#id be fine with the shape if it was even. etc
vanweezer · 5 months
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pre haircut
they them
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kiatheinsomniac · 1 year
hi kiaa!! i hope youre doing good and school is going good too :) dont overwork yourself pls girl 😩❤️
since requests are open i figured id come and request something!! how would the assassins (altair, ezio, connor, arno, and jacob) react to the reader being extremely sick? how would they take care of the reader? would they be scared of catching the sickness? etc etc. ❤️
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☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: yeee, uni's been fine! i'm done until september now so all I really have to do is pray I've passed all my modules (looking at you, spanish and latin american culture and italian history) and do my summer reading for next year's modules <3 and i make sure to never overwork myself on my blog! i really like what i do here anyway so i can manage lots of writing hehe 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: altaïr, ezio, connor, arno, jacob 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: very slight angst in Jacob's part
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。・:*˚:✧。 altaïr ibn-la'ahad
♡ Altaïr takes a break from his work to look after you. When he knows you'll do alright on your own for a while, he'll go out to train for a few hours to stay in shape but that and cooking meals for you are the only times he'll be leaving your side.
♡ he'll do everything he can to keep your temperature normal whether it's tenderly wiping down your body with a cool, damp cloth while another is folded over your forehead or he's having to bundle you up with blankets while he spoon feeds you, he'll stay by your side to keep you company and will be reading books while you rest.
。・:*˚:✧。ezio auditore
♡ Ezio brings in whatever doctors he can find to look after you but he'll be hovering around in the meantime to make sure they're treating you well and being careful (he'll honestly treat you like you're made of glass).
♡ he'll stay by your side for as long as possible and even if he has to leave you in Claudia's or a doctor's care for the day, he's in the kitchen in the evening cooking meals that Maria taught him to make and then sitting on the edge of your bed to feed them to you while he asks how you've been and he tells you about his day.
。・:*˚:✧。ratonhnaké:ton | connor kenway
♡ Ratonhnhaké:ton will treat you himself for as much is in his ability to before he goes into town to call out a doctor to see you. He'll diligently follow any perscriptions that you're given and he'll put almost everything on hold to look after you. He grew up without a father, he lost his mother and his whole village - he's not going to lose you too.
♡ he'll make sure you get enough fresh air, enough water, enough to eat. He'll be making herbal concoctions for you to help you heal faster. He just wants to see you better again.
。・:*˚:✧。 arno dorian
♡ he calls in the best doctors he can right away. He doesn't want to leave your side and he'll take some time away from the brotherhood is he has to. He'll cook for you, light meals like soups or stews that are easier for you to eat in your current state.
♡ he'll read to you but he keeps his distance a little. He doesn't want the both of you to get sick because then he won't be able to look after you.
。・:*˚:✧。 jacob frye
♡ Jacob's never really been good at the caretaker role. Even when he was younger and Evie was ill, their father was the one to look after her while he was just left to his own devices. Jacob would always notice that he didn't receive the same level of emotional care from his father when he fell ill though.
♡ so, he calls in a doctor/nurse and follows all the instructions they give him to look after you. He doesn't care if he gets ill too, he'll cuddle with you and chat with you and he'll even sing quietly to you while cooling your forehead with a damp cloth or bundling you up in blankets. He'll basically care for you in every way he's advised and then in every way he noticed Evie got but he didn't from their father but he always wanted. He doesn't want you to feel the way he did.
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preciadosbass · 1 month
11/8/24 [PARAGRAPH 3 & 4!!! — draft from sunday. key & significant photo/s at end]
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woke up at 10:20 and made myself breakfast. i ate it outside with boris in the sun and tried my best to be productive while being on my phone [e.g, make a fursona/oc/journal entry etc.] but failed miserably. i just scrolled on tiktok and saved a few videos i could use for outfit inspiration. i went back inside after 30+ minutes, got dressed [skinless shirt, dark cargo jorts + matching bracelets consisting of spiked cuffs and band bracelets, motorbike socks] and looked up a couple can tab bracelet tutorials. i know that i don’t have enough for the particular design i want to make, but i’m getting there. my dad’s sister, my aunt, has multiple pepsis a day and has been collecting can tabs for me.
i went back next door with my sister after giving up on the bracelet for the moment and saying goodbye to boris. when i arrived i just sat on my own while my sister went on the swings. a group of girls my age walked past and laughed at me and after a few minutes i got called over with the other kids to make a keyring. i honestly much preferred that but i think the staff thought i was a part of the actual camp anyways so i don’t think i had much choice either way. i picked out a star shaped template and a blue floral sticker to go on it. i stuck it on, but couldn’t cut around the star completely — so i put it in my bag for another time at home where i can use one of those tiny knives to carve all the imperfections out.
once id done i went back over to the bouncy castle. this time round, only 8 people were allowed on it at a time and this younger girl was being really bratty about it, as in acting like she owned the place, which was odd, because yesterday it was fine and nothing bad happened. but kids are just like that. she kept on going around to people and launching herself onto them, she also decided to boot me over and over again on my bruised shin which was fun 😭. i tried telling her we don’t even know eachother and ive just been sitting there but she didn’t care. she kicked me and almost everyone else off using her sister that was my age so i got off and just sat beside it while people watching.
the same member of staff from the keyrings sat next to me and just exclaimed ‘panic! at the disco?’ — reffering to my panic! band bracelet. i nodded and she started speaking about liking that type of music too. more when she was younger, but she’s still into it, she said. she took out her phone and started asking me if i’ve been to see any live bands. i told her about me seeing the mcr + fall out boy tributes, pierce the veil, cavalera conspiracy, and my upcoming concerts. [slipknot, falling in reverse, possibly the tributes again but idk was its the day before fir]. she started speaking about how she has family in scotland and therefor goes to festivals there a lot and then casually says she’s seen fall out boy 4+ TIMES??? i literally could’ve curled up and died right there and then after hearing that come out of her mouth.
she also spoke to me about seeing slipknot 20 years ago, and then she showed me one of her friends instagram pages. then she came out with that that friend, has another friend, who is the sibling of someone from PIERCE THE VEIL?? WHAT THE FUCK. i was so taken aback but she unfortunately couldn’t remember what their name was because they were told years ago now — and she couldn’t find pictures of them together despite trying as the friend is a concert photographer and it’s importable to sort through the thousands of photos.
i out of interest asked if she’d seen linkin park and she said she did at milton keynes in 2008?? with jayZ?? RAAA. i got told that everyone was leaving in 30 minutes so i stayed speaking to her until people started loading themselves onto their coach and i set off for home. it was really cool speaking to that woman and its a shame i’ll probably never see her again or get to know any more info. although it was awesome meeting someone like me that was quite a lot older. when i got home i fussed boris on the driveway and had a 20 minute nap before leaving for my other aunts house [6pm]. i said goodbye to boris, and on the way to the car, my dad showed me this injured butterfly. it was a shame because it looked so young. i held it and then placed it onto a bush before leaving. [photo at end]
since the concert, i’ve been listening to the setlist on repeat. so i obviously did even more on the way to my aunts, although the drive is really short. once i got there i stayed in the living room for a bit and greeted the family of mine that was there. there was only my grandad, his fiancé, my aunt + uncle, and one of my cousins girlfriends there. that cousin in question is on holiday, the other moved out, and the other also moved out. i didn’t really know what to speak about and my parents sparked a conversation between the others anyway so i went to see what my sister was up to. she was playing fnaf security breach so i watched her.
i had my phone out ready to record her getting jumpscared and i caught a video of her doing exactly that over moondrop. i’m surprised that i’ve never watched anyone play security breach before even though i was really excited when it came out. i don’t usually watch my sister play stuff unless it’s the last of us/the evil within/silent hill at 8:30 i stopped watching jay and went for a walk with my mum, dad, aunt, + grandads fiancé. [+ archie and my aunts dog, charlie.] we couldn’t be too long because charlie has bad diabetes and can’t do much now. we came across one of my aunts friends on our way, she accidentally called me he and didn’t correct herself which made me feel SO euphoric considering i’m not out.
she spoke about lifeguarding or something and once done, we went round to this field i used to always play in as a kid. i went in the park to spark some nostalgia and my dad pushed me on a swing for the first time since i was like 7. we walked for about 40 minutes. once i got back to my aunts i went on pinterest to look at some diys. i saved a photo example of how to make a can tab bracelet, a cardboard minecraft sword, a cardboard coffin shelf, a little fairy/elf house thing made up of pebbles, a cardboard direction sign, a bottlecap tortoise, and a number of other things i dont know how to explain. after i couldnt seem to find anything else, i watched my sister play fnaf a bit more. we had to leave so i stopped and got ready for home at 12.
i don’t really remember what i did when i got home, but it would’ve been the same as always. maybe a small nap, then obviously questions about boris, then i say goodnight to boris. i went to sleep at 3.
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, archie/my family’s dog
have a good day/night O_o
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kthecritter · 3 months
Er hallo!! Im pretty new to the otherkin stuff and you ABSOLUTELY dont have to answer this, but what is a psychological kin? I've seen the term before but not an explanation
I've tried looking up answers but nothing clarifying comes up
Again, you don't have to answer but yknow, thought id try!
(hope you dont mind emoji sign offs :3 i def plan to request a wallpaper/moodboard in the future X3) - 🚧
hi, this is a perfectly fine question! I’m not an expert on this kind of stuff, but I’ll try :)
psychological kins identify with something in a psychological way, such as mentally or behaviourally, and interpret their identity psychologically. this identity can be partial or whole.
the causes for this identification can be due to neurodivergency (such as autism, adhd, etc.), imprinting (when someone spends their time more with animals and thus feel more connected with them), unconscious defence mechanisms (like behaving more animalistic and instinctual due to hardships and trauma when younger, and never really growing out of that mentality), dualism (accepting that humans have a more animalistic side to them, and embracing that aspect and identity), and other reasons.
for me, my identification as being a psychological therian are due to imprinting, neurodiversity, and dualism. I grew up behaving a lot like different animals (specifically dogs), and spent a lot of time engaging with animals and animal related media. this interest (which was probably my first and longest lasting special interest) stayed with me my whole life, and due to my neurodivergency, I struggled to understand and communicate effectively with humans, and would much rather be around animals and nature. this kind of stuff most likely shaped me into realizing I was an alterhuman, and has and will probably continue to stay with me my whole life.
of course, I’m not the sole expert on this subject (I wouldn’t even consider myself an expert), so anyone seeing this can add in any info you see fit. thanks for reading, and I definitely don’t mind emoji send-offs, they’re great :D
- 🐕
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bropunzeling · 7 months
11, 22, 37!
11 Three tropes that are fine but overrated
oh gosh hmm. some of these are gonna come across as hypocritical lmao and also insert a healthy dose of "for me specifically" but: (1) i think soulbond/soulmark tropes can be done well, but mid executions of the trope focus a lot on ~finding~ the person rather than interrogating what it means to have bonds or marks or things of that nature, and leave a lot of interesting nuances about choice and free will and conflict between romantic relationships and other things you might want (career, friendship, autonomy, etc) on the table. i wish more takes on the trope let it be messy! (2) hurt/comfort done well is really fun but when people are just like. aggressively making their little guy sad and pathetic and a poor little meow meow whose never done anything wrong it gets grating. i love a sad guy but i prefer when they're sad because of shit they did to themselves instead of external factors. (3) curtain fic/established relationship stuff can be fun sometimes but like. there still needs to be a smidgen of conflict or growth or change or a shift for me to be interested. there has to be a point imo! even when i write my silly self-indulgent post-fic time stamps its important to me that there's a point to it beyond just "im love them" (though im DO love them)
22 What is it about watching the same two idiots falling in love over and over again?
i think the thing is, there can always be a new dimension to how these two idiots fall in love!!! every story is an opportunity to get at some new nugget of like, how people are, or what it is to be vulnerable and open and willing to risk heartache. with two different people you have so many opportunities to look at different shades and facets of their character. especially with rpf where real life events can shape characterization in real time. The Trade opened up a whole new dimension of matthew that creates new angles to investigate matthew&leon and what it means to fall in love with someone thousands of miles away and who you see even less (or, someday, for my break up/make up agenda)! jamie getting dealt to philly opens up new ways to poke at the jamie/trevor relationship by adding distance and tragedy and the potential of falling for other people! even picking a new trope or time period is just so fun for being like, now how would they be under THESE circumstances? also like, i LOVE flip-flopping who gets to be down bad immediately and who is oblivious because it's not only a fun creative challenge but also just opens up new worlds. idk! there's so many possibilities and so many facets to explore and to me that's delightful.
37 Do you research before writing or while you write? Is it fun or boring for you?
id say i do some up front, just to nail down the broad beats of the story and to minimize how much reworking i have to do later on (or for period type fics, to make sure that i dont introduce plot points that simply cant have happened in that time frame!), and some i do as i go -- for example, for a while there i just HAD the battles of alberta in 21-22 down pat because i was using them so often to shape story beats, but the games in between i had to look up as i went. i also am constantly pulling from new articles or features that offer new bits of characterization i want to use. tbh with the current wip i DO feel very wobbly because i don't have my normal anchors of the schedule/have to make things up, which is simultaneously freeing and hard because it's so much easier for me to write about sports games that really happened than the fake ones im constructing for the narratives 😂. but yeah id say mostly i research as i go!
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Thinking about very specific "Someone Else Lives" aus for OPC and OPD. They're arranged to go together but don't have to...
Anyway here's a ficlet I scribbled to @becauseplot in DMs while thinking about it, that probably makes no sense without context, spoilers for OPD and OPC. Hospital, serious injury, medical needles, etc etc.
Just because I'm thinking about it tonight...
Running in a hospital is not permitted, but that does not mean Kaiser cannot sprint to the reception desk. He signs himself in, the text from Arthur and his passport serving as just adequate ID for a man who speaks no Italian, and is pointed towards the right ward.
It is on the fourth floor; despite everything he does not bother with the lift, instead opting for the stairs. He runs up them, two at a time, clutching the slip of paper with the room number on.
407, 407, 407
It is all he can do to chant the number in his mind, a little sob catching at the idea of Joui being on the fourth floor. He needs to get there - he needed to be there two days ago when Arthur first told him, when he first heard Joui's voice again.
He can't quite… remember that voice, even now, something of the tone failing to stick. There are a lot of things he cannot remember now, but that does not matter - Joui is hurt, perhaps dying, and Kaiser needs to be there.
He can't- He doesn't-
He might have taken twice his usual dose of anxiety pills when he arrived, desperate to just get to Joui on time.
404, 405, 406.. And there, 407.
Knocking is not on Kaiser's mind as he pushes open the door, his full weight against it and causing him to stumble as it easily moves.
The first thing he sees are the machines - so many machines that he does not understand. Some of them beep or hiss, all showing displays. He could read the numbers, if he wanted, but he has no idea how to.
The wires and tubes lead to Joui, lying still on the bed. There is a brace around his neck and a plastic tube down his throat. Most of his face is covered in bandages, the little visible stained by deep bruises. Wires all across his chest, tubes and needles in his body, Arthur sat there holding his hand-
"Joui?" Kaiser stumbles to the bed, and collapses beside it. "Joui, I-"
How long has it been since he last saw Joui? Kaiser has no idea. He doesn't, he can't quite… What mission were they on… It doesn't matter, not really; nobody stops him and so Kaiser carefully picks up the free hand, and holds it too his cheek. "Joui…"
He looks up to Arthur, and finds the rock in the centre of his universe gently crying.
"Arthur?" he asks, his throat catching. "How- What-?"
Arthur shakes his head, shuddering, "he's alive. What- what matters is Kian is contained, and Joui is alive."
Kaiser… is supposed to remember that name.
It's the reason Arthur has been in danger though, the reason his friend is covered in bandages of his own, and has some sort of monitor on a soft cord around his neck. Kaiser can just see the shape of it through his shirt.
His eyes narrow there, and he forgets how to breathe.
"It's okay," Arthur tells him. "I'm okay. Joui… Joui's being looked after, he'll be okay."
"What happened?"
Kaiser remembers… one voicemail, perhaps two? No, far, far more than that, but he can't- No matter what he tries, the details escape him. They were in Rome to… Collect something from a vault.
He doesn't… He was told…
… Joui…
Arthur folds Joui's hand onto his chest, and steps around the bed. He pulls Kaiser into a hug, and Kaiser weeps into his shirt.
He remembers he is scared. Arthur was doing something dangerous - Ivete too - and Kaiser was so, so scared.
"Ivete?" he asks.
"She's with some of the others," Arthur replies. "They split everyone up, but we don't want them to be alone."
Okay, okay, if Ivete is fine…
Kaiser does not drop Joui's hand, but does use his free arm to cling back to Arthur.
After a few moments, Arthur pulls away.
"I need to get something to eat," he replies. "Can you stay with Joui…?"
Kaiser isn't sure he can form words right now, but he nods. He can stay. Of course he can stay.
Arthur pats his shoulder. "I'll be right back."
Kaiser watches him leave, then turns back to Joui. There are things he wants to do or to say, but for now…
For now he holds one minimally bandaged hand to his cheek, and lets the tears scatter down his face.
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open-hangar · 21 days
New Akkadian Lore Yushamin Ep. 22
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باسم الحياة العظيم، عندما نجتمع معًا تحت النجوم اللامتناهية بأيدٍ وقلوبٍ مفتوحة
Name: Ahmad Dawoud
Place of Origin: [REDACTED]
Birth Date: [REDACTED]
Height and Weight: [UNIMPORTANT]
Assignment: Ashurbanipal Special Protection Unit [WHY ARE YOU ASKING] Unit Gim or anything else it’s fine
Etc.: Access is not limited. He’s good at his job, don’t worry about it.
Ahmad was always disappointed that the elevator didn’t have music. Elevators are supposed to have music, right? Cute, inoffensive songs that go in and out of your head while you’re not paying attention. Slipping through your mind while you assume it was always supposed to. He always appreciated that.
“Hey, computer?”
As the elevator the teen boy was riding slid ever downward, the computer that tracked everything gave a slight “beep” to acknowledge him.
“Can I get a little tune?”
“Invalid command.”
“Maybe ‘Spanish Flea’ by Herb Alpert.”
“Invalid command.”
“But not their version, a version with the lyrics. I always liked the lyrics.”
“Invalid command.”
“Gosh, you’re no fun. It goes like, ‘There was a little Spanish flea, a record star he thought he’d be,’ you know the rest, right?”
“Invalid command. Now arriving at [REDACTED BY SABBI]”
“Wow, they even redact the announcements. Oh well, open up please.”
The standard laser light show flashes through the inside of the elevator, and the computer claims, “One occupant detected. Provide identification.”
Ahmad playfully gives a show of patting his pockets and trying to find his ID lanyard before shrugging. “Oops, guess I forgot it in my other pants.”
A click. A whir. Another click. A few beeps that nobody has ever heard that computer make before. And then, suddenly,
“Khamala Habib confirmed.”
The teen snaps his fingers as he leaves the elevator, and makes a clicking sound with his mouth. “Thanks, baby doll. Stay sexy.”
“Invalid command.”
Ahmad had arrived on a section of the Library that a very small select few knows exists, and even fewer have clearance for. It is primarily an empty space which was once shaped like a massive egg, but now has been rebuilt and repurposed. Its sole use is to now hold the glass dome that contains what Ahmad only knows is referred to as the PCB, and must be eliminated for the good of the true inheritors of the planet. He, however, is interrupted by a loud gunshot.
Ahmad reaches around to his back, and feels the burning hole in the back of his shirt, and then sticks a finger into the new hole where his spine would be. He then checks his front to see if there’s an exit wound. Nope, the bullet’s still in there. “Well, now, that’s just rude.” He turns around to face his attacker and sees Rami in a cleansuit, holding a pistol pointed at him. “You’re not taking another step closer to that dome.”
“Rami, my man! My guy! You know I’d love to play those little adult games you like to play, but unfortunately I-”
Another gunshot, this time in Ahmad’s chest. The bullet slips past where his sternum would be and cleanly wedges somewhere where a lung would be expected.
The teen’s look of understanding, like most of his expressions, carries a bit of irony behind it, but this time it also carries a small hint of anger. “Yeah, I get it, okay? You’re angry that I seduced Waheeda when you had a thing for her. She’s way too young for you, but you know, feelings are feelings, right? So how about you quit wasting my time with those bullets.”
Rami’s bloated figure walks towards Ahmad, unafraid. “The bullets are laced with weaponized chargon. You’ll be dead soon.”
“No, they aren’t,” Ahmad replied with zero hesitation. “I know you ran out of weaponized chargon with Ptahil. Even if you brought in every Lanzer in the solar system and had them fart on me simultaneously, it wouldn’t stop me.”
Walking backwards with his eyes still on his former handler, he explains, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, my genetic coding is telling me to let whatever’s in this glass dome out. Toodles!”
Rami’s mind raced. He had to find a way to stall him for a little longer, no matter what. “Wait, you don’t even know? You’re just going off instinct?”
“Heh, yeah! Duh, same as you, same as everyone. We all work our asses off to stay alive. It’s all to eat healthy food, sleep in a safe space, meet a good mate.” He then smirks. “Although in your case, that last one has some unique caveats.”
Another gunshot.
“Okay, okay, I’m done with the age difference jokes. Look, my point is that it doesn’t matter why I know that breaking your little glass dome is better for the planet. I just do. I’m sure you think it sucks for your little dead-end species, but it’s better for everyone else. Just lay back and let it happen.”
Rami continues to follow the boy. “But how do you know? What if what’s in there spells the end for you, too?”
Ahmad squints. “You’re funny. You think you can trick me with words. Alright, I’ll bite. Tell me what’s in there.”
The adult sighs. This might be the only way to stop him. “Computer. Disable outer film.”
A loud beep cuts through the stale, empty air, followed by a curt “Confirmed.”
The glass dome’s glossy exterior shimmers and disappears, showing its contents. A single vaguely humanoid figure, glowing bright green with a purple interior. With the film gone, the entire room seems to fill with a burning radiation, and the walls glow bright with prismatic paint and etchings, filling the space with a blinding light.
“There it is. The Primordial Chargon Being. The origin of all life on our planet. And now that the film is gone, I can’t step any closer without throwing years of my life away, even in this cleansuit. Have at it.”
Ahmad could only look with astonishment. “Adam…” The figure seems afraid, almost cowering from him. It’s impossible to view any sort of emotion on the figure, but it definitely is afraid. The teen presses his hands against the glass, and begins to pound on it, weaker and weaker as his energy is drained away. He is rightfully confused, a simple manmade structure should crumple under the strength of any Uthra. “But…” He slides to the ground, tired.
The teen lifts his shirt, and sees his torso liquidizing. If one were to squint, they would likely see the squirming mass carrying his consciousness wither and die as they turn into puddles of waste chargon. With every death, Ahmad can feel it becoming harder to think, to focus, to understand what’s going on around him.
“We extracted the weaponized chargon from Aleph’s blood. We can rebuild everything, no matter how many of you keep coming. Mankind cannot, will not let you win.”
The dying Uthra could only chuckle as he coughed up what was blood to him. “Yeah, but I know how you are. Even if we give up, you can’t keep sleeping dogs lie. You’re sitting on a ticking time bomb… and you know it.”
His eyes close and open slowly, his breaths slow.
“One more thing, though… Do me a favor… Tell Waheeda… I really did want to try her cookies.”
Art by @nebularobo
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thesoftestcowboy · 7 months
thoughts on the colors red, blue, green, and yellow? any comments on the shapes triangle, square, or circle?? rhombus
first of all i gotta tell you that im enjoying this ask twice as much cause i got multiple spam asks since yesterday and did not expect an actual question... anyway. im gonna answer this 200% in earnest, as it should be, obviously (yes i actually did write this out, strap in ig)
red: listen i know everyones favorite color seems to be blue for some reason but red is RIGHT THERE. i heard somewhere that not all languages differentiate the same colors as english (and other european languages), but the first color after light/dark there will be a word for is usually red. idk if thats true but seems plausible, cause yknow whats red? fuckin berries to eat, also blood (either concerning or also to eat, ig). cavepeople knew red was important business. also its pretty and you use it to make pink.
blue: not to imply that blue isnt also good. its got a range. looks very fresh. i do like a teal-ish blue but others are cool also. its really rare in nature ig? but if it does occur its looks rly good! (im saying this rn cause my desktop wallpaper has blue flowers lmao) also if i had a cent for every time i had dreams with intense, seemingly really significant blue night skies, i'd have 2 cents, which isnt much but weird etc etc.
green: ok i like green but, unpopular opinion time, i want neither a green couch nor a green kitchen. i want a pink couch and a blue kitchen. that being said green fucks and is part of some iconic things, such as HES GEEN, and also my favorite song green soop by dooboo, which references the fact that soups can be green (@geminyde)
yellow: finally yellow is super underappreciated. im kinda mad that yellow doesnt suit me super well in clothes cause theres so many cool yellow things id want on a shirt. people only ever think of bright neon yellow but it also had SHADES.
now, the shapes. people at art school will try to convince you that these have some deeper meaning and even a gender (??) cause some guy whose name i forgot claimed they do and thats bs. heres the actual truth about them. triangle pointy. also an instrument! theyre really flexible cause they can have wildly different angles and like?? thats different from squares, which are literally all the same, except for size ig? but thats nice it gives them a sense of stability. theyre ol reliable. ever wonder why they had town squares but never town triangles? well,
anyway the circle is most definitely the princess of shapes. you might think its really basic compared to like uhh a trapezoid or whatever cause you learn about it in kindergarten, but its so fucked up it has ZERO angles?? but then if you wanna render it its got a huge amount of angles/into infinity instead? you can calculate any shapes area with basic maths basically but ohh noo not the circle. its soo special. we love that for him but you gotta be honest.
ngl i had to look up what a rhombus is and its just idk a Raute ig. its a rectangle who wants to be special. which is fine we all need some attention sometime but like, its a rectangle on its side. its doing its own thing. i think it should have a different english name tho tbh. rhombus reminds me of the name rhonda and that has a different vibe. idk if that one was also a question or just an addition tbh but there u go
so thats it thanks for asking like comment subscribe
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miseriathome · 4 months
Very cursed doctor's office experience today. The waiting room was lined with gigantic touchscreens with signs that said "check-in here." On the touchscreen, using the on-screen keyboard with no styluses, you had to fill in all the standard stuff: identifying information, emergency contacts, employment and PCP info, waivers, etc. It also had scanners for ID cards and a swipe for payment. Naturally, there were no custom fields like "preferred name" to fill out ahead of time. And since it was all self-serve touchscreen, there was no actual person I could mention "my legal name, preferred name, and the name on my insurance card don't match" to, which is sooo fun and cool.
Several minutes later, one of the desk people (positioned very far away from the check-in touchscreens) handed me a clipboard and a pen with forms I had to fill out. These forms were pretty in-depth medical history questions: pain sites/type of pain/severity, surgical history, familial history, current conditions and medications, depression screener, etc. The packet was seven or eight pages in total and also required filling out name and DoB on every sheet. The pen I was given was a bog standard dime-a-dozen rod-shaped capped ballpoint pen. The practice is one that is specifically focused on hands, hand therapy, hand pain, and hand surgery. I have hand arthritis. I fucking hate writing.
Naturally, the intake person solely called me by my insurance first name, but then the doctor, having never even laid eyes on me before, entered the exam room and said "Mr [last name]?" So my baffled ass had to explain "I'm non-binary and my insurance info says I'm female, what are you talking about??" But even more unfortunately, the results are once again that everything looks fine ~and that's a good thing~. This doctor was very keen to hear my questions, but his answers were all "ask your rheumatologist" which is exactly as useful as the last guy's "I can see you have questions but I'm going to let your rheumatologist address them." I even asked this guy "what do I do now?" and his fucking answer very subtly boiled down to "stop doctor shopping, you're fine." So I'm out here still having the time of my life trying to fix my stupid goddamn hands, holding myself back on a daily basis from succumbing to the urge to smash them with a hammer.
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typosandtea · 5 months
Typos’ Crochet Person Pattern (planned series)
(Currently In Stage 1: Prototyping)
Yes this is massively ambitious and will take a while, but I love a challenging hobby!
See progress posts here: (0.1/0.2/0.3), (0.4)
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[ID: a photo. 4 crocheted people are shown, the one on the far left is the first prototype and is quite misshapen, it is made with white skin tone has black hair. The middle left is the second prototype, it is less misshapen, but the head is too large for the body. They have the same white skin tone, and long brown hair in a ponytail. They have a smiling face embroidered including eyebrows and whites of the eyes and crochet ears and nose. The middle left person is the third prototype, they are better shaped but the legs twist weirdly, they are slightly smaller than the first 2. They crocheted to look like a fallout vault suit. They are of brown skin coloured and have a black moustache, hair that is just different coloured part of head, and eyes wide with surprised eyebrows. The far right is the 4th prototype. It is bigger and is styles to look like one of the aliens from avatar movie. The body definition is better but the head and neck proportions are still too big. They have a black mohawk that ends in a long braid, and a blue lions tail. They are light blue with yellow cats eyes and a pink cats nose and the “:3” face embroidered. they are wearing the brown Navi loincloth as well as arm, leg and torso bands. End ID]
A while ago I was rather sad that I couldn't find any crochet patterns for fallout 4 characters (Danse), and had a 'fine. i'll do it myself!' moment. these will all be mostly single piece patterns as I personally am not a huge fan of patterns that sew a bazillon small objects together, even if they do have excellent results!
Preparing (0.X prototypes, 1.X basic pattern, 2.X basic pattern variants.) for the goal: (3.X Typo's customizable make your blorbo pattern, 3.X specific character patterns by me)
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[ID: a simple transparent digital drawing. A navy blue T51 helmet with orange hoses and a dark green visor is shown. The wearers eyes are looking to the right. Either side of the helmet mirrored, is a pink heart and a large horizontal crochet hook, the crochet hook has a green handle. End ID]
[currently here] lock down a solid base pattern! (0.X series)
make some basic base clothes options as a part of the basic pattern. i.e. Undies, shirt and pants, BOS uniform, Vault suit, etc. (1.X series)
post the finished 'Typo's crochet person pattern' (1.X series PATTERN)
prototype some variants such as boobs, fat, skinny, short, tall. etc (2.X series)
Post the finished 'Typo's Crochet person pattern (NOW WITH A VARIETY OF BODY TYPES) 2.0' (2.X series PATTERN)
prototype making the patterns mix and match parts i.e tall person with a muscular torso with skinny legs, or short person with beer belly, Etc. This will likely take a while to make ways for all the variants to interlink, but I have some ides (3.X series)
(this is the overall goal!) post the finished 'Typo's Crochet *Blorbo* Pattern generator' a master pattern on how to link the different pieces of the 3.X series, including a mix-n-match variety of body types, different clothes. etc. this pattern will likely be huge with how many variants I have planned!!! (3.X series MASTER PATTERN)
finally I can make Danse!, and other charcaters (3.X series CHARACTER PATTERNS)
make accessories like jackets, weapons, hats etc. for the 0.3 series as required! or requested??
I hope to make with this pattern eventually / more variants hopefully:
all of the fallout 4 companions cause they live rent free in my brain <3
other fallout humanoid variants like supermutants, synths, ghouls
humanoid Dnd / fantasy variants ie elves, tabaxi/khajit, orcs, dragonborn, KOBOLDS, etc.
will require new designs but also:
fallout robots
fallout power armours
accessories like weapons, books,
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bloopdydooooo · 1 year
what's your doctor who wtnv crossover like? 👀
i am so glad you asked! (category 7 adhd event to follow)
so our doctor is cecil (no assigned number since i didnt want to cram the wtnv characters into a doctor who plot line when it would be so easy to make a new one special for them (though cecil does come from a welsh surname meaning sixth (among other things) so he could replace the 6th doctor? it doesn’t matter either way)) and while his name is, as always, just ‘the Doctor’, he lets carlos call him cecil as a treat cause they’re in looooooove <33 (he used cecil palmer like john smith when they met and carlos really like the name (it’s so i don’t have to completely erase either ‘the doctor’ or ‘cecil’ and i think i’m awfully clever) anyways he’s like doctor-weird plus cecil-weird, because they’re all so fucking bizarre (affectionate) he kicks off the fic adjusting to the new body and i felt the need to acknowledge the fact that cecil is usamerican while the doctors generally are Not (is a good fic if you don’t slander your own accent a little bit?)
i considered making carlos the doctor, because he’s. you know. a scientist and not a silly goofy gay who works in community radio, but since so much of cecil’s story revolves around him not being quite as person as the rest of the people around him, about him losing track of his age and everything he’s been through, of him canonically dying multiple times, about his relationships with family and parenthood (etc) i just felt like it would be such a waste to not make him the doctor, yk? (i also considered changing up what it meant to be the doctor to include cecil’s title of ‘the voice’ but that felt like too much so we have doctor!cecil now)
so that means carlos is the companion, he’s introduced while studying the phantom ocean which was actually just like. a big weird alien fish. then they go to the dog park and the desert otherworld and have a bunch of doctor who-ified wtnv adventures together (like lee marvin‘a birthdays, the whispering forest, the auction, etc… but make it dr who sci-fi)
i know most of the actual episodes are the doctor saves his companion and Others, but i’m such a sucker for ‘the doctor needs help’ that i wrote in four chapters of carlos saving doctor!cecil (technically could be six, depends how you count it)
and we finish off with a daleks confrontation which takes place during the blood space wars, because you have to have the daleks at least once, and it’s a good cap on a fic
i’ve made it 13 chapters long, cause all the new who seasons are well. 13 episodes long. and i’m considering doing a (not-)christmas (because even though doctor!cecil wouldn’t be jewish it would be incredibly ethically fucked up if i just. chucked a canon jewish character into a christmas landscape w/out acknowledging it) special afterwards as is customary, to follow the bbc’s standards
i am literally so invested in this fic i’ve written the first three chapters so far and they’re all like double my usual length and i’m considering making them longer because i think there’s still more i could add.
anyways thank you so much for asking i am in love with the world i have created. (would you like the link to the doc? (im so proud of this i want everyone to read it and i only want to post it when i know that i have enough of a buffer for regular updates, given how long the chapters are) (obviously it’s fine if you don’t want to read it no pressure))
here’s a drawing of doctor!cecil i made (though i changed the cape to a tailcoat because it felt Better)
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[ID: a black and whit pencil drawing of cecil as the doctor. he’s got dark skin and graying black hair. he’s wearing a puffy-sleeved shirt under a vest and a loosely-done tie. he’s wearing a bunch of jewelry, cat-ear headphones, and star-shaped glasses with beads on his glasses chain. he has multiple chains and beads handing from his belt and is wearing back pants with white pockets. he has a cape tied around his neck and in one hand he’s holding the sonic screwdriver, which he’s looking at and smiling. beside him it says ‘the Doctor (a.k.a. cecil)’ End ID]
i did draw carlos but he’s just like. some guy and i’m honestly not proud enough of that to post it here.
ok i think that’s all (it’s not but you get it)
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skyartworkzzz · 2 years
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Heres my replies Ive tried more than 3456789 times sending, hope it didnt spam or smtng and the site was actually trolling me 😭:
OKAY SHIT FIRST OFF THANK U SO MUCH!! Rlly appreciate ur support,,! 😭💜
NOW, My Personal guide for begginer artists:
1. Try to copy arts u find online or even from medias u enjoy! (comics, cartoons and etc)
On each drawing u copy u will notice u have learned smtng new! So from there, try to draw an image by urself without any reference, and once u have an idea of how the artstyle u want works Personally, Id copy many anime images with similar art styles to then try and make pieces of my own!
NOW ITS IMPORTANT TO NOTE: it is not wrong to redraw images for PERSONAL and LEARNING purposes. What Would be wrong of u is to post it around claiming that You were the original creator of the image and not crediting the original one/the artist responsible for it
So as long as u aint stealing anyone's work, ure fine!
2. Use guidelines and shapes when drawing!
They are very important when beggining to understand anatomy! Ofc u dont have to draw All the lines detailed-ish, but at least to an extent in which u can see what is going on
So les say for example u want to draw a human body: u will have to understand that the top of the head is a circle, that the neck has a cone-ish shape, that the chest follows the form of a ribcage and so on It may vary from artist to artist, but if ure struggling to draw smtng specific, try seeing a shape on it to then make ur job easier! The body has to become a literal puzzle to ur eyes
However, I will advise u to plz not let these limit u. Indeed, as a begginer u have to learn how normal anatomy works, but its totally fine to change that depending on what artstyle u choose!
DO NOT WORRY IF UR ART DOESNT LOOK AS RECOGNIZABLE ON EVERY PIECE, I myself have only learned this recently and seen many other artists getting unmotivated cuz of this, but consistency truly does not exist. Whatever u do with ur art is nothing but ur RANGE. Its all the knowledge u have on it which makes u produce many pieces in different styles, and that is awesome!!
As an artist, u will always be learning smtng new, and what u learn cannot be un….learned (if that word exists IUSDNJKADLS) so its bound to show in ur work
NEVER STOP DRAWING!!!! Like Ive said beforehand, u are ALWAYS learning smtng new!! Everything u draw is progress!
So no matter how bad u may think the things u do look, just remember that theyre likely looking MUCH better than the thing u drew yesterday
Art takes time to reach a level in which u feel comfortable and proud with how u do it, so its important to be patient and keep on practicing if u rlly want to get better at it!
Since u are a begginer, and if u have the time/motivation, Id suggest doing a doodle here and there to start picking up the habit to draw often. It is much easier to learn and less tedious once ure used to it and, ofc, enjoying it!
HOPE THESE ARE HELPFUL,,,, once again, they are based on my own experience thus far and some things I wish I knew back there………
AS FOR THE AU: ILL ANSWER THAT IN MY NEXT POST CUZ TUMBLR IS BEING A BITCH, amma ping u for my response if u dont mind so heads up,,,
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
HELLO lemon here i thought since youre craving d/s au id whip out the good ol' past d/s au w/ seb aka the seb pitch universe (spoiler alert this is for the thigh riding prompt)
So I was thinking the first time you do sexual subbing with him is an accident and it takes quite a while to happen?
Like we talked about how exhausted he is and how much he struggled with his previous Dom, and also how once he gets to you and realises he's safe with you he just wants to jump straight in and you kind of have to hold him back because he is in no shape to do it, won't be for a hot minute after what he's been through.
So I think he just straight up sleeps through the first couple of sessions and then you gradually add some very simple non-sexual subbing so he just has the opportunity to drop and let you take care of him without worrying about neither his responsibilities nor boundaries. And since it's so different from what his ex Dom used to do he enquires a couple of times if you are going to have him get his clothes off or touch him etc, and you always tell him not yet, to the point where you have to assure him that everything is fine and he is doing everything right, you are not mad at him or anything, he just has to be patient for a bit.
And you don't tell him that, but it's because you can tell he is so worn out his body just doesnt really want it? Like as you become closer you naturally start finding some of his hot spots, like his ears, the back of his knees etc, and you can tell he is extremely sensitive, but when you touch him in a way that is supposedly sure to get you some excitement in his pants there is none? He just sort of hums and closes his eyes and leans into it for comfort, so you let him, ensuring he can rest and cuddle as much as he needs before moving further.
And then one day he is napping cuddled into your side, and when there's some movement you assume he woke up but when you check he still has his eyes closed, and in a couple of seconds you realise he is hard against your hip and is trying to unconsciously grind into you.
He panics when he wakes up because his previous Dom would punish him immediately if he tried to do anything like this, any initiative in trying to get himself off was off-limits, and also because you kept telling him to wait and there he is, rubbing off on you like a cat in heat? Will you be mad at him? Wil you punish him? What if he is not allowed to sleep in your arms anymore??
"Are you hard baby?" you ask him. He pales and nods, because even if he fucked up he is not about to lie on top of that. "Do you want to come?"
He swallows. Nods again, still kind of expecting to be thrown out. Instead you kiss his forehead and sit up, manoeuvring him to straddle your thigh, and tell him to go at it. You figure for the first time it might be better still not to get your hands on him right away, especially not when he is confused anxious and still drowsy from sleep; you plan to tell him he can just jerk off if he struggles to come from riding your thigh, to not stress him out more, but you don't need to: the moment he is sure everything is fine and he is still your good boy it he winds his arms around your neck and humps your thigh in earnest, coming really quickly.
And it surprisingly feels so so good, like it haven't in ages, and he is safe and sleep-soft and content, and you have your arms around him and keep him close, and he is just, he's so fucking happy.
It's not until the next time he has his hand down his pants and tries to conjure the memory of getting himself off against you thigh that he realises he doesn't remember the last time he felt the need to jerk off, and that maybe your 'not yet's were just another instance of you looking out for him. He wants to be good for you so badly, he's never felt like this before.
Lemon 🍋
look who typed their name right for once yeehaw! also i think i accidentally wrote bad rap in the prev ask in two separate places, in my defence i was so ill even my ears were clogged
also also, if you're craving d/s au i think there must be a big ask from this universe about scening with both seb and charles that i sent. a while ago. unless i hallucinated it/youve answered it already and i managed to miss it somehow
I… oh my god lemon you’ve outdone yourself. This is so fucking good I am OBSESSED. I read it last night right before I went to bed and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. I also went WAY off topic with this one but oh well.
(So the past d/s au is a version of the d/s au that’s just way more angsty because the drivers had absolutely horrible doms before you, rather than just okay ones. I love this au so much and I’m kinda vibing with some angst/hurt comfort vibes so if anyone wants to speak more about this au… please do)
I love the way that at first, taking a nap is almost like a scene for Seb? Because of him always having to be on his guard around his old Dom and never being able to relax, I think he used to really struggle to sleep? Because he’d go the whole day being on guard and then he must suddenly just turn a switch and sleep? Yeah not gonna happen.
Which is why he’s always so tired, he basically only sleeps when he just passes out, lucky to get three or four hours a night. So when you show up and you pull him onto your lap and you tell him to nap?
He knows that’s not technically a scene but it is. His guard drops completely and he lets himself sleep. That’s a scene to him. That’s submission.
And he can’t believe he got lucky enough to find someone who not only understands that he needs to sleep but also understands that in a lot of ways, that’s a scene.
And because it’s a scene, you give him aftercare? All he’s done is take a nap on you but you understand that he had to let his guard down to do that, and that he deserved to be praised for it.
So every time he wakes up, you make him stay laying on you a little longer, play with his hair and his run your hands over his back and tummy, praise him for being so good for you, for sleeping so nicely.
That’s when you realise that he doesn’t have the same reactions as the other subs you’ve had. He should have gotten at least half hard when you spent 20 minutes tracing shapes on his lower belly, but he didn’t. He loved it, you could tell by how relaxed he was, but he didn’t get hard.
When someone has to go into survival mode and can barley keep themselves going, one of the first things to give is sex drive. Which makes sense. There’s no need for a sex drive if you can barely handle what you already have.
And I think that’s what happened to Seb. He had no interest in sex, didn’t have the energy for it.
Even when you for there. For the first few months his body just needed to rest, to finally get out of survival mode and recover from all the stress that’s been put on him.
But then it’s been months and he feels so much better and suddenly he has a sex drive again.
And that’s when he ends up hard as he naps against you.
You’re so happy when you see that, because you know it means that Seb’s body is finally strong enough to have those kind of desires again.
When he wakes up, he panics. He thinks he’s ruined everything. He loves you so much, and doesn’t think he’d be able to function if he didn’t get to take naps in your arms anymore.
But then you smile and tell him that you’re so proud of him and that you’re so happy he feels comfortable enough for that to happen.
He’s so relieved. He really thought he messed everything up.
He actually softly whispers, “Are you sure? I didn’t… I’m so sorry I don’t want to… I just want to be good.”
That’s when you drag him up onto your lap, make him straddle your thigh and tell him very clearly, “you are my submissive. Mine. And that means that I look after you, all of you. Always. You deserve a Dom who looks after that for you too, yeah? You’re my good boy, you don’t have do anything yourself, not when you’re with me.”
Seb relaxes then, basically falls into your hold and starts grinding against your thigh on his own accord. He threats you. You said he could have this, so he trusts that he can.
You hold onto his hips, encouraging him, praising him for being so good, telling him that you want to see him cum.
He’s so good for you, cums all over your thigh with a little whimper and then basically just collapses, smiling softly to himself as you manhandle him into laying down again and tuck him into your side.
And him masturbating again!! Oh my god yes. Seb would be so shocked to realise that he’s horny again, that he can’t even remember the last time he felt the need to touch himself this way.
I think he might tell you about it actually? After he wakes up from his next nap against your chest, you ask him how his week was and he admits that he did that because he knows you’ll be proud of him, knows you’ll praise him.
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Hi!! Question, since you do a lot of IDs (image descriptions) do you have any resources or tips for someone who wants to start writing them as well? What to pay special attention to, what is irrelevant, checklists etc?
Hi Anon!! This made me so happy to see. I'm glad you're interested in writing ID's!!
It's definitely not as overwhelming as it may seem. I will say I'm still learning myself, but here's my process. I boiled down my steps into a basic checklist to get you started:
Describe the category of image (digital/traditional art, photo, social media screenshot, etc.), unless it's already stated in the post.
Next, the summary. Pretend you're explaining the image to a friend (since that's pretty much the goal). You'll find yourself naturally starting out with the broadest/most obvious things. If it's a drawing or a photo, for example, that'll be the main subject[s] and whatever they're doing: "[Character] holds a bouquet of roses." "A fluffy cat blinks at the camera." OneLook Reverse Dictionary is your friend if you can't find the word for an action or pose.
Then, once you have your super basic one-to-two sentences, you can start on the details. When I'm low on energy or time, I stick to describing the most punchy details of the image: "A heart-shaped frame surrounds the characters. The piece uses pinks and reds." I also found this site for identifying drawing styles. For art, pay attention to color (or lack thereof), presence/absence of line art, and shading. For photos, describe style, mood, and color if you think it's relevant. It might be for artistic photography, not so much for a news article or a meme.*
There are different ways to demarcate your ID. You've probably seen that I use brackets around the description ( [ ] ) and sometimes a slash ( / ) right before writing "end ID." I've heard these aren't required, but lots of people prefer the visual distinction.
Use plain text (normal-sized font, no fancy formatting). You'd think it'd go without saying, but I've seen far too many people write their ID's in tiny font. Bold text at the beginning and end is fine, but that's about it.
Some subjective language is fine for describing mood (melancholy, cheerful, etc.), but don't overdo it. Don't add jokes that aren't in the image itself.
*For fictional characters, I usually only describe their outfits and features if they deviate from canon. For real people, I use my judgement on whether describing these details is relevant: Without those details, would they miss out on something important?
As for what's irrelevant, people have different preferences. I've heard from some blind and low vision people that they prefer really straightforward descriptions, while others prefer the detailed ones because they give them an equal or equivalent experience to what a sighted person would have.
I try to strike a balance, writing shorter descriptions for memes/informational images and longer ones for art. Active voice can help simplify your ID, though this isn't a strict rule.
What I have almost universally heard, though, is this: Even the most basic ID is better than none. If all you can do is a quick one-sentence description, that's ok! You've still opened up a previously inaccessible image to a new audience.
Now for resources:
Image Desc. Guidelines - This helped me out a lot when I started out!
Writing Image Descriptions
Giant Google Doc for Describing Memes
Resource for Video Desc. (I'm still learning how to improve my VD's myself)
Lastly, I know not everyone likes joining discord servers to ask questions, but The People's Accessibility Server is a great resource. (I removed the link because I couldn't find a way to hide my discord # from the invite, and I don't want to just put it out there, but here's this invite via keplercryptid's blog.) You can ask for advice, for someone to review your ID's, or even for someone to write them for you. You can DM me as well if you're comfortable with that.
I hope this is a good starting point for you, anon!! Best of luck <3
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atlix2 · 2 years
okay so . i already had a riptide oc. does he still count.
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(image ID under the cut)
i come bearing. This Freak. ive had him for a while but he never got any mileage. If You Will Have Him …
Name: Nowhere
Race: tiefling
Class: warlock
Pronouns: he/him
Nowhere’s really hard to get a read on. He never mentions where he intends to travel to or how long he’ll be staying for. He doesn’t even mention being a warlock— most assume he’s a sorcerer. He brushes past any personal questions and usually keeps to his own devices, but he still helps out around the ship a great deal; he works wordlessly and so fast it seems as though messes and disrepair simply disappear within the hour.
Whenever anyone asks about him, he just says he’s a wanderer. He stays as detached as possible bar for cracking the occasional joke or offering usually mediocre advice when asked. Despite his off-putting nature, he can be pretty persuasive when he’s looking for ships to travel on. He’s got weird obscure skillsets and knows way too many languages, so he’s good in unexpected situations, especially as a translator; he holds his own in combat perfectly fine as well. He has no qualms with thankless tasks like late night ship repair and extensive cleaning, and he cooks incredibly well for someone who’s spent most of his life as a criminal vagrant on the sea.
so basically. trade offer. you receive: free cooking and cleaning and a weird little guy on your ship for an indeterminate length of time who is surprisingly useful. he receives: transport to an unclear location with unknown but probably not malicious intent. Would you let him on your boat
[image id: a front and back A pose reference of a tall, pale tiefling with a single long horn and short blonde hair. his skin fades to a brownish purple around his fingers, horns, ear tips, etc. his right eye is dark blue with a black line/scar beneath it and his left is bright yellow; both have bags under them. he wears an oversized olive green coat with a very large white fur collar and yellow stars hanging off of it over a cream tshirt. his pants have a high waistline and belt and are cuffed at the end; they are a lighter shade of green than his coat. he has a long, thin tail with brown, feather-like fur. His pointy ears have a few piercings in them, including another star. he has a necklace with a few orange beads and a yellow leaf shape and wears a brown satchel over his shoulder. Next to him is a blue deck of cards with cyan edges and a holographic teal to dark blue criss-cross pattern on them; a yellow fog emanates from between them, and they are labelled as his arcane focus.
the text reads: “nowhere ; tiefling warlock ; he/him (followed by the genderqueer, genderfluid, and trans flag) ; autistic”. his horn is labelled with “YES the horn is sharp. many have found this out the hard way.” his claws are labeled “claws are sharp too”. His description reads “-lone wanderer -never stays in one place for long -he’s kind of unsettling to be around -never discloses personal information; he’s very private about his past -it’s hard to tell why anyone lets him on their ship in the first place; surprisingly, most crews let him voyage in exchange for his housekeeping skills. He cooks and cleans well. -tries not to make friends.” Additional text reads “bitches hate him for his transmasc swag (and because he’s annoying)” and “-he currently has no crew to travel with but is asking around in ports nearby.” end id.]
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s5e6 i believe the children are our future (w. andrew dabb, daniel loflin)
girl why are you watching cujo an arm length's away from a big old tv, back up!
while i pause to look up the imdb to see if i know any of these people, i kinda like this season's little title sequence with the whispering. little more ominous than the wings, which were okay. it's all so short so not like it makes much of a difference but. sets the mood a wee bit.
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okay another logistics question i think about periodically, especially since sam burned all his fake ids and such when he bounced earlier this season, if they're giving different names all the time then like. is there a stockpile? do they reup with new names and who prints them? they have a seemingly endless supply of not only names but organizations.
getting all my feelings off my chest in this one, i also think they use too many references in this show! there's so many. "that'll do, pig" really? babe? anyway i just think a lot of time they stick out like a sore thumb.
Because don't be so pleased with your own, like, self-referential cleverness? - jessica stanley, twilight new moon
that's right i'm quoting twilight to make a point. anyway that's what i think of whenever there's too many obscure references that sound completely unnatural in the moment.
and again with the episodes being songs but not having the songs 😂 i guess that's just what they're doing now. but now i've got the greatest love of all stuck in my head.
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this guy gets around on scifi shows! he was in two episodes of xfiles, an episode of millenium, eureka, the 4400, fringe, the second xfiles movie, v, izombie (i've seen a lot of the small roles people have parts in izombie while doing my imdb stroll but i've never watched it), aah and he was in an episode of riverdale this year! and a whole bunch of other stuff. little parts, but i think it's fun that he's done so much scifi in particular.
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the x-files s5e11 kill switch (that's the one with killer ai hehe written by william gibson and tom maddox) patrick keating as donald gelman
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the magicians s4e1 a flock of lost birds - patrick keating as shop owner (he was in it for about 5 seconds but hey he was a hedge witch!)
DEAN Yeah, with the sense of humor of a nine-year-old.
SAM Or you.
now that made me laugh, because it's true :p
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SAM So we tell him the truth. You say Jesse's destined to go dark side—fine. But he hasn't yet. So if we lay it all out for him—what he is, the apocalypse, everything—he might make the right choice.
CASTIEL You didn't. And I can't take that chance.
wow, cas is more pissed at sam than i would have anticipated. so he's mad because he told sam to stop with the demon blood and ruby etc and he didn't and things went pear-shaped. but i mean, zachariah's role in it all? would it have mattered even if sam did things differently?
huh. kid asks if cas is dean's friend, dean says no, cut to sam for a reaction shot. whatcha doing, show. and always nice to see dean with kids working his magic.
and the kiddo has been in 3 episodes of the boys, that's cool. fun to see someone go back and work with a creator on a different series :) (i've only seen a couple episodes, would like to go back to it at some point)
i don't see how this plot is going to resolve in any meaningful way unless the kid somehow vanishes or gets smited. smote? wishes his powers away?
vanishes it is.
DEAN Yeah. You know, I'm starting to get why parents lie to their kids. You want them to believe that the worst thing out there is mixing Pop Rocks and Coke—protect them from the real evil. You want them going to bed feeling safe. If that means lying to them, so be it. The more I think about it...the more I wish Dad had lied to us.
SAM Yeah, me too.
3 votes for wishing john winchester was a better parent.
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