done something to myself. Like I mentioned when using birth control I had "bloating, nausea, periods , weight fluctuation, itchy for some reason, one even made me leak and then my breasts got so badly inflamed wearing a shirt was agony..." to add and explain it made my periods worse, including cramping and instead of helping with my skin it actually made that worse. I have no idea why birth control made me itchy but it also ended up with me constantly have welts all over my body because I kept scratching, maybe it somehow made me my skin more sensitive and "thin". I tried a few birth controls because my doctor back then tried to find one that worked, and none of them did.
You could be allergic to anything in the pills from the actual hormones to the dyes, though this description does sound like online descriptions of reactions to synthetic progesterone. Very annoying.
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jadetheblueartist · 3 months
I just read that ask about autism and your diagnosis and I find it so fascinating! (Idk if that’s weird to say I just rlly like phycology and brain things :D)
I was wondering what the… yikes I forgot the name …the DSM-5 criteria was? (Was that the name? I think it was something like that) and I’d love to hear about any other experiences you’d like to share!
(Feel free to inform this!)
So not weird! I also find it fascinating and am quite interested in psychology ^^ that being said, I will now jump into this ask with glee hahaha I’ll be adding a cut bc this is a bit of a doozy :3
Before we get into it, I just want to address a common misconception about how the autism spectrum works. Many people believe it is a spectrum ranging from a little autistic to a lot autistic. This, however, is FAKE NEWS. The autism spectrum really looks more like this:
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Each section of the wheel represents a trait, and depending on the person, the color will fill the area more or less.
Another quick thing to keep in mind is that most of the current autism research has been done on boys. This means the traits used in the DSM-5 may show up differently in girls. This is something that’s being talked about more, so you could look into it. For this though, I’ll just do what is in the DSM-5.
The DSM-5 (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: 5th Edition) criteria is arranged in a way I will describe as “rounds.” In order to move on to the second round, you must experience a certain amount of traits in the first, and so on.
In the first round (Criteria A) you must experience all three of the traits.
-Criteria A: “Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts, as manifested by the following, currently or by history:”
1. “Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity”
2. “Deficits in nonverbal communicative behaviors used for social interaction”
3. “Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships”
(The DSM-5 uses the word “deficits,” while some [myself included] prefer to use the word differences)
The next round (Criteria B) requires at least two of the traits be met to move on.
-Criteria B: “Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities, as manifested by at least two of the following:”
1. “Stereotyped or repetitive motor movements, use of objects, or speech”
2. “Insistence on sameness, inflexible adherence to routines, or ritualized patterns of verbal or nonverbal behavior”
3. “Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus”
4. “Hyper- or hypo-reactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment”
And finally, the last three round must all be present.
-Criteria C: "Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period (but may not become fully manifest until social demands exceed limited capacities, or may be masked by learned strategies in later life)."
-Criteria D: “Traits cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of current functioning."
(The DSM-5 uses the word “symptoms”, while some [myself included] prefer to use the word “traits.”)
-Criteria E: “These disturbances are not better explained by intellectual disability or global developmental delay”
For a more thorough breakdown of what each of these traits mean or may look like in practice, this is the website I referenced when making this.
Another thing the DSM-5 utilizes is support levels. Level 1 would be requiring support, Level 2 would be requiring substantial support, and Level 3 would be requiring very substantial support. I won’t get into these too much because they don’t quite make sense to me. For example, the amount of support I need may fluctuate based on my environment, the people I am with, or even how my week has gone. This type of thing also seems to also have the ability to improve or regress, so I don’t quite understand why this label is given. Regardless, it is part of it and some people do find it helpful so it’s worth mentioning.
And that seems to be it? Maybe I’m forgetting something, but this feels pretty good. Thanks for the ask, Moo! I always love getting to talk about this stuff.
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jorabrart · 4 months
Please read if you’ve got a second.
Hey folks, I hope you're all safe. Apologies in advance for my english.
Since it's the first time I do this I have to introduce myself. Hello, I'm Jordana, a visual artist and industrial design student from Argentina. I'm making this post because of what's been happening in my country.
The current (25-May-2024) situation of political and economic uncertainty in my country is having a very profound impact on the lives of its citizens (me included). For the last ~8 years, Argentina has been dealing with several socioeconomic and political challenges. The economy had experienced periods of high inflation and currency devaluation. The COVID-19 pandemic also had a significant impact on the country's economy, intensifying these pre-existing problems. However, since last December, these conditions have been exacerbated.
The current far-right government (see also link)(vehement Trump and Musk' admirers, pro exploitation of national natural resources by the UK, USA and Israel, anti feminism, anti pro-choice and anti LGBTQ+, to name a few things that best describe them), has taken very controversial measures regarding economic and political management.
In the last six months the cost of living multiplied exponentially, while the unemployment rate does not stop growing, the value of the local currency is depreciated and salaries are not enough to cover basic expenses. Just so you understand, currently 1U$D is worth around $1200 Arg pesos. This value fluctuates everyday, it is constantly increasing but rarely decreasing. While an average salary here is around 200U$D a month (yes you read that right), the cost of living (for the most basic consumption of food, rent and services) has risen to over 850U$D-1000U$D a month. Because of these huge exchange rates + inflation everything costs twice, thrice the amout I'd cost abroad. Of course, this in turn has a direct impact on employment and wages and prices. The current government has taken measures like: dysregulating food, technology, rent, healthcare and other essential services’ prices, allowing mass layoffs without consequences, and more. Because of this there's been massive layoffs across the country and the supply of jobs is increasingly scarce. Not to mention the fact that in most cases wages can barely cover rent and food, if anything.
⚠️ Here's where I ask for your help. At the moment, I’m living with my parents and sisters, and we’re having a hard time making ends meet. Without any luck, I've been job hunting for a while now, but I am still currently unemployed.
As previously mentioned, I am an artist without a large following. I am currently looking to open commissions in the hopes of making some money to help me and my family get through this and for preparation in case we have to move elsewhere. I'm afraid that leaving the country will be the only solution for many of us.
I am receiving tips and donations as well!
I know everyone is giving their money to important causes right now, but if you're able I'd really appreciate any help at all to help my family and I. With the exchange rates for many of us, even a small donation could help in a big big way, you don't need to donate a lot.
Here is where you can donate:
💚Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/jorabr
💚Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/jorabr
I know I'm asking a lot of everyone, and I appreciate so so so much all the help. Please know that I am so grateful.
Please reblog if you can. Signal boosts will always be appreciated!
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adhd-languages · 1 year
how do you actually like. learn languages with adhd? like in terms of "how do you stay focused" and "how do you stay invested/motivated for extended periods of time" and "how do you actually like. sit down to do* a study session?"
i know that immersion's good and all, but i find it really hard to just. sit there and watch [language] content when there's so much other stuff in my native language that's so much better and understandable.
with talking to ppl, i always feel like i gotta know enough to have a conversation in order to have a conversation, y'know? so i never end up having any conversations lol
when i've tried learning languages before i've almost always lost interest in it after a few weeks, and that kinda sucks. esp because half the time my interest shifts to a different language lmao
so yeah. advice?
*"to sit down to do" is a curious construction in my ideolect that means like. "to try to start doing"? it doesn't nesesserily mean physically sitting down, but does come from when i sit down to do maths homework or whatever and then actually start it two hours later, y'know? having the distinction between that and "to start" is useful lol
Immersion is really tough -- it's hard to feel invested in plot and characters if you hardly understand what people are saying...so here's a secret. Rewatch a show you love in English, in your target language dub. I'm listening to a fandub of "Welcome to Night Vale". It's really fun for me. I know that people go on about how it's better to learn from Original Native Content, but anything that keeps your interest is always better than nothing. And besides, there's a lot you can notice about the way they chose to translate things - it's fascinating!
Here's my super embarrassing language advice - I just daydream in Spanish. And a lot of the time, the spark of motivation to figure out a new bit of sentence structure is just me trying to figure out how to say a sentence in my internal monologue. I got hyperfixated on languages and sprinkled multilingualism into my mind soup. It sticks with me better when I learn grammar because I want to use it, rather than just sitting down to try and study something that's completely abstract. This actually works from pretty much any level. I think the sooner you use your target language like your native one, the better. Not sure if this would help but it might?
It's ok to learn in bursts. It's supposed to be fun, and a hobby. It's worth trying to fit your target language into your daily routine. I am a Duolingo guy, and I know it's not the best way to learn, but doing a little lesson everyday to keep up my stupid little streak can jumpstart me into studying properly. Or at least have me do a little bit of practice if nothing else, remind my brain that these languages exist, yknow.
Also, I have gained and lost interest in a LOT of languages - Korean, Swedish, Toki Poni, Dutch, I've gone on and off with Japanese a few times, and so many languages I just tried to learn for one day. And that's okay too! You don't need to become fluent just to enjoy learning a little bit about a language. :-)
I hope at least one part of this was helpful? I'm going to be honest, I wasn't sure how to answer this ask because even though you would assume it with me running a language blog and all, I'm not always a great student. At all. The amount I'm studying fluctuates a lot, and it's just something I've accepted. There's no rush, so just do whatever works for you, even if it's not "the most effective" way of doing it. Everything is progress, anyhow.
(also, the "sit down to do" thing makes perfect sense to me. And for the conversations thing.... yeah, I don't talk to people much either. I'm shy. So, I'm not sure how to help with that one.)
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sunhated-a · 11 months
Hello! Welcome, this is a blog I've created to curate inspiration for Muzan Kibutsuji. But I am open to interactions, so I may dip my hands in some writing for him as well.
My portrayal of Muzan is quite canon divergent and based on equal parts headcanon and canon material.
I'm very laidback on this blog, so expect minimal formatting and icons, sporadic activity, and varying post length.
Guidelines under read more.
Basic RP etiquette applies. Do not control my character without my permission, in character =/= out of character. Muzan is a very abrasive muse. So please don't take his rudeness personally. If you are a personal blog, you may follow me and send in asks or like headcanon posts. I have anon enabled if you'd prefer to use that. However, I would ask that you do not reblog my headcanons or threads. Please understand you are a guest in this space and be mindful with how you engage. Other than that, you're welcome on my blog! I hope you enjoy!
Fandom is a space meant for everyone to enjoy. Period. Bigotry of any kind, racism, sexism, transphobia, etc. Will not be tolerated. If I catch you engaging in any of these behaviors it's an immediate block from me.
Do not involve me in interpersonal drama. Roleplay is a fun hobby to me, and drama exhausts me. And to be frank, I am too old to care to keep up with who did what and why. I don't engage in dogpiles. I am just here to write my characters and stay in my lane. However, if any issues were to arise, I'd prefer to talk it out like adults. But if you'd no longer wish to interact for whatever reason, feel free to hard block me. There will be no hard feelings.
I am neither pro-ship nor an anti, nor do I care what camp you fall into. I'm just here to do my own thing. I will be exploring darker content on this blog: Including manipulation, abusive relationships, cannibalism, obsession, twisted dynamics among other things that come with the muse. I do have hard limits, however. I will not interact with you if you engage in noncon, underage smut, or adult / underage muse ships. All triggers will be tagged accordingly. And as always, if you need something tagged do not hesitate to let me know!
I run my blogs primarily on an interest basis, I also manage a household and I work. So my activity will fluctuate and be sporadic. I manage chronic depression and unmedicated ADHD both so I will probably be all over the place. IRL > Anything else. I will always prioritize the comfort level of a mun over writing and roleplay.
This is a canon divergent blog, as it says on the tin. There are a lot of aspects about Muzan and his story that I interpret differently, or omit entirely. If something about my portrayal isn't to your liking, I completely understand. You are entitled to your opinion, but please don't try to argue with me. Feel free to unfollow or block.
OCS. I love them. Feel free to send them my way, just be sure to have a page where I can read about them and we're golden. I am also duplicate friendly.
I am not open to shipping on this blog. I, however, will make exceptions if we have interacted OOC or if we're on the same page on what we want out of a ship. I'm uncomfortable shipping with people I don't interact with, this is purely for my own comfort and because of personal experiences in the past. But, if we've interacted and you think our characters would mesh well and have a good dynamic, by all means feel free to bring it up. I will not be posting smut or sexual content on this blog. So anything veering into that territory, I will ask to move to discord or another platform.
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dustyazul · 6 months
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Behold \(^o^)/ my farmer! I've been getting back into Stardew Valley again lately since newest update came out and I've been loving the meadowlands farm map, it's perfect for my rancher needs -w-👌
Here's the profile templete here and the portrait maker I used from here if you want to use it ^-^
My ramblings about Kiko is just below the read more!
Was one (1) year away from graduating from college with a history degree, but then dropped out and got a job in joja corp before quitting to take over grandpa's farm. The whole time frame has just been Kiko negatively spiraling and feeling lost without a purpose. He loves history, but college really was not doing wonders for his mental health and not sure where to go from after the degree
However, after moving to Pelican Town this led to being close with Gunther and developing a more fleshed out friendship as the two geek over the random artifacts Kiko brings to the museum talking about History
Kind of helps penny in regards of teaching about history to Jas and Vincent besides about farming and being a rancher while they're both good friends and after marriage.
Kiko challenges Penny in a way that isn't too shocking for penny. He does what he thinks is right and stands by his friends, but at first him and penny where just shy with each other, mainly on penny's end. Kiko tries to be a good friend first, as he understands her situation with Pam and wants the best for her period.
When not on Castaways Farm Kiko mainly likes to be fishing with willy, playing on the arcade cabinet's at the saloon, the mines (derogatory and reluctance), the spa (beloved), or in the secret woods
With friendship with Harvey it was dork to nerd gravitation or well dork to geek gravitation. They just clicked with each other and fell into a groove from how well they get along. Kiko considers Harvey as one of their best friends in Pelican Town
Absolutely loves Evelyn and does call her granny like she insisted when Kiko first moved in. Kiko has definitely worked his way to eventually getting her cookie recipe. As for George, Kiko also worked his way into his heart and their friendship as Kiko felt determined to get to being friends taking Evelyn and Alex's advice on what George like in his first season in Pelican Town
Actually loves all their farm animals <3 honestly loves being a rancher than a farmer
Was actually feeling a bit isolated and very shy in the first season he moved in. Didn't do great for mental health, but once got over it started coming out of his shell and was feeling more comfortable in himself and for once not feeling lost about himself and his future
Foraging and eating random shit is honestly just how they grew up in Zuzu City due to money being tight growing up, so the first year was not good with how his spending habits while learning the ropes of being a farmer fluctuates to good spending habits and buying too many seeds or buying a thing and underestimated how much money it left him with
I think I'll show the seasonal fits I had in mind for Kiko in the next post this already feels long due to my ramblings ^-^;
But if you want to ask about him don't be shy! There's stuff I didn't want to word vomit onto
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you’ve talked about pregnancy scares before buttttttt how would the situation be different if it was before any of the couple were officially together and the scare was with a mystery man/ex? Also like kitten with an ex (her telling Min probably before that guy), I feel like Chris would find the test box and try work around it gently, and our poorest spicy is just on edge till her next period after leaving her old pack. Also very specifically for ginger, she must have been nesting sooo much right when she left but who’s scent was in the nest? (Was it just here’s or was she incorporating other’s?)
how do you think the boys would react and if those choose to try and help what do you think would happen? Who would be delulu and offer to raise it as their own with them….Christopher?
okay okay.... here's what i think (tw for some... non-consensual themes, mentions of abortion and alcohol consumption, and other topics related to pregnancy):
so, i imagine this happened in the earlier months of her living at his den. maybe right before she found out they were werewolves, or maybe a bit after.
Chris was helping pretty put away some groceries she bought and saw the box in one of the bags. he recognised it immediately (why he was able to recognise the packaging is another story, but i'm sure you can imagine), and at that moment, all that distress and anxiety he'd been picking up from her scent the past couple of days started to make sense.
he was so shocked to see the box, he was speaking before he could stop himself: "are you late?" right there in the middle of the kitchen. you bet he was mentally facepalming himself after that.
pretty mum, of course, looked surprised, and probably like she was going to burst into tears, which made Chris' heart ache.
she explained that she had to deal with a broken condom situation, that she'd taken the morning after pill, but that she wasn't sure if it had worked, either because she might've been ovulating or because of her weight.
she was, in fact, late, and with every day that passed she was getting more and more stressed. the regularity of her periods fluctuated often, but it had never taken her this long to get her period. so she got the test.
Chris encouraged her to take it, because he could almost feel how this whole thing was affecting her. he figured he would've been able to pick up any shift in her scent if she were pregnant, but with how it'd been tinted with stress these days it was hard to tell, so he genuinely felt like he was in the dark.
while they waited for the results, he joked that "if it's positive, i'll help you raise them, you know??" but when he said it, he knew he meant it. she chuckled and swatted his arm before she sighed and told him that "even then, i don't want it to be... i can't have a child right now... much less if it some guy's..." which Chris could totally respect and understand. he decided to ignore the little voice in the back of his mind that was telling him that she'd be a great mother. he didn't need to tell her that right now, and she surely didn't want to hear ir.
when the results came back negative, pretty just hugged Chris and started crying out of relief. he just tried his best to provide her with some comfort, treated her to her favourite meal and everything.
so... when kitten explained to him what had happened he was absolutely livid. it was very obvious, too. but he was trying his absolute best to not make her any more stressed than she already was.
the story went like this: kitten had gone out to a party with her then boyfriend, had a bit too much to drink (more like, a whole lot...) and woke up the next day naked in her bf's bed, sore, just like when you are after having sex, y'know?
when she asked her bf about whether or not they had used protection, he said something along the lines of "it's okay, i pulled out". she tried to convince herself that that was a very normal answer, and that it was okay. obviously, it wasn't.
she was now late and telling Minho this story, sobbing, and he was seeing red, muttering under his breath "i'm gonna fucking kill him". kitten just asked him to not do anything, that right now she just needed his help because she was too scared to do the test on her own, and she honestly didn't trust her boyfriend enough anymore.
so Minho tried his best to put aside his need to beat this man up, and went to get that pregnancy test. the pharmacist was an old lady that made an unsolicited comment on how "you two would make such lovely children" while kitten was paying for her things, which just made her smile nervously at the woman and Minho stare blankly at her.
anyway, fast forward to them both in Minho's flat, looking at the negative pregnancy test and sighing in relief. Minho told her that "you know, Jisung would've taken care of them if this had been positive" to which kitten just replied "AS THE NURSE DURING MY ABORTION, RIGHT???" which had them both bursting out laughing.
afterwards, though, Minho couldn't keep his mouth shut and told her what he thought of her boyfriend. and that the fact that she hadn't even wanted to do this with him was sign enough that something wasn't working out.
she agreed, of course. and that was another one of her relationships down the drain.
we know Changbin and Autumn started getting close after she moved in. so close that one day, right after Changbin had come home, she came into the kitchen like "i still haven't gotten my period. i need to take a pregnancy test. this is eating me alive" and Changbin could definitely tell it was. she'd been laying in her nest every day, for the entire time she'd been home--unless she was eating or going to the bathroom. he could smell it on her scent, too. the distress, that was.
so he was like "okay, then. come here" and he just took her to his room, where he took a pregnancy test out from the back of his closer and handed it to her. Changbin realised just how weird that might've looked, so he just threw her a "look at the expiry date, though. that has been buried in there for a long time".
they both sat on Changbin's bed while they waited for the results, because, in her words, "i can't be waiting inside this bathroom, this is too stressful".
they just sat there for a bit, quiet, until Changbin dropped the "do you wanna be a mum?"
to which Autumn, after a bit of silence, replied "i do.... eventually... but i don't wanna have Hyunwoo's pups. that'd just be another thing he'd try to use to control me, and i just can't have that. i can't go back to that", which Changbin could understand completely.
he didn't really say anything else, just held her hand--probably the first time he had initiated physical contact after she had settled in his flat. for a brief moment, he did entertain the possibility of that test being positive. he imagined how his flat would look like full of toys and baby clothes... and, although he didn't say anything, the thought was... nice. he only wished it wouldn't have been connected to the whole Hyunwoo situation.
the negative pregnancy test had Autumn shouting the loudest "THANK GOD..." and asking Changbin "DO YOU HAVE ANY MORE?? I NEED TO MAKE SURE THIS IS A TRUE NEGATIVE". he did, in fact, have a couple more. which she took, and also came back negative.
Changbin could immediately tell her mood had lifted considerably, and that night, they just cooked a delicious meal together to celebrate.
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puppypeter · 27 days
Your bottom!Roy posts got me thinking about my secret omega!Roy ABO au, and now I MUST share my vision or I will EXPLODE!!!!!
I'm really fascinated by nontraditional ABO fics, which is why repressed Omega!Roy has me by the THROAT!! The whole political side of the ABO universe when put into a professional sports context is really intriguing to me, and I'm especially interested in seeing how gender politics would play out in a universe where possessing a second sex is the norm.
I'll try to keep my summary as short as possible so I'll boil it down to my key components (*me when I lie):
Omega!Roy presented at Sunderland when he was around 12/13 and thereby had to sign one of the most complex NDAs in youth sport at the time as well as being put on extremely heavy duty suppressants. All that compounded by the scrutiny and isolation of his living conditions at sunderland and the emotional impact of having your body be treated as something shameful to be hidden having an incredibly traumatic effect on someone so young leads me to believe that Roy's 'hardman' persona was a combination of his actual personality and a case of serious overcompensation.
By the time Roy is playing professionally, maybe some sort of Second Sex Protection Lae has been passed which means youre not obligated to reveal your second gender at your work place, leading to Roy hiding his omega status to further his career opportunities. Which surely won't have an effect on the way he views his body at ALLLLL.
Oh, you think Roy is emotionally repressed in CANON?? Omega!Roy is something else entirely. EXTREMELY dysmorphic and sexually repressed, as well as suffering from internalised omegaphobia(?), no wonder he is so tense. My man hasn't had a fulfilling heat in three decades. Add that to his preexisting career struggles from canon and you get a total MESS.
Enter Jamie: THE pinnacle of the Alpha archetype (who, unbeknownst to Roy, is also dealing with a lot of internalised struggles regarding his second sex and what it means to be an Alpha male, combined with his Amsterdam related trauma).
Roy hates him on sight, both for the canon reasons of jealousy and general dislike for his personality and for omegaphobic reasons, meaning Roy resents Jamie's Alpha status.
In season 1, they still have their rivalry, except Oh No!!!!! One day, all this alpha agro posturing in combination with Roy's fluctuating heat cycles as a result of consistent suppressant misuse/his advancing age results in Roy going into heat.
Now Roy's secret is out to the WORST possible person during one of the most fragile stages of his career AND since his stupid omega hindbrain latches itself onto the most eligible Alpha available, Roy is forced to ride out his heat with virile Alpha!Jamie.
Except,,, Jamie is actually,,, really attentive?? And understanding??? And doesn't push boundaries or take advantage of this HUGE blackmail opportunity??? Doesn't take advantage, PERIOD???? And his perception of Roy doesn't seem to change that drastically??? What????
Obviously, this is a slow burn enemies to friends to lovers situation. It's about the emotional vulnerability of having someone care for you at your most fragile and helpless, as well as a journey of self acceptance,,, It's also about extremely kinky topping from the bottom style smut with whiny, desperate to please service top, but I digress.
Could end with Roy revealing his omega status and kind of championing a lot of pro-omega movements in professional sports, or it could be wholly RoyJamie focused. And, not to make this mostly smutty au too angsty BUT: the potential of Jamie being able to relate to Roy's struggle with his bodily autonomy being violated because of his Amsterdam experience? PERFECTION!!
Big takeaway is: nontraditional ABO, older grumpy dominant omega!Roy X younger bratty submissive alpha!Jamie. I need 100k fic NOWWWWW!!!!!
Welp this is going to look like I sent myself an ask cause this is absolutely straight out of my brain what the fuck it's my dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YES TO EVERY SINGLE THING YOU SAID!!!! Got lots to say so adding a cut or people will have to scroll loads! But anyone feel free to come shout to me more about it!
Listen I am always out here begging for more roy-centric angst to begin with and for more alpha-omega content because royjamie just fit the bill so well however you look at them (as your idea or as alpha roy/omega jamie or alpha/alpha or omega/omega). It's all about the claiming, the possessiveness, smelling each other and what not lol I love the political element and how that plays into the sports world, especially where they get kids started so young so in general it's already weird seeing such young kids put so much focus on their bodies as a vehicle for success, let alone other people getting involved in their presentation.
But now I want to know your thoughts on if his parents sent him to Sunderland because he was good at footie or because they somehow knew he was likely to turn out an omega (like his grandad, make grandad a male!omega and maybe that was his maternal grandfather and roy's dad - assuming a stereotypical alpha - always hated him for being too caring, too sweet to his own wife and his daughter etc and definitely too soft around roy). I'd say his grandad took him to take him away from that environment but it doesn't work if he brought him to a football club lmao (other option is to make it angst and say grandad was actually an omegaphobic asshole too but I feel bad about that ahah)
Roy's being so young and isolated would play such a massive role, being surrounded just by other kids who might take his spot if he is not good enough and other adults whose only interest is making money off of him becoming successful and who keep making him feel bad for his presentation.
I can see there being protection in place as his career progresses, but I feel like even if legally it's a thing the world of football is still a shitshow (I mean it's not illegal to be gay for example and yet how many players are out? when statistically there's definitely a lot of lgbt+ players - in men's footie)
But I can also see Roy at that point hating that part so much (it's the reason his parents sent him away? his hyper independence make him hate the thought he'd need to depends on someone else? my dude is so fucking touch starved it would probably physically hurt if someone held him in their arms?). And I can see him being a bit passive aggressive towards others omega players at Richmond because they're so chill about it and he's mad they have no idea what it was like for him!! (he'll get there, to where he supports them and is grateful they didn't have to go trough the hell he did)
And lord Jamie being a shitty alpha copy of his own shitty alpha dad (who could not tolerate that omega!Georgie was not a docile little thing but feisty as hell!), brought on by his Amsterdam trauma. James went away when he was little and came back later to a Jamie that was too soft, who presented as an Alpha because maybe it's the dominating gene in the Tartt family but did not behave like one at all, accused of spending too much time with his mother who is far too into omega-rights and equality and has thought him to do things like house chores which for James is 'an omega's job'. But he pulls the acting like a super dad thing and then Amsterdam happens because of him wanting to show what a real alpha should be / what an omegas job is.
I love that you went for the "Roy resents Jamie's Alpha status"!!! He is such a contradictions, hating Jamie because he's a twat of an alpha but also because he (roy) isn't one!!!
Them fighting each other in the locker room is such a hormones fuelled thing regardless lmao I can see maybe some medication Roy is taking for his knee interacting with his suppressants (perhaps because it's not a thing anymore to pay attention to since almost nobody takes suppressants anymore)
Wonder what would happen if Roy hurt his knee as canon but it was someone from another team and it happened because he got distracted as his body was going into some crazy frenzy of unwellness (his first heat after decades would be a painful nightmare) and so now he's at the lowest he could ever be
And let's not forget Jamie has been a fanboy his whole life so even if they were fighting he is genuinely concerned + his alpha instincts of protection and devotion and 'must make myself helpful regardless of the sex of the person' that Georgie instilled in him + this physical pull he feels towards Roy being in distress (you know the whole bonded alpha can feel the distress, what if he feels it even before? or maybe it's just a distressed omega smell although that would out Roy unless it doesn't happen until they've dragged him back to the locker room)
I love sweetheart alpha jamie so much!!! he'd be so caring and make the best service top absolutely and I do want to see the moment it clicks for Roy that Jamie also struggles with his presentation and does not want to be held up to those alpha standards
I do love the idea of him speaking about it publicly and Richmond ending up with an omega assistant coach (there's a lot that can be said about who is what in that coaching staff lol but hey the team is owned by a bad ass alpha female boss, only one in the Prem!!)
"the potential of Jamie being able to relate to Roy's struggle with his bodily autonomy being violated because of his Amsterdam experience? PERFECTION!!" you had to end with the most angst and I love you for it!!!!!!
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uwu-0o0 · 1 year
Avatar Scenarios | Na'vi versus female human and their menstruation cycle
First things first, I need to give credit where it's due!
This is inspired by another post by ✭vee (https://www.tumblr.com/bumblinv/705250184787116032/hii-saw-your-request-were-open-this-might-not?source=share) 
Their account is pretty awesome and so are their works! She was kind enough to let me write a short one-shot inspired by hers! Check them out @bumblinv.
For the purpose of this plot, female Na'vi don't menstruate (wouldn’t that be nice eh?)
[experimented human that can breathe air]
You were lying on a soft mat in the Sully marui, tired and slightly grumpy. This period had hit you hard, probably since you've just been through a lot of stress and now your body was suffering from the rage of your period. All morning, you had been torn between laughing or crying, or strangling something. The others had missed you at their diving and swimming lessons, so they all came to hang out with you, which sort of cheered you up, surprisingly. After explaining why you were in bed, they begin to panic.
“Please, y/n. Let us take you to my mother so she can help you.” Tsireya was very concerned and patted your hair.
You smile slightly at their concerned looks, but before you could reassure her, Lo’ak broke in and interrupted.
“Yeah Y/N, it was a lot of blood on the cloth patches you were washing earlier.”
Your eyes widened in shock and irritation, “Excuse me, you were spying?” A faint flush spread up on your neck, warming your cheeks.
“We could all smell it.” Neyteyam, Ao’nung, and Rotxo nodded their heads, eyeing you with a mixture of disbelief (at the amount of blood they remember seeing)  and worry.
You groan, slapping your hands on your face to cover it. “Look, it’s normal, I’ll be fine!”
"No you're not! You asked for something this morning, to help with your stomach cramps!" Kiri insisted.
"It's probably tapeworms." Ao’nung muttered.
At this you finally  burst out laughing, no longer able to keep it in. Everyone looked frustrated at not being able to understand. Soon they began to worry even more, because you were still laughing pretty hard. Then to their amazement, you begin to laugh-cry and break down into full on sobs, hard enough that you were gasping for air between tears.
“Y/N!!! Y/N, what’s wrong?” 
“That’s it, I’m getting the Tsahik!” Tsireya and Lo’ak dashed up and disappeared.
Neyteyam crouched next to you and took you into his arms, rocking and shushing you softly.
Ao’nung and Rotxo were frightened but awkward, so they just sat as they watched Kiri and Neyteyam do their best to comfort a now hysterical you.
Lo’ak and Tsireya soon returned with Ronal and her kit.
“Move.” She commanded Neyteyam and Kiri.
You tried to explain that it was just hormones but failed, since your body and voice was still shaking from the current of emotions.
After clearing the room of males, Ronal’s quick and capable hands began to examine you.
Voices were heard outside, and soon Jake came in. He took Ronal to the side and in low tones briefly explained to her the female human anatomy, menstruation cycle, and hormone fluctuations.
After the conversation, Ronal’s face had a look of pure exasperation and annoyance. But nonetheless, she was kind enough to give you a drink that would calm you down and make your sleepy, she also left some herbs for cramps.
The drink soon had you calmed and you could breathe more easily. Now you were a bit sleepy, and before you drifted off, Jake came over and patted your head.
“It’s alright baby girl.”After that scare, the other children never let you hear the end of that. But when your period came around, they treated you as if you were a fragile flower, perhaps maybe even with a little fear that that situation would happen again. Regardless, despite teasing, they never braved another conversation about your female anatomy again. Your emotional break down traumatized them! 😅
Taglist: @bumblinv
Requests open!
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