#ichigo vs byakuya
shiroxichigo · 3 months
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The hyperfixation for this work was REAL. I worked on it for 7 hours straight at one point 😅
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Bleach Paradise Lost Story Mode English DUB Hollow Ichigo VS Byakuya Kuchiki | イン ブリーチ パラダイスロスト
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lucook · 10 months
Ichigo vs Ulquiorra, Ichigo Vs Grimmjow? Yamamoto vs Yhwach? Negative.
I think the most rivalry in Bleach is Aizen Vs Urahara, and all encounters of both, Urahara destroyed the Aizen's plans.
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Aizen sends Rukia to Karakura; Urahara helps her.
Aizen almost kills Masaki; Urahara saves her.
Aizen sends Byakuya to Karakura; Urahara saves and trains Ichigo.
Aizen made experiments with Vizards; Urahara saves them.
Aizen sends Ulquiorra to Karakura; Urahara saves Ichigo and others.
Aizen became immortal; Urahara sealed him.
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moonprisimbankai111 · 5 months
Bleach X Jujutsu Kaisen Fights I'd sell both my t!ts n buttcheecks to see
Since I'm a big s l u t for both series here are the fights I'd wanna say. Comment who you'd think would win
Ryomen Sukuna VS White Hollow Ichigo
Two demon daddies against each other? YES! Both are super duper strong, tbh tho I think Sukuna would win, both of these characters would be so interesting to watch engage in a fight as they give very similar vibes IMO
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Satoru Gojo VS Kisuke Urahara
I mean it's obvi that our blue-eyed king solos (sorry Kisuke fans) but they're both so fruity and goofy so I think a battle between these two would be so funny to watch, Tbh I thought of putting Gojo against Aizen, but something about him in a spare with Kisuke feels right, both are extremely talented, witty, and clever- oh and very sexy,
This would be such a great fight
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Toshrio Hitsugaya VS Megumi Fushiguro
Originally I chose Ichigo for this, but something about Toshrio felt right I like Megumi against Toshrio way more bc I think both are similar in some ways but also seeing Megumi summon Mahoraga while Hitsugaya brings out Hyorinmaru would be AMAZING- Like you can imagine how awesome a duel between these two would be???
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Toji Fushiguro VS Kenpachi Zaraki
Y'all gotta really hear me out here, Toji is a literal superhuman and Kenpachi (the strongest of the 13-court guard squad) has a nasty desire for serious bloodlust, these two in a heated spare filled with punches, kicks, and slashing of blades and cursed tools- would be so epic! I mean, I like to also imagine Toji is shirtless too- lol just girly things! I could imagine Kenpachi loving the battle bc of Toji's abilities and physical skills (I would sell my coochie to see this fight IRL)
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Maki Zenin VS Rukia Kuchiki
Two of the hottest and strongest in a battle- yes yes yes yes, IMO Rukia for sure solos, i mean c'mon she's a captain but Maki also has a fair chance against her because of her own talents and capabilities. A fight between these two would be amazing!
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Nobara Kugisaki VS Rangiku Matsumato
Both gorgeous, both confident, and both obsessed with shopping?
Totally! I think these two would be friends if the Bleach Universe and JJK Universe collided but since this is about fighting, I believe these two would have a fun battle. Both women are strong and have great skills and really cool abilities- It's hard for me to say who would win because both are equally talented! However, I think after the fight would be finished these two would love shopping with each other, talking about boys, and kicking ass together!
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Kento Nanami Vs Byakuya Kuchiki
Both sophisticated, both the perfect gentlemen, both with the same aloof composure, and both really strong? HELL YES! I would loveeeee to see these two in a battle seeing Nanami use his ratio technique and black flash against Byakuyas Senbonzakura would be amazing! Idk tho, I think Byakuya would win, but that is up for discussion <3
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Suguro Geto (Kenjaku) VS Sosuke Aizen
Don't even get me started, like just don't- I know Aizen has more of the advantage here but Geto, or Kenjaku has a really good chance IMO- I would love to see two villains who are both on similar missions of creating a new world would be in a battle with each other.
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Yuji Itadori VS Renji Abari
I just think this would be funny to watch, but I would also love to see Yuji's divergent fists against Renji's Bankai I think it would be badass honestly. I love Yuji lord knows I truly do, but I think after a great effort on Yuji's end, Renji easily solos
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Ichigo Kurosaki VS Yuta Okkutso
At first, I thought of Yuji instead, but I think Yuta would be way more interesting to watch, I could see these twos in a serious duel. Both are characters who faced massive losses that have pushed them to become strong. At one point in the fight I can see White hollow Ichigo coming out to help save Ichigo from a summoned Rika (yes I know the curse of Rika is already broken but let's act as if it isn't for the sake of the HC) Both are super strong, but Ichigo wins for sure IMO,
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Thats it for now, but let me know what pairings you would like to see in part two as I would love to include more characters
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thekingofwinterblog · 10 months
Maka vs Crona episode 20-21
When writing fiction, there are many points that can end up becoming the defining moment where a story peaks as a tale.
The final climax is ideally when this happens, and the amount of times when that is the case aren't exactly rare.
However it is just as common for stories to peak early.
Goku versus Freeza on Namek is generally considered far, far better than Goku's many, many following bouts, Tolkiens battles of Helm's Deep and the Pellenor fields, climaxing with Aragon's sudden appearance with the rest of the Southern Gondor Forces is generally remembered far more than the battle at the black gate or the scouring of the shire, while One Piece has tried, and failed consistently to recapture the glory that was Water 7 and Enies Lobby that together formed the absolute best story in Shonen.
As for Soul Eater, wheter looking at the Anime, or the Manga, it is not exactly a controversial statement that neither qualifies as it's absolute best. The manga ended on a terrible note, while the Anime while sticking true to it's themes, didnt quite hit the landing as good as it could have.
What both have in common though, is the moment where their tales peaked.
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The Rematch between Crona Gorgon and Maka Albarn beneath the halls of the school leading up to the ressurection of Kishin Asura.
Rematches are always a fun thing in fiction, for a variety of reasons.
The most obvious is simply seeing how characters have grown or regressed since last time they brawled, but the simple fact is that rematches are baked into stories where there is conflict.
The Hero suffering an early loss, then facing their earlier foe only to emerge thriumphant is baked into the Storytelling DNA of the Human race. It's one of the most important parts of the Hero's journey for a reason, and you will find COUNTLESS examples of it, especially in shonen, which thrives on conflict and battles between individuals.
Ichigo vs Byakuya, Luffy vs Crocodile/Lucci/Katakuri/Kizaru/etc, team 7 vs Zabuza, and so on.
In the case of Soul Eater's rematch, on paper, and how it's set upon it's start, this battle is very much set up as a classic revenge rematch. Crona and Ragnarok obliterated Maka and Soul the last time they met, and now it's time to turn the tables.
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It starts off with a kickass action scene where Maka has learned from her mistakes in the earlier fight, and so uses Crona as a punching bag rather than something to cut...
It event has both combatants trash talking the other... Everything is set up for a good grudge match.
The funny thing is though, that this could not be further from what this fight is actually about.
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Because after that exciting action opening, that is meant to contrast with the first one sided fight, it almost immediatly switch gears to what it is actually about.
Maka and Crona as people, their flaws, their strenght, how both of them act as foils and mirrors, and brings out sides from the other that the story has not shown us before.
The first such moment is a follow-up to something Crona said in their first match.
"I don't know how to handle pretty girls"
That was a compliment, though obviously not meant as direct flirting, and this new line isnt either.
"S-stop. I can't look directly at people with big, strong eyes."
Crona looks at Maka as, in her own way someone to be admired... Because Maka has something Crona does not, and wants. Confidence, strenght, beauty.
Crona is both terrified of Maka... But also admires her at the same time.
The trash talk has nothing to do with bravery, or even looking down on Maka... Instead it's an attempt at putting up a brave front so the problem at hand will go away... But the moment Maka refuses to do so, and instead stares Crona down, Crona immediatly begins to crumble and instictively back down in front of Maka's cool and confident gaze.
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Also while the fight goes on, a lot things happens concurrently. Not much of it is important for the Fight, but the other big battle taking place, is. Medusa vs Stein and Spirit.
This fight has two purposes, in regards to Maka vs Crona. The first is to give us Medusa's opinion and testimony regarding how she raised Crona, and thus we, the audience does not need Crona to make a long monologue about their past while talking to Maka.
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The Second is contrast.
Spirit is absolutely certain that his little girl will win this fight. He has the bravery to trust in her, and her capacities, even after what happened the last time she fought Crona.
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By contrast Medusa believes Crona will win because of logic, and calls spirit's faith in Maka "Blind Parental Love."
The funny thing is, they are both right.
Crona IS stronger than Maka... Yet Maka will ulimately win.
Their conversation also serves to contrast both of their children, and how they grew up. Medusa raised Crona as a weapon that is desperate for her approval and love. This will in turn be hammered in by Crona's own rather depressing flashback.
Meanwhile Maka was raised with love and care. It was not a perfect home by any stretch, brought down by adultery, abandonment and the blame game as everyone blames someone else, rather than accept the bigger picture(Maka blames her dad for everything rather than fully accept that her mother abandoned her, Spirit blames himself for his weakness rather than lay any blame at his exwife for abandoning his daughter and running off rather than take the parental responsibility she took claim too by fighting for Maka's custody, while mrs Albarn used her husband's infidelity as an excuse/justification to in turn abandon her own child).
Ultimately what this fight is all about, is both of these children finally beginning their journey to healing from the wounds left behind by their childhoods.
It also shows the values both Medusa and Spirit passed on to their children. Medusa twisted her child by instilling values like not killing... Then deliberatly forced her child to either break those values, or lose her affection, speciffically to emotionally break Crona down into an obedient weapon.
By contrast, Spirit, upon hearing Crona's backstory reacts with compassion, empathy, and understanding. And as the fight between Maka and Crona rages on, Maka will make it clear, that despite all of her protestantions to the contrary, she is her father's child.
The fight that follows between the next generation is a nice spectacle, but the next important development comes as both of the two meisters soul ressonance with their weapons, with Maka betting it all on her Witch Hunter, her strongest move...
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And Crona completely blocks it with no problems, with a simple armguard, breaking the technique.
This moment is important for two reasons.
The first is the way it hammers in the point and themes that will later be repeated beat for beat during the climax of the series where Asura does this exact same thing to Maka's strongest technique in terms of raw power in either the manga or the anime, the Kishin Hunter, the same move that Shinigami used to beat and batter Asura around with ease.
Strength and Power will NOT beat madness and fear.
You cannot defeat fear, lonliness and depression by strength of arms, no matter how strong you are.
That is why ultimately Black Star and Kid will all ultimately fail to defeat Asura, and why Shinigami at his prime ultimately could not do it either, being forced to simply seal Asura away instead. Because every one of them faced this problem of trying to conquer their fears by using overwhelming force.
And they failed. Just like Maka fails here.
To defeat it you need something more, something completely different than might and power.
The second thing, and why this specific moment is what prompts Crona into going into a flashback right now, is that upon blocking Maka's best attack with ease, Crona suddenly has a spike of confidence, and lashes out, and brings Maka to her knees.
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And it brings us into the next section of the fight, as we explore another aspect of fear, madness, and bravery.
"Weakness can imitate strength if bound properly, just as cowardice can imitate heroism if given nowhere to flee."
This is not a quote from Soul Eater, instead being from the Stormlight Archives, but it encapsulates the Theme of the next section of the fight perfectly.
Crona is not brave. The sudden burst of confidence did not lead to a turn around where Crona confidently and bravely defeated Maka in combat.
It was the lashing out of a scared child with nowhere to run, who HAS to win this fight, even if Crona does not want to be here at all. That one moment simply gave Crona the push to unleash an overwhelming assault of power that Maka could not match.
Weakness can masquarade as strength, and Cowardice can pretend to be bravery if it has nowhere to flee.
Which is why this in turn leads Crona compares Maka to the first creature Medusa forced Crona to kill.
The Fact is Crona has no idea how to interact with Maka, either as an enemy, a rival, someone who Crona finds Attractive and cool, or just a human being in general... So it sorta just jumbles together into a mess.
But Crona has not had the option of running away from either of their two fights, and so has been forced to actually interact with Maka, and so is completely all over the map in how to deal with her. Sometimes it sounds like Crona is hitting on her, cause she's an attractive girl as far as Crona is concerned, sometimes Crona puts up a brave face, sometimes tries to decisively kill her, and so on.
Which is why this in turn leads Crona compares Maka to the first creature Medusa forced Crona to kill.
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We don't really know exactly how Medusa raised Crona before this point, but there are several important points to note here.
Crona understands at some level here that killing is, fundamentally wrong. When Medusa tells Crona to murder this thing, Crona does not want to do it, nor how to actually muster the will to actually kill.
That tells us 2. things.
1. is that Medusa deliberately raised Crona to be unprepared for this task. As Crona's mother, it would have been incredibly easy for her to raise her child with a far, far more viscious and brutal attitude against killing other living things.
But that is not what Medusa wanted. She wanted a broken and obedient weapon, an experiment she wanted to test and prod to see the reactions out of.
She WANTS Crona to not go through with it, and to be reluctant to do it at all, in order for the subsequent "Lesson" regarding obeying her speciffically no matter what, would hit as hard as it possibly could.
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Upon little Crona's refusal to go through with it, she then locks Crona in a dark room with no food or water for days, alone with Ragnarok that bullies and beats Crona up for failing at the "task".
And when Crona still doesnt immidiatly go through with it, she throws Crona right back in, and blames it on her own kid again, hammering in the "lesson" that this Crona's own fault for being a "Bad kid".
this is all brutal, but it leads us into the second point to take from the way she raised Crona before this.
Crona WANTS affection from other people... But Medusa only gives it on a conditional basis, but also very deliberatly isolates Crona from ANYONE ELSE to the point where Crona doesnt even have contact with animals.
In the end, this does lead to Crona finally going through with it.
There is a very deliberate difference at this point between Manga and Anime though.
In the Manga, the animal that Medusa wanted Crona to kill was a defenseless, cute bunny, to further hammer in just how defenceless it is. The anime though, probably for censorship reasons was forced to drop this imagery... So they did something better instead, that connects it to what Maka and Soul are about to do.
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in the anime, the animal is a small, dragon, unicorn thing that breathes fire, and upon first meeting it, Crona is for obvious reasons terrified of this thing, flinching away as it unleashes a jet of flame.
But after being starved, denied water, and physically abused by Ragnarok, Crona is let out from the room a third time. And this time, the reality that if Crona does not murder this thing, it will be right back to the room has set in... So when the dragon thing breathes fire right at Crona's face again, Crona doesnt even Flinch.
The fear is not gone though. it's just that with nowhere to flee, Crona mimics bravery, by embraces madness in order to not have to deal with the very real fear at facing the fire.
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Crona is able to pretend to be both strong, and brave, by giving all in to madness.
The funny thing is though... Maka and Soul do the EXACT same thing.
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Upon their tactic of just throw themselves in to the fight and hope to crush Crona with overwhelming force and power doesnt work, they instead decide to try to beat Crona and Ragnarok at their own game, by giving all in to the power of the black blood that makes Crona so powerful, with no heed of the dangers of embracing madness.
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This moment, and the subsequent beatdown that Maka delivers is probably the single most iconic moment in the soul eater franchise.
Maka going completely nuts, completely unheeding of danger or any sense of tactics or morality, as she kicks Crona's ass, is Soul Eater's best action scene as it not only is visually stunning and entertaining to watch... but PERFECTLY encapsulates the stories Themes.
Maka wants to win this fight, and so she throws herself into a course of action that at first glance might seem to be brave... Giving up your sanity for power to win.
If Soul Eater was a story about people sacrificing themselves for the greater good, this might work, but it's not.
Soul Eater is ultimately a story about bravery, and bonds. About how it's people coming together despite all their differences, that makes life so worth living.
Sacrificing yourself... or others, is the cowards way out. It solves nothing.
Maka is not brave as she faces Crona withouth a hint of fear. Just like Crona prentended to be brave in order to have the capacity to kill that dragon thing, so Maka pretends to be brave by throwing away all her fears and sanity for power.
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And in the end, embracing Madness only leads to Maka munching and gnawing on Crona's skull, having completely lost her marbles.
It's a different kind of defeat, but it still harkens back to her previous failure.
You cannot defeat fear by removing it, and pretending it isn't there... no more than you can do it with power.
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Having completely lost herself to madness at this point, the only possibility left for Maka at this point, is to reassess her surroundings, and pull herself back from the edge.
And so, pulling on her speciality as a meister, her ability to sense and read souls, she begins that journey by reconnecting to her own soul, noting how it's such a small and fragile thing... surrounded by madness, it's so easy to fall in... And that's withouth jumping head first like she and Soul did.
And of course, being directly connected to her through the black blood currently steeping her very being, she also feels the soul of her best friend and partner Soul Eater Evans, a twisted, yet great guy who is always willing to listen to her, even when she's being selfish.
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It is then though that Maka is drawn to another soul, one that fascinates her far more than either her own, or Soul Eater's soul.
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Now the anime doesnt fully make it clear why Maka is immediatly so facinated by this soul... Crona's soul, but it's very clear that she is immediatly drawn to seek it out.
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The manga however, makes the reasoning abundantly clear. She finds the soul beautiful for reasons she probably doesnt fully understand herself.
Regardless, she bonds with it, embracing it, and what it holds inside just like she did with her own soul, craddling it to her heart as she delves into it's mysteries.
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It's mysteries is a beach with no water, an unatural thing, where there should be beauty and life, and yet is as as devoid of both as the desert it so resembles.
This is Crona's soulscape, the defining mental landscape of the young Demon swordmaster's psyche, as defining for Crona as Soul's jazz and piano room is for him.
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It is here that we meet Crona's inner self, a young child, who deliberately draws a circle to be separate from the world... And yet so, so badly wants there to be someone, ANYONE else there.
And yet, when a companion appears, Crona's own shadow, Crona rejects it in a sad, yet resigned way, refusing to answer questions, passing on every one of them, until finally driving the shadow away as it becomes frustrated.
Now the questions are important in how Crona feels, but the actual takeaway isnt the answers, but how Crona refuses to respond to any of them, even completely obvious ones.
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Crona does not know how to do so. Medusa's parenting and deliberate isolating her own child from any form of interactions besides her has completely and totally stunted Crona's growth, hence why here, inside Crona's own head it's back to the childhood self, not the teenage years Crona has entered into.
Which brings us to Crona's relationship with Maka. As bizarre as it might seem, Crona's interactions with Maka is the closest thing to actual socialization with another human being besides Medusa that Crona has ever had.
Because Maka by virtue of opposing Crona and refusing to back down has forced Crona out of that figurative sand circle, and actually had to interact with someone else. It was all over the place, but it was real, genuine, human interaction.
Hence why Crona thinks back to Maka in this moment as the shadow leaves, yet another lost opportunity that Crona let slip for interaction.
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it's at this point that Maka, having now fully connected to Crona's soul, makes her appearance, in the form of her younger self with an adorable, lion's roar, scaring Crona, who protests that nobody else can be here, that this is where Crona is supposed to be alone from anyone else.
Maka does not care, and instead, upon being told of the circle's supposed purpose, destroys it by literarily stamping it out.
This completely destabilzes Crona's entire soul.
And upon returning to the physical plane, having left behind the Black blood and it's madness, Maka is face to face to a Crona who is having a form of seizure. All the methaphysical and psycological barriers that Crona has put up against the world have now been broken by Maka's actions, and is currently taking the form of the black blood inside of Crona's body shooting out everywhere in the form of spikes.
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From a tactical perspective, this is a great development. Crona is wide open and immobilized, so now is either the perfect time to take another shot with Witch Hunter, or to just leave Crona behind to go join Kid and Black Star.
However, things have changed.
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instead of doing either of those, Maka leaves Soul behind(much to his suprise and confusion), and withouth a weapon, completely calmly, walks up towards Crona, while talking in a kind, calm tone... The kind one does to someone who is freaking out and needs help.
And she keeps going forwards, despite the spikes that keep shooting forward almost impaling her every time.
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In many ways, it resembles the kind of just abandoning fear to try to overcome it that she just tried to use to win this fight... But it's not.
Maka UNDERSTANDS Crona now. She knows what drives Crona to the core... And so she believes that Crona does not want to hurt her.
She doesnt know this. She fully understands that Crona might just kill her on accident... But she does it anyway.
She takes the risk that comes with this march forward, because she WANTS to connect further with Crona. Crona needs help, and maka wants to give that help.
That is bravery. True bravery, not the kind of bravado that drove her to take Crona on to begin with because she wanted to avenge her previous loss.
It is also insane. Pure madness... And yet it works.
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Once more, she connects her soul to Crona, but this time, it's the opposite way, instead of delving into Crona's soul, she instead opens her own heart to Crona, to show that she understands.
Crona in response completely calms down, and after Maka lays out that she finally understands how Crona has never had anyone reach out and offer human contact before, Crona is... suprisingly at peace.
Crona still thinks that Medusa will now move and and that the time has come for mom to make good on her promises that Crona is expendable... And yet it somehow doesnt matter anymore.
Crona long ago gave up hope for physical, and emotional human contact with anyone, and now that someone finally has given Crona just that... That's enough.
It's time for Crona to just dissapear into the ether... To which Maka, very softly, but firmly delivers one of her book chops to get Crona's attention and out of the ending it all mindset.
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Rather than let Crona continue on in this suicidal mindset, Maka instead takes the next step, and offers Crona the one thing that surpasses even the low, low bar of basic human contact and compassion. Her hand in friendship.
An offer that brings Crona to total tears of happiness and joy, and as the two of them grabs the others hands, they once more bare their souls to the other, while Soul Eater Evans looks on, and addmits to himself that Crona's great fear, of contact with other people is a fear that he too shares.
Just like Crona... And just like Maka, he too ran away from that very thing... But as the Manga shows in his thoughts, despite running away from his brother, he managed to find the very thing he ran away here at this school, in the form of Maka, blair, black star, tsubaki, death the kid, liz and patty... just like Crona now found Maka.
It's an astonishingly strong and powerful fight that encapsulates absolutely every theme and idea about bravery, madness, human companionship that the story had, while utilizing it's cast to the fullest, while also making use of it's power system to forge one of the strongest bonds in Manga.
However, we still have one final thing to discuss before we're done.
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as we get as shot of Maka and Crona in Crona's soul scape once again, this time happy and smiling, hand in hand, the ocean finally begins, turning the desolate sands into beauty, washing over and then pulling back again, leaving the landscape actually alive, rather than the desolate, and lifeless void it was, and we end the episode on a special animation for the ending credit song.
That song is Soul Eater's second ending Theme, Style, and as we do a deep dive over Maka and Crona's development, we need to also go over it, and what it means, while also answering another question.
Why did Maka appear in the form of her kid self when she dove into Crona's soul scape?
the answer ties into why Maka and Crona made such incredible good foils and parallels for each other in this episode, and why both of them ultimately forged such a powerfull bond from these events.
Style you see, is a story told from the point of view of a child who is just making a new best friend by taking a risk and opening their door. It's about adults desperate to forge a "perfect future" like cogs in a machine, rather living in the moment, embracing everything as it comes, and asking god to make sure to record every one of the memories so they would be able to look back at these moments forever.
It is very much a soul eater styled song, but more importantly, it's a song that was very much chosen speciffically for Maka and Crona.
in a meta sense their relationship is DEFINED by this song, given how the episode ends with a special ending just for the two of them.
Maka and Crona's growth as people, are both defined by going forward... By going back and embracing their childhoods. More speciffically, what they both lost during it.
Crona lost both Childhood innocence, kindness and seemingly any chance to ever have friends and make normal, healthy human bond ever again.
Maka lost her ability to trust easily, became spiteful, hyperagressive, and lost her natural childhood kindness to others.
And both of them lost all of it, because of their parents. Crona lost it because of abuse, victim blaming, grooming and being treated as a weapon, rather than a child to be loved and nurtured.
Maka meanwhile lost all of the kinder, gentler, and trusting aspects of herself because of having to grow up and constantly see the dad she loved and looked up to cheat on her mother, and then subsequently being abandoned by that same mother, rather than have her serve as a source of strenght in her hour of need.
And through this newfound bond, both of them are able to regain all of it. That is the true beauty of Maka and Crona's relationship.
It's not as if all their problems go away, or their personalities go back to from before... the past, and how it has affected both of them is not ignored, or backtracked. but the path forward is a blend of what came before, and what they have become... while hopefully leaving behind the worst aspects of what they became at their worst.
Maka thinks Crona's soul is beautiful because deep down Crona is someone who wants to be kind and who thinks of others before themselves. all encapsulated by Crona's cute smile. That in turn brings out all of those feelings and emotions that Maka has tried so, so hard to bury to never be hurt again.
Crona thinks Maka is beautiful because she is a confident, brave, kind girl, who was willing to give even someone like Crona love, friendship, support and help even while being enemies. And in turn that makes Crona somehow reawaken the hopes, dreams and Values that Medusa cultivated just to deliberately murder for her own ends.
They both help the other to eventually get over their trauma in their own way and embrace their best selves... Despite the insane chance that Maka took to forge this relationship with someone she had no reason to even like, they were both so much stronger for it.
because they had the bravery, and madness to try.
Bravery and Madness, two sides to one coin.
And it all began here, over the course of two episodes.
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bleachbleachbleach · 8 months
Saw your reblog on tragic unrequited platonic love and technically, that trope definitely applies to the betrayed trio, especially on Hinamori’s end (depends on whether or not you subscribe to the view that she was crushing on Aizen). The way I saw it in my initial viewing of bleach, it was more of the type of intense admiration for an authority figure that can be misconstrued as a crush cuz you (the devotee) lack the ways to properly articulate it. Like how u feel abt the rlly cool English teacher u sometimes eat lunch with before they get arrested for like fraud or something. After experiencing the Horrors, of course Kira and Hinamori are going to imprint hard on the first semblance of stability and symbol of safety at the time. So that what they went thru meant something. Also, let me take this moment to briefly gush abt the headcanon u presented in the B3 fic cinematic universe abt hinamori’s fixating on squad 5 because it offers her the knowledge beyond her town that she’s lowkey seeking + the values she wants to strive towards (source: from afar). These nerds just wanted to be mentored so badddd!! Thus, the reveal of the fact that they were only a means to an end, specifically chosen on where they fall on the “easy to manipulate” scale hits HARDER. All that devotion?? Loss of work life balance and for WHATTT? Extended medical leave ? 😭 oh bleach my fave workplace sitcom AND workplace drama u will always be famous
PS: thank u for tagging me in that post!! In the process of drafting my response. It was so lovely of you.
You're right! That totally works here. It's interesting because (and I'll just focus on Hinamori here, because otherwise I'd feel compelled to honor the distinctions between her and Aizen vs. Kira and Ichimaru and Hisagi and Tousen, and this would probably end up reading very convolutedly) I think it kind of asks a question about when the platonic pining would have happened.
Is the pining part of suddenly realizing the disjuncture between what Hinamori thought something was and what Aizen did, and mourning something lost (and something that never really was)?
Or was there also pining when things were Good? We see Aizen be reassuring to Hinamori and generous with his time, etc. and we see Hinamori happy to receive from him, and quite devoted both to her VCship as well as to Aizen on a person level (or as he put it, "as a man" lol). We know she's well-respected by her division, and esteemed by her colleagues (okay, Kira and Hitsugaya may have some bias in this arena, but they both describe her as highly skilled).
But was she needed? Was she doing, and did she get the opportunity to do, things that Aizen couldn't do better? Did she have opportunities to express things that Aizen found interesting or outside of his expertise? Even as they are not equals--and there is no expectation that they should be--in the most fruitful mentorships, both parties have things to teach and learn.
Did Hinamori ever look at other Captain/VC relationships and yearn for pieces of what those looked like to her? Nanao would probably say "god i hope not" because Kyouraku's "reliance" on her often takes the shape of her having to do all the busywork and also herd cats, but in spite of this there's an intimacy there, an openness or trust, that Hinamori might yearn for. And that's taking Kyouraku--shadowy and full of many surfaces himself--into account. Hitsugaya and Matsumoto also have something that both Hitsugaya and Matsumoto probably complain about to Hinamori, but there's a degree of mutualism and collaboration to whatever's going on at the 10th that Hinamori might not mind a taste of, too. Renji has been Byakuya's VC for a month but Hinamori has probably already thought to herself "Kuchiki-taichou let him do WHAT" at least twice. Even though Byakuya is Byakuya, judging by how they handled their "meeting Ichigo in the street" mission, it seems like Byakuya lets Renji have his little projects. Like Renji is part of his investment portfolio and Byakuya feels very comfortable considering Renji a volatile but potentially valuable property and in order to get that ROI you need to stick with him through several honorless tech startup busts and commit long-term to the thing. Er, but I digress. My point is, Renji gets projects. "Develop training menu." Creative opportunity! With a result that has Renji all over it.
Does Hinamori get projects? Does it ever feel like she's pushing the envelope of what the 5th can be and how it can function on her own, without it being something Aizen already predicted the outcome of, or was actually his idea that he let her propose and take nominal ownership of anyway? Despite being completely blindsided by the actuality of Aizen, was there already that sense of inevitability/Aizen all over everything that happens at the 5th? (Competing, of course, with Hinamori's self-concept as a creative person; and her love of Aizen as a person, not just as a boss and mentor; and feeling as though she just needs to excel more and be creative better and she'll eventually meet this need she feels--it's not the environment that's the issue. She's happy here. Mostly. She doesn't need to leave, she simply needs to surpass--)
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Bleach characters favourite places to kiss and get kissed ( Ichigo x reader/Rukia x Reader/Yoruichi x reader/ Toshiro x reader )
Bleach characters receiving a bouquet! ( Rangiku x reader, Ukitake x reader, Grimmjow x reader, child! Platonic! Nel x reader)
Bleach x reader with self confidence issues ( Urahara x reader and Byakuya x reader)
Bleach x reader reader dies fighting the Quincy ( Shihoin Chika x reader)
Bleach x reader - reader have to choose between two captains of the original gotei 13 ( Shihoin Chika x reader x Furuoki)
Being Byakuya's vice captain before Renji ( Byakuya x reader)
Being cautious of Chika at first ( Chika x reader)
Shijima Chigiri with a terminally ill reader ( Chigiri x reader)
Urahara makes you a chibi version of yourself ( Urahara x Chibi! Reader)
Pregnant! Reader x Shihoin Chika (female reader)
Teasing the girls about their height ( Rukia x reader and Soifon x Reader)
Lovely reader who can fight very well ( Chika x reader)
Ichigo having a nightmare about his s/o( Ichigo x soul reaper! Reader)
Ichigo and a Elizabeth Liones like reader ( Ichigo x Goddes like reader)
Kon stealing your clothing ( Ichigo x reader)
Ichigo vs Kitty ( Reader's cat dislikes Ichigo greatly, Ichigo x reader)
Karin sees Toushiro and his daughter after some time ( Child!reader)
You fainting on their arms ( Ruki x reader, Unohana x reader, Rangiku x reader)
Gift giving ( Jushiro Ukitake x reader)
Daily life with Furuoki ( Furuoki x lieutenant! Reader)
Part 2 ( kind of) of Furuoki x Lieutenant! Reader)
Reader going with Ichigo through the zero squad training ( oetsu Nimaiya x Shy! reader)
Reader passes away against Yhwach ( Ichigo x unrequired!Love Reader)
Ichigo dealing with a reader that jealous and angry on their period ( Ichigo x Female!reader)
Accidently walking into Chika in a onsen ( SFW don't worry, no descriptions here) ( Chika x Shy!reader)
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silentwalrus1 · 2 years
Not done talking about how Ichigo’s bankai is a bigger flop than the fall of a twenty foot pancake.  Or how Byakuya’s bankai was narratively a fail as well. (Primarily bc it highlighted how shitty ichigo’s bankai is.) The Byakyuka vs Ichigo fight where we first see Byakuya’s bankai was a PRIME opportunity to make the fight conceptually as well as visually striking - because all the elements were there! Byakuya’s bankai supersaturates the area with his reiatsu and gives him pretty much total control over the fight - he can get you from any angle! A zillion times! How do you block a “blade” that’s a zillion tiny particles? You don’t! This is approaching the level of a chemical weapon! It also looks like a cherry blossom leafblower accident, echoing Byakuya’s whole deal - elegant, aloof, as coldly impersonal and implacable as a force of nature! This is sick as hell! 
Only who’s his opponent? Oh yeah, Ichigo. The kid who turned himself into a hollow 
And what do hollows do? Oh yeah they eat reishi
Ichigo’s bankai - fitting in with his whole deal THEMATICALLY as well as VISUALLY - should’ve been eating other people’s bankais.
This would’ve been:
1. thematically poignant - he has this unstoppable power at the cost of his humanity, and now has to struggle to defeat his enemies without losing himself, becoming a cannibal and eating them as well as their swords! 
2. Narratively satisfying - his enemies in canon ALREADY become his allies whenever he defeats them, classic shonen style; this would be mirrored in the act of him literally absorbing their powers to bolster his own! 
Byakuya, the symbol of Seireitei, the cold, dogmatic institution that took Rukia away to be executed without question, versus Ichigo: the rough, untutored nobody, the animal clawing at the gates of heaven, a beast that will break all boundaries for the love of a friend. This fight should’ve been the unification of Hichigo, and they should’ve eaten Byakuya’s little lightshow whole 
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
The Ichigo vs Byakuya Bankai Fight had to be so goddamn funny from Byakuya's pov.
Man was just trying to do his duty and not only does this orange-headed kid keep coming back and refusing to die but now he's got bankai?? It's been 3 days?? And then, if that's not bad enough, the kid has some kind of psychotic break in the middle of them trying to kill each other, shrugs it off, and then actually manages to win.
Like, no wonder Byakuya just walked off afterward.
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lunaneko14 · 4 months
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Here some IchiRuki or delusional Rukia fans showing their stupidity in pitting Rukia vs Orihime.
Captain vs Can't Cook: stupid argument. Rukia did become a Captain but Hime can't cook, not true. She can cook and the main issue with her is her food combinations. She lives alone so she knows how to cook. Kubo-sensei never said she can't cook, he said she has unusual food combinations.
Hime never graduated from High School, that's false. She graduated high school but unfortunately, university is out of her hands since her distant relatives can only support her till HS hence she has to work after HS. Rukia finished early from Shiho Academy thanks to Byakuya's machinations, not because she's a genius like Hitsugaya or Gin.
Orange Hair = Naruto? Are these guys fucking morons, Naruto's hair is blonde but his color theme is orange since he was based from Son Goku. So, based on their logic, both Orihime and Ichigo are similar to Naruto since they have both orange colored hair. Again fucking morons. Rukia beautiful, to them mostly but correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember Kubo-sensei using characters or a character to reference on Rukia's beauty. Her zanpakuto, yes, Byakuya did refer to that. Orihime is not beautiful, Kubo-sensei disagreed with them. He referenced her beauty using the folks from Rukongai, her underclassmen, Loly and Menoly, and Ichigo's own younger sister, Karin.
Well, this post didn't get the reaction it wanted since many people pushed back about it. These morons don't understand that pitting Rukia vs Hime will hurt Rukia's reputation more than Hime's. Rukia is more likeable than Sakura but her fanatic morons are destroying her reputation. Me personally had no issues with Rukia but her fanatics are causing me to hate her.
Anyways, I do understand why Kubo-sensei reacted to these morons the way he did.
P.S. - The latest Bleach Musical is about the Arrancar Arc and Kubo-sensei had a picture with the cast. Also, Ichigo and Orihime's JP VAs had their pictures taken with the actor and actress who portrayed Ichigo and Orihime respectively.
These are the same people that burned their Bleach manga volumes because Ichigo ended up with Orihime which is more bat shit than NaruSaku so I’m not surprised.
I really don’t know why Rukia not being a pedo is so controversial.
Plus Rukia and Orihime are the best written female characters out of Bleach and Naruto. At least Orihime acts like a teenager throughout until she matures with her trauma unlike Sakura who stays thirsty for Sasuke without thinking of what to do to end the WAR. So there’s no need in comparing Rukia and Orihime because they both have their purpose in the story and both help save Ichigo
Everything else I agree, just because a food combination is weird doesn’t mean it’s bad. Like you said, you’d think it would be common sense for a child that LIVES ALONE to know how to cook. If anything, Ichigo should be worse in the kitchen because his sisters cook everything for him.
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bleached-socks · 1 year
The Final Round of the Seireitei Sexyman Tournament: WHO WILL WIN?
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It’s been such an incredible tournament with a lot of delays, but now it is time for the final round, winner takes all.
In one corner, we have Captain Shunsui Kyoraku, a longtime member of the 13 Court Guard Squads. His laidback and sexy ways have captured the hearts of many throughout the Seireitei.
In the other corner, we have Lieutenant Renji Abarai, a relatively new Soul Reaper who has only recently made it to Lieutenant. His incredible physique and numerous tattoos make him quite a catch.
And now it is time to final find out…
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Results from the previous rounds:
Round Four Results:
1. Shunsui Kyoraku (59.8%) vs. Sosuke Aizen (40.2%)
2. Renji Abarai (53.6%) vs. Byakuya Kuchiki (45.4%)
Round Three Results:
1. Shunsui Kyoraku (68.5%) vs. Shinji Hirako (31.5%)
2. Kenpachi Zaraki (37.1%) vs. Sosuke Aizen (62.9%)
3. Renji Abarai (52.3%) vs. Jushiro Ukitake (47.7%)
4. Byakuya Kuchiki (66.5%) vs. Yumichika Ayasegawa (33.5%)
Round Two Results:
1. Shunsui Kyoraku (83.6%) vs. Kaname Tosen (16.4%)
2. Isshin Kurosaki (40.8%) vs. Shinji Hirako (59.2%)
3. Kenpachi Zaraki (55.8%) vs. Izuru Kira (44.2%)
4. Sosuke Aizen (68.9%) vs. Rojuro "Rose" Otoribashi (31.1%)
5. Kisuke Urahara (47.5%) vs. Renji Abarai (52.5%)
6. Kensei Muguruma (25.9%) vs. Jushiro Ukitake (74.1%)
7. Gin Ichimaru (39.7%) vs. Byakuya Kuchiki (60.3%)
8. Yumichika Ayasegawa (65.5%) vs. Ikkaku Madarame (34.5%)
Round One Results:
1. Shunsui Kyoraku (97.9%) vs. Marechiyo Omaeda (2.1%)
2. Hachigen Ushoda (19.4%) vs. Kaname Tosen (80.6%)
3. Isshin Kurosaki (80.3%) vs. Tetsuzaemon Iba
4. Mayuri Kurotsuchi (29.3%) vs. Shinji Hirako
5. Kenpachi Zaraki (92.2%) vs. Zennosuke Kurumadani (7.8%)
6. Izuru Kira (70.9%) vs. Tessai Tsukabishi (29.1%)
7. Sosuke Aizen (76.4%) vs. Ryuunosuke Yuki (23.6%)
8. Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto (18.4%) vs. Rojuro "Rose" Otoribashi (81.6%)
9. Kisuke Urahara (96.2%) vs. Sentaro Kotsubaki (3.8%)
10. Kaien Shiba (31.7%) vs. Renji Abarai (68.3%)
11. Kensei Muguruma (67%) vs. Chojiro Sasakibe (33%)
12. Jushiro Ukitake (58.7%) vs. Ichigo Kurosaki (41.3%)
13. Love Aikawa (13.1%) vs. Gin Ichimaru (86.9%)
14. Byakuya Kuchiki (52%) vs. Shuhei Hisagi (48%)
15. Yumichika Ayasegawa (78.2%) vs. Hanataro Yamada (21.8%)
16. Sajin Komamura (42.1%) vs. Ikkaku Madarame (57.9%)
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troius · 9 months
Bouncing off your Ichigo being sidelined discussion (which, yes, where's he been this whole arc?) One thing that really made TYBW suffer imo was the lack of inner character insight from the main squad, Ichigo and Uryu (poor boy got practically offscreened in an arc about his own people) especially, given that the supposed rift between them is meant to carry the Karakura gang side of things and only got /one/ quick scene (and where, i think, the arc being cut short suffers). Where Hueco Mundo managed to balance both Ichigo/Orihime/the Six Hearts gang, their issues and give them a narrative to follow and spent time with them and gave them genuinely compelling moments (the Lust mini arc centered around Ichigo/Orihime/Uryu/Ulquiorra remains, imo, the very best writing Kubo did, it had great art, genuinely compelling writing, good fighting and interpersonal relationships between Ichigo and the three of them, and kept us hooked because we /care/ about these characters and the despair they're going through), and made room for the SS Captains without them being overwhelming (Mayuri/Szayel was tedious, I'll give you that), TYBW really became a Shinigami fest (the extended time spent on characters like Mayuri (two fights, restores everyone's bankai, gets "closure" with Nemu and conveniently zero repercussion for his crimes against the quincies) Shunsui, Urahara and Zaraki (also two very lenghty fights) which yielded, ultimately, not all that much in terms of meaty character development and relied on a lot of convenience/deus ex machina/plot armour, and feels unsatisfying when you're waiting to get back to Ichigo and the squad where the emotional crux of the arc lies (Yhwach killed his mother & Uryu's mother, and it yields... also very little), the arc, despite being super long also did extremely little in developping the Quincies (aside perhaps from Jugram and Bazz, and even that was limited. Uryu suffered the most for it imo, but I guess showing any hint of inner conflict with him would have gone against what Kubo tried to pull with him, the anime also cut out his exchange with Jugram, where Jugram spells out for him that the blood ritual has essentially trapped him on Yhwach's side and Uryu being clearly horrified by it & Uryu's reaction to Yhwach asking him why he's alive), and dropped the ball big time on the main characters we *should* be invested in (poor poor Chad tbh). It's a shame, when you see what Kubo /can/ do with a contained story like Everything but the Rain; which had heart and character development, and made us care about Masaki/Isshin/Ryuken and Katagiri because what limited stuff we were given was actually compelling, and we're already attached to both of their kids and the friendship between them. The Gerard Valkyrie fight goes on for just as long as ebtr, features the three most popular captains, but has none of that heart (and a lot of plot convenience), which is why people bemoan it so much.
It's pretty telling that even anime fans last cour were clamoring for Ichigo to come back after episodes of mere cameos from him, but also nice to see that while Mayuri/Byakuya/Zaraki and co are popular, *Ichigo* is the one who remains the heart of the story, the nexus that pulls together the Shinigami, his gang of friends and the audience. Given that animation can oft make what feels long and tedious in manga (Gremmy vs Zaraki was one ep in anime vs going on forever in manga), the Pernida/Lille stuff should hopefully not last beyond 2/+1/2eps. With all the talk about Cour 3 having a lot of addition, I'm crossing my fingers the anime will spend more time with Ichigo/those close to him (*cough* and the dad squad) in the next parts! Visual fights are nice and all, but character relationships, conflict and depth are, ultimately, far more compelling and memorable than any Cgi flashing swordfight and brute strenght boost can do, there's a reason ppl remember the Ulquiorra stuff on the dome as the pinnacle of Bleach, and not, say, Zaraki vs Gremmy. While I'm not expecting a Lust arc round 2, if the anime team takes their time, I'm hoping the ultimate Ichigo (&co)/Yhwach showdown to be reworked into something just as compelling.
Lol I feel kinda guilty posting this because there's not much to say in response. Get yourself a Tumblog anon, otherwise I'll get all the credit for your meta!
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exo-raskreia · 2 months
Do you think Cour 3 and 4 will give Rukia anything ?
My ideas would be for her to get something emotional with Ukitake , because they've not interacted for the entire arc , and when they finally do , he's about to sacrifice himself
And his death , it falls flat like a pancake , as Kubo treats it like it's just another plot point , we don't even know that Ukitake's dead until the very end of the series
I'd also want for Rukia to have a little team up with Byakuya and Toshiro against that Bottom Bargain Thor
Because again , Kubo's such a hack and fraud , why aren't your Kuchiki siblings and ice users not teaming up ?
Kubo wipes off Rukia and mostly everyone else of the board because he just didn't know what to do with them , really , for that week when he was writing and drawing the chapter , it was blatantly clear he just didn't have any real ideas and so went with the easy way out
And I mean , if Bottom Bargain Thor is such a strong opponent , shouldn't you want him to face more people ? 1 against many ? Especially with how huge he gets
There was no reason for Kubo to clear so many characters off the board other than his pure laziness and lack of ideas , when really all he had to do was simply let your characters use their abilities , Rukia doesn't even get to use hers since her fight with As Nodt
Lastly , I'd want to of course see Rukia with Ichigo in the final fight against Yhwach , as it was promised infamously by Urahara , which to this day , are still his final words in the series
So curious on if the new anime will keep that in or cut it right out , or worse , change him saying Ichigo & Rukia , to Ichigo and Orihime
I have so many ideas on how the final fight could go , but it would take me quite a while to write them all out
The main points would be , what can anybody even do against Rukia's absolute zero ? Maybe Yamamoto’s bankai , but Rukia’s power is to actually control / lower the temperature , so couldn’t she just lower the temperature / heat of his flames ?
Yhwach also mainly uses his almighty to break people's swords , how can you break Rukia's when she can obviously reform it with ice , as she does in her fight against Aaroniero
The real question should be , what can Ichigo even do against Yhwach when he enters that final fight with only a third of his powers ?
He had both his Hollow and Quincy before , now he only has his Shinigami side , surely he can beat Yhwach now
Tbh, I don't know. I don't watch the TYBW anime adaptation & don't have any particular hopes for it to fix anything. There's just a bunch of plot holes in this arc (Bl3ach in general 🙄) & underdeveloped characters that the cop-out ending left in its wake 😮‍💨.
It's a crime that Rukia was sidelined in the final arc. She never did anything significant after her bankai. She should've been beside Ichigo against Ywach, NOT Ori, who was treated like a ragdoll by Ywach, was more hindrance than help to Ichigo, & couldn't even encourage him! As if Rukia would've ever told Ichigo, "You can't fight anymore" !!!
She definitely should've had a moment with Ukitake, who should've lived imo. We never even saw him fight 💀.
Who knows if they'll remove Urahara's cryptic words about IchiRuki. It's a huge plot hole, so either they'll keep the scene as is with no elaboration (and we'll witness Bl3ach burn again), remove it, or keep it but actually give us the IchiRuki tag team we deserved. Ichigo vs Ywach, the final boss fight of Bl3ach, was an entire circus. Worst final boss fight I've seen in a battle shounen 💀. The IR tag team could save it, but that would mean the atrocious conclusion to the series would have to be fixed. They'd have to fill in the other plot holes too, no? I don't wanna have any expectations on that, tho.
Wish Ichigo had seen Rukia's bankai 😫. Remember how impressed he was when he first saw her shikai? He couldn't stop staring 😭. Imagine when he sees her bankai 😩.
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That Thor fight never had a conclusion, did it? Just another plot hole that I don't know if the anime will fix. I personally enjoyed the Kenpachi, Byakuya, & Hitsugaya team up 🙃. It would be cool to see our fav ice users team up for something, tho.
Anyway, I'm only looking forward to seeing clips of older Hitsugaya & the GrimmNel scenes 😅.
Sorry for the late reply!
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bleachbleachbleach · 3 months
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[Bleach 093]
For the whole scene, Ikkaku has been refusing to divulge any information about Ichigo to Mayuri/denying (perhaps to an obtuse extent) that he has any.
Why is Ikkaku so adamant in his refusal? Some options:
strange chivalrous loyalty to Ichigo
While I don't think this is the primary driver, I think an element of this is there. Ikkaku's a man with a code (a code capacious enough to include both a Lucky Dance and somewhat elaborate protocols for what the defeated should be subject to/what they should offer).
division loyalties supercede deference to rank
Mayuri is a captain and Ikkaku is not; but Mayuri's not his captain and, moreover, Mayuri blew a hole in the wall to get in here, for some reason. In this chapter, we see Gotei Divisions interacting across each other for the first time across rank--the 11th vs. the 12th, 3rd seat vs. Captain. It makes me wonder in what contexts officers are required/expected to respect higher-ranking officers in any division, haha. Usually I write that deference as being the default (to their face, at least), but I'm also kind of amused by the idea that unless they've officially been assigned as your commanding officer for a joint mission, or you're in their house (Unohana at the 4th, for example), or if they're responding to an issue that is already inter-division (since Hitsugaya gets to arrest Hinamori and Kira)--outside of these delineated and specific contexts all bets are off, ahaha.
Not that I think Ikkaku and Mayuri would be good candidates for a normative/representative interaction of any kind, because, well, they're Ikkaku and Mayuri.
Mayuri is a weird freak
I say that with affection, though Ikkaku doesn't. I was really interested in these panels, because we see Mayuri treating Nemu like less than garbage, and Ikkaku reacting to this with pensive silence. We're learning about Mayuri and Nemu's relationship, but Ikkaku is part of the spread, too--his reaction is also important, and I think it layers onto general division rapport and makes Ikkaku's response to Mayuri personal as well as professional. Ikkaku ultimately feels some type of vaguely encouraging way about Ichigo and his harebrained infiltration scheme, and he later has an easy back and forth with Yachiru. The Mayuri and Nemu vibes are off, and Ikkaku ain't about it. (Though he doesn't go so far as to say anything about it--in contrast, for example, to Hinamori vs. Byakuya, re: Renji.)
Zaraki, actually
I think all of these strains are important and interesting, but when Zaraki shows up they all slot into their places and their places are subordinate to this one: All the info is for Zaraki, and Ichigo is for Zaraki, and Ikkaku is, before all else, for Zaraki.
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year
Ichigo; Bleach Whump Shinigami Arc and Soul Society Arc
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Bount Arc (S4-S5) Arrancar Arc (S6-S8) Zanpakuto - Arrancar Finale Arcs (S9-S14)
Agent of the Shinigami Arc
1x01 The Day I Became a Shinigami - Fighting his dad, sad, freaked out, paralyzed, angry 1x03 The Older Brother's Wish, the Younger Sister's Wish - Blasted out of a window, knocked down, unconscious, bloody forehead 1x04 Cursed Parakeet - Beaten up (flashback) 1x05 Beat the Invisible Enemy! - Ragdoll real body, panic 1x06 Fight to the Death! Ichigo vs. Ichigo - Kicked and punched multiple times, panic 1x07 Greetings from a Stuffed Lion - Shoulder sliced, bleeding, hanging off a building, terrorized by stuffed animal, reliving trauma, depressed, emotional pain 1x08 June 17, Memories in the Rain - Trauma, angry, depressed, emotional collapse 1x09 Unbeatable Enemy - Engulfed by a hollow, stabbed through the chest, badly bruised, impaled, emotional, collapse, unconscious 1x10 Assault on Trip at Sacred Ground - Restrained, forced out of his body, limp body, trapped by Hollow 1x12 A Gentle Right Arm - Panic 1x14 Back to Back, a Fight to the Death! - Kicked, flown to the round, bloody forehead, exhausted, collapse, dying 1x16 Encounter, Renji Abarai! - Stabbed in the shoulder multiple times, pain, bleeding 1x17 Ichigo Dies! - Stabbed multiple times, collapse, unconscious, mass bleeding, weak, heartbroken, held down, dying, bandaged, pain, knocked down 1x18 Reclaim! The Power of the Shinigami! - Knocked out of his body, weak, hard to breathe, punched, kicked, huge fall, restrained 1x19 Ichigo Becomes a Hollow! - Extreme pain, falling from a great height 1x20 Gin Ichimaru's Shadow - Bleeding forehead, exhausted, body collapse
Soul Society: The Sneak Entry Arc
2x01 / Ep 22 The Man Who Hates Shinigami - Knocked back, bloody mouth, knocked to the ground, head pain, kicked 2x02 / Ep 23 14 Days Before Rukia's Execution - Trampled, cat scratch, bleeding, pain, punched/kicked multiple times, tickled???, knocked to the ground by fire, scared, collapse 2x03 / Ep 24 Assemble! The 13 Divisions - Punched to the ground, headlock, exhausted, spirit energy gotten out of control, blows up 2x05 / Ep 25 Penetrate the Center with an Enormous Bombshell? - Passed out (flashback) 2x06 / Ep 26 Formation! The Worst Tag - Head sliced, shoulder and arm sliced, a lot of bleeding 2x07 / Ep 27 Release the Death Blow! - Knocked to the ground, unconscious, bleeding 2x10 / Ep 30 Renji's Confrontation - Knocked into the wall, bleeding forehead 2x11 / Ep 31 The Resolution to Kill - Serious bleeding, slowly passing out, shoulder sliced twice, bleeding worse 2x14 / Ep 34 Yoake no Sangeki - Collapse, passes out, serious bleeding, dying, extreme pain, knocked out, spooky hollow mask appearance 2x15 / Ep 35 Aizen Assassinated! The Darkness Which Appears - Bloody forehead and pain (flashback) 2x16 / Ep 36 Zaraki Kenpachi, semaru! - Overwhelmed, exhausted, impaled, bleeding hand 2x17 / Ep 37 Motive of the Fist - Beaten up (flashback) 2x18 / Ep 38 Desperation! The Broken Zangetsu - Exhausted, impaled, serious bleeding, dies 2x19 / Ep 39 The Immortal Man - Man vs self (5head), face sliced, impaled, bleeding, collapse, unconscious 2x20 / Ep 40 The Shinigami whom Ganju Met - Weak, bleeding out, unconscious 2x21 / Ep 41 Reunion, Ichigo and Rukia - Weak, bandaged, extreme pain, spooky hollow mask appearance, bleeding
Soul Society: The Rescue Arc
3x01 / Ep 42 Yoruichi, Goddess of Flash, Dances! - wounds stabbed, bleeding, knocked out, weak, collapse, pain 3x04 / Ep 45 Overcome Your Limits! - Explosion/knocked back, bleeding forehead, chest sliced, collapse 3x06 / Ep 47 The Avengers- Bitch slapped into a wall, face sliced 3x10 / Ep 51 Morning of the Sentence - Bleeding 3x11 / Ep 52 Renji, Oath of the Soul! Death Match with Byakuya - Sliced in the shoulder, bleeding, exhausted 3x13 / Ep 54 An Accomplished Oath! Get back Rukia! - Bandaged, badass 3x16 / Ep 58 Unseal! The Black Blade, the Miraculous Power - Hit by powerful blast, bleeding all over his body 3x17 / Ep 59 Conclusion of the Death Match! White Pride and Black Desire - Sliced shoulder and cheek, bleeding, stabbed in the foot, blasted through the chest, paralyzed, turns into a hollow, extreme pain, stabbed, bleeding, emotional scream, nausea 3x19 / Ep 61 Aizen Stands! Horrible Ambitions - Being carried, almost sliced in half, unconscious, bleeding out, manipulated 3x21 / Ep 63 Rukia's Resolution, Ichigo's Feelings - Punched in the face, bloody nose
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ultraridernexus · 1 year
BLEACH Song analysis
Been listening to the track 'Everything I've Lost' since its debut in the TYBW Anime and I think it's a fantastic song to be used in context for the characters of Hirako Shinji and Kuchiki Byakuya It's a song about reflecting on what one has lost over the years, and all the mistakes they've made that helped them learn to be better In Shinji's case, it's reflecting on his life during and after the 'Turn Back the Pendulum' sections of the story and how he is able to come back to the Gotei 13 after everything. But when the Byakuya vs Pepe fight played this song again, it takes on a new meaning, it becomes a song about himself reflecting on his personal losses, namely, the death of his wife; Kuchiki Hisana
"If ever you hear this, my words are for you" Can be read like he's talking to Hisana
"I heard people say that you got to be cruel to be kind (oh, yeah) And at the time my world came crashing down" You can read this as him reflecting on how he felt deep down when she passed and how it changed him as a person for a while
"Everything I lost When I, I lost you Made me feel that I would never recover"
Again, his mindset between his wife's death and the end of the Soul Society Arc
"Now my life has changed And I found someone new And I would give anything just to thank you (yeah)"
The first line is him showing his growth as a person after he faced Ichigo and found the ability to love and care for his own sister in a more healthy way
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