#ice bear icons
wazzuppy · 1 year
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"Hey, I'm sorry for causing so much trouble. I just wanted you to have fun today."
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ephemic · 3 months
vc pode fazer icons de ursos sem curso, por favor? 🧚🏻‍♀️
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⠀⠀♥︎ ≀ we bare bears (ursos sem curso) icons & headers !!
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"All knights must bleed, Jaime."
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All knights must bleed, Jaime," Ser Arthur Dayne had said, when he saw. "Blood is the seal of our devotion." With dawn he tapped him on the shoulder; the pale blade was so sharp that even that light touch cut through Jaime's tunic, so he bled anew. He never felt it. A boy knelt; a knight rose. The Young Lion, not the Kingslayer.
But that was long ago, and the boy was dead.
That boy had wanted to be Ser Arthur Dayne, but someplace along the way he had become the Smiling Knight instead.
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warrior-cat-pride · 1 month
it’s me again ,how about a lesbian boyfriend Brightheart ,and then Scourge ,jumper and SLIVERSTREAM with this flag
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silverstream will be in the reblog
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icebear4president · 1 year
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dramatisperscnae · 2 months
closed starter for @bruz3r's superheavy arc >w>
Once upon a time, Dick had thought he'd never put on the cape and cowl again. Once upon a time, he'd actively avoided doing so until there had been no other choice; Bruce was gone, a murderous pretender was aiming for the title, and it had been a choice between stepping up and going against orders or seeing the legacy Bruce had worked so hard for - the legacy he'd given his life for - completely destroyed. And then Bruce had come back, and Dick had given the legacy back more than happily.
How times have changed.
And yet how they haven't.
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The cowl still feels strange on his face, the cape too heavy on his shoulders, but what choice does he have? Gotham City needs Batman, and in the absence of the real one Dick is just going to have to do. Like hell he's going to let anyone else do it [excepting maybe Damian, once the boy is old enough, but that won't be for years yet]
At least this time Bruce isn't entirely gone. Not physically, anyway; mentally…well, the man is still there, but he's not the same. How can he be, without the memories that shaped him? And without those, how can he be Batman?
He can't.
Such are the thoughts on Dick Grayson's mind as he runs the night's patrol. It's been an easy one so far, but in Gotham that can change in the brief pause between heartbeats. And so it does now. He's known the Wayne Foundation was holding a benefit tonight, a fundraiser for one of the Foundation's many child welfare projects, but he'd hoped - in vain, but hoped nonetheless - that it might go off without a hitch.
No such luck. The moment the word of shots fired comes over the Batmobile's radio he's turned the car around while the tires squeal in protest, flooring the accelerator and all but rocketing through the city streets, all with one thought foremost in his mind.
Please don't let Bruce be there…
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br1ghtestlight · 10 months
we bare bears and bobs burgers share many qualities in that they're both pretty popular mainstream shows but they both have a fandom that has like a single digit number of active members
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interstellarr-void · 11 months
Day 3 of mogai-headcanons event! Prompt was aro | ace | aspec | etc. Again, if you want to check out Vindicaris it has violence, gore and mature themes, stay safe!
Ace Fluor from Vindicaris comic | Aroace Remy from Ratatouille | Aroacespec Ice Bear from We bear bears
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[ID: three square icons. The first one is Fluor from Vindicaris, from the shoulders up, looking in awe at something offscreen with a slightly desaturated asexual flag behind her. Fluor is a woman with white skin and long neon green hair bangs on the left of her face. Her left eye is black with a neon green pupil and her right eye has a white sclera and neon green iris. She also two thin black dotted lines under her left eye and two thick lines under her right eye. She’s wearing a black beanie, black turtleneck and a white collared jacket. The flag has four horizontal stripes, and the colors are black, grey, white and dark purple. The outline outside Fluor is white.
The second is Remy from Ratatouille, from the torso up, pinching two fingers together on his left hand while smiling with a slightly desaturated aroace flag behind him. Remy is a cartoon grey-blue rat with brown eyes. The flag has five horizontal stripes, and the colors are dark orange, muted yellow, white, sky blue and dark blue. The outline outside Remy is white.
The third is Ice bear from We bare bears, from the chest up, looking blankly to the left with an aroacespec flag behind him. Ice bear is a white cartoon bear standing up on his feet with black dot eyes. The flag has four horizontal stripes, and the colors are muted green, white, dark purple and very dark blue. The outline outside of Ice bear is light purple. End id.]
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iconicanemone · 1 year
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distopea · 8 months
Possessive Tzvult movements of wrapping a hand around Oliver's hip to tug him closer, to the point of nearly just pulling the grown man into his lap and glowering across the room because someone isn't getting the message that Oliver was all his this evening. At this proximity too, Oliver gets front row seats to his chest rumbling thickly with a growl in his throat.
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He waved his fingers politely, probably just to be sure that those potential disturbers weren’t too pushy with him. He had been booked for the night with someone he appreciated, and he didn’t wish to spend any more time doing anything else or turning down lonely souls who thought that one escort could easily abandon their client. He was ready to get his attention back on Tzvult, but before he could do anything, he felt strong hands pulling him closer. Oliver didn’t protest; he was pleased by this exposed possessiveness. 
Usually, he didn’t like it very much. He didn’t wish his clients to be possessive or jealous people, but he had grown quite used to feeling appreciated and cherished by those he was allowed to pique. Tzvult was among those he was eager to see, to spend time with. He was imposing and strong, but he was surprisingly soft and caring. Oliver sensed that he was special to him, and that very sensation was addictive; and he was a man of passion and addictions. 
Easily, Oliver fell on the large man’s lap, giving one look behind as if he was sorry. He could perfectly hear the rumble within his chest, and he pressed his hand right onto his wrist. He didn’t wish to push him away. On the contrary, he made sure that Tzvult was gripping him where he wanted to be touched. Where he needed to feel how important he was to someone. “Feeling angry?” Oliver poked the bear, quite literally. He didn’t hesitate to push his back onto his torso though, elegantly wrapping his fingers behind his nape. 
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“Fear nothing, I have my eyes right on you. I have nothing better to watch tonight.” He offered a smile, a sincere one. It was dangerous to notice that he clearly wanted to kiss his client. It was a rule he always had a hard time breaking. Oliver slowly slid his fingers through his long hair, humming. “But if you keep getting distracted by those assholes, I believe we can go somewhere private.” He offered, and then shook his head.
“But please… Don’t put money on the table. Not for me. I just want to spend the rest of the night making out with you and feel normal.” 
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wazzuppy · 1 year
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ice bear icons
like/reblog if you save
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kiealer · 9 months
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send my muse prying asks about their sex life // accepting (i guess this counts??)
@likeadragcn asked:
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Honestly he didn't know what it was that brought him back to life but upon learning this horrible truth he could only look onto the woman that he once consider family with a devil that stole his father's face. "How long?" There was confusion, regret, sadness..anger in his tone..."You two..how long?!!"
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Emotions of different calibers and intensities strike her heart all at once. The sight of him brought joy, elation, the return of a piece of home that she had once lost… but with it also brought dread, anxiety, and a sense of foreboding that she thought she knew her limit of, but as it turns out, this would surpass that tenfold. The turbulence in his voice shakes her to her very core, dredging up every fear she ever conjured regarding this secret slipping out.
Hardly a word could pass her lips, merely snippets of sounds were all she could manage for a solid minute. Were it not for the presence of the man at the heart of this conundrum, she surely would have collapsed from pure, overwhelming strife. Shockingly, he's become a stable source of comfort, one that she desperately needs to rely on in this moment, shameful it may be. Although, the image of her hanging onto him was exactly part of the problem; it only furthers the fact that she was caught red-handed.
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❝Gohan, I--❞ She musters the accuser's name (a name she once cherished and still does), but what can she say? She can't lie her way through this, such a thing is impossible. Her teeth nip at her lower lip, suppressing any tears that dare threaten to overspill. There's no hiding from this. She's forced to accept the consequences of her actions. Carrying a heavy and worn heart, she relents: ❝… A few months. Six now, I think.❞
Her tone warbles as she mutters something undeserved, but she feels it hopelessly necessary, ❝I'm sorry.❞
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Letter B + polar bear - smart logo design ♡
We offer premium design services to impove your brand awareness 💫💫 PM us for details!
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theaterism · 1 year
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judging you.
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eggsmuses-a · 1 year
Ren has a watchful eye on the student before him as his thumb hovers over his phone. The delinquent tries to keep his gaze loose, uncaring, but he can't help but focus intently on what Yoshino is doing—after catching wind of him stumbling in the palace, he needed to assess the other. Keep close tabs, fly under the radar.
What's most peculiar to Amamiya, however, is that like the other thieves, Yoshino had donned a Mementos outfit when being dragged in.
Which only means he has the potential of wielding a Persona.
Morgana purrs into Joker's ear, his words rolling with his vibrating tongue, - ❝ Joker, I know you're eager, but shouldn't we talk this over with the other thieves first ? ❞ It's less concern more than it is demand. Joker knows the cat has every right to want to remain in the shadows for the moment, but that doesn't mean he should follow those wishes.
He simply shakes his head, giving a swat over his companion's head to shove him back into the drooping school bag on his back. Reluctant, Morgana slides down with a newl, shifting awkwardly followed by a hiss.
‘ What a drama queen, ’ Ren rolls his eyes, peering over other students to reassess where his target had disappeared to. The bell rings nearby, with classmates moving for the exit &. shoving him along with them. Ren slips his phone back into his pocket, side-stepping around the clumps of traffic as he makes haste to the door.
Ahead is Shinjiro, so he makes an effort to reach out &. turn him around by his shoulder.
ʀ ——— ❝ Hey, ❞ Amamiya tries to smile, glasses glistening, ❝ I need to talk to you. Mind coming with ? ❞ Smooth. So smooth that he'll be hearing Morgana nag about how not-so subtle he was with that confrontation.
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@phantom-anarchy plotted !
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mangomuses · 1 year
“Okay, okay, I got a good one!”
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“Three chicks walk up to a bar. They ask the fella there to throw seeds all over the floor for them. The fella refuses, so they ask for the letter N.
“‘The letter N?’ he asks. “Well, sure, but why?’
“Three chickens walk up to a barn.”
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