#icons why don’t we
indelicateink · 4 months
as an american, sam reid’s total inability to hide his contempt for overly fake-chipper american journalists, especially ones who Have Not Done The Assigned Reading know and care about the show, will never not be hilarious and iconic to me
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bangtan boys in turtlenecks (10/??) ↳ cr. 0613data, dwellingsouls | bonus striped sope for @raplinenthusiasts:
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lesbians4armand · 1 year
tommy is so girlcoded. female hysteria as a man. eldest daughter trauma. weird psychosexual relationship with father/father figures and parallels. manipulated for his appearance and sexuality. its a thought
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akkivee · 1 month
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minijenn · 16 days
Anyway wouldn’t it be super fucked up if the Mystery Kids were never actually referred to as such in New UF? Wouldn’t that be funny?
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Concept: ST5 promo slowly revealing things over the next year that basically indicates they lied about a bunch of things.
First this new character announcement, despite saying there would be no new characters (the first lie). Next thing you know there’s gonna be some cryptic promo about a birthday, and everyone will be confused like WTF?? Then they’ll do an interview and laugh audibly over a question about the birthday debacle and be like ‘you guys actually believed we don’t rewatch our show??’… Then we’ll get something that indicates Mike was lying in his monologue, with even just the most subtle side joke about it…
Aka Friends don’t lie coming full circle with the creators @ their audience in real time 😭
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atopvisenyashill · 11 months
This Is How I Can Still Win: How The Penroses Are Related to House Targaryen
SO. In case you don’t remember - you probably don’t, it’s a throwaway line and likely just George retconning and not doing it on purpose - Jeor Mormont misremembers Aelinor Penrose as being Aerys I’s sister instead of her cousin. Here’s the quote, from Jon I in A Clash of Kings:
"No, this was Aerys the First. The one Robert deposed was the second of that name.” “How long ago was this?” “Eighty years or close enough,” the Old Bear said, “and no, I still hadn’t been born, though Aemon had forged half a dozen links of his maester’s chain by then. Aerys wed his own sister, as the Targaryens were wont to do, and reigned for ten or twelve years."
Potentially, this means that Aelinor has ~the Valyrian look~ and that’s why Jeor got them mixed up. But when you look at the information surrounding the Penroses that existed in this era, it looks a little wonky because of this line from The Mystery Knight:
"At the crossing of the Mandel, he cut down the sons of Lady Penrose one by one. They say he spared the life of the youngest one as a kindness to his mother."
So how can Elaena marry Ronnel, Lord of the Parchments, only have one son, yet Quentyn Ball slew all of “Lady Penrose’s” sons? How is Aelinor related to the Penroses and the Targaryens? What woman of Targaryen blood would marry into this random ass house in the middle of Stormlands? Why was it so important to retcon Aelinor from a sister into a cousin? Well - let’s have a think about what other houses have recent Valyrian blood…we have some female lines after all…perhaps even Targaryen women that married into politically active houses, who would love to marry back into the main branch again…I wonder who that could be…..Oh what’s that? Is that-
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Allow me to spin two family trees for you, one where Rhaena’s daughter marries into the Penroses, and one where Baela’s daughter marries into the Penroses:
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(pls applaud me for the amount of math i did for this very unserious post!) green is a romantic/marriage line, black is a parental relationship.
I am noting that this would mean Alyssa (I made her name up btw, mostly because I thought it would piss Daemon off to have a Hightower named after his beloved mother) gives birth at around 34, which is a perfectly reasonable age to have a child at, and Laena gives birth at like 40, which is definitely a lil risky! BUT there’s plenty of time for Laena to have other children, and for a second born son to have had a child at that same age, so if you think it’s a stretch for Laena to have a kid at 40 (perfectly fair) just pretend there’s a son there named “Roland” or something as Aelinor’s dad and Laena’s second born.
Now, FIRST OF ALL, this makes the cousin thing make sense, but also it makes it deeply funny - Aelinor is Aerys’ great aunt’s granddaughter. That’s a close enough relationship that you would consider them a cousin but it’s also the exact relationship Robert has to Rhaegar (because Rhaegar is Robert’s great uncle’s grandson). Both Aerys and Robert avoiding incest/kinslaying on a technicality lol.
But SECOND OF ALL. Do you know what makes me absolutely fucjing feral about this. Alyn Velaryon is messing around with a woman so much younger than him. That she marries his GRANDSON. because SHE IS THE SAME AGE AS HIS GRANDSON. i feel like george is weird enough to do the Baela scenario too.
And LASTLY OF ALL. Notice there’s plenty of time for Alyssa/Laena aka Lady Penrose after she’s married, to have several sons for Quentyn Ball to slay on the Redgrass Field, including Elaena’s husband, Ronnel himself, and for Elaena’s son, Robin Penrose, to inherit the seat afterwards. It also means, since it’s mentioned that Elaena married Michael Manwoody soon after her second husband died, that the two of them got a long time together. Why is this important? Because Michael Manwoody was her marriage for love and I want Elaena to have been with him for a long time.
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This scenario gives her like 9 years with Ronnel (kinda sad, their kids don’t get to know their dad very long) and a minimum of 15 years with Michael Manwoody, who is apparently not the step dad but the dad that stepped up.
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kwop-kilawtley · 2 years
Imagine having a nightmare the day before your wedding of a pile of your friends & family dead cuz your soon-to-be husband killed them. Bella pretending she does not see it 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
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princehatterene · 5 months
everyday i mourn the red wings’ old goal horn
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munamania · 25 days
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slytherinshua · 2 months
old jk solos >>> new jk solos
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reputayswift · 10 months
new icon?! I gasped…
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galiccfinds · 1 year
does anyone know any mod that makes the live bar on tumblr disappear cuz i’m already so done with this ugly thing
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amorcie · 4 months
Oh right, this is reminding me—we’ve been listening to Heathers West End a bit to see how different it was from Broadway, and while we *do* have a favorite, WE really isn’t as bad as we’ve heard some people say it was?
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clawsextended · 5 months
me, lying as always: i’m gonna wait to reply until i make some new icons.
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castelled-away · 2 years
I will forever miss Elena’s wild hair
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Also this episode was problematic af bc of making the pixie inside her be the reason for her clumsy behaviour & turning her “normal” at the end. Like wtf as if all that were a bad thing. ITS NOT. Our society just has shitty & unreasonable ideals that we need to stop. Don’t dehumanise clumsy people just bc they don’t fit into that stupid standard of elegant princess. Don’t judge anyone’s food preferences, it’s none of your damn business & if someone wanted your opinion they would have asked for it. Don’t bully people that don’t want to conform to beauty standards bc that’s again their decision. Also don’t attack people who do comply with certain beauty standards bc again it’s not your decision. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder anyways & the only important beholder of one’s own beauty is yourself, bitch. Fucking love yourself, you more than deserve it.
Sorry for the rant! What I wanted to say was: Elena is cute & funny & pretty & so relatable like woah I love her
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