#idiot control now
youdelight-itolerate · 4 months
I couldn't find this MST3K clip anywhere, and I NEED it when I'm feeling steady as a goat and flying over trout. And I hope it will show up in searches for the dozens of us, I'm sure, who search for it.
"He is really good!" "Good? He's the BEST!"
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Tis but a flesh wound!
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maeamian · 13 days
Becoming deeply radicalized against the idea of crewed Mars missions, y'know how the Rovers keep sending back better and better data what if instead of that we made an even bigger one and devoted nearly 90% of its capacity to holding a guy in a bubble on top of it instead of sending back useful data, but wait! They'll eliminate like a half hour of latency and also almost certainly contaminate the landing site and possibly the entire planet, so it's not all downside.
#At least in the near term it's fucking pointless and the downsides are very large and very big#Quite frankly it is extraordinarily likely that the first people to arrive at mars will do so dead#Because they will have been sent by fucking idiots willing to take too large risks#But the good news is that the wreck will spread across and contaminate huge amounts of the martian biosphere#To the point that we will quite possibly never be able to discern the history of life on mars#But if they live at least they'll get to slightly reduce the latency on our telerobotic fleet!#And travel home with the samples I guess#Good thing Percy's tagging and bagging rocks that we just canceled the return trips for#At least once we fuck up the rest of the planet those will be sterile#Kinda still excited about Aritimis but also kinda becoming anti-human spaceflight in general#We should consider not doing that for a while and at most focus specifically on living on the moon in a controlled and limited fashion#Ground the whole fucking commercial fleet who gives a shit those capsules are both gonna get someone killed sooner rather than later#And it's not like we're learning a whole lot by having people on hand up there#They spend most of their time trying to keep the machines from falling apart#Which is the main thing people would be doing for three continuous years on the shortest possible mars mission#Like you could send a dozen rovers for the price of one crewed mission both mass and money-wise#And that's probably a lowball estimate even assuming more and more advances in rover technology#Which are happening a lot faster than the advances in life support technology#Right now we do not even have enough functioning space capsules at our low earth orbit space station#Starship HLS is a fucking joke#The whole thing reeks let's just stop sending people into space for a while what were we really getting out of it
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obligatory rock murder mention
#i think someone said earlier that they had kind of a lot of mind control stories 'back in those days'#dont remember where#but now im trying to think if we have a lot of them in new who#and if theres something to that in terms of like societal preoccupations#but i guess im just gonna have to...........continue my classic who watch for that and make notes#what do we have in new who? satan comes to mind#midnight but i feel like thats..........a very particular kind it's not like the hypnosis thing you see here#or with the master#or i think sarah jane in the hand of fear?#maybe its JUST because they had the master around who kept hypnotising people tbh like that seems possible#the unquiet dead but thats ghosts more than mind control#i feel like we've got more bodies being taken over than minds in new who?#like the gas mask thing. midnight like i said. 42 with martha and 10?#love and monsters. idiots lantern. the vashta nerada. that guy who got turned into an ood. the masters thing in end of time#11 and the flesh. the god complex perhaps could be mind control? but feels different to me too#but i also havent watched really a lot of classic who so i dont know the vibe of their supposedly frequent mind control#town called mercy. asylum of the daleks. crimson horror. journey to the centre of the tardis? cybermen#it all feels more about the hijacking of the body than the mind or will or whatever#would be intersting to actually look into#if i continue my classic who watch#biggest mind control in new who might have been those mummy monks in pyramid/lie of the land?
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oneluckydragon · 1 year
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Got terminal dusknoir brainrot atm so have some sketches I finished while trying out a new brush.
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gun-leg · 1 year
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Campaign where pirates are sailing on a lava ocean inside a volcano? Say less, I've already concocted the perfect idiot 🏴‍☠️🌋🐉
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embraceyourdestiny · 11 months
"Israel’s military said Thursday it had conducted an overnight raid into the northern Gaza Strip as part of “preparations for the next stages of combat,"
israel literally said this with their own fucking mouth and people insist this takeover isnt happening THEYRE LYING TO YOU YOU IDIOT WAKE THE FUCK UP
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
I’m gonna have to name this little AU if I keep going, but I have no idea what I’d call it. Suggestions? Part three of these posts. AO3 link!
Part 4
“Okayokayokayokay,” Steve said, half way through their second shared bottle of vodka, “I gotta know, if this’d happened, like, two years ago, would this have happened?”
Billy squinted at him, the cogs in his head almost visible as he tried to make Steve’s question make sense. Eddie and Tommy however seemed to latch right onto the meaning behind his slightly slurred words. 
“Noooooo.” Eddie declared with a shake of his head and a wave of his hands, “Nope. Woulda ended bloody ten minutes in. Tops.”
“The hell are we talking about?” Billy asked, rather than continuing to try to puzzle it out.
“This,” Tommy gestured to the group at large, “Us. Could we have all hung out in the same space like this.”
“That is not what he asked.” Billy muttered.
“It’s what he meant.” Tommy shrugged, laying back against the floor.
“Yeah!” Steve agreed, “What’dya think Bills?”
“First, don’t call me that.” Billy’s glare wasn’t half as intimidating with his cheeks all rosy like that, “Second, no way. I couldn’t stand any of you back then. Munson gets a pass, cause he had the hook up.”
Eddie pumped his fist in the air and Tommy made a wounded little noise of derision. 
“What? Why didn’t you like us!” He rolled so he was facing the group again, though still laying as comfortably as he could.
“Is that a real question?” Billy cocked a brow.
“Because you were assholes.” Billy said as if it were obvious.
Tommy threw his hands into the air in exasperation and turned to Steve, gesturing emphatically, the pinching of his eyebrows saying everything his mouth wasn’t. 
“Uh, Billy, you were also kind of an asshole.” Steve replied for Tommy since he was too worked up to get the words out without his voice cracking like a middle schooler’s. 
“I had a reason to be.” Billy shot back, his expression crumbling into irritated resignation almost the moment the words left his lips. 
Tommy scoffed, and Steve knew the next words out of his mouth would be the kind that started fights and that was the last thing they needed at the moment. He moved without thinking, slapping a hand over Tommy’s mouth to both their surprise. 
But in for a penny, in for a pound.
“You haven’t gotten the time to develop a ‘don’t be a bitch’ filter yet, so I’m going to do it for you, just this once.” Steve said, leaning in so he didn’t have to speak at full volume, “Before you say anything I want you to think about if it’s going to get you punched in the nose or not. If the answer is ‘yes’ pick something else.”
Tommy glared at him, and licked the inside of his palm. The sensation had Steve pulling his hand back only to wipe it off on Tommy’s already ruined polo. 
“You’re so gross! Have you seen the shit I’ve killed today? You’re gonna catch turbo-AIDS.”
Eddie snorted, earning himself a shove from Steve. 
“Thanks, Steve.” Tommy pointedly flicked his attention back to Billy who was watching the whole thing while sipping a can of coke he’d pulled from the six pack nearby, “What makes you think we didn’t also have reasons to be assholes?”
Billy scoffed, glancing at Steve for a moment before he seemed to reconsider whatever he was thinking.
“Guess I don’t know, Tommy. What was your reasoning?” He pulled his legs up so he was hugging his arms around his shins, still holding the coke by his fingertips, “Can’t think of much a rich kid with two functional parents and plenty of friends could really be that upset about.”
Eddie made a noise somewhere between agreement and comradery, but otherwise kept surprisingly quiet.
Steve squeezed Tommy’s arm from where he’d left it after wiping his hand on him. Tommy’s self control was usually dubious at best, but his self control in regards to saying some genuinely hurtful shit was virtually non-existent. Or at least it had been the last time Steve had spent any meaningful time with him.
So he was surprised when Tommy took a breath and seemed to follow Steve’s advice about thinking before he spoke.
“Probably isn’t as good as your’s, whatever the fuck that is.” Tommy shrugged, “But that’s why. Growing up that way, that’s what people think you’re supposed to be like. You’ve got everything, you’re supposed to flaunt it. Everyone likes you, you’re supposed to act like it. You’ve got people who care, then you’re supposed to be happy.”
Tommy’s face was carefully blank, the same that he used when he was being more of an asshole than he had to be and didn’t want to feel it. The one that Steve had seen every time someone told him how much of a dick he was somewhere someone else might overhear it if he ever said ‘I’m sorry.’ 
“Just how it is. Fighting it gets you thrown out with the losers, and the losers hate you because you were an asshole. Steve here knows all about that. Sucked, didn’t it?”
Steve met Tommy’s stare, pursing his lips as he nodded.
“Yeah. Got better eventually. But yeah.”
“See, I’m not like Steve. I’m not a good person deep down, and I’d much rather be comfortable than do the right thing or whatever. Especially if doing the right thing still lands you here.”
He gestured to the room at large, illustrating how they were all more or less trapped together.
For a moment they were all quiet, Tommy’s words seeming heavier and heavier with each passing moment. Steve was about to change the subject, just to dispel some of the awkwardness that had coagulated around them but Billy beat him to it.
“I’m not either.” His voice was hushed, which was just as weird as hearing Tommy being quiet, “A good person. I’m not. Could have done a million other things, didn’t. It’s easier to just….let it all happen.”
Steve was sure he’d never heard Billy volunteer information like that. Despite having fallen into frequent proximity months ago, he still felt like he barely knew the guy. He knew more about Eddie who he’d known for far less time. 
“Well if anyone’s asking me, I think you’re all assholes.” Eddie’s easy quip slid in, easing some of the tension almost effortlessly, “But the thing about assholes? If you stretch ‘em, they can grow.”
“Munson, what the fuck?” Billy leaned away from him.
“It’s true!”
“It’s fucking gross!” Tommy threw the end of a Vienna sausage at him, “Do you just say shit like that on purpose or are you actually queer?”
“If I were, you, Tommy Hagan, would be the very last person I would tell.” Eddie lobbed the corner of a poptart back at him. “Last thing this minefield of a quartet needs is homophobia.”
Tommy squinted at Eddie, “Okay now, that one pisses me off. People just assume I hate the gays just because I’m an asshole about everything else.”
“Tommy, think about what you just said for a second.”
“It’s different! Being a dick to, like, regular people is one thing. The gays have enough shit going on, with the bible thumpers. And the whole bible thing is stupid anyway! I’ve read that thing front to back like three times and the whole Sodom and Gamorah thing was about child abuse so that’s a whole lot of people admitting they can’t fucking read. Which just makes Christians look stupid so it makes me even more pissed off cause if I’m gonna look stupid I want it to at least be for a problem I do have. I can’t do trig but I can at least fucking read--”
“Tommy,” Steve pushed him gently to jar him out of the rabbit hole he’d just gone down.
Eddie was staring at him like he was the single most baffling puzzle he’d ever seen, a growing sense of amazement lighting up a smile like the sun cresting the horizon. If there was anything Eddie Munson was, it was uncomfortably perceptive. Steve knew that well enough by now, but Tommy was just about to find out.
“Well, then, in that case, yeah, I’m kinda queer.” Eddie said, casual as anything, despite Billy choking on his soda beside him.
His shrewd eyes locked onto Tommy, and Steve knew he’d be picking apart each little individual bit of his reaction and running it through whatever process in his head equated to judgement. Tommy, to his credit, while looking absolutely floored Eddie had just dropped that like it was nothing, didn’t react much more.
“Okay.” He said once he’d gotten his voice back.
“Okay?” Eddie raised both eyebrows.
“Well what do you want me to do, a backflip?” He wiggled his injured leg, “Not really on the menu right now.”
Eddie grinned and shook his head, looking absolutely delighted, “Man, meeting you two is starting to fuck with me. Cool jocks. Who would have thought?”
“Crazy what can happen when you get to actually know someone.” Steve let out the breath he’d been holding that entire conversation through. 
“Yeah, crazy.” Eddie agreed.
By the time they finished the second bottle of vodka it was just after nine. Reasonably they should turn in for the night but Steve was still wired from the day’s action and he was pretty sure he wasn’t the only one. 
Eddie couldn’t settle at the best of times, while Billy and Tommy were tossing an orange back and forth. If Steve ignored the bloodstained rag wrapped around Tommy’s leg, and the distant sound of demobats, he could almost pretend they were having a sleep over. 
A sleepover with his ex-best friend, his rival-turned-ally, and his other rival-turned-friend.
Sure, totally normal.
“We should go to bed.” Steve suggested, mostly just so he could say he’d tried to be responsible.
“Unless you mean that in a sexy way, no. There’s no way I’m sleeping tonight.” Eddie replied without looking away from the window.
If Steve could hear the demobats, he was sure Eddie could too. His leg was bouncing and every line of his body screamed ‘tension’. Normally, Steve would have sat him down beside him, pet through his hair and got him talking about something until he chilled out a bit. But given present company…
Given present company? Would they really mind? Yeah, of course they would, they’d both give Steve a metric ton of shit. But would that be it? It wasn’t like they’d beat his ass over it, Eddie had just come out like three hours ago. Maybe Steve was just too far in his own head.
“Eddie?” He called, getting the other’s attention, although not in full, “C’mere for a sec.”
Eddie turned all the way back to him, biting his bottom lip like he was trying to tear the skin off it with just his incisors. So, even more freaked out than Steve had thought. There was no way he was going to prioritize being a coward over Eddie who clearly needed his help.
He sat down beside him, just a little too close as always. Steve scooted even closer, sliding his hand into Eddie’s hair and scratching just the way he knew he liked. Almost immediately his shoulders lost some of their tension.
“So, if you’re not going to sleep, and I’m not fucking you, what should we do instead?” Steve asked, earning himself a laugh.
“How about we play something.” Tommy suggested, despite the question not being addressed to him in the least.
“Like a sleepover?” Billy huffed what almost could have been called a laugh, “What’re we, sixteen year old girls?”
“I could braid your hair too, Sunshine~” Eddie winked at him.
“Stop calling me that.”
“Like you don’t love it.” Eddie grinned right back.
Steve was surprised to see a blush rise on Billy’s cheeks, though he didn’t get to see it long before he was turning his head away.
“If you two wanna stop flirting, I was gonna say two truths and a lie. That one’s always fun.”
“Sounds great, Billy you should go first.” Eddie couldn’t help but tease.
Steve pulled on the baby hairs at the base of his neck a little, getting a hiss out of him and a poke to the side for his trouble.
“Fine.” Billy turned back to the group and held up three fingers, “I have killed a man, I will kill again, and it burns when I pee.”
Tommy looked stricken and Steve could relate. He knew at least one of those was true, although he felt obligated to argue that while Billy’s body had certainly killed someone, he himself hadn’t. Though, he supposed from Billy’s perspective that line probably didn’t feel as clear. 
“Second one’s a lie.” Eddie answered, his voice deceptively calm.
“Munson wins.” Billy laid back down and tossed the orange to himself.
“Wait, no, hold on, back it up.” Tommy mimed pumping the breaks, looking just as goofy as his dad did when he did that, “Can we talk about that first one?”
“The game was two truths and a lie, not two truths a lie and an investigation. Mind your own business Hagan.”
“Nah, man you made that my business.” 
“He didn’t kill anyone.” Steve said firmly, staring Billy down even though he wasn’t looking in his direction as though daring him to argue, “He was possessed.”
“Possessed? Like Linda Blair possessed?”
“Worse.” Billy answered shortly. 
“First monsters, now demons? How in the hell has all this shit been happening without anyone knowing until the town literally split in half?” Tommy blinked, his head reeling back as he tried to make that make sense, “You’re good now though, right? Not possessed anymore?”
“Mostly.” Billy answered cryptically.
“I’m trying really hard not to flip a shit here, and you’re really not fucking helping Hargrove.”
“I don’t know how else to put it. It’s not in me anymore, but I can still feel where it was. I can still hear it, if it’s close. I can still do some of the things it could. Still don’t feel hum--” Billy cut himself off abruptly.
Eddie and Steve locked eyes across the circle. Later, they’d deal with that later.
“How about we play something else?” Steve suggested.
“This one is easy.” Steve explained, “We go in a circle, we say things we haven’t done and if you’ve done the thing someone is saying, you put a finger down. Last one to put all their fingers down, wins.”
“This is stupid.” Billy grumbled for the third time.
“But you’re still playing~” Eddie leaned over to bump his shoulder to Billy’s. 
The blonde didn’t reply.
“I’ll go first this time.” Tommy all but decided, “Hmmm, never have I ever gone skydiving.”
None of them put a finger down, if anything Billy just stared at Tommy as though he could make him pick up his disapproval like radio waves.
“Right,” Steve thought for a moment, “Never have I ever dyed my hair.”
Eddie and Billy both put a finger down while he and Tommy kept their ten.
“Oooh what color?” Eddie eagerly asked.
Billy hesitated a long moment before answering, “Pink.”
Eddie’s head tilted as his smile stretched wider, “You’d look good in pink, sunshine.” 
Billy rolled his eyes, “Never have I ever voluntarily worn a polo shirt.”
“Targeted!” Tommy whined, putting a finger down as Steve shook his head and did the same.
“I’m trying to win, Hangman. Skydiving? Seriously?”
Tommy paused at the use of his old nickname. Steve hadn’t thought Billy knew that one, given that Tommy had gotten it years before he’d come to town. Hangman Hagan, they’d called him for years, because fucking with him was tantamount to a social death sentence. Tommy had never been one to simply get even, no, when he set about to ruin someone, he ruined them. As inescapable as the hangman.
It seemed to have flipped a switch in him, Steve could see the moment his competitive nature lit up in his eyes.
“Alright, Sunshine, let’s go then.”
“It’s Munson’s turn.” Billy smirked back, nodding his head over at him.
God help them, Eddie was wearing the same damn smile. As much as Steve cared about them each individually (and wasn’t that a thought), he hoped they never hung out like this again. It was too much chaos per square inch, if this kept up something would end up on fire, he just knew it. 
“Okay, never have I ever played basketball.”
Steve, Tommy, and Billy all put a finger down. 
“Low blow Munson.”
“Really, not even once?”
“No wonder you can’t run for more than three minutes!”
“Your turn, Van Hagan.” Eddie said around his shit eating grin.
“Fine, you wanna throw cheap shots? Never have I ever kissed a guy.”
Eddie made a face and put down a finger. But so did Steve, and so too did Billy.
“All of--”
“Put a finger down, Tommy.” And God help him now Steve was smiling too, couldn’t help it.
Now it was Eddie’s turn to toss his hands in the air and shout a the top of his lungs.
“I knew it!” He barked as Tommy put a finger down, “Birds of a feather, every fuckin’ time!”
“I’ve got to admit I’m surprised that all of us have.” Steve said, much more calmly than he felt, because all of them had kissed a guy before. If he thought about that for more than a few seconds at a time, he might actually implode.
Eddie’s head whipped over to Billy who was looking anywhere other than the group. He hadn’t tried to take back his answer, however, so that was encouraging.
“I’ve gotta know, who?” Eddie asked the room at large.
“Tommy, duh.” Steve replied as though it were obvious, “How else would I have caught that?”
Eddie nodded, still smiling like an idiot, “Right, yeah, good point.”
“Steve.” Tommy answered, “And, uh,” His eyes flicked over to Billy and Steve almost choked on his tongue.
“Seriously?! When?!” He managed to get out, though his voice sounded like he was being strangled.
Eddie laughed so hard he ended up wiggling around on the floor, pure joy erupting from him. 
“Like, right after he got here? We met at a party before we met at school.”
“Crystal’s party? The one I was sick for? The one with that hot blonde that you wouldn’t stop talking about for a week? The hot blonde you met was Billy?”
“Uh huh.” 
“You talked about me?” Billy’s smile rode the line between the genuine one Steve had seen glimpses of recently and the trashy smirk he’d worn all through high school.
Tommy’s face was beet red, “Might’ve.” He muttered.
“Sounds like you had a torch burning. What changed?”
“You talked.”
Eddie had been half way to sitting up but immediately lost the battle.
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dootznbootz · 8 months
@thehelplessmortals shared this with me and...Penelope coded.
She definitely tried to gross out Odysseus in a dumb "You think you can handle me, idiot? >:) " way. (She's stubborn and in denial at first. When she realizes she actually likes him, she's a mess.) And while eating raw fish is normal for naiad-born in Sparta, when she learned Odysseus wasn't used to naiads in daily life, she just really went wild with it.
He's just staring at her kind of expressionless and she thinks "Ha, see? You don't really like me."
But he's just like
"You like carp? Cuz if you do, we got plenty on Ithaca! Many more fish too! And if we don't, I'll get you some!"
And she's annoyed because her plan didn't work. Girlie is self-sabotaging even though she thinks he's neat.
#this is normal for naiads but she also doesn't have impulse control. She'll jump in mid-convo.#...part of the joke is that basically no one eats carp because they're fucking disgusting :D same with catfish...at least where I live#Helen: “uh...I could just shock the water and then you could get them.”#Penelope: “Where's the sport in that?! >:( ”#It's not like a “playing hard to get” she just genuinely doesn't believe he could possibly like her and being a shit about it.#“Helen's supposed to get the happy ending. not me” (which Helen even is like “you're an idiot”) she eventually gets#her act together :D she's overwhelmed right now. especially since he's just head over heels and just... a LOT as he doesn't know#what to do with these feelings either and she gets mad at him for constantly talking about marriage “The more you say it. the less I wanna"#especially with his reputation to bully and fuck with people. and the fact that he lied to her so much when they first met. she doesn't#trust him. He's overwhelming her and then she's finally like. “if you're so interested. we're doing things at my pace.” then things get chi#they're both so used to putting up their guard that they can't genuinely believe this could be something wonderful#she actually is kind of afraid of the fact that “...Do you just have a thing for Naiads?? since you're not used to them?” are you weird?#but he interacts fine with other naiads. and isn't affected by Helen.#shot by odysseus#Mad rambles#my headcanons#odypen#btw. she chew through bone technically :D fish bone but bone#kind of want to make a “moodboard for the Water Wife”#penelope#Water Wife
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butchsophiewalten · 1 year
Man this is so random but this theory is stuck in my head and I wanna see how other people feel about it because I don't see people talk about it a lot (I have no clue if the link will go through properly since I've never put a link in a ask box)
Oh god not this theory again. I really truly try not to be mean to people for no good reason on this blog, but this theory is literally one of the stupidest fucking things I've ever seen in my entire life. I don't talk about this theory because to me it's like the walten files theory equivalent of that tubby custard mechanically separated chicken post.
Most of the time I genuinely don't even consider it worthy of my time, because it's nonsense, but this is a very nicely worded ask, and I really don't mean to dedicate any of the vitriol I hold towards this theory to You, poor anonymous person, so I will deconstruct it. I will go through the theory point-by-point and deconstruct why I disagree with it.
First up, this:
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Showbear is not a character in The Walten Files anymore. Showbear was fully retconned and is never going to appear in the series again. He was effectively just a cameo of ThunderingStatic's (one of Martin's friends) OC, but when The Walten Files blew up and people started assuming Showbear was Martin's character, Static decided to withdraw his character from the series and focus putting him in other projects.
Martin talked about this on Twitter forever ago, but I wouldn't be able to find that tweet now. But here's a bit from the interview he did with KnowYourMeme back in 2021 where he talks about it:
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Now this:
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This is just stupid to me? Like a complete logical incongruity? I barely even know how describe what is dumb about this because I can't even fathom how anyone draws this conclusion from this information. How is it strange for a man to say 'if my wife isn't home by the time she said she was going to be, let me know, in case something happened.'????? Why would Rosemary be out cheating on her husband with her fucking daughter with her??? If Rosemary was cheating on her husband why would her whole life collapse when he went missing? If Rosemary was cheating on her husband why would she show up at the restaurant every day after he disappeared asking if anyone had seen him and hoping to find him alive??? Why would she make paintings of herself and him together after he disappeared????? What the fuck are you talking about?
Ok now this:
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Whatever. This is maybe the most coherent part of the theory, to me. I definitely agree that Sha evokes a 'wolf in sheep's clothing' sort of aesthetic, but I do remember Martin saying something in a Twitter Q&A at one point about how that wasn't actually intentional, and that Bon was the character he actually meant to seem unusually predatory. I looked for a while and couldn't find a screenshot of that, but I did find this one where he says the thing about Bon:
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So whatever. take that with a grain of salt.
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I don't even know what to say. here. Whatever. sure she was rolling in the hay
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yeah Rosemary is asking if she's still beautiful because she cheated on her husband and not because she was chopped up and stuffed inside a big animatronic sheep. I think this is correct and is the True Deep Lore.of the walten files. I'm sure this doesn't have anything to do with the recurring motif of the double-meaning behind the word Beautiful either.
I don't know why it's weird that the lost lingering spirit of a mother would be calling out to her only living child. I Don't know why that needs additional explanation involving this batshit infidelity conspiracy theory.
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Sha's chest is also ripped out
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So is Banny's, honestly? Just a little less?
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ok now this:
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I guess I can't disprove this except that I think this is dumb. I think this is a really incredibly stupid logical leap to make. Y'know I really meant to go into this levelheadedly and very calmly go through every point and talk about why I think it's Decisively Disagreeable or whatever but I can't. I really can't. I just cannot keep my patience with this sort of thing.
You'd think if there was an infidelity aspect here it would've been lampshaded in some respect, at all, in the old /sophiewalten findjackwalten page text. Where it's literally Sophie talking to Jenny about what she remembers about her family.
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Especially if the idea is that Sophie is meant to have been there. You'd think something like that would have come up here. Not 'she was nice and a good mom until my dad disappeared and her mental health started getting worse'
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poisoned-pearls · 10 months
Azul wasn’t quite sure what exactly he and Jamil had become. One day, he’d been getting continuously blown off by Jamil, the next, Jamil is making out with him in the Scarabia common room in the middle of the night. And it was seriously starting to stress him out.
Crowley had started making (forcing) them to go to group therapy after Idias overblot. (Really, what would it take for the man to hire an actual crisis counselor instead of doing whatever you’d call this??) After a while, Kalim had thrown some kind of surprise party for the six of them (when later pressed, he’d admitted it was cater’s idea, out of concern for riddle and Idia.) Despite Kalim jumping it on Jamil at the last second, it was weirdly chill.
Eventually, everyone except for Azul and Jamil had filtered out. Kalim had gone to bed in an attempt to not be a burden, Riddle had curfew, Vil had his beauty sleep, and to be completely honestly, Idia and Leona were probably both looking for an out the moment they arrived. Of course, that left Azul, who was always willing to push the boundaries of social rules when it came to Jamil.
then it had happened. They’d ended up watching something on the TV, where Azul had ended up next to Jamil in an attempt to steal some of the blanket he was using.
They’d drifted closer, and closer, until Azul’s legs were brushing against Jamil’s. And Jamil’s hand was on it. On Azul’s thigh. He doesn’t even know when it happened, except for the fact that one moment he was fine, he was chill, he was in control, and then the next Jamil’s hand was on his leg and his brain was a jellyfish, floating around in his head with no thoughts.
So Azul did what he did best. He pushed. He leaned his head on Jamil’s shoulder, waiting for the inevitable shove.
Except it never came. And slowly, Azul stopped paying attention to the show and shifted it to the way Jamil’s thumb kept rubbing slowly. Azul wasn’t even sure he was aware of just exactly he was doing to him.
”can I kiss you?”
Oh. Never mind. Jamil had to know just what exactly he was doing.
He had nodded so quickly, all but dragging Jamil on him. Show be damned, he could care less, because now he had Jamil Viper kissing him. The hottest man in their whole school.
The kiss was lazy, slow and methodical. It went on well into the night, and honestly, Azul could care less about what time he stumbled back into Octavinelle, because he got to make out with the boy he’d had a crush on since the first day of school.
”well, you look like hell.” Jade joked, eagerly awaiting Azul’s return. “How’d it go, lover boy?”
Ah. Shit. He’d forgotten the most important part.
Asking Jamil what the hell that just meant.
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dummerjan · 3 months
football insanity has started i just hope germany and turkey get kicked out early on
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ghostinthegallery · 7 months
Hello Ghost! First good day I am you are doing well!
Second; forgot to ask in AO3 but will we see Trazyn explaning the shitshow he put himself, Solamnace AND everyone living in Solamnace at the mot? It would be so cool to see his crypteks and Ashkut AND Huntmaster calling him an impulsive moron in the politest most passive aggressive way they can get away with XD
And seeing their undying loyalty to him too. Even with imminet and lets be honest extraordianary danger they are all in all WILL stand with their lord until to the bitter end. He is theit lord and this is their home and by the all dead gods they will fight tooth and nail to protect it!!!...also after the amount of work the put in Solamnace and regular bullshit they go through there is no way in hell they'll go without a fight.
I would love to see Trazyn getting emotional XD (because these people were HIS family before and after biotransfarence I will die on this hill you and magistralucis convinced me in XD)
(if anyone is curious what situation Trazyn got himself into, read my longfic here. Shameless self promo done)
Haha, I do have plans for the Solemnace crew (not immediately, there's a lot to cover but it will come!). Now hijacking your ask because it did get me thinking about loyalty as a concept for necrons. So few of them have free will. Even those that do are still machines. Machines can be programmed. Szarekh literally had a command protocol that let him control every single necron (which he gave up but the fact that level of control is possible is kinda terrifying)
So how can one truly know if loyalty is chosen or programmed? How much free will can a machine without a soul have? I find that idea so interesting, and I imagine is occurs to the characters as well. We just don't see it as much since most of the POV characters are lords who would have no reason to consider it. Severed imho addresses this in a roundabout way with how it portrays Obyron's loyalty to Zahndrekh. It shows that a subordinate can choose loyalty to their lord, rather than having it forced on them by programming.
I imagine the Solemnace crew are in a similar position (the sentient ones anyway). Trazyn is not the best lord out there, he will take possession of a subordinate's body if he needs it and that does NOT sound pleasant. But the narrative really does show his court having will and opinions and skills that Trazyn values. That's not true of every overlord. So yeah, based on what we see I do think their loyalty is a choice. That's hella emotional to me, so yeah, I promise it will come up XD
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septembersung · 9 months
I know it’s all going to end in tears but I can’t help it. I love. love. Grey’s Anatomy.
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dilidos · 1 year
Do you think Arthur sleeps with his eyes open because John's bored at night?
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newlacesleeves · 3 months
in the meantime, i have been in editing HELL the last like...week and a half. so my goal is to get chapter 12 to a place i am comfortable with (because chapter 13 is pretty much half-written) by tomorrow night? wednesday morning? and then i can move on to work on the the three other wips that are OPEN on scrivener right now
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