#idk how to draw noodles lol
finntastic1122 · 5 months
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I didn't know it was the anniversary today until a few hours ago and it's way too late to make something special for it in time, so instead I finished this screenshot redraw that's been sitting around so at least I can post SOMETHING today XD
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dada-ars · 1 year
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Noodle my beloved.
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ragingtwilight · 7 months
EVERYTIME I feel like im starting to feel better my body just turns around and flips me off
mf sends me off w a shove down the stairs, nausea, sweating/tremors, headache, confusion, dizziness, it pantsed me, it stole my lunch money, it gave me a swirlie, i cant fuckin win
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boiboiperson · 5 months
the way you draw phase 1 noodle is everything to me
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stariikat · 19 days
Ok first of all, MY GOD THE WAY YOU DRAW POSES IS IMMACULATE. THEY FEEL SO NATURAL OH MY GOD- Anyways, I was having a convo with my best friend and apparently eating instant noodles straight out of the packaging isn't normal? Idk, I've been eating it raw like chips since I was little. How do you think Pigsy (being a noodle chef) would react to someone eating uncooked ramen casually in front of them? This applies to literally any other LMK character if u want. This is just a silly lil scenario my brain thought of at 12:42 am You're work is amazing AHHHHHHHH
he'd prolly say something like-
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and if youre lucky you might get free noodles (not LOL idk actually XD)
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extra doodle! ^^
and THANK YOU SM <3 <3 hdfgk
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crushedsweets · 9 months
i am so so sorry for the sheer amount of headcanons i'm making you crank out, HOWEVER... i am so curious as to if you have any headcanons for nina and natalie as a duo. i love the way you perceive them and write them it genuinely makes me so happy
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i had to doodle them . ok. lets go..
nat was one of the first people nina met from jeff, since she and jeff lived in the barn together.
nina thought nat was a lesbian when they first met . that is literally the only reason why she wasnt mad jeff was living with a woman.
although nina was like, one of the ONLY people to notice toby/nat tension and was sooo heartbroken when she realized they were never getting together..... but then was relieved they didnt get together when she got over jeff because 'well i can't be the only single one!'
again, natalie grew up with 0 girl friends, only hung out with her brother and boys. even after meeting the creeps, theyre still mostly guys. so she's just kinda really awkward and weird around girls. not in a like, 'oh girls r so annoying' way but like... she just doesnt know how to fit in. she just feels so different in the worst possible way and always has.
and nina is very girly, outgoing, touchy, friendly, cute, etc. so it was very like UMMM?!? idk. natalie kept snapping at her, assuming she was fake and weird and just trying to get something from nat, but nina was so persistent and just. friendly. it started making natalie feel warm.
nina's presence started to heal natalies inner little girl. she had it stolen from her time and time again, from her dad, her brother, her peers - the operator, too.
so the two are eventually actual friends. they'll text and play mobile phone games together. sometimes they'll just sit on call and nina will be talking her head off while nat does her own thing at home. one time nat was at tobys cabin and nina was talking about toby on speaker and toby walked in and was like 'hey nina' .... nina almost threw up she was so embarrassed.
nina loves visiting nats bar because everyone is always talking to nina and giving her attention and buying her drinks, and at first nat was irritated but it kinda got nat some better tips since the customers started realizing ninas her friend. so nat was pleased. LOL
nat was never the type to go shopping, but she'll follow nina around and sit while nina tries on clothes and carry around all her bags that she buys LOL... ninas made jokes about nat being boyfriend material and nat just flatout says smth about how nina should get over jeff cuz he would never.
nat is friends with jeff but she's oddly comfortable just telling nina that he's a piece of shit. and ninas always like NOOO U DONT GET IT U DONT SEE WHAT I DO and nats always just .. not... impressed..
nina's always inviting nat out to try new foods. nat grew up just eating bread and noodles with butter half the time so it's fun. nina always tries to pay bc 'well i invited you!!!'. sometimes toby tags along but he feels a way abt going in public places..
nina rarely visits jack cuz she has no reason to, but nat is friends with him so sometimes nina pops in and she's always like ^_^ HELLO TALL MYSTERIOUS SLIGHTLY MONSTEROUS MAN... <3... nat smacks the back of her head cuz she's being dumb and drooling over a bunch of rando freaks. ... . ok i love nina and she owes jeff nothing but she is def not loyal LOLLLL AND SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO FAWN OVER EVERYONE she's a fangirl at heart.
they watch a ton of shows together. nina got nat into horror kdrama stuff, but they have to watch in dub cuz nat cant read the subtitles fast enough . . . at first nina cringed but now she doesnt care.
nat's painted/drawn nina several times, and nina almost cries everytime. she's put the drawings up on her wall before but anytime nat's at her apartment, she takes it down bc 'i dont want my art on ur wall stop it' LOL... kinda rude but whatevs.
ugh theyre just so fucking cute guys im sorry i love them . holds them. brushes their hair.
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blake-1030 · 3 months
Ghoul heeadcanon’s, cause why not??
Definitely collects things, like trinkets or coins
Doesn’t like potatoes (idk)
Doesn’t understand he concept of cars, because they don’t have them in the pit
“Why don’t the humans just walk?”
Probably doesn’t understand buses, planes, and boats. That sort of thing
Loves glee, her favourite character is Mercedes
Is an amazing chef
She definitely says “oops” when she knocks something over
Doesn’t understand why sexism exists. Because in the pit all ghouls and ghoulette’s are treated the same
“Wait, human girls are treated like that?”
Can’t cook for the life of her
Her ringtone is definitely a recording of one of the ghouls saying ‘ring ring’ over and over again
I can picture her tapping the top of door frames when she walks under them
Doesn’t understand why humans don’t have elements
Also taps the top of door frames (definitely teases Dew that he can’t reach the top)
Can’t cook, but is an amazing baker
He has a greenhouse outside and keeps smaller plants on his windowsill
Doesn’t understand that he’s a literal giant and just thinks everyone else is tiny
Tried to learn how to cook, is now permanently banned from being within three foot of an oven ever again
Dances around with headphones in the middle of the night
Gives all the ghouls random hugs at the most random times
Like, they could be getting a pot out of a drawer and phantom will just walk up and hug them
Doesn’t get why Dewdrop is so warm
“I’m a fire ghoul, that’s why” Dew said to him one time
Loves shortbread for some reason
Picks the ghouls up and carries them around
Tried to pick mountain up once and practically broke his back
Loves drawing
It’s still sinking in that Phantom and Aurora are still getting used to earth, so sometimes he’ll say something and the new ghoul/ette won’t understand and he’ll be like “how do you not know that?”
Is an oven so in the winter everyone clouds around him
Hates to admit he likes to get hugs
He may seem all angry and excited all the time, but as soon as you massage his scalp it back he is like a puppy
He keeps a small pendant in his pocket that Aether gave him before he left
He DIDNT ever hate Phantom because he replaced Aether. He accepted that Aether wasn’t coming back, so he was okay with phantom
Tried to teach Cumulus bass for some reason????
Eats practically every meal with a spoon
Cereal, noodles, soup, and toast are half of what he eats
Ironically hates the sound of rain
Loves to annoy Mountain
Like poking him and humming all the time, but mountains too much of a sweetheart to say anything
That just annoys rain lol
Is actually an amazing drawer, Swiss taught him how to draw
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starbittzzy · 10 months
Heres some Rebecca doodles as idk how to draw rn
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+RickaWright doodle I rlly like omg bars
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Heres even more little doodles because omg I cant finish anything rn lol I keep jumping from project to project
Too many ideas in my little brain lmao
I swear ill post actual art as soon as I got it lol
For now enjoy these little boodle noodles
Idk what a consistent artstyle is
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Ninjago post crystalized HC
-Therapy (I was considering only writing that and posting lol)
-Everyone starts finally settling down and a couple of the ninja are even looking into college courses since a lot of their technical skills revolve around fighting and they're kinda sick of that.
-I like to think Jay and Nya open up a mechanic shop together with some silly name like Electric Wave or something along those lines.
-Pixal starts working with Cyrus Borg again
-I think Zane should be an EMT or something like that, since he can asses wounds and work really quickly and has endless knowledge in his database so I think it fits
-Cole probably takes a bit to figure out what he wants to do but I could honestly see him going into psychology since he's pretty empathetic and a chill dude (bestie literally made friends with a snow monster and some dude who'd been a ghost for centuries I think he's got the skill)
-Kai was kinda hard ngl but I think that since he's seemingly ending up with Skylor maybe he helps out at the noodle house? Honestly I'm not sure Kai is tricky for me.
-Lloyd goes into law to some degree, HERE ME OUT, he totally seems like the type who still wants to defend innocents and those who have been wronged and what better way to do that (that doesn't involve ninja powers) I could totally see him fighting so hard for like kids and stuff since his childhood was pretty jacked up too.
-Wu and Misako probably start adventuring again, though more for fun and not looking for answers to anything, it's just to learn more about the world.
-I think it would be funny if Garmadon got a painfully mundane job in an office, like a data entry person or some shit like that would be so funny (like imagine "Oh you need that done? Yeah go ask Folson" and then you find out "Folson" is fucking GARAMDON who's just like chilling at his desk with coffee like "What do you want?")
-Lloyd reconnects with some of his old friends and while they're still a little bedazzled by him but still
-The ninja probably do a couple interviews after Crystalized kinda finally sharing how they really feel and people are shocked how scared their hero's have been this entire time.
-The ninja totally compare scars, like "Dude I got my face scar from literally being turned into a ghost, it's cooler than yours" or "Are lightning scars cool if I accidentally did it myself?"
-Lloyd starts reconnecting with his father again and slowly but surly the man Garmadon once was begin to shine through bit by bit, not fully but clearly he's there.
-Cole helps with reconstruction once his powers start coming back
-They all meet up when they can to do something fun together
-In addition to the last prompt: Sometimes they need to get some energy out and they're like "I need to fight" and they get together to absolutely pummel each other to get the fight out until the next time (Zane has totally recorded a couple of these fights, a particularly flasy one between Kai and Cole is in fact on the internet and people go nuts over it)
-They all pick up hobbies to relax a little: Kai-wood burning Lloyd-felting Zane-baking (he still does it to wind down) Cole-crocheting Nya-knitting (her and Cole fight over which is better by) Jay-skating Pixal-drawing
-Garmadon get's more plants, him and Vinny's new place has the nicest front and back garden and the oxygen in their house is CRISP
-Cyrus Borg kinda adopts Zane like "I already have one nindroid child, what's one more?" they totally have family dinners and I'd like to imagine Pixal's partner (idk who but it's not Zane cause like sibling dynamic> anything) and Cole just kinda siting there with three super geniuses and the two are just like "I forget what I have for lunch sometimes"
-Everyone starts to heal and the world is better... at least until this new show (whether I think of it as cannon is dependent on how much I like it lol)
That's it for now, I will be back, that's a promise and a threat :)
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softwaring · 3 months
I really feel like you have achieved a lot of what is most important in life, like such beautiful hikes, so much good fresh food, a hobby that you're good and successful at. I don't know, by contrast my standard career based life seems like the wrong direction. I feel inspired by you to change my life.
thank you, i am really lucky to be able to live this life! there is NOTHING wrong with having a career based life. I panic about my future often just bc you never know how long the ride will last in this business, but it’s never too late to change aspects of ur life.
imo its about prioritizing what you think is important. i never hiked until a few years ago and now i’ve done 60 mile backpacking trips. i mostly make all my own food because there isn’t any fast food available in my town period 😭 and the restaurants we do have are expensive af so i much prefer to cook!! it’s also something worth learning if you want.. nothing has impressed me more than making my own pasta noodles, sauce etc. it’s really a great feeling lol
when i worked retail and art was just a hobby, i worked at it pretty relentlessly because i was obsessed 😅 id work all day then stay up all night drawing then work again tired af. now i just prioritize being outside and actively enjoying each season (if possible some places suck in the summer *texas*) but idk dude just keep on truckin and make little shifts. you’ll probably notice big impact from small things ☺️
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noodlesarekawaii · 5 months
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RAHHHHH idk if i like how this turned out i was trying to draw Noodles and husk because I’m obsessed with husk rn but idk if it looks good oh well I’ve already spent 5 hours on this piece so i guess it turned out alright LOL
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plaguedoctorjester · 1 year
Based on a Roleplay
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Below is the comic above but typed out.
Scenario as seen in the image: Revali and Daruk are sitting in a traditional Japanese setting. I can't draw a Japanese setting so you have to imagine it: :<
First Panel: Side-Caption: "There are others here I just don't wanna draw em lol"
Revali has a bowl of seafood ramen, a cup of water, and a Ramune Japanese Soda bottle that he can't open.
Revali: "How spicy can it be?"
Daruk is sitting off to the side staring at his cup of Hot Spring Rock Water and bowl of Rock Soup [there might be noodles in it too idk]. Daruk says nothing.
Second Panel: Revali is loudly slurping up the Ramen.
Third Panel: Revali: . . . Revali: "It's not that ba-"
Fourth Panel: Revali's head is now on fire.
The fire, Ramune Bottle, Seafood Ramen, Cup of rocks, and pot of rocks are all copied from Google Images.
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doodling-junebug · 1 year
misc. shane headcanons
(some of these feed into my fanfic lol)
under the cut because this is a loooong list
his nose is aquiline and flat with a slight turn up at the tip, and it’s been broken a LOT/not properly set from his gridball days so it’s kinda fucked up (it’s okay we love fucked up/big/prominent noses in this house i simp for them SOOOO bad)
he’s surprisingly good with kids? he’s happy to go along with all of jas’ shenanigans
his depression manifests as a lack of regard for himself, so while he drinks as a (very bad) coping mechanism it’s alcohol abuse and not an alcohol dependence. (nothing wrong with struggling with addiction, this is just how i read him)
look at him. he has anxiety. that manifests as a hyperawareness of appearance and a borderline obsession with being clean. are his clothes incredibly worn and ragged and stained? yes. is he smelly? absolutely not. incredibly self aware and obsessive with hygiene. it makes him anxious if he’s not because he feels like he’s drawing more attention to himself and he wants to be left alone
his depression is kind of like… a low functioning presentation (if that makes sense?) instead of overcompensating he tends to under compensate; he can’t find a reason to do anything other than the bare minimum and stick to his routine. it’s easier to not put in the effort to do well. you’ll feel like shit if you try and don’t succeed, but if you don’t try and don’t succeed/do the bare minimum you know what to expect and it’s easier to prepare for it.
(by contrast, june overcompensates. do all that you can to keep up the appearance of a competent, well adjusted individual because you’re so afraid of failing and that once you show your weaknesses/you fail you’ll be discarded immediately because you’re “broken” they have intense anxiety and try not to get close on a deeper level, everything is superficial. has to be liked by everyone and feel dependable. please send them to therapy)
shane does care what people think but can’t trust anyone enough to get close to because he’s scared of being hurt
in a lighter note, i think that once he opens up, he’s confused by kindness/affection. you want to hang out with him? him?? have you lost your mind??? but once he gets used to it he’s super affectionate and can be a bit clingy, because it’s new and exciting and it’s such a weird but nice feeling
he’s shown in canon (note the height difference between him and the other bachelor’s sprites during the flower dance) to be shorter than the other bachelors, but i think he’s 5’6”. i just know it in my bones
another thing i know in my bones is: he’s chubby, he’s got a tummy but he’s really strong too. idk if any of y’all worked on farms/grew up in a small community that has a lot of farmers/agricultural ties but you cannot tell me he’s got noodle arms. have you ever had to haul a hay bale? i haven’t but i can tell you they’re fucking heavy. shane chops wood and hauls feed bags and hay bales so while he’s chubby he’s also strong
his ideal future like to run a chicken sanctuary. i think he’d like it he’s a little weirdo like that
also he’s not… vegetarian, but eating meat is a bit weird for him. on one hand, in a small community like pelican town you know any animal used for food is given a lot of care and you know they’re treated well (i can verify this as someone who grew up in a small agricultural town; my dad used to keep animals for slaughter as a kid and i have friends who do as well and they treat their animals SUPER well, you can verify exactly how they’re treated and their quality of life) but it still makes him kinda sad. he’ll eat it, yeah, but he tries to avoid it to the best of his ability; especially with chicken. it makes him sad to think about eating a feathery friend
when shane is in a better headspace, he just avoids all alcohol. he worries a lot about getting “bad” again and avoids any and all triggers. can he drink without abusing it? yes, but it’s incredibly difficult. it just makes him anxious and the thought of relapse is terrifying
he relapses a handful times because as someone who’s been in recovery (ED recovery, but it’s a similar struggling with urges + intrusive thoughts and etc.) it is hard and never fucking linear. you have dips and jumps and plummeting lows and etc so it’s easy to get back into bad habits, especially when it’s what you know and are used to
when he does relapse it’s incredibly fucking easy for him to because his tolerance is abysmally small. just a few beers gets him plastered
he loves shitty and bad jokes. they’re funny and kinda dad jokes. ones that make you groan and you’ll never admit that secretly they make you happy because they’re so bad they’re good
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snobgoblin · 1 year
okokok i came up with this a while ago and forgot a bit of it but I remembered a good chunk! it's just a fun little headcanon/theory thing so work with me here. suspend your disbelief. I know it's not all 100% accurate ok? ok. with that out of the way,
why do Paula and Noodle look so similar? and I mean, damn near identical, have a look
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^concept art of Paula (thank you @icouldbestarshine for finding this again i was gonna scream lmfao) AND this second picture of Noodle (idk what it's from i found it in the almanac lol) ID IN ALT TEXT IF U NEED IT
now, this could just be because Jamie Draws Ladies Very Similar Looking Always. but what if it wasn't? what if, Paula was somehow tied to the soldier experiment. it isn't impossible! we learn from the almanac that Paula has an interest in robotics (THAT PLAYED A PART IN CYBORG NOODLES CREATION BTW), in science, what if this interest didn't necessarily come from nowhere. what if, Paula and Noodle were related somehow. what if the reason Noodle got shipped to Kong specifically, was because Paula was to receive the package there, but she left the band before she could
what if Paula taught Noodle how to play the guitar?
anyway yeah its a fun thing to think about 🤭
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adr-n-sketchy · 11 months
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I caught you burning photographs Like that could save you from your past History is like gravity It holds you down away from me
I saw @muzarry’s Huntlow Wedding Waltz art challenge and I wanted a piece of the action. I hope this wasn’t too far off from the initial prompt of a ballroom waltz but I imagined them having and outdoor cottagecore-esc celebration.
Some of my reference materials are below the cut along with me rambling way too much about what I’m nitpicking about the piece now that it's posted and all my mistakes are glaringly obvious (ah the power of publishing your art).
Thanks again for the fun prompt!! I already have ideas of how I’d like to redo this bc they’re just so fun to draw
Materials/references - Willow’s dress was a combination of many many Pinterest searches of embroidered flowers and about three dress ideas smushed together
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First things first how obvious is it that I hate drawing shoes? Lol if I’d planned this better, I probably would’ve just cropped the pose around their calves but then I was too far in to fix it.
This piece was really fun!! I’ve been on the procreate tutorial side of tiktok while I’m still figuring it out and I actually got to try out some lighting tips on this. Idk if I did them right but it was fun to try. I fish I'd gotten the colors a little warmer like the initial prompt image. Also still figuring out different shading techniques and styles I like. I'd like to title this piece's strategy "slap on a shading layer and then smudge the shit out of it until you get something passable."
I definitely did not draw enough flowers as a child and was running out of ways to draw leaves and petals lol. Phew that dress was a slog, but also so so fun. I have a little headcanon that it was embroidered by Darius and Camila. I've never illustrated any sheer fabrics, so this was me BSing myself throughout the entire thing, but I can't say I'm mad at the response. Clothing folds are still a headache for me, but somehow this is, better?
Also, Willow’s flower crown is made up of the red grass and flowers that Willow first greets when they get back to the demon realm — y’know, the adorable gesture that squeezes the first smile out of Hunter post Flapjack. Also, Flapjack-red tie for Hunter because obvi.
I'm afraid I made Hunter's outfit a little too close to Caleb's, but from the references of outfits and background, we ended here. So maybe his ability to wear things this close is proof of therapy and progress? y'know, if you squint past my blatant art and fashion block. I also just realized I think I was supposed to color the buttons on Hunter's vest but now I'm pretending that was purposeful
Another thing I'm weirdly nitpicky about it Hunter's hair noodle. Idk there's been something that's bothered me about it throughout the entire process but could never quite put my finger on it/fix it.
I had the idea that Willow and Hunter's rings would look like elongated versions of each other's palismen. Kind of like those little dragon rings that look like they're clinging to your finger, but I couldn't get the shape right, and Willow's ring isn't visible anyway. So maybe next time.
That may be it. Might add more as I find more and more things that annoy me. If you made it to the end of my perfectionist rambling, congratulations!! Your service and sacrifice is noted lol.
Don't forget to hydrate yourselves and have a lovely day!!
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zwy01 · 1 year
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Genderbending time!!! I drew Previous Lord and Raizel!!!
I gave PL the fanciest outfit in my entire genderbender cast lol. Fancy. Shiny. Gorgeous. Oh my~~ you’ll be blinded if you look at her for too long. Raskreia’s funny mom-lord, known for her eccentric personality. Tries to make her stoic son smile just a biiiit more, and turn that frown upside down. C’mon! Mom’s trying her best. Ehh, maybe it didn’t work this time. But that’s okay. Her son doesn’t always understand her actions but he greatly respects her. Funny mom-lord cares a lot about Raizel and encourages her to live a free life. Splits her soul weapon and leaves one to Raizel, shocking her son and heir, as well as everyone else. Still likes to tease people after entering eternal sleep. Karias jokes around and claims to be her daughter.
Rai doesn’t really change that much. Still Rai. She just wants to stare outside her window… for now. Once had an older sister. Executed her sister with her own hands for abusing the power of the Blood Stone. Peak elegance. Eventually attends Yeran High School and immediately becomes the most popular girl at her school. Befriends human children and her fellow students, including an athletic girl, a nerdy girl, a cute guy and a celebrity guy. Favorite food is cheap instant noodles. Still doesn’t know how to eat banana. Send help plz.
Anddddd this is the last one of the bunch!! They’re done!! Woo!! I’ll still be doodling all of these designs from my genderbender series here and there but this is it for the fullbody drawings lol. Soo happy I got through everything I wanted!!
You might notice that some nobles are missing. I left those out since I felt like their designs would be too similar to some of the ones I already have here. Maaaybe I’ll do them someday if I feel like it, but idk yet; anyways this is it for now.
I actually finished it!!!! So proud of myself haha
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