#palestine conflict
midnights-dragon · 6 months
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wait michael you want people to live in peace? wow what an outragous suggestion what you are saying is logical and what any decent person should want for those people
anyways he’s right and people need to stop being such cunts to him
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the-briny-bulletin · 5 months
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CareForGaza is a nonprofit charity that donates money and food to those in Gaza. Donate if you can!
Paypal link:
Twitter link:
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Check on twitter/X first before donating
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joyishome · 2 months
Biden calling for ceasefire beacuse he's losing votes. Do not be fooled by the devil or take his candy.
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embraceyourdestiny · 6 months
"Israel’s military said Thursday it had conducted an overnight raid into the northern Gaza Strip as part of “preparations for the next stages of combat,"
israel literally said this with their own fucking mouth and people insist this takeover isnt happening THEYRE LYING TO YOU YOU IDIOT WAKE THE FUCK UP
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lucienmemento · 6 months
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greenteaandtattoos · 3 months
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Of COURSE the US wouldn't see what Israel is doing as war crimes, if they did, they'd have to admit what they've done in Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and to the Native Americans were war crimes.
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highfantasy-soul · 6 months
I'm sickened by the response my US Senator representative sent me after I contacted him about the genocide of Palestinians (send from a 'no reply' email address, of course).
Rafael Warnock, a Christian pastor (of course) had the absolute gall to say
"The heinous acts of violence committed by Hamas upon the people of Israel on October 7, 2023 were horrific and are rightly condemned by all who believe in human dignity and seek a lasting peace. What these events make clear is that there are those who fear peace and seek to sabotage it at any cost."
As if Israel is the one who had been 'accomplishing' peace until the evil, evil Palestinians attacked out of nowhere!! There hasn't been peace for Palestinians for 75 years!! Remember this analysis of Hamas' actions later when he discusses Israel's reaction to it.
He went on to say
"I also recognize the Palestinian community’s deep, legitimate pain and suffering. As a pastor who believes every human being is sacred, I am carefully monitoring Israel’s operations in Gaza. I am praying that all hostages are rescued, and innocent Palestinians are not caught in the crossfire."
'Monitoring'???? If he was 'monitoring Israel's operations in Gaza', he would have seen that for fucking DECADES that Israel has already been attacking Palestinian civilians!! There is no 'crossfire' to be caught in - Israel is specifically targeting civilians! So what is he planning to do with all the info he's getting from this 'monitoring'? What more does he need to see in order to take action and stand up against what Israel is doing?
He continues with about the most horrific statement I can imagine
"Israel has a moral responsibility to protect its citizens from indiscriminate harm"
Just flat out saying that Israel is MORALLY CORRECT to slaughter Palestinians because of Hamas' actions! And by extension, that Palestine DOES NOT have the 'moral responsibility' to protect its citizens from indiscriminate harm perpetrated by Israel since he called their actions 'heinous' and 'horrific'. How much more clear can you get that this Southern, Christian pastor, a registered Democrat, believes that it is morally correct for the Palestinian people to be oppressed by a settler colonial fascist nation?
He started his letter by condemning Hamas' actions against Israeli civilians, but when Israel does FAR FAR worse to Palestinians, it's no longer 'horrific' or 'heinous', it's "Israel's moral responsibility".
He again reiterates that
"it [Israel] also has a duty to do all it can to prevent harm to innocent Palestinian civilians"
And to that, all I can say is: WTF are you even saying? We have hard evidence that for over 75 years Israel has been 'harming' innocent Palestinian civilians in every conceivable way. So this statement is either wildly misinformed or he doesn't consider apartheid, military occupation, war crimes, violations of international law, carpet bombings of civilian areas, and restriction of resources like food, water, and electricity to be 'harm'. As long as it's happening to those 'savage Arabs' it's fine. Almost like he believes, as Israel does, that there are no innocent Palestinians.
He then goes on to talk about all the work he's done to 'help' the Palestinian people such as
"joined a letter to Secretary of State Blinken regarding the need for humanitarian support and access in Gaza as a result of the May 2021 hostilities" "joined a letter to Secretary Blinken expressing my concern about the Israel High Court's recent ruling to allow the evictions of Palestinian residents from their homes in the Masafer Yatta region of the West Bank" "I signed onto a June 23, 2023 letter to President Biden calling for an investigation into her [American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh] killing"
And finally,
"On October 18, 2023, I joined several of my colleagues in the Senate in sending another letter to Secretary Blinken requesting that the U.S. provide at least $73 million in emergency international humanitarian assistance for the Palestinian people following the outbreak of the ongoing conflict in Israel and Gaza"
So, after a couple years and you 'expressing concern' and 'joining letters', what has happened? Why did that aid need to be sent? What did the investigation in the murder of the American journalist find and what did you do with that information? (It found that Israeli forces had killed her and Senator Warnock did nothing with that information).
These statements firmly place the suffering of the Palestinian people as passive things that 'just happen' rather than an active choice to impose suffering upon them by the Israeli government.
And about that aid that's trying to get into Palestine now: how's that going? Is Israel letting that aid get through the border? No? So why hasn't he mentioned that? Why hasn't he called out Israel's refusal to allow aid in? Unless he doesn't truly believe that Palestinians deserve that aid.
It is not 'confusing' or 'complicated' to condemn apartheid, war crimes, and military rule over a disenfranchised people trapped in an open-air concentration camp. People standing up against their oppressors should not be seen as 'justification' for wiping an entire people group off the map.
If you TRULY believe that the death of civilians is never justified and must be stopped, but then you only condemn one side's actions (the side that is being oppressed, has no military, no resources of its own, etc), then it sounds like you just want the oppressed to sit down and shut up so the oppressors can continue to murder and subjugate them. It sounds like you don't want 'peace', you want 'quiet' and the domination of the 'superior' group over the 'inferior' one.
As Martin Luther King Jr. and so many others have echoed the sentiment "Peace is not the absence of violence, it is the presence of justice"
Palestinians aren't calling for the eradication of Jewish people. They are not calling for Jews to be second-class citizens. They are not attempting to treat Israelis like Israelis have treated them. They are calling for freedom and equality.
As long as there is a government whose foundational principals are that one ethno group of people should be above another, there can be no peace, no justice, no equality. That is why the Confederate States of America had to be removed from power, that is why the Nazi Party of Germany had to be removed from power, that is why the Israeli government as it stands today MUST be removed from power.
I went back to Senator Warnock's contact page and sent my response to him that way as I could not respond to the email reply, but honestly, I'm not expecting much in return.
Senator Jon Ossoff, the other senator for my state (as well as a descendant of Jewish people who fled from the Holocaust) has not responded to my initial email. As this conflict is closer to him than others, I'm not sure I expect an answer from him at all as I am not in favor of Israel which many take as antisemitism. Perhaps he will take the situation more seriously than a Christian pastor, and perhaps he will listen to the countless Jews around the world who are standing up for Palestine, but only time - and actions - will tell.
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I am pro Palestine. I dont care if “they’d hate me in Gaza.” I don’t care who started what. I’m aware that Hamas is disgusting. Does that mean that all of Palestine deserves to be taken off the map? Does that mean that every single Palestinian deserves to die? Does that mean their homes should be destroyed and they should be left to die? DNI if you are pro-Israel or anti-Palestine.
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shapeshifterraccoon · 6 months
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it's pretty clear who the oppressors are and who is the oppressed if you stop listening to propaganda and actually look at the facts.
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o-nik · 6 months
Idk if it's been shared here too, but If you want to help Palestine but have no money or for any other reason you cannot do so click here
It will bring you to a site which will have a button. Click that. It's completely free and you can click it every 24 hours. The clicks generate donations!
Death doesn't know age. There are children, adults, men and women dying in horrible ways and living in constant fear whether they'll be the next ones. I think the least we can do is push a fucking button from the convenience of our homes (which many Palestinian people don't have anymore).
There, now you have no reason to not support Palestine.
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midnights-dragon · 6 months
People are being very, very quiet about the Hamas group’s genocide on the Jews that is written in their Constitution to be carried out in the name of Palestine, specifically the Gaza strip that they inhabit, and it’s very misinformational to not include Hamas when discussing #FreePalestine. (Please read this whole thing before attacking me.)
Both sides have blood on their hands. NO GENOCIDE SHOULD BE BEING CARRIED OUT, and BOTH SIDES ARE ATTEMPTING TO DO SO. Israel is the one succeeding right now, sickeningly so, but people should also be talking about Hamas.
Palestine does not only need to be freed from Israel; Palestine needs to be freed from their own fucking government.
There is not enough people talking about the terrorist group of Hamas. I cannot stress enough: free Palestine means free Palestine from Israel and Hamas.
Include Hamas in your discussions of this topic, because if you don’t, and only say free Palestine from Israel, but not it’s government, that is inadvertent support of a terrorist group that is responsible for continuous attempts to carry out genocide against the Jewish people, responsible for bombing their own people and slaughtering thousands upon thousands of innocent Jews and Israeli people (the innocent children and women in the country), and responsible for horrific injustices against Gaza and all areas of Palestine that they control.
Free Palestine from Israel, and from Hamas.
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the-briny-bulletin · 5 months
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You can't be this heartless. You can't be this dense. How the fuck is this a debate!?
I swear to god its the BBC duty to trivialise this shit. All they do is "debate" on peoples right to fucking live. I've seen the way they talk about trans people, trying to be "neutral" on the topic by talking to TERFs and bigots about how we are problematic groomers and cultists. The fact theyd do the same to Palestinians is not surprising but jesus christ how the fuck are they able to be so careless as to DEBATE WETHER BOMBING HOSTPITALS IS JUSTIFIED!?!?
Aljazeera.com is a much better source of journalism. They post information and updates on Gaza and the West bank. Their journalists are in Gaza and some have even died by the hands of Isreal for this. They risk their lives just so they can get this information to the world.
Not only that, you can see posts online from actual Palestinians living in Gaza and West bank. Some still alive. Some dead. Don't forget them.
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scoutsunset · 6 months
In favour for a Palestine ceasefire
At Gaza, their Ministry of Education called for an official end of their 2023/24 academic year due to the martyrdom of all of its students. A disgusting amount of children lost in the name of Israel’s “self-defense”. Their collective loss shall never be in vain.
Much alike those students, 2 mil+ men, women and children are unfairly caught in a terrifying humanitarian crisis. Displaced. Killed. Lost.
Israel shows no sign of stopping. They haven’t stopped for 70+ years.
The collateral damage inflicted onto Palestine won’t manifest in just a singular form. It’s the houses, residential buildings, hospitals, schools, churches, public spaces, among much more unrelentingly destroyed and will require years of rebuilding. And it’s the people that do not deserve a fragment of this suffering. Children, adolescents, adults, elders losing their families and those closest to them. Hopes and dreams, shattered. Their communication, severed. Their worldview, skewed.
The memories of scorching white phosphorus and what’s equivalent to 1/4 of a nuclear bomb striking their home. Nights disturbed by constant explosions. Israel twisting the situation to those around the world while Palestinians stagger with cut phone services.
Solitary. Silenced.
But not in vain. Let’s remember the faces for their accomplishments and efforts in and leading up to the crisis. Make them more than just a statistic. The camaraderie each of them had brought to one another deserves to be acknowledged. For the welfare of our brothers and sisters at Gaza, at Palestine. For their past they leave behind and the future they became martyrs to maintain. For their cut voices, let’s bring one of larger amplitude for all to hear.
Pray for them and bring about a better, brighter future for Palestine. Mourn the dead. Fight like hell for survival of the living.
Please consider reaching out to @VodafoneEgypt on Twitter to reinstate phone services at Gaza. Ensure further voices can’t go unheard during this crisis. Get yourself informed of the crisis and make much more aware. Charities and welfare projects for the life of Palestinians deserve your donations too, so please reach out to them as well.
Thank you.
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toast-part-two · 6 months
Palestine Aid Resource List
With aid to Palestine being blocked, it's discouraging to try and donate to relief funds. But we can't stop trying. Here are some organizations doing their best to get aid to Gaza and help displaced individuals.
Anera provides food and supplies to displaced Palestinian families, and are trying to ship medical supplies to Gaza.
The Middle East Children's Alliance is a nonprofit dedicated to children's rights in the Middle East, and is currently providing emergency aid and shelter as well as providing emergency medical supplies to hospitals and clinics.
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East works to spread information and shelter refugees from the conflict.
The next best thing we can do is listen to and support people and organizations that help get the world out. A lot of people have no idea what is going on in Gaza. We cannot look away from genocide.
Motaz Azaiza is a photojournalist who has been recording the struggles of people in Gaza long before the events of October 7th, and is posting events as they unfold.
Bisan Owda is a Palestinian filmmaker currently in Gaza who is posting real footage and firsthand reports as the internet in Gaza allows.
Eye On Palestine is a content hub posting news, images, and videos out of Gaza, and has resources for education on the history of events.
As far as I know, these sources are accurate and honest. Please be careful where you get your information, as propaganda and misinformation are everywhere. Donate to vetted charities, and research to know where your money is actually going.
And as always, take action. Contact your representatives, attend protests, talk to your friends and neighbors.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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embraceyourdestiny · 6 months
A Diary of Distress
My nieces talk about their wishes, then an Israeli bombardment brings our chat to an abrupt halt.
Please read and share this article and hear the words of Palestinians and what they're going through. Everyone HAS to speak up. It is unacceptable for anyone in the world to let this happen and do nothing to stop it.
tweet to share on twitter
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troythecatfish · 6 months
Here’s my personal recommendation of people to support:
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