#idk I’ve just people get super defensive about things
voltronisanobsession · 5 months
Ok I know I’ve been gone for over a month BUT HEAR ME OUT GUYS‼️
I’ve been going through this phrase where I’m reading a lot of yandere content rn (I gobble that shit UP), and idk the toxicity of it all is giving me a lot of inspo lowkey💀
Like imagine a manipulative reader. HEAR ME OUUUTT
No one knows it but reader is a secret spy at camp half blood (love this trope) and grows super close to Percy. Like they grow close really quickly, you show him your deepest secrets and whatnot to gain his trust and he doesn’t even know it.
Percy shares his own secrets and experiences with you because he feels so connected to you!! It’s on a whole different level and he can’t help but slowly fall for you. And you know this. As much as it hurts you (or doesn’t) to gain the trust of this boy who’s obviously fallen for you, you know you gotta do your job.
You begin to know him on such a deep level and you use it to your advantage. You sway and manipulate any choices he has to make.
Im still on the first few chapters of heroes of Olympus so I still don’t know the plot to it sorry💀 so let’s just say reader is manipulating Percy for their own personal gain, or like planning to sell any information they gain from him to monsters, who knows.
Percy has no clue what’s so ever, but Annabeth can sense something’s off with you. The way you cling to Percy, almost like a leech, as her suspicious.
And when she confronts you, tears. Tears EVERYWHERE. And Percy falls for them. He falls for your crocodile tears because it physically HURTS him to see you crying.
He would console you, quickly muttering sweet nothings as he rubs your arms in order to ‘calm’ you down, hugging you, not knowing the dark look in your eyes as you stare down Annabeth.
Lowkey you would start pitting him against everyone around camp. Lying to him by saying how there’s nasty rumors going around about you made by some of the campers. You’re basically the devil on his shoulder, whispering into his ears exaggerated lies and deception.
And Percy believes everything you say! Why? Because he’s too down bad. This dude practically worships the ground you walk on, so when you slowly start influencing the decisions he makes, he doesn’t question it.
He believes that youre only trying to help him😭 that you only want what’s best for him so he blindly trusts your judgement.
He trusts you sm that he tells you everything you ask about. And if it’s after he went into the Styx river, he’ll even tell you where his weakness. his WEAKNESS
Like bro. You even start to realize that you’ve dragged yourself too deep into what you thought was a game. People and monsters would kill to have this information, you could get killed if anyone found out you knew.
You start feeling guilty for taking advantage of Percy. I mean, he willingly told you the one thing that can kill him, it’s such a big weight on your shoulders now that you can’t help the shame from creeping on you.
Idk, this reader seems like the type to run from their problems, so they most likely do. Over the course of a night, you disappear, cutting all contact with Percy, the camp, everything. You would leave nothing but a short and curt note to him and maybe even Annabeth.
‘Percy, I’m so sorry for lying to you. You didn’t see it but Annabeth did. I’m sorry. -y/n’
And that’s it. Percy would be so hurt and confused, betrayed when he finds out everything. He wants to believe that it’s some sick joke but this is his reality.
He gave you all of him and you just threw it on the ground and crushed it beneath your feet. You quite literally ripped this poor dudes heart straight of his chest with zero remorse, how could you do that to him bro?💀💀💀
He definitely holds some kind of grudge against you. If y’all ever cross paths again, MAJOORR yikes.😬😬 after you leave, Percy grows way more guarded and defensive when meeting new people.
Homeboy does not wanna be taken advantage of again after you💀
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enhashoutout · 3 months
Things I noticed while watching High and Low the Worst X again
I was watching High and Low The Worst X while I was on lunch break and then had more realizations and wanted to write about them lol
These are probably nothing new and someone else probably already noticed these but I wanted to make a post about them sooooo
I’ve watched the movie so many times now idk why I just realized the weight of the three scenes I’m about to talk about. But also I feel like I notice something new every time I watch the movies so I'm gonna cut myself some slack.
Amagai being the only character in the movie who genuinely doesn’t have a sense of friendship/comradery with anyone else.
The first time we see the 3 schools alliance meeting is the opening of the movie, and I remember when I first watched the movie I was like "well damn this looks like a solid ass team" only to find out later that they were in fact not really a team lol 😂 but anywaysss
Watching the movie this time I just realized what Fujin says to Amagai in the first scene in the restaurant where the 3 schools are holding their meetings.
Reiji is first to jump up and say "Let's get this brawl started," and Ghandi jumps in telling Amamgai that their troupes and weapons are ready. Shoji laughs and says that weapons are typical Kamasaka behavior which prompts them to jump at him and Fujin, Raijin, and the other Ebara guys jump straight to his defense while Shoji continues sitting. Amagai tells them to "get us more" while tossing the money bundles in their direction.
Every single fuckin character in this scene's facial expressions have me dying because the disbelief on their faces😂
Shoji looking at Amagai like he's full of shit.
Fujin, Raijin, and Ghandi are looking at him like "wtf?"
The background characters are looking at him in disbelief also like I was WHEEZING when I realized this. Back to the characters who are the main focus of this specific camera frame though, Ghandi and Fujin.
Both characters turn to Amagai with the BIGGEST look of disbelief on their faces and Fujin says "You don't trust we can do it huh?"
To which Amagai says "What's the use in trusting you guys?" and goes on a spiel about how being powerful means you trust no one and not even giving them a slight chance. He also goes on to say that being powerful means bringing everyone else down to their knees and tells the other 3 schools "Just shut up and stick with me. I'll show you what it's like to be at the top." Ryo's face when he says this is a whole other conversation for another day.
I'M SORRY BUT THE LOOKS REIJI AND SHOJI GIVE HIM AFTER HIS LITTLE SPIEL HAD ME ROLLING🤣 Like both characters gave him the most judgmental expression and then you got Shoji over here looking away and rolling his eyes PUH-LEASE I AM DEAD🤣
Aside from all of this being extremely funny to me, this plays into my point from above. Yes, all these looks are super funny but it really shows how as "bad" as the other guys are they still run in the same way that Oya and the other S.W.O.R.D gangs do, through friendship and comradery.
Fujin asked "You don't trust we can do it huh?" because Ebara most likely runs on comradery as well. You don't pay someone to do shit for you, they just know to trust each other to get it done. This is a concept that Amagai does not and can not understand because he's been conditioned to believe that the people around him are not worthy of trust or friendship due to his status, they just work for him. As long as he throws money at their feet, they'll do what he wants.
That's like kind of sad actually, the fact that the other "antagonists" of the film still know friendship and he doesn't... I still hate his guts though. We love Ryoki but we don't love his character Amagai.
The way Shoji vs Tsukasa asks Suzaki why he’s working for Amagai
I think everyone can agree that within that 3 school alliance, Shoji Sameoka was the only character with working brain cells (full offense to all the other characters lol no one else in that room had critical thinking skills I swear). From the first meeting we see, the audience can already tell Shoji is the only character who has doubts about this alliance but also questions it; while everyone else has doubts but proceed to just follow Amagai's orders. This eventually leads to Shoji being the one to suggest that Ebara drop out of the alliance because he thinks it’s stupid which then leads to him agreeing to Todoroki’s terms of dropping out of the alliance if Todoroki wins against Fujin and Raijin. I feel like Shoji as a person judges the other characters based on what he knows/hears about them.
We see this when he confronts Suzaki. Shoji asks Suzaki why he would come to Senomon and work under Amagai when he was the one running Nami High. Suzaki tells him to mind his own business. Shoji is asking Suzaki from a place of strength. Based on the dialogue, it seems like Shoji knew Suzaki and Amagai’s reputations before this alliance. I deduce this down to Shoji knowing that Suzaki was the strongest at Nami High and knowing that Amagai isn’t actually physically strong compared to the other characters, he just likes to cause trouble and make others work for him. People fear Amagai not for his strength or skills as a fighter, but simply because he has the money and status to be at the “top”.
This brings me to believe that Shoji was asking why someone as strong as Suzaki would even work under Amagai who is clearly not a match for him strength wise. It seems like Shoji is asking Suzaki why he would be scared of Amagai’s money and work under him when Suzaki is clearly stronger. I think this is because the Ebara guys ranks are based on their strength/who is the strongest (I make this assumption from the fact that Fujin and Raijin are straight up gym bros lol) so Shoji can’t understand why Suzaki is working under someone clearly weaker than him.
Tsukasa’s question is the same….. but also different.
Tsukasa strikes me as someone who really gets to know someone personally to the best of his abilities before he makes his own judgment on them. We see this with Rao in the movie. Tsukasa could’ve taken everyone’s word for it and been like “oh Rao is a big mean monster” but he takes it upon himself to find out who Rao actually is through Mercy. This is how he finds out Rao isn’t actually all that bad like the stories suggests and that Rao fights for good reason (for his siblings). This trait about Tsukasa is why he asks Suzaki why he fights for Amagai but is also why he’s the only one who is able to understand why Suzaki fights for Amagai without a direct answer.
When Tsukasa asks Suzaki why he works for Amagai, he says “why do you work for a guy like him? Does he has some kind of dirt on you?” and Suzaki just keeps quiet. This brings me to believe that Suzaki probably had a reputation for being the strongest at Nani High but also fought people within reason, he didn’t flaunt his strength just because he felt like it.
Tsukasa asked him based off the kind of person he is and not his strength. I'm assuming Ryo fought people within reason and not so much for fun or to assert his dominance over others with his strength, so him working under someone who has as shitty of a personality as Amagai probably threw Tsukasa off a bit.
He is also however able to tell that there is a friendship there even if it isn't great. At the end when Yuken and Todoroki ask why Ryo would work for someone like Amagai, Tsukasa says it's because he means more to Ryo than that. Alluding to the fact that Ryo is doing stuff for Amagai because he sees him as a friend even if everyone else doesn't.
Okay, I'm done now😂 this wasn't as deep as my other analysis because it's not super deep with comparisons or anything like that it was just stuff I noticed while watching the movie again.
I have fics I'm working on for all the S.W.O.R.D leaders and more for Fujio I'm just swamped with assignments and working a little slow
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Danny Phantom Merfolk AU
Ok so I wrote about merfolk batfam (you should check it out It’s my favorite thing I’ve ever written), so it’s time to write about Merfolk Amity.
Ok so get ready for some worldbuilding and some wack-as-hell creatures because, as I have said before, I am a hoe for biology. These bitches are gonna be funky sea creature people and look scary as hell. (all sea creature species will be linked to its name)
Danny: Comb Jellyfish. I have so many reasons for this one.
1.) they look rad as fuck. enough said.
2.) they asexually reproduce by making clones of themselves so Dani can literally be one of his clones and that is sick as hell.
3.) they are bioluminescent and imagine the cool shit you could do with that and Phantom
4.) he could have a super cool looking jellyfish bell tail and be semi-transparent (one may even say ghostlike). The bioluminescent and rainbow parts of his bell travel up his sides and back and go up the underside of his arms and all the way up to the back of his neck. He has two long tentacles w/ that trail behind him that are a part of his bell that like gently sway in the water really ethereal-like. 
I tie between that OR a Glass Octopus
Like, look at that thing. It’s so beautiful and also v ghosty. It even has little green spots!
In this rendition. Danny is like 10ft long in total with all his tentacles. He has suckers on the undersides of his arms, and his body looks almost fully see-through even though you can’t see any of his organs (idk it’d just look really creepy if it did.) He still eats with his beak so his mouth is used solely for conversation. 
Jazz: I was debating between the Venus Girdle, Fangtooth, and Giant Manta Ray and I think that I’ll stick to Giant Manta Ray. They have the biggest brain of any fish and they pass the mirror test! Super smart animals. these fuckers have a 29ft wingspan they’re positively massive. Jazz has black and white skin, her arms are connected to the top part of her fins, and she also has a barbed stinger and will stab the shit out of you if she feels like it. 
Tucker: Mantis Shrimp. homie got the shrimp tail and legs. he can see all of the colors. his body has a reflective rainbow colored plating all over and he has eyes on stalks. you can fight me on this. He has claws on the ends of his arms. Manta Shrimp literally make vacuums in the water with how fast they punch their prey (acceleration as fast as a 22 cal.) with these funky little clubs they have near their mouth. The dude can easily break your skull in two with his claws if he wished. Tucker is sick as hell. 
Sam: Was debating between Stonefish, Terrible Claw Lobster, Stoplight Loosejaw, but I think I’ll have to settle on Hagfish. These living fossils are the reason I got into researching strange aquatic life. These bitches be jawless. No jaws but they DO have teeth. their teeth aren’t even like regular teeth. They’re made of keratin. KERATIN. These bitches are bottom dwellers that feast on already dead fish on the ocean floor. Wanna guess why they haven’t evolved from their 500 million-year-old evolutionary design? Their defense mechanism is to produce mass quantities of slime whenever threatened. It chokes out fish that try to eat them and causes the predator to back off. If it ain’t broke I guess. 
Anyways I went on a far too long tangent. Sam has a very long hagfish-esque tail. her skin is slightly purple. She does in fact have actual teeth and a proto jaw. It’s difficult to speak English with sadly and she keeps her jaw open as a scare tactic.
I was trying to aim for more funky sea creatures for what they would be as merfolk but absolutely feel free to share what type of sea creature/animal you’d think fits best! or for anyone in the DP universe 
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Tbf. Not saying that some vegans don’t get extremely gung-ho abt their choice to be vegan for no reason, but a large portion of defensiveness in a lot of vegans/vegetarians has to do with what appears to be a counter culture of people dedicated to ‘dunking’ on vegans, I.e by consuming all-meat diets, tricking them into eating meat, harassing them abt being vegan even if only stating ‘I’m vegan’ and not bothering anyone about it, etc. I mean, I myself am a vegetarian (autistic and cant stand the texture of meat) and I get a lot of unwarranted shit for it from people who think they have the right to like. Question me or bully me about it or try to engage me in debate about it. And I’ve never in my life preached abt the benefits of vegetarianism, just stating “I’m a vegetarian.” And nothing else is enough to warrant any of the above. Plus the shocking amount of assholes who try to sneak meat into my food lmfao- which has included waiters on occasion. So yea idk not to say that some vegans can’t be weirdly obsessed with their own choice to go vegan but it’s not like the defensiveness comes out of nowhere :P
No yeah people are absolute shit about respecting others' personal boundaries with food. It's like they don't even get that people can Actually Die if you make them eat something they shouldn't be, or at least get super sick.
I think if you've been vegan or vegetarian for a while eating meat again all of a sudden can make you super ill? That's a thing, right?
I've encountered a "carnivore" diet weirdo in the wild internets, and it was. Something. He invited people on his website to email him questions and I wanted so badly to just ask him "hey. how often do you poop"
There's also this...very weird thing where people see meat as associated with masculinity and plant-based substitutes as being emasculating? Which is so bizarre to me that I don't even know how I would start to talk someone down from that.
But, yeah. I think some of it is just like culturally we're horrible about consent and respecting boundaries about literally anything people do with their bodies
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mecha-omega · 1 year
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Had to think about this one for a while, 2 1/2 weeks max.
Many games go under the radar from many fans and companies. Many just become forgotten. But thanks to a friend, I’ve experienced a game that I’ve never thought I would enjoy fully. That game is Panzer Dragoon Saga, a game released on the Sega Saturn in 1998. It had a rough development cycle, being made while the Sega Saturn and Sega themselves were spiraling down due to the commercial failure of the Saturn. But thanks to people on the internet, the Sega Saturns Emulation is fully stable as the games rom can be found online.
Panzer Dragoon Saga starts at a dig site in the mountains, while mercenaries are guarding the area. In it they find a Girl surrounded by stone, but not long after they get attacked by their employers while they all get picked off one by one. All but one are alive, a young adult named Edge, after being shot off a cliff, Edge is awoken in ruins surrounded by gray ancient plates. He gets attacked by creatures of a by-gone age but a strange dragon saved you as you escape the ruins, venturing out to get your revenge and save the girl they took.
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Right of the bat, you go straight into the gameplay, clean and simple. The only things you have to focus on is your dragon’s HP, SP, and any Status effects it has. There is no equipment like armor and the like, just whatever attachments Edge’s gun you’d like to put on it. To attack you have to use an action gauge (3 bars) to attack with your gun or the dragons’ many attacks. At one point in the game you will have access to many moves that does different kinds of effect to buffing, debuffing, Healing, AOE attacks, Shields, ect. At a certain point in the game the Dragon will be able to transform into 4 other forms, Attack, Agility, Spiritual, and Defense, each form can be chosen by via a slider so you can go either a balance Dragon or go one sided with your dragon.
There are items & intractable objects in the world of PDS so it’s best to explore as much as you can. Honestly it’s recommended due to this games length, it’s only 12 hours long minimum, I’ve personally hit 13 hours due to me just wondering around areas & looking for certain items that can help me with later fights. I recommend looking for items called “D Units”, there are 12 of them in total. I won’t say what they do but it’s a neat bonus for finding them all.
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The story and look of Panzer Dragoon Saga are amazing especially its world. The Sega Saturns from what I heard wasn’t the best with 3D compared to N64 & PSX1, but ultimately these environments were amazing to look at. Nothing honestly compared to other games around the time, the detail in certain landscapes were impressive, Granted there are some pop in but it might just has to due to the emulation since it isn’t running on OG hardware. Final Fantasy never did 3D fully mainline till FFX, and Xenogears only did 3D for the environments rather than the character models. PDS does both and it’s insane how a console that can’t do 3D very well processes all of what’s going on screen. Yah, other games like MGS1 & Mario 64 are full 3D but idk for this game it feels different.
The Story isn’t the most ground breaking I’ve witnessed but it’s has some twists that I’ve would’ve not predicted. I won’t say what they were but there were moments where my jaw dropped and I just sat there like “DAWG WHAT!?” Till I went back to processing what I’ve seen. With the story being so short, it’s plot is way more focused than other games after it’s released, which is super refreshing in certain cases. For Edge and Azel being the main characters, they are pretty endearing, they aren’t to crazy as characters but their interactions all the way up to the end of the game fits the game’s end with a nice bow.
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Overall, Panzer Dragoon Saga became one of my favorite games of all time. I’ve never had an experience quite like it, but sadly I don’t believe we’ll have something quite like it again. After it’s release, Sega was already setting its sights on the Dreamcast as their financial situation gets worse. While PDS isn’t the sole reason for it, it was non the less not very favorable sales wise. While it’s JP version only produced 100K copies, its US versions only produced 25k and worse its EU version? Only 1,000 copies making it extremely rare in said region. It can sit around for 1,000$ to 2,000$ minimum compleat as parts of it go for 200$ to 300$ and that’s only for the US. Due to the restructuring Sega was doing they disbanded Team Andromeda and folded them into Smilebit. Thankfully the game did get a sequel in the form of Panzer Dragoon Orta, taking place after PDS.
If you want to play the game in full I highly recommend getting an emulator for it (Mainly Retro Arc) since Saturn emulation has been smoother the past few years, there is a guild on the Wiki iirc. And if you are one of the few that are waiting for it to come to current Gen home consoles, tough shit. We don’t know the full story but due to the restructuring for the Dreamcast release and after the company restructured again after the Dreamcast died and moved onto game making. The source code is most likely lost or destroyed since there has been no attempts to rerelease it in some shape or form.
With all said and done, with it being one of my favorite games I’ve played this year, I give it unironically a 9.5/10 to a 10/10. I don’t think I’ll have the same experience that I had with this game with any other game moving forwards, but I’m glad to say that this game found a home in my head and heart. And I’ll fight for it whenever Sega tries to remake it or remaster it if they ever find the source code or have another studio help them create it from the ground up.
Ty Team Amdromeda and Sega for creating such an amazing experience…
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frenziedslashers · 1 year
aw gecko :( i hope they go for the grapes!! i’ll try to send some good grape eating brainwaves over there hehe
THE MUSTACHE LMAO honestly i kinda now what you mean. loving this era for you rn
alsoooo idk if i’ve ever officially requested anything jn here but if you’re still doing it could i perhaps request a nsft alphabet for mordecai? if not no worries!!
Yeah, I think he is getting back into his groove of eating legit anything that moves lmaooo Thank you for the love homie, Groot and I appreciate it! (Groot is my crested gecko's name, btw).
I am in fact a DILF enjoyer and someone pointed out that it makes Rhys look older and now my brain is thirsting for all aspects of Rhys Strongfork. I love him. He's so silly and such a goober, just like me lmao.
But you have not yet! I will definitely make you one homie 👹 I have been waiting for someone to request a Mordecai NSFT alphabet, and what better person to request that than you 🤭
Mordecai NSFT Alphabet:
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Mordecai does his best to coddle you after having sex with you. Though some nights he might be too tired to and sort of forget. He'll still have a lazy arm drapped over your waist and mutter some term of endearment before pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder and falling asleep. What can he say? He's a tired guy.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Partners: I full heartedly think if you have boobs he will be all over them. He is definitely a tits man. If you don't have any, though. He's definitely going for your thighs. For something that he likes that isn't considered sexual, he would have to go for your eyes. He just loves looking at them and how they sparkle.
Himself: He loves his hair. he may not take care of it all the time, but he gets super defensive if anyone even suggests that he cuts it. Bonus points if you wash his hair for him, it gives him even more of a reason to like it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He's not too picky where he cums. He will do it about anywhere you ask or suggest. If you don't have any suggestions, he'll probably just cum on your stomach or chest. Or your back depending on the position. For the most part, he tries to use a condom though.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 
One of his favorite things is when he's practicing shooting and you blow him. It gives him a nice challenge to try and focus on his target.
He's also a big fantasizer and a bit of a perv, so if you wear even the slightest bit of revealing clothes he will be staring and thinking about it later that night.
 E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I would say that he is fairly experienced. He seems to have a charm to him that gives off that he's been with a few people in a sexual aspect. Plus, we know he has been with Moxxi, at least. At the same time though, I feel like he gets too attached to people and he may have only been with a few. I still think he is a little experienced at least. He knows what he's doing and he is not afraid to ask what makes you feel good. He knows everyone is different.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary: He loves the intimacy behind it and he can use it to his leverage. It can be a style that's basic for most, but Mordecai can find a way to spice it up. Whether it be with his bedroom talk, or how he holds you down to binds you to the bed. He's not one to say no to a little bondage.
Spooning: He gets a little lazy sometimes, so this is another favorite of his. Plus, again, the intimacy behind it speaks volumes for him. The ability to hold you against him while he makes love with you. He loves it.
Up against furniture: He loves pushing you against things to fuck you. The desperation behind it. How animalistic the both of you can get when your both just aching for the same thing from each other. It drives him insane and he's almost always resorting to fucking you against something. Whether it be in the comfort of your home, or somewhere for public and less familiar, depending on the situation.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I would say that it depends on his mood a lot, whether if he's funny or not. He likes to tease and drop a couple jokes here or there to ease the tension if the both of you are a little awkward when doing the do. But if this is him letting out his frustration and fucking you to teach you something (with consent of course). Or if it is him fucking you to show you how much you mean to him, he is definitely being a lot more serious in the situation.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I would say that he tries his best to be groomed, but he gets a little messy down there at times. When he is with you he tries, but sometimes you have to remind him or drop a hint. Or he has to mentally remind himself. He's an alcoholic and shows signs of depression. He gets lost in his thoughts and the last thing on his mind is hygiene when in a bad state of mind. Plus, he lets being a vault hunter get the best of him at times. He tries to be well kept, but between work and his mental state, it gets a little unruly down there at times. Honestly. You're just lucky if he's remembering to bathe and brush his teeth. Not that he chooses to be dirty, he just can't help it. His life style and habits drain the life out of him.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He does his best, truly. He can be romantic, and damn good at it if he tries. Especially if you aren't a fluent Spanish speaker. His knowledge on Spanish is something that he takes to his advantage when seducing partners. He can also be quite clumsy when it comes to seduction and romance, but truthfully, that's what gives him his charm. More times than not.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
It's a hit or miss. He mostly does it when he's feeling down in the dumps, in an attempt to feel something, but more times than not it just makes him anxious and hate himself afterwards so he tries to avoid masturbating. When the two of you get together he finds himself doing it a bit more if the both of you are apart for long amounts of time. He typically just waits to get back to you before resorting to masturbation. He still has a guilty conscious and tends to have negative thoughts about himself after he does it. Even if you give him the ok.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Bondage: He likes tying you up and having his way with you. He loves that you can put so much trust into him that he can just go to town on your body however he wants and pleases to.
Giving oral: He could quite literally die in between your legs and be totally okay with it. Something about giving you head and seeing the way your eyes roll into the back of your head gets him off more than you could imagine.
Blindfolding: Again, it has to do with trust, but he likes this as well. The fact that you can trust him enough that you'll let him blindfold you. He especially loves it if you allow him to tie you up as well.
Marking: Mordecai loves leaving any trace of him on you that he can. His cologne, bite marks, hickeys, scratches, you name it. He gets worked up throughout the day if you're near him in public and he can smell that you spritzed some of his cologne on you, or if he can see a mark on your neck and he catches people staring at it. He loves letting the world know that you're his.
Hair pulling: He loves it if you yank on his hair. If the both of you are together and he's teasing you, playing hard to get, and you just yank on his hair and give him a look. Oh, oh. He's showing you the time of your life. You've most definitely got his attention.
Pain: He himself has a slight pain kink. He likes it when you scratch and bite on his skin. If you slap his ass or pinch him trying to get his attention it's definitely going to work.
Hate Fucking: I couldn't think of any other way to describe it besides that. He likes it when the both of you are running off pure emotions and adrenaline. Whether you are both mad at each other, or mad at people unrelated to one another, you're both fucking like animals to let the stress out and he loves it. When going through the stuff with Jack this is when he get's the roughest in this department. Especially after losing Bloodwing. He's just so mad and lost,
Edging: He loves it. Th way you moan and cry while you plead for him to just let you cum. It's truly something else.
Overstimulation: He just loves watching you try and push him away when you cry out that it's too much. Every making you cum over and over. It makes him feel accomplished in more ways than one.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He's not a picky guy. He likes the safety of one of your guys' homes. Or a place where no one can peer, but he doesn't;t necessarily have a set location. Now his favorite thing to fuck you on? Probably the wall or over a table. Having to trust the sturdiness of both items from his thrusts and his hands that have a habit of slamming into things beside you. He's definitely accidentally hit and left a dent in the wall before and the both of you laughed about it after. He just has so many things pent up and his hands have to do something. He tries to suppress it and it resorts in the heels or fists of his hands hitting the table or wall beside you. He'd never hit you though, so don't worry.
Knife Play: It may take him a bit to warm up to the idea, but he does end up enjoying it. He loves the trust that it behind it, and he also likes that he could easily mark you for life with it. Whether he actually cuts you or not is up to you and if you ask. He mostly likes holding the blade to your skin to add to the excitement of things.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Literally anything can get this guy going. Your tone of voice, batting your eyes, making a suggestive comment, a lingering touch. If you want to skip his teasing from playing out all day, though. Pull his hair, take control and tell him what you want and that you want him. Kiss him hard or flaunt a mark he left on you by wearing a low collard shirt. He'll go crazy.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would never hit you. He's not into the thought of hurting you, especially not hitting. He's a scrawny guy, but he is a sniper. He's got some muscle and would hate to hurt you.
Degredation: He is normally in a bad mental state 90% of the time. So he will not tolerate being degraded and he will also not put up with degrading you either
Anything with bodily fluids besides spit or cum: He might be a messy guy at times, but that's crossing a line for him. He can't handle it.
You being drunk: Him being drunk is one thing, but he will not have sex with you if you are intoxicated. Unless the both of you have agreed to it before you got drunk. He just doesn't like it and feels like he is taking advantage of you. He hates it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving: This is definitely his preference. He would ask you to sit on his face anytime you had to sit down if he could. He loves it. He loves giving you head. It excites him and pleasures him just from the sight and sounds that you show him while he pleasures you. He's also super good at doing it, too.
Receiving: He will never complain if you want to return the favor, though. He especially loves receiving after a long hard day. When he just wants to relax and let loose.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He prefers to go at a faster and rougher pace, but take his time with you. He loves edging you to the point of tears. Overstimulation is also something that he is particularly good at doing to you. He only really goes slow and sensual when he's feeling particularly vulnerable and sentimental.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He loves quickies. He's like a rabbit when it comes to sex. He's fucking you any chance that he's got and that you'll allow him to.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is super game to experiment! He loves trying new things with you, just let him know everything that's going on before you do it. Or else he may be more reluctant.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go for about 2-5 rounds. It really depends on how tired he is and what sort of mood he is in. He has breaks in between the rounds, of course. He can last quite a while for the mostt part as well, too.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He's not too fond of them. I personally don't think that he takes a liking to them since he'd rather use his hands or his mouth if you want different stimulation. If you asked he might look into it, that doesn't mean he's using the toys, though.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Mordecai loves teasing. It's one of his best traits in the foreplay department. Plus, just everyday life. He'd tease you until you're pouting and begging if he could. He likes drawing things out and seeing how you'll react when you get sick of his bullshit.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He tries not to be loud. Mostly just grunts and pants, he can get a little vocal though. More whiney and verbal on the nights that he just can't hold back.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He loves it when you hold him after sex. He's not used to having someone taking care of him, and he loves when he feels your arms wrap around him and pull you snug against him. Even if he just got done fucking you into oblivion. He loves the serenity and domestic feeling behind it. If you play with his hair he's a goner and never letting you go. He's passing out with your fingers tangled in his hair while his arms are clinging onto you, one way or another.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Up to you to imagine.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He has a fairly high sex drive after the two of you get together. Before and/or after he's not too worried about sex. It's only when he has a partner to fantasize and romanticize about that his sex drive sky rockets.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He falls asleep real quick. He gets drained super easily after sex, so he'll often times pass out without remembering to take care of you or himself in the process. That's another reason why he likes it when you hold him. It lets him know you understand that he's just a tired baby.
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lesbianrobin · 11 months
em i am delighted to learn you’ve watched glee and i must ask you a very important question that i’ve been thinking about recently. if there was a stranger things x glee crossover who do you think would be friends and who do you think would absolutely despise each other?? personally i think lucas and sam would be pals whereas nancy and rachel’s personalities would clash… would absolutely love to know your thoughts xx
this is such a huge question as both shows have giant casts but i LOVE it. first of all nancy and rachel are incredibly complicated and i think it depends entirely upon the situation they're in. like i do think they would clash in most situations but if they found themselves united in a common cause i could see them getting along bc i think nancy would also send her rival to a crack house and rachel would also point a gun at her boyfriend and bash someone's head in with a fire extinguisher in self defense. like if they did become friends they would kill somebody for sure. also i agree w ur lucas and sam pals assessment i think they would just have a swell time <3
now my strongest opinion here is that steve and santana would be insanely good friends. like they'd have a frenemies Vibe they'd be insanely mean to each other and outsiders would think they hated each other but they'd be besties. they're both like the same brand of slutty mean girl i think and as we know steve is a hit with the lesbians. they'd talk such mad shit about people probably with quinn as well. also i think steve and sebastian smythe would hook up. it would be very much hate fueled. also i think steve and puck would end up in a fist fight somehow and steve would beat puck's ass.
meanwhile i think robin would want to study brittany like a bug <3 brittany would want to be friends with robin and with el. el would like brittany but i think she'd also lose patience with her sometimes she'd just be like oh my god girl how are you this dumb. also el would be so excited to join a glee club and then be like why are we talking about rock salt slushies. i want to sing >:(.
speaking of brittany her and argyle would literally vibe so hard they would be best friends they'd adore each other. i think jonathan and mike chang could sit silently in a room together and be great friends.
speaking of mikes i think mike wheeler would find literally everybody in glee annoying he'd hate all of their asses so much. same goes for max dustin and erica all four of them would just be like 🤨🙄. MAYBE max could get along with santana quinn and brittany. through the power of cunt recognizing cunt.
i think will would also find everybody super annoying but he'd be like wow gay people... and overlook how annoying everybody is to hang out with blaine and kurt bc he's just that desperate for gay friends. and BRITTANY i think will would like brittany. also he and tina would probably get along!
unfortunately i do fear that murray and mr schue would get along. murray would be in his little old man singing club idk i don't remember that plot very well. joyce would maybe be friends w ms pillsbury but in that like "designated friend whose life is a mess" way. like they would Both look at each other and be like oh bless her heart.
eddie... ok hear me out i think eddie and mercedes could POTENTIALLY be pals depending on what season mercedes this is. if it's later in the show like yes they have a shot but if she's in her early-show crush on kurt era then absolutely not. anyway they both have this like innate sense of showmanship and independence and i think despite their differences they'd look at each other be like. respect. also eddie would bully finn So hard for being a football player but then they'd sing like a meat loaf song or something together and become besties.
lucas would perform a song for max btw. like if he were in an environment where he could serenade her he Absolutely would at every opportunity i know this for a fact.
also hopper would break mr schue's nose. possibly some fingers too.
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elekinetic · 1 year
hey i have a silly little question! i have 2k words of planning but no idea how to start translating them into actual writing and i thought i could ask you for help because you're obviously the master of scriptwriting lmao
i've written scripts before but i always struggle with trying to get my ideas onto paper in the form of coherent sentences :,) idk your scripts always turn out so gorgeously written so i thought it couldnt hurt to ask for a bit of advice <3
(i should clarify: i'm trying to start drafting a screenplay for this story i've been planning for months but i've been staring at a blank page for hours 🥲 if you have any tips on how to translate ideas into actual writing that would be super helpful)
AH you’re so sweet, i’m far from a master, but i’m happy to share the stuff i’ve learned as a third year undergrad.
so like, for me, i struggle with figuring out what to do in scenes and how to make them…useful? if that makes sense? in a good script and a good film, every scene moves the plot forward, the character arc forward, or both. (by forward i mean changes, set backs are obviously a very important part.) so when i sit down to write a new scene, i make a list of everything i want to accomplish.
i’m gonna use this scene of mine as an example. my list looked a little like this:
- primary goal: teens find out about will’s visions
- secondary goal: show how on edge mike and nancy are.
- secondary goal 2: establish the dynamics of the kids and teens working together.
ok, so how can we accomplish those goals? that second one should clearly be an argument since they get on each others nerves. and why don’t we make the argument about why the boys snuck out, bc they have to come clean abt wills visions to explain why they did. and to show that the teens hold more power in the dynamic and that the boys are struggling without their usual freedom, let’s emphasize that the boys did something dangerous the teens specifically told them not to do.
cool, so we have a general idea of what our scene is: nancy chewing the party out. but that’s just an idea. each scene is made up of a bunch of beats stitched together. here’s how i figure out what to put in a scene:
write down A) where everyone starts emotionally in the scene and B) where everyone ends emotionally in the scene. figure out what changes.
nancy is going to start annoyed and end resigned. so….she’s mildly annoyed and then decides it’s fine? that’s not particularly interesting, so how can we’re complicate it. OK, let’s make her get close to blowing up, and then see her be the bigger person and pull back. that way we’re ALSO progressing her character arc and seeing her grow from the hot-tempered girl we saw in early seasons.
i’m trying to kill as many birds with this scene as possible, so i’m ALSO going to add details about what the other characters are doing. it’s important to remember that if you’re going to have a character in the scene, you gotta do SOMETHING with them. here’s a breakdown of some of the choices i made for the other characters in the scene:
mike: very snarky, very on edge, very combative. this is bc he’s fresh off his fight with will, the party is in trouble, and they just failed to save el. i’m using this scene to highlight how upset that would make him and how that anger would affect the people around him.
will: stands up for himself. that’s the most important thing. he will not let himself be spoken over and takes responsibility, says yes, i know we shouldn’t of done this, but we did, and heres why. and we have to do it again. he’s coming into his own!
lucas: he’s defensive but he also kind of bends under the pressure and defaults to nancy. he tries to help will but it’s clear this is an unfamiliar dynamic for him.
dustin: show that he’s not as grounded as he probably should be.
steve: steve has four lines. FOUR lines, but we’re still doing something with him. he calls nance out, tells dustin to stop, but also tells the boys nancy is right. he’s very serious rn and it’s a good way to reinforce that his disagreement with nancy is not petty (never petty) and he’s always coming from a place of genuine concern.
jonathan: jonathan helps pull nancy back and dies everything he can to support her bc HES A GREAT BOYFRIEND and that was what i did with him. also expressing concern for not only wills safety, but the whole party’s. he also shows some leadership.
on that note, i also want to explore relationships in the scene:
jancy: they’re supporting each other without being asked. reinforce that this is a strong partnership, even through rocky waters
byler: will telling mike to back off and mike listening. mike being protective of will even though they’re still technically fighting.
dustin & steve: the dynamic between him and steve is shifting. steve is part of The Teens and dustin is not. steve tells him to quit it kind of sternly. this is new for them.
nancy & steve: mentioned before, steve will call nancy out but also back her up. no malice or pettiness in his heart.
the party: dustin and lucas try to cheer will up and defend themselves. they’re close.
basically you can accomplish a lot in a scene bc not every “accomplishment” has to be a massive thing. it can be as small as “dustin looks down” to show he feels chastised, which is new to him!
worst comes to worst, word vomit. Write the worst possible version of your scene ON PURPOSE and then edit from there. you just gotta get something down.
AH ok that’s all i have for now but if you have more specific questions please please please send them! I wasn’t really sure what to put here, so I just kind of word vomited. Hope this helps!
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blogfordantreacy · 10 months
15 questions and 15 mutuals
Thank you for the tags @kittensittin and @broadwayfreak5357! Sorry it’s taken me forever to do this, I’m anxious and lazy sometimes lol. But it means a lot that yall thought to tag me 🥹
were you named after anyone?
Not a person, but my gov’t name is based off of this story: “Once Noah’s ark was completed, the skies opened and rain fell for forty days and nights until the entire earth was covered with water and no living thing survived except those within the safety of the ark. When the skies cleared and another forty days had passed, Noah released a raven. Noah’s raven “went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth.” Only when a dove Noah sent out after the raven no longer returned did Noah decide it was time to leave the ark and the mountain top upon which it rested.”
when was the last time you cried?
Mmm probably last week? During household stressors lmfao
do you have kids?
Nope, but I have 4 niblings that I love more than life itself
do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not really? I think it’s cause I have a hard time understanding sarcasm when others use it (neurodivergence baby!) and idk it’s just not my style. I’m more of a facial expressions when exasperated, and also just not a very negative or cynical person. But occasionally I am!
what's the first thing you notice about people?
Ahhhh, usually what they are wearing maybe? Or their hair? I don’t even know
what's your eye color?
Brown, nothin to write home about
scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings > scary movie, but complicated endings > happy endings sometimes. When it makes sense. But sometimes you just need a happy ending. Plus I don’t like most scary movies.
any special talents?
Uhhhh idk! I have a lot of patience, which makes me good at my job. Im good at finding good people for jobs (like a good plumber or whatever). Im really good at Guitar Hero? I play on like expert. Idk these aren’t really talents…
where were you born?
what are your hobbies?
Reading/writing fic, going out to eat lol, doing nature things, traveling, baking, bike riding sometimes. And music and podcasts, I listen to a lot of both.
have any pets?
One! A cat. He’s p alright (I’m not a big pet person but my partner is)
what sports do you play/have you played?
Uhhh I’ve tried my hand at several different sports as a kid, but played soccer the longest. Mostly defense or goalie. I’d love to play dodgeball or rugby these days.
how tall are you?
Like 5’2? Short king
favorite subject in school?
Mmmm probably English or math (sans geometry, fuck that class lol). I loved learning, still do, but don’t like homework or busywork, and I don’t love the way we do education in the US. But I had some wonderful teachers and my mom, who have always encouraged my natural curiosity and wanting to get better at things. I’m a super curious person!
dream job?
I do really love what I do now! Working in a library is a blast. I also think working at NPR would be so cool, but I don’t have a radio voice. Honestly my dream is to shadow/intern at 12 different jobs for 1 year.
Tagging @rosy-avenger, @its-very-cold-in-space and whoever else wants to go I don’t even know who I’m mutuals with at this point 😂
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
Hello! I wanted to kind of vent a little because I had like a sexuality crisis a couple months ago and proceeded to block it out to deal with a bigger crisis and now I’ve been thinking about it again.
I have known I’m asexual for years now and I am cool with that, I figured it out in high school and was so excited because I felt like I understood myself and found people who related to me on tumblr. I don’t have any ace friends so i think mine were a little confused but all supportive, I am lucky to have them :)
Anyway the crisis 😩 happened when my best friend at the time confessed her feelings to me. I would talk with her often about my sexuality because I was trying to figure out if I, a woman, was also into women. My friend and I were super close and sometimes I would imagine us dating just to theorize it and wondered if I liked her back. We would talk playfully with each other at times and I loved holding hands with her or cuddling so I thought maybe I liked her but never really planned on acting on it. When it comes to me getting feelings for someone I will fantasize about us dating for a day and then I’m over it i have never initiated a relationship just due to lack of interest I guess.
When she confessed I told her I returned the feelings because that’s what I thought I did since I liked to hold hands with her and things like that.
She was overjoyed and I was excited because this was so new and it has to be right but a part of me was scared because I knew I would let her down. I have been in relationships in the past (very few) and would lose interest every quickly. I feel like when it comes to relationships I never get involved that deeply, idk if it’s some defense mechanism to protect myself or if I just can’t experience those feelings and I fear it might be the latter.
Over the week I started to freak out because this was my first relationships that would have consequences if it ended, I only dated acquaintances never close friends. I feel horrible saying it but I knew in the end she would like me more than I could like her. It was all I thought about, did I actually want a committed relationship or did I just crave physical platonic intimacy? I ended it before it could get any further and felt like a terrible person, I felt I lead her on. I told her I didn’t want her to think I was using her to figure myself out and she told me she didn’t see it that way but to me that’s what it felt like.
I knew it wouldn’t be fair to either of us to pursue a relationship but I felt immense guilt for getting her hopes up for nothing. ALL OF THIS IS TO SAY, I wonder if I’m aromantic as well. Idk what to make of that because I was trying to see if I liked women and now I’m like so I like no one??? I’m just very confused and I don’t want to hurt anyone in pursuit of figuring out what I want. I know you don’t have to use labels but I feel like it helps me understand myself more to label it and I wish someone could just look at me and be like… you are this and be done with it.
So to summarize I don’t have an interest in dating but I do theoretically want to be in a relationship because everyone is and I don’t want to be lonely but I don’t want to date anyone but I do, make sense? ��😭
This was a lot longer than I expected sorry! but if anyone has advice I appreciate it, and I hope I don’t sound like being aromantic is a bad thing it is not! I think I’m just frustrated because I felt so close to understanding myself and now I feel like I understand myself even less. It has been helpful to read through the posts on this account and has been validating to know I’m not alone, I hope you are all doing well ❤️
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punch-love · 9 months
I guess I am being defensive because I feel like I wouldn’t ever push someone’s boundaries, but clearly I’ve pushed yours, mostly because of the gauging thing, but the defensiveness I think comes from the fact that I obviously have pushed yours, like you said w the intent of doing it or not, which is why I feel so apologetic and saying I can just leave u alone and stop following u, and on ur other blog as well. I do do better w very clear boundaries, so me asking do u want me to leave u alone, do u want me to stop following u, is me trying to obtain just super clear boundaries because I’d rather you be comfortable than to do what I desire doing, and u saying you’ve had this interaction before makes me feel bad for doing what I did because u were saying previous people carelessly pushed ur boundaries, and I hate for u to feel like that’s what occurred, idk I just feel bad about the whole situation and I prob come off way worse via messages that I’m not proof reading before sending
I was going to have the last message be the last response I had on this topic, but this one is worth responding to for me. I knew you were being defensive because no one, especially people who don't see themselves as boundary pushers - likes to hear that they have, in fact, hurt another person. You have obviously pushed mine, but instead of apologizing upfront, you pulled me into a long-form discussion and then ret-conned an apology by saying you would just leave as if that justifies or solves anything.
I didn't want you to leave. I just wanted you to apologize for pushing my boundaries to the repeated and constant degree that you did. I appreciate that you communicated that with me because I really was feeling like you weren't understanding the root of my frustration. The motivations behind boundary pushing are so inconsequential because at the end of the day, you did push them. I've been in your shoes before, and it feels real bad. I think you felt backed into a corner and didn't want to accept that you had done something you disagreed with morally.
I know you were looking for clear boundaries but I never asked you to leave. That was something you independently suggested and I never agreed or encouraged. I would never do anything someone desired doing over my own comfort - this is me explaining my boundaries and beliefs of my own volition.
I appreciate that you came back and really thought about me and my perspective. That's really all I wanted. This has happened to me so, so, so many times which is why I have these boundaries in place. I realize that I didn't communicate that (and I don't feel like I should have to) but my reasons are grounded in my own lived experiences you know? I know what people want from me, I know what I have to give, and I don't give anymore than that.
All I wanted was for you to see my perspective. You apologized, you thought about your behavior, and you were vulnerable with me. You can't ask for anything else. If you want to continue asking me writing questions on this blog, please feel free to. I also will be putting up question guidelines so future interactions like this with you or other people have a reference point when people get confused about what I will/will not answer.
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
13, 16, and 23!
Also omg merm I read that…….. 20k review of Lightlark that u linked in an ask recently and goddamn. I am utterly fascinated and mourning the current state of the publishing industry 🫣
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
Okay okay okay, like, here’s the thing: given enough incentive, I will happily ignore my own boundaries just to try something new. so if you were like, “Hey Merms, I bet you couldn’t write a Bakugou/Reader fic where Bakugou cheats on us and ALSO it ends with cannibalism” I would immediately rise to the defensive and be like, ok ur on. I would be incredibly unhappy doing it, and would do my best to try and make as many other people as possible unhappy too, LOL, but I would do it.
The problem is that it would make me miserable and peevish and depressed. Like, that would spill out from my writing time and I would go about the rest of my day—if not days—acting like I was the one who’d been cheated on and cannibalised, and simmering in that anger.
I like writing about intense things. I find it (relatively) easy to do. The difficult part is regulating how I feel about it afterwards, depending on what kind of intense it is. 🥹
(I do also wonder if this is an age thing, too. Like, When I was fifteen and a kissless virgin and writing fic, one of my most popular stories involved cheating. It was very melodramatic, and I would trot out the same trope/circumstances (our MC is cheated on by their beloved partner with someone said partner has history with) again and again over the next few years. I’ve never been cheated on! I mean, that I know of (🔪). But it was such an easy to-go for me, because it always meant instant emotional validation, right? Whereas now as an adult I prefer the relationships in my stories to either be the fun thing we’re chasing, or to be the supportive bedrock we need and NOT the source of angst, because if it’s going to hurt, then it needs to hurt in a im-going-to-cannibalise-you-and-then-kill-myself kinda way and not a we’re-gonna-break-up-and-you’re-gonna-be-a-jerk boring kinda way).
16. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark?
A plate and it was one time and I was desperate (and in the kitchen).
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
My desk is in the corner; it’s covered with letters and sketchbooks and magazines and I have four BNHA figures scattered around and one little Slyvanian baby in a blue duck costume and a ceramic jar that used to be an expensive candle that now holds a variety of lip balms and ibuprofen and also a random diamond ring that I don’t wear. I’m under a window—in the afternoon the light hits the wall and lights up my corner. Next to me I have a corkboard filled with cards and polaroids from and of my friends and also a bunch of postage stamps from Japan that I collected back when I was super into stationary.
But omg, pluvi, RE: Lightlark and the publishing industry—like, we all know that the publishing industry is there to make money, we get it. And I think that Alex Aster was probably, what, one of the first in that tiktok trend to be like, “would you read [insert tropes and Pinterest moodboard here]?” so I get it, on a purely business scale, why a publisher would swoop in and offer her money and then rush to get to get the book out. Like!!! Things and trends and interest move fast!!! You have to get that book into the hot lil hands of the teenage booktokers ASAP to make that 100k advance worth it.
But it’s so jarring to see in action! Because if Aster had an editor who cared, like, maybe a few of the bigger, more jarring problems would be tightened or changed. And idk, maybe it’s hypocritical to stand here in my un-beta’d, fanficy corner and be like, “check yourself!!!!” but???????? I will always, always be more ruthless with a traditionally published piece of work because they simply have more resources to do better. They have more eyes on it (which means, theoretically, more helpful critiquing), they have the time to write it (theoretically thanks to that advance), like—there’s just more. I expect more because they have more in which to tell this story with. If you want my money (new paperback books in Australia are easily within the $18-$30 range depending on size and genre!!!) then you have to show me that you have cared enough about this product to make it satisfying to read.
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It’s CMA:)
read the chapter, had some thoughts (per usual lmao)
First of all I am so jealous that she’s getting a well-established garden to make her own instead of starting from scratch. It would also be sweet if the gardener stayed the same or she talked to the previous owners to like bond over plants or whatever and so she could know the personal history of each one. Also I want to know if there’s anything left in the greenhouse….
Ben basically assuming that they will adopt teddy and being totally fine with that🥺 I wonder if he discussed that with her aunt and uncle but anyway that’s so amazing of him love that
I can’t wait for Josie to get there lmao going to fucking eviscerate every fuckwad in the entire ton
“I’m not a cactus” LMFAOOOOOOOO dyinggggg that’s the funniest thing. My theory that Ben thought she had a fuck buddy came true and I love that lmaooooo
All the people who love her are so thoughtful and put a lot of care into the gifts they give her and it’s so sweet to see that she’s now surrounded by people who so genuinely love her
The fact that clover was so confident in the fact that Benedict did not want kitty but was choosing her and would do so no matter what. It really shows how much she trusts him already🥺😭
also tho I wonder if she realized that she was so fiercely defensive and staunch in saying that he is in love with her or if she was consciously like ‘well no but she doesn’t know that’. Like a Freudian slip of sorts- she’s subconsciously accepted his love and trusts him; it’s just a matter becoming aware of it and her being choosing to accept it.
This is a side note but I’m not sure if you know what the semicolon project is? Anyway I had a custom necklace made that says ‘cho;ce’ to kind of signify that everyday is a choice that I get to make and I get to choose to go on and how to live my life. Like I make my own decisions and choose to accept things and where I go from here and how I get treated etc. sort of deal, which was a pretty huge thing for me.
Anyway I feel like clover kind of has to make that step for herself, where instead of living in fear and at the whims of the past and others, she gets to make her own decisions and choose how things affect her. She gets to choose to love benedict instead of relying on everyone telling her that she’s in love with him, she gets to decide that she’s going to react to things or believe certain things instead of just believing what she’s been told and living in fear of the unknown/potentially bad things that might happen.
Idk sorry that’s really long and ramble-y and idk if it made sense at all, but it’s kind of something that I felt a connection to with her but I could just be making that up lol. It’s like the scene in brave that’s like ‘I’ll shoot for my own hand’ or whatever where she’s choosing her own path. Idk this is probably super cheesy and overly optimistic lolololol ignore me over here just spewing whatever comes to mind
Anyway loved this so much but my thumbs are hurting and also I need to get out of bed to take my meds so I’ve got to go but I’ll definitely be thinking about this chapter all week (and definitely for the next 24 hrs while I wait for u to return to the askbox lmaooo).
Okay bye love u see u soon:)))
Hi my love! 🥰❤️
Yesssss she already has a gorgeous garden but I think -once she actually starts taking care of it- she will change it a little! ❤️ The gardener will stay the same as well! 🥰 She will hire him ❤️
Oh there's nothing left in the greenhouse though 😏 It's basically empty, at least for now😈
Benedict genuinely thought Teddy would stay with them and he was totally fine with it 🥰 He will be such a good example to Teddy and Teddy will look up to him so much ❤️
Josie is coming really soon! 😍 I love her already 😂
Benedict was so sure she had a fuck buddy or at least a friend with benefits 😈
Oh Clover did not realize that at all! ❤️ She didn't even think about Kitty not knowing the truth, it just felt right to her at that point to say he loved her ❤️ She is very much in denial but also, she's very possessive of Benedict already 😏 And deep down, she's very proud of the fact that he is in love with her 😏🔥
Oh I had no idea about that project darling, I will check it out rn! ❤️
You're absolutely right! ❤️ I can totally see that parallel, and there will be a time that she needs to make that choice and to acknowledge her own feelings for him instead of just ignoring them or denying them ❤️
Honeeeey you're amazing, thank you so much for this! ❤️ ILYSM! ❤️❤️❤️
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ericeffiorg · 1 year
you’re right about the blackpink hate, i’ve seen them say they deserve the sexism they receive cos of what they sing about or wear. i’ve asked what’s problematic about blackpink and only been told it’s because they are fatphobic or something in their lyrics but they’re really just picking on the smallest non existent things. and if you’re dragging bp calling them fatphobic then how about jungkook saying he didn’t eat for five days before a video shoot, what is that promoting. every tiny thing from bp gets hate and i do think it is in part jealously, which they might not even recognise, that these are beautiful talented women that have more of a shot with the men they desire and i think they see them as more openly sexual? (idk the word to use) than other girl groups who they hate on less. and why do they hate on other boy groups too, i don’t get it. and the olivia hate! kept calling her an industry plant even though a lot of them are older than her so should know better than to hate on a teen girl. and denying she’s a woc!
they make bts seem like the whole industry in both korea and the west is against them. you can’t even joke about them or even mildly criticise. and they’re seen as socialist kings for super vague references in music from years ago, someone said no one has done more for socialism than them lol now they’re all doing their own things, i think their mistakes are gonna be harder to hide and their fans are in for a rude awakening from the fantasies of them they’ve made in their heads. and bts is to blame too because they encourage this behaviour but i think it will backfire on them long term. again sorry for the rant but i’d get dragged on twitter for this and it’s been annoying the hell out of me lmfao
yeah exactly. i find it so odd when people act like millionaires working in the music industry could possibly be socialists just because they posted a black square once or said racism = bad </33
like they're all pretty far from being socialists and it's ok to just like them ???? i especially hate how #that fanbase acts like these 7 men can never be criticised and are the kindest people in the world whilst (the fans) simultaneously slutshame others and make racist comments in their defense like???
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lphone-t · 2 years
Who wants skinny white individual rant⁉️⁉️⁉️. If so you’re at the right place 👍👍👍
Ya know sometimes I think about curling up in a ball and giving up, wave the white flag, but Everytime I do, nothing ends, and there’s nothing I can do to make it end. I wish I was me a few years ago, I mean I wasn’t a better person but atleast my emotions were somewhat stable. Nowadays it’s just sadness no matter what happens. Good things, while temporarily good, turn into bad things because of my dumbass over thinking every single thing. White individual with king pfp having issues 😱😱😱I can’t even do anything when I’m sad. I’ve accepted that I can’t make myself “unsad” but when I get sad I want to make others happy, I just get overwhelmed with emotion and want to tell people how grateful I am for them, but I’ve gotten to the point where I’m too afraid to talk to people, afraid I’ll annoy them. Maybe this is just normal me, or maybe it’s just worsened because of other stuff. This is what two days of school does to someone I stg. Maybe hoping school life goes better is my best bet, I mean it’s only been two days I’m just judging too early right? Lmao. No but seriously woowoowoo. I feel bad for whoever stumbles upon this idk why I’m posting this, guess I just felt really compelled to, I mean I did give the white individual rant warning in my defense though. Maybe a Moriscos that’s not what I meant to spell I meant “miracle” anyways maybe a miracle will happen and everything will go super well despite all the roadblocks I’ve been encountering. Used to blame all of this on me being “lonley” but tbh I don’t think being lonley is even the main problem, There’s so much more going on probably but hey, thinking about it even more probably hurts even more. If anyone sees this I’m so sorry, no mentally same person would read through all this but just In case I want to apologize for making you read cringe lol. My page isn’t too public so this isn’t out of the ordinary but still feel bad for the one person who saw funny breaking bad meme and BOOM paragraph about some individual talking about their brain going poof, though some of have some evil spirits. You see a normal person wouldn’t press “post” but I’m not normal so I’m gonna press it because it’s the illusion that counts, and if I trick myself into feeling better maybe I’ll feel better. Also Walter white and Saul Goodman are horrible people I don’t like them I just think they’re funny.
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nikialexx · 2 years
you had the kindest, most graceful response to that ask and now i’m in even more awe 😭😭 this kind of productive dialogue is not something i’m used and i’m kind of really proud that all the nonsense i word vomited actually had some impact? is that ok to feel? sorryyy 😭😭
honestly, i’m w you on the ‘haven’t read the books in years’ thing except mine is almost a decade, i think? i’ve also loved in hc/fic world because it’s just more fun lol
and hey, all power to people who throw canon aside for personal enjoyment. i know it might seem like i was shitting on that but i promise i wasn’t, i do the same quite often + i love fics where authors go completely off the rails. (mainly harry centric ones tho) bc u always get the coolest plots and stuff when they stop caring about existing limits.
idk there’s isn’t really a point to this—i just really liked ur response so much i was like !!!!! but i also just wanted to say,,,,it’s so cool ur considering changing sirius in ur writing bc i know from experience, that is not easy and i don’t think i’d be able to do something like that lol
it definitely had an impact and honestly thank you for all of it 😭. i just didn't remember the last time I'd seen a post criticizing remus, or more specifically a post criticizing remus in a way that didn't immediately make me get all defensive/annoyed with the person who'd made it. so when you showed up i was like: 👀👀👀 i must know more.
and god i fully agree on the productive dialogue thing lmao i actually genuinely enjoy discussing/analyizing things especially when it's an opinion i disagree with and i know that not everyone uses fandom for that purpose and i totally respect that cause it's definitely tiring lol. but then there's that percentage who reacts with outright anger and aggressiveness at someone disagreeing with them on a fandom opinion and tbh it always confuses me 😭.
and yeah don't worry it didn't come across like you were saying people shouldn’t divert from canon!! actually u did specifically mention that that wasn't the thing you had a problem with on one of ur posts lol, so i get it.
writing Sirius' character never comes easy to me so i'm just looking for as much info as I can get from people who do understand him 😅. so everything you said about how he's written in a lot of wolfstar fics was super helpful cause i had truly not considered that before. so thank u again!!
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